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Name: 20210318_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 18, 2021
2647 lines.

In various episodes, Alex Jones claims that COVID-19 is a hoax orchestrated by Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, President Trump, and globalists to control the world's population. He warns about manipulation of data and censorship, accusing WHO and government bodies of promoting Agenda 21 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Jones discusses tensions between the US and China, issues of child pornography, and criticizes social media platforms for supporting pedophiles while banning those who speak against them. He encourages listeners to remain patriotic and stand up for their beliefs. Jones also warns America about its impending judgment due to its actions such as aborting children and serving Satan, applying dementia to Joe Biden's cognitive impairments. Jones discusses Putin's ideology of Christianity and nationalism to defeat globalism, the neoliberal, globalist system, and how the Globalists are out of control, putting the world in danger. He mentions Joe Biden's threats towards Russia and talks about the New World Order as a planetary corporate plan for world government with an inner group seeking to become gods by exterminating all life forms. Jones encourages listeners to support InfoWars by purchasing products from their store. Jones promotes various products and essential oils through a radio show but takes an unexpected turn as he discusses humanoid creation, genetic engineering, and mRNA vaccines. He claims that 50 years ago, humanoids were already created and taken to term with many governments involved in their production, and animal-human hybrids are being sold in Asia, such as glow-in-the-dark rhesus monkeys. The speaker warns about the dangers of mRNA vaccines, stating that they destroy a person's DNA and replace it with new genetic material. Jones discusses the dangers of COVID-19 vaccines and urges listeners to share his emergency message to former President Trump. He claims that the vaccines are not safe and are actually gene therapy with potential severe side effects. He also warns about the globalist agenda and their plan for mass high-tech slavery under a permanent lockdown, which is causing millions to starve to death. Jones shares personal experiences of people who have suffered from vaccine side effects and expresses concern over the increasing number of deaths associated with COVID-19 vaccines. Jones discusses concerns regarding medical workers and their experiences with vaccines. He emphasizes that only medical professionals should share their opinions on the vaccine, as they have firsthand experience. Callers share their personal stories of negative effects from taking the vaccine or knowing someone who has been negatively affected.

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World War 3!
4-3 Putin pulls Russian ambassadors from DC in response to Biden threat.
I wouldn't be a wise guy.
I was alone with him in his office.
That's how it came about.
It was when President Bush had said, I've looked in his eyes and saw a soul.
I said, look in your eyes, and I don't think you have a soul.
And he looked back and he said, we understand each other.
Look, most important thing dealing with foreign leaders, in my experience, and I've dealt with an awful lot of them over my career, is just know the other guy.
So you know Vladimir Putin.
You think he's a killer?
I do.
So what price must he pay?
The price he's gonna pay, well, you'll see shortly.
This is after Putin said he wants to work with Biden.
This is after he said that he doesn't want a civil war in America.
This is after he said there's no evidence we got involved in your election.
Communist China did.
And the response, of course, from Joe Biden was The price he's going to pay, you'll see shortly.
He's a killer.
I mean, this is just unbelievable rhetoric.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Thanks to you kids, we now know the virus is a hoax.
They included flu, pneumonia, and other infections to boost the numbers.
Let's find out who is really behind it all.
Like, President Trump is definitely behind one of these phantoms.
Gigi Pink?
Dr. Fauci?
Like, I thought doctors were supposed to help people, not scare them.
Microsoft's Bill Gates?
Not only a computer guy, he's a notorious vaccine pusher who wants to reduce the world's population.
I get it.
So Bill Gates wanted to vaccinate everyone after Fauci convinced them there was a deadly disease outbreak.
That's diabolical.
Yeah, that sounds pretty bad.
Don't worry, kids.
These globalists won't get away with their pandemic hoax this time.
Where they're going, they'll be locked up for a long good while in the big house.
Better than a rock round at home!
Hello, useless eaters.
As your unqualified, non-elected global human health overlord, I'd like to take this opportunity to flaunt my position of power and influence over society and share some of my plans for you and your future.
When I amassed my fortune in computer software, I demonstrated that I was willing to lie, steal code, cheat my partners, and exercise monopolistic control to destroy my competitors.
Now that I've retired, I can rebrand myself as a humanitarian.
With my for-profit foundation MassGrading as a charity, I can advocate for population reduction and sponsor mass human experiments with unproven vaccines in vulnerable populations.
Like my father, a powerful banker, eugenicist, and Rockefeller crony himself, it's always been my ambition to decide who lives and, more importantly, how many have to die.
Whether it's under the guise of climate change or world health, it's really all about controlling and culling the human herd for fun and profit.
In November of last year, I hosted Event 201, a war game simulation of a global pandemic.
Leaders from private corporations, global banks, governments, and the media got together to strategize ways they could align and lockstep when responding to a worldwide health crisis.
Using a coordinated campaign of fear-mongering, intimidation, social shaming, and economic blackmail, we realized that we could get around dangerous philosophies like individual liberty and national sovereignty.
With an obedient population, we would be free to implement our own top-down solutions, like forced quarantines, social distancing, contact tracing, and mandatory testing, as a means to seize technocratic control of society.
Now imagine my excitement when we had the opportunity to release, uh, declare our own global pandemic.
It was my chance to look like the Nostradamus of public health and to position myself and business partners like Dr. Fauci as the de facto authorities on response and solutions.
Through exaggerated doomsday scenarios and computer simulations, our petty control freaks instituted harsh rules and draconian lockdowns.
Even after our dire predictions proved false, scared and well-meaning people continued to submit to the arbitrary and foolish demands of their so-called leaders.
Having achieved global lockdown and medical martial law, we will continue to hold hostage your ability to congregate, work, travel, or do just about anything until we're prepared to roll out our bigger plan.
I like to call this Pandemic One, because believe me, we have others in the works.
Our final solution is to have you begging for us to vaccinate, tag, and digitally track each one of you like livestock.
Not only will my foundation enjoy legal immunity and trillions in profits, but these mandatory experimental vaccines will move us so much further down the road to absolute centralized global control.
If only my good friend Jeffrey Epstein had been here to celebrate with me aboard the Lolita Express.
So remember, global citizens, this will end when I say it ends.
Could be a year, maybe two years, maybe never.
I guarantee that if we have our way, it will be at least until you're not able to do anything to stop it.
Just surrender your personal freedom and co- A word of warning to you, my fellow Americans.
The second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is no joke.
I had the COVID booster, the Moderna, about four or five days ago, and I am still feeling wild side effects from it.
It made me feel worse than I felt in a long time.
Like I had the worst flu in the world, extreme shortness of breath.
I just felt so bad.
A dizziness, fatigue.
Shaking chills, fever.
Extremely irrational thinking.
Aches, headaches.
And it's just been devastating.
Just felt miserable.
I recently took the COVID-19 vaccination.
After the shot, I felt fine.
But within three days, I went to the doctor because I had problems with my face.
The whole left side of my face, actually.
I have bell palsy now.
Cassidy got the second Moderna shot on a Monday.
By Thursday morning, they were in the ER.
She got sick.
Right away.
The death of his youngest daughter, Cassidy, came out of nowhere four days after her second dose of the COVID vaccine.
Everybody from her work had kind of had flu-like symptoms.
Just like the nurse was telling us earlier today, when we got tested, she experienced chills, shakes.
And she said all her friends did too.
Yep, all her friends did.
There's a report from the New York Times that there's been a severe allergic reaction from a healthcare worker in Alaska after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
Patriot doctor in Missouri works at nursing home and wants to comment on COVID vaccines.
Yeah, hi Alex.
I'm a geriatrician.
I'm family medicine trained.
I'm a geriatrician.
I work in nursing homes.
I have had 21 patients that I've identified that have died within 48 hours of getting either the first or second vaccine from AstraZeneca.
She was healthy, happy, active.
The greatest mom you ever saw in your life and then she was so sick that she was you know in less than probably 12 hours she was intubated and on life support and then she passed.
When you get this spike protein antibody in your system It will permanently and irreversibly change your immune system.
When you inject this shot that has this polyethylene glycol on the coating on the outside of it, that is what is leading to anaphylactic reactions, shock, and death.
I think we're going to see massive injuries and a lot more deaths start somewhere between I would.
I would recommend it.
And I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it.
vaccine then? I would I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of
people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me
Well President Trump is not a doctor and neither is Bill Gates so I'm not gonna
take his advice and he's welcome to opinions.
But we see massive numbers of top scientists, virologists, genetic engineers, medical doctors, nurses going public all over the world.
So many of them, we can't play them all here on air during the live show, but they're all posted every day.
New interviews, new reports at Band.Video.
Here's one.
Irish doctor exposes great reset agenda behind COVID hoax in powerful video.
It's up exclusively right now at EuropeWars.com and InfoWars.com.
Here's Dr. Anne McCloskey from Northern Ireland.
Across this island and across the world, there are millions of people who are awakening to the understanding that this current health crisis, this so-called pandemic, is a Trojan horse which has been used to introduce a new era for humanity.
The Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Building Back Better, whatever catchy, chirpy name the bankers and billionaires are calling it, it's not good for you and me, for the ordinary people.
Relationships between individuals, families, communities, governments and nations will change fundamentally.
They're coming for you, your family, your job, your savings, your home, your pension, your culture, your traditions, your freedom, your very way of life.
Unless we unite to resist, we do not consent.
This is not a conspiracy theory, but the outworking of a scheme written by people who hate the human race.
Agenda 21 has been implemented now and will come to pass.
Unless we unite to resist, we do not consent.
Last year, a seasonal respiratory virus of high infectivity but low pathogenicity passed across the world and sadly took with it people who were very old, who were already very sick, and most of whom were in the last months and years of their lives.
There were younger people who died.
May God have mercy on their souls and comfort their families and friends.
But in terms of the overall all-cause mortality, there was nothing to see.
Seasonal viruses do this every year.
They have done since time began and they will continue to do so no matter what humans do.
In 2020, in no country was there a significant increase in overall mortality compared to the past.
Ireland in this pandemic actually increased her population by a couple of percent.
If we take away the track and trace system, calling for the first time in medical history a case, someone who's perfectly well, who has no symptoms, and which is going to cost the UK government £37 billion over two years.
I don't even know what £37 billion looks like, what it would buy.
Would it be two hospitals?
Would it be five hospitals?
Would it be a thousand nurses jobs?
I have no idea.
But these PCR tests measure nothing.
They are an illusion to create a crisis.
If we take away the fact that the WHO changed the rules, changed the way in which we measure disease impact by saying that any death within 28 days of a positive PCR test was due to COVID, and even without a positive test if you had symptoms, shortness of breath, fever, the things that people die from every day, that was COVID too.
If we take away the daily, no hourly, incessant misery-porn on the legacy media, dolefully recounting the figures and scrutinising the anguished last hours of those who were taken, and the po-faced politicians with crocodile tears pretend to care.
If we take away the psychological abuse of populations across this planet, using applied behavioural psychology designed to keep them in terror.
If we take away the signage, the arrows, the one-way systems, walk, don't walk, the yellow notices on every flat surface, the sanitisation, the masks, all the paraphernalia of this neuro-linguistic programme, and mental abuse which tells us that we are the bio-hazards, we are a danger to our families and friends.
If we take all this away, there is nothing to see.
The Emperor has no clothes.
But of course there was something to say, wasn't there?
Viruses don't make laws, governments do.
But what we did see, what we saw was removal of our most basic and inalienable rights.
To work, to earn, to move, to associate, to kiss, to hug, to go to church, to bury our dead with dignity, to live our lives as we see fit.
We saw the removal of a right to speak, to protest, to object to this tyranny.
We saw censorship, character assassination and banishment of scientists and professors who dared to offer an alternative narrative.
We saw our children and young people locked up, denied their education, the right to play outside, to live their precious young lives however they and their parents saw fit.
We've seen millions of the poorest and most marginalised people on the planet pushed to starvation and death because of the economic fallout, because poverty kills.
I've worked as a GP throughout this past year, and I've not seen people gasping for breath from Covid, but people utterly abandoned by their health system.
People in despair from loneliness, from isolation, from fear.
People who haven't seen their families and loved ones for months and whose lives are infinitely poorer as a result.
I've seen delayed cancer diagnoses.
People having treatments.
All right, there's a few minutes left in her incredibly powerful presentation.
I think I don't need to tell you that you need to share this if you want to be free.
It's at EuropeWars.com, it's at Band.Video, it's at NewsWars.com, and I'm going to get a version of it posted at InfoWars.com as well.
But this lady is amazing and everything she says is dead on in just like a seven minute clip.
There's a few minutes left of it.
And you can show that to somebody and say, this is all of it in one nutshell, perfectly set.
Now, why did they do it?
Because their whole house of cards was coming down.
They've created thousands of trillions of fake dollars, fake currencies, and they need to bring in martial law and make us forget That it was their fractional reserve banking and scams and derivatives that caused this, not us and the so-called COVID.
This is the beginning of the planetary collapse that only gets worse.
And they'll cover up each last huge crime with the new crime that's bigger.
This is an algorithmic takeover system.
I call it satanic logic.
And we're all awakening to it right now, and this is a beautiful time, because the globalists have bitten off way more than they can chew.
Irish doctor exposes great recent agenda behind COVID hoax and powerful video.
It's up to you now to accept this mission and to spread this video like your lives depend on it, because it does!
Stay with us!
World War III?
Well, according to the International Union of Scientists, we're the closest we've ever been to it since the Cuban Missile Crisis in the early 1960s.
It's Thursday, March 18th, 2021.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
There's the headline of the live show.
World War III.
Putin pulls Russian ambassadors from D.C.
in response to Biden's threat.
And I'm going to be playing the clip of him with Stephanopoulos coming up next segment where he said he has a killer with no soul and that Russia will pay the price.
This is after Putin said he wants to work with Biden.
This is after he said that he doesn't want a civil war in America.
This is after he said there's no evidence we got involved in your election.
Communist China did.
And the response, of course, from Joe Biden was The price he's going to pay, you'll see shortly.
He's a killer.
I mean, this is just unbelievable rhetoric.
This is the kind of crap we used to hear from Kim Jong-un and Kim Jong-il.
This is the stuff that you see dictators throwing around, or Baghdad Bob.
This is not the stuff you see from a U.S.
president, ever.
No U.S.
president has ever talked like this.
To a nuclear power.
And this is just an insane escalation.
That video clip is coming up next segment.
You know, I've got a lot of other really interesting news here.
It's all very fascinating, but compared to the globalists trying to start war with Russia at China's behest, so they'll be the dominant power, compared to the global rollout of these deadly gene therapies and the media trying to suppress that and all the censorship, compared to the economic collapse being engineered right now to bring us under total globalist control, Everything else is window dressing.
I mean, is it interesting that Dan Bongino, at least on the Westwood One radio stations, is going to take over for Rush Limbaugh?
Yeah, that's interesting.
I mean, is it interesting that the man charged with the killing of eight people in Georgia massacre parlors was an incel pervert, not a Trump supporter like the media is saying?
Yeah, that's all important.
Or we've got Biden telling illegals to surge the border if he's elected, telling them to come here so they can smuggle more children in, which is now happening.
Yeah, that's a powerful video.
You've got media outlets saying that they want to be able to have access to the migrant children and Biden's not even responding to them because the media went along with censorship of everybody else and loss of access for everybody else.
Now you will become what you tried to turn us into.
Toothless, legless, armless vassals of the globalist.
You have made yourselves obsolete as the fourth of state.
The media is now a lapdog dying dinosaur on its deathbed, on its last vapors of fuel.
And then that leads us to the other big story.
Mainstream media was forced to report on federal judges and court hearings where it came out that the Clintons were on the Lita Express, that they were involved with underage girls.
And that got pulled out of mainstream media articles with no response.
They didn't say that they retracted it.
They just pulled it from the Daily Beast and Radar Online.
And that ties into Big Judge.
Big Judge.
Up in Wisconsin, former president of Drag Queen Story Hour, that's the Pedophile Story Hour Foundation, and children's court judge, a children's court judge.
My, my, my.
Arrested on seven counts of child porn.
It's a club, it's a guild, it's an army, it's a force.
And just like At Penn State, you had Jerry Sandusky supplying children through the Abused Children Foundation to famous people that would come into town, and quote, the 9 and 10, 11-year-old children would stay with the celebrities in their own little cottages.
I have hundreds of articles of drag queen storytime leaders being busted, kidnapping children, raping children.
A lot of them have child rape convictions of 3-year-olds, 5-year-olds, 6-year-olds.
And a surprising number of them are family court judges.
Family court judges.
Isn't that just interesting?
And to Trump's credit, he was really cracking down on that, and to law enforcement's credit, they know what to target.
He was also the leader of Wisconsin's LBGTQP, literally P society, and all over the place the leaders of the LGBT movements keep getting arrested for having sex with 10 year olds and 11 year olds.
Because the truth is, it wasn't about gay marriage.
It was always about sex with your children, because it's a satanic ritual to drain off their energy, to drain off their innocence, and drain off their future.
The only thing they like better is chopping your children up with a meat cleaver while they rape them.
And I'm sorry to tell you that, but that's what the big boys do.
Put up Renfield.
This judge, you take one look at him like a Sandusky type.
He has the little piggy face, the little piggy eyes, the little piggy soft demeanor of a supplier.
That's a supplier right there.
