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Name: 20201210_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 10, 2020
2464 lines.

In this segment of his show, Alex Jones discusses a range of topics related to current events, including claims of election fraud, vaccine safety, power dynamics between the ruling class and public, and the influence of big tech companies on spreading misinformation. He shares personal stories from individuals who have experienced negative side effects from vaccines or lost children due to vaccinations. Jones criticizes unqualified experts like Tony Fauci and discusses various clips related to vaccines and COVID-19. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of supporting alternative media outlets like InfoWars during a crucial period, as mainstream media has become increasingly discredited. He mentions upcoming events and products available on InfowarsTore.com and PrepareWithAlex.com. Jones also brings on Dr. Steve Pchenik as a guest to discuss current affairs, touching upon topics such as the battle for control over the Internet, potential legal actions against tech executives like Zuckerberg and Dorsey, changes in the entertainment industry, and international relations with countries like China and North Korea.

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It's Thursday, December 10th.
The year is 2020.
We are only 41 days out from the inauguration of the Chinese Communist frontman that is trying to steal the election, Joe Biden.
He will only expand the oppression and the attempt to break our economy and our will if he gets in.
The reign of terror against free speech and the divide and conquer operations are going to be tenfold what you've seen so far.
This will be true warfare, economic, cultural, and then physical.
The rollout of secret police, arrest teams, contact tracers, it's all official.
Now, everything we've warned of is now out in the open.
Because the enemy is in the flux period between going between beta and full operational.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, this is not a drill.
That's why it's more important than ever that we understand that no matter what the mainstream corporate media says, no matter what the system pushes, no matter what the states do, no matter what the corporations do, we the people are declaring our second independence.
We the people, as I said three weeks ago in Washington DC, are declaring the second Hi, Steve Adler.
American Revolution, the second American Declaration of Independence.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Hi, Steve Adler.
Stay home.
Home, home, home, home, home, home, home.
Plato wrote that one of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that
you end up being governed by your inferiors.
Subversive legislation, illegal votes, destroyed ballots, machine glitches, poll watchers denied entry while windows are blocked with cardboard, and thousands of sworn affidavits.
While covering up the biggest flood of election fraud evidence in U.S.
history, CNN admits to taking orders from the Democrat Party.
The two-party system was a product of the Civil War and devolved into a rigged two-party system set upon destroying our American birthright from within, using election fraud as its primary method of infiltration.
Strong evidence of voter fraud in favor of George W. Bush occurred in 2000.
And after Al Gore got the Florida courts to order a recount, the Supreme Court put a stop to it after determining the recount to be unconstitutional.
What makes you think the Supreme Court will rule in favor of Trump?
Attorney General William Barr seems to be defending the corrupt establishment.
How many actual patriots are there in the Trump administration?
And if Biden is inaugurated as president in January, we already know what to expect.
While vacationing in Cabo, Austin Mayor Adler told residents to stay home.
Trying to do contact tracing to see if We may have to close things down if we're not careful.
If we're going to be closing things down, it would be great to be able to do it in a really surgical way.
Pfizer today said that they think they have a vaccine.
But know that even when those vaccines are available, the CEO of Pfizer was reminding us that we're going to be wearing masking and social distancing and being disciplined well into 2021.
So everybody just needs to get mentally prepared for that.
LA residents have been ordered to stay in their homes.
Michigan Governor Whitmer tells her constituents not to travel for Christmas.
An American couple was charged with second-degree reckless endangerment for attempting to fly home after testing positive for COVID-19.
And a bar owner was arrested in Staten Island for simply trying to run his own business.
We have been told by several doctors that the testing being used for COVID doesn't work, including the inventor of the test himself.
And when the Pfizer vaccine comes, we can expect the real horror.
A top EU scientist has found that the new experimental mRNA vaccine will likely cause sterilization in women.
The globalist depopulation agenda is now in full view, and the actual end of America is now seen on the horizon.
If you care about the future of the republic, if you care about preserving your children's birthright, then get yourself to Washington, D.C.
this Saturday.
This is when the real draining of the swamp begins.
Our fight to drain the Washington swamp and reclaim America's destiny has just begun.
We will not bend, we will not break, we will not yield.
We will never give in, we will never give up, and we will never back down.
We will never, ever surrender.
Because we are Americans, and our hearts bleed red, white, and blue.
Join together this Saturday in DC.
Stop the steal and drain the swamp.
Our lives depend on it.
It's Thursday, December 10th.
The year is 2020.
We are only 41 days out from the inauguration of the Chinese Communist front man that is trying to steal the election, Joe Biden.
He will only expand the oppression and the attempt to break our economy and our will if he gets in.
The reign of terror against free speech and the divide and conquer operations are going to be tenfold what you've seen so far.
This will be true warfare, economic, cultural, and then physical.
The rollout of secret police, arrest teams, contact tracers, it's all official.
Now, everything we've warned of is now out in the open.
Because the enemy is in the flux period between going between beta and full operational.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, this is not a drill.
That's why it's more important than ever that we understand that no matter what the mainstream corporate media says, no matter what the system pushes, no matter what the states do, no matter what the corporations do, we the people are declaring our second independence.
We the people, as I said three weeks ago in Washington, D.C., are declaring the second American revolution, the second American declaration of independence.
And here we are now, in the year 2020, with only a few days left, a few weeks left.
And you see the historic planets aligning, as in history they always do.
And I don't just mean metaphorically the planets aligning.
We are seeing actual planet alignments that we've not seen in 800 years, like the Christmas star coming up in just a few days, of Saturn and Jupiter aligning at night.
And the globalists are really obsessed with these types of celestial activities.
But when I say the planets are aligning, I mean that metaphorically in that you notice we had Dr. Steve Pucinich on two weeks ago and he said, you will see it explode in the news that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are communist Chinese agents.
The evidence will be damning and they will have a chance to step down.
Well, now what did you see break last night?
We'll see if Pchenik's going to be right or wrong, but I believe his sources in the Pentagon and at the White House did tell him that, because I've talked to high-level sources at the White House who are saying, we don't care what Bill Barr does.
We don't care.
We're about to remove him if need be, and this information will be released.
And the President's preparing those Oval Office speeches to release the information, to declassify the information.
That's why they're so scared of General Flynn, who will be in D.C.
this weekend.
I will get on an airplane tonight.
I will travel to D.C.
and I will be there at rallies and events on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
This is the battle for the Republic.
You've also seen all of these different states join Texas, which is now 19 states, against the five fraudulent states that violated federal and state law, did not pass legislature laws, allowing the mailing out of 80 million ballots, but just did it by fiat as part of their mass fraud.
That on its face overturns the election, and the Texas suit is the best.
That's why the Supreme Court removed the other suits, because they want that main suit.
Now, will they betray America?
Will they betray common sense?
Well, a lot of these justices were so persecuted by the globalists on the left that they might actually find their soul, like Darth Vader did, in Return of the Jedi.
Again, to use another parable or another allegory.
Bottom line, we're all about to find out.
But I will be demonstrating at the White House.
We will be demonstrating in front of the Supreme Court.
We'll be in Freedom Plaza.
We will be at the big event on Saturday as well there on the Lincoln Memorial.
And I'm a speaker at a lot of these big major events, but regardless, we'll be leading marches throughout D.C.
and we will be fighting as hard as we possibly can to show the world that we don't buy this giant gas lagging in this line.
Now continuing, we have a huge report.
I'm going to be very disciplined at the bottom of the hour and I'm going to cover this life and death situation.
I remember when I had my second child, she's 16 now, and the nurses, when I refused the vaccines, called me aside and said, you know, none of us take them too.
The preemie area, every time we're ordered by the bioethics board here at the hospital, who aren't doctors mainly, they're just globalist operatives, to vaccinate the preemies, about a third of them stop breathing and some die.
So we threaten them and so now they provide ventilators to try to keep them alive, so they give them the shots knowing a third of them will die.
And then they ventilate them.
So it's like shooting you in the head and then giving you a bandage.
But that's only because the nurses spoke up.
This is keep the baby comfortable.
This is kill them.
Oh, they're a preemie.
Let's quietly kill them.
That's the bioethics board seeing if they can kill babies in plain view and get you to accept it.
That's what this whole vaccine rollout situation is about is overblow the COVID hundreds of times what it actually does, hype it up, count all the other deaths as it, but tell us that it's super scary so we never go outside again.
But then when it comes to the real vaccines and massive death, massive brain damage, massive neurological disorders, Guillain-Barre, narcolepsy, epilepsy, cancer, autism, it's all right here.
It's in the inserts that it does that.
And they're on the news saying, oh no, no, no, no, no connection to neurological disorders.
And then the damn inserts say it.
The fine print, you got to get a magnifying glass to read.
When my eyesight was 2015, I had to get a magnifying glass.
Now I can't even read it.
Think about that, and why do I raise that?
What's coming up at the bottom of the hour?
The British government has had so many people collapse and have convulsions one week into giving the vaccine.
They've already had deaths, but they're trying to attribute them to, well, something else happened.
Now, if you have a convulsion after you get in your car or get on the bus and leave, they don't count it.
They've had so many convulsions and deaths in the clinics in the UK that they've ordered emergency nurses with defibrillators and mouth-to-mouth for resuscitation.
Same thing the nurses told me at the North Austin Women's Medical Center.
And the reason I raise that is, I told that story on air, and then Rob Dew and David Knight were contacted by nurses around the country saying, have you not seen the American Medical Journal?
Admitting that giving these preemie babies is killing them.
And so we dug up those original articles and the original David Knight report.
So understand, it's not just this new vaccines killing people and causing them to literally fall over and start convulsing and stop breathing.
That's full grown adults.
Imagine preemies.
So we're going to play these nurses for you, ladies and gentlemen, that put their names on the line and came out about all this.
And this was many years ago, but we've reposted the articles and videos, and we're fighting to keep them full wars up.
We're fighting to keep Man.Video.
All these archive videos were removed from YouTube.
They're removed from Facebook, Twitter.
Only place they live is at Man.Video.
Only place they live for you to go get it and warn people.
And thank God they found it in our archives from, you know, eight years ago.
Thank God they found it in the archives and put it back up.
And that's why it's so over the top impressive.
I guess it was six years ago.
So, again, nurse confirms babies are damaged by vaccines.
That headline's not strong enough.
Nurses confirm vaccines killing babies.
Nurses confirm vaccines kill babies.
Make babies stop breathing.
See, even us, it's never hardcore enough.
No, the babies die.
I have the Associated Press.
People are dying.
They have to be resuscitated.
They stop breathing.
And again, this is the giant threat that they normalize it.
They tell you, don't worry.
And so you're not, no one's chicken littling from the vaccine.
No one's chicken littling from the doubling in suicides, mainly of young people.
No one's talking about the 40 some percent of small businesses never to reopen.
Nobody's talking about the millions already starved to death or the billion that are set to go into poverty, the UN admits from the lockdown.
Or how all the globalists ignore all the laws themselves or how the big banks admit they're doing this to consolidate power and consolidate total control.
This is all intertwined.
This is the globalist rollout.
This is the globalist power grab.
This is the new world order system.
This is everything.
And so, complying with it is your destruction.
Saying no and getting educated and recognizing the threat.
And getting state legislatures and governors and churches and good doctors and good people in Congress to say no and saying, we're not following Joe Biden.
We're not following the globalists.
And Trump tried to take control of the vaccine situation.
So he'd quote, be the hero.
That was political.
Trump was wrong there too.
And that was where, you know, Trump really screwed up.
It doesn't matter.
He's not a CHICOM agent and he's already coming out and saying COVID's a fraud and now starting to expose the vaccine.
He was using reverse psychology to get them to turn against the vaccines when he endorsed them.
I get what he did, but I still disagree with it.
Just straight shoot people.
If he's Trump, I'm Alex Jones.
That's where we're different.
We'll be right back.
I'm going to go through all this huge breaking news.
We've got massive guests on today.
I'll tell you about the guests later when we come back, but I forgot.
Chinese troops secretly being brought into Canada.
Those documents.
Ezra Levin's going to join us.
Dr. Steve Pachenik and so much more.
Laying siege to the globalists, exposing their plans.
We are the dreaded enemy of the New World Order, Satan and his minions.
We carry the blessing of God's providence with us and we're very thankful for it.
We are the Infowar.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Thursday broadcast, December 10th, 2020.
Now next segment, I'm going to show you how the globalists soft kill you and your family.
And this information is the most life-saving, powerful info there is on the planet.
And it's all hiding in plain view.
They get you afraid of something that isn't scary at all if you have the proper nutrition.
While right around you, they're killing everybody you know.
And just normalizing it because you're tough.
When you see everybody else being tough, you're tough.
When you see everybody freaking out, you freak out.
Because in our entire development as humans, normally when the rest of the pack sees a threat from a grizzly bear or a saber-toothed tiger or other humans or a wildfire, somebody runs up and says, hey, a big fire's coming, we gotta go.
Well, that's your cousin, that's your brother, you believe it.
But what happens when people in suits and ties lie to you?
What happens when they break the social contact and engage in fraud?
It's called tyranny.
So next segment, the biggest vaccine news ever.
Of course, the fact that Swallow's Well was penetrated by a Chinese communist sex op.
Of course, I've called Swallow's Well a Chai Com agent.
The entire California group has been completely taken over.
Feinstein, Barbara Boxer was run by it.
The governor's run by it.
I mean, they are Chai Com agents.
110 percent.
You make bang bang with Fang Fang.
Me give you money.
Me love you long time.
Swallow's Well.
Swallow's Well likes girls.
That's a little surprising there.
And of course, what's coming out with Hunter and all the rest of it.
But let's get into this.
Let's get into this right now.
Again, the media won't talk about the Texas suit and the 18 states that have joined Texas as of this morning.
I think a minute ago they told me another state joined it, maybe it's 20 states now.
But it's strong because states have a higher level of standing than just an individual because they represent a large number of individuals.
And then the Constitution and Federalist Compact, they have basically equal standing with the federal government.
This is a big deal.
And the suit's very well written by Ken Paxton, who's been on the show and who's a listener.
Proud of him.
He's been under a major attack because he has taken action.
That's why they've had a bunch of turncoats in his office claim he's been paid off or, you know, took money or something because they really, you know, look for Paxton, you know, to die in a car wreck or, you know, his plane go down.
And I'm not saying that's going to happen.
I'm just saying don't be surprised.
We're in a war, folks.
So pray for Paxton.
I'm just proud of Texas again, once again trying to save the Republic.
This is one hell of a time to be alive.
And what are they going to do?
The Supreme Court may betray America.
But if we pray and we protest and we take action and we put out millions on the streets so they see politically there's pressure to do the right thing, we can give them the courage they need.
To flat out throw out all the delegates of those states that went to Joe Biden through fraud and then Trump wins in a landslide.
And that's what happens.
And Trump has even said he would go with a new election in those states.
And you know, Trump said he would have the military oversee that.
And some have said, oh, martial law.
No, Trump knows that people trust the military more than the general public and more than the government.
And I really wouldn't because they're commanded by some bad people in many cases.
But still, rank and file, yes.
I don't think they're going to be engaged in election fraud and it'll be a third party.
Just like for fires or earthquakes or, you know, whatever we call the military in.
It's a whole other question, but the point is, is that we are in a crisis.
And we've been overrun by globalists.
It's time to overturn what they've done.
And the blue states have already implemented martial law.
And so how do you overthrow a martial law?
Well, you do it with the Declaration of Independence, which then means a declaration of war, which by its very nature is martial.
Martial coming from military.
And so nobody likes a military conflict.
I know President Trump doesn't.
I certainly don't want a military conflict.
But if the globalists just run the media and run everything and engage in this fraud and say they're taking over, and say they're just going to bankrupt the country no matter what we do, and they are threatening myself and the Trumps and millions of others, poll watchers, the list goes on and on, then at what point do we push back?
Well, we don't want citizens to randomly go do it.
So who would call out the militia under the Constitution?
When many of the civilian governments have been compromised by the Communist Chinese, as you now see all over the news.
Well, how would George Washington counter that?
How would Abraham Lincoln counter that?
How would President Jackson handle it?
