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Name: 20201025_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 25, 2020
1445 lines.

In summary, Alex Jones discusses various topics related to COVID-19 testing accuracy, global control, the role of Bill Gates, and the ongoing fight against the New World Order. He mentions how up to 90% of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 may be wrongly diagnosed, and even more people without the virus are being labeled as such. The speaker criticizes the use of antibody tests and the accuracy rate of only 90%, pointing out that false positives can lead to unnecessary fear and panic among individuals. Furthermore, he highlights how the current climate in many countries resembles martial law, where individual rights are suspended. He expresses concern over the normalization of such measures by the news media and cautions against accepting these restrictions without question. The speaker also talks about the increasing number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in El Paso, Texas, and how local officials are implementing stricter restrictions to combat the situation. The discussion then shifts to the power grab by global authorities, particularly the United Nations (UN), as a means of controlling populations. The speaker criticizes China's authoritarian regime and its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, contrasting it with the situation in Europe where people are protesting against the authoritarian measures imposed on them. He claims that COVID-19 is being used as a weapon to create mass hysteria and instigate fear among people worldwide. Finally, the speaker references billionaire Bill Gates and his role in controlling the UN and pushing for forced inoculation and work-from-home policies under the guise of reducing the carbon footprint on human populations."

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About a week away from the 2020 election, Democrat Party nominee Joe Biden is in desperate denial of
the fact that he is now the central character in the most despicable
corruption scandal in American history.
The subversion of the U.S.
government by Communist China is being exposed.
A group of Chinese whistleblowers managed to get a hard drive containing evidence of serious crimes committed by the Biden family into the hands of Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani.
Lewd media claimed a month ago that a hard drive would surface before the election containing videos of Hunter Biden violently raping Chinese children.
Those who have seen the videos support this claim.
To any good person, this is shocking and horrific.
And to many, it is incomprehensible.
But for as long as man has had power to gain, the art of blackmail has been exploited.
This was the purpose of a man like Jeffrey Epstein.
According to lewd media, these child rape videos of Hunter Biden were produced by the Communist Chinese as a means of control and were being sent to the Biden family and other CCP assets in America as a threat, a reminder of who owns them.
There are no rules in the game of power, only ruthlessness.
And so children become the currency of those who seek to control others.
Former business partner of the Biden family, Tony Bobulinski, worked as CEO for Sino Hawk Holdings, a company formed by the Bidens and China's largest private energy company.
Bobulinski has provided evidence that shows CNOHAWK was used to funnel millions of dollars from the Communist Chinese directly into the family coffers of the Bidens.
The mainstream media, in what must certainly be a criminal act, has been ignoring this incredible story while pushing their audience into voting for a decrepit, lying, perverted fraud.
With a monstrous family and loyalty to the Communist Chinese.
We likely know what's coming next.
The Democrat Party will claim that Trump stole the election.
The corporate media will play along.
And those still brainwashed by the globalist-run propaganda media machine will undoubtedly believe it.
With massive crowds of people all over the country showing overwhelming grassroots support for President Trump in ways never before seen, contrasted with Joe Biden and Obama at public events practically devoid of all people, the media will still say that Trump had to steal the election.
They will cite their fake polls, and the brainwashed sheep will believe them.
If justice is served, which needs to happen, then there will be arrests of powerful people.
And the corporate media will report that Trump is literally Hitler, rounding up the innocent.
And the brainwashed sheep will believe them.
There is no doubt.
If they can be made to wear masks and fear those who don't, then they will believe whatever they are told.
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves.
Humanity is awakening, but not everyone.
The brainwashed are being manipulated into defending the corrupt deep state establishment.
Some are even murdering Trump supporters in cold blood.
It seems clear that Trump will win the 2020 election.
But then what?
If the corporate mainstream media is allowed to operate as normal, then there will be total chaos.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
Another incredible report by Greg Reese.
Only you can give it legs and wings.
It's it.
And on video.
Share it right now.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Just prepare yourself for the most dangerous.
Prepare yourself for the most dangerous election in history.
That is the video.
That is the report.
Prepare yourself for the most dangerous election in history.
You're now seeing it.
Rockefeller Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates, the UN.
In many drills, like Lockstep and Event 201 and Dark Winter, the last 30 years told us they would use the fear of a deadly virus to take control and basically bring in permanent martial law.
And now they have the big tech in place.
Now they have the contact tracing in place.
Now they have the excuse to make you all get used to getting permission to leave your house.
It's happening.
It started in Spain and Australia and other areas.
And the UN said, the head of, quote, the UN Emergency Response Team said, we're going to go in and finally take children out of homes.
We're going to take people that refuse to be tested for COVID-19.
We're going to forcibly inoculate people.
And now it's not just Australia.
It's not just Spain, but now in Texas, in blue cities like El Paso, Infowars.com has the local ABC News report.
CV 1984, tyranny in Texas as police show up at El Paso residents doorsteps ordering quarantine because they went to a restaurant, scanned their phone into the QR code thinking they were getting the menu.
Notice no menus now.
And they were put in a database later That database found someone had COVID in the restaurant, now you can't leave your home.
No judge, no jury, doesn't matter if the Supreme Court rules it's unconstitutional, they're going to enforce it, and the police are under blue.
City Control El Paso is a Democrat martial law facility run by Beto's crime syndicate family.
And they're on TV saying, you challenge our authority?
We're gonna lock your ass up!
Now, what happened in Atlanta?
What happened in Houston?
What happened in L.A.?
What happened in Orlando?
What happened in Seattle?
What happened in Portland?
What happened in Detroit?
What happened in New York a month ago?
We're here to do a COVID test.
It's not the law, but we'd like you to come out with the police and do it.
Color of law.
I'm not against the police.
I'm against them being given an unconstitutional order.
And then again, depending on the test, 90% of the positives, it turns out, with the quick reaction 15-minute test are false positives.
Did you hear that?
I'm going to show you the headlines.
90% in a study done in New York of positives were false.
Didn't mean 90% of the tests were positive.
It was less than 10%.
But remember the meatpacking plants were 3,000 people and 2,000 people.
It was in the Associated Press as well.
Look it up.
Thousands would be tested.
None of them were sick.
And they'd find half of them Or a third of them, depending on the plant, had COVID-19 because they didn't.
This is the perfect thing.
Testing goes up.
Numbers of COVID go up.
They go, oh, we've got to shut down.
COVID numbers are up.
But morbidity goes down and down and down.
We were told it was going to be 5%, then 4%, then 3% of the public was going to die.
Well, if there was something killing 5% of people, baby, I'd be in my house 8 months later.
I mean, you wouldn't.
I'd be doing my show from home.
If there was something that could kill 5% of people, baby, I'd be not out there.
But they admit that it is less than 1 tenth of 1%, and those people have comorbidities, meaning they're overweight, they have diabetes, and have already had cancer surgeries.
Usually, you already have cancer or heart disease.
And in a normal flu or cold, it'll kill you even worse.
So, you see the headlines, oh, meatpacking plants become COVID-19 hotspots, but type in, thousands tested at meatpacking plant, all asymptomatic, meaning they don't have a cold, they don't have a cough, they don't have a fever.
And we've been over this.
We've been over this.
There's a headline, up to 90% who tested COVID positive, wrongly diagnosed.
And the truth is, it's a whole lot worse.
Even more of the people didn't have it.
Print me that article, please.
So, I was talking to a major national talk show host just the other day.
They're testing everyone that goes on a show because the company says so.
And then of course they have false positive folks that feel completely good because you've had a bacterial infection, a viral infection in the last, on average, bacterial a year, flu about 10 years, colds about five years.
The studies vary.
I mean, I had a rotten tooth three months ago pulled out.
My teeth got old.
I clenched them.
They were the best teeth ever.
Now they're going out.
It was rotting.
I went and pulled it out.
I haven't gotten an implant yet to fix it.
And I looked it up.
I'll probably test positive for COVID because I had a major infection in my mouth.
I mean, I don't want to get graphic here, but I waited too long and it was a mess when they pulled it out.
Quite a bit of pus.
It got down in my jaw.
I'll test positive for COVID because that's what the tests do.
The antibody test takes 10 days to get, it's the only one that's accurate, and it's still inaccurate about 10% of the time.
So, I'm digressing here, but look at the Military Times headline.
How the president could invoke martial law.
Well, what do you think COVID-19 is worldwide where all of your regular rights are suspended?
This article is excellent, by the way.
It lays out the history of martial law, how it works in other parts of the world, how it works here, when it's constitutional, when it's not.
It's not a lengthy article.
It's not a short article.
But I think this is pretty accurate stuff.
I read it earlier.
You should probably go read it as well.
But the thing is they're saying, oh, the climate that's been created may have to have martial law.
We're already under martial law when they come to your house and go, you were at a deli last week and somebody came up with COVID-19 there.
