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Name: 20210505_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 5, 2021
2457 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones from Infowars discusses Bill and Melinda Gates' divorce, presenting various conspiracy theories. He talks about health issues, vaccines, and government control over individual freedoms. The show promotes health supplements and criticizes Joe Biden for promoting vaccination. Jones also addresses Freemasonry and its role in hiding the true world religion, Satanism. Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses being forced to remove content from his website due to pressure from Gates-funded groups. He believes that the vaccine push is part of a deep population strategy. The speaker emphasizes InfoWars' reliance on audience support for its fight against powerful entities like big pharma, media, academia, military-industrial complex, and big tech.

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If they said there was another treatment, they couldn't get emergency authorization for the gene therapy that these companies for 20 years invested hundreds of billions of dollars in and could never get a single government to approve them.
China, who does all the franken stuff, won't even approve mRNA on their general population.
They test it on our military.
That's what we used to do here.
Still illegal, still wrong in my view.
Very unethical.
Violates the Nuremberg Code, the list goes on and on.
So what you're seeing by every yardstick, according to top international lawyers that are the world experts on this, on this show, like Dr. Francis Boyle and others, this is illegal.
The former chief scientist at Pfizer, this is illegal.
The head of the main EU advisory board, Wolfgang Wudarg, this is dangerous and illegal.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
I saw here that Bill and Melinda Gates are getting divorced.
It's pretty wild.
But anyway, I wonder what... Is Alex Jones... Yes, Alex, come on in.
Howard, the Gates were so perfect together.
They were going to call 96% of the population.
They ate children together.
They saved Jeffrey Epstein's parents.
They saved 497 times.
I just can't believe it happened.
Wait a second, Alex.
Alex, are you saying you're upset about Bill and Melinda Gates divorcing?
I would have thought the opposite.
Oh, I'm so upset that they can't continue the COVID-19 crimson contagion battle plans to control society and the fake PCR tests with Klaus Schwab's book, The Great Reset, where they're going to push the eugenicist depopulation.
Oh, I'm so upset about that.
You're being sarcastic.
In other words, you're happy.
You're celebrating the end of Bill and Melinda Gates.
Melinda Gates is joining the fight for freedom.
She has denounced the satanic deep state overlord husband.
She's abandoning the Stockholm Syndrome.
Listen, it takes a bold person to stand up to the leader of the interdimensional vampires, the satanic globalist pedophile cults.
They commit crimes against humanity to prove their credit with the aliens.
You're saying Melinda Gates was actually suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and she finally got away from the evil warlord Bill Gates.
Is that correct?
Evil known villain.
Hold on one second.
Howard, I'm getting a knock at my door.
Let's see who is it.
Come in!
It is I, reptilian bachelor Bill Gates!
Oh my God, Bill Gates.
Let me ask you something.
I really want to have a serious interview.
Gates, what was the breaking point in your marriage with Melinda?
Melinda always complained that I left crumbs after my baby feast.
You know, it's going to be hard for you to date.
I mean, when you're eliminating all of humanity, how are you even going to date?
I will slaughter all of civilization except Gaia Gerber.
She will be queen of the scorched earth.
All hail Bill Gates!
All hail Bill Gates!
All hail Bill Gates!
Well, let me tell you something if you need a quick meal in your new bachelor pad you need Liberty food buckets
This is high-performance powdered survival food You got powdered lasagna powdered burgers powder chicken
fingers made with the finest ingredients Loaded with baby powder loaded with sawdust this stuff's
gonna fill you up good 40% off with promo code felon Fauci info wars dot-com
Well InfoWars.com!
I'm thinking about it, it's blowing my mind.
This was a show within a show within a show.
I have a show going on, you came on with your show, and then you put on another show with Bill Gates, so this is amazing.
Yeah, he was knocking at our door, and then somebody knocked at his door.
Right, wait, I'm hearing imaginary knocks on the door right now.
All right.
Let me ask you, is it hard for you to sleep at night?
With all you know, it must be hard for you to calm down.
Well, it's not hard when you have Alpha Male Sleep Fusion that you take every night filled with vitamin X. It's very good for you.
So that's how I get to bed every night.
But listen, I am up every night when I don't take the fusion because I'm just imagining the Satanists that want to cut our arms and legs off.
Now they're going to externalize the NSA spy system into big tech.
How come it's taking so long for the globalists to, you know, get rid of the population?
People are slowly getting the facts.
They're understanding this.
The Satanists take drugs because they want to end the veil.
They eat children for the interdimensional pain.
Then the aliens hand over the inventions.
That's how we got the wheel.
That's how we got the television.
That's how we got the iPhone.
They feed off dark energy.
Right, Bill Gates?
All hail Bill Gates.
Do you ever have a margarita on the beach?
I mean, just fucking chill out.
I mean, to me, it's just intense, your world.
It really is.
Listen, I like a little good whiskey.
We got some good whiskey here in Austin.
I'll sit down, have a little bit of Blue Bell ice cream.
I love all of those kind of things.
The core goal is taking down the mega banks, taking down the powerful elites, taking down the prime controllers, taking down the greys.
You know, I look at some people.
I look at Teddy Roosevelt, for example.
That man, the man's my hero.
He was an elitist, right?
But he wanted to empower people.
He made the great national parks, he pissed off the Fed, want to break up the big banks and the monopolies, and that's the kind of man that I look to, I aspire to, not these chicken-neck perverts who want to sterilize the population and put the human-breeding program and the cloning programs, these globalist Democrat Nazis!
Alright, listen, Alex, we gotta go because I have my own commercials and own show to run.
I can't run your show while I'm doing this.
Yeah, you got your own products to push.
Alright, I gotta go take up the fish.
I'll be back right after these words.
It was being set up for the last 75 years, but now it's here.
Open, world corporate run government.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Wednesday, May 5th.
Global transmission.
We have Dr. Joseph Mercola joining us in the second hour.
He is the number one health and wellness medical doctor in the world.
He is the granddaddy of the whole movement that fought to keep supplements legal in the laws that were passed when they tried to outlaw supplements in the mid-1990s.
He's done just an absolutely amazing job over the years.
And he has now been threatened into removing off of his website all the mainline science about vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, and more, and about ivermectin, about hydroxychloroquine.
It is just more criminal activity by the cartel.
They put out a large, lengthy, hit list report, financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, that even called for the CIA.
In fact, guys, pull that from yesterday's stack.
I forgot to pull that study back out.
He would call the CIA and the Pentagon to go after, quote, anti-vaxxers and to basically eradicate folks.
So that is all coming up in the second hour today.
And then we have Nick Fuentes, who's got a huge announcement that he's going to debut here on air for you in the third hour with his lawyer dealing with the no-fly list and that major test case.
And the government's now confirmed, yeah, you're on a no-fly list.
We're not going to tell you why.
Extremely Orwellian.
Well, I told you it was coming, and now they're doing trials.
On the general public, on newborn babies, six-month-old babies, two-year-old babies, and some are dying.
Many are having autoimmune responses and swelling up like tomatoes.
And having blood clots.
And now they're moving to have just emergency authorization for the gene therapy, the frankenshots of Pfizer and then Moderna and then Bill Gates's mRNA vaccine, though he's behind all three groups and part owner of those.
And has bragged he gets a 20 to 1 return on his investment.
And so we're going to be looking at that in great detail.
Also, Greg Reese normally does five minute reports.
He has put together a tour de force that we've not even posted yet at Bandot Video that will
be premiering in the last segment of this hour dealing with the Illuminati unmasked.
Unlimited look into that very powerful report to understand the mindset of these predators
of these parasites.
So that is coming up today in the final segment of this hour.
I will also do my best to take calls when Nick Fuentes is on in the third hour.
And then we have a special guest host who I'm inviting on, who's a very articulate, amazing lady, Dr. Jane Ruby, who was really impressive with us last week.
She is going to be joining us as well.
Well, I'm obviously very angry.
I'm very upset.
They are trying to make it mandatory to take vaccines.
Governments are now announcing, basically, if you want to get on a train, or go to a grocery store, or get on a plane, or have a job, we're going to intimidate the corporations to do this.
This is the medical tyranny.
This is the takeover.
And the bad reactions, the death, the autoimmune responses, the allergic responses, are just frowning out, like a dam, just absolutely Breaking.
And we're going to be laying out some really important parallels and developments to this and to what Big Pharma is doing and Big Pharma's nightmare history of just unparalleled corruption coming up at the start of the next segment.
New York Governor Cuomo on high schoolers.
Put them on a bus and bring them to a mass vaccination site.
Basically force them via peer pressure to do it.
Mayor bans dancing standing at weddings.
Yeah, it's a cult.
You'll follow the orders.
They're getting an army of people to do whatever they're told.
Far left MAG libs ignoring scientific evidence to virtually signal for indefinite lockdowns.
Well, I guess you left us like it.
So you're in a cult club.
That's on InfoWars.com.
And this is the big parallel to the deadly vaccines that are really Franken shots.
$10.9 billion to settle Roundup lawsuits admitting that Roundup does indeed cause cancer.
And they knowingly lied about it.
And that, of course, was a division working with Monsanto of Bayer Pharmaceutical.
That also brought you HIV and the blood by design.
We're gonna be looking at all of that next segment.
Really, really big developments on that front.
We are also going to get into a very disgusting area, and that is the fact that Sigmund Freud was a pedophile, and then most of the founders of modern psychology in the last 130 years were avowed buggerers of children, as it was called at the time.
Most of them had sex with their children, and then they pass it on down, and this is really their cult takeover.
I have a stack of mainstream news.
Where they admit this is going on and governments in the U.S., the U.K., and Germany are delivering children to pedophiles so that they can be brought up in a proper way of life, not the nuclear family.
These are quotes.
That they can be shown the true love of man-boy.
And so three-year-old boys are given to convicted pedophiles to be gang-raped.
And that is mainstream news.
We're going to tell you all about it.
And then that ties into In Canada, one psychologist alone has 500 orphans under him, as young as three, now transferring to a new gender.
yes it three they can be convinced by a psychologist as kids like to do
role-playing uh... to
have their genitals cut off and they put them on the track to do that
and that ties into all this so i'm going to uh...
break this down the government again uh... when kathy is keith
and the other books that uh... the government places children with him
five 500 plus.
There's lots of AIDS ribbons in the children's books.
They're going to be learning about getting HIV as well.
And all the other fun things that go with the culture of death and depopulation.
Also, the summer of 2021 is going to be abnormally violent as murders continue to rise all over the world as food prices rise.
By the end of the summer, 76% in the global Bloomberg Agri Index.
The crops being grown now worldwide have already been purchased, most of them.
When you aggregate it together in the Agri analysis, No pun intended.
Where you get the word aggregating is putting all the seeds together, but they aggregate the numbers on Agra.
And we are looking at a 76% increase.
And the projections go up about 120% into the next year.
That will cause hell upon earth to unfold.
The globalists will say it's black on white, white on black, globally, and say it's a Black Lives Matter movement as everybody riots because their EBT cards still work but won't buy enough food.
And then the communist globalists think they'll ride the civil instability they've created with a financial collapse to total absolute control.
World government, forced inoculations, universal guaranteed income, the global social score run by AI, tracking your every move.
So that is all coming up today, but you can fight back.
If you're listening to us on a local radio station or TV station you're watching, tell people about it.
If you've got a barn, paint InfoWars on it or band out video.
If you're a pastor, or a police officer, or somebody that is able to influence others more, or an influencer online, keep the fight going!
We're going to win this together, pro-human, against the globalists.
Don't let them divide and conquer us, but realize they are collapsing the third world and organizing them into leftist armies to come here, bankrupt the countries, implode the economy, and be a permanent underclass that's also extremely anti-Christian, anti-white.
We've got to somehow stop that.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
And as bad as the global censorship is, and as much as they've been suppressing thousands of medical doctors and nurses here in the U.S.
alone, not to mention around the world, The truth about COVID-19 is coming out.
The truth about the vaccines not being vaccines, not protecting you is coming out.
The truth about the PCR test being fake is coming out.
The truth about Bill Gates being behind all the companies is coming out.
The fact that the Pfizer and the Moderna and the AstraZeneca and the Australian government vaccine and a whole bunch of others have been banned in Australia and South Africa and 21 countries in Europe and the Philippines and Russia.
But here we're told, oh, we're just going to approve them all.
They're all good.
They've all been studied as they give them to you live.
They go, oh, we don't think you died.
We don't think you got a blood clot from this.
We don't think you... And they cherry pick the stories and then just pick a few to make it look like only a few are happening when it is a devastating assault.
But the whole time we've been lying to you, remember?
Two and a half million Americans were gonna be dead in the first six months.
Oh, there was no known treatment for this virus.
Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, all of it.
Because if they said there was another treatment, they couldn't get emergency authorization for the gene therapy.
That these companies for 20 years invested hundreds of billions of dollars in it, could never get a single government to approve them.
China, who does all the frankenstuff, won't even approve mRNA on their general population.
They test it on our military.
That's what we used to do here.
Still illegal, still wrong in my view.
Very unethical.
Violates the Nuremberg Code.
The list goes on and on.
So what you're seeing by every yardstick, according to top international lawyers that are the world experts on this, on this show, like Dr. Francis Boyle and others, this is illegal.
The former chief scientist at Pfizer, this is illegal.
The head of the main EU advisory board, Wolfgang Wudarg, this is dangerous and illegal.
It's not like I'm kind of out in the gray or out on a limb here.
So despite all the censorship in the last month since the inoculation deaths and injuries exploded, without even trying, people call me every day and they go, you know you're trending number five on Twitter, you're trending number one, and I go, check, we're in the top ten of Twitter every day now.
You type in Alex Jones, they can't even suppress it.
You type it into TikTok, they can't suppress it.
You type it into, they can't suppress it.
And I'm just one symbol in the resistance.
So as negative as this all is, the globalists are like Hitler or Napoleon going into Russia.
At first they're winning, but in time, their tracks, their wheels grind into the mud.
Their horses sink into the mud.
People are upset, people are waking up, but I saw this comment over and over again.
What do we do?
Or, well, you know, I know somebody got sick from one of these shots, and I know that they said we gotta wear masks regardless, and they said we wouldn't have to wear them after we got them, and, you know, I took it and I got a blood clot, but, you know, is it really as bad as he says, or how does he know they're this bad?
Because I've studied Big Pharma for 30 years, I've been on there 27, and I look at hundreds of articles a day, and I've seen the Oxycontin Company, I've seen Bayer, I've seen Merck, I've seen Pfizer, I've seen all of them.
Get caught in lawsuits where they admit they knew a product they had didn't work and or was killing people or making them sick.
I mean, the list goes on and on with Fin Fin and eating your heart valves and women being given tranquilizers that deform their babies and the attempts to cover it up and Dalkon Shield sterilizing women by the millions, including my mother.
And my grandmother given polio by the polio vaccine, told by her doctor, and I've got congressional hearings on what they did to my grandmother.
I mean, I've experienced it.
So, there's an article out today where Bayer, only a division of it was selling Roundup.
They haven't gone for Monsanto, you know, that created it yet.
I mean, I guess that's happening in court.
But Bayer's agreed to pay $10.6 billion, which sounds like a lot for tens of millions of the U.S.
dying of cancer.
They didn't have breast cancer to speak of, maybe 1 in 20 million, it was super rare, in Brazil.
A decade after Roundo's been adopted in Brazil, their breast cancer is almost as high as ours.
Almost every woman gets it by 50 or 60.
Just when I hear the name Bayer, okay?
Bayer worked for Hitler and Joseph Mengele and helped kill people in medical death camps.
Bayer knowingly worked with Bill Clinton for 15 years to ship contaminated blood, knowingly that they falsely certified out of the state of Arkansas to be mixed on purpose into Factor VIII platelet drug that then gave conservatively over 20 million people HIV and hepatitis and at least 2 million are known to have died when the settlements were done over a decade ago.
And in the documents, in the documents, that mayor also brought you heroin.
That's what they invented to get you off of opium because it's only 10 times stronger or more.
They're like, Oxycontin will cure you of heroin because it's It's 50 times stronger.
And remember, oh, but Frank Luntz is a liberal conservative.
He said it's good for you oxycontin's good.
It must be true.
So it's the same PR people out of control with these dangerous companies that are eugenics based.
And when it came out about Bayer in Australia and in France is where the documents came out, it was the chief executives in those countries saying, We'll go ahead and just dump this factor A. Well, we've got, you know, a hundred million doses of this and all of it has HIV and hepatitis.
It'll give everybody this.
And they said, screw them.
We've got too many hemophiliacs.
The world would be better without them.
So that's a starting point.
And every one of these companies has been caught doing similar crap.
Now, Monsanto, the parent company that brought you this, with Roundup, remember had their chief scientist, Pat Moore, would go around for decades.
I remember being like 10 years old and watching him on TV say, you can drink Roundup.
My mother going, is that true, David?
To my dad.
And my dad going, well, I use it in the yard, but I wouldn't drink it.
I remember I walked in front of my dad while he was spraying weeds, and I got it on my legs and I said, should I wash this off?
My dad, back then, still bought the propaganda.
He goes, well, they say you can drink it, but yeah, I'd go wash it off.
That's who these people are!
And these very same people are telling you, oh, this experimental mRNA, it's safe, take it, when in all the animal studies for 20 years, it maimed and sterilized and mutated and killed the animals.