President Jackson was the most famous and respected southerner of his day.
And when the South tried to have its first civil war over the North, screwing them over on tariffs, and trying to ship their tobacco and cotton and stuff out to Europe, he said, I will lead an army of 100,000 men to the South, and I will crush you if you launch a rebellion to split this country.
He said, the damn British are behind this.
And they were.
Now, after his death later, they were able to launch a civil war.
And both sides were wrong.
But that was him threatening martial law to stop an outside power breaking up the country.
This is real history.
Not the fanciful stuff that people act like they know.
But the reality.
So, I'm telling you, Trump doesn't have control of the military.
He doesn't have the real military power to do that.
The public's too ignorant to understand it.
The media's already pre-programmed him that, oh, you know, Trump tries to come in and take out some of these Democrat globalists, you know, that they'll call him a dictator.
So instead, you're gonna get The plutocracy or the oligarchy of the big banks and the megacorporations and their corporate boards where you never know who the technocrats are and you can never defeat them because it's these councils of corrupt scientific technological controllers that Eisenhower warned of.
And so, then there's the process of trying to educate the public about how Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 operates, how they're waging siege to collapse our economies, to vertically integrate, to consolidate control in their own words, and how, oh, but now they have the Vatican and the UN, oh, we didn't know the COVID lockdown would cause a world depression.
Don't worry, we're gonna all give you universal incomes, you just gotta take the shots we want you to.
This isn't me predicting this 10 months ago, or 10 years ago, or 20 years ago, which we did.
They're now doing it!
Global guaranteed income!
But you will live in a 200 square foot coffin!
You will take all the shots we say!
You will do what we say!
You will vote like we say!
You are owned by us!
It's all been announced!
In fact, now I open up mainstream news every morning on the computer and it's worse than I thought it'd be, moving faster.
So I have to really apologize to the listeners and make a correction.
This is moving quicker and worse than I thought.
I mean, but again, that's because they were so far behind.
They are now launching the full operation.
But if we resist and speak up and say no and educate others, they will be spit very, very quick.
This is the full assault.
And if we expose, they launch the lockdown to collapse the world economy.
Because now Bill Gates is out and says, Melinda, oh, we're sorry.
We didn't know the lockdown would kill millions.
Oh, oh, we didn't know because they know we're exposing them and they know it's their damn Achilles heel.
You're going to go to prison, Bill Gates, with your husband, Melinda and Big Mike.
For what you've done!
You understand, you little piece of filth?
You will pay!
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to this live Thursday, December 10th global transmission.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're gonna get into the most serious subject you possibly can, and that is the global rollout of the forced COVID-19 vaccine.
Vaccines, mRNA, genetic recombinant, mutating your entire body, sterilizing you, causing cancer.
It's all these top medical experts.
Former chief science officer at Pfizer, head of the EU commission, top medical doctors, thousands of them signing letters just saying, what the hell is going on?
This is like something Hitler would do.
It doesn't even protect you from COVID.
But I thought I'd just show you one thing from medical journals going back five years.
And then six years ago when we first broke this information here at InfoWars with Rob Dew and David Dyke covering it.
Look at this.
UK requires resuscitation facilities.
That means you're dying.
You're not breathing.
UK requires resuscitation facilities.
That Corona vaccine centers after allergic reactions where people stop breathing, have convulsions, and are dying before they are legally dead.
They are resuscitated.
Now, how many times have you heard me explain what's in the inserts?
You can go read it yourself.
You'd die.
Asphyxiation can cause a convulsion, can cause Guillain-Barré's, narcolepsy.
We've already covered this a thousand times.
But you hear on the news, oh, conspiracy theorists say it can cause problems.
It's not true.
But we do have liability protection.
But let's go back to this article, May 5th, 2015.
This interview's been banned off YouTube.
But we have it re-uploaded at Bandot Video.
I'm about to play it right now for you.
Nurse reveals routine vaccine-induced injuries.
What a softball headline.
They accuse us of exaggerating or making things sound worse than they are.
She said that they would go into the preemie area when they were ordered by the hospital board to vaccinate premature babies.
They'd say, well, when we do that, they stop breathing.
A bunch of them may get sick or die.
They said, do it.
They said, fine, we're going to quit or sue.
The full hour-long interview has now been re-uploaded to Bandot Video.
About to play two minutes of it.
And he said, okay, you can try to resuscitate him.
So they give him shots, knowing that a third of the time or so, it kills him.
It would kill them.
Like a heroin overdose or whatever.
Or like 50 bee stings.
Think about how out of control that is.
Think about how evil that is.
And then, a year after, we have these ladies on.
This is an interview with one of them.
22nd and then a year after that, New Journal of American Medical Association confirms nurse whistleblower routine hospital vaccine damage happening to infants.
But here it is.
Adam Salazar reports on it.
It's linked to Reuters AP.
This is not denied.
UK requires resuscitation facilities at corona vaccine centers after allergic reactions.
Britain's National Health Service confirmed on Wednesday that it's deploying resuscitation facilities, close quote, in coronavirus vaccination centers following the revelation that two healthcare workers suffered bad reactions.
I guess the word is, anapathic, atoid, it's anaphylactic shock I guess is the term, after receiving the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine on the first day of the rollout.
and they say older people, above 70 you get 5, above 40 you get 4, above 30 you get 2,
and children and young people get 1.
By the way, each time they give it to you it's creating more of an autoimmune response because you're becoming allergic to the cold virus and they admit in the medical literature this is probably going to make everybody allergic to the common cold and it's going to kill people by a cytokine storm.
That's in the big EU emergency paper.
They know what they're doing.
Bill Gates and these people are taking away your immune system by either jacking it up or it kills you, or they admit causing a total collapse of your immune system and then you get cancer.
Because your body's killing cancer every day.
I mean, folks, this is a death sentence.
But they're rolling it out, rolling it out, where just, oh, he died, she died, what of the military?
Say last week in the UK, we need AI to monitor everyone because we think there's gonna be so many bad reactions and so many deaths.
So Bill Gates, what has he said?
He said, if we do a really good job with vaccines, we can cut population growth in half.
And you're like, why is he up there in a purple sweater acting totally calm?
Because if you hide it and blame you and go, hey, there's this great thing we're gonna do.
Yeah, a lot of you'll get sick, some will die, big deal.
But we gotta get rid of the people.
And he talks to you like he's Mr. Rogers.
I remember one time they had these guys on Fox News, these medical doctors that tortured people.
They were like, well, we do it very professional.
And again, that's how this is all done.
It's very, oh, it's very matter of fact.
But, oh, COVID is the scariest thing we ever saw!
Two and a half million will be dead in two months!
Everyone run for the hills!
It's all... And then meanwhile, They exaggerated it 25 times what it actually was.
And most of that's exaggerated numbers that they add of other people.
And you see the headlines.
So much worse than they thought!
All of it hype.
All of it BS.
And empty hospitals.
But there are always real pneumonias, real flus, real death.
And they're there saying all of that is this.
So let's go to just two minutes of the video.
The full video is posted at band.video, the full interview, with this lady, this great nurse, from October 4th, 2015, confirming vaccines killing babies.
In fact, we posted the video in full to InfoWars.com.
Flashback nurse confirms vaccines killing babies.
Here it is.
I think we are doing them too young.
I think we are doing way too many at once, if you just look at how fast The schedule has grown, but I think what a lot of people don't realize in a closed space like a NICU, is they've decided that we need to vaccinate these babies on time.
Two months after they're born, bam, there it goes.
This baby could be four months early, and still supposed to be inside their mother, and weighing three or four pounds, and getting the same amount of vaccine as a 200 pound man, and I've sat in a In a room with all of our on-call staff, physicians, and practitioners, like, oh wow, this is so embarrassing.
This 25-weeker never actually required a breathing tube and going on the vent, you know, after he was born.
He was so strong, but we gave him his two-month vaccinations and he got intubated last night.
Ha ha ha, oops, how embarrassing.
Like, it's funny.
I mean, the step-down units are calling the NICU saying, hey, we're going to go ahead and give these four babies their two-month shots today.
Make sure you have beds ready because we all know they're going to have increased breathing difficulty, feeding and digestion difficulty, apnea, you know, forgetting to breathe, and bradycardia.
This is what goes on.
So the whole medical ethic of first do no harm just goes out the door so they can follow the vaccine company's schedule.
Somehow it's just everybody's on this straight, they're marching the line of this is what we need to do.
And so now that I'm in private practice in the clinics, you just see these kids, they are so sick and they come in sick.
And a lot of pediatricians are giving them vaccines while they're sick, even though that is a contraindication and they're just getting kicked while they're down over and over and over again.
So chronic ear infections, Of course, autism rate 1 in 64.
Who knows what the number is going to be next?
Eczema, you know, all sorts of just asthma, all sorts of problems going on.
And we just keep toeing the line.
I really don't understand.
Kicking them while they're down.
Violating the indications on this, because they put the fine print, don't do it.
But the bioethics board says it because they want to kill kids.
They're in a death cult.
This is a sick cult of freaks.
I've had family that worked highest levels in the medical field.
They told me about this when I was a kid.
I didn't believe it.
But there's probably 10% of these doctors are part of this death cult.
And they literally get sexual arousal out of killing babies and others.
You always hear about the doctors they catch, the nurses they catch killing kids.
Well, then that's just part of the cult and they get caught.
Bill Gates is the leader of the death cult.
He wants to kill you and your family.
Well, you snap your fingers.
And you're inside the New World Order, whether you live in Europe, whether you live in the US, whether you live in Africa, whether you live in Latin America, whether you live in Asia.
It's all the same global system, the same apps, the same big tech companies.
They tell you you're not essential, they tell you you're a piece of garbage, and they tell you that it's going to be mandatory to have a vaccine, even though, if you read the literature, anyone who's ever had a bad allergic response to peanuts, to bumblebees, to honeybees, to penicillin, They'll tell you.
If you go into the hospital or go to a doctor, do you have a history of anaphylactic shock?
I was just talking to my lawyer yesterday.
He'd never had allergies, but he'd forgotten to take his penicillin after he got a tooth worked on.
He doubled the dose and had a huge anaphylactic response and collapsed.
Woke up a day later in the hospital, almost died.
And they've told him, you can't take vaccines now.
We had a lady worked here.
She was going to go again to Vietnam.
And this is about five years ago.
They told her, take all these shots.
She took them.
She collapsed, had medical problems, shut down her immune system for six months.
She wore a mask here in the office and then she went got another job.
And by the way, never got to go to Vietnam.
Again, two people that work here who get really mad if I even hint who they are, lost babies that were totally healthy on their second round of shots.
One was a boy, one was a girl.
These are real people.
This is real.
My grandmother was told she got polio from the vaccine from her doctor here in Austin in the 1950s.
She lived a tortured life after that.
She was a beauty queen.
She was a wonderful person.
It tortured the hell out of her for the rest of her life.
So, they're normalizing coming after you with not even the old-fashioned tainted vaccines with cancer viruses and the rest of it.
They're coming at you with a genetic re-engineering system And then Apple, Google, Facebook, and Twitter, when you put up the head of the EU advisory board, or you put up the former head science officer of Pfizer, saying this targets the uterus, they are banning it.
They are aiding and abetting Joseph Mengele level depopulation.
They are violently attacking us now.
They are not liberals that are misguided.
They are eugenicist death cult members at Google, at Facebook, at Twitter, run by Microsoft and IBM that created them all as sub front companies with a eugenics cult inside British US intelligence.
And it's not our whole government, but this is a governmental directed system.
And my dad, I knew, was involved in a lot of weird stuff.
He never told me any of this until Endgame was almost done in 2007.
We're going to a ballet recital.
I've told the story 30 times probably for my first daughter.
And my mom and dad sat there and watched the end of the movie that I was finishing the end.
I make these films in linear and She goes, David, that's not true.
Cause she knew, and he goes, oh, it's absolutely true.
It's worse than that.
So on the way to the ballet recital, 20 minutes away, he went ahead and just told us all about it.
And it's something all of us already know.
But they were recruiting the smartest high school students.
There were six of them out of Texas, the group he was in, planned to at UT.
And after he'd been in that for a while, We're not talking about interning where you give people coffee, like MD Anderson Cancer Research Facility when you're 15, 16 years old.
Seeing people with their lower mandibles removed, you know, people that signed on to trials of lethal stuff.
I mean, my dad was put right into the program, okay?
And then the head of the botany department calls him in when he's 18 and says, we're setting up a world government.
We're the elite.
We're going to wipe out all the dumb people.
Are you on board?
Didn't tell me that till 2008 or whatever it was.
So folks, this is the real world.
And you can sit there and play games with it and rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic.
But we engage in real wide spectrum analysis of systems and what the governing class is into.
And we know their number.
And now everything we told you, they're externalizing and they're doing this.
And you look at Congress, they're always a hundred steps behind.
Because they're lawyers, caught in their own little process, believing like Chinese emperors they're in charge, when they're not.
Congress lives in the Forbidden City.
And this is an allegory or a parallel to where we are now.
You go back to the Qin Dynasty and all the rest of it, I've probably only read 20 books on Chinese history, I should read more.
Not exaggerated, that's a small amount for me to read on that subject.
I got too much into European history, too much into Mesoamerican and all sorts of other ones, but probably more on Japan than I have on China, and China's so central and important, but it's the oldest centralized civilization.
And starting about 4,000 years ago, over about 1,000 years, the kind of legalist class had learned how to tell the royalty, you're so powerful and you're so important, That no one can see you.
You're a god.
And you can't wipe your own butt.
And you can't take out your own trash.
You can't feed yourself.
So you've got to have your feet bound because you've got to be caring because you're a god.
You never touch the ground.
You've got to wear little shoes so you can't walk to prove it.
You've got to have long fingernails so you can't feed yourself.
And after about a thousand years of them slowly Domesticating them and teaching them that they were elitist.
They finally had literally mentally retarded Chinese emperors who would just sit there and couldn't wipe their own butts.
And storytellers would come in and read them books all day.
And then the legalist class, the power behind the throne, ran China.
Well, Congress is almost like that.
They don't know how things work.
They don't know how things operate.
They don't even know what's going on.
And we're totally, they're all lawyers in fancy suits and ties.
And big tech knows how to come lie to them and pay them money and make them feel important and fly them around on jets.
They're idiots.
They're lightweight morons.
This is the data.
This is how the world works.
This is the nightmare.
And now I always knew that when it finally went operational, people would have heard what I said and would go, oh my God, it's true.
And we are seeing a big awakening.
But it isn't about myself getting vindicated.
It is about the reality of what you are up against.
They are telling all the sheeple that they are obsolete.
They're telling them, though, everything will be fine, you'll be able to go outside again, have a job again, if you take the shot.
Now they're like, no, the shot's coming, but that's not enough.
You still, another year of you're non-essential.
So they're totally domesticated, never working again, to be totally obsolete, to then continue to take vaccines that totally sterilize them.
And at a sick level of survival of the fittest, I'm like, Yeah, if you're dumb enough to buy into this, you deserve to be sterilized.
I mean, and I'm really struggling with this, not because you can't beat him, join him.
If the public fails this test, I guess Bill Gates is actually right.
I mean, if you people really let them do this to you, and let them kill babies with vaccines, and let them do all that, then I just want to say something.
To the political class serving this that thinks they're cute, you're idiots.
Because there is a God in this universe, and there will be metaphysical punishment for what you've been involved in.
And then if you look at Bill Gates and his family, the Astors and all, they're horrible people.
Their children are horrible.
They're totally unhappy.
They are just murderous creatures that want power.
They're not trying to guard the Earth.
They just like the power and control over it.
All right, I'm going to go to break.
I'm not fun about Bill Gates or Ted Turner or George Soros.
They're all the same group.
The Good Club, as they call it.
I'm funded by you.
And where did my Block It Pockets go?
I guess Owen took them in his studio.
We've got these great little Faraday cages that are like 99% good.
If you're right under a cell tower, it'll still beam through it and get your location.
Well, the Contact Tracers and the Globalist, we just got a bunch of these in this week.
They were sold out for months.
They're the highest quality.
They're $19.95.
