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Name: 20210119_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 19, 2021
2392 lines.

In a segment discussing civil unrest after the 2020 presidential election, Alex Jones discusses globalists attempting to manipulate humanity through deception and urges people to align with either their plan or God's. The speaker covers topics such as events at the U.S Capitol, authoritarian tactics by journalists and anti-fascists on social media, Agenda 2030, Joe Biden's inauguration, the threat of the New World Order, and attacks on nation-states. They promote Pollen Block, a natural antihistamine, and mention increased security presence in Washington D.C due to populism fears.

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They were just on Fox News announcing that now Big Tech's going to ban more presidents and prime ministers from the internet.
And that only the UN is allowed to speak.
And only major corporations.
This is a planetary takeover.
And now the UN is out saying they need hundreds of billions of dollars right now to feed the billions that are on the verge of starvation that millions have already died because of the COVID lockdown.
And that the third world is now collapsing when they are the ones that engineered this with the Communist Chinese and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on record.
It's called Operation Lockstep.
And the whole rollout of the Global ID and the vaccine travel passports and all of this is designed by the Rockefeller Foundation.
We're going under the Great Reset and the enemy just thinks we're idiots and they're just going to carry it out.
This is a mass crime.
We need our legislatures.
We need our good congresspeople.
We need our pastors.
We need our fathers and mothers and everybody to mobilize against this now while there is still time.
It's only gonna get worse the more we play along with each phase of it that rolls out its takeover.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The world's population is projected to reach 11 billion by the end of the century.
Feeding that many people will be a challenge.
And it is further complicated by the impact of climate change on agriculture.
That is why some people advocate an unusual way to boost the food supply and feed people sustainably, by eating less meat and more insects.
We have to prepare for a more angry world.
And how to prepare?
It means to take the necessary action to create a fairer world.
The global government reset, wanting to make you poor, wanting to make you sick, wanting to make you dead, is out in the open!
And we're going to fight back, not with deadly poison vaccines, not with chemtrails, not with pedophilia, not with all the aggressive New World Order that the globalists attack us with, but with love and justice and freedom and boycotts and civil disobedience and promoting the truth and free speech!
Gatti exposes Twitter's plans to scale the censorship that we are currently experiencing here in the U.S.
Gatti says they're doing this because of the violence that has unfolded as a result of, quote, either misleading information or coded rhetoric.
We wonder which leaders will be banned next.
Another question that we saw was just around the global application of this and how we can ensure consistency.
One of the interesting things is a lot of the work that we've been doing over the last week is work that we've built on in other places around the world where we've seen violence unfold as a result of either misleading information or coded rhetoric.
So a lot of our learnings here have come from other markets.
So in that sense, we do feel like this is our global approach.
We need to be very focused on being able to enforce any of these policies or enforcement
decisions we make at scale.
So they had hundreds of thousands of people there.
Trump said go to the Capitol, be peaceful.
None of the media shows you that.
I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.
Hundreds of thousands came to the Capitol.
They're there.
Antifa was already there in the morning before Trump even spoke, starting a fight.
Trump's a mile and a half away.
They begin to attack.
And then the Boogaloos, which again are quote right-wing, but they're against the Proud Boys and they want a civil war.
This is the Boogaloo Boys.
The guys behind me, myself, we're out here supporting the local BLM scene and the Boogaloo Boys.
And we're probably going to piss off a bunch of Trumpers today, but it's easy to piss them off, though.
Posing as them, they then come and attack and hand out weapons and knock the few cops down that had their numbers cut that day.
They've been told to be on traffic control around the city.
And then the crowd of hundreds of thousands doesn't know what's going on, but we have all the videos of patriots beating up Antifa and Boogaloos, not letting them get in.
But it didn't matter.
Once the doors were open, the people went in.
A few hundred, they followed the velvet ropes.
Here is the goofy guy, you know, with the bison horns on his head that was non-violent.
Maybe he gets a trespassing ticket, 500 bucks.
Maybe he does a week of community service.
No, he's still in jail.
Last time I heard, he's charged with all sorts of evil.
Here he is, walking into the Senate.
Fucking A man!
Glad to see you guys.
You guys are fucking patriots.
Look at this guy.
He's got covered in blood.
God bless you.
You good sir?
Do you need medical attention?
I'm good, thank you.
I got shot in the face.
Where are you?
I got shot in the face with some kind of plastic bullet.
Any chance I can get you guys to leave the senate waiting?
We will.
I've been making sure I ain't disrespecting the place.
Okay, I just want to let you guys know this is like the sacredest place.
I know, I know.
It's sacred.
And so, because it's the will of the people, right?
And a few minutes later, another dozen or so show up, but the one cop's able to get them to leave.
So you just saw the most deadly attack in U.S.
You just saw Something bigger than the Trojan War, bigger than World War II, bigger than World War I, bigger than the Civil War.
You just saw what America has to end.
We are now exactly 24 hours out from the globalist, shycom, New World Order, pedophile agent, Joe
Biden, after stealing the election, being installed as the 46th president of the United
And the globalists are going to come after us in ways you have never even imagined.
They are going to indebt the population, shut down all the major infrastructures, and consolidate power.
If you think in the last year with the whole COVID martial law hoax, big tech doubling its money and the big banks doubling their profits, if you think that was bad, just wait until you see what is coming next.
Now, this is a report that the great Harrison Smith put together two and a half years ago that is more pertinent now than it was back then.
And then I'm going to go over all the latest news and developments and what is about to unfold.
It's titled, This is Why They Banned Alex Jones.
We're going to play it in a moment.
This was all in one rant, in one segment.
Basically unedited.
He just added documents and videos to it.
And you can see when I lay out this brainstorm that that's where we are today.
And how they are training us and maneuvering us for total tyranny.
They were just on Fox News announcing that now Big Tech's going to ban more presidents and prime ministers from the internet.
And that only the UN is allowed to speak.
And only major corporations.
This is a planetary takeover.
And now the UN is out saying they need hundreds of billions of dollars Right now, to feed the billions that are on the verge of starvation that millions have already died because of the COVID lockdown.
And that the third world is now collapsing when they are the ones that engineered this with the Communist Chinese and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on record.
It's called Operation Lockstep.
And the whole rollout of the Global ID and the vaccine travel passports and all of this is designed by the Rockefeller Foundation.
That was in the New York Times this week.
I told you this a year ago.
But there they are, running our lives.
It's unbelievable.
Meanwhile, John Hopkins has come out, that's actually run by the Gates operation, and admitted that the lockdown's killing more people than it saves, and admitting that we're going into a global economic depression.
So out of one side of their mouth in the fine print, they admit what they're doing, but then they continue it.
This is murderous, modern warfare, all laid out.
Klaus Schwab set this four years ago.
I remember reading 15 years ago about Agenda 21, 20 years ago.
Hell, they rolled it out back in 1992 at Rio de Janeiro, but I remember people really got into it.
25 years ago, I'd have Dr. Michael Kaufman on, rest his soul, great professor in Patriot.
And he would lay out all the plans.
To have transgenders and break up the family and take us off the land and make us obsolete and put us in 200 square foot apartments.
And how they would use disease, the threat of disease, to have forced inoculations and how they were going to collapse the borders and bring in world government because of the crisis because they admit all of this.
He just brought the documents to my attention.
The UN is public about all of this.
So don't live in denial.
You are under assault.
And it's all about you thinking the people that are attacking are actually your friends.
They launch the attacks, they get rich, they consolidate power, and you get totally enslaved.
So we're going to air this report, and then I'm going to come back and lay out the cold hard facts.
Trump's going to leave tomorrow.
You're going to see him leave.
There's not mass arrest happening.
If there's any mass arrest, it'll be a Patriots once Biden's in.
This whole thing was a giant setup, a pacification operation, Operation Trust 2.0.
And I have a lot of people mad at me, but you won't be mad tomorrow when you see that I told you the truth.
You'll be very, very sad.
We had a poll on InfoWars.com over the weekend with tens of thousands of people that clicked on it.
I don't know if we ever had a chance to pull that up.
Should have done an article about it where we can repost it and have people vote again.
And over 45% thought that everyone's being mass arrested and Trump's going to stay in office.
Absolutely incredible that, you know, 27% thought Biden will get in, but then be removed, or this percent thought that, but 40 plus percent, 45 plus percent of tens of thousands of people that voted believe that Trump is going to be still there in office.
It's not true.
And the election was stolen and they are putting a Chai Com agent in that no one likes.
He's totally unpopular.
They're having hundreds of thousands of flags put up to represent people at his full inauguration.
Everything's virtual now.
This is the mass gaslighting.
So we're going to have to wake up to the facts and just realize that we have to dig in now and fight the globalists because we're going under Agenda 2020.
We're going under the Great Reset and the enemy just thinks we're idiots and they're just going to carry it out.
This is a mass crime.
We need our legislatures.
We need our good congresspeople.
We need our pastors.
We need our fathers and mothers and everybody to mobilize against this now while there is still time.
It's only going to get worse the more we play along with each phase of it that rolls out its takeover.
So here's the report.
It's also posted to Band.Video.
This is why they banned Alex Jones from two plus years ago.
Transmissions from deep in the heart of Texas and U.S.
resistance against a global corporate combine empowered and funded by Communist China allied with the big mega banks that set up Communist China in 1949.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of U.S.
telecommunications infrastructure.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of Hollywood.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of the main universities.
This is all confirmed.
This is not a drill.
Big Tech in Silicon Valley is almost completely run by the Communist Chinese government.
They've officially become state-run.
Apple 100%.
Google is now making the transition and announcing a merger and total worldwide censorship.
They are now beta testing using me as the straw man, a demonized version of Alex Jones, to do that.
This is happening.
This is not like the other probes before that were meant to get you used to probes and censorship, thinking you would adapt to censorship by just putting up with it.
Now this attack is thousands and thousands and thousands of times the magnitude of all previous attacks.
This is a titrated dose, reverse psychological warfare operation using adapt and overcome, subversion, paradigm manipulation.
In layman's terms, they are manipulating the fact that we adapt to being oppressed.
We adapt to being pressed with the low dosages of oppression.
Now, when the megaton hits us of the total takeover, we try to adapt to the poison infusion instead of not knowing.
It's a lethal dose if we accept the dose.
Total Internet of Things integration, global social score, complete command and control system.
It is the virtual reality AI.
weapons system now attacking the United States with traitors inside the major security agencies
blocking Trump's resistance of the program and attempting to stop us from removing the tentacles
of the Chai Com slash Big Tech hanging combine emergency situation. I have been chosen for
destruction because I brought you this information and have been battering ramming it out as much as
I can. They want to double use me as they always do in any complex system of mathematical deception
where every angle of my good is turned against us.
So they take what I've said, being sincere, build me into an insincere person in the straw man.
I'm a person that cares about life and children, and is against these wars, and so they make me a herder of children.
And then they build me into this lie to then set the distraction while they're actually censoring all of you to make a debate about Alex Jones.
So even if I didn't sell out to them, they'd now use me as an archetype to serve them by being the main distraction.
I have now been captured by the enemy in the information warfare fulcrum and is being used against you.
Only your full understanding of this key will break you free from this paradigm.
I have given you the transmission!
Now break free!
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
All right, I want to talk about the big issues when we come back and then specifically what's about to happen in the Capitol and the incredible reports and footage that our team on the ground there is getting.
But being delusional and thinking that Donald Trump can save us is not gonna happen.
We got Trump elected despite their fraud.
We have the populist movement worldwide.
And so many people that were kind of new to waking up are now about to have an incredibly rude awakening when Trump is gone tomorrow.
And I suspect they'll get even more delusional and think that Joe Biden is, you know, a hologram or something and that Trump's still president.
I mean, this has happened before, okay?
I'm gonna break it down when we come back.
Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m.
in the morning until 6 p.m.
in the evening, InfoWars has live transmissions with Harrison Smith, yours truly, Alex Jones, 11 to 3.
Owen Schroer, 3 to 6.
And we are going to add some more broadcasts and more shows, hopefully in the future, but right now we are just dealing with the martial law globalist takeover.
Who knows that we'll be here soon.
I mean, it's that bad when they're censoring presidents and prime ministers around the world, when Big Tech is spying on everyone, when the UN is in control.
I mean, we're in world government.
We've been hit by this attack.
And we have to recognize that we've been hit by this attack and declare our independence against it and say we'll not submit to it.
When I say 1776 versus 1984, I mean a culture of liberty and freedom worldwide versus this Orwellian 1984 system.
I've seen the Boogaloos that are pro-BLM and pro-revolution, pro-Civil War, say that You know, well, Jones, you say 1776?
Yes, and I've been very clear about what 1776 means.
If you think ransacking the Capitol and acting like idiots and beating up some cops made us look good and advance the ball for freedom in this country and the world, well, then I can't even try to tell you which side is up.
I mean, I can't help you.
But we know the feds are leading these organizations and groups, provocateuring them.
Have you seen any arrest of the Boogaloos?
When they're on Twitter and everywhere, able to operate saying, we're gonna go and we're gonna take over the Capitol.
And then they went and they did it.
And they're really a leftist group, the media calls right wing, that works with BLM.
They go, oh, we're just for BLM's, you know, free speech and everything.
Well, great, they got their free speech.
They got $10.6 billion.
George Soros created them.
They're an arm of the Democratic Party.
And now you're their paramilitary security.
Wow, that's great.
You're really the resistance.
Yeah, you're really the rebellion.
The rebellion against God and humanity and freedom.
Oh, we saw your accelerationism at the Capitol, didn't we?
And it set us back light years.
But you're the security for the Democratic Party's BLM, so...
Oh, and then when the Governor Whitmer looks like she's having a problem up in Michigan, oh, you get some of your wound-up idiots to go out and try to kidnap her, so she can look like a hero.
You're there to help the deep state run false flags.
I'm done talking about that.
You notice they've arrested Enrique Tarrio, who's a good guy.
You notice they've sent the FBI out for Joe Biggs, all the rest of the stuff going on.
Because they didn't do anything.
Because they're innocent.
I'll guarantee you, the FBI runs Antifa, and I guarantee you, that's why they say, they don't exist, Antifa doesn't exist.
And that's why they first said, through a false statement they later retracted, that the Proud Boys are a terrorist group, because anybody that stands up for this country legitimately against the shycom takeover is shut down.
Those that serve the system are Protected and defended.
So, we are the resistance to the New World Order.
We are the rebels.
We are 1776.
We're against the shutdowns.
We're against the lockdowns.
We're against the gun confiscation.
We're against the pedophile rings that have all been exposed by Trump and by us.
Jeffrey Epstein, the rest of it.
Who we got coming on today?
James Sullivan, brother of John Sullivan.
The Antifa ringleader that said he was going to bring 100 Antifa to DC to overthrow the Capitol.
He did it!
And out of hundreds of thousands of people, he got a couple hundred to go in with him and kind of take selfies and the rest of it.
You know the rest of the story.
But the reason I'm harping on this is they're going to use the narrative that patriots did the Capitol and call it the biggest insurrection in history.
When it was a dud.
Thank God.
And turn that around to turn the entire anti-terrorism apparatus on us and ban free speech completely, even in the streets of America, and we can't allow that to happen!
And we can't have a bunch of accelerationists, FBI informants, and PSYOP experts from the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL go out and wind up a bunch of idiots into Tim McVeigh Part 2 Elohim City!
I cut my teeth exposing all this!
I cut my teeth, people like General Partin, the former head of Air Force Weapons Development, that came on the ground to expose Oklahoma City as a staged event.
I got interviews with people on death row that no one else got with McVeigh about how he was in a Secret Army unit and set up with the bombing.
I know this inside and out, one way, another, every angle you can imagine.
And that's the bottom line.
I know what I'm seeing.
I know what's going on.
And that's going to be Biden's strategy, just like it was the Clinton strategy and the Obama strategy, but on steroids to stage bombings and shootings and blame it on the Liberty Movement.
You get ready for that.
That's the next phase.
And so we've got to get out front on this now.
Now to the Q people.
I'm going to explain something to you.
I'm not trying to win a popularity contest.
When 9/11 happened and there was evidence the government bare minimum let it happen,
I went on air and I exposed it.
Not because it was popular to say that, but because it was true.
The Unabomber, CIA, mind control program.
I tell people that and they go, Jones, you're crazy.
And then they look it up and it turns out it's true.
Or that Delta Force in 1999 at the Seattle riots was actually running Antifa so they could attack the peaceful Crowds by putting provocateurs in.
That even came out in the newspaper and was declassified because the Delta Forces are the command of Bill Clinton then and they take the orders of the President.
This is the real world, people!
And so Q was there to pacify you so you wouldn't get involved, so you thought everything was taken care of.
And then as soon as they got ready to use Q and blow up the Liberty Movement, And then they banned Q because you're gonna wake up and realize it's a fraud and then use your networks you created to reform a resistance so they got rid of all your accounts and shut your networks down once you were no longer useful to them.
