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Name: 20201109_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 9, 2020
2776 lines.

In this episode of InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses his belief that there is a globalist plan to overthrow President Trump and put the United States into permanent lockdown. He encourages viewers to spread information about this broadcast and take action to stop it from happening. Jones also talks about the impact of the coronavirus crisis on different groups of Americans and how election denialism is real. Additionally, he mentions the possibility of a physical removal of Trump from the White House if Biden becomes president, and criticizes Chuck Schumer for his aggressive stance against Trump. He promotes DNA Force Plus, which he claims can boost one's immune system and protect against viruses like COVID-19. The speaker discusses the consequences of lockdowns worldwide, including starvation and potential new world wars. He emphasizes the importance of listening to his analysis and taking action to stop the alleged globalist plan. Jones provides a detailed explanation of how this can be achieved through a 'bank shot' strategy. He urges viewers to call the White House, Mar-a-Lago, and anyone close to President Trump to share their concerns about the unfolding situation. The speaker discusses banned videos from his film 13 years ago and warns that a coalition of big tech is taking over the economy at an unprecedented level. He also mentions the Georgia Guidestones standing today and how free speech online, voting rights, currency, and public health are

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So when they shake the deaths of COVID at you that are way overinflated and full of propaganda, the president needs to have press conferences with hundreds and hundreds of these doctor groups.
The president needs to friendly assault Fauci and the Wuhan lab.
The president needs to go right at the juggler and expose how the globalists, the UN, the communists, the EU are using this as a power grab at every socialist mayor, every communist mayor, every communist School District is following this system of a power grab and the universities are bringing in apps to say when you can travel, when you can go places, when you can do things.
Absolutely crazy.
We're just accepting the cash flow society, we're accepting the Internet of Things, we're accepting the global social score, and it's all designed to shut down Main Street and make us dependent on them.
You're like, well then, the left loves it.
They go, well I'll just sit at home and do nothing.
This is being done to trigger a collapse that kills tens of millions of the third world that is already happening.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It's Monday, November 9th.
The year is 2020.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
And I have the exact globalist battle plan to throw Trump out of office and overthrow the Republic and put us on permanent lockdown.
I also know how to stop them.
Now, we've proven that we know what we're talking about here.
I'm going to lay it all out at the start of the next segment.
What I need you to do is to take action now and spread the word about this broadcast.
The Fourth Estate really did a number on this country, churning out useful idiots with a steady stream of brainwashing, covering up the most heinous act of massive election fraud ever waged on the United States.
I've been thinking about how difficult this year has been for so many Americans.
And it hasn't been felt evenly in this country.
There are millions of Americans who were disproportionately hurt by this president's failure to deal with this coronavirus crisis.
They were devastated economically.
They were dying at disproportionate rates, getting disease and sickness at disproportionate rates.
And I do think that they voted in their interest.
They voted for their lives.
Bakari, as I was watching earlier, listening to the President of the United States talking about these cities that have big black populations, calling them fraudulent in the process, fraudulent, and that they're trying to steal it from them, I thought it was an insult to the people whose ancestors, even many of them died for the right to vote, just because they're showing up to the polls does not make it fraudulent.
That was an insult to me.
I do think at the same time we should all recognize that there is election denialism going on.
There are crazy conspiracy theories out there being read by millions of people.
Tens of millions of people are seeing this stuff on Fox News about voter fraud.
And it is real.
And election denialism is real.
And it has to be called out.
Although I understand why the Biden campaign is trying to move past it.
You know, Joe Biden had it right. He said that he had the biggest voter fraud organization ever
and he didn't need people's votes now. He would need people later.
They had this all planned, Maria. They had the algorithms, they had the paper ballots
waiting to be inserted if and when needed. And notably, President Trump's vote in the
blue states went up enormously. That's when they had to stop the vote count
and go in and replace votes for Biden and take away Trump votes.
Regardless of the evidence, the sycophantic morons were overjoyed
with stupidity to call the election for Joe Biden.
It's also just a lesson for people out there watching.
Don't give up.
Don't give up if you believe in yourself.
You can actually achieve what you want to achieve despite all odds.
It's an incredible moment.
His path to victory has been long, arduous, and painful, and decades long, by the way.
I would like to note that if they are confused by the honking going on behind you, that is a mark of the new COVID era, where Joe Biden would have drive-in rallies and instead of applauding and cheering, people would honk.
And they just can't contain themselves.
On one hand, self-righteously condemning Trump for his tweets and bully pulpit.
Philadelphia, a city that Donald Trump has been attacking unfairly for a long time.
He even got into a fight with the Philadelphia Eagles in 2018 after the Eagles won the Super Bowl.
And on the other, bullying Trump and his supporters with insults and threats.
A concession is not necessary under the U.S.
That's what I mean, it doesn't make it any less real.
It's not necessary.
Whether or not Donald Trump acts like an adult.
If Joe Biden becomes the next president, Joe Biden will become the next president, and Donald Trump will be, if it comes down to it, physically escorted from the building.
While Minority Senate Leader Chuck Schumer already had his claws out after the announcement to tear America to shreds.
Now we take Georgia, and then we change the world!
I'm sorry, can you repeat that, Mr. Schumer?
Now we take Georgia, and then we change America!
Will these mindless sycophants still be gloating if the election is possibly turned over?
And furthermore, if Joe Biden gets away with his deception, will they still support Joe Biden after he turns the country over to the globalist hellscape on the horizon?
John Bowne reporting.
So the top general, the chairman of their Joint Chiefs of Staff came out over the weekend
He said the COVID-19 lockdown has already starved millions to death and it's going to trigger a new world war because the third world is totally collapsing and giant conflicts have exploded everywhere.
And the numbers of deaths from this is hundreds of times what COVID is already.
We'll be covering that coming up.
The UN came out a month ago and said there shouldn't be lockdown twos because it's going to cause massive starvation of hundreds of millions of people that are already on the edge of death.
And what happened?
They're expanding the lockdowns from Australia to the United Kingdom to Europe.
And now Biden is set to announce his own lockdown in the next 48 hours and demand Trump implement it or Trump's quote behind new COVID deaths.
I'm going to explain this psychological warfare system and how to stop them.
What I'm going to lay out here today is the heart and the key and the center To everything.
And the White House needs to listen to us.
You need to listen to us.
And folks need to take this information and put it in the bank.
I'm going to lay out how I knew what was going to unfold years ago.
How we specifically predicted each piece of this.
Not so we get a pat on the back, but so we can stop them.
There is still A chance for Trump to win the election, fairly and squarely.
But I was sitting in one of the offices this morning, about 12 feet away from a trash can, and I said, watch this, and I threw a little Gatorade container and banked it off the wall in a file cabinet and into the trash.
And my point was, that's how Trump's got to get around this fraud, get around these people.
There is an exact path of truth and justice to defeat them.
There is only one path.
And it's a bank shot.
And it is a easy path if executed exactly as I say.
So call everyone you know, send it to your email list, your text messages, call the White House, go bullhorn the White House.
Go Bullhorn Mar-a-Lago, Trump's back and forth.
The point is, is let him know what's happening and what's unfolding.
And I can tell you that I can sit there and I can get on the phone with folks very close to the President or the President if I need to.
I don't have a day or two to sit there by the telephone.
Many times they've called, I've missed the calls.
I missed some of the calls already the last few days.
I cannot sit by the telephone for a call from Trump.
I cannot sit by the telephone to do this.
It makes me sick.
I take a nap or I'm on the air, boom.
I miss the phone call.
I need you to get this out everywhere.
And I need the activists to get this out everywhere.
I need Don Jr.
and Eric and all of you to get this to your father.
So, I'm not playing games about this.
Here's a special report.
We're going to come back and break this all down the other side.
It's on Bandot videos from my film 13 years ago, Endgame.
The visible endgame on the horizon here is the John Down report.
We'll be back with the biggest news I've ever reported.
These dark builders intend to release a string of man-made bioweapons plagues, each one worse than the last, while at the same time expanding the police state to enforce an orderly extermination of the population, all in the name of fighting invisible terrorists.
And the Georgia Guidestones stand today as a cold testament to the elite's sacred mission to have a two-class system where the underclass are forced to live as slaves in tiny enclosed cities.
While the elite enjoy the land of the earth, evolve into superhumans with the aid of advanced and plannable technologies.
Live eternal lives and travel throughout the cosmos.
This is the promise given to the inner members of the New World Order.
Let me just state this right up front for everybody.
People finally get it.
We're having our free speech online disenfranchised.
Now they're stealing our vote and disenfranchising it.
They're devaluing our currency and disenfranchising our financial future.
They are poisoning the weaker minds in the country with division and racism in the name of fighting it.
They're attacking the very foundations of our republic and are at war with the social contract, an incredibly arrogant, hateful coalition of big tech vacuuming up the economy at a level never before seen.
People like at JCPenney and other retail, those jobs aren't coming back.
Give them the tools, six months, you're going to become a computer coder.
We'll pay for it.
And you'll get millions of people to sign up for that.
They are not going back to parts of the retail economy, and we need to give them a lifeline to what's the next chapter.
And then, the commanders of big tech...
And the big banks that finance them openly say they're building a post-human world and openly say they're going to make us so poor that they will be able to dictate that we be sterilized and take forced inoculations.
You notice I just warned of this and warned of this for decades and now it's here.
China is merely following the globalist blueprint for the world.
The same system of total dehumanization is quietly being phased in worldwide.
Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
Henry Kissinger, 1974.
There's a need for a new world order.
But it has different characteristics.
In different parts.
It's a lot bigger than just kicking Trump out and flooding everything with fake ballots using the lockdown as the cover for it.
They want to bankrupt us and then have us have an app to be able to leave our front door and step one foot outside of our house.
That is the admitted globalist Chai Com plan.
We're being given tracker systems.
We're being taught to stay in our houses.
We're being taught we're not essential.
We're being marinated in martial law.
Communist China serves as a globalist laboratory, a proving ground where 1.4 billion people
live out their lives as guinea pigs who serve as test subjects for the formulation of a
brave new world.
and British forces worked closely with Mao Zedong during World War II, and at the end of the war, they secretly backed Mao in driving out Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalists.
The OSS, and then the CIA, believed that Mao would have a stabilizing effect.
And they're gonna hype up more that the police are racist to take the police over and turn them into political officers like they've done in the UK and Europe.
Just because Biden is in office does not mean that our struggle is over!
We challenge you to raise your fist in solidarity!
To raise your fist in solidarity.
To raise your fist in solidarity.
And look at those around you.
And look at those around you.
Who have not raised their fist.
Who have not raised their fist.
They are ignorant.
They are ignorant.
They are complacent.
They are complacent.
They do not believe.
They do not believe.
In a future.
In a future.
Where black people can prosper.
Where black people can prosper.
They are just as racist.
They are just as racist.
Police officers that are killing black people.
As police officers that are killing black people.
The arrogance level is so atrocious.
It's so mega massive.
That they're not even trying to hide it.
I've never seen voting machines stop in the middle of an election, stop down and assess the situation.
I also see reports that Nancy Pelosi's longtime chief of staff is a key executive at that company.
Richard Blum, Senator Feinstein's husband, significant shareholder of the company.
What can you tell us about the interest on the other side of this Dominion software?
Well obviously they have invested in it for their own reasons and are using it to commit this fraud to steal votes.
I think they've even stolen them from other Democrats in their own party who should be outraged about this also.
Now we can see a new world coming into view.
A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.
America is under multinational consortium attack.
Our government and our system is in the process of being overthrown.
It's not just a political party that wants an agenda.
They want a whole new system and they've said it.
They are involved in a revolution fully conquering the United States and killing our republic and they're hammering the last nails into the damn coffin to bury us alive as slaves of their system.
All right, I'm going to lay out Trump's path to victory and exactly what he's got to do and exactly what we've all got to do straight ahead.
We are tomorrow's news today.
I hope everybody listens up very carefully.
And everywhere I've been, I've seen the Democrats work with the deep state and sell out our country.
Alex Jones here back live.
So let me give you the big picture that I'm going to drill into it of what's about to unfold.
Obviously when the Democrats created 80 million mail-in ballots and mailed them out to all
their people, they held them in reserve to see what they needed on election night to
then freeze the election and then bring in the exact number they needed to handily defeat
Trump who had bigger leads in those battleground states than he had four years ago.
And we have the graphs, we have the evidence, folks are doing a good job of exposing that.
Mainstream media is just trying to gaslight everyone that Trump is the loser, Biden is
the winner, there is no election fraud, move forward.
But that's not working.
And so the system is really starting to panic because President Trump understands he's already
defeated four other coup attempts.
And this one they scripted so much and all the evidence of fraud is coming out.
So as long as we hold on and the President holds on, we can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat legitimately.
Except for one thing.
You notice about a month before the election, they shift purely to Trump's the reason COVID happened.
200 plus thousand Americans have died because of COVID, they claimed.
Most of those died of something else.
And it's all Trump's fault.
And then a lot of people thought that once Biden became president-elect, at least on the surface, that he would remove the COVID lockdown.
No, no, no, no.
This is meant to break the U.S., put us all on welfare, socialize us, cloward and pivot.
This is the end of the country.
And once they've got us down, they're never going to let us back up.
So this is the breaking of the will of the nation.
And now he's announced his new task force and said, mandatory masks for two more years, forced contact tracing, forced inoculations when Bill Gates' vaccine comes out.
Not the new ones that are a lot weaker and actually work.
I'm not defending those vaccines.
I'm just saying, they want to keep you locked down waiting for their vaccine.
And so here's how it works.
And I said this six months ago.
I said it a week ago.
I shot a special report on Saturday.
I shot a special report on Sunday.
That have almost a million views on Bandot Video.
So I'm not telling you this now because I'm just now saying I predicted it.
We know the enemy battle plan.
So understand this is what they're going to do.
Biden Has announced his new task force.
He blames Trump for the 260,000 deaths.
Again, most of them did not cover.
When Trump doesn't adopt what his task force calls for, they will say Trump is killing people.
He's responsible.
25th amendment, unfit to serve and demand his cabinet vote to remove him.
That's what they've been war gaming.
That's what they've been preparing.
That's what they've been getting ready from the very, very start.
And that's the arrogance of these people, marching Hunter Biden and the daughter with her diary
about her dad molesting her, and all of it right up there to flaunt it in our face when Biden
had his so-called victory speech.
No crowds, no excitement, no support, can barely talk.
Well, because puppets can't talk.
He's the perfect marionette.
So let me quantify what I'm saying to all of you right now.
They got Trump to do the lockdown.
They got Trump to go along with the COVID hoax.
Then he figured it out towards the end and said no.
Began to back it up.
Did a great job to get the economy going back.
They bring COVID hype back in.
The winter's coming.
There's more deaths from flu and other things.
They can add that into the equation.
And then they sit back and they say, "Every death is President Trump's fault.
"Every death is because of him.
"And every day he doesn't sign over his authority "to this new task force and agree to what they say.
"Every death is on his shoulders."
Then, if Trump buckles to them, it's not about new deaths, it's about new cases.
That's what's skyrocketing, that's the hoax.
Every day Trump doesn't buckle to them, They say every death is his fault, but if he does buckle to them and says, fine, I'll leave.
You go ahead and your task force makes the decisions.
They will say he's repudiated and he's admittedly a fraud and that it was his fault and he's admitted guilt.
So what does President Trump need to do right now to counter this?
Well, he needs to button up.
He needs to get ready.
He needs to come out and just level with the American people's eye-to-eye, straight up, and say all of this information.
He can show Newsweek.
He can show New Scientist.
Fauci and Obama funded controversial bat COVID virus.
coronavirus at Wuhan and how the UN admits they helped cover up what was
really on with the virus with the communist Chinese and how Fauci works
for the UN and how Fauci makes money off the vaccines and how Bill Gates does and
how there's all the conflicts of interest and Trump has to go on the
total war path because their entire attack is going to be about his lack of
response to COVID-19 which isn't even true. But just pointing out that he, you
know, banned flights from China obviously some deadly thing we're being told
whether it was real or not he did the lockdown of the flights trying to
protect the country up front.
But he's just going to go back and say, I protected you.
That's not enough.
He has to go after the weak spot, the underbelly.
They've never been weaker.
Not Obama, who helped set it up in Wuhan.
Not Fauci.
Not Gates.
Not the Democrats that said keep the borders open.
They wanted the infection here.
Because what it does is it spreads fast, it kills old people, it kills people that have vitamin and mineral deficiencies, it creates fear, it creates a lot of false positives so that you can say everyone is suspect and everyone is bad and everyone is evil.
And so it's the perfect virus with all the false positives.
We've had a coronavirus or had the flu or had an infection in the last few years to put us all under surveillance grid.
The perfect problem that can never be fixed.
