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Name: 20201116_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 16, 2020
2838 lines.

The speaker describes a march towards the Supreme Court led by Alex Jones, with chants of "Freedom!", "1776!", and "Stop the steal!". The march was in support of President Trump and against alleged electoral fraud won by Biden. Speakers called for globalists, Democrats and communist China to be held accountable. They also saluted Trump and his supporters, promising to fight on for justice. The speaker claims that the United Nations is running Joe Biden and that China is involved with COVID. Infowars products such as water filtration, air filtration, books, films, and supplements are promoted. The speaker encourages people to spread the word about their content and stand up against censorship.

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And this is the big story.
Georgia Secretary of State signed illegal deal with Democrats challenging how ballots are processed, allowing them to be processed after and allowing mail-in ballots to be counted without actual proof or signatures being confirmed and it just goes on from there.
And it's in the agreement that the governor did with Hillary Clinton's lawyer, Mark Elias.
They have the agreement, it's linked right here, to do this.
So think about that.
Just like Pennsylvania, just like California, just like Georgia.
And so, they were going to try to certify the vote Saturday.
The legislature's putting pressure on the governor to call an emergency legislative session.
That's the power of the legislature.
They can then block this and invalidate this and be able to get into a real recount, but they can't.
So now they've moved the clock back to Thursday.
Everyone must go to the capital of Georgia now.
And you must surround the governor's mansion now.
I'm coming.
I'll be there.
And I'm bringing Roger Stone and I'm bringing a bunch of other people.
That's what I'm doing behind the scenes.
And I'm calling the damn White House and I'm telling Trump he needs to go and get on a frickin' airplane and land at the capital of Georgia and go into the governor's mansion and stop sitting there letting his lawyers do it.
We need to see people power and this will do it.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Everybody knows things are bad.
It's a depression.
Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job.
The dollar buys a nickel's worth.
Banks are going bust.
Shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter.
Punks are running wild in the street.
And nobody anywhere seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it.
We know the air is unfit to breathe.
Our food is unfit to eat.
Sick watching our TVs while some local newts cast a joke.
Today we had 15 homicides and 63 violent crimes.
As if that's the way it's supposed to be.
We know things are bad.
Worse than bad.
They're crazy.
It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore.
We sit in the house, and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms.
Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone.
I want you to get mad!
I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street.
All I know is that first, you've got to get mad!
You've got to say it, "I'm a human being, goddammit! My life has value!"
I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs.
I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell, I'm as bad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore!
I want you to get up right now.
Get up.
Go to your window.
Open the window.
Stick your head out of the window.
I'm not going to take this anymore.
And we'll figure out what the pressure and the vibration and the order of crisis is.
Get up out of the chair.
Open the window.
Stick your head out of the window and say, "I'm as bad as hell and I'm not going to take
this anymore."
I'm not going to take it anymore.
I'm not going to take it anymore.
I'm not going to take it anymore.
I'm not going to take it anymore.
I'm not going to take it anymore.
I'm not going to take it anymore.
I'm not going to take it anymore.
I'm not going to take it anymore.
I'm not going to take it anymore.
I'm not going to take it anymore.
I'm not going to take it anymore.
You are about to see the most detailed and comprehensive footage from the historic Million MAGA March held in Washington, D.C.
on November 14, 2020.
The corporate press is desperately trying to suppress this information.
Using deceptive headlines and cropped photos, just as they had done at the 2016 inauguration, mainstream media attempted to deceive the American people and hide the massive magnitude of this historic march.
Most of the establishment media refused to show the amazing rooftop shots of the beginning of the rally at Freedom Plaza, where police estimated over 100,000 people met.
This shot was taken from the middle of Freedom Plaza at 11.30 before the event even began.
Alex Jones, greetings from the People's Republic of Michigan!
Thank you for all that you do!
Over the next three hours, marchers continue to congregate.
March down Pennsylvania Avenue, down Constitution Avenue, to the Supreme Court, where the final protest was held.
We are unified by our spirit that God made and our connection to the Creator and the universe and our children.
And we are unified.
And this is the genesis point of the new revolution of information!
Our crew walked all the way back to Freedom Plaza, where people were still congregating en masse and marching towards the Supreme Court building.
Our contacts inside the D.C.
police, who we had contracted for security, estimated that this march was bigger than Louis Farrakhan's Million Man March, and could have easily topped over one million.
This information is vital to the future of the Republic and the establishment corporate media is fighting to suppress it.
Only you can take this video and re-upload it everywhere you know and spread it to your friends, your family, your neighbors to get the truth out and save the Republic.
I declare that Donald J. Trump won re-election in 2012!
Four more years!
Four more years!
We are live.
It is Monday, November 16th.
The year is 2020.
We are 65 days out from the inauguration of the war criminal, the globalist crime boss, the child trafficking shycom agent, Joe Biden, the puppet.
And we have massive breaking news.
I actually have to go off air here for a few minutes and talk to some insiders.
I'll leave it at that on how the Clintons are now stealing Georgia, preparing to criminally certify it and how serious the situation is.
But we have a path forward.
First, I want to play a little bit of my speech yesterday.
Again, I'm your host, Alex Jones.
My speech from Saturday at the Million Trump March that now they're estimating may have had close to a million people at it.
It was historic.
And then we will start the full transmission.
But I've got big things unfolding right up to the minute I went on air.
And I've got to make two more phone calls.
I'll be ready to give you the inside information and where the Paul Revere's need to go.
But let's go ahead and go to the special report.
for it.
I want to tell you that this marks the start of the second American revolution.
This is just as important as July 4th, 1776.
The corrupt foreign-owned media, run by the Chai Khans of the EU, openly said three years ago with G.G.P.
and Davos that they would crush America and destroy Trump.
And now the Demos group brags they've used the coronavirus against us, but China's open for business.
America is going under leftist martial law.
And if the communist Chinese agent Joe Biden is able to get in there, he will put America under permanent lockdown, siege, until we're brought to our knees!
Tell it!
Tell it, Alex!
Ladies and gentlemen, President Trump, by every metric, won this election.
And that's why the corporate media, including Fox News, will not let anybody on to show the proven fraud in Pennsylvania, in Michigan, in Arizona, in Georgia, in Nevada, and in Minnesota!
President Trump won by an even bigger margin and the evidence of fraud is flooding out.
And now big tech that's allied with communist China is even suppressing people's text messages because the criminals are scared of you!
The truest thing President Trump ever said was, they're not coming after me, they're coming after you.
And the globalists know there's been a populist revolution worldwide.
They know from Brazil to the UK there's a huge awakening.
And they know from Africa to Canada, from Russia to Japan, there's an amazing awakening all over the world as free humanity dreams of a better future, not under Bill Gates and the New World Order!
So I want to salute, and I want to thank, and I want to tell you all, you're incredible.
The D.C.
police are believing there's upwards of 100,000 people flying all the way back from where we came from.
And more are coming, and this is just the beginning.
Because no matter what happens with Trump, it's 1776 time!
1776! (repeated)
Death to the New World Order, death to tyranny, and life to America and our unborn children!
The pedophile globalists and their attempted election steal, and the Clinton blackmail rigs, have only summoned the
sleeping giant that is America!
And you, and you, you are the tip of the spear!
From all over this great land.
Old, young, male, female, black, white, gay, straight.
You want the American dream?
You're not letting the globalists take it.
And we're unified in our love of America, our love of God, our love of President Trump, and our love of our shared vision and our red blood!
We are unified by our spirit that God made and our connection to the Creator and the universe and our children.
And we are unified!
And this is the genesis point of the new revolution of information!
The Satanist pedophiles the Democrats represent knew the World Awakening was here.
And so you're seeing right now their desperate operation against humanity.
And make no mistake, they control the corporations, they control Hollywood, they control the blue cities and blue states and other governments.
And they're going to stay locked down until you all go on welfare, until you all get a guaranteed universal income, so they can force you to waive your rights to be forcibly inoculated.
Biden's head of his new COVID task force, Biden the fake president, says kill old people at 75.
That's Ezekiel Emanuel.
And Ezekiel Emanuel says make people that get food stamps take Bill Gates' deadly vaccine.
That violates the Geneva Convention, that violates the Nuremberg Code, and when you do it, you're coming at the American people with violence, and the American people have a right and a duty to resist by any means necessary!
So like I told them in Dallas in a speech I gave four years ago, I don't know how all this fight's gonna end, but if a New World Order wants a fight, you better believe they've got one!
Despite all their censorship, despite all their intimidation, despite all their attacks, despite all their lies trying to divide us, we are together and we are strong and we are unified and we are going to win!
Trump is our president.
Ladies and gentlemen, these are the times that try men and women's souls.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Very honored to be here on air during this historic period.
Very thankful that you tuned in to this live November 16, 2020 transmission.
I have been on the phone with people in the Trump campaign.
I've been on the phone with a lot of different top political strategists.
And for all intents and purposes, this election could be over for President Trump Thursday.
He'll still hold on, he'll still not leave office because the fraud is real, but it will give the perception that the election has been certified and it'll make the road towards the White House for the second Trump term and us taking our country back.
Very, very hard.
But still, we have other recourses, obviously, because this is an illegal election backed by a foreign government.
The evidence of fraud is now complete.
It's absolute.
They know the algorithms that were used by Dominion and by other companies to carry out the fraud.
We have the witnesses at the ground level that saw the fraud that worked for Dominion and, again, other companies.
So we have the systematic criminal formulae that was used to do this.
But they think that by the time we get into next year and they crown Biden, they'll just keep the COVID lockdown going and use that as a distraction and use the Justice Department against people that resist this tyrannical takeover.
There will then definitely be false flags that are staged once the globalists have complete control of the Justice Department again to then blame the opposition to the New World Order takeover and to the Great Reset.
The good news is Klaus Schwab and Justin Trudeau and all these New World Order people have come out and admitted that they're using COVID-19 to bring in world government and world financial collapse.
And one of the top trending terms is Great Reset.
And so I've talked to a lot of high level folks, even in government that didn't get what this really was, a military corporate 21st century attack, now they do.
So the learning curve is just going straight up right now because the times are so dangerous.
So there's a big sleeping giant waking up right now.
The president's head of the COVID-19 task force, Dr. Atlas, came out last night and tweeted when the governor of Michigan declared a total lockdown, part two.
He said, you're going to have to rise up or this isn't going to stop.
Now, why did he say that?
Because it's the truth.
It's now official.
It is a global government, corporate, leftist move To lock us down permanently.
And this is a literal mind control cult trying to scare everyone to submission.
It's new numbers have come out that almost no one died of COVID.
They add all the heart attacks, all the car wrecks, all the gunshot wounds, all the cancers, not just some.
That's in the stack today.
I'll be covering last segment of this hour.
So we have that huge area to cover and the huge awakening with the lockdown too.
With the Davos Group, and the Democratic Party, and the Communist Party, and the EU, run by the UN, admitting this is about cutting the carbon footprint and ending our industrial consumer society.
And they say, oh, in Agenda 2030, though, there'll be no more hunger.
Yeah, because they're going to starve everybody to death in the next 10 years in the third world.
The policies actually kill people.
This is modern warfare, all packaged in a liberal, lisping NPR voice.
It's devastatingly dangerous.
And the good news is it's so authoritarian, it's so evil, it's so over the top.
People are going to resist this, and it's going to probably end up blowing up in the globalist's face.
But see, their whole plan is already under major siege.
People have already exposed it.
We fought it early on, knowing that this part of the agenda was coming.
And so, they're trying to accelerate what they were planning to do in the next decade, all into the next year.
While they manage it as your savior, telling you, stay in your house, so the world economy breaks down.
This is unbelievable times we're living in.
And the very group doing it, the UN, says, oh, we need billions to feed the poor.
They're all starving to death.
And, oh, the top head of the UK military says, oh, this is going to cause wars and the breakdown of society.
No, it's the lockdown from COVID that's causing all the deaths.
So that's all coming up.
But next segment.
I'm going to hit the true election fraud, 100% proven, absolutely documented, and what you need to do to stop it.
And yes, I'm going to get on an airplane today or tomorrow.
I'm going to Georgia.
They're going to try to illegally certify it.
On Thursday, we're going to show you who the criminals are, who's running it.
Hillary Clinton's consigliere.
Her main lawyer is running the whole show illegally.
Courts have ruled what they're doing is illegal.
But if the legislature does not go into emergency session and stop it, there'll be no recount, no real investigation, and they're going to certify the election fraudulently, and that president will be used like dominoes in the rest of the country.
And that's a fact.
I'll break it all down next segment if you want to win.
You better start getting on the plane or in the car and heading to the capital of Georgia.
That is all unfolding right now.
Paul Reveres.
Because we can force the legislature to force the governor to order an emergency session and not certify it.
The legislature must stand up now.
But the governor, who works for the Clintons, not just his chief of staff, is the problem.
That's coming up next segment.
I gotta refuel though here.
We need funding.
And I make it easier for you to fund us.
With the best high quality storable food, the best water filtration, the best air filtration, great t-shirts, great books, great films, great shortwave radios, non-zuma heirloom seeds, and some of the best nutraceutical grade supplements you're going to find.
Our turmeric formula, 95% curcuminoid, leading competitors 3-5%, folks still get a great response.
Your immune system, your stamina, your energy, your libido, inflammation, you name it, it goes after it.
Also back in stock, sold out for months, Vazzo Beats, that again, cleans out your arteries, cleans out your heart, produces nitrous oxide in the blood.
Look into why this incredibly strong beet extract is powerful and why folks are buying up all these different beet extracts.
And this is one of the best out there because it really, really does amazing things.
It's back in stock, 50% off, info or store.com, free shipping, triple patriot points, but that sale, I said it was going to end Wednesday.
I haven't come up with a new sale yet.
A lot of stuff is selling out.
I may not even be in town again.
This sale is ending very, very soon.
The Triple Patriot points, the free shipping and all this.
We'll still have some sales, but limited because this stuff is selling out.
What is back in stock after a year?
We hadn't ordered enough of it.
It's sold out.
Some of the ingredients are patented in it.
Couldn't get them for eight months, then suddenly it was available, but it was gonna take them three months to get
it to us.
It just came in last week and people are buying it all up because they got such great responses out of it.
It's basically the dry version of Super Metal Vitality.
It's technically even stronger, but it's not cold-pressed, so it's a different formula, but it's got LJ-100 in it.
Look into what that is.
Niacin, Zinc, Organic Maca Root, Horny Goat Weed, Leaf and Stem, Tribulus, Tristeris, and so much more.
And you can read what the Niacin, what the Zinc do, what the LJ-100 does.
A patented extract from the Tagarkrit Ali, that is the most concentrated and potent extract on the market.
It's an ancient Malaysian herb that has been used for thousands of years traditionally for fertility and libido in men.
Just come and leave it at that.
Organic maca root concentrate.
Horny goat weed.
The name tells you everything.
It works on women too, folks.
And so much more.
You need to get it.
It's at infowarstore.com.
Out of the gates.
50% off.
What else is back in stock and massively discounted?
DNA Force Plus.
Listen, with all the things in the environment and all the stressors on your immune system, you always need essential things like Vitamin Mineral Fusion that has all the vitamins, all the minerals that are essential, and amino acids for better upload.
It's still in stock selling out fast for adults and children.
If you don't have your essential vitamins and minerals, anything will kill you.
You'll just die.
The system doesn't want you to know that.
They want you living in fear, totally scared of everything.
But now even Fauci says you need D3, you need zinc, you need C, or you die.
It's a fact.
Like water or air, it just takes longer to die.
So I would take X2.
It's essential.
Nobody talks about iodine and what it does for your body and immunity and libido and everything else.
All these things are synergistic.
Get them, try them out.
Some people like this better than that.
Some people love this.
Some people don't like that.
You know, I like Knockout.
It's great.
It's got eight different known, healthy ways to help you sleep.
After a while, you might get a little bit tolerant to that.
