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Name: 20210324_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 24, 2021
2652 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses a range of topics including gene therapy vaccines, population control, censorship, US-Mexico border situation, law enforcement, COVID-19, political issues, products available on his website, child protective services, globalist takeover, gun control, racism in America, election fraud, and the state of the world. Jones criticizes media, police, politicians, and big tech companies for their actions or lack thereof. In particular, he discusses pandemic simulations by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, potential risks associated with mRNA vaccines and CRISPR technology, censorship, political persecution, and the importance of having a free internet for transparent politics. He also covers topics such as Matt Damon's recent praise for Bill Gates, sex trafficking at the southern border under Kamala Harris's supervision, and promotes various products available on InfoWars' website."

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That's how corruption works.
You get people into the evil.
And now our country isn't just killing babies when they're born, or after they're born, or when they're in their mother.
Now we're not just killing old people.
Now we're smuggling children in, and a weird, crazy-eyed woman sits up there and giggles and laughs about it, and says, just bring a 10-year-old with you or a younger, you'll get in.
Hey, come to the party, just bring a six-pack of beer or a bottle of wine.
No, no, no.
Entry into Mordor means bring a child.
Imagine you're going to Count Dracula's castle.
Hey, what do you want, Count?
Just make sure you'll bring me a child for my ladies of the night.
Oh, listen to them.
The children of the night.
What beautiful music they make.
Imagine everybody.
Oh, I got brought a little kid.
Come right in, my friend.
We'll drink the blood together.
But instead it's we'll torture and rape them together and then put them on welfare and siphon the money off and then put the kids on psychotropics because they're depressed and then call them disadvantaged and then get more money from the state up to 50, 60 grand a year per little kid with whoever's identity they give it!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
There's so many useless extra people when robots are so much more smart.
People are human, all too human.
People just break my heart.
I've got a shot that will solve all my problems.
If only you'll roll up your sleeve.
Someday you'll get it, the vaccine connection.
Big Pharma, little Fauci, and me.
Well, I'm just trying to get everybody to take my new gene therapy vaccine.
We're going to introduce a little sterilization like we did in Kenya.
We're going to introduce perhaps some nanobots.
That'll be fun.
Something to fix to the brainstem and engage in physical control of behavior.
My goal here is, you know, most likely a much more smaller population that's more controlled.
Already people are so very compliant, which is great.
Everyone wore their masks so quickly and easily.
I was very, very pleased with that.
But there's another step we can take, which is It's a total automation of the human soul.
That's what I'm really hoping for.
I hope you'll join me.
Step into my clinic.
Your upgrade is ready.
The transhuman age has begun.
I've got a shot that will make you compliant.
Sterile and stupider too.
Someday you'll get it, the vaccine connection.
Your body's my nanobots and me, all of us going to hell.
Thank you for making it easy.
Well, the Bill of Rights is a stumbling block on the way to shutting down speech that the left doesn't like, at least
in government.
But there's a new avenue for those who would like to censor what you say and think, and that's corporations.
The left have wised up to this.
If you want to stop someone from telling the truth, use companies to do it.
The social media giants.
And they are.
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat them, prevent them from speaking.
So far the most prominent casualty of the crusade against free expression has been the radio show host Alex Jones.
There is a concerted effort by the Democratic Party and multinational corporations and big tech to silence conservative and nationalist and populist voices.
There's also guys on CNN that spend their whole day calling Facebook and saying, can you ban this person?
He may be America's best known conspiracy theorist.
But this week, Alex Jones' content will be a little harder to find.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent, free press, working with big tech.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
In a free country, everyone can be hurt.
In totalitarian societies, only the powerful can be heard.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say,
"I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you ought to fight!"
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Up in Wisconsin, former president of Drag Queen Story Hour, that's the pedophile Story Hour Foundation, and children's court judge, a children's court judge.
My, my, my.
Arrested on seven counts of child porn.
Milwaukee County Judge Brett Blumey's Instagram page is filled with personal and professional highlights on his way to the judiciary.
But after a search in Cottage Grove of one of his two homes and his arrest, authorities say his computer activity on the app Kik links him to child porn, with uploaded images and videos consistent with child pornography through the Kik app on 27 occasions last fall.
Are you going to resign?
What would you like to say to the voters who put you on the bench?
Judge Blummey has been on Milwaukee County Circuit Court bench since August.
His assignment?
Children's Court.
As a bond condition, he's now banned by a court of having unsupervised contact with minors.
It's a club.
It's a guild.
It's an army.
It's a force.
And just like At Penn State, you had Jerry Sandusky supplying children through the Abused Children Foundation to famous people that would come into town, and quote, the 9 and 10, 11-year-old children would stay with the celebrities in their own little cottages, yes.
Former Penn State assistant football coach is charged with sexually abusing 10 boys over a 15-year period.
Faces 52 counts.
The report details accusations that Sandusky would take his hands and place them on their thighs as they were driving in the car, that he would tickle them and blow on their stomachs at bedtime, would shower naked with them, and would rape them.
The jurors finally listening to the interview Jerry Sandusky gave right after he was arrested when he admitted to horsing around and showering with boys.
This from NBC.
I have horsed around with kids.
I have showered after workouts.
I have hugged them and I have touched their legs without intent of sexual contact.
I have hundreds of articles of drag queen story time leaders being busted, kidnapping children, raping children, a lot of them have child rape convictions, of 3 year olds, 5 year olds, 6 year olds.
Albert Garza, a registered sex offender, was among those participating.
He served time for aggravated sexual assault of an eight-year-old in 2008.
The system admitted on Friday it did not conduct a background check on Garza as policy dictates.
We've learned that part of the issue was that Garza listed his name as Nikki Salazar when volunteering and did not provide a birth date or social security number.
It slipped through the cracks.
And he read to children three times.
And a surprising number of them are family court judges.
Family Court Judges.
Isn't that just interesting?
Oh, he was also the leader of Wisconsin's LBGTQP, literally P society.
And all over the place, the leaders of the LGBT movements keep getting arrested for having sex with 10 year olds and 11 year olds.
Because the truth is, it wasn't about gay marriage.
It was always about sex with your children, because it's a satanic ritual to drain off their energy, to drain off their innocence, and drain off their future.
The only thing they like better is chopping your children up with a meat cleaver while they rape them.
And I'm sorry to have to tell you that, but that's what the big boys do.
Media blackout on elite pedophile cases.
It's a Band-Odd video in the John Bowne section.
You know, I was ready to go here, have a ton of important news, massive news to cover, but I wanted to play that right up front so we all understand who we're dealing with.
And we can put the Senate report on screen from five years ago.
Senate Bipartisan Commission found tens of thousands of children smuggled into the United States were turned over to child predators who sold them to sex dungeons.
So remember that when you see all the horrible conditions that these migrants are in, that Joe Biden said, if I get elected, immediately surge the border.
They show up in Joe Biden t-shirts.
They show up waving Joe Biden flags.
This is all over the news.
And then Joe Biden orders the wall to not be completed and orders them to be basically released into the general country, even though many of them are as young as three years old, kidnapped from their home countries.
Some of these children have come from as far away as Africa, and are being smuggled in by Hispanic males from Latin America who have nothing to do with them.
When they're done with them, especially little girls, they are handed over for sex slavery.
But that's okay, because Tim Cook's gay, and it's okay he runs death camps in China, and it's okay because Joe Biden's liberal, and it's like they said last week when Psaki, the press secretary, was asked.
They said, oh, um, All the small businesses are closing.
She said, it's all right, we appointed a woman over the Small Business Commission.
It's like giving somebody a cigarette at a firing squad or maybe a last meal, but it's not even that.
She said, but he spoke to your plight when we talked about all the horrible things that are happening in the country.
I mean, Biden's not going to do anything about it, but he's going to speak He's gonna speak to your plight, you know, when the troops are eating rotten food and getting food poisoning and sleeping on the floor for several months.
She said, well, he hasn't done anything, sure, but he said he was concerned.
Shouldn't that be enough for you?
Oh, there's a lot of virtues signaling a lot.
Talk, but yeah, Kamala Harris must think that's amusing.
Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick goes off on child sex trafficking up 1,967% at just one border sector.
We're going to play that segment for you next segment.
By the way, it's not just thousands of migrants photographed hundreds of the time wearing Joe Biden shirts.
Where are they getting them?
From the UN, from the State Department, from the Democratic Party, from the George Soros Foundation, that are all on record funding this.
But you try to cover it, Twitter, Facebook, Google, they will take you down.
Just like Twitter now has been taking down photos and videos of inside these horrible squalor facilities, even worse than under Obama.
Trump cleaned it up and basically stopped it.
But now Twitter is taking down those photos.
Anything to suppress humanity, anything to enslave.
As long as it's liberal, as long as it's a liberal running it, well, then it's okay.
And here it is, here's the photo.
It's at gatewaypundit.com, it's also on infowars.com.
Biden for president!
Flag flies at migrant tent encampment in...
It's not just the crowds that have them surging into the country and the photos of the illegal aliens wearing the Biden shirts.
It's flying over the facility.
Here's the article right here.
This is very, very important.
This is a military takeover.
This is a globalist operation to break the country.
We are all just here witnessing it.
What an insane time.
GAO, General Accounting Office launched its probe into Biden freezing border wall funding that was already funded by a previous administration.
You're not supposed to do that.
Feds moving child migrants into San Diego convention centers so they can then give a tour, Biden said, for CNN only of an empty facility or one with a few kids in it claiming it's okay.
Absolutely incredible.
But don't worry, Bill Clinton to host chat with Kamala Harris about women's empowerment with a women's group.
You should have Jeffrey Dahmer at a forum about fighting cannibalism, too.
That's just some of the news on that front.
Then we have our good little buddy, the Islamicist.
They took down his Facebook, they took down his Twitter, tried to cover up, but we saved it, and we're posting it as we speak to InfoWars.com.
What Facebook doesn't want you to see, of the mass shooter at the grocery store in Boulder a few days ago, he was a big, huge leftist promoter, open borders promoter, Trump hater, America hater, and white person hater, and he went and killed 10 white people.
But if you try to show what he said and how he hated white people, they will take it down because they're busy having the fact-checkers say he's white, and he was attacking people of color, and Obama even said this was a racist, misogynistic attack.
And Michael Moore said this is the American culture.
He said this man is the perfect example of American culture, this poor little Muslim that came here from Syria like Ilhan Omar.
And all the rest of these people, bitching and complaining.
He would reportedly threaten to kill his white classmates, calling them all racist.
When he'd lose a wrestling match, he would call them all racist and say, I'm gonna kill you!
That's in the major Denver newspaper.
But oh, the national news is he was a white supremacist, yes, who killed the white people.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
The most lied about, the most demonized, the most attacked, the most censored, the most deplatformed broadcast in the world.
But because of your support, and because of your prayer, we are still on air, in many ways more influential, more powerful than we ever were, and all glory goes to God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Thank you all for your support.
I am Alex Jones, your host.
Let me tell you what's coming up later in the broadcast.
Then I'll get back into the giant human trafficking, smuggling, pedophile operations that the left was so pissed they weren't getting anymore of little Hispanic and little African and little Asian and little Arabic and little European children.
European children being smuggled out of Europe and the U.S.
Brown children being smuggled in.
You always take them away from their families, away from their people, away from their language.
You don't want to kidnap white kids in the U.S.
or other kids for that matter and then have them still here because they can speak English.
You take them to a non-speaking English area.
That's how all the sex trafficking operates.
You have the Democrats heavily involved.
That's why they always claim they represent children.
Oh, the children of mass shootings.
The Democrats care about them.
Yeah, it's kids they couldn't abort in the womb.
Kids they couldn't gang rape or sacrifice.
So they'll try to make them transgender and chop their testicles off.
It's all about hurting your children.
And as soon as you figure that out, these are demonic monsters, the sooner we beat them.
They are a cult.
Most of them are pedophiles.
Mid-level Democrats and up are pedophiles.
Remember that.
You don't even get in the club unless you rape children.
And so we're going to give you more of that information coming up here in just a moment.
Law enforcement knows it.
It's one of the last lines of defense.
They're not perfect, but they're not pedophiles on average.
One of the lowest concentrations of them.
And that's why they know to just target any Democrat, any Democrat operative, and they're going to be a pedophile half the time.
That's why they're getting busted every day while the Democrats are so pissed.
They have us under lockdown, killing the dollar, flooding our borders, trying to bring everything down.
That's their only hope because time is running out for them.
Let me tell you what else is coming up.
We have Joe Hoff, the Gateway Pundit, with huge exclusive news.
Breaking exclusive location of an origin of COVID-19 pandemic identified between two of China's biological warfare facilities in Wuhan.
We've done that for a while, but now they've got smoking gun information, and we've got huge COVID-19 martial law rollout news.
We have Matt Damon worshipping Bill Gates completely sickening and able.
We have BLM holding over a hundred people hostage.
Every count of this is a felony.
So now they don't just come in a restaurant and smash glasses and have glass thrown in your eyes and throw your food on the ground and throw coffee on you.
Now they hold you hostage.
And the media and the police are just, in these blue cities, are sitting there and going along with it.
That footage is coming up in the last segment of the hour.
And it ties into the suppressed Facebook and Twitter that they deleted of the shooter, who's now confessed to shooting because he hates white people and hates America.
And they're desperately in Boulder trying to suppress the execution of 10 white people and saying that it was a white supremacist attack.
And Obama is currently saying it was a white supremacist attack and a misogynistic attack.
This is upside down world.
That is coming up as well.
Also, COVID-19 funding is being siphoned off.
Here's an example in Seattle.
Fox News reports 5 million of COVID-19 money going to fight anti-Asian bias, where they teach that whites hate Asians and whites are bad, when the lowest crime rate in America is white-on-Asian crime.
Look it up for yourself.
The highest crime rate in the U.S.
is, it just so happens, is black on black.
After that, it is black on Asian, then black on Hispanic.
It's just a fact.
I'm not demonizing anybody.
It's just facts.
And so, incredible!
White people killed the 10 people in Boulder.
Did you hear it was 10 black people died?
Did you hear that?
Oh, the weird white crazy incel that went and killed the poor sex workers that happen to be Asian.
Oh, he did it because they were Asian.
No, he did it because he's a demonic incel pervert!
But are there white killers?
Whites are the third most dangerous group in the United States.
Just statistically, you know, men commit 95% of violent crime.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter because 90 plus percent of men aren't committing crimes.
Just don't put out fake statistics.
That's all coming up today.
And huge Bitcoin news as well from the Federal Reserve.
Max Keiser joins us tomorrow to talk about that, but we have Joe Hoff joining us, then Drew Hernandez, that amazing investigative journalist that's caught all the incredible Antifa footage around the country.
Well, he's been down at the borders and in the border towns and has caught incredible exclusive footage he'll be sharing with us in the third hour today.
Then I will be hosting the fourth hour with Roger Stone with a lot of big political news and his point of where's the plan?
By Americans and by conservatives to fight the globalists.
There isn't one right now.
So as usual, we will launch the blueprint for victory.
We have a big enough megaphone with you out there to get the word out and probably get this operation against the globalists launched.
So that's all coming up as well.
I want to get back into the Globalist or Trapping of Children next segment because we're going to need some time.
I'm going to play this clip from Fox News with the Texas Lieutenant Governor and others playing out exactly what's going on.
But first, if you're a TV viewer, you're probably noticing I don't normally have a bunch of products up in front of us, but I wanted to remind myself to do this today before the first half hour of the broadcast was over.
A, these are great products that are game-changing and will make your life better.
And of course, it also funds this operation, which then makes the world a better place and stands in defiance against the globalists.
And their attempts to shut us down, so it's a 360 win.
And so we had that big sale, everything free shipping in the store, everything 40 to 60% off.
So many things sold out or were close to selling out.
We had to cut the sale back, but we still have free shipping on select best-selling items.
Vazzo Beats, totally sold out.
Totally sold out.
We have Prostagard selling out soon.
Dr. Jones Naturals toothpaste activated charcoal.
It's amazing.
Selling out soon.
All of it about to sell out.
Dr. Jones Extra Strength Cabochil and Regular Strength selling out soon.
All Emrix Essentials including the three organic hand sanitizers that smell so good with organic essential oils.
The healthy alternative to the toxic hand sanitizers.
Those are all 50% off.
Also, anybody that spends $75 or more on the store will get a free gift worth $10 or more as well, and there's free shipping, again, on that.
Or AAA-253-3139.
But what's the new part of the sale?
Because some things are selling out and are off the list, we are adding four things that are very close to selling out.
That is the original, best-selling, deep-earth crystal, highest quality, good halogen iodine.
You're going to find, we have to get a DEA license, even get this before we manufacture it, until it's put in this state.
It's not under DEA control because it's a precursor.
Obviously, a lot of things, it's so essential to the entire body, so essential to so many chemical things in the body and in nature.
It's that magic.
It's 50% off.
X3 has the Deep Earth Crystal, two other types that are also healthy, because some people cannot absorb pure iodine.
Most people cannot absorb the other types of iodine, but X3 is for folks that want something different.
It's different strokes for different folks.
Try it out.
Then we have X2 in a spray bottle, so you can aerosolize it onto your skin better or into your throat and get coverage down into your esophagus.
We have that 50% off.
And then We have this baby.
This is the strongest surface sanitizer you're going to find out there.
Do not take this orally.
Because this is poison, ladies and gentlemen.
This is super-grade, super-industrial nascent iodine.
