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Name: 20210122_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 22, 2021
2524 lines.

In this segment of The Alex Jones Show, Owen Royer discusses various topics related to current events. He mentions an upcoming guest, Tyler Nixon, who has firsthand knowledge of the Biden family's reputation for mistreating Americans. The focus then shifts to the COVID-19 crisis being used as a tool to impose martial law that will eventually become permanent. Owen advises against violence and encourages people to expose the New World Order using truth. He promotes various products available at InfoWarsTore.com, such as supplements and emergency food supplies. Finally, he highlights the hypocrisy of Biden's administration in allowing riots during the summer but now claiming that Trump supporters spread COVID-19."

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We exposed their operations, showed what real prosperity could be, showed that there was a light at the end of the tunnel, a way to get out of this hell.
And then you saw Bill Maher and the Democrats suddenly on all the news shows saying, we need to kill the economy to teach Trump and his people.
And then I saw articles in the Financial Times of London, we need a global reset, a lockdown, so that people get worried about money and then refuse to be populist because they're so poor, whatever that means.
As if they won't know what hit them.
Well now you see them, the king, the globalist, putting us under siege because the peasants revolted.
So I guess they're going to increase our taxes.
That's what they always did.
Because that instinct worked for thousands of years, they're doing it again.
So when you see COVID, you're under siege.
And it's never meant to work.
The more testing, the more cases.
The more lockdowns, the worse it gets.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
This just in, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're two days into the Globalist takeover.
America First is dead inside D.C., but it lives in our hearts.
Globalism and the New World Order is now on the attack.
The empire is striking back.
This just in, Baseball Hall of Famer and former MLB home run king, Hank Aaron is dead at 86.
A great guy, thought he was helping folks, took the shot first.
Saying he wanted to encourage other black folks to take it because he saw the statistics that blacks are double affected by COVID-19.
He didn't know that's because of vitamin D3 and blacks living in the northern hemisphere.
And he died after taking the second shot.
That's really when it gets you.
So I guess he got the first shot.
On the 6th and I guess he got the second shot.
Sometime after that, usually wait two weeks.
That would be just the last few days ago.
That's when they say it really hits you and he's dead.
Hank Aaron received COVID-19 vaccine in hopes to inspire other black Americans to do the same.
That was on the 6th.
Atlanta Braves legendary legend Hank Aaron dead at 86.
We need to investigate that.
We need to find out when he did get the second shot.
Absolutely disgusting.
And we are having reports Poor end.
In fact, sometime next week, we should do a whole show just for medical whistleblowers.
And if you love the shot and think it was great, or you're a nurse and think it's wonderful, we're not screening the calls.
We've done these shows before.
No one calls in except victims of getting sick by it, getting hurt, and nurses talking about preemies dying when you give them shots.
And that's even in the news, by the way.
So, this is a well-known fact, and that's why England, again, When they started this over a month ago, within a few days of it, they said, okay, here's three groups should not take it.
This was the main advisory board to the British government, the National Health Service, but then they basically ignored that.
No one under, no one over 75, no one under 16 and no one pregnant should take the COVID-19 vaccine.
but they don't care.
And you sure as hell need to watch out when you take the second dose
'cause it's gonna cause that big autoimmune response.
And the word is now, if you come in contact with a regular cold virus
and you're already old, you're gonna have an autoimmune response
like the Spanish flu and it's gonna kill you.
That's what top scientists that look at the breakdown of the Pfizer and Moderna
and these other mRNA vaccines are all basically the same is they're like,
this is not a lot of stuff it shouldn't have in it, like jellyfish genetics and...
It's got the entire genome of a boy that died and a baby that died in 1963 that they keep cloning the cells of.
You can't make this up.
And then one of them's got connections to the black lady that died in 51, the first immortal gene line they found where they can put the cells under a Petri dish and they never die unless you put a blowtorch to them.
Again, the woman doesn't live forever.
It's the cancer cells that do.
So they're jacking with some stuff.
They're doing some weird stuff.
I'm not even going to pretend I know all of it.
But the top scientists are saying, just the Pfizer one, the former chief scientist there said, attacks a general protein that is in all mammals' placentas, including humans, and that it will attack the placenta.
And what the hell are they doing?
So, I'm gonna explain that again.
It makes your body have an autoimmune response to yourself.
Where did the peanut allergies come from?
They didn't know.
Yeah, that's a separate article about the horseshoe crab.
That's not a colony creature.
The Pfizer vaccine has Jellyfish luminescence DNA in it.
That's in the actual report.
So, we're gonna talk about it all here today.
I'm just completely blown away.
Hank Aaron dead.
86 after getting a second round of the COVID shot.
People that work here have family that runs nursing homes, you name it.
They say, man, the old folks are out running around having a good time.
They got the shots.
They're all in bed.
One's dying.
One's half dead.
Other ones can't get out of bed.
They'll all be dead soon.
That's just another liberal, loving thing they do.
This is Karen Greer with CBS 46 studios and we are breaking in with some very sad news this morning.
CBS 46 on top of breaking news that Major League Baseball Hall of Famer Hank Aaron has died.
He's known as the home run king.
He played 21 seasons for the Atlanta Braves and retired in 1976 as baseball's All time home run leader.
Details just coming in to our CBS 46 newsroom.
We will, of course, have more on this coming up on CBS 46 News at noon and on our CBS 46 streaming app.
Let's see.
Hall of Famer Hank Aaron has died.
The new from us at 5, baseball legend and Mobilian, Hank Aaron, receiving the first dose of Moderna's vaccine today.
Aaron, along with former U.N.
Ambassador Andrew Young and former Health and Human Services Secretary Louis Sullivan, getting their shots at the Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta.
The men say they're hoping to send a message to the African-American community that the vaccine is safe.
It makes me feel wonderful.
I don't have any I feel quite proud of myself for doing something like this.
It's just a small thing that can help zillions of people in this country.
Small thing to do.
Be a hero. Take the vaccine. Don't hurt others.
Now they go, actually it doesn't help, stop COVID.
Actually, it doesn't even help you.
Actually, it's much worse than they said.
Bill Gates told us it's going to hurt 700,000 people or kill them.
How does he know that?
700,000 people.
They're just setting the precedent.
Hey, Hank, you know about black folks in Tuskegee?
Tens of thousands of them shot up with syphilis, telling them it was vaccines.
You know about that, Hank?
Hank doesn't know about that.
Hank's dead now.
And Hank meant well.
He was a great guy.
I wasn't a huge baseball fan when I was a kid.
I was at the time to watch it.
I really liked Hank Aaron.
I liked watching the replays of him.
Hank Aaron, one of the best baseball players ever.
A great American.
Dead at 86.
Deader than a box of nails.
Deader than a hammer.
Deader than a doorknob.
Deader than a mountain of granite.
Got that first shot.
They said, how you feeling right after you took it?
Well, I'm feeling good right after you took it.
Now, a very small percentage of people have convulsions within 10-15 minutes.
That's why you saw that one nurse pass out.
But, again, they did this, the National Health Service did this in England when they started a month and a half ago, and they had to suspend it within a few days because, again, old people were dying, young people were dying, and pregnant women were They were having miscarriages at two months, six months, eight months, nine months.
It was, it was, it was, some of the babies got saved at eight, nine months because it was just, your body's like, whoa, I'm getting rid of everything.
Everybody knows that too.
All the inserts of the vaccine say don't give it to pregnant women, but they don't ever tell you, they'll give you a fact sheet at the clinic.
Oh, might have your arm, might be a little sore, safe and effective.
Oh, there's those anti-vaxxers.
They're against science.
I'm not against science.
I actually know the science.
You could put out clean, effective vaccines that were tested.
They'd be very expensive.
Because most lots would end up being contaminated.
Because if you get anything else in there...
If wind blows and some pollen gets into the vat, or you grow the stuff on peanut protein, or you grow it on human cells, you grow it on cow cells, then it causes all sorts of immuno-diseases in the body, where your body attacks itself.
And the scientists have all looked at this.
Medical doctors, virologists, again, head EU scientist, Wolfgang Wudarg, advisory board, former head of Pfizer, chief scientist, all came out.
And they said, we have looked at this in depth.
And this will cause autoimmune disorders.
It'll attack women's placentas and not let the embryo grow and develop.
It'll cause, again, huge autoimmune problems, and it may shut off other people's immune systems.
They said this is a road to hell, a gateway to hell.
This is so dangerous.
And then I ran into the scientist and owner of a major biotech company.
That at first said, you know, didn't say, don't quote him, but then they kind of freaked out later and said, don't, don't, don't, don't say his name.
So I won't.
But I mean, he just said what all the others said.
He said, it's a gene therapy.
It's not a vaccine.
And if you look at what it'll do, it's so broad, it's going to make your body attack proteins.
And this gentleman told my lawyers and others, because he just so happened to be using the same facility and knows them, do not under any circumstances, take that vaccine.
And my lawyers have known this guy longer than they've known me, and they said they've never seen him act like that.
And he said a bunch of other stuff to them, and they're just like, Jones, don't even say that.
But I mean, he's so pissed off, I guess he might say something.
But Twitter, Google, YouTube will just ban him.
Doesn't matter he's a scientist, doesn't matter he creates real gene therapy stuff.
Antibodies for colon cancer, you name it.
And by the way, they've got all this stuff where he works, and I'm sure it has its issues, but This is not designed to work.
This is designed to screw society up, create a bunch of sick people, and debilitate us.
How do you beat America if you're the globalist?
Well, you shut us down while China stays open.
You have a problem that can never be fixed.
The more testing there is, the more cases there are, because the PCR test is 96% fraudulent with false positives.
And that's all admitted!
That's what's crazy, is this is all admitted, but the general public just, I'm virtue signaling, I'm wearing the mask, and I'm gonna take the shot like Hank Aaron!
I'm gonna do it!
I'm gonna do it!
Meanwhile, Pelosi to deliver impeachment articles to the Senate on Monday.
Mitch McConnell says they're going ahead with it, giving Trump one month.
It's gonna start in late February.
National Guard allowed back into Capitol after eviction.
To parking garage, Trump offers DC hotel room.
Some of the members said that they weren't wearing their mask.
It's like a class thing now.
The mask Nazis.
Oh, but look who else wasn't wearing their mask.
Joe Biden, it turns out, says, I'm not wearing my mask.
I'm celebrating.
I'm the president.
I don't have to.
Talk about a disgusting power trip.
But that's the essence of authoritarianism.
They don't have to follow the same laws we all do.
Finally though, Politico is the first fake news mainstream outlet to hint at Joe Biden's obvious dementia and it's going to get worse and he'll be the one that leaves our 25th Amendment.
That's why they want Trump out of the way because you're going to have major Trump nostalgia.
They want to have that conviction in the Senate with a trial and I predict they go ahead with it all.
Absolutely incredible.
But we're going to lay out the latest on COVID.
And this hot mic catching the Joe Biden people talking about plea deals.
See, the deep state totally owns Biden.
This is incredible.
And meanwhile, FBI believe Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump, was receiving help from foreign influence.
2016 memos reveal, of course, she was riding Vladimir Putin's ding-a-ling.
I mean, absolutely on the payroll.
She was, I don't know, it's a family show, I'm gonna stop right there.
She literally snuck in his office once groveling to him.
These people worship Putin.
Because he's got all the power and actually runs things.
See, that's why they hated Trump.
They know Putin's beating them, and whether he's bad or good, he actually runs things.
He's in charge.
They just have the real power they worship.
Well, Trump was an American, and they hate America, and he was actually beating them and cutting them out.
At least Putin was throwing them little breadcrumbs at payoffs.
Oh yeah, you want money?
Here it is.
So, but with Trump, he was actually the president actually breaking balls all over the planet and they feared his ass because he was going to be the super Putin without the authoritarianism.
But alas, we don't want 4% growth rates.
We don't want a future.
We want Barabas!
Give us Barabas!
And so, a toast to you liberals and leftists, the ending of Trump.
You're gonna get what you want.
I'll see the headline, Jones Toast Biden Victory.
It's called being a smartass.
Jones, once on air, toasted Biden's victory.
Yes, it's called sarcasm.
I did a video about Q on the eve of the inauguration saying, oh it's true, Trump will be inaugurated, the military's gonna arrest Biden.
And a minute in I go, this is satire, it's fake, I'm being sarcastic.
They're still like, Jones, what's going on?
He says in the first part that Trump will be inaugurated, then he says it isn't.
It's like, are you that stupid?
No, I know our general audience isn't, but some people are, and that's what we're dealing with.
All right, the martial law takeover, all of it isn't coming.
It's here.
Bitcoin sell-offs, the purge, Biden launching his COVID-19 lockdown too, and so much more.
And Hank Aaron, dead, probably from the COVID vaccine.
Certainly wasn't good for him.
Back in black.
You know, I fought hard for Trump, went through hell, got made enemy number one.
And I wanted him to win and they did steal the election from us.
But now I'm the underdog again.
Now I'm the rebel.
Now I'm double outlaw.
I mean, make no mistake, we were never the establishment.
We established a beachhead.
And now we expose their operations, show what real prosperity could be, show that there was a light at the end of the tunnel, a way to get out of this hell.
And that's their problem.
They had Reagan they partially controlled, then George W., Bush's dad that was terrible, and then the Clintons, and then George W., and then Obama.
And so people didn't know what was up from down.
But people saw their gas prices down at $1.70 a gallon instead of $4, $1.50 in some areas.
People saw suddenly their paychecks bigger.
People saw their tax cuts.
People saw all the factories reopening.
Because it was all artificially done to sell us out to China where the globalists had invested.
And then you saw Bill Maher and the Democrats suddenly on all the news shows saying, we need to kill the economy to teach Trump and his people.
And then I saw articles in the Financial Times of London.
We need a global reset, a lockdown, so that people get worried about money and then refuse to be populist because they're so poor.
Whatever that means.
As if they won't know what hit them.
Well now you see them, the king, the globalists, putting us under siege because the peasants revolted.
So I guess they're going to increase our taxes.
That's what they always did.
And because that instinct worked for thousands of years, they're doing it again.
So when you see COVID, you're under siege.
And it's never meant to work.
The more testing, the more cases.
The more lockdowns, the worse it gets.
Because people aren't getting a vitamin D3.
They get depressed indoors.
They get phobias of being sick.
It becomes psychosomatic.
And studies show, if you think you're gonna get sick, you do get sick.
It works like clockwork.
That's why prayer, in all the studies they admit, helps cancer patients and others.
Because you need hope, and your cells battle back through the spirit you've got.
But let's go over it.
Overhead shot.
Futures slide as euphoria fizzles on renewed lockdown fears.
See, it's not Trump killed the economy.
It was the global lockdown killed it, and Trump halfway went along with it, figured it out, pulled out.
You go to a Trump rally, nobody was wearing masks.
But still our own people would say, Trump's not doing enough.
Okay, fine.
Focus on the left and who did it.
But don't worry.
Don't have Trump to kick around anymore.
Economist warns Biden's taking the helm of a sinking ship.
The globalist torpedoed our ship.
Biden was riding along on the U-boat on the submarine.
As we sink, he climbs on to have a victory and I guess feed off of us like a buzzards.
It's a buzzards bounty.
The buzzards beak.
We are suffering through the most painful economic crisis since the Great Depression in the 1930s.
Big article by Michael Snyder.
And it's true.
But here's the issue.
It was triggered by the lockdowns that are ongoing.
That's why the migrant waves are coming.
They say, from Africa, from Latin America, from Asia.
They say, we're starving to death.
We have no choice.
And Soros and the UN gives us a $1,000 to $5,000 debit card with no name on it to come here.
We've just got to get to the refugee centers in Honduras and of course in Europe and places like Turkey and then they use that as the injection point.
Then the U.N.
controls them here, the N.G.O.' 's control, and they put them in Democrats' houses.
The Democrats then milk that person and get welfare, keep about half the money, and make them then work.
And a lot of it for sex slavery.
That came out of a lot of the kids Obama brought in.
Senate report confirmed we're in sex slavery as young as two years old.
Tens of thousands.
So they love migrants because they love people that have no rights.
Biden administration pledges to join the WHO global vaccination initiative and follow the UN's directive on the shots.
Voice of America posted on InfoWars.com.
CBS medical editor says Americans should wear two masks.
Now some are saying three masks.
Hell, braving's the problem.
I guess just kill yourselves for the next thing.
Total fraud.