That's why they're now admitting, Oh, actually the vaccine won't work.
The antibodies don't last too long.
Oh, you just should never go out again.
You got to wear a mask forever.
You're all bad.
You're all evil.
And then they just count everybody from the pneumonia and the flu and the cancer and the heart attack and the car wreck and the gunshot wound column in COVID.
That's admitted.
And then it's the perfect governor, the perfect throttle, the perfect gate to turn the economy off whenever they want, selectively kill the economy, get us into debt, and selectively shut down systems during elections and have mail-in ballots forever.
Bring in the casual society, bring in the social credit score with the phones to track where you go and what you do.
And it's all being announced.
It's all being done.
So it's a permanent martial law takeover.
Here's the headline.
Hope you spread the live link.
Monday live, Alex Jones knows Joe Biden's next moves and how to stop him.
Infowars has discovered the globalist deep state strategy to complete their steal of the election and put the United States on permanent martial law lockdown.
I'm going to explain that when I come back, why the stakes are so high and what President Trump has to do in a nutshell.
Because they know there's the Midwest and the South and everywhere else.
They want to fully break us.
It's a communist strategy run by big banks.
They want to have decades of us shut down just like they did the Chinese under Mao when he killed 80 million of them to make them submit.
We're about to go into the real reprogramming now.
And they're going to shut the economy off first to bring you to your knees and mobilize giant hordes of people who will do whatever they say to get food and to get medicine.
Ladies and gentlemen, the social contract Is being broken right now, ladies and gentlemen.
And the total takeover is taking place where even if President Trump tries to restart the economy and exposes these criminals, they don't care because they control the blue states, the blue cities, they control the independent so-called school districts.
These are all cults of control.
We're with no evidence, no proof now.
They go, oh, someone at the school, someone at the factory, someone at the farm, someone at the warehouse, someone at the TV station had COVID.
Now you've all got to self-quarantine for 14 days.
And oh, you've got to check in with this app everywhere you go, everything you do.
And if you're seen out, you'll lose your job.
That's happening to people all over the United States.
It's happening to crew members, here to their wives, This is the reality.
And now the Bar Association of New York says we are coming with forced inoculations.
Oh, they're now your doctors, the lawyers of New York.
You have no rights.
And now Bill Gates and these lawyers are your doctor, and they're telling you what they're going to do to you.
And President Trump was not going to push forced inoculations.
He was creating a quicker vaccine that wasn't the mRNA super dangerous vaccine that Bill Gates had.
Still dangerous, I still wouldn't take it, but Trump's coming up with.
And now you notice that Cuomo and others are on TV.
Saying don't take it.
It doesn't matter if Pfizer says it's safe.
Doesn't matter if they say it's 90% effective.
Doesn't matter if it doesn't have a bunch of side effects.
Because they want to keep that fear going.
They want to control you.
They want to run your life.
And they only do this to schmucks.
They only do this to people that have Stockholm Syndrome.
They would never do this to a free people that stood up for themselves, but they will do it to us because we've lost connection to the land.
We've lost connection to reality.
We've lost connection to ourselves.
And so now the globalists are making their move on us.
And how did I 13 years ago in Endgame blueprint for global enslavement?
Come out and say that they're going to come with forced inoculations and digital AI tracking system to control where you go and what you do.
Because they said world government will be brought in by economic collapse, by viral releases and plagues, and by third world collapse flooding the first world.
It's in the Dabos Group.
It's in the documents that Judicial Watch got 14 years ago.
We know their plan.
We know what they'll do in Operation Lockstep.
We know it.
And so I'm here talking to the President, talking to you, talking to the world today, with record audiences tuned in to TheMFORWars.com.
And banned out video streams, and I know radio stations have huge audiences out there.
But the question is, what are we going to do about this?
Because you create a virus that spreads really well, that isn't very deadly, but makes everyone suspect, makes everyone bad.
And they tell you there's no vaccine that will ever protect you.
Trump talks to scientists, they go, well, there is one that might do a little something.
But your body won't even produce antibodies for this vaccine because it doesn't see it as big enough of a threat.
And top scientists have said that, and every day there's another press conference with dozens and hundreds, in some cases, of scientists and doctors and epidemiologists and virologists saying, this is overblown, this is a fraud, most of the deaths were caused by something else, and those all get banned off the Internet.
So, that was all a test.
We put up with the beta test of Internet censorship.
Trump didn't stop it, he spoke out against it.
But it wasn't enough, and so now we failed the test, and now the chains are really going on.
And that's why everybody has a sick feeling because these unions and these bureaucracies and these Democratic Party systems are cults.
And they want full control of you to be able to shut things off and shut things down when they want to.
So let's look at some of these headlines.
Again, Monday Live, Alex Jones knows Joe Biden's next moves and how to stop him.
He's going to come out, he already has.
and say Trump must accept my guidelines from my experts.
He must let me start being the president or every death that happens is his fault.
Then they'll use that for the 25th amendment against the president saying he's done a terrible
job and he's got to be removed because he's letting the COVID deaths continue when those
deaths are actually way down and they're exaggerating the numbers. Trump must friendly
assault with all the evidence and politically Fauci, Gates, the UN, the lies, Governor Whitmer,
Governor Cuomo, all of them that he tried to be nice to and said they were doing a good job while
they stabbed him in the back.
Now he must go on the total warpath and expose them.
Not the old rhetoric about, oh, I blocked the flights from China.
He needs to go directly at the heart of it and he knows this already.
And this is the next big thing he's got to hit.
This is April, the UN, and sure enough, it's all true.
They're the ones that have the global lockdown.
Now they're the saviors for the crisis they themselves have created.
Instead of a coronavirus, the hunger will kill us.
A global food crisis looms.
World Food Program wins Nobel Prize for fight against hunger as a weapon of war.
When they're using it as a weapon of war.
How sick!
Here's the head of the UK Ministry of Defence.
Coming out and saying there's a real risk of a third world war being unleashed.
Top UK General warns.
In an interview with Sky News, the UK Chief of Defence Staff, General Sir Rick Carter, warned that the global economic meltdown caused by COVID-19 lockdown, not the COVID-19 pandemic, may lead to new security threats, which in turn may start a new war.
He goes into the mass starvation, the mass death, and the conflicts already happening that could trigger a new world war.
UNICEF, 1.2 million child deaths, starvation, all of it.
That is The reality.
So when they shake the deaths of COVID at you that are way overinflated and full of propaganda, the president needs to have press conferences with hundreds and hundreds of these doctor groups.
The president needs to friendly assault Fauci and the Wuhan lab.
The president needs to go right at the juggler and expose how the globalists, the UN, the communists, the EU are using this as a power grab.
And every socialist mayor, every communist mayor, every communist school district is following this system of a power grab.
And the universities are bringing in apps to say when you can travel, when you can go places, when you can do things.
It's absolutely crazy.
We're just accepting the cash flow society, we're accepting the Internet of Things, we're accepting the global social score, and it's all designed to shut down Main Street and make us dependent on them.
You're like, well then, the left loves it.
They go, well I'll just sit at home and do nothing.
This is being done to trigger a collapse that kills tens of millions of the third world that is already happening.
The globalists have made their move.
They believe we're domesticated.
They believe we're stupid.
And now they're dropping the hammer.
Let's look at some of these headlines.
Trump in denial over election defeat as Biden gears up to fight COVID.
See, he'll be presidential.
He'll take on the COVID.
He'll agree with the EU and the UK to lock everything down.
And he's going to announce the lockdown in the next few days.
And he'll be the president because the blue cities, the blue states, the bureaucracies, the universities, everything they control, the institutions, because they're the establishment, they're not the resistance, will follow that edict because it's U.N., Bill Gates, Big Pharma, world government, and there will be Trump watching the economy shut back down again while he sits in the Oval Office.
That's the checkmate operation.
But if you expose the checkmate and the entire scam, and if he gets up and lays it out and hits them head on, then they will implode and burn because everybody already knows the truth.
And if you tell those people you're about to have the end of your prosperity and endless COVID lockdowns forever, if you don't stand with me and stop this foreign takeover, then we win.
Owen Schroer is coming in.
Stay with us.
Okay, this was Yellowberry Ofra 30 years ago, a liberal making fun of what martial law would look like in the future.
But notice, it's not the right-wingers doing the martial law and calling for the Truth and Reconciliation re-education camps, it's the left.
We'll talk about it all next hour with Owen Schroer, but here's a really important report with Ted Cruz on Fox News, laying out what's really going on in the leftist socialist abyss we're facing.
Here it is.
Senator Ted Cruz sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
He was part of President George W. Bush's 2000 Florida recount team.
And Senator, it's always an honor to have you on this program.
Thanks for being here.
Good morning, Maria.
It's good to be with you.
First, assess where we are.
You heard this weekend what we saw in terms of president-elect and vice president-elect from the media.
What do you believe is the status of this race?
Well, I think that is way premature.
At this point, we do not know who has prevailed in the election.
The media is desperately trying to get everyone to coronate Joe Biden as the next president, but that's not how it works.
The media does not get to select our president.
The American people get to elect our president.
At this point, we've got numerous states that are very closely and vigorously contested.
From Pennsylvania, to Georgia, to Arizona, to New Mexico, to Michigan, to Wisconsin.
In all of those states, there are serious disputes about the vote totals.
And there's a legal process to resolve those disputes.
So at this point, we should allow the rule of law to operate.
We should allow the legal process to move forward.
And when that process is concluded, which it will be in a matter of weeks, We will know who prevailed in the elections, but the fact that the big newsrooms in New York City want Donald Trump to lose, they don't get to decide that.
That's a question for the voters.
We are looking at multiple recounts in multiple states.
We just heard from Rudy Giuliani.
He's going to be dropping a lawsuit in Pennsylvania tomorrow.
Other lawsuits throughout the week.
He said by the end of the week he'll have five lawsuits and there are Ten states, he says, that are potentially stolen.
800,000 votes in question, according to Rudy Giuliani.
Walk us through the process.
You are a constitutionalist, an expert on the Supreme Court.
How does this work in terms of the federal court system with these lawsuits pending?
Well, we've seen multiple lawsuits already filed.
I expect there will be more lawsuits filed, probably in each of those states that I mentioned, and maybe more.
We may well see cases filed both in state court and in federal court.
We will have trials on the matters that are contested.
And the purpose of a trial is to hear evidence.
We're hearing lots of allegations of a dead person voted.
We heard a report from one county in Michigan Where the election software mistakenly counted 6,000 votes that were cast for Donald Trump.
It switched them to Joe Biden.
Now they apparently caught that.
But that same software is used in 47 counties throughout Michigan.
That needs to be examined to determine that there's not a problem counting the votes.
And the legal process is how you resolve those questions.
You know, one of the frustrating things, just as an American watching this, is you hear all these allegations of what's going on, and it's hard to know what the facts are.
It's hard to know what the truth is.
Well, we have a process for ascertaining the truth, which is that you can go and present
evidence and test it in a court of law and then those appeals will go up both through
the state appellate system and the federal appellate system and this case could very
easily end up at the U.S. Supreme Court.
You know, you mentioned Bush versus Gore, which I was part of representing then Governor
George W. Bush.
In the course of 36 days, we had multiple cases throughout the state of Florida.
It went twice to the Florida Supreme Court.
It went twice to the U.S.
Supreme Court.
It took 36 days to resolve, and we got an answer.
I would expect a similar process to play out here, despite the media trying to tell everyone, give up, go home, we know who we want to win.
That's not how it works.
We need to follow the law, and that means allowing the legal process to play out.
So we did not learn about the results from Gore versus Bush until December of that year, right?
That's right.
And if you look at the federal statute that governs the timing of presidential elections, it actually anticipates that there will be recounts, that there will be contested litigation.
If you look at the federal statute, December 12th is the date that the electors meet to vote.
December 8th is what's called the Safe Harbor deadline, which is that any contest election before that, if it's resolved, that resolution is presumed valid.
So the federal statute anticipates that there are going to be contests, there are going to be recounts.
And here's one dynamic that's important to understand.
Particularly in this COVID time, this has been a strange election.
On election day, Donald Trump won a large majority of the votes counted on election day.
That was true throughout the country.
With mail-in votes that were early votes, Joe Biden won a significant majority of the mail-in votes that came in.
Now, in several states, we're going to see a recount process.
A recount process, you look at those votes, you determine if they're accurate, if they're fraudulent, if they have sufficient signatures, if they meet the statutory standards for a legal vote.
What is interesting is, historically, mail-in votes are much more likely to be disqualified in a recount than in-person votes.
Full report's up at Infowars.com, and I'll tell you what's disgusting about this.
Ted Cruz is smart, he's a constitutional lawyer, and everything he's saying is true.
But they're missing the point of the pincer attack they're in, and what the globalists are up to.
And, I mean, I really feel like I'm on the planet of morons here.
And I'm not saying that in an elitist way.
I mean, we know their exact next moves.
They're going to call 25th Amendment.
They're going to say all the deaths are Trump's fault.
They're going to say, while he's president-elect, running his fake task force, Biden, that Trump's got to do what he's saying or the deaths are in its hands to make himself look legitimate.
Trump cannot assault the statements Biden makes.
He has to assault the whole fraud of the scam and lay it all out in damn White House addresses.
And it's over for these maggots!
But everyone wants to argue every facet of the scam.
Instead of the entire enchilada of the fact that it's bad.
It's like arguing strategies with the former Soviet Union instead of looking at the Soviet Union being run by evil people.
And look, if we don't get the funds to fund this place, I don't care.
I'm ready to shut this down.
If America wants to lose and go down the tubes and burn in hell, that's fine.
But we have a good chance of beating this and stopping it.
I told you two months ago, I said I'm trying to sell everything we've got because I think there's a good chance Biden's going to steal it and they're going to shut the economy down permanently.
So if you want to support us so we can put a big fight on with all the stuff we're going to be doing here, I've got to sell all the products we've got at InfoWareStore.com.
So the new sale's the same one we had two months ago.
Remember that one?
You know, InfoWars, the end of the republic sale.
Remember that?
Remember that?
Oh, Joe!
Trump's gonna win, there's no problem.
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And it just goes on from there.
We need a lot of money to fund this operation to be able to do all this and take on the globalists.
You want to see more action, get in there and buy the products.
I appreciate you all.
I'm just saying, point blank.
Stop the steal.
Republican crisis sale right now.
American crisis.
Emergency lockdown 2 coming.
Get the products while you still can.
The globalists are trying to censor what you can see and what you can share.
Don't let them win.
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Sign up for free and get intel they don't want you to have and then share it.
InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
It's time to override the censors and get the truth out.
Well, it's official, America.
Joe Biden has just been declared the first blatantly fraudulent President-elect of America.
Joe Biden is now President-elect Joe Biden, and Senator Kamala Harris is now Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.
It's probably a good time for Republicans to learn how to pronounce her name.
This process has been tainted.
And if you taint it for one party, you taint it for the other party.
If you taint it for one American, then you taint it for all Americans.
And we're not going to stand for this.
What damage do you think that Trump will do between losing the election and the swearing, the inauguration of Joe Biden?
Maybe you didn't phrase it quite that way, but that's how I heard it.
And we knew that he would be up to mischief.
Separate and apart from trying to destroy the credibility of our elections, which we criticize other nations for doing, and now with all enemies, foreign and domestic, making assault on our elections.
Well, we have one domestic.
But apart from that, The word transparency gets kicked around a lot, but there's nothing transparent about the disgraceful 2020 election process that blatantly crushed the will of the American people.
As expected, those votes did indeed close the gap for Joe Biden.
Also, the numbers coming out of Green Bay, Wisconsin, went in favor of Joe Biden.
They are still not in compliance!
Our votes are being suppressed.
We cannot count the votes properly.
What's happening is they have moved the barrier up to six feet, but they took away the ballot machines that were in the front row and moved them to the back of the building.
The court order is in effect.
They will not give us access, and the sheriff has decided not to come down here to enforce that court order.
We're there, supposedly observing, but we can't see.
We're further away than I am from you all here.
At least 100 feet away from open ballots that go back out of our sight.
We can't see them.
We don't know what's happening to them.
It's just, there's no way for us to meaningfully observe the process from where they have us.
Tell us how many ballots approximately went through that process that you had no chance to observe?
Based on the counts that we've heard, it's about 125,000, maybe more.
The mummy Biden rose from his slumber to remind the American public of his insolence, fumbling giant words on the teleprompter in front of a crowd of corporacratic ghost jeeps.
I know watching these vote tallies on TV moves very slow and it's Speaking of ghosts, of the many things Biden didn't mention was the overwhelming evidence of a ghost in the machine as Dominion Software, the second largest seller of voting machines, flooded our national election with glitches favoring Joe Biden.
In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates.
The county clerk came forward and said tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the votes.
