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Name: 20210114_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 14, 2021
2611 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the globalist purge against America as they install their puppet dictator Joe Biden. He mentions that the left are trying to blame conservatives for the attack at the Capitol, comparing it to the Reichstag firebombing used by Hitler. He also talks about how the Deep State committed crimes and tricked the crowd by yelling fire in a theater. Jones warns against false flags and urges peaceful demonstrations. He discusses potential consequences of the Biden-Harris administration, censorship of conservative media platforms, and finding reliable sources of information. Additionally, he highlights the influence of atheist communists on the Democratic Party and the need to maintain the moral high ground in ongoing fourth generation warfare.

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February 27th, 1933.
Adolf A. Louis Hitler had narrowly won the presidency of Germany.
But von Hindenburg was not stepping down as the chancellor, the most powerful position in the Weimar Republic.
In the twilight of its days before the rise of the leader, or the Führer.
Days after the election that Hitler won by a very slight margin, firebombs hit the Capitol and was blamed on his enemies, the Communists.
And now the old Jacobins are turning around and doing it to America.
Here's the headline of the live show.
Breaking January 6th Capitol attack was deep state orchestrated Reichstag fire 2.0.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
My fellow Americans, I want to speak to you tonight about the troubling events of the past week.
As I have said, the incursion of the U.S.
Capitol struck at the very heart of our republic.
It angered and appalled millions of Americans across the political spectrum.
I want to be very clear.
I unequivocally condemn the violence that we saw last week.
Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country and no place in our movement.
Making America Great Again has always been about defending the rule of law, supporting the men and women of law enforcement, and upholding our nation's most sacred traditions and values.
Mob violence goes against everything I believe in and everything our movement stands for.
No true supporter of mine could ever endorse political violence.
No true supporter of mine could ever disrespect law enforcement or our great American flag.
No true supporter of mine could ever threaten or harass their fellow Americans.
If you do any of these things, you are not supporting our movement.
You are attacking it, and you are attacking our country.
We cannot tolerate it.
Tragically, over the course of the past year, made so difficult because of COVID-19, we have seen political violence spiral out of control.
We have seen too many riots, too many mobs, too many acts of intimidation and destruction.
It must stop.
Whether you are on the right or on the left, a Democrat or a Republican, there is never a justification for violence.
No excuses.
No exceptions.
America is a nation of laws.
Those who engaged in the attacks last week will be brought to justice.
Now I am asking everyone who has ever believed in our agenda to be thinking of ways to ease tensions, calm tempers, and help to promote peace in our country.
There has been reporting that additional demonstrations are being planned in the coming days, both here in Washington And across the country.
I have been briefed by the U.S.
Secret Service on the potential threats.
Every American deserves to have their voice heard in a respectful and peaceful way.
That is your First Amendment right.
But I cannot emphasize that there must be no violence, no lawbreaking, and no vandalism of any kind.
Everyone must follow our laws and obey the instructions of law enforcement.
I have directed federal agencies to use all necessary resources to maintain order.
In Washington, D.C., we are bringing in thousands of National Guard members to secure the city and ensure that a transition can occur safely and without incident.
Like all of you, I was shocked and deeply saddened by the calamity at the Capitol last week.
I want to thank the hundreds of millions of incredible American citizens who have responded to this moment with calm, moderation, and grace.
We will get through this challenge, just like we always do.
I also want to say a few words about the unprecedented assault on free speech we have seen in recent days.
These are tense and difficult times.
The efforts to censor, cancel, and blacklist our fellow citizens are wrong, and they are dangerous.
What is needed now is for us to listen to one another, not to silence one another.
All of us can choose by our actions to rise above the rancor and find common ground and shared purpose.
We must focus on advancing the interests of the whole nation, delivering the miracle vaccines, defeating the pandemic, rebuilding the economy, protecting our national security, Just 24 hours after Twitter permanently suspended President Donald Trump, Google, Apple, and Amazon have now all banned Parler from their app stores, which experts say could destroy the company financially.
Before its removal, Parler surged to number one in Apple's app store, with one and a half million downloads on Saturday alone.
We are competing with other platforms who have decided that they want to surveil the people on their platform 24-7 without any particularized suspicion.
And, you know, on the one hand, people don't like to live in the world of Orwell's 1984.
And then on the other hand, a lot of people seem to want to pressure social media to do more to They could destroy anybody.
If they did this to any app, any company, it would completely destroy them.
would require 24-hour surveillance. So we don't think that that is consistent with
the principles of America.
If they could destroy anybody, if they did this to any app, any company, it would completely destroy them.
And we're going to try our best, you know, to get back online as quickly as possible,
but we're having a lot of trouble because every vendor we talk to, you know, says they won't work
with us because if Apple doesn't approve and Google doesn't approve, you know, they won't.
The internet is on fire as the global big tech cartel announces an iron grip on speech.
And that they will shut down anyone and everyone that does not submit to their tyranny.
And that any companies trying to form competition will be shut down by the telecoms working with big tech.
This is beyond monopoly.
This is beyond cartel behavior.
This is organized mass racketeering.
Completely illegal.
Completely naked.
Republicans have no way to communicate.
It doesn't even matter if you're Republican or Conservative.
If you don't want to be regulated by left-wingers, that are at Twitter and Facebook and Instagram,
where you get shadow banned, nobody gets to see you, they get to decide what's violent or not violent.
It's preposterous.
So I don't know where the hell the Department of Justice is at right now or the FBI.
This is clearly a violation of antitrust, civil rights, the RICO statute.
There should be a racketeering investigation on all the people that coordinated this attack on not only a company, but on all of those like us, like me, like you, Maria.
I have 3 million followers on Parler.
Tonight, I will no longer be able to communicate with those people.
But they've already been censoring Senate hearings proving election fraud several weeks ago, so why not?
On August 3rd, 2020, after a rushed special session, Nevada legislators made drastic changes to the state's election law by adopting a bill known as AB4.
The vulnerabilities of this statute were obvious.
It provided for universal mail voting without sufficient safeguards to authenticate voters or ensure the fundamental requirement that only one ballot was sent to each legally qualified voter.
The globalists were beta testing and building this and micro testing it in authoritarian dictatorships, fascist communist systems, very poor areas of the world, prisons, mental institutions.
And then in academic institutions, colleges.
But now they're externalizing their total authoritarian control grid into everything.
So they're going from beta.
The Nazis were beta from 1933 to 1940.
And then you know for five years they were operational and things were really bad.
So I knew everything that was coming because they were building it, they were spending hundreds of billions of dollars preparing it.
But it's one thing to know they're going to do it and warn you.
It's another thing that once you hit operational, and now we've gone over operational, it just implodes.
You just drop off the edge of the cliff.
I was sitting on a bench.
What the hell are you doing to this woman?
You are breaking your own law.
This is disgusting.
What are you doing?
What are these poor women doing?
I don't see a lot of it.
I don't see a lot of it.
Why is there none behind their back?
You've got to choose your side.
Or use the rocket analogy, you're now going straight up, because they load the rocket, they put the fuel in it, they prepare it, they've got the avionics, they've got the gyros, they've got the directional systems.
Then they hit the countdown, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, primary ignition, blast off.
six five four three two one primary ignition blast off so it's blast off baby
all right everything is coming to a head very very quickly We are witnessing a globalist purge against America as they install their puppet dictator, Joe Biden.
They plan to then bring us into a total depression.
We are designed to never come out of.
They have launched official Bolshevik training.
In fact, I didn't see it in my stack.
Please print me Infowars.com, the latest.
Where they are now officially teaching first graders about radical race theory that whites are inherently bad.
This is literal Hitler training just in the reverse.
And Chinese Americans are freaking out because they go, we flee, we fled China.
This is, this is Mao.
This is, this is bad.
I've been here since very early this morning.
I've been doing a lot of research.
And then we had the FBI contact us just about 30 minutes ago.
And then I found out why Roger Stone is in hiding.
It was worse than we thought.
Somebody came to his house and then waited for his wife, who's handicapped and hearing impaired, and beat her up.
So she's been in the hospital.
And they also sent somebody to Laura Loomer's house to try to kidnap her.
And so this is the Bolshevik takeover.
Everybody just needs to understand that.
You need to know that.
And they are actively trying to say that we masterminded the attack at the Capitol with the U.S.
So that's the line they're going with now.
The headline on Infowars.com is confirmed.
January 6 Capitol attack was Reichstag 2.0.
If you don't know about the Reichstag attack, We're going to be covering that when we come back, because right in that printer, snuggled in that warm printer, is the little printout where I'm going to read you about what happened in the Reichstag attack.
But that's what this is.
This is a Reichstag attack.
It happened right when Hitler got elected.
He was very unpopular.
They thought he'd stolen the election, and he firebombed that bitch.
And they found Marinus van der Lube, a mentally retarded man, and said that he firebombed it for the Communists.
So, this is how this works.
The left is now doing this to the right.
You know, the Nazis were National Socialists.
So that's how you do it, ladies and gentlemen.
And of course, you notice, everything I've told you is now mainstream news.
Everything I've told you is now mainstream news.
This was not Trump's speech, and he ordered people to go down there and do this before he even spoke and said, be peaceful, which they don't show you because he's blackballed.
They even banned his speeches on his YouTube channel because you can actually go see what he said.
That's the key to censorship.
They don't just silence you.
They then can lie about you.
They're now going, oh my gosh, investigators, FBI believes it was led by a sophisticated group.
Like the Southern Poverty Law Center?
Oh, now they're saying the Capitol Police were aiding the right-wingers.
They ordered the hires up to stand down after the police were attacked by Antifa and others for hours?
Once they got their footage, they ordered the police to open the gates.
The people came in so they could be set up.
We have it now.
And the Capitol Police were not involved.
Nor was the commander that committed suicide who was ordered to do it.
If you think he really committed suicide, I got a bridge I'm willing to sell you.
Called the Brooklyn Bridge.
So it's all coming up as everything converges.
I'm not scared at all.
I'm very honored.
I'm a patriot.
I'm an American.
And I've not disgraced my ancestors that were incredible Americans and Texans.
And we're in the middle of this fight now.
And they committed the crimes.
They tricked the crowd.
They yelled fire in the theater.
They caused the stampede.
They used and programmed the cue cards.
They had the Antifa operatives detonate the operation.
And you guys did it.
The Deep State, the same ones that protect Epstein, the same ones that destroy our borders, the same ones that let child molesters go, the same ones.
It's on them.
It's on you and your little Hitler operation.
That's why they had their people trying to burn it down, but nobody would, or it would have been the Reichstag for real if those pipe bombs went off.
But they didn't.
God is with us.
Now's the time to be praying, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the Infowar.
February 27th, 1933.
That was the date!
February 27th, 1933.
Adolf A. Louis Hitler had narrowly won the presidency of Germany.
But von Hindenburg was not stepping down as the Chancellor, the most powerful position in the Weimar Republic.
In the twilight of its days before the rise of the leader or the Fuhrer.
But days after the election that Hitler won by a very slight margin, firebombs hit the Capitol and was blamed on his enemies, the Communists.
And now the old Jacobins are turning around and doing it to America.
Here's the headline for the live show.
Breaking January 6th Capitol attack was Deep State orchestrated Reichstag Fire 2.0.
Now you notice that we are eight days after this happened.
I was there, but I took my time doing my research.
I saw the paramilitary groups.
Oh, and General McInerney of the Air Force, three-star general or whatever, says, oh, special operations was there.
Look, those are obviously special operations.
Uh, yeah.
And now the left was going to try to impeach and then have Trump remove the Senate, but that all fell apart because the House is just an indictment.
Constitution says once Trump's out of office, they can't have the trial.
They don't have time.
So now they instantly go from, oh, Trump did it and made his supporters do it, to, oh, wait, all these paramilitary people we're seeing going in, not just Antifa?
With the earpieces and in shape and working in unison?
Oh, it's Alex Jones's security team.
They're behind it all.
The FBI called us this morning.
Yes, oh, we orchestrated it, everything.
I mean, wow, we've really got them now.
The idea that they know, everybody knows paramilitary went in there, and they're trying to blame the Capitol Police, that's CNN, Associated Press.
The Capitol Police, the Democrats are saying, orchestrated this with InfoWars to try to get Pelosi arrested.
They run their deep state QOP, they've got real soldiers go in, make sure security drops.
It's meant to be blamed on Trump, but then people got video of it all, so it's coming out.
So you turn around, I have the articles, and you blame the Capitol Police, folks.
The Capitol Police are just like regular cops.
They're all following the rules.
They all take orders.
They do a good job.
They're nice people.
A bunch of them are listeners.
Do you think they were involved in a mass conspiracy with Infowars?
Oh man, wow.
I've hit Twilight Zone, Twilight Zone.
Like, in the world of Twilight Zone, for something to be even weirder, like, imagine what people in Twilight Zone, when they watch the Twilight Zone, it must be even weirder.
We're like in the Twilight Zone of the Twilight Zone.
Yeah, we'd like you to come in and talk about...
Your people in the military have quite distinguished records that work there, and if you notice this and that, yeah, we're willing to let you know about what happened in there.
Wow, ladies and gentlemen!
Because we're the ones saying on air, paramilitary, not just regular soldiers, I've seen the look, all of it, the trying to look non-conspicuous, they stick out like sore thumbs, and then that idiot McInerney is up there like, that's the Q-Force, they're in there getting the Pelosi's laptop.
They were in there running it.
They were in there bringing the weapons.
They were in there staging it.
They tried to get the Q-Tards up to actually try to kidnap some of the members of Congress, but it didn't work.
That's why they had retired officers from Texas and Tennessee that got arrested, but with zip ties, who were honorably discharged, who believed they were there to actually save America.
Watch the movie Arlington Road, how they set up Jeff Bridges at the end.
That's exactly how they run these ops.
They actually did that with McVeigh.
He didn't want the bombing to happen, so they drugged him up and set him up for it, said, we'll kill your family if you don't take the blame.
And they all had useful idiots with them.
Antifa and other groups.
The Boogaloos.
But see, they don't want the Boogaloos busted.
No, no, no, because that leads back to the FBI and the CIA.
And these compart... No, oh no.
It's in the news.
It's the Capitol Police.
Why, they wonder why the Capitol Police gave tours and gave people maps.
They hand them out at the front.
Oh look, these congressmen gave a tour to Allie Alexander and this former federal prosecutor, this woman that just got elected.
She saw them with Alexander and she wants them all arrested!
She saw!
And then they put a photo out in the Daily Mail of me at the Georgia Capitol going, and it shows Us doing a group photo with my head security guy trying to tell the crowd how to have a nice group photo.
Brought into the Capitol by the state rep.
All peaceful, all nice.
How we do it.
And that's like, look at the proof of them casing the U.S.
Are these the men behind the pipe bombs?
And the weird fetishizing tyranny leftists are just on Twitter just arrest Jones, get him.
So I guess I'm the new Richard Jewell.
I mean, that's where this is going, folks.
I went and tried to stop it.
I went and got there as it already kicked off and tried to get on their main PA system that I knew they had to say, get on the PA.
Put me on the PA.
I'll tell them, get out of here.
We've been set up.
Don't be part of this.
Leave the Capitol now.
Every one of them would have done what I told them.
Every person in there knows my voice.
I said, it's very distinctive.
Get me on the PA now.
They didn't listen to me because they were paralyzed!
Because their boss had been ordered to stand down!
And he's dead now, so we can't talk to him.
He got shot.
So again, I'm gonna tell you right now, this is RiceDog, RiceDog, RiceDog, RiceDog 2.0.
Absolutely unbelievable.
This is the real world.
You cannot make this up.
And Roger Stone, a man ran over his wife and she got back up and he knocked her over again and she has major, yeah, and then he knocked her over again.
And so Roger now is going into hiding.
This isn't a joke.
His wife is in the hospital to have emergency surgery because a man beat his wife up.
Just randomly in their little condo area.
Nobody's around.
She's walking the dog.
A dude pulls up on a bike and starts knocking her over.
She gets up.
He knocks her over repeatedly.
That's the left for you, folks.
That's where we are right now, is beating up 75-year-old or whatever she is.
She's older than Roger.
Look how old his wife is.
Still looks great for 77 years old.
My God.
His daughter's not bad-looking either.
I mean, I mean that like God made beautiful women.
I'm not hitting on them.
I'm married.
I'm saying nice ladies.
And This is just out of control, ladies and gentlemen.
