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Name: 20210304_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 4, 2021
2857 lines.

In a video discussing power transfers in Washington D.C., protests during Trump's second weekend in office, patriotism, and division in America, Alex Jones talks about a Rockefeller study that envisions a future dictatorship controlled by an elite and discusses other related documents about GMO food and forced vaccines. He urges viewers to do their own research and face difficult truths to make choices for their destiny. The narrator mentions various headlines and news articles related to vaccines, lockdowns, and global control, including criticism of Texas and Mississippi for ending their lockdowns. The importance of living privately and avoiding big tech tracking through privacy pouches is emphasized, as well as purchasing products from Infowarstore.com to fund the operation and get high-quality items. The show discusses various products including Survival Shield X2, TurboForce, and Ultra 12. The show discusses the ongoing globalist attack on InfoWars and emphasizes the importance of supporting them in order to stand against it. Topics covered include data privacy, HIV-AIDS linkage with CDC hepatitis B vaccine experiment, Fauci's involvement in secret projects at Wuhan lab, Biden's handling of mask mandates, and the Stockholm Syndrome effect on the public. Challenges faced by individuals such as Tim Leslie who lost his job due to COVID-19 pandemic are also discussed along with how globalists try to control individual freedoms. The Southern Poverty Law Center and other media outlets are criticized for trying to run InfoWars into the ground. Alex Jones discusses various products and supplements, then moves onto discussing how mainstream media, Hollywood, and Washington D.C. are trying to dominate people's free will. The rise of populism across the world is mentioned along with a study from Berkeley about frogs becoming sterile due to chemicals. The Lancet study that claims PCR tests do not work and are a fraud is also discussed. Chris Sky made international headlines as he challenged COVID-PCR fraud police at the Canadian border and tried to violate his rights. France is considering slowing down its vaccine rollout because many hospital staff are unable to work after getting vaccinated, some dying, and many getting very sick. It is said that experts believe it'll really hurt you down the road and that it has the worst adverse reactions of any vaccine ever. A new highly resistant COVID variant has emerged in California, which could make the pandemic worse. It is similar to articles all over the press about lockdowns and new strains of the virus being more severe. However, the speaker questions if this could be true and if the moon could be made of cheese as well. Kathy Pacific is allowing certain passengers to go mask-free on flights if they pay more money. Russia has shown off a new COVID-19 vaccine factory even though people don't trust it. Infowars store offers products with discounts and free shipping for a limited time which include survival kits, supplements, water filters, and privacy pouches. Alex Jones interviews Chris Sky about his experiences with lockdowns and how he has been able to successfully break them in different areas.

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The UN admits that the COVID-19 lockdowns are a smokescreen for global government takeover.
Man, our legislatures, our governors ought to be all over that.
But see, they're preconditioned.
There's no Great Lockstep.
There's no lockdown.
It doesn't matter if Klaus Schwab says it.
Oh, you don't want to talk about that, Governor, or you'll be in the New York Times.
Then you'll be popular.
Because if the New York Times attacks you, the people love you.
Yeah, the U on the left says the humans are the virus on the planet.
So they tell you, oh those that say a lockdown's coming, those that say there's world government, those that say the vaccine's hurt you, those that say there's a plan to lower the carbon, just don't listen to them.
And then it happens, and I'm like, well, I better not say anything, you know?
Talking about the New World Order, it's not kosher, it's not cool, and then they win the whole war against you.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
We are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
This is the heart of 1776.
Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
Huge nationwide protests erupted once again on President Donald Trump's second weekend in office.
When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.
When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.
Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States.
And most importantly, we will be protected by God.
From the front lines of the info room, it's Alex Jones.
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
Oh my goodness, poor white people.
Please, stop.
The Alex Jones Show.
There is a war on for your mind.
I mean, I'm not even worthy to be bringing you information this powerful.
And I hope that you pay attention to what we cover here, minute by minute.
Because I've had chills since last night.
This just confirms everything else we've already researched.
A Rockefeller study envisions future dictatorship controlled by elite, millions being killed, mandatory quarantines, checkpoints, the end of the family, everything that's in the other documents.
But this dovetails with all the other Rockefeller Foundation documents about the GMO food to sterilize you and the forced vaccines.
The hell we're already living in that's just going to continue to intensify until we take our governments back from these eugenics madmen.
But that story is up on PrisonPlanet.com.
The question is, will you have the courage to really do the research yourself?
Because I don't want you to just sit here and hear me make these claims.
These people are so arrogant that they write policy papers, so many of them, that they're producing these policy papers and reports and white papers so fast that you could never read them all.
It is an open conspiracy against you and your family.
I pray to God, I pray to my Heavenly Father Jesus Christ every night to give me the strength And the will to be able to face this harm and to give me the strength to carry on because I know why a lot of you don't want to look at this information and just want to comment on the YouTube videos or on message boards that I'm a liar.
I know why.
Because it's scary.
You're not going to be able to go to the ballgames anymore.
You're not going to be able to just go out and get drunk with your friends.
You're not going to be able to just You know, go out and enjoy yourself all the time.
The only chance we've got of beating this scientific dictatorship, this creeping death that takes its time to incrementally enslave you, mentally, psychologically, physically, spiritually, the only way to defeat it is for the rank and file of this planet to realize that you have a choice to make on what your destiny is going to be.
Once you face this information, once you've consciously admitted it to yourself, it will take over your life.
It should take over your life.
I mean, what else?
What else could it do?
We've got to get past the artificial stigma that the controlled corporate media has been putting out for decades, ahead of their open... of unveiling of planetary dictatorship.
They all talk about how we need a police state to carry this out.
Canada and the United States are going to work in lockstep to display the seriousness of our commitment at both home and abroad.
Win, lose, or draw, you need to choose a side.
Tomorrow's News Today.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, "I don't know what's
going to happen at the end of this, but you ought to fight!"
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I saw a story last night that hit me like a ton of bricks.
It made me very mad at myself, because I already knew all this, but I had just not been conscious of it.
Did you know that Fauci was connected to the very beginnings of HIV showing up in New York and San Francisco?
And the government got caught adding it to hepatitis shots.
It's Thursday, March 4th, 2021.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
Thank you so much for joining us.
A lot of times I look at the news, the information, and it's so overwhelming to even attempt to get it all out to you that I become extremely frustrated and enraged with myself because we can save the world.
We can turn things around if people actually look into this and find out how real it is.
Now, I have forgotten more about the HIV AIDS crisis than most people will have ever researched.
And I knew that Dr. Anthony Fauci was instrumental in the launch of that bioweapon in 1979.
Evidence is overwhelming.
In New York and San Francisco.
Where he went in and ran a public health program to quote gay bathhouses to tell them, hey, you're giving each other hepatitis, you need to take a vaccine.
And that in those vaccines was the HIV.
Now viruses generally mutate and become less deadly.
That's why they always had to apply it to the Africans to the vaccines and apply it through a perfect vector, the homosexual bathhouses to get the spread going.
But that's why later you hear about Magic Johnson and Charlie Sheen, all these people have HIV, but it's not killing them.
And that's because they have treatments for it, and it's also a different variant.
Now I knew all this when I was a teenager because my dad was a very smart person,
is a very smart person, and he was reading the literature.
And so, can I have a water?
Gosh, thanks.
And so, I forgot to get one, thanks.
And so looking at that, I saw the story about the NPR report with Fauci about how he went in at the very beginning when no one even knew about HIV and he magically studied it in New York and in San Francisco where it broke out.
And that was the beta test in the controlled community before they even took it to Africa.
And so in about a minute and a half earlier today, before we went live, I just typed into the search engine and the crew did and pulled up a bunch of mainstream news articles about secret biological weapons testing on people in New York and other areas and articles about the connections of HIV being purposely put in drugs and in vaccines to be given to Homosexuals.
Because it's a controlled community that you can watch very carefully.
So at the bottom of the hour, I'm going to get into all that.
But the whole history of secret experimentation is on record.
But I knew Fauci ran the HIV program in the 80s.
I knew Fauci was involved studying it from day one.
And then he's suspect number one in all of this.
But then he runs the Wuhan Lab 11 programs.
They released this new plague that they control and use that as a pretext to take over society.
And then he even profits from it and gets liability protection from it while he does it.
Fauci is a biological terrorist and he works for the globalists.
That's why Gates worships him is because Gates cut his teeth under his father and under Fauci.
In all of this type of garbage.
So before we hit all of that, let me go ahead and just show you some of the headlines that came out today along these lines, okay?
Look at these headlines.
Going viral in Africa.
Zambian leader, Dr. Mumba, refuses COVID drugs after discovering that they're, quote, not for use in the EU.
And USA.
And this is what they do.
They give you two different vaccines and that's not coming out.
Experimental vaccine death rate for Israel's elderly 40 times higher than COVID-19 deaths, researchers report in mainline studies.
Just today, Hong Kong authorities probed death of man who received COVID-19 vaccine.
Johnson's and Johnson's to test COVID vaccine on infants.
Great apes at San Diego Zoo become first non-humans to receive COVID-19 vaccine.
That's all to act like it's some sought-after thing you've got to have.
Oh, it's so precious to get it.
Now let's get into the real meat and potatoes of just the headlines.
Guardian promotes global lockdown every two years to combat climate change.
Steve Watson.
And it's an important headline, but it's not even hardcore enough.
The UN is promoting it through a paper I'll show you.
Swab is promoting it.
It's all on record.
It's in his damn book that COVID is not a real threat.
We are using it to get total control.
It's more of a Russian accent than a German one.
There it is.
And oh, guess who else is doing it?
It's in hundreds of publications.
Guardian promotes global lockdown every two years to combat climate change.
That's all this was, was a drill for a lockdown in their own words.
I told you that a year ago.
And now they're romanticizing and they have fake polls out.
Oh, the majority of UKers, they love lockdown.
They don't want it to end.
And yeah, you know, it's true.
At first you get a bunch of checks in the mail.
Don't have to work anymore, watch Netflix all day, but see, the economy then dies forever and you're under the globalist control.
The world needs the equivalent of pandemic lockdown every two years to meet Paris carbon emissions goal.
The post-industrial world.
I mean, they didn't sign treaties to create a post-industrial world for nothing.
They mean business.
And here is the Forbes article.
And here's the actual paper pushed by the UN, Nature Climate Change, Fossil CO2 Emissions in the Post-COVID-19 Era.
Remember what he wrote almost a year ago in his book, COVID-19?
Klaus Schwab, that is one of the head guys running all this with Gates, said, the former head of the UN Biological Diversity Sustainability Project, the guy that wrote this whole plan, one of the top authors, He said we will now be after COVID, like after death of Christ, after birth of Christ, after COVID.
Oh, but oh, Biden, who can hardly talk, he said Texas and Mississippi are Neanderthals.
Yeah, that's why we've got NASA down here.
We don't know how to tie our shoelaces.
We ride horses to school and to work, and we all have hayseeds in our mouth.
We're not like the big fancy pants Delaware lawyer.
We're not like the fancy pants, it's like, where am I?
I'm not bashing folks in Delaware, but you know what I mean.
How would you like me to call you a bunch of dumb lobster fishermen?
We know, we're not, but you're smart.
But here's that trope of, oh, those idiots down in the South, you know, they're morons ending their lockdown.
But don't worry, you run all the cities down there anyways, so it's never gonna end.
Until we make it end.
We're gonna play that clip coming up.
And so much more.
Biden didn't know what planet he was on again last night.
We've got the clip of them cutting him off and ending the feed because he was so embarrassing floundering.
But when we come back, we'll lay all of this out into Fauci and more.
But separately, we got some good news.
They sold out last week.
Got another shipment back in stock.
And I'm telling you, we could fund our whole operation selling these, and it's something everybody needs.
I know they've got the Wall Street Journal doing a report on how bad we are to be selling these privacy pouches that are high-quality Faraday cages, so big tech contact tracers, the globalists, can't track you when you've got your phone inside this pouch.
And it's essential we all start living like this.
This is the highest-rated pouch out there for Droids and for iPhones, and it sells everywhere for $29.95.
It's $19.95 in stock at InfoWarsTore.com.
And they are so mad.
He's a scammer.
He sells horrible food.
He's a scammer.
He sells little Faraday cages claiming you're being tracked.
He's a scammer.
He sells supplements.
Although when Jeff Bezos does it, it's good though, right?
Supplements are a huge market because they work.
And they're all free shipping right now, store-wide, on the food, on the privacy pouches, on the supplements, on the t-shirts, on the books, on the films, on the water filters.
Oh, they sure hope you don't get an Alexa Pure Pro gravity-fed filter, highest rated, and cut out most of the poison, or almost all the poison in the water.
No, no, no, just drink it up.
The New York Times says, the Washington Post says, Wall Street Journal says, there's nothing in that water to hurt you.
Drink that glyphosate, too.
Remember Monsanto said, drink a whole glass of it.
Drink a whole glass of it.
It's wonderful.
It'll kill you if you do it though.
So these little pockets are back in stock at InfoWarsTore.com.
We'll be right back.
The controllers of this planet see themselves as the guardians of it and they believe they are removing, they are culling the overpopulation.
And there's a giant documented history of criminal elements based on eugenics in the German government, the Russian government, the French government, the British government, the Australian government, the New Zealand government, the Canadian government, killing foster children, black, white, old, young, Native American, putting them in radiation chambers.
The Israelis got UN money and U.S.
To take dark-skinned Jews, that's how it always starts, because it's like, oh, we're only doing it to this group.
And radiating them, they were called the ringworm children.
And they hit them at different levels of radiation as well.
The Department of Energy declassified in the 80s tens of thousands of foster children in the U.S.
put in radiation chambers.
Hundreds of them were put in rates so high that they fried like an egg inside the chamber.
So that's who runs your government behind the scenes.
Presidents come and go, but that's who's in charge.
And that's who wants you to take these inoculations.
And Bill Gates' dad worked for a secret government project in the U.S.
Army under Cole Springs Harbor, and part of that's been declassified.
His dad ran the whole show.
And his mother was the leader of IBM's board, whose entire trust, when Thomas Watson died,
who received the highest award ever in Nazi Germany, above Hitler,
that entire fortune was then basically given to Bill Gates.
So you can sit here and play games, everybody, but they're practicing locking you down,
creating internal passports, and rolling out these deadly gene editing systems
against you.
I don't care if you're black, whether you're white, whether you're old, whether you're young, whether you're an FBI agent, whether you're an auto mechanic, whether you're a Democrat or Republican, you're all being hit by this.
So you can pretend it's not going on all day long.
But did you hear the headline I read to you out of LifeSite News that links directly to medical reports and mainline news in Israel?
Experimental vaccine death rate for Israel's elderly, 40 times higher than COVID-19 deaths.
In the UK and all these other countries, including France, they've said nobody above 65 or 75, depending on the country, should take these vaccines because it's been killing people.
But Israel doesn't care.
It's designed to kill old people.
Pfizer's vaccine killed about 40 times more elderly people and 260 times more than young than what the COVID-19 virus would have claimed in a given time frame.
This is massive news.
And we're just supposed to sit here and calmly take this and be thankful that
the governor of Texas said after a year, okay, you don't have to wear a mask and
open business 100% when he knows all the blue cities are controlled and
they're all pleasing to keep it locked down as a symbol of our dirtiness and our evil?
Now at the football games and the baseball games and the basketball games, Well, in fact, show this now.
We've got the footage of it for TV viewers.
Radio Lustrous is on InfoWars.com.
Instead of the kiss cam, where they show a husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend together with their arms around each other.
Oh, it tells you don't touch each other, even if... No, no, no.
And then they show a big bottle of alcohol spraying on them because you're dirty, you're bad.
You have to do this.
And so now it's a hand sanitizer cam, which, by the way, sterilizes you long term.
Lower fertility immediately.
So it's like, oh no, no, no, no, no.
Don't kiss anymore.
We don't have kiss cams.
We have an image of a chemical shooting on you.
You're like, you're a cockroach or you're a rat.
And that's how the Nazis ran film reels before they started rounding everybody up in the 30s was showing images of Jews and then it would cut to roaches and them being sprayed with poison.
So, the entire system is telling you, you're dirty, you're bad, wear your mask, and now we're going to squirt hand sanitizer on you, you're good, you're keeping everyone safe.
When all the studies show more interaction makes us more immune to everything, and that these hand sanitizers hurt our fertility and lower our immunity.
Because they're wood alcohol.
You know wood alcohol makes you go blind?
You drink a cup of wood alcohol, you'll go blind, probably for a week or two.
Keep doing it forever.
They say, what alcohol on your skin all day long, baby?
You know what we used to do in high school?
Back when I still chewed tobacco some?
I'd stick a little packet of snuff between my toes and get hired in a kite sitting there in class for nicotine.
Yep, I've had an alcohol-nicotine problem my whole life.
That's it.
Nothing else.
I don't like anything else.
I like those two things.
Stay away from nicotine now.
Last time I had any nicotine in the last three or four years was with Bob Barnes and then with, with, uh, Crowder, Steven Crowder on his show.
And man, I was like, as soon as I left, I want another cigar.
But the point is, is that, ladies and gentlemen, you're being targeted.
People are like, why are you talking about snuff between your toes?
It goes through your skin, ladies and gentlemen.
All of it goes through your skin.
Whether it's nicotine or whether it's wood alcohol, it's poisonous.
And it's abusive to do it to children.
And it's abusive to make people wear masks.
It's a symbol of slavery.
Talk about sexual harassment because Cuomo will grab women and hug them?
What about making you wear a muzzle over your face and breathe the bacteria into the cloth that creates a petri dish for bacteria?
