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Name: 20201217_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 17, 2020
2358 lines.

Alex Jones discusses a range of topics including coronavirus pandemic, Green New Deal, presidential election, secession following the election, conspiracy theories about vaccines, the Pope's announcement of a global corporate alliance, the UN Great Reset and Agenda 2030, Gulf War Syndrome, global politics, economy and COVID-19 pandemic, UN Great Reset, Julian Assange's legal team requesting a pardon from President Trump, health supplement Alpha Power, Hillary Clinton's emails, setbacks in liberty movement worldwide, InfoWars' high traffic despite censorship attempts, Supreme Court and election fraud, consolidation of power and control over the population through measures such as social distancing, second amendment being under attack, false flag massacres potentially used for gun confiscation enforcement, promoting products available on the InfoWars website, and encouraging listeners to support InfoWars by shopping at the InfoWarsStore.com for Christmas gifts.

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This will be the Gulf War syndrome on steroids for the entire American people if we let if we let them get away with it.
This Pfizer vaccine and also the Moderna vaccine.
This is a Nazi mentality at work.
You have that national security directive that Kissinger did for Nixon saying population reduction and control are a national security objective of the United States.
I've never heard that it's been revoked.
What do you make of Soros and Media Matters attacking you and I and saying that we're liars, that 80% of people With one of the vaccine tests got sick.
Bill Gates admitted that and saying that you're lying that this is a bioweapon vaccine.
I mean, they now admit that from the press release.
The press release makes it very clear it was funded by DARPA as a biowarfare vaccine.
You know, what can I say?
Alex, I guess this just means that you and I are partners in crime against the globalonius.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live on this Thursday, December 17th transmission.
We have some of the biggest news, again, ever unfolding.
But I first want to go to a very important report.
And then we will be back on the other side with the former CIA director calling for my arrest and why that's so important and how that ties into a bigger picture.
Again, I'm Alex Jones.
This is The Info War.
Stay with us.
Breaking, ladies and gentlemen, Deep State Darling.
Michael Hayden has called for my arrest.
Well, guess what, my friend?
I call for your arrest for your crimes against humanity.
My understanding is that the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution specifies that you must
have probable cause to be able to do a search that does not violate an American's right
against unlawful searches and seizures.
The Fourth Amendment actually protects all of us against unreasonable search and seizure.
But the measure is probable cause, I believe.
The amendment says unreasonable search and seizure.
But does it not say profitability?
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, no warrant shall be issued, but upon probable cause.
But upon probable cause.
Probable cause.
Probable cause.
Just to be very clear, okay, and believe me, if there's any amendment to the Constitution that employees of the National Security Agency are familiar with, it's the fourth.
Oh my gosh, I'm so scared.
Former head of the NSA and CIA, deep state darling, little sugarplum doughboy himself, kind of the mini-me of Dr. Evil types, General Michael Hayden, has come out in a grieve of one of these leftist authoritarians on Twitter that I need to be arrested right now for death-threatening Joe Biden.
But notice in the tweets, they don't show what I actually said.
I said, Joe Biden represents a politically dead system.
Joe Biden's the perfect emblematic spokesperson of the reanimated corpses.
So no, whatever happens, we will never give up.
We will never surrender.
We will never back down to the satanic, pedophile, globalist, New World Order.
And their walking dead, reanimated corpse, Joe Biden.
And we will never recognize him.
President Trump had zero connection to Russians.
No proof.
Four years of investigation.
With the Bidens, it's open and shut.
So I don't know who's going to the White House in 38 days, but I sure know this.
Joe Biden is a globalist, and Joe Biden will be removed one way or another.
He is a fraud.
He is a doddering, senile individual that can barely talk.
Like General Hayden.
Notice you don't see Hayden out and about much more these days because he had a major stroke and has trouble talking.
And I don't wish that on the worst of people.
But if I say Hayden's expiration date is up, like the rest of this rotting political establishment, that means that you're rotting Physical condition is emblematic of your system being rejected worldwide.
You raped our rights with illegal spying.
You supported Obama and his illegal drone murders that he brags about.
You know, when Obama says, I killed a lot of people two weeks ago who were innocent, but I'm all for it, that's real people he killed at weddings.
When Apple helps run big giant death camps in China with millions of Muslims, Christians, and Buddhists in it, that's real death camps.
But the left fawning over the NSA and the FBI and the CIA.
Oh, the thousands, tens of thousands of tweets.
Just, oh, arrest Jones, kill Jones, get him, put him in prison.
He threatened our president.
Let's get one thing straight, Hayden.
If I wanted to threaten President-elect through fraud Biden, I would just say it.
But I don't want violence against him because that edifice, that husk being up there damages the globalists in your entire system.
The only way you could get success is if you guys kill Biden and made him a victim.
So the last thing I want is one little hair On that skeleton man to be harmed.
I actually hope and pray that he and Pelosi and all of you... Alright, you can see this full report at Bandot Video.
It's very important.
But coming up, an even more important report dealing with civil war.
Then I'll be live.
To accept who is really in charge of America, we need to know who they really are.
Because those in charge aren't occupying the three branches of government we pay our taxes to maintain, and they clearly aren't representing the sanctity of free and fair elections, after the Supreme Court just sunk the final knife into the back of our constitutional republic.
126 House Republicans and Attorneys General from 17 other red states had urged the court to take the case, but the justices tonight rejected it, saying Texas has demonstrated no legal interest in how other states conduct their elections.
Mr. Trump accused the justices of, quote, letting us down, showing no wisdom and no courage.
This after the court's 7-2 ruling rejected a push from Texas to block electors in four battleground states from voting in the Electoral College.
In rejecting the lawsuit, the court wrote, Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections.
Meanwhile, the election fraud the establishment claims to be blind to is becoming increasingly creative and corrosive.
It's pretty simple.
Those who have the responsibility and run for the job of making our laws must follow our laws.
Aug referencing Richard Banton and Natasha Deming.
One a real candidate, the other a fake one who tried to claim she is a Latina woman named Natasha Ruiz.
The information contained in these documents is false.
Banton and Deming ran in the Democratic primary for House District 142.
The objective?
Take out longtime incumbent Harold Dutton.
The intent was to defraud the voters in House District 142.
Approximately 2,500 people voted for Ruiz, forcing Representative Dutton into a runoff with another candidate.
As far as the charges go, there are three felonies.
Felonies for tampering with a government document, as well as misdemeanors for election fraud and perjury.
But there's more.
This man, Damian Jones, a Democratic political consultant, also charged.
He's accused of threatening then-state representative Gina Kalani of District 132 in an effort to keep her out of her race.
The texted threat was intended to coerce Representative Kalani into resigning and not running for re-election, which then would have opened up that House district.
And the GOP could have done a lot more to support our election integrity, but they didn't.
President Trump said recently a big win is coming in the state of Georgia.
That's after he said a sham was underway there.
Do you know what he's talking about?
No, I know that we are going to do a risk-limiting audit, which will trigger a full statewide recount.
This is the new America we are free-falling into.
The billionaires have increased their wealth by 30% in 2020, while middle America has been decimated.
This is Jeff Bezos.
He is the richest person in the world.
Back in 2017, he became the world's first center billionaire.
That's a net worth of 100 billion US dollars.
And having made tens of billions during the coronavirus pandemic, that figures now a whole lot more.
How is that even possible?
It's incumbent upon all of us to recognize soberly that COVID-19 is not going away anytime soon.
The decision leaves Lam and other business owners wondering how they'll survive.
Like her, many have already exhausted their Paycheck Protection Program funds that helped them get through the first shutdown.
It's like we're jumping into a pool that doesn't have water.
A recipe for hyperinflation and an oncoming third world reality.
This, as the incoming administration will ignore the needed recovery time and money needed to restore 60% of America's failing small businesses, but at the same time boasting the passing of a $12 trillion reparations package.
If you elected president, would you sign that bill if it came across your desk?
When I am elected president, I will sign that bill.
As the far left pushes them into a 10 to 100 trillion dollar Green New Deal that will definitely put middle America in its grave.
Let's get a read on something else that's catching a lot of people's attention.
This Green New Deal that according to a guy who used to run the Congressional Budget Office, Douglas Eakin, he put pen to paper, started crunching things, spreadsheets and all of that and said it could be 93 Look, FDR's new deal sounded great.
It created tons of jobs.
This one proposed to do the same, but it sounded so expensive.
And I just knew that it was going to be in the trillions.
Now we know it's going to be possibly up to $93 trillion.
So, strategically speaking, the people who come out on the top on this are moderate Democrat presidential candidates like Klobuchar, who said, you know, this is aspirational, but I don't know how we're going to get there.
It's no wonder that the calls for a secession are gaining steam.
The chairman of the Texas GOP, Allen West, released a statement on the court's decision saying, An age of tyranny is upon us.
will have far-reaching ramifications for the future of our constitutional republic.
Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a union of states that will abide
by the Constitution.
An age of tyranny is upon us.
Joe Biden will lead us into the Great Reset, reopen the border, and seriously restrict
the Second Amendment.
But it's likely that old Joe won't last through 2021 after leaks like this are championed
by the corporacratic media.
A lot of people in our community are getting a little anxious because they are not seeing enough of the progress they thought they would have seen at this point.
Let's not disappoint them, and let's not get to a place where Boulders or Georgia begin to second guess.
Let's get something straight.
You shouldn't be disappointed.
What I've done so far is more than anybody else has done this far.
Number one.
Number two.
I mean what I say when I say it.
I mean what I say when I say it.
I'm the only person who's ever run On three platforms that I was told could not possibly win the election.
And I never ceased from it.
One was on restoring the soul of this country because of what I saw happen in Charlottesville.
That was it.
No one else was talking about it.
The words of presidents matter.
Nobody else.
No progressive.
Was talking about.
I did.
Now that your vote has been debased through open fraud, you really have no other choice as an American other than to organize as a massive resistance against the Biden-Harris Chinese corporatic insurgency that will be voted in by the Electoral College on Monday.
John Bowne reporting.
That's a very powerful report he cut Sunday that we never got to, so we went ahead and aired that now.
Not because I don't have a lot of news, but because it was so important and that's the big topic I want to put out to you today and I want to open the phones up and I want to ask you, do you understand or do you think your neighbors and friends and family understand what this globalist communist revolution is going to look like?
It's going to look like past communist revolutions with a high-tech overlay.
And so I'm going to try to be as judicious as I can today to lay out what that future is going to look like so people understand how dystopic it is and how the more they promise all this free stuff, the worse things are going to get.
And that's a historical fact.
These are big mega banks offshore.
They've done this to other countries countless times.
This is a formulae.
Where people in 10 years will not recognize the United States.
Hell, not in a year.
But it's just going to get progressively worse because the globalists will sit offshore extracting everything for 20, 30 years until we totally go back to road warrior-like scenarios.
Then they'll come back in, re-stabilize it, and build it back up.
But if we don't have a chance to save the Republic, now is the time to begin your exits.
The problem is it's a global government, nowhere really to run.
There's usually a few safe spots for the globalists, and if you've got a lot of money, you can go to those places.
But in the future, if they don't like your politics, they're not going to let you in.
So this is a real Hunger Games scenario, and it all matters what sector, what region you're living in.
This is all a world government plan.
With 34 days left until they install their...
Frontman Biden who said, you know, I've run on something nobody else ever ran on, communism.
And he finally won by fraud.
They're saying, I'm not giving up.
We shouldn't give up.
We need to keep fighting to expose the fraud of the election.
Trump is 100% right.
We're going to look at all the latest developments on that as well.
And I've got a really huge announcement coming up at the bottom of the hour about the future of InfoWars and about this organization and a restructuring we're going to be doing that will be announced today.
I've waited long enough, and I've told folks about how we're under attack and what's going on with InfoWars.
And I don't think people take that serious sometimes, but InfoWars is fighting for its life.
Just like the rest of the country and the rest of the world is.
We don't get globalist money.
We didn't get the $10.6 billion that Black Lives Matter got from the New World Order.
And the only money we get is from you.
And we can't fight if you don't support us.
We'll be right back.
stay with us. So has Trump lost the election?
Do the globalists have us?
Du hast.
You got me.
Du hast, Mitch.
Do they have us?
Well, I think it's like saying does Moby Dick have Captain Ahab?
I think we basically have each other.
We're in a death battle.
A titanous war.
And Trump is swinging for the fences.
Trump tried to turn our economy back on, get us out of the globalist system.
He did, really, a splendid job on many fronts.
Made some big mistakes.
And still with 34 days left, if he levels with the American people in resolute desk speeches, and asks for 10 million Americans to march on Washington peacefully, and to march on all our other capitals to demonstrate that we know there's massive election fraud, and that we repudiate the globalist corporate media, The NWO has a very good chance of folding up and backing down because then the Justice Department and others will have the courage to do the right thing and prosecute.
You see federal raids that the media tried to say didn't exist this weekend now confirmed on this big server farm run by the DNC and the Democrats tied to the elections.
SolarWinds now confirmed.
You see all these Jeffrey Epstein associates being arrested in Canada and in France the last two days.
The latest is a major associate of Jeffrey Epstein was arrested in France on sex charges.
She was trying to fly out of the country according to French media.
Jean-Luc Bernal was arrested at the Rossi Airport as he was trying to board a flight to Senegal, a country in West Africa which was once a French colony.
Modeling agent and former close associate Jeffrey Epstein, Jean-Luc Brunel, was arrested in Rossi Airport as he was trying to leave.
Guess who else was arrested?
Peter Nygaard with his own little personal sex dungeon island in the Caribbean.
It's the same stuff over and over again.
These guys are the pimps for the globalist deep state.
And the fact that they're being rolled up shows you that there is a giant internal globalist conflict going on between those that want the nation states and those that don't want total evil and destruction of the West and those that are signed on to this planetary dictatorship nightmare dystopia.
So there is a lot of hope and there's a big awakening to globalism and we've already come so far in a deadly match like this, a gladiatorial event.
You're going to have most of the contest where both opponents get hurt really bad.
Only one comes out on top.
So if you had to look at this as a 12 round boxing match, we're about six rounds in Muhammad Ali versus Frazier.
And you can't really tell who's winning here.
So it comes down to stamina and energy and focus and will or the eye of the tiger, total commitment.
You're not there thinking about winning the fight.
You're winning the fight.
It's that zone you gotta get in.
Spiritually, culturally.
And it means everywhere I go.
I tell people about the HIV virus and many of the vaccines.
Everywhere I go.
I'm walking down the street.
And I see 30 black people walking down the street in D.C.
and I walk right up and I say, listen, I need you to know there's a global depopulation operation and blacks are being targeted.
These vaccines are tailored to attack you.
Read these reports.
They say, really?
And I hold my phone up and show them the reports.
Pissing off the globalists like no one has ever seen.
That's why they're calling for my arrest all over the news, it's why Media Matters is calling for my arrest, saying I'm gonna kill people by exposing the vaccine, saying that there's nothing wrong with any vaccines, even though I have all the proof and all the evidence right here.
And for me telling black folks and white folks and everybody else that it's not a virtue signal, I'm not gonna just be on the radio or TV.
I'm going to be at the grocery store.
I'm going to be at church.
I'm going to be on the streets.
I'm going to be on the hike and bike trail.
I'm going to be in the gas stations.
I'm going to be at the auto parts store.
I'm going to talk to everybody in the restaurants.
And I'm going to do it, and it's never going to stop.
And when you do it, we will override the enemy, and it'll be done.
George Soros is taking over our law enforcement, our prosecutors, our DAs, our attorney generals.
He's taking over our food.
He's taking over the vaccines.