Absolutely out of control.
Let me tell you, you beat my wife up, you're gonna get your head removed.
But notice Roger wasn't there when they beat his wife up.
So that's where we are right now.
And I told you, I said, I saw professional-looking military people running this.
I told you.
With Antifa.
And now they're like, oh, oh yeah, there was a secret group with the Capitol Police.
Give me a break.
They were working for the globalists.
They stood to gain.
They ordered the stand down.
Capitol Police were set up in this.
They didn't do anything.
Now they've killed the deputy that was in charge.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
My dad's grandmother lived to 103.
Her name was Moon Jones.
Pretty wild looking lady.
That old Comanche blood's pretty wild.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
John Rappaport has been in this game a long time, kind of the Obi-Wan Kenobi of investigative journalists.
I was watching this guy 30 years ago before I even got on air.
He had major films out, interviews, you name it.
And he was an investigative researcher for some of the biggest news programs in the country, back when those news programs actually did real investigative reports.
You remember those.
And I saw him yesterday when he was doing the 4th Howard.
It's just he blew it away the way he described the PSYOPs, how they're trying to cause these uprisings this weekend.
It's the modern Reichstag 2.0, but it didn't go off like they wanted last Wednesday.
So now they want the really big event.
So they've gone and beaten up Roger Stone's wife when she was walking the dog.
She's in the hospital.
Beat the hell out of her.
And now she's got to have surgery.
And they had the FBI call us and say, yeah, We want you to come in for questioning about running the attack on the Capitol, because now the official story is it was coordinated.
First it was Trump's speech caused it, but now we know what happened before.
We know who did it!
Antifa with some paramilitary groups all together, which are going to turn out to be feds with idiots they provocateured to be part of it.
The Q people.
And so I'm just very honored.
People ask, how am I taking this?
I feel great, man.
I'm a patriot.
I'm a good father.
I've told the truth.
I love America.
And the fact that this global enemy, controlled by the Communist Chinese, wants to pin this on me, and wants to, and has to beat Roger Stone's wife up?
I mean, that's who you are?
God is on our side, and you have God to deal with.
And so, and I know the average person in the bureaucracy is not our enemy.
They're saying the Capitol Police, I have the articles right here, are being investigated for aiding and abetting.
Because they gave some of the Stop the Steal people tours.
They're supposed to with congressmen.
You think we ran that?
That's ridiculous.
So that's what they're trying right now, and now saying, oh, it's a coordinated attack of the right wing, because they now know we know.
This is Reichstag 2.0.
Reichstag fire, the Reichstag fire, German fire, was an arson attack on the Reichstag government building, the Capitol, on the German parliament in Berlin on Monday, the 27th, February 1933.
Precisely four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany.
Hitler's government stated that, and it goes on, Marinus van der Leeuw and all the rest of it.
So, Hitler first only got elected president, it wasn't enough, and then there was, people were fighting over him trying to become the Fuhrer and have the former head of the Weimar Republic step down.
And so they had to stage this event that came out in the Nuremberg Trials.
So, here we are, Reichstag 2.0.
An incredible time to be alive, and Jon Rappaport's here with us to kind of recap what he said yesterday and give us the latest developments.
What do you make of this insanity right now, Jon?
Hi, Alex.
Well, as I described yesterday, this is a typical intelligence agency operation.
Look, the brutal lockdowns all over the world, the COVID lockdowns, are meant, as we've been saying, To destroy economies, destroy hundreds of millions of lives, bring people to their knees, and so on and so forth.
So now, because of how they're characterizing the Capitol break-in on January 6th, they're now saying, well, that equals any kind of protest that, quote, these people are going to try against COVID, against the lockdowns, Against masks, against the restrictions.
It's all the same thing, folks.
It's a giant PSYOP equals sign planted in the public mind to make the public believe that, hey, these 150 business owners that were just driven into bankruptcy and are gathering near some governor's office to protest the lockdowns and the destruction of the economy.
No, no, no, no, no.
They're really, you see, The insurrectionists, the same insurrectionists as broke into the Capitol on January 6th, and they're revolutionaries that are very, very dangerous and they all have to be arrested.
So this is used to put us into a national emergency, which they're now basically announcing.
It's, again, this equals that equals this equals that.
It's just We've got to lock down everything.
And they're announcing it, that they're raising the levels of the lockdowns.
It's worse than ever with the fake case numbers and all of that that we've described over and over again.
But they know that the population is being driven closer and closer to the wall, the wall of Destitution.
No money.
No resources.
No anything.
It's like having a dry tinder forest in the middle of the summer.
And do me a favor.
Let's pull back to the 35,000 foot.
This is all the Great Reset.
Spend a few minutes on that.
This is all meant to happen.
I mean, they've dialed all this up.
Oh yeah, of course.
They dialed it up a long time ago.
They had to dial it up a long time ago.
You don't just do this off the shelf and, you know, six months.
It's like we drive the economies into total dissolution.
Destroy hundreds of millions of lives.
Put people in a completely suicidal state.
And then we move in and we say, we're here to rescue you.
We didn't do this.
We're here to rescue you.
Currency reset.
You're now on the dole.
Everybody's going to be saved.
The Federal Reserve just announced universal basic income.
Just enough to survive.
As long as you behave.
As long as you do everything we tell you to do.
Otherwise, the checks don't come in.
You know, Chinese communist model.
This is the whole, it's the China model from the beginning.
That was the plan.
Currency reset.
Technocracy moving in.
I recently read a fantastic article in The Atlantic about the details, the devil is always in the details, of the staggering system of surveillance that China is bringing in in their own country and exporting to other countries.
They are intent, by 2030, On being able to cover, in real time, in China, every inch of square space, indoors and outdoors, in the entire country.
Well, the quote by the government official that runs the AI social credit score is, if you don't do what we want, you will not be able to take one half step outside your house.
Right, exactly.
How could you?
You won't have any money.
You won't have any access to your bank account.
What's this latest thing from Curt Schilling?
All of a sudden, just because he's a Trump supporter, he's a hero baseball player, and so on and so forth, he says that AIG just cut off his insurance policies.
And it just did to a bunch of mainline conservative talk shows.
Notice they've moved on past Alex Jones.
They're now hitting mainline conservatives that have done nothing to show, oh, turn to us.
They're hitting them because they think they're weak.
And they're saying if you issue one word about stolen election or election fraud from this point on, you're fired.
You're off the network.
Cumulus Network basically said that.
You know, so they're just trying to shut down... And remember, Democrats challenged elections.
Everybody's supposed to be able to challenge elections.
But now YouTube has officially said if you challenge it, you'll be banned.
Facebook has too.
So the very group saying challenge elections says, but if it's for Trump or a Republican, you can't.
This is total authoritarianism.
Total authoritarianism.
And on top of that, if you challenge the election, well, you're really an insurrectionist.
You want to overthrow the government.
You're a revolutionary.
You should be, you know, punished, put in jail, prosecuted, etc., etc., etc.
These are the themes they play.
To equate in the mind, oh, this guy's on the major radio station, he's talking still about the Southern election?
Well, he must be just like the people who broke into the Capitol on January 6th.
He's an insurrectionist.
He's a criminal.
He should be cut off.
He should be prosecuted.
He should never get a job again.
His bank account should be closed, etc.
John Ramport, stay there.
We're going to come right back and get your take on what we should do, how we should fight back, because I really respect you.
You're one of the smartest people we know.
That's who our guest star is, the smartest people out there.
We're going to cover it all on the other side.
Let me tell you, though, folks, rolling over to this is not the way to get out of it.
We are back live broadcasting worldwide.
I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this, but we need funding to operate.
Well, we got great products and it could be the last time you can get an InfoWars t-shirt.
Could be the last time you've got storable food ready to ship to you.
2020 prices in tomorrow.
InfoWarsStore.com, Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, DNA Force Plus, all of it.
Pollen Block back in stock, X2 back in stock, Super Mel Vitality back in stock.
50% off.
All those specials have to end next week.
And people ask, how are you handling this, Jones?
I've been steadfast.
I've been a good guy.
The weirdest thing is, I just have anxiety about I better do a good job to fight this and stop it.
So at least we woke up a lot of the public.
But it's here now.
I was talking to Rappaport, investigative journalist, during the break, and he said, yeah, it's here.
I mean, it's on.
And the whole thing at the Capitol, the provocateur, desperate action, like their Russiagate, like their Ukrainegate, it is falling apart.
Now I have CNN.
They're investigating the Capitol Police.
That they staged the attack because they stood down.
They killed the head cop.
They ordered it to stand down.
Now they say the Capitol Police let this happen because they're not going to say Trump incited it now.
There's a criminal terrorist conspiracy rappaport.
But then we look at the video, it's guys with earpieces, obviously professional, not us.
Did they hire a mercenary group?
I don't know.
But the idea that I did it is insane.
You're a smart guy, a thin slicer.
What do you make of what's happening right now?
Yeah, I mean you were there Alex, but to me it looks like one of these mix-and-match operations.
You had Antifa posing as Trumpers.
You had paid infiltrators, sort of like intelligence agency types.
You had the Capitol Police standing down.
You had, you know, it was like here's the open door.
We want this break-in.
It has to happen because We got it on the drawing board and we're going to capitalize on the Capitol break-in and turn it into an incredible, you know, wall-to-wall thing that we cover every day on and on and on.
And we're going to suck more and more people into it and accuse them of being, you know, complete criminals and so on and so forth.
I mean, you guys ran the story and I did it too on this 1983 A bomb in the Capitol set off by this all-female group called M19 with Susan Rosenberg, who turns up all these years later on the board of Thousand Currents, that is the funding group for Black Lives Matter.
thousand currents removes the list of the board of directors from their website tries to scrub it out as if no no no no
no no no. I mean these things are years and years and years in the planning.
This wasn't like the day before somebody said, hey, I got an idea.
Let's have a Capitol break-in and we can parlay this into destroying all Trumpers.
But it definitely disintegrated very, very quickly.
And now I know.
Probably Kushner brought this to Trump.
It was his idea for the 6th.
We're told, I'm sure we'll help the president.
We'll have peaceful rallies.
And the whole thing was to set Trump up, but it didn't work.
And then they wanted me to lead it.
I mean, give me a... And then Roger had a bad feeling.
He didn't take part in it.
Wow, this is crazy, brother.
And then they were going to blame the whole thing on you.
Oh, they've got the FBI called.
Wants us to come in right now.
The FBI is saying, did you lead this?
After the Wall Street Journal retracted it.
Well, that's why...
That's why they're so upset.
I just can't believe how criminal these people are.
I mean, why the hell would I want, when I have nothing but peaceful rallies all my life, to go storm the Capitol and look like an idiot and go to prison?
Why would Trump want that?
The idea that we have a motive is ridiculous.
It's like saying I have a motive to chop my penis off.
We want to commit suicide, so this is the way we've chosen.
Uh, you know, I don't mean necessarily physical suicide, but cultural, political, so exactly.
No, I want to win.
I want my country back.
I don't want to be an idiot.
I'm not a jihadi.
The idea is to win.
The idea is to overcome the evil forces, not to do something so incredibly insane that it just destroys the whole, you know, So what is your prediction?
Because obviously a lot of America's pissed.
They saw the left burning things.
Some people are being manipulated by this Q operation.
They're planning Kruk bomb shootings this weekend.
I know they are.
We have the intel in the next week.
You can just see it written on the wall.
Oklahoma City 2.0, Rystag 2.0.
What do you think is coming up this weekend?
I'm beginning to believe that because of what you're exposing here and what a few other people are exposing.
That they're now thinking that maybe this is not going to be a great idea to suddenly stage all of these other, you know, false flags.
Because you got to have secrecy and you got to have believability in order to just keep on staging one false flag after another.
And if you look at InfoWars and a few other places and you see, wow, we're being exposed here completely.
I mean, they're calling it like it is.
Maybe we shouldn't be doing all of this because, frankly, we're not very good at it.
And number two, if we get exposed on one after another after another, this whole operation could fall apart.
Maybe we should back off here.
So I'm not so sure that they're really going to follow up here.
With one insane false flag after another.
I totally agree with what you're saying because no one is buying this.
Everyone is seeing through this.
And like I said, I don't know who these groups are.
They're professional military dressed up.
And they've arrested a few of the low levels that were just...
Patsies or decoys like spies like us, but there was real professional mechanized grips there.
This didn't come out of the organic population or out of Trump.
This came out of the deep state.
And I think they're really scared that this was supposed to be a lot bigger, a lot worse to smoke screen their operatives.
But now everyone's watching all the video and figuring this out.
They, they're very slow to catch on to the video hunters, the video hunters who are everywhere.
You know, look at this frame.
Who is this guy?
Where did he come from?
Oh, I saw him at a protest in Arizona, and I took his picture.
Here he is.
With a giant, whatever, Q sign.
Uh-oh, uh-oh.
Here's another guy.
Who is this guy standing next to him?
Oh, well, he was arrested over here.
You know, all of this comes tumbling out.
Arrested and let go!
They've got this antifa leader that you mentioned saying, burn the Capitol down on video.
He was released!
You know, it's like the Keystone Cops.
They just can't do anything but screw it up.
They don't really know how to do it.
This is, I mean, even if you look at the Reichstag fire of 1933... It didn't go the way the Germans... Well, because it's a fire drill.
It's insane.
I didn't know what to do.
Trying to stop it, it was like... I mean, you're in a mob of 200,000 people.
There's no... I mean, it's crazy.
Yeah, and you read accounts of people or listen to people who were actually there.
At the Capitol that day, among the million or two million, whatever it was.
And all they talk about is how peaceful it was, how friendly everybody was, how everybody was, you know, out there enjoying themselves.
That was the ocean of people not seeing the hundred or so that went in.
You know, that's the reality and the truth of it.
And people know it.
Even people on the left know it.
You know, geez, I mean, This is, yeah, look at this.
Okay, so all of a sudden, when I saw this on television, these people walking between the polls, you know, it was like, okay, they're taking a tour of the Capitol and the cops are leading them.
This is unbelievable.
I mean, is this a break-in or did they buy tickets to this?
You know, is there a tour guide who's explaining what these statues are?
It's all very peaceful and lead him right up to the door of the chamber.
And then all of a sudden, you know, the publicity on this is, oh, they would have destroyed the Capitol and killed everybody if we hadn't intervened.
And they're the insurrectionists.
And then.
You know, the legislatures get up on their high horse and all of a sudden, what are they talking about?
Maybe a few hundred people we estimate went in and maybe a dozen got violent and then the cops shot them and killed them.
I mean, literally, this is a joke.
But here's the deal.
They had pipe bombs.
Q was there.
They're people.
They meant this to be a lot bigger.
It just didn't go off.
Didn't go off.
And all of a sudden everybody's talking about the sanctity of the people's house.
As if the business that goes on in the Senate and the House of Representatives is absolutely safe.
All they're doing is selling the country out to the globalists.
They're like, oh our holy house!
When they're burning your house down in Kenosha or your car dealership in Portland, that's okay.
When your restaurant's getting shut or your books are being burned in Portland, that's okay.
But now the sanctity of the house.
Exactly, the sanctity of the house.
You can riot and burn and loot cities across America.
We're never going to call that insurrection.
Absolutely not.
This is all very highly legitimate and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
You know, these communities and inner cities are the pawns in this game.
They're being taken for a ride.
You want to know the truth?
If Antifa and BLM had their heads on straight, they would be out in the streets protesting.
Drug cartels and banks, maybe, because those are the people that are using them to distribute gangs, to distribute the drugs all over the country.
This is what these gangs are destroying.
John Rutherford, stay there.
We're right back in two minutes.
John Rappaport is our guest, and we need to get him back up for a commercial-free interview.
Maybe this Saturday if he'll do it, I'll come in and do it, like a two-hour live show, 2 to 4 p.m.
if he wants to do it.
Investigative Journalist, Smart Guy, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
In closing...
Yesterday you laid it out how they're playing these false flags.
They're priming everybody.
They're so desperate.
Hitler really wasn't popular when he stole the election in 33.
Biden isn't popular.
He stole the election.
The globalists repeat what works.
They're very OCD.
But again, we've entered a new paradigm.
What other great knowledge, the four or five minutes we have left, do you want to impart to the audience, John Rappaport?
Well, I think you can see in the very basis of the Constitution You have the right to live.
You have the right to earn a living.