I know you already know all this, but look at these headlines.
In fact, let's play the clip.
Oh my God, look at that.
A baby with a full face mask on, smothering it, giving it way higher levels of carbon dioxide.
So abusive.
These people are so sick.
And you've got families being kicked off planes, being arrested because six-month-old babies aren't wearing masks.
It's nothing but a cult of subservience!
And we have to be leaders and start saying no.
Here's Joe Biden claiming that Texas is knuckle-dragging and Mississippi's knuckle-dragging.
I guess Florida is too.
Way lower death rates than New York.
Every other Democrat area.
Where you grab people and innovate them and kill them with your Ventilators?
Not with the virus?
And then you make money off of it?
You murderers?
Here he is calling Texas Neanderthals because we know he's a hoax.
We know Fauci's a fraud.
And we need more people like Governor Noem of South Dakota and DeSantis to call Biden out.
Don't just ease off the restrictions because they're going to bring him right back.
And they're never going to end up in places like California.
Here is the puppet president.
I think it's a big mistake.
Look, I hope everybody's realized by now, these masks make a difference.
We are on the cusp of being able to fundamentally change the nature of this disease because of the way in which we're able to get vaccines in people's arms.
We've been able to move that all the way up to the end of May to have enough for every American, to get every adult American to get a shot.
And the last thing, the last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking that in the meantime everything's fine, take off your mask, forget it.
It still matters.
That's enough.
Oh, we're on the cusp of ending it.
We're at the cusp.
You're going to get your tracker chip, you're going to get your tracker phone, you're going to get your QR code, you're on the cusp.
Oh, but you can't still leave or take the mask off after you had the vaccine.
It's all rope-a-dope.
Sucker you along.
I mean, better an Anderthal than a slave or dead with your deadly vaccine.
No, you're the one that's anti-science, you old shriveled demonic lawyer, you disgusting puppet that's emblematic of the rotting political system, so desperate they pulled off this giant medical tyranny hoax.
We come back, we'll look at Fauci, Dr. HIV.
A predatory planetary consolidation is taking place, ladies and gentlemen.
In a moment, we're going to play some of Dr. Fauci on NPR, clip 12, just this week, admitting that, oh, he was haunting the bathhouses when no one even knew about HIV, because he was so concerned about this new threat.
So he's been one of their top globalist operatives in bioweaponry and secret testing for a long time.
That's why he ran the Wuhan lab operations.
Now let's go to this article.
Fauci frequented gay bathhouses and bars to study AIDS in the 1980s.
Starting in 1980.
Here's another one.
Bayer Division sold hemophilia drug with HIV risk, it had HIV in it, and hepatitis, to Asia, Latin America, and covered it up.
And they also purposely in the 90s took blood from prisoners in Arkansas, certified it as good, and then put it purposely into the blood supply.
Look it up.
America's pandemic war games don't end well.
Foreign policy.
That's the CFR.
Subdivision of the Washington Post.
Admitting all the secret testing on our troops and on us.
Is HIV-AIDS linked to the CDC's hepatitis B vaccine experiment?
AHRP.org, powerful breakdown and information of these programs in the gay bathhouses saying you need a vaccine, you need a hepatitis shot, so that you don't get hepatitis and then they got the autoimmune disease.
They admit a lot of problems with cats getting vaccines, then end up, you know, feline familiaris, and then dying of an HIV-like AIDS disease.
Here's another one.
Army report details germ war exercise in New York subway 1966.
Sprayed people with a dangerous bacteria.
They told Congress it wasn't.
It was.
Then they had army doctors posing as regular civilian doctors embedded to track the bioweapon.
That's the Washington Post.
Back then we had a little bit of truth in the news.
The army tested germ warfare in New York City subway by smashing white bulbs full of bacteria.
Business Insider.
Bayer admits it paid millions in HIV infection cases, just not in English.
Now that's just some of it.
Let's go ahead and play some of Fauci.
Let's go ahead and roll some audio of Fauci putting it out there that, oh, I was so concerned before anybody even knew about this he was going into these bathhouses to To understand what's happening, and you link it back to a CDC-NIH program to convince, quote, gay men that you're at risk of hepatitis, get your vaccine.
And so they rolled up their sleeves, just like the Africans did.
And I've got a whole stack of news on that front.
Here's Fauci.
I was invited to go down, and I went with just one of my staff at the time, to go down essentially alone to the Gay and Lesbian Community Center in the middle of Greenwich Village to meet with what must have been, you know, anywhere from 50 to 100 activists In this meeting room, just me and one of my staff, and they were angry with the federal government because they felt the federal government was not listening to them.
And they were right.
I mean, I think they had a really good point.
Not for a second did I feel physically threatened to go down there.
Not even close.
Oh, he's such a hero.
That's not the nature of what the protests were.
Everything with him is an inversion.
He didn't feel threatened going down there.
He was so loving.
Oh, he was coming though with something very special.
Things about it was that not only were they not threatening at all in a violent way, but ultimately they were on the right side of history.
Was there a turning point for you where activists convinced you to change your mind?
Oh yeah, of course.
What was it?
What was the turning point?
Well, the turning point was, you know, I can't get into my own head and psychoanalyze myself, but it was very clear When they were protesting in a way, and really being very confrontational with me, you know, Larry Kramer's famous article on the front page of the San Francisco... Ah, that's enough.
See, so he's a hero, saving people with HIV.
He tried to leave everything open.
He didn't try to contain it, because he was a good guy.
But really, he was involved, we now know, in these secret projects at Wuhan, and so many others, and been working with Bill Gates the entire time.
But put that image of him, back at the time, up on screen.
What a creepy-looking dude, man.
I mean, that is shit.
Would you buy a used car from that guy?
Would you let him babysit your children?
Would you roll your sleeve up and take something in your body he wants you to take?
Well, that's what you're doing.
The whole world's doing it.
In fact, CNN, MSNBC, they're the gatekeepers along with Big Tech.
You're not allowed to criticize him and say he's wrong.
You can't question him.
You can't get a second opinion from him or Bill Gates or anybody.
Because he's the boss.
Now let's go back and look at some more of these articles that are coming out.
Biden blasts Texas, Mississippi lifting mask mandates.
Big mistake in Neanderthal thinking from a guy that can hardly talk.
We got this video.
White House absurdly cuts off live feed.
Get that ready.
Biden says he wants to take audience questions for the first time.
He's done no real press conference.
It's never before happened in modern history.
And as soon as he says, I'll take questions, he goes, is it alright if I take questions?
Let me ask Nancy, is that alright if I talk to the great-grandkids here?
And just cut.
Well, don't hear it from me.
Here it is.
Thank you.
And I'm happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do, Nance, whatever you want me to do.
I mean, he said when he was president-elect, all fraudulently president-elect, he said,
"I just, if they don't like it, if Kamala doesn't like what I'm doing, I'll just faint an illness and just go away."
You're talking about rolled over to the Chinese and the globalists.
He'll do whatever he's told.
Let's continue.
Majority of Brits say they will miss some or many aspects of lockdown.
Do you believe that crap?
Yep, Stockholm Syndrome.
Awkward NBA team swaps out Kiss Cam for hand sanitizer to welcome fans back to the arena.
Fans respond.
Yes, kissing's bad.
Anytime they see a man and woman hugging or kissing, well, we just spray sanitizer on you.
Because if it's not gay sex, it's bad.
See, the gay sex is good because you don't have kids.
But heterosexual, bad.
More people, bad.
It's all depopulation.
Sorry, gay folks, it's not that you're so cool, everybody obsesses on you and they put Caitlyn Jenner all over the TV and we're supposed to worship you.
It's because you don't have children and the system likes that.
I don't hate you.
I'm just saying the globalists promoted all this and put the chemicals in the water to cause the collapse of civilization.
And don't worry, it will collapse.
You're going to get what you want.
Oh, look at this!
Family fine!
Kicked off their own land for living in an RV.
Isn't that just special?
It's out in the country, you name it.
They lost their house because of the lockdown, so they pulled their resources, got an RV, moved out there.
You can't run out there and get goats and chickens and live.
We're gonna arrest you, we're gonna fine you, we're gonna take your property.
I'll play that next segment.
But just look at that creepy.
There's your doctor.
There's your doctor, folks.
He runs your life now.
Dr. Fauci.
Meanwhile, super spreaders over 100 COVID positive illegals released in the U.S.
We should stop the illegals being let in because they're illegal.
We shouldn't go, oh, COVID, and then, you know, buy into it.
And it goes on and on and on.
We've also got video in Jersey, not New Jersey, Jersey Shore.
Over in England, dancing at the beach, partying, but nobody else is allowed to.
That's all coming up as well here today on the broadcast.
And I've scrubbed the deck of guests so that we can take a lot of calls.
So starting at the bottom of the next hour, I'm going to take calls for the balance of the transmission.
But we've got a lot of other news I've not hit yet on the economy, on censorship, on Dr. Seuss.
Just a week ago, a leftist group said ban it.
The media made jokes and said nobody's going to ban Dr. Seuss.
It's being banned at Amazon, many of the titles, and banned at eBay.
And they're now saying if you have one, they're coming after you.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, a academic group that's God said it.
They see secret code of racism.
And so they are God and you are banned.
Because if they can ban leftist academic Dr. Seuss, they can ban anybody.
Many families are coming up with creative ways to make ends meet during this pandemic.
But one man's plan highlights a growing community issue.
Who is the true master of your land?
Channel 2's Sophia Choi started investigating and learned the answer may come from a judge.
We spent weeks looking into this after hearing from this Polk County man.
His plan, buy land and live off of it after losing his job to COVID.
Now he bought the land, but the county says he can't live there, leading to a property rights predicament.
Chickens and goats and plenty of space to roam around in the fresh air.
We plan on building a forever home here and growing old and giving it to our kids.
A place where Tim Leslie, his wife Amy, and their two kids, nine-year-old Knox and 18-month-old Daisy, could thrive even during a pandemic.
Almost every penny he had went to buying and clearing this land.
I had my pension and 401k money.
But instead of living here, his kids are now playing on asphalt and living in an RV park.
Leslie says that's because the county forced them to move after slapping them with this ticket for living in an RV.
Before I could go to court, they showed up at my property, the building inspector and the code enforcement officer, and told me that I had to be off my land Friday at noon or they were going to seize my vehicles and my assets.
Attorney Ari Bargill with the Institute for Justice.
This is a question about property rights.
Mr. Leslie owns the property on which he situated his camper.
And as a result, he has the right to live there as long as he's not harming anybody.
Mr. Leslie says he checked the codes before buying this land.
It says in black and white under the ag land ordinance that single-family dwellings are allowed and the county code
Oh single-family dwellings are allowed That's Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 in the global UNESCO rules.
That they're going to use local code enforcers to shut down single-family dwellings, even in Tennessee.
In Austin, they penalize you and try to block you with code enforcers if you try to build single-family homes.
This is the control.
See the full report up on Infowars.com.
These are predators.
They are coming from everyone.
Oh, the illegal aliens can come in and get everything free.
Oh, the homeless can squat in your front yard and take fentanyl all day.
But if you go out and buy a little farm and want to live with your kids in a trailer with electricity and a toilet, oh, you're not allowed to.
We're going to run you to ground.
We're going to bankrupt you.
That's why they want to get rid of the family, so that when they bankrupt people, they can take their children away.
Makes me so incredibly angry.
They're trying to run InfoWars to ground.
I'm going to cover this now because yesterday I didn't cover it long enough and it's really illustrative.
It's bigger than InfoWars.
Here's an overhead shot.
Dr. McCamm's shot, please.
Does Alex Jones regret meeting Donald Trump?
Now, why is this so important?
Because it shows us the enemy's tactics and it shows us their mindset.
They want to drive a wedge between you and President Trump.
They want to drive a wedge between you and I. The Southern Poverty Law Center, even more evil than the ADL, heavily involved in the Oklahoma City bombing with Tim McVeigh and more, took a film I was in a year and a half ago with edited video out of context and then said it was secretly filmed and leaked.
Secretly filmed and leaked.
We bought 20,000 of the film.
And it's got bad reviews because it was negatively made.
It wasn't what they said the film was going to be.
It was all the depressing stuff we've gone through to demoralize people and has low ratings at Infowarsstore.com.
Because our ratings are real.
When you see something with a 98% rating, those are real ratings.
When you see something with a 67% rating, it sucks.
And here is, ladies and gentlemen, the leaked video.
Look at it.
Look at it.
Look at it right here.
Look at this.
It's leaked, ladies and gentlemen.
Look at this.
Think about that.
It's a big secret.
The very video that they put out, there's 20,000 copies of them.
You can buy it.
Hell, I'd sell them for $1.
It's a worthless film because they edited everything to total oblivion.
But there it is.
It's called, let me get it.
It's called, You Can't Watch This.
And so it was Tommy Robinson's producers and camera people that acted like they were nice.
We later learned that they worked for Hope Not Hate.
That's basically the ADL of the UK.
And then they came and did this interview and edited it off where I said, if I was a selfish person, if I only cared about myself, I would hate Donald Trump and I would never want to be around him or Roger Stone because I've been persecuted.
It's been horrible.
You're like, wait a minute.
I've heard you say that 50 times on your show.
I said that on Joe Rogan the last two times.
But I said, because Trump did the right thing, I support him.
Trump has said, if I was a selfish person, I wouldn't have run.
I lost $2 billion.
They tried to destroy me.
But I'm not doing this for me.
I'm doing this for you.
This country's given me a lot.
So they take my long-winded statements, edit off the fronts in the film, they didn't edit that out, but when they put it out in every publication in the country basically, it's everywhere, that Jones secretly disavows Trump.
Yeah, secretly in a film we sell.
I had agreed to buy 20,000 of these things.
When they made it, I got hoodwinked in my view.
I got it, it's still okay, but it's designed to depress people.
I remember Gavin McGinnis called me, he said, have you seen this?
He said, I said, yeah, I'm buying 20,000.
He goes, it's horrible.
He goes, it's totally depressing.
He said, my God, they totally edited it out of context.
And I said, I'm sorry, I didn't know.
They got me to say I'd buy 20,000.
I thought because they were Tommy Robinson, they were good.
Tommy called me later and said, no, they're terrible people.
But it isn't about those guys.
It's about the perfect way to infiltrate somebody saying you're a filmmaker and then they can do whatever they want.
But imagine the lies of The Southern Poverty Law Center putting this out and saying it's secretly recorded when the whole thing and more, not the parts they didn't edit, is in this film.
I'm selling.
Let's go back and show B-roll the footage and then play the bleep clip we played yesterday.
The only thing edited is the bleeps.
We'll play the yesterday's clip in about a minute and a half long.
And it's in a studio with all these lights.
They had a smoke machine.
I'm looking right at the camera and I'm giving a real interview and they say, and by the way, the Southern Park Law Center contacted us and I said, that's in the film.
And I told the so-called reporter that.
They didn't care, folks, because they murder the truth.
That's what they do.
Guys, roll the B-roll again, please.
Yeah, there it is.
Oh my God, that's secret footage!
All lit up like it's HBO!
In a warehouse with a smoke machine!
And again, it's in this film.
So ladies and gentlemen, this just shows the level of deception.
But notice what's not on the video.
That I hate my listeners and that I sell, quote, dick pills.
That's what the media calls some of the supplements we sell.
That's what Colbert calls them.
So it's even their words.
Of course I love our audience.
Of course I didn't tell filmmakers that I hate my audience and they'll buy my Dick Cheney pills.
But again, that's the lie upon the lie.
So they put one lie in there.
Cut off the context of what I'm saying, and then they attach more lies.
And I know you know that.
This isn't hurting us, actually.
We're getting more support because of all the media attacks.
It's just that that's who these people are.
I mean, overhead shot, please.
Look at this.
Alex Jones says he's so ebbing sick of Donald Trump.
In 2019, leaked video.
Yeah, it's so leaked we've sold 10,000 copies of it.
Alex Jones mocks his own fans and boasts that he can get them to buy anything.
Where's the video of that?
You don't have that.
You attach one lie to another.
Jones says he's sick of Donald Trump and wishes he'd never met him.
I said if I was a selfish person and didn't care about humanity, this has been rough and I said that.
I wish I never knew Trump.
On and on.
They'll probably edit this right now and say I said it again.
But that's who they are.
New York Times, Washington Post, you know, just everything.
Because that's who these liars are, and that's why they want to shut us down and silence all of you so we can't speak.
You know, again, we got 20,000 of these.
We've only sold like 10,000.
I was about to just put them free and things, but it's such a depressing film.
I almost just threw them away, but I don't like to throw away books and films like the left that likes to burn things.
So I guess if you want to get, you can't watch this and see it for yourself.
It's at Infowarsstore.com.
But let's go out to break here with what I actually said in the film.
Here it is.
Part of me, the selfish part.
Wishes I'd never met Donald Trump.
It's fantastic business.
I don't know if you can see that thing right up there.
We can.
But it's doing great business.
I hope your audience goes out and buys it as Christmas gifts and everything else.
And I just want to finish by saying your reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot... Being sucked into that whole vortex has... It was like selling your soul.
Everything I did, everything I was, and everything I was trying to do at that point didn't matter how diverse it was.
It didn't matter how it was multifaceted.
It all became that at that point.
So Trump came to get my populous audience, and then he did that.
The Democrats saw it as a threat.
They attacked it and said that I was Donald Trump, thinking that would hurt him.
It made Trump stronger.
It made him win the election.
And so they understand that Donald Trump is Infowars, and that I'm Donald Trump now.
And it's like a ring of doom.
