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Name: 20210314_Sun_Alex
Air Date: March 14, 2021
1361 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the death of boxer Marvelous Marvin Hagler, claiming it was due to an mRNA vaccine. He questions why such a risky vaccine would be rolled out and cites other high-profile deaths linked to it. Jones believes this is part of a globalist agenda, pointing to Bill Gates' comments on population control measures. He urges people to unite against the new world order and emphasizes the importance of knowledge for personal power. Finally, he promotes a Vitamin Mineral Fusion system available at InfoWarsTour.com.

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When is enough going to be enough?
When is the death toll, the genocide, by medical tyranny?
Gonna be enough to wake up humanity, Congress, the governors, to stand against this global U.N.
It is Sunday, March 24th, the year of 2021, and marvelous Marvin Hagler, one of my favorite boxers, world champion mediumweight, died.
And friends and family said that he was admitted to the hospital one day after getting an mRNA vaccine and was fighting for his life from the quote, Affects of the vaccine and died.
When we come back next segment on this live Sunday transmission with myself and Owen Schroer, we're going to lay out the facts and what's really happening and how to stop it.
Because after all, they're having a big problem covering up the incredible death toll.
The question is, why would they roll something out like this knowing they would get caught?
Who's got a gun to Big Pharma's head to do this?
I've got the answer straight ahead.
This is Info Wars.
I'm Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news today.
Ladies and gentlemen, Owen Shroyer sitting in the InfoWars World Headquarters here in Austin, Texas.
I have a ton of news that I'm going to be getting to in the next two hours.
Of course, we have an emergency report coming up from Alex Jones on that subject that you just heard of.
People dying from the vaccine.
And you know, it is a real strange time to be alive because If you're having conversations with people, you realize, hey, you know what?
Even the liberals, even the Trump dissidents, even some of the TDS people are kind of starting to realize, hmm, maybe I've been duped.
Maybe I've become a pawn of the establishment.
Hey, you know, I don't want to take a vaccine.
Hey, I don't want to wear a mask.
And now that you see something starting to reopen, People are starting to get out into the world again.
They realize, you know, maybe there's nothing to be afraid of.
Maybe I shouldn't be so afraid.
And so, what we're seeing now is it's the most brainwashed, propagandized, Stockholm Syndrome people are going to go deeper into their trance, deeper into their programming, and really just fully commit to this, to being pawns of the New World Order.
Versus people who were kind of just deceived, but maybe didn't really invest too much time or research into these issues, but did what they felt was good emotionally and kind of bought into the mainstream propaganda.
Didn't really think all the networks and Hollywood celebs would rely on them, but now they're kind of starting to open their eyes as the tyranny gets worse.
Freedom is popular.
And you can only Take freedom away from people who yearn to be free for so long.
Before, almost like a drug addict, kind of, except it's not a drug, but... You want it again.
You want to be free.
You want to go out and not see a bunch of people in masks.
You want to be able to go back to work without taking a vaccine.
You're sick of debating, should the schools be open or closed?
You're sick of wondering, can I go to church this week or not?
You're sick of wondering, when can I take the mask off?
But I'm noticing...
And some people are kind of having their awakening.
Even celebrities will talk about, like Sarah Silverman.
Oh, she doesn't want to be associated with the Democrat Party anymore.
Oh, that's funny.
But hey, good for her.
Maybe she's getting it.
You know what?
I was just used by these people, and now I look like an idiot.
I don't want to look like that anymore.
Good for her.
But there's all kinds of weirdness going on.
We've got a video of a lady who's a hero here in Texas who got arrested for refusing to wear a mask into a Bank of America.
You know, it makes it really hard to be with Back the Blue.
It makes it really hard to fully commit to Blue Lives Matter when you see stuff like this.
It's gonna really...
Make it hard not to say defund the police when they're being used to arrest kind old ladies like this.
Shouldn't even call her old, she's obviously young at heart and spirit, but... She gets arrested.
She gets thrown to the ground.
Because she doesn't want to put a mask on.
I mean, how dare she want to breathe free air?
Oh, by the way, more bad news for Cuomo.
You thought he just sent COVID into the nursing homes?
Looks like he got caught sending it somewhere else as well.
The undisputed middleweight champion of the world, Marvelous Marvin Hagler, is dead today, according to friends and family.
He died from the effects of the vaccine.
He was admitted to the emergency room yesterday and died today.
After taking the vaccine, just like Hank Aaron, and I'll talk about that here in just a moment.
But if you remember last year, Bill Gates said on national TV that 80% of people would get bad side effects and that 700,000 people would get sick or die.
Think about that, ladies and gentlemen.
How would he even know that with unapproved vaccines that they're now testing that are unapproved?
Because they tested them secretly in animals years before they rolled out COVID-19.
This is a large strategic plan.
It's not the virus you've got to fear.
It is the effects of the vaccine.
It's not a vaccine.
That's mRNA and goes in and reprograms your body and makes your body attack itself.
That's why two and a half months ago, England, one week into their vaccination program, the first country to do it, they banned giving above 75-year-olds the shot because it was killing so many.
Well, marvelous Marvin Hagler was 66.
They also say pregnant women shouldn't take it.
It doesn't stop the U.S.
government pushing on pregnant women and children, including babies.
So he's dead now.
Now, it's easy to cover up the massive deaths in nursing homes and the massive deaths at nun convents and the massive deaths taking place inside hospitals from the vaccine.
But all the famous people dying from it, they're having a real problem.
And if you remember when Hank Aaron died after taking the second shot of the Pfizer shot, The media said, oh, we talked to the medical examiner.
They did an autopsy.
He didn't die of the COVID-19 vaccine.
The family came out and told Robert Kennedy Jr.
that they didn't do an autopsy and that he died after the second shot.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, I have stacks of articles every day of 25-year-old women, 15-year-old men, 80-year-old people, 35-year-old people.
I mean, you name it, dying constantly.
And these are just the ones that are getting reported to the press.
We're talking about the organs liquefying.
Here's just one on InfoWars.com today.
There's like five of them up there today.
Physical therapist, 28, dies two days after receiving COVID-19 vaccine.
Out in Utah, this 37-year-old mother had a nine-year-old daughter, totally healthy, a nurse
took the vaccine, her liver liquefied, and they said she died of the vaccine, but it'd be hard
to prove. That's what the medical examiner said. Plus, these companies have liability protection
from this. So are you going to sit here and take this? Why are they doing it? Why would they roll
something out, skip animal trials? Because they already did animal trials under the guise of
other similar vaccines before and knew what it did to the animals, which was sterilize them,
make them sick, make them have autoimmune disorders, make them have a cytokine storm,
really bad allergic reactions.
And most of the top scientists, including the former chief scientist at Pfizer, went public and said, don't take this, and filed an emergency injunction back in December.
With Joaquin Woodard in the EU.
And India and Switzerland and South Africa and a bunch of other countries have pulled these vaccines and said they're not safe.
And said plus they don't protect you from COVID-19.
And guess what?
That's in the news today as well.
Canadian Health Chief says COVID restrictions may continue even after taking vaccine.
And Biden went on TV three nights ago and said, it doesn't matter if you have the vaccine, you're still locked down.
This is permanent martial law.
You can't create a vaccine for the common cold.
COVID is a patented synthetic cold virus, so they own it.
Anybody will die without vitamin B12, without vitamin D3, without vitamin C and zinc.
If you don't have those things, you die.
Any virus can kill you.
Any virus can go in and replicate in your cells.
That's why they don't want you to know that, or about hydroxychloroquine, or any of it, ladies and gentlemen.
Any of it.
So this is a takeover and they want to just normalize that.
Be a hero.
Go take the shot.
So all these sports icons roll their sleeves up.
They go take it and they die.
And then of course you've got Ben Stein.
He took one of the MRNA vaccines and called it a killer, but said, Oh, I'm not
attacking vaccines because he knows you'll get demonized if you do that.
Cause big techs merge with big pharma and says, you can't do it.
A word of warning to you, my fellow Americans or whatever you are.
I had the COVID booster, the Moderna about four or five days ago, and I'm
still feeling wild side effects from it.
Like I had the worst flu in the world, extreme shortness of breath, a dizziness, fatigue, extremely irrational thinking.
It has just been devastating.
I'm glad I got it.
Sort of glad.
I don't know.
A little bit glad and also not quite so glad.
