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Name: 20210310_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 10, 2021
2630 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, various conspiracy theories are discussed regarding COVID-19 measures such as mask-wearing, vaccines, lockdowns, and globalist agendas. Other topics include Meghan Markle's dress during the Oprah Winfrey interview, Japanese political candidates dressing up as the Joker during campaign events, Biden administration plans for maternity flight suits, $2 trillion stimulus bill, Merrick Garland's confirmation as U.S. Attorney General, and Senator Bob Menendez's request to not remove troops from Afghanistan. The show promotes InfoWars products such as "Down and Out" supplement while encouraging listeners to support the media organization financially by purchasing items from their store. Greg Reese from InfoWars also focuses on promoting high-quality products such as supplements, books, and films that are beneficial for both the soul and humanity, criticizes COVID vaccines and censorship, and discusses targeted testing of these vaccines in certain areas.

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Ladies and gentlemen, it is Wednesday, March 10th.
The year is 2021.
I am your host, Alex Jones, coming to you live from southwestern Florida.
Oak Farm, Seat at Table, the greatest grocery store in the world.
Not just super high quality, not just great people, not just a great human feeling and a great vibe, but also led by Alfie Oaks, the owner, who started it all by himself.
He's had three great grocery stores in the last 30 years.
Saying you don't have to wear a mask in my store.
And now the phenomenon is sweeping not just the country, but the world.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It's hard to believe that it's another live transmission.
And here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm coming to you from deep in the heart of Florida.
Actually, right here in Southwestern Florida in Naples at Oak Farm's Seat at the Table.
The great Alfie Oaks started this.
And I tell you, you can wear a mask if you want.
You don't have to wear a mask if you don't want to.
It's a free country.
Plus, the masks don't protect you, all the science shows.
Plus, the same number of people died in the year 2020 as died in 2019, roughly, despite population increases.
So, here we are, what I wish Texas was.
And I love my state.
But hey, the good example of Florida has got Texas doing the right thing now, and South Dakota, and Mississippi, and Louisiana, and a bunch of other states.
But boy, the leftist control freaks aren't letting people out from under their thumb in California, or in New York.
Or in New Jersey, it's scary.
So I hit this last hour, and I don't normally repeat something from show to show, but we have the mainstream media tuning in today, and they were asking if I support violence and if I want to carry out violence against the vaccine pushers.
And all I said is as long as you don't try to force it on me, don't try to assault me with your poison, then I don't need to assault you.
But don't pretend it's not an assault.
Don't pretend it's not a social control.
Don't pretend it's not illegal and experimental and that you're not Joseph Mingala.
That the media that has bought into this isn't Joseph Mingala.
So you're the ones that have become Joseph Mingala and violated every common sense law on the Geneva Convention and the Nuremberg Code.
So you're the ones that have put us into this world.
So I'm just simply pointing out under the rules of common law and the rules of international law and the rules of common sense that tyranny is being implemented through the medical system and that it's big tech merging with it and trying to suppress people criticizing it but they can't hide the truth and a whole bunch of countries have banned these so-called vaccines that aren't even vaccines.
And so everybody that's bought into this, everybody that's selling this agenda, whether they be Bill Gates, whether they be People like Klaus Schwab and the Davos Group, they're trying to sign our death warrants.
And they are trying to literally make us permanently ill, so they can control our lives and extract wealth from us.
They're soft-killing the West, looking at what that plan means.
And so, they will be held accountable One way or another.
I don't care if they get governments to pass laws giving them liability protection.
Those governments are like, why do you want protection?
And why is it causing all this brain damage?
Why is it causing all this illness?
So, the masks are the symbol that we're dirty.
The masks are the symbol we're bad.
They're the symbol we're under a permanent emergency.
And they're the symbol that these UN overlords, who died and made the United Nations God.
Who died and put the United Nations in charge of our health care?
Who put Bill Gates in charge of our health care?
And the answer is no one but themselves.
They went out and bought up all the major governments, the advisory groups, the WHO.
They're all on record owned by Big Pharma and the consortium is led by Bill Gates.
These are not doctors.
These are genetic engineer companies that want to own the human genome and want to put Their products into our body and want to set the precedent to have gene therapy not go through any type of animal or human trials but go direct to market with the population.
And I'm somebody that's always, hey, you let the FDA get out of the way of people in medicine.
If folks want to gamble and they're adults and want to do an experimental thing, I think that's fine.
But you don't do it where it's mandated, and you don't do it where it's forced on children or babies, especially when all the studies show the drug they're pushing, the medical device that is the mRNA vaccines, are not vaccines, do not protect you, and are deadly.
And when we come back, I'll show you the current breaking mainstream news.
You know, we transferred videos a few days ago of me covering this, just our own servers, but because the Wi-Fi wasn't working well, and the encoders were better on YouTube, we used YouTube to transfer videos, not even for publishing.
They gave strikes to my crew and wouldn't let it even transfer over, because they scanned what was being said, and all I was doing was reading mainstream news articles, they wouldn't even let people know about that.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Wednesday, March 10th, The year is 2021.
I am your host, Alex Jones, coming to you live from Southwestern Florida.
Oak Farm, seat at the table, the greatest grocery store in the world.
Not just super high quality, not just great people, not just a great human feeling in it, a great vibe, but also led by Alfie Oaks, the owner, who started it all by himself.
He's had three great grocery stores in the last 30 years.
He said, you don't have to wear a mask in my store.
And now the phenomenon is sweeping not just the country, but the world.
But let me hit this first, okay, because I mentioned this when I was hosting part of the American Journal earlier today with the great Harrison Smith, but here on the Alex Jones Show, I want to answer the question of Craig Timberg from the Washington Post.
He said, I'm working on a story about QAnon, to paraphrase it.
And you say QAnon's full of baloney, but QAnon says vaccines are dangerous and that these are experimental, and so do you want to disavow that, basically?
QAnon could say the sky's blue, I'd agree with them.
A lot of the QAnon followers are good people.
It was those that started it, wanted to discredit the anti-globalist movement by putting hard dates in, and then saying things like Tom Hanks is secretly in prison with Hillary Clinton, to then confuse the public to go, oh, there's no New World Order, there's no Jeffrey Epstein, There's no move to get rid of your borders and collapse your economy.
There's no move to inject you with dangerous drugs, calling them vaccines.
No, no, no, that's all QAnon.
The whole global awakening to the New World Order just happened three years ago and QAnon owns it all.
So, no, I don't endorse QAnon.
But at the same time, yeah, people are going to take clips that I put out and put them on QAnon boards that anybody can anonymously put out.
I think that's great, because I'll educate the QAnon crowd about what's real conspiracy and real globalism and real tyranny and what isn't, and I'll give you exhibits and real dates and real times to document it.
They also, again, take out a context where I said, I am not for violence, do not go out, do not be violent, but as a father, as a human, I watch secret experimentation, the Tuskegee experiment giving tens of thousands of black syphilis, letting them die of it.
I watch radiation experiments on poor white kids, poor black kids, you name it, by the US government killing them.
I see secret...
Syphilis test on children in Peru.
And I think the people that did that deserve to be arrested, tried, put in prison, and if the jury said so, executed.
And so that's the Nuremberg Code.
That's the Geneva Convention.
That's what we set out in law before World War II, but after World War II, because of the angel of death, Joseph Mengele.
The aristocrat, nobility Nazi.
And much of his ideas got picked up in Russia.
They got picked up here.
He picked up a lot of eugenics ideas.
So yes, I believe that when governments and corporations, people like Bill Gates, behave like Joseph Mingelov and offensively attack us and get governments to pass laws saying they have liability protection with experimental vaccines that have been directly linked to death and disease and collapse, and now they want to give it to foster children that are newborn when they don't have a right To say no to an experimental vaccine.
An experimental vaccine the U.S.
military won't even make the troops take because they know it's so deadly.
An experimental vaccine that one week after they started it two months ago in England, they said three groups shouldn't take it.
Above 75, under 16, and pregnant women.
Because it causes miscarriages.
It causes the old to die at a disproportionate level.
And that's coming out across the land.
So yes, we do have a right to defend ourselves from someone coming with a poison needle, someone coming with a club, a gun, someone coming to starve us, to burn our farm.
We have an inalienable right in the Declaration of Independence, enshrined by common sense and by God's law, to stand against the eugenicists and the sick, evil depopulationists that are controlling this whole takeover.
To answer your question, Craig Timberg.
I'm talking about we have a right when we're being assaulted, and the Nuremberg Code, the Geneva Convention is being violated, and common sense is being violated, and we're being censored, that when you now say you're gonna come for us one way or not, and forcibly inject us, or keep us in prison, you've now crossed the Rubicon, Mr. Timber!
Mr. Gates!
Mr. Klaus Schwab!
So let me give you...
That's laugh track, but it's fine.
There are some folks clapping.
You only hear it when people clap down there.
At least we tell you when it's fake clapping.
Never done it before, it's a joke.
Now, here's a few headlines for you from your all-powerful god-like mainstream media, where they're just normalizing it.
Bill Gates said, yeah, 700,000 will get sick or die.
Yeah, 80% will have bad reactions.
I quote that, and Instagram takes it down.
Because it's fake news.
Only the Lord Bill Gates, who pays for the news, can quote him.
Johnson & Johnson planned vaccine trials to include infants, now approved, turning heads of scientists saying this is experimental, they don't have informed consent.
Don't tell the left, they're going to cut three-year-old boys' genitals off.
News & World Report, you're God!
Mr. Tim Berg at the Washington Post.
Austria suspends AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine after deaths.
Now it wasn't just one death, more deaths.
Your God, Mr. Washington Post.
Pfizer withdraws application for emergency use of COVID-19 vaccine in India after India bans its use.
But they had fact-checkers run by Bill Gates at NewsGuard say it's not true.
Of course, it is true, but Bill Gates is God, right?
Same guy says he wants to depopulate the Earth, and you're an old people, but now he wants you to take a shot?
He's banned in 30-plus countries from giving kids polio inside his vaccines?
That's your God, Reuters, too?
It's all facts!
But you can't admit it, because you're under Stockholm Syndrome, Washington Post!
Because if you told the truth, you'd lose your job!
And I say, no, we don't have a right!
Everybody should be injected, sterilized, and killed!
Bill Gates has a right to kill me, and I have no right to say no to him, and these babies have no right!
They have a right to be injected, and be maimed, and die!
I agree.
No Washington Post.
No one has a right to ever say no, and ever resist in any way.
We were wrong to fight Hitler.
We were wrong to fight King George III.
We should submit to your tyranny, and to Jeff Bezos's godhood!
Jeff Bezos is God!
Being sarcastic.
Utah woman, 39, dies days after second dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
This is just a new article, CBS Today.
Beautiful young mother, dead as a doornail after the second shot.
People sometimes die within minutes.
They're just like, well, you know they got liability protections, they're allowed to kill us.
That's civil.
What about criminal?
The House of Cards is going to come down.
That's why Merck, two months ago, pulled out of it and said, the vaccines are dangerous and they don't protect you.
Oh, and I've got articles on that.
South Africa suspends use of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine after it fails to clearly stop virus variant and makes a bunch of people sick.
Don't panic if you see a lump on your armpit or your lung or your uterus, it goes on.
After COVID-19 vaccination, doctors say, it just makes it look like you've got cancer.
Don't worry about your lymph nodes getting upset, it's good for you.
New outbreak of COVID-19 in British Columbia care home where residents and staff were already vaccinated.
You're god-like CBC.
West Liberty cancelled school due to COVID-19 vaccine side effects.
They had to close the school because a large portion of the teachers are home sick.
64% reported having some kind of side effect.
28% thought the side effects made them feel too poorly to go to work.
But that's okay.
Sacha Baron Cohen, who makes his living off satire, says you shouldn't be allowed to criticize Bill Gates in any way.
What about this proud medical doctor?
She was pregnant, wasn't approved for pregnant women, but she took the shot and lost her baby.
Ben Stein took the mRNA vaccine and almost died, but he said it's okay.
He's proud of what he did, but he said, ah, but actually, watch out.
Because everybody knows The dice are loaded.
Everybody knows the captain lied.
Everybody knows, but people won't say, because you don't want to get censored, because the Washington Post, if you say, I don't want to take your vaccine, you're bad.
If I don't want to wear your mask, you're bad.
You say, hey, all these studies show on Japanese supercomputers, the masks don't make it better, they make it worse, with bacterial pneumonia and carbon monoxide poisoning.
Carbon dioxide poisoning.
But they don't care.
They just want you to sit down and shut up.
Because what they're doing is with fine print, admitting they're killing everybody.
But then, if you try to share it on Facebook or Twitter, all these headlines, I've got thousands of these, all these countries banning it, they go, oh no, that's not a medical doctor, or that's not the UN.
Only the UN or Bill Gates can tell you about the vaccine.
It's not a vaccine, it's a takeover, and the tide is turning, thanks to the great folks in Florida, and other states, and thanks to Governor DeSantis, Oak Farm, Seed to Table are amazing folks, and we're here telling the truth about the poison, and telling the truth about the good stuff, the high quality produce.
Alright, we are back.
We are here at Oak Farm Seat to Table in resistance to the global megacorporations, the Chi-Coms, the EU, Hollywood Trash, trying to dominate us and put us under a medical tyranny.
They want to sterilize us.
They want to dumb us down.
That is their admitted eugenics goal.
Klaus Schwab admits the Great Reset is about bankrupting the First World, collapsing the Third World, starving the Third World, and using the refugees of the Third World to politically overtake and destroy the First World.
This is modern warfare.
And the sooner we realize this is modern warfare and we're under attack, the sooner we can turn the tide against this situation.
I just want to say, all the great listeners that have flooded in here, I love you and I appreciate you.
This is awesome!
There's a wheelchair in there.
So a lot of folks here, and I'm going to do an interview.
They got set up at the same time somewhere off-site, or maybe not an interview.
I'm going to talk to somebody, and I'm going to come back in a couple hours and host the
war room.
But seriously, I go back to this Tom Pappas is going to take over, and Owen's on later.
This Craig Timberg is not the worst of the mainstream media.
He's quoted me a few times, actually quoted me.
I mean, the pieces are negative and skewed.
And even his questions aren't leaving in where I've said, do not be violent, do not go out and be offensive.
It's like Martin Luther King, while he's being hit in the head with a billy club, he can say, hey, I feel like being violent back, but I'm being like Mahatma Gandhi or Jesus, I'm doing non-violent disobedience.
But there comes a time when you are being assaulted, when you are being attacked, that you have a right to resist yourself, especially when you've exhausted all the other means.
So I'm just saying, we're being assaulted, we're being attacked by a eugenics borg who tell their adherents the end justifies the means, we're saving more people than we're losing by doing this.
They admit that to them.
I've talked to high-level federal and high-level state health department people that admit, okay, Jones, they do admit the vaccines are causing autism and brain damage and all these problems.
Well, that came out in 2000 in ABC News with a whole CDC meeting where they leaked the meetings to Congress admitting that they caused tens of thousands of kids to be autistic and all sorts of neurological disorders and all sorts of serious problems.
This is real.
And now they want to give these experimental vaccines, banned in all these different countries, to newborn babies that have authorized it because Dr. Biden signed an executive order last week for Johnson & Johnson that's a dangerous, called military virus vector, vector virus vaccine.
No one takes these.
They're super dangerous.
It's beyond mRNA.
It uses a virus to invade and reprogram the whole cell in the mitochondria.
And create this spike protein, quote, so your body resists the regular virus.
But that regular virus is everywhere and in the placenta and all the medical literature says it's going to cause autoimmune response.
That's lupus.
That's when your body attacks its own organs.
So they have a larger endgame here to devastate us economically, to weigh us down medically, to collapse our free market civilization by making so many of us sick.
In Vietnam, one reason they say they chose the smaller 5.56 round, you could say it's a wives' tale, but it's true.
Is because it would hit people and tumble.
It wouldn't kill them a lot of times.
It would really maim them really bad.
It was also easy to carry a lot of.
And so you had a soft kill.
Now whether that was true or not, this soft kill idea today is absolutely true.
If they can hurt people in your family, and then have you have to take care of them forever, and weigh them down, and make them, quote, not productive, at a certain point when there's enough people that they say aren't productive, the socialists then say we've got to get rid of the non-productive.
So, that's the larger plan.
What's going on, Ron?
Oh, five minute mark, great.
Yeah, I've got a clock, thank you, I appreciate it.
I just thought something else might be happening.
The crew's doing a great job, by the way.
So, let me play something else for the Washington Post, because this is a real lady that died.
And you know, Stalin said one man dies, it's a tragedy, 10,000 dies is a statistic.
Every day I probably see 50 articles of young people dying right after the vaccine.
So here's this nice lady.
She's having a great life.
Young, beautiful lady.
And she's dead.
And the coroner is now investigating what's going on.
And you know, there's going to be major pressure.
It's going to come to bear.
And this is a whole bunch of people in one area of Utah dying.