People sell this exact same unit for $29.95 all day long.
The reason we sell so many is we sell at the lowest price.
You're going to find a high-quality locket pocket for your Droid or iPhone anywhere.
You put it away.
When you want to use it, you do.
Doesn't matter if you turn your location services off.
They're still tracking you.
It's hardwired in.
That's all admitted.
So you've got to put it in a Faraday cage when you sleep at night, when you travel, when you go places, when you do something private.
When you're, you know, going to do whatever it is you're doing, they are using the info against you.
So, InfoWars Privacy Pouch.
Back in stock with InfoWars printed on it.
100% reviews.
The ultimate stocking stuffer.
The ultimate gift for yourself or your family or friends.
Get a bunch of them.
Make like nine bucks a piece on them.
That's how little the markup is.
And it funds our operation.
And we've got other big sales, free shipping.
We've got X2.
We've got Alpha Power.
We've got so many great things like Prostagard that's got all the other vitamins and minerals for everybody in them.
Back in stock, the Christmas Super Sale.
Up to 60% off.
Get your orders in before the 18th to make sure you get delivery before Christmas.
All right, we're back.
We've got Ezra Levant joining us next segment.
He did a four-year request.
He's being harassed by Justin Trudeau.
The guy that said the Great Reset's here.
Let's get that clip ready next segment for the UN Takeover.
And they got a bunch of documents.
I guess they accidentally didn't redact it.
These documents were already public.
But they got a bunch of documents, 30-something pages, about Chinese troops coming in to learn the secrets of the Canadian military.
The Canadian military secretly blocked it.
And Trudeau threw a temper tantrum because he's a Qaikom globalist.
That's all coming up next segment.
It ties into Swallows Well and ties into Hunter Biden.
In fact, get that Hunter Biden clip with him.
I met with the top Chinese spy chief!
I'm under criminal investigation!
My daddy!
My poppy poppy!
Ezra Levant joining us next segment.
Let's just play a few of these clips, though.
They all go together.
This is a New York lawmaker introduces a bill to make vaccine mandatory.
Of course, they're not going to take it, so there's always loopholes where if you have an allergy or illness or whatever, you don't have to, but they won't tell the public that.
It's all about fraud upon fraud.
Violates the Nuremberg Code, Geneva Convention, you name it.
And then let's play the clip of Carrie Mullis, the PCR inventor, who right before all this started said Fauci was a fraud, and they shouldn't be getting ready to use it, and then he mysteriously died.
Another big whistleblower just died, who said she would never commit suicide if exposed Big Pharma and the vaccines.
But let's play the local newscast, and then let's play this inventor of PCR tests.
We've all been waiting for a vaccine because that is part of the solution to moving our lives ahead.
And State Assembly Member Linda Rosenthal of the Upper West Side has introduced a bill requiring most New Yorkers get a COVID-19 vaccine.
She says if at least 70% of the population does not get the vaccine on their own, then it should be mandatory.
Then the State Department of Health would have the ability to say that more people have to get it.
And they would set the rules and they would set the structure.
Labor and employment lawyer Helen Rella says your boss could force you to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
Okay, so let's stop right there.
This is literally tyranny.
It's linked to sterilization.
This is 1984.
This is Nazi Germany.
This isn't a drill.
It isn't a game.
But notice he said, before we can move forward.
They're going to keep everything locked down.
And then say, oh, sorry, we can't open things because there's still COVID cases, which they make up by turning up the test, and then they never let you go.
Then they blame those of us that don't submit to them to why they kept things locked down to vertically integrate with the Great Reset and take over.
Here's the inventor of the PCR test that they obviously killed right before all this came out.
If they could find this virus in you at all, and with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.
It starts making you believe in the sort of Buddhist notion that everything is contained in everything else, right?
I mean, because if you can amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure, which PCR can do, Then there's just very few molecules that you don't have at least one single one of them in your body, okay?
So that could be thought of as a misuse of it just to claim that it's meaningful.
Those tests are all based on things that are invisible and they are, the results are inferred in a sense.
PCR is separate from that.
It's just a process that's used to make a whole lot of something out of something.
That's what it is.
It doesn't tell you that you're sick and it doesn't tell you that the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you or anything like that.
We are now into our number two broadcasting worldwide.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And the quickening is here.
The alignment of the political, cultural, spiritual, economic planets is upon us.
China, China, China.
You know, we heard about Trump.
He was this Russian agent and hookers were in St.
Petersburg pissing in his face.
And none of it was true.
It was all fake.
It came out.
The writer of the dossier, Steele, admitted it was not true.
It was all funded by Hillary Clinton and other deep state operatives like George Herbert Walker Bush's son, Jeb Bush.
But when it comes to China and the Bidens and the Clintons, my goodness, it swallows well.
And Dianne Feinstein, her main assistant being the Chinese communist agent, And we've got Biden saying every aspect of American life should be run by the Communist Chinese.
And his son, we'll play the clip coming up next segment, saying that, I met with the head of Communist Chinese intelligence and now the FBI is investigating me and my dad and they gave me billions of dollars.
It's all recorded.
It's all real.
It's all smoking gun, just like the election fraud.
And then you add this giant 500 ton cherry.
Chinese military sends troops to Canada.
PLA training with Canadian forces.
Documents show.
And when the military said they're stealing our secrets and kicked them out or cancelled it, Trudeau freaked out.
Explosive documents.
Canadian Prime Minister requested Chinese troops be stationed in Canada.
That is from the rebel News.com, secret military documents.
Trudeau invited Chinese troops to train at Canadian military bases.
And the left will spin it, the 30-plus pages of secret documents.
They're like, oh, big deal.
Oh, really?
The military said it was a national security breach.
The military said it shouldn't happen.
And Trudeau blew up and said, I am the Prime Minister.
You will do what I say.
So this is simply Incredible, because they're not just stealing your secrets.
They're offering you money.
They're buying you off.
Every Chinese businessman that's part of the party or under the party and every member of the Chinese military is an asset, is an agent.
In the U.S.
military, 99% of people are not a spy, or less.
I bet out of 5,000 people in the U.S.
military, Air Force, Army, Marines, none of them are spies, okay?
Even if you're in PSYOPs, very few are operational in the field, okay?
But if you were Nazi Germany, a lot of you were.
Or if you're in an authoritarian Soviet system, a third of your people are.
Same thing with the Chai Comps.
So Ezra Levant of Rebel Media, a major journalist, who's here to tell you how he got these unredacted documents that no one else ever got, and just what this means and how big this is.
I mean, I thought the last thing he broke was Trudeau saying, we're in the global reset for the New World Order, the UN will run everything.
That was public, but Ezra found it and made it popular.
That's really what's important.
And now, I thought that was the biggest Trudeau traitorous faux pas.
Now this, so Ezra, tell us about the Providence, where this is going, I mean, how they're trying to suppress this with all the other Swallow's Well news, with the sex operative controlling him, the congressman that was always saying Trump was a Russian agent with no proof, and Hunter Biden and Joe Biden and his brother, all under criminal investigation we now know, which we broke months ago.
Sure Alex, thanks for having me on.
This is the biggest story I've ever covered in my life.
I will never have a story this big, this important, this dramatic again.
And it's incredible and it started a year and a half ago when I saw a little snippet reported on a Russian state broadcaster called Sputnik.
That Canada had sent a delegation to participate in China's Navy 70th anniversary celebration.
I thought, why is Canada celebrating the 70th anniversary of the People's Liberation Army Navy?
And I don't know if you know this, Alex, but just a few months before that, China grabbed two Canadian civilians off the streets and has held them hostage ever since.
So it's gross that a NATO member and a NORAD member like Canada would celebrate the People's Liberation Army celebration at all.
But this was just months after China kidnapped two Canadians.
So I saw news of this nowhere else other than on this Russian site.
I did what's called an access to information request, a freedom of information request They delayed 19 months, but they finally answered.
And yes, they confirmed that Trudeau sent someone to celebrate the Chinese Navy, but that was the least of it, because they sent 34 pages of internal documents that I never actually even asked for.
And instead of blacking them out, as secret documents usually are, they only grade them out.
You can read every single word.
And I put them up on the internet at thechinafiles.com, you can take a look.
But let me just tell you the craziest thing in there.
I did not know any of this and I like to think I follow the news closely.
In 2019, there were not one, not two, not five, not ten, there were eighteen exchanges between the Canadian Armed Forces and the People's Liberation Army.
Where we were sending our Canadian troops to China, where China was sending their troops here, and you're correct, one of them, the cold weather training at CFB Borden, our Canadian forces base, sorry, Petawawa in Ontario.
There's a Canadian forces base in Ontario, specialists in cold weather warfare.
Our Canadian military cancelled that.
As soon as Trudeau heard that the military cancelled that, he raged at them.
He sent a memo to them saying, never cancel a partnership with China again without my permission.
And on this cancellation, we have to work with you on crafting the language so the Chinese don't lose face.
So yes, we believe that cold weather warfare training was eventually cancelled by the military.
They got hell for it from Trudeau.
But the real news here Is that there were 17 other military exchanges, including Chinese one-star and two-star generals, coming to Canada to study in our war colleges.
If you go to these documents, the most interesting pages are the last two pages.
I see you're scrolling them on your screen right now.
Go to the last two pages, you'll see a list of all 18 exchanges.
I gotta throw one more thing at you, Alex.
In October of 2019, in the city of Wuhan, maybe you've heard of it, that China held the Military World Games.
It's like the Olympics for soldiers.
Huge propaganda coup for China.
Canada sent nearly 200 Canadian Armed Forces personnel for nine days to Wuhan.
Now you got your questions about the virus?
Let's put those aside.
You got the propaganda Bonanza for China, let's put that aside.
Why on earth would you send 200 physically fit young men and women, most of them single, for nine days to China, where they'll be wined and dined and wooed, Swalwell style?
At the very least, China will know a lot more about those 200 soldiers forever.
And at most, maybe one or two of them will be turned, extorted, entrapped in a honey trap.
Who sends 200 young soldiers?
Sure, you would never send regular soldiers.
You would only send spies to infiltrate them.
That's why they always have the joke, James Bond having sex with the other operatives, because both sides are spying.
You don't send regular troops into a situation like that.
Well, and that's the thing.
On the Canadian side, when we were getting these people coming to Canada, To study our systems.
They're not sending regular GIs.
They're sending probably people with photographic memory.
People who have studied our systems and are actually just trying to crack our codes and processes and strategies.
The crazy thing is we're inviting them in.
We're sponsoring them.
We're letting them wander around on our military bases without a minder.
And this is all from Canada, which is your best friend and ally.
What the hell are we doing?
So here's the thing.
When we cancelled the cold weather warfare exercise with China, and this is right there in the documents, this is why these documents are so incredible.
34 pages, unredacted, secret military, they're marked secret, some of them are marked Canadian eyes only.
So when our soldiers said, no, no, we've got to cancel this military winter warfare training, the Prime Minister said, why?
And so the military said, well, you know, knowledge transfer, and we've had complaints from allies.
And you can see this email exchange.
You can see what this is all about.
Stay right there.
And I also want to ask, you did a foyer for one thing, got something else.
I think it's pretty safe to say this is a rebellion against reason, against Trudeau, that they leaked you classified stuff.
That's why it's in gray, because if that ever got classified, they recommended it be blacked out.
You were given a secret document.
The only area it's blacked out.
You decided to do so to protect the innocent.
This is huge, folks.
We'll be right back.
Well, this is a hundred times crazier than a Tom Clancy novel.
We have the co-author with Tom Clancy, Dr. Stephen Chinnick, joining us next hour.
This is the real world.
And I've been interviewing Ezra Vant for probably six, seven years.
I've known who he is for over a decade.
The guy's a great journalist, an amazing person.
I sleep good at night knowing he's out there, literally.
You know, most guests, I don't add those type of platitudes, but he really kicks ass.
To have him say this is the biggest thing he's ever broke, because it exposes all this clandestine training no one knew about, and the military's saying we're concerned, and allies are concerned, and Trudeau flipping out.
Like the little globalist he is.
I mean, Ezra, when you say this is huge, this is seismic.
You were getting to a big point, though, when you got cut off by the break.
No problem.
Listen, I want to tell you, you know, in my own way, this was my bohemian grove.
When you went there and saw with your eyes what you always sensed, then you knew you were on the right track.
It confirmed your suspicions.
Same thing here.
I did not know how pervasive the anti-American nature Of our bureaucracy was and the pro-China nature.
See, we knew that Justin Trudeau, like his father Pierre Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada a generation ago, we knew he had a soft spot for communist regimes.
The Trudeaus loved Castro.
Pierre Trudeau went to the Soviet Union on a holiday, said Siberia was the land of the future.
So we knew that the Trudeau family had a soft spot for tyranny, but we did not know how deep it went into the bureaucracy.
Can I play for you a clip?
I sent it to your producer.
When Trudeau was running, before he was Prime Minister, he was asked a question at a fundraiser that he wasn't prepared for, it wasn't scripted.
So he actually answered from the heart.
He was asked, what country in the world do you most admire?
Listen to what he says and his explanation for it.
I think you've got the clip.
Take a listen.
Here it is.
... level of admiration I actually have for China.
Because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around
on a dime.
Not the fact that they have hundreds of millions of slaves and that we've cut our market down and given it to them with one-sided deals.
That is... I forgot that clip.
That is a profound statement.
Well, I mean, I admire many things about China too.
I admire their history, their intelligence, their culture, their language, their food.
There's many things to admire about China.
But what was the one thing he named?
They're basic dictatorship.
That's the one thing he liked.
That's the one thing I hate about them.
That's the one thing they love about them.
And so I thought, well, maybe that was a flourish, an off-script comment.
But look at this.
I sent you one more clip.
This was Trudeau's hand-picked ambassador from Canada to China during the events we've been talking about, the exchanges, Between the People's Liberation and the Canadian Armed Forces.
Listen to Trudeau's ambassador talk about what his marching orders were to China.
Take a listen.
In 24 hours of arriving in China, I was invited to present my credentials to President Xi Jinping, and I conveyed to him a message from our Prime Minister that can be summarized in three words, more, more, more.
Or in Mandarin, gung dua, gung dua, gung dua.
So this is a total capitulation to a government that admits they've killed over 100 million of their own people, that does secret experimentation, that has millions in death camps.
I mean, there's not much stuff worse than Hitler or Stalin, but they seem to have found it and they're in love with it.
And this is Trudeau pledging allegiance to it.
And the thing is, I thought maybe these were just expressions of enthusiasm for public consumption.
No, no, no.
These 34 pages of unredacted secret military documents show that this is being pushed through the entire foreign affairs apparatus of Canada.
And what's so crazy to me is Canada and the United States are the closest friends.
We share the world's largest undefended border.
Culturally, we're very similar.
Historically, very similar.
We fought in World War I and II together.
We fought in Korea together.
So many friendships.
So many commonalities.
You're our greatest friend and ally.
And, frankly, your military has subsidized our way of life because you defend the entire continent.
And to watch these bureaucrats Suck up to China and disparage the Trump administration.
Because when the general, the chief of the defense staff in Canada, said he wanted to cancel this winter warfare training, the prime minister's office and his staff said, who was it who ratted this out?
Who objected?
And the army said, well, our allies, sir.
Who was it?
Was it Trump?
Because it was as if Trudeau was saying if the Australians or the New Zealanders or the Brits objected, okay fine, but they specifically call out, quote, the Trump administration.
It's, and I say to you Alex, every letter sent by the Prime Minister's side in this internal battle, Could have been written by the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
It was so anti-American and pro-China.
We know what happens.
The globalists use Communist China as a base.
They give them most favored status.
They set it up where they can operate however they want so that no one can compete with them.
They put environmental rules on us, including Canadians, where we can't compete so all our jobs go there.
And then the bureaucrats sit there and basically sell us out even further.
for money and for funding and now they're great reset.
China's open for business but Canada, the US, Europe isn't and then they're
saying oh the great reset with the Vatican will now all give you universal
guaranteed incomes. This is this is siege. We're economically shut down. China's open
for business. The left is all invested in China. Their takeover is very clear. The
CFR admits all of this.