You can't leave your house.
And you're going to give us a test.
All color of law, all illegal, all crazy.
And the news is doing the normalization.
I bet the El Paso cops aren't going to pull this.
They're not idiots, but they're still going to act like, oh look, it's the law, because it's all UN run to set the precedent for the medical tyranny of the UNWHO running it.
Here's a local newscast.
I suggest you share it.
It's on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
This is absolutely insane how they just normalized this.
This is real martial law.
They're trying to beta test right now.
It's not coming from Trump.
He's the one saying normalize.
All the studies show locking people up doesn't protect you.
We got to get herd immunity.
I'll show you that after we play this clip, but here it is.
Nearly 3,000 more coronavirus cases in the last eight days.
City officials say they have to take a more aggressive approach.
ABC 7's JC Navarrete has a look at the measures the city is taking to get a grasp on COVID-19.
He joins us live, JC.
That's right Eric Saola, knock on your door or a ring of your doorbell are very real possibilities from law enforcement and health officials for anyone not cooperating with the contact tracing process.
This as El Paso hits an all-time high in active cases.
This is a very concerning situation.
We have seen increasing cases, hospitalizations, and deaths from COVID-19 that is not stopping.
City and County Health Authority Dr. Hector Ocaranza not mincing words as the number of active cases has now surpassed 6,000.
In the last eight days, more than 3,000 additional cases were also reported.
With the flu season in full swing, officials are now concerned about the spike in hospitalizations.
When you combine the influenza plus the COVID, it will Overwhelm our healthcare system very easily if we don't take personal responsibility.
So you're locked up.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has already laid out the benchmarks on what happens if hospitalizations climb above 15%.
In which he's going to be implementing restrictions.
But nonetheless, we're not going to be waiting for the governor to implement restrictions.
We needed to start implementing those restrictions and our restrictions are going to be stricter.
Angela de la Mora de Nuvi, appointed director of the El Paso Public Health Department, saying health officials cannot do their job once the contact tracing process gets combative.
They hang up on us.
They challenge our authority.
In many cases, they tell us that they know better how to take care of their families.
We are immediately, with Dr. Ocaranza's assistance, we are issuing health orders that are delivered by a police officer and a public health official to their domicile.
We spoke to residents who are frustrated that the situation has not improved in the more than 200 days we've been in this pandemic.
It's really frustrating when someone who's been locked down themselves of their own volition, then somehow they get COVID.
And it's because out in the world, not everyone is acting that way.
And so, yeah, it is really frustrating.
Alright, enough of this.
We'll play more of it.
But if we'd all just submit, oh no, it was 15 days, we'd all be gone, the hospital would be full, 2 million dead, none of it was true.
They're counting the flu and cold, it's never going to end.
I told you, it's a power grab, it's a takeover, and now they're coming to arrest you, ladies and gentlemen.
Now they're coming to force-inoculate you.
This is the build-up towards forced-inoculation.
Don't answer the door.
Dr. Michael J. Ryan.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I have hundreds of articles, dozens of incredible clips, two huge guests coming up.
Haven't told you about it yet.
Massive Joe Biden pedophile corruption news.
It'll be exclusive.
So why don't I say the same thing I've said a thousand times again, because you need to understand it.
People are really freaking out right now.
I mean, I've been meeting with a lot of high-level people, and they're just like, Jones, we want to know, how do you know all this?
And I go, do you not listen to the show?
The globalists all say what they're going to do.
I know who runs it.
It's a consortium of multinational corporations that meet at Davos, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, and a few other groups.
There's only like 10 guys chair all of them and they admit their plan and they damn well have been executing it.
They've gotten most of it done.
So again, if I've got a road map and nobody else does, they go, how do you know this road runs into that road?
And I go to this road, you go there.
And if you turn at this road, you go to this town.
I've got a fricking road map, man.
So, I read academic stuff, the general public watches the news, okay?
And so if you watch the news, you're going to get stuff ten years late.
There's a Fox News article that everybody called me about, like, Fox News says smart TVs have microphones and hidden cameras for ten years and are watching and listening and selling the data and that the home assistants are building psychological profiles on you and they're going to enforce COVID lockdowns.
How the hell the hell did you know this, Jones?
Oh my God!
It was in the Telecommunications Act of 96!
They called them smart devices then?
They said they'll have home assistants that watch you and that if there's any bad stuff in the house, it'll call the police.
It's here, folks.
So, I told you it would come to Texas.
I told you it would come to America.
Because the UN said it would.
Here's the UN's director.
Of global emergency response.
And you hear on the news, the UN runs policy on this.
The lockdown's killing millions of starvation.
All of them.
Not even close to a million have died from COVID.
But millions have already started to.
And here he is saying we need to go into the homes.
They want the power to take away who they want.
And they can false positive anybody they want.
This is the cover for UN takeover.
And Trump finally gets it.
But with eight days left, they're getting ready to try to steal it.
I mean, this is epic stuff.
This is white-knuckle stuff.
This is all an enemy that can't defeat you militarily, does it covertly through wizardry, through scams.
Here's what he had to say six months ago, and now it's here in America.
We know exactly what's coming.
In the phases, because they've already done it in places they fully control before this.
There's exact phases.
Fifteen days, they say, to stop hospitals overwhelmed.
It's made up.
Roll out massive testing.
The tests are false.
Do mainly false positives.
Then they say wear masks forever as a sign of compliance to divide the public and create fear and remind you constantly of the COVID and that you're in danger falsely so you don't look at actual numbers.
Then they start saying contact tracing, paper menus are bad, everything's bad, we gotta scan QR codes that show where you're at.
Now that's contact tracing.
Now somebody got COVID and tested positive or had a false positive, now they've gotta come talk to you.
Now you've gotta do a test, you've gotta submit, you're guilty.
And they do it where anybody's had a bacterial infection or the flu or a cold in the last few years is positive, so now you've gotta lock down.
China's open for business, you're not.
It's an economic weapon.
So here is the UN Director of the Operation.
Here he is.
At the moment, in most parts of the world, due to lockdown, most of the transmission that's actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household, at family level.
In some senses, transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units.
Now we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe... Because you can never fix it.
Oh, cut the curve.
Flatten the curve.
Oh, we promise it never ends.
It's a power grab.
That's why Bill Gates now says, oh, ten years of mask.
I've got an article right here of the Stanford research scientist that works with all these guys.
Here's her bio.
I feel like there's this perception that once we have a hashtag coronavirus vaccine, life will go back to normal.
Life will not.
Be like that pre-COVID.
Even after we have a vaccine, you will still need to use good hand hygiene, maintain physical distance, avoid crowds, and wear a mask.
And of course, be tracked by all the apps that control your life.
They're creating a mental phobia, a mental illness.
COVID-19 is a hysteric mental illness, collapse of civilization.
It is a giant hysteria.
Where you now think normal life is bad, and I got studies out that the mask actually makes you sick, those are being suppressed.
This is a giant power grab because the public is so incredibly ignorant about the facts.
Go see it if you just joined us.
Martial Law in Texas.
And Houston will be next, and then Dallas, then Austin.
And it's starting.
Where Joe Rogan Everyone that goes on a show, Spotify says, must be COVID tested.
It's a 15 minute rapid test that has the highest level of false positive.
You're like, oh, well, you feel totally fine, but sorry, we have to shut down what we're doing because of this.
And I've got articles here where they're getting rid of the 911 service in major cities because in Pennsylvania and other states, They found that, oh, if one person gets sick in the 911 center, or does a positive test, the whole thing just shuts down.
So the factories are shutting down.
The farms are shutting down.
Millions have already starved to death around the world.
We're going to have a depression.
And then Davos Group says they're doing it to cause a global depression, to make you not socially mobile, so they can control you and put you on a guaranteed income that's a welfare.
So you're about to be forced onto welfare, and economically your economy is being militarily destroyed to make you dependent.
This is 21st century war.
We've been hit.
Trump finally figures it out.
And now 60% of restaurants that have closed are permanent because they were not essential.
They were all the mom and pops.
And people just get used to it.
Well, it must be real.
I'm wearing a mask.
Well, it must be.
And so when you comply with this, it's the end of civilization.
And then they're not just coming with a regular deadly vaccine.
Gates says you'll take five a year of an MRNA vaccine that goes, it's not even a vaccine.
It's a reprogramming cancer injection that goes in and changes all your cells and puts out proteins that they admit can kill you.
And cause all these autoimmune disorders?
And he says, well, we've had a lot of people die in the trials, but it's okay.
You're gonna take it.
Or you're not gonna get groceries.
And you're not gonna have a job.
So see, this is collapsing into the tyranny.
In Australia, in leftist controlled cities, like Melbourne, is under 8 months of total lockdown, where you can't ever even leave your home.
And all the college students, all the SJWs, they believe in it.