We only know about the hospitals and the nursing homes where so many die in the hospital or nursing home, they go ahead and file a report with a federal body That since the 80s, makes it all secret what came in the reports.
So it's secret, they have liability protection, multinational corporations are doing it, a lot of the vaccines are made in China, Bill Gates says he wants to kill you and your family, wants to depopulate you, but he also wants to put something in your body, what could go wrong?
And now it is going wrong, we know what's happening.
So let's go ahead, ladies and gentlemen, and play a clip of the modern form of human sacrifice on the altar of medical tyranny.
Here it is.
Okay, last week, we brought you an investigation into COVID vaccine side effects and where to report them.
During that investigation, we found four reported deaths filed by Utah families and their caregivers.
One particular case stood out to us.
A 39-year-old single mom from Ogden with no known pre-existing conditions.
Her family sat down with me this weekend as they were saying their final goodbyes.
And while they're not against vaccines, they do believe information is power as we all make our own medical decisions.
I really didn't cry when my dad died.
I cry a lot for her.
And I'm at a stage in my life where I'm okay with that.
Alfred Hawley is a retired fighter pilot, a military man who's known risk and loss and taken it all in stride until now.
She's the one that had promised to take care of me when I was old.
The death of his youngest daughter, Cassidy, came out of nowhere four days after her second dose of the COVID vaccine.
She came in early and said that her heart was racing.
Cassidy and her nine-year-old daughter lived with her parents.
She got sick right away.
Soreness at the shot location.
Then she started getting sick.
Then she started complaining that she was drinking lots of fluids, but she couldn't pee.
And then she felt a little bit better the next day.
Cassidy was a surgical tech for a plastic surgeon and stepped up to get the shot without hesitation.
She was absolutely fine with getting it.
In fact, she told all of us, it's fine.
Notice they had to do provisos of, oh, we're not saying we're against it.
She stepped up.
And that's how they're going to get us.
I was told this by a top globalist off record.
As you know, I've told you a thousand times.
Who he is is off record, but he said, listen, you're going to adapt to us killing you.
You're not going to adapt and resist us.
You're going to say, step up.
Like, why do half the kids have cancer now?
Let's just step up.
Why does everybody have neurological disorders?
Let's just step up.
Why are so many dying after the shot?
Let's just, hey, let's be tough like the military.
Hey guys, I mean, I've got so many people I know in the military, where 10% of their platoon would be in the hospital after they got experimental shots and one or two would die.
My grandmother was told she got polio from the polio vaccine from her doctor.
There are two people in our office right now, they get mad if I say even too much about it, whose children died from the vaccines.
They were both in the military, took vaccines at the military base.
I have family that had convulsions and got narcolepsy after they took a tetanus shot in the 1970s on medications for the rest of their life.
I can't swing a stick in my office and not hit somebody who had somebody die from it!
And you sit here, and you tell me that it's raining when you're pissing in my face.
So, yeah, Craig Timberg!
It's gonna be a time when your kid's gotta take it, or you gotta take it, and you're paralyzed.
And nobody's gonna care about you when it's happening.
You understand?
This isn't like the old-fashioned vaccines they could put cancer viruses in, or they could give you polio with it.
This is a full takeover of society.
So his baby daughter's dead now.
Her nine-year-old daughter doesn't have a mommy now, after she took that second shot just like Hank Aaron.
So yeah, you're assaulting us, big text assaulting us, the Washington Post is assaulting us, and we're sick and tired of it!
Stop hurting us!
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones has left the building, but he will be returning here before the Alex Jones Show concludes, and of course he will be Hosting the War Room as well today.
Normally my hosting duty is 3 to 6 p.m.
So a lot happening here.
A lot coming from Alex Jones.
A lot happening here at InfoWars today.
You know, it's incredible.
I have this whole desk full of news right now that I'm going to be covering in the next two and a half hours or so on the Alex Jones Show.
And it's quite a common conundrum here where Perhaps the biggest story of all, and I had to omit it from my news.
And that's part of the challenge here, every day, is that if you don't have the background and the context of everything we're laying out, it's hard to understand, it's hard to comprehend.
But I had to omit, it's not even in my stack, and so I'm just carrying it from memory now, Global food prices are skyrocketing.
Global food prices are skyrocketing.
Kind of a big deal.
Kind of a telltale of what's to come.
And when you see these graphs, it's like double, triple food prices in the last six months.
Now again, we here at InfoWars have been warning about this for a year.
It was only inevitable.
And when you read things from the UN, like what they put out today, are we building back better?
It's officially from the UN's website and they have some conference going on.
And this is from the story here, from the UN's official website.
Are we building back better?
The global economy contracted by nearly 4% in 2020.
Wow, that's quite a chunk.
That's quite a rip out of the free market that the globalists ate there, isn't it?
Internationally, more than 2 million people died.
Uh, that's about normal, in a planet of six plus billion, so, okay.
So what is that, less than a percent?
Which, again, ask anybody, ask the scientists, ask the Democrats, whoever's promoting the whole COVID shutdown, when does the pandemic end?
And the only response they've really ever committed to, which is not even a full commit, Is, oh, we need a certain percentage of the community to be vaccinated.
Well, okay, like, they said 70% in Austin, so we need 70% of Texas vaccinated before we can open, and then the pandemic's over.
Well, what if 70% of the people don't want to take a vaccine?
Then what?
See, you're totalitarians.
You're tyrants.
You're fascists.
You're making me consume someone's product that I don't want.
That's fascism.
But if you're logically arguing it, Okay, well, let's say the pandemic is over when we have a drop-off and a return to normal in the death rate.
Can't say that.
The death rate never went up.
And then once you realize that, you realize there was no pandemic to begin with.
But I go on.
Because this is the big lie.
Three planetary crises loom.
Again, this is from Are We Building Back Better After COVID, which was their entire synthetic shutdown to build back better, abscond with all the trillions that the international crime cabal has stolen from the people of this planet.
And then as all, as the third world collapses, as even the first world is collapsing into the third world, because they're running away with all the wealth, And then to blame it on a virus or blame it on you for climate change, and then say, don't worry, we'll take care of you, we'll build back better.
So they come into your house, they destroy your home, they steal everything from your home, they burn it to the ground, and then they say, don't worry about that, that's your fault, we'll build back better.
They're building a cage, they're building a prison for us.
And they say, three planetary crises loom.
Climate instability.
Somehow that's from COVID.
Nature loss, even though they're saying that because we shut down from COVID, we're stopping global warming, of course they don't actually really promote that, because the forestation comes from the carbon.
And then they say increasing levels of pollution.
Now again, they don't actually cite any statistics or measurable data For their so-called planetary crises.
Oh, but they do show you how the economy is tanking right now because of the pandemic, except that's the big lie.
It's not because of the pandemic.
It's because of them.
They shut the economy down.
They crashed the global economy.
They're making food prices skyrocket three times as much as they were a year prior.
They are, and they're blaming a virus.
This is governments doing this.
This is local governments run by Democrats, state governments run by Democrats, the federal government run by Democrats, and the global corporate government run by liberals.
They did this.
They did this to us.
They did this to the planet.
And they covered it up that it came out of Wuhan.
They covered it up that this is a Chinese communist virus.
The Red Death.
But it's incredible because you go and you talk to these liberals and they complain about it all.
And they blame the virus.
Fully propagandized.
Fully indoctrinated into the big lie.
A virus did this to the planet.
Did a virus show up at your door and tell you to shut down?
Did a virus show up and decide that it was going to skyrocket food prices worldwide?
Was that a virus?
Must have been a virus that made me wear a mask, too.
The virus told me to wear a mask.
It's now a mind-control virus.
No, that was governments.
So, it's all coming to fruition.
You have all these global leaders like Biden, many other Democrats, Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, the list goes on.
They all say build back better, build back better, build back better.
They are parroting the UN New World Order slogan run by the globalist criminal cabal that has robbed this planet blind.
Stolen the prosperity from humans, taking it all for themselves, and now in a breakaway civilization, putting you into a cage on a prison planet, where a headline of a virus will shut you back down and take away all of your freedoms.
And that's where we're at, and you have the left in America that absolutely loves it.
And today, Was supposed to be the first day for Texas to be 100% reopened and lift the mask mandate.
I was doing a few errands this morning, not wearing my mask, like a good American, free American, a man that breathes air, wild concept.
And I noticed that the liberals are wearing their mask now with even more pride than they did before.
And since there is no mandate now, even though the local mayor, I'm going to cover this in the next segment, says, no, we do still have a mandate.
There's this unelected doctor that I'm giving in charge of your body.
I'll have that coming up in the next segment.
But now it's officially a statement to wear the mask.
So now they wear that mask and they have a look in their eye and their chest is pumped out and they are the mighty, they are the mighty virtue signalers.
They care about humans, you don't.
You're a scumbag that breathes air.
They're an alien that breathes carbon dioxide to kill themselves.
I guess that's the ultimate thing here.
A big giant suicide, breathe your own carbon emissions that they say are killing the planet to kill yourself and then save the planet.
Of course that's not what is actually going through their head.
Maybe if they could think, they'd realize that's what's actually happening.
But they're wearing it, and they are so happy that they can finally make that statement.
And their chest is out.
And their chin is up.
And if they see you without your mask on, they glare in your direction.
You're not making a statement?
You're not fighting against the pandemic?
You're not trying to save my grandma?
You can think for yourself?
You want to breathe oxygen?
What is wrong with you?
You don't belong here!
I wanted to move on as we rejoin the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer sitting in will be rejoined by Alex later on in the transmission.
And I wanted to get into the local news here in Texas and some of the other developments in other states.
But you know, this is such an unbelievable thing we're witnessing here.
And I know that you consciously understand this just as I consciously understand this, but it's facing it and, like, re-consuming it.
It's like every time you eat a filet mignon, boy, that, that, oh, you're like, man, this is good.
Well, every time I read about the UN and Build Back Better and see all the signs and symbols of the fake pandemic and how it's being used to conquer the world, it's like, wow, this is really bad.
I need to let people know about this.
This is kind of the big thing here.
Like I said, food prices are skyrocketing.
There was, I think it was an article in the Zero Hedge that had the graphs.
It's like three times the place it was last year.
No signs of going down.
So yeah, the world is going into poverty as the elites and the billionaires get richer than they've ever been and have more capital and have more control and power.
But see, they're not even hiding it anymore.
That's the craziest thing about it.
They're not even hiding it anymore.
So I don't know who wrote this piece on the UN's website, Are We Building Back Better?
But it's like these people are playing a game of SimCity or The Sims.
If you've ever played that computer game, it's just a simulation of life, basically.
You can build towns or build houses or, you know, whatever.
But it's like, oh, they're just playing a big game of SimCity and they don't really like what's going on over here in this part of the map.
So in the game, you can just send tornadoes and just destroy cities.
So they're just going to send a tornado and just to destroy the city, just because they feel like it.
They don't like it anymore, so they're done with it.
And any collateral damage is just part of the plan.
Build back better.
But they admit it in the story.
Here's just one point that they're talking about, they're discussing during their web forums today.
By the way, all their panelists, none of them are Americans, deciding, you know, that you don't get debris there.
Have countries been using COVID-19 spending to tackle climate change, nature loss, and pollution?
Well, what the hell does that have to do with COVID?
Well, it has nothing to do with COVID except that it's not about COVID and it never was about COVID.
It was always about control and using COVID as the means to get the control.
Yeah, this is SimCity.
So this is how the globalists view the world.
One giant game of SimCity.
And this is why you hear them talking about the simulation.
And you know what?
Maybe we're in a simulation.
It doesn't really matter.
I'm not here to have that debate.
They're treating it like this is all a simulation and they're in control of the world now.
And so, yeah, they'll wipe you out with weather weapons.
They'll wipe you out with a pandemic.
Which, folks, we've barely even seen yet.
They've had some soft bioweapons, some soft kill weapons, we've seen man-made weather weapons, but it's like... This is... We're like in the opening act.
They're just getting warmed up.
It's only gonna get crazier from here.
But they're admitting it, yeah.
So the U.S.
just signed a $2 trillion stimulus bill, and the U.N.
wants to know if our money is being used to tackle climate change and stop pollution.
Because, you know, that'll put food on your table.
That'll put the roof over your head.
That'll pay your rent.
That'll get you back to work.
That'll get you back to your way of life.
You don't count.
You're just a blip on the radar.
You're just a number in an algorithm.
You'll get wiped out by these people.
They don't give a damn.
They're testing their deadly vaccine on you.
They're faking a pandemic to lock you in.
So again, hey, I've had hundreds of filet mignons in my life, but damn boy is it good every time.
Hey Owen, you've talked about COVID being a fake pandemic and the UN and Build Back Better and the criminal global shadow cabal using this fake pandemic to take over the world.
Well yeah, but every time I talk about it, boy, it's juicy, isn't it?
Isn't that juicy?
Kind of a big deal.
But so, let's look at what's happening.
By the way, I don't need these numbers, I don't care, and I don't even know how much stake I would put in these numbers, but we now do have the numbers from states that have ended the mask mandate since the beginning of the year.
And the numbers, the actual science, they say they love the science, after North Dakota ended the mask mandate, Well, there was really no change.
They really never had a mask mandate, but okay, so nobody obeyed it at least.
So here's North Dakota, so basically zero.
So they went from almost zero to zero after they got rid of the mask mandate.
In fact, you can literally see there's a direct drop right there immediately after they got rid of it.
Now again, I don't really take much into this.
The reason why I think hospital rates are going down, which is what this graph is indicating, is because people just aren't afraid of COVID anymore.
They've been lied to for a year about it.
They've known probably everybody that's gotten it and nobody's died from it, except maybe their great aunt that was 90 years old or had cancer or something.
Or now they're saying that 75% of the deaths, I've heard 70, I've heard 80%, so we'll round it to 75.
Of the deaths are obese people.
But remember, it's the liberal left, it's the progressives that put 400-pound women on magazine covers and say, this is healthy.
Oh, but then you die of COVID.
See, that's healthy.
But see, but there, oh, but see, there's a twist.
That is healthy, is you dying.
That's what they want.
See, that's healthy for you to die.
That's healthy for the planet.
That's healthy for their agenda.
You get fat.
You die.
That's healthy.
But I go on.
So as you can see, no change in hospitalizations, except they all go down on all these graphs in North Dakota, in Iowa, in South Dakota, and in Minnesota.
So the mask does nothing, and remember, we had the CDC numbers, if anything the mask spreads disease, we had the CDC numbers that said, what was it, 90% of people that tested positive for COVID said they always wear their mask.
Wyoming governor ends mask mandate opens business.
Again, they just did this here in Texas, but we have our... I don't even have the word to describe this Mayor Steve Adler.
I mean, just such a pipsqueak, low-life.
I mean, just the worst.
Hates freedom.
Steve Adler hates your freedom.
And so even though Texas has said no mask mandate, but don't worry, they're going to double back around on that, believe me.
Don't get too excited, Texas.
Look up Texas HB3, pandemic emergency provisions, and you won't be so excited.
I may get to that later.
But they say Austin will continue to enforce Austin Public's health COVID-19 health rules.
No, that's illegal.
We didn't vote any of these people in on this public health board.
And Mayor Adler hates freedom and is a pipsqueak of a man.
Oh, but all the local news that have loved the mask.
They love covering the pandemic stuff because they feel so exclusive.
They're getting the numbers from the hospitals and they get to tweet it out.
And they get a bunch of likes and retweets because it's popular.
So they love it.
And they put up their little selfies with their masks on.
And it's so fun for them.
It's just so fun.
It's so fun to be in local news.
I get the exclusive on the COVID numbers.
Oh, look, I tweeted out a picture of myself in my face mask.
Isn't this fun?
Yeah, it's fun to lose all your prosperity.
It's fun to become a slave, huh?
Uh, not to me.
Not to the majority of Americans.
But, oh, here's the local fox.
Masks will continue to be required within the city of Austin.
According to, uh, Austin's interim health authority, Dr. Mark Escott.
Doesn't matter.
You've never heard of him.
You never voted for him.
He's in charge now.
Got it?
See, that's how that works, thanks to your pipsqueak, hates-freedom mayor, Steve Adler, here in Austin.
Now, thank God we have Ken Paxton, thank God we have Dan Patrick, and at least, I mean, Abbott, I won't say, I'll leave him out of this, but he's involved at least in canceling the mass mandate now.
The Texas Attorney General made a statement.
The statewide mask mandate is lifted today.
Yet once again, Mayor Steve Adler and Andy Brown, Austin, Texas, are trying to figure out how they can buck state law and resist Governor Abbott and your personal freedoms.
I added that last addendum.
We're looking at every avenue available to stop them.
More to come.
Here's one idea.
Just an idea.
How about you arrest his ass?
By the way, I've got this coming up too.
Folks, they're not building gulags for you, okay?
They're not building gulags for conservatives.
They're not building gulags for Trump supporters.
Ladies and gentlemen, they're already built.
They're called federal jails.