That's what I call a Renfield model, not a Dracula or Dragon model.
Let's pull up Prince Philip when he got out of the hospital yesterday.
Let's show you a Dragon model.
That's a Renfield model.
Let's show you a Dracule or Dracula model.
And again, they don't live forever, but the spirits in them are very, very old.
And so you've got a little supply gremlin right there.
And then you can also pull up one of their generals, if everybody wants to see one.
I would say that Chuck Schumer is a general.
You could take one look, plus the evidence, Wiener was his protege.
You could take one look at Sacha Baron Cohen, or one look at Prince Philip.
Yeah, blow that up full screen for folks.
And that is a heavy hitter operator right there.
You see that?
You see O'Brien Stelter?
He's segwaying from Renfield into heavy hitter.
We put Stelter on screen now, please.
Stelter is now segwaying into Dracula mode.
They don't normally promote people from Renfield to Dracula, but he is being promoted.
You can see him enjoying strutting his demonic possession there on the red carpet.
He also, I'm sure, would love to babysit your children.
But this judge, oh, they also just busted that big top trans YouTube star who ran a daycare, of course, out of their house for reportedly child porn and the reports of them raping children.
I mean, that goes together like flies on big old piles of dog manure, doesn't it?
There you go.
Transgender YouTube star downloaded child sex images while running child daycare service.
Then you just read a little footnote.
Oh, there were previous reports that he and his husband, her husband, were raping kids.
But they're like, well, they're transgender, so we can't look into that.
I mean, it's just a dude with a wig that wants access to children.
And of course, take one look.
Those are Renfields.
Renfields, Renfields, Renfields.
Can we put a Dracula back on screen, please?
Because again, Bram Stoker was writing about allegories of what he witnessed, what was known in high society in London, that a count comes to town, and boy, does he like to drink the blood of women and babies.
When you see those old 1920s, 30s, 40s movies, where he brings a baby into the Black Sabbath with all the beautiful women, and they all descend on the baby and start drinking his blood, that's actually how they do it.
They'll keep a baby alive for a full day, while they lance it and drain the blood off.
So liberal.
And oh, don't worry though, Twitter will ban you now if you call pedophilia bad.
Pedophilia is good, good, good, according to Twitter.
And so remember, everybody that works there, everybody that goes along to Google, Facebook, they're all signed on, ladies and gentlemen.
They're all signed on.
Let's put Jimmy Savelle up there.
He was a Renfield that segued into Dracula.
They don't live forever, but they sure do everything else that you all heard about in the old legends of that royal king that never dies from the Carpathian Mountains that took over the British Empire.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The Bell Tolls, and the bell tolls for thee.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Very honored to be here.
This is undoubtedly the most censored, most demonized, most lied about broadcast in the world.
And just as there is a evil force or gravity trying to pull us down, you, thanks to your action, your prayers, hold us in place.
You are the power that invigorates InfoWars millisecond to millisecond.
And I salute and thank you all.
Without getting into a history lesson, I'm sure a lot of you tune in, you already have your own views, you've done your own research, but here's just a basic recap of facts before I hit the latest over-the-top news and play this video clip of the aged, doddering, deviant, demented, addled, Alzheimer, riddled, brain-rotted, dementia, Cursed!
Joe Biden.
Anybody that knows about dementia knows that the sweetest grandfather or grandmother, when they get into dementia, they are demented.
Guys, can we pull up the definition of demented, please?
It means acting like a demon.
Doing devious things.
Hurting yourself.
Riding on the walls with feces.
Being a pervert.
There's a lot of things that happen when the brain starts degenerating.
Demented, mad or insane, suffering from or exhibiting cognitive dementia.
At least one third of people serving as caregivers for a demented husband or wife become chronically depressed.
Well now as a nation we have a demented, which comes from the word demonic or demoniac in the Latin, look up Some of the other words you could connect to Biden.
Of the devil.
Of Diablo.
And so there he is up there, not knowing what planet he's on, and he's on national TV saying that Russia's gonna pay soon.
And that they're gonna be coming after him.
And that Putin's a killer with no soul, and that's why Putin then said, you actually need to look in the mirror.
Well, let's talk about what Putin has done, what Putin's really up to.
Putin slashed the Russian defense budget in the last eight years over and over again.
He pulled troops out of all these different places.
He launched a national organic drive, saying they want to supply the world organic food.
And with cleaner fossil fuels, they have a program to promote marriage and Christianity, and they are decrying the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Soros Foundation, and are saying they want a post-human world and that Russia is not for it.
And so the globalists are very, very upset because they had Russia for 80 plus years in their demonic clutches.
And now they don't know what to do.
And so they're trying to start a war.
It's China that has the biggest navy.
It's China that has already overtaken us economically.
It's China that produced more billionaires last year than all billionaires combined.
It's China that's had everything rigged for them and been given all the money transfers and the technology transfers.
Russia's gotten nothing.
Because Russia struggled free from the globalists and Russia was just a communist government meant to kill Christians and destroy Russian culture.
But the Russians threw it off of them and have now partially got control of their country.
So they're the model of resistance, just like Brazil and just like we were becoming
with President Trump.
And there was a linking up of that.
And that's what Putin saw, was real peace and an end of global domination.
Well, the new world order is not going to be They put out their propaganda that, you know, Trump was this Russian minion and the rest of it.
Well, there was never any evidence of that.
On the contrary, the Russians would try to buy people off for their aims.
And I'm not saying they're cream puffs or perfect angels.
And they did have Hillary on the payroll to a great extent.
But that's all shifting away now because Putin will not give access to their children to drag queen story times and pedophile training.
That's all over the news here.
The religion of the left is destroying children.
So let's go ahead and get to this clip.
Russia recalls ambassador after Joe Biden threatens Vladimir Putin and calls him a killer with no soul.
And then goes on to say he will be paying soon.
So extreme threats by a man with a nuclear football that Russia and Putin will be paying soon, while we've got US troops all over their borders giving heavy weapons to rebels, they're attacking Russian troops, we're trying to take over their oil fields that the Russians built, that they control, they're 80% Russian in eastern Ukraine.
These are acts of war.
While they dissolve our borders, While the globalists ship in record fentanyl, 360 plus percent than just a year ago into the U.S., they're at war with Russia.
They're at war with America.
The globalists want to bring down every sovereign state.
And now the Chai Koms have their beachhead.
And so now in the year 2021, as we center on this Thursday, March 18th transmission, Putin responds back wishing Biden good health after killer comments about the Russian leader.
And Putin came out last week and said, America needs peace.
The riot at the Capitol is not that big a deal.
Everybody needs to unify.
You need to make your country strong.
You need to strengthen your nation.
My God, if Putin was in control of Trump, wow, what a buddy!
Though he wasn't, trying to control our borders, trying to not do one-sided deals with China, trying to restore our republic, trying to take care of the veterans.
Yeah, no, the truth is, is that Putin talks about an ideology of Christianity and nationalism to defeat globalism, the neoliberal, globalist, soulless system.
That's exactly what his former chief of staff, in fact, print me that letter again, please, talked about that I read on air last week.
I'm going to read that again today.
But here's why they're so enraged.
Here's why they want to start a war.
Here's why they want to trick Putin into responding in any way so they can get us into a major war with Russia at the behest of China.
These globalists are out of control, ladies and gentlemen.
We're all in grave danger.
Here is the demented one, the stooge, the puppet, the pretender, the globalist frontman, the Qaikom agent, Joe Biden, on national TV, making incredible threats.
Authorized operations during the election to denigrate you, support President Trump, undermine our elections, divide our society.
What price must he pay?
He will pay a price.
We had a long talk, he and I. I know him relatively well.
And the conversation started off, I said, I know you and you know me.
If I establish this occurred, then be prepared.
You said, you know, he doesn't have a soul.
I did say that to him.
And to end his response was, we understand one another.
I wouldn't be in a wise guy.
I was alone with him in his office.
That's how it came about.
It was when President Bush had said, I've looked in his eyes and saw a soul.
I said, look through your eyes, and I don't think you have a soul.
And he looked back at me and said, we understand each other.
Look, the most important thing dealing with foreign leaders, in my experience, and I've dealt with an awful lot of them over my career, is just know the other guy.
So you know Vladimir Putin.
You think he's a killer?
I do.
So what price must he pay?
The price he's going to pay, well, you'll see shortly.
By the way, we ought to babble that old, that trite expression, walk and chew gum at the same time.
There are places where it's in our mutual interest to work together.
That's why I renewed the START agreement with him.
That occurred while he's doing this.
But that's overwhelming in the interest of humanity that we diminish the prospect of a nuclear exchange.
This is the same guy that over and over again said he was going to take Trump behind a building and beat the hell out of him when he can hardly walk.
So he's a corrupt, knuckle-dragging lawyer who sold his country out to the Communist Chinese.
He has a horrible drug addict son.
The whole family are a bunch of pedophiles.
I mean, it's just, when I say whole family, I mean, there's photos of Hunter with the niece having sex.
There's all of them.
And they just don't care.
And no one's ever punished them, and so now he's saying he's gonna punish Russia, and Russia will soon see!
They're gonna pay!
Talk about threats, talk about evil, talk about America in deep trouble.
We're under judgment, ladies and gentlemen.
We should be more like Russia, and repent to God, and try to promote our families, try to promote organic food, not be worshiping a pedophile-in-chief known as Joe Biden.
We'll be right back.
If you read the Sumerian text, or the Egyptian hieroglyphs, or the Aztec hieroglyphs, or the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, some of which are translations from 2,000 plus years ago, from things 4,000, 5,000 years old, it tells the same story.
If you go to India, they have 6,000-year-old hieroglyphs.
China, 6,000-year-old stone carvings that tell the same story.
A story we'll talk about here in just one moment.
But first, let's talk about keeping the broadcast on the air.
I want to thank you all for your support.
It's a symbiotic relationship.
We get great products at the same time, but it takes a lot of money to run this operation.
We have to have our own infrastructure, our own crews, our own satellite uplinks, our own legal department, our own bandwidth, everything.
But you keep us on air despite all the globalist attacks and the attempts to shut us down.
We had to end the store-wide free shipping, because free shipping on food, there's basically almost no profit.
You start doing free shipping on water filters that are already so discounted.
And so suppliers asked me to end the free shipping.
We did end the store-wide free shipping.
But we've got free shipping still on select items, and here is the new sale.
Mega blowout sale, 50% off, plus free shipping on these top-selling select products.
We have Brain Force Plus back in stock.
Fifty percent off the great nootropic.
Good, focused, clean energy for your mind.
It's supposedly for men, but salpamato is great for women as well.
I mean, the government even admits that salpamato is great for your prostate.
Well, it's good for your other glands as well, but then it's got the zinc and it's got the D3 and all the other key things you need for your immune system.
So prostagard is great for everybody.
Vazobeats creates Key chemicals in the body or triggers them that just do amazing things like nitrous oxide that's so good for your heart.
This is a very strong beet extract concentrate.
Everybody knows how good beets are for your cardiovascular system.
So we have Vazo Beets, 50% off.
Alpha Power is a dry version of Super Bowl Vitality for stamina, libido, you name it, it's amazing.
We also have Dr. Jones Activated Charcoal Toothpaste, 50% off.
Dr. Jones Activated Charcoal Mouthwash, which are both selling out.
This will be gone in like a week, watch.
More comes in in a few months.
That is all 50% off.
That's why it's a blowout special.
And we have Dr. Jones Extra Strength Cobbler Chill and Regular Cobbler Chill.
Not allowed to say junior, but that's what it's for.
Really amazing, good, clean relaxation, but not a depressant.
And all Emrix Essentials products, which when we do 50% off on these in free shipping, a lot of these we make a dollar or two on, but that's still, you get a great product, you learn how great it is.
We have all the major essential oils, organic, sweet orange, tea tree, arugula, It just goes on and on.
All of the different scents, all the most popular scents are there.
Ultra Blue, Infinite Focus, we've got some great mixes.
You're not going to find a high quality organic oil anywhere near this price.
It funds an operation like this.
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And that means the deodorant that's organic, the shampoo that's organic, the body wash.
Oh, and the three different A natural essential oil, hand sanitizers that smell so good and work in a great way that doesn't sterilize you, doesn't hurt your fertility, doesn't give you cancer, but kills microbes on contact.
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And look, it's great for that germaphobe family member or employee or boss who's dumping all that alcohol crap on their hands that makes them crack and bleed and doesn't even protect them.
It smells wonderful.
Hell, a lot of people use this as basically like a perfume.
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It's so natural.
It smells so good.
I personally love the eucalyptus, but we've got it in two other scents as well.
We have it in peppermint, and we also have it in lavender at infowarestore.com.
100% reviews on those, 50% off.
Okay, that's the new sales, that's the new specials.
Please don't forget t-shirts, books, films while you're at it in the site.
And again, thanks for keeping our operation, which is your operation, on the air.
All right, let me do this.
Because I can't in five minutes or six minutes do it justice in this segment, but when I start the next hour, I'm going to get into humanoid and what that means and how much, how many times I've told you about this.
And I want to be very, very clear.
I didn't predict this.
They admitted to producing humanoids 50 years ago.
It's 50 years ago.
Right about 50 years ago, humanoids were already created.
And by the way, humanoids were taken to term.
There are humanoids, quite a few of them.
We don't know the actual numbers, but a lot of governments worked on them.
So when you see movies in the 80s about replicants, they already have them.
But they're not supermen.
Most of them are mentally retarded and have horrible genetic disorders and are just in hellish situations.
I mean, let me give you an example.
And I can't find the video.
If somebody finds it, send it to me.
I remember 15, 16 years ago on Fox News, they said, oh, look in South Korea, you can pay a couple thousand dollars and get a glowing rhesus monkey that glows in the dark.
There are articles about it, but I haven't seen the video of the little monkey.
And the problem is that sometimes it produces stinging cells.
So then stinging cells start dripping out of its back and burning it.
But you can get glow-in-the-dark blue rhesus monkeys.
I just thought I'd tell you about that, because they made them part jellyfish, so they're also animal-human hybrids.
And this is all in the mainline literature, and some of it's sold, just like the movie Blade Runner, on the streets of Asia.
Because anything goes, as you know, in places like Thailand, South Korea, China.
Oh, yeah, there's some of the glowing monkeys for you.
People will think I'm lying about it and pull up mainstream articles about it.
Now it's being reported, scientists' lab creations of living model embryos raise ethics concerns.
And they say, oh, well, they're not pure human.
It is a living embryo, but don't worry, it doesn't have any rights.
So they're now, this is a coming out, the mRNA vaccines, the gene mutation systems.
This is the big bum rush.
This is just the big emergence of all this.
They've already got developed 50 years ahead of what you know about, and they're just going to roll it out now.
They're going to make you so deathly sick with what you've been injected with.
The vaccine actually destroys your DNA with mRNA.
It actually takes you over.
And so you'll have to be under their control to even live in the future.
You won't be able to have children either.
You'll have to go get a designer baby made.
But if you think your cell phone has Trojan horses in it, boy, you ain't seen nothing yet.
So we're not just going to get rid of humanity.
We're going to be replaced with the humanoid.
So I'm going to give you the rest of the story.
When we come back, and here's the promise that Joe Biden and Ted Turner and Bill Gates have been given by the little nasty dudes given them this technology.
You might have heard of them, the Bible calls them demons.
None of this world, not very friendly.
They're being promised life extension, but they first got to kill us and test on us.
The truth is these beings just want to torture us and mutate us and do horrible things to us because they know what we grow into and what we do.
We're kept pure and come together as a species.
But that is not the case.
This is actually a giant genetic war on the planet.
And we've been set up for this.
So I just think you should get ready for that and understand How incredibly serious all of this is, but if you're a new listener, you know, you noticed all the jokes for over a decade about the gay frogs, you know, Jones claims chemicals are making, you know, the frogs gay and all the rest of it.
It's not just gay, it's sterile.
And again, you'll have to go in and get genetically engineered to even be able to have babies now, but it'll be the babies they want you to have that aren't truly human.
But then under the trans system, if you've got to have men and women sports, well, you're going to have augmented or genetically engineered humans in regular sports.
It'll be, oh, they're trans.
You can't criticize them, but they'll be corporately controlled.
They'll be genetically engineered, and they'll also be time-stamped, they'll be pre-programmed with artificial epigenetic memory, what you call instincts, to carry out the globalist operations.
Oh, and the instinct they're going to have is what the royals would breed to get.
It's called evil.
See, we have our wireless system.
We're able to communicate with God and then the universe God created.
Well, they have their system that they're creating and right now they need to create these humanoids to do it.
So if you'll accept a six foot three man, you know, on a volleyball team with women or a rugby team, well then you're going to accept robots and say they have rights as well.
So get ready.
Oh, by the way, you'll have no rights though.
Remember, you're not essential.
Only if you're gay or trans or genetically engineered will you have any rights, and they'll be celebrated and loved, and watching a man beat women up will be called, look at that girl go playing rugby.
And so this is it.
Humanity's being taught not to stand up for our unborn, not to stand up for our old, so no one will stand up for you.
And the average little trendy at Google or Facebook or Twitter, they're already pedophiles, they love it.
They've already signed on the first dotted line with Satan to want to have sex with children and destroy their innocence.