They know it's a scam.
They're evil people.
They're coming to your house, backed up by cops with guns.
They don't respond to crime, murders, rapes.
No, no.
They're coming to stick needles in you and sterilize you, and they love it, and they know what they're doing.
So get ready, folks, and guard yourself for true.
We'll be right back with the latest on Joe Biden and his daughter's diary that's reportedly leaked.
Oh yes, we'll cover it all.
Alright, National File has a great lead investigative journalist, Patrick Howley, who's written
for Epic Times and the other big publications.
And they reportedly got the diary of...
Joe Biden's daughter.
And this fits into their whole MO, all the rest of it.
But you've also got confirmation now by the FBI over a week ago, but now it's mainstream news.
Confirmation by even the Associated Press, Reuters, you name it, that indeed, okay, these are real emails.
They've got a bunch of witnesses that got to emails on the other side that have gone public.
There's all the sex tape videos and videos of Hunter Biden smoking crack.
But you notice Giuliani slowly dribbling it out.
With eight days left of the election and letting them deny it and then bringing it out.
So here's a compilation of the folks working with Giuliani, the Chinese billionaire, and others that are talking about what's coming out with Hunter Biden.
And again, this is the same videos off the laptop.
This situation with the diary is totally separate.
And was found by someone else, but it shows the public is watching very carefully.
Exclusive source, Biden daughter's diary, tells not appropriate showers with Joe as a child.
Was I molested?
She says, I think so.
Reportedly, is what she's saying.
We're not denying this at this point.
We'll get the latest from Patrick Halley in a moment.
But first, we've blurred out the video.
I'm even afraid to watch all these videos.
There's hundreds of them already out.
Reportedly, it's what we were told by the Chinese sources a few weeks ago.
Some of these videos look like underage girls.
No one even has the nerve.
The New York Post said we can't put them out.
It looks like pedophilia.
So what people are putting out is the stuff that isn't pedophilia because you become part of it publishing.
So people are like, well, why is it just him having sex and smoking crack with Asian women, white women, you name it, but it's him over in China in some of these videos reportedly.
Well, it's just, I mean, I'm not clicking on these things.
I've talked to folks that have.
And I've read the reports, and it's bad, folks.
I saw reports out there, stuff I'm not going to mention.
We've already talked about what's reportedly on these, but it's bad, folks.
And it's just par for the course.
He went, well, why would he do that?
Because he knew he was being compromised.
He was the bag man.
He was going over there because he likes to do this.
He's proving the Chinese.
I'm corrupt.
You've got me by the short hairs.
Here's a short report.
We'll go to Patrick Howlett.
So again, we've got some text here for everybody who is not a TV viewer.
And then we've got it in Chinese and in American.
Trump's had two plans to trap Americans in failures.
The first plan is the aforementioned BGY plan, and the second is the 3-4 plan, which Foeman
Foments chaos and chaos destructs.
Today, I swear with my life, implementing the U.S.
by the Kleptocrats is carried out so successfully and quickly that it will cause tremendous damage.
With the Americans' lives and their assets.
The scale of the damage is not just equivalent to that of a 9-1-1 attack.
It can be 100 or 1,000 times that.
Darkness is coming.
Be prepared.
It's the National Press Club, the guy that released all this.
Darkness is about the CPPs.
Kleptocrats is coming.
It will pervade throughout the entire world.
No one is safe.
Be prepared.
And here he is.
Hunter Biden's smoking that crack, but they don't deny it, and then we blur it out where he's having sex.
Did you get it off?
The trashiest drug on the planet, crack cocaine.
His dad signed a crime bill to give black people sentences three times longer.
Three times longer, you've smoked that.
The level of their hypocrisy is just staggering.
Radio listeners, you don't have to look at this, but there it is.
And a lot more coming out.
Patrick Howley, thank you so much for joining us.
Obviously, next time we'll get into your big story, The Diary.
More of that's been published at nationalfile.com.
But just in general, how are they going to deny all this now, as it all comes out, and as it's confirmed to be accurate, and from your sources, what's the next shoe to drop?
Well, I was just locked out of Twitter for breaking the Ashley Biden diary story.
There's no way that Ashley Biden can deny this.
And by the way, Twitter has locked me out for supposedly violating the child exploitation policy.
So they're admitting that Joe Biden did in fact exploit a child, which was his daughter, which is what Ashley Biden wrote in her diary.
And I am perfectly capable of saying that, you know, Ashley Biden has confirmed That it is her diary on tape with a whistleblower.
We have numerous tapes proving that it is Ashley Biden's diary.
One of the top people at the very top of the food chain at Fox News confirmed to me that yes, it is real.
And I was the only one who went out there and broke the story.
Nobody else wants to break the story, apparently.
Apparently, there's all kinds of institutional pressure.
You got all these folks like, oh, I don't know, John Solomon from Fox News.
going around and trying to shut everything down and it's all controlled opposition.
We're so tired of this. Look how long they talked about Spygate on Fox News for four years
just so they could run out the clock and then nothing ever happened. We are so tired of the
deep state and the CIA manipulating our media on the independent conservative side and that
includes Jack Posobiec who was caught tweeting from CIA headquarters and then tried to cover it up.
We are so sick and tired of this controlled opposition because we all know what's going on.
Epstein got caught.
Maxwell got caught.
Bronfman got caught.
The Mossad families got caught blackmailing politicians, controlling the United States of America through blackmail.
I know it.
I've known it for 10 years.
Every single thing I've reported over the last 10 years has proved this.
I'm right.
I'm the true visionary, and you as well, Alex, on a bigger level, but me as a reporter, I've been right.
I've been absolutely 100% vindicated.
I know what the power structure of the world is, and people need to wake up to it.
Well, the truth is these people are degenerates who are totally compromised and who are out of control of their own worst nightmare.
I think by visionary, we just have clear sight.
Other people are in denial.
But I don't see them ever putting this back together again.
But they're full of more bravado than ever.
They're full of more hubris.
What do you expect to see in the next eight days?
I expect to see a lot more scandals broken by me that I have on my well I'm not going to say where I have it I have it a lot of different places and there are other people who have it too and it's all backed up and I know that some people are watching right now from the deep state which is this big monolithic entity and that's fine I'm going to break a whole lot more scandals in the next few days as I always do I'm going to wake the people up.
And the only way that the Democrats can win this election is by jamming through vote-by-mail
fraud as I have already busted in Houston, a massive voter fraud operation on the Democrat
side that the FBI has actually shut down, but they don't want it to come out in the
public because the FBI line is that there's no such thing as voter fraud, and that's just
a ran, sowing doubt.
That's just Iran sowing doubt.
Notice Ray comes out and says that so that letting every rank and file FBI agent know if you do your job you're gonna get in trouble.
The guy's a disgusting fraud and his body language when he gives those speeches is like he just looks like a criminal used car salesman.
He's, yeah, ridiculous.
I mean, he does look like a used car salesman.
That's exactly what he looks like.
He's like a Kurt Vonnegut character, this sleazy used car salesman guy, Christopher Wray.
And the narrative that they're pushing is there's no such thing as voter fraud, and that's Iranian disinformation.
And what they do is they appeal to the right-left paradigm.
This is what they do so effectively.
Oh, conservatives who watch Fox, do you hate Iran?
Do you know how Trump is against Iran and Iran is against Trump?
Inside Iran saying there's election fraud.
That's total BS.
Iran can't even wipe its ass.
Yeah, so then they get the conservatives to be like, oh the voter fraud is being spread by Iran!
And all the influencers who are all on the take, who are all on the CIA doll.
It's the biggest fraud ever.
You're the only one who's actually independent, Alex.
That's why I... Well, let's not worry about it.
There's a lot of independents out there.
People are waking up.
But, Patrick, let's talk about what's in the diary.
The silence is deafening, just like the emails.
Is it real?
It looks more and more like it is.
We'll be right back.
I was on the phone today with a former Major General.
He said, Jones, you need to be really careful what you're up to.
You know, they're gonna try to kill you for this.
And I said, you know, I don't really think about that.
I just think about whether the information's accurate or not, and it's my duty to do it.
There's an extreme enjoyment in having zero fear.
Because when you realize you're following God's will and commit to it, that's all that's left is victory.
But it is true that this is very dangerous.
So everybody tuning in, you have to understand, the enemy did everything they could to shut this down.
You kept this on air, so we're on air right now.
So you are the folks who get the credit here.
I knew what I signed on to a long time ago, because I'm not going to be part of these people.
It's one thing to pay lip service against the pedophile rings.
It's one thing to pay lip service against the chi-coms of the Satanists.
It's one thing to pay lip service and say you're not for it, but then sit there and cow to it.
But I'm doing this because I realize how bad it's going to be if they win.
Already, in major cities of the U.S., they're sending police to people's doors saying you will give COVID tests outside of law.
