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Name: 20201218_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 18, 2020
2705 lines.

Alex Jones discusses election fraud allegations and calls for action against it, citing reports from CBS News about foreign interference by China, Iran, and Russia. He anticipates a public report on these findings in January. Trump needs to take action against this alleged fraud, which Jones identifies as an attack on America by globalists, communists, and martians. Additionally, Jones discusses COVID-19 vaccines, mask-wearing, censorship by tech companies, Agenda 2030, personal experiences with trauma leading to spiritual growth, and the power of resonance in creating connections between individuals.

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And here it is, acting Pentagon chief.
Now, this is the biggest piece up front.
Acting Pentagon chief halts Biden transition briefings.
So, he's halting those briefings, meaning Trump's getting ready to go to the Resolute Desk and announce that he's a TRICOM agent.
Here's the evidence.
America, you can't allow this.
10 million people need to march on D.C.
right now.
And if I'm sitting there on Christmas Eve and Trump says that, I'm on an airplane, I'm in a car, I'm walking and I have to.
I'm taking action.
That's what I keep saying.
Trump has to call it out like it is, call for us to peacefully take action, has to identify the enemies.
That will trigger the Justice Department to have balls, and that will trigger the military, who already has balls, to get ready for what's about to go down.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
In the words of Darth Vader, stay in attack formation.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is December 18th, 2020.
I am Alex Jones, your host.
And I always go according to the tea leaves and the facts and the research I can get.
And I was telling you that it was a long shot for Trump to turn this theft around unless he started taking action.
Well, just the last four or five days, we've started to see The gates of the undersea lair opened and the kraken has now swam out.
The question is, will the dog hunt?
But it is on, ladies and gentlemen.
Wow, what a broadcast today with 34 days out from the attempted globalist takeover with their Tricon puppet, Joe Biden.
So right now, let's hear what CBS News had to hear about the documented, not like the Russian stuff, the documented foreign interference for Joe Biden.
What did Ratcliffe say about election fraud and interference?
Well, DNI Ratcliffe leads the 17 intelligence agencies, and he has access to the most highly classified information that is held by the U.S.
And he told CBS News that there was foreign election interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year, and he is anticipating a public report on those findings in January.
Well, you gotta act now on this.
I mean, you got the people with the suitcases pulling them out from underneath in Georgia at the CNN Center, cramming them into the machine, saying water made it broken.
You've got all this other incredible evidence.
The question is, do we take action?
Well, first you have to define this is a foreign takeover, that the blue cities and states are under CHICOM martial law, and under the law, it takes a civil emergency to remove them.
That's where we are.
Or, if we're not ready to face that threat, they win.
Here is what General Flynn just had to say about it on Newsmax.
Also, he could order within the swing states, if he wanted to, he could take military capabilities and he could place them in those states and basically rerun an election in each of those states.
I mean, it's not unprecedented.
I mean, these people out there talking about martial law, it's like it's something that we've never done.
Martial law has been instituted 64 64 times, Greg.
So, I'm not calling for that.
We have a constitutional process.
We clearly have a constitutional process.
I think you highlighted some of that in your previous segment.
That has to be followed.
So, again, this is the wheelhouse we're in.
I don't want what you call martial law, but when you're already... If Martians landed, if 5,000 Martian spaceships landed with ray guns and started going around blowing up all the government buildings, martial law would be declared.
Regular law would be suspended.
They'd tell you to run for the hills or hide in your basement.
And they'd go out and attack the Martians.
We're under attack.
The globalists, the chi-coms, are the Martians.
The mainstream media, the leftists, even with their green and purple hair, are the Martians.
And so, do we respond to their takeover?
They've already put us under lockdown.
They've already put us under martial law.
They're already telling us not to have medical IDs and leave our houses.
Now, here's my only problem.
Trump already capitulated so much to the inoculations and the COVID propaganda.
Later, he stood up to it.
Later, he took the mask off.
Later, he had the rallies.
I know he's a good guy, but How will they manipulate him if he removes Biden and he's globalist and then we don't just set up some new nightmare?
We're going to open the phones up.
I did a new show today called American Journal in an ode to Washington Journal.
We took five times the calls I usually did.
We did a great job, took over 50 calls, played a lot of clips.
It was powerful.
And we'll be hosting that next week, myself, Owen Schroeder, and others, 8 to 11 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
This is, of course, the Alex Jones Show, but we had about, I don't know, 15 callers or so on hold when the show ended, so I said, hey, transfer them over.
And they're like, well, it's a different phone system, so we got their numbers.
We're going to call them back.
Get them up first.
We're going to go to all of them at the bottom of the hour on the subject they called in about.
What do you call it if Trump moves against the deep state?
They're going to call it martial law with the bad connotations.
Let's just be honest about what it is.
We just let them have their own Chinese globalist martial law?
Or is there another way to fix this?
But the evidence is mounting they did do this and then it's Trump's duty to take action.
The question is, how does he take action constitutionally, legally and lawfully?
And then we've also got the huge news on the inoculations rolling out and all the adverse reactions taking place from that.
Stay with us.
This is the InfoWar.
Well, I gotta say, I'm not Catholic, but I am proud of the conservative Right-wing Christian Catholics in America are standing up against the Communist Pope they've got over there, who's absolutely New World Order, anti-family, anti-God, anti-capitalism.
Cardinal Burke has come out and said that the whole COVID-19 thing is being used as a satanic takeover of America.
Senator Rand Paul has said it's been used as a hoax to basically steal the election.
We got that video clip coming up.
And we've also got Again, all these other individuals that are prominent coming out and speaking the truth.
But here's a clip of Cardinal Burke.
Forces of the Great Reset have used COVID to advance evil agendas.
Truer words were never spoken.
Here it is.
Our nation is going through a crisis which threatens its very future as free and democratic.
The worldwide spread of Marxist materialism, which has already brought destruction and death to the lives of so many, and which has threatened the foundations of our nation for decades, now seems to seize the governing power over our nation.
To attain economic gains, We as a nation have permitted ourselves to become dependent upon the Chinese Communist Party, an ideology totally opposed to the Christian foundations upon which families and our nation remain safe and prosper.
I speak of the United States of America But evidently, many other nations are in the throes of a similar, most alarming crisis.
Then there is the mysterious Wuhan virus, about whose nature and prevention the mass media daily give us conflicting information.
What is clear, however, is that it has been used by certain forces Inimical to families and to the freedom of nations, to advance their evil agenda, these forces tell us that we are now the subjects of the so-called Great Reset, the New Normal, which is dictated to us by their manipulation of citizens and nations through ignorance and fear.
Now, we are supposed to find in a disease and its prevention the way to understand and direct our lives, rather than in God and in His plan for our salvation.
See the full speech.
Top Catholic Cardinal warns COVID-19 being used to usher in evil.
Great reset.
So you've got the pedophile Satanists that have taken over part of the Catholic Church.
They're really Marxist-Leninist.
You've got these guys that are fighting them.
And I gotta say, it's some of these Catholic Cardinals and people that are the most on target.
And so it just shows the civil war going on in every institution, whether it's the FBI, Protestant churches, the Catholic Church, all of it.
Whether it's in public schools or in colleges or in families, this is good versus evil, period.
Now, I could spend an hour on this, but we have video out of Sweden and out of Canada of health ministers touring hospitals with mannequins in fake hospital beds.
And they tell you it's real.
We have footage coming in from all over California and Texas of people saying they're being injected, but the plunger's all the way down and there's nothing in the needle.
There's nothing in the injector.
You can see that.
And the media tried to deny it.
Now they go, okay, it's true.
They said it's a mistake.
Ladies and gentlemen, you can't believe a damn word these criminals say.
They have gotten so many people now involved in the lie.
But here's footage of something real.
Here's a nurse in Tennessee.
Who took the shot on TV and about nine minutes later collapses and falls over.
They said, oh, the vaccine did it.
It's no big deal.
Yes, we have a higher rate of people collapsing with this one, but it's no big deal.
They're having an autoimmune response.
The nervous system freaks out, has to reset and collapses.
It's not a regular vaccine.
It's an mRNA that is programming your very DNA.
And if you've already been exposed to COVID, it can kill you.
And that's when you have this cytokine storm, being stung by 15 bees.
Let's go ahead and roll the footage.
All of my staff, we are excited to get the vaccine.
We are in the COVID unit, so therefore, you know, my team will be getting first chances to get the vaccine.
And I know that it's really...
I'm sorry, I'm feeling really dizzy.
Oh, I'm sorry.
And she had to be taken on a stretcher.
Now, why did the British Ministry of Defense, one week into it, two weeks ago, say, you gotta be in a hospital with resuscitation, defibrillation, full emergency room to take this.
Then they said, the advisory board said, look, pregnant women shouldn't take it, people under 16 shouldn't take it, people with autoimmune disorders or bad allergies shouldn't take it, and people over 75 shouldn't take it.
But I thought it's totally safe and effective!
So there she is on TV, or TV viewer, you can see her getting the shot.
A few minutes later, she collapses.
And they didn't deny the vaccine, did it?
Bill Gates said 700,000 of you will get sick or die.
He said 80% get sick from it.
When I say that, Media Matters calls for us to be shut down.
It says Jones falsely claims 80% get sick from the Pfizer vaccine.
I have Bill Gates, his godship, his Lord Commander Supreme Ruler of Earth, saying, They tried to get Joe Rogan taken off Spotify for playing it, for having me on to say that.
Joe put the clip out, they crapped their britches.
So see, they have to normalize getting everybody to just accept this.
We're not going to accept it.
And then, by the way, all the big vaccine makers, it's not even a vaccine, it's a genetic takeover system, they all admit That it doesn't protect you from COVID and that it won't stop you from spreading COVID.
Meanwhile, they're giving pregnant women the shots, even though on the insert it says, don't give it to a pregnant woman, because it causes a huge autoimmune response.
And a lot of times, the body then autoimmune responses to the baby and kicks it out.
She says, oh, my baby will have antibodies.
Oh, you'll have antibodies, all right.
This isn't a regular vaccine.
This will go in and change every cell in you.
God knows what it'll do to the baby itself.
We had a caller, I always pronounce it wrong and always forget about it.
What was the drug they gave women that made tens of thousands of babies die in the U.S., even more overseas, and still others had no arms or legs or little bitty short legs?
How do you say it?
We'll look that up.
We covered it during the three-hour show earlier.
I mean, there's so many examples of this, and they skipped animal trials on this and are doing mass trials.
He was called by a listener and he was on air and reminded me that there's actually a federal law saying we can all be experimented on en masse.
HR 4373.
So, you know, we're all about documentation.
The slugs over at George Soros run Media Matters that literally are mercenaries against your very life are hoping you don't research this and look this up for yourself.
I mean, the British government says pregnant women shouldn't take this.
Malformations due to the maternal ingestion of... I'm pronouncing problems.
It's thalminamide, yeah.
But hey!
It's okay, because Tim Cook's gay.
And by the way, when you read they're giving Chinese communist soldiers, quote, super genetic mutagens, it's mRNA vaccines to make their muscles bigger and make them more aggressive.
It's okay, you're a super soldier.
We're not testing on you or anything.
You're not a guinea pig.
You're not a victim.
You're a super soldier.
But with us, they tell us, oh, it's just a vaccine.
And then the top scientists that aren't on their payroll, former head of Pfizer science division, comes out and says, we looked at this.
This doesn't have anything to do with COVID.
We match it to other vaccines and attack the protein, the placenta.
Yeah, you're never having a baby again when you take this.
And the thing is, they're going to commit this mass crime and have the nurses and the doctors all signed on to it, so when it turns out millions have been sterilized and millions die, slowly, everyone will join in on the cover-up, and the Nazis call that the cement of blood.
They'll now be corrupted and follow any order.
John, Joshua, Scott and Steve that held from over.
Then we got Heather and Zen and everybody we're going to get to.
The toll free number is 877-789-2539.
First time callers, long time callers, callers that disagree, callers that are calling from foreign countries, let me know.
I'll put you in the front of the line.
And I finally did it!
I've been trying for 20 plus years to go back to those old days where sometimes I'd have one board op, so I'd screen calls during the break.
Just to see what they were calling about.
They had good phone lines.
Finally, I said, screw it.
I'm just going to take calls myself like 25, 26 years ago.
It was the best calls ever.
Just boom, caller after caller, caller after caller.
Sometimes I take like 15 calls in one segment.
And I never got back to that.
But today I got close.
We probably took 50 calls on the morning show I did.
So we got six minutes to break right now.
Let's go to PB in Rhode Island.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, thank you for taking my call, and thank you for everything you do.
Thank you, brother.
I just got a question for you.
As far as the communist Chinese leaks of over 2 million communist Chinese agents pretty much released around the world, there was a list of 20 United States governors on that list.
I just want to know what you think of that, and how come it hasn't really gained as much traction in the media?
Because the mainstream media is sold out of the chat coms.
I mean, that's what I've been telling everybody forever, and now it's come out.
That we are overrun by Communist Chinese, because they're not held by our laws.
We hardly arrest them.
We don't execute them.
And so the Democrats are bought and paid for.
A lot of Republicans, Mitch McConnell's paid for.
The Georgia governor's paid for, I'm sad to say.
And so we got our ass kicked.
I mean, I'm sorry.
Right now, China is kicking our ass.
And our champion that dared fight them has had an election stolen, is about to be thrown out.
They'll probably throw Trump in prison.
They're coming after me too.
They've got FBI agents following us around CIA.
They look at us.
They hate us.
They love China.
They love destroying America.
Now, the average FBI agent isn't like that, but they've got special units that are literally taking this country down.
It's bad, brother.
I mean, I live in this state and, you know, it's a democratic crap hole.
What could I do going forward to resist this?
Realize we're in an occupied country.
Hey, thanks for calling me back.
and just speak out against him and point out the depression we're going to live under and
the tyranny and the shutdown is because people didn't stand up against this.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
John in Tennessee, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hey, thanks for calling me back.
You bet, brother.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I wanted to know your thoughts on the creation of a new party like the Patriot Party.
Could something like that actually work?
And who would you want to see in leadership and stuff like that?
Well, you know, a lot of people call it America first.
I just call it America Party.
America Existing.
Now how about the Nation Party?
The National Party?
Because globalism doesn't want us to even exist.
You know, the People's Party, the Populist Party, the Populist Party for an American future.
I think it's absolutely needed to, like, get Democrats that want to wake up and Republicans that do as well, so you can have Republicans that run saying they've signed on to the America Populist Movement.
And so I think it can be something where we demand it of both parties and then they affiliate with it as we build the party itself.
Maybe like Rand Paul or Governor DeSantis from Florida.
I'd love DeSantis and Paul to be president, vice president, I don't care who.
Just common sense.
Be a person for the country.
Be a person for prosperity.
Be a person for security.
We just want to be our country.
We don't want to be under globalist control.
And you say that, as bad as globalism is going to get, it's going to be the most popular thing ever, just like the Brexit party, but on steroids.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
As bad as this is, folks, and I gotta tell you, we've been kicking globalist ass.
You have been so well.
They're so scared.
That they've got a fire lit under their commie ass, their little devil ass, their little fork tails on fire, to come after us if Biden gets in.
But at a sick level, that's almost better.
It's going to destroy them forever.
The right thing to do is to put Trump in.
The right thing to do is try to fix things nicely.
But any way you slice it, as long as we don't give up, we don't lose.
And I don't say that to feel good.
I'll probably end up getting put in prison or killed.
I don't say that to act tough.
They've let me know.
But it doesn't matter.
At the end of the day, I'll be with Jesus.
And next level, my children and grandchildren will be free.
So I'm not sacrificing.
I love it.
I am thankful for this.
God Almighty!
I can't believe the position I've been put in.
The honor of this.
To be in this position with all of you great people.
For every race, color, and creed with red blood.
And to be standing against these pedophile Satanists.
And by the way, you've seen a bunch of the pedophile Satanists running their own kidnapping rings that work for Epstein.
And the Clintons arrested in France.
Arrested in Canada.
There have been more arrests.
So let me tell you.
I don't ever want to be over positive.
But now I see Trump going after the globalists, and I see all these arrests happening, and I see them canceling Biden's military briefings, and it tells me Trump's getting ready to drop the hammer.
And I was told something about Trump.
I'm not gonna say whether I heard it from Trump or Roger Stone, but they told me when he was president-elect four-plus years ago that Trump expected this to come down to this.
And so, look, I'm just telling the new world order, if you're looking for trouble, you came to the right place.
We're not looking to start a fight.
But if you want a fight, you better believe you got one.
And if you think threatening us and following us around does anything, and I know your bosses told you to come do it, listen, I'm a lot more worried about God.
In fact, you don't even show up on a registration scale for me, fear-wise.
You don't even... My boss is my boss.
And that's who I take orders from.