We've been merged together into this thing, and they're obsessed with it.
And again, I was explaining, the media created this false thing.
See, even that's edited down from what I really said.
So I'm done talking about it.
It only makes us more successful of their lies.
People know what they are, but this is sick.
But if you want to get the secret leaked video that's been out for a year and a half on DVD, the secret leaked video we've been selling for over a year, it's at m4warrestore.com.
The secret leaked video!
The Southern Department of Law Center said so!
Every one of you has a platform.
Every one of you has a voice.
The corporate media wants to silence these voices.
You have a platform.
You know, last year I launched a podcast.
Verdict with Ted Cruz.
Over 25 million downloads in a year.
By the way, please go subscribe.
Verdict with Ted Cruz.
Verdict with Ted Cruz.
Click on subscribe.
Five stars, please.
But you know what?
You have the same platform.
You have social media.
You have your friends, your neighbors, your family, your classmates.
Speak out for freedom!
Because I'm going to close with these words of encouragement.
These are dark days and the media tells us this is the new galactic empire forever and a thousand years.
But already Joe Biden and the radicals in his administration, they are already overshooting.
They are already going too far.
Their policies don't work.
They are disasters.
They are bad.
They are destroying jobs.
They are stripping our freedom.
And there is a natural pendulum to politics.
And the country will come back to sanity.
And mark my words, 2022 is going to be a fantastic election year!
And so is 2024!
As we stand together and defend liberty, defend the Constitution, defend the Bill of Rights of every American in the immortal words of William Wallace, FREEDOM!
You know, I like Ted Cruz, even though he's attacked me and done some stuff I don't like with Trump.
I just, I just, I have a good feeling about Ted Cruz.
And I just always go with my gut.
And I'm not kissing Ted Cruz's ass, okay?
I know he's a little minion with Glenn Beck who thinks he's Jesus and all the rest of it.
But this was trending the other day.
They were saying, oh, look, Ted Cruz is trying to be Alex Jones.
No, he's not.
That's passion for what's going on.
And we all should start our own podcast.
We should all start our own media, whether it's small or big, it doesn't matter.
That's how we defeat the censorship.
The answer to censorship is everybody needs to be out front.
Look at this commenter.
The Patriot's a nice guy.
He says, Ted Cruz is old and boring.
I think Americans need to get together and replace Ted Cruz with Alex Jones.
He would give good speeches and get stuff done.
Well, Cruz is trying, the Patriot.
But yeah, the Hill and everybody, you know, was out there picking this up.
We don't want to fight with each other. You know, Glenn Beck attacked me for the
out of context Trump comments that the Southern Poverty Law Center put out.
And so did other people, you know, like David Knight and folks. And it's just sad
because we shouldn't be siding with the Southern Poverty Law Center in anything.
And I want everybody to be successful, whether it's Ted Cruz or whether it's Glenn Beck.
But Glenn Beck ran big stories about this.
Oh, Jones hates Trump, blah, blah, blah.
No, you judge a tree by its fruits, Glenn.
I've been sued over 50 times.
I've been demonized.
I've been attacked.
On air, I've supported the president.
I've also criticized stuff I didn't like.
And I've played devil's advocate and said if I didn't care about the country, I didn't get rich supporting President Trump.
It's been hell.
It's been hell.
They're trying to indict me right now.
And everybody who's smart or even has half a brain knows what that means as a literary term or a verbal thing of, you know, if I was a selfish person, if I only cared about myself, I'd hate Donald Trump.
I'd be far away from him.
No kidding!
They've offered me everything!
They offered me Glenn Beck's job when they were creating Glenn Beck Glenn.
I didn't stick my face in Cheetos.
I didn't attack President Trump.
I've legitimately been critical of things where he's wrong, but I think he's a good man that cares and is one of our only hopes.
So, again, I'm really ashamed of Glenn Beck, because I learned just this morning, he attacked me yesterday on his show, they had a big front page story, they sent it out to their people, because he knows he lost 90% of his audience when he attacked Trump and went with Ted Cruz.
Now I've tried to bury the hatchet with Beck, I've tried to bury the hatchet with Cruz, and I think Cruz has done it.
He's defended my speech and says I shouldn't be censored.
Glenn Beck needs to knock it off.
Glenn, if you want me to knock you down a couple more rings, I'll do it, buddy boy.
But I want you to rehabilitate yourself.
I've talked to your sponsors.
How you can't sell anything since you attacked Trump.
How you're bankrupt, basically.
Leave me alone.
Stop trying to cut me down so you can be higher up, Glenn.
I want you to be successful, Glenn.
I want you to come in, join the team, buddy boy.
I don't need to dominate you.
I'm already way stronger than you, way better than you.
Come from a much better family than you.
When you want to talk turkey, you're a damn little pervert loser.
So leave me alone, boy!
Or I'll knock your ass politically down where you belong to be!
Grow up, you little punk!
We'll be right back, stay with us.
Is the Proud Boys, are they a domestic terrorist group?
Well, I don't think we have treated the Proud Boys itself as a domestic terrorist group, but we certainly have individuals... What does it take to make the list?
Well, there is, as you may know, Senator, under federal law, under U.S.
law, there is no list of domestic terrorist organizations the same way there is for foreign terrorist organizations.
Well, let's think about that in the next 47 seconds.
Are they a domestic terrorist organization?
We, again, as with Proud Boys, we have individuals who associate themselves with that group who are a domestic terrorist organization.
Antifa, a domestic terrorist organization.
Same thing?
Same answer?
Same answer.
So why don't we think about how to gather better information and expose some of these groups.
If they were on a list, would it make it easier for you?
I think the issue of whether or not to designate or have a formal mechanism for designating domestic terror groups the same way we do with, say, Al-Qaeda or ISIS, I think there's reasonable debate about whether or not it would really advance the legal... It's the KKK domestic terrorist group.
Well, there is no legal designation for domestic terror groups.
My point is, I don't know if we should have one or not, but I think it's time to think about it.
Thank you for joining us again, hour number two, March 4th, 2021 on this Thursday transmission.
And I intend to open the phones up bottom of the hour to talk to you.
Looking forward to it.
You know, Lindsey Graham is a really weird political operator.
He definitely plays both sides.
He's bad news.
We know that.
But he comes out and says, what did Nancy Pelosi know?
When did Nancy Pelosi know about the plan to attack the Capitol?
It was not the president inciting it, his million people that showed up.
He had no idea that would happen.
It was a couple hundred operatives of Antifa and federal provocateurs inside the Proud Boys, inside the Oath Keepers, and inside the Boogaloos.
And I'll say this, the Boogaloo's say they want to start a revolution, they want to get stuff going.
The other two groups don't.
And I think overall aren't bad people and certainly aren't terrorists.
Enrique Tarrio or Stuart Rhodes is a longtime friend of mine and a constitutional lawyer and veteran, whole nine yards.
But when you get these groups that are this big and they start getting huge, you're going to get infiltrators, you're going to get problems.
And we know that happened.
And so Graham says, oh, what did Pelosi know?
When did she know it?
They dropped that fake Senate hearing, that fake impeachment 2.0, so fast because they know that it was provocateur and led by FBI agents.
It's come out in court.
And they know Antifa was involved leading it.
Not just Jaden X, but others.
Paid by CNN to do it with CNN reporters using aliases.
That's all come out in mainstream news.
I reported it the damn day of and the next day.
Had his brother on.
And so, we've been there breaking it all down.
And so we're not saying militia groups or patriot groups are bad, we're saying watch out, they're trying to infiltrate you and trying to set you up.
And the feds in those groups will say, don't listen to Jones, he's attacking our militia.
No, I'm warning you about where we are and what's going on.
And so then Graham does a good thing there.
He zigs and zags more than anybody I've ever seen.
I can't stand it.
Like Trump, it was always just the same.
You know, you might disagree with what he's doing sometimes, but it's the same today, tomorrow, next week.
With Graham, he does some good stuff and he comes back and says, well, we just better start talking about listing all these groups of terrorists.
The reason the FBI doesn't do that Is that it's an international designation and non-citizens have a different designation under the Constitution and under the Patriot Act with the enemy combatant status.
So for them to say, let's start listing citizens as terrorists, well now you've really set up a real police state with all the bells and whistles and it's official.
Which they're already doing, the Democrats are, we want anti-terrorism and we've had crew members visited.
By the Anti-Terrorism Task Force.
I showed you the card the other day on air.
I mean, I didn't make it up.
Agent Snow of the Counter-Terrorism Task Force came to the last known address of one of our crew members.
His mother, he's a young guy, hadn't lived there in a long time.
Yeah, we want to talk to Rob.
Where is he?
And by the way, Rob didn't go to D.C.
Rob wasn't there.
Rob is a board operator and pulls up news articles on the show.
He does a good job, too.
But when I say, hey, pull this up or pull that up, that's what he does, FBI.
But they know that.
In fact, Candace Owens talked about this on Twitter yesterday and on national TV.
She has dozens of friends that were at the ellipse with the president inside the cordon with the Secret Service that just went there to hear the president speak.
They've gotten FBI visits.
People that weren't even in D.C.
have gotten FBI visits.
And we know the FBI and this political operation is going around interviewing hundreds of people trying to get them to say that I told them to go attack the Capitol.
That really makes me sad for the FBI because, you know, I want to believe in the balance of power in this country between the states and the federal government.
I understand there's a role for federal investigators.
We've had it since the start of the country.
It goes back to mainly taxation, folks.
That's what the ATF comes out of.
But this is just out of control.
And it doesn't intimidate me.
It's just par for the course of how much trouble this country's in.
That we have the FBI with the borders open, human smuggling, all sorts of real terror groups, all sorts of just crazy-ass people out there, and you think Make America Great Again people are the number one threat because the director says so, and he says that Antifa was not at the Capitol when they were sticking out like a sore thumb.
So here it is.
Feds on high alert Thursday after warnings about potential threats to U.S.
Now here's the deal.
I just tell you what I really see.
The Q movement was the biggest thing since sliced bread until the 20th when it got discredited and Biden got inaugurated.
I went and tried to find where the FBI and Congress is saying there's this huge Q attack planned for today and Trump's getting inaugurated.
There's almost no one they can find.
I've watched probably 15 MSNBC, CNN, ABC News reports.
I've read it.
I've gone and checked.
They go to all these public events and try to find one woman or somebody to say, yeah, I hope he comes in on the 4th.
It's made up, and it's an excuse to keep federal troops there, and it's an excuse to just continue this whole unconstitutional spectacle, and to claim this is the big threat to the country.
They even admitted in Congress yesterday that no guns were found and no ammunition by anybody in the Capitol.
Again, that's not a terrorist attack, and we need Congress to push back on this.
Instead, House Republican Trump has A responsibility to tell his supporters to stand down after new threats.
So because somebody on 8chan claims, obviously one of the globalists, that's who runs it.
Oh, on the 4th he'll be inaugurated, which is today.
Won't happen.
Then they can use that to then say Trump needs to decry non-existent people on 8chan in case there's violence.
You see how they can now stage a false flag today, tomorrow, next week, and say, oh, it's Trump's fault, it's his supporters.
When they created Q, they came in with Q, and they did the whole thing.
And I've been honest about that too.
Q was created by some people in the Trump administration without Trump's knowledge early on.
It got taken away from him within three weeks.
And it's been run by the guy on screen basically since then.
So, I just love him up there like he's battling Q, when if anybody's Q, it's the FBI director.
I mean, that's what it is.
It's a PSYOP.
It's Operation Trust, just like the communists had in the 1920s in Russia.
And if you don't know what Operation Trust is, you should look it up right now.
Here it is.
FBI admits no firearms were seized during Capitol insurrection.
Only shot fired was cop killing Ashley Babbitt.
Videos on InfoWars.com.
Another big article from Information Liberation.
New normal.
Liberal Western leaders unite to criminalize and jail their right-wing opposition.
Germany bans the biggest conservative party.
Says they're going to start arresting them because they want their country to be sovereign.
But don't worry, Dr. Seuss will be safe.
Offensive material!
eBay bans sale of Dr. Seuss books!
Remember just a week ago when the Lepus Group called for them?
I was like, come on!
Nobody's gonna do that!
It's banned!
H-E-B says they're not gonna carry it anymore.
They've got, you know, end caps.
It's all for sale.
Just get the Seuss out.
Get it out.
Get it out.
God, get it out of here.
There's nothing more satanic than the leftist Dr. Seuss.
Which it was.
But it doesn't matter.
A leftist group projected onto it the same esoteric Q stuff that the left has that they magically saw something bad.
Yeah, there is Obama reading a Hitler manual.
Dr. Seuss manual.
But it doesn't matter.
Everything's got to be banned.
Because common sense has to be banned for this authoritarian takeover.
This is, this is 1984 come true.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones for example.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones, the far-right conspiracy theorist who is apparently... Alex Jones!
Russian scum!
Yeah, I'm not a... I'm not a huge fine art owner.
reputation is amazing I will not let you down you will be very very impressed I hope
yeah I'm not a I'm not a huge fine art owner that's not one of my things I'm into
but I was out in Hawaii four or five years ago and I came across one of only two official
museums of Dr. Seuss and And I actually checked it, made sure it was actually real.
The family said it was the only two that are real.
And I bought a bunch of art.
And believe me, comparatively, I knew that these were good deals I was getting.
And so I probably bought, I don't know, four expensive pieces, five or six smaller pieces.
I gave some to family as presents.
This is the only piece I bought for myself.
I bought the other pieces, again, for family and for my wife.
One of them is actually the original.
They made so many prints after it, but I actually bought one original.
Can you imagine the value of this?
Maybe I'll auction it off to fund the Info War.
This is, what, 56 of 57.
Of a painting he did that was then shrunk down by the graphic artist of the time and put into a book.
So that's one of the frames from Green Eggs and Ham.
And there he is talking to a little fellow about the green eggs and ham when he finally decides to eat the green eggs.
The green eggs and ham.
And that hangs in the break room here at InfoWars.
So imagine a world Where even that type of information is banned.
That is what our country has come to.
I even joked around with my wife.
I said, you know, we ought to get some of this.
I bet in the future it'll be banned.
It's politically incorrect.
And she remembers me saying that in the museum.
Because they want to ban everything.
They want the power that only what they want is allowed to be seen.
In fact, it's an excellent film based on a composite of true stories about East Germany, the lives of others, and there's this young, beautiful woman who wants to be an actress.
She is an actress, but she's got to have sex.
With the head of the Communist Bureau that controls the theater, so she can continue to do that, and she does, and it really makes her depressed, it really makes her upset.
And then this East German Stasi guy spying on her, he's spying on others, the lives of others.
He watches a playwright commit suicide, and he's even a big leftist, but it's not leftist enough, because they're actually jealous of what an incredible playwright he is.
Even though this guy's a communist, they don't like him because he's so famous.
It's a power trip of the bureaucrat to not let his plays be seen, so he commits suicide.
And it's, again, based on a composite of true stories that actually unfolded under the East German Stasi.
So this is all about power.
You're like, why are they banning classical music?
Why are they banning classical architecture?
Why are they banning Dr. Seuss, who was a big leftist of his time?
Why are they?
Because they want to piss on it.
They want to mark their territory that you gotta come through us.
Nothing new can be seen unless it's us.
And if they can ban everything else, they think it makes their art more popular.
But if you look at the stuff that they give five stars to now, artificially on Netflix, because they were getting zero stars, it's all anti-God, anti-family, anti-man, anti-child, anti-woman, anti-human, and no one wants it.
I mean, you look at Bill Gates' comments are a thousand to one negative, literally.
And so they just remove comments, whether it's on YouTube or Facebook or Twitter.
And so it's the same everywhere.
We're rejecting them.
They're spiritually ugly.
They're spiritually wicked, and if you were a sack of garbage like Michael Bloomberg, or a sack of garbage like Bill Gates, or a sack of garbage like these empty nobodies, you don't want the money and power, that's nothing!
You want to control what's between someone's son's legs.
Because if you can take a family son's testicles, the family jewels, you control the whole destiny.
So these are just berserking, mad dog criminals.
Who know exactly what they're doing and are demonically inspired to carry out their operations.
And just like psychopaths always drive little non-threatening cars and wear non-threatening clothes and always want to act sweet to you, they have an over-driving wish to destroy you.
If you had to tune to the frequency, it's like... Like a zombie against glass.
And come back a hundred years later, it's still doing it.
They're like, well I'm not like that.
Yeah, you're not like that because you're not, of them, the undead Satanist.
But just Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, all of them are just... It never stops.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, decade after decade, thousands of years go by.
It's their spirit.
It's kill, kill, kill, kill, kill the humans.
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill.
That's the transmission they're getting into.
And they're captured by it.
So you're like, why would Gates be doing this with an unpopular vaccine, killing so many, maiming, trying to cover it up?
Because he's got a mission to kill you!
He's not in charge, he's a demon!
He's a demon-possessed entity, giving all the money of all the robber barons, the people that funded Hitler, to kill you.
Instead of having global peace and global unity with humanity coming together, a real globalism, they have their false globalism.
And so you had uptight conservatives scared of freedom because they knew it would get out of hand.
You have modern liberals come along like, oh, you know, green eggs and ham.
It's fun.
People are having fun.
It's funny.
It's words.
It's silly.
It's not neurotic.
It's not crazy.
It's not stupid.
It makes sense.
It's banned.
Because Big Tech wants you depressed.
It's in their own white papers.
They want you alone in the dark.
There's one transmission.
Alone in the dark.
I've had a globalist tell me, and another individual trying to destroy me, they sized me up and they said, you're gonna die alone in the dark.