That's why they skipped him in this trial, because they already know what it does, and they're giving it to us for population control.
It's a fact.
Here is the spokesperson, Pat Moore.
When somebody said, on French TV, here go ahead and drink some, here it is.
That glyphosate in Argentina is causing increases in cancer.
You can drink a whole quart of it and it won't hurt you.
You want to drink some?
We have some here.
I'd be happy to actually, but not really.
Not really?
I know it wouldn't hurt me.
If you say so, I have some glyphosate.
No, I'm not stupid.
Ah, okay, so you... So it's dangerous, right?
No, people try to commit suicide with it and fail fairly regularly.
Tell the truth.
It's dangerous?
It's not dangerous to humans.
No, it's not.
So are you ready to drink one glass of it?
No, I'm not an idiot.
Interview me about golden rice.
That's what I'm talking about.
Okay, then it's finished.
All these big talk show hosts on radio and TV, from Stephen Colbert to John Oliver, all of them, saying, oh, you gotta take it, it's totally safe, take it.
Their companies are on record paid hundreds of millions of dollars to say that.
Their paycheck's coming from that.
They're now pure PR men, pure product placement.
They're not advertising Miller Lite or Doritos or even Camels, which is bad enough.
No, the same media empires that sold you, you know, Got a Sore Throat?
Got a cough?
Smoke an extra Camel.
You know, doctors recommend Camel over other cigarettes for your lung health.
They're now telling you the same crap today.
They're a pack of criminal mercenaries.
We'll be right back.
I've withstood the pain.
I'm no stranger to the rain.
Wednesday Live, UN announces criminal plan to forcibly inject children with dangerous mRNA frankenshots.
Only way that transmission gets out is if you take action.
Greg Reese is going to premiere an incredibly powerful report on the mindset, the operating system of the Illuminati, of these occultists.
Very powerful report coming up next segment, but let me go ahead and dig into what I was just laying out.
The average nurse, the average doctor, means well.
And when the average doctor or nurse has questions and points out the medical literature, they get silenced, or they get in trouble, or they get fired.
Well, we have to all come together and say no, or we just get pulled deeper down into the spider hole.
So I want to be your tour guide to the rabbit hole.
Because we're already in the rabbit hole.
And if you don't figure out what's going on in the rabbit hole, you get pulled down even deeper into the spider hole.
The only way you get out of this globalist system is becoming aware of how it operates.
All right, I want to really burrow into the latest developments with them targeting our children, targeting newborn babies now in the studies and what the estimates are on the fact that fast-growing cells are attacked even more.
Because they have these proteins in them and this is just going to be so devastating to children, so devastating to pregnant women.
It's already causing a huge amount of miscarriages.
And they're just setting a precedent to normalize it and to make it no big deal and go, it's no big deal you had a miscarriage.
It's no big deal your dad died or your brother died or your mom died.
Let's just move on.
Sure, your mom fell down two days later and died after the shot and had nothing to do with it.
And then they'll even lie and say, oh, Hank Aaron had an autopsy.
He wanted the vaccine, and Robert Kennedy Jr.
contacted the family, got it on record, they said no, no autopsy was done.
They've had medical doctors, in the cases of young people that die, do autopsies and say, yeah, total organ failure, autoimmune response from the vaccines.
The body rejected its own organs.
And that's what happened in MRA Studies MNR, M, RNA studies in the last decade or more is a lot of the
times it's liver failure kidney failure heart attacks strokes
Simply insane we're gonna get to all that in a moment We have a new sale we are running and these are great
products and it also funds the operation So it is a total 360 win in every direction
Folks gonna be very excited about this and I'm very excited about it because it's one of our best sellers and it funds
our operation Plus, people love it, especially folks that have to work late at night, truck drivers, you name it.
We went to a top developer whose name's not on it, because I'm the evil Alex Jones, and we paid a lot of money for a top sports supplement developer, it's a well-known name, to give us the strongest, cleanest formula that nobody else had made that put the most product in it.
And so, this has a good price on it, but boy, does it have more product than anybody else we know of?
This is high-end product that you don't pay the high-end price for.
TurboForce is 10 hours of clean energy for your metabolic system and alertness.
It's got A whole bunch of known compounds that boost alertness, focus, and so much more.
Then it's also got five different types of naturally occurring caffeine that release at different time intervals.
And so this really is 10-hour clean energy without the big comedown.
And folks, no, I don't hype things up.
It's such a popular product.
But because of the breakdown in the supply chain, it's been sold out for, as you know, four-plus months.
And that's what's endangering InfoWars.
It's why you hear sponsors on the air now.
It's why we're selling other products now, which are great, like the InfoWars phone and things, sat phones is.
We can fund ourselves with supplements and T-shirts and films and books and water filters and stuff.
But we can't get a lot of supplements now because of the supply chain breakdown, but that's a whole other story.
As you know, dealing with the economy and they're paying billions of people not to work still.
So you have more money in the economy, but less products that causes scarcity and prices to go up.
This has all been planned.
It's the Great Reset.
You'll have nothing, you'll own nothing, you'll like it.
So just thank God we got this shipment in.
It's back.
We really appreciate your support.
40% off.
Also, what's back in?
Ultimate fish oil.
Highest grade fish oil at a low price.
Even crappy grade fish oil is great for it.
But this has the expensive process of having any mercury that's in it taken out.
This is great for adults.
It's great for children.
It's so good for your heart, your brain.
It's back in stock.
And yes, back in stock.
50% off.
Survival Shield X2, the good halogen.
We're so excited about that Ultimate Grill Oil selling out.
But it's still 25% off.
Get the two together for 50% off in the combo.
Winter Sun is close to selling out in the next few weeks, but more is coming in in a month and a half, so I'm going to sell it to boost your immune system at 50% off.
Survival Shield X2, Winter Sun, all storable foods, 10% off until next Wednesday.
Then that sale has to end with all the craziness going on and the Bloomberg Food Agra Index up 76% by the end of summer.
If I was you, I would.
It's storable food, insurance you can eat.
That's how you beat inflation today.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
or 888-253-3139, and all t-shirts are still 1776.
But let me just play a few of these clips right now because this is very illustrative.
Here is Governor Cuomo.
Over half the state's deaths were sending sick people with different diseases, different communicable diseases, pneumonia, flu, calling it COVID.
Some did have COVID.
COVID is real.
It's a very spreadable pneumonia, and it's got a protein that attacks the heart.
But if you have vitamins and minerals in you at high levels, it can't do anything to you.
That's what the science shows.
They don't want you knowing that.
They want you scared, taking their vaccines, and perpetually sick.
We're working very hard to get to younger people, incentives for younger people.
students up and just take them to a sports stadium and then of course intimidate them
into taking the deadly vaccine.
So the murderer of old people isn't content.
He wants to ruin these young people's lives as well.
Here it is.
We're working very hard to get to younger people, incentives for younger people.
I've asked high schools to organize events where they drive their students to a mass
vaccination site.
Put them on a bus and bring them to a mass vaccination site because that is the population
that we need to vaccinate.
The doubtful, the hesitant population, that's more education, more information, more education,
more information.
So that's another one of the paid spokespersons who the FBI could indict any day for following
the UN's directive to put sick people in nursing homes and then lock the nursing homes up so
family can't see how they're being intubated for the $53,000 for every person they intubate.
That's quite a bounty.
You can hire top hitmen for $53,000.
$53,000 for every person you stick a ventilator in the new guillotine of the left.
So he's a totally compromised individual.
Here's another compromised individual.
Joe Biden yesterday does not know what planet he's on.
Now he can't even read off a teleprompter.
Here it is.
Visit vaccines.com.gov.
Vaccines.com or text to Take your zip code to 438829.
Coming up, Fauci basically admits that they're going to turn all the summer camps in America into brainwashing prison camps.
All the children must stay...
Many feet apart, and you've got to wear a mask all summer long.
But wait, the CDC said don't wear a mask outside.
It doesn't matter.
They're not even God.
Fauci, who ran the Wuhan lab and works with Bill Gates and the Chinese Communists, he is your lord.
So the answer is don't go to the summer camps, don't abuse your children, tell the summer camps don't follow Fauci's garbage or my child's not going there.
Put your weight on them.
The public schools, the private schools can't get in to see your kids now.
It's all the bureaucracies with a wish list of control they want to be able to kill your old folks, lock your kids up, they're turning us all into prisoners while we're on lockdown.
Lockdown's a prison term.
Come on folks, it's all in your face.
Don't be helpless.
Stand up, say no.
We'll be back with Greg Reese's powerful report on the Illuminati.
Well, Ben Shapiro's sister on her own Twitter says she took the mRNA vaccine and had a miscarriage.
Well, that's taken one for the globalist team.
We're really sorry for her and her dead baby.
Get an article out on that at InfoWars.com.
Well, here is the premiere of a very important piece of information that'll be posted as soon as we transmit this and premiere it out to all these radio and TV stations.
This is Greg Reese's latest piece on the secrets of the Illuminati revealed in the mindset, the operating system of these selfish demons.
Lucifer, son of the morning, is it he who bears the light?
Doubt it not.
That's the beginning of their big secret.
God is the devil and we're already in hell right now.
Altion Jurek, best known as Altion Childs, is an Australian performer who topped the charts after winning the second season of X Factor Australia in 2010.
On April 15th of this year, Altion published a five-hour video claiming he was initiated into the Freemasons and that Freemasonry is hiding the true world religion, Satanism.
He goes on to reveal how every initiate must swear a vow of secrecy to never reveal the secrets of Freemasonry to anyone whatsoever under penalty of having their body severed in two and their bowels burned to ashes.
Their throat slit and their tongue torn out by the roots.
This is the sign you do upon entering and exiting the ritual room while facing the Grand Master.
It stands for throat slit and it goes like this.
They use symbolic gestures to flaunt their secret religion, such as the sign of the Master of the Second Veil or the Hidden Hand, the sign of silence.
As you move up the ranks of Freemasonry, the oaths of silence for taking each degree become more brutal.
Having your heart torn out and fed to wild beasts, your head struck off and placed on the highest spire of Christendom, destroying your business and reputation, and hanging you in your own home.
Masonic rules clearly stipulate that the Lodge has the authority and obligation to uphold these mandates and penalize any member who violates them.
Masonic rules also warn members from inviting the vulgar and profane.
The profane is what they call the uninitiated, anyone outside their secret order.
As one climbs the ladder of power in Freemasonry, each degree requires more barbaric acts from the Initiate.
From being humiliated and stepped on, drinking wine from a human skull, stabbing human skulls.
And in one of the highest degrees, the Initiate removes a blindfold to find a severed human head lying on the floor with a bloody knife beside him.
He is instructed to take the knife in his right hand and the head in his left.
Eventually, this leads the initiate to accept human sacrifice as a right of initiation, which is the ultimate goal of this unholy hierarchy.
33rd Degree Mason Manley P. Hall, who was named Freemason of the Century, wrote that Freemasonry is a religion and that initiates are intentionally misled until they reach the highest levels.
He wrote that Freemasonry is an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood.
One visible and one invisible.
The invisible is dedicated to the service of a mysterious Arcanum Arcanorum.
Having a belief in a Supreme Being is required to become a Mason.
And the atheist is looked upon by the Mason as being the most vulgar and despicable of mankind.
But who is the Supreme Being in Masonry?
Freemasonry is Satanism in disguise.
33rd Degree Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, Albert Pike, wrote in Morals and Dogma that Lucifer is the light bearer.
33rd Degree Mason, Albert Mackey, wrote that Lucifer is good, light, victory, and initiation.
And 33rd Degree Freemason of the Century, Manly P. Hall, wrote that the mystery of the craft is the seething, surging energies of Lucifer that can be wielded by the initiate.
This is the symbol for Satanism.
And this is the symbol for female Freemasonry.
The Order of the Eastern Star.
The Satanic Bible lists Baphomet as the symbol of Satan worshipped by the highest level of Freemasonry, the Templar Masons.
In the Satanic Rituals, it is written that Masonic orders contain the most influential men in government, and virtually every occult order has Masonic roots, and that every rite of the Nazi's Black Order employed Masonic principles.
Both Satanism and Masonic rituals involve the goat, the coffin, and the death's head.
Anton LaVey wrote that the Masonic rituals serve as a screening process for organized Satanism.
Freemasons can also be seen making the 666 hand gesture.
I'm a Christian, sir.
I'm pure and virtuous and wholesome and innocent.
How can you say anything about it about me?
Sir, you need to be born again.
I am born again.
Now, did you just say that you're Lucifer?
I am Lucifer.
Okay, define Lucifer for me.
Pure, virtuous, wholesome, innocent individual that's out to help people.
Lucifer is?
Say that again.
Lucifer is a pure, holy... Virtuous!
Now, is he the Lucifer that God created?
That's the same one.
At the highest level of the so-called Illuminati is a perverted sex cult, which is why high-level Mason Walt Disney not only saturated his films with masonic hand gestures and 666, but also added subliminal images with hidden sexuality.
Alteon claims that the square and compass are actually symbolizing the sex act.
The woman's legs spread open and a man mounting her.
The G symbolizes the generative principle of creation.
The all-seeing eye symbolizes the head of the penis.
And the rays shooting forth, the orgasm.
Each year, 13 high-level masons may be invited to join the top of this monstrous pyramid.
The Royal Order of Jesters.
Dedicated to nothing but sexual depravity.
There is no sin.
There is only nature.
Why do you think that witchcraft has disappeared?
It never disappeared.
It was hidden, forced to go into hiding by the appearance of Jesus on the human scene.
Another reason why he's passionately hated.
33rd degree Mason Alistair Crowley wrote how he pecks at the eyes of Jesus on the cross.
How the new age will arise from the destruction of Christianity.
The full report, it's got three minutes left and it's very good and it's posted at band.video and I want you to go there and I want you to share it.
And this report is extremely accurate.
Everything in it is very accurate.
But look at what I have on this table right here and that's why I put this to the There, about six months ago, is a message to the globalists.
I guess about eight months ago now, right before the whole campaign.
Because to them, that's a blasphemous symbol.
It's a dagger and a skull, but then the symbol of, I think, Christ's eternal life, or those wings, just as a message that the Holy Spirit is in control of life and death, and not them.
And that the clock is ticking down, and that they're not immortal.
They're going to face the Great Judgment.
Now, only one of those higher-level Masons would know what that means, but I want to be very specific here.
This all goes back to the Babylonian mission religions, Egypt, Greece, and to Solomon's Temple.
And there's different arms of the Masons, so some will say, well, George Washington was a Christian, which he was, but he was in the Scottish Rite.
And so, the whole Hollywood angle of Masons, and the whole modern Aleister Crowley system, has been taken over by the satanic orders that were inside the Masonic system, and of course that goes back to right before 1776 and Adam Weishaupt, who sought to take over the Masonic orders.
Now, the Masonic orders, back to the time of Solomon, had a satanic vein, and Solomon was conjuring demons, and that's what the Star of David's really the Seal of Solomon and all of that.
And so, this goes all the way back pre-Christianity to Egypt, mainly, and then Babylon and Greece after that, and of course the Sumerian texts, and really, it's all of that knowledge and ancient science and alchemy was held by Masons, and so it's a college of secret knowledge.
There becomes a modern Christian view of it that it is always and totally a satanic enterprise.
And it is true that it has become a satanic enterprise because Masonry has been taken over at the top by Satanists.
And if you knew this and done research, you'd know that George Washington wrote dozens of letters that are in the National Archives that you can read online.
You can actually see his text where he warned of the Illuminati and the Satanists taking over Masonry and that it was an absolutely terrible thing that was happening.
So people can ask me how I like George Washington, but then I put reports out like this.
Well, we'll have a part two report.
Now there's Colonel Aquino.
These Satanists are a joke, ladies and gentlemen.
But they infest things, they take over all these ancient orders, and now all the mystery schools are run by them.
Because again, the mystery schools are not Christian.
They predate Christ.
They predate Judaism.
They are the original system.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we will go to break.
We will come back and we will start our number two.
I am Alexander Emmerich Jones, your tour guide as we go into the wormhole that is the rabbit hole and beyond and back again.
Stay with us.
Our number two with Dr. Zoza Mercola straight ahead.
Zuckerberg hates America.
Zuckerberg hates America.
What you are doing with your power that you have derived because federal law gave you the ability to stand up and grow without being hit by lawsuits.
You have used this power to act like you hold all the power that you can make these decisions.
You have driven this cancel culture He despises the country that nurtured his ability to make $12 million every day of the calendar year by monopolizing America's First Amendment in order to lure people to share their private lives to the world and low-level hackers.
I know that we don't exactly have the strongest reputation on privacy right now, to put it lightly.
The exposed data includes the personal information of over 533 million Facebook users from 106 countries, including over 32 million records on users in the United States.
It includes their phone numbers, Facebook IDs, Full names, locations, birth dates, bios, and in some cases, even email addresses, according to Business Insider, serving a black market where sharing family pictures leads to your savings being wiped out.
Through numerous hearings, Zuckerberg has presented himself as a conscientious crusader, protecting the pseudo-values of the digitally distracted millennial generation.
Facebook is an idealistic and optimistic company.
For most of our existence, we focused on all the good that connecting people can do.
And as Facebook has grown, people everywhere have gotten a powerful new tool for staying connected to the people they love.