The whole idea was freedom of the individual to earn a living by his own hand.
So now people have to open up the economy any way they possibly can.
This way, that way, upside down, sideways, backwards.
In pockets and places, which is already happening all over the country.
They're just not publicizing it because the lockdowns are the way to destroy and lead us into phase two, which is the massive globalist technocracy.
And so if the economy just keeps on going because individuals, people who are free, who know they're free and find a way somehow, ingeniously to keep this economy Open.
Which they are doing.
Expand that.
Until there's nothing that these people can do because there's too many of us.
That's right.
Only go to the mom and pops.
Go to the farm.
Start your own business.
And realize they're trying to put you under siege in their own words.
To consolidate.
To bankrupt you.
To go on a universal guaranteed income.
To then dictate where you can spend that money and how you live your life.
The final takeover.
It's like, you can only spend your money here.
We hypnotize you over and over again.
You can only spend your money here.
No, you can't.
You can spend it wherever you can.
Find a way to spend it.
During the Great Depression, one of the great parts of unwritten history is the millions of people in America who found a way to keep their economy locally going.
Because what did they do?
They looked around and they said, hey, guess what?
We still have all the same natural resources we had yesterday before the banks were closed and crashed.
The bankers cut things off to consolidate, so people just said, we'll just barter.
Yeah, we'll just barter.
We'll invent our own currencies.
And they did.
3,000 currencies across America that were invented by people in order to keep the economy open.
Because they said, hey, if New York wants to crash, If the stock market wants to be engineered and the Federal Reserve wants to inflate, deflate... But isn't that it?
Like, they're imploding their own blue cities to make us implode.
But if we recognize that and don't give in, they fail.
I mean, they're really involved in a desperate gambit here.
They are.
They're absolutely.
I mean, I think about New York.
You know, I mean, you think this is easy?
That they're really going to destroy New York completely?
I mean, I've lived in New York for a long time.
I was born in New York.
I don't care what's happening now.
That's a very hard place to completely wipe out.
And they think they're doing it.
de Blasio, Cuomo, the rest of them.
But notice Cuomo's starting to back off now because he knows he's reaping a whirlwind.
He's trying to say, okay, so now, oh, wait a minute now.
Actually, we can start reopening this.
Yeah, because you drive people close enough to the wall Things are going to happen.
You can't predict.
It can only go on for so long before the people say, well, I've got nothing to lose now.
I want my freedom.
Well, John, you're awesome.
We love you.
30-second closing comment.
You're doing a fantastic thing here, Alex.
You've been doing it for a long time.
I don't know how.
I really don't.
I'm speaking honestly here.
I'm not trying to blow smoke.
Carrying on this battle, this war against the forces of evil because that's what they are.
That's what they've been doing.
And I remember talking to you on the phone about 25, 27 years ago.
You called me up one day after I was on a show.
You said, we got to talk about this stuff.
And that's how we met.
That's what we did.
And, you know, it's unbelievable to me.
I mean, I love you, John.
We're in this together.
We'll talk to you soon.
Here goes John Rappaport.
We got a victim of the system coming up.
So I would say, you know, if anything that's happening at CNN and anybody who buys your book, it's really just one of those things that is dividing our nation.
And I don't believe in dividing our nation.
It hurts our great nation.
And so CNN is really the enemy of the truth.
And that's my opinion.
Thank you.
No American is an enemy of another American.
No News Outlet is an enemy of America.
[Suspenseful music]
No News Outlet is an enemy of America.
No News Outlet is an enemy of America.
[Suspenseful music]
No News Outlet is an enemy of America.
They came in peace.
[Suspenseful music]
No news out there from the enemy of America!
Bill Gates loves you!
Take the vaccine!
Don't run!
CNN's your friend!
This is CNN.
Congresswoman, I understand though you have something pressing, something important, and something new you'd like to share with everybody.
Yes, I would like to announce on behalf of the American people, we have to make sure that our leaders are held accountable.
We cannot have a president of the United States that is willing to abuse the power of the office of the presidency and be easily bought off by foreign governments Wow.
Articles of impeachment on Joe Biden on his first full day as president.
I'm looking at Hunter Biden right now, so we're talking about Joe.
January 21st, I will be filing articles of impeachment on Joe Biden.
Articles of impeachment on Joe Biden on his first full day as president.
I'm looking at Hunter Biden right now.
So, uh, we're talking about Joe.
Obviously we know Hunter's got issues as well.
Um, how is that going to work?
You are a freshman.
You're in the minority.
What will happen next?
Is this symbolic or can you really do something about this?
Well, like I said, I'm a big believer in having people in office that are actually willing to do the job.
And I can't imagine people in this country being so fearful of a future of a Biden presidency that they may be willing to commit violence like they did in the Capitol here in Washington, D.C.
We cannot have that.
I do not condone that violence.
The American people need hope.
They need to know that there are Republicans in Congress that are willing to stand up and fight for them, regardless of being in a minority, regardless of having all odds against us, against me or against anyone in Congress.
We have to hold people accountable.
Joe Biden is on record on the phone saying that he would withhold a billion dollars of
foreign aid if he didn't get his way with these deals with his son, Hunter.
And there's an ongoing investigation with Hunter Biden's laptop into being bought and
paid for by Chinese, communist Chinese energy companies.
This is a dangerous threat to our country when we have a man that will be holding the
power of the presidency, but will so easily and is on record for abusing power.
All right.
I thought about this guy a couple of days ago because he's one of the only people to
get caught up in an FBI setup sting and not end up dead or in prison for life.
And so I'm not going to get into our whole backstory or the rest of it, but I know when I see a federal operation.
And so, I don't know, 8, 9, 10 years ago, whatever it was, I saw Centelion.
I thought, I saw the funding when he was doing all of it.
I thought, this is a setup.
And he would get really pissed.
I'm not a fed, don't you call me that.
I was like, okay, well, if you're not a fed, you're being run by him.
Then they tried to set him up three times.
They tried to put him in prison.
And once I saw him put him in prison and read the court stuff, I said, okay, the guy's innocent.
He got set up.
But he survived the Bundy stuff for several rounds, other rounds.
He can tell you what this is all about.
Get Alex Jones here back live.
And since I talked to him yesterday on his own show, um, It's on a drama thing.
I don't want to make a big deal about it.
The FBI's like, we want you and your security people to come in for questioning.
You know, we're all friendly here.
We know you didn't do anything.
We know you were there trying to stop it, Alex, but we have anonymous tips that you were running the attack inside the Capitol.
We want to talk to you.
I'm like, okay, well, you can just talk to, uh, You can just talk to my lawyers.
So, this is where we're at.
This is Reichstag 2.0.
This just happened this morning.
Roger Stone didn't want to make a big deal about it because his wife knows he has a temper issue like I do.
She got beat up two nights ago.
She's in the hospital now, outside their house.
The guy ran over with a bike.
It's in a condo area, nobody's around.
Got over and pushed her down two more times, 74 years old.
Beat her up.
And she finally told Roger, I'm hurt, I gotta go to the hospital, the guy beat me up.
Because he was on there and said, yeah, some guy ran into her, knocked her over.
She didn't want him to go crazy.
Well, they actually beat the living hell out of her.
They got beat the living hell out of her.
So, that's where we are right now, ladies and gentlemen.
So, Roger's in hiding.
He's going to come on tonight, an emergency transmission.
We're going to tape, and then we're going to post it to Bandai Video while he still can.
But I want you to know, this is a Communist Globalist takeover, okay?
But here's the craziness.
They're now, I've showed you the headlines, AP, Reuters, CNN.
Oh, the Capitol Police are involved with the right-wing terrorist.
So the Capitol Police know they were ordered to stand down.
Capitol Police know military came in.
The same type hostage rescue team, special forces that the FBI has.
Same type.
I saw the videos.
I know those guys.
I know what they look like.
And he's experienced this.
And so he saw it.
Well, now they're trying to go, oh, Trump didn't incite it as a speech.
There was a planned terror group.
You mean provocateur groups?
You mean groups led by the feds?
So Pete Santelli's here.
We've had quite the history, and I appreciate him.
He's been through a lot.
He's here with us.
This is a short segment.
I'll have you for the rest of the hour, but I got to work in a lot of the other breaking stuff here that's happening.
But I want to warn people not to be part of violence, or if you go out just to cover something, you could be set up.
So spend just three minutes on what happened to you just briefly and what woke you up.
You know, you were mentioning that they were contacting you and asking you questions about your potential involvement.
And I'm here to tell you that at no point in time did I ever break the law through the Bundy Ranch and the Malheur thing.
What ended up happening is that they, the FBI, now I'm going to say some things that are disparaging towards the upper echelon of the FBI.
Of course, rank and file, they're just doing their job.
I have personal first-hand knowledge that the FBI is corrupt at the highest end.
They fabricated a 302 report stating that they had a witness that said that I conspired to take over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
Well, guess what?
The worst thing they ever did was to scoop up an investigative journalist.
Because we pieced together a case that exposed them.
We caught them, the witness said that they didn't say that, and I also had an alibi.
So my point is, Alex, if they want you, they're going to get you.
And ultimately, this is what they're going to do.
That domestic terrorism designation that everyone is under that umbrella, they use that not just to demonize people, but to give the FBI and the DOJ the legal authorization to surveil everybody.
Uh, they're going to surveil everybody, they're going to listen in, and then they're going to cherry pick and build a conspiracy case.
This is what will happen to anybody that they want to pursue, like they did with me back in January of 2016, is they will get you off the street.
I was actually held as a political prisoner for 619 days.
Now remember, Our system says that we're innocent until proven guilty.
They'll declare it to be a complex case.
They'll declare you or anyone else to be a domestic terrorist that they want to scoop up.
And you'll be held for two years plus.
Uh, awaiting trial.
Fully innocent, but essentially, they're holding you because you're a danger to society.
That happened to me.
Now, fortunately, I won.
I refused to plead out early.
That's what people do.
They get scared away.
I had four multiple life sentences.
That's why they have a 97% success rate in the federal judiciary.
I said, no, we're going to go to trial.
After two years, and essentially we won two federal trials in Oregon and in Nevada, exposing what I'm going to talk about today, which is the most important information, and I've listened to you for two decades, the most important information that I could ever speak to you about.
Oh, believe me, I want to hear it.
I'm in the crosshairs of this thing.
They're measuring my supermax right now.
Be right back.
So, Joe Biden steals this big election.
It's a Chacom agent.
What are they going to do?
Well, Hitler stole an election in 1933.
It wasn't popular.
Called the Reichstag.
They used that to bring in martial law.
And the Gestapo.
So Pete Santilli is a Marine Corps veteran, journalist, patriot, got sucked in to covering a lot of big events, a lot of big national events, a lot of land battles.
And got set up, and while awaiting trial, spent 600 plus days in jail.
But didn't roll over.
So, with your knowledge, your background, of the infiltrators, of how they work, of what happens, tell people your view on what's currently happening, and your expert observations.
Okay, now January 6th, our Commander-in-Chief, my Commander-in-Chief, your Commander-in-Chief, called us to go to a peaceful protest in Washington, D.C.
I didn't hesitate, but I knew full well what we were potentially in for.
The best thing that we could have ever had was a million and a half people like we did, standing shoulder-to-shoulder, peacefully, so that our elected officials would be held to account after a 1 p.m.
But I knew full well, with full situational awareness, especially with the experience that I had in 2014 with Bundy Ranch, 2016 with Malheur, is that not just Antifa slash BLM, but this, I'm here to tell you this, and I have legal proof of this, I was in charge of all the discovery, I did not know about what I'm about to share, Until after I saw how the FBI operates.
The people right next to you that are most trusted, let's say security.
I'll use an example, January 2016.
The man that led Lavoie Finnickham and that convoy into his demise was actually the head of security for the team.
He was the most trusted person.
He was given upwards of $100,000 by the FBI to lead them into an ambush in a dead zone.
The Oregon State Troopers were there.
What I'm here to tell you is that the people that are around you, even your most trusted, are going to be the most likely confidential human sources and the most likely operatives.
So now we have a million and a half people.
Who are the operatives out there?
Now, when I look back at Bundy Ranch, Bundy Ranch, and the reason why they won that trial is because it was an entrapment.
They lured all the patriots to go get the cattle, although the protest, it wasn't even a standoff.
It was a protest.
Where Clive and Bundy asked the sheriff to come to the stage and to address the people and he was going to demand that the sheriff protect life, liberty, and property.
They had, this is April 2014, the goons that we're talking about that have infiltrated our government, these leftist communist subverters of our Constitution, literally worked since January of 2014 all the way to April of 2014 To set up this entrapment.
They had a thousand online covert investigators.
They had basically tried to provoke by showing pictures of MRAPs that were being staged.
But it didn't go the way they wanted.
Why at the end did it blow up in their face?
Well, it blew up in their face because they only presented, because they cherry-picked.
They only present, for instance, my words on my radio show where I said, we're going to stand and fight.
And then they leave that in the indictment, and they leave out the part where I said, we're going to stand and fight for our constitutional rights, and we're even going to be protective of federal law enforcement.
They do that to me.
I'm like, we need to peacefully fight with the spirit of 1776.
It's like, we need to fight 1776.
They will cherry pick your words.
They'll put that in the indictment.
Of course, they'll do that with everybody.
But ultimately, they set the stage for all of this.
This is what they do, Alex.
January 6th, I believe, is a test run for what I'm really concerned about, and this is why this is the most important information I can relay, is because it was a test run.
They wanted to see How they could manipulate with a couple of Antifa people breaking the window, affecting your crime, and then exploiting the emotions that we know exist to lure people in.
I believe that this is a test run for what is to come.
They reverse engineer an indictment.
They already have their indictment.
They already know who they're going to go get.
They're going to reverse engineer it.
And of course, you and I know what the Hegelian dialectic is.
They're going to create the crisis environment to where people are so emotionally charged that they're going to be brought into a scenario, I believe, I see every single sign, and we need to be alert to it, that on January 20th, our Commander-in-Chief hasn't called us to a peaceful protest to Washington, D.C.
He just said, wherever you protest, protest peacefully.
I believe that they're setting the stage.
The FBI said that they forewarned the Capitol Police that there were going to be some agitators coming in.
How do they know that?
Because those agitators work for the FBI.
They had let the Capitol Police's guard down.
They allowed this thing to take place.
They had their operatives breaking the window and then obviously the emotion involved in just Well, three years ago from 2018, but it was from 2015, the headline of InfoWars was Obama planned martial law in Maryland.
And the documents are there where they plan to like go provocateur and get it to be triggered.
I mean, we actually have the antifa documents.
That's what they do.
Alex, I'm going to use just another example, but I want to really get to present it because that's what impacts every single one of your viewers and every single American's lives right now.
Have full situational awareness in that they will set the stage that if a Reichstag is to occur, if a major crisis is to occur, it's because they've already pre-scripted it.
They need to do a gun grab and they can't just say, well Joe Biden's against guns, he's going to come door to door and confiscate them.
No, they need a crisis to say, oh my goodness, they want to cause half of the people that own guns to turn them in voluntarily.
Because we're being subjected to psychological warfare.
They need to create a very traumatic situation to where people will die because of guns that
were involved either in DC or at the state houses, and thereby everybody needs to turn
in their guns voluntarily.
Half of the people will.
The other half will be used in the media to further traumatize the American public and
demonize anybody that should go anywhere near a gun, of course.
I say, do what you do.
I'm not going to tell somebody to not go to an open carry protest.
Make a decision on your own.
The point is the Globals are trying to have a major setup right now.
It's clear they're doing it.
And they want to have a mass shooting.
They want a black church blown up.
I mean, you can write the script.
A truck bombing a federal building.
This is the time they're going to do it.
The fact that we're talking about it may stop them from doing it.
Alex, you and I know there's two things as far as mind control is concerned.
We're talking about two things, one being sex is a great way to mind control people using sex, and the second thing is death, trauma-based mind control.
When people die, like on 9-11, we're ready to surrender to the Patriot Act.
That's right, we have human drives of sex, food, and war, killing, and that's how they manipulate us.
Yes, they're getting ready.
I believe we need to be aware of what we have the potential to see on January 20th.
January 6th being the test run.
They've already used an entire week of just conditioning everyone that if you're a Trump supporter, you're a domestic terrorist.
In the court of public opinion, you look at somebody that's a Trump supporter, you've now been told over the past week or so that they're a domestic terrorist.
