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Name: 20210409_Fri_Alex
Air Date: April 9, 2021
2649 lines.

In this transcript of an episode of The Alex Jones Show, Jones discusses topics such as immigration, globalism, COVID-19 vaccines, child trafficking, and freedom of speech. He warns against the dangers of allowing foreign populations to settle in a nation's borders, criticizes the United Nations for projecting that over the next 50 years, the world's population will need to be replaced by a foreign population, and discusses his concerns about COVID-19 vaccines. Additionally, he addresses the situation at the South Texas border, where he claims child smuggling is taking place with the involvement of NGOs and liberal individuals. Throughout the show, Jones emphasizes the importance of prayer and spreading awareness in order to make a difference in the ongoing battle against global government, while requesting support from listeners in the form of prayer and financial contributions to continue their work at InfoWars.

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I have all the top scientists concurring with what I'm saying, former head of defense intelligence, top other individuals that do this for a living, and they say, no, it's all true.
This is a total takedown plan.
The former chief scientist at Pfizer says it is a planetary collapse takeover plan.
Do you know what's going to happen in a year, two years, when hundreds of millions of people are sick in America from the vaccine, we're going to be the most vaccinated country?
It will collapse the whole country.
It's a planned takedown.
America is under chemical, biological attack right now through the NIH and Fauci and Gates.
The Chi-Coms ran the fear operation, and now it's here.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
This whole thing is illegal to begin with!
You ought to be citizen arrested for what you're doing.
Shame on you aiding and abetting child trafficking.
The fact is, is that we're on a good path at the border under leadership of Joe Biden, President Biden.
There is, it's about three things.
It's about restructuring how we do what is happening there because we were in a very bad situation under the Trump administration.
Earlier today, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission And the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services separately received tips that allege child abuse and neglect at the federal government's child migrant facility at the Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio behind me.
These problems are a by-product of President Biden's open border policies.
He's the police over here!
They got a bunch of kids in the car seat!
You're violating Texas law!
Who is this right here?
You got those children in there illegally!
You're about to run a human being over!
Who are you?
Who are you?
You got those smuggled children illegally!
Why should you be alarmed about the crisis on the United States southern border?
Well, because history is repeating itself on purpose.
Yesterday we watched literally hundreds of illegal migrants crossing the border and turning themselves into the border patrol.
Groups in the company of children who were under seven had their basic biometric information taken down and then dispatched to bus stations.
We are in a battle for the very definition of who we are as a nation.
Who are we?
That is the question that our culture, our nation right now is asking.
And people need to begin to rise up and begin to speak out and push back against the lunacy and the illogic that is being used right now to divide us.
The United States looks just like Ancient Rome did in its final days.
Of course, Rome didn't fall in a day, but when it finally received its death blow in 476 AD, its world power status had declined due to several corrosive reasons.
Germanic tribes had beaten Roman forces into submission as Rome had Not many of us say to our sons and daughters, I'm hoping the day will come when you decide to go and pick fruit for a living.
and slave labor dried up, forcing the complacent, unskilled Romans to fend for themselves.
Sound familiar?
Not many of us say to our sons and daughters, "I'm hoping the day will come when you decide to go and
pick fruit for a living."
Hardly ever hear that.
One of the most often made arguments with regard to immigration
is that they only do jobs that Americans don't want.
But in a recent analysis, we actually looked at all 474 occupations as defined by the Department of Commerce, and found that there were only six that were majority immigrant, and those jobs only account for about 1% of the U.S.
But the final knife in Rome's back was that it lost its identity.
Most importantly, Rome allowed the barbarian hordes to settle within its borders, which eventually led to an uprising, putting an end to the identity of a thousand-year-old world power civilization.
Fast forward to 2021, and the United Nations has already decided for every citizen in the United States that over the next 50 years, you will need to be replaced by a foreign population.
As you know, the Secretary General has been concerned about this for a long time, and I'm very pleased that he's launched this program against xenophobia.
If all of the migrants, recently arrived migrants in New York City, were to form a city, they'd probably be the third or fourth largest city in the United States.
As it reads from the United Nations' own website on replacement migration, United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries will face population decline and population aging.
The report considers... Alright, John Bowne normally does five minute reports.
His latest is about eight minutes long.
It is excellent.
It's at band.video.
Just click on the John Bowne section by clicking the left hand corner and finding his page.
The U.S.
is falling like Rome.
It is, again, posted at banned.video, but you can't share that link.
It's blocked by the enemy everywhere.
So share this link.
Ban this.tv is the current link that's working, getting through enemy defenses.
Ban this.tv.
OK, we'll come back with the biggest news ever.
Prepare yourselves for the mother load.
I'm Alex Jones.
It is Friday, April 9th, 2021.
My fellow Americans, my fellow humans, my fellow...
Everything is coming into crystal clear focus now.
The New World Order's designs for us, their long-planned war, has now gone hot.
It's Friday, April 9th, 2021.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We'll be here for the next four hours.
In the War Room with Owen Schroyer, weekday mornings, of course.
Harrison Smith does a great job with American Journal.
And it's become customary that I come in every Saturday.
And do a two to three hour commercial-free podcast-style transmission that's become very, very popular.
We shot one that is of the greatest import last Saturday that General Flynn then endorsed and said is extremely important to go watch.
Former head of Defense Intelligence, former National Security Advisor to the President.
And in that we lay out the sparse pandemic battle plan war game that is actually live right now, there it is, with millions And millions of views on Bandai Video.
It needs 100 billion views and our problems will be over very, very quickly.
But I want to just say great job to everyone out there spreading the word.
And I'm going to do another special transmission tomorrow.
That is going to deal with official globalist documents where they lay out plans to put cancer viruses in the vaccines to not just kill you, but like every science fiction comic book movie you see, how do people become superheroes?
Oh, they fall in toxic waste or they get bit by a spider that's radioactive or they get a deadly vaccine and they mutate and turn into a superhuman.
Most people won't turn into superhumans, they'll die.
But out of this mass manipulation, this mass mutation program, they know that they get some really bizarre mutations in cows, in pigs, in rats, in guinea pigs, in sheep.
And they've also now done it and shot it at humans.
And so this is a mass experiment on us to cause mass mutations that can then be studied by the globalists to get life extension technologies, to find the Lazarus gene, to find the immortal cell lines.
Those are all real things I just mentioned.
An immortal cell line are cells that never die.
And they've discovered them.
They're real.
Normally, if you get it, though, it's known as a very fast-acting type of cancer.
It's a cancer that kills you in about a week or two.
And so I've read a lot of their publications, and I've done a lot of research, but I was watching Jay Dyer yesterday in the fourth hour.
I'm gonna invite him on with us tomorrow.
I haven't asked him yet.
I just decided to do this about 30 minutes ago.
But regardless, I'll be covering all the documents myself.
And to see if he wants to do an hour commercial free with us to go into these, because this is their publications, their books, their top people, and their admission.
And so I want to explain something to everybody.
This globalist runaway, breakaway civilization, the scientific takeover, has been beta testing for decades.
Now they've gone live.
And this is definitely the big one.
I knew they had some plans to release bioweapons, scare us, lock us down for a while, and then incrementally release bioweapons that were more deadly to slowly cull our numbers.
They decided to just go all the way with this, with delayed kill operations.
And now, again, the former chief scientist at Pfizer, head of vaccines, head of allergy development, Came out in a big live site interview that's on Infowars.com.
We posted the whole thing.
And he said, I'm sorry.
I was always a mainline guy, but I've reverse engineered this.
And this is a poisonous gene therapy that is going to start shutting everybody's livers down within six months to one year.
And it's also going to cause brain plaques.
And it's also going to attack the babies in utero.
And it's the end of humanity.
That's the former chief's chief scientist.
Former Pfizer VP, your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.
That's a quote.
So, I'm reading that yesterday, because a bunch of people sent it to me, and I'd already talked about how he signed on with Wolfgang Wudarg, one of the heads of the private advisory commission to the EU, very prestigious, and Wudarg, and he wrote a big letter on December 1st begging Europe not to approve any of the vaccines, not the virus vectors, not the Pfizer, not any of it, because they all do the same thing.
And they got almost no attention and they filed an injunction and the EU just brushed it aside.
But now what he said in that report in December, Here we are, four months later, and everything they talked about is now coming true.
But you have to understand, in the SPARS report, it also says, within six months to a year, the brain fog, the spongiform encephalopathy, the prions, the mad cow disease you'll be enjoying, the liver failure you'll be enjoying, but they're going to say when that happens that another virus is doing it.
That's why they picked the common cold, because now they're just going to claim, oh, there's a new variant of COVID that did this to you.
But they own it out of a lab so they can release more deadly versions of it later.
They've actually tested and cooked up and already tested on animals and humans.
So when they said skip animal trials, they actually did animal trials under other names
starting about a decade ago.
We have all those documents.
We've covered them a year ago with the former--
the guy that wrote the US biological weapons law, former head of the United Nations prosecution operation.
I mean, that's an insider as it gets.
Top Harvard PhD, Dr. Boyle.
He'll tell you all the exact same thing I'm telling you.
He predicted a year ago that this was a gene therapy takeover.
He's not really predicting it.
He knows a little bit more than he says on air, obviously, with his sources.
I'm not saying he's involved in any of it.
He's just at the top.
He's just not part of it.
But he's been at the top.
So, you know, the guy that invented the polio vaccine said there's too many people, we need to give people cancer.
He did, he gave my grandmother polio, a live polio vaccine, and they told her she got it from him.
And she also got infected, obviously, with SV40, the cancer virus, but her body fought it off.
So, you know, these people are hurting us and they're hurting us all, and they mean business.
Tomorrow I'm going to release all this huge information.
Now, that said, I have a limited size crew.
And I'm not complaining, it's just that I could get a lot more done if I had a bigger crew.
So they all got back exhausted from the border a day after I got back.
I got back Tuesday, they got back Wednesday.
And they were up here yesterday working late, going through the hours of footage they have.
And so I said, oh, let me see some of the reports you're working on.
And this is about an hour before the show.
They played me a report and I actually started having an anxiety attack and couldn't even talk for a minute because a thousand points hit my mind of how conditioned we've all gotten just to put up with this.
I was witnessing child smuggling from the border to the Catholic charity to, which is not even Catholic, it's a commies group, to
the airport and we even have men, they're not even hiding this, saying I want that woman, I
like her, I like her, and then the nun who's got devil tattoos and grim reaper tattoos of the cartel
all over her, the nun, takes the women's cell phones, they're not even hiding this, and says
you don't get these anymore.
And then the women are sent, so I mean, we're basically watching auctions.
And these people think this is so normal.
So you always heard about slave blocks, and then they're selling slaves up on a block, and people are bidding on them.
I'm sitting there watching this, and we have hours of this.
And we're all so conditioned that even my team, which is doing a great job, they're overworked, exhausted, is like, oh yeah, and here's this.
We confront them.
Meanwhile, you've got the national news in over a hundred publications saying I made up the smuggling and that it, well, it's fake.
They said it's theater, but it's real, but they were helping the children they're cramming in the back of a trunk.
So I have now officially seen it all.
And so, thank God we got Bandai Video.
I'm not sure how long.
But the Texas Rangers could go in there in an hour, any of these places, and just find massive crimes.
It's definitely illegal.
They're smuggling them across the border.
And what they're doing is illegal.
And they're taking their phones away.
And there's literally dudes and they're going, I want this one.
I want that one.
I mean, I'm speechless.
I mean, I'm just speechless at this point.
So, down in South Texas and it's going on in Arizona and California and all across the southwestern border with Mexico.
The puppet president said surge the border.
They did.
Now they're coming across by the hundreds of thousands every week.
It's not 170 something thousand a month.
It's way above that.
That's just who they caught.
They are then taken to cartel facilities that masquerade as Charities and single women, women with children are processed like you would process produce and these different liberal NGOs but also private individuals come and say I want that one, I want this one and this is in front of news crews?
I mean, when I saw this footage this morning, because I left Tuesday night, and the crew stayed another day, and then they drove back.
This is in McAllen, Texas.
And it was like, it was surreal.
It was beyond a movie.
It's real.
I get why people think that's fake, with me jumping in front of the car and the kids being put in the trunk, because it just doesn't seem real.
But it is!
Well, this footage is powerful, and I said, I'm going to play that at the start of the show.
And Rob Deuce said, oh, no, I got stuff even worse.
Let me go through all our hours of footage and put it out.
And I'm like, I understand you had to get back to your wife and family.
I understand you had to take a rest.
You're working 14 hours a day before that.
But we've just got to hire more people.
We've got to be able to process all this.
I mean, that's the frustration here is that Look at all these articles of your TV viewer.
Like, I've looked at most of these.
I've read a lot of these.
This is not a stunt, like a prop to have this up.
One of these I could talk for a full hour on.
The death of the Duke of Edinburgh.
The global government.
Bill Gates officially wanting to black out the sun.
I told you that in 1995.
All of this is insane.
You could talk for a whole show about geoengineering and Bill Gates now admitting he's behind it.
I've made films about him.
Of course he is.
And boy, do they make fun of me.
You can find articles like 10 years ago, Jones claims Bill Gates controls the weather, because I have all the Department of Energy documents.
Of course they're playing God.
You know how small the planet is?
Very easy to manipulate things.
And I have all the admissions.
So I've got all this news, but even bigger than the collapse
border and the lawlessness and all of it is the chief scientist at Pfizer, who left on good terms,
big scientist.
He's always some disgraced person saying this is designed to depopulate you
in a huge interview.
And he said, in the way the media is lying, the way we're being censored, the way it's all being done,
he lays out in December what was going to happen with other top scientists.
And now it's happening.
And he just said, my god, they're not just being opportunistic, making money.
This is a strategic plan.
And it sounds like I wrote what he says.
You're like, that's Alex Jones.
It's not Alex Jones.
If you go to the zoo.
And you see a seal bouncing a beach ball on its nose, and everybody sees the same thing.
You see it because it happened.
Hey, look, it's bouncing a beach ball.
He gave it a fish.
Hey, what'd you see?
He bounced a beach ball.
It's like going to watch a football game.
You all see the same thing together.
Oh, that quarterback just threw that 30-yard pass.
That was a good pass.
We all see the same thing because Bill Gates even says he wants to kill everybody.
And people used to say, like, why is Jones obsessed on Bill Gates?
Because every time I dug into something, whether it was Jeffrey Epstein, or whether it was secret cloning operations, or whether it was weather modification, he is the chairman of the secret global medical mafia.
And the guy that ties it all together with the UN and the CHICOMS and the whole system Is Klaus Schwab is the president of the world.
Klaus Schwab's like the president, but the president's like the president of Coca-Cola.
He goes to parties and promotes the overall idea and has the big meetings.
It's the guys behind the scenes.
They're actually, you know, running it.
The scientists, the generals, the what you want to call the controllers.
When I say generals, I don't mean military generals.
I mean the generals of the New World Order.
The field marshals that are running this military operation against us.
And Bill Gates is the science officer.
In fact, they even call him that.
They even say he is the chief science officer.
I told you ten years ago he's the chief science officer.
Now there are articles calling him the planet's science officer.
And I learned, studying history and growing up and seeing some of it, That the real global government is a scientific cult run by science officers.
And that's what they call themselves, is science officers.
And you know what?
If you won't grow up and at least address them at their level and know what's going on, you have no hope.
They have no respect for you because you won't even read their writings and address them head-on.
They respect me.
I respect them.
They're very evil, bad people.
But the fact that folks want to play games and deny this for short-term expediency, just to feel like you're in control when you're not, is the reason they believe they have a right to do this to you.
Well, as an audience of activists, I'm not talking to you.
I'm talking to the sheep out there that tune in and think this is funny.
But let me just stop here.
I'm going to come back and hit all this and get into it.
It's just so much today.
I'll try to cover as much of this as I can, but let me just say this.
I am spending all the capital I have.
I have already helped other people get equipment and producers and kept people on air and beefed up Bandot video and then a lot of other things and I'm maxed out and I'm just going to trust God and I'm just going to spend all the money in our reserves and hire what I need to cover the border and then cover globalism and just do what I have to.
But I'll tell you this.
It's very frustrating to have an extra 5-10 million people visiting the sites a day right now, but revenue's down because people just do not buy anything at InfoWarsTore.com.
And I get sponsors, and then they get an okay response, but it's not what we need to operate.
Notice I brought some sponsors back on.
So, I need you to understand that this is the tip of the spear, and when you fund us, it's the tip of the spear.
Plus, these are products you absolutely need.
So get t-shirts, get books, get water filtration, get air filtration, get shortwave radios, get the supplements like Vitamin Mineral Fusion back in stock, and Winter Sun, you need them.
They're high-grade, high-quality.