Academic study finds big tech elites are in their own class, different to the rest of humanity, above the law.
So they don't care if we're all locked down.
UK reports 6,500 COVID-related prosecutions in first six months of pandemic.
You're outside feeding the pigeons?
Go to jail.
Not wearing a mask in your own backyard?
Go into jail.
Oh, but illegal aliens can run around stabbing, murdering, burning, killing, kidnapping little girls for sex, rearing, sex grooming.
That's all okay.
Senior Member of Parliament, British public will rise up and bring down lockdown if exit plan isn't outlined.
Yeah, now they're saying the lockdown goes through summer.
And all your businesses are not essential.
All the big banks and big tech double their profits.
It's all working so well.
Biden violates his own mask EO by failing to wear it for the photo op, but they said he was celebrating.
And the head of Pan Am of the main district doesn't have to do what we do.
Fury as National Guards in DC force to sleep outside in the garage because one of them was seen not wearing his mask.
You're not Joe Biden.
Who do you think you are?
Look at them.
They're all rebelling out there.
They know it's all BS.
How dare those dirty Americans?
Just look at them.
And they all had to be vetted, too.
They couldn't be trusted around the leader, Biden, who's so popular.
There's an article on Infowars.com that his videos get a couple thousand views.
Trump's addresses would get millions.
His get a few thousand.
Then it was almost all negative votes, so YouTube's now flipping the votes.
Next-level fraud, just like they did in the election.
Now they do it to the vote counts.
Right on cue for Biden, who admits high-cycle PCR tests produce COVID false positives.
Anybody they want to control, they just set it to engage in fraud.
More on that coming up.
But more groups have been kicked off Twitter and Facebook.
OAN, Michelle Malkin, and right-side broadcasting, all taken down for civic integrity rule.
There's all these new rules.
We're going to go to break.
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Thank you for supporting us.
God bless you.
Coming up next segment, Robert Greenwald has come out and said, Biden's announcement of a domestic terror war is the most dangerous thing in U.S.
And it is.
It's so seismic.
It's so over the top.
I mean, they're talking about re-education camps.
They're talking about reprogramming.
They're talking about arresting, quote, religious extremists for their views and even libertarians.
That's a quote.
I made a big deal about it yesterday.
And you know, for me, though, I've known this was coming so long, it was right beneath the surface.
It's like telling somebody, hey, you got a lot of roaches in this house.
They're like, no, I don't.
They finally turned the light on at midnight to get a glass of milk, and there's like 400 roaches.
I'm like, dude, you got roaches.
Literally in college, I remember I'd go to friends' houses and I'd say, you know, you got roach crap all over your table here.
It's really gross.
I'm not a, I'm not a stickler, you know, for cleanliness, but I just, you need to, you need to exterminate.
I don't see any roaches around here.
I'm like, well, there are craps all over your table.
You know, I don't get my information from secret sources and things.
My intel comes from observation of history and what's going on.
Like, how do I know if I'm going bowhunting back when I had time to do such a thing?
Of where to go?
Well, I just ask where people that hunted on the same land got the biggest or best bucks.
Or I go out and ride around and look for rubs on trees or where a bunch of paths come together or near a watering hole.
It's called basic intelligence.
But the public doesn't have that.
It's been drummed out of them.
And now we have these hideous, evil predators.
Like Joe Biden and John Brennan on TV saying they're going to root out, they're going to purge, they're going to arrest, they're going to re-educate, they're going to brainwash, they're going to kill.
They've got articles about they're going to kill Trump supporters.
They're going to rout it out.
And that's why they're going to have that Senate hearing and try to say it's illegal And they can have lawyers up there and argue all day about, well, under the First Amendment, there wasn't actually incitement.
All you do is show Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats, saying, burn things down, attack things, kill Trump.
50 times what Trump said.
You can show the speech Trump gave saying, be peaceful.
Or where I said, be peaceful.
Or where Don Jr.
said, we're not going to be violent when we march.
We're not like the Democrats.
We're not like Antifa.
We're not like BLM.
Of the million people there, there were already 100,000 or so that started marching by the time Don even spoke.
And again, the fact that I've got to even try to defend that is asinine.
But the left is everywhere saying, arrest the NRA for what happened at the Capitol.
Arrest Senator Cruz.
Arrest Senator Hawley.
Oh, some of the members of the conservatives that were there were seen in the Capitol the day before, chasing it for the attack.
Oh, everyone's a counterterrorism agent now.
You watch all the ABC, CBS, NBC shows, Fox shows that sycophantically worship Homeland Security and checkpoints and tracking and there are terrorists everywhere.
And meanwhile, the people running things are injecting old people with a vaccine that kills them better than a hammer.
The evil is truly right out in the open.
And it's coming for everyone.
I've got so much news to hit, so much news to cover, so many things I want to get to here.
But I got to tell you, big tech and the establishment are fiddling while Rome burns and this is deadly dangerous.
I mean, I personally know 10 or more people close to me that have had family members almost die from COVID vaccines.
I know a whole bunch of other people that know people who've lost loved ones that took it in the nursing homes.
I know the studies.
I know the British Ministry's own warning.
But then I've got Hank Aaron takes it, and he's dead!
Takes the first shot two weeks ago, takes another shot sometime after.
They say they usually make you wait two weeks, and he's dead!
And then they, a lot of times you test positive for COVID-19, when you've taken it, I bet they say he died of COVID-19!
I mean, it's just crazy!
We got to watch the public execution of Hank Aaron.
That's why they said, even on NPR, I was driving in the car, A few days after the election.
And they were saying, well, black folks are worried about Tuskegee and other secret testing on them.
That's why the health service is working with the NIH, Institutes of Health, to make sure that there's educational programs with black leaders and medical professionals convincing African Americans it's safe.
And then all you saw was black nurses giving black people the shot.
Oh, look, I'm a black nurse.
So let's show it again.
What if it was a black nurse with a handgun?
It's like, it's okay as long as she's black.
I mean, what does this even mean?
As if the nurse even knows what's in the damn thing.
Again, oh, trust the nurse.
I mean, I'm sure the nurse is a nice lady.
So how many people you gotta see, you know, die of a vaccine or get sick of a vaccine?
I mean, I'll tell you again, there are two people that work in this building who lost children where they admitted the vaccine killed.
In this building.
One of them 40 feet from me.
My grandmother got the second round of polio.
She was a beautiful woman.
A lovely woman.
Looked like a beauty queen.
My mother's mother died at 92 a few years ago.
She was crippled with most of her nerves in her body eaten in excruciating pain, but she put up with it.
Wasn't a victim for the rest of her life.
For more than two-thirds of her life.
My mother was four years old when she got paralyzed.
And they have the iron lung and all the rest of it.
Till she fought back and her doctor told her, any grace?
We're sorry, it was that second vaccine.
It was live.
And then it's even in Reuters that the majority of polio cases are from it now and they don't care.
They even tell you what they're doing to you now.
But they won't tell you you need vitamin D or C or zinc or anything essential or that any virus could kill you.
They won't tell you any of the facts or that when you take all these vaccines it lowers your immunity to regular outside threats.
Because it's the cult of the medical system, the cult of the hospitals, the cult of being inducted into this and it's a sick spiritual energy and I pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior to break the bondage of this medical tyranny.
That is upon our nation of the Rockefeller science takeover a hundred years ago, that there be a global awakening and those held by the hypochondria and held by this system be broken, free from it and be given health and justice and freedom.
If they just call out in your son's name, Jesus Christ, amen.
I didn't mean to even pray like that on air, but I tell you, this touches all of us.
It touches me.
It touches even my family.
And it makes me so sad.
I have family even caught in the mental illness.
I have family that wears masks in their homes.
I have family that shudder in fear and hide.
Statistics don't matter.
Reality doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
They're caught in a spirit of fear.
And God does not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of victory and a spirit of righteousness and a spirit to overcome.
And if it ain't clear to you now, this is a fight between good and evil.
It's never going to get clear.
So your ship in the storm is God.
You're rock to mount your defense.
Your mountain is Jesus Christ.
And it's real, ladies and gentlemen.
That's why the Globals had to capture the Vatican.
They had to capture all the institutions before they could take us on.
And now you're seeing world government, genetic Mark of the Beast of Mayan Cell, global social credit scores, robots taking over.
All of it is here.
And the very people at the highest levels are even scared themselves and ask me, is there a way to get out of this?
They've got the power, they're part of it, and they know it's evil, and even they don't want to be part of it.
I've talked to top-level people that were around Hillary, her own people and others, and I confirmed it from Larry Nichols.
God rest his died last year.
And Hillary literally went to church and prayed to Jesus, and then she went and had satanic events as well.
She was so conflicted and scared, she said, well, I'm hedging my bets.
Isn't that perfect for these people?
They're lukewarm, I spit you out of the mouth.
She's a devil-worshipping Satanist, and she goes to church and prays to Jesus.
Imagine, I mean, the mind control of that man.
I mean, if you had Jesus, lady, you'd be running away from the devil.
Not out of fear, but for the love of Christ.
Because when the devil gets close, the God moves away.
You want to get behind me, Satan, as we blast off into eternity with unlimited things you can't even imagine ready for us on the other side, beyond the veil.
Well, I like to inspire a great awakening.
And last week, I did a really nasty rant.
The Alex Jones Black Pill Rant is what it's called.
It's gone viral with millions of views online.
And a major talk show host, national talk show host, sent me a message yesterday saying, I can't disagree with this.
And that talk show hosted a really good 30 minute breakdown on what's really going on last night.
Now the secret police, the intelligence agencies have announced they're going to come after libertarians, Christians, everybody by name.
So it just shows that really laying out how much trouble we're in gets people to wake up, not candy coating it.
And then last night I had dinner with Joe Rogan and some other folks, some scientists, and they're really awake.
So there's a lot of good news happening.
But we're not going to get there without shaking people out of their doldrums and saying, hey, Trump isn't going to save you.
So we salute Biden sarcastically.
OK, most popular man in American history.
What a lie.
We're going to fight everything you do.
We're going to legally and lawfully remove you.
We don't buy a damn thing you stand for.
So here is the video that's gone so viral.
Well, Tucker Carlson and others just saw a little short clip of it online.
We've dolled it up.
Our great Wilson has added some clips to it, but here it is, and it's Alex Jones' black pill rant.
I want to explain something here to everybody, okay?
Do I seem really irritable and mad?
It's not with the crew.
I'm just done with all this, and I meant to come in here today.
And say, this is my last broadcast.
And by that, I'm going to keep doing shows.
But, I mean, you understand, folks, I believe they're going to shut everything down in the next few months.
They're going to blow up federal buildings.
They're going to put poison in water supplies.
I mean, it's over.
It's over.
You understand?
Your only shot you've got is realizing that we're screwed.
Your candy-ass church isn't going to do it.
Your candy-ass boss isn't going to do it.
We're a trained group of monkeys in this country.
We're not what Americans used to be.
We're not rugged individualists.
We don't stand up for the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
We're a joke, okay?
And so they got people like Brian Stelter up their sink, shut down all of his competition on TV now.
He thinks he owns you.
Jeff Zucker thinks he owns you.
These are bad people, okay?
So I've done the best job I can.
I'm not bitching at the crew or you or anybody.
I'm just saying it's hard for me to get up here and do a normal show when we have a group of corporate criminals literally gang raping us.
I mean, if we ever beat this thing, it'll be in the history of, like, these people were Hitler.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
It's not like, oh, we're getting there, it's bad, things are out of control.
It's, it's, they've just begun.
They're going to take your pension funds.
They're going to bankrupt.
They're going to cut the power off, the oil off.
They're going to open the borders.
It's over, man.
It's over.
It's all gone.
It's all over.
They're going to activate the Boogaloos, FBI, ADL, terror forces.
They're going to start blowing everything up.
Then they're going to come arrest all the patriots.
The idiots will cheer it.
Then they're going to shut your power off.
They want you starving in the street!
They want to rape your wife!
They're Bolsheviks!
They're Jacobins!
It's all over, man!
All over!
In fact, America is rotting and deserves it.
So all your games are over.
All the TV watching, all the laziness, all the slack-jawings over.
It's over!
You're gonna be just like a baby at six months being chopped up in its mother's womb.
You're not a human, you're not essential, you're dead!
They're gonna kill you, cause you don't care!
So, I'm glad this video has really inspired a lot of people.
It's Alex Jones' Black Pill edition.
That's the actual name of it.
I call it the Black Pill rant.
Here's Tucker Carlson getting into just some of this last night.
The Purge is on.
Deep State leader calls for arresting everybody.
Here it is.
Glenn Greenwald is the most independent of independent journalists.
He writes on Substack, where we hope you support him.
He joins us tonight.
Glenn, this is starting to make me a little bit nervous.
Do the rest of us have cause to be concerned about this trend?
A lot of times if you warn of a danger you have to piece things together in order to demonstrate that it's actually coming.
In this case you don't have to.
They're explicitly saying precisely what they want to do.
The thing that struck me so much about that John Brennan Video is, it would be one thing if they were saying, look, there's a band of people, 20 here, 50 over here, who wear swastika armbands, who still are in the KKK, there's maybe 2,000, we need to... That's not what they're saying.
What he's saying is the exact opposite.
Every group he lifted, even libertarians, it's essentially he's defining the insurgency as anyone who has an ideology Other than neoliberalism.
In other words, other than the ruling class view that is about to congeal and merge with the power of the state.
And what they're talking about explicitly, Tucker, is using the tools that they used to take ISIS off the internet, the tools that they used to destroy Al-Qaeda.
They're talking about it as a second war on terror.
And that first war on terror, no matter what your views were originally at the beginning of 9-11, ended up eroding not civil liberties, just elsewhere, but here at home as well. One that is born by
name of being a domestic war on terror, designed to essentially criminalize any oppositional
ideology to the ruling class.
There is literally nothing that could be more dangerous, and it's not fear-mongering or alarmism
to say it. There are bills pending by Adam Schiff as well that would simply take the existing war
on terror legislation, always aimed at foreign governments and foreign actors, and simply amend
it to say we can now do that within the United States.
Who's going to stand up in opposition to this?
I don't see any of the corporate Republican caucus really even noticing.
I see a lot of people I thought were liberal turn out to be not liberal at all.
Alright, the full report is at InfoWars.com.
It goes on for 30 minutes.
It's excellent.
In fact, Tucker's intro is even more powerful.
But I wanted to hear from Greenwald.
They are specifically saying they want to put us in re-education camps.
They're specifically saying they're going to brainwash us.
They have groups that go out, provocateur, and then burn things down, and then are called heroes.
Then they provocateured our event to then blame us, and they've got even frontline editing videos to say I called for an attack on the Capitol.
This is a criminal decision to go for broke.
So let me explain.
This is not like other probing attacks, as I've said a hundred times.
They're making their move.
This is a real neo-fascist, neo-liberal, but using a Bolshevik attack model, corporate takeover.
And even though some of the top CEOs do not like this, but the big money banks and the shadow money is what controls big tech.
Because I've talked to some of the high-level big tech people.
I'll just leave it at that.
And they're like, Jones, we know this is all real.
We don't know what to do.
And then I've talked to some other very famous people that have talked to some of the top.
They go, no Jones, this person likes you.
They're scared.
They don't know what to do.
They just go along with it.
They hoped you would succeed.
So I want to explain something.
I don't tell you that to brag.
I tell you that to understand.
There's a lot of good people at the lowest levels, the mid-levels, the highest levels of everything.
But if you just think it's all magic up at the top, and oh, they know what's going on, they don't.
It's all this big, dark banking money that goes back hundreds of years, and it does what it wants, and it controls the stock markets.
And it's anti-human, and it's nasty.
I mean, I don't know if it's Satan in an electronic control room running it, I don't know what it is.
But it's an evil, Intelligence that's operating this entire system and it's very, very, very, very dangerous.
We have Robert Barnes coming up.
We have a really articulate, good guy, Roger Jones, personal lawyer who grew up next door to the Bidens.
He's going to be joining us.
Tyler Nixon.
Owen Schroer's coming in.
The co-host later.
And then I am taking off a few days to be with my family.
I hardly see my family and I've got a lot of family stuff going on and a lot of stuff needs to be done.
And so I'm going to take off a few days here and recharge, if you call it that.
You know me though, wild horses can't drag me away, so I'll be here some.
But it's really up to just getting right with God at this point.
There's something really important I want to point out right now.