Since then, we have now discovered that 47 counties use this same software in the same capacity.
And there is also Benford's Law.
It has been used in criminal cases regarding election fraud in the United States at the federal, state, and local levels.
The law detected ballot stuffing in the 2009 Iranian elections.
And the Washington Post reported on the instance of the 2016 Russian election conforming purposefully to Benford's Law in order to hide vote rigging.
I've been active in this since 1958.
That's 62 years.
I am the angriest I have been in that entire six decades.
You have a group of corrupt people who have absolute contempt for the American people, who believe that we are so spineless, so cowardly, so unwilling to stand up for ourselves, that they can steal the presidency.
And we'll wring our hands, bring in a few lawyers, and do nothing.
The videos of incidents of potential fraud.
We've got the rest of this powerful report when we come back.
Stay with us.
Very powerful John Bowne report up on Infowars.com and I've got more big breaking news on their plans to blame President Trump for the whole COVID lockdown and everything else which they are behind coming up.
But let's just go ahead and go to the rest of this important John Bowne report.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And do nothing.
The videos of incidents of potential fraud poured in on social media as Silicon Valley did all they could to stop it.
I'm not going to show the name because the boss is here and don't want us to, you know, and I can't take it.
They won't let me.
President Donald Trump.
And not the only one we found in the trash.
Now I am examining this ballot that was received by a Queens Village resident and with all of the Democrat candidates pre-filled in on the ballot.
I know a lot of people wanted to know how did it get pre-filled in?
Was it done by pen?
Was it done by hand?
As I put my hand over every one of the pre-filled in Democrats here on the ballot, I can see it was definitely not done by hand.
It looks like it was done maybe by a stamper or a machine.
Maybe it was run through a machine.
This is a two page absentee ballot.
Now this is the envelope that it came in.
Also incredibly official looking.
It says it's official.
Official absentee ballot envelope.
And it's in several different languages.
And it has a barcode as you can see.
The voter ID number.
Oh my god.
Hey, so you with the elections?
You're the Bureau of Elections, right?
Well, I mean, I'm just a volunteer.
We're just wondering what... Okay, I understand you're a volunteer and you're just doing your job.
What's all these?
Are these mail-in ballots, or what's these coming in?
What are these?
These are my intake here?
What's that?
My intake as well?
Yeah, because we're wondering why are ballots being handled down here and not up there with the elections?
So we're curious about that.
Okay, yeah.
The gentleman who's in charge of this, I think, should be right back down.
What's his name?
Gosh, what is his name?
The order is pretty clear.
I've been a lawyer for 30 years.
What can you tell us what's unclear about it?
You're a private lawyer and acting in the government capacity.
They're evaluating a judge's order?
The order is currently in effect.
ready to talk to you about it, they will.
But I can assure you that they're not violating it.
-The order is currently in effect.
-They're not violating the order under any interpretation.
-I think it was eight attorneys, adding your appearance on this.
I don't understand why eight attorneys need to evaluate this order.
I did it all by myself.
It says that no later than 10.30 today, you're to follow the election code and my people, my clients, representatives, are to be within six feet of the province.
We have read the orders and we are complying with the orders and we will discuss it with you in a bit.
While the Stop the Steal Facebook group was removed, one of the fastest growing groups in Facebook's history, representing Americans merely trying to get to the bottom of what they were seeing.
Regardless of the bag of goods the Mockingbird Media wants America to swallow.
We just haven't seen it.
You know, it hasn't been presented.
There's all kinds of stuff flying on the internet.
But when we look into it, it doesn't pan out.
Just a week ago, Washington Post and ABC News put out a poll, and let's make sure that we realize these are major platforms, okay?
This is the Washington Post of Watergate fame.
It's also owned by Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world.
ABC News, top-rated newscast in America.
They put out a poll that said Biden was going to win Wisconsin by 17%.
Now, to get this number correct, we have to move the decimal not once, We have to move to the decimal twice to get in the vicinity of what's actually going on in Wisconsin because right now the current actual is Joe Biden up by 0.6%.
And I say current because we have not accepted that as final and there will be a recount.
But the more important takeaway here is that this is not just a mistake.
This is disinformation.
This is propaganda meant to suppress the Trump vote, meant to depress Trump supporters in Wisconsin.
This is willful.
This is a decision to try to put their thumbs on the scale.
So we need to be aware of it and you need to be incredibly skeptical during this contentious time in our country of anything that you hear from these legacy media platforms like the Washington Post and ABC and like Fox News and AP trying to get you to believe fake news that Arizona is decided.
There are far too many questions surrounding the nebulous explanation of how the historically fraudulent election process transpired.
Why was voting stopped in five or six states?
I think it was actually five states and six cities for four hours.
You know, why are ballots showing up?
mail-in voting it has a lot of problems you know some obvious ones you send
ballots out to everyone you never know who actually receives the ballot and
when they come back you could be sending them to people who have died without
knowing you could be sending the people who moved from this from the state so
that already has a problem but there should be one advantage right if these
things are mailed in presumably some of them will come in late but wouldn't most
of them be coming in months or weeks ahead of time so why are we finding big
trenches of ballots hours and in some cases even more days after the polls have
Shouldn't mail-in ballots already be there somewhere ready to be counted?
It was at about 4 a.m.
that three vehicles arrived.
a van, a Chrysler 300 and a Ferrari with a hundred and thirty thousand plus ballots.
He said he was astonished as they started counting the ballots.
He was astonished that every single ballot, like literally 100% of that 130,000 ballots, were all Biden ballots.
We wouldn't accept these election results from a banana republic.
How are the American people going to be asked to accept these results when we don't have basic protocols for democracy in place?
I've never seen anything like it.
In Arizona, the media determined the outcome and never walked it back.
If the current trends continue as we have seen, because we follow the science, President Trump is going to overtake Joe Biden and we are going to win Arizona.
Fox News declared Joe Biden the winner but was swiftly corrected.
Regardless, the legacy media propaganda mafia never corrected the election map.
Congresswoman, and I know you've been very vocal and there have been people all over the place have been very vocal about our decision desk and the call that they made on election night.
They stand by that call as of right now and they say that the votes will not, the remaining vote, will not go to the percentage that he needs it to go.
So here in Arizona, one of the biggest issues that we have right now is the use of a Sharpie pen that was used at the different polling places.
On the Democrats' own website here in Arizona, they actually say, do not use red ink or permanent marker because this may result in a false read by the ballot machines.
So that comes from their own website.
So when we showed up to polling stations, they only gave us Sharpie markers.
I specifically said I don't want to use a sharpie marker.
Do you have a regular pen?
She said no.
We interviewed witnesses, like 15 of them that this happened to, and then we got the county clerk in Maricopa County on video, this is on banned on video, two days ago, three days ago, to admit that you're not supposed to use sharpies, but they're calling a conspiracy theory.
I mean, I went there.
I did the interviews.
We got the footage.
We got the footage from others that interviewed the county clerk.
And she's admitting all of this.
And here's the deal.
I've been airing a lot of tapes today because...
I'm officially choking on air at this point, okay?
And it's not because I can't handle the threat of the Globalist.
I love my crew.
It's that we're all stressed out, and we're all over the edge, and a lot of the crew's being more professional than I am.
Some of the crew's being as big of a jerk as I am.
I know exactly their damn game plan.
I know how to beat them.
And then I'm telling myself, I could probably do more good.
The audience is great.
On the phone.
I need to go in my office and beg, and then get a hold of Don Jr., and then get the President on the phone, and then hope he listens to me about this stuff.
And there's nothing more frustrating than missing phone calls from the President.
And I'm just sick of it all!
I'm sick of it!
I mean, we should not be battling a meth-head, devil-worshipper, crypt-keeper, and his demon son, and his demon family.
We shouldn't be here!
We shouldn't have let them commit all these crimes, they're Chinese agents, publicly!
So the truth is, I'm going crazy.
Because this isn't the Democrats taking over.
They're gonna end the country with an endless lockdown, and it's over for us, okay?
And so that's what I'm frustrated about.
I'm not happy that everything I said came true, I'm not happy that, oh my god, Alex Jones was right, isn't he great?
That is the sickest thing ever! I am not happy about being right!
When we come back, Owen Schroeder's got a plan to take action.
Stay with us.
Alright, Alex Jones here back live, and I intend to be here tonight on the nighttime show, 7 to 9, with Deanna Lorraine and everybody else.
And we got a big announcement here to make.
I got a call from some folks wanting us to do a caravan.
yesterday, or wanting us to actually fly to a destination.
And I said, "Why don't we just do a caravan?" So I called up some of our folks, called up Owen
Schroeder, and he agreed to lead this thing. And if people get excited about this, and if people
take action in this, it's going to be a big deal. We'll talk about it next segment. And then later,
you did a great job.
I was watching you last night on Sunday Live, and I was like, this is the best radio ever.
I got home, we had the iPad out, we were eating dinner.
Thank you.
Myself, my wife, everybody, we watched it.
You were doing your whole NPR thing.
Thank you very much.
We're going to do that again.
Last segment of this hour.
But let's just get into the big picture about Biden and what's happening and the latest numbers.
We've got them all right here, Owen.
Your take on things.
Well, what I'm noticing, mainstream conservatives that you wouldn't normally think would go out on the fringe of conspiracy or theories or would even dare to say, you know, I don't trust the results of the election or I don't trust TV news, Those people are starting to kind of flip a switch and they're scratching their heads and they're saying, well, this is odd.
I mean, I can look at the graph in Michigan.
I can look at the graph in Wisconsin.
I can look at the graph in Pennsylvania.
I can look at all these anomalies.
I can look at all the videos and it's just not being reported on TV.
And you'd think this is the biggest story going.
Why isn't it being reported on TV?
So it's that switch being flicked in their heads and then they're realizing that, oh wait, maybe the TV isn't there to inform me.
Maybe the TV news was never there to inform me.
It was there to keep me uninformed, misinformed, and confused.
And right now, where it stands, we're seeing the separation of the patriots who are going to fight with Donald Trump, some names I think we may be shocked by, and then the people that are going to abandon Trump at this stage.
That's the level we're at.
We knew that this was coming, we knew they were going to steal it, and so now we're Either meeting this hour, we're meeting this arena, we're coming together to fight this, or you'll see people abandoning Trump.
But we can't abandon Trump.
I'm not abandoning, but I am starting to go crazy.
Like, I'm going to be honest, I've always been able to handle stress.
At this point, this is so over the top, a communist takeover, Biden stumbling around with his corrupt son on TV, the open stealing, the graphs that aren't organic, that show the fixes in, the total censorship, and it's surreal.
It's otherworldly.
This is Twilight Zone.
Yeah, you got humans walking around in face masks like they're on a foreign planet or something.
They had an article in Atlantic Monthly that Joe Biden does touch children.
It's like Christ.
It's a sacrament.
I mean, there's no end to this.
A gibbering person with strokes that can barely talk?
A Chai Com operative, they say, is our president?
I mean, what?
This is unbelievable.
This is not going to stand.
And then again, I wish he was a normal Democrat.
I wish he wasn't a CHICOM agent.
And then, okay, Trump's gone.
I almost have gone bankrupt under Trump.
I've been persecuted under Trump.
I like what Trump's done.
I think he's a good guy.
But it's not a bit of bed of roses, folks, being associated with Trump.
But man, I'm more behind Trump now than ever.
What about you, Owen?
Yeah, and I'm going to be more behind him for the next, I guess, 72 days.
And he better rise to the occasion in the next 72 days and save this republic, or his name is going to be, you know, not the gold emblem on the side of his buildings and his airplanes.
It's sadly going to be mud.
S-H-I-T word.
By the way, did we not call it the 72 days, the 79 days of hell?
I mean, we have just nailed it, and the problem is, Owen, I can see all the next moves going 50 years out, and it's the end of our species.
This is... I was telling my wife this the other day for about an hour, and she goes, yeah, it's like an alien takeover.
I'm not saying it's aliens, but it's so anti-human, it destroys us, it makes us weak, it ends us.
They admit that's the plan.
It's what the Bible said, it's frickin' Satan, man!
It's Satan!
Yeah, there's no doubt, and we're kind of one of the lone forts, if you will, standing against this, standing our post, manning our post, refusing to back down.
And I'm glad, I'm glad that you're seeing Jay Sekulow and Rudy Giuliani and Pam Bondi and General Flynn and these other people that are willing to stand by too.
And, you know what, I understand Trump wanted to take a few days to maybe get Zen or work on some things behind the scenes, that's fine, but... Ted Cruz?
Ted Cruz, and I mean even Lindsey Graham.
I don't like Lindsey Graham, but... He said we'll never win another presidency.
He gets that this is a fundamental takeover.
This is not sharing power.
This is a revolution by chat comms and globalists, damn it!
And I mean, I just physically, all my ancestors, all my DNA are just like, my ancestors are like really upset, really angry.
My instincts are like, you know, it's time for games, it's over.
That's why I'm so angry.
I'm sorry I've been being mean.
The sad thing is, It's like, you know, Kamala Harris and the Biden camp, like you see them dancing around, hopping around.
Hillary Clinton put up a picture of Biden and Harris this morning.
I guess they had some COVID meeting.
I guess Hillary got to go to that too.
How convenient for her.
And it's a picture of Biden and Kamala and it's a freeze frame of everything they're about.
Kamala cackling like an evil witch and Biden looking like he doesn't even know where the sun rises.
And that... And scared three-year-olds in masks.
Which is what child traffickers do when they put kids in masks.
That helps them move the kids around.
And so they're all dancing and hopping around as they're getting ready to end America and they think it's all a game.
And then the average street liberal just goes along with it because they think it's fun and games too.
Like, oh ha ha, we beat you, ha ha.
And they don't even realize how they're crapping their own pants.
I mean, look at how fake they both are.
They look like animatronic Chuck E. Cheese creatures.
Well, Alex, I'll tell you what.
America's got 70 days to rise up against this.
And I think it's going to happen.
Oh, it's the fifth coup attempt?
It's the fifth hoax attempt?
I'm just, you know, my biggest concern right now is, I mean, once America's awakened and then flicks the switch if we have to to take this country back, I mean, that's not going to be a problem.
The problem is going to be All of these brainwashed morons that are going to stand in the way of this, thinking they're playing some game, or they're in some sort of a, like a LARP, where you know, oh I'm fighting Nazis, ha ha, ooh, I'm fighting racists, oh big, look at me, I'm so virtuous.
Oh I've read some of the Twitters where they call for violence against you and I, and reconciliation commissions put us in prison, they're like, after the violence we've dealt with with Trump, and his Nazi attacks on us, and it's all made up, they're the ones attacking us, it's crazy!
It's complete reverse of reality, and we knew that they would do this because these are Satan's foot soldiers, and this is the psychological warfare of the left that the left currently indoctrinates.
They totally immerse you in a false reality, and then they hope that- The prison of lies.
We live in a prison of lies.
We're taking action. We've got advice for the president.
What's coming next?
Biden and his big COVID task force and how they plan to use the 25th amendment on the president
before he even leaves, even if they win in 72 days. We're going to lay it all out straight
ahead. But Owen, big announcement.
I'm gonna go ahead and close the call.
I kind of feel guilty even sitting on this mission, but you've accepted it, and it's going to be insane.
A giant caravan kicks off at 5, 530 today at the Texas State Capitol, right down by the governor's mansion in that parking lot.
They're going to be telling us about the Stop the Steal Caravan to Washington, D.C.
We'll have maps and more up in a few hours on Infowars.com.
This is all very impromptu.
This is all very revolutionary.
Tell us about it, Owen.
So we are going to launch, as you said, tonight from the state capitol here in Austin, Texas.
We're going to go.
Our first stop is going to be in Houston, Texas tonight.
We'll probably get around there around 8.
We're going to announce the location coming up.
I believe it's going to be at Herman Square Park.
Herman Square Park in Houston tonight at 8.
So again, then we're going to be going down I-10 into Florida.
We're going to stop in Tallahassee on Tuesday.
We're going to go up through Georgia.
Atlanta on Wednesday.
We're going to be in North Carolina and Virginia on Thursday.
And then Washington, D.C.
Friday to link up with you, Alex.
And we've got a battle tank in case Antifa attacks.
That's right.
Welcome to D.C.
We're ready.
We knew it was coming.
Stay with us.
Don't shout at me!
Let's go!
This man knows what he's doing.
Where's Hunter?
Let's go!
Where is he at?
Say that again?
Where's Hunter?
Where's Hunter Biden?
Hey, tell him!
Tell him what he's doing!
Tell him, hey, tell Alex, we haven't forgot you, sir.
We have not forgot you.
We still watch you.
We still love you.
Don't go away.
Don't sell out.
Be there for us.
Come on, Alex.
Been with you for years, man.
Thousands of people downtown Austin Saturday.