And get some RainForce Plus, and get some Lung Cleanse, and get some fish oil and acryl oil's highest grade.
And do your shopping with us, because it's very frustrating to exhaust some of the crew I have, and Then not even have crew to do what I need to.
I mean, listen, you already see us delivering on every front with the hardcore knowledge.
I need more people.
And I am.
I'm not just mortgaging my house.
I'm putting it up for sale next week.
And I'm selling everything.
Because there's not going to be anything here anyways.
And I'm going to fight to the very end and evacuate to the countryside when the whole thing comes down.
And I've got the whole blueprint of how that's going to look.
It's going to be sooner than I thought.
And just you're not going to recognize anything in two or three years if we don't stop them.
We could push them back.
But I'm just telling you.
You're going to have tens of millions of people dying next year from the vaccines they took.
And I'm going to explain how all that's going to work as well.
So you better tell people to tune in, you better pray to God, and you better spread the word, because I'm telling you, it's on.
And we're one of the main weapons in the fight against this.
General Flynn told you that, many others have.
We need your support, so take action at fullwarrestore.com.
I want to thank all of you that have been supporting us.
You've changed the world.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here, back live.
I want to thank you all for joining us.
I want to thank the crew for the great job they're doing.
Let me tell you about some of the big guests we've got coming up today.
Brad Keyes was that high school track coach that got fired because he wasn't in the cult and wouldn't make his students wear masks when they ran their races.
We also have Theresa Mullins, the flight attendant that quit her job over the masked torture of children and more.
These are folks that are standing up, and every time we call them, they're listeners.
So honored that it's our listeners that are the front line of the global fight, including the church up in Canada.
There's a bunch of churches up in Canada.
They're saying no to tyranny.
And our guest host, Steve Peters, who does an amazing job, he'll be hosting the fourth hour and has that Polish pastor from Calgary that kicks the Gestapo out, will be on the transmission coming up today.
All of this is the communist Chinese model that's not coming, it's here.
As the Prime Minister of Canada said, China's dictatorship is the model and he admires it.
Close quote.
Their basic dictatorship.
Let me read you a few other headlines just so you get the flavor of where we're at, because it's just settled in on me.
Like, you think you're awake, and then every 24 hours now, I become even more awake.
And I always, in my mind, try to be as accurate as I can with all the data, but I subconsciously wanted to push it off in my mind further.
The total collapse, the takeover.
But if they're able to continue the domino effect they've got happening right now, people submitting I mean, England said, okay, it's official.
You want to go in a store, go in a bar, you got to have a COVID passport.
Next will be you want food, you got to have it or we're going to put you in a camp.
But they said for months, oh, we'll never do that.
It's a conspiracy theory.
So no opposition would form.
It's all psychological.
So when they did it, it would just go through.
We have that information.
But look at these headlines.
Bill Gates backs project to dim the sun.
Tucker Carlson reacts.
Now what happened is, Gates is already heading up a Department of Energy program since 1995 doing this.
His high-altitude aerosol campaign.
They have hearings, and symposiums, and congressional reports, and C-SPAN events, and the CIA puts out press releases, and the Council on Foreign Relations puts out huge essays on it, and then I cover it, the news says he's insane, it doesn't exist.
But they go, that's just a condensation trail up there, Alex, don't be an idiot.
Well, no, we know there's real condensation that disappears in a few minutes, the ice crystals, and then there's artificial nuclei spread out.
But just think about if Trump Had said, I'm going to block out the sun.
They say, what are you, Dr. Evil?
But why is it Bill Gates?
Are you a supervillain?
Oh, Bill Gates went to a European country and said, we want you to launch a rocket and spray some out the test.
Out further towards the sun, some kind of a false ring of dust reflecting the sun back.
And finally, Sweden and others that he'd asked to do it said no.
But that was just them trying to entice them like a heroin dealer or a fentanyl dealer will try to, you know, give heroin to 13 year olds on the school ground.
Like, here, have a little baggie of this, you know, like George Floyd was out doing.
Here, enjoy some fentanyl.
By the way, his drug dealer's lawyer said he will not testify under the Fifth Amendment because he'll be indicted for killing George Floyd.
The evidence is they killed George Floyd.
Of course, he had three times the limit to kill a man his size, but that's okay.
Because it's more fun to just have racial division in the country.
But continuing, this is where we are.
So, you got a mad scientist that has his PR groups everywhere saying, black people are twice as unlikely to be vaccinated because of racism.
We're going to go to their houses with the army and tell them they should really take it.
And I see videos of like old black women going, Jesus love me!
I hope I don't die!
I'm scared!
While they're giving him shots.
And then I know people that have taken the shots and gotten deathly ill, or people I warned whose elderly parents took it and one of them died a day later.
I mean, I know people dying.
And the numbers are, it's off the chart.
That's just because it's so strong, ladies and gentlemen.
It's meant to kill you in the actuaries in six months, a year, two years, five years.
It's a soft kill weapon and that's what the former chief science advisor, former chief scientist at Pfizer just came out and said.
He said this is a planned operation.
And I've looked at what it does, and it's going to attack fertility, it's going to attack your immune system, it's going to cause autoimmune response, and it's going to shut off your liver.
Because they know with a lot of these gene therapies, you can get it to change what you want, but it always hurts the liver.
And then, oh, who knows why everybody's dying of no liver?
Like all these mothers and young people that go get the shot, and they're dead in three days from Total organ failure.
The kidneys, the liver, the gallbladder, the lungs, the heart, it's all bye-bye.
And what a surprise!
A guy that wants to black out the sun, a guy that wants you to eat GMO, a guy that bought into Monsanto and all the Agent Orange, a guy that says he wants to depopulate the earth, that he wants to genetically engineer mosquitoes to suck your blood and sterilize you with a vaccine delivery system.
This is all public.
The guy that says we should kill old people is pushing something that kills people.
A guy that's banned in 30-plus countries and whose Pfizer-backed vaccine was banned in India.
Remember when I first reported that months ago and they said, oh, Snopes said it wasn't true.
Oh, well, Snopes said so.
Really, how many countries have banned Pfizer last time I checked?
Over 20.
How many have banned the J&J?
A bunch.
How many have banned the AstraZeneca?
Oh, it's over 50 last time I checked.
26 in Europe.
Oh, but Snopes said it's not true.
Okay, all right.
That's fine.
So, that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen, and they don't care anymore.
I want to explain something.
When you're at a so-called major charity, and there are children brought in, sometimes alone, begging for mama, with men, with women, and the nuns have tattoos all over them of the drug cartels, both arms, both legs, And they take the women's phones away, and then a man comes and says, I want that one, I want this one, and we're like filming this.
And he says, hey, they're coming anyways.
Because they're so confident, folks.
This is in front of us.
And then the national media sits there and says, oh, Governor Abbott claims there's sex abuse.
Oh, folks, there's dead bodies all over the place.
There's raped children.
I interview law enforcement that is having nervous breakdowns and doesn't know what to do because they're in the facilities and there are adults and other teenagers raping babies.
And the governor finally has a soul and says it's horrible, he needs the feds to stop it, or he needs the Texas Rangers to go in, and the media attacks the governor and says, oh, he's a conspiracy theorist.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Again, people say, oh my gosh, you have all this footage?
Yes, we have hours of it.
You're like, well, why did you get that up?
I love the comments on Bandai, but it was totally, Jones ought to do this, Jones ought to do that.
That's a minority of folks doing that.
And you know what?
I really should do that.
You know, other revolutionaries rob banks and stuff, and I'm not going to rob banks, but you know, if you're stopping child smuggling and the banks are laundering the money, at a certain point, maybe you do rob banks to get money to fight them.
You know what I mean?
Like, maybe that's an idea there.
But see, I'm not going to do that myself.
I'm not being literal here.
What I'm saying is, what do you expect us to do?
What do you want me to do?
I'm working 18 hours a day.
I cannot even get all this out on air.
Everything is unfolding.
It is totally insane.
And I'm not complaining because I don't have PTSD and I don't play the victim here.
Can you imagine being around this stuff for 27 years and then now it's coming to the quickening?
And you do want to get a lot done.
You do want to have more reporters.
You do want to have more crew.
But you can't even find the good people or get the money to hire them.
So I'll say it again, we need funds.
Go to mfullwarrestore.com.
There's a support button right there.
You can make $5, $10, $100 donations.
That way we actually get almost all the money, 95% of it.
Instead of, you know, buy the products, we get 30, 40, 50%.
I need money.
I'm spending all the money we got to do this.
You're going to see major action, but get in there and get products you need at the same time.
At mfullwarrestore.com.
Show me that you support it.
Show us what you want us to do.
I'm going to commit no matter what.
I'm going all the way to the end, like an old horse.
I'll keep running until my heart blows up.
Stay with us.
Well, I always knew the new world order was coming.
All right, I'm coming in tomorrow and we're going to tape to air, meaning...
We're going to tape for two hours, maybe three hours, and then as soon as that's ready, we'll add any little documents or articles to it, video clips, and then we'll put it out at five or six at night, I would imagine.
People really like it, and it's been getting the special Saturday shows on Bandai Video, but all doing about a million viewers, and on really hardcore topics, and that way we don't have the breaks, we don't have the music, it's just straight to it, and we have long-form guests on.
Some of the videos are getting five million views.
The latest one last Saturday has two and a half million on our site.
And I know the globalists are watching.
They can find it.
They want to delete it.
I'm sure they will.
I saw one video with 10 million views on a certain platform.
So shove it down your globalist.
You know what?
Because we are kicking your ass thanks to the listener support and thanks to the good Lord above.
So again, listeners are really knocking it out of the park when it comes to spreading the word.
Now if you just put change in the kitty, I want to send a 10-man team down, and I'm going to, and you heard Ted Nugent's going to, I'm not going to say when, but I'm going to send a 10-person team down to the border.
And again, I don't really have the money for it.
So I told my wife this morning, I said, you know, we're selling this big house.
She's like, okay, that's fine.
I don't want to be here anyways.
Everything's collapsing.
And I said, absolutely.
And it's already got a mortgage on it, a big one.
So we're just going to sell it.
And move into a shack somewhere on the edge of town, and then have a redoubt at a far off place.
But that's it, man.
I mean, that's how serious I am about this.
This is it, okay?
So, it's all going away.
I'm not trying to be negative here.
You need to know this.
You need to know that nothing you see, like when Christ pointed to the Pharisees, At Jerusalem, and he said, before this generation passes, that's 75 years on average, there will not be one stone sitting on top of another here.
And 70 years to the day, Jerusalem fell, and Titus leveled it and gave the order that not one stone be left standing.
I'm not saying, and I'm not Christ, I'm just saying that's an example that gut level, spirits level, intellectual level, military level, I'm telling you that it's done.
I have all the top scientists concurring with what I'm saying, former head of defense intelligence, top other individuals that do this for a living, and they say, no, it's all true.
This is a total takedown plan.
The former chief scientist at Pfizer says it is a planetary collapse takeover plan.
Do you know what's going to happen in a year, two years, when hundreds of millions of people are sick in America from the vaccine, we're going to be the most vaccinated country?
It will collapse the whole country.
It's a planned takedown.
America is under chemical, biological attack right now through the NIH and Fauci and Gates.
The CHICOMS ran the fear operation and now it's here.
And They think you're so stupid they're going to carry all this out and they even war game how they're going to condition you and say another virus is what's going to kill you in six months to a year.
That's why I said Bill Gates will come out and say a more deadly virus is coming and he did it because I know their plan.
And then I found damn plans that say just that.
Because these people operate the same.
I know I'm up one side, down the other, backwards and forwards.
And here's the deal, the one thing, I thought they might have some self-preservation left in them.
I thought they might have some self-preservation left in them.
But they are under Satan's control and under orders from the Fallen One.
I mean, put two and two together, the Fallen One.
I mean, come on, it's right there in front of you.
And the Fallen One, that they're so enamored with, is ordering them to kill everybody If they want to have a chance to live.
So they're held hostage too.
Bill Gates and all these people, they're all held hostage by this damn entity.
And everybody already knows in their guts that's what it is.
It's a non-human force.
And that's why they've got all this super science.
And that's why they've kept us at this arrested level and they give us 50-year-old technology with Trojan horses in it because they're Breaking away from us.
They've made the decision and we all just sit here like fools and go along with that, acting like as they take more of our freedoms, if we just give in to their oppression, they'll let us go back to the movie theaters, they'll let us go back to the ballgames.
Oh yeah, if you have your digital scan, if you have all your shots that kill you.
And the top scientists all look at this, they all say the same thing, they go, this doesn't protect you from a cold.
This causes people to produce deadly variants.
This causes people to have autoimmune disorders.
I mean, I have the whole article posted from LifeSiteNews.com.
It's on InfoWars.com.
Share it now!
Exclusive, former Pfizer VP, your government is trying to kill your ass.
And he says that in here.
Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.
Dr. Michael Eden, Pfizer's former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory.
They're 33 years, recently retired, and it goes right into it, right here.
He says it is a takeover plan.
It is a conspiracy, not just convergent opportunism.
In game, vaccine passports tied to spending allowances through control, social credit score, carbon credits.
And he goes on to say.
You introduce characteristics which could be harmful and could even be lethal.
And you can even tune it in and let's put in some gene that will cause liver injury over the nine-month period, or cause your kidneys to fail, but not until you encounter this kind of organism.
That would be quite possible.
It's a binary weapon.
Biotechnology provides you with limitless ways, frankly, to injure or kill billions of people.
And he goes through to say, looking at the vaccine is what it's designed to do.
This is serious, people.
Remember what Bill Joyce said in 1999 in that article in the cover of Wired Magazine, Why the Future Doesn't Need Us?
Remember what he said.
He said, I went to a conference with 200 plus top billionaires, owners of big tech, all of them were there, for a three-day weekend at a closed conference, and we said, there's too many people, and humans have become obsolete, and we're not just gonna replace them with robots, we just need to go ahead and either let them entertain themselves and sterilize everybody, but let them live out their lives, and then phase out most of humanity, or we just go ahead and start killing everybody.
and the decision was go ahead and kill everybody.
And then he goes on to say maybe the Unabomber's right.
Because, you know, the Unabomber was in the CIA.
It wasn't just an MKUltra, this is all declassified.
And he found out about this and got really freaked out and started trying to blow up people he knew was involved.
To say, we just need to go back to an agrarian society, get rid of... His thing was just, don't have technology at all.
Imagine being in the CIA and they brief you on this.
Well, I mean, they briefed my dad when he was in high school on this.
Because he was in Plan 2 at UT.
They were obviously trying to recruit him into that.
He got out of it.
But that's how widespread this is, ladies and gentlemen.
But the group trying to recruit my dad was above the CIA.
It was the scientists.
That's who it is.
That's who runs it.
That's what they call themselves.
So, it's their world.
We're just living in it until we wake up to this and say no.
So next hour, I'm gonna, if they get it done, and I'm not hurrying them because Again, I saw this bombshell footage and there's hours of it,
they're trying to boil it down for you, of basically all humans being auctioned off.
I mean, I...
And then by tomorrow, I should have a talk with Rob Doo, I love him.
He usually wants to be up here seven days a week.
He said, listen, I got to be with my family some.
Because he's moving next week, and I just said, sorry, you're coming in tomorrow, aren't you?
He goes, yeah, actually, I will come in tomorrow.
But that's why I'm bitching about the fact is I don't have anybody here, man.
Everybody's been working seven, eight days a week, literally, sometimes.
I know there's only seven days a week, it's a joke.
But, and we're not complaining, it's just that it's crazy how much data we have and how out of control it is.
But I'll cover it all next hour.
Then we have the man coming on who got fired because he wouldn't make the race team, the track and field team, wear a mask.
Brad Keyes and then Theresa Mullis is coming on.
She's the flight attendant that quit over all the tyranny and evil.
But understand, this is just the beginning.
They're not just getting a world ID in place and all this to control us.
They're getting it all in place so then they're going to launch their main attack.
And when they tell you, you're not essential, they're telling you, we're going to kill you.
And then, oh, I want to be cool.
I want to be back to the movies.
I want my job back.
I want to be able to be essential.
Well, you do that by saying you're essential and not complying.
But instead, you roll your sleeve up and go take the shot.
You're dead.
Might take a year.
Might take five years.
Might take three years.
But you're dead.
That's why Gates, though, wants 10 shots.
He wants to make sure you die.
All right?
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
This is unbelievable.
We're gonna lay it all out in the next hour.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, Band.Video.
Please, everyone you know, tune in now.
Stay with us.
Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson.
Tonight we often accuse politicians of dishonesty on this show, but there are grades of it.
Let's boil it down.
Nothing the Democratic Party advocates for is more dishonest than gun control.
Everything about that one specific issue is false.
Most policy debates actually aren't like that, and we try to be honest about it on the show.