Bill Gates, it's come out, secretly is buying up all the major farmland in the U.S.
He's the biggest landowner in the country.
After him, it's Ted Turner and others.
And they're doing this to raise GMO crops on their property.
That shows you in the future, they know where this is going.
They're going to devalue the currencies.
You're going to know there's total inflation within six months to a year.
We're going into economic implosion that was triggered by design by COVID.
They're going to blame it on COVID, but they're the ones that are consolidating and imploding the middle class and imploding the third world, then flood us with giant refugee masses.
So the smartest thing you can do is educate people around you.
Get prepared.
Get a small piece of property in a rural area.
Away from everybody, just to be safe if the cities go down.
Because I'm serious, they're setting up the end of America through economic collapse.
That's why they have a walking corpse that can hardly talk, emblematic of our end.
This has been well thought out.
Now, I hope we can defeat it, but there's not some secret trust the plan group coming to save us, so...
This is biblical stuff.
We have the technocrats are controlling the food supply.
Secure your own safe source of food supply sale.
It's the new prices in 2021, but it's the lowest price for high quality food you're going to find at info or store dot com.
The subsection is prepared with Alex dot com.
And it's all these globalists do this and as they hoard the food and as they prepare.
You need to understand that you need 25-year food supply.
The last 25 years, one month, three months, six months, one-year supplies.
And it's the highest quality you're going to find.
And it's just good to have that checkbox taken care of.
And you know you're getting good food at a very good price.
And you know that a small percentage of it, because there's not much profit in this, goes to us to fund our operation.
So, preparewithalex.com or infowarsstore.com.
You can find the preparedness section there.
Water filtration, air filtration, it's all there.
The technocrats are getting ready to bring in all the force GMO and more.
It's time to start getting prepared.
It starts with self-defense.
It starts with being prepared.
It starts with storable food.
It starts with digging in.
With a long globalist fight, we'll win in the end.
I am scheduled to take a few days off with the family, something I really haven't done for real in years.
We'll see if I can stay away from the broadcast.
Probably not.
But Owen Schroer will be coming in at the bottom of the next hour.
He can't be on air with us today because he's doing his community service.
Here in Texas, for D.C., for his arrest at the Capitol, if you remember, for wearing the tape over his mouth, silently, in the front entry.
But, on the day of the Capitol being stormed, and the greatest insurrection in world history, online with Pearl Harbor, according to Chuckie Schumer, after the first riot, police gave up, only 20 or 30 of them, and the police just stood down.
And that news is coming out.
The reason that's so important is they are advancing a trial in the Senate.
Mitch McConnell says he intends to have it in late February to give Trump a month to get ready, to get ready for the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center's dream, a Senate trial.
Because impeachment is just the indictment.
They play on the public's interest and go, he's been impeached twice.
Well, that means indicted twice, not convicted once.
But if they can have a successful trial and a successful conviction of the President of the United States, the 45th President of the United States, for edited videos, when he said, peacefully go to the Capitol, when his son said, we're not like the left, we don't burn things, we don't attack police.
I mean, they had a blind spot like I did, not thinking, oh, the false flag won't be a mass shooting or bombing.
That's what we were expecting that could happen, God forbid.
But it's a fight for our country.
We had to be there.
Even the left might stage something.
But to have the police stand down like that, we put too much faith in them.
They followed the orders.
And I'm not blaming them entirely.
I should have thought of that.
But it's simply insane.
You know, I mentioned last hour that I would get to that this hour.
Next segment, I will.
I didn't have time to watch the whole thing.
I scanned through it yesterday morning.
It just aired the night before, another front line re-editing the old one that attacked me six months ago with new info.
And it made me physically sick.
But if you go to band.video, you will see Alex Jones talks about what really happened at the Capitol.
Or just shows what really happened, and it shows a 20-minute video of the real clips of us going, saying, be peaceful, getting there, saying, be peaceful.
And then what really happened, they edit the tape to cut that out.
And then they have me arriving at the Capitol and then the attack begins.
They even changed the timeline to try to frame me.
It's one thing to see the left doing that on Twitter and even New York Times writers doing it, but Frontline Specials now edited to deceive.
So next segment, I will show you what Frontline aired.
And then I will show you the video where you can go see what actually happened.
I've already played it several times.
Should I play it again?
I mean, it's like 20 minutes.
Maybe I should play a few of the clips they show and then show what really happened.
Because these are jump cut clips.
I mean, it's clips where I say, let's start marching!
And they cut there.
Again, peacefully.
We're not like the left.
Imagine, let's start marching!
And then they cut where I say, peacefully, peacefully, and they do it over and over again, three times.
I don't have the money, the time, the energy for the lawsuit to beat this, so they're just gonna be able to lie.
But just know, when you watch things like this, they're all over the news saying I was in the Capitol.
They show footage of myself and Nick Fuentes inside the Georgia Capitol, peacefully, months ago.
I mean, sitting there going through metal detectors, shaking the cops' hands?
That's who I am.
Everybody knows it.
But they use my rhetoric of, we're gonna crush tyranny, Freedom 1776, in the Info War, to say I want violence.
No, that's you, the dirty communist left.
That's Apple that runs death camps in China, not me.
I have no blood on my hands.
No blood on my hands.
Except for a few people that tried to kick my ass.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We're into hour number two.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And I still, we covered this last hour, but I still just can't get over Hank Aaron.
In the top three or four baseball players ever.
I mean, definitely a better player than Babe Ruth.
86 receives COVID-19 vaccine in hopes to inspire other black Americans to do the same.
Wanting to be, you know, a hero, but strong.
Hey, I'll line up and do it.
Two weeks later, dead today, after he got the second injection.
Absolutely incredible.
And again, they know how to suppress the deaths, because you only hear about the ones they want you to know about.
And they got, oh, 36 here, 22 there, 18 here, 9 here, 7 there.
And it's almost all old people.
But usually it never gets reported when they die.
They say of a heart attack or they die of a convulsion or they die of a stroke.
Sometimes the very day of the shot.
But those are the ones you mainly end up getting recorded as maybe it was the shot.
So if I walk up to you and shoot you in the head and you fall down and die, they say maybe it was the bullet killed you.
Maybe it was a hit in your head on the ground killed you.
But why did the British government, and I hammered on this yesterday, we got to warn everybody you know, why did the British government Come out a month ago when they were the first to start this, and within two days, they said, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
If you're above 75, the headline is, Yahoo News, BBC News even had to admit it, these are three groups should not take the shot.
Above 75, younger than 16, or pregnant.
16 or pregnant. Above 75, under 16, pregnant. I mean the damn inserts always
on vaccines say that but oh it's this religious thing of submitting the system.
And there's no long-term studies on these mRNA shots that aren't even vaccines, they're gene therapy.
So, they only put that out to CYA, cover their fanny, cover their arse, their gluteus maximus.
And they just sent the president to roll this out, get rid of the old people.
That's what John Rappaport, day one, 11 months ago, when this all cranked up, said it was about.
But I covered that in great detail last hour.
Let's move back to what I said I would cover last segment.
They are planning to have the Senate trial against President Trump so that he
can't, well for several reasons, so that he can't run for political office again
and And so they can demonize the Trump brand and demonize the American people and have a huge spectacle to talk about what happened on January 6th at the Capitol.
And that's why I've seen their disinformation lies go to an entirely new level of disinformation against myself, against President Trump, against many others, where they say that we said go attack the Capitol.
Our motive was to get them to do the 10 days of investigation that no one had done that Senator Ted Cruz was pushing.
We'd had huge rallies with up to a million people previously in D.C.
with literally no arrests during our rallies.
At night, there'd be a few fights, a few stabbings.
I mean, this is like the equivalent of 10 NFL football games going on.
You have more crowd in one of those than we had at one of our events.
But nothing's perfect.
That's what happens in a big city when a city, you know, gets a million extra people in it.
Things go wrong, but it's a very orderly, law-abiding crowd.
Trump is known as that.
And so they're like, Jones?
Why is Jones confessing that he paid for the riot?
And there's just thousands of complaints from the FBI.
The FBI told us, just false complaints.
I was in the Capitol.
I was saying, burn it.
I was doing this.
It's all lies.
As soon as I got there, people had already gotten there, about 100,000 probably, I don't know, and I was trying to stop it.
Because Trump was coming to speak at the damn thing.
We had a little stage back around the other side that was set up the night before we get there.
It's gone.
We were set up.
Some anti-fuss, some FBI provocateur, right-wing groups, boogaloos.
They were there.
Same group went after the Michigan governor to make her look like a victim.
And we saw it unfold.
But talk about next level.
Used to be popular.
It's not anymore because it's a joke.
Well, they had a Frontline six months ago with a bunch of lies about me.
And now they've come up with a new Frontline episode that is, well, to say the least, par for the course.
Absolutely par for the course.
United States of Conspiracy.
They took the last episode, maybe added 10 minutes of new footage into it, squirreled it about, and then changed, you know, the name to a whole other show on Frontline.
And I'm not going to play the whole thing and do side-by-side comparisons.
It would take too much time.
We have other news to cover.
But here's an example of the deception ahead of Trump's trial in the Senate.
But Trump should actually invite this trial in the Senate because under due process, he'll have 50-50 the time.
He can play the videos of Antifa saying, let's burn this place down and break it down.
He can show how Boogaloos have been federally funded and protected and unarrested.
He can show how they provocateured and had the riot police attack the peaceful crowd so that someone in the crowd says, charge!
Alex Jones says so.
We now know that was from reports witnesses saw it.
To then have a few hundred people out of a hundred thousand that have already gotten there, hundreds of thousands more coming from the Ellipse, Trump still speaking, to then try to get a huge crisis going and a kidnapping of members of Congress, but it didn't happen.
It failed.
It was a dud, like a firecracker that kind of pops, but doesn't pop like it should.
Sometimes you'll shoot one of those mortars off and instead of it going, all those colors, it kind of goes a little bit, kind of spurts.
That's what happened.
Thank God.
Pipe bombs were found.
They didn't go off.
He said we walked into a trap.
We have to fight the election fraud.
We have to go peacefully expose it.
But it's next level for them to do this show.
So I'm going to show you, if you're a TV viewer, I'm going to show you a banned out video in the name of the video where you can go see the footage of me dozens of times saying, let's be peaceful and then getting there and trying to stop them and saying, let's be peaceful.
And it's called Alex Jones lays out what really happened at the Capitol.
And then go watch Frontline, where they literally edit out where I say, be peaceful.
They even took footage when I was at the Capitol, expressly saying, we don't want a new Kent State.
We need to basically go to the other side where we have a permit.
Let's be peaceful.
Don't go in the Capitol.
And they literally turned that into me arriving right when the attack starts.
Edit it where I say attack, basically.
And then they Ended out where I'm not even there and I'm actually a mile away when this happens.
I mean, this is the fraud of these criminals though.
This is who they are.
Preying on your mind.
Preying on your children in school.
Let's go ahead and roll the frontline piece.
Here it is.
They rigged it election.
They rigged it like they've never rigged an election before.
We won in a landslide.
This was a landslide.
Stop the steal! Stop the steal!
400,000 ballots appeared from nowhere.
Stop the steal! Stop the steal!
We will stop the steal.
We're going to walk down to the Capitol, and I'll be there with you.
So let's start marching as a little all!
Establish an event one too many times, covered with truth and justice and non-violent civil
Take a look behind you. Look behind you.
We got to f*** around.
And we fight.
We fight like hell.
And if you don't fight like hell, you're not gonna have a country anymore.
Today is not the end.
It's just the beginning.
So, that's just one small piece of the deception.
They kind of have one spot where I say, peaceful civil disobedience, but then they edit it where I'm there and I say, attack, fight for Trump, and they charge him, and I wasn't even there, and they cut all the places I said, let's be non-violent, let's be peaceful, and then they cut it in like I'm up there commanding people to surge into the Capitol when I'm actually saying, don't do this, turn back.
They dub over, USA, USA, fight for Trump.
Incredible deception.
Incredible fraud.
The worst thing for us to happen was the 200 people out of hundreds of thousands breaking into the Capitol.
Why would we do that?
We didn't.
And now we know it was leftists helped lead it, helped trigger it, and the police were told to stand down.
So that's the reality of what happened.
It's very, very serious.
I want to come back, though, and get into more of the latest on the former CIA director saying there's going to be a purge of Christians and even Libertarians, all Americans that are not communists, to be purged.
It's official news.
We'll be right back.
Stay with you.
You know, you can see all this as negative, but I'm a guy that's, the glass is half full, not half
This is actually gonna go worse for the globalists if we simply speak out, don't comply, and are civil disobedient, and then promote our culture of freedom and point out who these folks really are.
Alex Jones here.
Thank you for joining us on this Friday Global Transmission.
Now, two days into Biden and he is just hammering the country in every way he can.
We covered a lot of that in the first hour and coming up, Roger Stone's personal lawyer and also Relative of Richard Nixon, even looks like him.
Interesting fella.
Army veteran, patriot.
Will be joining us coming up.
Tyler Nixon.
In the third hour.
And Robert Barnes said he could pop in today.
We haven't gotten in touch with him yet, but he may be coming up to actually give you a briefing on the situation and the path forward, what he thinks is going to unfold next segment.
But we'll see.
A lot of times he says he can do it, but then he shows up last minute.
So look forward to having Robert Barnes on if that materializes.
But I wanted to talk about Antifa burning American flags for the second night after Biden was sworn in, burning buildings, attacking police stations.
And I have all these videos of the police in Oregon, in Seattle, other areas, politely asking them, please stop.
Please stop burning the building.
Please stop breaking the windows.
And so, Trump never called up the National Guard on him.
When federal officers would defend themselves while being hit with hatchets, they were called terrorists on the news.
I don't care if you're an Antifa, meth-head, devil-worshipper, or some wound-up, deranged, you know, crazy that still likes Trump.
Some of those exist.
Being led by provocateurs.
You don't just randomly hit federal officers, or old ladies, or white people, or black people, or Chinese people, or anybody with a hatchet.
You've got all that footage of them trying to break into federal buildings and hitting cops with hatchets, and the news defending it.
And then you have Pelosi saying, well, people are going to do what they're going to do.
So where is the outrage?
Democrats accused of ignoring latest leftist protest violence.
But if you add it all up together, it's thousands of times what the few hundred MAGA people did led by Globalist provocateurs.
But I'm not defending what happened.
I'm just simply saying, if the Capitol event was as bad as Pearl Harbor on January 6th, then what Antifa's done is like blowing the planet up like Krypton.
I mean, obviously that's an exaggeration.
Antifa hasn't blown the planet up.
Well, what happened on January 6th was not Pearl Harbor.
But you're going to see the Senate hearing and the Senate trial of Trump.
And you know I'm getting sucked into this.
They've got Frontline setting me up, folks.
They're licking their lips.
We're going to arrest Jones.
I still think there's some sliver of jurisprudence.
And even a leftist jury is not going to put me in prison.
But maybe I'm wrong.
And if that's the country they want to live in, so be it.
I mean, this has gotten redonkulous.
This is insane.
You try to go organize a protest against election fraud.
The Democrats said there's all this fraud.
Trump stole the election four years ago.
They're not going to accept it no matter what.
They're going to block the Electoral College.
We do the exact same thing that's actually in the Constitution.
You can do it if you've got the votes.
Meaning, you know, then they're going to be held accountable by their voters.
You better have the goods.
But that's where we are.
But let's talk about, every time they say 2,000, then it's 7,000, then it's 20,000.
Now they're saying it's about 30,000 migrants.
The UN set up in Honduras, broke into Guatemala, and they admit it's the COVID lockdown triggered this, which we told you would happen.
This is just the beginning.
And Biden said, oh, don't come up right now.
I'll give you amnesty later.
But he's already getting rid of the wall, stopped construction, put a freeze on deportation.
So, oh, the light went from red to green.
And now they'll keep imploding the third world while sending all these poor folks up here.
So you want to see a real insurrection.
These are people in insurrection against borders and against the sovereignty of countries to swamp Western world for the globalists to bring us into collapse, which is their admitted model, their admitted plan.
So I'm not against the poor migrants who the globalists have hit with an economic weapon, but it's the globalists that I told you 11 months ago would do this.
You'll see migrant waves.
The likes of which you've never imagined.
So here's German TV's take on it just a few days ago.
Thousands of migrants from Central America are gathering in Guatemala for an expected push north towards the United States.