But it has just got to be told to the people, us people, we people, us people, that this booster is a killer.
I mean, it's not going to kill you literally, but it is very, very strong.
So marvelous Marvin Pangler could survive all those incredible boxing matches.
He could go through all the grueling training.
He could be the world champion.
And be loved all over the world.
And he could be successful in life and defeat all those adversities.
But he couldn't, at 66 years old, defeat the vaccine that he took, which they're saying is an mRNA vaccine.
Ladies and gentlemen, you can't have companies with liability protection that are allowed to do this and then have government try to mandate it and make us take it to, quote, be able to taste freedom, as CNN said.
And of course, they didn't take that freedom away as well.
This is a black hole.
This is a bear trap.
This is a takeover.
So I'm going to leave you with some of the famous highlights of Marvelous Marvin Hagler, and we're going to go to the live show today with Owen Schroeder, doing a great job here on the Alex Jones Show.
I'll be back in studio tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central, but be safe out there.
And one more point.
I have friends, I have neighbors, I have family that are like, Alex, we've heard your opinion about the vaccine.
We've heard your opinion about the death numbers being exaggerated.
You're probably right, but stop giving us information.
Well, you know what?
I'm going to give my friends, my family, my neighbors information.
If more people would have warned folks about Hank Aaron dying, then Marvelous Marvin Hagler probably wouldn't have died and many, many others.
Because remember, he's famous.
He's a world champion.
The average person in a nursing home getting killed, you're not hearing about.
Most nursing homes are in on it, they're not reporting it.
But the ones that do are like, yeah, we got 50 people, 3 died.
We got 100 people, 10 died.
We've got 200 nuns, 15 died.
I mean, these are the numbers coming out.
Large numbers of old people die within hours or days of taking it.
This is euthanasia.
And Bill Gates runs this whole thing and famously said, get rid of old people.
To quote, save money.
It's eugenics.
It's teaching you to have no heart, to have no soul, and to not value your humanity.
And once you don't value your humanity, the globalists can take your rights as well.
We need to come together and defend each other's freedoms.
That's why they're dividing us along race, and religion, and sex, and all this crap, because it's an anti-human globalist takeover.
We've all got our differences, but we also have the globalists out to get all of us.
So that should unify us against the new world order.
An info war stands steadfastly here as a beacon of truth, warning the world.
So remember, all of you, spread the word tonight about this broadcast and what really happened to Hank Aaron, to Marvelous Marvin, and so many others.
God bless, my friends, and good luck.
Now the show's turned over to Owen Schroyer.
from Brockton, Massachusetts, middleweight champion of the world, marvelous Marvin Hagler.
Punch in the boxing business or Hagler is no match for him.
Well, as you pointed out before, Hagler is a very strong guy, but he's a clever.
What do you mean by a clever?
Well, he doesn't have that real snap in a punch.
He has strong arms.
That's all over.
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
Well, we have 47 seconds to go.
No, it's all over to Gil.
Yeah, it looks that way.
It's all over.
They should stop this fight.
Hagler just looked at the referee and asked him to stop it.
It's all over.
There it is.
Almost lost it just now, but he punched it back in himself.
One good left hook for a change.
And another.
He weighed in at 162.
The fighters had agreed to a 162 minimum and seals it down!
A right hook from Haggles now will just try to get himself back together from that tough right hook from Marvin Hagler.
We have Just been watching some replays of marvelous Marvin Hagler, who Thomas Hearns, another famous boxer back in the day, first reported Hagler in the ICU after taking COVID vaccines.
Very bad side effects.
Died hours later.
So we're gonna have more of that coming up.
You know, it's weird watching old sports.
It's almost sad because old sports were so much more fun.
And so much more enjoyable and palatable and consumable than what you get nowadays.
It's more fun to watch replays of old sports than anything new.
And it's just a sign of how culture's going.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the Resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
We're gonna get in all the news.
In the next hour and a half here on the Alex Jones Show, we've got liberal Democrat progressives, the Biden promotion remorse, the Biden voter remorse, the liberal party, Democrat party politic remorse.
You've got more people dropping dead of the vaccine.
They can't hide it anymore.
Though they deny it.
You've got odd developments now.
I know that we don't care about the Royal Family, but you see, this is a global cabal that we're dealing with, and so there's a hint of that with what's going on with Meghan Markle and the fake Prince Harry.
And so we'll touch on that a little bit.
You have left-wing Democrat terrorism taking place all weekend long.
Did you even hear about it in the mainstream news?
Across the nation, in the name of Floyd, in the name of Breonna Taylor, in the name of what other mainstream media propaganda they push to get black people to hate police or white people or burn their cities to the ground.
Yeah, it happened all weekend long.
You didn't hear about it though, did you?
So we've got that coming up.
Meanwhile, you still don't know who shot Ashley Babbitt.
So once again, the big lie of racism and police exposed again.
Well, if it was a white person... Well, what about Ashley Babbitt?
And we don't get to know her shooter.
On film.
But, they don't rally, they don't riot, they don't say her name.
But so we'll cover all the left-wing violence coming up and then also you have a woman arrested and and beaten by a police officer for refusing to wear a mask in a Bank of America.
Which is ironic since the mask mandate has been lifted here in Texas and I went out this weekend to socialize really for the first time in a while.
And the streets of Austin were packed.
Hundreds lined up to go into bars.
Some people were still wearing their masks.
I chose not to and was pleasantly never asked to put one on.
Boy, that's nice to be free.
Hey, you wanna wear the mask?
I don't.
My friends don't.
And no one bothered us about it.
And that's nice.
And guess what?
Of the thousands of people that were out, packed into bars in Austin, Texas this weekend, nobody's gonna get sick.
But that doesn't matter.
We got a vaccine, we gotta sell ya.
We got fear, we gotta sell ya.
We gotta put our boot on your neck, and we have to lie to you via the mainstream media to get you to comply.
Oh, and also, bad news for Andrew Cuomo.
It only gets worse for Cuomo.
And so, if you thought the nursing home deaths were gonna go away with the six or seven or whatever accusers now we're at of the number of accusers against Cuomo, well, a new ripple in this story has just come about, it looks like Cuomo was not
only sending COVID into the nursing home but was also sending COVID into
offices, the New York office for people with developmental disabilities, where they have
like housing and staffing taking care of people with disabilities.
It looks like Cuomo also sent people with COVID into there, which once again resulted in, in this case, at least hundreds of deaths and thousands of infections.
So the Cuomo legacy just gets worse.
But how about Marvelous Marvin Hagler, dead after receiving a COVID vaccine?
Now, now, let's be clear about something.
You want to know there's an agenda.
You want to know there's a narrative.
You want to know the signs.
So, tell me how this works.
Every person that dies They look for any reason to say that that death was from COVID.
Well, why would that be?
Well, the hospitals get $12,000 payouts for having COVID positive patients, and then they get a bonus $49,000.
This is just kind of the average of what these hospitals are making.
This is all confirmed by doctors and everything.
And then you can get about $49,000 if you put them on ventilators, which may blow their lungs out and kill them.
You get the payday.
It doesn't matter to you.
So everything is COVID.
The flu is COVID.
Pneumonia is COVID.
Cancer is COVID.
Lou Gehrig's disease is COVID.
Run over by a car is COVID.
Shoot yourself in the head is COVID.
It's all COVID.
And the hospitals get the payout so they don't mind.
Yeah sure, this person came in with multiple gunshot wounds, COVID.
And that's a common story, just look at the Denver death counts, look at all of them.
So it's always COVID no matter what, because there's an agenda there.
Well how about, look at the response with the vaccine.
Well it's the truth, Hank Aaron got the vaccine and then unexpectedly died.
It's true that Marvelous Marvin Hagler got the vaccine and then, within hours, died.
That's just true!
Both unexpected deaths.
They don't know why they died, and why won't they even mention the vaccine?
Because, see, that's part of the agenda.
So the agenda was, everything's COVID, but with the vaccine, nothing is the vaccine.
That's clear and present evidence that there is an agenda afoot when that's the dichotomy of the coverage and the approach to these two different circumstances.
Everything's COVID, nothing is ever the vaccine.
It doesn't matter that Bill Gates admits there's going to be thousands of people that have negative side effects or hundreds of thousands.
It doesn't matter.
He admits that on TV.
The main guy pushing this, the main advocate, why?
I don't know.
I guess you could take a guess.