No matter how passionate you are about a position that you have, you can still sort of see what the other side is talking about.
You might, for example, deeply dislike taxes, but you can still acknowledge it is fair to charge people for the services they receive from the government.
So this side isn't crazy, they just arrived at a different number than you did.
Or you can hate abortion, and we do, and you can still understand if, again, if you're being totally honest about it, why a scared pregnant teenager might be tempted to have one.
But gun control is not like that.
Gun control is entirely fraudulent.
The Democratic Party claims that guns cause violence.
That's the core claim, and it is a lie.
It is provably untrue.
The places in this country that have the most guns and the loosest controls on those guns also have the least gun violence, the fewest killings.
That's the bottom line.
You could look it up.
It's publicly available to anyone.
Anyone who tries to restrict your legally owned firearms is not trying to make America safer.
The point is to disarm you, to strip you of your autonomy, your power, your right of self-defense.
Gun control is not about guns.
Gun control is about who controls America.
Is it the population, as in a democracy?
Or does all control go to a small group of authoritarians, as in an oligarchy?
Those are the stakes in the gun control debate.
It's not about guns.
It's about who runs the country.
So with that in mind, Joe Biden's speech today, calling for more gun control, should make you uncomfortable.
Almost nothing Biden said was true.
We could go down the list, but here are a few highlights to give you the flavor.
Biden claimed that firearms purchased at gun shows are exempt from background checks.
That's a lie, as anyone who's ever been to a gun show can tell you.
Joe Biden claimed that gun manufacturers have total immunity against lawsuits.
That's also a lie.
Gun manufacturers get sued all the time.
Ask them.
Yeah, the same group of Democrat Party lawyers that sued Remington into bankruptcy are the people trying to sue me into bankruptcy.
I mean, it's just, again, the level.
And his own son would have been under red flag laws and should have gone to jail, but didn't.
I'm sorry, go back to Senator Carlson.
When he announced how he plans to restrict your Second Amendment rights, Joe Biden wanted to remind you that those rights are not real in the first place.
They are not, as he put it, absolute.
Nothing I'm about to recommend in any way impinges on the Second Amendment.
They're phony arguments suggesting that these are Second Amendment rights at stake in what we're talking about.
But no amendment, no amendment to the Constitution is absolute.
You heard the sirens in the background responding to the skyrocketing crime rate in the city he presides over.
But the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
That's the promise in the US Constitution.
But according to Joe Biden, it's still not an absolute right despite what the text says.
No, that right is subject to his approval and his interpretation.
Joe Biden is in charge.
Our very powerful full 15-minute report at InfoWars.com.
Please share it.
And I know you know about Tucker Carlson.
Most of you are like, yeah, we already watched him last night.
I know.
Share him with everybody.
That's the whole point.
We're in an information war.
I know you know that.
I'm just reminding you that you are everything when it comes to this planet.
God is in control.
But when it comes to action by us little guys, you're the king daddy.
You are the private.
You're the captain.
You're the colonel.
You're the general.
You're the chief cook and bottle washer.
So am I.
That's why my family goes, why do you have to preach at people in the grocery store or on the street or everywhere?
Why do you sit there and shake everybody's hand to talk to them?
Because this is it.
This is the war.
It's just as important what I do in person as what I do on air.
Probably more important.
And I gotta do it every time, everywhere, every place, always!
Because I'm not rolling over and bowing down to this anti-human crap.
Not going down without a fight.
Quote Zapata, it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees as a slave.
Plus you're going to die on the damn knees of your slave!
Standing up on your feet is what produces prosperity and justice.
So I intend to live on my feet and destroy our enemies.
We'll be right back.
World government has been officially announced by the private run-for-profit Federal Reserve.
We'll look at the real implications of that coming up next segment.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Sometime during the broadcast, as we're finishing it up now, We're going to air exclusive footage from the border that if you think us jumping in front of that car with the smuggled kids, because the whole thing's a smuggling operation, and the police coming and the kids being in the trunk, which the media tried to say was fake, now they go, well, it really happened, but it's legal what they're doing, so it's fake that Jones says they're a smuggler trying to play these games.
But I left Tuesday.
They stayed Wednesday, got back Thursday.
They just went through the hours of footage, and it's unbelievable.
And I'm going to show even more because I'm going to do some more research on this and check with lawyers and people, but I'm going to go ahead and air it all tomorrow because it's the right thing to do.
We're going to show you these people's faces and their names and they need to be investigated and we're not going to blur these children's faces because we need to know what they look like, like a missing persons.
You're gonna see unattended babies being handed off by nuns with devil tattoos all over them.
Cartel tattoos.
And we have it delivered over the border, to the facility, and then to the airport.
And these people are so arrogant, they let us tape it!
And then we've got full-grown adults from the East Coast down And they're not squeezing on the tomatoes or the potatoes or the cantaloupes.
They're literally inspecting the women saying, I want this one, I want that one.
You folks, when I saw this this morning, I literally had the worst anxiety attack in my life.
I mean, I've had less of an anxiety attack watching my son born when my ex-wife was in labor for like 30 hours and his heart rate started going down and he could have died and they had to do a cesarean.
I had a little bit of an anxiety attack.
I had trouble breathing.
I saw this and had a full-on, at least one minute not being able to breathe.
Because it's what it meant.
We just show up and it's all happening.
People are like, oh, how do you get this?
It must be staged.
This looks so horrible.
Because it's going on constantly.
It'd be like going to a slaughterhouse on a weekday afternoon and going, damn, there's a lot of cows getting killed in here.
How'd you get all the video of cows getting their throats slit?
Or like going to the Indy 500 and going, sure are a lot of race cars around here.
Or going to the NFL game and going, damn, there's a lot of football players here.
But coming up, we went inside, folks, and they aren't even hiding it.
All right, that's enough.
And the guy walks over to our cameras and he goes, "Well, they're gonna come anyways."
It's like, hey, guys.
All right, I want her.
I want her.
I mean, I'm watching this tape.
My crew couldn't believe it either.
And it gets a lot worse.
We have the whistleblowers.
We've talked to law enforcement.
They've reported it to the governor.
The governor says he's going to do something about it.
Why is he asking Obama to do it?
That's really who the president is.
I mean, oh, Biden's running this.
So what does this signify that they're doing this to Brazilian?
Remember the Russians ten years ago?
Putin said, we don't allow Americans to adopt Russians anymore.
Because we found out you're giving them to people that are having sex with them.
And killing them.
And the news is like, Dateline NBC, how dare Putin say that we're abusing Russian children?
Of course they are!
Hell, the UN constantly gets busted.
Hillary's up to her eyeballs in it.
And it's all like, "Oh, they're Hispanic."
We're liberal.
All right, here's the baby.
We're going to fly this baby to New York.
Hand him over.
We're going to fly this baby to LA.
And we're sitting here going, and these are like one-year-old babies.
And these people are arrogant about it because that's the bravado.
That's the chutzpah of hiding it in plain view.
You know, what I've seen is, let me just tell you, nobody should do anything with the United States,
because the United States doesn't exist anymore.
That's why I had the anxiety attack.
What I'm saying is, I'm not the guy that has the anxiety attacks.
Some people point guns at me, I'm totally chill.
But it was the ramification of the country's gone, it's way worse than I thought,
oh my god she's got Grim Reaper gang tattoos all over and they're handing children over
and it's all admitted and the FBI waives background checks for the caregivers.
Of course they do!
Because they're in the damn cartels!
The FBI's gone!
If it ever had anybody good, it doesn't matter.
The thing, I mean... God, we're... Oh my God.
Print me that AP article, please.
I didn't even know AP did an article on it.
I mean, where's our soul?
Where's our bottom?
At what point do we stop doing this?
I am Zbigniew Brzezinski, top globalist architect, 10 years ago.
Saying it's easier to kill a million people than it is to control them.
And he recommended just depopulation, saying we can't control the planet, just kill everybody at the Canadian version of the Council on Foreign Relations.
We're going to play that for you when we come back.
Because it's the same, dim the sun, run the planet, John Brennan, oh we're controlling the weather.
It's all the same attitude.
It's all the same people.
It's all the same operation.
And if they've got the FBI, Saying, hey, the cartels can, uh, just, kids are undocumented, don't even know who they are, little girls, little boys, little babies, and then they're just being handed off with envelopes of cash to random people, and the airports all stand down, but oh, we all gotta get a proctology exam when we fly, and we're wearing these masks, and we're putting up with all this?
And they're just getting started.
You're like, well if they go for a gun confiscation, that'll cause a civil war.
They want a civil war!
And they've got that crazy new ATF director that's literally a lunatic?
They're all a bunch of freaks!
They're all a bunch of crazy people that took over because we let them!
They stole the damn election!
And now they're gonna wreck the whole country and the whole world in the process, so...
You can't stop these people.
They're totally possessed by Satan.
The rest of the country's in a trance.
And all we can do is protect ourselves at this point and, you know, hope that God's Spirit reenters some of these people.
But I mean, this is a good versus evil situation, period.
All right, I'm going to come back and hit the geoengineering and how it's such a big deal that it's all being broken right now and admitted to.
And then we're going to talk about hope and how to take action against this by Saying no to the World ID, no to the QR code, no to the vaccine passports, as the chief former scientist at Pfizer said.
He said, you must block this now.
You must stop this now.
Ron Paul said, you must stop this now.
I've said that.
You've got to say no.
This is it.
You know, Paul Watson's got to leave London.
I saw a tweet where he said, well, I just won't go to restaurants or bars anymore because I got to have this.
You got to fight it.
You got to turn, because next you won't be able to get food, Paul.
Next they're going to take you to a damn camp, Paul.
It's all going to happen.
Next phase, U.N.
Bill Gates controlled.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative run worldwide.
The hiring, the training, and the funding for the Global Initiative.
Those crazy people, that old crazy man, pervert, devil worshiper, and his devil worshiper wife, run the program and said a year ago they're going to come in your house.
That's what all the college students are going to do, and they're going to have guns, and they're on power trips!
And by the way, when you tell them, hey, these vaccines are poisonous, they go, we know.
Behind the scenes, they're like, we know.
They're coming to kill everybody.
They're in on it.
They know.
They're in on it.
They're coming to kill you.
The chief scientist at Pfizer said, quote, go read the article on InfoWars.com, he said, they're coming to kill you and your family.
They're coming to kill you and your family.
They're coming to kill you and your family.
And then they're just ramping it up.
Oh, oh, there's still deadly strains because you didn't take it.
Oh, it's your fault.
Oh, someone fought back.
Oh, no one taking shots or terrorists.
Oh, arrest them all.
Oh, oh my God.
It's right here.
We're gonna cover it all when we come back, and Brzezinski says he's gonna kill you!
We'll be right back.
Of course, he's burning in hell right now with Prince Philip.
Stay with us.
Alright, welcome back to the Alex Jones Broadcast.
When I see all this news about controlling the weather and forcibly depopulating us and all these admissions coming out, it made me think it was a big to Brzezinski, whose horrible, evil daughter hosts the morning Psycho Joe on CNBC.
It makes me think about her father 10 years ago in Canada speaking to their council on foreign relations about the fact that propaganda can't control people anymore.
It's cheaper just to kill them.
Their power is greater than ever.
Their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historical low.
I once put it rather pungently, and I was flattered that the British Foreign Secretary repeated this, as follows.
Namely, in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally, it was easier to control a million people than physically to kill a million people.
It is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
And the crew did a great job finding that so quickly, but I didn't check it beforehand.
There's actually him on TV saying that.
We'll try to find that.
That's kind of a loop of him saying it, but that is indeed Zbigniew Brzezinski.
You can find that clip somewhere.
It's from 10 years ago.
Who knows?
It may have been taken down, but I remember playing it quite a bit on the show, so there's the audio of that they did find.
Now let's play with the video.
The CIA director at the time, this is six years ago, John Brennan, On transnational threats to global security, June 29, 2016, Council on Foreign Relations.
And this is him talking about all the weather modification they're already doing, and how they have, you know, a UN treaty, they need a new treaty, and how they basically kept it secret from the public because other folks get upset about it.
Here it is.
Another example is the array of technologies, often referred to collectively as geoengineering, that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change.
One that has gained my personal attention is Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun's heat in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.
An SAI program could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associated with higher temperatures and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels.
This process is also relatively inexpensive.
The National Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion yearly.
As promising as it may be, moving forward on SAI would also raise a number of challenges for our government and for the international community.
On the technical side, greenhouse gas emission reductions would still have to accompany SAI to address other climate change effects, such as ocean acidification, because SAI alone would not remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
On the geopolitical side, the technology's potential to alter weather patterns and benefit certain regions of the world at the expense of other regions could trigger sharp opposition by some nations.
Others might seize on SAI's benefits and back away from their commitment to carbon dioxide reductions.
And, as with other breakthrough technologies, global norms and standards are lacking to guide the deployment and implementation of SAI and other geoengineering initiatives.
So we're not just going to turn your power plants off and take away your fertilizer and your meat and everything else and make you eat seaweeds.
We're also going to dim the sun so you don't get enough sun for your crops.
Total control.
They've moved on to the space angle of this, but it's the added barium salts, aluminum dioxide, and also radioactive isotopes to jet fuel and the patents that they won a Nobel Prize for in 92.
Or was it 93?
They're aerosolized out and create the nuclei and create the artificial clouds.
So they're doing it with the jet companies.
And it's just added to the major producers.
It's not in all the jet fuel.
So that's how it works.
I know some of the mechanics are pissed off about it, because since it started in the 90s, they noticed the rotors and all this stuff have problems.
This also eats the jet engines.
It's caused a lot of engine problems.
So, but they talk to you like you're a child.
Oh, there's none of that going on, even though now, oh, Bill Gates wants to control the sun.
And imagine what would happen If Trump would have said this, they'd say, well, he's an evil super genius, or he's Dr. Evil.
This is James Bond villain.
We can't allow this.
But when they do it, it's just another thing like, who's this Bill Gates?
Oh, he's going to control your gut flora.
He's going to control your body.
He's going to make you take these shots that they didn't do testing of.
And if you criticize it, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, they'll block you and say it's tested and shows it's safe, including the woman who died a few days later.
She said, I'm a young lady.
I'm super sick.
I feel like I'm dying.
She died a few days later.
The doctor said the vaccine probably killed her.
But they went on her Facebook and said there's no proof of that.
It's safe and was all tested and approved by the FDA, even though that's not true.
So that's what big tech's become, is a lying, murdering system to suppress us.
Here's Tucker talking some about the plot to block out the sun that we told you about 20 years ago.
I who made billions out of creating super clunky corporate software.
What you didn't realize is that Bill Gates doesn't think of himself that way.
Bill Gates doesn't think of himself as some guy who got super rich making bad software.
Bill Gates thinks of himself as God.
In control of the solar system.
And that's why Bill Gates is now backing something called sun-dimming technology that would reflect sunlight out of the Earth's atmosphere, causing global cooling.
Ooh, that's not fraught with risks.
You thought gain-of-function research on pathogens was dangerous?
Try that.
But that doesn't stop Harvard University.
Its scientists are testing that technology by spewing calcium carbonate dust into the atmosphere.
Bill Gates is backing the first high-altitude experiment of one radical climate change solution, creating a massive chemical cloud that could cool the Earth.
It's called solar geoengineering, and it's highly controversial.
It would look something like this.
Thousands of planes would fly very high and use nozzles to inject millions of tons of light-reflecting particles into the stratosphere.
It would create a thin chemical cloud of those particles around the whole planet, blocking some sunlight from reaching the surface.
It would mimic a giant volcanic eruption, which we know cools the Earth.
Now, just to restate, Bill Gates is not God.
Bill Gates is some kind of weird, socially awkward rich guy who lives in Seattle.
He doesn't own the planet, but he's now changing the planet single-handedly.
This is not just over his yard in Seattle, this is over your yard.
I began covering what is known as the general tongue or nomenclature as chemtrails, but it's just geoengineering and it's done with the planes and it's out of the jet fuel just like NBC just showed you.
But when NBC shows it to you, you know, it's a good thing, it's loving, Bill Gates is going to save you.
We have a Matrix cartoon about it, you know, it's meant to kill the robots so they don't get solar power.
But the reality is that these people just want to play God.
They're already manipulating the weather.
They're manipulating you through 5G.
They're manipulating you through all the GMO.
They're manipulating you with these vaccines, which they admit are untested and very dangerous and have liability protection for.
And so, that's what they're doing!
Meanwhile, we have the private Federal Reserve coming out saying they want world government to control everybody's bank accounts.
We'll tell you about that after our next special guest joins us.
He's the track coach that got fired for saying, yeah, we're not going to run in the track meets with these diapers over our faces.
It can make somebody have their lung collapse.
We'll be right back on the other side.