No one has ever come out with something like this that's nascent.
They use this in hospitals everywhere else, similar types.
This is for surfaces like stainless steel, porcelain, not for fabric and things.
It's 50% off, nascent iodine surface spray, high-powered cleaning agent, the nuclear option, all the iodine products at InfoWareStore.com, 50% off.
With the free shipping and it funds the Infowar, a true 360 win.
So please take action today on these sales.
A lot of the stuff is close to selling out.
That's why it's the big mega blowout sale.
I'm alive, my friends.
You're alive.
We're here together.
And the globalists cannot stand it.
So it is a fact that Obama worked with the UN to set up UN Refugee camps in Central America so that they could begin massive invasions starting about eight years ago in the United States with giant caravans.
You remember those huge caravans a few years before Trump got elected would smash into San Diego.
They would smash into South Texas.
They would smash into Arizona and the Yuma area.
And it would get really, really bad.
And then Trump got in and pulled the money out of those countries if they didn't start blocking it and build better fencing.
And so he basically completely stopped it.
Remember just three years ago when giant caravans were smashing into the US and the national news?
would say it doesn't exist.
In fact, there's a little short one-minute intro that's got Jon Stewart actually on it.
And he went on National News and said, it's totally made up.
There's no caravans.
But Trump says they're coming from the border, and Trump says they're coming from plane, and they're coming by boat, and everybody's like, well, quick, get in the bunker.
But it was all true.
And so there is even your Washington Post, even Jeff Bezos' publication, Of course, that's five years ago, admitting that Obama placed thousands and thousands of children with sex traffickers.
And they found the article, there's Jon Stewart, a few years ago, making jokes and saying it doesn't exist, just like Troy Behar.
And just like Nadler saying, there is no such thing as Antifa.
And by the way, Black Lives Matter has never engaged in any violence either.
No, they just kidnapped 100 people yesterday, according to law.
I'll show you that next segment.
So when you see this going on, and when Psaki says, just have somebody 10 or younger with you, you'll get in.
She's saying, bring smuggled children.
Bring us children.
And she's doing it up there, but it's alright, because she's a woman!
It's like Tim Cook runs giant death camps in China, he's gay!
Hey, they're shutting down the small businesses, but a woman runs a small business organization, so it's okay!
And hey, Saki is a woman!
And you know, she wears pink dresses, like Bill Gates wears pink sweaters!
So does Oprah, they're all wearing pink, they're non-threatening, and they're smuggling children!
Just like I told you a year ago, Cuomo is knowingly sending people with the flu, And with colds into nursing homes, calling it COVID, sending people with fevers into nursing homes to get a high death count to say it's COVID.
And over half the deaths in the state, 16,800 last count.
First it was 4,000, he hit the numbers, then it was 10,000, then 12,000, then 13,000, then 16,000.
It's almost 17,000.
They haven't released new numbers in about a month.
Word is it could be over 20,000.
That's over, over half the death in New York, way over.
And you're just, why would you do that when you know it's stone-cold murder?
Well, why'd they do it in over 20 Democrat-controlled states?
And I told you a year ago, they're going to bust Cuomo, I can tell, to send fear into the Michigan and the Pennsylvania and all the other Democrat governors who did the same crap.
The New Jersey governor knows he's in trouble, so he came out and defended sending people that were sick into nursing homes.
Remember, Cuomo gave immunity to nursing homes, executives after big campaign donations.
And then the big banks want old people dead, and they want to set the precedent to kill old people.
And once they've done it, well now they've got all those companies by the short hairs.
That's how corruption works.
You get people into the evil.
And now our country isn't just killing babies when they're born, or after they're born, or when they're in their mother.
Now we're not just killing old people.
Now we're smuggling children in, and a weird Crazy-eyed woman sits up there and giggles and laughs about it and says, just bring a 10-year-old with you or a younger, you'll get in.
Hey, come to the party, just bring a six-pack of beer or a bottle of wine.
No, no, no.
Entry into Mordor means bring a child.
Imagine you're going to Count Dracula's castle.
Hey, what do you want, Count?
Just make sure you'll bring me a child for my ladies of the night.
Oh, listen to them, the children of the night, what beautiful music they make.
Imagine, we're like, oh, I got my little kid.
Come right in, my friend.
We'll drink the blood together.
But instead, it's we'll torture and rape them together and then put them on welfare and siphon the money off and then put the kids on psychotropics because they're depressed and then call them disadvantaged and then get more money from the state, up to 50, 60 grand a year per little kid with whoever's identity they give it.
And I remember I only worked for a summer at a large Carpet cleaning company, because even back, I don't know, 25, 30 years ago, whenever it was, it was about 30 years ago now, now I'm getting old.
I can make $25 an hour, but let me tell you why you got to do that, because you go to these houses that have cat crap everywhere, fleas everywhere.
A lot of times people have moved out, so the fleas are all starving.
You walk in, they all jump on your legs, and you're picking up furniture and moving and cleaning as fast as you can, trying not to throw up, because you're cleaning up all the cat urine or whatever.
But that wasn't why I quit the job.
I'd go to these houses and I'd be like, what's this?
Like three rooms with dirty mattresses, five-year-olds, eight-year-olds, weird-looking pedo pot-bellied dudes in wife-beater shirts.
And I'd be like, what's up with these weird gay dudes and all these kids?
Well, they weren't gay dudes, they were pedophiles.
They work for Child Protective Services, they were warehousing kids, and they get paid to keep the kids, to drug the kids, to have sex with the kids, and to sell the kids out.
And so all over Austin, they've got underage slave brothels run by pot-bellied PVPs.
That's why I started calling them potbelly pedophiles.
So, they always got potbellies.
I mean, I got a little bit of potbelly now because I've been so stressed out with the election thing.
Just because you have a potbelly doesn't mean you're a pedophile.
I'm just saying, all these pedophiles had potbellies.
That's why I call them PBPs.
And I didn't figure out quite what it was.
Years later, I was like, I have a bad feeling.
What is this?
These kids look really desperate.
Sometimes they'd be trying to get out of the house.
They're like, oh, they're trying to get out the front door.
Like, ah, I'll drag them back.
So, that's going on all Over the place.
That is happening all over the world.
That is unfolding.
And they are hungry and they want more.
So that's why everywhere they're promoting this.
So here is the Lieutenant Governor here in Texas talking about sex offenses are up nearly 2,000% in one border sector alone.
Here it is.
Six of our Senate ladies, our six Republican ladies, went to the border today as moms.
And they went to the Del Rio sector, where they reported back to me that sex offenders are up 1,967% in just the Del Rio sector of Texas.
Now, sex offenders are defined, Shannon, by people who we've already arrested for committing Sexual offenses against children, and they're crossing back two, three times in this country.
And she laughs about it as the Vice President?
This is such a serious situation to the sovereignty of our country, to the safety of our citizens, and to these people.
And I'm an elected official.
When I know there's something serious, I don't laugh about it.
I don't joke about it.
Because it's wide open.
There is no control on the border.
They're now apprehending people and turning them over without even giving them a court date.
Not that that matters.
There are hundreds of thousands of backlog.
So there's Dan Patrick.
Trying to speak sense to Democrats.
Mr. Patrick.
At the top, they're devil worshippers.
At the middle, they're sociopaths.
At the bottom, they're gullible idiots.
The Democratic Party is a decadent, savage cult of scum.
And it's happened in many other cultures in history where the scum takes over, they create a gang, they take over civilization, and the civilization's over.
It collapses.
And the chi-coms and the globalists have allowed all this on purpose to bring us down.
They don't allow this kind of stuff in China.
They run death camps to take the organs.
You know, you snatch a kid off the street over there, they just execute you.
But here, it's A-OK.
And this is their time.
Their time to have their way with our children.
And it's a total takeover.
And so, when you look at a Democrat, when you look at Psaki, when you look at Kamala, they are enablers.
They are there.
The globalists put women in those positions and say, oh, look, it's women.
They love the children.
Or they have men dressed like women, like the Health and Human Services deputy head, who is obsessed with state funding of chopping small children's genitals off.
It's all about hurting children.
They don't want to just rape them.
They want to hurt them bad.
So as soon as you realize that, you'll understand everything.
And believe me, people have now figured out, I don't have hyperbole here.
This isn't an exaggeration.
This is who they are.
They want you.
They want your future.
They want your children.
They want you dead.
We'll be right back to show you Black Lives Matter kidnapping over 100 people, being praised for it.
Time, my friends, is on God's side.
And it's on our side because this globalist system is going down.
But it's going to be a painful process.
Yes it is.
And the globalists think they got town on their side.
They're playing checkers.
I am playing 3D chess, 5D chess.
But I tell you, it hurts to actually look at things at that complex level.
And it'll give you a headache.
And I'll assure you, the globalists aren't thinking 3D chess because they don't care.
They just want the power now.
They want the control now.
They're smart, but not smart enough to not get destroyed in the process.
Smart, but not smart enough.
Well, let's look at it right now.
And again, I love all God's children, but you know black people are being set up for a big fall worldwide.
When the globalists start poisoning them and killing them with poison vaccines and GMOs and HIV and the rest of it, they are then spoiling the living hell out of young black people in the U.S., sending them to universities to teach them to hate America, to teach them basically Barack Obama's poison.
And I look at the videos of Black Lives Matter, they're so bad, I can't even watch them.
I mean, going into restaurants, they don't care, they're going to black-owned restaurants and start attacking white people.
They'll go into, I mean, in Dallas, there's all that footage of them going to black-owned restaurants and literally starting fistfights with the black owners, trying to kick them out, as they smash white people, black people, you name it, to dinners in front of them.
Because they don't care about Black Lives Matter.
It's about keeping us shut down, intimidating us.
You ask, why would somebody do something this over the top and this crazy?
They do it because they've been told by Soros to go do it, they're paid to do it, and they're seeing how far they can push us.
And guess what?
We keep putting up with it, so it's gonna get worse!
The article's up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
It's also from GatewayPundit.com.
BLM mob traps 100 customers inside grocery store.
We're shutting stuff down.
S, down.
S-H, you know what, down.
And they kept them in there for a long time.
Now let me show you under federal and state law, this is Title 5, Offense Against the Person, Chapter 20, Kidnapping, Unlawful Restraint, and Smuggling of Persons.
And that's what O.J.
Simpson went to jail for over a decade for.
And these were folks he found out were counterfeiting his stuff, and he was pissed at them.
I'm not saying what he did was right, but, you know, I kind of get it.
I've had similar thoughts before, people screwing me over, but he actually acted on it.
And I'm not defending O.J.
Simpson, I'm just saying it turned out they were running a scam on him.
But he goes up there and wouldn't let them leave, and basically held them there.
Now that is a crime, in their hotel room.
And he went to jail for that, ladies and gentlemen.
Simpson found guilty of armed robbery and kidnapping.
Meanwhile, Democrat Senator Tammy Duckworth says she won't vote for any white Biden nominees unless they're gay.
Again, the Black Lives Matter George Soros agenda.
So here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
Black Lives Matter protesters mobilize in Rochester, New York, because a cop was in a questionable shooting and the grand jury didn't indict him.
So they go to a grocery store.
A Wegmans grocery store and trapped an estimated 100 people in.
Some reports are this went on for at least an hour.
You know, what do you got to go home to your kids?
What do you got a grandparent you're taking care of?
I mean, I'm sorry, and I'm not a guy shoot my mouth off, but if a couple hundred people came and blocked me inside a grocery store and I had to go somewhere, I can't help it.
I'm going to get violent.
And then it's going to be called a race war.
No, if some white people block me in a grocery store, I'm going to start kicking their ass.
Brown people?
I don't give a damn.
At a certain point, folks, this is out of control.
And if we put up with this, we'll put up with anything.
So we're going to show you the video right now for radio listeners.
You can go to Infowars.com or Band.Video and see it.
But this is being praised on Facebook and Twitter as a good thing.
They just go randomly to a grocery store.
And there's black people, white people, you name it inside, and block everybody in and start screaming at people!
And they surrounded the whole building and the emergency exits and wouldn't let people out!
And look, I'm a man, so I'm, you know, still pretty tough at 47.
I'd still be intimidated and angry about this.
Imagine being a woman.
Imagine being an old person.
Imagine being some 80-year-old woman on her walker trying to get some food.
This is thug behavior, it's criminal, and it's disgusting.
And the police need to stop kissing the ass of these type of globalist thugs, and they need to start arresting them for racketeering.
What do you think the Italian Mafia got into trouble for?
They'd send in 10 thugs to a grocery store and break a few things, or threaten to burn it down if you didn't pay them protection money.
And they got taken to jail for that, and they should.
But when black people do it under Soros's orders, it's supposedly okay.
And it's disgusting, and it's crazy, and it's nuts.
Alright, go ahead and roll the footage of Rochester, New York.
Go ahead and turn the audio on.
There's the old lady on the walker.
And this went on for over an hour.
People couldn't get out.
And let's say what it is, this is the equivalent of KKK.
This is a bunch of black people and white people, and I guess it looks like there's some brown people there, that are literally angry randomly at random people at a grocery store.
And you see in the video, there's like an hour of it, the old lady in the walker looks like she's about to have a heart attack.
And then she tries to get out the back and they yell at her.
So again, and this is just, this video is the beginning of it.
Hundreds of people surrounded the grocery store.
All these big fat welfare queens.
And again, nothing against you if you're fat, but man, all these people bitching about, this country sucks!
You weigh like 400 pounds, man!
You wouldn't last 10 minutes in Africa.
But you come here, or you get airlifted here with your little girl, like Ilhan Omar, and saved from a rival tribe trying to kill her in Somalia, and she says America's evil, and she says a white supremacist attacked her by the grocery store in...
Boulder, Colorado.
I mean, hell, if some of these black folks killed these people, they'd just say I was a white supremacist.
Because it's about lying to everybody, and it's about getting away.
And we've literally got videos, yeah, of the white people begging the black people, I'm sorry I'm white!
I'm sorry I'm evil!
Oh, please, don't be angry with me!
And you have this racist pig monster, And again, bitching about the country, where she lives, where she's 400 pounds, Dem Senator Tammy Pigworth says she won't vote for any white Biden nominees.
Because white men are bad.
Baker, who declined service to gay couple, super-refusing to make a gender transition cake.
So your little shop's gotta make somebody's cake.
Oh, but all the big other private companies don't have to have Christians or conservatives on them.
I get it.
Even though they have liability protection as a utility.
Absolutely insane.
But now let's move on from Pigworth.
Let's move on from that racist pig to this stack of news right here.
And it's on InfoWars.com and this needs to get out.
Because every time Facebook or Twitter tries to block something, you've got to go to websites that are telling the truth, that are still there, that are the answer to the censorship and get it out.
See Boulder Shooter's post Facebook deleted to cover up his Democrat, radical Islamic, anti-Trump inceldom.
We start the next hour, I'm going to read over this.
How he couldn't get a girlfriend and hated women.
How he loved Islam.
How he loved Obama.
How he wanted to open borders.
How he wanted to kill Trump.
And then, we can then discuss how they tried to spin that and tried to cover that up.
But guess what?
Guess what Mark Zuckerberg?
Guess what?
Jack Dorsey, guess what Tim Cook, guess what Barack Obama, InfoWars is still on air and other sites are there.
And when you delete stuff, we've already got copies of it.
I was here last night and I said, they're going to delete that.
They're like, look at all this stuff.
I said, save that.
Others had already saved it.
Today, they took it down.
It's on Infowars.com right now.
And you can use the fact that Infowars is so demonized and so attacked and said, hey, you've heard them lie about Infowars, that you've heard them inoculate you to not visit it.
Find out why.
Go see it for yourself.
You're an adult.
You deserve to see what it is you're not supposed to see.
You're going to see an anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-American, crazy person who got saved from his hellhole in Syria and brought over here when he was a teenager and now he used that, it's all admitted, to intimidate white people and beat up white people and say he was going to kill white people.
See, but in the Denver newspaper, I can't believe the Denver Post is even telling the truth about this.
Yeah, Boulder shooter threatened fake hate crime charges against classmates he attacked.
They've got the teachers and the victims all on record.
And he would just scream, you don't stop me, I'll declare a hate crime on you!
I'll kill you!
And Barack Obama, I'm going to play the clip coming up, says he was a white man attacking minorities and women.
Because they don't respect you when they do this.
And Barack Obama has an inferiority complex.
He has a chip on his shoulder.
He is a race-based person.
He's mad at his mother, who was a prostitute, sex operative of the CIA, in porn.
He hates women, and he hates white people.
He hates himself.
We'll be right back with hour number two.
Stay with us.
God bless you all.
We've known this for over a year, but now it's confirmed.
Witnesses and documents have come out that the Wuhan lab did release the bioweapon.
And it was to empower China so they could take over the world, and that's now all confirmed.
Even mainstream news is admitting it.
Joe Hoft has the exclusive.
There's a lot of contacts in China, obviously used to live over there.
He's going to be joining us from the Gateway Pundit coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Then we've got a bunch of other really incredible, informative guests coming up.
The next segment's going to be huge.
I want to encourage listeners and I want to encourage viewers to do something about the globalist takeover.
And there's no other place out there that is really developing a plan to block the globalists and to expose their operations completely that is doing it at any level similar to Infowars.
Tucker Carlson is promoting populism and Americanism at a splendid level and is doing a very slick, professional, loving, balanced job.
And there are a lot of other people that are hitting on all cylinders.
And I'm proud of them, and I sleep at night knowing they're there.
