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Name: 20210118_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 18, 2021
2881 lines.

Infowars host Alex Jones discusses his show being removed from various platforms and urges listeners to visit alternative media outlets. He criticizes the QAnon movement for causing divisions within the resistance, allowing globalists to gain control over the movement, and spreading false information such as the conspiracy theory that Joe Biden will step down from office and Donald Trump will be inaugurated for his second term. Jones also warns about communist Chinese-backed groups controlling U.S. infrastructure and technology companies. He encourages civil disobedience and spreading the truth as a form of resistance against martial law and globalist control.

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This is the end of the country, folks.
And I don't say that to be exaggerating or be mean about it.
You better mark the point we got taken over, and then they're going to start the mass re-education, starving everybody out, making you salute them, making you prove to them you're a good little minion to have a job.
This is gonna be so humiliating for the American people.
This is gonna make Sherman's reconstruction of the South look like a cakewalk, a tea party,
an exercise in enjoyment.
I mean, if we ever beat this thing, it'll be in the history of like these people were Hitler.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
It's not like, oh, we're getting there, it's bad, things are out of control.
It's, it's, they've just begun.
They're going to take your pension funds, they're going to bankrupt, they're going to cut the power off, the oil off, they're going to open the borders.
It's over, man.
It's over.
It's all gone.
It's all over.
They're going to activate the Boogaloos, FBI, ADL, terror forces.
They're going to start blowing everything up.
Then they're going to come arrest all the patriots.
The idiots will cheer it.
Then they're going to shut your power off.
They want you starving in the street.
They want to rape your wife.
They're Bolsheviks!
They're Jacobins!
It's all over, man!
All over!
All your games!
In fact, America is rotting and deserves it.
Now, the Satanists aren't good.
They're not God.
God just lets them have their way now.
So all your games are over.
All the TV watching, all the laziness, all the slack drawings over.
It's over!
You're gonna be just like a baby at six months being chopped up in its mother's womb.
You're not a human, you're not essential, you're dead!
They're gonna kill you, cause you don't care!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
This year's Davos is very, very different to all the previous ones.
The World Economic Forum, along with the United Nations, along with the International Monetary Fund, and along with any number of prominent globalist organisations and powerful individuals, including Prince Charles, together have jointly promised that the 2021 World Economic Forum
will be used to introduce, via a vast network of connected big tech corporations,
online activist movements and compliant local and national governments, something they call the Great Reset.
It is a global commitment they have made to use the panic and fear generated by the coronavirus
as a means to reshape all our economies and laws and move to a new form of capitalism
that focuses on net zero emissions.
And this is real evil we're facing.
And so folks need to understand that it's coming in to shut everything down.
There's a global revolution against the New World Order.
Globalism is a consortium of corporations that do not want free market.
They want fascist monopoly to carry out eugenics.
The world today has 6.8 billion people.
That's headed up to about 9 billion.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
Australia's vaccine regulator says it's investigating reports of deaths among elderly patients in Norway who had received the Pfizer jab.
I call them globalists because they call themselves globalists starting in the 70s of Bigni Brzezinski.
Globalists believes in global government, not international man and libertarianism and you can travel and live wherever you want and there's standardized systems.
I'm all for that as long as it's free market and as long as people agree to it and it's not authoritarian.
But the Great Reset, and saying you're not essential, and shutting down small businesses, and coming with forced inoculations, and all of this is authoritarian globalism.
Technocracy in their own words.
One of the features of this forced industrial revolution is that it doesn't change what we are doing, but it changes us.
This is criminal, what's happening.
And this is all the Great Reset, this is all the UN World Government takeover.
This is 21st century war.
And these are the guys that say we can't have national borders, And that we gotta take migrants, quote, into our homes.
Outnumbered and facing thousands of people determined to enter Guatemala.
It doesn't take long for these Hondurans to push through the lines of soldiers at Guatemala's eastern Amur border and press on.
Their aim?
To reach the United States.
Many were held up after not presenting IDs or asked for proof of a negative coronavirus test before entering.
But many ignored the formal crossing, instead illegally breaching the border nearby.
We've all got to have COVID passports to travel even inside the country and not even start your car.
That's where all this is going.
It's all being announced.
It's insane.
We have Jack Dorsey caught secretly by Project Veritas communicating with, he believes, the top executives at Twitter.
We are focused on one account right now, but this is going to be much bigger than just one account.
And it's going to go on for much longer than just this day, this week, the next few weeks.
It's going to go on beyond the inauguration.
We have to expect that.
We have to be ready for that.
So the focus is certainly on this account.
We need to think much longer term around how these dynamics play out over time.
I don't believe this is going away anytime soon.
We've got the Mexican president coming out saying he's going to lead a global movement, Trump should have done this, to stop big tech from abusing the people and censoring everyone and that this is a criminal combine that's one of the greatest dangers the world's ever seen.
That's what Ted Cruz says too.
I'm just thanking God every day that I'm not them and not involved in the incredible evil they're involved in.
Because these are enslaved, demonically controlled people.
My friends, thank you so much.
Thank you for joining us.
That's the most important video we've put on in a long time.
That's why I've aired it last night and today.
It's titled The Great Reset Button Has Been Pushed.
It's at Bandod Video.
You might want to share it.
I'm Alex Jones and we're 48 hours exactly out from the Communist Chinese dictator being installed.
Official martial law will then follow.
Yes, my friends, you can certainly enjoy the silence.
Of the record number of Christians killed last year worldwide, up 60% from the previous year.
And in the last decade, there's been a doubling total in the killing of Christians.
And so now you notice it's becoming logarithmic, exponential.
So you'll have more Christians dying in the next couple of years than died in the previous 10.
That's just a little example of what's really happening.
The millions of dead.
Real people, but you're not going to hear them personalized.
You're not going to see their faces.
You're not going to be told why they're being exterminated with extreme pleasure.
Or why the UN targets Christians everywhere it can in the world, killing millions of them in Africa alone.
Because after all, I mean, CNN fights Nazis, right?
Klaus Schwab and Jean-Claude Junker, they're nice guys.
They're going to take good care of you and your family.
Enjoy the silence says, Carler's been shut down.
Now they want Telegraph shut down.
They want everything shut down.
They say because 25 million people that were kicked off of Twitter in the last few weeks have gone to this other website in just the last 24 hours.
So we can't allow that.
And they're all going to Bandot Video.
They're going to Infowars.com.
And we can't let the evil white supremacist Exist.
And once you agree to not letting white supremacists exist, there basically aren't many of, well then nobody else has any rights either.
See how that works?
Parler's fired back up on much smaller servers.
It's having a lot of problems, but this is the crippling process we've had to go through.
Just to keep InfoWars on air as well the last few years.
So we've already been through it.
It's ongoing every day.
And it is you, and your word of mouth, but your financial support that keeps us in the position.
Millions and millions and millions of dollars extra spent just because of the censorship, just because of what we've had to build, and infrastructure-wise, and just all sorts of, let's just say this, arduous passages that others don't have to take.
But it has made us a little bit stronger like the mountain goat.
All right, let me tell you what's going on today.
Most epic ever each day, just gets more insane as we accelerate into the quickening, into the singularity of evil, as the world opens up and becomes a public abode of demons, or really nasty entities that don't like humanity very much, like the Bible told us.
Like Depeche Mode, I just played a clip of.
They say John the Revelator, he's a smooth operator, and they say he's a scammer, and he stole his religion from the Muslims, even though Muslims didn't exist for 400 years after Christianity.
But why are they attacking John the Revelator?
Well, because he told you everything was going to happen 2,000 years ago.
I mean, I just told you 25, 26 years ago before it happened.
John the Revelator told you a couple thousand years before.
Oh, and Daniel...
What was that?
3,000 years ago?
I mean, I could just keep going back for you if you'd like me to, but it's here.
Exactly what they warned us specifically.
And your churches aren't going to tell you.
They're going to have QR codes to check in at the church, and they're going to tell you to take your vaccines.
And here's some of the news on that front.
French workers angrily reject social distancing collars that track and trace and control you.
They're already putting them in as wristbands in Singapore and Communist China and other areas, but there's something about being around the neck that people really get they're a slave.
So that's all coming up.
And then I found a Homeland Security report we first reported on 12 years ago, how they were looking at making you wear shock bracelets and necklaces, then everyone to get on a plane.
They said, yeah, we want to make everybody wear a shock necklace.
And folks said that won't fly.
But see, if you call it a COVID necklace, well then of course you must!
And you're not allowed to criticize anything COVID-related from the UN.
It's our boss.
And just like that, we're inside the New World Order.
So that's a big stack.
That's just one of the articles I've got.
And I've got the local newscast in France, how wonderful it is and how, well don't worry, adults are having problems with it, but children are going to be made to all wear it in France.
And CNN said in two articles last year that it'll be just like wearing a seatbelt, everyone will permanently wear a mask and you will permanently take whatever vaccines they say, whenever they say.
And you will permanently, six feet distance, Because you'll put up with it.
And now folks are getting the COVID vaccine and still being told, oh, still got to wear a mask, still got to take COVID tests.
It never ends.
There's no way out except saying no.
And finally, that's starting to happen in Italy and other areas where tens of thousands of restaurants are declaring themselves as a union in solidarity and saying, we are all going to say no, you can't enforce against all of us.
But once they have you all in a digital currency and digital banking system, they will be able to, just like New Jersey, where they tried to bankrupt that big successful gym, and they were starting to win in court, so the state just seized $150,000 every dime the company had to pay payroll, and to pay for the bill on the building, and to pay for the insurance.
They barely had enough money to stay open, and now they're going to have to close, but they're starting to get cash donations.
And all they gotta do is call themselves a church or BLM, then they'll be protected under the First Amendment.
And all of us should say, we're part of the Church of Freedom.
In fact, I really think I'm gonna incorporate a church.
All I gotta do is believe in freedom and a pro-human future and you can be part of it.
And it's what I believe.
Because I need to get back to the real power of the Republic in the First Amendment.
Because that's where it all is.
And hell, I'm a preacher anyways, as everybody knows.
So yeah, I intend to do that.
I intend to move on that very, very quickly.
Remember, under Obama, they wouldn't even let conservatives set up 501c3s or set up churches.
Well, under the First Amendment, I don't need that.
But again, we have to get back to that, folks.
We have to come out of the system.
We have to become self-sufficient.
We have to stop being domesticated.
And when I'm telling you that, I'm telling myself that.
If you got to work in the city, you better get yourself a shack you stay in, and then you get yourself a piece of property somewhere where you can grow and live in a subsistence area and hopefully get some good neighbors.
Because that's the only value there's going to be in the future, because everything is a giant vice grip coming in to squeeze us around the neck.
Now we've got so much news.
We've got the giant UN-funded caravans that are way more than 7,000 smashing through Guatemala's defenses on their way here.
The first salvo as soon as the UN knew they had Joe Biden in.
Trump had cut off Guatemala's money until they stopped it.
But now Biden's going to actually pay them to build refugee centers in Guatemala to move in not hundreds of thousands, but millions.
It is all being announced.
Then the U.N.
will control them.
They will vote Democrat.
They will be given universal income.
They're building all these giant, tiny coffin apartments for the third world that's coming here to be exploited and for your wages to be dropped.
It's incredible.
The post-human future is here.
We told you once they had the COVID lockdowns, it would implode the third world.
And in the local newscast and on the Sky TV newscast, on the London Guardian BBC newscast, they go, Oh yeah, COVID lockdowns totally collapsed the third world from Africa to Latin America to Asia.
And they're all coming here now.
And they've also in the Caribbean said no tourism allowed now for 10, 12 months.
And so those people are all going to the mainland to get here as well.
Cause they just don't have a job.
See how it works?
But the average yuppie wears their little mask and feels all good and, oh, it's just for 15 days.
Oh, it's just for two months.
It's just for a year.
It's just for two years.
It's just forever.
Because it's the little diaper you wear over your face because you're good.
And out of the stress, you go into Stockholm Syndrome control.
It's all coming up, but first, when we come back.
We have the Bonafides.
We have the ironclad proof.
They're not even hiding it because the official story is cemented.
Trump's gone and the martial law moves forward.
We have the total, absolute, complete proof of it all.
The Deep State used the Boogaloos and Antifa.
Boogaloos posing as Proud Boys.
We now know exactly the names.
To break in.
They're bragging about it.
To launch the attack, then to exfiltrate, to leave.
The media focused in on the few events that happened that were bad, made the whole crowd look bad, and launched it so they can then, wait for it, blame the U.S.
Ah, I told you that when they started announcing the military was the enemy, that's when you would know the Orwellian Purge plan.
And now it's official, Fox News.
FBI believes the military is the main enemy.
This is the Communist Chinese takeover.
This is hell on earth.
Why you bitchin' about John the Revelator?
Me thinks you protest too much.
Me thinks you don't like the intel.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are 47 and a half hours out from the Communist Chinese dictator being sworn in as absolute ruler of the once great republic.
You can definitely put on the tombstone the United States of America, born July 4th, 1776, Died of treason, died of infiltration, died of Satanism.
January 21st, the year 2020.
But, here's the good news.
People, unless they're Jesus Christ or Lazarus, are not resurrected from the dead.
But countries can be.
Though it is very rare.
But just as Winston Churchill in the darkest hours of the Blitz against the Nazis said, I do not come to you with a bunch of lies and telling everything's gonna be fine.
I come to you with sweat and pain and toil and death.
But I tell you this, if we fight, if we're strong, we will come through this better than being slaves and what Hitler has planned for us.
And it was true.
So people say, man, your show is dark.
Well, what I say comes true.
What the Q people tell you is trust the plan.
And let me tell you, you watch in 47 and a half hours, they're going to march that skeleton up on that scaffolding.
You remember I said, they said they won't be on that scaffolding.
I said it 50 times.
I said, they're lying.
So no one's out there.
So there's not a protest.
They're going to put a fence up around it.
See, the archivist can find that from like a month ago.
And they're going to lock it down.
He wants to stand up there and piss on America.
He'll bring Hunter up there in front of everybody as well, the Chinese spy, the pedophile, to rub it in.
It's about rubbing it in and making you give up.
And Trump said, have a big demonstration.
We did.
The Capitol Police stood down.
It's not our fault.
A handful of people, Boogaloos, posing as proud boys, and well-meaning Q people that thought they were liberating the Capitol.
They were peaceful.
But the Boogaloos were violent, along with Antifa were violent, they broke in, they got in, and the rest is history.
They called it as bad as Pearl Harbor, an insurrection, all this ridiculous crap.
But now it's confirmed, it's Operation Trust 2.0 will tell you more about this segment and next.
Everything the globalists do is a rerun of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Because it worked in Russia, it worked in China, it worked in Vietnam, it worked in North Korea, it worked in Cuba, it worked in Venezuela.
Would you like me to keep going on how it worked here?
How it worked there?
And it all came out of the sickening, occultic left in New York City and London, England on record.
The U.S.
sent over a hundred thousand Russian immigrants to invade in 1917 with Joe
Lenin, and then they butchered millions of Christians with exceptional deliciousness.
They really like it.
And Lenin said, I'm here to kill Christians, that's why we took over.
Hail Satan!
More blood, more death.
They're not atheists, they're devil worshippers.
And they're out in the open about that now.
So that's who we got a real infestation of, folks.
This is what we did to Russia, coming home to roost.
They're just so pissed that Putin's halfway pulled away from these folks.
By the way, the average Russian knows all this.
Alexander Shultz and Eatson told them all about it.
So, what did I tell you last week?
I said they're next going to say the military can't be trusted and must be vetted by the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
And sure as the sun came up this morning, Fox News, FBI vetting National Guard troops in D.C.
amid fears of insider attack, using databases provided by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL to see if they're pro-Trump.
And if they're pro-Trump or pro-America, they can't be trusted.
This is the drumming out of the Patriots and then of course they'll lead opposition under Operation Trust 2.0 of secret societies in the military that will call for an overthrow of Biden and then they'll start purging the military and arresting the military because that's the real final target is taking over the military.
They've already taken over everything else.
The media, online, the churches, the universities, the banks, everything.
The families, America is falling.
Let's be honest that we're falling so we can wake up and take everything the enemy says and do the opposite.
Don't shop with the globalists, don't support the globalists, have nothing to do with them, and withdraw completely and realize you are actually occupied.
They don't want you to do that.
They want you to sit here and see the military and see martial law.
Because you're a bad American and it's there for you when they stage this false flag.
And then the whole thing is really to then turn back in on our own military because it's Operation Trust.
And that's why Q, run by these folks, went in and told the military is in control, you must worship it, it's gonna do the right thing, don't worry, you can be passive.
It was a pacification operation.
That's what Julian Assange said.
Oh, but you can't trust him, of course.
You can trust a magical person, though, over there.
And trust the plan.
So I'm done going on the Q thing, because that's a lot of well-meaning people that we're covering.
People are like, well, don't you believe Jeffrey Epstein was a pedophile?
Yeah, I talked about it 15 years ago.
