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Name: 20210120_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 20, 2021
2371 lines.

In his recent discussion, Alex Jones explores QAnon and its potential as disinformation counterintelligence operation. He advises against trusting secretive groups and encourages individuals to focus on legitimate research into topics like the New World Order, Satanism, global government, forced inoculations, and martial law instead of getting caught up in QAnon's false hope and disinformation. In another video, Jones urges followers to stop focusing on conspiracy theories and investigate real issues such as the global slave trade and human rights abuses perpetrated by corporations like Apple. He warns of increasing censorship from big tech companies funded and controlled by Communist China and calls for resistance against tyranny.

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There is truth and there are lies.
Lies told for power and for profit.
Everything coming out of his mouth is a lie.
And each of us has a duty and a responsibility as citizens, as Americans, and especially as leaders.
We should totally divide this country.
Leaders who have pledged to honor our Constitution and protect our nation.
There's the war criminal Bush.
To defend the truth and defeat the lies.
Look, defeat the lies.
This whole fake inauguration of the Qaikom frontman, who will become a dictator, he was unelected, he is a dictator, he's bringing in troops, dictatorial control, secret police, forced inoculations out of the gates, was, we're Americans, we're good, Trump wasn't an American, because they're the globalists.
They are the Qaikom agents.
That's why all of us that fight them are Russians, because they've got to change the story and turn it around.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is zero hour, January 20th, 2021.
And the 46th president of the United States has just been installed in a giant coup for the globalists and the communist Chinese, Joe Biden, looking like a corpse with fake hair blowing around.
Is up there lying, saying he represents America, Trump hates America, Trump supporters are white supremacists, and that he's going to save the economy from COVID that the UN and the globalists actually launched against us with the lockdown.
Absolutely disgusting.
And there he is with 30,000 troops, 40,000 police, everything locked down, UN flags all over the place, announcing world government.
There he is in that empty crowd.
Back on the 6th, that was 99% peaceful, except for a few anti-fund boogaloos that broke in, and a few Q folks that followed in.
There was those giant crowds, those huge crowds of the American people, right where that inauguration stage is now.
There was the American people, ladies and gentlemen.
But they're now being called the enemy, and the left's calling for their own secret police units to be set up to round up anyone that supports Trump or America.
And there they were last night, the first lady and the first man.
That's who she really is, Kamala Harris.
There they were, serving their Hunger Game empty capital, with all the rabble kept miles and miles away.
And nothing but flags standing there as tombstones for our once great republic.
You can certainly Look at it, it's a giant Arlington Cemetery now for the Republic.
You can clearly say America was born July 4th, 1776.
You can really say it died January 21st, January 20th, the year 2021.
can really say it died January 21st January 20th the year 2021. The sun set
on the 19th on the Republic and now we wake up to the globalist nightmare
At least in the first hour, I'm going to be skipping breaks.
For stations, you'll hear us join them.
Some stations will still go away from us.
We're not going to be playing music and things in the first hour.
Let's go ahead and hear a little bit from Old Creepy Chi Com Joe.
It will never happen.
Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.
Not ever.
To all those who supported our campaign, I'm humbled by the faith you place in us.
To all those who did not support us, let me say this.
Hear me out as we move forward.
Take a measure of me and my heart.
If you still disagree, so be it.
That's democracy.
That's America.
The right to dissent peaceably within the guardrails of our republic is perhaps this nation's greatest strength.
Yet hear me clearly.
This agreement must not lead to disunion.
And I pledge this to you.
I will be a president for all Americans.
All Americans.
And I promise you I will fight as hard for those who did not support me as for those who did.
Many centuries ago So...
Augustine, a saint of my church, wrote that a people was a multitude defined by the common objects of their love.
Defined by the common objects of their love.
What are the common objects we as Americans love?
Children you want to molest.
That define us as Americans.
I think we know.
World government.
And yes, the truth.
Yeah, look at all that liberty.
In recent weeks and months, there is truth and there are lies.
Lies told for power and for profit.
Everything coming out of his mouth is a lie.
And each of us has a duty and a responsibility as citizens, as Americans, and especially as leaders.
We should totally divide this country.
Leaders who have pledged to honor our Constitution and protect our nation.
There's the war criminal Bush.
To defend the truth and defeat the lies.
Defeat the lies.
Some stations, again, break away from us.
I understand that many of my fellow Americans view the future Must fear and trepidation.
I understand they worry about their jobs.
I understand, like my dad, they lay in bed staring at the night, staring at the ceiling, wondering, can I keep my health care?
Can I pay my mortgage?
Thinking about their families.
About what comes next.
I promise you, I get it.
But the answer is not to turn inward.
To retreat into competing factions.
That means sell your country out.
It means have one side of trade deals and they industrialize you.
Don't get their news from the same sources you do?
We must end this uncivil war.
Oh yeah, by shutting all your speech down?
Rural versus urban.
Conservative versus liberal.
We can do this if we open our souls We are back live broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and they have installed Joe Biden.
As the 46th president of the United States, they stole the election bigger than Dallas.
Trump had a giant, humongous landslide event.
And the system doesn't know what to do.
So they stole it from everybody.
Now they're censoring the former president.
Now they're censoring almost every American that disagrees with them.
Now they're calling for secret police teams to round up and arrest everyone they disagree with.
They're calling for re-education camps and reprogramming of the American people, and in Australia, and in Canada, and in China, and in Germany.
They are building re-education camps for people that refuse to follow the COVID rules.
This is the fabled UN World Government takeover prepared for over decades.
But if we simply recognize the Great Reset, an Operation Lockstep for what it is, and if we simply understand it as a predatory globalist move against humanity, not to save us but to enslave us, we can turn the tide.
Just earlier, Biden ended up getting sworn in earlier, started his speech about 10 minutes earlier, and I was watching the end of American Journal with Harrison Smith, and just everything he was saying was the opposite of what they do.
He wants unity, and he wants jobs, and open your soul to it, and we need to not have this uncivil war, and we need to not obsess over different sources of information while he's censoring those.
Here, let's hear the latest inversion of reality.
Let's go back to it.
Yesterday's challenges, but today's and tomorrow's challenges.
and will lead not merely by the example of our power but by the power of our example.
We'll be a strong and trusted partner for peace, progress and security.
Look, you all know we've been through so much in this nation.
In my first act as president, I'd like to ask you to join me in a moment of silent prayer.
Remember all those who we lost this past year to the pandemic.
Those 400,000.
Most of which died of something else.
Moms, dads, husbands, wives, sons, daughters.
They came out of the Wuhan lab that your buddies Obama and Fauci and Gates cooked up.
For becoming the people and nation we know we can and will be.
So I ask you, let's have a moment of silence for everybody.
We can't do that or our radio stations have silence alarms and it'll send everybody into a panic, but everybody else is having their moment of silence.
Folks, this is a time of testing.
We face an attack on democracy, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on the free, and on Now we're going to be tested.
Are we going to step up?
All of us?
Going to take your shot?
It's time for boldness.
Going to have those convulsions?
For there's so much to do.
Going to brain damage your child?
Step up.
This is certain.
Going to let us open those borders while we hit the lockdown in South America and collapse them?
We will be young.
By how we resolve these cascading crises of our era.
We will rise to the occasion.
Will we master these rare and difficult hours?
Will we meet our obligations and pass along a new and better world to our children?
I believe we must.
I'm sure you do as well.
I believe we will.
And when we do, we'll write the next great chapter in the history of the United States of America.
A story It might sound something like a song that means a lot to me.
It's called American Anthem.
There's one verse that stands out, at least for me, and it goes like this.
The work and prayers of century have brought us to this day.
What shall be our legacy?
What will our children say?
Let me know in my heart.
When my days are through, America, America, I gave my best to you.
Let's add, let's us add our own work and prayers.
So this is the front man, while they dismantle the country, while they teach America shouldn't exist, while they pull down our statues.
Then when our days are through, while they burn down cities, our children and our children's children will save us.
He says that he loves America, and he's here to bring us unity.
All their pundits say they want to put us in re-education camps.
My fellow Americans, I close the day where I began.
And then now we've got all of these social distancing groups of a few hundred allowed to hear him speak.
And for miles around, no one else allowed, but tens of thousands of troops.
I will defend the Constitution.
I'll defend our democracy.
I'll defend America.
And I'll give all, all of you, keep everything I do, He says he'll tear down the border wall, that he'll build a giant wall around the Capitol.
And together, we shall write an American story of hope, not fear.
The megacorporations have doubled their profits while we collapsed.
He says we're not essential.
A story of decency and dignity.
He says another lockdown's coming.
But China's up and running business.
May this be the story that guides us.
The story that inspires us.
And the story that tells ages yet to come, that we answered the call of history, we met the moment, democracy and hope, truth and justice, did not die on our watch but thrived.
That America secured liberty at home and stood once again as a beacon to the world.
That is what we owe our forebearers, one another, and generation to follow.
So, with purpose and resolve, We turn to those tasks of our time.
Sustained by faith.
Driven by conviction.
Devoted to one another and the country we love with all our hearts.
China and India make no carbon cuts.
May God bless America and may God protect our troops.
Thank you, America.
Oh, protect our troops at the left hands, but now longs.
Because they look like they work for the Hunger Games.
Wow, so there you go.
A fake president from a fraudulent election with a martial law inauguration.
The most troops ever in D.C.
Never anything like this done before.
And we are a total laughingstock and a joke around the world.
And they took a hundred antifunds and boogaloos that broke in to blame all the Trump supporters.
And the media just goes along with that whole giant lie.
And a few foolish Q people that peacefully follow their way in.
But now that's my next question.
I thought this would go for hours.
Well, it isn't.
So, we are not going to be commercial free, I guess, until 6 o'clock tonight when we take calls up until 10 p.m.
and have a whole raft of special guests here.
Robert Barnes, Roger Stone, Gerald Cilente, Matt Bracken, Stuart Rhodes, Tyler Nixon, Joel Skousen.
And others, we've got a lot of those working on some others as well.
But I want to do this.
I want to open the phones up for you to specifically give your take on this situation.
What do you think Trump's going to do after this?
What are you going to do after this?
Are you ready for Biden's globalist agenda to shut down the U.S.
economy even further?
How do we rally against that through state coalitions and others?
And how do we fix the electronic voting machine and fraudulent systems they use with the mail-in ballots they're now saying they're going to permanently use to engage in this fraud?
What are we going to do?
Because you can say that America was born on July 4, 1776.
You can say it died today.
January 20th, 2021.
But again, we are not a person.
A country can rise again.
But I know this, the values that made America great, that made us wealthy, that made us successful, that gave us so much freedom, that allowed us to access the freedom that God gave us, is under fundamental attack and super evil, super corrupt.
Multinational corporations that help run slave camps in China and around the world are the ones coming in and destroying every culture, every system, but particularly Christianity.
Because they want to be able to dominate and control your mind.
They want your soul.
So I'll give the number out when we come back.
Talk about so much more.
But I had a lot of people mad at me saying, Jones, why have you joined CNN?
Why are you a traitor?
Why are you saying Trump's going to leave?
Trump said on January 7th he was.
I know people that talked to the president.
They're very close to him.
He's gone now.
I told you the Q thing is a deep state fraud.
All right?
Welcome back.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Stuart Rhodes of Oath Keepers is going to pop in in the next segment.
Then I'm going to start taking calls throughout the broadcast today to get your take on all this.
But here's my big takeaway.
People didn't know about world government, the new world order, the depopulation plan even 10 years ago.
Now it is well known and you have major governments around the world fighting it and openly challenging Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates.
Bill Gates has been thrown out of more than 20 countries because his vaccines have been sterilizing people and more.
And so once people understand the globalist agenda, they're not going to get away with it.
That's why they launched the COVID-19 hysteria, the lockdown, now the COVID camps, the contact tracers, and they incubate it in the ultra-authoritarian China, then they move it to the authoritarian UK and Germany and Spain, and then it's exported here.
I have all the newscast.
Remember we got the secret document six months ago that the UN was planning secret camps for COVID violators?
Oh, that can't be real.
Now it's all over the news.
China, Germany, Spain, the UK, Canada, Australia.
You indirected camps because you didn't stand on one leg or stand on your head or do what they told you or because you challenged them.
They're arresting people in Europe and Australia that criticize the COVID fraud.
And now they're building a giant quarantine center And then political dissidents disappear into these in China and never return.
There's some amazing time lapses of them building these.
And it's all deployed the same across the world.
So, we can bemoan President Trump.
Should have done this, could have done that.
He ran against all the odds, won by a huge landslide, so he barely won because of the fraud four years ago.
And they just weren't going to let that happen again.
And then the whole system turned their back on him, and he valiantly fought until January 6th, when the left broke in and blamed us in a coup.
And then they were going to say that he had to be removed 25th Amendment, and he couldn't have salvaged anything.
So he was the lion and winner.
Totally surrounded, and I confirmed with the White House, and I told you on the morning of January 7th, I said he will give a concession speech today.
And at 5 o'clock Eastern, he did.
And that's why I get on the Q people, because it's beyond just Q people.
It becomes like this rumor that, oh no, he's secretly not going to capitulate, and he's secretly going to win, and that's all made up.
And I'm like, okay, well the President tells us he's leaving.
Shut up, Jones!
You're really a traitor!
Stop lying and telling people stuff isn't true!
I mean, we're actually talking to the President and his people.
Now, former President.
But that doesn't mean anything!
To people that are in delusion land, because they're part of the secret elite group now.
And that's why these type of esoteric cults are so dangerous.
We're about externalizing the method, showing the world government, showing the New World Order, to get it out in the open.
Not making it another secret society that counters the secret society.
This whole fake inauguration of the CHICOM frontman, who will become a dictator, he was unelected, he is a dictator, he's bringing in troops, dictatorial control, secret police, forced inoculations out of the gates, was, we're Americans, we're good, Trump wasn't an American!
Because they're the globalists.
They are the CHICOM agents.
That's why all of us that fight them are Russians!
Because they've got to change the story and turn it around.
Simply incredible.
So I always told you this was coming because I saw the preparations.
And now it's here.
And it's all a big joke on us, but it's not a big joke on us.
So the globalists lie, cheat, and steal.
We're in the long game.
God is in control.
We have to understand that, that the New World Order is a planetary system.
And one man can't stop it.
It has to be an awakening and understanding of how things work.
And so, Trump did some good, but in a way he was bad.
Because he made people go to sleep and say, he's out there handling it, everything's fine.
You can see now that the only plan we can trust is the one in the Bible and in Revelation.
Trust that plan.
Trust in no man.
Or as Ronald Reagan said, trust, but verify.
Now, we're going to enter the season of false flag terror.
We're going to enter the season of gun confiscation.
Stewart Rhodes is coming up with that subject.
But here's some of the positive things the President said in his final little farewell before he got on the helicopter this morning.
He said, I will always fight for you.
We will be back in some form.
Here it is.
I will be watching.
I will be listening.
And I will tell you that the future of this country has never been better.
I wish the new administration great luck and great success.
I think they'll have great success.
They have the foundation to do something really spectacular.
And again, we put it in a position like it's never been before, despite the worst plague to hit Since, I guess you'd say 1917, over a hundred years ago.
And despite that, despite that, the things that we've done have been just incredible.
So there you go.
I will always fight for you.
And he went along with the hoax.
The COVID-19 is super deadly.
That was his big failing.
And he let censorship happen.
Former President Trump?
Anybody can get a statistician to look at 2019-2020 numbers.
There were 61,000 more people died in 2020 than died in 2019.
And then if you add increase in population and increase in age, less people died in 2020 than they thought would die previously.
Because they always estimate they're going to have even more deaths because the population is bigger and folks are getting older at the same time.
So where's the other 340,000 deaths?
Well, they don't count flu, they don't count pneumonia, they don't count gunshot wounds.
And that's all on record.
