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Name: 20210311_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 11, 2021
2568 lines.

The Alex Jones Show on Infowars Broadcasting Network covers topics such as mask mandates, Biden presidency, stimulus bill, holograms replacing Biden for public speeches, news from China, Democrats fighting about abortion, New York banning protest against abortion, and the high-quality Vitamin Mineral Fusion system being back in stock at InfowareStore.com. The speaker argues that people should recognize basic truths such as freedom vs tyranny and biological facts like men cannot compete in women's sports. They criticize liberal ideology, the globalist agenda, and their attempt to enslave humanity through economic collapse and flooding countries with refugees from the third world. The show discusses how a synthetic virus and vaccines are being used to test how many people can be killed and get away with it, emphasizing the importance of standing up against these restrictions and valuing human life to resist becoming slaves to the globalists' agenda. It also covers the relationship between organized crime syndicates and government agencies like the CIA, particularly in relation to assassinations such as JFK's.

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Democrat Party policy is all based on lies.
It's all based on lies.
Every damn thing.
So you can make up your reason as to why Democrats and their media cohorts lie all the time.
You can make up your own reason.
Are they consciously in a death cult?
Are they brainwashed into a death cult?
I mean, I don't know what's going on with all of it.
I do, but I don't.
I'm going to try to lay out the rest of this news here and stop ranting and raving about it.
But it's just true.
And the Democrat Party is in the process of destroying the United States of America right now.
And if freedom dies in the West, if freedom dies in the United States of America, freedom dies worldwide.
And so I just hope that the Democrats are proud of themselves.
I hope everybody that voted for Biden is proud of themselves.
Of course they're not, if you can even find anybody that did.
I just hope all these liberals that promote men competing with women, I hope all these liberals that want to take the guns, I hope all these liberals cancelling free speech, I hope all these liberals calling America racist and all this stuff, you know, I just hope you're going to be happy when you're a slave in a camp.
Just know you did this to yourself.
You think you're miserable now in your pathetic existence?
Wait till you are a complete slave.
You love your little mask.
You love having people shut down their business.
You think it's all fun and games.
Oh, you are going to have a rude awakening.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Thursday, March 11th.
2021, this is the Alex Jones Show on the InfoWars Broadcasting Network.
Owen Troyer here sitting in studio for the Alex Jones Show.
Alex is going to be joining us momentarily.
I want to lay out what we can expect coming up today on the broadcast, what I'll be covering, and of course Alex as well coming up in the next segment.
It's been an interesting social experiment, if you will, not intentionally, but for my purposes.
Watching how Austin, Texas is responding to the mask mandate recall or removal, which was illegal to begin with.
And then the Democrat scumbag Mayor Steve Adler, a true scumbag, a true lowlife.
One of the worst mayors you could ever imagine saying, no, we're not ending the mask mandate.
We're forcing businesses to mask.
In fact, in Austin, we're forcing citizens to mask.
And then seeing the response to that in the last 24 hours has been telling.
And it makes me wonder, maybe I am the oddball.
Maybe wanting to be free is not a good thing.
Maybe I'm the problem and all the liberals here in Austin that want to wear the mask and want to take the vaccine and want to be slaves to the New World Order.
Maybe they got it right.
Maybe I should be one of them.
Maybe I should be a good little slave like the rest of the Austinites wearing their masks around town.
By the way, I noticed that the mask wearing was actually at an uptick.
So it's 100% a political statement now.
And the Attorney General Ken Paxson is threatening to sue Steve Adler for forcing Texans here in Austin to wear a mask.
Oh, and they still can't reopen their business fully either.
So, you got that.
So, a true dirtbag, Steve Adler.
A true lowlife.
A cockroach of a human being.
I shouldn't even say that.
A cockroach has more standing and integrity than Steve Adler.
A cockroach turd has more dignity, more honesty, more trustworthiness than Steve Adler.
So we're going to be talking about that.
The Biden presidency, ladies and gentlemen, would you believe me if I told you that there are stories floating around talking about Biden holograms replacing him for public speeches?
Would you believe me?
Because now that's in the headlines.
So are they going to soft roll this out instead of kind of like surprising us with the holograms and stuff, catching us off guard?
Maybe they just bring it in and implement it like, no, this is normal.
It's normal for a Biden hologram to do a State of the Union.
It's normal for the Biden hologram to take questions because Biden can't do it.
He's almost dead.
And for all intents and purposes, as a president, he might as well be.
But he's going to sign the $2 trillion stimulus bill tomorrow, which is the biggest pork spending in United States history.
Bailing out Democrat states that have been running at crippling deficits, bailing out Democrat-run schools, funding all kinds of Democrat policy, less than 10% of this $2 trillion is actually going towards stimulus relief.
And of course they say you may or may not get a $1,400 check, which of course is ironic.
How can they know the number How can they know the number of monies if they don't even know who's getting the check for $1,400 or who's not?
They don't know!
How can you do that math?
How can you sign that bill?
It's all a joke.
You probably will never get that money.
So that's coming up.
Some news coming out of China as well that is eyebrow-raising.
The Democrats and the Republicans are fighting about abortion.
A couple states are banning abortion.
And now New York is saying you can't even protest abortion.
I'm not even kidding you.
I've warned you.
We've told you about the New York Attorney General Letitia James.
Now she's saying you cannot protest abortion in New York.
I'm not kidding you.
But look at this picture from a year ago, if you would with me.
Put this on screen, guys.
This is Donald Trump a year ago today.
This is what America is supposed to look like.
No masks, a president addressing the media, everyone's attention on him, but what's happening now?
Everyone wearing a mask, everyone's a slave, nobody pays attention because the president is fake and can't even think or talk.
Alex Jones coming up.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Thursday, March 11th.
2021, this is the Alex Jones Show, sitting in for Alex Jones in studio.
I'm Owen Schroer.
We're going to be hearing from Alex coming up momentarily.
It is a loaded news day today.
Absolutely loaded.
I haven't even been able to get through all the news that's on my desk here to get it properly sorted out, but believe me, For the next four hours on the Alex Jones Show there's going to be a lot of news and then I'll be back hosting the War Room and there'll be even more news.
I will need seven hours of live broadcasting today to cover all this news.
Where to begin though?
The failing Biden administration that is now so inept and so out of control That there are headlines saying we need a Biden hologram to handle his public speeches because he can't do it.
I'm not even kidding you.
All of Biden's appointees to his administration are either corrupt, admitted racists, or even criminals!
And this was all well known before they even got appointed.
So you've got the Attorney General Merrick Garland who can't answer basic questions like, is it illegal to cross the border?
He can't answer that question from Josh Hawley.
You've got the Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine or whatever, the guy in drag, who wants to castrate your children, who wants to castrate, chop your boys' genitals off.
And when Rand Paul asked that during the confirmation hearings, The Health Secretary doesn't deny it.
He says, well, yeah, this is very nuanced, so yeah, we want to chop your boy's genitals off, and yeah, that's good.
The border is out of control, ladies and gentlemen.
And of course, you're not allowed to have an event, according to the Democrats.
You can't go to a bar, you can't have a party, you can't go to school, you can't go to church, but they are now overflow capacity in what they're now calling the reception centers.
They were cages when Trump was in office, but they're reception centers now.
Either way, they're overflowing.
Talk about a super spreader event.
By the way, A lot of these illegal immigrants are testing positive for COVID and then being released into the community.
So, so much for that fear.
So much for that fear-mongering.
And now you have Democrats, not just out for your First Amendment on the internet, now they are banning you from protesting abortion in New York.
I am not kidding you.
So, all of that and more is coming up.
Democrats are now raising their kids to be gay.
Celebrating it.
Proud of it.
So, it's really just incredible to witness all this.
But, you know, I want to go back and I want to start it with this.
Guys, put the picture that I have up there from Trump last year inside the White House, taking questions from the media.
Notice what you have here.
Now this is a year ago.
So technically this is when the pandemic was actually at its peak.
This is when it was peaking.
This is when it was the worst ever.
This is when they were telling us 3 million were gonna die.
Trump's not wearing a mask.
His officials up there with him are not wearing masks.
Security's not wearing a mask.
None of the media is wearing a mask.
And they're all piled into this room.
Guess what?
It wasn't a super spreader event.
Everybody was just fine.
How is that possible a year ago today at the peak of the virus when three million of us were gonna die, said Fauci.
So that's the one takeaway.
This is just a year ago.
This is just one year ago.
My how things have changed.
That's one takeaway.
Here's the other takeaway.
Notice what else you're seeing here.
You're saying, well, what do you mean?
Well, it's pretty obvious, isn't it?
You have a President of the United States that can actually stand up on his own two feet and walk and talk to the media.
We don't have that anymore.
We have a dementia-ridden, maybe even Alzheimer's-ridden, failing Biden, who was never even elected, who can't hold a press conference, can't hold a State of the Union address, can't do really any speech more than 10 minutes these days.
Everything he does is digital.
He has to ask Nancy Pelosi for permission to either end a press conference or take questions, and then they just cut the feed anyway.
When it finishes, it's always awkward because he doesn't know where to walk, what he's doing, who he is.
And this was just a year ago.
But notice in that picture, all the attention is on Trump.
All the focus is on Trump.
Trump is in control of the room.
He's in control of the situation.
He's the President of the United States.
He's the leader of the free world.
You don't get that anymore under Biden.
And you may never.
That's what you get right there under Biden.
A confused old codger who doesn't know where he is, or what he's doing, or what he's supposed to be doing.
My what a difference a year makes.
What a difference a year makes indeed.
Now I have to say this before we're going to be joined by Alex Jones coming up in the next segment.
I have been extremely disappointed and I'm not really sure if there's if there's individuals to blame or if it's Adler or what but I have to say I am extremely disheartened and disappointed at the response here in Austin, Texas.
This city is pathetic, man.
And I feel bad, because there's a lot of great people here, and it really is a beautiful city.
It's a great city, but boy, oh boy, is it under the liberal mind control.
I mean, wow.
The mask mandate was lifted yesterday.
More people are wearing masks in Austin today than they were before the mandate was lifted.
I'm not kidding you.
Now granted, the people that aren't wearing the masks are now just not wearing the masks at all.
So you do have that aspect of it.
But it's few and far between.
Now I'm seeing more people wearing masks in their car.
Yeah, look at this communist on our city council.
The city of Austin is still legally requiring masks.
No, that's not legal at all!
You cannot make me breathe!
I'm telling you, man, I'm so sick of these liberals.
I'm trying not to get mad here before we're even 20 minutes into the broadcast, but man, these people are just sick.
But I'm wondering, I mean, maybe I'm the sick one.
Maybe me wanting to be free.
Maybe me wanting to be in control of my body.
Maybe me wanting to breathe air.
Maybe me not wanting to take a trial vaccine that's deadly.
Maybe I'm the crazy one!
Maybe I'm the problem.
You know, maybe that's me.
Maybe, maybe humans wanting to be free is the problem.
Well, yeah, if you ask Greg Cesar, a communist on our city council, yeah, humans should not be free.
If you ask Steve Adler, a Democrat scumbag lowlife of a mayor, yeah, you know what?
You shouldn't be free.
You should be a slave.
And so they say, they're celebrating it!
We are still legally making you wear a mask!
We are still in charge of you!
We run your body!
We are in control of your air intake!
Fuck you, man!
Seriously, I'm sick of this crap!
And I'm sitting at the barbershop today!
I'm so sick of you commie slave drivers!
Wear a mask!
Wear a mask!
Trust the science!
There is no science behind your damn mask, except it spreads disease!
You pigs!
You animals!
You demons!
We're still legally making you wear a mask.
So I'm going around, people wearing masks in their cars.
It's all a political statement.
I'm sitting at the barbershop today.
My barber and I, only ones in there not wearing a mask, like six other people in there, they're all wearing masks.
And we're having our normal conversation, making fun of the mask.
And I'm talking about how the COVID vaccine is killing people.
And we're talking about, and everyone's kind of listening and their eyes are just like, oh.
If, if, if 10% is true, if 10% of what that guy's saying is true, whoa, like, oh my gosh, that's crazy.
Yeah, 100% of what I was saying was true, Jack.
The mask spreads disease.
Because it's easy stuff, it's just common sense.
Like, yeah, like, we're joking.
It's like, yeah, liberals say that carbon dioxide is killing the planet.
And then it's like, yeah, that's right.
Carbon dioxide is killing the planet.
So it's funny how liberals want you to wear a mask and breathe in your own carbon dioxide.
It's like, whoa, wait, what?
Oh, that's true.
How is that even?
I don't know.
Should I wear the mask?
I mean, the Democrats tell me to wear a mask, my slave masters, but they also tell me that carbon dioxide is killing me.
So wait, what do I do?
Is carbon dioxide killing us?
Is it deadly?
Or should I wear the mask and breathe it in all day?
Or maybe this is just a suicidal death cult that I'm in and I don't even know it yet.
And the mask is just a symbol of it.
You Democrat Communists are pathetic!
Humans will be free!
We will be free again!
You know, it's really hard to come on here and concentrate and not get so upset because here's the problem.
There's a common theme, there's a common thread, and this is actually very low level.
But we can't even beat this level of intellectual reasoning.
So it's very frustrating.
It's like if you're playing a video game, or you're playing like Mario, the old Mario video game, and you can't beat the first level, and you're just stuck on the first level.
Like, yeah, I could be talking about all these other levels here, like dealing with the Globalist, dealing with the New World Order, dealing with the vaccine worldwide and all this stuff.
We can't even get past level one.
That's how pathetic we are.
Well, what is level one?
Level one is the base Launchpad for any debate moving forward.
Are you pro-government or pro-freedom?
Are you pro-government or are you pro-freedom?
Everything that is Democrat Party policy is pro-government.
More government.
Not pro-freedom.
Removing your freedoms.
We can't even get past that basic understanding or appreciation of freedom versus tyranny.
So of course the Democrats are coming to put two masks on your face.
Of course they're going to come with an anal swab.
Of course they're shutting down your schools, your churches, your businesses.
That's who these people are.
That's their modus operandi.
That's what they want.
They want to run your life.
But that's just level one we can barely even deal with.
And then when you realize That a Democrat or a liberal on television or in government is a 100% bold-faced liar, except for maybe Tulsi Gabbard.
I don't know how she's still in the Democrat Party, quite frankly.
She did a great interview with Trey Gowdy last night, attacking the censorship of big tech and cancel culture of the left.
But a Democrat in Congress, a liberal progressive Democrat on TV is 110% lying to you about everything they say.
This is base level stuff.
We should be able to beat that level and be done with it overnight.
It should be done.
We can't even do it.
We can't even do it.
Now is that because people want to be slaves?
I think there is an aspect of that.
I do think people want to be slaves.
I don't know why.
It's totally foreign to me.
I have not a scintilla of desire to be a slave in my body, in my consciousness, in my being.
But hey, the average liberal in Texas loves it.
They wear two masks.
They get mad at you for breathing clean air.
They have pro-mask rallies.
They say we have to vaccinate 70% of the state before it can open back up.
Well, what if 50% of the state doesn't want to get a vaccine?
What are you going to do then?
Doesn't matter.
These are tyrants.
They will force you to take that vaccine.
But again, I'm sitting here stuck on level one, saying a man is a man and a woman is a woman.
Not anymore!
Not to a Democrat.
Not to a Lib.
Not in their backwards, twisted ideology.
In their death cult.
That they want to suck you into.
Yeah, I didn't see the mask episode.
Apparently South Park did a mask special last night.
So I can't really comment on that.
But, um...
Look at what the Dems are up to here.
Michigan bill to require trans student athletes to compete under gender identified at birth as 20 states most similar laws.
So you now have to write laws because of the Democrat Party and liberal agenda.
you now have to write laws that say men cannot compete in in women's sports.
Hey, I've got an idea.
Men shouldn't compete with women!
We'll have to think about that.
We'll have to think about that one.
But Democrats say that's bigoted.
Even though a poll that Breitbart published shows broad support for banning transgender athletes, men, from women's sports, even amongst the Democrat Party.
There should be such a mass exodus of the Democrat Party, and there already is.
It's not being reflected because they cheat the system.
They cheat by censoring all the media so that they can paint the picture they want.
They cheat by rigging elections so they can get the candidates in that they own.
So no, humans really want to be free.
Humans don't want to wear the mask.
They're being deceived.
They're being tricked.
They're being goose-stepped into slavery.
But again, I can't even get past level one because I'm stuck here tied to these dumber than rock liberals who want men to compete in women's sports, who don't want to have a border, who have overflow facilities now of migrants testing positive for COVID-19, but they say you can't go to church, you can't go to a ballgame, and you have to mask up if you're in Austin, Texas.
It's insanity.
I don't know how much longer we can take this, folks.
I'm at my wit's end.