He's taking over all the censorship.
And he funds Black Lives Matter and tricks the public into giving Black Lives Matter $10.6 billion.
They've got numbers out on it where about 98% of it goes to rich, white, billionaire men.
While bizarre, obese, Marxist-Leninist witches, the three founders, are witches.
They do black magic rituals on TV, saying they want the blood of innocents.
And then they divert their money to their Satan master, Soros.
I mean, this is all about total deception and total evil.
And InfoWars, I'm giving you the good news.
InfoWars has three to five times the audience on a day-to-day basis that we've ever had except for right around the last election.
And that's despite all of the platforming.
What we do not have is the funding we had then.
And so I'm the type of guy that has kept everybody employed, kept the shows going, kept us in the field, kept funding everything, mortgaged my house a year ago.
To be able to have emergency funding to run this operation, to take care of shortfalls.
But I can look at the other things I have as an emergency backup, and it wouldn't fund this place for a month if I had to liquidate everything I've got.
Because this is a big operation.
Our own satellites, our own IT, our own feeds, our own everything, all the DNC lawsuits against us, everything.
We were supposed to be off air long ago.
Now's the most important time for us to be on air ever.
So I thank you, and I appreciate you coming up to me on the street and shaking my hand and saying, I love X2.
I love DNA Force.
You know, I love Turbo Force.
I love bodies.
I absolutely love Alpha Power.
I love SuperMetal Vitality.
Had one of the crew members over here.
Tore his leg, had some medical stuff.
Went to the doctor.
They wanted to put him on stuff for his low T. He didn't do it.
Got tested again.
He came in on Monday or Tuesday.
He said, look at this.
I got tested.
Started taking super male vitality.
And look at my numbers.
It was incredible.
I had to check with lawyers if we could even show you this stuff.
Because, you know, the system's so corrupt, you're not supposed to even know what herbs can do.
But that's the type of things that are happening and that are going on.
And I'm just here to tell you.
And you've come through over and over again.
I keep telling you, we can't keep operating.
We can't keep doing it at this level.
If you don't support us, if you don't pray for us, if you don't spread the word, we're way more hardcore than Newsmax, OAN, everybody else.
And I love them.
I hope they get more hardcore than I am.
And I like OAN.
You know, we're on cloud TV, number one.
And that's the same folks as the cloud that are the same folks as OAN.
And So they're great people and we're bringing them along.
You're bringing them along.
But we need your word of mouth and we need your financial support and your prayer now more than ever.
So just do your Christmas shopping at infowarestore.com today.
There's free shipping up to 60% off, so we got to sell a lot of product to fund our operation.
And if you order by Friday, you're guaranteed delivery anywhere in the United States.
You can really order by Monday and get it most places in the U.S.
before Christmas.
But, you know, it's three-day delivery, two-day delivery anywhere in the United States.
The Lower Continental, CONUS, Lower 48.
But if you want it in Hawaii or Alaska, guaranteed before Christmas, get your orders in by Friday evening.
And back in stock, Living Defense, Living Defense, Living Defense.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us with a big announcement.
This country is under attack.
This country is being absorbed by world government.
And everything you saw before this was just a prelude, was a probe, was a Beta test.
Now things are going to go into high gear.
And if you don't submit to the system, they're going to come after you.
And those of us that are prominent and fighting it, Are going to be gone after first.
And we've already been under major attack here at hundreds of different levels.
And because of your support, your prayers, we've been able to stay on air.
But the cultural upheaval they plan to trigger and the economic degradation they plan to accelerate is so criminal that just sitting back and calmly taking all of this is something that we can't do.
This is not business as usual.
You know, I talked about that in a live feed I did in DC last Saturday.
And I said, it's just not normal to even do a radio show about this or a TV show to keep just talking about it.
The fact that there's HIV virus in the main vaccine in Australia and they had to cancel 50 million dosages of it because it was creating a positive HIV test.
And the fact that he tried to spin that as, oh, it's just the dead virus, it's not a problem, but it's a live virus vaccine, shows you how incredible this is.
And the normal behavior would be to run down the street screaming, warning people.
And so, you know, I said on Joe Rogan's show, five weeks ago, I said, I've thought about retiring.
And the media thought that was just, you know, Jones trying to act like he's this reluctant hero.
But no, that's not what it is.
I only dream about this stuff 90% of the time.
Used to 5% of the time.
I have basically no life other than this.
It's all I do.
And I still feel like I'm not doing enough, but I'm not going to quit.
And it is extremely stressful.
You see presidents who go into office and in six months their hair is gray because they're having to look at thousands of data points and make thousands of decisions a day, and that will kill you.
Now I don't want to liken myself to a U.S.
president, but this job is about as close as it gets.
Looking at all the intel reports, talking to all the experts, talking and vetting information, working long hours, really caring about people, being informed, trying to promote policies that are the best for everyone and that are fair and just and good and empowering.
And then you have the huge guilt that you're not doing a good enough job and then you see other people who think it's all funny or it's a joke or who are Monday morning quarterbacks who know how to do it all just perfectly but never put their skin in the game.
So it's been the greatest pleasure of my life, 27 years on air, knowing all of you and fighting the New World Order and doing all of this.
And I'm not going anywhere yet, but you need to know a new chapter's here.
You know, when I tell you that the CIA follows us around and the FBI and the Secret Service now, and they come and sit down next to us at the restaurants and tell us that, they come visit us at the hotel and turn our cell phones off so we can't videotape them, and that, you know, the former director of the CIA comes out and says he wants to be arrested on Twitter.
That isn't me scared.
That's not me afraid.
That's just InfoWars entering a new chapter of life.
Just like you're entering a new chapter of life.
And so, I'm here to tell you that I'm not gonna back down.
And I'm going to do exactly what I think is the most moral and best thing to do, and that starts with not being a nice guy anymore.
Not, not, not, Being delusional about where we stand and what we can do.
And the fact that I have this tendency to never even shake up things in my own operations because I'm so loyal even though to the point of our operation not being able to function.
And so I pledge to you that I'm going to work harder in the fight against the new world order.
And I'm asking you to fight harder against the globalists.
But I've already explained to you, we had to let Caitlin Bennett go because we couldn't pay her anymore.
We had to let Millie Weaver go.
And God bless Caitlin Bennett, she hasn't made up a bunch of stuff about us since we let her go.
You've seen what Millie's done.
God bless her.
It's okay.
She did a lot of great work in the past.
You think I enjoyed doing that?
Paul Watson.
He's off on his own.
But Paul still is a team player and does a great job.
But he understands.
But I've got this great crew in here that's busting their ass.
I mean, three, four years ago, when I still had plenty of money, I was funding dozens of organizations, dozens of groups that were doing great work.
I was taking the money you sent us buying products and sending it out where I thought it was key to fight the new world order.
I'm down to funding three or four organizations outside of our own operation now.
I've been cut back to a hill I'm on.
And I'll die on this hill.
But, everybody sits here and hears me say that, and you don't think I'm serious.
So, we're going to have to reorganize, and we're going to have to rethink what we're doing.
I'm going to stay on the air four hours a day, so is on for three hours a day.
I've got to cancel the nighttime election countdown show, just because there's not the crew, there's not the funds, there's not the money.
And we're going to have to reorganize some of the other shows, and then revamp them and relaunch them, because I never give up.
But I can't stop working.
give out. It's like an old horse. Your horses will run and run and run until their heart blows up.
Any good horse will run until its heart blows. It won't stop. You keep running a horse, it'll go
until it dies. And, you know, I've metaphysically but also physically got to that point. I can't
stop working. I've got to take a week off. I've got to turn everything off.
I've got to do it.
And it doesn't matter we're in the middle of a giant battle.
Because I know when smoke's coming out of the race car engine, you've got to pull over and get oil put in there.
So I thank you all for your support and I love you and I appreciate you.
The last straw was this morning.
I got up and I saw this number.
Black Lives Matter raised $10.6 billion since May.
When you go in a coffee shop like Starbucks or anywhere and they say give it to Black Lives Matter, that's just the communists and the globalists and Soros collecting money.
The DNC on record got $4 billion of it.
Of the $10 billion.
Last time I checked.
Look how much the DNC got of that.
That was a few months ago.
That was $4 billion that I read they'd gotten.
Who knows what it is now.
Of the $10.6 billion.
So, and by the way, these are old numbers.
You know, numbers always come out a few months after.
So a few months ago, they'd already raised $10.6 billion.
$10.6 billion to run around and say America sucks, white people are evil, burn down America, communism's good, and it's all Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg, these weird, creepy people that hate everybody, that are well-known for not helping their employees or even giving tips.
You can be an employee of one of these guys.
I mean, they'll do nothing to help you.
And they're monsters.
But you know what?
Bezos doubled his money this year.
Black Lives Matter made $10.6 billion to piss on America's grave.
And I'm sitting here...
Barely able to pay the bills and run this operation, and we're as big as it gets in the fight against the globalists.
We have bigger numbers than Newsmax, bigger than OAN, bigger than all of it.
And God bless them.
I wish those groups were bigger than us.
And we're sitting here, and we have your support, and that's it.
So, I intend to redouble my efforts, actually.
I'm gonna take off a few days on Christmas, and then I'm gonna come in here and I'm gonna do even more shows and fight even harder and get even more focus for you in this critical time.
But I just ask you to remember that if you do your shopping in a big box store and not a mom and pop, if you're watching CNN instead of listening to local radio stations spreading the word, if you're buying your products from Amazon instead of info or store.com, then you might as well just jump off a cliff because these people are out to get you.
The Great Reset is on record, Agenda 2030, to get rid of all the middle class and all the small companies.
Just do your Christmas shopping at infowarestore.com, and we'll expand.
But if you don't, we'll contract.
And so, we're reassessing right now, and InfoWars is contracting ahead of a big offensive.
Now I'm going to decide whether it's our big last offensive, or just the next of many.
But I promise you this, we'll go out in a fiery inferno of liberty, in a peaceful, Operation of total victory.
We got a big broadcast lined up for you in the next few hours.
Professor Francis A. Boyle.
Is really upset as we now learn that one of the main vaccines, the mRNA vaccines, was created by DARPA and was already prepared years ago, which we already basically knew that came out.
They had all sorts of these COVID-type vaccines ready on the shelf.
This is part of a bigger rollout, really sinister.
We are learning from top medical firms and top scientists that we've cited here,
that they are jacking with the vaccines, that they are having characteristics that reduce fertility,
that cause autoimmune disorders, that can cause your immune system to go haywire
with an echinocyte storm.
And now you see people being hospital all over the world when they start taking the COVID-19 vaccines.
That's in the news today.
But paradoxically, media matters and CNN and all the other Soros satanic mouthpieces say,
"Oh no, Jones is insane."
He needs to be arrested.
No one's sick.
There's no side effects.
I'm going to show you Media Matters saying just that coming up next hour.
And then Cassandra Fairbanks couldn't come on yesterday.
She was in the mountains and her internet went out.
She's the main liaison with Julian Assange.
We're talking about pardons with Cassandra Fairbanks and then former Navy SEAL, best-selling author, great patriot Matt Bracken in the fourth hour ahead of the war room.
Let's get into it right now.
Look at these headlines concerning the takeover.
Mexico's president slams lockdowns as a form of dictatorship.
Well, William Barr called it the greatest form of dictatorship since slavery.
I mean, when you're locked in your house, and you're told you're not essential, and your business goes bankrupted, and now they're coming saying they got forced inoculations, and then they act like, oh, it's weird, it's crazy, arrest Alex Jones.
He says they might hurt you.
This is just next level.
So I like Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.
He's a socialist.
But he is a real socialist, and by that I mean he's a populist socialist and is actually trying to get higher wages for people and trying to get corporations to actually not be tax-exempt.
I don't agree with that model long-term, but he met with Trump.
He actually liked Trump once he heard what Trump wanted to do was make poor people wealthy.
He's come out and said he thought the election may have been stolen from Trump because he's had an election stolen from him.
And now He's saying we should not do a second lockdown.
This kills our people and is much worse than the virus, which it is.
I mean, the UN admits tens of millions are starving to death.
Millions have already starved to death.
Hundreds of millions have starved to death.
Billions are going into poverty.
They're calling it because of the virus.
No, because of the lockdown.
The popular leader known as Amelo, by his supporters, said that COVID-19 lockdowns were fashionable among authorities who want to show they are heavy-handed dictatorship.
Well, yeah, remember what Justin Trudeau said?
He said, I love China.
They've got the best dictatorship.
I want to be a dictator.
I mean, this is, look, it's out.
And he said, we want Agenda 2030 to be like China.
That's where they decide who stays open, who doesn't.
That's martial law, ladies and gentlemen.
Super hardcore martial law, where some stay open, some don't.
A lot of them are letting their authoritarian instinct show, he added, noting that the fundamental thing is the guarantee of liberty.
Am I saying that right?
I always get names wrong.
Orbador also insisted that mask wearing should be voluntary and not mandatory by the state.
Wow, I may have to move to Mexico.
I'm serious.
We're about to be worse than Mexico.
I'm serious.
As National File highlights, other Latin American countries have imposed strict lockdowns He has spoken out against stay-at-home orders, although authorities in different regions have.
For example, the third most populous state in Mexico, currently governed by the opposition-left Liberal Citizens Movement, has introduced a mask mandate in all public areas.
Other states have gone further, still introducing stay-at-home orders and shutting non-essential businesses, even state-governed by coronavirus politicians, such as Duavellon and others have adopted strict lockdown
So this is just insane.
And Mexico will be collapsed if they don't keep their economy open.
And if tourism doesn't turn back on, it will get flooded.
They have to pay for it all.
And the cycle just continues on and on and on and on.
He's got to come out.
And actually he has and say, take your vitamins.
This is just the same as the flu.
We can't be scared of our own shadows.
This is total crap.
I mean, as much sunshine as they've got in Mexico, they shouldn't have any problem with this virus.
Continuing here, Twitter says it will remove all posts claiming vaccines can harm people.
Steve Watson, InfoWars.com.
It says the vaccines are good.
There's no problem.
We listen to the UN and Big Pharma.
They actually say, pharma companies tell us it's safe and effective.
The insert says it can give you narcolepsy, Guillain-Barre's, cancer, convulsions, thousands of other types.
I mean, it's just, pancreatitis.
But oh, sorry, can't talk about what happens to you or your daughter or your son.
I'm gonna show this video.
You guys can cue it up.
Fake shot, local news airs, healthcare worker receiving empty vaccine.
And remember the Golden Globes two years ago?
They did the same thing there with the flu shot with nurses coming out doing fake shots and it later came out that it was a fake shot.
Well, we don't have that now.
We'll just play it next hour.
Oh, so we do have it.
Go ahead and turn it up, please.
So we thought we'd mix it up and try something new.
because you're all getting flu shots!
You know you want to see what's down for a reason!
Hey! Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot!
Excuse me, ma'am. Ma'am?
You're definitely going to want to get your phone.
(crowd chanting)
Totally fake.
They made it fake.
They know the public's so dumb, they don't think it's safe.
That was like a huge--
Now we have local NBC caught with a fake shot.
There's nothing in the plunger.
The plunger's all the way down.
You can watch the video at Infowars.com and doing fake shots.
Well, why wouldn't you just give them a real shot?
Watch this.
Plunger all the way down.
Nothing in the injector.
Oh, but I told you that health authorities would fake giving themselves shots because no one in their right mind wants to be sterilized.
And Media Matters said I should be arrested.
What a group of sick, evil criminals.
You know over at Media Matters, they're not taking any of the shots.
Oh no, they're not.
So Media Matters, put that in your pipe and smoke it.
