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Name: 20210504_Tue_Alex
Air Date: May 4, 2021
2369 lines.

Bill Gates admitted meeting with sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who he spent months with at his palaces. There are rumors that Gates and his wife Melinda staged their divorce to hide money. The couple runs a tax-free eugenics foundation that funds the UN and forced inoculations. Melinda claims her husband is not into eugenics or population reduction, but there is evidence of their foundation supporting such ideas. Bill Gates controls much of the medical bureaucracy in many countries, and some speculate that he uses Epstein to control people, giving him hundreds of millions for his operations. The speaker believes vaccines are causing an increase in autoimmune responses and allergies, accuses media of normalizing this situation, and advocates for information warfare to combat it. They encourage purchasing supplements and natural products from their online store, supporting local AM radio stations, and using gravity-fed filter systems to remove chemicals like fluoride from water. The speaker also accuses globalists of violating the Nuremberg Code and the Geneva Convention and urges listeners to keep them on air by purchasing products from their store.

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I mean, come on guys, this is textbook!
This is ridiculous!
And the guy running it famously says he wants to depopulate the Earth and releases GMO mosquitos and wants to black the sun out!
With a program I told you about 25 years ago now declassified!
They add barium salt, aluminum dioxide to jet fuel and it aerosolizes nuclei in the sky!
Hey Alex, it's science!
That's water vapor!
Yes, I know that water crystals form them as well, but they dissipate.
These are forming nuclei to form large clouds to block up the sun.
It's official.
They now admit we were right again.
There's giant, out-of-control, secret projects going on, bigger than the Manhattan Project.
Now there's a sterilization, depopulation program to make us allergic to our own bodies and have our bodies attack us.
They're giving us an autoimmune response to our own protein!
God Almighty, help us!
Please, Lord!
The hospitals were empty!
The death tolls were one-tenth of one percent of what they said!
It was all a lie!
Admit you were conned!
Stop submitting to the fraud!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
There was an altercation in St.
Clair Shores where 33-year-old Kristen Hoff was told to leave Nino Sauvagio's for failing to wear a mask.
She allegedly assaulted a clerk and spit on officers.
Over in Holly, 68-year-old Rex Gaumont has been charged with misdemeanor assault and battery for wiping his nose and face on a store clerk after being told he had to wear a mask.
A man enraged inside a San Antonio store and refusing to wear one.
The situation escalates with shoving and screaming.
The fight was over one man not wearing a mask.
That man pulled out a knife and stabbed a 77-year-old before taking off.
There have been shootings.
Munderland, a security guard at a Family Dollar in Flint, was shot in the back of the head for refusing service to a woman who didn't want to wear a mask.
A group of men pull up and try to enter without face masks, which is not allowed.
The group argues with security and masked customers before heading back to the parking lot.
Minutes later, the masked and unmasked groups are seen arguing and fighting.
Both sides pull guns.
Charles Jackson Jr.
in the black ball cap and other security guards try to break up the fight.
Jackson is then shot twice and falls to the ground.
The unmasked party speeds off, the suspected shooter taking off in this white Mercedes SUV.
Jackson, a Marine veteran and family man, remains in critical condition tonight.
There have been totalitarian warnings from the petty tyrants grasping for the ring of power.
Almost 50% of Republicans are refusing to get the vaccine.
So we won't reach herd immunity because of those particular groups.
So I say we need to shun those that refuse to get vaccinated.
Just like now in certain states, many states, I know in New York, there are signs on storefronts, on businesses, all across the state.
No mask, no entry.
I think if you have not been vaccinated, no entry.
You want to get on a plane?
You gotta be vaccinated.
Show proof of vaccination.
And those people that don't want to get vaccinated, then that's fine.
That's fine for you.
But then you can't spread it to other people that are vaccinated.
You can't spread it to other people that are also not vaccinated.
Then you don't get those other liberties that come with immunity.
Something has to break.
If that's your personal choice not to get vaccinated, you don't then get to infringe on the rights of those who have chosen to protect their fellow citizens.
There's also the stick, which could be wielded by government and the private sector.
Businesses have particular leverage as they can require employees to get vaccinations and restrict public access to private spaces like airlines, mass transit, most sporting and cultural venues, restaurants and movie theaters.
Writing in USA Today, Michael Stern, a former federal prosecutor, said this.
"Businesses should make vaccination a requirement for employment. A COVID outbreak can shut down
a business and be financially devastating, and failure to enforce basic health and safety
measures is not fair to employees who have to work in offices, factories, and stores
where close contact is required." The great American mask panic has even gripped the
fragile mind of Joe Biden, as he clumsily attempts to wield the power of the symbolism
of the mask over the masses.
Looking for my mask.
I'm in trouble.
The mask itself has been exposed as a fraud.
Wearing masks like that is wasting a mask.
That's a mask that won't be available when it's actually needed.
The State Government's advice on wearing face masks is in line with the World Health Organisation.
Under its guidelines, masks should only be worn if you have a cough, fever and difficulty breathing, or if you are healthy and taking care of someone with these symptoms and or someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
If you do not have these symptoms, you do not have to wear masks because there is no evidence that they protect people who are not sick.
Once a mask gets wet, maybe from our exhalation, it really begins to decrement in effectiveness in filtering any sort of respiratory particulate matter.
It's the safety video going viral.
An Argentinian firefighter with a deodorant can, simulating a sneeze or cough.
Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.
There's no reason to be walking around with a mask.
The tyranny will only end when the COVID fables are fully exposed and those in power are voted out for aiding and abetting the dangerous United Nations deception known as the Great Reset.
John Bowne reporting.
It's Tuesday, May 4th.
The year is 2021.
I am your host, Alex Jones, from the embattled Infowars News Headquarters, deep in the heart of Texas, Austin, transmitting worldwide.
Well, I've said this many times, but it becomes more and more true each and every hour, each and every day, each and every minute.
The quickening is here.
And all that has been hidden is basically being revealed.
Evil is attempting to bring in total worldwide martial law under the guise of medical tyranny, but it's much bigger than just medical tyranny, to be able to suppress the human population.
Let me just give you a boil down of what is in front of us today.
Here's CBS News reporting on what we knew was coming.
That the quote, booster shots, OC, wasn't just two COVID shots she had to get, it was another one, and another one, and some other treatments, Bill Gates told you last year.
He's not going to tell you right now, but we knew what they were, out of MIT, he funded it.
It's a patch you put on your arm that worms little pieces of glass into your body, that have little microscopic tracker chips in them, because things are so miniaturized now, so they can even track you from the air with a helicopter.
Or with a, quote, smartphone or other sensors.
That's CBS News.
Oh, good news!
The boosters are gonna be patches.
Your COVID vaccine will be a patch or a pill that will track you.
Oh, it also might come in your flu shot.
Isn't that nice?
They've got this all planned out.
They've got this all actuaried out.
That's why they had Mrs. Bill Gates, Mrs. French, Melinda Gates on John Oliver that they shot last week, but oh, the divorce, the split got announced yesterday, and it's a very real split.
You can see who he's hired and the fight that's being set up and going on.
She's another fellow traveler, eugenicist, exterminist like he is.
We'll be breaking down all the details of that today, but let me lay out really the biggest news here.
It's not that John Oliver attacked Tucker Carlson and called him a baboon and called me a neon football and said that I fly a jetpack spraying human feces on people.
He even had a guy in a cicada suit trying to sell that vaccines are safe.
It's that he's paid, and HBO's paid, by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, that's on record, to push that propaganda.
So CNN, ABC News, and thousands of other publications and TV shows, you name it, around the world.
I remember when they had a show a few years ago called The Good Doctor, attacking Alex Jones.
They admitted the program was attacking me.
It was even in the news, and it was funded by Bill and Melinda Gates, we learned, at the end of the show.
And the producer worked for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Well, guess what we learned today?
Dr. Joseph Mercola, who is the King Daddy medical doctor Grandpa, and by that I mean he's been around the longest, like Chuck Berry's the first guy to invent rock and roll.
This guy's been around since the 80s exposing Big Pharma and the rest of it, and all he said is you need vitamin D, you need zinc, and you need C. They sent a task force of 20 attorney generals after him.
and tried to make him remove his material.
They listed 12 other people or 11 other people that they want to be removed.
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny is one of them.
And he said, "Go ahead and try to indict me if you want.
It's on the NIH website.
You need vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc or you'll die.
And the viruses will replicate in your mitochondria and then any virus will kill you if you are deficient in
But now he's been death-threatened and hit with major attacks.
And he's not getting into the full detail, but he has announced that the country's gone
and that he is removing all information on vitamin D, zinc, and C
because they threatened to kill him with paramilitary forces.
He's a very serious guy.
I've known him 25 years.
I've interviewed him 25 years.
And I consider him a friend, and he's very measured, very conservative, and so you can bet this happened.
I told you yesterday, I said we are getting very extreme threats, very specific directed threats, showing that they are surveilling us, they have inside knowledge, trying to intimidate us.
That doesn't intimidate me.
You're gonna pay.
God's gonna punish you.
This is all A giant war on humanity.
This is a giant medical assault.
Bringing in the global social credit score and the technocracy behind it.
And so it's all being announced.
And here's the big headline.
Here's the big headline.
They have a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation spokesperson Meeting with Democrats and with EU leaders calling for the CIA and FBI to treat anti-vaxxers like Al-Qaeda and quote disrupt us.
Now that term means kill us.
and he also, Dr. Mercola quotes that here, that dovetails with Biden executive order strips
Americans of their rights if they directly or indirectly aid Russia, Biden will decide
or the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL or CIA, no judge, no jury, then your bank account will be
taken and if they wish, they're saying Green Berets will come and kill you at your house.
Navy SEALs will knock your door down with a sledgehammer and come in and take you to a black
site. So they are starting the civil war. And see, I can handle somebody trying to run me off the
road or somebody saying what I was doing in my backyard or somebody, you know, telling me, you
know, hey, I'm listening to your phone.
I'm listening to you inside your house.
I heard what your wife said an hour ago.
I'm gonna cut your head off.
That doesn't stop me, because I knew this a long time ago, but it does get to people like Mercola.
He's not even afraid of these people.
He just says, this is the next level.
He's not in the military, and he's just letting you know that the country's gone.
So, this is a foreign takeover.
This is a multinational, end-of-the-country event you're witnessing right now.
And of course, it's just being normalized and people will just ease into it.
That's why they say if you're going to slit your wrists, you want to slit them in hot water in a tub and you don't really feel it, you just pass out in about 5-10 minutes and die.
And the veins stay open.
So, that's what the country is.
We're in a hot tub, our wrists are slit, we're dying right now.
So, and all the property, all the enjoyment, all the largesse, it's all going with it.
So we're going into full bondage right now.
That brings us to, again, John Oliver and all these shows that are paid.
I mean, John Oliver said no one's died from a COVID vaccine.
He said they're totally safe.
He said there's no fetal cells in them.
And anybody could go in two minutes.
I mean, I pulled up CDC website.
I pulled up John Hopkins.
I pulled up all of this stuff.
I'm just going to, I mean, it was a 21 minute show, so I'm not going to air the whole thing here, but everything he said was a lie.
And he goes, also, no one's trying to put microchips in you.
No, they just have the University of Texas, MIT, all the other big scientific institutes coming up with nanotech that's in the vaccines so they can biologically track that indeed you were given that vaccine because they have markers to see, not just from antibodies, but from the vaccine itself that you have it in you.
These are synthetic viruses, synthetic biology.
Then they have the little micro glass patches That they put on you that work in your body, that can be scanned, that have little microchips inside of them that have information on it.
And that's in CBS News today!
But see, they don't want us talking about it!
Until it rolls out.
And then, oh, you're a kook if you don't do it.
First, oh, you're a kook if you think vaccine passports and a global social credit score are coming.
I told you that before the fake pandemic years ago.
And now it's here.
Oh, and then once they announce it, hey, that patch has got nanoglass on it, works into your body.
Well, I don't care.
It's easier than a needle.
No, no.
It traps you for life.
And it's nefarious.
Well, I have nothing to hide.
Well, why do you lock your doors at night?
Because there's bad people out there.
And it's the same thing.
They lied to us about every level of COVID.
They killed most of the people that died with ventilators who didn't need it.
They knew oral steroids or inhalable steroids had like a 99% rate.
They knew hydroxychloroquine.
They knew it all.
They suppressed it all for fear.
And now they're bringing in a permanent dictatorship and saying the mask and all of it never ends because it never ends.
And now white papers are coming out from Bill and Melinda Gates and the British government.
They're going to have a new lockdown soon for the flu.
Until you reject this, it only gets worse.
So we're going to break down the nightmare world we're already in.
See, it's not coming.
You're now inside the eugenics-based world government, post-industrial, post-human planet, to bring the human carbon footprint down to zero, which means death.
Alright, so the globalists are here to depopulate the planet.
They've got a point that obviously some areas are overpopulated, but they've been suppressing good technologies, they've been suppressing industrialization of the third world where people would stop having as many children, and instead they're just mitigating things by dumping toxic waste in the third world, and by paying people to be sterilized, or forcibly sterilizing them, or having governments forcibly sterilize them for money, and now they're moving this to the first world.
But what is my big counter to John Oliver?
Saying that I'm a complete liar, and that no one has died from the vaccines, which aren't vaccines, and that there's no human cells in it, no fetal cells in it.
Well, I mean, I have all the mainline documents I'll show you here on air.
And that's why they try to censor us, so that he can get 5-10 million views for each show on YouTube, and air it over and over again on HBO, and gaslight the public.
But here's something, before I get to that, that totally destroys him.
Several big things.
I'm going to show you mainstream articles that China refused the mRNA vaccine and said it's untested and could be dangerous.
They are the wild, wild west in China.
30 years ago, they had cows that produced human milk.
30 years ago, 35 years ago, they had spiders that were part goat that produced body armor.
I mean, we're already in basically the year 2070.
They're 50 years ahead, ladies and gentlemen.
In their own words.
So, that's why they're so arrogant to all of us.
Because this is the island of Dr. Maru.
We're in the future now.
The future's here, it's just not evenly distributed.
And people like John Oliver, and all these so-called comics that are really just propagandists.
Comics pretending to be newsmen, pretending to be non-biased, when they're just frauds, reading off a teleprompter.
And they're there lying to you knowingly.
But China doesn't accept the mRNA vaccines, Pfizer's and Moderna.
India banned it.
I'll show you the articles.
But he looks up to the teleprompter and the camera with a straight face and tells you that we're insane and we're crazy and we're baboons and we're neon footballs and we spray feces on people.
And all this childish crap, overhead shot police, when I can show you right now, John Oliver, who we know just reads off the top of his head, he's a mercenary.
Why India's expert panel rejected Pfizer's plea for emergency use, COVID vaccine.
That was months ago, they banned it.
Pfizer withdraws emergency application for use of its COVID vaccine in India, because it was refused.
BBC, COVID, what we know about China's coronavirus vaccines.
It goes on, BBC, they've not approved it.
And instead they have an attenuated COVID-19 virus, a classic vaccine.
Oh, BBC, John Oliver.
Americans are dumb, Americans are stupid, Americans listen to Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.
And all these doctors, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation spokesperson said he'd be arrested.
The Pentagon and the CIA need to shut us down as terrorists.
I'm going to show you the quotes.
They call us terrorists.
Biden, in the so-called joint session of Congress last week, the State of the Union, said, said, you oppose our agenda, we're going to call you terrorists and use the Pentagon on you.
Well, go ahead and use your woke Pentagon on me.
All the dudes wearing their red high heels.
Really, they're getting rid of the military.
It's coming with drones.
The Air Force is going to have half its security force by next year.
We'll be robot.
The Marines are downsizing humans and going with robots.
Associated Press last week.
It's here.
It's here.
We're already in the year 2070.
We're not in 2021.
They've been waiting.
And now the rollout begins.
The end of humanity.
The war cutting you off, making you obsolete.
And they're like, oh, follow our orders, we'll let you have your business open.
Follow your orders, we'll give you your universal income.
I'm gonna explain that coming up last segment of this hour.
What do you think happens when people stop working but they keep printing money?
Shortage is we run out of things and it's already here and it's already caused in a just-in-time delivery system, a chain reaction that is gonna bring the world down.
Food prices are already 76% more as of last week.
Bloomberg Global Agri-Index is very accurate.
A global index of food price increases at the farm market purchase, where they've already bought the crops that are growing now, but by the end of the summer, four months from now, five months from now, 76% global food increase.
That's called science and facts, Sean Oliver and your teleprompter.
See, there's no teleprompter here.
I'm a real person.
I'm my own man, son.
Oh, here's chop.edu.
One of the main university databases.
Vaccine Ingredient Fetal Cells.
And it breaks down the cell line history and how most vaccines, including mRNA, are based on fetal cell lines.
Oh, but John Oliver, he's a comedian.