Tomorrow's news today.
Well, we've got a real thought criminal on with us.
New Hampshire track coach says he was fired for violating school's mask mandate.
Really, 15 days to cut the curve.
Hospitals were all full.
They weren't supposed to have millions and millions dead.
It wasn't true.
They counted all the other deaths as COVID.
And now they say the mask can never come off.
And Klaus Schwab says this is about a carbon tax.
This is about humans being bad.
We need carbon lockdowns.
So, he himself has been a champion track guy and then went on to be a software developer, moved to New Hampshire with his family, wife and four daughters in 2005, started coaching at Pembroke Academy Public School three years ago.
His youngest daughter was a freshman on the team.
This would have been his fourth year, patrackinfield.com.
Brad Keyes is a thought criminal, and he joins us again via video Skype to talk about this and where this is all going.
Thank you so much for coming on with us today, sir.
Thank you, Alex, for having me on.
I appreciate it.
You've got the floor here.
I mean, talk about why this doesn't make sense, why you did what you did.
People had lungs collapse wearing these.
This is just asinine.
The NFL isn't wearing these, even if you believe in the COVID hoax.
What's really happening here?
It makes absolutely no sense to me.
Basically, three weeks ago, the NHIAA, the governing body for sports in New Hampshire, came out with their recommendations for spring sports.
For track in particular, it was that All meets, all races, students would be wearing masks.
At first, a few coaches that I talked to said, hey, wait a minute, coaches didn't get to review this.
Give us a little time.
So I waited a little bit because I was absolutely floored.
I couldn't believe they were going to make kids wear masks while racing.
So a week plus went by, got an email from my athletic director, said that here are the policies.
I looked at them and nothing had changed.
So I emailed him for confirmation and I asked two questions.
First of all, the policy said that this was recommended.
So I asked whether it was truly recommended or required.
And if it was required, if that meant that all races, all athletes from the hundred meter up to the two mile would be wearing masks in meets.
And I got confirmation that yes, it was required because our school and other schools in the area had accepted the recommendations.
So they would be required.
And that yes, all athletes would be wearing masks in all races.
They did make some exceptions for field events, shot put, discus, javelin, pole vault, and hurdles for safety purposes.
But apparently there are no safety issues with masks when you're running a two-mile lap.
Sure, they're using safety as a system of tyranny and oppression, and the more asinine they can make us submit to, the more rituals they can make us submit to, the better.
Roll through then what ended up happening to you and that moment of truth when you didn't comply with this idiocy.
So again, I was floored.
I slept on it.
I decided right away there was no way I was going to do that to my athletes.
There was no way I was going to, one, force them to restrict their breathing in events that are almost 100% reliant on aerobic capacity and oxygen intake for the longer distances.
Um, but I also wasn't going to stand up and lie to them.
I wasn't going to tell them, Oh, here are the new rules.
They make sense.
They're for your own good.
There are reasons behind this.
Um, so at first I actually thought about quitting, but then I realized if I quit, they would have just said, Oh, thank you.
And walked away and nothing would have happened.
So I decided to write a letter, a very blatant letter that said, fire me if you must.
And said, I was not going to follow these mandates.
I listed the reasons why.
And that it was up to them to do what they wanted to do.
I sent that on Saturday.
I got the response Monday morning that I had been fired.
You know, I noticed that the flag is almost always at half-mast now.
They love it.
It used to only happen when the president died or the challenger blew up and it meant something.
The flag's almost always at half-mast.
We're told America sucks, everybody's bad.
You know, you've got men in women's sports now.
It's just everything is like a bizarro world.
It's like we woke up in some type of fantasy land.
I mean, obviously, all the studies show masts don't work.
They don't protect you.
It's a lie, but I mean, did you ask him when does the mask ever go away?
100 years?
10 years?
I mean, CNN says they're like seatbelts now.
We should wear them forever.
They won't answer any questions.
And I fortunately, I mean, the reason I did this was to get attention.
There's no question.
And to make a point, fortunately, it's taken off.
It's gone from local to national, regional to national.
We have petitions being signed.
I've got students on the team putting petitions out to other teams trying to get Yeah, we've got parents emailing and asking very specific questions of the NHIAA.
men compete in women's sports. I mean this is this is so so major opposition is forming. Tell us about that.
Yeah, we've got parents emailing and asking very specific questions of the NHIAA.
The CDC guidelines and the WHO guidelines both state you should not wear masks during exercise,
yet somehow the NHIAA has decided that masks for all spring sports will be worn
practices and competitions.
Tennis, you want to even get more ridiculous, singles tennis.
Tennis sports, you're 30 to 60 feet away from everybody else.
Let's be clear, NPR now says wear a mask permanently.
I mean, this is a, what do you think's behind all this?
I mean, I know what it is, but what's your view on it?
It's bureaucratic covering their butts.
They want to say they've done something.
So if anyone gets sick, it's not their fault.
It's lawyers that got rid of diving boards and then playgrounds and jungle gyms.
And now all new pools are like two and a half feet deep because, oh, a deeper one, somebody could be could die in the deep end.
I mean, this is the nanny state taking over.
And in my original email, I talked about the fact that I do think there are health concerns with wearing masks when you're running, and I kind of downplayed it, but the more I think about it, I'm getting a little more concerned about it.
We do have kids with asthma.
We have kids with heart conditions.
But I actually went out on the track and I put a mask on and I ran a 200 meter and a 400 meter race, relatively fast, to find out what it really felt like.
I've run all these events.
I know what they feel like.
The 400 meters is absolutely miserable.
With the mask on, Once you start hitting the point where you're relying strictly on oxygen, you start breathing heavily.
You're sucking the mask into your mouth and your nose every time you breathe.
It seals around your face.
You're basically being water-borne.
There's spit.
Explain that.
There's mucus.
I've tried it as well.
Not that I'm a great jogger, but I did it.
I almost fell over.
I mean, I can run a mile if I need to.
I'm a big guy, but I can do it.
I tried to run a mile on this.
A quarter mile into it, I was just like, snot was coming out.
My face was wet.
Is that what you're talking about?
Yes, it's insane.
The only way air... I mean, those masks are designed for airflow around the edges.
You suck it into your face and there is nothing around the edges.
Everything has to come through the fabric.
Which got me thinking about what's coming off that fabric.
And being breathed into your lungs over and over again.
And you're talking about kids who are outside with masks on, exercising two hours a day, five, six days a week.
Well, the studies show it's majorly linked to bacterial pneumonia, but you've really done your research, sir.
When we come back, I mean, let's talk about this and where this is going.
We should all stand up.
We should all say no.
I know a lot of track.
Operations aren't doing this.
We can also ask the question, why is it happening so much in New Hampshire?
But you're backed up, sir, by the medical stuff.
Mainline medical sites say you should not run with a mask on your face before the fake pandemic and after.
Why do you think they're doing this when this is a real medical issue versus the COVID hoax?
I don't think they're thinking.
There is no rational reason.
And I really would like to see the answer from the medical committee that has proved these as to what they thought they were preventing and why.
How do people find you that want to bypass the mainstream media and actually hear what a great leader and a patriot you are, leader Brad Keys?
How do people find you?
I've got a website, eatrackandfield.com.
I've got a timeline there.
I have the letters there.
I also have a mailing list you can sign up for.
I'll send out periodic emails just listing what's going on.
Beautiful, beautiful, because you're on the front lines of ending this lockdown, of ending this medical legal power grab.
We'll talk to Brad Keys of PA, the letter PA, trackinfield.com.
Share that link.
We're all Brad Keys now.
We've all got to stand up and say no.
Lost his job over this.
I respect that.
You know, everybody always fetishizes the U.S.
military and U.S.
intelligence and all that Q stuff.
But I told you, we have all the real sources of the U.S.
military and U.S.
They are patriots and they're aware of the globalist takeover and they understand that this lockdown, this COVID system is an excuse for tyranny.
A global ID, Xi Jinping announcing a global QR code, Fauci saying we should adopt it, and corporate media trying to block everyone who challenges anything they say.
Governor DeSantis had a roundtable.
Two hours long, at the legislature, in a committee hearing, with doctors giving different perspectives, and a several prestigious ones said, they counted all these other deaths as COVID.
We have the same number of deaths roughly in 2020 as we had in 2019.
This is hyped up.
Herd immunity is the answer.
Vitamin D is the answer.
That's why Florida has one of the lowest problems, lowest rates.
And YouTube said that challenges the UN.
They are the only authority that can talk about this.
How do we wake up in this world?
It had over 4 million, 5 million views when it was taken off YouTube.
We just posted it to Band.Video in the Most Banned Video section.
See the Censored Governor Ron DeSantis Public Health Roundtable Discussion in Tallahassee.
So going back to our guest, Brad Keys, who really is a hero.
You know, he's got a private business.
He's a track coach.
His daughters go there.
It's how he makes part of his living.
He lives his passion.
He's got a website about track and field.
He's a champion track guy.
I've got his record right here.
And he's being treated like a bad person when some group makes a recommendation.
Who is the group that makes this recommendation in New Hampshire and other areas, and why does it vary jurisdiction to jurisdiction?
The group is the NHIAA.
I guess over time they've evolved into setting policy, or they don't set policy, they recommend to the schools.
And then it's up to the schools as to whether they accept it or not.
And as far as I know, every school in New Hampshire has accepted these recommendations.
I haven't heard of an exception yet.
I've asked people to tell me if there is one.
And I don't even know who at the school exactly accepts them.
Whether it's the Athletic Director, whether it's Athletic Director combined with school boards.
So some nebulous group as usual, it all basically comes down from the UN, and you're not supposed to have your own opinion.
Supposedly an independent school district, whether it's Texas or New Hampshire, I mean, isn't it the coaches?
Isn't it the families that should have come together and made a decision?
I mean, if the PTA voted to make children wear masks or young people, I mean, I'd say, well, they are their parents, it's still weird, you know, like saying you can't dance, you'll go to hell or something.
Still, that would be better, wouldn't it?
Instead of just some nebulous group?
Coaches were not consulted.
We were simply informed these are the rules.
Okay, well, I've got a lot of questions, but I'd like you to have the floor here for whatever you'd like to tell the viewers and listeners, my friend.
I mean, the main point for me is I want these mask mandates gone.
They're potentially very damaging health-wise, even if you ignore that.
They make no sense.
They restrict training.
They're going to restrict performance.
The kids don't deserve it.
Not just track and field.
Any of them.
All the outdoor sports should have all the masks removed while they're playing.
There's no reason for it.
The only sport that should have a mask is scuba.
We don't have that here.
Or fencing.
Or fencing.
I know I'm being sarcastic.
No, fencing.
That's a good point.
But fencing has very big holes.
No, that's the whole point.
I mean, the main point is that they need to be gone.
There's nothing behind it.
And people are starting to stand up.
I was hoping this might spark some interest.
It sparked a lot more than I expected, which is great.
And there are a lot of other people now starting to push.
They're starting to ask questions.
And quite frankly, and I've asked them, demand answers.
These people are supposedly public servants.
They're supposedly making decisions for our children's welfare.
They should at least be able to stand up and say why they made these decisions.
And first, I guess, who actually made the decisions?
Well, talking about education in general, Bill Gates wants to get rid of the Department of Education.
He wants to get rid of the student unions.
That sounds reasonable on the surface, and I think they're out of control and arrogant groups.
But by them saying, let's all work from home, by them saying, oh, we're just people's babysitters, keep your kids, they're being made obsolete like fools.
And I even know trying to get my youngest daughter into some type of a preschool.
She's not even four yet.
They go, oh, in any of these schools, even high end ones, you don't get to come and see the school.
You don't even come inside.
So it's really a cultic.
The hospitals, you can't see your family.
You can't see your old folks.
You can't see your children.
Doesn't everybody see this is a very authoritarian, creepy, cult takeover?
Yeah, and I think, I mean, the direction I'm going as far as the longer term solution is to alter or Offer alternatives.
I've already talked to several other people around the state who have set up things like flag football leagues and others that are private to give people options.
And that's where I'm going.
I'm going to set up a private track and field club.
It'll be open to anybody, all ages, high school, elementary.
Oh, that's beautiful.
Something tells me it's going to become a lot more popular than their cult.
Yes, and it'll be open to everyone.
It'll be flexible and it'll offer some some alternatives, some other options.
And I think that, long term, that's what's really needed.
And I would do this just to shut the dirty lawyers down that are taking over our society, consciously.
I'd have a waiver saying, I'm a free human, I believe in my immune system, and I wash my hands, and I'm gonna, you know, I'm taking responsibility for myself, and I waive all liability.
That's what I would like to do, and that's definitely the direction I'm going.
I'm already looking at land.
I have most of the equipment, including a pole vault pit.
So I'm just gonna start with what I've got, and I'm gonna grow it.
I have a bunch of ideas, I've got some interest now and I have the time and the resources to do it also.
So that's, that's where I'm headed.
I'm just so glad you're doing this.
I'm also seeing other people are bucking the system as well.
Oh yeah.
There are a lot of people out there.
I've gotten in the last five days, I've gotten over a hundred unsolicited emails from people all over the country now.
Some from, I've gotten UK, Canada.
A woman called me on the phone from Spain to say thank you.
There are a tremendous number of people out there who are tired of it and who are looking for something to stand behind.
So I think the more people who stand up and speak, and that's what I'm telling everyone, just say something to the administration, bureaucrats, politicians, school boards, whoever.
They need to hear it because if they don't hear it, they just keep doing what they've been doing.
And then it's whoever bitches and complains, whether it's, you know, the people that want men and women's sports or whether it's drag queen story time that wants convicted pedophiles have access to our children.
I mean, at a certain point, we've just got to say no to the madness.
All right.
Well, Brad Keys, thank you so much.
PA track and field dot com.
Anything else you'd like to add?
No, I just appreciate being on and message to everybody wherever you are, whether you're in New Hampshire or not, if you see anything like this, start talking, start speaking out, start complaining and gather other people who think the same way.
Well, I mean, listen, I'm not somebody that's big on getting people to leave churches or leave athletic events or whatever.
We need to start using our power.
We need to do it because it's always the left trying to control things by boycotts.
But they started this.
I think people ought to boycott the track and field program there or anything.
But let me guess.
They're telling basketball players to wear masks.
How are football players going to wear masks?
It's asinine.
No, they're doing that.
And the problem with the boycott, and I've had parents ask me, should I pull my kids?
And it's a very hard question because track and field and high school sports can be a fantastic experience.
And does pulling one or two kids help anyone?
And it certainly hurts the child.
But yes, at some point, I think it needs to be considered.
And everybody's going to have to make their own choices on that.
But if there are alternatives, then people might start doing it because then the child still has something to do.
Well, God bless you and God bless Tom Brady doing the same thing.
We've got a lead by example.
Brad Keyes, patrackandfield.com.
Everybody should support you.
God bless.
I appreciate being on.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Black guy's the model of the future.
Put your money where your mouth is.
Start saying no.
We salute him.
And he's not just getting fired.
He's starting his new thing to counter these monsters.
Next, like Canada, they'll probably try to put a fence up around his property and say he can't even have people running.
But that's OK.
We forced them to show how asinine and out of control they are.
All right.
I'm really frustrated today because I got a bunch of stuff I want to cover.
And we got another big guest coming up, but I do have 30 minutes.
And so I'm going to do my best to get to the news on so many fronts and on the human smuggling when we come back.
Because if you think the stuff we released a few days ago, it's a top.
It was top of Twitter yesterday.
I mean, if you think or excuse me on Wednesday, if you think that was big, we have hours of footage so horrible.
So insane.
But I can't even hardly do my show because it's like I've got, I've got crimes on video and I, and I'm going to go to the Texas Rangers?
I mean, where are they?
We found this instantly.
They all know.
Governor knows about it.
He said it's going on.
So what's going to happen?
And then there's the money issue.
Our audience is bigger than ever, but that war capital ain't coming in.
So get in there and buy products at infowarestore.com and be part of the winning team.
I'm about to air a special report by John Bowne in T-minus 45 seconds.
It's at band.video in the John Bowne section.
It's important.
The World War on Faith.
And then, I always butcher the beautiful language of Spanish and other romantic languages like Latin, Italian, and Portuguese, I guess, is a mix of other languages, Germanic and Romantic.
But it's the Saint of Death, Holy Death, Sente Morte.
I'm sure I said that wrong.
We'll tell you all about that, Smuggling Kids, on the other side of this report.
And we'll premiere this bombshell report that is about to go live at Band.Video that is going to make the Globals really unhappy.
Does anyone know who this person is?
What is her name?
Who is this person?
This is one of the sisters who got killed on Thursday.
Anyone knows her name?
Anyone knows what is her crime?
Her crime is to be Christian.
It's nothing new.
Christianity is under attack worldwide, from North Korea to Yemen to China to Somalia.
