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Name: 20201229_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 29, 2020
2457 lines.

Alex Jones discusses how Covid-19 pandemic is being used to implement new restrictions and measures in various sectors. He mentions a Twitter user questioning the need for testing fans for tuberculosis, polio, and flu along with asymptomatic individuals, arguing that it serves no purpose other than creating a precedent for vaccine mandates in social activities. The show covers reports suggesting travel insurers may require proof of vaccination against Covid-19 before covering travellers' holidays, and discusses Australia's unenforceable measures like banning kissing and hugging on New Year's Eve despite having no new cases of Covid-19 for two months. Finally, the show discusses Klaus Schwab's views on vaccines as they may be used for sterilization purposes."

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Decades ago, George Carlin, a true mind, a true visionary,
laid out where we are today.
The witch hunt of germs and germ phobia flies in the face of all real knowledge about germs.
That if you live in a bubble, then any basic germ will kill you.
And if you don't have the right nutrients and have a good immune system, any germ will kill you.
If you have a good immune system and you've been exposed to a lot of things in your life naturally, there's actually studies that swimming in swamps, swimming in ponds, swimming in systems that are contaminated actually make you stronger.
Well, where I grew up in Dallas wasn't as polluted as where George Carlin grew up, but it was pretty close.
And I just never got sick.
I get sick now every four or five years.
In January, I flew with my wife and children down to Grand Cayman on a commercial flight, and I got a chest cold for the first time in five years and had a fever for two days, and I'm pretty sure it was COVID.
It's been here, we now know, for two years.
That's in the studies, by the way.
But here's what George Carlin had to say about it.
He knocked it out of the park.
Because that's what Americans do now.
They're always willing to trade away a little of their freedom in exchange for the feeling, the illusion of security.
What we have now is a completely neurotic population obsessed with security and safety and crime and drugs and cleanliness and hygiene and germs.
There's another thing.
Where did this sudden fear of germs come from in this country?
Have you noticed The media, constantly running stories about all the latest infections, salmonella, E. coli, hantavirus, bird flu, and Americans, they panic easily, so now everybody's running around, scrubbing this and spraying that, and overcooking their food, and repeatedly washing their hands, trying to avoid all contact with germs.
It's ridiculous, and it goes to ridiculous lengths.
Fear it, germs!
Why, these fucking p***ies!
Hey, where's your sense of adventure?
Take a fucking chance, will ya?
Besides, what do you think you have an immune system for?
It's for killing germs!
But it needs practice.
It needs germs to practice on.
So, so listen.
So listen.
If you kill all the germs around you and live a completely sterile life, then when germs do come along, you're not going to be prepared.
And never mind ordinary germs, what are you going to do when some super virus comes along that turns your vital organs into liquid sh**?
I'll tell you what you're gonna do, you're gonna get sick, you're gonna die, and you're gonna deserve it,
'cause you're f*cking weak, and you got a f*cking weak immune system.
God damn it.
Let me tell you a true story about immunization, okay?
When I was a little boy in New York City in the 1940s, we swam in the Hudson River, and it was filled with raw sewage, okay?
We swam in raw sewage.
You know, to cool off!
And at that time, the big fear was polio.
Thousands of kids died from polio every year.
But you know something?
In my neighborhood, no one ever got polio.
No one.
You know why?
Because we swam in raw sewage!
It strengthened our immune systems.
The polio never had a prayer.
We were tempered in raw sh*t.
George Carlin warned us about the COVID panic years ago.
My father's mother kept him so clean that he was sickly when he was about a year old, and his black nanny said he needs Hindu tea and told my grandmother, I'm going to feed him boiled chicken manure.
She said, no, you won't.
But she snuck and gave him Hindu tea, which had all the natural immunities, and he never really got sick again.
So that's why they're now doing transfusions of people's fecal matter that have The right bacteria into other people that don't, who've taken too many antibiotics.
It's crazy, folks, but it's all real.
And the system knows this.
They're removing our immune system.
And the studies already show these mRNA vaccines either turn off your immune system and make you have an allergic response to any cold virus, or it turns it way up.
And now you see what Wolfgang Wardog and the EU experts warned about is now happening everywhere.
They're now covering up deaths, by the way, from the vaccine.
That's all coming up in 60 seconds.
Tell folks to tune in right now.
We are now 22 days out from the inauguration of either Joe Biden, the communist Chinese agent, or the rightful winner and the biggest landslide in political realignment in modern U.S.
history, Donald John Trump.
You can debate whether he should have done this pardon or should have done this emergency bill.
That's all deck chairs in the Titanic.
What matters is we reelected him and the globals are coming in trying to steal this election from us.
Now, I know some incredible information that I am not at liberty to tell you, but I am at liberty to just give you a hint, which I don't think is too hard.
You notice Trump said January 6th will be wild in DC?
Well, it will be wild.
And I can tell you, the Twilight Zone nature of all of this went up to a whole new level yesterday.
And I'll leave it at that.
Trump knew about the first rally in D.C.
He didn't know about the second one, got real upset.
Said, I would have been there if he'd have known.
That's why he flew over us for like an hour in his helicopter.
And, well, let's just say, you're going to want to go to D.C.
on the 6th.
It'll show the globalists we know Trump really won.
And it will begin the process, one way or another, of removing the globalist puppet, Joe Biden.
And I mean by impeachment, or keeping him from getting in on the 20th.
The last thing I want is for Joe Biden to have a hair on his degenerate head, his evil chycom head hurt, because that'll turn him into a martyr.
And I go back to this.
The media still, thousands of articles.
Arrest Jones, he said killed Joe Biden.
Oh, where's the Secret Service?
They didn't come talk to me.
Because they watched the whole speech.
And the media edited it.
I said, I don't know if he was going to get it in 30-something days back at the time.
Or I don't know if he's going to get impeached, but we're going to remove him one way or another.
Well, they just took the clip of me saying we're moving one way or another and said that's a death threat compared to them saying they're going to kill Trump everywhere.
The former head of the CIA assassination squad said the government's going to kill this guy.
That's like if a convicted child molester says, I'm going to come rape your kid.
You get in trouble because you're a convicted child molester.
When you're the former guy that ran the CIA death squads, he says the guys at Foggy Bottom are going to kill Trump.
That's a very serious threat.
And I consulted with the Secret Service and demanded that they do something about him.
And the little word is, he got a visit.
So that's who you go after, people that actually have a history of this type of behavior.
The CIA has a history of killing US presidents, and I'm sick and tired of it.
Okay, let me just kind of calmly explain this.
I got prepared for yesterday's show for several days, and then I got so upset after looking at all the news and evidence and over-preparing that I was in such a nasty mood when I started the show yesterday that I just didn't cover it.
And let me explain why.
Most of this info I've already looked at five or six times.
Then I add new info to it, and it's so ridiculous.
It's so fraudulent.
It's so transparent.
It's like watching someone stick their arm in a garbage disposal and say, I heard on TV, if I flip the switch, it's going to massage my fingers.
You go, let me show you what it does.
And you stick a carrot in it and it cuts it up.
And you go, don't stick your hand in that.
They go, I'm doing it.
You're a liar.
Stick their hand on and cut their fingers off.
I mean, you can use whatever analogy you want, but like, don't jump off that cliff.
You'll die.
And it's a thousand foot cliff.
This is open and shut.
We have all the proof.
And we know the further we go down this rat hole, the further we let the system drag us, the worse it's going to get.
And they've committed this mass crime against humanity with the lockdown and the COVID hoax and all of it, because they've not gotten in trouble for their past activities.
And now they are extremely, extremely arrogant.
And they've got all these minions that feel like they're doing a good job that are going along with all this, not knowing they're aiding in their own destruction.
So let me just tell you what we've got coming up today, news-wise, and what the news I had yesterday that then dovetails and augments with the news I've got today.
And then I've got a call to action for everybody that is not even civil disobedience.
It's just citizen journalism.
If you want to stop these New World Order people dead in their tracks.
But let me show you just the COVID stacks.
One is from yesterday.
Three are from today.
So I have four stacks right here.
Four COVID stacks.
Now look at this stack.
Bigger pandemic than COVID is coming.
You could talk an hour about that.
How it's all pre-programmed.
We could show you how it's pre-programmed.
We can even show you documents where they admit this is a simulation for the real one that they're about to launch.
And then I have Bill Gates admitting it.
And you go, why does he admit it?
Why in every cartoon does a supervillain brag?
That's criminology.
They brag.
The real pleasure is throwing it in your face.
In fact, I'm told the globalists thought I was funny until Trump got elected.
They thought, oh, we love Jones.
He tells them what we're doing to them.
Ha ha ha.
My show was a big entertainment for them.
It's not so entertaining now.
But that's how these people operate.
So let's continue.
This is just one stack.
Globalists planning more lockdowns to usher in universal basic income.
This is a whistleblower in government.
We don't need a whistleblower.
We have the damn public documents.
Klaus Schwab and Justin Trudeau and all of them admit it.
UK researchers.
China's COVID response will make them world's biggest economy in 2028.
That's the whole spin.
The headline is China responded right.
They're totally open.
We'll never be open.
So they're going to run the world in just a few years.
That's the whole setup.
Print me some of those headlines.
I'm meant to cover it this weekend when I came in and did reports.
So just type in, China to replace U.S.' 's world's biggest economy 2028.
Like Bloomberg, Reuters, all that.
I'm just showing you what some of the stacks are.
Scientists scramble to determine if mutant strain of coronavirus will deepen pandemic.
I have scanned over or read all of these and they all tie together.
This is just one stack.
Now, This admits world government.
This admits this was just a lockdown drill.
The real depopulation weapons are coming.
By submitting, you guarantee they roll out COVID 2.0.
And I don't just have their own documents.
I have Bill Gates saying it.
I'll play that for you.
That's pretty important, huh?
Pretty upsetting, too.
Let's move on to the other stack.
County hospitals reached the breaking point.
Turn away ambulances.
So I went to the National Hospital Association in accordance with the CDC's own maps and gave up to the date COVID tracking numbers for the hospitals and it's a total lie and it's a total fraud.
What they do is they'll designate five beds in a hospital for COVID.
And then when those beds go over, they go, oh my God, we're at 100% capacity, manipulating the statistics, when many of the hospitals are still completely empty.
Some, like the big emergency hospitals that are already overwhelmed, are turning people away.
They do routinely.
I was at an LA event once, and one of our crew members had violent food poisoning, and we took them to the emergency room, and they turned him away, even though we were having to carry him.
and he was vomiting everywhere.
Now that was 10, 12 years ago, I guess 14 years ago.
So again, they're like, "Oh, we're turning people away."
Well, that's like saying one restaurant is full, but there's 10 more next door that aren't.
That's how they statistically manipulate it.
But I'm not just gonna tell you that.
We're gonna show you where you can go directly into the CDC's own numbers
and see what every hospital in your town or city has because the COVID cases are all reported
because they're all incentivized to call it COVID to get money.
And most of these people don't even need to be in the hospital.
But Travis County is at, as of last night, 9% COVID capacity.
There are 77 people in hospitals in Austin, in Travis County, that supposedly have COVID.
We're talking millions of people, 77 in the hospital, and they're having a death maybe once a week.
I mean, you can go look at the numbers for yourself.
I'll show you where you can go look at it.
And even CNN and even NPR, they link.
Two are going, oh my gosh, epidemic, everything's shut down, hospital's overwhelmed.
Look at the statistics here.
It's a confidence game.
They know no one goes and actually looks at the statistics.
Maybe one out of a thousand.
We did.
It's like saying, there's a giant monster in that building, but don't go in there.
You go in there, there's nothing there.
So we've all got to go out to these hospitals and just show this.
I mean, I already know how many are there.
I'll go to these hospitals that have empty parking lots.
You can look at the CDC's own number and go, there are five patients in that hospital with COVID.
Meanwhile, they're on the news in like gas masks and spacesuits.
We're all dying.
There's dead everywhere.
There's dead bodies everywhere inside.
You can look at the hospital and see no one's died in a month in there from COVID.
Total fraud.
All right, if you just joined us, ladies and gentlemen, next segment I'm going to show you from the CDC's own website.
I'm going to show you from NPR.
I'm going to show you from CNN links they send to the official data of the hospitals in every county and every city in America.
And I'm going to show you local news saying they're going to declare martial law, basically, and have nighttime curfews and close all small businesses again.
Notice it never ends.
The problem never ends.
Because the hospitals are all full of COVID and there's mass infection.
But not mass death.
Because they're upping the amount of tests that are being done.
And basically almost everybody that gets tested, they say, have it.
Because the inventor of the PCR test said, you can set it for whatever you want.
And even federal and international courts have said, it is a fraud and not admissible.
And the New York Times says 96% are false positive.
But now this little computer, this little black box, can say you can't get on an airplane, can't have a job, can't live your life, and you've got to take a vaccine that the head of the WHO now admits doesn't even protect you from COVID.
It doesn't even protect you from sharing it and spreading it.
This is a witch hunt based on hysteria, based on Chicken Little behavior.
It's a Chicken Little meets the Salem Witch Trials.
It's coming up next segment and I could sit here and do drum beats.
I could sit here and pull my hair out.
I mean, I could sit here.
This is the total proof.
But once you wear a mask for 6, 8, 9, 10 months, once you virtue signal, once you decide you're a hero.
You go along with and you go along with the contact tracing and the tracker apps and the medical IDs and the forced inoculations that the corporations are all going to force us through corporate governance to do.
That's what world government is, is corporate governance.
But the good news is even Marco Rubio has come out against all this saying it's a power grab and a lie and elites taking over.
Marco Rubio sticks his finger in the air and goes the way it blows.
When Rubio Says no to this.
It means his constituents are blowing his doors down saying, you stop it now.
We are essential.
Our bodegas and our businesses and our hotels and our factories are essential, buddy boy.
And you get up there and you get this gorilla off our back now.
So, elites are tricking Americans.
Don't take the vaccine, he says.
See, the Globalist already had this plan on the shelf.
It's a very risky plan.
They launched it early.
It has a huge effect up front, but the tail end of it has got quite the blowback.
The whole thing has to operate on censorship.
Well, how do you censor millions of doctors and scientists and the former chief scientist at Pfizer saying, do not take the shot, it can kill you?
How do they cover up all the deaths, and all the narcolepsy, and all the epilepsy, and all the Guillain-Barrés, and all the Bell's palsy?
How do you sit there when your hamburger place is closed, but McDonald's is open in Los Angeles, across the street?
They're essential, you're not.
This is beyond transparent.
That's why yesterday I was so mad looking at all this, that I basically couldn't even do the show.
And the cops come over and go, we don't care.
Law says your place is closed, McDonald's is open.
He says screw you, parks his car behind their car, and says you're not essential.
Don't you people get it?
You're working for the UN in a damn takeover!
Stop it!
It's the UN-funded Black Lives Matter and all this to take over the cities, with a strong cities initiative.
But they've hired college-educated idiots to be policemen.
They're nothing but bureaucrats.
They were brought up in these colleges and high schools where they're now banning the word brown bag.
Remember like six years ago, Seattle banned the term brown bag in the city and said don't even bring brown bags.
Has nothing to do with brown people.
Just a classic brown bag means like when mom packs you lunch, go in with your brown bag.
Well now major universities are banning the word brown bag and picnic.
Picnic has nothing to do with racism or anything, but it's about we control the language no matter how ridiculous we take control.
All right, I'm going to cover it next segment, then all the election news.
We've got Kyle Rittenhouse's mother.
She did her first interview yesterday with Owen Schroer.
I was like up here working.
I was like, wow, she's got a lot to say.
I haven't seen her on TV and they're like, no, this is I think her first interview.
So she'll be joining us with her lawyer about the incredible persecution of the Rittenhouses.
That's a beta test for the rest of us.
In the third hour and popping in is Ivan Reikland, who's working very closely with General Flynn and others.
He says Trump should seize control of the EAS emergency system.
Now they're going to call that martial law, except I've been harping on this since Trump won.
Obama retained control of the EAS system.
They never explained it to Trump.
And when you go see the new Wonder Woman movie, it's all about an EAS system taking over the world.
