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Name: 20201111_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 11, 2020
2746 lines.

In his speech, Alex Jones discusses President Trump's efforts to fight for his supporters and criticizes Biden's campaign as filled with communist members who refuse to concede even when they lose. He reveals the Democrats' plans A, B, and C to steal elections through fraudulent means, ultimately going with a hybrid of plan A and C. Jones also covers various topics related to politics and society, including foreign forces attempting to attack America, election meddling, voter fraud, deep state hacking, and other threats. He emphasizes the importance of fighting back against these threats and calls for support from his audience. Jones claims that globalists manipulate and deceive the public, encouraging people to research for themselves instead of trusting media. InfoWars is presented as the best source out there for information. The election fraud has led to a deep crisis in America, with chi-com globalists trying to take over the country. Jones discusses Klaus Schwab's book "COVID-19 and The Great Reset," which describes a shift towards a global welfare system, including a credit system, social credit score, and universal basic income. This technocratic society by 2050 would involve tracking and tracing everything on the planet through Internet of Things (IoT), abolishing private property and land rights, and monitoring carbon footprints with an international satellite IoT network. Nation-states with regulatory barriers need to be eliminated for this system to work fully. According to Schwab, living, breathing, moving, economic processes, transactions, and eating will require microchips in a fully automated system with sensors everywhere, linked to 5G and satellites.

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The level of historical greatness, the level of historical developments, the level of the magnitude is unparalleled in my lifetime and in anyone else's lifetime living by any historical yardstick.
The United States is fighting for its life in an internal civil war inside the federal, state, and local governments with a multinational consortium that is using stolen CIA tools to hack the election.
That information is now coming out and is now confirmed.
Evidence is pouring out all over the country as elections, state elections, local elections, flip to Republicans, never to Democrats.
As the counties realize they're under criminal investigation, they're going back and doing audits and reviews and finding, oh sorry, we flipped all these votes.
from Trump to Biden and in the process straight ticket flipped it away from all the other Republicans.
There's the headline on Infowars.com. Global exclusive.
Civil war inside the federal government.
Raging. Trump moving against deep state coup plotters.
Watch live.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
This is the most important thing Trump ever said.
Always remember, they are coming after me because I am fighting for you.
That's what's happening.
Always remember, they are coming after me because I am fighting for you.
That's what's happening.
Always remember, they are coming after me because I am fighting for you.
That's what's happening.
Always remember, they are coming after me because I am fighting for you.
That's what's happening.
They're coming after you.
Well, he's announced his new commission, Biden has, who's not president-elect.
Another giant hoax on its face.
And in the commission is like a legion of Satan.
Ezekiel Emanuel that said he wants death panels of people killed at age 75 under government orders.
He wants to bankrupt the United States under Cloud Piven.
He says publicly he supports communism.
They have another scumbag on the board that says they're going to ration health care to Americans.
These commies will hurt you real bad.
You see what they do to the cities they control?
Remember Hillary just a couple months ago, and then everybody else like parrots repeated it in the Democratic Party, said do not concede under any circumstances because they were projecting a big Trump win.
And he did win in the states he won by a bigger margin.
And he was winning by a bigger margin until they closed the polls in those five, six magic states that night.
Now they're in full panic mode because Trump just won North Carolina and Alaska.
Oh, they've been counting real slow.
When the states are going for Trump, but when the states were going against Trump, well, they were all done that night.
This is simply incredible.
But here's Hillary saying, do not concede the election no matter what and then until the votes are certified by the state.
Trump is not re-elected.
Oh, but now, within five days of the election, they told you, the media did, as the new kingmakers, because they decided themselves, to say that they decide who the president-elect is.
No, that's not the law.
Here's Hillary.
My advice to Joe Biden, and I've told the campaign this, obviously, is do not concede under any circumstances because I believe the other side is going to cheat and sneak and try to do everything that comes his way.
He's not going to leave if he loses.
You know, Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to drag out and eventually I do believe he will win if we don't give an inch and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is.
My advice to Joe Biden... So there were two parallel plans.
Plan A, B, and they actually went with C, as I said on Monday and Tuesday with my prediction.
A was to try to just steal it outright with so much election fraud, so much hacking, so many scams that they could say Biden won that night.
When it became clear that wasn't the case, they paused it, brought in all the extra ballots, all the graphs show that straight up, not organic, but straight lines to get him above.
They don't care they're flaunting it in your face.
But I said they might go with C where they pause it but it only goes for a few days and then they start stuffing the ballot boxes and just prematurely announce him without even completing the stuffing.
And that's what they did.
They did a hybrid of it to make it look like it was legitimate for a few days and no one knows who the real winner is and it's paused.
So you would think that process was legitimate so that when the mainstream media announced the winner you would buy now that mainstream media tells you who's the winner?
It's the state.
It's the county clerks.
It's the legislatures.
If that can't be decided, that's the Constitution.
Remember, Joe Biden broke his promise, too.
He said that he would not declare himself the winner until all votes were counted.
But then they flipped that around.
Now they don't want them counted.
Here it is.
Mr. Biden, final question for you.
Will you urge your supporters to stay calm while the vote is counted, and will you pledge not to declare victory until the election is independently certified?
Yes, and here's the deal.
We count the ballots, as you pointed out.
Some of these ballots in some states can't even be opened until election day.
So there you go, folks.
That was the plan all along, and they stole it in front of God and country, but they're not going to keep it.
Joe Biden's going to prison, not going into the White House.
The level of historical greatness, the level of historical developments, the level of the magnitude is unparalleled in my lifetime and in anyone else's lifetime living by any historical yardstick.
The United States is fighting for its life in an internal civil war inside the federal, state, and local governments.
With a multinational consortium that is using stolen CIA tools to hack the election, that information is now coming out and is now confirmed.
Evidence is pouring out all over the country as elections, state elections, local elections, flip to Republicans, never to Democrats.
As the counties realize they're under criminal investigation, they're going back and doing audits and reviews and finding, oh sorry, We flipped all these votes from Trump to Biden, and in the process, straight ticket, flipped it away from all the other Republicans.
There's the headline on Infowars.com.
Global exclusive.
Civil war inside the federal government.
Trump moving against deep state coup plotters.
Watch live.
Now, I don't just have that from a lot of high-level sources at the Pentagon.
I don't just have that from CIA sources that have been very accurate in the past.
I can watch it happen from the enemy side with Brennan, former director of the CIA, voted for the communist twice in college, says he's a communist now, joined Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia, that's Al Qaeda, that's on record.
This America-hating sack of garbage put in all the illegal surveillance grids on you and your family, spot on the president illegally.
He went on TV yesterday and said, we need a Palace coup, invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Trump.
He's so dangerous because he took over the Pentagon.
And yes, he did.
He's the president still.
What happened?
Well, you notice they brought in that former Special Forces commander who was a protege of General Flynn as Secretary of Defense.
And then all these folks who have been very prominent, let's just say behind the scenes, have all been moved in.
To the Pentagon.
And South Com and all the boys down in Florida.
And so the fight is on and that commie, Wahhabi-ist piece of trash Brennan is crapping bricks right now with 70 days left.
We are in the 79 days of hell with an actual Chai Combat coup with thousands of videos and recordings of hunters saying he's a Chinese agent under the head of Chinese intelligence.
The head of it.
It's so secret the name's not even known.
So, I mean, this is unbelievable.
This would be like having video of the hookers pissing on Trump that never happened.
I mean, imagine if you had recordings of Trump going, I meet with the head of the Chinese intelligence, he gives me money, I'm under criminal investigation in the Southern District, my daddy's mad at me, I got my daddy the 30 million, though my daddy told me to do it.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
Oh, and Ivan Reikland, Formerly with the Defense Intelligence Agency and a lawyer is going to bring you the real map, the real map that just so happens to be in the Pentagon right now and other places.
You're going to get a bird's eye view here exclusively in the second hour about what's really going on and where Trump really is.
These are the real numbers.
He's a constitutional lawyer, he's been counsel to the Pentagon and to other folks, and he's going to be joining us, former Green Beret and a great patriot.
So, Ivan Reikland is coming on the transmission, and Steve Pochenek's coming on.
He's the guy that said two weeks ago on the show they were going to fire the Secretary of Defense, and they have the CIA and others.
Did you hear they all got fired?
You probably heard about the CIA director being fired, and a lot of other folks being fired.
So, you better pray to Jesus, folks, that this turns around because we are in a dangerous situation.
We have a foreign, shycom, globalist-backed attack on America.
We have real bonafide election meddling.
We have massive voter fraud, election fraud, deep state hacking.
We know the tools and we know the programs that they use to do it.
Scorecard and the hammer.
And it's all coming out.
So when you hear that Trump has the proof and know who did it, he does off scorecard and hammer.
And these are real contacts inside about the fight that's going on.
It is absolutely unprecedented and so edge of your seat that I just can't even imagine growing up all these years, knowing about the New World Order, knowing they were infiltrating, taking over institutions.
And to have lived at almost 47 years old as a father of four, as someone that loves this country, I know you love this country as well, to watch the actual attempted commie takeover with a consortium of billionaires who were tax-exempt, going to bankrupt the middle class, and to have the new COVID by President-elect, which he's not, Biden, say permanent lockdown, Cloward and Piven to collapse us and to have Club of Rome and the Davos group say, we're going to teach Americans to behave.
You're not opening for 10 years, at least.
And they said, when we're done, you will have basically communism.
You will own nothing.
You will have nothing.
You know, Tony Montana is a fictional Cuban and he's being, he's grabbed off the boat and he's sitting there inside customs and immigration.
And they say, where'd you get that, you know, scar?
He says, listen, I want to get away from communists.
You own nothing.
You have nothing.
You eat squid three times a day.
You're a slave.
You've got a spy on every corner watching you.
You're censored.
You have no free speech.
I want my democracy just like Jimmy Carter said.
Folks, you look at what Tony Montana says as a fictional character, and we're now living under the beginning of that.
Worse than that, they want to make you poor.
They want to control you. I mean Cuba is such a rich country, was so rich before. Money just,
products, great people just pouring out of it. Now look at them. They drive 57 Chevys and
they can't even get basic medicine. And you're witnessing the actual takeover of this country.
I mean, this is it.
If Biden gets in, it's over.
They're gonna gut the economy.
They're gonna bring you to your knees and then make you beg them and literally go to re-education seminars to even be able to have a job.
They're announcing truth and reconciliation commissions.
And you ask, why would they run a communist program when it's all these billionaires that control it?
It was billionaires that put Lenin in power.
It was billionaires that put Mao Zedong in power.
They wrote op-eds in the New York Times, David Rockefeller.
They set off shore and give you a communist regime for a decade and let the communists exterminate your ass, enslave you, take all the men out that are strong, break everybody's will, and then they always put a bunch of taggling women in as minders to spy on everyone.
That's how it's been since the days of Julius Caesar.
The Romans have a manual.
I never knew about it until I heard Thomas Sowell write about it decades ago.
And I went and looked it up and found references to the manual of sugar cane slave owners in the Caribbean, 500 years ago.
And they translated from Latin, the Roman management system.
And they said in there, what we do is, we bring in a bunch of slaves, back then it would be German slaves 2,000 years ago, but in the case of this, it was African slaves.
And we get the biggest, strongest man and we beat him to death in front of the women and children and say, if you keep your men in line, we won't kill the rest of your men.
And that's how feminism is set up, where everybody knows Aunt Jemima's in the house, the men are out in the slave pit.
That's what this is.
This is Roman slave techniques, okay?
And that's just how this operates, ladies and gentlemen.
And so, women believe they're protecting everybody by going along with it, because they have Stockholm Syndrome.
Women are about eight times more likely, psychologically, statistically, to go under Stockholm Syndrome, because it's an adaptation to survive.
And that's why governments that are corrupt always kill the men because they know they're not going to submit.
And your mom is a nice, sweet lady.
But if she caught any of the black men doing something they weren't supposed to, she'd go and have them hung.
Well, that's your feminism now.
They work for Bezos, they work for the billionaires, they work for the slave factories in China, and they are breaking this country right now.
And they are coming in to take over.
So when you see Black Lives Matter, and they all look like Aunt Jemima, they are folks.
They are literally Marxist-Leninist Satan worshipers who follow Mao Zedong and say they hate men's very existence, and the only good man is a castrated man.
And their main sacrament is no families, for black people especially, and that black men have their testicles removed.
I'm not making it up.
Because, see, they can't outright kill all the black men, so they just cut their balls off.
All right, let me get back.
I'm going to break all of this down for you today, ladies and gentlemen, and the real nature of all of this.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
Please spread the word.
History is happening now.
They're censoring everyone, but Infowars is that sentinel, that lighthouse on the hill, still on because of you.
Live from Austin, Texas.
A lot of people are asking how we predicted everything that's unfolded with about 99% accuracy.
We were about 95% accurate before.
But the globalists weren't making their big move before.
We knew their main operations.
We knew their directions.
We knew how they were integrating the systems together.
We knew what their endgame was because they admitted it, just all in different compartmentalized pieces.
I reverse engineered it with others.
Neo-feudalistic global fascism.
Collectivism for us.
Slavery for us.
Above the law.
Control for the new superclass.
And they all write books about it.
They all brag about how we're slaves.
And then they set up this fake, touchy-feely liberal system where if we have free speech, that's evil.
We've got to protect people.
We've got to take your speech away.
You might hurt somebody's feelings.
But, oh, if you challenge an election or you show fraud, we're going to ban you too.
And if you challenge a vaccine that damages you, we're going to ban that too.
But if we want to say a vaccine's bad, we're allowed to.
It is absolutely oxymoronic suspension of logic tyranny.
Again, Alex Jones here back live.
Let me tell you the big news here.
You saw Pompeo come out yesterday, the Secretary of State, not cutting and running like so many other people.
And he said, look, we're going to have a smooth transition to the second Trump administration.
Because they know it's systemic election fraud and they know they've held up Alaska and North Carolina because they don't want to give any wins to the president that push his number up to that.
Number that he needs at 270.
And now as Arizona moves closer and closer, they slow the countdown.
Because statistically, if you look at the votes he's gained the last few days of recounting, Trump is within 10,000 votes or so.
It's getting closer and closer and closer.
And remember Fox News, Fox News had called Arizona.
But now it's a battleground.
Well, wait a minute.
And so what's happened?
We've had Decision HQ, one of the seven groups the media said is allowed to call the election, even though it's the state governments certifying the elections.
They just quietly admitted that, okay, Trump just won Alaska and North Carolina.
And that happened last night.
Almost no coverage of that.
I've even been telling people about it, that I know, and they're like, really?
I didn't hear, he really, he didn't win North Carolina?
He didn't win Alaska?
Well, we would have heard about that.
I mean, the election's over.
I mean, you saw CNN.
They said that it's President-elect Joe Biden.
And CNN has this big headline, disinfo is out there on the internet, claiming Joe Biden's not President-elect.
Well, that's by their rules.
They claim that that has happened.
Their rules.
They decided with Big Tech a month ago that seven groups could announce who the winner was and seven groups were accurate.
And it turns out almost everything they've said is now being reversed and is the process of being reversed and everywhere they do spot recounts, they're finding that the votes were flipped against Trump and flipped against Republicans and a bunch of races have already flipped back.
So, we are now here at the crossroads.
And the country is in deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep crisis.
And if these were just Democrats trying to steal the election, I would still oppose it.
But they're chi-com globalists that say they don't want America to exist itself, and that America's ethos is racist, and that America was never great, it'll never be great.
That's Cuomo.
And they've been caught lying, and they said they were going to contest the election no matter what.
And now they just took the election over and just announced that Trump is the loser when that's not the case.
And as the recounts go on, and as the injunctions take place, you're going to find a large portion of the ballots are fake.
They've even had the head Georgia election officials come out and say that.
They've even had those that are over the election recount at the state level say that if these ballots were falsely postmarked, After the election?
Saying they were before the election?
They're being thrown out.
And Biden is going to lose Georgia.
Biden is going to lose Pennsylvania.
Biden is going to lose Michigan.
Biden is going to lose Wisconsin.
Biden is going to lose Arizona.
Biden is going to lose Nevada.
If we can get in to the ballots.
What a moment to be alive.
The actual takeover of America.
And as Trump said, they want to get me because they want to get you.
They got to come through me to get to you.
And Biden has already said he's going to kill all oil exploration in the United States.
He said all of it.
That's the Chinese UN order.
We're done.