We got your back.
Troyer, you're awesome too!
You guys are great!
Keep America great!
Fight for the battle!
Fight for our Republic!
By the way, I know Gerald Solentay is great.
I kind of flamed out like a race car driver.
Blowing his engine first hours.
I'm so upset.
I'm so mad.
I'm going to take about 15 minutes of that time so I can recap what Trump needs to do, how he needs to take action, the next big battle plan against him that he's got to go after now.
And again, Trump gets it.
That's why he launched rallies.
That's why he launched a celebration to counter their PSYOP.
We have some really great news.
He needs to fire Fauci next before he's announced to be put on Joe Biden's task force.
Trump says Defense Secretary Mark Esper has been terminated.
When Trump said two months ago, stop teaching that George Washington's evil and America's inherently bad, the Pentagon will not teach the troops that.
Esper said, we're going to continue that no matter what the President says.
He should have fired his slimy little rat ass right then.
But he didn't.
Well, now he's taking action.
President Trump has put out this tweet.
He fires the Secretary of Defense.
I am pleased to announce that Christopher C. Miller The highly respected director of National Counterterrorism Center, unanimously confirmed by the Senate, will be acting Secretary of Defense, effective immediately.
So Trump's cleaning house now and putting the right people in, because I want to explain something as crystal clear as the bluest sky you ever saw.
If Joe Biden was just a dirty socialist Democrat, And was just gonna, you know, try to loot some stuff.
I wouldn't risk my life fighting him.
I'd expose him.
I'd work hard.
Because he's a CHICOM agent, because they stole this election, and because they're connected to pedophilia and Epstein and the Clintons, and because they're so damn evil, I am... My body is beyond angry.
It is... My body is angry at me that I'm not doing some things.
And I'm having intense dreams of doing some things.
But I'm smarter than that.
We're going to beat them with information warfare in the long haul.
But I know everybody's sick to their stomach.
You can feel evil taking over.
This is a very special country.
It's dying right now.
But we're going to stop it.
And I'm going to be in D.C.
later in the week.
I'm going to be in D.C.
this weekend.
I've got other stuff I'm not going to tell you about yet.
You saw how I was in Austin and I was in Arizona and other areas.
We're going to really bust our asses.
We appreciate you.
We pray for your support.
But Owen Schroyer, I called him yesterday.
He's working even harder than I have.
And I said, will you plan this and take this over with Tim, our great security head?
And they've done a great job.
And again, this is at your own risk.
And by that, there's no orders from headquarters.
We're not going to coordinate you.
I can tell you what to do.
The convoy is going to go pretty slow.
It's going to stop a few times a day so you can, you know, meet up with it.
But if tens of thousands of cars join this and the truckers shut down D.C., like they're already saying, and we use this as a focal point to get other caravans going to D.C.
this Saturday and to hit this Friday, it's going to change the world.
So now's the time to take action, ladies and gentlemen.
It leaves at 5.30 today, right there at that parking lot by the governor's mansion, right in front of the Texas Capitol at 11th Street and Congress.
Owen Schroer, tell us what's coming up.
So what we have here is kind of just a basic map of what we're going to be doing here on the Stop the Steal Caravan and follow on Parler, on Parler at Stop the Steal Caravan, at Stop the Steal Caravan.
You'll see a picture of me pointing my finger at the screen.
We need you to help us stop the steal.
So yes, today at 5 p.m.
here, this is very advanced technology here, okay?
Now this is very advanced.
We're going to be taking off from Austin, Texas at the Capitol at 5 p.m.
And we're going to be getting into Houston.
We haven't decided on a final location.
We're still deciding on a park, but there'll be a park we meet at tonight in Houston at 8 p.m.
And as soon as I get out of the studio, I'm going to... By the way, you're such a millennial that you think it's embarrassing it's on a high-tech screen.
I love this.
What are you talking about?
I like it better.
I wasn't being sarcastic.
I'm one of the good Millennials.
I'm one of the good Millennials, okay?
I'm not one of the brainwashed Millennials.
I'm just teasing.
Start over.
I don't watch the Kardashians.
So anyway.
So we're taking it off from the Capitol here in Austin, 5 p.m.
First meet-up is going to be in Houston tonight at 8 p.m.
And again, follow at StopTheSteelCaravan on Parler where we're going to be putting out updates.
The next stops, which are going to be on Tuesday, I imagine, and again, We're going to give updates on this.
It's going to be kind of a working thing, times and locations.
So make sure you follow for updates and stay tuned to the Alex Jones Show, The War Room and other things at Bandop Video.
But I imagine when we go through Louisiana, we're going to be stopping in Baton Rouge.
We're going to go down through the Gulf side and we're going to go all the way to Tallahassee and then Tuesday night in Tallahassee.
Tuesday night in Tallahassee we will be having a Stop the Steal meetup.
At the Capitol.
Yes, right.
And then on Wednesday... The big rally point is Tallahassee, like your Colonel Jackson, they're rallying in Tallahassee at say 8 p.m.
on Tuesday night.
And then Wednesday, we're going to make our way up to Atlanta, Georgia.
And we'll have an event Wednesday in Atlanta, Georgia.
And then depending on what the time looks like at that current stop, we may jump up to South Carolina, too.
But we'll definitely be in Atlanta, Georgia on Wednesday.
And then Thursday, we're going to be making stops in North Carolina and Virginia.
I think we'll do both the capitals, so we'll do Raleigh, North Carolina, and we'll do Richmond, Virginia.
That will be on Thursday.
And then Friday, we will land in D.C.
We will link up with the big man over here, Alex Jones.
By big I mean fat.
The big pumpkin head.
Hey, hey, let's get serious.
Parler is the thing that Dan Bongino and others have made to compete with Twitter.
And so we know we won't get banned there and that's why we're putting all of our information out on Parler.
And you just launched it this morning.
Just launched it this morning.
And it's got 2,300 followers.
That's right.
And like I said, we should promote it on the Alex Jones Parler.
That was big as well.
That's right, we just linked it up with all of our other accounts on Parler and so we're going to be funneling all information, direct information is going to be at StopTheSteelCaravan on Parler.
And folks, even if you can't be part of this and meet up with us, it doesn't matter.
Promote it, follow it, pick up the streams, push it and say the Americans are coming, the cavalry is coming to back the President.
This is really, the American cavalry is coming to back Trump.
That's it.
And we're going to go right in Saturday, right into that commie storm.
We're going to be there as well.
So look at this, Alex.
Again, starts at the capital of Texas in Austin.
Going to finish in Tuesday in Tallahassee at the capital.
Going to go to Georgia Wednesday, Raleigh, Richmond Thursday, and D.C.
on Friday.
And just like Robert E. Lee said, the volunteer Texans.
We're restoring the Republic this time.
We're for our lovely Yankee president.
We're coming from Texas with all the volunteers.
Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Everybody, get your ass to D.C.
right now.
This is the time to be there.
And by the way, there's going to be a lot of people.
I've already had people reach out to say, hey, I've got extra RVs if people want to hop in my RV and join them, too.
Again, we're not coordinating as far as that.
You're going to have to take care of your own, you know, staying and how you decide to drive and all that stuff.
But we can give you that in a little case.
Yeah, and that's alright.
They're going to stop at points.
They're going to let you know where they're going to be.
So, but make sure you're following on Parler at Stop the Steel Caravan because I'm going to be doing all the communications through there.
So if someone's like, hey, I got an RV.
I'm in Tallahassee.
I can take, you know, five, six people on board.
I'll be putting that information out on Parler.
But Alex, you really wanted this map.
What do you think?
I think it's beautiful.
How about this then for you?
All I want is a map on the website.
You're doing great.
That's for you, Alex.
This is our Stop the Steel Caravan map.
You love the fit I threw earlier.
You guys have no idea what it's like wrangling a wild Alex Jones.
That was not that bad.
If it wasn't for the crew back here and myself and Daria.
You were the one screaming.
Get out of here because I'm pissed that the damn globe was stealing my election, Jones!
They're not taking my election, Jones!
They're not removing Trump, Jones!
Alright folks, I'm wound up.
I'm crazy.
Owen Schroer is here with us, riding shotgun.
And I'm just going to read this to you because it's the truth.
And I'm going to ask, as an American patriot, and as somebody that's going to stand in the gap for you and your family against what's coming down, that you support us.
I'm going to read this to you right now because I'm pouring out all the money we've got to run these operations.
America in crisis.
Emergency Lockdown 2 is coming.
Support Infowars in the fight against total economic collapse and Biden-Marshall law disguises Lockdown 2.
Up to 60% off.
Plus free shipping and triple Patriot points on everything.
And we got DNA Force Plus and Alpha Power back in stock.
Bodies back in stock.
Biotricillinium back in stock.
Ultratrol back in stock.
Vitamin Refusion back in stock.
Selling out quickly.
I'm going to say this right now.
Remember two months ago?
I went on air and I said, there's a good chance Biden's going to steal this with these ballots.
Then they're going to have a COVID-2 lockdown that devastates our economy and confirms a depression and wipes out the third world.
Then they're going to blame Trump for the COVID crisis and say he caused the depression.
Now, Biden gave a press conference today, admitted it all, just like we said, it's the plan.
You can figure this out.
It's like playing chess.
So I had like, you know, Epoch Times calling up.
Is it true you're going bankrupt?
Hey, I hear you're going out of business.
Crew members.
I had a few people quit.
Well, you're going out of business.
I'm going to go work for the Blaze or whatever.
I don't care as long as you're doing your job.
I love you.
I'm not in competition with people.
But I explained to them.
I said, you understand that America is closing.
This is a communist, globalist takeover.
They want to bring us to our knees.
They're never going to end the lockdown.
Bill Gates and the U.N.
have said so at least 10 years of lockdown.
Trump was standing against that because the public bought into the fear.
He was kind of halfway going along with it to try to control it.
Maybe he gets reelected.
Clearly they stole it from him.
We have a bunch of evidence we'll cover next hour with Owen Schroer.
I'm Alex Jones.
When I get up here and I tell you there's a good chance Biden's gonna steal it, and that they're gonna try to shut us down after, and try to shut down our operations, and the supply chains have already broken down.
We called it Anthroplex, super strong, boost your body's, you know, natural test, boost all these things that's so good for your immunity.
Nothing does that like boosting your test.
It was a bestseller under Anthroplex, but somebody had a copyright, they threatened us.
So I changed the name to Alpha Power.
Super strong, super high quality.
We haven't had this in a year.
Because I waited, and then by the time COVID hit, we couldn't get it in, in the high quality version.
It finally was available, and the company told us that we're getting a supply from.
We may go out of business because of the total lockdown.
You better put in a bigger order if you ever want to get it again.
We may close in the new year.
We've already had a bunch of companies we worked for close the new year.
Now, why is This product's special.
What is in this?
What does it do?
Well, it's got a bunch of things in it, but it's got these proprietary ingredients.
LJ 100, Eurycoma, Long Phalangia, Organic Maca, Horny Goatweed, Tribulus, Fruit Extract,
Rice, Grain, Concentrate, Niacin and Zinc.
By the way, we were putting zinc in this before putting zinc in things are cool.
Zinc just supercharges everything you do.
It's got an organic zinc in it.
It's back in stock.
50% off at InfoWareStore.com or AAA253-3139.
at InfoWarsTore.com or 888-253-3139.
And it funds this whole operation.
Bodies Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
Sold out for months.
Back in stock.
So good for your cells.
So good for your immunity.
So good for your inflammation.
It's back in stock.
30% off.
DNA Force Plus is the one thing I'd be doing other than X2.
X2, clean, pure iodine.
It's essential for all human activity.
As much as I'm stressed out, as much as I fight, as much as I do, I could not operate.
I'd be dead without taking these products.
When I forget to take them, I feel it.
Now, it's expensive.
DNA Force Plus is expensive because PQQ and CoQ10 are the high-quality forms, are very expensive.
You can't find formulas with anywhere near this dose for anywhere near this price.
Look at that, 99% reviews, 4.9 stars in fullworkstore.com.
It's 50% off.
Free shipping, triple Patriot points for your next order.
Sign up for auto-ship, an additional 10% off on your next order.
But, it's all back in stock.
The Cabochill.
The Alpha Power.
The DNA Force Plus.
All right, Owen Schroer, I want to keep you with me into the next hour.
And you're only going to host part of your show today, and then you're going to have the great Harrison Smith and others take over, which you're about to get on that highway.
But you're going to be doing a lot of live streams there.
We're setting it up where you're going to be dialing in to us.
Because you're sensitive.
We're going to have our own stream on Infowars off and on during the day.
Showing what you're seeing, what you're witnessing.
But imagine if people get excited.
And imagine if all over the country, along this route and other routes, other caravans.
We're not like, our caravan's the big caravan!
We beg you to do your own caravan from, say, West Virginia, say, on Thursday, Friday, Saturday in the D.C., or Indiana leaving Wednesday, or Ohio, or New York, or Michigan, or Massachusetts, or Rhode Island, or Mississippi, or Texas, or Oklahoma, or Kansas, or Illinois, or Indiana, or Kentucky, or Tennessee, the volunteer state.
People are calling up saying, oh, we might do a caravan, is that okay?
You better damn well do it!
Is it okay?
This ain't some territorial deal where it's us getting attention.
Only thing we did was sign this thing John Hancock, baby.
You think we're signing on for a freaking cakewalk here?
This is a commie New World Order takeover.
Everything we've built for, everything we've done now, Owen.
This is the fight, and it's a surreal moment to be in, and you kind of just have to look around and recognize that you're in the moment now.
It's not coming, it's not down the road, it's now.
This is so historic that I'm like dizzy half the time now.
You know what I mean?
Keep going.
Yeah, well, I can't imagine being in this spin cycle of fake news and globalism and communism for 25 years on air like you've been without, you know, having to sacrifice some of your own sanity, because it's just completely crazy.
I think this is the time to strike because the iron is hot.
And I think Americans are hungry, they're awakening, they're fighting mad.
This is the moment.
And so we have to continue that momentum and we have to... We have to lead again.
It's not enough to say we led in the past, we must now lead at this moment.
And we must now be so forceful that the spear of liberty, the spear is so...
Sharp and wide, it opens the gap for patriots to just flood through the armor.
And so that's what's going to happen.
If we continue to fight this, we continue to keep momentum.
Oh, if two million people hit D.C., it's over.
They've censored everyone.
They've shut everybody down to stop us at this moment and gaslight us.
Everyone must go to D.C.
this Saturday and surround the White House.
Not the Lincoln Memorial.
Not the Easter Bunny.
The White House.
The White House.
Don't be intimidated or bullied by the fascist left who is certainly going to try to do this as we embark on this journey to stop the steal.
The Soros groups are going to be out there and everything, but we have to remain steadfast and our will has to be stronger.
This is the convergence.
Our will is stronger than theirs.
Our will is definitely stronger than theirs.
My problem is my will's turned up so high now I can't even handle it.
I thought I was jacked into electricity before.
How are you feeling?
I can't handle it.
It's insane now.
You were saying earlier, it's, you know, your body, your cells are like, you know, vibrating, like telling you to do something else.
And, you know, we don't want to do that.
We don't want to go to that route.
You know, we'd like to do this peacefully, politically.
And, but we will fight for America, whatever that means.
So whatever it means to fight for America, we will do it.
And this is what we believe the fight is right now.
And so again, well, that's it.
My cells are pissed at me.
They're like, you're not doing enough.
I feel like I'm being kicked in the head, man.
So we are hoping you'll join us.
We're hoping you'll start your own caravans.
Find us in DC Friday.
Find us in Atlanta Wednesday.
Find us in Tallahassee Tuesday.
Find us in Richmond Thursday.
And again... Isn't it great that Trump isn't backing down?
You know what, it's great, but he needs to even be ramped up even more.
I agree.
He needs White House addresses at the Resolute Desk, laying out the election fraud every damn night.
Yeah, and I think this, us... He needs to directly talk to us, but I know what he was waiting for.
He's really a fair guy.
He waited until the lawyers and everybody proved it was fraud.
That's when he did this.
And he wants to see if the American people really are ready to fight for this country and have his back, too.
I think there's an element of that.
Because if he sees millions in D.C.
Well, you notice what the White House told me.
As soon as they saw us, and I don't take the credit, as soon as they saw everybody around the country mobilizing, they said, that's it.
Trump told all of them, screw you, I'm doing it, because they specifically mentioned Austin was the last straw.
They were seeing that.
Yeah, and we had thousands out in the street on Saturday, and I think, too, You know.
Our crowds are bigger than theirs.
And I think that, you know, whether it's the president or whether it's somebody, you know, in his family or in his administration, they're getting it now that, look, you know, InfoWars has been ahead of all this stuff.
So maybe we should start applying that into our formula of how we approach some of these things.