Or you could just listen to his own speech at TED Talk saying he wants all humans to die.
Oh, I'm sorry, I'm paraphrasing.
He said he only wants carbon emissions down to zero, which in his mathematical formula that he puts on the board that had P in it representing people, he said that had to get to zero.
But, you know, just paraphrasing, he wants you dead.
So he promotes the vaccine, and then Fauci, in an incredible interview with a Mexican comedian actor, admits in the live interview Just what InfoWars has been saying, this is not a vaccine, this is a brand new science, this is a brand new technology, biotechnology never been used before, we're testing it on you humans right now.
I don't want to play the video because I aired it a hundred times on Friday, but the full video is at Band.Video and in stories, just linked into stories at InfoWars.com.
But then Fauci has the nerve to come out the next day.
So after Fauci says, this is an experimental technology, it's not even a vaccine, we're testing it on humans right now for the first time, in a live interview he admits all of that.
Making InfoWars next year's news today.
And then the next day he comes out and he says it's disturbing that Trump voters are skeptical of the experimental mRNA vaccine.
Oh, it's disturbing that we're free thinkers to Anthony Fauci.
It's disturbing that we believe we have medical freedom of choice.
That's disturbing to Anthony Fauci.
See, he wants everybody to roll up that sleeve and take that jab.
He's a medical tyrant.
And then he's urging That Trump tells his supporters to get the COVID vaccine.
Oh, that's not scary at all.
So let me get this straight.
A virus so deadly, I don't even know I have it.
And a vaccine so effective and efficient that you have to force me to take it.
Something doesn't add up there.
Something seems to be missing there.
And then he admits it's an untested science and we have all these people dying after they take the vaccine.
Common sense and logic would say, I don't trust Fauci.
I don't trust the vaccine.
And I'm still alive.
And the death count hasn't changed in the deadliest pandemic ever.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Alright, let me bear down and focus on the latest vaccine news and the Marvin Hagler story.
So, let me just, again, revert to the big news from last week, if you haven't seen this, where Anthony Fauci admits in a live interview That this is not a vaccine.
This is experimental mRNA gene therapy.
It's never been tested.
I mean, he says, he's like, the good news is so far it's not been so bad!
The good news is!
Well, pretty bad for Aunt Karen and his family.
Pretty bad for the nurse in...
Las Vegas and everywhere else and all the people that have died from it.
So, you know, kind of sucks for them, though.
But for Fauci, it's been good.
I mean, the numbers are pretty good!
For a worldwide human experiment with a brand new technology, only thousands dead?
That's not bad!
That's not bad!
Sure, we rebranded the flu as fear porn for COVID to put you in fear.
But you know what?
Only thousands of you have died.
So it's not so bad.
It's pretty good.
And he says it all in the interview.
It's just shocking.
It's like, if you take what he says at face value, I mean, he just admitted all of it.
But you know, it doesn't make headlines.
Nobody blinks an eye.
It's whatever.
So Fauci admits it's experimental.
He admits it's also not even effective because you get the vaccine, you still have to wear the mask, you still have to socially distance, you still can't go to school and church because they don't know.
It's in the trial phase.
They don't know.
Maybe you can still spread it.
Maybe you can still get it.
Maybe you can still die from it.
Maybe it'll be worse when you get it.
They don't know.
It's all being tested right now.
And he admits it, but see, he's so arrogant, he's such a medical tyrant, that he's disturbed that Trump voters are skeptical of taking the vaccine and don't want to, and he's urging Trump to tell his supporters to take the vaccine.
That's not going to go well, and Trump's not going to do it.
At least, I hope.
It'd be a bad move politically.
You'd think it'd be a bad move, you know, just across the board politically to say, hey, I'm introducing medical tyranny, big pharma tyranny.
You have to take this big pharmaceutical product.
You have to consume it.
It's freedom.
Or if you want to be free again, just do as I say.
That's freedom, folks, don't you know?
Freedom in the 21st century under Fauci and Gates and Biden.
Do what I say and you can be free.
Oh, that's nice.
So now, Marvin Hagler, marvelous Marvin Hagler, a world-famous boxer, champion boxer, gets the vaccine, hours later in the ICU fighting the side effects, and it ends up being Thomas Hearns, who was a famous boxer as well back in the day, a champion boxer in his own right, said, Hagler's in ICU fighting the side effects of the vaccine and then, of course, Marvin Hagler dies.
And so, the media has to rush, the media owned by Big Pharma has to rush to cover this up, has to rush to set the narrative straight.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
Don't you mention that he took the vaccine!
That's in bad taste!
Don't you dare mention that.
Somebody gets shot in Denver, Colorado.
Somebody gets run over in New York.
They die to COVID.
But you don't dare mention that Hagler got the vaccine hours before he died.
You don't dare bring that up.
Fauci's very upset with you.
And then here come the headlines.
Anti-vaxxers try to hijack.
We're hijacking the death.
I've hijacked his death, folks.
I've hijacked it.
I've stolen it.
It's mine now.
My death.
No, Marvin Hagler died from the vaccine.
That's not me hijacking the death.
That's the New World Order hijacking his life.
That's the New World Order hijacking him and killing him.
But it's all a global population control agenda.
Anti-vaxxers try to hijack the death of boxing legend Marvin Hagler, falsely claiming he died from vaccine side effects.
Falsely claiming!
How do you know?
You don't know.
You're owned by Big Pharmaceutical.
You are paid fake news.
You're scum.
We... You can't... We don't... You... Falsely claiming.
Falsely claiming, but you don't know.
And, I mean, the crazy thing is, like, they interview his family, they talk to Hearns, and they're like, yeah, he just got the vaccine and immediately died.
Like, yeah, this was out of nowhere.
We had no idea.
Oh, he was in great health.
This was so unexpected.
So what was the difference?
What was the variable?
The vaccine.
Hey, woah, woah.
Hey, look.
We got a global extermination thing going here, okay?
And we got this new trial biotechnology that we want to test on humans before we give ourselves the real stuff.
And so, you know, maybe just not mention the vaccine.
Just don't even, you know what I mean?
And just don't publish any headlines about that either.
And if you do, just attack the people that would even mention the vaccine.
And please, don't bring up that he got the vaccine hours before he died either.
You don't want to do that.
We're running a very, very important worldwide experiment right now on you.
So you just don't want to mention that vaccine, alright?
It's just not a good idea for you.
So he didn't die of the vaccine.
Even though we don't know what he died of, and it was all very suspicious right after the vaccine and unexpected.
But do not mention that vaccine!
You can't do it!
And if you do, you're hijacking his death!
Even though you hijacked his life when you killed him with the vaccine.
And so, here's the amazing thing, because I don't know if my dad had heard about Marvin Hagler's death, but he tuned in today, and he's like, oh, Marvin Hagler, I was a big fan of him back in boxing's heyday.
And I said, yep, they got him with the vaccine.
And he responded and he said, no, they got him with the propaganda first.
And that is so key to all of this.
That's why InfoWars is on air, folks.
That's like the sword that we wield.
That's like the ultimate burden.
We don't want you to fall for the propaganda to be afraid of COVID.
We don't want you to fall for the propaganda to be afraid of the flu.
We don't want you to fall for the propaganda to go out there and take a potentially deadly, never-been-tested-on-humans-before, DNA modification therapy vaccine.
So we're combating their propaganda, and that's the battle.
Hey, we're wielding our sword of truth versus the sword Of the corrupt deep state, secret government, whatever you want to call it, mainstream news.
Well, they got Hagler.
They won that battle.
And now Hagler's soul, hopefully, is in heaven with the Creator.
But so, see, this is the propaganda.
Oh, Obama took the shot!
George Bush took the shot!
Don't you know all your famous celebs took the shot!
Of course, they're probably not actually getting the shot.
It's probably a fake shot.
Or like a... I forget where it was.
It was some hospital.
Someone was like, okay, fine.
We'll force all our people to get a shot.
And then they just gave them nothing.
It was fake.
They admitted it.
They're like, yeah, we faked giving them the shot.
We don't actually want them to take the shot.
It's deadly.
But see, there's the propaganda.
Oh, be afraid of COVID.
Be deathly afraid of COVID.
It's the deadliest thing ever.
Oh boy, I'm really afraid of COVID.
Then they crash your economy.
And now that they have you in fear, in the grips of fear.
See, look, that woman didn't even get a vaccine.
It's all fake.