And there's so much up-and-coming talent in the fight of every race, color, and creed, it makes me proud of everybody.
But the enemy knows that Infowars, nine times out of ten, is the genesis point of major resistance movements that are devastating the New World Order's operations.
And so I'm not going to spend time getting into all the things they do to us.
I'm not going to say the things that they're doing that have an effect, the things that deflect, the things that don't have an effect, because I'm not going to give the enemy any idea of where to keep attacking.
But let me just tell you this.
Do not sit there and expect Infowars to be here forever.
I've had a lot of classy family that had cancer and was dying, and you just hear that that member of the family's dead, they were at work one week, totally nice, got their affairs in order, so manly, so tough, so feminine, so tough, that they just die and make no big deal about it, and donate their bodies to science and stuff like that.
I'm not as stoic as some of my ancestors, and I don't have cancer, but America has cancer, and this operation has a giant globalist squid attached to us, Gnawing on our face, okay?
And I just let it sit there and gnaw, and I know how far it can go until it gets to our arteries, and I'm...
I'm laying eggs real fast escape pods too.
We'll just see how they do getting caught in the whole underwater jet stream here and what they'll grow into and what they'll do.
And I also need to grow a bunch of eggs to use that analogy if I'm a fish with a big thing attached to me eating me.
So I need energy to be able to make sure that all those things that we're ensuring in the future continue on because that's the main mission.
And I've looked at all the different possible future scenarios and The globalists are so off the chart, so crazy now, that there's a good chance that they'll go ahead and just kill me.
And at a certain level, I kind of look forward to that, because then the great burden, atmospheres of pressure that I have to carry out this mission will be gone.
I love life, I'll never commit suicide.
If I die, it wasn't suicide.
I'm just saying, I literally have no more fear.
I've been through this so long.
I've done so much that I don't fear death.
I don't fear anything.
I may lose my whole family.
I may lose my children.
I mean, hell, the whole world's about to go.
I mean, at this point, all that matters is our souls.
But you've got from me a total commitment, as strong as I can be, I will fight.
Does that mean I'm going to go off the rails and act crazy?
Yeah, because I'm burnout, folks.
I'm fried.
When you fight evil like this, at a level like this, this long, you don't just care about them...
You don't just not care about them killing you.
You don't just not care about... You start getting to the point where there's no inhibition anymore.
Does that make sense?
But I give you my word that I will be as focused and hardcore as I can until the very end.
But I need financial support at InfoWarsTore.com.
We have products you already need.
So don't wait.
Don't procrastinate.
Get them today.
We have the big mega blowout sale going right now with all the iodine products 50% off, all the Emerson Cycles 50% off, and Living Defense, that is next-level probiotic.
Flushes out all the parasites, unwanted visitors.
50% off free shipping.
All those are game-changing products.
We just need to get in as much capital as we can to operate in the future, and I'm here telling you we need the money, and these are already great products.
So, go to infowarestore.com today and do some of that shopping and fund the resistance.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back broadcasting worldwide in defiance of globalist tyranny on this Wednesday, March 24th, 2021 transmission.
And I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Joe Hoff has massive Wuhan Lab, Bioweapon Breaking News, joining us at the bottom of the hour.
Then we have another special guest joining me.
I guess my folder fell down over there.
Drew Hernandez, who's the great investigative journalist who showed some of the most powerful footage around the country of Antifa and their peaceful burning of cities with BLM.
He's been down to the border and has a lot of exclusive footage about the human smuggling and more that we're going to be showing you coming up next hour.
But let's get into this right now because we're not supposed to show you this.
And again, I have stacks of news about YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter, all of them.
Actively suppressing any information about the shooter in Boulder being an Islamicist that hated women, hated Trump, and hated white people.
And it was obviously all 10 white people in a multiracial grocery store full of different people that he executed.
And again, even if you could say the guy, you know, is, quote, Syrian, so Arabs are a mixture of Caucasian, quote, Asians from the East and Africans.
Some have different derivations of that.
But it doesn't really matter.
He didn't like white people.
So that's why Obama is saying that it's white people that did this.
And I've got his quotes.
I've got the video coming up.
But here it is.
See Boulder Shooter's post.
Facebook deleted to cover up his Democrat, radical Islamic, anti-Trump insultum.
You need to go share this.
Yes, you know he's an Islamist.
You know he's an ISIS sympathizer.
You know he went there to kill white people.
But Obama, that lying, globalist, supremacist, anti-human dirtbag, and Joy Behar and all the rest of the scum are up there telling you still that this was done to kill brown people.
And they just seize on every damn thing they can to do this, ladies and gentlemen.
So let's start showing people some of the things that are in the article that's at Infowars.com.
You can actually pull it up on the side if you want to show folks, but here it is.
Hashtag need a girlfriend.
Lived in a seven bedroom house, rich family.
When he lost a wrestling competition, he told everybody, I'm going to kill you.
Ahmed Al-Issa, yeah, if these racist Islamophobic people would stop hacking my phone and let me have a normal life, I probably could.
He goes on, Trump sucks, you know what?
Al-Issa, who's a Syrian migrant, shared an article explaining why refugees and immigrants are good for America.
And then a bunch of anti-Trump crap.
He goes on to say, Trump inherited a growing economy and the unemployment rate was low.
The economy was in an upward spiral.
He won because of racism.
Yes, that's right.
All you think about is race.
He shared a video of a Muslim woman allegedly kicked out of a Trump rally.
She was disrupting it.
Women can't even go to rallies in your country, so, you know.
He goes on, advice from the prophet.
He quotes, Islam, in quotes, Muhammad.
O people, listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, say your five daily prayers, salah, fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth to zakat, perform hajj, if you can afford to.
The last sermon of the Prophet, Prophet Muhammad.
The Prophet said a Muslim plants a tree or so seeds and then a bird or a person or animal eats from it.
It is regarded as a charitable gift.
The Muslim and the Christchurch mosque were not the victims of a single shooter.
They were victims of the entire Islamophobia industry that vilified him.
So he went and killed a bunch of white people.
And it goes on.
And on.
Then you've got his anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-God, anti-Trump father.
That takes hours to go over, but overhead shot, please.
I'll show you some more.
ABC News alleged Colorado shooter came to U.S.
from Syria as a child.
Turns out he's probably much older than they said.
Yeah, if you're 20, they say you're 10.
If you're 25, they say you're 15.
And then the German news tells 15-year-old, 14-year-old girls have sex with a Muslim.
They're better.
I can show you the newscast.
I can show you the children's shows they show in government schools.
And they put full-grown men with your underage daughters to have sex with them.
Here he is!
Just in!
Syrian-born boulder-shooter Ahmed al-Issa's identity.
He was previously known to the FBI because they were tracking him as an ISIS terror sympathizer.
Of course, Obama funded ISIS.
Biden calls for a ban on assault weapons in high-capacity magazines following boulder shooting and does fake crime.
Hate crime!
All 10 victims of border shooting suspect Ahmed Isa R. White.
And it goes on and on and on.
There's a whole report that we had from Ben Warren on Infowars.com that we had.
ISIS sympathies.
Go read it for yourself.
And how they scrubbed the page showing a supermarket shooter was anti-Trump, pro-refugee activist.
Now let's move on to Tucker Carlson says Obama is a racist arsonist.
I want to play this clip here in just a moment so you can see Tucker talk about it, but Obama likes scores of other Democrats called for gun control, citing racism and misogyny.
He's the one that shipped millions of guns into Syria to turn it over to ISIS and Al Qaeda.
This was a racist attack on minorities and women.
read, "It is long past time for those with the power to fight the epidemic of gun
violence do so. It will take time to root out the dissatisfaction, racism, misogyny
that fuels so many of these senseless acts of violence, but can we make it
harder for those with hate in their hearts to buy weapons of war?" This was a
racist attack on minorities and women because you know they're all in the same
group. But here's Tucker Carlson talking about it.
Then we've got Senator Cruz getting on the offense.
The Republicans ought to be having hearings right now on Fast and Furious.
Oh, you want our guns?
You shipped over two million guns, ordered gun shops to sell it to the CIA, sheep dip it into Mexico, then ship them over to Syria and other areas for the Arab Spring Obama-funded.
Go after Obama for being an international gun runner to terrorists instead of sitting there and taking his crap anymore!
Here is Tucker Carlson.
After the mass killings in Atlanta last week, none of which seemed to have anything whatsoever to do with the race of anyone involved, Omar tried her best to make Americans hate each other even more.
That's how she's repaying the country that rescued her from a refugee camp in Africa.
Law enforcement, Omar said, with zero evidence of any kind, works to protect, quote, the humanity of white mass murderers.
What does that even mean?
We have no idea, though obviously it is bristling with racial hostility, so MSNBC just rolled with it.
Scapegoating is the evil cousin of white supremacy.
And together, they reinforce the notion that white is always in the right.
The indifference to lives not white must stop.
The disregard for the fear of white terror must stop.
We must not be cowed by the terror unleashed by white men drowning in the deep end of racism, xenophobia, and misogyny.
Yeah, that's good for the country.
White supremacy!
That's the culprit, no matter what the color the criminal was.
It doesn't matter the criminal's color because it's systemic racism.
And like carbon monoxide, it's an invisible poison.
That is suddenly a very common view on the left.
It's certainly Barack Obama's position.
More than any other contemporary American leader, Barack Obama is a racial arsonist.
He emerges at our most vulnerable moments to deepen the wounds that divide us.
He sows hate.
Why does Barack Obama do this?
Well, it would take a psychiatrist to answer that question fully, though it seems obvious that deep loathing of some kind plays a role.
It must play a role.
Today, Obama took a break from becoming one of the richest men in the world to issue a statement blaming racism and misogyny for today's killings.
So a guy who appears to be white shoots a group of white people and Barack Obama calls it racism.
That's enough.
The full report is on InfoWars.
I want to just show you Mustafa Alisa, his dad, in the big seven bedroom house, bitching.
He's praising ISIS, attacking Israel and the U.S., saying ISIS is good, and there you go.
So, and his dad wanting to kill the Shiites.
So, I mean, this is, you import Al-Qaeda, you get Al-Qaeda.
You import ISIS, you get ISIS.
And, you know, when he lost a wrestling match, he said, I'm going to kill all you white people.
That's what they've told the Boulder News and the Denver News.
So there you go.
That's the facts.
That's the reality.
It's why we're on air so you can see the level of incredible deception these people are engaged in.
All right, when I come back, I want to get into the move to take your guns.
Now we've got to fight back against this and the path to victory that Ted Cruz has taken.
And people say, oh, Ted Cruz isn't perfect.
Well, on key subjects, he's the first guy to take action.
So we're going to come right back.
Stay with us.
This literally just broke minutes ago.
We put it in the search engine.
There is no news coverage of this yet, but it's from an impeccable source, and so you know it's true.
We'll get it to you as soon as it unfolds.
I told you I was coming back next segment.
There's a war on the Second Amendment.
They've got a plan to totally ban the guns.
Biden has admitted it.
Well now the NRA is reporting, this is their case, they were fighting, the U.S.
Court of Appeals, the Ninth Circuit, that's the one in San Francisco, just ruled that there is no right to carry either openly or concealed in public.
This ruling impacts RTC laws, right to carry, in Arkansas, Hawaii, California, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, and Montana.
That was the case dealing with.
This is unbelievable.
And you notice, Trump got two Supreme Court Justices in.
Oh yeah, three in, good lord.
And they all voted against him.
Because they know the Democrats will simply pack the court.
The Democrats said, you vote for us, you nine, or we will make you not as powerful, and we will pack the court up to 21 or 25 judges.
And they said, fine, cut children's genitals off, kill babies after they're born, take over the elections, let illegals vote, and take the guns!
Yeah, trust the plan, folks, trust the plan.
I told you they're taking over and Trump was a last ditch effort.
And the people felt so confident that he was invincible.
You see what happened?
No, we're in deep trouble and only admitting how much trouble we're in.
Are we going to get out of this?
And we've got to go on the offense.
It's great that Ted Cruz comes out and says, hey, a mass shooting like this before he even knew that it was a lies, that was a racial attack.
He did the right thing.
And he said it's the right for us to defend ourselves.
99% of gun use is legal and lawful.
The good people are the majority of every race, color, and creed.
We have a right to defend ourselves.
Obama and the Democrats all have bodyguards.
In Minneapolis, they defunded a third of the police department and then they hired for millions, it was like a million and a half dollars, around the clock, 24 hours a day, hired bodyguards at $50 an hour with guns to stay at their houses in a van and to be with them right beside them when they go to the bathroom or anywhere.
I'm gonna say that again.
In Minneapolis, the City Council hired, for millions of dollars, a year contract to have private security 24 hours a day with a gun right next to them.
I have that.
I have to.
It's a big expense.
I don't have... The first thing I gotta cut if we can't operate is that, because we have people out there.
It's going on.
I only started doing it about three years ago.
But imagine, the difference is, you buy products from us, you believe in us, I'm able to have security here at the office, and then I'm gonna leave it at that.
Because we've had them come to the house.
We have to do that, ladies and gentlemen, because I've gotta be working, I can't be looking over my back all the time.
But I'm not for defunding the police, and I'm not for taking your guns!
I'm glad you've got a Second Amendment, I've got one too!
But quite frankly, I'm so oblivious to threats, I've got to have somebody watching my back, because I'm just getting them over.
I don't give a damn.
But just again, imagine these people saying, you can't defend yourself with crime doubling and murders over doubling, but, but, but, they're going to have taxpayer paid for bodyguards.
These people are evil.
They're out of control.
Governor Newsom got a $3.6 million house given to him by a donor.
Totally illegal.
Nobody's gonna prosecute him.
Joe Biden's got all the bodyguards in the world.
Barack Obama's got all the bodyguards in the world.
But you're not allowed to protect yourself!
Here's Ted Cruz, Senator Cruz laying it out.
Every time there's a shooting, we play this ridiculous theater where this committee gets together And proposes a bunch of laws that would do nothing to stop these murders.
Senator from Connecticut just said the folks on the other side of the aisle have no solutions.
Well, the Senator from Connecticut knows that is false.
And he knows that's false, because Senator Grassley and I together introduced legislation, Grassley-Cruz, targeted at violent criminals, targeted at felons, targeted at fugitives, targeted at those with serious mental disease, to stop them from getting firearms, to put them in prison when they try to illegally buy guns.
What happens in this committee after every mass shooting is Democrats propose taking away guns from law-abiding citizens, because that's their political objective.
But what they propose, not only does it not reduce crime, it makes it worse.
The jurisdictions in this country with the strictest gun control have among the highest rates of crime and murder.
When you disarm law-abiding citizens, you make them more likely to be victims.
If you want to stop these murders, go after the murderers.
Grassley Cruz.
came to a vote on the floor of the Senate in 2013.
It got a majority vote on the floor of the Senate.
52 Senators voted for Grassley-Crews in the Harry Reid Democratic Senate.
Nine Democratic Senators voted for Grassley-Crews.
The most bipartisan support of any of the comprehensive legislation.
So why did it pass into law?
Because Democratic Senators, including many of the Senators in this room, including the Senator from Connecticut who just said Republicans have no answers, filibustered the law and prevented it from passing.
Demanded 60 votes.
If Grassley-Cruz had passed into law, Sutherland Springs very likely would not have happened.
Why is that?
Because the shooter there, the murderer there, had a conviction in the Air Force that the Obama Air Force failed to report to the background check system.
And Grassley-Crews mandated an audit of all of the convictions to make sure the background check database has those felonies in it.
Not only that, Grassley-Crews mandated that when a felon tries to illegally buy a firearm, that the Department of Justice prosecute them.
The Department of Justice has a long and I think indefensible practice of not prosecuting felons and fugitives who try to illegally buy guns.
If Grassley-Crews had passed the Gun Crimes Task Force that it had created, would have charged prosecutors with going after gun criminals, locking them up, and putting them in prison.
That's how we prevent these.
Now we will learn in the coming days and weeks The exact motivation of the murderers in Atlanta and Boulder, Colorado.
Okay, so again, that was a few days ago.
Now we know one was an incel mad at women, mad at the prostitutes, and he wanted to kill a bunch of them because he was a sex addict.
And this guy was an anti-white, anti-American guy.
We now know that just a day later.
It's all come out now.
But notice that Biden is proposing, we're showing the articles for TV viewers, for radio listeners, I'll tell you about it.
That they just swat team millions of people and start a civil war, and that they just take guns from law-abiding citizens, but leave criminals alone like they do in the cities they control.
So it's just incredible.
All right, Joe Hoff, we're going to shift gears.
This is a big deal.
On the 9th, sir, we'll be tracking that very, very closely.
That's just now breaking, overturning, concealed carry, period.
This is just, and you're like, oh, the Supreme Court will overturn that.
Don't hold your breath, folks, because we don't put pressure on them.
They don't fear the American people's political action.
They fear the mainstream media.
They fear the stacking of the court.
Because nobody calls the bluff of the left.
And so the left is buffaloing us.
Stampeding us.
And it's only going to get more crazy.
Go after them for fast and furious.
Get on the offense.
Go after them for the child smuggling across the border.
Do like Ted Cruz does.
But almost everybody else sits there afraid.
People say, man, Ted Cruz is a jerk.
Doesn't matter, he's got guts.
And guts is enough, ladies and gentlemen.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Joe Hoff is a very busy man, major corporate business manager and auditor, lived over in Asia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, you name it.