They count it as COVID because the hospitals are coded to get money to say it's COVID.
That's the same in Europe, the same in Japan.
They all get extra money to say it's COVID.
This is technocracy.
This is tyranny.
This is how they set it up.
But here's the good news for conservatives and nationalists and patriots.
We won't have Trump to blame anymore for not getting stuff done.
Now we can set about Really fighting the globalists politically, mobilizing the states, mobilizing Congress, and fighting election fraud, and moving forward.
And as big as the awakening is, and them trying to steal this election and successfully doing so, it's going to energize so many people now.
And even the New York Times had to say, actually Trump did a lot of really great things for the economy, and why don't we have prosperity?
Why do we have to do this?
And the CFR is like, no, we're going to turn back everything he did.
On the wars, on the military, on the economy.
And people are saying, really, we're going to kill the dollar for China?
Yeah, we're going to do that.
So Trump helped trigger the debate about how destructive globalism is and how it's predatory.
And at the end, realized that COVID was overblown and that the masks were a cult.
And notice his followers, his supporters are the ones that didn't wear the mask.
We know what's really going on.
So some incredible things happened.
Overall, Trump was a very positive thing and a blessing from God.
And they're still going to come after him big time.
You know that.
They're going to come after all of us.
We're going to talk about that with Stuart Rhodes coming up.
As one goes, we all go.
Trust the plan.
Whose plan, though?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
So an empty Capitol, devoid of the people, with 30,000 troops, 40,000 police, under social distancing martial law.
Restaurants shut down.
Bridges closed.
That is the introduction to where we're going and what's unfolding right now.
Stuart Rhodes.
Again, this is the Alex Jones Show.
You just tuned in.
He's the founder of Oath Keepers, Army veteran, former lawyer.
He won major awards.
For his writings on the police state and authoritarianism.
And he joins us here now, getting one of Yale's Judge William E. Miller Prize for Best Paper on the Bill of Rights.
And he also taught U.S.
military history.
I'll stop there.
Stuart, I know you're on the road.
I appreciate you popping on on short notice.
Obviously, I want to get your take on what's happened, how people that were delusional about Trump being invincible, how they're going to handle it.
But the big issue, they're clearly saying domestic terrorism is here.
They're clearly preparing to wind up provocateur groups to trigger events to then go after the American people.
They know Biden's unpopular.
They know the shutdown's unpopular.
They know there's been a total political realignment and Trump won in a massive landslide, but they control the bureaucracy.
And so, clearly, they're preparing Uh, to try to start a civil war when he said we need to stop a civil war.
But whatever he says, it's the opposite.
That way they can drive down the economy, consolidate power even more.
This is just the nastiest, most evil group of people the world could possibly imagine.
Everybody sees right through it.
These are not the president and vice president.
These are CHICOM agents.
Stuart Rhodes of OathKeepers.org, your view on all this.
Well, I think what we have to realize is that Trump actually failed.
This is unpopular, but I consider it a dereliction of duty.
And frankly cowards in the face of the enemy.
I'll be blunt.
You know, we were calling for him to use the Insurrection Act all through the summer.
He did not do it.
And he, right up until the last moment, he could have done it.
And the DNI just let us all know that, yes, China interfered with the election.
He confirmed we already knew.
That's when Trump should have acted and should have just been, just manned up and done it.
But he didn't do it.
So he left all of his supporters hanging.
I think he's done politically.
He failed to do what he had the power to do.
And I'm sure I'll get plenty of hate mail for saying that and all kinds of people saying, you know, all the same excuses we've always heard.
But he was surrounded by bad people.
Well, whose fault was that?
It's his own fault.
And he's still the commander-in-chief, or he was.
The Commander-in-Chief, he had a duty and responsibility to step up.
But he failed to do that and he allowed a Chai Khan puppet into the White House.
And I think we now need to just declare that to be illegitimate and refuse to comply with anything that comes out of his mouth.
Anything he signs, anything passed as so-called legislation.
And by the way, the Democrats are on record.
They said we're not going to follow anything Trump does, even though he was elected, and trying to do constitutional things.
We have all the Zoom calls of them planning to overthrow him.
All of it.
So, I mean, they've set the precedent here.
And they also said Trump was a Russian agent with no evidence.
We have massive evidence of China Joe.
So you just refuse to acknowledge anything he does that's constitutional, because it won't be constitutional anyway.
Even if he were duly elected, he would still be violating his oath and passing unconstitutional nonsense.
But he was not duly elected, and it's just amazing that Trump let the election be stolen out from under him, and then let our country be stolen like this, our government.
So we have to now prepare to walk the path of the Founding Fathers.
You declare your independence from that illegitimate regime.
We still defend the constitution, but they're the ones that are the
ursipers and the violators and declare that and then get strong in your communities.
You need to be raising local militias in your towns and counties.
And like the founders did, you need to then nullify, refuse to comply.
And when they come for you, you defend yourselves, but you've got to do it together.
Don't be isolated and alone.
Do it together as a united community.
If you can get the people in your community to unite.
So many Americans now are running and hiding.
It's not going to do you any good.
So you need to get together and prepare to defend yourselves.
Didn't Mike Pence show his true colors?
Of course he did.
This is what's maddening, is all along I was like, nope, Pence is a deep stater, he's a globalist, same with Barr.
But the Q people, I mean, only silver lining in all this is maybe the Q people will finally shut up.
Because all they did the entire time, even up until last night, was, oh no, the troops are there to arrest the bad guys.
It's just delusional nonsense.
Q was an absolute psy-op, and well done one, what they call a lullaby, to get you all to be lulled into a false sense of security and just be asleep.
That's what happened.
For four years, you had people sitting on their hands, doing nothing, waiting, saying, trust the plan, waiting for this miraculous day that never came.
It was a masterful psy-op.
But now you've got to wake up, smell the coffee, and realize, now you've got to do it the hard way.
You've got to do it the same way the founding fathers did.
You've got to stand up together, unite, get strong in your communities, refuse to comply with their COVID nonsense, refuse to take the vaccine, refuse to submit, and you've got to be ready to defend yourselves and each other.
Do it together.
You are still a massive pool of patriots out there.
They are afraid of the patriots.
They're afraid of the military.
That's why they're trying to purge already, trying to purge the military.
Because they fear their own troops, or their so-called own troops, because they know that they know they're full of crap.
So this is a massive kabuki theater of false want of a puppet regime.
It's a vassal state of China.
I don't want to say the United States is a vassal state of China, but that puppet regime certainly is.
Trump was our beachhead to take the Republic back from the globalists, but now Biden is the Qaikom beachhead to finish us off.
Well, he turned into a Chamberlain.
He turned into a Neville Chamberlain.
You know, he did not man up.
He did not act like a Churchill.
I mean, this is just a reality, guys.
I mean, I was a supporter of Trump the entire time, but until the last couple months, when he just stopped standing up, and he just rolled over.
Let's shift gears.
Let's shift gears.
Biden's coming after the guns.
He said he will destroy the NRA, the Second Amendment.
There'd be all sorts of horrible plans for that.
We better raise the alarm now.
Yeah, good.
Let him come for us.
Best thing he can do for us is have him show his ass by coming out with the firearms.
And the biggest audience for that is the U.S.
military, because most of them are like us.
They're pro-gun.
They come from the country.
He has a serious problem on his hands if he comes for the guns.
But we have to make sure that we stand up.
Why should an active-duty service member put everything on the line, including his life, to do the right thing if he looks around him and all he sees is a bunch of cowards out there doing nothing?
So you gotta come together in your towns and counties and raise those militias and get strong.
And don't be shy about what you're doing.
You're standing up for your rights together armed.
And get behind a good sheriff if you got one.
If you don't, replace him with a good one.
And get strong in local counties.
I totally agree.
Give me your take on what happened to the Capitol.
I mean, we got set up there bad.
Well sure, but I think it's, I think it's, I see it like this.
Yes, there were provocateurs that made sure the doors were wide open, but I think it's important for all of us not to use the rhetoric of the left, condemn everyone that walked in the Capitol as, you know, storming the castle or storming the Capitol and, and, and engaging in insurrection.
We should just say, look, at the most they were trespassing.
Most of them walked in, yelled a few slogans and walked right back out.
No, I totally agree.
Calling this an insurrection is a lie.
And the left burned down major cities and they call them heroes.
And so people shouldn't have been apologetic about it.
It was stupid.
It was a dumb move to be sucked in by the left for the optics.
But when you pull back, point out that no, the left did a thousand times this.
So like we have a couple of members that were in there when they establish a defense fund, we'll contribute to it. They did
not do that under my orders. They did that contrary to our plan for the day, which is just do PSD
details and protect events. That's what we were there to do and protect individual Trump
supporters from the radicals in the streets like we've always done. But I'm not going to chuck them
under the bus and condemn them as as horrible people or traitors or any kind of nonsense like
Too many on the right are adopting the same.
The police opened the doors after a few people knocked out some of the windows.
They were ordered to to suck in enough people to have a crowd.
The Oath Keepers, I saw the video, I know some of them by name.
Some of them are well known.
A lot of them is a well-known musician.
We've had them as a guest.
They were in between the velvet ropes.
That's not a military assault.
So the only people that would be, and even there, unless you're ordered, like you are trespassing, usually what happens is you are trespassing, you must leave or you will be subject to arrest.
That's how it's usually done.
You have to have a notice of trespass first, then they give you 30 seconds.
Or, as you've seen before, this is an unlawful assembly, you must disperse.
None of that was said.
When I was outside listening, there were no loudspeaker announcements, like you've already said, no loudspeaker announcements whatsoever.
Yes, stay there, because I went to the police when it was just starting, and I said, you need to get on the loudspeaker system.
They go, yeah, we have one of those.
It's all on tape.
And I said, let me get on there and tell people to stop it.
They would have, but no, they didn't let me.
They were ordered to stand down.
Another manipulation, a giant false flag that fizzled.
Stay there, Stuart Rhodes.
We'll talk about what's coming next with Stuart Rhodes.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Stuart Rhodes riding a shotgun with us, of Oath Keepers.
Great patriot.
Smart guy.
Legal mind.
And I don't want to say I disagree with him.
I wish Trump would have done better.
But you're going to really hate Joe Biden.
They are planning to really break this country up, economically consolidate power.
It's their stated goal.
And I really feel sorry for all the leftists that have no idea what they really signed on to.
But they really used Trump and the hatred of Trump to get the left to become even more authoritarian.
And now they're on the news calling for our re-education.
Now they're on the news calling for all of our arrests.
Now they're on the news sounding like the Hunger Games or sounding like the real worst in the Soviet Union. I mean, this isn't just
tyranny. They are pushing forms of tyranny never before seen and calling for war with us. That's
the mainline left. He'll play the good cop and say, we come in peace, but they really
come for war. Stuart Rhodes, what do you expect from the left now? We are going to follow through
with cancel culture and it ends in a It's where it's going to end if you don't stop it.
It ends in a ditch full of bodies, which is what the communists have done throughout their history.
I mean, in fact, there's a state rep from New Mexico that's calling for all of us to be tattooed, if you were a Trump supporter, to be tattooed with a mark that's visible so they will know who you are.
So we need to understand that we're, it's far worse than the founding fathers faced, but we need to walk the same path.
We need to get strong locally.
And make sure that we are united in defense so that when they come for you, you can fight back and defend yourselves.
That's what you got to do.
And you also have to make sure that we are continuing to reach out to the military to expose what's happening and make sure they understand.
But I think when they do this, they're going to overstep.
They're going to come for the guns too fast.
And I think that will cause the American people to rise up and fight back.
So I think a lot of them will be on our side.
Just keep cool for now, but get focused.
I put out a notice the other day that what patriots should be doing is in their own towns and counties, coming together, squaring away their comms, getting CB radios, ham radios, and then sorting out who's the home guard, who will protect the homes, like the older veterans, the older patriots.
And then those are still fit enough to go out and project out who will be the countywide defense force.
Or the state-level defense force to defend each other.
Exactly the same thing the Founding Fathers did.
They had their Minuteman companies, they had their militias, and they sorted out their support structures.
And again, that's in our Second Amendment.
We need that period.
But explain why now, for those that don't know how the Communists operate, they are now planning to send out their Red Guards, their anti-terrorists, to actually intensify what they did previously.
And in blue cities or blue states, the police will stand down and actually let them burn down your home, rape and kill you.
That's why you have to fight back and defend yourselves.
But do it, do it, do it united.
Like Solzhenitsyn said in the Google Archipelago, you know, the famous Russian dissident, he said how we burned in the camps later, thinking what if, what if we had not hidden in our apartments just waiting and hoping the knock would go to our neighbor's door, not ours, when the secret police was doing mass arrests.
Instead, we had all come together and ambush the secret police down in the hall with whatever
was at hand, axes, pokers, pipes, whatever they had.
And the organs of the NKVD would have ground to a halt very, very quickly,
despite all of Stalin or Lenin's thirst.
That's right. Despite all of Stalin's thirst, the machine would have ground to a halt.
So that's what he understood.
He learned too late that it takes unity in defense.
The founders understood this.
The militia of the people cancels out the secret police.
The FBI, U.S.
Marshals, whoever they send to your door, or it could be the Cheka, the American Cheka of Antifa come into your door, or BLM.
They can't do it if all of you are united and defending each other in your neighborhoods and towns.
By the way, they're on the news saying on every show, we want re-education, we want to put them in camps.
They're using COVID camps to set the precedent for that.
They're saying we want a secret police unit that just disappears people like Alex Jones.
I mean, they're really saying this.
And they will do it.
So be prepared for that.
Understand that it's coming.
Be prepared to defend yourselves.
Like I said, look at how the Founding Fathers did it.
When Gage landed in Concord, he immediately read a proclamation from the king banning all town hall meetings.
The Founding Fathers, they didn't stay in Boston.
They went to Concord.
They first landed in Boston, I mean.
They went to Concord and then they thumbed their nose at Gage and held town hall meetings anyway.
So Gage was forced to send the regular troops out there.
He couldn't just send a dozen guys to go arrest Hancock and Adams.
Which again, under COVID, they're trying to ban our meetings, but saying their meetings are okay.
They put all this in place ahead of time.
So you have to defy it.
Do the same thing Founding Fathers did.
They defied the decree from the king that banned town hall meetings.
You must defy the decree from your royal governors or the new king, Biden.
The same thing.
and then resist. Do not comply. Non-compliance is the first part, but also be ready for mutual defense.
You've got to come together. I call on every Trump supporter or former Trump supporter, every patriot out
there, to come together in your community with each other, town
and county, and get squared away now.
Sort out who is going to be protecting the town, who your support and auxiliary is going to be, and then who can
project out, who will be your Minuteman companies. Form those Minuteman
companies that are willing and able to go countywide or beyond the county
to assist other patriots in other counties.
And Stuart, that's great you're doing that, but we also need information warfare with the truth.
Everybody has to activate, and however they can, in the third dimension of demonstrations, have protests, create local newsletters, put up micro-radio stations, support local Patreon stations.
Now is the time to force-multiply those information sources that are telling the truth.
Of course!
The founders had the Canadian Correspondents and they did their broadsheets.
Thomas Paine wrote all that he wrote.
Common Sense and The Crisis.
Of course, do all that, but also...
As the founders did, raise your local militias.
If you're too shy still to call it a militia, call it a county watch, call it a town defense force.
Whatever you want to call it, make sure that you come together and you have a way to alert each other when you're being attacked unconstitutionally so you can defend each other.
If you do that, unite together, it cancels out the secret police.
They can't do it.
Look at Bundy Ranch.
They couldn't just go in there and hammer those people like Waco style because All of us from all over the United States showed up there.
That's what you want to have in your county.
You want to have a thousand Bundy ranches as far as your commitment to protecting each other.
That if you're attacked, your neighbors will come to you.
If they're attacked, you will go to them.
And be willing to do it.