They don't care if federal and state courts rule it's illegal.
This is a U.N.
power grab.
It's now.
Patrick Howley.
of nationalfile.com. Get back into your story. You've broken three more stories since you were
on with us on emergency report Saturday night last night.
Recap how big this is, who Joe Biden's daughter is, and what's unfolding. And the fact that so far
they've been reached out to for a while on this. She's been taped admitting reportedly it's
real, but they're not putting out public denials right now even though this has gone
viral. Ashley Biden is on videotape admitting that the diary is hers.
The diary details inappropriate showers that she took with her father, Joe.
It details her belief that she was, in fact, molested, that she was hypersexualized at a young age with Caroline, who we believe is her cousin, Caroline Biden.
And this is one of the biggest stories in the world right now.
I have just been locked out of Twitter purportedly for violating the child exploitation policy.
So I guess Twitter's admitting that Joe Biden did in fact exploit a child because I reported on this in this diary.
They're confirming, oh, it's all legitimate.
It's all real.
You don't know something's true until they deny it.
And so them blocking this really shows.
Yeah, well they're not denying it, they're trying to shut it down.
Well sure, but if they attacked us and said we were liars, it'd be one thing.
They just are totally quiet.
Exactly, and this is just what it is.
Look, we know what this is.
I come from one of the families that built this country.
I'm Irish.
I didn't have anything to do with slavery.
The European elites, you know, the people who are still over there at Bilderberg, the European elites, they should be talked to about slavery.
Black Lives Matter should go over there, but they never will because Black Lives Matter is a controlled op.
Um, it's, you know, uh, middle class white people and middle class people of all colors, really, who just love this country, who are patriots, are being destroyed in this country, replaced, totally, uh, demolished our businesses, bankrupted everything, you know, just kicked in the face.
Oh, they admit the COVID-19 thing is just destroying hundreds of years of wealth.
It's annihilating all the average people.
Totally sick.
Wiping out small business, wiping out all the wealth of the average people, and giving a treasury bailout to the big corporations and Wall Street so that they can consolidate their wealth so that they can continue to kick us in the face.
And it's going at a very, very rapid pace now.
They're talking about the Great Reset now, which is basically tearing down everything that we built in this great civilization and turning it into an awful civilization.
They've already done that.
We live in a strip mall society right now.
And they're building a dystopia because the elites, when they're corrupt, want to see you poor.
It makes them more happy that they're fat and wealthy while you're starving.
This is serfdom.
They do it on purpose.
They enjoy it.
And they get sexual satisfaction from that.
I know that for a fact.
Um, they get sexual satisfaction from the suffering of children and from the suffering of, you know, white, normal, regular American patriotic people, the people who they despise more than anything.
He used to be able to drive down beautiful highways, country roads, as John Denver would say, and now it's just one disgusting strip mall after another.
And, you know, that's better than... But let's be clear, it's not brown people that run this, it's a bunch of rich old white people.
But you're right, they hate the West because of the Christian ethos.
I wouldn't say it's white people, I'd say it's that white people have been the group battling them.
They just so happen to be white as well, but they're the rulers over us.
Well, yes, because America was traditionally run by white men, they see white men who are Christians and want to have a stable society as The biggest threat to them, and the biggest threat to their globalist, one world, new world order.
And so, that's why we see the constant demonization of white males.
Nobody can deny that this is happening.
Sure, I get it.
You're particularly sick of that, and so am I. You just get the reverse psychology, just trying to turn us into racists, so they can divide us all.
I mean, that's the game.
Yeah, and I'm not a racist, obviously, but... No, no, no, I agree.
I'm just discussing the whole paradigm.
Everybody should stand up and be proud of themselves, and be aware that they can program somebody, hey, because you're white, that's a real brown racist that's got to be dealt with, versus, you know, white racist has to as well.
I'm just saying, we have to pull back and see the larger programming of how they're trying to divide us all, when we should be unifying in a pro-human future right now.
I think that's right.
We should unify as a humanity against the globalist oligarchs, the so-called insect people, I don't mean that literally but that's what I call them, and this AI transhumanist future.
They have contempt for humanity and so by pitting humanity against each other they keep us at each other's throats.
That's what this whole right-left paradigm is about even though the same kind of neoliberal gangsters and corrupt oligarchs run both sides.
Well I mean sure, if I saw headlines that blacks were inherently evil I would fight those.
It's not true.
But now they say whites are inherently evil at all these colleges we put up with it.
But shifting out of that, clue to the Great Reset, the COVID lockdown, all of this is
the establishment hysterical Bill Gates that was working with Epstein to blackmail scientists
obviously with the sex ops.
That's come out.
They're desperate.
So we see this and get depressed.
I get depressed.
We've got to be positive and realize we made them play their ace card because they're in so much damn trouble.
So we just got to see this through.
The entire concept of their wealth is rendered meaningless by the fact that we can get information out there.
We are a ragtag band of citizen journalists and we have stood up to people who have literally trillions of trillions of dollars in wealth who can just print money and hand it out to themselves.
But it shows it's like Wizard of Oz behind the curtain.
It's all just vapor.
It is!
That's what it is!
It's all vapor.
It doesn't come to anything.
It doesn't mean anything.
The money's not backed up by gold.
It's just whatever worth they say it is.
So it's a slim plan.
Let's get back to your big reports.
It's all an illusion.
I'm told you've got more big reports in this 100-plus page diary, which again, you reportedly have the whistleblowers' recordings of her admitting it, recordings of the whistleblower talking about it.
The fact that they're not denying it and are simply trying to ignore it shows me, just like the emails, it's bona fide.
Oh, absolutely.
There's no question that this is an accurate story.
And I'm always right.
And you know what?
We are going to continue to expose these people.
We're going to continue to expose how Nancy Pelosi rented office space to a group that was basically designed.
The architect of this group was a notorious pedophile.
It was an open secret.
Everybody knows this.
And now, you know, I was the one who exposed Paul Pelosi Jr., Nancy Pelosi's son.
Now he's showing up in the Hunter Biden scandal and people in China.
I noticed a bunch of other big Democrats are getting tied in, not just to the diary, but to the Biden corruption scandal.
Oh yeah!
These people couldn't even get a security clearance.
We're going to have a big, big, big problem here if any of these people actually get elected or go forward.
God forbid if Nancy Pelosi manages to drag this out until late January and then installs herself as the president.
Oh, she's got even bigger problems than Joe!
These people are sick people and there's so much blackmail.
Rudy Giuliani is a great American.
I don't blame him for the slow trickle of this.
I blame a tremendous amount of institutional pressure.
I blame some people who are close to him who I don't think have his best interests at heart in terms of being media experts or whatever on this story.
Rudy is the real deal though.
I know Rudy.
Rudy's a great guy.
Rudy wants to save America.
He's our James Bond right now.
We've got a rally behind Rudy.
This is just like other children molested.
Was I molested?
I think so.
I can't remember specifics, but I do remember trauma.
Wrote the author before listing a series of potential incidents, one of which may have included Ashley Biden's cousin, Caroline Biden, as the author says, remembers being somewhat sexualized alongside a person named Caroline, and then her Her brother, Hunter, is in emails now, confirmed, saying, I'm smoking crack with 14-year-olds, I'm caught on video, what am I gonna do to his dad?
I mean, this is insane.
These are confirmed emails.
I mean, these people are nuts, man.
Yep, but it's a crime family.
They were going around the world making a tremendous amount of money selling access and they're going to sell access to the White House if Joe Biden gets in there.
We are finished if Joe Biden gets in there.
I can't say this enough.
I say this to people who I know in my own personal life who are like normies and they're middle class.
Oh, well, you know, I don't know about conspiracy theories.
Enough is enough.
These people are criminals and they're ruling over us.
How is your life better by virtue of the fact that the sicko, degenerate Biden family gets to rule over you and have nuclear weapons?
This is nonsense.
This is madness.
I agree with you because when I see how pathetic they are, it makes me feel pathetic that they've been ruling over us.
Let's do five more minutes.
Laura Loomer.
Who's the leader now ahead in polls to win in the congressional seat there in Palm Beach, where Trump is.
Trump just voted for her yesterday.
It's a big national news.
They're pulling their hair out.
Patrick Howley's our guest.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Only way those links get shared is you.
You've been doing a great job.
We thank you and salute you.
Stay with us.
Hour number two, straight ahead.
Then Owen Troyer takes over.
Well, have you ever wondered if Americans would stand up and fight against a globalist takeover?
You're tuned in, you're spreading the word, you're in the damn fight.
I hope you understand that.
And me?
I'm absolutely committed 110%.
I've been in this fight so long, I'm ready for everything.
I got God on my side.
That doesn't mean I'm physically gonna win this.
I may end up being the biggest loser ever in the news.
Well, that doesn't matter to me.