Mexican border forces are alert for their arrival.
It's thought the migrants are hoping Joe Biden's incoming administration will be less tough on migration than the current one.
Determined not to stop till they reach the U.S.
This group of several thousand Honduran migrants, now in Guatemala, have been walking for weeks.
Some of them clashed with Guatemalan police as authorities tried to push them back towards the border,
but with little effect.
Escaping an economy battered by the pandemic, gang violence and hurricanes,
they are seeking a better life in the north.
We're going after the American dream because in our country there's no jobs, there's a lot of crime, and you cannot make a living.
Our house was swept away by hurricanes.
With a new U.S.
administration being sworn in next week and Joe Biden promising a more humane approach to immigration, these travelers are hopeful.
First, I'll find a job in the U.S.
We think about our families and want to help those who helped us.
Mexican authorities have deployed 500 officers to the border.
An agreement with the U.S.
stops them letting migrants through.
But like so many before them, the people here see no alternative but to keep pushing on.
So, this is all an admitted plan.
I mean, I read 20 years ago when they had leaked North American Union documents, they said, we'll use disease X, that's what they said, and we'll use that to say that the economy has to be shut down for quarantine.
That will then cause a giant migrant wave, and we'll bring in world government using migrant waves.
And then again, 11 years ago, Operation Lockstep says the same thing.
That was public.
And then when I saw them two years ago announce Disease X is imminent, they always tell you what they're about to do.
I said, okay, it's imminent.
It's imminent.
The news is like, Jones claims there'll be lockdowns and forced inoculations and that it's all imminent.
Well, I mean, they're following a plan.
Do I know the day or the week or the month?
No, but we've generally learned these people sit up there like we don't even exist.
They just sit up there and admit global government and admit the new world order and admit all of this like we're idiots.
But they admit it again in their white papers and communications.
I mean, hell, Klaus Schwab gets up there and says, COVID's not a threat.
We're using it to take over, to shut down the economy, to save the earth.
Of course, he's really just consolidating power.
By the way, talking about shutting things down.
They're trying to shut down the independent media.
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InfoWarStore.com. I want to thank you all. Barnes just texted me.
He is coming up with a briefing and an update. Stay with us.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show. This is Robert Barnes stepping in for a
brief bit. We're going to discuss today what are some of the president's solutions moving forward.
What are some of the solutions for populism moving forward, where the president can be a proactive, productive component of that?
So in that capacity, let's talk about some things that have kind of been distractions that are not necessarily part of those solutions.
And then let's further bridge into what some of those solutions might actually look like.
So there's been some discussions of something called a writ quo warranto, which is an old writ, which was usually issued by the king back during the days of early England, which basically said, by what authority do you hold this position underneath the king?
And the king would be the one to actually issue the writ.
There has been in the United States, those writs have mostly gone away in the common law and have been codified within various statutes.
So in particular in the context of a federal officer.
The District of Columbia Code includes the writ by statute, and it allows the attorney general, a U.S.
attorney, or a private citizen to bring that writ that says, by what authority do you hold a particular position, and challenges whether or not someone holds a position, a public office of trust, for example, by some has usurped it, has improperly obtained it, or something of that nature.
Historically, there is some question about whether that even applies at all to the President, because some of the public officers and officers of the executive branch doctrine were considered to be people beneath the President.
But the way that protocol works is if the U.S.
Attorney General or the U.S.
Attorney for the District of Columbia refuses to go along, you have to get a federal district court to go along.
And that is an improbable solution.
So there are people that are focused on that.
I doubt the president will have any participation in that.
And those people talking about it, honestly, they're just, you know, it's, I understand why they're looking at it, but it's not something that is likely to achieve any particular positive outcome.
Instead, really the more productive focus for the president, aside from dealing with and contesting and challenging the proceedings that are taking place in the Senate, In this sort of absurd trial, this unprecedented unconstitutional trial, one part of the solutions that the president can be to preserve and protect the Constitution would be to contest that Senate trial in the courts in advance.
Force the courts to address whether or not the Senate has the power to impeach, to convict someone who is not in fact a current elected official within the federal government.
Because if they have the power to impeach someone simply because they once held federal office, then you could just go around impeaching your political adversaries all the time.
You could have historical trials, just for the heck of it, of people who are dead.
So the one positive solution the president could take or make is by contesting the Senate's constitutional authority to even conduct a trial in the first place because that will protect the constitutional rights of a bunch of other people and it will preclude the Senate from taking sort of preemptory action against political dissidents it dislikes in the future.
So right now they're setting out basically a trial schedule that has a trial being conducted in February.
My view is the president should file a suit in the same as Professor Dershowitz, Professor Turley, some others have also agreed with this.
File a preemptive action in the courts and force the courts to address it up front in advance of the actual trial proceeding itself.
That the Senate has no constitutional power to conduct a trial over someone who's not an official of the government.
That's the limitation of the Constitution is to impeachment itself, not of an existing officer, not of an ex-official.
Secondly, the Constitution prohibits something that's called bills of attainder.
These bills of attainder used to be the legislature would often hold criminal trials against its political dissidents or adversaries dating back to the Parliamentary days in the United Kingdom.
Well, that's what this is.
This is an attempt to punish, to try and punish a private citizen who is not an elected official at this time.
And the mere act of doing so constitutes a Bill of Attainder, which is explicitly prohibited by the Constitution itself, even before we got to the Bill of Rights.
The third problem, and the other solution the President can bring by contesting this, is preserving and protecting First Amendment rights.
Because that's going to be an issue that's going to be big in some of these upcoming criminal trials and of the D.C.
riots, where people are being thrown into the mix who did nothing, who didn't know they were doing anything wrong, some of whom admitted.
There's a group of people who didn't commit any violence, who showed up late, who were invited in or believed they were being invited in by Capitol Police, who walked within the lines, who didn't do anything illicit as far as they knew, and they're being targeted as well, including journalists.
On the right, not journalists on the left who are inside the Capitol filming everything that took place, but journalists on the right are being targeted for potential criminal prosecution and punishment merely for being present.
And there the President Trump could help impart, make sure that there's a, only the people that committed crimes are targeted related to the Capitol Hill riots by challenging his impeachment on First Amendment grounds.
Because they are trying to remove the President for constitutionally First Amendment protected speech.
Under the Constitution, a decision called Brandenburg v. Ohio being the primary one, but a range of other decisions in the jurisprudence that they call true threats jurisprudence, or illicit imminent incitement jurisprudence, in order for speech to be unprotected by the First Amendment, the individuals involved must first Uh, having an express call for second, illicit, unlawful action.
Third, that could imminently occur.
None of those three fit what the President's speech was.
The President never explicitly called for any unlawful, illicit action.
To the contrary, he explicitly called for peaceful protesting.
Patriotic protesting.
That was peaceful protesting.
So he never explicitly called for any illicit action.
And of course, none of it could meet the standards of illicit imminent action, given that his speech took place when he was talking.
It was a 45 minute walk away from the Capitol.
And the people who breached the Capitol had pre-planned it, so it had nothing to do with Trump's speech anyway.
They breached the Capitol while the President was still speaking, so the speech couldn't have influenced them because they started breaching the Capitol before the President even finished.
And many of them could not have been influenced by the speech, given they were not even at the speech.
And there's evidence they didn't even hear it or listen to it, independent and separate from the question of whether or not there were other imminent inciters there.
Of course, Alex Jones took the actions to make sure it didn't get out of hand, because as soon as he saw what was happening, he told people to stay out, get out, and to stay away from it, and saved a lot of people's lives and freedom.
So one productive solution the President can take Is to contest the constitutionality of the Senate trial up front.
By doing so, he not only protects himself and his own future candidacy, if he decides to run for reelection and the power and leverage, the threat of his future candidacy provides the populist movement.
But co-equally, it protects the constitutional rights and liberties of all potential future candidates and all potential future officeholders by constricting the Senate's ability to investigate or impeach or convict, except in cases of existing officeholders.
And last but not least, it protects the First Amendment rights, not only of the president and of future presidents and future political and public officials, and precludes the power of impeachment from being utilized to punish such speech.
It also protects the speech of people who may be getting swallowed up in the Capitol Hill riots who were not co-complicit, co-conspirators in those events criminally and were simply there believing they were expressing their rights to protest, their rights to petition for redress of grievances and were unaware that they had been caught up in something that was done by others in terms of illicit activities.
But he also could have and also limit and constrict the coming domestic terrorism laws and make clear up front That imminent incitement is still the standard and that protects speech and you can't start using criminal laws to effectively go after and target people solely and wholly because of their speech.
So that's just one place the President could take productive, proactive solutions moving forward.
And when we come back after the break, we'll get into the many other places the president can play a key role in providing solutions for the burgeoning national populist revolution that is going to continue taking place to restore our constitutional democracy to our constitutional roots.
So come back right after the break.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
This is Robert Barnes stepping in for a brief bit.
Let's move on to other steps the President can take to be part of this populist revolution that's an ongoing phenomenon to restore America's constitutional republic and its democratic liberties that were gifted to us by our forebears for the last two centuries.
So, for example, one thing the President can do is to step into the breach of those places and parts of the economy Where increasingly, if you are of a particular political persuasion, you are going to be subject to marginalization.
You're going to be subject to suppression.
You're going to be subject to censorship.
You're going to be subject to exclusion.
To give an example, one very positive thing the President did on his way out the door was to preserve and protect the ability of people to have access as consumers to capital and credit from banks without regard to their political beliefs.
And in fact, this was passed by the Office of the Comptroller of Currency.
The Biden administration is already committed to trying to unwind that protection.
So what does that mean?
Well, you saw again today, also in the news, more banks closing off accounts of the president himself, personally.
Not only Deutsche Bank and other banks, but now multiple banks where he has done business over the years.
Any bank that was really listed in his financial disclosure, many of them are removing Trump's ability to even bank at those accounts.
Now, of course, frankly, banking is as much a privilege for the banks as it is for the person.
And that's why it is important that we preserve and protect independent means of access to credit and capital for people regardless of their political belief system.
One way the President can participate in that regard is not just in helping create PACs and political organizations and political groups that lobby state legislatures that pass new laws that include a sort of new Bill of Rights for the First Amendment that protects your right to access capital, your right to access social media, your right to employment and education, regardless of your political beliefs, to prohibit and preclude political-based First Amendment based discrimination against individuals and there the president can take a proactive and productive role with leveraging his audience, leveraging his marketing skill, leveraging his reputation to help facilitate that.
But he could also just take more direct tangible action by either creating a marketing relationship with a bank or even potentially creating his own bank.
And the idea would be what you have a bunch of people out there who now know they cannot trust the establishment banks, the institutional banks, the institutional financial institutions of regular and routine basis.
Now, many of the people that are part of this audience are aware of that and have been aware of that.
But millions and millions of Americans are becoming aware of that.
Millions of people around the world are becoming aware of that.
So just as there has been pushback on what Twitter and Facebook and Google did in terms of censoring and suppressing the president, Facebook removing his access, Twitter removing his access, and now even YouTube through Google reducing his access, freezing various TV networks that were a part of the sort of Trump campaign information distribution machine, email companies not allowing him to use their email servers to be able to send out emails, Financial payment processors not allowing him to use those payment processing for future campaign or political purposes.
But now, of course, you have banks going after him personally and professionally.
And the best way in which to counteract that is the one thing we can do is to create independent economic means outside of the control of the sort of big left.
Uh, oligopoly, uh, the to sort of get away from the oligarchs and the best way to get away from the oligarchs is to restore old school free market little d democratic economics.
And that can take place aside from changing the laws to make sure people are protected for their political expression, particularly from these private monopolies that are de facto public actors and state actors, but also.
The president can use his power and leverage to create like a Trump bank.
Imagine what a Trump bank could look like.
A Trump bank could use cryptocurrency.
A Trump bank could have an independent financial basis for any of its issuance of its currency.
It could choose different methods and mechanisms of backing up its assets, independent and separate from just being dependent upon the Fed system.
A Trump bank could also make sure, preserve, protect access to capital and credit For anybody regardless of their political belief and particularly for Trump supporters.
So the you would and in fact is going to be high demand for it by people from all over the economic spectrum who if you want an honest independent a political financial institution and that's what everybody who's either investing in a bank putting money in a bank or getting money or getting money from a bank in the form of a loan or credit.
What they want is a reliable financial partner.
They don't want an unreliable, politically motivated, emotionally driven partner that could undermine their position at any time they wanted, literally pull the carpet out from underneath them at some critical time or juncture, just because of something that does not relate at all to the economics of the transaction, to the security of the credit available for the capital purposes.
So that's where the President forming a bank, associating with a bank, creating a Trump bank, monetizing his brand, marketing his brand, which is uniquely powerful in the current political environment, could help facilitate The improvement not only for himself, but the benefit of everyday ordinary people and businesses across the country to be able to have access to capital and credit outside of big bank control for its political sensorial role.
The president could do similar actions in the big tech space.
Create his own, whether maybe it's something like Locals.
I created a Locals board in part because to promote Locals, because it's outside of big state censorship and control.
The content creator curates the community, not any outside independent censor.
And that's why I did it.
The president could do the same.
The president could create probably the ultimate form of a locals board.
The president could associate and affiliate with either Gab or other or Parler with other companies and help create independent separate social media enterprises that provide for the opportunity for a public expression and public association that again monetizes his brand, monetizes his audience, monetizes his reputation, while at the same time Serving and suiting the interests of ordinary everyday people in the expression of our constitutional liberties and building and expanding the populist base that got him elected in the first place to make broader, bigger, bolder change across the country in a wide, from the local, to the city, to the county, to the state, to the federal, to the national level.
And so that's another place the President can be productive.
The President can provide solutions.
The President can be part of solutions.
And the President can be part of those solutions while also helping himself financially.
So it's a win-win bargain of exactly the kind the President has had a lifetime of doing, performing, and successfully achieving.
In the same capacity of taking on using his monetizing his base, monetizing his financial institution potential role.
The other place is to promote independent sources of content creation and news distribution.
The model for this, of course, has always been InfoWars.
That the InfoWars audience and InfoWars network prove you could operate and distribute information.
You could create content.
You could share ideas.
You could build a community of similar minded individuals with common interests without dependent
upon corporate donations and corporate advertising, without dependence on state funding,
without dependence on big tech social media platform access, without dependence on any of that.
Instead, it's solely dependent upon the audience appreciating it and valuing it and being able,
and this is a similar kind of win-win situation as for Trump, that Trump can do with his solutions.
The genius of the Infowars model is it's win-win for the audience.
It's win-win because you promote and protect the ideas and ideals you care about,
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There's a wide range of items there.
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And so we recommend people to go there to help support because this is the model that works.
This is the win-win solution that is the template for President Trump to also use.
Look at those places where there's a market need Fill that need by monetizing and marketing your brand to your audience.
And it's a win for the audience with access to capital and credit and a win for you.
We'll be right back after the break.
I wear my face mask in my car so I can, so I can Virtue signal in my neighborhood
And I wear my face mask when I walk so I can So I can make sure they all know I'm really smart
Keep your distance While they're deceiving me
It cuts my immunity TV's got control of me
I turn it on, they say But this is not over yet
Don't trust a man with the orange skin, oh no Comes from China.
There has to be some form of punishment.
Don't mess around with the CDC numbers.
Oh no, I can't believe it.
We gotta make him a billionaire, oh yeah!
And then the final solution, which is a year to two years off, is the vaccine.
I wear my face mask in my house so I can, so I can stop a symptomatic disease spread to myself.
And I wear my face mask when I bike so I can, so I can.
Vacate all the care rooms at the park.
And now the flu is deceiving me.
Treat freedom for security.
TV's got control of me.
I turn it on, they say.
Don't take it off 'til the vaccine's here, oh no.
Oh but wait, that's not even gonna stop it.
Get microchipped and go back to work, oh yeah.
Oh no, I can't believe it.
He's not just a nerd, he's like a doctor too, oh yeah The contact tracers knocking at my door, oh no
I'm just a number (music)
Alright ladies and gentlemen We're in the clown world, so we might as well have a laugh every once in a while at the clown show.
Owen Schroeder here now hosting the Alex Jones Show.
I'll be with you for the next hour, and then Dr. Nick Begich hosting the fourth hour.
I'll then be back in the chair hosting the War Room today as well, which starts every weekday right after the Alex Jones Show.