Be ready to do it.
Unite and be strong together.
If you're going to act like a herd of sheep trying to push the black sheep out towards the edge of the herd, eventually the wolves will get to you too.
You must unite.
All right, Stuart Rhodes, I appreciate your time.
Anything else you'd like to add?
In about 30 seconds we have left.
We no longer have a legitimate president.
Trump was the last actual sitting legitimate president.
We will see if we can ever have one again, but it's going to require paper ballots.
At any local elections, you must insist on paper ballots.
If they won't do it, you hold your own parallel election using paper ballots to prove that your Patriot candidate did win.
Make sure you have a way to prove that.
And from bottom to top, bottom up, is how you take it back.
That's right, Stuart.
Thank you so much, Stuart Rhodes.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to go to break here in a few minutes, and I'm going to come back, and we have a special guest, Robert Barnes, joining us, and then I'm going to open the phones up right into the fourth hour today.
We're going to be live until 10 o'clock tonight.
So an extra four hours of broadcast after the war room, and that will be commercial free.
Okay, let me just briefly say this.
We need to take matters in our own hands, with our own health, our own life.
It's very, very simple with everything going on out there in society, all the pressures.
You need a high quality multivitamin.
Well, so many multivitamins are just synthetics, you don't absorb them, or they go right through your body.
But with vitamin mineral fusion, enhanced multivitamin formulation, You've got all the essential vitamins, all the essential minerals, and you've got then the key amino acids.
You can upload them into your body.
It's been sold out for months.
It's back in stock at 50% off.
And I'm going to sell out of this before we get more in, but I'm going to leave it at 50% off because I know everybody out there needs it.
Couple times a week, I get a pitcher out, get a few scoops, put water in it, put ice in it, pour myself a glass, put the rest in the refrigerator.
I drink it.
My children drink it.
My wife drinks it.
And when I forget to drink it, I don't have as much energy or focus.
It really is a high-quality, multivitamin, mineral, and amino acid, liquid form, vitamin and mineral fusion, advanced multivitamin formulation.
And then fullwaterstore.com.
And it's your purchases that make it all possible.
Separately, We have a big sale going on right now that is going to have to end by this weekend, and that's been the big sale that we had.
That was the New Year's sale that was then extended into the global storm.
It's here sale.
Stock up now.
and also fund the tip of the spear.
Pollen block, 25% off.
Alpha Power, 50% off.
Pure Turmeric Extract, 50% off.
50% off for Mental Vitality.
50% off for Vital Shield X2.
50% off Alpha Power.
50% off for Chill Force.
50% off Lung Cleanse.
50% off for Vital Shield X3.
50% off Pure Turmeric Extract.
And it is all 50% off in that major column of products.
The only thing that's 25% off is Pollen Block because that's already so expensive for us to get.
And it's amazing for your seasonal discomfort.
I am not sick, by the way.
I went in and had a dental appointment, and they, like, cut into my throat a little bit, and then it got a little bit infected, but that's a small area.
I went to the doctor yesterday.
It's no big deal, but it just makes my voice deeper than even usual, but it's getting better now.
All right, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're going to look at more of the bizarre inauguration of the Chinese frontman, Joe Biden, next segment.
And then Robert Barnes joins us to give his take on the situation in the Republic.
And then I'm going to open the phones up right through into the fourth hour.
about 15 minutes to the fourth hour I'll host and then we'll have John Rappaport who's ready
take over 45 minutes and then we'll have Owen Schroer and of course the war room.
But right now let's go ahead and go to this report part of the report
that's at Bandot video that's excellent AOC butchers the first amendment here it is.
You are obsolete Mr. Wordsworth. A lie.
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth.
You're an anachronism, like a ghost from another time!
I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in all of her mundane incomprehension of how America works, is announcing a Ministry of Truth that will decide what is and isn't disinformation.
I do think that several members of Congress And some of my discussions have brought up media literacy because that is a part of what happened here.
And we're going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so that you can't just spew disinformation and misinformation.
If AOC followed the facts and truthful guidelines to create an actual First Amendment reformation committee, would that put the Mockingbird media out of business?
Because their lies are a monumental far cry from what is considered objective and ethical journalism.
You can't say that everybody who voted for Trump is like the people who went into the Capitol.
You can't say that, what?
Everybody's like that?
Everybody who voted for Trump is like them.
No, I just explained to you, if you are on that side, you need to think about the side you're on.
I am never on the side of the Klan.
I am principal people, conservative or liberal, never on the Klan side.
Principal people, conservative or liberal, never on the Nazi side.
Principal people who are conservative or liberal, never on the side.
That treats their fellow Americans as less than.
That says that your fellow Americans should not exist.
That says your fellow Americans should be in a concentration camp.
I wonder if you have thought through kind of how Republicans begin what someone on my team earlier today called debathification of the Republican Party.
Is there a little wing of the Republican Party that you think can do this sort of debathification of the party and can it work at this point?
Or will AOC produce a predictable standardized false axiom that protects her precious progressive movement from further criticism?
Southern states are not red states.
They are suppressed states.
Which means the only way that our country is going to heal is through the actual liberation That's what they call it when they conger you.
That's what they call it when they conquer you.
We're liberating you.
We're liberating people from economic, social, and racial oppression.
That's the only way.
And what will this new Pravda look like as it tightens its stranglehold on an American public that can't process its
What's happening is people are able to seek out the information that makes them feel good.
That is what's happening is that people have so much choice now.
No, people want reality.
They can choose what their news sources are.
They can choose what influencers they want to follow.
And they can try to seal out anything that helps them question that.
And I think that gets to a really core issue.
How our freedoms as a...
Turn down the capability.
It's a very important report, but it's only part of it.
is being abused by these actors.
In that we have given a lot of leeway, both in the traditional media and on social media,
to people that have a very broad range of political views.
We have to turn down the capability of these conservative influencers.
Turn down the capability.
It's a very important report, but it's only part of it.
It's at manned.video.
Good old AOC and her attack on her shredding of the First Amendment.
We'll be right back on the other side with Lady Gaga.
So, yesterday morning, Trump announced that at 3 p.m.
Central, 4 p.m.
Eastern, he was going to give a farewell address of a U.S.
Those are a big deal.
And at 3 p.m.
came on, And no major cable network, even OAN, I guess, was on break when I went and looked it up.
Only Newsmax carried it, and of course, Infowars.com.
No one basically carried the farewell address of the President where he talked about all the amazing accomplishments that we made together.
And I respect Stuart Rhodes, the Oath Keepers, he was on Last segment here on the Alex Jones Show, last hour, and he was saying, you think Trump really failed by not declaring the Insurrection Act?
Well, Bob Barnes was a lawyer for Trump and was in some of the meetings, and they were planning to have the military arrest Trump if he did that, even though it was lawful.
And so Trump was totally surrounded.
He was given a 25th Amendment ultimatum.
He decided to live to fight another day.
And he was such a man of the arena.
He's been sued over a thousand times, trying to put his whole family in prison.
I know a lot of things that are private, that are inside baseball, as they say, that I'm not allowed to tell you.
Only because I've had some of the same Democrat prosecutors in the federal government try to put me in jail as well.
And I've been asking my lawyers and people not to get into it, but they specifically have been trying really hard, okay?
And it's unbelievable how they lie, the things they do.
Some people said Trump was invincible, trust the plan.
Others said he should fix everything, and he was a bad guy.
No, ladies and gentlemen, he failed when it came to going along with the vaccine, because he wanted to restart the economy.
He failed when he just gave tacit approval to red flag laws.
Well, if somebody's crazy, they shouldn't have a gun.
He later backed off of that.
But he did some things that were bad.
The point is, he meant well.
He was our president.
He didn't listen to lobbyists.
He did what he really thought was best for the country.
And that's why the bureaucracy that sold this country out hated his guts.
And I want to be clear.
I have friends, and I have neighbors, and I have family, and I know a preponderant number of engineers that are into Q. They liked it because it was a fun way for them to get in to fight the New World Order.
Most of what Q covered was stuff everybody else was already covering that was real.
And it was fun to imagine they were part of this secret thing, interfacing with the government.
But it wasn't real.
It was scammers on the inside, Intel ops, and a bunch of grifters in between the system and the people.
And Wikileaks got it right.
It was a pacification operation to make you think everything was handled.
And I'd go out to events and run into a Q crowd.
They all had this incredibly satisfied look in their eyes.
They'd say, Alex, I used to be with you.
Now I'm with Q.
Because Q told me you're an Israeli agent.
I have nothing to do with Israel.
Just, just crazy stuff.
And meanwhile, the Globalists are out in the open, the New World Order's out in the open, the Great Reset's out in the open, Lockstep's out in the open, forced inoculation, FEMA camps, it's all here.
And instead, oh, everything's fine, Tom Hanks and Hillary have been locked up.
They're in Gitmo.
And I would tell people I knew, I said, listen, The troops are there in case Trump gets on the internet somewhere before they cut him off and says, you know, resist.
Because everybody was calling on Trump to do that.
They were ready for Trump to try to counter their coup.
You can argue legally he could have, but they weren't going to let that happen.
It would have been even worse.
So now they've got an aged, doddering, incredibly corrupt, Chi-Com agent in charge.
And they're going to have a lot of trouble selling their agenda and it's going to blow up in their face.
So careful what you wish for.
Some of the Lord's greatest gifts were unanswered prayers, to quote Garth Brooks.
And I'm not saying this is a good thing.
I'm not saying we have an easy road.
I'm just, I've always tried to steer you as accurate as I can with the best info I have, with real research and real historical understanding and quote sources.
But I'll tell you, most of the time I know more than my sources.
The Pentagon calls me up, the CIA calls me up to ask what I think of things.
Not the other way around.
I'm not trying to brag about that, folks, but I have a good political brain.
I've been doing this a long time.
And I've been trained in the field, in the school of hardened knots, as an organic, patriot citizen who wasn't trained by the system.
That is seen by the system as the proof of someone's real gravitas, is that they pull themselves up out of the mud.
And I'm not telling you that to act powerful.
I'm telling you that because that's the reality, ladies and gentlemen.
Now let's shift gears into Lady Gaga.
The archetypal image of her coming out in that red Cinderella or Little Red Riding Hood dress in actual Hunger Games-style regalia And then going and singing the Star-Spangled Banner is all about how they are Americans and Trump isn't.
When it's the opposite, they are the globalists.
And the media made a joke about a report Owen put out last week about how the Satanist Lady Gaga is going to perform there.
Lady Gaga says she's possessed by demons.
Lady Gaga has to have an assistant sleep in the room with her because demons attack her at night, she believes.
She goes and spirit cooks With Marina Abramovich, and then goes to these displays where it's mock human sacrifices and drinks blood.
Can we put some photos of that up?
That's Lady Gaga, drinking the blood.
So, and they had little kids at these events, by the way.
And then she did rituals with her to help her take control of the demons.
So when they do all of this, it's about being in our face, but these are empty, vassal slaves, Lady Gaga, Joe Biden, all of them are tortured, horrible souls.
Look at Hunter's laptop.
And so to make it look like people, they put up hundreds of thousands of flags and had the military in a steel perimeter with a big American flag.
So you'd see that on TV and say, oh, he's for America.
But when you get closer, there were fields of United Nations flags.
So really what it's all about is rubbing the Republic's face in it.
But let's go over some of these memes, compare Biden's inauguration to dystopic Hunger Games.
He and Kamala look like both the characters from it.
You look at all the tweets, we'll pull that up.
It's at InfoWars.com.
And it's all extremely emblematic.
Go ahead and scroll through liberally.
That's right.
Pretty fast.
There's a lot of them.
And this is the type of thing they're not gonna be able to counter.
This is classic authoritarianism, and everyone knows from art and culture and experience that that is what this is.
When you watch the Hunger Games, they don't let the general public in to their big government events.
They have big events out in the middle of these huge stone temples.
But none of the citizens are allowed to be there.
And that was the celebration last night as the sun set on the Republic on January 19th, 2021.
They were there to watch America die as the sun set, knowing the new day was coming as the United States, a vassal of the globalist, now going into communist Chinese receivership.
And that's all this is.
And so remember, he's coming after Your speech, they're coming at your guns, they're coming at your children, they're coming at your local towns, they're coming at your food, they're coming at your water, they're coming at your oil, your energy.
He's already said he's going to phase out fossil fuels in two years.
If they phase out 10% of it, the economy will totally shut down.
He'll tell you what heroes you are living through COVID and how you need to take those shots and the COVID death numbers are going to go up because the COVID shots Are killing people.
And they're saying, oh, you can still die of COVID even though you have the shot.
And now statistically, it's much higher chance that you die if you have the COVID shot because they're killing you.
And then you test positive for COVID because the COVID vaccine tells you that.
And many of the COVID vaccines cause a false positive for HIV because the COVID virus has HIV delivery system in it.
And I told you that 11 months ago, and now it's all out in the open.
So, the truth will set us free, not delusions.
And the truth is, the globalists are counter-assaulting, the empire striking back because the world was awakening.
So the fight has just begun, and Donald Trump was just one weapon in that fight.
It was four years and three months ago that I was sitting in this studio, or the studio right next door to me, about 30 feet away, with Roger Stone at about 1.45 at night central.
And Trump came out and announced victory.
A Hillary spokesman capitulated.
And I was looking down during the break, and Stone looked at me and he said, everything's fine.
We got the president.
I said, that was with establishment Republicans, buddy.
I know you've been around longer than me.
I said, Trump really is a maverick.
All hell's gonna break loose.
They're gonna come after us.
Now that was a very simple thing for me to know.
Now folks have seen me smiling now.
I'm very sad Trump's gone.
It was a lot of unrealized dreams that didn't happen.
A lot of it did happen.
He meant well.
Major accomplishments.
Now he helped the economy and did such good peace deals.
Even the New York Times says maybe we should follow a lot of what Trump did.
They just wanted the power.
It wasn't that he did something wrong.
In fact, he actually showed them how to not be total destabilizing scumbags.
So the lasting legacy of Trump's going to live on.
It's big.
We'll talk about that with Robert Barnes a little bit later in this hour.
Where this goes now and where the Trump movements go now and how the system is going to try to organize it and lead it out into the edge of a cliff because you know that's what we're already doing and so much more.
But the first thing is Barnes has been a lawyer since the election fraud for Trump.
I confirmed that separately with the White House.
He was advising Trump.
Everything he told me was extremely accurate about Trump.
I've talked to other Trump lawyers and other Trump confidants.
They told me the same thing.
I was told on the morning of January 7th that Trump would capitulate that day.
About 5 o'clock he did.
The Q people said that was a CG.
And what's scary is I've even had people close to me go, I can't believe it, Biden's evil, who weren't even really political.
They go, Jones, you're just being negative.
We have to believe and Biden won't be the president.
Well, sorry, that doesn't work.
This is not voodoo.
This is not, this is not Oprah Winfrey's The Secret.
And so I'm not attacking Q followers who think that fighting the new world order is Q. That was there for 70 years.
I'm trying to explain to you it's a setup to pacify you so they can remove Trump, and they did.
And everything Q told you helped the power structure.
So to stick a fork in this Q thing, Robert Barnes, let's get into that first.
Thanks for joining us.
Yeah, glad to be here.
I mean, hopefully now everybody recognizes that Q was always a PSYOP and a disinformation campaign that misled them.
Lin Wood and some of the Q people yesterday were saying that they really thought Trump would be getting inaugurated today.
So now everybody sees what it was.
It was always a disinformation PSYOP meant to undermine the president's support, meant to distract and detour them.
Unfortunately, it leads some of them to participate in the Capitol Hill riots.
And that staged event.
And so the whole nature of it, the whole combined component of it, is now finally fully exposed.
And hopefully those folks can get back to being productive and positive and making real reform and real change by disassociating and disaffiliating from Q and getting back to doing grassroots support of real liberty-oriented projects that need to happen if there's going to be a second step, a second stage to the populist revolt that Trump represented and reflected.