All of this was real stuff, but just that Q was in control and everything was fine and trust the plan, and then sprinkling in dates that came not true on purpose to discredit everything else we were doing and that you were doing.
It was a way to lead the opposition.
And now the Boogaloo Boys, I'm going to show you, are publicly allowed on Twitter, Facebook, everywhere, saying they did the Capitol, they attacked, they did it all.
And they were allowed to go in and allowed to leave because the police wanted to stand down.
So they could then set up... So they could then set up the few Q people.
That was mainly who did it.
You see all the shirts, all the photos.
They're just all friendly.
Hey, man, how's it going?
Hey, whoa, hey, don't stop me violent.
Hey, officer, appreciate it.
Take a selfie.
But the Antifa and Boogaloos weren't.
They were attacking.
And they wear rainbow flags.
They wear Antifa shirts.
They are Antifa.
They are Antifa.
And the few that got arrested have been released without charge.
Even on their own video saying, we are going to burn this place down.
I'm going to show you all of it.
In Austin, they were up there giving Antifa speeches.
Basically promoting Marxism and saying, join the Second American Revolution, join the Second Amendment, and trying to recruit people.
But wait till I show you the photos I've got.
I forgot to send them to the crew.
These people look like mutants from Mars or something.
You just see them and go, oh my God, that's Antifa.
Then you listen to their speeches, that's who they are.
So it's all coming up, folks.
And then are there some boogaloos that are real folks?
Accelerationists that get sucked in?
But the guys all wearing the masks, those are FBI informants and FBI HRT leading you right into hell.
And their main target is the U.S.
That's their number one enemy.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, I want you to understand something.
We now know exactly what's going on.
And It's important people understand this is not just another radio show, not just another TV show, or not just some conspiracy person that covers UFOs or things like that.
I actually study and immerse myself in what's going on.
I'm not just on the air, I'm not just reading and researching or talking to a wide spectrum of individuals, but I'm also in the field.
And I also grew up around people that were involved in a lot of things.
And when I tell you this is going on, this is what's going on.
I told you a week and a half ago when they staged this false flag in D.C.
that I wasn't sure what happened.
I was there, but I had limited perspective in the middle of the crowd, in the middle of people arriving.
Within 24 hours, I had a good understanding.
I had an excellent understanding, but I wasn't 100% sure.
I'm 100% sure who did this now.
I'm going to show you a stack of articles where they even admit it all.
It's all right there.
A coordinated, organized group did this.
The Feds wanted to go down that path and suddenly the U.S.
Attorney goes, oh, we're not looking at that now.
No, no, no.
No organized.
Nothing was organized.
Because it was organized by them.
I don't think the U.S.
Attorney, obviously, is that guy.
But I mean, up the chain, this was done by really evil people at the CIA and the Pentagon who know they're going to go to robot forces soon and need to now spike and phase out the human element.
So, HUMET's being removed.
And so the globalist AI system is the enemy that is parasitically sucking the U.S.
And there's only a competition with globalists about who gets the AI takeover.
Will it be China's AI or the U.S.
But it's Satan's plan that it's really all the same AI.
Lord of the Rings allegory.
Ten rings given to ten kings of the earth who above all seek power.
It's a Christian allegory.
Tolkien said this about what he experienced.
A super high level, a professor at the highest levels of the insider knowledge.
And so ten rings are given to ten kings.
For power, but when they take the power, they actually become enslaved.
And there's one secret ring that controls them all.
That's Satan.
That's the spiritual element.
So, got chills.
Let's go over it.
FBI vetting National Guard troops in D.C.
amid fears of insider attack.
Fox News, you just can't trust that military.
Because again, the Q thing is the secret military gonna overthrow Trump, gonna overthrow Biden coming up on the 20th, but really it's the overthrow of Trump who was really elected by a landslide.
It's the overthrow of America and it's a military dictatorship being brought in.
But the real purge is going to be of the military just like they did in Russia.
Just like they did in China.
Just like they did in Guatemala.
Just like they did in Venezuela.
Just like they did in Cuba.
In North Korea.
And they will then control the opposition through boogaloos and others.
And they will then recruit people in who think they're in the opposition so they can imprison them.
Absolutely insane.
And the Q people will go to these events believing they're there to save the country and they'll be the people that are actually arrested while they let the convicted terrorist and other people that were there who were arrested go.
Let's go over it.
FBI vetting National Guard troops in D.C.
amid fears of insider attack.
COVID concerns razor wire and no Trump at inauguration like no other.
Now this is the key article from ZeroHedge.com that had added to the live show feed of the show today under the feed of the broadcast dealing with the death of America.
We have this article posted that has all the tweets and all the videos showing the Boogaloos with their rainbow flags.
And they're tropical shirts saying, we're with BLM, we're for violence.
And then you can see the military HRT types that you never see their faces next to just totally low IQ, 75 IQ idiots they recruited.
And they're just waiting to try to trick them into violence as accelerationists to clamp down on the country.
So this is just how gangs use the low level gang members.
It's the exact same.
Exact same psychology, they've all been promised immunity, you name it.
Armed protests begin to arrive at state capitals around the nation.
And notice, COVID was a mastermind program to take over the banking, to take over the digital tracking, to take over total control, to make you stay in your house, to say you're not essential.
But also, during the period of the global revolution, everyone's wearing masks.
Usually, someone wearing a mask, you know is the bad guy.
Because they're hiding what they're doing and they're doing something nefarious.
But now they can all wear their mask because you're supposed to.
You see how it's all super-computered, but there's a little something extra there, a master intelligence that's not a super-computer, if you know what I mean.
Old scratch.
So, armed protesters begin to arrive at state capitals around the nation.
They hate Trump, but they want civil war to demonize the Second Amendment to be the trigger for the total breakdown.
They saw our Virginia rally last January.
40, 50,000 people peacefully, black, white, old, young, together under freedom.
It scared the hell out of the globalists.
Another reason they triggered this whole operation.
They know we were successfully healing the nation and getting self-defense positioned again and causing a great unification and a great awakening via the Great Realignment.
That article's been reposted with all the photos, all the videos, and then pollwars.com.
It's so key.
FBI arrest hardcore Antifa leftists for planning to attack Florida State Capitol.
You gotta go look at this guy.
Pull up this article, guys.
I'm going to show this guy's face.
Now, this is the idiot.
The big, tough guys that are in good shape with their faces all covered and their uniforms all perfect are the Boogaloo leaders.
But the little meth-head guys and the, you know, fat boys and all the rest of them, the video game LARPing players, they're like Q-People.
They just believe that they're there and they're going to carry out this big, glorious attack and they're going to kill the military and kill the police.
They're just meant to usher in the crisis.
Let me pull this article up, please.
Look at it.
They all have that same look.
You know mama left him in a crib 20 hours a day.
You know his brain's a third the size of it should be.
I'm not being mean here.
And he just, he wants to be a man.
He wants to be tough and he's totally programmed.
And now he's in federal custody.
That's who the feds, shame on them, set up.
What a nasty creature.
Oh, did you notice the issue with the news about an insider attack on inauguration day?
Town Hall saying it.
Yeah, we were told it was an inside attack, but now Town Hall says, why have they gone away from that?
Oh, because it shows that Trump didn't want this to happen.
Of course Trump didn't want to get violent.
It was a show that America's awake, and a show that he could get big numbers.
That's why I like the idea of it.
To say that we're not going to stand for fraud and we want an investigation in Congress.
That was the open-stated aim.
With Trump, you always know, he's very, very transparent.
But they're going to say, why did this happen?
Because it makes Trump look good if somebody else organized it.
But that's not the issue.
Who organized it?
The Boogaloos are in the Zero Hedge article.
The leaders bragging that they've come, that they work with BLM that has $10.6 billion, and George Soros, and they hate Trump, and that they hate conservatives, but they want a violent revolution now.
They're just communists calling themselves boogaloos.
But how do you get regular military and FBI and ADL troops and the rest of them into a group?
You cover your faces, you call yourselves boogaloos, and now you can leave it.
True terrorist organization.
And they're stated that.
They're above the law.
Look at this article.
John Sullivan, father's a top general, released conditionally without bail by a Utah federal judge after he's done these attacks over and over again before.
They say he leads them all.
Hundreds of rioters destroyed property, set fires during Trump's 2017 inauguration, and all charges were dropped, including Senator Kaine's son, because they have a get-out-of-jail-free card.
Trump bans.
Twitter bans Trump.
But left-wing activists charged in Capitol riots still active on platform.
They're talking.
About their little darling the Feds just released, John Sullivan!
You see how it works?
In a communist revolution, their forces pose as the opposition under operations trust in others.
And then they never get in trouble or arrested or they get released and you go to prison for nothing.
This is how they're gonna do it.
They're not coming, they're here.
Meanwhile, homeless people set a tent on fire on accident, so they locked the whole Capitol down.
Everybody ran, screaming in all directions, like cockroaches.
This is the mind control we're under, as America is now on its knees, shaking in its boots, afraid of its own shadow, being politically correct.
And all that's going to give you is total depression, forced inoculation, and death.
And I know you want it, so you're going to get it!
I almost forgot, Alex Jones here back live.
One of our great listeners who contributes to the show.
I'll leave it at that, so she doesn't get recriminated against.
Went down the supposed right-wing uprising to overthrow the Capitol, and it was literal Antifa, all looking like meth-head child molesters.
I'm not saying they're meth-heads or child molesters, I'm just saying, wait till I show the people next hour.
I mean, they look like, if you were casting for, there was a giant nuclear war that killed 98% of human life, but 400 years later, a new mutant race emerged, and I'm gonna show you these people, and they're literally like, Spouting, we're with BLM!
Overthrow the government!
Blow everything up!
We're with Trump!
Because they're so dumb, they're sent out there as leftists to do this, and say that they're with the Patriots, and the news is like, look at right-wing extremists!
They've got like rainbow flags on, uh, they... It's all next level.
It's coming up next hour.
Greg Reese and some of our other team members are on top of a rooftop that we've rented, um, nearby, there, to cover the inauguration.
And you can see the armored fortress that they have built around the once-quasi-free capital.
You can see the stage built there for Biden to perch atop.
Maybe get the guys to zoom in a little bit, then I'll go to them in a few minutes.
But we're going to be talking to Gregory here in a second.
But understand, we need to put quick, easy, compact special reports together that are like 5-10 minutes long.
We will today.
We'll post a band-out video that you can share.
So it's not just this four-hour show.
Where we have the names of the Boogaloos, we have them admitting they went into the Capitol violently, that they led the insurrection, and then you look at them and it's obvious real paramilitary professionals that look better than the regular military, totally covered up with a bunch of mental patients.
And I showed the next clip with the guys with their faces totally covered leading these people.
This is a takeover.
These guys all have PhDs in psychology and stuff and sociology.
And it's not these guys.
You showed some of them earlier with their faces totally covered in their military outfits.
But yeah, this is a giant honeypot operation.
And then the media says the Boogaloos are with Trump, even though they're not.
And then if they ever talk out of school, it's all Marxist-Leninist crap.
I have photos of them with the arm patches, with it all.
Yeah, that's not it.
You've already shown this of mine.
She showed it earlier, in an earlier segment.
Just don't show it anymore until you find it.
It's fine.
It's a bunch of people in full camo, with their faces covered as well.
And they're dressed right, and they're in shape, and they've got a bunch of what looks like mutants around them, okay?
That's what I'm talking about, but it's fine.
The crew's doing a great job.
It's really, it's a TV show, so I'm directing it from the chair, so it's a little weird.
Nobody else does it like this.
And so then I'm just telling them what I want live on air, and it's just, they're not telepathic, so it's not their fault.
But it doesn't matter.
The videos are in the Zero Hedge article that if you go to the live show feed, we put that up, the live show feed article of the show today, Zero Hedge has done the best job showing you these groups.
They don't point out that the Boogaloos are leftist and want to start a war and are with the George Soros funded BLM, but that is all a fact.
And we have the same group here in Austin not even calling themselves Boogaloos.
Can we show the live feed of the show?
It's an article here.
I'll pull it up.
No problem.
I'll do it.
No problem.
I'll just have to.
I have to do it myself.
Let me see.
Alrighty then.
And we will go through the live show feed.
Ron Paul, the unwelcome return of the real purveyors of violence.
Yeah, there it is.
It's official.
The United States of America no longer exists and is in an occupied vassal state.
Watch live.
And again, I don't want to be negative like that.
I don't want to sit there and tell you this kind of stuff, but do you understand why I'm so pissed off right now and about to start screaming?
I have a stack of news articles and quotes and videos from the people saying they attacked the Capitol, saying they did it to set up Trump.
I have the name of the guy that's been caught everywhere doing it, being released by a federal judge, bragging he came with 100 Antifa to set us up.
The police stood down.
They did this.
A few people followed in and it absolutely Nothing wrong except take a couple pieces of mail or sit in the Speaker of the House or the Leader of the Senate, Mike Pence's chair.
And I'm not saying do that, but they got totally led into it.
Like, let's play that clip of the Q Shaman.
This is the video you'll be seeing all over Tucker Carlson tonight.
The Q Shaman marching in.
And they're having a little bit of a celebration, and one guy's been shot in the face by a rubber bullet.
The only violence is against them.
And the cops are like, hey, can you take your feet off the coffee table, basically?
You're in a sacred house of these globalist devils.
Here's the video.
Fucking A, man.
Glad to see you guys.
You guys are fucking patriots.
Look at this guy.
He's got covered in blood.
God bless you.
Yes, sir.
How are you doing?
You're good, sir.
Do you need medical attention?
I'm good, thank you.
I got shot in the face.
I got shot in the face with some kind of plastic bullet.
Any chance I could get you guys to leave the Senate way?
We will.
I've been making sure they ain't disrespecting the place.
Okay, just want you guys to know, this is like the sacredest place.
The sacredest place.
Where Chuckie Schumer and all those hunchbacked devil worshippers walk around.
So, it's a perfect dichotomy.
You have Antifa leading the attack.
They got there before Trump even began speaking.
Riot police come out to face him, then Antifa attacks cops, and then retreats into the crowd to try to trick the crowd, which is in the 2015 documents we got from Maryland.
Headline, Obama planned martial law using Antifa in Maryland.
And it all is how they try to trigger black crowds.
Well, this is the same thing.
The news says, oh my god, an innocent black man got killed.
Go out and riot.
Couple hundred black folks show up.
Antifa starts burning things.
Black people get the blame.
So Antifa leads the attack.
Boogaloos go in, help break in.
Brag they've done the whole thing online.
They don't get in trouble.
But Q Shaman and the rest of the folks believing that they were there to... and that the storm was here and they were acting for the president.
They just sat back and relaxed because you've got the president.
Trust the plan.
As we one go, we all go.
See, they didn't do anything wrong.
They just meant well and were delusional.
But they're the ones that'll go to federal prison now.
Not all the organizers, not the people that said burn it down, not the ones that handed out clubs on video.
No, some FBI did their job and arrested them, but as soon as they get in front of a federal judge, you may go free, my son.
Well done, Lord Vader.
See how it works?
And then it goes on.
They say a prayer, and then they leave.
That video's on Infowars.com.
They say a prayer, and then they leave.
But see, you see hundreds of thousands of people like I did.
I'm told that they're attacking inside?
I thought hundreds of thousands were.
Maybe 150.
I've watched all the footage that's been released.
That's why most people walked within the velvet ropes.
Let's cut back for a moment of our rooftop vantage of the Capitol and the Throne area.
That's a live feed.
We have a live cam feed, by the way, at Band.Video in the Martial Law Inauguration section where they're posting all of the videos.
So be sure and follow all that at Band.Video.
Then I'm just going to say this and I'm going to settle down because I'm very, very upset.
I'm going to start the next hour and I'm going to walk all through this very judiciously.
And then there's the dog collars you're going to wear, and the shock collars you're going to wear that are being announced to make sure you COVID comply.
I'm not joking.
The forced inoculations are now saying, we're going to give you 5, 10, 20 shots.
It just, it doesn't matter if you die.
Hundreds dead now, confirmed.
They're covering up thousands, very sick.
Total hell on earth.
I mean, this is the main assault.
This is the main assault.
Because we killed all those babies and said they weren't human.
And the Cods said, okay, protection gone, and the globalists are going to gang rape us.
We can get back to God.
And I'll just separately, if you want to keep us on air, fine.
If you don't, that's fine as well.
I appreciate all your support.
I appreciate your prayers.
I appreciate your support in the local stations.
I'm not trying to be negative here.
I'm just telling you the reality of this.
America better understand what's happening.
Get right with God and get right back to basics like the CEO of Goya Foods said.
And you better start supporting the truth.
Those local radio stations are picking us up.
You better start telling folks about those because with the censorship coming, that's all that's going to be on the air, folks.
Because even if they take us off the internet, we're going to still be beaming out to those local stations, and they're going to be able to put it out on their internet for at least a while.
Or they can roll over to the New World Order, that's up to them.
What we're seeing is more stations picking us up, stations taking us from night time to day time, and really investing in their future, getting that rolling over to this means total destruction.
This is do or die time, George Washington time, when it comes to information warfare.
