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Name: 20201015_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 15, 2020
2842 lines.

The text discusses how big tech companies such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter have suppressed information, particularly the Hunter Biden laptop story, in an attempt to control the flow of information. These actions are seen as a test by these companies to see if they can work together to manipulate public opinion. Additionally, there are concerns that powerful individuals are using this censorship to interfere in elections and undermine democracy. The text encourages people to share alternative sources of news and links to counteract the suppression of information. Trump has been vocal about fighting against big tech companies, and the importance of understanding the globalist agenda is emphasized."

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These are authoritarian elitists that don't believe in freedom, that think you're a schmuck, that think you're stupid, that are allied with authoritarian regimes, making their move.
And so now, the House and Senate Judiciary Committees...
Try to send letters out and publish that they're announcing hearings, and that they're going to subpoena Jack Dorsey, and they're going to subpoena Zuckerberg over this, and Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey say, you're not even allowed to say that on my platform.
We are the government now.
And the old lawyers sit there, piss down their legs, because it's what they do.
They're the same ones that sold us out to Communist China, the same ones that let pedophiles operate inside our schools, the same ones that are all a bunch of cowardly, old, stupid lawyers.
And the Chai Koms and Big Tech muscled in and just pushed them aside.
And they pushed the FBI aside, and all these people being enslaved by China, enslaved by Big Tech, enslaved by the culture of Hollywood.
Oh, but who's the FBI worried about?
Right-wing Christians and white people.
We already have a government.
It's called Big Tech.
It's called the Communist Chinese.
It's called Hollywood.
It's called the blue cities and blue states that already got bought out by them, that are already running the operation to collapse the United States and saying no borders, no wall, no USA at all.
We have been completely turned over to our enemies already.
And Trump's starting to figure it out and saying arrest the heads of the deep state and, hey, we're at war with China.
But the public doesn't get it and thinks, oh, this guy's just fear mongering because of an election.
And the mainstream media is pushing for the destruction of the economy and the destruction of the dollar, thinking you're so stupid when they do it, they're going to blame it on Trump.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
To 1984 is 1776.
Info Wars has been banned.
(upbeat music)
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The Great Awakening is here.
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[Sound of a car starting]
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the end for war and say,
"I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?"
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Thursday, October 15th, 2020 transmission.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Well, I'm sure you've noticed that absolute tyranny is unfolding not just here, but around the world.
The headline for the live transmission that you're watching right now or listening to is breaking.
Big Tech censorship of Biden bombshell test for total internet takeover November 3rd.
Now we've actually seen Big Tech led by Facebook.
Google, Apple, and Twitter say that they're not going to allow disinformation if the president challenges the election, even though there's evidence that Democrats are going to challenge.
That's going to be taken as completely normal and good.
They're going to try to hold it up for months and then implement the 20th Amendment.
So that information is absolutely critical to understand.
And then as we approach, I've said this for the last two months, The election that's now in 18 days, 97 to inauguration, they will then accelerate the purging, the banning, the blacklisting, the shadow banning of basically 100 plus million Americans because they said themselves they would do that.
So basically everyone I know who are even just mainline Republicans or my son Rex Jones, all are banned off Twitter now just the last week.
Because Congress has sat there and let big tech, mainly owned by foreign countries and companies, tell us what to do and engage in massive organized crime and massive censorship.
And so Congress is the equivalent of Native Americans when Cortez arrived, who'd never seen sailing ships or never seen muskets and never seen horses and didn't even know how to respond to it.
Or Midwestern Native Americans, when the big iron horse arrives on the railroad, they are just totally flummoxed by it and don't know what to do and are following its every directive.
It's big tech that ordered all the stores closed and ordered the courts closed and ordered everyone to lock down and only communicate over the internet.
It's big tech that dictates what you can and what you can't say.
About your view on the forced inoculations that are now being announced.
It's big tech that is announcing its own courts and its own systems.
It's corporate global governance.
And this is a massive evolutionary jump, in their words, the takeover of all of society as we know it.
And I talk to people on the street that are wearing their mask and I say, you know, they've announced that the masks are going to be permanent.
Bill Gates says 10 years.
And they go, I don't care, I like them now.
You see, they're habituated.
And they're going to be habituated to their smartphones and their travel apps and all the inoculations they'll have to take to have the travel app.
And Gates is saying, no matter how many vaccines you take, you still won't be able to travel unless they say you can.
This is permanent corporate technocracy martial law.
And it's got the public turned against each other.
Let me read you some of these headlines.
This is on Infowars.com.