After that, it cuts the transmission with God, and then all they get is the satanic transmission, and then they get rewritten very, very quickly and are lost.
They burn.
They shake as they lose control of their souls.
We'll be right back on the other side.
Hour number two.
The video is on InfoWars.com and Man.Video.
If you choose to share it, we may get it to Trump.
Emergency measures to Trump.
COVID vaccines are deadly poison.
The Washington Post had a big article yesterday titled, Cold War Between Trump and Tucker.
Because Tucker's figuring out the vaccines are bad.
They're gene therapy.
They're toxic.
And so, now Trump comes out because he knows he's signed on to this.
He's been conned.
So now he's doubling down.
Oh, it's safe.
Take it.
But they admit it's got all these adverse reactions.
They admit it's a gene therapy.
They admit it was never properly tested.
They admit that they brought gene therapy in under the liability protection of vaccines.
It's a huge fraud.
And the world is turning against it.
Bill Gates' plan, the globalist plan, is not going well, ladies and gentlemen.
And so here is my emergency message to the real President of the United States, who we know overall is a good guy with a global estate, to realize this is not a normal vaccine.
Mr. President, you must come out and expose Fauci.
You've already done it.
And the rest of them is lying to you.
You must get as far away as you can from this, instead of doubling down and being part of the fraud.
Here's the emergency message.
Again, it's at InfoWars.com.
Please share it.
We'll be back on the other side.
A word of warning to you, my fellow Americans.
The second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is no joke.
I had the COVID booster, the Moderna, about four or five days ago, and I am still feeling wild side effects from it.
It made me feel worse than I felt in a long time.
Like I had the worst flu in the world, extreme shortness of breath.
I just felt so bad.
A dizziness, fatigue.
Shaking chills, fever.
Extremely irrational thinking.
Aches, headaches.
It has just been devastating.
Just felt miserable.
I recently took the COVID-19 vaccination.
After the shot, I felt fine.
But within three days, I went to the doctor because I had problems with my face.
The whole left side of my face, actually.
I have bowel palsy now.
Cassidy got the second Moderna shot on a Monday.
By Thursday morning, they were in the ER.
She got sick.
Right away.
The death of his youngest daughter, Cassidy, came out of nowhere four days after her second dose of the COVID vaccine.
Everybody from her work had kind of had flu-like symptoms.
Just like the nurse was telling us earlier today when we got tested.
She experienced chills.
And she said all her friends did too.
Yep, all her friends did.
There's a report from the New York Times that there's been a severe allergic reaction from a healthcare worker in Alaska after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
Patriot doctor in Missouri works at nursing home and wants to comment on COVID vaccines.
Yeah, hi Alex.
I'm a geriatrician.
I work in nursing homes.
I have had 21 patients that I've identified that have died within 48 hours of getting either the first or second vaccine from AstraZeneca.
She was healthy.
Happy, active, the greatest mom you ever saw in your life.
And then she was so sick that she was, you know, in less than probably 12 hours, she was intubated and on life support.
And then she passed.
When you get this spike protein antibody in your system, it will permanently and irreversibly change your immune system.
When you inject this shot that has this polyethylene glycol on the coating on the outside of it, that is what is leading to anaphylactic reactions, shock, and death.
I think we're going to see massive injuries and a lot more deaths start somewhere between 4 and 18 months from now.
Would you recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine then?
I would.
I would recommend it.
And I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it.
And a lot of those people voted for me, frankly.
You don't have to lay down.
You can fight back against these monsters.
Get the video.
Share it.
It's at man.video.
Emergency message to Trump.
COVID vaccines are deadly poison.
Warn the world.
It's Thursday, March 18, 2021.
Year of our Lord.
I'm Alex Jones coming to you from the Central Texas Resistance Center, building a pro-human future against the globalist, transhumanist, post-industrial world.
I know God's real, and I know this is a test, and so I am of good cheer.
But make no mistake, what you're receiving here, what you're hearing here, is as close to the truth as you're going to get.
We're all human, we're all fallible, we're all fallen, we all see through that rose-colored darkly, that scanner darkly, but I can tell you this is the testament of what is happening.
I want to give the number up because we've got scores of medical doctors in Russia, in Japan, in China, where they get arrested, in Africa, in Mexico, in areas of Latin America, right here in Texas, coming out like 10, 15 a day.
I can't even watch them all.
I heard this big Irish doctor at the start of the show today, just incredible powerful layout that she broke down.
It's at EuropeWars.com.
Gotta be spread.
Irish doctor exposes great reset agenda behind COVID hoax in powerful video.
Dan Lyman article.
This is all so important, but why are they doing it?
Why are the globalists risking this?
Why are they putting out all these different vaccines that are dangerous virus vector vaccines that use a live virus to deliver it through the cell membrane into the into the mitochondria and why are they using mRNA to program the cells to the ribosomes?
Why are they doing this when I have a whole stack of articles from prestigious scientific publications saying nothing was ever approved in 20 years with mRNA technology because it would work great with some people but kill other people and give them cancer or autoimmune disorders.
I'll show you articles here in a moment.
And now if you say this is mRNA Technology linked to cancer.
You get banned.
I was on Andrew Schultz's big podcast.
Biggest podcast he ever did.
It's on its way to be, you know, 10 million views.
The way it was growing.
And they banned it, saying, oh, you said that mRNA technology, gene therapy, was linked to cancer.
That's not, you're not a doctor, you can't say it.
So I can't say, oh, here's a document.
But even if the doctors say it, they go, oh, you're not the UN.
Big tech is committing war crimes against humanity.
The heads of Google, Facebook, Twitter, all of them are Nuremberg criminals now, at the level of Joseph Mengele, suppressing this information.
But I told you this was coming.
This is in AP, this is in Reuters.
I first saw the article at Daily Wire.
Ben Shapiro.
Scientists, lab creations of living model embryos raise ethics questions.
Oh, they're just a model!
It goes on to admit it is a humanoid, but not all of its genetics are human, so it has no rights.
This is how they're introducing it to you.
It was 25 years ago, I was reading a BBC article, and they were trying to roll it out then.
They were like, well, going back over 20 years, in Costa Rica and in China, and in some labs in Switzerland, private labs were producing embryos of humans, but so they wouldn't have rights, they were adding the genetics of other animals, like cows and pigs.
So they could then grow them inside the uteruses of cows so you could grow up a bigger humanoid to get larger organs because you don't want to just butcher a baby and then give a full-grown man a baby's liver.
You've got to grow up a humanoid that weighs 45, 50, 60 pounds, 70, 80 pounds, you know, and some of the larger cows so you get a bigger liver, bigger kidneys.
And it's a human.
But it's enough cow that it isn't rejected.
You'll have a cloned female cow.
Its genetics will be in the humanoid.
So it's not just like the humanoid has some cow genetics.
It has the genetics of the cow it's being grown in.
Comprehend, folks?
So this has been going on at least 50 years.
It even came out in the 80s that the Nazis successfully cloned rabbits.
That's the most fertile mammal we know of.
So it makes sense to try it with rabbits.
Yeah, there is a glow-in-the-dark mouse.
They add jellyfish genes to it.
I was telling you about that earlier.
By the way, there's jellyfish genes in the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, and they won't tell anybody.
They go, it's proprietary.
We have emergency authorization.
So would Netanyahu and Trump and Biden tell you, oh, this is FDA approved?
No, it's not.
It was done with emergency authorization, not approved, not tested.
The truth is they already tested it all in their other names for decades on animals.
They know what it's going to do.
Infertility, cancer, turn your immune system off.
I mean, this is just incredible.
Scientists have officially created living forms of model embryos in a lab that bear a close resemblance to real human embryos.
The aim of the scientific experiment is to discover information about early development in human beings, to hopefully discover new methods to create fertility issues and stop birth defects and miscarriages.
Oh yes, they give you all the chemicals, all the electromagnetic radiations, you can't have kids, but now they're going to create the radiation and drug resistant ones that they control.
Isn't that cute?
So it's part human, NPR reports, but more human than human.
Or a humanoid.
A non-human creature or being with characteristics such as ability to walk upright resembling those of a human.
Or of all the ancient legends of the not-so-friendly little humanoids.
And that's what Aldous Huxley said.
He said, we're going to create a short-servant humanoid creature.
in Brave New World.
Then he wrote Brave New World Revisited, nonfiction, admitted it all.
So since I mentioned all that, let me just show you the stack I talked about.
Here's Andrew Schultz last night, said it was the best show he ever did.
I went on there and had some fun, went crazy.
That's my comedy side.
But wow, YouTube pulled the Alex Jones episode.
It had five times the viewers of any other episode they ever did, on par to break Joe Rogan's record podcast with Elon Musk, and then I'm in second place.
Can't be allowed to happen.
Well, why was it banned?
Well, the word is, because I talked about mRNA gene therapy tied to cancer.
COVID-MRA vaccines are a form of gene therapy.
Medium.com, mRNA therapy, a new form of gene medicine.
That's a few years ago.
But now that it's known, they go, oh, no, no, no, it's not.
mRNA, it's gene therapy, not a vaccine.
mRNA, COVID-19 vaccines are really gene therapy and not vaccines.
Says bioethicist.
Well yeah, but they got liability protection for this giant field of medicine that's always failed and always caused problems by calling it vaccines.
Now it's got liability protection.
Here's where it gets interesting.
A gene editing experiment on human embryos went horribly wrong.
Read that from futurism.com.
All the horrible mutations, the deaths, the deadly viruses, all of it.
mRNA vaccines, a new era in vaccinology.
Moderna announces positive interim phase 1 data on its mRNA vaccine.
The cancer-specific drives mRNA Alternative, and it goes through all of it in PubMed, and explains that mRNA is directly connected to triggering cancer in your DNA.
And there's NPR saying the same thing.
It'll give you the mutations, give you cancer, give you the rise of the viruses.
Can we please continue here?
Bluebird scrambles to find out if his gene therapy caused cancer in clinical trial.
Oh yeah, a bunch of folks that did it got cancer, but it's no big deal.
Cancer is a known risk of gene therapies.
That's out of mainstream news, mid-city news.
Oh, it's a known thing!
Well, Bill Gates and the UN say, the fact-checkers say, the fact-checkers at Facebook actually run out of the Wuhan lab.
Wuhan lab runs it.
That's not true!
It's a well-known thing, but that's not true.
Why does gene therapy cause leukemia in some, boy-in-the-bubble syndrome in others?
No immune system for some, and leukemia for others.
Well, and that's out of Science Daily.
But again, that's a few years ago.
Now they've rolled this out.
Not allowed to say that.
Google will block you if you warn anybody.
Liver tumor and gene therapy recipient raises concerns about virus widely used in treatment.
Yeah, that's your virus vector technology.
That's out of ScienceMag.org.
I got about a hundred of these.
You want to see some more?
Oh, but I'm not allowed to tell you about that.
I'm the bad man.
I'm the evil man.
But I've got a medical doctor on video saying the same thing out of Houston, who runs a big clinic.
Of course it's in all the literature, but then I want to take your calls too from whistleblowers, or if you love the vaccines, doctors, medical workers, all of you, 877-789-2539, only medical workers, only doctors, or only people that love the vaccine or hated it.
If you've taken it and loved it, or took it and got hurt, we want to hear from you, 877-789-2539, we'll be back.
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough.
I know too much.
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make you crazy?
Well, yeah, because to all these devil worshippers, we are crazy!
We don't want to screw kids and burn down buildings and destroy the planet.
We're crazy!
Alright, we're taking your phone calls here on the Alex Jones Show, because I open the phones up without even calling for whistleblowers, and a doctor calls in and says, 21 of my patients died after they took the shots, and another nurse calls in and says a bunch of the patients died, another caller calls in, and you see it in the news too, you see it in the literature, it's not hidden.
So it's a giant test of just normalizing this, just like ancient cultures would sacrifice their children, or slavery was normal.
You know, slavery went on everywhere, from Japan to ancient Rome, to every area of Africa did it, every area of Latin America when it was Mesoamerica.
Christians were the first group to say, stop slavery.
Oh, so we hear Christian nations are bad now.
Because they know we care.
Europe, England, the US.
Think about that.
So see, slavery's back, folks.
Oh, Apple runs big death camps, that's good, because they fund Black Lives Matter and put black people in all their commercials.
Man, if I was in all their commercials, I'd be looking out.
Oh boy!
Bill Gates is your friend if you're black.
Yeah, I don't care what color you are, he's not your friend.
If you just joined us.
7 8 9 2 5 3 9 8 7 7 7 8 9 2 5 3 9 if you just joined us I showed you probably 15
mainstream news articles with major prestigious universities all of its
saying gene therapy halted mRNA therapy halted after liver failure after death
after leukemia after boy-in-the-bubble syndrome But now if you say it, they go, oh no, you're not allowed, only the UN can make a statement about mRNA.
So they didn't just get liability protection by rolling it out as a vaccine, a gene therapy, A infusion, as the head of the NAACP said a few days ago.
In fact, cue that up in Long Island.
She says, I'm not questioning the infusion.
I'm putting it in my arm and I'm not reading what's in it.
Cue that up for me.
And that's where you're at.
And she's like, don't worry, you're not going to be able to read the insert anyways.
They got a bill in Congress to take the inserts out and not have them tell you what the side effects are.
877-789-2539 and I'm going right to your calls.
Did it hurt you or did you love it?
We're not screening your calls.
Nobody's calling to say they loved it.
Everybody I know, I have a family member, well I'll just say it, it's my brother-in-law.
His dad's a medical doctor and they didn't make him at the hospital he works at do it.
But he went and got it in the second shot.
He got Guillain-Barré's and was paralyzed for a couple days.
But he's tough.
He fought through it.
Just like Ben Stein.
Why, he'd do it again.
How about Hank Aaron?
Will he do it again?
How about marvelous Marvin Hagler?
Oh, I'm sorry.
They're dead.
So I'm at dinner last night for St.
Paddy's Day.
My sister and her husband are over.
He's a great guy.
And I'm hearing about his dad being, his arms and legs being numb and not being able to move for a couple days.
But that's okay.
Because Tim Cook's gay.
As long as it's liberal, it's good.
And that's just what they did up front.
And it's not even been tested publicly on animals, even though it was.
It's so deadly down the road.
They don't want to hurt you right up front.
They don't want to warn you.
But it's got to be so deadly up front, so that down the road it kills your ass.
And maybe his dad's tough.
Maybe he'll make it.
But you know, I'm not the one being mean about Austin's dad.
I'm worried about it.
Everybody being macho.
You know, the puppet-in-chief, the stooge-in-chief, the reanimated corpse that is the Crypt Keeper, Joe Biden, the fraud, he said in an interview, hell, maybe we should play it, he said, you need to be, you know, you're being macho not taking the shot because you don't need it.
All you're doing is hurting others, infecting them.
Oh, no, no, no.
Everybody I know that takes the shot does it because they are macho.
They're like, well, I'm Hank Aaron, I'll do it, or I'm marvelous Marvin Hagler, I'm, I'm tough, or I'm, I'm Ben Stein, or, you know, I'm a, Austin's dad.
I'm Austin Rivera's dad.
I can just go ahead and I can take this.
But you find out it's deadly because it's not, it's a gene therapy.
And by the way, you go to mainline doctors now, they're offering gene therapies.
I was at the doctor at the checkup a few weeks ago, a few months ago.
They're like, hey, everybody's doing it.
It's an FDA study.
Would you like to take a gene therapy, intravenously, from women that donated their baby's placentas?
They say it rejuvenates you like 10 years.
And I'm like, no thank you!
I mean, that's like saying I don't want to drink my wife's blood or something.
None of this is good.
This is not how we operate.
And sure, it may have these great benefits, but here's the thing.
They're testing it all on us now.
This is a revolution of testing.
A revolution of mad scientists.
A revolution of bypassing everything.
And there will be so many bad side effects and so many problems that there will be all these new gene therapies to, quote, treat it.
And I've interviewed and I've talked to some of the heads of major genetic firms that don't want to come on air.
They said, Alex, we've got pretty clean gene therapies we've studied in animals.
We've got things that cure colon cancer, you name it, with very limited side effects.
We're not even sure if there are side effects.
We've been studying it 10 years.
FDA won't approve it.
They've gone ahead and approved without an emergency, I mean, in this emergency, authorization.
We look at this, it's such a wide-ranging protein in the mRNA that we believe it's going to hurt people for sure, and that's going to discredit our whole industry.
And see, they're looking at it from the wrong perspective.
This is about normalizing mass death.
So we're not in Kansas anymore, so who do we got here?
Ken is a medical worker, inpatient on vaccines.
Matt is a father, took vaccine, has issues now.
Matthew, ER tech, medical worker, has COVID comments.
Janelle is in Kansas, family friend, took vaccine, had stroke after.
Tamara, sister's a nurse, being forced to take vaccine.
Let's not cut anybody short.
Let's go to break, and I'm not going to talk when I come back.
I'm going to go right to Matthew, Tamara, Janelle, Matt, and Ken.
And the callers are being great, not calling in if you're not a medical worker, or not a doctor, or not a scientist.
But we've got a few lines open for you.
877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex, 877-789-Alex.
I'm going to give each person a minute or two to get their story out.
Of course, he's a medical doctor with 21 dead patients.
He was on the three segments.
I mean, how do you ignore this magnitude of information?