The great globalist reset is here, get prepared while you still can.
All those big 50% off deals on X2 back in stock and on all those great products that were massively discounted.
Super Mel Vitality, X2, Alpha Power, Chill Force, Lung Cleanse, Survival Shield X3, the Liquid Pure Turmeric Extract, it's super strong, just as good as bodies in my view.
Some people like it better, some people don't.
Like it as much, it's excellent, pure turmeric extract.
All that 50% off, Pollen Block 25%, Alpha Power 50%, Pure turmeric extract, again, selling out fast.
Bodies, that's selling out.
All, those are all 50% off.
It's at Palm Box 25.
They're all selling out.
So I've got to have the prices go up next Sunday or Monday.
Got about six, seven days of those deals, and then they've got to go away.
I want to thank you all for your support.
But whatever you do, tell folks to tune in now.
That's how we override the globalists.
What they're doing is so criminal, so crazy, we've got a chance to beat them.
But first, people got to know what's really happening and what's coming next.
All you yuppies that sat on the sidelines, you're gonna have everything taken from you, yes!
Not that I like any of this, I'm not an accelerationist.
I love peace more than anybody.
But once, once we get God's protection gone, I wouldn't be surprised if God didn't blow this whole planet up, we're so satanic, and just start over completely.
We already got told the plan, though.
Oh, it's trust the plan.
You can say it was a missionary at protectorate, the type of thing that Frank Herbert wrote about, but I think that's a delusion of the globalists, and they are following God's plan, even though they think they're going to outsmart God.
God is in charge, and I trust the plan.
Not the plan of 8chan, but the real plan of Jesus of Nazareth.
Okay, I did an okay job first hour, but I went into manic phase because I'm so upset about what's happening.
Things are so epic.
I'm gonna breathe because you tune in to hear the breakdown.
And after Gregg Reese leaves us, he's gonna be popping in.
Our great reporter from the rooftop there above the Capitol.
And all the checkpoints he went through and what he witnessed.
Just to get from his hotel two blocks away.
That's his camera right there.
You see your TV viewer.
We are.
Going to take your calls.
And then Jason Jones is going to pop in as well while we take calls.
He's a great patriot, a great veteran, a very smart fellow, and he witnessed the false flag at the Capitol.
And I want to get his take on where he thinks we should go and what we should do as well.
But I intend to take calls coming up.
And I intend to take calls from anyone that was at the Capitol, and what your view of this is now, and law enforcement and military.
Law enforcement and military that were at the Capitol a week and a half ago or are there now, anybody involved in security in D.C., your view of what's happening.
But you have to understand, the reason I'm so pissed is I wanted to just think, okay, maybe this isn't as bad as I thought.
This is an Operation Trust.
100% it is.
And I'd already talked about trust in Emanuel Goldstein and things like that months ago, but before this even happened, and the Boogaloos, but I just, they were so inactive compared to what they did and their capabilities on the 6th.
And I was just worried about, hey, Trump's in control, and I'm sure, but no, he was isolated that we walked right into a damn trap.
And you can armchair quarterback and you can fight the last war forever, but this morning and last night, I was watching footage that people posted on Facebook of these things around the country.
And I mean, it is literally communists saying they're communists dressed up saying they're patriots.
I mean, they're so dumb.
That they're like, we're communists, we're with BLM, and we're gonna have guns and overthrow things.
And then the media, they go to the media, yeah, I'm here because of the election and Trump.
And then the guy goes over five minutes later and admits everybody, I'm not with Trump.
I mean, it's crazy.
And the Boogaloos admit they did this.
And of course, you're gonna see them arrested.
No, they're not gonna arrest HRT members.
I mean, you've got FBI agents in there running this damn thing.
God, we're in so much trouble.
And again, I'm not saying those guys are the agents, you know, the guys with the Black Lives Matter and the Antifa shirts.
It's the video you showed later of the people in full camo and full mask that are definitely got squared away there.
And I can just tell, you learn things, just look at them instantly, you know what's going on.
Okay, so much more coming up later.
We'll review the show later when we show it and find that clip and play it for you tomorrow.
But I'm gonna stop obsessing on that at this point.
Go stop now.
And we'll be right back in 60 seconds.
I like using the analogy from that great John Carpenter movie I talked about last week.
Where they're burning down the whole Antarctic base to try to kill the alien.
end of America and I'm warming my hands on the fire and I'm not happy about it.
I like using the analogy from that great John Carpenter movie I talked about last
week where they're burning down the whole Antarctic base to try to kill the
alien. There's two guys left and they think one of the guys is the alien the
other isn't and he says yeah we better enjoy this really hot you know fires.
We're all sweating here because in about an hour they'll be out and we'll freeze to death in minutes.
I mean, there's a lot of energy going on because, I mean, this is the end of the country, folks.
And I don't say that...
To be exaggerating or be mean about it, you better mark the point we got taken over and then they're going to start the mass re-education, starving everybody out, making you salute them, making you prove to them you're a good little minion to have a job.
This is going to be so humiliating for the American people.
This is going to make Sherman's reconstruction of the South look like a cakewalk, a tea party, an exercise in enjoyment.
I mean, let me tell you, in five years to even have a job, you'll have to cut your son's balls off at a government facility.
I'm not joking.
That's the sacrament already in the UK.
They're putting only executives in that are transgender everywhere now, men that cut their testicles off.
You have to have the paperwork that you cut your balls off.
I mean, the globalists are like, you want a job?
Chop your testicles off.
I mean, this is a cult.
The UK is announcing it.
They already have it in New Zealand.
They just announced it in France.
You're gonna wear dog collars that track you to go outside?
I'm not joking.
There's no limit.
The floor's out.
The bottom's out.
It's over.
Until people get educated about the facts we're covering and what's really going on.
You want me to show you a newscast about Taser bracelets you're gonna have to wear to travel?
It's all been planned already.
And I said I'd be calling this segment.
I want to take your calls, first-time callers who were at the event on the 6th, or have been in D.C.
since then, or if you're part of the military that's there now, or law enforcement.
I want to hear from those groups.
Please, folks, don't call if you're not those groups, because I want to hear from those folks.
807 7 7 8 9 2 5 3 9 8 7 7 7 8 9 Alex 8 7 7 7 8 9.
877 7 8 9 2 5 3 9 8 7 7 7 8 9.
And I just want to boom, you can tell me what you saw, what you thought, the minute, I'll move the next person.
But if you just tuned in, the whole last hour could have been condensed into two minutes.
It's confirmed that the Deep State Ran the Boogaloo Boys via the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, and the FBI to break in and attack the Capitol.
They've all bragged about it with Antifa.
They've been protected.
When they were arrested, they were released.
And we walked right into a trap.
They did stand down.
They ushered the few people who were not violent in to be killed and in to be arrested as sacrificial Dummies, just like in Spies Like Us, a great comedy, but very accurate.
You're like, oh, we're going to accelerate you guys to be frontline spies.
With like two weeks training?
And they put them in as decoys.
Of course, they end up doing a better job than the actual spies.
This is how it actually works.
Because real people get real stuff done, not you mentally ill sicko freaks that have Asperger's or whatever.
Satanic Asperger's.
I don't mean Asperger's is satanic.
I mean a form of it that's like satanic.
It's disgusting.
So, it's all right here.
And I told you last week, I said watch.
They'll start saying it's the military has to be watched.
They're a Trump supporter.
So if you're a Trump supporter, it's illegal.
And the FBI is going to get you.
And now Fox News is reporting that.
FBI vetting National Guard troops in DC amid fears of insider attack.
Oh, anti-terrorism.
So now if you support free speech, or support election integrity, or support President Trump, you're a terrorist.
So now you've got to Like all the Green Berets were up in Utah last week wearing red high heels and learning about transgenderism as part of their brainwashing.
Did you know that?
You won't see that on the news.
That's what's going on.
Now there's CNN.
Oh, we can't trust the military, especially.
They've got to be put through sensitivity training.
They're bad people.
And that's all Operation Trust.
Targeting the military.
Telling people they're part of secret agent operations.
Getting them to carry out terror attacks, which are then blamed on the military in general.
The military is the target.
One of the final groups to be taken down.
Joining us is another veteran, Marine Corps veteran and patriot, and great journalist, Greg Reese.
You normally see his amazing reports at Band.Video.
Some of our best, right up there with John Bowne and the rest of the great crew.
He's there on top of that rooftop right above the Capitol, watching the martial law below.
Thank you for joining us.
You've got the floor here to describe what you saw, what you witnessed, and what it's like there.
What do you make, though, first of the Boogaloos officially admitting that they attacked the Capitol with antifa?
They're very proud of themselves.
None of them will be arrested.
Any that are are being released without bail.
They're being celebrated.
They might have awards on TV for them for setting up Trump in this oxymoron world where They blame us, but they did it.
They're very proud of themselves right now.
Yeah, absolutely, Alex.
The only time I ever ran into the Boogaloo Boys was in Richmond, Virginia on the Stop the Steal Caravan.
When we arrived in Virginia, they showed up fully armed, and what was very strange was they were extremely upset that we had our own armed security.
They were claiming as if it was their jurisdiction, as if they were there to protect everyone, which right off the bat seemed extremely strange and un-American.
Well, the feds always take over a group saying they're the security.
Those were FBI agents.
They sent this big old FBI agent over in plainclothes with us.
It's so obvious.
These guys are so shameful.
You're talking about dog collars.
And there's zero hyperbole in that.
Because our dumbed down population, they want to be slaves.
They love the masks.
And now they're coming out in the open with hatred towards any veteran, towards any man who wants to stand up for his family, for his country.
So, we're dealing with a massive, dumbed-down population that is completely ready for the dog collars, for the masks.
They want it all.
And when they're being led by these, not just communists, but this crazy, Luciferian American version of communists, sadomasochist perverts that want nothing more than to mask us all up, put us in dog collars, and humiliate us to the entire world, which is exactly what's happening.
And the American people seem to love it.
They can't get enough of the humiliation.
Well that's right, and for those that don't know, they're announcing everywhere from Singapore to France that you will wear masks permanently, you will not shake hands, and you will wear dog collars.
And now they're saying they want shocking dog collars.
If you get closer than six feet, they're gonna shock you.
I've got that coming up.
Yeah, and the people will love it.
They'll get their special bedazzled decorated dog collars and they'll be happy with it.
What I'm seeing out here, Alex, is very strange because on one side, you can see they want to show this massive show of force.
They have the National Guard have rifles slung, but with no magazines, no ammunition, barbed wire, concertina wire everywhere.
But then on the other hand, if you try to take a camera out to take video of it, within 10, 20 feet of you, at any point we've been, there is law enforcement telling us to put our cameras away.
So they don't want us filming it, but yet they're rolling all this drama out.
It's very strange and right here we're on media row so all along as we're right next to CNBC all along us are the CIA corporate run mainstream media ready to I'm sure just zoom in on the stage and make this thing look as normal as can be but when you're outside you're looking There's at least 40,000 law enforcement here.
There's a curfew at 10 p.m.
You can't walk on the streets.
If you want to walk on the streets in the daytime, you need an arm bracelet showing that you're in a hotel.
So it's a complete lockdown.
But then on the other hand, they don't want people taking videos.
So it's very strange.
Never seen anything like this before.
Well, Greg, you did a great job, and I briefed you.
You're what they call essential under the First Amendment.
So that's how CNN and others are getting turns at the Capitol.
So you need to explain to them that you're media, and that that's your job, and then do it out in plain view.
They've just been trained.
It's all a class system, but you're in the media, so you're in the God level.
Have you tried to explain to them that you're the media?
Yes, well we were really just worried about getting in here at first, but then now that we got in here and we do have our media badges now, everything looks legit so we should have no problem operating as any other media here at this point.
Well sure, but I mean that's the thing is that media acts all arrogant, somebody kisses their ass.
We don't act arrogant, we're exercising our free speech.
And talk to those troops and expose them.
You're doing a great job.
We're going to come back and talk more about what you're witnessing there in our former capital, now under globalist control.
We are now officially occupied.
Joe Biden will be installed in about 46 hours as the first dictator of the United States, okay?
And then we'll all be shut down after that.
All right, let me try to be calm right now, and then I'll come back in the next segment and take your calls.
Alex Jones here, back live.
I can talk about solutions and how to fix this as well, and I probably shouldn't obsess for the entire broadcast about the Boogaloos bragging they went and staged the Capitol event with anti-fun that they're above the law.
It's all admitted.
We sent people down to the Texas Capitol.
Other folks posted photos and videos that we'll be showing you here on screen while Gregg Reese talks of the folks in Austin, that the news says there are right-wing extremists there to overthrow the election, when it's the globalists that stole the election.
So this is all just a discredit protest, discredit the Second Amendment, ahead of false flags that are coming.
But you got a lot of stuff going on.
Look at this article.
Pelosi sends a letter to Acting Defense Secretary Miller demanding an immediate halt to attempts to install new NSA General Counsel Michael Ellis, cites it as highly irregular and highly suspect.
Well, the NSA's refusing to declassify the illegal spying and crossfire hurricane.
So it's the President's right to release that.
And I think with this type of action, Trump is going to pardon Julian Assange tomorrow.
I'm predicting that right now.
My gut tells me that Trump's good and that Trump at the final crucible did the right thing.
So get ready for that.
I believe that's what my gut tells me.
That's Trump's decision right now.
I don't have any inside sources.
It's just my spirit tells me.
Trump may change his mind, but that's what's happening right now.
I think he'll pardon him at 8 a.m.
Eastern tomorrow morning.
Okay, so we've got that information.
Going back to Greg Reese and the meager crew we have up there in D.C.
doing a great job.
Other observations, other things you've seen, what you think's coming next here, my friend?
Well, what I can't help but think is they're trying to stage this whole thing for some kind of false flag narratives.
And the reason I say that is because we just got a report that they shut down the rehearsal just now because of a threat.
Apparently, it's being reported that it was a homeless man's tent on the other side of the Capitol.
That reminds me of Antifa in Austin, Texas.
We got that viral video of Antifa burning the homeless people's mattresses.
So that seems like they're here now.
The other three, they apparently had some threat today and they had to not let people in.
CNN was doing the crazy reporting on the gunman who came in with 500 rounds.
So all the National Guard are here with rifles, no ammunition, no magazines.
So what exactly is going on?
It almost does seem like they are preparing for some major false flag event.
Just something to, another excuse to come after our guns, strike while the iron's hot.
Because right now, this dumbed down population, the maskies, They're just openly hating on any veterans, any masculine man, any God-fearing, country-loving woman and man.
They're just out in the open, hating on us as if we're some kind of archaic number traders.
Well, that's right.
That's why they got their boogaloos out doing all this.
And since you mentioned it, a couple hours ago, they had to halt setting things up because a homeless camp, one tent burned, and then they used that to shut stuff down.
Like a backfire happened a few years ago.
They evacuated the Capitol.
This is the wicked fleeing when none pursue.
Here's what happened.
I mean, there were riots out in the open, cars burning, and the media applauded it.
You're absolutely right.
New footage got released at Gateway Pundit.
A film crew released an ever-foreseen footage of 2017 inauguration riots.
We were there.
They were physically attacking us, attacking women and children, trying to get in, beating up reporters.
I mean, hundreds were arrested.
They were all charges dropped for savage attacks.
The woman who bombed the Capitol in 1983, you know, gets I totally agree.
care of by Bill Clinton. So if you want to destroy this country, if you want to
riot and loot and burn things down and and and destroy private businesses, then
you're protected. Then you're a hero. But if you want to stand up for your
country, if you want to protect your birthright, if you want to stand up for
freedom and independence, now you're an enemy of the state.
I totally agree.
It's completely upside down. Where do you see this going, Greg? Well, you know, coming out
here was a very interesting feeling because it's like God only knows what's
gonna happen now because right now they've got the momentum.
They've got the narrative.
And so, to me, I don't see this going anywhere but south very quickly because they've got the momentum.
They can honestly start rounding up patriots and Trump supporters right now, and it'll satiate the population.
The people will cheer it.
So why wouldn't they do that?
That's what I wonder right now.
Why wouldn't they take advantage of this opportunity and do that?
Yeah, it'll look terrible to the rest of the world, but the rest of the world is going to the New World Order too.
So it'll just be setting an example for the whole world.
Humiliate and destroy America, and that'll destroy the spirit of patriots all over the world.
Why wouldn't they do that?
It's just an insane time to live.
We are witnessing such incredible history unfold, and I want to stop it, and I want to have answers, but we have a dumbed-down immoral population.
We have a large minority of black, white, Hispanic, Asian, old, young Christians who are the main opposition.
We have the murder of Christians up 60% just last year alone.
It had already doubled the decade before that.
I mean, this is an exponential slaughter of Christians worldwide.
We see pure evil rising, pedophilia rising.
We see open Marxist groups attacking the Capitol, dressed up like us.
A few Q idiots follow in, that's it.
They call it a new Pearl Harbor.
Have you seen the footage of the Q wizard?
He just walks in joking and laughing.
And then they call that the most vicious assault the planet's ever seen.