They're called local jails.
And there's already dozens, if not hundreds, of Trump supporters rotting in jail cells right now because of January the 6th.
No, I'm going to come back and continue to cover this story.
But see, this is another one of those things, like last year when Alex said food prices are going to skyrocket, it's going to be a global phenomenon, it's going to be a bad thing.
Now it's mainstream news.
I'm not sure when it's going to become the story.
Folks, I don't know the numbers.
I've been covering the stories.
There are dozens, if not hundreds, of Trump supporters who are sitting in jail cells today, and judges are not letting them out of jail.
Democrat judges, because they're saying they committed insurrection.
Hundreds of Trump supporters, potentially.
You thought it was the end of the mask mandate, but the Democrats came around and said, hey, you're not free, buddy.
You don't get to breathe clean air.
By the way, don't you know carbon emissions are killing the planet and we're taking all your money during this COVID pandemic?
So we say?
We're taking all your money to fight climate change because of carbon emissions, but we're making you breathe in your own carbon emissions with a mask?
I mean, folks, if this isn't total clown world, if this isn't the most insane time to ever be alive in human history, I really don't know what is.
I mean, this is total insanity.
Carbon emissions are killing the planet, so we're going to take all the money from the COVID pandemic that was supposed to go to you because we starved you out, and now you can't pay your rent, but no, we're going to take that to fight climate change.
Somehow, you know, some piece of paper is going to fight climate change, but the climate change is happening because of you, and you exhale carbon into the atmosphere, but we want to put a mask on your face so that you can suck in all your carbon emissions.
This is actually the world that we're supposed to be living in, and they expect us not to go insane or ask questions.
But they think we're all stupid!
See, here's what I realized today.
Actually, I realized this the other day, but this is true.
The age-old question, is a liberal dumber than a rock?
Is a modern-day liberal dumber than a rock?
The answer is yes!
Because a rock is neutral.
A rock is not wrong.
A rock is just an inanimate object.
A liberal is actually wrong about everything.
So that's like a negative on the scale.
So a rock is at least neutral as intelligence.
A rock has neutral intelligence.
A liberal has negative intelligence.
So yes, liberals are dumber than rocks.
But the Texas Attorney General here, thank God, and we'll see if Abbott comes through or not.
I'm not holding my breath, but he's saying that they're looking into every avenue possible to stop The mayor, Steve Adler of Austin, from forcing us to wear masks.
And again, it's some health expert that nobody here has ever heard of, Mark S. Scott, who just says, well, we'll decide when you can take the mask off.
And so I'm going to go to this now.
I'll double back to it later.
But here's the real danger here.
Texas HB3.
In fact, oh my gosh, I'm so inundated.
There's rallies happening at the Texas Capitol today at one and tomorrow at one fighting back against this.
Obviously, I'm here in studio.
I can't be there.
Otherwise, I would.
And we're just a little tight staffed right now with everything.
So just if people want to know at the state capitol the next two days at one o'clock at the state capitol.
So today and tomorrow, there will be Patriots gathering to fight back against this stand up against Mayor Adler and others want to take part in that.
But Texas HB3.
They signed this, folks, forget about it.
But it's the same thing where, so it's the pandemic emergency provisions.
They just say, oh, during a pandemic, we can force inoculate you, we can make you wear a mask, we can shut down your business, all this stuff.
So they never actually had the law before, so it was all illegal.
So now they actually have signed the bill so that when they do it again, they can say, no, this is law, Texas HB 3 should not pass.
But it's the same thing.
Well, what qualifies as a pandemic?
If there's an increase in the death ratio of, say, 5%?
Is that... No, they just decide.
They just decide.
Oh, if they say there's a pandemic, then there's a pandemic.
Oh, I don't see any possible danger there.
Oh, that'll be just fine, I'm sure.
By the way, Governor Newsom of California just said that they're never going back to normal.
How would you like to wake up to that news?
By the way, slave, We're not freeing you anytime soon!
By the way, once again, a liberal is dumber than a rock.
Stop carbon emissions!
They're killing the planet!
I'm not even kidding you!
I have the UN document right here where they literally say the biggest thing about coming out of this pandemic is stopping climate change and pollution.
It's right here!
This was a story my crew brought me today!
I didn't even have this intel myself!
The number one thing about COVID-19 for the UN Build Back Better agenda is tackling climate change and stopping pollution.
Well, okay.
Climate change is caused, they claim, by carbon emissions, yet they want you to breathe in your carbon emissions all day, and now look at this!
Let's talk about pollution!
Philippines' coral reef covered with face masks.
Guess what?
I was driving around Austin today, face masks everywhere.
I have face masks somehow in my backyard that's totally fenced in.
I have face masks floating around my little cul-de-sac.
So, oh wow, we're using COVID to stop pollution and stop carbon emissions as it forces you to breathe in carbon and pollutes the planet.
So congratulations, liberals.
You want to stop pollution?
You've polluted the planet with your worthless face masks.
You want to stop carbon emissions to save the planet for humans, right?
But you're making humans breathe in carbon emissions in their face mask.
Boy, you liberals are really dumber than a box of rocks, aren't you?
Literally, you are.
It's amazing, isn't it?
It's really an accomplishment.
To be dumber than a box of rocks.
So, congratulations, libtards.
You wanted to stop pollution.
Instead, you polluted the planet worse than ever before with your worthless masks.
And congratulations, Libtards.
You wanted to stop carbon emissions, so you're now making humans breathe in their own carbon emissions 24-7.
I mean, great job, guys.
We should really put you in charge.
We should really put you guys in charge.
I'm sure the planet would be much better off in your hands.
Yeah, I'm sure you could run our lives a lot better.
Yeah, uh-huh.
Oh yeah, that's what we need, huh?
It's just like, it's just common sense stuff.
Look at every major American city, except for a few, but they're going the same way as the rest, like Nashville, Tennessee.
Look at every major American city that has been run by Democrats for the last 50 years, what do you find?
The most dangerous cities in America, some in the world, And you see homelessness, poverty, obesity, filth, and disgust.
And it's all Democrat Party politics!
It's all liberals!
That's just the fact of the matter.
And so, I'm not up here as a divisive figure, believe me, but the will and the instinct to tell the truth Overwhelms the will and the instinct to just try to not be divisive.
I don't even know what else he would say there, but no.
Hey, I'm sorry if there's a liberal tuned into this that feels upset with what I'm saying, but I'm just telling you the truth, okay?
You're not even a liberal.
You're a brainwashed pawn of the New World Order.
And if you cannot see your own Insanity with just the two things right now.
Oh, we want to stop pollution for COVID.
Well, your masks are polluting the planet.
Oh, we want to stop carbon emissions, really, by making me breathe in carbon all day long.
How do these people live like this?
How do they believe any of this?
Probably because they're not getting their brain force from InfoWarsStore.com.
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So, yes, yes, your mask is polluting the planet.
You couldn't walk 100 yards in the city limits of Austin and not see a discarded mask on the ground.
Look at this, they're floating into our studio here.
We can't even keep the trash out of our studio.
Where did that come from?
I don't know.
We don't wear masks around here, so just liberal garbage just floating into our studio once again polluting the planet.
Thanks a lot, Libs.
Dumber than rocks.
It's just true.
Sorry to say.
I'm just gonna tell the truth here.
Unlike Fauci.
But see, this is their science.
And I've got a clip coming up.
I want to give you context.
This is their science now.
Did you know that they're banning Isaac Newton from the education system because he's white?
That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
We don't call them Newton's laws anymore.
We call them three fundamental laws of physics to de-center whiteness.
So don't you see?
That's science now.
If it's a white guy that does science, then don't mention his name.
But somehow Fauci gets to go on TV all the time.
Now here's an interesting interview that Fauci had on CNN.
He was asked about the science.
He was asked about the science with the vaccine and traveling and getting back to normal.
And well, let's see what Fauci had to say about the science.
You know from the Biden administration that they say it will make its decisions based on science.
What's the science behind not saying it's safe for people who have been vaccinated to receive two doses to travel?
You know, that's a very good question, John, and the CDC is carefully heading in that direction.
You know, when Dr. Walensky made the announcement a day or two ago about the fact that when you have a couple of people, two or three or more people in a family setting, both of whom are vaccinated, even if it's someone from another, a friend that doesn't have to be a member of the family, that was the first in a multi-step process that they are going to be rolling out.
They're being careful, understandably.
They want to get science.
They want to get data.
And then when you don't have the data, and you don't have the actual evidence, then you've got to make a judgment call.
And I think that's what you're going to be seeing in the next weeks.
You're going to see more and more guidelines getting people to be more and more flexible.
So it's a judgment call for Fauci.
It's a judgment call for some doctor you've never heard of.
And what are they talking about?
Your activity in your own home!
He says it in the interview!
Well, if you're in your home, you know, if you're vaccinated, maybe you can have a friend over.
Maybe you can have family dinner.
If you're vaccinated, maybe.
That's a judgment call, because we don't have the science.
And they have the thing on the screen there.
Oh, 100 million vaccines have been administered.
Well, where the hell's the science?
Where the hell's the data?
We do have some of the data, actually.
At least 900 people have died after getting the vaccine.
Maybe that's why he doesn't want to talk about the data.
Maybe that's why he doesn't want to talk about the science.
But imagine that rat bastard!
That big pharmaceutical whore!
That New World Order piece of filth!
Anthony Fauci goes on CNN to talk about what you can or can't do in your house.
The nerve!
The gall!
The aggression.
That guy should be completely rejected and repudiated by society, by civilization.
The fact he's still going on TV tells you how lost this planet is.
This guy shouldn't even be able to show his face in public.
This guy said millions of Americans would be dead from COVID.
He hasn't said one thing right.
He hasn't said one thing accurate about this thing.
Except about the masks, which then of course he retracted.
He said, yeah, don't wear a mask, it doesn't do anything.
Oh, now he wants you to wear two masks!
And put one on your butt, too!
Stop the fecal matter from getting out, he'll say that next.
He'll go to, just like in the, during the AIDS pandemic, he used to go to all the gay, the gay bathhouses to try to get AIDS, yeah.
To test AIDS, see how that was.
This guy should not, he should be so publicly scorned and shamed, he should be so embarrassed.
He shouldn't even be able to show his face in public, let alone on TV.
But he goes on CNN and they tell you what you can do in your house.
They tell you that you have to consume someone else's product that hasn't been tested and we know could be potentially deadly.
This is... These are levels of evil that we don't even want to face or comprehend.
Because, see, we don't have that will.
We don't have that lust.
We don't have that desire.
We don't have that satisfaction.
We don't like lying to the people.
We don't like deceiving people.
That doesn't satisfy us.
We like lifting people up.
We like freedom.
Not CNN, not Fauci.
They hate freedom.
They want to dominate you.
These are evil, wicked, demonic-possessed people that want to inject you with a deadly vaccine.
You know, I never really was one that thought... I was never one that promoted it, at least, and I didn't really believe it either, but...
I didn't think we'd see the return of Jesus or, you know, really see the final plays of Revelations.
I'm beginning to get to that point.
I mean, this is such insane clown world behavior at this point and Fauci's still going on TV?
People still wanting to wear masks?
I mean, this is like, this is sick satanic stuff, man.
And so, To me, it's been like more of an instinct to just like get on my knees and beg God just to spare me.
Like, please God, I'm not involved with these people!
Please God!
Please God, I love humans!
Please God, I don't want to murder babies!
Please Lord!
I don't want to poison people and kill them!
Please God, forgive me!
I'm sorry, we've fallen Lord!
But there's that part of you that realizes your fate is tied to their fate in a way.
At least in this dimension, in this life experience.
That's why it's so frustrating.
So, I don't know, maybe the move is to just get out to the hills and just beg for God's forgiveness about 20 hours a day and sleep for four.
Or maybe there is one last fight for humanity.
Maybe humanity will rise up again against these demons.
Maybe humanity will struggle for its freedom once again, but... Man, oh man, when I see the look in that liberal's eyes with two masks on, looking at me like I'm some sort of dirtbag because I like to breathe clean air.
And when I tell them, hey, you know, what was the percentage increase in death in 2020?
And they don't have a damn clue.
They don't even care.
That's when you realize they're gone!
They're no longer with God.
They're no longer connected to this reality.
They're no longer connected to their own mind, really.
They're gone.
They have no interest in being with humanity anymore.
They don't even want control of their own destiny.
They don't even have an instinct of prosperity.
They've been, their souls have been stolen by Satan.
And the lies of the New World Order.
We'll be continuing to update you, at least it's going to be an interesting story for me.
What goes on in Texas here in Austin, as Ken Paxton is saying, I think they might sue Steve Adler.
I'm hoping they do.
I'd love to see that little coward who always hides when I go speak at City Council.
Now they just cancel all the City Council things.
I'd love to see that coward, Steve Adler, get sued for breaking the law.
But see, it doesn't even matter because Steve Adler is just a little weasel.
He's just a little virus of the New World Order.
Ken Paxton really needs to be focusing on Texas HB3 pandemic emergency provisions that will then put in law that they can force-inoculate us.
That's what needs to be the main thing here.
But hey, you know what?
I don't like Adler.
He's a total scumbag.
He should be sued anyway.
He needs to be removed from office.
I don't know a single person in this town that likes Steve Adler.
It's a weird thing how he gets re-elected without any support.
But hey, he hates freedom, so I guess that's popular these days.
Let's move on.
Continuing to look here at the dumber than rocks left of America.
Mainstream newspapers team up to stalk anti-lockdown salon owner as she moves to New State.
So this lady, Lindsey Graham is her name, ironically, in Salem, Oregon, owns a salon.
And because the Oregon economy has been shut down, she decided to move her business After 12 years to Arizona.
And of course, she really doesn't even have a choice.
She can't even do business in Oregon.
She can't even do business in Oregon.
So she's like, well, I have to leave.
There's nothing else I can do.
So what do they do?
Well, they don't like the slave leaving the plantation, do they?
No, they don't.
Liberals hate it when they don't control your life.
Liberals hate it when they don't have you in shackles of fear or government.
So they're stalking this lady now as she moves her business to Arizona.
So, oh, you know, go make your own business, go make your own this, go do your own that.
No, and then they follow you there and harass you there, too.
You people are sick.
I'm telling you, man, they're gone.
The leftists in America, about 80% of them, I would say, because I know liberals are good people, and that's why I hate making these blanket statements, because it's not obviously true to say about all people, but, I mean, let's be honest, 80% of the left liberal progressives in this country, they're just gone, man.
They're not even human anymore.
And they don't even want to be human.
That's what's so weird about it.
Backlash after CNN reports CDC granting limited freedoms for vaccinated Americans.
Oh, okay.
So the vaccine doesn't work, but you still have to take it.
The mask doesn't work, but you still have to wear it.
And we may or may not give you your freedoms back if you comply with all this, but really we won't.
Seems like- Sounds great, man.
Sounds like freedom and prosperity to me.
Sounds like a slave ship.
Oh, but the International Business Times is reporting today, or I guess it was last week actually, I'm looking at the date.
So probably more now.
Over 900 dead after receiving COVID-19 vaccine, but experts say the data is misinterpreted.
Oh, so that data is misinterpreted.
You died within a week of taking the vaccine.
That's misinterpreted, but the 500,000 COVID deaths or whatever that are 80% comorbidities.
Those, that data is not being misinterpreted and it's definitely not intentional.
No, no, no, no, no.
There is no agenda here.
There's no agenda to cover up the deadliness of these trial gene therapy vaccines.
There's no agenda to fake a pandemic by boosting the numbers and by getting hospitals to comply with cash payouts.
It's all on record.
No, no, no.
No, Australia did not suspend the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine batch after death.
Oh, except they did.
They did.
Multiple deaths, by the way.
Safe and effective, though.
School cancelled after numerous teachers experienced negative side effects from the Moderna vaccine.
Oh, that's being misinterpreted.
Oh, that seizure you had?
That stroke you had?
That's just being misinterpreted.
Oh, you can't lift your left arm?
Oh, your face went completely numb?
You're just misinterpreting that pain.
That's misinterpreted.
Oh, you went and got a shot, and then you had a seizure, and now you have Bell's Palsy?
You're just misinterpreting that.
That's just a misinterpretation.
And look at the hilarity here.
This is sad to know that the leftist liberals are teaching your kids, but I guess this has been the case for a while now.
And these are such lazy bums.
I would not, I mean, there are very few public schools where I think I would ever send my kid.
Very, very few.
Very, very few.
Because there's good ones out there.
There are.
There definitely are.
But boy, oh boy, the ones run by leftists and Democrats?
You don't want your kids there.
And so they don't even hide it anymore.
LA Teachers Union members warned not to post vacation photos online.
So while the teachers, this is hilarious, while the teachers are complaining because they don't want to go back to work, while they're saying it's too dangerous to go back to work, they're literally vacationing around the planet and somebody leaks, somebody leaks the text message thread and they're like, guys, quit posting your vacation photos.