What matters is the eyes of God.
I can feel those eyes.
So, Patrick, I really appreciate the great work you're doing.
They're not denying this report.
It fits into all the rest of the EMO.
More is coming out.
You've got a lot of sources.
What else should we look to be dropping here?
Well look, when you look at Ashley Biden, when you look at the relapses that she's had, when you look at the resentment that she has for her father, for his emotional manipulation, as she says in this diary, when you look at her sex addiction, when you look at how she was, in her belief, molested as a child, the inappropriate showers with Joe, when you look at how sick These children are after growing up around Joe Biden.
When you look at the crime family, when you look at all the money that these people are making selling access to the United States of America, there's no one in their right mind who thinks this man, Joe Biden, should have the nuclear codes.
There's no one in their right mind who thinks he should have the nuclear football, let alone any kind of red phone, let alone any kind of power whatsoever.
I am so sick and tired of this country which my family built being destroyed by criminals, by grifters, by liars, and then they turn on the fake media and they demonize people like me for our skin color or whatever and they say Oh, yeah, you know, they get all the normies on board with these people and try to pretend that these evil sicko criminals are real kind of philanthropists or whatever.
Oh, they're social workers.
You know, they're going to come to your house and help you raise your kids when we know damn well what CPS is doing, which is taking little kids out of their houses and selling them into sex slavery.
I'm sick of that.
My family built this country.
I'm not going to stand for it.
Donald Trump is the last He's the last one standing up for this country to try to protect decency and Christian values in Western civilization.
I want to tell the left something.
Everybody I know that's protecting them wants to get rid of them.
So, if they get the civil war they want, I just hope they realize they have no idea how they're about to get their asses handed to them.
That's not a threat.
I'm not going to do anything to them.
They've done it themselves.
I'm just saying, they're done.
All of them.
Big tech heads, all of them.
It's not a civil war if only one side is fighting.
Right now these riot squads, Black Lives Matter and Antifa and the rest of them are going around and punching us in the face, humiliating us, and nobody's doing anything.
So we need to really come together and we need to realize that humanity is at stake here.
And I appeal to every single politician out there, including Laura Loomer and all the rest of the politicians.
She's a friend of mine, but she's a politician.
So who knows what she's going to do if she gets into office.
I appeal to every single politician out there to realize the suffering of the American people and to actually give two figs about the people who built this country who are now living in squalor because of the globalist elites and how they have kicked us in the face and destroyed us.
Enough is enough.
I'm not leaving this country.
I'm not fleeing this country.
I'm going to be a distant in this country.
I'm going to keep holding politicians accountable.
I'm going to keep showing them for the evil scumbags that they are.
I hear you.
Well, I think Laura Loomer is a highly censored person and a fighter.
She's not in office yet.
I don't think she's been a politician, Patrick.
I think she's going to kick ass if she gets elected.
She's very close to being elected, showing the major backlash, you know.
She won that primary when she wasn't supposed to and now a lot of polls have her ahead.
I think that's good news for Trump.
Well, Trump is what I care about.
And Trump is going to win this election.
I feel confident that Trump's going to win this election because I'm going to be Running the database of all of the voter fraud and pointing to each and every single case and getting these dumb RNC lawyers to look at every single thing that I have to say because I'm plugged in right now.
You see Don Jr.
tweeting me.
You see Charlie Kirk tweeting me.
I'm plugged in.
I'm in the driver's seat right now.
The Republican Party answers to me, okay?
That's what's happening.
We're going to win this election.
Well, it's an amazing time to be alive, Patrick.
And listen, I'm glad you're angry.
We need to get angry, like Howard Beale said in the 1970s network, to get out of our comfort zone.
I don't want you to riot.
I don't want you to riot.
I don't want you to march.
I want you to just go and get mad.
First, you've got to get mad.
Say, I'm a human being.
My life has value.
You've got to say you have a stake to the system so they know.
Thank you.
Thank you, we'll be right back.
If you're receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's October 25th.
On this Sunday broadcast, Laura Loomer, who Trump just voted for for Congress, is about to join us on the ground in Palm Beach.
But first, let's go to this important message.
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But the only way our information gets out is when you spread it, and when you support it by funding our operations, which are your operations, at infowarestore.com.
All right, Laura Loomer joins us from Florida, where Trump just voted for her yesterday.
In fact, it's become a big press issue, but Trump has publicly defended her and said she's a great person.
He platformed, censored, almost at a level more than I have, except I've had bank accounts taken.
I've been blocked on a bunch of the things as well, but I mean, she's one of the most persecuted people out there.
We'll go to her in a moment, but here's President Trump yesterday getting on Air Force One being asked about it by the press.
Thank you very much.
Did you vote for Laura Loomer today?
When you voted?
Did I vote?
I voted straight Republican.
Thank you.
So they wanted, like, oh, Laura Loomer's bad, Laura Loomer's bad.
This is insane, because she exposed AOC as anti-American.
Everything she's exposed has been true.
She's worked with Project Veritas.
She's amazing.
Laura Loomer, you're on the street.
Tell us where you are in Florida.
We love you.
And hopefully in eight days, if there is an election fraud, you're going to win.
I know you're ahead in the polls, just like you were ahead, and they tried to deny it in the primaries.
So we salute you, Laura.
Well, I love you too, Alex, and I love the InfoWarriors out there.
And right now, I'm currently at the Summit Library right across the street from the Trump International Golf Club here in West Palm Beach, Florida, where I early voted yesterday along with President Trump.
President Trump voted for me at this early voting location.
And it was just amazing.
So no one really gets to say that they voted for the president and the president voted for them.
You know, in Florida, you know, at the same polling location, history was made.
And the president of the United States yesterday voted for the most banned woman in the world.
So this is a win for all who have been de-platformed, for all who have been silenced.
And, you know, look, we're about eight, eight and a half days
away from an election victory.
And everywhere I go, there's just massive amounts of energy and momentum.
I got out here on a bullhorn when Trump was here, and, you know, we had our own little mini rally, and pretty much everybody was honking their horns saying they're voting for me.
It's absolutely beautiful, Laurel, what you're doing, and the system's so scared of it, so they tried to get Trump to deny you.
They've been trying this for months, but it's not working.
He actually endorsed you when they first attacked him for it.
It just shows how they operate.
Right, isn't that funny?
So they weren't concerned about just Trump voting in general.
All the reporters, they were shouting questions here on the street.
Did you vote for Laura Loomer?
President Trump, what about Laura Loomer?
Do you disavow her?
And then, you know, all the press was talking about how I was there because, you know, you can see here that we have, you know, walls of Laura Loomer for Congress signs and my supporters out here waving flags at all the locations.
And you saw in that video from Air Force One, they're like, oh, did you vote for Laura Loomer?
And this made it into the official White House notes from his briefing.
They always attack what's populist.
They always attack, Laura, what they fear.
And so what can we do eight days out to make sure people vote there in that key battleground county to get you in?
I mean, I know they are crapping bricks right now.
Well, my district includes parts of West Boca, Delray, Boynton Beach, Lantana, Lake Worth, Palm Beach Island, Wellington, Green Acres, and West Palm Beach, and of course, Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach Island.
So if you live in any of those areas, please come out to vote for me.
Get 10 of your friends to come out and vote for me.
Tell everyone you know to donate to my campaign.
Even if it's just $5 or $10, if all the Info Warriors contributed, we'll have all the resources we need because we still need to run more ads.
We still need to get more signs.
And we have a very robust ground game going on, knocking on thousands of doors here, and I'm ahead of Lois Frankel.
And, you know, she's running scared and she's pretending like she doesn't know my name.
CBS News the other day did an interview with us, and they did a separate interview with her, and they asked her, they said, Hey, your opponent says that you're publicly avoiding saying her name, and Lois Frankel said, what is her name?
And Lois has said that I don't deserve to be recognized.
She said that people shouldn't say my name, and that I don't deserve to have a platform or be able to run for office.
So not only have they de-platformed you off of all the internet and off of everywhere, you're fighting back.
You're an example of a real fighter that I admire truly.
I hope my daughters are like you.
And they are.
But now they're trying to de-platform your name itself as a major candidate.
She literally wants to put you in the Phantom Zone.
This is insane.
And so you winning is going to be such a victory.
Tell folks what you're going to do in Congress.
You're going to call major hearings.
Well, look, I've had enough of these hearings, right?
We are going to make such a big noise in Congress.
It's time for these executives to go to prison.
They are committing treason.
They are committing perjury.
They lied to Congress.
And like Nancy Pelosi always says, and I agree with her, nobody is above the law.
These tech executives, just because they're, you know, leftist mega donor billionaires, doesn't mean that they get to censor and silence us and interfere in our elections.
The Democrats wanted to send everyone in the Trump administration to jail for so-called And they're all against Trump.
They always call us conspiracy theorists.