He gets arrested and charged, but Boogaloo is saying they came there for violence, caught, nothing happens to them.
And whatever these people are told by the media, they just believe without question.
It's unbelievably humiliating, I think, for America, for the whole world to be seeing what's happening here right now.
And you're right.
I mean, how can you get across the point that all summer long, all over the country, cities are burning, people are getting murdered, hundreds killed, and everyone's okay with that?
And one small event at the Capitol in D.C., and now they're ready to lock us all up and put us in re-education camps.
It's absurd.
Oh, by the way, I forgot that.
From Brian Stelter to AOC to The View, they say put Trump supporters in prisons.
They're saying re-education camps on TV.
And just notice that's totally normal now.
They burn, you know, burn down thousands of buildings.
They're good.
You know, a few patriots follow their people in and break some glass and it's the end of America.
Sorry, you're all getting arrested.
And you know, Alex, for years, for years, you've been warning people about this.
And people may have accused you of fear-mongering or whatever.
Like, we are way beyond that point right now.
We are sitting at the cliff.
I don't see, I don't see any way out of this.
I mean, because it seems like they've got us backed up into a corner.
I don't know what they're about to do here Wednesday.
Maybe it'll just be a normal... Oh, this is just all an exercise of power.
They'll probably change a false flag in the states or something.
But yeah, this is all just about an exercise of their... To show China, hey, we're in total martial law control.
To show China that they own us.
And they're doing a good job, because I'll tell you what, the elite in China have got to be celebrating, toasting champagne, and laughing their asses off.
Oh, they actually are in their major people's daily saying, we own America, they're over, we will use COBA, they will never reopen.
They're telling investors.
They're flooding into China.
They say Biden's gonna cut U.S.
energy off.
We're open.
America's over.
It's over, man.
I mean, they are announcing it.
It's over.
And they act like, oh, the Navy's recruiting to fight China.
We've been sold out.
We've been sold out.
It's over.
Unless we admit it's over.
We're gone.
It's over.
Unless we, all of us come together, our state legislatures, our pastors, our people, and break with the globalists.
If we don't have that instinct, it's over.
Gregg Reese, you are doing a great job.
Get out there, I know, on the street.
Get some more live reports.
I'd go to them and say, hey, we're media.
Let's CNN to the Capitol.
You say you want to go show what happened there.
CNN wasn't trying to stop the riots like we did.
They were with this guy inside trying to fan the flames.
So great job.
There's a section now at Band.Video.
Biden's installation via D.C.
martial law is the name of the section.
Biden's installation is a section at Band.Video.
Gregory Scott, bless and good luck.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back broadcasting worldwide.
It is the Alex Jones Show, and I'm your host, Alex Jones, and we are going to go to your phone calls right now.
Then we'll have Jason Jones on about 15 after next hour.
I'm going to run a little bit late today.
We really appreciate him joining us.
He was at the Capitol and witnessed what happened as well.
I've mainly focused on the martial law, and I'm mainly focused on how they say the military is the enemy now, and you know, no one can be trusted but leftists that are avowed communists.
They are the good guys.
They can be trusted.
Communist China can be trusted.
Kamala Harris can be trusted.
Joe Biden can be trusted.
And then the Boogaloo Boys all brag how they broke in and attacked the Capitol.
Let me show you all their tweets, and those are up.
And the other individual that launched the attack with 100 Antifa, he brags he did it.
He was with CNN leading the attack, and then CNN even has him on.
And he's released by a federal judge with no bond, no bail.
So that's where all this is, folks.
These people can do whatever they want.
They're above the law because they're backed by the billionaires and by the chat comms and by the globalists.
And they think they're just going to push Americans out of the way and ban our rights.
And call the attack the greatest attack in U.S.
history because they killed four U.S.
citizens and one cop died of a heart attack two days later.
Yep, there's John Sullivan in there saying, burn it down, burn it down, leading the whole thing with a CNN reporter.
With the CIA operative Anderson Cooper screwing America over again.
Anderson Cooper supported the Arab Spring, burning down our allies, attacking Egypt.
That was all good, killing tens of thousands of Christians.
Oh, but when people get led into the Capitol by Anderson Cooper's best buddy, His dad's a big U.S.
general who got caught sneaking off with the nuclear triggers.
Oh, yeah, some really nice group of people.
He's here to hurt Trump and hurt America.
Well, you do that by, oh, you're coming to protest our election theft?
We'll just break in and blame it on you.
How's that sound?
I mean, how many thousands of times do you hear about, oh, a synagogue attacked or, oh, a black college attacked or, oh, the dorm got attacked, you know, in the Air Force or whatever?
Somebody was riding inward on the refrigerators and then An officer orders the young black cadet to do it.
And it's staged.
To create division and control because the globalists are taking over.
They don't want our country to exist.
This is the infiltration.
This is the end of America.
And if you don't admit it's the end of America, it will be.
By admitting we're under attack, by admitting this is globalist, by admitting that they've collapsed the third world with the COVID lockdowns, and now the UN has set up giant refugee centers to make the hundreds of thousands that caravanned here a few years ago that Trump stopped look like insignificant.
Let's go ahead for radio listeners, TV viewers can see this.
Roll that little newscast about the 7,000.
Folks, that isn't 7,000.
Let me give you a newsflash.
It's 50,000.
I've seen the footage.
And that's just the first group the UN trains.
They've got debit cards they've paid for by the State Department.
Trump cut off the money, but now they do it directly from Soros.
And I'm gonna go to your phone calls, but that's what's happening.
Because the key is you need to hear from them that the COVID lockdown has caused this.
Has collapsed the third world, they have no jobs, they have no food, and so the UN then organizes them after shutting them down, after taking their businesses away, after taking their farming away, after shutting everything down and saying, creating a global food crisis, now you're going El Norte, now you're going to America.
And as soon as they know Biden is set, they then release and break the dam for the assault.
Here's the newscast.
Central America have ramped up their border controls as thousands of migrants from Honduras and Guatemala are heading to the U.S.
for a new life.
The region is reeling from a growing hunger crisis after hurricanes hit, as well as violence and lockdown measures that disrupted the job markets.
On Friday, the first migrant caravan of the year departed Honduras.
Small skirmishes broke out between Honduran security forces and migrants at the border with Guatemala as night fell.
But groups of migrants continued to trickle past the border, even as Guatemalan military detained hundreds of migrants, including many families with young children.
Guatemalan officials estimate around 6,500 people to be heading north to the U.S.
Dora Sanchez is one of them.
We just want a chance to work.
We are defeated.
We have nothing.
We are left on the streets.
We lost everything.
Here, most of us have nothing, not even a blanket to tuck into.
Guatemala declared emergency powers in seven border provinces on Thursday, citing pandemic concerns.
Mexico also deployed soldiers and riot police to its border with Guatemala on Friday.
The exodus comes less than a week before the inauguration of U.S.
President-elect Joe Biden, who has promised a more humane approach.
So they cut their food off, they cut their businesses off, they cut their exports to us off, and then they flood here while we're cut off.
We're all under attack.
That woman's under attack, you're under attack, I'm under attack, period.
All right, I'm gonna go to break, and I promise for at least four segments, three segments, I'm gonna go write the calls.
I'm gonna go to Michael, Steve, John, Christian, Houston, Scott, Preston, Izzy, Richard, and others.
And listen, I wanna explain something here to everybody, okay?
It must seem really irritable and mad it's not with the crew.
I'm just done with all this and I meant to come in here today.
And say, this is my last broadcast.
And by that, I'm going to keep doing shows.
But, I mean, you understand, folks, I believe they're going to shut everything down in the next few months.
They're going to blow up federal buildings.
They're going to put poison in water supplies.
I mean, it's over.
I mean, it's over.
You understand?
Your only shot you've got is realizing that we're screwed.
Your candy-ass church isn't going to do it.
Your candy-ass boss isn't going to do it.
We're a trained group of monkeys in this country.
We're not what Americans used to be.
We're not rugged individualists.
We don't stand up for the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
We're a joke, okay?
And so they got people like Brian Stelter up there saying shut down all of his competition on TV now.
He thinks he owns you.
Jeff Zucker thinks he owns you.
These are bad people, okay?
So I've done the best job I can and I'm not bitching at the crew or you or anybody.
I'm just saying it's hard for me to get up here and do a normal show.
Well, we have a group of corporate criminals literally gang raping us.
I mean, if we ever beat this thing, it'll be in the history of, like, these people were Hitler.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
It's not like, oh, we're getting there, it's bad, things are out of control.
It's, it's, they've just begun.
They're gonna take your pension funds, they're gonna bankrupt, they're gonna cut the power off, the oil off, they're gonna open the borders.
It's over, man.
It's over.
It's all gone.
It's all over.
They're going to activate the Boogaloos, FBI, ADL, terror forces.
They're going to start blowing everything up.
Then they're going to come arrest all the patriots.
The idiots will cheer it.
Then they're going to shut your power off.
They want you starving in the street.
They want to rape your wife.
They're Bolsheviks!
They're Jacobins!
It's all over, man!
All over!
All your games!
In fact, America is rotting and deserves it.
Now, the Satanists aren't good.
They're not God.
God just lets them have their way now.
So all your games are over.
All the TV watching, all the laziness, all the slack-jawing's over.
It's over!
You're gonna be just like a baby at six months being chopped up in its mother's womb.
You're not a human, you're not essential, you're dead!
They're gonna kill you, cause you don't care!
Harrison Smith.
About two and a half years ago, I put out a very powerful three and a half minute video compilation of what I had to say in a live rant of really clairvoyant level understanding.
I only hit those places sometimes.
It's always just like dead on.
And it's not me, it's God speaking through me in a limited way through the rose-colored darkly that I still distort, but sometimes the light really shines through clearly.
I explained how they build up the attack until you just get used to submitting to it, then they hit you with a fatal dose of evil.
Well, this is the fatal dose.
And so, when I tell you we're screwed, I don't do that to demoralize you.
I think you're like me.
I think you want to know the truth.
But see, other people are just, oh, I'll wear the mask.
Oh, I'll wear the dog collar.
Oh, I'll have the smartphone.
Oh, I'll take the inoculation.
Oh, I'll, oh, I'll.
And then the U.N.' 's, we've got 50,000 probably people marching up to break the border.
It'll be millions after that.
We know the game plan!
My God, they tell us what they're gonna do!
And then it just gets worse and worse.
Once we're in a collapsed economy, they can dictate every facet of your life to you.
That's why they're on these shows.
I mean, five years ago, if we had one clip of national TV saying, let's put people in re-education camps, we'd be airing it every segment.
I probably saw five clips this morning of national news saying, we need to arrest all Trump supporters and re-educate them in camps.
They're not saying that for no reason!
We need emergency legislative events!
We need the states lining up against this!
We need all the big churches coming out against it!
We need all the men that I see on the golf courses are polishing their Porsches or their jet boats to spend some time caring about this!
But all the successful men keep their heads down.
And it makes me sick, because you're not successful.
You're the ones that took our birthright and crapped it away!
That's why I'm pissed, man.
I'm really pissed off right now.
We got a case of communist cancer.
I just love the crew, and I love the listeners, and I appreciate you all, and I've been trying to not get mad like this on air.
But when I tell you we're screwed folks, it's not to demoralize you, it's to let you know
we have to stop taking this like it's normal.
Everywhere I go now, I take my mask off, I refuse to wear it, and have a whole discussion at a Mexican food restaurant with people, and they take their mask off and agree with me and shake my hand.
And my family goes, you know, well they've gotten used to it now, now they do it.
I'm at war with these people, not just on air, I'm constantly fighting them, and I'm not, I'm not special, I'm just not dead inside!
I won't ever let you Satan get me!
I mean, I can see where this is leading.
Very, it's an avalanche, folks.
Before, it was just the snow of tyranny on us.
Oh, I like snow.
It's okay.
And all of a sudden, it collapses.
All right, I said I'd go to your calls.
I really appreciate Houston and Christian and John, everybody.
I'm trying to get to Ollie, and I really appreciate you.
But, I mean, when I start thinking about my last broadcast, because any one of these should be my last broadcast.
I mean, this is it, folks.
I start thinking about all the things I want to say and all the things I want to do and it just makes me mad
that our precious country is being literally sucked into a black hole of world government.
Oh god.
You understand they are announcing shock collars and shock bracelets and bracelets and dog collars for everyone to wear.
I mean, I have the newscast.
The plan is there are going to be shocking collars.
Oh, you're wearing a collar now to show your COVID thing and it tracks you and social distancing.
No, no, no.
The actual meetings are about having a shocker in it.
And the public's like, I love my shocker.
I'm not joking!
Not communist China.
Homeland Security is having meetings about shockers you wear around your neck.
I mean, hell, you let convicted pedophiles go to elementary schools and have your six-year-old daughters and sons bounce up and down on their erections.
I mean, literally, I watch these videos.
We can't even air these on air.
I can't even look at them of some fat pot-bellied dude with a little six-year-old girl on him riding his crotch.
He's got an erection.
This is what they do on TV.
And then they cut to the local newscaster and he goes, well, gotta get them when they're young.
Ha ha ha ha!
See, he's a leader.
He just goes along with it.
Gotta get the children when they're young, huh?
Do you think you're safe in a world where they got kids with pedophiles on TV?
Do you think you're safe, you dumb son of a bitch?
You think they're safe when they're... Now we know the COVID vaccine kills old people at a very high percentage rate?
You think we're safe when they're killing all the old people?
And do you think God likes us when we do that?
It's all gonna burn!
All of you that think you're smart and you're part of the system, as you can manipulate those under you, it's all gonna come back on you a trillion-fold.
I'm just saying right now, I. Will.
I. Will.
SimplySafe sells a social distancing sweater.
Alright, I said I'd go to your calls.
Show them the Homeland Security video where they wear taser bracelets.
I'm not making this up, folks.
I know I'm saying this stuff, it just sounds fantastic.
I'm not lying.
Is there a solution to hijacking?
Everyone will wear a shocking bracelet, Homeland Security says.
It's okay.
Only if you're bad will the stewardess shock you.
Oh, I'm sorry.
The flight attendant.
Don't put me in a re-education center.
And I'll have these.
I'm going to just say this and go to a call.
It could be your last chance to get an InfoWars t-shirt, a Trader Joe's t-shirt.
Shows the countries he's sold out to.
Could be your last chance to get X2, X3.
Could be your last chance to get Winter Sun or DNA Force Plus.
But I know next week we're going to have to go back to regular prices because the supply chain's broken down even worse and more global lockdowns are coming.
So InfoWarshore.com on Super Bowl Vitality, Survival Shield X2, Alpha Power, Chill Force, Lung Cleanse, Survival Shield X3, Pure Turmeric Extract.
All 50% off.
Pollen Block 25% off.
About to sell out.
And we've also got storable food.
Super high quality.
The lowest prices you're going to find at preparewithalex.com.
And I'm going to leave it at that.
And I appreciate you all.
And I'm not saying today's my last show.
They'll be like, Jones said today was his last show, but he was on the next day.
I'm saying we're out of time.
We're living on borrowed time.
They're getting ready for some big event.
We're in trouble.
The establishment's made a deal with the devil, literally and figuratively.
And so don't lie to yourselves anymore.
All the stupid crap don't matter anymore.
Your eyelashes and your fingernail crap or your golf clubs, it's all a diversion from God and the devil and where you're going to be in eternity.
All right, I'm shutting up.
John in D.C., March in D.C., city on lockdown.
What will Trump do?
Well, Trump's going to leave in 40 days.
Five hours or whatever it is.
Go ahead.
That's right, Alex.
I got the call from the President to be here on January 6th, and I'm still here.
Well, God bless you, brother.
What do you see there?
What's unfolding?
I see a lot of buses.
A lot of buses with the tinted windows, and I'm hoping that there are troops.
Real troops.
One thing that you're not mentioning at all is, where's Trump?
If he doesn't say something and start the Insurrection Act or something to slow this down, this will be worse than the Bay of Pigs.
Brother, I hear you.
That's what I'm saying is he's surrounded.
No one is supporting him.
The Cube movement was to make people think he was invincible.
They set us up on the 6th to demonize us.
And so Trump's gonna have to, Trump's gonna leave.
I mean, that's what's going down here, brother.
Those troops.
But here's the weird wrinkle.
They're now saying the troops are terrorists.
Fox News is saying, and CNN's reporting, they don't trust the troops either.
So who knows what's going on up there?
I mean, this is crazy, brother.
We're about to find out, aren't we?
We the people know what the truth is.
We know there was election fraud.
We know COVID was a hoax.
We know there's rampant pedophilia going on.
We know Epstein didn't kill himself.
We know we didn't send help for the Benghazi soldiers.
We know that Joe Biden's a senile.
What in the heck?
How can a man get on a plane and fly away from all of this?
He also said he would never surrender.
So I'm here in the belly of the beast, waiting for the command.
Not to do violence, but to stay close.
They're acting like that's totally criminal, saying no protesting allowed.
This is so evil.
Well, brother, I appreciate your steadfastness.