We can't convince people that we're scared of a virus when we're all traveling around the world.
Well, that's... that'll put you back where you need to be right there.
A little rock and roll.
You know, I was thinking about doing this with the crew.
We like to have some fun behind the scenes.
Like, for example, we did an over-under.
How much of the COVID stimulus would go to foreign nations?
I think we said a trillion.
It'd be over a trillion.
I think that hit.
I think it was over a trillion going to foreign nations.
I almost want to do a new pool where we try to guess what's going to be canceled next.
You know what I mean?
Like, what is going to be canceled next?
Of course, today, they have announced Disney Plus has removed Peter Pan, Dumbo, and other movies from their digital streaming service because of racism.
And so, I saw this one coming.
The crew could definitely notch that in my belt, but I'm thinking we as a crew, every time there's a big cancel purge like this, we should like, like Dr. Seuss was a big one, okay, Peter Pan.
I mean, where would you put your money on the next thing being canceled?
They haven't really gone after music yet.
But see, that feeling you get from rock and roll, that feeling you get from jazz, that feeling you get from music, they're going to have to cancel it somehow.
And they'll make it so that you can only get, like, they'll, like, band CDs or something.
So it'll be just like, this is why they want the movie theaters canceled, because the movie theater can decide what to screen.
But if everything's digital, they have total control of what you see.
So they're kind of going that way with music.
But when do they start going after the music industry, I wonder?
They have in the past.
But they were not nearly as effective when they tried to shut down ACDC or shut down Rammstein and some of these other people back in the day.
Or hell, even some people tried to stop Nirvana from playing shows.
And like, Kurt Cobain's like a huge leftist liberal.
So, when will they start?
They're gonna start coming for music soon.
You watch.
And you know, we haven't had any real live concerts in a while either, so this is kind of like... I think they're going to start getting into music soon too, but... Because I was thinking, there was a basketball player, an NBA basketball player, I guess he does live streams on the video game streaming sites, and he used a slur against Jewish people that rhymes with tyke.
But, you know, it's funny, so he got scolded and he lost all of his sponsorships because he's in a livestream playing a video game and says a word that rhymes with tyke.
But I'm curious, will you get cancelled if you go and you rap at a show and you say something that rhymes with trigger?
I'm just asking!
Maybe in the near future.
There's no telling what the liberal left is going to cancel next.
But there is!
So that's why I'm thinking about starting a pool.
So let's think about this, guys.
Lady and the Tramp, definitely on the chopping block.
Definitely on the chopping block for that one.
The Siamese twins, and I believe there's probably some other racism in that movie too.
In fact, the whole notion, and then they're eating spaghetti.
Isn't that in the Lady and the Tramp?
That's probably bigoted against Italians somehow.
Or meatballs.
Or Cuomo.
So, uh, what will be cancelled next?
Looney Tunes cartoons?
Hey, Bugs Bunny dressed in drag a couple times, so he may be okay.
But Speedy Gonzales?
Andele, andele, arriba!
Oh, oh, oh, that's... We can't be having any of that now.
Because I remember watching Speedy Gonzales as a kid and thinking, wow, this must be what Mexicans are like!
I laughed because Speedy Gonzales was funny.
I liked Looney Tunes.
I liked the orchestra.
I liked the sound effects.
It was funny.
I liked the blowing ups and the explosions.
Oh, but it's racist!
Look, he's got a Mexican sombrero on!
Oh my God!
So what?
Oh, look!
Oh, that's a crow with a hat on!
Oh my gosh!
Oh, and he's hanging out with the Mexican stereotype mouse!
Pepe Lecuomo has been cancelled.
What are they going to come for next, man?
So get your DVDs, ladies and gentlemen, of all your favorite cartoons and all your favorite movies, because they are going to get cancelled.
And by the way, there's a very famous band.
They've had, I believe, a couple, maybe, platinum records.
Mumford & Sons.
This is so pathetic, though.
Winston Marshall.
A guitar player from Mumford & Sons, you may have heard of them.
Very popular band.
Well, the guitar player, Winston Marshall, ordered Andy Ngo's book, read the book, and then commented on the book, and he has now been cancelled, attacked, ridiculed, and had to leave the band because he dare read Andy Ngo's book, and it was the Antifa mobs that came from him.
Antifa just burns cities to the ground, attacks police, burns police precincts, riots in Portland for months on end, and now they get to destroy your career if you go buy a book.
But then, sadly, Winston Marshall, like a good cuck, apologizes for reading a book.
I'm not even kidding you.
How pathetic is that?
Hey bro, now you've lost everything.
If you at least would have stood up for yourself, you would still have some integrity and a potential future, but now you've lost everything.
They're not going to let you back in.
You're never going to be back accepted by these people.
Unless maybe you rape a kid or something, or talk about it like James Gunn, then that's probably your only hope.
But my guess is you're not the type of person.
So apologizing was a big mistake for buying a book.
For buying a book, he has to apologize.
Pretty incredible.
By the way, speaking of the Democrat terrorism, new DCCC chief technology officer, Called on followers to burn every cop precinct to the ground.
You like that, Little Diddy?
And then, of course, you have her tweet here, Erica Joy.
If cops kill me, the only way to sully my legacy is to not be out in the streets.
Burn every cop precinct to the ground.
This lady now runs the DCCC, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
Erica Joy Baker promotes burning police precincts to the ground.
Remember when Antifa locked the police in their building and tried to burn it to the ground too?
That's literal, by legal definition, attempted murder.
Not a single arrest was made.
But as we speak right now, and you know, I have to tell you this, there's not many in media that actually know this feeling of sitting in a jail cell and rotting and feeling like a forgotten human.
And so it breaks my heart.
There are at least dozens of Trump supporters that are rotting in jails right now, and Democrat judges are refusing to release them because they're claiming they're violent insurrectionists, all because they were on Capitol grounds on January 6th.
That's it.
And they rot in jail cells, and they're told, well, You can get out once you've had trial.
Folks, there are no trials happening.
Nobody's having trial.
My trial's been delayed over a year now.
Think about that.
So they're basically sentenced to jail for an undisclosed period of time.
So folks, the Democrats aren't coming to put us in gulags.
They already are.
They're just getting started.
Why do you think they were emptying the jail cells for COVID?
Because they're getting ready to put you in them!
So I can't tell you, because not many people can relate to this, and believe me, it's not something you want to relate to.
Sitting in a jail cell, rotting away, feeling like a forgotten person.
It's for these people that are in there that didn't expect it, I guarantee you it's a depression that will change their entire physiology and outlook on life for many of them.
And they sit and they rot in jail indefinitely because Democrat judges have called them insurrectionists.
And they can't get out of jail to their trial, which they don't have any trials because it's all shut down for COVID.
But if you're Antifa, you can riot and loot and burn and destroy and try to murder police officers, and you don't even get a visit from a cop.
We're Paul driving through the news today on the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer sitting in for Alex.
We may be rejoined by Alex in the fourth hour.
I'll be here nonetheless.
We do have some interesting news developments here.
I'm going to get to these coming up in a minute.
But let me stay focused on some of this other news at hand that we have right now.
Following up with what we told you about the new D-triple-C chief, the new Democrat chief that says burn all police precincts to the ground.
Yeah, that's the new head of the D-triple-C.
You also have, this is hilarious to me, because if I didn't know any better, which I don't, I'd say that Michael Brown's family, his father specifically, wanted to use his death to enrich himself.
Sounds like something a liberal would do, but I guess we don't want to make these assumptions.
But boy, he continues to go on the news, Michael Brown's father that is, and demand millions of dollars from Black Lives Matter.
Uh, yeah bro, they used you.
The Democrat Party doesn't give a damn about black people, and the big lie that cops are racist, or that a racist cop killed your son, was just that.
A lie.
Hands up, don't shoot, didn't happen.
Now, I won't make any judgments about you as a father.
I certainly could with the way your son behaved, but I won't.
But boy, how does it look, talk about having no shame, how does it look to come out as an activist or posture yourself as an activist, all of a sudden you're in your son's life again, to posture yourself as an activist after your son attacks a police officer and robs a convenience store, but then you come out and just demand money.
You just want to have millions of dollars in your bank account.
Boy, I think that says it all, doesn't it, folks?
Doesn't it, folks?
From Al Sharpton all the way down to where we're at now, it's what it's always been about, money and power.
And these leftist liberal Democrat progressives will stop at nothing in their pursuit of money and power.
And that's all they care about.
So, not a good look, supposedly an activist after your son's death, not a good look to be demanding millions of dollars from Black Lives Matter.
But, oh, you're surprised that Democrats used black people to fundraise for their party?
I guess that makes you the fool.
Because everybody knew that is exactly what they were going to do.
And it's exactly what they did.
And will continue to do.
For elections moving forward.
By the way, the big lie of the Democrats and their media cohorts doesn't stop.
All yesterday, headlines being pushed on your push notifications, on social media, on television saying, the trial of George Floyd's killer.
And they all had that word in him.
That's propaganda.
That's fake news.
If I was Chauvin's lawyer, I would be suing every single person that published a headline saying killer.
That's fake news.
First of all, the case hasn't been decided yet.
Second of all, we have the autopsy.
There were no life-threatening injuries to George Floyd.
None, zero, zip, zilch, nada.
He did have two forms of fentanyl in him, and both in a deadly amount.
He also had COVID and meth in his system.
He died of a drug overdose, and now it's gonna come out that he was actually doing drugs in the police vehicle.
And it'll come out that he did a similar thing, I think it was in 2014.
But see, this is what Black Lives Matter does, is they swoop in after a death of a black man that they can politicize and turn into a cause celeb, and then raise millions of dollars.
And then when the actual black activists who think they're the leaders of this, who are actually being used like pawns, like Michael Brown's father, don't get a cent of it, well then they complain and they want their millions.
Where are their millions?
But again, all... Oh yeah, that's when he's dropping the bag of meth out of his back pocket there.
And then he was doing it in the police vehicle.
All of the headlines yesterday on TV and in the mainstream news said, George Floyd's killer.
So they're basically already assuming guilt there and then twisting the public opinion.
And Chauvin's lawyers aren't even savvy enough to push back against it.
And then you saw all the jurors' testimony yesterday.
Oh, I'm afraid to be in this case.
I don't want my house to get burned down.
Oh, I'm afraid to be in this case.
I don't want to be a racist.
So all the people that are actually like clear-headed and thinking people don't want to be involved in this case because they know that Black Lives Matter and Democrats are going to come burn their house to the ground if they say that George Floyd wasn't murdered.
So this jury is going to be not good for Chauvin and it's going to end up being a bunch of Democrats or people who are afraid that just say, yeah, he killed him because they don't want their house to get burned down because we know that the Democrats like to dox people and then burn their houses down.
These are the biggest terror...
This is the biggest terror cell in the United States of America today.
It's called the Democrat Party.
They promote burning police precincts to the ground.
They promote attacking police, maiming police, attacking American citizens, attacking white people.
The Democrat Party is the biggest terror group in the United States of America, and that's why now that they've seized control of Washington, D.C.
and Congress, they have set up their walls, their barriers, their barbed wire, and their armed guards.
This is a terror group.
The Democrat Party is a terror group.
The very dictionary definition of terrorism is executed by the Democrats every single day.
But that's why they project it onto you, so that when you call them out for what they are, They say, no, I already called you a terrorist.
It doesn't matter that we burn churches to the ground.
It doesn't matter that we fake hate crimes.
It doesn't matter that we burn police precincts to the ground.
It doesn't matter that we injure thousands of police officers.
It doesn't matter that we burn entire cities to the ground.
It doesn't matter that we attack our political opposition and throw them in jail.
None of that matters.
No, it does matter.
The Democrat Party is the biggest domestic terror group in the United States of America, bar none.
And here's some of the stuff that they allow.
Mexican drug cartels and human smugglers tag asylum-seeking migrants with plastic-covered wristbands.
Mexican drug cartels and human smugglers tag asylum-seeking migrants to the U.S.
with $500 colored wristbands that look like hospital bracelets to keep track of their movements.
Yeah, this is... I mean, folks, this is serious stuff.
This is serious criminal behavior happening at the southern border.
All endorsed by Biden.
It's just incredible.
This is what we're dealing with.
But hey, you know what?
Michelle Obama just got introduced and inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame.
So, a big step for men today.
They can now get into the Women's Hall of Fame.
So, congratulations to Big Mike.
The first man to ever be inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame.
I'd like to see that DNA test.
I think that monstrosity beast should prove that she's actually a woman.
But of course, these days it doesn't matter.
A man is a woman, except when they don't want it to be.
So, the liberal mind is just broke, folks.
It's broken.
It's broken.
The liberal brain has been completely broken.
We are...
Now through two hours of the Alex Jones transmission.
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Alright, the third hour of the Alex Jones Show commences in 90 seconds.
Well, don't say you weren't warned when the Democrat Party goes full totalitarianism, full tyranny, and the Republican Party most likely will be right there in lockstep with them.
The few fighters left, though, are in the Republican Party.
They're coming out of Florida.
They're coming out of Missouri.
They're coming out of Texas.
They're coming out of South Dakota.
They're coming out of Louisiana.
They're coming out of Colorado.
The few fighters we have left But boy, oh boy, I mean, just don't be surprised, folks.
And you know, nobody else is talking about this.
It'll probably be a big story in six months when these people are still rotting away in a jail cell.
Whole families, by the way, entire families, pastors, veterans, rotting away in jail right now because judges refuse to see their cases and they say they're dangerous insurrectionists, so they refuse to release them.
It's totally all illegal.
I know about these laws personally, because if you know me, I've been through the D.C.
jail and judicial system.
So, I know how things work.
And there is no reason why any of these people should be held.
It's all Democrat Party policy.
The Democrat Party runs at least as much as they can.
There may still be some good judges, but boy oh boy, when you talk about the prosecuting attorneys, the district attorneys, it's all Democrat Party run.
You want to make it in that town as an attorney?
You better do the Democrats' bidding.
I've dealt with it firsthand.
So, now though, I mean, we'll see when it becomes a story.
And I guess, guys, is this just a list?
Is this a list of the USA Today of all the people that are still in jail?
So this is the list of people that are arrested.
They're probably still all in jail.
So I'm telling you right now, folks, the Democrat Party is holding political prisoners.
Dozens, if not hundreds, and they're coming for more.
And they're saying you can't be released, because here's, I mean, I'll give you a basic idea of how it goes.
And it's like this in most areas, but you get arrested, and most places for a For a misdemeanor or, you know, something like this, they'll release you that day unless you have other prior charges or something.
They'll release you under your own cognition.
Oh, but not here.
Yeah, look at this.
Some of them, they don't even have the charges.
They just, oh, you were in town on the 6th.
We're just arresting you.
And, uh, yeah, it's, it's Oath Keepers.
It's just people that know Roger Stone, people that know Donald Trump, people that post about QAnon, whatever.
So they're just being rounded up and arrested.
And then they don't even, they don't even get a day in court because the courts are shut down for COVID.
I don't even want to get into some of the stuff that I know that's been happening to the Proud Boys or, or, Stuart Rhodes Oath Keepers.
I'm telling you it breaks my heart because I know exactly what they're going through.
Folks, these people have been locked up and the keys been thrown away and it's all illegal and they don't have rights to a fair trial or a speedy trial.
And so the judge says, because normally you would either get released the next day or you would at least see a judge the next day.
To make a decision of declaration of innocence or guilt, and then you'd move on from there.
They're not even getting that, folks.
They're arresting them.
Some of them don't even get their charges.
They throw them in a jail cell.
And then they tell the attorney, whether it's a public defender or if they have a private attorney, they say, well, we can't let them out of jail until their day in court, but that's a misnomer because there is no day in court.
The courts are closed.
So yes, the Democrat Party, ladies and gentlemen, already has political prisoners.
The gulags aren't coming, they're here.
Now notice how they release rapists and pedophiles and violent offenders from jail because of COVID, but they're throwing all the Trump supporters in jail and then not releasing them because of COVID.
See how that works?
I just hope people realize how dangerous this is.
I just hope people realize how serious this is.
So just understand, the Democrat Party already has political prisoners.
The Democrat Party already has detention facilities for their political dissidents.
They're going full terrorist takeover right now.
That's why Washington, D.C.
is under martial law.
The Democrat Party is in a full terrorist takeover of the United States of America.
Fake pandemics.
Communism, political prisoners, it's all right here in the United States of America.
I'm not sure how we get out of this, folks.
Pray to God for forgiveness.
Beg Jesus to come rid us of these demons.
I don't know.
But just know this.
The biggest domestic terror group in the United States of America is the Democrat Party.
They're allowed to riot and burn and attack.
Police, citizens, anybody they want, with no punishment at all, and right now they are holding dozens, if not hundreds, we don't even know the numbers, of political prisoners of Trump supporters who were in DC on January 6th.
And I can only say so much, but that's what's going on.
And no one else will tell you this.
And quite frankly, most other people in media are afraid to go to jail.
They won't even take a step sideways.