The Council on Foreign Relations admits it's the Chinese...
century that's the the jewel in the crown of world government. Here's Trudeau a few
months ago talking about the Great Reset. Building back better means getting
support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the
2030 agenda for sustainable development and the SDGs.
Canada is here to listen and to help. This pandemic has provided an opportunity for
a reset.
This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts, to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change.
But you're all buzzwords for power grabs, central government, shut us down, leave China open.
Ezra, incredible.
This story I know has gone mega-viral.
Where do you think it goes from here?
Well, I mean, that's the crazy thing.
I listened to a press conference on Parliament Hill in Canada today, where the Conservative leader of the opposition said, I'm going to have a press conference to talk about these documents.
So all the mainstream media were there.
You had the CBC state broadcaster.
You had the big wire services.
Six questions and follow-ups were asked.
Not one were about these documents.
We have published these documents for the world to see.
I invite any media to use them.
There's a wealth of material in there that would take weeks to unpack.
Not one question, because the media party, as I call it, is absolutely in sync with the political, industrial, military security complex.
And they, I mean, you would think The word secret would make them curious.
And this was a press conference specifically about the documents, not one question about the documents.
It's like it never happened, but I promise you it did.
Let me throw one more thing at you.
Hold on, I've got to go to break.
Tell us this on the other side.
Plus, I would expect, this is already so big in the U.S.
media, Trump's going to cover it.
Throw us into the next big thing we're going to cover.
Ezra Levant is our guest.
Read the exclusive documents and information on his extremely important website, rebelnews.com.
It's right there on the front page, rebelnews.com.
We, of course, have it all linked up on infowars.com and newswars.com.
Stay with us.
Ezra Levant is our guest here today.
I'm Alex Jones and he is with Rebel Media out of Canada and has broken huge news of a whole bunch of secret military operations inside Canada over the years under Trudeau with the Communist Chinese who are incredibly aggressive, taking over Africa, the South China Sea, you name it.
And then when Trudeau found out they got mad, the Canadian military did, saying, hey, we're getting spied on here.
Well, he blew up at them.
And then, Ezra, let's go back to this and make the other point.
You got cut off before the break here.
Again, here on the Alex Jones Show, people just tuned in.
How do you think you got the secret documents?
You asked for a FOIA request about Canadian troops going to Wuhan months before the outbreak, and then you get all these secret documents that aren't blacked out.
Have you any idea why that happened or what's going on?
You know, I can only speculate.
I mean, I suppose the simplest answer is they just made a mistake.
But that's an awfully big mistake that a lot of people didn't catch.
Another more conspiratorial speculation is that someone inside the government wanted the world to know, and they knew that if they gave these documents to, say, Trudeau's CBC state broadcaster, the documents probably would have been sat on.
But by giving it to us, they knew we would publish it.
Because that's the thing.
I asked a very narrow question.
Did Canada send a delegation to the 70th anniversary birthday party?
For the People's Liberation Army Navy.
I thought that was a gross thing to celebrate for Canadians, for a NATO country.
They could have given me a one-line answer, a one-page answer.
But they gave me 34 pages on a whole bunch of related things.
I don't even understand how that can happen except on purpose.
So, I don't know if it was on purpose or by mistake, but the fact is we have the documents.
We were given them legally.
I didn't steal them, I didn't hack them, I didn't spy for them, I asked for them, and someone on the inside chose not to black them out.
You know, Alex, we make over a thousand FOIA requests, as they're called in the States, they're called something different up here.
We make over a thousand a year.
Some of them are trivial.
We'll FOIA a local school board about a small issue, and the fact that this one topic Canada-China military relations.
Out of the thousand we do a year, that this is the one that gets over-answered and unredacted feels like a miracle.
Because, I mean, let's say we were investigating a local school board on something and they gave too much away.
Alright, it's cool, but it doesn't change the world.
This can change the world.
Because it shows just how deep the pro-China forces are in our foreign affairs department, Trying to infect our military.
The pro-China deep state is real.
You can see it in 34 pages.
And let me throw one thing at you.
I know you mentioned Stalin earlier, one of the world's worst killers.
Well, the New York Times had a reporter named Walter Durante who covered up Stalin's crimes.
He actually won a Pulitzer for it for the New York Times.
He called him Uncle Joe, didn't he?
Oh yeah, he tried to humanize Stalin, and he covered up the crimes.
Only later was it revealed, and if I'm not mistaken, I think they might have stripped the Pulitzer posthumously from him.
That cover-up enabled one of the crimes of the century, the crimes against humanity.
I would say Stalin committed crimes against humanity.
In these 34 pages, we see evidence that the Canadian diplomatic force in China is aware of atrocities, and they cover them up.
Let me give you an example.
In the western Chinese province of Xinjiang, where the Uyghur Muslim minority is, where there's reportedly a million or more Uyghurs, that's the name of the ethnic group, in concentration camps, slave labor camps, making your Nikes and your Adidas or whatever.
The police there use an app on your smartphone to track everything, including your movements.
And in these documents, in these 34-page documents, which you can see at thechinafiles.com, you have all the reports that our embassy in Beijing knows about this, including that they've personally observed the smartphone app at police checkpoints in Xinjiang.
But like Walter Durante, They're covering it up.
The only reason we know that is because they failed to black it out.
They just grayed it out.
Page after page, you see Chinese human rights atrocities blacked out.
Except for they weren't blacked out, they were grayed out.
So why is it that we are the Walter Durantes of 2020?
Why is it that we're covering for Xi Jinping?
Well, you're absolutely right, and now Apple helps run the worst death camps, gets components from it, and they're lobbying against bills that would just repudiate slave labor and make it be listed that, hey, this didn't come from a Uyghur slave camp or a Christian or a Buddhist slave camp.
And then we have the left just absolutely trying to cover this up.
The Washington Post saying they hope Xi Jinping quote destroys President Trump.
This is a China communist file.
You've heard of anglophiles, you've heard of frankenfiles, you've heard of pedophiles, you're meaning somebody likes something.
This is a commie chi-com file.
Disgusting, disgusting movement and now Amazon, all these big corporations are bringing in the AI surveillance systems of their factories used against the Uyghurs.
I mean this is just incredible.
An alliance of big tech with Mordor.
That's true.
What's fascinating to me is It's obvious that in Canada, and I'm sure it's the same for countries around the world, we know it.
These half-redacted, these greyed out, not blacked out documents show the human rights abuses that we know about, but the fact that they're greyed out shows you what they wanted to black out, right?
It's almost like they're directing your attention to the interesting parts.
So why would they seek to redact Human rights atrocities.
Again, that's something China's forming.
Yeah, they're showing you what... I'm sure what happened is they gave you a blacked out copy and somebody got rebellious in the computer program and removed it.
So they've got people trying to kick Joe Rogan off because he has free speech at Spotify, deleting my interview with him and sabotage.
And so those are bad guys.
But I think there's good guys obviously inside as well.
You know, one of the things that comes through again and again is how important Canada's Foreign Affairs Department believes helping Xi Jinping save face is.
That's really what underlies all their attacks on the Canadian Armed Forces.
They didn't want China to think for a second that we were mad at them, that we were punishing them, that we were engaging in a diplomatic response to them.
It's all about saving face for Xi Jinping.
It's bizarre.
They're obsessed with it.
And like I say... Well, let's be clear.
I mean, the left wants to say, you know, that being a white man is bad.
And YouTube says all white men will be suppressed on our platform.
Meanwhile, they run death camps in China.
And again, it's just worshipping the tyranny.
It's not just covering up for it.
It's worshipping it.
Yeah, I find it incredible.
The irony is, they're onto something.
China does believe in saving face, culturally, but any dictatorship has to.
As soon as people can laugh at a tyrant, they take away half his power, which is your fear of him.
That's why Hong Kong democracy protesters would show Winnie the Pooh, because Xi Jinping looks a little bit like the cartoon Winnie the Pooh.
So, if you're laughing at the tyrant, you're rebelling against him, you're showing you're not afraid of him, I think it was Orwell who said every joke is a little revolution.
That's right.
In 84, Winston is down there in the cafeteria and this other guy is making jokes that are witty.
Even though he's pro-party, Winston goes, oh, he'll be dead soon because he's funny.
They don't want humor.
Well, I think Solzhenitsyn was sent to prison for making a one-liner about Stalin's mustache.
They're on to something when they say, you've got to let Xi Jinping save face.
You can't embarrass Xi Jinping.
Because culturally, it's saving face, but for any tyrant.
And ironically, they're pointing in the wrong direction.
Because what we should learn from that is, if you want China to amend its behavior to become more democratic, more free, less tyrannical, less abuses, commit fewer atrocities, then call them out.
That's right.
Call them out.
Call tyrants out.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is an authoritarian revolution happening on the planet.
And the globalist Robert Barron set up Mao Zedong in 49 to set up a controlled society, a laboratory of control.
And now...
70 years later, Communist China is the model of the planet.
We've got this footage we can roll here.
Let's play it with audio of inside Amazon factories, inside Amazon shipping centers, where people have to social distance and AI robots watch them.
This is the control already tested in China, now being brought here with their alliance with big tech.
That shit, oh we, we, we was like too close, oh too close for comfort.
That's maybe showing like when people with six feet apart and shit, they're gonna take a picture and make me get in trouble.
So it's all about how you're guilty, how you're bad, how robots are replacing you, or how they're...
Turning you into a robot.
Well, one way to become aware of what's happening and how these smartphones are really spy devices that surveil you and track you for hackers, government, UN contact tracers, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Clintons.
It's privacy pockets.
Now, this is a high-quality Faraday cage.
People sell the same unit we private-labeled for $29.95.
We're selling it for $19.95.
They cost us $11 a pouch because they're high-end, they're high-quality, and they have a 99% rate of not letting you be tracked, unlike others that are about 90%.
And if you're right under a cell tower, you can still beam through it and still track where you're at.
But that's the way to...
Put your phone away to have less screen time, to be aware of how you're being tracked.
This is the best stocking stuffer, the best Christmas present.
We've got it in four different colors, blue, green, red, and black.
They've been sold out for months.
They're back in stock, InfoWarsTore.com or 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139, see 100% reviews.
We've tested a lot of other ones out that aren't as good.
They're still pretty good, but these are the best we've found, and they're pretty low price.
We've had like $40 ones that cost us like 20 to buy that didn't even work as well.
So those are at InfoWarsTore.com.
We also have a 60% off and free shipping, double Patriot points.
And if you get your orders in by the 18th, You will get it before Christmas here in the United States.
So take advantage of the big Christmas mega sale at mfolwarestore.com.
We're funded by you, not by Bill Gates, not by the New World Order, not by Xi Jinping.
Getting back to Ezra Levant, final segment we have with him.
I'm going to play this clip one more time and then give you the floor to add any other key points or addendums of where this huge story of All these secret communist Chinese drills in Canada, and then finally the military saying no, and your globalist prime minister getting angry with that clip of him a few years ago saying, I admire communist China the most in a TV show.
Just incredible, because they have a basic dictatorship and do the best job.
I mean, this is just an incredible admission of these authoritarians.
Here it is.
You notice that's pretty boy Trudeau with a bunch of women.
for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to
actually turn their economy around on a dime.
You notice that's pretty boy Trudeau with a bunch of women.
Stockholm syndrome. And not putting women down with statistics shows.
They'll go under dictatorship a lot quicker.
Men will just go off and party and do nothing and not stand up, I guess, in the modern system.
But Ezra Levant of Rebel Media.
This is so huge.
This is so seismic.
That's a few years ago.
Now here we see he's basically a client of Communist China living out what he actually said he did.
He should.
This is enough to have him raided.
This is enough to have his files checked.
I bet you he's getting some money from some Chinese front companies, just like the big voting machine companies are in the case of Smartmatic and the case, of course, of Dominion.
What do you think?
Well, there's actually no need for an investigation.
We already know the facts about that.
There are a bunch of groups around Justin Trudeau that are not formally his political party, but they're associated with him.
There's the Trudeau Foundation.
There's his sort of in-house think tank called Canada 2020.
And they take massive donations directly from China.
For example, Huawei.
The monster tech company that wants to build 5G around the world.
They're a major, major donor to Canada 2020.
Trudeau's in-house think tank.
So he's not even hiding it.
Other donors, even six figures plus.
to take at fundraisers for Trudeau.
He is absolutely up to his eyeballs in it.
And the trouble is, you show the news, like we revealed these 34 pages for the whole world
to see, and like I mentioned this morning, there was a press conference on Parliament
Hill about these documents.
Six journalists in a row, none of them cared because either they like China or they just
support whoever is against the West, or they like Trudeau, or just as likely, their own
media companies are compromised in some way.
You know, there's nothing cheaper to buy off than a journalist in the year 2020.
Media companies are broke, and who has all the cash?
So, I mean, why do you think media companies would be less susceptible to Chinese cash and honey traps than any other industry?
And why do they have all the cash?
Closed a few months, have been open.
We're supposedly never going to reopen.
And these same China-centric politicians tell us, China did a great job.
You'll never be open until you give us martial law.
I mean, this is really, you can see the PSYOP is right there.
Who are the biggest boosters of the lockdowns in the West?
Aside from the public health officers who are enjoying their moment of fame, Dr. Fauci, etc.
It's the media.
The media who put on their masks when they're on camera.
The second they think they're off camera, they throw the mask away and say, I'm not pretending.
The people who go to the fancy restaurants with Gavin Newsom.
The people who get their hair done with Nancy Pelosi.
But then when the lights and camera are on, they want a lockdown for the rest of us.
So my point is, The media are the least skeptical about China and they're really the enforcers of the pandemic lockdown even though they themselves have never lost a day's work.
And they're the ones pushing censorship of the independent media because they can't survive if we're still there in closing.
Is it not positive, though, that Swallow's Well and Biden and his son and his brother are under criminal investigation and more and more of this is coming out?
And that's a good sign.
All these states have joined the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court's taken the case about this illegal ballots.
I mean, this is this is a crazy time.
It's true.
And I like the fact that you're taking a glass half full approach because the world is full of bad news and you have pointed out some glimmers of hope.
But wouldn't it have been nice to have known many of these things, including about Hunter Biden?
Before the election, as you point out, the big tech companies censored it.
But we'll keep fighting up here, and I know you'll keep fighting down there.
All right, Ezra.
What else do you have cooking in the last 60 seconds at Rebel Media?
I mean, you've always got huge stuff.
Give us a little prelude to what you might have come out next.
Well, you know, we've started a civil liberties project in Canada, Australia, and the UK for people who have been given outrageous lockdown fines.
It's a program called FightTheFines.com.
We're actually offering free lawyers To the first 1,000 people that have lockdown fines.
We've hired a bunch of lawyers.
We're doing a civil liberties fight.
That's our big project next, Alex.
Well, I mean, I'm not just saying this.
I admire you because you take so much action.
You get so much results because you actually do it.
And I just, so does Project Veritas, but I think you're like the Veritas of Canada, but you also affect the rest of the world.
So, Ezra, please, anytime you've got news, you know, we called you, you were ready to come on.
A lot of times you've got too much going on, I get it, but anytime you want to get to this audience and tell people about what's going on, please reach out to us.
We really, really appreciate you.
We've got a lot of websites.
What's the best one?
What's the mothership for folks to visit?
Rebel Media?
RebelNews.com, RebelNews.com, and you can find out all we're up to, and you can obviously read these secret documents there, too.
So, thanks for the opportunity to talk to your people, Alex.
Ezra, we love you.
Okay, next hour, former head of psychological operations for the State Department and the CIA, Dr. Steve Pucinich, will join us on the election and a lot more.
You do not want to miss that.
I will just say this right now.
I sleep great knowing that Ezra Levine's out there, and I sleep great knowing OAN's out there, and Newsmax, and Right Side, and just everybody.
But, InfoWars is the tip of the spear.
We are the enemy's main threat because we have the largest audience of you badasses.
Okay, so it's you they hate, okay?
I mean, hell, I'm not even that important.
It's all these guests, as you just heard.
So, remember that they are working around the clock.
You know to tune in to the local radio station, or TV station, or InfoWars.com.