Now we have Rocket Rest at InfoWareStore.com.
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Wild Dreams, you name it.
But take KavaChill.
It has been best-selling product even though it's relatively new my dad
developed it with a chemist but as a retired doctor and it's got a really
strong kava extract in it and last night I was having an anxiety attack I mean you
know like just really stressed out about things couldn't go to sleep was
very upset about the new world order couldn't stop reading information
oh I've said take one of the kava chills I have great dreams on it I took a
500 milligram one We have two different sizes, 250 and 500.
Within 45 minutes, I was like, whoa, amazing dreams.
Good, deep, hard sleep.
I usually get up at like 5 a.m., kept hitting snooze, turned off the alarm clock, or turned off the deal, and slept till 7.30 a.m.
Never do that.
Covid chill.
So I just did a long plug.
Normally, I spend half a segment plugging, but these are great products, and we need the funds to operate.
You see, we're fighting hard for you and all of us together.
They're really... Brian Stelter says we should be taking off the air.
Social Newsmax, because now everybody's coming to us from Fox.
That's why we're more important than ever, so thanks for keeping us in the fight for this moment.
But get great products you need at InfoWarsTore.com.
I just mentioned a lot of great ones, but DNA Force and X2 are really important.
We'll be right back with how to save this country and how to stop the steal.
Georgia is critical.
Stay with us.
We are witnessing a giant psychological operation against the United States and against the world.
The very same voting machine systems being used in the key battleground states are used in third world countries to ensure that they never get out from under the yoke of their oppressive regimes.
This is the iron fist hidden inside the velvet glove of technocracy.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
I'm about to lay out the reality of where we are.
There is complete evidence of election fraud, massive amounts of it.
We'll go over a lot of it.
It's being released, the algorithms, the numbers, the facts, how it's being done.
We have the eyewitnesses at the grassroots who also witnessed what was unfolding in Georgia, in Michigan, in Pennsylvania, in Arizona, and other areas.
But let me show you this first before I hit Georgia, which is the key domino, which is wobbling back and forth about to fall.
Newsom rebuked by court for use of executive power amid COVID-19.
Just like federal and state courts have rebuked the Michigan dictator or the New York dictator.
And what did he do?
Well, a lot of stuff he did.
Judge issues final ruling declares Governor Newsom's abuse of power unconstitutional in mandating that counties only have mail-in ballots so they can engage in massive fraud.
Governor Newsom overstepped his power with executive order on election.
California judge rules.
San Francisco Chronicle.
Court declares Governor Newsom's abuse of power unconstitutional.
And all they do on NPR and every local station is parrot the same thing over and over and over again.
And whether you're in Germany or whether you're in California, Doesn't matter if it's the State of the Union or a place in Europe.
It's the same message.
It's just one more really hardcore lockdown for four to five months.
You can't leave your house, period.
And then we might let you go out, but you still gotta wear a mask and take inoculations.
And the mask never come off.
Fauci said it.
Folks, the chains are going on.
And if you put up with a second lockdown twice as long, there'll be another, another, till you're locked down all the time.
Because if you actually go to the Davos Group, and people are freaking out.
I've had so many famous people call me.
National talk show host, I'll leave it at that.
You name it.
And just say, wow, how did you know this?
They're admitting Great Reset.
They're admitting it's to destroy the world economy.
They're admitting it's an authoritarian takeover.
And now the head White House doctor says, you must rise up.
All this compliance is meant to kill your business.
These businesses think, no, no, I comply, I won't get sued for COVID.
You're saying you have liability for the flu or pneumonia?
It's all an exaggerated fraud.
There's a real virus.
Bill Gates made it so he can own it so everybody gets infected.
99.9% don't even get sick.
But does it matter?
Now you're guilty.
And oh, the test says you don't have it now, but you might later.
And oh, it reinfects, and so there's no, and so the vaccine won't even work.
Your world is over!
Because our little computer tester says you've got it!
Imagine a Doctor Who episode where the Daleks are always little robots rolling around like R2-D2 saying, exterminate, exterminate.
But instead they said, hello my friend, I'm here to test you for the COVID.
Oh, sorry, you've got it.
You've got to go away.
And now they actually in Japan and Europe have Daleks.
They look just like Daleks, right out of Doctor Who.
Whoever designed it copied a Dalek.
And they come up and stick a swab up your nose.
And if you don't, an inner hatch opens up and a gun comes out.
I'm not kidding, it's on the news.
Now they have drones with guns telling you, don't leave your homes, don't leave your homes.
This is the dystopia.
So, I showed you that, the nexus point of the illegality of this, but the Democrats don't care what judges say.
They just keep going.
This is the most dangerous time ever.
So, I showed you Newsom, now let me show you this.
And this is the big story.
Georgia Secretary of State signed illegal deal with Democrats Challenging how ballots are processed, allowing them to be processed after, and allowing mail-in ballots to be counted without actual proof or signatures being confirmed, and it just goes on from there.
And it's in the agreement that the governor did with Hillary Clinton's lawyer, Mark Elias, they have the agreement, it's linked right here, to do this.
So think about that.
Just like Pennsylvania, just like California, just like Georgia.
And so they were going to try to certify the vote Saturday.
The legislature is putting pressure on the governor to call an emergency legislative session.
That's the power of the legislature.
They can then block this and invalidate this and be able to get it into a real recount, but they can't.
So now they've moved the clock back to Thursday.
Everyone must go to the capital of Georgia now.
And you must surround the governor's mansion now.
I'm coming.
I'll be there.
And I'm bringing Roger Stone, and I'm bringing a bunch of other people.
That's what I'm doing behind the scenes.
And I'm calling the damn White House, and I'm telling Trump he needs to go and get on a frickin' airplane and land at the capital of Georgia and go into the governor's mansion and stop sitting there and letting his lawyers do it.
We need to see people power and this will do it.
So, Alan Dershowitz is right.
He's a top lawyer.
Say what you want about him.
They're going to win the Pennsylvania suit.
It'll be already certified.
They don't even care.
Pennsylvania allowed votes after the date of the election.
Michigan locked the place down and put plywood up and brought in the illegal votes.
They've been caught!
And it's illegal.
Now let me give you the rest of the stuff.
Just some of the stuff in the stack.
Then we've got video clips and I'll do great resets at the start of the next hour.
Which is the group above all this.
And it's the big 35,000 foot view instead of the 10 foot view here.
Look at these headlines.
lawsuit filed to remove nearly 800,000 ballots due to illegal votes.
And it just goes on and on with what's unfolding.
WikiLeaks, Soros-linked voting machines used in most battleground states were used to rig the 2004 Denis Whelan elections.
86% of Trump voters say Biden did not legitimately win the election.
Does it matter what mainstream media says?
In 2012, the Mongolian legislative election was stolen using the very same machines and tactics.
Even Wikipedia page on it.
86% of Trump voters need to stand up and say no.
Because if you don't stand up when you're getting robbed, well that just means you're getting pimped.
Trump says world is watching as U.S.
Constitution shattered in 2020 election.
But that's okay.
Obama compares Trump to a dictator.
There has been a sense he would do anything to stay in power.
No, you're the ones that would do anything with your fake coups to do this.
And remember it was Obama Locked up all the different journalists.
It was Obama and his people that, after Trump got into office, used their deep networks inside big tech to censor everybody.
What a monster.
What a criminal.
What a fraud.
We'll play clips of him saying that when we come back next segment.
But here's the big news.
We've identified mathematically the exact algorithm they used to steal the election.
Trump lawyer.
Fraction magic.
Shaving points.
Flipping votes.
It's all coming out.
That's why they're so desperate to get a state certified.
To go, look!
There's finally something certified.
Use the word certified.
By Hillary Clinton's lawyer that made an illegal agreement with the governor's chief of staff.
The legislature didn't change the law.
Just like Newsom went above the law and the legislature hadn't passed that law.
And the judges ruled what he did was illegal.
They already stole the state so it doesn't matter now.
Because people don't think California was stolen.
Of course it was stolen too!
It used to be red as Santa Claus's coat.
Let's see.
You now live under the Democrats.
Corrupt lawyer who identified mathematically the exact algorithm they used to steal the election.
Democrats urging voters to move to Georgia before Senate runoff election.
Of course it's fraud, Fox News asked.
That's illegal to say you're moving somewhere so you can vote and change residents fraudulently.
It's a felony.
But the Democrats are shooting videos.
Top Democrats saying go do this.
They are a group of criminals.
Trump lawyer, we've identified mathematically the exact algorithm used.
It's massive criminal voter fraud.
It's now being released.
We'll show those clips with Sidney Powell and of course, Rudolph Giuliani and Obama straight ahead.
Stay with us.
So the entire New World Order operation hinges on us not having any basic historical understanding and not having any memory.
Obama arrested hundreds of reporters and whistleblowers and did horrible things to the press and then put stay-behind networks in the government when Trump got elected and big tech to absolutely censor people and operate this huge draconian crackdown from his shadow White House a half mile from the White House.
And now he compares Trump to a dictator and also tells him in the next clip that, hey, there's nothing you can do.
It's all over.
You will be assimilated.
Give up.
There's no scenario from which you win.
That's because in all the states they put in the voting machines that have been decertified in other states as fraudulent and banned in other countries, they already had agreements illegally with the governors to do this.
And that's come out in lawsuits and it's public.
This is the organized fraud at every level.
Well, that should cause the overthrow of this election even faster.
But the Justice Department has started a criminal investigation with 65 days left to inauguration.
And Trump is coming out saying Obama has accelerated truth decay.
I'll talk next hour about what Trump needs to do.
But he needs to declare war on the whole COVID fraud.
Expose it as created by Gates and Fauci and the deep state to shut down America.
Point out that China's open for business.
Point out the Great Reset.
They admit they're using it to bring in the new carbon tax because Trump signed off and got us away from that.
And the globalists have already signed all these agreements and are saying we're going to stay in the New World Order.
They sold us out.
Trump's trying to get us out.
And so these foreign powers are ganged up on us.
It even came out there was a secret meeting of a bunch of CEOs last week on how to remove Trump from office.
AP reported that.
This is a coup against our damn country.
It's not just a coup against Trump.
So here's the globalist, Wahhabist piece of trash, Barack Obama, and everything he says
is what he's doing.
You know, I think that there has been this sense over the last several years that literally
anything goes and is justified in order to get power.
Uh, and uh, that's not unique to the United States.
There are strong men and dictators around the world who think that I can do anything to stay in power.
I can kill people.
I can throw them in jail.
I can run phony elections.
I can suppress journalists.
But that's not who we're supposed to be.
And one of the signals I think that Joe Biden needs to send to the world is that no, those values that we preached and we believed in and subscribed in.
We still believe in it.
My advice to President Trump is if you want at this late stage in the game to be remembered
as somebody who put country first, it's time for you to do the same thing.
In your view, it is time for him to concede?
Well, I mean, I think it was time for him to concede probably the day after the election, or at the latest, two days after the election.
When you look at the numbers, objectively, Joe Biden will have won handily.
There is no scenario in which any of those states would turn the other way, and certainly not enough to reverse the outcome of the election.
Another con man talking to another con man where they have dwindling ratings.
No one likes them.
No one trusts them, except for a bunch of trust fund millennials who dress up in black outfits and go up and even beat up families with children.
And then their leader couldn't even get a hundred people in his rallies.
He's a doddering, sputtering, perverted Chinese communist agent with all the dirt on Hunter.
And the laptop and saying, I work for the head of Chinese intelligence and I'm under criminal investigation from the Southern District of New York.
I mean, this is open and shut.
It'd be like recordings of Trump saying, I meet with the Russian, you know, head people and they give me orders.
Trump would be done.
I'd say he was done.
But it's not.
It just rolls forward with the giant scam and just the unified talking points of trust the science.
We've got to keep things locked down.
There's a bunch of these clips.
They're up on Infowars.com.
You can go watch the full interviews.
Trump lawyer.
We've identified mathematically the exact algorithm they've used to steal the election.
They're set to release it today.
A lot of other mathematicians have looked at it as well and said, yes, that's exactly what's going on.
It's massive criminal vote fraud.
It's going to blow the minds of everyone in the country, Sidney Powell says.
And as soon as they have that video ready, they'll tell me and we'll play it.
But this is quite a time to be alive, and it's not a time to just sit idly by.
Here is the clip.
Peter Neffinger, tell me how he fits into all of this.
Yes, well he is listed as its former Admiral Peter Neffinger or retired Admiral Peter Neffinger.
He is president and on the board of directors of Smartmatic.
And it just so happens he's on Mr. Biden's presidential transition team that's going to be non-existent because we're fixing to overturn the results of the election in multiple states.
And President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes, but by millions of
votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose.
We have sworn witness testimony of why the software was designed.
It was designed to rig elections.
He was fully briefed on it.
He saw it happen in other countries.
It was exported internationally for profit by the people that are behind Smartmatic and
They did this on purpose.
It was calculated.
They've done it before.
We have evidence from 2016 in California.
We have so much evidence, I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose.
I want to be a trillion percent clear on this.
Infinity clear.
I didn't just say months ago these ballots are illegal.
That's what federal and state courts had ruled before.
Because that's what the state laws state.
That you can't have bureaucrats just agree, or a governor agree, this is how we do something.
It's got to be passed by a legislature.
That's why when the Supreme Court ruled that they could have these mail-in ballots and extend the deadline of counting, It was a horrible ruling.
I'm not even a lawyer, I can see it on my face.
But all these other federal and state judges are actually doing the right thing.
The court declares Governor Newsom's abuse of power unconstitutional, saying that they could count ballots and that he could order counties to only have mail-in ballots.
And I just showed you the articles about Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who's a consultant and works for Dominion.
Meeting and signing an agreement with Mark Elias, the main lawyer and the conciliary for Hillary Clinton?
I mean, that's powerful!
Here's some of what Giuliani had to say about the situation.
The voting machines were used, Dominion voting machines were used in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
And I have a graphic showing the states where they stopped counting, which I thought was also strange to stop counting in the middle of election night.
One source says that the key point to understand is that the Smartmatic system has a backdoor that allows the votes to be mirrored and monitored, allowing an intervening party a real-time understanding of how many votes will be needed to gain an electoral advantage.
Are you saying the states that use that software did that?
Well, I can prove that they did it in Michigan.
I can prove it.
We're witnesses.
We're investigating the rest.
In every one of those states, though, we have more than enough illegal ballots already documented to overturn the results in that state.
Because not only did they use a Venezuelan company to count our ballots, which almost should be illegal per se, Number two, they didn't allow Republicans in key places to observe the mail vote.
That makes the mail vote completely invalid.
Now, they didn't do it everywhere.
They did it in big cities where they have corrupt machines that will protect them.
Meaning, in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh.
In Detroit.
They didn't have to do it in Chicago and New York.
Now, if you go back to Michigan and other states, it's all the same line.
They wait till they close the polls early.
They kick everybody out.
Now we learn they lied in Pennsylvania, Michigan, everywhere.
Georgia, they claim the water main broke in Atlanta.
That's a proven lie.
And then they count into the night to get the exact votes.
None for Trump, just all for Biden.
Straight line.
They don't care.
They're pissing in your face.
We must not accept this election.
I don't even care if Trump concedes.
I'm not conceding crap.
This means revolution.
This is a Chinese communist new order takeover and martial law COVID lockdown.
This means war.
We must rise up.
The globalists are trying to censor what you can see and what you can share.
Don't let them win.
Go to our emergency election newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
Sign up for free and get intel they don't want you to have and then share it.
InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
It's time to override the censors and get the truth out.
It's hour number two of this live November 16th transmission.
I'm going to break down the incredible news as the world awakens to the Great Reset and how the globals are behind the COVID-19 lockdown that is a modern weapon of hysteria and fear.
John Bowne's got a new report at Bandot Video.
I hope you share it.
It's very accurate.
It's titled, The Left Will Eat Itself.