This next phase, they could literally finish off everyone's minds that are vulnerable to this if they're not.
I agree.
Let's talk about that.
I'm not trying to attack the Q people.
There's a lot of nice people got into it, but it claims responsibility for all knowledge about the Globalist, and it claims it's in charge.
So much competition with the Q-10.
That's what it always spins.
Oh, you don't like our big secrets?
You're leading people to trust the plan.
Trump's invincible.
Oh, now forget Trump.
Q's the boss.
And then it leads these people into following Antifa into the Capitol.
Pete Santilli's our guest.
Tomorrow's News Today.
Ezra LeVant will be joining us, and Matt Brackett.
Stay with us.
All right, so most of you that tune in to regular listeners know who Pete Santilli is.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
But he was involved as an investigative journalist in the whole Bundy thing and so much more.
Got set up for terrorism, basically.
But they had to drop the case later because it was all fraud.
And he's warning you about what you're seeing right now.
How are they going to put in Biden that just stole the election?
How are they going to get away with this?
We're going to stage events.
They tried to say that Trump attacked the Capitol, but the attack didn't happen like the provocateurs wanted, because the Trump supporters fought back.
Now they're saying shadowy military groups were involved under Trump's control.
Now they're going with that angle.
That's going nowhere.
Why the hell would Trump discredit himself like this?
So Pete, getting into the modern situation, what's currently happening, I'm going to shut up with this nine-minute segment left.
You've got the floor.
From your experience as one of the people that's been through this as a journalist and as a political prisoner, what are you expecting?
What would you look out for?
You know, of course, I'm a...
I'm all about optimism and constitutionality and hoping that President Trump would invoke the Insurrection Act, but I'm also, as an investigative journalist, I have an obligation to tell everyone the truth.
And the truth is, I don't have any evidence of that.
I can hope for that, but we have no evidence of it.
So what psychological impact does that have?
On my fellow Americans, on our fellow Americans, is that you're put into, this could be potentially, as part of that psychological warfare, to put everybody into a catatonic slumber, to let your guard down, thinking that President Trump is going to save us with some sort of an executive order.
And it could be also disinformation coming through channels like the QBoards.
I love the QPatriots.
I am one of those people that would go to the QBoard, receive an article that I had never seen because of the censorship in the mainstream media.
But ultimately, there's also the potential for disinformation coming my way.
So you have to not let your guard down.
Everyone needs to think right now, what if President Trump has been Powered down by the global elite.
We know how powerful they are.
Trillions and trillions of dollars are at stake.
So what if in fact...
The exact opposite happens as far as mass arrests.
What if on January 21st, or on the 20th, Joe Biden is sworn in, on the 21st there are mass arrests of anyone that has been declared to be a domestic terrorist that supports President Donald J. Trump?
We already know from Larry Grathwald, who infiltrated the weather underground, that this has been decades in the making.
They have every bit of plans and you're hearing them right out in the open.
Project Veritas.
They said we're going to put people in re-education camps.
They've literally been planning for decades for this moment in time to where we will be on the defensive of course to this thing where these leftists who are now in power that Larry Grathwald was speaking to when they were college graduates and students talking about putting people in re-education camps and also those that can't be re-educated.
They were planning to kill tens of millions of us.
You have to think about that possibility and how we as a peace-loving, God-loving American populace defend ourselves in that eventuality.
Fortunately, we do have our Second Amendment to defend our families, and I want to encourage our lawful, of course, and constitutional Um, authority to defend our nation, to defend our, our families.
But right now, uh, you are being, you, all of us, are being subjected to psychological warfare.
Don't, do not let your guard down and expect the exact opposite of what you've been hoping for.
That way you're well prepared.
And that's why I'm putting this message out because I'll give you a couple of examples.
We love law enforcement.
We back the blue.
Could you imagine that I was in Burns, Oregon and I found out that the FBI was actually in their rental vehicles, they were dressed up as militia, and they went to the armory surveilling it, and then telling the population that the militia is looking to do really bad things in Burns, Oregon.
That was manufactured by the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
Now what I'm telling you, they were caught by the local fire chief.
He actually ran the plates of those that were surveilling a local armory.
And he determined that those vehicles were rented by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
So we exposed that in January 2016.
So for those of us that back the blue, we love the blue, you need to know that within
the FBI, rank and file are great.
But at the upper echelon, they're controlling, they're compartmentalizing.
They are going to set up, and I'm telling you this right now, not only am I saying that
there's a potential for them to set this up, I've watched them do it, where hundreds of
people almost died in 2014.
One person actually did die as a result of this entrapment and this ambush of Lavoie Finnegan.
They shot and killed him, and they also will cover it up.
We had FBI agents firing provocative rounds in 2016 and then covering it up.
What I want everybody to understand right now is that your most trusted people that you have around you are going to be the ones that you will be shocked that they're actually working for this entity.
There's trillions of dollars at stake.
Your security person may be paid $100,000 to set you up to gather enough information in order for you to make a statement on recording and essentially be used in an indictment.
Here's my best advice to everybody.
We're peace-loving, law-abiding citizens.
The number one indication that you're around somebody that's about to entrap you and set you up is if they suggest unlawful activity or any violence.
They stand out like a sore thumb.
And with your permission, Alex, I want to show you something because I knew, and I had my attorney, by the way, on the ground because I know what they do.
We were in Washington, D.C.
I know better that if they're going to bring an indictment, I can't stop it, but I'd like to get a third trial having won up against these goombas.
These guys right here were Antifa.
They were in the crowd.
We had a couple hundred thousand people surrounding us.
I walked right up to them.
I confronted them.
I got full facial shots.
These Antifa people were in the crowd.
There were 20 of them that had surrounded us.
Everybody needs to have A, situational awareness.
B, recognize that they will stand out like a sore thumb.
If you go to a protest at your state capitol, you'll know who they are.
You need to record them.
You need to document it.
It's crazy.
They can be black, white, Hispanic, old, young.
They stick out.
They're evil.
They stand out.
These guys right here, you know what I did?
I walked past them.
I said, how do you spell MAGA?
And they were repulsed by that.
That reaction in and of itself told me that these guys stood out because we patriots that are out there were waving flags.
We're happy.
We're glad to be there.
These guys stood out and they will.
Well, that's another thing.
You saw the patriots were all wearing bright colors.
The main group that attacked was all wearing black with pink accents that lets them know they're Antifa.
That's exactly right.
Now, these provocateurs at Bundy Ranch, there were people like Jared Miller.
He's a felon, a drug addict.
He's running around asking where he can get an AK-47.
They stand out like a sore thumb.
At Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, eight protesters took over the refuge.
Nobody was there.
No federal agents were there.
I joke about it and I say 15 of those people were FBI informants and confidential human sources.
And they're not agents, they're actually people that get out.
Oh yeah, that's the joke.
They say at Klan rallies, like 80% FBI.
They are.
But now, why are they?
Are they investigating?
This is where we need reform, Alex, but we'll set that aside.
No, they're leading the groups.
They're leading them.
That's exactly what they're doing.
They're entrapping people.
Every single patriot hearing my voice right now, as soon as you hear somebody suggest violence, Uh, or any unlawful activity, you need to call them out.
Let the entire crowd know that those guys are provocateurs.
They're going to set us up.
They want this fight with patriots.
They want to outlaw being pro-Trump.
And you're right.
Biden has said we will destroy the Second Amendment and the NRA.
This is how he wants to come into office with his new 9-11, but it's patriots doing stuff.
And so, It doesn't matter if you're a local police officer, a local citizen, or an FBI agent that is a corrupt, document what's happening.
It was FBI agents that actually exposed Oklahoma City as an inside job, along with local police.
You know, this is a good and evil fight.
There's good people that are in your church, there's bad people.
There's good people in your school, there's bad people.
There's good people, there's good and bad.
It's good and bad.
So how did, how was I involved with winning two, but by the way, most attorneys can't even say that they've won two federal trials in the federal court system.
Tell us how you did it when we come back.
Pete Santilli is our guest.
Gotta go to break with the satellites here.
And then we've got Ezra Levant from Canada to give us his take on all this insanity and just how crazy it's all getting and what he thinks we should do.
Please don't forget our websites.
It's newswars.com, infowars.com, and band.video.
They've all been under massive hack attack, but they've stayed up thanks to your support at infowarsstore.com.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
All right, final segment.
Pete Santilli, Ezra Levant joining us.
I've got a lot of other big news breaking to hit.
Obviously, they've done their second impeachment of Trump.
That just means an indictment.
But now the Republicans have got their new impeachment ready for Biden.
This guy is a glass house.
He's so easy to beat.
That's why we don't want to have violence.
We certainly don't want violence led by the FBI randomly.
against governor's mansions. I told you Sunday night from our law enforcement sources that
five governor's mansions have been breached as of Sunday.
Well now it's all over the news.
And them changing their story over from, "Oh, it was Trump told everybody to go do this,"
to, "Oh, it was secret groups attacking." Yeah, we know it was you. And you're provocateurs.
So for me, Pete, that's a big deal.
They've had to change the narrative and try to blame the Capitol Police as, quote, working with militias.
That is not going to hold water.
What does that sound like to you?
It sounds like the Capitol Police are about to expose what they were really told to do.
Well, they needed what happened on January 6th.
They needed people to be inside the Capitol and then demonize them as terrorists.
So, therefore, we already know in advance the FBI says, oh, we warned you guys that people were coming.
They were going to do bad things.
And then they understaffed them.
All they really needed to do, because we're law-abiding citizens, is put, they didn't even need riot gear, just put a couple hundred Uh, Capitol Police officers out in front of the Capitol and people wouldn't breach that line.
But had Antifa at 9am start attacking, get riot police out, now you've started it.
And guess what?
Those Antifa people, if they broke through that line, they would be arrested and then everybody else would just stand back.
They would stand out like a sore thumb.
But let's go back, let's talk about what happened on January 6th when I describe the emotion that is involved because I know of a patriot Indirectly, through John Ritzheimer, who was indicted with us in January of 2016.
He went to high school with Ashley Babbitt.
She is a patriot, a 14-year veteran, who is very emotional about doing whatever she needs to do to help save our republic.
Well, sir, I believe, and we're getting information now, that there were maps that were put out.
A guy named John Sullivan, who is a known BLM Antifa activist.
Just so happened to be present with her.
How she was able to determine that going through the labyrinth of the, you know, the hallways in the halls of Congress, how she was able to get to that one particular spot where Secret Service would be.
I'm sure was provoked by John Sullivan.
She's very emotionally involved.
They break the window.
She goes up there.
She gets shot.
They need that horrifying, traumatic video in order to say that all of us are domestic terrorists.
And they're still keeping it secret who shot her, which is illegal.
Keeping that secret, and they're also keeping it a secret and letting this guy out.
John Sullivan, I will say this.
He is guilty of being one of their operatives.
Well, he said it on video in the Capitol.
Let's burn this down.
Now, he's also been involved in three shootings as an activist with the BLM in Antifa.
And it just so happens that he took an entire crowd right up to that area where they called it the Speaker's Lobby.
Somebody broke the window, Ashley Babbitt, and it's very tragic that that happened to her.
But that's the emotion that I'm talking about.
Everybody needs to know that when you're encouraged to do something unlawful, you're being encouraged by these operatives.
Yeah, well, breaking a window out doesn't mean you get shot in the neck.
It doesn't, but... Especially when BLM celebrated burning down churches.
They set the stage.
You know what, Alex?
I'm gonna tell you something right now.
The entire entrapment scenario back at Bundy Ranch, your guy was there, David Knight.
He had no idea what he was being walked into.
They literally had the prosecutor's office and the Bureau of Land Management and the Department of Interior set the stage so that people would go there to that gate with guns so that they could arrest everybody for assault on federal officers.
David Knight had 70 federal agents with guns pointed.
That whole thing was scripted.
It was set up that way so that they could indict everybody.
So why did it fall apart on them?
Pardon me?
Why did it fall apart on them to not indict folks?
Because, in fact, why did it fall apart that they didn't indict?
Well, they were planning to indict all those people I agree with.
It was a setup that came out in court.
Why did they not go ahead with it?
Because the political nature was too embarrassing?
No, they dismissed the case because they, first of all, reverse engineered the indictment.
They held back all the exculpatory evidence that showed that they had snipers pointed at unarmed protesters.
That all of the patriots that went there to go get the cattle were lured into that.
They actually held back all that evidence.
We had Joel P. Willis as an FBI special agent in charge, fired.
Salvador Larro fired.
All of these people were involved in scripting this.
Don't let's go to... So just like Waco, they could have picked Koresh up any day.
They went with cattle trailers to attack to kill a cult.
Well then just arrest for cult.
Don't kill him.
So it's kind of the repeat.
Now let's kill a bunch of cowboys.
Alex, you're a big boy, so I'm not going to scare you off with this.
But this is what they did with Lavoie Fennecum.
They will buy off somebody in security, pay them $100,000 like they did with Mark McConnell.
I'm going to say this about you, if they can get you on recording or even set you up into an ambush, your trusted security person, like LaVoy Fennecums, led him right into an ambush where the FBI provoked some rounds and the OSP shot and killed him.
Oh yeah, that's why they want to question my security people, so they can turn them and make them set me up.
Yeah, they get you on recording, they cherry-pick the information, they get you wrapped up in a conspiracy, but here's the deal.
Our best legal defense, guess what it is?
It's the truth!
Everyone should be, they should have cameras rolling on January 20th if you decide to go to a peaceful protest at a state capitol.
The first indication that you've got somebody that's about to lure you and entrap you into an indictment is somebody
that suggests any non-peaceful, violent, or unlawful activity.
Sure, let's talk big picture here, because I want to get you on about this. We appreciate your time, Pete Centelli,
again, from the Alex Jones Show.
Biden's a Chinese Communist agent. There's total election fraud evidence. They want to make it illegal now to
question an election, which the Democrats say is the most sacrosanct thing ever, as if that's tied to violence.
But now the narrative is falling apart. I'm just saying an organized group
Did this?
Yeah, we know.
Probably the Southern Primary Law Center.
This thing is falling apart very, very quickly.
So Republicans shouldn't run from this.
We should say, hey we're sorry some people got outside the velvet robes.
We're sorry there was a few fights.
We're sorry you shot and killed that woman.
We're sorry a cop died a few days later of a heart attack.
But this is not a new Pearl Harbor.
Stop acting like it with 20,000 troops and martial law and all this.
And stop trying to stir us up around the country.
Stop trying to get Americans to buy into this BS.
Alex, you and I watched the video.
I mean, I have exclusive video that I got from a kid that went inside and unfortunately I haven't been speaking to him because he probably got arrested.
But the majority of the patients that went through there, they were inside the velvet ropes.
They didn't break anything.
Give them a misdemeanor trespassing charge.
They're not terrorists.
They were allowed to go in there.
That was part of the entrapment.
Well sure, but I mean, look at how we're not supposed to have guns, but they've got, oh, the images of troops loading their guns as if 20,000 is needed to protect the Capitol.
As soon as Trump tweeted, leave, everybody started leaving.
And I have some important information to get out because this is another thing that I learned through this.
If you get wrapped up, if anybody does, and they're going to, from what I'm hearing, everyone needs to expect this, that on January 21st, if Biden is sworn in, the opposite of what we expect will happen.
There will be mass arrests of patriots.
If you get caught up, and don't worry about, I was facing four multiple life sentences.
I told them to screw off.
I didn't do anything wrong.
I was 50 years old.
I hadn't broken the law my entire life.
I had a top-secret security clearance in the military.
I suggest that none of you, and this will break their system, because our best defense is the truth.
Their best prosecution is a bunch of lies.
You go all the way to trial.
The truth will set you free.
Make sure you get everything documented and don't succumb to the pressure.
Do not cooperate with them because there's nothing to cooperate just as long as you're not involved in illegal activity.
Yeah, these are the people that sold us out to China.
So cooperating with them is cooperating with the pedophiles of New World Order.
Alex, doesn't it really tick you off that after four years of these hoaxes, we have a right in the First Amendment not just to peacefully assemble, we have a right to redress grievance, to contest an election now as terrorism.
A bunch of people are going to be rounded up for being domestic terrorists because we're contesting the legitimacy of the election that we have forensic evidence that foreigners were involved in.
And that's domestic terrorism.
But when Democrats do it, it's great.
All right, Pete, we'll talk to you next week in the aftermath of this after Tuesday.