I heard the president's call as well.
I love you.
God's watching.
That's all that matters.
But what are you in 50 seconds left?
What are you witnessing in D.C.?
We have not yet begun the fight.
What are you witnessing in D.C.?
I'm witnessing a major lockdown.
I'm right at the Capitol Skyline Hotel.
I can see the Capitol and I can see the Washington Monument.
I see a lot, like I say, a lot of buses, a lot of security checkpoints and everything.
I'm leaving this hotel tomorrow, taking my phone with me and I'll record everything.
But Donald J. Trump has got to make a move.
If he walks away from this, like I say, it'll be worse than the Bay of Pigs.
We were hung out to dry.
I hear you, brother.
God bless you.
Here's what happened.
Marshall Law.
Guys, get that guy's number or is he already gone?
Marshall Law.
I want to have him on as another guest.
Another great source in the D.C.
Marshall Law is put in place for the Chinese handover.
The storm was the Chinese handover.
Now you're seeing the storm.
Then you'll see the mass arrest of the patriots, probably.
Look, President Trump has come out in just the last 24 hours and released the documents proving Communist China manipulated the election, but still Trump won.
So they said Trump had to go with no evidence of Russian collusion.
They had the evidence of Chinese collusion.
My God, China brags on their newspapers they're trying to put Joe Biden in.
Pelosi said that China wants Biden.
So they're not even hiding any of this.
So I get people are like, he's a communist Chinese agent.
They stole the election.
It's illegitimate.
The military's on our side.
What's going on?
The military takes orders from the globalists.
And so Trump knows he's isolated.
He's surrounded.
He tried to have a big peaceful rally.
Tried to get the Senate to have a 10-day hearing to show the fraud.
He's never been able to show it.
We have the evidence.
And then they had Boogaloos and others.
Antifa raid the Capitol.
A few Q people went in to be the useful idiots.
And then now they demonize us.
And Trump lost his support in D.C.
So Trump's isolated.
I'm not going to give you false hope, folks.
I'm never going to lie to you.
And it is my educated opinion that it's over for Trump, and that we have to admit how much trouble America's in, and that Biden's going to cut our energy off, and so much more.
We'll talk about that, but I want to go back to your phone calls.
But this thing about Fox News and CNN, oh, the FBI is visiting the National Guard and the Army.
They can't be trusted.
They're with Trump.
They're planning something.
Well, that's all Operation Trust type stuff, where they put out to the guys, oh, you're in a secret Q group, and now they can find it in your email and arrest you to act like, see, no one's trusted.
That's how this works, folks.
But I'll guarantee you there's not some secret military operation to save the country.
That's not true.
At the top, it's rotten.
And you're going to see that.
You're going to witness that, in my opinion.
So don't be part of any violence, and be part of any secret group.
Don't be set up, folks.
Live to fight the Infowar another day.
Houston in Delaware, thanks for holding.
I really appreciate it.
Go ahead.
Mr. Jones, thank you for taking my call.
You sound a little stressed today, so I wanted to bring you some comfort and remind you that they don't make taser bracelets and shock collars that'll fit us gorillas.
That's right.
Um, I'm a, I'm a prior service in Marine Corps.
I was, uh, at the Capitol on the 6th.
Um, we actually didn't get to, I mean, my wife and I were there.
We didn't get to hear the end of, uh, President's speech because, uh, probably, uh, around the same time that the violence broke out or was about to, to break out, my wife turned to me and we, we saw an individual in black block trench coat.
And ironically enough, we didn't notice his outfit so much as we noticed a, uh, an odor as he walked by, which caused me and my wife to
both glance at him and see a firearm, not in a holster, not in, we both conceal carry, we're
It was just tucked in a pocket, hanging out of his pocket, and both me and my wife shared a look,
and we immediately left the speech, started heading back to our vehicle, noticed the violence and left.
So, if anything, to be an echo of what's been said, there's without a doubt, the patriots that were there, were there peaceful, and we've been lied to about it.
But I was reading my Bible, 2 Timothy 3, I won't read the whole thing to you, just about How people are going to be in the end times, and if it doesn't describe the delusion that's in the minds of folks today, how you cannot see the truth.
And I want to thank you, your whole team, Mr. Schroer, Mr. Smith for spreading that truth.
Well, Houston, I'm going to come back to you.
I'm going to go to break, because I know the Bible passage you're about to read.
I want people to hear this when we come back, brothers.
So don't hang up.
Houston, Delaware.
And then Jason Jones is coming on, but he's a great guy.
He'll be happy to take your phone calls.
We'll do one more segment of calls, and then we'll have Jason Jones on, and we'll take calls, take a little bit of Salente's time and continue.
And again, I'm not a fake.
I'm not one of these calculating psychos.
So I do blow up.
I do get mad.
I try to control myself, and I'm bad on the crew that they put up with me.
I'm just really pissed off because I mean, this is so real, people.
But we just, listen.
You don't hurt the globalists going and attacking the Capitol.
I know you know that.
Or shooting a cop.
We all know that.
And believe me, all the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and the Bill Gateses are in bunkers right now.
And they want to sit back and manipulate us.
And that's what I hate, is watching these guys think they're smarter than us, when they're not really smarter than us.
They're just evil.
The average person doesn't think like them, and so that's why they're able to do this.
I saw a lot of videos of Patriots trying to stop Antifa breaking in, but it didn't work.
The Globalist hired a bunch of thugs and sent them in there under FBI control, under Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL control.
That's what we're facing.
Get right with God.
We'll be back in 60 seconds.
We have reporters on the ground in D.C.
Again, I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're taking your phone calls.
I really appreciate everybody holding.
We have the left caught red-handed staging the attacks with Antifa and with the Boogaloo Boys.
They don't even try to hide it now.
They're even taking credit for it because they know the media will lie for them.
It's so sick.
It's like watching Al-Qaeda stage chemical attacks in Syria and shoot videos bragging because they wanted to get funding from their Islamic groups, but then our media would say that Assad did it.
It's not that Assad's a good guy.
It's just that it's not true what we're being told.
That's the same story over and over again.
This is the takedown of America.
I mean, Biden says he's opening the borders for the caravans.
He's cutting the gas industry, the oil industry off.
He's not just going to shut down the coal power plants.
I mean, folks, 60% of our power comes from coal, the rest from oil and gas.
We're done.
The lights are going off.
They're going to downsize you into a coffin-sized apartment.
This is so brutal what they're doing, man.
But the media won't tell you.
All right, let's go back to Houston and Delaware, then I'll go to Christian and others.
Houston, you were wondering a Bible passage about the Antichrist, the end times.
Go ahead and read it to us.
Yes, sir.
We got 2 Timothy 3.
But realize this, that in the last days, difficult times will come, for people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips without self-control.
Haters of good.
Lovers of pleasure.
I don't want to read the whole thing.
We go on.
Always learning and never able to come to the truth, verse 7 says.
I just see the delusion that folks have about what's going on and how the truth is being hidden to us.
It's, again, why I want to thank you and everyone at InfoWars.
And I had a question for you today.
If you've got time, I want to respectfully... I know we've got... Sure, brother, go ahead.
I was reading through the Strategic Relocation, not to plug, but wonderful read, and me and my wife are fortunate enough, blessed, to have family in a red state.
We have some land, a place that our family can retreat to and sustain themselves, and my question to you is, Coming from a blue state, you know, in a populated area, we got a thousand people per square mile easy here.
Is the time to go here?
You know, we continue to quest for those who... Oh, 100% is...
You know, downsize your life and have cultural goodness with God.
It's worth everything not to be part of the system.
You must flee blue states and blue cities.
They're designed to totally collapse and bring down the entire United States.
God bless you, brother.
I mean, if I could leave the infrastructure that I have here in Austin, I would leave here immediately.
And it's in an okay area of Texas, but it's still, it's all doomed.
It's all doomed.
This will collapse later.
They're meant to hurt everybody here first.
But that's how it's working.
Thank you so much.
Christian in Idaho.
Christian, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hello, Alex.
Thank you.
Yeah, I'm Christian, a former Marine, 0311.
You know, I really hope that the people understand that this has been planned for a long time.
In 1998, I was part of a training op in the Bay Area called Operation Urban Warrior, where they were trying to train the military to do these martial law lockdowns and take care of the citizens that way.
So these are things That need to be understood.
You know, and there was a lot of the same movements happening in D.C.
when I was there that I was able to identify.
You know, when I got, excuse me, I got attached with Matt Bracken and Phil DeCille that whole day.
And we were noticing all the exact same things happening.
And it's something we need to be careful for.
Because it's here.
It is absolutely here now.
I was actually an Operation Urban Warrior.
That was the first time I ever heard of you.
We were on the roof at Oak Knoll Hospital, and we were watching you through a spotter scope.
Like, you were on the Berkeley Hill or the Oakland Hill, and some cops were harassing you.
And that was the first time I ever learned about you.
Well, I knew from Marines That Blew the Whistle that it was a takeover U.S.
City's gun confiscation drill, and then they basically admitted that on the video.
Yeah, and that's exactly what it was.
And at that time, they were utilizing robots that they are releasing now.
I have photos from all the disposable cameras of the robot systems that they're releasing to the public now.
In operation.
You know?
It's all in my film, Police State 2000.
And as soon as I bring up the robots, the colonel flips out and goes, you gotta get out of here, Jones, because at first they let me in.
And then they totally flipped out.
Some liaison officer ran over named Jones.
He wasn't in the military anymore.
He was like, you got to get out of here, Jones.
Yeah, I totally remember that.
And then also later I had some Navy SEALs come to Austin.
They wanted to meet with me and they took me at the AXS TV studio.
They go watch this.
They put a VHS tape on and it was a drone following me and my crew out of the hotel.
And they used us as part of the exercise of how to track terrorists.
And they only let us see them following our SUV and following us.
And then, you know, took the VHS tape out of the machine, but just wanted to show me that.
Isn't that crazy?
Oh, it does.
And what people need to understand is when we did this operation, they had hired actors with FX kits, everything.
They said, please, I'm an American, not the camp.
Don't take my guns.
I've got the video.
It's in my film, Police State.
Yeah, and they're screaming the whole nine yards.
The same thing is happening now in America and the world better understand.
I heard Steve Quayle say something very interesting on your show, where he said, we're getting ready to enter the Red Sea moment.
And that's almost the moment I'm praying for, that God works a great miracle.
But from everything I'm seeing, all the research I've done, we are getting ready to enter the Nebuchadnezzar moment.
We are now getting ready to have God's And it is going to be up to the men of this country to stand up and do something.
We must fight peacefully.
We must do civil disobedience.
But understand, they are not going to stop.
At some point, you need to become men again.
Well, that's what's happening is the first is the awakening because they want us up front for the public knows what's going on to be violent.
No, the legislature's organizing with leaders as well.
They're going up for Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley.
They know their real leaders.
Yeah, this is California.
This is Oakland.
So this was hundreds of actors trained.
Now that's skipping ahead to like Maine.
No, no, go back, go back.
This must be in the intro of the film, but the point is I have like an hour of them saying, I'm sorry, where'd you get the gun?
Well, I got it in San Francisco.
And like literally go door to door admitting gun confiscation drills.
But you're saying you were there, Christian?
Yeah, no, I was a part of the entire two week operation.
And you guys had those big six wheeled armored vehicles?
What are one of those called?
Well, we had everything there.
I'm not sure the parts you're in.
We were directly in the Oak Knoll Hospital area off of Seminole.
But when we were doing the door-to-doors through Oakland, we were utilizing robots to go through the doors.
All these robots we're seeing now, they were there.
I have the photos.
That was 21, 22 years ago.
Yeah, 1998.
That's an affirmative.
Operation Urban Warrior, Bay Area.
And then we caught them, again the Marines aren't bad, it's the officers doing it.
We caught them on the East Coast doing drills where they get the local YMCA kids to go spy
on their parents and report where the guns are in the small towns.
Yeah, that's correct.
You know, and it's just amazing because there was a lot of movements that I'm seeing in
now that are the same thing, you know.
And for our military, brothers and sisters out there, understand that the highest ups are corrupt tyrants.
Well, they're pedophiles.
I made an oath.
Yes, you've made an oath.
You don't get in that club unless you screw little kids.
That you're damn right.
You are damn right.
You do bloodletting, you screw them, you use them up, and that's how you start making your bones with Satan.
You know, and our military needs to understand, they made that oath to defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
And we have domestic enemies.
And they will need to do something, or they will be on the downside of the greatest takeover in the world's history.
And they need to understand that.
You know, this is not a game.
You know, and even for a quick story in D.C.
off of Virginia Avenue, We walk up, there's a man dead in the middle of the street on Virginia Avenue.
There's five police officers standing around him doing nothing.
So I run up there, you know, and I ask him, hey, what's going on?
Oh, he's dead.
I go, you're not doing CPR?
Well, due to new COVID regulations, we don't have to perform CPR.
And the family's there crying.
So I finally had an officer throw me a one-way valve mask.
Perform CPR for 25 minutes.
The fire department finally shows up.
It took the fire department five more minutes.
God bless you, brother.
It's a breakdown of society.
All right, Jason Jones is an army veteran, a patriot, a major film director.
He's made international awards, had huge hit films.
He's also written The Race to Save Our Century.
Jason Scott Jones and John Zmarek, five core principles to promote peace, freedom, and culture of liberty.
He was there.
In D.C., I saw them up there peacefully on the edge of the Capitol, and we witnessed what unfolded that day.
Over a million people there, a few hundred that went in, most of them peaceful.
Some feds posing as, they said, boogaloos, and Antifa was posing as patriots.
I'm not saying all the boogaloos are bad, but I am saying it's obviously an accelerationist group that says they are with BLM, so I'm against anybody that's with BLM.
I mean, I agree with Black Lives Matter.
I don't agree with any of the nuclear family.
And that black trans women are the most important thing in the world.
I don't believe in chopping black men's balls off is the most important thing, but that's all a separate issue here.
Mr. Jones, good to have you here with us.
You've got the floor here for this little, this is a shorter segment, longer segment coming up.
You've got the floors.
I don't want to interrupt you to tell us what you witnessed, what you saw on your gut level about where this country is right now.
44 hours from Joe Biden being inaugurated as the new communist imperial emperor.
Well, first of all, Alex, it's a privilege to be on your show.
And in these past couple of weeks, I've appreciated you and your team more than ever, because you guys, your courage and your leadership has put you in the hot seat.
So I want to thank you for being in the vanguard of liberty, the vanguard of freedom.
And, you know, I told my friends that were with me at the March to Save America, remember what you saw with your own eyes.
Remember it, because the media will begin to Get us to even doubt what we saw.
And I have to tell you, Alex, that as somebody who was almost a never-Trumper in 2016, came to really appreciate President Trump and his administration for their leadership in fighting for the Uyghur and the other communities I work with, vulnerable ethnic minorities that have suffered from our neoliberal foreign policy.
As I became a part of his team, I really don't think I understood MAGA, the MAGA movement, or I didn't really understand Who the deplorables were until that day.
Because what I saw with my own eyes is I was a few rows behind you when the president was speaking and then we had to leave early to race to the stage that was never set up for us to speak.
So as I was racing through the crowd, the very first thing I saw when I left the VIP area was hundreds and hundreds of Chinese activists standing up against the CCP.
They were doing lion dancing.
They had big drums.
And there were Hong Kong flags, Taiwan flags, and it was a real festive environment.
And as I looked towards the Capitol from the Washington Monument, I saw a sea of American flags, but I was struck by the flags of East Turkestan, the flags of Hong Kong.
And I don't know if you saw this, Alex, but the Vietnamese community was there in force.
I saw dozens of flags of the former South Vietnam.
As we raced through the crowd trying to get to the Supreme Court, the parking lot between the Capitol and Supreme Court, where we thought the stage was going to be set up, again, just a very beautiful, and I hate using this word because it's a word of virtue signaling, but it just accurately says what was there.
It was the most diverse crowd I had ever seen in my life.
You would see the rainbow Trump flags.
You would see Christian groups praying the rosary, walking together.
And as we went around the Capitol to go back, we already saw people up on the steps and the steps of the backside, it was very peaceful.
My concern was tear gas was coming, I guess, from the other side and there was an elderly woman.
And it was actually very dramatic when you're watching it, in a wheel, in a walker climbing up the stairs, I guess to take a selfie.
And that's when I saw the look, you came around, and I saw the look on your face.
And you just had real, you know, concern.
And you went up there, and you probably stopped On the side of the Capitol facing the Supreme Court, I don't know if it ever breached.
There was no breach while we were there.
And you got most of the people, you asked them to leave and seas of people poured off the steps of the Capitol.
It was very heroic, very brave.
Then we were walking away.
I went back up there.
As everyone came off, I went back up there to see what was going on.
And then your team called me back over to where you guys were.
And then as we were walking away, Someone had texted someone on your team a photo from inside the Capitol, and I believe it was you, or someone on your team said, oh, that's Photoshop.
And I said, oh, phew, thank God, that's a good answer, it was Photoshopped.
Of course, we found out that it wasn't.