Do you understand?
That is the reality.
And so I'm very sad that Trump's leaving.
I'm very sad they stole the election.
He wanted a million people in D.C.
to peacefully demonstrate so that we would show we had more numbers than they did and to show that Biden couldn't fill a parking lot and Trump could get a million people there.
That Trump was coming to speak at a stage that was set up on the other side.
But it was all a setup.
That stage was there the night before.
It was broken down by the time we got there.
Oh, we were totally set up.
We walked completely into a trap with people inside his administration, we know now, that set Trump up and told him that it's Jones' idea to march to the Capitol and all this stuff, and it's a great idea.
You should tell him to lead it, because they intended for me to go in there and lead that thing so they could throw my ass in prison.
But of course, by the time I got there, I saw what was happening and tried to stop it.
This is the real world, people.
Melania Trump's giving her farewell address.
Trump will give a farewell address, he better.
A bunch of pardons are set to happen.
But I gotta tell ya, we had a poll on InfoWars where 40-something percent of the people think Trump's gonna stay in office.
What an incredible, incredible PSYOP.
You know, Matt Drudge just tweeted, Porky Pig, that's all folks.
Well, that's all for the Republic, but I'm not giving up, because the Republic can be resurrected, and we've got positive things we can do.
The globalists are actually in trouble in many ways, and I'm gonna lay that out when we come back and break down the latest on the COVID martial law that's the tip of the enemy spear.
We'll be right back.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
All right, here's the deal.
I've got Nick Fuentes, who disagrees with me.
He thinks the Capitol is the most beautiful thing ever.
We're allowed to disagree.
I think Nick Overall is not a bad guy.
I get his perspective, but I disagree with him.
I understand where he's coming from.
But I'm going to try to get him to see things my way.
We'll see what happens.
He's coming in.
James Sullivan, the brother of John Sullivan, the Antifa leader that successfully pulled this thing off and bragged about it before and did it and was working with CNN and Anderson Cooper.
He is the master conspirator.
Evidence is mounting, working with some of the other leftist paramilitary groups posing as conservatives.
And then we also have Paul Joseph Watson, host of the 4th Hour, the Noah Schroyer.
Tomorrow we kick off at 8 a.m.
with Harrison Smith and American Journal, which is mainly a call-in show, and he's doing a splendid job.
So you get a chance to really sound off.
But we're gonna go commercial-free at 11 a.m.
Central, 12 noon, for the inauguration tomorrow.
Stations will still have their tones fired.
Meaning the stations aren't going to be censoring us.
A lot of these stations don't have somebody at the board all the time, so a satellite sends a code down, a tone, and others have digitized systems.
But the point is, you'll hear me talking or things going on, and we're not going to have a lot of music or a lot of intros or outros.
We're just going to be covering the inauguration, commercial-free, like a lot of other stations are.
A lot of our stations actually will want this to be commercial-free.
And then if there's any terror attacks, any provocateur, false flags, we'll be here covering it.
And we're going to be here until at least 10 at night.
Commercial free.
We'll still take some breaks here and there.
Still air some promos so people can get something to eat or go to the bathroom.
But we'll air some special reports.
But I'm going to be up here throughout the evening.
I'm going to be up here throughout the evening with Owen Schroer.
We're going to have Roger Stone on.
We're going to have Bob Barnes on.
We're going to have Gerald Cilente on.
We're going to get Matt Bracken on.
We're going to have your calls.
It's going to be a lot of times we'll take an hour of calls and then we're going to have an hour of guests.
An hour of calls, an hour of guests is really what our plan is to really intensely take your calls and then have an hour of guests.
Take your calls, an hour of guests.
So that is tomorrow.
I've got so much incredible news and information.
But really the big picture is this.
I want to be positive here.
The globalists have been planning this takeover for a hundred years.
Really longer.
You can debate.
I mean 1850s they had the basic plan under Galton, Wedgwood and Huxley.
Those are the grandparents of like Aldous Huxley and Julian Huxley.
And then by 1900, H.G.
Wells was the leader of the Illuminati.
And they had more of the modern plan all dialed up and ready.
But it was all extremely visionary.
Just ultra-visionary.
They're always 30, 40 years ahead of everybody.
Which is why they say they have the right to do this.
And I understand their perspective.
I mean, I'm not going to join them because I can feel my immortal soul is in danger.
I can feel it.
But I understand why they're doing it.
It makes a lot of sense.
I mean, if the public's so dumb they can openly take everything away from you and kill you, and you put up with it, you deserve to die.
The difference is I'm not going to join them.
Though I am going to be meeting with the top globalists of the next month.
Top globalists.
So I will be entertaining at least what they have to say because it's important to have to keep those dialogues going.
But this is very serious, ladies and gentlemen.
This is your life, your soul, your children's future.
You just have to understand that I'm not going to sit here and debate and argue with people about this stuff.
It's all out in the open.
Like a red light's a red light, a green light's a green light, a yellow light's a yellow light.
It's on its face.
Prima facie.
So the good news is the globalist plan has met major opposition.
Humanity is starting to wake up and actually be who they should be and say no to it.
And then the globalists don't get to play the social Darwin game.
But if you don't recognize what they're doing, if you don't have an open dialogue with the globalists and talk to them person to person and say, I know what you're doing, you don't have a right, I'm going to resist you, then they have no respect for you and will run over you.
They metaphysically need you to acquiesce and submit.
They always have to leave you an escape valve.
It is a rule of the universe that God has put down and they follow these rules.
And if you won't study what they're up to, and if you won't study their plan versus God's plan, and if you won't make a spiritual, cultural, economic, and physical decision who you're with, then you are fair game to them.
I don't take pleasure watching the public mutate into goblin-like creatures.
I don't take pleasure watching the IQs plummet.
I don't take pleasure watching cancer explode.
I don't take enjoyment seeing how screwed up and falling apart humanity is.
But the plan is to make humanity so dysfunctional that those of us that aren't part of it are going to basically have to either commit suicide or join with the globalists and wipe your asses out.
Because, I mean, if you won't stand up for yourself, then I can't help you.
And I'm not going to join the Globalist.
And I've openly had dialogues with some of their next-to-top-level people.
And I've had some dialogue with their top people.
And they want me to stop.
And they are not going to be able to convince me.
I'm going to try to convince them.
But this is the real world, folks, okay?
I talk directly to the Globalist.
You got all these intelligence people and military people pretending like they're at the highest levels and they come on the shows and make little jokes about how they control InfoWars.
That's all a complete joke.
The only thing that's real in this universe is information and how much information you have and your energy and what you resonate with.
Goodness or badness?
Just like they say in Caddyshack, Danny, Danny, Danny, Danny, there's two kinds of people in this world, good people and bad people.
Are you for goodness or are you for badness, Danny?
What is goodness and what is badness?
I mean, Judge Smails is a hypocrite and a fraud and a joke.
He's not goodness.
That's why he's a joke.
So these globalists with all their power and all their money playing God are a joke and they know it at the end of the day.
And they've been bullied into what they're doing by their grandparents and their grandparents.
People are born into this and you don't easily get out of it.
So if you want to know how to get out of this, you have free will and God has put me here and many others here so that you get a chance to hear the truth and decide which side you're on.
But that's it.
That's it.
If you live in denial and say, oh, I'm not sure if this is real, I'm not sure if this is, then I can't help you.
It's all over the top real.
Everything we cover is real.
Everything we cover is verifiable.
All right, I'm going to hit the Marshall Law COVID news and go through the stacks when we hit the next segment.
And we've got these big guests coming up.
Separately, very exciting news to fund our operation and for you.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion is a high-quality, high-end, liquid multivitamin that tastes great and has key amino acids so that your body uploads it better.
And it's a ritual at the Jones House since this came out four years ago.
I went out and said I want a top-of-the-line, liquid, high-quality, tasty, healthy multivitamin mineral.
drink and so some of the top formulators came up with this very very popular
especially now people understand has all the essential vitamins all the essential
minerals the vitamin d3 the zinc everything in it I mean just it's jam
packed for a very very affordable price compared to some of the synthetic
garbage that is out there it's been sold out for months ladies and gentlemen it's
back in 50% off info war store comm even though I have a limited supply of it 50%
50% off.
I won't get more of this in for eight weeks is when our next order set will come in.
Because of all the lockdowns and problems, we got half the order we asked for.
So this will sell out in about four weeks at 50% off.
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Winter soldiers and understanding that this is the long haul.
And at the end of the day, we have God on our side, but it's going to be rough.
We're going to face Satan in the flesh on earth.
We're going to go through it and then meet Christ on the other side.
Stay with us.
We are 23 hours and 13 minutes away from the communist Chinese agent, Joe Biden, being installed.
It's unbelievable.
The president tried to turn the economy back on and did so many great things and did prison reform.
The list just goes on and on.
Stood up to Communist China.
Transferred jobs back.
He's being rejected by the voters.
No, he's not rejected by the voters.
The globalists stole it.
So how are they now going to install this fraud?
No one's going to be at his inauguration.
They're going to have all these American flags out there because they're not Americans.
They're globalists, so they have to, again, overdo it.
That, oh look, all these flags represent you.
But what they really brought you is martial law.
They've got American flags.
All the way.
From the Capitol halfway down towards the Washington Monument, but then everywhere else they have the flags of the world in a big United Nations push.
And then they have a whole section of United Nations flags.
That then make up.
A map of the United States, so they've got all these displays.
Set up while it's surrounded by hundreds of armored vehicles and 40,000 police and now 35,000 troops, including thousands and thousands that are regular army.
We've seen units that the news has not reported are there.
Our crews have shown them.
The first mountain division, the list goes on.
And on, so they've got all their people there.
The urban warriors, the mountain divisions, everybody.
And we're told, oh, this is to arrest all the pedophiles.
Yes, Hillary has been in Gitmo for three years.
Trust the plan.
Let's go over some of the news here.
Overhead shot, please.
This is Infowars.com.
Steve Watson.
California issues alarm over unusually high number of allergic reactions to Moderna vaccine.
A lot of people died, but they're saying, oh, the vaccine didn't do it, but they thought maybe there's some bad lots in the vaccine.
But no, Bill Gates told us it's going to be really strong and a lot of people are going to die and get sick.
And they have this New York Times go, Jones lies.
Bill Gates did not say that.
And then Joe Rogan plays a clip on a show.
They metaphysically have to tell you what they're going to do.
If you like convulsions, if you like narcolepsy, if you like Guillain-Barre's, if you like Bell's palsy, if you like cancer, then you're going to love this.
mRNA, baby.
And they go, well, Jones is technically wrong.
It doesn't go into your mitochondria and reprogram them.
It goes into the surface of the cells and then programs the other sectors to then go into the cell and program it.
Same thing.
It's ridiculous.
Israeli man reportedly dies of heart attack hours after getting COVID vaccine.
There's just dozens of these articles every day.
88-year-old dies hours after COVID vaccination.
Yeah, they're saying so many old people are dying now after they take it.
In some hospitals in New York, they'll have like 100 people and 12 die after they get it.
But it's like, it's not related.
But then in other European countries, they go, actually, it is killing people, but it's worth it.
Two people in India die after receiving COVID jab at Bharat Biotech says vaccine too risky for some.
Oh yeah, it even says on the insert if you have allergic reactions, you're allergic to peanuts or bees or really anything, you shouldn't take it because it creates such an allergic reaction when they go in and reprogram your mitochondria.
That's foreign countries restricting it.
You're going to get yours, don't worry.
And it's all an exercise of just, okay, yeah, a couple people died, you know, on the block of getting their shot.
No big deal.
We just all die now.
And of course, there's no long-term studies of what this does.
They already actually get them in animals, and we know the long-term reactions.
It gives you cancer.
But that's okay to send in synthetic nanotech to reprogram your cells.
No big deal.
23 die in Norway after receiving COVID vaccine.
Of course, they under-report.
They say for every death attributed, it's actually 100 more.
Duke, Harvard, and John Hopkins experts say COVID lockdowns will cause 1 million excess deaths from not getting medical treatment, suicide, and the rest goes on from there.
That's just in the United States alone.
So they contribute everybody that dies of other diseases and car wrecks to COVID.
They said it's 400,000 approaching.
But in a year, though, a million excess deaths because of All of the problems, but that's okay!
Because it's for the greater good, and Bill Gates says so, so... Continuing, well, ladies and gentlemen... It's science, bro!
Experts now claim you should wear two masks, not one!
Oh, and no amount of vaccines ever takes the mask off.
CNN reported again last night, the masks are never coming off!
And they're going to give you at least five COVID shots a year.
And you're going to have an app on your phone that tracks where you go.
And wait till we get to it.
It's not just China now that makes you scan a barcode QR code to get into your house or leave your house as a prisoner.
England just announced it.
It's going UK-wide.
You'll have to have a cell phone to leave your house, and it'll track everywhere you go.
It's all official now.
Hope you enjoy it!
It's science, bro.
Now wear your two-mask.
You know, if it saves one life, do it!
Hey, it gives you bacterial pneumonia.
I don't care!
I'm a virtue signaler.
And now in France, you wear dog collars that report you if you get too close to someone.
No, this isn't Orwellian.
This isn't dystopic.
There's a whole bunch of videos coming out every day.
Healthy woman uncontrollably shakes after receiving COVID vaccine.
Well, yeah, it says in the insert, it does that.
Your body's never been hit with something like this.
Seychelles Islands opens for the holidays, but only for the vaccinated.
And then they said, it doesn't matter if you have autoimmune disorders.
It doesn't matter if you have a bad reaction.
We don't care.
You don't have it.
You don't come.
See, it's just the tyranny's here.
The storm is here.
The new order's here.
And everybody just thought Trump could fix it all.
Well, he's 40 chest.
Everything's handled.
And now you see.
So the good thing is, once Trump's gone, I'm sad he's going.
People won't have him to say he's saving us anymore.
And people will have to do it themselves and start not complying with the system.
There's a giant awakening happening and it needs to be all about Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and Ted Turner and the Rockefeller Foundation that run all this on record and ran the Wuhan lab and were in trouble six years ago for setting it up in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Everything should be about how they're master criminals, how their wealth doubled, how they're running this scam, how it's their fault, how they don't have liability protection for the racketeering they've engaged in.
And they'll lose it.
They'll go down in history.
But if you just sit here And comply with it, it's meant to unfold where all of us are non-essential.
Civilization collapses, the third world starts mass dying, floods the first world, the UN comes in and takes over with a world government tax to, quote, stop the migration flows and hold us hostage.
But not before they don't bring in 600 million people to the US, that's the official UN number, 640 million.
France wants 240 million Africans alone by 2040.
They're now ordering people to take in at least one African into every house they've got.
That African will be a U.N.
agent to control and monitor you.
Again, they're just using these poor third-world slaves.
authorities could force people to take selfies every day to prove they're self-isolating when they go to and from their homes.
Now they're announcing the phase.
It's always, oh, they're gonna do it, then they do it.
Plurality of rich supports government spying on people via cell phone tracking to enforce the lockdown to keep us all safe, which the scientists admit doesn't help us, it makes us sicker, and people under lockdown have higher levels of dying, and they call it COVID.
I have a lot of family, and I got a lot of good friends.
One lady's awesome uncle, one of her best friends.
He was in a nice, fancy retirement area in Northern California.
They locked him in for six months and he died.
He was totally healthy, totally happy.
He just laid down and died.
He said, I'm gonna lay down and die.
I'm gonna stop eating.
They won't let me out.
He just laid down and died.
And they celebrated.
Ah, liberal.
Everything's so liberal now.
Get rid of the old people.
Germany set to detain COVID rule breakers in refugee camps.
The refugees will be in your house.
You'll be in the refugee camp.
It's all been officially announced.
And the U.N.
wants women to know that it's Cervical Cancer Awareness Month.
One of the rarest forms of cancer.
Absolutely treatable.
If you don't have bad nutrition, basically you can't die from it.
But they really want you to take a Gardasil shot.
Oh, which in the studies, what does it do?
Attacks your ovaries and gives you cancer.
Oh, you're going to get cancer, alright.
Roll up that sleeve of your 11-year-old daughter.
But remember, people stopped taking the Gardasil because so many girls got sterile or died.
All those local newscasts about she was the cheerleader.
Oh, she's paralyzed now.
Oh, she died.
Oh, it's liberals.
And Joe Biden is coming.
He's coming to save you.
All right, so we have a lot of news coming up.
Oh, don't worry, Biden picks transgender who encourage COVID-safe orgies as Assistant Health Secretary.
Yes, the new ruling class is transgendered men.
White transgendered men is the new ruling class.
We'll be right back.
Cue the devil in disguise.
There's an excellent report at Townhall.com.
We've got it linked on Infowars.com as well.