Thank you and be safe.
All right, I'm out of time for this hour.
We're going to start the next hour and Ezra Levant, another smart person, is going to
be joining us to give us his take on the situation and what he sees coming next.
Briefly, we stay on air, we defeat the Democrat lawsuits, I'm able to hire lawyers from my
security guys, the FBI is calling in, all this thanks to your financial support.
And I'll be up here at 7 tonight to interview Roger Stone to give you an exclusive about his wife being beat up.
I mean, and I'm not bitching, I'm not complaining, I'm just saying, there's nobody who works like I do.
Except this crew.
And so I need your financial support right now.
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But whatever you do, pray for InfoWars, and pray for President Trump, and pray for America.
We'll be right back.
There are of course those who do not want us to speak.
Let me think, just let me think.
I suspect even now orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Sutler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words are for the means to meaning and for those who will listen, The enunciation of truth.
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You decided, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You taught me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice.
Intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and subverting your submission.
We need cameras.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war in the world.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
I brought up the subject of what's going to happen after we take over the government.
Uh, you know, we, we become responsible then for administrating, you know, 250 million people.
And there was no answers.
No one had given any thought to economics.
How are you going to clothe and feed these people?
The only thing that I could get was that they expected that the Cubans and the North Vietnamese and the Chinese and the Russians would all want to occupy different portions of the United States.
They also believed that their immediate responsibility would be to protect against what they called the counter-revolution.
And they felt that this counter-revolution could best be guarded against by creating and establishing re-education centers in the Southwest.
Where we would take all the people who needed to be re-educated into the new way of thinking and teach them.
How things were going to be.
I asked, well, what is going to happen to those people that we can't re-educate?
That are die-hard capitalists?
And the reply was that they'd have to be eliminated.
And when I pursued this further, they estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers.
And when I say eliminate, I mean kill.
25 million people.
I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well-known educational centers and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.
That was 1982.
We had about 230 million people.
Now we got 100 million more.
So they wanted to kill 25 million back then.
I guess it's about 50 million today.
They were dead serious.
And now their sons and daughters are DAs around the country.
And they're starting, I got the articles right here, re-education camps in the public schools in California, where they teach five-year-olds that white people are inherently bad.
I mean, that's literal Nazi ideology just reversed around.
I mean, this is crazy and it's dangerous.
I want to get Ezra Levant on of Rebel Media on his take on what he sees happening here in the United States and his really informed view on what we should do.
Stay with us.
Well, Ezra Levant of Rebel Media, a great publisher, a great patriot in Canada, is about to join us to give his view on what he sees happening in the U.S.
Clearly, Reichstag 2.0, as they now say, oh, it wasn't Trump who caused it.
It was secret military groups and the Capitol Police.
They're involved.
Arrest them all.
And the FBI has called us and wants to come in to see if we ran the attack.
So, that's all going on.
That's all breaking.
Roger Stone's wife beat up.
She didn't want Roger to get mad two nights ago when a guy beat her up outside their place.
She went ahead and told him she had to go to the hospital.
She's in the hospital right now.
Emergency surgery.
They beat his wife up.
By their condo.
No one around.
She's walking the dog.
Guy comes up, beats her up.
Roger's like, yes, some guy ran into my wife.
She's in here sick, but she didn't want to make Roger mad, so she didn't tell him until today.
And now Roger is insanely angry, and they're going to a safe house.
That's what's going on in this fascist, communist, whatever you want to call it, takeover.
The stuff you saw in Russia and Nazi Germany and China and Venezuela and Cuba, that can happen here.
And it is happening here.
But look at these headlines.
Bradford police investigate billboards showing Justin Trudeau in a Nazi uniform.
Oh, you can't do that.
New normal, Chinese citizens have to scan a tracking app to re-enter their own homes.
Amazon selling anatomically correct children's dolls under the term full-size sex doll.
This is the bottom falling out, ladies and gentlemen.
Unity, Don Lemon, says if you vote for Trump, you're the Klan, the Nazis, and the rioters.
You know what we do with Nazis, unless you're George Soros.
So, there it is.
Investigators pursuing signs a U.S.
Capitol riot was planned.
They go on to say, working with the Capitol Police.
Oh, the deputy was told to stand down.
He committed suicide.
We won't know who ordered that now.
So, Ezra Levant joins us, but he showed me a clip a month ago when he was on that I'd forgotten about for a few years ago, with the Canadian Prime Minister and a group of women saying, I admire, and I can't question, communism.
And not just any communism, Chinese communism that has the world record of killing people, over 100 million folks in their own numbers.
And I thought we'd show Trudeau a few months ago with his great reset comment just to kind of remind people of this stuff.
Here it is.
There's a level of admiration I actually have for China.
Because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime.
Building back better means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs.
Canada is here to listen and to help.
This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset.
This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts, to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change.
And you do that by shutting down the real economy and letting the big banks and big tech double their money, and then doubling and tripling world poverty And you do that by calling it the Great Reset.
This is pure fascism, pure corporate takeover.
Ezra LeVant, you're in Canada.
You're a patriot.
If what happens here affects you, what do you make of... I'll give you the full rest of the segment, seven minutes.
What happened at the Capitol?
What's your view?
What's coming next?
Ezra LeVant of Rebel Media.
Well look, we all know the phrase fake news, and you can battle fake news on a daily basis.
But what happens when the news cements, when that cement hardens, and it becomes history?
You can't even un-argue or dislodge it.
And no matter what is found out in the days and weeks ahead about the individual identities of the people who smashed the window, the people who went to the Capitol building before Trump's speech finished, that's all interesting, but the cement has hardened, the concrete has hardened.
And whether or not there are facts that come out later, the media narrative, the political narrative is set.
And so we're operating, I mean, some of the Democrats have tried to analogize what happened on Capitol Hill in 9-11.
Of course there's no analogy, but they will use it as the pretext to take away our civil liberties.
The censoring of a sitting president by Silicon Valley titans Is shocking, but let me give you some news from outside America, because America is normally the key battlefield, the front line on free speech.
You've got your First Amendment.
You've got people who love that spirit of 76.
But interestingly, Alex, and this is a surprise to me, that some of the people fighting back are foreigners.
Let me give you an example.
Angela Merkel, who's rather left-wing and globalist, she has said she is not comfortable With Silicon Valley being able to censor her.
Uganda, when Twitter and Facebook started censoring accounts in their political elections.
They just shut it down.
And think about it, you have other leaders around the world who have been victims of censorship.
Yair Bolsonaro of Brazil.
Facebook, which owns WhatsApp, shut down a lot of his campaigning in his last election.
In India, Narendra Modi, who was a key ally of Donald Trump, he is in an actual war, a low-intensity conflict with the Chinese army high in the Himalayas.
So they have banned TikTok and dozens of other Chinese apps.
How hard would it be for India to ban Facebook Twitter, YouTube, Google.
I mean, it would be hard, but they were doing it.
They've done it.
By the way, Ezra, let me interrupt you.
That's why I got you on, because you're so smart.
I was brainstorming yesterday, and I said to my crew, I said, we've got to get governments to realize that big tech's taking over, and it's a threat to their power, as a separation of powers.
And I used India.
I used Merkel.
I used even Macron as an example.
I used the Mexican president, as you just said.
That's what we should be hammering as they finally get it.
The new government is these robber barons and they have no checks and balances.
So as much as I want government controlled, well, the Libertarians are wrong.
Big Tech is now the ultimate government that knows everything we do and is above the law.
Well, and the thing is, when your government censors you, of course there are some deep state, undercover-style exercises of power.
But, for example, a dozen years ago, Alex, I was prosecuted in Canada for violating the Human Rights Act when I published the Danish cartoons of Mohammed.
That was an act of government censorship.
I hated it, but at least there was a process.
There was, you know, a complaint, I had a chance to respond, there were some
rules, there was some transparency, there was an appeal if I lost.
So, at least when you're fighting government censorship you can see
who's coming for you.
But when you're suddenly turned off and unpersoned by Facebook, YouTube, Google, Amazon, any of these, you don't even know who did it.
You don't know what the appeal is.
There is no appeal.
They could have any rhyme or reason.
So although I hate censorship of all species, I think the deadliest censorship is that which is outsourced, contracted out from governments to the tech oligarchs.
And the funny thing is, powerful people around the world, Merkel, Modi, AMLO in Mexico, good example, Bolsonaro, these are serious powerful people who say, you know what?
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris might love this because they're personal friends with Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg, but Bolsonaro and those other, they're not personal friends with them, and they see the threat, and they don't see any of the payoff like Biden and Harris have, so why wouldn't they kick him out?
And ironically, that unexpected consequence of foreign countries saying, yeah, we're not part of your little club in Silicon Valley.
We showed we could ban Chinese TikTok.
So if we can do that, why can't we ban Twitter?
I mean, China bans Twitter.
China bans Facebook.
Russia has its own Facebook.
Well, that's what I was going to bring.
That when Putin, like, secretly bans people, which we know he does, that's going on, it's the end of the world.
But then when Facebook, Twitter, and Google do it, like, ten times worse, like, oh, this is a good thing.
It's ridiculous.
Yeah, and not just that.
What we're seeing in the name of the pandemic are police actions that a year ago, if they were happening in Russia, Venezuela, Iran, China, North Korea, we would be rightfully apoplectic.
But the stress and the crisis and the perpetual emergency of the pandemic has emboldened bully police.
Not all police.
I love many law-abiding police.
Sure, the system's trying to promote bad policing.
Authoritarianism is being pushed as good.
You're combining police state actions with police state-type censorship.
We have seen the diminution of freedom more in the last 12 months than we have at any time since the Second World War.
All right, Ezra, stay there.
You're on fire.
You're always, always on fire, but you're really on fire today, like Godzilla attacking Tokyo.
We're going to come back and get into what you think is coming next.
Are there false flags this weekend coming, the 20th?
What could Trump do with six days left?
I'm Alex Jones.
We're talking to Ezra Levant of The Rebel Media.
Stay with us.
RebelNews.com is the website.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Ezra Levant is riding shotgun with us.
So he's got a lot of points to make.
Hundreds of them.
Smart guy.
But I wanted to ask him, I know you don't like to speculate, but watching what happened eight days ago, watching the response, them saying, oh, Trump caused it, but now they know what caused it before Trump even spoke.
Oh, now it's a secret group with the Capitol Police.
Oh, there's a big terror conspiracy.
Well, I was there when it started 30 minutes in.
It looked like military, like professional military, not just rank-and-file regular military, but, you know, the choice or cuts.
We're actually going in and stirring it up and doing things.
And it looked like a giant false flag to me.
And then now they tell us, oh, the Patriots are going to blow everything up this weekend.
And we've got to have martial law.
What is your view on what's really going on here?
Look, the left specializes in agents provocateurs.
They just do.
That's a tactic of the left.
It's a tactic of Antifa.
You can tell who the professional rioters are because they engage in the black block tactic.
Black block refers to a style, a tactic of Dressing in black so you have no distinguishing clothing.
Having your face covered so you can't be ID'd.
We saw some of that in the early Black Lives Matter rides.
People dressed in black smashing windows to get the party started.
And I think that the left specializes in these street gang styles.
And by the way, there's memes of this.
I should have brought it up.
I don't think I can find it, but it shows like the people breaking in are all wearing black and down below everybody's wearing all these bright colors.
Right, and I mean, I don't know what would have caused people to think they could enter into the Capitol building, face uncovered, smile for photos, and not be detected in a moment with facial recognition technology.
The number of security cameras there.
I think there is a mob mentality that takes over.
The madness of crowds.
People morally and emotionally become invisible.
They blend in.
Sure, mob psychology, but clearly Antifa and other groups help breach it, help start it.
You know, I haven't been following that closely, but like I say, the history has been cemented a million times over.
That's the whole purpose of the rushed impeachment, to cement the facts as they were alleged by the left.
And what you're talking about, Alex, is people coming up and saying, well, what about this and what about that?
And I see, for example, James O'Keefe of Project Veritas caught on tape someone engaging in massive fraud of the election.
And they were arrested, and they're being prosecuted.
So that's factual proof, but it's after the horse.
In Texas, getting hundreds to vote illegally, no coverage of it.
Total proof of election fraud.
That's the thing is, it's after the cement had hardened.
You know, cement is soft for a while, but every minute that passes it gets hardened.
And then if you're going to try and jackhammer it in months, I mean, that's the trouble is whatever proof there was, I mean, our friend Joel Pollack at Breitbart.com says the main way the election was rigged was not through illegal action, but through Legal action by changing the rules in the courts in the final months of the campaign using the pandemic as the excuse to allow very rickety mail voting so he wrote a book called neither fair nor free and his point is
It was taken through the courts, not through shenanigans.
I mean, that's one point of view, but I find it fairly persuasive.
Here's my point.
Oh, I totally agree with you that we've got all the other fraud going on, but the legislature is not passing laws to accept these fake ballots and have it be these consent letters.
I don't know the details of what's going on day by day in the Capitol building.
And you know what?
As a Canadian, I want to defer to you and my other American friends.
I don't want to weigh in and say I've got this.
You've already given us your take.
You say you're a Canadian, so you can't comment, but it's been a really smart take.
Then what do you think Trump should do with six days left?
What do you expect Biden to do once he gets in?
What's the other big stuff on your agenda?
Well, I think that you have four years of pent-up rage on the part of the Democrats, and they're going to behave very poorly.
There's no grown-up stepping on the brake pedal.
Every one of them wants vengeance.
And I think that's dangerous for the country.
I don't think that Biden is the real decision-maker.
I think that's fairly obvious.
We see that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is talking about censoring forms of the media.
You know, the irony is they called Donald Trump the Nazi.
They called him a fascist dictator.
He never did worse than calling the media names, fake news.
That's all he did.
And now you have the, I mean, Attorney General Barr some months ago, and I know not everybody
likes him, but he said that the pandemic lockdowns were the greatest infringement on civil liberties
in the United States since slavery.
And I think he's dead right.
And so you have that layer of pandemic lockdowns, and now you've got political, essentially
political lockdowns, censorship lockdowns being run out of Silicon Valley, cheered on
by the Democrats who now have both houses of Congress and the presidency.
I really think they're going to go for it all.
They're not like Republicans who take a victory lap and then go back to real life.
This is the new starting point.
The new baseline for Democrats is everything.
Packing the courts?
Of course.
I totally agree.
They are going to go for broke.
What is going for broke look like?
Let's come back in a few minutes after the break and talk about how we counter that.
But what is going for broke according to Ezra Revant look like?
I'll give you a minute right now.
It's what they did to you.
You were the test case.
What they did to you, you know, deplatformed you in every way.
The irony is, because you went first, you learned how to battle-harden yourself.
You learned how to stress test yourself, and you survived.
I look at, for example, Parlor, which a lot of people were looking at as the refuge, the lifeboat, when the Titanic sinks, get into the lifeboat of Parlor, but they thought that the big names involved with them Would be enough to save them, Dan Bongino, other big good guys.
But look, if you take out a president, you could take out a Dan Bongino.
You could take out anyone.
So we're going to have to be stress tested like you are.
I think blockchain, and I'm not smart on that stuff, but stuff that no one can centralize.
You're saying innovation is the way to go.
You're absolutely right.
People are like, well, they're just getting Trump right now.
If they can get Trump, they can get anybody.
I think that Donald Trump, if he were to give certain orders in the White House in these final days, I think many of them would simply be ignored.
If he wanted to declassify things, even if he wanted to pardon or commute sentences, I think there's enough of a mutiny, even by Republicans who generally have been supportive of Trump, they're saying, It's so toxic out there.
Cancel culture is so wild.
I can't do anything in support of the Commander-in-Chief, even though that that's illegal to defy his orders, because I'm going to be killed by the mob.
So I think he is de facto done his presidency.
He could try and pardon people.
He could try and release things, and the people around him would just think, yeah, boss, we'll get right to it.
Oh, to your point, when he gives speeches, no major network carries it.
Yeah, and when he tried to post them to the internet himself, they were taken down by 12 apps and counting.
We are in dark days, and I think that my one piece of advice for viewers of your show, and I say this to viewers of my show, Is do not engage in fabulism or fantasy or dreaming.
There is no miracle solution.
There is no revolt.
No, I agree.
So many people are desperate thinking there's a magic cure, Trump's about to turn.
No, we're not being fatalistic.