He said none of this exists and we all need to be shut down and say it.
Historical Vaccine Safety Concerns, CDC.
They've got a nice little thing saying they still think the benefits outweigh the harm, but then it tells you about getting cancer in your polio shot, giving people polio with the polio vaccine.
They give much lower numbers.
What happened?
My grandmother was told the polio vaccine gave her polio in this very event.
The cutter!
Incident in 1955 when my mommy was five years old.
That's when her mommy got it and was in tortured pain until she died three years ago at 92.
Oh, that's just page after page of all the big incidents and all the deaths from all the different incidences right up until recently.
Oh, but no one ever got hurt.
No one ever had a problem.
And don't worry, John Oliver, people like my grandmother will never do anything to you for what you've done with Bill Gates and the future crimes you're now helping commit.
Because she's such a big Christian, she said when she was really old, she said, I forgive them, they didn't mean it, and it's okay.
Jesus forgives them.
She was in a wheelchair in tortured pain her whole life.
Ate almost all the nerves and muscles, but that's okay.
Because Tim Cook runs death camps in China.
It's liberal.
It's right.
So, yeah, you know, she was in an iron lung for a while, too.
But that's the fun part.
And Salk later bragged that there were too many people and he did it on purpose as a test!
How liberal!
Oh, I'm sorry, John Oliver.
How's your soul feeling?
I wonder if Melinda Gates left him because she knows that Who's the big company?
Merck, three months ago, pulled out of the vaccine program saying, it's dangerous, it attacks proteins in the body, it causes autoimmune response, and allergic responses, and it won't protect you, and the vaccine won't work.
Oh, you didn't know you were supposed to get a vaccine every two months now, they announced?
Because it doesn't work?
But it does work.
They've announced, CBS News, the next vaccines that are all ready for you.
Even John Oliver said, oh, people are worried that these were made so fast, they've had this ready for a decade.
Exactly, John!
That's why they skipped the animal-human studies.
Because it killed so many animals in the original studies under other names.
Yes, we know.
We know it's been tested.
Tested to be particularly deadly.
But it kills ferrets in six months, that means it kills humans in about five to ten years, if the models follow.
And we'll all just sit back and watch it, won't we, John?
Because I've got a big stack of people dying from the vaccine, but oh!
We're all kooks, but China won't take it, and India won't take it, and, uh, the AstraZeneca's been banned in 21 countries, but we're all just crazy, and the Pentagon and the CIA needs to come kill us at our houses.
Oh, I'm so scared!
Oh my gosh, you might kill me!
You're gonna kill everybody anyways!
And so, we will meet you!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
It's burning down.
The New World Order is falling.
Right as they build it, and right as they complete it, it begins collapsing the second they slap that last brick in place up there at that capstone with that stupid pyramid cap.
I got in here this morning, and I already did a ton of research last night and a bunch this morning, and then they brought me a whole new stack of mainstream media.
And I mean, it's, we're going to put patches in you to track you.
We're going to make you take pills that track you.
The troops are going to get chips out of their skin.
I mean, it's all over the news.
They are just, we knew they were going to roll it out, and here it is.
And remember a year ago, oh, nobody wants to do that.
We're like, here's MIT.
Here's Bill and Melinda Gates.
They got it ready.
They're like, that's just preposterous.
We're not planning any of that.
That doesn't even exist.
And then I've got this article.
In fact, let's post this full thing at InfoWars.com in the live show feed.
Post this with the headline under the live show feed today.
Can we put the live show feed on screen, please?
I'm going to add this article from Mercola.com.
Why I am removing all articles related to vitamin D, C, Zinc and COVID-19.
And you know, I knew that this report had been put out, the disinformation dozen, why platforms must act on 12 leading online anti-vaxxers.
But I hadn't read the report.
And holy Toledo, they've got 20 state attorney generals with them, they got the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and they've got this spokesman in there.
And he says, use the Pentagon and CIA against the terrorists and anti-extremism.
And it goes on to say, remove the platforms, take them off the air, and dismantle them, disrupt them.
These are all terms being killed.
And it gets even worse down here.
Target counter-messaging.
the global health community, cyber security, law enforcement, international institutions,
with a task force of experts to tackle complex global threats such as terrorism,
cyber attacks and nuclear armaments, and advancing immunization requirement for counter offensive.
And then of course I have probably 15 articles just out today that dovetail with this.
But really, it's all a cover for the total economic takeover.
And then the tracking, the controlling you, and then the poisoning you.
You're like, oh, they just want us to have $1,200 a month and live in a 200 square foot apartment now and not have kids.
And we get $1,200 and we don't get a car, get to go anywhere.
But hey, I like that.
That's nice.
I get a smartphone.
You don't know they already plan to kill you once they get you herded into those compact cities?
And that's the plan.
They want you off the land.
They want the economy shut down before they kill you.
I mean, you understand that already an additional 10 million people, last time I got numbers, have starved to death under the lockdown.
So instead of 15 million starving to death, the average every year is 25 plus million, and it's growing.
And then they show you all the piles of dead bodies and go, look, COVID killed them.
They're all little skinny, shriveled up people in Africa and India.
And it's in the local Indian news, they go, our people are not dying of COVID.
Almost all of them are dying from the flu and colds from malnutrition.
They're lacking basic nutrition, you know, vitamins and minerals.
Which, Dr. Mercola, when the 20 Attorney Generals called for his arrest, he said, well, I'm willing to fight this.
I believe juries will find me non-guilty.
I mean, you do have to have vitamin C, D, and Z. But now, whatever they did to him, he said, was paramilitary and threatened his family.
And so he said, I'm not a military person, and we don't have a country or an FBI, and I'll keep the sights up for now, but they've threatened to kill my family if I don't take it down.
And the same thing happened to Dr. Groot.
They were outside his office and his house, and threatened to kill him and his family, and they also tracked the family, and called up the family and said, hey, we're watching your kids in the backyard.
And they went and checked exactly what they said, what they were doing.
I got those calls before.
Oh, your little dog's out in the backyard, little yellow one, yeah, it was out there.
Yeah, I saw you out there with your dog.
We're gonna kill that dog.
We're gonna kill you too.
We're gonna kill you, man, kill you.
Oh, I'm so scared.
You will face the judgment.
You're thugs!
You're trash!
And you've taken the weakness of a lot of the population as an excuse to overrun everybody, but it doesn't work on everybody.
But I gotta tell you, this country is in deep trouble, and the whole world's in deep trouble.
Deep, deep trouble, and all the sycophantic weak leftists have signed on to this, thinking they're part of the winning team.
Let's go ahead and get started with John Oliver.
There's a bunch of these clips, but Here is John Oliver openly coming out and saying it's preposterous that anybody wants to put microchips in you to track that you've had the vaccine, which is, again, fun of Bill and Melinda Gates.
And here's the head of Rice University and the head of MIT Science Division telling you that and then actual 60 minutes talking about it.
So here's John Oliver lying to you and your family.
I know my husband is not vaccinating people and putting a microchip in her arm because that technology doesn't even exist and he's never uttered the words out of his mouth, so...
Okay, that wasn't the reassuring pushback to a bat conspiracy theory that I had hoped for, to be honest.
We're not microchipping people because the technology doesn't exist, yet, and my husband hasn't said it out loud to me.
Why would you put it like that?
Although vaccines and identity may seem unrelated, Bill Gates has spent the last few years funding research that can bring the two ideas together.
Late last year, Gates once again turned to Robert Langer and his MIT colleagues to investigate new ways to permanently store and record the vaccination information of each individual.
The result of their research was a new vaccine delivery method.
They found that by using dissolvable microneedles that deliver patterns of near-infrared light-emitting microparticles to the skin, they could create particle patterns in the skin of vaccine recipients which are invisible to the eye but can be imaged using modified smartphones.
Rice University describes the quantum dot tags left behind by the microneedles as something like a barcode tattoo.
So who was behind this development?
As lead researcher Kevin McHugh explains, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation came to us and said, hey, we have a real problem, knowing who's vaccinated.
So our idea was to put the record on the person.
This way, later on, people can scan over the area to see what vaccines have been administered and give only the ones still needed.
The microparticles that form the fluorescent quantum dot tags are delivered along with the vaccine, but they cannot be delivered by a traditional syringe.
Instead, they must be delivered by a patch of microneedles made from a mixture of dissolvable sugar and a polymer called PVA, as well as the quantum dot dye in the vaccine.
It should be no surprise then that big pharma vaccine manufacturers, in their scramble to
produce the coronavirus vaccine that Gates assures us is necessary to go back to normal,
have turned to a novel vaccine delivery method, a dissolvable microneedle array patch.
What if everyone on board had their health monitored with this subdermal implant,
now in late stage testing?
It's not some dreaded government microchip to track your every move, but a tissue like gel engineered to continuously test your blood.
It's a sensor This tiny green thing in there?
That tiny green thing in there, you put it underneath your skin and what that tells you is that there are chemical reactions going on inside the body.
And now CBS News is announcing, oh the new booster shots are a patch with little, little glass needles so we know you've been vaccinated.
It can tell, isn't that easy?
Oh, a year ago didn't exist, but now it's all been announced.
It's all in your face, but John Oliver has all the smart liberals watching him while he's got a foreign accent, which means he's really smart, and they listen and learn how dumb everybody is.
But China and India won't take the mRNA vaccines, and they're getting banned all over the world and killing people.
But it's okay, because John Oliver called Americans dumb, and the liberals like to hear how Americans are dumb, because they're anti-American.
So now they'll go get their badges and shots right now.
That's right, I'm gonna see ya!
I'm gonna up to Annie.
So, Melinda Gates, she is punching out, she is leaving, and Bill has hired the former right-hand man of his buddy, the other globalist eugenicist Warren Buffett's chief lawyer, to battle her.
This is a very real divorce.
And the word is she didn't know about him staying with Jeffrey Epstein all those times in Paris and at Little Pervert Island, Little St.
John's on the Lolita Express, or that he stayed so many months over the years at the seven-story Pervert Palace in New York City.
And so I've known for a while that old Bill Gates is fully and totally compromised by these groups, but he was paying Epstein to compromise scientists to get them on board so he could blackmail them and control them.
So this is all a case of the spiders having a convention.
Certainly, if anybody was the fly, It would be Epstein who was more like a maitre d' or a concierge or a butler who was there setting all this up for British royalty and all the rest of the degenerate trash.
So that's what we face.
That's what's unfolding.
And that's why they are, quote, splitting up from all the intel we have.
Meanwhile, patients stricken by vaccine blood clots seek payout from government fund.
And I know people who've had family that took the vaccine and died a week later of a blood clot, but they're not saying it's the vaccine.
Come on.
Don't be rude about it, Alex.
Come on, I don't want to hear it.
Yeah, my dad took the vaccine and died, but I don't want to hear it, Alex.
I don't want to hear it.
Give us privacy.
That's right, because once you kill your family or once you go along with it, we don't take responsibility for ourselves nowadays.
We don't admit when we've been conned or wrong.
That's why we get in more and more trouble.
And so they're like, oh, well, no one's officially ever said anybody died from COVID because none of the medical system will do it.
But actually they have had doctors in many cases say, we believe the vaccine killed him.
And they do an autopsy and they say, well, they had a big hemorrhage in the brain, a blood clot, probably the vaccine.
Everybody's scared of the media.
It's beyond anecdotal, ladies and gentlemen, is a major Sock Institute report admitting that it's the protein of the virus itself that's causing problems and when the body attacks that, when your body learns to attack that protein, that protein is all over the body in fast-growing cells like the uterus.
There's also proteins in the brain and in the heart and it attacks it.
So that's what's going on and that's what top scientists warned would happen but they Get censored when it's said.
This is all about big money.
Here is the live show feed today that has Dr. Mercola's full article where he quotes Bill and Melinda Gates funded groups, their spokespersons calling for the military and CIA to silence him and 11 others.
Emergency Tuesday broadcast Bill Gates Foundation calls for CIA, US military to silence anti-vaxxers.
Because we're going to cause death By not taking our shot, because it won't work if we don't all take it.
Really, I thought you were protecting me taking it.
But why isn't Russia accepting our vaccine?
Why isn't China?
Why isn't India?
Well, because everybody knows America and Europe's targeted for termination.
So is Australia.
We get the poison shots.
So does Africa.
So does Latin America.
Other people are like, are you kidding us?
Experimental stuff?
We're not violating the Nuremberg Code on illegal experimentation.
That's for you!
And John Oliver is going to lecture us, us stupid Americans.
Oh, look at this little headline.
WHO calls for another $45 billion to vaccinate most adults across the globe and WN standardized global passport that tracks everywhere you go.
Now the UN controls your medical records.
That's not a problem.
I mean, look, John Oliver's an intellectual.
Oh my gosh, he's so smart.
He talks down to us.
Oh my gosh, we're such cooks.
I mean, India banned it, and they're idiots too.
And you know, the Chinese won't take it.
The government banned the mRNA Pfizer and Moderna.
But again, just, you'll never see that unless you're tuned into InfoWars, because you make sure, you know, the big tech makes sure everybody's completely...
And totally censored.
And again, here's the federal government's own website, the EDU, vaccine ingredients, fetal cells, it's all there.
But, you know, he said that nobody, there's not fetal cells in any of it.
That's a lie.
Nobody ever got sick.
Nobody ever died.
Nothing ever happened.
Get vaccinated, says the beetle creature.
But he literally trotted out there.
And then he hides behind, oh, I'm just a comedian.
Let's go ahead and play the next John Oliver clip from yesterday.
here it is.
...or seen online is the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are the first authorized to use messenger
RNA, which is true, but that has given rise to speculation about what mRNA is...
I like that.
Turn it over.
No, they skipped the approval process and did live testing on the general population and had huge problems.
The British, when they started doing it six months ago, paused it and said nobody above 75, nobody under 16, nobody pregnant.
Because it killed so many damn people, you little monster!
It's banned in a bunch of countries, you little monster!
And just because you're reading off a teleprompter doesn't mean you're not aware of what you're doing.
This is on you.
You are aiding and abetting Joseph Mingle level illegal testing, and now every channel says they want to bully us into submission to take it, to have a job, to get in a car, to get on a plane, to go to the grocery store.
They go, we all made you wear a mask, now we want to make you take the shot.
Oh, and the new shots they're announcing are micro glass on a patch that goes into your body and tracks you.
And suddenly, oh yeah, the Army's gonna get chips under their skin to track them, but it's no big deal.
It tracks you, but it doesn't track you.
Let's go back to John Oliver.
Basically, anyone taking these vaccines, they're all designed for the same thing, is going to have neurological disorders within one year.
Most of the people taking the vaccine will be dead within 10.
Let me tell you something.
given rise to speculation about what mRNA is capable of doing.
Basically anyone taking these vaccines, they're all designed to do the same thing, is going
to have neurological disorders within one year. Most of the people taking the vaccine
will be dead within ten. Let me tell you something, you take the mRNA, it creates plaques in your
brain, it gives you Alzheimer's, and I got the studies too.
So, hey, you think they just put fluoride in the water to dumb you down?
Man, Alex Jones is having a block.
Now, you notice he didn't show the part of the show where I showed four different Articles a few weeks ago from prestigious studies when they did mRNA similar things on pigs and on sheep and on poultry and on rats and it caused brain fog and grew prions in the brain.
And they try to poo-poo this and whitewash it.
There's a major discussion about this, and there's major papers out.
Oh, but he's crazy again, right?
And Bill Gates isn't funding trackable nanochips in the vaccines either.
We just showed you that.
Let's continue.
Tell you something.
You take the mRNA, it creates plaques in your brain, it gives you Alzheimer's, and I got the studies too.
So, hey, you think they just put fluoride in the water to dumb you down?
Man, Alex Jones is having a blast, isn't he?
No one else has as much fun while making the world a worse place to live in.
It's like he invented a jetpack that sprays everyone beneath him with human sh**.
But the thing is, there is absolutely no evidence or credible studies supporting any of what he just said.
As for the claim that mRNA vaccines modify your DNA, it is very important to know that the vaccine's mRNA does not enter our genome.
It does its work far from the cell's nucleus, which is where your DNA is.
Alright, stop him again.
Let's counter that.
We've covered hundreds of articles at medical doctors on virologists.
The virus vector and the mRNA can go in and damage the mitochondria because it programs the ribosomes to then program.
So it's like saying, my 357 Magnum didn't kill you.
No, the bullet it fired out did.
So it fires bullets into the damn cell.
The virus vector does.
The other one programs the body to carry it into the cell.
It's like saying if UPS delivered a bomb to your door of plastic explosives, five pounds of plastic explosives with a ticking time bomb, did UPS blow your house up or did the explosives?
No, technically the explosives did, but you take the package, you go in, you open it up and it blows your house up.
Evidence-based perspectives on mRNA SARS COVID vaccine development.