His name is Jesus Christ.
And his father is the controller of the universe.
So, that's who I'm taking orders from.
And the more you push, the more strength I'm given from my father.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Your phone calls and the latest news on this, straight ahead.
Trump's gonna make a run at him.
I mean, that's the bottom line.
And I've talked to really serious people, a lot of them at the Pentagon, and they're all very excited and are going to make a run at them.
And they're getting the hearings ready to give them the political backing for what they need to do.
They're already raiding facilities.
It really is happening.
And right here in Austin, the raids did happen in Germany.
And let's just say this country is fighting for its life right now.
And with 33 days left, we should see some big action the next week.
The next two weeks.
Because you can't put Joe Biden in.
He's such a communist Chinese agent.
I've said a thousand times, even if he'd won the election, and if he did, I'd say, hey, he looks like he won it.
He's still a communist agent.
He's got to be removed.
You got to put another Democrat in that isn't a communist Chinese agent.
But he didn't win it.
And he's a communist Chinese agent.
It's a fraud.
And I've told my sources, well, they think, what do you think the best thing is?
I'm like, well it's obvious you're not trying to set me up to put me in prison because I don't want to say who should be targeted and I'm not trying to push that.
You call for a new election once you've had congressional hearings and you show the fraud and you bring out all the dirt on Biden and his family and you release everything you got on the Clintons and the Obamas and you just flamethrow them all no matter what they bring out on Republicans.
You fry them with stuff so powerful the President starts giving nightly resolute death speeches, I would say by now, weeks ago.
But maybe Trump's smarter than I am.
Hell, he ran for president, won the first time.
He's got some smart people behind him.
I know Colonel Jackson said, you don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes.
They had to sit there behind their hay bales and behind their logs when the British were shooting at them at 200 yards, 100 yards with those old rifles.
And they just waited until they were 20 yards away or less.
Gotta love that intel.
To the whites of the eyes.
That's an original rangefinder.
Absolutely scientific.
See how smart all those old sayings were?
Using words for technology to understand?
Don't like, shoot a rangefinder out, shoot them at 20 yards.
When you see the lights in their eyes, when you see the lights in their eyes, shoot them right in the chest.
And I'm not saying that physically.
I'm talking about Trump as an allegory waiting until they're right up on us.
So that we're reloaded politically with the truth, with the justice, with the liberty, with the facts, with the evidence.
But it looks bad waiting this long for McConnell to roll over and be a CHICOM agent, for the Supreme Court to roll over and be CHICOM agents, to have Roberts screaming and yelling saying, the Democrats will burn America!
So we're all scared of Trump's martial law to counter their martial law.
But we got The Justice, the opposing Chief Justice saying, we can't do this because if we do, screaming at the other Justices who all crapped their pants and got in line, the other eight.
That's in the news now.
Credible sources, congressmen, sources, the aides, talk to their aides.
He pistol whipped them.
He screamed at them for hours.
That there'll be riots, there'll be, because that's what Black Lives Matter and $10.6 billion of BS was, that somehow, if Trump got in, we'll have all the black people riot, working for George Soros, and that'll be their cover that trumps against black people, exactly what I told you, for a year in the buildup.
That's the dichotomy.
And so now that's where we are.
So let's go to your phone calls right now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joshua in Michigan.
Joshua, thank you.
Then we'll go to Heather and many others.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Hey, two things.
I was watching a focus on a family this morning and they had two Nazi scientists on pushing the COVID vaccine and talking about regular vaccines and aborted babies.
It's completely disgusting.
It broke my heart, and the two guys on there were just loving it.
I know Mike Pence praised those guys earlier today.
I wouldn't.
Well, that's another point.
Mike Pence is just being evangelical.
I believe they said he got the Pfizer mRNA thing that's made out of cloned baby tissue.
So, Mike Pence doesn't just support the killing of babies, he now injects them into himself.
Yeah, it's disgusting.
It's satanic and luciferian.
The other thing is, I definitely support Trump's Martial law, whatever it may be.
I'm 15 years, been in the military eight years active duty, six years in the reserves.
You know, I support it.
The sad thing is, is I don't know how many Americans will.
I go to church and the pastor's telling us we better be thankful for our COVID lockdowns, wearing our diapers.
I'm like the only guy there not wearing diaper on my face.
Everyone else is just I just, it's unreal.
I don't know if it's just they're like brainwashed or whatever, but... Well, it's a group thinking, most people are followers.
It's up to you.
You don't want to talk to the preacher or ask to speak in front of the church and show the studies.
But, you know, I hear you.
But again, we're already under a globalist form of martial law.
So what do we call this?
We need a national emergency to throw off the communist controllers.
I mean, what do we do?
If not, they will be in full control.
No, I know, and what I'm going to do is not, you know, the military come down with the vaccine, not going to do it.
I'm walking away.
What do I care?
There's my pension?
Who gives a crap?
And then the second thing, you know, I'm going to be there on the 20th with you guys.
And if they manage to put this communist, this dead guy in, Joe Biden, I'm done.
I'm not.
It's not.
I have an oath to the Constitution, to you, a covenant with the American people to uphold and defend against enemies, foreign and domestic.
We're 360, so I think we just have to dig in.
I totally agree with you.
God bless you, sir, from Michigan.
They're breaking the social contract.
They're bringing in world government.
They're trying to forcibly inoculate us.
They're telling us small businesses are not essential.
The churches need to stay closed.
All right, let's take another call.
Scott in Texas, thanks for holding.
Go ahead, Scott.
Man, I'm just watching that Mike Pence get that shot.
That's unbelievable.
He would put aborted fetuses in his cells.
Well, not just aborted fetuses, the entire genome of a baby boy killed in 1966 that they've been recloning satanically, the entire human genome of him, so that when that boy's DNA hits his cells, they take the orders.
And by the way, they tested millions of dead kids.
They don't know why it's that particular kid they killed.
Like, there was a black lady who died of cancer in 1954, I think.
Look it up.
Look up immortal cell lines.
They don't know why her cells are better than anybody's.
But her cells work when they add it to anything to deliver it to you.
I'm going to come back to you, Scott.
Stay there.
I'm not going to cut you off.
Put him on hold.
We'll come back to him.
I'm not kidding.
It was a black lady died of a cancer that she got, you know, one week.
It killed her like in a week and a half.
And it like ate her whole body.
It was like a blob.
They were like, what is this?
Like she got it and like ate her.
And they went, what is it?
So they put it under a microscope and they could put it in a Petri dish for 20 years.
It doesn't die.
One cell.
Doesn't need oxygen.
Doesn't need anything.
It's like a zombie.
And they took that lady's genes and they put it into everything.
I mean, wow.
But then meanwhile, uh, fact check, vaccine.
While vaccines contain human DNA, there's no link to cancer or autism.
Oh yeah, they say.
They got a dead white kid from 66 and a dead black lady from the early 50s and they built everything off their genetics and they just keep injecting us with them and cloning their cells and cloning them over and over again.
The battle for the republic and the world is now.
I'm gonna go to your phone calls right now and then next hour I'm gonna hit the huge news of the counter-strike by Trump and the Patriots that is unfolding.
I wasn't ready to give up in the last week, but I was telling you it looked dire.
We didn't see some major action from the President.
But let me tell you, it is happening now.
All these Senators, all these House members lining up for criminal investigations, for hearings.
State legislatures finding fraud.
Georgia saying they're going to go through.
And check all of the signatures.
There is just so much unfolding right now.
All the things that Trump's been pushing for are now suddenly happening.
I don't want to give false hope, but let me tell you, Trump's moving in the right direction and moving quickly.
So pray for President Trump.
Pray for a global awakening.
It's for 33, 34, depending on how you look at it.
days out from the inauguration. Scott in Texas start over we're talking about Operation Warp
Speed the so-called COVID vaccines that are really mutagenic DNA takeover systems like the movie The
Thing. Yeah and it seems like they're doing that just so they can get a patent on humans.
My question was in Operation Warp Speed is there anything in there that nullifies the Nuremberg
trials and Geneva Convention Treaty.
No, it all violates it, but they've got a bill introduced that Republicans are supporting too.
They're not scientists, they're just idiot lawyers.
4373, Engineering Biology Research and Development Act, 2019.
And this is what they both want, is to say we're all a product, and when we take these products that take over our cells, they then claim that they own our cells, so this is the final frontier and it's happening now.
This is the Great Reset, Part 1, Reduced Expectations and Biotechnology Feudalism.
Yeah, I watched Grand Theft World and you got brought up with Klaus and The Great Reset and they were saying you lost all 35,000 interviews when YouTube deleted your stuff and they were trying to move it over to their webpage.
Well, I'm ignorant.
What's Grand Theft Auto?
No, Grand Theft World.
They do a chronological podcast throughout the week, and they put together all the articles for the week, like this one, you know, wolves in white coats, and they did a whole thing.
They just go over every Freedom Fighter, like, their podcast.
They pull out clips, and they put it all together.
I love it.
Wolves in white coats instead of wolves in sheep's clothing.
That's beautiful.
Alright, Scott, thank you so much.
Amazing points.
Alright, let's go ahead and talk to... Is that all the original callers we didn't get to this morning that I called?
Which one?
Thomas of North Carolina, go ahead and thanks for letting us call you back when I didn't get to you during that new show we're doing.
Go ahead.
Alright, it's an honor to speak with you.
I appreciate you taking my call.
I was reading something yesterday.
It was a brief.
Somebody had sent it to my wife and it was about Corey Goode talking about be ready for martial law.
Said that we would know by Friday.
And I heard you talking about Trump and him canceling all the Pentagon's, beating Biden's transition team.
And they were supposed to, he's supposed to meet with somebody at like 3 p.m.
or something.
And it said we would know by Friday.
But this was a couple days ago, and I was just curious if maybe you could kind of elaborate on that a little bit.
Well, I don't know who you were listening to, but they sure knew more than I did.
Yeah, this is out of Axios, Bloomberg, all of it.
Acting Pentagon Chief Holtz Biden transition briefings signaling that Trump is not going to concede.
They're going to use the military.
Clearly there was a foreign intelligence tie to these Dominion machines.
Goes back to China, Russia, Iran.
Trump should revote these states.
That's what they're all saying now.
So Trump's doing an emergency meeting.
Here it is from WhiteHouse.gov today at 3.30.
Eastern that's 230 Central's will be live on air during this he'll be meeting with the Secretary of Defense
About a anti Chinese Communist task force here in the US is the intel we've got so Trump's getting ready to
Looks like he may have a new attorney general or somebody ready to arrest these Chinese spies and their minions
And all he's got to do is arrest a few of them. They'll all They'll all start singing like canaries
So will our military, will America, who the globalists think are done, are we all that cowardly, or will we stand up to the Chinese Communists and stop their takeover?
What do you think is going to happen?
I hope and pray they don't get away with it.
I think they have, and I think they've done it clean, you know, but it's all coming to light.
It's just like anything else in life.
You do wrong, you do, you know, things like that.
It always comes out in the end.
Absolutely, Thomas.
Anything else?
Sir, I appreciate you taking my call.
I appreciate everything you did, man.
I appreciate you, brother.
Listen, I appreciate you.
We're all in this together.
You're just like I am.
I don't care if you're white, black, old, young, Hispanic, Chinese, whoever.
If you love freedom and you want to have a future, we are brothers and sisters together against this evil.
Because make no mistake, these globalists are damn evil.
They're now coming with a deadly program to reprogram your DNA.
The Bible says it's a fallen entity.
I don't get into UFOs and stuff, but that sounds to me like aliens are trying to take us over.
I mean, because it takes over all your cells?
See how just suddenly we're inside this crazy town.
We're just suddenly inside the crazy town.
All right, let's go in the order the calls are received.
Let's go ahead and talk to Nick in California.
Nick, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I've been listening to you for 10 years.
You woke me up with the Obama deception.
I've been listening to you ever since.
First time caller.
I wanted to really quickly talk about California.
We are the group that represents the Gavin Newsom recall.
We got over 800,000 signatures.
Yeah, 800,000 signatures in like a week, right?
Yeah, we got actually an extension for three months.
We have our own current candidate that we're backing.
So I guess just now, though, kind of got some traction, though.
Yes, we got some traction now.
We're getting a lot of big traction.
You actually covered us with the quote by conservatives that confronted BLM back months ago.
I appreciate you that.
I'm one of those people that actually commented on them.
We're actually now starting curfew breakers.
You actually covered us as well.
In Beach City, Cindy Powell retweeted us saying that we need to demand voter fraud as well.
We actually, Breitbart actually reported 20,000 people downtown Los Angeles in one of our rallies.
So I just want to make it very clear that A lot of people want to run from California, but there's a group of individuals here that I've met personally, like me, that are going to fight for California.
Everybody wants to run, but... Oh, I agree with you.
A lot of times, the worst place becomes the best place.
I believe from evidence I've seen, California's really red.
And that the fraud is so bad, that's why you're under this dictatorship.
Yeah, tell folks the name of the group so you can rally and fight the Chinese takeover.
Sure, every time you plug the group though, I can't understand it because your phone breaks up.
Tell folks the name of the group so you can rally and fight the Chinese takeover.
Right now we're on curfew breakers in 18 cities right now.
Cindy Powery tweeted us, Donald Schumacher actually tweeted us in California, in Los
Angeles when we were doing the 20,000+ where you came out, Pratt, which came out.
Every time you plug the group though, I can't understand it because your phone breaks up.
What's the name of the group again?
Right now, currently, we have the curfew breakers.
Curfew Breakers.
Alright, you're beautiful.
Thank you so much, Nick.
Love you.
I want to see more of your video.
I want to get you on as a guest.
Thank you.
Get on with Skype with us.
Alright, Zen in Florida.
Zen, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
First time caller.
Thank you and God bless you, Owen, and everybody.
Well, I need your prayer because I want to stay in the fight.
I'm not a victim or a wimp.
I expected to be dead a long time ago, but they're definitely on my ass now, so thanks for the prayer.
Well, there's a lot of things going on right now that we need to pray on.
But my question, with all the election fraud, the videos, the statistics, etc., etc., what more can we the people do to get the psyops awake?
I think like that guy that went to Costco and got up and said, it's all a fraud.
Wake up.
This is BS.
They're locking everything down.
The virus is basically a hoax.
And then put out your zone website.
I think we should just disturb them.
We should civil disobedience them.
And I can't just say that and not do it.
I know I'm going to take a week off because I never do it.
And it's the right thing to do.
And I'll be so much stronger after if I do it.
But after that, I'm going into stores.
I'm going into everywhere.
And I'm going to raise a stink.
I think that's what we got to do.
Oh, well, we need to ban those people, because we're the people.
We outnumber them.
We've just got to all get together, because this is going against our Constitution right now.
I agree.
You know, it's like spiritual.
I don't know how to describe it.
Oratory skills get some people motivated, but there's this thing where you decide to do something and suddenly people are with you.
And I just think, even if you decided and then nothing happens and you get arrested, it doesn't matter.
Others see that, it causes a chain reaction.
You got to know, God, help me, lead me.
I don't want to be under satanic control.
Please help me, God.
I don't want to lay down.
And see, God's not looking for victims.
God's looking for those that are ready to go after people.
In a peaceful way, but through God.
Just say, God, I'm weak.
Please help me.
Show me how to fight these people.
And God will give you some little task.
Go talk to your neighbor.
Or go down the street and suddenly, you'll be fighting the entire New World Order operation.
Because God never puts you in a place you can't handle.
Zen, I appreciate your call.
Anything else?
No, praise him.
Thank you so much, Alex.
Thank you.
I mean, I'm just telling you that's what it is.
You gotta just simply say, People say, I'll tell you the prayers God answers.
You step out in a dangerous situation and say I'm doing this for other people, help me God, God will help you.
That's when God shows up.
The little weird fringe benefits I get is getting to know crazy awesome guys like Ted Nugent.
All right, let's go ahead and talk to Steve in Idaho.
Steve, thanks for holding her on the air, welcome.
Hey Alex, how you doing, man?
Is this the guy that called in about Living Defense?
Yes sir, yes sir.
I've been trying to get a hold of you since Monday when I heard you got that fresh shipment of Living Defense in from Utah.
I said, man, I gotta get on that show and give him an update.
Because that commercial, that infomercial you've been doing, that thing's getting old.
I'm getting tired of hearing my stuff.
It's like a year old, brother.
But hey, so go ahead.
Tell us what's going on.
Well, man, listen, you know, last year when I called in, I was actually in the Denver airport.
It was a Sunday show, and I was just messing around.
You gave out the number, and I punched it in my phone, and lo and behold, it went straight through to your producer.
And he said, hey, he said, who's calling and where are you calling from?