It's the opposite.
We're admitting how much trouble we're in to not be fatalistic because being too optimistic is fatalistic.
Get to work.
It's going to be trench warfare, and I mean that in the peaceful sense, political sense.
Stay there.
Let's talk about solutions.
Let's talk about trench warfare politically.
We don't want violence here.
And not because we're scared of violence.
That's not the way to go.
The enemy wants that.
But trench warfare means it's every inch of ground, folks.
This is about HUMET.
This is about on the ground.
Ezra Levin of Rebel Media is our guest.
We'll be right back.
Welcome back, Alex Jones here live.
Ezra Levant of The Rebel Media is our guest.
And look, if I sound desperate in my voice, if I sound hectic, if I sound very intense, it is I am.
I mean, we're watching classical tyranny take over with a major league high tech overlay.
And so we can talk about what should Trump do?
What should we do?
What should we expect?
What should we get ready for?
But also, it's weird how they get the average leftist to go along with their own destruction.
Because going along with communism in Venezuela didn't help 99% of people, but they still did it.
Or Cuba.
Or North Korea.
Or anywhere.
So Ezra, I could ask a lot of questions, but seriously, you've got a lot of points.
What is front and center on your radar?
Do we have any messages to the left?
What should Trump do?
What do you expect him to pull?
What do you think Biden's going to do?
I mean, I look at Biden, he can barely talk.
I mean, this is like surreal.
Why would the power structure put him in?
I guess because then that means the bureaucracy will control him?
What's really going on here?
Well, that's the thing.
We don't quite know yet, and I don't know if even the Democratic Party knows who the real decider is.
It's pretty clearly not Joe Biden, but that's perfect for them because it's just like in The Wizard of Oz.
You have the man behind the screen controlling things.
Who is he?
Joe Biden does not spend a lot of time in public.
His speeches are, you know, they're quirky and they're odd, but they're short.
He doesn't take questions and he gets away with it.
How perfect it is for the Democrat Party, whoever it is, if it's elements of the squad,
if it's their biggest bank roller friend, you know, George Soros' son, Alex Soros, who
posts, I mean, I follow him on Instagram.
Alex Soros posts pictures of himself with every Democrat big shot there is.
I don't know who's calling the shots.
I just don't know.
Are there folks from the Obama era?
From the Clinton era?
The one thing we do know is it ain't Joe Biden.
I mean, Donald Trump worked from dawn till dusk.
He had his fingers in many files.
And I'm not saying he ran everything, but he was the boss.
He fired cabinet secretaries like he was still on The Apprentice.
You know, he was the top dog.
I don't think Joe Biden even knows what day it is.
Well, you said it.
This globalist ruling class wants puppets.
They said they want technocracy, not even have presidents or prime ministers.
So Biden's the perfect just front dummy while they run things behind the scenes.
And they get none of the blame for the policies they're going to foist on him and his drug addict family.
Yeah, I remember when I learned about the European Union when Brexit was really cooking up in the UK, and I almost couldn't believe it.
You're going to laugh at this, Alex.
There were five different people who had the title of President within the European Union.
You had the President of the Parliament, the President of the Commission, and so they were all interchangeable.
None of them were elected by the people.
It was just some bland, boring figurehead.
It was like a blob.
Well they said that.
The globalists, the Jesuits have said that.
That's why they want new popes every year.
They don't want you to ever target or blame anybody.
It's just this blob that you can't deal with.
The thing is, we have all been softened up.
We have allowed ourselves to be conditioned to accept infringements on our freedoms that
we wouldn't have before.
In that way, it's like 9/11.
After 9/11, we all agreed to security theater at the airports.
I don't think the TSA has ever caught a terrorist, but we have all been conditioned to take our
shoes off, let strangers grope us, and suffer the indignities and the harassment and the
violence of our privacy.
And now it's medical terrorism.
Well, it's the public health theater.
I sent your office earlier today a clip from our amazing reporter in Melbourne, Australia.
I think you know him.
I just want to warn your viewers, you will find this hard to watch because there is a cruelty here that is rare.
I don't think it, I mean, it's just very hard, especially of kids, to watch this.
And Alex, if I could set up the clip, I would do it this way.
Yeah, tell folks who the reporter is.
Set the whole clip up.
Take a minute.
So this is footage from Sydney, Australia.
Our reporter is our Australian guy, Avi Amini, great guy.
He didn't take this footage.
The footage was taken on the scene of a woman being arrested in Sydney under the pandemic rules.
This happened a few months ago.
But here's what I would like you to keep in mind.
Were it not for the perpetual emergency of the pandemic, Would society accept this for a second?
Would civil society, would newspapers, would leftists, would civil libertarians, or would we all say, oh my God, this is police brutality?
And think of how numb we have become, how conditioned to obedience we have become, that what you're about to see is actually defended!
By the police bosses.
And again, the left, oh my gosh, if the cops do something to stop drugs or a murder, they're bad.
But this isn't training wheels for tyranny.
This is the slope right into it.
Here's a clip.
You need to take your hand off me.
You need to remove your hand from me.
No, I'm not under arrest for anything.
I am not under arrest for anything.
No, I'm not under arrest for anything.
Have you got someone here to take your son?
No, I don't.
This is probably the most confronting footage of COVID enforcement I've personally seen since the start of this madness, at least here in Australia.
Police detained a mother, literally ripping her screaming young child from her arm.
Oh, my God!
You're brutal!
Oh, my God!
You animal!
This is literal Nazi Germany stuff, folks.
What is she under arrest for?
And then y'all are under arrest for that, too, just for covering something like this.
Well, they're the do-gooders.
By the way, the British government just announced the masks never come off.
You quote, can't defeat COVID.
but it's all made up.
Stop it!
You guys are mad!
I've been beating this woman up and it's fine.
Oh my god!
Oh my god!
This is not necessary.
What are you saying?
You're being rude to yourself!
Oh my god!
Jesus Christ.
The cronyosque.
*screams* A crime, you ask?
Well, wearing an anti-lockdown slogan while legally exercising.
Look at the little son crying.
I couldn't watch this.
I'm not looking for a war over there.
And after all that, after traumatising that poor kid and his mother, police fine Renee $1,000 for failing to comply with COVID-19 directions.
She's not paying that fine, and she shouldn't.
And neither are we.
With your help, we're going to crowdfund her legal defence, which yes, costs far more than the fine itself, but...
That's what we have to do.
Alright, let's go back to our guest.
And that's what's beautiful about what you do, Ezra.
I saw there were arrests in Canada, and that's why I wanted you on last week.
It took a while to get you on, and now we have other issues, but we should talk about that.
They're arresting people that protest the curfews and the lockdowns, and so you've been defending them in court, as you've done in hundreds of cases.
You know, we actually do as much law now as we do journalism.
We just hired a full-time paralegal just to help with all the paperwork.
We're literally taking hundreds of cases in Australia and the United Kingdom.
And in Canada.
I know you have great lawyers in America doing similar things.
Harmeet Dhillon out there in California, for example.
She takes a lot of free speech and freedom of religion cases.
But it's shocking to me, Alex, that the traditional left-wing civil liberties groups are not on the front lines.
Where's the ACLU in the United States?
I've not heard the ACLU in like five years since Soros bought them.
Finally they said it's a little scary what happened to Trump.
Yeah, well, and that, but where are they on all these lockdown measures?
And that's my point about this shocking footage, and it gets worse.
I mean, I'm glad you stopped that video where you did.
I literally, my heart, my heart rate goes up when I watch that video hearing the child scream.
And just FYI, that was not at a protest or a gathering.
It was just a mom going for a walk and she had a placard saying that she was against the rules, against the lockdown rules.
What were there, 10 police there?
Throw her in the back of a van?
Physically violent to her?
If that doesn't threaten everybody at a cellular level, there's something wrong with you.
Well, and the thing is, how did that happen?
How did that... I mean, that is Venezuela stuff, China stuff, Russia stuff, North Korea stuff, Iran stuff, and yet it's happening in one of the most wonderful democratic cities in the world, Sydney, Australia.
Beautiful city.
Look at that.
How did that happen?
How did we accept this?
Because we have been shocked and conditioned like Pavlov's dogs.
We're told we have to be afraid.
And told we're heroes.
We're saving lives.
Where's that, where, you know, it's insane, and so you put everyone under stress and confusion, you normalize, that's police state stuff.
So how do we get out of the final segment?
What are the solutions?
He's a smart guy.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Remember, the only way you find us is these URLs.
We're blacklisted everywhere, but when you take the URLs and share them on email, text message, word of mouth, spray it on the side of the wall, legal area, put a bumper sticker up, it's key.
All right, Ezra Levant of Rebel Media is our guest.
Does a great job over at rebelnews.com.
He's got a lot to cover.
We've got one more segment with him.
Then we've got our next guest host taking over, Matt Bracken and so much more.
I'm going to go over to be on the Drinking Bros podcast.
Paul Watson interviewed me today.
It's going to air tomorrow.
A lot going on.
The FBI wants to interview me, but they're not going to get that interview until we talk to the lawyers.
So a lot of stuff is going on.
But Ezra, you're a father.
I'm a father.
Let me ask you this way, like we're sitting across each other, you know, at dinner drinking a beer.
What do you think is going down, Ezra?
What can I do?
What can you do?
What can Trump do?
What do you expect is about to happen?
I agree with you, they're dropping the hammer.
They said they are.
It's a weird, evil existentialism of the left.
They've got to control everything because they can't control their own lives.
They're not happy.
They're not fulfilled.
What would you call this time we're in?
What would you tell the listeners?
Because we're not trying to be negative.
It's very positive to be honest with people about how much trouble we're in.
It's like having modern weather radar where you know a hurricane's coming or a tornado's coming.
It's not a negative thing that we have that knowledge.
That's a plus.
I'm sorry to tell folks the hurricane's here, but that's what's here.
Well, listen, I don't have all the answers, that's for sure.
I know one thing that I would caution people about, and whenever I speak critically of long-shot Hail Mary past theories and hopes, people say, oh, where's your optimism?
You are a defeatist.
I say, no, I just...
I want to be realistic, and I don't want to read the script handed to me by my enemies.
My enemies want me to become bitter, extreme, violent.
They want me to be a caricature of who I really am.
So it's important not to do what the mainstream media says you are.
They say you're a Nazi.
Well, no, I'm not.
I'm actually Jewish.
They say you're violent.
No, I'm not.
They say you're a terrorist.
No, I don't believe in terrorism.
I believe in words.
That's the opposite.
Don't be the caricature that the media party...
I totally agree.
Don't play into the LARPing world they build.
Yeah, and by the way, it's not going to work.
I mean, uh, and it just cements the fake history that they're doing.
The second thing, it's harder because not everyone is built the same.
You are a unique person.
I'm eccentric in my own ways, but both of us have stubbornness in us and some would even say courage.
And what I mean by that is not everyone is built for conflict.
Not everyone can be the only one saying no when everyone else says yes and We need, if you have that courage within you, that this is the time to speak up.
Don't just bite your tongue because that's consenting to the cancel culture.
It's the cancel culture that's the worst right now.
And Ezra, I agree.
I want you to elaborate on that.
But I know so many men stronger than I am that think it's arrogant to be a leader and arrogant to say no.
So they're quiet because they don't want to try to be dominant.
No, we need those men now.
We need those women now.
People that aren't authoritarian, but they're scared of their own power.
No, we need you now.
We need their power.
We do.
Which brings me to, I mean, listen, I don't want to believe in, you know, the saying, pray like it all depended on God, work like it all depends on you.
And maybe if you work hard enough, you'll have some good luck.
I see that Elon Musk has recently given warnings about tech censorship, warnings about woke-ism, and he's been not bad on that stuff.
I also know Peter Thiel, another Silicon Valley titan.
In fact, the first outside investor in Facebook.
He has been very critical of the woke culture, too.
In fact, so much so, he left Silicon Valley and moved to L.A.
He got out of that city.
So there are some people who have resources, and both of those guys are so smart.
I'm not saying wait for a miracle from them, but I'm saying maybe we do have some quiet allies out there.
And maybe there is a technical solution, an investment solution.
Our side is outgunned, that's true.
But there are some people on our side.
Elon Musk is still beloved by the mass media.
He's such a character.
And maybe he can be a voice.
I hope so.
I know that's just called hoping.
I think hardening your systems, and you just, I just heard your commercial about how you do that with, I mean, you went through this hardening a year or two ago, so that's why you're still on the net, whereas Parler isn't.
Each of us has to think, is there something I can do to make myself tougher so I can't be so easily silenced, censored, cancelled, deplatformed?
These aren't great answers, I know that.
But I think the first answer is to make a decision.
Do you think the freedom and the life we had in the before times, before a year ago, is worth preserving for our kids?
Or do you think we should all be at school watching a Zoom class from home, and our entertainment is on the internet, and our communication is on the internet, and everything?
Or do we want to get back to real life as humans were meant to be in the before times?
I think if you're with me, you want to be in the before times, we have to make that moral decision that we have to fight to get back there.
Open the churches, open the restaurants, open the schools, open the movie theaters.
And I say that from a province in Canada that has an extreme lockdown.
In fact, they just sent an emergency broadcast to every phone in the province.
Fourteen and a half million people.
It's the law.
So fight back, preserve your freedoms, but fight peacefully.
Don't be the caricature the left says you are.
Don't be violent.
You'll always lose.
You'll certainly lose support.
And do your research.
Don't give the globalist corporations the great list of going to punish Trumpers or patriots.
We use those lists of who we don't shop with and just quietly give them none of your money.
Listen, it's a tough time, and I don't have all the answers, and we don't even know all the problems yet, and we don't know what the Biden-Harris administration is going to do.
Are they really going to go nuts?
And by the way, will there be a reaction in 2022?
Will people say, oh my God, we didn't actually want that?
And will they pull back from the blink or from the brink?
I don't know.
So much rides on America.
You're right.
Or do we go over the Venezuelan cliff?
I'm scared because America doesn't just protect itself.
It's role model.
It's what it does cast a shadow for good or for ill around the world.
I'm a little bit scared of what Trudeau's going to try and do now that he's going to be in sync with a hard left-wing... Oh, I totally agree.
He won't be challenged now and he's saying China is a wonderful dictatorship.
I mean, it's so... that alone he should be removed from office.
It's so insane.
You know, New Zealand also very much pro-China these days.
Australia is a real battle.
They're trying to stand up to China.
Taiwan, obviously, is in physical danger.
There's so many places around the world.
I'm worried that this blossoming peace between the Jews and the Arabs in the Middle East, which is quite impressive.
I tell you, if Obama had done it, he'd have seven Nobel Peace Prizes now.
I'm worried that Iran will feel emboldened to launch strikes in the region.
I'm worried that North Korea, you can already see he's talking.
Oh, you know the word is if Biden gets in, war is going to break out.
And it looks like he's going to get in.
All right, Ezra Levant, very powerful interview.
We really appreciate the work you're doing.
Everybody can find your host, your research, everything at rebelnews.com.
We got 60 seconds left.
What else do you want to impart in your first interview with us in 2021?
Well, don't be demoralized.
Where there's life, there's hope.
And if things were really as bad as the other guys said, they wouldn't be trying to censor you so hard.
So it is tough times, perhaps the toughest since our grandparents fought in World War II.
But if they could get through those dark hours, surely we can get through this.
I agree.
If we recognize the enemy, they want to make us the enemy.
No, we need to recognize globalism, communism, socialism, corporate fascism as the enemy.
Ezra, thank you so much for the time.
Thanks my friend.
Powerful interview.
That guy's a great speaker and really smart.
And again, a good voice of reason, which we need peace this weekend, we need peace next
We do not need any violence.
We do not support any of that.
I don't feel sorry for myself.
I actually feel really good that we tried to do the good thing, have a peaceful demonstration,
they hijacked it.
That's not my fault.
They did that.
And, and, and, and, you know, I feel good the FBI wants to set us up and say that we attacked
That means I'm a good person.
That means, like, the enemies of America are really pissed at me, and so I'm in the same stratosphere now with my ancestors.
I'm like, I'm there.
The mission is being completed, because I'm not afraid.
I feel so good right now.
I have never been this happy, because it means we're really affecting change.
We're very close to where we're supposed to get right now, and that is just a magic point.
My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak.
I need money to fight wars.
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And the discounts go down from there with three months, six months, you name it.
And you go to prepare with Alex dot com.