I totally agree with you, but the time we have left in this short segment, let's visit this.
We're not bashing people that got into Q, because a lot of what the whole Q community said was true, because it was millions of regular people communicating and sharing info.
That was wholesome.
That was good.
That was great.
It was the direct Q droppings that were so poisonous, and believing this esoteric, secretive thing instead of Bill Gates on air saying world government, Klaus Schwab saying world government.
I mean, it's all out in the open now.
Yeah, no doubt about it.
I mean, the entire Q PSYOP was a very effective one.
It got people to believe that they were in an adult fan style fantasy reality game of simulated reality, of virtual reality, of enhanced reality.
And they thought they were playing the role of secret agent, and they thought they were helping the president.
And in fact, they were working basically at the behest of and on behalf of the deep state apparatus that was meant to undermine the president all the way through.
And I think what we can learn from Q is how a PSYOP works, how a disinformation campaign works.
People that got trapped into it can learn to monitor it, learn to look for the signs,
learn to look for the indicia so that it's not so easy to do again.
The next likely Q is going to target the left rather than the right.
But at least now, hopefully more members of the right, the independent political right,
the populist movement in the country, the liberty movement in the country,
the freedom movement in the country can start to recognize the traps that Q set
and so that they don't get trapped in the future.
There's nothing we can do about the past, but we can learn from the past to improve the present to change the future.
And that's what needs to be done in response and in reaction to the QPSIOP campaign.
It really is a lot like Operation Trust.
And it's going to there's going to be more PSIOPs like this, particularly in a lockdown era, in a high tech era, in an era where a lot of people are increasingly only communicating with one another digitally online.
It's going to be even more critical and essential than ever before to watch out for Q-like PSIOP campaigns being run through message boards.
And by the way, Joe Biggs has been arrested.
That's just now breaking.
We'll tell you about it on the other side.
Peds arrest proud boy member Joe Biggs over Capitol riot.
The right wing media figure denied FBI agents that he was involved in any planning for the attack on the Capitol but admitted entering the building.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll talk about that more in just a moment.
Our prayers go out to Joe Biggs.
But it's funny, the Boogaloo boys that said they worked with BLM and won an insurrection and won a civil war and won a revolution, they said they ran the whole thing, bragged about it in hundreds of tweets.
They're leaders.
They've had no problems so far.
And the one Antifa leader that got caught, they've let him out without any bail.
Isn't that funny?
I mean, I hope some people in the criminal that are part of that criminal case of the defendants use the discovery powers they have to see exactly what did the FBI know and exactly who and what Q was.
Because there's a lot of hallmarks of this being a deep state operation.
And they can use the rights of criminal discovery to explore, was it just one big entrapment?
Oh, we know a bunch of videos of, in the woods by the Capitol, people in black putting on, in bags, their MAGA gear.
We have them saying, we're going to attack and blame it on them.
They don't even deny it, because they know they're covered and protected.
It's kind of like when they had jihadis six, seven years ago, would launch chemical attacks in Syria, No doubt.
credit for al-nazra that the news would blame Assad but because they launched a
chemical attack and admitted on video because they wanted to be rock stars in
Islam it would stop them being able to set up Assad so so when we now have
citizens beating up the Antifa trying to stop the Boogaloo's going in we now have
all this on tape it's incredible. No doubt and then you look at the very
peculiar nature of John Sullivan the BLM Antifa attached individual who
according to Max Blumenthal and reporters on the left they always
suspected he was always a fed plant That he was initially a Fed plant meant to infiltrate the left, and then they believe he was a Fed plant meant to infiltrate the right.
And he was critical and integral to what took place at the Capitol.
He was a leader of it, and running around saying burn it down, trying to get people to burn down the building.
Exactly, he was trying to incite worse violence.
And he was given a sweetheart deal and allowed to walk away without bail so far.
So all I'm trying to say is with Antifa or BLM or Boogaloos or Q, anything esoteric where you think you're a secret agent and it's not out in the open is tell-tale dangerous and it's like jumping off a cliff without a parachute.
It's just not good.
We'll talk about good ways to be involved politically and turn the country around when we come back.
Robert Barnes, the final days of Trump.
What's coming next and more.
We'll be right back.
You know, a lot of people are really mad at Trump that he didn't declare martial law, the insurrection act, all the rest of it.
When they had operatives coming to him saying, do that, because they were then going to arrest him.
And we know that for a fact now.
That's why they had martial law set up before.
That's why they were ready.
It was already in position.
They had isolated Trump.
He was never even really the president.
They never let him get hardly anything done.
It's been just a four-year tectonic battle.
And so, now that Trump doesn't have the power, now that his star has sunk, I support him more than ever because I'm not a sunshine patriot, I'm a winter soldier.
We'll get Bob Barnes' take on Trump here in just a moment, but first here's what Trump had to say in his farewell address that the media blacked out.
My constant concern has always been the best interests of American workers and American families.
I did not seek the easiest course.
By far, it was actually the most difficult.
I did not seek the path that would get the least criticism.
I took on the tough battles, the hardest fights, the most difficult choices, because that's what you elected me to do.
Your needs were my first and last unyielding focus.
This, I hope, will be our greatest legacy.
Together, we put the American people back in charge of our country.
We restored self-government.
We restored the idea that in America, no one is forgotten because everyone matters and everyone has a voice.
We fought for the principle that every citizen is entitled to equal dignity, equal treatment, and equal rights.
Because we are all made equal by God.
Now he went over a list of our accomplishments in the last four years and they were dazzling.
The prescription drugs cut in half because China was screwing us.
I mean the list went on and on.
Securing the borders, getting the VA from a 31% approval rating to an 87% approval rating, declaring our sovereignty again, exposing the UN, making NATO pay more money.
Just, it's incredible.
And so we should be thankful for what God gave us and what we had, not complain.
But I know, that's why I go back to the Q people, it's not just them, it's others that are like, he let us down and he should have done more.
And I love how the Q people will put faith in some nebulous fake internet thing that they don't know, but when it's the real president up there telling him the truth that he capitulated January 7th because he was isolated, They were threatening with the 25th Amendment.
They wouldn't believe that was real.
They wouldn't even give the real person that respect when he was the president.
So, I wonder with their psyche and mainline Republican psyches and others, because Q went mainstream.
And people say, well, why are you criticizing Q?
Is it cutting in on your audience?
No, it made my audience bigger.
It went super mainstream and brought all these people to us.
I just couldn't play along with the line.
Robert, what do you think is happening here?
What happens next?
I'll be curious.
I'm hoping that most of the Q people come back away from Q, recognize it as a disinformation campaign, and get back involved proactively and productively into making the country a better and safer place using their crowdsourcing investigative capabilities, using their ability to support independent media networks.
Like Infowars, using their ability to network with each other, to create independent technological platforms that circumvent the big tech monopolists and oligarchs who want to control and dominate our way of life moving forward, because we have a major, major battle up ahead.
However tough the four Trump years were in the sense of defending Trump against all the onslaught of attacks from the deep state, And as you know, Trump still made some major achievements, more achievements than any president in my lifetime.
There are a lot of areas where he left things on the table, and that will always be disappointing.
But frankly, that's a function of the lack of institutional support of populist allies across the political landscape.
Governors, Secretaries of State, state legislators, Congress members, you name it, we need a lot more populists in positions of influence and power than we actually had.
Uh, and that was a critical and essential weakness that made it very difficult for simply one man to change all of politics.
Uh, he was able to change what he felt he could change.
And he led to the first president in forever to have no new wars.
First president in forever to reduce our military footprint around the world.
First president in forever to really expose the deep state and who they are and what they are.
He wasn't able to curtail them, but he did expose them and that's the first step of that process.
So hopefully the people that got misled by Q, which now it appears that the attempt is, it's almost like the whole Q psyop was meant to lead to people not having faith and confidence in democracy.
At all, or Trump particularly.
That be when Trump didn't do the dumb ideas that were being proposed out of the Q cult world, now all of a sudden people are like, well it's suddenly Trump's fault.
And think how that works, this thing that's a nebulous internet thing gets to become the president and Trump isn't, and people follow it and then they're mad at him when he's not their fantasy.
Exactly, it's very much like a cult.
A cult that takes, in the Q cult, it took somebody's loyalty to their country, loyalty to God, and supplanted it, or loyalty to Trump, and supplanted it with loyalty to Q. And all of a sudden, and it's like people that get caught up in a cult, all of a sudden their religion is bad, their family is bad, everybody is bad except their cult leader.
And that's what the Q ended up being.
But at this point, Q has been completely, utterly, totally exposed.
All the trust the plan stuff was nothing more than a major lie meant to derail the Trump movement at whatever level it could.
And it's partially succeeded.
I mean, I think we can say, but for Q, Trump may be president today.
We can say, but for Q, we definitely don't get the Capitol Hill raids and riots that have led to the attacks on the president and the president's team.
But now it's time to sort of battle down the hatches and get ready for the next political war, because we're going to face one of the biggest constitutional crises in this next term that maybe we've ever faced.
They're talking about restarting Patriot Act 2.0.
That's where we're going in the next segment, is how they're going to wage war on our rights, our freedoms, how this was used to launch the secret police, the left calling for re-education camps.
I mean, this isn't some shadowy stuff now.
This is out in the open.
Let's get into what you think Trump can do now to try to continue to maintain the base.
Because let's face it, he is a great leader to mobilize people.
What he should do now to stay out in the spotlight and not let them basically keep him quiet while they build straw men and discredit him.
I think Trump's great skill is his marketing and his great asset is his brand.
And so he should leverage both to look at an independent news media network, independent information distribution network, independent social media platforms, maybe even look at independent banks and financial institutions.
The reality is there's going to be huge demand.
For all of those things from people that are Trump supporters because of the censorship campaigns and the blacklisting campaigns by the institutional media, by employment institutions, by financial institutions, by the social media oligarchs.
The only way to counteract that is to have our own networks.
To do to replicate and repeat what InfoWars has done.
Build an independent brand that's not dependent at all either on corporate donations or sugar daddy billionaires, but also isn't dependent on big tech distribution platforms either.
The InfoWars is the model and the template for the president to mirror and follow in a broader context of industry.
I totally agree.
He doesn't need to buy out some existing network.
He sets up his own telecommunications system with good graphics and good researchers.
Just cover news and then have direct sale products off of like his own Amazon type platform.
It would start making billions of dollars with the reach and the database he has.
But lo and behold, he won't do that.
Jared Kushner will tell him not to do it.
That's the major, the internal fight is the establishment types that still have great influence that showed up at the end.
We saw in the failure to pardon Assange and Snowden or Ulrich or a lot of other people, Brian Colfage or others, that failure is very much because... Oh, that's another horrible point.
I forgot he didn't pardon Assange.
What a black mark on him.
Oh, that's just such a nightmare.
And it'll always be, because it's the Trump administration that indicted him, the Trump administration that extradited him.
Well, then I changed my mind.
I was on the edge saying I, that for me, that's just, that's just, there's so many points.
It was a bitter betrayal of part of his base, but it's because Trump has very little, too little influence of his own populist instincts around him.
Too many people that are curtailing it rather than expounding upon it and expanding it.
Well, they tell him, sir, he got U.S.
servicemembers killed, which he didn't.
And so they use that against the president.
We're going to come back and talk about that and talk about their plan to set up Patriot straight ahead.
Look at those cult members wearing their masks, their symbol of submission that you're dirty, you're bad, but they only wear them when they're on camera.
They've been caught on tape saying it's all for show to keep you locked down, prisoners.
It's the symbol of your chains.
You belong in a republic.
You belong in a free society.
Here's a short compilation.
We've got like a 20-minute one, but here's a minute and a half compilation of them calling for reprogramming re-education camps of the American people.
And then I'm gonna show you a document from eight years ago that we broke.
Here it is.
If you voted for Trump, you voted for the person who the Klan supported.
You voted for the person who Nazis support.
You talked about Al Qaeda.
What has he done in terms of incitement, right, that Osama bin Laden didn't do?
No external terrorist ever did this to us.
We've never worried like this, even after 9-11.
Each of these people should be shamed, and they're gonna go back, you know, to the Olive Garden and to the Holiday Inn that they're staying at.
I wonder if you have thought through, kind of, how Republicans begin what someone on my team earlier today called debathification.
Look, I think the challenge is that the rot is from the grassroots all the way to the presidency.
So the rot is at every layer.
There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans,
who somehow need to be deprogrammed.
They can't even open their mouths about unity.
Shut up about unity.
The way that we in the media speak about this is so important.
Twitter and Facebook aren't banning you because you're conservative, they're banning you because you suck.
They're banning you because you say evil sh**.
I covered wars abroad.
I've seen ugly things that this country now resembles.
But I've never seen this country more in doubt about safety at home than right now.
And the enemy is us.
Oh, the enemies of the American people.
So that's another compilation.
Sorry, we heard the wrong one.
Where they talk about how we're terrorists and bad.
There's a whole other compilation where they say we need re-education and brainwash.
There it is.
Compilation of leftists call for deprogramming, re-education and brainwash Trump supporters.
In fact, I love the fourth hour host, but I'm just taking over the fourth hour today because I'm going to air every one of those then and redo this then.
Because it's a big deal.
You need to see them calling for you to be put in re-education camps, ladies and gentlemen.
You need to witness it.
Put it back on screen, please.
Now, you scroll through that, there's dozens of them this week saying re-education camps.
Why is that important?
Dr. McCamp shot police?
Leftists suggest re-education camps, firing squads, banning talk radio to de-platform 75 million Trump supporters.
That's another article.
But now let's show you the real thing.
Restricted U.S.
Army internment and resettlement operations manual.
We got this from the Army before it was even declassified.
They later said it was real and declassified it.
And InfoWars.com wrote about it.
Talk about next year's news today.
Here's Paul Joseph Watson's article from May 3rd, 2012.
Leaked U.S.
Army document outlines plan for re-education camps in America.
That's what Obama wanted.
The Army was so freaked out they leaked it.
Yes, the re-education camp manual does apply domestically to U.S.
So that's why it's important to keep InfoWars.com on air.
And that's why they don't want us on air, so they can roll out this long-term plan.
Separately, I heard Bob Barnes talk about this.
Without your support, we're not on air.
So we sell you great products we know you're going to really like, so you reorder them, so we stay on air and fight the globalists.
That's the mission.
It's a win-win.
Vitamineral Fusion, 50% off, sold out for months.
A liquid multivitamin with all the minerals and the key amino acids for your immune system and your body.
It's what every adult and every child should be taking.
It tastes great.
It's totally natural and healthy and has real vitamins that aren't synthetic.
I'm going to sell out within a few weeks, and we don't get more for eight weeks.
That's okay.
It's 50% off.
We will sell it very quickly because I want everybody to get it.
It's 50% off.
And there's a lot of other big specials there that have to end this weekend as well.
That will continue until this batch is sold out.
Okay, going back to Robert Barnes.
You just saw the re-education camp articles I showed you.
I have a whole page of videos of them saying that.
This is outrageous.
Reprogram us.
Brainwash us.
Put us in camps.
Kill us.
I mean, what the hell is going on here?
Well, they just want to weaponize everything.
And so one aspect is they're trying to weaponize the educational system even after the fact.
So there's now calls to take away diplomas from even United States Senators simply because they voted to contest the election.
There's a campaign afoot to do that to both Hawley and to do it to Cruz just for the simple act of objecting.
Obviously, the big tech censorship is back up again today big.
There's another round of purges happening that was always planned as soon as Trump was out of office that they accelerated part of because of what they did to Trump before.
And so you're going to see that big tech purge continue to occur attempts.
There's calls for cable companies to not allow a certain broadcast to be aired across those cable companies, certain networks, even conventionally conservative institutional networks not to be allowed on the air.