COVID-19 vaccine.
Three groups of people who shouldn't get the shot.
Under 16.
Pregnant women.
And people over 75.
Oh, but Media Matters says it's a conspiracy theory that I warned people over 75 not to take it.
And then I cite a top scientist on the EU advisory board saying it's basically a euthanasia weapon and hurts the old more than anybody.
And now the British government agrees.
But Media Matters hopes you don't look that up.
Part of their criminal energy.
Australia COVID vaccine terminated due to HIV false positives.
Yeah, false positives.
Well, it had part of the virus in it.
No big deal.
Remember I told you it had the HIV virus in it 10 months ago because top prestigious universities came out and said it.
And I was the bad man.
Media matters, said George Soros.
Here's the article.
Alex Jones, coronavirus vaccine conspiracy theories are a public health threat.
And they go through all the false claims I make.
Meanwhile... Top scientist warns COVID-19 vaccine road to your doom.
That's Fox News with the top scientist on.
Top EU scientist warns COVID-19 vaccine linked to sterilization in women.
I show the whole official report.
COVID vaccines will target, destroy human reproductive systems.
Show mainline report.
Dr. Francis Boyle, author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law.
Bioweapons mRNA vaccines violate Nuremberg rules against illegal testing.
They attack all this real stuff.
Is there the authority?
A majority of Americans are against the Great Reset of Klaus Schwab.
It goes on and on.
We'll start the next hour, but please.
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We'll be right back.
All right, Dr. Francis Boyle, author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law, will be joining us next segment, dealing with the fact that DARPA I'll tell you, those folks are, if you don't know, the Advanced Research Laboratories.
That's kind of the real shadow government of it all, the mad scientist, is in control of one of the major vaccines.
In fact, guys, I had those articles yesterday.
Will you reprint those for me?
I have them here in my stack.
I just can't find it.
So that's coming up next segment.
This is a corporate takeover, a global government corporate rape,
where they're just launching untested illegal vaccines, waiving the laws, waiving the trials,
then trying to cover up all the adverse reactions that are pouring out,
calling for my arrest in the news because I'm scaring people
and I'm gonna cause a public health emergency.
The public health emergency is them locking everything down and causing mass starvation
not telling people about vitamin D, vitamin C, other things.
The emergency is them covering up the release from Wuhan and where it came from.
Melinda Gates coming out and saying, oh, she didn't realize the economic crisis it would cause.
I mean, this is crazy.
And you see the motive as the big tech companies all have the biggest profit increases of their history.
Several of them have had double, double, They're profits, but guess who made more in profit than Amazon?
Black Lives Matter raised $10.6 billion since May.
And when you hear Black Lives Matter, that means Soros.
That means the Democratic Party.
Taking groups inside the nation and the world and saying, if you're brown and you're in Europe or you're in the U.S., you're owed something.
White people are bad.
This will break society for good.
It's why you have to repudiate it?
And these big corporations are just as nasty as they come.
They want to have a universal guaranteed income.
They want to get everybody on the dole so they can make you take vaccines.
So when they tell you, Black folks, we care about you.
We want to get you on a universal income.
We want you to have the vaccine.
It's because they're coming for you just like Tuskegee.
But let me tell you, we've had science on.
We've read the reports that are on air.
This attacks everybody as well.
In fact, when you guys go back into Monday or Tuesday stack.
I had that Wolfgang Woodard and also the other scientists, the former chief scientist at Pfizer, he co-authored it, the emergency report.
That's got all the areas highlighted about the Pfizer vaccine and how they admit it could cause an autoimmune response or shut your immune system off or eat your placenta when you're forming it or just do, I mean, it's all right there.
This is not even hidden.
And then you've seen all the adverse reactions.
It's totally insane.
And now Mexico's president's come out and slammed what's going on.
So we'll discuss it all with Dr. Boyle on the other side and how Media Matters is attacking him as well as myself.
But it seems like they're losing the war to suppress where this is really going.
I mean, how are they going to cover up all the people that get autoimmune Compromised.
How are they going to cover up people that have cytokine storms and have convulsions?
Some fall down and hit their head and die.
I mean, they've got, I've got articles out of California, out of Michigan, out of Alaska, where nurses that are being given it because their front line are collapsing and having convulsions and having to be put in the hospital.
I mean, here's another example.
Why last week?
Did the British government say, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, if you have an allergy to anything, peanuts, penicillin, bumblebees, bees, wasps, you know, just a whole list of things, do not take the COVID vaccines.
Because they had a lot of people getting sick in the hospital.
And now they say, you got to give the shot in a hospital with defibrillators.
So you can't have just the nurse or just the pharmacist at Walgreens or CVS or whatever they got there in the UK, similar stores, a bit of drug stores there, which looks just like Walgreens.
You can't take that in there.
You've got to go to a hospital or a clinic because they've got to be able to resuscitate your ass.
You know, that means restart your heart, restart your lungs.
Back in 60 seconds with Dr. Francis Boyle.
Stay with us.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live Thursday, December 17th, worldwide broadcast.
Dr. Francis A. Boyle is the author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law, also a major advisor on the U.N.
World Weapons Treaty, and we're routinely in contact with him, and he was very upset about articles that came out in the last few days showing DARPA's relationship with some of the main vaccines that are now being approved and rolled out on the public, and so we're We're really not pleased to have him on.
We wish this wasn't unfolding.
We wish this wasn't happening.
We're talking about why that's so important.
Go back to the big developments.
They suspended the 50 million vaccines that were being deployed there in Australia because people were coming up as positive for HIV.
They said, oh, well, there's part of the HIV virus in there.
Just don't worry about it.
We told you that 10 months ago.
Dr. Boyle warned of it then.
So now they're really trying to cover up this thing.
It's almost like an exercise in too able to fail.
Roll this out, people get sick, you get vaccine immunity, not from the disease, but the vaccine makers get immunity.
This just seems like a very self-destructive rampage by big tech and big pharma together.
All the censorship that we see, Dr. Boyle taking place.
I mean, this is just a mess.
This is a disaster.
What's really going on here?
Well, obviously we've been talking about this And just to narrow it down, I think the most important thing we can do now is to stop the vaccines.
It's going to kill people.
You saw now there have been three casualties over in Britain.
Apparently it hasn't killed them.
But even the New York Times had today.
What happened to this health care worker in Alaska?
This Pfizer vaccine would have killed her if not for the fact that they could put her into an ICU unit, ICU unit, intensive care unit.
So it's very clear the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine funded by Bill Gates is going to kill people.
Yesterday, well, I got the information, as you know, today, The FDA is going to be approving the new Moderna vaccine.
The Moderna vaccine is based on the exact same biotechnology that the Pfizer vaccine is based upon.
And now I've been able to determine definitively that it was the Pentagon that set up And financed and funded the Moderna vaccine.
And in particular, that was the DARPA Defense Advanced Research Program.
And they are the spearhead of the U.S.
offensive war program across the board.
Not just biological weapons, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, And every other weapon you can take.
Now, let's go through.
This is Moderna's own press release.
And remember, the Pfizer vaccine that's being distributed now involves the exact same technology.
OK, so it says RNA therapeutics.
We've discussed this before.
Messenger RNA is the basis of this.
It's like putting a bomb into your body, and it will genetically rearrange the decomposition of your body.
And you've already had people on there talking about what's going to happen and the side effects.
But let me go through this press release And interpret it to you.
I apologize, I have it here on another computer, so I will have to... Yeah, that's fine.
Please continue.
So, yeah, messenger RNA tapped directly into the body's natural processes.
That's right.
That's exactly what they're doing with this Pfizer and Moderna A vaccine?
Let me continue here.
All right, da da da da da.
Here is the kicker at the end.
DARPA program called AdeptProtect Develop platform technologies.
That's what these two vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna are all about.
Can be deployed safely and rapidly to provide the U.S.
Notice they are going after all of us, the U.S.
That's what it says.
Against, quote, emerging infectious diseases, unquote.
They are emerging out of U.S.
biological warfare laboratories such as BSL-4s.
And BSL-3s, including the Wuhan BSL-4 that worked with the UNC BSL-3.
We've already discussed it before.
So when they talk about emerging infectious diseases, they're the ones doing the emergings.
And so then they say, and Alex, you have to understand, When it comes to biological warfare weapons development, first you develop the biological warfare weapon itself.
And that is done at these BSL-3s, BSL-4s, like University of North Carolina and the Wuhan BSL-4.
But then there is the problem of blowback.
Which they also provide for.
So then, to deal with the blowback, they then go out and try to develop so-called vaccines that they think will counteract the blowback.
So notice, this is part of offensive, defensive, dual-use, biowarfare weapons development.
And by the way, Dr. Boyle, let's just go back for a moment and explain why this is so important.
You were on here 10, 11 months ago, laying all this out, predicting it, showing the evidence.
They went there, they created it, they moved it from Chapel Hill, Obama and Fauci.
We found all these patents for a similar COVID-19 bat hybrid with gain of function, HIV.
We laid all this out.
You said, looks like it leaked, but they were already ready.
They used this for a power grab.
China's using this to shut us down.
I mean, to me, more and more, the whole thing was completely premeditated.
And then Klaus Schwab is saying they're using this to bring in a corporate world government and a medical dictatorship.
And as you said, you've got the Pentagon admitting that they've been developing these emergency and emerging diseases so they would, quote, have treatments for the crisis they created.
I mean, this just looks like open and shut beyond Nazi Nuremberg war crimes here right now.
Well, as we discussed before, this is a Nazi mentality at work.
There's no question about it.
But let me just continue analyzing this press release by Moderna.
So it says against emerging infectious diseases.
Those emerge out BSL threes and BSL fours like the Wuhan BSL for and for Dietrich BSL for and down there near where you are, the Galveston BSL for which, by the way, the Chinese bat queen from Wuhan was over Galveston's involved in the research, development, testing, stockpile of every hideous biological warfare weapon you can possibly imagine.
So that is against emerging infectious diseases and engineered biological weapons.
That is because these BSL-3s and the BSL-4s are engineering them.
That's exactly right.
They know exactly what they're doing.
DARPA is funding this.
Quote, even in cases when the pathogen or infectious agent is unknown.
That's right.
It's unknown because they are still in the process of research, developing and testing.
We know that, I think it's CDC or NIH, they have sent their scientists all over the world To look for any type of bacteria, fungus, virus, toxin, that can be used to research, develop, test, biologically... That's right.
They're bringing all the worst bio-weapons that naturally occur, occur in labs, back, and then cooking them up, and when they escape, they take over our society as the saviors, and then inject us with rapid reaction mRNA systems that take over our body's entire genetics.
A corporate, global government takeover.
Stay with us.
You can't tell me with the timing of what went down with Trump and China and the power grab and the Great Reset and the lockdowns and now all these adverse reactions from the vaccines.
They're not vaccines, they're this takeover of your very genetic code.
But this wasn't premeditated.
And we know they were developing these mRNA vaccines.
We know the DARPA was secretly funding them.
Now there's Justice Department investigations into them not disclosing that to the Securities and Exchange Commission and others.
Because this is a big governmental insider deal, going back to Obama, going back to Fauci.
Trump obviously learned about it later, went along with it.
I think that's a big black mark on President Trump.
But Dr. Boyle, author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law, this is just deja vu of everything you said 10 months ago, now proven.
But explain to people why this is such a bombshell.
I mean, this just says premeditation, doesn't it?
Alex, I did want to add one thing here.
You showed in your ad there the suffering of U.S.
armed forces.
And that's correct.
I've worked against the Gulf War syndrome as well.
You see right here in this press release that Moderna and DARPA have admitted this is a biological warfare weapon vaccine.
And we have history here.
We have track experience of what happened.
I told you before, I helped defend Captain Dr. Yolanda Hewitt Vaughn.
Who likewise refused to give experimental anti-biowarfare vaccines for anthrax and botulin in violation of the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation.
Now, at the end of all that, it produced these vaccines, the Gulf War Syndrome.
And of 500,000 US troops who were inoculated, It killed about 11,000 and it disabled about 100,000 out of 500,000.
And let me say, I haven't looked at those numbers in a while because I haven't really done work legally with GWS.
I have given some veterans some pro bono advice on that.
This is the one track record we have Well, here, if you see from the press release, they're going to inflict an anti-biowarfare vaccine on the entire United States population.
So, again, we will see, I think, casualty figures that you can extrapolate from our troops that were victims of the Gulf War Central.
500,000 inoculated, 11,000 dead, 100,000 disabled.
So extrapolate that to the entire American population of 330 million people, likewise being injected with experimental biological warfare of vaccines in violation of the Nuremberg Code on medical
And of course, they're going to inflict these, they're going to order our troops to take
these as well.
And this will be the Gulf War syndrome on steroids for the entire American people if
we let them get away with it.
This Pfizer vaccine and also the Moderna vaccine.
And again, as I said before, FDA was involved in developing COVID-19 right there at the UNCBSL3.
It's all there in the article, along with... So they're all colluding, they're all involved.
and you have been exposing this for decades.
They admit tens of thousands died from the vaccines.
Tens of thousands got sick and died from the Spanish flu or swine flu thing in the 76.
Why are they doing something so reckless and so crazy to test and see if they can cover up the aftermath
or just normalize killing us?
I mean, what the hell's going on here?
Well, you know, Alex, I told you, I went through that exact same PhD.
program at Harvard that produced Kissinger before me.
And to get a Ph.D.
like that from Harvard, you have to know all about the origins of World War II and the Nazis.
And again, I am not exaggerating here to say this is a Nazi mentality at work.
I guess you're fueling audience.
They are very bright, intelligent people.
I hear from them all the time.
They're very polite to me.
I try to Respond to them as best I can.
They're going to have to draw their own conclusions here.
But yes, and remember, Kissinger was in that exact same program before me at Harvard.
Harvard is involved in the Wuhan BSL-4, helping develop COVID-19.
And you have that national security directive.
That Kissinger did for Nixon, saying population reduction and control are a national security objective of the United States.
I've never heard that that it's been revoked.
So let's expand on that.
Obama's White House science czar, John P. Holdren, wrote the book Ecoscience the same year that that memorandum was published, 74, the year I was born, 46, 47 years ago.
And called for it.
What do you make of Soros and Media Matters attacking you and I and saying that we're liars that 80% of people with one of the vaccine tests got sick?
Bill Gates admitted that and saying that you're lying that this is a bioweapon vaccine.
I mean they now admit that from the press release.
The press release makes it very clear it was funded by DARPA as a biowarfare vaccine.
You know, what can I say?
Alex, I guess this just means that you and I are partners in crime against the globalonious.
And I teach against globalonism in my course on International human rights.
I trained my law students against it.
And Stieglitz— Explain what globalonism is.
Is there baloney of the globalists?
Stieglitz, who wrote Globalization and its Discontents, admitted, yes, I was there.
With Larry Summers and Bob Rubin and me to develop global globalization.
And also, yeah, with Bob Rubin for Wall Street and the banks and Bill Clinton.
That's right.
I've actually read his book and I've gotten Joseph Stiglitz on a couple times, Nobel Prize winner.
Let's do half of another segment.
I know you've got to go and I've got a bunch of news about globalism, the big picture, and being one of the few people who was ever inside that but wasn't part of it, what we can do to say no to this.
And of course, you've written quite a few books.
What do you think the most important book is for people that want to find your books and read them?
Well, as a practical matter, to resist these vaccines, which I think the agenda here is quite clear, they want to inflict Nazi vaccines here on the entire American population, quote, quote, to provide the US population, unquote.
So that's that's the agenda.
I have written a book called Protesting Power, War, Resistance, and Law by Roman and Littlefield, Inc., 2008.