That's more than half our energy.
No one will be able to do business here.
They said, don't worry, we'll give you a universal income where you don't own your car.
Your apartment, your clothes, everything is owned by the banks, so they can dictate total control.
And now, the head of the Davos Group says, we engineered this, and we're using COVID, that's not even a threat, that's just quote, to take over your life.
They even rub it in and they're mindless supporters.
Only here they're going to get a check for a few years.
And don't think about what happens after that.
This is where communism buys you off for a few years.
You need to lay around and drink beer and act like a trendy.
And then after that, off to the FEMA camp.
They call it the fourth industrial revolution.
Klaus Schwab just wrote a new book titled COVID-19 and the Great Reset.
And they told you what the Great Reset is three years ago.
The end of industrialized civilization in Europe and the United States, Canada, and Australia.
Everything moved to China.
Everything factory farmed.
Everything GMO.
It's just incredible.
So when we come back, I'm gonna play you.
Pompeo, I'm gonna play you.
Brennan, I'm gonna play all of this for you.
On the other side of this quick break.
And I do need this article.
So just for time constraints, I've got to send it over.
Because I'm going to talk about this in the next segment.
And it's very, very important.
They've had a little trouble finding it because sometimes CNN changes headlines.
But here it is.
I'm going to send it on over to you guys to print it for me.
Misinformation channels claim Biden is no longer president-elect.
That's not true.
Well, it's not that he's no longer president-elect.
He never was.
You can go to the Constitution, and I'll explain that when we come back.
It's the states and the state legislatures and the election systems that decide that and certify it at the state level.
And then if it's still contested, it goes back to the legislatures.
They can also try to get the electors to not go.
They tried to get the electors not to go with Trump.
Four years ago that failed because it was obviously a fraud.
But these are the checks and balances built into the Constitution.
The news websites are InfoWars.com and of course NewsWars.com.
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of the video from 79days.news we'll be right back stay with us welcome back to the Alex Jones show
We're at a very historic moment on this Wednesday afternoon.
America is in a state of civil war between foreign globalist forces and forces loyal to our Republic and our system.
A lot of you are really freaked out that You've seen Joe Biden announcing himself as the President-elect and having the nerve to put up a big sign behind him saying it and the whole media and even Fox News announcing it.
But under the law, it's a fraud.
But that's what these scammers are trying to do because their past hoaxes have failed.
But I've got some good news for you.
Ladies and gentlemen, the 46th President of the United States.
That's right.
Here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
It's not Donald John Trump.
He was a 40-foot president.
God rest his name in the annals of history.
And it's not Joe Biden, the Chinese communist globalist agent.
No, all you've got to do is be a media outlet, and then announce that you are allowed to announce the winner, and that no one else is, and then you just announce whoever you want is The President-Elect.
And so, you just have a dark blue background with a presidential seal on it and some white font, and you are the President-Elect, 46th President of the United States, Alexander Emmerich Jones of Texas.
There it is.
I've got a graphic.
Office of the President-Elect Alex Jones.
I never thought growing up I'd be the 46th President of the United States.
But I've got a media outlet, and I'm on air.
And that's all you gotta have.
I mean, Big Tech told us a month ago, they said, listen, only seven groups are allowed to announce the winner.
AP, Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC, and this other consortium group.
And yeah, those groups have called Alaska, and they've called North Carolina for the president, because he actually won those states, but that's not going to be on the news.
It's not going to be on the news, the recount in Arizona and other places that Trump's narrowed the lead and statistically he's going to win.
And they haven't even started investigating the fraud yet.
I mean, they already caught him in the fraud, but they haven't been able to get in to the full group of ballots in Pennsylvania and other places.
So, quite a world.
Suddenly on CNN, suddenly on CNN, all these states are back in play.
But I was told last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday that Nevada was going to Biden, and Arizona was going to Biden, and Colorado was going to Biden, and I was told all these states were going to Biden.
But now because Trump's actually demanding all the votes be counted, and now because the votes are showing it's going the other way, wow, something's happening they don't like.
So what are they going to do again where they said he will go to jail, he is a Russian agent, we have the proof, it's coming out, 100%, every media channel said it wasn't true.
Every media channel said he couldn't get the growth rate up to 3%, impossible, got up to 3.8.
Every media channel said that he wasn't going to be elected president, but he was.
And then in the states he won, he won by bigger margins.
And the states that he lost, they closed the polls, they say he lost.
And then, suddenly, the graphs went straight up, which all the statisticians that are coming out admitting is classic fraud.
When you see an organic curve and then a perfect straight line going up, they're being very, very lazy how they did this.
And so here's what's currently happening.
And take it from me, Alex Jones.
Well, I guess I'm the president now.
I've got to be very formal.
Alexander Emmerich Jones.
Now that Alexander Emmerich Jones, or Alexander E. Jones, is now your 46th president, now that I'm going to call world leaders, we're beginning the transition.
Again, I have a graphic.
Because I have a media institution.
I have InfoWars.
Most of the time it has more viewers than CNN.
So, if just having viewers means you're credible, That Infowars is able, because even mainstream news admits we have a bigger audience than CNN a lot of the time, depending on what we're covering, that I am the president!
I am the president!
I am the president!
I am the 46th president!
Hell, they tell us now on Bill Nye the Science Guy that the chromosomes aren't for males and females, that there's more chromosomes.
It's not true!
But media said so.
Maybe Bill Nye Science Guy will say he's the president.
Because, you know, he's got a popular show.
Millions of viewers.
So Bill Nye the Science Guy's the president.
Hell, you're the president.
But you've got to have a big media outlet, and then you can declare anybody you want.
There they are, Associated Press.
They are cheering me.
Let's get some audio here.
They're cheering outside the White House, Alexander Emmerich Jones, 46th president to replace Donald John Trump.
So let's get serious, ladies and gentlemen.
I am not the president-elect.
You don't have CNN or InfoWars or ABC News or anybody announced who the president-elect is unless someone's conceded.
Until it's been certified by the states.
and then once it's certified by the states, then the electors move forward and you seat the president.
On January 6th, the electors meet and they decide to be faithful and go with who the president is
that's been elected, whether it be the incumbent or not.
And then on January 20th, you have the inauguration and they're sworn in in that ceremony. That's
how this works. Everybody knows that, at least if they're paying attention. But you're told and I'm
told we're bad if we don't just believe c_n_n_ when they tell us that
well look i mean dot dot split up
Just type in Joe Biden launches office of the President-elect.
And it's videos of him standing up there, standing up there with a blue background saying he is the new President-elect.
All he's got is a lectern, he's got the shield, he's got the symbol.
And now he's going to brief you on COVID-19.
Oh, and all you Democrats thought the lockdown went in.
You know, you all kind of played along.
It was hysteria.
It was to hurt the economy.
It was to make Americans miserable.
It was a strike.
It was a program.
It was siege.
And now you're learning you're not essential forever.
You're never getting your job back.
But don't worry.
There's a guaranteed universal income.
But you'll own nothing.
You'll have nothing.
And you'll live in a 250 square foot apartment with a roommate.
That is the wonderful announcement.
But here's the problem.
The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray, as a great literary master once said.
I'm not going to plagiarize it like Joe Biden would.
And things aren't going the way they want, because Trump just won North Carolina, though you won't see that on the news.
He just won Alaska, and everywhere there's a recount, he's gaining votes, and they're beginning to now engage in the criminal investigation.
And the Attorney General has opened a criminal investigation, and they've just fired the Globalist Secretary of Defense.
They wanted to teach everybody that America sucks and white people are bad.
Just fired the director of the CIA that ran all the torture and was obviously involved trying to hack this election.
And Trump is on a berserker spree, finally taking the gloves off with 70 days.
Already nine days of hell are over.
There's 70 days left in the 70 days of hell.
Who told you that was coming?
Because one way or the other, the enemy Was gonna steal it, and Trump was gonna contest it.
Or Trump was gonna win it, and they wouldn't grab it up front, and they would contest it later.
Because they told us, and that's the big secret.
If you actually watch the Clinton Global Initiative, you actually read what these monsters are saying.
They tell you everything their criminal butts are going to do.
Now we have Ivan Radkin coming on.
He's a former Green Beret officer in the military, constitutional lawyer, works with General Flynn.
I'll just leave it at that.
And of course the new Secretary of Defense, but Ivan's a civilian now.
And he's going to come on as a lawyer, constitutional lawyer, with a map that's the war-gamed map that the Pentagon and Trump are looking at.
We'll just leave it at that.
But you're going to get to see this map.
We're going to have it on screen for you.
We're going to spend an hour getting into the real numbers, and not just a path to victory, but a bigger electoral win than Trump got last time, a total repudiation of Russiagate, the corporate media, all their lies, all their fraud, everything.
And that's why they quadrupled down with this fraud, and have bet the farm, and are just saying everywhere, he is the president, he is the president, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, President-elect, President-elect, President-elect, President-elect, President-elect, President-elect, President-elect, because They'd already printed up all the... In fact, go pull it off the wall for me again.
They already printed up last election, general election, Hillary's Madam President.
I mean, the media said so then.
Newsweek called it for Hillary.
That means she's the president.
If the media calls it, it means... You guys can just search Madam President Newsweek cover.
It means that she actually is the president, because the media called it.
Think of the power grab of the corporate media saying that the states don't matter, that the state attorney generals don't matter, that the state election systems don't matter, that the courts don't matter, that no, Madam President Newsweek said Hillary Clinton's historic journey to the White House, I guess it's the First Lady, no, it was as Presidente.
She's our president in that alternate dimension.
This is gonna get crazy though, because the establishment was allowed to run all these other hoaxes, so now they've run the mother of all hoaxes.
Stay with us.
I never come to you with false hope.
I never come to you with anything but that isn't what I really truthfully believe is what's happening.
And Trump won this election in a landslide, but they tried to steal it.
And now the evidence is mounting, the fraud's pouring in, and the corporate media that signed on to the Chi-Coms and their anti-American activities, who want to break this country in a permanent COVID lockdown, like what the Soviets did for 10 years to bring their people under control in 1917.
They're in full panic mode.
They had all these whistleblowers come out from the USPS about post-dating ballots.
After the election, saying that they were, from before the election, my brother-in-law, who I wouldn't even say is right-wing or left-wing, he's more pragmatic, he was fighting mad the day after the election watching somebody postmarked, 50 of them or so, working with the post office.
And he said, I didn't want to violate federal law and videotape somebody in a polling place.
It is illegal to videotape that.
See, they used that against us.
I would have done it.
Because there's a whistleblower protection.
But I'm not knocking Alex Rivera.
He's a great guy.
But he was just flabbergasted.
He's a smart guy.
He's a chemist.
He was sitting there watching it happen.
That's my family saw that.
I have stacks of articles.
I didn't get to yesterday or today.
Of just total proof video of the fraud.
People admitting it.
The Georgia head of elections admitting they caught a bunch of fraud.
And it's all for Joe Biden.
Of course it is.
Because it's Christians.
And as conservatives, we don't break the rules until a tyranny takes over.
And then we start breaking a lot more than the rules.
Well, I don't want to go down that path.
I want to turn this country around, but let me drop some bombshell, when I say bombshell, info on you right now.
Again, if you tune in to CNN, any of these channels, you're not hearing any of this, but it slipped out on NBC last night that Trump had just won North Carolina.
And the fact that they showed it, they said, O.F.
and then cut away.
Viewers of MSNBC were caught off guard when one of their hosts did not respond to a question from host Craig Melvin and instead appeared to look down at his phone several times and become very visibly alarmed.
The camera quickly cut away.
From Deliana and back to Melvin, who was caught on a momentary loss for words before saying, okay, we've had to bleep it out.
But you understand, we can show you the CNN maps from 24 hours ago that had Biden at 270 and what Trump at 214 or whatever.
And now magically they played this game saying, okay, you want to play this game?
All these states that were For Trump, we're going to say they're in contention, too, because now we are going to count the votes like we promised we'd do.
So now they've got Trump at 125 and Biden at 203.
How is that?
210 now on the table.
We were told it was over no matter what.
Why, it's the office of the president-elect.
Oh, remember that?
Just because Newsweek printed up a quarter million copies of this four years ago and had them on newsstands the day after the election, Hillary won the election.
Did you know that?
Because a media outlet said so.
Not the voters, not the certification of the vote by the state attorney generals and others?
No, no, no, no, no.
The media said Hillary was the one, remember?
So she is, but we all knew that was a lie.
And so they've done it again in a mammoth hoax, but they have quadrillion down.
Not quadrupled down, quadrillion.
Fox News, radio, CNN, everything is President-elect, President-elect, President-elect, President-elect, Trump's a Russian agent, Trump's a Russian agent, Trump's a Russian agent.
On and on and on and on and on and on.
So here's what happened on MSNBC.
Ken Delaney has some new reporting on something that we talked about at the top of the hour, how the Trump administration is handling the transition with the incoming Biden team, or not handling it, we should say, to a certain extent.
This time, it involves our intelligence community.
Uh, Ken, what have you learned, sir?
Oh, s***.
That's when they flipped it all back?
And that's what they call crappin' bricks right there.
But notice you're not hearing he just won North Carolina.
You're not hearing he's winning the recounts.
You're not hearing he just won Alaska.
Because these people are sitting up there saying, how dare him not transition!
How dare him not hand the keys to Joe Biden when we've got them on the run!
And this is a big article.
Somebody hadn't written the article yet.
CNN and all of them.
Now change the numbers where it's not Joe Biden at 270.
Put that back on screen.
This is so insane for radio listeners, I'll describe it.
CNN, Decision Desk, HQ, all these, Biden 203, Trump 125.
But see, they still set up to make Trump look like the loser.
Now they'll try to steal those elections or block the recounts on them.
And now they're saying, oh, Texas isn't counted.
Now we know why.
My brother-in-law, the day after the election on Wednesday, saw a fellow with 50 ballots with his name on it being accepted and postmarked by the post office.
And again, we put a big article yesterday about California, where a woman that lives in Texas, her mother, where she used to live, got a letter from the government saying, okay, you voted for Joe Biden.
Thanks for voting.
She went and checked the Secretary of State's office in the state and saw that she voted for Biden, even though she voted for Trump here in Texas.
People are like, well why do you care?
They already have California.
They got it because of fraud.
It's not really blue.
Everybody's not leaving for no reason.
It's taken over.
Democrats bring in election fraud like nobody else.
That's why they're so hard to beat.
It's like cancer.
People always think one-dimensionally.
Well, why do you care?
They already got California.
They got it from fraud!
And now they're gonna do it in your town, your state!
Here's Pompeo laying it out, Secretary of State, yesterday, freaking the globalist out.
There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.
We're ready.
The world is watching what's taking place here.
We're going to count all the votes.
When the process is complete, there'll be electors selected.
There's a process.
The Constitution lays it out pretty clearly.
The world should have every confidence that the transition necessary to make sure that the State Department is functional today, successful today, and successful with a president who's in office on January 20th, a minute afternoon, will also be successful.
I went through a transition on the front, and I've been on the other side of this.
I'm very confident that we will do all the things that are necessary to make sure that the government, the United States government, will continue to perform its national security function as we go forward.
So you believe there's widespread voter fraud, that the reports that we're getting from Pennsylvania, from Michigan, showing vote totals and massive leads, or significant leads, with 99% reporting, are going to be overturned, and that the United States failed to conduct a fraudulent free election?
Rich, I'm the Secretary of State.
I'm getting calls from all across the world.
These people are watching our election.
They understand that we have a legal process.
They understand that this takes time.
It took us 37 plus days.
in an election back in 2000, conducted a successful transition then.
I'm very confident that we will count and we must count every legal vote.
We must make sure that any vote that wasn't lawful are not be counted.
That dilutes your vote if it's done improperly.
Got to get that right.
When we get it right, we'll get it right.
We're in good shape.
We'll come back with our next guest who's going to lay out the true path to victory,
the real numbers are showing, what the real fight is though at the legislature level.
That really needs to override all this and make sure that the fair election is executed.
Because the enemy can still win.
They are gaslighting people to the next level.
You heard that reporter.
Are you saying we didn't have a fraud-free election?
What a ridiculous statement.
We're going to go to break, start the next hour.
I don't have to explain to you that this is all about word of mouth.
Everybody else has been kicked off Twitter, Facebook, everybody's shadow banned or outright banned.
The internet kill switch is in place.
We're on AM and FM stations.
We're at Band.Video.