Well, I will tell the enemy they already know this.
If we were the formula four years ago, the White House now is listening because they know I called every facet.
I mean, just down to the T. I mean, literally, we were sitting here, I was sitting on the war room saying, Philadelphia, they're gonna steal it.
Philadelphia, they're gonna steal it.
Detroit, Michigan, they're gonna steal it.
It's like, I mean, it's not, it's just reading the cards on the table.
Well, yeah, they were, they were, exactly, they were telegraphing, but at least we admitted it.
We're gonna come back and talk about how Trump defeats him, how you defeat him.
We can still beat him, but we've got days to do it.
We are in the zeitgeist.
The globalists are trying to censor what you can see and what you can share.
Don't let them win.
Go to our Emergency Election Newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
Sign up for free and get intel they don't want you to have and then share it.
InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
It's time to override the censors and get the truth out.
I wasn't trying to brag in the first hour.
My mind gets so crystal clear about what the enemy is going to do, and it's so easy to beat them.
And I get so mad when I try to lay this out that I just want to overturn the desk.
But we're going to talk about it after Owen leaves in 15 minutes.
He's got to go get packed, some final planning.
Five o'clock, everybody meets at the Texas Capitol.
And whether it's 20 cars or 100 cars, grab your gas, be ready.
We're going.
We're not going to worry about where you stay, what you do.
This is your all on your own.
We're with, you know, one for all, all for one, but we can't manage stuff.
This is up to you and it'll be great to be part of the original caravan from Texas right through.
If you're down in Houston, get ready.
They'll announce soon where we're going to meet in Houston.
But Owen, getting back to Trump.
I get he wants to play golf to act like he's presidential and confident and he least he stayed in I think that's
great but He's now announced these rallies
Which are a great idea that should begin very very soon Yeah, and actually if you go back and you look at the
president's last I think 15 rallies It was either providential or he knew this was going to
happen He hit arizona where they were engaging in a steal right
now He hit michigan where they stole it. He hit wisconsin where
they stole it He had north carolina where they're trying to steal it
right now and pennsylvania So all the states that they were trying to steal he was
hitting multiple times in his final rallies
and so thus proving Hundreds of thousands show up for the Trump rallies.
Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina.
Biden events, like six people maybe.
It's all media.
So he already has the optics of knowing that he really won those elections.
Now he's going to come back and do it again.
And I think the crowds are going to be even bigger this time, Alex.
Oh, I agree.
It'll be triple-sized.
It's not just going to be people showing up to support Trump or be at a Trump rally.
Now it's support and voting.
It's going to be supporting everything.
The total repudiation of the fake news.
And again, they just think, oh look, we're the mainstream media, we're gaslighting, you give up.
When he doesn't give up, that scares the living hell out of them.
And when we don't give up, it scares them even more.
And I think that the reason why this is going to be so key, Alex, is because But he can throw down the gauntlet and be like, Joe, where are your crowds?
Joe, where are your rallies?
Joe, how come you don't have people in Pennsylvania, in Wisconsin, in Michigan?
And he didn't need to whine about how he was ahead of the polls.
In reality, the polls were ahead of him, but he still won.
He needs to go right to the fraud, right to Joe with nobody, how Joe's a CHICOM agent, how he's illegitimate, and how America won't accept it and call America out.
That's what they're fearing, is Trump calling us out to action.
And I think that Americans seeing the fake acceptance by Joe Biden and the fake president-elect Joe Biden, I think that's got a lot of people like, whoa.
It's like, whoa, it's time to fight.
You know, hopefully not too late.
So that's why I think the Trump rallies will be even bigger on this second go-around.
And I think he should launch them.
I think he should do it next week.
You know, start to build momentum, kind of get the rumor mills churning, and then have huge venues next week where you can fit 50,000 people and just blow them out.
He's got a launch now, though.
Just blow them out.
But he's got to be hitting them with those.
Fireside chats will be bigger if he had, like, General Flynn's lawyer on is very well spoken, Giuliani, and just, like, the board you have right here.
Just show them the graphs.
Show them.
Oh, yeah, we're going to have the graphs on the, at the Stop the Steal Caravan.
We're going to have the graphs with us.
So that when we stop and make these stops, we're going to do little presentations.
By the way, did I pick the right route?
Because we could obviously go up into Oklahoma, through Arkansas, through Tennessee, who are great folks, up through Kentucky, Virginia.
But I just figure that southern route going to Florida is key.
The southern route we chose because this way we can go through Georgia, where they're trying to steal it.
We can go through North Carolina, where they're trying to steal it.
And we can hit the capital of Florida, Tallahassee, where Trump has a huge backing.
And then if you're in West Virginia, Kentucky...
Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi.
You want to come on, you better come on.
Everybody always talks, oh, we'll march on Washington.
Alex, we're going to march on Washington.
This is it, folks.
This is the big one.
And again, we'll keep you updated at Stop the Steal Caravan on Parler.
At Stop the Steal Caravan on Parler.
We're banned everywhere else, but we know we can have that on Parler.
I'll be putting out hourly updates on where you can find us and how you can find us.
That's parler.com, Stop the Steal.
We have up to 100,000 people following it.
And it's expanding right now.
Hundreds of people are joining in every few minutes.
Go to Stop the Steal on Parlor with Owen Schroer.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Owen Schroer is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and we are fighting back.
I'll be flying into Washington, D.C.
in the next few days.
Not going to say when.
And I'm going to be running major operations against the globalists at Point Black Range, politically and peacefully.
And Owen Schroer is about to climb up in the armored vehicle with the RV we rented.
And at 5.30 today, they're going to leave from the Texas Capitol on 11th Street in Congress.
They're going to be caravaning down to Houston, and then along the Gulf Coast to the capital of Florida, up into Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and D.C.
by Friday.
Join us in this historic stop the steal caravan.
I talked to the White House and some other folks two days ago.
They said, we're not giving up.
I confirmed yesterday, they're not giving up.
They said, watch, Trump's about to announce rallies.
Now he's announced those rallies nationwide.
It is up to us to stop the steal, the communist takeover, the globalist takeover.
Joe Biden, even if Joe Biden had won this election fair and square, which he didn't, he's a communist Chinese agent with his son who he throws in our face up on TV, hiding it in plain view.
This is insane, Owen Schroeder.
Well, we can't get too depressed over this, and we even have to prepare for the worst, and I hate to be the one that has to say this to the audience because they're not going to like this, but we still do have to prepare for the worst of them actually inaugurating Joe Biden, because they have every intention to do so, and they've said that.
But you've got to understand, this is why they're trying to steal the Senate seats too, Two in Georgia, one in Michigan.
They need total power now.
They're in so much trouble.
And they know that their only hope is to have the Senate and the Presidency and then just sign all this stuff over and just sign America down the drain and then they can keep the impeachment of Joe Biden from happening for his crimes, for his involvement in Russia, in China, in Ukraine, in Romania, in Kazakhstan, in Iraq.
He's basically a completely compromised candidate already heading in.
So what are they going to do with Biden?
Are they going to just shuffle him off?
Like bring in Kamala?
Or is he going to die magically of COVID?
By the way, that's one of the top searches.
There's a bunch of articles on the left saying, what happens if Biden dies before inauguration?
I mean, he's already dead.
But Kamala is even more phony than him.
I mean, that's possible.
Think about that.
That's a double steal, Alex.
Think about this.
It's really like a quadruple steal.
They stole the Democrat nomination from Bernie, but it wasn't even that.
They stole it from Bernie, and then they never gave Tulsi Gabbard a chance, who was actually winning the debate, and then all the other clowns that were on the stage, like 17 of them or whatever.
But Kamala was pulling the lowest.
She was pulling the lowest.
She was pulling at 0.1.
So they literally said, OK, well, we'll just pull Kamala out before we have any voting so that the returns show her as, you know, 0% on the polls.
And then we'll just say, oh, she's the vice president of Joe Biden, who we stole it from in the primaries from Bernie Sanders.
And then Biden will be so old and decrepit, one foot in the grave, he'll just kind of step aside or go into the sunlight or, God forbid, die.
And then it'll be President Kamala.
So they literally have foisted Kamala Harris from nothing, from nothing, into a certain role as the United States President.
That's their plan.
Because she's empty just like they are.
She's totally, I mean, I don't even understand that woman.
Alright, let's go ahead and look at some of these articles.
Talk about fraud.
Let's go ahead and cover these right now.
But Owen, I'm looking forward to the historic caravan you're about to lead.
I'm really looking forward to this.
Are you bringing your tortoise?
You better be, Alex.
That's classified information.
I was thinking about bringing my tortoise, though, yeah.
He's named after the president, after all.
Don J. Tortoise.
It's a four-year-old African tortoise.
He's African, so you can't call him racist.
Well, you kidnapped him.
I did not kidnap him.
I saved him.
I saved him from the barbaries.
They were ancestors of Ilhan Omar, trying to sell African tortoises into slavery.
How do you think they built the pyramids, Alex?
Those tortoises are strong.
You're not bringing that tortoise with you.
No, but we are going to be bringing our American spirit.
What got you into tortoises?
I don't know, man.
Have you ever seen that news clip of the little kid who, like, says he's a tortoise?
You guys know that?
Or he says he's a turtle?
Like, I love turtles!
I think that may have been me.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
That's probably what it was.
I like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
I think that's what it was.
Heroes of the Half Shell.
We're kind of going in like a tortoise vehicle, though.
You know, the armored truck.
It's got all the armor.
It moves kind of slow.
But it always gets to the destination safely.
Oh yeah.
You know?
Alright, let's get serious here.
The fight for the soul of our republic has begun.
I agree with Gateway Planet's headline.
With all the recounts, investigations, audits, and count cases, the election is far from over.
That is totally true.
Don't let mainstream media lie to you.
Huge breaking news in Georgia.
132,000 ballots now confirmed in Fulton County, Georgia, have been identified, which are likely ineligible, and just so happen to almost all be for Joe Biden.
And that's the only reason they haven't called Georgia for Biden yet, because they're afraid that those ballots are going to get nullified, so they're going to have to send in another 200,000.
That's right, they just always have more.
Republicans in Michigan goes from loser to winner after technical glitch fixed.
Officials urge confidence in the system.
So again, Republican in Michigan goes from loser to winner after technical glitch fixed.
Officials urge confidence in the system.
An incumbent Republican in Michigan went from losing his re-election race to winning it after officials discovered a technical glitch by which the results from seven precincts had been counted twice.
But they kept ordering them in Michigan and in Pennsylvania.
Oh, you didn't hit upload, re-upload.
Now the word is there, too.
It's double uploads, the same votes.
Well, it's everywhere.
In fact, that system, the Dominion voting system, is used in, I think, like 30 states.
But most importantly, it's used in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, conveniently, that they stole for Biden in the dark of night.
And you can go to theclintonfoundation.org and you can find out that it was the Clinton Foundation that brought in the Dominion voting system into our Western democracy.
There's another one, Staple Street is Soros, and it was in the key states as well.
Breaking huge, another glitch.
Captured live on CNN election night, 20,000 votes swapped from Trump to Biden.
It's magic, Alex.
The Associated Press, though, agrees with Democrats that GOP observers should not be allowed inside convention center to watch vote counts, even though it's federal and state law.
I mean, can you imagine how ridiculous that is?
They took a victory from Donald Trump and they called it a lie.
This country's under attack.
Attorney Lin Wood on why he joined Trump's legal team.
Yep, the Patriots are stepping up.
We're going to be abandoned by some people you didn't think would abandon us, but the Patriots are stepping up, Alex.
Facebook and Twitter suspend accounts that posted on Binford's Law showing Biden's implausible vote totals labeling as sexual exploitation.
Yeah, I've seen videos on YouTube that show graphs and things and they call it not suitable for under 18.
So this is the same thing.
And it's just a graph.
It's a graph and it's sexual exploitation.
But by the way, it's the graph that shows how Biden's results are literally impossible.
But you know, but Joe Biden, you know, sniffing the kids, that's all good.
That's right.
Although, I mean, it's not just good.
Now Atlantic Monthly says it's a religious Christ-like sacrament.
It's pedo Joe.
It actually says when he lays upon the hands, it's now a holy act.
I guess at Jeffrey Epstein's Island, too.
It's like a holy act.
They'll probably have some deal.
You'll bring your child to... Children with Biden!
But they're telling you!
Actually, he said when they raped kids at that island, it was a holy act.
So it's a... Being honest.
It is!
It's a demonic holy act.
I'm a holy man!
It's a satanic religion.
Pray for your daughter right now.
Trump campaign witnesses saw Biden-Harris bandstop at Las Vegas Nevada Center and unloaded filled boxes of ballots.
I love that one.
We fought that in Pennsylvania and in Michigan.
No, how hilarious is it, Alex, that I have video where, I mean, everybody's seen it.
Don Jr.
retweeted it and it's just guys just wheeling in suitcases of ballots.
And then Twitter banned it. The presidential election, corruption and deception.
President-elect Biden won't be for long.
It goes on and on.
Election changes in Wisconsin call into question tens of thousands of votes.
Graham warns if we don't fight back, GOP may never win a presidency again.
Yeah, this isn't parties battling for power.
This is a party ending the voting system in America.
Sidney Powell says they had it all planned.
Has the evidence.
Trump Alliance prizes a 30-day legal war as Senate hangs in the balance.
You cannot cut the suspense with a knife.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
The caravan begins in Texas.
We're calling for caravans everywhere around the country, for truckers to run strikes, to be there Friday and Saturday, Sunday in D.C., but show up Friday, Saturday's the key day.
And tell them about the Parler account.
You've launched, Owen, for folks to join us anywhere on the track from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida.
Carolinas, tell us how we do it.
Follow at StopTheSteelCaravan on Parler.
I'm going to be putting up hourly updates where you can find us.
Our stops again, our launch tonight, Austin, Texas, 5 p.m.
Our first stop, Houston, Texas, 8 p.m.
tonight and onward and upward.
God bless America, Alex Jones.
Yes, yes, yes.
I have a great sense of responsibility.
I know you do.
We can feel 246 years of our republic hanging in the balance.
We know we're being replaced by a global government.
Communist Chinese are the model.
They've oppressed those people so horribly.
It is truly godless and soulless what we're facing.
But we have a lot of allies here in the United States and around the world, and we are coming together.
There is an awakening that is so huge right now.
But the establishment tends to mop that up with authoritarianism and their social credit score to shut everyone down that doesn't submit.
They have an authoritarian answer to our movement of 1776.
But let me just do this.
Let me talk about Joe Biden, the liar himself, and then just briefly recap what their current plan is that we predicted that they're now executing and the only way the president can respond to it to defeat it.
And that means we have to magnify this information like our lives depend on.
You have seen Joe Biden come out in the last three days and say that he's the president-elect, fraudulently, and have the corporate media, mainly foreign-owned, say it.
And you've seen Joe Biden say, hey, I want to unify the country.
Now that's a classic military tactic, like they had in World War I, where the Germans would bullhorn Over to Speaker System.
Hey, your military has given up.
We're not going to hurt you.
Just put your hands up.
You'll be okay.
You see the classic jokes we play a lot where Mars attacks.
The Martians are shooting people with laser beams with ray guns and saying, don't run.
We're your friends.
But when the people stop and don't run, they get shot and killed.
When the military, the U.S.
Army, criminally attacked the poor Branch Davidian cult, they were a cult, they didn't deserve to die, and killed the women and children.
They had the armored vehicles saying, don't run, this is not an assault.
They were shooting them on the flare footage from behind the tanks.
So that's a tactic to tell you we're not assaulting you when we are.
So when Joe Biden comes out and says we're not assaulting you, Michelle Obama, aka Big Mike, Comes out and says, whites are evil, America's evil, they're evil, they're terrorists, get them.
And all their surrogates come out and say the same thing.
Pete Buttigieg, judge of the booty, comes out and says, I want to be friends with Republicans.
And then meanwhile, he's creating this list of people to be persecuted and attacked.
It's all a lie.
They want you to think they're going to be nice to you, so you submit, so they can run over you.
There's dozens of these clips, but here's Jennifer Rubin on MSNBC on AMJOY saying we have to collectively burn down the Republican Party.
And if you go on Twitter and Facebook and everywhere, this is what they're currently saying all over the place.
Here they are.
An entertainment organization that has a news outlet would hire these people.
I also want to echo something that my friend EJ said.
It's not only that Trump has to lose, but that all his enablers have to lose.
We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party.
We have to level them.
Because if there are survivors, if there are people who weathered this storm, they will do it again.
They will take this as confirmation that, hey, it just pays to ride the waves.
Look at me, I made it through.
And so up and down the ticket, federal, state, local offices, the country has to repudiate this.
This has become a dysfunctional, anti-government party.