So there's going to be attempted at their view is.
That they should have exclusive control, exclusive gatekeeping control over the institutional narrative.
And you should only be allowed to hear or listen to and believe in that institutional narrative.
These are statists at heart.
Like sometimes they're associated with the far left.
That's really, that's not what the Biden administration is going to be.
The Biden administration is a neoliberal statist operation.
But what these statists share in common with the hard left is a belief in re-education, a belief in weaponizing every tool available, employment, education, culture, technology, information, communication, product distribution.
I mean, you have major companies that are now going to refuse to even allow you to buy MyPillow products at those companies simply because they don't like Mike Lindell's politics.
So you're seeing that across the board and it's going to accelerate and that's why people need to start planning now.
Look at the InfoWars model and all the people that are part of the InfoWars audience, they're already prepared in ways almost nobody else is.
Not only in the sense of buying storable food and being prepared for various contingency plans in case you need them on a short-term basis of having a plan B in place in case you need it.
But they're already supporting an independent information network that's able to distribute independent content outside of big tech censorship control, outside of the partisan control, outside of corporate donor control.
And that's why you can buy the products at InfoWarsTore.com.
And what happens when you do that?
You effectively circumvent the system's ability to suppress and censor independent free press and speech.
Which has always been important, but now they're doing this to everybody.
This is the mode, is to build institutions that direct sale, that have their own complete infrastructure.
And that's why they feared InfoWars so much up front.
They wanted to get rid and be able to destroy that model.
Now, Barnes, we did get one of the clips.
It's not the Cruz fault.
There's so many.
Brainwash, re-educate, kill, firing squad, reprogram.
But I wanted to just show one of the clips about re-education camps because that's where they're going with this.
Here it is.
That's right, and that's him criticizing.
We've got a bunch of clips that we'll add in post when we add this to a video later when we're not live, where they actually say it.
So Barnes, I mean, they've decided they can't beat us incrementally now.
They've just decided to go whole hog.
What do you call that tactic?
Well, it's the old re-education camps of the old Stasi and communist and Soviet era.
But they're probably going to introduce it through the military first.
So that's why you're seeing that they're doing these purge campaigns inside the military to see if they have the dissident political beliefs or dissident political affiliations or dissident political associations.
And they're going to use the pretext.
It's amazing how the Capitol Hill events are the pretext for all of these things.
The pretext to discredit the president.
The pretext to discredit the election contest.
The pretext to take away people's educational degrees because they contested an election.
The pretext to have massive military presence that may be permanently now present in Washington, D.C.
We may have a permanent military occupied capital, as if this was a military junta that took over control.
And now they're going to use it as well as the pretext to purge aspects of the military, and they'll probably introduce the idea of re-education camps and the template for re-education camps through the military.
Look for them to start ordering military people that they think have the wrong ideas or are associated, wrong associations, wrong affiliations, to have to go do some special training.
Let me stop you, Barnes.
I had a buddy in here who was in the military a few weeks ago, and his buddy that's in the
Green Berets was currently in Utah, it's a month ago now, being brainwashed with people
that they thought were too right wing because of their social media posts, and literally
wearing red high heels, learning how America sucks, how white people are bad.
They already have reeducation camps.
And the new secretary of the Department of Defense announced today that he will, quote,
purge and re-educate bad members of the military.
That doesn't mean because you're in the KKK, folks.
It means because you love America.
This is a communist takeover.
Stay with us.
Barnes back in two minutes.
So the left hates the military until they're in control of it, as Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, just laid out.
They're talking about a permanent military occupation of D.C.
and checkpoints, and that'll be used as a NCAP or a demonstration zone for the rest of the country.
So we are going headlong into permanent martial law, Barnes.
Why do you think they're doing that?
I mean, when I was there, even before, well, we were both there, even before the 6th, it was clear that what had changed in Washington is it was no longer an arrogant town, it was a frightened town.
The problem is, a frightened town with that much power is a very, very dangerous town.
And so you only do these kind of techniques and tactics when you fear the country, not when you believe that you are the most loved president in history, as he purportedly is with the number of votes he purported to get.
So we saw the least attended inauguration in history.
We saw the least public interest in the inauguration in modern history.
Uh, for a guy who suppo- and he has to have the military fully occupying the Capitol?
Because he's terrified of his own citizenry?
And yet supposedly he's the most popular president in history?
So we're seeing what we're seeing.
That's all gaslighting.
It's a town that is terrified of its own populace.
That's why the re-education camp risk is a real risk.
That's why these attempts to weaponize every tool of power they have access to, they're going to try to weaponize because they fear the power of the populist majority.
They fear the peasants.
They fear the plebs.
They fear the people.
They no longer represent them.
They want to control them and manipulate them because they need to in order to be able to push through an agenda that's just deeply unpopular at a core level.
And that's the problem that they have.
And that's why you're going to see an escalation of the rhetoric and language.
And historically, they do two things when this happens.
One, they either stage or coordinate or profit from some internal event.
I don't think the Capitol Hill event will be the last one.
In order to justify new forms of Patriot Act, kind of domestic terrorist language and solutions.
But the second is, expect a foreign war within a year.
Because the other thing they need right now, the system needs a distraction and needs a foreign enemy.
And while they're truly terrified and are calling our own citizens their enemies, that's how they really think.
But in order for their political sustainability to last, they really need to shift the country's attention to a foreign enemy.
And so my guess is it will be someplace, somewhere.
There's already talk in D.C.
of looking at going to war in Ethiopia.
So just look for where you suddenly see, you know, a sudden... Oh, so they're going to copy Mussolini and go after some totally wimpy group.
Yep, that's exactly right.
That will be the classic, classic move.
And I insist, and they almost need to, because the attempts to terrorize the domestic population is not working.
They're not seeing any movement in Trump's numbers.
They're not seeing any movement in populism numbers.
Hey, I was in a major law firm of Democrats that I used to work with.
You know who they are.
They all called me aside.
They're like, what's happening to Trump's wrong?
They're full of crap.
And the paralegals were saying, and the clerks were saying, I mean, there's a total shift.
People do not buy this.
Not at all.
And it keeps getting reinforced.
Every time Biden talks and has another dementia moment, this inauguration is an embarrassment.
He couldn't even get most of the senators and congressmen to show up.
It was just an atrocious crowd.
They actually put out a bunch of chairs for people to sit in and none of them showed up.
And you see his wife has to, you know, carry him around by his hand like he's a dementia patient.
So the, which was, you were the first person to expose that.
That's why they took you off of Instagram, because you were the first one to expose that the guy's not there anymore.
He's sort of a carcass of who he was.
And by the way, that was two and a half years ago, because they'd already banned us once, they banned us again.
Overnight he got worse.
I said, he must have had another stroke.
I said, it looks like he had another stroke.
I'm allowed to speculate.
And it was obviously true.
Absolutely true.
I mean, it's why they did it.
Once Instagram took every channel down, and it's right after that they announced you could no longer say the name Alex Jones on Facebook or Instagram, it meant it was accurate.
You don't need to do that for things that are inaccurate.
You only have to look at Q. They were glad to promote and propagate Q forever.
Because they knew Q was false.
They knew that what you were reporting was accurate, and that's why they had to try to put a silence on it.
But you can't silence the truth forever, and that's the problem they face.
Speaking of that, give us your backup channel, not just Twitter.
How do people find you?
All right.
I think terror attacks can happen anytime something happens.
Turn your phone on, brother.
We're gonna be live until 10 o'clock tonight.
Thank you so much.
All right.
Lynn Greenwald.
He pointed out this clip that I saw on his Twitter of CNN's David Chilean worshiping Joe Biden, saying it's just something magically happened in DC.
It's like his arms goldenly reached out and saved all of DC.
So they show a beautiful photo right at dusk with golden light on the sidewalks and the reflecting pool.
And they say, just look at it.
It's like he's healing all of America.
He's behind bulletproof glass.
He is there observing how everyone has been kicked out of the area of the city and he's a dictator savoring his moment.
Here is the I mean, he could be the new announcer for Kim Jong-un or his dad, Kim Jong-il, in North Korea with this type of fawning.
Here it is.
There's still some tinkering going on with the inaugural address, but his aides have made really clear it's not like he's trying to ignore or paper over either what happened at the Capitol two weeks ago or what we've been through throughout four years of the Trump presidency.
And the contrast on display tonight was so stark.
I mean, those lights that are Just shooting out from the Lincoln Memorial along the reflecting pool.
It's like almost extensions of Joe Biden's arms embracing America.
It was a moment where the new president came to town and sort of convened the country in this moment of remembrance, outstretching His arms and contrast that with that video you just saw of a disgraced president on his way out at his lowest point in his presidency at the very end here by himself fighting for his political movement to live on and not even necessarily promising that he's going to be leading that movement you noted in his remarks tonight.
I just think that sort of isolated Now in case it's lost on you because you've not been studying North Korea, I don't blame you.
That's how they described Kim Jong-un.
Like, it was cloudy outside and he walked outside and the sun parted the clouds and it was like he was hugging the mountain.
The river that was by him was like his soul flowing out and the birds began to sing more tweedly.
I mean, these are basically quotes I just gave you.
This is messianic type stuff.
This is unbelievable.
Oh, the beautiful Washington Monument reflecting pool.
That is Joe Biden.
Meanwhile, he can hardly walk.
He had a very short speech.
Well, I think the shortest inaugural speech I ever heard of.
Probably for like an hour.
Because he's so out of energy.
He's so completely out of gas.
There's one other clip I keep forgetting to play.
And today's the day to do it.
It's, I think, from January 9th, where I made the prediction.
Will you guys pull that one-minute clip that Dude put in the box yesterday, that a listener sent in, where I said, I bet they're still going to have him up on that inaugural stage.
They're just not going to tell people until the last minute.
Because everything with them is deception.
I was like, why are they still building it?
If Biden says he's not going to do it, he's going to do it indoors.
I said, because everything he says is a lie.
Here's what I had to say.
Oh, it's January 7th, excuse me.
We're 13 days out from Joe Biden, right over there.
I predicted, I said, people go, hey, they're building a stage.
Trump thinks he's going to win.
And I went, well, they're building it.
That's just what the federal government does in case Biden wants it.
Well, Biden now admitted last week he's canceling doing a parade and speaking.
He'd already said it was virtual because that's because he wanted to do a feint where, oh, I'm not going to be out there.
Don't come protest me.
So then he's like, oh, actually, I am going to be there, but now I'm not going to be there.
And so that's really what they're planning, I think, is that Biden is going to show up on that stage, but only have their little minions there, because they're all about deception.
And so I think that's what's really happening.
But to symbolically have the Trump folks take that over, I would have been fine with them taking the stage over symbolically.
I was just mad that Antifa tricked them from actually going in there.
So there you go.
That's posted at Man.Video if you want to see it.
Now here's another clip.
I've seen so many angles of this, but I hadn't seen this angle.
There's dozens and dozens of these.
The Capitol Police opened doors for protesters on the 6th.
We have other clips where Trump supporters begged the police to stop the anti-fund others going in, but the Capitol Police would not.
Here's what happened.
Fucking traitors!
Fucking traitors!
Fucking traitors!
Fucking traitors!
Now folks, I wanna be clear, I said I would take calls during the show today.
But I just made a decision because the inauguration went so short to not bug the stations to go ahead and run the ads.
So we didn't have time to take calls.
But at 6 p.m.
tonight, we're gonna go till 10 o'clock at night.
I got a bunch of big guests on.
I'm gonna be co-hosting with Owen Schroer.
He'll have open phones during the war room as well, 3 to 6 p.m.
Again, if you just tuned in, I did not have COVID.
I went to the dentist.
They did some dental work on me and Kind of cut a little thing on the back of my throat.
On the, uh, what do you call those things?
I haven't had a tonsil swell up since I was a little kid.
Oh, I tell you.
Swelled up a little bit one day, next day got really big.
Last night was, let's just say, not a fun evening.
But I went to the doctor, they checked it, they said it's localized because we're in such a hysteria now about being sick.
We're like, don't tell folks that you've got a sore throat.
They might come arrest you because that's literally what's happening in Europe.
In places like Germany and Spain particularly, in Australia, if you have a cough, your neighbors call the police on you, and if you refuse a COVID test, you get taken away.
Well, now they're saying, in China, if you don't follow the rules, and you don't agree to do all the things they say they're going to put you in a COVID camp, so is the Canadian government, so is the British government, so is the German government, that's in the mainline headlines, and they're building the facilities all over the world, and they say, well, We're not doing this.
The UN head of emergency response told us to.
Dr. Ryan?
We played clips of him saying, we've got to get into the homes and break up these families and take their children.
So if you're a TV viewer, you're seeing the chilling building of these centers.
And then they can kill you in them and claim that you died of COVID.
It's the perfect cover for concentration camps and re-education camps.
And they even admit that.
That's come out of internal Canadian government documents.
But you don't even need to have their documents to know that.
This is an authoritarian move.
They're telling you they want to brainwash you.
They want to shoot you.
They want to hurt you.
Because these are empty nobodies who seek power and control above all else.
Because I'll guarantee you, almost all these people have never actually been in a real fistfight.
I'll guarantee you most of these people have never actually had somebody try to kill them.
And most of them are perverts and sickos and just freakazoids.
And so they want to LARP.
They imagine they're going to have this big commie uprising with the big banks funding them and it's going to be so much fun and they're going to keep us locked down forever and we're going to be bankrupt and won't know what hit us.
No, we all know it's you.
We all know it's Bill Gates.
We all know it's Ted Turner.
We all know it's Dr. Fauci.
We all know it's Wuhan.
We all know it's the UN.
That's something good Trump did, was exposing it coming out of Wuhan and all the rest of it, but he should have gone after Bill Gates and Fauci, and I forgot he didn't pardon Assange.
And for me, that is really cowardly and disappointing.
Because Trump said, I don't care if it's a fat guy in his mother's basement, or the Russians, or who it is, if you've got our emails, release them.
And Wikileaks released them a couple weeks later, and then you let your administration keep his ass in jail.
They say he doesn't even know who he is now.
Nine years in solitary confinement.
Three, four years totally locked up.
Trying to commit suicide.
All because he's a journalist that exposed corruption.
So I don't know, it's just crazy.
But hey, Trump's gone now, folks!
We got Uncle Joe!
Creepy China Joe, baby!
All right, Matt Bracken is coming up, former Navy SEAL, but great author, researcher, really smart guy.
He'll talk to us for 30 minutes, then I've got a little bit more I want to cover, and then we're going to have the one thing only.
John Rapoport of nomorefakenews.com, take over, and then the War Room, and then I'll come back until 10 o'clock tonight taking your phone calls.
Because I do want to take a lot of your phone calls, and we are at a historic juncture right now.
I know a lot of people are so freaked out, they don't even want to come on the show right now.
Some of the very well-known people out there, they really thought Trump was invincible.
Because compared to Biden, as a mammal, as a human, you see someone well-spoken, that fights hard, that's done most of what they said they would do, and who you've seen have great success, up against somebody that can barely talk, and who is hated, and who can't have any crowds, And then you see all the evidence of fraud and then you still see that person installed, you get depressed.
And I should have started the show with this because this is so important.
Don't get depressed.
This is a process.
Again, when I got involved with this 27 years ago, maybe 1% of people knew the Federal Reserve was private.
Maybe 1% of people knew about Cecil Rhodes and the plan for world government.
You fast forward to the time we get Trump elected.
Anti-New World Order, anti-globalism is the dominant theme in the Republican Party, and the Republican Party goes populist.
We deprogrammed in a good way, with truth, without bullying, the Republican grassroots.
Then Q comes along and makes it even more popular.
And I gave the Q thing credit.
This summer I went to Florida for a week with my children.