But the reality is, for 95% of the people that were there, and I don't know how to judge the size of these crowds, they didn't see any violence.
They didn't see any property destruction.
And And then to the question of who was there.
I've been involved with the Republican Party for 30 years and maybe many people could look, I've worked for the RNC, I've been maybe a part of what you call the swamp.
And I didn't understand what was MAGA.
That day I realized, what are all these rainbow Trump flags and the South Vietnamese community and all these Cubans and all these, what do they all have in common?
One thing, it dawned on me.
These were the folks That the neoliberal establishment that transcends both parties truly see as deplorable as Hillary Clinton gave him that name, actually.
And what she means by that is they don't deserve representation in Washington, D.C.
We destroyed their countries and they emigrated here.
Their interests don't matter.
You're gay and you're conservative.
Shut up!
You're black and conservative.
We can call you any name in the book and abuse you on all social media platforms.
You don't matter.
You're a Uyghur and Apple uses your family to make the products.
Go away.
You can't share those articles on Facebook.
President Trump and the Trump administration fought for them.
And that's what that group had in common.
And the media will never tell the truth about the people that were there.
But I said to my friends who were with me, it's going to be a scary time and it is going to be dangerous to stand with these folks.
But we must stand with these folks.
We must stand with these people that no one has wanted to represent.
And now they're trying to paint with broad brushes.
As you and your team have, as a reporter, I've gone to Antifa events and I've seen a lot of violence and arson and serious crimes.
And those are called peaceful protests.
This event where well over 95% of those folks were peaceful and didn't even see any shenanigans from their perspective.
The gaslighting to me was, the gaslighting by the media, and then this response to the gaslighting by our military and our government, you know, it's one thing to tell a lie, it's another to seem like you believe your own lies.
It was all quite horrifying, Alex, and it just convinced me that we have to double down on our commitment to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, Free and fair elections.
And, you know, we're not going anywhere.
We're going to keep standing up.
All right, Jason Jones is our guest.
When I told him he was hosting the segment, I meant it.
I was listening on my headphones.
I got a wireless headphone earpiece, but I was signing some documents and shoving a chicken feed in my mouth, taking a little five-minute, six-minute break.
I'm like, I'm finishing up as I'm walking back to the desk.
I'm listening to every word he's saying.
I'm like, I'm trying to get back to the desk.
He's like, Alex, are you there?
But Jason Jones is here.
Great author, great filmmaker.
And look, I want to be so clear here.
Thank you for coming to D.C.
on the 6th.
Trump called for it.
We're fighting fraud.
We wanted 10 days of investigation by the Senate.
Totally constitutional.
The Democrats have done similar things before.
Now they're trying to outlaw our speech.
But they did have Antifa and groups saying they were Proud Boys, which I thought was more Antifa, staging the attack.
And then they got a few idiots from Q who were not violent.
The woman wasn't violent.
Q Shauman wasn't violent.
Other than she broke a window out.
She didn't deserve to die.
But you could see this coming a mile away, so I'm not mad at somebody that got into Q. Because Q covered a lot of real stuff.
I'm not mad at anybody.
I'm not saying if you're in the Boogaloos that you yourself are a bad person.
I'm saying this is a perfect cutout for the Feds to come in and lead groups and do things that a bunch of the Boogaloos said they were in the Capitol and were part of this.
I mean, you don't want that known?
I mean, wow.
So that's the reality.
I'll go wherever the truth is.
It doesn't matter to me.
I'm like a heat-seeking missile.
That's just boom.
I'm tracked in.
I'm signed over to God.
Literally, I have free will, but I've turned it over.
I can't stop going towards the truth.
And so you warned about Q and its esoteric nature and how with Christ everything is out in the open.
With the occult, it's hidden.
And you're really worried about a term you're coining, and I am too.
What happens when it all crashes in and Trump is gone in a couple days and the delusion is over?
Don't do something crazy, the globalists are hoping.
Don't just understand that you were deceived, but not all the info.
The left's like, oh, Jones is attacking Q now.
That means he doesn't believe there's child molesters.
What about Jeffrey Epstein?
We expose it all.
Or he doesn't believe there's a new world order.
See, it's like Q then owned all that, so then when Q lies about all these other things, these dates, it discredits it.
You can see it.
So, the movement was exploding.
Q came along to take control of it with intelligence ops.
We now know that well-known intelligence ops that I know personally flipped to Q at the end because
they were controlled. General Flynn's a great guy. He just wanted to lead an army that was waiting
there with Q, but he still didn't control it. He's a good guy. So, Jason, go ahead and we'll
take some calls at next segment, a little bit in the next hour. Joe Celente's on at 15 after.
Get into Q aside, this term you're coining. Yeah, I have a great worry because people have
such faith in Q. I've been startled at people in my life, people I love and know from,
I went to high school with, college with, served in the army.
They're just, I'm getting inundated with these texts and forwards that their source, they all have these sources.
And I'll call them and I'll say, listen, you know, put that aside for now.
Please stop sharing this information.
It's from an anonymous source.
It's communicated in a way that's ambiguous and you can't verify what they state.
When you have an ambiguous statement from an anonymous source that cannot be verified, you can't support it or refute it, all that can lead to is infighting and mistrust.
And then that's the structure, the very structure, it doesn't matter even the content of what they say, it doesn't matter what you say, when it's from an anonymous source, said in an ambiguous way, that cannot be verified or refuted, the only thing you have then is argument.
It is a satanic action.
God's laws are out in the open, in blazing, totally clear, with Satan it's all secretive, it's all esoteric.
And then they linked it to Trump.
And so there are all of these folks who have rightly understood that they don't have representation in Washington.
The big tech companies treat them like garbage.
Then they place all of their hope in Trump through Q, not even Trump.
And here's something I predict, that they made a messiah out of Trump.
And then what happens?
We know this.
They wave you in with palms, then they nail you to the cross.
So I expect to see a turn against President Trump from Q for not being the messiah that they said he was.
He's just a man.
He's just a political, you know, he's just a man who ran for president.
Who fought hard against overwhelming odds who we should celebrate and pray for and support.
Celebrate him.
That's right.
So they waved him in with palms and I anticipate Q will then nail him to the cross.
And I really try not even to follow it closely because you should never follow something you know is not true.
You know, if it's anonymous, ambiguous, and not verifiable, don't even look at it because all it can do is taint your mind.
Well, notice whatever you talk about or I talk about, I show them right here.
Here's the person saying it.
But notice the media will say, Jones said he hates black people.
They won't show the clip because it's a lie.
Or Trump hates all Mexicans.
Won't show the clip because it's a lie.
It's the same tactic.
They don't show you because they're lying.
Yeah, they're lying and that's what's really been startling.
Alex, I don't know about you, maybe I am naive.
I always assume that if you're a writer for a major news publication that you went to college, you became a journalist because you were interested in truth.
What happened along the way that they flock like birds, you know, with overwhelming dishonesty?
And that's what's shocking.
I even got worried because I did three episodes of my podcast, The Jason Jones Show, on cue, and I thought, I hope I wasn't overly charitable, because I try to be, and I was, I was kind and gentle and I asked a lot of questions, but it was clear, very clear that I was, you know, opposing Q. I just wanted to make sure they couldn't take a clip because that's what they do.
And again, I completely understand.
We do have a problem in all of our institutions, our public schools.
I'm Catholic, the Catholic Church, Hollywood, with sex abuse.
We're not saying these things are not real.
But there's one thing to say that there's, uh, Hollywood has a pedophile problem, which it most definitely does.
There was a great documentary several years ago, Open Secret, that talks about it.
Then to say somebody has a strange Instagram page and they're a well-known liberal, then they call this person a pedophile.
It creates an inquisition or a witch hunt about things that are not proven or don't even have evidence when all the pedophilia is on TV, the pedophilia is everywhere, the pedophilia is at Drag Queen Storytime and all these Netflix shows.
What are you looking for in a gutter hole instead of when it's on television?
Yeah, or ritualistic child sacrifice.
We all have abortion clinics in our neighborhoods.
You don't have to look very far for all of these things.
And by the way, it turns out a lot of abortionists are Satanist high priests and they are doing rituals.
Yeah, there was that abortionist several years ago in New Orleans who was arrested for using the fad.
I don't even want to say it.
There's another one in Kansas.
There's a bunch of them.
Yeah, it's despicable.
When you're doing late-term abortions, particularly killing eight-month-old babies all day, you're satanic.
No, 100%.
But what Q does is it makes... Yeah, but it seemed like the doctors go, I like the babies.
They're mine.
Go buy it.
I don't want Jesus.
Never Jesus.
You seen those videos?
I did see the one at the hotel.
That was very weird.
There was a bunch of them.
They'll just go, how are you doing?
I love Satan.
The babies are mine.
I'll find the videos.
It's crazy.
No, Alex, I saw it with my own eyes, and you saying it, it just, even though I saw it, when you say it, it's like, oh, that's crazy.
But it's true.
So there's enough true things out there that we can say.
And the other thing is, my other problem with Q is, not just that it's Gnostic, but that it's calumny.
You know, I was on a Q site after being on your show.
I was talking to you and I did this, and they said I was signaling.
I don't even know what I was doing, but I did that.
And it's so strange, where they'll attack... Yeah, it makes everyone guilty but themselves.
Which, again, I grew up watching 7-Up commercials where they're like, aw, delicious.
I mean, that to me means it's delicious.
I mean, in Italian it means delicioso.
No, no, no.
My intent's what matters.
If I put my thumb and my index finger together, I'm not a Satanist.
Judge of free by its truths, as Christ said.
But that guy, that's how the Pharisees always were, too.
They did all these evil things, but they would nitpick everybody else.
Yeah, no, and that's exactly right, Alex.
And one thing is like calumny.
You have been probably, you should write a book on maintaining inner peace because you have been, and your team, You have been the target of the worst types of calumny.
Calling, you know, racist, bigot, things that you have people you love that you don't want them to hear that because you love them and you don't want them to think that you think some way about them.
I don't know how you handle that, really.
Calumny so you know better than anyone.
Saying something about someone that's not true is horrible.
It's sometimes we can get swept away in anger and politics and say something, but we need to be very disciplined and we cannot go around spreading gossip or sharing unsubstantiated rumors.
And that's something else that we see in the community.
And then, you know, my friends will say, oh, I'm just sharing information.
It's up for other people to decide.
Yeah, but I mean, Tom Hanks wasn't arrested.
Hillary wasn't arrested.
And it's bulls.
So stay there.
I want to come back and take calls with you from Jefferson and Preston and Izzy and Richard.
I really appreciate them holding today from the D.C.
They were all there with you and I. And so we appreciate them holding.
No one was buying the election.
No one was buying the fraud.
And then a consortium of Antifa and Boogaloos went in to accelerate.
I've got the Boogaloos right here taking credit for it.
I've had some people tell me, minority listeners, well it's time for a war, really.
Led by Q Shaman taking selfies.
And, uh, people getting shot with rubber bullets.
This was a joke.
The government is the political system.
We have to change it.
Anyone that says we don't want any government, BLM, kill all the police, overthrow, they don't want to get rid of the police.
They want to take it over.
So, yes, I'm identifying who I saw with my own eyeballs and who I went and later realized online, with her own admissions, was involved in this.
Antifa launched the attacks.
They were in charge.
People claiming they were with the Boogaloos.
And then they got some Q people to follow them in who were peaceful.
And then I went and looked and saw all these people with the Boogaloos saying they did it, they were there, tracked who they are, they're not even hiding it.
So I just wonder, you know, why these guys are being protected.
Because the FBI created a bunch of militias they controlled.
I'm not against the militia, I believe in the Constitution.
But that's a well-regulated, local, controlled civil defense.
I don't want just random warlords running around saying they're the militia in mask, storming buildings.
So, if it isn't the Boogaloos, I invite them on.
One of the Boogaloo guys called my security guy that he met in Virginia, that we actually had on the show when we were in D.C., saying how glorious it was.
We had him on to give his view.
Then come on!
I mean, I'm not powerful enough like Q or a boogaloo, but, you know, if one of you people want to come on the show and debate this, I'd love to do it.
But Jason Jones, I want to take a few calls from Jefferson, Preston, Izzy, and Richard.
The term you're coining here, Q-icide, yes, I'm really worried that some people, when Trump flies away on Air Force One, they're saying in like 35 hours, they say he's going to leave pretty early in the morning to Mar-a-Lago.
The Democrats are already trying to keep him from being in Mar-a-Lago.
It's crazy.
What do you expect the Q people to do when Joe Biden's sworn in?
Well, I think this is where, just as a Christian, we need to make sure people have hope.
I mean, you know, people, even at the rally, when the first Stop the Steal rally, I said, I have hope.
Whatever happens, I have hope.
Christians had hope at the collapse of the Weimar Republic.
Christians had hope in Bolshevik Russia.
The collapse of Rome.
The collapse of Rome.
We are still Even though there are these dark clouds, we are still in a better position than most Christians in the history of humanity.
So, why would I lose my hope?
So, we need to be a strong voice of hope.
There was a woman who flew a private jet to the Capitol.
My wife said she saw her on a news program today where she said, That she's done with politics, that the government's controlled by pedophile groups, and so she's never going to vote again, and she's done.
And that's my fear.
That's a mild reaction.
You know, she's just done with politics.
I'm afraid some are just going to really despair.
And so that's where we need to be just a strong voice of hope and say that, you know, my daughter always quotes Frodo from Lord of the Rings, we saved the Shire, but not for us.
We're on the long walk to Mordor.
Our responsibility is to leave this country better than we found it for our posterity, regardless of the odds before us.
And go forward, you know, daily, happily.
But isn't it the Shire that matters?
Because we're going to die, but the Shire goes on.
Our communities go on.
That really is all that matters.
In fact, that's not selfless to die for your people.
You should selfishly do that because you came out of those people and others will come out of you.
This is the community.
Yes, that's right.
I think a lot of the Q impulse is a lack of fortitude.
They hope that there's a secret team of patriots that has a plan that's getting everything done for them.
That's reassuring.
What's not reassuring is we live in a dark and chaotic time like most times in human history.
Most places and most times, Well, that's right.
I don't want to apologize, but I just want to be honest with the audience.
I got very negative earlier in the show.
But only people to wake up, because there's a balance.
I want hope, but was that what you said, but admit how bad it is to make it better.
Because other people need to hear how bad it is to finally, they're not even worried about hope, they just think everything's okay, and it's those folks I'm worried about.
Yeah, no, you gotta look a nightmare in the face to tame it.
And we can't hide from it.
We have to look what we're facing.
You know, abortion.
Today, Joe Scheidler passed away.
I don't know if you heard Alex.
Great hero of the pro-life movement, really the godfather, founding father of the pro-life movement.
And, you know, we have now abortion through all nine months in many states like New York for any reason.
And we'll see a push for that.
We see The CCP clamping down from Hong Kong to East Turkestan.
So there we see famine right now in Ethiopia.
There's a famine.
I wish the mainstream media would cover these things, which they do not.
So this is, the ones that they label as hateful and bigots, we're the ones that are fighting for these people, donating to charities that are caring for these folks.
And we just need to keep doing that.
We need to double down, start close to home.
I just got rid of all Big Tech.
I'm doing what I call Big Texit.
I'm leaving.
I'm getting away from big tech every way possible.
I've already moved off of all my social media accounts.
Well, what I want to do is now become very intentional in how I communicate, and very intentional in how I do my work.
That's right.
We think, use those big platforms, that gives them the power.
We take our art somewhere, you build it, they will come.
You have to then start making it about the speciality, and that's what they want to cut off.
Big Tech wants to cut off in person, don't they?
Because there's that communal experience where you all see the same film, or hear the same orchestra, or hear the same pastor, or you all see the same event.
They want it because our souls touch each other much closer than we have Really, it's not esoteric.
It's a psychic, spiritual event that they want to cut off.
Yeah, and that's what we need to do.
Let's re-knit together our communities.
Let's be intentional.
I made up a list of my wife, my kids, my grandkids, the godparents to my children, my siblings, and I made a chart and said, you know, I've been so pulled into social media for a decade or more now that it's made me lazy and lacking intent in how I build relationships with the people I'm most responsible to.
Um, and I think, so we should all reassess.
Exactly, achievements and all.
Let's take some calls.
You can make a summation on that, but it's a great idea.
I want to have you back on, Jason Jones, to talk about that specifically.
Thank you, Preston and Izzy and Richard and Jefferson.
I don't want to abuse you guys.
Some of you have been holding over an hour and 20 minutes.
I apologize.
Izzy in Ohio, you're on the air with two Joneses.
Go ahead.
Alex, hey.
I was actually trying to catch up with you on the march down to the Capitol.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, you were long gone, but I noticed once I got down there, they shot that flare up into the sky by the inauguration stage.
Did you see that?
The red flare of an emergency, yeah.
Well, then I saw like these people coming back and one guy, I stopped him and he said, I said, where are you going?
He said, I just beat up three cops and they had a police baton sticking out of his hoodie.
He had like a gray hoodie on.