We're at InfoWars.com with giant audiences.
Of watching the videos, listening to the reports, and if you just simply tell other people to tune in and get the forbidden information, and if they tell other people, hey, America's under attack, a foreign chi-com attempt to overthrow our election, and the Democrats are caught red-handed, and Trump's calling in the Pentagon, and we understand what's going on, and we've caught him red-handed.
If that excitement happens, and you chain reaction, and I get others to chain reaction, it's over.
It's over for the New World Order.
So, ban.video.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Separately, we gotta fund this operation.
I'm going to D.C.
for the big event.
We got the caravan now that's reportedly hundreds and hundreds of vehicles going into Georgia out of the great state of Florida with Owen Schroer.
American crisis emergency lockdown 2 is coming.
Let's stop it.
Let's stop the martial law Biden.
Great products, store-wide free shipping, up to 60% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
I want to sell it at everything.
We've got to get money in to fund this operation.
Who knows, we'll be able to even operate in the future without cash already in our accounts.
Please support us at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're fighting a war.
We need funding.
These are great products to begin with.
Ivan Reikland's going to be joining us.
He's part of the great Patriot group with General Flynn, now advising the President again, getting the new Secretary of Defense in.
He's also a constitutional lawyer, not just a former Green Beret and a Patriot.
He's going to be joining us to lay out the real blueprint of victory and what's really happening, big picture, in the attempted coup against our Republic coming up.
But America's hard to kill.
As von Bismarck said, God loves children, drunks, the United States of America.
Here's Greg Reese's report.
We'll be back.
Hindsight is 2020, and the enemy is very cunning.
But now that they have launched their coup against President Donald J. Trump, we can see their battle plans.
He got four years in the White House, and they weren't going to give him a second term.
Plans for 2020 began immediately following the 2016 election.
Nine days before Trump's inauguration, Fauci says there is no doubt that President Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease.
Two days after the president's inauguration, Bill Gates spoke at Davos and warned of a coming deadly pandemic.
An illegal surveillance operation was already launched before the election, and the president was then subjected to four years of nonstop baseless attacks and defamation, keeping Trump on the constant defense and the American people distracted while the deep state establishment prepared for the 2020 election.
The COVID hoax was in the works years before the election of Donald Trump, but they started fast-tracking it.
In 2017, Dr. Fauci began the controversial program of manipulating a virus to become more infectious to humans.
This is known as gain-of-function research.
In 2018, several CIA agents are elected into public office, claiming their new mission is to foil Trump.
In 2019, Fauci committed $3.7 million to the Wuhan lab in China for gain-of-function work on bat coronaviruses.
In 2019, Dominion voting machines, funded by the Clinton Foundation, expanded their 1,600 jurisdictions into the state of Georgia.
In October of 2019, the Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, and Johns Hopkins sponsored Event 201, a tabletop exercise that simulated millions dying from a strain of coronavirus.
Two months later, China reports an outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan.
March 13th, 2020, the U.S.
shuts down for COVID.
Thousands of people lose their jobs overnight.
We are told that masks don't work, and yet we are told that we must wear them.
On March 16th, the Brennan Center for Justice releases how to protect the 2020 vote from the coronavirus and suggest mail-in ballots, among other changes to the election.
The media tries to blame Trump.
Fear is injected into the brainwashed masses over an alleged virus less deadly than the common cold.
On May 25th, Soros-funded violent protests erupt throughout the country.
For the rest of the summer, cities burn, businesses are looted, and people are murdered in the streets.
The entire platform of the Democrat Party becomes, if you want the chaos to end, vote for Joe Biden.
In September of 2020, the Mockingbird media began reporting that Trump will refuse to leave the White House when he is beaten in November.
On election night, just as the president begins to surge in critical states, the election is inexplicably halted.
Thousands of mail-in ballots appear in the middle of the night, all for Joe Biden.
While completely ignoring massive evidence of voter fraud, the mainstream media prematurely calls victory for Joe Biden.
And now, agents of the deep state are decloaking themselves, calling for the president to concede and give full power back to the crooked establishment.
If the president concedes, the Trump family will be forever destroyed, and America will fall into chaos.
The only route to victory is to win the election in the courts and go on a massive offensive against the deep state establishment and the mockingbird media.
Those attempting to overthrow the United States need to be executed.
The battle is just beginning.
God bless America.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
The globalists are trying to censor what you can see and what you can share.
Don't let them win.
Go to our emergency election newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
Sign up for free and get intel they don't want you to have and then share it.
InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
It's time to override the censors and get the truth out.
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, hour number two.
John Brennan, Obama, Hillary, all these globalist scum that sold out America, that parlayed our wealth to China.
They're trying to remove our elected president.
They've been caught red-handed.
Clearly, North Carolina, Alaska are being called for Trump.
Now, suddenly, CNN's changed the whole map, showing hundreds of the electoral votes in play.
But we're told it's all sewn up.
I mean, Joe had 270.
It's all over.
Let's put that CNN back on screen.
Well, Ivan Reiklin is a former Green Beret constitutional lawyer.
He's on Twitter at Reiklin, R-A-I-K-L-I-N.
One of the few people, I guess, still on there.
Everybody else has been taken down.
And he's here with us.
He works with General Flynn.
We're seeing major removals of the CIA director, of the Defense Department head, director of the Defense Department.
Major things are happening and are afoot.
And so America's fighting back, but the corporate media bought and paid for by the globalists is announcing that it's President-Elect Biden.
Well, I could announce that I'm President-Elect Biden.
Or I'm President-Elect Alex Jones, like I did at last hour as a joke.
Hell, Newsweek announced her President-Elect last year, the day after the election.
Talk about getting caught with your pants down, jumping the gun there a little bit.
So if a mainstream media announces it though, it must be.
They are really, really desperate.
I want to get into an amazing map he's put together as a lawyer.
And I've checked this with a lot of other experts.
They say it's amazing.
It has Trump winning by more than he won last time.
But he's got to get the right lawyers involved.
He's got to do the right moves.
Or they could steal it.
That's why they're harassing any of the law firms representing even the Republican Party of Pennsylvania and just trying to quote count every vote.
So next segment, we'll get into all of this with Ivan, and he'll have the floor for much of the hour going through the actual nuts and bolts so others can see this, understand this, and get a real path to victory.
But I wanted to play, speaking of somebody who thinks they're a dictator, part of this plutocracy or this oligarchy of bureaucrats that just, you know, Presidents come and go, Congress people come and go, but they stay.
Here's Brennan who voted communist twice, well, hobbyist.
Spied on the president illegally, tried to overthrow the last election as well.
Here he is saying a palace coup is needed against Trump because he's so dangerous.
Well, yeah, because he's dangerous because he's a defender of the republic against enemies like you.
Here it is.
Well, if Vice President Pence and the Cabinet had an ounce of fortitude and spine and patriotism, I think they would seriously consider invoking the 25th Amendment and, you know, pushing Donald Trump out.
Because he is just very unpredictable now.
He's like a cornered cat.
Tiger and he is going to lash out and the fact that again that he has the powers of the presidency in his hands is quite worrisome Now we know that the Attorney General Barr has done Donald Trump's bidding in the past.
Will he continue to do that?
Vis-a-vis this election.
I don't know but I do think it's something that the members of Congress the leadership of the Republican Party Really needs to send clear signals to Donald Trump that if he goes Continues to go along this path.
They are going to put up roadblocks What do you make of the Attorney General saying that his investigators before the Electoral College were look at substantial allegations of voting irregularities?
As you and I both know, irregularities is not a legal standard or any kind of criminal rubric, but what do you make of that?
Well, I think it's an unprecedented move.
And again, since William Barr has shown that he is willing to be Donald Trump's personal defense lawyer, as opposed to the Attorney General of the United States, I am concerned that he's going to be looking at this in a very one-sided manner.
And so I think this is something that hopefully the state attorney generals and others are going to stand fast That is one of the main enemies of this country, is John Brennan.
He literally doesn't believe we should exist.
Here's what Pompeo had to say yesterday, briefly, about, we're going to have a smooth transition to Trump.
are blowing their way.
John Brennan, thank you very much for your perspective.
Appreciate it.
Love to have you back when we see what happens next.
That is one of the main enemies of this country is John Brennan.
He literally doesn't believe we should exist.
Here's what Pompeo had to say yesterday briefly about we're gonna have a smooth transition
to Trump.
And again, you can show the CNN screen.
They suddenly flip back to Tuesday.
I mean, whoa, big stuff's going down, man.
Big stuff.
Here's what the secretary of state had to say.
There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.
We're ready.
The world is watching what's taking place here.
We're going to count all the votes.
When the process is complete, there'll be electors selected.
There's a process.
The Constitution lays it out pretty clearly.
The world should have every confidence that the transition necessary to make sure that the State Department is functional today, successful today, and successful with the president who's in office on January 20th, a minute afternoon, will also be successful.
I went through a transition on the front.
Let's go to our guests now for the rest of the hour.
Let's spend a few minutes here.
Big picture, Ivan.
Trump is moving General Flynn's people back in big time.
New Secretary of Defense.
You know, guys from the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Folks out of Florida.
This is a historic moment.
How would you quantitate for people just in a three minute, four minute gestalt about where we are historically?
I think it's an absolutely brilliant move.
So I'll discuss later how the path to victory occurs.
So we know that there's a path to victory, and it's very simple.
Knowing that, but the corporate media does not know that, what President Trump can do is change the personnel that he wanted to change over the last four years, but wasn't able to because of the political circumstances.
Now he's in a position to, while the hyperventilating media is focused on coordinating the former vice president, he can make all of those moves over the next, until January Basically 20th and then onward.
So he's already doing it.
We saw the Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, gone.
You should expect to see some other folks that your viewers know their names.
Hopefully in the next few days.
I don't know when that timeline is going to be, but I'm guessing it's going to be very soon.
And that's about it.
I mean, in terms of there are going to be people that are on board with the agenda of making America great again and following the Constitution.
Let's talk about the reality of where the country is.
I mean, there's about half the country, or probably less at this point, that is living in a fiction land, la-la land if I call it.
And then there's a growing number of folks that are trying to look into reality to determine what's actually going on.
And I think they're not able to because there are very few sources of information that project the realities on the ground based on the laws, based on the Constitution.
That's really why I came out to really do a really hard media press to push out what is actually the legal framework for electing a president.
No one's doing that over at CNN.
John Brennan doesn't even know the Constitution apparently based on what he just said.
Same thing with Cuomo.
And then the rest of the folks.
And again, I'll reiterate.
I do not listen to Fox.
I do not listen to CNN.
I listen to the Constitution.
I've sworn and taken oath to defend it multiple times, and that's why the president's going to win.
Because it's not only the popular vote that gets you the electors.
It's four components.
Popular vote, the state's legislature, the governor of that state has a role, as well as the other candidate on whether or not they're going to contest the race.
If you give me an opportunity, I'll lay that out in the next segment.
So Ivan Reikland's here with us, constitutional lawyer.
Give people, because I got your old bio here, your accurate bio in 30 seconds.
Constitutional lawyer for the purposes of this discussion.
All right, so when we come back, we're going to lay all this out with Ivan.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And we've got a map he's put together that's very, very accurate.
And we've suddenly seen the map switch on CNN just insanely.
So a lot of crazy stuff is going down.
They're going to write about this for hundreds of years.
This is such a historic moment.
I can normally handle stress.
I'm fried.
I mean, day after day of this, this is such insane level stuff.
You'll never see this for hundreds of years again.
This is the most, this is going to govern the entire future coming up.
So tell everybody you know, tune in right now.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, mainstream corporate media has been caught with their pants down.
They said on Saturday that Biden had won with 270 to President Trump's 214.
With all these states still counting, and with all the evidence of fraud coming out, they said, oh, there's no fraud, it doesn't exist.
And now suddenly today, CNN and all the sites have flipped it back, and they've got 200 plus electoral votes still on the board.
What in Hades just happened?
But hiding in plain view, they're telling you that he is President-elect, meaning Joe Biden, just like we were told that Hillary Clinton is president-elect four years ago on the cover of Newsweek.
But it wasn't true.
It's all lies.
But if mainstream media says something, it must be true.
That is the incredibly historic moment we're at.
This is a big deal.
And again, you notice we were saying this five days ago.
We were saying it two days ago.
We were saying it a day ago.
We were saying the numbers aren't right.
All these races are undecided.
The Democrats said that they were going to Keep all of this open, no matter what.
All votes had to be counted.
But suddenly, they froze it when Trump was winning and said, no, we can't do that.
So big picture, this is an amazing time to be alive.
Ivan Reikland is a former Green Beret, a patriot, constitutional lawyer, works for General Flynn, a lot of things, but he's here today as a citizen.
He's a constitutional lawyer, he's done an amazing amount of work.
Looking at the numbers, Biden 2-3-3 is what he's predicting, Trump 3-0-5, but Trump's got to make every move just right.
Ivan, tell us about what's unfolding and let's start breaking this down.
Thanks for joining us.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
So let's take a look at the map.
You got it up?
Yes, sir.
We'll put it up.
I can talk folks through it.
So here we go.
The key thing to know about this, the media is only using projections of the voters.
That is not what the Constitution outlines.
There are four components to determining how the electors are going to be selected and how they will vote.
The first component is the popular vote in all states.
The second component, the legislature of that particular state.
And then the governor has a role in it.
And lastly, the other candidate, if it is uncontested, also has a role.
Now if it's contested, they have a role.
And that's how I determined using those four components.
And that's the law.
But CNN tells us if the media says so, that's who the winner is.
But Newsweek said Hillary won four years ago, so is she president?
I'm going to give the number out now.
We're done with the interview.
Thank you.
I'm going to give the number out here.
I want to take your phone calls.
We haven't taken calls in a few days.
Specifically about what you think about what's happening, this historic moment we're in.
And what's unfolding?
We'll open the phones up, and you'll be able to get through on air.
I'm going to move very quickly through your phone calls.
And then Dr. Steve Pchenik is going to be coming on.
He predicted the firing of the head of the CIA, the firing of the Defense Secretary, a few weeks ago here on air.
He also said last week, and it's got like almost 5 million views at the Bandop video, it's one of our biggest videos, that there's really secret watermarks and it's a sting operation.
I think he credibly believes that.
I'm not saying he's 100% right.
I'm going to ask him about that here on air.
I certainly hope that's the case, but what about the old-fashioned sting of dead people voting?
Or what about the old-fashioned sting of these CIA-connected groups Breaking in with Operation Scorecard and, of course, this other operation with us, Dominion Software and The Hammer.
So we're going to be talking about all of that.
Coming up.
I mean, I'll go to your calls.
They open the phone system up right now.
I'll just randomly take calls.
I don't even need their names.
I'll just boom, just go to your call there.
You know what I mean?
Might take a minute or two to get the computer system fired up, but we're taking your phone calls in the middle of this historic moment we're in.
Just the level of the insanity is so crazy.
I can't even describe it, obviously.
This is the real deal.
A globalist foreign attempt to take over the country.
And so much more in America waking up and fighting back, and the media gaslighting us to give up, give up, the war's over, Trump lost when none of that's true.
I mean, this is crazy.
But they were going to lose, so what else are you going to expect?
We've already seen hoax after hoax after hoax.
What do you think Trump should do next?
What's your view on all this?
I say pray and be very, very visible and very, very politically.
active against these bullies because if they're able to get Biden in, he's owned by the Chai
comms, they're going to exploit and break this country up big time to bring down our
dollar value and launch this new world order global currency for the Davos group.
This is an important moment.
It's World War I, World War II.
This is so ultra-massive.
Just pray to God for discernment and focus.
We're going to go to break.
Come back with your phone calls.
America in crisis.
Emergency lockdown 2 is coming if Biden gets in.
Depression collapse.
I said two months ago we had that big sell to sell out most of the products in case Biden got in.
I hope Trump stops it.
I hope it happens.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are live in defiance of the globalists that wanted to silence us ahead of this globalist AI big tech censorship power grab.
straight ahead. This is the info war. This is 1776 worldwide countering the
globalist move in 2020, 2020, 2020. Ladies and gentlemen, we are live in defiance of
the globalists that wanted to silence us ahead of this globalist AI big tech
censorship power grab. But despite all their efforts, thanks to you, the
supporters of this broadcast, we are still on air.
And thanks to all those great affiliates America fights on in this battle.
And people didn't know about the New World Order 30 years ago.
They barely knew about it 10 years ago.