But I run into people all the time, I used to love you, I wish you were still on air.
I heard you're off air, because I'm not on Facebook or YouTube.
I'm like, no, no, I'm at Band Off Video.
You're still on air?
I mean, I can't go to the grocery store, or a restaurant, and it gets tears in my eyes, because I look at these people, old ladies, young men, black, white, I go, hey, you're habituated to going to Facebook and Twitter.
They're like, what's habituated?
You know, you have a habit.
Because I'm not in your feed doesn't mean that I'm not there.
And a lot of folks get that, but it's not about, oh, I want the biggest show, I want the traffic.
I want to beat this deal.
They wanted us off the air because we've got the globalist number.
So, whatever you do for yourself and your family this Christmas, or Hanukkah or whatever the hell you want to call it, you
better do this.
You better spread the word about whatever you think the best news organization is
standing up for your freedom and all our freedom collectively.
And I believe InfoWars.com is that site.
But whatever you do, don't stay silent because your word of mouth is king.
Hour number three, two minutes ahead. Stay with us.
Those ballots, I don't like it.
You know, you have a Democrat governor, you have all these Democrats watching that stuff.
Be poll watchers when you go there.
Watch all the thieving and stealing and robbing they do.
I have told you that Trump had about a 20% chance in the last three weeks since this fraud unfolded to prove it to the American people and to override this corruption because the gaslighting and the mass hoax and the incredible censorship by big tech and the controlled corporate media is so unbelievable.
But Thanks to the grace of God and all these wonderful men and women, black, white, Hispanic, old, young, Indian Americans, Native Americans, Indians from India that are Americans, Chinese Americans, black Americans, all Hispanic Americans, all telling the same stories of the organized fraud in those key five states.
Any kind of oversight and, you know, those ballots getting duplicated without an oversight and all of this fraud that was happening, it was heartbreaking.
So that's why I decided to put myself here.
I didn't have my GOP tag on, so automatically I was assumed to be a Democrat.
And I have seen some women who came to me and said, let's get these MFs out.
And she was singing that song.
And for me, I don't listen to secular music, and these days you can't even tell what is cussing and what is a song.
So I thought maybe she was really singing a song.
But then when I saw that she was targeting white male Republicans, accusing them of something like, your mask slipped, you were not six feet away, so you need to go out, and you know, your phone was out.
And they were really intimidating all these white people.
I put myself out there, tried to help them, saying, why are you getting them in trouble?
And they said, why are you taking their side?
Then I showed my GOP tag, and then she said to me that I'm on the wrong side, because I had a GOP tag on.
So I personally observed USB cards being uploaded to the voting machines by the voting machine warehouse supervisor on multiple occasions.
I saw this personally.
I brought it to the attention of the deputy sheriff who was there stationed, who was a senior law enforcement officer.
And I brought it to the attention of the clerk of elections.
Um, I brought it to their attention, I objected, and I said, uh, this person is not being observed, he's not part of the process that I can see, and he's walking in with baggies, which we have pictures of, and it was submitted to, in our affidavits, and he was sticking these USBs into the machines.
So, in talking to U.S.
Attorney General McSwain and other law enforcement officers, I found out that was not the case.
That generally, you know, more than two is unusual.
We have a lawyer coming in studio later who went and poll watched and caught them engaged in criminal activity in Travis County.
I was personally appointed by the Travis County Republican Party.
So you were there on official business?
My intent was to get it recorded, to take pictures of what was happening, and to make the situation public.
Fleck snapped these three pictures and sent them to us.
The pictures show, she argues, the clerk's office obstructing poll watchers from doing their job.
We had no audio at all.
We could not hear what was going on.
They were running ballots.
They were signing reports.
When we would tap on the window so that we could ask a question or so that we could see a report, which is allowed under the statute, they would ignore us.
Fleck then called 911, asking for a deputy to file a police report.
When the deputy arrived, the clerk's office found out Fleck had taken pictures and told her to leave.
The county clerk has been caught over and over again stealing elections.
This woman, when she called the police, she was arrested.
But guess what?
She had hidden video and got it all.
But the police confiscated the hidden video.
Alright, we're gonna start.
The next segment with Steve Pichenik, who was on with me two weeks ago and said, all the China stuff's about to come out on the Bidens, and then they'll be given a chance to step down.
Then he said it again Sunday with Owen Schroer, hosting my show, and now you see all this is breaking and coming out.
I've known Pchenik 19 years, and he's never BS'd me.
He might have been wrong about a few things, but he's been right more than I've been about things, which is, I'm right about 95%, he's been right about 97%.
So we'll see if he's right.
You're coming up in 41 days.
Stay with us.
But I think he means well at the end of the day.
Stay with us.
My three-and-a-half-year-old daughter is begging me to see snow.
We live in Central Texas.
She hasn't seen snow.
And she says, Daddy, I want to see snow this Christmas.
Well, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, that's because she's racist.
They actually say white Christmas is racist.
But that's the left trying to divide this country and divide the world.
The good news is everybody, no matter what melanin you got in your skin, is seeing through this.
And that's the good news.
All right.
Dr. Steve Pachetnik, former head of psychological operations, psychiatrist, a lot of other stuff, of the State Department, worked in regime changes, helped found Delta Force, co-wrote a bunch of books, and made movies with Tom Clancy.
He came out here three weeks ago and he said, Biden's gonna basically be exposed as a Chinese agent, and he'll be given a chance to step down and not contest this, or they're gonna go to prison, but if he wants a pardon, he'll get one.
I'm like, okay, sounds like wishful thinking.
That's dead story.
The media totally locked it down during the election.
He said, watch, it's gonna come out.
He was on Sunday and said, just watch, it's imminent.
We'll play a clip in a moment, but he was on for an hour.
The full interview is at Band.Video.
And I think the headline is, Intelligence Insider, Biden Won't Be Given a Chance to Step Down to Avoid Prosecution.
I know I watched it, like, Sunday night.
I didn't watch it live.
But that's at Vandavidya.
And so, indeed, that's now happening.
The question is, will the investigation continue on?
Swallow's well, with a sex op attached to him.
We've got federal criminal investigation to Hunter.
Into Joe Biden, his brother the bag man, all these senators calling for criminal investigations.
This isn't like Trump in Russia where you squeeze a stone, no blood comes out.
This is like shooting a 10,000 pound hog, blood just sprays out every orifice.
I mean, you're talking about like hitting the spindle top in South Texas or something.
I mean, this damn thing is the mother load.
These people are complete commie agents.
Talk about a big giant target on their back.
The Machiavellian side of me hopes they put Biden in and we'll destroy the whole Democratic Party, but I'm sorry.
Going back to Pecheneg, who's been saying, hey, we got hope.
It's all right.
Like waving the flag of the battle.
Don't give up.
They were like, how dare you be optimistic?
Well, that's all we got.
But it seems to be with Texas joining, and now 19 other states joining as parties of the suit, not just signing on, that the worm is turning, like you said.
I hope you're right with 41 days, buddy.
So here's a clip of you Sunday with Owen Schroeder.
I think Biden understands this.
He may not always be the sharpest bulb and the sharpest mind around, but I think he has a pretty good idea that he's under indictment, his son is.
And if anything is to come about, my suspicion is that Biden will resign as will his son because Either or, or both might go to prison.
My suspicion is Trump will remain.
He will be a president for the next eight years.
Biden will concede, and somewhere there will be remuneration.
That's only my suspicion.
So is that a Roosevelt prediction?
All right, Steve.
Again, you've been on the air 19 years.
You've exposed a lot of stuff.
You've been accurate most of the time.
I don't think you're a bad guy.
I think you're a good guy.
But I tell you, things sounded dire three weeks ago when you said this.
Now they seem to be going your way.
What's going on?
Well, it's not going my way or any way.
Number one, I just want to thank you for always being open to alternative point of view.
And you have to understand this is not flattering you, but I am.
I do enjoy your presence.
It's amazing.
The reason we come on this air and over 20 years, you have become literally the mainstream media with all due respect to that word.
As a result of that, we were able to say what I was able to say, which is number one, Biden and his crew are really going to be rolled up.
It's something that Trump and a group of us and Cyber Command and really, we owe a lot of gratitude to Nakasone, Keith Alexander, Colin Agee, and Special Forces Boykin I can't explain to you how important our military has become.
Not because they're kinetic.
Those days of kinetic warfare are over.
And what these gentlemen and others and including the civilians and General Brown of the Air Force, what they began to understand, along with Trump, who really catalyzed all this, we're in the 21st century.
And in order to compete with China and Russia, we had to immediately co-opt the Chinese, the Russians and our own internal corruption.
The amount of corruption that was present or extant has been here for 40 to 50 years.
In a way, with all due respect to you, Alex, the reason I came on 20 years ago is because you were the only show that understood the veracity of the 9-11 false flag.
So this is the payback for those of us who went to Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Syria.
Underneath the auspices of every chicken hawk president we had.
Bush Senior, who claimed that he was shot down, but he ejected from his plane.
Bush Junior, who never served, he was too cowardly.
Obama, who never served, but was a CIA operative who brought along with him that Catholic idiot, John Brennan.
And at the same time, we had all of these people.
Susan Rice, one of the greatest cowards of all time from National Cathedral, Stanford, could have prevented the death of a million Tootsies, but didn't say anything.
And now she's being appointed as domestic counsel.
John Kerry, Secretary of State, another loser who goes into the Vietnam War with a camera to show how grandiose, of course.
His family converted from Judaism to Episcopalian.
Oh, and then he went to a private school and then went to Yale.
Oh, by the way, who did the same thing?
Barr's family.
Barr's father just converted from Judaism to Episcopalian.
Christianity, and Barr himself was a DI, as I said, a Director of Intel, an analyst, a DDO, an operative, and we have suspicions about Barr and why there weren't any indictments beforehand.
The reason was simple.
The catalyst for all of this, quite frankly, were two elements.
One is your friend and my acquaintance, Roger Stone.
The minute they had even thought of bringing Roger Stone in or anywhere near prison was already a catalyst.
That was a warning to me.
But the real catalyst in all of this was the fact that they were pinpointing Michael Flynn in an amazing directive of a defense intelligence agency.
That was when I came on your show and a year or two years ago, I said, under no condition will Mike Flynn be arrested or convicted or indicted.
And that was the real rolling stone behind all of these efforts.
Once you attacked one of our major operatives in the Defense Intelligence Agency, all the
other colleagues, including myself, who were in cyber command, military intelligence began
to understand, uh-oh, we got a problem that has been there for 40 years, which our great
President Eisenhower said, "CIA has failed."
has led a legacy of ashes, and this is part of the C.I.A.
disaster that occurred with Gina Aspel, George Tenet.
No, I agree.
Let's talk about what you expect to see the next 40 days, and hopefully this goes well.
Trump seems very confident.
The states are lining up.
They should be scared.
Clapper, Brennan, Hayden, and a bunch of them have already been targeted by our own people and cyber commands.
that stronger standing. I look at the body language of Brennan and Clapper.
They're on air crapping their britches right now. I look at body language. They
look scared. They should be scared. Clapper, Brennan, Hayden and a bunch of
them already been targeted by our own people in cyber command. So number one,
will people actually go to a prison?
Some will.
Many of them you will not know.
Number two, we have ordered and we built a huge Guantanamo base in the mountains of Cuba.
Make that clear.
Number three, there will be indictments in the Biden community and Biden will have to relinquish any sense of being a president or anything else because Hunter Biden is so exposed at this particular point in time that there will be a quid pro quo.
A quid pro quo We'll be sampling.
Sorry, the dogs are going at it.
You can see the worm turning now from what you were saying sounded absurd three weeks ago to now it's like whoa so I'm gonna hear this as you said it's gonna come out I'm like they've already buried the China stuff Steve and you're like watch and boom just like night following day day following night you you've been right so far as I cross my fingers I hope you're in telling what your your sides gonna win a pro-america we'll be right back stay with us Okay folks, welcome back.
Alex Jones here with Dr. Steve Pachetnik, very interesting fella.
And I remember him, we already played some of the clubs, but I remember him saying, you're going to finally see massive firings at the CIA.
They're going to fire the head of the CIA.
They're going to fire the head of the civilian head of the Pentagon, the Secretary of Defense.
And now today, massive firings of the CIA, massive cutouts kicking them out of the Pentagon because they've become Chinese communist agents.
Let's just say, third parties that sell us, like Trump said three months ago, he said, I may not be here soon if I don't succeed, but it's okay, I gotta give it a shot.
I'm an American.
There's these middlemen sold us out, and so they're being cut out right now.
Steve McChenick, let's go through that, but I want to drill in, because I get you've got your message, what you're saying, a lot of it is unfolding to be accurate, thank God.
I mean, I know you meant well in it all, but talking to your sources, who again aren't God, they're people like us that are looking at the battlefield and what's happening.
What do you do when the general public, at least half of them, are gaslit that Joe Biden won when he didn't?
What do you do when it comes out that they fraudulently sent out these ballots and the Supreme Court overturns it as it looks like things are moving towards?
What happens then?
Let me explain something.
My sources didn't say any of these things that I'm saying to you.
I'm basing it on the simple principle of knowing the dynamics of each of the characters and how a Biden is self-destructive, Nancy Pelosi self-destructive.
But the most important thing I've always said to you in your audience is the fact, do not listen to Trump.
Watch what he does.
And now he's going to clean out everything.
What is the new administration going to look like?
Probably Mike Flynn will come in and either serve as head of intelligence or head of Secretary of Defense.
We're going to have a very clean slate because Trump will arrest a lot of the politicians.
I want to talk about that.
We'll do that this segment or next, but let's get into meat and potatoes here.
You did say three weeks ago that you talked to high-level folks in these agencies, and I can talk to them too.
They call me up.
They're just people like us.
But they said, we're hanging on.
Trump's going to win.
I've talked to Trump's top lawyers.
I've talked to Trump's son.
They say they're going to win.
They say the same stuff you're saying.
They just are more cryptic.
Look at this.
Look at that.
Then it becomes accurate.
I'm just simply asking you, because...
Well, what the timetable is, because you said, look, they're going to bring out the corruption on Biden.
And I thought, well, they already buried that.
Boom, it's back.
So it looks like that's on track to legitimize and give the political cover to the Supreme Court to follow the law and overturn this fraudulent election.
So what will happen, there will be an overturn of the election.
Biden will concede and will either claim that he's sick or whatever he goes by.
You said that three weeks ago too and two weeks later.
I forget.
He said, I may just sign off and say I'm sick.
Well, what can I tell you?
I mean, I don't have a fortune cookie.
Alex, basically you and I, Work off of the dynamics of a system and the consistency of personalities.
And when you come up against a Sidney Powell, who will probably be the next Attorney General of the United States, you have Pence there.
What I'm getting at is you have to and the American public has to understand This took years to implement.
This took years for our military and others to be able to... So it's like an iceberg.
We see a General Flynn, we see a Sidney Powell, we see a Donald Trump.
There's a whole movement behind that.
And what I said, and most people didn't understand it, was that there was a massive mobilization of troops All over the United States, certainly here in Northern Florida, certainly in other places, in Fort Hood and in California.
That was done not to create martial law, but to prevent any problem that we would need to incur martial law.
In other words, that was a preventative action.
The globalists are trying to create localized crises to overturn the Republic.
We have forces to stop it.
We don't want this Black Lives Matter kind of junk coming up again.
Let me tell you the following.
The coronavirus pandemic will be eliminated by Trump.
He will basically say, and he has to, that we no longer need this nonsensical isolation of a government.
That has been the most absurd thing I have seen.
And it was a cover under which the Democrats could maintain their sense of power.
At this point, we have to eliminate the notion of a mask.
It's absurd.
I mean, What you have seen, and Trump will eliminate it, is a very important element that I said years ago to your people.
I said that wearing of a mask is the equivalent of the Jews wearing this golden star under Hitler.
And that's the people he took care of.
Namely, if I wanted to create A massive fascist organization.
I have already done it.
Oh, it's like an armband.
It's a symbol that you subserve.
It's a symbol you buy into the ideology.
So you have and promote a man like Fauci who would theoretically would go to Biden, but he will be fired and asked to leave the government.