Well, we actually have that.
They actually have satellites that take over all the broadcasts.
They have systems that hack in and take over the internet.
And they have the first level is all those systems where they put Lower thirds or at the top, hey, anybody's talking about COVID, anybody's talking about the election, it hijacks the page and redirects you.
That was all the internet kill switch, and they put it in under Obama, so that's why big tech is all working in lockstep with the same messages, because Obama and the deep state were in control of that the whole time.
Now, I got that information to Trump, and that's when all hell broke loose two years ago.
And they blocked him.
I mean, so the president's been trying to get control of this.
They're like, well, if the guys on nuclear submarines didn't do what the president told them, he couldn't just take over the subs and know how to run them.
He didn't know how to open the door.
He doesn't know how to flood the torpedo tubes or run the reactor.
I don't either.
So when you say, well, why didn't Trump get control of the EAS satellites?
Most of it's classified.
The public knows about EAS stations that you tune to locally and EAS scramblers and EAS takeover systems at the transmission sites and at the studio level.
Anybody on a radio station or TV station that picks us up knows about their EAS.
Cable, broadcast TV, everything's got it.
But that's only one level of EAS.
EAS 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 is already in place.
And the new Wonder Woman movie throws it right in your face.
They've got satellites 30 years that can take over all the main transmissions.
I want to explain.
Trump should take control of the EAS.
Obama has been in control of it.
That's EAS.
That's federal law in control of big tech.
Big tech is the NSA.
Google is the NSA.
And Trump never got the briefings and never told how all this works in shadow government.
They used the shadow government system on the president to keep it from him and kept him compartmentalized.
You've read the articles where they brag, they go, he signed an executive order and then we just threw it away.
That, by the way, is an executionable offense, but they just did it because they're a bunch of jackass three-piece suit lawyers that think they're smarter than everybody.
Trump's like, Sidney Powell and General Fleming are supposed to be here today at noon.
Sorry, sir, we don't know where they are.
So Trump's got to go get their phone number and call them.
Then they show up and they order the Secret Service not to let them in.
Yeah, that's how this country's run.
So yeah, Trump should take over the EAS for the last 22 days.
He could have his messages force-fed to everyone.
People are like, oh my God, that's martial law.
Well, that's what Obama and the deep state are doing.
What do you think all that comes from?
Unified on every phone, every damn system, heartbreaking and feeding it to you.
That's EAS, baby!
That's Emergency Alert System!
I'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are broadcasting in defiance of the New World Order.
We are the emergency alert system against the globalist takeover.
You know, next segment's the longest segment of the hour.
I'm going to show you the documents, the statistics from the CDC.
These are up to date, up to the day of the number of COVID patients, where they're at per hospital.
It's all registered.
It's all there.
I'm going to show you Austin hospitals at 9% capacity for COVID.
And 77 patients with COVID, most of which are there, it says, for observation and are not on ventilators.
But the hospital knows they get $50,000 plus for getting you in, and so they code it as COVID.
Unbelievable information from the federal government's own database.
So when you hear the Austin mayor or the L.A.
mayor or You're a globalist leader.
It's all the same program, whether you're in Perth, Australia, or whether you're in Paris, France, or whether you're in Ottawa, Canada.
It's the same BS from the same UN, the same Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the same Great Reset.
I can play you, Klaus Schwab.
I can play you, Boris Johnson.
I can play you, Justin Trudeau, all saying this is a UN world government takeover to put you on a universal income and have a world ID and forced inoculations.
Would you like me to play it for you?
We've already played it all!
So next segment, I'm going to go through those statistics.
This segment, I wanted just to get to some of these videos.
We've got them out of San Antonio, Texas.
We got them out of New Jersey.
We got them out of Norfolk.
We got them out of New York.
We got them out of LA.
We've got them out of everywhere.
Where people are in CVS's, people are at their businesses, and they're saying, no, I'm not wearing a mask, and we're not closing our doors, we're essential, and this is a bunch of crap.
And these people go to the woman, they go, in fact, we'll play the CVS clip first.
They go, but, the hospitals are all full, it's on the news, they're dying!
You can go look at the LA hospitals.
There's over a hundred of them.
And two of them say they're full and it's not COVID.
And there's hospitals full all the time!
When I cut my finger off, an ambulance was there, because I got to the boat dock, we called it before I got there on the cell phone.
They were calling different hospitals to see which one wasn't full or which one wasn't busy, so it was a Saturday afternoon.
And they took me to the one hospital that didn't have an overflow and I still had to wait a couple hours.
Had my finger reattached.
So, they play on ignorance.
And now they're saying, we lock everything down, don't leave your house, period, or don't leave your house at night.
All dog training.
All witch hunt.
All chicken little garbage.
And I'll show you the damn numbers.
And I'll show you where to go to your town or your city, and then you can find the hospitals when they're on the news saying, we're here at the Elmhurst Hospital, where it's totally overwhelmed, you can see long lines of patients.
And people go to the famous hospitals in New Jersey, New York, Dallas, Texas.
You've seen the hundreds of videos.
And they show up and no one's there.
So they start staking it out.
They go into the front area.
No one's in there but a nurse.
And so they wait.
The next time they see the live news, a week later, this happened in New Jersey and New York, they run down and there are people in hazmat gear, actors, going in and out in circles.
Remember that 10 months ago?
And it turned out to all be fake.
Remember Jason Jones in Hawaii?
He hears on the news, the COVID centers are full, everyone's positive, there's long lines.
He goes there, it's closed.
He goes to another one.
He wants to get tested, because he's been in LA, he actually feels bad.
He goes there, and they won't test him, and no one's there.
Then he sees them the next day on TV, saying they're full, he drives over there, and they threaten to have him arrested.
But forget that!
People say, oh yeah, really, right, sure.
We have the damn Federal Registry!
I want to play these clips separately or we won't be here on air anymore.
We need to fund our Operation Plus.
We got some really exciting news.
We've been sold out of our activated charcoal, highest quality concentrate toothpaste without the fluoride, without the aspartame.
It's amazing.
High quality.
People love it.
Couldn't get it for three-plus months once it was sold out because of the COVID disruptions, the shutdowns at warehouses, the ingredient problems, the chain reactions.
We have it after three-plus months being sold out.
25% off, activated charcoal.
Dr. Jones Naturals.
And even more exciting because in Texas right now is the mountain juniper or cedar season.
With the clouds of dust and the rest of it, and when my allergies kick up, the whole office has been for months, where's the pollen block?
Where's the pollen block?
We want to buy some.
Because of the lockdown, this comes from France, it's where they have the proprietary special quail that are fed a special secret diet where it produces this natural antihistamine that works so well.
They have studies, they have patents, they have it all.
We private label it and discount it.
They've been shut down.
So we had our order in before the hysteria hit and they were behind a year ago.
Finally, they got us one quarter of the shipment.
They still offered to refund our money.
We say, no, we want the rest.
A small shipment of Pollen Block has come in.
And believe me, it's amazing.
You chew it up in your mouth, it tastes sweet naturally, and it is the eggshell, the egg itself, all of it.
And they just discovered that these birds don't have allergies and don't have problems, and that when you eat their eggs, you don't have them.
So it's amazing.
It works better for a lot of people than, you know, even drugs do.
It's just what God gave us.
Pollen Block.
Back in stock.
113 reviews, 94%, 4.8 stars, pollen block, infowarestore.com.
Works great for most people.
Some people, doesn't work for them.
That's just the way our bodies are all different.
But for me, it works really, really good.
I say it knocks them down when I religiously take it about 90%.
When I forget, only take it once I'm having an allergy attack, then it knocks it down by about half.
So it's a big, big deal, folks.
So both of those back pollen block and the activated charcoal back in stock.
What's also been back in stock for a week and a half and is already half sold out is Wintersun Vitamin D3, highest quality with vitamin K for your immune system.
For you, for your children, for adults, for old people especially, you need your D3.
As Joe Rogan pointed out, it went viral last week.
He had a scientist on explaining D3 is actually a hormone.
It's not a vitamin.
They call it a vitamin.
D3 is a hormone off which everything in your body is built on.
So it's just as important as iodine.
In fact, they argue, like, is it C, is it D, or is it iodine?
They're all, like, the things, okay?
By the way, it's been sold out.
X2, back in stock.
It just came in today.
I haven't even put it on the site yet, but X2, highest quality of birth crystal iodine, that is back in stock.
Let's go out to break.
It's a four minute video.
The full thing's on InfoWars.
Here's a lady in CVS not wearing her mask.
She gets the years off.
It's less people died in 2000 than died in 2019.
And that is from the CDC's numbers as well.
They go, well, not all the new numbers are in yet.
Okay, whatever.
The point is it's going to be about the same.
So that shows you we're in the same type deal.
They're apportioning regular deaths into the COVID thing.
Here's part of that video.
More, there's like 36 people with COVID in the ICU.
Whenever there's a flu, there's only two or three patients at a time in the ICU.
So literally, the entire hospital is COVID patients.
This has never happened, ever.
I'm not saying COVID's not real.
I'm just saying I'm not sick.
I'm not sick and asymptomatic spread has been shown to be a myth.
So why am I going to be treated like a sick person?
Do you know that there have been fewer deaths overall in 2019 than there were in 2018?
Look it up.
Fewer deaths overall.
All they've done is re-categorize all the deaths.
This is not what they're telling us it is.
It's a lie.
This is a lie, I'm telling you.
It's a lie.
And everyone's fine.
And it'll go on and on and on as long as they feed us this lie and we comply with it.
And I am done.
Tonight, I reached a breaking point.
I'm done.
I know I'm not reaching anyone here.
I don't care.
I'm not looking down on my face.
I'm not.
I'm not going.
I'm healthy, listen.
I'm going to come in and get the statistics, the numbers, the facts, and show you the total proof of the fraud.
Sure, go to the hospital, show it to them when they say it's full.
That's important.
But we'll show you their own government website saying it's a total lie.
We have local newscasts saying, jail hospitals totally full.
They got like 15 patients with COVID.
It's all lies.
It's all lies.
And they're running the same hysteric lies they ran six months ago again.
And they're gonna do it over and over again as long as we buy it.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am about to lay out for you the absolute proof of total criminal fraud by the hospitals, by the media, by the CDC, because they go on the news and they say we've got to lock down the economy, you can't leave your house for a few months, we're going to have 2.5 million dead in just a few months, the hospitals are already overwhelmed, and the people went to the very hospitals, you saw the hundreds of videos, YouTube couldn't take them down fast enough, it was like whack-a-mole, where people would see the hospital full, they'd drive down there and it'd be empty.
They wanted to see it for themselves because people don't trust media.
In Texas, in New Jersey, in California, in New York, hundreds of videos.
In the UK, people went in and they even caught them with the actors dressed up in hazmat suits for photo shoots.
And they turned away millions of people that had real illnesses.
Remember they said in Florida, in some leftist jurisdictions like Broward County, we will not resuscitate you if you're having a heart attack because the hospitals are too full.
We'll let you die.
Now, what's the motive?
If you get a COVID patient, you get $13,000.
If you intubate them, you get an additional $40,000.
That's $53,000, USA Today confirms.
If you have a certain number of COVID patients, then your hospital gets, depending on its size, millions of extra dollars in federal funds.
So here's the motive.
They're making a bunch of money and the big hospital groups are mainly owned by insurance companies who all over the world now, it's the same global plan, all over the world, have not been doing the knee surgeries, the shoulder surgeries, the hip surgeries, the hernia surgeries.
All the things they can claim are elective, and so they're not having to pay the doctors or the nurses, and the insurance money you're paying is piling up.
See how this works?
This is technological fraud, organized at the UN level, run by big pharma, the big banks, the big insurance companies.
They admit all this.
They're all making record profits.
Big Tech's making record profits.
China's making record profits and bragging that America will never open again and China will now not surpass us in 2035, but China will surpass the U.S.
because of the COVID lockdown we have here in 2028.
In just seven years.
Now there's this fact sheet.
Your precious USA Today.
Scroll to the bottom.
Do you get paid for COVID patients extra?
And the answer is $53,000.
The answer is yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
And don't believe me?
Show them again.
China to overtake U.S.
economy because of COVID virus in 2028.
So it's not just the motive and the history and the background.
Then they admit China released it.
And Fauci and Gates were involved.
And they had tabletop exercises and said this is just a drill.
So now you see these headlines.
Overhead shot please.
LA County hospitals reach the breaking point.
Turn away ambulances.
Hospitals across the U.S.
reach breaking point as coronavirus surges.
Remember, we all heard this 10 months ago.
Stay inside.
Don't leave your house.
Reports emergency hospitals dismantled despite claim.
Hospitals worse than first wave.
Infowars.com actually goes in to the federal registry of the numbers and shows them dismantling the emergency centers from New York, New York to Dallas, Texas to L.A.
All those big empty facilities.
That you see governors and others touring, and then when Trump pointed it out, the media said, how dare you say COVID isn't a problem?
They're also reporting in the Europe that they're dismantling the emergency centers.
We have links to all of that.
So they're shutting down all the overflow centers, and now they'll list a certain wing of a hospital as COVID.
And then when that fills up, they go, oh, we're at the breaking point.
It's all bureaucratic.
It's like if you had two gas tanks on your truck.
And one of them was almost on empty and you told your kids, hey, we're going to have to walk home.
We're 10 miles from home.
We're out here in the desert.
The tank's on empty.
And then all of a sudden your dad or your uncle, when you're scared, flips the switch and it goes to auxiliary tank and it shows that you're full.
My uncle did that once.
We were way out in the middle of the boondocks hunting and he said, oh, we're running out of gas.
Look, look, look.
And he was teasing me when I was like eight years old.
And he was acting like it was going, and he goes, look, we're on empty.
And then he goes, watch this and flip to the other tank.
It's the same game.
Oh, we're, we're full.
We're full.
There's all the empty hospital, but the little COVID wing is full.
But let me show you the numbers.
Look at this.
LA County hospitals are at the breaking point.
Turn away ambulances.
Coronavirus in Texas.
Curfew possibility for Austin.
As ICU beds run low.
Don't leave your house at night.
Austin KXAN.
Federal data reveals which hospitals are dangerously full this week.
Is yours?
And then you link to the federal government CDC website from NPR, but they know you're not going to link through.
You're saying federal data shows you've got a billion dollars in your bank account, but you really don't.
Look at this, federal data reveals which hospitals are dangerously full this week.
Is yours?
And then, when I go check Austin that they say is overwhelmed, And I click on Travis County, it took me five seconds.
Travis County is at 9% hospital bed capacity for COVID-19.
There are 77 people currently in the hospital in Travis County with COVID-19.
Average hospital and county is at 9% right there at the bottom.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
David's is at 7% capacity.
Uh-oh, St.
David's South Austin Medical Center is at 20% capacity.
Uh-oh, Ascension, Seton.
Oh no, this one.
They're at 13%.
Oh no, we're all dead.
You average it together, 9% capacity.
capacity. 77 patients. Oh but look California now has the worst COVID-19
spread in the US.
It's not dying from it.
But see, when they turn the PCR test up 10 times, 20 times, 45 times, you get that data too.
Hospitals admit what they're doing.
They calibrate it.
You look at leftist cities, communist countries, socialist areas.
They all turn it up, keep everybody locked down.
Unless you're communist China, they now say they're COVID free!
Because they locked everything down and arrested people and took everybody.
No, they didn't.
That was all theater.
To teach us how to act, to teach us how to behave.
Now let me move you to the bigger issue.
Just showed you all that.
You can go to the easiest place to find it, because these federal websites are so big that you can get lost in it, is NPR.
I'll give you the NPR headline one more time.
You go right there.
You click on it, you're on the CDC, up-to-the-date, up-to-the-day numbers.
One day behind.
Let me give you that headline one more time.
Federal data reveals which hospitals are dangerously full this week.
Here's yours.
It has a link directly to the CDC where you can put in your county and find out.
And it gets worse.
I went and checked the data that John Hopkins checked in September and found that the numbers the CDC is putting in are actually dropping faster than they were.