All right, stay there.
Let's talk about big picture.
Big picture when we come back with Dr. Boyle.
Stay with us.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I'm here live ahead of the war with Owen Schroer.
Dr. Francis Boyle is our guest for another segment.
Then I'm going to cover a bunch of other political breaking news with the campaign, with the election, with the economy, and with globalism.
And then we are joined by Cassandra Fairbanks, the Gateway Pundit, who is very close friends and really one of the main confidants of Julian Assange.
He travels the UK routinely and gets persecuted to be able to visit with him.
Trump really needs to pardon Assange, or that's, you know, for me, just another reason that He didn't understand the bigger picture and got destroyed by the globalists, but that's coming up.
But if you're a longtime listener, you get what's going on.
But a lot of new people...
They hear this, they choose, oh, that's just them being fair mongers.
Dr. Boyle wrote the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law, that's our current law.
He's prosecuted war criminals at the Hague.
He's a very famous lawyer, highest level.
He went to the special PhD at Harvard that only one person a year goes through.
He's in books on world government, the New World Order, and how they developed the planet Harvard, the current plan off Cecil Rhodes' previous plan.
So he's just going ahead and telling you this stuff.
This is not just somebody That read it in a book, he was there.
You know, my dad was not at Harvard like he was.
He was playing too at University of Texas, already going to college when he was 15.
And when he, once he was 18, at the research laboratory, he's more on the scientific end, they called them in, him and five others, and told them a lot of the same stuff about world government and, you know, the scientific elite has a right to do this.
And Hitler was wrong because he was eugenic, so we targeted certain groups.
We're going to go after everybody.
So I think that's where Dr. Boyle was going with just why this is so existential.
Explain what existential means.
Well, before we get to that, let me just say that in response to your previous question, your listeners, I'm not trying to make money here, might want to get my book, Protesting Power, War, Resistance, and Law.
And it is basically a manual written for lawyers.
But I write in plain English.
So I had ordinary people in mind.
Anyone with a high school education can read that book.
And see how to resist these Nazi frankenshots being used against you.
And all you, it's a general strategy thing, but all you have to do in my analysis then is plug in the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation.
It's right there.
And that we plugged in with my defense of Captain Dr. Yolanda Hewitt Vaughn, And who refused to give the biowarfare vaccines that produced the Gulf War syndrome.
And Hewitt Vaughn, you know, was a real prophet and a hero.
She was convicted in a kangaroo court proceeding, and I was able to get her out of Leavenworth in eight months.
She was adopted a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International.
What is a very sad commentary here, however, Is that in Gulf War One, when all of those 500,000 U.S.
forces were forced to take those Nazi anti-biowarfare vaccines in violation of the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation, to the best of my knowledge, Hewitt Vaughn was the only one to refuse to poison our troops.
That's a very sad commentary on our medical doctors.
But it was conscientious objectors like her and then the future waves of anthrax shots that actually got the program suspended.
So the good news is previous programs, you and others were at the heart of getting those illegal programs suspended, which is now what you're saying is this violates the Nuremberg Code.
It violates the Geneva Convention.
It violates every known common sense thing.
They didn't even do animal studies.
This is just A bum rush by Big Pharma to play God and literally have a corporate takeover of our very cells.
You know, the left used to worry about Monsanto taking over corn and soybeans.
I'm worried about that too.
This is our bodies.
This is just such a leap forward.
Such a massive power grab.
Right, Alex, and now these days Monsanto has a BSL-4 in their corporate headquarters down there in St.
So you can have a biowarfare agent like Ebola sprinkled on your frankenfoods.
And, by the way, Monsanto has now been taken over by the neo-Nazis of Bayer there in Germany.
Totally unreconstructed Nazis still running Bayer.
You keep going back to Nazis.
You're not kidding.
Jean-Claude Juncker, the head of the EU.
literally the heir of the most powerful Nazi royal family and owns Luxembourg
himself and he's heavily invested in all this. I mean you can't take this up.
You know it's sort of like you know Pogo we met the enemy and he is us.
It's back.
I had thought we had taken care of Nazism at the end of the Second World War, but as you know, we had a very active denazification campaign involved there.
Let's put aside Operation Paperclip, where we smuggled these people here in the United States and rat lines into Uh, Latin America, but because of the outbreak of the Cold War with the Soviet Union.
We stopped all denazification there in Germany, and there it is.
We're still dealing with it today among ourselves.
I mean, these people poisoned ourselves.
We brought them over here, you know, Wernher von Braun, all the rest of them, and put them at the top of our scientific establishment.
Who are the ringleaders?
I mean, Bill Gates is the heart of it, the UN, but the UN even last December said, In a hearing with the head of their vaccine program, they said, we're wobbly, our doctors don't believe in it, we don't even test it, we're told what to do.
It looks to me like their global vaccine program was collapsing, and this is all just a fail forward, too big to fail, smoke screen power grab, kind of like famous oil fire guys would use explosives, like Red Adair, to blow up an oil rig that was on fire.
Use an explosion to cover up the fire that you've got.
It seems like that's what they're doing.
Well, honestly, we've discussed this before with all due respect to you, you know, I do Watch and read all the mainstream news media here in the United States and some in Britain.
Right now, they're succeeding.
They're succeeding.
They're getting away with it.
They're going to be subjecting the entire U.S.
population with these Nazi frankenshots.
So unless we stop them, they are succeeding right now as we speak, despite your best efforts, Alex.
And I commend you.
Well, I'm just trying to warn people that this is the right thing to do, and you're doing it too, and media matters.
I mean, I read media matters.
These are people, too.
They write this whole article saying there's nothing wrong, the shots are totally healthy, it's all lies, everything's fine, and then everything They claim we're saying it's true on record.
I mean, this is just insane.
I don't know how one group of media say there's no side effects, everything's fine.
Meanwhile, the British government says don't take this if you have an allergy.
It can kill you.
Well, I mean, that's incredible.
And you have to have resuscitation sources available.
And now we find out this poor health care worker up in Alaska, you have to be near an ICU unit or you're going to die.
Well, of course, they don't have ICU units in nursing homes.
You know, around here, if someone's in a nursing home with a serious problem, they take him in an ambulance to a hospital.
So, we're going to be seeing large numbers of our senior citizens just killed off in these nursing homes.
And it's very clear, even today's New York Times, there is no system for getting informed and voluntary consent from people in nursing homes as required by the Nuremberg Code of Medical Experimentation.
And they've had months to set this up and they haven't bothered because I don't think It's like shipping COVID patients in to get half the deaths in New York and other areas of Pennsylvania from the nursing homes.
This is all a test to see what they can get away with.
Dr. Boyle, thank you for your tireless work and we really appreciate you.
Again, Alex, thanks for getting me out.
And please keep getting the message out.
We do have to stop these frankenshots.
There's no other word for it.
All right.
God bless you, sir.
We appreciate you.
OK, I got a bunch of breaking news on the economy and on what's happening with the communists taking over the Democratic Party and the upcoming expanded lockdowns and President Trump seeking special counsel investigating Hunter Biden's crimes.
So much coming up.
And we've got another special guest, Cassandra Fairbanks, joining us.
27 years I've been on air.
years. And I never take it for granted being on air.
In fact, I get more humble as the years go on because it gets so much more dangerous.
They didn't have that little globalist former head of the NSA and CIA, Hayden, come out and call for my arrest for no reason.
They have been letting us know that they're in charge.
Ever since they began to replace the Trump administration without his authorization and outside of law with their people.
And so we are going into a storm, all of you are, all of us together, of biblical proportions.
So let me make an announcement right here just to clarify something and then I'll get right into the news.
And then we have Cassandra Fairbanks again on the latest with Julian Assange.
She's his confidant and more here today.
And so here's the announcement.
I've told listeners and I've explained this to everybody that it's not like we have an iPhone or a Droid and then we dial into Apple or Google or Facebook and they're hundreds of billions of dollars of equipment that make it all work so easy.
We're old school, even though we have the latest equipment, in that we go directly to radio stations and TV stations.
Remember back when radio and TV didn't watch you?
You watched it, you listened to it.
And so when you've got radio and TV satellite uplinks, when you've got all the encoders and the engineers and the computers and the software, you come in here, people come in here and they go, wow, I've never seen a studio before with giant banks of computers and wires and all this.
Well, that's because we have to do it all ourselves.
And then when we go out and we... Lease a satellite.
Couple times they've come to us and said...
We don't like your politics.
You can't even buy time on our satellite.
There was a lawsuit by somebody else and that satellite got opened back up.
Now there's more competition.
But I mean, we have Media Matters and others saying we'd be taken off the internet entirely, that we shouldn't even be able to have our own website.
They're tattling here in Media Matters saying, Jones has millions of viewers a day still.
Something needs to be done.
So all I'm telling you is, I'm a tough guy.
And I don't complain and I don't whine about stuff.
I do report to you.
How serious things are.
Because as they get ready to forcibly inoculate you, that's coming.
As they get ready to make you take a travel pass on a phone to even have a job, and as they prepare to permanently lock you down and release even more powerful bioweapons, this is all just a beta test.
They're not going to want this on air.
So I will stay here like Custard's last stand or the Alamo.
I will stay here to the end or until they turn the lights out.
But they're moving into the next phase now.
And they're gonna take your pension fund, they're gonna take your kids, they're gonna take your health, they're gonna take it all, because that's who they are.
And you're like, why would they do that?
Well, why did the Soviets do what they do?
Why did Hitler do what they do?
Why did Mao Zedong do?
Why does Pol Pot do what he did?
It's the nature of evil.
And when good people don't organize and stop it, it always takes over.
And we're being overrun by evil right now.
So, I started back, you know, six, eight months ago, the Election Countdown Show.
And I even told you it's going to run through into, you know, February or so, because I think the election will be contested up to the 20th.
And I said that we have the funds and the crew.
We tried to hire more crew.
We have some attrition.
We will keep the show and call it something else at night because people want a nighttime show.
And of course, you've had David Knight doing a great job for nine years hosting the nightly news here.
And then I guess six, seven years, whatever it is, his own morning show.
Big audience, a lot of great people, everything, you know, there.
Well, at this point, we don't have the crew or the infrastructure or any of it to continue those shows.
So those shows are, I don't want to say terminated or canceled.
They're just, they're not there anymore.
They're gone.
And that's the way it is.
So I've told everybody that because I've got to take the resources we've got.
And I've got to, believe me, I don't want to come in here at 6 a.m.
every morning.
I'm going to host the morning show and this one.
But when I do it, it has the bigger audiences and brings in the capital to fund the operations.
So I'm going to host a morning show.
It's basically commercial free.
It'll have like six minutes of ads an hour just for local stations.
I'm going to take calls and play clips, very disciplined, for three hours every morning.
And then I'm going to do three more hours here.
And I'll have some guest hosts and some people and I'll try to work it out.
But David's a great guy, really smart.
And I could tell he was burnt out.
And we have trouble having a big enough crew.
And so, we're going to see whether that show even continues on with myself doing it.
But for now, with the election all going on, I wasn't even going to announce that David's gone, but he put out a tweet saying that he has been fired.
And I wouldn't really say fired, he was laid off, but yes.
Fired by Alex, effective immediately.
So there you go.
And that's just how this works, because If people aren't happy, and I can't make them happy, I've learned at this age in my life just to move on.
And so we love David.
He's a great guy.
He's a great mind.
I admire his intellect.
I love the reports he's done.
I like so much of what David's done.
But David doesn't agree with a lot of my politics.
Doesn't agree with my style.
And, you know, it's pulling teeth for him to be here.
And it's really stressful.
So we wish him well.
Hope he keeps doing his show.
Love to have him on as a guest sometime.
Door's open.
But that's that.
Because we just don't have the crew.
I barely have the crew to run my show.
We barely have the funds to run things.
And I need to be able to go out in the field and do live events.
And I want to work seven days a week.
And so for whatever reason, I've never been able to hire enough crew or get it done to have more than two people on the weekend.
I need people to rotate through.
I need five people.
So I can come up here with emergencies breaking because it might be that last Saturday, that last Sunday before they hit the internet kill switch and start mass arrest.
I've got to be here when they come, folks.
I've got to stay at my post to the end.
This is a total war for me.
And so the last straw is I was already thinking about laying folks off and cutting back to try to reorganize and then develop something new.
But people never take it like that.
Robert Barnes is a great guy, but we had trouble having enough crew about four or five months ago.
I said, hey, we're suspending the show for now.
And Bob really thought that we'd gotten rid of him.
No, we brought him back as soon as we got enough crew.
And he figured, oh, really?
You want to be back?
So in this next case, I'm just not even doing that.
But the door is always still open.
If I can get the funds, If I can get the crew without having them work 10-12 hours a day and then be burnt out, and then I've got problems on my show that brings in 10 times the audience of anybody else and funds the operation for whatever reason.
I love the David Knight Show.
I love the War Room with Owen Swire.
I think they're better than I am.
But this is the show with the hundreds of radio stations and TV stations.
This is the show that gets it done.
And so you've got my commitment to come in And to really focus and do the best job I can for you, at least three days a week, then we'll have Harrison Smith or whoever else.
But I want to discipline this new morning show, where we play a couple clips every segment and we take five calls every segment.
It's a call-in show.
We're going to call it American Journal.
Not Washington Journal, but American Journal, just like C-SPAN.
And I think it's going to be a popular show.
I think it's going to do it really well.
As long as, again, you've only got six minutes of breaks an hour for the local radio stations and TV stations.
We'll be commercial free.
I can't do that with my show or I would because I'm in partnership with Ted Anderson still.
He's a great guy, but I have thought about Happen to not do that deal with him anymore stops. I don't
love Ted, but so I could cut back and tell stations Hey, you know eight minutes ads, whatever you want. You get
all the ads we get none of them You get a lot more stations doing that. I understand they
need that money from advertising. Things are really tough out there. So
That's where we are and I
just hope you will support us financially so we can either beat the globalist or give this a good finish and
And, you know, I kind of envy David, and I know he's probably relieved because he gets ready for three or four hours every day before he does his show.
And I'm sure he'll continue on and do his show at his own pace so that he can, you know, relax a little more with his great wife and family.
So there you go.
Bon Voyage, David Knight.
And if you want to work with us anymore in the future, we'd love to at your own, you know, Style and way of doing it.
If not, that's fine.
It was a good nine years with you and we appreciate you.
Everybody appreciate David Knight.
Give him a round of applause for everything he's done.
If you want to see us stay on air, I'm not playing around.
I could sell everything I got and fund this place another two months.
We got money right now to operate for a couple months.
That's not enough of a cushion.
So it gets me really, really nervous.
Okay, so please spread the word about the broadcast, pray for us, and do your Christmas shopping.
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And of course, Alpha Power sold out for a year because there's been a COVID lockdown on some of the patented ingredients that just made it available a few months ago.
And I said, hell yes, I want 10,000 bottles of that.
So that funds our operation.
InfoWarsStore.com and get a t-shirt.
An InfoWars t-shirt.
Who knows?
I mean, CIA director says he wants me in prison and they got You make it shallow.
So I can feel the rain.
I mean, I'm going to leave her today. They're going to follow me home and shoot video for if you want to see it. I
mean, so it's kind of in the end game here right now. Most people running around like chickens with their heads cut
off. I look forward to whatever happens. I've done my job.
I've run the course so far and I'm not backing down. We'll be right back. You make it shallow. So I can feel the rain.
Grave digger. All right. Cassandra Fairbanks is with us now.
All right, Cassandra Fairbanks is with us next.
She is the point person for Julian Assange.