And I told him, and immediately, like, you came on the line, and I was so dumbfounded that the only thing I could think of was to tell my story about living defense, because I said, if I ever get a chance to be on the Alex Jones Show, I'm going to tell the world about Living Defense and what it did for me personally.
Now look, I'm 64 years old going on 20, thanks to the Temple War Store products.
And by the way, I bought $800 worth the other night, so I'm doing what I can, brother.
I'm doing what I can.
You're the only reason we're still on air.
They'd have us shut down, my friend.
They're so pissed off.
Thank you.
Well, tell us the update that you were on over a year ago.
It was a year ago.
But I got to tell you, you came back on the line a few days after I called in because you made that infomercial and you said all the product sold off the shelf.
So I said to myself, I'm going to get on it.
I'm going to do my best to get on Alex's show so I can tell a little bit more about this.
You know, we're talking a lot about the COVID-19 and, you know, you're always talking about the zinc and the D3 and the C and, you know, keeping a strong immune system is our best defense.
But look, everybody out there, Alex, listening right now, has got parasites.
Whether you think you do or you don't, you do.
And if you eat fish, if you eat sushi, you're riddled with them.
So my contention is, why don't we start this new year off right with everybody getting a couple bottles of Living Defense.
Now, you've got to follow that up with the Micro ZX.
I learned that.
So I don't tell people to get the Living Defense unless I follow up with the Micro ZX, and I'm sure you want to say something about that.
But, uh, man, everybody needs to get this product.
We need to get it all out of your warehouse by Monday, because you can still order on Monday, and most of the people in the lower... By the way, brother, we didn't set this up.
I was thinking about using it a few days ago.
We've been sold out of Living Defense for months.
It came in, and I thought of you, Steve.
And then I said, run that old ad, and it's our number one seller right now.
We were actually losing money so far in the last month.
And thanks to you, we already sold your ad, already sold like 2,000 bottles that actually paid the bills here.
So it's like God working is so amazing.
We didn't know.
We didn't screen your call.
We had no idea.
And I go to you a year later, and you're here telling people about Living Defense.
Let me tell you, Dr. Group, when he developed this, told me how incredible it was and I should tag it and all
this stuff.
And I know he's real, but I didn't do it. I took it over a year ago and lost like 20-something pounds
and I'm back on it right now and I'm about to lose a bunch of weight. It's already starting
to happen. I don't want to get into what happens, but let's just say it's a little explosive.
So yeah, it's got all that key organic stuff in there that does amazing things and I really
appreciate your plug, your realism, you connected with folks and you took a product that was a
decent seller, took it to number one, brother.
I really appreciate you, Steve.
We should get your name and number, get you on as a guest, or send you a case of Living Defense.
We got about, well, I'll tell you what, don't hang up, Steve, because you never got to Living Defense what it did, but I can't just sit there and talk about Living Defense all day.
We've got a lot to cover, like the Chinese takeover and how to defeat them, but yeah, It's amazing.
It's 50% off back in stock.
So we're going to come back.
I'll do one more segment of calls before I hit this big news, and then I'll go back to call.
Stay with us.
I'm up here in space.
I'm looking down on you.
My lasers trace everything you do.
You think you lead private lives, think nothing of the kind.
There is no true escape, I'm watching all the time.
I'm elemental!
My sight is clean.
I am perpetual!
I keep the country free!
That's written back in the 1980s, and boy didn't it come true.
But it didn't keep us free, did it?
All right, I got loaded phone lines.
I told you I've just got this obsession.
I need to get back to taking a lot of calls.
I did a new show this morning, 8 to 11, before we went to my live regular show.
We did a live show titled, amply so, American Journal off of C-SPAN.
But we're doing it again right now.
But I've got really important news I'm going to cover next segment on Trump killing the Pentagon briefings of Joe Biden.
Which really signals Trump's about to take action.
There's a bunch of other big stuff happening as well.
So I'm not one of these Q guys.
I don't want to give you false hope.
If this all turns out to be true, I'll say, OK, Q's real.
But some big stuff's going on.
And I've talked to people at Defense Intelligence Agency.
I've talked to people in Delta Force.
I've talked to people in the CIA who are patriots.
And they say no.
Trump's going to move against them just watch and see it.
I'm like, yeah, I'll believe when I see it.
Now it's starting to happen.
I'll hit that next segment.
But right now, let's go back to Steve in Idaho.
If you've heard ads running last year.
He's a real guy.
Took Living Defense, which is an anti-parasite, anti-toxicity flush of the intestines with natural herbs that are really strong and organic.
It's been sold out for months.
It's back in stock.
He's tried to get in before.
He gets in today.
That's God's will.
Steve, thank you.
Finish your point about Living Defense and what you wanted to say.
Well, thank you so much, Alex.
It's such a blessing from God to be on this show today.
You know, it's been one of my lifelong dreams is to show up on the Alex Jones Show one day, and here I am, and I know it's God's will.
But look, one of the things about the COVID-19 is we need to keep that real strong, healthy immune system.
That's our first defense.
And a lot of people with these parasites all over their bodies, they're expending a lot of energy, excuse me, Oh, where they don't need to.
And you know, you've got to detox.
I don't care what your health and wellness regime is.
Like you were talking about losing weight, and you're doing it the right way because you're starting off with the Living Defense and the Micro ZX to get all those toxins and all those parasites.
You know, you need to do this about once every six months because those parasites come back.
If you eat meat, if you eat any kind of fish, Just about everything has got some sort of bacterial parasite, and this is the best product on the market.
I've proven that over and over, and I just... Remember the YouTube videos where they would put chemicals on pork chops and worms would come out?
Oh yeah!
No, I've seen it, man.
If you eat ham, you've got lots of critters.
But you know what I love about this product is, think about it, when you kill the parasite, these are living carcasses.
These are These bodies of these creatures are inside of you.
Well, Dr. Groot formulated this with the right, you know, with the name and the other things to get this out of your body.
You know, it's one thing to kill the parasites, but what are you going to do, just leave them in your body?
You got to get rid of them.
So anyway, I want to give a special shout out... Did you know that in places like Vietnam and Thailand, they take peat worms to lose weight?
That is disgusting.
I've heard that.
I've heard that.
Alex, let me wrap up with one thing.
You know, you were very instrumental.
You used to say all the time, especially as veterans, you'd say, you guys got to get more involved, make the YouTube, do this, do that.
Well, right after the inauguration, I started a YouTube channel.
I got up to 50,000 followers.
I had about 7 million views.
And then on Black Friday, they finally terminated.
I remember the first day you ever started talking about being banned, and you told us,
you said, "Every one of you, if you're a patriot, and if you're purporting truth, you're gonna get it.
And finally, I hung on until Black Friday, but I'm gone.
So the question is, can I just give out my two websites?
I'm trying to reestablish myself.
Oh, that's beautiful, but let me give this last piece of advice.
Everyone under another's cheap burner phone creak, because they test how they track you, and use another computer, and on the same IP address, create sub-YouTubes, Twitters, and Facebooks.
We did this.
They still haven't got them all.
They're so pissed.
And then what you do is, you promote though, like it's not your site, the other site.
And then when they get that one, it's like whack-a-mole, you've already grown more outposts.
But absolutely, people should go to URLs.
That's the real model, is to go to original URLs.
So give us your URLs.
Okay, it's retiredmarinesoundsoff.com or marinesoundsoff.com.
And then I've got a podcast I just started on the 1st of December that's doing quite well.
It's truenewspodcast.com.
Just like it's, you know, T-R-U-E, truenewspodcast.com.
I'd really appreciate anybody that checks those out and would like to subscribe because, you know, it's really, it hurts, man, when you lose 50,000 subscribers.
But again, they did that to you because you were popular and the people loved you and it was the truth.
That's why they suppress you.
That's a badge of honor and you've come back again.
So we love you, Steve.
We should get you on as a guest.
Get Steve's name and number.
We should get him on as a guest on my show or one of the other shows.
We love you, Steve.
Thank you.
That's the problem with callers.
I say I'm going to take a lot of them.
They're so good.
You're so good.
But then I never get to calls.
I never get to you.
But that was amazing.
All right.
Let's take another caller here.
Who is up next in the order of the calls received?
Emily in New York.
Thank you for holding her on the air.
Hi, Emily.
Wow, Alex.
This is amazing.
I have listened to you since Probably 2004, watched a lot of your videos with a lot of friends, and have really done the organic boots to the ground, telling people what's going on.
You know, Obama deception, especially when it seemed like nobody was listening, and lo and behold, there was a lot that was going on in the undercurrent in New York State.
So that being said, with everything happening in New York State, There's so many people that support Trump, and it is silenced.
I was at a rally in January in the Capitol, and we were probably, you know, a couple in the corridor across from Governor Cuomo giving his State of the State address.
Now, there's a few thousand of us.
Getting in Senator's faces, yelling, protesting, and that was the HPV vaccine, the mandatory flu shots.
Oh yeah, I remember they beta tested this all last year.
Yeah, exactly, with the forced inoculations.
This was all beta tested.
Exactly, and there was at least a hundred.
Remember they said Orthodox Jews all had to take it.
Yeah, it was horrible.
Yes, yes, and so we were all there and nobody reported on this.
There were maybe, I think, Albany News reported that there were a couple hundred people there.
So they completely silenced that.
The lockdown in New York State is crazy because what happened when we were in Albany, and I heard from Senators when I was in the Elevator with them.
They didn't realize who I was with.
They said, wow, there are so many people here.
This is insane.
They said, we've got to do something about this.
So what happened was, even though there's a Democratic stronghold in New York State, the Democrats couldn't agree with each other because there were so many people there that were in their face.
So they couldn't move on the bills that they had.
They wanted to push through in January.
Of course, you know, COVID came through and they locked us all down.
But I just find it interesting because there's power, even in corrupt New York State.
There's power when people get together, they show up, and they do not stay quiet.
And I totally agree with you.
And human papillomavirus has been directly linked to attacking women's ovaries, so it's another depopulation weapon.
What a group of monsters.
And by having a state kick it in, as Texas did shamefully 15 years ago, it creates liability protection so women and girls can't sue when they get screwed up by it.
Thank you so much, Emily.
Absolutely great job, and you're a beta test for the rest of the country.
All right, callers gotta hold because I'm going to come back and cover this big news and back to your calls.
The globalists should not want the United States back in black.
They want us in the red.
They want us bankrupted under their control.
And I'm telling you, we get Trump re-elected and overpower the commies, we're going to be back in black.
America's got nine lives.
Cat's eyes.
All right, let me hit the big news.
Then I'll take calls for a couple of segments.
And then David Icke's son, who's quite the filmmaker, is going to be joining us with some big breaking news.
And then we will go back to your calls.
And then we've got Nick Baggage at Real Trailblazer, Dr. Nick Baggage, exposing The Globalist, hosting the fourth hour ahead of the War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Then I'll be back this Sunday live.
4 to 6 p.m.
Hell, wild horses can't drag me away, but every time I actually take a week off, which is very rare, maybe every year or so, it's a big effect for me.
Better broadcast, better brain, better focus.
Just not working, I lose like 10 pounds in a week.
I just need to, there's a stress of this.
It's like the cortisol it releases are incredible.
So let's go ahead right now.
And I can sit here and I can show you all these articles, or I can just cut right to the chase, and I think I'll do both.
Trump has every right, and we have every right, under the Declaration of Independence, and under common sense, and under everything that's happened, to say we're not slaves of Hollywood, and the devil-worshipping left, and their chi-com backers, and the EU New World Order, and all the fraud they've engaged in.
So we declare that we are not your slave.
And if what we declare is true, others will resonate with it in history of we're leaders, and we will win.
But in the case of this, it's so over the top, so insane.
Trump won by a record giant landslide.
We know that.
He won the battleground states.
His margin of victory was double, triple, quadruple what it was.
Instead of half a percent, he had a point.
Instead of a point, he had three points.
Instead of that, he had five points, six points.
They close it down, you know the fraud, they bring in the fake ballots.
Trump was trying to return the republic.
I don't agree with him going along with the vaccine, to try to, you know, end the lockdown, but it doesn't matter.
You know the globalists don't want Trump.
And so here's just some of the headlines that all tie together today as you see the worm turning.
It doesn't mean we're out of the woods, doesn't mean I'm saying in 33 days he's going to be the president, but we're starting to see movement in the direction that shows victory.
Tuberville throws support behind Electoral College.
Challenge says we're going to have to do it in the Senate.
You got Rand Paul saying it.
You got other Senators saying it.
That's enough Senators to get hearings in the Senate coming up the next few weeks.
Representatives Dozer, Biggs, Banks, Gohmert, and more join.
Mo Brooks calls for congressional election integrity hearings.
So it's starting.
The person behind all this, Secretary of State, begged for 100 Chinese to vote for him by mail in 2015, won by 159 votes.
You can't make this up as your TRICOM agents.
Turns out the actual Chinese government agents came and met with all of them on video.
I mean, this is just insane.
Confirmed, Dominion uses SolarWinds software, denies using software included in devastating a hack.
So that big raid, now five days ago in Austin, you begin to learn that's Trump taking action.
That scares the hell out of the system.
Georgia Dem Senate Candidate Warnock tells followers Jesus was a poor Palestinian.
So we're getting all that Islamic garbage.
And it goes on and on.
Breaking Shelley, Luther, Bax, Mo Brooks call for immediate congressional election integrity hearings.
That's out of the national file.
Now that's just some of the background.
Now let's get into the real meat and potatoes for you right here.
General Flynn, there's video of this, clearly there was foreign Influence tied to these Dominion machines goes back to China, Russia, Iran.
Trump should re-vote these states.
That is very reasonable.
That's where this call should start.
And with the hearings in the House and the Senate that are now unfolding.
There's a larger article with all of it.
Flynn says Trump could use martial law to force election, redo and swing states.
Infowars.com has the big in-depth report breaking that down.
Now let's look at what's currently happening.
Today at 2.30 Central, and we're going to try to get any coverage of this if it's live.
Probably won't be.
President Trump to meet with Acting Defense Secretary in Oval Office to discuss the Chi Com threat.
And here it is.
Acting Pentagon Chief.
Now this is the biggest piece up front.
Acting Pentagon Chief halts Biden transition briefings.
So, he's halting those briefings, meaning Trump's getting ready to go to the Resolute Desk and announce that he's a CHICOM agent, here's the evidence, America, you can't allow this, 10 million people need to march on D.C.
right now, and if I'm sitting there on Christmas Eve and Trump says that, I'm on an airplane, I'm in a car, I'm walking and I have to, I'm taking action.
That's what I keep saying.
Trump has to call it out like it is, call for us to peacefully take action, Has to identify the enemies.
That will trigger the Justice Department to have balls.
And that will trigger the military, who already has balls, to get ready for what's about to go down.
Or let a known CHICOM agent get control and do all this.
Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller ordered Pentagon White Halt in cooperation with the transition of President-elect Biden, the fraud, that's out of Axios.
Shocking officials across the Defense Department, senior officials said today.
Behind the scenes, why it matters, what happened.
Pentagon officials' response.
It's all coming up.
And again, 19 House members submit letter seeking Senate hearings on election fraud.
Supreme Court justice fear Democrat riots.
Judge Roberts heard screaming to the other eight, you must do this or the cities will burn.
See, that's the real globalist Black Lives Matter Soros Ukraine model that they'll burn the country down if we don't submit.
Well, we call the bluff of terrorists and say, let's get it on!
I mean, I'm doing it here, ragtag band in Austin, Texas, and you guys have so much more pull and clout.
You know, if you bow down this time, what are you going to bow down to next time?
Forced inoculations?
Pedophiles coming and having story time with your kids?
I mean, these are pervert, sicko, freakazoids that have no end.
They want our innocence.
They want to drink up our essence.
They're vampires.
So I say burn in hell, Soros!
Burn in hell, Biden!
Burn in hell, Hillary!
Burn in hell, Obama!
Burn in hell, all of you!
You will not get your greedy, sick, filthy hands on our souls, you maggots!
And I pray for listeners to pray to Christ and pray to the Father and the Son, the Holy Ghost, all of it, and just say, protect us from this evil because they're scared of us in public calling them out.
Why'd they have over a thousand publications and all those TV shows attack me and say I said kill Joe Biden?
I said he's spiritually dead.
He's a corpse of Satan.
He's already dead.
A reanimated corpse there to attack us.
I wish no physical harm upon a dead body.
I said we must politically destroy him.
We must rebuke him.
And he will be removed, one way or another, legally and lawfully.
And it shook them to their core, because they're empty!
That's why they want to suck us up!
Because they have nothing!
George Soros is damned to hell!
Damn you to hell, Soros!
Damn you to hell, in the name of Jesus!
Damn George Soros to hell, in the name of Jesus Christ!
Damn you to hell, Soros, in the name of Christ!
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
You know, I'm not melodramatic here.