That's why I always say, and it's sad, but true, Conservatives in D.C.
are the weakest conservatives you're ever going to see or hear.
They like their studios.
They like still being on Twitter.
They like going to the White House events.
They like feeling like they're part of the establishment.
So they're never going to step out of their comfort zone.
They've got it too good.
The same reason.
Well, why does the media go along with the fake pandemic?
Well, because they're not suffering!
They're still getting their big paychecks.
They're still getting their private security.
They're still living their lavish lifestyle.
You're suffering.
They're enriching themselves.
Same thing politically.
One of the individuals...
[ Silence ]
Former Trump State Department employee.
Low-level employee.
They should get rid of the State Department.
In fact, reading this, I learned more about the State Department.
Folks, the State Department is a joke.
This is... the whole thing should be shut down.
Just a worthless part of the bureaucracy.
But Federico Guillermo Klein A Schedule C political appointee, Office of Brazilian of Southern Cone Affairs.
Yeah, that's a State Department office you're paying for.
He rots in a jail cell, along with many other veterans and such.
Oh, but QAnon!
Remember QAnon?
So the Democrats aren't done using QAnon as their launchpad for all of their tyranny.
But I love this story, headline from the Washington Post here.
Threats of a QAnon-fueled March 4th attack create disruptions but little trouble.
Researchers say police overreacted.
The police overreacted?
So the Washington Post and the New York Times and CNN and MSNBC fabricate whole cloth A QAnon event on March 4th, literally nobody else promoting it, not even QAnon, just the Democrat party and their media cohorts, and then it doesn't happen, because the whole thing was fake and made up anyway, and then they say, oh, police overreacted.
No, that's like the boy that cried wolf.
So the Washington Post shows up at your door and says, someone's gonna bomb you tomorrow, someone's gonna bomb you tomorrow, you're gonna get bombed tomorrow, and then you're there tomorrow sitting in, you know, a helmet in a bunker, and then there's no bombing, and then the Washington Post comes to your door the next day and says, hey, why did you overreact?
What do you mean?
You told me I was about to get bombed.
Yeah, but why did you overreact?
These people are sick, man.
And then, So, but see, still no demand to know who QAnon is.
All these Trump supporters are rotting in jail.
And quite frankly, I mean, I'm not going after President Trump, but I feel like he's really abandoned these people, sadly.
I'm not sure what he could even do, but in a way, he's kind of abandoned these people.
I'm heartbroken for him.
But so, nobody's demanding to know who QAnon is.
Trump's not making the demand.
Pelosi's not demanding it.
The media's not demanding it.
Who is QAnon?
Who's starting all this stuff?
Who incited the big insurrection?
See, nobody's demanding to know.
Pretty convenient, isn't it?
That QAnon now just becomes the leader of the Trump movement, even though it's dead to even most of the people that believed in it?
Everything turned out to be a lie?
None of it came true?
But nobody demands to know who QAnon is.
No media demands, no congressional demands, nothing.
And but they use the anonymous QAnon to say, see, here's our evidence of insurrection.
Here's our evidence that they're getting ready for more terror.
But then they never go after the guy.
They never go after the boogeyman.
Isn't that convenient for them?
And so, of course, it's all just another lie of the Democrat Party and their media.
So then they had Blueanon!
Here we go, let me read this.
This was from Urban Dictionary.
A loosely organized network of Democrat voters, politicians, and media personalities who spread left-wing conspiracy theories such as the Russia hoax, Jussie Smollett hoax, Ukraine hoax, Covington Kid hoax, Brett Kavanaugh hoax.
The list goes on and on.
Blue and Odd adherents fervently believe that right-wing extremists are going to storm Capitol Hill any day now and remove lawmakers from office.
Of course, remember the day where there were actually people on the Capitol Hill.
They were cleared out within hours.
And within hours of the clearing out, congressional activity resumed.
People who had their businesses burned by Democrats have yet to reopen their doors.
But I digress.
Hence the need for deployment of thousands of National Guard stationed at the U.S.
Oh, but then the Washington Post says, police overreacted, but we still need the martial law.
Remember they said Trump was going to bring in martial law, and then the Democrats did it.
Destroyed D.C.
So Blue Anon is an accurate description of all the fake news of the Democrat Party, all the fake news of the mainstream media.
They all vote Democrat.
Blue Anon, all the lies.
So the lies of QAnon and then the lies of BlueAnon.
So Twitter and Facebook banned all BlueAnon content, just erased it.
You can't, you're not allowed to call the Democrats out for their big lie.
And then Urban Dictionary, under pressure from who, I don't know, removed the BlueAnon definition.
This is a first.
I've never heard of an Urban Dictionary definition being removed.
So that just tells you how afraid they are of the truth getting out.
That the Democrat Party and their media cohorts are LIARS!
Anybody who's followed my work knows I am someone who wants to unify.
It's true.
However, I have to call things out as they are.
And a Democrat on TV and a Democrat in Congress is 110% guaranteed, bona fide, bet the house on it, lying to you.
There is no bigger liar in the world right now than a Democrat on TV and a Democrat in Congress.
You might as well throw the label of liberal on there too.
It's the same thing.
A liberal on TV, a liberal in Congress, is lying to you.
They lie about everything.
In fact, what do they even tell you the truth about?
Good luck, you don't hurt yourself trying to find that one.
Let's go to break though with, are they going to cancel Speedy Gonzalez?
Perhaps Peter Griffin had it right in Family Guy.
He knew they were going to cancel Speedy Gonzalez.
I imagine that will happen before the end of the year.
So he created Rapid Dave.
A little fun as we close out this segment here of the Alex Jones Show.
Peter, have you seen Stewie's Speedy Gonzales video?
He won't go to sleep without it.
I throw it away.
What the hell, man?
I don't throw away your stuff.
And where's my goat?
Peter, why would you do that?
Because Speedy Gonzales is an immigrant and a bad influence on our children.
So I created his American equivalent, Rapid Dave.
I got you now, mouth!
Well, up yours, cat.
Quickly, quickly, quickly!
Alright, what's the over-under on Speedy Gonzalez being cancelled?
We're taking bets.
I think I'm going to set it at, boy, I want to say a month, but I don't think, I'm going to go two months.
But you know, Pepe Le Pew is already in their crosshairs, so maybe two months is high.
So maybe we find a nice average there and say a month and a half.
They've already cancelled Pepe Le Pew.
They've already canceled Foghorn Leghorn.
Short life left for Speedy Gonzalez.
Well, you can rest easy knowing that the liberal left is going to cancel all your favorite cartoons and movies growing up.
But don't worry, you can still go play Grand Theft Auto 4 and beat a hooker to death in a burning vehicle so you don't have to pay her.
That's progress.
All right, I have some election theft news.
There is some interesting developments here.
I'm not sure what will come of this other than perhaps public awareness, but it may be too late.
The Democrats are already certifying their election theft for the future.
They couldn't get H.R.
1 passed, so Biden just signed an executive order instead.
By the way, they did just sign, it is now official, $2 trillion of stimulus.
We read where your money was going last night on The War Room.
It's all going to come out soon, folks.
You just got screwed so hard.
It's unbelievable.
It's pathetic.
So now $5 trillion, I believe, is the number.
I think it's in the last... It's definitely the last year, but maybe even the last six months.
$5 trillion in stimulus money.
$5 trillion.
It's like 25% of our national debt.
You don't get any of that money, by the way.
Most of it goes to foreign nations to stop climate change.
Or, what we're finding out too is, it's all going to the Democrat Party.
Not even kidding you, they're literally paying themselves off.
It's unbelievable.
And they're covering their own deficits and their own budget losses in California, in Illinois, and New York to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.
So, congratulations America!
You have just been stolen from, once again... Guys, when was... Go to the store here.
I knew it was $5 trillion, but see if they put how many months of a timetable here, now that it's official.
Um, I believe it's the last six months, but it's less than a year.
Okay, so that's all we need to know.
So, five trillion dollars from a fake pandemic.
Boy, do they rob us so good.
I mean, this is, this is big.
This is such, this is a three Monty.
This is the shell game, but like on the most elite criminal financial theft level that you could imagine.
So you've just been three card monte'd.
You've just been shell gamed by our politicians.
They just bent you over and raped you financially.
We're such a joke, man.
Our politicians are such a joke.
You guys are pathetic.
And Biden doesn't even know what the hell's going on.
So I mean, you know, that's good.
The president's lost in a world that doesn't exist.
His dogs are biting people.
He's biting people.
Like master, like dog, I suppose.
Biden bites his wife during campaign events just out of nowhere.
I mean, he's just totally lost it.
So his dogs are just biting people now, too.
Gropey Uncle Joe.
I guess his dogs thought they could take a note from Joe and just bite and sniff whoever the hell they want.
But you hate to blame the dogs.
So it's just incredible.
Five trillion dollars, ladies and gentlemen, for a fake pandemic.
We've been robbed.
We've been had.
We've been duped.
How can we stand for this?
How can we let this happen?
Yeah, by the way, there's Joe.
Folks, I'm not In DC, and I'm certainly not behind the scenes, and I was thinking about this last night.
I listened to Dan Bongino.
He's former Secret Service.
And there's some CIA people like Buck Sexton.
He has a podcast.
And we've had people that reach out to us at Infowars.
I've met people.
I mean, it's no secret who we are in DC.
I'll just leave it at that.
But here's what I'm telling you.
We are reaching a breaking point right now where It's not just going to be maybe a Secret Service member leaked some intelligence to a news organization or, you know, to an old buddy of his that has a podcast or anything like that.
This Biden debacle is getting so bad, we may reach a breaking point within the Secret Service, folks.
I'm telling you, it is really bad.
And the Secret Service, by the way, and the military, this is consistently happening.
Refuses to shake Joe Biden's hand.
Refuses to salute when they walk around the White House.
So there's definitely disdain there.
Joe Biden already had a bad reputation within the Secret Service and other institutions.
Remember, they used to have, Secret Service used to have, you know, birthday parties.
They'd invite all the agents.
Some politicians would be there.
Sometimes it'd be hosted in D.C.
They had to cancel those events during the Obama years because Biden would show up and grope people's wives.
I'm not even kidding you.
So there was already that disdain.
But folks, it's getting so bad now.
And again, I'm... Well, let me just tell you.
There are people definitely inside the White House that are trying to get information out to the public.
But that are loyal to their duties, and so it's a tough position to be in.
But it's getting so bad right now with Joe Biden.
There may be a breaking point, folks.
There may be a breaking point soon.
He's wandering around the White House.
He doesn't even know where he is.
He's getting confused because during the Obama years, and this is an odd story too, by the way.
During the Obama years, Joe Biden was never actually allowed in the presidential residence.
So I'm not sure all the exact layouts, but basically, you know, there's the presidential residence over here.
And Biden was apparently never allowed there by Obama for whatever reason.
I don't know.
Obama never let him up there.
So he'd never been there before.
So Biden keeps getting confused.
He keeps going to the other areas.
He keeps going to the Vice President's office.
He keeps refusing to go into the President's quarters because he was banned there for eight years by Obama.
And so, when it got really bad with Hillary Clinton falling over and her health, let's just say people on the inside got intelligence out and that's how we were able to get Hillary Clinton falling over and the ambulances following her around and her canceling events because she couldn't get out of bed.
It is virtually the same thing happening with Biden right now, but it's worse because he's actually the president.
And a lot of these people in the White House are either veterans or within Secret Service could be veterans.
I mean, folks, the Biden administration is starting wars all over the world right now.
Yemen is getting bombed into oblivion with the Biden grace.
The Secretary of Defense said that we're going to bomb Iran.
We've bombed Syria to what ends?
Nobody knows what the hell is going on.
Biden is not even the president, folks.
Nancy Pelosi is the acting president and Kamala Harris is essentially doing all foreign relations right now.
And so there's more coming up in that.
But see, I've already digressed.
Biden was never elected.
And it's going to get so bad that there's going to be a breaking point.
And so I don't know what they're going to do about this.
This fake president?
This zombie president?
And I'm gonna double back to this story, but let me just show you more proof of the total fraud that we're being forced to believe right here from Biden.
The Huffington Post Twitter account has over 11 million followers, okay?
The Huffington Post Twitter account, over 11 million followers.
They put out a tweet yesterday Eight retweets, six quote tweets, and 45 likes.
Now how the hell, with 11 million followers, actually closer to 12 million I think, with tens of millions of followers, do you only get that much interaction and engagement?
Now the story they put out was about Harry and Meghan, so is it the lack of popularity from them?
Or is it all their followers are fake, just like everything else the liberal left engages in?
Total shenanigans, total fraud, total fakery.
I believe it's probably a bit of both, but even just through osmosis having 11 million followers, you should be getting hundreds of retweets.
They didn't even get 10, folks.
Biden can't even get a thousand people to tune into his live addresses.
Oh yeah, you're in the twilight zone, alright.
Except it's real life.
In a world Where liberals say that carbon emissions are killing the planet, at the same time they ask you to breathe in your carbon emissions 24-7.
In a world where Democrats launch violent, vitriolic campaigns, causing billions of dollars in property damage, and yet are arresting their political dissidents for violence.
This is the Twilight Zone.
In a world where Democrats called an election rigged for four straight years, now we'll censor anybody who says that the 2020 election was rigged.
This is the Twilight Zone.
So, Josh Hawley just put out a statement on the border crisis, and you know it's funny because the Biden campaign says there is no border crisis, even though they're now putting kids in cages.
And you have three times as many illegal border crossings at this point of 2021 than you did of 2020.
Many coming in with COVID, which apparently is like the deadliest thing, according to the Democrats, too.
But not when it's an illegal immigrant, I suppose.
But even Biden, who doesn't even know where he is half the time or remember the last time he brushed his teeth or what he had for breakfast, Yesterday, when the media was trying to get Biden to answer the first question he would have ever answered since being elected supposedly, of course he never was,
And so they're saying, what about the crisis at the border as he's leaving that hardware store yesterday?
And Biden's handlers are all trying to shuffle the media out and drown them out from asking questions.
Because Biden, he's not really with it.
So he still kind of responds.
I mean, he still has his senses about him.
So he hears someone yell out, hey, what about the border crisis?
And he goes, I'm not even kidding you.
I mean, I could have the crew pull up the clip.
I just didn't plan on talking about this.
Until I saw Josh Hawley's statement from today that was just released on the border crisis with all the human trafficking happening there and the rape of children that Biden says isn't a crisis.
Yeah, children being raped isn't a crisis, according to the Biden White House.
Well, he may be in on it.
You never know.
But he's leaving and he says, oh, there's no crisis at the border.
And he says, what are we going to do?
And he goes, well, we'll be able to take care of it, God willing.
Oh, there's no crisis, but God willing, you know, we need God's help, though.
And how come they haven't cancelled Biden for his Catholic faith?
Maybe that's why they cancelled Biden.
You know, I was talking in the break with some of the crew here, like, what are they going to do to get Biden out of there?
They can't cover up that he can't even think or talk.
He can't do a press conference.
And he's a white male.
So what is the twist going to be?
Because they can't let Biden actually fade away to expose how the whole thing was fake and how he really can't think or talk.
There's going to have to be some twist.
There's going to have to be some twist.
What will that twist be, I wonder?
Oh, he's gonna have the grand step aside as a white man to give it to the black woman?
Maybe he just dies?
What is going to be that twist so that they can still control the Biden narrative and not expose that they put a guy in office illegally who can't think, can't talk, Refuses to do press conferences.
What will the twist be?
But here are some of the latest that we have right now in the election theft.
New Hampshire House Election Law Committee to vote today on SB 43 and forensic audits of Wyndham's voting machines.
And then that link Is at the Gateway Pundit.
So my guess is that will be passed.
And they'll audit it and it'll turn out they probably stole New Hampshire too.
And those two electoral votes from Trump.
Same thing will probably happen in Arizona.
It won't matter though, they already certified the fake election.
Wisconsin lawmakers to hold general election review hearing on Wednesday.
Following news the Democrat operatives given keys to absentee ballot counting room
All the election right in front of your face man, oh Oh, I'm sorry.
I just... Yeah.
Yeah, Biden won, guys.
They just, you know, they just cheated 17,000 different ways.
I'm sorry, it's just such a joke.
I mean, it's not really a joke that we're going under global tyranny and that we don't even have an election anymore, but I mean, it is kind of a joke when they're giving themselves the keys to the absentee ballot counting group, when they're faking fires and faking water main breaks.
I mean, they're bringing in truckloads of ballots.
It's all on tape!
Trump loads of ballots!
They're shredding ballots before audits can happen.
They're overturning in the digital systems, flipping votes from Trump to Biden.
That came out in an Antrim County, Michigan audit.
I mean, it's just hilarious.
It's not hilarious because it's tyranny, but it's hilarious.
I mean, they're doing it.
I mean, you know, it's like, it's like in a, it's like in a ridiculous cartoon, you know, with Wile E. Coyote, he gets blown up every scene.