And he's such a hero.
I admire him so much.
And I really see where you or I could be in the near future in a solitary confinement gulag.
And if Trump would just release the hounds, declassify the information, and go over to the deep state, we could do so much.
Trump has people under him that will not do what he says.
Trump's told them declassified stuff.
Trump's sent God people.
And some of it's happening.
We're seeing the Chi-Coms exposed.
We're seeing Hunter exposed.
We're seeing raids on server farms in Austin connected to fraud, SolarWinds.
I mean, actually, Trump's trying as hard as he can.
So, but there's some things he could do with a flick of his wrist.
A signature.
And that's Julian Assange on his next segment.
You know, I'm not...
Well, let me just do that right now.
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So many other great products at InfoWarsTore.com, like Alpha Power back in stock, Prostagard back in stock, and so much more.
And that's what funds our operation.
I want to thank you all, and I really appreciate you all, and all the great crew, from David Knight, right through to Owen Schroeder, to the great crew behind the scenes here, and all the listeners that make it possible.
All right, we'll be right back with Chrisandra Fairbanks in 60 seconds.
We come here today on this Thursday, December 17th, worldwide broadcast with 34 days left until President Trump could no longer be the president.
He may still be, but it becomes more and more of a long shot every day.
Hoping that in the 34 days he has left, he does a list of things.
Well, what are those things?
Well, I'm sure you've got ideas, I've got ideas, but Cassandra Fairbanks is an amazing investigative journalist, written for many big publications, broken hundreds of huge stories.
She writes for the vaunted gatewaypundit.com, thegatewaypundit.com.
She's a Washington, D.C.
correspondent for those great folks.
She's a writer, political commentator, who has been published in a range of outlets.
And we have her joining us now.
Cassandra, you are one of Sanja's best Confidants and point person, and you've been for many years, he's been abandoned by so many others who've been threatened or intimidated.
He is, from reports we've seen, on the verge of not having insanity, years and years in solitary confinement.
Trump has a limited window to do the right thing.
I want you to talk about Assange, your visits with him, the latest info, and I know you're beseeching Trump.
And others to do the right thing.
And obviously this audience should contact the White House and do this.
And then after we talk about Assange, what else do you think President Trump should do in this narrowing window of certainty?
Because we're certain he's president for 34 more days.
Has this king-like power of the executive, unitary executive.
But it'll be gone soon.
Not for certain, but could be.
So again, Cassandra, thank you so much for joining us.
Um, there's a lot happening this week, so it's great to be here to talk about it.
Well, I could ask a lot of questions, but where do you want to go first?
I mean, how is Assange doing?
Explain what's happening.
Tell us.
He's not doing great.
There is a COVID outbreak on his cell block, and he was in the embassy for so long that his lungs are really bad because it was recirculated air.
He wasn't getting outside.
He couldn't leave the building at all.
He was in there for almost a decade.
So that really took a toll on his lungs, especially.
And so he's a little bit worried about, you know, what's going to happen if he catches it.
He's in Belmarsh Prison, obviously.
He can't really get away from it.
So that's a big concern.
He's also, you know, he's not doing great.
He can't see his children.
He can't see his family.
The prison's basically on lockdown.
He was having issues speaking to his lawyers even during the extradition trial.
So it is definitely taking a toll on him.
And on Tuesday, his legal team formally requested a pardon from President Donald Trump.
That's right.
That's the big news I should have led with.
That's why you're a good journalist and I'm not.
His legal team has officially asked for a pardon.
That's a big deal.
Please continue.
Yes, they formally requested that, which was the first step to really getting things going.
Right now, we really need people to tweet at Donald Trump, call the White House, contact anyone you can, and let him know that his supporters, especially, do support a pardon for Julian.
Let him know that this would be a popular move.
I think that he's been fed a lot of really bad information from a lot of really bad people that he's appointed, and they've really demonized Julian quite a lot.
And it's really important that we make it clear that Julian is not a cartoon villain.
He's a person and that we support him and we support real journalism.
You know, we can't be trashing the fake news all the time and then imprisoning real journalists who are doing real work.
Because then all that we're left with is those those fake news, you know, Democratic Party propagandists that are manipulating all of all of the information that you get.
Well, you remember it was like four years ago and three months.
He said, okay, fine.
I don't care who has it.
WikiLeaks or a fat guy in his mom's basement release her emails because they're illegal.
It doesn't matter who has them.
And so Assange did it.
So Trump really has a responsibility to do this.
Yeah, absolutely.
And his own legal team has argued that WikiLeaks releases are illegal.
I mean, they were speaking about the DNC leaks, which he's not charged with, but it's the same concept in a filing.
Trump was being sued by some Obama lawyers, and they were arguing that he had conspired with Roger Stone and WikiLeaks to release these emails, which isn't true.
But the point that they made in it was true.
They argued that, you know, under Section 230 as it currently stands, a platform or a website is not responsible for the legality of third-party information that's posted.
So WikiLeaks As long as they weren't involved in the theft, have no responsibility to protect this information.
Sure, and of course Daniel Ellsberg, the Pentagon Papers released the fact that the Pentagon really knew they couldn't win the war the way they were doing it, but they didn't want the public to know that.
That was legal because he was exposing basically corruption in a crime of lying to Congress.
And so again, journalists, as long as they don't steal the material, Absolutely.
right and a duty to then report on crimes they know and many whistleblowers
like William Binning of the NSA go to Congress and then they get poisoned and
almost die. So the smartest thing is to go to the press. We saw under Obama that
war on the press, unprecedented arrest of journalists. We need to see Trump reverse
that. Absolutely and you know Julian has been, his whole entire career has been
dedicated to fighting the same exact people that have made Donald Trump's
term, you know, very difficult.
They're the people who have been blocking all these things, all the policies that he wanted to implement.
They're the people who instigated this Russiagate hoax.
They're the people who have, you know, possibly stolen this election.
The same deep state, like, horrible people that have been, you know, Messing with Trump at every turn are the same people that wanted Julian in jail and that are trying to make this happen.
If Trump really wants to stick it to these people before he goes, if he goes, the best way to do that would be, you know, let Julian be free and set him loose on him again.
That's right.
We've heard news that it's imminent.
Are those just rumors?
Because I know you've become, over the years, one of the main point people for talking to Assange.
What's the real skinning on that?
Well, I haven't been able to speak to Assange personally because of the fact that he's in prison and things are really tight right now.
You're talking about recently.
I know you visited him at the Ecuadorian Embassy, correct?
Yeah, absolutely.
I visited him multiple times.
But in recent, you know, currently, I haven't been able to see him.
But I have spoke to his legal team and people involved with WikiLeaks.
They have said they have not heard anything from the White House about any kind of pardon.
They, you know, that tweet that went out that said that he would be pardoned and was later retracted.
That was news to them.
They were all as shocked as I was when I saw it.
So we haven't heard anything.
Um, at all about which way Trump is leaning on this.
Well, I talked to Randy Credico, who was months and months ago, the last time he was in a court trial, he saw him in England.
He said Assange looked like living hell inside a plastic cage.
Even the last time that, I mean, the last time I saw Julian was gosh, over two years ago now, I guess he's been in there so long, but Even the six months between my two visits, he was losing weight and he did not look well even before his arrest.
And then I saw the pictures of him after and I was like, my gosh, he's deteriorating.
It's really sad because he, it's almost aging him.
I mean... Oh, it is.
Well, Obama and Hillary and Hayden and all the deep state people, this is on them.
I mean, and if he dies in prison, which I've seen a lot of doctors say he could, that he's in really bad shape, that most people would go insane after a year of solitary, but more than, really, 10 years of solitary confinement, this is next level.
Yeah, the UN has said that it was torture on an unprecedented level.
I mean, I'm not a huge fan of the UN, but... No, I agree, but ten years of solitary confinement, three years of really intense, I mean, that is, that's a prison sentence, and he's done nothing wrong.
He's a journalist.
Yeah, I mean, even if you think that releasing the war logs was wrong, even if you think that it was a terrible thing to do, that it hurt national security, that the public didn't have a right to know this information, Even if you believe all those things, how sadistic do you have to be to think that he deserves more of a punishment than he's already had?
He's lost ten years of his life.
He has two small children and a fiancé that he can't see.
You have to be a monster to think that he deserves more.
Absolutely, and all of it based on sex operatives that told lies.
They now admit they told lies.
They ought to be ashamed of themselves.
We'll be right back with Cassandra Fairbanks.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the InfoWar.
Tomorrow's news today.
Tomorrow's news.
No news conference for Hillary Clinton.
You ought to check it out.
Because there's a lot going on.
How does Hillary Clinton get a national security briefing when she's been probably hacked when so much of her information, the director of the FBI, said it was essentially negligent?
If Russia or China or any other country has those emails, I mean to be honest with you, I'd love to see them.
Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.
I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.
Okay, so the media spun that, but Trump was saying whoever's got it.
There's another clip we can't seem to find.
I can't find it either.
The crew can't.
They buried it.
Where he said, I don't know who has it.
WikiLeaks, the Russians, a fat guy in a basement.
I don't care who did the hack.
Give it to us.
It's illegal what she did.
I saw that clip on my treadmill.
Right around the same time he made that statement, too, because they brought it back up to him a few days later, where he said specifically to WikiLeaks, I don't know who has it, WikiLeaks, you know, whatever.
And then later, WikiLeaks said we have it, and Trump said over and over again, yes, release it, and made the point, it doesn't matter who has it, it matters what Hillary's done.
So he told him to do it, and Edward Snowden said, Mr. President, if you grant only one act of clemency during your time in office, please free Jelena Sanchez.
You alone can save his life.
Trump really have a responsibility to do that.
And there's Snowden, who I think did a great job as well.
He wants to get home, but he's saying, hey, don't do it for me, do it for Assange.
That's a good thing he's doing, isn't it?
That Snowden tweet just really showcased what a good man that guy is, too.
I really respect him for doing that.
That was cool.
Yeah, I think Trump owes A lot of his voters to WikiLeaks.
I mean, personally, I was like a left libertarian leaning weirdo.
I wasn't really a big Trump supporter.
Um, and I, a lot of why I came around was because of WikiLeaks.
I mean, I switched to Trump during the primaries a lot faster than a lot of Republicans, but, uh, you know, a lot of that was thanks to things that I read on WikiLeaks and You know, realizing how horrible and corrupt the Democratic Party was and how awful Hillary Clinton was.
And Trump was out there, you know, defending WikiLeaks.
He said, I love WikiLeaks probably 50 times during speeches.
And it was a big part of what made me come around on him and a lot of other people, too.
I think that he, you know, he does owe a bit of A bit of a thanks to Julian, because he really helped out his campaign.
Well, imagine with all the crimes Hillary's committed, she's like, oh, we must have justice, was a quote they had.
He must pay for what he's done, talking about Assange.
And that's like Satan talking about, you know, what a nice person has done and how Satan's talking about justice.
This is disgusting.
She once said that she wanted to drone him.
I mean, they said it was a joke.
That she was joking around.
But when she was Secretary of State, she was like, why can't we just drone this guy?
I mean... Well, Obama just bragged that he'd drone and said, so what if I killed a lot of innocent people?
Julian is screwed.
If Biden takes office and Trump doesn't do this pardon, I think Julian will die in prison.
I think that, you know, something has to be done.
Like Trump can save his life.
And as we saw yesterday from the release that Project Veritas put out, Julian tried to redact those names.
WikiLeaks wasn't even the first one to publish the war logs.
And that's been proven by, you know, the audio that came out yesterday.
So how are you going to punish the 100th person who publishes this and not the first 99?
Well, that was actually the idea.
If you remember, Chris Cuomo on CNN said, CNN, we're allowed to watch this and listen to it.
But if you do, you'll go to jail.
Well, that's very dangerous.
It's incredible.
And that was a lie.
They just didn't want people to read it.
And it's completely different than how they've treated previous WikiLeaks releases.
The Washington Post set up a volunteer database so that people could go through Sarah Palin's emails when WikiLeaks had released emails that had some of Sarah Palin's.
They asked for volunteers.
They created a whole Twitter account dedicated to people sending their fines from emails.
They didn't do any of that with Hillary Clinton.
They told you not to read it.
Don't look.
And even Sarah Palin has come out and said that Julian should be pardoned, though.
And she got a bunch of her emails released by them back in the day.
Well, that's the thing.
I mean, I was never a Republican or a Democrat, though.
I was pro-gun and pro-life, so they called me a Republican.
But I was against the wars, I was against torture, I was against Bush.
And so the left kind of left me alone.
But the old liberals were anti-war and at least cared about not having censorship.
As you said, you were a liberal and then you saw You know, your hero, WikiLeaks, now exposing Democrats.
You thought, God, they're even worse than I thought.
And then now you see him persecuted, and now you see journalists persecuted, and now you see the censorship, and now you see the left bullying everybody and working with Communist China to suppress millions in death camps, the Uyghurs.
And I just like, how did the liberals go from, on average, being well-meaning people, like monsters?
It's like, in their hatred of Trump, they just went crazy.
Yeah, it's crazy to watch because when I considered myself a leftist, the reasons that I thought I was left was because I was anti-war.
Very, very anti-war.
And I was very, very pro-free speech.
Those were like the two most important things to me.
They still are.
And I was watching the left, like, get speakers shut down during the primaries, and I watched how they didn't protest Obama.
Like, the same people who protested Bush with me in the war were suddenly silent as the drone ranger was killing American teenagers and stuff.
And I just, the hypocrisy just kept unraveling for me and WikiLeaks was kind of the final straw.
I was like, these people are monsters.
Oh, that's one of the final straws for me as well was, because I didn't know, I mean, Obama's so bad, so is McCain.
I was kind of neutral in that election, but then Obama later going, I'm really good at killing people.
And even the guys that really kill people don't act like that.
He's like giving an order.
He's really good at it, Cassandra.
Yeah, it's monstrous.
And all these people who were supposedly anti-war under Bush just were completely silent on it.
And they're like, oh, it's Obama.
He's great.
It's fine.
These are friendly, nice, hope-and-change bombs.
You know?
It's horrible.
When we come back, we've got a longer segment here, and I really appreciate your time.
I'll let you go after this next segment because I've got a lot to do.
I want to talk about big picture and just other things we should be worried about and be doing and other people you think should be pardoned and what else you think Trump should do.
But I also think we should pray for Julian Assange because God's real spiritual things are real and I think if we pray to God.
To touch Trump's heart, to touch other people's hearts, and to release Assange, who's been absolutely tortured by any yardstick, even if you think he's guilty, which he's not, and to see mainline journalists.
I mean, look at how the media, so-called journalists, attack him when he used to be their darling.
These are sick people.
Yeah, it's demented.
And we really, really, really need people to tweet at President Donald Trump nicely and just let him know that you would support a pardon.
We need him to know that his base would support this.
Roger Stone deserved the clemency.
Judge Arpaio deserved a pardon.
If anybody deserves a pardon, it's Julian Assange.
And I think Trump's going to do it.
I mean, if he doesn't, Trump's gone from an A-plus to a B-minus for me.
Because you can't really compare him to somebody like Hillary or Obama or Joe Biden.
Cassandra Fairbanks is our guest at Twitter, at Cassandra Rules.
Coming up, next segment, breaking 19 House members submit letters seeking Senate hearings on election fraud.
I love it how Trump said last week, quoting John Paul Jones, founder of the U.S.
Navy, I've only begun to fight.
And I agree.
We've got to keep fighting to expose the fraud and to use the resistance to let them know we're not backing down no matter what happens.
That's the whole point.
We get stronger, they get weaker.
We start submitting, they get stronger, we get weaker.