And so it looks like we'll have less deaths this year when things close out in three days than they had last year.
Isn't that interesting?
Did you hear what I just said?
It's not going to be the same amount of deaths in 2020 as 2019.
It's going to be less, less, less.
So remember those numbers.
The same or less deaths this year, period.
However people are dying in America, less people are dying in the middle of the worst pandemic the world's ever seen.
They say it's like the Spanish flu that killed 50 million people, they estimate.
And major studies report that 80% of those that died started dying once everyone started wearing the mask because of bacterial pneumonia that spread, and they didn't have antibiotics yet, and they didn't know it was the bacteria.
And you had millions of run-down soldiers coming back who had no immune system, who'd been eating crappy food in the trenches, and they were dying en masse and then giving it to others.
In that winter.
That's what happens in wars.
So there's facts.
Now, I haven't hit the latest.
The actual UN document where they admitted it's all a hoax and for power and control, bigger than the Great Reset, it was first in a Canadian document.
They tried to say, well, we're not sure what's real, but we were able to search the document and find other documents from other countries that confirm it is real.
Ha ha ha!
We have you now.
We'll be back.
Hour number two, straight ahead.
This is the Info War.
Make America great again.
Keep America great.
Bring back jobs.
Soon as Trump got into the stock market, it doubled because people said, oh, we're open for business again?
We weren't under globalism.
In 2016, the Department of Labor predicted that Americans would continue dropping out of the workforce in record numbers.
They predicted and projected a decade of sluggish growth, and they expected unemployment over 5%.
And really six, seven, and even, in some cases, eight percent for years to come.
The so-called experts said the Americans had no choice but to accept stagnation, decay, and a shrinking middle class as the new normal.
I knew that if we lifted these burdens, From our economy and unleashed our people to pursue their ambitions and realize their limitless potential, then economic prosperity would come thundering back to our country at a record speed.
Today, I'm proud to stand before you as President of the United States to report that we have delivered On our promises and exceeded our expectations by a very wide margin.
Richard Reeves, my good friend, sends me a clip of Patrick Byrne, who is advising Trump for many months.
I knew this, didn't want to tell people he didn't want me to.
It was at the White House with Powell and with Flynn for four hours last week.
They did discuss civil emergency.
They did discuss the Insurrection Act because we're facing a foreign takeover.
All of these people are being told, if you do good work and get the president at the door on January 20, there'll be jobs waiting for you.
A million and a half dollar, two million dollar jobs at Sullivan Cromwell and places like that.
You'll be accepted in socialite circles in New York.
If you don't, All that goes away.
And numerous younger people in the administration are being told, just get the president to concede.
Just get him to concede.
Help him get in transition mode.
Trump is totally surrounded.
Basically, he's got less than 10% of his original staff.
The Marines are still there flying around the helicopter.
That's about it.
But everybody copping out on Trump.
We elected him.
It's not about even his policies at this point.
Is that globalists are involved in a hostile takeover with Joe Biden who says America is doomed.
This country is doomed.
They don't want America to even exist.
They're globalists that have parlayed a deal to end the country and use our diversity as a weapon against us, okay?
And God tells me you don't sit there and engage in this type of evil.
You don't play God.
Well, Bill Gates broke that rule.
This virus, are we looking at 2022, 2023 when we feel like we'll have this virus under control around the world?
A few things like getting their health systems and vaccination rates back up.
You can probably get that back in shape within three or four years.
The poverty impacts and educational impacts will be more like I recently took the COVID-19 vaccination.
After the shot, I felt fine.
But within three days, I went to the doctor because I had problems with my face.
The whole left side of my face, actually.
I have bell palsy now.
We support you.
I do know my rights.
Please do not touch me.
Do not touch me.
It is our constitutional rights.
You do not have, you are public servants.
You do not have the authority to... You do not have the authority to impose any of your fake codes, California codes, on us or our children.
It is our constitutional rights.
What, if anything, will change in three weeks under President Biden?
What policy levers can be pulled that haven't yet already been tried?
Well, you will see him invoking the Defense Production Act.
The idea there is to make sure that the personal protective equipment, the test capacity, and the raw materials for the vaccines are produced in adequate supply so that those aren't limiting steps in all of this.
And I think you're also going to see a major increase in testing.
You're going to see a lot more testing because if we don't see those invisible, so to speak, the mild and asymptomatic cases of disease, if you don't know they exist, it's very difficult to prevent spread from those people.
The analogy here with Biden saying, this country is doomed, it's a eugenics operation,
except on nation states, where it's like if you have terminal cancer and you're in total pain,
and you're in misery, and you have no control over your bowels or anything.
And you say, some people say, hey, you know what, just kill me. I can't take this anymore,
I don't want my family to see this. So it's all about convincing America,
you have terminal cancer, you're dead, you're in pain from our shutdown,
you're dying from a disease and all this stuff. And Biden says, see, you're doomed, so
We just gotta kill ya, and we gotta bring in the Chai Coms and take care of you now.
You died, you don't deserve to live.
They're saying, "Give up, give up, give up, you're doomed, it's over."
Despite the attempts by big tech...
And corrupt government institutions, as well as the United Nations and Big Pharma, despite their attempts, their fraud is coming out.
Despite all the attempts by the globalists, despite all the attempts by the globalists and their minions, despite the Chi-Coms, despite the EU, despite Hollywood, despite the mainstream media, despite Big Pharma, despite all the leftist sheeple running around bleeding and demanding that we submit to their endless medical martial law tyranny.
We have hundreds of thousands of doctors and scientists and epidemiologists and nurses that everywhere are educating people in mass about the real science of COVID-19, where it came from, and what really happened.
Let me just briefly recap this incredible information.
Last hour, at the end of the hour, I showed you CDC statistics that NPR is linked to themselves when they're hyping up into the world the hospitals are full.
But when you go to the CDC's own numbers that we have the maps for, right here, And you click on Travis County, where Austin, Texas is based, where they're saying there's basically martial law is needed, and lockdowns are needed, and all this craziness is needed.
And you find out that the hospitals are at 9% capacity, and they've got 77 serious COVID patients.
And let me show you those numbers.
But here it is at 9% capacity.
At the hospitals, 9%.
Zoom in on that if you can.
And then here's the Austin American Statesman article about it, saying 77 people in the hospitals with COVID.
And if you continue here, you see the headlines around the country.
Hospitals across the U.S.
reaching breaking point as coronavirus surges.
Oh, they're turning away the ambulances, but we've got reports in the U.S.
and the U.K.
that they're shutting down all those extra emergency centers that they set up, that they're closing those.
Emergency hospitals are being dismantled despite claim of hospitalizations worse than the first wave.
But here's the article out of KXAN Television in Texas.
Curfew a possibility for Austin as ICU beds run low.
But I just showed you from the CDC's own website.
And the easiest place to find the sub area of the CDC website is to go to an article that is in NPR.
And that's right here.
Federal data reveals which hospitals are dangerously full this week is yours.
So when you hear that, on the local news, you can go check your city, your county, by just going to that article, and it's got a link to it.
So they tell you it's all doom, they're all full, everyone's dying, record evil, none of it.
Is true.
And they are counting people that have the flu or have pneumonia as COVID-19.
People that have heart failure, they're calling it COVID-19 because they get $53,000 extra dollars when they do it.
Wow, is that not totally and completely insane?
But guess what else is going on with COVID-19?
Jeffrey Epstein's last cellmate, who was transferred out of his cell the day before he got his neck broken, dies from coronavirus.
At first they wouldn't say why he died suddenly, but now they're saying it's coronavirus.
And of course, again, if you get hit by a car, if you get eaten by a shark, if you die jumping out of an airplane, skydiving, they call it that.
If you die on a motorcycle, they call it that.
If you die of a gunshot wound, they call it that.
Talk about Bill Barr tying up loose ends.
Jeffrey Epstein's last cellmate dies from coronavirus.
Report says, Fox News, the last man known to have shared a jail cell with the late Jeffrey Epstein, one day before he was killed, has died of coronavirus.
Or did the Easter Bunny kill him?
F Rain Reigns, 51, was found dead November 27th inside his mother's apartment in New York City.
Please confirm to the New York Daily News.
Oh, found dead.
Epstein liked to read a lot and he kept himself.
He wasn't a problem starter or too loud.
My uncle said he was a good cellmate.
His niece said.
The Daily News reports that Reyes was transferred to a private prison the day before Epstein hanged himself in August 2019 and it was there that he contracted the coronavirus.
So he was found dead in his apartment, and they're telling you it was coronavirus.
Let me tell you who else died of COVID-19.
Please pull up the Sir Bruder film, please.
That's right, little did you know, but the coronavirus, COVID-19, got in a time machine and went back to Dallas in the fall of 1963, and that's how John F. Kennedy died.
In fact, Hitler died in World War II.
People thought he escaped to Argentina.
Truth is, coronavirus killed him too.
The Hindenburg was brought down by the coronavirus.
I mean, it's that ridiculous, ladies and gentlemen.
He's found dead in his apartment, and now the same corrupt New York system tells us that that's what happened.
Absolutely insane.
Absolutely incredible.
Absolutely over the top.
Now, I haven't hit on all the other coronavirus news.
I think I skimmed over the first three or four articles of about 40 articles I've got right here.
So let me just read you, just give you an idea of what's going on.
And a lot of this you would have already heard from us.
We warned you it was all coming because it's all in the UN plan.
People keep asking, how do we know all this stuff's coming?
Well, because it's a UN plan.
It's like you're reading a play and if you've already read the play before you go see the play, you know what's going to happen.
So let's just go over it for you right now.
World Health Organization, bigger pandemic than COVID is coming and world governments need to counter it.
Remember Bill Gates said that on television a few months ago.
He said, oh, this is just a drill.
The real one's coming.
You've been such good slaves that you behave so well.
So we're going to use this even more.
Whistleblower, globalists planning more lockdowns to usher in universal basic income.
Well, yeah, I mean, whistleblower, hell, it's Klaus Schwab and all them admit it.
It's right there.
Of course, it's now admitted that China is bragging that the COVID will destroy us and keep us locked down.
Not COVID, but the lockdown from it, because they control us.
And then the globalists are all invested in China, so their investments all go up.
Then after a decade of us being in a depression, they bring the money back from China and buy it all up, pays them a dollar.
Continuing here, UK professor locked down.
This is the UK professor who designed the lockdown brags adopting Chai Com model allowed British government to get away with the shutdowns and China's example helped them lead the way and now the UK is the example of the world for future lockdowns.
Rubio says elites tricking Americans into taking vaccines and that we shouldn't trust them and that the elites are in a bubble.
Appeals Court says Governor Cuomo's lockdown restrictions on religious gatherings violated the Constitution, but they still keep doing it, saying your church is not essential, your restaurant's not essential, your bar's not essential, your dojo's not essential, your auto parts store's not essential, but all the big establishment things, and when Cuomo wanted to go and let the Grammys go forward, Where was the Emmys?
It was the Emmys.
He then got an Emmy for the great job he's done with COVID.
How sick and disgusting.
Nobel Peace Prizes are worthless.
Emmys are worthless.
Oscars are worthless.
These are like anchors around your necks.
These are signs of how disgusting you are.
UK, again, continues its lockdown.
Unmasked Woman Stands Her Ground When Confronted By Masked Nazis.
I played part of that earlier.
I'm going to play the whole thing when we come back.
Hard Nashville Nurse Gets Bell's Palsy From Vaccine.
We're going to play that again.
And then I've already mentioned this, but here it is.
John Hopkins University Newsletter ran studies saying COVID relatively no effect on deaths in the U.S.
They deleted it after publication because they pointed out, well, the year's not over.
Well, they did year to date.
They did.
They did January 1st, 2019 to the point in September they were.
They did the same thing here and found the same amount of deaths roughly.
Well, they said, "Well, that isn't for the whole year."
So now we're almost, the year's almost over.
I went and looked at the numbers.
Looks like there'll be less deaths in 2020 total than last year.
It's all a hoax.
It's all a fraud.
It's all a scam.
Here's the newsletter right here, A Closer Look at U.S.
deaths due to COVID-19.
And remember, they're using all the fake stuff, people that have other things as COVID death.
That's why the numbers are staying relatively the same.
New study of 10 million Chinese finds asymptomatic COVID spread never existed.
Everything we were first told isn't true.
Journalists hounded after pointing out that only old and sick die from COVID.
They just put that on the death certificate of everybody that dies now.
Former CDC chief calls for immunity passports to approve COVID vaccine before travel, even though the head of the WHO says it won't even protect you.
And the insurance companies, the same ones making money while the hospitals are shut down, not giving care, are the ones pushing the whole deal.
They'll be back, stay with us.
Well, Kalia Mitchell is a nurse in Tennessee, in Nashville.
And people have gone and checked.
She's a nurse.
It happened to her.
It's happening all over the place.
They admit that you can get Bell's Palsy or your face being paralyzed or a lot worse.
Guillain-Barré's, narcolepsy, permanent epilepsy.
Well, you can just have a convulsion and die, too.
That's what happens to a lot of little babies.
When you take vaccines.
But this vaccine, they admitted, is going to have a lot more reactions.
Bill Gates admitted that other vaccines is not a vaccine.
It's an mRNA mutagen that just begins, cell by cell, to take over every cell in your body, reprogramming them.
And it's got the whole genome of a dead boy from 1966 in it.
That's in the patent of the Pfizer one.
It's got jellyfish genes.
And you go study the other MRA ones, they're even crazier.
And even top scientists say, we don't know why they're putting jellyfish genes in people.
We just know this is really, really dangerous.
So, we don't just need resistance to this.
We don't just need Congress to stop the censorship and not let Big Tech engage in a cover-up, because they're partially owned by Big Pharma.
Google and others are merged with Big Pharma.
Bill Gates is heavily invested in Facebook.
Zuckerberg basically works for Bill Gates.
This is racketeering to have big tech with big pharma with the media suppressing consumer reviews and people that don't want to take this and they've got liability protection and they admit it reprograms ourselves?
I mean, imagine 20 years ago, we're talking about Monsanto taking over all the crops with their GMO and don't produce seeds anymore that produce new plants.
So you got to buy it each year from them.
And then all the weird health problems that animals have eating the GMO that are in studies.
Now they're going to go in and make you a GMO product?
They were announcing, we're going to release a mRNA vaccine into oak trees that changes the genetics of all oak trees.
People be against it.
But they're doing it to humans!
And the reaction is so bad, they go, oh, there's no long-term problems!
They did no long-term studies!
So they're just setting the precedent to hurt us out in the open, and to get all the hospitals and the doctors and the media on board, so when this causes mass carnage and mass death, like autism, but worse, everybody goes along with the cover-up because, well, we all did it for the right reason.
My grandmother was a great lady, but she's like, Alex, I know that I told you and your mother told you that I got polio from the polio vaccine, but I've decided the doctors meant well, and I don't want you to talk about it or tell my story.
It's just not Christian to be a troublemaker.
Paralyzed her.
She's a beautiful woman, had two children.
My mother was four years old when she got it from the second round of the polio shot, and the doctor told her she got it from the live virus polio vaccine.
And my grandmother was on crutches for the rest of her life in excruciating pain.
But she said, that's okay.
See, we adapt to accepting them violently attacking us.
Yeah, Bill Gates, they admit, Reuters is the number one cause of public worldwide is vaccines, but so what?
Paralyzed little black kids is liberal.
He gives money to Black Lives Matter.
Which says sterilize men and don't have a family.
It's the same message.
Die, die, die, die.
And now some pro-vaccine YouTubers went out, one black lady and an Asian guy, to this clinic and they were like, wait a minute, why are you giving the Asian guy one vaccine and her another?
Well, there's one for men that does something for men and one for women.
You're like, I thought it was for COVID-19.
It's a little special.
No, we got something for you.
That's how it works.
But here, let's go to this poor lady.
Mitchell, they're in Tennessee, and what happened to her in Nashville?
Hi, I am a registered nurse in Nashville, Tennessee, and my name is Khalila Mitchell.
I'm reaching out to everyone about the COVID-19 vaccination.
I recently took the COVID-19 vaccination.