The problem is they'll eat us along with them.
Here is John Bowne's latest report at Bandot Video.
The left has been a destructive force aimed at the Trump administration and his 72 million supporters since even before the beginning of President Trump's term.
When he said today, America first, it was not just the racial, I mean the, I shouldn't say racial, the Hitlerian background.
It was an America first committee.
They were infiltrated by the Nazis.
Many of them were anti-Semitic, part of why they weren't alarmed by Hitler's rise in Germany.
Outside of the Civil War, World War II, And including 9-11, this may be the most cataclysmic event the country's ever seen.
He's just disgusting to look at.
He's obese.
He's one of the repulsive, physically looking human beings I've ever seen.
Absolutely no morals.
Who's a bully, who acts like a bigot and a racist, and is a sexist and a sexual harasser.
The case for impeachment has never been stronger, the evidence never so riveting.
Are you suggesting that President Trump should face impeachment?
Another member of Congress wants him impeached.
There's growing talk, at least, about impeachment.
What is your case for impeachment?
The first day of public testimony in the impeachment inquiry opening with a bombshell.
We got the bombshell.
A bombshell.
One bombshell after another.
Bombshell after bombshell.
We're bracing for potentially an explosive opening statement.
Explosive week.
Explosive testimony.
Truly explosive.
The most explosive thing.
This is a slow motion explosion.
How explosive?
Very explosive.
And I think it will be explosive.
Donald Trump feels the walls closing in.
Really kind of the walls closing in on him.
Walls closing in on him.
Walls closing in on him.
There is a non-trivial chance that if Donald Trump loses the election, he ends up living out the rest of his days in prison.
But here's the question, would you like to see President Trump in prison?
Do you want to see the President in prison?
Do you think Trump could end up going to jail?
He could actually face jail time.
Donald Trump could end up in jail.
In prison.
If he ends up in jail, so be it.
You are pathetic.
This president has radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did.
His ignorance could pose a profound danger to every single person in this country and literally every inhabitant of the planet Earth.
Somebody rushed the stage, but was quickly disabused of going further by the Secret Service.
It comes after that chaos in Chicago.
Violent clashes between protesters and supporters inside that auditorium.
The event abruptly cancelled.
Hundreds of demonstrators outside, too.
Two police officers injured, and tonight, Donald Trump taking no responsibility for any of it.
They are so obsessed with their psychosis that they can't even let go under the possibility of a Biden win.
Before you leave today, I want you to answer this question for yourselves.
Which side of history is my party actually on?
Who will fight for thousands of people arrested throughout this summer of protest?
Just this week.
Forty-five launched Operation Legend, a grant by the Department of Justice that will provide millions of dollars to hire and deploy hundreds of new police officers to our cities.
We just voted against Operation Legend, but that's not enough.
But as the target becomes stealthier and unreachable, one outcome remains clear.
Once there is no one left to blame but themselves, the left will eat itself due to its own self-destructive nature.
Election results did little to calm unrest in Portland.
Despite a clear win for Democrats in Oregon, the party's Northeast Portland headquarters was vandalized overnight.
To be clear, no groups have taken responsibility for the vandalism, but the three-arrow symbol often associated with the anti-fascist movement appears on the building next to the word shame.
You're here in sweatshirts and masks.
Why do you wear masks?
Why do you cover your faces?
Masks are there for our own safety so we can continue to do this organizing without the fear of fascist or state repression.
Joe Biden will now face their wrath.
But even that won't save the left from itself.
John Bowne reporting.
It is Monday, November 16th.
The year is 2020.
We are 65 days out from the inauguration.
There's an internal civil war taking place inside the United States between patriots and Americans that want to maintain our sovereignty and election integrity and those that want to set up a private corporate world government where the United States is only a subsidiary of that system.
But I thought we should look at the Great Reset.
We should look at who's behind it because it's the Mount Olympus from which all of this policy and all this planning comes from and Bill Gates is only one person at that table but all the terrible things he says about depopulation and getting rid of the family and reducing the population by 80% that is all the agreed-upon goals of the cult who claim they're guardians of the planet when they themselves live the most
Expensive and luxurious lifestyles with carbon footprints thousands of times that of a poor African.
And of course, if you buy into their whole thing that carbon's bad, you've already lost the battle, but it's simply incredible.
They know it's not bad.
They know it's a way to track and trace and make all human activity an evil thing that they can license.
The best way to do this right now is just to show you these headlines and then go back into them.
So let's do it this way.
The Great Reset trends on Twitter after Justin Trudeau says Corona pandemic has provided opportunity.
And then he calls for an Agenda 2030, which is to give everybody free health care, free houses, free food, free transportation, and merge the third world with the first world.
But then the actual policy of Agenda 2030 and COVID is already causing millions to starve to death, hundreds of millions on the verge, they admit.
So what they say it does versus what it does is a total inversion as usual.
In fact, let's just hear from the Canadian Prime Minister, the man-child, telling you it's Agenda 2030.
Now remember, I first started covering Agenda 21 when I got on air in 1995.
And it was an agreement out of Rio de Janeiro.
It wasn't codified until a decade later.
Never ratified by the U.S., but George Herbert Walker Bush signed on to it.
Then, five years ago, they signed on to a new pact that the Congress never ratified, but our bureaucracy follows through UNESCO, the United Nations Cultural Educational Cultural Organization.
And the corporate money from Gates and others is given to you, whether you be governmental or private, if you follow it.
So it's its own corporate government.
That's why Trump tries to stop the lockdown.
He can't, because we've already been absorbed partially.
So we're in that twilight where we still have a government.
They want to overthrow the police.
It's under attack.
They want to get rid of the president.
They demonize every facet of our government because it has checks and balances.
It isn't perfect.
Because once they get their technocracy in place, They've really worked out the kinks on how to make you poor to control you and totally enslave your ass.
Because you're fighting for food all day, you're not going to be worried about them flying above you in one of their jet helicopters.
So here's Trudeau, total slimebag, anti-free speech, anti-gun, anti-family, sterilized five-year-old boys, Trudeau.
Here he is, talking about what doesn't exist.
Remember the New York Times?
Full, full page articles ten years ago.
Jones is insane!
He says something called Agenda 21 will take over local communities for the UN and destroy families and get rid of economies.
They said it didn't exist.
That's how dumb they think their readers are.
That's how dumb NPR listeners are.
They say on there it doesn't exist.
Then they pass Agenda 2030.
It says you'll own nothing.
You'll have nothing.
It's the Great Reset.
You have the UN version, that's Jena 2030.
Great Reset, that's the corporate version.
They're exactly the same thing.
Go read both documents.
It's like, oh, free everything!
Oh, no more poor people!
Everything they do causes poor people.
But consolidates power to them.
So here is what Trudeau just had to say.
Building back better means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs.
Canada is here to listen and to help.
This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset.
This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.
Remember what the UN said two years ago?
They said disease X will hit us within three years, it will be caused by climate change, and it will be the reset for everything when things collapse.
So he's like, we're gonna build back better, we're gonna collapse all your businesses, all your schools, all your systems, all your courts, fundamentally destroy everything, make people not work, pay them to not work, put them into debt, to us, And never let the lockdown end.
Oh, that's never gonna end.
Unless you come serve them.
You're a special member, then you don't have to wear a mask.
And they're even saying, you take your inoculation.
We don't care.
The lockdown continues.
Fauci said that it never ends.
He said the mask never comes off.
He said it yesterday.
He said, and I don't care if you have a shot.
I don't care you have your passport.
It's a sign of fear.
A sign of dirtiness.
A sign of your submission.
The sign of the burqa.
They envy Islam.
So the left merged with it.
It's very sick.
That's why the president's head scientist, head doctor said, you must rise up.
You must!
The courts have ruled what these governors are doing is illegal.
They're following you in edicts.
It's never gonna end.
And they won't tell you.
They won't even tell you that if you just have the right vitamins and minerals and sunlight, you can't even get these viruses.
They want you in total fear.
So let's continue.
He's now up there just like Klaus Schwab said in his book and in Devo's statements that, oh, it's never gonna end.
We just use the virus as a way to shut down inequality and give everybody free stuff.
Oh, you mean when I sign my rights away, you give me free stuff and then the whole economy falls apart and I starve to death later?
They're literally telling you, don't work, don't build, shut down so everything collapses and then they're gonna build back better Because there won't be any poverty because you'll be starved to death.
The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.
Paul Watson wrote about it.
He said one third of it is transhumanism, merging with the machine.
The other third is socialism.
And the other third is surveillance.
And this is to cover up their inflation, cover up their banking scams, cover up their big bubbles with a new big bubble that's a global Marshall Plan, they say.
When everybody's in a depression and nobody has a job, and you wake up and they go, oh, COVID caused the depression.
COVID caused the starvation.
Oh, but the UN and the Davos Group and all these leaders, they're gonna save us from the depression and the starvation that COVID caused.
And the weak-minded Stockholm Syndrome, NPR, and CNN, Blackies and viewers are so weak-minded, they'll go along with, okay, I'm in a depression now, what do I do now?
Well, and then they tell you.
And then it just gets so disturbing from there.
You got to agree to be sterilized, agree to have your kids go to training so they can, quote, change gender.
They're like, oh, you have five years of credits in your card now because your kids aren't going to have kids.
I mean, this is making it trendy to go get lined up and shot by the Nazis.
And it's all run by Jean-Claude Juncker, the heir to the entire Nazi fortune that set all this up, and Klaus Schwab.
I mean, you wonder where the Nazis went?
This is them.
But the people that created Hitler are the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, and there over here, Bill Gates is their man.
Hitler was only a spinoff of this.
Hitler was like baby Godzilla.
This is the real Godzilla, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, I spent most of that segment on this.
Let me get into the meat and potatoes here.
When we come back, I'm going to show you what they said about the Great Reset, how they're using COVID-19 to do it, and where it's all going.
And they're just celebrating at the Audubon Society and the Nature Conservancy and all the Sierra Club and Earth First.
Just like, yeah!
You didn't let us have our carbon taxes to shut you down and have a depression, which it would have done.
We'll just shut you down and lock you in your house where you can't use the carbon because it then destroys all that wealth that free energy creates.
It's very inexpensive energy.
And it, again, puts you back into feudalism, which is the favorite tool.
Feudalism, that has serfs, is the most common form of government until the Renaissance of Christianity 550 years ago and the Magna Carta 800 years ago.
805 years ago.
So, think about all that.
This is a revolution against the goodness.
A revolution against real liberalism is the counterfeit, fascist, communist model with meth-head devil-worshippers as their frontline armies and the mainstream corporate media and the chi-coms cheering them on.
How disgusting.
They're the establishment.
We're the resistance.
So people are freaking out.
On the streets, everywhere.
I already knew this days ago.
But it's one of the top things trending on Twitter, Great Reset.
And suddenly all these Democrats and all these globalists are on NPR and BBC and CNN.
Oh, COVID's a great opportunity for the Great Reset to help everyone that's been hurt by the lockdown and we need a global reorganization and new rules and carbon taxes and we're going to get locked back down for four to six months but it's going to be beautiful after.
And then by every metric, it'll be an irrevocable global depression that's already happening.
It'll just make it five times worse.
It'll kill tens of millions more people starving to death.
Where they just don't make a big deal.
You go home, you don't get food, you get sick from a common cold, you die.
And they just go bury your ass.
And Africa has been rebelling against this.
Nigeria has been leading the charge.
And so YouTube and Facebook take down accounts of Nigerian accounts that are real people, real hospital heads, killing hundreds of thousands and starving to death.
This is a nightmare.
COVID is an overblown hoax.
It's used as an excuse to lock us down.
We're not giving IMF World Bank money if we don't stay locked down.
If we stay locked down, we go into deeper debt and can't pay off the debts.
This is wrong.
And so the head of the UN Food Program came out months after I called him out.
He said, we need to stop the lockdowns.
And the head envoy on COVID said that too.
He goes, it is causing millions to starve already.
Hundreds of millions could die.
We're not for it.
The nation states are bad.
They should stop doing the lockdowns.
But it was the UN and Fauci and the Chinese at the top that did it.
The left hand over there doesn't know what they're doing.
So the head of the program was like, it's true.
Stop the lockdown.
But the United Nations continues.
Yeah, Blofeld.
In fact, cue up from Russia With Love at the beginning.
It's that same scene where there's the three Chinese fighting fish.
He goes, ah, notice the smart one lets the two hurt each other.
One dies, now the other's sick and hurt.
The other comes in to kill.
And here's the thing.
The Davos Group admits all this.
They are getting fabulously rich.
They're all invested in the vaccines.
They're all invested in the lockdowns.
They're all invested in big tech that's basically doubled its wealth the last 10 months.
And now they're saying you're not essential, and Merkel's announcing an endless lockdown, and so is everybody else, but even stronger this time, because you didn't take enough of it!
When the tests are made, where almost all of them are false positive, if you've ever had another viral infection, or a bacterial infection.
They've got them turned up so high that everybody's guilty, and then, oh, you don't just test positive, If the NIH or the National Health Service of the country says with contact tracing, I went to DC restaurants, they'd come up and like demand phone numbers for everybody.
I wouldn't do it.
For contact tracing, you know, keep you safe.
And then, oh, somebody in here tested positive.
Your phone's in a database now.
And oh, you get a call, you need to go quarantine 14 days.
In the future, everybody's got to have an app to go out for COVID 2.0, COVID 3.0.
They've got movies coming out like Songbird, big Hollywood movies.
Where, you know, it's 2023 and tens of millions have died of COVID and we can't leave our houses.
I mean, this is what they're doing!
And they're all smiling.
Oh, you want to go out of globalism?
You want to get out of the New World Order?
Oh, you don't want to open your borders up?
Oh, you don't want to teach your five-year-old that he's a girl?
Five-year-old son?
Well, how about we lock your ass down forever?
So what does the White House chief scientist say?
He goes, you must overthrow it.
You must resist it.
What's the exact quote?
Trump COVID advisor, the only way to stop this is for the people to rise up.
Yeah, now you know how real Trump is.
You know how surrounded he is.
You know that he's been in desperate straits like I told you the whole time, barely staying above water.
I heard online we're secretly winning.
We don't need to get in the game.
But now you know you need to get in the game.
And so the Trump crowds are even bigger than they've ever been.
Good job, folks.
I'm going to Atlanta, Georgia.
And I'll be there tomorrow night.
I'm going to be there on Wednesday and Thursday because they're trying to certify it on Thursday illegally.
The legislature is trying to demand the governor call an emergency session to look at the fraud.
If we get this victory, it's everything.
I need that governor's mansion covered now.
I don't care if you're in Virginia.
I don't care if you're in West Virginia.
I don't care if you're in Maryland.
I don't care if you're in Kentucky.
I don't care if you're Tennessee.
I don't care if you're Mississippi, Florida.
I don't care if you're in frickin' Hawaii.
But especially if you're in Florida, you get your ass to Atlanta, Georgia to that governor's mansion now.
And you surround it because he works with the Clintons.
On record, trying to certify this fraud and to certify that they're allowed to count ballots after they came in and were allowed to make this agreement outside a law that violates state law and the legislature.
We had a week to plan the close to a million people that showed up in D.C.
that police are now saying.
It just stretched on for hours.
The march has been going on for 2-3 hours at its destination and there were crowds everywhere trying to get to it.
The roads were all jammed up.
You couldn't even go through it.
People asked why I had a phalanx of like 40 security people.
We had to have that to just cut through and get where we were going.
It was so clogged.
Wall to wall like a mosh pit for three plus miles from Freedom Square all the way up to the Supreme Court.
Well, get your ass, ladies and gentlemen, Paul Revere's now to Florida.
You think I want to jump on a plane?
You think I want to do all that?
You think I want to go down?
No, I got to do it.
I can't sit here and let these chi-com, Obama-backed, New World Order, Islamicist, devil-worshipping, Hollywood trash continue to dominate us.