There's a big study right there for you.
All right, look, I gotta go to break.
I'm going to get into the economy stuff I mentioned, it's so huge, and a bunch of other stuff.
We have a special guest joining us as well, but this is just insane.
But turning the military and the FBI and the CIA loose on people, now the Vaxxers are called extremists.
See how that works?
Oh, you're an extremist?
I'm going to arrest you.
That's why they're always called terrorist extremists.
Well, that doesn't sound like a strong enough word until you realize it means terrorist.
Oh yeah, I forgot.
Bill Gates' ingredient that allows him to track you is called Lucifer, or Lucifer Ease.
He can't make this up.
Don't read the patents.
He just can't make it up.
Yeah, it's called Lucifer.
Oh, by the way, I got so busy I didn't cut the new ads for the new specials, so we've extended the turmeric.
50% off Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
It's been out for so many months.
50% off.
One more day and then it's gone.
So take advantage of Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
It's so good for your immune system, so good for your joints, so good for your everything.
It's 50% off.
Body's 50% off for one more day and it supports the broadcast.
So I was on air a few weeks ago reading four different studies.
From, again, very respected institutions of the connection of mRNA and it growing plaques in the brain, particularly if you already had plaques.
So it really hits people that already have any type of problems with their brain from plaques.
Once you have plaque, more plaque grows in it, which is really a protein crystal.
Here's another big one.
Microbiology, infectious disease, COVID-19 RNA-based vaccines and the risk of prion disease.
But you just saw John Oliver Say that yours truly, Alex Jones, is just a complete liar that flies around in a jetpack, spewing feces on people.
Oh, how intellectual, how cute, how funny.
China and India have banned the mRNA vaccines, but that's okay.
Because we're all just dumb Americans if we don't want to take it.
I mean, that's checkmate.
This is being banned all over the world.
AstraZeneca's banned in 21 European countries alone, and Biden just dumped it on India.
The blood clots attacking the proteins.
Holy Toledo!
Yeah, they've even got studies showing the graphics, showing it eating your brain cells, showing it attacking your heart cells.
I mean, my God!
This is super well-known!
But it's okay.
The little cutesy movie star with his little twit accent looked down his nose at us.
Here he is.
Man, Alex Jones is having a blast, isn't he?
No one else has as much fun while making the world a worse place to live in.
It's like he invented a jetpack that sprays everyone beneath him with human sh**.
But the thing is, there is absolutely no evidence or credible studies supporting any of what he just said.
As for the claim that mRNA vaccines modify your DNA, it is very important to know that the vaccine's mRNA does not enter our genome.
It does its work...
The Washington Post said so.
The Washington Post said so.
I've got all the papers, all the reports before a year ago saying, yes, it's genetic engineering, yes, it changes your DNA, but get over it.
But now it's, oh no, we're not doing that.
Far from the cell's nucleus, which is where your DNA is.
But the fear of what the vaccine contains, or what it could do to you, seems to be common.
Some evangelicals are concerned that it contains cells from aborted fetuses, which it does not.
Pause again.
That is a gigantic super whopper.
Almost all of them do, and I just showed you last hour, the articles continue.
Others worry that it could change the body's inner workings.
You might have had a friend tell you that they are worried that the vaccines cause infertility.
Those rumours were fuelled by a blog post which falsely claimed that Pfizer's vaccine contained ingredients capable of training the female body to attack a protein that plays a crucial role in the development of the placenta.
But a few things there.
First... It buzzing in?
It was Wolfgang Wudar, one of the head of the EU Advisory Board, and the former Chief Executive of Science at Pfizer, Dr. Yidan, that put that in a huge emergency filing in the EU Court December 1st.
You lying monster Joseph Mengele apologist!
Let's continue.
Experts say of that claim, it's a myth, it's inaccurate, there is no evidence to support it.
And there is already pretty good proof that Pfizer's vaccine doesn't cause infertility.
Oh, stop again.
That's the New York Times told us Saddam had WMDs.
Oh, oh, oh, the one that said Giuliani was under Russian control, which now was totally fake.
Oh, that one.
Sorry, go ahead.
During the trials last year, multiple women became pregnant and the only one who suffered a pregnancy loss was given the placebo.
So it is just not true.
And looks for stories that you might see hyping up scary-sounding data from VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Report.
Oh, that's enough.
He goes, yeah, on purpose they did a stunt where somebody posted that he turned into the Hulk taking the shot to make fun of it.
When people are posting real names of real people that died, we go check it, and then they put some disinfo in there to try to discredit the whole thing.
All right, we're going to go to break.
I want to get into the economy, but first I want to hit how they're going to try to criminalize not wanting to take these deadly poison gene therapies that were never even approved, that are banned all over the world, and they act like we're total kooks.
They're like, well, of course every business is going to make you have it.
Of course you'll be fired.
Of course you've got to have it to come in the grocery store.
Of course you've got to have it.
This is just outrageous.
If we call it's bluff, it's over.
We submit, it only gets worse from here.
As for me, I'm fighting back and never backing down.
We'll be right back.
Please keep us in your prayers.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are now into hour number two.
And I'm simply asking you to stand up and be counted, crank it up, for what you're about to receive.
We are putting out the truth, ladies and gentlemen.
We are standing against the bullies and the tyrants.
Hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent by the Rockefeller Foundation, the IBM Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to buy up all the major health departments of the world.
But it's backfired in the last five years.
It's been going on for about 30 intensely.
It really was set in motion in earnest in 1974 with State Department memorandum 200.
That was later declassified in 1979 as U.S.
government policy to carry out depopulation, not just here but worldwide, and it followed the British plan on population.
There's a full report breaking that down on Band.video if you want to see it and share it with folks.
It's a 12-minute video in the report, and we shot it last night, and it's got clips and all the documents, the admissions of Bill Gates being a eugenicist for depopulation, him receiving awards for depopulation, It's titled, Learn the Secrets of Bill and Melinda Gates' Divorce from Alex Jones.
And we stayed up here until 8 last night to get that out to you.
It's a very, very important report.
Because he's just the front man for all this.
And I'll give you the good news, as I said last hour.
The fact that Pfizer has been kicked out of China, and kicked out of India, saying it doesn't work and it's dangerous.
That's checkmate for John Oliver.
That's checkmate for Chuckie Schumer.
That's checkmate for all these globalists that want to sit up there and go, this is crazy, it's totally safe, totally tested, no one's ever gotten hurt at all, it's wonderful!
When they're lying to you, they're gaslighting you.
And then you've got other major vaccine makers, not just Merck, But a whole bunch of them pulling out and going, you can't make a vaccine for the common cold that works.
And the way that we've been asked by the UN and by the federal government and by the CDC of what they want the vaccine to do, because they tell them what they want, to accelerate something, they go, this will attack proteins in the body.
And so when prestigious scientists come out from across the world that head up major EU advisory boards, you name it, I mean, the former chief scientist at Pfizer went public and said, this is going to attack people's proteins in their brain, their heart, their uteruses, you name it.
Any fast-growing cells have this protein.
John Oliver goes, well, look at this.
They got it off a blog post.
My imitation of him is not very good.
It's all made up from Alex Jones and his poo-poo jetpack.
He actually said that.
Look, I got a green tie.
I'm an intellectual.
Leftist stinks.
Someone with a low-class English accent is a rocket scientist.
I mean, he's got the accent of a guy that'll steal your watch if you're in downtown London.
So that's who these sniveling criminals are.
And he is a criminal.
He takes money from Bill Gates.
HBO takes money from Bill Gates.
All these programs are paid for.
So remember that.
And go read the article.
Former Pfizer VP blows the lid off vaccine scheme.
Entirely possible this will be used for massive scale depopulation.
So I want to play a few minutes of Tucker Carlson.
It's a whole 16 minute report.
He did an excellent job.
He's getting more hardcore on the issue.
Who are these people saying what you've got to put in your body?
Who are these people saying your body is their choice?
Who are these people Now on everywhere, former presidents and all these talk shows, Republican, Democrats saying, you better take it.
We're going to bully you.
We're going to make you, you don't have a choice.
Yes, vaccine passports.
Yes, government's going to make you do it.
States like Hawaii, governments like Canada, the UK, they're like, yeah, you know what?
We are going to make you do it.
You're not going to have a job or leave if you don't do it.
Everybody else is locked up until you all do it.
And we're going to say it's all your fault when you don't submit.
More divide and conquer.
This is such a criminal enterprise and you've got all these same big pharma companies that gave you Oxycontin and all these other poisons that Frank Luntz made all that money off of lecturing you that you're not allowed to criticize them and there's big tech that merged with big pharma censoring everybody including members of the British An Australian and U.S.
government, governors, members of parliament, members of Congress, senators are censored when they're interviewing medical doctors in testimony because big tech has committed a huge crime against humanity that violates the Geneva Convention and the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Code of illegal experimentation.
These people are in a lot of trouble.
Major vaccine makers pulled out saying it doesn't work, it's criminal?
They got cold feet, because let me tell you, I'd have cold feet if I was them.
This is a major assault.
This will be known as Biggest World War II when it all comes out.
These people will hang for this, or will be defeated.
We're going to lose to this, or they're going to be hung.
By a judge, jury, the whole thing.
I mean, this is Nuremberg stuff, ladies and gentlemen.
You are in the middle of a biological warfare attack.
All right, there was someone talking last night.
I'm going to hit the economic news next segment.
Not meaning that they are dangerous, and we are not claiming that coronavirus vaccines are dangerous.
But we are telling the truth, which is, there are unresolved concerns about their long-term effects on some people, including their effects on female fertility.
That is not a conspiracy theory.
That is true.
It's an honest question, what's the long-term effect, that no one so far has been able to answer.
And it's not simply being asked by partisans, it's being asked by practicing physicians.
Catherine Lee, for example, is a research fellow in the Division of Public Health Sciences at Washington University in St.
Lee doesn't seem like a partisan Republican, or a QAnon adherent, or a crank.
She gladly took the coronavirus vaccine.
She seems to support the coronavirus vaccine strongly.
But then, in herself, she noticed unexpected effects on her menstrual cycle.
Quote, It wasn't a symptom that was on the list, Lee said.
I expected that my arm would be sore or that I might have a fever or headache, but this just wasn't on the list.
Kate Clancy, another scientist who studies female fertility at the University of Illinois, reported that she had the same symptoms after she got the vaccine, and she wrote about it in some detail on Twitter.
You can look it up.
After she did write about it, dozens of other women wrote in about similar experiences they had had after getting the vaccine.
None of these symptoms have been described in the medical literature.
The reason?
The clinical trials for the vaccines never tested for the effects on the female menstrual cycle, or for fertility, or on pregnant women.
So maybe the symptoms amount to nothing.
That's often the case.
Maybe they amount to something.
We don't know.
The fact is, we can't say what the long-term effects of this vaccine will be on women, including pregnant women.
Honest people admit this.
Every scientist knows it.
According to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, quote,
"More longitudinal follow-up, including follow-up of large numbers of women vaccinated earlier in pregnancy,
is necessary to inform maternal, pregnancy, and infant outcomes."
In other words, at this point, and there's no changing this because it's true, we just don't know.
Again, that does not mean the coronavirus vaccine is dangerous.
There is no proof that it's dangerous.
But there doesn't need to be.
Well, we got more of that coming up, and he's using basic reverse psychology on him.
He's like, well, if the vaccine works, why do I gotta wear a mask?
Oh, a lot of these women that are scientists having these bad menstrual cycles.
Why are 80-year-old women suddenly having them again?
Because it attacks your uterus.
And that's what Wolfgang Wudarg and that's what Dr. Yidan all said in December it would probably do, because it's the same protein that's in the virus spike that is in a woman's uterine lining.
Isn't it funny that everything Bill Gates does, he's been called all over the world, leads to infertility when he says he wants to kill everybody?
Isn't that just interesting?
Yeah, there's the actual scientific report, emergency filing, medical studies to the EU.
But oh, John Oliver just said we just made it up.
He just said, you know, Jones just read some blog post and he just lied.
He's a horrible person.
He really enjoys this.
Yeah, I enjoy having death threats and being sued, having the globalists come after us and taking our bank accounts away and watching everybody get killed in front of me.
It's really fun, John Oliver.
No, it's not fun for me.
You're projecting you enjoy being a little elitist.
And feeding on humanity, you monster!
You are Joseph Mingelen's hand boy.
You're his little minion, his little helper, his little towel boy.
Welcome back, Alex Jones here.
You know, a few weeks ago, Tucker Carlson started coming out criticizing the push for forced inoculations.
And he went on to say, everybody wearing these masks, making little kids wear them.
I see like people with two-year-old children wearing them, people's dogs wearing them in Austin, the more liberal areas.
It's a sacrament of how good they are and how dirty, you know, the rest of us are.
He said, you know, go up and tell them that's abusing your child.
And the studies show that.
I've got an article here where a teacher got suspended for saying it's abusive to make elementary school students wear these.
It's a cult.
And it's a sign of their subservience, but they lied to us about the numbers COVID was killing.
They put people that died of other things in the COVID column.
They killed a bunch of people with ventilators and sending people that were sick into the nursing homes.
This has been a big orchestrated test of the UN and big pharma to control the planet.
And I told you, it'll never end.
And I told you they'll claim they're gonna get rid of the restrictions, they'll barely release them partway, and then clamp them back down.
And now I got stacks of articles where the UN's saying, oh, we need a lockdown for the flu!
This winter.
I've got it all right here.
And oh, don't worry, the boosters are gonna be a patch.
We've got them all ready.
We've got patches that also let us know you've been vaccinated.
The pass will be on your body now.
Oh, where'd I hear that?
CBS News.
So they're just racing ahead with this, and then I got poleaxed.
Like, I've been hitting the head with a two-by-four when I came in this morning and read Mercola's article that's on Infowars.com, posted under the live feed of the show.
Where he quotes the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation spokesperson saying, we will take them out as terrorists, we will shut them down, and we're not just going to arrest them, we're going to frustrate their operations, and then he started getting death threats and stuff a few weeks after this report came out, and a bunch of others.
So he said, fine, I'm going to take down what's admitted scientific fact about vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc, and ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine.
And you know, in places like Chicago and New York, people going to the hospital, they won't give them zinc, or ivermectin, or any of it.
They're murderers.
They go, oh, sorry, there's no approved treatment except vaccines.
Because we were told day one, a year ago, by the UN, it would be that way, and it's still that way.
I expect they'll next say, there's no proven treatment for dehydration.
We've got this synthetic thing we call cloggler.
We're like, hey, water's what you need.
Nope, nope, UN doesn't say that water is good for dehydration.
Cloggler is the only thing made by Bill and Melinda Gates.
I mean, that's how this works.
Any idiot knows this is a fraud.
But they have paid off, we now know, in the U.S.
alone, tens of thousands of people, even with 100,000 followers on Facebook or Twitter.
Hey, how'd you like $3,000?
They say, you took the shot and you loved it.
And the people email back, they've gone online, a lot of them, and go, okay, but what if I want to take it?
Well, don't worry about that.
Just say you've taken it and tell people how much you love it.
We'll give you half the payment now, the other half once we see the report.
Because they know you trust average people.
So they censor us, they censor regular medical doctors, they censor scientists.
They said now even the internet conferencing sites, it was in the news yesterday, are finding out, what are you going to talk about with a group of doctors?
Well, we've got a hundred doctors signed up and nurses, and they want to talk about organizing, what they're going to do, what they're seeing with their patients.
Oh, no, is it UN approved?
Well, we have medical degrees, we want to meet.
Oh, you can't meet.
I mean, you can't go outside and meet, and can't go to a hotel and meet because of COVID, and you can't meet online, sorry.
We don't let you meet, because we're liberal.
But you can listen to John Oliver tell you how great it is.
How's that sound?
So let me show you some headlines here.
Overhead shot, please.
Radio listeners, I'll read them.
Your COVID vaccine booster's coming as a patch and a pill, or might come with your flu shot.
It says the booster shot's, you know, it's the new patch with the glass in it.
Why I'm removing all articles related to vitamin D, C, Zinc, and COVID-19, Dr. Mercola, and the whole Bill Mulaney AIDS group says we're going to start using the military and CIA on people as anti-extremism terror forces, and then he got attacked and death-threatened and much stuff happened and so that's it.
Here's the actual report.
The disinformation doesn't.
Why platforms must act on 12 leading online anti-vaxxers.
Of course, they've already censored a little bit of hell out of them, but now it's paramilitary.
That's what Mercola says.
Emergency Tuesday broadcast.
Bill Gates Foundation calls for CIA and U.S.
military to silence anti-vaxxers.
And we've got the whole Mercola situation under that there for you.
Who calls for another $45 billion to vaccinate most adults across the globe?
It's all about the Benjamins.
John Oliver attacks Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan and more.
He says everybody should take it.
Everybody loves it.
No deaths, no problems.