They know the damn thing's deadly.
There's nothing even in it.
They don't even try to fake it good.
They think you're that stupid.
And for most, sadly for most people, they are.
Not you in this audience, obviously, but So, you see how it works?
It's true, though.
They hit you with the propaganda first, and then once you accept it, once you consume it, then you'll do anything they want.
You'll do a swab up your nose, you'll do a swab up your butt, just to see if you got COVID, which is 99.99999% survivable.
So the big lie that, oh, it's going to kill you if you get it.
That was a big lie.
That doesn't matter now.
The big lie of all these cases, it turns out the tests were fraudulent.
No, that doesn't matter now.
The big lie is the deadliest pandemic ever.
Death rate didn't go up a single percent.
Now the big lie.
After they sold you that big lie and you bought that big lie, now the big lie is the vaccine is safe and effective.
It's killing thousands of people.
They even admit it!
That's just what we know of.
That it's killing thousands of people.
So that's the next big lie.
So that's why InfoWars is here.
To fight that propaganda.
I would not get that vaccine, folks.
And I would never live in fear of a TV media narrative.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
So, in Texas last week, the governor of Texas He revoked a mandate that he never had the legal right to enforce, or anybody to enforce anyway, of forcing you to wear a face mask and breathe in your own carbon dioxide emissions.
Totally unhealthy, plus the mask spreads disease, but I digress.
So it's been a bit of a bugaboo here in town with the masks thing, and specifically across the state of Texas.
And so you have a woman That was arrested because she refused to wear a mask at a Bank of America.
So now it's just become the globalist corporations enforcing the corporate government versus the actual will of you, the individual, the sovereign citizen, or even the will now of your local government.
So this is the introduction of the corporate government.
Uh, the same people own everything and they are forcing you to wear a mask.
They were behind the fake pandemic, they own the media, and now they own all the corporations.
So, they're gonna force you to wear a mask.
And so now you have to find out where you can go in town that's not gonna make you wear the face diaper and muzzle you.
And let you breathe clean air, or at least have the option.
And so here is the report from Galveston, Texas, where a nice lady refuses to wear a face mask, stands up herself, and then gets arrested on the ground by police.
Our Vincent Crivelli is live on the island tonight, where an arrest warrant has been filed for a woman after she refused to wear a mask inside of a bank.
Pause it right here.
This is one of the most pathetic things about the media here locally in Texas.
No, put that screen back up, guys.
They love promoting the mask.
I don't get it.
I really don't get it.
And here's what it comes down to.
It used to be that, you know, street reporters and journalists, we, you know, it used to be they liked to get their hands dirty.
They liked to go against the grain.
That was kind of what separated them.
That, you know, they were rebellious in a way.
Now it's the most conformist industry in the world is being a media reporter.
That's why InfoWars stands out above the rest, because we're the least conformist.
When everyone else is a total conformist, we're the exact opposite.
So you'll notice, all the local news stations here in Austin and in Texas, they love the mask, they love promoting COVID, it's their number one story every night.
And it's so bad, they have the mask in their logo.
Put it back on screen.
The mask is in their logo.
How pathetic is that?
So let's go back to the report.
Yeah, Christine, we spoke with a woman at the center of all this, but first, I want to show you guys the compelling body camera footage of the incidents.
A woman dares to be free.
People, this is what they do to you.
Detectives say yesterday, 65-year-old Terry Wright chose not to wear a mask inside of a Bank of America that requires one.
This is how the situation ended, but let's go back to where things started.
If that's you, leave.
You have to leave.
That's a police officer talking.
My money's in this bank, and I'm going to take it out.
Then the pair argued over whether the bank was a private or public place.
Wright claimed it was public, and she didn't have to wear a mask.
Ma'am, listen, we're gonna do this the easy way or the hard way.
What are you gonna do, arrest me?
Yes, for intruding on premises.
That's hilarious.
Let's fast forward a couple seconds.
Now the officer is telling Wright he wants her to go outside and pulls out his handcuffs.
That's when things escalated.
Do not touch me!
I think you are!
Oh, back up, back up!
Some old lady is getting handcuffed here!
Now pause it!
So she's trying to leave the building.
She's cooperative.
She's nice.
Oh, by the way, it's such a deadly pandemic.
Guys, go back to the video.
Such a deadly pandemic.
You know, six feet of social distance.
Wear the mask.
But the officer has no problem mauling her, mauling her in this Bank of America.
Oh, what happened to social distance?
She doesn't have a mask.
Are you going to die from COVID?
No, it's all fake, but you still enforce the law anyway.
So it's going to be real tough to do back the blue the more you see this, because this is pathetic.
This officer is pathetic.
What a sad excuse for a man arresting a 65-year-old lady because she darespeaks the truth and live her own life.
So guys, go back to the point where she's getting arrested.
And she's in there telling the people, like, hey, the mask is stupid.
Why are we doing this?
Take your mask off.
And look at the pathetic American standing there letting this woman be harassed by a police officer.
This is just such a pathetic display on so many levels.
Go back to the report.
With one hand behind her back, she had more fights.
Stop resisting, stop.
Eventually, she did stop and became compliant.
That's when things got a little weird.
Are you trying to speak Spanish to people?
I do speak Spanish.
Okay, well stand up.
And she did stand up and was taken away in a cop car.
I think wearing a mask is absolutely ridiculous.
She's voicing her side of the story.
Ah, but there's a corporate government, see?
They don't have to write laws.
They rule by fiat.
She's voicing her side of the story. My civil rights were violated. I do not there is no law that says I have to wear
a mask not whatsoever. Ah, but there's a corporate government see they don't have to write laws
They rule by fiat by dictate. Excuse me access unless I put a face diaper on.
And Wright went on to say that every bone in her body now hurts
Again, Wright has not been arrested.
However, arrest warrants have been filed.
We got her!
We did it!
We did it!
Protect and serve!
Six feet social distance, but I maul you onto the ground in the Bank of America.
So, Terry Lynn Wright is an American treasure and an American hero.
And she'll probably go to jail for it.
She'll probably get demonized, fired from her job if she has one.
Tormented by local media.
And notice how not a single person stands up to her defense, and they just let this cop manhandle this 65-year-old lady.
These people are pathetic.
And so this is the strangest part, you know, this is one of the stranger things about living in the world.
You think you're walking around with fellow humans.
You're not!
You're not!
You are outnumbered by the brainwashed alien zombie hordes.
And it's events like this that display that sad reality.
There's probably about ten people in that bank, and you have workers, And the security guard and not a single person comes to this woman's defense.
Not a one.
Not a one.
Talk about customer service.
Nobody can even step up and say, hey, can we just, can we let this lady leave in peace, please?
Nope, they can't even do that.
And don't you love this?
They have, there's your social distance on the floor.
They've got their little social distance marker on the floor as the cop is manhandling this lady.
No social distance, no gloves on his hand, just grabbing her up and down, pummeling her.
It just shows how the whole thing is theater, folks.
The entire thing is political theater, and it's being used to take away our freedoms and conquer us, and not a single person dares stand up against it.
And, you know, this is what I say to people now.
Oh, yeah, I don't want to enforce the mask.
Oh, okay, I'm just doing my job.
You know, there's a famous political movement.
There's a historical group of people that that was the excuse.
What am I thinking of here?
Oh, I'm just doing my job.
I'm just doing my job.
How do we get to that point?
Oh, I'm just doing my job.
What was the name of them?
I can't quite put it.
But there was some group out there, and that was the excuse.
I was just doing my job.
How could I get that bad?
They were just doing their job.
And then they figure out what you're talking about, obviously, the Nazis.
And these people are behaving like Nazis when you throw a 65-year-old woman into a cop car because she doesn't want to wear a mask.
Oh, and she's supposedly the most at-risk individual.
Yeah, it's a rude awakening being in a position like that and having to realize in live time you're one of the last humans remaining on Earth.
Everyone else is a mind slave.
Everyone else is a walking zombie slave.
And your desire to be free, your desire to live in reality, does not resonate with your fellow humans.
They are gone.
So, yeah, it's not a pleasant thing to try to be free in America anymore.
You are now the most... Free thinkers are the most discriminated group of people in the United States of America today.
Free thinkers are the most discriminated and hated group of people in the United States today.
And it's videos like that that prove it.
And this is going worldwide.
And again, another example.
Headline from the Daily Mail.