They're trying to put us under permanent martial law.
You gotta rise up now!
Like the President's head said!
His head scientist over the COVID situation.
Dr. Scott Atlas, a leading member of the President Trump's Coronavirus Task Force, announced Sunday that the only way this stops is people rise up.
That was responding to a decree.
A decree!
That's what dictators do, of a new lockdown of Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
That was tweeted out of thread that Whitmer's announcement, a graphic made by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services highlighting what would be allowed to reopen.
It's basically a total lockdown of all the small businesses and checkpoints and everything else.
And these people want power, they want control, and they want you on your damn knees now, and they want your children.
Our COVID police state wants to take Thanksgiving and Christmas away, too.
Oh, yeah.
Don't go to Christmas.
Don't go to Thanksgiving.
You know, even if you're a conservative, be a virtue signaler.
Don't do it.
No, do it!
These people want total control.
You're having your whole birthright stolen right now.
And I've got all the great reset, and I've got all the forced inoculation news, and notice, like I told you, they're like, oh, sorry, the mask never come off.
Fauci said forever.
You never shake hands again, you never take a mask off again, and it's not even for a real bioweapon.
It's a souped-up cold virus that spreads really easily, so everyone can be guilty, everyone can be tracked, and it reinfects, because your body won't even keep antibodies for it, because it doesn't see it as a threat.
You get something really bad, your body has antibodies forever.
But it's the perfect corporate takeover with a domesticated, weak population with males not being leaders and rolling over to be sickening evil corporate male leaders and all their female house slave enforcers.
It's the same old model they've used before, and it's happening now.
All right, we've got the Proud Boys founder and leader coming up next.
He witnessed firsthand what happened in D.C.
and the degenerate Antifa attacking men, women, and children, and they fought back and mopped the floor with them.
One of the most banned groups in the world and great patriots.
Straight ahead with what comes next.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
All right, Enrique Tarrio is an awesome American, and he's a leader of the Proud Boys.
And he was there helping provide security in D.C.
for us and did an incredible job.
We're getting him on the line right now.
Trump brands Antifa scum and calls on D.C.
cops to do your job as Make America Great Again fan kicked in the head and stomped by protesters.
We have hundreds of videos of the cowards that didn't attack our close to a million people there in the day.
Oh, yeah, it was huge.
We've got the video, a banned video that shows it.
They would do it at night and they would wait until families came out of restaurants or anywhere and physically attack women and children.
So, truly an exercise in communist tyranny.
Hours and hours and hours of the footage.
But after they attacked for a while, the Proud Boys went out in the street and literally steamrolled them.
We've got some of that amazing footage coming up as well.
Now, first off, I am burning the candle with both hands physically, and I'm really happy to do that.
I'm not complaining.
This is a historic moment.
I'm very thankful to be here.
But we do need finances to keep the crews working 18 hours a day and to be able to fly all over the country and have convoys drive around the nation and do everything.
And I want to still be here next year.
End of the fight.
I don't want to get shut down.
And so we need to refill our coffers.
We need money.
Plus, we've got great products you already need.
So take action.
Just as important as physically going to Georgia.
And where they're trying to do a fraudulent certification and getting the legislature to demand the governor do a emergency legislative session that will expose the illegality of outside the legislature having the Clinton lawyer get the Secretary of State, who's a Clinton operative, to sign off on illegally saying the legislature isn't involved,
we can count ballots after they come in.
That's been thrown out all over the country, including yesterday in California,
a judge ruled what Newsom did was illegal.
So this is a big, big deal.
And Dershowitz believes, and I believe, Trump will win the Supreme Court
because this is open and shut information.
But we have to have pressure on the governor's mansion and on the legislature.
We need 5, 10, 20,000 people now.
Don't wait.
Go to Georgia now.
Drive around the capital.
Go to Atlanta.
Honk your horn.
Get out.
Hold a sign up.
Do it now.
But separately, what do we have in stock?
When I say that all this is overblown, ladies and gentlemen, you can die from any virus.
You can die from a common cold if you don't have vitamins and minerals in your body from food that are called essential.
So when you see an ad on TV for a box of cereal, and it says we've added essential vitamins and minerals, that means you can eat this and live.
Really though, most of it's synthetic, so that's not true.
The reason you need clean water, the reason you need high quality air and sunshine is that's what your body needs.
Just like you need high quality vitamin C, vitamin D3, zinc and things like that.
And we have products that are super level, like DNA Force Plus, with the PQQ, the CoQ10, to clean up your telomeres, to clean out the inside of your cells, to do so much.
I have got such a stressful life.
I couldn't operate without DNA Force Plus when I forget to take it.
I totally feel it.
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And all the great things we're able to do is because of you.
So please, again, InfoWorksStore.com and check out these products and see how great they are for yourself.
All right, Enrique Tarrio.
Enrique, I just want to get your response to what you witnessed this weekend.
I want to then get into some of the videos and what Antifa did and how the media tried to spin it.
That, oh, there were clashes.
No, there weren't clashes.
When Hitler invaded Poland, he started the war.
When the Russians went into Czechoslovakia, they started the war.
You know, it's incredible to watch this disinfo just like they try to suppress the real size of the crowd.
So just, we'll have you for a few segments.
We'll dovetail you into Gavin McInnes, the founder of your group.
You're the head of it coming up, and so much more next hour.
But, man, I salute you.
You guys were so professional.
You did such a great job.
I had a security team of 14 people.
It wasn't enough.
We weren't afraid of the antifa.
It was the great fans, hundreds of thousands trying to get at us.
They'll crush you like a mosh pit, like a rock star on stage.
And I love the fans, but it was scary.
You guys, we couldn't have done it without you.
Amazing job.
Give us your overall take on what unfolded and what this was like and where you think this is going.
I mean, just looking at the pictures and the videos from the turnout when people said, oh, there's only going to be a couple thousands of them.
And then looking at that, those pictures, did you get an estimate on the crowd size?
I haven't been able to like really binge on.
Yeah, we've got a video on InfoWars.com.
It's it's on it's on Bandot video.
The exact headline here.
It's in my it's in my list over here.
And the DC police, we had senior ones that we'd hired as security for the last few years.
Great guys, same guys Roger Stone used.
And they estimated it was as big as Louis Farrakhan's march that they thought had about 800 to 900,000 people.
And again, so at DC Police Estimate, Trump March Top 1 Million, Bandot Video, 1 million.
Because again, it was three and a half miles long from the march site to the Supreme Court.
We looped back, the speeches were still going, got to the end of the speech, to the end of where the march started again, like a snake eating itself, and there were still people gathering there.
So, three and a half miles, wall-to-wall people.
What do you make of that?
I thought it was amazing.
I mean, after we walked you over to do your speech in front of the Supreme Court, we stood there for a little while and we're walking back.
And as you can see, there was a line still going all the way to Freedom Plaza.
The turnout was great.
I think this is the message that we wanted to give the nation, that we weren't going to stand by idly and that we weren't going to stand back either.
So the day, during the day, it was beautiful.
My worry always came at what happens at night.
Even though we did see Antifa and BLM assault Trump supporters during the day, what we witnessed, what the Proud Boys witnessed at night was something that I haven't even seen in the streets of Portland.
They were assaulting, forget about, we already know that they assault Trump supporters, but they were assaulting women, they were assaulting children.
I wanted to keep my guys out of harm's way as much as possible.
We actually finished our march.
We went back home.
We went to our hotels.
I told all my guys to just relax for a little bit.
And I sat down to eat dinner.
The plate didn't even touch the table before I got a call that Antifa and BLM had barricaded three of my guys inside a convenience store and they were throwing fireworks inside the convenience store.
So we geared up and we left again and we roamed the streets all the way through 6 o'clock in the morning and as you saw in some of these videos, we were attacked and they regretted attacking the Proud Boys that night.
But, um, what we saw there, I, like I said, I've seen crazy stuff in the streets of Portland, but what I saw in D.C.
last night, I mean, Saturday night, was insane.
These were cockroach-like rats fighting an old person or children and families to attack, but when they saw you guys, they had five times your numbers, they ran in fear, you guys steamrolled the living hell out of these criminals.
Yeah, I remember you were coming out to speak.
I was talking to Owen.
You were coming out to speak and there was Antifa outside of your hotel throwing fireworks.
So immediately we went over there.
We cleared out Freedom Plaza.
You know, DC police did what they could do.
Let's be clear, they were throwing mortars, big explosive ones at the doors because they heard I was coming out, and they had intel in our hallways.
The guys look like vampires with their mask off.
Totally white, weird black hair.
They could all be in a vampire movie.
I'm not being mean to white folks, but these are the bad white people.
I mean, I'm telling you folks, they look like vampires.
Yes, sir.
And we saw them in Freedom Plaza.
We cleared them out from Freedom Plaza.
Stay there.
Stay there.
You are about to see the most detailed and comprehensive footage from the historic Million MAGA March held in Washington, D.C.
on November 14, 2020.
The corporate press is desperately trying to suppress this information.
Using deceptive headlines and cropped photos, just as they had done at the 2016 inauguration, mainstream media attempted to deceive the American people and hide the massive magnitude of this historic march.
Most of the establishment media refused to show the amazing rooftop shots of the beginning of the rally at Freedom Plaza, where police estimated over 100,000 people met.
This shot was taken from the middle of Freedom Plaza at 11.30 before the event even began.
Alex Jones, greetings from the people of the Republic of Michigan!
Thank you for all that you do!
Over the next three hours, marchers continue to congregate, march down Pennsylvania Avenue, down Constitution Avenue, to the Supreme Court, where the final protest was held.
We are unified by our spirit that God made, and our connection to the Creator, and the universe, and our children.
And we are unified, and this is the genesis point of the new revolution of information!
Our crew walked all the way back to Freedom Plaza, where people were still congregating en masse and marching towards the Supreme Court building.
Our contacts inside the D.C.
police, who he had contracted for security, estimated that this march was bigger than Louis Farrakhan's Million Man March, and could have easily topped over one million.
This information is vital to the future of the Republic and the establishment corporate media is fighting to suppress it.
Only you can take this video and re-upload it everywhere you know and spread it to your friends, your family, your neighbors to get the truth out and save the Republic.
I declare that Donald J. Trump won re-election in 2012!
That was Owen Schroer saying that there in front of the Supreme Court.
He'll be with us in the studio coming up in about 45 minutes.
We have obviously the founder, the creator of it, Gavin McGinnis, joining us.
But I gotta say, Enrique Tarrio, who took over Proud Boys just out of sheer need of great leadership.
He's done a great job.
You're what they fear, just a good man that cares about freedom, that's not scared, that's willing to stand up.
All these other men don't want to get involved or don't want to get censored or don't want to have a problem.
That's why the globalists and the communists are just walking in and literally taking us over.
What made you, tell folks a little bit about you and we'll play some of the videos, talk about what happened and Trump's response, the media trying to claim it was you guys, how ridiculous, just how cowardly and scumbaggery these anti-fufufu folks are. But just a little bit about
you and 1776.shop and you're just a regular guy that, you know,
gets involved because you saw the Proud Boys getting ganged up on. Is that what happened?
That's what happened. I joined early on and I have always been a Proud Boy.
I didn't need to join the Proud Boys to be one.
My tenants were always there, my family.
I was raised in a very anti-communist home.
When Castro's revolutionary forces were taking over the island from the west to the east coast, they ran into this little farm right outside a city that they needed to take.
And when that family denied them the use of that farm as an operating base, Che Guevara took the two adult men in that family, pulled them out of their house, put them on their knees, tied their hands behind their back, and shot them in the back of the head.
And ever since then, my family has instilled conservative views on me because they came to this country, they fled that communist hellhole.
Like I said, I was born a Proud Boy, so I joined the organization and after Gavin had to step away, I took the reins of the organization.
I've always been an activist and I think it's important for us to stand up and this isn't about, Proud Boys right now isn't about Physically fighting it's about inspiring others that to to that.
You're not alone that they're not alone that There's something to fight for whether the way Jorge Masvidal Has been retweeting you guys and supporting you you might have to step down if he wants to become the leader But I just see a lot of men getting pissed off a lot of Hispanic men Especially getting pissed off at this communist takeover.
They see what it is a threat to everybody's freedom Yes, it definitely is, and I want more people to stand up, because it wasn't just Proud Boys that night.
It was a whole bunch of Patriots that followed us.
We were recruiting them as we were walking, and everybody saw the videos, everybody seen.
I mean, you could see my guys right here in this video where Antifa's trying to use their shield, which I went ahead and I jumped through like I was crowd surfing, and I took out their entire shield wall.
But we need to get out.
We need to get outside.
And this video's powerful, but there's videos where they attack people, and you guys just steamroll them and beat the living hell out of them.
Some of the videos, and they're running and crying for mommy, even though they attack first.
We didn't need any weapons.
We don't carry any weapons.
I got stabbed in D.C.
about a week and a half ago.
Oh, I forgot that part!
We also have them pulling switchblades on you guys and getting their asses kicked.
Yes, yes they did.
Well, it didn't happen this week, huh?
They sure try, they pull out the switchblades, uh, all sorts of weapons.
Oh, you must have missed the footage!
One Black Lives Matter pulls out a switchblade and gets their ass kicked.
You haven't seen that video?
You could see me here, you could see me here in this shot right here, uh, doing this guy a favor, mercy, because he gets let go here and his face was full of blood, uh, and he tried to attack somebody else, and then after they took him down, I was holding off so the police can come and pick him up, um, right after this part.
But this was all night.
We did this from like 6 o'clock at night all the way to 6 a.m.
We did this for 12 hours besides just a regular march.
We were out on the streets in 12 hours.
And you can see me here on this video with a yellow patch on my back.
You know, when somebody, when a man's down, I don't want to keep attacking him.
These are people that attack women and children, and then as soon as you let them up, they attack somebody else.
Yeah, of course.
I mean, once they assault somebody, I think a good... Some broken ribs will teach them.
We did.
Definitely something was broken, but I wanted to hold them down so the police can take over.
Metro Police did as much as they could.
Remember, the mayor, the Democratic mayor, has their hand tied and didn't let them do much, but they did.
Let me just say this.
Why do conservatives, they can be black, white, Hispanic, Asian, are like ten times tougher than an antifa?
I mean, these people are scum.
They're perfect bullies.
They're perfect cowards.
They're perfect villains.
And they know that you just destroy them.
But what is the difference?
Because it's right here, Alex.
It's in our hearts.
We believe this.
They don't believe in what they're preaching.
So there comes this passion for what we do and this anger for beating women and children that comes out of us.
It's just natural.
It's natural.
It's primal, what we have.
And just like my guys, my guys are, they say that they're stupidity and I think that they're somewhat true because they could just be home.
They could just be home with their families, you know, being safe.
And we want to be home with our families, but we know like that little farm where they killed the men in Cuba, we're coming to our house.
We're not going to wait until they come to our house.
They keep pushing it.
We're coming for them.
We're going to keep coming.
You're probably going to see more of the Proud Boys out there.
I'm traveling this week all over the country attending some of these Stop the Steal rallies along with my guys.
Our thing is defense.
We're not going to let people get assaulted.
It's not a thing and we will defend this country.
Let me say this, when we got to the Supreme Court, The march was two hours from completing.
It was still behind us for three miles.
We had about 200,000 people at first, the police estimated, at the Supreme Court.
There were like 15 Antifa looking at us in fear behind the police line with a sign saying, beat up Proud Boys, beat up Trump supporters.
And they looked so scared with their little mask off.
It was pathetic.
They failed.
They failed miserably that night.
And again, it's a passion in our hearts that we're not going to let this happen.
We're not gonna let them assault women and children anymore.
It's not a thing.
We've never let them assault women and children as a matter of fact.
Nothing's changed for the Proud Boys.
We've been the same Proud Boys for four years.
Thanks to Joe Biden.
A lot more people know who we are.
We had so much support out there, Alex.