Stanford medical professor says lockdowns were the worst public health mistake in last 100 years.
No kidding.
Except maybe for the mask.
Which all the science says spreads disease.
Ohio School District will require students and teachers to wear double masks.
That's nice.
So really breathing in the carbon dioxide.
I don't want to be somebody that's a divider.
I want to be a unifier, but I can only get people to unify behind truth and reality.
I'm not going to unify people on a lie, and I'm not going to... I'm not going to unify with a lie.
I'm not going to attach myself to a lie.
So I'm sorry if my language comes off as divisive.
It's just true.
Liberals are dumber than rocks.
A rock is neutral at IQ.
A liberal IQ is negative.
A liberal answers questions wrong.
A liberal actually has misinformation and disinformation.
A rock is just neutral.
You ask a rock, should men compete in women's sports?
It has no answer.
You ask a liberal, it says yes.
You ask a rock, should humans wear a face mask to protect from COVID?
It's neutral.
You ask a liberal, I don't know, you should wear two, three masks even.
See, that's negative IQ.
Apparently Star Wars has a rock as a character now.
Smarter than a liberal.
A rock is smarter than a liberal.
It's dumber than a rock is now a real thing.
But seriously, how can you have such a twisted and contorted ideology that thinks carbon
dioxide is killing the planet?
But then we'll tell humans to wear double masks that forces them to breathe in carbon dioxide all day long.
And I'm not going to sit here and do it.
I've done it three, four times on air, where I sit here with the masks, two masks, three masks, and I have the carbon dioxide reader in my mask to tell me how much carbon dioxide.
It's toxic levels, folks.
I mean, you're breathing in toxic carbon dioxide, dangerous levels.
Within minutes of wearing the double mask.
So these people are doing permanent damage to their bodies when they're sitting there sucking CO2 all day.
Now who knows when it'll finally catch, it'll finally be a problem for them.
Could be 5 years, could be 10 years, maybe it's unnoticeable for the most part.
Point is, by their logic Carbon dioxide is killing the planet, and yet they want you to breathe in carbon dioxide all day long.
So save the planet for humans, cut carbon dioxide emissions, even though the planet needs carbon in a carbon life cycle to exist.
We now have new studies about that, with volcanoes forming atmospheres.
Go figure.
But no.
They want to destroy the carbon life cycle, make you breathe in the deadly carbon dioxide all day long, and they think that's woke.
They think that's smart.
No, you're dumber than a rock.
Alright, we're back here live on the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to be hearing from Alex coming up in the next hour.
I'm trying to remain calm here, but I just can't do it.
I really can barely even focus and cover this news.
I'm just so sick of the Democrat tyranny.
And just all their lies.
It's just everything that the Democrats base their policy off of is lies.
Double standards and lies.
And then just the complete denial of reality.
Like, for example, Mexican president says Biden border policies encouraging illegal immigration and enriching cartels.
Well, everybody knew that!
I mean, I shouldn't have to sit here and be like, wow, thank God the Mexican president is telling the truth!
But we already know that.
It's just the Democrats lie.
That's all they do.
They lie about the border.
They lie about COVID.
They lie about everything, man.
Every damn thing is a lie coming out of the Democrats' mouths.
And it's just disgusting what they're doing to our country, what they're doing to humanity.
It's just disgusting.
Again, oh, Trump's putting kids in cages.
Actually, the cages that you said Trump was putting kids into, Trump shut down that facility.
Biden just reopened it.
But it's called a reception center now, don't you see?
Because the Democrats lie.
They lied about kids in cages, and they're lying about the border now.
Another big lie.
Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd.
That's a big lie.
But see, I don't know why anybody, honestly, I mean I know why, and it's sad this is the state of things, but why would anybody want to be a police officer now?
If the media decides you're guilty as a police officer, you're dead.
Doesn't matter if you had deadly amounts of fentanyl or methamphetamine in your system, you're dead by a cop.
Because the media decided.
The Democrats decided.
So Chauvin's fate has already been decided.
It doesn't matter, we have the autopsy, no life-threatening injuries on the autopsy, and three, three different drugs, two types of fentanyl and methamphetamine found in Floyd's system, a lethal dose.
A lethal dose.
A lethal dose.
So, Chauvin used the police tactics he was trained to use, whether you agree with that or not, on George Floyd, who was doing drugs in the police vehicle, had drugs on him, asked to be taken out of the police vehicle because he was having an overdose event.
And then died while he was on the ground, and now Chauvin is the murderer, and the media still says, Floyd's killer.
Floyd's killer.
All the stories.
Floyd's killer.
Floyd's killer.
Floyd's killer!
And so that judge that you're looking at right there has reinstated third-degree murder charge.
So the charges fell through for obvious reasons.
Floyd was a criminal and he overdosed on three different drugs.
But no, that judge wants to reinstate third degree murder because here's why.
Just like all the jurors were saying, the judge feels the same way.
If Derek Chauvin does not go to jail for his life, Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota will burn to the ground.
Now tell me, why would you want to be a police officer knowing that the Democrat terrorist party is going to threaten to burn a city to the ground if a judge doesn't put you in jail, if jurors don't put you in jail?
Why would anybody want to be a police officer knowing that as soon as the Democrats could,
they'll put you in jail for nothing?
So, well, it's not for nothing.
George Floyd died.
Yeah, he died that day.
He overdosed on drugs.
That's very sad.
He wasn't cooperating with police.
I wish he didn't die.
I wish Chauvin didn't have his boot on his neck.
I bet Chauvin feels the same way.
But what are you supposed to do?
Floyd's a criminal.
He's overdosing on drugs.
He has to be removed from the police vehicle.
He's not cooperating.
So he just goes with his training.
Floyd dies of a drug overdose.
Now Chauvin's life is ruined.
And he will go to jail for life, you watch.
There isn't a jury, there is not a jury in America that you could find right now that would actually want to be on that case and actually say that Chauvin didn't kill Floyd.
And as they said in their juror, during the questioning, they said, yeah, I don't want to, I don't want to be a part of this.
They're going to burn my house to the ground.
And now you have a George Floyd autonomous zone in Minneapolis just waiting for the Floyd decision so that they can burn that city to the ground.
And you watch, even if Chauvin is found guilty of third-degree murder and thrown in jail immediately without the key, they'll still burn that city to the ground.
They will still burn Minneapolis to the ground.
Because these are terrorists that we're dealing with.
So yeah, they've occupied Minneapolis.
Yeah, they're holding the gun.
They're holding a flamethrower to Minneapolis's head right now.
Because what is the definition of terrorism?
Using violence to accomplish your political agenda.
That is the very definition of every Democrat Party tactic.
The Democrat Party is the biggest terror group in the United States of America.
A Democrat in Congress or on TV is lying to you.
Those are two facts that need to be seared into our very consciousness.
So now, the entire city of Minneapolis is being held hostage by Democrat terrorists, and George Floyd, who died of a drug overdose, is the excuse that they're using.
So why would anybody want to be a police officer knowing that the Democrat terrorist party will threaten to burn cities to the ground if you're not put in jail for doing your job?
Well, it's the same old why.
Because everybody needs a job.
Everybody needs to get that paycheck.
So it's sad that that's the case.
But that is the case.
And you know what?
Most of these police officers are actually good people.
Actually, maybe want to help their communities.
Keep criminals off the streets.
But boy oh boy, I'll tell ya, it is all falling apart.
And I think that what happens with this Chauvin thing is going to crescendo into many police perhaps quitting, walking away, and not wanting to use force.
And it's funny because they say, oh, you know, police are racist against black people or whatever.
Let me tell you something.
A police officer probably wants to not deal with black people at all right now.
Not because they're racist, but because they know the media is going to come after them and call them racist.
And that could result in their city being burnt to the ground by Democrats.
So, believe me, you're a police officer and you see a white guy, you're not as, you're more comfortable knowing that you could probably, you know, smash that guy's head to the ground and kill him and the media wouldn't even blink an eye.
Whereas if it was a black guy, you know you scrape him the wrong way and the media's gonna make sure that you have, your life is miserable.
So yeah, you really think cops are going around targeting black people?
Uh, no.
It's the exact opposite.
Believe me, a white police officer does not want to deal with a black person right now.
Because they know what could happen if things go wrong.
Their life is over.
Because Democrat terrorists will threaten to burn their city to the ground.
And so this is where we're at in America.
But oh!
The Washington Post is complaining!
That Tucker Carlson's false accusations, which aren't false by the way, they were true, but they say, Tucker Carlson's false accusations put Maine journalists under siege.
Oh wait, you mean fake news can ruin people's lives?
So the Washington Post admits that they've ruined people's lives.
Yeah, fake news can ruin people's lives.
Look at what happened in Minneapolis.
Look at what happened in Kenosha.
Jacob Blake wasn't armed.
Yeah, he was.
He admitted it.
He said he regretted it.
The big lie.
Burnt Kenosha to the ground.
Michael Brown, hands up, don't shoot.
Never happened.
The big lie.
Ferguson, Missouri.
Weeks on end.
Burnt to the ground.
Another Democrat.
Big lie.
So yeah, you're right, Washington Post.
Fake news does have real world implications.
And you are the leading sponsor.
Look at all the Trump supporters that got harassed and attacked in the streets, their hats ripped off their head, punched, bloodied.
Because your fake news said they were racists and Nazis.
So where does it go from here?
I'm going to try to focus.
Alex is coming up in the next hour.
It's just this intellectual hurdle that I'm just struggling because until we as a nation can accept the reality of this, that the Democrat Party is the largest terror group and hate group in America, and that Democrats and liberals on TV are lying to you, until we can understand that and move on from that, this is never going to get any better.
And they're literally talking about a hologram Biden now to do press conferences because Biden can't even talk.
Alright, I'm ranting here, so I'm going to try to focus and lay out all this news in a more concise and clear and connected manner.
But, like I said, the foundation of most of this news that's so incredible is Is the same thing across the board, which is Democrat Party policy is all based on lies.
It's all based on lies.
Every damn thing.
So you can make up your reason as to why Democrats and their media cohorts lie all the time.
You can make up your own reason.
Are they consciously in a death cult?
Are they brainwashed into a death cult?
I mean, I don't know what's going on with all of it.
I do, but I don't.
I'm going to try to lay out the rest of this news here and stop ranting and raving about it.
But it's just true.
And the Democratic Party is in the process of destroying the United States of America right now.
And if freedom dies in the West, if freedom dies in the United States of America, freedom dies worldwide.
And so I just hope that the Democrats are proud of themselves.
I hope everybody that voted for Biden is proud of themselves.
Of course they're not.
If you can even find anybody that did.
I just hope all these liberals that promote men competing with women, I hope all these liberals that want to take the guns, I hope all these liberals canceling free speech, I hope all these liberals calling America racist and all this stuff, you know, I just hope you're gonna be happy when you're a slave in a camp.
Just know you did this to yourself.
You think you're miserable now in your pathetic existence?
Wait till you are a complete slave.
You love your little mask.
You love having people shut down their business.
You think it's all fun and games.
Oh, you are going to have a rude awakening.
Now, nobody else will tell it like it is, as InfoWars does.
You know that.
That's why you're tuned in today.
But as you know, the attacks against Infowars are stronger than ever.
But that's also made us stronger than ever.
That's made you stronger than ever in the resistance to the New World Order takeover.
None of it would be possible.
Like, for example, see, I can't even have the crew do this when I'm talking about InfoWareStore.com, but it's like, it's just so insane.
Private school says phrases like, mom and dad should be avoided.
Well, that's bigoted.
You're insane.
You are a mental patient, if you believe that.
But that's what Democrats are.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
I mean, these are mental patients that are now, the mental patients that are now running the funny farm.
So, excuse me.
See, I'm telling you, I can't even concentrate, man.
It's just so out of control.
It's got liberals running around masks in Austin, even though it's, you know, the mandate's up.
They love it.
It's a political statement.
They love their slavery, because they want to make you a slave with them.
That's what they really hate.
They really hate the free American individual that doesn't want to be a slave.
Yeah, I was going to cover this coming up.
In fact, well, I'll cover that.
Guys, put up Infowarsstore.com, because if you keep putting these headlines on air, I'm not going to be able to concentrate.
I'm already all fired up.
InfoWarsStore.com, ladies and gentlemen.
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Vitamin Mineral Fusion back in stock at InfoWarsStore.com and 50% off.
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I mix it with juice, and I also use that to take down some of the supplements from InfoWarsStore.com, like DNA Force Plus and others.
So that's back in stock, but two days left of free shipping.
Two days left of free shipping at InfoWarsStore.com.
All right.
Alex is going to be joining us coming up in the next hour.
What news do I want to get into?
Let me just pick this stack up.
President Trump drops a truth bomb on Joe Biden's outrageous attempt to take credit for Trump's Operation Warp Speed vaccine, which I don't really understand why the president is putting this out there.
I don't get the game wanting to claim this vaccine and all of it as his own when it's going to start killing people and then they'll use it against him.
So we'll see how that turns out.
But Biden had another live press conference.
To his credit, this was his largest live audience since being installed into the White House for Biden.
He had 1,000 people watching.
This was Biden's biggest live audience for any live stream event he's done since being installed into the White House.
Just over 1,000 people.
Very impressive from the guy that got 81 million votes.
Yeah, I'm sure.
I'm sure.
Now, funny enough, there's a stream from, I think it's Big Bear Valley is the name of it, and they have a stream of a bald eagle's nest.
Guys, if you pull this up, get this.
The live stream of a bald eagle's nest, on average, gets at least double, most of the times quadruple, the amount of live audience Joe Biden gets.
Think about that.
Now, I gotta admit, I mean, that's pretty cool, right?
I was watching this last night for longer than I'd like to admit.
Bald Eagle, you have Shadow, the male, and then, um... What was the name of the female?
I forget the name of the female.
Uh, so you've got over 4,300 people tuned into the Big Bear Bald Eagle Cam.
So, so, on average, a bald eagle Nesting, a bald eagle nesting, gets four times the audience of the supposed President of the United States.
Think about that.
A bald eagle nesting.
So this video right now that we're tuned into, which, again, I mean, it's pretty badass.
I mean, look at that thing.
And you could see it last night.
There was a really bad, like, wind storm.
You see it, like, burying itself, nestling in with the eggs.
So a bald eagle livestream gets more audience than Joe Biden addressing the nation during the deadliest pandemic in human history, supposedly.
What does that tell you?
I think it says a whole lot.
And the fake president, who doesn't even know where he is, is going to sign the $2 trillion stimulus bill.
Boy, that's not dangerous at all.
A president who doesn't know where he is, signing a $2 trillion stimulus bill.
You'll probably never get your $1,400 paycheck.
By the way, Biden said it would be $2,000 for every American.
That was a lie.
So we'll see if you even get your $1,400, which they say, apparently, if you made less than $75,000 in 2019, you qualify for the $1,400 check.
But tell me, did they actually run those numbers?
No, they didn't.
Because how would they know how much money they're gonna be paying out?
They don't.
The whole thing's a farce.
You probably will never see that $1,400.
But Biden will sign it tomorrow.
Oh, by the way, it turns out Bill Gates, his foundations are getting three and a half billion dollars in the new COVID stimulus bill.
How do you like that?
Bill Gates, worth hundreds of billions of dollars that we know of, and the largest farmland owner in America, he's gonna get three and a half bill for his causes for the stimulus bill.
You won't get a dime.
A Democrat pork bill like you couldn't imagine.
Meanwhile, there are still more than 20 million Americans getting government jobless benefits.
So we're already paying people, folks.
You don't need the stimulus bill.
People are already getting free money from the government.
The stimulus bill isn't even going to do that.
It's already happening with more than 20 million people getting free money from the government.
Meanwhile, as the Democrat terrorists are occupying Portland, the Democrat terrorists are occupying Minnesota, and you have triple right now, on a monthly basis, it's now triple from the prior year, the illegal border crossings under Biden, triple from the prior year.
So that means it could be quadruple, maybe even quintuple, by June of illegal border crossings.
And yet, we have walls in DC, thousands of troops in DC protecting them.
You are not even allowed to go on DC Capitol Hill property or in the buildings, but nothing in response to the terrorists in Minnesota, nothing in response to the terrorists in Portland, they actually get released from jail and charges dropped, and nothing in response to the crisis at the borders, which now Biden, they openly admit they're putting kids in cages, they just don't know what else to do with them, they just call them reception centers, but the kids in cages narrative Trump shut those facilities down.
Biden's team has now reopened them and are putting thousands of kids in cages, many of which have tested positive for COVID.
Now, if you asked Biden any of this, he would be shocked and appalled because he doesn't know what the hell's going on.
He doesn't even know where he is when he wakes up in the morning.
We're in the second hour now of the Alex Jones Show.
We've got Alex coming up here momentarily.