India bans the Pfizer.
China bans the Pfizer.
But again, that's total checkmate right there.
But oh, oh, oh, they're not going to take it, but you need to.
And here they are admitting fetal cells are in it.
But oh, that's from USA Today and CHOP.edu.
But John Oliver says it's not true.
A history of vaccine safety concerns at CDC.
Even their whitewash is incredible.
Yeah, we gave 90 million people cancer viruses that killed a bunch.
Yeah, we gave people Guillain-Barrés and brain damage.
Yeah, we gave people the, you know... It just goes on with a whole bunch of stuff for you there.
Cancer risk associated with Simian virus 40.
Contaminated polio vaccines.
Polio vaccine, 70 in 40 in human cancer.
The epidemiological evidence for causal association.
Nature.com, their finding is, yeah, gave millions of people cancer.
Whole bunch of types of cancer.
30% increase of that, 90% increase of this.
I mean, it just goes on and on.
I'm not worried for yourself, you know.
But John Oliver says it's not true.
It goes on and on.
The most important decisions parents will ever make.
Whether or not to vaccinate their children.
Excellent piece by West Price Foundation.
Oh, but don't worry, he's not a supervillain.
Bill Gates' venture aims to spray dust into the atmosphere via jet fuel, patented, we told you about 15 years ago, 20 years ago, to block the sun.
What could go wrong?
Bill Gates warns the next pandemic could be 10 times worse.
Better do what he says right now.
That's just some of the news.
Oh, and look, look what else is coming out.
Evidence reveals that military team collaborated with lab where COVID-19 pandemic originated to create weaponized system.
Alex, it's not that deadly.
If you don't have your normal vitamins and minerals, you're dead.
It has incredible gain of function.
It's a real virus, a souped up cold virus.
Fact check!
While vaccines contain human DNA, there is no link to cancer, USA Today says.
And then, ha, I just showed you a bunch of stuff about them giving you cancer through vaccines from going back to the 50s right through to now on the CDC's own website.
But look, USA Today goes, yes, there's human DNA, yes, we use fetal parts, but... So that's USA Today, John Oliver.
Governor DeSantis signs legislation banning the use of vaccine passports in Florida.
That's a good start.
Lecturer warns lockdown restrictions will return whether there's a harsh flu season.
Paul Joseph Watson out of the UK.
School nurse who said masks were harmful to students suspended.
Texas nurse fires refusing COVID vaccine.
Cultural divide.
Libs keep wearing masks despite repeal of mandates.
Swimming pool tells swimmers to exhale underwater not to look or talk at others.
It's not a cult or anything.
Oh, I got a couple more stacks of that and a lot more.
I'm going to get the economic terrorism news, though, that I just mentioned when we come back, how you're a terrorist if you don't take the shot, and Bill Gates wants you killed.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Wednesday, Tuesday transmission.
It's May 4th, Tuesday transmission.
I'm a little bit upside down right now.
During the break they walked in and handed me a new article from Fox News, WUSA 9, and right out of the local DC newspaper as well.
Get ready for this!
I just told you about how in Spain and the UK they say, do not look at people, turn your head.
It's just, again, just more cult control.
Stand on one leg, stand on your head, stand with your finger in your nose.
I mean, it's all just cult programming to see what orders you'll follow, to see what you'll do.
Because who would get rid of freedom?
Who would get rid of prosperity?
They've got to get you to do ridiculous things.
Like say, a man can have a pap smear when he has male genitals.
He doesn't have a cervix.
He doesn't have a vagina.
The UK government has fired nurses and doctors that will not do pap smears on a man's penis.
Well, it's the same thing here.
DC Mayor bans dancing at weddings.
They're never going to reopen their blue cities until they fully collapse.
That's why New York is a dead, rotting apple now.
Because once everybody goes bankrupt, and once everybody sells for pennies on the dollar, then the globalists will do a little bit of loosening the restrictions.
In a city where dancing is forbidden, not even a teenager with a rebellious spirit can save DC couples reeling from the Capitol's latest COVID guidelines.
Notice it's guidelines.
It's not really a law, but we all follow it, so there you go.
Seemingly ripped straight from the plot of Footloose, Washington DC's new social distancing rules ban standing and dancing at weddings.
The sudden announcement made just as wedding season kicks off has blindsided couples getting ready to tie the knot.
Hey, don't get married in a blue jurisdiction.
Blue jurisdictions are psychotic, control freak command bases.
It's the same thing in Australia.
Same thing in the UK.
Do not dance.
Remember what Newsom said?
Do not sing at church.
25% capacity.
Do not sing.
But Black Lives Matter can burn and shoot and loot.
The Democrats put a fake study out saying it lowered COVID when they marched.
That doesn't make sense.
It's like YouTube giving itself an award for fighting for free speech.
It's about gaslighting you.
It's a psychological operation.
So that's what we're talking about here, ladies and gentlemen.
Wear a mask when you swim.
Don't look at people when you walk down the street.
It's all over the world, from Australia to the UK to Democrat cities and globalist cities in Canada.
CDC says Americans should ditch singing and loud music, alcohol for holidays due to pandemic.
That's right.
It's the new religion and the left loves complying.
Starts out with, don't say the n-word.
Well, I don't say the n-word.
And the next, oh, don't say mother father.
Oh, don't sing.
Oh, wear a mask underwater.
Because I'm in control!
I'm a crazy control freak!
Ha ha!
And Bill Gates is your doctor!
Sure, he talks about he wants to kill you and holds a secret billionaire club group with the UN on how to set up world government, sterilize you, and yeah, he wants microchips in you, but you're not supposed to, even when you get the new microchips coming out in two months, and the new patches they've announced in CBS News, don't call it that.
It's a subdermal microtracing system.
Okay, okay.
Oh, and oh, they're not calling them vaccine passports now.
They're calling them Freedom Pass in Chicago.
Like the freedom bracelets in Israel that track you.
So, let me do this.
I've got this huge news about the Tizen with Mercola, where they're officially announcing, if we say you're a Russian spy, no judge, no jury, we're going to kill you, actually.
And that's why they said Giuliani is run by Russians.
No proof.
Now they admit it's all fake.
They don't care.
And now they're saying, oh, if we say you're anti-vaxxer, you're a terrorist, too.
And Biden signed an executive order saying he'll take everything you've got.
Well, let him go ahead and do it!
Let him accelerate it.
But they are mad dogs because no one's stopping them.
The Justice Department's so good at suppressing gun owners and churches and Christians, but they're all a bunch of lawyers that just bow to the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and Bill Gates.
And so that's why things are getting worse and worse and worse and worse by the minute.
And the news I mentioned yesterday, but didn't really get to, now there's even more news on that front.
And I'm going to cover this when we start the next hour.
And that is the worldwide economic collapse that we now have got a good gauge on how bad it's going to be and when it's going to start unfolding.
So this is a dead reckoning I'm going to give you.
But it's very, very important to start the next hour.
And then we're also going to look at the big stack of sex trafficking pedophile news that's out today.
And of course, everything I told you years ago is now being confirmed.
Folks, it was trending again on Twitter yesterday, an article from like three years ago where I said, Harvey Weinstein is involved raping women.
That wasn't out at the time.
And I said, it's part of a cult where they brand women and tie them up with the Democrats and then starve them to death.
And of course, I'd been told about the cult.
Now, you notice NXIVM, but that's only one branch.
And of course, now it's all come out that that's Happening right now, so they're really mad at me, and I'm glad the Huffington Post attacked me for it.
Alex Jones Harvey Weinstein comments are vile beyond belief, and I told women don't be part of these cults because a lot of times they'll actually kill you.
And so there's that article, but it ties in with former Democrat Oregon's House Speaker arrested in sex trafficking sting.
And we've got German police find giant new pedophile ring and so much more.
Again, I already got into quite a bit of this earlier, but I want to show you the dovetailing.
This is the article here, why I'm removing all articles related to vitamins D, C, zinc, and COVID-19.
Dr. Mercola.
And the Bill and Melinda Gates-funded group and 20 attorney generals are calling for counterterrorism measures to be used to take him out, to take out the other 11 people, including Dr. Sherry Tinpenny.
You're like, man, that doesn't even sound real.
Well, there's the report right there where they say it all.
Now he's getting death threats and really serious things that are so intense and so real.
I know what happened to Dr. Griffith and others and myself.
And so, you know, they're now calling him up, letting them know that he's been followed and things like that, and that they're going to kill his family.
And that's the standard deal.
He talks about threats on he and his family.
So that's the standard deal.
So he's just like, listen, this is too mafia.
I'm pulling this stuff down.
And the country's basically gone.
So that's a very, very serious situation.
But that ties into this.
Biden executive order strips Americans of their rights if they directly or indirectly aid Russia.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, the Democratic Party, the ADL, or consortium of private research groups, if they say you don't even know you're helping Russians with no proof, you then lose your bank accounts, your right to travel, you're put on no-fly list, and finally they're saying they will frustrate your operations using the U.S.
I guess that means kill you.
So here's another one.
New York Times, NBC and Washington Post retract claim that FBI warned Rudy Giuliani he was target of Russian influence operation.
None of that was true.
But they don't care.
Now he's been raided.
And then that ties in to all the rest of this.
So that's how they operate.
They're the globalists getting rid of the country.
They're the globalists attacking our families, our borders, our dollar, our very nation, our health.
Notice, you know, India and China and everybody else won't take the mRNA vaccine.
They're like, it's illegal.
It's a test.
It killed animals in the studies.
Because they did previous studies.
That's why they didn't do official animal studies, because they knew in the real studies they did that it actually killed a bunch of animals.
That was one thing John Oliver got right.
He's like, you know, they've been studying this for decades.
That's why they were actually able to warp speed it.
Well, yeah, they had it on the shelf.
Which shows how bad it is.
So that is absolutely out of control.
As China doesn't yet have an mRNA shot of its own and isn't accepting ours, they just attenuate the virus as a classical vaccine.
So again, this is all a giant test.
So if India has banned it, China won't take it, why are we weird to say we don't trust it when Bill Gates says he wants to depopulate us?
Who died and made him our doctor?
All right, we'll go to that special report right out of the break when we come back.
Then I'm going to hit the economic news that is so incredibly important as well, and so much more with a special guest at the bottom of the hour next hour.
I'm Alex Jones, Infowars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
And folks, I know I'm harping on the so-called vaccines because the deaths are mounting, the illnesses are mounting, the white papers, the reports are coming out.
What the top side has predicted last year is coming true with the brain damage and the heart attacks and the blood clots and the vaccines are being banned all over the world.
But in our media, they go, you dumb Americans, it's totally safe.
Everybody must take it because they really do think we're stupid.
You've got to let people know these vaccines are being banned all over the world and they're being dumped on us here in the United States.
It's really important.
And again, Everywhere, all these Democrat cities are rolling it out.
Hawaii is rolling it out.
New York's rolling it out.
London's rolling it out.
And they said, oh, we're not going to do Vax Passes because they didn't want to get opposition formed.
They were always planning it.
That's a military tactic.
When you're attacking somebody to tell them I'm not attacking you, I'm not attacking you.
And so here's the report.
It's at Band Off Video.
Just went live.
Vax pass.
Access to freedom.
And I love McBrain.
He's a great editor, great researcher.
He did a great report, but I know it's a sarcastic headline to maybe put access to freedom or access to slavery.
The global technological elite have launched a massive propaganda campaign to guilt Americans into getting the COVID vaccine in order to return to basic normalcy.
They hold us hostage, but you never get back to normalcy.
And you look at these creepy medical workers, and now they admit we're holding you hostage.
And that's the talking point.
I mean, this is what bad guys do.
What was that show that was on MTV back when MTV was still popular?
It was a comedy show.
And there's a scene with like SS officers on the Eastern Front.
And they go, you know, we wear black uniforms.
We've got skulls on and we kill innocent people.
Maybe we're the baddies.
Maybe we're the baddies.
Maybe it was on another channel.
Was it Mr. Show?
I don't remember.
It's like 15, 20 years old.
Yeah, there it is.
There's BBC.
In fact, after we play this report, we'll actually play that.
And they'll remind me what the name of the show is, but... I mean, come on, guys, this is textbook!
This is ridiculous!
And the guy running it famously says he wants to depopulate the Earth and releases GMO... mosquitoes and wants to black the sun out.
Well, the program I told you about 25 years ago now declassified.
They add barium salt, aluminum dioxide to jet fuel and it aerosolizes nuclei in the sky.
Hey Alex, it's science.
That's water vapor.
Yes, I know that water crystals form them as well, but they dissipate.
These are forming nuclei to form large clouds to block up the sun.
It's official.
They now admit we were right again.
There's giant, out-of-control, secret projects going on, bigger than the Manhattan Project.
And now there's a sterilization, depopulation program to make us allergic to our own bodies and have our bodies attack us!
They're giving us an autoimmune response to our own protein!
God Almighty, help us!
Please, Lord!
The hospitals were empty!
The death tolls were one-tenth of one percent of what they said.
It was all a lie!
Admit you were conned!
Stop submitting to the fraud!
Here's a report.
Vax Pass.
Access to slavery.
Here it is.
The city of Chicago wants you to get your vaccine passport.
But they don't want you to call it a vaccine passport.
No, they would rather you simply call it a City Pass that gives residents discounts and free admissions to museums.
A really exciting development here to have these vaccine passports.
And if there is a concert you'd like to attend, you won't be turned away at the gate, as long as you have your CityPass.
You want to be part of the fun?
Get vaccinated.
You heard her.
Chicago's top doc, Allison Arwoody, revealed some new details today about plans to encourage people to get vaccinated ahead of summer.
We're interested in thinking about ways to incentivize people to get the vaccine.
Chicago's top doc, Allison Arwitty, says the city is evaluating what's called a Vax Passport that will debut next month, allowing those who got the shots to enjoy concerts and other events.
In Chicago, the Public Health Commissioner just introduced a Vax Pass which residents can use to gain access to summer concerts.
If you've been vaccinated, there could be concert tickets with your name on it.
Chicago health officials not the only ones saying prove you've been vaccinated.
A green check mark on your profile ID means you're good to go.
And this is being promoted as the end of the coronavirus lockdowns.
You can go back to restaurants and your bars and movie theaters.
They're all going to open back up again to full capacity.
And all they got to do is make sure that everyone inside or everyone that enters has proof that they got the vaccine and that it can be verified at the door With the app.
This is the NHS app.
Soon, this could be used to prove that someone has been vaccinated or recently tested for COVID, allowing them to travel internationally.
As Chicago opens the COVID vaccine to more people today, the federal government is working behind the scenes on a vaccine passport.
It works by showing a barcode on your phone or a printout to prove you've been vaccinated.
DePaul University professor Greg Klugeman says there should be a universal one used worldwide.
If the WHO came out with the definitive app that would be recognized all over the world, that would make life easiest for all of us.
Come on!
There are no vaccine passports!
That's insane!
That's Alex Jones stuff!
Hey, you need to get your shots.
You're not going to be allowed to have a job or travel.
And yes, we're going to have an international vaccine passport that's standardized by the UN that China already proposed a year ago.
And so it doesn't matter what your government does.
These companies and corporations and others aren't going to let you do it unless you accept the standardized global system.
Vaccine passports.
Proof that you've gotten the dose turning from a public health must to a potential fast track to doing just about anything.
Access to sports and entertainment venues, restaurants, travel, just to name a few.
What is a very promising approach to successfully promoting vaccine, reopening society, increasing freedom for many Americans The moment of freedom for you is when you get vaccinated, when you reach the two-week mark.
These are people who otherwise might not be vaccinated, so let's give them that incentive.
People should require friends to be vaccinated to attend the barbecues and the birthday parties they host.
If we want to convince the unvaccinated to do their part, is the best approach to show them those who have had their shots are still wearing masks?
Or would displays of our foregone freedoms in a pre-COVID world be more effective messaging?
That's the carrot.
The city of Chicago also unveiling plans for what they call Vax Relax.
That means that residents that have been vaccinated could receive incentives like free haircuts and even manicures.
So they lock you up, teach you to be prisoners, and then once you come out, the whole world's a prison planet.
They've got a website called PrisonPlanet.com.
That's their plan.
Vax Pass, access to freedom.
is slavery.
Let's let's add it to the headline.
Access to freedom is creation of prison planet.
Now, the show is called Peep Show.
It was produced for the BBC, but it did air some on MTV.
And so this is probably 20 years old, but here's a parallel on the Nazis not knowing they were the bad guys until very, very late in the war.
And the Democrats and the Globals think they're the good guys until they find out it's really all a giant lie.
And it only gets more authoritarian the more they submit.
But most of them, again, have Stockholm Syndrome, learned helplessness.
They cannot admit they're in trouble.
That is the hallmark of a sheep or a slave.
Here it is.
They're coming.
Now we'll see how these Russians deal with a crack SS division.