Oh brother, I think their demonization and persecution of you guys only made you bigger.
It gave you that aura now, which you deserve.
I think you guys should become a big national.
It's beautiful.
I think you should have a chapter in the smallest towns, biggest cities.
Here I am chanting right there on that video, getting the guys pumped up.
And we walked around the streets of D.C.
Uh, we cleared out... And not just guys, you had some women in there kicking ass, too.
Yes, as you can see in the yellow sweatshirt, that's Tara La Rosa, MMA champion, uh, was with us.
We cleared out Freedom Plaza two times, we cleared out Black Lives Matter Plaza, and we cleaned the streets of D.C.
for an entire night.
Um, and Sunday afternoon, we handed back the keys over to Mayor Bowser, because we owned that city that night.
Well, it brings tears to my eyes, Enrique, and I'm not lying, because I'm so sick of laying down, it feels so good to see people standing up.
Yeah, and I hope all of us, including you guys, because you guys did an amazing job there.
I hope we're inspiring the next generation of Americans to stand up and take their country back.
Well, I agree.
There won't be a generation if we don't win this fight.
It's all coming to an end.
Enrique, stay there.
I want to tell you, I've talked to the White House, everybody.
Georgia's the battle.
I need everybody to go to Georgia tomorrow.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Enrique Tarrio is with us riding shotgun.
The founder of his organization, Gavin McGinnis, will join us coming up.
And he'll ride shotgun.
But, I don't know how you guys have kept your organization pretty much infiltration-free, and how you guys have done such a great job.
I mean, I just salute the organization.
How do people get involved with Proud Boys, and how are you keeping the organization infiltration-free?
I mean, I guess, you look at Antifa, they all look like devil-worshiping vampires.
We're total cowards.
I guess all you guys look pretty macho.
I guess it's pretty easy to find out who's real and who's not or how are you doing it?
So we have a very extensive vetting system and at times we've had to do it a couple of times in the past like two years where we get where we get this giant media boost.
There's a giant boost in membership and we kind of slow that down and we kind of trickle that in those those new recruits in and the reason for that is that the culture of the club is very important to us.
And how we operate is very important to us and we don't want to just bring in, you know, 10,000 people into the club because that might change the dynamic of the club.
So we make sure that we bring those guys in.
Our vetting process is very strict.
We do background checks.
We do multiple in-person meetings before you're inducted into a chapter.
So it's not a movement.
Although it's become a movement, for the most part, outside of the organization, but the organization is pretty solid.
Well, why do you think the left, day one, has been so damn scared of it?
I mean, they have been crapping bricks over the Proud Boys.
It's the idea of men coming together of all races and groups, unifying under American freedom and the love of family.
That just scares the hell out of them.
Well, really, because our pro-family stance.
The biggest issues that we're facing in America today is that the family's under attack, right?
And they attack the mother and the father relentlessly.
And then the father, we're creating weaker men.
The media is pushing this narrative that you should have separate parents in the home.
And I think that It's really important that we focus on the family aspect of the United States.
So you're the opposite of Black Lives Matter that says don't have husbands, kill your babies, cut your son's balls off.
You're saying all lives matter and we love families and men are the head of the family.
They're the defender.
The big corporations want men out of the way so they can enslave us all.
That's why they're scared of you.
That is.
And at its core, the truth is that the Proud Boys is Number one, the number one thing about Proud Boys is we are a drinking club first before anything.
And because of that, we are America first patriots because that's how we get together.
That's how we congregate.
That's how we plan.
And that's how, I mean, this country was started.
So they hate men congregating, having fun.
And it's not only fun, it's it's iron sharpens iron.
See, I don't have any kids.
Just like the Green Dragon, where the Boston Tea Party started, that they planted right there.
Our chapter, our chapter in that Boston area is called the Green Dragon Chapter because of that.
It's so Americana.
They really are pissed about it.
They are.
And they can continue to be pissed.
They are.
We've learned.
In the beginning, we were a little bit PR-friendly, I guess, and now we just don't care because we know.
There's three types of people when it comes to Proud Boys.
There's our supporters that are going to love us no matter what.
There are those people that don't know who the Proud Boys are and are becoming informed about them.
And then there's those people that call me and my group white supremacist groups.
Those people, I don't care to reach out to them.
People ask me, oh, what do you say to them?
I don't want to tell them anything.
I don't want to argue.
I don't want to discuss.
I'm tired of discussions.
OK, but if you truly don't know who the Proud Boys are, you need to you need to listen.
Reach out to us.
I'm very approachable.
I've talked to thousands of people.
So how do they do it?
You could go to our Proud Boys USA dot com website.
They could research.
They could come.
They could come to our parlor pages, our telegram pages.
You could reach me at Noble Lead.
That's a direct message that you guys can message me on.
Or on parlor at Noble Lead and on parlor for our whole organization, you could go at The Proud Boys.
Um, and just, just see what we're about.
We're not, we're not these monsters that the media portray us to be.
Just like they, they demonize InfoWars.
All right, stay there.
Enrique Tarrio, 1776.shop.
We've got the man that founded Proud Boys, and Vice, and so much more.
A real icon, a real game changer.
Gavin McInnis, straight ahead.
The globalists are trying to censor what you can see and what you can share.
Don't let them win.
Go to our emergency election newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
Sign up for free and get intel they don't want you to have and then share it.
InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
It's time to override the censors and get the truth out.
Over 200,000 patriotic Americans came to Washington D.C.
this Saturday to show their support for President Donald Trump and to demand justice against the criminal Deep State.
If you were there, it was absolutely amazing.
But the mainstream media, in the midst of overthrowing a duly elected president, downplayed it and spinned it.
And as the day ended, the massive crowd broke up, and mobs of BLM and Antifa went out stalking families with children, old men and women, young couples, and any easy target the rotten scum could bully and outnumber.
The insect-like BLM media shoved cameras in the faces of the victims, and they threw fireworks into restaurants to shut them down.
The media has declared war upon the American people as they attempt to steal our birthright.
But we won't let them.
We'll put the Globalist, and the Tricom, and the Democratic Party on notice, and the Supreme Court.
Anyone trying to put us under martial law, another COVID lockdown is an enemy of this
republic and we are here to declare a second American Revolution.
And more are coming!
And this is just the beginning!
Because no matter what happens with Trump, it's 1776 time!
1776! 1776! 1776! 1776! 1776! 1776!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Now that was me giving a speech, because I was the first speaker at the other end of the march.
We later learned three hours later it was still at the other end.
That's what the police estimated upwards of a million bigger than Louis Faircon's event.
We're getting Gab McGinnis lined up dealing with some Skype issues.
Enrique Tarrio is here.
If you want to stop tyranny, so do we.
Enrique Tarrio has taken over Proud Boys Gap.
Again, it started as an idea to promote family and men and fraternity and unity for American men.
American men are under attack, but now the globalists are so scared of it.
You've gone through the fire.
You've stood up at hundreds of Antifa events for freedom.
You've defended so many people.
What would you call Enrique Tarrio this historic moment we're at right now?
Dad's gonna put his mic on for me.
Go ahead, Enrique.
Start over.
Sorry, that was my fault.
Oh, that's our fault.
Okay, go ahead.
It's your fault.
Go ahead.
We don't care.
We love it.
High technology.
Back and forth.
Go ahead.
Well, that's why Gavin's having so much trouble.
He's a boomer.
But let me tell you, this is, in one word, this is the revolution.
We saw this in D.C.
and they said that the revolution won't be televised.
Well, it's right here on Infowars.com.
We saw the amount of support, we saw the amount of backlash, people that weren't there, the envious people that saw the power when we all unite together as one and have our voices heard.
The media went crazy over it.
They were demonizing Trump supporters for coming out here.
They demonized Trump supporters after the fact.
That's all I've seen.
They said that this is- I mean, I'll tell you this.
I really enjoyed Antifa for whatever reason.
I guess at the Supreme Court, they were behind the police line.
The cops made them take their mask off.
I looked at a bunch of professors and pedophiles and degenerates, and they looked so scared of me.
And I don't want people to be scared of me, but they looked in awe, like they were really scared.
They should be, because they're bullies, they're sick filth, and they're not going to shut us down.
But they really are scum.
They're the worst people on earth.
Alex, you're their holy water, okay?
When they see you, when they see Proud Boys, when they see these Trump flags, to them, that's what angers them the most.
The fun, the happiness, the joy, the passion that they see.
That's what they want to end.
They want to see the end of America.
I mean, just take a look at their chants.
No USA at all?
I heard that multiple times coming from them.
Look at the flags that they're holding, okay?
The protesters in Hong Kong, their sign for liberty and justice and freedom is the American flag.
And here we go, we have these anarcho-communists, these Marxists, sitting in the streets with a communist flag, with the flag of anarchy, They don't care about Joe Biden.
They don't care about Donald Trump.
They don't care about anything.
They want to break this system down.
And Joe Biden has allowed this to happen.
Him and his Democrats have allowed this to happen.
Not only allowed it, they've encouraged it.
We see people like AOC, people like the Kamala Harris put money for bail money, retweet bail
Billions and millions of bail money.
And all over Austin, they spray painted billboards, "Burn America," "Death to America."
They chant it.
You're absolutely right.
These people are the scum of the earth.
Enrique, the current head of Proud Boys, a great American patriot.
Let's bring on the founder of Proud Boys, who's been through hell for it, Gavin McGinnis.
They've come to his house, threatening, death threatening, you name it.
What would you call, my friend, this historic moment we're in right now?
Because everything you talked about, everything I talked about, it's all coming to a head
right now.
What is this historical time, Gavin McGinnis?
Well, this weekend was a trip to the opticians.
And if you still think that Proud Boys are white supremacists and MAGA people are Nazis,
then you're blind.
Anyone who wants to see what's really going on had a perfect representation this weekend of what is going on.
And that is patriots who love this country, like you and Enrique, getting out there and saying, we want liberty, we want freedom, we want our country back.
And then Antifa, like hyenas, following the pack, trying to call the herd, attacking old ladies, attacking Asian girls by themselves, attacking children because they're vindictive parasites.
I mean, you said it, though.
A huge multiracial crowd loving America.
That must have really scared the hell out of the left.
Well, I think if there was any PR problems before this weekend, they have to be solved by now.
Sure, there's people still running with this stupid Nazi crap, but they are blind.
They have not-see glasses on, where Nazis are everywhere.
We proved it this weekend, that we are on the side of what's right, and they are on the side of what's wrong.
And if you can't see that now, I give up.
What about all the footage of these anti-mascum attacking women and children?
This is next level.
It really is.
That guy who got knocked out, he was defending some old Chinese MAGA woman who was being attacked.
And he fought, pushed back about 10 people, thought it was over, got sucker punched in the head.
I just talked to him, he's lost his teeth, he's got a broken nose, he's, you know, got a skull fracture.
And what did they do?
The guy who did it is a child rapist who punched our buddy.
From behind, a sucker punch.
This is what we're up against!
Absolute degenerate scumbags!
And I think, you know, you also saw this weekend, I think it was in Vancouver, Washington, a bunch of people got together and just defended City Hall.
They weren't Proud Boys, they weren't Patriot Prayer, they were just regular Joes.
I think that we're starting to see a movement now where people are saying, I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.
What do you make of Jorge Masvidal saying he likes what you guys are doing?
He's ready to come out there and join you.
I think the men are starting to see this and say, we can't put up with this.
Well, he's in South Florida, so he needs to contact me.
He needs to come to Georgia tomorrow.
But keep going.
What do you think of that, Henrique?
Alexis de Tocqueville said... Go ahead.
Go ahead, Gav.
Go ahead.
Alexis de Tocqueville said, democracy is slow and sluggish and inefficient, but once the wheels start turning, nothing can stop it.
And I think we're at that point in Indiana Jones where he takes the sand off and that boulder starts rolling.
Now the mega boulder is rolling and you better get out of the way or you're gonna get crushed.
Gavin, I'm not...
I'm not an optimist.
I'm a realist, and I agree with you.
I can feel the wheels have been triggered.
I feel it now, and I've never felt this much energy.
But let's talk about that.
The wheels are rolling.
Gavin McGinnis and Ricky Attario.
We'll get some final comments from him.
Gavin will roll with us.
Two more segments.
Owen Schroer is coming in studio.
And we've got so much more coming up today.
I'll host part of the third hour, fourth hour.
And then we've got the Great War Room coming up with Owen Schroer.
And I'm back on an airplane to Georgia to stop the steal.
Now I probably shook, I'm not going to exaggerate, three or four thousand hands in the last few days in D.C.
and it was great, I loved doing it.
But some people said, man I really used to like your show, I wish you were still on air.
We're at Infowars.com, we're at Band.Video, we have record audiences right now, it's huge.
Just like Gavin McGinnis has been banned most places for founding the Proud Boys and Vice TV they took over.
Bunch of great shows, amazing job.
Censored.TV with Gavin McGinnis, Enrique Tarrio, head of the Proud Boys is here, founder Gavin McGinnis here.
Gavin, I got a lot of questions for you.
Before I get to what happens if they're able to steal it from Trump, what comes next, what do you predict with Biden, how do we fight now to stop it?
What would you call this historical time we're in right now?
Because you gave a great answer, it's totally true.
Proud Boys, American pride, on display, unity, beautiful, versus a bunch of meth heads attacking women and children.
But what would you call this current historical time we're in, Gavin?
I would call it a 90 degree turn in American history.
If we mess this up, there's no turning back.
If we get four more years of Trump, we permanently drain the swamp, we solidify the Supreme Court forever, we get the gynos out of there, the rhinos out of there.
I meant to say rhinos.
And eventually we solidify what America can be.
If we don't get that, we go on an irrevocable course of corruption, of China taking over our dollar.
We get permanently in debt.
We refill the swamp permanently.
And they've already done it with this election.
They've had unprecedented cheating.
The radical left is designing the software.
We've got George Soros' buddy making the machines.
And then we have Biden saying, I like mail-in voting.
Let's do it next time.
That's a precedent being set right there.
So we have to fight back and not allow the Astros to get the World Series.
Sorry, guys, you cheated.
You don't deserve the trophy.
What if, God forbid, because there's clear fraud, it's overwhelming, they just certified that Newsom had illegal voting and shouldn't have ordered the ballots, but they're just moving ahead with certification.
What would the left's self-destruction of America look like, Gavin?
It would look like Obama's presidency, but a lot worse.
All of this radical AOC stuff.
The Goon Squad would become mainstream.
All of their insane politics.
Green New Deal.
We're back with Paris in the climate change BS.
We've got open borders.
We would just chip away at America.
Like before Trump, Antifa was known as radical.
Now you have the President of the United States elect, whatever the hell that means, Saying, no, it's just an idea.
Antifa is just an idea.
In other words, the radical left is normal and mainstream.
And once they get their way, we have basically, we're going to become Pakistan in the sense that radical Islam is never satisfied and the radical left is never satisfied.
You can't appease them.
No taxes are big enough.
No borders are open enough.
They just keep pushing and pushing it until they've destroyed the place.
And then they go, well, you should have given me more money.
I needed more programs.
I want to ask you both, but first to Enrique Tarrio, again, the current head of Proud Boys.
What do we do to make sure this fraud doesn't happen?
I'm going to Georgia tomorrow.
That's where they're trying to do a fraudulent certification.
The governor is on the payroll of the Clintons.
We need him to order the legislature to have an emergency session.
They want it, but the governor's got to call it.
What do we do?
I'll be joining you tomorrow in Georgia.
I'll be there.
But the way that we solve this is as we get off our phones and get off our asses and get out there.
And do what we did this weekend.
Show our numbers.
Show our anger for this.
Because this is too radical past for the country.
Like Gavin said, this is going to be permanent.
One of these choices is going to be permanent.
I mean, I'm not going to tell you that we're going to be like, OK, well, you know what?
We're calling it quits.
You know, we're going to keep fighting no matter what.