It's like, whoa, you know, obviously a guy can't get blown up every scene, but that's why it's funny.
It's like, well, they can't steal an election right in front of everybody's face, changing the laws illegally, flipping votes digitally with the voting systems, bringing in all the mail-in ballots and they didn't have enough, bringing in truckloads more, Trump winning in six states all day long until the wee hours of the night when Biden gets the perfect amount of votes.
They couldn't actually do that!
No, they did!
Yeah, Wile E. Coyote blew up 17 times in one episode with the Roadrunner, guys!
Wile E. Coyote had an anvil fall on his head, okay, and he was able to fight another round.
Wile E. Coyote had 12 sticks of dynamite blow up in his hands, and he was still able to chase down that roadrunner the next day.
Yeah, folks, Biden, who didn't campaign, couldn't debate, Didn't even win any of the national polls when it came to the debates and popularity contests.
Yeah, guys, he won the election alright, and he can't take a single question from the press.
Well, because there's national crises going on, even though that's exactly when the president talks to the press and the nation.
Man, oh man.
I am living in a Looney Tunes Twilight Zone.
Mixture here.
Spinning around into a beautiful oblivion.
My goodness.
And you know it's sad because, but they really have conditioned these liberals to just Love their slavery, haven't they?
Having pro-mask rallies in Austin, Texas.
I believe that video, banned video, has over a quarter million views now.
If I was still allowed on YouTube, that hour-long video of me at the pro-mask rally in Austin would have five million views by now.
But see, they don't want the left to be exposed.
They don't want people to know that Americans still exist and are still fighting.
So they ban me.
So that's great, we've got 280,000 views on our own platform of banned out video that we overwhelm with our own content anyway.
But we all know if this video was allowed on YouTube it'd have 5 million views right now.
And it'd actually be affecting culture again.
I can't even go out anymore without getting recognized and it's a lot of young kids.
College high school kids.
Which is like the demographic I want.
That's why I like the three to six drive.
That's when I fell in love with talk radio.
It was just after school every day.
I'd literally pump it right into my ears immediately.
But they all watch the videos of me in the street.
They don't even know that I host a three hour show.
So they can't have that content getting out.
But it's still at Band.Video.
But boy oh boy, they really have got the left to love their slavery, haven't they?
Boy, oh boy, have they.
And now what's going on?
So again, I told you, I was the first to report it.
Nancy Pelosi is the acting president.
And Kamala Harris is basically the communications hub for the White House and foreign diplomatic conversations.
So another story out, it's every day.
Kamala Harris takes another call with a foreign leader.
No, Kamala Harris is taking all the calls with the former leaders.
And folks, here's what happens.
I'm not even kidding you.
We have all these phone calls scheduled to foreign nations, they get it dialed up, they get Kamala on the phone, they hi this Kamala Harris, and the former leaders say, who?
Who is Vice President Kamala Harris?
I'm sorry, who?
So, we have a president who's not president, and we have a vice president who foreign leaders don't even know who she is, but she's making the phone call.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I received some bad news during the break.
It turns out that Both my grandparents voted for Joe Biden in the last election.
So, needless to say, I'm not going to be visiting their gravesites anymore.
For that one.
Alright, I stole that joke, but I thought it was funny, so I say it here on air.
So, the stimulus bill just got signed.
We're starting to learn more about it.
Some of the numbers, the Democrat theft that it is.
Less than 9% of the $2 trillion is actually going to COVID relief.
The COVID relief bill, and 91% is not for COVID relief.
Don't you love these lying politicians?
Don't you love these criminal politicians boxed in under martial law?
By the way, this is incredible.
Jay Dyer, he was my source for this.
I'm not sure if he was the original source, but he put this on his Twitter account.
Jay Dyer, sometimes guest hosting the Alex Jones Show, been a guest here.
If you search into Google, mass shootings surge, You'll find all these headlines saying the exact same thing.
Mass shootings, and it's literally all Democrat-run publications.
I mean, is this AI?
Is this active misinformation?
What's going on?
Mass shooting surge in Florida as nation faces record high.
Mass shooting surge in Tennessee as nation faces record high.
Mass shooting surge in Wisconsin as nation faces record high.
Mass shooting surge in South Carolina as nation faces record high.
Mass shooting surge in Pennsylvania as nation faces record high.
Folks, I'm not kidding.
It goes on.
Mass shooting surge in New York as nation faces record high.
Mass shooting surge in Ohio as nation faces record high.
What is going on?
Now remember, again, is it AI or is it Democrat misinformation by design?
But remember, I'm struggling and the crew is here, there'll be somebody in here who probably has a better memory of this than I, but we covered it on air.
It's a team effort here a lot.
Guys, remember, what was it that you plugged into Google and it was like, if you put any three digits into Google and then COVID cases, I think that's what it was.
Maybe one of the crew will correct me, but I think it's, you could put any three digits, any three digits into the Google search, and then COVID cases, and it's all, like, it always shows up, that exact number.
So, yeah, so that's it.
So somehow, there's magically a thousand stories out there for every number Literally, we're doing it right now on air.
There's a thousand stories out there for every number and new cases.
Folks, I'm telling you, I don't know if this is intentional misinformation, I don't know if this is AI misinformation, but there you go.
We're doing it live on air for you right now.
We have the screenshot of the search result from mass shooting search.
This is how fake news works.
And they use this to accomplish their goals.
Yeah, we're doing it right here.
There we go.
We're executing this right here, live on air.
Mass shooting surge in North Carolina.
So they have one for every state.
So they have one for every state mass shooting surge, and they have one for every number of COVID cases.
Now you tell me how that happens.
No one else but InfoWars, ladies and gentlemen.
That's amazing.
I don't know how you, uh...
Don't know how you respond to that!
That's pretty crazy right there, isn't it?
Should I go more crazy or should I dial it back?
What do you think?
Go more crazy?
Guys, what do you think?
Should I go next level crazy or should we dial it back?
We're going next level.
Everyone wants next level crazy.
Alright, let's go next level crazy then.
I forgot about that one too!
Okay, we're going next level and then next level crazy.
You're going to get a double bonus of crazy right here.
So again, this is an old story.
I'm not into the beings or whatever of the royal family, but this is a national phenomenon and there's obviously something going on with this briefcase model, Meghan Markle.
This is new to me.
Again, I've never gone down these rabbit holes until this news was going viral the last two days and the crew brought this in.
So, apparently there's a man who claimed he was the real Prince Harry, who was shot up to death, and the police reports are saying it was at least three guys with pistols, so a murder, obviously.
This guy claims he was the real Prince Harry.
And he was murdered in a hotel room by multiple men for unbeknownst reasons.
So you can see how the conspiracy theories would start to go there.
So, man who's claiming to be the real Prince Harry, found dead, shot to death.
Again, this is just rabbit hole stuff.
I'm not saying I believe this.
Quite frankly, I don't care about the royal family.
But it's interesting.
And I also found that there were stories... I mean, it's kind of QAnon level stuff, but there's actual video of this.
And again, I'm not reporting this to be true, I'm just telling you some of the stuff that's going on out there with this Markle-Harry stuff, the briefcase model, and I guess the fake Prince, the cuck, the Prince of Cucks, that Meghan Markle actually was never pregnant.
And it's one of those things like where you have Michelle Obama dancing on the set of Ellen DeGeneres and you can clearly see what looks like two ping pong balls flopping up and down in her dress.
So I don't know if, I don't know if Michelle, maybe Michelle Obama likes to put a couple rocks, you know, in her crotchal region.
Maybe she's into that thing.
I don't know.
Maybe there's something involved with that.
But, but it's kind of like that and they have these pictures of Meghan Markle where she's pregnant and then, and she's in the same outfit, same day, same place, and then all of a sudden her baby bump is gone.
And then there's other things where they see, as you can see, the fake baby bump falls down her leg.
Again, I'm not saying it's true, I'm just saying this is out there, but... So this is all crazy.
And now she goes on Oprah, and you have a billionaire and a couple of millionaires complaining to be victims.
Now, they have cancelled Piers Morgan for saying he doesn't believe Meghan Markle on the Good Morning Britain show.
Says he doesn't believe she was suicidal, doesn't believe any of her depression stories.
I wouldn't either.
This is a woman who goes on Oprah and says, I gave up my career!
Yeah, there's what I was talking about with the fake baby thing.
Again, I'm not saying this is real, folks.
I'm just telling you what's going on.
It's very strange.
It's all weird.
None of it makes sense.
So, I understand why people don't believe anything these days.
But I don't believe Meghan Markle either.
But Piers Morgan isn't allowed to say that.
He gets cancelled.
He gets taken off the air for calling out the big lie.
So that, to me, tells a big story here.
She is lying.
Now, if she'll lie about that, what else will she lie about?
See how that works?
That's why you have to watch out for these people.
They lie about pandemics.
They lie about weapons of mass destruction.
They lie about everything.
And so, Piers Morgan responds.
He says, free speech is a hill I'm happy to die on.
Well, good for you, Piers Morgan.
One of the true liberals left that'll actually talk and have a sane thought in his head.
But he's being investigated for his comments.
I mean, I've never seen a more spoiled rotten brat than Meghan Markle in my life.
And she goes on Oprah and she says, I gave up my career to be a part of this family.
Woman, you are a briefcase model!
A briefcase model!
On a game show!
What a sacrifice!
Oh my gosh!
Woe is Meghan Markle!
She gave up being a briefcase model to be a princess!
A duchess!
What a sacrifice!
How did she do it?
Give her a Nobel Peace Prize!
Going from television briefcase model to princess.
What a sacrifice she made.
And now of course she's destroyed the royal family.
But you know what?
I will say.
I wasn't really aware of this.
I did a little more research into this, but it's an odd thing.
So apparently they claim, this was before my time, that Yoko Ono broke up the Beatles.
Or they blame Yoko Ono for breaking up the Beatles.
I mean, is that an accurate cultural thing?
Is that actually how it went down?
I don't even know if you would say so.
Some of the crew here is older than me.
So, apparently, yeah, there's Meghan Markle, the briefcase model.
Gave it all up, folks.
She gave it all up to be a princess.
Must be tough.
Yeah, every princess wishes they could be a briefcase model.
But so they claim Yoko Ono broke up the Beatles.
And you know, I was thinking about this.
And so the meme is, Yoko Ono, I broke up the Beatles, Meghan Markle, hold my beer, I'll break up the royal family.
You know, I was thinking about this.
Even if Meghan Markle is a bad character, maybe it's a good thing that she's doing this.
Maybe it was a... This is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way.
Maybe it was a good thing Yoko Ono broke up the Beatles.
It's sad that John Lennon, who's just like a real dude, liked to go around New York City without security, get shot in the street.
But you know what?
Maybe it's a good thing that that selfish brat who gave it all up being a briefcase model is destroying the royal family.
We didn't go full Next Level that last segment, but we still will, ladies and gentlemen.
Into the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show we go.
Owen Schroer is still with you.
We're waiting to be rejoined by Alex.
We're hoping he can make it on before the conclusion of this transmission, but be on the lookout for Alex on the war room.
Tom Papert filling in for me on the host duties there.
Okay, a little fun about the former briefcase model who gave it all up to be a princess.
We admire her for her sacrifice.
A joke here.
Guys, I need this on screen.
This is funny stuff.
So Meghan Markle had a nice dress on during the Oprah Winfrey interview and she wanted to thank Monica Lewinsky for letting her borrow her dress.
Uh, as you can see there, um, so, uh, she wanted to thank Monica Lewinsky for allowing her to borrow the dress that she wore in the Oval Office, uh, when Bill rubbed off on her.
Rubbed one off on her.
Excuse me.
And put a cigar where the sun don't shine.
Okay, so that's just a joke, though.
Bill Clinton's really a good guy.
He loves women.
Next, it's National Women's Month right now.
There's Meghan Markle, the career briefcase model who gave it all up to be a princess, a big sacrifice.
It is National Women's Day, so Bill Clinton has to be locked into a cage to make sure he's not, you know, overly celebrating women, as we know he likes to do.
This is wild, out of Japan.
I'm not really sure how I feel about this guy.
I think I kind of like him.
But his opponent is the real deal for sure.
Japanese candidate discusses platform dressed as the Joker.
So he's got this whole act, he's the Joker, and it is just a big act.
But he doesn't seem to be really necessarily negative.
He seems just kind of wanting to just be part of the craziness, part of the chaos, in the true Joker fashion.
Um, interestingly enough, not the guy who's dressed as the Joker running to be the governor of Chiba Prefecture in Japan, but his opponent is the real deal.
So the crazy Joker guy is one story that will catch your eye, but his opponent is the real deal.
Funny enough, um, they don't even, I guess they don't even mention his name.
Oh no, there it is.
Masayaki Hiro...
I'm sorry if I'm butchering that.
He's running as well, and he says, COVID is just the cold and vaccines are dangerous.
There's the guy you want to be your governor right there.
That guy will promote freedom.
Not the guy dressed like the Joker.
Not really sure where that goes.
Other than total insanity.
That'd be fitting for the times, I suppose.
Fitting for the times.
Okay, a couple of headlines here.
I'm going to be able to get through all this news so I can open up the phone lines at the conclusion of this break coming up.
Big news from the Biden campaign.
Biden says the military will focus on making maternity flight suits.
Yeah, that was where he forgot his own Secretary of Defense's name.
He forgot the name of the Pentagon.
He forgot his own name.
But that's right, because pregnant women love being blasted off at what, like 100 G's into space, right?
I mean, that's what's happening here, right, is pregnant women are dying to get blasted into space.
The vacuum of space for their kid to have plenty of oxygen and, you know, eat food.
Or maybe that's the... Oh!
They missed it.
They missed the story here.
This is actually extremely bigoted and misogynistic to say that we need maternity flight suits.
But what about fraternity flight suits for pregnant men?
You didn't think about that one, did you?
Remember, that was a serious thing.
During the Democrat campaigning for president, they said that men can get pregnant.
That's a serious thing for them.
So as a man that would like to get pregnant someday and be inducted into the Women's Hall of Fame like Michelle Obama, Big Mike, I would like a flight suit catered to my pregnant belly.
So this is bigoted.
It doesn't matter that no pregnant woman in their sane mind would get blasted off into space in a rocket ship.
We better have that pregnancy suit for women, and we better have it for men, too, dammit!
So they've passed the $2 trillion stimulus bill.
That makes it over $5 trillion in less than a year.
That'll hyperinflate us and crash our economy.
All because a virus came to your door and said, shut it down.
Oh wait, no, that was the politicians.
Never mind, that was... Fout it!
That was so cheap!
And more is coming out.
Billions of dollars for Democrats.
Millions of dollars for Planned Parenthood.
It's just a total theft of your money.
Less than 10% actually goes to COVID relief.
And you know what?
I'll make a bold statement.
You won't even get your stimulus check.
You won't even get a stimulus check.
But good!
You shouldn't anyway.
And that'll just piss people off at Biden even more.
Also, this is breaking.
Merrick Garland has just been confirmed as the U.S.
Attorney General.
That dumbass.
You remember that dumbass?
Remember when he was being asked questions about the border crossings and other such things and he literally just couldn't even answer the question?
He's like, oh, I don't know.
Do you support... Josh Howell was like, do you think the border crossing is illegal?
He's like, well, I don't know.
That's your Attorney General, a nitwit, a moron.
We are being dominated and ruled by idiots and criminals!
Oh, we're going to get $1,400 on Friday, says the White House.
Yeah, let's see about that.
Let's see about that.
But it won't even be every American.
And they're going to take your tax return from 2019 before they shut down the economy and say, what was the cutoff, I think $75,000 or something?
And they're gonna say, oh, oh, you made more than $75,000 in 2019, so you don't qualify.
Well, that's what's about to happen.
Meanwhile, the Democrats pushing for more war.
Senator Bob Menendez, Democrat, urges Biden administration to not remove troops from Afghanistan.
What a punk!
Why don't you take your fat ass to Afghanistan, you Democrat punk?
Who wants Americans to die and rot overseas?
You sick, sadistic son of a bitch!
Sending our troops to die at war when you wouldn't sacrifice your pinky finger?
I'm sick of these politicians!
Every damn American that's red-blooded wants the troops home, except our politicians that make millions of dollars on their Raytheon stocks.
Millions of dollars on their Lockheed stocks.
Their Boeing stocks, they're not so sure about now.
You know, Boeing got all woke, now their engines are blowing up.
With the new woke Southwest Airlines and everything else.
What a sick punk!
What a sick punk jerk that doesn't want to bring the troops home.
Bob Menendez from New Jersey.
A total scum.
Meanwhile... This is crazy.
Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan ask House Judiciary to probe conservatorships, citing Free Britney.
Britney Spears back in the mainstream.
Craziness here.
I've got a couple more headlines I want to cover.
Real quick.
Phone number, I'm going to open up the phone lines for the fourth hour here.
Anything we've discussed is fair game, but certainly, I mean, you can comment on the mask mandate being lifted, but the liberals still loving it.