And I was mobbed by people that were listeners, and they found us through Q. And then still, almost everybody else that I was talking to knew about government pedophile rings, knew about the New World Order, knew about the Satanism, knew about the secret technologies, knew about the global depopulation plan of the UN, but they didn't know who I was, and I loved that.
I'd be sitting there in a bar, waiting to get food to take upstairs to the room, you know, ordering food at the bar, and everybody around me would be talking about it.
I'd say, oh, how are you doing?
They'd know who I was.
I'd be out on the surf.
I'd hear families talking about it.
I'd be laying out by the pool, I was hearing it.
I would be in a restaurant.
I would be walking down the street.
Florida was explosively aware of this.
It was the hottest thing.
They were talking about it more than you talk about the Super Bowl, the day of the Super Bowl.
So Americans were moving away from things that didn't matter or were distractionary, that we all talk about, to how the world really works.
And so Q was 95% positive, except it always told you, trust the plan.
Trump's invincible.
These people have all been secretly arrested.
The military is going to be called out to get them.
And you notice the military was called out to stop us, supposedly, from doing something we weren't going to do.
This was a PSYOP.
I know it was started by people that meant to be good.
It got taken away.
I know who did it.
I'm not going to get them in trouble.
And a lot of the grifters that weren't actually involved in the intelligence network, the Q Lords, the Q Priest, They would just say stuff that was in line with this, the basic canons of Trump invincibility.
Trust the plan.
Sessions is good.
Barr is good.
Durham's good.
And they would just regurgitate that because that's what big tech would let you put out.
But as soon as they got ready...
To remove Trump through fraud.
They didn't want those networks there to learn they'd been wrong and have you as groups communicate with each other and come out of your programming.
So all your groups were banned.
You were shut down before you learned of the fraud.
And I told you that was happening at the time.
And so you're valuable to yourself and your family and to the future of humanity.
You're smart.
You woke up.
You're educating others.
You're engaging.
You're researching.
You're the salt of the earth.
We salute you.
But bigger than Q, I don't want people getting upset and depressed that Trump's gone.
In a sick Machiavelli way, now everything Joe Biden does, he's going to have hell getting done.
The states are going to wake up, the grassroots that's already there knows the election was stolen, they all saw the thousands of videos and reports, and the eyewitnesses admitting they were engaged in fraud, and let's flip the script and pull it out the suitcases and all that, and there's no walking that back.
I've seen polls between 85 and 97% of registered Republicans think the election was stolen, because it was.
And no amount of globalist gaslighting is going to work.
So they're running a Bolshevik takeover that worked in Russia, that worked in Eastern Europe, that worked in Latin America, that worked in Cuba, that worked in areas of Asia, like China.
But it's not going to work here, folks.
It's going to work on certain susceptible people, but on others it's not.
It's going to be explosive in a bad way.
And so I just warn the globals to turn back now because the road they're going down is incredibly destructive and they're going to be held accountable.
Biden's a front man.
It's the big banks.
It's the Goldman Sachs, the JP Morgans.
It's the private Federal Reserve owners.
They're the ones sitting back while we all destroy each other, laughing at us.
I'm going to go to break and come back with Matt Bracken.
Separately, you can type into a search engine.
Bill Gates secretly buying up farmland along with other top billionaires while they tell you it's not a good investment.
Remember last year it was like, oh Bill Gates is getting out of food.
Well he was secretly getting into food.
Gates says he's getting out of food to drive down the price so he can get into food.
He's the largest farmland owner in the United States.
He can make sure it's all GMO, it's all nasty, and he can shut off the third world that's totally shut down, collapsing.
And then when there's a food shortage, he can charge you way more here in the United States.
They want to control every part of the food chain.
And that's what they've done.
So the technocrats are controlling the food supply, and I would secure your own safe source
of food today at preparewithalex.com, a sub-site of infoworkstore.com.
As Gates and his cascade investment landowning firm EatUp, enough family farms to become
the largest owner of farmland in the United States, it's become more important than ever
to secure your food supply that's high quality, very low cost in the last 25 years.
The technocrats have been quietly initiating their plan over the last several decades,
putting farm owners out of business to secure new ways to control your mind and body.
It's not enough to use technology and social media to brainwash American patriots into
accepting the globalist plans.
Now they're going to control the food supply of hundreds of thousands across the country.
The only thing you can do to stop them is to secure your own high-quality supply of storable food insurance you can eat.
Even big media and news sources are unsure why Bill Gates has been swallowing up the farmland.
Well, that's because they're ignorant little Globalists that read off a teleprompter.
We know why.
Because they know they're collapsing the East Coast and the West Coast.
They're going to send everybody into the interior of the country.
And we're going to have to go back to self-sufficiency once there's a collapse that they designed, literally the Hunger Games.
And they want to be able to control the market over other farmers by at first driving down prices so low other farmers go out of business.
That's the Walmart model they used.
So this is a real stranglehold.
They're coming for every aspect.
But people get it and they're flooding the country and getting back to bartering and having farmers markets again.
Something Bill Gates has been pushing regulators to ban.
These people don't want... You're not essential!
Only he's essential!
He's a monster!
He's what Hitler wished he was!
We'll be right back.
The Sedition Act of 1918 at the end of World War I.
Woodrow Wilson, that first brought in the Federal Reserve Act and used the term the New World Order, working with Cecil Rhodes to bring America into the British Empire.
Well, he joins us right now, Matt Bracken.
enemiesforeigndomestic.com, great author, researcher, former Navy SEAL.
You can see the setup, the provocateuring at the Capitol now in hindsight.
It's crystal clear, even more so than when he was on a few weeks ago with us right after
it happened.
And he predicts they're going to move forward with something like a sedition act that will
basically ban all real free speech in this country.
They're making their move.
Matt Bracken, good to have you on.
Lay it out for us.
Well, we've seen this percolating up through colleges where they conflate words with violence.
Your words are violence.
So the people that are the millennials and Gen Xers that are moving into this administration, this is their bread and butter, that words equals violence.
So they're going to use the incitement of violence as their way of getting rid of free speech.
That's what they're laying on Trump.
Now they can't say, well, you didn't say go to the Capitol and cause a riot because the timeline didn't work.
Now they're just moving to saying, you were talking about this big lie of election fraud.
So things like speaking about election fraud, that'll be forbidden.
Speaking about the vaccine in a bad way, that'll just be forbidden.
In 1918, you could not say, I think it's a mistake to go into World War II against Germany.
You know, George Washington said, avoid foreign entanglements.
I mean, World War I. You couldn't say that.
It was illegal.
You couldn't say, I'm against conscription because it's like slavery.
That was illegal to say.
And they also, uh, you couldn't really talk about the Spanish flu, which was, you know, a hundred times worse than this, um, than this COVID.
Uh, you know, it killed people in the average age of 28 and it killed like, you know, worldwide.
It killed millions and millions of young people.
50 million people.
Which helped it to spread because you weren't allowed to talk about it because of the Sedition Act.
So if there's some other pandemic that comes out, they're just going to ban entire classes of speech under
incitement to violence because somebody might get too angry and be violent.
Therefore, you're not allowed to say certain things. That is absolutely coming.
Meanwhile, they've said it is. They've said that's their plan. They've said that's what they want. How do we stop it?
How do we counter it?
Well, Infowars and Barnes is on point always, Infowars led the way.
Gab also was a pioneer in this.
We have to have our own vertical economy.
The parlor made a huge, huge mistake assuming that Amazon Web Services would be neutral to them.
We can't do that.
We have to have our own means of making money, collecting the money, advertising, selling our own products.
I'm a self-published author for a reason.
We have to take care of our own economy because they're going to try to shut us out as much as possible.
But we have to assume that they're going to take down websites.
InfoWars could be taken down because they can take away every URL.
They can just say InfoWars is classed as a hate site, an incitement to violence site.
That's it.
You're done.
And by the way, they have major publications, the New York Times, Sacha Baron Cohen, calling for us to not even be able to have a URL.
So this is beyond any censorship ever seen except in Communist China.
Right, and that's where they're taking us because they have no intention of going back to free and fair elections.
They were able to do this while Trump was the president.
He never, obviously, never actually had effective control of the Department of Justice, the FBI, or the CIA.
They were working against him the whole time.
Now they're going to control the full reins.
We'll see people like, you know, Eric Holder and Andrew Weissman running the Department of Justice.
It's going to get ugly.
And we've seen how cowed the judges are at the state, federal and Supreme Court level.
The justices are terrified.
So we're not going to get any help there.
And I would say as they shut down communication channels, because you have to plan a few steps ahead.
You can't just plan for next week.
You got to plan for six months from now.
Let's say that Infowars is gone, Gab, Parler never comes back, One American News Network, Newsmax, they'll all be shut down or they'll be neutered.
On Newsmax already, they're very careful about talking about fraud.
So if they can steal an election in broad daylight, we see it with our own eyes, and then you're not allowed to talk about it.
This is the definition of a tyranny.
And some of the things that you can tell that it's a tyranny, not only do they steal an election and rub your face in it, then they forbid you to talk about it, they'll unperson you for talking about it, then all of the Uniparty is forced to say the Emperor's wearing great clothes when he's naked.
That's the point of McConnell and Bob Barr and these people coming out and paying their bride price, you know, that they have to prove their loyalty by putting their own knife into Trump visibly.
This is all part of it.
The Uniparty is unified around this fraud, and we peasants out there look at this naked emperor and all we can do is say, these clothes are beautiful.
Anybody that says it was a fraudulent election, you're going to be shut down.
But man, I totally agree with you, but the good news is they've been forced into the Uniparty, they've been forced into martial law, they've been forced into bringing out classical tyranny because they're weak, because they're not popular.
That's right, but it doesn't matter.
How popular is Kim Jong-un, really?
I mean, if there was, how do you know how popular a dictator is in Cuba when if you talk, you wind up on the Isle of Pines in a gulag?
They don't care if they're popular at this point.
They're going to remove us, but one of my ideas that I would like to get out there in advance is anticipate communications channels being shut down.
Anticipate it.
Anticipate people like myself and yourself Disappearing.
But your North Star, your guiding light, has to be the Bill of Rights.
This is an invalid, bogus administration, a tyranny that's so pervasive that it's got even judges and Republican rhinos scared to death.
But your North Star out there, if there's no more Infowars, there's no more conservative social media, is the Bill of Rights. When they say that you can't own a
gun that you owned for years, that you owned last year, and suddenly it becomes illegal,
and they say you have to register it, and it's going to be very scary because they're going to
have wall-to-wall public service announcements saying, you know, "Wives, don't go to jail
because your husband's foolish."
Call this amnesty number and we'll take care of it for you.
And he won't get that 10 years mandatory prison time.
It's going to be very, very ugly.
But we have to be strong inside and say, no, I will not register the guns.
But don't they know that that's going to force something, not like their little provocateur capital event, but it's going to force real people.
They're trying very hard and I believe that they knew about the Capitol riot or protest,
whatever you want to call it.
They opened the doors.
I think they were hoping for much worse.
The giveaway or the pre-tied zip ties, I think they were hoping for some kind of a hostage
situation inside that would have been much worse.
But they already had this military occupation geared up, so they went with it anyway, even
Even though the actual capital quote unquote occupation was a joke.
You know, the Q shaman walking into the Senate all by himself.
It's an absolute joke.
And so this huge overreaction with the military, they brought that National Guard from all 50 states.
This is a demonstration of force.
Not only to Americans, but to all the governors.
Let's say Florida or Texas says, no, we're not going to obey your gun laws.
We're going to be a sanctuary gun state.
The governors of these states know you might be seeing 30,000 National Guard troops arriving.
This was like a loyalty test for the chain of command.
When they call Alaska and say, send National Guard to Washington for an inauguration, that's a pledge of loyalty.
This isn't like a hurricane where they draw the forces from the east.
That's right.
They sent troops to support suppressing the American people after the left led a tiny riot out of hundreds of thousands of people.
Absolutely right, Matt.
They're making their move.
But I think they have to know that if they try this, states are going to secede and it's going to backfire on them.
I really think they're overplaying their hand.
Well, it's the Lennon quote, the worse the better.
They are still, you can see that this Q turned into the Operation Trust.
You know, they're using the Bolshevik playbook and they think that creating worse chaos will allow them to impose a worse tyranny.
Yeah, because the globalists themselves never get in trouble.
It's always their minions.
They just sit back and laugh at us.
How do we hold globalists accountable peacefully?
Well, I got to tell you, Matt Bracken is over the target again.
Alex Jones here back live.
This is a longer 10-minute segment, 12-minute segment here.
Lay all this out and what you see coming and what we can do.
How do we hold the globalists responsible that run this whole thing?
How do we fight them?
How do we expose them without getting tricked into violence?
And then in a continuum, they start arresting people, putting us in FEMA camps, which they're already doing in Europe, which China's doing.
At a certain point, we have to fight.
And then the question is, we think some governors would organize.
We want some governmental leadership because we can't just roll over to a total takeover.
Didn't the governor of Texas say something like, you know, his troops were being disrespected by making these, like, loyalty oaths?
Yeah, so they have some state reps as well.
They have some state reps as well.
They're saying they want Texas to secede.
And you know if Texas seceded, a bunch of others would.
But you've got the floor.
Go ahead and lay it out.
This is, in a way, it's a massive gaslighting.
You know, showing the mall full of flags was because they didn't have people there.
We know what it looks like when the mall is crowded.
We were there two weeks ago.
They couldn't fill that, so they filled it with flags.
But when the camera panned around, you could see that other than troops, they had maybe a couple hundred people at this inauguration.
They even had chairs set up in the main viewing area, just like a hundred feet from the stage, that were all six feet apart, that had like, you know, were set out for certain people, and they were empty.
So they, they, you know, the guy can't draw flies.
So, As they crack down on free speech, one of the last areas that's going to be acceptable is satire, sarcasm, and mockery.
That's why books like Gulliver's Travels were written, because you couldn't out-and-out say things about the king.
So you had to use an allegory.
So mocking them by calling him like the most popular president ever, you know, Mr. 80 million, when he can't even, he can't, you know, draw any kind of a crowd.
He never could.
And by the way, I was watching, I still have the floor, but of course I interrupt.
I was watching the body language of Obama and George W. when they left.
They all looked like it was a complete joke.
They all were like acting like this is pathetic.
Yeah, and for a while, Bill Clinton was nodding off.
He was actually, you know, the eyes were down.
He didn't do any of this, but practically.
You know, I think that our country is under an occupation now, and just because we're being gaslighted with this huge military martial law display, where we're supposed to just be too afraid to like, you know, wear the MAGA hat or admit you voted for Trump.
But I'm a big fan of these magnetic bumper stickers because you don't have to have them on your car all the time.
So I got one like this that I'm going to put on like this.
And I got this one too.
Stolen election.
You know, we can't just knuckle under like we're in North Korea, too afraid to say what we really think.
We've got to keep giving it to them.
And if it becomes incitement... No, I totally agree because they say the big litmus test is for radio stations now.
No one's allowed to question election fraud.
They said they were going to say it was a fraud and Trump won no matter what.
And it's people's right to say that, plus there's massive evidence.
So I agree.
I'm going to sell t-shirts at cost that say, stolen election 2020.
And where you are not allowed to say there was fraud, You can mock them by saying, you know, all good comrades agree this was the most fraud free election ever.
And then show a picture of Biden, you know, with the empty lawn in front of him.
Mr. 80 million.
I mean, it's such a joke.
It's literally putting it in our face, rubbing our face in it and saying, don't you dare talk about the truth.
We're Americans.
This is not how we operate.
We're not cowed like that.
But, you know, aside from coming for the guns soon, I can see as they start really rolling out the vaccine production, vaccines are going to become more and more mandatory.
You can't get on the airplane, you know, you're, eventually you won't be able to go anywhere in public unless you've got the vaccine card or the vaccine code on your phone.
And that's going to be another red line.
When they say you have to take the needle or else, that's going to be a place where people fight back.