But we need we need everybody all hands on deck.
Everything that we're making America great again, it can't be done from from your couch.
Okay, and we showed that this weekend.
We need to keep showing it.
You guys need to go to Atlanta.
You need to keep going to Phoenix.
You guys need to keep going to Lee, Wisconsin, Michigan, and all these states that there has been fraud.
I've never seen 90% turnout rate like we saw in Wisconsin when their historic is 63% average.
Well, that's the good news and the bad news.
There was a historic landslide for Trump.
All the real metrics showed it.
They engaged a fraud to hide that.
They're really scared.
They don't have the support of the people.
Enrique, we love you.
We'll see you in Georgia.
I'll get there tomorrow night, then we'll be doing this on Wednesday.
They're trying to certify on Thursday.
We need everybody to go there to surround the governor's mansion and make a huge issue and demand this now.
How do people, again, find Proud Boys?
Um, you could find us on Parler at The Proud Boys on Parler.
Um, you could find us at me at at Noble Lead on Parler.
Also, you could also find us on Telegram at Proud Boys USA.
All right.
Thanks, sir.
We really appreciate you.
What a great job you're doing.
And remember, folks, Big Tech blocks all these people.
They block us.
Word of mouth with Band.Video, with Censored.TV.
That's how you override them.
Gavin, I got a thousand questions next segment.
What's on your mind right now?
Your main radar screen.
Gavin McGinnis.
I just want to say, like, Enrique was handed the Proud Boys when their name was Mud.
He keeps getting bombarded with this BS Nazi crap, white supremacist crap.
He lets it roll off his back like water off a duck's back.
And then he does these rallies.
Like, the Proud Boys have done three or four amazing rallies that went off without a hitch.
They got permits, no danger, no violence, no stabbings.
I mean, what he's done with that men's club is Greater than my wildest hopes and dreams.
I'm so impressed by him.
I agree.
He's a great leader.
Good leader.
And that's what we need.
And you too.
It was the Infowars convoy going up the East Coast that got all this hype going.
And that's the kind of thing that sticks in a judge's craw when he's making decisions.
Max and John are in prison right now as Proud Boys for the same fights that were going on the other night.
They were protecting people.
But because the left controlled the narrative, it was two Nazis were roaming the streets.
We have to change the narrative and get the truth out there.
And the way you do that is by taking to the streets like you and Enrique do.
It's what it comes down to.
And Antifa, again, are funded by George Soros.
What about this, Kevin?
We're going to break it back with other news with you.
How about how they claim they're the resistance?
They got all the banks, all the media, all the big tech.
Hollywood is on their side.
The police are usually in the leftist area standing down and they call themselves the resistance and online are always whining about how the right wing's beating them up.
It's all BS.
It's a bunch of rich trust fund kids.
They are the majority, and they use the media like a PR firm.
Even this weekend, they were saying Nazi Proud Boys were out there stabbing people.
They always accuse us of exactly what they're doing, and the media says, yes, I'll take this ball and run with it.
When Enrique went out with his friend Bevelyn, they're walking home, they see a kid getting murdered, they intervene, the black woman gets stabbed, and this one guy, Chris Carlos, Will Carlos, does an article in USA Today saying the way the police responded to that stabbing attack shows how the police give Proud Boys preferential treatment.
You're like, what?
A woman was stabbed!
She's in the hospital for five days and that's the media's takeaway?
We need to fight back against our enemies and our enemies are the teachers brainwashing our kids, the media, the top brass all over this country.
The elites are destroying America on purpose because they want to rebuild it in their own image.
And now, The Great Reset.
They've come out and announced.
Oh, we're doing this on purpose.
We're using COVID to shut everything down.
Gavin McGinnis is our guest.
Stay with us.
We'll talk about The Great Reset and how Trump's COVID response guy says it's time to revolt.
All right, Owen Schroer rides shotgun with me.
15 minutes to the next hour, then the great Gerald Celente takes over.
Owen is here.
Gavin McGinnis, talk about a patriot.
He's here as well.
What do you make of The Great Reset?
Them admitting COVID-19 is to create this new depression where we all have a universal Income, we have the head of the EU saying it, the head of Davos saying it, the head of Canada saying it, Justin Trudeau, Gavin McGinnis.
I mean, this is really their takeover and they're announcing martial law in all these states.
But meanwhile, Trump COVID advisor, Dr. Atlas says the only way to stop this is people rise up.
Where are we right now, Gavin McGinnis?
I mean, even when the president's talking like this and he's trying to tell us something here, Gavin.
When I saw Justin Trudeau talk about this being a great opportunity for a reset, it sounded like a Project Veritas video where he was caught on hidden camera saying exactly what the globalists think.
I couldn't believe he said it publicly like that and just gave it all up.
Like, it's not a conspiracy theory anymore.
You just said it!
It's profoundly disturbing, and we do have to fight back about this.
This is what the left has always wanted, by the way.
They are communists.
I remember Thomas Friedman, this is maybe 10 years ago now, with Obama, he said, God, I just wish we could make America China for one year, and then we could complete all these programs we need to complete, and then we could go back to America.
And of course, you know what would happen if he got his fantasy.
We'd be China for one year, then two years, then three years.
Just like when Castro took over Cuba and he said, I changed my mind about elections.
We're not doing elections anymore.
These people want to control us.
And we want liberty.
We want everyone to be free.
And we're right at the cliff edge of losing that.
I totally agree with you.
Look, again, I have a million questions, Gavin, but what else is on your radar?
What do you think Trump should be doing right now?
I think he should be going to Georgia himself and banging on the governor's mansion.
I think he should be leading the charge against the fraud, not just sitting back and letting the lawyers handle it.
I think it's a major miscalculation.
I agree.
Everyone says he's got this big Trump card up his sleeve and he was just waiting.
He's playing 4-D chess and he's waiting to blow our minds.
We're running out of time, dude.
If you have something up your sleeve, time to pull it out because we're losing this country right now.
This is more than just tweets where you say, ah, they stole the election.
That sounds like a white flag.
That sounds like you're surrendering.
I want to see you expose all these people, file these lawsuits.
On Sunday, Giuliani said, today, Monday, the big day, it's all coming out.
And you're like, I'm ready, Rudy.
Where is it?
Let's go!
And we do know that they certified all this voting illegally.
We do know they let them do all this.
We do know that they have all the witnesses of the fraud.
We do know about the Dominion software.
So we just need action.
But notice the Justice Department is, let's just say, castrated.
Yeah, and you know, I don't know who to blame.
I mean, the DC police this weekend were funneling MAGA people through BLM where they knew there would be conflict.
They were clearly told to do that.
But why didn't Trump, you know, enforce Big Tech?
Tucker brought up a great point.
He said, this election has been stolen for the past four years via Big Tech controlling the American conversation and making it anti-Trump.
So we go to parlor and now CNN is saying that's a threat to democracy, these people having open minds and being able to use free speech.
By the way, Mark Dice did like a 10 minute video and I can't play it all, but we actually have a short clip of Stelter with a straight face.
He goes, we can't let them have their own media.
It'll hurt things in our democracy.
And then Obama gives all these speeches saying, oh, there's a thousand channels now.
So they're done censoring the internet.
Now they want to move on to Newsmax and OAN.
I mean, this is so Cuban-esque, Venezuelan-esque, Stalin-esque, North Korean-esque, Communist China-esque, Gavin.
Well, remember when CNN said, it's illegal for you to look at Hillary's emails.
We are the arbiters of news.
We'll look at them and we'll tell you which ones you need to see.
CNN thinks they're Stalin.
I don't know where they get that idea.
They're dunces.
Well, because they're like, no one likes us, so we better make them all not have shows, so we'll be popular again.
Here's part of what Brian Stelter had to say.
People are going more and more into their own echo chambers, more and more into their own bubbles, especially Trump voters.
There's this new social media app called Parler getting a lot of attention because conservatives are saying they're leaving Twitter and Facebook, going off to Parler because they believe Parler is a safer space for them.
What we're seeing is even more of a bunker mentality in right-wing media, and ultimately that's not good for the country.
No, it's not good.
It's a threat to democracy.
That these people are in echo chambers and they're getting fed a diet of lies, essentially.
Brian Skelter.
That's what it is.
That's what it is.
Owen Troyer, we'll talk about this more when Gavin leaves in a few minutes.
But wow, if you watch the whole thing, he's like, we can't let them have their own channels!
That's against freedom!
Well, it's like they throw us off the big, you know, cruise liner or something, and we're like clinging to the riffraff out in the ocean, just clinging to it, like wading up and down.
Stop clinging to that!
The conservatives we threw overboard are clinging to the riffraff, trying not to drown in the ocean!
I saw, like, it was a New York Times article, they go, they claim they're being censored, they're delusional, they're going to their own, they're kicking everyone off!
Let's go back to Gavin.
Gavin, where do you see all this going, brother?
I'm telling you, we are at a crossroads.
You see how she said they're being fed a diet of lies?
They want to feed us.
That was what Obamacare was.
The government wants to take over your health.
de Blasio here in New York is saying kids should be in school from 9 a.m.
to 6 p.m.
after school programs.
This is before COVID.
They want to control our lives.
And that is the most un-American thing imaginable.
This is America in a nutshell, okay?
I don't care if you don't help me.
Just don't hinder me.
Americans are on their own.
They moved out of their parents' house.
They've got grit, mobility, wherewithal.
They want to design their own systems.
They want to invent their own products.
They want to make their own money.
That's what made America.
That's what separates us from Europe, from Russia, from China, from all of these other terrible countries.
We are the ones that do it ourselves.
And they want to take that away from us and make us into the EU, where people don't have grit and mobility.
Well, that's another thing.
own concepts, their own systems, their own way to run their families and their lives.
And I don't know if we can get it back after this.
I don't know if after four years of Biden, we will recognize this country.
I think Canada and Britain will look exactly like America.
And I've lived in both of those countries and they suck.
Well, that's another thing.
Macron, the little dictator, he just announced, he said, it's good that Europe's dying and
we're going to move basically African countries here.
And we've got to finance Africa or we'll have to Malthusian them, which means kill them.
So they collapse Africa, create an economic collapse, destroy Africa, then flood us with poor Africans who won't get jobs and then tell us to roll over and die.
It's just, it's just, why is the left so destructive, so self-destructive, so psychotic?
Is it just they have like a button of like dominance they've got to keep punching?
I think it's a lack of experience.
Like, look at Karl Marx.
He never worked a day in his life.
He felt insecure about that.
So he wanted to control other people and pretend that his lifestyle was normal.
They've never experienced, they've never washed dishes.
They don't know any blue collar people.
They talk about black people all the time.
They don't live near them.
There aren't any black people in their schools.
And I think they feel guilty about that.
You know, if you're a spoiled little rich kid and your dad built your fortune like Karl Marx did, You must have this constant insecurity that I'm not real, I didn't do enough.
So what do you get when you get like that?
You get like little Lord Fauntleroy, this spoiled little brat, like the gay prince in Braveheart.
You just have this vindictive malfeasance where you just want to wreak havoc on the world because you're so insecure and unhappy.
Dinesh D'Souza calls Hollywood the revenge of the hurt.
And I think politics is just Hollywood for ugly people.
These people want revenge.
And it's for the suffering that they've imposed upon themselves.
They're projecting their own self-hatred on us.
Gavin McGinnis, you're on fire.
Thank you so much, brother.
And we have the host of The War Room, 3 to 6 p.m.
daily, Owen Schroer, here with us, ahead of Gerald Cilente coming up.
And a lot of other breaking news we've got.
But Owen, you did the caravan through the South up to D.C.
The police that we talked to estimated, because I was saying 200,000 that day, because the police were saying 200,000 at one spot.
Turns out that was three and a half miles, people going back to the beginning of it.
And a bunch showed up after.
They were estimating 800,000 to a million people.
And then Antifa attacking at night, getting their asses kicked.
All of it.
What would you describe this moment in history as?
Well, from the images I've seen, I think that this had more people in attendance than the Million Man March.
And I think some of those images are highlighted in the Bound Report and the Gregg Reese Report that we've seen.
And so I think the significance of that, Alex, is the Trump movement, the Make America Great Again movement, the America First movement, whatever you want to call it.
Biden couldn't have gotten 100 people out there.
Oh no, there would be little hula hoops on the ground and they'd be social distancing and wearing their masks.
That's another real thing.
Look, no one's wearing masks here.
Just calling their hoax out.
Happened to dozens and dozens and dozens of these.
Where's my COVID?
I'm not tempting fate.
Where is it?
Well it's just, it's just, and this is the new thing, I've realized that we all knew this, but to put it into words, the Democrat Party politic is emotion over evidence.
It's emotion over evidence.
Same thing with the mainstream news.
Emotion over evidence.
We live in reality.
Yeah, we live in reality.
A million people out there, nobody got COVID, nobody got sick, I'm riding back in the airplane, everyone's fine, laughing about the dumb mask thing.
They almost kicked me off a plane for, but we won't go into that.
But what I think it signifies, Alex, The reason why it had more people than the Million Man March is because this is everyone's movement.
This is every American's movement.
Of every race, color, creed, age, background, what have you.
This is every American's movement.
And what I love is seeing folks that aren't white getting the Tea Party loves them.
They're just flooding in now.
That's why the establishment's trying to sew things up with a worldwide tyranny under the UN with the COVID hoax and the Great Reset is they know they're losing.
Well that's why the propaganda is so identity-based because they know that there is no personal identity as far as, you know, skin color or hair color or any of this that comes along with human freedom.
That's universal.
That's a universal idea.
That's what we get.
And they're trying to take our universal freedom.
And we recognize that President Trump is the number one stopgap of taking our universal human freedom right now, and that's why the whole world is watching, as President Trump said in a statement yesterday.
Yes, the world is watching.
The world is watching America right now, and the world is hoping, just like in 1776, We can defeat the idea that men need government or that free men need tyranny to keep them at bay and protect the greater general society.
No, that's a lie.
That is a myth.
And it's the... And by the way, let's back that video up.
Back it up by 20 seconds.
That's them turning on Pennsylvania Avenue on Constitution or whatever it is.
It went for three miles.
So I want to show you, because you see it back there, it turns.
I gave my speech, walked back to the hotel, two, three hours later, the march was still going towards the Supreme Court building.
That's what the police estimated, almost a million people.
This was insane.
The media only showed, yeah, there to see how it turns.
That turns on Pennsylvania Avenue and runs for like two miles.
And the one image that seems to be going viral, the one that Dan Scavino put out that Trump retweeted, that's the one image that's going viral.
That's only one small area.
That was 11, 30, 40 when it started.
And that was only one small area of the D.C.
There are about four or five areas that looked exactly like that, by the Supreme Court, by the Washington Monument.
Yeah, it was the whole city.
You had to be there, because I didn't get it either.
Because we get in that big square, it's totally full, no room, everybody wants to start marching,
I say, "Let's march early."
We start marching at like 1230, takes us an hour and a half to get there.
I give a speech, done, wait an hour.
I walk all the way back, not along the crowd, because they would come up and say stuff,
nothing, I guess, but I couldn't get there.
So we walk kind of like around the Cabell through the woods and stuff.
I get back to the hotel and it's still streaming, the march.
Four hours later, this was insane in the membrane.
I'm trying to think of the events that I've been to.
I mean, if I was trying to make a comparison and just get numbers.
Not even the Super Bowl is nothing like this.
Well, I was going to say, I mean, it would be World Series or Stanley Cup parades or, you know, big giant music festivals like Rock in Rio where they get like 100,000 people.
This was easily Five to ten times a rockin' Rio crowd.
And I mean, Alex, we're going through like sardines.
I mean, it's like, we can't even, it's like crazy.
From like five blocks up to the Supreme Court, you're packed in like sardines.
I mean, you can barely even breathe.
So I mean, this is about as tightly compact groups of people that you can find, and they were sprawled out over, I would say, about a square mile of D.C.