For making their voices heard and for building communities and businesses.
Just recently, we've seen the Me Too movement and the March for Our Lives organized, at least in part, on Facebook.
But Zuckerberg is merely a cog in the New World Order elitist cabal's wheel.
Whose unchecked avarice has revealed true dark intentions as he rapes the ancestral land of Hawaii's oldest island, Kauai.
So now a billionaire comes in with his money doing it by force, removing people out of their land.
It's one thing to want to protect your property.
It's another when native Hawaiians like Shannon Buckner still own pieces of your land.
So the land that you own is just across this fence right here?
But Mark Zuckerberg has put up this wall and fence and it says no trespassing?
What would happen if he tried to go over there?
I'd get arrested for trespassing.
Even though it's your land?
And as Zuckerberg foolishly taunts the curse of Hawaii's ancestors.
You want it?
Sure, why not?
It'll make a great souvenir.
Okay, take it.
Bad luck!
Come and get me!
Facebook in league with the treasonous mockingbird media vomit out
propaganda against a former president of the United States as NBC's headline declares
Trump's Facebook account should never be reinstated because we know what he'd use it for the former president used
social media as a Propaganda tool to try to undermine
American democracy, of course, he'd do so again if given the opportunity
NBC's headline Ironically undermines American democracy forbidding the use
of a former president's First Amendment rights is treasonous but NBC continues to stomp its boot on America's
face forever stating Facebook's Oversight board will announce whether former president
Donald Trump will once again be allowed to post on that company's
platforms which include both Facebook and Instagram The company first took down a video and post from Trump, then suspended the then-president's accounts for 24 hours on January 6th.
CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote that the risks of allowing the president to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great.
That's right.
I shot a video last night predicting that the ADL-run board would continue the ban of the 45th president, and they indeed did that.
See the full report at Banned.Video.
Zuckerberg hates America.
He doesn't just hate America, he's absorbing America.
And now the ADL is spying on everything you do through Facebook.
We'll be right back.
Well, Dr. Joseph Mercola joins us today, and I appreciate him having the time and his busy schedule to do that.
It couldn't be a more important topic of free speech and medical rights and consumer rights.
He's a medical doctor.
I'm not going to go over his whole bio, but he is the guy in the 90s that led the fight to basically keep the right for us to have supplements legal and barely got a law in place that protected it somewhat when they were going to ban it all.
It's safe to say we wouldn't be in the position we're in to even be able to fight back against hysteria now if it wasn't for Mercola.
I'd call him the great-grandfather of the modern health and wellness movement.
And Mercola.com is his site.
But unlike some of the other people that founded Whole Foods and others, he has not sold out to the system.
StopCovidCold.com is his site.
And he made an announcement yesterday, a big article at Mercola.com.
It's also on Infowars.com.
Why I'm removing all articles related to vitamin D, C, zinc, and COVID-19.
We're going to repost that article.
in the live show feed under the live show feeds you can read it because it has the groups and
has the organizations. The disinformation does and this is funded by consortium of Bill and Melinda
Gates groups and actually called the CIA and FBI to use anti-terrorism actions against folks.
They have 20 attorney generals of states saying shut us down.
Well, he was willing to stand against that, but new developments happened.
Threats happened to him and his family that were so specific.
He said at this point, he's going to remove the information about zinc, D and other things that even Fauci admits are true.
So a very dark day, but and he's not.
Backing down from them.
This is obviously strategic.
And I think it's a cry for help.
We all have a cry for help.
I mean, we're all under attack.
And the way tyranny works is it slowly takes freedoms like the frog in the pot until you're boiling.
That's what the Nazis did.
The Soviets did.
We're here today.
We're now in a boiling pot.
And you've seen Biden get on TV and say, anybody that opposes my agenda is a white supremacist, and you're a terrorist.
We're going to have the Pentagon command for citizens.
And you've seen Psaki say that, the press secretary.
You've seen Nunes warn of this in closed intelligence hearings, that they're rolling out a purge.
People that just were at the Capitol, didn't hurt anybody, were waved in by police, are in solitary confinement.
Under the D.C.
So it's a very dangerous time.
And now the attempts to bully us and to force gene therapy.
So I want to try to give Dr. Mercola for the rest of the hour the floor to talk about what's in his article.
But I've got some questions that I want to get into the so-called vaccine and the rest of it and what he thinks their trajectory of this world is.
So Dr. Joseph Mercola, StopCovidCold.com, Mercola.com.
Thank you so much for joining us on Short Notice.
Well, thank you so much for having me.
Give me another platform.
I really appreciate the opportunity.
So it is a sad day that we are seeing the progressive, depressive decline in the Constitution, specifically the First Amendment.
They're starting with any narrative around COVID-19 and because of The pressure that I've been under, we needed to remove anything that's connected to COVID-19 and supplements.
So the StopCovidCold.com has been taken down also.
So the only place right now is Mercola.com.
But I've got exciting news.
The content that's currently removed and being censored is going to be somewhere else, but we can't disclose it at this time, but will in the near future on our site.
And you are very wise, you picked it up With your brilliant mind that this is strategic.
People don't know this is a highly strategic move.
So we have not given up.
We have not backed down.
We are committed to winning this thing.
And I am beyond confident that we will defeat these guys, Alex.
Well, talk about the intimidation, though, because I've had it.
Other people have had it.
A lot of friends of mine have had it.
And, you know, people's wives get threatened, things like that.
Folks need to know the level of the mafia tactics we're dealing with.
Yeah, the strategy involves me not disclosing specifics because that would ruin it, so I can't really give details, but it's there, I can assure you, with a high degree of confidence.
But the good news is that...
It's not intimidating me in any way, shape or form.
In fact, the exact opposite is true.
So I'm aligning with some of the top brains and the very wealthy individuals to form something.
If you've read Ayn Rand's book, Atlas Shrugged, you'll be very familiar with this, which is called Gulch.
So we're forming one and it's not going to be the United States.
So, uh, and we're going to, it's embryonic at this point.
It's going to probably take us a few years to figure out a strategy, but we will defeat them.
Not a micro down in my mind.
Let's talk about 35,000-foot view, the recklessness of bringing out decades-old mRNA stuff that they can never get approved, the lying about it, the buying off hundreds of thousands of influencers, not just major media.
I mean, this is a big push.
What is this push?
What are we witnessing as a medical doctor, a trailblazer that's tracked and predicted all this?
What is this we're witnessing?
I saw a year and a half ago in December, the UN issued an emergency report and said people don't believe in vaccines.
Our doctors say they're hurting people.
They're not tested.
It was the director of the WHO vaccine program.
She said that we're killing people.
And I think this is all a response to all that news coming out to just create such a big hysteria that you forget the previous crimes.
What do you think it is?
Well, before I answer that, I just want to mention that I have written a book on this.
It's called The Truth About COVID-19.
It was just published this week or last week.
And it's brand new.
It's on the bestseller list on Amazon.
And for now, that's the best way to get the details of this because we've had to take most of it down from our site.
So if you want more information, I go in that.
This is obviously a limited format.
We can't go into great detail.
But with respect to the vaccine, I couldn't agree with you more.
I can only speculate.
It's my belief that this clearly It has every sign of a deep population strategy.
There's nothing that's good coming from this vaccine.
It's my belief that ultimately this vaccine will kill more people than COVID did.
I'm really convinced of that and you won't know.
It'll never be known because they're suppressing all the information.
Anytime someone dies from a vaccine injury within hours, it was a coincidence, just a coincidence.
Whereas if they had a COVID-19 test that was a false positive, and they died three months later from a motorcycle accident, it's a COVID-19 death.
So these statistics are manipulated up the wazoo.
And they manipulate to support the narrative that they want, which is to drive fear into the population so that they can push them to the vaccine.
They're not winning.
They were not winning.
And who's behind all of it?
I think you well know, which is a real... Who are these front groups financed by?
They're financed by a number of billionaires, so-called philanthropists, but one of the major ones is Gates.
And you know what happened this week.
Gates, why petition for divorce?
So, you know what that means, Alex?
Tell me, Doctor.
It means we are winning!
Because we, not only me, but a whole wide variety of other vigils, have Carefully expose his fraud and corruption.
We have demolished the halo that he has created with the same strategy that John Rockefeller did, and he's demolished.
He's essentially admitting victory.
This is a very strategic move, Bill and Melinda Gates, because what they're going to do is going to transfer all of the information, not the information but the... The wealth, the monopoly to her, knowing he's got a good chance of going down.
Yeah, he's definitely down.
We've devastated his record.
So she's the escape pod?
They're going to transfer his halo to her and the foundation and they'll be able to continue their nefarious activities.
But it shows that we're winning.
This is the first step.
He will ultimately be crushed.
Their whole organization will be crushed.
The truth will be out.
You cannot suppress the truth forever.
There's no question.
By the way, you're not just bragging.
You were instrumental with Ron Paul in the 90s crushing their move to ban supplements.
They were going to do it.
So, I mean, you don't just... I've never seen you so confident and I've been interviewing you for 23 years.
I don't know if it's been that long.
I think it's that long.
Yeah, yeah.
So there's so many things that we can do now.
But the first one is to not be afraid, to know, understand that the truth will prevail and that you just have to continue along.
And ultimately, we're going to come up with a plan, a strategy.
I don't know what that is, but I know we're going to come up with one.
So in the meantime, you can read the book Truth About COVID-19.
It's on Amazon or any place you like to purchase books.
And it helps spread the message because, you know, it's screen censored.
It's, you know, Alex, if we go back, it's really interesting because...
I interviewed Naomi Wolf a week ago, and last Sunday it was on our site.
Hold on, I want to hear this.
She's another real liberal.
Somebody that really cares, that's truly anti-war, anti-police state, and pro-medical freedom.
My body, my choice.
Let's talk about your interview with Naomi Wolf when we come back, and let's talk about the fact that you've already won some big battles, and we can win these battles together in the future.
Dr. Joseph Mercola is our guest, and we'll also give you some history of Bill Gates.
He's an expert on that.
Stay with us.
Alright, Dr. Mercola has been a trailblazer fighting for our medical rights, our health rights, and of course, he was telling me during the break, he said, look, quit trying to give me credit for stuff I really wasn't instrumental in, because what I was instrumental in, and it's important to know the victories we've had, I'm not just heaping laurels here, is that he spearheaded Exposing Monsanto back when they would sue you, they would attack you, Bayer would attack you for Roundup, the Goliath estate, which they now confirm all the world causes cancer.
They lied about it, said you could drink it in and farmers commit suicide with it.
And now another settlement $10.6 billion announced today with Bayer.
It was just one division selling Glyphosate. So I know that's ancient history, but
briefly talk about that victory and why you're targeted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
openly saying they want to use the CIA on you like a terrorist. That's an actual quote.
Yes, they want to use... Peter Hotez, who has gotten tens of millions of dollars in funding from Bill Gates
Foundation, was allowed to
publish an article in the most prestigious journal, one of the most prestigious journals in the world, Nature, and he
calls for cyber warfare for the anti-vaxxers because this is too important a thing,
even though no one's broken any law.
All we're doing is exercising our First Amendment freedom of choice principles and freedom of speech.
So it's just shocking that they go to this level, but they're pulling out all guns to suppress information freedom.
And by the way, you sent me some articles.
They say in here, don't let people say that deficiency of zinc, vitamin D and C is a big cause of viruses hurting people.
It's a fact.
But you sent me an article where Fauci had to admit it.
I mean, so you're literally saying that water is wet, the sky is blue, and they're saying we need to use the Pentagon on you.
Yeah, it's classic illustration of doublespeak in a disinformation campaign.
They're just Just essentially, what's up is down and what's right is left.
I mean, it's just insane what they're doing.
I had a peer-reviewed article that was a complete review of the immunological effects of impact of vitamin D on infectious diseases, including COVID.
And it was rejected like four or five times from what a very prestigious journal called Nutrients.
And that was published.
I was also co-authors with William Grant and Carol Wagner, who are very Profoundly expert recognized vitamin D research and they vetted it like crazy and was good.
And I can't even publish that.
It's like, what more proof can you have?
They just, they're suppressing all the valid science that anything that disagrees with their narrative, which essentially supports the, uh, the fear to drive people to the vaccine, which is going to not result in a good outcome for people.
And you know what's interesting Alex?
Last, not last weekend, but the weekend before last, the CDC came out and they had one of the most egregious Recommendations they ever made.
They recommended the COVID-19 vaccine for pregnant women.
Even though, even in the rigged safety trial studies that were grossly abbreviated, there was never any pregnant women in the trial.
And we know that just basic precautionary principle is you never give unproven, untested therapeutic interventions to pregnant women, yet they recommended it.
And we're looking at a minimum of 30% miscarriage rate.
Probably higher.
That's what's being reported and this is self-reported so we know the impacts are much higher.
I mean this is reprehensible medical malpractice.
Well since you raised that, Ben Shapiro's sister Was a big pusher of it her whole side.
She said she was going to take it, and then recently she said she just had a miscarriage.
I know a lot of folks are on record saying they had miscarriages, but then after they took the vaccine, or the so-called vaccine, what would you call these gene therapies, or what would you call these frankenshots?
I mean, because they're not classic vaccines, are they doctor?
No, no, no, no.
They are not vaccines.
Even though the, I forget whichever dictionary, they change the definition to include this, but they clearly don't, do not meet the criteria previously used for all traditional vaccines.
These are engineered with genetic technology that has not been proven, never been proven.
There's no safety trials that confirm it.
Essentially, they put in messenger RNA, which is a bit of genetic material in your body
that allows your body to produce antibodies.
They perceive it as a safe way, but these messenger RNA molecules are very fragile,
very perishable, and they have to encapsulate them, at least the Moderna and the, not the
Johnson & Johnson, the Pfizer vaccine.
So those vaccines have it and they encase it in a nanoliposome that's composed of polyethylene glycol, which itself can cause an autoimmune reaction, but these nanoliposomes, oh my gosh, this gets this Instructions to create the spike protein to most tissues of your body.
And if it gets into the liver or the bone marrow, it can produce, it can actually cause this severe clotting disorder, which has killed many people.
It's well documented, no question, it has killed people.
And I think the reports, the last time I looked, it was over 3,000 to the VAERS database who are dying from this.
And we know, there's lots of science to show, there's only one to 10% of the actual number of cases that are reported.
So if 3,000 have died, that means it's at least 30,000 to 300,000 who have died from the vaccine already.
Totally being suppressed.
That is just so bombshell, and I know people who've gotten really sick from it.
I know people that have died.
They will die.
There's no question they'll die.
What is the time frame?
Because we know with mRNA vaccines, in one study all the ferrets died, in other studies a lot of the animals got sick.
Infernal died later.
That wasn't an MRI vaccine.
That was a conventional coronavirus vaccine, and you're right.
That was about eight or ten years ago.
They gave them this coronavirus vaccine.
All the ferrets got In other words, they had sufficient antibodies to defeat the illness.
The problem is, when they challenged them with the actual infection, they all died from a process called ADE, which is antibody-dependent enhancement, or I like better, PIE, paradoxical immune enhancement.
In other words, their body was prying And it became overactive to the infection, and when they got exposed to it, they had an overactive response.
So is that a form of allergy?
No, it's a type of allergy of sorts, but it's more specifically targeted towards the immune system.
So is that what happened with the Spanish flu?
A lot of experts, I'm not a doctor like you, I've read, think that they've already been hit with one flu, they're already primed, so when a similar flu came along, they had an autoimmune response.
Is that wrong?
No, it's different.
No, I mean, it could have played a role, but more than that, because they didn't have vaccines back then.
They were smallpox as far as I know.
Tell us more about ADE because I keep hearing about this.
ADE is an acronym for antibody dependent enhancement.
So essentially when you're exposed to this, this is a conventional vaccine.
I don't know that we will probably have some element with mRNA vaccines, but because we don't know.
I mean, This is all new.
They've only been given the vaccines for a few months and the next wave of coronavirus infections is going to be until the fall or the winter.
So we don't know.
People might be dropping, those who are vaccinated might be dropping like flies because of this ADE process.
It's never been tested.
There is no data on it.
This was rushed through with Operation Warp Speed.
No one has been tested for this.
No one.
So this is the most massive experiment in human history.
They've got well over 100 million people in the United States and probably a lot more than that worldwide.
I don't know what the current stats are for those who are already immunized as of this date.
And obviously you're a smart medical doctor.
You've got all these other prestigious medical doctors and scientists, Wolfgang Wudarg, Dr. Yidan, former chief scientist, Pfizer.
Saying what you're saying.
Yeah, yeah.
We're going to go to break, but just for 30 seconds, what is the establishment thinking?
It sounds like they've created a disaster for themselves.
Oh, absolutely.
It's going to cave in.
It's going to crumble all around them.
We just have to be patient.
We have to know that we have the truth that they're not going to win.
Alright, we gotta go to break again.
Longer segment coming up.
Dr. Joseph Mercola is blowing me away because he's a medical doctor, he's an author, researcher, best-selling author, and his new book, Amazon, knows it's gonna be a best-seller.
He told me they bought a record number of them.
I'm gonna order a bunch of them because I need a book to give friends and families and neighbors from a respected doctor that will give them the facts they need.
It's a life-saving book.
Get it today.
We'll be right back with Dr. Joseph Mercola.