Alarmingly, the persecution of Christians is exponentially getting more severe than ever.
The number of Christians facing extreme levels of persecution for their faith rose from 245 million to 260 million last year in the top 50 countries on the world watch list.
60 million last year in the top 50 countries on the world watch list. Of the top 50, 45
countries have been designated "extreme" or "very high" in terms of the levels of persecution
Christians face.
That's 5 more countries than the previous year.
Attacks against churches have risen 500%.
On average, 13 Christians are killed every day because of their faith.
And speaking of faith, overall, Americans' membership in houses of worship continued to decline last year, Dropping below 50% for the first time in a Gallup Poll's 8-decade trend.
In 2020, 47% of Americans said they belonged to a church, synagogue, or mosque, down from 50% in 2018 and 70% in 1999.
Many believe it's hardcore not to be a Christian, but Christianity was punk rock 2021 years before the first poser tricked out their mohawk.
Christianity, at its core, is persecution.
Persecution of the truth.
And that persecution of the truth is the heart and soul of the Bill of Rights.
It is the lifeblood of freedom.
And totalitarianism despises it.
Out of this property!
Immediately until you come back with a warrant!
Do not come back without a warrant!
You understand that?
You're not welcome here!
Nazis are not welcome here!
Gestapo is not welcome here!
Do not come back, you Nazi psychopaths!
Unbelievable, sick, evil people!
Intimidating people in a church during the Passover!
You Gestapo, Nazi, Communists, Fascists!
Don't you dare coming back here!
The pandemic has resulted in previously unimaginable restrictions on individual liberty.
Now notice what I am not saying or even implying.
I am not diminishing the severity of the virus' threat to public health and putting aside what I will say shortly about a few Supreme Court cases.
I'm not saying anything about the legality of COVID restrictions, nor am I saying anything about whether any of these restrictions represent good public policy.
I'm a judge, not a policymaker.
All that I'm saying is this, and I think it is an indisputable statement of fact.
We have never before seen restrictions as severe, extensive, and prolonged as those experienced for most of 2020.
Those at odds with the message of Jesus of Nazareth, whether through deception or outright violence, pretend to be strong but without the truth they are incredibly feeble.
It takes a strong heart and soul to endure the persecution and fight for the freedom that is slipping right out of our hands.
John Bowne reporting.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back!
We are broadcasting worldwide.
All right, I'm going to premiere a very important special report at the start of the next segment.
We are busily right now uploading it to BandThis.TV, also known as Band.Video.
But if you try to share Band.Video on YouTube or Twitter or Facebook, Big Tech that's busy covering up all the child smuggling and all the criminal activity will block it.
That's why we created a new URL.
Every time they ban another URL, it takes you to the same site, the same sub pages.
It just creates new links for you that go to the exact same reports.
And right now that link that you can share is BandThis.tv.
So that is coming up start of the next segment.
*thud* *thud*
*thud* *thud*
And again, if you thought what you saw two days ago that became the number one story on Twitter and got tens of millions of views, you ain't seen nothing yet.
I mean, yes, it's dramatic footage, us coming up to the child smuggling center, they call a Catholic charity, but Biden has waived the law outside of an executive order, or outside of law.
I don't care.
They changed the law and said you can smuggle kids.
I'm against it.
You can pass a law saying black people are slaves again.
I'm not going to say I agree with that law.
You can pass a law saying you're going to execute people for their religious faith.
I don't support that.
I'll fight you.
But they are all so confident they're hiding it in plain view, smuggled children, sometimes not even with their parents, no background checks on who gets them, and then people with gang MS-13 tattoos on them, literally with other people's children, putting them on trains, and on buses, and on planes.
We have the footage inside!
I left Tuesday, the crew shot that on Wednesday, didn't even tell me!
They're like, oh, we're getting a few reports together this morning.
I started watching, going, what the hell is this?
So that's going to go live the next 10 minutes at Band.Video as the featured video.
And we've been working on this all morning and we're going to put it out for you, but we'll have a lot more done because there's hours and hours of this.
It gets even worse.
They're basically having like auctions and like so-called liberals come in.
It's like a dude going, I want that woman.
I want that woman.
And this is all on video.
And we're like, they're letting us see this?
Because again, they're smart.
They hide it.
All in plain view.
So, when people see this, they're gonna think it's fake, even though it's not, it's fake.
It's just like, well, this can't be going on.
I mean, they're not stuffing three kids in the trunk of a car.
I mean, Jones obviously, yeah, fake that, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like when I had Marines, in 1999, training to confiscate guns with role players they hired, who were actors, saying, please don't take my guns, I'm an American citizen, and the Marines would execute them.
That was under Clinton.
It was the Marines told us this was coming up.
They were the ones with the whistle.
People thought that was fake footage.
Because, oh, there's no way the Marines are trying to take our guns.
Well, it's the same type of stuff coming up right now.
But let's hit this now, because it's the anatomy of control.
It's the anatomy of manipulation.
Here's Snopes, funded by George Soros and others.
Did Alex Jones stop smugglers from illegally transporting children at the border?
Well, Snopes says no.
And they go on to say, well, it was children being saved by a Catholic charity, and yes, they were being put in the trunk of a car, but that's okay, because we don't call that smuggling, even though they weren't tracked, they weren't traced, the borders were left wide open, and they were just let in.
So it's, again, their opinion.
And I love how the so-called Catholic charity, that's literally like a communist, globalist Pro Cartel organization, we got all that right here.
Came out in the press release and said, well, Jones did stage it the way he covered it.
I mean, it was real people, but he still, they love that word.
Oh, it was staged.
Oh yeah, I'm the one that stages stuff.
No, I think you're thinking about somebody, somebody else.
Here's his other headline.
Did Alex Jones really rescue kids being smuggled?
Internet doubts camera crew and calls the scene staged.
And even after the Catholic Charities came out and said, no, it's real video, they still say I staged it.
Video of Alex Jones stopping car, illegally transporting children viewed 1 million times.
Alex Jones stops smugglers from kidnapping migrant children.
Video shows him jumping in front of car.
International Business Times.
Did Alex Jones really rescue kids?
Here's some of the people on Twitter.
Let's remember Alex Jones admitted in court he was Nothing but a performer.
Show me that video.
Show me the text of that.
You guys always say that.
But I never said that.
I never said that.
But you always just say it.
And of course, all these locals now are on the news going, no, no, this happens all day long.
We saw Alex Jones do it.
I mean, it's a busy middle of downtown McAllen where this happened.
It's all real.
Everybody knows it.
There was other journalists there that saw it.
But that's how they operate.
That's how they deceive.
But I have a whole stack here.
The Texas Rangers and the governor saying there's massive human trafficking, including sex slavery, of little children going on in these federal facilities, and that most of the people aren't even taken to federal facilities, they're released directly to the Catholic charity or Democrat party groups, who literally then have these men showing up saying, I want those, I want that one.
They have orders for a baby, and then this baby just gets loaded up and disappeared somewhere.
No wonder the Russians 10 years ago, put me that article too guys, saw you show it earlier, banned the US getting babies.
They said that they were selling babies for sex and selling babies to other people.
And of course it turned out it was true.
Because Americans have become incredibly naive about how much evil is taking place and what is going on.
But the really big news I haven't covered yet, and I'm going to read it tomorrow on air, commercial free, and it's the statement by the former Pfizer chief scientist saying that this is a bioweapon to depopulate people and laying out all the evidence.
He says at the end of the article, the end of the transcript, he says, they're literally going to kill you and your family.
That's what I always say, but that's what's going on.
I mean, this is meant to shut down society.
This is meant to make everything collapse.
This is, you are obsolete, you are not essential.
This is just the beginning, not the end.
And the sooner we wake up and say no, the better.
But only admitting how bad it is, what we're being hit with, gives us any chance of turning it around.
Now, let me hit this for you because it's very, very important.
I don't have the money and the budget to send 10 people down to the border Monday or Sunday,
but I'm going to do it.
And I don't have the budget in the future to keep supporting some of the journalists
and groups out there that wouldn't be on air if it wasn't for us helping them.
I just can't watch them go off air.
I don't even say who the groups are, some of the groups we fund.
It's just, I need to tell you so you understand, we do a lot here you see, we do a lot behind the scenes.
I just want to ask listeners to understand the fact that if InfoWars wasn't here, we'd be in deep trouble.
You've seen General Flynn endorse our SPARS report.
You've seen everything we do constantly, and it's like, guys, God is with us, and you are with us, but we're not bringing in enough funds right now to be in six months still being able to operate with even the crew we have now.
So, I need you to just say, hey, I'm going to InfoWarsTore.com, and if you go to InfoWarsTore.com, there's a link up there.
We make it hard to donate still, I don't know why, but it says there's a support link up there, and you can see $5, $10, $100.
It's right there on the side, so support us.
Click on that link for me, for TV viewers.
And if you go there, you can sponsor us with a recurring donation, or you can do a one-time donation.
And that way, we get 95% of the money you donate.
You know, we have to pay 5% processing fees because they took our regular processors away with all the harassment.
But that's how we fund our operation.
So please go to InfoWarsStore.com and click on the Support InfoWars link.
And make a $5, $10, $100 donation or sign up for a recurring donation right there on the Support Info Wars page.
Or get Vitamineral Fusion back in stock and Winter Sun back in stock.
40% off individually, 30% off together.
Everybody needs it.
They're high-end vitamins and minerals.
Vitamin D3.
Winter Sun and Vitamin K, Vitamin Refusion is all of it in one place.
For children, for adults, everybody should be taking it.
And it funds the operations, so a 360 win.
And that's what funds what you're about to see on the other side.
Fearless journalism.
Sante Vuerte.
I was about to talk about the Angel of Death or the Holy Death.
And they have a kind of an autoplay stuff.
And this song, I mean, airs once a month.
Don't Fear the Reaper starts playing.
But since the mid-1990s, starting with MS-13 out of Central America, it's been adopted
by a lot of the other Mexican drug cartels to have Sante Huerte tattoos all over themselves,
particular ones to say what cartel they're in.
And different cartels have a different version.
One cartel has a male version.
Most of the others are the female version.
Though in the Bible, the angel of death does not have a sex, but it's sent in and the Israelites put blood
over their doors and then the angel of death goes in and kills the firstborn of Egypt
because Pharaoh's father had killed the firstborn of the Israelites.
And they made a great Metallica song out of that too.
But the reason I raise that is here's the nun, the sister from this leftist communist group
that we've looked up that runs this big center, just one of hundreds of these on the border.
We're not even singling them out.
Catholic Charities!
That loads these children onto the buses, onto the planes that are flown out.
So, here's your Wikipedia about it, and they admit that this is the main patron saint of MS-13 and the drug cartels.
Well, it turns out, the nun that we had at the center, we videotaped her there, followed her.
This is Wednesday.
We just now, crew got back, got the video, we're preparing it here.
Just went live minutes ago, I'm told, it banned that video.
And they follow her to the facility, Because we sent in a Spanish-speaking woman, I'll leave it at that, we infiltrated, and she interviewed a bunch of women, and they said, help us, we paid a lot of money to get here, and we're supposed to meet our husbands, but they took our phones away and said they don't work here, but they do work here, and I'm supposed to meet my husband, but they're sending me somewhere else, help me, help me.
I mean, this is the kind of stuff going on.
And they're sending me somewhere else than what they told me.
Well, while we'd been there earlier, we saw men, and some of this is on video, coming up and saying, I want her, and I want her.
And then even talking to our crew, going, hey, you know, they're coming here, might as well, and to fly them back to the East Coast.
So this is like a vegetable stand, you see, on the side of the road, but it's women and children.
And so then the nun from the facility where you see them cramming the kids in the back of the trunk, And that big national story, I fly out that evening, literally an hour later I flew out, the crew stays out another day, and this happens the next day.
They go to the airport, and by the way, we got hours of this, this is just one, one little three minute clip that we got out of all this, but let me show you an overhead shot for TV viewers.
Because the media is spitting this like, oh, Jones claims it was human smuggling, but it's totally legal that they're loading women and children into the backs of vans and cars and planes.
No, no one knows who they are.
They have no ID.
It's all waived.
The Catholic charity takes their phones away.
They're scared.
They're telling Spanish-speaking women that are in law enforcement, I'll leave it at that, that we've sent in, because local cops want to work with us, folks, and so do the feds.
They're pissed.
Because nobody else will do anything, so we're there filling the vacuum.
And that's the thing.
We're down there a few days and have all this.
This is insane.
And the left's like, how are they getting all this footage?
Because you can't swing a stick in the dark and not hit smuggling.
And most of it, children.
And so then this woman walks in in Spanish and tells the airport where they're directing this train of humanity, of slavery.
Oh, it's my baby, she says in Spanish.
When we have her 20 minutes before at the facility getting the baby from the woman.
So we have, let me say this again, we have babies being separated from their mothers.
Did they buy the baby?
We don't know.
We're asking these people.
So this is like a year old baby, maybe a year.
It looks like about 10, 11 months.
Such cute little babies.
And this is just one clip of hours we have.
And what's insane is all of it's this back.
You want to talk about I feel so sorry for cops have to watch like real snuff films and you know like psychos videotape torturing people and like you're about the cops have trouble watching it I I have trouble watching this ladies and gentlemen I literally am a tough guy but this is it because also it pisses me off how is this just going on in plain view there's some of that Headlines, AP.
US waives FBI checks on caregivers at new migrant facilities, AP.
Biden just said he's a dictator.
See, so they can have these criminals doing this.
Migrants free without court notice, sometimes no paperwork.
130 illegals surrendered Arizona Border Patrol, latest photo.
This is what I'm saying.
And then they have Snopes going, Biden says they're legal, he told them come, so they're legal.
Here, ladies and gentlemen, is just three minutes.
We're going to show you Potentially hours of this tomorrow.
And we're also going to show you the children's faces, so in case they disappear, this is like a wanted poster or the back of a milk carton.
And we're going to show you the men in there showing what women they were picking out that they wanted to take somewhere with them.
We're going to show you all of this because they didn't even hide it!
Because they know how to hide it in plain view.
Here's the report.
and how they will see it.
And she's totally fake.
She's got Angel of Death stuff on every arm and leg.
That's an MS-13.
That's the particular ones.
Those are exact.
It's on every body of hers.
Her name is Santa Muerte.
She's the patron saint to drug cartels and human smugglers.
Investigators say the smugglers are praying for forgiveness.
Praying to a saint who they believe makes no distinction between the devout So as you can see, this is our same van driver from a few days ago and she is the one who transports the illegals from the Catholic charity in downtown McAllen and brings them to the airport and she then facilitates them getting on
Look at the planes, okay?
If you look right there, um, I want you to notice something, okay?
Look at her leg right there.
Notice something.
And she is supposed to leave all the chairs at the Catholic Charities.
And she was supposed to leave all the stairs and have to be captured and carried to the airport.
Okay. And she brings van load after van load of illegal aliens to the McGowan airport
to sit there and be processed and assisted in getting on flights to the interior of the United States.
Now, none of these people have a driver's license or a United States passport or a passport of any kind.
They have just shown up on the border and Border Patrol is releasing them for one reason and one reason only.
Because they're traveling with kids.
That's what's going on right now.
This is van load after van load after van load.
Several thousand a day coming through the McAllen International Airport here in Texas.
We've also been told that a number of these illegal immigrants do not have a hearing date.
That they're literally being allowed to go into the interior of the United States without a hearing date.
But we're getting to the bottom of it.
And our favorite van driver right here, the one who was upset the other day that we were filming her, she's on the phone right now.
I know, I know.
Well, because your assistant is smuggling illegal aliens.
That's why, okay?
That's why.
Alright, tomorrow we're going to show you footage of a man from the East Coast on video saying, I want that woman, I want that woman, I want that woman.
And they're giving to him.
He does this on camera proudly in front of us.
So if you want to go down to the border right now, you can literally just pick out women you want.
Well, last hour we had Brad Keyes, a very successful track star in his own right, a successful software developer, and also helped coach his local public high school that his four daughters went to.
He got fired because he said, we're not going to wear masks when we run the marathons, basically.
When we run the longest races, the shortest races, it can cause a lung to collapse.
Medical science says don't do it.
It doesn't protect you.
We're not doing it.
So they fired him.
Well, he stood up to the right thing, and now he's standing up, and he's done well in software engineering, so he's going to try to launch a private track operation that I think is going to be very popular.
is another great person standing up against evil.
And she settled in North Carolina as a U.S.
Army veteran of eight and a half years, Army discharge.
She worked 13 years in personal management, the music business for rock and metal bands.
And after owning a bed and breakfast a couple of years, she became a flight attendant.
She has worked with various airlines, 13 years as a crew member, five and a half.
She lost her last company.