And I learned that's a fact they're saying.
Alone in the dark.
Alone in the dark.
No, I'm going to live for eternity in the light, not in the dark with you.
I don't fear death like you people.
And so, again, literally, ladies and gentlemen, that little sweet thing you see right there of the green eggs and ham is what they want banned.
Because why?
They're both smiling, ladies and gentlemen.
And they're friends, and they get along, and one's white and one's yellow.
They actually say that's racist.
They say, because there's color.
See, now they say mother and father's bad.
Well, some people don't have a mother and father.
Well, now some people aren't yellow, some aren't white.
It's like, oh, that one has a black face.
You can't have something with a black face.
I'm offended.
It's total attack on symbols and communications by a cult of mental patient devil worshippers
that want to control everything we do.
I like the painting.
You can see where he painted over the bone in the middle of the ham.
He says, hey, you got to add white there.
Absolutely cool.
And now I tell you, I value that, that, that, that original.
I've got even more.
It's just a little original.
It's kind of the adult stuff he did.
It was like a girl fish and a boy fish smiling at each other.
And that's bad too.
It's a girl and a boy, like it's a girl fish and a boy fish swimming along, smiling at each other.
It's an original.
And oh my gosh, I can't have that.
I'm out of spot.
You know, that's evil.
A boy and girl like each other.
That's dirty.
We'll be right back with your phone calls.
We'll give the number out.
Waging war on corruption.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
And it's not a mission impossible.
It's a mission we must complete.
We have these self-appointed globalists that think they're God.
Well, they're going to find out they're not, and they are finding that process out.
We made them accelerate their operations, and now they've got a lot of malfunctions and problems happening.
I intend to accelerate those even more and make them explode in failure in their attempt to dominate us in the great animating contest of liberty.
We're attacking on all fronts in the information war.
I want to give the number out on this Thursday transmission.
I want to take your calls.
First time callers again.
Any subject you want to cover.
But the big one for me is the London Guardian.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Also, it's in Forbes.
Worshipping this.
World needs equivalent of pandemic lockdowns every two years to meet Paris climate emissions, and that it's really part of the new climate lockdown system.
Every two years.
Just a few days ago.
Paul was playing that.
Great reset video where they're like, it's so good, things are locked down, it's so happy, the animals are happy, and everything's so quiet, and seismologists can hear what's happening on the earth.
Meanwhile, the third world's starving to death.
Big tech's consolidated the economy.
They're bankrupting everyone.
China could produce more billionaires than all countries combined last year.
This is an authoritarian economic war takeover.
But we wear our masks because we're heroes!
What do you make of the giant admission?
Let's pull up today's live show feed if we can.
The giant admission that this is a UN paper they put out.
The UN admits that the COVID-19 lockdowns are a smokescreen for global government takeover.
Man, our legislatures, our governors ought to be all over that.
But see, they're preconditioned.
There's no Great Lockstep.
There's no lockdown.
It doesn't matter if Klaus Schwab says it.
Oh, you don't want to talk about that, Governor, or you'll be in the New York Times.
Then you'll be popular.
Because if the New York Times attacks you, the people love you.
Yeah, the U on the left says the humans are the virus on the planet.
So they tell you, oh, those that say a lockdown's coming, those that say there's world government, those that say the vaccine's hurt you, those that say there's a plan to lower the carbon, just don't listen to them.
And then it happens, and like, well, I better not say anything, you know?
Talking about the New World Order, it's not kosher, it's not cool, and then they win the whole war against you.
Toll-free number to join us, 877-789-25.
3-9-8-7-7-7-8-9, Alex.
And I will get right to your calls.
The Hairlips, the Admiral, coming up next segment.
That's an old British naval saying, and I'm nothing to say about those hair lips.
I've got my own little I guess deformities you could call it.
But that's what makes us closer to God.
None of us are pure.
It's our imperfection that begins to achieve perfection.
But you're not supposed to say, of the hair lips of the Admiral, you're not supposed to say handicap.
You're supposed to kill old people.
Just don't call them handicap.
You're supposed to kill down syndrome people under the, just don't call them retarded.
Don't call them retarded when you kill them.
See how that, see, oh, run death camps in China.
Just don't.
Just don't, just don't sell Dr. Books, Dr. Seuss books on the Apple Bookstore.
Oh, Apple's moving, I'm told.
They're looking at banning Dr. Seuss.
You know, don't worry, all the other, eBay is, Amazon's starting to ban it.
I mean, if a group complains, we're gonna ban Dr. Seuss.
But, we can run Apple death camps in China.
See how it works?
Yeah, it's uh, it's uh pretty sick.
Oh yeah!
Maybe we should come back and play this news clip.
I'm glad you guys found it.
Were they bringing a Down Syndrome man?
He was a very high-functioning Down Syndrome person.
And they tell him, you're worthless, you cost way more money than most people, and they sit there and run him down.
Since once they create a socialist system, oh well, you're a right winger, you don't get health care, you got Down syndrome, you don't get health care, you're above 70, you don't get health care.
You see, it's all picking and choosing winners in a super corporate state.
Because they can't produce art, they can't produce literature, they can't produce love.
The average sociopath literally thinks Oh, your cat or dog, like psychiatrists teach, your cat or dog doesn't have emotions.
It doesn't really love you.
Because, see, they don't love anybody.
They don't even want you to think a dog or cat loves you.
I figured out their number, man.
These people are trash.
And the more we bow down to them, the worse it gets.
Because, oh, the mob's here for Dr. Seuss now.
We better give you Dr. Seuss.
And Coca-Cola says being white's bad.
While the big global megacorporations take full control of civilization and society and pump into your black veins, your white veins, your brown veins, your pink veins, poison literally designed to kill your ass with slow kill and you're just like bowing down to it because it's the media and it's the big corporations with communist China selling political dissidents organs.
They're the authority.
They tell me what's good.
They tell me what's bad.
They're the big corporations.
They know best.
And they're monsters.
We're going to come back and talk to Nick, Kyle, Alex, and many others.
And I've got a lot more to hit here today.
But since we're talking about films earlier, you know, there's a film put out a year and a half ago called You Can't Watch This.
We sell it.
It's only the most depressing stuff I said, Gavin McGinnis said, others said.
I already signed a contract to buy 20,000 of them.
Once I got it, you can see the reviews are real.
Let's look and see what in-game blueprint for global enslavement.
Let's see what reviews it's got at mfulworthswear.com.
I even know we still had this on DVD.
I thought we'd sold out of it, but I guess a year ago I said reorder it, so a limited supply came in.
100% review!
Perfect five stars!
57 reviews!
We have a couple hundred copies of this, and I do intend to reorder it.
Because even though DVDs have been phased out, you better keep your old DVD players, better keep your old hard drives, because in the future everything will be having the data.
And having it private.
And you're authorized to make copies?
I want you to get my DVD.
And I want you to re-upload it, download it, edit it, share it.
I don't care.
It's free to air.
And it is a 14-year-old film that is stronger now than ever.
You think that video with tens of millions of views right now that we put up last week where I predicted the COVID lockdowns 10 years ago, I didn't predict it.
I was reading a Rockefeller lockstep document on air.
This is 50 times more powerful, and it has a 100% review.
Unlike the leaked video we've been selling for a year and a half, the Southern Poverty Law Center edited.
Oh, the leaked video!
I'm like, if I didn't love America and only cared about myself, I would hate Trump and hate him and Roger Stone and what we've been through.
Roger Stone called me up last night and he goes, man, I saw that edited video.
Can't wait to hang out with you soon.
I totally get what you're saying.
They're trying to drive a wedge.
You say in the video, If I wasn't a moral person, if I was only into myself, I would join with evil and I would hate Trump because I've been persecuted for Trump.
I say that all the time.
But that's how they lie because it's all they've got.
They're not creative.
They can't actually do real things.
It's okay.
Feel sorry for them.
That's why they get low reviews, even though we're selling DVD.
You want to get the secret leaked DVD.
It's not secret, it's not leaked.
But you know there's that bumper sticker.
If you want your children to listen, whisper.
It's true.
Like you'll be telling your daughter or son, hey listen to me, you need to clean out the sink, you need to clean up your room, you need to take the trash out.
I'm not going to let him go to that birthday party this weekend if he doesn't clean up everything and move along.
Oh, dad, I'll do all that.
You got to whisper.
Oh, we've got a leaked video of Alex Jones secretly saying he hates Trump.
Which we've been selling for a year and a half on the DVD.
I mean, think of preying on your audience like that, and then saying we're preying on our audience.
Oh, we got video of Jones saying he hates his audience and sells them scam products.
Is it in the video?
They don't have it.
That's how the fraud works, but it's okay.
No weapon formed against us will prosper, and it only makes us stronger.
But Endgame is available at InfoWarsTore.com.
And folks are suddenly buying this DVD up, so I've put in an order, or I told them to last week, in Chicago, where they're printing them, to print 10,000 more.
But who knows this weird climate?
We'll never even get them or it'll happen.
We've got some now, five-star reviews, 100% reviewed, infowarestore.com.
And don't forget, we've got the privacy pockets, little Faraday cages, to block out the contact tracers.
Being sold the lowest price you can find anywhere for ones that actually work.
$19.95 at infowarestore.com.
And we have the new product.
It's like the liquid version of Rocket Rest.
It's super strong, down and out, sleep aid, 40% off with free shipping, infowarestore.com.
We'll be right back with your calls.
All right, we're taking your calls right now.
And the big topic I threw out, callers are calling in on it.
I appreciate you wanting to give us your take here on the Alex Jones Show is What do you make of the UN putting out a report, it being picked up by everything, the New York Times, the Washington Post, picked up by Forbes, picked up by the London Guardian.
Yeah, we need lockdowns all the time.
Humans are bad.
We need to starve to death.
It'll lower the carbon dioxide that plants breathe.
But the real thing is all the big banks, all the big tech companies have doubled or more their profits as we go bankrupt because they're essential and we're not.
This is 21st century warfare.
We created more billionaires than all the world combined last year because this was their operation with Bill Gates and with the whole globalist combine.
They're essential, we're not.
And we walked right into it because we're good, virtuous Americans.
We'll wear that mask.
We'll believe your lies.
We'll agree to censorship.
We'll do whatever because big tech needs to own it all.
And now we're here.
People are starting to fight back.
Some states are saying no, but it's a day late and a dollar short if we don't expose that the New World Order is behind this all, and it's a criminal financial consolidation and a eugenics depopulation operation.
We're also talking about Dr. Seuss bans.
Remember, first you have the leftist group call for it to be banned.
A few groups ban it.
Media goes, oh, that's ridiculous.
Nobody's going to ban Dr. Seuss.
eBay bans it.
Grocery stores ban it.
Bookstores, ban it, because they're always caving in.
Oh, George Washington, the American flag, First Bengal Banner, Second Amendment.
Oh, say mother and father.
Oh no, no to Dr. Seuss, who's basically a communist.
Because they want power over everything, no matter how ridiculous.
And the idiots pushing it, the little leftist, you know, with the different fake outrage groups that go around mobbing everyone to get them banned.
They actually feel like they're part of the power structure when they're not.
They are the biggest schmucks the planet has ever seen.
All right, let's go on the order.
These calls have been received.
We'll go to Alex and then Lisa.
Alex in California, you're on the air.
What's up, Alex and team?
How are you all doing?
Man, I'm just, you know, watching the New World Order take over.
Oh, man, I know.
I hear you.
Big shout out to you.
Thank you to you and the crew for all your hard work.
I just want to say thank you again for everything you guys do.
Well, thank you, brother.
We're just fighting together.
We're all in the same boat.
So, yeah, I just wanted to talk about the COVID vaccine and anybody that's on the fence about it and thinking that, you know, everything will be okay.
I just wanted to tell a couple quick stories about personal family members.
I decided to go against my articles and the videos that I've been sharing with them over this last year and got the shot.
Okay, and what happened?
Yeah, so I got my uncle, so my cousins were just, you know, disbelief, disbelief, not believing anything.
So they were trying to, you know, talk my uncle and my aunt to get it.
My uncle got the first shot that night, not able to breathe, thinking he was going to need to go to the ER.
So he made it through the night, you know, still trouble breathing.
It's been like over two weeks now.
We're walking around.
Your phone broke up a little bit.
Start over.
So it looks like he got paralyzed, partially paralyzed, Guillain-Barre that they admit it causes.
But if you talk about it, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, they all ban you because you're not allowed to warn people of their predatory activity.
This is criminal assault on us.
Exactly, exactly.
Like I said, it's been over two weeks, he's still having trouble breathing and he's getting winded just walking around.
Well, you know if they're successfully killing, they're going to say he died of COVID.
You know that, right?
Oh, totally.
And I totally have been telling him that.
I've said, this is just the pre-eminent part of it and if you don't die right away, you're going to be getting sick down the road.
Will you imagine?
Do you think he'll take the second shot if he survives?
Oh, not 100%, not now, not at all.
Because that same week that my uncle got it, my mom's boss went and got a shot.
And so she went from fully working in manufacturing, running up and down, because she was a production operation manager.
Now, within days after getting that shot, she has to walk around with a cane.
She's a severe cane.
You know, luckily my parents have been right there with me.
Last year they were traveling, going back and forth, going to Florida, doing their thing.
end of the shot that the people barely got a bed some have died now and they
don't come out and eat dinner anymore they're just all dying it's all it so
so so what about the rest of your family was making fun of you are they laughing
now oh you know my luckily my parents have been right there with me they last
year they were traveling go back and forth going to Florida doing their
thing they just think they see through all this you know so it's great I think
my sisters that were kind of like I don't know now they're finally seeing
the light bulb you know So it's great.
I just feel like I'm living that everyday nightmare of like, you guys clip with Kanye West being like, wake up!
Let me tell you the story.
Everybody overuses Hitler analogies, but they haven't actually studied it.
The last few weeks when the Russians were surrounding Berlin, Hitler told people, he said, listen, I just wanted to kill a bunch of people.
And I wanted to have a big battle and relive World War I, and the Germans have failed, so they deserve to die.
And he would say, go ahead and just flood the subways, kill everybody.
They'd say, sir, there's no reason to flood two million Germans.
He said, just kill them.
I want to kill them just as much as I want to kill everybody.
And so see, for Hitler, it was about the killing.
So we're like, why is Bill Gates doing this?
He'll never get away with it.
He's having fun killing everybody and watching the media follow his orders.
So everyone that signed on to this, how are they going to deal with it, brother, when we already have tens of thousands conservatively?
Israel says massive deaths from the vaccine, and it's going to get worse and worse.
And then most people actually will then rationalize.
Hank Aaron dying or whatever. I mean this is so crazy to watch not just that Bill Gates and the globals want to kill
us But to watch us go along with it and make excuses for it.
Does that make sense?
Totally and it's crazy because they already have a plan out where they're gonna say
Oh, it's a new strain a new buyer variant of killing these people not a shot. It's not the vaccine but people are
already like Brad let's take your sister
Let's take your sister.
She's like, oh, maybe I'm waking up.
Hey, your sister's a nice person.
She's not a psychotic killer.
She better learn about Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab real quick.
I mean, she's not totally awake now that her family member may die?
I'm not trying to knock your sister.
I'm just saying, you can't be too nice to these people.
Does that make sense?
I want everyone out there, if you're still on the fence, please, please wake up.
This is not a joke anymore.
This is it.
Everybody wake up.
And there's therapies out there.
You don't need the shot.
You don't need the shot.
All you need is vitamins and minerals and to not be super obese.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
And I'm not trying to get mean to your sister.
I'm just saying women are so gullible because they're nice.
And they project that they would never want... That's why women get in the car with killers.
And women are like three times more likely to get conned by Nigerian scams, by government scams.
And men are just lazy and dumb, you know, overplaying with their, you know, what's.
But women literally get like if there's a con man telling them something super evil, they can't believe it.
They go, well, it must be real.
That must be a threat.
We just I mean, these women are begging to have their kids vaccinated.
It doesn't even kill children.
But they want it.
Women in every culture led their babies up to fires or to Aztecs.
And they would just take your baby and go, thank you.
And the mother would take the baby's flesh and eat it.
I mean, that's how this works, folks.
God help us.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's talk to Lisa in Florida.
Lisa, give us your view on this.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Go ahead.
I'm going to try to stick on topic because I could go like a million different directions.
You've got the floor.
I'll try to shut up.
Tell us your view on... Oh, it says you're a nurse on COVID.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
I am an RN in Florida and I absolutely am like opposed to the vaccine.
I've had recently a lot of patients that have gotten them.
I've also...
I'm going to go back and forth.
A lot of my patients, it doesn't matter who they are.
I love my patients.
That's what I do.
I take care of everybody.
But a lot of the patients, if their families were in nursing homes or in ALS, the family, they had extras, so they were able to get some of the injections.
My one patient, they are liberals, but I do like them as human beings, but they are just so clueless And they were able to get the vaccine because her father was in the facility and they had extras, so they got them.
But then, like two weeks later when I came, she's like, oh my gosh, my dad died.
He had I'm going to come back to you.
I want you to have the floor.
You're a nurse.
You've got a lot to say.
I want to hear this.
We appreciate you.
This is exactly what I'm talking about.
She's a loving, smart woman helping save people.
And then meanwhile, 95% of violent crime is committed by men.
So when I talk about women being gullible, it's not because they're bad, it's not because they're not smart, because on average, they're not like that.
And most men aren't bad either, but there's a percentage of men that are psychotic killers like Fauci, Gates, and others.
And the sooner we wake up to the fact that most of the killers, most of the murderers, most of the pedophiles are men.