So let me do this, this hour's plug right now.
Storewide free shipping is over because some of our suppliers are like, listen, we're not making a profit, we gotta pay the bills, you can't have free shipping on this anymore, like storable food and things like that.
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The toll-free number to call and order is 888-253-3139.
Back in a few minutes, right to your phone calls.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We are back live in defiance of the censors.
Still on air, reaching millions of people thanks to you supporting us and spreading the word and sharing the links and articles on your email and text messages by word of mouth particularly.
Thank you all.
Keep fighting.
All right, I am not going to launch into more news or the articles pouring into more vaccine deaths, more brain damage, more autoimmune disorders.
They don't want you to have a voice.
And there are millions, several million tuned in right now, live.
And so we've opened the phones up.
You love the vaccine.
You hate the vaccine.
You're neutral on it.
You took it.
You liked it.
You're a medical worker.
You think it's great.
You hate it.
You're able to call in unfiltered, uncensored.
We just want your name, where you're calling from, and a good phone line.
Ralph is calling in from Tennessee, and he's got a testimonial about his experience with the vaccine.
Ralph, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Yeah, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Two weeks ago, my dad passed away.
Three weeks prior to that, he had the Moderna vaccine.
And as soon as he got the vaccine, he started feeling just terrible and just went downhill.
Ended up just everything shutting down and him passing.
And yeah, I had three ICU nurses tell me it was had to be the vaccine.
And because they've seen this with many other people.
I begged him not to get the vaccine, but he felt like he had to.
Did you get that literature to him?
And why is that? Because they tell men particularly, "Be tough, protect others."
And so, by the way, they admit that it doesn't protect you from COVID.
That's why you've got to get that literature to him. Did you get that literature to him?
I did. I did. But he just felt like that's the only way he could get back to normalcy and be able to get out and do
They held him hostage and so he thought it was the right, because people want to get through something.
So he was told, here's the solution.
And wow, what did he think?
I'm so sorry you have to talk about this, but it'll save lives.
Was he awake before he died?
Did he wake up before it killed him?
Yeah, he did.
He was in and out, you know.
And he knew.
He knew that's what did it.
God Almighty, Ralph.
Who do you blame?
I mean, I would blame Bill Gates and the media.
People say, oh, you know, all these famous sports stars that died.
They deserved it.
They went, no, they did it.
They said, I want to protect people.
They were tough guys.
They did it because they were lied to.
They were actually heroes.
Your dad, I believe, meant well and was a hero at the end of the day.
But what about the people that did this on purpose, brother?
Yeah, Bill Gates and the globalists.
And I would love to meet Bill Gates.
I'll tell you that.
Well, brother, how long have you been a listener?
Oh, a couple of years.
A couple of years, yeah.
Well, I spend all my time trying to make sure I'm accurate and I make mistakes, but when I came on here and said, don't take it, it's meant to kill old people, I wasn't just saying that.
We had the literature.
But what is it like to hear it versus you actually see it kill your father?
It was just like, you know, I believe this was true and to actually see it happening, it was just, it was awful.
And all I can say is, people, please don't get this vaccine.
And don't let your parents and people that are senior citizens get it, please.
Especially when you notice the British government.
That's it Alex.
Thank you for everything you do.
to and within one week of them doing it three months ago, they said, do not give it to above
But, but still the 75 year olds go and do it.
It's so sick, sir.
I'm so sorry for your father, but God is real.
And you know, your dad meant well.
And so at the end of the day, he did it because he cared about people.
He was lied to.
So you tried your best.
Just use this story to warn others.
And thank you for sharing it with us.
Anything else you want to add, Ralph?
That's it, Alex.
Thank you for everything you do.
I appreciate it.
Thank you, brother.
And again, I'm not at liberty to talk about this because they get really mad.
There are two people in this office right now, one of them is about 30 feet from me, who lost children from vaccines, and they told them the vaccines killed them.
My grandmother, again, got vaccinated for polio and got it.
They told her she got it from the vaccine in the 1950s.
And I could go on for an hour.
I personally have had my family devastated.
My father's brother, my uncle, Was in incredible perfect shape, took a tetanus shot, almost killed him when he was in high school.
And so all I'm telling you is, folks, this is not what you think it is.
You think they just shot up poor black people with syphilis?
No, folks.
That's bad.
I'm against that.
I'm saying it's everybody.
But they knew when it started coming out that if they just made it about black people, a lot of elitist white people would say, oh, well, that's just for them.
It's very sick, and it's very evil.
What Christ says, what you do to the children, you've done to me.
And a child, when Christ said that, means somebody under somebody's control.
An old person, a child, a minority being kept poor on a farm, somebody that wasn't allowed to have an education, a simple person.
And what you do to them, you've done to me.
Wow, that's a painful call, isn't it, folks?
People aren't calling it love, isn't that funny?
Where are they?
I actually have people I know who had family members that died from the vaccine.
The death toll must just be off the charts.
And they told me, Jones, you don't talk about it on air.
So I won't talk about it.
That's another thing.
Everybody just kind of goes in their corner when they kill your family members, or they maim you, and we're all just don't want to make a big deal about it.
Because we're not the leftists that are the drama queens.
God Almighty.
Let's just take another call.
who's been holding the longest now here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ken in California.
Ken, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Good, good.
Talking to you.
I work in a hospital, and they were offering the vaccines.
A nurse had just taken it.
I mean, I was going to decline.
I had already declined to begin with, but a nurse before me had taken it, and I witnessed her, after she received it, pass out three times.
Had to be escorted out to her vehicle.
So, like I said, you know, I wasn't going to take it to begin with, and after watching that, I'm definitely not going to take it.
But I also have a wife who's a medical doctor, and we're both back and forth.
I've been against it from the beginning.
I actually let her listen a little bit to when you were speaking about the mRNA, and that kind of got her to switch and not take it right now.
She says she's waiting for the others to come out, but I am not.
Well, I totally agree with what you just said.
I'm not saying take the viral vector AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson, but those aren't killing as many people as the Moderna and as the Pfizer.
So notice they're saying, don't take these, take these.
I wouldn't take any of them, but I sure as hell wouldn't take what they're telling me.
Bill Gates is involved in the mRNA vaccines.
Oh, I should have asked the caller earlier.
The fellow whose father died in Knoxville, see if he can call back in, ask him what vaccine his father took.
I know we've got lines open here, because people are being nice and not calling in.
They're not on the subject.
See if that gentleman can call back in, because I want to know which vaccine killed his papa.
Sorry, go ahead, Ken.
No, I've just said, definitely, you know, I'm not going to take any in.
And when people do pass Well, that's my question.
What is the chatter there in the hospital?
I mean, wow, because, I mean, you're hearing this everywhere.
Well, I'm, you know, we're, I'm in California, so we have, we have the virtual signalers, you know, the ones, the ones are going to take it.
another hospital and this person just died. Well that's my question what is the
chatter there in the hospital I mean wow cuz I mean you're hearing this everywhere
well I'm you know where I'm in California so we have we have the
virtual signalers you know the ones the ones are gonna take it I actually got
into shouting national nurse and she told me you can go ahead die or die or
something like that you know so it's 50/50 Half are not going to take it, the other half are just happy and willing to take it.
On average?
It's being hushed.
average of adverse reactions or death are you hearing? On average it's being
hushed so you know I hear a lot of reports people are getting really sick.
The death you don't really find out to afterwards when somebody says
somebody died.
Sure, they don't say they died of it.
Well, you know, a lot of these old folks are dying.
Well, I guess there's too many of them.
It's kind of like a wink-wink, huh?
So, it's sad.
Um, that's why I just want people to educate themselves.
Be aware.
I always say read.
I'm not going to tell you what to do.
It's your personal choice.
I agree.
Personal choice.
What do you think of them trying to give it to, or they aren't doing it, to newborn babies and six-month-old foster children?
They don't have a right, do they?
This is Joseph Mingala.
No, and I was fortunate that argument I got into with the Southern nurse.
A nurse came up to me a few weeks later.
She said, you know, I thank you for bringing up all that.
She goes, I'm breastfeeding and I was going to take the shot, but after listening to you, I decided not to take the vaccine.
I'm not telling you you should, but... You saved a life!
Keep it up, Ken!
We can outsmart Big Tech.
Word of mouth, point blank range.
More calls straight ahead.
And you found out it was a off-world, demonic, interspatial attack to bring down the species.
And the collaborators were working with Satan against God's plan to bring us down.
One day, I got in.
And when you come at it from that perspective, it all makes sense.
And you understand it all.
And the enemy finally respects you.
And just sees you as an enemy soldier.
Instead of a fool.
They don't laugh when we talk about that.
They look back at us and say, that's right.
We chose the winner.
You're gonna lose.
God and the devil, it's as real as a heart attack.
All right, we're taking your phone calls.
Retired police officers, Sergeant in Arizona, Jeremy, Mississippi, Matthew in Texas, Janelle in Kansas, Paul, Texas, everybody.
I mean, everybody in the order they came in.
Let's go to Janelle in Kansas.
Tell us your vaccine story, please.
Thanks for calling.
Yes, I have a former employee that was, he's retired now, but he took the first shot and within two days he was hospitalized with a stroke.
And so my question is, is there anything that you could tell us to do, you know, maybe some of your supplements or something that he can do now that he's taken the first shot?
He's still in limbo if he's taking the second one, so hopefully this will help.
Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
He doesn't know if he's going to take the second one?
Right, right.
Well, this sounds like the Darwin Awards to me.
You know, it's an IQ test.
I mean, these people are so trusting.
You can show him literature.
Okay, what so-called vaccine did he take?
Was it a virus vector vaccine?
Was it the AstraZeneca?
Or was it the Johnson & Johnson?
Or was it an mRNA vaccine?
I don't know.
I haven't asked him that question.
Okay, so how close are you to this person?
Pretty close.
I mean, he's a very good friend of our family still.
Well, I would just tell him if he wants to be depopulated, take the next shot.
I mean, he had a stroke and he, is he tying it to the vaccine?
Um, I, I don't know.
Um, I can say that, um, he was very healthy before.
No medical problems.
He's in his early, I think he's maybe 70.
Um, he hasn't worked for us for a couple of years, but he's not going to be, listen, you tell him, tell him you're not going to be collecting.
Social Security and stuff, that's good, and tell them take the second shot and leave the planet.
Because here's the deal, a lot of these folks are like in this hero mode, and they don't want to admit they got conned, because they'll have to admit that this is bad.
So they'll probably take the next shot and probably die.
And so just say, hey, when you're dying, will you at least shoot a video to warn others?
And I'm not being sarcastic here, I'm so sorry about your family friend.
It's just that you can lead a horse to water, you can't make him drink.
Well, please find out what vaccine he took so we can warn people, and I appreciate your point.
Anything else you'd like to say, Janelle?
No, that'll be it.
Thank you very much.
Yeah, and listen, I care about my family, and I'm sitting there like preaching at the dinner table last night where my brother-in-law's father got paralyzed from it.
He's a medical doctor.
And it's like, Ben Stein's like, well, I'm glad I took it, even though it almost killed me.
For something that kills like .000%?
It's all a fraud!
But we're... They know, though... People ask why the Germans went along with Hitler.
Once he got them into a war, they were stuck, folks.
You gotta say no up front.
We're being suckered into this thing, man.
God almighty, this is sick.
Okay, up next would be Matt in Michigan.
Matt, welcome, you're on the air.
Yes sir.
So my dad is a medical doctor and he had the second round of the vaccine and now he just received word that his PSA levels in his prostate are high which I think you know obviously are an indication of potential cancer so now he has to have a biopsy on his prostate.
Well they actually said that sir they said when you so did he take the Pfizer or Moderna?
I want to say Pfizer, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
Yeah, it's the mRNA that anything that's already pre-cancerous makes it basically go cancerous.
They admit that.
Wow, so now they want a biopsy of his prostate.
Can't he show them the literature saying that it makes hormone-based tissues swell up and that they should not do any biopsies for six months?
Oh, I guess I was not aware of that.
I mean, I've tried to send him videos and stuff, he just, he doesn't want to hear any of it.
Yeah, guys, type in, type in, doctors say don't be alarmed after mRNA vaccine if your glands, uterus, prostate, swell up.
Yeah, that's what it does, sir.
But notice, they don't tell him that.
They're going to make more money off the illness they've now given him.
So what is your dad now saying about taking the shot?
Not much.
I think he still agrees with it.
I don't even know if he's put two and two together, that it's from the vaccine.
Yeah, because if you try to talk about it on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, they block you.
I mean, you can be a medical doctor, you can have the scientific reports, they will not warn the people.
Doesn't that make them aiding and abetting this, sir?
Yeah, somebody needs to pay for all this, and it's ridiculous that they're not.
God bless you.
Call me back again and I'm not cutting these callers short.
I want to get to everybody.
You're amazing callers.
Not screening calls.
Where's the person that loved it?
Where's the person?
Because it's a bio weapon and they know you won't admit what you got hit by it because the nurse that gave it to you is nice.
Yeah, she didn't produce it.
A big shadowy globalist group did through the UN and won't let you question it.
You're being attacked.
This is 21st century stealth warfare.
People say, Jones, you better watch your ass.
Oh my God.
I remember I was about... I'm not going to tell the story.
It doesn't matter.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jeremy in Mississippi as a nurse.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex.
What's up man?
Man, I'm just watching the new Holocaust, brother.
I hear you, man.
Hey, man, I can't believe I'm talking to you.
Hold on.
I've been listening to you since I was six.
Art Bell or George Norrie, I heard, John.
I can't remember.
Yeah, man, you know, I run around.
I'm a home health nurse.
I see all these patients.
You know, I've seen droves of them that are supposedly, you know, they have COVID.
I'm yet to find one that's actually sick, number one.
None of them are sick.
And you'd think people would put that together, you know, two and two, but it just never happens.
Now, I've tried to warn my family.
Half my family's done run down and got this injection.
You know, they got the National Guard set up over here in one town where they can go over and they just, they even built a new road for them to get in to get this shot in your car.
And they're just flocking over there, man, just flocking over there to get it.
Where do you think this is all gonna go?
How are they gonna cover up all the illnesses and deaths?
Man, I don't know.
That's one thing, and I've just noticed it's really just got heavy the last several weeks.
I haven't noticed anything yet other than some localized stuff.
My stepmother and father got it.
She's having a problem on her arm.
I mean, that won't go away.
But uh, you know, I don't know.
I don't know, man.
And then, you know, just like this whole COVID, they're such liars, man.
My wife lost my wife last year because I couldn't really get her proper medical attention.
She had a genetic condition and she had real bad COPD.
And she would not go to the hospital because they wouldn't let me stay with her.
She wouldn't, she would not stay.
Oh yeah, that's this whole thing, not let you go in because of the COVID so they can run a dictatorship inside there.
That's right.
And I knew, and I wasn't going to let her stay without me because I knew if they got her in there with her condition, she was probably done for.
Well, they would have done a fake PCR test and then intubated her for the money.
Yeah, I know.
And so anyway, basically we just set it home till she died.
And, you know, I mean, she was she was sick, man.
But, you know, I do think I think in the normal circumstances,
she she would have lived longer. You know what I mean?
So many people have died from the hospitals being shut down and all the rest of it.
They've been more than COVID.
Thank you, sir.
This is a holocaust.
It's about insurance companies not having to give service.
It's about tracking all of us.
It's about rolling out these gene therapies that were all failing, that they couldn't get any business for.
It's just a total takeover.
We are absolutely being assaulted.
All right, I'm going to come back.
We'll do two more segments of your calls.
And then, Ezra Levant.
You heard about the Pentagon coming out against Tucker Carlson, demonizing him.
That's totally illegal to have the Pentagon involved.
Well now, the Prime Minister of Canada has the Pentagon and others criminally investigating Ezra Levant for exposing Chinese troops secretly training in Canada.
Remember, Trudeau says he wants a dictatorship run by China.
Spying on citizens.
Trudeau pays U.S.
defense contractors a spy on Rebel News.
That exclusive with him is coming up in T-minus 17 minutes.
But first, your phone calls on the other side and the order they are received.
Get ready, Paul and others.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
All right, I'm moving quick here to get to all the calls in the next 15 minutes.
From Bill, a retired police officer, Matt, Sean, Paul, Tim, Steve, and Kelly.
We should do whole shows just taking calls from people, talking about what happened.
And I miss what the caller said, Ralph from Tennessee.
His father died after taking the Moderna vaccine.
The crew went back and listened to that.
Just heart-wrenching stuff.
Okay, let's go to the next caller.
Let's talk to Matthew and then Paul.
Matthew in Texas, thanks for calling.
ER tech, medical worker, your view.
Go ahead.
Oh my God, Alex, it's an honor to talk to you, 10-year listener, first-time caller.
Yeah, I'm an ER technician and I have a degree in human biology, also a pre-med student and a National Guardsman that just got back from DC.
I'm working in the hospital again and I wanted to talk to you about just crazy things I'm seeing, the lies that they're blatantly telling us and more importantly, There's 200 plus soldiers at Fort Campbell, Kentucky right now that are being punished.
They're being threatened.
They're not being allowed to go home and see their families because they're refusing to take the vaccine.
And they begged me last night to call you and tell you about this to give you the details on that.