She resigned from the airline January 31st, 2021, a few months ago, and now flies private if she can.
You can find her conservative clothing boutique thing Roaring Twenties at GentleLadyBoutique.com.
And she's here.
She quit over this.
She witnessed what's happening.
They're trying to make newborn babies now wear masks.
There's nothing the cult won't do.
They're bullying people.
They're going completely insane.
But John Kerry doesn't have to wear his mask.
So, Teresa, thank you so much for joining us here.
And thank you for standing up and speaking out.
We need more people to do it.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you for having me on your show.
My family and I have been great supporters of InfoWars for a long time.
Really appreciate it.
Thank you.
Well, you know, I'm just proud of our audience because, you know, the last guest we had on was a listener, too.
We like call these people that are standing up.
It's always our listeners.
It's not that we got you to do what you're doing.
We're all just in the same, you know, same family here of awake folks.
So tell us about you.
Tell us about what you witnessed in the last year and, you know, what made you resign.
Well, I'm a mom of three.
My company offered a leave with a pay deduction.
They wanted volunteers, so I volunteered.
But come July, they implemented the mask mandates on the passengers, and I was very disturbed by this.
But throughout the summer and fall of 2020, I had much hope that this mandate would go away.
I hoped that it would be Temporary, as they kept telling us on the news.
So I kind of just kept bidding for time off.
I was due back in January.
So on January 31st, they called me back.
I paced the floor for hours and hours trying to decide what I should do.
So I was reasoning with myself, you know, reasoning with myself that I should go back and I should just deal with it, that everything's going to be okay, it's going to be temporary.
But I could not do it.
I could not participate in this oppressive compliance ritual.
So I called the company.
I quit.
I told them why.
Afterwards, I called my supervisor and told her that I quit and I'd be willing to come back as soon as those mask mandates were removed from the passengers.
She didn't have a whole lot to say.
So I decided I might as well tell the union what just took place.
And I was very surprised when they wrote back saying that I should or could file a grievance and I needed to cite a breach in the collective bargaining agreement.
So I went to the discrimination paragraph and I cited creed that it was against my moral creed to force people to put masks on their face.
Yeah, last time we checked, you're not living in Sudan as some sex slave.
I mean, this is literally a burqa.
Yes it is.
It is like a burka.
It's an oppressive compliance ritual.
That's exactly what it is.
Please continue.
I love your term.
Did you invent that?
I've never heard that before.
Well, I don't know.
Maybe I did.
Oppressive compliance ritual.
No, that's what it is.
You coined that.
That's a genius term.
This is an oppressive compliance cult ritual.
Well, I have a sign on the front of my house because we get deliveries with, you know, masked delivery drivers and the post office.
We don't talk to masked men!
And I say, you know, I have a sign on the front of my house that your oppressive mask is optional.
So I just feel like people should have the choice as they did before.
As a flight attendant, I saw many passengers wearing masks before this COVID nonsense took place.
And we didn't care.
It was okay.
It was their choice.
That's how it should be.
Well, exactly.
If you want to be neurotic, exactly.
If a woman wants to wear a burka, a beekeeper suit, she should be allowed to.
If someone wants to have a circumcision done, when they're 18, they can do it.
It's just that it shouldn't be done to people that are not agreeing to it.
We should not be forced to do this, is what you're saying.
Yes, and I tried to seek out some help and remedies over the summer and fall, but it was very difficult.
I couldn't find any real organization until I came across FAFTA out of United Kingdom.
And I've just learned about another organization called Healthy American, another one COVID Legal USA.
I've been getting many emails, a lot of correspondence from the general public.
So many.
It's overwhelming.
I've also had a handful of emails from captains, first officers, and flight attendants that have quit.
So I am not the only one.
Well, I've told this story and it's in a, I guess, an Esquire profile of me because the guy was there in Arkansas.
I was on a family trip.
I wanted to go see Hot Springs, Arkansas.
I was a child with my parents.
We went to stay at the old Arlington Hotel and we went to this Museum of the Ozarks.
It's a big, huge complex.
I'd been there when I was a child, and they had this big labyrinth thing that they called, like, Inside the Hills of the Ozarks.
It was like little tubes.
So I'm a big guy now, and I thought, well, I'll go in this with my kids.
Well, the thing went on for like 20 minutes.
It was tiny holes, and I got claustrophobic, and I had to control myself to get out.
I almost went crazy.
But after I did that, I've been much more claustrophobic.
It's like you get a bee sting, you get allergic once you've been in a confined space, and it was really stressful.
I was an idiot to go in there.
I've been more claustrophobic since then.
And when I try to put a mask on, I can control myself.
I don't have fear of all sorts of stuff.
But when I start wearing a mask, and I smell my breath, and it's all hot, and it's oppressive, and it's like this is a muzzle that's been put on me, and I'm not being dramatic.
I couldn't imagine being on transatlantic flights or, God forbid, a flight 16 hours to Australia.
What was it like for you wearing this filthy face diaper?
We're supposed to be breathing in air, exchanging it.
We know all the studies show that we boost people's immune systems by sharing all our germs.
We're communal creatures.
I mean, how did you deal with that?
And what are the other flight attendants saying?
Well, Alex, when my company implemented the mask mandates on the passengers, I was already on leave.
I haven't worked a flight since the end of May.
At that time, my company required that the crew wear a mask.
I didn't like it, but I was, you know, I felt like it was part of the company's request.
So what was it like for you to wear it, though?
Did you find it to be oppressive?
Oh, absolutely.
And especially for me, I was much more offended probably from my coworker standing next to me because I've had a lot of dental work done in the past year.
So I was looking forward to smiling and showing off and it just felt like they were shutting me down.
But they started this mandate in July.
I was already on leave, so I continued to bid for it throughout the year.
I never went back and wore the mask when the passengers were mandated.
Prior to July, my company was handing out safety kits, giving passengers the option.
I felt like that's the right thing to do.
That's what they should have done.
That's what all the airlines should have done.
It's not just my airline.
This is a nationwide problem.
All the airlines should just make it.
And from what I understand, too, these masks are actually considered medical devices.
So I don't see how the FAA can approve all of our passengers wearing medical devices.
It's corporations engaging in medical control.
That's right, that's what it is.
It's like these new QR codes and these new vaccine passports are literally your own personal thing now being with the corporation.
They're raping us and with the vaccine they really rape our DNA.
They engage in genetic colonization.
Literally a genetic invasion.
I want to ask Teresa Mullins, when we come back, talking to current flight attendants she knows, how are they responding to this ongoing nightmare?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right.
Coming up in the fourth hour, he's a great talk show host.
Stu Peters has that amazing pastor from Calgary, that Polish immigrant, saying, get out of here, you Nazis.
Get out of my churches.
They shut down all those churches, built fences around them.
It's just over the top.
And human smuggler.
It's illegal.
Biden didn't sign an executive order.
He didn't pass a law.
Even if he did, it'd be illegal.
But human smuggler with baby and cartel tats confronted at airport by InfoWars.
That just went live 10 minutes ago or so.
It banned on video.
And it's just as dramatic, as important as us jumping in front of that.
That car.
But I've got to review these hours of footage.
The stuff I've already seen is even crazier.
Tomorrow, 4 p.m., they will put the report out.
I'm going to come and tape delay it so that we, you know, are in studio, can add a lot of things.
I'll be up here at noon tomorrow with my crew going over all the footage and playing it in a commercial free transmission that is even more insane.
Basically auctions of people where it's like a slave block.
They're like, I want that woman.
I want that woman.
You're going to see this.
Tomorrow, people are like, aren't you scared of the cartels?
Aren't you scared they'll sue you?
Line up here!
It's not about me.
It's about fighting these people.
And the attitude of being scared of all these people has gotten us where we are.
It's unbelievable.
All right.
Teresa Mullins is a flight attendant that resigned in January because they were trying to make the crew wear masks.
She already submitted herself to wearing one.
And other points you'd like to make about where you see the world going.
I mean, I mean, there's so many crazy things happening.
We've got the Pfizer former chief scientist coming out saying the vaccine is a depopulation weapon.
How does it feel to have Bill Gates say he wants to block the sun out and that you're obsolete and non-essential?
I mean, it's like a bad James Bond plot.
Well, it's a cancel culture, digital thunderdome, and we have state legislatures to make laws, not Bill Gates.
That's what I think about Bill Gates and his ideas.
I agree with you.
Well, listen, I always ask the questions, but I like to tell guests, what's on your mind?
What do you want to impart to folks while you're probably talking to conservatively two million people right now?
Well, Alex, like I said, I've been getting a handful of emails from captains, first officers, and flight attendants, and they aren't happy with this mask mandate, but they have fear of losing their job.
Now, there's other fears too, you know.
What about the evacuation of the aircraft?
For instance, there is a video online, a public video called Airbus 380 Emergency Evacuation Test.
It's in English and in French.
There's several versions.
It shows approximately 16 flight attendants evacuating 800 people approximately.
It's a very intriguing video because cabin crews are required to prove to the FAA that they can evacuate an aircraft within 90 seconds.
But where is the proving run for the mask?
For the cabin-filled, masked humans, how would that intrude with the duration of the 90-second evacuation?
And what about at 38,000 feet when you only have three seconds to don your oxygen mask?
What happens to the woman that has three children She needs to remove their face mask first and then place oxygen mask over her kids.
Exactly, that's how you skin the bureaucrats is pointing out their own bureaucracy is a fraud.
If masks are causing runners to have collapsed lungs, well now they're going to be liable for the collapsed lung.
You hit the lawyers back with their own medicine.
I want to see the FAA make a proving run with a full cabin filled with masked humans, and I want to see them accomplish it in under 90 seconds.
And let's see a scenario at 38,000 feet, too, when you only have seconds, seconds, to grab that oxygen mask.
What about that?
I hope you'll be a consultant on the show with us as a former flight attendant that stood up for what's right.
Sorry, you were going to say something else.
Yes, I want to say to our president, Donald Trump, bring back Trump Shuttle now.
I have enough emails from crew members that will help you set up in-flight.
Oh yeah, Trump launched an airline for a while.
Let's bring back a mask-free Trump airline.
Gosh, people love that.
I'd buy tickets on that.
Bring back Trump Shuttle now.
And this time he shouldn't target business travelers with gold-plated seatbelts.
This time he should just target patriot vacationers.
Yeah, that's when Trump learned that people love casinos.
Well, I don't love all that glitz and crap.
I want just plain Jane planes and good service.
Trump should do that, shouldn't he?
I agree.
I feel like the FAA is the issue here.
You know, I'm just a little person.
I'm just, I don't even have that much seniority.
There are flight attendants with 20, 30, 40 years at their company.
The unions seem like they're pro-mask.
I don't know.
I'm not sure what to do, Alex, but I feel like it's the FAA.
Well, it's all virtue signaling.
You point out Fauci's study he put out in 2008 that the main cause of death of the Spanish flu was mask.
They caused bacterial pneumonia.
That's why the mask areas had higher death rates, three times higher on average.
Well, of course, you're not supposed to be breathing this stuff back in.
It's ridiculous.
Yes, and Alex, I'm heartbroken to see these videos of passengers being removed from airlines and being bullied at the gate.
Now, I was a victim.
I did some bullying of my own in grade school, and karma.
I was victimized as a bully in high school, and it affected my life tremendously.
Which is why I named my boutique Gentle Lady Boutique because I'd really like to have a personal lobby to bring back gentle behavior in the United States.
We've really lost our manners.
No, I agree.
We need to be more gentle people.
I feel like it would prevent many situations that have just gotten out of control.
We should be gentle to gentle people and very mean to people that aren't gentle.
People can be very mean and There's a lot of bullies out there right now.
It's everywhere.
Almost everyone's the enemy.
Well, they've divided us to conquer us.
Thank you so much, amazing Teresa Mullins.
I know that all that fashion is all the rage right now, so I'll have my wife check it out.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, Alex.
Okay, listen.
I didn't get up here at the start of the show and second barely do this show with what I know and what I'm seeing just to like say that like we're being dramatic.
I don't feel guilty.
I just feel really bad because I've got like an eight page report from Life Science or Life News.
And it's all there with the chief science officer from Pfizer saying there's a plan to kill everybody.
I mean, I could have spent the whole show on that and it's so insane.
And then I've got all these great guests they set up.
And then I've got the governor saying they're running giant sex operations with kidnapped kids.
My God, I've got video of it.
And then I've got other footage that is so insane.
Like I said, one of these clips I have Would take regular media like a week to look at, even figure out what to do.
And then they decide this is too damaging, this is too deadly, we can't put this out.
You know, the drug cartels, all God's children, that Pelosi talked about will come after us.
Well, this isn't an exercise of having courage.
This is an exercise of, I will complete this mission, I don't even think about that.
But then I have to talk about that because I realize listeners and people are hardcore, but the general public literally lives in a state of fear.
I am so free.
I don't live in a state of fear.
I just do what I'm supposed to do and I don't worry about it.
I have free will, but I am like a robot.
It's really true.
I'm like a robot.
I just do this, and I keep doing it, and I keep doing it, because I know we're going to win.
And when we stand up, we have nothing but victory.
That's what's funny.
You know, 99% of the time when I do something, it's successful.
When I see other people, like Project Veritas, they're incredibly successful.
Other people think it's like going to the Mars or something to stand up and take action.
Inaction is destruction.
Inaction is political death.
Human death.
And we have to say no to it.
Stu Peters has that pastor on from Calgary coming up that was so powerful that we should just start the next segment with that, or maybe segment two, six after, come in with that.
I'm not programming the next hour for Stu Peters, but we should come in with, get out of here!
Come back with a warrant!
I mean, you are Gestapo, and they are!
And they're putting up fences around huge churches and saying, you're never reopening!
But Walmart and Target and the Stripper Club is open, and they should all be able to be open.
The point is, is this is tyranny, and why are they targeting Christians?
Stu Peters takes over from redvoicemedia.com.
And then, as I told you, The War Room, 3 p.m., has got a lot of breaking news today.
Maybe some exclusive clips, if we can get them ready.
I've got to review these clips.
This is out of control.
This is like news going.
I want that woman, I want that woman.
Yes sir, they will load them in the vehicle for you.
Come women, with me.
I mean, I've never, like Jabba the Hutt's palace or something with this.
So, tomorrow, 4pm, a big special report with exclusive footage at Infowars.com.
Get ready for that special emergency report.
Alright, he's got the Polish immigrant who lives in Calgary and has a church.
Small church that got raided.
He stood up to him.
He's got that pastor on.
Stu Peters is about to take over right now, but he's a former bounty hunter.
One of the most important jobs really in enforcing law and order in this country.
He goes back to British common law, but I wanted to ask him, because I was thinking we ought to get Stu Peters to come to Texas.
And go with us to the border because I was only there two days, Owen was there three days, and people were like, how are you getting this footage?
Well, why is this camera rolling?
Because we're a camera crew.
Literally, I have hours of footage we haven't even put out yet of like the most insane stuff that I know is incredibly dangerous.
So I want to make sure we put it out accurately of men going, I want her and her and her and like, Our crew's like, "What are you doing?" Well, they're here.
I mean, I'm here to get women.
It's like this. I don't know how to explain it. The arrogance of how they're all acting
like it's totally normal and it's all illegal, it's all violates federal law.
There's no executive order.
That would be overturned by the courts.
And I'm just watching human smuggling and kids not even checked.
No court hearings, no nothing.
The governor says it's sex traffic.
I'm interviewing eyewitnesses that saw kids being raped by these NGOs that are brought in.
The Border Patrol, the FBI waived background checks on them.
This woman has MS-13 tats.
We checked with the state police.
They go, yeah, that's a particular MS-13 tat with a baby handing it off into a frickin' airplane.
I'm living in the goddamn Twilight Zone!
Excuse my French.
Excuse me, Lord.
So, just briefly, Stu, what do you make of this?
I mean, this is the most lawless collapse I've ever seen.
100% intentional.
Absolutely 100% intentional.
It's part of the big distraction away from the talks that are happening behind our backs, but yet somewhat seemingly right in the wide open about the gun grab and the silencing.
You know, you look at these people from big tech people, these Twitter people and Zuckerberg, You know, up here testifying.
It's no secret that this is a distraction away from that.
This is a part of making Trump supporters still continue to look bad.
We're all racist.
If we have anything to say about illegal immigration, they're hiding the gun grab.
They're intentionally inserting these people.
And I'm going to talk about some of this upcoming before the pastor is on.
And then again, maybe with the pastor, because this guy actually left communism.
This guy has witnessed this firsthand.
You know, you and I, we have the luxury of being American-born United States citizens.
I was saying that before you came on three minutes ago.
We have no idea how good we've got it.
And so even the illusion of freedom for these people that are coming from all over the world, just because they're entering from the poorest border on the South, the wide-open, green-lighted Biden border down there, you know, that doesn't mean that they're from South America, from Latin America, from Central America.