After the shot, I felt fine.
But within three days, I went to the doctor because I had problems with my face.
The whole left side of my face, actually.
I have Bell Palsy now.
And as you can see, I can't smile.
I'm trying to smile.
I'm just kind of embarrassed.
But I just want everyone to know that I think this vaccination is the worst thing ever.
And I would not give this to anybody, even my worst enemy.
Please, America, they do not care about us.
Do not take this vaccination.
Ma'am, it's worse than that, sweetheart.
They want to kill you.
They want to kill me, okay?
And they want to normalize it and have you just take it, okay?
Bill Gates has followed it all on record.
His main message is to take out black folks.
But he wants to get everybody, don't worry.
But he's liberal, so it's okay.
It's like, Apple runs the biggest death camps in China.
It's alright, he's liberal.
He gives money to Black Lives Matter, and he's gay.
So, it's okay.
It's okay, if you're gay, to kill all day.
Gay, gay, gay.
Let's go ahead and go to the owner of Bread and Barley in Southern California, where the code enforcers come to fine him for staying open when McDonald's across the street gets to operate, because they're a big chain.
They're essential.
You're not scum.
So he blocks in the code enforcer and the cops come.
Here it is.
Oh yeah, I'm blocking this out.
Because he wants to come in here and say no one can work.
So he can't work either.
Where do you work?
Bread and Barley, right there.
Are you, uh, what's his brother's name?
I'm Carlos Roman, and this guy here is the owner of Redline?
So, this guy's saying that you can't work?
Do you know where he works at?
The health department.
That was our friend?
Yeah, he decided to come today and take pictures of people outside and say that you gotta fine us and we can't work out here.
So, if we can't work, he can't work.
This is what happens when people get desperate.
I'm desperate.
Who's going to pay for her carpet?
The chief is not coming to work.
Someone's coming.
I'm not moving.
We're talking to him right now.
He's not going to be here anyway.
But so that traffic can get moving a little bit forward.
This is what happens when people get desperate.
I'm desperate.
Who's gonna pay for her carpet?
Who's gonna pay my cook's rent?
Listen, I will get a supervisor out here for you.
He's like, you see, I'm non-essential.
I'm shut down.
He's shut down.
He's blockading me.
I'm blockading him.
You see how hard this shit is.
Everybody wants to come out here and defend.
Everyone wants to drag down Citrus and...
And the police officer doesn't know what to say.
He's like, you see, I'm non-essential.
I'm shut down. He's shut down.
He's blockading me. I'm blockading him.
This is siege.
How would the cops like it if somebody came and took all their paychecks?
Or fired them?
Oh, the left's telling you that too!
They're saying you're not essential.
This is a takeover.
They're essential, you're not.
Stop complying with this crap.
It's illegal.
And again, everybody's shifting from big box stores and big restaurants to little ones.
This is the big ones waging war and making you go to them.
It's so elementary.
It's so villainous.
It's so insane!
We're going to shift gears to the campaign and the battle to stop the steal with Ivan Reikland.
Straight ahead, InfoWars.com, Tomorrow's News Today, and Banned.Video.
Okay, if you see the new Wonder Woman movie, which I actually went and saw Sunday night.
It's, for as stupid as those movies are, it still had a lot of messages in it.
It was still entertaining.
The villain basically takes over, mind controls the U.S.
President, who's Ronald Reagan.
It's Wonder Woman 1984.
And he takes over the EAS emergency satellite system that's able to commandeer all the media in the world.
This is a cartoon version of it.
But they do have satellites that can do that.
They do have big jamming systems on the ground.
EAS is wired into all the major radio and TV stations, cable stations, and broadcast stations.
Most of the stations we're on here in the United States are directly wired into it.
A few other sub-channels aren't.
And any engineer will tell you that.
But beyond EAS, what I call 2.0, 3.0, Remember all the stories 12 years ago or so about Obama and this kill switch they were putting in?
And they said, but it won't be like where they totally kill the Internet or TV.
Messages will be put into your phone browser, into your computer browser, into your car's TV monitor communication system, your display.
And people said, oh Jones is crazy, that'll never happen.
I was reading what was in the federal bills, what was in the law.
Now Obama, before he left in the Defense Authorization Act of 2017, which again they passed in 2016, which he signed right before Trump was inaugurated four years ago.
Said they put billions of dollars into countering Foreign Disinformation Propaganda Act and then that was put into the COG and the EAS system.
So when Ivan Reiklin at Twitter, R-A-I-K-L-I-N, a former Green Beret, a recovering lawyer, ultra-marathoner operating at the intersection of national security, startups, politics, and law, he also has a lot of stuff with DuckDuckGo, he does a lot of stuff with General Flynn, and has been at the Defense Intelligence Agency.
When he comes out in his tweet, Trump's been retweeting him lately, and says Trump needs to take control of the EAS system, I have tried to tell Trump.
Doesn't mean he commandeers the NFL, it doesn't mean he breaks in over every channel, although that might be needed.
He can still do that from the Resolute Desk and just have everybody tune in anyways.
But messages from him in the browsers, instead of you have an Android, if you have an iPhone or any other system, You see those hard-coded messages at the top of Apple News, or when you type in anything about COVID, or about the election, whether it's on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google, it has messages at the top, and sometimes overrides you and sends you somewhere else.
That's the phase-in of the EAS System 2.0 that the Democrats put into place.
So Trump never learned about that.
They kept him away from that.
That's now admitted.
And so when Ivan Reikland says, Trump should take over EAS.
He's absolutely right.
He should take over the Countering Foreign Propaganda Disinformation Act that is still statutorily there, the funding phased out within two years.
But it's still operating.
Those are shadow networks.
But as president, he has 22 days to rally the people, to rally the states with that sign of strength, taking over the EAS system, which again, I'll be attacked for this.
The deep state's already in control of the EAS.
It's a lot bigger than, this is an emergency broadcast.
If this was a real emergency, you would tune in here for weather, or that's the old EAS since the Cold War.
That's only one part of it.
This is the newer system.
So Ivan, who's a constitutional recovering lawyer, as he said, he's here with us.
Tell folks what you think the president should do.
You've tweeted out about it as well.
So yeah, Alex, absolutely.
So the president, if you're listening, And anybody within the orbit of the President needs to activate the emergency alert system.
And I'll tell you why.
I agree everything with what you're saying, Alex.
He needs to do so in order to be able to let the nation know of all the cyber attacks that have been occurring.
We're starting to see some of that come out.
A few weeks ago, we saw the Treasury Department was attacked.
We saw the entire U.S.
government, unclassified systems were attacked.
So we're getting attacked by foreign adversaries, by China, potentially other countries to include Iran and Russia.
That needs to be put out.
in an alert via the alert system because everything that this president is putting out
is under the the big tech and big media always says oh he's doing that in order to uh it's not
accurate because it has something to do with the election or he's questioning the election.
So they censor him.
They block him.
You can't like, you can't retweet.
In order to circumvent the entire big media manipulation, in order to circumvent all of big tech, like you're saying, he has one mechanism to do that and tell truth to the American public of the crisis that we're currently in.
And not only are we being attacked critical infrastructure in the U.S.
government, but the nation as a whole and part of that critical infrastructure is our electoral system.
And so tonight, I argue that yesterday would have been a perfect day to start that.
But this evening at 9 p.m.
from tonight until January 6th in the morning, so not every single hour of the day, but in the evening, he needs to give a prime time address.
Laying out, say, for example, tonight, day one, foreign interference and attacks on our entire national
critical infrastructure.
And as one of those subcomponents, he needs to bring out the Director of National Intelligence,
DNI Radcliffe, as he explains what he's been able to come up with in an unclassified fashion,
according to his Executive Order 13848. Now, do you remember, just hold on for a
second, we're keep walking through this, you're absolutely right. Do you remember two years ago,
they got really upset when somebody in the administration used it and sent out alerts
from the President, but it was on hurricanes and things.
And the left freaked out and said, don't let Trump use the EAS cuz they're already in control
of it.
Like a Swiss Army knife, though, they haven't done the national address.
They've just been doing, again, the orders to Google, Facebook, all of them to hard-code.
Folks don't know that's being hard-coded by Obama and Hillary that still have control on record.
That's why Brennan and Clapper are still in control.
This is insane.
And I totally agree.
He shouldn't announce the civil emergency or the...
Insurrection, right up front.
The thing to do is just start communicating now with people about the country's under attack from China.
That, you know, here's the examples of what happened with solar winds.
Because that's what it's meant to be doing.
Not scaring us with fake COVID numbers.
Not telling us that Trump lost the election and no one is allowed to question it.
They're using EAS agreements to push that.
So we start off with the national emergency, which is the whole reason why this system was created.
It's the president's prerogative to decide what that national emergency is.
And I don't think anybody can argue that.
And he will be able to, through the system, communicate to all 300 and whatever it is now, 20, 30 million people in the United States circumventing those folks that are trying to counter his narrative of truth.
And under that system, He will lay it out with his executive branch, the DNI.
The Secretary of the Treasury will be able to speak for a few minutes to articulate specifically what happened with the attack on the Treasury Department and go down the list.
The Secretary of Defense can talk about what the Department of Defense sees in terms of foreign adversarial attacks on the United States.
So it won't just be the President, it'll be the entire Cabinet As it has touch points on foreign interference.
Secretary of State.
And I have a spreadsheet on my pinned tweet that really outlines who each person and what role they play and what they need to articulate.
The following day, so say for example tomorrow, the entire executive branch needs to start using under this EAS system again every night at 9 p.m.
and then moving into tomorrow they can cover say for example Nevada.
What have foreign governments done In Nevada, as it applies to foreign interference in our elections.
I believe Nevada was the state that submitted information on all registered individuals in that state to Pakistani intelligence services.
If I'm not mistaken, I think it was Nevada.
Those are things that we need to know about as a country to determine whether or not we're going to have confidence at all in the outcome of this election.
And not only does it educate us as a people, this entire process under the emergency alert system educates U.S.
Congress in preparation for their vote on whether they're going to object or not on January 6th.
Also, prior to January 6th, it educates all of your state legislatures in all of these five, six states that are contested to see what all the federal executive branch holdings of information is.
I want to stop you right there.
I want to stop you right there.
As wild as this sounds to people that aren't informed on it, I want to explain.
electoral stop you right there I want to stop you right there as far as while as
this sounds of people that aren't informed on it I want to explain I just
showed people the New York Times and other publications saying the UN is
is in control of our emergency alert system through a U.N.
agreement for a global pandemic.
That's why it's all standardized.
The president has been cut out of this because he was an outsider and didn't know.
And so we absolutely must retain control.
And in an emergency like this, speak directly to the people.
And all of this is wired in to take over everything.
And when they bitch about it, he goes, well, it was already there.
You were already using it.
He just doesn't know that.
He's sitting there with all the weapons he needs to save the country.
Welcome back, it's the Alex Jones Show.
Ivan Reikland is a former Green Beret commander, patriot, Defense Intelligence Agency lawyer, you name it.
And now...
He has been routinely fighting super hardcore with legal strategies and plans.
The president retweeted some of his work recently when he was talking about getting Pence to not certify the electors.
Now that's a huge issue.
Lawsuits are filed by Congressman Louie Gohmert and the Amistad group and others.
So what he's saying is front and center.
So let's show his Twitter for all the TV listeners, all the TV viewers, radio listeners.
You're the real emergency alert system of the President.
Go there and get his latest tweet talking about how Trump needs to trigger the emergency alert system and send that to the President's Twitter and to Don Jr.'s.
We know that they're reading what Mr. Reikland says.
We know that General Flynn is talking to the President.
We know that others are.
And this sounds wild.
Activate the emergency system.
Well, when Trump Underlings were putting out basic presidential alerts two years ago.
The New York Times and others said presidential alert goes to millions of cell phones across the U.S.
Others asked, is it okay?
Should it be able to do that?
Well, now the WHO is in control of it, the bureaucracy is, and the president since then, when they tested it two years ago, it's never been used since.
I'll explain this again.
Under the law, when you are on Twitter or Facebook, you see that same blue message.
When it knows you're talking about Yeah, so a couple components.
The last one first, and then we'll go into the legal component.
says, no, you're gonna look at this.
So it's already implemented.
What Ivan's saying is the rightful president should be using it right now.
And so this is really the secret weapon, Ivan.
You're absolutely right.
What made you think of this?
And you've got the floor to break down more of what needs to happen.
Yeah, so a couple of components.
The last one first, and then we'll go into the legal component.
So the first one is absolutely, the president is the president,
regardless of how this election results, until January 20th at noon,
the president of the United States, The commander in chief is Donald J. Trump.
So he has full discretion and authority to use all legal powers under the Constitution and all the laws underneath that to implement.
One of those is activating this emergency.
He is there primarily to defend the United States from our foreign adversaries, right?
And as part of that, we're being attacked.
So he needs to activate the emergency alert system, incorporate it... But Ivan, you know it's already been alerted since 1951 when they turned it on.
He has the right to already use it when these foreign cyber attacks were already in the emergency.
We're in the emergency now.
He just hasn't implemented it yet.
That's up to him to decide to do so.
Now the second component, we're talking about the legal aspect of it.
So great case filed by Louie Gohmert.
If you go back to December 23rd when the president retweeted the argument that if the vice president received those electors from the states that are in contest, the six states and then potentially seven with New Mexico, he, by not denying it, Accepted those slates of electors because in the U.S.
Code Title 3 of the U.S.
Code section.
I can't recall right now, but I think it's in 15 or an earlier section says that on this on the fourth Wednesday of December.
It's incumbent upon the vice president to send a message to the secretaries of state of states that did not send a legitimate legal slate of electors.
So he had the opportunity to use what's known as the Pence card, you know version A or the first one.
And by doing so, that launched a couple lawsuits that became ripe against him.
So Amistad filed a lawsuit the day prior, but it wasn't ripe, in my opinion, based on my legal analysis, until the Vice President refused to do anything on the 23rd.
So then on the 24th, New Year's Eve, is when that lawsuit became ripe, and he is now a defendant in that case.
And that's essentially saying that he was complicit in Violating the Constitution because the states violated the Constitution's Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2 by not running their election according to how the legislature thereof of that state wanted to run it.
And additionally, they violated the 14th Amendment of all the folks that voted legally.
By allowing all these fraudulent votes to be counted as part of the bottom line numbers.
And it set the precedent, they're now saying in Georgia, they're going to just keep doing it forever now.
So by the Supreme Court not acting, by Pence not acting, they're just bullying ahead with this takeover.
You have a lawsuit by Louie Gohmert in addition to that previous lawsuit that talks about he is arguing that Title III of the U.S.
Code Sections 5 and 15 are in violation of the 12th Amendment.
Let me break that down real quick.
So the 12th Amendment articulates on how a president is selected in the joint session of Congress.
And it's done in a manner where If no one gets 200, in this case 270, a majority of electors that are selected by the states and transmitted to the Congress, then you go to what's known as a contingent vote.
So let's assume that either the states pull back on their electors, there's different variations to this, it's a little more nuanced than we can cover in the next five minutes, but if there's a, if no one gets a majority, then Louie Gohmert is arguing that it has to go to a contingent style Election in the house meaning one state one vote and under that construct Republicans have the majority at least 26 states as it currently stands there's still some contests going on in different states that may keep it at 26 or Bring it up to 20 states either way the Republicans have the majority in the 117th Congress that's sworn in at noon on the 3rd so Title 3 says if there is a contest it goes to what the governor certifies
Under, I think it's Title 3, USC Section 5.
So the tiebreak, if you will, if there's an objection that's made between the Senate and the House for these electors and the Senate rules that they're going to decline those states' electors and the House rules that they're going to accept them, meaning the Biden ones coming from these six states, who deals with that tiebreak of the two houses not agreeing whether to accept or reject that electoral slate?
Title 3 says it goes to The governor's certification.
Gohmert's saying that that is unconstitutional to the 12th Amendment, the 5th Amendment, due process clause, and a couple other things.
Because that takes us back to the governor's agreeing to the fake mail-in ballots with the Democrats in the consent forms, and we're right back again to the legislature being cut out.