And we realize there are bad men amongst us that have to be dealt with.
We'll be able to stop all this.
Instead, the feminists say all men are bad, and then we all turn against each other.
That's BS.
It's the predators we have to expose.
There's some bad women, too.
But we're going to come back to Lisa, I promise.
Two minutes, right to you.
Take your time.
Talk about this.
Oh, dad got it.
He's dead.
Oh, we want it.
And yeah, and then they always rationalize what they can't see.
Like, you're not an expert on snakebite.
How do you know that cobra killed your neighbor?
Well, I saw the Cobra bite him.
They died an hour later.
How do you know that bus killed that person?
Well, I saw it run over him.
We'll be right back.
All right.
I'm going to shut up and give Lisa, a nurse in Florida, the floor for the next five minutes to start over, tell her story calmly without me interrupting.
Please continue.
I'm not good at this, but okay.
So when I, I do home health and I've done it for years and then I worked for an integrative doctor for a couple of years and then I went back to home health.
And, um, Which I can get into a lot of the natural remedies that help and help cancer, cure cancer.
We've cured many people with cancer, but I'll stick with the vaccine.
Okay, so I go into these patients' home and a lot of them, you know, get these injections and, you know, some of them are sick and some of them are not, but a lot of them that they were able to get the shot through the nursing home because their families were in nursing homes or ALS.
They come back to me like two weeks later and they've said, well, I'm going to speak one so I can just stick with that topic.
They're like, oh, my dad died last week.
He had heart failure.
Yeah, there was nothing they could do.
And I'm thinking, okay, he just got that injection and they were both sick.
And then the sister that I was treating with it got sick, even though she didn't get the injection, but she was sick.
And also, all of the COVID patients that I've been treating for this last year, so-called COVID, none of them have any of the symptoms.
So, in the beginning, like, we have to wear a PPE, but I don't even wear a mask anymore when I go and see people because they're not sick.
Like, they go in with a UTI, and they're like, I didn't even know I had COVID.
And I have COVID.
I mean, it's...
It's not just one.
It's not just two.
It's not just three.
In the beginning, I was scared.
I'm not gonna lie.
I was scared, you know, because I have a daughter and I have a family and, you know, I was scared.
But after a while, I started to see that these people weren't sick.
There was nothing that was even a flu-like symptom that made me in the hospital.
I don't know, but none of the symptoms that they say.
But I also know, are you, can you hear me?
Yes, ma'am, I do.
I'm listening.
I know I usually interrupt.
I want to hear your testimony, please.
Yeah, yeah.
And so, you know, it's just insane.
So then some of the nurses, you know, I have friends, nurses that are all over.
And my one friend, well, she's actually a nurse practitioner in California.
She was totally liberal in the beginning, and she totally changed her whole tune.
And she's like, this is insane.
She also has leukemia.
But she's like, this is crazy.
This is not true.
This is not what's happening.
And I have a friend in New York, too.
They're like, they're putting these people on ventilators regardless if they're sick.
They just come in and if they have a cold, a life symptom, anything, they put them on a ventilator.
So of course they're dying.
Like, this is crazy.
The last thing anybody wants to do is put somebody on a ventilator.
Because a ventilator is not good unless you have no brain function or you can't breathe on your own.
But to put people into a state and put them on a ventilator, it's dangerous.
Yeah, to put him into a coma and put him into this is like something out of a horror movie.
And I know two people from high school that were black who just went in saying they had a cold.
They grabbed him, put him on ventilators, killed both the husband and wife last week in Austin.
I was just going to say most of them are African-American, unfortunately.
And so here's my other point.
So how is that working in an actuary?
How are they targeting black people?
Because it seems like that's mainly who they're killing.
I'm not trying to be a virtue somewhere, folks.
It's just who they're killing.
No, no, this is what I'm saying.
Well, look at what they're doing on the news.
Like, you know, here's the thing.
In hindsight, right?
I just like that stupid, crazy OC.
I just came with their name.
But just like, OK, so they plant, they plant something.
OK, so like on the news, she was mad about the little dog that was going.
and helping people in New York and rich neighborhoods. So she said, "Why aren't the African-Americans,
why don't the poor people have this dog, this robot, whatever this is?" It's because she's
planting something because that's what they're going to do in the future. It's so insane,
these liberals. And I guess, okay, so here was really what I was calling yesterday.
Hold on, don't hang up.
Back in 60 seconds.
Don't hang up.
Lisa, I want you to finish your testimony of what you're witnessing.
This is so evil.
Yeah, it's two to one black folks dying, folks.
They are killing black folks.
But they love black people.
They're liberal.
Oh, we love black people.
We're banning Dr. Seuss.
We love black people.
We love you.
We love you.
Look at this headline on InfoWars.com.
Judge rips kids away from moms.
Judge rips children away from moms who don't wear masks, even though it's not a law in Florida.
They do what they want, when they want.
It's all part of the power grab, the contact tracers.
And I'm going to break something down I've been looking at for about a week.
It's really big.
It deserves major attention.
And one of the crew members brought it to my attention a few weeks ago, a week and a half ago, and he's going to do a report on it as well.
But it's this Operation Crimson Contagion that was part of the Great Reset, part of the Event 201, part of Operation Lockstep.
And that's how they drilled the attack.
They let it released out of Wuhan right before they did it, so that's coming up as well.
We're talking to Lisa.
We'll get to everybody else.
To Sean and Greg and JJ and Kyle and Steve and James and Brandon and Nick.
We'll get to every single one of you this hour, I promise.
But Lisa's a nurse.
She was getting into healthy people get the vaccine, they die.
And it was like the last caller.
Some families get upset and go, why'd you die a few days after the vaccine?
But others just don't.
She says liberals don't even seem to connect 2 plus 2 equals 4.
So you said the main thing you were calling in to, you already dropped major bombshells, but the main thing you're going to get to right now.
You know, actually, when you're just talking about the mask, so I want to bring that up, too.
So I've done the home house for years and we always check their pulse box.
We've done that for years now.
It's such a big thing.
I get it.
But if somebody has COPD, which normally it's a build like, OK, so they're They have a buildup of CO2.
So sometimes, or if somebody smokes a lot of cigarettes, sometimes their pulse will be like 100 because they're breathing in too much CO2 or their blood's not transferring.
And I'm speaking fast without, you know, getting into everything to explain it.
But most of my patients now, Their oxygen level is 100%.
And why is that?
Because they have their masks on.
It's so bizarre.
And so I, you know, if I go into someone's house, they're like, do you want me to put my mask on?
And I'm like, no, this is your home.
You do what you want.
And anyway, so.
But I will have patients take the mask off and I will put one on so that they feel comfortable.
But just so I can get their real read of their oxygen levels, because with that mask on, it's a false read.
And I would love other health care workers to call me and see, or call you guys to see if that's the case in theirs.
It's crazy.
In saying it, they say follow the science.
They're not following the science.
And see, here's my next question, is I guess I'm just so confused.
Do these people, and I'm not saying normal human beings that don't know any different, But these liberals, like, and the politicians, do they know that they're this evil?
Yes, the higher-ups do know it, but the lower-level ones just have groups think it's mob psychology.
They feel powerful being part of it.
Lisa, thank you so much for the call.
Amazing information.
All right, let's go ahead to the next call, the order they received.
Nick in California, then Greg in Louisiana.
Go ahead, Nick.
Hey Alex, I wanted to talk about Dr. Seuss.
Are we really supposed to believe that these publishers... I don't think anybody asked them to do this.
I feel like they just did this disingenuously because they printed a bunch for themselves and then they found excuses for why they didn't take out each one like Eskimo fish.
And they're just going to make a huge profit by turning them into valuable collectibles.
I mean, I think it was a leftist group of academics that first attacked Dr. Seuss.
And so they want to target everything and ban everything so they have power over it.
But undoubtedly it's going to create a secondary market for Dr. Seuss.
But I don't see any evidence there of that being a pre-potted plant.
Created a bunch for themselves.
What I'm saying is, do you have evidence that it was the Dr.
Seuss publishers that had this leftist academic group attack the books?
No. No, I don't.
Well, all I'm saying is they're trying to ban everything.
I mean, a few years ago, it was Lynch Hall at a college that an Irish person gave a bunch of money to.
But because you had the Lynch trial, where somebody got lynched 200 years ago, people think Lynch means hang people, so they ban the name.
To me, the overarching system is just to have the control to ban any word you want, whenever you want, however you want.
And on COVID, I would cut that 2010 clip where he talks about a lockstep, and I would cut that with some clips from Endgame, because Endgame is just unbelievable at this point, talking about the lockdown cities progressively releasing worse diseases to depopulate.
Well, I just want to be clear.
I appreciate your call, brother.
Nick, all of these globalists have been public about this, so a lot of listeners watch these videos and they go, man, Jones must be an insider.
I'm on the video saying here's the document.
And the difference is, this isn't like some kooky group that just has a document and a plan.
This is real globalists in control.
And so that's what's frustrating is, if the legislatures and governors and the people ever just woke up and took the enemy's plan and said, look, it's a criminal admission, it'd be over!
But it doesn't, ladies and gentlemen.
It doesn't.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
That would be, hmm, who'd I say was up next?
Greg in Louisiana, you're on the air.
Then Kyle.
Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going?
Good, brother.
Good brother, go ahead.
Or is it Greg? Did I say Greg?
For the last...
For the last 25 years, Gray.
I got it now, brother.
It sounds like you're on a cell phone.
It's fading in and out.
Gray in Louisiana.
Go ahead, sir.
Okay, I've been trying to get in touch with you for the last 25 years, man.
Yeah, me and you had talked a long time ago.
That was way before you was on the air.
We went to the same school and everything.
Okay, what school did we go to?
Okay, what school did we go to?
We went to Duncanville.
We went to Duncanville.
There was two people that we hung out with.
One was a tall Gary.
The other one was a short, hairy Gary.
And me and him had almost got beat up by a bunch of guys because he called me the wrong word in front of them.
Because they thought he was talking to them.
But I had to jump in and intervene to keep that from happening.
The reason why I was calling, though, was to get us back on track.
This year, COVID stuff, it's a cover-up, man.
It's a distraction.
What we don't know is what's going on with the nuclear football and all this stuff that they keep throwing out to get us off the track and everything, man.
If we got a committee that's holding on to that football code instead of one person that's going to make a decision, we're in trouble.
And I believe that they're going to use a major attack on us, and I think Texas is going to be the target.
Because we got a lot of people here with guns that don't want to give them up.
And not only that, but we're one of the more fortified states.
You know, far as I agree, the globalists want to target Texas to discredit the idea of any
independent states or any form of secession.
I agree with you.
And I've said for a long time, I think the globalists might nuke Texas and claim some
terror group or right wing group did it because, I mean, that's all they've got to do.
They're preparing us, telling us that pro-Americans are terrorists.
What do you think is going to happen, Greg?
Well, if you really look at everything, how they're doing it and stuff, is they're going
to push this envelope because you got, as you can tell right now, there's a lot of people.
You don't have to wear a mask in the store.
But now, they won't take them off.
They won't take them off.
Because they won't take them off, people are still doing it.
And some of these cities are saying it's allowed.
The same people that they use to go, this Antifa, Black Lives Matter, they're going to be the ones that are going to go and shoot a place up, and then they're going to use that bomb to blow the place up, kill off those people, to cover up who it was that did it.
So they don't have any evidence.
I totally agree.
Everything they're pre-positioning, everything they're pre-planning, we have former Navy SEAL, author, researcher is going to say just that in the fourth hour today, Matt Bracken.
And God bless you, I appreciate your call, Gray.
You know, I moved out of Dallas when I was 16, but I did hang out some in Duncanville, but that had been 32 years ago or so, 31 years ago.
But I did go around and do a lot of wild stuff in Dallas, so who knows, I might have actually known that guy.
Who knows, I don't know.
Alright, more calls, I promise we'll come right back on the other side of this break.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, Tomorrow's News Today.
Everything they're doing is for a false flag.
Hell, they might do one today and they're all in the news.
Oh, the Q is going to blow up the Capitol!
Q ain't going to blow nothing up!
The feds that run Q are.
I'm not mad at folks that got into Q, but it was a sign-off.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
You are either with the Republic or against it.
Well, you knew there was a litmus test for the police and military.
Pentagon to raise social media screenings and military background checks for ties to groups with strong conservative elements.
Remember Facebook said two years ago, didn't matter if you said something ten years ago, we're going to use it against you and it's always a new element.
Oh, we saw you when you were five reading Dr. Seuss.
Pledge yourself to communism and then you can still be in the military.
It's just unbelievable that Congress put up with this and we put up with it.
Bipartisan senators introduced a bill to strip Biden of war powers, which is in the Constitution.
So they're already stripping Biden out right now.
I said they put him in there because he's weak.
So the bureaucracy can strip the executive powers.
You're like, well, I don't want that old crazy man with the weapons.
You're giving it to the bureaucracy now outside the Constitution.
Now the military won't be in control of it.
It'll be the bureaucracy.
And the military is far from perfect.
That's why they got this purge of it going on.
But these two articles go together like a horse and carriage.
We're in the final days of this country, folks.
China's directing the whole damn thing.
While the FBI is so busy tracking the conservatives, everybody, and worried about Dr. Seuss, we're losing the whole thing.
All right, who's been home the longest here now?
Is it Brandon?
They're all calling around the same second.
I guess it would be Kyle in Nebraska and then Deshawn.
Kyle, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Alex, how are you, sir?
Man, I'm just freaked out, brother.
This is the real takeover happening.
Same here.
Wanted to start off by saying, long time listener, big supporter.
Spent thousands with y'all.
Thank you.
I would say krill oil, basso beads, water filters.
I mean, you're just not gonna match it anywhere, man.
It's not happening.
The krill oil is the highest grade.
We can buy krill oil for $3 a bottle, but instead we pay three or four times that because the krill oil, it's the highest grade.
It's so amazing.
Alex, it changed my life, man.
I mean, you go to bed, like you said, you pop one of those before bed, um, and you don't even half the time need the knockout.
I mean, I'll take it once in a while, but anyway, uh, just wanted to get in with it, with this Laura Loomer thing, with the gun grab, whatever happened.
No, she's not allowed to own guns.
No judge, no jury, just she's a patriot.
So when she goes to buy a gun, they say no, no, no, no purchase allowed.
Doesn't even have a misdemeanor conviction.
That's what I was going to ask you.
Has that been reported by Tucker or anybody?
Because it's like, oh Alex Jones, he's banned.
Oh Laura, that's just them.
It's crazy.
It just becomes a no big deal deal.
But she sent the copies of it, the documents, everything.
It's happening to a lot of people right now, folks.
Again, can't be in the military if you're pro-America.
Can't have a gun if you're pro-America.
Congress is saying.
Did you hear where I read that?
Where they're going to check and see if your strong conservative elements won't be allowed?
Conserve means conserve the country, conserve the military, conserve our rights.
Don't want to have any conservation, do we?
Exactly, and I just wanted to bring that up, and I really hope that maybe if we do like a special report of some kind, or do something just like a short, like a three-minute thing, we could just blast everywhere.
I stuck up for you last night.
John B. Wells had posted that little edited video, and then I went ahead and responded to it with a clip from that guy that you were with last night.
All gas, no brakes.
Oh yeah, I mean listen, John B. Wells, I did nothing but have him on my show, treated him nice, built him up.
He's just jealous of how big our show is, and you know, it's fine.
I said that in a documentary film that was out a year and a half ago.
I said, if I was an immoral person, if I only cared about myself, I'd say, F Trump, I hate him, he destroyed my life, Roger Stone, all of it.
But I went on to say, but no, I did this, they did this, they've made great sacrifices.
So they just edit that out, and then say it's a leaked video, and I'm in a studio with cameras all over me, and then everybody's like, oh, look!
I mean, look, all these guys don't care about the truth.
They care about making a point.
And I think getting a score.
So all these other talk show hosts think like they're in competition with me.
Glenn Beck, all of them.
And they're not.
I'm fighting the New World Order.
I'm facing FBI indictment.
I'm facing the globalists coming after me on every level.
I'm not one of these children.
And yeah, you know, it's not the best response because I just heard about it two nights ago.
And the thing on the main side is me on Owen Schroer before I was even sure.
I'm like, where's that DVD?
Will you guys let me hear this?
I'm like, yeah, I think that's in the film.
Well, no, I went and looked.
It's in the film.
So the quote they have is in the film, but with context of me saying, but I love Trump and I'm glad I do it all over again.
Let's see.
Imagine the level of that lying, though.
It doesn't hurt me.
People should be insulted by being lied to like that, brother.
I just wanted to finish with saying, I'm in the Omaha area, and you and your wife get up here.
You got my number on there.
I'd be really happy to buy you guys a meal.
I'll buy you a meal, Kyle.
Love you, brother.
Appreciate you.
You've been supporting us.
We'll support you.
But I mean, notice the headline is, Jones says he hates Trump.
Never wish he'd met him.
That's out of context.
And then Ann Jones hates his listeners and says he sells them fraud.
Oh, where's the video of that?
In fact, I've talked to a lot of experts.
They're like, you know, if you would just not sell the highest grade fish oil or krill oil, you'd make three times the profit instead of selling the super high grade.
But I want to sell the high grade.
I'm not going to sell crap to people.
And that's how I am.
And it's just another thing, too, is I told the truth a few weeks ago.
I said, hey, It's not even supplements that are funding us now.
It's these protection pockets, Faraday cages for cell phones, because there's a big market.
We've always been selling them, but these are great.
We have a low price.