So even though we're in a fight of our lives, and basically I'd say we're 50-50 in this battle right now on a nice edge, a razor's edge.
Look how far we've come, and look how the globalists have been exposed as Chinese globalist communist agents, and the Newell Order's in trouble, and Epstein, and the Clintons are in trouble, and all their different operatives are being fired, and all hell's breaking loose.
Amazing things are happening!
And I want to salute this crew as well.
You know, it's easy to be a Satanist and only have fun and only care about yourself and not care about the world and not be informed.
But this crew is just like I am.
They really passionately care.
They really passionately get hurt by the news they have to cover.
But we don't turn away from the pain.
We turn into the pain because that's where we find victory is taking it on and not denying it, but dealing with it.
So I want to thank the crew for the incredible job they're doing.
And with Ivan Reikland, great constitutional lawyer, great guy.
He did two breakdowns on Trump's path to victory and the real numbers.
Very well-researched.
They were banned on video.
I hope you share those.
And I will invite him back on the show maybe in the next few days via the telephone because the Skype problems were just insurmountable.
Okay, let's go ahead and take phone calls.
We got Joe, we got Jay, we got Zach, we got Randy, we got Dennis, we got Scott, we got Scott, we got Ryan, we got Brian.
We got Kevin and Ken on the board, and I'm taking them all before Spachetik joins us.
So let's just boom, go to your calls right now.
Ryan in the great state of Texas, you're on the air, sir.
You in, Alex?
I sure do, my friend.
Hey, so I had a t-shirt idea that I thought I'd pitch to you.
I was thinking maybe a Che Guevara-esque that, you know, that you see all the students in the communist indoctrination compounds, otherwise known as college, you know, the black and white type t-shirt.
At the re-education centers where they wear red shirts with Che Guevara, maybe just have a skull wearing the Che hat and say, uh, communism kills, or what's the idea?
Well, I was thinking maybe having a picture of your ugly mug up there with a bullhorn, maybe something out of Endgame.
I hear you, brother.
What do you think about this election?
Next step for Trump?
I think he needs to defeat the corporate media.
I'll say this.
Let me ask each caller this.
Where is Trump?
I mean, he's given two little speeches one election night the next day in the early morning on November 4th.
And then he gave one other little thing about the poll.
I mean, where the hell is the president?
All I can think is he's got to have some kind of a plan and that's all the faith we all need to have.
I don't really know.
Oh, I know he's got a plan.
I mean, he's kicking out all the globalists finally and taking action and challenging election fraud.
But man, that's why Ivan Reikland is so important as a constitutional lawyer.
He's looked at the law and getting the legislatures involved now and getting us mobilized to push legislatures to step in and demand real investigations.
They have the power, not the county clerks, you know, not even the bureaucrats.
It's got to be the legislatures.
I agree.
I think that we all just have to have faith and continue to mobilize the way that you're doing, and keep up the good work, and I listen to you every day.
I'm trying, brother.
Thank you, Ryan.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kevin in New York.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Alex, how are you?
Good, brother.
God bless, man.
Listen, I just want to get—it's not a deep dive analysis.
I was in New York City the day of the announcement of the Joe Biden fraud.
And my son and I were driving around with our Trump hats, kind of looking for fellow Trump people to kind of like protest.
And we went in front of Trump Tower and you couldn't even get near it.
It was like a block, you know, cordoned off.
And then we got surrounded by lunatics with the Joe Biden signs.
And the funny thing is, none of them had real Joe Biden signs.
They're on cardboard boxes, drawn on there, you know.
But then we turned the corner and they threw our Trump hats.
And they literally, and I'm talking about like 14-year-old girls got out of their car, started banging on our car, yelling at us, blasting the F Trump song.
And if it's going in that direction, God knows where it's going to go once they flip this.
Well, that's why the governor of Florida has prepared basically troops and everything else to shoot looters.
I agree with you, sir.
It's totally insane.
We appreciate your courage being out there on the street.
You know, they surrounded all the different Trump towers in Chicago, in D.C., in New York, threatening to burn them down.
And it's all young, dumb, Alex?
Yes, sir?
We are ready to lock you into the swamp, brother.
Can you hear me?
Yeah, I sure can, man.
I sure can hear you.
I hear every caller.
Kevin. All right, we're moving quick here. Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Randy in Oklahoma. Randy, you're on the air.
Alex. - Yes, sir.
We are ready to lock you into the swamp, brother. Can you hear me?
Yeah, I sure can, man. I sure can hear you. Yep. I hear every caller.
When you guys go on, I hear you. - All right.
All right.
Listen, one thing real quick for new and some of the newer listeners.
As a veteran listener for 10 years, I'm also a Marine Corps vet, I've been tuning in and doing everything I can to take advantage of these products that are the best research, the best quality that's out there.
And it's a symbiotic relationship.
I hope people that are listening recognize or realize Absolutely, sir.
I mean, we're nip and tuck, staying on air, but it's such a historic time.
We appreciate your support.
We love you, Randy, and I really appreciate you.
What is your view on the vote count, Trump election, and what's unfolding?
Yeah, the way it shakes out, I think that I'd like to see Trump out there.
Uh, until they can actually launch.
I think it's like a 10-day window before they can, they can, uh, take certain legal actions.
But it would be, it'd be powerful to Trump to throw the cards down on the table, just like it's been said with Bracken and others, that we've got to lay out the case for the fraud, the virus, you know, the Wuhan labs, the way it was set up.
Just put it out there for the public and let the media deal with it.
I think Rhodes was on yesterday talking about that.
Hey, in the worst case, let's say it goes to the House if they can't resolve it in the court, and it goes to the House.
If you look at Article 12 of the Constitution, it says that the state, that the House would be the one that votes, and each delegation, each state delegation gets one vote.
So, you look at how many states have a Republican majority.
Trump wins by that scenario, and that's why the Democrats are so scared.
You're absolutely right.
Even the 20th Amendment scenario defeats him.
Thank you so much for the call.
God bless you, Randy.
This is a huge time to be alive.
If Trump just keeps fighting, he's going to win.
But the media is going to say he's illegitimate and try to trigger a race war.
That's their next plan.
They now admit it.
We are inside the war zone.
The dogs of war have been released.
Scott, in South Carolina, I agree with your statement.
Trump's going hard on New World Order, finally.
Yeah, sir, Alex Hatch.
Nice to talk to you.
Nice to talk to you, brother.
Yeah, no, I think Trump should just fire all missiles.
Now is the time.
Uh, we have this massive caravan.
I mean, I've been listening to you for about, I'd say about nine years.
I'm 26.
And we've always talked, I mean, we've had callers call in talking about, oh, we need a march on the White House.
Well, now is the time.
All Trump needed was to see us, American patriots, standing up for him to act.
And we're standing up and he's acting.
So I think this, this, this caravan that's happening right now, this is a major, major stepping stone.
And this great giant puzzle in order to defeat this New World Order is for people to stand up.
And I feel like you should be on broadcast television all day long.
How come there aren't more patriots just on regular TV?
That's because Trump and others allowed the total cutoff of society.
They still thought we were in America.
They know how much trouble we're in.
But that's okay.
That's yesterday's war.
We move forward now.
The enemy's out in the open.
You're absolutely right, Scott.
Trump is going hard on the New World Order.
It's a beautiful time to be alive.
Yeah, I think he's in the basement.
I think he's wargaming right now, especially with this caravan and Bowser in D.C.
and all this.
I think he really is wargaming.
Well, it's critical for everybody to join the caravan tonight in Atlanta, Georgia.
It's critical for folks to be Saturday in D.C.
I'm going to be there.
We'll be right back.
Alright, a lot of big news is breaking, ladies and gentlemen.
And if you look at the map of real contested states where votes haven't all been counted, this thing is wide open.
You can go to CNN, you can look at any map you want.
Earlier I was looking like, what's this CNN map?
It shows they've reversed all this.
Why is this another test map they have?
Which again shows they can do whatever they want.
I was looking at their main map a minute ago.
They don't even have Trump winning North Carolina or Alaska, but he has won that.
And then now, you go back to their site, they do have him winning it.
So, it just goes to show, they can do whatever they want.
They can play whatever games they want.
This is getting truly insane.
They reverse Pennsylvania, they reverse Arizona, and a few other states.
That's done.
And in the numbers we're seeing coming out, that is happening.
But what we do know as a fraud is, the mail-in ballots, the dead people voting, Dead cats voting, the saying they're going to contest the election, that Trump contested, he's not allowed to.
And Alex Jones, your host here back live, very honored to be here.
All right, let's take a bunch of calls right now.
Brian in New Hampshire, you're on the air, welcome.
Hey, what's going on, Alex?
Worldwide broadcast, brother, so excited to have you on with us.
I heard that.
Hey, I just wanted to say real quick about the whole Trump thing.
I'll go ahead and answer the question before you ask me.
I don't know where he's at, and I've been asking myself the same thing, but, you know, honestly, In my heart, I feel like he's kind of just sitting back and pulling the moves he can and also just, you know, trying to get the American people to stand up and do what they're supposed to.
I agree.
Also, he wants to get all the evidence of fraud totally concrete before he goes public with it.
But if you go back three months ago, remember he was at that washing machine factory and he said, I may be gone for a while because I'm taking on the deep state.
Remember that?
What do you make of Brennan, the hobbyist, communist, former CIA director?
Think about that.
He was the CIA director saying that they need to remove Trump under the 25th Amendment.
I mean, yeah, that right there should tell everyone who the enemy is.
Straight in their face.
And I think, you know, it is time for the people to stop being scared.
We need to stand up.
I know we haven't been able to, but I also think Trump needs to come out once he does get his data together.
He needs to do a massive data dump.
And just show everyone that he can.
You know, all the information he can put out there without compromising our national security and whatnot.
Our national security is gone if the CHICOMS run things.
So I just say release it all.
What do you make of Don Jr agreeing with us and others to just declassify everything?
I agree with him 100%.
I think he's really taking the front line and coming out.
And that's what Trump needs to do, too.
They all need to do it.
I think he needs to come out publicly, once he gets his data together, and make a public statement calling on the American people.
Because that'll put the fire underneath some of these people's asses that haven't gone out there and done anything.
Because they wait for him to take the orders, you know?
I mean, some people just don't have that leadership push to get through, but Trump being their idol, if he comes out and says, look, you have to fight for your country and help me stand up against these globalists, I think more people will stand up.
I really do.
Beautiful, Brian.
I totally agree with you.
All right, let's go to Alicia in Massachusetts.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
How are you?
I'm pretty stressed out, actually.
I've never been this stressed out in my life.
If it takes some of your supplements then, I guess, calm yourself down.
I've got to remember to take them, yeah.
Believe me, I've hurt my body without the supplements.
I couldn't be operating.
I had a question for you because I feel like people maybe don't fully understand how important this is.
I mean, you've mentioned before this is about good versus evil.
I believe this transcends politics.
There's not been something, this is bigger than World War II, for the whole shape of the world.
I mean the globalists say they're shutting us down forever, they're gonna make us poor and make us capitulate to their communist socialist pedophile agenda, literally, to turn our kids over to the sexual brainwashing.
They're gonna teach in kindergarten, the teachers are gonna masturbate the children, the teachers officially are gonna molest the children.
Remember Clinton tried to put Jocelyn Elders in to molest the children.
She said, reach down when they're five and touch them and teach them.
Touch them.
And I remember hearing the tape of that.
It's so creepy.
These are pedophiles.
And that's their goal, is getting the children's energy.
They're vampires.
Those of us that aren't pedophiles don't get it.
We're like, what the hell?
These are psychic vampires, period.
Yeah, exactly.
So, no, that's fine.
So, I guess I just wanted to look a little bit more on that instead of just the political angle.
I guess I was curious to get your thoughts and for people to hear your thoughts more on like the metaphysical angle.
So, spiritually, dimensionally, you know, what are the ramifications of either side winning?
Just so people can really understand what this is about.
We just have to expose how cold-blooded it is.
Now they're creating a dystopia so we accept global extermination.
Hitler was a beta test.
This is the real move.
Alicia, why do you think the president's been gone?
I mean, I really don't like it.
Trump's in hiding.
What the hell's going on?
That's the real wild card here.
Why is Trump missing?
I mean, I like to think that he's, you know, he's focused on his legal battles.
He's trying to stay calm.
I mean, you've mentioned how stressed you are.
I think a lot of people are stressed.
I'm sure that he's stressed too.
I agree, but this is an information war.
He needs to be resolute desk, laying out the election fraud that's pouring out.
And not twittering where they block his tweets.
They cannot stop him at the Oval Office.
He must be presidential.
He must take on Biden and say he's not president-elect.
He is a fraud.
Yeah, I guess it's hard to know what's going on behind the scenes.
I guess that's why it's great that you have your caravan going.
I mean, if we can't see him, at least people can see the support, you know, the support behind him.
But it seems like he's working on it, hopefully, at least, I guess.
I mean, CNN, you know, changing their map.
I mean, that is huge.
I mean, I'm in Massachusetts.
All my friends are very liberal.
You know, I feel like I can't necessarily talk about my viewpoint on this.
So I'm hoping that some of them see that.
I mean, interestingly enough, I didn't even really come into this, again, from a political standpoint.
I really came into this more Absolutely.
CNN has thrown out a whole bunch of maps.
I saw that earlier and was like, is that their official map?
They're like, yeah, they went and checked it.
They've got hundreds of maps.
It's all just to confuse everybody.
But he did just win Alaska.
He did just win North Carolina.
That changed the map.
So it's all in flux right now.
They're not God.
You know, Newsweek said Hillary's the president.
It's not true.
So God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Okay, let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joe in Pennsylvania.
Joe, go ahead.
What's going on, Alex?
How are you?
Man, people always ask how it's going on.
I'm on the air in Austin, Texas, talking to you, Joe.
Man, we're living in crazy times, brother.
Absolutely, sir.
So yeah, I wanted to touch on the Dominion software voting systems.
I actually downloaded their 181-page PDF, and I spent some time combing through it last night and today.
Basically to try to dig up everything that I can to understand how the software itself works.
Obviously, I'm pretty sure that we all know that 60% majority shareholder is actually Dianne Feinstein's husband
and they had a huge financial backing from the Clinton Foundation which either
like even though this wouldn't be enough to incriminate and validate fraud it's
most certainly a clear conflict of interest.
Oh everywhere it's flipping against Trump never against Biden.
That's why all these local races of Republicans are winning now that we're losing as they go and check.
And the county clerks get scared and flip back as they can go to jail.
Don't hang up Joe since you mentioned it.
Here's Rudolph Giuliani on with Steve Bannon on the war room talking just about what you just mentioned.
And that's a combination.
Our next guest is going to be Dave Coleman from, I think, the Great Lakes.
He's one of these public interest research institutions.
This lawsuit is a combination of what Thor was working on in Coleman.
Is that correct, in Michigan?
And they both have superior information.
Thor has the part of it with the government insiders who basically are turning what's called staged evidence.
They are Democrats who are testifying against a Democratic effort because they were so disgusted.
That's basically Thor's people.
Coleman has the community people, and he's got the Dominion people.
And they were the ones who were the actual, not the poll watchers, the observers, who were excluded, who were lied to, but two of whom stayed behind after all the Republicans had been left out.
And they're the ones who got the evidence on the 100,000 votes coming in.
And they have some photographs also.
You put those two together, And you've got some very, very powerful evidence that that room at the Cobb Center, I think it was, was a complete, uh, let's make up the votes room.
How much do we have to make up and let's get there?
The Democrats want to burn down America.
They say they're going to cheat.
They've been caught.
Joe, go ahead.
Yeah, so like kind of following up on Rudy, I think I have a pretty good understanding now of how they actually got those vote totals at the wee hours of the morning after they shut down the polling locations in the first place.
Now, it all happened within a couple of hours and it swung by a couple hundred thousands of votes, which would be pretty close to impossible for people to just hand write ballots.
But with the Dominion software voting system, you have a master computer where you can upload any algorithm that would be approved by their software.
Um, and it will automatically- And by the way, all across the battleground states, they did a patch the day before.
And then Republicans didn't show up and certify it or even check it.
Yes, absolutely.
And now I remember specifically in Philadelphia, I'm pretty close to Philadelphia.
The Hill had posted an article, Politico, a lot of people did.
Joe, don't hang up.
You're a great caller.
I want to come back to you and all these other callers.
Our number three straight ahead, Steve Pachinik, is joining us as well with big news.