Pretty amazing here in Texas what's happening.
The governor lifts the mask mandate.
Of course, I'm not liking what I'm seeing from Governor Abbott.
And I believe that in an hour they're going to be voting on this.
We'll have to see.
In fact, I didn't even look up on this.
Guys, see what you get.
Go into a search engine there and plug in Texas HB3.
Let's see if there's any news covering this.
There hasn't been any news coverage of this.
Literally zero.
Zero, zero, zero news coverage of this.
Texas HB3.
So... Hey, we're all happy.
Governor Abbott says no more mask mandate.
Open Texas 100%.
The Attorney General Ken Paxson, who I like, is threatening to sue Steve Adler.
Please do.
Sue that guy out of existence.
Sue that guy out of office.
So I need to sue Adler for making Austin wear masks and keeping Austin businesses closed?
So there you go, though.
Finally, some news is covering it.
Proposal in Texas House would give special committee oversight of governor's pandemic orders.
So, and by the way, this is all based on a political group's judgment.
They don't declare, oh, what is actually considered a pandemic or when do we consider ourselves to be in a pandemic?
Because if they did the numbers, then it wouldn't work out.
And if you did the numbers on COVID, you would never have been in a pandemic.
So let's say you declare, I mean, let's be Let's be conservative here.
Let's say that if in a two-month stretch, you had the death toll increase by more than 1% consistently for a two-month or even one month, whatever, just to say, all right, what are the parameters of what we consider a deadly pandemic?
All right, the death toll just went up 1% in a month, we're in a pandemic, or 2% or whatever it is.
Well, they don't even have that.
This is all judgment on political groups, oversight committees, that will just declare on their judgment, oh, we're in a pandemic now.
So there's no measurement, there's no vote, they just decide.
And then once they decide, it's all in here.
They can make you wear a mask, take a vaccine, stay inside, all of it.
All of it.
Total tyranny.
Pandemic emergency provisions.
And they just decide when there's a pandemic.
There's no science, there's no statistics or data.
It's just their judgment.
Like Fauci said yesterday on TV.
Well, we're just, we don't really have the science or the data on the vaccine, so we're just making a judgment call.
It's sick.
And now, Abbott, or excuse me, yeah, Abbott, I mean, what the hell, man?
He comes out and makes a statement.
First of all, he says he's going to, so Abbott says he's going to attack free speech censorship and make it illegal in Texas.
Meanwhile, we have Facebook headquartered here.
We have Google headquartered here.
We're bringing in Amazon.
So we have three of the main people that censor people, Facebook, Google, and Amazon.
They're all headquartered in Texas.
Abbott doesn't have a problem with that.
I'm not even complaining about that.
But he says, oh, he's going to stop internet censorship and he's going to make it illegal in Texas.
All posturing.
He'll do nothing.
He'll never take that stand.
And now, yesterday Abbott comes out and says that he's banning Gab.
And he says it's an anti-Semitic platform.
A lie!
So Abbott, you might as well be a Democrat with a big lie like this and the fraud.
Hey, I'm Greg Abbott.
I'm gonna stop censorship in Texas.
By the way, did I mention I'm censoring Gab?
You fraud!
You phony!
Oh, I'm Governor Abbott.
I'm gonna allow you to breathe air again and take off the mask.
Well then, why don't you stop a political group from getting HB3 passed, which will make us slaves when they decide there's a pandemic?
It's Thursday, March 11th, the year is 2021.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Shore is going to be hosting most of it today, and I'll be back in Austin very, very soon.
I'll just leave it at that.
We're getting a lot of important work done while we're here in Florida.
Spring break is coming in today, so the roads are backed up, but most people are not wearing masks.
They're seeing through all the propaganda.
Here's the big announcement.
The big announcement is this.
Everything we talked about a year ago with this plandemic, this scamdemic, has turned out to be absolutely on, except overkill.
Even worse than we thought they would actually push.
I can write a book about the tactics that the enemy engages in, and I've read a lot of a wide spectrum of other propaganda books and a lot of Political and real politic doctrines and I of course read Machiavelli and I'm just here to tell you nobody's codified the systems they're using in the textbooks of tyranny because this is a modern Fusion of a bunch of different forms of oppression.
It's extremely Organized and extremely drawn out and when I say drawn out, I mean it's it's been battle-planned all of it and And so here's the big news.
They're never going to get away with this synthetic virus and the vaccines that are designed to test how many people they can kill and get away with it.
And so that's the big news.
This is all a big test.
And looking at how we've basically gone along so far with the test, I'd give us about a C-minus with the globals.
If we got an A+, they would probably go ahead in the next six months and release a real bioweapon that would kill billions.
That's their real endgame.
Right now, we've got about a C-.
They're not sure.
They're having some internal battles.
A lot of their own companies have pulled back, and we're seeing massive pullback by major governments, and we're seeing massive pushback by good people in the medical system.
But this is life and death.
People now know, and you two know the show, I don't tell you these things just to get ratings and be shocking.
This is a serious heart attack, and you and your whole family are in extreme danger of being murdered.
Extreme danger.
And it's not just from the virus they're going to release, it's from the collapse of civilization that's going to ensue, that they're then going to organize to consolidate power.
And so here's the lesson.
So there's thousands of data points here, so I'm just giving you some of the key ones.
This is also people that think they're part of the establishment and know you're going along with this and think this is just a financial consolidation and a power grab and to bring in a world ID and do a drill for a bio-release so we can save people in the future if there's a real one.
I mean, in mainline literature from the UN, they admit this is all a drill.
And they're doing this as a world health drill to see if governments get in line to have global governance and good family planning worldwide.
And yes, we need to reduce population.
Yes, there's some steroids in the vaccines.
You know, there's 20 people.
That's the cover story for the managerial class.
The real story here is the betrayal of that managerial class and everybody else, okay?
So, if we fail this test, and we're right on the edge of it, submitting gets our grade up, and the way you fail the test is getting an A+.
A plus is death.
You want to fail the test.
You want to get a zero.
That would mean waking up to the whole system, rejecting the whole system.
But the only way they're going to get away with the mass death they've already created, and the huge paper trail of how they did it in Wuhan and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, is to release the next phase, even though we are close to failing the test.
Because they come into kind of a paradox here.
Where if they go ahead with the attack, too many people know that they're going to get big problems.
But if they don't go ahead with the attack, they're going to end up going to prison for what they've already done.
So I just told you, you want to fail the test, but you've got to completely fail.
That's what I'm saying.
You've got to absolutely wake up to these criminals, absolutely reject them.
And then the establishment has to go ahead and send up some signals to the public and the world.
uh... that that they're not be part of this because you have this medical eugenics cartel at the heart of this whole thing that is basically manipulating all the other elite sectors of the planet towards destruction and again towards the collapse of the nation-state and all will be left is city-states that then control all the other feudal sectors of the planet and this is the club of rome globalist plan being carried out now under the auspices of the great reset so Really the big overview.
Here's some of the latest news at InfoWars.com.
Dozens and dozens of articles I've seen since last night of this major medical group and this prestigious scientist and this particular scientist that heads up a whole virology department.
I mean just cream of the cream, creme de la creme.
Saying they know of whole nursing homes where almost everybody gets super sick and a bunch of people die.
That they know of convents where three, four nuns out of 50 die.
I mean, we're talking massive death rates here.
And they're dying after the vaccine.
The MRNA, the Pfizer and the Moderna are the worst, but the Johnson & Johnson is a super bad as well, and so is the AstraZeneca.
And that's why, again, India and Switzerland and South Africa and Australia and all these other countries, now it's like 20 countries or more, have pulled out of it saying, it doesn't help you, you still get COVID later, and it's causing all sorts of problems, like we knew it would do.
So again, you gotta ask yourself, why would they want something this deadly?
And again, it's a test to see how you're going to respond.
And remember, the beta test is always much smaller than the real attack.
So, that's it.
There's not much more time to turn this around.
If they think they can launch an organized bio-attack, and you're going to stay in your house, do as you're told, only keep their companies open to vertically integrate the economy, fully bankrupt small businesses so the globalists can dictate the terms of the planet's surrender, they will go ahead with the next attack.
If you don't submit, they will back off.
So this is truly, if you're weak and submit, you're dead.
And I mean, I'll predict in five years, half the people watching this are going to be dead if they go forward with this.
So I'm deadly serious, you know, it's a heart attack.
And all the smart thinking people out there that know this, that have done this their whole lives, agree with my analysis.
I mean, just yesterday I met with the former head of a major U.S.
intelligence agency.
Well, actually, he's run two big departments.
And he totally agrees with my analysis.
He thinks it's one of the best analyses out there, and it's the real analysis.
And also knows about all my predictions about this.
We don't have time to pat each other on the back anymore.
And he wasn't patting me on the back.
We're just talking about how serious the situation is, and he thinks we've got about a year until they go into the next phase, and I agree with him.
So I'm just going to tell you again, ladies and gentlemen, this is deadly serious for you and your family.
There's a reason they don't want you to go to InfoWars.com.
There's a reason they don't want you to share my film in-game.
There's a reason they don't, because it's the truth, and we can beat them if people discover this information.
So Owen Schreiner is going to be taken over in the next segment.
I was on a great international program a few days ago and I'll tell you
about that coming up the third hour.
We're going to air some large excerpts of that interview that people really liked
coming up with a former CBC national broadcaster who broke away from that
so he could tell the truth. It was a big international program and a lot of big
guests Dale Bigtree and David Aiken and others on it and so that's coming up later in the transmission.
Please remember we can't do this without money and so I've never really spent my time going
around trying to get money but I have to do it because we have to sell products,
we have to really expand in the face of this or just roll over and die.
Other people aren't going to do it.
InfoWards has to do it.
And I've got all these organizations and all these prominent groups that actually need our help and need our expertise.
And I'll be quite frank with you, I don't want to be the big leader in this.
Not even because I'm scared they're going to kill me, even though that ups the chances of that.
It's a big responsibility, it's frustrating, and I want to do a good job.
But it also goes to all of you.
I know you don't want this to be real.
I know you don't want to have to be engaged in all this, but you are.
You're here because you care.
So, again, thank you for your support.
Spread the word about the broadcast.
We've got the big specials.
Free shipping will end this weekend.
Vita Mineral Fusion, Back in Stock, and so many other great products like Alpha Power.
We've got the new Down and Out Liquid Sleephead.
It's like Liquid Rocket Rest.
Very, very strong.
It's all available at MFORSTORE.COM.
The funds are operational.
I want to thank you all for your support.
We've got another video coming up again next hour.
Please stay with us.
Alright, so we'll be hearing again from Alex coming up on the broadcast, but you just heard it.
And you know, remember... Remember, folks, because it doesn't get talked about nearly enough.
In fact, it doesn't get talked about at all.
In fact, I don't know anyone else that talks about it besides me.
It's not that the Democrats and the Liberals are going to come and put us in gulags.
Folks, they already are.
Just remember, every day, there's dozens, if not hundreds, of Trump supporters sitting in a jail cell rotting right now, and the judge says you can't get out until your court date, and they're delaying court dates for years because of the fake pandemic.
They've already rounded up their political dissidents.
There's already dozens, if not hundreds, of Trump supporters, innocent people, rotting in a jail cell right now, political prisoners.
So, don't forget about that.
This is ridiculous.
No, not the bald eagle stream.
That's awesome.
By the way, that bald eagle is more popular than Joe Biden.
And you watch, that stream is going to be gangbusters now that it got a plug on InfoWars.
In fact, guys, pull up, what are the numbers on there right now?
Biden gets on average about 800 per live view session.
Biden gets about 800 live audiences.
His peak number is 1,049.
That was his record high.
But the bald eagle right now, what's the bald eagle at?
So that's down from earlier.
It was at 4,300.
Anyway, the bald eagle, four times as popular as Joe Biden on a live cam.
When it's just nesting.
So that's nice.
I'm talking to some of the crew here during the break, and I was going to cover this later on the War Room, because sometimes I do a little more sports stuff there, the political side of it.
But here on the Jones Show, I was going to just pass on that, but cover it later.
But the crew prints this to me, and it's funny, I'm talking during the break.
The Texas Rangers, let me give a little bit of a back story here.
The MLB team, Texas Rangers, they just opened a new stadium.
And I guess the Rangers haven't played in it, but I guess they were using it last year, basically.
They were using it last year.
It was open, it was built, but it wasn't open because you couldn't go to games last year.
But they were using it last year for some of the games, and I think the playoff games, because you know Texas likes freedom.
Don't remind some of the crew about that.
They may cry when the Cardinals beat the Rangers.
Don't play this.
There may be a tear in that studio and on the air.
But anyway, with my friend David Freeze, by the way, from St.
Anyway, getting back to the story.
So, the Texas Rangers, though, have said they will open up at 100% capacity for opening day.
And so I'm reading the story and I'm trying to figure out exactly what this means because I'm a little confused because apparently there's some final games that they're going to be playing.
They're exhibition games at their stadium.
Normally you do that at your spring training facilities.
But I'm a little confused because I guess they're going to do their last spring training games at the stadium for full capacity.
And then for opening day, they're going to do full capacity.
Now, again, if you're familiar with me, you know, I came out of sports media before I joined InfoWars.
And as a kid growing up, for whatever reason, I just love the Americana.
I love American skylines.
I always loved baseball stadiums.
I used to go on road trips with my dad.
We'd go to baseball stadiums.
So I just, I love, I love baseball stadiums.
I love sports.
I love the crowd.
I love, I love a cold beer.
It's fun.
I like peanuts and Cracker Jacks.
Like it's fun.
America. We don't get to experience that anymore under Communist Democrat Party rule.
But so they're saying though it's going to be full capacity for opening day.
But then after opening day, they're going to go to distanced capacity.
And I was saying this to the crew and they're like, man, this is just I hate I hate this.
And it is ridiculous.
And so apparently they had, I guess, a couple of thousand people that were allowed to attend
Inside Globe Life Park, which is a brand new stadium.
Very nice.
You want to talk about spoiled?
The Texas Rangers already had one of the nicest stadiums in baseball, in my opinion.
I love their old stadium, but they won't be using that anymore.
They got a brand new stadium, which is also very, very nice.
I was in it over the winter.
A very, very nice facility that they have there.
They should be proud of that.
I love their old facility, too.
You may remember, I attended a Rangers game, sat front row behind home plate with Rob Dew in the Trump mask, and we inspired a home run from Joey Gallo.
Do you guys remember that?
See if you can pull up that archival footage.
But it's total nonsense, and I guess they don't know what full capacity is yet, because technically they haven't had a full capacity crowd, so they're estimating 40,000 people.
That's amongst the smaller stadiums for attendance, but we'll see.
It'll probably end up being more than that.
But why?
It just shows the insanity.
Why would you open up for full capacity for spring training finale exhibition games and then opening day, but then not the rest of the season?
That makes absolutely zero sense to any thinking, rational person.
It is a retractable roof.
Will the roof be on or off?
I'm not sure.
They don't mention anything about the masks in here other than that the state has lifted the mask mandate.
Now, when I was there in the winter, there were people wearing masks, but it was like a 50-50 split.
And there were a bunch of people in there.
I mean, there were thousands of people during this big winter Christmas thing that they had there up in DFW.
And I did not wear a mask.
Nobody said anything to me.
I was in the stadium without a mask.
Nobody said anything to me.
I was not the only one not wearing a mask.
So, I don't think they'll be enforcing the mask at this game.
I don't even think they were enforcing the mask at the MLB playoff games that were played there.
I don't know.
I didn't watch them, so I'm not up on that information.
But doesn't it just show you the insanity?
And they say, well, we want to be able for the Rangers fans to be able to see opening day.
But after that, we don't care.
And anybody knows opening day is a big ticket for baseball.
It's probably two, three times the normal ticket price.
So some people can't afford to go to opening day.
So they wait till the second game, the third game.
Well, it won't be the same experience for them now.
Oh, here we go.
Okay, the crew has the intel.
The masks will be required for all fans.
This is hilarious, dude!
Except when they're eating or drinking at their seats.
That includes all concourse areas when entering Globe Live Field.
You know, I was thinking about trying to go, just to be a part of this.
And just to have that fun experience of being a free American again.
It's so rare, we haven't had it in years.
But, um... Boy, if they're gonna be doing that, I think I'm out.
I think I'm not going to be wearing a mask to get into an open stadium.
Because that's retarded.
Hey, we're going to open up the stadium for exhibition games in opening day full capacity, but after that, only 11,000.
That's idiotic.
Don't worry, there's going to be plenty of hand sanitizer to go around.
What a joke.
What a pathetic joke.
Meanwhile, the NFL has to be pissed.
If you're Stan Kroenke, the owner of the Los Angeles Rams, you moved your franchise to Los Angeles, you spent billions of dollars on a stadium, and he had to finance a lot of that on his own.