And obviously we can't, you know, you can't reach out to the Bill Gates's and the George Soros's But in your own political chain of command, at the mayor and city council and the city manager level, anybody that says, I agree, you have to take the vaccine, they better be willing to face blowback.
And I would put things like thalidomide in their face and say, you're demanding that we take the vaccine.
If there are birth defects five years from now, you will be held responsible.
You will not be able to say, I was just following orders.
We will hold you responsible for any birth defects or sterility or any other consequences like that.
And another area where there's going to be extreme blowback They've already said they're stopping construction on the wall.
The next step is they'll just pull the Border Patrol away from the wall and allow Mexican cartels to come up with blowtorches and cut it down.
Then they won't allow it to be fixed.
You know, they're not going to protect the wall that exists.
There might as well be truck gates every, you know, quarter mile because they're going to allow the cartel to blowtorch it.
And then they're going to start bringing in masses of third world people and placing them in red states.
Just placing them there, like in Europe, saying, you've got to absorb this thousand, you've got to absorb these five hundred.
That's going to lead to massive resistance because this time we don't feel like it's a valid law.
We feel like this was being rammed down our throat.
In order to change the demographics so that the next time they won't even need to cheat because they're just going to bring in, you know, tens of millions.
And those are people that are fully dependent.
They're people that are fully dependent on the system that they can then control.
And the playbook we've seen in Europe, you're absolutely right, is now the playbook we're about to see.
And it's people that have never heard of the Constitution and couldn't give a damn less about the Bill of Rights.
All they know is where they come from, whichever political party, you know, rolls out the beer truck, you vote for them.
That's it.
And the Democrats are the ones rolling out the beer truck, you know, in the form of free medical, free education, free housing at our expense.
And this time, When people, half of the country considers this a stolen election, I think the real numbers are higher than the, I think they're saying 75% are Republican, something like that.
I think it's way higher than that, but people are afraid to say it.
Just afraid to say it.
There's been massive resistance to this.
I've seen polls in the 90s, a bunch in the 80s.
I saw the one at 74% you're talking about.
But be prepared for massive gaslighting and brainwashing.
While they close our communications channels down as incitement or seditious speech, they'll make it illegal.
They have no problem with making it illegal.
It'll be like the campus speech codes.
They're going to say, oh, well, you have a free speech zone.
Here's a website over here where if you get government permission, you can say whatever you like in this one little free speech zone.
Americans aren't going to tolerate that, but the North Star has to be the Bill of Rights.
We can read it because it was read simple for simple people.
You don't need the Supreme Court to interpret what free speech means or what the right to keep and bear arms means.
We read it ourselves.
And when they just start doing search and seizure, when they say, well, you don't have a right to keep guns without the government inspecting their safety.
No, that doesn't cut it.
That will never cut it.
And anybody that comes to the door to force a vaccine or make you get in line at work for a vaccine, or to say you have to register your guns or lose your job, Anybody that's enforcing those, I know we can't get them at the federal level.
They'll be in the green zone.
It's like Hunger Games.
You're absolutely right.
I want you to be able to elaborate on this.
I'm going to give you the next two segments if you want to, if you've got to go, Matt, that's fine, ahead of John Rappaport coming on, because I want you to be able to elaborate on the parallels to Hunger Games.
People say, oh, are they imitating Hunger Games?
No, that was just projecting out a futuristic version of what we've seen before in other communists and fascist regimes.
So we'll talk about that when we come back on the other side.
I also have a great parallel to what you were saying about The drug that made the little kids have tiny arms and tiny
legs. They got recalled.
The Flaminamides, they say the name?
The little guy.
Think about what happens with Monsanto Roundup.
They said you can drink, but the truth is you drink it, it'll kill you.
And when they finally tried to get the person that worked for Monsanto to drink it,
he wouldn't do it on camera.
So exactly, you want me to take a vaccine?
Sign a waiver form that you accept liability.
Oh, no, no, no, you won't do that.
So it's all intimidation. It's all crazy.
And I want to ask you when we come back, Matt, massive deaths from the vaccine, massive illnesses, side
How are they going to cover that up?
Once they're real in-game with vaccines that they knew were not really vaccines, these mRNA are classified as gene therapy.
We'll be right back with Matt Bracken of EnemiesForeignAndDomestic.com, and then John Rappaport is coming up.
We'll do one more segment with Bracken, then he'll take over for one more segment because I want to hear what he has to say, and then the great John Rappaport is coming up.
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And I want to salute and thank all the info warriors for your support over the years.
Don't get down about what's happened.
We're just a middle of a serious fight.
They had to steal the election because they're weak, not strong.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Welcome back.
Alex Jones here.
It's very clear that the higher level globalists let Trump get in.
Now, in hindsight, it's clear he actually won the election.
Now, it made the political class, it leaves them really mad.
They genuinely hated him.
And they did that to get the political class and liberals.
To break the rules, become totally criminal and authoritarian.
And now that Trump's gone, they will now use that very system against us.
That's been the talking point for several years.
As soon as Trump's gone, we've got to get his people.
We've got to go after them.
So we've got to reach out to these folks and explain how they've been manipulated, how we've all been played to a certain degree in that dialectic.
I want to get Bracken's brief take on that in a moment.
Let's go ahead and play a clip from a few years ago where the chief Monsanto lobbyist on Canadian TV saying he would drink Roundup.
Here it is.
I do not believe that glyphosate in Argentina is causing increases in cancer.
You can drink a whole quart of it and it won't hurt you.
You want to drink some?
We have some here.
I'd be happy to, actually.
Not really, but... Not really?
I know it wouldn't hurt me.
If you say so.
I have some glyphosate.
No, no, I'm not stupid.
Ah, okay, so you... So it's dangerous, right?
No, people try to commit suicide with it and fail fairly regularly.
Tell the truth.
It's not dangerous to humans.
No, it's not.
So are you ready to drink one glass?
No, I'm not an idiot.
Interview me about golden rice.
That's what I'm talking about.
Okay, then it's finished.
Then the interview is finished.
That's a good way to solve things.
That's an Argentine interviewer, but that was in Canada more like 12 years ago that
But that's what you're talking about putting this in people's face, right?
And I don't know when you see the big shots taking the vaccine, do you believe that it's
a vaccine or do you think it's saline solution?
Oh, it's totally fake.
We even know from the London Guardian and others 15 years ago that in China and Europe, quote, the elites get a quote, clean vaccine.
No, they weren't really taking the vaccine.
You know, um, two weeks ago I was doing a Saturday podcast with, um, my friend Fernando Aguirre, the modern survivalist.
And we were talking about this and on a YouTube live chat.
And in mid live chat, Everybody that was watching, everybody's screen went to the, you know, we now interrupt this program, like the little frowny face, the YouTube frowny face.
It's an AI takeover!
It just, because we said a few forbidden words like vaccine and overpopulation in the same paragraph, and it turns out the AI will just terminate you.
So the same programs that are running full-time on uploads to YouTube, are also running when you're talking on a phone.
They're already doing this in China.
You can be having a conversation in China and it just cuts because you started edging towards a political subject that they didn't like.
So this technology already completely fully exists.
And the totalitarians, the globalists, they think that the technology is going to carry them through all of the resistance and protests.
You know, when you look at the ability of, say, the National Socialists in the Second World War, they only had, like, primitive IBM punch cards to keep track of people.
You know, it's still a paper file system, basically.
They still had a little bit of resistance.
Now they think, well, we'll have a lot more resistance, but we have the tools to crack down much more efficiently.
That's right.
We can nip everything right in the bud.
So it doesn't matter what we think.
They'll make it illegal.
It'll be in the Sedition Act of 2021.
You won't be able to talk about vote fraud.
That's incitement.
You won't be able to talk about the vaccine.
You know, that'll be like a threat to the public health.
You know, that you're inciting people against taking the vaccine.
There are subjects that you will not be able to talk about.
And if you do, your conversation might either be directed to taking away your social credit score, or you might just be, you know, the conversation just stops.
And they admit that they are going to use the banning on cyberspace as the model for the real world.
And that's down where we're headed.
All right, one more segment with Matt Bragg and he'll take over and host the next segment.
He's got a lot more to say about how to stop this and what else he thinks is about to happen.
Plus, I have my question for him now.
I'll ask before I leave.
I think that we haven't had a false flag yet today.
I mean, maybe it's going to happen.
I pray it doesn't.
They were certainly saying one was coming.
I think we put so much attention on this and told Patriots don't go out and demonstrate on the 20th that we may have dodged a bullet, though that's knock on wood.
Let's see what happens back in 60 seconds with Matt Braggin.
I'm Alex Jones, NewsWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
You know, the main purpose of this display of naked power that we've seen over the last two
months from stealing an election, you know, the mass mail-in ballots, the fraud-o-matic
electronic voting machines.
The main part of this is to just cow people into submission.
That's why the airwaves are being blanketed with all of the Uniparty saying, there was no fraud.
Anybody that says there was fraud is inciting violence.
And you can tell coming down the pike is going to be a sedition act, where they're going to try to put teeth into this.
In a way, though, it's just a massive gaslight.
They want to shut down free speech.
If you can't say the words, eventually you can't think the words.
This is the point of the book 1984.
You take away the very words for certain expressions and thoughts, you can't even have the thoughts anymore.
And that's what's going on right now.
Yes, there is a fraud.
If they say it's illegal to speak about the fraud, then turn it right into mockery.
Turn it into mockery.
Say, yeah, they needed 25,000 troops to protect Biden because the Proud Boy Army was coming.
You know, just mock it.
And as far as this D.C.
martial law goes, there's some aspects of it that I think that people aren't really considering yet.
One of the biggest points of the whole exercise was to see if all 50 state governors would sign off on it.
Would South Dakota or Montana or Idaho say, nah, I don't think so.
I think you got enough troops there.
So this was, besides being a show of power to the Americans watching on television, This was a show of power to the governors, to all of the governors.
You can't resist.
When we order the National Guard to come for a political reason, the generals are going to click their heels and say, how many and where do you need them?
You know, this is something that Americans don't really understand very well, but our general officers, our flag ranks, generals and admirals, they're selected from a list that's put to the Senate.
And senators can blackball people off of the list.
Well, Republicans, the dumb party, they just treat it in a very laissez-faire way, like, well, I'm sure all these people are qualified, let the list go through.
The Democrats aren't like that.
They stuff the list with social justice warriors, and they line out people they know are conservative.
So, over the past, you know, couple decades, our general officer corps has been producing people like Stanley McChrystal, And John and General Petraeus, people who think we don't need semi-automatic weapons, you know, our own generals, they think it's should be only for the soldiers.
And now McChrystal is calling us all white males are potential domestic terrorists.
He compared America today after this capital fiasco to what he saw in Afghanistan with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Al Qaeda in Iraq.
He's saying we need a domestic, you know, Stasi army looking after these evil white men.
They are building up.
They're actually trying to, like, goad somebody into, like, an Oklahoma City type of an event.
And the reason for that is the Capitol, that joke at the Capitol, It may have been frightening to the Senators, not as frightening as having your business burned in Kenosha or in Portland or Seattle or New York, but it was pretty scary for them.
But it's not enough of an event for them to put on the full crackdown.
They're going to need either a false flag event, if they can manufacture one, or they're going to do, just try to goad conservative Americans into some kind of a reaction.
That's the goal right now.
And I don't see how it stopped.
Project Veritas, a couple years ago, had undercover interviews with a guy named Bob Kramer.
It's spelled like cream, but pronounced Kramer.
And it really showed the kinds of, the way that they use cutouts.
This guy Kramer had visited the Obama White House like a hundred times.
And he was filmed explaining how they, They recruit psychotic street people to disrupt Trump rallies.
This is how they do it.
Kramer didn't recruit the psychotic street actor.
Kramer had other people in the middle, cutouts.
But you can see how this was done.
Now, before the next false flag happens, the reason we talk about false flags so much is it's the best way to prevent a false flag is by casting spotlights on the concept so that people will have their antenna really tuned to how common this is.
At the Capitol, afterwards, in retrospect, looking at the videos, you can see all the tells of how many Antifa guys were there.
There are now videos showing Antifa guys outside the Capitol in the bushes Taking off their black sweatshirts and they've already got the red shirt underneath.
They went in there with a plan.
When you can see in some of the Inside the Capitol videos, half of the people in a room have a black base coat or black base clothing line.
This was Antifa.
And we fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
But we get more and more sophisticated as it goes on.
It was good to see a very limited turnout at these state capitals last weekend, which was another, you know, classic FBI honey trap.
Not too many people fell for it.
Most of the ones that were dressed as bogus boogaloo boys, you could tell they were Antifa.
They didn't have the, they no way were, you know, proud boy types.
They were Antifa playing at being boogaloo boys.
So, we've got to be very smart about this, much more sophisticated in looking for agent provocateurs and being aware of the probability of a false flag.
You know that guy with the funny hat right there?
That's the guy who smashed the window, then Ashley Babbitt was thrown through, virtually pushed through the window.
He was handed the helmet by another guy on that landing.
And we still don't, and the FBI still hasn't arrested that guy.
That guy with the furry hat, he's the helmet guy who smashed the window.
He hasn't been arrested.
Either the FBI is the most incompetent bungling organization on the planet, or the guy's probably an FBI confidential informant or some type of an asset, a cutout.
You know, not necessarily on the payroll, but he's an asset of a confidential informant You know, and this Ashley Babbitt thing?
They saw her outside.
They saw her as a Q fanatic.
God bless her soul.
But she probably thought they were Q generals leading her on a secret mission because she was primed and eager to jump through that window after the fur hat guy broke the window with his helmet.
This was a setup all the way.
And we walked into it.
We walked into it, we weren't ready for it.
But I'll tell you one thing, anybody comes to a business after this, the Capitol Police have shown us the way.
If somebody's breaking into your business, shoot them in the neck as they're coming through the door.
It's good enough for our government, it's good enough for us.
And another thing about this, the show of force in Washington this week, Somebody I know, a friend of his, a three-star general, went to visit a son who was an officer with a National Guard unit in uniform.
Three-star general.
He had two guys assigned to him not to protect him.
This is inside the Green Zone.
Not to protect him, but to keep an eye on him as a suspicious character.
The military is being turned into a Praetorian Guard.
2,000, I've heard 2,500 or 2,000 National Guard were deputized as U.S.
Marshals and given arrest powers.
Now, do you think that they were randomly chosen from the National Guard or were they chosen after some kind of a loyalty test?
This is really disgusting and I don't know what it's going to take.
At what point will the military say, you know what, the next time the National Guard is going to be sent five states for a political reason, We're just not going to play.
This is extremely dangerous.
But don't give up.
Don't quit.
Keep your eye on the Bill of Rights.
That's your guiding light.
That's your North Star.
No matter what laws are passed, if all the communications are cut, if all the lines of communication go down, the Bill of Rights is still the Bill of Rights.
Hello, everybody.
John here.
I thought I would celebrate the Biden inauguration by putting myself in a virtual loft, as you can see behind me, in a virtual city that is on virtual lockdown.
And my refrigerator is stocked with virtual food because it was, of course, a virtual inauguration after a virtual election.
And I want to expand on this notion of incitement as the strategy.
I have an article ready to go on this at NoMoreFakeNews.
It won't be published for a few days.
But the principle of the thing is very devious and needs to be well understood.
All goes back, of course, to First Amendment.
We have the Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, John Fetterman, on video saying that any statement to the effect that the election in Pennsylvania was stolen or that it was rigged is not only false, but it is not protected speech.
Not protected speech.
Which is really an unbelievable statement to make.
In other words, he's saying You're not guaranteed to be free to say this by virtue of the First Amendment.
He said making that kind of statement about stolen election is tantamount to shouting fire in a crowded theater.
Get that?
That's his premise.
Of course, he's completely wrong.
I can't believe he actually thinks this, but he asserted it very strongly.