When I say these things, I mean them.
It's not theater.
The number one thing they put on the news is Jones says he's an actor.
There's one time in like a custody battle of ex-wife, they're like, look, he's in a joker outfit saying he wants kids to take drugs.
And I'm like, I'm being an actor, making a joke so kids won't take drugs.
I'm saying, hey kids, I want you to die and take drugs in a joker outfit.
I was being an actor there.
I'm not an actor when I'm on air.
I mean damn well what I'm saying here.
Everybody knows it.
But Howard Stern still has a gigantic show, number one show on XM, probably reaches 5 million people a day conservatively, so tune in.
And he's up there every week now doing these puppet show videos that are very viral and send us a lot of new listeners.
So I don't want to attack Stern too much so he gets in trouble and can't make these.
I know Stern said he was a listener before and had me on a few times as a guest.
I used to go on his network like once a month for years till somebody killed it.
And so I think overall Stern's trying to actually warn people through the show.
Maybe I'm wrong.
But when he says this one thing about, I don't want whites to take the vaccine so you don't get sterilized.
That's true.
I don't want blacks to take it or Hispanics or anybody.
I don't want anybody to get hurt by this.
But everything else he says is basically real quotes.
They found HIV in the vaccine.
All of this.
And so I wonder what's going on over there with Stern.
So here's that piece.
Then part of Tucker Carlson last night on the vaccine.
Very powerful.
Then another segment with your phone calls.
I had a David Icke son joining us with his new film that drops at Bandon Video.
Premiering in a matter of minutes.
But first, here's Howard Stern and then Tucker Carlson.
Alex Jones is joining us via Zoom.
He wants to, yes, he wants to discuss the COVID vaccine and he wants to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
Good morning, Howard.
What we are witnessing is the globalist Trojan horsing the mRNA nanotech multistage 5-virus Gates vaccination.
This is normalized mass extermination, a bio-attack on humanity, exterminism of white Christians before the day of our Lord's birth in the name of the satanic pedophile globalist New World Order.
You know, I try to follow what you're saying.
You speak very fast.
Let me slow it down for you so you can understand.
Go ahead.
They want forced inoculation of the Gates vaccination which has the HIV delivery system gene coding.
It has HIV in it!
This is AIDS 2.0 eugenics for a post-human world!
Do you understand that?
Well, I mean, thank you for slowing down.
I appreciate that.
We gotta keep the Christmas spirit alive here, regardless of what the globalists want to do.
I got a busy schedule this morning.
We have the InfoWars Secret Santa Gift Exchange coming up this morning, which should be fun.
We'll be getting into that.
Oh, hold on.
It looks like somebody's here.
Come in.
It is I, reptilian leader Bill Gates.
I come bearing the gift of vaccination.
Get that needle out of here, Gates!
I will not take your vaccination and be marched into a FEMA death camp.
I promise it's safe.
Just ask Dr. Fauci.
Come on, Alex.
It won't kill.
All of civilization, just most!
Listen Fauci, listen Gates, I don't want your gift, but do you know the best Christmas gift for the Info Warrior in your life?
What's that?
It's the Liberty Fighter Patriot Pack!
You're gonna get the BioTrue PCA, the Alpha Male Vitality Turbo Lung Cleanse.
Spray it on your lungs, clean them right out.
Buy now!
You get six Liberty Food Buckets.
Stack them up, wrap some lights on them, they make the perfect Christmas tree for bunkers and battle stations.
Do your Christmas shopping with us, and not with the globalists who are working to kill you and your families.
You know what the problem is?
You know, Alex, whenever I have you on the show, I try to ask you a couple of questions.
It seems like you take over.
You've got Fauci, Bill Gates there.
You've got guests.
We're trying to interview you.
I wondered how Alex has been keeping himself healthy during this whole time.
You haven't gotten COVID?
Don't you see all those... I have not!
Don't you see all those powders and things he's got?
That's what keeps him going.
What's the matter with you?
The BioTrue PCA.
When you take the BioTrue PCA, you get the good mold, the good mildew inside of you.
And these products, we don't do any animal testing on these products.
I test all the products personally myself, one by one at a time.
That's how you know you're getting quality products at InfoWars.
Thank you, Alex.
I appreciate all your... I know you've got a busy schedule.
You're going to be investigating several things.
Why does the Alex puppet have a nicer studio than me?
Look at that.
It's gorgeous.
Yes, very nice.
Listen, I've got to go.
We'll be back right after these words Thank you for watching. Please subscribe to our channel.
(upbeat music)
Thank you.
Coronavirus vaccine is finally here.
It's arriving in small bottles, but with a glitzy entrance.
The coronavirus vaccine has been accompanied by the kind of corporate image campaign you typically associate with higher-end consumer products.
Imagine the rollout for a Hollywood blockbuster, the new iPhone.
That's what it's like.
Suddenly, the COVID vaccine is on the morning shows.
It's being touted on celebrity Twitter accounts.
And the news about it is uniformly glowing.
This stuff is just great!
A lot of famous people say so.
Just the other day, the guy who played Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings series got the vaccine.
As on any media tour, the paparazzi were there for the dramatic moment when they stuck the needle in his arm.
It's a very special day, the Gandalf actor told Reuters.
I feel euphoric.
I would have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone.
I feel very lucky to have had the vaccination.
In other words, tastes great, less filling.
He is indeed a very lucky man.
And you will feel lucky too when you finally get the vaccine.
That's how a healthcare worker in Juneau, Alaska feels tonight.
She got the vaccine two days ago.
The woman had no history of allergies, but within minutes she developed a severe anaphylactic reaction to it and then had trouble breathing.
She went up to the emergency room overnight.
It was all a fantastic experience according to the doctor who treated her.
Quote, during the whole time she was so enthusiastic that she got the vaccine and the benefits it would give her in the future.
What a cheerful patient she must be.
We've got to assume she is in any case because we can't really know the authorities didn't release her name.
All we know is she's a highly satisfied customer.
Yet another.
Have a vaccine and a smile.
Just do it!
So how are the rest of us supposed to respond to a marketing campaign like this?
Well, nervously.
Even if you're strongly supportive of vaccines, and we are, even if you recognize how many millions of lives have been saved over the past 50 years by vaccines, and we do, it all seems a bit much.
It feels false, because it is.
It's too slick.
The Gandalf guy was euphoric because he got a shot?
It wasn't heroin.
It was the Corona vaccine.
The lady who couldn't breathe is enthusiastic as she is rushed to the emergency room?
Come on.
This is patronizing.
Stop with the slogans.
Better to treat Americans like adults.
Explain the benefits, be honest about the risks, and let the rest of us decide.
In this country, we control our own bodies.
They're always telling us that.
But no.
Suddenly the rules have changed.
On the question of the corona vaccine, our leaders are definitely not pro-choice.
Their view is do what you're told and don't complain.
No uncomfortable questions.
Those aren't just suggestions, they're rules and Silicon Valley plans to enforce them.
Twitter's announced a new policy to censor any unauthorized inquiry about the vaccine, or as the company put it, false or misleading narratives about COVID-19 vaccinations.
Among other things, Twitter is censoring any claim that this vaccine might be used to, quote, control populations.
So whatever you do, don't say this is social control.
Because if you do, the richest and most powerful people in the world will act in perfect coordination to shut you down immediately.
So to repeat, there is no social control going on here.
And if you suggest otherwise, Twitter's social controls will censor you.
And not just Twitter's.
Facebook has now decided it must, quote, build demand for vaccination in communities worldwide by sharing, quote, reassuring information about getting the vaccine.
So Mark Zuckerberg was a tech tycoon.
Now he's a professional marketer.
Mark Zuckerberg's job is to make you want this vaccine like a cold beer on a hot day.
Ask for it by name wherever the better medicines are sold.
Fortunately for Mark Zuckerberg, he gets to control the conversation about the product he's selling.
Facebook has announced it will squelch, quote, any misinformation it sees about this vaccine.
Other billionaires think that's a great idea.
Do the social media companies, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, on and on, have a responsibility to do more right now, Melinda, in terms of getting this misinformation, this disinformation, off their platforms?
They absolutely have a responsibility.
The internet and the rise of social media has... Alright, David Icke's son has put a new film out.
We've got some clips of it and more.
He joins us in the next hour.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Just briefly, this is the last day to order products at InfoWarstore.com to get guaranteed delivery whether it's Hawaii or Alaska.
You can still order by Monday.
Get it anywhere in the CONUS, as they call it, before Christmas.
But it's a smart move to get it ordered now.
You heard the plug for Living Defense to flush out all the unwanted visitors.
It's amazing.
We've also got a big immune booster in.
It's Prostagard, but Salt Palmetto is good for women as well.
Then it's got the vitamin D. It's got all the other vitamins and minerals that you need for your immune system in it.
It's very inexpensive, but very, very high quality.
And we've got, I guess it's not in here anymore, we've also got Alpha Power, that is a dry herb version of Supermill Vitality, but it's also got a patented ingredient that boosts your testosterone.
Women like it as well, but it is made for men.
Women can take it as well.
It's back in stock, 50% off, and free shipping, double page reappoints, at infowarestore.com.
And that's how we fund our operation.
We've stood up to three years of DNC lawsuits.
They filed more than 50 of them.
We got all but five thrown out.
And we just continue to battle those on.
Their goal is to shut us down.
They've said that, but your purchase of the products keeps it going.
And you know, I explained something.
I know these cell phones are evil.
I know they track us, I know they control us, but they have a lot of uses against the globalists
that we can actually, you know, turn their evil towards good.
But the whole big tech system is designed where you have like a $500 phone,
but it goes into a hundred billion dollar system of apps and satellites and control systems.
We don't have a system where I can dial off a phone into satellite uplinks and radio systems and video compressing units and streaming units.
It's all here.
I don't want to exaggerate.
Let me be very conservative.
There's about $10 million worth of equipment That we've had to buy since the platforming to do all of this once we lost all those services.
$10 million worth.
We had $300,000 of equipment come in just the other day for something else we needed.
So you think, oh, your phone's incredible.
It's it dials into mountains of technology.
So they act like, oh, all the technologies in your phone.
Oh, it's so great.
And stuff has gotten miniaturized.
But when you don't have connections to all that other stuff, it's It doesn't work.
So, we built our own system because of their suppression.
We already had a lot of it.
That was your money.
You did that.
The only reason we're on air is that.
It's why it takes a lot of money to beat their lawsuits, to have our own infrastructure, to have our own legal, to have our own crew, to have our own camera people, everything.
To have our own journalists, our own writers.
We're really fighting as hard as we can.
So, go to mfullmorestore.com today.
Do your Christmas shopping.
I want to thank you all for the support.
I called for your support yesterday.
A lot of support came in.
If we got support like that for two weeks, I'd have a monkey off my back to pay the bills for months.
But you guys come through for a day or so and then boom, it's right back to
I'm having to like spend half my time trying to raise money, which I'm not bitching.
I'm not a victim. I'm just saying, would you rather keep me in the field fighting
or two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon jacking around with bill keeping?
And I get that's part of business, but this is not a business.
I'm in a war.
But I am spending most of my time jacking with trying to make the money.
And sure, it taught me, like, here's the fat here, get a better deal there.
I'm a much better businessman than I used to, not having as much money coming in here, but I want to stay in the fight.
So thank you for keeping me in the fight, and I salute you, and I thank you.
All right, Heather in Louisiana, you're a trooper.
You've been holding.
I really appreciate you.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
I've been listening to you since early 2000.
And we all appreciate what you do.
We know you're risking your life.
Just really grateful for you out there.
What I want to talk about are militias.
I just feel like we need to be prepared.
There's not a whole lot of information out there for, you know, just a common man to get involved with militias.
Would you happen to have any information on that?
I believe the militia is constitutional.
I believe it's great.
I believe it's like the civil defense in modern times.
And I believe that we should normalize it.
And you see the open carry groups out there defending property like Carl Rittenhouse.
That is the true image of the militia.
That's why they're demonizing it.
I would be careful, though, in certain areas, they want you to go on secret missions or stuff.
Sometimes feds try to lead you into bad operations.
But the idea of the militia is absolutely key.
And so I think we should all promote the militia.
As really a civil defense group for hurricanes, tornadoes, but also against lawlessness with what is coming.
And I mean, I think the Second Amendment is essential.
So that's where I stand.
The Second Amendment is not just the right to keep and bear arms.
It's meaning on top of that, we should have a well-regulated, by regulation they mean well-trained groups on top of it, because we are the civil defense.
That's right.
That's right.
I have faith that everything's going to work out with Trump, but if it doesn't, I feel like we need to start sending people to D.C.
to surround the White House to protect Trump for whatever is about to go down.
You know what I'm saying?
I just feel like- I totally agree.
We need everybody to pick a weekend, to pick a day.
Everybody needs to be around that White House supporting it.
They need to see patriots in the streets of D.C.
The Supreme Court is so scared about rioting, do they not understand that if things continue, there's going to be a civil war?
Well, that's Roberts getting a call from Holder, an Obama that knows about him and his kidnapped kids and how his adopted kids were kidnapped, reportedly.
And so, he's on a very short chain, and so he's there going, we gotta do this, we gotta do this, and so he's a big problem.
Yeah, if they don't do anything about this, I say we need to just have a civil war, because there's no way we'll survive under Biden.
It's not about us, it's about future generations.
We need to make moves now.
Sacrifice our lives.
Well, I know people are ready to fight, and that's what scares the enemy.
My issue is, and thank you for the call, God bless you, Heather, I wouldn't even call it a civil war.
I mean, this is a foreign occupation with collaborators, so this is a Recapturing of America operations.
I think there are a lot of forces that aren't going to put up with this.
The Tri-Com's pissing on us.
I mean, America has lost some foreign wars we shouldn't have been in, but we never lost a war where somebody started it.
And we were under attack.
And so, one way or another, we're going to end up bringing this country back to where it was, because if we don't fight now, it's going to get so bad we'll be forced to later.
And I just want to push back against these satanic pedophiles.
All right, up next, let's go ahead and talk to Josh in Alabama.
Josh, thank you, sir.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex, how's it going?
Man, I tell you, it's an incredible time.
I mean, Trump canceling Biden's transition briefings from the Pentagon is a big signal.
Yeah, I wanted to talk about this vaccine, though, real quick, because I did like a little thought experiment on it.
And I'm like, if I was them, I know that not everybody is going to take this, but they really want everybody to have it.
So what's the point in putting HIV into it or putting mechanisms like HIV into the vaccine?
Well, what does HIV do?
It spreads through sexual contact.
So all you gotta do is have sex with somebody who's been vaccinated.
Now you've been vaccinated.
Incredibly smart statement.
I said that the other day, that there's a lot of evidence showing this is a live mRNA vaccine, that it triggers dormant viruses in the gene code.
Because they've discovered all these viruses we beat before, from ancient times, are in there.
And they believe that these mRNA vaccines may trigger ancient viruses to be released, not just current ones.
Can you believe that?
How diabolical is this?
I don't know, but whenever I thought that, it was like a eureka moment.
I was like, oh my god, that's how they're going to do it.
Why would you put HIV in it?
Brother, that's God's spirit.
You know, this intelligence that you've got, the intelligence I have, it's not us.
It literally, when you feel that eureka, it's you've gotten a transmission.
Isn't that amazing?
Oh, it's incredible, actually.
How many other transmissions are you getting, brother?
I know I'm getting a lot more these days.
Well, we're starting to see all the news come out of D.C.
right now, and I think that's got everybody on their toes, because something's definitely going to go down.
Twitter's blowing up right now, and even Ali on, I think, Tuesday or Wednesday, he tweeted out Friday, but that was the only thing his tweet said, was Friday.
So it's all coming together.
I know this, they're making a major genetic move on us with sterilants and weapons.
I don't care if you're black, white, Hispanic.
It's targeting everybody.
I've looked at it.
Top virologists have.
It's particularly bad, the mRNA vaccine for black people.
That's just who they always go after.
But it goes after everybody, and it's really, really, really, really bad news.
But, you know, we're here, brother, and we're fighting it.
Josh, anything else?
No, that's really it, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call, man.
I appreciate you, brother.
And I wasn't trying to look gangster here.
I'm like down to three o'clock here with my shirt almost all the way unbuttoned.
Stuff is so crazy right now.
All right, we're going to go to break.
And we're going to talk to Ron in New York and a few other callers.
And then we've got David Icke's son coming on, a new film to premiere, and we got some of the clips of it coming up.
And I did three hours on the New program we're doing, weekday mornings, 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m.
That's National Journal, like C-SPAN's and a Washington Journal.
And then we've also got a lot of other stuff coming up today.
I've already agreed to another interview this afternoon.
I may have to cancel that, though, because I'm here, but I am getting a little tired because this isn't like a regular show where I'm a regular senator getting up, just reading off a script.