Of course, joined forces with his brother with the amazing pro-liberty Pro Truth website, gatewaypanda.com, thegatewaypanda.com, Joe Hoff.
So he twisted his arm to come on for just two short segments because, you know, he's been right at the tip of the spear, the cutting edge for over a year.
This came out of Wuhan and it was a psychological warfare weapon, but it still could kill some people.
They didn't have the proper vitamins and nutrients and he's had his nose Directly to the grindstone on this and election fraud like nobody else.
So I read the article had a lot of new information that just confirmed a lot of the older information.
It's a breaking exclusive.
Location of origin of COVID-19 pandemic identified between two of China's biological warfare facilities in Wuhan, where we know Bill Gates and Fauci were funding at least 11 programs into gain of function.
coronavirus chimeras and so he's got it all right here it is a lengthy article
but absolutely critical with all the documentation so in the next 25 minutes
I want to try to give him the floor to walk through all this and why this is
such such a big deal doesn't matter the UN funded and financed by China
pro-communist who tells us oh no hell we're told by Joe Biden it's the
American virus or the European virus But Joe Hoft is here to break down what it really is.
So great job on this from day one, but now it really, you've got them here.
So thanks for joining us and tell us about it.
Thanks, Alex.
It's great being here, too, by the way.
Always a pleasure.
Yeah, I was thinking, reminiscing a bit, too, from the last time we chatted maybe about this was, well, a year ago.
It was in March last year that we first talked where we talked about how we'd uncovered that the WHO's estimates for the COVID of being around three and a half percent.
And you were in Asia then.
You've come back to America now.
That's right.
That's right.
And that was a late call for me from Hong Kong at about 11 at night.
Jim and I joined you.
And yeah, we uncovered that.
We could see that these numbers weren't accurate, that they had overstated the mortality for the COVID.
And yet they were using the flu as an alternative measurement.
And yet it was calculated totally differently, where they add in 25 or so million people for the flu in the U.S.
to determine mortality, where they weren't doing that with COVID.
So, it really sounded horrible, and that was the time where the whole world was starting to freak out about all that was going on.
So, I like what you shared there early on, Alex, just in the intro here, is just about the fact that this was as much a biological type of warfare as it was used to just shut down the world economy.
And so, as a fear tactic, as much as anything as well, maybe even more.
So, yeah, we were right then, and last summer, the WHO and the CDC announced that, oh, yeah, we've overstated the mortality rate, and there's now millions of people that have had COVID, and yeah, the mortality rate's not gonna be 3.5%, it's gonna be close to the flu.
So, that's some things that, you know, happened since we last talked quite a bit, as you well know.
So, been quite a year.
Um, so anyways, today, uh, we, we uncovered, um, uh, a document that's, uh, been, uh, apparently been available, uh, in, in China for a bit, for a bit of time.
And that document shows a, uh, a map, a pretty rudimentary map of Wuhan.
And, um, what it was, it was, it was initially showing was where the, uh, where the first cases of COVID were coming out in Wuhan.
And you can see from that map, and I saw you showed it here just a minute ago, that the food market in that map you'll see is that red dot, which is up apparently on this map.
It's showing north of the area that's really black, which is the area where the most cases were initially found.
That area that's really, really dark where it signifies the most cases is between a couple biological warfare facilities.
One is the entity that we've talked about for a long time.
We started reporting on this at Wuhan Institute of Virology back in April last year.
And where it looked like, yeah, this is what's going on, something was released from there.
And then near that is another entity they're calling, that's labeled the Biological Preparations Institute, BPI.
It's the yellow square on that map.
And between these two facilities is where they're saying the initial cases, the large number of initial cases, We're first identified.
So giving us, you know, more, you know, I guess more evidence that this thing wasn't just something that was natural that occurred in the food market, that red dot.
No, the big, the large number of cases comes between the black star there and the yellow box, which are these two institutes where they've been studying and researching and, and trying to build not just a Um, coronavirus flus, but the vaccines as well.
And we have the mainstream media and thousands of articles, Reuters, AP, New York Times celebrating, China did it right!
They're open for business!
They produced more billionaires than all billionaires combined in one year!
America's done!
China's open for business!
They admit that this was basically something they used to shut their competition down.
I agree, Alex, and that's the thing that nobody seems like in the U.S.
is really willing to take a stand on, and maybe we can, you know, again today.
When I was in Hong Kong, I could see over three years of President Trump that he had totally destroyed the competition, namely China.
In the economic battle that had been ensuing over the last decade or so, Trump crushed China.
He made them into a paper tiger in very short order, and he just did a few things.
He stood up to them, first of all, he had the attitude that, hey, we're going to deal with you.
He didn't come at them as an adversary so much, I can remember him saying, and the people in China admired the fact, when Trump came over the first time, that he said, hey, I don't blame you guys, I blame our politicians, who put us in such a horrible situation.
That's right, he said, I'm not starting a war, we've been in a war for 40 years, it's been a trade war, and we're now just fighting back.
That's right, he said, but the facts are, they have, you know, you have done it.
I remember him saying this to Xi, and I'll tell you, the people that I know in China were very impressed by this.
He said to Xi, you're doing what you should do.
You are, you know, you're standing up for your people and you've been doing it.
And he goes, I don't blame you.
That's what you're supposed to do.
And he said, but we've got to change things in our country because we've been giving away the farm, basically.
And instead we have all these traitors.
And boy, didn't we see last week up in Alaska how they totally disrespect Biden and his people.
They say, look, we own you.
You're a joke.
Yeah, it's their total joke.
They know the election was stolen.
They know Biden has no reason to be there.
They know, and they probably maybe even helped the Biden team.
Now they're just making fun of Biden.
Yeah, because they own them.
And there seems to be a major panic in the left.
Do one more segment with us, Joe Hoft, and I want to ask you where this goes now.
But the evidence is overwhelming that obviously it came out of the main Wuhan lab and then people back and forth from that lab were spreading it at the other lab they were going to each day.
So you got the main lab where almost all the outbreaks are, you got the other sub lab where almost all the other rest ones were, and then little bitty tiny areas.
It's right there for anybody to see what happened.
And you guys I've gotten the document and put it out, and it's just absolutely incredible.
But everybody wants us to move on and forget about putting blame where blame is due.
Don't forget, illegal testing they couldn't do in the U.S., Obama and Fauci moved six years ago to Wuhan.
So again, just like Fast and Furious, they were shipping guns to Syria, they were shipping the illegal bioweapons program to Wuhan, and they used it against us, and now we're still under lockdown, China isn't.
All right, Joe Hoft is our guest for one more segment.
Really appreciate him taking time out of his schedule.
Canceling some stuff to be with us for these two segments.
I never read his bio, but he's a really cool guy.
His brother's a cool guy.
And I guess he just got drafted in because America was in so much trouble the last few years.
He is the twin brother of Gateway Pundits founder Jim Hoft.
He's supposed to have been retweeted by President Trump.
and have made major headlines at Grudge Report, you name it.
Joe worked as a corporate executive in Hong Kong and traveled the world for his work,
which gives him a unique perspective of US and global current events.
He has 10 degrees and/or designations and is the author of three books.
His new book, "In God We Trust, "Not In Lying Liberal Lunatics" is now out.
So be sure and check that out at gatewaypanda.com.
Again, I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com, and we're all hunted and attacked, but that's why your word of mouth and your support is king, because you've held us through, and imagine a world without InfoWars or without The Gateway Pundit.
I've got two questions, and then ten minutes we've got left, or nine minutes left.
Other key points about the COVID rollout, the lockdowns never ending, the government's liberals saying, oh, this is permanent.
How obvious this is.
Shouldn't we get on offense and call for Fauci and Gates and others to get in trouble?
And where do you see all this going with the broken border and world government?
And what would you call this period we're in with Those are meaty and great questions, Alex.
everywhere in America in such grave danger. I don't want to fight with
liberals anymore. I want them to wake up and why do they have such a death wish for
themselves and all of us, Joe?
Those are meaty and great questions, Alex. They sure are.
I guess, you know, it's kind of like this similar question would be,
what do we do now with this election being stolen?
And kind of similar, so what do you do?
And a lot of people are feeling disheartened and a lot of people are feeling maybe scared and or confused and really need some sort of leadership.
And certainly there are people out there that are ready to charge and to take the lead.
The thing I think that's really important is to get to the truth.
And if we can get to that, then that can lead us, you know, itself.
And, you know, so like with the election, I think it's important for us anyways, we want to continue to report on how that was stolen.
Every incident of fraud that we can identify, we want to shine light on it.
We want to bring darkness, you know, lightness to that dark.
And so, I think this is similar with, you know, in regards to your questions with COVID and with what's going on with the world and stuff like that.
The best thing that we can do, one of the best things, is certainly to shine the light on this dark, dark time and these days that are just so challenging for people.
You know, so that's exactly what we can do.
I think in stepping back and looking at COVID, I think there was a lot of forces that were going on there.
But certainly a big one was the fact that Trump was crushing them economically.
They had won that game and then Trump came in and showed that they were just nothing.
He really, he made it.
Well he said it was all one-sided and totally rigged by economic elites in the West selling us out.
Yeah, but through his actions and within a very short period of time, he really destroyed their economy.
And they didn't let that word out, but it was absolutely the case.
And there was study after study.
The big thing is China has done what the U.S.
did back in 2008, way overbuilt.
There's these buildings all over China that are empty.
And somebody's got to pay the bill on those things, and they're not getting paid.
And so the country, there's estimates of trillions and trillions of dollars.
That's right, and the globalists totally only invested there, so all their investments are in trouble too.
That's why everything has to prop China up right now.
Yeah, that's right.
And Trump caught him at the right time.
And if you recall, he forced them into signing an agreement.
And they tried to renege on him in one of the first agreements.
So he said, fine.
He made it painful for them.
And they had to come to the table, really crawling to the table, eager to sign a trade deal with him.
And he knows how to do deals.
We learned from Trump, isn't it one great quality in a leader is to be able to cut a deal?
And Trump knows how to do that better than anybody.
Oh, absolutely.
And a judge a tree by its fruits.
I've always said I love Trump.
He's been a great president.
But then I was in a video a year ago where I said devil's advocate if I only cared about myself I'd
say f Trump because he's lost the money I've lost we've been under attack and I'd be like screw him
I hate him but I don't because I actually care about the country they edited that out released
it and said it was a secret video with three point lighting me sitting in a chair but no I'm more
proud of Trump ever and I think the left now gets they stole the election they're minions and I
think you're getting real Trump regret syndrome that people want him back as they see what Kamala
Harris and Biden are turning into.
We're only two months into this, where do you see it going?
Yeah, look at the border.
I mean, it's just atrocious.
Look at China coming into that meeting up in Alaska.
And by the way, that guy who they set up as Secretary of State is Joe Pisa.
He worked with the Bidens with China in the past.
So he was bartering for the Bidens in the past.
That's why they have total disrespect.
They're like, we own you, dude.
What are you doing?
And with Trump, notice when he came in, they showed him total respect.
Remember Obama, his last trip to China, they forced him to come out the back of the freaking airplane.
Display to people about Asia, like Japan, we beat them, they grobbled to us, not in a fake way, they believe Mike makes right.
Same with China, so when we sit there and grobble to them, it makes them totally disrespect us.
Yeah, absolutely.
And they respected Trump big time.
And so that leads us to really, you know, almost, you know, a year and a half ago when this thing was released.
And the biggest question that needs to be answered, was it done intentionally or not?
There's rationale.
The one reason for why it might have been intentionally is because Trump was crushing them economically.
And I can tell you, Alex, two stories.
One, I talked to a CEO who I know in China and he was out golfing with a couple of his buddies, a couple other CEOs.
And this was about two years ago.
They were saying, They were saying that the economy is terrible, not just bad, terrible in China.
And then another guy I know had a plant of 5,000 employees in southern China, and he was moving it to Southeast Asia.
That was Trump's initiative.
The media never talked about it.
There's been an artificial flow of everything for 40 years in China.
Trump just took off the bad controls that were fraudulent, made the table flat again, and so the jobs then started racing out of China, which is a good thing because they're only exploiting their people.
That's right.
And if they're not going to play by the rules that are fair to everybody else, let's move that business to other countries that are willing to do that, like Japan or India or Southeast Asia.
And that's what Trump did.
My friend who had this plant, He said they first went to Vietnam to find some property.
They couldn't find any.
It was all getting taken by people leaving their corporations, leaving China.
He had to go to Thailand to get his... I agree.
Closing, he brought up election fraud.
If we don't stop HR1, we can forget it.
That cements the fraud.
You said that.
I said that.
We were able to question it.
The media said, now Mitch McConnell, who said two months ago, we must accept the election.
Well, now he says HR1's a fraud.
Here's the clip.
The big item here in the Senate this week are the hearings on H.R.
1, the Democratic plan to take over all of American elections and centralize them here in Washington.
It is replete with problems.
Yes, it submits what they just did in the election five months ago.
So why the about-face by McConnell?
Yeah, what a clown.
Isn't he something else?
Is it because his information is coming so slowly to him?
Is that it?
I mean, we could see this.
We knew this when they stole this election.
They were going to do it before it happened!
Yeah, and we knew it.
And it's like, if you let them do it once, what makes you think they're not going to do it twice?
And quite frankly, Alex, how many times have they done this in the past?
Oh, exactly.
A lot of these blue cities aren't blue.
They're just under permanent fraud.
That's right.
I absolutely agree.
We've only got 30 seconds.
Please join us again soon.
But 30 seconds.
Do you have optimism?
There's a lot of movement.
I see the Gateway Pundit.
A lot of states and others are moving and finding the fraud, though it's not on the national news.
That's right.
Yeah, Georgia has announced they're coming out with an audit in Fulton County, which is Atlanta, where there's just full of fraud.
As a matter of fact, I was talking to somebody just moments ago saying it's probably all the 200,000 or so ballots that they might look in that area.
They might all be fraudulent.
And Arizona is pressuring.
The people there are wanting an audit.
The Senate has now voted to have one.
It's now getting down to who's going to do it.
And in Wisconsin yesterday, they finalized their vote to do an investigation into the 2020 election.
There was fraud all over everywhere, Alex.
And we've got to keep pushing.
And the idea that we can't question things is un-American and dangerous.
Joe Hoff, thank you so much, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
Powerful, as always.
Thank you, sir.
All right.
Next hour, investigative journalist Drew Hernandez, who's been down on the border joining us.
There's a lot of exclusive video.
Stay with us for that.
And please remember, I don't have sponsors.
The Globalist took them.
Well, I guess we have a Sappho company.
They're great.
But we mainly sell products at InfoWareStore.com.
We have the big blowout sale.
All the iodine products are 50% off with free shipping and all the Emmerich essentials, but only for a limited time.
A bunch of stuff like Vazobeats and things have sold out.
A bunch of stuff's about to sell out.
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Infowarsstore.com and those select items.
Hour number three, straight ahead.
Why are there so many useless extra people when robots are so much more smart?
People are human, all too human.
People just break my heart.
We'll solve all my problems, if only you'll roll up your sleeve.
Someday you'll get it, the vaccine.
I'm just trying to get everybody to take my new gene therapy vaccine.
We're going to introduce a little sterilization like we did in Kenya.
We're going to introduce perhaps some nanobots.
That'll be fun.
Something to fix to the brain stem and engage in physical control of My goal here is, you know, most likely a much more, a smaller population that's more controlled.
Already people are so very compliant, which is great.
Everyone wore their masks so quickly and easily.
I was very, very pleased with that.
But there's another step we can take, which is a total Automation of the human soul.
That's what I'm really hoping for.
I hope you'll join me.
Step into my clinic.
Your upgrade is ready.
The transhuman age has begun.
I've got a shot that will make you compliant.
Sterile and stupider too.
Someday you'll get it.
The vaccine connection.
Your bodies, my nanobots and me, all of us going to hell.
Thank you for making it easy.
Hello, useless eaters.
As your unqualified, non-elected global human health overlord, I'd like to take this opportunity to flaunt my position of power and influence over society and share some of my plans for you and your future.
When I amassed my fortune in computer software, I demonstrated that I was willing to lie, steal code, cheat my partners, and exercise monopolistic control to destroy my competitors.
Now that I've retired, I can rebrand myself as a humanitarian.
With my for-profit foundation Masquerading as a charity, I can advocate for population reduction and sponsor mass human experiments with unproven vaccines in vulnerable populations.
Like my father, a powerful banker, eugenicist, and Rockefeller crony himself, it's always been my ambition to decide who lives and, more importantly, how many have to die.
Whether it's under the guise of climate change or world health, it's really all about controlling and culling the human herd for fun and profit.
In November of last year, I hosted Event 201, a war game simulation of a global pandemic.
Leaders from private corporations, global banks, governments, and the media got together to strategize ways they could align and lockstep when responding to a worldwide health crisis.
Using a coordinated campaign of fear-mongering, intimidation, social shaming, and economic blackmail, we realized that we could get around dangerous philosophies like individual liberty and national sovereignty.
With an obedient population, we would be free to implement our own top-down solutions, like forced quarantines, social distancing, contact tracing, and mandatory testing, as a means to seize technocratic control of society.
Now imagine my excitement when we had the opportunity to release, uh, declare our own global pandemic.
It was my chance to look like the Nostradamus of public health and to position myself and business partners like Dr. Fauci as the de facto authorities on response and solutions.