Carlson explains what message the Dems are sending with the militarization of D.C.
Then we have James Sullivan, the brother of the BLM Antifa leader, who helped set off the false flag and bragged about it, then arrested and released without bail.
He's going to join us and tell us from his view what's really going on next segment.
Here's Tucker Carlson.
Welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight.
Our capital city, Washington, is under military occupation tonight.
By inauguration day, there are expected to be more than 26,000 armed federal troops in Washington.
No living American has seen a moment like the one we're watching now.
26,000 soldiers.
That's more than five times the number of American military personnel currently stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.
That is more than twice the number of troops that President Lyndon Johnson ordered to Washington in April of 1968.
In April of 1968, Washington, D.C.
was literally on fire.
Race riots had broken out after the assassination of Martin Luther King, whose memory we celebrate today.
More than 1,000 people were injured in those riots, and at least 13 of them died.
Much of the Capitol was leveled, and it stayed that way, blocks of charred rubble, for decades.
If you visited Washington in the 1990s, you remember what it looked like.
But according to our current leaders, the so-called insurrection of January 6th was much worse than any of that.
So far, here is the death toll from that day.
A police officer was hit in the head by rioters, then later had a stroke and died at a local hospital.
An unarmed protester was shot to death by authorities as she tried to climb through a window.
A woman may have been trampled to death by the crowd.
As of tonight, those are the three casualties we can confirm from the riot at the Capitol building on January 6th.
In response to that, our leaders have assembled the largest military presence in Washington in all of American history during peacetime.
In 1864, as the Civil War raged on the other side of the Potomac, and Americans died every day in large numbers in battle, there were fewer federal troops protecting Washington, D.C.
than there are tonight.
And it's truly a national force.
The Guardsmen you see in Washington have come from every state in the Union, as well as from Puerto Rico.
And the question is, why is that?
There's no practical or operational justification for it.
For decades, Washington, D.C.
has had the highest per capita law enforcement presence in the country, and one of the highest in the world.
So there was no need to fly in troops from Alaska to keep the city safe.
But keeping the city safe was hardly the point of the exercise.
The murder rate in the District of Columbia has risen with terrifying speed over the last six months.
Men, women, and children shot to death in the streets.
But no one in charge seems to care about that or even notice their deaths.
So no matter what they are telling you, those 26,000 federal troops are not there for your safety.
Instead, unmistakably, the Democratic Party is using those troops to send the rest of us a message about power.
We're in charge now.
We run this nation, from Honolulu to our colony in the Caribbean and everything in between, very much including where you and your family live.
Do not question us.
Men with guns enforce our decrees.
We control the Pentagon.
And indeed, they do control the Pentagon.
Republicans have spent years ignoring the leftward drift of our officer corps.
But we can't ignore it now.
The mask is off.
Our military leadership, the very same generals who howled at the idea of deploying American troops to stop an invasion of our southern border, those same generals sent tens of thousands of soldiers with rifles to Washington purely as a show of force on behalf of the political party they support.
And once they did that, they then allowed Democratic politicians to degrade and politicize the military itself.
Democrats in Congress demanded that the troops sent to Washington this week submit to a political purity test, ideological vetting as they put it, to make certain that every soldier professed loyalty to the new regime.
Not loyalty to our country, not loyalty to our Constitution, but loyalty... So there you have it ladies and gentlemen, this is a takeover.
Trust the plan.
Almost the entire top military brass are communist, globalist, and Wahhabist.
Just like Brennan, who voted for the Communist Party and joined Wahhabism.
That's who they are.
They hate this country and they're bringing it down.
Right now they're letting you know.
While telling you through their operative cue that we're winning while we're losing.
So, President Trump had massive evidence of incredible election fraud.
More of it pours out each day, it's no coverage.
You try to talk about it on big tech media, you get censored, you get taken down, even if you are a top computer scientist or eyewitnesses to the fraud.
And so Trump wanted a big rally to show that he had big numbers and that Biden didn't.
And we obliged, we believe in that.
He said he wanted a peaceful rally, so did his son at the speech.
We marched to the Capitol, but before we got there, Antifa and others were already there.
The accelerationists were already there.
They've taken credit for it.
The Bogalus, the armed security BLM, said that they went into the Capitol and helped take it over.
So you had hundreds of thousands discredited by a handful of people that broke in, and then others, a few hundred, that followed them.
And that's just a fact.
That's who took credit for it.
They get to keep their Twitter accounts.
But everybody else doesn't.
John Sullivan, last time I checked this morning, still has his Twitter account.
The Boogaloo is taking credit for the Capitol.
They've got their accounts.
But we got James Sullivan on.
I almost interviewed him on the 7th, but we had to leave early.
And James Sullivan is the founder of Civilized Awakening and the conservative brother of John Sullivan.
He exposed and was in direct opposition to Black Lives Matter and John Sullivan in Utah, where his brother has been arrested for engineering riots before.
And of course he bragged he was going to bring Antifa there and burn down the Capitol to blame Trump.
He didn't get to burn down the Capitol, but he was videotaped saying it over and over again.
But he did go on Anderson Cooper, and Anderson Cooper is very, very proud of his work.
So James, wow, incredible.
Tell us about yourself, about your brother.
And why you're on air with us and what you witnessed, because you're very well known in Utah.
You've been in news for a while, countering your brother.
I mean, you're not just popping up now after this.
You've been warning folks for a while.
This must be really hard for you to do.
Yeah, yeah, it was.
My father raised John and I. We're both like Two of four brothers and he raised us to love our country or God and put family first and seeing John coming out in Provo originally and organizing that protest where he lied to the people saying that he had a permit, told the government allegedly that it was legal for them to hold up cars to save the people and then watching on the news and on his videos that he posted
Those people are that person getting shot in the shoulder Coming out wasn't something easy.
I joined a Patriot militia group called Utah Citizens Alarm Casey Robertson and over time John became more and more radical inciting violence throughout the Salt Lake Valley and I I came out against him.
He had become so radical that Black Lives Matter Utah and other activist groups deemed him as a problem and an instigator.
What he likes to do is he will instigate violence and he will stand back and videotape it for views.
So I actually worked with several members of Black Lives Matter very, very shortly and briefly just to remove him from the community.
And now, you know, he's popped up in In D.C.
Did you see his postings about what he was going to D.C.
to do before?
When did you become aware that your brother was involved in D.C.?
I knew that John was going to D.C.
with his profile, Jaden Alexander, on Twitter.
We're also part of a bipartisan documentary that has been following.
They have a team following me and they have a team following him.
So they had told me that he was going.
I didn't want to go to DC just because I'd seen the stuff he was posting.
I was in a couple of the Antifa group chats under a different name watching the traffic and I decided not to go because a lot of them were talking about looking for me.
So I stayed back.
What was it like for you, because I know you love your brother, what was it like for you to see him go from big-time Antifa BLM agitator to superstar?
I mean, if I fumbled in the Super Super Bowl on the one-yard line, not understanding I was being set up and all this, and I did, I don't take blame for it because I'm in the arena and we were fighting for election integrity and calling for legal and lawful things to happen.
I'm now being accused of trying to foment things.
But he didn't fumble at the one-yard line.
He scored and won the game against America in the Super Super Bowl of our Republic.
I mean, if they put a tombstone saying our Republic died in the future, if we don't come back from this, it will be your brother and people like him that day that helped kill the country.
Yeah, honestly, after combating him for the past six months and getting him removed from our community here or the activist community here, Seeing him wasn't really that much of a surprise.
After he was removed from Utah, he traveled to Kenosha, to California, to Portland, trying to get into the Santiago communities and they would kick him out.
So seeing him here wasn't really that big of a surprise.
I do have a little bit of information that prior to the rally, he had worked with a lone rogue person that's affiliated with the Proud Boys.
Um, and getting proprietary information to pass on with the caravan meetups.
So he has a little bit more and I've communicated that with the FBI, but he is, he's has a little bit more involvement than just showing up and videotaping, um, you know, the event and, um, watching him doing, doing that and coming out against him publicly for the second time.
And honestly, it wasn't that hard to do because knowing that he and among a couple other people were instrumental in planning and orchestrating this.
to instigate violence within the Patriots, it was something that I felt I had to do.
So I kind of, I woke up from a nap and I had like over 600 messages of people trying to verify
that that person was my brother.
And then after that, I started working with the authorities and getting him indicted.
What do you make of the judge releasing him without bail?
Utah has a really weird bail reform law on the books.
So if he doesn't have like a violent offense or he wasn't threatening people, which he was, they put him on house arrest without bail.
It was to kind of combat people who couldn't afford bail.
Sure, so it's the president reform thing.
Of course, he never gets his hands bloody, though.
He's more of like a colonel.
He just sends others out to do it.
Have you talked to your brother since the 6th?
Since the 6th?
No, I have not.
I've made it a really big point not to have any real communication with him.
He probably wouldn't return anything I talked...
Respond to me talking.
I just I just know that in his mind he is he's just so he's a he's a reporter and I had a Hour-long conversation with him with the documentary.
We sat in a room for the first time talking for five months and I got to listen to him for an hour.
He struggled to tell me what he actually believed in.
So I'm just forced to believe that he's either addicted to the fame or the attention that comes from it.
He does have Marxist ideas and beliefs.
But from what I can see, he's just trying to instigate violence.
He's one of those Antifa members that instigates violence and then steps back and livestreams it.
So, I mean, he's kind of like that supervillain that tells the superhero their evil plan and he'll go and do stuff and he'll put all the evidence up on Twitter and then get, like, you know, kind of confused why he's being arrested or indicted.
Like, he literally put all the evidence up there.
But then he magically gets on Anderson Cooper, who's CIA.
He magically goes around the country doing this, just like Senator Kaine's son got caught doing.
I think there's going to be evidence coming out that your brother was being directed by some higher-ups.
Oh yeah, there's actually a lot of people that have reached out to me with that information and asking me if I knew anything about the special interest groups, especially some in Utah, that have helped him out in the past.
I mean, he was able to build a house in Sandy at the age of 25 when he started doing this.
He's been able to travel around before the documentary came out, and it's just kind of concerning about how, like, now that he's not working, he still has the funds to do that.
Well, yeah, I mean, the FBI was really doing its job.
This is a racketeering criminal operation, a terrorist operation, in my view, and they would grab his receipts.
They have all that.
They have his credit card records.
They know who's running this, and I would imagine it's probably through the same Soros group that funds Black Lives Matter, because it's always the same group.
We've gotten secret Antifa documents before.
We know it's usually Alexander Soros.
that is financing things, I would say that's the main suspect.
But we really appreciate you. We really appreciate you coming on to talk about your brother,
John James. Stay there. I want to come back and talk about Civilized Awakening and what you're
doing and what you think the next steps are going to be by Antifa, by BLM, and folks out there
allied with the Boogaloos who are accelerationists and say they want an armed revolution.
And who bragged that they helped invade the Capitol but haven't gotten in any trouble.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
By the way, why are the flags at half-mast all over the country?
Is it for the one police officer who died of a stroke, a heart attack?
There were less than 5,000 federal troops sent when Martin Luther King was killed.
And they burned Washington, D.C.
to the ground.
Took decades to rebuild it.
You got four people dead and they're acting like it's the end of the world.
It's now over 30,000 troops, regular army, not just National Guard.
40,000 police officers, martial law throughout the city.
Our reporters are there.
We're showing you some of this incredible footage.
You're a TV viewer.
We're, of course, simulcast on hundreds of radio stations.
That's our main operation.
But then I have Zero Heads right here with a powerful article with all the tweets.
From the Boogaloos saying, we went in, we attacked the Capitol, we stormed it, we ran it.
Well, I talked to witnesses that saw them do the same thing.
And so, this is obviously agitation propaganda, the Soviet term, agitprop.
This is Operation Thrust 2.0.
James Sullivan, have you ever heard about false flags, or Hitler did it to blame his enemies, the leftists do it too?
You've... Yeah.
So you have heard about false flags?
Yes, I have.
up. Could your brother help pull off a really good one? And I mean, obviously he says, let's
burn this mother effort down over and over again. He said he was going to come there
with a different dress, like proud boys. That's that's pretty sophisticated. Do you have any
idea who's training him or where he got this? I do know that when he originally started
off here in Utah, there was a man by the name of Ariel Paz, who was actually he was from
Syria. John did to go to Syria, but this man was from Syria.
John didn't go to Syria, but this man was from Syria.
And he came in, he trained not only John, but a couple of other members of the WSDASH
And he came in, he trained not only John, but a couple of other members
of the Washtash and Tifa group.
and TIFA group. And I do know that he was one of the people responsible for radicalizing
And I do know that he was one of the people responsible for radicalizing
John, because people don't who was actually, he was from Syria.
John, because people don't really regard this, but John was actually
growing up, he was conservative.
I think I know that he voted for Trump the first time around and he radicalized
after George Floyd was killed, and then after that, he turned into somebody
that myself, my parents, and his friends couldn't recognize.
And one of the first thing that I've seen in Tifa members do is they
start denouncing people in their lives.
He started denouncing that my father, John J.
Sullivan, not to be confused with Kevin Sullivan, the person that
people are saying is my dad.
But John J.
Sullivan, he's white.
So my brother redefined himself as Joaquin King.
And he started like erasing his history and erasing people in his
life that were conservative growing up.
You've got a lot of information.
On this.
What do you think is going to come out in court about your brother?
I think a lot's going to come out in court.
There's been a lot of people that have been writing in, a lot of people that have been sending information to me, information that he worked with a lone Proud Boy that's actually from Utah.
He's on his way out of the Proud Boy group here in Utah.
The president of the trust has been notified, but he passed on a proprietary information from private Patriot Telegram chats.
Well, that's huge.
They were even able to penetrate the Proud Boys and others even get into their group.
So they wouldn't be seen as people that are being embedded by the Patriots but
as actual Patriots. So they were even able to penetrate the Proud Boys and
others even get into their group that's sophisticated. Yeah it is.
And John again is one of those villains that puts all the evidence up, and it's the caravan points that was screenshotted from the telegram group that was sent to him, he put up on his Twitter.
Or the Jaden Twitter.
But that's what I think is going to come out.
I think his arrest is going to lead to at least four more, the four other people that were associated with him.
I do want to mention that the blonde girl that's seen the video right there, her name is Jade Sacker.
She's been painted as a CNN reporter.
She's actually an investigative reporter.
She's done work in Syria and Cambodia.
She came back to the U.S.
and she was assigned the project with myself and John.
So she's had to go and fake, just like investigative reporters do, a false friendship with my brother in order to get information out of him.
So she has even more confidential information that, you know, a lot of people don't have because she's been able to gain my brother's trust.
So I just wanted to clear that up.
But she is amazing.
I've had the opportunity to work with her and she's done a lot.
Did you ever think these international reporters that are doing all this and handling your brother, ever thought they might be working for an intelligence agency, buddy?
Because she fits the cut out of that.
I do know that, but with Jade, she's never given me any reason to believe that.
She might be, I'm not sure.
No, I'm not accusing her of that.
I was just asking you because clearly your brother and others are being handled by groups within the Fed, Southern Poverty Law Center types.
It's the Southern Poverty Law Center that basically ran the Oklahoma City bombing.
They controlled McVeigh, they controlled Elohim City.
That all actually came out from informants in federal court cases.
And so they've had very ambitious terror plans in the U.S.
They're usually the prime suspect.
They've got billions in offshore accounts in the Caribbean.
And so I'm just saying, from past operations, I would say the leftist arms of the CIA and FBI don't want to act directly with these people.
They'll have informants that help handle them.
They'll have others that pose as journalists that help handle them.
Then they'll be run by Southern Poverty Law Center deep cover operatives.
They also use foreign intelligence so that Our Congress doesn't find out about it.
They use German intelligence on Oklahoma City to actually carry out the bombing itself.
We know the name of the bomber.
Pretty crazy stuff, huh?
It is pretty crazy stuff.
Yeah, I honestly couldn't tell you if you're sitting here right now combating John growing up.
He just wasn't that person.
No, I hear you.
So George Floyd, what, died like a year ago or so?
Yeah, supposedly died, yeah.
Yeah, so your brother got accelerated that fast into being this radical?
He's not the only conservative that I know.
The mainstream media, Black Lives Matter, has been able to radicalize a lot of my friends, especially over in New York, where I grew up.
I had conservative friends that were radicalized.
into believing that cops were killing black people at a genocidal rate, despite the fact that
the gun deaths for cops account for 0.02 percent of black death when you know what's going on in
Chicago where 284 people are being shot over July 4th and Memorial Day weekend. But they perceive
that. It's like...
It's like the media was able to indoctrinate them to the point that facts and logic didn't matter anymore.
It was almost hard to communicate with him.
I will say that John was an extremely intelligent person, and upon talking to him a couple months ago in that room for an hour, he wasn't able to put together a coherent statement.