That is not what the country wants and what it needs.
So there are the Democrats pledging vengeance.
Here's another one.
Pete Buttigieg tells people to reach out to Trump supporters as his staff compiles a blacklist of them.
For Big Tech to persecute.
All because Trump ended the wars and doubled funding to black colleges and tripled funding for economic zones where you do get the money if you hire a black person.
Which is not affirmative action.
It's a direct government subsidy to build a factory in a major black area and then to hire a black person so they get off welfare and have a future.
It's not, oh, I give you money, and then you don't have children, or you live in this shack, and, you know, it's $500 a month.
No, how about $5,000 a month, and you actually work your ass off, and you love it, and you appreciate it, and now you're part of the country.
Like when Lincoln said, you're going to give every black slave 40 acres and a mule at the end of the Civil War.
Most folks didn't get it, but it's the idea of better to teach somebody how to fish than to give them fish.
And Trump really tried hard, didn't he?
You know, I know a lady that's on the board of a big black college.
Traditionally black colleges are called.
And she didn't give a damn when Trump doubled their money three years ago.
She's out there campaigning hard against Trump.
Because see, it isn't about that, is it?
It's about working for that Democratic Party that owns your ass.
Because they know where the bodies are buried.
And they own these black leaders.
They own the white leaders, too.
It's a cult, and we ain't in it, folks.
AOC, Progressives Pursue Truth and Reconciling Commission for Trump Supporters.
And that's literally a re-education camp monger.
They say you can't have a job, can't have a bank account, you come to our event, say you're sorry, spend months with us, admit you're wrong, and then do whatever we tell you.
That's called a cult, ladies and gentlemen.
You can move to Venezuela and be in one right now, or you can go under AOC and do what she has to say.
I'm going to talk about some other important news here for a moment.
I'm going to come back and I'm going to do what I tried to do in the first hour.
I think I did a pretty good job, but there were thousands of data points.
It's impossible to verbally lay it all out, but I'm going to try to give you a real analysis of what Trump's up against, what you're up against, and what's going to happen if you don't wake up and take action when we go to break and come back.
Separately, I'm not complaining.
In fact, the exhausted side of me just thinks, hey, I got a great crew, I got great people, but they'll understand if we implode and fall apart and just shut down, they'll go off and find other jobs, but they won't.
This is the takeover.
Things are going to get 10 times worse.
We're supposed to stay on air through this nightmare, through the next lockdown, through the breakdown of society, through the total censorship, and still be on air when nobody else is.
I've always known that.
I've always known that's our mission.
And I told you that over a decade ago.
I saw all this coming because I've studied the enemy.
They've got an exact program.
So we have a responsibility to stay on air.
Plus we have products you already need, but it takes money to do it.
And we're not bringing in the capital we need right now to keep operating.
So I'm launching what I did two months ago that brought in some capital.
I said, if Biden steals it and gets elected, he's going to do it lockdown too.
And we've got to have money in the bank because society's already breaking down.
Our supply chain's already broken down.
And you saw that happen, didn't you?
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Stop the steel, Republican crisis.
And this could be the end of M4s, the end of everything.
I mean, it's the end of the Republic.
I mean, we're going into total depression.
Food shortages are already starting.
And Biden's going to clamp us shut and bring us to our knees.
He hates the Midwest.
He hates the South.
He hates the poor.
He hates the working class.
He hates you and your family.
The enemy is taking over.
Our very cells know it.
This isn't just your regular conquerors taking over like the Romans.
We're just going to make you do their yard work and their fields, but you live in a major city and have medicine and food.
And in some cases, you'd be better off.
These are people that want to castrate your sons, worship Satan, and turn you into a commodity because their religion is treating humans like trash.
Because they're these ascendant god men.
When really, they're just the devil's droppings.
It's a very powerful report that Greg Reese just filed.
It's four and a half minutes long.
We're going to air it at the start of the next segment.
But let me just try as best I can to say this now to the President and the American people.
I don't know why the President and his advisors always respond to things in a two-dimensional way on their face like it's real.
We don't have time for that anymore.
They have been beating the drum that the president is behind COVID with no evidence
when it's Bill Gates, Fauci, the UN, the CHICOMS, the Wuhan lab.
And now they're openly blaming Trump and saying he lost an election, he didn't lose because of it.
And now Fauci, who's on record with Obama and others moving illegal weapons labs with gain of
function coronavirus COVID-19 viruses to China six years ago. And Trump must expose that because now
Joe Biden is coming out with his new task force of disgruntled anti-Trumpers from the CDC,
from the National Institutes of Health.
To say that Trump's causing every death and there's a clear and present danger and he must be taken out of the White House under the 25th Amendment because he's already caused a quarter million deaths, which is fraudulent.
And that Trump either accepts Biden's edicts early for the first time in U.S.
history, taking over before his inauguration, or Trump will be blamed for all the deaths in the media and they will try a 25th Amendment removal.
Trump doesn't coddle them and agree to their fraud.
They're going to blame him anyways for it if he does that.
He doesn't fight them and then ignore them and just let them blame him for COVID.
President Trump frontal assaults and exposes Fauci.
and exposes Bill Gates and exposes the Deep State and exposes Communist China and the Wuhan lab and he could put all the mainstream news up before he even got in office of how they moved it to Wuhan and how it was controversial and how scientists said Obama and Fauci and Gates were wrong and it's all before he ever even got into office and if he gets up there at those rallies or he gets up there from the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office and he systematically Lays out those facts instead of, oh, I blocked flights first from China, and oh, I did great on COVID.
Instead of playing along with their game, which he's been doing, and I understand the judo move of, oh, you got a vaccine in three years, we can't reopen until then?
I've got one now that isn't as dangerous.
And then people don't have to take it, but if you want to, you can.
He's taking power from them so people won't be scared and can feel like they can go back to work because they want a vaccine.
It's there.
Even though it's got side effects, there's a problem.
I'm not endorsing a vaccine.
This is the history of them.
But Trump knew what he was doing, but that was the third way.
And that didn't work, did it?
You must frontal assault the lie of the mask not protecting people in the studies, of all the thousands of doctors censored, ready to come into press conferences.
You could fill the White House lawn with people.
You've got to get them to your rallies, you've got to expose and break the COVID fraud because it was the final coup.
We had Russiagate, we had Ukrainegate, we had all the spy gates, we had the impeachment, and then now you have the real fifth coup that isn't just the election fraud, but it is the COVID-19 garbage.
And the hoax is that Trump's behind it and it's the European virus and all this crap.
And no one buys that, President Trump!
Even liberals I've talked to go, yeah, it's way overblown.
We know it barely kills anybody.
We know they say people that die of gunshot wounds are on the list.
Pfft, pneumonia, cancer.
And of course, during the winter, they'll finally get some real deaths of something else to put on the list.
So, of course, the numbers will finally go back up.
The winter's here.
Folks aren't getting their vitamins, their vitamin D. They die.
Without it, you die.
And Trump, really, the last few months, got this.
He started getting hardcore, but he's got to do it now.
And he's got to do it aggressive.
So here are just some of the headlines on this front.
Parents blocked from seeing sick newborns by UK's socialized healthcare system.
This is just government healthcare power grabbing, not letting folks see old folks, letting them kill people, letting them put intubation down their throats.
This is a power grab.
This is the hospitals turning into prisons all over the world and are you in direction?
We should reject it.
Hundreds of UK medics and academics urge Boris Johnson COVID data is exaggerated and second wave talk is misleading.
German doctors urge Chancellor Merkel to put an end to the COVID fear machine.
They're going to say that it's 90 plus percent exaggerated, absolutely out of control, not even as bad as the flu.
And they're prestigious.
This is the key.
It's at Infowars.com.
New York Bar Association calls for mandatory COVID vaccine with no exceptions.
So the lawyers for Big Pharma want to make you take this.
They're not doctors.
They're not patients.
They have no standing, but they want to violate your most fundamental rights.
That's how the lawyers in America have gone from corrupt to damn right evil.
Meanwhile, the main push to get rid of Trump, to make Biden look presidential, to act like Trump's done nothing.
He says, you're causing hundreds of deaths a day.
You're causing thousands of cases a day.
Do what I say or you're bad.
Accept my takeover early or you're bad.
If Trump agrees with the takeover, he's sold out.
If he copies the takeover, he sells out.
The only way to do it is to destroy them politically with the truth and blow this lie up altogether.
Trump in denial over election defeat as Biden gears up to fight COVID.
He's so presidential.
Dow rallies 1,100 points.
It's up more.
That was this morning.
It's pulled the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Hits record as Pfizer says COVID-19 vaccine is more than 90% effective.
And cue up that clip, though.
I think it's on the list here.
Governor Cuomo came out and said, I don't care what he says, it's not safe.
Because they want the lockdown to continue.
I'm not endorsing the vaccine.
Trump got Pfizer and others to actually put out a real attenuated version of the virus, not an mRNA vaccine that changes your DNA.
That's even worse.
To again, take control of the fear.
Get people not to be in fear.
To have a solution.
Even though it's a fraudulent solution.
I get the Machiavellian action.
Doesn't mean I agree with it.
The media keeps misrepresenting I agree with it.
I don't.
That goes way up.
The stocks go way up.
So the fear can end.
The lockdown can end.
Just as Trump said he'd have the vaccine ready right after election.
They don't care.
They say it's gonna continue on forever.
And Cuomo, I have the video.
I saw it this morning.
If you guys don't have it, try to queue it up.
Cuomo says on MSNBC, we're not going to accept it.
Don't take it.
I even have the article here.
Just type in Cuomo says don't take Pfizer vaccine.
Pfizer says COVID-19 vaccine is looking 90% effective.
AP and major studies.
Here it is.
Governor Cuomo threatens to block Trump admin's distribution of COVID vaccine.
Because he's the doctor.
He's the lawyer.
He's the patient.
He's the boss that shipped infected people into nursing homes to get half the deaths in New York.
Official data has exaggerated the risk of COVID.
500 academics tell Forrest Johnson.
And it just goes on with more people.
Super spreaders.
Biden campaign urges people to wear masks.
Social distance amid packed celebrations to go along with the hoax.
New Jersey tightens COVID-19 restrictions as New York Mayor warns city on cusp of second wave.
It's just an endless leftist lockdown, folks.
Meanwhile, the media is censoring Trump actually talking about all of this.
Biden's unveiled his COVID advisory board.
It includes a controversial figure Trump fired for incompetence.
Ben Sasse rips Cuomo for shameless politicizing of Wuhan coronavirus vaccine, saying the public can't have it.
Biden puts official removed from Trump administration for alleged incompetence on the task force.
It's all political.
They couldn't get away with regular martial law.
They'd never do it.
But if it's for a virus, they will.
But they don't want it to end, so they go, oh, there is no vaccine.
Or they say, if there is a vaccine, it won't have antibodies.
Because they want to keep you locked down.
That's the real weapon that'll kill hundreds of millions of the third world.
Stay with us.
By the way, I'm going to come back tonight, 7 to 9 central in studio with Yama Rain and others to cover the launch of the caravan from Texas to Virginia and to D.C.
to save our president.
The air starts to rumble!
And if all of you get excited and fight back against these bullies, it's going to cause a chain reaction.
They called Hillary a god.
Now Atlantic Monthly says when Joe Biden touches your child it's a Christ-like sacrament.
My very DNA, my cells are crying out against what's happening.
But let's not tear each other up in this fight like sharks will get in a frenzy and bite each other.
Let's stay focused.
Let's be humans that are above our animal selves.
Acting like a robot.
Let's not be a robot either.
And let's come together and change history.
All right, let's go ahead and the guys found it like a minute without me even asking.
The Club of Cuomo saying, oh, don't take Trump's vaccine because they want the fear to keep going when you get their mRNA vaccine.
That's like being shot by a BB gun versus being shot by a 12-gauge shotgun with a double-locked buck.
I'm not saying take the vaccine.
I'm not saying take the regular Pfizer attenuated where they microwave or radiate a coronavirus.
and your body learns how to beat it, it could still cause an autoimmune problem, it could
still be contaminated, it's still got liability protection, I still won't take over my dead body.
Trump said six months ago it'll be voluntary, they've already got it ready, he knows that
the Rockefellers and others already had more, along with Gates, had more than 15 of these
things patented years ago. He went out under emergencies, got it picked up, he showed you
back in March and April of this year all the government documents where they already had the
vaccine's ready.
They have the ingredients ready.
They just gotta get this vaccine itself certified with how much adjuvant they're gonna add, how much aluminum.
So Trump said, old people might need it.
That's who gets killed by this.
Probably not young people.
It's up to you if you want to take it.
That's how he hijacked what they were doing.
I saw what he was doing.
And That they got really upset about it.
And Bill Gates got upset.
And then he said, oh no, it's going to be years until the mRNA comes out, which again, is not a vaccine.
As Robert Barnes' conscious lawyers explain, it's drugs they call a vaccine.
And sure, vaccines are classified as a drug, but what is a drug?
It could be a million different things.
It's live viruses genetically engineered that are synthetic to go in and reprogram your cells.
That's a whole new universe.
And that's the revolution against us.
And that's what's so dangerous.
And that's why I'm so sick about Joe Biden taking over.
Because he says an endless lockdown.
You're going to accept contact tracers.
You're going to accept phone apps.
You're going to have to have these shots to have jobs.
And he's saying it all!
And his party and the globalists and Fauci and Bill Gates and Obama were behind the damn Wuhan virus on record!
But it's the perfect takeover for martial law.
So here's Cuomo, the same guy that sent COVID patients into nursing homes to kill people.
Here he is saying, don't take Trump's vaccine.
Here it is.
I'm sure the Biden administration is going to address that.
I think his first step saying, let's focus on the science.
Let's depoliticize testing data.
Listen to the science is the exact opposite of Trump.
But you have two months and we can't let this vaccination plan go forward the way the Trump administration is designing it.
Because Biden can't undo it two months later.
We'll be in the midst of it.
And I've been talking to governors across the nation about that.
How can we shape the Trump administration vaccine plan to fix it, or stop it, before it does damage?
Have you noticed that he talks like he's in that McDonald's ad?
Nothing against Down Syndrome children, but, welcome to McDonald's, may I help you?
And he's sitting there, telling you, Then we may not let him do that!
Because they've got their mRNA vaccine ready for you and your family, that's super deadly, that everybody gets sick, and many have died in the trials.
Because they want the fear to go on.
Bill Gates says there'll never be a vaccine now.
The lockdown never stops.
I wanted to kill you with vaccines, but instead I'll just kill you because there's not a vaccine.
You can never leave your house again, because one person might die.
It doesn't matter if the British Pentagon admits that it's going to cause world war and millions are starving to death every month.
It doesn't matter because I'm Bill Gates and I'm your God.
I'm your king, I'm your master, I'm your lord.
Now Paul Watson's knocked it out of the park with a new report, just went live at Infowars.com,
titled Truth About Presidential Election You Should Share.
We'll air that next hour here at Jerald Celente.
But first, another powerful report from Greg Reese, the four-year plan to overthrow an
elected president.
Here it is.
Hindsight is 20/20, and the enemy is very cunning.
But now that they have launched their coup against President Donald J. Trump, we can see their battle plans.
He got four years in the White House, and they weren't going to give him a second term.
Plans for 2020 began immediately following the 2016 election.
Nine days before Trump's inauguration, Fauci says there is no doubt that President Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease.
Two days after the president's inauguration, Bill Gates spoke at Davos and warned of a coming deadly pandemic.
An illegal surveillance operation was already launched before the election, and the president was then subjected to four years of nonstop baseless attacks and defamation, keeping Trump on the constant defense and the American people distracted while the deep state establishment prepared for the 2020 election.
The COVID hoax was in the works years before the election of Donald Trump, but they started fast-tracking it.
In 2017, Dr. Fauci began the controversial program of manipulating a virus to become more infectious to humans.
This is known as gain-of-function research.
In 2018, several CIA agents are elected into public office, claiming their new mission is to foil Trump.
In 2019, Fauci committed $3.7 million to the Wuhan lab in China for gain-of-function work on bat coronaviruses.
In 2019, Dominion voting machines, funded by the Clinton Foundation, expanded their 1,600 jurisdictions into the state of Georgia.
In October of 2019, the Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, and Johns Hopkins sponsored Event 201, a tabletop exercise that simulated millions dying from a strain of coronavirus.
Two months later, China reports an outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan.
March 13th, 2020, the U.S.
shuts down for COVID.
Thousands of people lose their jobs overnight.
We are told that masks don't work, and yet we are told that we must wear them.
On March 16th, the Brennan Center for Justice releases how to protect the 2020 vote from the coronavirus and suggest mail-in ballots, among other changes to the election.
The media tries to blame Trump.
Fear is injected into the brainwashed masses over an alleged virus less deadly than the common cold.