Direct link to the Pentagon transcript.
Senior U.S.
Army official says there'll never be a return to normal post-COVID.
You'll never be free again.
This person needs to be fired.
Meanwhile, Senate Judiciary Committee to subpoena Jack Dorsey after Twitter suspends Trump campaign House GOP accounts over Biden scandal.
Why not?
Facebook, Google, Apple, Twitter, all in a concerted effort yesterday, blocked the Burisma emails.
It wasn't just the crackpipes or the hookers or the sex.
It was the emails that we have up on InfoWars.com.
That's why you have to have a site to be able to have the information.
It can't be shared over these platforms.
Even Google's going into emails now, we've learned.
If you have Gmail and blocking it, The crackpipes and all of that is nothing.
It's the emails from the head of Burisma saying, thank you for hooking your dad up with me.
We'll get you the money now.
Just like Biden says, hey, they had a prosecutor investigating me and my son.
There was a billion dollars supposed to be paid that day.
I said, you won't get that billion dollars if you don't fire that prosecutor.
And son of a bitch, they fired the prosecutor.
So this just confirms all of that, that what they said Trump did, they themselves had done.
It's always total inversion of reality.
So, this is the come-to-Jesus moment, but is it too late for Congress?
Is it too late for the average, what, 79-year-old lawyer?
The average person in Congress is a 79-year-old lawyer.
Who doesn't even know how their phone works.
They'll always ask in hearings, is it true the phone can track my location?
And Sundar Pichai says, no, it doesn't.
Because technically, it's not the phone, it's the GPS app.
They all use legal ways to manipulate and lie.
Oh, no, we've never worked with the Communist Chinese on artificial intelligence.
We've never helped spy on their citizens, even though they do, publicly.
These are authoritarian elitists that don't believe in freedom, that think you're a schmuck, that think you're stupid, that are allied with authoritarian regimes, making their move.
And so now, the House and Senate Judiciary Committees Try to send letters out and publish that they're announcing hearings, and that they're going to subpoena Jack Dorsey, and they're going to subpoena Zuckerberg over this, and Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey say, you're not even allowed to say that on my platform.
We are the government now.
And the old lawyers sit there, piss down their legs, because it's what they do.
They're the same ones that sold us out to Communist China, the same ones that let pedophiles operate inside our schools, the same ones that are all a bunch of cowardly, old, stupid lawyers.
And the Chi-Coms and Big Tech muscled in and just pushed them aside.
And they pushed the FBI aside, and all these people being enslaved by China, enslaved by Big Tech, enslaved by the culture of Hollywood.
Oh, but who's the FBI worried about?
Right-wing Christians and white people.
What a sick ideology!
What a sick group of people having their own future destroyed, but they don't care because they pretend they're part of this big, wonderful, winning team.
Look at these headlines.
Twitter blocks link to Republican judiciary website in another attempt to censor Biden's scandal.
And what's in the letter?
The fact that Biden's campaign is confirmed and Marisma's confirmed?
These are real emails.
Paper play, quid pro quo, absolutely illegal.
And it continues.
Senator Hawley and Cruz accuse Twitter of election meddling over censorship of New York Post expose, but still do nothing, just like Jordan will do nothing.
We've got the letters, we've got the articles, we've got the emails you're not supposed to see.
They're at InfoWars.com.
Oh, but nobody needed InfoWars.com anymore.
Nobody needed Bandai Video.
Oh, you've all got your Twitter.
You've all got your YouTube.
But you don't.
Because now hundreds of thousands of minders trained by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL are in control of their programming.
AI that goes through in live time even your private messages and stops you.
And Congress doesn't see that as racketeering.
Congress doesn't see that as organized crime.
Congress doesn't see that as election meddling.
They just talk about Section 230 and do nothing because the Republicans have been bought and paid for as well.
And so Big Tech doesn't respect them and is now usurping their legitimate power as our elected representatives.
Congress is more and more becoming vestigial, ceremonial, archaic, a remnant, a ritual, a skeleton of what it once was.
That's why I told you two and a half years ago we got banned everywhere.
I said we're building our own video site.
We're beefing up the sites.
We're doing our own system.
We need money to build it now.
Sabot up links.
We need to get on more terrestrial radio stations now.
More precious than ever.
Because the new dark age is here.
The electronic Berlin Wall is lowering down on us now.
And I don't know if it's too late for Congress and too late for Trump and too late for all these people that listen to folks like Brad Parscale.
They told him their targeted ads got Trump elected, not his grassroots, that was cut off starting with Infowars.