He predicted all these big firings as Trump takes the deep state to the woodshed.
We'll be back.
It's been said that there are times in history when more things happen in a week or a day than happened in the previous five years.
We're in that time right now.
Taking your calls.
Dr. Steve Pachinik coming up next segment.
Joe and P.A.
was knocking it out of the park on election fraud, the voting machines, all of it.
Man, have we not gotten the globalists out in the open?
I mean, they are just right out in the open.
The CHI comms are celebrating, thinking Joe Biden's the president.
This is a crazy moment.
Yes, absolutely.
And my number one thing is, I think Trump is playing it exactly right.
Just stay in the shadows.
You never interrupt the enemy while they're in the process of destroying themselves.
You let them put themselves out there on the table.
There's an army of citizens journalists just like me, you, and every listener that we have here that are doing their due diligence and going through and exposing all of this fraud and corruption.
Trump doesn't even have to do anything except for keep himself insulated.
And that's the most important thing.
Well, I'm going to ask Dr. Pucinich why he thinks Trump gave that speech at 3 a.m.
on November 3rd, November 4th, and then gave one other little speech and has not been seen for four days, five days.
I don't think that's a good strategy.
I think it should be resolute desk, but maybe he's waiting with all the evidence and then hit him hard.
But I think he should address the American people and to the Joe Biden's a communist Chinese agent.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I'll be quick.
I'm really here to talk to the audience.
I'm a normal guy from South Carolina.
There's a bunch of normal people here in South Carolina, and we're all pretty pissed off by what's going on.
I'll be quick. I'm really here to talk to the audience. I'm a normal guy from South Carolina.
There's a bunch of normal people here in South Carolina and we're all pretty
pissed off by what's going on. And I'm asking people, please, if you never do
again in your life, stand up right now for what you believe in.
I really, really think that now is a serious time.
And I think that everything that y'all show us, this information that you're giving to us, I think now it's our turn to grab this information and make a difference.
We've got to get to D.C.
this weekend.
That's why the enemy is shutting down all the communication, because they're weak.
We have the truth.
It's outrageous.
All the censorship, all the tyranny, all the bullying is only an hors d'oeuvre.
It's a small taste of what's coming if we let these monsters take control of our republic.
I agree.
And I think people really need to recognize that and stop being afraid of what people are going to think about you whenever you decide to go to this thing in D.C., whenever you decide to go and protest against the mainstream.
I mean, the Democrats are like, anybody that voted for Trump, we have the voter rolls, we're going to persecute you.
Anyone that doesn't support our overthrow of Trump, we'll persecute you.
I mean, people are like, oh God, I mean, somebody's like, I'm going to kick your ass, you don't bow down, you just got to fight.
That's an American instinct, a human instinct.
Since when did somebody threaten us and we cower in fear?
This is BS.
And you're speaking my language being from South Carolina, man.
You don't just move down here.
Look, this is how we do things around here.
Whenever things are wrong, we take as much as we can until it gets to a point whenever we realize that there may be some wool getting pulled over our eyes.
And I think that's happening.
I'm just asking regular people like me.
Time to stand up.
Time to grab your balls.
Well, I totally agree with you, and just like we all have a sixth sense, I can feel the enemy's anger.
I felt the Patriots' anger the last few days.
I'm physically sick, it's so huge.
Can you not feel it?
I mean, I swear, there's electromagnetic field going on between all humans.
I think we all know exactly what's going on.
Yeah, it's not like we got some new group taking us over.
These are people that want to break us.
They want to suck us dry.
They want to bankrupt us and mount our head on the wall.
It's not going to happen.
God bless you, Zach.
Everybody should join Owen Troyer's caravan.
It's in Atlanta, Georgia tonight, and it goes into D.C.
I'll be there.
I'm flying out tonight.
And we got Dr. Steve Pachinick coming up.
We're going to go to break.
And then we're going to air the clip of Pompeo saying that, no, there's going to be a smooth transition to Trump, too.
And then we're going to play the sickening Brennan clip because this is literally voted for the Communist Party twice as a Wahhabist Saudi Arabian pimp.
And this guy thinks he's going to defeat us.
Let me tell you, I can watch Body Language for the first time.
That arrogant rat looks scared.
He looks real scared.
He should be, because there's no way they get out of this now.
Any way you slice it, all roads lead to victory.
The only question is how rocky they're going to be.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay weathered.
Spread the word.
You are Paul Revere.
You are 1776.
The globalists are trying to censor what you can see and what you can share.
Don't let them win.
Go to our emergency election newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
Sign up for free and get intel they don't want you to have and then share it.
InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
It's time to override the censors and get the truth out.
There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.
All right.
We're ready.
The world is watching what's taking place here.
We're going to count all the votes.
When the process is complete, there'll be electors selected.
There's a process.
The Constitution lays it out pretty clearly.
The world should have every confidence that the transition necessary to make sure that the State Department is functional today, successful today, and successful with the president who's in office on January 20th, a minute afternoon, will also be successful.
I went through a transition on the front, and I've been on the other side of this.
I'm very confident that we will do all the things that are necessary to make sure that the government, the United States government, will continue to perform its national security function as we go forward.
Well, if Vice President Pence and the Cabinet had an ounce of fortitude and spine and patriotism, I think they would seriously consider invoking the 25th Amendment and, you know, pushing Donald Trump out, because he is just very unpredictable now.
He's like a cornered cat.
Tiger and he is going to lash out and the fact that again that he has the powers of the presidency in his hands is quite worrisome Now we know that the Attorney General Barr has done Donald Trump's bidding in the past.
Will he continue to do that?
Vis-a-vis this election.
I don't know but I do think it's something that the members of Congress the leadership of the Republican Party Really needs to send clear signals to Donald Trump that if he goes Continues to go along this path.
They are going to put up roadblocks What do you make of the Attorney General saying that his investigators before the Electoral College were look at substantial allegations of voting irregularities?
As you and I both know, irregularities is not a legal standard or any kind of criminal rubric, but what do you make of that?
Well, I think it's an unprecedented move.
And again, since William Barr has shown that he is willing to be Donald Trump's personal defense lawyer, as opposed to the Attorney General of the United States, I am concerned that he's going to be looking at this in a very one-sided manner.
And so I think this is something that hopefully the state attorney generals and others are going to stand fast.
and also the Department of Justice professionals are going to carry out their duties irrespective
of whatever type of political winds they feel are blowing their way.
John Brennan, thank you very much for your perspective.
Appreciate it.
Love to have you back when we see what happens next.
Well, if William Barr is an own sick of fan of Trump, which isn't true, then you're an
own sick of fan of Communist China, the Wahhabist, the Communist Party, and any America-hating,
knuckle-dragging, satanic, murderous group of scum.
Man, here's the good news.
I know how to look at body language.
And that arrogant SOB does not usually look scared.
He finally, because Trump is finally executing, looks like he just crapped his diapers.
Dr. Steve Pucinich is the co-author of many of Tom Clancy's books.
He did help found Delta Force.
He did run the Camp David Accords.
He is a psychiatrist and a doctor and all the rest of that stuff.
And he did do overthrows of governments.
And he is who he says he is.
And he's here with us.
He did expose 9-11 as an inside job.
He did expose Ben Lottman's already dead.
He did predict two weeks ago on the show that we would see the head of the CIA and the Secretary
of Defense all fired very, very soon.
I thought, "Wow, that's lofty things."
We're going to go pull the clips.
Everybody heard it.
You saw it.
And you also brought up watermarks and all this.
I haven't seen the proof of that.
I'm not saying you're wrong.
That got four point something million views on InfoWars.
With Owen, I think you mean what you say.
You might be wrong sometimes.
I hope that's the case.
But certainly, we're seeing the tide turn with Trump winning North Carolina, Alaska.
They're really starting to panic right now.
I see fear in Brennan's eyes.
It seems like he's kind of the ringleader, the king rat there.
So where do you want to start, Dr. Steve Puccinich?
Let's start with the fact, this is very unusual what I just heard Brennan do.
I mean, it was one of the stupidest interviews he's ever done for a man who I consider to be exceedingly self-destructive.
Now, although I was accused of being a shill for the CIA, I've never been in the CIA, but I can tell you the quality of people who were recruited in the CIA is typified by Brennan.
Irish Catholic, totally incompetent, messed up in Saudi Arabia, messed up with George Bush, who brought him on board, then became the director of the CIA under Obama, the Manchurian candidate, another Obama.
But what makes this fascinating is John Brennan just accused another operative of being incompetent.
And who am I talking about?
I've said it on this show before and I'm going to say it again.
Barr is the Attorney General.
He has never had a lot of prosecutorial experience.
But he started as a D.I.
I said this on the show two years ago.
Sure, that's all on record.
So what's the big picture?
So what's the big picture?
What's the big picture?
The big picture here is that you have an internal fight going on within the CIA between the
military and the civilian intelligence units, between the Democrats and the Republicans.
This is a full-fledged revolution.
This is what I said months ago.
I said Gina Haspel will leave.
She was fired.
I told you Esper would be fired.
He was fired.
Ray, Christopher Ray will be fired.
Fauci will be fired.
So what's happening now?
Contrary to what everybody believes, Trump is very much in control.
This is what I said before.
This is Sun Tzu.
He's watching the game, manipulating it, and you don't see it.
I told you we set it up.
Whether you believe in the watermarks or not, that's not relevant.
What you should understand and what I said is that the cryptocurrencies or the The coding that was done is not just done by the CIA or any of those organizations.
It's done at a much higher level where you have people in the cyber command, cyber communication.
There's a reason why I wrote 30, 40 years ago, before even Clancy was around, a series of book called NetForce, Cyber Command and Cyber War.
I could predict that there would be a future We're Cyber Command and the fact that we would be monitored all day and every day, which is what we are.
The NSA monitors us.
This is what was said by Bannon and the General before.
They monitor us and then they can switch whatever votes are needed either in Florida or anywhere else.
Trump understood this, so did a lot of people in the intelligence community and elsewhere, and they wanted to be proactive.
What you're seeing now, whether you believe it or not, is very clear.
You see Sun Tzu in action.
You see the mastermind Trump, a president, Who basically is very quiet.
Went to the National Cemetery.
Did what he had to do on Veterans Day.
Was very presidential.
That's my next question.
Why is Trump normally everywhere ten times a day?
Why is Trump normally running around like the sun in the high noon everywhere?
You can see him.
Why has he not been seen hardly?
Why does he what?
Why is Trump not being seen?
Because this is a very clever move.
What you do not want Is to understand that he is in this game manipulating it actively.
In fact, what he is doing is compelling you and others to say, where is he?
What's happening?
And in fact, the brilliance of his maneuver This is what he's done in the past, is to initiate the
He's done that with all his casinos.
Walk away, let you make all the necessary comments, self-destruct, and more importantly,
project your own fears and concerns.
Then he monitors that and then puts it within the system.
The more fearful you become, the more you ask him to come to the front right now, the more he pulls back.
It's the brilliant art of war.
I didn't determine it.
Trump knew this way before I ever met him.
He knew this in New York 30 years ago.
He knew it in New Jersey when he built the casinos.
No, you agree with me, Dr. Mazzini.
Why does Brennan look so scared?
He's calling for a coup against the president.
Because Brennan will be indicted for various criminal activities.
Unfortunately, he is or was in the CIA, but he knows he's making a fool of himself.
He knows he's on a self-destructive path.
He may not be competent, but he's not stupid.
He knows exactly what's been happening.
And he's been urged by the Democrats who gave him the access that he needed, although Bush
Jr. gave it to him as well.
Those days are gone.
Trump is not in the business of kowtowing to the ex-CIA operatives or ex-military operatives.
If anything, he's very pro-military.
And those of us in the back, in back, back, back.
Not including me.
I have nothing to do with any of the affiliations.
Believe it or not, you can read it in American Warrior in Crisis, the book I wrote.
I don't belong to any of the organizations.
That's why I go on your show, Alex.
Because you don't belong to anybody.
Let's talk about this when we come back.
Let's talk about the election fraud, where you think it's going, what you think is going to unfold next, and what the Democrats are going to do if they're repudiated saying Joe Biden is president-elect.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Well it was the 79 days of hell.
Election day and 78 more.
We predicted it.
The globalists told us they would do it.
Now here we are.
They said count every vote.
They're going to contest forever.
But instead they froze the election with media control and Democrat controlled states and then discounted the Trump votes and put the fraudulent in with graphs that were organic but then went straight up.
Everybody can see it.
Experts have come out and said it's a fraud.
The Washington Post is panicking, saying that whistleblowers are frauds, and the whistleblowers come out and say it's not true.
We didn't say that.
They are so desperate, Dr. Pachinik.
Let me ask you these questions, because you're an author, a researcher, you know, you've seen a lot of Angle State Department, all these different groups.
From talking to your sources, your own research, What would you call this period in American history?
Because it's not just a civil war, it's an outside power trying to control the country.
And what do you expect to happen?
I mean, is Trump going to win?
I mean, obviously he's winning in reality.
Tell people your weather forecast.
It's what I said years ago on your show.
We did a sting operation on Hillary Clinton.
She didn't succeed.
We are allowing Biden to be president for 40 or 60 days, and it's over.
December 14th, it will be over.
The Electoral College will declare that Trump won.
Trump will come back in.
And this is a period of turbulence that would be expected in the Republic.
Is that why DeSantis is admitting he's getting ready with riot police to shoot looters?
Well, I'm not in the business at the local level to do what we did, but I did tell you we did send out National Guards and other paramilitary units to make sure that we didn't have massive riots and we wouldn't have a civil war.
This is not a civil war.
We're not going down as Abraham Lincoln did and slaughtered Southern, innocent Southern citizens for the Mississippi, Missouri, and New Orleans.
What we're doing here It's a proactive move that Trump explained years ago when he said, vote, hashtag, cheat voters.
He meant that he knew very well that our elections have been nothing more than a series of corrupt practices.
With the Bushes, both Bushes, both Clintons, with Obama twice, and now with Biden.
No, I agree.
So what comes next and how do they respond?
How do you see this unfolding?
What comes next is that Trump will declare that he is the president.
Biden will withdraw because Biden will either have to be faced with prosecutorial indictments, serious ones, As well as those against his son.
It was not an accident.
We had brought up his son and Hunter Biden, as well as his two brothers.
So the more Biden comes out, which is exactly what Trump wants him to do, the more he's basically self-destructing.
It's like John Brandon.
I was about to say though, he is, I've never seen anyone in history this compromised.
He is caught, this isn't like fables about Russia.
They have the audio of them saying, me and my dad worked for Chinese intelligence.
I mean, this is like royal flush stuff.
So you explain it to me.
How is a man who was so stupid, so incompetent, who has literally been in a position 47 years where he's done nothing except, as I said before, go to war in Iraq, Serbia, Syria, blah, blah, blah.
He did nothing.
Totally corrupt.
Brothers are corrupt.
Sons are corrupt.
And he has the gall to say, I'm in charge now.
I mean, it is beyond absurdity.
So you can call this the theater of the absurd.
But in reality, the man who's writing it, directing it and producing it is Donald Trump, a genius.
Trust me.
This is not just now that I've seen it.
I've seen him work for 30 to 40 years in New York, New Jersey and all over the world.
This is exactly how a genius works.
He sets it up, he puts in the scam, he lets the people self-destruct.
Notice Hillary Clinton hasn't said a word.
She's basically, she knew she was unnoticed.
But Biden didn't get the message and he's right out there with Kamala Harris, whoever she is, what nonsense she portrays.
As an African-American woman.
Her father was a professor emeritus at Stanford.
We knew him.
He was famous in economics.
So let's talk about this.
Forget Alex Jones, forget Donald Trump, forget Hillary Clinton, forget Joe Biden.
They're saying he's president-elect when it's the state attorney generals and it's the legislatures that certify the vote.
That hasn't happened unless someone capitulates and concedes.
And so when CNN says, oh no, he's president-elect, I could put up on screen as a media institution, say Alex Jones is president-elect.
It's not true.
So the fact that they're trying to gaslight us like this, what does this do to the mainstream media when this fails?
You hit it on the head, Alex.
The reason I always chose you is because I knew there was imminent death of the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal.
What you have here is basically the collapse of any notion of a centralized media or a media coming out of Washington, D.C.
If you don't go to Project Veritas, you don't go to Alex Jones, you don't go to the social media lines where we know they're alternative media, you're not going to get the truth.