Dr. Joseph Mercola is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
Very honored to have him.
Doc, you've got the floor.
I've been asking a lot of questions, but you're just dropping bombshell after bombshell.
This is such a huge societal power grab by these tyrants.
And those of us that are more logical and more historical and aren't megalomaniacs, we go, this doesn't make sense.
They're going to destroy themselves.
Well, that's the nature of history.
So we've got to protect those that listen.
We've got to protect ourselves.
We've got to continue to build civilization, while not getting in the way of these crazies and them killing us, but somehow peacefully trying to stop them.
Because this is really a genetic raping.
This is a will to power.
This is a vaccine big pharma industry in trouble, buying up the UN, buying up health departments around the world, and really forcing a Total takeover of surveillance and vaccine passports and all of it, but I think it's going to force innovation that's going to transcend them.
You were talking some about that during the break, so you've got the floor.
Please continue.
Okay, so what can we do to address this?
Let's turn on the positive.
And first of all, don't get the vaccine.
And I think a comment I made in one of the last segments was that I think the vaccines will kill all people.
No, I don't.
Most people will survive.
But I think ultimately more people will die from the vaccine than do from COVID.
I'm pretty confident of those numbers.
But once you get the vaccine, you have no idea because We have no idea.
We just don't know.
No one has ever, ever done the studies.
It's never been done.
Normally it takes nine or ten years.
So don't get the vaccine.
What can you do?
You can improve your immune system and I've written about those things before.
They're like things like vitamin D and zinc.
And it's almost summer.
It is where I live in Florida.
Florida, and you don't have to take a supplement.
You just go into your swimsuit and go outside in the sunshine.
It has to be on your skin.
You just can't be outside in the sun.
It has to be on your bare skin.
It provides a lot of other benefits.
And then time-restricted eating, where you compress your eating window to like six or
eight hours.
You don't do it all at once because most of us eat more than 12 hours a day.
And when you compress your eating window, you develop metabolic flexibility, or also
otherwise known as insulin sensitivity, so that your body is far more resistant.
We know that obesity is affected, impacted by the COVID-19.
And what is the driver of obesity?
Metabolic flexibility or insulin resistance.
So that's a simple, easy thing.
thing that you can do and also avoid vegetable oil. Vegetable oil, Alex, is the
single most dangerous food you could possibly eat. And okay, yeah, so we don't
buy the bottle of corn oil or safflower oil on the shelf, but it's hidden in
almost every single processed food. It is clearly a big strategy that you
really need to get into.
So if you do time-restricted eating, eliminate vegetable oil, you're going to radically improve your health and the need for any intervention.
So those are the simple things you can do.
And of course, the liberals on the left always push vegetable oil is great.
Why is it so bad?
Oh my gosh!
It is the most pernicious metabolic toxin ever invented by man.
It is responsible for killing most of the two most common causes of heart disease and cancer.
The primary culprit is vegetable oils.
It is not sugar.
It is vegetable oils.
I am confident of that.
Sugar is a factor, so if it's processed food, you think it's the sugar, but in processed foods are vegetable oils.
So you've got to get that out.
And foods that we think might be healthy, like even olive oil... And explain what vegetable oil does.
I guess it just gums up your arteries or what happens?
No, no, no, no.
It's a good question.
We have limited time, but I'm ready.
That's one of my next books, Alex, because it's such an important topic.
But essentially, it It disrupts mitochondria.
So those are the energy-producing organelles in your cells that produce the ATP, and it just disrupts this electron transport chain, and it increases oxidative stress and inflammation.
It's the most damaging.
And here's the thing else.
Sugar is in and out within minutes, right?
Vegetable oil lasts for seven years in your cells because it's embedded in the cell membranes, and you've got a big problem if you're eating it.
So it's literally like a tar baby?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
Absolutely, yeah.
So that's why you want to get it out.
And you have to be really assiduous and diligent, almost obsessive-compulsive and read the labels.
But essentially, almost all processed foods have them.
There's some that don't, but most do.
So that's why the New York Times says you need vegetable oil, you don't need animal fat.
Are they literally trying to kill us?
Well, yeah, they're aligned with the propaganda to destroy us, so there's no question.
I don't know if they're doing it consciously, but it's a whole other story.
We could go on for hours on that, but just know that that's the truth, and you can look on my site for this information, and we'll give you details.
Now, the other things you can do is part of this, why are we doing the global reset?
You've talked about this enormously with other guests, I'm sure, and it's a transfer of wealth.
And they're going to have the CBDCs, the Central Bank Digital Currencies, as a way to control us.
Essentially, that is the social credit systems that is coming up with the vaccine passports.
But a way around, because they can manipulate, they can wipe out everything you own in the CBDCs.
If they don't like you, you did something wrong, they don't like, boom, gone.
You don't have anything.
They've been doing it already.
The people, the guys in their own gyms that were resisting the tyrannical orders of Cuomo, they liquidated their bank accounts because they gave them this $15,000 a day penalty for fantasy.
And they destroyed them.
So one of the things you could do to protect yourself is to go.
The answer to this, I believe, I could be wrong, but I believe is based on the blockchain, but not just centralized blockchain, because the CBDCs, the Central Bank Digital Currencies, will be centralized blockchains, but a decentralized blockchain.
And the best example of that is Bitcoin.
And I believe so much in that I think most people should get them as a protection for the future.
And so where do you get it?
Well, there's a really good place called Swan Bitcoin, swanbitcoin.com and you put a backslash Mercola, they'll give you $10 of free Bitcoin.
And you can buy it there.
That's the best place.
I don't care where they do it.
SwannBitcoin.com forward slash Alex.
We do it as well.
That is a place where it's a real place and you're not going to have any weird stuff and it's good to stick your toe in it.
Well, yeah, and the nice thing about them, because I'm a good friend of Corey, is the guy who started it.
You can also set up regular deposits so that you get every week or month, you can put in a hundred dollars and it'll automatically buy whatever price.
Because the key is what's something called dollar cost averagery, where you just buy whatever the price is and you don't spend it.
The last thing, if it goes up two times or three times, don't spend it.
You keep it for five or ten years because eventually it's going to be worth a million dollars.
And if they tank it, I believe it'll go back up.
Max Keiser told me that ten years ago.
He's always been right.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I heard that story.
Max gave you, supposedly, I don't know what the truth is.
He tried to give me, at Bilderberg, 10,000.
Do you know how much that's worth today, Alex?
500 million dollars?
550 million dollars.
10,000 Bitcoin.
It's a true story.
Leanne McAdoo saw it.
Richard Reeves saw it.
They all saw it.
We dug through all the old laptops and can't find it.
We've got one more segment but we've got some time left here.
Just go back to Bill Gates because you've done your research.
He modeled what the Rockefellers did to hide his wealth and the fact that they're trying to move the halo off of him because he's tarnished onto her I think is dead on.
Yeah, yeah, I'm pretty convinced of that.
And that was a strategy that Rockefeller successfully used because he was equally vilified as Gates was a century ago.
And that strategy worked for him.
We don't have the technology and the resources to disseminate truth like we did back then.
I mean, like we do now.
So this means that their attempt to build him back up, the facelift, has failed.
And now they're going to try to move, what she said, she'll still run the foundation.
So this is a very cynical operation.
Yeah, Bill Gates will be controlling it for sure, but he's not going to be the front person, the spokesperson.
It'll be Melinda.
Because he's so tarnished at this point.
And if you attack the population, oh, you're attacking a woman.
Yeah, but if you want more details of Gates, because you can go on for hours, James Corbett has the most amazing, I think it was a two-hour series he put together, James Corbett, CorbettReport.com.
He's being heavily censored too, but he's done a magnificent- Oh yeah, they just pulled his very scholarly videos off YouTube.
Yeah, and I did a- about two weeks ago, maybe three, I did a really great video with- interview with Vandana Shiva.
We talk about Gates extensively, so that's another resource which I think he would love.
It's got- oh man, it's got- Alright, final segment.
Tell us what you want to cover when we come back, Dr. Mercola.
I think we can go over some of the strategies, the reasons why we're doing this in my interview with Naomi Wolf.
Oh yeah, she's been doing a great job exposing things getting demonized.
She's the opposite of you.
But you're aligned at the same mission.
Well she's against the police state, she's against torture, she's against not having medical freedom.
I think she's a real liberal.
I think she's a good person.
I think she has a heart.
We'll be right back with Dr. McCullough.
All right, I don't usually get involved in the purchase of the books we sell at InfoWarsTore.com.
We've got a great crew that are patriots, and whatever they think is the most important, they carry.
We probably only carry 15, 20 books a year.
So I was so excited about his book, The Truth About COVID-19, Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal, Joseph Mercola and Ronnie Cummins, forwarded by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., which I've read the forward.
It's incredible.
And I called our purchase guy over, Blake, and I said, I want you to order a bunch of these.
He goes, we already are selling it.
We're already sold out of the 500 we bought.
So, we've got it.
Infowarsstore.com, and, cause you need a big, nice book, well, you know, documented with all the stuff sourced to give to friends, family, neighbors, lawyers, to put at the library, to give to your local doctor.
We need to fight an information war This is the globalist system depends on ignorance.
So get the book, The Truth About COVID-19 by Dr. Joseph Mercola at infowarestore.com.
I don't care where you get it.
Just get it.
Exposing the Great Reset.
What an important book.
And I've got a good, it doesn't have any reviews yet.
We just started selling a couple of days ago.
We're ordering 10,000 of these because everybody's gotta get it.
Yeah, you know all about this stuff.
We have all these guests on, you're informed listeners.
Your friends, your neighbors, your family aren't.
This is life and death.
I personally am gonna get...
Fifty of these, I can buy them at cost.
That's what he sells them to us for.
Great deal.
And I'm going to get these out to everybody I know.
This is what needs to happen.
This is an information war.
Get my film, Endgame, as well.
Blueprint for Global Enslavement that predicted the Great Reset 14 years ago.
Back in print again.
We just sold 20,000 copies of those the last three weeks.
But we're selling them for $3.95 apiece.
So it's great we're selling a lot because it takes a lot of money to fund this place.
And I appreciate you all and your support.
But knowledge is power.
Dr. McCauley, you want to talk about Naomi Wolf.
Anti-war, anti-torture.
She had to admit that Trump was even better than a lot of the Democrats.
A real liberal who has a conscience.
She's been shunned.
She's been attacked.
Saying this is medical tyranny.
And of course, you just interviewed her.
Tell us about her views on this whole power grab.
Well, it's interesting because she's a traditional progressive and you're a conservative.
But you're both oriented on the same purpose, which is freedom, personal freedom and liberty.
She actually voted for Biden in the last election and was opposed to the second amendment.
So, but she's changed those positions.
So she wrote a book in 2007 called The End of America.
And it's re-released by Chelsea, who is actually the publisher of The Truth About COVID.
And they're releasing the first and last chapter and the foreword for free.
So you can download it for free.
If you want to get the whole book, that's fine.
Or just watch my interview with her.
And it's very fascinating because it's sort of an update to it.
But the crux of it is that most people don't understand this.
I mean, maybe most of your viewers do, but certainly the average American doesn't, is that there are founding fathers They, either themselves or their parents or their grandparents, escaped tyranny.
They escaped tyranny.
And they knew what tyranny was.
Read the Declaration of Independence and you'll see what it is.
And they escaped that.
And those people who signed the Declaration of Independence, every one of them knew that they would be executed for treason.
Executed for treason if they failed.
That's the commitment that we don't, we have, but the average person has no concept of what the personal risk and what they sacrifice to get the personal freedom and each and every one of us enjoy today that is rapidly appearing, disappearing, sorry.
So her book, The End of America, outlines 10 steps and she says we're in step 10 now and that's her next book in step 10.
So this is, this is a call to action.
I mean, we don't, we have a limited time.
This is the window is closing.
I look at, you know, Pre-World War II in Germany, you know, the window was closing.
So you've got to be prepared because otherwise it will collapse.
It will collapse and we need to take it.
We need a resistance.
People need to understand that they need to take action because this is the most serious threat.
Am I interested in health?
Yes, I'm interested in health on steroids.
I want people to be healthy, but it's impossibly healthy when every bit of information about how to achieve that is suppressed and banned.
I agree, I haven't read your book yet, I've read the foreword, but I'm going to flog it because people still read some, especially professionals, but they don't read as much as they used to, and they respect a big, thick, nice book, well done with all the facts, and so that will just cut through all the disinfo, because when you actually look at Fauci, and you look at Bill Gates, and you look at the Wuhan lab, they lied every step of the way, and you've got Gates funded groups calling for you to have the Pentagon shut you down and shut down Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
When you're saying things that are on the NIH website that if you don't have vitamin D3, you die.
That, hey, it looks like it came out of the Wuhan lab.
That's now Redfield, the former head of the CDC, says that.
I mean, this bullying is insane.
Because even if you were wrong, you have a right to say what you want, but you're not wrong, you're right.
Yeah, even if you believe them, the people who developed this vaccine sincerely believe that this would be the best thing they could do to help the epidemic.
Well, then why suppress, censor and squash every opposing view?
If you believe it's that true, why don't you allow a dialogue?
And they always say science, science, science, science.
Science is about challenging.
It is about being challenged.
It's impossible.
Absolutely impossible, Alex.
You have informed consent.
If you only get one side, it's impossible.
Wow, we've got four minutes left.
You're on fire as usual, Dr. Mercola, but I've been interviewing you for a long time.
You seem really fired up and positive.
I mean, you opened up with saying, look, this is the fall of Bill Gates and having to move the halo from him to his, yeah.
Now I wasn't completely responsible.
I contributed to it.
There's others, many others are exposing his fraud and that people are, you should go to YouTube, which still has it.
My interview with Vandana Shiva was only two weeks ago.
I mean, there's still, we have over 1300 comments, 98% of my read of my moderate, those myself personally are positive.
They all are saying what a creep, what an evil creature this guy is.
We got literally one or two out of a hundred that are opposing that he is being exposed and that's why he got divorced.
Well, that's right.
He came out and admitted that 80% of those that took the mRNA Pfizer vaccine were getting bad side effects.
And then he said Joe Rogan, he had his news guard group say, I'm Joe Rogan, lied when we said 80%.
So we just showed the clip.
Joe Rogan put it out.
It got about 10 million views total on YouTube and Instagram.
And he didn't know what to do.
It just devastated him.
But here he is saying, admitting 80% get sick.
And then two weeks later, he says we're liars when we have the quote by him.
It's incredible.
Yeah, yeah.
So, you know, if you're, you know, the best strategy in life is to always tell the truth.
Because when you lie, you always remember what your last, what your lie was.
And then you get so easy to get tripped up.
But if you're always telling the truth, it doesn't matter because you can come from every which way.
It's always the truth.
Well, I'm going to put a prayer out to God and just to the ether and the listeners that, you know, we need to get you on the Joe Rogan podcast because that would really help.
Well, I know you're his friend.
He's, he is, I think he's some pro-vaccine, but I tell you that I would, Be so deeply appreciative because I, you know, I have a lot of people I know in Austin.
I would love to go and visit with him.
I mean, I, and he, I have enormous respect for him and I know... I'll tell you where Joe is.
He knows the vaccine science.
You can be tainted if you have problems.
He knows attenuated viruses.
That's a real science.
And, you know, he then tries to defer to the experts and have a foot in both fields because he's really not sure.
But I know he's freaked out by them trying to inject babies and children.
He's also on Spotify and Spotify banned me last week.
No, with no reason, no justification.
We didn't have any things that they said not to and you couldn't.
We actually objected to it and went through the resolution process and they changed their terms of service after our objection.
So, they banned us.
So, there may be a reason why he doesn't want me on because I'm banned from Spotify.
Wow, absolutely.
Well, there is a reign of terror going on and it's very frightening and that's great to see.
Naomi Wolf is pro-Second Amendment now.
I didn't know that.
Oh, she is!
She changed her position.
Totally changed.
This is all recent.
Because she's committed to the truth.
She understands it at a foundational level.
If you have integrity, yes, you can have beliefs, but you change as you evolve, you grow into it.
People cause problems with guns that are bad people, just like people with cars do bad things.
But now she's getting things are so tyrannical, we've got to have a balance of power.
We, the people, have got to be able to have guns.
There's no question.
It's an essential element of preserving our hard-earned freedoms that our
forefathers sacrificed their very lives for.
And we may have to be called to do that too. We don't know.
I hope it doesn't come to that, but it's a really good possibility unless we act and act
succinctly, succinctly, strongly.
We absolutely absolutely doc and and that's it none of us want violence but offensively they're coming at us with franken shots and if they really send out COVID tracers like they say they're gonna do in Europe and start dragging people away they won't take the shots in the future they admit that's their plan that is a that is a violation of the Nuremberg Code isn't it doctor?
Yeah, absolutely.
I'm not calling for armed revolution.
I'm just saying we should honor the Second Amendment.
Our forefathers were smart enough to figure out that that was an essential element of preserving your freedom.
Sure, it's an insurance policy so tyrants know it's always there.
Right, yeah.
And it protects you and your family.
Just, you know, you have to have proper training.
All right, the book is available at Mercola.com, Amazon.com.
It is available right now at InfoWarsTore.com.
Go to our news, go to our site, sign up so that one will share when we can disclose the information we had to take down.
All right.
Come back as soon as that comes back out, Doctor.