That's why he left St.
He couldn't get the financing he wanted, but he didn't care.
He figured, I'd rather pay for a stadium in LA than pay for a stadium in St.
So he moves the team and builds a stadium in Los Angeles for two franchises, by the way.
It was supposed to be the Chargers and the Rams, and they can't even open the stadium for business.
So you've got this, like, 100,000 seat, probably the most state-of-the-art facility in the world in Los Angeles, and you can't even put an ass in a seat because it's in California, but they're about to open up the Rangers games to 100% capacity for at least a game or two.
You have to be ripping your hair, whatever you have left, out of your head if you're staying cranky in Los Angeles right now.
This is just such a joke.
I mean, winner winner.
Seriously, general question.
I wish the media would ask this.
But the media loves being slaves, I guess.
Or they won't let real media in to ask Democrats these questions.
Or they get banned on the internet.
When are we allowed to be free again?
Just curious.
I mean, we're not really discussing it, so I'm just curious.
When is America allowed to be free again?
Is it ever?
Are we done?
Is freedom done?
Is it over?
I mean, are they going to announce it?
Are they going to let us know?
Are they just going to keep teasing us?
Should we just declare America dead?
I mean, seriously, should we declare freedom dead?
Should we declare America dead?
Is this it?
The pandemic forever?
Masks forever?
Social distancing?
All the other nonsense forever?
Is this it?
I mean, is America dead?
Seriously, let's ask Biden.
Let's ask Harris.
Let's ask Pelosi.
Let's ask Adler.
Let's ask Fauci.
Let's ask Gates.
Is America dead?
Is freedom dead?
Just be honest with us.
If it's dead, just tell us.
We'd like to know.
And welcome back to the live Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
This is again InfoWars and NewsWars and Bandai Video.
Those are the places you can find this information that the globalists don't want you and your family to have.
There is a planetary plan to reduce world population and bring in a new silicon-based civilization.
It is an extremely bold plan.
It makes Hitler's wild megalomania look sane.
It makes the communist horrible behavior look sane.
This is absolute, total scientific dictatorship.
And what Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are doing is so bold in their own words to take over the human DNA, to capture control of the life processes of all.
Live forms on this planet.
These are the stated goals of the Great Reset and the Davos Grid, which is really just the Club of Rome, Bilderberg 2.0.
But again, the good news, I have thousands of pieces of information I can give you, but the big ones to understand, and I'm going to keep hammering is, all these large countries have said no, like India and others, to the mRNA vaccines because it's causing so many deaths, so much illness, so many neurological disorders.
That's just one example of Bill Gates had all this tests on animals.
When they say, oh, we skipped animal trials, that's not true.
Under different names, the very same type coronavirus, Chimera vaccines in the last decade plus, have been heavily tested in China, the U.S., and other countries.
And a year ago, we showed you all those documents.
They tested them in every basic animal you can imagine, a mammal.
Everything from guinea pigs to lab rats.
And they knew that it was sterilizing them and causing autoimmune disorders and cytokine storms.
Total organ failure and the rest of it.
So that's why we're like, hey, we're not going to do animal testing.
We're going to warp speed.
And Trump got suckered into that because he thought it was a regular vaccine.
He thought, oh, that we can reopen because he knew it was an economic attack.
You know, well, let's just reopen it.
He said, all the old people need it, which turned out not to be true.
Nobody needs it.
And you don't have to take it.
I'm not an apologist for Trump.
We've already passed that point.
Now you talk about warp speed, you can see that was all Fauci's operation, and Biden has taken it up.
He's really emblematic of the collapsing establishment, trying to collapse our country.
He's a fitting tombstone to our republic, born July 4th, 1776, died January 20th.
2021 but again you can resurrect the country you can't resurrect the person so I say America's dead we have to be really honest about we're in the process of being lowered into the ground I guess 666 feet right now so we might want to wake up to that but the fact that Bill Gates is doing this giant aggressive bold And the group behind him, we knew was coming because they've been planning this to bring in world government forever.
That's how people see the videos I shot 20 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago.
And they go, this man's a prophet!
Because people don't go off documents.
They hear me say and think, I came up with this.
I did not come up with this.
This is all in the documents.
Now there are a lot of documents.
I know which ones are the most important.
Rockefeller Foundation, Carney Endowment, UN Biological Diversity Summits.
And I know who the main players are.
When they do make their statements, because it's metaphysical, they have to make their statements like it's fine print.
And they'll make it somewhere, and it'll be publicly available, but in a very obscure place.
And then it's up to you to say no to it.
Because they metaphysically, karmically, know that if they just outright kill you, it comes back on them or you have a right to kill them.
They want to trick you into accepting that.
Now they crossed the Rubicon last week when Biden said, we're going to vaccinate newborn foster children.
That's literally the most innocent, the most unprotected, the most isolated.
The left goes, oh, don't use it on lab rats or monkeys, but use it on newborn babies.
And even the mainline eugenics groups went, oh, the American Medical Association went, what?
You're going to give an experimental vaccine to a newborn baby that the disease doesn't even target, and they can only have problems, and they don't have consent, and it's going to be orphaned kids?
So it's the state.
It's going to be their mommy, their daddy decided to experiment on them.
This is Joseph Mingala-level stuff, folks.
This is Angel of Death stuff.
So yeah, we've crossed the Rubicon now.
And I just wanted to make this point.
I had lunch with a smart person yesterday, and they said, Alex, one area we think you really ought to get into, and they're absolutely right.
I saw an illustration of it last night.
Alfie Oaks, great seat-to-table grocery store in Naples.
Hundreds of people came out to see us, and I'd say about half of them were immigrants to this country who are now U.S.
They were from Eastern Europe, they were from Latin America, they were from Africa, they were from all over the world, and they had tears in their eyes because they ran away from tyranny.
They know what it looks like.
They love America and they see it being taken.
Then they see the third world being collapsed.
And people coming here and just being given everything because they're being put on the globalist, communist bandwagon to also be exploited.
So they understand the dangers of what they left and that if you don't take that and filter that out and Americanize people and westernize people, it is destructive.
And they are the most informed, and that's the real group, probably 20 million of them in this country, that we need to reach out to, to be ambassadors to their communities that are here, and the communities that are going to be brought here from where they came from, not going through the citizenship process, but from the brainwashing process of the left.
They're not even getting rid of regular citizenship training.
It's going to pure SJW communism.
So now immigrants that have been something good for our country, when controlled and filtered for quality, is now going to be pure cobra poison into our veins.
So we've got to really reach out to that group.
And I saw that Hours after I had lunch with this person that gave me this great advice, sage advice, that it was about half folks that had come here and become citizens, because I talked to them, and they were the most energized, just absolutely informed folks, and it was beautiful.
They were every shape, color, and size, and it was a very, very powerful evening, and just a wonderful time.
And it's so exciting to have us have community.
The globalists want to get rid of community.
They want to isolate us.
They want to make us depressed.
That's in all their own big tech documents that they want you alone with avatar bots that aren't even people that you talk to or people that have so aligned themselves with avatars and bots that they basically regurgitate what other avatars and bots said.
They call them megaphones or sock puppets to where now you're just a ring of robots talking to humans who themselves are becoming robots.
That's really the endgame of Klaus Schwab and the enemy.
So, that's a few of the points I wanted to make there.
They want us to get numb to hearing about, this lady died, this guy died, this baby died, this old woman died, this old man died.
Yeah, they shot up a hundred people in the nursing home, seven of them died.
I mean, these are the real reports.
And people are like, what the hell's going on here?
And pregnant women are having miscarriages when they take these things.
Of course they do.
So the system's answer is, we'll give it to babies, we'll give it to pregnant women.
But wait, it's killing them.
Well, we're going to do it.
So it's, again, they're throwing it in your face, trying to break your will, they're trying to condition you to normalize that they just come give us shots and large numbers of us die.
Or a large number of us have convulsions and then are laid on the society until the society is so weighed down, we accept mass public eugenics to get rid of all the dead and dying that are around us in a huge project.
And that's their master plan.
I've seen the whole dystopia.
I've studied it.
It's not even connecting dots at this point.
The whole thing is like a Rembrandt of evil.
A Sistine Chapel of hell.
A Hieronymus Bosch vision of Satan's heaven.
And it's all there if you'll just look at it and realize it and understand it.
They put out thousands of spectrums of BS and false paradigms and false ideologies to manipulate and keep you confused.
We have the ideology.
We have the system.
We know what's going on and we're not telling you to go through us or even buy a book to learn it or go through some rings of control.
You can go out and interface it, look at it now, learn about the globalists and then make your own decisions how you're going to fight it.
But they are aggressively coming to kill you with a soft kill weapon, so they have plausible liability.
We also need funding.
More funding than ever, because I want to expand.
There's a lot of people that need my help, and it's going to take money to do it, and if I have to sit there in penny pinch and play games during this war, then we're going to lose.
Buy the products.
You need them anyways.
Vitamineral Fusion back in stock.
50% off.
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Alpha Power.
Sold out.
Great for men and women's libido and stamina.
I can't even take it.
It makes me so aggressive and virile.
It's just ridiculous.
But it helps a lot of folks.
It's how you pitch a product, but it's true.
I can't even take it.
We also have the liquid form of Rocket Rest.
Very strong.
And I'm not knocking knockout.
It's just not as strong.
And it's great.
But this is Down and out.
Super amazing for deep, clean sleep.
Something I do need to take.
I should have took it on this trip with me.
Because you get such restful, good, deep sleep when you do it.
Please buy products whenever you can.
Get coffee from us.
Ours is really high quality.
You'll like it at a great price.
Buy books, buy films, and tell folks about the broadcast.
That's how we win this war.
Alright, back to Owen and the live transmission in Austin.
And I'll do one more short video coming up to introduce this interview I did on international television a few days ago.
Breaking down the Globalist Master Plan and how to stop it.
We're back here on the Alex Jones Show, Owen Schroeder in studio.
We're going to be hearing in the next hour from Alex Jones at the Awakening World Truth Summit, and that will be taking up the entire next hour.
So this is going to be the last hour for me doing news, and then Jay Dyer has the fourth hour, and then I'll be back hosting The War Room for three hours, where I'll be covering the latest breaking news and taking phone calls.
But you know, here's what this comes down to right now.
I don't want to be treated like a child.
I don't want to be treated like a mental patient.
I don't want to be treated like a physically ill person.
And we're now being indoctrinated into a world where every individual is treated like a mentally retarded person or a physically sick person.
And it's all liberal Democrat policy.
Because they're mentally ill.
They have the liberal brain bug, the liberal pathogen that makes them mentally ill.
And so they want to infect the rest of us with it.
They want to force us into it.
Well, I'm sick of being treated like a mentally retarded person.
I'm sick of being treated like somebody who is sick all the time.
And I think everybody is getting sick of this too.
Oh, wear the mask.
Oh, you can't go to church.
You can't go to school.
No, you can't open your business.
No, no.
All for a fake pandemic.
It's just so frustrating.
The gear's turning in my head, but... That's what it is!
It's the nanny state.
And... It's not popular, but because the liberal Democrat pathogen has infected the media, it's infected Hollywood, we're now all Facing this.
All of us.
All of us yearning to be free, staring at the Democrat tyranny, staring the New World Order medical tyranny in the face.
Oh, oh, and then yesterday, oh my gosh.
I'm telling you, man, I'm just... Democrats are such liars.
It's stunning.
Steve Adler yesterday, Guys, see if you can find the tweet from Steve Adler where he said, it's the same people that are telling you not to wear a mask that were responsible for the power outages and the water being shut off in Texas.
What a liar!
It's like, do I really have to go back on that?
Steve Adler, the corrupt mayor here, the scumbag, From the people who brought you no water and no electricity, no masks.
What a liar!
liar! Democrats are liars! What happened to freedom? What happened to my body, my choice?
What happened to personal responsibility?
What happened to the greatest thing to fear is fear itself?
You liars!
You Democrat liars!
We are sick of you!
You are ruining everything that is good!
You are ruining everything that is prosperous!
You are turning the world into a slave planet!
And you're lying about it!
We all know why the power got shut off.
Democrat policy and the Paris Climate Accord.
But Steve Adler lies and said, oh, the same people that don't want you to wear a mask, they don't want you to have power.
The Democrats shut the power off!
The Democrats are making you wear a mask!
The Democrats are slave drivers to their constituents!
I can't believe this, man.
I'm just sickened.
I'm sick of being ruled by liars and frauds.
I'm sick of being treated like a mental patient or like a sick patient in a hospital.
I'm sick of it, man.
I can't even concentrate and do this news because it's just so ridiculous.
It's just unbelievable.
So, let me just try though.
Michigan bill to require trans student athletes to compete under gender identified at birth as 20 states of all similar laws and polls show mass support for that.
Most people aren't stupid!
Most people aren't liberal morons!
We still have common sense.
We know that men shouldn't compete with women.
Women's rights!
I'm pro-woman!
It's Women's History Month!
Well, what good is a woman's history month or women's rights if men can be women?
You fools!
But again, it's not about consistency, it's not about intellectual accuracy, it's about your agenda.
So yeah, you're for women, you're for trans men, you're for anything!
Whatever the flavor of the day is, whatever the flavor of the moment is, whatever the latest virtue signal is, wear three masks, men can beat women up in boxing, you know, whatever!
I'm a good liberal!
Yeah, men should be able to rape women in a bathroom if they claim they're a woman.
Yeah, men should be able to compete with women if they claim they're a woman.
But I'm also pro-woman!
So I celebrate women even though men can be women and destroy women.
It's great.
It's great being a liberal idiot.
Meanwhile, liberals love killing babies too.
Don't let them forget that.
Another Texas GOP lawmaker is attempting to make abortion punishable by the death penalty.
Well, Brian Slayton suggests that.
I think abortions would probably stop.
Of course, the irony is what?
The irony is, Liberal Democrats will say, you can't do that!
But wait a second, abortion is the death penalty for a baby.
So you see, see the irony there?
So Liberals love the death penalty if you want to kill your kid, but no, no, no, no, no capital punishment just when they want to kill their kid.
So liberals, against the death penalty, except they want to kill their kid.
Liberals, my body, my choice, except when they want to kill their kid.
Arkansas's new abortion ban is a direct message to Amy Coney Barrett.
This is from Slate, which is just BS.
Coney Barrett's a total fraud anyway.
And, um, she's not a conservative on the Supreme Court as far as I can tell.
But so finally people are standing up against baby murder and trying to legislate baby murder out of their states.
How dare they?
Democrats are pissed about that.
They love murdering babies.
It's one of their favorite pastime activities.
And so because Americans are sick of babies being murdered, Well, the Democrats don't like this.
They love their baby murder.
They love their human sacrifice.
They love their organ harvesting.
This is what the Democrats are into.
This is an evil group of terrorists that we're talking about here, the Democrat Party.
And so now in New York, a court has ruled in favor of New York Attorney General Letitia James.
I've warned you about this woman.
And now anti-abortion protests are basically banned in New York.
A divided federal appeals court on Wednesday ruled against anti-abortion protesters who have tried to discourage women from entering a reproductive health clinic in the New York City borough of Queens.
So, they stand out there, they tell people it's First Amendment right, they're on a public sidewalk, and they hold signs, and they pray, and they read the Bible, and the New York Attorney General Letitia James, Democrat, who thinks she's king of the world, I mean, I wish I could tell you everything I knew about her, but I just can't right now.
But let me just tell you folks, this is bad.
She's bad news, man.
She's more than just working out of New York.
Let me just say, her reach extends to Texas somehow, where we happen to be located.
I don't know, wink wink.
But so, she has now made it illegal for people to stand on a public sidewalk and protest against baby murder.
Democrats love free speech, don't they?
Democrats love life, don't they?
Seriously, man.
This, this, this party needs, we need to rid ourselves of everything that the Democrat Party ever stood for.
Including slavery.
And racism.
The party of the KKK.
So think about it.
The Democrat Party, the party of the KKK, the party of murdering babies.
The party of making you wear a mask so you can't even breathe clean air.
This party must be eradicated from our political system.
It is the greatest threat to America since probably anything.
The Democrat Party is the number... In fact, the Democrat Party is probably the biggest threat in America's history to our way of life.
Yes, the Democrat Party was the party of the KKK and slavery.
Yes, the Democrat Party openly promotes baby murder.
Yes, the Democrat Party forces you to wear a mask over your face, while also wanting to tax you for carbon dioxide emissions, which they're now forcing you to breathe in 24-7, even though they claim it's deadly.
Should we go on with why the Democrat Party is so dangerous?
The censorship on the internet, the ending of free speech, how they have dozens, if not hundreds, we don't know the number, of Trump supporters being held in jail right now for being in D.C.
on January 6th, and then they just say, we can't have any court cases because of COVID, but you have to stay in jail until your court case, because you're a threat to society, you're an insurrectionist.