He's been there a long enough time.
He's created a hysteria that was nonsensical.
We will probably eliminate the notion of wearing masks and the pandemic and explain to people that you can use antibiotics or the other Products that you have and all of this nonsense has to go away and we'll free up our economy.
The most important part of what Trump has to do now and he understands it.
He has to restart the economy.
He's willing to put in millions and millions of dollars.
He's willing to help the small business.
You'll have the floor to cover that, but let's get down to this.
People see them announcing Biden's the winner even though he's not under law.
What do you expect to happen with the Supreme Court from your analysis of the whole deal and what's going to unfold from that?
The Supreme Court will basically declare that this was a major revolution that was a revolution of corruption.
And they will overturn every state that had Biden primarily elected.
That's a perfect term.
This is a revolution of corruption.
And what we have seen is the beginning and the evisceration of corruption that's been indigenous in our system for 60 to 70 years.
Sidney Powell said it.
Look, this is not about Biden.
And Giuliani said it.
This is not even about Trump, this is way beyond any individual.
This is about what happened to the system as we progress from one chicken hawk president to another, both Republicans and Democrats.
And what happened at the local level is when corruption was the basic media and the basic Currency of advancement.
Now, why is that so unusual?
For the most part, when you're a politician on any level, you want to appeal to the people.
But your narcissism has to be such that you're willing to do things against, quote, the law.
In other words, Biden said it very early on 47 years ago.
If Daria can take that video, he said, yes, I'm corrupt.
I have to be corrupt in order to be a politician.
That was the sui generis of every politician.
47 years ago, Biden's elected the Senate.
Biden says, don't say I'm not corrupt.
And that ties into what Jeff Zucker's saying in these videos.
Veritas Scott, they're like, he goes, listen, everyone's corrupt, guys.
Let's be corrupt.
That's the beginning of how this works.
We're all corrupt now.
So we don't stand for anything.
That's someone trying to create slaves.
So we'll talk about that and what he sees coming next, because he told us what he thought was going to happen three weeks ago.
It's starting to actually move that crazy direction.
And so what happens next with Dr. Steve Pachinik?
And she's going to do the rest.
All right.
Steve Pachinik is our guest for the rest of the hour.
I'll host about 15 minutes the next hour.
Then Matt Bracken is going to take over ahead of Owen Schroer and the Warren.
But let me just tell you the story, because I don't get orders from headquarters.
I just do research and when I'm ready to go with my gut I go with it.
I finance a lot of websites that are well known, a lot of groups, a lot of journals,
a lot of people.
And back in the day when I made a lot of money before the banning on Facebook and Twitter
and all that, I put tens of millions of dollars some years into other people.
And a lot of the things you've seen that have been successful have been us.
And that isn't about me getting credit.
You need to know that I took that money and instead of having my own private jet I owned or a 20-bedroom house, I've got a 5-bedroom house that ain't the damn thing's too big.
I want to get a smaller house.
The point is, I'm about to buy a trailer, I bought a piece of property, I'm about to get a double wide trailer, so it's $100,000.
But seriously, what I'm getting at here is, when you spend money here, it goes into the war.
So there were a bunch of demonstrations for the 12th, and no one would pay.
The speaker systems and stuff, because it's like $100,000 for the Park Service to do it.
So I'm not going to tell you which ones, but there's a bunch of events this weekend, and we're financing a bunch of them.
You are financing them.
So that's just an example of when you buy the products, what we're doing.
When I think something needs money, nobody else will do it, we do it.
So go do your Christmas shopping at InfoWarStore.com and buy the water filters.
The air filters are all top-rated.
They're storable food.
That's their biggest sale of the year.
A huge discount on a one-month food supply.
But InfoWarStore.com has the Krill oil and the Turbo Force and the Brain Force and the X2 and the X3 and the shortwave radios and survival gear and solar panel systems and Seed center and freeze dryers.
All of it is there and that funds our operation.
Get great products at great prices.
And that's how we fund our operation with a big Christmas sale.
So I thank you all, but my accountant's like...
Okay, you can operate about three months at this point.
What are you doing paying for these damn rallies?
You gotta pay.
You gotta pay the park service to put up this thing.
Some of these people aren't even having you speak and you're paying for it.
It doesn't matter.
Somebody's gotta step up.
So it's not about the credit I get.
It's not about that.
It's a war.
And you can just know that I will spend money in the war.
And I think I'll do a pretty damn good job we've shown.
So we're going back to Dr. Steve Pachinick.
We've got this segment, the next.
Big picture.
Because people are going to call me by the hundreds, and we're going to get thousands of emails, literally, like, ask Pchenik who told him, or why he thinks, or what's coming next.
I get you get some intel.
You talk to folks that aren't God.
They've got their perspective.
This is a moving part.
No one knows except God.
But what is the real battle space of America and the world right now?
As what you said sounded absurd three weeks ago, I mean, I knew it had a good shot and was true.
Moving towards now reality, what's the real battle space?
What can we as citizens do right now?
Most importantly, U.S.
citizens, number one, for you to continue and the donations are important.
Also to support James O'Keefe and Project Veritas.
All these so-called sidebar shows are becoming the mainstream.
New York Times, CNN, NBC, that's all gone.
That's a major turn of events.
I also predict that Zuckerberg is going to be indicted and convicted for all kinds of irregularities and particularly a monopoly that he knows he's running.
So the lawsuit is there against Zuckerberg.
There will be another lawsuit against Dorsey on Twitter if he doesn't cease and desist his nonsense.
And then for Facebook, Zuckerberg will pay a very heavy price.
So what is happening now is on the international or the national level.
I said to you 20 years ago, the power is devolving from Washington.
Basically, what Trump has done is to empty the swamp and literally... I don't want to interrupt.
Elon Musk came out this weekend in a Wall Street Journal interview and said, power's evolving from the east and west coast to the middle of the country in Texas.
Something you said here 18 years ago.
And I admire Elon Musk.
I invest in his companies.
But this is a South African genius, an Afrikaner that we call from Pretoria, where I invested.
And he correctly moved from California to Texas.
Most people are moving from California to Florida.
New York is empty.
Chicago will be empty.
Every democratic state and every democratic city will be empty.
And basically, people will go to the outskirts And to other places where they don't have to pay taxes.
That's number one.
Number two, the so-called control by the Internet is breaking up.
That's why my guys in Cyber Command was the spear of the frontal attack, because the Internet was a product of what I have said 20, 30 years ago, a product of the CIA through a company called IAEA.
We talked about it.
And in turn, they thought they really could control everything until we were able to build up the military capacity on cyber command.
So you're going to get rid of the 16 units that we have in intelligence, reorganize that intelligence.
Grinnell may come back.
He's been an incredible advocate.
Sidney Powell's been an incredible advocate.
So we have the presses are going to go.
Hollywood is gone.
You're developing independent stations like yourself.
And let me be clear, people tune in, they hear this, they go, a lot of that's already happening.
You said on my show 15 years ago, Hollywood's dead, Hollywood's gone.
So you've been right about that.
But when people want to hear it, Doctor, please entertain us here or just, you know, please Whatever the term is, indulge me.
Please tell us.
I'm indulging everybody.
Indulge us.
Tell us your take on the next 41 days, how you see this playing out.
I'm sure that it might not happen just like you said, but you're not saying this is the gospel truth.
You're saying your opinion is, how's this about to play out?
This is going to play off where pretty much Trump by the new year will have turned around the entire ballot system and shown that he won the electoral colleges.
The Supreme Court will reaffirm that.
He will come back in.
He will select a new a group of people to come into the White House, many who
have fought for him on the side.
Number two, there will be a breakup of the huge Internet companies. Zuckerberg will be
indicted. Dorsey will be indicted. Others who have taken the social network and taken
it out of control will be indicted.
In turn, they don't go to prison, but they will have what we call Proposition 230 will be imposed, and that means that every huge internet company will now be liable for all kinds of penalties.
The second thing and the third thing is that we will eliminate this pandemic nonsense of wearing coronavirus and the masks.
The fourth thing is that we're going to have to deal with Problems overseas, but quite frankly, Putin has been a quiet ally of ours.
The Chinese will understand that we will come back in full force if they do not comply with our wishes in terms of national security.
In particular, we've just deployed our Navy quietly to the South China Sea because we want to control the area of where Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia is.
The Chinese understand that.
There will be another force structure that is surrounding the Chinese, and that I can talk about.
Some of the Japanese are building all their own islands now?
The Japanese have always been our ally after World War II.
What is not known, and I'm not revealing a terrible secret, is the deployment of battleships and soldiers in Japan was not quite accurate.
So when you say Japan has a quote small defense military, what's not said is that within 90 days we can blow out that military from 30,000 to 900,000.
They have a giant secret military ready to be retrofitted.
And they have ships all over the Pacific, which is quietly shielded away from the Chinese.
The Chinese know that once we allow the Japanese to go into the South China Sea, we have a spear right underneath their belly.
At the same time, we will go and once again, Trump will try to make peace with North Korea because Kim Jong-un went to Switzerland.
He understands he has assets in Switzerland.
And he's going to make peace.
At the same time, I said to you, we were going to have another treaty with another country.
And it turned out today, it was Morocco and Israel.
And Israel... Well, you actually said, look at Morocco, about a month ago.
We'll be right back.
No, you've been dead on so far.
Dr. Steve Pucinich is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones with Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Jeff Zuckerberg hates it when you share the URL.
His URL is stevepucinich.com.
Stay with us.
We are now at a historic crossroads in the development of our species.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
History doesn't just rhyme, it repeats.
And it echoes.
So back that up.
That's from the Patriot, Mel Gibson.
They're losing the battle.
He waves the flag.
And that's all written off three composites of real history that happen if you read the script.
The Swamp Fox and two other composites.
But this battle actually happened.
Waving the flag, they say, that's false news.
He's a fraud.
They're losing the battle.
What's he doing waving the flags saying they're going to win?
That's Steve Pacino giving people false hope.
That's what we're doing here.
But we're not like Oprah Winfrey with you get a car and you get a car.
Giving people fish, we're teaching them how to fish.
It's if we have the history, we have the components, we have the victory, we then believe in it, we don't buy their psyop that they won when it's a fraud.
We have to declare with confidence we did win.
People that don't get that secret ingredient think we're up here just giving you pie in the sky.
If you take it, the blue sky is there.
If you can ingest it, if you can do it, if you can speak it, if you can knock on 100 doors tonight, if you can email your whole family and call them, if you can spread the word, if you can come to D.C., if you can believe, we're not giving up.
And you see, we've come from where it looked impossible three weeks ago to where now the worm's turning.
But there's still room for defeat.
So I don't be over positive here.
Steve Pachinic, other points on your, your, your mindset, your intel, where you
think we are and what, and what every listener and viewer can do right now to
restore this Republic and not let these Chai Com operatives get in control.
The most important part is again, people like yourselves, Project Veritas and
Tom Fitton, that judicial watch, you became independent entities.
They want us to give in.
reaffirmed the notion that the individual, not the corporation, is far more important
in America.
So what Trump is doing, he's reinstituting the notion that every...
And that's why they want AI to tell us how to walk and how to wipe our ass and what to
They want us to give in.
They want us to be robots because they fear the individual.
Well, and no one is more individualistic than Alex Jones or myself or Project Veritas or
a project, you know, judicial wise.
But the most important part is this.
You and I don't belong to a group.
We don't belong to an entity that covered whatever rights and wrongs we may have committed.
The difference was in the Biden administration, everybody had been in the Brookings Institute, the CIA, They went to Harvard, Cornell, and one of the other elites.
So what I'm also saying, and people will understand this hopefully, that that is the end of the elite.
I said a long time ago, Cornell will pay a very heavy price for the neocons they created, and they did not want to admit that they were a major part of 9-11.
The president of Cornell said nothing about it, yet they produced Zalmay Khalilzad, a whole bunch of guys, Paul Wolfowitz, and a lot of nonsense that went into wars.
And notice how they're trying to, and this is always your message, it's great, but we want your latest stuff.
What are they thinking putting Rice in all this?
It shows Biden looks like he's dying.
We're stumbling around.
He can't even talk.
They look defeated.
They look insane.
So this is this failing forward, this too big to fail.
I mean, are you seeing no scenario in which Trump loses?
I mean, no, I do not see any scenario with Trump loses and let me explain it since you want me to go and explain again.
Trump's attitude is very simple.
He broke the back of the media.
He broke the back of TV and movies.
He broke the back of the collectivity, whatever that was.
And basically on his own, without any coverage, he was able to mobilize thousands upon thousands of people at a time when nobody believed he was really a viable candidate.
Nevertheless, he said, I will win.
And that is his attitude in life.
And that is what he conveys to every individual.
He is the first president.
This is important.
And I've said it to you before, who literally ...entertains the individual and speaks to the individual.
And how did he do that?
And that was the giveaway that none of the Democrats could see.
He used a new media that was called Twitter.
They try to make you a collective, he goes back to the individual, the real ethos.
And all he's done is break their hoaxes, break their frauds, and he's about to do it again with our help.
And that's why within a few weeks, you're going to see the massive change where Trump will reaffirm his legitimacy.
He will come back into the office.
And I said to Owen, it's not going to be another four years.
It will be another eight years on top of this.
I'm not whistling Dixie.
It's simply the simple fact that Trump is really the persona of what America was about.
The entrepreneur.
The person who took the risk.
The willingness to... Okay, okay.
So how do you expect this to unfold?
Because you said this three weeks ago and last Sunday.
The indictments are coming.
They're already there.
Southern District.
You're about to see it.
I'm like...
I'm like, Doc, you were back again a week ago.
I said, Doc, they've buried it.
It's going nowhere.
It's all over the news.
I mean, where did that come from?
Because if Barr is not doing it, how suddenly did this come out?
This came out because you do not, and I said it on your show a couple of months ago, and I reaffirm it.
It's not about Barr or even the Department of Justice, which is highly corrupt.
And as I said, the FBI is highly corrupt.
The person that you really want to talk about is Sidney Powell, this incredible woman.
But more importantly, the man who has proven his metal through 40 to 50 years, and I've known about his metal from the 80s, is Giuliani.
No one, but no one in their right mind should go up against Giuliani.
And I've said this on your show, and I'm going to say it again.
In 1988, when I was recruited to Drexel Burnham from the State Department, I said to them, Izzy Burnham, you're going to have a problem.
You won't be around.
He said, what are you talking about?
I said, well, you got Mike Milken on the cover of Time magazine earning 600 million.
That's in 1988.
I have a guy in the in the Reagan administration and the Bush administration who's making sixty six thousand and he's going to take you down.
And the answer was no way.
Giuliani took down every investment banking firm on Wall Street within the next four months.
So Giuliani will be convicting a lot of people, Sidney Powell will.
But you don't mess with Giuliani when Trump said, and he's correct, He was the most formidable mayor we've ever had in New York.
I was there.
I saw what he did.
I've seen him fired.
So is it Giuliani's intellect and IQ or his connections or both?
No, he is a tough New Yorker.
When you grow up with the mafia and within the mafia and then you take down the mafia, you have to understand This is not about intellect.
This is not about our intelligence.
What this is about is consistency and dedication.
Guys like you and I, we fail.
That's what America is about.
America is not about success.
It's about failure.
Giuliani failed.
He had several marriages.
He had prostate cancer.
But guess what?
He continues.
I continue.
I don't belong to any clubs.
When I left the CFR, I said, I don't belong here.
That's not for me.
What do you expect to see next?
Because when I look at Biden, he looks like he's like, he looked okay three weeks ago.
He looks like he's in hell on TV.
Who, Giuliani?
No, I'm talking about Biden.
What's gonna happen with Biden?
Well, Biden's already made his peace.
He lives in a town called Rehoboth in Delaware.
It's a beach.
He basically understands the game is over.
I will suspect that he, his wife, or others will receive some kind of remuneration.
He will probably say he can no longer continue because he's He's sick and he has some other problem, which is fine.
He will not go to jail.
I do not want him to go to jail.
But are they trying to get it across the 20th of January deadline to put Kamala in?
They're not going to put Kamala in.