Tyler Nixon is going to be joining me in about 15 minutes, and he knows firsthand about the Biden crime family.
He grew up with the Bidens, so he knows about the reputation they have, he knows how they treat their fellow Americans just in the neighborhood growing up and the reputation they had and so it's pretty much exactly what you would expect.
In fact, you got a little taste of it when Joe Biden signs an executive order.
You have to wear a mask on all federal grounds, which does that extend to interstates?
Actually, it does.
You have to wear a mask in your car now.
And so that's where we played the song.
Which was, of course, a joke when it came out, what, like, March of last year or whatever.
You wear a mask in your car to stop asymptomatic spread to yourself.
And so now that's law.
Joe Biden signed that into law.
And then right after he signs the executive order that you have to wear a face mask on federal property, he then goes to federal property, the Lincoln Memorial, with his whole family, and none of them are wearing masks.
It's all about rubbing your face in it.
It's all about setting the precedent that they are a higher class than you.
They are above you.
There is no more we the people.
It's them and then you the peon.
You the pleb.
You the serf.
You the slave.
Right here in the InfoWars World Headquarters, Austin, Texas.
And this platform, InfoWars.com, is now the mothership fighting the globalists, fighting the New World Order, and a cherished platform which has now built the infrastructure to be on air in the midst of the communist Chinese censorship that has come to America with big tech, And of course, the Democrat Party chairing it on, and the Republican Party allowing it to go on.
So it is a miracle, it is a blessing that here we are on air yet another day, another busy broadcast week about to be in the books.
Hopefully many more to come, but we cherish every minute.
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All right.
Again, Tyler Nixon is going to be coming up in the next segment.
He's going to give you a bit of a family history layout.
The Biden crime family, he grew up with the Bidens.
He's very familiar with their activity, how they're received by the public, even they're very aware of who they are.
I think the analogy stands.
With what we saw from Biden signing the executive order, you have to wear a mask on federal property, and then directly after going to a federal property, and then his whole family not wearing a mask.
And of course, when his press secretary gets asked about this, she says, oh wow, they were celebrating.
Oh wow, they were just celebrating.
Oh, okay.
So, here's now the double standard that just shows how you can't even apply it to yourself if you wanted to.
So, if you want to go out and riot, and loot, and burn, and steal, and assault, and murder, if you just say Black Lives Matter or Antifa, then it's okay, you'll get a bailout, and you'll have your charges dropped.
But if you have an American flag, if you have a Trump flag, if you're chanting USA, and you're around something like that, well then the government's coming after you.
So again, Remember they were saying Trump supporters can't have rallies, they're spreading COVID, but then they didn't even care about all the riots that were going on.
Apparently those didn't spread COVID.
But then they literally said, oh no, COVID's smart, it knows.
It doesn't go to these events, but it goes to these events.
Kinda like Biden says, we'll save 50,000 lives with this mask mandate.
Show me that science.
There's no science.
He pulls it out of his ass.
I mean, imagine the nerve of a guy standing up there and he's just gonna pull a number, oh, 50,000 lives we'll save with masks.
Why stop there?
We'll save 500,000 lives!
We'll save 5 million!
We'll save 500 million lives!
I mean, he might as well.
He made up 50,000.
Why not make it all?
We'll save... Biden is so out of it.
We'll save 500 billion lives by wearing masks.
Total nonsense.
But so this is where we're at.
And now, if you don't want to wear the mask, you just say you're celebrating, right?
So if you want to have an event, if you want to have a rally, if you want to go loot, just say BLM or Antifa.
And if you want to go walk around freely and breathing air without a mask on, just say you're celebrating.
If it's good for the President.
Sir, you need to wear a mask.
Oh, I'm celebrating.
I'm just celebrating.
Did you hear Biden said you can celebrate?
You don't have to wear a mask.
Just celebrate.
You're celebrating.
If that doesn't work, just go ahead and put the fist up, say BLM.
Maybe that'll hit them with a double whammy.
And then they'll just be spinning around.
They won't even know what's going on.
You just walk past them at that point.
They're just so dizzy with the two thoughts and then the conflicting natures of them all.
So, this is the clown world, but I will say this New World Order is dead on arrival.
It is dead on arrival.
People are done with the masks.
They're done with the fake pandemic.
It's over.
And this is just the general population, I can tell.
The general population that's been neutral to this or not wanted to talk about it or whatever, they're now done with it.
They're now sick of it.
They see the sham.
They see the fake.
And the inauguration of Biden with nobody there, nobody there, nobody there.
And I don't even know how to properly do it, because I was thinking about this.
Why don't we just show the pictures, it's like the crew just read my mind, of Trump's inauguration versus Biden, but it's beyond that.
Sure, that shows.
But it's so much more than that.
It's the media.
It's the internet views.
It's the energy of Trump.
It's just everything.
Biden comes to the table with nothing.
Nothing other than a 50 year in politics.
Washington D.C.
resume, a total scum, swamp creature, and then now all of his problems with his son, Hunter Biden's laptop, and all of his problems with his deals in China and Ukraine.
Hey, but he's got his window back, guys.
He's got his window back to creepily stare out of.
But you know, the new world order here is dead on arrival.
Now, that doesn't mean it's not going to be walking around like a zombie and still try to, you know, bite your head off or whatever, but it's dead on arrival.
People are sick of it.
They know it's fake.
And so I think this is a transition period, you know, going from a real president, Donald J. Trump, to a fake president, Joe Biden.
And there's going to be a lot of new things, I think, that are churning right now that are just going to organically come out of this.
And I don't think starting a third party is the answer.
Maybe it is.
I don't even know.
I mean, Trump running again in 2024?
I'm not even sure that is the answer.
The answer is going to be the actions that we the people take in the coming days.
That's what really the answer is going to be.
And then we'll just see what happens after that.
All their shams, all their fake news, all their propaganda, their fake president, it's all being totally rejected.
People have played along long enough, they remained neutral long enough, they're done.
It's over.
It's all over.
So it's still here, it's still going on, but it's the walking dead, just like the President Joe Biden.
But it's all a big psyop, it's all part of the plan.
So it's not Trump's plan, it's not Q's plan, it's the New World Order's plan.
And they're trusting their plan.
And so they're going to move forward with this plan.
And yeah, they're gonna mandate the mask, they'll probably have the corporate government mandate the vaccine, but it's so unpopular.
And then Hank Aaron probably dies from it.
Where he takes and promotes the vaccine.
Let me just say this, though, before we go to break.
I have to correct the record on something that was said earlier on this show by Alex Jones.
He said that Hank Aaron was probably better than Babe Ruth.
I'm sorry, but I just have to say that I have to disagree with that.
In fact, Babe Ruth, it's not even close.
Other than the home runs.
But anyway, point is, they use Hank Aaron to promote the vaccine, he promotes it, he does the videos, he gets the second round, and then, boom, dies, deader than a hammer.
And they will probably say it was from COVID.
Or they'll have to lie about it, and then change the whole thing over this.
You know, they sell Joe Biden as the Scranton Kid.
The fightin' Scranton kid.
The rough and tumble.
The dirt on the knee.
The scruff on the face.
The all-American midwestern boy.
The Scranton kid Joe Biden.
Well, that's a lie.
That's to get people in Pennsylvania to believe that so that they can win that swing state.
No, Joe Biden was a white shoe boy, spoiled rotten brat, arrogant punk from Delaware.
But they know that image doesn't really sell to middle America, so they gave you the Scranton Kid!
A made-up legacy.
Nobody knows that better than my next guest, Tyler Nixon, who knows this first-hand, growing up with the Bidens, going to the same high school as them, and of course the reputation that Joe had earned around town.
So Tyler joins us now.
Well, Tyler, it's been quite a first two days now, I guess.
for Joe Biden in the White House.
I think it's now 25 executive orders in his first two days.
Before that, the record was eight.
So he's just smashing as an authoritarian now.
But tell us the real Joe Biden, not the scranton kid that the media tells us he is.
But really, what was it like growing up with the Bidens in Delaware?
Well, I mean, you have to understand, and it's good to be with you, Owen, and, you know, God bless America and God save America.
Frankly, I have known Joe Biden for at least 36 years.
My mother has known him probably going up on, coming up on, let's see, 1960s, 59.
So what would that be?
You know, 60 years.
Too many.
Yeah, exactly.
You know, and it's funny, what it is with Joe Biden is that It's not that he was ever privileged growing up, okay?
What it is, is he is one of these people who is constantly trying to prove himself.
And what happened was he got into politics, and the thing is, he's constantly trying to prove himself and prove he's the smartest guy and he's got a handle on everything, but he doesn't, and he's not.
And so what he spent his life trying to do is to prove wrong what he thinks people think of him.
So if that makes sense to you, this is in terms of like a psychological profile.
The problem is, is that he'll never prove them wrong because they're right.
He is a blowhard and a lightweight, uh, and a, an ambitious opportunist.
And frankly, someone who would, uh, you know, he's a panderer.
I mean, literally the man embodies almost every trait, uh, you could think of.
In terms of a sleazy politician, a sleazy, parasitic, lifer, career politician.
And he's always embodied those.
And to add on top of that, one of the original demagogues of this era.
I mean, you literally have Joe Biden in 1986.
I mean, in addition to being a flip-flop or someone who will take whatever side of an issue or whatever he thinks he can capitalize on of the times or of the era.
So you have, for example, him in 1986.
Giving a speech to the NAACP in Baltimore, you know, as a prelude, or maybe 87, as a prelude to his presidential campaign, where he is the first one, really, I think, to come out nationally in terms of an actual U.S.
Senator or someone of that stature, who just outright called the Republicans, you know, racists and Confederate flag, you know, waving.
I mean, he was actually going after Jeff Sessions at the time.
Not that I have any affection for Sessions, but I think Biden just went way overboard with this.
And then you have Biden, 10 years later, talking about the inner city black youth being the super predators, or whatever his particular term was that he used, literally talking about them not wanting his kids to grow up in the jungle.
So this man will take any side of any issue.
He was against the Vietnam War, supposedly, just on the surface of it, but then later came out and said, Uh, you know, well, I was never particularly an anti-war liberal politician.
And I'll tell you, if you want to see who Joe Biden really is compared to what his image has been as a constant, perpetual perennial Democrat candidate for president, go to his, uh, withdrawal press conference in 1987, I believe it was, around, let's see, I guess I just, Signed on with Pete Dupont's campaign for president and Biden dropped out, but he gave this sort of very self-revealing, the true Biden press conference where he talked about his background.
He talked about the mistakes he made, you know, and it was never really taking full accountability for himself.
I mean, in addition to being a flip-flopper, an opportunist, an empty suit, a line-stepper, he's also, of course, a plagiarist.
I mean, he's so, you know, he's this brash guy.
He thinks he's confident in himself and he comes across he's the expert on everything.
He had to be on judiciary and foreign relations, both committees, because, you know, he's the brilliant constitutional law professor, whatever.
And then he's also, of course, the brilliant, I've known every world leader, he's a braggart above all, a constant braggart.
And beyond what he actually deserves in terms of credit, I mean in 1986, 87 when he was
running, he's challenging Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire.
You know, my IQ is bigger, better than yours, I bet.
And I, you know, graduated in the top of my class and all this kind of stuff.
So kind of like what he was doing there during the campaign where he almost called a guy a fat ass live during a thing.
Oh yeah.
He insulted other people.
You know, he said, now I know why your wife left you to an individual.
I mean, it was just blatant insults.
This is aside from him inviting 12 year old girls backstage with him.
I'm not even kidding.
This is all part of his campaign.
Yeah, I mean, he's an angry man and always has been angry because I think he felt he's always felt as though he never got his due in life.
You know, his his folks were not old man Biden.
Joe Biden Sr.
was very much, you know, almost like an itinerant salesman, you know, never had any really sort of stable income and work, I guess. He sold cars. They moved from Scranton
to Delaware because he needed economic opportunity. And look, I'm not one to lambast
people who have passed, but it runs in the family, let's just say. And this is a
story from a good friend of mine who I grew up with, a close, trusted friend. His
father was a judge. And his grandfather was a big developer around Delaware.
And, you know, the old time guys who built like a talking like, you know, 20s, 30s, 40s era, 50s.
And, you know, Biden was known around town, as frankly, his son, I think Frank and Jimmy were, you know, sort of in that mix, as always owing people money, you know, and always stiffing people for whatever it be, they borrow some cash, they take services they wouldn't pay.
So This guy, this friend of mine's grandfather was being constantly put off by the Bidens.
They had a bar in town saying, listen, you know, we can't, we don't have any money.
We're broke.
We can't pay it.
And he remembers he finally got really upset and just went to the bar like, you know, mid-afternoon.
Burst in and they're counting piles of cash in there.
I mean, it was just completely ludicrous.
I mean, they play poor mouth, but, you know, Joe Biden has frankly gotten into the bed during his Senate career with all of the worst elements, I think.
Unfortunately, the most fascistic elements in many ways.
The big banks.
I'm surprised he's not more in bed with big tech.
You know, I just think that he's such a fossil.
They didn't want to have anything to do with him.
And, you know, here's the thing.
Here's the really frightening part of it, though, is that that Joe Biden I think almost.
Joe Biden, I mentioned, this angry, ambitious opportunist who would like literally pander to everybody, tell any audience whatever they want to hear, and wrote the worst legislation.
I mean, the drug war.
This is the single most culpable, guilty, whatever you want to call him, drug warmonger in American history that's alive today.
Well, from counting cash at the bar to stacking cash in the bank from China and Uzbekistan or whoever the highest bidder is, this is just what we know of.
This is just what we know.
I mean, who else knows what else Biden has been doing under the table?
We'll be right back with more from Tyler Nixon, more stories, and we'll get his take on the first days of the man who was never elected president, Joe Biden.
Tyler Nixon on with us today.
Telling the stories of the Bidens and their reputations growing up in Delaware.
And I also want to talk about what his take is on the moves by Joe Biden so far since he's been in the White House.
But you know one thing that will always anger Joe Biden, and I'm sure Tyler can comment on this as a personality trait for Joe, One thing that will always anger Joe is the fact he was never elected president.
And he'll know that.
And he'll always know Joe Biden was never elected president, and so a man who was never elected sits in the White House.
And of course, that's why they had that whole military performance, if you will, staging, the military staging, and all the staging of the Biden inauguration, because he has no voters, he has no support.
It would have been an empty inauguration even if they had it all open.
So that was all for optics, a made-for-TV synthetic event.
But Tyler, what other details would you like to talk about here about Biden and his reputation growing up in Delaware with him, your family?
And then what's your take so far on the actions of Joe Biden?
Well, Owen, what I wanted to say, I guess what I was going to complete the thought was the Joe Biden that I mentioned, you know, the Joe Biden, the blustering blowhard, the demagogue, the opportunist, the panderer, you know, the marcher to the front of the parade that he didn't start.
You know, the expert on everything, the guy who cleared the Senate gallery as soon as he came onto the floor at any given time because they knew it was going to be a three-hour soliloquy to his own brilliance, spouting off nonsense.
And then, okay, in 1990, he has an aneurysm and is knocked out for almost a year.
And it was a serious, you know, serious, I mean, he was within, you know, inches of death, so to speak.
I mean, he really was, you know, out of it.
And I think that he came out of that without any apparent trauma or vascular issues in his brain, but I think there's some long-term effect.
Because the Joe Biden that I knew and you knew growing up and had been around and watched closely and studied closely is someone that I always felt was dangerous if he would ever become president.
But, you know, which was gratifying when he was busted for being, you know, literally trying to co-opt or plagiarize not just another man's words, but his entire life story.
As we've all seen with the Neal Kinnick, you know, from the coal mines of Pennsylvania, which is even itself a lie.
So he adopts a story, someone else's life story, that even if he could adapt it to himself, was bull... you know what, anyway.
Which, by the way, you know, just...
For more of the psychological profile, I mean, this is actually a sign of a psychotic.
And this is low-level psychology, but that's why when you see the movies, you know, the scary movies, like, I guess, I think it was Hannibal Lecter, I can't remember them all, but they take the skin They literally take other people's skin and wear it as their own skin.
It's psychotic behavior.
So that's like a low level of that psychology is trying to live someone else's story.
It's kind of like an American psycho.
He kills the people and then he takes their name, lives in their apartment.
So it's a psychology of a psychopath.
And I think that it's pretty obvious that the narcissistic psychopath Joe Biden shows some of those profile traits.