And this is really what you see is the implosion of a system that never thought it would die.
Fox News, ABC, MSNBC, all of them gone.
Anderson Cooper twice was an intern at the CIA.
You're telling me this is a naive, well-intentioned liberal?
No way!
He knew exactly what was going on.
You have all of... Jake Tapper wrote an incredible story about the outpost in Afghanistan.
He didn't know what was going on.
Of course he knew what was going on.
So this goes on and on and on.
What you're seeing is a massive change in the media, in the schools.
Now we're seeing what schools we need and what we don't need.
But for me... By the way, I agree with you.
As you said a few years ago, this in-school learning is about to be discredited.
I don't like the big tech takeover, but at the same time, the very teacher unions are buying into this at-home learning and destroying themselves.
They're all destroying themselves.
How were they tricked into this?
Because when you're greedy, there are two elements, and you're hitting it on the head, Alex.
Fear and self-aggrandizement and the notion that you don't have to take a risk are the two elements we don't foster in an entrepreneurial world, but we do foster with a pension.
I can control any CIA operative or any military or any school teacher by simply saying the following, you don't want to do what and then I'll handle your pension.
I can handle the pension, handle their salary.
So what happens in America, the people you see who are compromised, the school teachers, it's unfortunate their unions got them into bankruptcy.
Moral financial.
They're in a cult.
They might be good people but they're in a communist cult.
That's correct.
I mean, here in Florida, they signed away all, think of this, they signed away all of their rights in 1968.
How do you sign away your rights in 1968 when you're a teacher and you're supposed to be giving information to others?
That's how stupid and that's how fearful we have a society.
Every time you see somebody wearing a mask, that's fascism.
I was about to say, let's get into COVID, because this morning you laid it on me.
You haven't really said this, but just say it.
Manufactured virus, fear weapon, Chi Com Global, still lay it out.
We've got to go to break.
Let's come back and hit that with Dr. Stephen Shinnick.
We're going to lay this out.
I just looked at the clock and that wasn't a cliffhanger on purpose.
I looked at the clock for 20 seconds.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is epic stuff going down right now, and this is the battle for the Republic.
And now you've got North Carolina, and you've got Alaska won by Trump, and the media's not even covering it.
This is so historical.
This is edge-of-your-seat stuff, and I'm just so glad and so blessed you kept us here on air.
We got loaded phones, too.
Jay Dyer's coming up, and after Pchenik leaves us, I will take all these calls from Dennis, Kurt, Kathy, and many others.
Stay with us.
Tomorrow's news today.
All I know is this.
It makes me physically sick.
Not the psychic energy of the socialists and the communists, but the American people are so angry, I'm tied into them.
I feel physically sick.
And I'm concerned.
Because America is not going to accept the globalist takeover.
They're not going to accept the Chi-Coms.
They're not going to accept Hollywood.
And I don't get why, if the globalists have conquered America already, why they want to piss on it instead of grow it.
It'd be one thing if the globalists just took over and like, we're into freedom.
They're not.
They're into everything sick, they're self-destructive, and they want us to be destructive with them.
And it's not going to happen.
So I just want to tell Joe Biden, And whoever the hell is handling him and all these people.
Notice even Xi Jinping and Putin won't say Trump's laws.
They get this is insane.
The Mexican president had an election stolen from him.
He's a socialist!
He's supporting Trump because they recognize this.
Dr. Pucinich, in the nine minutes we have left, you've got the floor at other points, but just big picture historically and what we the people can do to make sure that this election is clean.
Obviously Trump won.
How we get President Trump in to truly keep America great.
I think what's important is to, one, understand the Constitution and the fact that we're a republic.
We can tolerate these kinds of upheavals.
This is part of what a republic is about.
We're not a democracy.
That means our Founding Fathers understood very clearly that every person could not vote directly, otherwise we would have the French Revolution.
We do not have a French Revolution.
What we do have is an upheaval here, where for 40 years since 9-11 and even before that, we brought in an individual who's never been part of the system.
Remember that.
This is the first time we've brought in a businessman And this is the first time in decades where a businessman said, this is not correct.
We're not going to work in a system that's totally corrupt, run by two parties, which in fact are not two parties, but totally involved with each other.
There was no sense that we're choosing either Republican or Democrat.
He then appointed all kinds of individuals who are individualists.
Look at Richard Grenell.
Look at Pam Bondi.
These are not people who are part of the system.
They came into the system and they're fighting.
I didn't get picked, but I understood what was happening.
And basically, I was given, let's say, some permission to say what was going on.
Whether I'm right or wrong is to be proven.
But I happen to be very clear in my message.
Trump will win.
I would ask the people of America just to stay calm.
Do what you're doing.
Go to work.
Let's get the economy back again.
I want all the small businesses to come up again.
This notion of the pandemic is nonsense.
Oh, that's right.
We hit the break and that's what it is.
Get into the pandemic fraud as a medical doctor.
Explain to people what's really going on.
Well, the medical fraud that you had a coronavirus and you're going to die, it's absolutely absurd.
What you die from usually is what we call a comorbidity.
So when you hear on the news that an 18-year-old individual died from coronavirus, that's not what happened.
Usually that individual had high blood pressure, diabetes, and other concerns.
The biggest concern we have in medicine in the United States, close to 100 million people, are fat, obese.
And if you look around, you will notice that that's the biggest epidemic we had.
The biggest epidemic of infectious disease we conquered.
That was polio.
And Sabin went to the Soviet Union.
He took out the blood of people who were affected by polio and then transmitted it back into our bloodlines.
That's what needs to be accounted for now.
We're not doing that.
Fauci is a disaster.
CDC is a disaster.
mRNA and AstraZeneca, that's absolute nonsense.
Monoclonal antibodies, mRNA, will dissolve very quickly.
They're not effective vaccines.
You said that eight months ago.
They now admit it doesn't even give you real immunity, so we can quote, never leave our houses again.
And the head of the Davos group says it's about a carbon tax and locking us down.
They now admit it's about being prisoners.
This is insane.
Well, you know, remember, we're an alternative media.
There's no reason for anybody to believe me or believe you.
We don't really make a living out of this.
But the people in the big pharmaceuticals, what we call, they create what's called a dump, a pump and dump.
In other words, they make believe they have something, they have absolutely nothing, and then they dump their money.
And honestly, when this is over, I think Trump should start going after it.
All these big companies and break them apart.
And they've been out of control, particularly in the pharmaceutical business.
And we know exactly who they are.
More importantly, the coronavirus.
You listen to a George Carlin video.
I grew up in New York.
The more exposed you are, To pathogens, to infections, to dirt, to better your immunity system.
Nowhere in our theory do you put away an innocent or a non-infectious individual into a house.
That's not heard of.
That's nonsense.
And so what's happening is we created a whole fear.
This administration, along with the Bidens, created an entire fear.
Trump understood that.
He's backtracking on it.
Fauci will leave.
CDC will leave.
HHS will be taken down.
And this will be all part of the cleaning action.
It's time for you to go outside.
You're not going to die.
And we have to stop giving $35,000 to every stupid hospital that claims somebody died of coronavirus when in fact it was comorbidity, meaning there are other people.
In my area, which is a small town, I have people who are 94, 97, 98, they come in, they eat, they don't wear masks, they're fine.
So let's get real.
But Schwab admits, he says it's not a real threat, he says it's great, we're using it to cut carbon footprint and save the earth while he's super rich.
I mean, this is insane.
That they just admit the crimes they're committing.
What is the psychological point of that?
Because you can say, oh they're losers, these are the richest guys on earth.
Well, let me put it this way.
You can only have so many dollars and basically, they're not exactly, what's happening is, they're self-aggrandizing at a point at which it's nonsensical.
Yeah, there's a saveness of the earth, and like, like Ramsey's ordering the firstborn of the Israelis, or the Jews to be killed, it's the same deal.
Like, you're just, you have nothing, I'm saving the earth, but I have a jumbo jet.
I mean, you know, you can listen to all this nonsense, but basically what's disappeared?
Hollywood disappeared completely.
And at the same time, you had the church disappear.
So that's what you're saying is their system's collapsing.
They want to take us with them.
Well, that's pretty much it.
I left the Council on Foreign Relations, I left all that other nonsense, the World Economic Forum, I never belonged to it.
But if you have to belong to a group that has to self-aggrandize, my advice is get out, do your own thing, build your own company, don't worry, take the risk.
And failure is part of capitalism.
Well, I agree with that statement.
So what is the corrupt inbred power searcher going to do when they in their own admission say their time is over and they don't know what to do?
So they want to annihilate all of us?
Make us poor so they can be bigger than us?
That sounds like a recipe of disaster.
No, they're not going to do anything.
Basically, we'll arrest a whole bunch of people, but for the most part, they will all disappear back into the woods or to the ground, or the cemeteries, wherever they come from.
But for the most part, there's many institutions that will not be around.
The main press, the TV shows, all of that nonsense is gone.
Hollywood... That's right, and COVID lockdown is a face-saving, because I know folks in Hollywood, they're telling him, none of it's coming back, it's all done.
Well, you better explain Netflix, who really avoided Hollywood and is making a fortune and has nothing to do with Hollywood, because they are finished.
And basically, the real problem for me is why haven't the Christian churches and spokesmen come to the forefront?
That is, for me, a sad commentary.
They got bought off by the Rothschild-Rockefeller ecumenical movement.
All right, stevepachinick.com.
Find his books and material there.
Steve, we really appreciate you.
Thank you for all the time.
Thank you and God bless.
You know what? I just I kind of did a false start there a false ending come back
I got one more question for you then phone calls, and then we got Jay Dyer taking over
I got a serious question because everybody's talking about Election fraud and watermarks. I know those exist a Secret
Service 30 years ago had it in printer ink And I know all that stuff, so that's a real thing
I wanted to get your take on that trade ahead with Steve McKinney Well life is not a sprint. It's a marathon
Here we are, Alex Jones, live, broadcasting worldwide.
Jay Dyer, great researcher on the big reset on the Globalist Plants Jr.
Coming up, I had Owen Troyer on the road with Harrison Smith and others for the War Room.
All right, Dr. Pecheneg, you're a smart guy, best-selling author, worked State Department, everywhere else, did a lot of great work.
You're a psychiatrist.
Looking at two points.
What can we the people do to take action right now?
And then separately, I've got the intel pouring in during the break.
I can't even read it all.
Trump is just axing all these people at the Pentagon that are civilians and bringing in all these war heroes right now.
And again, I see the pucker factor in MSM.
They are visibly scared.
I've got videos of them learning that Trump's winning states.
They're like cussing on air and panicking.
I mean, I just want to see more of this because it's our country.
I don't like authoritarianism.
I don't like military doing domestic actions.
Unless a military and a foreign power is attacking me, then I want the military in there and I cheer it on.
I mean, we didn't bring ourselves to this point.
The globalists did.
I just smell their destruction.
I smell blood right now.
Well, you're a good bloodhound.
I mean, you're Sherlock Holmes in that way.
I don't mean it facetiously.
What you smell and what I had anticipated with a group of others is that we have a group of incredible generals you may not have heard of.
General Keith Alexander, General Boykin, Special Forces, General Nakasone, Cyber Command, NSA.
I mean, there's a whole group of them.
Colin Agee, Colonels.
I can't tell you the numbers and hundreds and thousands of men and women who have been involved in this, whatever you want to call it, project to make sure that our country and republic remains standing and viable.
What can the American public do?
This attempted steal is only going to escalate their action.
Well, in a way, yes.
But the best thing the American public can do is support Trump.
Show that support and go out and demonstrate it and say, I still believe in Trump.
You go back to work.
We need this economy to increase, to go back and build those businesses that were taken down for whatever reason.
And let's go and keep the economy up.
The main enemy action is to shut our economy off.
So we need to stop that.
The thrust of America is really a capitalist economy.
That's why most of the people in big tech can say whatever they want.
They will be broken up in time.
Their Proposition 230 is going to be reinstituted.
They're going to be liable.
They're going to be broken up.
They know that.
It's just a simple question of time before Google gets broken up, Facebook is broken up, Dorsey's going to pay a heavy price for what he did on Twitter and what he did on Square.
So all of that will come about as Trump comes in.
There are people who are working in all parts of this country to keep the Republic safe.
Have faith in that Republic.
Continue to support Alex Jones.
Support Project Veritas, all those alternative media, those are important.
I can't tell you how important the communication has been because the Main Street media has blocked us completely.
Hollywood, of course, has blackmailed me completely.
I can't do anything there and I wouldn't.
But my point to you is you do not give up.
You go out, You show your faith in the Republic.
If you want to show the American flag with Trump, that's fine.
I will guarantee you, my career and my future, Trump will be the next President of the United States for the next eight years.
Not only four years, it will be eight years.
Pelosi, Feinstein, all the others are going to go down.
And they're either going to leave or they're going to be taken out.
Schumer, all the rest came out of California.
By the way, you don't hear the voting in California, do you?
If it turns out to be a red state, which it may well be.
You're going to be very surprised, but do not be surprised if Trump remains in power and remains as a president of the United States.
Well, I'm really upset about these contact tracers where you've been tested, you've got to have that to go to a restaurant or a concert.
They're trying to bring in the global social credit score.
I mean, big tech is just out of control.
It's always been out of control, but if you really believe that those tests are effective in any way, I don't.
I can't recommend it, but I don't take the flu vaccine because 50% of the time they're not correct.
They don't know which flu comes in, so it's up to you to decide.
As a doctor, I would say there's a lot of misinformation here, and there's a lot of miscreant behavior going on in the different high-tech companies.
Let me raise that question.
Trump tries to come up with a Pfizer one.
They say it's 90% effective.
Obviously, it's got side effects.
It's got issues.
I'm not promoting it.
But they want to push their mRNA.
So suddenly, they say, take the vaccine.
He's proven right.
He has it on time.
They admit they held it up to make Trump look bad.
And then they turn that into, oh, vaccines aren't safe, but take ours.
Well, you got to remember one thing.
I can control the public, any public, by creating fear.
In this case, we created fear.
Fear was created by saying, you know, you have a virus that may not exist.
And if you do not put a mask on your face or what we consider a diaper, like Diaper Biden, who puts it on and it's just ludicrous, then you will contaminate others and you will become sick yourself.
Now you understand how Mussolini came to power, you understand how Hitler came to power, and you understand how Stalin comes to power.
It's a very easy lesson.
Create fear, manipulate the fear, be able to assuage the fear, and force everybody to act accordingly.
There you are.
Basically, your mask is the sign of Acquiescence and stupidity, for me.
I mean, you know, you can have other doctors say what they want, but from my point of view, the mask does nothing.
And the military knows that, and if anything, the mask has been a real problem.
Well, beyond the nothing, what about the studies of 1970, 1918 flu, that most of the deaths were from bacterial pneumonia.
They think they were incubated in the mask.
I agree with that.
Number one, I said to you, well, a year ago that I had the corona virus.
And how did I treat it?
Was it for Max?
Basically, it was a bacteria that came in after the virus.
And I was able to knock it out when you wear a mask.
And that's the Spanish flu and all the other flus.
You basically create your own critical mass of bacteria that you want that, in fact, become A victim of pneumonia or bacteria.
So Dr. let's be clear.
I mean, let's be clear.
You're Harvard MIT educated, but I can read the studies myself.
Fauci published one in 2008 saying, wearing a mask during viral infection, the viruses cause lesions, bacteria are there, bacteria carry in more viruses.
You wear a mask, it lets them incubate and blow back in.
Yes, they are my friend.
oxygen is what's killing them so by suppressing that, upping carbon dioxide
you're allowing them to spread. That's what the study says so when they put us
in masks they're trying to cause a higher death toll. There's no way they're
just that dumb. Yes they are my friend. You're the one who just explained the
entire rational approach to this.
You just said it correctly.
The mask will create the bacteria and will create the problem that you're trying to avoid.
There's no question about it.
But if that's what you want to believe and they put it and couch it in terms of liberalism or saving other lives or nonsensical concepts, that's up to the individual.
I have not worn a mask.
I will not wear a mask.
And if somebody wants to wear a mask, that's up to them, but I will not respect the wearing of a mask.
It means nothing more than acquiescence and abeyance to stupidity and ignorance.
All right.
Dr. Pachinik, thank you so much for joining us.
We really appreciate you.
Take care.
Thank you very much, and God bless.
God bless.
All right.
We got Jay Dyer, really smart researcher, talk show host, real deep researcher, because I'll be honest, I used to read books by the globalists, hundreds of them.