Uh, Hans?
Have courage, my friend.
Yeah, uh... Hans, I've just noticed something.
These communists are all cowards.
Have you looked at our caps recently?
Our caps?
The badges on our caps.
Have you looked at them?
A bit.
They've got skulls on them.
Have you noticed that our caps have actually got little pictures of skulls on them?
I don't, uh... Hands.
Are we the baddies?
Let's see.
We should be able to hold them at this point here, at least for a few hours.
I mean, why skulls, though?
Why skulls?
Well, maybe they're the skulls of our enemies.
But is that how it comes across?
I mean, he doesn't say next to the skull, you know, yeah, we killed him, but trust us, this guy was horrid.
Well, no, but... This is a silly little piece.
Bill Gates says he wants to depopulate you.
He's typing in billionaires meet in secret to stop overpopulation.
They want world government.
They want to track you with all these new world government systems from the UN.
They're totally ruthless.
They're tied to Jeffrey Epstein, but we're just going to submit to them.
I'm going to go to break.
I want to remind all the listeners again, we have one more day of Ultimate Turmeric Formula at 50% off because I've been so busy.
I didn't cut ads this morning to launch the new specials, so they'll launch tomorrow.
But a bunch of big specials in today.
The big one is Ultimate Turmeric Formula for your immune system, for your joints,
for your anti-inflammatory support, for flexibility support.
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It's all at Infowarsstore.com.
Funding the pro-human revolution against the globalists.
Stay with us.
Tom Peppert knocked it out of the park, co-hosting or filling in for Owen Schroeder
shown in the war room, breaking down Bill Gates.
Here's part of it.
Back to the War Room, we are now in the third hour of the broadcast.
The crew is getting way too into the Emperor Pappertine thing.
I've been christened by Alex Jones and now I guess I am a Sith Lord.
You know, the irony is I'm not even big into Star Wars.
Alex Jones will be here in just a few minutes, potentially any second now.
I've just been informed in the break that apparently Bill and Melinda Gates, this was widely expected by body language experts who say they look at all the videos of them on top of each other and they say that it seems incredibly forced, incredibly fake.
And so one must wonder exactly how long has this marriage been political?
Again, they have the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation together.
You do have to wonder, have they liked each other in the past 20 years?
Did they ever like each other?
Is it an Amazon situation where she's married to the money and that just happens to mean that she has to shill for vaccines and circumcising Africans to prevent them from having kids?
Is it just, I want the money so therefore I have to be married to this evil little psychotic gremlin demon monster who goes around lecturing the American people about how to live their lives?
You do have to wonder.
The most remarkable thing about Bill Gates is that, of course, he was reviled.
He was one of the most hated public figures in the United States in the 1990s.
He was perceived as a scammer.
You know, the big joke was he gives you a computer and then he programs a virus so you have to buy his antivirus software.
And of course, some people have made the same allusion to what's happening with the COVID-19 scandemic, which more and more people are saying came from a Chinese lab and The only thing I can say is, couldn't they come up with something a little more scary?
But then, in the early 2000s, Bill Gates, all of a sudden, every globalist media outlet in the country started rehabbing his reputation.
And he gave a bunch of money to charity.
Then he started the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and gave even more money to his own foundation.
And suddenly this guy, who is one of the most hated tech entrepreneurs, tech wizards in Silicon Valley and in the country, all of a sudden he became a wonderful human being who we should all worship and idolize and we should give him deference.
And he knows what's best for us, you see.
Bill Gates has it all figured out.
This creepy little psychotic gremlin, he knows how to live, he knows how to organize society, and you don't.
You're just a little peon compared to this man.
And it was just weird thinking back about how this guy's public persona got revved up to 11 in the early 2000s, only so now with the COVID-19 scandemic, He could take his rightful place as the chief propagandist for the vaccine and for the lockdowns and everything else.
And so again, if you're just tuning in, we've got the article up at National File.
I'm sure it's up at InfoWars as well.
Everybody has it.
Bill and Melinda Gates.
The billionaire couple who have used their fortune to push a globalist agenda have announced they are set to divorce after 27 years of marriage.
They met at Microsoft 27 years ago, started the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in the year 2000.
And have been pushing vaccines, pushing all kinds of insanity.
There's Bill Gates rocking like a sociopath, as he claims.
And of course, look who else he looks like.
And he claims that he doesn't know what the English language means.
I mean, this guy, they brought him up and he had to testify before Congress for antitrust violations.
That was 20 years ago.
And now the media adores him.
He is their favorite human being.
There he is dancing, I believe, to some classic rock song, trying to look normal.
Desperately trying not to look like the little psychotic gremlin demon monkey he is.
So don't go away!
We will have Alex Jones very, very soon to give his reactions to the stunning announcement that he and his political wife are ending it, ending their marriage after 27 years of pushing vaccines together.
What will they do?
What will the media do without America's favorite couple?
You know, I think that More airtime was devoted to Melinda Gates in 2020 than Melania Trump, the first lady of the United States.
There's Alex Jones in studio.
We'll be right back with his reaction on the other side.
Don't go away, you are watching The War Room.
I'm Tom Papert, about to be joined by the one and only Alex Jones.
Okay, so I thought that was a good little five-minute rant he did at the start of the third hour yesterday, filling in for Owen Schroeder, who is back today.
But I tell you, Pappert gives it to myself, and I want to run for the money.
He is a smart cookie.
If a listener can find it, send it to showtipsandinfowars.com, because I can't and the crew can't.
Because it used to, Google was so good, even stuff 10 years old, 15 years old would come up.
Now they just put their propaganda, no matter what the subject is, on top.
It's worthless.
DuckDuckGo works decent, but the big establishment sites and news sites flood everything with really corrupt level machine learning Search engine optimization where their propaganda is in full bloom.
You've got to dig to find the truth now.
But I remember it was in the ABC News of Australia.
My memory's pretty good.
I was eating a Reuben sandwich during the break.
I got a piece up my mouth.
Driving me crazy.
Sorry, I'm back here.
Alex Jones Show.
It was a major vaccine company and there was an anti-vaxxer doctor that was exposing SIDS infant, sudden death, sudden death infant syndrome.
Because the Australian courts found that, yeah, SIDS was kids dying from vaccines.
And then they would just say, oh, they must have suffocated when babies have always slept on their faces.
That's their favorite way to sleep, is balled up like a little, little bug.
And so it came out in Australian court.
So they were really pissed about this and they said in a leaked email that came out via lawsuit, we ought to just kill this doctor.
They said we ought to neutralize him.
And they emailed back and they said, what do you mean?
Well, I mean, kill him.
So these big pharma companies are the most ruthless scumbags ever.
It's like Frank Luntz, who I guess is, uh, You know, roommates with, you know, those kind of Republicans.
Most Republicans at that level are that, you know, the type of grown men that live together.
I mean, nothing against the fact that they obviously love each other a lot, are good friends.
That's why Kevin McCarthy, I mean, look, John Boehner, Boehner, Kevin McCarthy, they're all neocon globalists bought and paid for.
They got put into House leadership because they're compromised.
And so, The fact that Frank Luntz is a weirdo pervert obsessed with Bill Clinton's furniture that he had sex with women on.
He has it in his bedroom.
He gives tours.
Look, Bill Clinton used to sit on this.
And here's Bill Clinton's cigar box that he had Monica Lewinsky with.
I mean, it's really gross.
So that's the type of weirdo perverts we're dealing with.
That's a whole separate issue to their roommates, okay?
And if they share a marital bed, I mean, you know, that's legal in DC.
They should get married.
But look, I'm not saying they're Marco Rubio at bubble parties.
That's a joke, okay?
The point is, is that, is that the issue here is that He lobbied to demonize those dying from Oxycontin and said that this is not an issue of addiction, it's an issue of abuse.
When the company that he worked for designed Oxycontin to addict people, and then they had a drug later they were going to give them to get them off the addiction.
And you know what Oxycontin did to Rush Limbaugh and it killed probably millions of people they estimate.
So, that's the type of scum we're talking about with Big Pharma.
And they're all just weirdos, ladies and gentlemen.
If you think I'm joking, I was not joking about Frank Luntz having a model of the Oval Office at his house, and then the Lincoln Bedroom is next door to it, where he has his business meetings, and he's bragging, look, this is the couch that Bill Clinton had, and this is his cigar case, oh, he touched this, ooh!
And then you learn Kevin McCarthy Rinse a room from him at his house.
Look at Frank Luntz, he looks like Brian Stelter.
I mean look, I'm not saying Frank Luntz is a pedophile, okay?
I'm just saying, if I was going to cast somebody for a Hollywood movie of, say, guys that kidnap kids, if I was going to make a movie about Penn State and about Sandusky and his assistants, I would hire Frank Luntz and I would hire Brian Stelter to play the part of child kidnappers.
I mean, I'm just saying, that's my choice as a director.
I think they look very believably scary.
I think James Carvel looks like a pedophile.
I'm not saying James Carvel is a pedophile.
I am saying that I would also hire one of the Podesta brothers, the one that was in the 2007 Wall Street Journal, saying that he loves little children and that has all these quote avant-garde, rebellious paintings of small children,
uh, and tied up being raped. And he has a film studio that he screens,
uh, you basically said illegal films in. The Washington Post had a big spread on
how wonderful it is. Because it was just for DC though, just
for the DC paper. Yeah, there's the children in the dungeons.
It's like little Anderson Cooper.
It turns out he's actually got dungeon showers and all the rest of it down on
So I'm just saying, if I was going to cast people to play the part of pedophiles, I would... I don't know, maybe vampires that eat children?
But see, we don't need to talk about fiction.
Oh, we got plenty of the real stuff coming up here in just a moment.
But I digress.
Why do I mention that before I hit this economic news?
Well, the reason I hit this is, overhead shot please, this is Mercola.com, it's also posted on InfoWars.com in the live show feed area, I suggest you go read it, because I'm not joking.
It's the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation spokespersons saying we want to use the military and CIA in counter-terrorism and we need to arrest all these people and we need to do more and frustrate them like they are a foreign enemy.
So in all these other countries they've banned the Pfizer shot and the Moderna shot in India and China and areas of Europe and the AstraZeneca and they had to pull one of the main vaccines in Australia because it was giving people false positives for HIV because it was the attenuated virus and that is part HIV.
It's a welded, you know, gain-of-function virus that we know Fauci cooked up at the lab.
But the part I forgot about this is they say in here anyone saying it came out of Wuhan Period!
Not just that it leaked or they did it on purpose, which is what even the former director Redfield of the CDC says should also be arrested or it says neutralized by the Pentagon.
But see that shows how far out they are.
They've already lost the fight.
Everybody got neighbors that got died or got sick from the vaccine.
Everybody knows somebody.
Everybody got locked out of the nursing home and then they heard about people dying in there.
People now know when I still wear a mask, I thought I'd be set free once I took the shot.
People are really upset.
And so the truth is catching up to the lie now.
But that's actually in this report from the Well-Organized Attack Partnerships Reform that Dr. McCulloch, who I'm going to get on as soon as I can, breaks down, and they say in here, anyone That says there's any adverse reactions, which they admit has gone on.
Anyone that says it came out of a lab, anyone that says that is an extremist, who must be put on a watch, and must be dealt with as an extremist, and that we need to dismantle them and interdict them and stop them, and it talks about using the Pentagon and the CIA.
You gotta go read this.
For yourself, but of course, it's for the public.
Good, ladies and gentlemen.
So, I suggest, yeah, here's the really bad parts.
Target counter-messaging from the global health community.
Move to dismantle anti-vaccine groups in the US via the United Nations federal agencies.
Efforts must be made.
The realm of cyber security, law enforcement, public education, and international relations.
A high-level interagency task force reporting to the UN Secretary General could assess the full impact of anti-vaccine aggression.
And propose tough, balanced measures.
The task force would include experts who have tackled complex global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks, and nuclear armaments.
Because anti-science is now approaching similar levels of peril.
It is becoming increasingly clear that advancing immunization requires a counter-offensive.
And they say right here, Do not talk about vitamin D or C. You're a terrorist.
You don't need those.
It says, don't talk about alternative treatments and don't talk about COVID-19 being an engineered virus with gain of function, which everybody admits.
Nope, that's terrorism too.
Even though now it's all admitted, they still don't care.
They go, we'll just, we'll send in the troops.
Well then send them!
And the troops can take the shots and die too!
Burn in hell!
Burn in hell, demons!
I got the economic collapse news coming up for you.
We'll tell you how that's all gonna go down.
Stay with us.
Alright, welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's hit the really big news, and I don't do this with pleasure.
I'm having to make a lot of preparations myself.
We know there's been a lot of major inflation going on with currencies for a long time.
And major governments have been able to hide that by making sure that most of the money
didn't actually get into the general public's hands, where it would then cause increased
And so you've seen inflation in yachts and in watches and in real estate and in things
that the richer part of the world are making money out of.
You've seen huge increases in stock markets.
You've seen rigged bond markets.
You've seen central banks buying their own debt at levels, if the chickens come home
to roost, that will look like Weimar Republic Germany, and then approaching down the road,
Zimbabwe inflation.
Where it costs a billion dollars for a slice of bread, and ten billion dollars for a loaf of bread.
And it's all who has the biggest military, it's all who can manipulate everything that ends up surviving.
All the major governments have been in a race to devalue their currencies.
The Euro's been devalued, the Chinese currency's been devalued, the Japanese currency's been devalued, our currency's been devalued.
But now real cracks in the facade are coming in because of Trump, when they had the shutdown, the lockdown, saying, okay, get money in people's hands and keep the economy going.
The answer was don't have the lockdown, don't have the shutdown, don't go along with it.
But Trump went along with the least part of it until he figured it out.
And then the chain reaction of paying people, and this is the key, to not work With more money in the supply means people were buying more things, but there were less things.
And so if that didn't cause inflation on its own, because they were overprinting money, the fact that there's scarcity always makes prices go up as just a function of supply and demand.
So you add those two factors together, and so many people, I mean, I've got a great crew, but I had some people never wanted to come back to work after the shutdown.
They never came back.
And I know a lot of people now say their businesses are falling apart.
No one wants to come back.
One person in a warehouse doesn't even get sick, but there's a COVID test.
Oh, we got to shut the whole warehouse down.
So now they're saying this summer, currently they're going to have about a third less fuel than we had the summer before the lockdown.
And so they're saying there'll be gas shortages that's already happening across the country.
So see, that's how this works.
Less people want to go to work.
Productivity goes down, supply chain breaks down, there's more currency to buy more things, people are trying to buy more things, and it accelerates the inflation, because then people jack up prices.
Because you have to!
Let me explain that.
If I can get plenty of Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, it's a big hit, 95% humanoid, people take it, people already love turmeric, they take this, they go, wow, this is the best turmeric I ever took.
It would fund everything.
I can't ever get it.
Six months later, I get a small supply, one-third of what we ordered.
Well, then tomorrow, I said today, but I've been too busy with new specials.
I'll go to full price on it because I got to fund myself.
So if I have a limited amount to fund myself, I've got to sell it for full price because I need that extra money to operate.
And the prices on raw materials have already gone up.
So I need more money to buy more.
It's a chain reaction.
So a lot of the trucking companies went out of business.
A lot of the people said, hell, I'll just go on a paycheck from the company.
And the companies are still paying out.
And so there's not enough truck drivers.
And so there's not going to be gas.
There's not timber for houses.
There's not... Farmers are giving up.
Food production's way down.
Because a lot of people have to slaughter their milk cows.
Because cows produce a lot of milk, you gotta pump the milk.
People are like, why are they throwing away millions of gallons of milk a day?
Well, because the cows keep producing it, and they're in trucks to pick it up, and nobody's there to buy it!
You have to throw it away!
You dump it in the ditch!
We have a complex economy and when you, it's like a fishing line, you throw out and you jerk the line the wrong way and it snurls up in a big ball.
And now the economy's snurled up and they knew this.
We have a very complex economy and they shut it down and all their big companies doubled and tripled their profits.
Everybody else went bankrupt, but everybody was getting a check.
So, hey, let's just go drink.
I mean, I went on a couple of vacations this year and I'd just be sitting there in a hot tub.
Yeah, I'm going bankrupt, but I get a little check.
I'm just going to drink and have fun.
Everybody I talked to was being laid off or losing their job, but had been given a severance package, and so we're just waiting to go bankrupt in six months.
And now we're a year later and it's happening.
So here's a big article about it from the Von Mies Institute on Infowars.com.
Thanks to trillions in easy money, employers can't find enough workers.
See, everybody's sitting on their ass.
Klaus Schwab knew they'd do this.
Thought, oh, the gravy train goes forever.
No, now you're going to live under a bridge.
Took a lot to build this economy.
Now it's cattywampus.
If you're tired of binge-watching Netflix, there are likely a few restaurants in your neighborhood who would love to hire you.
A job might help.