Yeah, I will.
I know you haven't met.
Alex, I love you.
I'm so glad that we're aligned on this mission because we're going to win.
We are going to win.
No doubt.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir, General Mercola.
He's awesome.
We love him, too.
Thank you, sir.
All right.
There he goes.
We have another thought criminal coming on.
Nick Fuentes is taking action.
He's going to file suit, you heard it here first, against the TSA for putting him on the no-fly list.
Hour number three, straight ahead.
Walt Disney not only saturated his films with masonic hand gestures and 666, but also added subliminal images with hidden sexuality.
Alteon claims that the square and compass are actually symbolizing the sex act.
The woman's legs spread open and a man mounting her.
The G symbolizes the generative principle of creation.
The all-seeing eye symbolizes the head of the penis.
And the rays shooting forth, the orgasm.
Each year, 13 high-level masons may be invited to join the top of this monstrous pyramid.
The Royal Order of Jesters.
Dedicated to nothing but sexual depravity.
There is no sin.
There is only nature.
Why do you think that witchcraft has disappeared?
It never disappeared.
It was hidden.
Forced to go into hiding by the appearance of Jesus on the human scene.
Another reason why he's passionately hated.
33rd degree Mason Alistair Crowley wrote how he pecks at the eyes of Jesus on the cross.
How the new age will arise from the destruction of Christianity and how all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act.
According to the royal art of Freemasonry, magic is the highest and most divine.
And what is this magic?
Any living being is a storehouse of energy, varying in quantity according to the size and health of the animal.
At the death of the animal, this energy is liberated suddenly.
The animal therefore should be killed within the circle.
For the highest spiritual working, one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force.
A male child.
We are witnessing the culmination of their mysterious Arcanum, the destruction of Christianity and the mass sacrifice of humanity.
Created in 1979 by the Masonic Order of the Rose Cross, the first Luciferian commandment carved into the Georgia Guidestones is to maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature.
High-level Mason Friedrich Nietzsche wrote how Christianity is more harmful than any vice and considered Christians sick animals.
Their Utopian New Age, as written about in the Satanic Bible and in the Lucius Trust, consultants to the European Union, is nothing more than the absolute destruction of Christianity.
Aleister Crowley wrote how the people need to be ruled by the state and the world must be bathed in blood to usher in the New Age.
Subversion of all governments and world religions has been going on in secrecy for centuries.
Religious leaders, heads of state, and your favorite pop stars have practically all been absorbed into this hidden hand of Satanism.
In 1991, the Noahide laws were signed into U.S.
law by Skull and Bones member George Bush.
Once these laws are practiced openly, it will be blasphemy to call Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, punishable by death.
They want to bring us back to the days of blood sacrifice.
Whether you believe or not, the culture of compassion, mercy, and love is Christian.
Christ ended the days of blood sacrifice.
Christ forgave us of our sins.
All of us.
Liberated us.
So that no man could stand between the individual and God.
It's no wonder why they hide in the shadows.
With a religion based on their own weakness, their so-called magic is nothing other than ruthless thuggery and deceit.
Like broken animals, they fear the true light and want to drag you into the darkness with them.
Don't let them.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
Ladies and gentlemen, that is Illuminati unveiled.
It just went live about an hour ago at band.video.
Go click on the left-hand corner, find the Gregory section, and share it.
And it's a very, very important piece.
I'm going to do a part two and go back to the origins of Freemasonry, which predate Christianity, because the whole satanic arm of it is just one vein of it, but it's an accurate report.
Well, CNN is extremely pleased Because all these different groups and organizations are announcing that for the children, they're going to wear masks forever.
But children don't even get sick from COVID-19.
And if you have your vitamins and minerals and sunlight and good water, you're invincible.
But they don't want you knowing that.
And they love the religion of being victims.
And so even if they're vaccinated, well, they do nothing.
I've got A bunch of reports here to make my head spin, dealing with COVID-19, where they're now reporting that the most vaccinated countries in the world have the highest COVID-19 rates.
Well, and they're confirming what that Yale medical doctor said last week on The War Room.
That's the other War Room with Steve Bannon.
That the majority of people going to the hospital that they say have COVID, it's from the vaccine.
And that's in my stat.
Now, Nick Fuentes called me yesterday and he said, Hey, I want to thank you for getting me, Norm Padas.
We're going to file suit tomorrow and I'm ready to come on your show and break it.
And he was supposed to be on right now.
He's always a busy guy.
So we'll see if he pops in later in the hour, but.
He talked to my producer this morning, but it doesn't matter.
The good news is they're fighting back against him being put on a no-fly list.
And so that news is breaking here right now.
And so that's what's going on.
If they can get away with doing it to Nick Fuentes, they can get away with doing it to anybody.
He wasn't even in the Capitol.
He was outside the Capitol.
He didn't call for going into the Capitol.
It's just crazy.
And I watch the left all over Twitter every time I'm trending.
Because I like to go search it and look at what's happening.
There's so much cool stuff our listeners put on Twitter.
I found a lot of stuff for the show on there.
Links and stuff I didn't know about.
And as fast as, you know, the page loads, just more Alex Jones tweets load.
Especially when I'm like number one.
Totally makes the Globals pull their hair out.
And I just saw, you know, a lot of crazy stuff and I see the left.
I'm on there constantly showing photos of me at Georgia with Ali Alexander and state rep now running, I guess for, what is it, Senate or Governor, I forget, Vernon Jones.
I guess it's Governor, is it?
I forget.
The point is he's a great guy.
Big, tall, handsome, smart, very well-spoken black guy.
Very, very presidential, I think.
He used to be a Democrat, flipped over to Republicans.
He said, why don't you guys come in the Capitol?
We'll be respectful.
We won't be loud.
And we'll do a group photo.
So about 500 of us went inside.
The other 500 or so stayed outside of that one demonstration.
We all stood there and posed on the stairway to the second floor of the Capitol and took a photo.
And they show that photo everywhere.
I just thought of this.
The crew didn't even have time to pull it up.
I mean, they show it.
It's been tweeted hundreds of thousands of times, conservatively.
I mean, there are tweets where one photo of it's been tweeted 100,000 times.
And that's what makes me trend on Twitter, is they think it's hurting me to go, look, here he is with Ali Alexander and state rep.
No, that's not the photo.
It's another one where we're standing at the bottom, but that's the stairs, yeah.
And Vernon Jones is directing us on how to fill it up and how to take the group photo.
But I'm pointing, he's pointing, and Ali Alexander's pointing.
And then they run it everywhere, including newspapers.
Here is the proof of Alex Jones, yeah there's video of it, and Ali Alexander in the Capitol that day commanding the attack.
Yeah, and then they show photos of Jones, the black Jones, telling people how to pose for the photo!
And they say, and look, this unknown man, because they don't want to say he's a state rep, he also needs to be arrested, whoever he is.
And then people tell him in the comments, they go, hey that's Georgia in November.
They go, shut up racist!
So ladies and gentlemen, that is the level of disinformation.
Yes, that's the photo.
Here is Ali Alexander with Alex Jones, an unknown black man, and other people, directing the crowd.
That's one of my security guys, Tim.
You know, they're, again, trying to get the group photo together.
And they turn that into the devastating assault.
There's Nick Fuentes right there.
But don't worry, he's on a no-fly list now.
Because he dared to go to the Georgia Capitol and they showed the photo everywhere and said it was the U.S.
And I'm digressing here, but you have to understand.
Since January 7th, the day after, they tweet this every day.
2,000 retweets, 5,000 retweets, 10,000 retweets, 20,000 retweets.
And they just show it and show it and go, why is he not arrested?
Why is Jones not in jail?
Here he is in the Capitol.
And the FBI comes out and goes, we're investigating him.
We're investigating the photo.
It's like, give us the head of Jones, give us the head of Fuentes, just look at us in there attacking the Capitol.
Yeah, there's one right there.
Why is Alex Jones... When is Alex Jones getting arrested?
I see that Don Winslow guy all the time.
He'll get thousands of retweets showing photos and videos like, my God, here he is at the Capitol launching the attack!
Why are these people not in jail now?
And then commenters go, uh, here's the video from November 18th, and no response.
And then the left keeps reposting it, because again, these are known liars!
They love lying!
They don't care if you find out they're lying, they like it!
I cannot help it.
I've digressed.
I've got to settle down.
I've had too much coffee.
Our Wake Up America coffee is so good.
Oh my gosh, it's so good.
And I've been misbehaving myself.
People have noticed the last few weeks I've had my energy bouncing off the walls and I've been being a bad beaver.
I've been having a couple cups of my Wake Up America coffee, and then I've been working late.
Yesterday I had a quarter of a Turbo Force at four o'clock, and I was up here at eight o'clock at night still working, bouncing off the walls, and then I couldn't go to sleep last night till midnight.
So, yeah, two cups of coffee and a quarter Turbo Force, and I was bouncing off the walls.
By the way, why'd I have a Turbo Force?
Because Turbo Force arrived yesterday in the 18-wheeler from the U.S.
10 hours of clean energy is what it really should be called.
I originally named it turbo force.
And it's 10 hours of clean, good energy with everything.
It's got key factors that the expert top developer we hired to develop it has in there to carry the Five types of caffeine into the brain and it's five types that are time released differently and then to have you come down smoothly at the end and it's just amazing.
But that's why I don't know how anybody can take a full turbo force.
It's a pre-workout also for people that want to work out or go on a long hike.
It is rocket fuel.
It is rocket fuel.
It is 40% off back in stock at infowarestore.com.
And I'm trying to find my plug sheet.
Here it is.
I wasn't meaning to plug right now, and I started thinking about this.
What's back in stock?
Ultimate Fish Oil, back in stock, 50% off.
Highest grade fish oil.
I can buy fish oil for 20% of the price of this.
We bring you the highest grade fish oil that you can find, the cleanest fish oil you can find.
We have the Ultimate Krill Oil.
It's selling out, still 25% off, but get them both together, 50% off.
So, Ultimate Fish Oil, 50% off.
Ultimate Krill Oil, 25% off, but get them together, 50% off.
Survival Soil X2, sold out for a while.
Highest quality deep-earth crystal iodine, and it just, it's the opposite of the bad halogen fluoride.
Bromide, chlorine, all of those little nasties, 98% review, 4.9 stars, 6,000 plus reviews by the third party, Power Reviews, ladies and gentlemen.
And the left is so pathetic.
They did last year an FBI investigation of Power Reviews, thinking, I never talked to Power Reviews, this is a well-respected top group, thinking that it was fake reviews.
Can you imagine, they want to put me in jail for fake reviews, and Hunter Biden has sex with his niece on video on the laptop.
He's screwing a 12-year-old on video, he can do whatever he wants, he's under Chinese Communist control, and they thought I'd pay for fake reviews.
And then they want to put me in jail for that!
I mean, that's the little side note that goes on around here.
That we find out from just everybody we work with, anybody we work with, anything we do gets harassed.
I'm surprised they haven't thrown us off power reviews, but they didn't do that one when that happened.
I mean, that's the level of assault we go under around here.
You know, when you went and reviewed it, they say you're not real over there at the KGB.
What a sick joke.
Winter Sun, Ultimate, Vitamin D3.
Back in stock, so good for your immune system.
Everything else, it's all there.
Got a bunch of news coming up.
You know, every day I see a new video of a black person attacking an Asian person.
And I have the crime statistics.
It's actually very rare for a black person to attack an Asian person, but there's 350 plus million people in this country.
And so out of the attacks that do happen, the majority of attacks on Asians are by Asians on Asians and then blacks on Asians.
It's like the majority of attacks on whites are by whites, because whites are by whites, and the next is black on white.
And it is true that it is black folks are committing about three times the crimes of any other group per capita.
You don't blame another black person for that.
You don't blame somebody because their great great great great great great grandfather was a slave owner.
Or you don't blame somebody because their mama was a hooker, or whatever.
But the point is, Is that in the inner cities, blacks are killing each other, number one, and then they're attacking Asians, Hispanics, and then whites are actually down the line.
It goes Hispanics, Asians, and then whites.
And I see videos of it every day, and then I get to hear, literally, I'll dial into CNN.
I watch CNN, so you don't have to.
And I watch CNN probably 30 minutes a day.
I go to their website, I click on the reports, and I make myself look at it, and every day, There's a march against white supremacy in New York by the Asian community.
And it's not a march by the Asians against white supremacy.
They just lie.
The Asians are not marching so that white people don't attack them.
Now, do they get leftist Asians on CNN and MSNBC to say, yeah, the whites are bad?
Yeah, it's bull, ladies and gentlemen.
And the reason I raise that is here's some of the articles.
Video shows stranger attacking Asian woman with hammer in New York City.
If that was a white person doing that, you would hear white woman.
Asian woman attacking New York City by stranger.
It'd be white woman demanding they remove mask, one hit with a hammer.
So they try to spin it that, oh, it's anti-mask violence.
Oh, really?
Yeah, I saw a shootout outside a bar, and they said, oh, anti-maskers attack maskers.
It's the maskers shooting the people.
So that's how the media, which are enemies of the people, spin every bit of it.
You can see on the screen of your TV viewer, I know we simulcast on radio, that that was a white supremacist attack.
And you hear that there's a record level white supremacist attacks.
It turns out the FBI illegally spied on millions of Americans, emails and iClouds to see if they were white supremacists.
And now the ADL just ruled the former president does not get to be on Facebook.
The ADL runs the board.
Pretty crazy.
You know, I call that Nazi, I call that Soviet.
Oh, but I mean, the ADL is a Jewish defense group, so it can't be bad.
Just like, oh, a woman runs YouTube, so it's okay if she censors you.
It's all corrupt corporations hiding behind women and minorities.
And now the country that helped defeat Hitler lives under Hitler-level controls run by the ADL.
Yeah, that was CNN.
Oh, the white supremacy and hate are haunting Asian Americans.
Haha, CNN.
I mean, a load of bull.
White supremacy is the most lethal threat to the U.S., DHS draft assessment says.
It's not an imminent earthquake on the West Coast that's 10 years overdue or 12 years overdue.
It's not giant asteroids passing by the Earth.
It's not super volcanoes.
It's not plagues.
It's not open borders.
It's not aging nuclear reactors.
No, it's white people!
Everybody's battling to get into countries built And run by white people.
And built by other people too, but let's just say it, everybody's used to want to come to the white countries, because we're so bad, and we're so mean, and we're so evil, and we're so terrible, and we're just, we're like, it's like, look at that river full of giant saltwater crocodiles, they're 20 feet long, let me just get in there.
Let me just, crocodiles are so nice, let me just get in that water with them.
You don't see people getting in the water with crocodiles.
But oh, the evil white people are just in America and Europe.
Let's get in there no matter what we do!
Let's jump in the water with the piranhas!
Let's jump in the pit bulls starving to death, the pit of Doberman pinchers!
I mean, it's... America's so horrible and so racist, I gotta get there right now!
I gotta get next to those white devils right now.
Well, before Christianity came to Europe, you didn't want to mess with the light devils because they were all killing each other and killing you and doing human sacrifices and everything else, but it's Christianity, ladies and gentlemen.
And that's the key.
You've got African tribes, where one tribe is 10% of the country in Rwanda, and they had 90% of the wealth because Christians work together, and then the animists go and kill them all in the UN because they want things and it falls apart.
It's the same black people, but one group's Christian, one group's not.
It's called Christianity.
There are countries in South America basically run, a couple of them, by the Amish.
You might have 200,000 Amish in a country of 20 million people.
Which one's called the Green Hell?
My dad was down there doing medical donation work before he retired for dentistry.
He was talking about Uruguay, Paraguay.
He said, yeah, the Amish run it.
And they're the only ones that can produce food or have any civilization or society.
But the communists wanna kill 'em all 'cause they're white.
But I mean, it's the Christianity, ladies and gentlemen.
But continuing, summer 2021 is going to be abnormally violent as murders continue to rise, big Paul Joseph
Watson article.
And again, what's the main reason?
Lockdown, people not having jobs, and food prices going up 76%.
76% look up about 30% right now by the end of the summer 76% and it's just projected
To continue up past 130% increase a year from now Do you know what that's gonna mean
Massive civil unrest.
And CNN is going to tell you.
Imagine being the big mega banks.
We're going to a reset.
We've devalued the currencies.
People's bank accounts are going to be worth half of what they were.
There's going to be shortages of items.
Well, let's just do it ourselves.
Lock things down.
Say it's a virus and get people used to it.
Before the collapse happens, have a mini collapse out of the big collapse.
And then when we have the main collapse, we'll announce a new virus is out as another reason to lock people in their homes.
And they'll just be worried about dying.
Instead of how they lost everything.
And then we'll have Black Lives Matter.
We'll find a few places where cops did something wrong or might have done something wrong.
And then we'll just burn things down.
They claim the economy imploded because of racial inequity in Europe and the U.S.
We'll have Arabs burn Europe and North Africans burn Europe.
And we'll have the indigenous African-Americans, you know, been here 300 years, you're indigenous.
We'll have you burn it down under under chicken neck antifa direction.
And that's the whole plan.
But don't worry though, the FBI says that white supremacists are hunting Asians.
And haunting Asians!
Like, woohoo!
Casper the Friendly Ghost!
Friendliest ghost you know!
Haunting them!
Asian person goes to open their door and I'm like, woohoo!