Ranting customer brand sandwich shop staff Nazis after they ask him to wear a face mask.
You're all Nazis, he screams.
You're all traitors to your country, as they tell him to wear a face mask.
This was in Lee's Sandwich Shop in Oklahoma City.
And it's the same thing.
Everybody in there staring.
By the way, there's no mask mandate in Oklahoma.
Unless you're a service worker, I think is the thing now.
But oh, see, he's in there saying, look at what they're doing.
Nobody comes to his aid.
Everyone bullies him, laughs at him.
Again, you realize in that moment, you're one of the last humans alive.
You are in zombiosis land.
You are in mind slave-topia.
You come out as a free thinker.
You fight against this tyranny.
You find that out real quick.
Sidewalks way too crowded.
Las Vegas strip flooded with tourists as capacity limits ease.
Yeah, the Austin streets were flooded with traffic.
Thousands of people out drinking.
Nobody wearing masks.
No spread!
No spread.
Myself, none of my friends.
We're all feeling fine today.
The whole thing's fake.
But be a good slave dude anyway.
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
Alright, we have incredible amounts of left-wing terrorism, Democrat terrorism, happening across the United States
right now.
Of course, it goes completely ignored by the media.
They're still freaking out over the events of January 6th.
It didn't even stall the activities in Congress for more than five hours.
They were back in Congress doing business, even after the supposed insurrection, the big lie, that big lie.
No lie too big for the Democrat Party and their media cohorts.
They'll tell you any lie.
So I would suggest not believing anything they say.
You'll be much better off.
But, again, they still obsess over the events of January 6th, where four Trump supporters died.
One lady was executed, a military veteran.
You still don't get to know the name of the officer that killed her, shot her in the head, on tape, unarmed.
And that's the worst thing that's ever happened and we have the Capitol locked down.
By the way, the National Guard has requested that we remove all the National Guard and the walls and everything because it's on pace to cost us half a billion dollars a year right now at current rates and pace.
And Pelosi and Lloyd Austin, the Secretary of Defense, said, no way.
If anything, we're going to have more National Guard here.
For what?
Well, to protect the criminals in Congress, don't you see?
This is what it really comes down to.
Nancy Pelosi and the like know that you know they are the biggest criminals in the history of America.
The most treasonous, traitorous actors in our country's history are in Congress right now.
And they know that you know that.
And so they got so scared that three straight months over a million people who know that showed up in D.C.
And even though we were peaceful, it still scares them because they know at the flick of a switch that that could turn against them.
And we really could do we could really really could have taken Congress that day.
They really could have taken the Capitol.
That was never the plan.
That was never the desire.
That's why most people walking in look confused and disoriented or walking around the ropes didn't know what they were doing.
But see, Pelosi and Schumer and Waters and Omar and the like know that you know they're the biggest criminals in the history of this country.
They just robbed $2 trillion, once again, printing $2 trillion to enrich themselves and bail themselves out.
So they need the wall at the Capitol.
They need the National Guard at the Capitol because they need to protect themselves and their criminal behavior.
It's mob psychology, but it's not mob, it's mafia.
You go to the big mafia Don's house, what does he have?
He's got walls, he's got armed guards, he's behind it all.
That's Congress now.
But they don't seem to mind that Portland burns every night.
They don't seem to mind that there's rioting in Los Angeles.
They don't seem to mind that there's violence every night in Philadelphia, in New York.
The list just goes on.
So what do you use that to say?
That the Democrats are total frauds and liars?
Well, you already know that.
But here's the problem.
Most people don't even want to deal with this right now.
And maybe that tide is starting to turn because it's getting so out of control.
And I don't know how far ahead of the curve InfoWars is on this because we haven't reached that curve yet.
But it's absolutely out of control what left-wing Democrat terrorism is going on and being completely ignored by the mainstream media.
They tried to burn a federal courthouse in Portland on Friday with people inside.
Media didn't even mention it.
But the FBI is still going after you if you are in DC on January 6th.
The FBI is still going after you.
But in Portland, you had a Montana man who traveled to Portland, got involved in the Portland riots, he was arrested, got released, and then got arrested again.
So I'm gonna tell you all about it coming up.
But the Democrat terror events continue to happen, and the Democrat big lies continue to permeate the hearts and minds of Americans.
And it needs to stop or we're in big trouble.
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know what?
I need to get into this Democrat terrorism that's been happening as we enter the second hour, but I have not even plugged today.
I am bad, and this is more important.
We have to stay on air, folks.
To fight back against the New World Order propaganda that's leading people to take a deadly vaccine, die from it, and then deny that that's what happened.
That's led us to a point where you can have an American woman, 65 years old, get assaulted, harassed, and arrested by a cop for not wearing a mask inside a Bank of America in Texas where there is no mask mandate.
For a fake pandemic that the media lied to them about.
So, we're at the front lines fighting this propaganda with truth.
It's the only sword and shield that we can wield here.
And we need to stay on air to fight that because you know there's very few and far between that are willing to stand up.
Now, those few and far between that are willing to stand up are starting to take bigger leaps and strides.
But it's still InfoWars leading the charge.
So keep us on air.
By going to InfowarsStore.com, we have the final hours right now.
So Alex is back in town.
He's going to have to cut new specials for tomorrow.
So it's the final hours of free shipping store-wide.
And then the current sales we have, Vitamin Mineral Fusion 50% off.
Down and Out Liquid Sleep Support 40% off.
I will tell you, I tried Down and Out Liquid Sleep Support for the first time last night.
I, you know what, I'm all confused because of the changing in time.
It kind of had me confused and disoriented last night and this morning.
But let me tell you, yeah, I was down and out for sure.
For about eight hours, probably, I was down and out.
And it was kind of shocking.
Waking up to the clock, I was like, holy smokes!
Like, down and out is serious stuff!
But then I realized that we lost an hour, too.
So, point is, though, down and out.
The new addition to the trifecta of sleep support we have at InfoWarsTore.com.
I'm glad we have three different sleep support formulas.
A lot of people struggle with sleep, including myself.
And so it's good to have three different formulas to kind of go on and off each one so you don't get too tolerant to them and they remain effective.
So down and out 40% off.
That got me down and out last night.
Survival Shield X2, 50% off.
Turbo Force, 40% off.
Supermail Vitality 40% off.
We still have Privacy Pouches available.
$10 off of those right now.
And 50% off Vitamin B12, Ultra 12, 50% off Alexa Pure Pro air filter, and I believe the water filters, too.
So, these specials, though, have hours left.
Alex is going to have to come cut new specials tomorrow now that he's back in town.
So, final hours of free shipping store-wide.
Now, Guys, we've got all kinds of videos, so if you guys just want to be rolling this B-roll, whether it's from L.A.
or New York or Portland or wherever it's all from as I cover these headlines, but remember as a backdrop, Ashley Babbitt got executed on film in Washington, D.C.
by a Capitol Police officer.
We still don't know that individual's name.
How is that possible?
And the big lie Oh, police violence is racism.
If that was a white person, they wouldn't have been shot.
Uh, what about Ashley Babbitt?
And we don't even get to know the cop's name.
So, that's interesting.
But just remember that as a backdrop, and remember that the Democrats have put D.C.
under martial law lockdown, without even a vote, to protect their own criminal behavior.
They just stole $2 trillion.
So Congress just stole $2 trillion, and they did it while they were protected by our military.
Oh man, but here we go.
So, will there be incitement charges for Joe Biden or Linda Sarsour?
Linda Sarsour was leading rallies over the weekend, speaking during rallies during the one-year anniversary of Breonna Taylor's death, saying, we're gonna have rallies, we're gonna be louder than ever, we're gonna be in cities across America.
And then that night, what happened?
Criminal behavior.
Biden urges police reform as Breonna Taylor protests turn violent across the nation.
So that's Biden's response.
Hey, a bunch of people just went out and burned cities to the ground, assaulted police officers, attacked federal court buildings, guilty of arson, all kinds of criminal behavior.
They get arrested and released and then arrested again.
And what's Biden's response?
We need police reform.
Well, look.
I'm telling you right now, the quickest solution to this problem is to actually get rid of the police.
It's not what I want necessarily to happen, because it'll be a total breakdown of civilization.
But at this point, civilization is already broke, and the police are only police because they need a paycheck.
That's where we're at now.
And so they really can't even do their job.
It's all just political theater and ceremony.
And so, look, I feel bad for the police.