Well, he's an imitator and a pretender, and I think he's got some very psychopathological tendencies.
Now, when I say imitator or pretender, look, I mean, he was, he grew up in the 60s and he was very well, his first campaign in 1972 was heavily backed by the Kennedys.
You know, Ted Kennedy had thought that he might have a chance of running again.
He did in 76 and was of course, you know, blown out after Chapaquiddick, but You know, they had their fingers in every pie.
In fact, they were very much responsible for a lot that went on in terms of the Nixon, you know, hounding Nixon out of office with, you know, the Watergate and the whole blow up there.
And so he viewed himself almost as some sort of, you know, heir to the throne of the Kennedys.
You know, our heroes were assassinated and he would quote Robert Kennedy without attribution, of course.
And he was all this lofty rhetoric and quoting the Irish poets, just like President Kennedy did.
Of course, you know, President Kennedy was a very highly literate, intelligent, you know, just a brilliant man who understood, you know, I mean, it fit him.
Joe Biden just seemed like he was just trying to, you know, take a page out of the Kennedy book and really just adopt it and wear that mantle.
And it was perceived as a joke because, I mean, he was literally, you know, Stealing these words and trying to prop himself up and speaking this lofty rhetoric about race how he he Desegregated the charcoal pit, you know, no such things ever occurred.
I mean this man has like put himself I mean, he's almost a zealot or a Forrest Gump in terms of history And putting himself in places where he did not he did not he was not and here's the thing is funny He talks about how he was a civil rights activist and he marched and he you know He protested.
Yet, in that 1987 press conference I told you about, he admits straight away, I was never a civil rights, I wasn't involved, you know, I was just a, you know, up-and-coming young lawyer with my wife, you know, and a kid.
And that's actually true.
I mean, that's the reality of it.
He was just an ambitious, you know, second-rate lawyer in Wilmington, and ran for city, excuse me, for county council, happened to win, and it was literally brash and self-important enough to think he could take on and run for the United States Senate
before he was even 30 years old, before he was even constitutionally eligible,
although he was gonna be eligible if he were elected when he was sworn in, which is the case.
And so he won.
I mean, the thing about Joe Biden is, in addition to having these sort of traits
of trying to prove himself, he actually won the big, you know,
the big McGilla, so to speak.
He won a US Senate seat from a Titan, from a great Senator, Republican, you know,
legend in many ways, Caleb Boggs.
And so, you know, he, in a sense, I think has like an insecurity.
He's always had an insecurity about himself because he didn't really believe that he deserved it.
And then he was amongst these, the old bulls of the Senate.
I mean, back when it had, you know, men of stature.
And of course, he doesn't deserve it now.
So he must be just, he must be tortured on the inside.
No, he never grew up.
I mean, yeah.
He's totally insecure.
And also, no matter what he does, he'll always be in the coattails of Obama.
He'll always be Obama's vice president.
And so he knows that too.
Here's the thing is that I guess I was leading up to is he had the aneurysm and I just noticed about a year and a half ago to two years ago or the time the period I guess between when Obama and they left office and where he reappeared on the scene to run against Trump or to run for the nomination.
Something happened and he is not anything I mean it's disturbing because he went from being a sort of an opportunist demagogue who would get in bed with anybody if it would advance himself to being an empty suit.
Who is, has, you know, always surrounded himself with some of the worst elements.
I mean, basically the neocon, um, you know, neoliberal, uh, the, what I would call the fascist wing of the Democrat party.
I mean, that's where Joe Biden's coming from.
He's an authoritarian, you know, and he'll, he'll, but, but more, more important areas, he's willing to be authoritarian, but worse is, you know, all his civil rights talk and his, you know, his, his speaking of uniting and all that.
That's just, that's just bull.
That's complete whitewash.
That is nonsense.
That is just pablum.
You know, the people around him are cutthroats.
They're the core of the sort of...
the ambitious, you know, the worst elements of the Democratic Party, frankly, the Democrat Party.
And that's what frightens me is because he is like, you know, these people had an open door.
I mean, if you look at his vice presidential pick, I think Obama picked Joe Biden because he knew that Biden was never
going to outshine him, number one.
But more importantly, Joe Biden would have no problem going along and even participating and even maybe promoting the
corruption that went on, the abuses of power.
And it's exactly what Biden has done.
He's picked the most, you know, pliable willingness to be corrupt and previously corrupt, you know, with a track record and an empty suit as his vice president.
And what's scary is he, I think he feels and knows that he's going to hand this woman the presidency.
And, you know, she's obviously the These were the two least popular candidates.
I mean, Joe Biden only won by default because everybody else was pushed out and they all
got behind him rather than Sanders.
And Kamala Harris dropped out, she was the first one to go.
She is more dangerous probably than Biden.
So it's like, I mean, yeah, do we want to get rid of Biden?
I mean, honestly, and have her?
It's very frightening.
Look at that total phony up there.
I never watched this.
Apparently she didn't actually swear in on the Bible either.
There's a whole theory about that.
But geez, I didn't even see the pompous arrogance of that woman when she walked up there to take the vow.
That just shows you it's all about her.
I want to get Tyler's, what was that?
She's a laughing concubine, you know, snickering concubine.
Let's get Tyler's take on the movements of the Biden administration, his first two days in office.
We'll be right back.
Hey guys, give me a dot cam please.
The first two days of the Biden administration has been an unmitigated disaster.
From the, I think it's 25 executive orders in the first two days, a record, a quadruple times the old record, to the troops being left out to rot in the cold, and now apparently they all have coronavirus, at least they're testing positive.
In a garage, being forced to wear masks.
So Jill Biden, to try to save face, of course, where's Joe?
Joe literally does an hour of signing executive orders every day and then disappears.
So that's your new president.
People write executive orders for them, he wakes up, signs them, and then takes his meds and goes back to bed.
So Jill Biden goes out today to save face.
With a basket of cookies for 65,000 National Guard troops.
And she has a basket of cookies for a photo op to say, hey we love you guys, thank you.
But you can tell, there's the video, the National Guard are not interested in seeing her.
They're not excited.
They're being forced to do this.
Tyler, this is real sick.
From Obama.
Treating the military like dogs, having them held up on a boat in Iran, Benghazi, I mean, the list goes on.
But then to Trump, giving them a raise, treating them like gold, visiting them on Thanksgiving.
I mean, just probably the most popular president for the military in a long, long time.
But now we're back to Biden, leaving them out to rot in the cold.
And then the CNN and NMSNBCs of the world See the pictures of the National Guard there saying, who's responsible for this?
Who is in charge here?
I can't believe it!
I'm surprised they didn't blame Trump.
But of course he's not in office.
The Commander-in-Chief is directly in charge of the National Guard.
Well, who's the Commander-in-Chief?
Well, apparently Joe Biden!
So isn't that amazing, Tyler?
They blame Trump for everything all these years, and then something that's actually Biden's fault, and they're like, who's in charge?
Who did this?
I can't believe it!
We'll find them!
We'll wring their necks!
But it was Biden the whole time, and they knew it, and then for a photo op, Jill Biden goes out there with a basket of cookies.
I mean, what an insult to our military.
He's always been a user of people to the extent that they were.
I mean, he didn't care.
He didn't mention the troops.
He didn't care about the troops.
He sent the troops into ridiculous wars twice.
They're already going back into Syria.
There's probably going to be an expanded war.
Yeah, I'm wondering how soon, how soon until they launch the next one for, you know, so Joe can be a wartime president with what's left of his mind.
Yeah, I mean, you know, they would just use them as props.
And frankly, you know, if he wants to do something for the troops, send them home to their families, send them home to their jobs.
Let me tell you something, standing, I mean, I was in the infantry.
I actually was in the, you know, active duty infantry.
I was airborne qualified and was in the Berlin Brigade in Germany.
So, you know, I went between the desert and the very cold and rainy, often snowy, whatever, forests of Germany in the most...
A harsh, unhospitable terrain you can imagine.
And let me tell you something, just standing guard out there in the cold is, I mean, it's been bitter out there.
I mean, that really wears you down.
I mean, and these people should be with their families.
There is no reason for this.
They have active duty troops in that area.
And I firmly believe, I couldn't understand, why is it that they're deploying National Guard units?
Uh, you know, for around the country for this.
I mean, they have plenty of active duty units, uh, within the region.
You have any number of bases, um, within 60 to 70, 90 miles of Washington, D.C.
Fort Belvoir, Fort A.P.
Hill, Fort, uh, uh, Meyer, Fort, I mean, all, you know, all kinds of, um, Fort Meade.
So, and, you know, it's funny because as soon as, it was just like clockwork, this absolutely repulsive, fascist, uh, piece of garbage, Steve Cohen, starts questioning the loyalty and just comes out with this
arbitrarily, seemingly out of nowhere, comes out with this slur against
the troops about, "Oh well, you know, one of these people, they're white
males, so they're suspects.
You know, any one of these could try something against the president."
These people are just, I mean, they're so sick and despicable.
And I honestly believe, I mean, I wouldn't, I wouldn't surprise me that they called up some of these units because they're so fearful, because they know they stole the election, because they know that they have been eroding and working with not only the communists, the Chinese.
Oh, that to me is absolutely bonafide.
I mean, think about it.
They weren't even letting them have magazines or ammunition.
I mean, they were walking around with prop guns.
They're trying to, I think they called in those units to identify and just for the purpose of being able to run those checks and to literally, you know, get these people and try to weed out or figure out what their politics is or what their politics are and who they, you know, who they think are identifiable troublemakers so they can begin purging them from the military, just as Obama did at the upper echelons.
And just as Robert Mueller did in another agency with the FBI.
That's just another sign that this whole thing is dead on arrival, Tyler.
Because they know it.
Look, everybody knows they stole this election.
Everybody knows D.C.
and politicians are the real criminals and the most corrupt.
And Joe Biden is the face of that.
So, I mean, they know nobody likes him.
They know he's the least popular person ever to be in the White House.
He probably didn't even get 60 million votes, quite frankly.
But it just shows you it's all dead on arrival, where they don't even trust their own security.
I bet they don't even trust Secret Service.
I mean, they're basically on an island in there, kind of like the reverse island of Trump in a way, where just the real people of America and the military know that these are crooks and criminals, and just nobody likes them.
Yeah, and the problem is though that when they've got this mainstream propaganda megaphone that's constantly gaslighting everybody and constantly distracting and constantly trying to successfully set the narrative and then you have the big tech Fascist.
I mean, this is the their definitional fascism.
Okay, fascism is not national authoritarian strongman, whatever you want to say, you know, the definition that they the left has used, or the communist left, let's just say is used to try to hang up Let's face it, all authoritarian ideologies are left wing.
There's no two ways about it.
If you were going to install a fascist authoritarian dictator, it would look like active military on the street, no citizens allowed.
Exactly what you got.
And what it is, is socialism or pre-communism with a fake veneer of managerial capitalism.
So it's basically you have these massive, monolithic, monopolistic companies that have the imprimatur of the government, of the ruling elites, the government elites, and do their bidding for them.
So it's like, OK, well, they don't need to tell me, you know, we'll arrest you for not wearing a mask in the airport.
You just won't be able to fly.
So they get the private companies, supposedly private companies.
And we see it, of course, with the supposedly private companies in the tech sector, where they're just basically doing the censoring.
They get all kinds of government money and they're tax exempt.
Yeah, they're doing the oppression against, well, worse than that, I mean, the, you know, if anybody tells you, Twitter, oh, they're private companies, this is, they're private, they can do what the hell they are.
No one that's private has sovereign immunity like they do.
They have sovereign immunity, meaning they can't be sued for no matter what they do.
They can commit tortious acts.
Tyler, it just came out, in fact, I'm gonna cover this on The War Room, there was a little boy that got trafficked and raped, and that was allowed to happen on Twitter.
Twitter still has not suspended those accounts or there's been no punishment.
A new report just came out, again I'm going to cover all this coming up in The War Room at 3 o'clock, that identified 94%, 94% of child sex trafficking can be linked back to Facebook.
Tyler, if you have Again, this is totally hypothetical.
I mean, it's disgusting to even think about it.
But it's like if you or somebody, a private individual, has people over to their house and they discuss trafficking children, and that word gets out, there will be arrest.
You can't talk about trafficking kids.
You can't traffic kids in your private home.
Oh, but if you do it on Facebook, Facebook is allowed and that's okay.
No investigation.
So I'm going to be covering that in the War Room.
But Tyler, two minutes left here.
Just final comments.
You know, I just think we're in a perilous time because these people are ruthless.
They're diabolical.
They're absolutely cutthroat and they're absolutely intent on carrying out this jihad against half of America, basically, after stealing the election.
I mean, there's no humility there.
There's no sense that, okay, well, we got away with it.
Maybe we better, no, no, no.
They keep doubling down.
So, you know, every American who believes in the Constitution, who wants us to remain free and not be just a fascist police state, which is what these people are just fine doing.
I mean, they don't care about anybody except their own They're themselves and their own power.
So, you know, I would urge you to start disassociating yourself out there with any sort of tentacles possible to these large tech companies and any company that is, or any organization, frankly, that's in bed with or supportive of or otherwise, you know, doing the bidding of these overlords.
These would-be fascist overlords.
I would urge you to contact or identify family members, people in your community, Who are of like mind and don't just assume things.
Don't just have casual conversations.
Talk to them about what's going on.
Inform them.
Try to talk to people who you think are moderate and are, you know, maybe can be educated.
You know, I mean, the thing is they keep constantly shifting the narrative.
So it was first, you know, we went from the trying to prove the election fraud to now trying to disprove that we're insurrectionists.
So, you know, stay on guard, be vigilant.
Be strong, be safe, and God bless you all.
And, you know, we should take heart in knowing that there's way more of us than there are of them.
They are surrounded, frankly.
Tyler Nixon, thank you so much for joining us.
Again, folks, I'm going to be coming back on The War Room here in an hour.
Dr. Nick Begich taking over.
But, guys, that footage we were just rolling of Joe Biden molesting kids, I mean, I almost vomited, but you know what?
We're going to have to, I'm going to need to carry that over for The War Room, and we're going to have to put that up on Bandot Video.
I mean, that was like the best compilation ever.
I mean, that's how sick this guy is.
And welcome back.
And it's good to be here this Friday.
Headed into afternoon in my part of the world and afternoon in a lot of other places.
You know, earlier in the week on Wednesday night, I had a couple hours, unexpected couple hours.
Actually, I would like to all know last week I was on coast to coast talking about the same themes, you know, carrying what we've been talking about the last few weeks a little further to a whole different group of folks.
but I did hear from one of the InfoWars listeners that appreciates this hour, but I also hear,
you know, I read the emails that come to me at info@earthpulse.com.
I try to read them.
I may not always respond, time is only so much, but I try to look at them.
And there were a couple of things that came through.
Firstly, I want to apologize for last week.
I said, I used the phrase, uh, asshole when I thought the bad guys.
And here's the thing.
One, one man's asshole is another man's hero.
I'll say that again.
One man's asshole is another guy's hero.
And I was talking about the divinity of man last week.
And so it didn't fit the context.
And I apologize.
It was wrong.
And what I want to say is, the divinity of man deserves more respect than that, and I was a bad example of it.
So I apologize to that for two million people, for the man that pointed it out to me, and thank you for that.
The other thing I'd say about all that is this.
That's me, okay?
I'm not saying that's what everybody else's programming is, but for me, for who I am, that's my programming.
And then I got this other thing that someone said, that they said, What your message is doesn't fit the program.
It doesn't fit what we're doing the other 19 hours during the week with Alex.
And I thought a lot about that.
And I give that consideration.
I appreciate having heard that.
But maybe I offer something that is the way I see it.
OK, again, not saying that's the right or wrong.
It's a good observation for the man that made it.
But for me, what I'm doing here is trying to deliver another Dimension of the solution.
OK, just that's it.
Just another dimension of the solution to the porthole of Nick baggage's soul.
OK, that's it.
That's the only thing I'm doing differently.
Alex does it to the porthole of Alex's soul.
And I say he does it really well and elegantly for who Alex Jones is.
And here's what I know about every host on the show.
You know, that you're listening to.
That's what we're doing.
We're showing our heart.
We're revealing our heart and the method that we have through the channel that we are as a human being trying to do something decent.
And you're in it with us.
So you participate.
You send me messages.
I hear you.
And I'll try to make the course corrections.