These people are Yemeni terrorists.
They're Syrian nationals.
They're not idiots.
You know, look at the Japanese military command staff before Pearl Harbor.
What did they say?
We can't take them by land.
They have too many guns there.
We can't take them by sea.
We can't jump off of boats and go take these people because there's 300 million guns here.
We have to take them by air and then boom, Pearl Harbor.
Well, so when Biden and these progressive radicals, these Kabbalists, these roundtable globalists are looking to topple an entire political system, they know that just straight out coming for our guns is not going to work.
They have to find other means.
So this is like the systematic kidnapping is what I would kind of compare it to.
And I had this epiphany last night as I was thinking about what do you do with somebody when you're going to kidnap them?
Well, you have to disorient them.
You have to blindfold them.
You have to gag them.
You have to lead them away from what's comfortable.
Everything is about destabilizing is putting us into a wonderland.
Yeah, and so this is a part of it.
And if you can introduce this immediate chaos onto the streets, these people are coming here with these Biden shirts, but they're gangbangers, they're drug dealers, they are human smuggling, child trafficking, pedophiles, rapists, murderers, killers.
These people are sent to these cities on purpose to instigate more of this violence for part of this shock and awe factor.
It's almost like a home invasion happening to us right through our back door.
Wow, you said it.
Stu Peters, redvoicemedia.com.
I'm Alex Jones, and tomorrow, 4 p.m., we're going to air the special report.
I'm going to shoot it tomorrow, then air it then.
On the latest on the SPARS report, huge intel there, and the unseen footage that we're going to air tomorrow of basically an auction of women taking place.
This is incredible.
Only you can magnify this info.
I know you will.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
You know, everything that we were just talking about is part of the gun grab.
It's on.
It's mandatory confiscation.
You'll be jailed if you don't give up your guns.
It's coming.
There's just no two ways about it.
I'm not going to sugarcoat this message because it's urgency.
The Second Amendment is clearly under attack as the distractions continue, like illegal immigration, like the smuggling.
In an attempt to divert your focus away from these seemingly secret hearings that are taking place.
If you haven't been paying attention, a lot of us are busy.
It's hard.
Folks, don't just look at Biden and the Democrats.
Because the liberal agenda has now graduated into a full-blown totalitarian takeover and the toppling of our entire political system.
They've shut everyone up already.
So we don't have time to dissect it all because we've done that.
We've been over it.
You're not ignorant people.
As Alex says, you're here, you're part of the resistance.
You're part of the informed.
You're the targets.
We are the enemy because we embrace freedom.
We are to be destroyed because of our love of country.
By any means necessary, we're to be silenced, divided, disarmed, and crushed.
And this isn't a new plan.
This has been in the works for decades as unsuspecting Americans went about their daily business.
Listen, I'm not a torch carrier for every single thing Donald Trump.
He's not the answer to all of this.
He's one man.
But he's the main factor in the equation that got us here, which is what we can't forget.
The light that has now been shined on these cockroaches that have been working in the dark for so long was illuminated by the Trump presidency.
He carried that light.
He flipped that switch, and now we're all standing here in this room, in this space, looking at what most of us have never even seen before.
Imagine, like I alluded to, being kidnapped, tied up, gagged, blindfolded, thrown into a trunk of a vehicle, into a dark semi-hauler trailer, transported to an unknown location, carried into an unfamiliar environment, spun around, flipped upside down, disoriented, and just stashed away, put away for a decade.
You've been forgotten about now as everyone has moved on and gotten used to life without you.
You don't make an everyday impact on anything because you're gone.
So imagine this, that people have become used to you, your absence, and you just simply can't make a difference because you don't exist.
You've been discarded, dispensed, buried, for all intents and purposes, you're dead.
That's exactly what these globalists have done to our entire population.
All of us are really one kidnapping victim.
We've all been discarded.
We've all become absent.
They've gotten us all out of their way, forgotten about us, made us irrelevant.
And we don't impact the plan because we've been incapacitated and removed so that we could never be a threat to their progress.
Until now.
The light is on and we're all in this room together now.
And we remember the kidnapping.
We have a foggy recollection of what led up to this, right?
We got a good look at the suspects.
We've been able to identify most of them, but it's still unclear, really, who's behind all of it.
Who told them to come and grab us?
We can make assumptions.
We can theorize because we know what they want.
They want us gone forever, right?
That was the plan.
We forgot about.
So we know that, but who is they?
We know that they're an enemy.
We know they most likely have a great deal of money, they have power, they have control, they have all of these things.
We know that they have a global influence and the only way to accomplish that is to make it worthwhile to the kidnappers because those are the ones risking it all if they're exposed.
Is it just money?
Is there bribery involved?
We talk about the Rothschilds, we throw around the Soros name because those people haven't tried to hide their malicious intent.
So we can assume that that's them, that they're a part of this.
We can assume That they are hands-on in all of this, but can we assume that they're stupid?
Are they really that stupid?
Are they reckless?
Have they gotten themselves in a position?
I think not.
Or are they just bold and confident, more likely?
Does it end with these people, or are those that we thought to be the big fish actually subservient to an even higher power?
We're people of faith, if you're here more than likely.
You're not a phony.
If you really trust the Word of God and truly believe in the Gospel as the ultimate truth, then you know that all lies will be revealed.
So we have to go with that.
As frustrating as it is not knowing His plan, we have no other choice because only He knows what the future is, so right now we have to deal with what we know.
Right now we have to work with what He's given us, the tools on our belt, the knowledge that we have is the only firepower that we have in our weapons.
It's the only ammunition that we have.
And that power is greater than anything that our enemy could ever bring to us.
And we'll get into more of those facts in just a little bit.
We're going to be talking to that Polish immigrant.
He's a pastor.
He's now in Calgary, Canada.
He forced those people out.
It's a viral video.
Most of you have seen it.
But illegal immigration, as we were talking about before we came in here, these migrants, is not really about the migrants.
And we know that.
This isn't about people making their way into the United States so that they can seek asylum or escape oppression or real racism and evil.
There is some of that.
And those people come through the front door.
They're good-intended people that want a better life.
The majority, if not all of them, are law-abiding people that scrupulously adhere to the letter of the law, but they're looking for a better life.
They know that the United States is this beacon of light that shines on the world, and they want to pursue that American dream that they've all heard about.
They've been the victims of communism.
They've lived in fear.
They've risked it all to flee and be here.
Now, a small amount of them were in emergent situations, and I get that.
I understand they packed up their belongings, they jumped aboard a plane, they climbed into a raft, they crawled into a canoe, they snuck into some shipping container, they paid a smuggler, they did whatever it took, but somehow they made it the journey here in a moment of desperation, and now they have arrived.
These aren't the people that we're concerned about, and we all recognize that.
This fake president and the radicals that manipulate him, the ones that are working while he's sleeping the day away, They're hard at work!
They're encouraging this lawless, criminal, violent, MS-13 gangbanger, infiltration, these drug smugglers, these rapists, these killers, these terrorists from around the world to make their way into the country as part of the continued plan for division, confusion, disorientation.
It's all needed for a successful kidnapping.
So then you get in this fight or flight moment that you can't get out of without a physical altercation.
Imagine yourself at home, sitting down to watch a documentary.
Or preparing the family, you've popped some popcorn and you're going to sit down for a movie.
It's movie night at your household.
Something you've been planning, anything.
Giving your undivided attention to something for a period of time.
You set aside the time to perform a task, accomplish a goal, finish a project, install a light fixture, build something with your kid.
Sit down, finish a book.
I don't know, whatever it is.
And all of a sudden, the back door is kicked open.
Your home is being invaded.
You're under attack.
There's not a reasonable likelihood at that moment that your attacker is going to allow you the time to just finish up your movie and put the kids to bed before he launches his assault.
It's ridiculous.
He's not going to recognize that he might have come at a bad time and reschedule according to your calendar.
The point is, is that there's no way that you cannot be pulled from your planned path Because you have to deal with the unexpected emergency that you're faced with.
It's similar to being out for happy hour with the wife, and all of a sudden approaching your table is the drunken idiot that calls your wife a whore and pokes you in the chest with his finger.
Come on, dude!
Well, this is a situation that would lead to an immediate altercation, or at least it should.
So what does this mean?
Why is this important?
Well, these people are distracting you with business closures, social distance mandates, masking requirements, the kids are home from school, the essential worker this, and super spreader that, while mass shootings are breaking out across the country at an extremely convenient time that supports this progressive anti-gun narrative and confiscation grabbing
that they're planning on doing.
While every American citizen is losing everything that they've ever worked for,
tens of thousands of COVID infected, untested, unvetted criminal aliens
being handed money and airline tickets to settle wherever they want to go at the expense of who?
Meanwhile, the Biden administration is actually torturing Trump supporters,
You and me.
and this isn't a hyperbolic statement.
You may have seen it at redvoicemedia.com.
Dinesh D'Souza was talking about this as well.
Actual solitary confinement for anyone that was prosecuted by the Biden feds as a result of their mere presence on January 6th.
This is real and it's happening.
Now, I've talked about some of this on Patriotically Correct, and hopefully you've seen the interviews with actual journalists.
If you haven't, please go watch.
But these are freelance journalists that were simply there documenting, not participating in violence, not inciting riots, not encouraging destruction of property, not impeding anything.
No fires were set, no weapons, no assaultive behavior.
One of them, Sean, he had court this morning after being forced to turn himself in last week.
A journalist!
None of this is what you hear about on the major broadcast networks, the cable news media outlets, and that's because these people are part of the plan.
They may want to report real news.
They may even feel like they are, but those above them, those dictating the narratives, are part of the kidnapping.
We're going to talk to that pastor from Calgary.
He's a Polish immigrant.
He saw communism for what it really is, and he's up next on BandMist.tv.
What you're seeing on the screen there, that's that special report live at 4 p.m.
Constitutional crisis, indisputable evidence of widespread deep judicial corruption.
That'll be exclusively at redvoicemedia.com.
Alex Jones said that he's going to also simultaneously make it available for all of you here.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
My name is Stu Peters of redvoicemedia.com.
We all saw the viral video of a Canadian pastor that refused to buckle under the pressure of intimidation as some sort of government official tried to make her way into Artur Pawlowski's church, accompanied by the presence of these cops here that you see, as a means to gain compliance from a free man who took a stand for the rights of himself and his congregation.
Pawlowski stood between the new-aged brown shirts here and demanded that they leave.
He wouldn't back down.
The officers didn't have a warrant to make entry, and they reluctantly left.
After the pastor would not allow their admittance according to his rights that are provided to him in Canada as they were acting outside the law.
Artur joins us now.
Pastor, thanks a lot for being here.
We really appreciate it.
Thank you so much for having me.
Of course.
I first want to commend you for knowing your rights, for standing up to your rights and not cowering in the face of that intimidation.
It looked like a Gestapo-style raid on your church there, and it was during one of the most celebrated times during Passover.
Did you know that they would be coming?
No, they didn't tell me that they're coming.
That's why I was literally shaken.
I was disturbed deeply.
When I saw them entering the sanctuary, I just ran.
I grabbed my telephone and I said to myself, I have to record what they're doing.
I mean, this is insanity.
This is crazy.
This is illegal.
Actually, they came.
Apparently, they came to enforce a mask bylaw, which is $100 infraction, and they have broken two So the back of her shirt there says environmental health.
Is she some sort of a governmental authority?
Does she have the authority to come in here and just make entry like that?
I mean, why why were they there?
No, she has absolutely no authority to do that.
And so the police officers and the peace officers, they had no right to enter.
We are protected by our constitution.
Charter of Rights and Freedoms is giving us the authority to have our sanctuary, church.
Church is a holy place and they have no right to enter unless they have a warrant.
I told them politely first, please go.
They would not move.
So everything was intensifying.
And I just kept saying, get out, get out.
She wanted to talk to me.
I'm not interested to talk to people that are openly breaking the law.
I mean, that's insanity.
As you know, I grew up under communist dictatorship behind the Iron Curtain.
And I've seen, I've seen with my eyes exactly what those officers were doing at my church.
Total disregard to the law just coming just because they can just because they have a gun lawlessness
You know just coming in because because they have the power The reasons why it's so important where you come from
because this is not this look you're on here You've been on a lot of these major broadcast networks
The headlines have been all over the place and this is one of these things that's gonna make the news cycle
You're gonna see it today. You're gonna go. Oh, wow. What a great guy. That's a great pastor
and then it's gonna be gone tomorrow, you're never gonna see it again.
But this story has got to stick around for a long time, not because of what happened on this day at your church, but because of what has happened previously, and what's about to happen tomorrow.
But, you know, just a couple more questions about this incident in particular, Pastor.
Have they been there before?
Have the cops and this woman been to your church before?
They came before, but they came and they stayed outside of the church.
I've told them, you're not allowed to enter.
You have no right to enter.
So they came to the parking lot.
Once they blocked our parking lot, preventing our parishioners from coming to the church, it took us almost an hour to clean the driveway.
Of course, that was illegal as well, but this was the first time Is there a service going on right now?
As we're looking at them here, they're inside.
multiple times through different means.
You're not allowed to do that.
Our press charges, if you do, that's a criminal offense.
Don't do it, don't do it.
And yet they did it anyway.
Is there a service going on right now as we're looking at them here, they're inside.
Is there an actual, do you have a congregation here at this point?
Yeah, some of the congregation, not everyone was here.
Choir was starting, prayer group was starting, so they were all disrupted.
One lady was shaken for three hours after the service.
She says, I'm completely shaken by what I saw.
The audacity of those people, the total disregard to our rights.
They walked like into a restaurant thinking nothing.
Even historically speaking, the knights during the Middle Ages, they had to leave their swords outside.
They were not allowed to come to the temple.
They were not allowed to come to the, you know, to the cathedral, to the church.
They would leave their swords outside.
But those people just don't care anymore.
I mean, it's total lawlessness.
And I grew up in a country that had such a total Lawlessness that those people could do whatever they want.
They could break the door at your house five in the morning, arrest you, beat you, torture you, throw you in jail, and the judges would not support you because the judges were corrupted as well.
It was the party line.
Constitution didn't matter.
As you know, Poland was the second country on the planet Earth just after the United States of America.
that implemented constitution.
We are one of the few countries that elected king.
So for Polish people, freedom is very important.
It's very dear to us.
But during communism, they didn't care about our rights.
They didn't care about the constitution.
Everyone was breaking the law.
50,000 communists who were ruling over 36 million Poles.
So this video here was taken during Passover.
This was a week ago or so.
And you pushed them out.
Since then, have they come back?
They didn't come back and they didn't contact me at all.
I have few friends in the police so I talked to them and they said it's a gong show.
They get hundreds of thousands of phone calls right now and they actually redirect a phone call to another detachment.
They are not answering.
They're not making any comments.
The mayor is not making any comments.
They completely closed the doors.
They didn't contact me.
They didn't apologize to me.
They made a little lame statement the day after saying, oh, they were just doing their job pretty much and they wanted to make sure that it's going to be done peacefully.
It's like I have a record of violence.
You know, I'm doing this for 22 years.
I'm feeding the homeless people in the name of Jesus Christ on the streets.
I have never, ever attacked anyone.
I have no criminal record and they know it.
This is just pure intimidation.
Pure harassment is forceful submission.
They want you to submit.
or else.
You have almost a million dollars in fines that you are looking at, that you are facing
for so-called COVID violations.
Almost a million dollars.
It's unprecedented.
I mean, folks, this harassment that's been happening here, the pastor who says that they
told him that they were just doing their job, just doing their job is exactly right.
What job is it that they're actually doing?
See, this is what we have to pay attention to.
Look at this.
Look at all of these.
Every one of these things here that he's holding up here is a fine or an infraction totaling nearly a million dollars as they came in here in a Gestapo-style raid.
What has been the reaction in about 20 seconds here?
What's been the reaction of your parishioners, of your congregation?
Operations are standing strong.
They say it doesn't matter what the government will do.
We're coming to the service.
We will not back away.
The response from the public, though, unbelievable.
Americans, I have tens of thousands of phone calls and emails.
Unbelievable support.
You know, like people are saying, you are waiting for a spark.
They have set up a whole new division over there at that police department too, to deal
with all of this.
I hope that they do and I hope that the people continue to call.
We're going to be back with the pastor.
Stick around with me because we're going to talk about something really important right
after this.
Spam this dot TV.
Not going to want to miss that special report live at 4 p.m.
Eastern immediately following this broadcast, the constitutional crisis of Governor Ron
DeSantis is living, listening in Florida.
He's going to be made aware of a complete judiciary overhaul that is required in that
So back with the pastor.