On May 25th, Soros-funded violent protests erupt throughout the country.
For the rest of the summer, cities burn, businesses are looted, and people are murdered in the streets.
The entire platform of the Democrat Party becomes, if you want the chaos to end, vote for Joe Biden.
In September of 2020, the Mockingbird media began reporting that Trump will refuse to leave the White House when he is beaten in November.
On election night, just as the president begins to surge in critical states, the election is inexplicably halted.
Thousands of mail-in ballots appear in the middle of the night, all for Joe Biden.
While completely ignoring massive evidence of voter fraud, the mainstream media prematurely calls victory for Joe Biden.
And now, agents of the deep state are decloaking themselves, calling for the president to concede and give full power back to the crooked establishment.
If the president concedes, the Trump family will be forever destroyed, and America will fall into chaos.
The only route to victory is to win the election in the courts and go on a massive offensive against the deep state establishment and the mockingbird media.
Those attempting to overthrow the United States need to be executed.
The battle is just beginning.
God bless America.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
The four-year plan to overthrow the elected president just went live at Bandot Video.
I suggest you use that weapon system while it's still available.
They're working around the clock to shut it down now.
We are loyal to common sense and to God, and that means our Republic.
We are steadfast, but we're made of flesh and blood.
So we'll never give up.
We could give out or we could go crazy.
So pray for us and spread the word and buy products at InfoWarsTore.com to insure money to keep this operation going.
Take action now.
Hour four, even more powerful reports straight ahead.
This isn't hype.
This is the truth.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here back live.
If Every American could see one of these videos today.
It changed the whole course of the nation.
But they've censored us, they've blocked us, and the only place to find it is BandOnVideo.
But if you simply go and get these links, and share these links, or download them, or however you do it, and tell others, hey, here's the secret truth you're not supposed to see.
If you simply share these two videos that are at InfoWars.com, it will defeat the globalists.
It's truth that will set us free, as Jesus Christ said.
The four-year plan to overthrow an elected president is four and a half minutes long.
It's at M4Wars.com.
It's Greg Reese.
It's at Man.Video.
And Paul Joseph Watson, the truth about the presidential election.
We're going to air it next segment, and then Gerald Cilente takes over.
It's very powerful as well.
Then, as I said, I'll be back tonight, 7 to 9, co-hosting with Deanna Lorraine here in studio to cover the latest developments.
Again, I don't say this to sound official or to sound powerful.
I say it because you need to understand something.
Let's say you're on a space station and there's a malfunction of the computer and there's a small
fire and you extinguish it out.
And then you go and you see that a particular piece is fried that deals with the oxygen scrubbers, and they can't get a capsule up to save you, say, for a month with the rockets they've got.
That's usually how it is, a month or so.
And you're going to run out of oxygen in three days.
Well, they happen to have the computer chips, usually for everything on the ship, stored.
And so if you don't go and find the proper motherboard, the proper chip outlay, and you don't put that in and test it and fire up the scrubbers, you're going to die in a couple days on the spacecraft.
And that's what this is.
I know their next plan.
This is all I do.
I dream now.
I used to have normal dreams.
My dreams all night are just politics and the new world order and how to defeat them.
And you know, that's all I do 24 seven.
And I know this up one side and down the other.
I know exactly what they're going to do, what they're going to pull.
I know how to beat them.
And also know the bondage we're going into if we don't turn this around.
These people crave power over your mind.
They crave making you desperate and poor.
These are abjectly evil people.
I mean, Joe Biden is a manifestation of a demon.
His son is.
Kamala Harris is a giggling, snickering monster that couldn't even get one-tenth of one percent of the Democrats to support her because she's outrageously criminal.
But the system chose her because it's empty like they are.
Literal sellouts that have proven they're compromised.
They don't know who they are and they'll do anything and that's who they choose.
And I told all of you, I said, don't take how disgusting Kamala Harris is and how disgusting Joe Biden is and think they look weak and think they're easy to defeat.
That's the sucker punch.
And I told you, But we're not giving up, we're not giving in.
If they had won it fair and square, I wouldn't care.
But no, they stole it.
And so we have to resist it.
And they're horrible globalists.
So, the War Room's coming up today with Harrison Smith for about an hour.
Owen will be on it.
He's about to launch Caravan.
Five o'clock's when people gather.
Five-thirty or so when it leaves.
Texas Capitol, South Side.
And if everybody joins that caravan and if there's tens of thousands of vehicles
that end up showing up in DC, it'll be amazing.
If a thousand show up, it's still beautiful.
But if you want to take action, now's the time to be a walking, traveling billboard
for truth, stop the steel caravan, starts at 8 p.m. in Houston, Texas,
is the second leg, leaving from Austin at 5 p.m.
So it really starts at 5 p.m. but kicks off in Houston at 8 p.m. or 8 30 or so.
Remember folks get down there and there's also a parlor account with the
stop the steel caravan with Owen Troyer.
We're gonna get all those URLs up.
Actually created a URL a few hours ago for folks to be able to find that and go to that.
But we'll get those links up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com so you can share those
as quickly as possible.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
You didn't think freedom'd be free.
You didn't think we'd put Trump in there and there wouldn't be a giant fight over it.
No, we looked for this.
We asked for the fight.
They started it.
Now we're getting one.
That's okay.
Paul Watson's report's coming up in Gerald Cilente, NewsWars.com.
The globalists are trying to censor what you can see and what you can share.
Don't let them win.
Go to our Emergency Election Newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
Sign up for free and get intel they don't want you to have and then share it.
InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
It's time to override the censors and get the truth out.
And don't fucking leave it!
The show goes on!
This is fun!
They're gonna need to send in the National Guard, a fucking SWAT team, cause I ain't going nowhere!
There's no greater irony than the same people who for four years tried to delegitimize an election result with baseless conspiracy theories, then accusing the Trump campaign of trying to delegitimize an election result with baseless conspiracy theories.
You don't get to do that.
You spent four years relentlessly trying to subvert the office of president, then cry foul when the Trump campaign demands a legally transparent vote count.
You don't get to do that!
You know what the mainstream media also doesn't get to do?
Decide elections!
The role of declaring the winner of a presidential election in the U.S.
falls to the news media!
No, it fucking doesn't!
Oh my goodness!
All the networks!
All the networks!
We have to forget about the law!
Judges don't count!
All the networks, all the networks!
Well, the networks thought Biden was going to win by 10%.
Gee, what happened?
But it's not like they didn't tell you what they were going to do in advance.
And you have a model scenario called the Red Mirage.
What does that mean?
On election night, we're going to see Donald Trump in a stronger position.
The data is going to show on election night an incredible victory for Donald Trump.
When every legitimate vote is tallied and we get to that final day, which will be someday after election day, it will in fact show That what happened on election night was exactly that, a mirage.
It looked like Donald Trump was in the lead.
And he fundamentally was not.
When every ballot, it gets counted.
Biden got fewer votes than Obama or Hillary in every state except Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Wisconsin.
Hmm, funny that, isn't it?
Seems about as normal as a 77-year-old man sniffing a random six-year-old girl's hair.
Totally normal!
We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.
Google Trends searches for election fraud punishment surged in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona before election.
What a stunning coincidence!
I wonder why that could...
Possibly be!
Numbers of people who voted only for Joe Biden and didn't vote further down the ticket.
Pennsylvania 98,000, Georgia 80 to 90,000, Arizona 42,000, Michigan 69 to 115,000,
Wisconsin 62,836. Seems legit.
We've identified at least 450,000 ballots in the key states that miraculously only have a
mark for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate.
Still, at least Republican poll watchers were allowed to to observe them all being countered.
[crowd noise]
Still, at least we're allowed to talk about this!
At least social media companies didn't implement policies months before anticipating this very scenario so they could then censor whistleblowers.
Look, it's time to just accept that Biden won fair and square.
His voters were way more committed to the cause.
In some cases going so far as returning from the dead to vote for him.
You've got to give it up for that kind of enthusiasm!
If Republicans are consistently unable to capture that key demographic, dead people, then they only have themselves to blame.
Let's say all those 4am magic ballots were totally legitimate.
Who's to blame?
Trump. If you believe the system stole the election from him then it's pretty
naive that that same system is just gonna hand it back. So let's say Trump
fails in court and Biden wins. Let's say all those 4 a.m.
magic ballots were totally legitimate. Who's to blame? The media. No, not the
legacy media, the conservative media.
Trump was basically the first president in history to run a campaign with barely any right-wing media outlets fighting his corner.
The Drudge Report abandoned Trump and became indistinguishable from CNN.
Fox News was so eager to call states early for Biden, they were like a giddy child waiting to open his gifts at 6am on Christmas Day.
Only Ben Shapiro threw in the towel quicker.
Articles like this one in The Spectator expressing the sentiment of so-called conservatives who voted for Biden because they wanted some kind of return to normality.
I'm voting to make America boring again.
You think things are going to be boring?
You think you can sue for peace?
You think they're just going to let you get on with your lives?
You think everything's going to return to normal?
Nationwide mask mandates.
Medical martial law.
Is that normal?
Returning to the fantastic policy of carpet bombing the Middle East to install Islamist dictators.
Is that normal?
Critical race theory brainwashing.
Marxist re-education and social engineering of a generation.
Is that normal?
Handing political capital and influence to the same thugs who've been burning down American cities for the past six months.
Is that normal?
Just because you cooked for Biden, you don't think they're gonna demand more?
Oh, but at least we won't have to defend Trump's impulsive tweets!
What kind of putridly pathetic cowardice is that?
Oh, but under Biden, the country will be brought back together.
He's going to heal and unify the nation.
A nation united, a nation strengthened, a nation healed.
Putting Republicans on lists.
Demanding, quote, pain for Trump supporters.
Saying Trump supporters who want a fair vote count should be barred from future employment.
Threatening to burn down and level the opposition, leaving no survivors.
It's not only that Trump has to lose, but that all his enablers have to lose.
We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party.
We have to level them, because if there are survivors, if there are people who weather this storm, they will do it again.
Yeah, that doesn't sound like healing rhetoric to me.
We get enough power in the media, and I'm gonna steamroll these sons of bitch*s. I'm gonna steamroll them.
We're gonna slaughter the Republicans politically.
Let us hit the Republicans in the face!
Trump won.
He's going to execute all gay and trans people and become a 2020, punish those who disagree with me and participate in democracy.
Yay, healing! Unity!
You really think these kind of people are just gonna let you be?
They're already back out on the streets harassing diners.
This isn't just about seizing power, it's about demoralizing a nation.
Many conservatives are now saying they'll never bother voting again after what happened.
It's about making you feel powerless, disenfranchised, hopeless.
And suddenly, Covid's taken a few days off so they can all have street parties!
You don't get to attend your grandma's funeral because it's too dangerous.
You get screeched at if you get within six feet of them.
But they can all gather in close proximity for a super-spreader event and the media affords it endless adulation.
And what are they celebrating?
The end of Trumpism?
The end of populism?
The end of America first nationalism?
None of that's going anywhere, whether Trump's in the White House or not.
3 million more Americans legitimately voted for it than in 2016.
Hardly a blue wave, is it?
Hardly a repudiation.
Also, speaking of celebrations, the same media that we're supposed to trust with the power to anoint a president, claimed that 5th of November fireworks in the UK, an annual celebration, ...was actually people celebrating Biden winning.
Hey Siri, what's bonfire night?
CNN also lied in claiming church bells rang out in Paris in praise of Biden.
The church released a statement saying otherwise.
Deliberately fake news designed to bolster Biden's legitimacy.
Now suddenly, less than a week after the election, we have a COVID vaccine!
Another stunningly timed coincidence!
Now Biden has his coronavirus task force.
Now he can take credit for saving the world from the pandemic.
Such perfect timing!
Did the Trump campaign make mistakes?
Without a doubt.
Pandering to Israel.
For all this pro-Israel stuff, more Muslims than Jews voted for Trump.
Pandering to minorities.
So Trump got an extra 2% of the black vote compared to 2016.
This is continually lauded by MAGA types who are still obsessed with not having the media call them racist.
And at what cost?
Democrats still got 90% of the black vote.
Trump the racist won more minority votes than any GOP candidate since 1960.
Yeah, but if it turns out he's still lost, so what?
We may have lost the White House, but at least the media can't call us racists.
Who cares?
How much energy did pro-Trump organisations waste in desperately trying to prove they weren't racist instead of using that energy to enlist actual voters?
They hate you.
They're going to call you racist anyway.
Who cares?
Whatever happens in the next few weeks, I think one thing's for certain.
There are going to be quite a few more plot twists before this thing is said and done.
Hello, hello.
Yeah, this is an Alex Jones.
I got it wrong.
We look a lot alike, you know, about the same age, same size, so we got a little confused.
But here we are.
Again, we had called it for a Trump victory.
And too close to call.
That was in our Trends Journal.
It went out last Tuesday before the polls closed.
And we were right.
It was too close to call, and it looks like a Trump victory.
And we went against all the odds.
And as Trump and others have pointed out, the odds are that by them saying that Trump was going to lose by 10 points, most of the polls, between 8 and 10 points, That's suppression.
Just like Mr. Watson was saying, a lot of people won't go out and vote now.
And that's what they did.
People said, what am I going to go out to vote for?
This guy doesn't have a shot.
Even though I'm for him, he's not going anywhere.
I'm not going to, I'm not going to, I'm not going to go out and vote.
So it's overt, overt suppression right in front of our eyes.
So let's get this straight, everybody.
You pick up the Trends Journal, go back to last May and August of 2016, right there in black and white, we said, despite the polls, Donald Trump was going to win the election.
And everybody that listens to me on InfoWars or anywhere else knows I'm a political atheist.
I look at things for the way they are, not the way I want them to be.
So we called it back then when the polls were wrong.
The polls were grossly wrong again this time.
But yet, day after day, for some 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 months, Trump down by 10%.
Trump down by 10%.
And that other one, that phony name one, they got 25, 6, 3, whatever it is.
You know, they got a 1% chance of winning.
The polls are an antiquated system.
Back in the 1990s, late 1990s, some 36% of the people would respond to a pollster's call.
In the new digital age, when you see who's calling and you don't want to look at it, you're looking at 6%.
So they're getting a very skewed market.
It's an antiquated system.
But yet that's being shoved down our throats.
And then the other reality to all of this is that if Trump won the election and Biden
lost in the swing states as Trump did, all the Democraps would be screaming for a recount.
A new election.
And again, I don't have to go into the details.
I mean, on InfoWars, you've been getting the details left and right, inside and out, upside down, backwards and sideways.
So you know whether it comes from Ken Starr, Pennsylvania ballot extension, the constitutional travesty, and going on and on.
About what a fraud this whole thing is.
And then you look at it.
And this is Biden's home state.
And as everybody knows.
On election day and election eve, he was losing big time.
And all of a sudden, all these ballots came in.
And as Mr. Watson showed, oh, yeah, you can view them and they close it up so you can't see anything, they put all that Paper over everything.
And the fraud is right in front of our face.
So here's the deal.
If this happened in another country under the Obama administration, which is now back in power.
So let's get this straight, everybody.
It ain't out of his mind Biden.
He's bringing back the entire, a lot of the Obama murderous team.
From that guy Blinken, who went to the, who went to Saudi Arabia when they started the Yemen war, which was launched from the White House, excuse me, Washington DC, when the Saudis launched it, to Samantha Power, to Susan Rice, one After another, they're bringing them all back.
So now what we have is the murderous Obama team.
So if this election happened in Libya, and it was up for count, and Qaddafi was losing, the Nobel piece of crap prize winner you just saw there, the murderous Obama should be brought up on war crime tribunal along with Murderers George W. Bush and the rest of the gangs that support it with lies.
You know, we gotta, we gotta invade this country.
They just had an election over there.
You see how, you see the joke about the ballots and how they were counted in all these different states?
We gotta go invade that country.
That's what they'd be screaming over here.
Over there.
To come invade over here.
That's what America does to all these other countries.
Oh, I don't like that Venezuelan election.
Let's go after them.
I don't like what they did in Sudan.
One country after another.
You name the country.
America, when they don't like the joint, it's an excuse to invade.
Because of their corrupt political elections.
Welcome to the U.S.S.A.
The United Soviet States of America.
Here we are.
This is a disgrace in front of everybody's eyes.
And I'm up here in liberal land.
They won't admit to the lies.
All they're happy about is that Biden won.
Forget the fraud.
There you go.
United Soviet States of America.
That's from your Trends Journal going back a couple of months ago.
Now we're all going to be masked up.
Vaccinated, masked.
Biden control.
And a good 50% of the people are supporting it.
And as Alex Jones said, you better stand up and fight and do what you can.
Unless you want to live the Soviet way.
Because now it's guaranteed.
You're in power.