And then I'm walking up further, and this guy and this lady are walking out, and she said she just got tear gassed, and I'm standing face-to-face with her, and I didn't smell a thing, and I said, here.
I said, I got a backpack full of water.
You need it?
And they looked at me like I had ten heads.
And then I get up, and I'm right by the base of the scaffold on the left, and I'm looking up, and I'm like, man, this ain't grassroots.
And then all of a sudden, this group shoves me aside.
And uh they were being led by a guy with a red leather Che Guevara communist type hat on with like a little chains on it with a hammer and sickle and uh they were making a beeline for that back door.
Well that's what I saw was a bunch of communists And a bunch of boogaloos, and then the boogaloos went and bragged that they invaded and ran the whole thing, and now I guess, I guess their federal bosses don't want that said on air, but I mean, they can come on and debate that all day, how they're allowed to do that.
Everybody else gets arrested.
The last thing we want is to attack the Capitol.
But see, I'm not an accelerationist.
I'm a restorationist.
I want our republic back.
I want our country back.
I want to move forward without all this satanism.
And I'm not here to win popularity contests with the globalists or the FBI or the Q people or the boogaloos or anybody.
And that's what it comes down to.
I'm saying in there we're kind of pondering what we're going to do, you know, whether we're going to leave or not.
And all of a sudden this guy walks up next to me and he's got a backpack and it looked like he had like some brass sticking out of the top of it, like he just robbed some offices or something inside the Capitol.
Me and my buddy, me and my partner, we just got the hell out of there.
Well brother, God bless you.
You came for the right reason.
I got hijacked by Evil.
All the other Trump events were baseball.
We got set up by a bunch of rabble.
99% of people didn't go in.
A few hundred went in.
And we'll talk about that with Jason Jones when we come back.
I want to play a few of these clips.
Do 50 more minutes with Jason Jones.
We're talking Richard, Preston, and Jefferson.
That'll be it for calls.
We'll be right back with our number four, the Gerald Cilente at 20 after it takes over.
Please don't forget, if you don't fund us, we won't be here and we're up against the enemy.
We want to stay on air, this platform for everybody.
So thank you for your support.
Spread the word about Bandai Video.
Spread the word about InfoWars.com.
Tell them the truth's alive during all this censorship and realize that we've got big sales, 50% off of the supplements that have to end in about a week.
So take advantage.
The globalist storm is here.
Get prepared while you still can.
This is called the greatest insurrection in world history.
It's as big as Pearl Harbor, close to 3,000 dead.
We must all give our rights up because of the shocking footage you're about to see.
Fucking hey, man.
Glad to see you guys.
You guys are fucking patriots.
Look at this guy.
He's got covered in blood.
God bless you.
You good, sir?
Do you need medical attention?
I'm good, thank you.
You alright?
I got shot in the face.
I got shot in the face with some kind of plastic bullet.
Any chance I could get you guys to leave the Senate way?
We will.
I've been making sure they ain't disrespecting the place.
Okay, I just want to let you guys know this is like the sanctest place.
So I get there was some people attacking cops.
One guy crushed a cop at the door.
It's all wrong, but I mean, I'm sorry.
Chuck Schumer, Mr. Jones, saying this was as bad as Pearl Harbor.
That is really a criminal level of exaggeration, in my view.
Yeah, and what's even more shocking than the Democrats taking to TV and telling lies is to see the response to the lies.
Like, they tell the lies and then there's a response on Capitol Hill.
That's enough trips to take a major country they got in D.C.
Yeah, no, and what scares me about that is, you know, as a boxer, you throw your jab out and someone over commits to defend against the jab, you make them available to a hook.
You see that the gaslighting and the deception in the media and then this response, what message does this send to our enemies, to Russia, to China, Iran, that this kind of overreaction to gaslighting is really unbelievable.
And this would have been an overreaction to the occupation of part of Portland for a summer, you know.
And again, the American people see the same clips over and over and over and over.
I didn't see the side of the Capitol where the chaos happens, and I believe that you did.
I didn't see that until I got to my hotel room.
And it is startling when you see those same clips over and over, but then even when you see this gentleman, Angel or whatever, the guy with the horns, You know, when you see how he walked in and the confusion, and I hate to say this because my heart goes out, and I've gotten attacked for saying this, but my heart goes out for those Capitol Hill police officers, especially the one that shot the woman.
People get really offended me for saying that, but I blame whoever is responsible for there being very little... Whoever, and they admit they were understaffed that day.
A lot of people have gotten fired, so I don't think it should be controversial to say this was a policing and planning problem.
And I have seen more police at local rock festivals than I saw at the Capitol.
I totally agree.
Let's jam in a call from Richard in Tennessee.
Richard, go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, buddy.
How you doing?
Go ahead.
Hey, I love talking to you.
We were there.
There's just a couple things I want to cover.
At the first part of the speech, it was a pretty secure area.
Everything felt fairly normal.
Even right down, I haven't heard anybody mention this, but even the music they were playing.
When we walked up, the loud music was they were playing the Titanic theme song.
And guys are just kind of giggling and laughing.
After that, it'd be like, you know, three or four Michael Jackson songs in a row or just different.
It's not music for the people that were there, you know, but we all gathered afterward.
We walked down K Street and everything, and I haven't heard a lot of people mention of just how big of a ghost town it was.
Right down to there was no one.
It was like if you took I Am Legend movie and you filmed it, you took us all out of there.
That's how it seemed for blocks.
There was no one.
So we were funneled down, and you could start hearing some loud rap music and playing, and we were forced to walk kind of through an area with BLM.
Saw no police officers or anything before that, but they were lined behind them with just rows of police officers while they're yelling at old men, men that were with canes that could barely walk down through there, calling them names, screaming, spitting.
And then we just funneled through that and walked down the Capitol.
I had my adult son with me.
And as we approach the Capitol, he's just like, you can't do this.
You can't walk up here, you know, like this.
And just, there was no one, as the previous guy said.
Don't hang up.
One minute break for stations to join us.
I want you to finish your story, then President Jefferson, then a final comment from Mr. Jones.
Jason Jones, The Race to Save Our Century.
Great book.
I've read it.
And we'll give you his website and more when we come back.
Ours is InfoWars.com.
Only way it gets spread is word of mouth.
Please do it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Kick them while they're up, kick them while they're down.
Jason Jones' book that I've read is exactly what's happening today.
He wrote it a few years ago, The Race to Save Our Central.
We'll have him back on sometime to talk about it.
Taking some phone calls.
Right now, I'm Alex Jones.
Your host, Cheryl Celente, takes over in just a few minutes from The War Room with Owen Schroer.
But Richard, you were talking about all the police presence behind BLM and behind some of the folks, the close to a million people for the Trump rally, and then you start marching towards Pennsylvania Avenue.
I was the same.
I was marching once probably 100,000 had already started marching to the Capitol long before Trump finished.
And I get out there and there's all these crowds and not one cop car, not one person, nothing.
And I remember saying, this is weird.
We got to hurry up and get to the Capitol.
I had a bad feeling.
So, so please finish up.
There was just an eeriness to it because we, I was waiting for my friend.
He was interviewed by somebody there.
And so we're a little bit, you know, back the way, but yeah, there was just that eeriness to it that you felt like, just like if you took us out of there, there's no one.
It's almost like the rats would flee.
For blocks deep, there was no one.
There wasn't anybody looking out a window.
There wasn't anybody there.
And then as we approach the Capitol, down at the bottom of the hill, and now I just did, I'll remember it forever, but there's guys standing on type of a podium, or it's like a little atrium.
One guy's dressed like Uncle Sam.
The other one dressed like Darth Vader.
I kid you not.
This is dark and light.
This is good and evil.
All of it.
But he's got the green Antifa helmet on with the rest in full Darth Vader Well, we've had a lot of witnesses and I've heard the audio.
They were saying, attack!
Alex Jones says, attack!
He's looking up and he takes his hand to his ear because he's got an earpiece in and they're communicating and the Uncle
Sam character He's got a full boar horn and they're just trying to get
people, you know Motivated and fired up and you've got little old ladies.
You've got I mean I helped the guys that had their Well, we've had a lot of witnesses and I've heard the audio
they were saying attack Alex Jones says attack before I got there
This is yours Take this.
This is your building.
This is yours.
This is yours.
And everybody's like, calm down.
You know, like, they just, but it was... And look, that whole sea of people, for any of those who just can't see it, they were peaceful and a few, a few thousand climbed up on the thing and then a few hundred went in.
And we need Trump to go on the offense and expose all that.
I appreciate your call, Richard.
Send us the video at showtipsandinfowars.com.
Please, folks, this is important.
Jason, I want to take two more calls from President Jefferson in the seven minutes we have left.
Obviously, I mean, disagree.
This is a false flag.
What can Trump do with 40-something hours left in office?
He's declassifying.
He's getting ready to pardon a bunch of people.
What else can President Trump do?
I think he can make a statement about, now we have evidence that this was leftist groups leading the attack and show where they've taken credit for it.
Yeah, I do think he needs to make one final statement that would be gracious and magnanimous and point to the future.
Um, and yeah, we need to stand with those folks.
Alex, I shudder to think, um, if I was one of the people in the middle of the crowd, just moving forward with the sea of folks laughing and singing, and they could have walked right up those steps into the Capitol and they find themselves on an FBI website.
And that could have happened to anybody that was there.
And we need to stand with those people as well.
Uh, the president should stand with them and, uh, And but I think really, I'm looking forward to seeing not only what the president is going to do in the coming weeks, but what are we going to do?
And I think the gaslighting, the misinformation, the draconian control of social media and big tech, and thank God it's big tech.
I mean, If it was big tech partnering with big government, you know, you couldn't unsubscribe from the Stasi or the KGB.
But we can we can close down our Google email accounts.
No, I agree.
But now they're teamed up with these Republican groups about the articles.
The Republicans are involved.
They're now going they're suing Google and Facebook to take more people off.
And now they're moving to other ISPs to remove everybody else who disagree with it.
So I agree with you that we should have done the exodus like Matt Drudge before he did whatever he did.
Yeah, and if we don't do it now, what position will we be in in five years?
It's challenging.
But I hope, you know, necessity is the mother of invention.
And in the past couple of weeks, we've seen the necessity.
You know, and not only that, why would I be on Facebook when Or Twitter, when all it's doing is dividing my own family, my own friends.
I'm watching best friends argue back and forth.
That's right, you can still create a very inexpensive, cheap website and take photos of trees, and your cats, and your dogs, or horseback riding, or how you cook food or whatever, and there's lots of third-party sites that have you post video, and then talk about God in there, or whatever.
The point is, move it away from them, decentralize the information.
Hey Alex, thanks for having me on.
I just wanted to share with you and the listeners the same story I've been telling all my friends.
Don't listen to the mainstream media.
Listen to the people who are on the ground that were there because they're the ones that are going to be telling the truth.
The first night I was there, which was the 5th, I saw some dingy guys wearing One will wear a MAGA hat, one has just a Trump flag as a cape, and one will have like a hockey stick as a flagpole.
And you could just tell there's just something off.
And I was like, man, something just doesn't seem right about these people.
And then, you know, going into the sixth, it was just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Hearing all those people singing the national anthem together and hearing it echo throughout the city was just It was beautiful.
I wish every American could experience that, you know?
And then you had things like, there was a 77-year-old lady there who, it was her birthday, and she went there all by herself so that she could see the President speak before she died.
And she had a bag with snacks and emergency blankets, and she was handing out snacks and emergency blankets to people who were cold, and, you know, it was...
It was stuff like that.
And then when we marched to the Capitol, I saw this giant flag, like flags you see up at car lots in big cities.
And there's probably 40 people carrying this flag.
And I marched with them all the way to the Capitol.
And at one point, I accidentally got underneath it.
And it was just kind of a cool thing because I watched them carry it up.
Sure, this is all fascinating and I apologize you had to hold so long.
We got a lot of breaks like regular radio.
What happened once you got there?
What's your takeaway here?
Well, so all that was beautiful but then at the end of the day when we went into lockdown It was like a weird dystopia feeling.
So it was like I saw two different futures.
I saw the future of freedom and... Exactly.
Good loving people together, a good president, and then all of a sudden a few people ruin it and the martial law is declared and it was all a setup.
And so you saw, saw all of it right there.
Yeah, exactly.
You saw the jaws of darkness close on something beautiful and vibrant.
And then in the evening, you know, because you couldn't buy food all day.
Everything was closed.
And so if you didn't have food there yourself, you're going to go hungry.
And like, after the lockdown happened, you couldn't go out of your hotel room.
It's incredible, Preston, and now they want to make it worldwide.
Real quick, Jefferson in Virginia, you're on the air with Jason Jones.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Mr. Jones.
Good to talk to Mr. Jones.
Go ahead, brother.
I believe the president is going to put the country in continuity of government so that he denies the Biden-Harris administration ascension by inauguration.
There will be no president on January 20th, and that's just fine with Trump.
Well, that's kind of what Pucinich was hinting at, is there won't be any president and they'll have martial law.
How is that good?
I mean, who runs that?
Who's in charge of that?
Well, we've had continuity of government planned for this country since the nuclear age.
This shouldn't shock us now that this is a possibility.
Yeah, but you'd have to have the whole Congress taken out.
Congress will be Chuckie Schumer in charge.
No, they're all going to be arrested under 18 Code 242, deprivation of rights under federal law.
Jefferson, I want your name and number.
Call me on Wednesday.
We're going to be doing a long broadcast into the evening.
We're just going to merge all the shows and go to like midnight.
We're going to take thousands of calls if I can.
I want to hear what you have to say coming up on Wednesday.
Jason Jones, please join us on Wednesday.
After, I'll probably go commercial free.
I mean, stations, we still have to fire the tones so they'll have their ads, but people just hear it'll cut off and go.
I think I'm going to go commercial free for the inauguration.
It's pretty historic on Wednesday.
We'll just go commercial free.
We'll still air some breaks.
We have breaks, but we're going to go until 10 o'clock at night on Wednesday.
Okay, crew, you good with that?
They are cheering with delight.
Don't get too excited.
All right, Jason Jones, themovietomovement.com, movietomovement.com, thegreatcampaign.org.
Thank you so much for the time.
Thank you, Alex.
All right, the man's coming up, Gerald Saliente.
Hello, hello.
Great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And boy, is it important, I should say girl too, I don't want to be a boy girl, You say, Amen.
You got to say, Hey, women.
And, uh, you know, anyway, this censorship is real and it's only going to worsen.
Actually, it was one of our top trends for 2018.
Censorship 2.0.
You know, this is just the beginning of it.
And it's really important that everybody do all they can to support InfoWars to keep the truth alive.
And of course, you know, we ask you to subscribe to the Trends Journal as well.
There's no other magazine like it, and we do everything we can to give you the truth in trends.
And what's going on today, you look at the headlines from, for example, the Cartoon News Network, CNN, and they have a thing about the riots in the Capitol.
They show the video.
I mean, you know, if these are really deadly riots and people would be coming in with guns and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, you know, I don't know the details behind it, but I see a lot of cops opening up doors and a few of them letting people through.
So if this was staged or there was something going on behind the scenes that let it happen, you know, that's one thing.
But to see this kind of thing, and there's the cop over there walking behind him.
You know, where are all these guys?
I mean, you could break into the Capitol that easily.
So it's one of two things.
Either it was planned to let it happen like this, or it shows you the total incompetence of America's military-industrial complex.
How can they not let this thing happen, and people walking in like that?
There was no gun violence there.
Five dead, they keep putting that number up.
Okay, how did it happen?
Who got killed?
Oh yeah, how about that poor woman whose brains were blown out by the cops?
And the other people had what, natural things?
You know, something, heart disease or whatever, that killed them.
And the one police officer that was killed, and now we're hearing different stories on how he was killed.
That is not a riot that takes over the Capitol.
That these people could have walked in like this shows you the total incompetence of America!
It's a military-industrial complex that has robbed us of trillions upon trillions of countless tens of trillions of dollars.
To build a military-industrial complex and the tough copsters all dressed up in their military drag.
Yeah, that'll blow your brains out!
If you're not wearing a mask, you're not socially distanced, maybe that's what they'll kill you for next.
Look at this!
America, the land of the free?
How about the land of the freaks?
The freaks that are destroying this nation!
Oh, I like Pelosi.
I'm so happy Biden's there.
I like Mitch McConnell.
Hey, Lindsey!
Did you come out of the closet yet, Graham?
Look at the freak show!
Nancy Pelosi.
Diane Not-So-Feinstein.
It is a freak show.
Little gutless Gavin.
Arrogant nobody!
Andy Cuomo, the daddy's boy!
A little boy wolf!
A little boy wolf!
The governor of Pennsylvania!
What wolf?
This guy got cojones!
Smaller than a mothball!
What wolf?
Oh, but he got Rachel Levine behind him to back him up!
The land of the free being occupied by the military for the inauguration of a guy that's been sucking off the public tit for 47 years?
A warmonger?
Not a war that that guy didn't like.
America's military industrial complex.
There he is.
There he is.
There she is.