With the boredom, and it just goes on to say, no one can get anyone to even work.
With extra money, with all this flooded currency, that is going to cause incredible inflation.
There's another article, Rotten Apple, New York as dead as it was a year ago.
And people just aren't coming back, and they're keeping it locked down, and that's how it works.
The globalists want to devastate our economy for a decade or so, then come back and buy it up for pennies on the dollar.
Here's another one, Pennsylvania man, Get to that later.
Here's another article.
One bank warns soaring food prices will lead to social unrest.
76% increase in the index of food orders and purchases that have already been made on crops that are growing now.
So in the next five to six months, globally a 76% increase.
I know I keep harping on this, but it's going to cause an explosive amount of crime and civil unrest and it just goes on from
there. Big lie, Biden says four trillion infrastructure bill has overwhelming bipartisan support on
a single Republican supports it and only six percent goes to roads. It's not even an
infrastructure bill, it won't even do real jobs, it goes to transgender studies and Black Lives Matter.
There's incredible footage I'm going to play coming up of South Africa, an armored vehicle carrying
cash, survives massive assault, gunshots and ramming.
Let's look at what a first world economy looks like under communism when we come back.
And it just goes on from there.
So they have orchestrated the controlled collapse of civilization.
It's going to get absolutely crazy.
And yes, I'm going to run this till next Wednesday, and that's the last day they're going to do it.
We have the largest supply of high-quality, storable food, the largest selection, recently made.
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That is in the continental United States.
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It's their full catalog, they're in our back end, they take the orders, 10% off, and I would get storable food.
I promote what I believe in.
I told you food prices would go up, they've already gone up.
They're gonna have to go up again soon.
I would get storable food, insurance you can eat now while you still can.
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And believe me, soon there'll be runs on it, there'll be lines, there'll be waits to get it within six months, we believe.
Sign up to get your storeable food now before everybody else at infowarestore.com or preparewithalex.com.
Stay with us.
Well, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I am really glad that Roger Stone was able to join us today because we are dealing with the weaponization of the Justice Department against all Against all of the people that in any way, at any level, are criticizing the system.
And it is extremely, extremely dangerous.
So again, Roger Stone joins us.
I'm very thankful he's able to join us.
Look at what's already on my plate today.
Do you see this?
The disinformation doesn't.
Why platforms must act on 12 leading online anti-vaxxers, including Dr. Joseph Mercola, a medical doctor, now being threatened with death if he doesn't take down papers about vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc, which is on the NIH's own website.
You have to have that or you die.
Here's another one.
New York Times, NBC, and WaPo retract claim that FBI warned Rudy Giuliani he was targeted by Russian influence.
Oh yes, the fact that Biden was doing corrupt stuff in Ukraine.
That was a Russian lie.
Biden didn't get on C-SPAN at the CFR and say that he had the prosecutor fired investigating on her.
No, he did.
And so in this report that I have right here, Dr. Mercola, it's posted on Infowars.com, talks about why he's pulling his articles about vitamin D, C, zinc, and COVID-19, and he quotes this document that says, everyone, this is put up by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation spokesperson,
That criticizes vaccines, questions vaccines, or talks about alternative treatments to COVID needs to have the military shut them down or frustrate them.
And then we have Biden and Psaki and all of them saying, we're going to use the military on Trump supporters now.
And you have all these people in dungeons that were nonviolent at the Capitol.
In solitary confinement, even Elizabeth Warren has said it's wrong, not being released for three months plus, and then you've got people that weren't even in the Capitol, like Nick Fuentes on no-fly list, and you've got Roger Stone SWAT teamed, and you've got them now, the Justice Department, suing him.
This is the persecution.
And they say anti-vaxxers are extremists.
So it's not enough to censor doctors off the internet when they talk about the lies of COVID and the fraud and the PCR test, their attacks.
So, Roger, I was already gonna bring this up to you.
I originally had you on about you and General Flynn and the great stuff you're doing, and also some Trump news, but you wanted to get into this, and that's exactly what I wanted to ask you about.
FISA court doc shows FBI looked For domestic terrorists without warrants.
Now that's illegal.
And they were in Giuliani's.
I clout illegally.
Army reviewing investigation of Michael Flynn's dealings with Russia.
They brought that back out.
So this is a thousand times what Nixon dreamed of.
Ten thousand times what McCarthy did.
I mean, this is real.
As Alan Dershowitz said, this is real Banana Republic stuff.
Any way you slice this, this is totally illegal.
Give us your take on it and what America should do in the face of this onslaught.
Well, Alex, first of all, I want to thank the folks at Big Daddy Unlimited who allowed us to jump in at the last minute and use their terrific broadcast facilities so that I could speak to you.
These folks are strong supporters of the Second Amendment.
They're revolutionizing the online gun store.
They're good, solid Americans.
They're huge fans of InfoWars, and they were kind enough to let us jump into their studio today.
Now, let's get to the topic.
You know, there's a long history of governmental abuse of some of these agencies.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt used the IRS very aggressively to harass his political opponents.
There's a great memo that Robert Kennedy, as Attorney General, wrote to his brother talking about how to use the IRS to harass the Chamber of Commerce and other pro-free enterprise organizations.
Joe Biden, as a Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, tried to use his power to lean on the IRS, pardon me, to harass conservatives.
But this, this has come to an entire new level.
First of all, you have the army.
Under Joe Biden announcing that they're going to reopen investigations into General Mike Flynn and his contacts with the Russians and his other foreign contacts.
But that's a little strange because Robert Mueller had unlimited legal power, an unlimited budget, six or 700 lawyers working for him, and he could find nothing against this great American patriot.
Then at six o'clock in the morning, as we all saw, not shocking for me, they raided the President of the United States' personal attorney's home and office, Rudy Giuliani, to take his electronic devices, to take all of his records except for one.
They weren't interested in the hard drive that pertained to the misconduct of Hunter Biden.
They left that behind.
And of course, as you pointed out, after their failure to roll me up in the phony Witch Hunt 1.0, the Russian collusion hoax, they've now come back and are suing me for interest and penalties in a civil suit for taxes that I have already paid off with an extraordinary effort over a three-year period.
This is political harassment of the opponents of the Of the Biden administration.
This is a misuse of our justice.
And it's only accelerating.
I mean, how bad do you think it's going to get?
Because you go on Twitter, all they call for is us to be killed, put in prison.
They're like a frothing group of Bolsheviks or something.
Yeah, I think people need to understand exactly how this works.
So when anything reaches critical mass on Twitter, for example, confiscate all firearms, arrest Alex Jones, Or even crazier stuff.
The newsrooms at the New York Times and the Washington Post, which by the way there are 2,000 reporters now working for the Washington Post, and about 20% of their journalistic output is going into a print newspaper.
The other 80% of their propaganda, I mean their reporting, is going online.
So they're getting their cues From these fanatics, from these haters on Twitter, and that's what leads the paper.
That's what they send their investigative reporters out to go look into.
It's a vicious chain.
I had had real hopes that the Justice Department would go back to having the more traditional role that they used to have under American presidents and be entirely— But they're not.
They're using anti-terrorism to get around things and use it against American people.
What Democrats warned up back with the Patriot Act— Twenty years ago.
So this is textbook.
And like I said, they're even saying, use it on medical doctors that talk about vitamin D. I spent hours covering it.
They say, use the CIA, use the military, interdict them, shut them down, arrest them.
I mean, this is corporations frothing.
It's big corporations are the real fascists here trying to silence us.
This is, where are the Republicans?
I guess Kev McCarthy's too busy in the marital bed with Frank Luntz.
Look, it's really extraordinary because they're literally shredding the Constitution.
They're conducting raids with no probable cause.
They're ignoring due process rights.
People are being targeted for their political beliefs.
They're not being targeted because they have any evidence of an actual crime.
They're being targeted... Let's say it's illegal as hell, and on a scale of 1 to 10 of tyranny, it's a 10.
It is a gigantic, bloody red flag.
It's outrageous!
I think you're understating it.
It's a political vendetta.
Whether it is the assault of Matt Gaetz, or the attacks, the new attacks on General Flynn, or the outrageousness of surveilling an official envoy of the President of the United States when he meets with a foreign leader.
If you look at the list of people that they want to, whose conversations they were surveilling in the Giuliani case, they're all government officials investigating the misconduct and the corruption of the Biden administration.
They're using the power of the state to protect their criminal activities.
J. Edgar Hoover would be rolling in his grave.
This is well beyond the kind of excesses you had at the FBI in the 60s and 70s.
This is just taking it to a whole new level.
And you know what that means, Roger.
Let's talk about it when we come back.
When they go this far, they're going to go all the way.
And what is all the way when we come back?
And let's talk about Matt Gaetz.
If Matt Gaetz was involved in any type of real pedophilia, I'd say nail his ass to the wall.
I'd say put him in prison.
But they never produced anything but more BS.
More lies, more edited text messages out of context, and no discussion of Alita Express, no discussion of real pedophilia, no discussion of Tony Podesta, and publicly saying he has a pedophile collection of paintings and photos.
We'll be right back.
Look, I know the guys that actually trained the FBI and the CIA in close quarters combat.
I'm friends with a bunch of them.
They're great guys, combat vets.
The average FBI agent's not even a bad person.
But the top is rotten and run by the globalists and compromised by the communist Chinese.
And you already see a couple of FBI agents getting killed in Florida on that raid on pedophiles.
God bless them.
They're getting killed.
So I know there are good FBI agents.
Some of them got arrested at the Capitol claiming they breached it.
They didn't.
Um, but I mean, you talk about playing with fire here, Roger, saying that 12 doctors are terrorists and Bill Gates Foundation wants Joe Biden to use the military on him, and then Psaki's on TV saying, we're going to use the military.
And then, and then Biden says, if you support Trump, you're a white supremacist and that's terrorism.
I mean, they're saying they're going to do this.
And the ADL said arrest.
Mark Zuckerberg, because he doesn't let us run his Facebook, and then he put the head of the ADL, Greenblatt, on the board!
And then they talked about arresting me at the ADL Summit!
I mean, this is scary!
It doesn't scare me that I'm going to hide under a table.
Imagine getting up on TV and saying, arrest Alex Jones or arrest Roger Stone, and they raid Giuliani, the lawyer of the president, and were illegal surveilling the president during the first impeachment.
That's a total violation of separation of powers.
When the CIA was spying on Dianne Feinstein, it was wrong.
This is outrageous, Roger!
So let's talk about the remedies to this, and where does it go next if Congress or the governors or somebody doesn't start pushing back on this power grab?
Well, first, I think the most important thing to recognize is that all of this is in violation of our First Amendment rights.
I mean, we have an absolute free speech right to express our views, whether it is that the irregularities and the anomalies in the 2020 election require further examination, or whether you are skeptical about whether vaccinations are safe, or whether you are opposed to the efforts to Stop the online sale of ammunition, which is currently legal in this country.
Or you want to stop gun sales or sales of gun parts.
You're allowed to say all of these things.
It is your absolute right to express your opinion.
So we are seeing the surveillance, the framing and the prosecution potentially of people who've done nothing other than express their opinions, which are contrary to the views of the Biden administration.
It is really extraordinary.
It's really the most radical thing I've ever seen.
And Roger, I totally agree with you.
You're always having problems with your earphones, but that's okay.
We're going to get you some specially fitted ones.
Your suit does look very nice.
Shifting gears to Matt Gaetz, I've been attacked by the left.
Oh, look!
Jones, the anti-pedophile crusader, supporting Congressman Gaetz.
I've seen them try to frame people before.
They say five years ago he didn't know somebody was 17.
The guy that is saying all this has gotten in trouble for framing people and reportedly faking people's identities.
I know you know it.
I don't know the truth about any of this.
I'm simply saying I'm not hearing a word about Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates, the Leader Express, the Clintons, with kidnapped 14-year-old girls put into sex slavery, real stuff.
I'm not hearing anything about the ongoing pedophile rings and the podestas.
I'm not, no no, I'm hearing about Matt Gaetz all day, who's being targeted and who said he was being blackmailed and he's not being charged, so they get to hold that evidence over his head.
Very, very suspicious.
If they've got the evidence of what they're saying, put it out, but then...
The women went forward to CNN and said, well I was 25 and he was really nice and there were no underage girls there.
A whole bunch of women went forward with exculpatory evidence for him and the media spun that against Gates and went, oh my gosh, five years ago he was having sex with 25-year-old women and drinking whiskey!
And once they saw him maybe take a pill.
I mean, again, that's not sex slavery.
And if conservatives can't deal with that, fine, he's a playboy.
He never said that he was a perfect, you know, guy.
In fact, he tried to decriminalize drugs.
So, so, all I'm saying is, is that they're trying to, like, act like, oh, look, you know, Matt Gaetz is a pedophile ring runner covering up for the real pedophile rings.
That's my issue.
This is particularly annoying because, yes, I did have a brief text correspondence with Joel Greenberg, who was the elected Seminole County tax attorney, and I did recommend an attorney for him, and I did ask that his attorneys write a memo to a prospective potential attorney for him.
That's not a confession letter as it was described in Esquire magazine.
But they don't talk about my also telling Mr. Greenberg that he had to reach out to the Lord, that he had to put himself in God's hands.
I sent him Proverbs.
I sent him Psalms.
I sent him the kind of things that people sent me when I was in the scope of Robert Mueller, when I was in his crosshairs.
They don't report any of that.
I made this very clear.
I had no involvement in this guy's case.
I took not a dime from him.
I tried to recommend an attorney.
And there's nothing improper here.
I never lobbied on his behalf.
But more importantly...
I have yet to see an iota, a scintilla of actual evidence or proof that Matt Gaetz did anything wrong.
I keep reading the claim, the accusation in the fake news media, but I haven't seen anything that will actually document that's true, other than at this point the ravings of a guy who's in deep trouble and will say anything whatsoever that his government torturers are holding over his head to try to get a more lenient sentence.
It's a lynching of Matt Gaetz, and it's wrong.
Well, let's expand on that, and that's one reason I wanted to get you on here.
I think Matt Gaetz is a good orator.
He's been against the censorship.
He's been pro-gun.
He's really a libertarian Republican, and I think he's good in Congress.
Why, when they attack him, doesn't he have a press conference and say, Hunter Biden is in photos naked with his niece saying he had sex with her?
We have the diary of Hunter's sister saying Joe used to screw her.
We have all the thousands of photos and videos they confirm of him saying I work for Chinese intelligence and we have the audio of it.
He should have a press conference and play all that and say, I tell you what, once you put Hunter in prison and Joe in prison and once you do all that...
Then, you can talk about five years ago, did somebody snake a 17-year-old in that looked 25, and then we don't even have any proof of.
It's all BS.
So, again, that's my issue.
Why doesn't Gates go on the attack and talk about the Lolita Express, and Bill Gates, and the Clintons, and the Democrats, and the Podestas?
Why does he sit there and let them beat the living hell out of him?
I'm not saying he's guilty of something else, maybe, but it doesn't look good.
He needs to go on the attack.
I couldn't agree with you more.
I do think he's been out there counter-punching, but I think perhaps we need to take a broader view.
If they're going to harass me about my taxes, what about Hunter Biden who took in millions from the Ukrainians and the Chinese?
If they're going to harass Rudy Giuliani about his activities in Ukraine, which I believe to be entirely legal, what about Hunter Biden's activities in the Ukraine?
We even have a press blackout on that issue.
You can't even read about it or hear about it.
And now to take that great American patriot, Michael Flynn.
Who did nothing wrong and open up new investigations to plow the ground that's already been gone over.
This is perfect.
In every case, a perfect example of the two tiered justice system.
One set of justice for Hunter Biden and the Biden family and their cronies and all Democrats.
And then anyone else who shares a contrary political view, whether you're a Republican
or a Christian or a Libertarian or an info warrior, or whether you're a Second Amendment
enthusiast or collector, you're going to be harassed. You're going to be treated differently.
But these global elites, they are not prosecuted. Tucker Carlson said it last week,
better than anyone. Guys like John Brennan and General Clapper, who lied under oath about
matters of great consequence to Congress, they go unprosecuted.
But they target people.
Carver said under oath, the NSA has never spotted an American, ever.
He denied that there was any metadata collection program being run by the CIA.
That is a flat-out lie.
By the way, where is he now?
Why, he's teaching ethics at Vermont College, and he has a very well-paid gig.
Where's Hunter Biden?
He's gonna teach a piece on fake news down in New Orleans.
Well, he's just moved into a $4.5 million house in the Hollywood Hills, so he seems not to be hurting for cash, and yeah, he's going to go to Tulane in New Orleans to talk about ethics and the fake news media.
They haven't announced the date of that yet, but I'm thinking going down and maybe taking in his lecture.
I wonder if he'll give lessons on their weird pedophile family where they all have sex with each other.
It's very strange, but where can you read about any of that in the mainstream media?