And, you know, what I'm thinking about is, you know, as you're thinking about a reset, I'm thinking about just setting it right.
How about we do that?
We set it right with each other and ourselves in a way that's dignified and respectful, like the messages I got this week.
Now, the other one that I got that kind of I really thought a lot about that was, I only heard it from one person, but I know there's a lot of people echoing this right now, is that the way I characterize God as my friend, as love, somehow doesn't fit their narrative.
They'd like me to be talking about this angry, vengeful, You know, God.
And I get that dimension, you know, from the angry parent sort of point of view.
I get that, all right?
I get that a lot.
But I think what we had happened 2,000 years ago, and then this is the other criticism I get.
I don't use the name Jesus enough, OK?
I'm going to use that a little bit here.
And then I'm going to let that go because I'm not going to parrot someone else's narrative here.
That's not what I'm doing here.
But I'll say this about that, is if you don't think I use that name enough in my narrative that I'm delivering here, then you haven't seen my heart enough to know who I am and what I believe in and what I do with my life, because that's my testimony, how I live right now.
OK, so I'm not going to have that conversation anymore.
You know where I'm at.
You know who I know.
You know who I met.
You don't know when I met him, so I'll fill that in someday in the course of the conversation.
But today, I want to awaken something in each of you that's awakened me.
And I want to do it in the Nick Begich way and no one else.
And I thank you for the criticisms because they help me be a better guide to each of our pathways.
Picking right up from where I left off with the angry God theme, because I want to explore that a little bit, you know, because here's what I think is really needed right now is calm.
You know, I would have much rather seen on the backside of the Capa building a thousand people singing Amazing Grace instead of charging the doors.
You know, that would have had an impression on the world that would have been way different.
You know what I mean?
That would have really touched the world way differently.
And I'm saying, let's touch the world in the ways that we can to who we are and how we carry ourselves into the world.
And that's what everyone does here.
That's what everyone's doing.
Whether it's the other Nick who's on the other end of this earpiece that's talking to me every once in a while, who's helping me today, bring this information to you.
Or whether it's you listening to the information or me delivering it.
My purpose here is to give you some things to think about, not to say, hey, this is the only pathway, because it's not.
I won't ever say that to you.
I'll say your pathway is the right one every single time.
And as long as you're looking for one of two things, either God or love, which I believe is the same thing, then you'll be all right.
And if you don't know who God is, then at least look for love, because this is something I've been saying, and I said it the other night on Coast to Coast.
We keep thinking love is a verb, you know, an action word, like ate.
Ate's an action word.
Love is not a verb.
It's a noun.
It's the other name God gives himself.
God is love, okay?
It's a noun.
Think about that now.
It doesn't have an opposite, you know?
It stands on its own and encompasses earthly love, which is an emotional verb.
OK, I'll go with that.
But what I'm talking about is something that covers us.
Ah, that's not very angry, is it?
Kind of a nice covering to get 2,000 years ago if they got the message.
And here's the man hanging on the cross with the guys who just slaughtered him.
And what did he say?
He said, forgive them.
They know not what they do.
Even the people that were crucifying him in real time, he was forgiving as it was happening.
Did you do that?
You don't even do it with yourself.
We don't.
We beat ourselves up all the time because we're flawed.
I am too.
I admit it at the front end of the show.
Okay, I'm not afraid to admit it.
And to be a public person means you give up all your privacy.
See, now you're a transparent person.
Because the more public I am, the more people will want to point out my flaws.
And if I wear the label of a religion, they'll blame that instead of me.
So I won't use labels anymore.
I'm not going to do that.
You know, Thomas Jefferson, the man that made sure that we'd have freedom of religion, never told anyone what his was.
Do you know that as a fact?
That is a fact!
He never did.
And why didn't he?
Why didn't he?
You might self-examine to ask a question, because there's also a Bible version out that he wrote.
He carried it around, and it wasn't his words.
He carved out of the Bible something now called the Jefferson Bible.
Go get a copy at your local Bible bookstore.
And in that are the words of Christ, and that's what he followed, those messages.
But he never told anyone.
People didn't know it.
You know, this is the foundation.
Now, Jefferson has been in my heart a lot lately because of this this book.
I started talking about it recently.
This one by edited by Eric Peterson called Light and Liberty, Thomas Jefferson.
But but it's nobody's words.
It's not Eric Peterson's words.
He just compiled from all of the thousands and thousands of recorded words of Jefferson that he read, all those written words he read, in a very difficult language that's hard to understand.
Jefferson needs a new translation, believe it or not.
Now, I'll read you a paragraph, even, and it's on forgiveness.
Now, you try and get forgiveness out of this paragraph in Jefferson's word, and here it is.
I cannot have escaped error.
It is incident to our imperfect nature.
But I may say with truth my errors have been of the understanding, not of the intention, and that the advancement of people's rights and interests has been the constant motive of every measure.
For honest errors, indulgent may be hoped.
Do you even know what that says?
I'm a scholar.
I have trouble with language, and it's English, 250-year-old English, that needs a new A new expression so that we can understand it in the context of the 21st century.
So that in a digital gulag that we're living in, where our digital doorways have been kicked in, the thoughts of Jefferson about freedom and liberty and the pursuit of happiness might be revitalized in the nation.
On the platform that our founding fathers, and I wish there were a little more, a few more mothers involved, but you know that came later as we figured out that we needed to grow in our remembrance of the divinity of each of us, including women.
Including minorities, including a lot of people.
And that's how we began.
You know, we started under monarchies, under virtual slavery for everyone equally, equal slavery for all.
And then we broke those chains in an age of enlightenment is what all these wise people said that we can't even read today.
So one of the things I want to do is there's a bunch of themes here.
Love, faith, happiness, joy, Jesus.
of Jefferson's and his words.
I'd like to do a segment on each one someday.
I need help, all right?
Here's my naked hour.
You want to talk about a naked hour?
This is my former fiancé's words, and it's a way of expressing how we feel about ourselves sometimes, you know, when we have to reveal ourselves, when we're vulnerable.
Think about this from this perspective.
In the garden we were there, and I was talking about this last week.
We're in the garden, in the garden with the Creator.
No good or evil until someone ate from an apple.
And now we know good and evil.
The first thing everyone does is has their naked hour.
They hide themselves.
They feel guilt.
They've done something wrong.
Your naked hour.
You hide from yourself.
You run away.
That's the naked hour, okay?
That's our guilt.
That's how we carry it.
And that's our signaling system.
You know, there's two questions.
There's two things every time we make a choice that most people don't think about.
I was mentioning this the other night on Coast to Coast, and I really want to say it here.
When you make a decision, there's actually two things you need to do.
A, the choice that you're making.
That's the intellectual.
That's the brain.
That's the mind.
And then you have to say, how do I feel about that decision?
OK, that's the other half of the brain.
That's the heart, if you want to put it that way.
And if you ask that each time, I'm going to decide this.
How do I feel?
Well, if you don't feel right, you might want to reconsider the choice you just made before you execute.
Because when you execute now, you put it in action.
And if your heart is saying one thing and your head is saying another, you might examine your heart a little deeper.
That's your connection.
I'll say it again.
That's your connection to consciousness that links you to the divinity that you're creating the image and likeness of.
You know, it flows from here and then it flows out of your voice into your words as you create reality with words.
What I'm trying to convey is a way to get your power back, that your birthright back, if you will, through a re-examination of a set of words that have been Turned around and used against us.
That's why you see the train wreck in the world.
That's why you see all these institutions in the world that have a form of godliness, but they've denied the inner power of it.
Because they don't have it.
They are mimicking it in many ways.
Now, I'm not talking about people warming benches there, but there's a lot of bench warmers who don't have their belief well anchored to knowing.
And I want to talk about that in a very honest way.
But I want to also say something.
Because I get all kinds of messages.
I get one from Yoshi in Japan who hears me and says, I don't plug enough.
I don't plug enough.
So I got a plug today for Yoshi in Japan.
And it's the alpha power deal.
I mean, and I'm reading the ingredients.
I'm thinking, yeah, that'll work for men.
Yeah, that's a good one.
That'll perk you up right away.
And your your partner will appreciate it.
But the point And if you really want to piss off the left, live a hundred years.
You know?
I mean, I want to say that again.
This is from one of my friends that provides input too, during the week.
You want to piss off the left, live a hundred years.
And the supplements sold here, I can tell you, are quality, are good, and they'll support that mission.
You know?
You want to live long enough to make a difference, Do something about your health.
Preserve the temple.
And I'm sorry, that was another mistake.
It was Paul who said that, not Christ, that the body is a temple.
So I'll be right back.
We got a great show today.
And it's about you.
It's all about you.
And welcome back.
You know, before the break, I started talking about this thing that Ann had passed on to me, my former fiancé.
And we were talking about this whole concept of The naked hour, you know, exposed, vulnerable, if you will.
That's when you're vulnerable, OK?
When you're exposed, OK?
And you gotta deal with it, you know?
And I'll tell you, as a public person, you're exposed all the time, man.
I mean, it's all the time.
Every sin you ever made is gonna be in front of you someday.
Or as my family say, hey, if you don't want to read about it on the front page of the paper, you might want to think about it a little differently, you know?
Because when you're raised in it, you have a different perception of it.
Unfortunately, a lot of leaders are raised up differently and so they don't get the training, you know, and that's unfortunate, but that is what it is.
And so we all kind of stumble around a bit.
You know, I only got a little bit of training.
My dad, as many know, disappeared and subsequently was presumed dead when I was young, 14.
The big change, you know, the big shock for my life, the big trauma that altered my path dramatically, and someday I'll talk about all that.
I wish there was time to do it all.
There just isn't ever enough time.
But again, thinking about what I learned in the week that transpired since I saw you last and what was important to me to bring back into this conversation.
And how does it all come in?
How does content be developed?
You might want to know that.
There's a lot of prayer involved revealing the heart, as I was explaining last week.
I really don't want to screw it up.
I really don't.
And and I thought about it.
And this came to me as a one liner.
All right.
I start my day with a plan.
And if I let it the universe, God reshapes it in art.
And so I start out with a plan, you know, and then it kind of In one sense, disintegrates and gets reformed into something that actually works pretty well.
And so I kind of weave in and out of conversations with a lot of different people, and I gather a lot of information.
I'm reading all the time, and then I've also got some work that I need to do that makes my revenue.
That's unrelated to anything that you and I do together, but that's okay.
It all comes together, works really good, and I have a livelihood instead of a job, so it's kind of good.
It integrates everything I am into what I'm doing.
Hey, that's a good way to express ourselves.
And we should all try and do more of that in the ways that we wherever we find ourselves express more of our gift, whatever that is.
And we all have it.
We just fail to see it a lot of times.
And so I want to I'm trying to teach some ideas to think about, not just think about them and draw your own conclusions.
One of them is always ask two questions when you only think there's one.
Everything you're choosing Choose with deliberation and then ask yourself, how do you feel?
So, always two questions.
One is the choice and one is the feeling of it.
Because that will be a guide.
That's what feelings are for.
It's a guide to tell us.
If you get angry in the choice, you might want to think about it.
If you feel compassion and empathy in the choice, you might want to just get on it, you know?
So, use it as a guide.
It's a way of testing yourself, testing your own spirit, if you will, against your heart.
Because that's where, as a metaphor, we draw where we talk about feelings.
We talk about love, we talk about the heart, you know.
And again, I want to say, love is the other word that God uses to describe himself.
That's important because a lot of people aren't there with you.
They're not going to have a conversation with you about God, but they might have a conversation with you about love.
Most people want that.
Most, most people want that, unless your heart is so broken and dark, you know.
But even them, those that would crucify Christ, for goodness sake, he'd forgive in an instant, and you should too.
That's hard, man.
That's a tough one.
That's easy to say hard to do.
And here's some things to consider, you know, in this.
And I made a few notes.
I do that.
But they're scribble notes, you know, because I do them all day.
You know, they're come to me and I'll write them down.
And then I get through three of them and the other 20 fall on the floor and get lost in the shuffle.
Maybe they'll get into some later.
But the ones that come through one, this was a few questions and then think about two We're in a dualistic system.
Good and evil.
That's what the bite of the forbidden fruit yielded, right?
A dualistic world instead of one that was integrated, that worked the way it was intended.
Out of one consciousness, the way it was intended.
With us has created souls like nodes on that consciousness, like little spikes of light popping through it.
If you want to see it in your head a little bit, that's maybe one way to see it a little bit.
But think about that as each of us, as each of the lights go on that are popping through and we become aware that we're lights, you know, and then we start to see that in other people.
We realize that, wow, if we all kind of Move in a direction that's different, then we got a beam, and then we have an overwhelming thing that fills a void that's there right now in the heart of men and women all around the world.
You gonna be the filler of that void in some way?
What do you want to fill it with?
What echo chamber in the void of people's hearts do you want to enter and change?
Not to change their path, not to tell them what to do, just so that they feel like they can maybe reveal a little bit of their heart to the channel of love, which is not a verb.
It is a now.
If we can accept that noun into our heart, you know, then we change the game plan and the way we reflect in the world because it comes from a very, very different place.
As strange as we all are all over the planet and I've traveled a lot man and I've I've seen the uniqueness of a lot of people and I you can label it strange or uniqueness you know they have different meanings but they say the same thing in a different way because they carry a different emotion with depending on how you use those words you see because words and the emotions that they carry and the intent they carry is how the word in the beginning was That.
So you got to think about that as the essence of creation coming out of the words we speak and the vibration that creates in the reality we perceive.
That's the physics of it.
I was explaining it for a couple hours on Coase last night or Wednesday night and I explained it a little bit.
It's all in what I'm saying.
It's science as well as something else that's deeper than science ever thought of being because science is the analysis of the creation and the uncovering of it, the discovery of it.
All right.
And we don't know anything, man.
I mean, we don't know anything yet, but we're uncovering bits.
of revelation, if you will, through all kinds of ways of seeing the creation and the truth that's around us.
You know, that's the point I'm making, is the path to your own salvation is a path worth traveling.
And anyone who wants to judge another man's path is stepping in a place of judgment I would not recommend at all.
I'd be very careful there.
I'd be very, very careful there.
Because the real judgments where there's power, Unless you are, in fact, a judge and in the position of making judgment.
The real power is the self-judgment you make about how you're going to reflect in the world.
I'll give you a simple example that we can all do.
Next cashier, you see with their head down, not looking in the eye, grab their attention with a bit of joy and draw them into the joy.
And what you'll have done is create a chain reaction in yourself, in them.
It's called a resonance.
It's a mathematical principle that I've explained before, but it applies to joy.
Be an expression of something different and cause the tidal wave to begin in that direction.
This is Dr. Nick.
We're going to be right back after these messages.
Hey, support us if you can.
You know, I always forget, and if it wasn't for the crew, I'd always forget to run my own ad, you know, and it's like, I don't sell anything there.
It all ends up back at the InfoWars store, but I have a lot of information there, including my past broadcasts segregated in a way that you You can look at them under a button called 50 videos, 50 topics, and there's actually like 100 there.
When you click on it, it goes straight into the InfoWars programming, which is band.videos, and then it chronologically lists them, so you can look back at what I've been doing and what I've been saying and kind of put the messages together and get the whole picture of what I'm trying to say.
At least part of it, you know, you always run out of time, and today I get the whole hour, so I'm really happy about it.
But I want to finish up kind of where I was at.
I was talking about two choices.
I talked about two witnesses.
The witnesses are you against your own soul, because you know all your sins that everyone doesn't see, and the universe that knows all of what you don't even see.
And so those are the ones that matter.
Everyone else is commentary without clarity.
Commentary without clarity, because they're not walking with you in your shoes every day.
But God is, whether you know it or not.
And so, those are the only two witnesses to make your judgments by, and believe me, at the end of the tunnel.
It all comes clear.
But this life is a snapshot.
It's like a photograph in eternity.
All right.
Has a little texture on it.
Gives it a little bit of depth.
But in the scope of eternity, the bandwidth here is pretty narrow.
If you want to look at it that way.
This is a snapshot of reality and our perception of it in the body is regulated by a set of sensors that limit the bandwidth.
The visual system that we Bandwidth.
So they don't see infrared or ultraviolet, but other creatures that are alive do.
That's interesting, isn't it?
Our hearing.
We hear a vibration between 150 Hertz or pulses per second in the acoustics, all the way up to about 24,000 Hertz or vibrations per second.