So we saw a flood of people with fake IP addresses hit and vote us down from a 97% rating to an 80-something.
I forget what it is, 80-something.
Oh God, it was like 86 a few hours ago.
And so, because there's not a lot of reviews for it, they're in there doing fake reviews.
Because see, that's a real review thing.
We're not putting fake reviews that are positive for us.
They have to order with power reviews to do it, but then they cancel their order.
So they order, vote our product down, and then... I mean, that's how hard the left is working, ladies and gentlemen.
So most of you that bought the Privacy Pockets, you didn't go to the reviews, did you?
They even had the FBI investigate that.
They're so obsessed with everything we do, they had the FBI investigate and put out subpoenas.
They asked me not to talk about this, but it went on.
Two power reviews!
Because it's a big mainline, thinking we had fake reviews, but then when they found out they weren't fake, they then gamed the left and had these thousands of leftists go, and it's a big problem we've got.
They order the product, then they delete the sale, but they have the code to do the bad review.
These are just a wall of satanists, a wall of trash, a wall of liars, a wall of fraud.
But here's the good news, we're not them!
So imagine how good that is that we're not scum.
We didn't come from scum.
Our daddies and our mommies were good people.
And I'm really sad to say that.
Some people had bad parents, they turn out good.
But most of the time, it's that you might have been poor, you might have been rich, it doesn't matter.
Your parents love God, they love the truth, and that's why you're like them.
You resonate with God.
These liars cannot get you down, folks.
Don't let them depress you.
That's all they want to do is get you depressed, get you down.
They did it to me the last few months, because I felt responsibility for the Capitol, because they set us up, and I should have been smarter.
But it's okay.
I was in the arena.
I took action, and God touched my heart and said, stop being bummed out about this.
You took action.
You did what you had to do.
God We'll turn this into something good.
All right, I'm done ranting.
I gotta go quick.
We've got so many great callers.
When we come back, Brandon, James, Steve.
Oh, but first is Deshaun.
So Deshaun, when we come back.
But yeah, I mean, I gotta sell a lot of product.
We'll sell thousands of these things a week, but we only make like, you know, $10 or whatever.
Hell, on sale even less.
So yeah, it's hard to pay the bills around here.
I'm not bitching.
I don't care about the money.
I want to just, I mean, thank God, I still got a family farm and ranch I could go to, and I'd live in a little bitty farm shack and be as happy as a pig, and you know what, man?
God, there's nothing better than being in like a three-room shack.
I'm telling you, man, that's why I want to be in a three-room shack in the middle of the woods, but instead I'm right here in the middle of this cesspool, Austin, fighting hard.
So keep me in the fight, folks, and keep buying the products.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're here watching the world government takeover while these globalists play God.
And I really want to get to this today, but we got Matt Bracken coming up with a bunch of calls.
2019 Crimson Contagion.
I've already talked about this a lot to listeners and other talk show hosts, other talk shows that might want to spend less time lying about me or attacking me if you want to be successful.
And like I'm giving you a huge thing that nobody's covered that was actually as big as Event 201 or Operation Lockstep that everybody could ferret into.
And for over a week, every day I've been mentioning this and I haven't seen other people covering it yet.
So, okay, I'll cover it.
I know it's big and documented and huge and important.
It doesn't matter if it's esoteric and cue crap and it's the cat's meow.
But this is really, really big information.
So, one way or another, I'm going to be covering that.
Also, I didn't know Joe Rogan, a couple of weeks ago, did like 30 minutes saying I was right with Michael Malice.
By the way, I like Michael Malice.
He's been on the show before.
The number I have for him doesn't work.
Michael Malice, we want you to get a hold of us when we get you on the show.
He's a great writer and researcher and a funny comedian as well.
And they were just saying, no effing way, Alex Jones is right again.
That's going to come up next hour ahead of Matt Bracken coming on with his big news.
We're going to take those calls.
But let's go to Deshaun in California.
Thank you for calling.
Thank you for holding, Deshaun.
Let me get to the point, but like I said, we need another rally back at the Capitol, period.
And we need to sit down with that General Milley, or General Silley, I call him, and that Chris Miller, and we need to just have a personal talk, period, right there at the Capitol.
Is this what y'all, is y'all installing this pedophile?
The country has been overthrown, do you know that?
And if they don't agree with that and We should just separate ways after that.
We should just part ways.
Because the military has been compromised.
And you remember, um, when Hitler invaded, uh, France, remember the French just stood down and just let them walk right in?
Yeah, that was the Vichy French actually stood down for Hitler.
He bought them off.
I agree with you.
So that's a strange scenario could happen with us with China.
We think in the military is going to help us and they just let China walk right in on
us. So, I mean, this is crazy.
And everybody knows the country's been overthrown right now.
It's overthrown. We have to get it back.
We have no choice.
And I agree with you. I was thinking of the name of the show today.
And I said, you know, you and it meant that the lockdown is for world government, but
The U.S.
is really overthrown, and we don't say that happy, but if we don't admit that, exactly, the U.S.
military at the top is globalist, and they are standing down while China walks in and takes over, economically, and with spies, and next is militarily, and now they've got to stand down for 60 days, and now they're saying that they're going to kick out anybody that's pro-America out of the military?
This is the purge right now, brother!
And what we're under right now with the masks, this is King George III rules all over again.
The mask thing is straight out of a king's mouth.
The Queen of England, we know who it is, and they're exterminating us right now.
People are going to these extermination centers right now, and they just want the shots.
And the people are just dumb.
They're just walking in the centers, they're just exterminating the people.
Because they're just coming to the camps!
It's so easy with the TV.
It's just, they leave us right to the camp, but the people are unaware.
Well that's right, they get us to take our parents and others to them to kill them, and even the nurse doesn't know, but then once they give shots and a bunch of people die, the nurses want to go, ooh, I mean, who are you going to say something to?
And then it comes out, there's all this massive death of people, and it's just like a footnote.
I mean, I guess the plan is working.
I guess the evil sized us up and said, it's time to bring this country down, Deshaun.
So how do we save people?
What do we do?
Like I said, we got to market that capital again.
I don't care.
It's our country, man.
It's over.
We have to get it back.
I'm going to tell you our biggest weakness.
Our biggest weakness right now is our love for homosexuality.
That's it, man.
We got to cut that off.
Because you got that Rachel Levine at the top.
Hell, they can put her as president now.
Since it's overthrown, you can see somebody like Caligula getting in office.
Well, you know what you're talking about, Sean.
Here's the deal.
They were worried about a march on D.C.
when they stole the election, so they had their own people kind of break in to make us look dumb, but I agree.
They're totally concerned about, they're going to do things so bad, opening the borders, everything, collapsing the dollar, that we will march on D.C., and that's why they're keeping troops there permanently, even though they don't even trust those troops.
So I agree with you.
They're planning something big, and they're saying right-wingers are getting ready to engage in terror, which we know is not going to happen.
So what do you think they're about to pull?
I'm hoping right now, what we're looking for right now is the military to just start clashing with each other, period.
Because we need some George Washingtons in that military right now, some Pat Henry, some Thomas Jefferson to step up right now, and then they're just going to have to take the country back.
It'll be easy.
It's so easy.
No, I agree.
What we don't have is men that are leaders that are willing to put it all on the line in the power structure.
Yeah, we're under martial law.
I hear you, brother.
God bless you.
I mean, you're right.
And they're pushing us into conflict, but they win if we don't fight, and they win if we do fight, unless we have God on our side and the public wakes up.
This is crazy.
Yeah, we're under martial law.
I hear you, brother.
God bless you.
I mean, you're right.
And they're pushing us into conflict, but they win if we don't fight and they win if
we do fight unless we have God on our side and the public wakes up.
But that's the problem is, man, the public is just dumb.
They are just dumb, dumb, dumb.
But that's why... Man, it's bad.
God, it's bad.
Just pray for awakening, folks.
That's all I can say.
And I can tell you, the military is concerned.
They're good people on average, but they're not magic.
And they're all compartmentalized.
And yeah, suicide is off the chart.
They're just killing us.
And they admit they want to make us depressed.
These people are evil!
You gotta reject the entire media, the entire culture.
Whatever mainstream TV tells you is wrong, folks.
All right, let's talk to Brandon.
Brandon in Michigan, thank you for calling, thanks for holding.
Alex Jones, thank you for taking my call, sir.
You're a legend and we love you.
All right, so I'd like to touch on the response to the UN news and then get into stickers.
Sure, go ahead.
So listen, guys, it's obvious here, the UN's clamping down harder.
I mean, they're putting all their cards on the table.
And they're basically saying, sit down, shut up and take it.
And I think they're trying to gauge how much we're going to take.
Like he said last year, Gates said this is all a giant test.
And then depending on what we do, comes the next thing.
And it's insane because you thought that they'd already put it all on the table.
I mean, from our view, it's just what more can they do?
But they just keep pushing it further and further.
And I understand, you know, what we need to do is we need to fight.
We need to come together and fight.
But people are afraid because when you admit what's going on, when you admit to yourself that there's a depopulation method being carried out, God forces you to take a stand.
He makes you stand up.
And I think people are afraid to stand up.
And they're saying we're dirty and putting masks on babies.
I mean, this is so damn satanic.
Hey, we finally live to see the Satan make us move.
I mean, we are literally got front row seats to the satanic takeover, brother.
It's just insane.
But I want to get into how people can fight.
It's very simple.
Sticker activism.
Those stickers that come with all your products at InfoWars.
I have a very unique job.
I actually travel around the United States.
I've been to the whole lower 48.
I've been doing it for the past eight years.
And I put those stickers everywhere.
When I go to the gas pump, I put one on the pump.
When I go to the bathroom, I put one in the stall.
When I walk into the grocery store, I slap one on the door.
And I feel like it's one of the best red pills for people because even if a cock has to take They're still getting a little dose of truth.
So they're kind of, you know... Well, and a lot of people that already know about Infowars, it reminds them, or they know other people are in the resistance.
I agree with you, brother.
Well, and I mean, I was in the Mojave Desert five years ago, and I found the sticker, fluoride, there's poison in your tap water.
And that's how I found Infowars.
And from that day forward, I became an Infowarrior.
So it's extremely powerful to put those stickers out there.
And actually, if I can, I'd like to Get in touch with somebody there about buying a big bulk order because we want to put stickers out at cost.
We've done it before.
It's had a huge effect.
We need to do it again.
The enemy tries to keep us off balance with the tax and all this demonization.
But yeah, get his name and number folks and just give him 5,000 stickers.
And again, it costs money to make these folks, but we love it and it gets the word out.
So that's beautiful.
Please get Brandon's info from Michigan and give it to Blake or somebody over there so we can get him 5,000 little stickers.
We need to do sticker bombs again.
That's something that's very successful against the enemy.
All right, third dimensional warfare.
We're going to talk to James and Steve and Andrew, Blake and JJ and then Matt Bracken takes over and we have that little Joe Rogan piece.
I know I've got a scattershot approach because there's so much news but The UN coming out and the London Guardian and Forbes and saying, oh, the lockdowns are good for the earth.
We're going to continue them for climate lockdowns.
And COVID was just the excuse to save the earth.
I mean, that's Klaus Schwab saying that a year ago.
It's all admitted.
It should all be over.
The legislatures, the mayors, everybody, this is a admitted criminal plan.
And they know that it's weakness for them, that it's a criminal plan.
So they're admitting it out front to normalize it, you see.
And to see the Stockholm Syndrome of the average leftist that's having their future destroyed, everything taken away.
Because I'm not a virtue similar towards black people, and I haven't figured out exactly why the globalists want to kill all the black people, but man, let me just tell you.
I mean, the left wants to kill black people.
They're the most racist, evil people I've ever seen.
And I figured out a lot of the low-level ones are like that now, too.
They all know.
They're like, there are too many old people, Alex.
There are too many black people.
There are too many poor people.
And they create a system to make them poor and then so they can kill them?
Man, I'm intellectual and I'm smart, but my gut's even stronger, my spirit.
My spirit just goes whoa to that, man.
You want to get on God's bad side, you act like that.
All you people want to play God, you dumb ass liberals.
Most of you live in squalor.
Most of you don't even have any money.
The system screwed you over too, but you pretend like you're part of it.
I mean, look at that photo right there.
God Almighty.
You're a TV viewer.
Man, this Joe Biden guy.
I mean, but it's perfectly emblematic that a rotting zombie is in control via fraud.
The guy that tried to fix things we got, you know, got stolen from.
And then they got articles out that I hate Trump.
You know what Jesus said?
Go off a tree's fruits.
On air, I love Trump.
I've supported Trump.
I've been persecuted for Trump.
They have some edited video from a film I put out where I said, playing devil's advocate, if I wasn't a moral person, screw Trump.
I hate Trump.
He's a horrible person.
But that's not true.
What I get isn't what matters.
It's where we all go.
But see, they're of their father, the devil.
They lie.
It's what they do.
It's all very simple, folks.
You go off what somebody actually does, what they stand for, what they produce, not what color they are, not where they came from, not who their daddy was or their mommy was at the end of the day.
It's what they did, what they created.
And now the left tells you, oh no, we don't look off what somebody did, like Martin Luther King said, which made pure sense.
That's why America resonated with that.
No, no, no, we look at what color somebody is.
It's evil.
All right, let's go ahead and run through these calls.
Let's go to J.J.
and then James.
in FEMA Region 3 wants to talk about all over the country, even in Texas and all over, they're putting GEN21 in and even if you buy your own farm, why you can't live in a trailer, why you get a house built for your kids, that's a GEN21, folks.
Oh, bankrupt you and then take your kids away, J.J.
Alex, I got two things for you.
Number one, I'm an anomaly among urban planners.
I have an AICP.
I am probably the only person who's a conservative that I know of in urban planning.
However, that thing that happened in Georgia, I was reading it.
I read the zoning law.
Was it Georgia?
Did I say Tennessee?
I'm sorry.
Georgia, yeah.
I saw another story in Tennessee.
I apologize.
It's Georgia.
Go ahead.
Yeah, so I read that this morning.
I read the zoning ordinance, and the zoning ordinance actually says a minimum 1,200 square foot is the minimum house size, which speaks completely unconstitutional.
There's a case from Mount Laurel, New Jersey called NAACP versus Mount Laurel.
Once that thing was settled, All over the country, even though it's a New Jersey case, everybody said, oh, we're going to lose badly.
Cities and counties got rid of the requirement for minimum square footage of a house.
It's totally unconstitutional.
And that's, it's called exclusionary zoning.
And that's what was happening in Mount Laurel, New Jersey.
That's the exact racism they were doing to black people.
Now it's everybody.
So second, secondarily now, um, in, FEMA Region 3, it's really sickening.
Of course, we have a lot of military facilities out here and I go on them all the time and it's just sickening.
What I see going on with the COVID vaccine, it's not a vaccine, the COVID jab, it just sickens me because what I'm seeing is a lot of people who are either, what is it, Korean War or Vietnam War vets.
They're all in their 70s and 80s and they're all lining up and they're just, they're getting totally cold.
And it's sickening because they don't want to pay for the medical care for these people long term.
100% the system goes bankrupt because of fraud if we don't kill the old people.
And voila, here it is, kill the old people.
I didn't mean to get him hung up on.
He dropped off.
And again, I never make mistakes on purpose.
I read another article about taking property in Tennessee, and so that was Georgia, and so I made a big mistake earlier saying that was Tennessee.
I apologize.
That's why you got to check what I say, folks.
Notice the New York Times says, do not check what people say.
But the caller corrected me.
Thank you so much.
I want to put him on hold, get him on as a guest, as a conservative zoner.
Maybe see if he can call back.
Sir, if you'll call back, I'd like to get you on as a whistleblower.
All right, let's take another call here.
Let's talk to James in Texas.
Go ahead, sir.
We're talking about eBay and Amazon book bans.
Go ahead.
Hey, uh, Jones, don't... I mean, you know about the character assassination, man.
You know, if you're taking a flag through a target, you always keep saying that.
So it shouldn't take you by surprise, honestly.
No, I agree, but the lies are getting so insane now, like Dr. Seuss, all of it.
It's just, it's just, my God, where do they end?
The thing is, what amuses me that they call us conspiratorial, you know, conspiracy theorists, when the conspiracy is right there in their face and everybody can see it now, it's blatant, you know?
They're not even hiding it anymore.
They're canceling conservatives worldwide.
I mean, look what's going on in Germany.
They're canceling that opposition party.
So, you know, they're not even hiding it anymore, you know?
I agree.
Where do you think all this is going to go?
I mean, you keep talking about it all the time, you know, it's a consolidation of, you know, of powers.
And unfortunately, you know, nobody's going to be free anymore.
But yeah, it's not looking good.
That's all I can say.
I mean, as far as the other caller was saying, There is awakening happening, it's just not at the pace that we want it to.
It's kind of slow.
Exactly, it should be way bigger with how evil all this is.
I mean, this is just, like you said, it's blatant.
It's blatant now.
Yeah, it's like you said, that expression you say, it's like, you know, don't pee on my leg until it's raining, you know?
I mean, it's a Stockholm syndrome, as you always keep mentioning it, so it's just sad to see that, you know, this is happening before our eyes and some people are not They were not willing to accept it, you know, even if it's right in the face because I have people that have taken the vaccines and I have my boss who actually, uh, he got sick for a whole week, you know, and then he wanted me to take it.
I was like, are you serious?
You know, but you know, you can't, you can't reason with liberals, honestly.
Well, that's another thing.
I call it vaccine, too.
It was mRNA, which is the main groups that are out there.
Although they didn't approve the regular one yet, it rewrites your genetics.
So, of course, your body freaks out.