This weekend, and you know, Alex, I said this on air, maybe the crew can go back and find the clip, because, you know, you do so much content on these trips, you forget, you know, the exact moment in time, but I said, you know, I had a vision, and I did, I had a vision on Thursday or Friday, I had a vision of this exact thing, standing in Freedom Plaza, standing on that block with you, and just looking out over the seas of people in red, white, and blue, all the American patriots, all the American flags, we had the perfect The perfect breeze, too.
The perfect wind.
All the flags flying perfectly.
I mean, it was a perfect day that God had given us.
And of course the media is going to lie to us.
Of course they're never going to get credit for what happened that day.
Of course the Republican conservative establishment, Khan Inc., wanted to try to spearhead this themselves and act like they were the leaders of this.
They weren't.
Well, that's a side story, but we just took it over.
We won't get into that, and that's fine.
Yeah, we'll just stop right there.
But the point is, to me, what was significant, Alex, is it was unifying.
And that's the biggest reason why the mainstream news wants to do all their propaganda to separate us on identity politics.
Because our movement is ideological, it's human freedom, it's human liberty.
It's unifying.
It's common sense.
It's common sense.
So they have to throw all these different barbs into our stream to try to, you know, get us divided.
But it's not working.
Now, for many it is, obviously, like what we saw on the streets that night.
Well, only the stupidest.
But yeah, the Antifa would literally target children.
This is the level of...
And you know, by the way, you know, there's a lot of lies said about Proud Boys on the mainstream news.
You know, we're just going to tell the facts of what it is.
If it wasn't for the Proud Boys Saturday night, what you saw on the streets of D.C.
would have been 10 to 20 times worse.
I mean, there was moments where, because the Proud Boys, you know, Antifa found out where we were at, so they would come out and wait for you, wait for me outside the hotel to try to get the jump on us.
And they were about 200 of them out there at one time.
Proud Boys came rolling through the block.
They were gone in about five minutes.
We came out and had an event.
So, you know, the media lies about the Proud Boys all day long.
Here's a fact about the Proud Boys.
If it wasn't for the Proud Boys, Saturday night in DC would have been extremely more violent.
Antifa would have probably maybe even killed somebody out there or BLM would have killed somebody.
The police did, I believe, got eight guns during the arrest that happened of the violent
leftist radical communists that were in the streets last night.
So this isn't a knock against the police.
Believe me, I understand it.
I've been behind the scenes.
I've talked to many of them, folks.
Their Democrat mayor is literally giving them orders.
They're fired or they do their job.
It's total tyranny.
But, you know, also the police surrounded me when I gave the speech in front of the
Supreme Court with about 200,000 people that had already arrived, hundreds of thousands
more marching towards it.
They were like, what's he going to do?
Is he going to call the revolution?
Those are our institutions.
The globalists are trying to take them over.
This is our country.
He wants the outside globalists to not take over.
Well, let's be honest, you know, we talked about it actually right there at the steps and you said, stand down, Schroer.
So we stood down and we said, alright.
Yeah, but physically taking over the Supreme Court building is not going to do anything.
No, I know.
You made the right decision.
I stuck with your gut.
It would have been like V for Vendetta, where we just take over, but... That day will come.
It's not like Hitler's in a bunker.
We're getting him.
They're trying to get our president.
They have the president.
That day will come.
That day will come.
And, you know, everybody... I'm just saying, everybody was chomping.
I mean, this is... We're not afraid of the system.
They've taken our kindness for weakness.
We're just right there.
I mean, we're right there on the brink.
I'm an impatient person.
We're just right there on the brink, Alex, and...
I'm really hopeful that Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are going to have their legal victories.
But don't hold your breath.
I just wonder if we're going to have enough of the instruments of power here to really have justice.
And that means we need the FBI, we need the DOJ, we need the CIA.
Because this is an outside takeover and a lot of folks in the system would rather be a bitch to the system.
Let's come back right now on the other side and talk more about this.
We're not going to stop fighting, but I'm running out of money flying all over the country and having convoys go around.
I'm not complaining.
We've got great products you need.
I want to thank you all.
Get a t-shirt, get a book, get a film, get a non-GMO heirloom seed kit, get some storable foods, get some water filtration, air filtration.
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It takes a lot of money to run.
We don't have George Soros as a sponsor.
We got you, and we thank you.
Stop the Steel Republican Crisis.
Emergency sale at InfoWarsTore.com.
Get the products while you still can.
Boost your immune system with Vitamineral Fusion, the fish oil, and so much more.
And you can tell Bill Gates and all them to piss up a rope, you dirty globalist.
We're going to stay on air as long as the Lord's willing, and as long as you keep us on air.
So thank you so much.
Stay with us.
I'll tell you the good news, Owen Schroyer.
It's that They are coming out in the open announcing world government saying this is meant to save the earth.
We're cutting your carbon.
We're going to make you poor.
We're giving you free stuff once you're poor.
This is so waking people up and they're really making their move.
This is crazy.
But it's because the bankers think they won't get in trouble.
So they get a third of what they push for.
They're still happy.
But as the public figures out.
Governor Whitmer in an endless lockdown, and the White House head COVID task force says the only way to stop this is to rise up, just accept the virus, just eat the right minerals and vitamins, you won't get it, you won't get sick.
It's all true.
Trump, finally in the last 65 days, is finally hitting on all cylinders.
A day late and a dollar short, but it's still going to be beautiful.
Maybe he should just stop worrying about the election, just what he can do with stay-behind networks, executive orders, what he can put in the defense budget.
He can do all this big stuff to really do what Obama did to him.
I mean, what about China?
Trump wasn't a Russian agent, no proof.
With Biden, my God!
He's got total proof.
We'll just have to see what goes on with Biden.
They may do a fake inauguration of Biden.
I mean, who knows?
Let's just say this.
You said during the break, 79 days to hell.
We're already 65 days left now.
We're in the middle of it, baby.
It's psychological torture.
Did I not call it?
You did call it.
You've been known to do that.
It's psychological torture what they're putting us through.
And even if they did get Biden in, it would be an immediate impeachment process of it because I believe that the Senate is at least going to be behind President Trump.
But let's hope we don't even get there.
There's an art, Alex.
There's an art to the buzzer beater.
There's an art to having yourself against the ropes and then come out swinging in the final round.
And Trump is perfectly set up to do that right now.
But this is like a tug of war that we're in.
And by the way, Scott Atlas, who's basically replaced Fauci on Trump's COVID task force for all intents and purposes, Dr. Scott Atlas, Who's a patriot, to me, who loves human freedom and values that, unlike Fauci, who's a complete dirtbag.
This guy belongs in jail.
You know, a couple hundred years ago, probably worse.
By the way, he has a whole history of that.
He's a con artist.
Yeah, beyond a con artist.
I mean, this guy is a totalitarian, authoritarian kleptocrat.
He's stolen everything from us, including our very dignity with this mask nonsense.
So Fauci is a guy, to me, who belongs in prison.
Or, you know, hundreds of years ago would probably be a much worse fate for him.
But Atlas comes out and says, we have to rise up.
And that's what this is.
It's like a tug of war, Alex.
And we have really hundreds of Americans, hundreds of Americans, hundreds of thousands, hundreds of millions of Americans on our end of the rope.
They have very few people on their end of the rope.
They just have the power or whatever power is left of their media, of their institutions, academia.
The benches that they own, the governorships that they own, the mayors that they own.
But we have the hundreds of millions of Americans worldwide.
The problem is many of them haven't begun to pull yet.
So some of the few patriots have had to pull much of that weight for a long period of time.
But finally, other Americans are grabbing onto that rope, recognizing it's a tug-of-war, and they're starting to pull.
Other Paul Revere's are yelling down the rope, Hey!
Grab the rope!
Grab the rope!
If we don't start pulling, we're going to be drug into that pit down there that has a bunch of thorns in it that have poisons on the tip.
So pull, dammit!
And that's the process that we're in right now.
And, you know, by the way, it was Atlas, it was Dr. Michael Savage who was the one who introduced Trump to Atlas, and so that's kind of a good thing.
I think that now you're having some of the original people that supported President Trump, the original people that the mainstream media hates and have been trying to center.
Having that effect.
You know what's crazy is, even if they can remove Trump through fraud, the twilight of the gods, the good or Donald wrong, we can still have some major effects.
And then the sick part of me, the Matthew Vellon part of me, let's talk about this when we come back.
Man, Biden and Kamala, they're hated by their own people.
The globalists, sometimes you bite off more than you can chew.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.
This has got some really nasty sides to it, but I'm not capitulating yet.
The fraud's incredible.
We've got to stop the Georgia false certification on Thursday.
Are you going to fly out there with me right now?
You want me to go out there with you?
Oh, you can just hold down the fort here, but it's up to you.
We don't have enough crew here to hold down the fort and run all the shows.
I'll hold it down.
I'll hold down the fort right here in the home base.
You ready though?
Of course I'm ready.
Are you built for this Alex Jones?
Yeah, I'm pretty fat.
Do you know what's going on?
No, that's good.
Like a bowling ball.
Like for a walrus.
You're in it for the winter season.
Gerald Salente is going to be taking over here in about 10 minutes.
I'm Alex Jones, though I'm sure he'll be hosting the War Room.
And I guess he's going to stay here in the rear with the gear when I go to Georgia tomorrow.
And try to battle their false certification.
I'm sure you saw this, but the judge ruled that Gavin Newsom illegally let them have the mail-in ballots and ordered counties to do it.
It's the same thing in other states, but they're just going ahead with a certification.
We need the legislature to demand the governor do a special session.
The legislature's Republican, they want to do it.
The governor's got to do it.
His chief of staff is on the payroll of Dominion and met with Hillary Clinton's chief of staff.
Well, I agree with you that the President should be leading this charge.
I mean, it's nice for Infowars to be in Atlanta on, I think that was Tuesday.
We had a huge turnout, by the way, Alex.
Everybody in Atlanta loves you.
Last Tuesday.
I'm flying into Mardin.
I'll be there Wednesday.
And it's going to be even bigger now that they know Alex Jones is going to be there.
But that's my point is that, you know, I think that Trump needs to lead this charge from the front because I understand he doesn't have to hit every battlefield, but this is a key battlefield to hit.
It doesn't seem like it yet.
And maybe he can't wait for these, quote, rallies.
And maybe his metrics.
Oh, they've been saying he's going to have a rally.
Have any rallies been announced by Obama?
No, not yet.
Not yet.
Because they're going to be the biggest ever.
I agree.
And that's why I think he should kick it off in front of the Georgia Statehouse, where we were at on Tuesday, and lead this from the front.
Because he may not think that Georgia's big because of his metrics saying, OK, well, if we can get Wisconsin with the A-Return... No, but they want that false certification.
It's about...
It's about legitimacy, is what it's about.
It's about protecting the legitimacy of the election, and that's why I think he should go down to Atlanta and stand in front of that building and do an address, do a rally, and just have his supporters... I mean, I was out there and we basically shut down the street.
We had a couple hundred people, maybe a thousand max, out in front of the Capitol there, and it was a huge turnout.
If he went there, they would shut down the streets of Georgia.
And Alex...
They need to understand the legislators and the governors and the mayors and all these people that are telling us to wear a mask, telling us to lock down, killing our economies, killing our freedoms, becoming tyrants overnight.
They need to understand that if you continue this, there's going to be a million patriots at your front doors.
Well, that's right.
They need to see pushback now because even the White House head of the COVID task force, Dr. Atwell, says the only way to stop this is people rise up.
This is a power grab.
Whitmer wants power.
She's doing it for the globalists.
They want us in a depression.
They want to give us a universal income that's like a welfare check to control us.
This is America being conquered by non-military aims by chicken little scenarios.
The kleptocrat, technocrat globalists are the big bully in the yard.
And there's only one other tough guy in the yard that can possibly smack them around and defeat them and that's the United States of America.
And that's like the great Archbishop said, he said Trump and the American people are
a garrison against this takeover, Agenda 21. And now they call it Agenda 2030. In fact, cue
up Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister.
This woke up so many people. I had a couple of big national talk show hosts text me and call me
saying, wow, I thought this was, I was just on Joe Ruggles' show like three weeks ago going,
Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, great reset, lockdown, they're using COVID to shut it down. It'll cause
a chain reaction, start a third world. They'll be flooded by, people are like, yeah, right, sure.
Politicians can never get away with that, except now COVID's their cover.
It's not COVID doing it, it's the lockdown doing it, and here it is.
Building back better means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.
Start over again.
Building back better means helping those most disadvantaged who are starving to death.
I mean, this is all up... It looks like a science fiction cult movie.
Like it's not real.
It's like he's up there, like a cult member, reading this manifesto of death, saying it's going to help you.
Like, we're going to shoot you in the head.
It's a good thing.
Here it is.
Building back better means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs.
Canada is here to listen and to help.
This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset.
This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.
See, this is the new big lie, Alex.
Everybody knows how corrupt the system has gotten, how decayed it is.
Everybody knows it.
And the people that are responsible for it, that have done all the looting and robbing on an international basis, are now the ones saying, hey, we want to fix it.
We just need your capitulation.
And by the way, go into debt deeper to us.
And stay in your house.
So this is the martial law covered.
The answer is the exact opposite.
The answer is to not give more power to the establishment.
The answer is to completely siphon power from the establishment to the individual.
And again, these are just basic American values.
And that's why the whole world is looking at America saying, you have to defeat this steal of your election.
You have to have President Trump continue to defeat the deep state.
You have to have them continue to remove you and weaken the UN, the World Health Organization, the Paris Climate Accord, all this other stuff.
Us chipping and chipping and chipping away at that is the only hope the rest of these countries have.
I totally agree, but they launched it out of Wuhan.
Everybody gets it.
It's not very deadly at all.
It's about vitamin and mineral deficiency.
And now they're just admitting, whether it's Klaus Schwab or whether it's Trudeau, that
yeah, we're just using this to take over.
I mean, Schwab says this isn't a threat.
We're just using it to take over.
Bill Gates said, oh, this is a drill.
We're just cutting your carbon footprint and laughs at us.
And then I sit there and talk to pseudo-intellectuals who are like, really, really?
And now they're like, whoa, this is real?
Yeah, man, economic warfare siege.
It's happening.
Stop being naive.
What are you covering on The War Room today at 3 p.m.
We're going to be covering obviously the latest in the election theft.
There's more stories surfacing right now about the voting machines flipping millions and millions of votes.
You have sworn affidavits.
Hundreds are coming forward with eyewitness accounts.
So that's all coming up.
We're going to have Jim Hoft on the show.
The Gateway Pundit is leading the charge on a bunch of the stories.
They're bad-ass.
They got a new story coming out today.
Let's say it, they're the best.
When it comes to actually ferreting things out first and putting out the most, it's them.
The quality's over the top.
The volume is just like... I go to sleep at night, and it's feeling good because of them.
And I think they're less than even four years old over there.
Maybe just five years old.
So we'll be covering that.
There is more nonsense coming out about COVID.
They're saying you can't have Thanksgiving.
They're saying you can't have Christmas.
But then they catch Newsom and all the Democrats at huge parties not wearing masks.
And it's all a fraud, folks.
It's all BS.
But isn't that the craziest thing about it, Alex, is that... And of course, The ultimate fear is that we know what they do.
If they can, they will launch their second pandemic.
This is a drill to make sure you accept it.
Once you lock down good, they're going to get you with a real weapon.
They don't want a weapon to get things out of control.
So the key is exposed.
They're behind the weapons.
They're behind the bio-attack.
They're the depopulationists.
They're the number one suspects.
Yeah, no, and I would say not even the suspects.
They've been caught red-handed.
Don't think of any future attacks.
They're definitely behind this one.
And that's where I'm worried, and that's why, you know, this next 79 days... That's why it's kind of freeing, though.
We know they're the bad guys.
Everybody, they all thought we were weak.
No, no, they took our kindness for weakness, and it's over, Owen.