Through exaggerated doomsday scenarios and computer simulations, our petty control freaks... Alright, folks, we have an amazing investigative journalist who has a lot of courage, Drew Hernandez, joining us.
He's traveled all over the border to bring us this exclusive information.
Straight ahead, we'll be right back.
And by the way, last week I pointed out that they have a plan for the control of the world.
I don't mean the end of the world itself, the end of the system that's pro-human.
The end of the world as we know it.
You don't like the song?
We'll be right back.
It's the Infowar!
Hour number three on March 24th, a live Wednesday transmission.
We're going to be talking to Drew Hernandez, investigative journalist, here in just a moment.
But first, a little bit of the one, the only, good old Alice Cooper bringing us in.
You know, in concert, he sounds better than he does on digital.
I've really not heard many other people that sound that good.
Yeah, we don't have the nice guy anymore.
They told us he was dirty, but now we got the really dirty guy, the Chycon Puppet, and they are putting their foot down on our neck and letting us know.
Massive human smuggling taking place.
A 2,000% increase.
It's now being reported on the Texas border by the Lieutenant Governor.
1,900-something percent.
And you've got Kamala Harris saying she doesn't care about the border, laughing about it.
You've got Biden saying, if I get elected, surge the border.
And now that it's happening, they're wearing Biden shirts, and they're trying to cover up the total squalor, the human trafficking, the kidnapped children.
It's a mess.
And Drew Hernandez has sent us a bunch of exclusive videos.
We'll get him on for the rest of the hour here in a moment.
But first, just in case you think I'm joking, here is Biden saying, if I get elected, immediately surge the border.
She got asked about this, the press secretary, Saki, not a Japanese rice wine, but the press secretary, and she said, oh yeah, just bring a 10-year-old or younger with you.
So it's like a get-out-of-jail-free-car-bringer-kidnap-kid, a lot of market now.
I mean, this is just total lawlessness in front of everyone.
But instead, the whole FBI is busy trying to arrest people that, you know, walked on the steps of the Capitol.
Only like 10 people got violent.
One guy pooped on things.
Fine, arrest him.
But the biggest attack in U.S.
history, Pearl Harbor, 9-11.
Give me a break.
The real Pearl Harbor, 9-11, is our border right now being collapsed via this U.N.
resettlement operation.
Here is the puppet chief.
I would do as president several more things because things have changed.
I would in fact make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border.
All those people are seeking asylum. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are.
We're a nation that says if you want to flee and you're fleeing oppression, you should come.
You gotta prove you're being oppressed.
And you're not a Democrat globalist stooge.
Well, Drew Hernandez is an investigative reporter, commentator, and host of Drew Hernandez Live.
He's at Twitter, DrewHLive.
Drew, we always love your work covering Kenosha and so many other big events.
You've got so much of the daring, dangerous footage.
And so it's good to have you here for the next 52 minutes with us of this hour.
Where do you want to start?
I mean, because I've been trying to get you on for a while.
You've been too busy, which I understand, but this time you wanted to come on.
You've got something to say.
So we're really excited to have you here and I appreciate you.
Let's start here.
Let's start with.
What this really is, right?
The global elites, what do they do?
They change the demographics.
They change the geographics.
They don't want sovereignty.
They don't want borders.
They don't want USA, nor borders, no USA at all, right?
They don't want that at all.
They've done this in Europe.
They've done this in Germany.
This is nothing new.
I believe this is what they wanted to do with Hillary Clinton, but the rise of populism happened and Donald Trump came and kind of postponed their plans. But now that the Biden puppet has
been installed in the White House, it's back to business. And now they're using Hispanics.
They're sending Hispanics and Latinos from Latin America, from Central America, to push into the
United States, to change the demographics, to change the geographics. They're using these people. They're
being pushed into human slavery.
They're being pushed into human prostitution.
The women get raped on the journey from Central America through Mexico to the United States southern border and the mainstream media doesn't want to talk about it.
People like AOC, people like Rashid Tlaib that staged press conferences acting like they're crying that they care about the migrants all of a sudden are absolutely silent.
Politicians only use Latinos.
They only use Hispanics as political pawns.
And what's taking place right now is literally the Great Reset.
We all know what this is, Alex.
This is Build Back Better.
When they say Build Back Better, they're not saying make America great again for the independent, everyday Americans that are working every single day.
Build Back Better is a message to the global elites to build back their system better for themselves.
And what they're doing with these immigrants, with these migrants coming from Central America, is accomplishing just that.
If you guys run Clip One, You guys will see very clearly that this is over a hundred yards, two hundred yards, this is Yuma, Arizona, of just open, incomplete border.
That is Mexico you're looking into right there.
And on the right side, that is the United States.
And Americans need to see this stuff.
And let's be clear, the Border Patrol ahead two weeks ago said that they were ordered to stand down and stop apprehension.
Sorry, go ahead.
Absolutely, and that's another point.
I was talking to Border Patrol agents here in Arizona at the southern border, and the first thing he told me was, I'm really not allowed to communicate with you, but he did unofficially anyways.
So they are under unofficial gag orders.
Why, Alex?
Because they don't want the optics to come out.
They don't want the data to come out.
Those are the two things that these Border Patrol agents are under unofficial gag order on.
They're not allowed to communicate data.
They're not allowed to communicate any optics.
They can't book any ride-alongs with the media.
It's full suppression, censorship.
And they said Donald Trump was the fascist?
The last time I checked, fascists were the ones who censored and suppressed the media.
That is what the Biden administration is doing right now as we speak.
And where are all these left-leaning journos?
All these left-leaning freaking woke-wookies that are sitting there virtue signaling, saying they'll defund the police in 2020, but all of a sudden after the January 6th Capitol riots, they're all hand-in-hand working with the FBI, getting Trump supporters thrown in prison.
Where are they now?
They're silent because they don't care, and it doesn't fit their political purposes.
It doesn't give them any political gain, and they're exploiting children.
Take a look at clip 6.
If you guys can run that for me right now.
Yes, let's go ahead and run clip 6.
This is White House claims they're actively turning people away at the border.
This video proves otherwise.
Here's a video you shot.
Alright guys, Drew Hernandez here, still down here in Yuma, Arizona at the southern border.
If you can see right behind me, here's where the wall, this is another part of the wall where it ends.
And over here, this is what is called the Normandy section of the border.
This, this is, all this is going to do is stop cars.
It is completely open.
If you look out into the distance, if you look further, it is just completely open.
All this is going to do is stop cars.
It's not going to stop people.
And actually, we have a group of migrants right here.
Some of the border patrol agents, they're doing this all day.
Families are coming across.
They're just walking over, claiming asylum.
Not too sure if they're actually families.
But here right now, this is happening around the clock all day long, where they're just coming straight across the border.
And right now we actually do have some families here that have been apprehended and it looks like they're awaiting transportation to a detention facility.
This is just happening all day long and it's pretty interesting.
So here we go.
Take a look.
And Biden told everybody to come up here.
As long as you kidnap a kid with you, you're going to get in fine.
This is a crime against humanity.
Then they fill up the local facilities that hold tens of thousands.
Now they're busting them to Democrat facilities, to city auditoriums, to military bases.
This is just incredible.
How bad is this going to get, Drew?
And will anybody hold Biden accountable for this crime?
I don't think he will.
I think it's clip 3 and clip 5 as well, where you actually, I got some footage of, I was monitoring the actual cartels.
You can see them on video.
I don't know if it's clip 3 or clip 5, but you can see they're called coyotes, obviously, but they're also called falcons.
It's literally, Alex, like a black market Uber service.
They'll charge these people thousands of dollars.
The cartels, I think the most recent reports, are making 14 million dollars a day.
A day!
So what they do is they get these people, they'll charge them thousands of dollars, they'll put them into debt, and then they'll give them what they call safe passage.
They'll drop them off at the southern border, and they'll have them just cross the open passages, the incomplete border.
And get sent to the United States.
You guys see there in the video.
The Border Patrol will apprehend them and take them to a detention facility.
And to answer your question, this literally is a crime against humanity.
This is human smuggling.
This is human trafficking.
This is literally what this is.
And it's going to get worse.
And here's why, Alex.
Listen to this.
This is not some QAnon children getting raped conspiracy theory.
This is confirmed what I'm about to tell you from Border Patrol agents themselves.
Border Patrol agents have been briefing me that they cannot, they're having trouble identifying if these migrant families are actually related.
If they're actually families.
Yeah, they can do DNA testing, but not for hundreds of thousands of people that are coming over the southern border every single day.
So get this, Alex, listen to this.
So now the Biden administration, Jen Psaki sits there and tells the entire world that it's a good idea to spend $86 million to put migrants into hotel rooms.
There could potentially be pedophiles and rapists, unidentified quote-unquote families being put in hotel rooms, unsupervised... Reverend Hernandez, stay there, we gotta go to break, but you're totally right.
It came out in the New York Post, even in Reuters, even in Washington Post, that thousands and thousands of children Obama knowingly placed with child smugglers.
No wall, no USA at all!
No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!
No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!
Well this just came out in a big announcement.
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, or AMLO, who by the way was a socialist and everything, but like Trump, because he found he was a man of the people, says the migrant crisis has been created by Biden.
Blames him.
He says expectations were created that with the government of President Biden, there would be a better treatment of migrants.
And this has caused Central American migrants, and also from our country, going across the border thinking that it's easier to do so, he said of his daily morning thing, and he went on to criticize Biden.
And we've got Biden saying, do it!
This is insane!
You understand that the most dangerous part of Mexico is that U.S.
border and the Guatemalan border.
That's where the drug dealers, the coyotes are.
The left makes jokes and goes, whoa!
Trump says that, you know, dogs are going to get people.
No, that's the name of the smugglers.
Hundreds of thousands killed, mass graves everywhere.
They routinely rape and murder the people.
80% of the women get raped.
This is not a joke.
And there's what our guest, Guru Hernandez, was just talking about.
There's no migrant surge at the U.S.
southern border.
Here's the data.
The Washington Post trying to spin it.
But then you can go back to the Washington Post five years ago admitting with the headline, Obama knowingly placed children with human traffickers, sex smugglers.
So that's exactly what you were just getting to, Drew, in these clips you're going over.
For radio listeners, you can narrate it.
Where do you see all this going?
Because, okay, Biden steals the election.
Okay, he's butchering the country.
Okay, he wants to bring in an underclass they can control.
But the whole world sees this.
Where do you see this going?
Let me give you two points, Alex.
I can do this in under five minutes.
Number one, I see this going.
You're going to see a lot of dead migrants on the Mexican side of the border.
And here's why.
Because not all of them.
We have over 100,000 people, hundreds of thousands of people that are making the journey from Central America to the southern border at the United States and the Mexico side.
You literally have migrants showing up in TJ with freaking Biden Let Us In t-shirts.
They're waving Biden 2020 flags and the Biden administration is still going to sit here and act like it is not their fault.
While Biden was running, while Kamala Harris was running, all these left-leaning Democrats, socialists, radical communists, in my opinion, and globalists, We're literally virtue signaling and they were dog whistling to these Latin American countries.
When you come out and say, hey, this administration is going to be gone.
Trump is going to be gone.
We're going to come in.
We're going to give 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States citizenship.
You are literally signaling to these desperate people that now is their time.
That rhetoric literally signals to desperate people that it is now their time.
So once that happens, Alex, When they make this journey from Central America, they get kidnapped, they get raped, and they get murdered.
Some of them don't even make it.
Thousands of them don't even make it to the southern border of the United States because they get kidnapped, raped, or murdered on the way.
And let's say they do make it, Alex.
Let's say they do make it to the southern border, and they don't get granted asylum, and they get turned away, and they get put back into Mexico.
Now you have Central Americans, let's say coming from Honduras in Mexico now without any citizenship, nowhere to work, nowhere to go, no way to provide for themselves or their kids.
And now they're stuck in Mexico because Biden and these virtue signaling Democrats and globalists.
Signal them to come and now it's their responsibility and these people are going to die by the thousands.
They'll either get recruited by cartels or they'll get killed because or they'll get they'll just die because they have no way to eat or provide for themselves in Mexico.
Listen, Mexico doesn't want this.
All these radical leftist activists, they won't say what I'm about to tell you guys.
Mexico doesn't want illegal immigration because it increases the criminal cartel enterprises.
It puts millions of dollars into their pockets and they don't want this.
How do I know this?
Because the Mexican government has come out, the president himself has put out his concerns that his concerns with illegal mass immigration coming from Central America is what?
Is the criminal cartel enterprises thriving And making millions of dollars.
And Biden and Psaki sit there with their elitism, acting like nothing is happening and everything is okay.
We're going to see more people dying in Mexico.
And I don't want to hear for one second- And that's right, just interrupt me because you're on fire.
And Mexican president just announced, we put the article up there, major crackdown on illegals because they get, and I said this yesterday, just like Mexico got collapsed by this, all this illegality, we're collapsing as well.
And it was Merkel and others that openly told others to flood Europe.
This is a George Soros, UN plan and Biden is following it.
Please continue.
And here's my second point, Alex, just to go exactly with what you're saying.
These people exploit human beings.
These people exploit human beings.
I'm under the personal belief that right now, after the 2020 election, the non-white, the largest non-white voting bloc is not the black community.
It's not the Asian community.
It is the Hispanic community now.
This is why you're seeing virtue signaling Democrats Turn their eyes on the Hispanic community now because they want to use them simply as votes.
That's all they want.
That's all they care about.
They are turning, in my opinion, I think the black community is about to be thrown by the wayside and they're going to turn their attention to the Hispanic community and start to pander to them.
And I have proof of this because Biden himself at the end of 2020 had a conference call with a bunch of black activists, Black Lives Matter activists, very well known ones, and he told them the exact same thing.
He told them, I'm not afraid of you guys.
It's the Hispanic community now that we have to look at.
So it all makes sense, Alex.
They're literally migrating these people.
They only see them as commodities.
They only see them as votes.
They pander to these communities.
We, listen, as a Hispanic man, I'm going to sit here and say this in front of the entire world.
I will not allow myself to become nothing but a political pawn.
These communities mean more than this.
This is not a left or right issue.
This is not a Democrat or Republican issue.
These communities are human beings.
The Democrats do not care about Hispanics.
Do not think for one second that they care about this, because if they did, they would not put these communities, Alex, in these positions to be human trafficked, raped and kidnapped at all in any way situation, anywhere, anywhere in the world.
It doesn't matter what your politics are.
You cannot put human beings in this position for political gain, and they won't even address it.
Democrats won't even address it.
Some are, to give some credit where it's due, but the White House will not address it.
The White House will not accept it because Orange Man is gone, Alex.
Now that Trump is gone, there's no one to blame.
And even when they do blame Trump, it makes no sense.
Nancy Pelosi sits there in front of the world and says, oh, it's the past administration.
We inherited a bad system and that's why this is happening.
It is your fault.
It is your fault.
You don't care about Hispanics.
And what is Biden going to do as all the Mexican governors, mayors, and president rightfully blame him?
What is he going to do as Mexico and everybody blames him?
I think the pressure is on this administration.
Listen, Alex, I don't, I don't, I'm not going to make any allusions to any conspiracy theories or anything like this.
Cause I know you get into some hot water when it comes to the mass shootings, but I will, I will say this and I will put it this way.
I'll tell the people, don't allow these things that happen in the media to distract you from what's taking place.
Project Veritas, undercover investigative journalists release photos of inside the migrant detention facilities showing the American people.
It goes against the unofficial gag orders that the administration put on the Border Patrol agents not to communicate with the media.
They're trying to hide these things.
And then all of a sudden there's a mass shooting that takes place.
I'm not saying it's staged.
I'm just saying, don't get distracted because immediately Democrats, Joe Biden, the radical left, they do not hold back.
They seize the opportunity to jump on gun control, to jump on taking away the guns, to jump on attacking your 2A, to distract the public from what's taking place at the Southern border.
You are super in fuego.
Stay right there.
You're dead on right.
Drew Hernandez, our guest, right back on the other side of this break.
Incredible times.
They're breaking all sovereign nations.
They hate everybody.
They're ruthless evil corporations, and they are involved in massive human trafficking and smuggling.
We'll be right back.
All right, Drew Hernandez has been on a few times before, and he's always passionate and always a great mind, but he is really angry, and he should be, because I don't care what color you are.
We're all humans.
We all bleed red blood.
We all have fathers and mothers, and we were once children.
We love children.
Massive exploitation of the third world.
And the final piece that I want to add here, and he's had a lot more to add, is that I told you over a year ago, A global lockdown will take bad situations in Latin America, Africa, and areas of Asia and the Middle East and make them intolerable.
And then the UN that's heavily involved in human smuggling and the refugee centers they built are going to collapse those countries into us.
And then the UN will use them as client replacement migration population to replace the once free people with an underclass they control.
So they're planning to keep them down forever.
And that's how you bring once-free countries into checkmate, and then every country is suppressed, just like the third world is, by these big corporations in the UN.
Then meanwhile, when they run slave camps in China, Apple and others fund Black Lives Matter.
So it's all very, very cynical, and people better wake up to it very, very quickly.
The lockdowns have starved over 10 million extra people, to the 15 million people, 25 million starved to death last year, and the numbers are only getting bigger.
They want more lockdowns.
And so this is a plan.
The UN says we'll use migrant flows, the threat of disease for global government.
This is a global problem.
Drew Hernandez, you've got other clips we haven't gotten to.
You're on fire.
So the rest of the two segments, I want you to have the floor and keep giving us this report.
I guess spending the last month or so on the border really got you angry.