You can talk about the stimulus bill that is ripping us off and robbing us dry.
You can talk about Biden can't think, can't talk.
What are they going to do to get him out of office?
Are they going to continue to have him there without doing any press conferences and fading right in front of us?
Anything we've covered today is fair game.
And remember, everything we do is only possible with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
That's InfoWarsStore.com.
We still have free shipping storewide for three more days.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion back in stock, 50% off at InfoWarsStore.com.
Continue to shop with the good guys.
Keep us on air.
We can't thank you enough, but don't take InfoWars for granted, folks, and don't take our products for granted either.
Any day they can come shut us down.
Believe me, it's in their playbook.
But with the support of God and your prayers and your financial support at InfoWarsStore.com, we will remain steadfast in this fight.
All right.
Let me take a deep breath.
Bring it down.
The engines are overheating.
We've been going, we've been pushing 200 miles per hour here.
We're going to cool off the jets, cool off the engines, take a deep breath.
We're going to take your phone calls coming up for the rest of the broadcast.
Now here's an interesting thing.
I'd like the crew to humor me here, if you would please.
Crew, get your fingers ready, because I wanted to do this live on air.
So, apparently the last three mayors of Baltimore have all been caught committing crimes.
So guys, just go ahead and plug in Sheila Dixon, stealing from the poor, and let's just pull up those stories.
I just want to document this in live time.
So somebody pull up Sheila Dixon, convicted stealing from the poor.
And then somebody pull up Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, advocated for Baltimore riots.
And then pull up Catherine Pugh, raided by the FBI for taking bribes.
So the last three mayors of Baltimore have all resigned because of their scams that they've run.
And so we're just pulling it all up right now, it's all true.
So now, guys, Can I, uh, are you noticing something here?
All of them have something in common.
Are you guys seeing this?
I'm just, I'm just, am I allowed to say all of them have something in common?
Sheila Dixon, Stephanie Blake, and Catherine Pugh all have something in common.
They're black!
Oh, wait, oh, sorry, I'm not supposed to say that, my bad.
They're women!
Oh, wait, no, wait, sorry.
No, no, no, you can't say that either.
No, but what is the actual story here?
They're all Democrats.
Doesn't matter the color of a Democrat's skin.
Doesn't matter whatever gender the Democrat claims they are.
They're all liars.
They're all conmen.
They're all thieves.
And the only Democrats that have any integrity left are leaving the Democrat Party quickly, like Vernon Jones.
So yeah, you want to know why your inner cities that are mostly black, like Baltimore, are falling apart at the seams?
Democrat Party leadership.
Democrat Party leadership.
And the problem is, they always get bailed out by the federal government.
And now, this latest COVID relief bill has done just that for New York, for Illinois, for California.
Your money.
Is now paying for New York, California, and Illinois to be so deep in debt and have a failing economy, your tax dollars, which of course aren't your tax dollars anymore.
They just print money.
So why can't I print money?
Why does the government get to just print money out of hand, but I don't?
And then I have to pay them money to print money.
It's all backwards.
More evidence of the total election theft that was.
Nobody voted for Biden.
Mainstream web traffic slumped after Trump left the White House.
Yeah, and again, there are nobody, there's nobody that you can cite that's left the Republican Party or the Trump support to go Democrat.
There's not a single one, you can't find it.
But there's entire movements based on people leaving the left, leaving the Democrat Party.
Whether it's the walk away movement, or Blexit, or any of the other ones.
And now all the traffic that would normally be there because of Trump support is all gone.
Nobody cares about Biden.
None of Biden's White House videos even get a million views.
And that's including his inauguration video.
He does live streams every day.
They don't even get a thousand people to tune in.
He's a fake president.
He's an ineffectual president.
A false president that they installed in there with their massive election theft campaign of 2020.
And all the proof is in the pudding.
Biden didn't campaign.
Nobody showed up to his events.
There's zero interest in a Biden event.
Trump, meanwhile, had the biggest rallies ever in political history, even during the fake pandemic that they tried to cancel all of his events.
Still happened.
Biden couldn't debate.
Biden can't do press conferences.
Biden doesn't know where he is.
He doesn't remember the name of his defense secretary.
He can't even remember the name of the Pentagon.
Remember, he forgot the name of Obama.
He even forgot Barack Obama's name.
His dogs are out of control, running around biting security.
And there's zero public interest, there's zero public support.
We're having everything stolen from us right now, ladies and gentlemen.
Alright, I've been railroaded here.
We're not taking calls, I'm told, so I apologize if people are trying to call in.
We're not taking phone calls.
But, we are waiting to be rejoined by Alex Jones here, coming up shortly on the Alex Jones Show, and he'll be sticking around, hosting some of the War Room as well with Tom Pappert live from The great grocery store there in Florida, Oats Seed to Table, where it's a revolutionary act to promote freedom and freedom of choice and breathe air.
Yes, it's a revolutionary act down there apparently.
And it is interesting as you're watching the live stream there where Alex will be joining us momentarily.
Some people are still wearing their masks, and that's fine.
Others are not.
The workers are not.
But we're about to really face this dichotomy now in Texas.
And it's going to be happening at a political level, and it's going to be happening at just a street level as well, where Abbott, with an unelected doctor, say that, no, you have to wear the mask forever, Austin.
You're not free.
I don't know anybody that likes Adler, by the way.
It's kind of like a Biden deal.
Somehow gets in office, but nobody votes for him.
But he says, no, you're going to have to wear the mask forever.
And I've got this doctor here that you've never heard of and you never elected, but he's now in charge of you.
He's now in charge of you and your life and your body.
So wear the mask.
Even though Texas just said, no, we're not wearing the mask.
But don't worry, they're going to pass Texas HB3 and they'll force you to take a vaccine and wear a mask eventually anyway.
So just be ready for that.
They'll pass that tomorrow is my guess.
I pray they don't, but it will be introduced tomorrow.
But you're going to see now, and I already saw it this morning, just running some errands, and I'm going to be doing more observation tonight and over the course of the rest of this week and weekend.
Are people going to comply with the alien takeover, put the face mask on, breathe their own carbon emissions?
Or are they going to embrace freedom here in Austin, Texas?
But see, the pressure, I think people are over Adler and nobody likes the guy.
So it's not going to be Adler that puts on the pressure.
It's going to be liberals, okay?
That's who it's going to be.
And, um... Well, I'll just say this.
Where I go work out, it's been a struggle because everyone hates the masks, but They have Democrats that work out at this gym, and whenever they see somebody not wearing a mask, they call corporate, and they go complain to the general manager.
I'm not kidding you.
In fact, I mean, I'll just say it.
I just don't want to give away too many details.
I mean, we got a group up there, we play basketball regularly.
And folks, I'm not even kidding you.
It started up about two or three months ago, whenever they reopened the courts and were letting guys play.
And we would go out there and we'd be playing ball and it would always be women.
And they'd come into the gym and they would start filming us.
And so nobody really knew what was going on.
I always have the instinct as, oh, is somebody trying to dox me or say this is where he works out, come attack him.
Or is this somebody who just wants to be like, hey, look, guys are playing ball at the gym or, you know, I don't know.
But it kept happening over and over.
And then we caught on.
Because after it happened, every time a general manager or a worker would come over and either shut us down or tell us to put masks on.
And so then we put two and two together.
So liberal Democrats would see guys in it.
This is a totally separate building, by the way.
Doors, everything.
And they would come into the gym To film us playing basketball and then they would send the video to corporate and show the video to the front desk and say, look, they're not wearing masks.
Oh, but you're such a, you're so afraid you come into the different building where we're at.
And so there was a little pushback, a little back and forth.
We won in the long run.
But still to this day, every time we're in there playing basketball, by the way, running up and down the court, the CDC even says not to wear a mask while you're working out.
It's, you know, because breathing in your own carbon dioxide emissions are bad, and you need increased oxygen levels when you have heavy exercise and your heart is pumping the blood.
It's science, but you know, don't tell the Democrats.
Still to this day, Every time we play ball, somebody comes in and films us so they can complain to corporate.
That's how pathetic our liberal counterparts are.
See, these people are totalitarians.
It was never about a virus.
It was never about a face mask.
It was never about saving grandma or this or that or the other thing.
It was always about control.
It was always about forcing their will on you and forcing you to join their cult.
That's what it's always been about.
That's what it's always going to be about.
And that's why the average liberal is the most dishonest, faux intellectual person that you will ever meet in your life.
And yeah, I'll sit here and say it.
Not all.
Of course not all.
I have friends that are liberals.
They'll have real conversations.
We'll disagree on stuff, and that's fine.
Not these people.
Not the people in the liberal death cult.
Walking around wearing two masks, three masks now, because it's all a virtue signal.
And so I saw it in Austin today.
Oh, the libs are wearing their masks.
They're wearing three masks, four masks, and they have their chest pumped out because they're making their statement.
They're making their statement now, and then some fat ass will come up to you weighing 400 pounds and tell you, you're making things dangerous for me.
Hey, here's an idea, go run a lap.
Oh, and it comes out, I mean, think about it.
Yeah, the science, let me tell you about the science.
The data, let me tell you about the data.
Over 70% of COVID deaths Came from people who were obese.
Over 70% of COVID deaths had comorbidities.
So folks, it's literally people showing up weighing 400 pounds with cancer that die, and they say it's COVID.
It's a blanket statement, but it's diabetes, it's cancer, it's old age, it's all this other stuff,
and they just say, "Oh, it's COVID."
Yeah, you're 400 pounds, and your body has to heat up and fight a virus,
and your white blood cells are basically worthless because you're so unhealthy.
Yeah, that virus could kill ya!
Especially if you don't get your right vitamin D, vitamin E, and the rest of it.
But hey, don't let that get in the way of a good Democrat tyrannical takeover.
So I'm really looking forward to all the libtards that are going to be telling me to wear a mask.
I'm telling you, because now they're making their statement.
I'm now going to be making my statement.
I've been, I mean, I've posted videos of some confrontations I've had, but for the most part, I've not wanted to be too confrontational.
I'll wear it to walk in and then pull it down and then nobody says anything to me.
I'm not even going to give them that anymore.
And they will be hearing from me if they want to get in my face about a mask.
And by the way, you know, that one, there was a video from, I think it was New Jersey, this one girl who gets in an Uber car, and she got a little physical with him, probably a mistake, which she did admit to, but you know what?
She had a little follow-up to that, and you know what?
She's actually, she's kind of right.
I mean, I feel bad for the driver, he gets coughed in the face, but it's a fake pandemic anyway, but the girl made a point, I mean, he wanted to drop her off in the middle of a road, and then talk about a mask.
Well, I tell you, A lot of the folks at this packed grocery store can't hear the music we're piping, but they can hear my voice.
I'm listening to Andy Griffith and the theme song from the Andy Griffith Show.
And let me tell you, Oak Farm's Seed to the Table is as close to Mayberry RFB as you can get.
People aren't wearing the cult mask in here.
People are awake.
They know what's going on.
And America is popular.
And I am so proud of Texas and the people of Texas.
There's a lot of the great people around the country, whether they're from New Jersey or Even California has a lot of good people.
But I gotta give credit where credit's due.
Florida, with its people and its governor, has been, and people like Matt Gaetz, Florida is the first to make it criminal for big tech to censor people now they're taking action.
Florida is the first to come out and say the mask are garbage.
Florida is the first this whole damn time to be bucking the system.
And now your governor is continuing to lead the way.
And so I just want to say that we salute Florida.
And as soon as our fake Texas governor, Greg Abbott, saw all the incredible things that DeSantis and others are doing here, he began to file a suit.
And his approval rating went back up, by the way.
So who knew?
Freedom was popular.
I was just listening to Owen Troyer, my great co-host of my show, the Alex Jones Show.
He's the main host of The War Room.
He was talking about now the leftists are wearing three or four masks.
They're doing it all over L.A., all over New York, all over Austin, Texas.
So, a lot of the New Yorkers are fleeing, collapsing New York, but they're actually trying to leave what made New York bad.
Californians, for some reason, are bringing all their problems to Texas and acting just like they did there.
What is their problem?
Owen Schroeder, I've got a lot to cover here today, a lot to go over with you.
Alfie Oaks is going to be here a little bit later, probably in the last hour or less.
I'm going to do a tour here, but I had to come see this piece of Americana.
I know you're a big fan of it.
I know you've checked it out.
I know that some of the other crew has checked it out, and they're big fans.
I tell you, this needs to be duplicated all over the country, and it's starting to, as people don to the fact that they're never going to take the mask off.
It's a symbol of humans being evil and world government in the Great Reset.
And almost nobody I see, even now in Naples, is wearing the damn things, except for some of the Tourists that are visiting and they're getting deprogrammed really, really quickly.
But I want to warn everybody, there are real viruses that will kill you better than a hammer.
And I'm not even the healthiest because I work around the clock and do a lot of stuff.
But I know how to be healthy and I know why I never really get sick.
And that is vitamins and minerals that you get from fresh fruit and vegetables and also from supplementation.
So we don't want people to think Uh, you know, although there isn't issues, but like Owen was saying, if you're obese and I'm starting to get there just from the stress, I'll lose weight, don't worry.
That puts you up there, but if you don't have vitamins and minerals, you're a dead duck.
That's the number one thing, but they don't want you to know that.
All these Antifa folks that look like they've been hiding in a cave somewhere for 10,000 years.
Owen Schroyer, what do you make of all this?
Well, I'm going to be observing very closely over the next course of the five days or over the weekend, Alex, to see what it looks like in society out here in Austin.
I will tell you just from a couple errands I ran this morning, the mask enforcement, I did not receive any enforcement and usually I would.
Just to walk into a store, I'll put the mask on, then I take it off and they don't harass me or the gym or something like that.
Well, I'm not doing that anymore.
I'm not capitulating 1% anymore.
I'm not going to put it around my head.
You're not even going to see it.
And if they want to get bold with me, I'm going to take my stand now.
Because this is it, Alex.
This is where we have to take our stand.
This is the culture war happening right now.
And if we take a knee, if we step back right now, Then we're going to be masked up forever.
And you know, like I said, though, they're wearing two, three masks to make their statement, Alex.
They're virtue signaling harder than ever.
So we have to go with the truth harder than ever and let them know, hey, you say carbon dioxide emissions are killing the planet.
You're sucking them in at dangerous levels right now.
You're going to die from that by your own logic.
Why are you wearing that mask?
But see, by their own logic, they're telling us that we're dirty, we're evil, we're the great race, that we need to die.
That's actually what they're doing.
And the funny thing about most leftists is they know they're part of a death cult.
And they see this as all of us submitting to them and going down.
With the ship.
So I guess we're actually here in the last hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We've got the War Room coming up.
I get all my time zones mixed up here, Owen, but there's so much to get into.
But I started the broadcast today and then I went and did a very interesting talk with somebody that I'll get to later once we're able to release information about it.
Very, very exciting things happening here in Florida.
I'll leave it at that.
What do you make of the Wall Street Journal saying, oh, are you calling for violence when you say they're doing secret experimentation on us, an offensive biological attack, and that we have to start having a discussion about defending ourselves?
When the state comes and injects a bunch of newborn babies with an experimental illegal vaccine that they admit and scientists say shouldn't be given to them, and they die, grand juries need to indict The hospital workers that give that to the newborn babies if they get sick or die and they need to send them to prison.
I don't care if the federal government gives liability protection to vaccine makers.
They're trying to extend it to medical workers just like the governor of Virginia said a few years ago, keep baby comfortable.
And they keep babies alive and harvest their organs.
This is dehumanization.
They don't want to just kill our great old people or unborn babies.
They want us all.
They want us to be a commodity.
They don't want us to stand together for human life.
We need to be territorial about human life.
We need to stand together and say to the globalists, we know about your plan, we're aware of your criminal activity, and we know you're assaulting us, and you are on notice to cease and desist.
Your new world order, take over now!
I love that.
I love the remote setting, Alex.
That brings me back to my old days in radio.
It's really a classic thing, the remote radio broadcast.
You know, you've been saying something for years though, Alex, is that, and it's just basic psychology, you know, we project our intentions or our goodness onto others, so I get maybe 10% of the media inquiries, probably less, but And so when I would have people ask me about, hey, what do you think about this and January 6th and that, or back in the day, I would always respond thinking that they had good intentions.
They wanted to write the real story.
They actually used my quotes.
Every damn time, unless it's, you know, the Gateway Pundit or National File or something like that.
Every damn time it's a hit piece.
Every damn time they take my words out of context or cut them up.
Every time without fail.
So it's to the point now, Alex, I don't take any media inquiries.
I don't even respond to these people.
Because all they do is lie and twist and contort.
And it's sad.
It's sad that that's where we're at now in society, where, hey, you're going to write about me.
Here's what I say about it.
But now it's safer for me to just step back and say, I'm not going to comment in the story you're writing about me, because you're just going to lie and deceive and twist.
Well, that's right.
Now when I respond to mainstream media, I will do it on air.