Well, please, sir, tell us about the Fort Campbell, Kentucky thing first and then tell us about what you're witnessing.
OK, so my brother is active duty in the Army.
Like I said, I'm also a National Guardsman.
But right now they're saying it's optional to take the vaccine, but by July they're going to make it mandatory.
And if they don't take it right now, though, even though it's optional, they're not being allowed to leave 25 miles from the base.
If they live 26 miles, they can't go home and see their family.
My brother's not allowed to go to work.
He is forced every day.
They send him into rooms with high-ranking officers, with first sergeants, sergeant majors, that grill them, ask them why they're not going to take it, and say, hey, well, if you don't take it now, when July comes, if you don't take it, everyone that doesn't take it's being busted down to a private.
You're going to have to forfeit pay.
We're going to give you Article 15.
You're going to have extra duty.
You're going to be on restriction.
So right now, there's guys having to live in the COVID barracks with supposedly sick soldiers.
I'm yet to see it.
And again, whatever they're doing to the troops is us next.
They want to get all the sheep to take it first, so when sheep still get sick, they'll say, those of us that didn't take it, it's our fault.
And so the military is a beta test.
We got to stand with them.
This is an experimental vaccine.
Just like the anthrax shots got suspended.
We need Congress to take action.
Please continue.
And that's exactly what they're telling them.
They're questioning soldiers saying, well, why don't you want to take it?
They're saying, well, because it's experimental.
We know that they're using fetal tissue in it, and that's against our religion.
They're saying they don't care.
Because at the same time, they're going after extremism, supposedly, which now is extreme to be a Christian.
They're going after... Oh, yeah, CNN says not wanting to take the shot is another sign of white supremism.
This is totally insane.
But don't worry, Hank Aaron and Marvel's Marvin Hagler, they're not white supremacists, they're dead.
So they're trying to give them the Pfizer vaccine and we have over 200 just at Fort Campbell with 3rd Brigade that are saying they don't want to take it.
Let me tell you what the officers do.
They all fake shot.
They shoot it out on the wall.
They shoot it in a trash can.
I can tell you all the medical doctors I know, none of them take it.
Hardly any of them do it.
And then also, another thing that's not COVID-related, but he was saying that they're also starting to try to implement an ammo restriction on soldiers, that they're personal-owned firearms, they're not allowed to own over a certain amount of ammo, or else they're going to be in trouble with the MPs for extremism as well.
But that's a little off-topic.
Oh yeah, they're absolutely trying to purge our military and put globalists in.
Well, is this having the opposite effect?
I mean, do the military people realize this is a globalist takeover?
Oh, they do, especially in the combat arms side.
I don't know a single infantry soldier that isn't aware of what's going on that doesn't listen to you and listen to others.
Pretty much my entire unit is getting out of the Army in the next year because they don't want to deal with this.
Like I said, I just got back from D.C.
as well, and all of us were just sickened to be there.
The FBI would go through our hotel rooms as soon as we walked out.
Uh, to go out on the streets and patrol.
We were being stepped over by the congressmen and just treated like- Well, yeah, this is a foreign takeover.
This is a foreign takeover.
This is- Oh, and we're, we're pretty much feeling like a lot of the, the very high up ranking people are not working for our country at this point.
And I think a lot of us are just at the point that we're wanting to get out.
And I understand if I was you, I'd probably get out, but you understand then this is meant to get you out and then they'll have pure communist in, but I guess that's okay.
That'll get the battle lines drawn.
Hold on, don't hang up.
I know I said I wouldn't go along with the caller, but I want to hear you briefly say what you're seeing as an EMT or an ER with the vaccines.
We'll get to all these other amazing callers straight ahead, back in 60 seconds.
Well, the big takeaway from the caller Matthew in Texas is the Pentagon has told the troops at Fort Campbell, Kentucky that in July the vaccines will become mandatory.
They're not letting them basically go see their families or go further than 25 miles off base if they don't submit.
That's already happening at colleges where you can't leave the college for a semester if you haven't had the vaccine.
It's all prison training for the forced inoculation, for the illegal medical experimentation, With the tracking systems and the world ID, the communist Chinese social credit score, and the purge of our military.
But he's also not just a National Guardsman who just got back from DC.
Matthew was talking about being an ER tech and what he's witnessing with these deadly gene therapies.
What are you seeing?
Well, so first off, early on in the middle of COVID, I was blatantly seen in the hospital by about the cause of death for multiple patients.
I had a patient who was a repeat patient that would come in all the time who was in liver failure.
They died later.
You know, we went to just look at the chart and say, I wonder what happened to them when they went to the ICU and then it said cause of death, COVID.
Uh, and the business department was the one changing these deaths because they wanted to get the money from the CARES Act grant for all the people that died.
I know people that are getting the vaccine.
There's some that have had no effect.
We've had a lot of nurses and a lot of doctors that are out sick.
We had a cardiologist who was out for over a week, sick as all heck, and had to cancel
weeks worth of surgeries.
They're still trying to cancel surgeries because some of the doctors that are deep into the
conditioning are saying, "Hey, it's too dangerous to even let a person come into the hospital
They're going to get COVID and die if they come here to even get a surgery in our safe
Like the last caller said, that was a nurse.
I'm yet to see a person who's actually even sick of COVID itself, though.
We had a COVID floor that was full of COVID positive people.
None of them seemed like they had anything worse than a typical flu or a bad cold.
I've had patients, I had a patient last night come in who's 25.
She just got over COVID.
And I said, well, were you sick when you had it?
Or was it kind of like a cold or the flu?
She said, yeah, it was just like a cold.
But now that she's received the vaccine, she's having symptoms of meningitis.
Um, and, uh, since they've lowered the threshold on the test of what qualifies as a positive.
We've now gone from 97 patients in the hospital that were COVID positive to only 20,
which is really curious if that happens after Biden comes into office.
That's right, as technocrats, they can turn the level up and turn it down
whenever they want.
I know you've got a lot of other great points to make.
We gotta jump to the next person.
God bless you.
We're probably just gonna open the phones up again for the whole week to people like you,
'cause the people need to hear the real world and this reality will end the gaslighting.
But I gotta get to everybody 'cause everybody's holding.
Thank you, sir.
God bless you.
I want to say hi to all the folks at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
They're at the Night Stalkers.
Okay, let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's go to Kelly in Arizona.
Friend is a firefighter, firefighter union, most refusing.
That's in the news.
That's good news.
Kelly, give us your take on that.
Well, it's a good friend of mine.
He works for one of the smaller departments just outside of Greater Phoenix.
They had a union meeting to get them all to come in to vaccinate.
And, uh, there's a little over 700 in that union.
Only 7 of them took that vaccine in the fire department.
Well, they're going to keep trying to push it on people.
The answer is don't just refuse it.
Warn everybody you know.
Do you agree with me?
Oh, we lost that caller.
Retired police sergeant in Arizona wants to talk about the policies.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey, Mr. Jones.
It's a pleasure to talk to you.
Been listening for a little bit over a year now.
Anyway, I don't want to waste time patronizing you.
I could go on for hours, sir.
Anyway, I'm a Christian man.
I was in law enforcement for 23 years, and we actually moved from Arizona to Texas, and found a great house, big pool, everything.
You know, really thought that we were getting out of all this, and this governor that runs that state My heart is just broke.
We're actually playing by the rules.
This guy is compromised by China.
I don't know if anyone's seen the John Fedrich report.
it white supremacist. Even if it was white supremacist it has a right to exist but it's
not. It's the opposite of that. It's absolutely outrageous.
Our governor is a dirtbag.
This guy is compromised by China. I don't know if anyone's seen the John F. Ruddrich report.
He had a report of 29 governors who were compromised by China who have accepted money,
And it's only the cities that are run by Democrats, but yeah, the governor, the governor is a piece of work.
of this man. Not that Ducey's any better, but I found myself a great county to live
in that's very red and I feel safe there.
And that's what we all do.
Listen, I love Texas, but it is Texans better wake up to how much trouble we're in. And
it's only the cities that are run by Democrats. But yeah, the governor, the governor's a piece
of work. What's your take on the vaccine policies?
I'm not taking it.
And the real reason that I called Alex is I have a son that's a, he's a baseball player in college.
He's a D1 athlete, only a freshman.
And, uh, I'm scared to death that they're going to make these kids, these athletes, that don't need nothing.
He's already had COVID.
They've got to organize now, ahead of it.
He's got to organize ahead of it, create a union, be nice to the coaches, but say, hey, talk about the deaths, educate people now, so there's resistance ahead of it.
Don't wait until they move against them.
Alex, we're talking about Division 1 athletes.
We cannot get these kids injected with something that they don't need.
And I'm afraid they're going to do this by getting them with this vaccine passport.
They're going to make them fly.
They're going to, you know, to travel the state.
There's always going to be loopholes because the globalists aren't going to be taking it.
I got to jump.
Great points.
That's a whole other debate.
Thank you.
OK, up next here, I'm just moving fast.
Get everybody in here.
That would be Paul in Texas.
Father took the vaccine, hospitalized after.
Tell us about that, Paul.
Oh yeah, hi Alex.
Long time listener, first time caller.
My dad took the vaccine about a week ago.
He collapsed and was rushed to the hospital.
That's the only thing we can link it to is the vaccine.
Did you know what type he took?
No, I don't.
That's one thing.
Everyone tried.
My sister's a VA nurse and she called him and spoke with him on the phone for hours about not taking this thing.
She says that all the doctors up there and all the nurses where she works in Texas aren't touching it.
They don't like any of them.
So a VA nurse called your father and said don't take it?
Yeah, my sister.
And he wouldn't listen to his own daughter?
No, my dad's retired military, he's hard-headed, bless his heart, he's very physically fit.
Exactly, he sees it as, I'm a warrior, I'm gonna help other people, because he's told he better do it, so he does it.
They're manipulative, you see how they, they had Princeton and Yale did a year of study on how to brainwash people, did you know that, on this vaccine?
No, I did not, I did not know that.
Sorry, go ahead.
So tell me what happened to your dad, how is he now?
Well, I went to the hospital, I prayed over him, and I experienced a miracle.
I know this sounds weird, but his eyes opened, and he looked at me.
And a few days later, he came out of it, and he's talking now, and he seems to be all there.
Okay, but listen, if it's an MRNA, he cannot take the second shot.
It'll kill him better than a hammer.
Okay, I'll be sure and tell him.
Thank you so much, Alex.
Because listen, if the first shot hit him that hard, he's dead on the second one.
Oh goodness, okay.
I need to make sure that we, yeah, she was talking about, it's been so chaotic around here.
Let me tell you what else you do.
You go to the place they did it.
You say, I'm going to hold you responsible legally.
They may say they have liability protection, but this is manslaughter.
God bless you, Paul.
We appreciate your call.
Good God.
I could take hundreds of these calls.
Where are all the people that love it?
You're not hearing a one, are you?
His sister's a VA nurse, called the dad, said, don't take it.
He still did it because he's a man.
God Almighty help us.
Ah, boy, I'm getting really angry now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Steve in South Carolina.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Thanks, Alex, for taking my call.
Thing with the vaccine here, my wife, she's taken both of the Pfizer shots.
I refused to take any of it.
And her daughter pushed her into doing this because she said it's the right thing to do.
And I begged her not to take it.
And then all the peer pressure from her friends.
Well, we're taking it, we're taking it.
And, you know, I can see it's affecting her already.
What has it done to her, sir?
Well, she kind of has had a little, I don't even want to say dementia, but she, you know, we're both getting up in the evening.
It causes brain fog.
It causes the beginning.
Yeah, it causes a protein blue in the brain.
Must have been the mRNA.
Do you know what she took?
Yeah, she took the Pfizer vaccine, and when I seen, when you interviewed Dr. Timpani, I said, oh my God, it's going to attack her frontal lobe!
And it's going to destroy her!
Well, there are, I'm not a medical doctor, but I'm going to have Tin Penny on and others to talk about.
There are detoxes, there are anti-inflammation things.
A lot of times simple Benadryl, but the doctors won't tell you that.
Or, I'm not giving medical advice, but oral steroids, a steroid shot from the doctor.
You'll have to go in and say, oh, I've got an allergy, give me a steroid shot.
That could really help her.
Because it's an autoimmune response a lot of times.
Again, I'm not a doctor.
I know what they say is going on though.
Because the brain fog is a swelling of the brain a lot of times and a bloom of protein.
But a lot of times if you reverse the information it can help.
I'm out of time.
God bless you.
Stay with us.
You just saw Tucker Carlson the last week embroiled with the Pentagon investigating him and speaking out against him for daring to question putting pregnant women in combat and giving them maternity suits for the fighter pilots.
And having the military wear red high heels and to have, you know, I guess put transgender people in Delta Force or whatever's going on.
You're not supposed to have your military investigating civilians or the media.
That's called tyranny.
You know, like when the CIA got caught spying on Congress.
But what if you're Ezra Levant of Rebel Media?
He's had a big national talk show, a big national network, very successful.
There's a lot of great work.
Well, he just discovered, we'll have the actual documents, we're breaking them all here today, that Justin Trudeau, the same guy that said that he basically pledged allegiances to the communist dictatorship and admires, quote, dictatorship, hired a U.S.
defense contractor to spy on Rebel News.
Here's Tucker Carlson talking about what happened to him, then we'll talk to Ezra Levin.
Your politicians like Tammy Duckworth say that it's unpatriotic to question the Pentagon unless you have served in the military yourself.
You haven't earned that right.
Can only cops talk about police brutality?
If you haven't been elected to office, are you allowed to criticize Congress?
They're not making a real argument.
They're trying to silence dissent.
Not playing along.
Every American citizen has a right, maybe an obligation, to know what the military they pay for is doing.
Because our lives may depend on it.
Today the Department of Defense launched a large and coordinated public relations offensive against this show.
Pentagon brass issued hostile statements.
People in uniforms sent out videos on social media.
The DoD even issued a news release attacking us, Press Secretary Smites, Fox News host.
Like we're a hostile foreign power.
We suspect this is one war they might actually win.
They've got a manpower advantage.
We could play you a lot of tape from this today.
It took up most of their day, and we could marvel over it.
Since when does the Pentagon declare war on a domestic news operation?
Can't remember that ever happening.
But we're not going to do that.
We're going to pass.
Because this is bigger than a feud with some flack at the Pentagon.
This is genuinely worrisome.
The Department of Defense has never been more aggressively or openly political.
Tonight, there are 2,500 American troops stationed in Afghanistan, and they remain there to prevent the fall of Kabul to extremists.
At the same time, there are 5,000 troops in our own capital tonight, also as protection against extremists, meaning people who voted for the losing candidate in the last election.
Judging by those numbers, the Pentagon is now twice as focused on controlling our own citizens as it is on controlling the Taliban.
Meanwhile, as Lloyd Austin hyperventilates about white supremacy, there are real threats
out there, and the biggest ones continue to be ignored.
Wow, so Ezra Levant joins us, RebelNews.com, a good friend of mine, a great guy.
And he's now learning that he's under investigation by the Pentagon, defense contractors at the
request of Trudeau, who says, quote, he admires the Chinese dictatorship on national TV, and
people clap.
Oh, gosh.
So he's not a threat, but Ezra Levant is.
So what we see is a coming out here of the military forces of the West against journalists.
Same thing over in the UK.
Ezra Levant, give us the latest on this and break down this story that I know just broke a few hours ago.
I appreciate you giving us the quasi-exclusive.
It started when Rebecca Goolsbee, who's with the U.S.
Navy Cyber Intelligence, she contracted a unit at the University of Arkansas in Little Rock to do what they call a cyber forensic analysis of my media company, RebelNews.com.
So the U.S.
Navy paid money, we don't know how much, to a little unit at the U of Arkansas to do a
work up on us.
And I read that report, and I'll tell you how I found it in a minute, and they claimed
we were engaging in influence operations using deep, fake websites.
It was absurd.
They actually claimed, and you know I'm a pretty conservative guy, Alex, I mean we... Sure, let's be clear, they're not supposed to be looking at journalists, they're not supposed to be looking at Americans or even Canadians, they're not supposed to then put out false reports on us, but that's what's going on.
Yeah, they came up with this bizarre report that claimed we were trying to get Justin Trudeau out to be replaced with a socialist candidate.
It's crazy.
We're very hostile to the socialists in Canada.
That's, you know, so it was really, really weird.
This junk report that they wrote just making up stuff.
But The US Navy paid them for it.
But then this defense contractor at University of Arkansas, they resold the same info to Trudeau's Canadian Armed Forces.
So I don't know what my rights are.
Let me just stop you.
That's the answer.
They want to demonize you to the Canadian Armed Forces because you exposed the Chinese troops secretly training.
You exposed Trudeau.
You're the main guy doing it.
And so they know the troops are patriotic and conservative.
So they say you're a commie.
But that'll just backfire on them.
The troops aren't stupid.
Yeah, I find it very confusing.
I don't know what my rights are in America, because I'm not an American citizen.
Our operations are not in America.
We have a lot of viewers in America.
Let's just say this.
In any administration, if liberals got spot on by the Pentagon, it would be major congressional hearings, five alarm fires, people pissing themselves.
That's right.
So my theory, one of my theories, is that Trudeau, because he didn't want to spy on us directly, my theory is maybe he got someone in the states to spy on us for him.
Well that's how it's always done.