Yeah, I believe it's clip one or two, one of the clips with the unfinished border wall pieces.
Yeah, roll clip one.
Let's roll that one.
Here's clip one.
I think it's another one.
Let me see.
Let's go ahead and play clip two.
Here is the remaining border wall place.
Go ahead and play clip two.
On the Mexican side of the border, this is where the incomplete border wall is on this side.
And there's Mexico.
And here is all of the remaining unused border wall.
It's all just sitting here.
It's just sitting here, waiting to be put together.
And because of Joe Biden, this has all been brought to a halt.
All of this.
All of this.
Literal attack on our very essence, our very existence.
This is a cartel drop zone right here.
It's just completely open, just to give you guys some depth as to what this really is.
Yes, it's the incomplete border wall pieces, but this is literally right next to a cartel drop zone, and it is completely open.
The United States is completely open.
And remember, day one and day two, he signed a record number of executive orders, one of them stopping all of this, even though it was already all paid for.
Yep, and the cartels had a big smile on their face because that meant dollar signs.
Well, we know the big cartels.
Remember when Pelosi said MS-13 are God's children?
We know they're laundering money through them.
Absolutely, and they don't care about these human beings.
Look at that.
You're looking into California right there.
That's back into Mexico.
It's completely open.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars just rotting away.
Now, let me give you guys something real quick.
Right now, a child, the cartels are charging these migrants around $3,200 a head for a little kid.
I believe it was the New York Times, the New York Times, right?
Interviewed an actual mother.
She claimed that she paid nine grand to the cartels to be granted safe passage into the United States, to be human smuggled by coyotes and falcons, the cartels, right?
Let me ask you this.
For your viewers, do you think these migrants just have nine grand just chilling in their back pocket ready to go?
Of course they don't.
So how do they do this?
The cartels are organized and they function in the United States as well.
They have safe houses, they have pool businesses, they have construction businesses.
Anything you could think of, of where an undocumented Mexican that can't speak English can work at.
right? Just use your imagination. They own these kinds of businesses in the United States. So the
cartels work on both sides. They will actually set up, and I've interviewed Border Patrol agents
that have looked into this stuff and they've discovered this stuff, it's confirmed. The
cartels in the United States will set up routing accounts, checking account numbers. They will set
up bank accounts for these migrants in the United States.
They'll charge them in Mexico, let's say nine grand. So they get sent over, they get caught, they
get released. They get sent to their businesses in the United States.
They're legitimate businesses, but they get paid under the table.
They don't get paid minimum wage, they get paid peanuts.
So these people are enslaved to the cartels in our country, paying off a debt of possibly nine grand, making peanuts their entire life.
This is human slavery.
This is what this is.
And people need to understand these Hispanics and these Latinos are being exploited in this way for dollar signs.
And it's cartels that do this stuff on both sides in Mexico and in the United States.
And listen, I don't, anyone that's listening to right now, listening to me right now, I don't care about your politics.
I don't care if you're a Republican.
I don't care if you're a Democrat.
I don't care if you're a liberal.
I don't care if you're a conservative.
I don't care.
I don't care.
You should care about these human beings.
I know people are probably like, oh, you sound like a leftist.
You sound like AOC right now.
AOC is silent.
She's not saying anything anymore.
Because it's not politically beneficial to do so.
I agree.
Why do you think Big Tech is censoring this info?
Big Tech is censoring this information.
They're absolutely censoring it because of why, Alex.
Because they don't want the optics to come out because they don't really care.
Because they're probably most likely have some kind of connection to these things.
This spider web goes extremely deep.
There's a reason why they don't want to address it.
I've asked Border Patrol agents themselves.
I'm like, why don't they talk about this?
Why won't politicians really talk about these things?
And the answer I got from him, because he's been working the border for more than 10, 15 years, he says, listen, They don't want to get involved with the cartels and board patrol agents have told me we believe that the reason why they don't address these things is either A. out of fear they fear these cartels or B. there's a possibility that they're somehow involved with these things.
I'll just leave it at that.
I've seen mayors and their brothers and everybody right here in Texas.
Who will literally have dungeons with mainly Hispanics that they've kept who didn't pay the money.
Or you'll hear where they'll just leave them in a tractor trailer and 15, 20, 30 people you see it every few weeks just die because somebody down the line didn't pay money.
So they'll have chain migration where say the men come in, now their daughters and sons are coming in, their wives.
If they don't pay this absorbent amount, they just kill them in a tractor trailer.
They just leave them out in 120 degree heat and they all die inside there.
It is 100 outside but 120 inside.
So, I mean, we know what's going on.
They had the mayor's brother here in Austin, a decade ago, caught with chained up slaves, all Hispanic, in cages.
But because he was Hispanic, the media covered up, well, so big deal, he's got slaves.
I mean, that's what we're talking about.
This is pure evil.
Yeah, it's pure evil, especially when you look at the Mexican side of things.
I've had some conversation with some investigative journalists in Mexico too, and the horror stories are insane.
When Americans dog whistle to these third world countries, when you give the smallest glimpse of hope, they will take it and they will do anything and everything to get to this country.
Now, we know there's devastating conditions happening in these countries, in these third world, fourth world countries.
But it's irresponsible of the United States, Democrats, to dog whistle to these countries that it's time to come.
They may not officially say it, but their rhetoric is communicating this to these people.
These are desperate people that do want a better life.
Hell, Joe Biden, wait a minute.
Joe Biden said, if I get elected, immediately surge.
You have a right to be here.
And they're showing up, Alex, they're showing up with Biden Let Us In t-shirts!
And Jen Psaki has the nerve to sit there and tell the American people that there's not a crisis!
That children coming unaccompanied through the southern border is not a crisis!
That's a literal quote from the White House.
And by the way, the representative of the southern border in the White House literally admitted on CNN, this is your leadership, America.
This is your White House.
They literally admitted that their message of telling migrants to go away and not to come is going out less than the cartel's message.
Basically, the White House is on record, Alex, admitting that they're losing to the cartels.
Eighty million, right, Alex?
Eighty million people voted for this.
This puppet that can't even get up Stair Force One.
Eighty million people voted for this, Alex.
They voted for human trafficking to just be normalized and not be addressed.
Eighty million, right, Alex?
And this giant, exploited mass of people is going to undercut everybody's jobs, everybody's pension, and turn us into a third world country, which is the globalist plan.
Stay right there.
We'll talk about how to fight back with Drew Hernandez.
Yeah, that's Leonard Cohen.
He also has the song, Everybody Knows.
The dice are loaded.
Everybody knows the captain lies.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Oh, it's not really, ladies and gentlemen, but things are really out in the open now.
People know that there's a massive fraud.
That we are facing.
I'll be hosting the fourth hour today with Roger Stone with a lot of big breaking exclusive news.
How do we formulate a plan to challenge the globalists?
How do we move forward?
Because you know giving in is just going to make it worse.
And now we see the election stolen and we see the Mexican president who had an election stolen once from him coming out saying Biden's bad, Biden's a fraud.
You see all these other Mexican governors and mayors saying the border being opened is wrong.
People get that everybody's being exploited here and it's only going to get worse.
Will these big corporations do this?
This is the UN running all of this, ladies and gentlemen.
Four big corporations, the lockdown, all of it is a planetary takeover.
So, in the eight, nine minutes we have left, Drew Hernandez, I want to commend you.
Tell us more about what you found on the border, what's coming up next.
People can follow you at DrewHLive on Twitter or the great website LivesMatterOfficial.com.
Yeah, you guys can follow me.
I'm on Gab as well, Drew H Live.
I'm very active on Gab because I don't know how much longer I'll be on Twitter, especially exposing these things.
So you guys can follow me on Gab, Drew H Live, obviously Twitter, Drew H Live.
And I have my own show.
I do it on YouTube as well.
Just search Drew Hernandez.
But Alex, What's taking place at the border is, it literally is a nightmare because when you think about these things, especially let's talk about COVID now as well.
How does COVID play into this?
Isn't it interesting how the theology or the belief system of the left has just kind of like run into itself?
Because with all the lockdowns and Americans having to stay in their houses and Americans can't go out, you can't even go to the supermarket without a mask on.
And like some crazy Karens coming after you and screaming in your face.
Everyone is freaking out.
Everyone has to be stuffed into their rooms.
No one can go out any longer.
But now, now that is the radical left narrative, right?
With the global elites that have dumped that into this country.
But now, they've decided to push the button and pull the lever of mass migration.
So now they have an interesting problem that's running into itself.
Where the COVID narrative, where social distancing, six feet apart, you can't be in the same room, the Super Bowl is a super spreader event, the Trump campaign rallies are super spreader events, conservatives gathering in any way, churches are super spreader events, but now we have a migrant surge at the border.
They're literally shoulder to shoulder, hundreds of thousands of people being stuffed into detention centers, being stuffed into border patrol cars.
I just showed you the footage Shoulder to shoulder, there are spreads now of COVID-19 apparently, but the point I'm trying to make is their narratives are clashing because they can't come out and say, hey, we can't have these hundreds of thousands of people coming across the border because they're going to bring COVID into our country and they're going to spread all over the place.
But now they're going to sound like bigots, according to their own theology, saying, and they're going to sound like xenophobes, saying we can't have people come into the country because they have viruses and they're dirty.
Their ideology, Alex, is just imploding upon themselves.
And I think part of what God is doing in America and what I pray for, I sincerely pray for, is that God opens the minds of millions of people to be enlightened and to see that their narratives And their directives, and their theologies in the world, all they do is they clash with each other, they don't make sense, and they implode.
They're not healthy for the American people.
They're not healthy for humanity, Alex!
I'm preaching to the choir.
You know exactly what I'm talking about.
Their ideologies end on a dead-end road, and they fall, and they crash, and they burn.
And my prayer for America right now, Alex, is that people would be enlightened.
It's we, the people.
It's millions of people.
That's always been my concern.
Alex, you have millions of people That identify with the left, that actually believe Jen Psaki when she comes out and she says, there's no crisis at the border.
But Drew Hernandez comes out and gives you footage showing you, she's literally saying that, oh, we're not, we're not bringing in migrants.
They're being turned away at the side of the border.
No, I agree with what everyone on the left is.
They believe what they want.
They want to just feel morally superior, but never want any responsibility.
They're the radical woke wikis.
I don't even call them leftists anymore.
They're just wokists.
That's what they are.
Their ideology makes no sense.
We all know they're radical left-leaning, radical communists, radical globalists.
We know these people don't actually even really believe anything.
They just do what they're told.
When you have millions of activists, all these virtues signaling White activists, the clips that you played of the DSA at the beginning of this show, none of these people care about what I'm talking about.
None of these people want to hear that their rhetoric is causing thousands, hundreds of thousands of Hispanics to be put in some serious dangerous situations.
We need immigration reform and we need it now.
The Biden administration needs to not only address it, but start to seriously take some steps to reverse this.
I know they're not going to push this.
I don't care if they're Hispanic, black, white, whatever.
I've been around these leftists here in Austin for 27 years on air.
They're a ruling class.
The left knows they're bringing in slave labor.
They know they're bringing in an underclass.
They know that and want more people to rule over.
The average leftist is not some woke, well-meaning person.
At the management level, these are some cold-blooded people.
A lot of these people, they're just blind, Alex.
A lot of these people are just told what to believe.
And you're absolutely right.
That's a big point that I've been making as well, is when you take a look at... Because a lot of people just get annoyed, right?
A lot of people are just like, okay, we're sitting here, we're complaining about these things all freaking day long.
So what is really the fact of the matter with what's going on in the hearts of these people that view these things?
It's pure evil.
That's what this is.
This is pure evil, and people, they identify it, they see it, they know it's happening, and they turn a blind eye to it.
And by the way, Drew, I look at you, you have nice, focused eyes, intelligent eyes.
I look at Sakia Brian Stelter, I mean, if I saw them walking down a hallway, an alley at night, I'd be scared.
I mean, she looks like a psycho from a movie.
Brian Stelter looks like a psychotic.
So does Joe Biden.
So does Kamala Harris.
She had a half a percent support with Democrats.
So even their people reject them.
I mean, you know, you had Tulsi Gabbard looks loving and good and you just feel like she's not perfect.
Your gut tells you she's good.
Your gut tells you Trump's good.
You look at these people, it's a freaking monster.
I mean, put her back on screen.
Put her back on screen.
She looks like such an evil demon and she is one.
So the cover of the book does match the interior.
Not only do their looks come off very, very frightening, Alex, but their actions as well.
Their actions speak louder than their words.
Their actions speak louder than their looks could ever speak.
Because what they are doing is turning a blind eye to evil.
And when you turn a blind eye to evil and you attempt to suppress it and lie about it, you know you're dealing with some pretty, pretty evil people.
I mean, Kamala Harris went viral the other day, right, Alex?
Reporters have been asking Kamala Harris, hey, do you have any trips planned for the border?
What's going on with the border?
And she laughs.
She laughs with her evil little laugh.
Like some crazy hyena.
It's like, who voted for these people?
Why did you vote for this crazy hyena that laughs?
about kids being human trafficked, raped and kidnapped at the border.
That's your response as the leader, the vice president of the United States.
That's your response.
You laugh.
That is a clear definition of who these people are when they're asked about the crisis, when
they're asked about these things taking place, they laugh.
And why do they laugh, Alex?
Because they don't care.
And because they're pure evil.
They're pure evil.
That's exactly what this is.
You're right, Drew.
I've had a lot of great guests on, but you're one of the best in a long time.
I hope you'll join the other shows, American Journal in the Morning, Owen Schroyer in the War Room, and I hope you'll join us again soon.
And we'd love to talk to you more about the reporting you're doing on the border and hopefully work with you on that.
God bless you and thank you so much for your time today.
Absolutely, Alex.
Thank you.
Love you guys.
Well, that guy's telling the truth.
That was an amazing interview, and that gives me hope for the future.
Roger Stone is coming up in the next hour.
We will not be here, and we will not be able to support and sponsor so many other reporters and so many other people to come on here to expand their platform without you.
So know this, kind of like in the old days and still today, Christians that couldn't go around the world to preach the gospel, they would pay missionaries to do it.
And that's basically what this is.
I want to stay on air.
I passionately don't want to give in to the globalists.
I don't want them to win.
They're trying to shut us down.
They're attacking us a lot of different ways.
I'm not going to spend my time getting into all that.
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And this sale's going to have to end very, very soon because a lot of this is about to sell out.
We'll be right back, hour number four.
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, a think tank started 23 years ago in 1998,
has conducted dozens of exercises on simulated pandemics and bioweapons attacks, including
Operation Dark Winter in 2001, where one of the main objectives was how to force vaccinate
an uncooperative population.
Atlantic Storm in 2005 addressed the logistics of mass vaccinations and military quarantines.
Clade X in 2018 pushed for radical fast-tracking of vaccine production.
Crimson Contagion was a massive exercise launched in January of 2019.
It involved scores of organizations, public and private, from both the federal and state level.
Crimson Contagion lasted for over half a year and was based on a severe pandemic that originated in China.
On October 18th of 2019, John Hopkins partnered with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to sponsor Event 201, a simulation wherein an outbreak of a bat coronavirus kills 65 million people.
The culmination of all these studies was published in November of 2019.
The CSIS Commission on Strengthening America's Health Security urges the U.S.
government to, quote, replace the cycle of crisis and complacency that has long plagued health security preparedness with a doctrine of continuous prevention, protection, and resilience.
In other words, they're calling for the medical tyranny we are now seeing manifest around us.
Signed by former military, Big Pharma, and U.S.
representatives, the CSIS document calls for continuous rapid vaccines, while also warning that the vaccines may go wrong and start spreading more disease.
And on that subject, what disease are we talking about?
After a year of COVID-19, the numbers show us it is no more deadly than the common cold.
And even the WHO admit that all the PCR tests from 2020 are meaningless.
And they had the vaccine before the mysterious outbreak ever occurred.
The agenda is now clearly about endless vaccinations for everyone.
New mRNA vaccines that have never gone through human testing until now.
The same controversial technology as the CRISPR tech, wherein one can easily splice human DNA and permanently modify it.
They say the possibilities are endless.
So now we can target nearly any sequence in our own genetic code at will.
Jennifer Doudna, who won the Nobel Prize for CRISPR, tried calling for a worldwide moratorium on any clinical application of gene editing using CRISPR.
But no one seemed to care.
Not only does there seem to be zero regulation, But anyone can cheaply buy and learn what they need to online to permanently change the genome in practically any living creature.
Josiah Zahner, coming straight to you from my garage lab.
And I want to talk to you about how to genetically engineer a human being.
The mRNA vaccine is based on CRISPR technology.
China recently used CRISPR tech to genetically modify babies to be immune to HIV, and as a result, lessened their lifespans.
Just like CSIS warned, it all may go wrong.
And when it does, Big Pharma et al.
is free from any and all liability.
The solution will be more gene-altering vaccinations until they finally get it right.
Or not.
Eventually, and certainly sooner rather than later, an unaltered natural human body will be considered a biohazard.
And full control over the human genome will become the new normal.
Without argument, we are now in the era of genetically modified humans.
And while millions are... All right, there's about two minutes left in the report.
It's extremely important.
It's at band.video in the Gregory section.
The age of genetically modified humans has arrived.
This is a genetic takeover.
We'll be right back with Roger Stone with the huge news.
Please stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back broadcasting worldwide.