Do you think your brother's been put on drugs by anybody?
It was like he couldn't focus on it.
So, and that's very consistent with a lot of people that are in this group.
You think your brother's been put on drugs by anybody 'cause he looks pretty whacked out in these photos?
Yeah, yeah.
The only information that I do have is that he does have an addiction to Adderall, and I got that from a couple of people that were associated with him that distanced themselves after realizing who he was here in Utah.
And they said that he has a problem with that, and it makes sense because empathy is something that's very hard to acquire when you are overusing or misusing Adderall.
I want to just do a few more minutes with you on the other side about your brother.
I have a few other questions.
James Sullivan, we really appreciate you.
His brother's John Sullivan, the Antifa Superman, BLM guy that has popped up on Anderson Cooper and came in saying we're going to burn this down and was there when Ashley Babbitt was killed and said his mission was to pose as the Proud Boys and pose as the Patriots and do this.
And he had a stunning victory against America and now we're all blamed for it and America's going under total tyranny.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Jim Morrison studied how to trigger riots and how to carry out Agiprop when he went to college.
And then suddenly he decided to start a rock band.
His dad was the head of the Pacific Fleet in Vietnam.
Very interesting.
There's a lot of that going on in government.
People studying how to trigger riots, how to blame their political enemies.
But John Sullivan is a key character.
There are other key characters that have to be looked at as well.
And one of the best articles is Zero Hedge.
Yesterday, it's a big, long article.
Twenty pages of it.
With the Boogaloo's top people taking credit for storming the Capitol.
I guess they saw this as a great protest or something.
A woman got killed.
A cop had an aneurysm.
Other folks got trampled.
Okay, four dead.
and now we've got the biggest military takeover of DC in our history. This is
shameful, it's disgusting to see martial law there, and it's about the power
structure saying we own America and you populists aren't going to stop us. The
Council on Foreign Relations has come out and said that American democracy is in
danger because of populism. That's like saying someone's going to
asphyxiate from no oxygen because there's too much oxygen.
Populism is the democracy.
In fact, it can be dangerous sometimes if a dictator manipulates it.
You can have a popular dictator and democracy can do bad things, but we're not a pure democracy.
We're a constitutional republic.
But I wanted to finish up.
I give James Sullivan, who I appreciate coming on, brother of this individual, John Sullivan, to come on and add any other points you'd like to impart to the viewers and listeners.
Any other points about John or just in general?
Just in general.
You sound like a smart guy.
You were going over those statistics of the rarest way to die as a black man is from the cops.
The average, you know, young black person thinks there's an epidemic.
I mean, there's a lot of these things that are important.
Yeah, yeah.
I do see that, especially in my brother's case, how strong and how powerful the mainstream media is, especially with the Black community.
I feel like in the Black community, mostly in Democratic-held cities, the Black community is being led to believe that the current republic, or the U.S.
today, is failing them in order for them to be truly equal.
As socialism says on paper, they need socialism to replace that.
They radicalized a civil rights narrative to force that narrative of equality through socialism.
We saw Black Lives Matter take advantage of the black community, perverting the message of equality and in doing so demeaning Caucasian Americans and creating division that we haven't seen since the civil rights era.
This is a lot worse than the Michael Brown or the Ferguson era of Black Lives Matter.
We're seeing families like mine being torn apart.
We're seeing indoctrination on levels where these people actually think in a space of two months that they are fighting for the equality of their black brothers and sisters.
We're seeing white people bowing down to their black Black brothers and sisters to apologize for things that they didn't do.
This is something that's very serious because it's creating a victim mentality within the black community that makes them usable as a political weapon for the radical left.
We've seen that they were able to weaponize them after a black man was killed on TV.
They were able to weaponize them a week after Biden went on and said that That if you don't vote for him, you ain't black on the Breakfast Club.
It's very concerning watching that and seeing people like my brother, who's absolutely lost now, devoid of logic and just attached to his radical ideas, in so much that he doesn't even understand what he believes unless the media tells him what to believe.
It's something that's very sad, but what Civilized Awakening did when we came out is we actually combatted Lex Scott, who is the leader of Black Lives Matter Utah after we took down John, and we actually challenged her narrative.
We're able to not rehabilitate, but to turn a lot of minds within Black Lives Matter Utah.
She has several times come out and And said that she's not affiliated with John.
I don't think that she should lead herself to anything other than a psychiatric facility to be evaluated.
But she and Black Lives Matter Utah were not affiliated with him.
They started denouncing him immediately.
And seeing John go through this and going through this downward spiral after being charged with inciting violence and rioting in Provo.
Seeing him do it again, this time facing federal charges and versing the people of the United States in court is something that he's never going to be able to let down or erase.
I do think at this point he's hit rock bottom and hopefully with the mental evaluation that's been mandated by the court of Tooele County that we find out some things that have happened to him with this indoctrination.
Well, James Sullivan, I'm impressed with you, and I really wish your brother had not gone down this dangerous path, but he's got some really evil people manipulating him, and this is really the crisis, not just of our time, but of much of human history, has not faced the level of manipulation that Big Tech and others can engage in.
In closing, what do you make?
I'm not saying get rid of his Twitter account.
Not a lot of people have a free speech right.
But he's on there really calling for revolution and violence.
We now know he is, so that's why it's a good thing we can see what he's up to.
But other people are being banned for nothing off of there, or for just being pro-Second Amendment.
And then here's your brother now charged twice in this, and they've still got him up there recruiting.
It shows it's really a double standard.
Yeah, the only things that they're taking down is incriminating evidence of him.
A lot of videos have mysteriously disappeared from his Twitter, no longer accessible.
We've also seen, this is something that's not really talked about, but because of John's involvement at the Capitol and the infiltration of the Patriots, an influencer by the name of Cash Lee Kelly who is a strong black conservative,
who is known for, just like I am, turning the hearts of Black Lives Matter in his cities.
He has over like 600,000 followers.
He was arrested for being waved in by the Capitol Police into the front doors.
And he's facing a prison sentence.
He's been separated from his four kids because people like my brother have been indoctrinated
I'm not saying that he's doing this purely because of indoctrination.
I think that there's a part of him that genuinely believes in what he's doing because he hasn't stopped.
He has the mentality of a victim.
And we're seeing patriots and conservatives getting silence off of Facebook and Twitter.
I do think that the Capitol event was a way of painting the patriots and Republicans as domestic terrorists, just like we saw with Antifa when their accounts were removed from Facebook.
It was an excuse to completely censor conservative voices off of Facebook.
And it's something that people aren't or are just now coming attuned to.
James Sullivan, people can find you on Facebook at Civilized Awakening.
Civilized Awakening, James Sullivan.
Hopefully as this unfolds, we can get some updates from you.
And thank you so much.
And thank you for spending time with us.
Yes, sir.
You too.
Thank you.
All right.
Powerful interview.
Very articulate, smart, good young man.
And it really shows the Cain and Abel type story.
about two brothers can go to really separate dramatic directions.
But we are under martial law, ladies and gentlemen, and they are planning,
they say terror attacks are coming tomorrow.
The globalists stand to gain from this.
And we just got set up with this false flag.
And so that's why I've said it's not good to go out and demonstrate right now because they need crowds to be able to hide their actions.
I'm all for demonstrating as soon as we're through this crisis.
You decide what you're going to do.
I've just put my two cents in.
We've got a bunch of breaking news and more.
Nick Fuentes is joining us.
Coming up.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
I wanna be yours, pretty baby!
Yours and yours alone!
I'm here to tell you, honey, that I'm bad to the bone!
B-b-b-bad to the bone!
That's a good song.
B-bad to the bone!
Alright, that's enough.
Let's, uh, talk about the real news that's going on here.
The real news, ladies and gentlemen, the real information.
I can talk about a hundred articles I've got, dozens of incredible clips, but this is world government takeover.
This is bigger than America.
It's bigger than Trump.
We've come so far exposing globalism.
We have the Australian and British governments saying, we don't want the Great Reset, but the Prime Minister is saying he does want it in the UK.
You've got a lot of big issues now being openly debated, instead of all this side window dressing.
That's very positive.
Nick Fuentes is going to be joining us.
He's the founder of the Groipers.
A well-spoken, smart, young lad who, from the quotes I've seen, I want to see these are accurate in the news, thinks what happened to the Capitol was grand.
So we'll get his perspective on that coming up.
But look at this headline right here.
I told you last week this was coming.
They're going to put all those troops in the Capitol and then say, oh, they're not trusted because of all the Q stuff.
Some of them may actually believe it and try to carry a coup out against Biden.
So this is the beginning of the purge in government, just like the Bolsheviks did in 1917.
Everything is following that same blueprint.
Two National Guard members removed from Inauguration Security Mission.
Two Army National Guard members have been removed from the Inauguration Security Mission after vetting found they had ties to far right-wing fringe groups.
The U.S.
official told ABC News Tuesday, the two Guard members are among 25,000 National Guard troops who have been sent to Washington to augment the security inauguration in the wake of the violent January 6th assault on the U.S.
But none of them even have bullets.
Not just in their firearms, not just in their magazines, but with them.
When the Secretary of Defense under Obama would go to Afghanistan or Iraq, they would take Cartridges away from everybody, because they don't trust humans.
They want robots.
So all of this is just to train you to accept martial law.
And the military is the main target of these purges that are coming.
So everyone going along with this is an idiot.
Governor Abbott has said that this is happening to people from Texas is offensive.
Very offensive.
Not in offense like football or defense, but offensive and it's on offense.
CNN's Cuomo warns of National Guard insider threat.
There is no peace.
That's right, there's never going to be peace.
Because you provocateured some antifa and some boogaloo booboos to go in there.
The Boogaloos brag, then the Boogaloos call up and say, why are you being mean to the Boogaloos?
I don't agree with busting in there and breaking stuff and handing out clubs to people.
And how are you able to brag about that?
Everybody else that was peaceful has been arrested.
I mean, just saying.
How about you guys take your mask off and you all put online your identities?
Because I think we're going to find some FBI agents are in command.
Not against the average boogaloo that thinks we should have a civil war or a revolution.
That's your opinion.
You can have it, soldier.
But boy, did you find a great target in empty capital.
And the boogaloos all ran off after they helped get the doors open, so.
That's why I'm on a boogaloo jag.
Just like I'm on a John Sullivan jag.
Because we're being set up and I don't like it.
I was there for a peaceful demonstration.
We had a whole bunch of them before.
I was there to put legal, lawful pressure on the Congress to have a 10-day investigation of the fraud so our voting rights weren't stolen.
I watched some accelerationists help ramp the crowd, the police, up into what happened.
Wasn't the greatest insurrection ever seen.
It wasn't even that.
It was a small riot out of a huge group of people.
I know I'm harping on that, but now you see the martial law and so many people can't believe this is happening.
They're like, oh, it's Q. It's all secretly going to be fixed tomorrow.
They're all being arrested.
The military's there to arrest Pelosi.
And tomorrow, Like a Hunger Games movie where they're in those big squares and no one's there but troops.
Just like China.
They can't trust anybody to be in North Korea or places like China at these big parades except the military because somebody might protest or say something.
And just like the Hunger Games, there will be the leader of the main capital district Go to Jack Posobiec's Twitter for a few days ago.
He even has the villain and his wife.
It looks just like Biden and Kamala Harris.
And there they are having one of the celebrations at the Capitol City.
And it looks just like the inauguration for Biden and Kamala Harris.
And they're going to be up there with the military and thousands and thousands of U.N.
flags and American flags, throwing it all in our face.
And we're supposed to just sit there and take it.
Well, they tell us that we're all terrorists, so that's why we weren't allowed in.
Oh, we can't even trust the military.
They're bad, too.
And then anybody says Joe Biden lost and stole the election, well, they're a terrorist.
And anybody that says he works for China, they're a terrorist.
And now I'm seeing headlines about, he was an incredible football player.
Joe Biden's like a superhero.
Joe Biden's such a humanitarian.
Oh, and I was in an art supply store for my kids the other day, and they had magazines out.
With color covers of Kamala Harris, the first vice president female, and all these gimmicks.
It really is incredible.
We live in such amazing times where they're going to put this creature in there.
And so I don't want anything bad to happen.
They'll turn him into a martyr.
But I do put a death pool on him.
A dead pool.
I don't think he's going to be dead in the next year.
But I bet Biden, he likes power though, but they put him in there because he's so weak and so addled.
He's talked about stepping down, feigning an illness as a reason to go.
I don't know, we should have a whole show and debate once we have our installed president, our first dictator with more troops in DC than ever been there.
I mean, it's here.
And people just can't believe that this has happened.
I can't believe it's actually unfolding.
And so, a good 30-40% of the people that listen to my show, who are great folks, who are aware of the New World Order, who are involved in society, fighting back for freedom, they just cannot believe this is happening.
And you know, we're gonna find out tomorrow at noon, Eastern Time, we'll be here live covering it, whether or not he's all been arrested.
I imagine when Trump's down in Mar-a-Lago eating steaks and playing golf, it'll be, that's a hologram.
Trump's still in DC.
They were all arrested.
And now we live under a secret military dictatorship.
Well, they're going to keep teaching your boys to be transgendered.
They're going to keep keeping the borders open.
They're going to keep doing their new world order.
You know, when the, when there's a magic President Q in charge and you know, it's just a complex operation to fool the Chinese and actually Joe Biden's in Gitmo.
Really, really sad, folks.
Trump did not get us here.
We got ourselves here putting Trump in.
We fought back a long ways.
So don't let the removal of Trump through fraud be a defeat.
They had to engage on all this and have a virtual ceremony and have martial law because they're a fraud.
And we were good citizens that went there to demonstrate for our voting rights and they set us up.
They were successful.
But it's okay because the truth is coming out and people everywhere are learning about it.
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Did you know that there was a president that pardoned a domestic terrorist?
That's right.
President pardons domestic terrorists.
The full report is at man.video.
Here's part of it.
Hey, did you know that a Black Lives Matter associate bombed the U.S.
That's right.
You probably never heard about it.
Now, this was back in 1983, but there is a direct link, a close connection to today's Black Lives Matter movement.
I'm going to tell you all about it.
On November 7th, 1983, a thunderous explosion tore through the second story of the U.S.
Capitol building after a bomb went off that was hidden under a bench right outside the chamber.
Amazingly, nobody was injured, but the blast did do lots of damage.
It was estimated around a million dollars.
This is a KNBC News Update.
Here is John Beard.
Good evening.
A bomb exploded tonight near the second floor office of U.S.
Senate Minority Leader Robert Byrd.
Washington, D.C.
police say there were no injuries and no reports of damage.
Police dogs are at the scene searching for possible crews.
The FBI searches for the terrorists who planted the bomb on Capitol Hill.
The U.S.
Senate was in session tonight as the FBI continued its search for the bombers who detonated a powerful explosion just outside the Senate Chambers in the Capitol last night.
So who did it?
The two people convicted of the terrorist attack were both women, Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg, a pair of radical left commies who bombed the U.S.
Capitol in an attempt to assassinate Republican senators.
This is really an amazing story, especially as it relates to today's Black Lives Matter movement, and we'll get into that in just a second.
But first, check this out.
These two women, both far-left revolutionaries, were part of two separate terrorist groups.
One was called M-19, the May 19th Communist Organization, and the other was called The Family, and they were an offshoot of the Black Liberation Army, whose leader was, get this, Matula Doc Shakur, the stepfather of hip-hop legend Tupac Shakur.
Together, they were responsible for a series of violent domestic terror attacks in the late 70s and early 80s that includes a bombing campaign that, in addition to the U.S.
Capitol, I mean, they also targeted government buildings in Washington and New York.
They bombed an FBI office, the Washington Navy Yard, and the headquarters of New York's largest police union.
So these are two crazy bitches with a long history of violent extremism.
And when they weren't busy bombing buildings or targeting our police, our military, and our government, they were out there robbing banks in armored trucks.
In fact, there was one incident in October 1981 where they killed a guard and two policemen during a Brinks armored truck robbery.
These men had families.
And a future ahead of them.
But they were gunned down by radical leftists.
Tupac's stepdad, he was the mastermind of the operation.
He was also one of the triggermen.
And Susan Rosenberg was one of the getaway drivers.
Keep in mind that these bank and armored truck robberies were not about getting rich and running away to retire somewhere on the beach.
No, in their minds, this was total war.
This was war against America.
They term these robberies expropriations.
Almost acts of war.
And as one of their members eloquently, or not so eloquently, commented one time, in war people get hurt.
So, if you can understand that philosophy, you can understand The mindset of the motivation behind the gang.
So whatever happened to Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg?
Where are they now?
Well, they were finally arrested in 1984.
Susan Rosenberg was planning to bomb the U.S.
Naval Academy.
Local police and the FBI found hundreds of pounds of explosives and a huge cache of weapons.
I mean, they were prepared for an all-out war.