Sandra Fairbanks is here.
She's an investigative journalist, GatewayPundit.com.
She's one of the main points for Assange's lawyers, Assange, to get word out during his 10 years of torture.
And she wanted to get into this, so the full video is obviously at Project Veritas.
We have a full video at InfoWars.com, but here's some of the audio.
Slash video of Assange on the phone with the U.S.
Tell people why this is so important, Cassandra, because usually whistleblower media gets a document.
They don't call whoever it is, the FBI or the Justice Department or the State Department and say, what would you like redacted, do they?
No, this is important because for years we've had people like John McCain and even Rick Grinnell going around telling people that Julian got sources killed, that he got people who were working with the U.S.
military killed.
But this is not true.
The Pentagon testified during Chelsea Manning's trial that nobody got killed because of the release.
They always say that he was reckless, that he endangered people, that by mass-releasing this they were, you know, not practicing journalism.
But what this tape shows, and why it's so important, is that, first of all, WikiLeaks weren't the ones who released all the unredacted files originally.
It got leaked by a Guardian reporter, Luke Harding, who has censored tons of fake news about Trump and Julian.
He accidentally published the password in his book.
And that's how it got all over Twitter, all over Krypton, Pirate Bay.
Look at all the whistleblowers on Trump who were not reporting on crimes.
They were putting out false info, false leaks.
That's illegal.
But what Julian, Julian wasn't necessarily trying to like work with the government in the way that the Democratic Party were handing, you know, debate questions to Hillary Clinton.
He was letting them give their opinion on what should be removed.
Right and he was doing it to keep people safe because he knew that there were people who were in very dangerous areas and he wanted to make sure that their names were redacted so they wouldn't be killed.
Well let me just kill that debate right now.
There were 22 plus million names of US government agents, bureaucrats, military workers.
And their families.
And those were all basically given by Obama to the Office of Personnel Management, hacked to the Chai comms as a wedding president.
And now they've used that to harass and fire and go after all these patriots in the government.
I know a lot of them.
So China never got punished for 24 million or 22 million names.
So I don't want to hear this crap that Assange hurt somebody.
But, you know, that's still an argument that they like to make a lot.
And this audio puts an end to that debate.
Like, they can't even claim this anymore.
Julian begged Hillary Clinton's State Department to work with him so that he could make sure that he was, you know, responsibly handling the material.
And why did they do that?
Because before he'd been really exposing Republicans.
Why did they suddenly not do that?
I don't know.
They just refused.
They had no interest.
And he was begging them, being like, hey, warn anybody who might be in this, you know, to get to safety.
That's right.
Let's go ahead and voice some of that audio.
Here it is.
Yeah, so the situation is that we have intelligence that the State Department database archive
of 250,000 diplomatic cables, including the classified cables, is being spread around
and to the degree that--
We believe that within the next few days it will become public and we're not sure what the timing could be imminently or within the next few days to a week and there may be some possibility to stop it.
And it goes on from there.
So what you're saying, Cassandra, is that this was already going to come out.
He was doing them a favor.
He was trying to help.
He didn't want Americans to get killed.
He wanted the information to be public because it was important.
But he wasn't trying to get anyone hurt.
Why is it just Greenwald and you and others, a few others, rallying around him?
Why is it every journalist rallying around Julian Assange?
Don't they get their next?
I mean, if we saw Obama wage war on journalists and whistleblowers, if Biden gets in, what are you expecting to see, Cassandra?
Well, this is the most interesting part, I think.
The reason why a lot of journalists hate WikiLeaks is because he doesn't just expose politicians and corrupt deep state officials, he also exposes corrupt journalists.
And there's a lot of them.
So, you know, you have all these access journalists who kiss people's rings in order to get scoops and secrets and stories.
And he blows the lid off of their whole operation and he embarrasses them.
And they don't want him around.
They don't want somebody who's gonna, you know, expose corruption for real.
Because if he exposes corruption for real, then they're going to be implicated too.
And that's why these people are scared to support WikiLeaks, even though they could be next.
The president that is set by Julian Assange being extradited here, if he is found guilty, is going to be extremely dangerous for any I mean, you have to think about precedents that are set when there's an administration that's not favorable to you and how it will be used.
And under a Democrat, a lot of right-wing journalists are going to be screwed.
They're going to use this against us.
And then under a right-wing administration, there's a possibility that it could be used against leftists.
They should be concerned.
But they're too worried about being embarrassed and what will happen or if they're exposed.
And so they won't come out and do the right thing.
They pretend that they're for press freedom and they'll cry and be like, Trump was mean on Twitter.
This is a violation of the free press.
Oh yeah, exactly.
When you disagree with them, they call that suppression of the press.
But when you're putting journalists in solitary confinement, that's okay.
It's ridiculous.
Yeah, I loathe them.
true test of whether or not somebody is a good journalist and not corrupt or evil is
if they're supporting Julian Assange.
I totally agree and that's why they're keeping Assange is they want a victory for tyranny and intimidate others and
they know that if Trump does this the dam will break on other whistleblowers.
But you know I think from what I've seen it's caused more whistleblowing from inside and more leaks.
Assange's suppression.
I don't think, I think Assange was better at putting stuff out than other groups, but I think we've only seen exponential leaks since they've been holding Assange.
Like the Vault 7 stuff, the rest of it.
I think there's a lot of other Snowden-type stuff about to break.
Yeah, imagine if Julian had been free during this election.
Imagine the stuff that they might have potentially got from Dominion.
Or, you know, if they had been in charge of the Hunter Biden laptop.
I mean, people would have been sending stuff to Julian, most likely.
And I think that Trump might have shot himself in his foot by leaving him to rot in prison instead of partying him sooner.
He should pardon him immediately, but he should have done it during the election season.
Well, you talk about making a martyr, if they let him die in prison for no reason for being a journalist, it's just very, very dangerous.
President Cassandra Fairbanks at Twitter, at CassandraRules, and of course, TheGatewayPundit.com.
We've got a minute left.
A parting statement or any other ideas?
No, just please do everything that you can to get the word out about Julian.
Please share the Project Veritas stuff.
Share your thoughts.
Share reasons that maybe other people haven't thought of and why he should be pardoned.
Feel free to tweet at me.
I will retweet everything Julian-related.
Yeah, please just try and keep momentum going and make it known that Trump's base would support this.
That's the most important thing we can do right now that now that the formal request is in.
Well, you're right.
Formal request by His Lordship to happen.
And again, not to write myself into this, but you and I are next.
The former CIA director who got exposed in all this, Hayden, has called for my arrest, claiming I threatened, Biden did no such thing.
I said, he's a walking corpse.
He's a reanimated zombie.
So old.
That isn't saying I'm going to kill him.
So this is really dangerous.
We know that's the place we're going to right now.
So hopefully the press wakes up and defends themselves before it's too late.
Cassandra, thank you so much.
Thank you so much for having me.
I want to say the crew came up with an amazing Christmas set this year.
Never seen anything this cool.
It's amazing.
Okay, I've got a clip here of a congressman, and I know a lot of congressmen, but I don't know all their names.
We're going to find out the name.
It's from C-SPAN.
Supreme Court Justice Roberts was reportedly scared to take up the Texas case according to Stafford testimony.
So this is a staffer testifying in open hearings for a congressman right now.
I don't give a bleep about Gore vs. Bush at the time.
We didn't have riots.
So that shows why they're doing this.
Oh, we've got to be politically correct.
We're not going to look at the facts.
And this is also breaking.
We'll have the name and the staffer info next segment for you in playa.
19 House members submit letters seeking Senate hearings on election fraud.
Representative Mo Brooks, coming through Republican Alabama, announced via Twitter today that he is joined by 18 House colleagues in submitting a letter to Senate leaders hoping to hold hearings on election fraud before the January 6th Electoral College vote confirmation.
18 House colleagues join me in sending a letter to Speaker Pelosi.
Yes, there's clear fraud.
Just because the media gaslights and covers it up, that's more the reason to expose it.
ahead of the January 6th Electoral College vote.
And Rand Paul and others are talking about trying to block stuff as well.
Yes, there's clear fraud.
Just because the media gaslights and covers it up, that's more the reason to expose it.
That's more the reason to go after it.
That's more of a reason to say that you are not going to submit to it.
So whatever happens to Trump, this is our mission is to resist and to speak out.
That's why they wanted me arrested when I gave that speech at the Jericho march to 10,000 people or so or more there in DC.
That was just one of many events that happened.
There was probably 200,000 people there total at all the events, but it was a nice crowd.
And I said, listen, we need to I understand he is a globalist operative and that he will one way or another be removed.
Meaning, before I said, I don't know if it's going to be in 38 days with this election and now 34.
I even said that and I'm not like backing it up.
I didn't mean violence.
Don't get me.
Don't arrest me.
The story is the left calling for me to be arrested.
They're the ones running around saying kill Trump and kill this person, kill that person, attack this person.
It's just so crazy that I'm so clear saying we don't know what's going to happen in 38 days, whether he's going to be in there now or not.
But one way or another, he's not going to be there because he's a communist Chinese agent.
That's very clear to anybody I met via impeachment or other criminal charge.
And let me tell you, stuff's coming out on his son, Hunter Biden, that's open and shut very, very quickly.
Very, very quickly.
So we'll see if I get the name of that staffer.
It's no big deal.
Just whoever put this out on Twitter, I know they're having hearings today.
I know it's interesting.
It's just I would like, before I play the clip, on air, because things are fast moving here, to tell you who the staffer is and who they're with.
So we'll see if we get that coming up.
And I think you'll probably be able to find out in the comments below where I would get that.
All right, we'll see what happens next hour with that.
I'll take over a little bit next hour now.
Some of the other big things that we have here that I have not gotten into is this report right here.
And that is poll.
Majority of Americans who have heard of the Great Reset oppose it.
Well, of course they do.
We need the majority to be informed so the real majority can say no.
But in the Rasmussen Poll, the Heartland Institute, only 53% of likely voters opposed the Great Reset compared to 40% who support its goals.
So imagine being the 43% or 42% that actually think having big corporations stay open but small companies shut is a good idea.
They don't know what it means.
They don't know what it stands for.
They ask him, would you like to use this to make the world more equitable and help poor people and end hunger?
And the average person says, yes.
When you learn, well, the great research is already starving millions to death and is written up by these big globalists that are tax exempt but above the law, would they then support that?
And the answer is no.
The answer is no.
So it's all how they phrase these questions.
It's all how they roll these out.
And as it begins to come out that Mitch McConnell is on the Chinese payroll, as it begins to come out that they're intending to try to hand the Senate victory to the Democrats so Mitch McConnell can retire and sail off into the sunset, America had better get pissed off and defend itself or it's going to lose everything it's got.
Irish man sentenced to two months in prison for failing to wear a mask This has happened to my wife.
It's happened to my friends.
Now, when they're in parking lots, particularly women, men and women, will yell at women.
They don't usually do it to men.
I've noticed it in stores.
They'll harass women because women are seen as more passive and tend to submit.
All you gotta do is point out the studies that doesn't protect you, that the masks are never coming off, and that there's got to be some point And some level to which we finally start saying no.
Because in the main, this is about shutting down human society, consolidating power and control, and bringing in a world government.
So again, I will ask you, and I will ask you very, very clearly and succinctly, to realize the wheelhouse you're in, and where this is going, and that it doesn't get better, it gets worse, as these offshore corporations engage in massive social engineering at every level.
Now, Yes, as this stuff unfolds, our credibility, your credibility, other people that have been exposing this, your credibility is going to go up.
But we just can't sit there and live on those laurels because in this modern system, they are moving to shut down all the avenues of communication.
So remember every day and everything you do, that it is about the communication that you engage in now that is going to affect the change to the greatest level.
And that every day that you're not passionately engaged and involved, that that is a day in the future that you won't have control of your life.
We are not in a normal situation anymore.
We are not in a normal position.
You think I want to come in here and host a morning show for three hours on top of this one?
I've got to do it.
I've got to take your calls.
I've got to have the guests on.
I've got to be live on air to give my full commitment to this fight during this historic moment.
And I can do it.
So 8 a.m.
tomorrow, I'll be hosting where David Knight used to host while we get to host together and that stuff.
And if I fail there, we'll cancel that show and won't have one.
But we've got to make these shows successful.
We've got to have them reach people.
And we've got to get the AM and FM and TV affiliates to get the word out.
We've canceled the nighttime show.
Don't have the crew.
Don't have the people right now.
And so that's gone.
And so I'm going to reorganize with the crew I've got.
And I'm going to do the best job I can to continue to fight on.
But we need your support.
We have three great products that are back in stock that you can order by Friday and get before Christmas, long before Christmas.
Living Defense Plus.
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And this is a long fight.
These are great products.
Our fish oil, our krill oil, our DNA Force Plus discounted free shipping right now.
These are all great products and I thank you and I don't like coming to you and saying you need to support us or we won't be here.
That's really where we are.
And I'm trying as best I can.
And I'm fighting as hard as I can.
And I'll never back down.
But I could give up by giving in.
And I don't mean giving up or giving in to the establishment.
I mean giving out.
Like a horse's back breaking from what's going on.
And we don't want that to happen right at the time we're going in to the maximum awakening period.
The time that is now we've been fighting against, but we knew it was coming.
And now our credibility is so ready and things are ripe to be overturned.
This is why the globalists must censor and shut us down because they have no future and no hope if we persevere and do not falter.
All right, hour number four with Matt Braggin coming up.
I've got a few more clips and a few more news items I'm going to hit.
We're going to cover those when we come back and then hand the baton to Matt Braggin ahead of Owen Schroer in the War Room.
You found it, the front lines of the resistance.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And boy, we have some big developments in the Tucker Carlson front coming up next segment.
And even bigger developments.
Pentagon appoints more Trump loyalists, including China expert.
So Trump's finally making his move.
It may not be too late.
We'll see.
But this is one hell of a time to be alive.
But we've got this video.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Supreme Court Justice Roberts was reportedly scared to take up the Texas case, according to Congressman Matt Patrick.
And what his office was told by Supreme Court Justice Roberts.
Pretty amazing video.
Here it is.
It was written by someone who's a current staffer for one of the Supreme Court Justices.
I'll just describe the report to you that I read.
You can make of it what you will.
He said that the justices, as they always do, went into a closed room to discuss cases they're taking or to debate.
There's no phones, no computers, no nothing.
No one else is in the room except for the nine justices.
It's typically very civil.
They usually don't hear any sound.
They just debate what they're doing.
But when a Texas case was brought up, he said he heard screaming through the walls.
As Justice Roberts and the other liberal justices were insisting that this case not be taken up.
And the reason, the words that were heard through the wall when Justice Thomas and Justice Alito were citing Bush v. Gore from John Roberts were, I don't give a about that case.
I don't want to hear about it.
At that time, we didn't have riots.
So what he was saying was that he was afraid of what would happen if they did the right thing.
And I'm sorry, but that is moral cowardice.
And we in the SREC, I'm an SREC member, we put those words in very specifically.
Because the charge of the Supreme Court is to ultimately be our final arbitrator, our final line of defense for right and wrong.
And they did not do their duty.
So I think we should leave these words in because I want to send a strong message to them.
Thank you.
Is there any other discussion on the amendment to the motion?
Mr. Chairman, I raise a point of order against further consideration.
That's the Texas Legislature and what went on there and what their reports are from the Supreme Court.
When you know about these judges, not just Supreme Court justices but others, they're chosen because they're so Autistic, basically, would be the best word to describe them.
They literally live in La La Land, these lawyers.