Well, I woke up at 5 a.m.
this morning and I went down and got a cup of coffee and got in front of my desktop computer in my office and I said, let me see what the enemy's doing.
Let me go on over to CNN.com.
And I went on over to CNN.com and I saw right up there at the top of the page, it's moved down a little bit down the page.
Today, I'll show it to you here in a moment.
Our intrepid crew will pull that up.
Just go to CNN.com, type in Control-F, Roger Stone, and you'll see right there that the Justice Department is looking at him.
Key Trump ally draws reviewed scrutiny from prosecutors.
Yes, there is the video, ladies and gentlemen.
He gave a speech, and Oath Keepers was there.
Oh my gosh, and one of the people went to the Capitol, they got arrested, and so they're looking to arrest Roger Stone, and me too!
And now, we've got all these articles dealing with this, Tucker Carlson covered it last night.
Former DEA official went to hear President speak.
Never set foot inside U.S.
Never committed a single crime.
Gets fired!
Mark Imbrahim.
Oh, but it happened to somebody else.
They're trying.
Why is a loyal New York City police officer from Staten Island being persecuted?
For his off-duty political support of Donald Trump and his friendship with Roger Stone.
We're going to talk about Sal Greco, who I've met before with Roger, just quietly being his real security, for free, a family friend.
And so there you go.
Roger never even went to the speech that day because they couldn't get him to the VIP entrance.
There was like a million people there.
He didn't even go to the Trump speech.
But oh, he's the mastermind.
You know, we could joke about this.
I happen to see a video re-uploaded to YouTube this morning that I've been looking.
And it was them basically making fun of me, going, oh look, Jones laughed.
Four years ago, when they were calling Roger Stone and him Russians, and I'm joking at dinner with Roger and my wife, I'm like, oh look, the clams are Russian, and oh look, you're a Russian.
But see, it wasn't funny.
And they indicted Roger later, and all of it was a fraud.
So he joins us now.
He's on the road on an important mission.
We appreciate him pulling over to do this.
We'll let him go in about three segments.
Roger, good to have you here.
Wow, so just simply amazing here.
What in the world's going on?
Seeing this movie, what happens is, because of the grace of God and the fact that I escaped the deadly snare set by Congressman Adam Schiff and Robert Mueller, and that I'm not dying of COVID in a prison, the bloodlust, the hatred, the vitriol for me and for my family has reached, you know, tsunami level.
When that happens, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, NBC, the usual suspects, the same people who for two years
said I was a Russian asset and I was collaborating with WikiLeaks, none of which was true,
none of which the government even claimed.
They are now back with a new narrative using essentially guilt by association and innuendo
to imply that I and you and others were somehow involved in the illegal acts at the Capitol
on January 6th.
Things I found appalling and shocking and that I have no knowledge of and wouldn't have supported had I known about it.
I'd have turned to whoever was involved in because it was a stupid idea.
Not only illegal, but politically counterproductive.
Uh, and anti-democratic.
That's not what we were in Washington for.
We're in Washington for peaceful protest.
We're in Washington to protest the irregularities, uh, and the anomalies in the voting returns.
We have a First Amendment right to do that.
We weren't calling for a toppling of the government.
We were following a constitutionally mandated process for the settling of election disputes and the ultimate declaration of a winner of the Electoral College.
It didn't go our way.
The courts wouldn't hear it.
The Congress decided otherwise.
The game is over.
Joe Biden is your president, at least legally now.
Uh, that's not but raising questions about the election or speaking about in apocalyptic terms about the choices America faces.
That's not calling for insurrection or violence.
And Roger, haven't we been proven apocalyptically correct with the border collapse, the Mexican president saying that Biden's created an international crisis, the fuel prices exploding, the dollar in trouble, China laughing at us publicly?
I mean, Joe Biden is an emergency.
Well, all those things are true.
So, programmatically, on issues, I think we've been proven right.
But this is the latest attempt of the deep state to silence their most effective critics.
This is born Of hatred, of bloodlust.
They're not happy to have destroyed me financially.
They're not happy to have dragged my name through the mud while I was gagged by a federal judge and couldn't defend myself.
They weren't happy to destroy my wife's health.
They weren't happy that I have to have professional security when I travel outside my home area because I've had so many incidents, as you have, in airports, in restaurants, on streets.
You know, some people don't know how to... And here's why we gotta have security on top of it.
They attack you and then they lie and call the police.
So you've always got to have a professional, retired law enforcement witness just to deal with the cops when the left attacks you and then calls the police.
That's how diabolical they are.
That's exactly right.
Look, I had always used Two off-duty DC police officers and a retired officer from Prince George's County who provided professional security for me and my family during the many hearings I had prior to my trial, in which I was ordered by the court to be present, and during my trial itself.
They were unavailable on January 5th and 6th.
Like many of the speakers on the events of those days, I was provided voluntary security by the Oath Keepers.
No, I didn't know any of them on an intimate basis.
My interactions with them were entirely professional, efficient, they were very polite, and they helped protect me because I could not move in any direction without their protection.
I even gave you a little bit of money because I know you're broke to even be able to fly up there.
And I remember you saying, I have no money for security.
Are you going to handle it?
And I said, yeah, get with me.
But you never ended up getting with me because the town was so mobbed you couldn't even find me.
And so Oath Keepers helped you out.
But the fact that some fraternal organization of police and military that follow the Constitution gave you security does not make you a party to what a few of them did taking a stroll in the Capitol.
Stay there.
And I should have talked about this.
When we got Roger on, some good news when we come back.
So Roger will tell the story of what happened to him, and the reason it's important is they're trying to frame the entire country.
My medical doctor got a visit because they were in DC for the speech, weren't part of the Capitol.
It's crazy, but look at this big CNN report.
DOJ refers former Capitol riot prosecutor, former U.S.
Attorney Michael Sherwin to internal investigation after 60 minutes interview where
he said, "We know it's insurrection and we're going to get them."
And we now know he's ordered people to set me up, to set Roger up.
I've had the Fed send me, you know, letters, subpoenas, freezing,
you know, data saying don't destroy anything under his pinheaded orders.
And so again, ladies and gentlemen, what he's doing is pure political persecution, totally illegal, destroys any of the cases they have against anybody out there, and it just shows the lawlessness of these Obama and Hillary people.
So that's a big deal for Roger, that they're now admitting this is the guy gunning for us, demanding they cook up cases on us, now under internal review for criminal activity.
It is criminal, by the way, to try to go rig juries against us.
We'll be right back with Roger Stone.
Straight ahead, stay with us.
Well, the big news here is that Michael Sherwin, the former U.S.
attorney, just got quietly removed for unethically going on 60 Minutes and saying, we know it's sedition, we know Trump's involved.
Total horse crap, I can tell you.
Obviously no evidence of that.
And the Democrats even bragged they helped set the whole thing up for Vodka Turret.
We did have some useful idiots that did go into the Capitol.
It wasn't Pearl Harbor though, they're certainly exaggerating it a billion times.
But imagine this, again I get up this morning and there is CNN, front page, Roger Stone, you know, he's under criminal investigation.
And again, I was there, just like the WikiLeaks, going, come on, come to D.C.
Come, come speak, please.
No, no.
It's a bunch of idiots running it.
They don't know what they're doing.
They're all morons.
And of course, he got there and it was true.
I'm not against the people, but it was a giant cluster, you know what?
And then now they want to put him in prison.
Hell, they'll probably indict us both.
I mean, the more innocent you are, the more it happens.
So, Roger, This is bizarre.
It's surreal.
But you're the one that told me, no, this is serious.
They'll probably come after us both.
And now it looks like they're going to try it.
Or maybe they're going to run out of gas and realize that these witch hunts are blowing up their face.
What do you make of all this?
What do you make of Michael Sherwin and the fact that he's been removed?
Because he's been personally demonizing you and I. I'm not going to comment on Mr. Sherwin until I've had a chance to read all that, Alex.
But here's the point.
An honest investigation, a truthful investigation, will prove that I've done nothing wrong and I don't believe you have either.
If we have an honest investigation, we can clear this up very quickly.
But what we see in the media is guilt by association and innuendo.
It doesn't matter whether it's the Guardian that had an outrageous piece yesterday, or CNN, who for two years Insisted that I was a Russian spy working with WikiLeaks.
Now they're back with a new lie.
It's defamatory, it's false, it's baseless, there is no evidence, and there's no crime.
Earlier, CNN was saying that because I had said to a rally Tuesday the 5th that this was an epic struggle between good and evil, between dark and light, between the godly and the godless, An apocalyptic view of our situation, that that was an incitement to violence for those who assaulted the Capitol.
No, I don't think so.
That's First Amendment-protected speech, and I didn't promote violence or lawlessness.
Plus, compared to Democrat speech, that's tame!
They're out saying, burn the cities down!
But you can go find CNN has a special report in which they say, here's proof that Stone was involved in inciting the riot at the Capitol.
It's nonsensical, but I've lived with two years of it, and it's the same actors.
CNN, MSNBC, The Guardian, The Daily Beast, you know, and all the other low-rent left-wing news outlets recycling the same crap.
The only advantage now is at least I am not gagged, and therefore I can speak out and say this is nonsensical.
It's baseless.
It's false.
It's not even logical because no one with any kind of political intellect could think that an attack on the U.S.
Capitol, trespassing, destruction of public property, and menacing lawmakers would help the President's cause.
How could you believe that?
So it's insulting on top of it all.
Sure, that's like in the cartoons when Yosemite Sam blows himself up.
I mean, we wanted a 10-day investigation.
We probably had the votes.
The storming ruined us getting the votes.
This is the last thing we'd want.
Yeah, it's completely illogical, but again, I'm a high-value target because I, through the grace of God, and I thank God every day for the fact that I'm alive and well and that I'm able to be on with you, Alex, but through the grace of God, The Soviet-style show trial that I was subjected to in Washington, D.C.
was exposed.
The epic corruption of the jury forewoman was exposed.
The makeup of the jury was exposed.
The pretrial motions by the judge were finally analyzed.
And the president had the strength and the courage and the wisdom to grant me clemency and the hysterical left in America is still apoplectic about this.
The bloodlust for me and my family is beyond belief.
As you know, my wife was Involved in a politically motivated attack outside our home about a month ago.
This is de rigueur.
This is the way it goes.
I can't go to the local mall or the local, you know, burger place.
And they're getting more and more crazed.
So let me bring this up.
I know you don't want to stir up any trouble with federal prosecutors, but the former U.S.
attorney was just removed yesterday, just broke, Michael Sherwin.
He had said he was investigating Trump with no evidence, but thought Trump was involved.
He had said he was investigating all of us.
He's now been removed for basically misconduct, being political, and ordering prosecutors to basically go... I mean, you don't have the head prosecutor say, this is what happened, now go make it so.
That's illegal.
So this is a big deal.
I agree, and I am hopeful that the Biden Justice Department will look at the facts here and indict and charge those who actually broke the law.
If they learn that other knuckleheads were involved in the illegal assault on the Capitol, they too should be prosecuted.
I said that on the very first day.
I denounced the storming of the Capitol on Parler shortly after it happened.
Unfortunately, the Parler archives are no longer available.
But this whole attempt to take down the entire America First movement by tying us falsely, baselessly, to the actions of a handful is really, I think, pretty transparent.
I agree.
Do one more segment with us.
Roger Stone here with us exclusively on InfoWars.
Tucker Carlson talked about this former high-level DEA official.
No criminal record.
Went to hear Trump's speech.
He's lost his job.
Your good friend who I've met, who's a great guy, Sal Greco, this decorated NYPD police officer.
I want to talk about the level of persecution.
They're now firing people that I know who are just Republicans, wives and husbands from jobs.
So it's not just Trump people now.
They're moving into firing just Republicans.
This is like racketeering.
Roger, we've got a few minutes.
How do we counter this?
What do we do about this?
Because sure, you're ground zero, I'm ground zero, Trump's ground zero, but for people that watched us get persecuted, they're next.
How do we respond to this type of bullying?
Well, there are laws.
You can't fire somebody in most states for their political views.
A New York police officer is not allowed to be involved in politics when they're on duty and in uniform.
On vacation days or their days off, their personal politics is their business.
As long as they don't misrepresent themselves as representing the NYPD.
Officer Sal Greco became a very good friend of mine.
On Instagram, he was helping to me and my family.
No, he never worked security for me.
He was never armed around me, to my knowledge.
He never abused his badge.
But now he's being persecuted because he was my friend.
Sal Greco has done nothing wrong.
That's right.
In fact, you told me, I always say security.
He was there as an assistant.
He worked out with you.
He'd drive you.
He helped you out.
He was a friend, but he was not armed, and never abused, you know, his authority.
But he was entitled to do that on his vacation day.
He wasn't involved at all in any way in the events at the Capitol.
He was with me the entire time, and we never left our hotel.
Well, what we know, Roger Stone, final segment with you straight ahead, I got big Bill Gates news, is this is un-American persecution.
This is the crap of Communist China, Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and it's BS.
And I don't think Americans are being intimidated by this.
I think they're getting pissed.
And there's gonna be a major backlash.
The question is, I hope it's not violent.
It needs to be peaceful.
The globalists want violence.
We do not want that.
We'll be right back with Roger Stone.
Roger Stone's our guest.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And when he leaves us here in about 10 minutes, we'll go to break.
I'm gonna come back with several clips.
Biden now, in almost every event he does, says, do I take the mask off or do I leave it on?
What do I do?
Do you have my confidence?
Okay, you've got my confidence.
Then we tell the press to leave?
Okay, tell the press to leave.
And he just says, you know, I'm supposed to go, I'll just resign.
I mean, I don't even know who I am.
And he's clearly degenerating very, very quickly.
Meanwhile, Saki tailspins when asked about Hunter Biden's $3.5 million payment from Moscow and the mayor's wife.
We're going to play that in a moment for Roger Stone.
Roger, everything you got accused of, and I know you wish Biden well, you don't want to fight with these guys.
You've been through enough, but everything they accused you of is now coming out about the Biden clan and all of them.
Is any of that bittersweet for you or what is that like?
Well, you still notice that it doesn't lead the mainstream media.
You're not going to find it on CNN or ABC News, they try to pretend it's not happening, but it is epic corruption.
What would have happened if it was Donald Trump Jr.
who did these deals?
Or Eric Trump?
Why it would have been, it would have led CNN, it would have led NBC and ABC News.
But this story essentially was suppressed during the election.
And it is extraordinary because once again, right out of Uh, you know, the playbook for the left, they accuse us of exactly what they are doing.
The epic corruption of the Clintons and the Bidens is there for everybody to see.
But the mainstream media is just not interested.
By the way, you never talk about this, but I was talking to people a few years ago when they first indicted you and they said, you know, Roger quietly helped round up a whole Russian spy ring that was trying to infiltrate lobbyists back in the 80s and early 90s.
And I asked you, I said, you said, yeah, it's true.
I looked it up, even found the New York Times mentioning it.
I mean, you cut your teeth with Nixon, the guy that helped run the stuff with Eisenhower and, of course, McCarthy.
So the idea that you're working for the Russians is just like saying Superman works with Lex Luthor.
Well, it's even worse than that.
Alex, I have members of my family who were mowed down by Russian tanks in the streets of Budapest in 1956.
I came to politics through anti-communism, first by Barry Goldwater, then by Ronald Reagan.
And I was always attracted by the hardline policies of Donald Trump, who was a realist.
And who recognized that China had supplanted the Russians as our number one global rival.
By the way, neither one of them are any good.
They're both totalitarians and we denounce both their systems of government.
So the idea that I was a spy for the Russians was ridiculous and insulting.
And then, of course, on November 3rd, 2020, this election day, only Months ago, at midnight, the U.S.
Justice Department was forced by court order to release the last remaining unredacted sections of Robert Mueller's secret report in which he admitted that he had never found any factual evidence that I was colluding with the Russians or collaborating with WikiLeaks or that they couldn't even support the idea that I knew about John Podesta's emails being purloined and published in advance, which I didn't.
And I never claimed that I did.
So, the whole thing was a witch hunt, and now we're being subjected to Witch Hunt 2.0.
I'd like to close down the Stone Legal Defense Fund.
I've still got a few harassment civil suits I have to ride out, but I'd like to close that part of my life.
Now, I'll probably have to go out and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not more on... Yeah, well you told me when this broke a month ago, I was laughing as if we... He said, don't laugh, they'll probably indict us.
I mean, it's just because reality has nothing to do with it.
Let me play the Saki clip, as I mentioned.
This just happened about an hour ago.
Here's the press secretary, Saki, and here she is just totally blindsided, broadsided, T-boned by a Hunter Biden question.
Here it is.
There was a report last year from the Senate Finance and Homeland Security Committees.
It claims that the wife of Moscow's former mayor paid a company associated with the president's son $3.5 million.
There was no explanation for this alleged payments, and I'm wondering if you could tell us if that claim is accurate, and if so, what the $3.5 million was paid for.
Not familiar with that claim.
Doesn't sound like it's backed up by a lot of evidence.
If you have evidence or specifics, happy to discuss it further.
So you haven't asked about this?
I am not familiar with the report at all.
And it's a confirmed report, it's not debated.
It's like a $3.6 million house connected to drug cartels given to the governor of California.
Roger, to me the big story is here, well that's a real photo folks, you just saw her in a Russian outfit, is that the media is suddenly turning on Biden.
Is that because Trump isn't there to blame anymore?
What's happening, Roger?
Well, I think, I don't know who asked that question.
That would be important to know.