The one thing you have to understand, my friend, at which point did Kamala say, I gave up my senatorship?
Did she say that?
Well, cynic one known.
There it is.
Yeah, why are we hearing about who's going to replace Kamala?
That's a good point.
There's nobody going to replace Kamala because Kamala isn't coming in.
The point of fact is Kamala is a very practical individual who knows that a lot of the BS was created about her, but she wants to be a senator.
Then she'll probably become governor of California.
And then at some future time, she may want to run again.
But Kamala's not coming in.
She knows that.
I get that CNN's gaslighting us that there's no way to stop Biden, blah, blah, blah.
And things are starting to turn against Biden.
But this is insane.
This is going to be a crazy deal.
Who in their right mind watches CNN?
I don't know anybody who does.
No, no, I agree with you that it's total gaslighting, and we all have to point out it's a lie, and I hear you.
Steve, thank you so much for the time.
You predicted wave two.
Thank you, and God bless your people, and thank you for all the work you've done for America.
Thank you.
Wow, he said, look for more to come out on the Bidens, and here it is, and boom, and before, before inauguration.
Steve, hopefully join us again next week, okay?
Yeah, I will.
More than happily.
All right.
Thank you very much.
All right.
Author, Navy SEAL, Patriot, Matt Bragg is about to take over, but I got a couple segments and a bunch of clips I need to get to.
What a crazy time.
Stay with us.
Matt Bragg is coming up in about 10 minutes.
He's loaded and ready to go with a lot of key intel.
But I tell you, I like Daniel Taylor.
He has a lot of original ideas.
He's a great Patriot, old thinker, news.
But I really love hearing a term that I coined, picked up by others.
Almost posthumously, because I never get the credit.
I don't care.
Planetary genetic overwrite.
The big picture behind COVID mRNA vaccines.
I love that headline.
Because that's a term I coined.
Planetary genetic overwrite.
But then he gets into his own research and the statements by the globalists of exactly what the transhumanists are doing.
The very genetic color of the planet's biosphere, including humans, is being overwritten.
The ultimate goal being the ability to manipulate, patent, and program at will the biological process of life, turning matter into zeros and ones.
Within 50 years, we could have more life forms invented in a lab than we have ever identified in nature.
Fidelity investments.
Thinking big.
Synthetic biology.
And it goes on, Tom Knight, Professor, MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab, said 2007, the genetic code is 3.6 billion years old.
It's time for a rewrite!
And it goes on from there.
This is not protecting the environment.
This is overriding and rewriting the environment.
This is mad scientists playing God on us to get testing to see what will give them life extension technologies in their own words.
So they had to control the Nature Conservancy and Jacques Cousteau and the Audubon Society and the UN UNESCO to make themselves the guardians of the earth.
Kind of like Laura Silsby changed her name after she got convicted of child kidnapping and stuff for the Clintons.
She changed her name and now runs Amber Alert.
I mean, if you're going to run that stuff, you've got to be the group over protecting it.
That's like CEO level controller fraud is what they call it.
And it goes on from there.
But a very important article at oldthinkernews.com.
It's also up on infowars.com.
But that really tells you everything you need to know.
It's an overwrite.
It's a rewrite.
It's a takeover.
And what's weird is we sit here begging people to care like, "Oh, believe what I'm telling you."
Look, they said it.
People are like, oh, nonsense.
Not caring gives me power.
When you're giving them the whole future and what's happening and trying to get the general public to be players in their own universe, in their own world, and to not just be passive zeros and ones that can be overwritten.
And so I've asked myself, what do you call what we do?
Just a human destiny, human free will.
I don't want to be overwritten.
I don't want to, and then it's all experimental and it doesn't work and it never works.
And then it's all these crazy globalists that like want to sexualize children and love communism and are just a bunch of assholes.
So we're in 2020.
They've got super advanced technology they've suppressed.
They've all lined it up now like Hitler on the Polish border in 1940.
And they're launching the whole thing.
It's called a war.
And that's why it's gonna move very quick with internet IDs and digital passports.
And yeah, my neighbor died of a COVID shot, but it's worth it.
I'm a hero.
You're like, well, more dying from the shot than dying of the vaccine.
It doesn't matter, I'm a hero!
Criticizing is a form of, you're gonna be arrested for that.
So it's about a suspension of common sense.
It's about a suspension of your will, a subservience of your will, a giving up of your free will.
Hey, just get with the program.
We can go back outside and have our businesses again.
Because you've been trained to comply, comply, comply.
Always sounds reasonable.
They always let you out of the trap.
You comply, they let you out of the trap.
You comply, they let you out of the trap.
This last time, you go really deep down the trap, and you can hardly make it through it, and it's like, you complied, you find out you're dead.
Stop complying with your own destruction.
It's the animating contest of liberty that will empower you.
Even if you were a sociopath, you'd fight this system at this point, because that would enrich you much more than submitting.
How politically incorrect!
It's a man and a woman giving each other presents and enjoying each other.
How horrible!
They're being commercial.
They like giving each other things.
Now, if it was a convicted pedophile spending time with your children at Drag Queen Storytime, that's a whole other thing.
That's good family fun.
Gotta get them while they're young, like local TV stations said in Houston.
Yes, this Santa comes with an mRNA vaccine that'll destroy your immunity and give you cancer if it doesn't sterilize you.
Welcome to your doctor.
He will see you now.
He just so happens to want control of you in a mass raping operation.
Here's some of the breaking headlines.
Ratcliffe, Space Force to become 18th member of the U.S.
intelligence community.
Which means you've got a new group Trump can approach, can appoint.
We see this as a critical step in establishing the nation's newest service, said Major General Leigh Lauterbach, Space Force Director of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance.
The U.S.
Special Forces soon will become the Space Force, the 18th member of the U.S.
Intelligence Community, Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe said, of the U.S.
Space Force.
Intelligence elements, the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force are part of the U.S.
intelligence community.
Space Force will be added next, Ratcliffe said during the 8th meeting of the National Space Council at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Very, very interesting on that front.
Also breaking exclusive, YouTube employs Chinese Communist State Security Bureau software engineers.
So that's all breaking.
That's all unfolding.
I want to hand the baton here to Matt Bracken of EnemiesForeignDomestic.com.
He's got a lot to cover.
I'll be listening.
Then Owen Schroer comes up in about 52 minutes.
But first, seriously, I'm not complaining, but the accountant bitched at me this morning.
They're like, Jones, everybody else is raising money for these Trump marches.
You don't even ask for money for it.
And you're paying for some of the stages.
$30,000 here, you know, thousands there.
Tell the listeners!
I'm like, well, okay, I don't want the credit, but I do need the money.
Nobody else can belly up and get these things going for these Trump marches.
So I wanted them set Sunday and Saturday.
And Friday.
So I've made some donations to make sure that happened, and I'll be at these speeches, and it's going to be huge, and I'll see you in D.C.
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We thank you and we appreciate you and tomorrow I'll be broadcasting live from the District of Criminals, D.C.
Matt Bracken takes over.
Matt Bracken.
Yeah, what's there to talk about?
Not much going on.
I mean, it's one of those just dull months.
Same old, same old.
You got Honor Biden in trouble.
You're just begging me to come back in.
You've got the Chai Kongs in trouble.
You've got the Supreme Court case.
This is an insane time, brother.
What would you call this time?
Calm before the storm.
Eye of the hurricane.
You know, they say in the military, hope is not a plan.
And right now, everybody is, we're back in the revival tent saying, Texas is going to save us.
The Supreme Court is going to save us.
You know, it's like a junkie or a gambling addict.
You know, we're just back in the casino with our kids' lunch money for one more roll of the dice, like National Lampoon Las Vegas vacation.
When Chevy Chase goes back to the blackjack table and meets his nemesis, the dealer, and he's only got five bucks.
And he says, what can I do with five bucks?
And the dealer says, you can buy a bullet and rent a gun.
So us hoping right now that the Supreme Court is going to save us?
I think that we need to make another plan.
All the way back to the beginning of the Trump era, we've been fed these false hopes.
First it was Jeff Sessions.
He was going to be Stealth Jeff.
You know, he was just doing that low-key approach, but secretly he was in the Department of Justice taking names and getting ready to kick ass.
That was all BS.
Then it was, okay, we got Robert Barr, and then we've got Special Prosecutor Durham.
They're going to do the job.
Now, just before the election and through the election, oh, it was the Frankfurt, Germany Seidel Farm.
They're shipping people to Gitmo in secret.
I'm not buying any of it.
I don't think that there is this plan.
I think that... Well, I respect your views.
When we come back, I'm going to be listening.
What do you think is going to happen?
What happens if Biden gets in?
And what's plan B?
We've got a plan for resistance.
You can see his t-shirt.
I'm going to stand up a little bit so you can see it.
It's a reference to Normandy invasion and Red Dawn.
The chair is against the wall.
We've got to go to the next level because we're certainly not going to just cooperate like good serfs, like peasants.
Our election was stolen.
The rule of law is over.
And now we're into a new era with new rules.
And it's not going to be business as usual.
It's going to be, it's going to be massive resistance in every way that we can.
And some of it might manifest as physical resistance and some of it will be civil disobedience.
And we're starting to see it with the, you know, with people supporting their little restaurant tours and bars.
We're going to see that on a much bigger level.
And with these rallies, you know, the DC Million MAGA rally this Saturday.
I was in Valdosta, Georgia, just two hours from where I live.
I was up in Valdosta last weekend and it was a sight to behold.
It was, you know, the MAGA nation is not going to lay down.
We're not going to just, we're not just going to surrender and take it.
No, it's not too late to get a couple of nice hardcopy books for Christmas presents, just as a suggestion there.
Now, I was pretty pessimistic in the opening segment, saying that we're probably going to get the rug pulled out from under us again by the SCOTUS.
It's going to be Lucy and Charlie Brown again with the football.
So don't get your hopes up.
But just in the event that somehow SCOTUS comes through, and decides to uphold the Constitution, what's going to happen?
Well, if it goes to the state legislatures, that's not a panacea because let's say that the Supreme Court says that these four states, they can't just, that they have to have at least a vote in their legislature.
They put pressure on the legislature to choose their state electors.
Well, those state legislatures, they're just made of human beings too.
And we're in an era of just gross rampant intimidation, death threats, everything.
So it's going to be asking a lot for those state legislators to overturn the bogus fraud election of Joe Biden and seed a slate of Trump electors.
So no matter what the Supreme Court says, Don't look for the state legislators to suddenly, you know, find all this courage when they're thinking about, you know, their children on the way to school or the Molotov through the bedroom window at night, because that's where we are, folks.
It's going to take an enormous amount of courage for them to defy this stolen election and overturn it.
So no matter what the Supreme Court does, they're not just going to install Trump.
They're going to send it to the state legislatures, and it's very likely that it'll die right there.
What kind of pressure are we talking about?
Look at Georgia.
Look what happened to this young man whose car was blown up.
You know, car accidents don't result in a massive explosion where the engine lands 200 feet from the car.
All right.
Sometimes, depending on what happens, there's a fire after an accident.
But accidents don't start with an explosion.
I think that that was a message, not only to Kemp and to Loeffler, because the young man was connected to both of them.
This is a warning that this could happen to any of your family.
You know, this is the league we're playing in.
This is the stakes we're playing in.
That's why I don't think that I'm hyperbolic.
We're in this, you know, the chair is against the wall t-shirt with the AR on it.
Because this is where we're heading.
We've been backed into a corner.
You know, the left mistakes our forbearance and patience.
You know, we're law-abiding people.
We want to just live our lives in peace.
They mistake that for weakness.
And they're playing the same Marxist playbook, using the same Marxist playbook that they've been using successfully in country after country.
So they think there's no reason why this shouldn't work in America.
Then there's the generation, the age factor, where the instigators of this are the Bill Ayers generation, the Bob Avakian generation, the Angela Davis generation.
These godless communist atheists believe that they're essentially worm food once they assume room temperature.
And the only greater glory that they are ever going to achieve is to be responsible for an ultimate communist revolution in the United States.
Or, if not a communist revolution, the destruction of the United States of America as a free country.
That this country will no longer threaten the revolution in the rest of the world.
Because it'll be wrecked.
And that's what they're going for now.
This is not a partial deal.
They will absolutely threaten the lives of these state legislatures in the four states in question.
Plus Arizona and Nevada.
They are absolutely at this level now.
And we have to be thinking long-term in terms of guerrilla warfare.
But to begin with, we have to, you know, use the tools that we have, and that would be, we need an exodus off of enemy media.
I'm not saying just, you know, necessarily quit Twitter and Facebook if you're on them, but don't only post there.
You know, you can parallel post it.
Just leave Parler and Gab up and post there as well.
So when the day comes that you're kicked off of YouTube or Twitter or Facebook, who cares?
Or if you want to, just close your account on Twitter and Facebook.
InfoWars got ahead of this game early, so it's kind of a case of necessity being the mother of invention.
By being banned from YouTube early, look at what Alex has done creating Banned.Video.
It's a rock-solid, searchable, tremendous video platform.
And there's also now, you know, BitChute's been out It is and is established and rumble is coming on and there are others.
But we cannot depend on on living inside of the enemy social media where we're throttled and shadow banned.
Look at what they did with this entire election.
Half of the country never heard of of the laptop from hell or Tony Bobulinski.
They never heard of it.
So the first step is moving into our own communication zone.
At all levels.
You know, I even just, I just ordered a CB radio.
I haven't owned a CB radio in decades and decades, but I want multiple channels.
I've got a box full of the Baofeng handheld UHF VHF radios.
Communications are going to be essential.
So that means not only your cell phone, which can be jammed or used as a tracker and an eavesdropping device, but all forms of communication.
Handheld radios, shortwave radios are tremendous.
Even if you're not a ham operator, that's a big investment and a long-term goal to be able to transmit long range.
But everybody can listen long range.
There are going to be people on shortwave that might be the only way we're getting unfiltered news.
And a shortwave receiver you can get for, you know, 50 or 100 bucks.
Then you can find the schedules that people are going to be broadcasting, because this is where we are moving.
I do not assume for a second that Trump is going to spend the next four years in the White House.
He has said if the Electoral College votes against him, he's going to leave.
That doesn't mean he'll accept it.
He may not go to the inauguration, and we may be into resistance mode.
But the left with Biden in the White House, even if it's only for for a couple weeks or a month, I expect he'll be gone over the Biden family corruption or his dementia.
But we're going to be dealing with Kami Harris.
And AOC, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, these are the people that are going to be running our country.
And they're not going to just permit us to continue to, as they see it, spread our dangerous hate speech.
You know, YouTube is already banning talk about fraud.
I mean, we are moving into the USSA phase.
YouTube is owned by Google.
And as Alex just said, they're employing Chinese communist engineers that are specialists in censorship and in the social credit system.
That's where we're moving, folks.
That's why I keep pushing getting into alternate comms channels.
We'll explore this more on the other side.
You know, yesterday, Alex had a guest on who I consider to be, you know, a genius.
On several levels, Robert Barnes, who I consider him a super lawyer, he has an ability to explain complex legal issues in ways that the lay people can understand it.
I mean, and that's a that's a skill too.
It's one thing to understand the law, but it's another thing to be able to translate it so that ordinary people can comprehend it.
And I watched the show and I watched it again today before this because I consider it that important.
It's leading, it's up on top at Banned.video.
I recommend you watch it if you haven't.
He thinks that the Texas thing is going to come down to the Supreme Court having courage or not.
And I agree with that, but I don't expect them to have courage because I think that the paradigm we're in now is They're afraid of kicking over the hornet nest of the left.
You know, on November 3rd, our cities were boarded up, not because they were expecting Trump to lose, because they were expecting Trump to potentially win or probably win.
And if so, the left was going to immediately go into Attila the Hun mode, you know, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, riot mode.
Because they frauded the election, that was put on hold, but it's not over.
And the Supreme Court, these five, the five that we would need, they have to be thinking, goodness, if I do anything that leads to the overturning of this fraudulent election, and the cities burn, I'll be blamed.
So let's just kick the can down the road, let Biden have his four years, and we'll just try to get through it as best we can.