That's how they had the British spy on Trump.
But then, bizarrely, the Canadian Armed Forces paid this Arkansas defense contractor for the same work.
And then they published it.
They actually published their study, and that's how I found out about it.
So I never knew I was being spied on by the U.S.
I never knew that the University of Arkansas' defense contractor, their little cell there, And their job was how do we hurt this great, you know, conservative Jewish man that stands up for everybody's rights?
We'll just say he's a commie to the troops.
They lied!
Yeah, I mean, it was such a weird allegation.
And you know what a deepfake is, Alex?
That's these video forgeries.
They accuse you of fake videos, which you've never done.
I mean, there's some deepfakes out there of Tom Cruise that are really spooky, and I agree that deepfakes pose a challenge to everyone who's trying to make sense of the world.
I have no doubt that they'll be used nefariously.
We've never made a deepfake in our lives.
We don't have the technology.
There are thousands of deepfakes of me on the internet.
A deepfake is like famous movies out there with people like Tom Hanks where
they show him meeting with JFK and it's a fake video. That's all that means.
Right exactly I mean I guess it goes back to Forrest Gump that's what you're
talking about but we've never done that in our lives.
So this defense contractor, here's my theory.
I mean, and I'm open to new information.
I'm being stonewalled.
By the way, I phoned the spy master at the U.S.
I left her a message.
I sent her an email.
I phoned the defense contractor.
I sent them an email.
They haven't got back to me.
I'm not surprised.
But I want to ask them, why did you choose me?
Why didn't you check your basic facts?
And what's the whole game here?
Like, we're, you know, we're a fairly small Fish in the sea, so to speak, and it's the U.S.
I'm from a landlocked province called Alberta.
I don't even have a canoe.
Why is the Navy so interested in me?
I'm a civilian journalist.
Imagine if you learned.
Imagine if it became known that the Canadian Armed Forces was snooping around, let's say, Jim Acosta.
Or Anderson Cooper, or whatever.
That would be a huge deal, so stay there.
I interrupted a lot, but I brought in key points.
When we come back, how you discovered this, I can tell you why they're doing it to you, and where all this is going, in par with the course with Justin Trudeau, who will play the clip, not a deep fake, praising Xi Jinping and the most brutal dictatorship in world history.
Ezra Levant of RebelNews.com is our guest.
So, Ezra Levant.
An established, long-term journalist, runs a national network in Canada, runs an international network, does a lot of great legal work for free speech, a very conservative, respected guy.
They know who he is, he's not somebody that just popped up here.
Has a Pentagon-connected Navy group, then tied into the Army and the rest of it, spying on him and creating fake reports on him.
And then he asks, what is this?
Well, this is propaganda.
This is you being set up.
And this shows how at the top we have the Confucius Institutes, the Chai Kams, the globalists in control.
And they are now converting the main military, once Biden got in, it's accelerated, against people that are resisting the takeovers of Canada, the takeovers of the US, Australia, you name it!
And so the average person in the military is just following orders.
They just conduit the money through into the groups who then put out the disinfo.
Obviously the group that funded the U.S.
military to do this directed them of where to send the money.
So it's also a major money laundering operation and that's why we're in so much trouble.
I remember hearings the last three years in the House Armed Services Committee.
They would go, well an example of a Russian agent is Alex Jones.
I have no Russian connections.
I'm totally patriotic.
Not many people probably have family members that actually were involved in Iran-Contra and also things in Europe.
Mine was.
I mean, actually killing Russians in the 80s.
And so it's very insulting.
It's like saying, you know, that Superman's with Lex Luthor or something.
But that's what they do because it's a foreign takeover.
And now the new Secretary of Defense is working with Honore saying, we're going to get the guns.
We're going to have war with the gun owners.
Just having guns is white supremism.
They're trading the military.
They're preparing for a purge.
They're preparing for war.
And you're one of the main... You say you're small.
You're not small.
You're huge.
You reach tens of millions a week.
They know you're exposing Trudeau up there in that desert of information.
You're a big oasis, so they're coming after you.
So I'm going to shut up now, but just get into how big this is, because this is absolutely huge.
Well, and we wouldn't have found out about it had the same defense contractor not resold the same info to the Canadian Armed Forces, which for some reason published it as a part of a study.
So I started following the breadcrumbs back to the University of Arkansas, defense contractor, and then back to the U.S.
So here's some questions that come to my mind.
Who else are they spying on like this?
Anyone else in Canada?
Are they spying on you, Alex?
I think they probably are.
I wanted to tell you, this is par for the course for anybody effective, anybody loyal, anybody good.
I mean, if you weren't such a good guy, this wouldn't be happening, buddy.
I was about to say, you should expect this.
Well, I mean, and that goes to my next question.
How else are they spying?
It's one thing for them to, you know, work up reports on my website, but are they actually hacking it?
Are they eavesdropping?
Are they using human intelligence?
Have they sent people in to infiltrate our organization?
What else are they doing?
That I haven't detected because I didn't detect the spying on us until the Canadian Armed Forces blabbed in some military journal.
The U.S.
Navy and the University of Arkansas, they were tight-lipped.
It was the Canadian Armed Forces that blabbed about it.
So who else are they spying on?
Is it Glenn Beck?
Did they spy on Rush Limbaugh?
How about on...
Big websites.
Well let me give you the answer.
You saw Psaki a month ago and then now Biden.
They said we have the Department of Defense and intelligence agencies with laser focus working against right-wingers and and Trump supporters and so yeah they're watching everybody.
Here's another question.
So how else are they spying?
But who is behind it?
You've talked about how foreign intelligence agencies are sometimes used to get around ethics or other laws.
So, for example, maybe the U.S.
Navy was sent against me because Trudeau wanted to insulate himself.
Maybe UK or Canadian spies are going after Americans again So they don't trip over laws banning a country's military from spying on its own citizens.
It might be that the U.S.
Navy is allowed to spy on me because I'm not an American, and the Canadian Armed Forces are allowed to spy on you because you're not a Canadian.
Maybe they're basically log rolling and saying, I'll spy on your guys, you spy on my guys, and we'll pretend it's all kosher.
But I guess a big question is, what were they trying to achieve?
Were they trying to set the table for wiping us off the internet, deplatforming us by trying to compare us to, I don't know, like a North Korean hacker or an Iranian hacker?
There really are bad actors out there in cyberspace.
Many of them are Chinese, North Korean, Iranian.
There are some Russians too, of course.
Were they trying to demonize Rebel News?
So that we could be swept off the internet and... Now wait a minute, you're the guy that got the secret documents that he had secret Chinese troops training and infiltrated your military and your own military last year was concerned.
How dare you?
It's not like your Prime Minister pledged allegiance to the dictatorship.
I mean, we have a clip of it.
Here it is.
Well of admiration I actually have for China.
Because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go green as fast as we need to start investing in solar.
I mean there is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about of having a dictatorship that he could do everything he wanted.
By the way, not only is he, and that's not a, that's not a green screen, it's not a deep fake, it's in the National Post, show that too, he said that.
But they're trying to claim that Ezra's doing that to the military, thinking they're stupid.
But let's expand, even the lie that China's going green, faster, they're the worst and aren't even attempting it.
Everything, it's incredible.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, no, you're so right.
You know, I follow the People's Liberation Army, that's the name of the Chinese military, and what they call the PLA Navy.
And I'm genuinely worried, Alex.
Did you know that they're building their fourth aircraft carrier?
Now, they're not yet at the level... They're the biggest navy in the world right now.
They're building a giant blue water navy.
Yeah, and they're not yet at full operational capacity.
They don't have the decades of experience of the U.S.
But I tell you, the U.S.
Navy has some real threats, and they're mainly coming from China.
It's insane to me that the U.S.
Navy would be focusing its cyber security on Peaceful civilian journalists who, by the way... On a pro-American guy!
If anybody, I have you at the War College, the Naval War College, teaching folks how to be a patriot or how to be effective promoting freedom.
They should be promoting freedom!
They should be doing what you're doing!
And let me give you an update.
You mentioned Trudeau.
He has, through his entire career as Prime Minister, been very pro-China.
Quick example.
You know the Uyghur Muslim ethnic minority in Western China?
There was a vote in Canada's Parliament to declare that a genocide.
And you can agree or disagree, but there was a vote.
Take a stand.
Well, it's definitely a genocide if anything is.
Yeah, I mean, I think it checks a lot of the legal boxes.
Okay, there's a vote in the Parliament, and Trudeau's in the Parliament.
He refused to show up.
His entire cabinet, in Canada the cabinet is part of the legislature.
He's a Chi-Com agent that had the U.S.
government spy on you because you're over the target.
He is an absolute outrage.
Like literally a couple of weeks ago, he simply would not...
cast a vote. He hid. He did not even walk into the chamber to vote yes or no. He didn't
even abstain. He literally was absent that day because he didn't want to offend his buddies
over in China. And right now there's two Canadian hostages who were kidnapped off the streets
of Beijing, held hostage because Canada arrested the CFO of Huawei to extradite to the States
for fraud charges.
Yeah, the daughter of the top general.
So right now, China is holding two hostages.
They're hostages.
They were kidnapped.
They're going through a sham trial right now.
I wish Trudeau hated them, spied on them, was as rhetorically abusive to the Communist Chinese.
As he is to a law-abiding, patriotic, peaceful civilian group.
Well, this is a national scandal.
I mean, if Nixon got in trouble for breaking into a psychiatrist's office, what should they do for spying on you and then lying about you?
And again, folks, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
We're not liberals whining we're victims.
Ezra Levant's over the target, so this is a badge of honor.
But it's illegal what's happening, and it's very dangerous.
And if you think this is the only thing going on, or Tucker Carlson, think again.
Because as he said, it takes away the resources of dealing with the Red Dragon.
Final segment with Ezra Levant ahead.
Then, the one, the only, Matt Bracken's got a lot of big news to break today.
When Owen Schroer takes over at 3 p.m.
Central, he's going to open phones up again for medical workers and doctors to tell their horror stories or their glowing reports on the COVID vaccine rollout.
You know, I can tell you something that happened, I don't know, this is like 20-something years ago now.
I was covering Operation Urban Warrior where the Marines were training in California for a future gun confiscation under Bill Clinton's orders.
Very unconstitutional training they were giving them, but it backfired and made the Marines wake up even better.
And so I later had some Navy SEALs and Marines come and show me in my office All this classified video of them with drones following us and then watching us at the hotel and how it totally woke the military up even more about us being there saying, what are you doing role players for gun confiscation?
So again, the average military people are some of the best folks out there, but it's the globalist politically in control now.
And the reason that Ezra Levant and Rebel Media and Infowars and others and Tucker Carlson are so important is, we're there speaking directly to the military so it can't be fully taken over by this.
And that's why Biden's doing this purge of the military now, where if you were ever pro-America, pro-gun, pro-Trump, well you're a terrorist.
And so that's really where this is all going.
There's a fight over our infrastructure, over our institutions.
Ezra Levant, you've been making some amazing points.
Let's finish up with this and then let's move forward with any other big issues that are on your radar screen.
Let's say you wanted to destroy the police in the United States.
You could say defund the police and announce your intentions publicly like that.
But I think people might rally around the police and say, well, that's not such a good idea.
But let's say you wanted to actually be effective.
Then you would infiltrate the police and have them do things that discredited them in the public eye.
You would have them take a knee and debase themselves.
You would perhaps send them as lockdown police to abuse civil liberties.
And so then you would erode the police support from their own conservative base.
So instead of saying, I want to destroy the police by defunding, you would be more clever.
You'd put in police chiefs here and there and do things that ordinary conservatives would turn against their own people.
You could say the same thing happened to the NFL and NASCAR to make them woke.
You know, those used to be conservative institutions.
You could say, I'm going to destroy the NFL, or you could just turn it into a woke-a-thon and conservatives will walk away.
The best way to destroy something is to lead it.
If you want to destroy it, lead it into destruction.
That's Robert Conquest's third law.
The best way to understand any organization is a cabal of its enemies.
So, let's apply that to the U.S.
That's a very conservative institution.
It's a right-wing institution.
It's beloved by Americans on the right.
It should be beloved by all Americans.
Well, if you want to discredit the U.S.
military, you make it go after Tucker Carlson with these woke-a-thons.
You make them wear high-heeled shoes.
You spy on conservatives.
So, at the very least, you're taking them off their real mission, defending against China.
And, if any consumers are paying attention, they start to have doubts and lose respect for the institution.
I believe that this is a double win for the left.
Oh, I totally agree.
They admit that's their plan.
So how do you... I know all these great military people getting out because they know what's happening.
At some level, I know it's a hard job.
Stay in, just don't let the commies kick you out, and then be there to be an American infiltrator in the system itself.
just like the commies infiltrate, we've got to be the agent in place that stays there.
Yeah, I mean it's like the FBI.
What James Comey did to that institution has destroyed it in the eyes of many Americans, not just conservatives.
And I think that we need to expose this.
I'm going to call it a deep state because it is a kind of deep state within the military.
I mean, the U.S.
Navy has a $161 billion a year budget.
There are so many people working in there.
There are globalist criminal factions hiding within it because Congress doesn't know their ass from all the ground.
Yeah, and by the way, for every person actually sailing on a ship guarding against the People's Liberation Army Navy, there's probably two paper pushers like this would-be spy queen who's going after us.
So I think that part of it is just the military-industrial complex, the size of the bureaucracy.
I think there's mission creep.
I think the long march through the institutions that we've all seen through the universities and the media has happened in the military, too.
I think one solution is a James O'Keefe-style, Project Veritas-style expose of what's going on on the inside.
I think, obviously, that has to be done by Americans in the military.
Exactly, and not expose any military stuff.
It would just have to be the ideology of the people running the operations.
Oh, yeah, I'm not talking about exposing national security secrets.
I'm talking about the opposite.
I'm talking about showing how bureaucrats and politicians within the Navy and elsewhere are hijacking it for partisan purposes.
I want to know the scale of it.
And I want to challenge... I'll tell you the scale.
It's so bad that I have people that have worked here 20, 18 years.
Who have a sister that's a teacher.
She now worships Xi Jinping in Minnesota.
Mainline liberals love Xi Jinping.
It's not just Trudeau on TV saying, I love dictatorship, I love Xi Jinping.
It's not just his dad meeting with Mao or Fidel Castro.
These people really love it.
Well, you know what, where's the ACLU?
If it was the Young Turks, or Jim Acosta, or MSNBC, or even Ellen, or some of the leftists on The View who were spied on, it would be top news, the ACLU, Reporters Without Borders, Amnesty International, all these so-called civil liberties, the Washington Correspondents Group, They would all be freaking out, and with good reason, because the government shouldn't spy on civilian journalists.
So it's not just the problem with the military, it's the problem with the so-called civil liberties organizations that are really giving a pass to all this bad behavior.
They all got bought out by Soros the last 10 years.
That's a fact.
And they just simply no longer care about freedom in the way they did in the 60s and 70s.
I mean, you can say what you like about hippies in the 60s and 70s, but they seemed to actually believe in free speech, restricting police oversight.
Well, that was because the left was busy taking the system over.
Now that they're the system, they don't believe in any of it.
Yeah, you're right.
It was all just a temporary phase to get the levers of power, and they don't want those levers of power fettered anymore, now that they're the ones wielding them.
I think it falls to conservatives to be the new civil liberties promoters.
There are a few good guys out there, but they're small in number.
Well, say Naomi Wolfe.
She used to advise the Clintons.
She came out and said the Democratic Party is pure evil fascism now.
It's true!
But you know, the fact that I knew you were going to mention her, because she's one of so few people you can count them on one hand's fingers, Alex.
There should be so many liberals saying that, that you couldn't even count them or name them all.
But they're so few in number, and that's what's so sad, is that the lockdown has taught us That not everyone in Canada, the United States, UK, Australia, actually believes in freedom.
In fact, most people just go along to get along, and you'd be surprised how quickly they rewire their own minds, their condition.
Well, that's right, because they've lived in freedom so long and never been challenged by a Stalin, a Mao, a Hitler.
That they literally don't know what's hitting them, but they will soon because the bottom has fallen out.
Ezra Levant, thank you for breaking this big story with us, because I was like, I'm like telling my crew, he's coming on, where's the story on his website?
You didn't put it up to the right when you came on, so that's at rebelmedia, rebelnews.com.
Thank you so much sir.
Cheers, take care my friend.
Thank you so much.
Well that is a big badge of honor for him to have Trudeau spying on him through the
And of course they lie.
I mean who do you think?
That isn't the regular Navy.
It's not the regular Army wrote those fake reports on him.
They conduit out to the little commie organizations at the universities to then create a ridiculous
document like that.
But at the end of the day, ladies and gentlemen, truth will win.
If we stay on air, if we keep fighting, if you keep fighting, it's going to get a lot crazier and a lot worse for it gets better.
But in the end, it will get better.
He's like, why are they after me?
He exposed and foyered the secret documents of tens of thousands of Chinese troops training and the military saying they're spies, get them out of here.
Surprised they didn't kill him.
But God is in control, ladies and gentlemen.
So, We've got Matt Bracken.
He's got a bunch of breaking news.
He wants the full hour.
I'm going to try to give it to him.
I've got a little bit more news to cover in the next five minutes, but then he takes over.