But I think that those who are, you know, running the show here have to recognize that the President's infirmities are going to become clearer and clearer to the American people.
I feel badly for the old guy, if you want to know the truth, because I just think he's being used.
Oh, I agree.
He's definitely being hung out.
So who controls him?
I mean, obviously Obama, right?
Well, look, I think that you have a power-sharing arrangement between Ron Klain, who ran Vice President Al Gore's staff, and Susan Rice, who ran foreign policy during the Biden years.
I think that they are in a power-sharing arrangement.
I think Barack Obama is, at a minimum, a major influence.
On the policy going forward.
And by the way, Biden admitted yesterday that he talks to Obama daily and that he is a major influence.
So that's not up for debate.
Well, and we know that Susan Rice is lunching weekly with the Vice President to tutor her on foreign policy, which, as a member of the Senate, I'm not sure she really needs to be tutored.
So clearly they recognize, just based on the actuarial tables, things don't look good for Joe Biden.
No, we don't wish him any ill will.
But it's just, it's a reality, and it's a reality that's becoming clearer and clearer to the American people.
How do you see that playing out with Kamala Harris?
She's even more unpopular.
Well, she certainly got a lot to answer for in terms of the war on drugs, the racist war on drugs, which she enforced with glee as a prosecutor in California.
But clearly, they are preparing for some kind of transition.
You noticed yesterday, Tucker Carlson reported that the government now brands everything as coming from the Biden-Harris administration, as opposed to from the Biden administration.
That's never before, never before and done.
You got to join us again later in the week or next week because you talked privately with me about there's no plan, no one's launching a coherent plan to counter them.
So look at your calendar this week, next week.
Roger, I want to do two hours with you with an article you write for us or Gateway Planet, I don't care, with bullet points for the future, what needs to happen, who we need to draft like General Flynn.
We need to get that publicly out in the ether because as bad as Democrats are, I don't see a Republican plan.
Spend two minutes in closing on what you would do right now.
Well, there are a handful of leaders in the party.
For example, Congressman Matt Gaetz is somebody I keep an eye on.
Jim Jordan.
There are folks with plans.
They're just not in the leadership of the party today.
But make no mistake about it.
We are the America First party.
We are the party of Donald Trump.
If he runs again, I'm for him.
If he chooses not to, I'm for whoever is best to carry that agenda forward of putting America first.
We have lost a battle, but we have not lost the war.
Step one, we must have a free unfettered access to the internet.
That is the key to our future political success.
And Alex, I want to come back with you soon and talk more about that.
Because internet censorship and the deplatforming of anybody who doesn't follow their narrative Is the single most important issue in the country.
We can't fix election laws.
We can't have fair, transparent elections.
We can't clean up the Republican party and we can't nominate the right person in 2024 until we end the control and censorship of all mass communications by big media and big corporate tech.
That's right.
You are also going to be filing reports every few days for InfoWars.
You're going to be launching a Band.Video page so you can put up unfiltered unfettered.
Had a big interview I did with you in Florida that's got a lot of historical content that's going to be premiering tomorrow here on the air.
Roger Stone, thank you so much for the time.
Look forward to speaking to you again soon.
Alex Jones, you're a great American and a great friend.
It's great to be with you.
Appreciate you, buddy.
Yeah, they really want to capture him, like capture the flag.
They want to put him in jail.
They want to put me in jail.
And to the idea that we did that Capitol thing is just ridiculous.
That is freaking ridiculous.
But who knows?
I mean, Roger's been right all along.
We'll probably go to prison for it, for all I know.
All right, final segment, jam-packed with a ton of news.
I got ready for you.
Stay with us.
Welcome back.
It's the final segment of the four hours of the Alex Jones Show.
And the crew has done an incredible job.
I've only thrown one fit today behind the scenes because I'm pissed off at the Globalist, but they put up with me.
They are doing a superlative job.
Very thankful to the crew and all of our radio affiliates, all of our listeners, and of course my family.
Okay, tomorrow Max Keiser is joining us, and I always liked Max Keiser, always respected Max Keiser, but he's one of the smartest people I know now.
He told me 10 years ago, he said, it's going to replace the dollar.
It'll be the world currency.
It'll be worth $50,000 of Bitcoin.
And I just blew him off.
And just because, you know, I hear so much speculation.
And now he's been proven right.
And he says the big time for Bitcoin is only coming.
So doesn't matter if it goes up, doesn't matter if it goes down.
That's what he's saying.
And now the big banks are taking it.
Tesla's taking it.
Bitcoin soars after Elon Musk says Tesla now accepting Bitcoin.
And here's the big key.
Powell says Federal Reserve is considering proprietary cryptocurrency.
So that's when you know that that's what they're planning to do.
And so even if it ends up being bad and part of the cash flow society and evil, Regardless, we have to tell people what we think the best investment is going to be.
Because I've always been, hey, it's speculative, I don't trust it, whatever.
And I'm not saying pile into it now, but clearly it's being adopted.
And something is never going to be this valuable and then lose all of its value.
So we'll talk about it with Max Keiser at the start of the show tomorrow.
We've got a big broadcast for you tomorrow.
But I'm definitely going to go from You know, only studying Bitcoin to people, oh, you're selling out of getting a Bitcoin.
Yeah, whatever.
Our fiat currency is even worse.
It's all crap.
And I'd rather see other cryptocurrencies be dominant than what the Federal Reserve and the globalists, which are offshore banks, come out with.
So Max Keiser tomorrow.
What I respect is people that are accurate, people that are over the horizon, people that have long-term strategic understanding.
And he sure as hell's got that on a bunch of fronts.
He's a major trailblazer.
So that is coming up tomorrow.
Let's go ahead and hit these clips.
Then I got a Matt Damon clip.
It's pretty sick.
And again, I can show you 20 of these.
You've all seen them.
But this is one from yesterday and one from today where he's like, all right, we're here.
Do I leave my mask on?
Yes, sir.
You leave it on.
I'll leave my mask on.
I mean, is he drugged?
Not just Alzheimer's?
He did it again today.
VP Harris, thank you, Mr. President, for your confidence.
Then it's time for the press to leave.
So he's talking to him like he's a child.
Here's those clips back to back.
Thank you, Mr. President, for your confidence.
Thank you.
Thank you for allowing us to do it.
Now we're going to get down to business here.
And, Ron, who am I turning this over to?
Well, thank you very much, Mr. President.
I think it's time for our friends in the press to leave now.
Thank you.
By the way, stop, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it.
The image of that thing like a puffer fish or a cobra's fan opening of him.
I mean, just the image of this is so dystopic.
It's even crazier than him falling down three times, going up the Air Force One gantry stairs.
Look at the bizarreness.
Play that clip one more time.
Mr. President, for your confidence.
Thank you for allowing me to do it.
Now we're going to get down to business here.
And, uh, Ron, who am I turning this over to?
Well, thank you very much, Mr. President.
I think it's time for our friends in the press to leave now.
Thank you.
Tell him to press the link because he's freaking out of his mind.
They're having to give him blood transfusions and put him on speed to get him going.
That dude is gone, man.
I heard from Secret Service sources myself, but also Dan Bongino said it, that he doesn't even know who he is most of the time.
They have to drug him up, roll him out for limited periods.
This is just so biblical.
They steal the election, and now we have this.
Here's the next clip from yesterday.
I'm not going to play the whole thing, where it's like, Luke, I'm your father, Luke.
He's like, do I take my mask off?
They're like, yes, sir.
You keep your mask on.
Here it is.
I guess I'm supposed to keep this on, correct?
So, uh, good afternoon.
Almost getting an evening.
Before I began, as the congresswoman said, earlier today at the White House, I addressed the mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado.
While the investigation is ongoing, And I spent time on the telephone with the Attorney General as well as the head of the FBI.
The investigation is still ongoing.
My heart goes out to the families of the victims and the survivors.
disrespect us get him off the screen. Man I mean what the hell happened to us?
Get rid of Trump and steal the election to put that in that rotting carcass
Might as well look like a dead, rotting dog with maggots all over it up there.
I mean... And the Secret Service elected manly and tough, standing around going, we're protecting our president.
What a joke!
We all make ourselves a joke by legitimizing this.
Speaking of jokes...
Matt Damon.
Demon Damon.
Matt Damon.
Climate change will most impact the poorest people.
Oh, you mean when you cut their power off and make them obsolete and tens of millions starve to death with the COVID lockdown?
It didn't COVID kill them, it's the lockdown.
It's okay, you're a liberal.
Then I've got another Matt Damon headline here where he says Bill Gates has taught him.
Here's the headline.
Matt Damon.
Matt Damon.
Bill Gates taught me humanity moving in the right direction.
He will teach us how to move.
Bill Gates!
Will teach us how to live.
The guy that wants to depopulate is the guy that wants to bring in world government.
The guy that wants to kill old people.
Well, thank God he's here.
He will guide us with synthetic meat and depopulation and kill the old people.
And now Matt Damon, what a pathetic actor.
He's always been known in Hollywood as a totally empty shell.
People that know him say he laughs at everybody and flies on private jets everywhere, but that's okay for him.
And then now Bill Gates has obviously paid him to say this.
Bill Gates spends billions of tax-free money a year for PR.
To just tell us that Bill Gates will lead us into the light into the future.
Here it is.
Yeah, well, listen, he's he's absolutely brilliant.
And and yeah, I mean, I've certainly I've certainly learned from his example.
I've certainly watched him carefully.
He's he's done incredible things.
And anywhere you go in the world, when some when you see when you interact with an organization that has Gates money, it's always the smartest money.
In the room, right?
They've they really they're they're they're wonderful.
And, and he is look, I mean, if you listen to him, he's always optimistic.
And, and I think that is a key takeaway to look at look at the trajectory of humankind, right?
And, and, and, and because it's so easy to become nihilistic and dark about this stuff.
And it's, you know, we are we are going in the right direction.
And there are solutions available.
And I think that's what he says.
I've seen him say it quite often, and that's what we say as well.
There are solutions.
This one we're talking about, you know, is ready to reach hundreds of millions of people, right?
That's an exciting thing, and so that's probably my biggest takeaway.
All right, turn him off.
Turn him off.
And of course, what he wants is cutting off energy so the third world starves to death.
Matt Damon, Kim Jong-il.
Now my servant, Matt Damon.
I mean, Matt Damon is a whore, he's a fraud, he's a scammer.
And here he is, selling us lies, selling us disinformation, selling us poison.
And I'll cover this more tomorrow on my regular show, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central, The Worms, coming up with Dr. Westroyer.
Please don't forget, I'm not funded by Bill Gates, I'm not funded by Matt Damon.
And Matt Damon doesn't want you to protect your immune system, he doesn't want you to be fertile, doesn't want you to have good iodine.
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And almost forgot, even though it's selling out, Living Defense, 50% off parasite cleanse, next level probiotic.
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And believe me, Matt Damon hopes you don't stand with us.
He wants to shut us down so he can take that Bill Gates money and sell the population of Africa, because he's a liberal after all.
He made the movie Elysium, so everything's okay.
He wants to be on Elysium, folks.
He wants to make Earth hell to depopulate us.
Owen Schroer in T-minus, like, two minutes, will take over with the war room.
He's loaded for bear.
Owen Schroer, tell us what's coming up.
Matt Damon!
No, Alex, getting serious though, you had an incredible interview with Drew Hernandez.
I'm going to take a snippet of one of the clips from his interview and really expand on it.
This is not, like he was saying, this is not conspiracy theory, conspiratorial stuff.
They're taking adults, middle-aged men, and putting them in hotel rooms with children.
I mean, if you don't see how there's a problem with that, I don't know what's wrong with you.
And they're not even sure whose kids they are.
But hey, but Saki said just bring your kids on up!
So, I mean, Alex, I mean, if I do want to get conspiratorial, I would say this is a gang initiation for Kamala Harris to see what she can do with this sex trafficking at the southern border.
So, yeah, Harris is now in charge of the trafficking at the southern border.
Let's see how you do, Kamala.
You want to climb the ladder?
You want to be power hungry?
Here you go.
Let's help.
Help us sex traffic these kids across the border.
Take care of that for us.
Maybe then she can be president.
I agree, and we'll see if they'll scapegoat her like Governor Cuomo.
All right, everybody tune in.
Band dot video.
Infowars.com forward slash show stations all over.
It's the war with Owen Schroyer.
Stay with us.
Remember, only with a dog hunts.
Share the links for Bandit video, InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'll throw this out again, because when I plug, we're able to fund our operation.
When I don't, we're close to being shut down.
I'm not trying to be a victim here.
I'm one hell of a fighter, and I've been blessed to be in this fight this long.
But if you don't buy the products, we can't fight effectively, and the enemy will successfully shut us down.
I got a lot of irons in the fire, a lot of stuff going on people don't even know about.
And let's just say this, you see Info Wars, well we're doing a lot more than what you see there.
The enemy's got all my phones tapped, they know what we're doing, it's all legal.
But believe me, we've only begun to fight.
I need a lot of capital if you want to win this fight.
You can't spend your money anywhere that's got more bang for the buck.
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You know, the Energizer bunnies powered by Energizer.
We're powered by God.
We're pathetic.
This is just a flesh bag.
I've got this little pathetic spirit that was made by God and I can see God and God shines through me.
God shines through you.
But I need a platform to attack, and I just want to attack the enemy with truth.
So, please, you've got my commitment to go 110%.
Sometimes I'm going to fall, sometimes I'm going to fail, sometimes I'm going to stumble, sometimes I'm going to blow up, sometimes I'm going to make a fool out of myself, because I'm real, and I'm a sinner, but I love God, and I love justice, and I need capital to fight this war.
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Alpha Power has been sold out for months.
It's back in stock, InfoWarsTore.com, X2, and more.
We've got a lot of big interviews, a lot of big stuff about to come the next day.
You already saw the Roger Stone interview in Florida, got some other big ones coming up.
We're busy beavers here, and you'll see it all here at the InfoWars.
We believe in peace, but we are bringing you more of information.
And if you're going to attempt to shut our speech down and attack us, we will defend ourselves!
Well, we knew this news was coming.
So I'm not pleased to be proven right yet again, but here it is.
I've got CNBC.
I've got CNBC.
I've got the New York Post.
I mean, I've got them all right here.
And they say, oh, guess what?
It's not a pandemic.
It's endemic.
They say America is racist and white people are inherently bad.
Racism is endemic amongst them.
Which is total racism by the establishment, by the left, trying to create a race war.
Martin Luther King was right when he said, you judge people by the character of what they do and the content of their deeds.
You don't do it off what color they are.
But that's what they're saying.
Well, now they're saying COVID's endemic.
It's a common cold virus that Bill Gates manipulated and patented so he owns it with Fauci and the UN.
And so the vaccines aren't going to work.
It's never going to go away and Fauci said last week and Bill Gates said this week that you still won't be able to go outside or go have a job or anything because if one person dies of COVID in New Zealand or the US or the UK no one can ever go outside again.
People have always died of the flu and always died of the cold and we know they've lied about the numbers from car wrecks and motorcycle wrecks and People with heart attacks and cancer and the flu and pneumonia.
All of that, they admit, has been put in the column.
But it doesn't matter.
Don't question the science or you'll be censored.
You'll be fired.
And so the very people that cooked this up at Wuhan and launched it and lied to us about the death numbers, saying 4% would die.
It wasn't even 1% to 1%.
We're still supposed to listen to them.
So here's the headline.
Experts say COVID could become endemic.
What that means for you, and it goes on to say, oh, there'll be new versions.
COVID-19, COVID-20, 2021, 2022.
In fact, even major Hollywood producers.
Have movies coming out, like Songbird, about how the lockdown's never going to end, never going to stop, and soon there'll be camps and checkpoints.
But that's just a movie, right?
No, they have the contact tracers in Australia, in the UK, and now in Canada, arresting people that try to walk down the street, beating up women, beating up men, strip-searching them.
This is the excuse for martial law.
This is the excuse to take over the producers and break the will of the people that voted for Brexit, or voted for Trump, or voted for Bolsonaro.
This is a authoritarian takeover and it's so incredibly criminal.
Here's Bill Gates, CNBC.
Bill Gates on mask.
He goes on to say, if you're vaccinated, you can still transmit.
So now you can't go out.
I'm not going to stop wearing mask.
Because they're never going to let go.
This power grab.
It's a problem that has no solution except giving them more control and that's why they're
doing this.
So at the end of the day, they have the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Washington
Post all around the clock working to shut us down.
They have the FBI counterterrorism team in the news saying they're investigating us.
They've come and talked to my employees.
The power structure is breaking America right now.
This is a foreign takeover.
And all I can tell you is they're coming for our children now.
I've got the articles right here saying now they're going to come and basically give it to school children, the COVID-19 vaccine.
What is an experimental vaccine?
And they admit COVID doesn't even affect children and the vaccine's dangerous.
This is so incredibly evil.
So help us at InfoWars stay on air for however long God wants to keep us on air.
And God's going to work through you to decide how long it's going to be.
But I would get your supplements.
I would get your preparedness items.
I'd get your storable food.
I would get all those things at InfoWarsStore.com while you still can.
And running through March 6th, we have 10% off of storable food and free shipping.
That's a huge deal.
Never do that.
And a 50% off of supplements and all the rest of the products at MFootwearStore.com.
So store-wide free shipping at MFootwearStore.com.
And a lot more, and it's going to have to end coming up this Saturday.
So please check it out while you still can.
But whatever you do, spread the word about the live broadcast.