Right, so that is a great and brilliant argument.
Two things I'll say.
My argument that I put out on the 23rd was that And I've subsequently created a four-page memo with analysis of these particular sections and the 12th Amendment, is that the Vice President in his power as the presiding officer can at that point say, you know what, since there's a conflict in the House and the Senate on objecting to these electoral slates, I decide that the tie-break's gonna go to the House under the 12th Amendment's one-state, one-vote rule.
And after that vote, assuming everyone votes on party line, they come in agreement And they agreed to reject these states' electors, bringing everyone below 270 threshold, and then triggering the seventh, if you will, if they only reject six of these states, then the seventh overarching vote to determine who the president is will go to the 12th Amendment one-state, one-vote ruling.
All right, stay right there.
Do five more minutes with us, because you've got the memos.
They're on your Twitter account, rakelyn, at rakelyn, R-A-I-K-L-I-N.
Everybody needs to retweet it at the President.
We need to write an article about it.
We need to take this interview where we explain what EAS is, because the left's going to act like this is totally insane, a martial law.
No, they have illegally used it.
They're using it other than the National Address, which you know Biden's going to end up using.
And the President has this power.
People think it's abuse, they try to impeach him.
He has the power, he needs to use it.
Biden is a CHICOM agent.
There is no other way.
It is now time to do it back in just about two minutes with Ivan Reiklin.
We'll talk about what else the president could do because Biden clearly stole this, okay?
But it's worse than that.
But it's worse than that because he's a CHICOM agent.
So it doesn't matter one way or the other, this is a takeover and they're planning another lockdown.
This is totally insane.
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One of the good parts about Trump was he was an outsider.
Never been in government.
But because he didn't understand government, hadn't been studying it, he got overrun, he got blocked in many cases.
But he still has the executive power that he used on the economy and other areas to stop this and to address the American people from the resolute desk.
And I agree, he should use the EAS system to direct people to his address.
That's what it's set up for.
And America, if it wasn't in a crisis this big, I'd say don't do it.
But the globalists are in control.
They're already using the EAS system.
Ivan Reikland, in closing, other points you'd like to make about the situation and what else we can do to try to stop this foreign takeover?
Yes, I don't know, maybe hashtag own the airwaves, but in that regard, other than talking about the foreign threat, as I mentioned in that spreadsheet, he needs to incorporate everything that's been put out from all the state's hearings, all the, I think Peter Navarro just updated his immaculate deception, that needs to be put out for the Country writ large.
I mean, you and I know about the immaculate deception, all the fraud that's been going on.
But I would say 60, if not more, percent of the country does not know that the fraud exists because it's been ignored by your mainstream media and it's been censored on big tech.
So he needs to use that day by day at 9 p.m.
for an hour, bringing his entire staff.
Rudy Giuliani can come in and say, you know what?
These are all the legal actions that are occurring with the fraud in each one of these states.
And because the Supreme Court will not hear us, we're going to make the case to America of all of the different fraud that's going on and then weave it into all of the foreign influence and interference that created this entire just mess and fiasco.
And then the last thing I'll say is advice to Vice President Pence.
With the two cases that have been filed over the last week against you, and I guess that there's going to be more, but my recommendation to Vice President Pence Is in his response to these lawsuits, he needs to say, you know what, Louie Gohmert, I agree with your analysis.
I did.
I cannot.
You need to enjoin me from accepting these electoral slates on January 6th.
And that would be essentially responding to his lawsuit.
And the judge will look at one side and say, oh, Louie Gohmert is arguing this along with Kelly Ward and then the rest of the states.
And the vice president agrees with it.
The judge really has no option other than to say, absolutely, I'm going to go ahead and join the Vice President from accepting these electoral slates.
And what happens next?
The left then appeals it.
It goes to the Court of Appeals.
Then it goes from there, whoever loses ends up appealing it to the Supreme Court.
And I think at that point, when it appears as though Vice President Pence is mandated to reject based on a court ruling, The electoral slates from these six fraudulent states that also violated the Constitution and multiple components of it, Article 2 as well as the 12th Amendment.
He's gonna be forced to reject it saying, I can't accept these.
And then the Supreme Court, I think may at that point in time, get involved.
But for them to do it over the course of the next eight days, highly unlikely.
And so if that district judge over the next couple days takes the case and Pence does what I recommend, He's gonna be bound by the court, by the law, to reject those six slates.
In closing, what else could the president do?
I mean, he needs to not just give a speech here, a speech there.
He needs to start addressing the public from the Resolute Desk now, and mobilize the public to come to the January 6th rally that he's reportedly a little burned from.
So, there's the executive approach, and then the legislative approach that I talk about in that four-page memo.
And in order for us to facilitate and assist the United States Congress to make
the proper constitutional decision, it's going to be quite influential for two million of us
minimum to arrive in Washington, DC and be right outside of the Congressional Halls as they cast their
votes whether or not to accept those legislative slates. I'll say one last thing, go to my
Twitter, DM me.
If you want to come to D.C., you just can't afford it.
I'm going to go ahead and open up my backyard for if anybody wants to come out with a tent and some sleeping bags.
And I'm probably going to open it up for another 10 people.
If you guys are okay with that, I'd be more than happy to host.
Yeah, that's key.
We need patriots to go online and fight their family and buy people into your homes.
This is a total mobilization for America.
We need 10 million.
The hotels are going to be closed.
That's right.
The hotels are saying they're closing to keep us out, aren't they?
Yep, so everybody invite as many people as you can.
I've already committed to 13 people.
That's right.
They're trying to keep us out.
I forgot about that.
We'll be right back.
God bless you.
We'll talk to you soon, Ivan.
We've watched the left burn down apartment buildings and police stations and shoot innocent people in the head on the side of the road.
And we've watched the media tell us that it's mostly peaceful demonstrations.
And then we saw Kyle Rittenhouse become a symbol of good people defending themselves.
Out there trying to be a medic, trying to help people in Kenosha, Wisconsin, being chased down by thugs with guns, and defending himself, and now having the book thrown at him, and now he tries to raise money, they go and take away the merchant accounts, they go after the bank accounts.
I've gone through this as well.
This is the true persecution. And the left also goes after his lawyer. The
left goes after Trump's lawyers.
The left goes after my lawyers and says, you don't even have a right to representation when they try
to put you in jail or they sue you. So we're joined by John Pierce, Rittenhouse's great lawyer,
that's done a wonderful job, FreeKyleUSA.com, and Wendy Rittenhouse, his mother. They've added
a seventh charge against Kyle. We've got a lot of breaking news, but we are all Kyle Rittenhouse,
ladies and gentlemen, because they put the George Soros DEAs or DAs in
and put in the state attorney generals all over the country.
There is a reign of terror against even 85-year-old women that shoot people with weapons in their own homes in some leftist areas.
I mean, this is just like the UK now, where someone steals your RV.
You're not allowed to have it back because it's, quote, their culture to do it.
If they're a, you know, pikey or an Irish gypsy.
This is so out of control.
This is the system protecting criminals.
So I'll stop ranting and introduce John Pierce here and Wendy Rittenhouse.
And John, you can probably introduce this and bring Wendy in, but I watched the interview yesterday on The War Room.
I appreciate you joining us.
And I want to talk about the latest developments, but also what it's like for this mother to watch her son go through this.
But I know she's proud of him.
We're all proud of him.
Thanks for joining us.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for having us, Alex, and I couldn't have said some of those things better than you did yourself.
It's just really unbelievable what's happening in the country.
Generally, it's unbelievable what has happened to Kyle.
As you mentioned, after four months, apparently they decided just the other day, the prosecutors, to add a seventh charge for violating curfew.
I'd be interested to see how many other folks have been charged with violating curfew over the last eight months as American city after American city has been burned down.
Where are the charges for those who attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse?
Where are the charges for those who've committed arson in city after city after city?
Where are the charges against the mayors and the governors?
Who have blatantly failed to perform their most fundamental, you know, governmental duty of providing a basic degree of law and order.
This has got to be the most important case in the history of self-defense in the Anglo-American legal system.
Perhaps the Boston Massacre comes close and we are fighting this to the very end, Alex, and we will win.
It doesn't matter how many death threats they throw our way.
It doesn't matter how much character assassination we face.
We are going to win.
And what's incredible is it's mobs of convicted pedophiles and wife beaters and armed robbers.
And you start looking at the backgrounds of a bunch of these people, this was a mob of really nasty, dangerous people chasing him down, shooting at him, we now know.
But I guess all that's okay.
I want to talk to Kyle's mom here.
I mean, it's surreal being a parent and imagining my son in that position.
But Wendy, what's first and foremost for you that you want to relay to a couple million viewers right now?
I want to thank them for all their support they've been giving to my family and even the people overseas.
Kyle got mail from them and I want to thank them also.
And if it wasn't from them, I wouldn't know what to do.
We need their help.
We need more help, Alex.
We need everyone to go to FreeCowUSA.com.
You know, Kyle was subjected to an outrageous, excessive, unconstitutional $2 million cash bail amount.
We raised those $10 million.
We put the cash on the barrelhead.
We got him free.
We set him free.
He's with his family, but we need a lot more resources.
This is going to be a long, hard fight.
Every American, every Democrat, Republican, Independent should care about this because they're coming after Kyle Rittenhouse now, and they're going to come after you next.
Let's be clear about that.
They pick people like Rittenhouse, like Stone, like Jones, like Trump, because I've experienced it.
I'm not being a victim here, it's just true.
And then we become like a standard, like the flag that they want to get.
And then they throw everything they've got at you, the harassment, the lawsuits, the lies.
And again, just describe what it's like, Mrs. Rittenhouse, like what you've gone through, what you witnessed.
Has this been a new experience for you to really find out what the left's really like?
The last is disgusting, unreal, and you have to be a criminal for them to put you on a pedestal.
My son, he's a caring young man, and they utilized him.
Then he's a monster, a killer, a murderer.
You know, it's just upon I'm just so disgusted with it.
You know, they need to be stopped.
I wonder, I mean obviously they're going to twist anything Kyle says, but I wonder why we haven't really seen any video messages from your son yet.
Yes, so Alex, you know, we need to be obviously very careful about, you know, statements, you know, from Kyle in light of the current criminal proceedings.
We have amazing, very experienced criminal defense attorneys, lawyers in Wisconsin.
from Kenosha and Racine.
And we are focused like a laser beam on getting Kyle acquitted.
I will say though, that this goes much deeper than Kyle.
There are some really, really dangerous things happening in this country.
Kyle's obviously become, like you said, a target and a symbol for the left.
And we need to save the Second Amendment, we need to save the right to self-defense,
and that's gonna come through acquitting Kyle.
Kyle and Wendy care deeply about this country.
That whole family cares deeply about this country.
And so, you know, this is very important for every American.
Well, that was my next question for Wendy.
Because obviously your son's out there cleaning up graffiti.
He's out being a medic.
He sees the police standing down.
Days of burning.
He goes there.
They're viciously attacking for no reason.
They try to kill him.
He defends himself.
He kindly only blows the guy's arm off instead of actually shooting him in the chest.
And I mean, all of this is going on.
How did you raise such a good man?
And tell us about your son and why he went out there.
He went out there to help.
He saw Kenosha burning down.
Law enforcement had to stand by because the governor and the mayor of Kenosha didn't do nothing about it.
President Trump offered the National Guard.
They shot it down.
They only had a couple of National Guard.
And Kyle, his sister, Dominic Black and a couple other kids went out there to clean.
I couldn't be prouder of my children to clean up the city and everything.
And I'm proud of Kyle.
And he's a wonderful young man.
I'm proud to say he's my son.
And I love my son.
I love my daughters.
I couldn't be prouder of him.
Well, we are all Kyle Rittenhouse now, because he's a good person with a good record, who went out there with a fire extinguisher, who was trying to put out garbage.
I mean, the video shows this, talking to your lawyer, John Pierce.
I mean, John, he's on video trying to put out a dumpster fire, and they're burning up cars, and then a convicted pedophile attacks him.
I mean, that's what happened here.
Yeah, Alex, if this is not self-defense for Kyle Rittenhouse, there is no right to self-defense.
This is a watershed moment in American history.
The right to self-defense, as you well know, is the most sacred, foundational, basic individual liberty we have.
It's obviously enshrined in the Second Amendment to the Constitution, but it does not come from a piece of paper.
It does not come from our government.
It does not come from mayors, governors, presidents.
It comes from God, and it cannot and will not be taken away from any prosecutors in Kenosha.
That's right.
This is a total Soros agenda.
We're going to come back in a few minutes, go right back to you to break down more and talk about the support you guys, FreeKyleUSA.com.
We are all Kyle Rittenhouse.
If you're a TV viewer, you're seeing it.
The slow motion footage of them chasing him with guns drawn and him defending himself.
If that isn't self-defense, there is no self-defense.
Alright, we've got Kyle Rittenhouse's amazing mother and her lawyer on with us.
And, you know, this is a nightmare situation.
My son, six months ago, was in a convenience store like 10 o'clock at night.
He's 18 now.
He wasn't 18 yet.
And a literal crackhead crazy person came in.
We've shown the surveillance footage, sort of attacking everybody, hitting everybody.
So my son punched him pretty hard a couple times, knocked him down.
The guy ran out, cops showed up.
And the guy said, I'm with Black Lives Matter, I'm protesting so the cops let the guy that was attacking everybody go.
And it's very, very sad.
And so that's really what we've reached here with Soros taking over thousands of different DAs and sheriffs and former weathermen, children in San Francisco.
And so I could ask a lot of questions here, John Pierce, and again with the legal team for Kyle Rittenhouse.
Callie Kidd JMP on Twitter, website FreeKyleUSA.com.
But for you and Wendy Rittenhouse, what else do you want to talk about?
What else do you want the public to know, Wendy, about what's really happening here and where this is going?
You know, we need the donations and stuff like that because we paid the $2 million bail for him.
Wasn't easy.
And now we're starting off scratch.
FreeKyleUSA.com new website and everything like that.
We're selling merchandise from t-shirts, mugs, I know I'm gonna say it, bikinis.
Yes, and a lot of people are disgusted by it, but you know what?
I don't care.
I'm raising this money for my son's legal defense, the security, because we have Um, he's with me right now.
He's in good spirit.
Oh, you should be proud of yourself. Of course the left's trying to stop you from fundraising.
That's the reason people should absolutely give. They're monsters. Black Lives Matter has gotten
10.6 billion dollars this year so far and almost no one running it is even black. So let's talk
about that. How is Kyle doing? How was it in jail? And what are his spirits like, Mrs. Rittenhouse?
He's with me right now. He's in good spirit. You know, we're trying to get back what we lost,
those 87 days.
You know, every day I was praying to God that he would be coming home.
He came home November 20th.
You know, one of the best days of my life.
You know, I couldn't be... I didn't want to leave him.
You know, when I saw him, all I did was hug him, knock his hat off, of course.
And you know, he's doing wonderful.
You know, he's reading, he's going through the videos of that night.
You know, I couldn't be prouder of him.
You know, he's a strong kid.
I raised a strong young man.
And, you know, Alex, I'd like to touch on the Black Lives Matter theme that you mentioned, you know, the connections with folks like George Soros, because this is this is a real issue.
And I'm not sure if your viewers know this, but the district attorney in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Michael Gravely, was in a six week, extremely friendly Personal texting relationship with one of the main Black Lives Matter agitators in Kenosha.
This texting relationship, which included breakfast dates in all manner of coordination, occurred from the time span before, during, and after.
Kenosha was burning down and included, you know, references by Black Lives Matter activists, you know, that the city, you know, was going to be was going to be burning and people were going to be coming in and things were not going to be good.
And so, you know, lo and behold, you know, the rioters isolated their target.
They tried to kill him.
They didn't count on him defending himself as effectively and with as much restraint as he did.
And so, you know, now they have their, you know, sacrificial lamb that they're going to try to go after.
Well, that's right.
Think about what the left's saying.
We're going to organize.
We're going to come to cities, randomly burn things down.
We're going to attack and kill people.
And the police are going to stand down.