Please don't forget, you guys are awesome in this fight.
Without you, we don't stay on air, and I try to make it easy to support us.
I'm sure you can make a straight donation, infowarestore.com, and we get 95% of the money instead of half of it or a third of it, depending on the product.
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So thank you for keeping us in attack formation.
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That was a powerful three hours.
Great job, crew.
Hour number four, straight ahead.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the fourth hour.
That bracket's taking over a few minutes.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Let's finish up with some news I mentioned but I wanted to get into more detail on.
If you're a TV viewer, you are going to have to look at this creature's face, but radio listeners are blessed not to see it.
Former President of Drag Queen Story Hour Foundation and Children's Court Judge, yes, arrested on seven counts of child porn.
He also headed up the state's LGBTQP operation.
Brett Blum, 38, was arrested for having with child porn, it's reported.
And of course, the couple has two adopted children.
Court records do not suggest they are part of the illegal issue.
Charlotte Services involved with the current placement, Defense Attorney Christopher Van Wanger said during the court hearing, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.
And that's why they're racing to legalize Pedophilia and all this because this is the religion of these people.
But notice, oh, they have last week on HBO and they have the Comedy Central shows with Noah and they make jokes and say there's no pedophilia, there's no child rape.
One of the best things Trump did was unleash the police to go after these networks and they've been busting the hell out of them.
And notice they're almost always Democrats and there's some Republicans.
But I have a stack of this news today.
Milwaukee judge and president of the Drag Queen Story Hour.
Well, who else would want to wear a wig and have kids jump on their crotch?
Arrested after being charged with child pornography.
Transgender YouTube star downloaded child porn images while running child care services.
Multiple children reported being raped at the facility, but they could never catch them.
So instead, the police just got a search warrant and got the cell phone.
And that was enough.
Child's Rights Group in India asked police to probe Netflix show Bombay Begums, and they got toddlers in tiaras and all the rest of it.
That's all these people are into, folks.
It is absolutely sick.
Meanwhile, it turns out that a bunch of big leftist publications have come out, Daily Beast and Radar Online, about court documents confirming the Clintons with little girls on The Jeffrey Epstein Lolita Express.
Media outlets won't explain why damning Clinton Epstein article was quietly deleted.
They didn't retract it.
Like when the Wall Street Journal said that I launched the attack and led the attack on the Capitol.
They said I stood on top of a car and said attack it when I did the opposite.
You ever heard of emotive dumbasses?
Why would I want that?
To destroy everything we were trying to peacefully do.
Simply Absolutely amazing.
I have seen thousands of articles over the year out of the Netherlands, the UK, Germany, it's the same in Africa, it's the same in Latin America, it's the same everywhere, where judges are caught running child kidnapping rings.
And I'm not saying even a small percentage of judges are into it, but a large percentage of pedophiles become judges, they become truancy officers, they become people that want to be able to do this with the power they have over children.
And here it is again.
So when you see John Oliver and Trevor Noah and the media saying none of this exists, you see Twitter banning anybody criticizing convicted pedophiles, remember, that's who they are.
They're either into it or they're being protected by it.
Remember Eric Siramella's lawyer on his Twitter said, I like to represent pedophiles.
I like to get them security clearances.
Who the hell puts that out?
They take our weakness as a green light to attack, and it's time we stop being scared of these monsters.
You know, if we didn't have any power to resist them, they wouldn't be trying to censor us.
They were all powerful.
They're not all powerful.
I got one more article I'm going to hit on Joe Biden, then hand the baton to Matt Bracken.
Stay with us.
The globalists and their minions, their pomps and their pimps, like to brag and hide things in plain view.
And if you go back to the Senate report that's just four years old, they confirmed bipartisanly that tens of thousands of children smuggled across the border were placed, out of the hundreds of thousands, with child sex traffickers.
That's the Senate report.
We'll show you that headline in a moment.
So that's why when Psaki comes out, There's the headline.
And makes a joke about it yesterday and says, any children that can get here, get here.
Well, that means people grab children and kidnap them and use them to go across.
In some cases, they found a little three-year-old girl that had been used over 20 times, malnourished, ribs poking out.
And they finally just dumped her in a field.
Oh, by the way, she'd been raped innumerable times.
But it's okay if you're a trendy redhead chick.
It's like, I'm a redhead chick.
I'm a woman, so it's okay if we run death camps.
Tim Cook's gay, it's okay if he runs death camps in China with the Uyghurs.
It's like when they ask, well the economy's collapsing.
Well, we appointed a woman to the head of small business.
Oh, my gosh, that's great!
These people are soulless.
They're like mummies.
They're like ventriloquist dolls.
But who's pulling the strings?
Come on, how you doing on there?
Oh, yeah, okay.
Who's actually talking?
We need to figure that out.
It's got a name called evil.
So flashback, Biden told illegal immigrants to immediately surge the border if he's elected.
And then they did it wearing Biden shirts organized by the UN.
And then Texas has got tens of thousands, border centers 4,000 here, 3,000 here, 2,000 there.
And then Psaki blames Trump.
That CBS reports there's 13,000 children in cages locked up right now that Trump never did.
But now, see, it's still Trump's fault.
This is so sick.
Here's Biden telling illegal immigrants to immediately surge to the border with the kidnapped children, which they use as a get-out-of-jail-free card.
What I would do as president is several more things, because things have changed.
I would in fact make sure that there is- we immediately surge to the border.
All those people are seeking asylum.
They deserve to be heard.
That's who we are.
We're a nation that says if you want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come.
I would change the- You need to surge to the border with your kidnapped child.
We want blood.
And then it happens, and they go, oh, you need to stop what you're doing, though.
They're bringing them in, putting them on welfare, and then the government milks the money off.
The Democrats are like an ant that milks an aphid, suck the money off them.
Look, they're all wearing their Biden shirts.
The organized takedown of the country.
So there you go.
It's all Trump's fault.
Here's another one.
Here is Smug Jen Psaki announces any 10-year-old in the world who makes it across the border will be allowed to stay.
As long as someone brings you, though.
She doesn't point out that a lot of them are kidnapped children.
So here's, look at her smart little smug face.
God is going to curse her to hell.
God, look at that monstrous woman.
That's the female Brian Stelter.
Here's what she had to say, inviting giant child smuggling openly.
Here it is.
To make the system more efficient and effective.
Is there a limit or a cap to the number of unaccompanied minors that are going to be allowed into the U.S.?
A limit or a cap?
So should we send some kids who are 10 back at a certain point?
Is that what you're asking me?
I'm not setting the policy here.
I'm just asking you what the Biden administration's policy is.
Is there a limit to the number of children that will be allowed in?
I mean, the numbers we're hearing now, 565 on average every day.
I'm just curious what the end game is here.
How many ultimately would be allowed in?
Well, I think where we are is we're focused on some of the very specific numbers.
So when we came into office, there existed about 13,000 permanent beds in HHS, OR, permanent and influx shelter system facilities during the last administration.
Thousands of these beds, approximately half, were taken offline due to COVID.
Staffing was also reduced to put it on par with the new reduced capacity.
This was sufficient for the prior administration.
This is how we got here.
because they were expelling children in addition to families and single adults.
We decided, as you all know, that we will be more humane about how we approach this.
There wasn't operational capacity built. The prior administration also did not consider that there
were other mitigation efforts like masking and preventive ventilation, cohorting and other
measures that would contain the spread of COVID. There's now revised CDC guidance,
which means there's greater capacity in these facilities where we can have children.
So, so here's the old...
Oh, she's wearing, it was yesterday, her St.
Paddy's outfit, so it's okay.
So again, oh, it's COVID while we're doing this.
No, he invited him up.
He brought him up.
That's what they did.
Absolutely insane.
Totally illegal.
Totally criminal.
And the reporters are demanding to know why they have zero access to the border.
And the answer again is COVID.
Always COVID.
COVID's the reason the dollar's gonna go under.
COVID's the reason the border's gone.
COVID's the reason you're gonna go bankrupt.
COVID's the reason you took that shot and you died.
Matt Bracken of EnemiesForeignDomestic.com, author, researcher, Navy SEAL, smart guy, is here to take over today to talk about the future, the plans, they're trying to purge the military, they're trying to trigger a civil war.
How do we stop it?
What do we do?
What's coming up next?
Matt Bracken takes over for the next...
47 minutes or so, and then Owen Schroer today is going to take calls again.
We took the numbers of folks that were left on hold, medical workers, doctors, and others to give your reports on the COVID vaccine.
Unanimous calls of death disease being paralyzed being brain damaged being put into
a Absolute hell and we weren't screening your calls. You can
call in at 3 p.m Today with how much you loved it, but I don't think we'll
get those calls So the people's voice is still alive here at info wars.
Thanks to all you keep us live on air So keep sharing the articles the videos of reports keep
sharing the band up video reports keep sharing them everything
That's how we defeat the enemy you are so important listeners. So never forget it and never stop fighting Matt
Brack and my friend take over Well, I'll tell you what I'm just gonna stay right at the
border for the moment and it's part of the theme of my entire
You know, I'm going to be showing some of the Benny Thomas Project Veritas Facebook video, where he talks about when these transformed humans, these AI humans, are just going to look down at us like ants.
And he says, when I go to a picnic, I don't worry about how many ants I step on, right?
And when these transformed humans become fully singularized, transformed, they're going to look at us like ants.
Well, I think they already do look at us like ants.
They just look at the globe and they say, let's move millions from Guatemala or anywhere to America.
And the hell with Americans, they're just the red ants, the black ants, the yellow ants, you know, the soldier ants.
We just moving ants around.
And you know, if you're moving ants around, you don't really give a damn if sometimes you step on a bunch of them, or sometimes the fire ant poison kills the wrong kind of ant.
That's right, it's called playing God.
They're playing God.
Benny Thomas talks about when this AI happens, when its chips are planted in everybody's brain, or excuse me, the elite's brains.
But I think at the Bill Gates level, They already consider themselves there.
Bill Gates doesn't need a chip in his brain because he is surrounded by screens and supercomputers, right?
He has all that information.
Benny Thomas later in that video talks about when these super elite transformed singularity humans have the chips, they are going to be like a new species because they will have not only the ability to have like the entire Library of Congress in their head, instant access, everything, But they'll be able to crunch all that information, like a Superman, like a God.
Well, I think that Bill Gates already considers himself in that status.
And we are just ants to these people.
And they may even go to bed at night thinking, well, we're really doing a lot of good, because we're helping more ants than we're destroying.
And it's all for the betterment of humanity that we're, you know, Taking a rake and just raking the ants from here and smashing the ants over there.
But we, singularized, transformed humans, we know what's best.
We are God.
They are essential.
They are ascended.
We are not.
And they are already there.
And I think that Benny Thomas, anybody that hasn't seen that Project Veritas, watch it ten times.
This is a guy who listens to the inner circle.
This is like getting one of Hitler's cabinet, one of his war staff, to say what is really Hitler is thinking about.
And so what Benny Thomas says in that Project Veritas video should be ingrained in your brain.
This is how they comprehend us.
We are ants.
They are the superhumans and we are the ants.
And we've got to accept that and prepare for what's coming.
And this is going to be the theme of the day.
And I'm very calm.
I'll be back in a couple minutes.
AI is essentially evolving to become like human intelligence, and then it's going to go beyond human
And at that point, humans are expendable.
You know, the way we treat everything else in the world, like we think we're the best, like the superior most
But we're programming the machines.
If you and I went to a picnic, we would not spend one minute thinking about the ants that you stepped on, on the
grass, right?
For AI, we will become like those ants.
It's not like the AI will try to kill us, they just won't care.
Because it'll be so superior that it'll be like, these people don't matter.
So I might be killing hundreds of ants when I walk in the park. I don't know and I don't care
All I can say is all I can say as well, you know, Benny Thomas says like global leader for Facebook
So he's, he's a, he's a big shot.
He's, he's somebody that's in the room at the table.
You know, they, they say, um, Bannon is a saying, if you're not in the room, you're not in the deal.
Benny Thomas is in the room.
He's in the room at the, at the high level.
And we are, we are so, we are so far beyond.
A constitutional republic where we vote for our leaders and it makes a damn?
We are so far beyond that.
People should watch that entire video.
Not only does does Betty Thomas talk about, you know, ordinary humans being seen as ants, which I believe they already believe.
Betty Thomas is sort of confessing.
He's saying in the future, But at the Jack Dorsey, at the level of Google, Alphabet, YouTube, Twitter, they are already there.
In their own minds, in their own perceptions, they are already the superhumans.
You know, Benny Thomas in that video, he's kind of, I guess he's trying to play, he's probably trying to get laid, frankly, okay?
This is why they often send in, like, younger, aspiring intern-type female reporters, you know, that are trying to get a job while buttering some guy up, and the guy's thinking, if I say the right stuff, I'll wind up in my hotel with her.
I mean, let's be frank, this is what's going on.
And little does he know, she's actually a freedom fighter.
She is a freedom fighter like anybody you've ever seen in history.
And he's saying that Facebook has to be broken up.
That no king in history ever ruled 2 billion people.
And that Mark Zuckerberg already is that king.
So yes, Mark Zuckerberg, who put something like $450 to $500 million into defeating Trump in the last election cycle by funneling money to just Democrat precincts and districts to get out the vote, paying for the drop boxes, paying overtime for all of these Democrat precinct officials, only in Democrat areas.
He already considers himself a god.
He considers himself way above obeying any local national law.
To mark Zuckerberg a U.S.
law or a Belgian law or a Uganda law, that's just a little hassle.
That's like avoiding a speed trap in some podunk town in Kansas or West Virginia.
To Mark Zuckerberg, these are literally the ants at the picnic, these laws.
These are things that you just have to work around.
He already is, I think, in his own perception, that AI transformed superhuman.
So at this point, the United States, we have a government, but really, our politicians, from Biden to McConnell to all of them, with the exception of some freedom fighters, You know, the Matt Gaetz's and the DeSantis's, they're trying, but they're such a tiny percentage, they really can't move the needle.
The CCP, the Chinese Communist Party, has so infiltrated our country, buying off universities, buying off corporations through deals where, you know, if you don't, if we can't send our people to your corporation in America, where they'll essentially be spies, then you're not going to do business in China.
Between big tech If you make a conglomerate out of Google Alphabet, Facebook, and Twitter, if you make that into a conglomerate, they have the other great power pole, along with Chairman Xi in Beijing.
Those are the two real power players in the world.
When we're looking at an American politician today, we're like a Brit in, say, the 1950s Coasting on past memories of the glories of Great Britain.
But in reality, the Navy of World War II has been scrapped, it's a welfare state, and it's broke.
That's the United States right now.
So, the Brits in the 1950s thought, we're still a world power, we still have a Navy, you know, are we going to vote for Attlee or are we going to vote for Churchill or whoever, you know, but it didn't matter.
The UK was done.
The power had moved on to the United States of America in a battle with global communism at the time, the Soviet Union and the beginning of communist China.
Now the power has moved on from the United States, totally moved on.
Now the power is balanced between communist China and these tech giants.
Our military at this point has, and it's obvious, it's become a joke.
It's become a joke.
It's been taken over, it's been infiltrated, and it's become just a woke shadow of itself.
Yes, we still have aircraft carriers.
However, the aircraft carriers of today are the equivalent of a battleship in 1940.
Very impressive if you don't understand the next stage of warfare.
Not impressive if you understand that dive bombers can take them out.
So our aircraft carriers, which are very impressive, and when they sail through the South China Sea, it looks powerful, but today China can take them out if they're anywhere near China.
Our aircraft carriers can't get close enough to Taiwan to defend Taiwan without them being destroyed by Chinese missiles.
And I'll talk about this some more, but when you think about the missile wars of, say, 30 years ago, Desert Storm, when those Scud-2s were fired, they were like a World War II V-2 rocket, plus or minus a mile, wherever they land, who knows, inertial guidance.
Have you seen how the Falcon X boosters land on a barge in the middle of the ocean?
Controlling things coming in from space has evolved To a fine point.
Any warships, including our aircraft carriers, that are anywhere near China are as obsolete as the battleships going into World War II.
It's just passé.
And we haven't learned this yet, like the Brits in the 1950s.
We're still coasting on memories of our past glory and military power.
And that day is sunsetting.
And America is in for some very rude awakenings in the near future.
Military, economic, social, and in other areas.
And I'm going to continue talking on the other side about the vaccine and what it means in terms of the superhumans transforming the world and just treating us like ants.
That's exactly what's going on with COVID and the so-called COVID vaccines.
And we're going to explore this more on the other side.
You know, a lot of people, a lot of people would like to get my books, but they don't want to participate with Amazon.
And I understand that.
You can also get my books using PayPal or my PO address.
Anyway, we're in a hard, we're in a very hard spot now.
We are, we are seeing, All of our paradigms smashed.
Michael Yan, who I consider really brilliant, he's just an unusual guy.
He's a former Green Beret officer.
Now he has spent decades traveling to the hell holes of the world to understand revolutions and civil wars.
And he's been doing this on a shoestring budget, just putting out his own Michael Yan dispatches.
And something he wrote a couple weeks ago that has really stuck with me is, if you keep being surprised, if your paradigm doesn't explain what you're observing, then your paradigm is wrong and you need to scrap it.
And you need to come up with a new paradigm and keep working on it until it fits what you're observing.