I think, for the most part, they're good people.
They're in a bad situation, and everybody needs a paycheck, folks.
Everybody's got a mortgage, rent, bills, kids, whatever.
So they can't quit, even though I'm sure it's not a very positive experience for police right now, especially in Portland or Los Angeles or New York or Chicago, where the Democrat Party has basically put a target on your back to be murdered.
But so you get attacked every night, the media doesn't even care, the FBI doesn't even care, and the politicians don't even care.
So I'm serious.
Either police should just fully stand down at this point, if that's if you just want to keep your jobs, I would just stand down, let them just burn it all.
Hey, again, I'm not promoting this.
I'm not the one that wants the violence.
I'm just saying we got a problem here.
And the only way people are going to realize that we have a problem here is if the police actually disappear for a month or so.
And entire city blocks are burned to the ground.
Entire city blocks are looted for every last scrap that these criminal thugs can find.
Guess what?
America will wake up real fast.
And then when they end up at Nancy Pelosi's front door, and they end up at Maxine Waters' front door, and Chuck Schumer's front door, and the rest of the Democrats' front door, guess what?
They're going to be begging for police then.
But see, they'll have their own private security, which would expose them even further.
But the FBI doesn't investigate, and they get arrested and released, folks.
They get arrested and released.
There are dozens, if not hundreds, we don't know the number, dozens if not hundreds of Trump supporters, Americans, many of which are veterans, rotting in jail right now.
Families, mothers, fathers, veterans, pastors, rotting in jail right now because they were in Washington D.C.
on January 6th.
Nobody's even reporting this except Infowars.
Because they get arrested, A Democrat judge says, no, you're a threat to society, I have to keep you in jail until your court date, and then they delay the court date months and months and months and months and months because of the fake pandemic, they can't go to court, and they say, you can't be released, you're a threat to society.
Children, mothers, fathers, pastors, rotting in jail cells right now because of the FBI and our politicians.
Many of which, their only crime was being on Capitol grounds.
That's it.
That's a crime now.
And it's going to be interesting to see what happens in the Q Saman case.
By the way, he's still rotting in a jail cell.
His defense is arguing, how can you hold my client for entering a building illegally when he was waved in by the police?
So that's in front of a judge right now with all the footage.
But guess what?
If you got a Democrat judge, you're going to jail no matter what.
And here's the difference.
You wanna know why Peter Doocy is the only person in the White House Press Corps that asks any real questions of Jen Psaki?
Because everyone else is a Democrat.
You have Democrats who are activists as judges, and PAs, and DAs, and mayors, and politicians, but they don't actually do their job.
They put their agenda and their activism over their job.
So that's why they're able to get away with this.
And that's why Trump supporters are rotting in jails while individuals like a Montana man are arrested twice during the same riot in Portland over the weekend.
Because Democrats are activists.
They're not real.
A Democrat on a journey, a jury, or a bench, or in politics, will always put their agenda before reality, before the truth, before the evidence, before any of it.
That's why these people are so dangerous, folks.
That's why once you give them control, they never relinquish it.
That's why they want you to wear the mask.
That's why they want you to take a vaccine.
That's why they want to take your guns.
That's why they want to censor you on the internet.
Because they hate you.
and they'll do anything they can to destroy you.
Broadcasting live from the UN Stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Yes, Democrat terrorism continues to run rampant across the United States and the media continues to ignore it because of course they're not actual members of the media or journalists or reporters.
They're, well, Democrats.
And so why would they call out their own criminal activity that they love to promote and engage in?
Democrats promote the violence, then they hide the violence, and then they say, oh, you're being violent.
It's a cyclical thing with these people.
That's why they're so dangerous.
And in Chicago, Now, you may remember over the summer,
some of the violence that happened in Chicago, where you had all the police,
dozens if not hundreds of police surrounding the Christopher Columbus statue,
and they were surrounded by a Black Lives Matter Democrat mob,
violent mob, insurrection mob.
And so you had hundreds of Chicago police injured.
You saw all these criminals throwing projectiles, bricks, pee-pee bottles, and all the other stuff
that the left-wing terrorists are known to engage with, literally like bottles of pee-pee and poo-poo.
It's what they do, they pee-pee and poo-poo over there, the Democrat Party terrorists.
And so that statue, though, that was protected by the Chicago police
when they were so viciously assaulted that day, well, it's now been removed.
See, mob violence and Democrat terrorism accomplishes things.
That's why they continue to do it.
The media ignores it, and then we capitulate, and the cycle repeats itself until we stop the cycle.
You understand?
And the irony, of course, is they are still investigating the violence from that day.
Chicago Police seeking to identify people involved in last summer's clash with officers at Columbus Statue in Grant Park.
So, hundreds of officers injured, taken to the hospital.
But, even though they're still searching for those criminals, they gave them what they wanted.
The Democrat terror mob, terrorist mob, wins again.
Promoted and covered up by the mainstream media, funded by the Democrat Party, promoted by the Democrat Party.
So, oh, but they took the statue down, even though they're still investigating the Democrat terrorists who were out there that day assaulting police officers.
So that's good.
Give the terrorist mob what it wants.
I'm sure there will be no negative repercussions of that.
And also you have Democrat terrorists attacking individuals in the street.
Man that has a sign that says children cannot consent to puberty blockers suffers broken arm after Antifa gang assault.
So once again you have more, here's the video, you have more Democrat terrorism on the streets and these people won't even be arrested.
They never are.
And if they are, they get released, bailed out on Democrat money by Democrat DAs, district attorneys, prosecuting attorneys.
Always bail them out.
But if you're a Trump supporter, you're going to rot in jail forever.
You're going to get the worst side of the law.
These people are behaving like true Nazis, except they're worse.
And also, not only do you have the left-wing Democrat political violence that we see every day, the Democrat racist hate crimes continue to happen in New York, in California, and in Philadelphia.
Guys, roll clip, B-roll from 13.
And apparently this is just commonplace in Philadelphia when I was researching this story.
There's just this basically a dirt bike gang in Philadelphia that just runs roughshod over the city.
Now this individual is on his dirt bike, pulls out his gun, and finally his other friends So he's attacking people in their vehicles, smashing bricks into vehicles, pulls out his gun, nearly kills an Asian man.
So the hate crimes against Asians and white people by black people continue.
You're not allowed to say that.
You're not allowed to report on that.
You're not allowed to show the crime statistics.
You're not allowed to show the hit game videos where they attack Asians and white people in the streets and kill them sometimes.
You're not allowed to talk about that.
You're not allowed to show that.
It's racist to show that.
It's racist to show the racists attacking innocent people.
So this is just what the Democrat Party is up to, promoting their terrorism, promoting their mob violence.
It is, after all, the biggest hate group in the United States.
That is the Democrat Party.
It is, of course, the biggest terror group in the United States.
That is, of course, the Democrat Party.
They can engage in all their criminal, mob, mafia violence as they steal $2 trillion from you behind the National Guard.
But you can't have 4th of July.
Biden said you're not allowed to have 4th of July unless you get your vaccine, then maybe we'll let you be free.
Because, you know, he's the tyrant-in-chief now who wakes up every day and doesn't know where he is, his own admission.
But now the National Park Service under Biden is rejecting a request from South Dakota to have fireworks at Mount Rushmore this year.
So, the Democrats were allowed to engage in straight-up terrorism in the streets.
The Democrats were allowed to engage in straight-up promotion and bailing out of this terrorism, not to mention the hate crimes and racism that they're engaged with on a daily basis.
They're allowed to do this all day long, but you can't even have fireworks at Mount Rushmore on the 4th of July.
See what happens when Democrats get in charge, folks?
These people destroy everything.
This is a cancer.
This is a cancer of civilization.
This is a cancer of culture.
Yeah, you have cancel culture run by the Democrats, but it's really a cancer culture.
It will kill our culture and civilization, and it's metastasizing now.
And so, you know what has to happen.
On the 4th of July, patriots need to go to Mount Rushmore and just have your own firework display.
Shove it in these globalists' rear end.
Shove it in these Democrats' rear end.
We're free people!
You don't tell us to stay home.
You don't tell us we can't have barbecues.
You don't tell us we can't hug our grandmas.
You are the criminals.
You are the tyrants.
So, Let's see what happens at Mount Rushmore this 4th of July as they are refusing to let people have the firework display there.