And that way their name is out there and it's on record what I really said because he sends me all these clips.
About, oh, are you calling for violence?
No, I said they're assaulting us, violating the Nuremberg Code, violating the Geneva Convention.
I'm against offensive violence.
But they're coming with violence with these poison vaccines and secret experimentation and illegal activity.
And they're banning these mRNA vaccines from South Africa to Switzerland to India.
And then you go, hey, you're calling for violence.
No, you are assaulting us.
You're telling us we're not essential.
You're saying our businesses aren't essential, but your big tech is, as China makes more billionaires than all the other billionaires combined in one year.
This is an authoritarian, globalist takeover, and ground zero fighting it is Oak Farm's seed to table in Naples, Florida.
Let them hear you, Florida!
Is leading the way for USA!
And I'll tell you, it's not that America's perfect, but compared to Communist Chinese, the EU, the old New World Order, it's the idea that's a hell of a lot better than tyranny, and we're fighting for it against the globalists, and that's why we salute all the veterans and all the patriots who've stood up against tyranny so this republic still exists.
Big tip of the hat, you gotta love what's going on in Florida, Alex.
Missouri, South Dakota, North Dakota, some of the Midwest states.
And I hope that Texas, culturally and politically, fights to take the lead role in this.
And Adler, I don't know if you heard this- That's right, this is Texas's fight!
Under the UN, CHICOM, California, commie invasion.
They're like locusts that have already destroyed their states, now they're coming to eat us in Texas.
And we've got to wake up out of our coma and say no to the leftists.
Because they've used Texas hospitality to train us to bow down to the left.
And Texas is almost blue and is dying.
And next they'll destroy Florida and every other state.
We've got to stop surrendering to the leftists.
They're a cult of evil!
Well, we're going to have the political battle here in Texas, Alex.
Adler already came out and said, nope, Austin has a mask mandate, we don't care what the governor says.
But Ken Paxton, the Attorney General, said they're exploring every avenue to fight back against this.
So, Steve Adler, the mayor of Austin, Texas, needs to be sued!
He needs to be sued for his terrorist attacks against us!
Steve Adler is a degenerate piece of filth.
Alright, we'll be right back on the other side with Owen Schroer.
I'm Alex Jones.
Back live, ladies and gentlemen.
I want to get a fellow I've known in Austin for years, Richard Scott, to come up here at the start of the next segment just to pop in and say hi.
Because he was up there in D.C.
on the 6th of January to give his take on what he witnessed.
And he's here with his wife and his son.
He's an author of two dozen books.
And he's just going to pop in because he's a great guy and I've seen him at many rallies over the years.
And also I ran into him one time when my car wouldn't start and he helped me out.
But long story short, He was out there when we were there in April of last year saying the lockdowns will never end.
Almost a year ago.
I guess more than a year ago now, gosh.
That the lockdowns would never end and that this was a total police state takeover.
This was March rather, so about a year ago.
March and April we protested.
So that shows how premeditated and how evil this is.
Going back to Owen Schroyer, who's hosting the last segment here of my show that I'll be co-hosting with him coming up on The War Room today in the next three hours.
And Albie Oaks is going to be here in studio with us coming up in about an hour from now as well during The War Room today.
But Owen, when I see these articles every day, it's not like, oh, I've got 20 more articles about people dying after they took a COVID vaccine.
I'm just like, how the hell is this happening?
And look at how targeted America is.
They're giving only certain areas, areas of Africa, areas of the US, areas of Australia, areas of Canada, and a few areas of Europe, these particular vaccines that are killing so many people.
So that's why South Africa's banned it, that's why Switzerland's banned it, a bunch of other countries, India has banned it, but not here in the United States.
And so they're just testing to see how dumb we are and how many people They can kill.
And so let's go ahead and play this local CBS newscast out of Austin, Texas, but it's talking about Utah.
This is a young woman, mother of a nine-year-old, totally healthy, worked in a doctor's office.
Stepped up and took the vaccine, as her Air Force veteran dad says.
She was his favorite child.
The woman was going to take care of him when he was old.
And it's so heart-wrenching.
She said, you know, I'm much sadder than when my dad died.
Yeah, because your dad probably died of natural causes, and he died old.
Your daughter, your future, your granddaughter's mother, dead.
Days after she took it, and it's the same story.
They murdered Hank Aaron.
They're murdering everybody.
It's all a test to see who they can kill, and then to get the doctors and lawyers involved to cover up for it, because they're going to feel like they're guilty, so they know the reverse psychology.
The average doctor or nurse who wasn't part of this will then go along with this secret experimentation, because they won't want to admit they've been part of evil.
So that's how this too-evil-to-fail corruption works, and how they get people involved in the corruption.
And I wanted to get Owen Schroyer's take on that, but first, here's a few minutes from the heart-wrenching newscast that's on InfoWars.com.
And by the way, they're blocking This news piece on Facebook, on Twitter, on YouTube, and a crime against humanity.
They're blocking this, so they have to even say on CBS, we're not saying vaccines are bad, we're not saying just, you should know, you should be informed, because everybody does know.
The vast majority do know they're bad.
They could have clean vaccines.
They could do all this.
They don't do it because it's a Trojan horse, it's the globalist playing God.
Bill Gates says he wants to depopulate you, and now he runs this worldwide program.
Learn about it.
Learn about the truth.
I met with one of the heads, former heads of a major U.S.
intelligence agency today, and he was laying it all out.
He goes, they didn't test us on rats, they tested on us because they're targeting us.
So people always talk about Q and all, army intelligence and all that.
What about real people that have been inside the government and know the truth?
Well, they're going to be coming public very, very soon.
The globalists are scared, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go ahead and play this CBS News clip on the young, beautiful mother, no health problems, dead as a doornail after she took the second shot, just like Hank Aaron.
Don't be like Hank Aaron.
Don't let them kill you.
Last week, we brought you an investigation into COVID vaccine side effects and where to report them.
During that investigation, we found four reported deaths filed by Utah families and their caregivers.
One particular case stood out to us.
A 39-year-old single mom from Ogden with no known pre-existing conditions.
Her family sat down with me this weekend as they were saying their final goodbyes.
And while they're not against vaccines, they do believe information is power as we all make our own medical decisions.
I really didn't cry when my dad died.
I cry a lot for her and I'm at a stage in my life where I'm okay with that.
Alfred Hawley is a retired fighter pilot, a military man who's known risk and loss and taken it all in stride until now.
She's the one that had promised to take care of me when I was old.
The death of his youngest daughter, Cassidy, came out of nowhere four days after her second dose of the COVID vaccine.
She came in early and said that her heart was racing.
Cassidy and her nine-year-old daughter live with her parents.
She got sick right away.
Soreness at the shot location.
Then she started getting sick.
Then she started complaining that she was drinking lots of fluids, but she couldn't pee.
And then she felt a little bit better the next day.
Cassidy was a surgical tech for a plastic surgeon and stepped up to get the shot without hesitation.
She was absolutely fine with getting it.
In fact, she told all of us, it's fine, you guys should all get it.
Cassidy's sister Kristen lives in Arizona, but the two talked every day.
You know, everybody from her work had Kind of had flu-like symptoms, so we all thought that was normal.
Cassidy got the second Moderna shot on a Monday.
By Thursday morning, they were in the ER and answering questions.
Is there any explanation?
And I said that she just had the shot and they did a blood test and they immediately came back and said she's really, really sick.
From the hospital we got a call saying that they were going to lifelight her to Murray Trauma Center.
And so I immediately jumped on a plane.
At Intermountain, doctors worked to stabilize Cassidy in hopes of a liver transplant.
It all went so fast.
She was healthy.
Happy, active, um, the greatest mom you ever saw in your life.
And then she was so sick that she was, you know, in less than probably 12 hours, she was intubated and on life support.
And then she passed 30 hours after we took her to the emergency room.
The state medical examiner's office cannot comment on the case, but spoke to us about if and when an autopsy would provide answers.
Did the vaccine cause this?
I think that would be very hard to demonstrate at autopsy.
Dr. Eric Christensen, Utah's chief medical examiner, says proving vaccine as a cause of death almost never happens.
This was an anaphylactic reaction related to this event.
But short of that, it would be very difficult, really, I think, for us to be able to definitively say this is the vaccine.
We will post this in full to Bandai Video, this segment, and we will post the next segment together explaining that this is a snuff film.
CBS News confirms with State Medical Examiner Young, beautiful mother, dead from anaphylactic shock.
Now, what did Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, medical doctor for decades, runs major clinics, say on the show last week, desperately warning you?
Ten ways it can kill you.
The mRNA vaccine, which she took.
Anaphylactic shock.
A very, very serious cytokine storm.
But then it's too hard at the cellular micro level to ever document one way or the other.
There's another way it can kill you.
That's what it sounds like happened to her.
This could go under the same rubric or same umbrella of anaphylactic shock.
I'm no doctor.
I read the literature.
And that is the autoimmune response.
Your liver and kidneys and lungs and heart fail.
And that's what it does.
It goes in.
It's a protein in your body.
And it attacks the protein.
And some people don't die right away.
But what the top scientists are saying, Dr. Wolfgang Wudarg and others, the head of the EU Commission, is this will, down the road, when you get any connection to a flu virus, a cold virus, anything, your body will then have a violent anaphylactic response, cytokine storm, you name it, to that injection.
So the best money on this Bill Gates weapon is that it's designed to get rid of your immune system by making you basically have a giant overreaction to your natural environment.
But it hits different people different ways, so it's like a spin the wheel of what you're going to get.
Are you going to get sterilized?
Are you going to have spontaneous abortions because it destroys the placenta?
Are you going to have a cytokine storm and die of an allergic reaction?
Or are you going to die of autoimmune disease when it eats your liver?
It's government-mandated Russian roulette, Alex.
It's government-mandated Russian roulette, and Pfizer pulled out, excuse me, Merck pulled out two months ago saying it's too dangerous, it doesn't work, and all these countries pull out, but all big tech spends their time covering up us trying to warn you, because they're in on the murder.
It's all a giant test.
It's a little apocalyptic.
I'm telling you, this is my Patriot Supply from preparewithalex.com.
It's so good, I'm in here trying to get some more.
Zeroman's been working 20 hours a day.
One of the most valuable players here.
Trying to feed the people.
Because the power's off for most of our crew members.
Because we're not essential.
And the grocery stores are all basically closed, except a few essential ones.
Because they just decide whose grocery store can be essential, who isn't.
This is the new planned economy.
So now it's not just the big banks that get in on it, and big tech that doubles all its profits under the lockdown.
Now all the local groups that are essential get to get in on the fun as well.
And then they decide, your restaurant's closed, yours is open.
Your hospital's closed, yours is open.
It's all very technocratic.
It's all done by computer.
It's all liberal.
I call this horrible food.
Well, you still can.
And it's ready to ship out from the warehouse in Utah.
And of course, the broadcast, without you, I wouldn't be on air.
The need for storable foods are increasingly apparent.
With millions left without power, including most grocery stores, many Texas residents are left without food.
The lines at the grocery stores are getting longer and longer, while most of the store shelves are left bare.
Now we know that in the most historic record freezing temperatures in over a century, your government can simply turn off the power, turn off the heat, and turn off the water.
Don't let your government dictate whether or not you're able to feed your family.
Go to infowarrestore.com and get at least a year's supply of storable foods to make sure you and your family are prepared for the unimaginable.
Get your storable foods at InfoWarStore.com.
We're not going to be on the air unless we have your support.
Plus, we've got great products that everybody already needs.
It's been sold out for a while.
It's the highest quality vitamin D3 and vitamin K for your immunity and for your body's defenses.
It's something that's essential that everyone needs regardless.
The globalists don't want you knowing how to protect yourself.
A limited supply.
A limited supply.
Because they can't get the bottles or the caps.
They just changed the packaging.
Has come in.
It'll probably be sold out in a week at the amount we have.
Despite that, it's 25% off.
You take it sublingually under the tongue.
A lot of people, especially older folks, cannot absorb B3 in the gut.
But under the tongue, if you hold it for about a minute, you get most of it, along with the vitamin K that helps with the delivery.
Ultra high quality, back in stock.
You can get it for 40% off when you get it with Ultra 12, super high-end vitamin B12 under the tongue for maximum absorption as well.
Made by the same great lab.
The highest in we can get.
I'm so proud of it.
Ultra 12 with it is 40% off in the combo pack.
Get Ultra 12 by itself, because there's no shortage of that yet.
For 50% off.
Ultra 12, 50% off by itself.
Winter Sun, 25% by itself.
The two in a combo, 40%.
98% off.
No reviews on that because it's a brand new combo, but look at the reviews of Ultra 12 and Winter Sun by itself.
98, 99%.
Thousands upon thousands of reviews.
I can tell you this is made by the top lab in the country.
4.9 stars.
Limited supply.
Separately, my dad, working with a major manufacturer, major developer, and a chemist, has launched his own line that we carry at InfoWareStore.com, and these are all different formulas.
It doesn't compete with Super Mel Vitality or Alpha Power.
It's just different and it's really strong.
Total Male Invigoration Primal Youth.
Available Primal Youth along with the Extra Strength Covet Shell from Dr. Jones Naturals at InfoWarrantStore.com.
That's info or store calm or find that in other products at dr. Jones naturals dr. Jones naturals calm
This is the American dream Independent companies supplying the American people.
Behind me is the 400,000 square foot facility for MyPatriotSupply, one of our biggest supporters.
They have so many Americans working for them.
The food, the products, it's all right here from America, right to your door.
We're not funded by Bill Gates or George Soros, the globalist.
We are funded by you supporting us at Infoworkstore.com with amazing American companies like MyPatriotSupply.
Now again, most companies buy in bulk, And then they advertise and have a really high price, so they make a profit off that food.
But they don't produce it themselves.
They don't stockpile it fresh.
Almost all of this is coming off the assembly line and what, being shipped out in a day or two, a week?
So this Gaylord right here is going to go back to our keating team.
By tomorrow, these pouches are going to be inside of buckets.
And the next day, those buckets are going to be out the door.
So Joe, tell us what we're doing right here in the factory.
So this is our shipping station right here, Alex.
And this is actually InfoWorth orders that are going out at this very moment.
Like this order right here for Steven.
Steven lives in California.
He's going to get a special autographed pick ticket from Alex Jones.
So I want to thank you for your support, plus you're getting some great storable food.
So I'm your Christmas elf.
A little bit late in the year, but thank you so much for your support, brother.
Yeah, we're shipping products, you know, hundreds of packages per day through our state-of-the-art conveyor system.
This is really the state-of-the-art thing.
I think Amazon is what's comparable to what we do here at MyPatriotSupply.
This is Lynn from Alabama.
Lynn ordered for Infowars.com.
Her order is going out this afternoon.
It's going to be on her truck here in the next couple of minutes.
It's going to be on her way to Lynn.
Lynn from Alabama, we love you, we appreciate you.
You made the right choice with this affordable food.
This is insurance you can eat.
And when did they put this order in?
I want to see how fast it's going out.
You know, this order was actually put in, I think, two days ago, and it's already going out the door right now.
So, two days ago, fresh food produced, packaged right here in America, the whole nine yards.
This is the American dream.
This is American capitalism bringing us exceptionalism, bringing us more choices, and we thank you for keeping us on the air.
Thank you so much.
I've ordered a lot of high-quality food from you guys over the years, but it just gets better and better tasting, and the selection is so huge.
And I was just walking around in here.
How many different variants and products do you have?
We have hundreds of different products.
And you know, when you're talking about food, I mean freeze-dried fruits, freeze-dried vegetables, freeze-dried meats, ready-made meals.
Just the ready-made meals that we have, the ones that come inside of the four-week kit, there's gonna be at least 18 different varieties that we offer.
And we keep expanding that as we do more research, as we do more configurations.
We're gonna be adding different meals.
Your food was great 12 years ago, but now it's amazing.
Chicken noodle, vegetarian taco, potato, cheese.
Easy broccoli rice, brown sugar oatmeal, banana slices, peanut butter, corn chowder, white rice, sugar.
We've got wheat honey bread, whey milk, you'll have traveler stew, chicken noodle.
Oh, I like traveler stew.
Traveler stew is one of our more popular ones.
Chicken noodle, it's excellent.
Yep, I mean we have almost anything that you would eat on a regular basis packaged in the long-term food storage.
They've got everything, folks.
You've got to check it out at InfoWareStore.com.
The entire selection there.
Literally, within a day or two of your order coming in, it's being shipped out to you.
If it's local, in Utah, it's on those small trucks.
If it's outside Utah, it's on big 18 wheelers.
Again, that's why MyPatriot with Ready Hour has become the number one serval food company in the world.
Because of quality, because of service, because of reliability, and because of good word of mouth.
So I want to thank you all for supporting us and supporting our great supplier, MyPatriot.
Well, we're here to deliver good food, ladies and gentlemen, right here in America.
And it funds the InfoWars.
Go to infowarsstore.com today and get prepared.