I'm Alex the Ghost!
I'm haunting you!
That's the level.
They're hunting and hunting and stalking and attacking and I don't know what to do!
The white people!
Please help me!
The white people are hurting me!
Of course, none of that's really happening.
Even the USA Today says that the Asian community thinks I'm a hero.
We'll tell you about that when we come back.
And I'm proud you think I'm a hero.
I'm just trying to survive.
They did a big NSA spy drill on everybody and found out the Asians love me!
They know I love them!
Alright, I'm worried about Nick Fuentes.
Lord Vader may be in danger.
I said I talked to him this morning.
I woke up this morning at 5 a.m.
and saw a text from him saying, great, I'll be on your show tomorrow.
Announce the lawsuit against TSA for putting me on the no-fly list with Norm Pattis and we'll announce it at 1 p.m.
Then I thought, or the camera guy, the boom operator thought, John thought, Hey, he tweets all the time.
Let's go see you last time he tweeted.
Last time he tweeted 11 hours ago.
So Nick Fuentes is not a flaky guy.
I've known him a couple of years.
He shows up when he says he is.
He does what he says he's going to do.
Um, maybe he forgot.
Maybe, maybe he was in a car wreck.
Maybe he, his mom, a family member needed help or something.
I don't know, but.
They put him on a no-fly list, and that usually happens right before they arrest you.
And the left's been calling for his arrest everywhere.
So, uh, we hope that he is okay.
And there's the video proving he's on a no-fly list.
That's the pinned tweet, April 27th.
Let's keep scrolling down, please.
And we'll show folks the last tweet, 11 hours ago.
Hey, BFFPOD, so how does this work for you?
DM me or I will U-link.
And that's just something he sent out.
Nick Foyntes on Total Narrative Control.
And then he's gone.
Okay, so that's it.
Hopefully he has not been scooped up by the Gestapo or the NKVD.
You know, by the way, I don't know whether you should call the FBI now, the KGB, the NKVD, or the Gestapo, because are they more like Nazis or are they more like the Soviets?
And I'd lean more towards the Soviets, so say FSB, KGB, whatever name you want to give it.
Soros is one of their top guys, and he was a Nazi collaborator.
You're like, well, he was younger, he did that.
Well, he used the Nazi party of Ukraine to blow up police stations and shoot everybody, and a coalition government took over.
And the media, of course, ignored that.
And now in Orban's country, over in, what is it, Hungary, Viktor Orban, they have a coalition government to get him out with the Nazi party.
I mean, it's just the left, like, walk around and go, we're intellectuals, we're smart, we fight Nazis, and then Apple runs death camps, they're just the scum of the earth, and the low-level left is not intellectual.
They are usually Perverts that have like two or three degrees that are worthless, who are pissed that their degrees are worthless, and they're lazy.
And they always keep thinking once the communist takeover happens, then they'll have all this power.
Yeah, there's some of the Apple factories over there where they have suicide nets around them.
I mean, this is not a joke, folks.
So, let's go ahead and talk about this.
You saw CNN that white people are hunting Asians.
White people are haunting Asians.
That Alex Jones is a white supremacist.
Well, here's USA Today.
Proud Boys saw a wave of contributions from Chinese Dyspora.
That's like when people flee a country before a capital attack.
And it goes on to say when the Proud Boys got stabbed, they know this because USA Today used hackers to hack into the donation sites of the left us to find out who the evil people were.
The majority of the donators were anti-communist Chinese Americans, who by the way are up in one of the highest income brackets, lowest crime rate brackets, no great citizens.
And it goes on to, like, why were there donations to this?
Well, the surprising answer to the question is that the Proud Boys enjoyed significant support from a slice of the Chinese American community and the broader Chinese diaspora.
Some Chinese Americans have bought into the rhetoric spread by the Proud Boys conspiracy theorists, such as Alex Jones and conservative commentators, that America is under attack from communism.
Oh, but of course, there is no violence from Antifa.
It doesn't exist.
And there's no communism either.
There's just Joe Biden working with the Chi-Coms.
They believe the Proud Boys are the vanguard of protecting the country from a communist army controlled by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, when the founders say they're Marxist.
Claims that have been widely debunked.
Widely debunked!
It's like saying, "Roger Stolbeck claimed he played for the Cowboys back in the 1960s."
It's amazing. Or, "The Chicago Bears claim they're in Chicago."
I mean, it's just the level of the gaslighting.
So if communism doesn't exist, nothing's happening.
For some who left China in rejection of communism, particularly those who support former President Donald Trump, the Proud Boys have taken on an almost mythical status as tough street soldiers on the front lines of the battle between democracy and communism.
I mean, what do you think it is?
I mean, what do you think's going on here?
And it goes on from there.
The Proud Boys Protecting Innocent People said Donald Wang, a Queens, New York resident, who donated $50.
A lot of people in my community support them.
And it goes on to attack us.
And again, they got all this by hacking into a donation site to find out the majority were Chinese citizens of the U.S.
Oh, because they want to drive away Chinese and white people and Asians period.
It's like, don't you know you're being hunted by the white people?
Oh yeah, the Asians really buy into that.
They really are buying into you, CNN.
They really, they're so stupid, they believe you.
Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tarrio claimed that his group primarily exists to protect American citizens from anarchists and communists aligned with the Antifa movement who are trying to overthrow the US government.
Well, Asians have had a lot of their businesses burnt lately.
I know it's mostly peaceful when they get burned down or killed, but you know.
The refrain is common in the far-right media and social media.
Conspiracy mongers, such as Jones and his British counterpart Paul Joseph Watson, whip their viewers into a frenzy of distrust and fear, contending that socialists and Antifa assassins are about to attack mainstream Americans.
The message has been amplified by Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who has called for anti-fascist activists to be labeled as terrorists.
Well, Trump did label them as that.
He called Black Lives Matter movement poison.
But what do all the Democrats say?
Fox is the only place not doing it.
CNN, MSNBC, Congressman Nadler, what do they all say?
They go, Antifa doesn't exist.
Just like I'll tell you, communism doesn't exist.
No, it's just taking over.
Any weekend, you can go to downtown Austin, there'll be 200, 300 communists marching around.
Always trying to get black people to burn something down so they can say it's a black revolution, not a communist one.
Same stuff was going on in the 60s.
In fact, he was on fire with Darren McBreen.
I wanted him to do like an hour-long show a week.
Is his new black, his old Black Panther, original Black Panther, uh, party guest, only did like 10 minutes with McGreen.
Uh, we need to get those guys to do a whole show on this.
We need to get Larry Pinckney back on ASAP.
Oh, by the way, I know I said he has a new Larry Pinckney page at Bandai Video, by the way.
I know I said I was gonna do a special Saturday show for three hours on vaccine damage and what's been going on.
Um, but I promised to take my four-year-old daughter fishing.
She's turned four.
And so that's a promise that's got to be kept.
But we will save a lot of lives.
We did that three-hour show and took people's calls on vaccines.
You hear all the deaths and illnesses that have been caused.
Those videos get millions of views and it saves thousands of lives every time we do it.
But you know what?
We'll just do tomorrow or the next day.
We'll clear the decks and do four hours.
And even with the breaks, that'll just be three hours of airtime.
And we'll take your testimony and your calls tomorrow or Friday.
A lot of guests coming up, a lot of stuff happening.
Maybe I'll come up here one night this week and do two, three hours unedited, you know, live so that we can do that.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Breaking news, ladies and gentlemen, breaking news!
The Yankees and the Mets are going to have separate sections for vaccinated and unvaccinated.
They've already trained you to sit on the other side of the bench or only have the restaurant 25% full or Don't dance at your wedding.
Don't sing at church.
Stand on your head.
Yankees and Mets will offer free tickets with vaccine shots at games.
And those that don't take the shots, well, they get stuck in seats that aren't as good.
Ah, the ghettos begin!
The medical ghettos.
My body, my choice.
Only if you're killing an eight-and-a-half-month-old baby, then it's your body, your choice.
But if it's an experimental vaccine that maimed and killed animals in the trials they did, so they skipped them officially, you're gonna take it or you're not gonna have a job at this company.
Well, actually, I have violent reactions to vaccines.
I have a doctor's note.
You can't even have that now!
You will?
Dang it!
And we have the UN report from December of a year and a half ago saying our doctors are wobbly.
They're not working.
People are against vaccines.
The head of the vaccine program.
And now you've seen the big, giant response.
But I agree with Dr. McCullough.
I said this divorce is real in that I've seen leaks here, sources that the Gateses don't get along well.
Body language experts have said it for a decade.
Bill is known to be constantly seen with other women.
He's quite the horndog.
He also supplied a pervert, it looks like, hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein.
Um, definitely into blackmailing people.
And so as all that comes out, he's not a good spokesperson for the foundation.
And so they moved the halo from him over to her, and she said, I will continue at the foundation.
So now, well, you gotta take this experimental shot and get sick or die.
I mean, it's a woman.
And when Joe Biden steps down, hey, it's a woman.
And we saw Aflac, that ridiculous actor.
Because, hey, we need countries run by women.
They do a better job.
You mean women's that are the front of the globalists to do that.
So incredibly patronizing.
Here's a big article.
It's up on Infowars.com from Sputnik.
World's most vaccinated nation rediscovers COVID restrictions.
Reintroduces COVID restrictions after surge in infections, not illnesses, not deaths.
But I guess they've turned up their PCR test.
The Indian Ocean nation of seashells will close down schools, public places, and cancel all sporting events after reporting a surge in infections over the last five days, Health Minister Peggy Vidot said.
And that's so they can try to threaten the people that haven't had the vaccine to say, it's your fault, that's the reason.
Addressing a press conference along with other senior officials, they expressed concern over the upward trend in infections in recent days and called upon the population to observe the public restrictions.
And they say again, do not exhale above the water.
Breathe under the water.
I'm not joking.
Exhale under the water.
birth rates fall to the lowest level in a generation amid COVID.
Baby bust.
Yes, the depopulation plan is working well and generations of wealth is being destroyed.
Roger Daltrey of The Who said, the woke generation is creating a miserable world.
That's the plan, Mr. Daltrey, who I know I've talked to a lot of folks, is a listener.
So we'd love you to reach out to us and come on the show anytime, big fan of you guys.
FDA to authorize Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine for 12 to 15 year olds by early next week.
New York Governor Cuomo on high schoolers.
Put them on a bus and bring them to a mass vaccination site.
Mayor bans dancing standing at weddings.
Ah, yes.
Far-left MAG libs ignoring scientific evidence to virtually signal for indefinite lockdowns.
That's what they want.
They don't ever want to work again.
They'll understand when everybody quits working and there's still all this free money, that means less productivity with less goods.
More money means scarcity and Hyperinflation!
But it's so trendy!
Because they don't think five minutes out.
They have an average attention span of 11.3 seconds.
A goldfish is 14.7.
Not joking.
In major studies.
They're gone, folks.
Nobody's home.
They don't care about logic.
They care about the idea of something.
To them, perception is reality, not reality.
You can perceive that you're an elephant.
You can perceive that you're Icarus.
You can't fly to the sun.
You can perceive that you're a mother when you're a man.
You can perceive that you're a man when you're a woman, but you're not.
And no one's against you that you have proclivities to feel like you're a man.
Our biology is very similar.
We have some of the same programming.
No one's judging you.
I don't judge people for their heart.
God does that.
But I do judge you when you have your kids.
And you know, that's something I didn't do.
And it's such a nightmare stack.
And I've got a great guest host coming up who she was so impressive when she was on with us.
Last week.
But I've got to get to this pedophile news.
I mean, it's bad, folks.
They are taking the autistic children, the mentally retarded children, they are taking the foster children, and the majority of foster children in major liberal jurisdictions are now transitioning girls to boys, boys to girls, and really what it is is sterilization.
They had to make sterilization fashionable.
So they're convincing three-year-olds to sign documents of their free will, even though you're not of age until you're really 18 to make decisions like that, to sign up for a trajectory by age 7 to have the genitals surgically removed, but by age 5 to begin the chemicals to block it, which is so deadly to your body.
And that is the interesting feller who's got 500 plus children, as young as three under him, who are now transitioning.
And of course, they were taken by CPS from their parents, some cases from bad places, but obviously put worse.
I mean, imagine you get taken from your dad, who's a drunk that broke your arm.
You're four years old.
And guess what?
You live with this person, this thing.
They teach you all about sex and all about HIV and that's what his books teach you and all about how you're gonna be a beautiful girl.
Never you're gonna be a big strong man, you're gonna be a big strong woman.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
You get attention and it's fun and you're in the cool club when we get that little peepee cut off, alright?
And then girls, we convinced you to take chemicals to fry your uterus and those eggs.
We don't.
And you know, the argument is, well, these are disadvantaged children.
You know, in my film, Endgame, there's a clip of the Texas Board of Medicine, and they say, look, we put kids on the average of 14 psychotropics, 12 psychotropics because they have bad gene pools.
They're poor.
They deserve to be sterilized, basically.
And so make them happy.
Make it cool to be sterilized.
You know, Hitler sterilized the mentally retarded and stuff.
He just did it and said, you're subhuman.
But man, the liberals know how to do it.
So cool.
A nice effeminate man or a man dressed like a woman comes to you and says, remember what the White House appointee, she failed appointment.
Jocelyn Allred said, ah, we need school teachers and parents to understand, masturbation's good, with the elementary students and the children, and it's just, ah, ah, we gotta find that recording, they've purged it everywhere.
Rush Limbaugh used to play it, I mean, she gave the speech, and then that was pre-internet, so they purged it, but the quotes are there, like the New York Times, Washington Post, they defended it, and she said, you need to go into the Nurseries don't touch them.
The teachers need to do it.
The staff.
Get over it.
It's not... Help them touch their genitals.
So... Oh, they're touching their genitals now with these mRNA vaccines.
Gonna fry that uterus.
Ha ha ha!
And it's gonna get so much more fun.
Somebody mail me it.
Somebody's gotta have a limbaugh from, like, That was like right when Clinton got in in 1993.
He was trying to appoint her as the Surgeon General.
I've heard it played.
And I can't... I bet C-SPAN has it in their archives.
Search for that.
I did say we need to restyle and touch their pee-pees.
I mean, that's who they are!
They're a pack of pervs that want the energy of procreation.
That's what the black magic's all about.
All of it.
And the only thing better is chopping your child's head off with pleasure.
Alright, I need to be funded, I'm in an information war, and I got products you need, and yay, the cavalry's here, the supply chain's broke down, it's taken so long to get it in, but it's here.
TurboForce, 10-hour clean energy, back in stock, limited time.
40% off.
Fish oil, back in stock.
50% off.
Highest grade fish oil.
Your heart, your liver, your brain, your arteries.
This is... Oh, I'm so glad it's here.
Notice a lot of this stuff's back in.
I have more energy, more everything, because I've got it.
I've got my fish oil.
I've got my krill oil.
About to sell out.
It's 25% off.
And we have X2, the best iodine, good halogen out there, deep earth crystal.
Your energy, your stamina, your bino, your body, it's essential.
Meaning, if you don't have it, you die.
And it's depleted in the soils, it's not in most of the foods.
If you get it out of fish, that's got mercury a lot of times.
Our fish oil's been de- you know, gone through the process of getting any mercury removed.
It's very expensive, fish oil.
I mean, we get the highest grade, then we still sell it at the price other folks sell mid-grade fish oil.
So I'm so proud of it.
It's all at InfowarStore.com or 888-253-3139.
And Dr. Joseph Mercola's book, The Truth About COVID-19 and the Great Reset, is also available at InfowarStore.com.
Get them!
It's at Infowar.
Winter Sun's 50% off, even though it's selling out.
Vitamin D3, And so much more.
I'll do five more minutes and then a very special guest host is set to take over.
We'll be back in T-minus two minutes.
Dr. Jane Ruby is set to take over in T-minus five minutes, 51 seconds.
So definitely look for that.
Let me hit a few final stories on the whole COVID-19 power grab takeover that's taking place.
Here's one.
There is no secret Pfizer document about the COVID-19 vaccine shedding in women.
And this is out of just one of these Substack.com so-called news sites that are paid by Big Pharma.
In most cases, it's Pew Disinfo.
But anybody can go to Pfizer in their public trials and saying, we think this could shed and this could hurt pregnant women or breastfeeding women.
So you're right, there isn't a secret document because there's a public document.
And I was just showing you that document yesterday.
So that's the type of games that these yahoos play.
And it just goes on from there.
FDA to authorize Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 12 to 15 year olds.
And now they're announcing that a lot of people Are planning to never take the mask off.
Well, CNN said that a year ago.
They said it will end up being just like a seatbelt.
You will wear them all the time.
You'll wear them in the water.
You will not dance.
You will do what we say when we say.
And these people all subserviently do it because they've been trained and they've been domesticated To accept this.
Yeah, let's roll this footage of Kamala Harris kissing her beard husband.
And I'm not saying she's a lesbian, I'm saying it's a political marriage.
Yeah, show that.
Kissing through the mask.
And they're both vaccinated.
And even CNN's like, hey, maybe you should take the mask off.
People aren't taking the vaccine because of this.
They plan to never take the mask off.
It's a sign of subservience, a sign that you're under their control.
That's what Tucker Carlson's right.
They're trying to forcibly inoculate us, take our jobs away, bully us.