Thank God they got busted.
All right, the report's got about a minute left.
And then it gets into how they were pardoned later.
But that's real terrorists attacking the Capitol.
So you'll read about it and see the video at band.video.
The president that pardoned people that bombed the Capitol.
Here we are!
We're only... 21 hours out.
22 hours out.
From the inauguration of Joe Biden for sealing the election.
And I'd say they got a tiger by the tail, it's plain to see.
Because this guy is a communist Chinese agent.
They blamed Trump over and over and over and over and over again with no evidence that he was a Russian spy.
They used that to spy on him illegally.
Then they lied to Congress about it.
They said Trump's enemies were Russian agents.
Or the globalist enemies were Russian agents so they could attack all of Trump's defenders.
Just absolutely out of control.
And now Hillary Clinton has a podcast that's force-fed to everyone over all these different platforms.
And she had Nancy Pelosi on.
And they talked about how they think Putin probably directed the Capitol attack.
Well then you should send Putin a present, Hillary and Pelosi, because this really hurt Trump and hurt America how the left was able to break in there and blame the giant crowd of peaceful people.
The idea the left is out there that Trump's happy about this or I'm happy about this, it's ridiculous.
We're not like you.
That's why we had a blind spot that our demonstrations are peaceful.
The police had a blind spot as well, because it was a minority that did it.
Here is Pelosi, all roads lead to Putin.
So talk about conspiracy theories, you know.
They say they ban you off Twitter if it's a conspiracy theory.
Oh, okay, but not this one with the whole Mueller investigation and $39 million or whatever spent, not one centella of real Russian collusion.
Oh, but we got Communist China!
We got Communist China.
What's now come out?
Communist China directly manipulated the election.
And Communist China, with executive orders, is being designated for those crimes today
in major announcements that are up on Infowars.com.
We'll tell you more about that in a moment, but here's what Pelosi had to say with Hillary.
We learned a lot about our system of government over the last four years with a president
who disdains democracy.
And as you have said numerous times, has other agendas.
What they all are, I don't think we yet know.
I hope historically we will find out who he's beholden to, who pulls his strings.
I would love to see his phone records to see whether he was talking to Putin the day that the insurgents invaded our capital.
But we now know that not just him, but his enablers, his accomplices, his cult members have the same disregard for democracy.
Do you think we need a 9-11 type commission to investigate and report everything that they can pull together and explain what happened?
I do.
Let me, again, to your point of who is he beholden to, as I've said over and over, As I said to him in that picture with my blue suit, as I was leaving, what I was saying to him, as I was pointing rudely at him, with you, Mr. President, all roads lead to Putin.
I don't know what Putin has on him politically, financially, or personally, but what happened last week was a gift to Putin because Putin wants to undermine democracy in our country and throughout the world.
It's a gift to you to help declare martial law!
Okay, that's enough.
Get her off.
So there you go.
You've got Joe Biden on the payroll of Putin, on the payroll of Xi Jinping, on record his son.
The Moscow mayor's wife, three and a half million.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
Absolutely insane.
Shifting gears, Nick Fuentes was there.
I was there two weeks ago.
It was incredible.
Probably a million Trump supporters out there.
It was a tiny little 30, 40,000 person area.
We had to go through metal detectors to hear Trump.
Everybody else just sat there in the freezing cold for hours.
And so long before I marched the Capitol, they'd gotten there.
And there'd been some fisticuffs and maybe 150 people got into the building.
They're calling this the new Pearl Harbor.
They're calling it the great insurrection.
They're calling it the end of the world.
They're calling for Nick Fuentes to be arrested because he was seen outside.
They're calling for me to be arrested.
I think it was great to see people say, we know this was a fraudulent election.
But I think it was terrible that some people gave the system what they wanted when they broke in.
So, Nick Fuentes has been quoted in the media as liking what happened.
I imagine that's probably out of context.
So, we appreciate him coming on to tell us what he really thinks.
So, the founder of the Groypers, a former Trump volunteer and popular talk show host, Nick Fuentes.
Nick, thanks for coming on.
Thanks for having me.
I appreciate it.
I haven't had a chance to talk to you since then.
Thanks for coming on.
Where do you want to start?
What you saw that day?
What you really think?
Sure, yeah.
Well, uh, yeah, we haven't talked since I saw you at the Trump rally shortly before the demonstration outside the Capitol.
And, uh, yeah, my experience was probably similar to yours.
I, like you said, I was at the Ellipse rally where Trump spoke and there was actually, I believe, a Capitol demonstration happening during the Trump speech because it was during the Trump speech that President, or rather Vice President Mike Pence came out with a statement and he said that he would not Invoke the 12th Amendment and throw out the illegitimate Electoral College votes unilaterally.
I think that happened about 15 to 30 minutes before the president finished his speech.
And so I know that there was activity on the Capitol while that was happening.
So I saw the Trump speech.
And then when that was over, there were sort of this big bum rush towards the exit.
Outside of the rally, and we tried to get out of there as fast as we could.
We made it over to the Capitol, and when we got there, the entire Capitol building was surrounded.
And, you know, I have to say it was a pretty awesome sight.
Because I had been, and I know that you were there as well, we were traveling the country in Phoenix, Atlanta, all over the place, doing Stop the Steal protests, raising awareness about the voter fraud and everything.
And so to finally see hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters surrounding the U.S.
Capitol building demanding That Mike Pence or the Republican Senators take action on voter fraud.
To me, that was kind of like the fulfillment of the past two or three months of Stop the Steal protests.
And to me, it looked like the American people were waking up, rising up, and all of that.
Later, people falsely claimed that I breached the Capitol, which wasn't true.
But I stood outside the Capitol, I watched, I gave a little speech, and then we packed up and left.
And by the time we left, there were rumors that National Guard was coming in to break up the protest.
They sent in riot police and tear gas and flashbangs and all of that.
We had heard a rumor that somebody was shot inside, that there was an active shooter, and that turned out to be Ashley Babbitt, unfortunately.
uh... and so we got out of there i think it around four o'clock local time back
to our hotel and then that was it but uh...
it was a crazy day who would have thought that it would turn into
something like that you know i talk to you when i see the mainstream media quotes
it's out of context they say that i loved it but i said seeing a million people come out was great and it was
terrible that a few people
uh... let the media uh... engage in deception and also thousands of retweets
thousands of tweets calling for your arrest my arrest
It showed us in the Capitol directing people.
That was the Georgia Capitol months before us peacefully there, not the D.C.
And the left knows that, but they still engage in deceptions.
Well, yeah, exactly.
It's lies.
Somebody posted a screenshot from the Baked Alaska livestream It's funny because I went back and I watched the actual clip from the live stream that people were claiming showed me inside the Capitol and the journalist who posted it probably selected the frame in the video which obscured the face of the person that they were claiming was me the most.
When you click play and resume the video, The person looks nothing like me.
And that was one instance of it.
The other instance, like you said, is we were in the Atlanta Capitol and you and I were there.
We went through a metal detector.
Security let us in.
Totally legal.
Totally lawful.
And that was months ago.
And they were claiming that that was a siege on the U.S.
So at this point, what's kind of scary is that journalists and the sort of anti-fascist, specifically, type journalists on Twitter are now utilizing this basically to just Go after their political enemies and use the FBI and wield the intelligence community, wield federal law enforcement against their enemies.
You know, it's this unprecedented opportunity where if they could say, oh, Alex Jones and Nick Francis were at this thing, tag the FBI on Twitter and then You know, maybe now we're embroiled in an investigation.
Well, it shows what kind of authoritarians they are.
Let's talk about the Marshall Law in D.C.
What Biden's going to do.
What do the Q people do when Trump leaves tomorrow morning?
So much to talk about with Nick Fuentes.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWar.
Good old Joe Biden is going to have to have an inauguration with nobody there.
We've got a big steel barrier up there, 30,000 troops, 40,000 police, more than have ever been in any U.S.
city ever, not even where major wars.
And the CFR says, American democracy may be doomed by populism.
What they're saying is democracy might doom democracy.
Because populism is what you think is democracy.
We're a republic.
It's meant to contain tyrants and the mad mob.
But they're scared.
All over the world, people are upset with the New World Order.
And so there's an attack on the nation-state.
Nick Foyne says, I don't want to write us into the story.
It's the opposite.
We're not Hunter S. Thompson that did that.
I don't even try to track my name, and I had friends, family calling saying, are they going to arrest you?
New York Times, Washington Post, hundreds of publications, Wall Street Journal, Arrest Jones, Arrest Fuentes, their own reporters saying, here's shots of him here, here's shots of him there, and it was us in the Georgia capital, different clothing, different day, all peaceful, everyone lined up nice for a group photo with State Rep.
Vernon Jones.
And then they just turned that into the greatest commando raid in history.
Chuck Schumer called it the new Pearl Harbor.
Jones secretly caught confessing to organizing the rally on my TV show talking about it.
I mean it's just the level of deception they engage in is cartoonish.
Where do you think all this is going?
Well, you know, like we said before the break, I think that ultimately this is a precursor to what you're going to see under the Biden administration.
And that is the weaponization of the security state and the intelligence apparatus against people like us.
And it's unfortunate.
We've been living in a country where the left controls most of the power structures, if not all of them.
But for the past four years, we at least had Trump in the White House.
We had Republicans with some power in Congress.
And now after this Capitol siege, Trump has been totally disempowered.
He's been deplatformed, kicked off of social media.
There's this resistance and sort of uprising even within his own cabinet, all these resignations and everything.
And now as we enter the Biden administration, we're going to see what the full power of the left looks like when they control Not only all of the conventional power structures that we know, journalism, the media, Hollywood, academia, and so on, social media, but now they'll also be wielding the Justice Department, the FBI, and so on.
And the kinds of lies that you're seeing, it's very deliberate, it's very targeted.
They know that this is a very critical time where all they have to do is allege that we were near the Capitol or inside the Capitol or something like that.
And they're going to bring down, bearing down on our doors, the full power of FBI, DOJ and so on.
So it's very deliberate what they're doing.
And it's unfortunate that the right doesn't seem to understand this.
The left was given a great crisis on January 6th, a challenge to the legitimacy Kind of, of the federal government.
I mean, that's in some ways what the Capitol siege represented.
And they're now using that as the pretext for total deplatforming, unprecedented historic deplatforming, and then the weaponization of the FBI.
So it's a tough time.
You know, fortunately, we're both innocent.
We're okay.
And it seems like we've been able to stay out of trouble.
But it shows what these people are capable of and what they'll be capable of once Biden is fully empowered after tomorrow.
I totally agree.
They're calling it the Hunger Games scenario, but an empty inauguration except for tens of thousands of troops, it looks like a celebration of Xi Jinping's birthday or something.
Yeah, it's like North Korea.
Well, isn't that funny?
I think it was during one of Trump's, maybe it was Trump's inauguration or maybe one of his other speeches.
I know that he wanted to have a parade with missiles and tanks and things like that, and I remember that the media said, That just goes to show that Trump is a wannabe dictator and he admires people like Kim Jong-un and so on.
And then it's going to be the Biden inauguration that you have, like you said, 30,000 National Guard, 40,000 police, walls, military checkpoints, all the bridges into the city closed.
It's kind of amazing how quickly we got to this point.
But, you know, I said on my show last night, it's actually a very apropos and fitting inauguration because, at least now, We've sort of done away with this facade that Biden has a popular mandate.
Because the rhetoric just a few weeks ago was, this is the most popular president ever, right?
80 million votes, and he's the largest vote-getter in history, there was no fraud, and so on.
And now we're going to have this inauguration with no citizens, enforced by the military.
They have to build up walls, literally, to keep the American people from coming in and toppling the whole system.
So it's actually apropos.
And I think it's good because I think this is going to set the tone for the next four years that this is an illegitimate White House.
It's an illegitimate occupant in the White House.
And it shows.
That's why they have to build a giant fence.
It's totally overkill.
It's totally excessive.
But they need it to deter patriots, Trump supporters, anything like that, to do massive demonstrations or, you know, who knows what else during their inauguration.
So I actually look at this very visible, severe crackdown, this big display.
Maybe people look at this and finally wake up.
We're not in control of the system anymore.
This is not the sacred democracy that we hear about all the time.
It's actually totalitarianism.
That's right, Nick.
I want to go back to something you said at the start of this segment.
You had them hyperventilating saying Trump shouldn't put National Guard in Kenosha or all these other places that were burning the ground.
Hundreds of businesses per town being destroyed.
People being shot in the head.
Antifa BLM checkpoints.
Total bedlam.
Billions of dollars of damage.
And then meanwhile, they burn down the church next to the White House.
Trump does a photo op and has General Milley along with the rest of the cabinet with him.
And they call it total fascism that he's seen with the military.
And then he's a dictator.
And then Milley apologizes.
But now, now that it's the Democrats and the CHICOM agent, well, you know, here is the 30,000 and 40,000.
My goodness, folks, that's a lot of paramilitary.
This is crazy.
Well, yeah, I remember that, too.
That was after the riots in D.C.
And I remember he had the Secret Service and the police sort of occupy the foreground in front of the White House.
And they said, this is what a coward looks like.
This is a man who's afraid of the people.
Like, like you said, and he came out and held up the Bible.
And that was fascism.
That was, you know, this is very Symbolic display of how it's the people with Black Lives Matter against the oppressing police.
And it's obviously nothing in comparison to what Biden requires just to get inaugurated.
And the comparison is even broader than that.
It's the entire Black Lives Matter situation and Antifa situation that's been going on for the past six months.
And frankly, you know, to me, the lesson is not so much about the double standard because we know this, we expect this.
It's been like this for a long time, but You know, when there's this Capitol siege, and they're so exaggerating what happened at the Capitol.
I mean, really what you had is some gullible boomers and some QAnon people were wandering around the Capitol looking like tourists.
I mean, this was not an insurrection.
This was rowdiness.
This was civil disobedience.
But the left has taken this opportunity, and they've got now the DOJ.
And the FBI working around the clock, 24-7, to use geo-tracking, surveillance, facial recognition, to track down and charge everybody even peripherally associated.
And like the Stasi, if you go on Twitter, it's just millions of people all compiling, oh, here's Jones and Fuentes the night before, inciting, arrest them.
Oh, here's Trump giving a speech, arrest him.
And then they're all breathlessly, oh, these are insurrectionists.
I'm so frightened.
I want them arrested now.
Meanwhile, almost everybody that got in the Capitol Was in between the velvet ropes.
This is insane.
I'm going to ask Nick Fuentes how we fight back peacefully on the other side.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
We're going to have live coverage starting 8 a.m.
tomorrow, and it's going to be commercial-free once the installation of Lord Biden happens.
We're going to be on air covering it.
This is from the D.C.
police directly to me.
A National Guard truck has been stolen last night.
Reports of FBI investigation of organizations trying to infiltrate as guardsmen currently.
This is already in the news.
This part is not exclusive.
Two National Guardsmen were removed from their duties today for being on a heightened watch list.
An ATF tactical FAST team has just set up on top of X building.
So that's the type of stuff that's going on.
We've got our reporters on the ground there.
We have a live feed of the Capitol at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Nick J. Fuentes of NickJFuentes.com is here.
You can find his nightly TV program.
It's very popular as well by going to his website.
Nick, here's the deal.
I try not to fight with a different act of prescription.
I like overall what the Groepers are doing.
And I like your point about the Republican Party being one of our biggest enemies and trying to totally take that party over, not just partially.
We'll speak to some solutions in a moment or a new national party you've talked about, if one of these parties has to go.
The Boogaloos.
I mean, they say they work with BLM because they're for everybody's freedom, but they're actually connected to Soros, we know.
They come out of nowhere.
They bragged.
They broke into the Capitol.
They bragged.
They led it.
Zero Hedge is a 20-page article showing all their quotes from their top people.
And then none of them get in trouble.
I'm not calling the FBI on him, okay?
And I understand we have a tyrannical government and we're probably going to come to a point sometime that things get worse and worse.
It might be time to have to go offensive, but I want to exhaust all the other remedies first, and I'm certainly not going to attack with a bunch of people at the Capitol with a guy dressed up.
in a shaman outfit, I'm trying to attack their ideas and turn things around that way.
But then the Boogaloos are calling us up, "Hey, why are you meeting me and the Boogaloos?" Well,
my God, you're saying you're part of all this. You've got Antifa dressed up like patriots.
You guys broke in, you let a few people in with you. Now the country's under martial law,
basically. Can't you see who you serve? Most of the Boogaloos aren't feds.
But if you look at the FBI infiltrating the militias in the '90s and things,
This has all the telltale signs of this.
And the people involved in this, just like the Q followers, need to know what's happened to them.
So speak to that.
Your view on that and what's going to happen tomorrow when Joe Biden gets sworn in and the Q people literally in the streets and on my website, I see them.