I'm here taking your calls, covering news, interfacing with it all, and I am getting a little exhausted, but it's okay.
Hour number three of this transmission straight ahead.
America on the eve of its first vaccinations against COVID-19.
The first vials of the Pfizer vaccine being put into place.
Workers at the Pfizer plant near Kalamazoo, Michigan taking them out of the Sub-Zero freezers, placing them in boxes packed with dry ice.
UPS and FedEx hauling the first truckloads of the vaccine out from that plant.
The first planes carrying the potential life-saving cargo landing in Louisville and Memphis.
This is total Absolute, triple admission by the Australian government of what we've known from the Indian scientists, and the German scientists, and the African scientists, and the US scientists, and the Canadian scientists, and the discoverer of the HIV virus, that when you scan the COVID-19 virus, it has had five viruses cut into it, one of them HIV, and the government
Just came out and halted their mRNA vaccine because when you take it, you then test positive for HIV.
Did you hear what I just said?
You test positive for HIV.
All he really wanted for Christmas was a local vaccine, but... The University of Queensland vaccine will not be able to proceed.
50 million planned doses scrapped after triggering false positive results for HIV.
Australia expects to start vaccination next March and to have its whole population inoculated by the end of the year.
These were false positives.
I find a cover story.
I think they were giving people HIV in these frankenshots.
COVID-19 has HIV DNA genetically engineered right into it.
And that was accomplished by the Wuhan BSL-4, which is China's Fort Detrick, sending a scientist down to Australia To work with the Australian Health Board.
On DNA genetically engineering the HIV into SARS.
The statement coming out is by the director of the Australian Health Board.
Right, that's the exact same people who DNA genetically engineered HIV into SARS that was
taken back to the Wuhan BSL-4, China's Fort Detrick, and turned into COVID-19.
Now there were four cases of Bell's palsy that occurred in the group that received the vaccine.
Bell's palsy is a condition that causes temporary weakness or paralysis of certain muscles in the face.
It is not clear that there is a connection to the vaccine.
In your view, America first, as the president might call it, not the right approach?
Well, the extreme idea that everybody should die until we have the very last American vaccinated, that's Hardly the appropriate response.
A new Pew Research poll out last week showed that only 60% of the American people say they intend to get vaccinated.
That includes less than half of black Americans.
How worried are you about the reluctance of Americans to take a vaccine, particularly among minority communities?
I think we have a real communications challenge that you've got to find out who do people trust.
You know, for some jobs, Uh, like working in a nursing home, the government could decide that it's important for those people to be vaccinated because that'll, uh, save a lot of lives.
And so, uh, the track record will be developed and I think will get over the 70%.
The dystopians are building a dystopia for us because it's easier to manage and they like it.
Our nation is going through a crisis which threatens its very future as free and democratic.
The worldwide spread of Marxist materialism, which has already brought destruction and death to the lives of so many, and which has threatened the foundations of our nation for decades, now seems to seize the governing power over our nation.
To attain economic gains, We as a nation have permitted ourselves to become dependent upon the Chinese Communist Party, an ideology totally opposed to the Christian foundations upon which families and our nation remain safe and prosper.
I speak of the United States of America But evidently, many other nations are in the throes of a similar, most alarming crisis.
Then there is the mysterious Wuhan virus, about whose nature and prevention the mass media daily give us conflicting information.
What is clear, however, is that it has been used by certain forces Inimical to families and to the freedom of nations, to advance their evil agenda, these forces tell us that we are now the subjects of the so-called Great Reset, the New Normal, which is dictated to us by their manipulation of citizens and nations through ignorance and fear.
Now we are supposed to find in a disease and its prevention the way to understand and direct our lives rather than in God and in his plan for our salvation.
I haven't talked to a single nurse who has said that they want to take the vaccination.
None of us want to have it.
None of us want to be vaccinated with this COVID vaccine.
Number one, it hasn't had enough people to know what the actual reactions are going to be.
And two, we don't even know if it's really that safe.
And by the way, at national polls, two-thirds of people said they don't want to take it.
They had polls of firefighter groups, police, medical groups, even higher numbers don't.
But then the media acts like it's weird that everyone's going to take it.
That's total gaslighting.
When I talk to nurses and doctors I know, and military I know, that have been subjected to vaccines, they're the biggest critics of them because they know the pitfalls.
And that's a regular vaccine's contamination, side effects, autoimmune responses, but they're now saying with these mRNA vaccines that go in and reprogram the mitochondria?
That's not a vaccine, that's a mutagenic... It changes, it changes your body.
It absolutely changes your body and what your body can do. 100%.
And like I said, I haven't talked to a single nurse who said that they want that vaccine.
And the nurses that they're showing on TV that are taking those vaccines, you can't tell me that they either aren't being paid a lot of money because that's what they are doing.
They're wanting to pay us to, number one, take the vaccine and then give us a lot of time off when we do take the vaccine.
So if it's a normal vaccine, why are you paying us?
And why are you giving us a lot of time off?
And by the way, have you noticed the image?
Not this year, but worldwide.
It's a black nurse giving a black woman the vaccine.
And it's the same thing in print, in shoot after shoot.
Not just these two black women, it's other black women.
Because black folks statistically have learned about Tuskegee and learned about secret experimentation.
And so they're saying they're not going to do it.
And so they're literally showing black people taking the shot, hoping black folks take it.
This is diabolical.
Yeah, it's really sad.
And it's like so many people are so brainwashed into watching what they see on TV instead of seeing what's happening in the world around them that they don't understand or they don't realize or they're just so incapacitated by what's being shown on TV that they think it's real.
And it's not real.
Like, if you talk to a real person, a real nurse, a real doctor, like you said, a real firefighter, they're going to tell you what's really going on.
Well, they call flu and pneumonia deaths COVID.
And we all know people really die of the flu.
They die of pneumonia.
My God, it's real.
They just share the habit.
So, oh, I better be in the hospital.
And so for a cough and a fever, you're now in the hospital.
No, and it's not necessary.
These people that are in the COVID unit, they don't even need to be.
I mean, for the most part, it's not the COVID that they're in the hospital for.
They have an underlying condition that's causing them to be hospitalized.
It's not the COVID that's causing the death.
I read this weekend, this weekend in my hotel room in DC, three more studies that just came out by prestigious medical facilities.
80% of hospitalized COVID patients were vitamin D3 deficient.
Another was, no one, study shows no one has died who was not deficient.
These are facts.
Yeah, there it is.
They found it.
80% of COVID-19 patients in a Spanish study had vitamin D deficiency.
And something like 46% of Americans have it.
And again, the FDA says a very low level is enough.
They keep lowering recommended daily analysis.
Hi, Stephanie.
Thank you very much.
Well, some of our viewers have raised questions about some video we showed you earlier this evening from today's UMC event, specifically the second vaccine that was administered.
Now, we have some close-up video you're only going to see online tonight, and apologies to those who are squeamish when it comes to needles.
Now, in the video, you can see the UMC healthcare worker with his sleeve rolled up.
But when it comes time for the injection, look at the top of the syringe.
It appears the person administering the shot doesn't really push down on the plunger.
It actually looks like the plunger is already depressed.
Now, are viewers wondering whether the worker received the vaccine at all?
Now for comparison, here is a look at one of the other injections administered just moments later to a woman.
And you can see this plunger is clearly pushed down all the way.
And then when we show them to you side-by-side, you might notice a difference.
KTSM reached out to UMC for comment this evening and shared the raw footage that we captured today.
A spokesperson maintains all five healthcare workers were given full doses of the vaccine, but the hospital is taking a closer look at our video.
Man, look at how these globalists bend over backwards to lie to us and sell us on their crap.
It came out 10 years ago in the London Guardian that the rich Chinese, the rich Brits, the rich Germans, and others get clean vaccines.
And those still have side effects.
So, joining us is Jamie Icke, next segment.
Got a big new film out you can find at Iconic.com.
And as soon as it's out and available, we'll be posting it at Band.video.
They provided it to us, but we're having trouble getting it uploaded.
But it doesn't matter, it's a great new film named Informed Consent.
David Icke has been on fire even more than usual.
And this is a very important film to fight against this great tyranny that is coming down upon us right now.
So we'll go to break, we'll come back with that.
But let me go ahead and go back here a few minutes.
And let me get to Tennessee with the nurse taking the vaccine, collapsing a few minutes later.
Because, yeah, let's go ahead and roll the audio and the video of that actually happening.
So, you know, all of my staff, we are excited to get the vaccine, you know.
We are in the COVID unit, so therefore, you know, my team will be getting first chances to get the vaccine.
And I know that it's really... I'm sorry, I'm feeling really dizzy.
It's okay.
There's a big change happening now.
I'm sorry.
Ty, your cells are being taken over.
You'll never have children.
Bill Gates loves you.
Oh, liberal.
Oh, the power.
We do it out in the open.
They love it.
We kill them openly.
Oh, it's so liberal.
just like the babies of their brains, the autistic.
Of course, they give these to the babies.
We ought to queue that up for later.
Nurses have reported it came in in the medical journals.
They give babies vaccines and they convulse and die.
So then they defibrillate them.
And the bioethics board say, go ahead and kill them.
They give them a shot.
They die.
Then they resuscitate them.
Because it's liberal.
It's liberal.
Like Tim Cook's death camps that Apple runs in China.
It's liberal.
And no one's going to do anything about it.
You're gonna submit, you're gonna take your mRNA vaccine, you're gonna have horrible cancer and die and love it, okay?
Remember, be liberal!
You're a white supremacist if you don't take the shot and die, especially if you're black!
Take your shots!
Say bye-bye!
We'll be right back.
If you're receiving this transmission, you truly are the resistance.
Well, a guy that's really helped his father boost his reach and an amazing job is Jamie Ike.
Is a English filmmaker and founder of the online TV channel Iconic.com.
Launched November 2019 under the strapline of Iconic, The Alternative.
What Jamie plans to do with Iconic is to bring alternative views, opinions, research, and discussion to the mainstream and bring mainstream production values and quality alternative and edgy content.
He's been posting a lot of great work at Bandai Video.
In 2020, Jamie released two films.
Unnatural in July, which looks like the connections between wireless radiation and the variety of health and social problems.
The second film, Informed Consent, dropping today, released again in December, is now available and covers the subject of vaccines, their history, safety, or lack of safety, and what the upcoming COVID vaccine could mean for you and the rest of the world.
All right, we'll play your trailer next segment.
I know the film's dropping today.
People can find it at iconic.com.
Later, it'll be posted to Band Up Video.
But, man, I tell you, this stuff is out in the open now.
Your dad saying it was false testing 10 months ago.
Now even the inventors of it saying it's false testing.
What an insane time.
You've got the floor.
What do you want to impart to folks about what's happening?
Well, I think, as you say, it's an absolutely crazy time.
I think it's a time that people like yourself, people like my dad, Ron Paul, all these people that have been speaking about What's happening now for years, it's a time that you've warned about, and you've warned about, and you've warned about, and now it's here.
And I think for myself, being quite a young person, I'm only 28, I've been staggered by the reaction to what's happening of my generation.
I think, I guess I was a bit more optimistic about my generation.
I thought we had a bit more now than we have.
I thought we'd have seen through the lies and the deception of what's happened.
And in the last six or seven months, the amount of times I thought to myself that When this happens, people will see it.
When this happens, people will start to see through this.
I've been quite disappointed that people haven't seemed to have seen through it yet.
That's the main reason behind making the film that you've mentioned, is giving people a tool that they can go to when they want to have a bit of a discussion on vaccines and they want some balance.
They don't just want to hear the propaganda that they're going to hear from the mainstream media, which is that vaccines are brilliant and there's no risk and there's no potential side effects and there's not another side to the story that you should hear.
When, as you know, yourself and other people know, there's so many stories you hear of side effects, You know, in very extreme cases, you know, death as a result of vaccines.
So there's two sides to the story and I felt that, particularly at this time, there really needed to be something else out there that showed that other side.
Oh, you're definitely striking while the iron is hot, and of course you're being somewhat conservative about this.
This is foreign multinational corporations, mainly based in China, who have a eugenics background, some like Bayer Nazi backgrounds, that want to put in your body something they admit changes all your DNA, and then they have liability protection if you get hurt.
And they make money off of it.
I mean, and they're using this political system to control us and have a world ID.
I mean, this is about as evil as it gets.
It is, and I think that possibly is the problem when you speak to everyday people on the street.
I don't think they can quite comprehend how evil some people are.
I don't think they can quite get their head around why people would want to do that.
I mean, you look at someone like Bill Gates, that obviously we know is well behind this, behind a lot of it.
He's a multi-billionaire.
Why would he be concerned with controlling the world?
Why shouldn't he just go and enjoy his money?
I think that's a big issue that people like us have is, I guess, convincing people that, yeah, there really is people out there that are that evil.
They do want your DNA.
They do want control of your kids, control of your mind.
And they won't stop until they get it.
And they're not going to stop until we stand up as a race, as a species, and stop them.
I mean, I've heard so many times through this.
I'm sure you have as well.
You've been asked the question is, when does this end?
And the simple answer to that is, it ends when we stop doing it.
Ends when we stop allowing them to control us.
You know, a bully will only bully... Did you know that's basically a Thomas Jefferson quote?
He was asked, how bad will tyrants get?
How bad will they... How far will they push?
And he said, exactly as far as you let them.
Yeah, absolutely.
A bully will only bully you until you hit them back.
And that's what we need to do.
That's what we need to do.
We need to beat them at their own game, which is...
They've spent years, I mean, you've obviously seen this in America at the moment, they've spent years trying to polarise people, trying to divide people, divide and rule, divide and conquer, black against white, gay against straight, men against women.
And because they're absolutely terrified that when we put down those fault lines and realise that, okay, there may be differences between us, and that's great, because if everyone was the same, the world would be pretty boring.
But they're after every single one of us.
And until we stand together, they're still going to be able to do that.
So it's time for us to stand together.
I mean, I don't know, I think you've been at some protests in America as well haven't you Alex, but I've been at some here in the UK and the diversity of people there is every single walk of life that can see through this, that wants to stand up against it.
We have huge gun rallies, anti-vaccine rallies, all of it, the most diverse crowds ever and that scares the hell out of the establishment.
Yeah, those fault lines that they've tried to put in place, they've tried so hard through the years to put them in place.
And they're trying to get even more minute, minute, minute fault lines between people in smaller, smaller groups.
Because they're terrified of people standing together.
Because when they do, they're games up.
And let's explain that.
They claim they're liberals and want racial unity and all this.
But now they're making the colleges black, white, segregated, Christian, Muslim, segregated.
The truth is they're creating division and hatred.
They're creating the separation on record.
I mean, they are the opposite of Martin Luther King.
They are, yeah.
It's reverse racism.
It's reverse racism, because when you're putting anyone into any kind of category because of their race, or their gender, or whatever it is, you're giving, you're identifying them with that gender, or that race, rather than just looking at them as a person.
You know, as you say, Martin Luther King judged someone by the content of their character, not the colour of their skin, and that goes both ways.
And like you say there, they're segregating people, the colleges and the universities, that seems to be where it's starting, and in the schools, And, as I've said in the film, is what are the people that are going through those institutions?
They're the adults of tomorrow, and they're the people they want.
When their system's full-blown in, they want these people to have been brought up through their formative years believing this is normal.
That's why they've got kids in schools wearing masks.
So when they get to 15, 16, 17, and become adults, they think this is normal.
They think taking forced inoculations or tattling on their neighbours, this is an authoritarian revolution.
Your film fights it.
Your dad thinks there's a global awakening.
I do too, but you're saying you're actually disappointed.
I mean, you think the enemy's winning?
No, I mean, I don't really know, to be honest.
I've been very, very encouraged by the type of people that are standing up against this.
I think it's just the younger people.
And I guess it's because there's the whole talk of, obviously, restrictions.
If you don't have the vaccine, not being able to travel, not being able to go out, go to work, go to restaurants.
I think what they've tried to do in the last seven, eight months is just break people.
Break people's will.
Get you to the point that you just go, you know what, I don't want a vaccine, but if I can have my life back, then here's my arm.
You just said it.
They know they said you've got to do it now, there'd be a rebellion, we'd beat it.
But no, you've got to do this, maybe not.
Well, we want you to.
They're getting the idea out there to condition people.
Yeah, they are.
They leak stuff in the press all the time.
The Prime Minister here in the UK has said today, I hope there's not going to have to do a third lockdown.
That's him telling you that there is going to be a third lockdown.
He's just warning you.
He's planting that seed.
Because it never ends.
The lockdown they admit at the UN level never ends.
We need to call these crooks out for what they are.
A diabolical group of devils.
Stay there.
We've got Jamie Ike here, and obviously, you know, we get big filmmakers on, talking about their films.