And then it's going to have huge effects down the road.
They know that from animal studies.
They didn't do animal studies on these vaccines.
They did it with other similar ones.
So that's why we're like, oh, we don't need animal studies because they've already done the studies.
Thank you so much, James.
All right.
We're going to go to break.
I'm going to cram in three calls in five minutes from Steve, Andrew and Bob.
Blake in Alabama.
He's got another Blake there as well.
So that's coming up.
And then Matt Bracken has a lot to say today.
He doesn't normally say, hey, tell folks I got something big.
He does.
They're planting false flags.
They're engineering it to bring us to the next level of this and exposing this may be able to stop it.
So that's coming up next hour.
And then, of course, Owen Schroer always does a great job.
3 to 6 p.m.
The War Room.
We love Owen.
We love his Excellent fight against the globalists and all the great guests he has on.
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All right, Matt Bracken's got big news to take over here in a few minutes, and Alex Jones, your host.
We're taking three calls right now in this five minutes.
Steve in South Carolina, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Bless you, Alex.
Hey, I think one thing we've got to concentrate on a little more is our faith, and never lose our faith in God Almighty and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
And I think all of us that really know the truth That this is really a battle between good and evil.
And you have kept getting the truth out there.
You keep fighting the fight.
And that's what we have to do.
We just have to keep spreading the truth.
I don't even want to go into all this stuff because we don't have enough time.
No, you're right.
We've got to keep our eye on God.
Especially me.
I'm not perfect.
I get crazy and do stuff that's not very godly.
I repent of that.
But you're right.
It's all good versus evil.
But I thank you, pray for you, you and your family, and we just got to keep fighting the fight and tell people the truth, spread the links, spread the videos, and we just have to know that good will prevail in the end.
I agree.
This is a little bitty planet, a giant universe that God created in the blink of his eye.
Just keep our eye on God and let these globalists want to dominate us.
They want to make us depressed.
And I realize that this week.
We've got to be positive and just love God and rejoice in that.
Thank you so much, Steve.
What a great, great call.
Very simple, but very profound.
Thank you, sir.
God bless you for that kind word for everybody, including yourself.
Andrew in Illinois, then Blake.
Andrew, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Okay, you have to go to www.americansense.weebly.com.
That's sense spelled C-E-N-T-Z.
Sure, the best way to find stuff is the actual headline of the article.
What's the name of the article?
Enter the URL.
Google search isn't going to let you have this.
You've got to type it right into the URL.
Alright, say it again.
Google search.
Say it again, then.
Are you ready?
Yeah, I'm ready.
Okay, now this is going to tell you they're trying to distract from Cuomo with what's going on in New York.
They got U-Haul trucks full of bodies.
Now, this has to do with the Advancing American Kidney Health Initiative.
Now, this is a huge conspiracy.
This is the top story.
There is no story bigger than this because this has to do with coronavirus.
This is going to blow the whole thing wide open.
Okay, tell me, sir, just please.
Well, there's one guy that already knows about it, and he could have told everybody, but they put a big fat piece of silver right in his mouth.
I'll give you the code.
His name starts with an A. All right, brother, here's the deal.
I can't do these riddles.
Just give the URL out again, please.
You know what the advancing American kidney health initiative is?
Of course you do.
Donald Trump passed it.
And this is what they're doing to America.
Go on the site and see what's going to happen to you because of this.
Alright, I appreciate your call.
I just wanted to make sure you gave the URL and I appreciate it.
Blake in Alabama, you're on the air.
Last caller ahead of Matt Bracken.
Go ahead, thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, how are you?
I'm alright brother.
I'm good to be above ground right now.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I've lost total faith in society.
You know, people wear masks, strap these diapers on their face every day.
I hear half the people who are calling in probably put a mask on right when they're done talking to you.
It's just sad what's going on.
It's just a shame, it really is.
Well, don't get down too much.
I mean, I've been to Trump rallies.
Nobody's wearing masks.
I bet most of our audience, you know, you heard a lady.
She doesn't wear one herself, but she's a nurse.
Her patients are scared, so she does it.
But I hear you.
This is the wicked flea when none pursued, brother.
And the snake oil supplements that you peddle are not going to save anybody from COVID.
MAGA 2020.
Fuckin' right!
USA, baby, for life!
Fuck China!
Oh, you can't cuss on my show, sir.
You can call our product, Snake Oil, if you want, but vitamin D3 in winter sun is essential.
Vitamin C is essential.
Okay, so you can do all that you want.
You sound very unstable and sad, and I pray for you, sir.
I pray for you.
And I love you, and God cares about you, and God is real, okay?
Nothing's gonna save us from COVID, you hear that guy?
COVID is a hoax, ladies and gentlemen.
But there's a lot of real stuff out there.
Alright, Matt Brackett's taking over, but first, the Joe Rogan piece.
Alex is right about far more than he's wrong.
How much heat have you gotten for being friends with him and having him on the show?
A lot, but I don't pay attention.
I just, I can justify it.
Look, I mean, I won't justify the things he's gotten wrong, and I don't think he will either.
But, I'll tell you, that fucking guy is right about a lot of shit.
And when he was on this podcast, and he talked about how 80% of the people that took the Moderna vaccine had significant side effects, particularly after the second dose, people were like, no fucking way.
So we played Bill Gates, and I put it on my, because people were saying, you had an anti-vaxxer on your podcast.
I played the Bill Gates clip where Bill Gates is being interviewed by CBS, and he says it himself.
After the second dose, at least 80% of participants experienced a systemic side effect, ranging from severe chills to fevers.
So, are these vaccines safe?
The FDA, not being pressured, will Look hard at that.
But the data showed that everybody with a high dose had a side effect.
Yeah, but some of that is not dramatic, where it's just super painful.
But yes, we need to make sure there's not severe side effects.
The FDA, I think, will do a good job of that, despite the pressure.
Just like the nurse was telling us earlier today when we got tested.
She experienced chills.
She said all her friends did too.
All her friends did.
So this is something that Alex was saying and people were denying it.
Also, Alex was talking about how children in Sudan were involuntarily given these polio vaccines and a lot of them got polio from the vaccine.
We were like, what?
So then he shows us there's an AP news report, an article from AP, Associated Press, that shows this poor little terrified child and they're squeezing his mouth open, they drop this
oral vaccine in his mouth and it talked about how many of these kids got polio from this
These are things that Alex says that you're not hearing people talk about this.
This is not something that's mainstream discussed and it doesn't mean that vaccines are bad,
but this is a fact.
Every listener has to spread this link right now or I'm going to die.
Well, YouTube.
Yeah, I don't know.
I don't know how much longer my books will be available for sale on the Jeff Bezos distribution
network, but you might want to grab your hard copies while you can.
As far as the digital copies, they're probably going to go down the Dr. Seuss memory hole not too long from now.
You can get the books from me or you can get them from Amazon as long as they're selling them.
I don't know how long that's going to last.
We really are, I think, in anybody that's been paying attention, anybody that's studied history, you can't shrug this stuff off.
I know that it's it's very, it's just tempting to say it can't get worse.
Things can't get any crazier.
It's like a pendulum, it'll swing back towards normal.
I'm sorry, folks, that is wishful thinking.
That's what got a lot of German Jews dead.
The thought that it just can't get any worse.
You know, this crazy Austrian corporal, he'll get thrown out by the military.
He's just too crazy.
Things will get back to normal.
No, they're not going to get back to normal.
There are no brakes on the clown train and the bridge is out.
If you look at history, And you go back and you, just the ones in fairly modern history that we have very good records of, the French Revolution, the Jacobins in the 1789 to early 90s time frame, or if you look at the Bolshevik Revolution, if you look at even what the Turks did to the Armenians before, during, and after World War I, then you look at
You look at what the Russians did to their Kulaks, which was a peasant that owned a cow, basically.
Or what the Chinese did to what they called the landlord class.
Or what the Rwandans did to the Tutsis.
Or, you know, what happened in Yugoslavia.
It's a very common pattern to stir up anger and hatred within a society for a political end.
In the case of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic In his quest to be a president after the death of Tito, he used hatred of the Bosnian Muslims in the part of Yugoslavia then called Kosovo to whip up Yugoslavian nationalist fervor, religious and nationalist fervor.
The fact that it might lead to a civil war and hundreds of thousands of civilians would be dead in a couple of years doesn't matter.
Maybe he just didn't think that far.
But we can see so many signs right now.
I saw a really good clip from Owen Schroer last night.
A white lady on a bus just getting harassed for being white and not wearing a mask.
This is the kind of thing at a social level that you see before genocides.
Genocides don't happen because, you know, some Hollywood dictator orders his Hollywood military to do some terrible, awful thing.
First, there's a period of years where the government and the media, working hand in glove, they do a psychological preparation of the population to blame all the society's ills on a scapegoat class. That's what we're seeing right now in
the United States of America.
And unfortunately, white Christians are that scapegoat class. We're seeing it very clearly
after the Capitol incursion, I would not call it an insurrection.
You can see what a massive gas like this entire thing has been, calling it an armed insurrection.
And they asked the assistant FBI director yesterday. Were there any arms?
Were any firearms recovered?
The closest thing to a weapon is Q Shaman's flagpole with kind of a little artistic spear point on the end of the flagpole.
And that guy's in jail.
Alex and I was also on that show with Owen.
We interviewed him two days after January 6th.
And I just checked, that video's had 900,000 views.
Q Shaman was at the time just still talking about his, you know, spacey, you know, magnetic field theories and all this stuff.
Well, let me tell you, that dude is in jail to this day.
They are not letting him out of jail.
He may never get out of jail.
And there are a lot of other people that walked into the Capitol and are in jail to this day.
This thing that happened with the fence today, the Congress actually like fled town like they were expecting the ghost of Timothy McVeigh to charge through all the fences.
At least that's what they're trying to portray.
This is a massive gaslighting operation.
What they'll say now that nothing happens today, you know, March 4th, the true inauguration of Trump, according to the, you know, the absolute cutards of the diehard cutards.
Now that nothing is going to happen, they're going to say, yeah, nothing happened only because we had all the walls and fences up, all the National Guard troops on high alert.
And since Congress fled, they weren't going to do it.
But because it didn't happen, it just shows that they were going to plan it.
That's why we left.
So that's why they didn't do it.
You see, it's circular logic.
So now Congress is asking the military for a 60-day extension.
This reminds me of two weeks to flatten the curve.
You know, the 60-day extension is just going to go on forever.
Because what's happening is a massive gaslighting of the American people to create this false narrative that Trump voters, that MAGA voters, are all potential dangerous domestic terrorists.
We've heard this from John Brennan, who is extremely deeply connected still to the CIA to this day.
He still has his security clearance.
Gina Haspel is his chosen successor, and she is the director of CIA.
She was the London station chief all during the Russiagate hoax when they were running these operations with Stephen Halper and others against Papadopoulos and Carter Page.
She is an integral part of the entire Russiagate hoax.
She was deeply involved in the CIA rendition program That's black bagging prisoners, you know?
Well, we're going to continue this on the other side.
You know, as far as getting my books without using Amazon, which I really, I mean, I feel like a collaborator.
I feel pretty dirty.
But I even have a post office box.
I actually get not only old-fashioned snail mail checks, I get FRNs wrapped in aluminum foil.
You know, with no return address on the label all the time, and I totally understand it.
So that is an option.
And the books you get from me, I'll sign and inscribe as long as I'm able.
We are heading off the cliff on the crazy train.
There's no doubt about it.
As I've said forever, The only thing that you can really do to adjust the odds, it doesn't mean you can win, but like, you know, being a smart card counter in Las Vegas, you can at least shave the odds.
And that means get to a conservative state with a conservative governor in a conservative county all the way up and down the line.
If you are even near a big Democrat run city, you're in danger.
Because there is no question now that the big push that's on is toward a race war.
The cultural Marxists invented something that we're all familiar with by now called critical race theory.
But even to use those three words, to use those terms, is to mold your own thinking by the enemy's propaganda.
Critical race theory should be called communist race theory because it was invented by the Frankfurt School professors, these communists in Germany that came over to Columbia University in New York and then spread their poison throughout American universities and colleges for the next 70 years until today it's pervading all the way down to kindergarten.
So instead of calling it critical race theory, call it communist race theory.
That's what it is.
It became obvious by the 60s and 70s that as an economic theory, communism was a bust.
But the Frankfurt School, the Gramscians, the Fabian Society, these guys didn't just quit and say, hey, you know, I guess I'll just go back to being a capitalist.
No, they still hate Western civilization.
They're driven by hate.
They want to destroy what is good.
They want to just pull down every cathedral and temple and turn it to rubble, because they are absolutely driven by hate.
And since they couldn't convert the world to communist economic theory, they shifted tactics.
And they look at any society for their weak points, and in America, it's race.
So that's why identity politics is a thing.
It's just the latest tool of the communists to wreck our society.
But when you look at the numbers, how can there be a race war where, for example, only 13% or so of the population is black and still more than half is white?
How is that going to work?
The people that are behind this are pure evil.
They know that there's going to be a white backlash, and they welcome it.
They are playing chess a few steps ahead of the average couch potato, and they know that this white backlash is going to be all the excuse they need to institute the most harsh and strict Stalinist style of controls in our country.
This fencing off of Washington, D.C.
is just one little indicator.
When people are saying, wow, that's so unusual.
I mean, how long can that last?
It's such a surprise.
Michael Yan had a great piece.
Michael Yan Dispatches.
He's a former Special Forces guy who has been a war correspondent for more than 20 years now.
He says, If your paradigm keeps bringing you to surprises, if you keep being surprised, then you need to adjust your paradigm until your new paradigm fits the reality around you, and only then can you start to project and model successfully what's going to happen coming in the future.
If you are surprised by Dr. Seuss being banned and you just keep saying, "Oh, it
can't go any further.
It just can't get any crazier."
Your paradigm needs adjusting.
Your paradigm needs to be France 1788, Russia 1916.
That's what you need to be thinking.
This is going to get extreme.
We have former CIA people, not only Brennan but others, saying that they need to treat Trump voters, they call us, you know, white supremacist domestic terrorists.
That means we voted for Trump, so we're automatically white supremacist potential domestic terrorists.
They're saying they need to use the same tactics Against us.
Wartime tactics that they used against ISIS and Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
They're not kidding.
This is not hyperbole.
Hitler, when he wrote Mein Kampf, people thought, that's ridiculous.
There's no way.
He wasn't kidding.
This is not a joke.
These ex-CIA guys who are saying that they want to bring the Middle East war tactics home against us, they are auditioning for jobs in what is going to be some version of Stasi or SS.
They are not only auditioning for jobs, they are signaling to others of their comrades that this is now approved.
Before the Rwandan massacres and genocide, the state radio was running anti-Tutsi messages, you know, for like a year straight.
Tutsis are the reason everything is rotten in Rwanda.
We got to throw off the Tutsi overlords.
It became acceptable to curse at and hate your Tutsi neighborhood.
Then when the plane crash happened and the Hutu president's plane crashed, they said, the Tutsis did it.
And it was a full-on massacre from then on.
We are going to see in this country something on that level.
The hatred is intentionally being banned.
If you think this is just a pendulum and it is going to swing back, You are like somebody living in Cambodia right before the Khmer Rouge marched in.
It's not going to swing back until the crazy train goes right off the cliff.
And I've said before, my new formula is Weimar Germany, because we're building in the hyperinflation right now.
You just can't inject trillions of dollars And then have no consequence.
There might even be like a sugar high.
There might be a year or two of a great economy, you know, coming out of the COVID lockdown.
There will be a lot of traveling and purchasing.
Same thing happened in Weimar, Germany.
You know, the Weimar Republic printing money didn't automatically immediately lead to hyperinflation.
First, there was a big economic stimulus.
People thought, hey, this is actually working.
Then straight into hyperinflation.
Straight to Hitler.
Then you've got the breakup of the country, Yugoslavia style, which I see coming.
And then you've got this race war on top of it all that's going to be like Rwanda.
And you do not want to be near a Democrat city when this happens.
I'm going to continue on this theme when we get back.
Listen, I'd really much rather, I would any day of the week, much rather be talking about, you know, happy stuff.
I'd rather be out sailing somewhere.
Anything but this.
But I feel like it's my, it's my mission.
It's my task.
And I, and I feel this is, you know, the same with Alex.
Our job now is, is more than anything to be a canary in the coal mine.
You know, why do we do this?
Why don't we just, uh, you know, punch out, bug out, lay low, gray man it, you know, move the bellies or somewhere and, you know, just hide.
Because we do have a higher calling, kind of a mission.
And now our mission is to stand out and be gadflies for as long as we can.
Because we are literally canaries in the coal mine.
As long as we're tolerated, that's going to be a signal to a lot of people to keep chilled out.
What the tyrants in Washington, D.C., the rising tyranny in Washington, D.C., What they are begging for is something like what happened in Oklahoma City.
That is what they go to bed every night dreaming about.
And if it won't happen on its own, I have no doubt that the FBI has people out cultivating psychos and losers and trying to coach them.
I've seen studies where more than half of the quote-unquote domestic terror attempts in the last decade were entirely run and coached by the FBI.
Finding some loser online, befriending him, Meeting him in real life and then just handing him all the tools so that they can make an arrest.
The FBI saved the day again.
And it's all been bogus.
They have to be very careful about that because if things go completely haywire, there might be some connection back from Oklahoma City to, to, uh, you know, the LOM city and, uh, where the, you know, the, uh, the militias had been gathering with FBI Infiltrators and confidential informants.
So they have to be very careful how they do that.