They're mad at me going, Jones, you've joined the bad guys.
Trump is going to be the president.
No, he's not.
I've talked to two lawyers.
Very close to the President in the last 48 hours.
And I've talked to somebody else very close to the President.
I'm going to leave it at that.
Trump's leaving.
He's upset.
He's going to fight back against the globalists.
He's not going to give up.
But he's not going to be President anymore, folks.
OK, we actually talked to the President, unlike the made-up Q crap.
And I'm sorry, I'm ranting.
We've got you here as a guest.
Give me your take on all that.
Well, you're totally right about the Q people.
And I agree, it is frustrating.
It's just delusion at this point.
It's January 19th.
The inauguration is tomorrow.
And we've seen that the Stop the Steal efforts, as valiant and noble as they were, fell through.
And they fell through because the Republican Party is totally corrupt.
The Republican state legislators didn't want to claw back their power to appoint electors.
The Supreme Court didn't want to intervene, not even the three justices that the president
appointed in the past four years.
And ultimately, Vice President Mike Pence and Republican senators didn't want to object
to fraudulent electors.
We exhausted all of our constitutional options and that's it.
And I've heard some of these crazy rumors and crazy ideas about what could possibly
happen tomorrow.
At a certain point, you just have to accept the fact that the Trump administration, as
much as I love Trump, as much as I love the man, and as much as I think that he's a great
man and a true believer, the Trump administration for the past four years was full of people
sabotaging him, subverting him, and a lot of people who were just grossly incompetent.
You know, even you take a look at the Stop the Steal effort, and not the Ali Alexander rallies, but the resistance against the voter fraud from the legal team, We had Sidney Powell talking about release the Kraken and Lynwood who just totally went unhinged in the past couple of weeks.
This was at no point in my opinion a very serious or viable effort to overturn the results of the election and that's unfortunate and it hurts me to say that because I love President Trump and I wanted him to be in office for four more years and I know that you and I did everything we could.
We went to rallies and we went to state capitals and so on but they're just living in this reality where Donald Trump is The Messiah, and there's all this JFK stuff and whatever, and it's just not gonna happen.
And at the very least, tomorrow, when Biden is inaugurated, hopefully that will be put to bed.
I don't know what the mental gymnastics will be tomorrow, when that happens, what the next part of the plan is, you know, what the new thing to watch out for will be, the next crumbs drop by Q on 8chan or whatever, but hopefully that'll finally put that to bed.
The good thing about QAnon, I always thought, was that It got a lot of regular people to believe the right things, even if they were believing them for the wrong reasons.
You know, it took a lot of maybe mainstream conservative Republican types who believe this usual stuff about small government and free trade and mass immigration and low taxes.
And I think it woke them up about the power of the elites and the evil and the corruption of the elites.
And kind of this international thing that's going on with foreign governments.
Well, yeah, Nick, I took all the work that I did and countless others did, and you've been around a while, did, and it became Q. Like, oh, Q knows about this.
But don't worry, everything's fine.
But I mean, I agree, it was kind of a pop play for the general public.
It was just now waking up to get into it.
But because it was so simple and you're part of a secret club, it was very, very beguiling, very seductive.
Right, well yeah, that's a big component of it, totally.
And, you know, there was this aspect of people had to track it down and decode it, and they formed these little communities, and it was interesting.
It was also, I think, a way, it was sort of an escape, because Trump represented so much hope in 2016 and very quickly after his inauguration in 2017, you could see that the establishment got their hooks in his administration.
You could see that Reince Priebus filled up the White House with all these terrible people.
The policies that we elected Trump to accomplish or to pass were put on a back burner and instead they focused on Obamacare and corporate tax cut and so on.
I totally agree.
So let me ask you, let me ask you, what happens tomorrow?
When Biden gets sworn in and Trump flies off to Mar-a-Lago, what are the few people going to do then?
I don't know.
I guess they'll have to come up with some new fiction maybe in 2024.
That's when the American corporation will be dissolved and the Republic will come back.
I don't know.
I don't follow it very closely.
Yeah, Biden had to be put in to complete the fraud with the contract with the Merovingians.
That's right.
It's all part of the five-dimensional chess.
And, you know, we're making fun of it, but unfortunately, there are a lot of nice, earnest people who fall into this stuff because they're naive, I think, a little bit, and maybe inexperienced.
And basically, they're taken for a ride.
I think they're basically taken advantage of by people who are knowingly deceiving them, and they're getting caught up in this stuff.
So tomorrow, what I hope is that well-meaning Trump supporters, well-meaning nationalists, people that might have Falling into this stuff.
I hope they take the good stuff out of it, which is that, yes, the world is run by evil, satanic elites, pedophiles.
This international stuff is totally true.
Foreign collusion.
Like, that's all true.
And I hope that people will take that with them, but maybe they let this fantasy about a deep state operative working on our side in the government, you know, like Robert Mueller's on our side.
I hope they let that kind of stuff go, because I think there is a lot of useful stuff in the QAnon narrative, which Help people understand what's really going on in the world.
So hopefully tomorrow, a lot of these people who are, you know, they're good, they're patriots, well-meaning people and so on.
I hope they'll wake up about the delusional aspect of it and then they'll be ready to join us in reality to continue the uphill, very difficult battle against a deep state that will take place under a Biden administration.
And I don't like to admit that, but that's the way it's going to be.
So it'll be a big reality check.
I agree with you, Nick.
I just feel so sorry for these people because I care about them.
I help wake them up.
And so much of what Q covered was already well-known, real stuff.
Just Q would attach to it.
I was never in competition with Q. I'm not in competition with you or anybody.
I've learned that as more people wake up more people, we just wake up more people.
I'm going to beat the globalists.
That's my goal.
And so I love the Epoch Times.
I love the work Mike Adams does.
I love the work Tucker Carlson does.
I feel good knowing there are all these good people out there with different perspectives, but that love liberty, that I respect.
But so many people go, Jones, you're just jealous that Q can talk to Trump and you can't.
I've got Trump's phone number, for God's sakes.
Trump's totally surrounded and going down.
And these people are like, I talked to Q.
I'm Q-level now, and it's so sad.
I want to talk a little bit more with you in a final segment about solutions and other big issues that are front and center for Nick Fuentes.
Nick Fuentes, of course, has a nightly show you can find at nickjfuentes.com, and of course, we'll tell you the actual URL when we come back.
Stay with us.
All right, Nick Fuentes is almost as banned as InfoWars is.
I was about to plug his big popular show I know about and I was told he was kicked off that.
I guess he might be back.
We'll ask him about that.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
But now we see the president censored.
We see other presidents being censored.
We see American ideas around the world being censored by big megacorporations.
Where can people find you, Nick?
And where do you think this deep state purge, this open authoritarianism, where we're going from zero to 100 in seconds, how far is it going to go?
And where does the resistance amount?
I think it should be through Congress.
Cruz and Hawley, who they're targeting and trying to expel, think it should be through governors.
But I think folks have to realize we're under the Great Reset, and we're under attack, and really get mobilized for that, or we're going to get really, really, really taken down deep.
Well, I agree with you about mobilization because, and this is one of the things I'm most concerned about in the coming years, is the vaccine.
I think the next big push that we're going to see from the Biden administration will be the mass vaccination and it'll be mandatory vaccination with the vaccine passports.
And that to me is the most imminent threat which we need to begin mobilizing for and resisting that.
You could find my show, by the way, on America First dot live after I got censored from everything.
As you asked for that.
It's like you said, I'm about as banned now as you, which is unfortunate.
It's not a great position to be in because of the monopoly or oligopoly that a lot of these major services wield.
But you're right.
The time for the resistance is now.
I think the big trick in the coming months and in this year in particular It's going to be to build the alternative to big tech.
This is, in my opinion, the greatest existential threat to the American right, to the resistance to the Biden administration on the left, is we have to retain a presence on the Internet.
Now, that doesn't necessarily mean a presence on the big tech platforms like Twitter and Facebook and YouTube and things like that.
But it means a presence on the Internet like you have.
I mean, you're on Bandod Video and there are other people that have been able to survive off the platforms.
Using their own websites, using their own services and whatever.
And that's going to be the big trick, is now that Donald Trump is off of Twitter, now that he has been deplatformed and he's sort of joined us on the blacklist and everything, hopefully there will be a massive exodus of Trump supporters, conservatives, Patriots off of the big platforms.
Hopefully they'll be looking for alternatives, joining them, supporting them.
Hopefully people with resources and with skills will be volunteering their resources and expertise to build these things.
And we need to get the American right back online in 2021.
And we need to build something sustainable and long term so we can stay online.
Because ultimately, you can't compete in elections, you can't spread your message if you don't have access to the distribution of information.
You know, it's interesting, your show and your brand is called InfoWars.
I mean, you've been doing that for so long, but it's so prescient.
It's an information war, and it's a war over the distribution of information.
If the mainstream media and social media controls the distribution of information totally, well, good luck electing a candidate that's a Republican.
Or America First, or anything other than whatever CNN wants, anything other than what Mark Zuckerberg wants.
The only way that we can compete in the political ecosystem, the only way that we can compete in the ecosystem of information, is if we have access to and control over the distribution of information through mass media.
And of course the logical extension of that, Nick Fuentes, Is now CNN is saying we want Fox News, OAN, and Newsmax taking off the cable systems and it's starting to happen.
There's no end to this tyranny.
The bottom has just totally fallen out and I can't believe the so-called elites are this unified in this.
This is going to be so dangerous for them as well.
So now all these rich men that set up tyranny to consolidate power, they're now going to Be arrested like the head of Alibaba in China!
They're destroying their own safety net!
They're idiots!
Well, absolutely, and the good thing is, there's actually a silver lining to that.
Now that Trump has been banned off of Twitter, and now that he's been deplatformed from all these things, to me, this is actually exciting, an exciting time, because this will now draw the attention of the elites, like you said.
When you were getting banned on Twitter and Facebook and everything, well, a lot of mainstream conservatives didn't want to say anything because they were cowardly.
And, oh, we don't want to talk to Alex Jones or whatever.
I mean, we all know the usual GOP types.
And, you know, so when people are getting... Even a lot of my crew, dozens of groups I was quietly funding, they were just supposed to promote us and sponsor us.
They wouldn't promote us, but would always say they would.
And so then when I fired them, they got mad.
I'm like, you're scared to promote me.
You'll be next.
If we all hang together or we hang separate.
Well, and that is, I think, what conservatives are realizing now that Trump was banned.
They're realizing that it's only a matter of time before they come for everybody.
They're coming after Fox.
They're coming after Tucker.
They're coming after cable news stations.
They came after the President of the United States.
And so, what used to be a problem for so-called fringe people or people that were inconvenient, it's now becoming a problem for people that are very mainstream, people that are very influential.
And that's where it's always been, because they were the real targets.
They want the number one show, Joe Rogan.
Not even because they disagree with his politics.
They want to own people.
That's right.
Well, and they fear individuals that they don't control having influence over millions of people.
What they feared about you and what they feared about Joe Rogan and a lot of these people is that you have your own totally independent infrastructure broadcasting to millions and millions of people, you still do, and they don't control you and they don't control what you say.
They want to control everything that people hear.
They want to control what's on their phones, want to control what's on their TV, on their radio.
Oh, they're freaking out!
I'm pointing out that the Boogaloos are still on Twitter and you and I aren't.
And this terrorist that led the attack, this Antifa guy, is obviously working for the Democrats.
His brother agrees.
He's still on Twitter and you and I aren't.
He's calling for violence.
And I'm not at war with the Boogaloos.
I'm warning their members that you're being protected.
That means feds are in control of you.
Well, that's exactly right.
They only protect people that are beneficial to them.
And even if they're not in bed with the Feds or Feds themselves, if they are doing something that is useful for the Feds, they will be protected.
If they're doing something that's useful for the media, they will get covered by the media.
You know, I used to say this about the alt-right all the time.
You know, people call me alt-right a lot.
I was never a part of that.
We have severe disagreements or major disagreements.
I'm the new right.
Yeah, yeah, me too.
We're part of the new, the new right wing.
You know, the future is, I think, people like you and I. But we used to look at people like that and say, well, gee, why is it that Richard Spencer gets all this media coverage?
Why is it that Boogaloo types?
Why is it that these kinds of so-called right wing organizations get all this media coverage?
And they're talked about, they're allowed on social media, they're allowed to exist, they don't get persecuted.
Well, it's because they are fundamentally an asset in the sense that they are advancing the cause of these.
We're turning people away from populistic nationalism, the new right, just rediscovery of America first.
And so, because they're destructive, they're protected.
That's right.
That's exactly right.
They're moving the ball down the field for all the wrong people.
And, you know, the thing is about these institutions is they're not stupid.
You know, say what you will about the FBI or Big Tech or the media, but they're not dummies.
They know exactly what they're doing.
When a reporter comes to your house to interview you about the Capitol scene... They already have their agenda set.
They're just pretending like they're interviewing you to look legitimate.
That's right, and they're not going to put an interview of you on TV that's going to help you.
They're not coming to interview Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes to help people hear our side of the story or to help us get our message out there.
The only reason that they're conducting the interview and broadcasting the interview is because they think That it will benefit their agenda.
They think it will benefit them.
You know, the era of independent media, non-biased media, if that ever existed, it's certainly over now.
And people have got to realize that and take a very close look at who's being protected, who's being allowed on these different things.
Ultimately then, who serves the system?
And who represents a real challenge to it.
And you can tell by who's getting the most severe backlash, who's getting the media coverage, who's getting snitched on by the FBI.
Tell us one more time, your new platform.
We salute you having your own new platform.
That means you're really in the elite column now, having to do that yourself.
People should support you.
How do they find that, Nick?
It's AmericaFirst.live, and I do my show at 8 o'clock Central Time, Monday through Friday, so I'll be on there tonight.
All right, God bless you.
Please join us if you'd like tomorrow night.
We're going to do extended commercial free, come over 30 minutes.
If you can, you just pick the time.
We're going to be covering the post-America period and just admitting how much trouble we're in so we can wake up America and fix it, not be delusional like the Q folks say.
God bless you and thank you.
Thank you so much.
Thanks for having me on.
All right, please set him up tomorrow night.
We can simulcast with him for 30 minutes or something, too, if he wants to.
Paul Joseph Watson is about to take over.
I feel like I should be talking for 10 hours.
There's so much to cover.
I want to take a lot of your calls.
The crew is exhausted.
We've tried to beef this operation up.
We've never been able to do it.
So we're all very, very battle-hardened at this point, but also exhausted.
And I never get sick.
I went in for a dental appointment.
And I got an infection in there, and I feel like I've been stabbed with an ice pick in my tonsils right now, but I'm here on air.
So I sound a little weird today, it's just because I'd like to cut my left tonsil out with a butcher knife if I could, but I'm not going to.
I'm gonna go to the doctor here in a few minutes, but thank God.
I mean, I haven't been sick in five years.
So earlier last year, I was sick a little bit, probably COVID, had a cough for about three or four days, a little bit of a fever for a day.
I never get infections or problems unless it's occasionally at a medical facility, which are the most dangerous places on earth.
Hour number four coming up.
Stay with us.
We are back live.
Paul Joseph Watson is scheduled As they say in Airstrip One, to be hosting the next hour.
I like being interviewed for his show.
I'm glad he's doing interviews now.
So Paul is taking over here in a few minutes.
Let me just do this now or we won't be on air.
We are funded by viewers and listeners like you, who I salute and I thank from the bottom of my heart.
And just because some of you got conned by the Q thing, I don't blame you.
I've been doing this 27 years.
I learned more now in a day than I used to learn in a year.
And, you know, I didn't think they'd do a false flag or break it in the Capitol.
I thought they'd do a mass shooting or something when we went to D.C.
But still, I went there because it was the right thing to do to stand against their election fraud.
So just because you're wrong or get conned doesn't mean you're bad.
What matters is your heart.
King David had his best friend killed because he was in such lust for his wife.
But he later repented and really meant it.
And God said you're a man out of my own heart.
So I'm not judging any of you.
I was involved in abortions when I was a teenager.
I repented of that.
But God forgave me.
So I'm not here judging you.
You're not bad.
I just can't sit there and watch people conned like this.
The mainstream media says Jones loved QAnon until recently.
No, I didn't.
I said, if you want to be Q yourself and do real research and want to take the movement over, that's great.
But whoever's running this 8chan board, whoever's putting this out, that's manipulating you.
And now you see what's happened.
But the Q folks didn't launch the attack.
They were just used as the cannon fodder so they could have people to arrest so they wouldn't have to arrest their actual federal officers and federal agents and provocateurs that went in.
So I may have given it to Q a little too much the last two weeks, but I was really pissed.
I was set up.
I was there.