We've got to talk about his dad some, too.
What's it like with David Ike being your dad?
I'm Alex Jones, MFullWars.com.
Stay with us.
Welcome back.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
David Ickes' son, great filmmaker, is here with us.
He's made an amazing new film.
I haven't seen it yet, but I've seen the trailer.
It looks amazing.
I've seen his last film, which is incredible.
He's going to be posting it at Band.Video.
It's already been posted on the website Iconic.com.
You need to share it with folks.
I know you know all about this, but others don't.
But just going back to where we were, Just during the break, I went and got a cup of coffee.
And somebody switched it from Fox to CNN in the coffee room.
And they've got, I guess it's Sanjay Gupta's son, I think?
I heard him say that, but I was half way, and I went, huh?
And then he's like, speaking of people's sons, he's like, it may not protect you from transmission, so you've always gotta wear your mask.
And it doesn't really protect you from COVID either, but it's the best thing to do.
And doctor, do we really, how long does it last?
Well, we think six months immunity.
Which is what Gates said.
It's the perfect thing.
They could never make a vaccine for the common cold.
So by doing this, it's a problem they can never fix.
It just goes on and on.
And now they're saying the masks never come off, all of this.
But I know people, friends of mine, that are like, just wear your mask a few months, it'll go away.
Here we are 10 months later.
And they had candy bowls at their office.
I visit this person sometimes.
I'm in business with them.
And I go, where are the candy bowls?
Well, people reach in the candy and they spread it.
Because, you know, infections up, yeah, but deaths not.
It's all a giant fraud.
So, continue and introduce the trailer to us for informed consent, because this is really all about the Geneva Convention and the Nuremberg Code, isn't it?
It is, yeah, and the whole point of the film is to provide some balance.
Because, you know, when you watch CNN, you watch Fox, you watch the BBC over here in the UK, as I said right at the top of the interview, is you only hear one side.
You don't hear both sides.
When, you know, I've sat opposite parents making this film who have lost their children, you know, and Being called an anti-vaxxer is a slur.
It's become the new conspiracy theorist.
It's a slur they use to have a go at people and to belittle people that want to question vaccines.
Well, these women I've sat opposite, they're not anti-vaxxers because they did what they were told.
They did what their doctor suggested for them and what they thought was the best interest of their child.
And then look at what happened.
Two of them lost their sons and one of them whose son is heavily disabled.
And when you've sat opposite and you've listened to their stories, you've listened to You know, what happened in the lead up to that when they asked, you know, is there any side effects to this?
No, there's none.
And then you listen to what happened afterwards when they said, look, they had a vaccine, the MMR, 10 days ago.
And you say 10 days is when the measles bit kicks in.
And does this not, is this not a bit of a coincidence that my son's been having this today?
No, no, no, definitely not the vaccine.
And then they're completely dismissed.
Completely dismissed, and these stories are not told.
That's the gaslighting.
Why do you think they're pushing such an expansion of even more dangerous injectables they call vaccines?
The UN last December said, everybody's waking up, it's hurting people, doctors don't believe it, it's killing people, we know they're making people sick, we've got to stop the vaccines, and all of a sudden COVID busts on the scene.
I see them as losing their fight, so now they've launched this as a desperate smokescreen to legitimize the crimes they've already committed.
I agree, totally agree Alex.
I think it's a Hail Mary.
Because I think they know that they're losing this battle.
And as I said this, I've done a couple of speeches.
Bill Gates has been running over 20 countries for kids dying from his vaccines and getting polio from it.
So it's a Hail Mary.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, I totally agree.
I mean, I think, I mean, I'm sure you knew new people like this as well.
At the start of this in February time, you'd have considered pretty rational, relatively intelligent people, critical thinking people.
Inject the fear and the propaganda that's been put in by the mainstream, and they've crumbled.
And I think that's a lot behind this.
If a year ago, they'd have come out and said, by the way, there's a vaccine that everyone needs to have, most people would have said no.
But all of a sudden, you chuck in all this propaganda, all this fear, all this scaremongering, and people have just sat back and gone, yeah, okay, anything to end this.
And I think that's what they do.
They think the lockdown's in, but now in the fine print, they're going, it never ends.
No, sorry.
It does never end.
It does never end.
I saw something online the other day that said anyone that believes that the quicker you give your rights away, the quicker you get your freedoms back has never read a single history book.
And that's very true.
You look at the regimes where people have given up their rights, given up their guns, you know, Stalin in Russia, Mao in China.
Look what's happened to those people.
But Jamie, what I'm saying is that Bill Gates and Fauci and the UN said the mask never come off.
They say the vaccine won't protect you.
They just say it's a new regime, it's our God, and everything must be seen through the template of medical health services taking our rights away.
And this is just fantastical evil.
It is.
It's all part of the greater good.
What they're calling the greater good.
And I think what they've done very cleverly with the masks is because, you know, you research these masks for 30 seconds, you realize that they're absolutely useless at blocking any kind of particles that would contain a virus.
But what they've done is they've not made it about you.
They've made it about other people.
Wear a mask to protect other people.
Wear a mask to protect your grandma.
Wear a mask to protect your friends.
You're a hero.
Do it when you're really supporting a lockdown that starves millions.
You're now a Nazi killer, like a Nazi armband, but you feel like a hero.
They've done it very cleverly because it's appealed to that psychology in people that you want to do right by other people.
You don't want to be considered selfish.
So, so many people that I know, obviously, because of the friendship group that I have, they don't, you know, follow any of this.
They won't wear masks.
But a lot of people that I know that do, don't do it because they want to.
They do it because they want an easy life.
They don't want to be confronted in the shop.
They don't want to have an argument with somebody.
And I think that's probably why the majority of people wear them.
It's not because they want to or because they feel that they're actually protecting themselves or protecting anyone else.
I agree.
So how do we counter it with films like yours, which we'll play a trailer of in a moment, but also letting Bill Gates and the globalists know, you may claim you get government to give you liability protection, but you're going to be held accountable one way or the other for the vicious physical attacks you visit upon us.
Let's go and play the three minute trailer.
We'll come back with Jamie Ike, the new film, Informed Consent.
Stay with us.
us here is the trailer.
Mr. Deputy Speaker, we all know, though, that over the long term, the best solution to this crisis would be a vaccine.
First, researchers need to develop a candidate vaccine.
This can take years.
Vaccines kick-start the immune system by teaching our bodies to recognize the virus.
The countermeasures injury compensation program was created to cover damage caused by treatments for pandemics and security threats such as H1N1.
Well, I think that rather than having this extreme polarization, we just need to be able to talk.
Here in LA, there are schools in which 20% of the students aren't vaccinated because parents here are more scared of gluten than they are of smallpox.
Tech companies are actually starting to fight anti-vaccination propaganda.
The Greater Good is a documentary challenging the scientific consensus that vaccines are safe.
It's one of at least five films that Amazon apparently pulled from its popular streaming video service.
Because there's always anti-vaxxers now, isn't there?
Well, Marina can tell you a little bit about how we've achieved that.
Marina, what do you think of anti-vaxxers?
Well, yes.
We've changed a lot of our practices.
Contrary to popular belief and conventional wisdom, which says that vaccines are proven safe and effective, I haven't been able to find where they have been proven either safe or effective.
And I think that there's a lot of research that needs to be done still.
These are the raw materials for a COVID-19 vaccine.
Bags full of biological cells, soon to have an inactivated or dead virus added to them.
My doctor, who I love and admire, says to me every year, come October, you must get the flu vaccine, you must get the vaccine against pneumonia.
I listen to my doctor, who I love and admire, who's been taking care of me for years.
Should I instead listen to you and not take the flu vaccine?
I think people should hear both sides of the story.
It should be out there both sides of the story and let people make their own mind up.
Bill Gates Foundation is funding factories for seven candidate vaccines.
President Trump says he is very confident there will be a coronavirus vaccine by the end of the year.
And of course with all the disasters from vaccines.
And this film, as you have in the trailer, points out that regular vaccines teach you how to defeat something that's out there.
The new mRNA is just a mutagenic thing out of a science fiction movie.
Jamie Ike, Iconic.com is our guest.
We'll get him to spill his guts and cover everything he wants to hit.
When we go to break and then we'll come back with the next hour with Dr. Nick Baggage on the other side before the war room with Owen Schroer.
I want to thank you all for your support and your prayers as long as we stay on air.
It's thanks to your support.
And as Jamie was saying earlier, everything we warned of and warned of again is now here.
Prepare for what comes next.
You go to your grocery store, you go to the mall, you go to a restaurant.
It's all the Kabuki theater where the COVID hysteria.
Look at this latest tweet by Mitch, Communist China, McConnell, just received the safe, effective COVID vaccine, following, popular government protocols.
That means getting rid of Trump, COG.
Vaccines are now, how we beat the virus.
Yes, not our immune systems, not vitamins and minerals, not sunlight, but vaccines.
Now back to continue fighting for a rescue package, putting a lot more money, For distribution, yes!
We're gonna save you with vaccines, with masks, with clown outfits, and you get money from government now!
Universal income, wow!
So disgusting, and the doctor wearing the whole seal, and all them face masks, and oh, it's all so scary.
But when 1.2 million people died in 2019 from tuberculosis, no one cared, no one checked, no one stopped at the border.
And look, another guy in another clown outfit.
Today, with confidence in science and the direction of the Office of the Attending Physician, I received the COVID-19 vaccine.
As the vaccine is being distributed, we must all continue to mask wearing, social distancing, and other science-based steps to save lives and crush the virus.
So they can all be heroes in the history books that deliver us into destruction.
And Pence is on board all the little scumbags.
All right, Jamie Ike.
What is it like having David Icke as your dad?
He's so vindicated now.
You're off making films.
Your film looks pretty even, you know, to me, like trying to show both sides.
I don't know how you show both sides when, you know, the other side is so bad.
But I get it.
It's a way to get people in that are skeptics.
What else would you like to add, my friend?
Well yeah, growing up with him as a dad's been incredible.
I've been brought up with that desire and that passion for knowledge and that passion to want to know the truth and that you don't just accept something somebody tells you because somebody in a... I'll say a shirt and a tie, I'm wearing a shirt and a tie, aren't I?
Trying to play the part.
But just because somebody in a shirt and a tie tells you it, or someone in an authority figure, a teacher, or part of the government, or a doctor tells you that something is how it is, don't just believe them.
Do your own research.
Always go with your gut.
Go with what feels right to you.
And without that, I wouldn't have been doing what I'm doing now.
And I'm sure my brother Gareth feels the same.
He wouldn't be doing what he's doing now without that.
So it was an incredible journey.
And through starting to make films and make content, he's been incredibly supportive, which has been fantastic, obviously, because of his background in the media previous to starting to do what he does now.
The knowledge and the understanding he's got of this industry to pass on wisdom and experience has been absolutely incredible.
So, yeah, it's been great.
And much respect to people like him and yourself that have been on this journey for so long.
I've been ahead of your dad on a few things, but not many.
you probably hoped we'd head off before it got actually got here but I think
sadly it's had to get to about so bad for enough people to see it's bad.
I've been ahead of your dad on a few things but not many I mean you're what
you say 37? 28.
Twenty-eight, okay.
I misheard earlier.
So, your dad's been on air exposing the New World Order longer than you've been alive.
He's been around about 30 years before that.
Big BBC host and famous soccer goalie before that.
And the head of the Green Party, all of it.
So, you're 28.
Your dad's been around about 30 years.
I've been around about 27.
He came out this year in February and said there is no virus, it's fake testing.
And I said, well David, I get they're exaggerating it, but now it's come out almost all of it's
fake testing.
I mean, he trailblazed.
It's not about kissing ass, it's about kissing the truth.
He literally this year blew me away.
I respected him 25 years ago.
I thought he was a great guy 20 years ago.
15 years ago, I loved him.
10 years ago, I thought, well, he's right about 90%.
Now, my jaw has dropped.
He got way ahead of me on this COVID thing.
How the hell did he guess or how did he know 11 months ago all of this before anybody else?
I think when you look at how it came about, all of a sudden, from nowhere, he's got a phrase that he's talked about through his books through the years, which is when something comes out of nowhere and suddenly it's everywhere, it's the agenda.
And from nowhere, a few people got sick in Wuhan, and then next thing you know, the rest, all around the world, all of a sudden, all the same things are happening.
So he knows a PR rollout when he sees one?
Yeah, it's like someone's clicked a, someone's just put a, like you say, a PR rollout, this is what's going on, out to all the governments around the world and they've all done exactly the same thing.
That's where I'd really find it frustrating with people still put the argument forward that this is just incompetence, it's government incompetence.
Alright, if one country was doing that, maybe that argument would wash a little bit, but every country around the world, with the exception of Sweden, although they've gone back recently, We're doing exactly the same thing.
They're all locking their people down.
Well, I was going to say, doesn't it show it's a one world government?
They admit they're going to use this for the Great Reset world government.
Well, it is exactly.
The World Health Organization dictate policy to most countries.
So you don't need to control many people in order to control the policy.
And the fact that you've got people like Bill Gates who have absolutely no medical experience, they run software companies, get in private meetings with Prime Ministers as they had here in Britain to discuss the vaccine rollout strategy.
I mean, that's ridiculous.
Well, of course, on that, as you know, a month ago, your Prime Minister said Boris Johnson that we've got the G8 this year rotating, so we're going to basically have Bill Gates tell me what to do.
He'll be the unofficial head of the G8 on the vaccine rollout.
What the hell?
He's not just our doctor, he's our elected official now.
He is, and he's the guy that wants to control the world's population through vaccines.
And also, you know, there's a lot of evidence to show he was pretty close with Jeffrey Epstein, and then we're wanting to take a policy from him.
We're expected to get a vaccine that he's the poster boy for and think it's in our best interests.
I mean, I can't comprehend how anyone could look at that and think that's a good idea.
Well, here's the thing, Jamie, we see their defense mechanism.
Epstein, a bunch of his ops are busted, Gates is in trouble, and then suddenly a virus comes out, the UN activates, the media activates, they lock us down, he's our doctor, he's our politician, he runs the G8 countries.
I mean, the Canadian Prime Minister said he's going to run what we do.
They're all saying, Bill Gates runs us.
This is their defense, is lock us down, bankrupt us, to divert us off of what they're really up to.
So really, this shows their desperation.
Yeah, it does show their desperation because they know that there is growing numbers of people now around the world that are seeing through this.
I think a lot of young people look at the world they, you know, prior to the pandemic, they look at the world and think, I don't like the direction this is heading.
Not heading in a direction that I want to live in.
And there was a big, big kind of feeling of wanting a change.
And I think they've sensed that.
They've sensed that and they've started to panic.
It's towards the end of the game and they feel like their lead is, you know, it's diminishing.
So they've thrown that final big kitchen sink to try and get what they want to get over the line because There's no going back to normal after this.
I think I said this very early on in the pandemic.
This is not a situation now where you can have a score draw and it kind of goes back to somewhat how it was.
We either win this war or they win this war.
There's no middle ground anymore.
That's right.
The war is now.
The war is here.
And listen, they're failing on a lot of fronts.
The awakening is so gigantic.
I see the crowds, your dad, hundreds of thousands.
We're getting those as well.
We just have to keep fighting, keep exposing and letting doctors and nurses that intimidate people to take vaccines.
I don't care if you have liability protection.
I'm going to hold you responsible.
Sign a form saying it.
They won't do it.
And the average doctor and nurse will not take it.
I've had four children.
And by the second one, I would refuse vaccines.
The nurses would call me and say, "We give shots to newborn babies, a lot of them die.
A lot of them have infant mortality is way up."
And now that's in the news.
So almost none of them agree either.
This is a paper tiger.
It is, but sadly, very few of them speak out.
What I've noticed, and I'm sure you notice this too, obviously with what you do, is when
you start talking about certain things, all of a sudden, a barrage of people that have
been through exactly the same thing contact you.
As soon as we put out a trailer for another trailer, not the one that you showed, which was a story of a mother called Amanda, and her son had the MMR and he died 10 days afterwards.
Once we put that trailer up, her telling that story, the amount of messages and emails that me and my team got of people telling exactly the same story.
That's why they don't want us talking about this subject.
I mean, yeah, that image you've got up now, that absolutely made my blood boil earlier on when I saw that.
Because it's the kids they want.
It's the kids they want because they're the adults of tomorrow.
And when you see what the destruction and the devastation that vaccines have caused, and they're the ones that took 15 years to develop, have caused, Then you have one that's taken six months for a virus that they claim they don't understand.
There's flimsy evidence whether it actually exists.
Now they're saying it's mutating.
They're saying that the immunisation might only last six months, but actually you still have to wear a mask.
You still have to social distance.
It's just none of it makes any sense.
That's right.