But that is, there's no doubt, that's what they're aiming for.
They want a mass sniping, like Las Vegas level, or a bombing like Oklahoma City.
That is their goal.
And when you see a society going this crazy, where children are going to be surgically castrated, or worse, surgically or medically castrated as children.
Children that can't smoke, can't buy a beer, but are going to be put into a guidance counselor lane where the parents will not be able to get them out of this psychological operation.
This is a very sick, evil society.
It is not going to self-correct.
There's a great quote by a writer named Theodore Dalrymple That is spelled, uh, D-A-L-R-Y-M-P-L-E, something like that.
And this explains the madness.
You think, did this just, like, come out of the ground?
Did an asteroid full of, you know, crazy virus hit us?
Where did this come from, this madness?
You know, biological men in female sports, and everybody is supposed to just say, it's normal.
It's the science.
Trust the science.
Don't trust your own eyes.
Two plus two equals five now, comrade.
This is the purpose of this madness.
This is a quote by Theodore Dalrymple.
It really explains so much.
He said, in my study of communist societies, and I include us now, okay?
They use the terms like identity politics, critical race theory.
It all comes from cultural Marxism.
It's communist, okay?
That's where we're going.
In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or to convince, not to inform, but to humiliate.
And therefore, the less it corresponded to reality, the better.
When people are forced to remain silent, when they are being told the most obvious lies, like there's no difference between men and women, Or worse, when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity.
I had to look that up.
It means moral principles, honesty, and decency.
So when you are forced to repeat lies that you know are lies, you lose your compass.
To assent to obvious lies is, in some small way, to become evil oneself.
One standing to resist anything is thus eroded and even destroyed.
A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.
I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect, and it is intended to.
So they get an entire country to repeat to each other that the naked emperor is wearing beautiful clothes.
And the child that stands up and says that the emperor is naked is stoned and cast out.
That's where we are now.
We are in this cycle of madness, in a vortex, and there is no getting out of this vortex.
You'll notice how few Republicans are willing to stand up with a couple of the brave ones in the Freedom Caucus.
How few Republicans are willing to stand up and say, this is insanity.
This is madness.
All of the Democrats and at least half of the Republicans are on for the ride.
They're on the crazy train and they are not going to stop till we go off the edge.
So don't think that we're going to, you know, just come back in 2022 and everything is going to right itself.
It's not going to happen.
They just passed last night this House Bill Number One, which takes All of the worst things that happened in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, it makes them national law.
Mass mail-in ballots to everybody, living or dead, that will never have a signature check or an address check.
It's the end of any hint of a fair election.
It is putting into effect a marizuela.
Now probably it won't pass in the Senate.
Maybe it will, maybe it won't.
If it passes in the Senate, we've officially become a banana republic, period.
You might as well tear up any political card you have because your vote will be worth nothing.
It will just be Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, across the country, by law.
And this is the salami tactic, the Marxist dialectic that they use.
They will say, okay, well, we didn't get that, but we'll come back next year, we'll get half of it.
And we'll get another half the year after, and another half the year after that.
One of the next laws that's coming is this Equality Act.
This is the 2 plus 2 equals 5 Act.
This absolutely blows religion out of our country.
It means that if you are a religious organization and a man with a beard wearing a miniskirt with lipstick comes up and you don't hire them, you will be charged with a crime.
And you know that they'll, just like the gay bakery stories, these radicals will use this as a battering ram against our churches.
They will attack our churches and destroy them using the Equality Act.
And I'm going to, when we come back from the break, I'm going to explain how in most of modern revolutions, the French Revolution, The Jacobins, the Russian Revolution, all of these revolutions involved absolutely destroying the religiosity of the people to the greatest extent possible.
Because these communists, to them the state is God.
And there can be no God above the communist state.
And now it's going to be a global communist state.
They may not use that word, but that's what it is.
This is the end of religion in America.
Last segment.
I was talking about we're now on the verge of seeing American religion just crushed.
If this Equality Act passes in any form, They're going to batter down the doors of the churches, figuratively and literally speaking.
We've already seen these crazy Antifa types come right into church services and masses, vandalizing, screaming, knocking over altars.
It's not like this hasn't happened before.
We've seen this in every one of these communist revolutions.
These brainwashed zealots cannot permit there to be another power base, another
loyalty higher than the communist state.
So it infuriates them that there are people that will say, you know, "Render unto Caesar, but render unto God."
No, there's only Caesar. There's only the state.
And that's going to be what comes next.
It's not just going to stop with Dr. Seuss.
He was a liberal, a socialist, but it's not enough.
In fact, his books were against racial prejudice.
Does it matter?
They're just leveling the field.
They're wiping it out.
They're wiping out history.
They want to start with a year zero.
That's why they've not only destroyed statues of Confederate generals, They've destroyed statues of Frederick Douglass.
I think even Martin Luther King will be next because he said he wants to see a time when men are judged by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin.
He could never say that today.
That would be considered absolutely out of bounds.
That would get you banned from Facebook.
That would be, you would be, you know, unplatformed.
And we are going to see things that make everything up until now seem mild by comparison.
So we've spoken about House Bill 1.
That's the Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia-style elections in 50 states forever.
Then there's the Equality Act.
That means if a dude with a beard And wearing a tutu and a miniskirt comes to be employed, and you don't hire them, your business will be shut down.
This is a way of enforcing that Theodore Delrimple madness on the society.
You will have to say, absolutely, there's no difference between men and women.
You know, that 22-year-old Guatemalan MS-13 member who said he was 17, now he's in your daughter's high school class, shut your mouth.
You don't say a word.
And if the MS-13 dude says he's a chicken, wants to run on the girls' track team, shut your mouth.
Two plus two equals five forever.
This is going to lead directly over the next year at most to something that's a social cataclysm.
They're trying to set up the right wing To provoke a reaction.
That's why they were like hoping and dreaming that this QAnon militia thing would happen today.
They're dreaming of a big mass shooting and a or a bombing that they can blame on the right wing.
They are dreaming and begging for it so that they can go to the next level of crackdown.
Now in the next in the next couple weeks, Coming up will be Sheila Jackson Lee's bill number 127, which is gun licensing, gun registration, $800 per gun.
You need a psychological test by some liberal shrink that hates guns, is going to have to interview you, interview your friends, your ex-girlfriends, your ex-wives, to see if you deserve to have a gun.
Again, this is attempting to provoke Americans into a reaction.
But whereas we can't do much about being de-platformed by Twitter, when they say that a gun that you've owned for years, or maybe you bought it last week or last year, when they say that gun is no longer legal to own, that's a Rubicon.
And for a long time I've felt this is where the plan falls apart because there are just too many patriotic gun owners And not enough federal agents willing to work for team tyranny.
You know, oath-breaking bastards who would work for the Stasi or the FBI or the ATF just as easily.
They wouldn't give a damn if they would get a raise and a better pension.
They'd work for the KGB.
If those are the only feds left, They're going to have a hard time because there's not that many of them compared to the tens and tens of millions of armed Americans.
But I think they are actually feeling like they can pull this off.
And I wrote about this in a piece for American Partisan last week called, The Digital Gulag, Why Team Tyranny Won't Need Door Kickers to Enforce the Coming Gun Bans.
They're going to do it Chinese style.
They don't need to come to your house at 4 o'clock in the morning and do a Roger Stone on you.
They're just going to send you a notification.
You'll probably get a text, an email, and a registered snail mail from the .gov.
And it's going to say, Mr. Smith, we know you own two AR-15s.
They're going to know this because you posted pictures on social media.
Hey, look at my new AR, everybody.
They know it because you bought a couple buffer springs, 10 PMAGs, a drop-in trigger, a chest rig that holds, you know, eight magazines.
They know what you've got.
AI programs can scrape all of this information.
They're not going to need the actual sales receipt, but they'll get that too because part of this bill, forget about the privacy of the federal firearms license sales, they're going to go right to the gun dealers and take those books.
They're going to have all of this information.
They're not going to need to kick down your door.
They're going to say, here are the guns that you have.
Turn them in.
Your day is next Tuesday at the Walmart parking lot at the corner of 5th and Elm.
We're setting up where the COVID vaccine center used to be.
We're setting up the COVID, the gun turn-in depot.
Just the way that they've been rolling out this, you know, 50 state helped by the military.
Let's get the vaccines out.
They're going to use the same type of a model for let's pull the guns in.
And you say, well why would I do that?
So they send me some threatening letters.
They say, these are the guns we know you own.
Turn them in?
What if I don't?
Well, if you don't, what's going to happen?
First, you're going to be nuked from social media.
You're going to go black on social media.
Then you call your local news station and say, well, I don't agree with this gun control ban, so they took me off of every social media platform.
But guess what?
The local news won't touch it, because before your email arrives, this is what they do in China.
Before your email arrives, automatically a warning email will go to the station warning them that a dangerous domestic terror suspect is trying to reach out to them and they should ignore it.
So your local news is going to not pay attention.
They're going to be afraid to touch you.
And if you still don't turn, you're going to get more warnings.
We know you've got the guns.
Turn them in.
Then your credit card won't work.
Then your ATM card won't work.
Then you're going to get doxxed at work and your wife is going to get fired too.
They're going to say, these Smiths, they are suspected domestic terrorists and we don't think you should employ them.
It's dangerous.
So now you're unemployed.
You can't pay your mortgage.
You can't pay the tuition.
You can't pay your car payment.
What are you going to do?
Still don't turn your guns in.
All right.
Your electricity starts going on the fritz.
You've got no computer connection, so they don't need to take you out of your house.
Your house becomes your own gulag.
And if you freak out, enrage in frustration, who are you going to attack?
Are you going to go to Washington and try to vault over all the razor wire?
Who are you going to go after when your electricity is off?
Are you going to get angry at your local mayor, your local police chief, go after them?
Then you're just a terrorist.
Now they pick you up for an actual crime.
But I mean, they don't think I'm safe because they don't have enough door kickers.
They've got a lot of other plans.
And finally, something I've been learning about recently that was extremely effective in Iraq and Syria and in Afghanistan, they have these mini-missiles now.
You know, the old area-fire 2.75-inch dome rockets?
Those things are laser-guided now.
They're like, you know, one-mile-range sniper missiles.
And they've got even smaller missiles, you know, the size of like a fluorescent tube, that'll just hit one car and not cause any collateral damage.
So don't think they've got to send a team of SWAT guys to pick up people.
They'll just isolate you in a digital gulag, and if you're still a problem, they'll just drop a, you know, broom-sized rocket right through your car.
So they're feeling like they can get away with this.
You know, they're not feeling intimidated by us, believe me.
They're pushing us and begging us, saying, come on, come on you right-wingers, attack us, so we can bring down the full fist of the coming communist tyranny.
And that's what it is.
We are facing full communist tyranny, and it's going to be global.
It's a little apocalyptic.
I'm telling you this, my Patriot Supply from PrepareWithAlex.com is so good, I'm in here trying to get some more.
Zeroman's been working 20 hours a day.
One of the most avid players here.
Trying to feed people.
Because the power's off for most of our crew members.
And because we're not essential.
And the grocery stores are all basically closed to the few essential ones.
Because they just decide whose grocery store can be essential, who isn't.
This is the new planned economy.
So now it's not just the big banks that get in on it and big tech that doubles all its profits under the lockdown.
Now all the local groups that are essential get to get in on the fun as well.
And then they decide, your restaurant's closed, yours is open.
Your hospital's closed, yours is open.
It's all very technocratic.
It's all done by computer.
It's all liberal.
I call it storable food.
Well, you still can.
And it's ready to ship out from the warehouse in Utah.
And of course, the broadcast, without you, I wouldn't be on air.
The need for storable foods are increasingly apparent.
With millions left without power, including most grocery stores, many Texas residents are left without food.
The lines at the grocery stores are getting longer and longer, while most of the store shelves are left bare.
Now we know that in the most historic record freezing temperatures in over a century, your government can simply turn off the power, turn off the heat, and turn off the water.
Don't let your government dictate whether or not you're able to feed your family.
Go to infowarrestore.com and get at least a year supply of storable foods to make sure you and your family are prepared for the unimaginable.
Get your storable foods at Infowarsstore.com.
We're not going to be on the air unless we have your support.
Plus, we've got great products that everybody already needs.
It's been sold out for a while.
It's the highest quality vitamin D3 and vitamin K for your immunity and for your body's defenses.
It's something that's essential that everyone needs regardless.
The globalists don't want you knowing how to protect yourself.
A limited supply.
A limited supply.
Because they can't get the bottles or the caps.
They may have to change the packaging.
Has come in.
It'll probably be sold out in a week at the amount we have.
Despite that, it's 25% off.
You take it sublingually, under the tongue.
A lot of people, especially older folks, cannot absorb D3 in the gut.
But under the tongue, if you hold it for about a minute, you get most of it, along with the vitamin K that helps with delivery.
Ultra high quality, packed in stock.
You can get it for 40% off when you get it with Ultra 12 super high-end vitamin B12 under the tongue for maximum absorption as well.
Made by the same great lab.
The highest in we can get.
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Ultra 12 with it is 40% off in the combo pack.
Get Ultra 12 by itself because there's no shortage of that yet.
4.9 stars.
Limited supply.
percent off. Ultra 12 percent off by itself. Winter Sun 25 percent by itself. The tuna combo 40 percent off. No
reviews on that. It's a brand new combo. But look at the reviews of Ultra 12 and Winter Sun by itself. 98 99 percent.
Thousands upon thousands of reviews. I can tell you this is made by the top lab in the country. 4.9 stars. Limited
supply. Separately my dad working with a major manufacturer major developer and a chemist has launched his own line
that we carry at Infoworkstore.com.
And these are all different formulas.
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Primal Youth.
Along with the Extra Strength Kava Gel from Dr. Jones Naturals at InfoWarsStore.com.
That's InfoWarsStore.com or find that and other products at Dr. Jones Naturals, DrJonesNaturals.com.
This is the American dream.
Independent companies supplying the American people.
Behind me is the 400,000 square foot facility for MyPatriotSupply, one of our biggest supporters.
They have so many Americans working for them.
The food, the products, it's all right here from America, right to your door.
We're not funded by Bill Gates or George Soros, the globalist.
We are funded by you supporting us at Infoworkstore.com with amazing American companies like MyPatriotSupply.
Now again, most companies buy in bulk.
And then they advertise and have a really high price, so they make a profit off that food.
But they don't produce it themselves.
They don't stockpile it fresh.
Almost all of this is coming off the assembly line and what being shipped out in a day or two a week.
So this Gaylord right here is going to go back to our keating team.
By tomorrow, these pouches are going to be inside of buckets.
And the next day, those buckets are going to be out the door.
So Joe, tell us what we're doing right here in the factory.
So this is our shipping station right here, Alex.
And this is actually InfoWars orders that are going out at this very moment.
Like this order right here for Steven.
Steven lives in California.
He's going to get a special autographed pick ticket from Alex Jones.
So I want to thank you for your support, plus you're getting some great storable food.
So I'm your Christmas elf.
A little bit late in the year, but thank you so much for your support, brother.
Yeah, we're shipping products, you know, hundreds of packages per day through our state-of-the-art conveyor system.
This is really the state-of-the-art thing.
I think Amazon is what's comparable to what we do here at MyPatriotSupply.
This is Lynn from Alabama.
Lynn ordered for Infowars.com.
Her order is going out this afternoon.
It's going to be on our truck here in the next couple of minutes.
It's going to be on her way to Lynn.
Lynn from Alabama, we love you.
We appreciate you.
You made the right choice with this affordable food.
This is insurance you can eat.
And when did they put this order in?
I want to see how fast it's going out.
You know, this order was actually put in, I think, two days ago, and it's already going out the door right now.
So, two days ago, fresh food produced, packaged right here in America, the whole nine yards.
This is the American dream.
This is American capitalism bringing us exceptionalism, bringing us more choices, and we thank you for keeping us on the air.
Thank you so much.
I've ordered a lot of high-quality food from you guys over the years, but it just gets better and better tasting, and the selection is so huge.
And I was just walking around in here.
How many different variants and products do you have?
We have hundreds of different products.
And you know, when you're talking about food, I mean freeze-dried fruits, freeze-dried vegetables, freeze-dried meats, ready-made meals, just the ready-made meals that we have, the ones that come inside of the four-week kit, there's going to be at least 18 different varieties that we offer.
And we keep expanding that as we do more research, as we do more configurations.
We're going to be adding different meals.
Your food was great 12 years ago, but now it's amazing.
Chicken noodle, vegetarian taco, potato, cheese.
Cheesy broccoli rice, brown sugar oatmeal, potato cheddar, peanut butter, corn chowder, white rice, sugar.
You've got wheat, honey bread, whey milk, you'll have traveler stew, chicken noodle.
Oh, I like traveler stew.
Traveler stew is one of our more popular ones.
Chicken noodle, it's excellent.
Yep, I mean we have almost anything that you would eat on a regular basis packaged in the long-term food storage.
They've got everything, folks.
You've got to check it out at PolarStore.com.
The entire selection there.
Literally, within a day or two of your order coming in, it's being shipped out to you.
If it's local, in Utah, it's on those small trucks.
If it's outside Utah, it's on big 18 wheelers.
Again, that's why MyPatriot, with Ready Hour, has become the number one storeable food company in the world.
Because of quality, because of service, because of reliability, and because of good word of mouth.
So I want to thank you all for supporting us and supporting our great supplier, MyPatriot.
Well, we're here at the Blue Brigade of Food, ladies and gentlemen, right here in America.
And it funds the InfoWars.
Go to InfoWarsStore.com today and get prepared.