And if you defend yourself, you're a criminal.
We're going to throw the book at you.
This is terrorism.
This is them sending the message.
Have you seen the videos?
Where people come and are trying to attack a guy's house and he goes, look, I have a Biden sign in my yard and they still keep attacking.
I mean, the left is trying to conjure a giant mob of criminals.
And most of these folks aren't even black.
They're doing it in the name of black people.
So a bunch of convicted pedophiles and rapists literally can run around burning and looting.
This is just so sick.
Yes, it absolutely is.
And this is a, as you're pointing out very effectively right now, in a way that not too many people have, this is a concerted effort.
This is a plan.
You know, I think about the viciousness of some of these.
You know, we, I was in downtown Kenosha shortly after this happened.
There are, there are houses, multi-floor houses and apartments on that street, Sheridan Avenue, that had children in the top floors, that had disabled people on the top floors.
And those houses, you know, felt the need to spray paint on the outside of the houses that there were children and disabled people on the top floor.
Please don't burn the house down because those people will be burned alive.
And do you think that, you know, that had any impact or stopped these folks?
Oh, it's hard for me to watch, not just there, but the videos out of Oregon and Seattle where they march into middle class neighborhoods and say, we're going to burn your house down.
You see little kids looking out the window.
I mean, this is so villainous.
Yeah, it absolutely is.
And I'll tell you, it's got to stop.
It's got to stop now.
And it's going to stop.
And I will say that, you know, we saw you out there, you know, watching in one of those recent rallies in D.C.
and God bless you for it.
And, you know, if by chance this pretender Joe Biden gets inaugurated, you know, in a few weeks, I think one of the positive things that's going to come out of it is their tactics have been exposed.
There is going to be a rage And an energy, which I know you have tapped into, and you're a real leader on that front.
But I tell you what, regular Americans are slow to anger.
But when that arsenal of democracy gets fired up, it's not good for the other side.
You use the perfect word.
He's a pretender.
And the whole media is saying he's the president-elect, despite the evidence, is a giant psy-op against us all.
It's just insane.
It's like everything they do, it's just total lies.
Yeah, that's right.
And, you know, again, as you know, and as you've talked about, there has been a long march through the institutions over the past few decades.
It's very similar to the Maoist revolution in China and the Chinese Communist Party.
Their tactics are very clear.
They attempt to destroy everything sacred in a society.
They tear down statues.
They try to destroy history.
They try to destroy our faith in God.
And they try to capture the key cultural elite institutions, such as the media, such as academia, such as, you know, the financial institutions, and today, such as big tech.
And they've been pretty successful on that front, but I'll tell you, Americans are waking up now, and we're going to fight back, and it's not going to be pretty for those who are attempting to take our freedom.
Well, all I can say is amen to that.
We got one more segment with you guys coming up, but I know what it's like.
Not at the level of your son, Wendy, but we have the Democratic Party finance over 50 lawsuits against us.
We've knocked out 44 of them.
But the group that sued Remington out of existence, that's run by Senator Blumenthal's son, they say, we're going to take you out, that's our job.
And they sue you in jurisdictions where they have these Soros people.
But I'm just facing, you know, their giant lawsuit.
Your son's facing life in prison for defending himself from a mob of scum.
So we are definitely all Kyle Rittenhouse.
People need to go to the website.
FreeKyleUSA.com and support this family.
It takes money to win wars and we need to defend our sacred right to self-defense.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll be back on the other side.
Tomorrow's news today.
That's right.
With Trump, we only took back America for a time.
This is a fight, a long-term war.
And the commies and the globalists are making their move.
But in the end, they must be defeated, and they will be.
They've only awakened the sleeping giant.
Famous jurisprudence expert James Monroe said, the right of self-defense never ceases.
It is among the most sacred and alike necessary to nations and to individuals.
Kyle Rittenhouse's lawyer and his mother are here.
John Pierce and Wendy Rittenhouse.
What about this curveball?
And you're the lawyer.
You can probably answer this question better than I can.
Can the President pardon Rittenhouse before he's convicted?
Now, obviously, he didn't do anything wrong.
The law's on his side.
It's going to be a big fight.
They're being political.
They're not dropping it.
But just hypothetically, could President Trump preemptively pardon Kyle Rittenhouse?
So Alex, the President's pardoned authorities under the Constitution only offend to charges under federal law.
These are charges under state law in Wisconsin.
So we are going to need to take this fight to the front lines in Wisconsin.
We're going to fight it there.
The charges should be dropped immediately.
The fact that we're even talking about this is outrageous.
Everybody in the world who is reasonable, who has seen these videos, knows that he acted in perfect, pure self-defense.
So these charges should be dropped.
If it goes to trial, we are going to fight, and we are going to win, and we are going to reinvigorate the Second Amendment and the right of self-defense.
But that's what we've got to do in this case.
And so that's why it is so important.
And thank you for giving us the opportunity to be on here.
It's so important that we get help from folks at FreeCowUSA.com.
Other points that need to be made.
What has the response been like, Wendy, overall, by neighbors, by his peers?
What was it like for him in jail?
People really admire him for the great job he did that night trying to put out fires and trying to clean and trying to help people that were hurt.
And he had a lot of restraint.
A lot of folks might have ended up You know, in the heat of battle, a lot of cops would have probably shot somebody innocent, you know, just in the whole melee.
But he just really acted with a lot of control and precision.
And so we say he didn't just do anything wrong.
He went out there and tried to stop a bunch of criminals, in my view.
So I do think what he did is heroic.
In a time when the police aren't allowed to do their job and the politicians are openly evil, I mean, I think that what he did is a heroic act.
But just separately, What are other points you'd like to make about the response you've gotten about what this experience has been like?
This experience is so overwhelming.
You know, he's my 17-year-old son, you know, and when I read the comments and people tell me he's a hero, and he didn't do nothing wrong.
You know, a lot of them said he self-defense.
And everybody that wrote me through emails, through Twitter, Um, with the wonderful comments that they said about my son.
He's my son, you know?
I couldn't be prouder of him, you know?
And, and I do read the negative comments.
They need to watch the videos over and over again.
11 Minutes of Truth.
They need to go on the website and watch it.
And picking up off of that, just a little bit, Alex, you know, think about the restraint That this 17-year-old kid showed in a war zone.
I mean, you've seen these videos, it looked like Mogadishu.
And Kyle, you know, the only individuals that Kyle had no choice but to shoot were those who were attempting to kill him.
You know, I've had the good fortune, I was in the Army for a few years just shooting plywood targets with an M1 tank, but I've had the good fortune to get to know some really elite You know, former Special Operations folks, some of whom helped us with the extraction on November 20th.
And I got to tell you, to a person, these guys can't believe it.
They can't believe the restraint that he showed, the situational awareness he showed.
There were individuals who were right around him who probably could have been considered, you know, a real threat.
And Kyle was very, very restrained.
And, you know, as soon as the events Uh, you know, unfolded, uh, he immediately, uh, turned around and calmly, uh, started walking toward the police line, attempted to turn himself in.
And the police, uh, didn't even view him as a threat and told him to go home.
So this isn't a, this is, this is, this is quite the kid.
This is quite the 17 year old kid.
Well, I don't want to compare Kyle to Obi-Wan Kenobi, but in the famous Episode 4, first Star Wars bar scene, when the guy pulls the gun on Luke Skywalker, and Obi-Wan Kenobi doesn't kill him, just cuts his arm off, was very Obi-Wan Kenobi in the video, because the guy's raising the gun, screaming, you know, I'm gonna effing kill you, aiming, already shot at him once, aiming the gun at him, and then he shoots him right in the arm to make him stop.
I mean, that is very Obi-Wan Kenobi-esque, what Kyle did.
Just amazing.
That individual actually had a live stream going, and as Kyle was running down the street desperately trying to retreat to the police line, this individual asked Kyle, what are you doing, where are you going?
Kyle said, and everybody in the world has seen this, I'm going to the police.
And despite that, this vicious mob relentlessly attempted to hunt him down and to kill him.
Almost succeeded.
Almost succeeded, and thank God Kyle was about a half second quicker.
And that's why he's alive today.
He did nothing wrong.
He did what any law-abiding American citizen would have done and should have done in those circumstances.
And we're going to fight until the very end, and we're going to win.
It just shows the arrogance of the left, though, that he has all the evidence that he was doing a great job helping the community, and then they attack him, he defends himself, very measured, and then they're still trying to put him in prison.
I know he's going to beat all this thanks to prayer and support, but, you know, they're trying to railroad him, obviously.
How many years in prison is he facing under these seven charges?
And in closing, sir, please tell us about the new charge they've added.
Yeah, if he were convicted, he would go to jail for the rest of his life.
Obviously, we're not going to let that happen, but they're trying to throw the book at him.
They're trying to shut him up and send him to jail forever.
They're trying to put the fear of God into every other American who might actually stand up and defend our soil, our cities, from this kind of conduct.
So the additional charge that has been added, and I almost, I mean, look, I can believe anything at this point, almost, in this case, but I saw this last night and I can hardly believe it.
So after four months, they have somehow decided that, you know, six homicide-related type charges against Kyle are not enough, so they would tack on a seventh charge for violation of the curfew.
Now, you've seen those videos, Alex.
You think there were other people violating curfew?
Well, you had the left saying, go out and do this.
And so, they're the ones, they're the politicians pushing it.
They're the Soros people that overthrew Ukraine and everything else.
Simply amazing.
Alright guys, please join us again as updates come in.
Our audience really appreciates you.
They appreciate Kyle.
As soon as Kyle can speak, hopefully he'll come on.
We're not running away from Kyle.
Thank you.
I want to thank everybody out there supporting my son.
and then that coffee company ran from Kyle.
But I get why they did.
If you support Kyle, you get kicked off Twitter, you get demonetized, but at the end of the day,
we're gonna lose everything we've got if we don't start standing with President Trump,
standing with Kyle Rittenhouse, standing with them for worse.
So we got 30 seconds left for both of you.
Wendy, thank you so much.
Closing comment.
Thank you.
I wanna thank everybody out there who's supporting my son.
I wanna thank President Trump for being an awesome president.
And we have to have him back in office.
You know, love that guy to death.
We need everybody's help.
Please help.
All right.
Thank you.
Thank you, John.
Thank you, Wendy.
God bless you.
And God bless Kyle Rittenhouse.
Kyle Rittenhouse didn't just do nothing wrong.
He did a great job.
He did a great job.
When a convicted child molester attacked him, he defended himself.
When people chased him down, screaming and yelling, pointing guns, and they're going to kill him, he defended himself.
And he went out into harm's way to do it when the disgusting politicians and the police stood down.
When the police were riding around in armored vehicles, he was out there trying to put fires out.
Because he had the instinct to do it, the spirit to do it.
Final segment before Paul Joseph Watson from England takes over.
I'm Alex Jones, Ban.Video, InfoWars.com, and NewsWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
So I was thinking about criminology over the weekend, and about how Bill Gates gets off when he talks about how we just shoot GMO right in the veins of the children, and how 700,000 are going to get sick and die, but it's good!
You're going to do it!
The lockdown's never going to end.
I mean, he starts getting so excited I can't even imitate it.
It's like he's having an orgasm.
I thought, you know, I've seen serial killer interviews where they talk about murdering people.
They're totally calm and they get excited like, yes, I didn't like my mother.
I cut her head off.
I really enjoyed it.
You know, the co-ed girls, I'd see them.
They were so pretty.
I'd take them out to a nice spot and then I just couldn't help but I had to torture them and murder them.
So I went and looked up a few serial killers and found some of those videos, but never even gave them to the crew.
But then our archivist, a great guy we've hired a few months ago, I guess six months ago.
He already put together one and found other clips that I hadn't seen yet mixed with Bill Gates.
That's coming up next segment, a little short segment, and Paul Watson's taking over, but it's crazy.
I mean, you put him and the stuff he says next to psychopaths and the way they're behaving and what they're saying, and it's dead on.
And talking about, well, we gotta lower humans down to zero.
Oh, we gotta have death panels.
Oh, they're not supposed to say that.
I mean, it is creep-o-zoid.
So I love it.
I mentioned this yesterday.
And already, not just our archive, it's showing up on YouTube.
People are going, oh yeah, editing men with psychopaths.
See, there's more than one way to skin a cat.
So a lot of exciting things happening.
It's you buying the products that lets me have the money to have an archivist who now is so good.
I don't know how he does it.
Got to meet him in DC.
He was there visiting.
We were there a few weeks ago.
I can say, I remember 10 years ago I said this, like the next day he's found it.
My crew's great, but they can never do that.
I don't know how this guy does it.
I don't know what's going on, but it's crazy.
And now there's like videos every day of just where I lay it all out.
They're gonna release a simulant bioweapon as the lockdown.
And then once we go into the lockdown of control, and once robots are taking over, within five to 10 years, they'll release a more powerful bioweapon saying... And then it's all happening in real time, because I read all their documents, I study them, and then I know how they operate and what they'll do next, because they operate very pathologically.
Everybody gets into pathology.
Everybody gets into doing the same thing over and over again, especially as you get older.
But any law enforcement, any good profilers will tell you, criminals, psychos especially, but sociopaths as well, they get very neurotic about how they do everything.
Very neurotic, very fastidious, very obsessive.
Like I saw the new movie Fat Man with Mel Gibson.
Good movie overall.
Very entertaining.
But the psycho in that's very fastidious, very neurotic, very weird.
And also likes to do things the same way over and over again.
And so I've just learned what they're going to do.
And so 95% of the show is research.
The other 5% is Okay, this is what we're going to do next, and it's almost always dead on because these people are psychotic.
And normal people are not like that.
But psychos are so turned over to what they do, and they're high-functioning psychotics, is what they're called.
In fact, The worst psychotics have super IQs.
There's some genetic disorders where they have double chromosomes, double male chromosomes, double some of the other chromosomes dealing with aggression, masculinity.
It doesn't even mean like you'd think some giant dude built like Hulk Hogan would have the psycho gene.
No, no, no.
That's not what they look like.
They're actually usually very, very skinny.
Very, very skinny is what some of the mutations will show.
And a lot of times very tall as well.
And it turns out that most of your really bad male serial killers are extremely tall.
So a lot of it is genetic.
And it's very, very sick, folks.
Very, very sick.
Now when you look at Bill Gates, that is a literal super demon.
A literal super killing machine.
Uh, and he has the celebrations on TV, which, with a psycho, is what they love to do.
That's why so many psychos, like, send letters to the police, you'll never catch me, you'll never get me, or they'll even brag about it.
It's why in Hollywood they tell you what they're gonna do to you before they do it.
And they just hate everyone, and it's like a kid pulling, you know, the legs off a frog or something, except they do it to people in mass.
And of course, a lot of times it's genetic.
You know, his dad was clearly a genetic psychotic.
Mark Zuckerberg is a genetic psychopath.
And boy, when I call him a genetic psychopath, because he obviously knows, you know, that you can look at him and see he's got the chromosome disorder.
There was several of them.
He's definitely got the disorder.
He got so pissed, he said, the last straw was Jones calling me a genetic psychopath.
Because, oh, by the way, you know who the protégé, the aide-de-camp, the apprentice of Bill Gates is, right?
I mean, you know it's Mark Zuckerberg.
I mean, they're on record.
They vacation together, they both wear pink sweaters.
He's carrying out the operations of Bill Gates after Gates makes the jump into hyperspace.
Like Bill Gates' dad.
Bill Gates III.
I guess that makes Bill Gates IV or whatever.
Just bad Bill.
Paul Watson has a lot to cover.
I only scratched the surface here of the big enchilada today.
I didn't get to it.
And I can't really do justice to this now with the time I have.
So what I'm going to do is I'm going to shoot a special report right after I'm not live.
I'm going to take a five minute break.
And a nice glass of water.
And then I'm going to go and I'm going to shoot a whole report on this latest development where you saw a few months ago they got the Canadian document about the next lockdown's coming and then there'll be the strain too and then we'll never unlock things until the communist takeover happens.
People said, is this real?
Where it leaked from is documented.
The fact that it is a real document's real.