They're the conspiracy theorists.
We all know this, running Russian propaganda hoaxes, hoaxes about the Proud Boys that was really the result of
Muslim extremists in Iran, okay?
It's the Muslim extremists in Iran who are interfering in our elections, okay?
It's Antifa. It's Black Lives Matter.
It's Jack Dorsey, Sundar Pichai, Mark Zuckerberg.
And they're all against Trump.
They're all against Trump.
And so, they need to go to jail.
And I really do think that the FBI needs to raid Twitter and Facebook.
I think that they need to do a full-blown raid, Roger Stone style, where they show up from all ends, because I personally think that there are probably Chinese spies and Islamic spies.
Wait, wait, wait, you don't think it came out that Facebook's hired a bunch of communist Chinese and former East German Stasi to run their censoring?
I think that that's a national security threat, and there's news this last week that some Dutch individual also hacked the President's Twitter account.
It's a national security risk, and when you have Chinese spies and Saudi Arabian spies working inside these companies and they're taking people's personal information, when you have Turkish Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers deactivating the President's Twitter account, that's a problem.
And I think that people need to be held accountable.
By the way, I totally agree with you.
Big Tech is a national security issue, not a censorship issue.
Censorship flows from the fact that they're in bed with the chi-coms, in bed with Iran, in bed with all these extremist groups, and they admit they are suppressing our vote.
This is real election meddling.
This is what the Democrats falsely claimed the last four years.
Yeah, and they've been talking about election interference for the last four years, hijacking our news cycle, you know, inciting violence with their fake news, but they are interfering with Coming to you live from deep in the heart of Texas.
shut us down.
Laura, stay there.
I want to talk more to you about the election in general, what you think is coming.
I want to talk to some of these amazing ladies.
If we can hold the mic up for them, if that works, when we come back.
Laura Loomer for Congress.
Laura, we've got to go to break, Laura.
Back in a few minutes with Laura Loomer.
We are excited, ladies.
Coming to you live from deep in the heart of Texas, broadcasting worldwide, I am your
host, Alex Jones.
Laura Loomer is on the ground in Palm Beach, Florida, right outside Mar-a-Lago.
President Trump just voted for her yesterday.
And when I look at what she's been through, what I've been through, we're both success stories because of you supporting us.
And so you talk about two peas in a pod, it's just I really feel good.
Watching her not give up.
Most people that got censored gave up.
They particularly censored her because when they started censoring, she didn't give up.
They wanted to punish her, they wanted to defeat her, but they didn't.
And now she's about to get vindication, probably winning an election.
Even if she lost, she fought back, did incredible things, will probably run again and win, but she's in the fight, probably gonna win.
Knock on wood.
Laura Loomer, continue.
Tell me about that great crew you're out there with in Florida.
Let's talk to some of them.
Yeah, so these are my volunteers.
I have the best volunteers in the world.
You know, some of them were out here yesterday, 4.30 in the morning, waiting, getting everything set up for me for President Trump's arrival.
We're out here every day knocking doors and sign-waving and talking to voters.
You know, I have a ton of volunteers, but these are some of the ladies that came out with me today.
Hey, Alex!
Hey, you're awesome!
We love you!
This is Renee.
Thank you!
Love you, too!
Hi, Alex!
Jane Ruby.
Hi, Alex!
We've seen you before!
Love you!
Love you, Alex!
And then Jody over here, who is recording this.
But yesterday we had, you know, over 200 of my supporters out here lined up with Laura Loomer for Congress signs.
You know, we got on the bullhorn, and we had Trump flags, and we had our own little rally.
The point is, you're fighting back.
You're not taking it lying down, and you're an example of you're winning.
Usually folks fight for decades after victories.
You're winning instantly because you got the fire.
This is the American dream, Alec.
Only in the United States of America can you be defamed, deplatformed, censored, threatened, and totally shut down after civil rights violated, only to go on to, you know, run for Congress, win a nomination, buy double digits with no social media, raise over $10 million dollars... Let's be clear, the whole media laughing at you, trying to destroy you, trying to make... but America knew it was a fraud and backed you.
Yeah, and the President of the United States voted for me yesterday.
And we made history, Alex.
They say deplatforming works, but I say deplatforming doesn't work, and you can shove it up your ass.
People like the Daily Beast, people at the Radical Left, people at CNN, who say deplatforming works, and they're so nasty, and they want us to suffer financially.
But guess what?
Yes, just it's lagging right now.
But I say, guess what?
You know, when you de-platform people, you only create a Streisand effect.
And now more people than ever want to know who Laura Loomer is.
And here we are, you know, I'm recovering my followers.
Oh, Laura, you're a blueprint for victory.
And I don't want to insert myself in this, but...
Those who are supporting us, InfoWars is more popular than ever because folks stuck with
It's just an example of the American spirit that these bastards can't break.
These billionaire tech people want to bankrupt you, bankrupt me, shut us up because we support
America and it's just blown up in their face and it's beautiful.
Yeah well I can't wait to be their worst nightmare straight out of hell when I win my race because
It's coming in decades.
Tell us what you're going to do once you're in Congress.
Tell us what you're going to do.
Well, one of the first things I want to do is I want to update our Civil Rights Act to include political affiliation as a protected class so that Trump supporters and really people of all walks of life are protected from being attacked and fired.
Yeah, I agree.
Gay, lesbian, black, white should be protected, Hispanic, Asian.
How about conservative, liberal?
Everybody should be protected.
Everybody's protected and can't be discriminated against for their political views.
One of the, another thing I want to do is I want to make Social Security tax-free because it's ridiculous that people have to pay taxes on their Social Security.
Also too, I want to take down the big tech giants and I really want to push in, you know, a public advocacy campaign and really make it the biggest issue in the country and that is that These executives need to go to prison.
They need to pay for their treason.
They need to pay for committing perjury.
And they need to pay for committing human rights and civil rights violations against millions of people around the world.
And their time is going to come in the most epic form of poetic justice when I win my race without any social media besides Parler and Gab.
And when I win my race, you know, despite all these odds.
So they have it coming.
Listen, I know you came from behind.
I know they said you were going to lose the primary and you won by more, I guess, more votes than all the other candidates.
Yeah, and even you were skeptical.
You know, even you were skeptical.
You didn't think, I don't think anyone really thought... Laura, I was not skeptical.
I was saying you were a winner just for running.
That's, I was saying, at least you built name.
At least you got, it's beautiful what you, it's beautiful.
Well, you know, Alex, I think that what you're doing is beautiful and I'm going to invite you as my guest to testify when I am put on the House Energy Commerce Committee and when I'm able to grill Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai and I want you to testify.
I want Gavin to testify.
I want Milo to testify.
I want to be clear.
I donated and told the listeners to donate and I believe it was a moral cause and I thought you were gonna win.
I just was saying with all the cheating and everything and like what five other candidates whatever it was that you won the primary was amazing it shows what you what people are awake what you did but I think you have a really good chance of now winning the general election.
They are really upset right now.
All throughout Florida, there's a ton of Republican votes.
The Republicans are outvoting the Democrats in Florida.
So we are going to flip Ponce County red this year.
You'll see.
And Congresswoman Laura Loomer is going to become a reality on November 3rd.
You take it to the bank.
And in order to make that happen, I need everybody who's watching to donate because we're up in the polls.
I've out-fundraised her.
She's freaking out.
Okay, she doesn't know what to do.
You're like the only Republican doing that.
I was talking to Roger Stone, I know he helps you.
The Democrats are outspending 5 to 1 in Florida.
So folks don't get that it was 2 to 1 last time.
Trump needs money, so do you.
But thank God you're out there.
And the Republican Party, of course, they're not helping me.
They're just sitting around on their ass, you know, helping candidates who a lot of them aren't even going to win.
And wasting money.
Okay, the reports for the NRG... Well, we know a lot of the Republicans are a third column.
Trump's getting rid of them.
Yeah, they raised $191 million.
They haven't given me a dime.
And this is a winnable race, it's the President's home district, and they don't want to support.
So it's up to you, and I'm making a plea to the Infowarriors to donate whatever you can to help me, because we really need the winner.
I totally agree, but about a month ago when you won the primary, whatever it was, two months ago, Trump said, I like her, he didn't back off from you, but I know some of the staff tried to block him, because they work with big tech.
We need Trump in a press conference.
Yeah, because he flies places to support candidates.
He needs to spend 10 minutes on you from Mar-a-Lago.
He should meet with you.
I'm getting this message to Trump.
I'm sure Roger's trying.
He should have you to Mar-a-Lago.
You should have a press conference.
That'll guarantee you win.
Look, I agree with you completely, you know, and I know there's people telling him not to say my name because, you know, he paused on the, you know, the Carmack and he said he voted down-ballot Republican and it's not You know, he clearly likes me, he endorsed me, and he tweeted in support of my candidacy, but he has a lot of, you know, bad advisors surrounding him, and they're giving him bad information.