And they think COVID's real, they think everything's real, they think MSNBC is real, they think CNN's real, and they think groveling to it all gets them ahead.
I mean, they see something on CNN, they think God said it.
And so you see Black Lives Matter all fired up and 10 plus billion dollars, $10.6 billion raised since May.
And they don't want to be called a racist.
That's why they say it makes no sense, you know, when they call me a racist.
Well, to the left, that's scary.
To the left, that's a big, big deal to be called that.
And their whole world revolves around not being told that because in their politically correct universe, it doesn't matter if they give $100, it goes to George Soros.
Or, you know, China's got death camps.
Saying America sucks and giving $100 to Black Lives Matter that goes to the Democratic Party, that makes them feel good.
Wearing a mask makes them feel good.
It's something being done for them.
They're protecting themselves.
And so it's a cult of cowardice, a cult of ignorance, a cult of idiocy.
And they don't want to hear statistics, they don't want to hear facts.
Well, no, no.
They've occupied the country our forebearers created, and they're running it straight into the ground.
And that's why something this wealthy and powerful always ends up falling, because a bunch of soft scum take it over.
We've got the Tucker Carlson piece as we enter the season of Michael Vincent Hayden and the latest.
In the Zeitgeist, we are the Infowar.
When I grow up, I want to defend humanity and overthrow the globalist program and stop the post-human era.
This is the Infowar.
All right, I've got some really giant news that I'm going to hit in a moment, because Trump really is showing all the signs he's going after the deep state, and has turned his afterburners on.
But that's kind of the daylight dollar short, I think.
I think Matt Bracken was right when I saw him last week say that Those thinking we're going into peaches and cream and a bed of roses are smoking some of the wacky tobacco.
There are some chances and there are some avenues of hope in our moment of discontent.
But we've got to be honest about how much SH-T we're in.
We want to turn that around.
But let's talk about Michael Vincent Hayden, one of the most corrupt CIA directors ever.
So horrible.
They also had him before that run the NSA.
Lying to Congress, saying there's no Fourth Amendment, caught spying on political adversaries, caught spying on the Senate.
He's a bad, bad man.
And the word is people that work with him is that I was dead on when I made some points about what he looks like.
I'm not saying he's a child molester.
I'm just saying he looks like one.
So we've got all that information.
He came out and said I should be arrested two days ago.
He said, yeah, Jones threatened Biden, he should be arrested.
No, no, I said Biden is a reanimated corpse, an edifice of a collapsing system, and whether he gets into office in 38 days or whether he's removed by some other means, he'll be gone either way.
Same thing Pelosi said six months ago about Trump.
The last thing I want is violence against Biden, turning him into a damn martyr.
And I'm not a gangster tough guy that's into talking about killing people, okay?
I'm not like Hayden and Obama that talk about their drone strikes all day.
But here's the article on Infowars.com by Don Salazar.
Former CIA Director Hayden slams Tucker for going after Dr. Jill Biden.
But she's not a doctor.
It's a fake doctorate.
He covered it.
And then Hayden goes out and says, oh, Tucker in college tried to join the CIA, but was rejected, according to Wikipedia.
Well, number one, who cares what Wikipedia says?
Most of us lies.
Plus, if you know anything about Tucker Carlson, you know that his dad ran Voice of America and a bunch of other things.
And so it's kind of like your dad want you to join the football team, but you really don't want to.
Tucker Carlson's the number one TV host in U.S.
modern history.
Tucker Carlson's a patriot and well-spoken and stood up for America.
So, oh, he didn't get into the club like Hayden did.
What a sick little monster Hayden is.
Arrest journalists, keep Assange in jail, arrest Alex Jones, and then don't respond to Jill Biden's fake doctorate.
No, just say, oh, you tried to get in the CIA and didn't, even if that's true.
Of course, by the time he tried to join the CIA, it was true, it was Global's run, so we know why they didn't let him in.
Not like his dad's days of working in the government.
So, let's go ahead and go to a little clip here of Tucker Carlson talking about this.
You don't just walk toward the light, you run.
So, contrary to what you may have read, Dr. Jill Biden is not a healer.
She's not allowed to write prescriptions.
She wouldn't know what to do with your appendix.
Dr. Jill has an education degree from some school in Delaware, and you're supposed to find that highly impressive.
She could be a Surgeon General!
Now, many have laughed at the apparent absurdity of this, but we took it seriously because that's our job.
We actually read her dissertation this week, the very document that made her, quote, a doctor.
And what did we discover when we did that?
We're going to give it to you in a diagnosis.
Dr. Jill needs reading glasses.
Either that or she's borderline illiterate.
There are typos everywhere, including in the first graph of the introduction.
Dr. Jill can't write, and she can't really think clearly either.
Parts of the dissertation seem to be written in a foreign language, using English words.
They're essentially pure nonsense, like pig Latin or dogs barking.
The whole thing is just incredibly embarrassing.
And not simply to poor, illiterate Jill Biden, but to the college that considered this crap scholarship.
Embarrassing, in fact, to our entire system of higher education, to the nation itself!
Jill Biden's doctoral dissertation is our national shame.
Are we overstating this?
Well, you decide.
On the very first page of Dr. Biden's opus, she describes an average class of students at a community college called Delaware Tech.
Of course, she counts the students by their skin color.
She's a Biden, after all.
But pay close attention to the math.
Quote, three quarters of the class will be Caucasian.
One quarter of the class will be African American.
One seat will hold a Latino.
And the remaining seats will be filled with students of Asian descent or non-resident aliens.
In other words, somehow, Dr. Biden accounted for all five quarters of the class, which actually isn't easy.
You've got to pay very close attention to do something.
Well, that's not true, because on South Park, you've got part bear, part man, part pig.
You know, one half bear, one half human, one half pig.
I mean, there's three halves, right?
There's five quarters.
I mean, this is fuzzy math, ladies and gentlemen.
And so imagine the response of Hayden that we talked about yesterday.
We showed you the day before on his Twitter saying, oh my gosh, Trump's Supreme Court says that churches should be open and that you can't have laws against it.
And then the very next day, he's at a Pittsburgh Steelers game going, yeah, let's play football.
And it's wall-to-wall, 100,000 people, it looks like.
So again, on the same two-day period, he totally contradicts himself, just like she did.
Where there's five quarters, or half man, half bear, half pig.
There's the man, bear, pig killing Satan.
It must be real, it was on Comedy Central.
Our next guest host takes over, Matt Bracken, and then the war room, Owen Schroyer.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Let me hit this last little piece of news.
It's some good news.
But is a day later dollar short?
Well, whatever.
Not if we wake up and take action.
Not if Congress has fraud hearings.
Not if the Senate holds up the electors.
I mean, we have all the evidence of fraud.
Get up there like Perry Mason, show it, and say we're not standing for this.
My goodness!
They passed all these regulations without the state legislatures doing it, that governors did with the Democrats, to say they'd accept all these fake ballots.
It's a fraud on its face!
But, I digress.
Pentagon appoints more Trump loyalists, including China expert.
Pentagon recently added several new Trump loyalists to its defense policy board, including China expert who will serve as the board chair, which indicates President Trump isn't backing down.
And a lot of the people he's been appointing show that.
And we've seen a lot of good news.
We've seen Bill Barr leaving and the rest of it.
So don't trust the scam.
Don't trust the plan.
Take action now is what needs to be done.
And you've never had a more open and shut case than what we have with Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, his brother, and the rest of the family.
I mean, this is a criminal enterprise of incredible proportions.
The problem is the same Justice Department is Overseeing this, but Bill Barr's gone.
So did Barr resign because Trump went ahead and got people to move forward with the Hunter Biden investigation and make it public?
I'm just not going to hold my breath like I've always been doing for two weeks more, two weeks more, the last three years.
Oh my gosh, Sessions is going to get him.
Oh no, Bill Barr, he played the bagpipes.
You know what that means.
I just know in this world, I saw that Fox News host, God bless her, she's like, oh, an Intel officer told me there was evidence of election fraud.
I said, oh, like an Intel officer is just this magic person.
They may do it for a living, they may do a lot of research, but there's not like some secret crystal ball you get invited into and then you have the answers to all of it.
No, most information is open source or what you personally observe in the real world.
And what I've seen is a bunch Of sycophantic, end-of-a-republic, end-of-an-empire, swamp behavior.
And I see all the swamplings, all dreaming of their military conquest of the heartland, preparing for war against all of us.
So I tell you, this is not a time for squeamish folks.
Either run up the white flag, or get your ass in gear politically to speak out while you still can, and support any alternative independent outlet you can, like Matt Bracken's EnemiesForeignDomestic.com, or OurInfoWars.com, or NewsWars.com, because we are tomorrow's news today.
And please don't forget, it's one of your last chances to do your Christmas shopping with InfoWars to keep us on the air.
I want to thank you all for your support at infowarestore.com.
Free shipping up to 60% off double pay three points.
We've got three great items back in stock just for Christmas.
Prostagard, Living Defense, and of course, Alpha Power at infowarestore.com.
DNA Force is great as well to boost your immune system.
I want to thank you all for your support.
Matt Bracken takes over in the war room with Owen Schroeder.
And there won't be any election countdown tonight because we're
having to do a reorganization to see what we're able to do.
I'm going to do some accounting right off the show, by the way.
That's one of the reasons I'm having to do all this.
So please support us.
Well, it's, um, it's pretty hard to get into the Christmas spirit this year.
I don't know what it is.
Maybe it's watching the country that you grew up in, the country that you love, the country of your forefathers, our free Republic.
Watching it crumble and crash and burn before our eyes, apparently.
I think that the Supreme Court put the final nail in the coffin last week when the cowards punted and washed their hands like Pontius Pilate.
You know, they were evidently too afraid of the riots.
So the communists get the, not the hecklers veto, but The terrorist veto, you know, let us have it, even though it was stolen, or we'll burn your cities.
And the Supreme Court said, all right, then we'll let you have it.
But that's not going to be the end of the story, because at least we know what happened.
More than half of Americans by the polls, you know, say that there was fraud.
This is Republicans and Democrats.
Obviously, the vast majority of Republicans But when they say a third of the Democrats admit that there was fraud, you got to assume that a lot of these Democrats, they're good comrades.
So they're going to lie for the team.
You know, the ends justify the means by any means necessary.
So just like, like good little commissars, they're going to say no comrade, there was no fraud, but in their heart, they know it's true.
So I would have to say that most sentient thinking Americans They understand what happened.
I mean, you even have it on video.
You watch them pulling the trunk loads of fake ballots out from under the table, and the media just stays with, there was no fraud.
No fraud at all.
It's not that these cases have been heard in court and have been shot down.
The cases haven't been heard at all.
These courts at the state and the Supreme Court level have refused to hear the cases.
They're like the, you know, the see no, hear no, speak no evil monkeys.
They think that they can just slide through this and we'll just accept Biden as president.
I think it was Larry Elder I heard, maybe it was somebody else, said Trump had, you know, the biggest coattails in history, pulling up, you know, the Congress and saving the Senate and improving our stand in state legislatures, yet he had no coat.
How does that happen?
We're supposed to believe that Joe Biden from the basement doing these rallies in front of a couple of cars from a car dealership, you know, like all Jeeps on one or, you know, all other cars on another.
They literally bring vehicles in from a car lot and hire Democrats to stand around.
And we're supposed to believe That he not only beat Hillary Clinton's number, but Barack Obama's number of votes in both elections, including 2012.
Nobody with three brain cells believes this at all.
Now, local health, a little bit of local info wars.
I was really, you know, it hurts to hear that David Knight is gone.
I've been on the show many times and consider him a, you know, I don't know him well, but I mean, based on before and after and during the commercials, he's a real gentleman.
He's a great guy.
And for any of you skeptics that think that Infowars is some kind of a, you know, a cash cow, that it's just raking in the dough, it's not.
This is a shoestring operation.
You know, this is, this is a month by month deal.
And with Biden in the White House, the Justice Department is going to be turning the dogs loose on all of their enemies.
This will include the Trump family, and it's going to include the Infowars family.
You know, we have seen nothing to compare to the lawfare that is going to be set loose on the enemies of the deep state if and when Biden is inaugurated.
There is going to be no holds barred in their venom going after their enemies, especially their enemies in the media and Infowars being a big part of that.
People like General Hayden, NSA, CIA, they're not bluffing when they say that they want to see Alex Jones arrested.
They'd like to see Alex Jones in a cell like Julian Assange.
Me too, and a lot of other people, myself included, would wind up there if they can get their way.
That's how serious this is.
So, if anything good has come out of this, it's been lifting the blinders off of many normie Americans that always just assumed, hey, America is special.
America will never go down.
We'll always be free.
Freedom is our birthright.
But now we can see that this is really just an example of an extended normalcy bias.
Now we see that the deep state really has been running the show.
You know, in Mexico and in South America, they have that saying, plata o plomo, silver or lead.
And they'll come into the mayor's office when he's elected and put the suitcase on the table with the gun and the money and give him the choice.
Well, now we know in America, it's not really all that different, but it's more subtle.
What Trump did was come into town and talk about draining the slump.
He was talking about turning off this revolving door of graft.
And as a result, every gun in town was aimed at him from day one.
In the media, in academia, and obviously in politics, he had, from the start, he had every Democrat and half of the Republicans against him.
Half of the Republicans just want to be the loyal opposition, the B-side of the 45 record, For you guys that get that reference.
They're just happy to be, you remember the Harlem Globetrotters?
They're happy to play the Washington Generals.
They can collect all the graft, take all the bribes from the companies that they buy contracts from, or they vote for the bills that pay the billions for the missiles, and then the Democrats do the same kind of graft on their side with welfare And it's and paying for the, you know, urban projects that really just go into a few pockets.
It's just a game.
Mitch McConnell's part of this happy crew.
I mean, he's a deep state swamp rat among the best of them.
I mean, he's married to a family, married into a family that is in the billion dollar level Chinese shipping business.
You can't tell me he's not a deep stater.
He's also taken money from Dominion Voting Systems and other companies implicated in this fraud.
He doesn't want an exploration of this.
He wants it all buried.
He wants it swept under the rug for good.
Half of the Republicans in Congress Are whispering a sigh of relief that Trump is going to be out of town and their old colleague Joe Biden will be back in charge, will be in charge.
And they think that it's just going to go back to business as usual.
But I'm here to tell you, business as usual is dead.
It's gone.
It's over.
It's never going back to the way that it was.
Now, just in the last 24 hours, There's been some news on the Second Amendment front that I'm going to start the next segment with.
If you have any guns, you're going to want to know this.
My books are on Amazon.
You can get them on Kindle or Audible, if you don't mind the fact that they'll probably be deleted at some point as seditious, subversive, anti-government, dangerous literature.
If you get them in the print version and you get them from me, I'll sign them.
And then you're not giving... I think Amazon's got enough money, frankly.
Honestly, I really do.
You know, this InfoWars channel, we've come to take it for granted.
It's been around for a quarter of a century, or in one form or another.
But I don't think it's ever faced a challenge like what's coming over the horizon.
I mean, it's...
It's hard to think about this, but the same people that are happy that Julian Assange is dying in prison, you know, being murdered in slow motion and in Great Britain's most notorious high security prison where they keep terrorists and mass murderers, you know, where you are essentially driven insane stage by stage through isolation, through sensory deprivation.
I mean, it's a very cruel thing, and I would certainly encourage President Trump to pardon this.
Many people, but starting with Julian Assange.
And I'm not sure at this point, even if Trump pardoned him, will the Brits figure out some way to hold him?
Charge him with something else?
Get him back to Holland or Sweden on one of these other bogus charges?
So that the deep state, because the deep state is global, folks.