Yeah, that's the Democrat Party.
They're coming after your guns.
They're coming after your kids.
They want to force-inoculate you.
These are demonic people.
This is a direct threat to your family.
That is a live stream of a bald eagle nesting in Big Bear Valley.
Which consistently has a higher, in fact, at minimum, a double, most of the time quadruple audience, live audience, tuned into the live stream of a bald eagle nesting than any live stream that Joe Biden has ever done.
We're back here in the third hour of the Alex Jones Show.
What we have coming up is very interesting.
Now, it's the best of both worlds.
I'm frustrated because I'm up here reading all the news all the time and giving you the bad side of things, but it's very serious.
There is a global awakening happening, though.
People are waking up.
People are realizing the tyranny that is being brought down on them right now.
They do know that it's the Democrat Party responsible for most of it.
They do know about Bill Gates and the eugenics programs that are being run against them right now.
They do know about the Georgia Guidestones that is their operating policy.
Only 500 million humans allowed on Earth.
Well, boy, that means they have to kill billions.
You don't say?
Bill Gates talks about it during TED Talks.
He says, yeah, we're going to kill all humans.
It's great.
And then the crowd cheers.
And then he releases a mosquito, a GMO mosquito into the crowd, which is supposedly called all the birth defects there in Brazil, but nobody wants to talk about that.
Bill Gates releases his mosquitoes into Brazil, and then you have a bunch of birth defects.
But no, there is an awakening to this tyranny, and there is a resistance to this tyranny.
And so while the globalists and the Democrats are trying to enslave you harder than ever and kill you more than ever, The resistance is growing so you have the Awakening World Truth Summit that was launched last week and Alex Jones was one of the speakers there during the live event and so you also had David Icke and Del Bigtree and a bunch of other great people that were speaking there.
But when we come back here after this short segment, we're going to be airing the Alex Jones speech in its entirety.
And again, so this is the Awakening World Truth Summit.
Researchers, reporters, authors alike were discredited and labeled conspiracy theorists.
Now in the midst of a global pandemic, we see many of these very theories being openly discussed by world leaders.
Terminologies like the Great Reset, Build Back Better, Agenda 2030, World Vaccinations, Microchipping, Are terms being referenced in the media and by governments around the world?
Business closures, lockdowns, tyrannical restrictions are being replicated around the world and we all have a front row seat to one of the biggest societal breakdowns of our time.
Yeah, exactly.
Where can you go to be free from the globalist takeover?
Where can you go to actually be free and breathe clean air and not be indoctrinated into the one world government?
We were joking in the break.
Is Tanzania, I mean is it Tanzania?
Is Tanzania the one place to go where they call out the fake pandemic?
There's other world leaders that call out the fake pandemic but they get destroyed from within like Bolsonaro or Donald Trump and then they get intimidated to go along with it.
When we come back, we're going to be airing this the entire third hour.
Alex Jones at the Awakening World Truth Summit, and then of course, Jay Dyer in the fourth hour.
But the question now is, how do we roll out this momentum into world freedom?
We know how the globalists operate.
They fake crises, they manufacture crises, they put people in fear, and then they use that momentum To enrich themselves and entrench themselves in the bureaucracies, in governments, big governments, local governments, media, all of it, corporate governments, and then just seize more power.
Seize, seize, more power, more power, more restrictions on you, more restrictions on your freedoms, more restrictions on your movements, more restrictions on your finances, more restrictions on your business, more restrictions on you.
So the globalists manufacture crisis, they fake crises, and then they use that to seize power over you.
Well, how do we use knowledge and truth and information to seize our power back?
How do we use knowledge and information and the momentum in the resistance against the New World Order takeover To free humanity.
Because that's what this is all about.
You want to know what Infowars is really all about?
It's all about freeing humanity.
You want to know why politicians and media and Bill Gates and the like all hate us?
Because we want you to be free.
We want you to be prosperous.
They want you to die!
And we now go to Alex Jones at the Awakening World Truth Summit.
Very powerful.
The world is awakening to tyranny.
But how can we manifest that into human freedom versus the enemies of humanity who want us enslaved and destroyed?
Here is Alex Jones' speech.
Been waiting to have this trailblazer on the program.
He is, of course, no stranger to censorship, which is our theme for today's summit, talking about these censorship systems.
Perhaps the most censored individual in the Western Hemisphere, maybe the world.
You know what?
Right now I'm kind of feeling like maybe the history Of the world, of course, founder and host of Infowars.com.
We're talking about Mr. Alex Jones.
A pleasure, certainly very humbling to have you here, sir, with us broadcasting live from Toronto, Canada.
Well, sir, it's a real humble thing to be here with you and all these other great speakers.
Everything you're saying is So on target, we have this anti-human agenda, whatever you want to call it, we can all see it's anti-human, it's anti-family, it's anti-God, it's anti-prosperity, it's anti-health, and it is now seeking to silence all of us and doing open criminal testing of these deadly mRNA vaccines.
When I was talking to Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, medical doctor here today, she was explaining that Johnson & Johnson's is even worse because it takes a live virus carrying this RNA and actually does change the DNA.
The mRNA goes and programs the outside of the cell to then go program the cell itself.
So it's the same thing.
But this is just so diabolical, so dangerous, doesn't protect people, and it's just causing massive amounts of death and carnage.
And top scientists have come out Including Wilkin Woodard, one of the heads of the large EU advisory commissions, saying that this is population control, this is population reduction.
But Hitler did it with guns and bullets and gas, and so people understood he was bad and stood up to him.
They're doing it through covert medicine, and a lot of the doctors and nurses don't even know they're part of it.
That's how compartmentalized it is.
So what you're doing is absolutely trailblazing.
And as I get censored, you get censored, others have to stand up.
create their own platforms, whether they be small or large like yours, and together we're
going to win.
But this really is humanity's greatest crisis.
Well, I would say that the key word in that is together.
And I think that it is so important why we do summits like this today, is to connect with our brothers and sisters from all over the world, because this agenda is a global agenda.
This initiative is something we know, obviously, that's been planned over an exceedingly long period of time.
It's successional.
And certainly, as you bring These issues to light, it begs so many questions.
I have like three or four thousand questions to ask you.
Thankfully, I will cut it down because I know that we are short for time.
But share with the viewers, eugenics, you talked about the impact of this.
How would you characterize it?
Gene therapy, it's literally a reprogramming of the human species.
Well, absolutely, and they have real gene therapies that are very, very promising, but the FDA won't approve things like colon cancer.
They have an almost 100% cure out of the Texas company, NexGen, but they won't authorize that, and surely it will probably have side effects down the road.
A lot of this hasn't had long-term testing, so we don't know.
What they're doing with the Moderna, the AstraZeneca, the Pfizer, especially mRNA vaccines, is literally going and programming the cell to then program its mitochondrial DNA to produce this spike protein so that your body will then have an autoimmune response to that spike protein that is in the entire corona family of viruses.
But then one of the big things they can do is anytime you come in contact with a coronavirus, one of the most common viruses out there, now you'll have an autoimmune response just like you're being stung by a bee or whatever.
There's a lot of different ways to look at it, but your body then attacks itself, kind of like organ rejection.
but it's your organs.
And so that's why we've already seen so many people die.
And the way Dr. Sherry Tinpinning described it is there's an ingredient that's in antifreeze
that's in a lot of thousands of products.
And if you have taken any of those products, well now that this is in some of the mRNA
vaccines, you will then have an autoimmune response to the particular chemical.
People need to see that full video.
It's free at band.video and the headline is doctor exposes the dangers of these so-called vaccines because as she said these are not vaccines and that's what's crazy is This is a revolution by these mad scientists, by these eugenicists who want to be able to just test things on us that have not been approved in animals or humans and where they can just get away with liability protection of actually killing, maiming and sterilizing people en masse.
And we know from the Pfizer vaccine and others that in the literature the covering of the virus just so happens to be similar or the exact same protein in the placenta.
So just like a virus is fast growing, the placenta that the baby attaches to in the uterus, it'll actually destroy that.
So that's why they put in the fine print, above 75 shouldn't take it, pregnant women shouldn't take it, and below 16.
But that's just an advisory.
They still go forward and do it.
And so if you talk about eugenics, and stop me a dime, so I can just meander here, but he goes back to Plato.
So true.
I'm sorry, but so true and compelling.
And so it begs the question that you've been talking about this and this is just part of the process.
It is.
It is not the end stage.
It's just, you know, it's an evolutionary step.
That is part of the overall the talk about lockstep, the great reset, whatever you want to call it.
What does it feel like for you, someone who's been doing this as long as you have been, watched the video that you did in 2008, detailing, almost verbatim, step by step, what has happened 2020 right up until today.
How does that feel for you?
And of course, speak to why they are censoring you, why they've deplatformed you and etc.
Well, sir, when you talked about how this has been a long-term plan just now being launched, I got chills earlier because that's so true.
And that's really what we have to understand is they treat us like we're dumb animals.
And these globalists, these crazy eugenicist scientists that believe they're God and believe that they're going to basically become gods by harnessing the secrets of our DNA and the universe, they admit that they're just using the virus as the pretext.
Klaus Schwab said this year at Davos, he goes, we're not going to change the world, we're going to change you at the biological
level. So this is a corporate takeover, not just Monsanto of soybeans or corn genes, but our genes.
And so, so when you said this has been a long-term plan, they're just now going operational. I got
chills because it is a long-term plan. And now a lot of people go, man, Alex, you've
been vindicated.
What does it feel like?
And I don't feel vindicated.
I feel completely nauseous.
I feel freaked out.
I read all their documents.
I saw them beta testing this on disadvantaged populations.
They don't care if you're poor, black, poor, white.
If they can get away with it, they're going to do it to anybody.
They hate everybody.
And I watched him do it in beta and saw the thousands of declassifications of injecting people with syphilis and letting them die, Tuskegee and radiating little poor Appalachian kids to death in studies and killing our own military and testing anthrax vaccines.
Over 20,000 of our troops, they admit, died of the anthrax vaccine that was experimental and illegal.
And so when I see somebody like Klaus Schwab, it's a feeling beyond hatred.
He literally has us enslaved.
He has a technocracy over us.
He thinks he's God.
His grandfather helped run the Nazi atomic weapons program, light water reactors.
And I've just done the research and it's just horrifying to know all this and to know now, okay, this was beta and it was bad enough and I knew they were
going to launch it, then they launched it and now I know what comes next and that's when I really get
chills and then feel like actually like a coward that I'm not physically organizing people to go
after them and I'm not calling for that, they want that, that's part of their plan. But the next
plan is, and I said this before Gates even said it last year, this is just to train us to get
locked down and accept that we're dirty and we're bad and we're evil.
Once they launch the next phase, it'll be a much stronger bioweapon that'll kill hundreds of millions or billions, then they'll do the real lockdown that once they know they've got us, There'll be combat robots on the screen.
Everything you see will be fully rolled out.
Then they're going to go ahead and just release a super weapon.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we'll have the continued coverage here of Alex Jones at the Awakening World Truth Summit.
And, you know, you see the videos of Alex from 10 years ago going viral where he predicted everything we're seeing now.
It's going to be another one of those videos.
You're going to see that video in 10 years at this current trend, folks.
And that's going to be like prophet gospel, sadly.
I hope we can turn it around, though.
I don't want that to happen.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to go back to Alex.
A couple breaking news stories here, though.
Bill de Blasio announced he's running for governor of New York.
So I guess Cuomo is pretty much considered dead meat to the Democrat Party, but de Blasio, who's just as dead meat, thinks he's going to run.
That's a joke.
And Biden is, apparently there's a live stream going on Biden right now about to sign the $2 trillion They're now calling Rescue Plan.
That's a total lie.
We'll have more of that exposure coming up.
Just more lies from the Democrat Party.
That's all they do.
If a Democrat's talking, he's lying or she's lying.
Don't trust anything these people say.
They want you dead.
Believe me.
Back to Alex Jones exposing all of this, though, on the Awakening World Truth Summit.
They're just practicing to make sure that there won't be a big panic when they wipe us out with a real bioweapon that kills.
They've got a weaponized mousepox that kills about 98%.
It's not race-specific like a lot of the other ones.
It actually kills every human group with about 98% efficiency, even if you have vitamins and minerals.
And so we're being prepared and drilled.
Like Jim Jones in Ghana, he had them drink strawberry and grape and cherry Kool-Aid, but without cyanide.
Three or four times a day for a year.
And finally, when they went to drink the real Kool-Aid with the cyanide, they all died.
And so we're getting ready to drink the Kool-Aid.
And so I'm just telling everybody watching, folks, they plan on killing you and your family.
You better get the word out.
You better stop wearing the mask.
You better speak up everywhere you go.
I'm on a short workcation with my Family and crew and Here in Florida, and I just walk around a hotel without it people say something I get a bowl I go lockstep.
They're gonna kill you look at the masses never come out.
They go.
I know I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I go then stop virtue signaling and leave me alone because I care about you.
This is all a psyop Right, it's all a side up.
And when you talk about the technocracy, speak to the fact that how you qualify your information,
the extent of detail that you go to--
because again, we know how the media spin, the mainstay news media.
We know how the mass propagations of--
I call it the weapons of mass misrepresentation.
But talk about your qualification process, the attention to detail that you pay before you go public with your details, your documents, with your information.
Well, well, I mean, here's my problem.
I've been on air 27 years, and I'm a muscle-wrench guy.
27 years.
I like to have fun sometimes on a live three, four-hour, five-hour show, depending on how long I do.
Usually it's about three hours.
And so I'll have a comic on once or twice a month.
We'll joke around, make jokes.
They go, oh, Jones says this, but he also says this.
So I've gotten to where I really can't do the joking around sometimes, because then the media twists that, edits it, takes it out of context.
We saw that last week.
They saw that.
Well, that was in a documentary film.
And I said, if I only cared about myself, I would hate Donald Trump.
He's ruined my life.
And I said something about Roger Stone.
But Roger Stone called me that night and he goes, yeah, I've seen that film.
You explain it in the film.
They just edited that off the front and off the end to try to divide and conquer.
So I've really got to be careful.
And this stuff stresses me out.
You know, sometimes I get I get bummed out and I drink too much or get upset and I have an anger problem.
Because when you know that you're literally being prepared for annihilation, along with everybody else, and people won't do anything about it, you tend to get mad.
But you asked my vetting process.
I'd read a lot of historical books. I'd read a lot of books by the globalist by the time I went on
air when I was 21. And so I already know their plan. And so I already know they're going in a
certain direction. And so they may throw a curveball here.
They may do this play there.
But I've got their playbook. I don't know exactly what play they're going to call when. But when I
see their formation set up like a football analogy, I've got a good idea. And so when you read a
Rockefeller document, or you read a Carnegie document, or you read a Bill Gates document,
and then you notice that the UN that adopts it and calls it disease X drill the next year.
They'll have Operation Lockstep seven years ago by the Rockefellers.
Then they'll have a whole bunch of other drills by all these other governments and Dark Winter and Crimson Contagion and all these operations that are all basically the same.
And then right before they launch the real operation, after five years, ten years, twenty years, they will have an exact drill of the exact weapon and the exact places released.
They'll even show the exact maps in Crimson Contagion.
I'm going to cover this next week.
It's so big I've been unable to even get into it because I have like thousands of pages of documents and it's all exactly how they then rolled it out six months later.
So well it's all mapped out but they know there's intelligence agencies and private groups that aren't in on it who are compartmentalized so they're on the phone, they're on emails preparing all this with hundreds of thousands of folks that are involved and that way it's a cover in the eugenics cult.
What it is is a eugenics cult.
To call them Nazis is too kind.
This is the group that created the Nazis as a beta test and then set them up.
That's a whole other area.
So that's what's so bone-chilling about all of this is that they beta tested it to test it out, but also in case they get caught, they go, oh, that's just a drill.
But they work them out, they war game them for years, and then right before they go operational, the exact plan under another name is launched, and that is a crimson contagion.
Right. And so it's interesting when you talk about the passion and the fact that you substantiate,
it's not whimsical, you don't wake up like you had a dream and say, "Hey, you know what I dreamt
last night?" You have mountains of evidentiary support, substantiated fact on record, and yet
you are characterized, even up to yesterday, our producer Grant, we flipped over an article that
was talking about that you were you know you were appearing on the awakening today and
And just, again, the weapons of mass misrepresentation, specifically, they did mention that very same excerpt about the Roger Stone and President Trump and you wishing that you never met them.
And they said, oh, Alex doesn't mean what he really...
Alex doesn't mean what he really says because he attacked Trump.
That was a hypothetical, and the judge's tree bites fruits.
I supported Trump.
What I was saying is, I didn't do it for money.