And there's nothing to back it up.
But this is the strategy.
The idea is that if somebody writes or says the election was stolen, it was rigged, then that could be considered incitement for someone else To commit a violent act, to break the law, to commit a crime.
And therefore, not only the criminal could be prosecuted, but the person making the statement could be prosecuted on that basis.
So, to give you an illustration of how this might work, suppose for example that I made that statement in writing.
The election in the following six days was completely stolen and rigged.
And here's how it was done, etc, etc, etc, etc.
And then somebody, we don't know who, is watching this or reads this statement that I wrote, and they jot it down in a notebook.
And then six days later, they have that notebook in their pocket, and they're packing heat And they try to scale the fence at the White House with a gun.
And they're arrested.
And the FBI searches them and finds the notebook and finds the statement and traces it back to me.
And now I'm going to be prosecuted for incitement in a federal offense.
A serious, grievous federal offense.
That's the strategy.
That's the idea.
To hook up a statement that in no way is promoting violence, in fact making a statement of fact, and then linking that to somebody who supposedly is in the process of or actually commits a violent crime.
And that's the attempt to silence people.
To shut them down, to say, not only is this not protected speech under the First Amendment, but you could be prosecuted as incitement.
And this is the whole purpose of the Capitol break-in and all of the follow-on news from major media outlets and the hysteria that was pumped up about insurrection.
And the People's House, the sanctimonious sudden statement by the various denizens of the House of Representatives and the Senate, who are suddenly holy members of the People's House in Congress, and all of this baloney that is being sliced in order to give this impression That again, these attempts at, quote, insurrection are so widespread and that all Trump supporters are guilty automatically of some kind of participation in or incitement of the Capitol break-in, including Trump.
Therefore, any statements could be considered to be incitement to violence.
Now, there are court cases that deny this because judges, even judges, feel embarrassed about making that kind of call.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
And even lawyers know it's ridiculous.
Because under that principle, you can accuse, prosecute, persecute people for saying or writing anything.
Absolutely anything.
And claim that it gave rise to somebody later deciding to commit an act of violence.
There is no boundary on any of this.
Absolutely none.
And that's what happens when you open the door to this kind of insanity, which was opened in order to make it easier and more celebratory to usher in the Presidency of Joe Biden to say that the inauguration is coming on the heels, you see, of this attempt to violently overthrow the government of the United States, which is completely absurd.
I mean, last week I detailed the 1983 bombing, the bomb that was set off By a violent revolutionary group called M-19 inside the Capitol in November of 1983.
And that this person who was connected to that group, Susan Rosenberg, who was put in jail on another related charge for 58 years on explosive charges, was eventually pardoned by Bill Clinton And many years later came to serve on the board of Thousand Currents, an organization that does extensive fundraising and administration for Black Lives Matter.
So it's cherry picking time.
Who are you going to prosecute for doing acts or making statements that you claim are incitements to violence?
That's the strategy.
That's the approach.
Whereas any statement about an election being stolen or election fraud, these are either opinions or there's evidence and statement of fact.
I mean, it's like anything else.
Okay, so I want to continue this thread from the last segment here.
Of course, the banning of people from social media like Twitter and Facebook and so on who say The election was stolen or rigged, so forth, is part of this strategy of, oh, we have to ban these people because these statements could be incitements to violence, etc., etc., etc.
So that's their strategy.
We have to ban people who make dangerous statements.
And they're also saying, well, if you're on social media and you say, The vaccine, the COVID vaccine, is harmful and so we could ban you for that.
If you say the pandemic is fake, we could ban you from that, for that reason.
Because then, of course, you're saying the lockdowns are unnecessary.
So, I hope you'll bear with me now.
Screw your brains in real tight on this because if we follow that logic, I would say That Facebook and Twitter should immediately ban the New York Times.
And I've written an article on this at NoMoreFakeNews, and you can check the citations and the sources and find this for yourself.
And if you agree, you could go on social media and demand that Facebook and Twitter, etc., ban the New York Times for the following reasons.
And there are two.
First was an opinion piece that was published, I'm going to say now a couple of months ago, about the clinical trials of the COVID vaccine while they were taking place, and that would have been Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca, all three clinical trials.
And the authors of that piece made a very convincing case for the following.
The clinical trials were designed to only show that the vaccine might provide protection against mild cases of COVID, such as a cough or chills and fever, but were not designed to show that a vaccine could protect against serious illness Hospitalization or death.
Get it?
And there were reasons for stating what I just stated and I've explained them in other articles.
That's a major claim because who cares about a cough and chills and fever?
They naturally cure themselves and you certainly don't need a vaccine to protect yourself against that.
So the whole idea, even if you believe in the theory of vaccination, even if you believe that the COVID vaccine ought to be protected, even if, no matter what you believe, the clinical trials of the vaccine on which their approval by the FDA was based, emergency approval, was for a completely different reason.
Completely different reason.
It was to prevent, you know, nothing.
Nothing of importance.
So that's the first thing that the New York Times published.
All right?
The second thing, quite some time ago, months ago, was another piece they published based on a large study that showed that up to 90% of all Americans Who had been diagnosed as being infected with the virus based on the PCR test were likely to be false positives.
Likely to be false positives.
Because of the way the test was set up to run and so on and so forth.
I've explained all that in great detail on the show here and in articles.
But that was the force of the opener of the article, which then went on to contradict itself, of course, and say, but the solution to this heavy problem is more testing.
But the cap was let out of the bag in that article because if 90% or up to 90% of people in America since the beginning who have been diagnosed as infected and therefore cases of COVID were not really cases at all and it was all false positive, then you could say that quote the pandemic really only consisted of 10% Of the figures that were being touted by the CDC.
In which case, we were just living through another flu season.
And no masks, no distancing, no lockdowns, no anything was required except to continue living out in the open and working as we do through every flu season.
So those are the two articles in the New York Times.
That, listen up, if any independent source had come up with this information and published it or referred to it on social media, they could be banned.
They could be censored.
They could be taken off.
But this wasn't just any independent person.
This was the New York Times.
Therefore, Logically speaking, based on what Facebook and Twitter are now doing, and other social media, they should ban the New York Times, because the New York Times has published inflammatory pieces that would erode public confidence in what public health officials are telling them about, quote, the pandemic.
Would create an entirely different picture of the vaccine and the extent to which people are actually infected.
And this must not be permitted by the very rules that social media have set up themselves.
So get busy and demand for the reasons that I've outlined here.
And you can find the citations in my article at nomorefake.com.
Demand that Facebook and Twitter and so forth ban the New York Times.
Let's see where that goes.
And in fact, when you think about it, and I have, you can find many articles that have been published in the mainstream, what I would call one-offs.
Where some light is exposed for five minutes and then it's shut down.
About COVID fraud.
About the election.
Etc, etc.
And you could demand that Facebook and Twitter ban that media outlet for making inflammatory and incitatory statements.
Start a campaign.
Find many reasons why, quote, respected media outlets ought to be completely banned by Facebook and Twitter based on those social media policies that have been developed, they say, in order to counter Trump supporters and insurrectionists.
And extreme right-wingers, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.
Well, that policy applies across the board, my friends.
Anywhere you find anybody who is making statements that the social media would not approve of, you should point that out and demand that they be stricken from the record immediately on social media.
And keep on demanding it.
Until we have a flood of what I would call exposure through social media that reveals their policies to be completely insane, lunatic, criminal, etc.
Policies of censorship.
Okay, we're back here for another segment.
John Appleport, InfoWars.
I want to switch subjects now to something that's a question, basically.
And the question is, at the highest levels, okay, that's the important phrase here, at the highest levels, are Antifa and QAnon part of the same operation?
Okay, that's the question.
What are they selling?
How are they selling it?
What's the purpose?
What's the aim?
To me, They give off the whiff of major intelligence type operations at the highest levels.
Let's take each one of them.
What stories have been sold since the beginning of this phenomenon?
Rescue from above is coming.
It's coming soon.
Tremendous changes are taking place.
The President is intimately involved.
So is the military.
They are making mass, mass, mass, mass arrests of the most heinous high-level criminals in the world, and they will all be brought to justice and prosecuted, etc., and punished for their crimes, etc., etc., etc.
And with the selling of this story, there is also the sort of subsidiary conclusion.
Watch the show.
It's going to happen.
It's already in progress.
You don't need to do anything.
All you need to do is to have hope because the people in charge I'm making this work.
It's going to happen.
But then you see, we thought it was going to happen six months ago, but because of various factors, it's not going to be six months.
It's going to be next month.
And then it doesn't happen next month.
And then we'll wait a minute.
It's going to be actually in August, but no, September, certainly October, it'll be before the election.
What didn't happen, all of this did not come, the rescue did not arrive from above, ultimately freeing all of this before the election.
But that was because we needed to show that the election was a complete fraud and now we have all that evidence and it's going to be revealed and the servers are going to be exposed and we're going to lay out all the information, etc, etc.
And then, well, This didn't happen by November 15th, but by the 30th.
And then no, actually, but before the inauguration, certainly in the two days, you know, the inauguration already happened.
And that's not the end of it.
Are you kidding?
The story continues to be sold.
It's still going to happen.
Biden will still be removed from office on and on and on and on.
Continuously moving the goalposts and therefore putting the people who buy these stories into a very, let's say, unusual state of mind.
And one of those primary states of mind, without a doubt, is, and I'll use the term, pacification.
And I mean that in the sense in which it was used during the Vietnam War.
We have to pacify the population of Vietnam, which means bombard them in such a way, in that case, you know, with destruction so that they will be submissive and they won't raise a whimper.
In this case, it's more through the selling of a story.
Which you could call mind control, a PSYOP, etc, etc, whatever, whatever, whatever.
But the effect on many people who buy the story is pacification, which means as patriots, we don't have to do anything.
We just have to sit back and watch the show.
It's going to happen.
Our action is not required.
We do not need to resist.
Uh, the brutal COVID lockdowns.
We do not need to resist the other restrictions and the destruction of the economy on untold numbers of businesses and lives, etc, etc, etc, that I've been talking about and others have been talking about ceaselessly for months.
We can put that on hold because rescue is coming from above.
Therefore, the people who buy these QAnon stories In that sense, are pacified.
That's always an objective, a purpose of high level intelligence agency propaganda operations.
Now let's move over to Antifa.
At the highest levels there, what's the story being sold?
Well, there's several stories being sold, but one of them is be afraid.
Huddle in your homes.
If you speak out against our story, our policy, our actions, our violence, then you'll be the target.
And this would be broadcast not only to just people at large, and say Trump supporters, but also to politicians, to judges, even to Supreme Court judges.
Who would be called upon to look at cases that pertain to, say, the election and so on and so forth.
So there we're talking about overtly violent activity.
But again, if you look at the high level story and message that's being promoted, what is the aim of that message as well?
To get people to huddle in fear and to become pacified.
To submit.
To say, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
I'm not going to say anything.
I'm not going to do anything.
I'm just going to shut up.
I'm going to remain silent.
No harm, no foul.
Or even if there is harm, no foul.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
So you've got two of what look like completely different vectors coming from completely different directions, telling what seem to be completely different stories, both of which have a very synthetic feel to them, like these movements have been cooked up out of, you know, Some kind of funding, some kind of spread of propaganda that is not entirely organic, shall we say, and grassroots, but is made to appear that way.
And both of these stories, from groups that you would say are diametrically opposed to each other, have the same basic objective.
Pacification of the population.
Let's just sit here and let events flow by.
We're not involved.
We have no stake in the game.
Whatever is decided upon is going to be either great or the best we can thrive at.
And that's all there is to it.
We're not really in a war for freedom here.
Don't talk to me about that, etc, etc, etc, etc.
The earmark of high-level intelligence agency type operations or operations that are infiltrated by intelligence agencies.
Because if you've been Watching, listening to InfoWars and reading No More Fake News, you certainly know that if anything is required on our part in these times, it is action.
All kinds of action.
And for example, I've been suggesting and more than suggesting for months now, That people who really want freedom have to devise and cook up and implement every possible way that they can open up the economy on their own.
Sideways, inside out, upside down, whatever it is.
Because it's not going to be reliably open for us.
And that is one point of attack that we have to participate in because otherwise these wrecked economies are going to send everybody down the drain.
Okay, that's the report for this week.
All is far from lost.
The war is on.
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Without you, we will not be on air.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Let's go ahead and talk to Diana in Michigan.
You're on the air, thanks for holding.
Hi, welcome.
Okay, I want to plug your Infowars mask, although I know that we are all against masks and that it's just basically a symbol of, you know, conformity and enslavement, but I want to say every time I go out wearing it when I go out to you
know, shop at grocery stores or whatnot, at least one person every single time
compliments me on the mask.
They're like, "Oh, Alex Jones, I love him."
And then I let them know, go to band.video, B-A-N-N-E-D.video because sometimes when I
say band.video, they think B-A-N-D.
So I make sure to clarify that, but almost every single time I go out, I get compliments
on that.
So it's definitely spreading the word and you know, so it doesn't inhibit my breathing.
And I wear it underneath my nose and it's kind of like, lets people know that I don't
really believe in the mask either.
I'm wearing it just because I have to.
I live in Governor Whitmer's horrible state.
But I do want to say that I did see one other person wear it at first earlier this year
when you first came out with it.
And I literally got brought to tears because I saw another person that believes like I
do and I didn't feel all alone out in this world.
And it meant so much to me to see someone taking action.
So I went ahead and ordered one for myself.
I swear to God, and I just had a baby too on the 7th of December.
I've been working towards mastering the whole time of, you know, like, when I was in the hospital, and I just had to make sure that I'm putting that message out there, and it really makes an impact.
And we, like, have big, long conversations with, like, the workers at these different grocery stores and other customers and stuff, and it really is a feeling of empowerment to see that there are other people out there thinking like you, that you're not all alone.
So even though I don't believe in the math, it's a great statement to get it out there to the rest of the world.
Anna, I'm so glad you got through.
God bless you and congratulations on that new wonderful life that you have brought into the world.
And I only wish the best for your new baby.
I'm glad she called because this is bigger than Alex Jones and this is one of my frustration points in my mind that people don't seem to get.
And when I've in general talked about Pharisees, I'm not talking about any particular individual.
I'm talking about the way a Pharisee brain works is Very one-dimensional.
Like, you say the masks are a fraud and cause bacterial pneumonia.
You say they don't protect you.
You say they're a symbol of slavery.
Then what are you doing selling masks?
Well, when we launched them, I made the decision to print it with Infowars.com so if you're on a plane or in a restaurant where it's a private place and they're making you do it and you need to go there for whatever reason, you wear it to fight back and then use the abuse like a judo move.
They attack you, you use their momentum to throw them through the wall.
Separately, you remember me in the last six months ahead of the election saying we're trying to sell all the products out at discount prices because we're not going to even have that much stuff in the warehouse the new year because if Biden steals the election, they plan to shut us down.
Well, you now see that all over the news.
Arrest Alex Jones.
Shut Alex Jones down.
That's why if you want to go to InfoWarsTore.com and get a t-shirt or get a book or get the supplements, I would suggest you stock up now.
We need to bring in as much money as we can to operate into the future if we have our banking taking away, which they've already done at many levels, but now they're closing in for the full takeover.
And look, don't worry, you'll be joining me.
They plan to never turn the U.S.
economy back on, never take their boot off your neck.
The U.S.
is slated for total destruction.
Now, there may still be time to turn this around, but I just want you to know, in what could be some of our last broadcast here, where this is going.
If I was you, we've got 2020 prices on storable food.
The prices, they've extended until Friday.
Then they will go up.
People are buying food at an explosive rate.
Go to preparewithalex.com.
That takes you right to the sub-page of infowarstore.com, where you'll find the best deals in the industry on high-quality, fresh, storable food the last 25 years with great packaging.
One-year supply is up to $850 off last year.