We have a media blackout going on, where they take and they manufacture misconduct about anybody who's an opponent, screaming in their headlines complete falsehoods, yet they shield Hunter Biden and other Democrats from any scrutiny whatsoever.
All right, let's do five more minutes ahead of Paul Joseph Watson taking over.
Stay there.
We'll come back in two minutes, do a quick interview, finish up with Robert Stone and then Paul Joseph Watson as usual.
He is loaded for bear.
He is going to come out of the gate screaming at 6 after.
So that's going on.
I extended it one day.
It will be over tomorrow.
I've just been so busy I haven't cut new ads for the new specials.
So the turmeric, Ultimate Turmeric Formula 50% off.
That's going to end as soon as I can shoot the new ads.
I got super busy with Bill Gates and his announced divorce last night.
I was up until 8 o'clock doing a piece on that.
But last day to get Ultimate Turmeric Formula 50% off.
Alright, quick five minutes with Roger Stone finishing up the Alex Jones portion of the transmission.
And then for the fourth hour, the great guest host, Paul Joseph Watson from Her Britannic Majesty's London, England.
All right, you and Flynn have been giving some big speeches, getting a lot of coverage, saying, hey, stay active, Trump supporters, stay in the fight.
I think it's great to have Trump out there trying to keep people energized, trying to get folks elected.
We know whoever Trump supports ends up winning these primaries and in these other special runoffs.
But we need to have Flynn ready to go and a few other folks.
I know Tucker says he isn't going to run, and I believe that, but, I mean, who do we have as prospects?
Because we need somebody to be leading the opposition, so Kevin McCarthy and his boyfriend, or whatever he is, his roommate, Frank Luntz, don't run the party.
Well, I was really happy to hear that the president has announced that he's going to begin doing these giant MAGA rallies around the country.
I think it's an important way to break through the mass communication censorship and control blockade so the president can deliver a withering critique of the Biden administration and their policies.
You know, we used to have a tradition in this country that Former presidents didn't criticize their successors.
That ended with Barack Obama.
And now I think it's more than fair game.
What better spokesman to make that case than Donald Trump himself?
If you watched Biden the other day, he said, we have a plan to rebuild America.
He inherited the most robust economy in American history.
The greatest rate of job growth, the greatest rate of wage growth, the lowest levels of unemployment among all Americans in every subgroup.
So what disaster is he talking about?
All I've seen are rising gas prices so far.
So this idea that we need to rebuild, no, we need to build on what Trump did.
Right now he's trying to deconstruct it.
Higher taxes he's announced, more regulations.
Let's see what that does to the booming Trump economy that we're still enjoying today.
So I think it's very important.
And I know General Flynn is very enthusiastic about the fact that Donald Trump's going to do what he does best, hit the road, go to these massive, incredibly entertaining rallies, but make some very key points that the fake news media just won't cover.
Unless, of course, a former president makes them.
In which case, it's very hard for them not to cover it.
Two and a half years ago, when the campaign season was cranking up, you and I were on the air saying he's clearly had another stroke.
That's a real photo on screen.
He sees a finger like a turtle for a carrot.
He starts biting at it.
He is on another planet most of the time, unless he's reading off a teleprompter.
How long can this charade go on?
Well, I think it's painfully obvious to the American people.
You now have foreign leaders beginning to complain about it.
Look, I don't wish Joe Biden any ill will.
I don't wish him poor health.
I don't wish that he have an early demise.
He's the president of the United States.
I'm a Christian and I pray for the success of him and our country.
But the man does not look well to me.
And I think it is getting more and more obvious to people that he's not running the country.
As we said right here on this program a week ago, Ron Klain, his former chief of staff, and Susan Rice, the national security advisor in the Obama administration, essentially have a power-sharing relationship in which they are actually running the country.
It's my personal belief that big decisions are probably run by Barack Obama.
I totally agree.
This is the O'Biden or O'Harris campaign and presidency.
Let me ask you this.
Do you think that perhaps Ron Kling is also a roommate there at Frank Luntz's house with Kev McCarthy?
No, I'm not going to say that.
I do wonder whether, Frank, is that a Danish stapled on his head or is that a toupee?
What is that?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, go back to the video.
Look, I'm being sarcastic.
I'm just saying the Republican leadership act like they're run by the Democrats.
And I mean, maybe we know now what's going on.
Well, look, this has been important because I think we have to expose the way they are weaponizing the Justice Department.
And Alex, once again, I want to thank the folks at Big Daddy Unlimited because I'm way out in the field.
I didn't want to do this on a cell phone and kind of do get a lousy transmission.
So these folks really stepped in to help us.
And I appreciate it.
You're hitting the most important issue today, which is the total political weaponization of our criminal justice system for solely political purposes.
I'm going to look up Big Daddy Unlimited.
What do they make?
A bunch of firearms?
Yeah, they're good folks.
They're good folks.
We like them.
And they've been very hospitable here today.
All right, Roger.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you, Thought Criminal.
That's a fellow Thought Criminal right there.
All right.
Paul Joseph Watson takes over right now.
Stay with us.
And we are live.
It is the Summit NewsHour, or as you know, the COVID-19 NewsHour, because that's basically been going on for the past year plus.
What many people are still talking about is when these social distancing, when these mask mandates, when these corona restrictions will end, if ever.
And for many Americans it appears as though they think they won't end, not just within six months or 18 months, but indeed indefinitely.
We have a story here up at Summit.News.
A new poll out of Rasmussen says 15% of Americans think mask mandates will remain For years or indefinitely.
They asked the selection of Americans when they thought these restrictions would end.
Participants were asked, quote, how much longer will Americans be required to wear masks in public places?
They gave them the option less than six months, six months to a year, at least 18 months for the next couple of years or indefinitely.
Now it doesn't matter that all the data shows, for example in Texas, and in Florida, and in South Dakota, that when they end these social distancing restrictions, when they end these mask mandates, the cases go down, the hospitalization rates go down, and the deaths go down.
Doesn't matter.
Fauci just ignores it and says, well we need a couple of weeks to see how the data transpires, even though it was a couple of weeks.
After they ended the mask mandate in Texas back on March the 10th.
Well now 58% of Americans say they think they'll be required to wear masks in public for at least another six months.
While 25% of that figure believes the mandates will go on for 18 months or longer.
And then again 15% said they thought that they would basically never end and that you'll be made to wear a mask forever.
When the flu returns, of course, the flu virus miraculously disappeared over the past year.
It just vanished into thin air and it totally wasn't being counted as Covid, so they could bump up the numbers.
When that returns, and we're going to get into a philosopher, a lecturer, who is saying basically what we've been saying for months, that they're going to Sight a particularly bad flu season and use that as the justification to reintroduce all these measures all these precedents that they've created that by and large everyone has complied with once there's another flu season.
49% of respondents also said that even those who are vaccinated Should still wear the masks so the amazing miraculous life-saving vaccination is still not enough for governments to give up this control because they're completely drunk on power and in many cases the citizenry has been worse of course in the UK where the restrictions are all supposed to end on June 21st
Even though the government is literally saying, no, that's not going to happen now.
We're going to have mass events.
We're going to have football matches.
We're going to have festivals, music concerts where capacity is reduced.
In many cases, it's not the government pushing these more draconian coronavirus restrictions.
Of course, they've been strong armed into doing that from the scientific dictatorship that took over in March 2020.
But it's really not the government that's responsible when you have polls showing that 80% not only want the coronavirus restrictions to continue, and this has been consistent at least in the UK over the past six months, they want them to be even more draconian.
And we're going to get on to why that is in the next segment.
First though, let's go to this Daily Caller video where they went to DC and asked people when they thought the mask mandate would end, or even if they thought it should ever end, and the results for viewers of this show particularly will be very unsurprising.
Let's go to the clip.
Do you think we should wear masks forever?
Absolutely, even if you get the vaccine.
Yeah, I want to see all the world, nobody have mask anymore from now.
Hey, I'm Lisa with the Daily Caller.
Today we were in Washington, D.C.
asking people whether they think we should continue to wear masks forever.
Let's hear what they said.
Do you think we should be wearing masks forever?
And ever?
And ever?
I believe so.
Yeah, definitely.
Like, you know, you see in a bunch of other countries where they already were wearing masks.
I'm an ex-nurse, and I agree.
It's airborne, and we should continue masking until everyone is safe.
Not to worry.
I have a permit.
This just says, I can do what I want.
Like when you're sick, and like after you're vaccinated and stuff, I mean you should still wear one, just as common courtesy.
Am I a hero?
I really can't say, but yes.
This is inevitable at this point, like it's either you're gonna get it or you don't, and people have had enough with this.
Mostly just a courtesy thing.
We're doing God's work!
Like I'm nowhere near anybody, I'm running, I need to breathe, I don't want to pass out from having a mask on my face.
I mean, right now, at this moment, yeah, we still should be wearing our masks.
We need to go back to normal society.
He's still out there.
Who is?
people down. They're still out there. He's still out there.
Who is? COVID. Do you think we should wear masks forever? Oh sure, we should wear masks for
protection. If you go to places that have been diligent with masking...
The numbers are way down.
It is not political.
The virus is an aerosol.
And the masks help.
It's just not human nature.
We should, but I think after you get your vaccine, you should be fine.
Until everyone's vaccinated.
Until, like, more people are vaccinated.
Just have a little car and be like, I got the vaccine.
I don't need the mask no more!
Makes me feel young again.
Just out of respect for other people that don't get the vaccine yet.
I don't believe so.
I think people are going to get vaccinated soon enough.
But furthermore, I think if you're young and you're healthy and you run and you have a good immune system, eventually we've got to move on.
For now, it's good to have a mask, keep social distance, sanitize, wash your hands, just do your part, you know?
What's your favorite song to play?
Oh yeah, we like Abba.
I love Abba.
Abba's my favorite.
Have you seen Mama Mia?
Yeah, I think as long as the rate of infection is really low and enough people have access to the vaccine, I think that we could stop and kind of choose situations where it's appropriate.
And also for kids, well you know that still there are so many things about kids getting the virus and I think that for them and also for all their people.
We shouldn't be wearing masks for too long.
You know?
I mean, cause I got asthma.
Breathing under the mask, it's hot.
You know, I gotta take it off sometimes.
Everybody come check him out.
He's here every day.
I'm the man here the most.
So there you saw it, one of the individuals in that video saying, well if you look at the stats, the places where the mask mandates have been in force, in the most draconian sense, their cases have dropped, they've plummeted.
No they haven't, it's the exact opposite.
South Dakota, Texas, Florida.
If you look at Europe, when the mask mandates were introduced last summer, as soon as they were introduced across the board, including in public, not just going to restaurants, but just out in the public generally, The coronavirus cases shot up.
I mentioned a study last week where it showed that the coronavirus particle itself was a thousand times smaller than the biggest gap in the fabric of those Stereotypically, uh, face masks that people wear for surgical procedures, you know, the classic blue face mask.
The particle is a thousand times smaller, it goes straight through.
What happened to that study over the course of the past week?
Oh, it's been retracted because the mainstream media came out and attacked it, so now it's disappeared off the internet!
Because it carried a narrative which they didn't like.
As I point out in the article, The reason people are so off base with demanding this mask wearing until infinity is because they've been terrified by government propaganda and they vastly over-exaggerate the threat of the coronavirus.
I harp on about this all the time.
There was a poll in August last year which found that on average People in the US thought 9% of the population, which is 30 million people, had died from coronavirus when the actual figure at the time was less than 155,000.
That meant that The average American thought COVID-19 had killed 225 times more victims than the actual number of fatalities.
They are the victims of social engineering, of mass propaganda, and it sent them completely insane.
And we'll get more into that on the other side of the break.
Don't go away.
We'll be right back.
And we are back.
It is the Summit News Hour.
We played the clip before the break of people basically saying that many of them willing to continue to wear masks ever, despite the fact there's no scientific evidence that
they prevent the spread of coronavirus.
And in fact, if you look at Texas, you look at Florida, you look at South Dakota, you look at
France, you look at Spain, as soon as they end those mask mandates, the cases go down. In many
cases, as soon as they implement them, the cases, the hospitalizations, the deaths go way up.
Oh, but the mask isn't a tool of political oppression. It's become a tool of virtue
signaling, mainly by narcissists to broadcast the fact that they're good people.
Also by middle-aged Karens, who will look at you as you walk towards them with an absolute terror in their eyes, like your Godzilla or King Kong bounding towards them to rip their heads off, if you get within 10 feet of them.
And also, obviously, it's this Attempt to signal high value status.
It's like, oh we're not part of that dirty fringe extremist belief system that says maybe we shouldn't lock down the economy for a year and cause hundreds of thousands of job losses which leads to poverty, which leads to literal starvation.
In many cases in the third world by the way, massive Numbers of children in the third world dying of malnutrition because the very precious unstable economies in those countries have collapsed.
Literally brown kids dying on the street because of these Covid lockdowns.
Oh, but if you don't wear a mask, then you're not a good person.
As we highlighted last month, as I explained in this article, Despite signs that the coronavirus pandemic is coming to an end, health experts are still insisting that mask mandates remain for the foreseeable future, but not apparently for Joe Biden.
This is a headline out of Breitbart.
Biden's go maskless during visit with elderly frail Carters.
Says if you want to know what his fraudulency really believes about masks, Feast your eyes upon the guy who wore a mask during a Zoom call.
Yes, he actually did that.
And the media defended it, saying he was setting an example.
And what was the example?
I'm an idiot who thinks that wearing a mask during a Zoom call is necessary when it just makes you look like a complete moron.
So you've probably seen by now this picture of Joe Biden and the First Lady meeting with the elderly, frail Carters inside, and guess what?
Neither of them are wearing a mask.
It's so important that Joe Biden, in between his coughing fits and his sneezing fits, while he's doing public speeches outdoors, wears a face mask, but apparently not while he's visiting 93-year-old Rosalyn Carter and 96-year-old Jimmy Carter, the two-time cancer survivor, Maybe he won't survive for too much longer, unfortunately, because Joe and Jill Biden didn't mask up during that meeting.
Oh, but they're all vaccinated.
Yeah, but they tell us people can still spread coronavirus even after they're vaccinated.
And that's why you need to continue to wear a mask, even if you took the vaccine.
But apparently Joe and Jill Biden don't when they're visiting 93-year-old and 96-year-old people inside.
Meanwhile, swimming pool tells swimmers to exhale underwater, not look at or talk to others.
And we saw several examples of this back during the first lockdown around a year ago, where not only were people told to keep their social distance, were told to mask up, but they were even told and they literally had signs funded by local government councils in the UK telling people Not to look at others and not to talk to others as they pass them by in the street.
Well, now a lengthy set of COVID-19 rules mandated by the operators of a swimming pool in London include asking swimmers to exhale underwater as well as not to look at or talk to others.
This was tweeted in response to a tweet by the rapper Zoobie by an individual who said, seen at the pool this morning.
And this list of rules tells people, quote, when you need to rest, look away from other swimmers and maintain social distancing.
When swimming, exhale underwater when you can.
They even ban backstrokes and other strokes where social distancing cannot be maintained.
They're told to avoid talking to each other.
And they're told to not look at each other.
And we've literally had, there you see one example, no handshaking, high-fiving or extended eye contact.
Not allowed to have eye contact with anyone.
Apparently eye contact also spreads the virus!
Swimmers in Spain were hit with a similar draconian mandate after the government passed legislation mandating face masks not just on the beach but while swimming in the sea.
A bizarre video that emerged earlier this month also showed a man wearing a face mask.
Yes, while swimming underwater.
This is the level of social engineering and brainwashing To the extent, as I mentioned before, that the average American believes the virus has killed 225 times more people than it actually has.
And you wonder why people with looks of terror in their faces will literally jump out of your way, leap out of your way, if you come within 10 feet of them on the street.
Meanwhile, the Telegraph reports, and this is in the context of the UK apparently opening up on June 21st, The government has bestowed upon us the gracious privilege of being able to sit outside a pub in the freezing cold with up to six other people and have a pint of beer.
Even as the weather is terrible, literally we've got hailstones, we've got weather more akin to the beginning of the winter season, And yeah, as I mentioned last week, we have these people, many of them Conservatives, posting selfies on Instagram, on Twitter, celebrating the fact that the government has allowed them to have a drink outside while they're freezing their balls off.
with a few of their friends and saying, thank you, oh my God, we're so, so grateful for this freedom that you've bestowed on us.
No, that's not a freedom that the government bestows on you, that's basic right to mobility, basic right to assemble.
So by taking those selfies and acting like it's this grand gesture, you're only playing into their narrative that they have the power to impose on you The ability, the permission to perform basic human activities, but only with their say-so.
So stop taking pub selfies and celebrating it like it's some momentous occasion.
It isn't.
It's playing into their narrative.
Vaccinated but won't go out.
The rise of COVID anxiety syndrome.