I lost almost all the money I've had supporting Trump, and as a fleshly person, my flesh does not like Donald Trump because I got hurt, but my spirit loves him.
That's what I said in the full clip.
It's in a film I'm selling, but again, that's how they deceive.
They edit it out of context and put out the clip where I was cussing.
And again, the truth is, I get angry about this, and I work too much.
Some days I work 18 hours.
That film crew was smart.
Turned out they work basically with the ADL and George Soros.
They admit it now.
And they waited until like 9 at night to interview me.
They had tequila over there, everything.
I got tired.
And so it was vino veritas.
But I've already said that on Joe Rogan and my show, too, that Donald Trump has destroyed my life.
They'll probably put this out and say, oh, look, we found a leaked clip off The Great Awakening.
No, I'm saying it's hurt a lot of people, but telling the truth hurt me.
So they want to change the subject.
Check it out, folks.
Is Operation Lockstep real?
Did they do Event 201 right as they actually launched the attack?
Was it actually a crimson contagion?
Don't believe me.
Again, people think from that clip 11 years ago, you talked about where I'm like, you'll be wearing masks, you'll be locked in your house, no more ball games.
And then I'm talking about the actual document.
People thought that I psychically just knew this.
It's a document.
The issue is they're going to carry it out.
And they say 90% of us must be exterminated.
And so again, right now they're just practicing to collapse the third world because when they shut down the first world, the third world dies.
And the third world will rush the borders.
Can't blame them.
They will have the UN Refugee Centers brainwashing them to be anti-Western, to be pro-UN, and then they've got us.
They've got the West is down, the third world's down, then they're going to put in a police state lockdown to control the borders because we'll call for it, but the walls are going to be there to keep us in, like Israel has those big walls.
Now notice they can't get out.
They're having to wear freedom bracelets.
I said when this started a year ago, I said within one year, they're going to have us beta testing in Israel, in Australia, in Spain, and in France, bracelets.
Well, I already knew because they were already proposing it in the Bill Gates documents.
And then now, a year later, boom, they're rolling it out.
And we're hearing really scary stories coming out of Israel specifically about mass arrests and of course those who show any sign of opposition and how they've been targeted.
Zutickson, here in Canada we call it dirty tricks also known of course as disruption.
We go back now to Alex Jones speaking at the Awakening World Truth Summit.
But these processes that they impose against those dissidents or those whose views or interests oppose their own, obviously, the more powerful you are, the more powerful your voice is, the bigger a threat you pose.
I would love to.
We talk about it all the time.
The misconstruction media spins, the manipulation, degradation, how they go after you personally with a lot of these No, we call it a hit piece or whatnot.
Talk about how taxing that is and what you do to to move through to deal with to to be able to still stay on target on topic and on task in respects to what you're called to do.
Well, imagine we're in a house.
And we've got our children, our human community, all of our children are our children.
It's true, we're all just, like David Icke says, consciousness experiences existence.
That's what the enemy tries to divide us from, doesn't want us to know.
Like Martin Luther King said, it's not the color of someone's skin, it's the content of their character and their deed, it's their spirit that matters.
And everything they do is to divide that and destroy that in the name of protecting it.
Everything they do is an inversion.
I knew when I made my film Endgame 14 years ago from doing deep research that they were going to carry this plan out and they said they would be launching it by 2020 in Agenda 21 and that by 2030 there would basically be no more hunger and poverty because they would have killed most of the population.
And I knew these people had done everything they said before when they said they would do it.
And so really being attacked, being sued, being lied about, doesn't get to me because I expect this is going to happen.
And I'm not some hero.
I would have to have blind, crazy courage to just know all this and do nothing and just
pretend that everything's OK.
And I'm sure not going to join them.
They've tried to get me to join them.
Listen, they tried to get my dad to join them.
And my dad didn't tell me this.
He's a doctor, now retired.
He didn't tell me this until I was showing in-game at my studios.
My mom and dad came by to pick me up to go to my oldest daughter's ballet recital.
She was like, you know, three years old then.
She's like 17 now.
And my mom watched the end of Endgame, and she said, David, that's not true.
World government to exterminate everybody.
He goes, well, Carol, you know, I was in Plan 2, University of Texas, when he was in high school, because he had the highest, some of the highest scores in Texas.
And he volunteered for this NASA program, and it really wasn't a NASA program.
I mean, just with his kids, stuff that Eisenhower was doing.
And my dad wasn't getting recruited into NASA.
He was getting recruited in to be above the CIA, the scientific establishment.
And so, by the time he got into college, he got out of it because he realized what it was.
But by the time he was a freshman at UT, the head of the botany department that had run the recruiting in Plan 2, where they got all these high school kids in college.
I mean, my dad was in MD Anderson Cancer Research Facility when he was 15, in the secret areas where they had people missing lower mandibles, giving them, you know, all sorts of experimental stuff.
People had signed off to, you know, try to live, but they were killing people.
And I remember my dad Went ahead then and spilled his guts to me and he said, "Listen,
these mad scientists would inject people with stuff and get off when they were like killing these people, giving them
this stuff."
And he said, "It's basically mad scientists."
The head of the body department had my dad and five others that said, "You're the best in the state we've got. This is
eugenics, but we're not like Hitler because this guy was Jewish."
He said, he goes, we're going, we're going to go after everybody that isn't the elite.
And we're going to set up a world government and we're going to basically have to exterminate people to save the earth.
And my dad got out of it at that point.
And that was that.
But because so so I mean, folks, that's how real this was.
And it wasn't till 14 years ago that my dad saw Endgame.
And in the car driving over to the ballet, spilt his guts and my mom was completely freaked out.
I love history.
You prefaced it.
You talked about it in respect to your father's understanding.
They certainly were seeking suitors to utilize and bringing them into that practice, that process.
The similarities between the Gestapo, Hitler's, the Third Reich, just that overall initiative, and it's almost, I call it like the evolution, almost like 5.0, that a lot of those same practices, mind control, we talk about the origins of monarch mind control and these things.
Right? And so speak to that a little bit in respects to similarities or things that you find to be compelling.
That Hitler initiatives undertook ideology versus what we are seeing today, obviously mass surveillance.
I would love to get into that because understand this is a key part of history.
And just be clear, my dad was not even that super special.
They were recruiting all the best and brightest people into this cult, and they were just finding parents that, you know, thought, okay, yeah, great, take our son and put him in the cancer research deal.
Yeah, you know, working with these people.
Oh, you know, put him and they were taking my dad and showing him basically all the secret stuff just to see how he respond because he worked 20 hours a day, do whatever they said.
And but it was just that last straw when they told him, by the way, we're going to go after everybody.
And then he just quietly said, no, thank you.
And they still came around again.
But but but that's how this works.
But going back to what you were just saying, And this is all on record. I'll tell this way. There's a
thousand ways to tell it.
It's not different verses of the truth. It's different angles, like different chapters of a
book. But Edward VIII was basically Transylvanian, not even German. The entire British royal house
of Windsor is not British, and they're not even German.
They're Transylvanian. Anybody can type in. House of Windsor is actually the house of Dracula or
the Red Dragon. Prince Charles is the main heir to the house of Dracula. This is not Bram Stoker's
Dracula. Bram Stoker was making an analogy of how evil these people are in his book. They
don't really live forever, but the spirit that's in them lives forever and is Satan, basically.
It's like the house of Satan. And so, David Ock exposes that they interbreed because they believe
somehow it helps them Resonate with this this frequency like avatar basically be able to take this on now That's something I don't get into because you can't be proven, but it is proven that they believe it So I'll just move on from there right, but you can type in Edward the eighth you can type in Edward the eighth Hitler And it's all the photos with him with Hitler
And so he was going to be the head of the EU under Hitler.
The Germans, the Nazis, had an agreement with the British that he would be the head of the new British Empire.
They had a peace deal with Neville Chamberlain.
But then they got rid of Neville Chamberlain, broke that deal.
That's why the Deputy Fuhrer Albert Speer flew over, jumped out over the Royal Palace in his parachute, and then was locked up in the Tower of London for the rest of his life.
The longest serving person there because he had the peace treaty that was later declassified.
And so Churchill came in and said, well, that's not our treaty.
We're not doing it.
And so you have to understand, Hitler was set up by the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Prussia.
It was set up by Cold Springs Harbor in New York that was funded by Thomas Watson that created IBM.
So, IBM created computers to do race-mixing studies and then to prove that minorities or black people or brown people were inferior.
This is just mainline history.
IBM, the Holocaust, anybody can look it up.
So, Thomas Watson goes with the British, he's an American, sets up Hitler.
Put Sittler in power, they set up an EU plan, a world domination plan, how they poisoned food and water at first to dumb down third world populations before they killed them, how they would then also call off, you know, if somebody had 1% Native American, I'd be killed, because I'm like, you know, less than 10%, but I'd still be killed.
And all of this happened, but then you can say British intelligence double-crossed Sittler, took down that operation, and then they still set up the operation, but it wasn't just going to be against certain groups, it was going to be against everybody.
And then Thomas Watson's Protoget was Bill Gates's mother.
She was the head of the IBM board that carried out all the eugenics operation.
He bequeathed all of his fortune into that eugenics board that her mother then handed over to Bill Gates.
And then all the other big foundations put their money into the eugenics holdings.
All the robber barons were basically eugenicists, from Henry Ford to all of them.
Carnegie, all of them, they all put Billions in their day, now trillions, into this, and so the whole world government, that's why they run the UN, it's why they run all the health departments, it's why they run the National Institutes of Health, it's why they run the National Health Service, the CDC, it's why Bill Gates has been kicked out of 30-something countries for killing people with vaccines, because literally, they're not babies of Hitler, Hitler was just a test operation they did.
So the people that created Hitler created this.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we will come back with more from the full Alex Jones interview there on the World Awakening World Truth Summit.
And, of course, more developing.
The barbarian, terroristic, lying Democrat Party just signed a $2 trillion stimulus bill.
They're calling it the Rescue Plan.
They're saying it's going to end American poverty.
These people cannot stop lying and cheating and stealing.
Very powerful, the Awakening World Truth Summit, Alex Jones speaking.
We are going to air more of that, but you know, it's incredible.
You're talking about the New World Order takeover, planetary government.
Basically, all the stuff that you've seen from COVID will be permanent.
The world government will decide when you can leave your house, if you can leave your house, if you can go to work, if you can go to church.
They'll cancel church, actually.
There won't be any churches.
If you can go to school, which will just be indoctrination centers.
If you can take off a face mask, you'll be forced to take vaccines.
So this is all coming.
This is a global plan.
This is how the New World Order is going to bring in the global government.
That's their ultimate goal here.
And the Democrat Party is the front lines.
And many Republicans, too.
I mean, you saw Greg Abbott.
Flies an Israeli flag in his office.
Says he's going to cancel Gab in Texas, but he's against censorship as he's censoring people.
So, he's a total fraud.
And he'll cave on the mask mandate.
He'll probably bring the mask mandate back.
And if they pass Texas Bill HB3, we're done.
And so, you know, I just have this to say to the Democrats.
Is there any way?
Seriously, this is just what I would say to the Democrats and the Liberals right now.
Let's say we'll wave the white flag.
We'll give you guys America.
You conquered us.
You're enslaving us.
You killed our economy.
You're taking away our freedoms, our rights.
We wave the white flag.
We give up.
You win.
America's bad.
Everyone in America will be a racist, bigot, slave.
And you can take all the guns and censor all the free speech and burn all the books you don't like.
And so fine.
You did it.
You won.
You ended freedom.
Is there anywhere we can go and be free?
Will you give us any place to go be free?
Will you give us any place to have a last bastion of freedom?
A last holdout to live our lives how we see fit without you trying to dominate us?
Is there anywhere?
Because you're totalitarians.
And you're hell-bent on forcing your way of life on the rest of us.
And it's sick.
It's demonic.
And Joe Biden just signed the $2 trillion stimulus bill.
They're claiming it's a rescue plan and it's going to end America's poverty.
What a lie!
You'll never see, most people will never see their stimulus check.
$1.5 trillion of this won't have anything to do with COVID.
We'll even be going to foreign nations.
And by the way, after Biden signed it, He invited the media in to watch him sign it.
After he signed it, they kicked the media out.
No questions asked.
This is an evil, demonic takeover of the entire planet, and the Democrats will give us no quarter for human freedom.
Recognize this.
Approach the world with this understanding if you want to ever live free on this planet or in this country again.
Now, back to Alex Jones at the Awakening World Truth Summit.
Talk about the founding fabrics of what now we've seen, the evolution and how these processes have been contemporized.
It's very serendipitous in that late 90s, we had in Canada something similar to what has been in U.S.
media over the last couple of years, and that was China, 1,000 talents.
And when we talk about the 1000 talents, we talk about the recruitment of the brightest and the best minds, science throughout education.
I know that the Department of Justice, there was an article I want to think that came out in November that that they found over a billion dollars that was funneled
through and contributed to educational institutions.
That's the Confucius Institutes.
Confucius Institutes, exactly.
China taking over British, German, Australian, Canadian, US, Mexican.
Yeah, they're the biggest.
And globalists threw China, just like the globalists created Hitler.
The globalists created communist China.
So it's not the Germans, it's not the Chinese people.
They get a good, powerful group at SMART, they enslave them, they hype them up, and then they use them, and I believe China will actually get destroyed in the end in the setup.
But I didn't mean to interrupt you where you were going, sir.
You're 100% on target.
Yeah, no, but it's really curious because, again, I said that when we spoke, when we get the opportunity to speak with you, that your vantage point, that your support, your understanding, your knowledge base is tremendous.
And so for our viewers, the thirst that they have, and the reason why part one of The Awakening
had 1.1 million views, is because people aren't getting what they need.
We talk about the sustenance from the news, the mainstay news media.
A lot of questions still to be answered.
We know that the purple elephant with pink polka dots in the room is COVID, but COVID is the byproduct.
So it is very curious, and the dialogue that we like to foster is,
okay, we know what it is.
We know what's happening.
We have exhibited and expressed our concerns, but how did we get here?
If these are the leaves or this is the branch of the present-day circumstance, the trunk and the root of the issue comes from where?
and again with the belief system that if we have a broader understanding, a more extensive
understanding then we'll know collectively how to move forward in to addressing it.
And so absolutely obviously I've been doing that for 27 years.
And again for me it was just a learning process from studying history and a lot
of books around the house that my parents were reading.
They never pushed any of this on me.
They never even really told me any of this.
I just kind of discovered it on my own and then found out that my dad had gotten sucked into it because it's on such an industrialized scale.
And what people need to know is this.
The history of this goes back to Plato, 2,300 years ago in Greece.
And Greece had over a dozen city-states.
One was a democracy, one was Spartan, one was this, one was that.
Alexander the Great and people came from up north of there, from Macedonia.
So it was all these different forms of government.
But the system that Plato came up with was a republic, but not the republic we even kind of think about.
run by an elite, and he looked at his fellow Greeks and said, "We should just get rid of
poor people." And he said, "They're crushing the breast of Mother Earth and all this."
And so you follow him, a lot of kings, a lot of royalty.
Every culture, it doesn't matter where you are in the world, elites have an idea that they're the elite and the general public can be expendable.
But by Malthus, 300 years ago in England, he was the guy, Malthusianism, says let's just herd poor people into compact cities and then give them diseased blankets and things to kill them.
He wanted to kill the Brits, the Irish, the Scots.
I mean, the royalty saw these big cities, saw these big populations.
As a threat.
And they were worried about a peasant uprising, okay?
And so if they couldn't kill them all, they would ship them to Australia or ship them to the United States on slave ships.
And so, you know, penal colonies.
And so that's where this comes from.
And then the robber barons, about 160 years ago in the UK and in the United States, J.P.
Morgan, all of them literally were called social Darwinists, and they said, survival of the fittest, we have a right to kill and murder whoever we want, because we're the elites.
So, the theory of evolution from Charles Darwin was picked up by them, and then they called it social Darwinism, and so about, by 1860, they launched the social Darwin system, and picked up modern eugenics.
The term eugenics got coined by Francis Galton.
Who again, they did a breeding program with the Wedgwoods, Huxleys, the Galtons, and others, the Blairs were involved, and they were trying to create supermen to prove this theory.
They actually created psychos and mentally retarded people.
It was very, very sad, but it did produce Aldous Huxley and Julian Huxley, who then one went on to write Brave New World, the other went on to basically create transhumanism in the UN.
And they wrote non-fiction books about everything we're now living under, and how they would make biological sex impossible, like we'll be French bulldogs, we won't be able to have children, we'll have to go have it genetically engineered, and now even the New York Times had the headline last week, the problem with the sperm, and they admit the chemicals that are purposely put in the water are actually sterilizing mainly the male population.
And so, again, there's just thousands of data points in all of this, but here's why they're doing it.