Oh, excuse me.
Oh, oh, you're gonna go after me now, Rachel, for calling you he to she?
Yeah, you cut him off and do what you want with him, but don't you tell me what to do, Junior.
First book I worked on, 1986.
A Warner book.
Big book.
Natural healing.
Honorary doctorate from the National University of Health Sciences for the work I've done in the field.
And I got these freaks telling me what to do?
America locked down.
It's a military state takeover.
And I talk about the Pentagon.
I'm not talking about the soldiers.
I'm talking about the low lives that run this show.
This is America, the land of the free.
The land of the freaks that are running it.
And destroying the freedom, the peace and justice of we the people of the United States.
Just to get this straight, all you generals, oh hey, hey Biden, all you libtards.
Yeah, you're not liberals, you're libtards.
Who's he bringing in for the defense guy?
Oh yeah, a general.
General who?
Oh, General from the Board of Directors of Raytheon?
Oh, but the Libtards love him!
Get out, liberals!
Here's the definition for liberal.
Google it up.
Willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own.
Open to new ideas.
What a joke!
They're libtards!
I'm in libtard land, New York!
New York!
This is from the toilet paper record.
How Twitter coaxed its boss on TrumpBanned.
Mr. Dorsey was concerned about the move, said two people with knowledge of the call.
For four years, he had resisted demands by liberals... Huh.
And others that Twitter terminate Mr. Trump's account.
Look at that guy.
Resisted demands by liberals?
They are destroying the word liberal.
Hey, who's this little jerk that wrote this?
Oh, there's a couple of them, maybe.
Oh, there are.
There's Katie Conga.
Katie Conga and Mike Isaac.
Hey, you jerks!
You misused the word liberal!
Moron toilet paper propaganda sheet!
Toilet paper record!
That's all you're good for, crapsters, because liberals are willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own.
Ha ha!
But not in the toilet paper!
Look at this guy!
Look at this guy, Dorsey!
Look at the freak show!
It's a freak show!
Welcome aboard, 2020!
We'll be right back.
That's you.
Hello, hello?
Breaking all the Alex Jones Shows!
Not anymore!
It's uptight alright!
This town's gone, man.
Downtown is no town.
Dead town.
Dead everywhere.
The slimy, low-life politicians killed it.
But they're gonna bring it back now that Trump's out.
I'm hearing fat-mouth Cuomo throwing out that Cuomo crap.
Oh, we gotta make things better over here.
We gotta win the COVID wall.
We gotta... Oh, and also that other one, Lighthead over there.
Lighthead, Lightfoot, Light-nothing.
Light-minded nothing.
Oh, the Chicago mayor!
Oh, we gotta open things up again!
We gotta open things up!
Hey, now that Trump's out, let's open things up again!
What a bunch of crap from crapsters!
Look at this country!
Look what this country looks like!
Again, Alex Jones said it perfectly, and I've been saying this for years.
I'm the guy that launched Occupy Peace.
This has to be done peacefully.
You will not win a war in fighting it.
It'll be slaughter violence worth nothing.
Look at this.
Oh, and I love those pictures.
You want to show how stupid, how what a bunch of losers the Pentagon is?
When you had all those people laying around everywhere in the Capitol?
All dressed up in their military drag?
What kind of crap is this?
And I mention this because America starts wars all over the world.
Hey, you remember that other lying lowlife piece of garbage?
Look at this.
There's a trained military for you.
Look at this!
It's a sideshow!
It's a freak show!
Step right up!
Step right up!
Look at them laying around!
Oh, we're ready!
We're ready if anybody breaks in here!
Just like they robbed us of our rights after 9-11, they're doing it again.
This is 9-11 on steroids.
What's going on in America would be a reason for the slimy low lives like George W. Bush, Saddam Hussein, his weapons of mass destruction.
Look at this.
Look at this.
It ties down Qaeda and we kill all those people, destroy a nation, cost us trillions of dollars based on lies.
Outright lies like every one that Biden supported.
Oh, now you're gonna beat us!
You guys haven't won a war since the career- Oh, World War II!
Oh yeah, mission accomplished!
Murderous general losers!
I'm not blaming the soldiers!
A lot of these people are joining because they have no other choice in life!
I'm blaming the slimy, murderous politicians who should be in jail!
The starting war is based on lies.
Hey, how about that Afghan war?
What's an Afghan war?
Only going on for 20 years.
That's the military?
And now they're taking over our lives.
Look how they, look how, look how tough they get when they lose, huh?
If America saw this in another country, hey, like Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Obama, all you libtards, all you libtards who love your murder, Obama, I want that guy Qaddafi out of there.
Can you imagine if Qaddafi had this kind of military around his place?
Oh, how America would be going after him.
To see a military like this taking over the country of Libya!
Hey, we gotta get that Gaddafi outta there!
Look what America's become!
Look what America's become!
Land of the free!
Land of the freaks!
The freaks that are running and destroying this nation!
The Obama administration's back in office, boys and girls!
Hey, you remember Obama?
The arrogant Obama?
Oh, Salenti, why don't you calm down?
You know, if you put on an act like Obama, after Oprah took him under her wing, when he was the first person that she ever supported for president, and I was on Oprah twice, If I calmed down and knew how to BS folks, you know folks, what's going on down there in Washington, folks?
I don't think this is right for America, folks.
And if you elect me, I'll make sure I folk you as much as I can, telling you what great folks you are, folks.
Selenti, calm down.
You should be like the British.
They know how to speak properly.
Why, the sun never sets on the British Empire as we slaughter people all over the world.
So take it easy.
Don't tell me to calm down and not be angry.
I'm angry that my life is being stolen from me.
The freedom of me being an American.
Oh, and by the way, all you public servants!
You're public servants!
You do what we tell you to do!
I pay taxes, and a lot of them.
We better unite for freedom.
Oh, there he is.
Look at that jerk.
Look at that imbecile clown!
Moron Mayor!
New York, New York!
Center stage for me!
Center stage for me!
As everybody you stay in your house!
I take center stage!
I'm a de Blasio!
You're not an Italian!
Heil Wilhelm!
Oh, I won't be able to say that!
I could get censored for saying Wilhelm or Hitler!
Look what they did to that Illinois Congresswoman.
She said, Hitler got it right.
You gotta get the youth.
How dare she say Hitler got it right?
Why, you anti-Semite?
I'm not making that up.
Hitler got it right.
I can't say, put on your worthless mask.
Do as you're told.
I am your mayor.
I am your governor.
If you don't obey me, All aboard!
Next train to Auschwitz!
Oh, they took that off.
They took me off LinkedIn for saying that.
They took rid of, got that one off there.
You can't say Hitler.
Oh, oh, but that guy Lemonhead!
Yeah, little Donnie Lemon.
Lemon, he's the perfect name for that sour piece of grape, man!
You heard him on CNN, calling all Trump's followers Nazis.
Yeah, that's okay.
A lemon can do it, but you can't.
Why I say mask lives matter.
It's a freak show.
People better unite for freedom.
If we don't, we are gone.
Look what's going on in the capital of the United States.
This would be the reason that Obama or Clinton or Bush or any of the murderous presidents who started wars based on lies would start a war to invade another country to bring them freedom and democracy.
Why America doesn't have freedom and democracy?
We're not allowed to say what we want.
We're censored.
We're censored by the geek freaks.
Can you imagine?
Can you imagine?
Can you imagine this?
My parents' generation, they'd be, they'd be, they'd be, uh, uh, how, it would, they could never imagine this.
They'd be rolling in their graves.
And we will be, too, rolling in our graves of life right now if we don't unite for freedom, peace, and justice.
Support InfoWars!
Buy those products!
Keep the truth alive!
Be right back!
Hello, hello!
Great seeing you on!
The Alex Jones Show!
Yep, it's good to be with you!
Hey listen, Alex Jones, what are you saying?
I mean, you need to support InfoWars!
It's one of the last free voices out there!
Supported by their products.
The globalist storm is here!
So stock up now and support the tip of the spear.
Last week, it's the last week for up to 60% off on their top selling products.
And some of their top selling products are already running out.
So now's the time to take advantage of these great sales.
And again, to support the InfoWars crew before they're gone.
Pollen Block, 25% off.
Selling out fast.
Alpha Power, 50% off.
Selling out fast.
Pure Turmeric Extract, 50% off.
Selling out fast.
And with the new year upon us, it's time you really need to re-evaluate your approach to your supplement routine and supercharge your 2021 with some of these InfoWars life specials, like 50% off one of my favorite, Supermail Vitality, and it's back in stock.
50% off Survival Shield X2, it's back in stock.
50% off Alpha Power.
50% off Chill Force, 50% off Lung Cleanse, 50% off Survival Shield.
Look, go, go, go, go, go to InfoWarsStore.com.
Look at the products that they have available, the great deals right now, the 50%, 60% off, and do what you can to support InfoWars.
Because we need to keep the truth alive.
And it's being stolen from us in front of our eyes.
Again, in this story, and I'm making it up, from the toilet paper record last Sunday, this past Sunday, yesterday, how Twitter coaxed its boss on Trump banned.
Mr. Dorsey was concerned about the move, said two people with knowledge of the call.
For four years, he had resisted demands from liberals that wanted to terminate Mr. Trump's account.
They are not liberals.
This is propaganda and it's a destruction of the word liberal.
Again, willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own.
So little clown boys and girls who wrote this stupid story in the toilet paper record, you misused the word or maybe you didn't.
You're propagandists.
What else do they have on the liberal?
A tolerant person wouldn't want to get rid of Trump.
Or an unprejudiced person?
Or an unbigoted person?
Or a broad-minded person?
Well, I find broad-minded sexist.
How about that?
Well, we gotta change that name.
Open-minded, enlightened, forbearing, permissive, free, free and easy, easygoing, laissez-faire, libertarian, unbiased, impartial, nonpartisan, lenient, lenient, you got it, lying little Terrible paper freaks!
They're libtards!
Not liberals!
Slimy little libtards!
You don't believe in what I believe in?
You have no right to be free!
I'm one of the freaks walking around everywhere with nobody on the street, with a mask on, so beautifully designed, so I can hide my face and not be anybody!
But look into my eyes!
What do you see?
There we go!
There we go!
In and out, up and down, inside out!
I have a designer mask!
Why, I'm so cool!
I'm such a fool!
Oh, yes!
Estee's doing great!
All those designer masks on the mast out, freaks!
Why, you don't wear a mask?
Why, how dare you come by me without your mask?
You're wearing a mask.
It's safe.
Why tell me to wear one?
Oh, Salenti, you're gonna die if you don't wear one.
That's right, all the Libtards went after me when I held the rally up here in Kingston.
I had over, oh, hundreds of people in the, the garden.
The Crown Garden on the most historic four corners in America.
And I died.
That was July 4th.
Look at them.
Look at the freaks.
July 4th.
I died.
This is not Salenti.
Judge Napolitano from Fox is the keynote speaker.
He died too.
We all died.
Everybody died.
Oh, and we all caught the virus and died.
From the virus.
So you're wearing a mask.
Take your mask and shove it.
Don't tell me what to do.
And any governor, any president, any mayor, any politician, poli-tick, that wants to put a mask on me, come over here and try to do it.
And vaccinate me?
You can take that vaccination and I'll just shove it where you want to put it.
And it ain't gonna be on me.
And I don't mean that in a violent way!
I'll put it into your Adam's apple, so that when the virus comes in, it'll stop right there!
What freedom?
Libtard America!
You don't believe what I believe?
If you're being vaccinated, Junior, shut up!
You're shut up like crazy anyway!
You ain't alive, man!
You're safe!
You're safe!
So why tell me to get vaccinated?
But, you know they're gonna do it.
They're gonna keep pushing for it.
And that's why you have to support InfoWars.
Buy their products and subscribe to the Trends Journal.
No other magazine like it.
Another, last week was about 92 pages.
This week, the week before, like a hundred.
No advertisements.
All facts.
Helps you plan for the future.
And here's the future.
They're gonna keep pumping in more cheap money into the system.
It is the Great Reset.
They give the little people of Slavelandia a couple of bucks.
See, you don't need to own your own business.
We gave it all to Amazon.
We gave it all to Target and Walmart.
We made the billionaires billionaire biggers.
You don't need to open your own place.
Yeah, I own nothing.
It's the New World Order.
You have no privacy, and life has never been better, because we are giving you, the people of Slavelandia, everything you need, and we're just gonna keep printing all this fake money to make it happen.
So, I remain bullish on gold, particularly silver.
I see it rising at a higher percentage rate than gold this year.
I see it going well over $50 an ounce.
The silver makes about $25 an ounce now in change.
I call the rise in silver when it was at $17 last summer.
And I called gold full run when gold was $1,332.
On, I believe it was June 6, 2019.
And Bitcoin, read the Trends Journal, it was $8,000 several months ago.
I saw when it breaks over $10,000, solidifies, it's going to keep shooting higher.
And now we're in the $35,000 range.
$45,000 rain.
So it's going to keep going high because they're printing all this fake money.
Backed by nothing and printed on nothing.
And then they're gonna go digital.
So now, with the military in full control in the U.S.S.A., the United Soviet States of America, they know every penny is spent.
Where you spent it, who you spent it on, what, where, and when.
So they can get the money in taxes.
So all these little politics These little slobby politicians, who never worked a day in their lives, they don't have to worry.
Because they got your money and taxes, they can keep their jobs, their benefits, their pensions, and their salary.
So, here we are, winding down, and I want to thank Alex Jones, everything that he's doing, and the staff.
Great staff, terrific people, hard workers, do what you can to support InfoWars, and most of all, most of all, Be the best person that you can.
Rise to the highest level.
Spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
Fight for freedom.
Fight for peace and justice.
See you next week.
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I want to thank you all for shopping with us and supporting us.
Without you, we will not be on air.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Let's go ahead and talk to Diana in Michigan.
You're on the air, thanks for holding.
Hi, welcome.
Okay, I want to plug your InfoWars mask, although I know that we are all against masks and that it's just basically a symbol of, you know, conformity and enslavement.
I want to say, every time I go out wearing it, when I go out to, you know, shop at grocery stores and whatnot, at least one person, every single time, compliments me on the mask.
And they're like, oh, Alex Jones, I love him.
And then I let them know, go to band.video, B-A-N-N-E-D, that video.
Because sometimes when I say band.video, they think B-A-N-D.
So I make sure to clarify that.
But almost every single time I go out, I get compliments on that.
So it's definitely spreading the word.
And, you know, so it doesn't inhibit my breathing.
I wear it underneath my nose, and it's Kind of like let people know that I don't really believe in the mask either.
I'm wearing it just because I have to.
I live in Governor Whitmer's horrible state.
But I do want to say I did see one other person wear it at first earlier this year when you first came out with it and I literally got brought to tears because I saw another person that believes like I do and I didn't
feel all alone out in this world.
And it meant so much to me to see someone taking action so I went ahead and ordered
one for myself.
And I swear to God, and I just had a baby too on the 7th of December.
I've been working towards mastering the whole time of, you know, like, when I was in the hospital, and I just had to make sure that I'm putting that message out there, and it really makes an impact.
And we, like, have big long conversations with, like, the workers at these different grocery stores and other customers and stuff, and it really is a feeling of empowerment to see that there are other people out there thinking like you, that you're not all alone.
So even though I don't believe in the mask, it's a great statement to get it out there to the rest of the world.
Brianna, I'm so glad you got through.
God bless you and congratulations on that new wonderful life that you have brought into the world.
And I only wish the best for your new baby.
I'm glad she called because this is bigger than Alex Jones.
And this is one of my frustration points in my mind that people don't seem to get.
And when I've in general talked about Pharisees, I'm not talking about any particular individual.
I'm talking about the way a Pharisee brain works is Very one-dimensional.
Like, you say the masks are a fraud and cause bacterial pneumonia.
You say they don't protect you.
You say they're a symbol of slavery.
Then what are you doing selling masks?
Well, when we launched them, I made the decision to print it with Infowars.com, so if you're on a plane or in a restaurant where it's a private place, and they're making you do it, and you need to go there for whatever reason, you wear it to fight back, and then use the abuse, like a judo move, they attack you, you use their momentum to throw them through the wall.
Separately, you remember me in the last six months ahead of the election saying we're trying to sell all the products out at discount prices because we're not going to even have that much stuff in the warehouse the new year because if Biden steals the election, they plan to shut us down.
Well, you now see that all over the news.
Arrest Alex Jones.
Shut Alex Jones down.
That's why if you want to go to InfoWarsTore.com and get a t-shirt or get a book or get the supplements, I would suggest you stock up now.
We need to bring in as much money as we can to operate into the future if we have our banking taking away, which they've already done at many levels, but now they're closing in for the full takeover.
And look, don't worry, you'll be joining me.
They plan to never turn the U.S.
economy back on, never take their boot off your neck.
The U.S.
is slated for total destruction.
Now, there may still be time to turn this around, but I just want you to know, in what could be some of our last broadcast here, where this is going.
If I was you, we've got 2020 prices on storable food.
The prices, they've extended until Friday.
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