You're in office.
The murderous Obama team is back.
We're going to be back in a little bit.
And remember, do what you can to support InfoWars.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
Particularly in these times, these dreadful times of the robbery of Liberty, love, joy, and beauty.
Put your money where your heart and mind are and support InfoWars.
I do.
And here's one of my favorites.
Supermail Vitality gives me that extra chip just when you need it.
No, it's great stuff, especially for an old cat.
So remember, do what you can to support InfoWars.
They have their American Crisis Emergency Lockdown 2 is coming.
And the economic collapse in Biden's martial law disguises lockdown too.
So up to 60% off plus free shipping and triple Patriot Points storewide.
And they have decided to launch these emergency sales on Infowarsstores.com as the Republic's is on debt's doorstep as she's fighting for her life.
So they're hoping and praying we all are for the best.
But prepare for the worst.
I always say that.
Prepare for the worst.
If the worst doesn't happen, you don't lose anything.
If the worst doesn't happen and you're not prepared for it, you lose everything.
So you have DNA Force Plus, Alpha Plus, Alpha Power, Bodies, BioTrue, Selenium, Ultra 12, 50%.
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That's selling out fast.
That's free shipping.
All this is free shipping.
Brain Force Plus, 25% off.
So revamp your daily routine and make sure you save big.
On these everyday essentials today at InfoWars store.
It's very important.
Now, now, now, now, more than ever.
You can see where this is going.
All we are going to become plantation workers on the global plantation of Slavelandia.
You see how happy that big tech is that Biden won.
Well, did he win?
That election was rigged to make it look like Biden won.
And they're in control.
Them and big media.
This is terrible.
This isn't my America.
This isn't the America I was born into.
This is disgraceful.
And it's only going to get worse if we don't fight back.
And you can't fight back without money.
You know, look at Biden over there.
Look at this guy.
This is my president.
This guy's been sucking off the public tit for almost 50 years, and all he's brought us is war.
Oh, you like all those products that get made in China?
Yeah, thank them, him, and the demo craps under Clinton.
Yeah, NAFTA, the World Trade Organization, bringing China into that.
NAFTA, shipping our jobs off to Mexico for slave labor.
And people voted for this guy?
It wasn't a war that he didn't love?
That's a freak show.
And we got a freak right in front of us.
A lying freak.
And again, you know the deal, how the hunted Biden info was banned by big media.
And look at all these people.
Look at them all waving and holding masks, with their masks on.
Look at this freak show.
Look at this freak show.
They're going to look back at America, you know, 50, 60 years from now and say, and look at that Kamala Harris with her, she's all dressed up in that white with that black mask on.
Why she's going black and white?
Look at this.
Hey, how come you don't have your mask on Biden?
Everybody else does.
You're going to get them all sick or you're going to get sick.
How come he's not, if that was me out there, they shut, they get me off the stage.
Look at these freaks.
And you know when they're all together, they won't be wearing them.
This is for show.
And what a freak show it is.
Yeah, look at this picture in today's Wall Street Journal.
Look at this.
Look at Harris up here with the mask on.
That's what they're doing.
They're getting us ready to be masked.
You got it?
It's right in front of your eyes.
What state today, one of them just Put a mandatory mask wearing on.
One after another.
And again.
Here's the mask that most people wear.
And you read the box.
These masks help protect against certain particular contaminants.
But do not eliminate exposure to the risk of any disease or infection.
Got it?
It's control.
It's for you to lose your identity.
Mask mandates for all.
And now the vaccination's coming.
I saw it on InfoWars before I went on the air, but I had gotten it on Saturday.
New York lawyers, New York Bar Association rejects religious, philosophical, or personal reason COVID-19 vaccination exemptions.
The New York Bar Association, some slimy little arrogant boys and girls, shove your bar up your New York what?
Your Bar Association!
Who the hell do you think you're talking to?
You can play arrogant with all the other little boys and girls, you're not gonna play it arrogant with me!
I've been around enough lawyer-liars-freaks, so save your bar crap!
Telling me I have to get a vaccination because you little pieces of crap are telling me to?
Come over here and try to force me!
And that's what's going to happen.
The vaccination war has begun.
They are going to force us to get vaccinated.
As Watson pointed out, all of a sudden the vaccine comes out right after the votes are counted, fraudulently declared.
Then they announce the vaccine comes out.
How come they didn't announce it last week?
You think it just happened over the weekend?
After they declared... Who declared?
Nobody declared.
The media declared.
Who declared?
How about BuzzCrap?
Associated Prostitutes?
One after another, they're declaring what happened?
Can't you see what's going on over here?
Big Pharma.
The Wall Street Gang.
And the White Shoe Boys.
As I said, Obama's bringing back the old gang.
Remember Holder?
Yeah, the black guy in the White Shoe Gang.
And again, I don't want anybody, black, white, green, yellow, good and bad comes in all of them.
Hey, look at Biden!
He's white!
Hold his back.
After he left the Obama gang, went back to work with the white shoe gang.
That's who's in charge.
The banksters, the lawyers, and Big Pharma.
That's right, the holder, too big to jail after they gave all the money to the banksters, their criminal activities.
There he is.
So remember, do what you can to support InfoWars, and of course, the Trends Journal as well.
No other magazine like it in the world.
History before it happens.
We'll be right back.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
What a time we're living in.
Again, this is going to go down in history.
You know, this is, it's disgusting what's happened.
This is not my America.
And you can see by the cover of the Trends Journal, I'm a political atheist.
I don't take sides on things.
And I call it what it is, a spade a spade.
Can't say that anymore.
I can say that now because Obama's out of office.
Again, this is sexist and racist.
Picking Kamala Harris.
A black woman, half black and Indian.
How about picking the best person?
I could care less if they're black, white, green, yellow, transgender, inside out, upside down.
And look how weak she is.
She didn't bring the black vote in.
To the contrary.
So, this is the Harris.
Biden will probably make it.
They'll probably get rid of Biden if he gets in there.
They'll put him in and then maybe three years in, he'll retire.
She'll become president.
And then there we go into 2024.
So that's the way I see it happening if he comes in.
And again, I don't know where this is going.
Nobody really does with going to the Supreme Court.
And if they do go, if it does go there, it does look like there is a lot of, again, InfoWars has all the information on the fraudulent election.
It could be a Biden victory.
That's where we are so far.
And you saw what happened today when all of a sudden a vaccine was announced.
The markets went up 1700 points this morning.
Gold last week was flying high.
Back into the mid-1900s range.
Now it's down over 80 bucks.
On the talk of a new vaccine.
Again, is this a coincidence?
That right after Associated Press announces that Biden wins, the Associated Press announced.
Who the hell are the Associated Press?
Associated Prostitutes.
Medial whores that get paid to put out.
And again, among my greatest fears is, number one, that Biden is a warmonger.
And as all you all know, I launched Occupy Peace, so I'm opposed to this.
And while I'm totally opposed to what Trump did with the assassination of Soleimani of Iran and what he's done with Venezuela, nothing compared to what the Democrats have done with their wars.
Destroying Libya.
Destroying it.
The richest nation in Africa.
The people had more rights and more benefits than anywhere else.
Even better rights than in many Western civilization countries.
Syria destroyed.
Can't understand why you have that migrant and refugee problem over there in Europe, you Europeans.
You don't talk about that.
Brought to you by Biden and the Obama gang.
Yeah, the ones, this is the gang that Obama signed into order, you know, the El Presidente, that they could murder anybody, anyplace, anytime, American, wherever you are, send you off to a foreign country and put you into jail the rest of your life, or torture you until you die.
That's who the Democrats love so much.
The Bidens are, Obama's back in office.
The Obama gang.
Is that guy Pritzker?
That woman Pritzker was the Commerce Secretary?
She was very much behind this election.
And her big brother, really big, big, big brother, over there in Illinois, is he the governor?
And were the Pritzkers?
Ohio Hotel, is that the one?
Is that the family?
Again, It's one big club and you ain't in it.
It's the Money Gang.
It's the Mafia.
No, no.
Not us Italians.
Again, you can make fun of the Italians and call us Mafia.
Hey, hey, what's the matter?
Yeah, but you can't say that about the blacks.
Can't show me the drunken Irish cop.
You can't show me the Jewish bankster, but you can make fun of the Italians.
Hey, hey, it's okay.
So let's be equal here.
So looking at what's happened here, we got Big Pharma right in front of our eyes, right in front of our eyes, running the show.
Number two, the Wall Street gang, right in front of our eyes, juicing the equity markets up as we speak over a thousand points.
And the lawyers, The lousy lying lawyers!
The shocksters!
Yeah, you know when a guy like Jamie Dimon's gang over there, the JPMorgan Chase, when they get felonies and charged with all of these crimes?
Nobody goes to jail.
Nobody goes to jail.
And now, These arrogant guys and girls telling us that we gotta get vaccinated here in New York in a country, in a state near you.
Here we are.
Mary Beth Morrissey, Chair of the New York Bar Association's Health Law Section Task Force on COVID-19, said in a statement on November 7th, a Saturday when no one was paying attention, Quote, the authority of the state to respond to public health crisis is well established in constitutional law.
Shove it!
Shove it!
Don't you tell me what constitutional law is!
This is crap that you're making up!
So, shove it!
In balancing the protection of the public health and civil liberties, The public health law recognizes that a person's health can and does affect others.
Hey, Morrissey, how come Biden didn't have a mask on?
And everybody else did.
How come all you slimers get caught without your masks on when you don't want them on?
And now you're telling us we got to get vaccinated?
Here's the next war and the new party.
And this is why you have to support InfoWars.
And this is why you have to support the Trends Journal.
We're fighting for freedom!
And they're stealing it in front of our eyes!
The new parties.
The Republicans are a bunch of jerks!
Look at them!
Look at them!
Lindsey Graham.
These aren't my kind of men!
One after another, we need a new party.
Anti-vax and anti-tax.
Anti-vax and anti-tax.
Don't you tell me what to do.
I want to have a freedom party.
I want a party of freedom.
I don't need anybody telling me what to do.
Nobody is going to force me to get vaccinated.
Nobody, nowhere, no how.
Cuomo's gonna try!
New York governor, little Andy Cuomo, an arrogant boy, born on third base, would be nobody if daddy wasn't Mario, like his little brother, two little pieces of nothing, if daddy wasn't there before them.
Told good morning, America.
Good morning, America.
There you clown boy.
On Monday morning today, that while development of an effective coronavirus vaccine was good news, it was bad news that it would arrive while President Donald Trump is in office.
He went on to say that the bad news is that it's about two months before Joe Biden takes over and means this administration is going to be implementing the vaccine plan.
The vaccine plan is very important and it's Probably the most ambitious undertaking since COVID-flawed.
And the Trump administration is rolling out a vaccine plan that I believe it's flawed.
I believe it learns nothing from the past.
They're basically going to have the private providers do it.
And that's going to leave out all sorts of communities that were left out the first time the COVID ravaged them.
Hey, moron Cuomo, more people died in New York than anywhere else in the country, not even close.
Everything you did is a failure.
And again, you'd be nobody if Daddy wasn't there.
I'll tell you what, Cuomo, you bring the vaccine over here and you try to vaccinate me.
That's right.
You come over here and try to vaccinate me, man to man.
Hey, I'm a lot older than you.
And you try to do it to me.
You try to do it to me.
Bye-bye Cuomo.
And bye-bye freedom.
If we don't fight for it.
Support InfoWars.
Support the Trends Journal.
Fight for freedom.
Our life is on the line.
Two Info Wars best-selling products are now back in stock for being sold out for months.
Bio-True Selenium from the mustard seed, essential in all electrochemical activity in the cells in the body.
That's every human activity.
And on top of it, Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula with 95% curcuminoid.
The leading competitors have 3 to 5%.
The things that turmeric does, I don't have to tell you, this is the highest quality,
the strongest you're going to find.
So both of these are amazing products and they fund the InfoWar, which is a 360 win.
On top of it, despite the fact they're in demand, they've been sold out for months,
they're both 50% off, triple Patriot points and free shipping at InfoWarStore.com.
That's bio-true selenium from the mustard seed.
It's amazing.
And on top of it, we also have Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula at InfoWarStore.com.
The sale will not last long.
I want to thank you all for your support.
But you really need to try these products.
People absolutely love them because they really, really work.
James in FEMA Region 1.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, God bless you, brother.
How you doing?
Man, you can cut the suspense with a knife, brother.
Right on, man.
Hey, first of all, product plug.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion basically turned my life around, man.
I've never felt better in my life.
I'm 50.
I feel 30.
So kudos to you.
I hope you keep cranking that product out.
Tell us what Vitamin Mineral Fusion did for you, James.
Well, you know, like I said, I'm 50 years old.
I'm a single dad of two teen boys.
And just life just drags you down.
No energy.
You know, just feeling lethargic all the time.
And I tried over-the-counter or, you know, CVS type of vitamins.
I didn't do anything.
I, you know, was a part of watching your show and decided I'd try it out.
And man, I tell you what, I just feel so invigorated.
You know, just lots of energy.
I'm sleeping well.
I don't get sick ever.
Just an amazing, amazing product.
I truly love it.
Well, just so you know, we go to top nutritionists, top doctors, top scientists, top firms that are the best known, and we say, what is the best vitamin, mineral, amino acid thing for us to take and for us to sell to our audience?
And it has a big cost and product for us.
So again, the synthetic vitamins, the other stuff, they do nothing.
That's what gives them a bad name.
Good ones do incredible things.
It's got the zinc, the vitamin D3, it's got everything in it.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
We'll be right back.
And that's the clean iodine, X2 or X3.
That's the biotrichoselenium.
That is the vitamin D3.
That is the C. That is the zinc.
There's 13 vitamins and minerals that are essential without them you die.
And studies show you really need the other ones too.
But DNA Force goes beyond that.
It helps get all that in the cells and out the cells with PQQ and CoQ10, the highest quality sources, with other ingredients that clean out the cells, that unclog them so all that stuff can get in.
Viruses don't get in.
The good stuff gets in.
As the NIH website says, that if you have all the proper things, they can't replicate like they could.
But I do this because it's essential, like oxygen, like water.
DNA Force sold out for months.
50% off out of the gates.
Triple Patriot points.
Free shipping.
DNA Force Election Special.
That's gonna have to end in a week.
We've got a limited supply.
It was very hard to get the PQQ this time.
A lot of our stuff is can't get anymore.
A lot of our products because the supply chain is broken down.
That's part of the Global's plan.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
I want to thank you all for tuning in.
Decoding the mainstream propaganda.
It's the David Knight Show.
If you want to keep us on air, the products that we sell at Infowarsstore.com, we've got some great specials right now.
We have Black Friday in October, up to 60% off, and triple Patriot points and free shipping on many of our most popular products.
We have Ultra 12, our Vitamin B12 formula, 50% off, free shipping, triple Patriot points.
Also, we have Vitamin Mineral Fusion Drink Mix.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion Drink Mix helps you to get your baseline vitamins and minerals.
You don't have to take a lot of pills, but it covers everything right there.
You can make it taste any way you want.
Very easy to take.
Brain Force Plus Ultimate Krill Oil.
We also have Knockout, our all-natural sleep aid.
50% off, free shipping, triple pay trip points.
By the way, I'm looking at this privacy pocket that we have.
We sold out of these.
We've now got them back in stock.
This is a great way to shield your phone and make sure that you're not being tracked because this is what's coming next.
You're going to need this.
This is one of these things like a storable food.
Stock up while you can still get these things.
And they're now back in stock.
We got them in and they were gone.
I haven't talked about that for a while.
But folks, that is one of your preparedness products right there.
You want to make sure you got food, you got water and so forth.
But you also want to make sure that if you're going to have to go out, travel and go to work and so forth, you want to make sure that you're not being tracked.
They're doing that in a variety of ways.
So that's why you want to have this privacy pocket.
Finally, preparewithalex.com.
We have $100 off the 4-week emergency food supply from MyPatriotSupply.
That is made in America, non-GMO.
It'll last for 25 years.
But you're going to need it long before that.
That's well past the 2030 deadline.
So, folks, make sure that you have that.
Make sure that you have fresh air, fresh water.
You know, by the way, if you're going to be locked in your home, you know, we talk about the mask all the time and how that limits your oxygen, increases your carbon dioxide.
You want to make sure, for good health, that you have pure air, clean air.
And the Alexa Pure Breeze air filter is silent, it's attractive, but it's very, very effective.
It's a HEPA filter, four-stage filter, very good at silently and quickly Removing things that it detects in the home.
Many products for food, water, and other preparatory items on sale at preparewithalex.com and at infowarsstore.com we have our Black Friday in October.
Discounts up to 60% off plus triple Patriot points and free shipping on many of our most popular products.
We really do appreciate your support.