In words that come out of things.
In sounds that we hear around us.
You know, dolphins hear up to 250,000 Hertz.
Ten times the bandwidth.
In terms of their perception of sounds that we don't even know exist through our bandwidth of the human body.
So you got to remember all these senses that we have have a limited perceptual ability.
Then you have to go, well, where do you get all this?
You know, thoughts, you can't touch them, you can't grab them, you can't shove them in a box.
Emotions either.
But they decide everything.
In so many ways, or at least how you feel about it, and what you think about it, if you're observing it, and what you're doing.
Okay, so this is your plug-in to consciousness, is this other thing that you have, that I have, that we all have, that we don't see, we can't touch, we can't put in a box.
Our thoughts and our emotions.
And people want to hook that up to the brain and say, oh, that comes from the brain.
No, it's the other way around.
This is how physics teach.
This is what physics teaches us.
That out of energy comes matter.
OK, that's fundamental physics.
That goes back to the very basics.
Matter comes out of energy, out of consciousness, out of consciousness, deliberate decision.
This is what quantum physics, the best of the best in science, are telling us.
You know, what a weird pathway to get to that answer, right?
Math, science, get to that answer that really it is a conscious God.
If you, you know, give it any name you want.
God couldn't even name himself.
He tried a bunch of times in the Bible to give us breadth, depth, you know, A to Z, Alpha, Omega, all this stuff.
Try to get the bigness of it pictured in our heads, but we can't because our bandwidth is too narrow, as I explained.
But how do you explain bandwidth 2,000 years ago when no one even knows there's a vibration involved?
So, you know, again, 2,000-year-old language manages to come through.
We can still perceive it in some way, that it rings true, you know.
I talked about Jefferson a little while ago, and I read a little of Jefferson.
How convoluted is that, trying to discern, you know?
Okay, so, and that's principles by which we say we live, is Jeffersonian thought, yet we can't even articulate it very well.
And I'm a scholar.
All right.
This means that I need to slow down, take another look, make sure I'm digesting information in a way that can bring it into form so we can have a conversation and talk about these ideas and reform our republic on the foundation that it began with a re-articulation in the 21st century that has creation in it, that has who we are embedded in it.
As living souls doing work in the world.
All of us.
This is the foundation upon which this nation was formed.
Was brought into form through a set of words embedded in a constitution that even through the fog of 250 years we can still read clearly.
Now that, ladies and gentlemen, as I read Jefferson, you should view as a miracle.
That we could articulate some words that would carry their whole meaning Through 250 years of time.
Or words that could carry their whole meaning through 2,000 words of time.
Or longer.
Because the Bible isn't a book.
It's a group of books under one cover.
It's called a compilation.
There's a lot of ignorant people that don't know that, that would beat you in the head with this thing that they don't even know what it is they're beating you in the head with.
So, we need to take a different view of this.
It's not about beating someone in the head, okay?
It's about letting them wake up and us being the gateway maybe for some love that might come through us as humans and the way that we behave towards each other as an example, a living, vibrating example that came out of energy into this world to do something.
And that's every single one of us.
And that's the big message here, ladies and gentlemen, is we all have this capacity and we don't even realize it.
But we can realize it.
We can begin to realize it.
We can then take control of ourselves, which denies the control of ourselves from someone else.
Now, this is something to think about here.
Now, when you react to someone who's pissing you off, In anger, you know what you do in physics?
Here's the physics of that.
Not the theory, the science.
When you take that energy and then you add to it your energy, you create a thing called resonance.
X plus X in brackets and then you square it.
You amp it all up.
So you feed the beast.
I'm going to say it again.
You feed the beast the fuel that it needs to devour.
Is that what you want to do?
I don't think so.
But we get angry for good reasons.
We're mad.
We're upset.
We're kicking the money changers tables over, ladies and gentlemen.
We're angry.
And the commercial reminded me of Cecil Rhodes.
You know, the first time I ran into Cecil Rhodes was a young man at 14, studying gemology, studying diamonds.
And Cecil Rhodes has a place in the diamond world because he created the cartel, the De Beers cartel, that concentrated all the diamond wealth from every wedding.
Think about this.
What did they take from every wedding when you bought that diamond from the De Beers cartel?
You fueled the bankers.
You fueled Cecil Rhodes and every Rhodes scholar that came from him.
And we didn't know it.
We were innocent.
We were, you know, that's on the cross.
God forgive them for what they do not know, right?
God doesn't hold you responsible for what you do not know.
But when you know, now we have responsibility to behave differently because now we know.
But in knowing, Not believing.
This lesser bit of knowing is believing.
Knowing causes the behaviors to fall off your back like water, because they no longer serve anything.
Their illusion evaporates.
Their control over you evaporates.
See, these are the tentacles of evil that grab us and turn righteous anger into something ugly.
Let's not let that happen, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's reroute the channel, and let's turn the channel, and let's change the course in which we're traveling.
And we all have that choice.
When we ask ourselves in making every choice, how do we feel about it?
And God will answer that question every single time.
And welcome back.
And EarthPulse.com, E-A-R-T-H-P-U-L-S-E dot com.
Go there, sign up for my mailing list.
I know I keep saying I'm going to send something out and I haven't.
And the reason I haven't is I don't know what, I didn't know what to ask for and what to volunteer and information that would be useful to what we're trying to do together.
And until I really know, I just don't.
I'm not going to bother you with a bunch of stuff that you don't need.
So go there because I'm about to Start asking for help.
I'm going to have my naked hour.
I'm going to tell you what I need to make my work get done.
And it's not about money.
It's about volunteers in my community of Anchorage and the area I live.
I need a volunteer coordinator and I need some help so I can plug in another hundred hours into the info war and get it into this channel that is communicating some things that I think need to be communicated, not just about stuff we've been covering today, but a lot of the mechanical stuff that gets I don't have enough time.
And it's just me here in this spot, right here.
And I need a few other people to join me in this spot.
And for me, that requires a bit of humility because I don't like asking for help.
I like doing it the way I do it, where I don't have to get paid.
I don't need to do any of that.
I don't need to get paid.
I'm not for this.
But I do need people to commit some of their breath of life, like I commit mine, to show up.
And they have been.
I'm really happy.
Without even asking, they've been showing up.
And I've been out talking in my conversation with God about what I'm supposed to do and people have to show up or I won't do it.
That's how it goes.
So back to the message of the day.
That's my ad.
The ad for help so I can give you more information.
I'm talking about the two questions, two choices, the duality of the earth, up and down, left and right.
You know, think about up and down.
You know, where does up begin and down begin in that lock?
How about left and right?
Where on the line does left begin?
Where on the line does right begin?
It's kind of interesting, isn't it?
How about temperature?
When is it really cold?
And when is it hot?
How about too hot?
You know, I mean, where are we on the line of hot and cold, left and right, up and down?
Where are we on the line is really maybe a more interesting kind of question, you know, and nobody even thought there was a place on the line that might be different.
Wow, that's our beliefs.
You know, they tell us where on the line we are.
Okay, those can change.
Those have a little elasticity in them based on what we know that gets locked into fiction.
And then projected into our words, into what we do.
Because what we know is what we do, not what we speculate on.
You know, what we fear doesn't happen to us most of the time.
What we dream doesn't happen either.
Now, how do you activate the dream or the horror show?
By taking an action based on a choice without asking the question, how do I feel about that?
We'll lead either to a train wreck, most of the time, not all the time, because sometimes, a lot of the time, maybe even most of the time, God doesn't let us have the train wreck.
We're otherwise walking and it's a good parent You know, again, tries to steer you in the right direction, give you a few hints along the way, a couple of little nudges, you know, a little whisper in the ear.
However you perceive it, you know, whatever your deal is, or your conscious plug-in to consciousness, and whatever you want to call it is all right with me, is fine with me.
I'm not going to judge you for that.
That's not my place.
My place is to provide information so you might listen a little more closer.
Whatever's going on.
And then you might say, wow, the search for love took me to God or the search for God took me to love.
And either one of them will end you in the same place.
It's worth the search.
It really is.
And it's worth spreading that and filling the void with some of that.
And here's I give again, everyone underestimates their power in this.
All right.
We're all pinholes that can bring it all through.
We're all pinholes in this universe.
Think about yourself that way, and everything around you is the universe, and you're the pinhole, along with a bunch of other pinholes.
But not like some small insignificant thing.
Embedded in us is the image and likeness of the whole, the creation, God.
Love the core of what is possible.
If we can push that a little bit out of just a little bit, you don't have to do much.
Just a little bit.
You start this bleed of energy moving in that other direction.
Now, you're feeling depressed.
You're bummed out right now because your job's gone because you worked in a restaurant.
Tell you a year ago.
You know, or whatever's happening that's really depressing.
And it's hard.
I've been in hard spots.
You'll get more of it as you get to know me in this broadcast than others.
But here's what I know about that.
If I just let go of that just for a moment and recognize the hurt in someone else just for a moment, maybe it's just the sad cashier that you get to cheer up that day.
As soon as you put effort into lifting someone else, You lift yourself through resonance.
The principle I was explaining that the evil guys use to grab you and run you in the wrong direction.
It's a theft of your emotional creative power, channeled into destructive forces, and look around the world, train wrecked.
The world is in from people behaving badly in every instance, and everything you have to complain about or be the victim of are ultimately choices that people made without discernment, without asking, how do I feel about it?
And maybe changing their course a little bit.
And it doesn't take a majority of anything to do anything.
It takes just one person to start.
You want to start an avalanche?
Throw the rock in the right pond, in the right spot, in the right place.
You know?
Create a wave you don't even see the end of because you just don't take responsibility for anything but doing the very, very best that you personally can in a way that brings you a measure of joy because you're entitled to that.
You shouldn't feel so guilty you're not entitled to a measure of joy.
Ask for grace so you don't screw it up, and ask for a measure of joy in finding your gift and repurposing it in your life.
That's all.
Channel a little bit about that part of you, that part that you believe in, that part that you really want to amplify, that you know is the goodness in you, and find the simplest ways that you, with absolute conviction, know you can pull off.
And then do them.
Then elevate the events to the biggest ones you can pull off with that kind of joy, knowing that you're doing it.
And man, what flows into that is a chain reaction.
You don't need to get attached to it.
Know that you're lighting up the other nodes of life, creating the image and likeness inadvertently by the side effect of just doing your internal and external projection, internal work.
So you get purify your spirit a Voice your truth, and then try and do a little more of that.
And don't feel overwhelmed like you're a big failure.
God takes your flaw.
This is my biggest realization.
Guys, it's as flawed as I am.
And I am.
I have screwed up so many different ways in my life.
I'm flawed.
You may not see that.
I'm going to reveal more of that because I want you to feel that, that for me, But I'm just like you.
I've gone through my trials too.
And so as a leader, I have to reveal myself so that you can forgive yourself a bit and know that you can still accomplish things in the world being flawed.
You know, that's the beauty of it, see, is if we are available to try and do something better, it works just fine.
You have to be available, you have to remain calm, you have to try and express yourself as a better version of yourself every day.
And my hope, every time I come on the radio, that it's more powerful, that it's better, that it reveals more of what my heart is saying, and that if it gets out of control, some of you, please tell me what you think.
And even if I disagree with you, I'll be respectful of what you have to say, and I'll take a deep, I'll listen as deep as I'm speaking, because I need to learn how to listen deeper.
I'll say it again.
I need to learn how to listen deeper.
And if you believe, if something, share with me.
I want to hear it.
Info at EarthFalse.com.
Now, know that I can't always respond.
Don't feel like I've left you out of the conversation.
I try to take it all in.
I may answer you in a broadcast.
I do that a lot.
See, because this is what quantum entanglement is about.
Why you're the tip of the spear and we're in this together is a matter of physics.
And the physics tells us that once we touch each other, we're entangled forever.
No matter where we are in the world, we're entangled forever.
And that's how the universe entangles with us.
When we know we have one to entangle with, we become consciously participating in it.
That's what we're doing.
The butterfly effect is what I've been explaining today, another principle in physics.
This is a very small breath.
A breath on one part of the planet could literally create a hurricane on the other.
That's the physics.
You're that breath, ladies and gentlemen.
This is where your power is.
You are the breath, the butterfly's wing that changes the world by your intention to do it better.
To do it better, to do it richer, to do it greater in terms of your own possibilities when you link up with the universal and you allow it to take one step for the one you take, the universe will elevate you a million steps ahead of the game.
You're in the info war, internally and externally, and let's change the world together.
Let's change the way we see the world.
Let's change the way the illusion sees reality.
This is Dr. Nick.
We'll be back next week.
week. Thanks for being here.
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Also, back in stock is our fluoride-free concentrated charcoal, accident charcoal toothpaste that my dad developed.
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I want to thank you all for shopping with us and supporting us.
Without you, we will not be on air.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Let's go ahead and talk to Diana in Michigan.
You're on the air, thanks for holding.
Hi, welcome.
Okay, I want to plug your InfoWars mask, although I know that we are all against masks and that it's just basically a symbol of, you know, conformity and enslavement.
I want to say, every time I go out wearing it, when I go out to, you know, shop at grocery stores and whatnot, at least one person every single time compliments me on the mask.
And they're like, oh Alex Jones, I love him.
And then I let them know, go to band.video.
Because sometimes when I say band.video, they think B-A-N-D.
So I make sure to clarify that.
But almost every single time I go out, I get compliments on that.
So it's definitely spreading the word.
And, you know, so it doesn't inhibit my breathing.
I wear it underneath my nose, and it's kind of like lets People know that I don't really believe in the mask either.
I'm wearing it just because I have to.
I live in Governor Whitmer's horrible state.
But I do want to say that I did see one other person wear it at first earlier this year when you first came out with it.
And I literally got brought to tears because I saw another person that believes like I do and I didn't feel all alone out in this world.
And it meant so much to me to see someone taking action.
So I went ahead and ordered one for myself.
And I swear to God.
And I just had a baby too on the 7th of December.
And I was in the force mask during the whole time of, you know, like when I was in the hospital.
And I just had to make sure that I'm putting that message out there.
And it really makes an impact.
And we like have big long conversations with like the workers at these different grocery stores and other
customers and stuff.
And it really is a feeling of empowerment to see that there are other people out there thinking like you.
That you're not all alone.
So even though I don't believe in the mask, it's a great statement to get it out there to the rest of the community.
Diana, I'm so glad you got through.
God bless you and congratulations on that new wonderful life that you have brought into the world.
And I only wish the best for your new baby.
I'm glad she called because this is bigger than Alex Jones and this is one of my frustration points in my mind that people don't seem to get.
And when I've in general talked about Pharisees, I'm not talking about any particular individual.
I'm talking about the way a Pharisee brain works is Very one-dimensional.
Like, you say the masks are a fraud and cause bacterial pneumonia.
You say they don't protect you.
You say they're a symbol of slavery.
Then what are you doing selling masks?
Well, when we launched them, I made the decision to print it with Infowars.com so if you're on a plane or in a restaurant where it's a private place and they're making you do it and you need to go there for whatever reason, you wear it to fight back and then use the abuse like a judo move.
They attack you, you use their momentum to throw them through the wall.
Separately, you remember me in the last six months ahead of the election saying we're trying to sell all the products out at discount prices because we're not going to even have that much stuff in the warehouse the new year because if Biden steals the election, they plan to shut us down.
Well, you now see that all over the news.
Arrest Alex Jones.
Shut Alex Jones down.
That's why if you want to go to mfullmorestore.com and get a t-shirt or get a book or get the supplements, I would suggest you stock up now.
We need to bring in as much money as we can to operate into the future if we have our banking taking away, which they've already done at many levels, but now they're closing in for the full takeover and And look, don't worry, you'll be joining me.
They plan to never turn the U.S.
economy back on.
Never take their boot off your neck.
The U.S.
is slated for total destruction.
Now, there may still be time to turn this around, but I just want you to know, in what could be some of our last broadcast here, where this is going.
If I was you, we've got 2020 prices on storable food.
The prices, they've extended until Friday.
Then they will go up.
People are buying food at an explosive rate.
Go to preparewithalex.com.
That takes you right to the subpage of infowarestore.com, where you'll find The best deals in the industry on high quality, fresh, durable food the last 25 years with great packaging.
One year supplies up to $850 off.
Last year's prices and discounts, it will go up, I'm told, one way or another.
Next Saturday, it's extended through Friday.