And it tore my heart out to see those million Americans or so that came peacefully with children, many of them, and to watch a few hundred idiots and the police stand down and get away with that.
was terrible and then actually Mabit dying it was just it was just terrible
but I'll just keep trying to do the best job I can I'm not perfect either
separately vitamin mineral fusion is a liquid vitamin mineral with key amino
acids it is the best highest quality vitamins and minerals we could find this
is a top-end product a large part of what you pay is the product I could have
put out a canister of high quality vitamin mineral stuff that wasn't high
quality for a couple bucks This didn't have a couple bucks in it.
It's got a lot, lot more than that in there.
And so it's high-end stuff.
You absorb it better into your body.
It's got the vitamin D3.
It's got the zinc.
It's got the vitamin C. It's got every essential vitamin, every essential mineral.
And then it's got all of the key amino acids to help it upload into your body that are known in the studies to do it.
For my immune system, for my body's defenses, I just, every couple days, we have a little pitcher, glass pitcher, as soon as my wife puts it away, we have a plastic one.
And I put a few scoops in, put water in, put some icings, I want it right away, pour myself a glass, put the rest in the refrigerator, and I drink it in the morning, or I drink it in the evening, sometimes twice a day, and you absorb almost all of it that way.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion is back in stock, and We got a limited supply of this because of COVID-19 supply chain breakdowns.
So we got half the order in we were supposed to.
It'll be eight weeks till we get more.
This will sell out way before eight weeks because it's a 50% off.
We know if I sell it at full price, it will still sell out in eight weeks.
But I am selling it at 50% off because I want people on the fence to get it and see how amazing it is and protect yourself with something that's vital.
that is an essential vitamin mineral package.
So, and I believe you'll become a big fan of it and keep reordering it.
So, it's the right thing to do, but it's also something I found that's very successful.
I just morally feel like I should sell it at the lowest price possible, so all of you can get it.
Winter Sun is almost sold out.
We're going to get more of that in as well.
It's super high quality D3.
It is the key.
DNA Force is almost sold out.
And we're going to have to end the specials.
This is our new special.
We're going to have to end the specials in a few days on the big mega special.
The Globalist Storm is here.
It's an extension of the New Year Special.
There's a bunch of these are closest selling out.
Super Metal Vitality, X2, Alpha Power, Chill Force, Lung Cleanse, Survival Shield, X3, Pure Turmeric, Liquid Extract.
All 50% off.
A bunch of other stuff, too.
It's going to have to go up in price.
It's 25% off.
Stuff like Pollen Block is about to sell out.
Infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to thank you all for your support.
Paul Joseph Watson is taking over, then Owen Schroyer at 3 p.m.
today, and then tomorrow we're gonna go live at 8 a.m.
right into 10 p.m.
commercial-free starting during the inauguration of the Chai Com Dictator.
Stay with us.
Hello everybody and welcome back to the Summit News Hour.
Later on in the show we're gonna get into the continued hysterical freak-out over the aftermath of what happened at the Capitol building.
Now with Blue checkmarks on Twitter literally claiming that Trump is going to lead a domestic terrorist army to overthrow the administration of Joe Biden, calling for the creation of a citizen spy network of Americans snitching on Americans that could, by the looks of it, rival the East German Stasi if it ever got off the ground.
We have more social deplatforming news.
It now appears that Laura Loomer has been put on a federal No buy list in terms of buying firearms, which again goes back to the point that this isn't just about restricting people's access to social media.
It's about creating the social credit score in America, where you're not allowed to buy a plane ticket, a train ticket, where you're not allowed to get insurance to buy a car or to mortgage a home, as we saw with Kurt Schilling last week.
Now it appears she's been put on a no-gun buy list.
We're going to get into that.
We're going to get into the comeback of Parler, which looks like it's going to happen by the end of this month.
They haven't managed to completely obliterate it from the internet.
But now the big scandal is, oh, they're using a cloud flare type service that prevents DDoS attacks that is based in Russia.
So they can't use any services that are based in America or the West because of course they get de-platformed off the back of vitriolic Twitter hate mobs going after Amazon and all these other companies who immediately cave.
So then you go offshore to a different country to try and use a service and then you're in league with the Russians.
And that's reinvigorated the whole demented Russian interference conspiracy theory, which was of course voiced For years without any evidence whatsoever by the same people who are now saying that it should be a bannable offence, an offence that should get people ostracised from society to question the legitimacy of an election, despite the fact that they've literally been doing that for the past four years.
But as ever, we continue in the West, and in my country, the UK, to labour under lockdown.
The third lockdown so far in the United Kingdom, because the first two worked so well, They're talking about putting Trump supporters in camps to re-educate them, to de-radicalise them.
We're also talking about putting them in camps in Germany if they dissent against the Covid consensus.
And now they're actually repurposing refugee camps, which haven't been used as of late, to keep Covid dissidents ostracised, separated, removed from the rest of society.
We're going to get into that.
But first, I want to start off with this.
Because it's one of the top headlines up at summit.news.
We've been harping on about this for the best part of 10 months.
Nobody in government is listening.
They're still following the same policies that were enshrined by communist police state China with no room for debate whatsoever.
Despite the fact that we continue to have, in the background, They don't tend to get much network media coverage, imagine my shock.
Peer-reviewed studies that show lockdown doesn't work and in fact could even be more harmful in the long term than the coronavirus itself.
It says academics from Duke, Harvard and Johns Hopkins have concluded that there could be around a million excess deaths over the next two decades as a result of lockdowns.
And this article, by the way, is basically the Rosetta Stone For the myriad of experts who have argued who have made the same case over the past 10 months and largely been ignored, there's an NBER working paper entitled The Long-Term Impact of the Covid-19 Unemployment Shock on Life Expectancy and Mortality Rates.
Suggests that for the overall population, the increase in death rate following the COVID-19 pandemic implies a staggering 0.89 and 1.37 million excess deaths over the next 15 and 20 years respectively.
Now, other studies have shown that it could cause even more deaths than that in an even shorter time frame.
But this study looked into how unemployment affects mortality and life expectancy and it was centered around 67 years of data about unemployment.
Because as the argument continually needs to be made, unemployment causes poverty, poverty causes death.
Especially in the third world where even the UN has said, I think they said it was in the hundreds of millions of people who would eventually die as a result of extreme poverty caused by coronavirus lockdowns.
This paper suggests that deaths caused by the economic and societal decline as a result of lockdowns may, quote, far exceed those immediately related to the acute COVID-19 critical illness.
It says the recession caused by the pandemic can jeopardize population health for the next two decades.
And we go on into this article, which is why I say it's the Rosetta Stone, to include Basically every other example where peer-reviewed studies, top experts have said the same thing.
We had Germany's Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development, Gerd Muller, last year, I believe it was in September, warning that Covid-19 lockdowns will result in, quote, one of the biggest hunger and poverty crises in history.
He said, we expect an additional 400,000 deaths from malaria and HIV this year on the African continent alone.
Because liberals and leftists care so much about black people in the third world, right?
Well, 400,000 of them are going to die from malaria and HIV because of the same lockdown policies that you vehemently support while claiming the sanctimonious moral high ground in claiming you're a double plus good person.
for wearing a mask in public.
And I'm going to get on to the masks, by the way, in the next segment, because some more interesting news about that.
But in addition to these peer-reviewed studies, we had another study which found lockdowns will conservatively destroy at least seven times more years of human life than they serve.
Professor Richard Sullivan, the top cancer expert in the UK, also said there will be more excess cancer deaths, that's cancer deaths alone, In the UK, the total coronavirus deaths due to people's access to screenings and treatment being restricted.
And of course, people avoiding hospitals because they're so paranoid about getting COVID.
And to be fair, it's a reasonable concern given that the vast majority of cases New infections of coronavirus emerge in hospitals and care homes.
They don't happen in pubs and restaurants, but it's the pubs and restaurants that get locked down time and time again.
Meanwhile, as we've seen from footage that we've played over and over again, which for filming some people have been arrested, some of the hospitals, let's just say, aren't exactly overflowing.
We also had Professor Carol Sikora, an NHS consultant oncologist, Again, these are not wacky, demented COVID deniers.
These are people within your own system saying this, that there could be 50 excess deaths from cancer during lockdown in the UK.
Even a Guardian analysis has found there have been thousands of excess deaths of people at home in the UK due to the lockdown.
And I haven't got into the TB deaths.
Of course, the UN came out and said 1.4 million extra TB deaths globally, again, as a result of lockdown.
We haven't even got into the mental health impact that this will have.
And of course, the rapid increase in suicides, especially of young people that we're already seeing uptick.
Meanwhile, peer-reviewed study, another one, shows COVID lockdowns have no benefits compared to voluntary measures.
This was by Stanford University.
Yet more wacky, demented COVID deniers.
Who found that mandatory lockdowns do not provide more benefits to stopping the spread of COVID-19 than voluntary measures such as social distancing, such as the ones that have been applied in Sweden, of course, which has a lower death rate than the UK.
No masks, no masks on public transport, no nationwide lockdowns, yet lower death rate in Sweden and other countries which followed a similar path, such as South Korea.
This study compared countries that had imposed mandatory lockdowns, stricter ones like England, France and Germany, with others such as Sweden and South Korea that hadn't.
After analyzing the data, researchers found "no clear significant beneficial effect of more
restrictive measures on case growth in any country." They said they do not question the
role of all public health interventions but insisted stay-at-home orders and business closures
had no additional impact on lowering the spread of the virus.
So according to this study, according to numerous other peer-reviewed studies released just in the past few days, Lockdowns have no impact on lowering the spread of the virus, but then we know they do have an impact in causing massive untold death, depression, suicide and misery that we're already experiencing and will continue to experience over the next couple of decades.
I'm going to get into masks on the other side.
Don't go away.
We'll be right back.
Now, anyone who's dared to venture outside during these national lockdowns, because it's so dangerous and deadly out there, as we know, Has come a cropper, time and time again, has come into contact with the permanently petrified mask zealots.
Now, outside of the debate as to whether masks work or not, given the infections that we've seen in the UK and other European countries, after masks were made mandatory in the UK inside shops and other internal areas, of course, in other countries like Spain, you have to wear them everywhere.
I've seen people hiking up mountains wearing masks, but I'm going to get into that in a minute.
But you've come into contact with these people.
Generally speaking, they fit the classic Karen stereotype.
Middle-aged white women.
And I came across one the other day.
I was leaving my apartment building.
She was to put the trash out.
She was coming out of the building.
So she was wearing the mask inside the apartment building.
To come out of her own flat.
She's probably wearing it in her own flat for all I know.
She's probably got a hazmat suit at this point.
Again, so I just put the trash out, walk back towards the entry to the apartment block, and she's like completely transfixed and doesn't know what to do.
You know, it's like that They Live clip.
We've got one that can see!
And it's this look in their eyes, and I've seen it.
This petrified, terrified, perplexed look like they've seen a ghost or something if you get within 10 feet of them and she like gives me a wide berth which you could you could drive a you could fly a 747 through as I go back into the building and I'm like thinking what the hell is she doing she's just looking at me like she's seen a ghost and I'm thinking what what are you doing
So I go back in, I hold the door open for her, because presumably she's trying to get back in the apartment.
And she's like, no, no, it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
And she like won't even touch the door as I'm holding it open for her while wearing this mask and this transfixed look of terror in her eyes.
You know, I told the story last time I was jogging.
I was jogging very slowly towards a group of about three people, again avoiding them.
I wasn't running into them.
And one of them literally leapt out of the way and shrieked in panic.
That's not the first time that's happened.
And I'm going to get into the exercise aspect of this mask wearing in a second, but I want to start off with this headline.
Out of summit.news.
Professor of Medicine brags about wearing two face masks To inauguration, despite having been vaccinated.
You see, it's not good enough now to prove that you're a good, wholesome, morally righteous, upstanding person who cares about the community by wearing just one mask.
Now you need to wear two.
Even if you've taken the vaccine.
So wait a minute.
We're told the masks are effective in stopping the spread of coronavirus.
And we're told that vaccines are effective in stopping the spread of coronavirus.
So if masks are effective, why are you wearing another one?
Then you're telling the world that the first one doesn't work properly.
And if you've had the vaccine, why are you wearing the mask anyway?
This is a CNN guest, a regular CNN guest, and a medical doctor, from what I could tell by her bio, a professor of medicine, who bragged about wearing two face masks to attend Joe Biden's inauguration.
Despite having already received a COVID-19 vaccine.
Now, as is always the case, they end up deleting the tweets, but I got a screenshot of it.
This is Megan L. Ranney, who posted a photo of herself wearing two masks alongside the words, off I go to the inauguration, with an old N95 under my cloth mask.
Heebie-jeebies from being in an airport despite being fully vaccinated.
So can you imagine the terror?
The terror that this woman, and again, classic middle-aged white woman, Karen, the terror that she has in moving in an environment where there are other people, my God, the horror.
However, respondents to the tweet slammed Rani for her hysterical overreaction and apparent desperation for social media clout, which we also see from a lot of nurses recently, while others questioned why she would need to wear two masks while vaccinated if masks and vaccines were effective.
Presumably, if wearing one mask makes you a good person, wearing two masks makes you a double plus good person.
Others pointed out that aside from the debate about whether or not masks are actually effective in stopping the spread of Covid, this is the latest example of a leftist betraying the fact that the face mask has become the latest insipid token of sanctimonious virtue signalling and obedience.
Of course, she later deleted the tweet.
There we have the previous example of a brave, courageous, morally upstanding citizen doing his part for the community by wearing two face masks and tweeting it for social media clout and dopamine, which is obviously more important.
Of course, we had the BBC last week telling people to wear face masks during sex.
Yes, that was actually on the BBC News website.
Of course, they don't seem too bothered.
About the fact that these masks, by the way people just drop them on the street willy-nilly.
I see about 20 masks on the street if I go within 100 meters of my building.
And they don't seem to be too concerned either about the fact that masks will contribute an estimated 7,000 tons of plastic to the oceans.
And take 450 years to break down.
So people are just throwing them on the streets.
They're ending up in rivers.
They're ending up in the sea.
Adding to that giant island of plastic that's floating around.
Nobody really cares about that.
What they care about is clout and dopamine on Twitter.com.
Then we have the exercise question.
I'm seeing more and more people every single day in the park doing vigorous exercise, running while wearing face masks.
Even the World Health Organization has told people again and again that this is dangerous and not to do it.
But again, it's not about danger.
It's not about health.
It's about being a good person and then getting the dopamine and social media clout.
This is from theconversation.com.
When we do heavy exercise, our muscles produce lactic acid, which causes a burning sensation.
It's converted to carbon dioxide and exhaled.
But what happens if the carbon dioxide is trapped by the mask?
Well, of course, you breathe it back in.
There's also less oxygen in the air.
This, of course, is why you don't wear a face mask while you're doing vigorous exercise.
It can cause severe respiratory difficulties, breathing problems, and we've had cases where people, children, have literally died because their parents have forced them to wear face masks during intense physical exercise.
There's a need for understanding, this is growing, given the story reported on Australian news of two teenage boys in China dying within a week of each other during compulsory physical education examinations while wearing face masks.
So you literally have people to prove that they're good people and you can see in the look in their eyes when you walk anywhere near them, they want to express their dominance, their morally righteous dominance over you because they're wearing a mask and you're not.
I've seen not just people wearing masks outside in the UK, which isn't a law and has never been a law, has never been part of the COVID rules, but again, they're doing it to prove they're good people.
Now more and more are wearing them while they're literally sprinting, risking literal breathing difficulties, risking collapse, risking actual death.
And even though the World Health Organization has come out and said, don't do that, I'm seeing it in increasing numbers.
I'm seeing people freaking out, jumping out of the way, not knowing how to behave because of this mass mental hysteria that's been pushed by the mainstream media and only continues to intensify.
We're going to get into Germany putting Covid dissidents in camps after the break.
We'll be right back.
Now go away.
Now we know that since 2015 there were a ton of refugee camps opened in Germany because Angela Merkel, in her infinite wisdom, decided to allow around 2 million people from Middle Eastern countries and North African countries into Germany on the back of the migrant crisis which was created by the Obama administration invading Libya.
We're going to get another taste of that outrageously successful foreign policy here over the next four years.
Again, can't wait for that.
So, of course, they opened up these refugee camps.
We had massive terror attacks.
We had massive increases in violent crime, according to the German government's own numbers.
Massive increases in sexual assault and rapes.
Of course, the Cologne New Year's Eve incident, where a thousand women were molested or raped, predominantly by North African refugees brought into the country by Angela Merkel herself.
Now, though, some of those refugee camps are being emptied out.
Some of those refugees, migrants are going back to their home countries.
So they have little more room available.
And what they've decided to do with this extra room is to put COVID-19 dissidents in those camps.
Camps for dissidents in Germany.
What could possibly go wrong?
Germany set to detain COVID rule breakers in refugee camps.
We first highlighted this story on Friday.