The last 10 years, I might have read 10 of them.
I read the white papers, I read the synopses, I read the articles about it.
This guy actually reads all their books, because, man, I get upset reading these things.
It's like this new COVID-19 global reset.
Heather Davos Group, he admits it's all a fraud.
He admits it's a takeover.
They got the Archbishop coming out and saying it's a satanic takeover.
Globalist Klaus Schwab, world will never return to normal under COVID.
That's a quote.
We've got all of this.
Archbishop writes open letter to Trump warning of COVID health dictatorship.
It's all coming up hell right now.
Separately, you're amazing.
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So when you call in thanking me, I want to thank you.
Jay Dyer takes over on the other side of this two-minute break.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host for this final hour, Jay Dyer of jaysanalysis.com.
And since Alex and Paul Joseph Watson did a really great interview yesterday covering what Klaus Schwab of the Davos World Economic Forum cabal has been saying lately, I thought we could do a little bit of rehearsal, right?
We get back into what Klaus said and also touch on some of the other statements from the World Economic Forum.
Let's talk about the video that they put out first, because this really encapsulates everything in one brief clip.
I don't know if you guys have that ready, but If we walk through this video, if we can pull that up, what we're going to see is eight points that they laid out back in 2016.
And these eight points are going to show every single thing that will be the New World Order in essence.
That is the technocracy in full play, all laid out in this two-minute video that, by the way, went viral in the last few days and in the World Economic Forum deleted this clip.
So the first thing that they mentioned, if we can pull that up, In this video is, if not, I can look at my copy of it.
It starts out by saying that the U.S.
will not be a an economic superpower.
So the U.S.
is going to decline.
The U.S.
is going to experience possibly some sort of reintegration into a global federation, as Klaus himself says in his books.
So remember, this is the head of the World Economic Forum, Davos Klaus Schwab is the guy behind this whole project
And he works with the top elites.
Remember, we looked at Davos for many years, the elites that go to Davos, very similar to more
of a public version of Bilderberg, that kind of a thing.
But you'll notice that right away, they said we've got to target the US.
The US has to be destroyed, has to decline.
And then he ultimately says be reintegrated into some form of global federation.
The next point he says is that there will be a handful of countries that will dominate.
You will now be subject to some group of countries that they select, right?
Presumably China and other countries.
I think it was Kissinger that said that China is the future, the Chinese century, according to the globalist, right?
So that's what you're going to submit to.
The UN, together with China, together with the IMF, together with the World Economic Forum, they're all going to come together and decide what the global policies will be.
And of course, those countries are themselves fronts for bigger families and bigger operations that have been subverting those countries for a long time, all the way back to the OSS.
If you read Bill Donovan, if you look at the declassified documents of the CIA, how the OSS went and trained Mao's guerrillas.
And they set up the present-day communist system.
That was done by the Rockefeller decision.
That was not done by organic communist revolutionaries on the ground, right?
The next point that they make that you may have forgotten about, but we haven't forgotten about it because I cover all these Global Leap books, is diet.
A long, long time ago, Plato said that diet is one of the things that you have to attack.
You have to attack people's food supply because that's a basic function of energy and the economy, right?
And society is people eating to do the slave labor that they're going to do.
And they don't want you to be healthy and fit.
And of course, the most nutrient optimal diet for a human being is meat and meat fats.
And so they want to, first and foremost, get rid of meat.
Why do you think so many of these global elitists in the last two years have poured billions of dollars into veganism, into the vegan cult, into banning meat, into fake meat, into making poop meat?
I'm not joking, by the way.
That's a Bill Gates project.
He actually wants you to eat SH you-know-what, literally.
And so you've got all these other elitists that want to Reorganize the human diet, and we'll see why that's so important in Klaus's book here in a minute.
But that's why the Fortune 100, especially the food companies, and by the way, remember there's a couple companies that control like 90% of food distribution now, like four or five major corporations that control all food.
And so you have to understand that that's a key way to attack the population, to dumb them down and to make them weak, as Plato said many centuries ago.
In the Republic.
I want to remind you to be sure and support InfoWars, buy their supplements, go to the InfoWars store, and we'll be back in just a second.
I'm Jay Dyer.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jeff Sose, Jay Dyer, jaysandalsos.com.
Be sure and follow me on my social media outlets while I'm still there.
And then you can check me out on Parler as well.
We were talking about Klaus Schwab, Davos, World Economic Forum, and then basically uncloaking.
Just like Hydra.
If you watched, you know, the Marvel series more recently with the Avengers and Captain America, you know that Hydra was like this shady institution that was international that was planning all these kinds of depopulation operations and surveillance and putting into place AI that would basically run the planet.
And that's what we're talking about here.
We're talking about Spectre that's real.
Imagine James Bond.
You know, he's fighting Spectre all these years, but in reality, James Bond works for Spectre, okay?
James Bond is the agent of Spectre, and that's what we're looking at here.
You can look at the World Economic Forum, Davos, literally like Spectre.
If you saw the actual recent Bond film Spectre from a few years ago, you remember there's
that scene where they're all sitting in some place in Rome and it's like this darkly lit
room of this big palace that they're sitting in or whatever.
And they're reading over the recent reports from black markets and it's like, Mr. Blofelds,
we've got 23 million people trafficked in human trafficking operations.
We're up 5% from last year.
Yes, sir, we've got 75 million added in bonus drug trafficking, blah, blah, blah.
So they just go through all these stats about the black markets, and that's what we're talking about here is literally a gigantic secret octopus that runs all of this stuff and their goal.
And there you go, exactly.
That's the perfect analogy to Klaus Schwab, right?
And so their plan is now fully in the open.
It's not a conspiracy.
It's not a theory.
It's all plain and simple.
By the way, they deleted this tweet.
This sequence of claims in this video, this plan that we're talking about, they deleted this.
And the reason they deleted it is because it went viral.
Somebody dug this up from the 2016 clip from the World Economic Forum.
It literally says, and by the way, it's not just, oh, maybe it'll be like this in the tech utopia when we bring in this utopia.
No, no, no.
This is a plan, right?
And they're already implementing this now.
And it's not a utopia.
It's a dystopia.
The next thing they say is that you're going to have to do a better job at experiencing open borders and reintegration of foreign populations.
Now this is an older technique of economic and social warfare, right, which where you
use migrant populations.
There's a whole book, there's actually War College Pentagon books on this.
Kelly Greenhill wrote a book called Weapons of Mass Migration.
It's a well-known strategy.
It's an ancient technique of warfare where you can flood a people group, an existing
people group, with foreign people groups to disrupt the economy.
And one easy way to see that disruption is the stresses that it puts on the existing
welfare system.
But now you can see why Cloward and pivot this kind of stuff.
The model is to have more and more welfare.
And then that puts a strain on the taxation, the population and feeding into.
The new, in-moving population, the migrant population.
It's a form of warfare and that's why you see people like Erdogan threatening to send migrants into countries that don't, for example, do what he wants to do.
So, what you're seeing here is the elite themselves saying that it's a full-spectrum plan.
It's every area of life.
It's not a conspiracy theory.
It's the elite themselves saying it's a full spectrum plan.
Openly, a million plus people watched this video.
Time Magazine has a cover.
Right now, The Great Reset.
And you've got half of the population thinks this is a conspiracy theory.
They think this is crazy.
Well, it's not going to be crazy when Klaus gets his way and when you start to see the things that Klaus talks about.
We're seeing it now.
Klaus talked about shaping the future and the revolution that we're going through right now two or three years ago in this book.
And then he wrote a book recently on COVID.
He says COVID is the perfect thing to bring in what we want.
It's the Great Reset.
It's the catalyst for the Great Reset.
Now, what's the Great Reset?
Well, let's go back to our Our series of slides here from this video, the next thing they talk about is polluters.
What do they mean by polluters?
Well, they're talking about the existing American economy, right?
They're not talking about pollution in other countries.
And they're not even talking about pollution.
They're talking about, quote, carbon, right?
Which is basic life forms.
In other words, remember, every time you see the carbon tax, that's a tax on life.
That's what it actually means.
So taxing life, you're gonna have to pay life tax.
To the international elite, to the bankers.
And this also is an attack on the economy, right?
It's an attack on the existing structure, the existing economy to weaken the U.S.
so that it can be integrated into this global power structure.
And that's what so many of these leftists and so many of these control freaks, the students out on the streets, the 50 million Americans who think that they're going to get all this free crap.
It's not free crap.
And it's slavery.
And it's always been the case that, yeah, you can have theoretically a local welfare system, but when the decentralized federal government tries to have welfare for the entire country, right, since what LBJ's Great Society Project, and now there's going to be a global welfare system that they're calling the credit system, the social credit score, the universal basic income, all the tech elites are saying this, this is insane.
And in fact, Klaus even says in his book, That they're going to make sure that when they lock down all natural resources, including water, that they're going to say, they're saying, we're going to ration it to you, you see, based on a new set of values, which he calls the new covenant.
I'm not joking.
That's what he says in his book.
He says it's a new religious covenant.
He doesn't use the word religion, but what is a covenant?
It's religious.
It's from the Bible.
This new covenant, We'll have an AI system that will ration to everyone what they think is the fair amount of water, what's the fair amount of resources.
And that's why, as we'll see in a minute, he says that you're not going to own anything.
And this is not just him.
This is some of the wealthiest people on the planet talking about just basic bitch communism, right?
Now, they're not communists.
They have yachts.
They have palaces.
They have underground fortresses like, you know, Blofelders, you know, Bond villains.
No, no, this is for you.
This is for everyone else, right?
You're not going to get the transhumanist stuff.
You're not going to get the tech.
Now this is for them and their family and their elite groups.
And that's why it's so sickening is the hypocrisy of these people, right?
To openly own, you know, palaces, yachts, private jets, you know, basically these corporations have Their own GDP above many small countries, right?
But they want to enforce this communistic type of system for the masses.
And on top of this communistic layer for the masses, there's a fascistic system of technocratic control, right?
So you've got a sort of quasi-fascist system of the technocracy that's in a public-private partnership with the corporations, the Fortune 100, enforcing a communistic, egalitarian, so-called system below that.
Where everybody gets a fair and equal redistribution of resources and what's based on need, right?
What was Marx's famous, you know, dictum about whatever to each his own, right?
Based on your needs.
And then above that is the elite themselves.
So you've got this basic pyramidal structure of a not bound by any laws crop of billionaires and more elites up here.
The fascistic system of the tech control here in the middle that pretends to be in place like it's liberal and all this nonsense.
And then the sort of communistic shared economy for everybody down below.
That's almost like Plato's Pyramid, except that the middle structure of Plato's Pyramid was at least guardian class warriors, or at least had some sort of noble courage.
But for the masses, everything had to be kind of, you know, completely controlled and totally under a technocratic idea.
But if we look back at the list here from the WEF, The next thing they say is that, and this was an odd one that they threw in there, and this could speak to where the next phase of this program goes in the next five or ten years.
It's entirely possible that they could come up with some alien mythology, some alien nonsense, right?
Where they're going to say, oh yes, we were seeded here by, you know, space visitors and all this nonsense.
And that's the new mythology, right?
The new religion, you know, something new agey Darwin alien or something.
That's what that's what Klaus is talking about here, right?
Scientists will have worked out a way to keep you healthy in space.
Oh, you're going to fly around like Kirk and, you know, Spock in space.
It's going to be Utopia, right?
Maybe we'll find aliens.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer.
On this fourth hour, we were talking about the list in the sequence of World Economic Forum plans.
The next in this list was the perhaps Discovery of alien life and that humans perhaps were seeded, right, by aliens.
It's called panspermia and many of the scientific elite for a long time have been obsessed with this idea.
Many of them have even written white paper reports.
There was a 1960s Brookings Institute paper that said if we promote the idea of alien life and that that's the origin of perhaps humanity, then we can replace the Christian biblical values of the West.
That's literally what the paper says.
And so they know, from a psychological warfare standpoint, that you can manipulate the mass mind and their belief systems, their worldview, with these kinds of plans, with these kinds of projects.
In fact, I just tweeted out a couple days ago a declassified document About the CIA using religious warfare to manipulate world views.
So using doctrines, using religious ideas, twisting them, basically playing on divisive areas of different religious states and nations to split the countries to divide.
And I think that's what we're seeing here.
If you look at, for example, the Roman Catholic Church, what is happening in the Roman Catholic Church with the letters that Vigano and other people have been writing to Trump, You're seeing a split down the middle over this controversial, radical statements of Pope Francis, who obviously aligns with Klaus and all the rest of the globalists, right?
And so the goal there, split that group down the middle, right?
The Roman Catholic Church down the middle.
The Orthodox Church, the same situation going on, split it down the middle, especially over the drama in the Ukraine, the CIA supporting that schism in the Ukraine.
So, the Orthodox Church, then, is to be split down the middle.
And what's happening in the U.S., the Democrats, the radicals that are involved in this coup that they've been talking about for months and months and months, they said they would do a coup, and here they are doing it.
They're splitting the U.S.
down the middle.
They want to divide it.
They want to get everybody at each other's throats.
And so, this method is very useful.
It's classic, right?
I'm not just saying divide and conquer.
It's more sophisticated than that.
Not just divide and get everybody to each other's throats.
It's also about the reintegration into the bigger global technocratic picture.
And that's why the next in Klaus's list here from the Economic Forum is point eight.
Western values will have to be tested to the breaking point.
Tested to the breaking point?
In other words, we want to break it.
We're going to break the West, right?
And if you know the mindset of the global elite, that's what he means there.
I guarantee you that's what they're talking about.
They're not just saying, Oh, we're going to test it to see if it works.
And if it, if it works, we'll let it continue.
No, no, break it, break it.
And so they're saying the existing system.
And that's what, uh, if you saw, in fact, there was a recent podcast that Klaus himself did with none other than Prince Charles.
Klaus and Prince Charles, they're doing their own little podcast together, right?
Imagine the Prince of England, right?
Oh, let's do a podcast.
Let's do a podcast, Klaus, and let's talk about how to kill everyone, right?
That's what they're doing, right?
And Klaus says, yes, we're going to kill them all!
In this podcast, they talk about the fact that the existing system of the world Capitalism as we know it has to go away.
It doesn't work.
And there's a lot of people who have criticisms of monopolistic capitalism, of, you know, finance capitalism and all that.
And you can have those criticisms.
But but here's my problem.
I had a liberal friend of mine from a long longtime liberal friend the other day.
He was arguing with me.
He says, he says, you don't like these elites that run things right now.
They're rich.
Aren't you going to be happy when their system goes away?
And I said, don't you understand?
They're not bringing in a nice, better system.
For all the problems in the existing system, what they're bringing in is going to be 10 times worse.
That's what I'm trying to tell you, right?
This is not going to be good for 99% of the people.
This is going to be good for 0.0001% of the elite, the 6,000 managerial class that Rothkopf talked about, who work underneath these global elitists.
That's who it's going to be good for.
And that's what Klaus is talking about.
He says this system, these ideas that create middle class wealth and energy, that's got to go away.
And we can't put our system into place, which is a top-down control system under the cloak of liberalism and democracy.
We can't put that into place until we get rid of this largely energized middle class.
That has to go away.
Now, I'm not saying that everything about the middle class is perfect.
I'm just saying that for them to bring in the next phase, The previous phase has to die.
And that's what their whole podcast was about.
Their whole podcast was him and Brit Strawls was, look, we need to reset Because the existing system has problems.
And what they'll do is hype all the problems in the existing system, many of which they create and promote.
They like the problems, the chaos, right?
Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Arc of crisis, according to Brzezinski.
They love the crises so that they can point to the crises and say, look at how bad you are.
Look at all of your overconsumption.
Look at all of you people having kids, eating meat.
Don't you feel guilty?
It's a guilt manipulation tactic.
And then they say, we're going to fix that for you.
We're going to help you out because we love you, even though we want to kill everybody, we love you still, right?
We're going to put in a system that's fair.
You remember when all the COVID stuff started?
What did Bill Gates say in all of his interviews?
Oh, we want to bring in a system that's fair.
We're going to fairly distribute billions of dollars.
This guy has billions of dollars.
Is he going to fairly distribute any of those billions to you?
No, of course not.
He's talking about you, the upper middle class, the wealthy class.
He's talking about taking their money and redistributing it.
Taking your tax money and redistributing it.
It's such an obvious scam.