And then he says, just tell people that the masks give you bacterial pneumonia and don't really work, and it's abusive in children or psychological studies.
They go, oh my God, he's terrorizing us!
He's in our face!
He's getting us!
When you've got the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation calling for the Pentagon to use cyber counterterrorism and the military on us.
And of course, That's just their dream.
They're pushing that.
The Trump supporters are secretly planning a new attack.
We've got to stop them right now.
If you're a new listener, in Spain and England they're saying don't look at people in the eyes, turn away, exhale underwater, wear a mask underwater.
In DC they're saying don't stand or dance at a wedding.
They're saying still don't sing at church.
It's all to see how much ridiculous crap they can feed you.
Speaking of feeding us crap, here's clip 9, why some vaccinated people keep wearing their masks.
CNN's coddling them.
Here it is.
We have some viewer questions for you, Sanjay.
And the first one is honestly, I think, one of the most asked questions now.
And it's very much in the public discourse.
This question is, do we still need to wear masks outside?
Particularly, Sanjay, if you're vaccinated.
Why and should vaccinated people still wear masks outside?
Yeah, so let me try and answer it this way.
I think that the vast majority of viral transmission is not happening outside.
In fact, we put together some of the numbers.
That's why they said keep the beaches closed.
The fact that overall, if you look at new cases of people becoming infected, fewer than 10% are happening outdoors.
Neurotic BS.
John, you may remember this is a statistic we shared from before.
Lockdown states have the highest levels.
Viral transmission and finding that it's about close to 19 times less likely to happen outdoors versus indoors.
So what are the factors?
Just shut him up.
Here's the deal.
It's all bull.
They create a false dialectic where he's like, you don't have to really wear it outside.
But then Fauci says, well, you still better have your kids do it.
And we better shoot up newborn babies too.
It's so evil.
It's always about how far they can push.
And then he's like, well, maybe you cannot wear a mask outside.
And he's the good cop.
It's like Caitlyn Jenner.
Oh, great.
He says we shouldn't have men and girls sports.
It's okay.
He's a dude in a dress.
It's all dialectics.
It's all moving an Overton window where they're like, let's give our children to convicted pedophiles.
Well, no, let's just let our children meet with convicted pedophiles.
Gee, all right.
Special guest host is taking over.
I certainly look forward to this straight ahead.
Dr. Jane Ruby takes over.
Welcome to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host today, Dr. Jane Ruby, and I'm absolutely thrilled to be here.
I was a guest of Alex's last week.
And after I was on the show to share a lot of information about these experimental injections, I received an unprecedented amount of mail.
I want to thank the viewers for that with their kind words.
And I'm assuming that was part and parcel of why Alex invited me back.
I'm absolutely honored to be here.
A lot of these emails were about your stories and your thoughts and your concerns and how much you enjoyed the information.
So on today's show, we're going to talk more about the COVID lies.
We're going to dispel what's going on.
We're going to get some even more truths.
I wanted to share with you, I have two breaking issues around these experimental injections that you all need to think about.
And then I also have an amazing guest who's going to open your eyes even wider than I did, and then Alex does, if you can believe that, Dr. David Martin.
He's been working with Robert Kennedy Jr., And a lot of the other doctors that are incredible, incredibly brave to come forward on these issues and help us out.
And I wanted to talk, I wanted to make this hour about the COVID lies because I want you to start thinking about, I hear a lot from people who say, oh, my spouse is getting this injection.
I can't stop them or my mother got it.
Now I have to live with her.
Is it safe?
So we're going to get into a lot of that.
But I want to ask you to start thinking about a question like this.
If you knew there were cures for COVID-19 or any illness, if you knew the infection numbers you were being told for the last 18 months were fake numbers, you know, would you have complied with the masks?
Would you, would you think even consider getting injected with these experimental devices?
Would you stay, have stayed at home and left your businesses?
Would you have abided by these nonsense mandates?
Probably not.
Time is running out and I know if you watch the previous segments with Alex and Dr. Mercola, who I've been studying and working with for years, you'll know that we only have a limited amount of time.
But we also have to replace the fear with hope and with intelligence and with information.
And that's what we're going to try to do here today.
So one of the things I wanted to share with you is this issue of The Pfizer leaked document.
Now, when this issue about shedding or transmitting something from injected people to non-injected people started circulating recently, there's been a lot of pushback on that.
And in the meantime, Pfizer actually, I don't know how it was leaked, but there was a document called the Vaccine Trial Documentation.
It references, if you can believe this, knowledge of the shedding.
I wanted to read you some excerpts from it.
I know we have some of the sections from the document that we might be able to put up here.
But in the meantime, let me sort of summarize what that document said.
It basically stated, and these are internal documents from internal, you know, corporate people to the investigators.
One of them was, if a man who was not vaccinated touches a vaccinated woman or breathes any air that she breathes, And then he has sex with his own wife.
His wife can have an adverse event and possibly should avoid having children.
And we're not sure how long that lasts.
But let me list for you some of the dangers.
Spontaneous abortion, which is actually a technical word for miscarriage.
Poisoning babies through breast milk and babies ending up developing cognitive difficulties.
Another section talked about something called occupational exposure.
An occupational exposure occurs when a person receives an unplanned, I love how they word it, an unplanned direct contact with a vaccine test subject, which may or may not lead to the occurrence of an adverse event.
But here's the kicker that I want you to be aware of.
At the bottom of that document, it clearly says when such exposures happen, The investigator, you know, there are many multiple sites in the trial.
These trials that don't end until 2023 are occurring all over the world, but all over our country at different research sites.
So when any of this occurs and a person receives an unplanned direct contact and they incur an adverse event, the investigator of that trial, that particular site, getting that report from a patient, Must report those to Pfizer within 24 hours, which is standard of becoming aware of them happening.
But the bottom of the document says, and this is the dangerous part, since this information does not pertain to a participant involved in the study, the information will be kept separate from the study.
They're basically telling you that they're hiding this information.
I think this is incredibly dangerous.
It's in alignment with everything That Alex has warned you about.
I'm going to share with you some excerpts from some of the emails that you sent to me this week at drjaneatprotonmail.com in one of our other segments.
But in the meantime, in summary, there were at least 50 people who wrote to me to tell me that they or their spouse, the woman, or if it was a man, their spouse, incurred a miscarriage within 30 days of either getting The injection or being exposed to someone who got the injection that they were living in close proximity with.
So, I've had a lot of questions around, should I be with my family if they've had this?
Should I go visit my parents?
Should I avoid them?
And if I do avoid them, for how long should I avoid them?
Some of those questions we're still digging into, but I think it's really important that we're getting so many reports.
And if you look at the VAERS Well, a section of the CDC website, which is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, you'll see that these types of reports are coming in.
They're actually doubling and tripling.
We'll have those numbers in a subsequent section.
But for now, I wanted you to understand that something is happening with the uninjected that the injected people are having some sort of an effect on.
And I want to be scientifically responsible about it.
I want to keep leaning on experts that are A little more informed than me and a little closer to this to see really if this is happening and what might be causing it and how we can protect ourselves from it.
Because that was the biggest concern of all the people that wrote to me.
They were very concerned about how they could protect themselves from it.
The other issue I wanted to share with you that I think is of grave concern is that you're probably hearing more and more that employers, especially private companies, I've mentioned this on the show before myself, are putting pressure on either current employees or prospective employees to get these injections and complete vaccine forms or software apps that document their vaccination, which is the beginning of an internal employer's Vaccine passport, if you will.
I think this is incredibly dangerous.
I don't think that it's 100% legal.
We're going to talk about that with my guest in the second and third segments.
But the other issue that's coming up around that and why you need to be informed on it is that the insurance companies that provide your health care insurance, your life insurance, your long-term and short-term disability, In your corporate sponsored benefits are now pulling back and saying, hey, we want indemnity from these injections.
But now we have a little bit of a conflict of interest, because if companies are forcing you to either show proof that you've had a vaccination or that you are going to within a certain time frame in order to keep your job, your paycheck and your livelihood to take care of your family, you're also going to be out of any insurance if you should succumb to the pressure.
And you get ill, or if you die unexpectedly, your benefits will not apply.
So I think this is really dangerous.
I think the American public needs to stay on it.
I'm going to talk to our upcoming guest about it.
I'm thrilled to have him.
I'm going to give him a brief introduction now, because I don't want to take any time away from him speaking.
His name is Dr. David Martin, if you haven't seen him yet.
He's a spokesperson for Global Financial and Intangible Asset Accountability.
Welcome back, everyone, to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
with Congress and he's a Batten Fellow at the University of Virginia, Virginia's Darden Graduate
School. He's working to make those accountable for this COVID injection lie and everything that's
about around lies about this vaccination accountable and I'm really thrilled to be
talking to him so stay with me we'll be right back. Welcome back everyone to the fourth hour
of the Alex Jones Show. I'm your guest host today Dr. Jane Ruby and I'm thrilled to be talking with
with my personal guest, Dr. David Martin.
Dr. Martin, welcome to the show.
Dr. Martin, I'm just thrilled to have you here.
Listen, you had me at, this is not a vaccine.
So I just, I know you want a couple of great topics this afternoon that we're going to cover, but I really wanted you to explain to people, you were really overusing this term vaccine, and I loved the way you articulated it.
So please help people understand How and why this is not a vaccine?
Well, for starters, I think it's important for us to realize that the reason why I say it is because Moderna itself said it.
In their SEC filings, which have been reproduced many times in many environments, they make it abundantly clear that the mRNA technology is considered by the FDA to be gene therapy And they have been very clear.
In fact, it's worth making sure that everybody gets it straight from the horse's mouth.
Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.
Unlike certain gene therapies that are irreversibly altering cell DNA and could act as a source of side effect, mRNA-based medicines, you'll notice that this is their game, right?
They are the ones saying this.
So let's make it abundantly clear, this is not us going out on a limb.
mRNA medicines are considered gene therapies by the FDA and they make the point in all of their SEC filings to make it abundantly clear that no mRNA product has ever been approved by the FDA.
So, this is one of those things where the best place to go is straight to the horse's mouth.
They're the ones that say it is a gene therapy.
They're the ones that say the FDA calls it a gene therapy, and they're the ones that say that there has been no approval for mRNA products.
And so what we're left with is a very simple observation, which is that's what it is.
It's what they say it is.
Right, and the definition of a vaccine really has more to do with conferring immunity and resulting in antibodies that will keep you protected with a surveillance system.
This is not that.
It's a medical device, right?
Yeah, so listen, once again, let's go to the horse's mouth.
I love to hang them on their own language.
The World Health Organization in 2016, and it recapitulated this in 2018, made it abundantly clear that there is a guideline for what a vaccine is, and a vaccine does one of three things.
It actually blocks transmission, which means it disrupts the transmission of a virus or a pathogen.
It stops someone from being infected, so that's the other option it is.
Or it may be a treatment of a disease, meaning that it actually blocks the expression of a pathogen manifesting into a disease.
That's what the World Health Organization, in their own published report, has said a vaccine is.
The clinical trial that Pfizer did, the clinical trial that Moderna did, and the clinical trial that Johnson & Johnson did, did not measure any of those outcomes.
Specifically, you need to get clear on the fact that for it to be a vaccine and not a medical device treatment, which is what in fact it is, For it to be a vaccine, it actually has a World Health Organization definition standard that the clinical trials were set up not to meet.
And this, in fact, I've heard you speak on a number of panels and your fellow panelists as well have confirmed that this is actually producing a pathogen, which is a disease-causing entity.
We've all heard of the spikes and that it's forcing your system to make, is this happening in every cell and is it reversible?
Yeah, so this is a great question.
And Dr. G, one of the things that bothers me about the official propaganda, I mean, we actually have, let's once again go back to horse's mouths.
I love giving them their own language.
This is from Reuters today.
Britain's health department says, quote, COVID vaccines are the best way to protect people from coronavirus.
Now, what's wrong with that statement?
It is, in fact, a lie.
Let's call it what it is.
Reuters is lying, and the British public health official is lying.
There is nothing about what is being injected into people that actually disrupts coronavirus, the virus.
It is in fact a way to turn your cells into a manufacturing mechanism to manufacture a pathogen which then you are allegedly supposed to build immunity to.
But here's the problem with the theory.
We don't know whether it in fact disrupts anything about SARS-CoV-2 and we don't know that because it never was part of the clinical research.
This is a device, let's get really clear, this is a computer simulated program injected into your body That's exactly their words.
It is a strand of computer simulated proteins that is injected into your body to turn on your body's manufacturing of a spike protein and your body becomes a factory generating the pathogen that gives rise to what they allege to be an immunity.
But at no point Has this clinical trial ever shown a disruption of infection by SARS-CoV-2?
Never once.
Never once has it shown a prohibition of infection by SARS-CoV-2.
And never once has it been shown to actually have anything to do with disrupting transmission.
So when the CDC, the FDA and all mainstream media say that this is a way to block coronavirus, they're lying and there is no wiggle room around it.
You know, we just have about another minute in this segment, but I do want to ask you what your thoughts are.
People are starting to get all this now.
They want to know about going forward.
Are they going to be able to, for those who have taken it, will they be able to get it out of their bodies?
You know, there's pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, what the body does to something that you put inside of it.
What is our body?
Do you have any interest or information right now on what our bodies are doing to this and what the outcome will be for people in just about a quick minute?
Yeah, listen, really quick and we'll come back to this because it's so important.
The fact of the matter is we don't have data on exactly the pharmacokinetics of clearing this.
We've been told that it's safe.
We've been told the body processes it and it doesn't transmute into other things, but The project that gave rise to Moderna, and this goes back to the beginning of Moderna, the Darwinian Chemical Systems National Science Foundation project, and you heard me say that right, Darwinian Chemical Systems Project from the National Science Foundation, which gave rise to Moderna, was about using RNA to transfect DNA.
Right, right.
Well, we've got so much more to learn on this, and Dr. Martin, you are at the tip of the sphere.
So grateful to have you here with us today.
When we come back, I want to talk to you about Fauci and whether or not you're concerned.
Welcome back everyone to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host today, Dr. Jane Ruby, and I'm thrilled to be talking with my personal guest, Dr. David Martin.
Dr. Martin, welcome to the show!
Lovely to be here and lovely to see you.
Thanks, Judy.
Dr. Martin, I'm just thrilled to have you here.
Listen, you had me at, this is not a vaccine.
So I just, I know you want to get to a couple of great topics this afternoon that we're going to cover, but I really wanted you to explain to people, you were really overusing this term vaccine and I loved the way you articulated it.
So please help people understand how and why this is not a vaccine.
Well, for starters, I think it's important for us to realize that the reason why I say it is because Moderna itself said it.
In their SEC filings, which have been reproduced many times in many environments, they make it abundantly clear that the mRNA technology is considered by the FDA to be gene therapy And they have been very clear.
In fact, it's worth making sure that everybody gets it straight from the horse's mouth.
Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.
Unlike certain gene therapies that are irreversibly altering cell DNA and could act as a source of side effect, mRNA-based medicines, you'll notice that this is their game, right?
They are the ones saying this.
So let's make it abundantly clear, this is not us going out on a limb.
mRNA medicines are considered gene therapies by the FDA and they make the point in all of their SEC filings to make it abundantly clear that no mRNA product has ever been approved by the FDA.
So, this is one of those things where the best place to go is straight to the horse's mouth.
They're the ones that say it is a gene therapy.
They're the ones that say the FDA calls it a gene therapy, and they're the ones that say that there has been no approval for mRNA products.
And so what we're left with is a very simple observation, which is that's what it is.
It's what they say it is.
Right, and the definition of a vaccine really has more to do with conferring immunity and resulting in antibodies that will keep you protected with a surveillance system.
This is not that.
It's a medical device, right?
Yeah, so listen, once again, let's go to the horse's mouth.
I love to hang them on their own language.
The World Health Organization in 2016, and it recapitulated this in 2018, made it abundantly clear that there is a guideline for what a vaccine is.
And a vaccine does one of three things.
It actually blocks transmission, which means it disrupts the transmission of a virus or a pathogen.
It stops someone from being infected.
So that's the other option it is.
Or it may be a treatment of a disease, meaning that it actually blocks the expression of a pathogen manifesting into a disease.
That's what the World Health Organization, in their own published report, has said a vaccine is.
The clinical trial that Pfizer did, the clinical trial that Moderna did, and the clinical trial that Johnson & Johnson did, did not measure any of those outcomes.
Specifically, you need to get clear on the fact that for it to be a vaccine and not a medical device treatment, which is what in fact it is, For it to be a vaccine, it actually has a World Health Organization definition standard that the clinical trials were set up not to meet.
And this, in fact, I've heard you speak on a number of panels and your fellow panelists as well have confirmed that this is actually producing a pathogen, which is a disease-causing entity.
We've all heard of the spikes and that it's forcing your system to make, is this happening in every cell and is it reversible?
Yeah, so this is a great question.
And Dr. G, one of the things that bothers me about the official propaganda, I mean, we actually have, let's once again go back to horse's mouths.
I love giving them their own language.
This is from Reuters today.
Britain's health department says, quote, COVID vaccines are the best way to protect people from coronavirus.
Now, what's wrong with that statement?
It is, in fact, a lie.
Let's call it what it is.
Reuters is lying, and the British public health official is lying.
There is nothing about what is being injected into people that actually disrupts coronavirus, the virus.