Make sure you write to a special subsection where there's even bigger discounts.
I've got to do that contractually to have a special promotions deal.
Let's just give you the lowest price because you have a bunch of other distributors to get pissed off.
But prepare with Alex dot com.
And then we've got the X2.
We've got the Vitamineral Fusion coming back in next week.
We've got Winter Sun.
We've got This is great.
Living Defense, the next little probiotic.
All back in stock.
25-50% off at InfoWarStore.com.
And it's your purchase that funds it all.
So get your Pollen Block, get your Super Melon Vitality, get your X2, get your X3.
Get your storable foods, your air filtration, your water filtration.
But whatever you do, don't wait.
Because even if they shut down our banking and take our credit cards, which they're trying to do right now, that's fine.
We'll still fight on for a while because we believe in God.
We're never going to give up.
But this is the crucible, the real battle for the Republic.
You live to see it.
All right.
Matt Bracken, former Navy SEAL, bestselling author, great researcher.
I got to predict that these false flags is coming up in hour number four ahead of the War Room with Owen Schroeder.
We'll be right back.
Well, here we are.
Here we are and what a time to be alive as history is unfolding at high speed.
You know, I got to say something about Ezra Levant.
He's one of my heroes.
He is standing alone in Canada.
I mean, this is the country where Trudeau said he admires the Chinese dictatorship because they can just make stuff happen real fast.
You know, it may be like gulags at some point.
And it takes a lot of courage to do what he's doing.
And it takes a lot of courage to do what Alex Jones does because they've got the knives out for him.
I mean, after the 20th, all bets are off.
An hour ago, Santilli was saying that it might be a big flip on this, this script that, you know, Trump's going to pull out the magic rabbit at the last minute and save everybody.
It might actually be a massive purge of conservatives.
And it wouldn't take much.
You know, it really wouldn't take much.
I have a lot of friends in the Q movement.
Been trying to educate them.
I think that Q started as a, there used to be somebody called the DC Insider.
He posed as like, you know, having knowledge from deep inside the Obama White House.
And it rings very much similarly to the Q phenomenon of the past few years.
I don't know what it is about people that they want to ascribe some secret knowledge to get a following.
I like fiction.
I'm a novelist, but I think fiction should be labeled fiction.
I never liked these guys that wrote a book saying, I really did come back from the future.
Or Carlos Castaneda in the 70s, Tales of Don Juan, or the fake autobiography of Howard Hughes, or the fake Hitler diaries.
If it's fiction, call it fiction, all right?
But what happens with something like Q is that even though it might start out on somebody's private website as an insider hoax to get clicks, and maybe for what the person perceives as patriotic reasons, if it gets a followership, it's going to be taken over by intel agencies.
That's just the way it is.
This happened pretty frequently during the Cold War, and actually it goes back in history to all kinds of guerrilla movements.
When somebody makes a little pamphlet and is secretly handing it out, and the secret police catch the guy, they don't hang him and draw him and quarter him.
They just keep it going.
And then they can use it to feed disinformation to the people who think that it's a secret patriot newsletter.
So it's pretty clear to me that Q was turned into something that would be used as a weapon against Trump.
You know, a lot of well-meaning people went into the Capitol, Ashley Babbitt, number one among them.
And I don't think that it's any coincidence that Ashley Babbitt found herself at ground zero, at the double doors, near the glass doors.
She just wasn't wandering around and happened to find herself there.
Outside of law enforcement, At least half of the people on that landing up the stairs by the glass doors, at least half of them are Antifa.
This was a pure Antifa operation.
I think that these guys, I mean, I'm talking about at the glass doors where Ashley was shot.
I think that these guys spotted her on the outside as extremely motivated, super patriotic, and thought, here she is, she's the kind of a naive dupe that we can use as a weapon.
You'll notice in the next segment, we're going to break down that entire incident at that landing above the stairwell.
And we're going to go and look at some of the characters in that incident.
You'll notice the guy with the black helmet that broke the window.
He was right there.
Why didn't he jump through the window?
No, he stood back and encouraged Ashley to go through.
And then he, then he hauled, he hauled butt.
We're going to break that all down in the next segment.
You know, it was a week and a day now, one week ago plus a day, I was by the Washington Monument watching.
I could see both to the north towards the White House and I could see to the east toward the Capitol.
For those of you who haven't been there, the Capitol and the Washington Monument are on two little hills.
And in between is the Flat Mall.
It's about a mile and a half, mile and three quarters between the monument and the Capitol.
When we got there, freezing cold, windy, we decided to stay on the slope near the Washington Monument where we could see everything.
Instead of going towards the White House, because the ellipse was sort of like a mosh pit.
And the word was that if you wanted to go into the ellipse, you had to Had to leave your flags, flagpoles, backpacks, etc.
behind to go through security.
And we weren't about that.
So we stayed on the slope and with binoculars, we could make out the stage past those big trees.
But we could clearly see the Jumbotron screen.
And to the east, we had a very good view of the Capitol.
The whole day.
And there was no doubt from the very beginning that the Capitol attack was set up long in advance.
Trump was still speaking and the Capitol was already being swarmed with people.
So this in no way just happened overnight or on the spur of the moment.
It wasn't Trump firing up his crowd and then they rushed the Capitol.
It happened long before he stopped speaking and then it's still a half hour walk from in front of the White House to the Capitol.
These guys were already there.
Now, there's a couple of videos They're on YouTube and they're also on another alternative to YouTube called YouMaker.
And it's good to see more and more channels getting out there like Band.Video.
I hate to even link to YouTube.
It's easy, I know, but, you know, it's owned by the enemy.
It's owned by Google.
But these two videos are from a couple days ago on the Crossroads channel with Somebody I consider like a young rising conservative star, a man named Joshua Phillip with two L's and two P's and no S. So it's easy to find him.
And one is called Agent Provocateur Tactics seen at January 6th Capitol Riot.
And that's an interview with Michael Yan.
Michael Yan was a special forces soldier and for the past You know, like 20 years, he has covered literally dozens of wars in dozens of countries.
He's been to hundreds and hundreds of riots.
And he breaks down in an interview with Joshua Phillips, all of the agent provocateur, what you would call tradecraft tricks that he saw.
These, you know, these were people who came ready for an attack.
And not only did they come ready for an attack with tools, They came ready for an attack with tradecraft tricks like changes of clothes, people who are going to not recognize each other in the crowd as if they're independent, but they're ready to pass each other tools and weapons, which we'll get to in a minute.
In this video, if you want a real PhD education in riot manipulation and agent provocateur skills, just watch this video.
Now, that video is up on January 10th.
The other one on the same channel, Crossroads, from January 11th, is called An Analysis of Ashley Babbitt Video Suggests Coordinated Actions.
And she takes two videos that are going, you know, for like 40 minutes through the Capitol.
One by our own InfoWars reporter, and the other by the guy who's now identified as John Earl Sullivan.
And when you timestamp these, you're getting two vantage points on everything.
So when you stop and you see something suspicious, you can then check it on the other video for confirmation.
Now, at the actual double doors, Almost everybody there is cooperating.
It's like watching a gang of pickpockets.
If you know how pickpockets operate, the actual guy that pulls out the wallet doesn't leave it on him.
He's got a confederate to pass it right off to.
There's also somebody to distract the mark, you know, bump into him.
So usually a pickpocket team is at least three or four people.
And that's what you see on the landing where Ashley Babbitt is killed.
You'll see a guy who's wearing a big furry hat, kind of like a Russian peasant hat, and he is whispering to a guy who's wearing a red MAGA ball cap, but he's got a Gadsden flag like a cape, but in front.
Now what's the purpose of having that cape in front?
It's so that he can hide his activities.
He can have anything under that Gadsden flag against his chest, And then he can pass it to the guy with the furry hat.
So, the guy with the furry hat doesn't have the helmet.
The guy with the Gadsden flag hands him the helmet that he uses to smash out the window.
And you can see in the background, Ashley Babbitt is there too.
She's very worked up.
She no doubt believes these are all MAGA patriots she's with.
Because she's a true QAnon believer.
You know, she thinks she's on a special mission to save America.
God bless her, rest in peace.
But she was used like a tool.
She was used.
So the guy who smashes the window with the helmet, which he got from the guy with the yellow Gadsden flag suspiciously in the front, and they're wearing COVID masks, which almost none of the Trump people were wearing COVID masks.
So it's very handy if you're in Antifa.
You put on a red hat, Gadsden flag in front, a mask on your face, and you're very hard to identify.
Now the guy with the helmet, after the incident, he goes down the stairwell and he changes his outer garments.
This is classic tradecraft training that is spoken about by Michael Yan in the first video I mentioned, that you'll bring a backpack and separate outerwear so that you can exfiltrate from a crime scene and not be identified, you know, from one area to another area.
These are all indications of coordinated action.
And I have no doubt that Ashley Babbitt was brought along like a sacrificial lamb about to be thrown to wolves by these bad actors.
Now, the guy who took one of the key videos there is this John Earl Sullivan.
Sullivan is from Provo, Utah, where he runs something called Insurgents USA.
Which is an Antifa offshoot.
Now this is classic that you have, you know, a whole mushroom field of little organizations.
That's all BS.
They're all just Antifa.
But rather, you know, if you're going to do actual criminal activity, you don't want to put an Antifa letterhead on it.
So you make little bogus subgroups so that if you're arrested, they're not going after Antifa, just Insurgents USA.
John Earl Sullivan, he was in Provo, Utah.
Everybody remembers the scene where they did a like a flash mob street blockage and an older guy in a white SUV ran through it and they shot at the SUV.
John Earl Sullivan was there.
He wasn't the shooter.
Again, he's not the guy who holds the gun.
He's not the guy who breaks the window.
He's certainly not the guy who jumps through the window and gets shot.
He's an organizer, and his cover is, I'm a journalist.
That's his cover.
But he was arrested after the Provo incident for arranging that entire riot.
He was arrested for that.
$7,000 bail, and he's bailed out.
All right?
Then, later in August, he's in Washington, D.C., at BLM Square, giving a speech there at one of the many George Floyd post-riot pre-election deals that they had going on.
And then he's at the Capitol last week.
Apparently, he doesn't have a job.
Yet he gets his bail thrown and he's getting flown around the country.
So he's not a nobody.
We're going to pick this up on the other side of the break.
I mentioned that I was actually, I was on the hill by the Washington Monument last week.
And at the time, it didn't occur to me until a few moments after he was gone into the crowd, but I saw one of these Antifa guys, I would swear to it.
And I would pick him out of a lineup.
I was up on the hill holding up a big flagpole and, you know, with Gadsden and a Trump flag on it.
And a guy went by that was exactly in, and it sounds like unbelievably close to the mark.
He was wearing the exact uniform that had supposedly been put out on the Antifa websites the week before for infiltrators.
He was fairly short, maybe 5'8".
Stocky, you know, well-built guy, maybe late 20s, early 30s.
And he was wearing the red MAGA hat backwards.
He was wearing camo, like fatigue pants cut off about at the knee, like raggedy, not hemmed or anything.
That's all cool right then.
But he was wearing black sneakers and black socks, like, over the calf, like grandpa socks.
Now, the last time I've seen that was in California.
It was sort of a gang thing.
Guys would wear, like, basketball shorts with the socks all the way up, practically matching the shorts.
Not something I've seen a conservative wear ever, honestly.
Maybe it was just because it was cold.
But the guy was also, another identifier was he had a Trump flag, like a five foot red Trump flag tied to the back corner of his backpack so that a corner of it was dragging on the ground.
Like, he just didn't notice.
I don't think, in retrospect, I don't think any Trump supporter is walking around dragging the Trump flag on the ground.
And as he passed me, I said, man, you're hardcore wearing shorts.
Turned quickly, suspiciously, and I noticed the little pink tape marks on his backpack.
Like if you took a piece of pink tape or ribbon and tied it in a few places on you, and that is absolutely an identifier for that day.
It's similar to the Secret Service wearing a lapel button or a lapel pin that only they know about that they can change that morning so that nobody can just like, you know, Throw one of these in their ear, put on a suit and act like Secret Service because they won't have the right identifier.
Well, the identifier on that day was the pink tape.
And I saw it a few places around D.C.
And in fact, when I got off the Metro, I took the Metro, the yellow line from L'Enfant Plaza.
When we got off the Metro in Alexandria, Actually, when we were getting on the Metro, you have to wait for people to get off.
A guy that got off, which he would have just come from the Capitol area if he had just gotten on and gotten off there, he slammed into me.
I was wearing a Trump hat.
He slammed into me and my SEAL buddy.
We both slammed him right back.
And this dude who was wearing like a black overcoat and a backpack, like a black like
a trench coat and a black cap, he had pink tape on his backpack.
So he saw waiting at the plaza, these, you know, Trump people, and he decided to give
us the elbow getting off.
You know, here's this old guy with gray hair.
So he almost got slammed into the tracks.
And then he passed my friend who wasn't wearing a Trump hat, who gave him a body check also.
So that was two cases where we saw ourselves, and we weren't even like at the Capitol, where
we saw the pink identifiers.
This is tradecraft, okay, folks?
This is just so you can look for it in the future, all right?
Now, these two videos, which I cannot recommend highly enough, the Michael Yan interview with Joshua Phillips and the analysis of Ashley Babbitt video, please share them.
It's not enough to tell your normie neighbor or family member, hey, I saw a video.
It's in and out.
You've got to copy and paste the URLs.
You have to share them.
It's not enough anymore.
If you're still on Facebook, I quit on December 31.
If you hit the share button on Facebook and you're a conservative, that's just the memory hole.
All right?
That's just the throttle shadow ban button.
That's the sucker button.
It doesn't do anything.
If you want to share anything, you have to copy URLs and paste them somewhere where for sure your friends and contacts will see it.
I personally recommend that everybody make a hard copy like your own blog roll.
Don't wait for the good stories to come to you by being shared because if you're on social media, they won't be.
Now there is one outpost of social media left and that's Gab.
And this is what Levant and Santilli were talking about.
We have to build our own up from the ground.
I saw a Barnes video.
Super lawyer John Barnes, who's worked for InfoWars, he considers InfoWars to be the classic epitome of how to do it.
When InfoWars was thrown off of YouTube and they tried to do a parlor on InfoWars, Alex built the entire system from the ground up, including band.video, so that it can't be just taken out by our enemies.
And this is a model going forward.
You know, Gab did a similar thing.
And Gab has its own servers.
I mean, it was so naive for Parler to trust in Amazon, you know, complete enemy territory, to host their servers.
You just can't do that.
And we need to expect over the next, over the coming weeks, we need to expect more and more suppression.
Trump is still the nominal president.
Biden's not even in the White House and they're already shutting down our communications channels.
It's only going to get worse.
I strongly suggest that either, you know, on a list on your phone, if you can trust your phone's going to still work, or on a, you know, on an actual, on an actual notepad, But write down the blogs that you want to see every day and physically go visit them.
Now, American Thinker today took down comments.
The Federalist blog, a couple months ago, took down comments because this is the way that they attacked Parler.
They said, oh, you're not monitoring your comments enough.
So they just eliminated it.
So anywhere on the internet that you have a blog that still allows comments, Especially look for them.
That's a way to communicate from platform to platform to platform.
Townhall.com still allows comments, and so does FrontPageMag.
Some will allow comments with embedded URLs for hyperlinks.
What I'm talking about is, as patriots, as they try to play whack-a-mole and cut off our communications channels, we need to do whatever we can to not be totally isolated.
So that we can still find the, like, little air holes, like a seal or a seal under the ice has to, like, know where the air holes are, right?
You can't be stuck too far from an air hole or you drown.
Even a seal will drown.
I'm talking about a marine mammal.
But we need to find our own communication air holes.
While it lasts, InfoWars and Bandot video is around the top of the entire list.
But certainly get on Gab, and please excuse Gab for the delays.
They've had something like, you know, a thousand percent sign-up since Parler went dark.
So just to keep Gab on the air is an amazing feat, considering, you know, that they've just got millions of people signing up a day.
You have to give them credit.
And if you can, send them some money because it isn't free.
This is now a matter of patriotism.
It's not a matter of People trying to make money on it.
It's patriotism.
I think that it's amazing watching how Alex has been a step ahead.
Parler supposedly was almost a billion dollar company.
It's hard to imagine.
Huge backing, smart people, patriots like Dan Bongino behind it.