Well, you know, it's the weirdest thing too, Alex.
I had, uh, I had done an interview late Saturday night and I was, you know, totally out of it, but whatever.
I was like, all right, I'll do another interview.
And the guy started asking me, um, you know, well, who are the people behind the COVID hoax and all this stuff?
And I kind of had this weird like moment of clarity of, of, well, it was fog, but it was also like seeing the shadows through the fog.
Because you always assume that, you know, there's got to be someone playing these people, right?
Like, who's running the Mockingbird Press that makes them do the Russian collusion fake story?
But they all just join in to get the power.
But then you realize that we've had so much come out.
Who's behind the COVID hoax?
We know it's Bill Gates.
It's Anthony Fauci.
They're right there.
They're right there.
They own it.
They run it.
And they're still promoting it.
Fauci, that's one of the things is, Fauci's now coming out saying, well, Even if we do get the vaccine, you're still going to have to wear your mask, you're still going to have to be locked down.
Oh yeah, they love the power.
Once they stampede us, they're never going to give up the power.
Look at him!
That's Hitler!
You want to see Hitler at your age?
That is literally beyond Hitler.
A little slimy, mad scientist piece of filth who I hope burns in frickin' hell.
Well that's what I'm saying.
It's like they want us to be so cucked that we don't even call it like it is.
I'd like to see Anthony Fauci strangled until his face goes red and he can't breathe anymore politically.
Well, here's the thing.
I saw him in the speech that they had right there a few days ago in my hotel room during the breaks.
It was on.
He was like, believe the science.
We have the facts.
Everything he said is a lie.
Everything he said is anti-science.
All the scientists that come out and expose him, they ban.
So they just go, science, science, science.
No, it's a bunch of crap.
Folks, we need financial support.
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Don't let them win.
Go to our emergency election newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
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InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
It's time to override the censors and get the truth out.
Hello, hello.
Here I am.
Sitting with Alex Jones.
And I got my mask on because I don't want to give anybody the virus.
And I watch the prostitutes on all the TV, everywhere in the country, and they got no one around them, just like I don't have anybody around me.
My cameraman's over there.
He's about at least six feet away from me, so he's safe.
But I just want to make sure, you know, if any bugs come in or anything, because I got plants in here, and I don't want to get anybody sick.
What they're doing with wearing these masks, when nobody's around them, and they got the microphone in front of them, Is they're selling behavior.
And the behavior is... Do what you're told.
As I mentioned many times, I'm sure everybody else has on Alex Jones.
These masks that you see everybody wearing are totally worthless when you read on the box that they don't stop the spread of infections and disease.
It's Biden time.
That's right.
Biden time.
Wear masks and get vaccinated.
That's where we're going.
This is unprecedented in world history.
We used to make fun of the Chinese because they wore these stupid things all the time.
And the reason they wore them in China, but by the way, China's totally opened up now, is that about 1.5 million people a year over there die from air pollution.
And talking about dying from things, you know, you have all those great InfoWars products, so you could eat healthy and be healthy.
Sure, you buy those, but if you go to the grocery store, and you pick the stuff off the shelves, other than The tiny little organic section they have.
What kind of pesticides?
What kind of artificial flavors and artificial coloring do they have in the food?
Look at all the preservatives.
Names you never heard of.
You like that yellow number five?
I like red dye number three.
Oh, and then there's those ads on TV.
To take all of the drugs that the big drug dealers keep pumping out.
And that low-life, piece-of-garbage, murderous crap, Bill Clinton, was the one that allowed the drug companies to sell their drugs.
Yeah, we gotta get it off the streets.
We gotta put it on mainstream television so our buddies can make a lot of money.
And then they paid me $300,000 An hour to hear me BS when it can hear me BS for free.
Yeah, that Bill Clinton.
And you listen to these drug ads.
It's a joke.
Oh, and they're beautifully designed.
It's Hollywood.
Oh, lovely colors.
Happy, happy.
And then they give you the side effects.
You don't get healthy.
Take these drugs.
Yeah, you'll feel good for a little while.
They'll kill you in a lot of different ways.
But worry about the COVID war.
That's what we have to fight.
That's what we have to be careful about.
Forget all the chemicals that they're pumping in the water, in the air, in the earth, that are slaughtering us.
Stuff you can't make up names for.
Worry about the COVID war.
So, by then, Putting these masks on, these little prostitutes that get paid to put out by their corporate whoremasters.
They're selling us the vaccine.
Now, we're going to see a new third party emerge.
It's going to have two platforms, as I see it, as I mentioned this before, anti-tax and anti-vax.
Because those slimy little politicians, like Witless, Witmer, Grusome, Two-Face, Gavin, yeah you saw that little Newsome Grusome over there at a party with his friends.
Oh, I apologize.
All these little clowns apologize.
They all apologize.
I love these people, they do the sign language.
How many people can't hear what she's watching and we got to pay this person to do these things?
I need one over here next to me too.
There's all these government people do this stuff.
Yeah, how about these?
You got that sign language?
Yeah, I got another one for you.
Making up this stuff.
Look at this stupidity.
This arrogant little clown of nothing, one after another.
He gets caught without a mask.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't wear a mask.
They're always sorry when they get caught.
They're always sorry when they get caught.
They are destroying our lives in ways that are unimaginable.
This is unprecedented in world history.
And it's not only the United States.
They just closed down Austria again.
They're closing down France, Italy, Spain, all over, different places around.
One after another.
Do you think these low-life, slimy pieces of crap politicians care that you're out of work, your business is dead?
I've only built the business for 13 years.
A friend of mine that was over last night, uh, Saturday, excuse me, he had 30, 44 weddings that he was going to You know, service this year, you know, with food, you know, caterer.
44 weddings cancelled.
He has 33 coming up next year.
He said if it doesn't, if they, if they still have restrictions by April, he's gone.
13 years.
Hard worker.
Catering, 44 businesses, weddings, gone.
And that's only one of tens of millions.
You think these politicians care?
They get a free ride.
We the little people of Slavelandia pay them tax dollars.
So they don't have to worry about working.
We should be cutting the salaries of all these politicians.
Witless, Gruesome Newsome, Little Boy Cuomo, Wolfie Clownboy Doggy over there in Pennsylvania, Muttonhead Murphy over there in Jersey.
You guys shouldn't get a penny because you're robbing us of our lives.
We need a new party, a new way.
The Democrats and Repulsivekins could care less about us.
Everybody, one business after another, going out of business.
Lives ruined.
By slimy, low-life politicians.
And that's why you have to support InfoWars, the Trends Journal, and others that are giving you the truth while we're losing our freedom.
We'll be right back.
Hello, hello.
Great being on the Alex Jones Show.
Remember, do what you can to support InfoWars.
It's very important.
We're losing our freedom right in front of our eyes.
One after another, we're getting censored.
And so.
I really suggest you buy some of those products, because one of the ways you beat the COVID war is to be healthy.
They don't talk about that.
The prostitutes don't talk about that.
And they have that so beat from InfoWars.
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Yep, those beats.
You're the ones that does it.
So do what you can, support InfoWars.
Stop the steal.
We all have to support each other who fight for freedom.
This is from the Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner, the arrogant Barack Obama yesterday, when he did that interview.
Quote, 72 million people voted for Trump.
What does that say to you about the state of the country?
Well, what it says is that we are still deeply divided, the power of That alternative worldview that's presented in the media that those voters consume.
It carries a lot of weight.
Now let's break this down.
72 million people voted for Trump.
So about half the people voted for Trump and half the people voted for Biden.
But what does that say about the state of the country?
According to the Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner, folks.
Everybody's always folking us.
Hello, folks.
Well, folks.
Yeah, folks.
Well, that says what it says is that we are still deeply divided.
It's language that we are still Deeply divided the power of the alternative worldview.
Now, wait a minute.
Wait a minute, you little folk!
What do you mean alternative worldview?
You mean I gotta swallow your crap?
You murderer!
I want that Qaddai Qaddafi outta there!
I don't like that guy Assad!
I want him outta there!
Oh, the 33,000 troop surge.
Yeah, that's all, folks.
To Afghanistan, folks.
You get rid of that O and that L and you know what to put in there.
Because that's what he did to us.
So, folks, to you.
Alternative view, huh?
He goes on.
Are you worried about that?
The guy asked him.
It's very hard for our democracy to function if we are operating on just a completely different set of facts.
Hey, crap head!
You don't tell me what set of facts to look at, junior!
I write a magazine.
I've been writing a magazine since 1991.
Folks, I've got more facts than you will ever know about.
Junior, how dare democracy?
You call this a democracy, you slimeball?
When you're saying you're not allowed to look at another set of facts?
Where is the outrage?
Where is the outrage?
Oh, I like Obama.
Oh, you know, he presented himself so nicely.
Trump is so rude and arrogant.
I like Obama.
I'm really a stupid liberal freak.
I like Obama.
I don't care if he destroyed Libya, the richest nation in Africa, where the people had more rights than anywhere in Africa.
Oh, couldn't have been for the oil, huh?
He goes on.
And when I hear that Sam Donaldson, I think it's an environment that, you know, it's so different, so much more poisoned than the years who were covering the Reagan White House, for example, the first Bush White House and the Clinton White House, former presidents Didn't have to deal with this parallel universe problem.
How dare you have a parallel?
You will obey what I say?
I'm Hitler!
March to Mussolini!
Salute Stalin and salute you, Obama!
How dare anyone think differently than me?
I'm a little nobody that was brought to the White House by the Pritzker family.
Yeah, you know those folks that own a Hyatt Hotel and that big Pritzker over there that's playing governor of Illinois?
Along with that moronic mayor lighthead in Chicago?
And the people vote for this?
Oh, and who else is Pritzker?
Oh, she was the Commerce Secretary under Obama.
This guy was a little nobody senator from Illinois.
And they pushed him into a national senator.
He knew how to play the game.
I wrote about it in the Trends Journal back in 2006 or 8 when they were running the campaign.
It's 2008, I forget, anyway.
And he was on Oprah.
And that was the first time Oprah ever supported a presidential candidate.
I call that racist.
I think she supported him because he's black.
How come he never supported a white one?
I was on Oprah twice.
I've been on every show.
I knew, and I wrote, when Oprah supported him, game over.
Hillary gone.
Obama in.
And that's what happened.
We come back, I'm gonna read more about what this guy says.
And people listen to him.
He's a murderer!
He's a murderer like Bush!
Like Clinton!
Starting wars!
Killing innocent people!
For what?
And now?
We're Biden time.
Mask up and get vaccinated.
Could you believe they do this every day in the media?
They got some little slime ball with a mask on telling you the news.
Telling you the news to obey and follow orders.
All aboard!
Next train to Auschwitz!
We'll be right back.
Support InfoWars!
Hello, hello!
Great being on the Alex Jones Show!
Remember, put your money where your heart and mind are because this is censorship and it's only going to get worse.
And going on with the Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner, Obama, on that interview yesterday, he said, help America's don't plunge into further discord.
I hope so.
But I don't think I don't think I'll hold my breath.
I believe in the First Amendment.
Oh, oh, great, man.
Hey, he believes in the First Amendment.
Blow me away!
Oh, if he didn't believe in the First Amendment, then I shouldn't believe in the First Amendment either, because he also says over there, we're operating on just a completely different set of facts.
So you could take your facts, and I have to swallow them?
You're lying facts that kept taking us into war?
You're lying facts with the authorization for military whatever it was?
We could kill any American anywhere, any place, for any reason without a judge, jury, or trial?
Oh, those facts?
Anyway, he goes on to say, I say unfortunately because I do believe in God.
I think everyone on this program believes that.
Oh, you do believe in God?
What God do you believe in?
They got a lot of horns over there and that kind of red stuff called Satan?
Because no God, no God than anybody on Earth, like you say the people believe that, believes in going into a foreign nation and murdering The leader of that nation that did nothing to you.
I don't like the way he's treating his people.
You know, they didn't have a fair election over there.
That election was rigged.
Yeah, we're gonna go over there and slaughter him.
What God are you talking about?
You are using God's name in vain.
As a warrior for the Prince of Peace, who I am, you are using God's name in vain.
That's right.
I launched Occupy Peace.
I fight for peace to stop the murderous wars that you continued throughout your entire
Pritzker years playing president.
Oh, and you remember Hillary Clinton.
How happy she was.
How happy she was.
When also on CBS.
Crap broadcasting system.
Asked her, how did you feel when you found out Gaddafi was murdered?
Here she is.
I came.
We came.
We saw.
We conquered.
Words to that effect.
She was so happy that he was dead.
And this is the guy they're elevating.
And by the way, when he campaigned for Hitler, he said his reputation counted on whether or not he would lose.
Well, if you lost, I guess your reputation counts as much as your Nobel Peace of Crap Prize.
And finishing up with him, I think everyone on this program believes that, but now...
But how do you stop these organizations, meaning alternative media like Alex Jones and the Trends Journal, that could make money and also propagate the falsehoods to viewers and listeners who want it?
Propagate falsehoods?
You're a propagator of falsehoods.
You lie your way into office by being a peace candidate.
And you turned out to be the Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner.
You mean we gotta swallow the crap that the Cartoon News Network shoves down our throat?
Well, now you got that guy Obama that's in Biden's camp now that used to run Time Magazine and was on MSNBC.
Oh, it's OK to swallow that crap.
Where is the outrage?
I'm outraged.
This is censorship right in front of our eyes.
And most people believe it.
Oh, you know why all those coronavirus cases are going up?
You should go around New York, man.
East side, west side, all around the town.
From the West Village to the East Village.
From Wall Street to Park Avenue to Madison Avenue.
Lines, lines, lines!
Lines of fearful people getting their COVID test.
The PCR tests aren't worth a piece of you-know-what.
Wrote about it in detail in the Trends Journal, page after page, paragraph after paragraph, word for word.
What did that guy Elon Musk got two negatives and two positives?
Yeah, equals four.
Buddy of mine, same thing.
Positive, negatives.
Negative, positives.
He got it done because he had to.
I won't get it done.
And I'm not going to get vaccinated.
With Biden time.
Face masks and vaccinations.
We put our money where our heart is.
In this next Trends Journal coming up, page after page after page, page after page after page, of the falsehoods of this coronavirus.
Locking down schools.
Kids don't transmit the disease.
The recovery rate from people 1 to 20 years old, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 99.97%.
On average, it's 99.7%.
The politicians around the world have destroyed the lives, businesses, and livelihoods of billions of people.
Remember when this all started back in February?
What do they keep saying?
All those liberal low-lives.
It'll come back.
It'll come back.
How can anybody with a brain bigger than a pea and cojones bigger than a mothball in California, New York, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, one state after another, Vote Democratic when Democratic Governors, a Republican here and there, I'm not sure about Arizona, when they destroy their economy.
That little gruesome Newsome, another boy born on third base and thought he had a home run, like arrogant Cuomo, destroyed the Destroy the economy of California.
New York, the hospitality, it's dead.
Tourism, dead!
No neon lights shining bright on Broadway.
And the people follow.
How could anybody with a... How could people do that?
This is a time to unite.
Again, both parties, as you well know, I've said many times, I'm not a follower of either one of them.
Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham.
Not my kind of cats and kittens.
We need a new third party.
We need a new way.
That's it.
There's New York, New York.
The city that never sleeps.
It's dead.
Oh, by the way, If this virus was so deadly, how come the hospitals aren't all filled up with homeless people that are now filling the streets of Las Vegas?
How come they're not all in the hospital?
We'll see you next week.
Remember, do what you can to support InfoWars, Trends Journal, Keep Truth Alive, They're stealing it from us in front of our eyes.
Let's listen to Obama.
The globalists are trying to censor what you can see and what you can share.
sensor what you can see and what you can share.
Don't let them win.
Go to our emergency election newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
Sign up for free and get intel they don't want you to have and then share it.
InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
It's time to override the censors and get the truth out.
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