When we're discussing trigger words, Pastor, like communism and fascism, when we're talking about takeovers and gulags or genocide, concentration camps and things like that, these ideas are no longer fringe.
These aren't conspiracy theories and it's not some radio host just saying some shocking words for the sake of likes and clicks and followers, retweets and echoes and upvotes.
You've come from this place and I think that you have an actual warning for Americans and for people in Canada right now.
Do we have all of the telltale signs of a totalitarian toppling of our entire political system going on right before our eyes?
Sir, communism is not coming.
Communism is already here.
We see it left and right.
And this is not just idle threat.
I mean, growing up behind the Iron Curtain, I can smell it.
I can see it.
And the tactics are identical.
The takeover of the main I mean, I grew up under this and I see it left and right.
It's a scary thing.
We have to unite.
We have to stand up.
We have to push this together while we still have that window of opportunity.
This is no more a time that we can wait and, you know, watch everything from sitting on a fence.
This is a time to jump either left or right.
You've got to choose who you're going to serve.
He was mentioned by General Michael Flynn, you know, over the weekend in an emergency broadcast.
They called it SPARS instead of SARS-CoV-2.
I mean, this thing has been talked about.
It's been predicted that they were going to use health and safety, that they were going to use fear.
You look at somebody like Hitler, somebody like Stalin.
These people loved these people before he then destroyed their people, his people, both of them.
So, I mean, are we seeing kind of a Stockholm Syndrome here where people are falling in love with or the idea of trusting their captors, their kidnappers, as I kind of laid it out before you were on?
That's exactly what is happening.
You know, somehow for the past 30, 40 years, 50 years, the indoctrination was so, so huge everywhere at our universities, by our politicians and mainstream media.
So somehow people are dependent.
They are dependent on the lie.
They're dependent on the government officials.
They think that the government officials are their saviors and they walked away from the true savior, Jesus Christ.
And now we are in this big, big Trouble because history is teaching us that this does not end well.
We gotta push this away.
And without a single shot being fired.
We've talked about this ad nauseum, almost until you want to vomit, that this warning has been given.
So when you see people, like, I know you're in Canada, but when you see us dealing with this in the United States of America, when you see this insurgence at the border, you realize that this is not due to a humanitarian crisis.
It's because there's a crisis on the hands of the deep state here.
They're being exposed.
The kidnappers, if you will, are being identified, and those kidnappers that are being directed by whoever it is that's holding the money, the power, the influence, they're becoming informants.
They're flipping on them because they can see that the end is nearing them.
They're in panic mode, which is why you see people like Alex Jones being shut down and banned.
It isn't because they believe that Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist, but it's because it's important for them to make you think that.
So now, as Alex often says, we're all here because we're part of the resistance, and later we'll talk about real destruction of the people like Alex and people like me.
But we don't have, Pastor, time left to play games with these people, with this masking, with these business closures, with these distractions, do we?
We don't have at all.
No, we don't.
We don't have time.
Right now we have to stand up.
Like I said, there is this window of opportunity to push this evil because even they, they know that they cannot pull this off if they're going to wait for too long.
That's why you got shutdowns, second wave, third wave, variant this, variant that.
Even though the data is not proving or showing what they're saying is true, but they're pushing this agenda because they know that sooner or later people will wake up Germans, many of them woke up, but it was too late.
Daha was already built, Auschwitz-Birkenau was already built, and they were on their
way there because they waited for too long.
If you look at the situation right now, then you're either not paying attention or you're
in that ignorant state of denial where you just don't want to believe that this stuff
could possibly be true.
You don't want to believe that Trump supporters are actually being tortured.
This isn't hyperbole.
They're actually being held in solitary confinement.
Every single one of them that was arrested for just their mere presence at a rally, at
a peaceful and patriotic rally, those that were not participating, they could have been
on the complete other side, Pastor, of the complex, not even inside of that building,
and they're being rounded up, fervently sought out.
Meanwhile, you have millions and millions of Americans that are being subjected to violence all summer long on the streets of our cities.
We watched as anti-American political groups Actually cemented shut doors of occupied police departments and lit fire to them, intending to burn police officers alive.
These are people with families at home.
And we're talking about a group of 80 million people that are being targeted, jailed and tortured for political beliefs.
We can't sit on our hands while millions of unknown people come waltzing into our house with malicious intent.
And that's why I wanted your comment on what's going on at the border.
I mean, you wouldn't stand for it in your church.
No, no, no.
I mean, the message for all those people that are saying, let's not build the wall, let's not protect our borders.
Would you invite all of those people into your home?
I mean, if that's the case, let's get all the homeless people into your house tomorrow and see how you feel.
We have to protect our doors.
We have to keep the doors locked because that's your privacy.
That's your sanctuary.
Your country should be well protected.
But let me say something to you.
Those are the same tactics that I witnessed from the stories of my grandparents about the Nazis.
The same tactics I've seen when I was growing up behind the Iron Curtain.
This civilization of economics.
Elimination of anyone that dares to say anything contrary to the party line.
We're seeing it.
That's why those people are tortured.
That's why they are being arrested.
Because they want to eliminate any dissent from the party line.
They want to destroy America.
Mark my words, I see it coming.
They want to wipe you out.
They want to enslave the population.
And what's more shocking, They're doing it in front of your eyes.
It's already started.
Those are some really shuddering words.
It just makes you shiver to think about this actually happening.
And the warning has been going out for such a long time from people who were labeled French, labeled conspiracy theorists, tinfoil hat wearing, Donald Trump bootlicking ass kissers.
Excuse my French, Pastor, but that's what's been happening here.
And people have actually been cast out of their social groups and walked away from for the political divide.
So the polarization and the separation of people, not only being done in the physical nature
by the so-called planned edemic, as they tell us, no, you can't gather with your friends
and your family members, these congregations have to be limited in size
and you can't worship God, but at the same time you can go and burn down
a police precinct or loot a business or hold people for ransom in their alleyways.
They're not allowed.
You can have an autonomous zone set up here with just pure lawlessness and chaos going on.
What I wanted to ask you before we go here, and I know that you're busy and I got to get on in the next segment here before we go to break, but I wanted to ask you about the indoctrination of children behind the Iron Curtain.
Did that start to take place as well?
Because we're seeing a ton of that here with this critical race theory about how our children in the United States are being taught that if they're white, they're the devil.
Did stuff like that take place as well with the indoctrination of the young impressionable minds and ears?
Of course.
You know, divide and conquer.
Divide and conquer.
That's what's happening.
Divide and conquer, you know, families.
Divide the families.
Isolate families.
When I was growing up, I was told these famous words.
Diedushka Stalin.
In Russian language, that means Grandpa Stalin.
We were told that he was the savior of the world.
That he was the best thing that ever happened.
Now we know 60 million people were murdered by this creature and it's happening all over again.
I mean, that's a scary thing.
It's happening all over.
And my childhood was not that long ago.
Adolf Hitler was in power not that long ago.
Have we learned nothing?
I mean, this is scary.
Pastor Arturo Pawlowski, you're a brave person and I want to thank you.
This is an immediate warning of imminent danger for everybody in the West, for everybody that enjoys the illusion of freedom that we have.
Thank you for your time, sir.
God bless you.
Thank you.
God bless you, too.
As we come back in just a few minutes, we're going to talk about how to deal with the kidnappers that we've talked about.
We're going to talk more about that indoctrination as they try to choke out every last remaining pro-conservative, pro-Trump, pro-freedom, liberty-embracing, God-fearing Christian American that's left here.
And if they can't come after you or me or Alex Joneses of the world, then they're going to come after your kids because they know that they can.
As we continue on BandNist.tv, this is the Alex Jones Show.
That special report at redvoicemedia.com live at 4 p.m.
Eastern Time immediately following this constitutional crisis and disputable evidence of widespread deep judicial corruption.
My name is Stu Peters from Red Voice Media in here guest hosting the final hour of the Alex Jones Show at BanThis.tv.
We talked with the pastor.
Just an absolutely amazing story.
And it's quite revealing, it's quite shaking, but not necessarily frightening.
Not for me, because we've been here.
We've been here on top of every tall building or mountain that we can climb on top of with the loudest bullhorns that we can try to grab.
We've been warning about this.
I know that you have too.
And so, what do we do if we're not going to stand for it?
That seems to be the big question is, well, what do we do now?
If you wouldn't stand for it in your house, if you wouldn't allow an intruder to come in without some sort of a reaction, if you wouldn't allow it in your church, when we talked to the pastor who didn't allow it for him, this health inspector accompanied by the brown shirts, because it's deeper.
They're choking us out, and we're taking our last breaths.
According to the pastor, this is it.
It's here.
If we don't take action right now, we're done.
This is an emergency, folks.
I'm not saying that for shock value.
This is imminent danger.
Right here in front of our face.
The silencing has been done.
The disarming is underway.
The jailing is taking place.
And we see these people locked up.
Like Sean Wittsman, the journalist that I was telling you about.
I interviewed him on Patriotically Correct.
He had to turn himself into the FBI.
They called him in the morning.
They said, you have till the end of the day to turn yourself in to the FBI.
And we look at these people and we just pray, right?
And we say, well, they'll have their day in court.
And if they didn't do anything wrong, well, what do they have to worry about?
But what if we don't have the courts?
Another quiet executive action was taken by Adolf Biden today.
I saw it here at redvoicemedia.com.
He's created a Supreme Court commission to take a look at the way the high court operates.
This includes considering the expansion of the size of the court.
Adding justices.
Again, we have warned about this.
This is why the new statehoods are being pushed.
And folks, this is why they want our guns so bad.
Because when we talk to somebody like Pastor Artur Pawlowski, and when we talk with one another, whether it's here at this platform, or whether it's on the phone, or via text, or on the streets, or whatever means that we have now, the communication superhighway is running rampant.
We can talk to each other on telegram and signal all over the place.
But when we talk with each other, and we always say, what do we always say?
Well, when they come for the guns, that's it.
Don't let me get involved, says the Vietnam War veteran that's sitting in his easy chair drinking his whiskey at the end of every night.
When they come for the guns, that's it.
That'll be the tipping point.
Richard Leonard, my partner at work, we chased some of the most violent offenders together for over a decade.
He is a brother to me.
By the way, happy birthday, Richard.
It was his birthday yesterday.
He is a brother to me.
And we have oftentimes predicted, falsely or wrongly, what the tipping point was actually going to be.
When they make us mask for more than 15 days, that'll be it.
Nobody's going to stand for that.
When they tell us that we can't get together for the holidays, that'll be it.
That's it.
Nobody's going to stand for that.
When they take our kids out of school, oh yeah, you know, that'll be it.
Oh, allow them to wait till they make our kids start wearing masks while they're exerting themselves playing sports.
That'll be it.
But it's never it.
When they come for our guns, that's it.
The United States represents 4.25% of the world population.
4.25% of the world population at about 331 million.
2.25% of the world population at about 331 million.
I think it's 331,002,651 documented people.
And I don't know why I remember that number folks.
It's a weird brain up here.
If you could just be inside of this head for 30 minutes or 30 seconds, it would explode, I'm convinced.
But in 2018, it was estimated that U.S.
civilians alone account for 393 million of the worldwide total of civilian-held firearms, which is about 46%.
So 4.25% of the world possesses nearly 50% of the guns.
Now that doesn't include, because that's from 2018 remember, that doesn't include the record-smashing number of new firearms obtained over the last year here in America.
You see how many permits, there's stories all over the place, how many permits to carry were issued, how many background checks were done by the FBI for people that want to acquire a permit to purchase or a permit to carry.
It's unprecedented!
And I love it.
I think it's great.
Every single American who can legally or lawfully possess or carry a gun ought to be doing it.
Because every single day we say to ourselves, uh, well, I don't need a gun, or I'm unfamiliar with a gun, or I don't feel comfortable with a gun, and that's fine.
But if you aren't familiar or comfortable with a gun, you ought to go get one and get to the range and start working with it until you are, because we all know that the only defense against a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, and it's never going to happen to you until it does.
I have been there.
I have been to a fast food restaurant when I was taking my family to a hockey game.
And I walked into the restroom while the rest of the family was going to order something.
I had the guy come up behind me wielding the knife and tell me to give him everything.
And I put my hands up like this and I said, OK, I said, you want everything?
I got it.
I got it.
And my back is to him, right?
Because I'm at the urinal.
And he's behind me and he's got this knife out and I can see him because I'm looking.
I'm turning back over my shoulder.
I can see him there.
Give me everything.
I said, okay, I'm going to reach in really slow.
I'm going to reach in really slow here.
And I said, are you sure you want everything?
And as I'm reaching, are you sure you want everything?
And I spun around and I pointed a gun in his face.
And I'm going to tell you something.
That guy dropped that knife, ran out of a shoe, ran out of the restaurant.
There happened to be a squad car there.
They chased him.
They arrested him.
But if I had not had that gun, I'm a victim.
And I'm just telling you to not die a worthless pile of crap that can't defend yourself or your family.
Find some means of protection.
The number is much higher now, and I don't have the raw data to give you about how many gun owners there are, but going back to my idea about the courts, we have to notice this, we have to pay attention, because today, immediately following this broadcast, again I'm dropping that expose, but the evidence being given to the court of public opinion might, although be it might force a constitutional crisis, that's not going to happen overnight.
But if we don't have the courts, we have nothing.
Family courts are corrupted, and we know that.
We've seen children stripped away from their mothers over masking.
Criminal courts are dismissing cases for rioting, anti-American insurgents, and violent domestic terrorists that participated in the destruction of entire cities all summer long, while chasing down Trump-supporting grandmas that took a selfie at the Capitol on the 6th of January.
So the kidnapping has taken place and we can recognize that.
We're going to get deeper into that and what this so-called Stockholm Syndrome means.
Because it can be a really dangerous thing, as Artur Pawlowski pointed out to us, when people start to say, well, maybe if we could just, maybe this mask will just work.
Maybe it's really not that big of a deal to just wear this mask for a little while.
It's a minor setback.
It's a minor inconvenience.
Maybe the vaccination really isn't all that bad.
We've mentioned the amount of guns here, we mentioned the hunt for those guns, and how they'll do anything to incapacitate us.
And they will.
And I want you to think about something before we go, but first, up next is the War Room with Owen Schroer.
I want to ask him what's going on over there.
Owen, what do you got on the War Room this afternoon, sir?
Well, we've got some just staggering numbers coming from the southern border, and when you look at it on a line graph, it's even more shocking.
It shows you, I mean, it's like clown level, the graph, as soon as Biden gets in, just goes off the charts.
I mean, it's literally off the charts.
Here's just a brief preview, if you want to see that.
You can see here, literally right when Biden gets in, it goes off the charts.
So they said they were going to surge the border.
They are.
They get caught engaged in human smuggling, child trafficking.
And now we have the lady that we filmed multiple times bringing children to the airport, bringing people to the airport from the Catholic centers.
We've identified a tattoo on her leg that is a known MS-13 gang tattoo.
So, hmm, somebody may be interested to look into that.
This woman is driving children to and from the airport.
With an MS-13 gang tattoo on her calf and every time cameras are around seems to get nervous and wants the camera shut off.
So that is going to be one of the major stories that we cover.
Pretty big deal though.
Joe Biden yesterday said that America doesn't have a Bill of Rights.
Did you notice that?
No amendment to the Constitution is final?
That's kind of a big thing for the President to say we don't have a Bill of Rights.
All that and now the new commission to talk about packing the courts.
We've been warning about this, Owen.
We've been telling everybody this is coming.
It's going to happen.
And my final thought on this, and maybe I'll get your opinion on this, is Stockholm Syndrome is real.
My final thought today was, I was just thinking about last night, as we're considering the millions of people that are just allowing this to happen to us, and maybe it's because they're uninformed or ignorant to the plan, but Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological response that occurs when hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abusers, and I think a lot of people, Owen, are starting to do that.
My warning is here, resist.
And if you're here, you're part of the resistance.
You know, it's crazy to get to this point.
It's very bittersweet.
Everything we've talked about has happened just like we said it would.
And now we have a lot of credibility.
But I don't care about that.
I care about beating the New World Order.
And it's because we have so much credibility, they can't allow us to stay on air much longer.
And I don't have time to tell you all the stuff they're doing to us for a lot of reasons.
I can't tell you what's going on.
But let's just say this.
We're going to see this through to the end.
We're going to stay on air as long as we can.
So please pray for us and please buy the products at mfulworthstore.com.
They're great products, plus they fund the operation.
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No, a lot of them don't.
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That's why the globalists are censoring.
They can't bring in all this tyranny and leave people like us on the air.
So while you're at it, don't just financially support us and spread the word.
Download everything we've done.
You can find and save it.
Because who knows how long we're going to be on the air and the enemy is trying to destroy everything we ever said.
Granny Do-Right.
Granny Do-Right.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
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