And it's amazing to me how many people, especially boomers, all these boomers that voted for Biden, that are falling for this.
Well, he's gonna get me, I'm gonna get my free stuff, I'm gonna get my medicines, I'm gonna get my meds.
No, it's Trump that was actually working to get you your meds, right?
A boomer's on like 20 different meds.
You go to a boomer's medicine counter, they got like 50 meds up there, right?
No, you want all those meds?
Wasn't it Trump that was working to get those medicines for you for a cheaper price?
And you want to go under Biden, who says he wants to tank the entire Western economy by getting rid of oil?
Are you crazy?
I mean, it's mind-boggling, right?
And Klaus says, together with the United Nations, the IMF, Bill Gates and Microsoft, BP and other companies, we're going to initiate a reset.
Where have we heard of the idea of a reset?
If you've studied the French Revolution, then you know that they had this idea that they could do a reset Where when they destroyed all the existing culture of France, they could erect a new society.
And by the new society, they don't just mean a better running system.
They're talking about everything else that you had going away.
Now you understand why they get rid of landmarks and monuments.
All of that has to wipe away.
It's a reset.
It's a delete on your history, on your tradition, on your heritage.
All that goes away.
That's the delete, the delete button.
And then what do the French revolutionaries do?
They institute a new calendar because the calendar is religious.
Christmas, Easter, this kind of stuff.
They put in a new calendar of these weird made-up holidays like Thermidor.
Atheist holidays.
You can't make this up.
Atheist holidays that are just made-up names.
Thermidor, what?
What the heck is that?
This is Jay Dyer, Jay's Analysis.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back in just a moment.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jays Analysis.
If you'd like to support my work, you can subscribe there at my website, jaysanalysis.com.
I do lectures.
I do summaries and analysis of the writings of the elite.
We've covered almost 45 or 50 of those in the last couple of years.
So you can go get yourself a master's, PhD level education for $4.95 a month.
You can't beat that, right?
And there's no brainwashing.
It doesn't come with any Ponytailed granola bar professor brainwashing that comes just directly from the writings of the elite.
And by the way, I wanted to let you know I had a few conversations in the last week with some leftists, with a former Hollywood person, a person who was a lead in a pretty big movie a couple years ago.
And he and I were going back and forth and he said, man, he said, I'm starting to realize Hollywood's going away.
It's like I don't have any more work.
He says, I think the work is drying up.
And, you know, I've been turned on to your writings about Hollywood and your books.
And so even Hollywood has been looking at Esoteric Hollywood.
So be sure and get a signed copy of my book, Esoteric Hollywood.
And even some of the Hollywood people have been looking at that work.
I was in a documentary a couple years ago that Sean Stone did that's really good, by the way.
I'd recommend with Oliver Stone, Sean Stone, other people.
It's called Hollywood DC, so be sure and check that out if you've never seen it because we were really working to try to expose this relationship of Hollywood as an organ of the deep state, right?
But that's a different topic.
Back to Klaus.
What was Klaus saying in his number one?
What was point number one in this?
Point number one, you will own nothing and you'll be happy.
In the sequences in the World Economic Forum video, you will own nothing.
And you're going to like it.
Because Bill Gates said it's going to be a fair redistribution.
He says that in the interviews.
Are we going to make it fair?
It's going to be fair.
I'm going to have my African companies that will basically make me New Balance sneakers for the next 20 years.
I'll have a monopoly on all the New Balance sneakers.
I'll own Microsoft.
I'll own everything.
I'll own your soul, but it's going to be fair.
I'm going to give you a ration.
You're going to get a crap burger once a week.
It's going to be delivered by an Amazon drone because I'm invested in crap burgers.
You think that this is made up.
Go look up Bill Gates and the fake food and Beyond Meat and using crap to make burgers.
And if you think these people aren't satanic, just think about the weirdness.
The sicko nature of making people eat their own refuse.
And I think that they get off on that.
I think Alex is 100% right when he says that that's a demonic attitude of really rubbing people's face in it.
That's what this is about.
And a lot of people have Stockholm Syndrome.
A lot of people like being Tread upon.
They like being a slave.
They like being told that, you know, you're going to lick the boots of Bill Gates and you're going to like it.
And I'm not.
I'm not going to do that.
I would just rather die than do that.
I mean, I think a lot of people feel that way, too.
They would rather not live a life that's just In total servitude to technocrats?
Give me a break.
I don't want to live that kind of life.
So I think most of you out there don't want to live that kind of life.
And that's why we're talking about this today is that you have to understand that there are evil people in the world.
There are people who are raised even to be in these positions, and they're actually trained, believe it or not, to be evil.
There's a section in Quigley's book, Tragedy and Hope, the famous book where he says that The elite have the tendency to send their children off to boarding school so that they don't develop an attachment to their mother.
And the reason they do that is to make sure that they don't have any sense of empathy.
So you're talking about an elite degenerate class that is trained to not have empathy.
They see that as a weakness.
They see that as a... I mean, I don't know why they would see... I mean, if you look at evolution, right?
If you believe in evolutionary theory, then the trait of empathy Right, shouldn't that be part of the naturalistic deterministic process?
I mean, all of the processes are naturalistic deterministic processes, so I don't know why one trait, right, it would be somehow weakness.
I would think that the traits that we have would be, you know, supposedly there for the purpose of the survival of the fittest, but I presume they think that, oh, no, no, it's psychopathy, right?
Psychopathy is the trait that will actually further the species because if you are willing to kill everybody else, then you're going to go into the future.
Oh, wait a minute, but if you kill everybody else, you don't have a species.
So actually, psychopathy is not advantageous to the species.
The protection of the other members of the species is what's advantageous to the species, you see.
So even if you're not a theist, even if you believe in just a sort of a naturalistic process, it still doesn't make sense to have a cancerous group of people in charge of the species.
And that's literally what they say they want to be.
Bertrand Russell, Jonas Salk, they wrote entire books.
Survival of the Wisest, Scientific Outlook, saying the scientific priest class, aka the Scientific priest class that's owned by the banking class has to step up and commandeer and control evolution.
And the way that we do that is to institute mandatory death panels, death care, euthanasia, Malthusianism, right?
All of the plans that you've heard InfoWars Alex talking about for 20 years.
So this last point that Klaus makes in his book and in this series of slides from this video is that you're not going to own anything because it's going to be what they call a circular economy.
Now Klaus talks about this in his book.
He says that the circular economy is one in which this mistaken notion of owning property and private property or the right of owning property is gone.
And the way that they're going to do that is to make you feel guilty, right?
You've hurt Mother Earth because you have a car, because you have a house, because you have children.
You're a danger.
You're a cancer to Mother Earth.
And so inculcate the guilt, the false guilt, right?
And by the way, when people leave the belief in God, they don't get rid of theism.
They just adopt a new God.
And the elite know this.
They know that when you move a population into atheistic views, they will replace it with new types of deities and new idols, and you can manipulate their guilt mechanism in this new system that you've put in place.
So, remember, you haven't done away with religion.
Now you have an eco-religion, which tells you that you're guilty, not because of sin.
The new sin is ecocide, right?
Hurting the planet.
And that's what Klaus says.
Klaus says, this is the new covenant.
He calls it a new covenant in the book.
The new covenant of morals is one in which you're guilty for these types of things.
See yourself as guilty.
He says, inculcate totally new values for the entire world, and especially the West.
The West especially has to be targeted, right?
Because the West has been such an engine of economic technological progress.
Now the elites say, take that away, remove that, get rid of it, transfer it to us, and let them collapse and integrate into a big global federation run by, you know, basically Eurasia that the elite will put in power, right?
It's not the Chinese people that we're, you know, opposed to or anything like that.
It's the elite who are put into power.
By this specter-like cabal, right, this international group of the Fortune 100 and their controllers.
So that's what we're talking about here is a circular economy.
There's TED Talks, go look it up.
TED Talks, thousands, millions of views on these TED Talks about how the way that we exist presently, we'll have to die because it's killing the planet.
The whole of society will be reorganized.
It's all going away.
It's all dying.
So the way that you think of things, this is what these people say, is that you're working in the old model.
You're in the Enlightenment centuries-old model of how things are going to work.
It's time for the next revolution.
What's the next revolution?
It's what Aldous Huxley called the final revolution, the end of man, the post-human revolution.
You think, how does that relate to Trump and all this stuff?
It relates directly to the election because they said that the Great Reset can be brought in through this lockdown.
That's what this is?
It's not a conspiracy theory.
They wrote books on it openly years ago, right?
This is Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
Be sure and support InfoWars in the InfoWars store and be sure and support me at jaysanalysis.com.
And we'll be back in just a second to talk a little bit more about what's in Klaus's book and maybe what they have in the next phase if we don't stop this.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of jasonalstice.com.
You can find me on all the social media outlets, YouTube as well, under my name, Jay Dyer.
We're talking about Klaus, we're talking about the World Economic Forum, and the Great Reset.
We are talking about the exposure of the Great Reset and stopping this ridiculous, inane plan of austerity, shutdown, and neo-feudalism.
The last thing that we said there was, number one, you're not going to own anything.
Bill Gates and Klaus are going to own everything, but don't worry, dude.
It's going to be okay.
He's going to fairly distribute the wealth.
Why are you being such a conspiracy theorist, bro?
Don't you think he's going to be fair?
I mean, he gave you all those computers with all that malware, right?
He wouldn't lie.
He wouldn't be unfair.
Let's talk about Klaus's book.
A little bit of a refresher.
Now, we did a video on this a couple months ago and three months ago, I think.
And that's what Alex was talking about yesterday in his show with Paul Joseph Watson.
Now, when we covered this book, that video got, I don't know, 40,000 views?
I mean, why doesn't, why aren't we getting this out?
People, share that video!
Share this video!
I want this, this is designed to be a lecture, a rundown, right, of understanding and comprehending And working against this idea of Great Reset.
So please share this video.
Please support what we're doing here.
We're trying to get this message out.
And again, the mainstream media outlets are not going to cover this.
In fact, again, they deleted that tweet from 2016 with the eight-point plan of bringing in technocratic communism.
Now why did they delete that?
Because everybody was calling attention to it.
It went viral.
It got a million plus views.
So they deleted it.
Well, Klaus still tweets about it.
He just tweeted the other day.
He said, buy my COVID book for, what do you call it, wintermas.
Not Christmas.
Wintermas, you see.
They don't like Jesus.
They hate Christianity.
They hate religion, right?
The global reset prepares us for transhumanism.
Go watch that video.
I'm detailing it, right, from Klaus's book.
And let's do a little bit of a refresher here.
So what does Klaus say?
He says, remember those revolutions, right?
The previous revolutions in different centuries, the Industrial Revolution, etc.
This is the final one.
This is the last one.
This is what Aldous Huxley talked about.
He said, what does it mean to say that this is the final revolution?
It means that for humanity, for men, mankind, humans, you're done.
There's not going to be a fifth revolution.
This is the last one, because this one relates to technology and technocracy and ascending to the next plane of existence.
This is them.
It's not me.
This is them through technology.
And he goes on to say, by 2050, our plan is to have this all fully in place.
Remember, 2030 is a project date for ending private property, this kind of stuff.
Twenty fifty is the plan for the whole system to be fully in place.
Now there's a lot of infrastructure that they have to put in before they can fully roll out the whole thing.
That's what they're doing right now.
Great Reset is going to be rolled out through These lockdowns, that's a big part of the phase.
Now, it is about Trump in part, right?
So I'm not saying it's not about Trump, but this is why they had to get rid of him, get him out of the way, because he's a road bump in this overall plan for this big thing, right?
And the big thing is the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
And they actuary it out in decades in 2030-50, right?
So as you just saw there, 2030, that's when they want to have the eight-point plan in play.
2050 is the target date for the whole thing.
All of it.
The whole technocratic system.
And by the way, do you remember Jacques Attali?
Do you remember in the previous talks I've done, we covered Jacques Attali's 2000 book, where he said, Brief History of the Future, another one of the technocratic global elitists of France, he says, 2050, 2050, 2050 is the key date.
2050 is the key date.
So there's these key periods, these key decades, 2030, 2050, those are the key periods when
it all comes in.
Now, Klaus moves on to say that to bring this in, it's going to take decades of schools
re-educating children.
Yes, schools.
Re-educate the youth for several decades.
It's going to take billions of dollars of brainwashing children in schools for them to accept the new value system.
And the new value system is what I've been talking about, right?
This ecosystem, this you're guilty for existing type of system.
He goes on and he says that what we're going to have is a new type of blockchain.
I'm not saying blockchain itself is evil, but this is Klaus's plan.
He says, let's use a blockchain system to track and trace everything on the planet through Internet of Things so that we can fairly redistribute everything.
That's what he says is everything.
This is not a plan for some guy in some, you know, villa somewhere, like a Bond villain in the sense of like, you know, one guy in some villa in France who wants to take over France.
No, no, no.
It's a planetary plan.
It's the whole planet.
It's the whole ecosystem.
He says this new type of blockchain that we'll put in place will get rid of the idea of private property and land rights.
And it will redistribute everything through global satellite tracking and tracing via the Internet of Things.
He says, yes, exactly.
The carbon footprint will be monitored by the same international satellite Internet of Things network.
So they're going to keep up with how much water you use, how much electricity you're using, right?
It's going to be allocated.
And that's why the Coffin apartments fit into this because everybody has to be off of the land, herded into a mega city, herded into a coffin apartment.
If you're even allowed to live.
I mean, I don't even just, I just say everybody, you know, over age 30, like in Logan's Run, you know, oh, it's time to die.
You got to float off into the incinerator when you're age 30.
I mean, who knows, right?
If they've done all of this, you think they're going to stop with that?
No, they want, you know, like death, Death panels, right?
Bill Gates has even said that.
So Klaus goes on and he says, the way to bring this about is to get rid of the firewall of nation states that have regulations that prevent us from bringing in the full on.
Yeah, there you go.
Logan's really float away into the incinerator, right?
Once you hit age 30.
By the way, they had a mythology in Logan's run, if you recall, that it was this glorious thing to do it.
It was like the high point of your life was to float up into this incinerator.
You see, here's the willing sacrifices.
Oh yes, burn me up, Bill Gates.
I can't wait to just put you in that little microwave.
We're going to float you up to the top of this incinerator and it's going to be glorious.
You're going to go on to a technological virtual heaven.
So then that's what they'll tell people.
They'll say, "Oh, if you float away and incinerate yourself, you can go into a virtual world
and it'll be like heaven and you can create your own virtual world."
No, you're gonna die.
The plan is to get rid of you, right?
But all these willing dupes are gonna believe it, yes.
They go floating away into Bill Gates' human microwave up there.
But Klaus goes on to say that we got to get rid of all the nation states so that we can bring in the Internet of Things and get rid of all of these national regulations that are in the way of the Internet of Things.
This is what he says.
This is like a Chapter 7, IOT, Internet of Things.
He says that we got to have the 5G infrastructure in place so that when the 5G is in place, then we can give everybody the chips.
Sounds like The apocalypse, right?
Ever read the book of Revelation?
A chip in your hand and in your forehead, right?
This kind of stuff.
It sounds like that.
Whatever you think of the Bible, whatever you think of the end times, all that, I mean, doesn't it sound like that?
And Klaus even says, to live, to breathe, to move, to do economic processes, transactions, to eat, you're going to have to have this.
And he says that part of what will be installed is a global, fully automated system with sensors everywhere.
Sensors everywhere.
Tracking, monitoring, tracing, controlling, everything.
All linked to 5G, all linked to satellites, and all tattling on you, policing you, bossing you, bitch bots.
You're going to be bitched around by little robots and everybody's going to love it.
Oh, it's so fun to have Alexa sitting there, you know, listening to me.
Ha ha.
It's so cute.
Oh, ask Alexa about Jesus.
Ask Alexa about Buddha.
Ask Alexa about butts.
Ask Alexa about boobs.
It's so cute and funny.
No, it's not.
This is your enslavement.
This is the end of you.
Don't you understand this?
They don't give this stuff out because they're nice.
Because they want you to be happy.
They want you to die.
What does Alex always say from the James Bond clip?
No, Mr. Bond, I want you to die!
They're saying that to you, you see.
And he says, once we pass all the climate carbon regulations, once we get all this in place, Internet of Things, once we get the RNA nanotech in place, then comes the full-on robot lockdown.
Skynet Terminator, that's what Klaus ends the book with.
I'm Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis and this is the Alex Jones Show.
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