And this is an entire article about how health professionals have diagnosed a new symptom, which undoubtedly will be added to the new DSM manual, Covid anxiety syndrome, where people have been so terrified, so cowed into submission, so gelded, that even if the government says, bestows upon them this great privilege that they're allowed to go out and meet their neighbours, meet their friends, they just can't do it.
They're cowering in fear.
And even as the lockdown is tangentially being eased in the United Kingdom, There are numerous cases cited in this article with people saying they're just not ready.
They worry, they're concerned, they're having panic attacks about being around large groups of people, maybe people not wearing masks.
Basically, an entire population has been traumatized by this nonsense and it's not going to end anytime soon.
Summit.News will be back, as always.
So, top epidemiologists have questioned over the past few months why the flu virus has completely disappeared.
Of course, I've talked about this many times before.
There was a Freedom of Information Act request sent to the UK government here in the United Kingdom where somebody asked how many COVID deaths were as a result of COVID alone on the birth certificate with no other comorbidities.
And what percentage of the total COVID deaths told that they're telling the public that that represented?
And the government came back and answered because they have to answer by the law.
They have to answer every Freedom of Information Act request unless it's highly classified information.
The answer came back.
That the total amount of COVID only, with only COVID on the death certificate, was 10% of the total amount of COVID deaths.
So literally 10 times fewer people have died from COVID than we're being told, if you account for the fact that COVID is the only cause of death.
And of course, in many of those cases, the victims were elderly people.
The CDC itself admits that the chance of surviving COVID for people under the age of 40 is 99.8%.
And yet we still have Americans saying that everybody, even after being vaccinated with this miracle cure, 15% of them say we probably should have to wear masks forever.
That is the level, that is the intensity of the brainwashing, that is what produces those polls which find that they literally think 225 times more people have died from this virus than is actually the case.
So the flu has disappeared but don't you worry, the flu is coming back.
It's coming back with a vengeance this coming winter.
And when it does, they're going to reimpose these lockdown measures once again, or at least they're going to attempt to, unless there is massive resistance.
They're in creating the precedent that when they give us these few months off of glorious freedom, from May to the end of August, that that's government bestowing upon us that gracious privilege.
No, that's just normal everyday behaviour.
That's the old normal.
The new normal is the government saying, oh, we allowed you to go to the pub for three months if you sign in and give all your details to a government database.
You should be happy with that.
Now get back in the house!
And this is the context of what a lecturer warned about today in a video clip that was posted to Twitter.
We're going to play it here in a moment.
Headline is Lecturer warns lockdown restrictions will return whenever there's a harsh flu season.
Many others have warned about this before.
The flu has disappeared.
It's gonna come back.
And they're gonna lock down once again.
This is Lecturer Dr David Thunder, PhD, who warns that governments have now set the precedent for draconian lockdown measures to be reintroduced at the drop of a hat every time there's a harsh flu season.
We had By the way, a flu season back in 2017-2018, that if that was counted as COVID now, the media would have freaked out about it and we would have had the lockdown measures then.
But because it happened before COVID, because it happened before they knew that they could voice this oppression upon the population and that they would go along with it, they would comply with it without question, We had a bad flu season back then.
We didn't have any of the measures that we had after COVID-19, but rest assured that will be happening this winter if enough people don't say no.
And to be honest, enough people are not saying no.
They're just saying, I'll mask up, I'll do anything you say, just let me go to the pub with my friends for a few months over the summer.
Here's Dr. David Thunder, PhD, warning about the true agenda The true benchmark, the true precedent that's been set by this mass compliance exercise that we've seen over the past year.
Here's the clip.
As we leave the winter season behind and COVID-19 recedes across the Northern Hemisphere due to seasonal variation, naturally acquired immunity, and possibly also the vaccination of vulnerable populations, governments will attempt to take credit for the lull in COVID infections and hospitalizations.
They will claim that we are only able to open up and return to some semblance of normality because of their draconian restrictions on social life.
They will suggest that our enjoyment of normal life is due to their wise stewardship of the pandemic and their graciousness in relaxing restrictions.
They will conveniently ignore the fact that similar patterns of remission in disease levels occur in regions like Sweden, Florida and Texas that have not been in lockdown for months Many citizens will take whatever breadcrumbs of normality fall from the table of their captors.
Many will hope we can put this nightmare behind us and get back to a normal life if we just toe the line and diligently comply with government instructions.
But make no mistake about it, this nightmare will not be over until citizens push back and say enough is enough.
Governments are now armed with a powerful excuse to suspend citizens' civil liberties whenever there is a winter resurgence in respiratory viruses.
A harsh flu season will be enough to set in motion the wheels of tyranny, threatening people's jobs, businesses, mental and physical health, freedom of movement and freedom of association.
The future of democracy is in our hands.
The only way governments will be brought into line is if we peacefully but firmly show them that we do not recognize their right to pressure us to take a vaccine many of us do not need, instruct us how many guests we may have over for tea, or tell us how far and for what purposes we may leave our homes.
This is not over until we say it is.
That is Dr David Thunder, PhD, warning that they have created the precedent, the benchmark
for this all to be reintroduced.
In the winter months, once we have yet another flu season, that's exactly what's going to happen.
That's exactly what happened last year, where we were told, even during the summer phase, where the virus was supposedly on its last legs, that the government had already planned, before there was an increase in cases, to lock down once again in October.
We were told that months in advance, when we were still in summer, and that's exactly what's going to happen once again.
Meanwhile, where did the virus come from?
Well, you're not going to find out where the virus came from if you listen to the WHO, which, as we've talked about before, sent a team of investigators to the Wuhan lab in China to conduct a thorough, exhaustive investigation and ask the question, did the COVID-19 virus leak from that Wuhan lab?
They sent people in for a time limit of three hours.
They were literally there for three hours.
The scope of their thorough, exhaustive investigation was to ask the Chinese scientists linked with the Communist Party if the virus was leaked from the Wuhan lab.
And the scientists said, no.
And that was it.
Investigation over.
They left.
They announced the results of the investigation.
That's literally what happened.
Well now Zero Hedge reports evidence reveals that military team collaborated with lab where COVID-19 pandemic originated.
The Chinese regime has said its controversial virology institute had no relationship with the military.
Despite the fact that literally every facility of this kind, as we know, in China is linked with the military, there's nothing of any importance or significance whatsoever in China that isn't linked with the communist government or the military.
Well, the institute worked with military leaders on a government-sponsored project for almost a decade.
But the WHO didn't discover this when they were there for three hours, when they had their little chat with the scientists in the lab.
What a surprise!
The Wuhan Institute of Virology participated in a project sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a regime-funded scientific research institution, from 2012 to 2018.
The project was comprised of a team of five military and civil experts who conducted research at WIV labs, military labs and other civil labs, leading to, quote, the discovery of animal pathogens, biological agents that cause disease in wild animals.
Those bats, of course, that we're told were responsible for the virus.
Weren't even in Wuhan, they were 200 miles away.
The exact horseshoe bat that was responsible was not sold in the wet market in Wuhan.
It was present in the virology lab in Wuhan, but of course, as we know, that's just a coincidence.
Summit.News, we'll be back.
Now go away.
And we are back.
It is the final segment.
I'm going to go to a clip in a minute which illustrates everything as it pertains to people fleeing the big cities, the Ferguson effect, the riots, the violence that is plaguing many American cities, both large and small, in 2020 and it looks like into 2021 and 2022.
Headline here out of Summit News, rotten apple, New York as dead as it was a year ago.
I talked about this previously.
The places where the mask mandates, the social distancing, the Covid restrictions have been lifted, they're all bouncing back.
They're roaring back.
Texas, Florida, South Dakota.
Not the case in places like New York where everything is still bordered up.
And this was a video posted by Nick Gillespie.
Of morning rush hour traffic on the Bowery, a street located in a normally busy neighbourhood in Manhattan, suffice to say it's not that busy.
You see boarded up shops, you see a distinct lack of traffic that you would expect in a busy area of Manhattan.
At that time of the morning, he said New York is seemingly as dead as it was a year ago, People blame the coronavirus lockdown restrictions for the city's decline.
One commented, quote, it's absolutely tragic what these morons have done to my beautiful city.
It's going to take years to recover from this.
I would say that that was a optimistic outlook.
We had a survey back in September 2020 which found that two in five New Yorkers wanted to leave the city with the reason cited being crime and public safety as well as the anemic post-COVID economic recovery.
Of course we know They took all the homeless people in the already run-down bad areas of New York and put them in areas more like this, with the high-class hotels in places like Manhattan and the Upper East Side.
Again, in the name of preventing the spread of COVID, that led to more crapping on the streets, more public drug use, the kind, the like that you see in San Francisco, and of course more crime on the streets.
But again, it was in the name of preventing the spread of COVID, so people accepted it, which led to, people again, an exacerbation of this trend of people fleeing New York and other major cities.
We had articles last year which showed removal trucks became a common sight on the streets, with 2020 showing a 44% increase in home sales in the suburbs compared to the same time period in 2019 as people fled for bigger homes in safer areas.
We featured the comments of hedge fund manager James Altucher, who previously warned that the city was on its knees.
There were no signs of New York's political leadership offering a way out of the malaise.
It's basically done.
You can stick a fork in it.
30 to 50% of the restaurants in New York City are not coming back, according to this entrepreneur.
And then of course you have the added benefit, the juicy bonus, of regular Black Lives Matter riots rampaging through the streets.
And in one case, telling white people to get the F out of New York.
Again, making them feel very welcome.
You see a similar situation here in London.
Where over the past year 700,000 people have left London, again primarily due to coronavirus lockdown restrictions, which have put many people out of business, including many of the precious immigrants that the globalists are supposed to love and support.
A lot of them have left because the restaurants, the bars, have closed and many of them are not coming back.
And of course the other reason why people are fleeing major cities is violent crime.
And it's the Ferguson effect.
They don't call it the Ferguson effect anymore.
They call it a lack of resources.
Here's a headline out of Information Liberation, and we've got the clip which we're going to play here coming up in a second.
Headline, you're always going to be Mexican, you'll never be white.
Professor berates LA deputy during traffic stop.
Yes, she was actually a teacher.
Viral video out of Los Angeles County shows a professor berating a Hispanic police officer as a murderer.
During a routine traffic stop, he stopped her because she was wildly swinging her phone out of the car window trying to film this police officer simply because he was driving behind her.
Apparently that makes him a murderer.
Here's the clip.
Let's take a look.
I was going under the speed limit.
I was going at 38.
Yes you are, ma'am.
Good morning.
And the speed limit is 40 and I was going 38, so why are you harassing me?
You are correct.
I pulled over because... Because you're a murderer.
Yes, I started to record because you're a murderer.
You can't be on your cell phone while you're driving.
I wasn't on my phone.
I was recording you because you scared me.
You can't use your cell phone while you're recording.
I can record you.
May I have your driver's license?
It's at my apartment.
What's your apartment?
It's at my home.
I'm just taking my son to his... Do you have your driver's license?
I mistakenly left it at home.
Do you have a picture of your driver's license?
Yes, I do.
May I have it?
And can you call your supervisor, please?
I already did.
He's on his way.
Good, because you're a murderer.
And so you're giving me a cell phone ticket?
Is that why you're harassing me?
It's not harassment.
I am enforcing the law.
I have a right to record the police when they're harassing me.
By all means.
But you can't do it while you're driving.
I wasn't texting or none of that.
And you scared me and made me think you were going to murder me.
Okay, well, I'm sorry you feel that way.
Well, that's not just a feeling.
You're a murderer.
Can you zoom in on that for me?
Thank you.
And I'm perfectly legal, and I'm a teacher.
So there.
You're a murderer.
What's your last name?
I can't see that there.
Well, here you go, murderer.
Stop shaking.
Zoom in on that for me.
No, because you're scaring me.
You're threatening to kill me and my son.
I'll tell you what, you keep smiling, you're on camera.
You're trying to threaten to kill me.
I'm not smiling, you're the one who's crying.
Hold that still, I can't see that.
Is this your car?
Yes it is.
You're trying to say I stole my own car because you're jealous?
Is that what that's about?
I don't think so.
You wait for me right here, okay?
You're jealous.
I have a citation.
All you need to do is just give us your signature.
He's only citing you for using your cell phone while you're driving.
That's it.
Here you go, ma'am.
Sign inside the red box right there.
For him being a Mexican racist.
What is that name?
Sign the citation, ma'am.
Here you go, Mexican racist.
You're always going to be a Mexican.
You'll never be white.
You know that, right?
You'll never be white, which is what you really want to be.
There you go, dear.
You want to be white.
Thank you, ma'am.
Have a good day.
So again, you heard her say, I'M A TEACHER!
Yeah, that doesn't make you Mother Teresa!
Again, it's this new high-status symbol.
Oh, I'm a nurse!
Oh my God, what, you do TikTok dances?
Stunning and brave!
She's literally calling him a murderer when he's stopping her for waving her cell phone out of the window.
That's the law, whether you agree with it or not.
You can't be on your cell phone when you're driving.
Immediately calls him a murderer.
Why is she doing this?
Because people like LeBron James come out with ridiculous, absurd tweets saying that black people are literally being hunted on the streets every time they leave the house.
Yes, he actually said that.
You have the media glorifying violent criminals like George Floyd, for example.
You have the Ferguson effect where cops don't even go into these areas anymore and you have this perception that they're just going to kill everyone on a whim.
Generally, by and large, even in America where you do have police abuse, if you abide by the law, if you don't resist arrest, you're not going to get shot in the head.
But because of this rampant moral panic and hysteria promulgated by the media, promulgated by celebrities like LeBron James, this is how a teacher, a much vaunted, sanctified teacher, responds to a routine traffic stop.
Absolutely incredible.
Meanwhile, This ties into this.
Summer 2021 is going to be abnormally violent as murders continue to rise.
And why are they continuing to rise?
Because of the Ferguson effect, obviously the riots after the Michael Brown murder, and because of the George Floyd effect.
Cops don't want to go into areas where they're likely to have violent confrontations with criminals.
And you saw that with the Bryant murder a couple of weeks ago.
Again, she was the cause celebre of Black Lives Matter, despite the fact that the cop literally saved two lives of African-American women that Bryant was trying to stab to death.
Why would cops want to go into those areas when Either they're going to get killed by violent criminals, or if they defend themselves and legally, justifiably kill the violent criminals, their lives are going to be ruined by the mobs on social media, or they're going to be ruined by rigged jury trials.
But apparently it's only going to get worse.
Summer 2021 is shaping up to be abnormally violent, according to one expert, as data shows murders continue to rise in major American cities and the threat of more riots looms large.
This is John Roman, He said summer 2021 is going to be abnormally violent.
Summer 2022 as well!
It's the new normal, writes Roman.
So they go through the cities.
They know that murder, again, is on the increase.
It has been on the increase since 2014, which is when the Ferguson riots happened, which is when the Ferguson effect kicked into high gear because the police didn't want to go into these high crime areas where they're likely to be confronted by criminals.
So if they kill the criminals again, They will be the subject of vicious mob harassment, media pylons, rigged juries.
If they're not dead, their lives will be ruined anyway.
So what is the purpose of having those confrontations in the first place?
Just let them kill each other.
And that's apparently what they're doing in many major American cities.
That's going to wrap it up.
War Room next.
don't go away.
It's like every time we get down to the line and I start going into the red, something good happens.
We go back to the black because I don't want to cut back our crew.
I don't want to shut down down the road.
We're under major attack, but I believe in God's mission that we've been given.
And I believe in you.
And so because of the COVID lockdowns, the shutdowns and the supply chain problems,
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But I wanted to spend a minute or so telling you about two other great products that people say, well, why'd you come out with these if you have knockout?
Well, because it's different for most different people.
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We came out with stuff even stronger for those that want things that are even stronger.
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It's that good.
What does it have in it?
Well, it has L-theanine.
That stuff in turkey makes you sleep.
Gamma amino butyric acid, 5-HTP, and then melatonin, 5 milligrams.
It's got 5 milligrams of melatonin, 50 milligrams of 5-HTP, 125 milligrams of Gamma, amino, butyric acid, and 200 milligrams of L-theanine.
Oh, and I forgot, 105 milligrams of magnesium that just helps you blast off to incredible sleep and then blast off when you wake up.
In the morning, this is way stronger than knockout, which is still a great formula.
Some of you probably don't want to take this.
Okay, maybe take half a capsule when you do.
And then we have also down and out.
That's a very similar formula, but it's a liquid, very, very strong.
It doesn't have the 5-HTP in it, though.
It has instead the valerian route.
So these are three different amazing sleep rest formulas.
Here's the key.
All the studies show that deep sleep is just as important as essential vitamins and minerals to your immune system.
So during these times especially, get that deep clear sleep and funding InfoWar at InfoWarStore.com with these amazing natural sleep aids.
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