That's what I expect.
And if they kick it to the state legislatures, I expect that these state legislators are going to be terrified as well.
They won't have the courage to do it because they know their own homes will be targeted in all kinds of attacks.
That bombing in Georgia, that car bomb, it wasn't just a message to Kemp and Loeffler.
It was a message to anybody that might overturn this fraudulent election.
Barnes mentioned yesterday that half of America, according to all polls, half of Americans now think that the election was won by Biden completely by fraud.
80% of Republicans, a third of Democrats that are even willing to admit it, probably more, know that it was done by fraud.
So, Barnes, this is where I disagree and differ from Barnes.
Robert Barnes said the solution is to double down on democracy.
You know, just get out there and we'll have to work harder at a populist level, and I don't see that happening.
I think that potential of having another Andrew Jackson, like a new party, I don't see that working.
You know, the first thing that's going to happen in a Biden presidency Is at least 20 million illegal aliens are going to be amnestied right out of the gun, right out of the chute.
And they will be voting in every election henceforth.
This is what happened in California, you know, where they put motor voter ballots, ballot applications at the DMV and then advertised in Spanish on billboards, on radio, on television, That, A, when you get your driver's license, we don't ask about your citizenship.
And, wink, wink, attached to the driver's license application is a voter card.
And, wink, wink, we've never charged anybody with voting fraudulently that wasn't a citizen.
So they basically, without an amnesty, because it's just a state, California did de facto what Biden and Harris are going to do legally, which is amnesty probably at least, I would say, 20 to 30 million illegals.
They will be voting and your state, every state, will be California-cated forever.
So there is no next election.
Plus, This fraud wasn't done in a secret way.
This fraud was done in our faces.
When they put the boards up in Michigan blocking the view, they weren't hiding the fact that they were cheating.
It was two middle fingers to us.
Of course we're cheating.
When they bring in the boxes of ballots at 4 a.m., they didn't expect that it would be a secret.
The, you know, the truck driver with the quarter of a million ballots driving from New York to Pennsylvania, then his trailer is misdirected and quote-unquote lost.
They knew this would come out.
It's in our face.
They're saying to us, like a mafia, like a mafia gang saying to a store owner, what are you going to do about it, punk?
What are you going to do about it?
Sure, we're in charge now and you can't do anything.
You know, the Supreme Court, you think it's going to be your last chance.
Oh, the Supreme Court's going to save us.
Yeah, just like Jeff Sessions, just like Barr, just like Durham.
They're all going to save us.
Your commandos in Frankfurt are going to bring the servers back.
They're all going to save us.
No, I think it's going to go through.
Biden's going to be in the White House, at least for, you know, a day before Kami Harris takes over.
And then we're going to have to go into a totally different mode, because expect every channel that you can think of to be shut down.
They don't want Band.Video to be able to retransmit these broadcasts.
They're going to attempt to shut down everything.
That's why Google YouTube is shutting down talk about the fraud.
They don't want a competing message.
That's why I'm saying get on every alternate channel while you can and use them, but also plan things like shortwave radio receivers, transmitters, if you can swing it.
You know, CB has a pretty good range, like a county-wide range.
You put up the right antenna, if you get a friend to MacGyver it, you can put out a lot more power.
Don't worry about encryption.
just using in the clear and brevity codes will be enough to overwhelm any attempt
to stifle free speech on the airwaves.
Even if it has to be done at a local level, rebroadcasting what people are hearing from shortwave,
they're not going to quit now.
You know, they just had another election in Venezuela.
And if you go back 25 years to Hugo Chavez, the conservatives in that country said,
don't worry, he'll wreck the economy and then we'll have a big victory next time out.
No, it doesn't work that way.
They nail the doors shut behind them.
They screw them down and glue them down.
They don't give you another chance.
That's where we are now.
When they get these 20 or 30 million illegals voting, they'll hardly need to cheat.
Why would they need to cheat?
They're going to have 20 million new votes spread across the states and the Democrats will be saying, make sure to vote Democrat so that you can bring your entire family in and make them citizens too.
Who do you think they're going to vote for?
This is it, folks.
This is the chair is against the wall.
There's no more fallback position from this.
We're going, you know, if Biden is in the White House, we're going to have to do things that you might not have imagined.
You know, to using civil disobedience as a start, monkey wrench the entire system so that it can't function.
They're going to come after the guns.
They're already coming after our free speech.
Then it'll be coming after the guns.
And we're going to have to, in no uncertain terms, let them know we're not cooperating.
This isn't going to be a smooth transition to a Marizuela.
That's the mistake of the left.
They think that they can Venezuelize America.
But we're not Venezuela.
We've got tens and hundreds of thousands of former special operators.
We've got people that know guerrilla warfare backward and forward.
Fourth and fifth generation warfare.
We understand it.
And we're going to have to use these methods now.
Because we're not going to be turned into slaves just because they stole an election and our politicians are cowards who are afraid to call it out.
And the media is part of the scam.
We'll finish on the other side.
You know, Alex was just talking about the RNA vaccine, and I mentioned this last week, but I want to mention it again.
Please look up a medicine from the 1950s, safe, FDA approved, given to millions of women, called DES.
They didn't know for another 15 or 20 years that it would sterilize the daughters of the mothers that were taking this medicine for morning sickness.
And there's another real beauty called thalidomide, which left children with horrible birth defects.
Stump arms, flipper hands, really cruel, cruel birth defects.
Other drugs have caused diminished intelligence and other consequences.
And I'd like these politicians that are pushing this so hard right now for a disease which has such a low death rate compared to other diseases we've encountered in the past.
I'd like them to be challenged.
If it turns out that in five or ten years we find out that there are terrible consequences to this, are the politicians who push this on us, are they going to be held responsible?
I've seen videos of some pretty big resistance to it going on in Britain.
They're talking about these quote-unquote health passports.
Total control mechanism.
You know, wearing the mask is like one visible sign of capitulation.
Then it's going to be, we've got the sheep herded successfully, we've got the sheepdogs running them around the pen, turning right, turning left.
Next it's going to be, take the vaccine or you can't get on the airplane.
But what is going to happen when we find out, if and when we find out, and it might not be for 15 or 20 years, That the babies born of adults that took the vaccine have birth defects or are sterile.
How are we going to react then?
It's going to be too late.
This is not just like a smallpox vaccine made from, you know, natural dead product of cowpox.
This is something, this is a whole new territory we're entering into.
So, overall today I've been talking about the likelihood That no matter what we try, no matter what the Supreme Court determines or doesn't determine, or the state legislators vote for or don't vote for, we're probably going to see Biden as a proxy for the left in the White House.
One of the ways that the massive resistance I'm talking about can manifest is resistance to taking the vaccine, and certainly Resistance to any politicians that even suggest making it mandatory, making it, you know, for even if it's just a requirement to get on an airplane, forget it.
Any politicians that are pushing that, I want to put in the same category as politicians who are pushing gun control, stripping our Second Amendment rights.
We need to make it clear that we're not going to just knuckle under and become their slaves.
We've already been pushed into the corner of the basement.
There's nowhere more we can be pushed when they're stealing our election in front of our faces and essentially mocking us.
So it's time for the friendly veneer to come off.
Came up a little while ago, another little acronym, because I'm tired of the politeness.
When they say there's no evidence, that's beyond gaslighting.
It's literally peeing on our back and telling us it's raining.
And telling us that we have to be grateful for the rain and ask for more.
I'm done with it.
I say, and I'm happy to see even pretty mainstream figures like Rush Limbaugh, He's using the C word now, communist.
It's beyond liberal or leftist or even socialist.
They are pushing us toward communism.
When you have communist Chinese engineers When you have them working on the algorithms that will take a YouTube video down before it's had even a hundred views.
In other words, in the birth of a video, it's already nailed and deleted.
I've made word memes for Facebook where the word election is in the meme.
Just the word election.
And in two seconds, Their standard election warning, you know, go here for true facts comrade warning comes up.
An original word meme with the word election in it gets snagged out of the ether in two seconds and given a warning.
So here's my, here's my acronym and maybe somebody can come up with a better one.
It stands for F off you communist traitor and you can pronounce it foist.
F off, you communist traitor!
I'm done with the courtesy!
They are marching us step-by-step in the direction of gulags, and by the time we see the trains, it's going to be too late.
This is something called the ratchet effect.
It's similar to the way that a fish trap, a fish weir works.
You have a series of V-shaped traps going into the lobster or the fish trap.
You swim right in.
It's very easy.
You can't find your way out.
By the time they get to the stage of, you know, you're going to have to give the extra bedrooms in your house to our new American friends, it's too late.
We've got to start resisting and monkey-wrenching now.
And the politicians that are going along with all of this, with the end of our free speech, they can say, oh, well, it's corporate.
Come on, YouTube and Google own like 95% of information.
They determine what people think.
By how they rank things, they determine what people will see.
Google ponchos have been bragging for years about how they see us as just, you know, a collection of information.
And their goal is to steer us like sheep into thinking the thoughts that they want us to think.
And they brag about how well they're doing it.
You know, a lot of this is also related to how we have been transformed kind of into being more gutless.
The more possessions that you have, I mean, compared to our grandparents, we live in extreme wealth.
We have air conditioning, climate control, fridges full of food all the time.
And the more you have, the more you're afraid of losing it.
When you think back to the pilgrims in the Mayflower and the people that founded Jamestown and other colonies, half of them died in the first year in America.
Some colonies just disappeared.
On average, the sailing ships that crossed the Atlantic, 10% of them were lost at sea.
Imagine the odds.
That's like Russian roulette, just to cross the Atlantic to go to the New World.
Now, for a disease that's got, you know, a less than 1% overall, for people even that are very old, for anybody under 70 who's basically healthy, there's no risk to COVID at all.
And for this, they're going to force an RNA vaccine on the entire population?
I was along with the COVID thing back when it was January and February, and it was an unknown factor.
But now we know.
The numbers just aren't there.
For the Spanish flu, when there were 100 million Americans, 700,000 Americans died.
And guess what their average age was? 28.
People in the prime of their health choked on their own sputum in a matter of hours and died.
There's no comparison between that and what we're seeing.
But our risk aversion is so extreme that we can be scared into doing anything by the application of this 24-7 brainwashing.
So the first thing we've got to do is find our courage.
Think about those pioneers in the Conestoga wagons going across Indian country to get to the West for a new life.
The chances that they took, the risks that they took.
They didn't look at everything as, oh, I won't leave the house unless it's a thousand percent safe.
I mean, it's ridiculous how we've been just brainwashed into being terrified sheep.
And we're not going to be able to resist this roll into tyranny until we find our own personal courage.
And part of that courage is being willing to be a little scary up the chain of command.
Our bosses, our middle managers, and all the way up to the elites that run us, they've got to start being afraid of us.
It's like that Jefferson quote.
You know, when the people are afraid of the government, there's tyranny.
And when the government is afraid of the people, there's freedom.
Well, the government's got to start getting afraid of the people.
And I hope a lot of people go to Washington and scare a lot of politicians this weekend.
And I'll talk to you again.
Merry Christmas!
The globalists are fighting as hard as they can to not just shut down InfoWars, but shut down every independent pro-human, pro-America, pro-God, pro-family organization on the planet.
But out of all the organizations valiantly fighting back, InfoWars is the strongest, InfoWars is the most informed, and the most focused, and we have the biggest audience of amazing activists of every race, color, and creed that is you.
So as they attack our freedom, and attack our very nation, and attack our electoral system, and attack our election, and as they attack our very genetics with a deadly mRNA sterilizing vaccine that's now confirmed, understand that it's always darkest before the dawn, and now the enemy is out in the open.
So give the gift of information, give the gift of truth, give the gift of understanding
what's happening this Christmas and holiday season and reach out to everyone you know
with InfoWars.com and Band.Video.
You've been doing a great job so far and I thank you.
But now people are really looking for answers and you can tell them this is the forbidden
This is who they banned first and the most.
Because Jones and his guests and his callers and his researchers and investigative journalists have the enemy's modus operandi.
We've got their number.
And all we've got to do is expose their whole operation and tell people what's coming next.
And when the next thing comes true, your credibility will skyrocket.
And then they'll really be listening to you, and you'll be a leader in your area to help lead the resistance.
So word of mouth is key, prayer is key for an awakening which is happening, but to accelerated and financial support.
Please do your shopping for Christmas at InfoWarsTore.com.
Great supplements, great books, great films, water filtration, air filtration, it goes on and on.
Huge sales, free shipping, double patreon, points up to 60% off, and if you order by the 18th, you'll get it before Christmas.
Get your orders in at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're going to persevere and never back down and never give in.
And we just pray that America and the whole world pray to God for providence and to support and for success and to give us the discernment and the will and the focus to lead God to rectus in victory.
And we pledge our blood, our names, everything on the sacred altar of God to resist this satanic force.
And we ask God for strength.
And we salute all those who supported us and are here today.
And we ask for victory in our Lord and Savior's name, Jesus Christ.
Let's do this.
[music playing]
♪ Hey ♪ Hey, yo, Seth, what's good, bruh?
Hey, yo, the fly's in the room.
Yeah, you know it's me taking on him because he started out here locally.
Hopefully, I'll be at the top soon.
For now, I'm at my house on the couch watching cartoons.
You know how much you love it when you get it in abundance.
Give a fuck about a budget when you want it.
Look at all this money, ain't that some?
Take over the world when I'm with my Donald Trump.
Look at all this money, ain't that some?
We gon' take over the world while these haters gettin' mad.
That's why all my p*** that they see this crazy life I have an A in all.
We gon' win, you can take the lose or draw.
But I'm here, got these p*** that used to play me in they brawls.
We gon' take [MUSIC]
I wanna salute you all here who are in the fiesta.
Give it up for Alice Jones, everybody!
And right here today, in front of the Supreme Court, I declare that Donald J. Trump won re-election in 2020!
Right here!
Infowars has proven itself vital to the future of the republic
and vital to the future of human liberty and freedom.
And I'm very honored to be in this position.
I'm very thankful to you for keeping us in the fight.
But I just want to ask listeners to, again, recommit, count the costs, and realize that if you do your Christmas shopping at InfoWarsStore.com and take advantage of the big sales we've got going, That that funds an organization that the globalists absolutely hate.
We are like nails on a chalkboard to them.
We are over the target.
We do not back down.
We are unfiltered.
We are historically accurate.
We have incredible guests.
We are the blood of freedom.
You are the blood of freedom.
We are symbiotic.
And it's just like a family line.
Just like you go back to your earliest ancestors tens of thousands of years ago into the future.
We are one family.
We are one body together.
We cannot let Infowars die.
And it's under such attack, but because of you we've persevered and now we've gone from 50-50 people hating us and loving us to like 90%.
We've hit the zeitgeist and I know it's an incredible responsibility.
You look at videos of me two years ago, I look 10 years younger.
People say, you know, Jones, you sell your supplements, you look like hell.
I have chosen to take on everything and everything to hurt me.
Because it gives me greater discernment.
It's psychological, it's spiritual, but I can ignore things.
I can cut off pain, but I have chosen the way of pain.
And I have chosen to take all this on.
So my beard's gone gray the last year.
It's why I'm, you know, I'm killing myself, but it's a good mission.
And it wasn't for the supplements and the rest of it.
I couldn't do what I do, but I'm working 18 hours a day.
I sleep, I have dreams about fighting the New World Order.
If there was ever anybody in modern history, totally committed to fighting the operations of the New World Order, It's InfoWars.
So thank you for your support.
We've got big sales at InfoWarsStore.com.
We've got the Christmas specials going right now.
50% across the board.
Double Patriot points.
We brought those back just for Christmas.
And free shipping.
But we've got to sell a lot of profit to fund ourselves.
We sell a lot more product at a sale that big, but there's a lot less funding in each order.
So we need to get a lot more order to be able to fund ourselves.
Get your X2 Essential.
Get your X3, your Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
Get your Turbo Force, Rain Force Plus.
Back in stock.
We've got Prostagard.
We've got Alpha Power.
Sold out for almost a year because of the shutdown.
Back in stock.
It's all available discounted with free shipping at InfoWarStore.com.