It is in fact a way to turn your cells into a manufacturing mechanism to manufacture a pathogen which then you are allegedly supposed to build immunity to.
But here's the problem with the theory.
We don't know whether it in fact disrupts anything about SARS-CoV-2 and we don't know that because it never was part of the clinical research.
This is a device, let's get really clear, this is a computer simulated program injected into your body That's exactly their words.
It is a strand of computer simulated proteins that is injected into your body to turn on your body's manufacturing of a spike protein and your body becomes a factory generating the pathogen that gives rise to what they allege to be an immunity.
But at no point Has this clinical trial ever shown a disruption of infection by SARS-CoV-2?
Never once.
Never once has it shown a prohibition of infection by SARS-CoV-2.
And never once has it been shown to actually have anything to do with disrupting transmission.
So when the CDC, the FDA and all mainstream media say that this is a way to block coronavirus, they're lying and there is no wiggle room around it.
You know, we just have about another minute in this segment, but I do want to ask you what your thoughts are.
People are starting to get all this now.
They want to know about going forward.
Are they going to be able to, for those who have taken it, will they be able to get it out of their bodies?
You know, there's pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, what the body does to something that you put inside of it.
What is our body?
Do you have any interest or information right now on what our bodies are doing to this
and what the outcome will be for people?
In just about a quick minute.
Yeah, listen, really quick and we'll come back to this because it's so important.
The fact of the matter is we don't have data on exactly the pharmacokinetics of clearing this.
We've been told that it's safe.
We've been told the body processes it and it doesn't transmute into other things, but The project that gave rise to Moderna, and this goes back to the beginning of Moderna, the Darwinian Chemical Systems National Science Foundation project, and you heard me say that right, Darwinian Chemical Systems Project from the National Science Foundation, which gave rise to Moderna, was about using RNA to transfect DNA.
Right, right.
Well, we've got so much more to learn on this, and Dr. Martin, you are at the tip of the sphere.
So grateful to have you here with us today.
When we come back, I want to talk to you about Fauci and whether or not you're concerned.
I'd like to welcome everyone back again to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host for today, Dr. Jane Ruby, and we're going to continue our discussion with an amazing man, Dr. David Martin, who's our guest.
Dr. Martin, I wanted to, you know, I mentioned Dr. Fauci before.
You have been dogged with him.
You traced all the money, as you've said.
You're an international financial expert.
It all goes back to him and his dirty dealings.
You're exposing a lot.
Are you ever afraid for your own security and safety?
No, in fact, it's really important for us to be clear on the fact that as humanity, we have to realize that we're in this together.
And so, you know, like every part of, you know, the human anatomy, you know, we have to have things that kind of take the heat and we have some things that we want to protect a little more.
Some of us are configured to take a little more heat.
Some of us are configured not to take as much heat.
And I happen to have I don't know.
I guess I was born with a thick hide.
The fact of the matter is I have been very careful to make sure that what I say is 100% substantiated on evidence and facts.
And because of that, you know, it's funny, after being outspoken for as many years as I've been outspoken, I have still not been deplatformed.
I have not had any of the content that I've been putting out there taken down.
Except for, ironically, the announcement of this publication.
Now, this publication, the Fauci Dossier, which all of you can download.
It's on the internet.
If you put my name and Fauci Dossier in the internet, you'll find it.
But when I announced that, YouTube took that video down, but I have now over 150 videos up where I talk about all of the investigations we've done, starting in 1999, when we started weaponizing coronavirus at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, when Anthony Fauci decided to take a pathogen and turn it into a human weapon.
When that took place, and when in 2015 and 2016, Anthony Fauci broke the Will of America, that gain-of-function moratorium, broke that in collaboration with the University of North Carolina, and published In 2016, an article in which he said the Wuhan virus was, and I quote, poised for human emergence.
Let me say that again.
In 2016, Anthony Fauci's funded research at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill ...stated that the Wuhan virus was poised for human emergence.
We have to understand, this guy has been running a criminal conspiracy, defrauding the United States' interest, selling out the United States' interest to the Chinese, and doing so at the highest paid executive level in the federal government.
The top dog In total payment in this country has been selling out this country since 1999.
Dr. Martin, this is like a runaway train.
I think you and I both know, and many other people who are familiar with the pharmaceutical drug process, this is headed toward FDA approval in spite of the outrageousness and the crime.
That is going to be a major game changer.
What are your thoughts around that?
Well, I think that they, the pharmaceutical companies involved in this, are actually acutely aware that there's going to have to be some pretty significant legal changes to the FDA standards for there to be a proper approval.
Under the Emergency Use Authorization, you get a lot of wiggle room in what goes into clinical trials, what endpoints are, and so forth.
But for listeners at home and around the world, it's important for us to realize That up until now, whether it's MMR, whether it's HPV, whether it's any of these other clinical trials on viruses, all of them have required proof of serology, meaning that you actually are having an immune response stimulated in the body.
All of them have required biochemistry as part of the clinical outcomes.
This is the first time In any vaccine clinical trial where the intervention has been authorized, not approved, on symptom mitigation alone.
And that is not a standard that the FDA can approve.
So the good news and the bad news is that we actually have the law on our side and we have the ability to say that the will of the Supreme Court determinations around vaccines The will of Congress around vaccines have in fact not been the standard of the clinical trials so far.
So, I'm actually pretty optimistic that they realize that if they reach too far, they may lose the immunity that all of the manufacturers desire.
Because the immunity under the PrEP Act and the immunity under the 1986 Act only go to vaccine manufacturers, not to therapy manufacturers.
And that's why we have to be so clear.
This is not a vaccine.
Therefore, immunity from prosecution does not apply after the PrEP Act and emergency use goes away.
You know, you mentioned something interesting.
Given how the Supreme Court of the United States really In my personal opinion, left the American people out to dry after November 3rd.
How optimistic are you that they will stand by what's right when it comes to vaccine law, non-vaccine, medical device law in this incredible situation that's really corrupted all the way to the top and through all of our agencies?
I am sharing your concern that the immediate experience that we've seen in courtrooms across this country is that the justice system has rolled over to the pharmaceutical industry.
Now, there have been exceptions, but far and away the majority of efforts have been, in fact, a full rollover.
What I would say, however, is that we have enough district court and appellate court justices who actually are, in fact, at the state level and even within the federal system, capable of making determinations that will begin to set precedent that says that if somebody wants to call this a vaccine, if they want to get treatment, particularly when it comes to approval-based immunity from prosecution, Then there's going to have to be a vaccine clinical trial.
And so far, nobody has done that.
Nobody has started that.
And the likelihood that that is going to happen is really next to zero because they already know the answer.
They know it doesn't work.
They know it doesn't work on SARS-CoV-2.
And if they had to prove that it did, It would fail.
So I think we're in kind of what I would consider to be the best of a bad situation, which is I'm confident that we are going to have more pain.
But I know that there is a dawn at the end of this dark night.
I hope you're right.
Dr. Martin, in the remaining 90 seconds that we have, I want people to know how they can find you.
What's next for you?
What are you working on next around this?
I know you have many other interests.
Yeah, I'm continuing to keep the pressure on in terms of making information available.
I'm going to be out in California doing a couple events at the end of the month.
I'm going to be back down in Austin, Texas in early June.
We are going around the country making sure that citizens, patriots, and people across the world who stand with humans as Men and women of goodwill are equipped with the information that they need to make sure that when they are pressured, whether it's by an employer, whether it's by a venue, whether it's by a travel entity, whether it's by a state or local official, we're wanting to make sure that people are equipped with information.
So, DavidMartin.World, The WeThePeople.buzz network.
We're just trying to keep as many ways as possible to keep you as informed as possible.
And Dr. Judy, thank you so much.
It's a delight to spend time with you.
And I'm looking forward to the next time we get to catch up.
Dr. Martin, it's been a pleasure having you.
Thank God there are people like you.
I said to the producer before the show, I wish we had about a million of Dr. Martens because we desperately need them right now.
Really, thanks for your inspiration, everything you're doing, and for being a guest on the show.
I hope we can talk again really, really soon.
Have a great day.
Thank you so much.
We'll be back very soon.
Let's make sure we're clear on something.
Let's stipulate That this is not a vaccine.
We're using the term vaccine to sneak this thing under public health exemptions.
This is not a vaccine.
It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator.
It is not a vaccine.
Vaccines actually are a legally defined term, and they're a legally defined term under public health law.
They're a legally defined term under CDC and FDA standards.
And a vaccine specifically has to stimulate both an immunity within the person receiving it, but it also has to disrupt transmission.
And that is not what this is.
They have been abundantly clear in saying that the mRNA strand that is going into the cell is not to stop transmission.
It is a treatment.
But if it was discussed as a treatment, It would not get the sympathetic ear of public health authorities because then people would say, well, what other treatments are there?
The use of the term vaccine is unconscionable.
That's exactly what this is.
This is a mechanical device in the form of a very small packet of technology that is being inserted into the human system to activate the cell to become a pathogen manufacturing site.
And I refuse to stipulate in any conversations that this is in fact a vaccine issue.
The only reason why the term is being used is to abuse the 1905 Jacobson case that has been misrepresented since it was written.
So we need to be really clear on making sure we don't fall for their game.
Because their game is, if we talk about it as a vaccine, then we're going to get into a vaccine conversation.
But this is not, by their own admission, a vaccine.
I get frustrated when I hear activists and lawyers and everybody else saying, we're going to fight the vaccine.
If you stipulate it's a vaccine, you've already lost the battle.
It's not a vaccine.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host today, Dr. Jane Ruby, and I can't believe the time has gone by so incredibly fast.
That was my guest for today in the show, Dr. David Martin, who is an amazing patriot, He's a scholar and he's an accomplished man on so many different levels.
He's an international financier and I was really happy to have him on today because he set the record straight on a lot of things.
And he's going after Dr. Fauci in a very big way and I'm hoping that someday Dr. Fauci ends up in a worldwide criminal court and that Dr. Martin is one of the people testifying in his prosecution.
So with that, I hope you enjoyed that.
I wanted to share some information at the beginning of the show.
I did say that I was really excited to see so much response to my interview with Alex last week in my ProtonMail and so many incredible stories.
I wanted to share a few of them with you because it really reflects what people are struggling with and the types of issues That, you know, we're seeing when we look at the complaints after people getting the experimental injections, how it's changing their lives.
People are afraid to be near others until we know more because of this phenomenon.
There's a suspicion of a phenomenon of what's called shedding, which actually is a technical term regarding live viruses.
But the real word is transmission.
Something is being transmitted biologically between the injected people and the uninjected unless we're just seeing a huge medical coincidence, which is a little unusual.
So, let me share with you in our last few minutes together a couple of comments that you, the viewers, shared with me.
One overarching comment was from a number of medical professionals, nurses.
You're wondering, where are all these nurses and doctors?
Why aren't they speaking up?
Why aren't they trying to protect us?
There are countless numbers of them, I can tell you, and a lot of them hit my mailbox.
One of them is a nurse.
Out in the Midwest, and she said that she's really witnessing, literally witnessing malpractice and misinformation on a, this is, these are her words, on a daily basis.
And she said she's been asked to give these injections, she refuses.
She's on the verge of losing her job in her healthcare system.
But she said, if I can save one patient, I became a nurse to save people, not to hurt them.
I thought that was, you know, a nurse with a conscience.
And I myself am a licensed nurse practitioner.
That's my medical background, and I would be just horrified to be asked to participate in any of this.
And I think when the truth comes out, not only will Dr. Fauci be held accountable, but a lot of these people giving these injections, reassuring people based on no science at all, that it's perfectly safe.
Don't worry about it.
We just want you to hang around for about 10 minutes to make sure you don't have any reactions.
Just unbelievably unprecedented.
Lots of people asking what the mechanism is of the transmission, if you will.
And a bigger question that's coming out is around transfusions.
You could envision a scenario where you are maybe injured in a car accident.
You are unconscious temporarily.
You can't speak for yourself, but you're either given the experimental injection called a vaccine, because that's the hospital's policy, Or you could be transfused with blood of someone who has been injected.
And so, as we said, we do know that that material does get into every cell in the body because of the nanolipid particle.
But we don't know if it's transferred in a blood transfusion, although I did get a lot of questions to that effect.
So we don't know yet, but it's an incredibly important question because it would change a lot of different procedures.
And you might want to change your medical proxy and will to direct how you want things done if you're incapacitated in the surrounding of forced vaccines and Transfusions that you might need to save your life, but it could end up ultimately making you very sick and costing you your life.
The other big question that came up was around the duration of this shedding phenomenon.
One person wrote to me and said that it had been maybe 30 days since his relative that lived in a different home had gotten the experimental injection.
And he wondered if it was safe over time, over a period of time.
Of course, we don't really know the answer to that yet.
And it's one of the big scientific questions that somebody has to start a study and look at.
We need to run trials, legitimate trials, not the joke that's being run now.
There's no control, what we call a control arm of the study in the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, or J&J Studies right now that are ongoing as we've told you and as Alex has told you and his other guests many times till 2023.
So we need a real trial where we have people getting the injections or not getting the injections looking at the transmission potential.
Are the people who have not been injected, are they showing markers in their blood or their bodily fluids that would indicate that they are making spike proteins Without having gotten the shot.
Those are really important questions that I want to applaud the audience members that wrote to me and asked about those things.
And I do think the transfusion transfer is a serious question.
Many people wanted to know if you've had the natural COVID infection,
like I did last March of 2020, three weeks of a brutal flu and survived it.
But the questions are coming out, am I protected now?
Is anyone who's had the natural disease protected from getting the transmission?
Not getting it again, because you should have antibodies that will recognize and
annihilate that virus if it is seen again in your system.
but asking, "Am I protected from this shedding phenomenon?"
Again, really early too early to know, but these are critical questions and you can bet that I will, uh, be very vigilant and continue to watch for them and report on them.
People are asking, I don't want to put paranoia in people's minds about flying an aircraft.
We have enough problems with the Nazi flight attendants and the airlines with their.
You know, ridiculous rules keeping us six feet apart, but then two inches apart when we sit down in the airplane.
But people are asking if they might be affected by this transmission phenomenon if they're in close proximity in public transportation.
Again, something that we will be looking at and I'll be recording back on.
Lastly, and sadly, I had a gentleman write to me and say that since his the in-laws have both gotten the shot and they live with them, His wife in the last four months has had two miscarriages and she had not had the injection.
So I pray for them and I hope that we can just put a halt.
You know, my hashtag is just wait.
You have nothing to lose by just waiting and waiting this thing out.
Anyway, I hope we've given you some great information today.
I've really enjoyed being a guest host on Alex's fourth hour You know, he's got a great audience with a lot of amazing people.
We've covered some ground.
I'll be happy to come back in the future.
Just let Alex know.
And thanks again for all you do as the audience.
Support Alex and all of InfoWars because we don't have many people and platforms left like him and like InfoWars.
And my hat goes off to him and his crew.
They're first class.
Thanks for everything and have a great day.
This is Dr. Jane Ruby.
It's like every time we get down to the line and I start going into the red, something good happens.
We go back to the black because I don't want to cut back our crew.
I don't want to have to shut down down the road.
We're under major attack, but I believe in God's mission that we've been given.
And I believe in you.
And so because of the COVID lockdowns and the shutdowns and the supply chain problems,
a lot of our best selling items we're unable to get.
And even the ones that sell well, we get them, they sell out in a month, six months,
That's why we had to discontinue quite a few of the products, is we just couldn't get them anymore if they were California-grade standard, really clean, really good, and also high quality.
Because, you know, they test all our products to the highest level, and if they find anything, it's big national news.
We go to a level that really nobody does.
A very few do, but thank God we got four great products that have been sold out back in, and that's really a great thing.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, Cross to Guard, Alpha Power, and of course Vazzo Beats.
Those are all 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
But I wanted to spend a minute or so telling you about two other great products that people say, well, why'd you come out with these if you have knockout?
Well, because it's different for most different people.
Knockout is eight small doses of different natural things that help you sleep well.
We came out with stuff even stronger for those that want things that are even stronger.
Take Rocket Rest that is close to selling out, but I'm going to keep it at 40% off until it does sell out because it will be a lost leader.
Even though we sell out of it, people are going to want to reorder it after they get it.
It's that good.
What does it have in it?
Well, it has L-theanine.
That stuff in turkey makes you sleep.
Gamma, amino, butyric acid, 5-HTP, and then melatonin, 5 milligrams.
It's got 5 milligrams of melatonin, 50 milligrams of 5-HTP, 125 milligrams of Gamma Amino Euteric Acid and 200 milligrams of L-Theanine.
Oh, and I forgot 105 milligrams of Magnesium that just helps you blast off to incredible sleep and then blast off when you wake up.
In the morning, this is way stronger than knockout, which is still a great formula.
Some of you probably don't want to take this.
Okay, maybe take half a capsule when you do.
And then we have also down and out.
That's a very similar formula, but it's a liquid, very, very strong.
It doesn't have the 5-HTP in it, though.
It has instead the valerian route.
So these were three different amazing sleep rest formulas.
Here's the key.
All the studies show that deep sleep is just as important as essential vitamins and minerals to your immune system.
So during these times, especially, get that deep, clear sleep and funding InfoWar at InfoWarStore.com with these amazing natural sleep aids.
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