Kristi Noem is not going to rest easy on this one, I predict, the Governor of South Dakota.
And I don't know if the American people will or the citizens of South Dakota will either.
But, you know, I'll finish with this.
Liberalism, Democrat Party politics are a cancer to culture and civilization.
And it's the strangest thing because they've ruined sports.
You know, one of my escapes, even after I left the sports media, was still just maybe on a Saturday, I'd like to watch a sports game.
I can go into the suspended reality and be a kid again, and it's fun to cheer and watch sports, and the glamour and the majesty and all of it.
It's dead.
Liberals have killed sports, folks.
And it's not just liberals, but it's other elements.
But sports are not even enjoyable anymore.
All the propaganda, it's all about the individual now.
They're all rich, spoiled brats.
And you can tell, when you're watching the old footage of Marvin Hagler, and I was just watching old games that I went to as a kid, it's just so much more enjoyable than the new sports that are just shoving all the propaganda down your throat.
Everything is a money suck.
It's not even about the game.
It's very disrespectful of the game actually, but don't worry, they're making every piece of space on that TV is a bought advertisement.
Every player is larger than life with their money and their social media.
And don't worry, the left-wing propaganda is everywhere as well, infiltrating it.
So you have to go watch sports from like the 90s and before, or the early 2000s to even enjoy it anymore, because why?
Liberalism is a cancer to culture and it kills it.
Watch me! Watch me!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Schroer.
Don't forget, InfoWars Sunday Night Live follows the Alex Jones Show every Sunday, normally hosted by yours truly, myself, Owen Schroer, but I'm hosting the Alex Jones Show today, and so we're going to have Harrison Smith in studio, and Patrick Howley is going to be his guest.
Let me tell you, I think Patrick Halley is going to be dropping some exclusive intelligence coming up on InfoWars Sunday Night Live regarding the Vegas shooting.
And of course, it's pretty much the same intel that we had when it happened, but he's going to lay out some more of the details as he's being threatened and intimidated right now.
So, you're going to want to watch Harrison Smith and Patrick Halley coming up.
And of course, don't forget, this is all supported by you shopping at InfoWarsStore.com.
InfoWars Live, six days a week, ten hours a day on weekdays.
Alex comes up here and files special reports on Saturdays, so really seven days a week here we're operating, getting you the content on all the breaking news and developments.
And so it's all possible with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
We have free shipping, but it's the final hours right now.
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It's all at InfoWarsStore.com.
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Okay, let me continue on with the rest of these news stories.
Once again, the Democrat Party and their media cohorts, all they do is lie.
That's just the reality of the situation.
And so here's one example.
Pelosi says climate change is responsible for crisis on the southern border.
So they don't know what to do to cover up this total catastrophe happening at the southern border because of Joe Biden's policies, which aren't really his policies.
Who knows whose policies they actually are?
Biden doesn't know his policies.
He doesn't even know where he is.
But Pelosi says it's climate change.
Now what is it really?
It's really the fact that you've opened the border and that you're promising free handouts and that they're coming from hellhole countries destroyed by communism.
But don't let the truth get in the way of the big lie.
No, it's climate change, says Pelosi.
So, they're trying to find a way to justify the fact that they have now hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants pouring over the southern border.
They're testing positive for COVID and they're releasing them into your cities.
They're putting them on planes.
They're putting them on helicopters.
They're putting them on buses.
And they're releasing them into your major cities.
Hundreds of thousands a month.
I'll predict right now that May, the month of May, you'll have 300,000 illegal border crossings.
It'll be a new record.
And it's called an invasion, folks.
A functioning society, a functioning country, calls this an invasion.
And it is an invasion!
I'm not saying the people invading us are bad, but you do have the drug cartels running their drugs and their deadly fentanyl.
Which, by the way, you have record amounts of fentanyl being taken off the streets right now.
Yeah, it's because the borders are open again.
Oh, and it's Biden's... one of Biden's appointees invests in one of the companies that makes the heroin!
You can't even make this stuff up!
That's her name.
Yeah, she's invested millions of dollars in a company that makes heroin that gets smothered over the southern border.
But don't let that get in the way of a good Biden appointee.
If it's even his appointee.
It's total criminal behavior.
And so the Democrats need any excuse they can.
For the overflow of the kids in cages, they had to reopen the cages, actually.
They're reception centers now, but literally the places that they called cages, where they sent for their photoshoots with AOC and the rest, those were closed by Trump.
The Democrats, Biden had to reopen them for all the overflow.
So they need to somehow to cover this disaster at the southern border up.
There were parts of the wall They needed one or two days, one or two days, two days max to complete part of these sections of the wall where there's like 20, 30 foot gaps.
Biden shut it down.
He literally called and said, stop this construction.
And now there's these huge gaps in the wall and they're just pouring in.
You can look at all these different journalists, Julio Rosas, Ben Berkwam, um, um, um, forget the other lady at Fox, uh, Laura Logan.
Folks, they go down to the southern border to do a report, and they can't even get their camera set up in time to capture the thousands of people pouring in illegally.
So they have to, they have, they pull out their phones, and they film it on their phone because they can't even get a camera set up.
Because it's, they get down there and immediately they're pouring across.
And that's why you see all the footage of it shot on cell phones.
Because they don't even have enough time to get a camera set up on a tripod.
So it's like, oh, here comes the southern border, the crossing's happening illegally, get out the cell phone, the camera's not ready.
And what does Pelosi say?
Oh, it's climate change.
Now the funny thing is, You have more expats moving to Central America right now, perhaps ever, than has ever been in this country's history.
They're moving to Belize.
They are moving to Mexico.
They are moving to Nicaragua.
There's whole communities of expats buying up land and turning it into neighborhoods in the Gulf, on rivers.
I know multiple people that have done this.
So, they go to Costa Rica.
I mean, I'm serious.
The amount of expats moving to Central America.
So, what does that tell you?
So, the globalists or communist party politics have destroyed Central America.
So, all the people... The number is now at, in the last 10 or 20 years, the United States of America has taken 15%.
This number could be up to 20 before long.
I don't even know what you would search, guys.
But we've taken now 15% in the last couple of decades of Central America's entire population.
They broke those civilizations.
The same policies the Democrats want here broke Central America.
So yeah, these people are downtrodden, they try to come to America, they think it's going to be better.
Successful smart people in America are rushing to Nicaragua, rushing to Honduras, rushing to Belize, because they can buy cheap property on a river or a beach and farm and grow their own food and not have to deal with the collapsing United States of America and the tyranny here.
What a dichotomy that is.
But Pelosi says it's because of climate change.
Once again, telling the big lie.
understands the Democrat hypocrisy. He says, "Democrats are taking credit for the
vaccine and blaming Trump for the border crisis." Of course, what's the reality?
Trump was actually getting the border crisis under control and if it wasn't
for Trump you wouldn't be having these vaccines right now.
Now, I don't know if that's totally true because the vaccine agenda was
obviously always there, but for whatever reason Trump really wants the
credit for the vaccines and I know why.
It's because he sees all of his friends and all the liberals begging for the vaccine, saying it's the greatest thing ever, saying thank God for the vaccine, like getting on their knees crying because they can get a vaccine.
So Trump's just like, hey, I'm the one that did that, remember that, you hate me so much, but I'm the one that got you the vaccine, so I understand why he does it.
It's kind of more of an ego thing.
But the reality is, he launched Operation Warp Speed.
That's why the vaccines got rushed to delivery.
But Biden says, oh, that was me.
Biden says there was no plan at all for a vaccine when he got into the White House, even though he'd already been vaccinated.
That's how big of a liar he is, or he doesn't even know where he is.
And then there's the border crisis, was actually starting to move in the right direction under Trump.
We were getting the border under control.
The wall was almost completed.
And then the Democrats come in, stop the wall, open the border, promise free handouts.
It becomes a crisis again.
And what do they say?
They blame Trump.
They blame Trump.
Seriously, how does it end?
I really always wonder, though, how it ends.
How does it end with an entire political party that spews nothing but lies 24-7?
How does that end?
How does that end when the media and the Democrat Party lie to you 24-7, 100% of the time?
Where is the end of this?
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host...
We're in the final segment of this Sunday's Alex Jones Show.
Don't forget Harrison Smith coming up with Sunday Night Live.
Normally hosted by yours truly, but Harrison Smith fulfilling those duties tonight as I'm in studio for the Alex Jones Show.