They have a will to nominate when you have inbreeding.
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All right, I'm signing off the Alex Jones Show, Jay Dyer hosting the fourth hour.
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on the war room.
Jay Dyer, up next.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest, still on host, Jay Dyer of Jays Analysis.
Today, I want to talk about the history of organized crime in the United States.
And everybody knows from pop culture, the countless gangster films, the countless, you know, Godfathers, Sopranos, Goodfellas, all of which are great works of art, but The interesting thing here is that the history of organized crime in the U.S.
actually gives us a perfect window into the elite criminality of the global power structure.
The New World Order pretty much has the same structure, the same modus operandi as the Sicilian Mafia had in the 20th century in the United States.
Now, I'm not saying that The Sicilian Mafia runs the New World Order.
I'm not saying that at all.
I'm just saying that the history of organized crime is a fascinating, intricate tie-in between intelligence agencies, criminal elements, the government, senators, right?
And it even touches on JFK.
Now, I'm not a big JFK historian kind of guy.
I obviously don't believe the True, the mainstream narrative of JFK, but not intending to get into JFK stuff by researching the history of the five families, the Mafia in the U.S., it actually did bring me right into the domain of potentially one of the key angles in deciphering what happened with JFK.
So we'll get to that in a moment.
But one thing that a lot of people don't know is that if you look at the history of the Mafia or the Cosa Nostra to be specific, They had a specific oath or ritual, right?
And this oath ritual that I'm sure people have seen in movies like Goodfellas or in movies or shows like The Sopranos, right?
It involves this death oath where you take a ritual oath to die if you divulge any of the secrets, right?
This is known as the Omerta.
And what's fascinating is that the history of the Omerta itself has similarities to Freemasonic initiation ritual oaths.
And the reason for that, I discovered, was that if you go back to the history of the mafia in Sicily, they at one time were actually patriots.
So if you go back maybe even to the Middle Ages, the Maviosi were this sort of libertarian local militia, the patriots who would protect Right, and any kind of legitimate protection racket, so to speak, the local citizens in Sicily from outside invaders.
Sicily was constantly invaded by all kinds of different outside forces.
So we can see the logic of why they did what they did.
But the problem with this is that over time, the local chieftains got to be pretty corrupt.
The bosses, so to speak, became more like brigands.
And thieves, common hooligans, purveyors of ladies of the evening, Lucy's, etc.
And so things got bad, right?
And so what happens then is in the Italian Revolution or the attempt to reunite Italy under Garibaldi, Garibaldi just happened to be supremely influenced by a certain guy that you may or may not know named Giuseppe Mazzini.
And if you know history, Giuseppe Mazzini is the, kind of the Albert Pike of his time, right?
He's the, or the, you could say the, uh, the Albert Pike of Italy, right?
He was the chief Illuminist of that time period.
And so his Masonic philosophy influenced Garibaldi tremendously.
And so this is where we get the tendency of the Maviosi who were recruited by Garibaldi as his soldiers, right?
To have these oaths, right?
These Masonic blood oaths.
So that's the origin of why there's this omerta.
And then when we get to the U.S., right, we have the immigrants coming over in different ways and in different time periods, who then, as you can imagine, naturally have to set up their own operations to make money.
If you're a poor immigrant, obviously organized crime is one of the easiest pathways into trying to make a living.
And this will lead us into a lot of really fascinating connections to the intelligence agencies, to corrupt members of the state.
And ultimately, as I said, to JFK, and that will tell us the deep state power structure, the shadow government, the same model that the mafia has is the same model that the intelligence agencies and our shadow government have, even still to this day, many of the same players and power structure being involved.
As you know, I cover geopolitics, philosophy, film, Religion, all kinds of wild, intricate topics and how they all interrelate at a meta level.
And today we're looking at the history of organized crime in the U.S., particularly the five families and the Sicilian Mafia, to get an insight, a window into how the global power structure itself works.
Again, the same model, as I was saying, is out of the Sicilian Mafia, and if you know history, you know that the Sicilian Mafia structured itself on the Roman model, right?
So, the way that the Roman squadrons had, right, the company commander, and they had the soldiers, right?
Sicilian Mafia has the same structure, where they borrowed this, and they put, right, the soldiers, the foot soldiers, and they have a layer above them, right, which are the bosses, and then you have the Don, which is the head of that family.
And then Lucky Luciano, right, in the middle of the 20th century, organizes the commission, as it's called, which is the structure of all the heads of the families coming to meet, right, at different times and make decisions.
And this commission would then be the kind of the dominant power structure for several
decades and would allow the Sicilian mafia, at least in some cases, in the case of Carlo
Gambino, to become the wealthiest, most powerful man in New York back in the 50s and 60s.
So I'm not saying again, the point is not that the Sicilian mafia runs the world.
It's rather that this structure, right, the cells and the way that the mob is structured
and the way that they form a parallel government within society is exactly the way the elite
structure of the New World Order, right?
The shadow government, the parallel government that runs counter to and within our own government.
And what we want to look at next is the rise of how these groups got into black markets.
So the mob event initially, you might not know this, but you might think, oh, they came to New York.
No, actually, the mafia originally set up in New Orleans.
And the first boss that became really famous in the 20th century in New Orleans is a guy by the name of Carlos Marcelo.
So keep Marcelo in mind because he's going to be very important.
In fact, Believe it or not, at one time Bill O'Reilly used to cover this material.
He was like a almost Alex Jones kind of figure at one time back in the 90s and he actually did a whole expose on the JFK trial and on the character of Carlos Marcelo Santos Traficante, right?
These different figures that had a direct connection to the JFK assassination.
Before we get to that, what we want to point out is that black markets become a key means of organized crime in controlling cities.
So, controlling unions would allow the organized crime networks to control the harbors, right?
It would control logistics throughout the city.
That becomes very important for trafficking drugs.
I think by the 50s, if I'm correct, the Sicilian mafia was responsible for 90% of heroin importation.
And they had a really elaborate network set up from bringing people from Sicily over to run the heroin trade here and sending people from here, born here, over to Sicily to run it there.
That way the cops didn't have any records of anybody, which was kind of an ingenious plot, right?
And that was all organized by Lucky Luciano.
He set all that up.
Don Vito Genovese as well.
By the way, both of those characters had intimate relationships with the Navy in the case of Don Vito Genovese.
And in the case of Lucky Luciano, there are, as well as Santos Trafficante, as well as Sam Giancana, the head of the Chicago Mafia, as well as hitman John Roselli, all with intelligence connections, connections to the CIA.
In fact, It's believed that CIA operative Robert Mayhew is who paid Santos Trafficante $150,000 to try to organize the assassination of Fidel Castro.
And that is one of eight different incidents where the CIA was involved in trying to arrange foreign assassinations.
Now, the point is not so much to focus on Castro there, but to point out that, well, if they can arrange that kind of a thing, maybe we can see a commonality of interest in wanting to get rid of JFK and RFK.
I'm not a big, huge fan of JFK per se.
I'm not a Democrat.
I'm not a champion of.
Anything relating to his policies, per se, I'm just looking at where the information leads, right?
So I don't, I'm not interested in trying to defend him as some sort of hero, per se, because if you look at it, in the case of, say, Marilyn Monroe, there's some really bizarre love trysts and perhaps even mind control going on with Frank Sinatra, Sam Giancana, and JFK all sleeping with the same girl.
She ends up dead under suspicious circumstances.
She herself has a Department of Defense Identification badge.
So she was probably doing intelligence operative work as well.
We know that from her ability to enter into the Laurel Canyon Air Force Studios without any problem.
As well as a lot of the other Hollywood elites.
And this is not unheard of, right?
At that time, a lot of the power structure could do multiple things, right?
You could be an A-list actor and you could be an informant for the FBI like Jimmy Stewart, or you could be a spy for the OSS like I believe Cary Grant was for some time.
So this is not unheard of, right?
And obviously then this mob angle is very important, especially during these decades of the 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s.
After that, of course, the Sicilian Mafia seems to wane in a lot of their power, and that's due to a lot of the media attention that the different hearings would give, as well as figures like John Gotti, who wanted to have a lot of media attention.
This began to be very detrimental to their businesses.
But before we get to that, let's talk about the figure of Sam Giancana, who is the head of the Chicago Mafia, the Chicago Mafia known as the Outfit.
After Al Capone's period, who actually wasn't that powerful of a character, although he did bootleg with Joseph Kennedy Sr., so there's an interesting parallel between Al Capone and Joe Kennedy Sr.
If you go take the gangster tour down in Hot Springs, Arkansas, they'll tell you all these details.
By the way, JFK Sr.
would call upon the Mafia and Sam Giancana to help get Joe Kennedy elected.
And so this becomes a partnership that will most likely be a big factor in why JFK and RFK end up meeting their demise, right?
So the assumption was that if we help get you elected, maybe you'll go easy on us, right?
And so Sam Giancana was one of the most powerful figures in the US, especially in terms of the criminal syndicates at that time.
He does, through the Democratic machine, through vote fixing, ballot stuffing, Maybe we've heard of this before, the Democratic machine in the big cities is able to help certain people get elected.
I think you may have heard of this before, perhaps recently, I don't know.
And they get JFK installed, especially in that razor thin election, right?
If you recall that famous incident.
Well, so JFK comes in and does he go easy on organized crime?
No, he doesn't.
In fact, he appoints his brother, RFK, to prosecute the mafia.
So you can easily see that, right, this sort of double cross here will get you elected.
And then, oh, he starts shining all of this light on, right, the mob figures.
In fact, they call in even some of the big bosses, right, to do these televised investigations.
Carlos Marcello is called in eventually to testify about the JFK assassination.
And this is one of many series of big televised events.
Previous to that, there was Thomas Dewey and there was Estes Kefauver who put a lot of media spotlight on the mafia and the Dons
And this, these, the media attention is actually what would be a big factor in the mafia losing
a lot of their power.
Now it stands to reason that you can see very clearly why these figures who had a lot of
rackets, a lot of operations going, right?
Everything from casinos to prostitution, to drug running, to legitimate businesses as well, right?
So, these are billion-dollar businesses, right, in the 40s, 50s, and 60s.
And again, I'm not saying that they run everything, but this is a significant power base, right?
Making billions of dollars on all these different operations.
And to go after these entities Like RFK did, who again himself was connected to all these entities, he was just asking for it, right?
And so we have then a clear motivation on the part of figures like Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello, to get rid of JFK.
And in fact, there was a series of tapes that Hoover had.
He had hours and hours and hours of these tapes.
of illegal surveillance that he had done on many of the mob members that he was trying to
holding as sort of blackmail power and that he withheld from the Warren Commission.
And the entire reason that RFK and others call that later 1970 late 70s, I think 79 Commission
to reinvestigate the Warren Commission is because of all this information that Hoover had withheld
about mob guys on tape saying we got to get rid of that JFK family.
They got to F and die.
Somebody needs to kill those F-U-C-Ks, right?
So this is on tape, but it's withheld.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer.
Goomba goomba gobble gobble baby.
We're talking about the mob.
We're talking about the history of the five families.
We're talking about the structure of the shadow government being modeled in a very similar way to the, uh, to the mafia.
And in the U S this was deeply connected to all of the different organized crime rackets.
And what I was getting into was the situation with Sam Giancana and, uh, The outfit, right, was very closely connected, the Chicago outfit, very closely connected to Hollywood, right?
So you're going to get Bugsy Siegel going West, right, to represent the mafia out in Hollywood.
He controls the studio unions, he controls a lot of the rackets out there, and then decides even at some point, right, who gets what role and what picture.
This is actually the origin of Las Vegas, right?
Meyer Lansky consults with Bugsy Siegel on behalf of the five families to Uh, come up with this utopia oasis in the desert to just have a legal area, right?
Of gambling.
That's the entire origin of Las Vegas is the figure of Bugsy Siegel and the flamenco, which originally is a failure.
Bugsy asked for about $3 million from his fellow mafia partners.
The, the outfit and the family send him, I think $3 million, many of much of which is the people's pensions.
So the, the pensions that are stored right in.
Uh, these, these funds, uh, because the mob controls the unions, they have access to everybody's pensions and they invested in these casinos.
And of course, uh, Bugsy and his girlfriend end up not really producing any returns.
And this ends famously in Bugsy being offed in a shooting at his house.
He had, I think, a 50, uh, room estate in, in LA, Hollywood.
And his girlfriend, I think Virginia Woolf, she disappears with, uh, Uh, several million dollars as well.
And if Bugsy had just waited around a little bit longer, he could have seen a tremendous return on his investment because eventually in a few decades, right, the Flamenco and the other casinos end up bringing in billions and billions and billions of dollars.
Now, the point is just to say that there's a clear connection and you see between both Hollywood and the entire city of Las Vegas, right?
And the five families, this gives you a window into the power structure.
And all of this is detailed in a very excellent way in Martin Scorsese's movie, Casino, which upon reflection, after looking into this really deeply, I actually have a much greater appreciation for Casino than I did when I was a teenager watching Mafia movies, and even some of the others that are highly acclaimed.
I think Casino has been overlooked.
It's a really good window into what we're talking about, as well as the obvious choices like The Godfather, especially Godfather 2, right?
We see how Las Vegas is set up.
Now, all of that to say that this is raking in billions and billions and billions of dollars for the mafia, for the five families.
And this power structure, this black market control, obviously attracts the attention of entities like the CIA.
And, uh, the CIA, uh, finds so much partnership with the, the mafia going back to the wartime partnerships, as I said, that they had had with people like Vito Genovese, right.
Who, uh, eventually originally was pro Mussolini and then switched sides and kind of played both sides of the axis and allied powers, uh, during the war.
Excuse me.
But regardless of what this leads to is a special relationship, right.
between underworld figures, particularly in the case of hits.
So if you're the CIA, one of the easiest ways to maybe pull off the assassination of someone
and to appear to have no direct connection is to utilize mob hitmen or contract killers.
And this is well known.
There was a whole ring of contract killers.
Now I'm saying this because people think, well, there really couldn't be a big kind
of conspiracy going on.
I mean, Epstein, that kind of those are those are isolated instances of this kind.
No, no, no.
Do you understand that Albert Anastasia, right?
The head of what was known as murder ain't very famous thing.
At one time, he had underneath him a contract guild of killers, 250 killers that he could call upon, right, at any point, I think in the 50s, right?
So, 40s and 50s.
So, Murder, Inc.
is a very famous example of the extent, right, of this ability to call upon contract killers.
And if you, if Albert Anastasia had a Stable of 250 contract killers.
Do you think Uncle Sam has a stable, maybe bigger than that, that he could call upon?
Well, yes, and that's where we get this intimate connection between Uncle Sam, right, and his contract killers.
Now, if you follow my work, you know I'm also doing a separate series where I'm covering serial killers, because these guys are serial killers, even though they're designated as just contract killers.
And we're going to notice a lot of parallels between the Phoenix Program, Vietnam, and serial killers, right?
So there's a lot of evidence to suggest, according to Dave McGowan's excellent book, Program to Kill, that perhaps there's an overlap between the contract-killing mafia government assassin world, Vietnam, Phoenix Program, and why we have so many serial killers, particularly in the 70s and 80s.
Where are all the serial killers, by the way?
Did they retire?
Are they being nice because of COVID?
They don't want to get sick, right?
No, it's because there was specific events going on, particularly the Vietnam War, which are crucial, I think, to understanding why there were so many serial killers who come back during that time period from their military service.
Anyway, but that's a separate issue from this world of the crime syndicates.
But you see the parallels again here, right?
You see the patterns that are evident.
So we mentioned the figure of Sam Giancana, who again had a motivation to get rid of JFK and RFK because of helping get them elected and then the spotlight being turned upon the mafia by both JFK and RFK.
Now, when it comes to the figure of Carlos Marcelo, he's one of the chief pieces of the puzzle in regard to JFK because While running the New Orleans outfit, right, in the New Orleans arm of the mafia, he was raking in billions and billions of dollars.
And there's this funny incident where RFK goes after him.
They can't pin him on anything significant.
This always comes up, right, with the mob.
You can never get them on anything except tax evasion.
So, they don't have anything hard to get Carlos.
So, RFK has secret service agents Pick him up at his parole hearing at his like probation office.
They secret him away to Guatemala and they just drop him off in Guatemala, right?
So he gets exiled from the country.
Carlos Marcelo has to basically wander his way walking back from Guatemala up and taking presumably his own shrimp boats eventually back to New Orleans, which his shrimp boats were a cover for heroin running.
And then when he finally gets back into New Orleans, he famously says, that effort is going to die or, you know, something like this, right?
So again, clear motivations on the part of Carlos Marcello.
And then we even have informants who were flipped, right?
Who made these claims, said that there was, you know, evidence of motivation, right?
Motive for why they wanted to get rid of RFK and JFK.