Citing reports that people who repeatedly flout the rules will be held in a detention camp in Dresden.
Now authorities in numerous different areas have outlined where they will incarcerate those who break lockdown laws or refuse to self-isolate after catching Covid.
And they basically said that in Saxony and in another area of the country, Brandenburg, they're going to use sections of refugee camps that are now unused or areas tagged onto those refugee camps To house people who don't pay fines when they get caught breaking lockdown laws.
And this, of course, is probably going to enlist the support of the public, given the polls that we've seen over recent weeks and months.
So Covid dissidents who violate social distancing, lockdown laws, mask laws are now literally being put in camps in Germany.
Move along, nothing to see here.
Meanwhile, People in Britain who have proven the most vehemently, zealotly, enthusiastic about supporting lockdown measures, no matter how draconian they become, now support the government having the power to literally spy on people's physical movements in live time via their cell phones to enforce lockdown.
Whole plurality of Brits support government spying on people via cell phone tracking to enforce lockdown.
People in Britain support giving the government powers to spy on people's movements via cell phone tracking to enforce lockdown.
That's 45% in support of the measure compared to 42% who oppose it.
They asked numerous different people in different countries if they support a quote, the government using the mobile phone data of individuals to ensure they're complying with restrictions on movement outside of the home during the lockdown.
Now in many of these countries, America included, from what I saw in the survey, the majority oppose this measure, which of course is completely draconian, a surveillance nightmare, that would make what Edward Snowden exposed look like a walk in the park.
But in good old blighty, the majority of people, if you take out the ones who said don't know, support the measure.
And as I write in the article, to put that into perspective, more people than not literally support handing the state the power to track people's physical movements in real time by giving them access to GPS triangulation data.
In Australia, even more people supported it at a rate of 62% to 29%.
When asked whether the government should literally ban handshakes, maybe even put people in camps if they shake the hand of somebody, 76% of respondents in the UK support the idea with just 13% in opposition.
So over three quarters of the British population want the government to literally have the power to find people, and then if they don't find them, put them in prison for shaking someone's hand.
Totally normal.
YouGov polls have routinely found that a large majority of the UK population support increasingly draconian lockdown measures.
Despite all the peer-reviewed studies that I just went through at the top of the show, proving that they don't work.
But you won't find those stories, those peer-reviewed studies, you won't find any coverage of them on BBC News or Sky News, which is why people continue to be hysterically brainwashed.
Meanwhile, UK authorities could force people to take selfie every day to prove they're self-isolating.
And of course, this is off the back of this narrative, which they're now introducing.
Where they're going to say, we've had the third lockdown.
We need to extend it for a significantly longer amount of time, either because we haven't got enough vaccines out to people, because too many people have refused to take the vaccine, or because people are ignoring the lockdown laws.
So they're going to get more viciously draconian in enforcing them.
And we've seen that already.
People literally being arrested for drinking a cup of coffee on a bench.
A couple of women Who went for a walk in a remote rural location, being intercepted, interrogated, fined by police.
More examples of that coming out on a daily basis.
Well now UK authorities are considering a new measure that would force people to send selfies every day to prove they're self-isolating photos, which would then be cross-referenced using GPS data and facial recognition software.
Now they're talking about mimicking the New Zealand model where all new arrivals to the country
are forced to check into a quarantine hotel at the airport for a period of two weeks.
Now they should have shut down, they were really treating this as seriously
as they told us, as seriously as they claimed it was at the start.
They should have shut down the borders right at the start as many of the countries did
and went on to have lower infection rates, lower death rates,
but no, the borders have been wide open for the entire 10 months for people coming in.
People coming from Brazil, South Africa.
They were only stopped a couple of weeks ago despite these mutant strains arriving from those countries.
Meanwhile, it's literally illegal for me to drive 30 minutes from where I live to visit somebody on the south coast of the country.
But everyone and their Dogs and their relatives and anything whatsoever can come into the country, but we've got internal borders and we can't get out.
So they're mirroring what New Zealand's done, and now they're literally suggesting this policy where, quote, each person is contacted once a day and told to send a photograph of themselves at the location where they are confined.
These are cross-referenced using GPS data and facial recognition software.
Those who fail to comply within 20 minutes Receive a visit from the police.
We've already seen those home visits being carried out, for example, in Scotland, where a family was visited and arrested because their neighbor snitched on them for violating lockdown rules.
So now they're literally talking about forcing people to send pictures of themselves to the government to prove their Staying at home.
Staying safe.
Again, nothing chillingly Orwellian, draconian about that whatsoever.
But again, if you've seen the polls, the vast majority of people apparently support it.
I don't see that in the street.
I don't hear it when I talk to people.
When we were allowed to talk to people about a month ago, I only saw the opposite.
I only experienced the opposite, where literally everyone was bitching and moaning about this lockdown.
But apparently, according to these polls, I don't know who they're sampling.
Like, BBC addicted television viewers in their 80s maybe is their main sample for these polls.
But we continue to see massive, overwhelming support for the most draconian measures.
Speaking of which, in Bali, Indonesia, police force tourists caught not wearing masks to do push-ups.
Police in Bali are forcing tourists caught not wearing face masks to do push-ups and sweep the streets as punishment.
Maybe that's gonna Be brought in over here.
Don't want to give them any ideas, do we?
So basically, if you don't pay the fine, the police, which I imagine in Indonesia, aren't too patient, force people to get down on their knees and do 25 push-ups, or if they can't do that, sweep the streets.
Now, thankfully, this appears to be being treated with what it deserves, which is Basically, complete dismissal by tourists, by foreigners in Bali.
And if you look at the pictures, they're literally laughing.
But in doing so, they're still performing the push-ups.
There's basically a big scandal about this.
They're blaming Russians for not following the face mask rules and forcing all tourists who dissent against that to do physical exercise while the security officers watch.
Don't go away.
Well, Michael Tracy's tweet of this.
Media members who once denounced the deployment of military force to American streets as the rawest incarnation of violent fascism have now joined together to cheer the military occupation of Washington, D.C.
That's precisely what's been happening over the past few days.
But Trump has come out with a statement here in the past hour or so on the eve of Joe Biden's inauguration tomorrow.
It's a tweet from Catherine Folders.
There's an excerpt from President Trump's farewell video address, which is scheduled to be released soon.
Don't know where it's going to be released because he's literally banned from basically every social media platform.
It says, quote, now as I prepare to hand power over to a new administration at noon on Wednesday, I want you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning.
Signalling of course that Trump is not going to go quietly into the night, much to the chagrin of leftists, or perhaps some of them will actually enjoy the fact that he's going to hang around so they can continue their hysterical mob campaign against him.
Basically the only thing that fuels their hatred at this point.
But to others this is of even bigger concern and they're now literally claiming that Trump is going to lead an army of domestic terrorists To put America into a state of civil war.
These are blue check marks on Twitter.
These are supposedly credible people.
We have this headline out of Summit News and we got the video which we're going to play here in a second.
Author says Trump will lead army of terrorists, encourages Biden voters to spy on them.
A viral video posted to Twitter by a best-selling author says Trump plans to lead an army of domestic terrorists and encourages Joe Biden voters to spy on their activity and report them to authorities.
Now, this is no small rinky-dink video.
Last time I checked, I write in the article, in fact, it has received over 37,000 likes.
It's now got over 41,000 likes.
It's received well over 3 million views, calling all Trump supporters terrorists, saying that we should basically set up a new East German-style Stasi to spy on them, report them to the authorities, because what could be more American than that?
Here's the clip.
Let's roll it.
On or before January 20th, Donald Trump will no longer be the Commander-in-Chief.
He will lose control of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Special Forces, and America's nuclear arsenal.
On January 20th, Donald Trump will become the Commander-in-Chief of a different army.
This army.
The greatest threat facing America today comes from within.
Radical extreme conservatives, also known as domestic terrorists.
They are hidden among us, disguised behind regular jobs.
They are your children's teachers.
They work at supermarkets, malls, doctor's offices.
And many are police officers and soldiers.
For more than a decade, Donald Trump has spoken directly to white supremacists in their language.
Build that wall!
Is it offensive?
Oh, really?
Oh, I'm sorry about that.
Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.
In the middle of a presidential debate, Donald Trump was asked to disavow white supremacy.
He refused.
Instead, he told the Proud Boys to stand back and stand by.
Proud Boys, stand back and stand by.
They heard their leader.
They even responded to him on Twitter, promising to stand by.
And on January 6, 2021, Trump greenlit them.
They suited up.
They flew in.
They took hotel rooms.
They loaded their weapons, prepared their bombs.
and they attacked with the intention of killing Nancy Pelosi and hanging Vice President Mike Pence.
They were vocally saying, "Where's the speaker?"
We know she has staff.
They're here someplace.
We're going to find them.
In the years ahead, Trump will lead his army of domestic terrorists.
He will encourage and incite violence.
He will play the role of arsonist and fireman.
He will start a civil war and then say things were more peaceful when he was president.
We have to fight back.
In this new war, the battlefield has changes.
Computers can be more valuable than guns.
And this is what we need now more than ever.
An army of citizen detectives.
I'm proposing we form a citizen army.
Our weapons will be computers and cell phones.
We, who are monitoring extremists on the internet and reporting their findings to authorities.
Remember, before the Navy SEALs killed Osama Bin Laden, he had to be found.
He was found by a CIA analyst working on a computer thousands of miles away.
It's up to you.
Now, of course, we've condemned the violence at the Capitol building.
The kind of people behind this video have not only failed to condemn, but also they have incited, supported, advocated the actual domestic violent extremists that for the past seven months throughout American cities have caused $2 billion worth of property damage and whose riots led directly to the deaths of at least 25 people.
Whose hateful rhetoric led directly to the execution on the streets of Portland of that Trump supporter and several others.
Notice he's literally comparing 70 million Trump supporters, the vast, vast majority of whom had nothing whatsoever to do with what happened at the Capitol building, to literal terrorist masterminds like Osama Bin Laden.
This is again going back to this demented comparison that they've wheeled out.
That this unfortunate, tragic violence at the Capitol building, which we condemn, that led to the death of five people, is in any how comparable to Pearl Harbor.
Remember Chuck Schumer came out and compared it to Pearl Harbor.
Or in this case, Osama Bin Laden and 9-11.
Now that is completely demented.
This video is probably going to go nowhere more than a lopping exercise.
I mean, if they're really going to officially set up an organization which is Primarily, almost exclusively purposed around setting up a literal East German style Stasi to report on Trump supporters.
Well, they're going to be very busy given that there are literally, what, 70 million of them.
But now Trump has come out and said that his movement will continue.
So the hysteria, the condemnation, the moral panic will continue with it.
Now, of course, the argument that's been made in the aftermath of the Capitol building siege Is that this means it's more important than ever to have mass censorship because of course that's what the good guys do isn't it?
Is silencing people's right to free speech on a massive scale.
That's what the good guys do.
Well actually that makes it harder to fight terrorism and those are not my words.
Those are the words of a former FBI profiler who says banning people on social media makes it harder to fight terrorism and this was included as part of an NBC News article A former FBI profiler told NBC News that banning people on social media makes it harder to fight terrorism because it stops authorities from being able to keep track of their activity.
And he cites the case, or the article cites the case, of this 70-year-old individual called Lonnie Coffman, who was involved in the Capitol building incident.
I don't think he actually went into the building, but he brought weapons, improvised grenades and an assault rifle, I believe, To the protest itself.
The problem is authorities had no indication of his involvement or what was coming or what he planned.
Thankfully he was detained before he was able to do anything.
But they had no indication, no warning, because the guy was not on any social media.
He had no extremist ties.
Nobody knew who he was, even in his hometown.
He had no criminal record.
This is what Van Zandt, this FBI profiler, said to NBC News.
he said, "We know there are going to be guys out there that are not happy over the next four years
with the Biden administration.
The authorities really have got their work cut out for them to identify Ted Kaczynski type individuals
who are sitting out there planning to make a difference in the world."
And as the article notes, "The purging of people with radical views
from popular social platforms, which has escalated in recent weeks,
deprives investigators of a crucial tool in tracking people who might move along the continuum
of ideation to action.
And of course, let's not forget that the vast majority of planning by these extremists Didn't happen on Parler.
Didn't happen on Gab.
Didn't happen on Telegram.
It happened on Facebook and Twitter yet.
Last time I checked, they're still on the App Store and no one is calling for them to be deleted.
Of course, numerous mass shootings, murders, also live streamed on Facebook and Twitter in the past.
They're not responsible for that, but apparently Parler and Gab and whoever else builds an independent platform that isn't controlled by the global oligarchy, they're responsible for what their users say.
Interesting that, isn't it, how they've rigged that system.
Laura Loomer has been banned from owning a firearm.
She claims on her website today, I've been banned from owning a firearm.
A warning of what's to come for all conservative Americans.
This was apparently in response to her confronting somebody in a media stunt, which actually I think predated or may have happened around the same time that she was banned by PayPal, GoFundMe, Twitter, all these other networks and platforms and services.
So now because of her journalism and because of her political activism, she's been put on a federal national instant criminal background check system list and prohibited, as she says, from ever owning or touching a firearm.
So again, it's this social credit score system.
It's not just the social media networks.
It's your bank account.
It's your insurance policy.
It's your right to exercise your Second Amendment.
Eventually you're right to any kind of interstate commerce whatsoever.
They want you out on the street, they want you out on a park bench, and maybe even that's not going to be enough.
They're going for the whole thing.
That's going to wrap it up for Summit.News.
Coming up next, War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Keep it right here.
Don't go away.
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InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Let's go ahead and talk to Diana in Michigan.
You're on the air, thanks for holding.
Hi, welcome.
Okay, I want to plug your InfoWars mask, although I know that we are all against masks and that it's just basically a symbol of, you know, conformity and enslavement.
But I want to say, every time I go out wearing it, when I go out to, you know, shops and grocery stores and whatnot, at least one person, every single time, compliments me on the mask.
And they're like, oh, Alex Jones, I love him.
And then I let them know, go to band.video, B-A-N-N-E-D, that video.
Because sometimes when I say band.video, they think B-A-N-D.
So I make sure to clarify that.
But almost every single time I go out, I get compliments on that.
So it's definitely spreading the word.
And, you know, so it doesn't inhibit my breathing.
I wear it underneath my nose, and it's Kind of like lets people know that I don't really believe in the mask either.
I'm wearing it just because I have to.
I live in Governor Whitmer's horrible state.
But I do want to say I did see one other person wear it at first earlier this year when you first came out with it and I literally got brought to tears because I saw another person that believes like I do, and I didn't feel all alone out in this world.
And it meant so much to me to see someone taking action, so I went ahead and ordered one for myself.
And I swear to God, and I just had a baby too, on the 7th of December.
Oh, congratulations!
And I was, like, towards math during the whole time of, you know, like, when I was in the hospital.
And I just had to make sure that I'm putting that message out there, and it really makes an impact.
And we, like, have big, long conversations with, like, the workers at these different grocery stores and other customers and stuff, and it really is a feeling of empowerment to see that there are other people out there thinking like you, that you're not all alone.
So even though I don't believe in the math, it's a great statement to get it out there to the rest of the world.
Anna, I'm so glad you got through.
God bless you and congratulations on that new wonderful life that you have brought into the world.
And I only wish the best for your new baby.
I'm glad she called because this is bigger than Alex Jones and this is one of my frustration points in my mind that people don't seem to get.
And when I'm in general talking about Pharisees, I'm not talking about any particular individual.
I'm talking about the way a Pharisee brain works is Very one-dimensional.
Like, you say the masks are a fraud and cause bacterial pneumonia.
You say they don't protect you.
You say they're a symbol of slavery.
Then what are you doing selling masks?
Well, when we launched them, I made the decision to print it with Infowars.com so if you're on a plane or in a restaurant where it's a private place and they're making you do it and you need to go there for whatever reason, you wear it to fight back and then use the abuse like a judo move.
They attack you, you use their momentum to throw them through the wall.
Separately, you remember me in the last six months ahead of the election saying we're trying to sell all the products out at discount prices because we're not going to even have that much stuff in the warehouse the new year because if Biden steals the election, they plan to shut us down.
Well, you now see that all over the news.
Arrest Alex Jones.
Shut Alex Jones down.
That's why if you want to go to InfoWarsTore.com and get a t-shirt or get a book or get supplements, I would suggest you stock up now.
We need to bring in as much money as we can to operate into the future if we have our banking taking away, which they've already done at many levels, but now they're closing in for the full takeover and And look, don't worry, you'll be joining me.
They plan to never turn the U.S.
economy back on.
Never take their boot off your neck.
The U.S.
is slated for total destruction.
Now, there may still be time to turn this around, but I just want you to know, in what could be some of our last broadcast here, where this is going.
If I was you, we've got 2020 prices on storable food.
The prices, they extend until Friday.
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