But forget that.
I just simply had my crew research the document And of course, pieces of it are in all the other documents, which are public.
So, yes, it's all premeditated.
It's a takeover plan.
Klaus Schwab has already said it.
The Great Reset.
But here it is.
Here it is for all of you.
And also, I'm going to get back when I have more time, into the hospitals being basically empty nationwide.
So they have tiny COVID areas where they say, we've got three beds in a hospital of 200 beds, it's COVID.
So when you get a fourth COVID patient, you go, we are overwhelmed by COVID.
It's all statistical fraud management.
That's all coming up.
And I'm also going to get into their banning the term brown bag.
Brown bags are racist.
We've got a bunch of election news I didn't get to yet, but Paul Watson will knock it out of the park.
In a big way.
But the globalists want to depopulate you.
They want to teach you to not have a life force.
They want to teach you to hate yourself so you'll roll over and let them rule everything.
They want computers monitoring everything you do.
That's the COVID rollout.
It's now all official.
And the good news is it's all out in the open now so no need to eat around the edges here.
People are really either going to get it or they're going to succumb and get hurt.
Real, real bad.
Yeah, go ahead and print me that article out of Canada too as well.
Because the document even said what date they would announce, you know, the stage four and five lockdown, and they did.
The document's real.
You can reverse engineer the whole thing, but I just don't like people for months saying, is it real?
David Icke has like a viral video with millions of views where he goes, I don't know if this is a real document, but they did it all on the exact dates it says.
Yes, it's real.
Yes, it's real.
Yes, it's real.
And so we're going to go over all of that coming up separately.
We have had major shortfalls this year.
The audience has been three, four, five times what it normally is.
Infowars is having a mega effect, but they've shut the economy down, and people don't have as much money as they used to, because they killed the Trump recovery.
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It's 50% off.
And we're going to sell out at the current sales rate in just about two weeks.
So it's going to go back to full price when we're down to just a couple thousand bottles.
Wintersun, infowarestore.com, 97% reviews.
It's amazing.
It's $19.95.
All right, I'm going to play the Bill Gates psycho video that Paul Watson takes over.
So, Bill Gates says 700,000 people will get sick and die from his vaccine alone, but it's a good price to pay.
And he has liability protection, and he says you're going to take it.
He's your doctor now.
His father headed up Planned Parenthood and was a known eugenicist, part of IBM's major eugenics boards, with his mother also on the board of IBM Eugenics.
IBM's head was the highest level Nazi, even above Hitler, receiving the highest award in Germany.
Bill Gates runs the trust of the head of IBM.
Here is a breakdown.
I'm not a big serial killer by the way. Eight people, that's nothing.
Ignore that pile of bodies over in the corner.
Well, I'm not an expert.
I'm not an authority.
I'm someone who has been a murderer for almost 20 years.
There'll be rumors that the polio vaccine is to sterilize women.
Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
I would also reduce some of that overpopulation.
Then we thought, wow, we can go full speed.
And the science, it was a great time because the ability to invent new vaccines, sterilize women.
It took about four, three or four strikes to cut the head off.
We could have taken the blood of survivors, processed it, and put that plasma back in people to protect them.
And I bit into that meat.
It was...
You're the human flesh.
Vaccines are often subject to these rumors.
Then we molested her at 18 months old.
The urge to kill had overpowered him.
As police later learned, he wasn't satisfied with his victim's death.
He wanted more.
Even the deaths, we don't find that totally easy to get right.
Then I tried to Keeps a person alive by inducing a zombie-like state.
They're trying to brainwash us.
By injecting first dilute acid solution into their brain.
We're taking things that are, you know, genetically modified organisms and we're injecting them in little kids' arms.
We just shoot them right into the vein.
Make sure your most vulnerable populations get it.
In our country, that would be blacks and Native Americans.
I just want everyone to know that I think this vaccination is the worst thing ever.
And I would not give this to anybody, even my worst enemy.
You girls, are you a little more cautious about who you pick up in the singles bar, take home?
Like Mr. Goodbar, right?
Please, America, they do not care about us.
Do not take this vaccination.
When it was revealed that most of the victims were black.
I always feel bad for African leaders.
10 of your 17 victims were black.
Were they racially motivated?
It was not racially motivated.
Sterilized women.
This vaccine work is phenomenal.
The best way to fool people is to help them.
Is to ask what they want, ask what they need.
Do they need any help doing anything?
Do they need any money?
Do they need their car fixed?
Do they need the grass cut?
Do they need their children looked out for?
The side effects for the Moderna vaccine sound concerning.
We looked.
After the second dose, at least 80% of participants experienced a systemic side effect, ranging from severe chills to fevers.
So, are these vaccines safe?
Anything, anything to get them to think that I am a decent person and want to help, trust me.
I will help.
You know the data better than I do.
But the data showed that everybody with a high dose had a side effect.
Yeah, but some of that is not dramatic where, you know, it's just, you know, super painful, but yes.
We are live.
Welcome back everybody.
This is the Summit News Hour.
Hope you had a good Christmas.
Hope you managed to see your family.
Not something that I was allowed to do because we had another lockdown.
International travel was banned.
Now the lockdown once again has worked so well that we're going to have what looks like a third lockdown in January here in the UK.
And all these crippling measures that have impacted the economy, all these untreated illnesses that are going to end up causing More deaths than coronavirus itself, depression, mental illness, all of this.
Well, get ready for more because the World Health Organization says that it's just a warm-up.
Headline at summit.news, WHO bigger pandemic than COVID is coming!
As if this wasn't enough!
And of course they've said this is going to run through until at least 2022.
But then apparently there's another one lined up.
The World Health Organization has warned that a worse pandemic than COVID could be around the corner and that what we've seen so far in 2020 is not necessarily the big one.
Because of course if you actually look at the fatality numbers for COVID, based on what they originally projected and used as a justification for these global lockdowns, not very fatal.
The WHO is promising that they've got an even bigger one lined up.
Can't wait!
With global lockdowns, international stripping of freedoms and the decimation of small businesses and the economy on the whole, it's difficult to imagine how it could get any worse.
Oh yes, indeed it can.
The head of the WHO Emergencies Programme, Dr Mike Ryan, said during a media briefing that this pandemic has been very severe.
It's affected every corner of the planet, but it's not necessarily the big one.
He said that despite the vaccine, the virus is set to become endemic and will never go away.
Which is why now they're aiming, and you see this especially in Scotland with Nicola Sturgeon, you're beginning to see it increasingly in other countries, they're talking about like they talk about zero carbon emissions, which is basically impossible unless you completely topple our living standards across the board.
They're now talking about zero COVID.
And of course if it becomes endemic, as the WHO is now saying, It's never going to be zero.
There's always going to be Covid cases, so there's always going to be another excuse to lock down, to strip you of your freedoms, even with the vaccine.
Then of course the vaccine will stop working because the virus mutates, and then you'll need another vaccine, then there'll be another virus.
You see how this is going?
This is never going to end.
Unless there's mass resistance, this is never going to end.
There's no recovery in spring.
There's no recovery next summer.
It started in the UK as them saying a lockdown for three weeks to protect the NHS.
They said for three weeks, now in some quarters they're saying three years.
Mr Ryan said the likely scenario is the virus will become endemic and Professor David Heyman, Chair of the WHO's Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Infectious Hazards, Added that it appears COVID-19 is set to become endemic, as have four other human coronaviruses, and that it will continue to mutate as it reproduces in human cells, especially in areas of more intense admission.
Elsewhere, Chief Scientist Dr Suma Swamithan said that the rollout of vaccines does not mean social distancing or mask wearing can go away.
The entire point of them pushing the vaccine at the start of the discussions of it was to say this is how we get back to normal.
The entire premise of the initial lockdown was this is how we get back to normal.
No, normal is not coming back.
This is the new normal.
They say jump, you say how high.
So the WHO is now saying that this is basically a warm-up Whatever the lethality of the virus, they're just going to keep, apparently, rolling them out.
Can't wait for that.
Meanwhile, the entire country has been locked down based on what a journalist in the UK has pointed out.
Based on just 377 healthy people under the age of 60 dying of COVID in the United Kingdom.
Journalists hounded after pointing out that only old and sick die from COVID.
Because again, apparently we've got this thing in the Western world where suddenly, post-March 2020, we just couldn't handle the fact that old people get sick and die.
Like that's never happened before and it just suddenly started happening and we couldn't deal with it as a society.
A British journalist has been targeted by an angry online mob after pointing out that only a relatively small amount of healthy people have died from Covid and suggesting that the complete destruction of our way of life is not an adequate response.
She was trending, she got hounded, she got catcalled by the mob.
This was talk radio host Julia Hartley Brewer Who used the National Health Service's own statistics to point out that just 377 healthy people under 60 have died of Covid.
She said that's not a typo, there are no zeros missing.
While saying that it... Further noting that pointing this out doesn't mean she's saying to hell with the old and sick, but of course the reaction was immediately impugning her for supposedly saying exactly that, despite the fact that she said the opposite of it.
Some people wouldn't hear it.
Raging that Hartley Brewer was a despicable human being.
And you can go on and read the tweets about that.
Literally pointing out official government health statistics.
She was absolutely crucified.
Absolutely crucified.
And as I've pointed out before, you compare the hospital bed occupancy rates in December 2020 compared to December 2019.
In December 2019, hospital beds were 95% full.
In England.
Now, with this huge pandemic and supposedly overwhelmed hospitals and, as Sky News claims today, ambulances queuing outside hospitals because they're so overwhelmed, what is the occupancy rate now compared to a year ago, pre-Covid?
Compared to 95% in December 2019.
It's 89%!
percent in December 2019. It's 89 percent! The beds are less full than pre-Covid!
And in fact I tweeted another statistic on this.
Again, based on the NHS's own numbers, but apparently you'll get absolutely savaged by a Twitter mob if you quote government statistics, it says critical care bed occupancy rates versus three-year average.
They're actually lower, not only compared to last year, but compared to the three-year average.
And you can see across all the different regions, East of England, London, Midlands, North-Eastern Yorkshire, the blue shows what it was for the average December 2017-19 compared to what it is in December 2020.
And of course, 2017-18 was a particularly bad flu year in the United Kingdom and that's why they had a lot of hospital beds being occupied.
Did we shut down the entire economy?
Did we start saying that people would need to take a vaccine to get into venues to fly to have any freedom of mobility because hospital beds were quite full for a single year because all people were getting the flu and dying?
No, we didn't.
It wasn't even a news story.
So the hospital beds are emptier than they were this time last year.
And now this is interesting.
Former SAGE advisor admits he thought we couldn't get away with Chinese-style lockdown in Europe.
So they literally came out and said, could you believe that they actually accepted this?
The plebs actually submitted and caved.
We didn't think we could get away with it.
Because China's response to the coronavirus is so great, isn't it?
So great that they're literally Arresting, arresting and torturing the whistleblowers who actually told the truth about it at the start.
Now China's the big model, the big example for how to deal with it.
But former UK government COVID-19 advisor Neil Ferguson, who by the way violated his own lockdown by going to have sex with his married mistress, admits that he thought we couldn't get away with imposing communist Chinese style lockdowns in Europe because they were too draconian.
This was in an interview with the London Times where Ferguson said, quote, it's a communist one-party state.
We said we couldn't get away with it in Europe, we thought, and then Italy did it and we realised we could.
And as Peter Hitchens commented, they thought they couldn't get away with Maoist repression in Europe, then they found they could.
Shame on those who should have defended our liberty in March, but didn't.
Oh, and by the way, China's lockdown was so great that now there's a new outbreak in China, and I'm going to get into that after the break.
We're also going to Get into how the vaccine is causing more deaths, more side effects.
That is all coming up in the next segment.
We'll be right back.
Don't go away.
Now we're going to get into the creeping health fascism of these vaccines.
Of course, all the governments came out initially and said, oh, we're not going to make it mandatory.
God forbid.
And then of course we started to learn about what you would not be allowed to do if you didn't take the vaccine, and now more measures in terms of surveillance of people who refuse to do that in Spain.
But I'm going to get into that afterwards.
First, there's an excellent article that spiked online by Fraser Myers with the headline Lockdown a deadly failed experiment.
And he goes through the figures with links to official studies proving that the countries and areas in the world that impose the most draconian lockdowns, the most severe mask mandates have actually had more coronavirus infections, more deaths than other areas that didn't.
He says it's been a global catastrophe.
We must never go down this road again talking about the lockdowns.
He says the country this year which has been most ravaged by COVID-19, losing a shocking 1,600 people in every million, to the virus at the time of writing, is Belgium.
You haven't really heard about that in the news, have you?
He says this may come as something of a surprise.
He could be forgiven for thinking it was America, thanks to Trump's alleged ignorance of science, or what about Britain, which locked down too late because of its government's short-lived but foolish belief in freedom.
Actually, of course, as we know, the stats in Britain show that the infection rate was going down before lockdown was imposed, but then they used that to say that lockdowns work.
Of course, we had another lockdown in London recently, and there were more infections after it than before it.
And what's the solution to that?
Oh, it's another lockdown.
It continues, or Brazil Whose right-wing leader complained that lockdowns and masks were for fags.
If not those, then surely Sweden, where there has famously been no hard lockdown at all.
But no, the country that has suffered the most is Belgium.
He says there's nothing particularly unusual about Belgium's response, nothing that diverged significantly from the consensus.
It did the same thing as everyone else around the same time everyone else did.
It even garnered praise for its testing capacity.
But there's one caveat.
Belgium's unparalleled death rate might be down to how the deaths are counted.
Some say Belgium is merely the most honest country, while others have accused officials of over-counting and including all kinds of deaths not caused by COVID.
But go down the list of deaths per million and you find more places you might not expect.
It's hard-hit Italy's in second place, but it was the first to get hit in the West, so we should let them off.
Then there's Slovenia, which was relatively unscathed in the spring.
After that, it's Peru.
Peru announced one of the earliest lockdowns in the world on 16th of March, the first in Latin America.
The restrictions were some of the most stringent on the planet.
Enforced by the military, masks were made mandatory in public, but by May, two months in, cases began to jump considerably.
And you look at the graphs for all these European countries, Belgium, Italy, Spain, France.
When they introduced the most draconian mask mandates, Including in countries like Spain, where you have to wear them outside, never mind inside all the time, the cases skyrocketed.
And yet they say that masks work.
It continues.
Masks were made mandatory in public, but by May, two months in, cases began to jump considerably.
This was despite the country doing everything right and right on time.
There was some easing of the lockdown from June onwards, but social gatherings were still illegal in August, by which point 200 people were dying per day.
Then he talks about elsewhere in Latin America, Argentina.
Experienced a similar mid-lockdown explosion in cases and deaths.
Its lockdown began on 20th March and was supposed to be short and sharp, just like we were told here in the UK.
It ended up becoming the longest continuous lockdown in the world.
In June, Time Magazine hailed Argentina's success in containing the virus, but not long after, cases began to surge.
The deadliest day of its pandemic was on day 145 of lockdown.
So again, you see this process The media praises these countries for their swift, draconian response.
And then when it's revealed that it had no effect whatsoever, and in fact cases rise quicker than other countries and other areas, they just don't report on it.
He continues, lockdowns have become central to any discussion of COVID-19.
The assumption that lockdown is the only way to prevent COVID deaths has become embedded in mainstream thinking and also in polls, As a result of media hysteria, for example, you get 75% of Brits thinking that there need to be harsher lockdown measures despite the fact that the lockdowns we've already had have completely failed.
He continues, apparently the only permitted questions are if we are locking down early enough, hard enough or for long enough.
Lockdown has similarly become the default response to rises in cases, though sometimes these now take local rather than national form.
But the conventional wisdom that more lockdown means fewer deaths simply does not hold true in the real world.
There is globally no association, let alone causation, between lockdowns and Covid deaths.
Any links?
Well, making those claims to The Lancet and to Frontiers International.
Two mainstream scientific organisations proving that there is no correlation, no association between lockdowns and reducing Covid deaths.
That reality is in the official statistics and yet the entire narrative that we still labour under is that the only thing that can stop this is harsher and harsher lockdowns.