And again, these are the very guys connected to the CIA, right?
This comes up again with the figure of Santos Traficante, who was the mob boss of Florida.
And Traficante was responsible for working with the CIA's usage of the Cuban expatriate exiles, right?
So the Cuban expatriates come over.
Really, these are a lot of criminals, right?
If you watch Scarface, Castro, right?
Sends over, basically, he opens up the prisons and sends all the criminals to the U.S., right?
That's who Tony Montana is, right?
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
directly using and trying to co-opt criminal elements for black operation.
This is the Alex Jones Show. Don't go anywhere.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show. I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
I am the author of two absolutely necessary books, Esoteric Hollywood 1 and Esoteric Hollywood 2.
If you want signed copies of these books, which actually do get into some of the material we're talking about today.
In fact, in Part 2, I have about a 30 or 40 page section on the relationship of the Mafia to Hollywood.
So you definitely want to get that.
Excellent, excellent breakdown of The Godfather in that book.
So go to jasonalsys.com and get in that shop and get those signed copies.
Now we were talking about the figure of Carlos Marcello and why there was such a strong motivation on the part of the Kennedys to prosecute him and then in turn why he would then have an intense motive to go after the Kennedys obviously, right?
As well as the entire five families, right?
And their syndicates.
Hoover is a curious figure in all this because of course Hoover was himself blackmailed probably by the mob, right?
It would appear that the early phases of the investigations into criminal syndicates There's this famous clip of Hoover saying there is no such thing as the Mafia.
So here we have the government openly lying when for decades it actually known that there was, through the character of Anslinger, who was himself the head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, Anslinger had detailed troves of information about criminal syndicates running the drugs and that they were all connected.
And Hoover ignored all this and said there is no criminal It's just random chance stuff.
Exactly the same lies the government continues to use.
There's no organized crime.
There's nothing.
There's no international conspiracies of a new world order.
It's just random power people, you know, doing corrupt things.
No, it's an organized criminal structure, right?
Again, how many years did the government itself lie about the existence of this?
And in fact, If you look at Selwyn Robb's book, he goes into detail about how ignorant the FBI agents were.
In fact, the FBI agents had to go learn Sicilian and had to go learn about power structures and criminal structures because they didn't even know how to approach this question.
They didn't know what to look for.
They didn't know how to decode.
I'm not kidding, the slang.
They had to learn Goomba, Goomba, because they didn't know what they were listening to when they heard these tapes, right?
Anyway, so here you have Hoover being blackmailed, and that's why he keeps lying and saying there is no such thing as this.
Again, what are we told still?
There's no such thing as conspiracy.
It doesn't exist.
What are you talking about?
Well, here we have a real conspiracy on a national and international level.
This is not just U.S.
This stretches to other countries, right?
And if you know about the CIA's connection to the drug trade, right?
Many, many, many books have been written about this.
John Cloyce's famous book, Politics of Heroin.
You can see why.
Well, who imports the heroin?
The mafia!
For who, right?
For the black operations that the CIA is running in other countries, right?
Afghanistan, right?
Et cetera, et cetera, right?
So, we know Golden Triangle, all these different hot spots for the trafficking of heroin relate directly to the intelligence agencies and relate directly to organized crime.
Now, this figure, as we said, of Marcello, it gets hauled in by RFK, right?
And this is because Hoover had all these tapes that were secret that had all this really damaging information, but it couldn't be admitted to court, right?
So it was basically just illegal wiretapping intel that they would use to get information on people.
But they couldn't admit any of that in court, but it would give them the upper hand in terms of, you know, trying to make a bust or something, the FBI that is.
So, when the Warren Commission was formed to investigate JFK, of course, it had Allen Dulles and all these, you know, dubious figures who were probably covering up for what happened.
Involved in the commission, yes, it was a cover-up, but they also didn't have this information that Hoover had withheld.
So, when this eventually became known, right, so after RFK and JFK tell Hoover that he better go after organized crime just as much as he went after all the commies, Hoover then switches the story and says, yes, I've been here from the get-go going after Organized Crime and acts like he never said that there was no such thing as Organized Crime or Coastal Nostrum.
So then the story flips.
He takes credit for all the stuff that actually Anslinger and people before him had actually done.
And then the government gets a hold, or at least the later commission headed by RFK, gets a hold of these tapes that have all the information about Carlos Marcello and these different mobsters saying that they wanted to get rid of JFK and toasting his death and cheering when he's, when JFK's dead.
Well, this is what leads to this, I think, 1979 commission, right?
And then when they haul in Marcello, right, this again, Just agitates, right?
The anger at the mob for going after having JFK assassinated, right?
So, one month after the flipped informant, Joe Bellacci, gives his testimony, JFK is assassinated, right?
Now, the real crucial, weird detail that pops up here is that the figure of Jack Ruby, who everybody knows, right, is who kills Oswald, The Warren Commission and others just ignored these connections.
They literally just ignore the fact that Jack Ruby kills Oswald while Oswald had lived for, I think, a year at least with Carlos Marcello's bookie.
So Carlos Marcello, the head of New Orleans, Lee Harvey Oswald lives with this guy's bookie for a year.
And not only that, Jack Ruby Has a bar strip club in Dallas that he co-shares and runs with Carlos Marcello.
Well, apparently the Warren Commission just decided that none of that was relevant.
So, shocker, right?
Government commission appointed to investigate mob involvement in JFK and government corruption involvement, right?
Oh, so basically the government, the bad guys say we didn't do it, right?
The bad guys appointed commission to say we didn't do it, right?
I mean, it's just ludicrous, right?
Because you can't trust these commissions, right?
The Warren Commission, this kind of stuff.
Just like the 9-11 report, right?
Anybody who is familiar with the absurdities of the Warren Commission, right, would have automatically been skeptical of the whole 9-11 commission report, right?
Because it's the same model of how things are covered up, right?
Just put a few powerful people involved in the thing on the commission.
Duh, right?
Same thing here, same thing 9-11 report.
So, uh, so that's, that's what we get with this figure.
And by the way, a couple other figures who were notorious hitmen who were scheduled to testify, right?
In fact, two very important, prominent mobsters scheduled to testify.
Namely, most famously Sam Giancana, Momo himself was going to testify.
Uh, he ends up killed a day before his testimony.
And, uh, along with Momo, hitman John Roselli.
Right, so two famous Chicago outfit characters who were known to be recruited by the CIA for different operations, black ops, right?
So, John Rosselli recruited to be involved in the getting rid of Fidel Castro.
He's also believed to be, right, in this investigation involved in the JFK assassination.
Oh, he ends up dead.
Shocking, right?
So, here we have people being offed.
Now, doesn't this sound familiar to you, right?
I'm not saying the Sicilian Mafia is Epstein.
I'm saying that the patterns emerge here, right, where all of Epstein just dies.
It's all accidental.
Yes, he hung himself.
Don't question that at all.
Anybody who reads the history of this kind of stuff, criminal syndicates, elite criminality, right, the history of corruption at elite levels knows that this is everywhere, right?
Elite corruption is everywhere.
People being offed is everywhere.
It shouldn't even be considered a conspiracy theory.
It's ludicrous.
But people are ignorant.
They just don't know.
In fact, entire New York Times bestselling books like Mafia Spies by Thomas Meyer, right?
It's all about Sam Giancana, right?
And the CIA, the CIA mafia link.
And again, why would there be such a close connection between these entities?
Well, when we think back to the The networks of the drugs, right?
How they were run a hundred years ago, right?
The British Empire, French intelligence, right?
They controlled these networks, right?
Everybody knows about the British Empire and opium in China, right?
So they would control those drug lanes via their intelligence networks.
And what do intelligence networks in this sense do?
The same thing that criminal networks do, you see.
So the CIA, the OSS, they just take over these drug lanes that were previously run By older imperial networks and control structures and black markets.
And it's not just those things.
It's also the trafficking of people.
All right.
Finders case.
Everybody knows about the finders case.
The McMartin case.
That kind of stuff is now the last year FBI declassified stuff that proves the conspiracy theorists on those events.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of JasonAlsace.com.
You can find me on YouTube at Jay Dyer.
Twitter, just type in my name.
Instagram, all those different sites to follow my work.
Now, we were talking about that 1979 Select Committee of a two-year re-evaluation of the Warren Commission and the new information that had emerged about the admitted relationship between the CIA and the Mafia.
Now, these admitted connections are the basis why a lot of people would Posit that there was a common motivation, right, for elements of the CIA and elements of the Sicilian and other mafias to want to get rid of JFK and RFK.
And so that was because, right, new tapes had emerged that Hoover had suppressed information about recordings of different bosses, you know, basically saying they wanted him dead, cheering it on, being glad it ever happened, etc.
In fact, in 1963, even back to that point, the boss of the Buffalo family said that the feds had known it all due to all of the extensive wiretapping.
And this is what's amazing is that Hoover just had these troves and troves and troves of illegal wiretaps.
And even a flipped informant basically had come out and vindicated a lot of the suspicions.
And I say this because the first famous Informant Joe Valachi basically said that, and now he was not some high ranking figure.
He was a lower level kind of just hit man.
But he claims to have known of 20 murders that were done, that he was involved in, excuse me.
And when he was flipped, he claimed that there were in fact five families and five Dons,
the heads of those families.
The name that they used secretly amongst them was Cosa Nostra, our thing.
All of the suspicions that many, quote, conspiracy theorists had were true, including that there was a quasi-Masonic ritual of Omerta, the oath.
And so, the problem with Valachi's testimony wasn't that the information was wrong, but that they couldn't go after the guys that were really doing the bad stuff, right?
So, there was always this problem of finding the hard evidence because the way that the system was structured in this decentralized structure, anytime people busted the soldiers or the low-level criminals, right, they didn't even know, through the cell compartmentalized structure, who was running the operation, right?
So, the Don, the boss, was usually shielded via these layers and levels from actually getting caught.
And guess what?
That's how intelligence operations work.
That's how shadow government works.
And that's why it's so difficult to ever go after the real power structure, right?
The real deep state, the real corrupt elements of the government is that they're shielded
and they operate kind of in the shadows.
Hence shadow government, hence cryptocracy, hence secret government, deep state, blah, blah, blah.
It's that same model where the people that get busted are the ones that are the patsies, the lower level crooks, right?
They might burn somebody like an Epstein, right?
If you know about the Dutroux case, the Dutroux affair of the women being caught in the dungeons and all the Belgian elite, right?
And even the royalty being involved in these parties, these basically eyes wide shut sacrifice rituals.
The only guy who gets busted and takes the fall is the guy who's the procurer, right?
Mark Dutroux.
In the case of Saville, right?
None of the really high level people get busted or in trouble.
Oh, it's Jimmy Saville's doing all this, right?
That's the pattern here, right?
Is that the contract killers, right?
The wacko psycho serial killer types that they use are the ones that get busted.
Meanwhile, the people at the top, right?
Same model, right?
As like intelligence operations, right?
The guys in Washington, D.C., they're the ones that call the shots and they have the people out, you know, fighting the battles.
Meanwhile, they don't ever see the battlefield.
They don't ever do anything themselves.
And as we said, another important figure is the head of the Florida family, Trafficante.
Trafficante was tied to the Anticastro Cuban exiles that were recruited by the CIA to try to do the Bay of Pigs, right?
So, we have a direct connection there that nobody denies existed.
We can't forget the figure of Hoffa because, in fact, according to Santos Trafficante, Jimmy Hoffa was targeted by the Genovese family Precisely because he was put in this position between RFK barking orders at Jimmy Hoffa, telling him what to do, and also the mafia telling Jimmy Hoffa what to do as the head of the union.
So he was put in a rot between a hard place, and of course this ended up in him being offed.
And that's the claim of Santos Traficante, is that no one will ever find Jimmy Hoffa's body because It was disposed of, in other words, right?
It was melted, right?
Carlos Marcello had the pattern of he would send his men to grab your body and put you in line, and then they would dump you in the bogs, right?
So you got bogged in the literal sense, right?
In the case of Carlos Marcello.
But the reason, again, that Trafficante is so important is that he was a direct connect of CIA operator Robert Mayhew, who was the point man for Uh, trying to co-op mobsters like John Rosselli and like Momo, Sam Giancana, and Santos Traficante.
And so, reportedly, when they had this investigation, the select committee, they tried to figure out what happened to the $150,000 that Traficante, that, uh.
Robert Mayhew had sent to some of these mobsters for this hit.
It could never be figured out, never be tracked down.
And the night before, as we said, Sam Giancana was going to be brought in to testify.
He's killed.
John Rosselli is also killed.
So two of the key figures in this operation are gone.
Santos Traficante himself says, oh, I don't know anything, right?
Although he was close buddies with Jack Ruby.
So again, this whole world, right, is very intimately connected, but magically nobody knows anybody.
And then we find out, of course, as we said, that Oswald ends up in New Orleans during this phase before the operation, directly living with Carlos Marcello's bookie.
Now, all of that is, again, just to kind of demonstrate that these worlds closely interact.
As we said, right, the importation of heroin into the U.S.
in the 1950s was 90% Sicilian mafia.
The five families were responsible for 90% of that heroin.
And in order to maintain this power structure, they had, as we said, a guild of 250 plus hitmen in the days of Albert and Anastasia in the 50s.
So one of the important points that we want to talk about that leads to the demise, right, and obviously those hearings were important, but The media attention, right?
Estes Kefauver going after the Mafia.
All of the media attention is what leads to the demise of the Sicilian Mafia's power and influence and wealth.
I mean, I don't know to what degree they still have power and wealth.
That's anybody's guess.
But in terms of the known history of decades previous, the intense media attention is what draws Then into the spotlight and then makes these operations more and more difficult, right?
Once you have the dawns on TV, right?
This becomes more and more problematic.
And so another incident that happens in 1956, 1957, that begins this domino fall downfall is the Appalachian meeting, right?
So in Appalachian, New York, they have this famous meeting.
of all the mobsters there in New York.
And the local police in this small town realized something's up because you have like a hundred
Cadillacs all lined up at some house in the middle of nowhere.
So they bust this meeting and a bunch of the guys go running off into the woods, which
if you watch The Sopranos, this is kind of hinted at in one of the episodes of The Sopranos
where the FBI stormed this meeting that Tony's having with Johnny Sax and Tony ends up running
off into the snow in his suit and he has to run for several miles.
That's hinting at the famous Appalachian meeting, which begins the downfall.
So more and more media spotlight, more and more Senate hearings, more and more government hearings.
By the time of the head of the Gambino family, Frank Costello.
Frank Costello also seems to be a very Tony Soprano-esque character.
I think Tony is a composite of many different mobsters, but with Frank Costello, you have a guy who basically lives this outlandish garish lifestyle.
He builds a huge multi-million dollar mansion.
Uh, uh, and, uh, operates like a CEO.
And you'll notice that a lot of these, the mob power structure is very similar to a CEO as well.
Uh, and then he ends up getting busted in much of a similar way to Tony Soprano, where the FBI bugs his, uh, his kitchen.
In the case of Tony, it's the basement, but.
And they record him right, right, saying all these things that he plans to do and so forth.
Anyway, so Frank Costello, and then it passes on, the Gambino passes on to John Gotti.
John Gotti has a lot of the same problems where he loves the media attention, loves the spotlight, constantly on TV, constantly, you know, in these interviews.
And just all this attention just ends up being a huge problem.
And so my point here is not again to say that it's the Sicilian Mafia that runs the world, but the way that power structure is set up right in that pyramidal decentralized structure, it insulates the higher levels from prosecution and getting in trouble.
And really the only way to go against this kind of a thing in the case of the New World Order, the Fortune 100, right?
The elite is to shine the light on it, right?
That makes it more and more difficult for them to do what they're doing, right?
So it's just a window into how global conspiracy acts.
It's a little apocalyptic.
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Now again, most companies buy in bulk, And then they advertise and have a really high price, so they make a profit off that food.
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Almost all of this is coming off the assembly line and what being shipped out in a day or two, at least.
So this Gaylord right here is going to go back to our keating team.
By tomorrow, these pouches are going to be inside of buckets.
And the next day, those buckets are going to be out the door.
So Joe, tell us what we're doing right here in the factory.
So this is our shipping station right here, Alex.
And this is actually InfoWars orders that are going out at this very moment.
Like this order right here for Steven.
Steven lives in California.
He's going to get a special autographed pick ticket from Alex Jones.
So I want to thank you for your support, plus you're getting some great storable food.
So I'm your Christmas elf.
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This is Lynn from Alabama.
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It's going to be on her way to land.
Lynn from Alabama, we love you.
We appreciate you.
You made the right choice with this affordable food.
This is insurance you can eat.
And when did they put this order in?
I want to see how fast it's going out.
You know, this order was actually put in, I think, two days ago, and it's already going out the door.
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