He'll be back on air in studio tomorrow 11 a.m.
Central, God willing, with the Alex Jones Show.
Patrick Halle also coming up with Harrison Smith.
There's going to be a lot of important information discussed there.
And what I think I'm going to do is, because Alex He likes it when we pitch to the other shows, so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to tell a story at the beginning of the broadcast, pitching to Harrison Smith.
I want to get his response to it, but I'm going to tell a story about something I experienced this weekend being out and about in Austin with some buddies now that the mask mandate is lifted.
I experienced some pretty interesting stuff that I want to just run by Harrison before he gets into his stuff.
So guys, I'll probably just come right back out there so we don't have to do another setup, and I'll sit right out there and we'll transfer it to Harrison.
But I do have some news to cover here before we give the baton to Harrison Smith to host Sunday Night Live.
Here are some of the other headlines.
Uh, which is a left-wing organization, the Slow Factory Foundation.
I did some research into them.
It doesn't seem that they're too, um, you know, sorted in their affairs or their affiliations, but it's a big left-wing crazy group.
The guy that founds it likes to paint his fingernails.
So that's cute.
Uh, so organization says sharing Oprah Winfrey interview memes is digital blackface.
And so obviously that Oprah Winfrey interview, the content of it, the subjects of discussion didn't really go viral, but the memes did.
All the memes of Meghan Markle and all the memes of Oprah went mega viral.
Nobody really knows or cares what they talked about, but the memes went viral.
So that angers the left wing, because this is of course a propaganda event for them, and when the propaganda doesn't hit, but then it gets basically Spun and turned into propaganda against them with the Oprah Winfrey memes.
Of course, then they start to panic.
So the left wing says don't share Oprah Winfrey memes.
That's digital blackface.
Yes, and these people haven't gone completely insane, though.
Some people are realizing, though, that they've gone completely insane.
Sarah Silverman, one of them, in an interesting podcast, I guess it's her own podcast, they all have podcasts now, nobody listens, but she says she doesn't want to be associated with the Democrat Party anymore, and you can tell, it's like the most real I've ever seen Sarah Silverman, I mean, her party humor is real, but this was like, Kind of like down-to-earth, real.
And you could tell that there was Biden voter remorse, or I don't know if she voted for Biden, but there was Biden promotion, Democrat Party promotion remorse, and you could tell that she's having this realization in this podcast, and now she doesn't want to be affiliated with parties, shouldn't we be affiliated with any of that?
She just wants to be, yeah, yeah, you figured out these people hate us, huh?
You finally got it.
Politicians are corrupt, you shouldn't be involved with any of these people.
But Hollywood has been so in the tank for the Democrat Party for so long.
But the weird thing that she mentions in here, and this is what I'm wanting liberals and leftists to realize, and this is why I'll tell this story with Harrison Smith coming up, and there's a bit of it in my street interview from last Monday at the mask event.
But she's calling liberals absolutists.
in this, absolutists, the real world, the real world word that she's looking for
is totalitarians. Absolutists is fair enough but it's the same thing.
They're totalitarians.
So that's what it's time for the left wing to realize that that's what they've become.
They want to force you to wear the mask and take a vaccine because they're totalitarians.
They don't want you to open their business.
They want to be in charge of when it's open or closed because they're totalitarians.
They want to be in charge of your children, your movement, the...
The thermostat in your house, the gas in your car, these are totalitarians.
And it looks like maybe some of these libs that just kind of went along with the cause celeb are having the remorse and feeling bad.
And they won't be totally honest about it for their own pride, but it does look like they're beginning to take some steps back in some remorse of promoting the New World Order totalitarianism.
You know, here's kind of an example of the nonsense though.
Judge takes action on virtually unintelligible lawsuit against Trump and Israel and it's
Palestinians that fire this lawsuit and it's just, it's complete garbage.
And look, we deal with similar stuff here.
Well, they'll file lawsuits against us and it's like they use people's names that never
worked here or haven't worked here in years.
They misspell names.
They get people's identities confused and it's just total drivel and garbage.
But see, Democrat judges will still hear it.
But that's basically what this Palestinian group tried to do to Trump and Israel.
He's like, I don't even understand this lawsuit, throw it out.
Democrat judges will hear it though.
More bad news for Cuomo.
More bad news for Cuomo.
Is this thing gonna blow up?
From the Washington Examiner, coronavirus infects 10,300 New York group home workers, killing 32.
And it actually says it killed hundreds later on in the article, so I'm a little confused at the headline.
The New York Office for People with Developmental Disabilities, which operates the group homes, also reported 552 resident deaths.
And 6,382 infections.
So they have the nursing homes that COVID got sent into by Cuomo.
Now they realize Cuomo also sent the COVID into these developmental disabilities homes.
Killing state workers and killing people with mental disabilities.
So my goodness, the numbers of death The New York nursing home slayer, Andrew Cuomo, the number of death on his name, on his tally.
I mean, he's up there with some of the biggest tyrants of all time now.
But he'll get brought down by some groping allegations or some harassment allegations.
He's fighting them tooth and nail.
And now I'm wondering if the only reason why Cuomo is going slug for slug with the harassment complaints is because he knows more is going to come out about the COVID deaths that he caused.
And so he wants all of that to come out first until the harassment allegations bring him down.
Pretty slick if that's the case.
House Democrats draw the line.
They want no cooperation with any Republicans that question the election.
Yeah, you're not allowed to question the election.
You're not allowed to be a free thinker.
But oh, Russian collusion was the biggest story ever.
They spent millions of dollars investigating that.
All the media propaganda on that.
It was total fake news.
National Guard soldier dies while stationed at U.S.
Capitol as many are being poisoned with undercooked food and metal shavings in their food.
It's a total disaster.
Just like at the southern border, it's all Democrat Party politics and it's killing people.
And they don't care.
They like it.
They love when someone dies from their policies.
It makes them feel in charge.
And Lloyd Austin said, we will not be removing the National Guard from D.C.
even though the National Guard said there's no point in us being here.
It's going to cost us half a billion dollars a year if we continue to do this.
Well, they love that.
Meanwhile, Biden's still yet to have a press conference.
Won't even take questions from the media.
They cut off his camera when he says he will.
He asked for Pelosi's permission.
Or he just says, what am I supposed to do?
I don't know what I'm doing here.
And then they cut the feed.
50 days as president, Biden still has not given a news conference.
Critics and allies wonder why.
Well, the allies are starting to wonder why.
The critics know why.
Trump had, I think, five by now.
Obama had three by now.
Bush had three by now.
Obama had... I'm sorry, I mean, everybody does the press conferences.
Biden won't even take a question from the media.
And we all know why.
There's no secret here.
Biden, at the very minimum, is suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's.
And he can't be trusted on a public microphone.
So Trump gets censored from Twitter because he speaks the truth.
Biden gets censored from talking to the media because he can't speak.
So it's a total clown show.
And we'll see how long Biden can go without having to answer questions from the media.
But remember, when Psaki was asked why Biden won't address questions from the media, what did she say?
Well, there's too many national crises going on.
No, that's exactly when you address the media.
Isn't that ironic?
Okay, by the way, Meghan Markle says she wants to run for president now.
Have you heard this?
Yes, Meghan Markle wants to run for president now, married to the fake Prince Harry, which it does appear, I mean, I don't want to jump the shark, but it does appear that it was actually the son of Princess Diana's riding instructor, horse riding instructor, but I'm not going to get too conspiratorial on that, but the fake Prince Harry married to the briefcase model Meghan Markle, who gave it all up to be a princess, a fake princess, But didn't get what she wanted and so now is trying to destroy the royal family.
And she thinks she can run for office too, by the way.
That's hilarious.
But she promotes a yogurt company on the Oprah Winfrey interview.
Humphrey Yogurt.
People look into this.
And guys, go ahead and look at this logo.
And I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the pedophile logo is in the Meghan Markle frozen yogurt company that she promoted.
I'm sure that's just a coincidence, so please don't make a big fuss about that.
Meanwhile, the COVID relief bill, $2 trillion.
Did you know inside that bill is relief for farmers, but only if you're a farmer of color.
So white farmers get nothing.
Everybody else gets at least $5 billion in aid.
Harrison Smith coming up with Sunday Night Live.
The general public has finally figured out why I'm upset.
They figured out that the globalists are literally trying to kill us.
They're trying to take over civilization and society.
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