He's got a bunch of wimps around him.
Yeah, and it's time for them to get on board because we are pulling very high here.
I mean, I'm not against Netanyahu.
I like him a lot, the other candidates over in Israel.
But even when Trump asked Netanyahu to attack Biden, he wouldn't do it.
Everyone is so scared to attack the Democrats.
The Democrats are chi-com, globalist, Iranian agents.
So why didn't Netanyahu come out against that?
Well, look, Alex, a lot of people are scared to confront the Democrats, which is why I'm needed in Congress, because I don't give a damn who you are.
If you're committing injustice in this country, if you're in the Democrat Party or the Republican Party, I'll come after you and confront you and expose you.
I totally agree.
I totally agree.
Laura Loomer, amazing.
Laura Loomer for Congress.
Laura, join us again tomorrow, the next day.
We love you.
Thank you so much.
More news straight ahead.
Laura Loomer.
Is kicking some major globalist butt.
We really appreciate her and that great crew out there.
We'll be right back.
Sunday, October 25th, 2020.
Eight days to election.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
We are the tip of the spear.
And we're ready for war and death.
It's true.
All the preparation to this moment.
Decades of war.
As God took his hammer to us in the fires.
Preparing us to strike.
Preparing us to have the will.
Preparing us to smile in the face of certain death.
I rule the midnight air!
The Destroyer!
Deadly mash.
I'm not talking about me.
I'm talking about the big guy.
I will pass.
Alright, let's go ahead and knock it out.
I hardly ever air a special report twice.
When I saw this special report before the show, it was so good, I started the broadcast with it.
I've got tons to cover, huge amounts of things to get into.
Owen Schroer went to this big Trump parade with probably a thousand cars wherever it was, just going through Austin and the left threatening to kill him.
All that's coming up.
But Greg Reese's report he put out, Greg Reese was up here last night with one other person and shot that whole special report to like 10 at night, finished it up with me, did a great job on the diary of Hunter Biden's sister, Joe Biden's daughter,
and all the horrible pedophilia reports.
And then he put this report out this morning that just went live before we went on.
It's a banned out video.
Brace yourself for the most violent, the most dangerous, the most uncertain election in history.
There it is.
Prepare yourself for the most dangerous election history.
It's got 11,000 views.
Great, went up a couple hours ago.
It needs millions of views.
And when you get excited, that happens.
You know, the CFR run Media Matters and the George Soros group all came out
and bitched this week in hundreds of articles.
You know, PolitiFact, New York Times, Washington Post, online.
They went, oh, it's got millions of views, this article about sex tape with Biden, underage girls, which is all coming out now to his damn emails.
We said it before it was in the emails.
He's talking to his dad saying, yeah, I'm with little 14-year-old girls.
What do I do?
The New York Post says, we can't publish it.
It's pedophilia.
And all the left and all the media defends it.
That has three and a half million views right now at Bandot Video.
Do you know how much that pisses Mark Zuckerberg off, and how much that pisses off CNN, and Jeff Zucker, and how much that pisses off Brian Stelter, and how much that angers them that you built InfoWars, we built this infrastructure, and that video on our own platform has three plus million views?
I mean, that is just everything they fear.
Absolutely right there.
That's what this is all about.
It's the blood of victory.
It's the very essence of victory.
So I'm just, I'm so fulfilled right now.
And I salute you to my very core.
I salute you!
You are the sword.
You are the mind.
You are the blood.
You are the faith.
You are the guardian.
You are the resistance.
You are the very will to cross the enemy.
And that spirit spreads, it's over for them.
That's why they want to suppress us, because we have the spirit of victory.
So here's the report that they don't want you to see.
Here it is.
About a week away from the 2020 election, Democrat Party nominee Joe Biden is in desperate denial of the fact that he is now the central character in the most despicable corruption scandal in American history.
The subversion of the U.S.
government by Communist China is being exposed.
A group of Chinese whistleblowers managed to get a hard drive containing evidence of serious crimes committed by the Biden family into the hands of Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani.
Lewd media claimed a month ago that a hard drive would surface before the election containing videos of Hunter Biden violently raping Chinese children.
Those who have seen the videos support this claim.
To any good person, this is shocking and horrific.
And to many, it is incomprehensible.
But for as long as man has had power to gain, the art of blackmail has been exploited.
This was the purpose of a man like Jeffrey Epstein.
According to lewd media, these child rape videos of Hunter Biden were produced by the Communist Chinese as a means of control and were being sent to the Biden family and other CCP assets in America as a threat, a reminder of who owns them.
There are no rules in the game of power, only ruthlessness.
And so children become the currency of those who seek to control others.
Former business partner of the Biden family, Tony Bobulinski, worked as CEO for Sino Hawk Holdings, a company formed by the Bidens and China's largest private energy company.
Bobulinski has provided evidence that shows Sinohawk was used to funnel millions of dollars from the Communist Chinese directly into the family coffers of the Bidens.
The mainstream media, in what must certainly be a criminal act, has been ignoring this incredible story while pushing their audience into voting for a decrepit, lying, perverted fraud with a monstrous family and loyalty to the Communist Chinese.
We likely know what's coming next.
The Democrat Party will claim that Trump stole the election.
The corporate media will play along.
And those still brainwashed by the globalist-run propaganda media machine will undoubtedly believe it.
With massive crowds of people all over the country showing overwhelming grassroots support for President Trump in ways never before seen, contrasted with Joe Biden and Obama at public events practically devoid of all people, the media will still say that Trump had to steal the election.
They will cite their fake polls, and the brainwashed sheep will believe them.
If justice is served, which needs to happen, then there will be arrests of powerful people.
And the corporate media will report that Trump is literally Hitler, rounding up the innocent.
And the brainwashed sheep will believe them.
There is no doubt.
If they can be made to wear masks and fear those who don't, then they will believe whatever they are told.
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves.
Humanity is awakening, but not everyone.
The brainwashed are being manipulated into defending the corrupt deep state establishment.
Some are even murdering Trump supporters in cold blood.
It seems clear that Trump will win the 2020 election.
But then what?
If the corporate mainstream media is allowed to operate as normal, then there will be total chaos.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
I want to make a statement here that is absolute fact that I know within certainty of my intellect and my very being, my soul is accurate.
If 100 million Americans out of 370 million saw that little five-minute report, we'd win and not just get Trump in but defeat them all.
That little dose of five minutes of truth, like dewormer you give your dog and it kills the tapeworms, would wipe their ass out.
Wow, just as they hit refresh, it's gone from 11,000 to 46,000.
We need 10 million on that.
By the way, there's not even ads on the damn thing.
We just pay to put this up with our own platform.
I'm not like trying to get views on the videos to even make money off that.
I don't care about money.
Money is fuel to fund this fight, and we're so close to ending the enemy.
And all you gotta do is decide to stop caring what they say or do to you, and just go to war!
And I'm being as good as I can in the information war ahead of physical war.
But whatever happens, we'll never submit to Satan.
And these globalists will pay.
And those that have persecuted children will be thrown to the deepest ocean with millstones!
New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
It's mind control.
Mind control.
Alright, Alex Jones here in the final segment of this live Sunday edition.
I'll be back tomorrow at 11 a.m.
And of course, David Knight's at 8 a.m.
Central on the InfoWars Network.
Doing a great job.
3 p.m.
Central is Owen Schroer.
Again, I'm your host Alex Jones.
I want to thank all the great affiliates picking us up, all the great listeners and everybody.
We normally take calls.
We haven't done this today, but tomorrow we obviously will be doing that.
Some other big surprises on the show this week.
I'm going to leave it at that, but with seven days left to election starting tomorrow, You're going to see some big fireworks and a lot of big breaking, huge exclusive information.
Believe it.
Big stuff the next 48 hours right here at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
I'm not somebody that over-hypes stuff.
I under-hype things.
I over-deliver.
Believe me, you're going to want to stay tuned in.
All right.
Every weekend we have an armored vehicle that I bought over a year and a half ago at a very low price.
To be able to go out and cover antifunk as they attack your vehicle.
They attacked with hammers, with shovels, with knives, with fireworks, with everything.
And there was a car parade for Trump that just happened yesterday.
And most people loved it.
We're talking about a thousand vehicles out there, but some of the left went crazy and said, I'm going to assassinate you.
I'm going to murder you.
Here's some of the video.
We must reelect Donald Trump and save this country.
Trump is our last chance.
I have to come to you.
Fuck your brothers!
Don't fuck your mother!
You fucking traitor!
If I'm sanctioned, I will fucking assassinate you!
If I am sanctioned too, you are getting a fucking bullet!
So that's a death threat right there from a Biden voter.
You want that to run the country, folks?
That or you want to run the country side doors like that?