Because people tend to cling, like those 1950s Brits, clinging to the glories of a bygone Great Britain.
It didn't serve them because they were becoming a second and then a third tier minor European power.
Now they have about a quarter of the Navy of Spain.
The Brits can barely send a destroyer to the Med these days.
I mean, it's absolutely pathetic.
But it would have helped the Brits if they had understood where they were going long ago.
They wouldn't have channeled themselves into socialism and becoming a welfare state.
You can't have a universal benefits welfare state and also be a great power.
They didn't understand it.
And by the time they woke up, it was too late.
They'd imported millions of people that have no love of England, no love of Britain, and really are just there for the welfare.
And this is the path that we're going down.
So Michael Yan is right now, apparently he's got a sponsor, because I watched Steve Bannon's War Room.
It's a terrific show in the morning.
And he's satellite videoing in, which is very difficult and expensive.
From the border, currently the border of Panama, actually the bottom of the Pan-American Highway.
The Pan-American Highway does not run all the way across Panama.
The bottom 30 miles of Panama is called the Darien Gap.
And it's unbelievable in the 21st century, there's no road through it.
It belongs to pirates and criminals and cartels and gangsters.
It's just crazy.
People have to either pay their way through it or take a boat around it.
But the Pan American Highway starts on the north end of the Darien Gap.
Under Trump, the people were staying in Central America.
They knew that they couldn't get into the United States.
If you're going to come all the way to the border of the USA and be stuck in a Mexican holding camp, people stopped coming.
It wasn't worth it.
Obviously, we know what's happened.
Biden, last year during the debates, he said, come one, come all.
Everybody gets, you know, health care, education.
That started ringing the dinner bell.
And when he was elected, people started packing.
Now, Michael Yan reports that in Panama, the government of Panama under Trump had been holding people that were coming from all over the world and making their way to Panama.
We're talking about from China, from Africa.
And with deals made with Trump, they were holding them and sending them back to their home countries.
Well, they're now overrun because of Biden's ringing the dinner bell.
So now the government of Panama is taking old surplus American school buses that they have plenty of down there, and they are running the immigrants, the migrants, up the length of Panama as fast as they can to the border of Guatemala.
Full speed, no waiting.
And that's happening in each country now, all the way up to the Mexican border.
Don't think for a minute that these people are walking thousands of miles to get there.
They're taking buses, they're getting paid.
If they can't pay cash, they're being raped or extorted in other ways.
They keep track of these people so that they can follow them once they're in the USA, because a lot of these people are virtually criminal indentured servants.
When they reach the United States, like for example, the sex workers that were killed in Georgia the other day.
Nobody's really giving much of a damn about them, but how did they get into the United States?
And what was their deal?
The fact is, a lot of these massage parlor Asian girls are sex slaves that are brought in with a wink and a nod, often flying in or sometimes at the border, but they owe their thong gangs years of prostitution to pay for their ticket.
This is what the Biden administration is cooperating with now.
They're now in bed with the cartels and the Chinese tongs, you know, with the worst gangsters in humanity.
They're in bed and encouraging this mass flood.
And we have only seen the priming of the pump.
What we're seeing in the last couple weeks is literally The drips through the dam before the dam breaks open.
Because all around the world, the word has gone out.
America is wide open.
And if you get to America, they will not kick you out.
You will get free health care, free education, free housing or subsidized housing, and a chance for a job.
You'll be straight on the welfare rolls.
And if the Democrats Pass HR1, which is the legalized corrupt voting act, which takes the worst aspects of the 2020 election and makes them law.
If this passes 50 to 50 with Kamala Harris deciding, that's officially the end of the United States.
We're not a free country anymore.
At that point, we're just the U.S.S.A.
Because not one election in the future will matter worth one damn.
And I don't know if we can stop them because they're talking about H.R.
1 being a civil rights matter and should the filibuster, meaning needing 60 votes to move a bill to a final vote, if they get rid of the filibuster for H.R.
1 by calling it a civil rights law, that's it.
We're done.
The country will be flooded with illegals.
Estimates are a minimum of two million per year for the next two years before Republicans have a chance to do anything about it.
Two million a year!
And that's a conservative estimate because these type of floods have a way of gaining speed.
And now this is going to be a huge social catastrophe in the United States.
Every town is going to be a border town.
A large percentage of these people don't speak any language that we know.
I mean, there are Indians from Guatemala that don't even speak Spanish.
Whole villages are coming up.
And when these towns in El Salvador and Guatemala and around the world, they're not just losing excess people.
They're losing, you know, the baker.
They're losing the school teacher.
They're losing people that, when they leave, there's no reason for anybody else to stay.
So there are entire villages, towns evacuating across Latin America to come to the land of the free stuff.
And we have only seen a little trickle of what is coming.
I mean, people should, if we had decent news, if you didn't have to watch InfoWars or Bannon War Room to get real news, we'd know a lot more about this.
But we are like the happy little town underneath the dam.
And we think that the dam is under control and it's just a little spillway and occasionally it's bigger or it's thinner, but the dam is about to break.
And this is not by accident.
This is entirely by design.
Matt Gaetz has a saying for it.
It's not anymore just catch and release.
It's catch, release, and vote.
In H.R.
1, they're taking citizenship out of the equation for vote, for getting a vote.
They're going to send mail-in ballots to every living human that applies for any government service anywhere.
That's what's coming, a flood.
I'm really glad that I wrote those books starting now almost 20 years ago, my Enemies trilogy in particular, because if I wrote them today, I would probably be charged with sedition or, you know, trying to provoke civil disorder.
So, if you write something and predict it far enough out in front, hopefully, in my case, it'll give me some kind of insulation.
Because I would hate to get the, you know, the midnight knock on the door with the armored car out front and the stormtroopers and Stasi's busting down the door.
I was in Washington on the 6th, but I didn't get closer to the actual Capitol building than about a half a mile.
We stopped and studied it with binoculars and we could tell that it was just a real goat rodeo and it was going to do nobody any good to get any closer.
And now we've seen people arrested weeks and months after the event who never went into the Capitol.
But they were geolocated because they crossed a quote-unquote geofence, where the FBI asks Google and your cell phone provider, you know, if you had crossed a certain street during a certain time, and that's enough to get you charged now with a felony.
And what the feds do, they do a thing called charge stacking.
There's a reason why 99% of federal criminal cases that go to court result in a conviction.
How can that be?
Are they just that good?
They only pick really, really guilty people?
And what they do is they charge stack.
So they've created interesting new felonies like interfering with a government procedure or something like that.
They charge you with 10 overlapping crimes that'll give you 100 years in prison.
And if you want to take your chances on a 99% conviction rate, go right ahead.
Or, you can plead it down to one felony charge, lose your license, lose your job, lose your house because of the legal fees, be a broken man and only spend a couple years in jail or maybe get probation.
Kind of the Roger Stone treatment.
If you're willing to roll the dice on that, go right ahead.
But if you lose, and let's face it, if you're in the Capitol or near the Capitol, you're going to be in front of a super liberal D.C.
jury in front of a super liberal D.C.
judge who's going to hate you by your face and your politics.
So who wants to take a chance on 99 years in prison?
Plead it down.
That's the state of the Stasi America we live in today.
That's how it works.
We have to, going back to Michael Yan and his examination of paradigms, if you're constantly fooled, you can't figure out what's going on, you're in a state of confusion and befuddlement, you can't understand what happened to your country.
You know, all of your institutions are failing you.
The big media lies bold-faced, like this Washington Post lie.
They got caught with the fake phone call from Trump to the Georgia Attorney General.
They just made up fake quotes, quotes that got into the actual impeachment, second impeachment trial.
Find the fraud.
Completely made up.
Then a tape comes out months later.
Who cares?
The damage is done.
The damage is done.
We saw this before the election.
The FBI had the Hunter Biden laptop for almost a year, and they hid it.
They hid it during his first bogus impeachment over Ukraine.
All the exculpatory information was in Hunter Biden's laptop that the FBI had, and they hid it during an impeachment of the president.
And then, before the election, When another copy of the laptop got out because the computer shop owner finally gave up on the FBI and got it to Rudy Giuliani's people, and multiple copies were made, big tech suppressed the story.
They buried it.
They spiked the New York Post's story on the Tony Bobulinski admissions about how corrupt the Bidens are.
You have to forget regular media, and I include Fox News, because there seems to be a certain point that they won't tread.
They got the word right after the election.
Vote fraud is off the table.
Don't even mention it.
So even Fox News can't count on it.
That's why InfoWars is so important.
So important to share these videos.
Going back to Michael Yan, another thing that he has said, because the guy is really brilliant.
You see him, he's like a gruff, grizzly bear, former special forces reporter.
But you look at him, you think he's just like a street rumbler, you know, like a guy used to sleep in a tent or in the back of a Land Rover somewhere in the third world.
And I'm sure he is.
But he comes up with some real brilliance and a new thing he is Pushing is his concept that he has seen all over the world.
He calls it the HOP principle.
The Human Osmotic Pressure.
He says, no matter where you are, whether it's, you know, between Ethiopia and Somalia, there will be a human osmotic pressure.
And what Biden has done is pulled the filter out, just said, no filter, please come.
And all that built up pressure that was held back during the Trump years Even though the wall wasn't completed, just the psychological impression to the world was, America's closed.
They've made a deal with Mexico.
You can't cross the border and ask for asylum.
You're just going to wind up in a Mexican refugee camp, so go home.
This worked, but the human osmotic pressure was building.
And when Biden last year announcing for the future, we're going to have a more humane policy and now currently saying, just don't come now, but we're getting everything set.
In other words, we're, we're building the refugee centers.
We're getting ready.
That's not going to stop people.
That's another ticket to ride.
That's another dinner bell ringing.
They're saying, don't come now.
Tells everybody, boy, if I don't come now, I'm going to be way at the back of the line.
Come now so you're at the front of the line.
We are going to see something like what happened in Europe, and in particular in Germany in 2015, when Angela Merkel said there is no upper limit on the number of refugees that Germany would take.
No upper limit.
She put no number on it.
And Biden has done the same thing.
Biden and his cabinet members have said the same thing.
There is no upper limit.
They know if they can get all of these illegals in, they will be voting.
They will be absolutely voting.
And the one thing that illegals want more than anything else, more than free education, more than free health care, more than subsidized housing, more than a job, the one thing they want above all else is family reunification.
So the one guy from a family in a village somewhere in the third world who makes it to America and plants his flag The one thing he wants most of all is to bring the rest of his village, his entire extended clan, and he's going to vote for the party absolutely a thousand percent that says open borders.
This is the beginning of the tsunami.
We have seen nothing yet.
This is the trickle through the crack in the dam.
We have not even seen what's behind the dam.
But it is coming up.
The pressure, that osmotic pressure is building and the people are coming and they're coming by busloads.
The countries that Trump had made deals with, the deals are off.
They're not going to pay to keep people back.
You've seen the Guatemala video of those people shoving through the police.
They're not going to hold them back.
They're going to put them on a bus and get them straight through the country as quick as possible.
That's what's happening.
There's absolutely going to be no pushback and the Republicans have no say in the matter.
Absolutely zero.
Now this is going to lead to, I think at some point, a violent pushback by Americans.
Normal Americans are not going to just sit there while bus after bus of young men are unloaded in their town.
People with no education, no English, And a chip on their shoulder in many cases, there's going to be violent pushback.
I think I read that they're sending thousands to an arena in Dallas.
It's going to be like a teenage male refugee center.
Can you imagine how much fun that's going to be?
And that's just the first.
That's just to deal with what's already come.
That's just dealing with the trickle, the priming of the pump.
What's coming is a human wave, a tsunami.
And Biden has no say in it.
His handlers are cloward-piven communists.
They want to overwhelm America.
They want to wreck America.
And this is just their tool for doing it.
Just flood the country and just overrun it.
America will be ruined as a superpower.
The civil strife and possible civil war will be almost built in.
And on top of it, Hyperinflation and an economic crash.
What could be better?
But this is what the Democrats want.
It's not an accident.
It's the plan.
Alex is right about far more than he's wrong.
How much heat have you gotten for being friends with him and having him on the show?
A lot, but I don't pay attention.
I just, I can justify it.
Look, I mean, I won't justify the things he's gotten wrong, and I don't think he will either.
But I'll tell you, that fucking guy is right about a lot of shit.
And when he was on this podcast, and he talked about how 80% of the people that took the Moderna vaccine had significant side effects, particularly after the second dose, people were like, no fucking way.
So we played Bill Gates.
And I put it on my, because people were saying, you had an anti-vaxxer on your podcast.
I played the Bill Gates clip where Bill Gates is being interviewed by CBS, and he says it himself.
After the second dose, at least 80% of participants experienced a systemic side effect, ranging from severe chills to fevers.
So, are these vaccines safe?
The FDA, not being pressured, will look hard at that.
But the data showed that everybody with a high dose had a side effect.
Yeah, but some of that is not dramatic where, you know, it's just, you know, super painful.
But yes, we need to make sure there's not severe side effects.
The FDA, I think will do a good job of that despite the pressure.
Just like the nurse was telling us earlier today when we got tested.
She experienced chills, shakes.
And she said all her friends did too.
Yep, all her friends did.
So this is something that Alex was saying and people were denying it.
Also, Alex was talking about how children in Sudan were involuntarily given these polio vaccines and a lot of them got polio.
From the vaccine.
We were like, what?
So then he shows us there's a fucking AP News report.
An article from AP, Associated Press, that shows this poor little terrified child.
And they're squeezing his mouth open.
They dropped this oral vaccine in his mouth.
And it talked about how many of these kids got polio from this vaccine.
These are things that Alex says that you're not hearing people talk about this.
This is not something that's mainstream discussed.
And it doesn't mean that vaccines are bad, but this is a fact.
Every listener has to spread this link right now or I'm gonna die.
Well, YouTube...
Well, we knew this news was coming, so I'm not pleased to be proven right yet again, but here it is.
I've got CNBC.
I've got CNBC.
I've got the New York Post.
I mean, I've got them all right here.
And they say, oh, guess what?
It's not a pandemic.
It's endemic.
Like when they say, America is racist and white people are inherently bad.
Racism is endemic amongst them.
Which is total racism by the establishment and by the left trying to create a race war.
Martin Luther King was right when he said, you judge people by the character of what they do and the content of their deeds.
You don't do it off what color they are.
But that's what they're saying.
Well, now they're saying, COVID's endemic.
It's a common cold virus that Bill Gates manipulated and patented so he owns it with Fauci and the UN.
And so, the vaccines aren't going to work, and it's never going to go away.
And Fauci said last week, and Bill Gates said this week, that you still won't be able to go outside.
Or go have a job or anything, because if one person dies of COVID in New Zealand or the U.S.
or the U.K., no one can ever go outside again.
People have always doubted the flu and always doubted the cold.
We know they've lied about the numbers from car wrecks and motorcycle wrecks and people with heart attacks and cancer and the flu and pneumonia.
All of that, they admit, has been put in the column.
But it doesn't matter.
Don't question the science or you'll be censored.
You'll be fired.
And so the very people that cooked this up at Wuhan and launched it and lied to us about the death numbers, saying 4% would die, it wasn't even 1-10 to 1%, we're still supposed to listen to them.
So here's the headline, experts say COVID could become endemic.
What that means for you, and it goes on to say, oh, there'll be new versions, COVID-19, COVID-20, 2021, 2022.
In fact, even major Hollywood producers Have movies coming out, like Songbird, about how the lockdown's never going to end, never going to stop, and soon there'll be camps and checkpoints.
But that's just a movie, right?
No, they have the contact tracers in Australia, in the UK, and now in Canada, arresting people that try to walk down the street, beating up women, beating up men, strip-searching them.
This is the excuse for martial law.
This is the excuse to take over the producers and break the will of the people that voted for Brexit, or voted for Trump, or voted for Bolsonaro.
This is a authoritarian takeover and it's so incredibly criminal.
Here's Bill Gates, CNBC.
Bill Gates on mask.
He goes on to say, if you're vaccinated, you can still transmit.
So now you can't go out.
I'm not going to stop wearing mask.
Because they're never going to let go this power grab.
It's a problem that has no solution except giving them more control and that's why they're
doing this.
So at the end of the day, they have the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Washington
Post all around the clock working to shut us down.
They have the FBI counterterrorism team in the news saying they're investigating us.
They've come and talked to my employees.
The power structure is breaking America right now.
This is a foreign takeover.
And all I can tell you is they're coming for our children now.
I've got the articles right here saying now they're going to come and basically give it to school children, the COVID-19 vaccine, when it's an experimental vaccine and they admit COVID doesn't even affect children and the vaccine's dangerous.
This is so incredibly evil.
So help us at InfoWars stay on air for however long God wants to keep us on air and God's going to work through you to decide how long it's going to be.
But I would get your supplements.
I would get you preparing asylums.
I get your storable food.
I would get all those things at InfoWarsStore.com while you still can.
And running through March 6th, we have 10% off of storable food and free shipping.
That's a huge deal.
Never do that.
And up to 50% off of supplements and all the rest of the products at mfolwarestore.com.
So store-wide free shipping at mfolwarestore.com.
And a lot more, and it's going to have to end coming up this Saturday.
So please check it out while you still can.
But whatever you do, spread the word about the live broadcast.