And he goes on to talk about the economic impacts and a lot more.
An excellent article at spiked.com.
And again, they're talking about even more intense lockdowns here in the UK.
We have this headline out of Sputnik.
UK facing near lockdown to avert catastrophe amid new phase of pandemic.
Warnings have been issued for the UK government to consider bringing in tighter coronavirus lockdown rules to avert a surge in deaths.
We're already under lockdown.
How can it get even tighter?
Everything's closed.
The shops are closed apart from the massive transnational corporate retailers who are making vast profits while small businesses go to the wall.
Those are the only shops that are open.
We're not allowed to see anyone.
The government permits us our daily exercise.
How is it different from any other lockdown?
How can it get worse?
How can it get more draconian?
Andrew Hayward, a leading epidemiologist who sits on the government's New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group, NERVTAG, told Radio 4 of the urge to need to impose more tough restrictions.
He says Tier 4 restrictions are likely to be necessary or even higher than that.
Well, everybody's like most of the populations in Tier 4.
They can't see their friends.
They can't see their family.
They can't go anywhere apart from to buy groceries.
What is Tier 5?
Are there going to be drones circulating people's houses checking if they leave at the wrong time?
What can Tier 5 and Tier 6 be if Tier 4 is already basically full lockdown?
Professor Heywood, who is also the Director of the UCL's Institute for Epidemiology, added that the unfolding situation suggests that the country might be staring at a near lockdown as he advised lessons be learned from the first lockdown.
What is a near lockdown?
We're already in full lockdown.
Tier 4 is full lockdown.
How can it get any more intense?
Absolutely incredible.
Meanwhile, escape from Verbier, hundreds of British tourists flee in the night after being forced to quarantine at Swiss ski resort hotels.
So they retroactively said they needed to go under quarantine, these Brits on holiday in Switzerland.
Expected them to stay in their hotels for the next two weeks and not even leave.
And the response was hundreds of them just fled and went home.
So that's a good example of resistance against this insanity.
Summit.News, don't go away.
We'll be right back.
Now I'm going to get into some of the little punishments that are being handed out to people who refuse the vaccine in different countries.
I'm also going to get into football fans refused entry without negative Covid test.
Completely pointless.
What are they going to do?
Start testing for every potential illness before allowing you in a venue.
That's coming, but first we're going to go to this clip.
Obviously in the last segment I talked about how lockdowns do not work.
It's proven that the countries, the areas with the highest infection rates, the most deaths, Belgium in particular, and obviously California experiencing similar to that as well, the countries with the most draconian mask mandates, the most draconian lockdown mandates, suffer the worst.
Lockdowns don't work.
And then in regard to this clip, Our government, many other governments, refuse to release the statistics, the studies, on how many deaths lockdown itself is going to cause, and indeed if that's going to cause eventually, as many experts have said, more deaths than the virus itself.
Here's Majid Nawaz on his radio show breaking this down.
Let's roll the clip.
So, throat clearing measure number one, what I'm about to say is not Covid denial, it's lockdown scepticism.
Throat clearing point number two.
Vaccines are important.
This does not mean vaccines are not important.
It does not mean, indeed, that vaccines, and when they are eventually rolled out, will help with the herd immunity situation.
So again, that's just out of the way before I am straw-manned endlessly, as regularly seems to happen.
Third point.
This does not mean, what I'm about to say, that all lives are not important.
Every single life, including my grandmother who passed away with COVID, of COVID, by COVID, through COVID, who knows?
Because we're not being given those figures.
But every single life, including my father who's shielding, who hasn't seen his own grandchild since Eid and before, right?
And through Christmas.
Every single life is important.
What I'm about to say does not mean I value one life over another.
Now with that throat clearing out the way, let me say the following.
Lockdown kills.
It's as simple as that.
And that's what the data is telling us.
And I'll explain to you why.
The government, according to the Times, and you can look this up, has a dossier from the Office for National Statistics that tells them the data of what we're calling now an impact assessment.
That I had when I had the alternative SAGE member, Gabriel, Professor Gabriel Scalione, call me stupid for asking him a question that wasn't indeed stupid, because a whole bunch of Tory backbench MPs proceeded afterwards to demand this information of government, and it's the following question.
How many people, that by the way, that clip's on the LBC website, you can check it out for yourselves, it's actually quite interesting to watch.
Because what he reveals himself to be is projecting stupidity onto a person, asking him a question that he didn't know the answer to.
And the question is...
You're saying we need to save lives.
Well, OK, how many lives will die through the lockdown measures compared to how many lives you will save through lockdown?
Now, that's a simple question that should be quite easy to respond to if you're government, because you have something called the Office for National Statistics, which collects all of that data.
And when the backbench MPs in the Conservative Party demanded that data from government, the response was government refused to answer and didn't release the data.
The Times then recently discovered that they do indeed have this information in a quote-unquote secret dossier that they refused to release.
And so, it comes back down to that simple question.
Do we know how many people would die because of lockdown, compared to how many people would die if we do not lockdown?
And if we don't know that answer, then are we just grabbing, trying to, clutching at straws in the dark?
And the key thing here is actually that evidence hasn't been published by government.
And so anyone claiming that they follow experts and evidence has no right whatsoever and no basis to say they're following evidence that lockdown works because they haven't seen the evidence.
We now know the government refuses to publish the evidence as to whether lockdown kills more people than not locking down.
But I'll tell you who has published an impact assessment.
It's the only one available when it comes to this particular question of whether lockdowns work or not.
And that's Professor Philip Thomas.
From Bristol University.
Now, why is he important?
Because he happens to have done an impact assessment on whether lockdown kills more people or not.
And it's the only one available.
So if you claim to follow evidence and data, then what you should do is look at that evidence.
Because there is no other evidence published on that question.
Now, his evidence, and he's a professor of risk management at Bristol, so you kind of think you'd know what he's talking about when it comes to risks of certain actions being taken, and modelling for those risks.
And what he said, and I'll tell you exactly where you can find this, it's an article by Stephen Adams, who's the medical editor for the Mail on Sunday.
And it was published on the 8th of November 2020, this year.
And what he says, this is the headline.
Lockdown will claim the equivalent of 560,000 lives because of the health impact of the deep and prolonged recession it will cause.
He, in his impact assessment, covered exactly this question as to how many people die If we don't lockdown through COVID.
And he said only 10% of the figure, quote unquote only, every death is too many, only 10% of the figure of the total that will die because of lockdown, 560,000, only 10% of that number will die through COVID by the lockdown measures that are there to protect lives.
You have a 90% increase in death rates because of lockdown.
That's what the only impact assessment ever done on this question, and published, is telling you.
So if you claim you're sick of people telling you, don't listen to the experts, as you talk about with Brexiters, and Michael Gove's infamous interview, then please, please, a. don't strawman me when I give you this evidence, and b.
Practice what you preach and follow the evidence.
I am sick and tired of people saying one thing and doing another, because it's literally killing people out there, as the evidence is indicating to us.
And it's not just this 560,000 lives we're talking of, because that's in Britain.
Then you look at what the head of the UN said.
Hundreds of thousands of children would die this year alone because of the economic harm of lockdown globally.
Now, if the evidence is telling us this, then why, oh why, why is the public Being scared and bumped into supporting another lockdown.
Well, another topic for another day, and I promise you I will address this, is the conflict of interests involved in those advocating lockdown.
Now, whether you talk about Matt Hancock and his mate, the former pub landlord, who got a multi-million pound contract for PPE, never having provided PPE to anyone before, his expertise was running a pub.
But his friend, a pub landlord, got multi-million pound contracts.
Now, whether it's that, or whether it's Rishi Sunak's hedge fund that he founded, with the majority share in vaccine companies, there are major conflicts of interest.
Just go to the BMJ, the British Medical Journal, look up Kamran Abbasi, the executive editor, look up the editorial he wrote on this.
It is absolutely damning.
He uses the word criminal weaponization of science.
Now, don't blame me if you're not being told this stuff.
I am screaming from the rooftops about it every opportunity I've got.
But if you genuinely claim to believe in evidence and experts, please look it up for yourselves and actually follow the evidence.
And I will put to you one challenge.
Where is the evidence that lockdown saves more lives than not locking down?
And again, this is never a discussion that has any place on Sky News, on BBC News.
There's no discussion of the fact that according to the studies that have taken place, lockdown could end up killing at least 10 times more people than the virus itself.
Of course, now we move on to the punishments that are being handed out to people Who are lockdown sceptics in the main because they refuse to take a vaccine, especially if you're healthy and have a 99.5% chance of surviving coronavirus.
You're more likely to take your chances with that than take the vaccine.
Headline out of RT Spain to keep list of people who refuse COVID-19 vaccination and share data with European partners.
But they've promised it's going to remain private and you can trust them because there's never any scandals on data breaches regarding governments, is there?
Spain's health minister said authorities will keep a list of people who declined to get vaccinated and share it with other European countries.
So, basically, an Interpol European-wide database of vaccine refuse nicks.
Oh, but they're going to protect your privacy, don't worry.
We will have a registry of people who have been offered the vaccine and have simply rejected it, adding that the list will be shared with European partners.
He explained it would avoid confusion of why some people are not being vaccinated.
So basically in Spain, they're going to invite people one by one, I guess, by official government decree to take the vaccine and then create a database of everyone who refuses to do so.
And they're just going to keep that data and do nothing whatsoever with it.
And those people who refuse it won't be discriminated in the future at all.
You can trust them.
You can trust them.
Don't go away.
We are going to get into some crucial final news stories here in a moment.
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So Spain is putting people who refuse a Covid vaccination in a database basically to spy on them.
The government in the UK have said that they're not going to make it mandatory, but then we've had all these venues, we've had Ticketmaster and others suggesting that they would make taking the vaccine mandatory as a means of basically engaging in custom with you.
Now we have this headline, football fans refused entry without negative Covid tests.
Football fans in Liverpool, UK are being mandated to take Covid tests before attending a match.
Those who do not will be refused entry even if they have bought tickets.
Fans of Everton FC were warned by the club that they must produce negative test results issued no more than 36 hours previously or be barred from entering the stadium to see the team play against Manchester City.
Now, the irony of this was that the game was cancelled four hours before because Manchester City claimed that some of their players had tested positive for COVID.
By the way, these COVID tests, which I almost had to get one, Simply to leave the country turned out to be fruitless because they banned everyone from leaving the country, set up internal borders while keeping the external borders wide open.
In some cases they can cost £100 and £150.
Now people have already had their holiday Christmas plans ruined.
They're not getting refunded by the airlines.
Now they're having to fork out a not insignificant amount of money to get a negative Covid test simply to go and see a football match.
And you can bet your bottom dollar If these great reset globalists get their way, this will ultimately be the vaccine.
The vaccine passport, which we've talked about, will not just be used for travel, it will be used for basically engaging in any kind of entertainment or social life, unless we resist it.
And they're going to get hit in the pocket, by the way, because the polls show that about 40% of the population isn't going to take the vaccine, so you're going to lose 40% of your custom.
Good luck with that!
Liverpool has thus far escaped complete lockdown like much of the rest of the country and therefore some sports fans are allowed to attend events.
Several fans pointed out that the tests are highly inaccurate.
That's why we've got so many positive cases because these PCR tests produce so many false positives and that a negative result from a day or two ago means little.
Someone responded to Everton FC on Twitter, using a lateral flow test with 50% accuracy, you'd be as well asking them to guess heads or tails correctly to gain entrance.
Someone else said, well utter BS, I could have a negative test and then contract it five minutes later when I touch your surface, then my face.
It's a complete farce.
Another Twitter user responded by saying, can you please list all the other illnesses, asymptomatic aka healthy, fans should be tested for.
TB, polio, the flu.
Again, completely pointless.
It's a completely empty gesture, but it's about making people submit to any directive and it's about creating the precedent for people having to take the vaccine to engage in any kind of social life whatsoever.
And on that same subject, Report travel insurers likely to make vaccination a requirement yet another sector of the travel industry has signalled that it could mandate vaccination against coronavirus to provide services to travellers according to a report that notes insurers may demand to see proof of vaccination before covering those wish to go on holiday.
So not only have the airlines, some of them at least, come out and said that they're going to require vaccination passports, which by the way the UK government is now developing, having lied to us and said they wouldn't, now insurers as well as airlines are talking about mandating a Covid vaccination.
Of course we had another article a couple of weeks ago where hotels We're starting to talk about maybe they should ask for proof that you had the vaccination before allowing you to stay.
Out of France, we had the proposal where public transport operators would require proof of vaccination.
That was thankfully shot down and most of this is unenforceable and that's what goes in our favor.
The fact that there are so many people, especially when you think about trains and people piling onto trains and buses, How is that operationally going to work, where each person has to prove that they've been vaccinated?
Meanwhile, if you live in Australia, you can't kiss or hug anyone on New Year's Eve, according to the government.
Australian authorities banned New Year's Eve kissing and hugging to stop Covid.
Again, totally unenforceable.
It's just about them creating the precedent to micromanage your personal behaviour.
It's about the threat of it, not the actual enforcement of it.
It's about Enlisting compliance?
Authorities in Victoria, Australia have banned kissing and hugging on New Year's Eve despite the fact there have been no new cases of COVID-19 in two months.
The Victorian Government said just as Christmas was a little different this year, New Year's Eve will be too.
Don't share drinks with others and kisses and hugs should only be shared with those in your immediate family.
Again, completely unenforceable.
What is enforceable, though, is this.
A headline out of Zero Hedge.
Organiser of London anti-lockdown protest could be fined £10,000.
Obviously, this is a massive disincentive that they put out there to prevent people from organising.
The organiser of an anti-lockdown protest in London is facing the prospect of a £10,000 fine, the Met Police said on Monday.
Of course, if you say you're protesting for Black Lives Matter, they'll bow down and kiss your feet.
But if you're an anti-lockdown protester, they'll fine you 10 grand and they'll arrest you on the spot, just like they did Piers Corbyn.
The Met said that officers were called on Sunday afternoon to find about 100 people gathering in Southwark in what appeared to be a pre-planned protest.
Acting Inspector David Smith said this sort of gathering is specifically prohibited under the Tier 4 restrictions brought in following the recent rapid rise of cases.
Again, if they'd taken a Cardboard placard that said BLM on it.
They would have been worshipped as saints.
Moving on.
Football Club demands fans who booed BLM undergo re-education courses before being allowed back.
Now, of course, they were always going to have this problem when they allowed fans back into the stadiums after completely banning them during lockdown.
Because Premier League footballers, some of the same ones, by the way, who have sponsorships, deals with Nike, which literally traffics in slave labour from China, oh, but they're so woke, they take a knee, still, God knows why, what, six months after the George Floyd incident, they're still taking a knee when the referee blows the whistle at kick-off, again, George Floyd happened 2,000 miles away in a different country.
There's literally been like one police killing of a black person unfairly over the past 20 years in the UK.
But all these multi-millionaires have to kneel before every game.
They have massive banners in the stands where all these empty seats are saying Black Lives Matter.
On Sky Sports the football broadcaster They flash up Black Lives Matter as a graphic at the top of the screen during every game.
It's getting a bit insidious.
But now Cambridge United Football Club is demanding fans who booed players taking an E for Black Lives Matter undergo re-education lessons or face a stadium ban.
After a handful of fans voiced their displeasure before a December 15 game against Colchester, the club reacted by launching an investigation and then they said that anybody who basically refuses to undergo this diversity re-education is not going to be allowed back into the stadium.
Now this controversy started a couple of weeks prior to that in the first instance of fans booing players and this happened at a Millwall game By the way, Millwall's twice star player of the year, who was voted for by fans, is black.
But apparently because they're booing Black Lives Matter, a Marxist violent revolutionary movement, that means they hate black people.
Well, no.
It probably has something to do with the fact that BLM rioters over the past six months in the UK have desecrated war memorials, set fire to the Union Jack flag, vandalised the Winston Churchill monument and violently attacked police.
That's probably why they're getting booed by fans when they take a knee for that organisation.
I was going to wrap it up.
War Room is coming up next.
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