Did you get it?
Again, you can go watch, because they streamed on the internet hours of footage at Band.Video,
where it's like, "Hey, we love America!"
Oh, hey, I'm going to kill you.
I'm going to murder you.
I'm going to get you.
Total intimidators.
Total pieces of garbage.
That's one of my weak spots.
I'm like, if some dude's like, I'm gonna kill you for no reason, I'm like, well, I'm gonna show him he's about to not get what he wants.
Owen did a great job, you know, just relaxing during it.
But imagine, I'm gonna assassinate you.
I'm gonna kill you.
And it's dozens of incidents like this.
We're these soy boys that hate the military, hate America, they live in all this, they love Xi Jinping, they literally think they're going to dominate, destroy this country.
In fact, let's play the clip one more time, emblematic of how they hate free speech, how they hate America, and who they are.
Here it is.
We must re-elect Donald Trump and save this country.
Trump is our last chance.
I have to come to you.
Don't f*** your mother!
Don't f*** your mother!
You f***ing traitor!
If I'm sanctioned, I will f***ing assassinate you!
If I am sanctioned to, you are getting a f***ing bullet!
So that's a gunshot right there from a five-year-old boy.
He's dreaming of this communist world.
So here's the deal.
Notice they're demons.
They're interdimensional.
He's not a person.
He's infested.
I mean, I used to believe this till I just saw enough of it.
A few years ago, I was in Seattle.
And they saw me live streaming it and they go, F you and your mother, we're gonna get you and your family.
I crossed the next street and I go, you just heard us, we're getting your family.
Yes, it's us.
The earth is ours.
And you're like, and then another dude does it.
And you're like, it's like in the Matrix.
Where do you think the Wachowski brothers came up with that?
Where in the Matrix, Agent Smith's jumping from person to person.
I mean, you don't believe in this till you see it.
And they finish each other's sentences.
In the cities they control.
It's like, I don't know what it is.
I don't know what it is.
I don't know who they are.
I don't know what they're doing.
They're ESPN, man.
And they're like, Your mother must die for you being born.
We would have killed you if you would have.
We want your mommy to die.
Why does your mommy?
We want your mommy.
We want to kill you.
Your mommy should have killed you.
It's like a transmission, kill you, kill your mommy, die, die, die, die, die.
It's the same transmission, die, die, die.
And they don't have Christ, they don't have any defense, so they give in to it, Stockholm Syndrome.
So you see that little empty guy driving his Miata, and he's like saying, ask your mother, ask your mother, I am sanctioned to kill you.
Like, we're sanctioned by your God?
You're like, okay.
And then like, it happens more on the same video.
Like, I am sanctioned by you, I'll kill your mother.
They're all, it's like, what?
Were they programmed?
Were they hooked up to something?
I don't know.
But man, they're a military of chicken-neck weird dudes that hate God, hate freedom, hate success, hate family, hate babies, and they're all into their selfishness.
Like, I have nothing, I will never be nice, but I'm liberal!
And I love pedophilia!
Do what I say!
In fact, let's play the clip one more time in Austin.
I am sanctioned to tell you I will assassinate you after your mother dies!
And after you run into enough of them, it's like, what the hell is up with these dudes?
Here, go ahead and roll it.
We must reelect Donald Trump and save this country.
Trump is our last chance.
I have to come to you.
Fuck your brothers!
Don't fuck your brother!
You fucking traitor!
If I'm sanctioned, I will fucking assassinate you.
If I am sanctioned to, you are getting a fucking bullet.
So that's a death threat right there from a Biden voter.
You want that to run the country, folks?
So see, they wanted the guns all like, we're liberal, hand them over.
So that coward demon, that demon possessed nobody, whose mother probably beat him, never gave him milk, kept him in a crib, you know, raised on methamphetamine.
That dehumanized person, he was like, give me your guns.
And now he goes, he knows he's not going to get it.
He's like, like a zombie.
Imagine there's a shield between you and them.
Because all he wants is to get you.
His whole world is, destroy America, bring it down, kill Jesus.
And you have to be around him.
I remember I used to go to abortion clinics 27, 8 years ago.
Before I was even on air, I would go to abortion clinics.
And like, you'd have a doctor walk up and go, I love Satan.
And I love killing babies.
And I want to kill the black people.
And be like a black person.
You're like, what's up?
By the 10th time you saw a black person go, do you want those degenerate n-words?
I'm going to get them in the name of Satan.
And you're like, what the hell?
I mean, I already believed in God then, but then I really got it.
You go out and face these people, you'll find out what demons are real quick, folks.
And man, they are crazy.
And I'll just tell you, they want to kill black people.
It's their favorite.
They want to kill everybody, but they just love killing black people.
I don't know what's going on.
It's like a bloodhound or a dog trained to kill a certain thing.
They just go crazy.
That's mine.
I'm gonna kill your mom and I'm gonna get you.
So you can bow down to him all day if you want.
One of these demons that ran the whole HIV operation and killed everybody with the testing drugs was Fauci.
He doesn't want you to have vitamin D3.
He doesn't want you to have zinc.
He doesn't want you to have C because he's a devil worshipping little slime bag pile of crap.
But you know what?
We want you to have it and even though this is selling out, We have it discounted right now at 50% with store-wide free shipping.
That's about the only thing that's about to sell out.
We have all this great hand sanitizer, this natural essential oils.
That's selling out.
We have super strong, super high-grade iodine that's a great hand sanitizer and top sanitizer.
And we have one that's oral as well, X2.
This is the separate one.
You don't take this orally.
It's extremely strong.
And that funds our whole stinking operation.
But I mean, it just comes down to the end of it.
I haven't figured it all out.
I just learned these people are on the same frequency and they're getting a transmission.
Like, I turned a hundred different radios, the same channel here, the same channel.
I've literally watched there and I've turned different channels and they're all saying the same damn thing at the same time.
So this is not an act.
They couldn't do this on their own.
I have, God has actually shown me in Seattle where block after block Zimmerman got so scared he refused to come out of the hotel.
He's a great guy.
He said, no, this is a demonic city.
I've never seen anything like it.
He was totally scared by the end of it.
He's like, he was like, those people are all demonically possessed.
He witnesses for himself.
And I'm not putting Zimmerman down.
I'm just telling you a true story.
He wouldn't leave the hotel room after a couple days of this.
He's like, this is real, folks.
These people are controlled by something.
I don't know.
Aliens, whatever you want to call it, they're out to kill everybody.
I mean, my God, you already figured that out.
Like, we're not wanting to screw kids like Biden and all them.
I mean, they want to hurt us, folks.
They want to hurt us.
And we're not going to put up with it.
Owen Schroer is about to take over.
We do a show called Sunday Live and it should be on all the feeds.
I love the crew.
Last week was only on the sub feeds.
You'll find it at Bandot Video, the War Room feed.
Hopefully today it's going to be on all the feeds.
But Owen Schroer is about to take over with Sunday Live.
But this is a spiritual battle.
And then I'll be back tomorrow.
David, I'll be back tomorrow.
And Troyer, the whole crew.
Weeknights, we've got election coverage every night.
Seven nights a week, right through it.
Such huge times to be here.
We only have you to thank to be on air, and of course, and God.
So thank you all for your support.
Tell everybody you know, tune in now on your email.
Your text message, Facebook, everywhere about Owen Schroer and Sunday Live.
Send out the feed and say forbidden information now.
Or put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.
This is a war!
It's not something you can just do as a side issue.
You've got to fight back with your word of mouth now, and I know you will.
Now it's easier than ever.
This is going to come down to a fight over how many people are awake and how many aren't.
They're going to contest the election.
They're going to say Trump lost.
They're super pissed that I'm on air.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
You kept us on air.
We did the analysis first.
It's now gone mainstream.
We continue to be the epicenter.
And what they've said directly to us is you continue to be the epicenter of our plans not going the way we want and you need to stop right now.
And they're very, very serious.
Well, I'm not signing on with a bunch of devil-worshipping child molesters.
It's not gonna happen, so they are moving out to destroy me.
I used to say, support InfoWars, rescue InfoWars, save yourself, save the world.
We're in this together.
Because let me tell you something, communism's up here, InfoWars is the dam blocking it, which is all of us together supporting, and you and I are all down here with our families.
My children are right here!
But I need money to fight a war!
And I need word of mouth!
And I need prayer!
And I need action!
Because that dam's gonna come down!
Trump's told you, hell's coming!
You there.
The battle for the Republic is on.
The American Revolution 2.0 is happening right now.
But the corrupt establishment doesn't want you to know, and they certainly don't want you to get involved.
But you can at Banned.Video.
The truth lives at Banned.Video.
The information they don't want you to see is at Banned.Video.
This is your destiny.
This is the epic battle for the future of humanity.
America will survive.
As long as you fight, I've got to go.
With you.
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