We're not just talking about U.S.
versus U.K.
jurisdictions and laws.
This octopus has tentacles everywhere, and I don't think they want Julian Assange ever to see the light of day, both for what he can say, and as he's serving as a living example of what happens when you go against the deep state, that they're going to just ruin you and destroy you.
How many reporters are now essentially operating under old Soviet rules?
You know, you pretend to be a reporter, but you know there's third rails out there.
There's things you just don't dare talk about.
Michael Hayden saying that he'd like to see Alex Jones arrested and in jail.
That's just part of the same thing.
And we're coming into a very serious era now.
For you gun owners out there, you'll know right away what an AR-15 is.
And because of the peculiarities of the way that U.S.
law was defining what are legal and illegal weapons in the last half of a century, it turned out that an AR-15 could be a pistol if it had just a brace instead of a stock on the back and a short barrel in front.
Made it a very compact, handy, effective weapon platform.
But the ATF, just in the last 24 hours, has redefined what is allowable.
And it looks like all of the millions and millions of AR-15 pistols are going to be made illegal, not by passing a new law, but just by a definition, a bureaucratic definition.
And this is while Trump is still the President of the United States.
So you can see that within the Department of Justice, these agencies are already acting as if Trump is gone.
He's just a very lame, lame duck.
They're looking forward to Biden-Harris, Beto O'Rourke, and the gun grabbers are feeling their oats.
So if they're going to do this now, Before Biden is even inaugurated, just imagine what's coming next spring.
Kamala Harris has said that she is going to ban semi-automatic weapons within 100 days by executive action, even if there is no law passed by Congress.
Now, the normies out here who are still clinging to the old rule of law notions of America are going to be thinking, but Matt, you can't do that.
You can't outlaw guns by an executive action.
It would be unconstitutional.
I mean, they just couldn't do it.
They have to pass the law.
Who are you kidding?
The Supreme Court has given the green light to stealing an election.
They have put the stamp of approval on stealing an election in front of our faces.
You know, right now, the last firewall is supposedly this Georgia election early January.
And we're thinking, like normies, if we just get out there and vote for Loeffler and Perdue, we can stave off this disaster because we'll still hold the Senate.
Folks, do you think we're going to win that election in Georgia if we couldn't stop the theft of the presidential election in front of our eyes?
Zuckerberg alone, through a couple bogus foundations that they created, pumped more than $400 million into, quote-unquote, turning out the vote in Democrat areas in these swing states.
These involved putting what they called Zucker boxes every few blocks throughout cities like Philadelphia, where these randomly, who knows if they were mass produced, printed, imported from China, but all of these ballots that wound up in these Zucker boxes ended up being counted.
There were no rejections.
There was statistically, you could put Mickey Mouse on a ballot that you Xeroxed And the Xerox might even smear because you're yanking out of the machine so fast.
It's going to be counted in the Dominion vote switching machine.
It will be counted.
So now they're doing this in Georgia and they're putting their record in places like Milwaukee and Philadelphia.
It's a shame.
They have buses driving around that are mobile polling stations paid for by Zuckerberg.
They have these Z boxes all over Atlanta, where you can stuff in your made up mail-in ballots.
Anybody who thinks we're going to win that with appealing to the Republicans, get out the vote for these two stalwart senators that won't even defend Trump, that give him not even lip service.
And they think that Republicans are going to turn out for them?
Part of me says, If we're going to have this fight, let's just get on with it and not go through this sham of Mitch McConnell allegedly leading the Republicans, half of whom hate Trump as much as the Democrats, just want to get back to playing the Washington generals, the happy losers, you know, to the Democrat globetrotters.
So if this is going to happen, why not just let it go all the way?
And I'm not, Not necessarily saying that's what I think Republicans in Georgia should do, but that sentiment, I think, is fairly prevalent in Georgia.
And that means there's a significant percentage of the Republicans that voted for Trump and saw the election stolen anyway, they're going to say, the hell with it.
You know, the old ballot box?
It's over.
And we know what comes after the ballot box.
It's this box.
It's going to happen because already, before Trump is even gone, they're going after the AR pistols.
You'll be a felon if you keep what you legally own today.
You're going next year, you'll be a felon.
Then they're going to outlaw semi-autos, rifles, pistols, shotguns.
They're going to outlaw them.
And you'll be a felon if you own it.
So you'll have the choice.
Do I destroy it, lose it in a canoe accident, for real?
Do I turn it in to the government?
Do I wait for some program where they'll buy it back, even though I didn't buy it from them?
Or am I just going to keep it and say, to hell with you.
If you want it, you're going to have to come and get it.
And I don't know how many federal agents there are, but I think there's a hell of a lot more pissed off gun owners out there than there are federal agents willing to go house to house taking away our guns.
Any gun that's legal right now, today in 2020, as far as I'm concerned, as a free American, it's going to be mine forever.
And if they want it, they're going to have to come and get them the hard way.
My very first novel is my Second Amendment novel, and it starts with a false flag massacre at a stadium.
That was used as a pretext to ban semi-automatic weapons in America.
And one of the, one of the tools that the government used to try to enforce this was the fear of being snitched.
You know, you might not, you might think I'm just going to hang on to my now soon to be illegal AR-15 or AK-47 semi-auto.
But what about my neighbor that knows that I own it?
You know, didn't he vote for Biden?
Wouldn't he like to see me out of the house in jail?
So they're going to be running public service announcements saying, you know, wives, it's not worth it.
Your husband could be gone for 10 years if he, if he doesn't obey the law.
Do the right thing.
Be smart.
Register your weapons or turn them in for a buyback program.
There's going to be unbelievable pressure.
Another form of pressure that we're going to hear in these PSAs, and they'll also be popping up on Facebook and Twitter, you know, like the true comrade election reports that you get popped up anytime that you post anything with the word election in it.
You get a, go here for good comrade information.
I mean, this is really turning into Orwellian territory.
You can, they can lie for four years about Trump being a Russian agent.
No problem, no fact check.
But if you even talk about election fraud now, you get the automatic warnings, and you also get your spread throttled down.
The other day, Mark Dice had a, he put out a tweet that he said, He just reposted a link to the Trump greatest speech, you know, the one that he had to put out on his own because the media wouldn't cover it.
I mean, we have a president of the United States that can't give an Oval Office address.
It won't be covered.
So Mark Dice has a million followers.
He put out a link to it and it had 19 interactions out of a million.
So they just turned his volume off.
That's what they do, they just turn the volume off.
But when they want to turn the volume up, it's going to be ever-present.
And you're going to hear messages like this.
We already know you have an AR, so don't BS us.
We know, even though there's not an official registry, we know because we keep track of who buys AR-15 magazines, ammunition, accessories.
We know the same data mining AI programs that let big tech know what we're about to buy before we even think about it will let the government know with a 99.9% certainty who owns an AR-15 or any other semi-auto weapon.
Now, I don't know where they're going to start high profile cases to make examples of people, but this is seriously coming.
This is going to be a big gut check for people.
There's going to be unbelievable pressure, especially when there are examples made of people.
So, how is this going to play out?
I don't know.
I wrote one version in Enemies Foreign and Domestic, where by using a big massacre, like a Las Vegas-level massacre, they can get Congress to pass a law in a matter of weeks.
In this case, we're going to have an invalid bogus president that half of the country thinks stole the election, you know, Venezuela style.
So we're not likely to respect any laws or any executive orders coming out of this, of this administration at all.
You know, so I can only say, hunker down and be prepared for heavy weather.
Because besides going for the guns, They're also going to come out with a 100-day, at least, you know it'll never end, a mask edict.
Biden's already talked about that.
And what is the purpose of a mask edict?
It's a compliance measure.
It's a, are you an obedient comrade?
Do you dare to walk around outside without a mask?
You are announcing that you're a scofflaw, that you are refusing to comply.
And that's also a setup for the forced vaccinations that you know are coming.
It's coming, folks.
This is really getting into Mark of the Beast territory, where you won't be able to buy and sell without that vaccine, that RNA vaccine, that nobody can promise won't cause birth defects or other consequences that might not show up for years down the road.
So we are getting into the serious push comes to shove phase of this.
And I would just like to remind anybody in law enforcement, federal or local, and I've written about this extensively.
I have published essays, they're in this book, the Bracken Collection.
They're floating around on the internet.
A message to law enforcement.
If you cooperate with any form of gun confiscation, Going after guns that this invalid, bogus, fraudulent administration tries to propose.
If you cooperate with federal law enforcement at the local level, going after people's guns, to arrest them for guns that are illegal right now, today, in December of 2020, you are announcing that you are the domestic enemy that we swore that we would defend this country against.
And to you federal law enforcement agents, I know the pension is sweet.
You get to target your enemies and ignore crimes by Democrats.
It's pretty sweet.
It's a Stasi-KGB deal you've got now.
Sweet pension, sweet benefits.
But I'm telling you, there aren't enough of you.
And if you think you're going to rely on local law enforcement to be your goon squads so that you can walk in with the raid jackets after the locals do the heavy lifting, I think those days are over.
Local law enforcement lives among us.
Their kids go to our kids' schools.
We know who they are.
They're not going to go along with this, no matter what threats are put on them to help you confiscate guns or As it comes to the vaccination question, you know, refuse entry to places because people don't have their vaccine card or the vaccine code on their smartphone.
It's going to get pretty dicey being local law enforcement.
You're really going to be in the spot between the people and the feds.
The feds at this point, you know, Sean Hannity saying 99% of the feds are great guys.
That is out the window, normie, ridiculous.
Past history, rule of law era, BS now.
We are past that.
The Supreme Court has put the stamp of approval on stealing the presidential election.
They're about to put the stamp of approval on stealing the election in Georgia with mass mailbox drops of fake ballots.
They're not going to lift a finger.
They won't do anything.
But I'll tell you what, any laws that come out of a Biden-Harris administration are going to be no laws at all to a lot of Americans.
And these Americans are armed to the teeth.
And when the ballot box is taken away from us, there's only one box left.
And people had better take this damn seriously, because we're not joking around.
We are absolutely not joking around.
There's a reason you can't buy ammunition.
It's because patriots have been buying it up, seeing the storm clouds on the horizon.
So you federal agents had better do a good long look in the mirror at how much that pension is worth.
Are you going to be around to collect it?
Or will there be a government that comes in after this is hashed out and settled That considers you traitors, domestic enemies, oath breakers.
If that happens, there won't be a pension.
This is coming to a fight.
And that's why the Second Amendment was put into the Constitution in the first place.
Because our Founding Fathers knew eventually it would come to a fight.
And when this fight happens, we've got a lot of people on our side, the freedom-loving side, With a lot of experience in special operations and guerrilla tactics.
A lot.
Way more than most of the feds that just came out of the Quantico school, where they're taking a knee for BLM.
Is that what they teach in Quantico now?
Take a knee for BLM in Washington, D.C.?
The people on my side are hard, and we're angry.
And we're not going to just roll over while our freedom is stolen away.
You can steal an election.
You can put a false president in the White House, but you can't make us respect him.
You can't make us obey any laws that come out of a false presidency.
No laws that come out of a Biden-Harris presidency will ever be obeyed.
That's done.
That era's over.
I'll be back.
As long as I can.
Ho ho ho ho!
Ho ho ho ho!
Merry Christmas!
The globalists are fighting as hard as they can to not just shut down Infowars, but shut
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But out of all the organizations valiantly fighting back, InfoWars is the strongest, InfoWars is the most informed, and the most focused, and we have the biggest audience of amazing activists of every race, color, and creed that is you.
So as they attack our freedom, and attack our very nation, and attack our electoral system, and attack our election, and as they attack our very genetics with a deadly mRNA sterilizing vaccine that's now confirmed, understand that it's always darkest before the dawn, and now the enemy is out in the open.
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Get your orders in at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're going to persevere and never back down and never give in.
And we just pray that America and the whole world pray to God for providence and to support and for success and to give us the discernment and the will and the focus to lead God to rectus in victory.
And we pledge our blood, our names, everything of the sacred altar of God to resist this satanic force.
And we ask God for strength.
And we salute all those who have supported us and are here today.
And we ask for victory in our Lord and Savior's name, Jesus Christ.
Let's do this.
[music playing]
(upbeat music)
Hey, yo, Seth.
That was good, bruh.
Hey, yo, the flask in the room.
Yeah, you know it's me.
He's hating on him cause he started out here locally.
Hopefully, I'll be at the top soon.
For now, I'm at my house on the couch watching cartoons.
You know how much you love it when you get it in abundance.
Give a fuck about a budget when you always be the subject of discussion.
But it's nothing when you stop and just say fuck, cause you walking out in public and you hear him talking rubbish.
I just wanna rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, We gon' take over the world when I'm on my Donald Trump.
Look at all this money, ain't that some?
Take over the world when I'm on my Donald Trump.
Look at all this money, ain't that some?
We gon' take over the world while these haters gettin' mad.
That's why all my p***** die, they see this crazy life I have and they in awe.
We gon' win, you can take the lose or draw.
But I'm here, got these p***** who used to play me in they brawls.
Used to play me in they bars We gon' take over the world
While these haters get mad Take over the world
While these haters get mad That's what all my dicks matter
She just crazy like that Anthony Edwards is here to stop the steal
To the pad is the best And pussies think they know me
But they never met the kids They all come with excellence
And money made for never And so relevant for the
Pussies who never been intelligent I kill my
Pussies Break the bottle for the
Pussies I wanna salute you all here
Who are in the fight She better bring a pen
Yeah the party never ends Give it up for Alex Jones everybody!
And right here today, in front of the Supreme Court, I declare that Donald J. Trump won re-election in 2020!
We are here!
Rob, look at that incredible.
Infowars has proven itself vital to the future of the republic and
vital to the future of human liberty and freedom.
And I'm very honored to be in this position.
I'm very thankful to you for keeping us in the fight.
But I just want to ask listeners to, again, recommit, count the costs, and realize that if you do your Christmas shopping at InfoWarsStore.com and take advantage of the big sales we've got going, That that funds an organization that the globalists absolutely hate.
We are like nails on a chalkboard to them.
We are over the target.
We do not back down.
We are unfiltered.
We are historically accurate.
We have incredible guests.
We are the blood of freedom.
You are the blood of freedom.
We are symbiotic.
And it's just like a family line.
Just like you go back to your earliest ancestors tens of thousands of years ago into the future.
We are one family.
We are one body together.
We cannot let Infowars die.
And it's under such attack that because of you we've persevered and now we've gone from 50-50 people hating us and loving us to like 90%.
We've hit the zeitgeist and I know it's an incredible responsibility.
You look at videos of me two years ago, I look 10 years younger.
People say, you know, Jones, you sell your supplements, you look like hell.
I have chosen to take on everything and everything to hurt me.
Because it gives me greater discernment.
It's psychological, it's spiritual, but I can ignore things.
I can cut off pain, but I have chosen the way of pain.
And I have chosen to take all this on.
So my beard's gone gray the last year.
It's why I'm, you know, I'm killing myself, but it's a good mission.
And it wasn't for the supplements and the rest of it.
I couldn't do what I do, but I'm working 18 hours a day.
I sleep, I have dreams about fighting the New World Order.
If there was ever anybody in modern history totally committed to fighting the operations of the New World Order, It's InfoWars, so thank you for your support.
We've got big sales at InfoWarsStore.com.
We've got the Christmas specials going right now.
50% across the board.
Double Patriot points.
We brought those back just for Christmas and free shipping, but we've got to sell a lot of profit to fund ourselves.
We sell a lot more product at a sale that big, but there's a lot less funding in each order, so we need to get a lot more.
I think so.