And they just got smashed flat.
They may never come back, they say now.
So when you're watching InfoWars, you're watching one of the last freedom channels out there.
And it's not free building your own infrastructure from the dirt up.
It is not free.
And that's the point of the InfoWars store.
There's no corporate sponsorship here, obviously.
We're the enemy of the globalists.
So we have to bootstrap every inch of this, every single inch.
Or there's no channel.
So if you just want to see it all go dark, just let it go and it won't be here.
And it might not be here no matter what, but at least if it's shut down, it shouldn't be because nobody would fund it.
If it's shut down, it's going to be because, you know, the communists, the globalists, they just can't tolerate it and they find some legal excuse to do it.
You know, the next week is going to be maybe more interesting than the last week.
We've seen the barricades going up around Washington, you know, not before Trump's speech, only after.
And one of the proofs that we can show that is, you know, a proof that last week was a setup is that the Capitol was only ringed with those Lame bicycle rack fences.
And there weren't riot police even staged or ready.
This is, in a way, like a sucker setup, the way that Ashley Babbitt was led to her death by these Antifa scum.
The fact that they only had the bicycle rack fences around the Capitol, that is the proof.
It's like, what's the evidence of fraud in the election, the biggest one?
They kicked out all the observers.
If it's an honest election, you don't kick out all of the Republican observers or keep them at binocular range where they can't see a thing.
The proof that the Capitol Hill was a setup was that there was no security.
You've got at least 100,000 to a half million people that are a mile away and you don't have security.
It's because you want an incident.
Now there's talk about perhaps that on the day before the Capitol incident, there were groups that were led by congressmen on special tours.
And if that turns out to be so, it's going to be highly problematic, especially if there are people like John Earl Sullivan taking a tour, because Ashley Babbitt, where she was led to those doors, she would have never found that in a million years.
Those people got there in the front.
They were like pathfinders.
They weren't just milling along with a herd.
They didn't follow people into the Capitol.
They went in there like a shot.
That's the only way that you get a group of, say, a dozen people, not counting the law enforcement that was there on the outside, You've got a dozen people, at least half of them, I'm considering Antifa and Ashley Babbitt, who they're psyching up to go through the window and get shot.
It's the same thing on the outside, where they had no fencing.
This is, to me, the evidence that it was a setup.
Now they're turning D.C.
into martial law, like Escape from New York-style dystopia.
With National Guard, 12,000 National Guard I've heard, maybe more.
You know, more than we have in Afghanistan and Iraq.
To give it that look like, oh my goodness, those Trump supporters, they could do anything.
They're going to attack.
Look, we're being set up.
Santilli was exactly right.
They're talking about IEDs and they're talking about possibly mass shooters.
Why would they want to do a mass shooter?
Because it's, for one thing, it's easy.
The trigger man usually gets away because he's not where it happens.
Somebody with an IED has to actually place it, and in Washington, every foot is going to be under camera surveillance.
But a shooter can do a lot of damage, and then what's going to happen?
There goes the Second Amendment.
They're psyching up the American people, just like Santilli said.
They're doing the psychological preparation.
For normal Americans, that these evil right-wingers are just too dangerous to let them have guns anymore.
This was the first book that I wrote, Enemies Foreign and Domestic.
It starts with a false flag shooting at a stadium for the purpose of getting rid of the Second Amendment.
Now, why do I talk about false flags?
Why do we talk about false flags so much?
It's because it's the antidote.
It's the medicine to prevent them from doing it.
If it's a total surprise, people will believe it.
If we're already talking about something being set up as a false flag, the narrative won't work as well.
Ezra Levant, who I consider a patriot and a genius, Canadian, but a patriot for freedom, he was talking about how they cement the narrative.
They've got to get their narrative out, and by the time that the counter-narrative comes out, In people's minds, the facts are established.
Biden won fair and square.
Trump supporters left the Trump speech and rioted and attacked the Capitol.
These are big lies.
And if they do a mass shooting or have an IED go off, they're going to try to establish the false narrative right away.
They'll probably have a patsy set up, you know, in fact, or just a fake patsy, but they're going to, they're going to, at all costs, Blame conservatives for whatever happens before, during, or after the inauguration.
Please don't be a sucker.
Don't go to any of these events.
The January 17th deal, which is supposed to happen at all the state capitals, if you can't pick that out as either Antifa and or FBI setting up a disinformation a honey trap, a buffalo jump.
If you can't spot that from a mile away, please learn about these things.
This is a setup.
If you're going to confront tyranny, don't do it anymore at the Capitol,
where the government, the rising tyranny has every advantage imaginable.
Don't be a buffalo and run off a cliff just because somebody waves a flag
or sets a fire near a cliff.
Be smarter than that.
If we're going to confront tyranny, we're going to have to do it on our own terms, on our own ground, and in our own way.
And at least for the next couple of weeks, it's going to be primarily about keeping information channels open.
That's why I spoke about writing down the blogs that allow you to comment.
As they nail shut our ability to communicate, the remaining outposts will be more and more important.
You know, band.video, now resistance.video, or every URL that follows.
It's okay people say, oh, I'm afraid of registering.
I have to give some information or this.
Look, you have to have a way to communicate.
If you're afraid of getting on the radar, it's too late.
You already are.
Just by your credit card purchases and your website browsing history, they've already got you bracketed.
They've already got your coefficient.
Your social credit score is nailed to your face.
When you go in public, if it's downtown and you're on the facial recognition, they've got your social credit score.
So please don't worry about one more risk of signing up to comment.
The more people commenting, the better it is for everybody.
The more people are cowed and intimidated into silence, the closer we come to becoming the Soviet Union.
That's the goal of all of this, is to just beat us down into silence, where we're afraid to indicate what our politics are.
That's when they win.
They win when we are cowed into submission and silence.
That's when it's over.
So you have to continue to resist, but don't be stupid about it.
If somebody is going to wear their empty plate carrier and carry a club to a Capitol, they're idiots, and they're hurting our side.
Okay, this is the...
This is my final segment this hour, and the times being what they are, I never know if I'll be back, because the channel might go dark, or who knows what can happen.
Now, you know if you're a faithful watcher of InfoWars and the videos on replay, and also, you know, Paul Joseph Watson's Summit News and InfoWars website, You're pretty far ahead of the curve.
We've been talking about a concept for months called accelerationism.
And I finally heard it mentioned, you know, not on mainstream media, heaven, heaven forbid, that'll be, you know, weeks or months or never.
But another one of the top political shows, maybe the one of the, maybe the top political show on the internet, is Steve Bannon's War Room Pandemic.
And this morning, they brought up the concept of accelerationism.
And they defined it roughly as, you know, neither from the right nor from the left.
But those people who feel that there is no way back to normal through the process, that we have to trigger a civil war, a hot kinetic civil war.
And those on the right feel that out of this hot kinetic civil war, we'll get some kind of a General Pinochet or Franco And we'll win from the right.
The left feels that by accelerating to a civil war, they're going to create the conditions where they can impose full-out communist tyranny, gulags, purges, everything.
So in a sense, the left extreme radical accelerationists and the right extreme radical accelerationists are allied in this cause.
Then you can also just throw in Evil anarchists that aren't motivated as much by a political outcome as just wanting to see everything burn.
That's just the pure evil anarchists.
And there's some of that in the right and the left accelerationists.
Anybody who wants to see the United States slip into a civil war, which I describe now as The worst elements of Weimar Germany, you know, the economy, the crazy politics, times former Yugoslavia breaking up into a civil war, multiple civil wars, times Rwanda for the racial aspect of any civil war as it would happen in the United States.
Anybody who thinks it will be great to live through Weimar Germany times Yugoslavia times Rwanda, Is insane.
So, we need to do everything that we possibly can to avoid it.
Now, that said, I'm not willing to become a slave under communism.
Before that happens, before an Iron Curtain falls over America, myself and millions of others, we will fight.
But nobody should be gleeful about attempting to trigger a civil war, intentionally triggering it.
I forget if it was an hour ago or with Ezra Levent, they showed the Larry Grathwald tape.
He was undercover with the Weather Underground when they said they were willing to see 25 million Americans put in death camps, just basically disappeared, if that's what it took to impose their beautiful communist utopia.
Have no doubt.
The number is higher now.
They're not joking.
The generation of Bill Ayers, who was one of the people at that Weatherman Convention, he is a peer of Bob Avakian, who runs RevCom.us, which is upstream from Antifa and BLM.
They stay on the legal and theoretical side so that they can have a website
and they can avoid FBI penetration and arrest because they're just theoretical communists.
But they are upstream, believe me, they're upstream from Antifa and BLM
and small offshoots like John Earl Sullivan's Insurgents USA.
They're the theoreticians.
They're now in their late 70s and early 80s.
They're atheist communists.
They believe when they breathe their last on this earth, they're worm food.
That the only eternal reward for them will be to see communism imposed on America.
And if America falls, the world falls.
We are the last Citadel.
So these communist atheists are going for broke.
They don't want to feel that their 75 or 80 years on this planet were in vain.
They want to see the hammer and sickle over the United States.
Now, it may be a while, or it may be a red, white, and blue flag with a white hammer and sickle where the stars are now, but that is their vision.
Make no mistake about it.
That's why so many of the Democrats are completely happy to literally sleep with the Chinese Communists, take money from them, take sex from them, sell out their country.
Because in their heart, they are Communists.
Whether they call themselves Democrats, Democratic Socialists, Socialists or Communists, we know where they're coming from.
And we know where they want to take this country.
But nobody should be gleeful about the prospect of stumbling into a hot civil war, especially not being buffalo jumped into being the villains at the outset of it.
If it's going to happen, let it come from the left.
Let them continue to repress us and shut us down.
Don't be stupid and offer them an excuse on a silver platter.
If there's going to be some atrocity, let it clearly come from the left.
Don't be suckered into anything.
Let's keep the moral high ground.
That's an important concept.
The war that we're in now is called fourth generation warfare.
It's not tanks and missiles anymore.
It's TV networks and websites and YouTube channels and alternative video channels.
That's the new order of battle.
And keeping, as far as the narrative, the public narrative goes, keeping the moral high ground, so to speak, is a super critical element.
We lost the moral high ground last week because we were suckered and tricked into a classic honey trap buffalo jump.
And I hope that the FBI gets to the bottom of what happened in the Capitol, especially the Ashley Babbitt situation with the broken windows.
You know, If there's no investigation of that by the FBI, well, let's face it, they're not an objective outfit anymore.
They're just the Stasi for the deep state.
Those bricks that were left off at all the cities over the summer of riots, have the FBI cracked that tough case yet?
I mean, people order pallets of bricks and have them dropped off on the routes of marches that were never announced.
How does that happen?
And the FBI can't figure it out?
Well, anyway, I may not be back.
Who knows what happens in a week.
But I say we stick with our narrative.
Never surrender.
Stick with Trump 1.
Don't give them any of the moral high ground.
And I thought of another saying today that might fit well on a bumper sticker.
You know, they say elections have consequences.
Obama said that.
I say stolen elections have consequences.
And after January 20th, if and when Biden is installed, I'm taking the American flag down from outside of my house.
I bought a big bumper sticker magnet, a big American flag magnet.
I'm going to put it on the back of my car upside down.
I think that if we just passively go into this stolen government saying, well, what can we do, but I'm still going to salute the flag and pretend everything's great.
No, I'm not.
Everything's not great.
And we can never quit and never do what they want us to do, which is say, like they were trying to get Jim Jordan to say yesterday, just say it.
It was a fair election.
We'll call off the dogs if you admit it.
There was no fraud.
Say it, say it.
No, we're never going to say it.
It was stolen and I don't care how they repeat the big lie.
We saw it with our own eyes.
We're never going to just surrender.
We're going to go into this tyranny as resistors and as dissidents.
So don't quit.
Keep up the fight.
And if I see you next week, that'll be great.
And if I don't, as I say now, may we meet in the forest, but never in the gulag.
And if we meet in the forest, it'll be with guns in our hands.
January 8th, 2021 is a very important date.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
January 8th, 2021 is a very important date.
That's this coming Friday.
January 8th, 2021.
That's when our great sponsor, My Patriot's Supply, of high-quality, storable food, has to go up on their prices because there's so much inflation and there's so much massive demand coming in.
As the public and the world wakes up to the fact that the globalists are using the lockdown to bankrupt people and destroy small businesses and bring us to our knees, the public is now learning just how dystopic This long-term lockdown is and the fact that it's premeditated to bring the United States to its knees.
People are digging in.
Food sales are exploding.
Now you remember back 10 months ago there were five six-month waits on storable food but Our sponsor could get it to you in a couple months.
Everybody did get their food.
Well, they have all the food now on hand, packaged, high quality, ready to go to you.
A lot of other suppliers don't.
Now that's important, but not as important as this.
On the 8th, They will then be forced to go up on their prices because they're unable to basically pay their bills at the current rate because food prices are going up so much in the future.
They've already gone up so much.
So you need to get your orders in by the 8th.
To get it shipped out to you within days of receipt of it, and to lock in those lower prices, and to save up to $850 in savings on their different packages.
Because they're not just keeping the prices at their regular price, they're doing one final big sale on one month, four months, six months, year's supplies.
And they've got so many other great items, air filtration, water filtration.
They've got it all.
This is where I get my storable food.
They've been my sponsor for 13 years.
The company's 14 years old.
After being in business for 10 years, they became the biggest storable food company in the United States because of the quality, because of the customer service, and because of the great packaging and portability.
So, again, as the public figures out that we're going into the Great Reset and New World Order, you're going to see runs on food, you're going to see food prices already going up.
Lock in your orders now while you can save money and get it delivered to you very, very quickly before the sheep will really figure it out.
And I believe you'll see major food price increases, shortages, and more within the next year.
So go to preparewithalex.com.
You always get the lowest prices at infowarestore.com.
They just drop shipped from us.
They're in our back end.
We're partnering with them.
We've got the full selection at infowarestore.com.
But I'm able to contractually do sales bigger than any of their other distributors on the specialty sites that they launch through their own system at PrepareWithAlex.com.
So that additional discount and the 2020 prices are all still available until January 8th at PrepareWithAlex.com.
There's also a toll-free number there on the side as well if you'd like to call and talk to one of the representatives or operators.
They're open 24 hours a day, ready to take your calls, and almost all their food packages ship within 24 hours.
Some people buy specialty food packages and sometimes the factory doesn't have it quite ready so it ships out a couple days, but they have it, it's on hand, it's high quality.
Go to PrepareWithAlex.com and lock it in and get your orders in by January 8th.
to get the big discounts and 2020 prices.
But whatever you do, get prepared, get ready, get politically active,
because this is the beginning of the great clash with the new world order.
We are going into this thing.
So get ready, God bless, and good luck.
The year 2021 is now here, and world government and the new world order
and their post-human agenda is out in the open.
It's now more important than ever that all of you realize that the fact that you're awake
and you're informed and you're involved means you're the brain trust, you're the tip of the spear
that understands what's really going on in the planet.
And the globalists fear you.
That's why they've been trying to censor you and silence you and silence organizations like InfoWars,
where those of us that understand what's happening are able to congregate, share information,
and move against their operation.
Their plan is very diabolical and over-the-top evil.
But if people are simply informed about it and resist it, it can and will and really must be defeated.
Now in that fight, we fund ourselves by selling products directly to the public.
Because as you know, the globalists shut down and boycott all of their opposition.
But we've built the model of resistance that can take them down.
Because you are supporting us and buying products directly from Infowars.
Now I've gotten a lot of complaints.
Thousands of them saying, in the last 8 months or so, a lot of our favorite products are unavailable.
That's because of the COVID lockdown, not COVID.
Many of the proprietary, patented ingredients in our products were unavailable.
Warehouses were shut down.
Factories were shut down.
And so for eight months, one of our most popular products, Pollen Block, to deal with seasonal irritations and the rest of it, is back in stock.
And so is activated charcoal toothpaste.
Both of these are in our Top 10 Best Sellers.
They've been unavailable.
This one for about 4 months.
Pollen Block for, again, 8 plus months.
And we only got a quarter of the shipment that we tried to get.
Because, again, things are breaking down.
These are proprietary products.
Look into Pollen Block.
Why it's so special.
Why it's so amazing.
And check out our Concentrated Activated Charcoal Toothpaste as well that my dad, a dentist, designed at InfoWarsTore.com.
Get yours today and thank you all for your support.