They are preparing you for a crisis so big it implodes the world economy and then so many doctors and lawyers and nurses are involved.
They all then join the cover-up because they've now been implicated.
This is what you call a giant corruption tar baby event.
Jamie Ike, join us again.
I'm impressed with your work.
Please come on with Owen Schroer and the other shows we have here at the InfoWars Network.
I-C-K-O-N-I-C dot com.
And we also have a great David Icke section at Bandot Video.
We salute you, and we salute the rest of your family, and we thank you so much.
Thanks for having me on.
Take care of yourself.
Have a great holiday.
Thank you, brother.
We are the human resistance.
All right.
I got a lot of callers we had to get rid of, but I kept Ron and Kathy on hold to get to you ahead of Dr. Nick Baggage taking over.
History's happening now.
This is the Infowar.
Thank you for keeping us on the air.
All right, we're taking your phone calls.
The head of Dr. Nick Begich taking over.
The Noah Stroyer in the war room.
I'll definitely do some live shows this weekend.
And then I've told my family I'm doing it because I need to do it.
I need to go detox.
I need to take natural defense.
I need to take my X2.
I need to hike 10 miles every other day.
I need to get right with Jesus and go out to the wilderness for about a week.
So I'm going to try that over Christmas.
We'll see if I can do it.
But it's the right time to do it.
Let's go to Ron in New York and Kathy in Alaska.
Ron, welcome and we appreciate you holding.
Hey Alex, thanks for holding onto my call.
What I have to ask you after my comment is, I lack the words to describe how important it is.
I wrote down what I had to say, so I'll turn it and burn it and not waste your time here.
No, take your time.
Go ahead, say it.
Been listening for a few years, just to keep my eyes and ears open.
I never really had a reason to call in before.
But my entire world Just changed with something I just found out about, and I want to share that and bop the question off you.
At 34, I just found out I'm going to be a father for the first time.
And I feel like parts of my DNA are being unlocked, things that I never understood before, and people talk about being a dad.
Boy, I'm getting it.
I'm excited, but I'm also kind of sick to my stomach because I realized They're not going to have the same childhood that I had.
I was part of that final generation of kids growing up, you know, before 9-11 and social media and all that kind of stuff, cell phones.
It was healthy and organic.
And now I'm thinking my kid's not going to grow up in that world.
So now you're going to have to really commit to the fight.
They're inducting your children into a hardcore scientific dictatorship where they're dirty, they're bad, they wear masks, they get scanned all by the criminal pedophile establishment.
That's exactly what I was going to say.
They're not going to know a world without masks.
That's okay.
We were asleep before as it crept up on us.
Now you educate them and explain how they're an enemy.
And children are already pre-programmed.
Listen to their fathers and mothers.
You explain how they're there to set them up and how they're controlled.
Your children will become five times more powerful under the attack.
It's if they don't know about the attack, they'll be weak.
You know, I'm a huge history guy.
I know you mentioned that a couple of times.
You just said it.
My parents got me into history.
They didn't have to sit there and tell me how stuff worked.
They got me into history and then I recognized it all.
That's the trick.
If your parents tell you all this, you don't listen.
You give them history or even fairy tales or archetypes like you're a little girl, you're in the woods, a man comes up acting nice, but he's really a wolf.
You understand?
You gotta scare the living hell out of your kids.
I'm a huge Greatest Generation guy, for example.
I mean, first and foremost, and I'm seeing, you know, they're being taught the Founders are racist, they're being taught the Greatest Generation, they didn't volunteer and line up around the block after December 7, 1941.
And so you just explain to your children, whether they're black or white or whatever, this is an enemy attack.
That's all you do?
That's exactly what it is.
You know, I'll just say, just for my question, This is critical.
I really don't know what to do.
This is my first time around with this.
Just don't take the vaccines, eat organic food, and just pray to Jesus for guidance.
You're going to be just fine.
I'm not allowed in there to even hear my child heartbeat for the ultrasound.
There's only one person allowed in there.
I'm like, how do I get her to, you know, not take the vaccine?
Well, you shouldn't even be doing ultrasounds until they're like six months old.
Yeah, no, I get it.
I don't know where you're going to the doctor.
I don't know where they're doing this, but they shouldn't keep you out of the room.
It's all part of the cult, taking dads away from their kids.
I appreciate your call.
But, listen, there's a global move against humanity, a corporate takeover of the human body.
That's the final frontier.
That's the big goal of the computers.
They will replace us with robots and computers.
To do it, they gotta make us be screwed up and obsolete and on drugs and mindless.
Be aware of the attack.
Educate your children.
And tell them about God.
And then, they will transcend the enemy.
All right, Kathy, final call.
Got a few other news items to hit, and then Dr. Nick Baggage, or the trailblazers of our fight, takes over the other side.
We're back in 60 seconds.
Remember, spreading the word is key, and InfoWars is the tip of the spear.
It's the Great Awakening.
The only thing you need to know is that this enemy attack is a desperate counteroffensive.
We are winning.
Humanity is awakening.
Humanity holds the keys to human destiny.
And so as long as you don't submit, and as long as you don't hate yourself, and as long as you know how amazing you are, and that spark and that splinter of God's mind that created you, There's nothing they can do against you.
Like Dr. Nick Begich says, as your life gets closer to death, every minute becomes more valuable.
Every second, until you're finally gone at the next level, and then there's eternity.
And nothing but consciousness.
So you need to transcend that fear.
He's about to take over here in just a minute or so.
Kathy in Alaska, go ahead and thanks for holding.
Yes, Kathy, welcome.
Oh, okay, thank you.
We love you up in Alaska.
Well, Helen, it's funny that our last caller is from Alaska, and we got one of Alaska's favorite sons here.
Go ahead.
Yeah, you gotta come up here sometime.
It's one of the only states I haven't been to.
You'd fit right in.
I hadn't been to Rhode Island, and I hadn't been to Alaska.
I think I've been to every other state, or at least driven through it.
Okay, what I want to talk about is...
You know, you heard the cases, and that happened, the two cases up here, and Tucker nailed it.
So, they're on damage control.
So, yesterday, our local station, they put these two doctors on.
And, interesting enough, these two doctors just came up here in March.
One was a geriatric doctor, and the other one was an immunization doctor.
And, Alex, it was horrific.
The scare, the fear, the death, and you know, it was just, I couldn't believe what they were saying.
Which by the way, they now admit it won't even protect you.
They're like, you're gonna die if you don't do it.
That's exactly what they were saying yesterday.
I couldn't believe my ears.
She was saying, you know, you can get COVID and 35 days later die.
It was just unbelievable.
I'm going to say everything really fast.
The second point I want to make, I had a problem with my tooth and to see an emergency dentist, they wanted COVID tests.
So they wanted the rapid test.
So I go to the To get the rapid test, because I was in agony.
And she wouldn't give it to me.
Because I didn't have any symptoms.
She said... Oh yeah, to go on Joe Rogan's show I had to do one of these damn tests.
And that's what's crazy.
If you don't have symptoms, they won't give it to you.
Go ahead.
Well yeah, well this shows you how brainwashed.
She gave it away right over the phone.
She said, the rapid test isn't going to show, it's going to come out that you're negative.
You need to take the other test, but that takes five days to get the result.
So, what do I do?
What they want is more money.
They want more money and they want you to be part of a statistic.
You're damn right.
That's right.
And then another point I want to make, I lived in China for 25 years and I was there during the SARS epidemic, which it was basically, the only thing I saw going on over there was them arresting herbalists because they were saying they were selling false hope or whatever.
But you know what they told me when I was over there?
They said that SARS was a dress rehearsal.
And that's Chinese people telling me that.
Bill Gates said on, whose show was it?
It wasn't Kemmel.
It wasn't, uh, who's the South African guy?
I always forget his name.
Trevor Noah.
He said, this is a drill for the next thing that's coming.
He also said it on Colbert.
So, wow, that's what you, what else did they say to you in China?
I'll tell you another thing they said.
I was, I went back in 2018.
You know what?
Everyone going into the airport, That's right.
China is the beta test for every damn bit of this, Kathy.
You're an amazing caller.
We're about to turn this over to Dr. Nick Baggage.
Anything else you want to add?
Well, thank you.
We're trying to live.
Thank you so much.
All right.
I'm out of time.
Dr. Nick Baggage is about to take over, but I thought I'd play this short clip of Howard Stern yesterday, who spent a lot of time attacking me.
But the guy with the puppets is actually saying true things, other than the fact that it doesn't just attack white people.
Actually, if you look at the studies that have been put out, the SARS-type HIV thing attacks black people more than white people.
So, if they made the puppets accurate, I would be warning black people, as I've been doing, not to take it.
Here it is.
It is I, Reptilian Leader Bill Gates.
I come bearing the gift of vaccination.
Get that needle out of here, Gates.
I will not take your vaccination and be marched into a FEMA death camp.
I promise it's safe.
Just ask Dr. Fauci.
Come on, Alex.
It won't kill all of civilization.
Just most.
Listen, Fauci.
Listen, Gates.
I don't want your gift.
Do you know the best Christmas gift for the InfoWarrior in your life?
What's that?
It's the Liberty Fighter Patriot Pack!
Speaking of that, this is actually Living Defense.
It's a parasite cleanse, a great detoxer, next level probiotic, back in stock, sold out for months, 50% off.
Today's the last day to get shipped before Christmas.
You can ship by Monday anywhere in the lower continental 48, CONUS you get it, but if you want it in Alaska or Hawaii, You're ordering today.
We have the little elves at our warehouse getting it out to you tomorrow.
We also have Prostagard that's for men, great for women as well, but all the studies are about what salpamato does for your prostate.
They admit it like stops cancer and all these other problems.
Imagine what it does for everything else.
It's got all the other vitamins, minerals in it.
That's there.
And then we've also got Alpha Power that's been sold out for a year because we couldn't get the key patented ingredients.
It's for male libido, stamina, energy.
It's amazing.
That is back in stock.
And I've certainly been enjoying it since it got back in stock.
All 50% off.
DNA Force Plus, X2, X3.
Saw Palmetto, again, Prostagard, back in stock.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, back in stock.
But let's play a quick clip of this before Dr. Nick Begich takes over.
Biden says going after Hunter is foul play.
He's the smartest man I know.
Is that why he left his laptop at the place in Maine or Delaware, wherever the hell it is, and said, I work for the Communist Chinese agents?
This is the media.
Hell, Vanity Fair did a whole piece about how he's a great artist.
So we all gotta worship Hunter Biden now.
Here it is.
We have great confidence in our son.
I am not concerned about any accusations made against him.
It's used to get to me.
I think it's kind of foul play.
But look, it is what it is.
And he's a grown man.
He is the smartest man I know.
I mean, in front of pure intellectual capacity.
And as long as he's good, we're good.
As a father, I understand that and I admire that.
Pause again.
They have all these late night comics acting like they're journalists doing these fake... Sorry, this is Stephen Colbert.
Go back to...
I understand that and I admire that.
But I mean in terms of your job as president, can you reach across the aisle to people who will be using this as an attack on you when it is such a personal attack because it's about family?
But if it benefits the country, yes.
I really mean it.
By the way, globalists want you wearing masks like under Islam.
They want you staying away from them.
All these things I read about Bilderberg is don't look at them in the eyes.
Stay six feet away.
It's some weird occultic six degrees of separation thing they said a hundred years ago.
Sometimes he's like 10 feet away and you know it's all this cult crap, folks.
This is cultic, weird, mumbo-jumbo and decipher it all.
Dr. Nick Begich takes over on the other side of this quick break.
Please tell your friends, your family, your neighbors to tune in.
He's always got powerful info.
And check out his website, EarthPulse.com.
Because we think about Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.
We've been taking off all of that.
Because I was successful enough to get InfoWars.com out to so many people when they censored everybody.
Finally, we're still there.
We were getting more traffic than we were a few years ago.
It's crazy.
Thanks to you spreadin' the word, listeners.
But that's why you gotta remember URLs on the side of the K walls.
Those are original devices, like people's names.
They don't go to some big mother hive thing.
They go to an individual or a group.
Surf the web.
Remember that?
We'll be right back with our next guest.
He takes over in the War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Please stay with us.
And welcome back to InfoWars.
You know, I'm here in Anchorage, Alaska.
You know, we heard that last caller of the day from Alaska.
There's a lot of InfoWars support here, I gotta tell you.
Everywhere I go, I'm stopped by folks that watch the program and dial into the network and support.
Everything that's happening at InfoWars.
And this is the Friday for me before Christmas.
So I want to wish everyone in the listening audience a Merry Christmas.
Going into the new year, we've got a lot of controversy.
I know this Christmas can be one of the roughest weeks of maybe the year and going into the new year.
But hang in there.
You know, we're all in this together and no one's getting out alive.
As funny as that is, it's true, right?
No one gets that alive.
And, you know, going into the broadcast each day that I come on, I do.
I make the prayer, hope for the right words, recognize how flawed I am, too, just like everyone who's listening, and just hope to be used enough to maybe pass something on that's worth hearing.
So I appreciate you, and I appreciate everyone out there listening today.
Coming from a political family and listening to that little clip about Biden excusing the bad behavior of his non-performing son, or maybe performing in the wrong way.
You know, I have six children and I have two sons and my oldest son is like unreal, man.
He's just doing incredible things in the world.
Nick three.
I mean, he's doing really cool stuff.
And my youngest son is totally struggle.
I mean, he's failing.
Probably won't make it another year.
Actually, he probably won't.
So we all, I mean, no matter where we are in the world, we're dealing with, you know, big swings of emotion in our personal lives, in our communities, in our states and our nations in the world.
Right now, everyone, every place on the planet is feeling nothing but dis-ease and excusing behavior and saying someone's brilliant when they're that big of a mess.
is not only not the truth, it's just a bold-faced lie.
And I want to talk about that because in political families, this is my reality, all right?
I'm 62.
I've been doing this a long time.
My father, as many of you know, was in the State Senate here and then later in the United States Congress.
My brother in the U.S.
A mayor of Anchorage at one time, an assembly member for nine years, my other brother in the state senate right now today, my uncle from Minnesota, northern Minnesota, and their legislature for 20 years.
I mean, I've seen it at the national, state, local level, and internationally with the work that I've done around the world.
And unfortunately, when you're in public life, you have no private life and neither does anyone in your family.
That's just the reality of it.
And that is unfortunate, but it is the truth of the matter.
And excusing it is not the answer.
But at the same time, you know, recognizing how much involvement, how much commingling of activity Did Joe Biden and his son, as messed up as he is, would you do business with that guy?
You know, I mean, it's really the question to ask.
But laying all that aside, when I was coming into this today and thinking about what I wanted to talk about with my oldest son, I had this conversation.
It's about social media.
And here's a thought to think about social media today.
It is there.
To harvest our life by stealing our time.
Let me say that again.
Social media is there to harvest, to take, to harvest our life by stealing our time and whittling us away one minute at a time.
Now think about that.
What's more valuable than to capture every breath they can from your life energy?
To divert you and divert each of us away from maybe something higher, better, more important.
And a lot of the mass media and the social media is all about that, right?
I mean, it's all about taking your time and holding it and grabbing it until you go, oh wow, two hours it just disappeared.
All right, this is really important because what's the mainstream media and social media doing?
It's filling us with intellectual junk food.
Think about it.
Intellectual junk food.
This is the menu on the diet of most people dialed into the mainstream and the media, the social media, is to grab your time, steal the breath of life right out from under you by plugging you into a network that harvests everything about you And then uses it to capture more of your time and steal more of your breath and put you in the cycle.
And then what do they use to feed the cycle?
But before I answer that, let me ask you this.
Are you feeling full with all that intellectual junk food or feeling totally, absolutely empty?
Full of fear, empty, insecure, Disease and diseased.
That's what you get when you're fed from that trough.
And, you know, and here's the thing about.
As I think about.
Become the master of your own time.
And you recapture your own life.
Become the master of your own time.
And then begin To allocate it strategically, first to yourself, so you're a strong person, then to your family, because you need that alliance, and then to your circle of friends, and then to others that you might be able to touch.
And that's the proper order of moving what's possible into something real.
Take action.
Take your time back.
It's the first step.
Recapturing the breath of light, willful self-direction of what we're going to do next.
And we've got a lot to do.
Every single living soul listening to this broadcast has a lot to do, whether it's with your family or your friends or your neighborhood.
But it's time to take our energy back and Quit letting social media, the mainstream, the distractions, the distractions, take our life away and steal our freedom.
Because that's what it really is.
It's a digital gulag that most of us don't even know we're in.
And here's what happens with the feedback created by these social media, the gaming that competes for your attention, all of it, it's based on looking at what happens in real time using special imaging of the brain when you're playing games, when you're watching things, when you're observing things, because then they see how they can trigger the same chemistry in the brain associated with addictive behaviors, orgasm, All kinds of things to grab your attention and hold it.
This is, this is the mind of the New World Order, to steal our time and steal our attention and get us addicted.
We'll be right back.
So good to be back with everyone again.
You know, when I think about all the issues out there, and I know we hit the end of the week, we're headed into the Christmas week, a lot of tension in the world, all of that.
And this is something, maybe a way of seeing this, you know, this is the birth pains, if you will, of big changes.
And, you know, think about that for a moment as a concept, as a metaphor for the moment.
Birth pains represent This incredible, I mean, ask any woman or be there, you know, when it's happening.
I have.
And, you know, this is pain.
All right.
But then immediately after is life.
Life in a in a in a very, very different way.
And all that pain for that moment is somehow forgotten and is overwhelmed by life.
And love.
And in depth, that's really different.
So, we're in that right now, as human beings, as living, resonating cavities of consciousness, if you will.
In sort of modern syntax.
Talking about the body.
You know, what the heck is this body?
You know, it's a material expression of an internal arrangement of energy.
Let me say that a little differently.
By definition, you know, something, a something is, if you want to look at it materially, is created by its internal arrangement of atoms, right?
And they form compounds and chemicals and all of a sudden you have body and body component.
But under that, energetically, is where it happens, all right?
And in quantum physics, even, they talk about this in the sense of The observer, you and I, looking at something determined whether it's a particle, substance, or a wave.
Or something that is nothing from this sensory perspective at least.
And that's all that we're talking about here.
Think of this body as sort of the tuner, tuning in things.
And giving them some sense of material nature, what we call our bodies, the flesh, the world, the earthy part of us that connects to the non-earthy part of us, all right?
And the mediator is the mind, whatever that really represents, and it's not some housing and some tissue, it's more than that.
And this makes materialists really uncomfortable, all right?
Because scientists aren't supposed to be talking about this kind of thing, and a lot of scientists are.
A lot of real serious people are, because the science is showing where the power is.
And here's the truth of the matter is, the other side already knows it, okay?
They've been trying to hijack Spiritual power, physical reality for a long time.
And the thing is, we all have this incredible capacity.
So, you know, I talked about this in past programs, the disappearance of dad and how that happened and all the disturbance that happens.
When someone disappears off the face of the earth with not a trace officially to be found, And you're 14, and you've got a bunch of brothers and sisters, and you see the world really differently.
I can tell you that was a major tragedy, trauma, that experience.
I can tell you.
But within it, and I was angry, all right?
I was still searching at that point in my life for what the face of God, and I was angry at my concept of God.
When that happened.
As many of us are when adversity hits us right in the head.
But this is what I would say.
In the same spirit as disciplining a small child, God sees us in that same way.
So we might want to curse, but it may be the very discipline we need, as tragic as the events of life can be.
And that was for me, for my youngest brother who was four, to my sister a year older than me, 15 and six of us, and my mom 34.
Thinking of the prospect of raising six kids, because we didn't know anything, disappeared off the face of the earth.
But in that trauma was also my own personal birth pain, when I awoke a little bit more and began to really, really search for God.
You know, I mean, really.
And the problem I kept running into was between my ears, my mind, my intellect, and So, it was a longer search and a more intense one than some, but one worth making.
And that's why I say, trust the path you're on, whatever that is.
And it's part of an earlier broadcast, you can go listen to it.
But the reason I say that is others are going to try and judge it, say, don't do that, don't do this.
You're going to do what you're going to do, and you're going to learn what you're going to learn.
But if you stay in the mind of seeking, of knowing.
Don't settle for less than a full truth.
When you run into a lie, move the other way.
There is no lie within truth.
So that was one of my observations, but you'll look in a lot of places, dabble in a lot of things, perhaps.
But take your power back in this.
Don't be a slave to the media, as I was talking in the last section.
Don't be a slave to anyone.
Don't let them steal your time, your breath, your will.
Your awareness, your connection to everything else that matters.
So I get into this every week that I'm on because Warriors have to have a lot of equipment, you know, and you can address the material.
And there's lots of ways to do that, from food preparation to supplements to the air and the water that you breathe and drink in your house through the InfoWars store.
So you can get the things that support the physical in lots of ways there and even add to the emotional, quite frankly.
And then the spiritual That aspect that you can't touch and grab and hang on to runs better with a good foundation, a good carrier.
So I encourage you in that regard.
But the other thing I would say is, look, start looking vigorously within and find the power within you that you can then begin to project outside of yourself.
Uh, and this is important.
And so this is, um, dying to ourselves as part of the program here.
How do we do that?
Well, trauma usually does it for us and puts us in that birth pain of life that allows us to either see it, And find some something within it that can change us.
My oldest son, Nicholas, he is always blown away because I can be hit with a rock of bad news.
You know, a backpack full as I'm swinging, swimming across the lake of life, you know, and he'll swear that I'm going to drown and I won't.
I'll take the backpack off and start building a platform stand on, you know, because I always look for That frees us to our inner power that allows us to project it outward to change the way the game works.
Because we're in it.
We're all in it.
And we can either be swept by it, as I've mentioned before, or we can see it and begin to take possession of it.
This media that takes and stimulates this addictive pattern, It's designed to do that, ladies and gentlemen.
The science is out there.
You can read it.
You can study it.
We've covered it here before.
It's in all the books that you can get on InfoWars, the talk about this technology.
But the fact is, The power of each individual living soul when you fall into what you are and you recognize what we are as created in the image and likeness of God and we fall into the full meaning of that, the profound nature of that, we grab our power back and now going into the Christmas week, this is the power that we need to remember, that we need to see flow through us in a very different way that unites
The love that we are and pushes out a different prayer for this world in this Christmas week.
This is Dr. Nick Vegas.
We're going to be right back after these really, really important messages.
Thanks for being.
And welcome back.
And thanks for being here on this seven day countdown to Christmas Day.
And so I appreciate everyone.
I won't be here, obviously, next Friday.
It'll be Christmas.
And but I want to thank you all for the support.
You've given InfoWars over the year and I want to thank the team and Alex at InfoWars for allowing me to have this time with you every Friday in the afternoon and I appreciate it a lot.
You know, thinking about sort of where I want to go with this today on another theme, and it's about resonance.
And what does that mean?
And I alluded to that a little bit before resonance.
What is that?
And it's actually a mathematical formula.
If you drew it out, it would be X plus X in brackets and then square.
So that's multiplied against itself.
In other words, Two or more gathered together is really more power than two people, okay?
And this is why.
Resonance is a principle.
God got it.
He figured it out.
But in modern physics, this is what it is, okay?
So resonance, this is what the other side knows too, why mass media is meant to herd, capture, control, and then charge up The chemistry of the brain, that part associated with addictive behavior, orgasm, big charges, you know?
Because this is what's done biochemically, and it grabs you.
You know, I mean, it does.
And so the countermeasure is a re-channeling, rebalancing of these very vital energies that are, you know, important.
Those energy centers of the brain are triggered naturally by lots of things when it's done appropriately, and they create An altered awareness, a bit of altered awareness with that kind of chemistry.
And then they are putting the physical in a position to maybe be tuned into something quite different.
So fear takes away, tunes you into the wrong direction.
Love tunes you into a different direction.
What the heck does that mean?
Because a lot of love is expressed fleshly, materialistically.
I get that too.
But there is a higher order to the energy in Resonance.
So all of us together listening to this program and I'm looking at a few notes today because I really don't want to miss the critical elements of this.
We are all doing that right now.
We're all in Resonance right now because we're dialed into this network.
We're dialed into this program.
We're dialed into what we're Thinking about and hearing and I hope thinking about not just absorbing but thinking about actively and then deciding things about how we'll engage our energy after the broadcast today and after Owen is on and after you've gotten the vital information that you need to be ready
For the Info Wars, right?
And so that's what it's about.
And relationships are part of this because we have a relationship with each other, whether we feel it or not.
I do.
I always am dialed in.
I feel it.
And you do, too.
And we form in this kind of this overarching connection.
Doesn't have to be formally organized.
In fact, this is the power of it.
It is formally organized.
And it was with the formation of the human race.
OK, so we already have that.
We have to remember.
I keep saying that all these new age folks talk about evolution, evolving, evolving.
Forget that.
It's about remembering in the first place what we were created to be and do.
And and then it's about relationship, because here's it.
This is one of my things I ran into as a person in my 50s.
Earlier, a decade ago, I thought everybody did this.
It was a big surprise to me.
When I look at someone, look into their eyes, I see their potential.
I begin to react accordingly, as if they'd already realized it.
So they begin behaving often, as if they had to, because I see the success in them.
But this is what I found is That's great, you know, as a motivating force to do that.
A lot of people, well, I should say some people do that.
And all of us should try and do that.
But at the same time, it really creates a lot of pain in your life because people let you down.
People are flawed.
So am I, just like everyone else.
And so they let you down.
And then what do we do with that?
You know, because we didn't meet people where they are.
Okay, this is really important.
I want to say it again, because we didn't meet people where they are.
Christ met people where they are.
He knew where they could be, but he met them where they were, whether they were a whore in the street, you know, or a rich guy who couldn't get, you know, a camel had a better chance to get through the eye of a needle.
So, you know, whatever it was, he met people where they were, but he saw where they could be.
This is our Challenge individually as we look at ourselves, and I've talked about this before and become all critical about all the flaws we see because we're the best, besides God himself, judge of all that.
And then we beat ourselves up into total immobility because we feel so worthless.
That's blasphemy against the creation!
Stop doing that!
Be critical for sure, and then change.
Forgive yourself.
How are you going to forgive anyone else if you can't get there?
Forgive yourself, and then change.
Make a different choice.
And you'll screw it up probably a few times, but keep standing back up and dusting yourself off and trying again.
That's the requirement.
Meet people where they are.
First yourself, clean up the program best you can, but don't wait for perfection because you're not going to get that here.
Be the flawed vessel that you are, continue to make the improvements, but then ask God to use you as an instrument anyway.
And if you don't know that God is real, then Ask at least to find the answer to that, you know, and ask for the path to be cleared so you might be able to, and then you'll get somewhere, maybe a little differently.
But all of us, whether we like it or not, are in this.
And we're all going to be either aware of our participation, or we're going to just unconsciously walk through this period of history.
This is the greatest period of history, in my view, to be alive.
We have all the potentials.
We have all of the possibilities.
If we can remember what we are, then we drive the truck again.
All this junk that I've reported on, that Alex has reported on, that all of us who have been in this for so long have been reported on for decades now, is ultimately about people behaving badly.
That's it.
All the rest are expressions of that, what I call the window dressing.
You know, all the things we engage in as, you know, bodies running around with a, you know, with souls in them instead of souls running around a little more directional with a body to help out.
So get the position, flip back around.
Getting back your form and in the ego, putting it behind you.
So the experiences, how we see ourselves, our personalities, our thoughts, our emotions, begin to serve the awareness that we are.
We say that again.
The ego part of us, the thought, the emotion, the part that play in this fear game and telling us all the reasons why we can't.
Subordinate that.
Okay, that's a different part of us that's important.
That's all of that part of us, subordinate, aided to the awareness.
How does that work?
As soon as you feel emotion, as soon as you see thoughts, you pay attention to them.
You think about, what am I thinking about?
Now you're aware.
Otherwise, you're just being jerked around emotionally, intellectually, and otherwise by being so preoccupied in the medium, you never bridge out.
So, I'm trying to give some formulations in the course of the last seven or eight broadcasts that are meant to wake us up a little bit.
They're the things that helped me wake up a little bit so that we can express ourselves in a world that needs a different expression right now.
And it needs the force of our will as well.
There's lots of ways to do this.
You know, there's intercessors out there.
You know who you are and you know what I'm talking about if you know who you are.
Do that right now!
You know?
All of us are warriors engaged together.
In this last few minutes of the broadcast, hold the thought, visualize the country running like it should for this few moments.
With leadership that gets us As living souls and not as just taxpayers or consumers or something less than we are, at a time when we need each other, embrace yourself, embrace your family, embrace your friends in this next week of total turmoil as we begin to lay the foundation for our futures in the new year.
This is Dr. Nick Begich and you're listening to The InfoWars.
[Sounds of battle]
Merry Christmas!
The globalists are fighting as hard as they can to not just shut down InfoWars, but shut down every independent, pro-human, pro-America, pro-God, pro-family organization on the planet.
But out of all the organizations valiantly fighting back, InfoWars is the strongest, InfoWars is the most informed, and the most focused, and we have the biggest audience of amazing activists of every race, color, and creed that is you.
So as they attack our freedom, and attack our very nation, and attack our electoral system, and attack our election, and as they attack our very genetics with a deadly mRNA sterilizing vaccine that's now confirmed, Understand that it's always darkest before the dawn, and now the enemy is out in the open.
So, give the gift of information.
Give the gift of truth.
Give the gift of understanding what's happening this Christmas and holiday season.
And reach out to everyone you know with InfoWars.com and Band.Video.
You've been doing a great job so far, and I thank you.
But now people are really looking for answers.
And you can tell them, this is the forbidden information.
This is who they banned first and the most.
Because Jones and his guests and his callers and his researchers and investigative journalists have the enemy's modus operandi.
We've got their number.
And all we've got to do is expose their whole operation and tell people what's coming next.
And when the next thing comes true, your credibility will skyrocket.
And then they'll really be listening to you, and you'll be a leader in your area to help lead the resistance.
So word of mouth is key, prayer is key for an awakening which is happening, but to accelerated and financial support.
Please do your shopping for Christmas at InfoWarsTore.com.
Great supplements, great books, great films, water filtration, air filtration, it goes on and on.
Huge sales, free shipping, double patriot, points up to 60% off, and if you order by the 18th, you'll get it before Christmas.
Get your orders in at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're going to persevere and never back down and never give in.
And we just pray that America and the whole world pray to God for providence and to support and for success and to give us the discernment and the will and the focus to lead God to rectus in victory.
And we pledge our blood, our names, everything on the sacred altar of God to resist this satanic force.
And we ask God for strength.
And we salute all those who have supported us and are here today.
And we ask for victory in our Lord and Savior's name, Jesus Christ.
Let's do this.
(upbeat music)
Hey, yo, Seth.
What's good, bro?
Hey, you're the flash in the room Yeah, you know it's me.
He's hating on him cause he started out here locally.
Hopefully, I'll be at the top soon.
For now, I'm at my house on the couch watching cartoons.
You know how much you love it when you get it in abundance.
Give a fuck about a budget when you always be the subject of discussion.
But it's nothing when you stop and just say fuck cause you walking out in public and you hear him talking rubbish.
I just wanna rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap Hey!
I wanna salute you all here who are in defiance to cash.
And right here today, in front of the Supreme Court, I declare that Donald J. Trump won re-election in 2020!
Come on here!
[music playing]
[music playing]
Rob, look at that incredible--
[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
InfoWars has proven itself vital to the future of the Republic and vital to the future of human liberty and freedom.
And I'm very honored to be in this position.
I'm very thankful to you for keeping us in the fight.
But I just want to ask listeners to, again, recommit, count the costs, and realize that if you do your Christmas shopping at InfoWarsStore.com and take advantage of the big sales we've got going, that that funds an organization that the globalists
absolutely hate.
We are like nails on a chalkboard to them.
We are over the target. We do not back down.
We are unfiltered. We are historically accurate.
We have incredible guests.
We are the blood of freedom.
You are the blood of freedom.
We are symbiotic.
And it's just like a family line.
Just like you go back to your earliest ancestors tens of thousands of years ago into the future.
We are one family.
We are one body together.
You cannot let Infowars die.
And it's under such attack, but because of you we've persevered, and now we've gone from 50-50 people hating us...
And loving us to like 90%.
We've hit the zeitgeist and I know it's an incredible responsibility.
You look at videos of me two years ago, I look 10 years younger.
People say, you know, Jones, you sell your supplements, you look like hell.
I have chosen to take on everything and everything to hurt me because it gives me greater discernment.
And I don't, it's psychological, it's spiritual, but I can ignore things.
I can cut off pain, but I have chosen the way of pain.
And I have chosen to take all this on.
It's why my beard's gone gray the last year.
It's why I'm, you know, I'm killing myself.
But it's a good mission.
And it wasn't for the supplements and the rest of it.
I couldn't do what I do, but I'm working 18 hours a day.
I sleep.
I have dreams about fighting the New World Order.
If there was ever anybody in modern history totally committed to fighting the operations of the New World Order, It's InfoWars, so thank you for your support.
We've got big sales at InfoWarsStore.com.
We've got the Christmas specials going right now.
50% across the board.
Double Patriot points.
We brought those back just for Christmas and free shipping, but we've got to sell a lot of profit to fund ourselves.
We sell a lot more product at a sale that big, but there's a lot less funding in each
order, so we need to get a lot more.