And now the president himself has his Tweets blocked, and has his YouTubes blocked, and is gamed and scammed because big tech works with authoritarians like China and thinks we're weak, and has never gotten in trouble for what they've done.
And so now, big tech works with big pharma and the UN to keep a UN lockdown going, and the end of our economy, and says the mask never come off.
And if you criticize the forced inoculations, you'll be banned, and your bank account will be taken, and they're gonna put dozens of them in you a year.
It was two, then five, now Gates says dozens a year, in your body, controlling your DNA, raping you, controlling you, coming for you, because you rolled over!
The date is Thursday, October 15th, 2020.
18 days out from the next globalist coup attempt against our Republic and the 45th President of the United States.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Ever faithful to my family, to God, and to you.
And very, very honored to be here in this position.
I'm exhausted from the long fight, but I've got strength like never before, because I know that we are headed towards the summit and the main battlefield, ladies and gentlemen.
Let me boil this down very, very calmly here.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
There is a scientific breakaway civilization that has decided to give up its humanity and merge with machines.
That is the AI religion that they follow.
I told you this 26 years ago from their own writings.
Elon Musk has gone public the last two years, Bill Joy, and others 20 years ago.
I've had overtures from these groups trying to get me to join them many times.
The head of the Kissinger Group, in front of my producer, tried to get me to join them as well.
That was not in confidence, so I can tell that story.
That's one of many times.
I know the New World Order is real because I have their own documents, their own research, and because I research what they're up to, and because I understand their larger plan better than most of their top executives, they've tried to get me to join them.
Just like they tried to get my father to join them.
So, when I sit here and I explain this to you, this is not a game, this is not a joke.
These people are going to kill you and your family.
Do you understand that?
They're going to do it once you're brain damaged and filled with cancer viruses and out of your mind in an electromagnetic soup so that you are debilitated to the point of you cannot resist.
Think about how a spider operates and you'll have the enemy.
Now, we're being caught in the web right now.
They're moving on from the web point to spinning us into a more tightly controlled position, teaching us how to be locked down, teaching us how to be slaves.
And then the next mode, in the next year to three years, will be fangs going in, and that's the forced inoculation, that you'll quote, except you're really being coerced into it.
And then once you've been given that soft kill, that spiritually, culturally, and genetically will begin to liquefy your genetics and overtake your genetics, literally, with the mRNA vaccines and other things they're doing, so that you spiritually and physically will fall to your knees in front of Satan.
And then the spider, right as the last light of your soul leaves, will plunge its fangs in and have a blood meal, sucking every drop of a sanguination out of your husk.
Now, that's who Bill Gates is, is a hungry baby spider of the mommy.
That's why he rubs his hands together like a rat and gets very excited and smiles when he talks about global collapse and death.
Because, metaphysically, he's hungry and wants to get the things in now for the main meal.
Mommy is explaining to him that it's going to be a slow process dissolving us, aging us.
Liquefying our soul, having our children turned over to them, sterilizing our young boys, poisoning ourselves, denouncing God, so that we get all the little free goodies given to us by Satan, that aren't free.
They're at the price of our soul.
So I just want everyone to know the beautiful continuum they have for you and your family planned.
And this is what you face.
This is what I face.
This is not speculation.
I've just given you an allegory of the spider and its prey.
Well, I am not the prey of the spider.
Alright, now let's get scientific and talk about what's currently happening.
I told you eight months ago because they admitted this in all of their public documents, which you'd like me to list them again.
I know you all know what they are.
Lockstep, Event 201, a bunch of UN drills, Pentagon Report 2010, the Ministry of Defense 2007.
Flash mobs, microchips, and the coming collapse.
That'll bring it up.
I forget the exact name of the Ministry of Defense report.
I mean, you can already see it before they announced it all.
People saw those reports and they said, this is what Jones is saying.
How the hell do they know this?
Now you got Boris Johnson at the UN saying, you will accept nanotech.
You will accept microchips injected into your body next year.
And why was he saying that?
Because he's been told that's what's coming.
And he was letting the system know, hey, I screw people with Brexit.
I'm really a globalist operative.
I'm Darth Vader to Emperor Palpatine, I betray the people.
That clip's coming up next segment as well.
So I'm not trying to frighten you because I think you're cowards.
I'm trying to get you concerned that there's no way out of this without fully breaking
with the system.
And when you've got a maskie around you that refuses to listen to the facts, disassociate
Because they're going to disassociate from us and they're going to literally starve people
to death that don't take the inoculations and don't serve them and then don't follow
their political will.
Because it goes mask, contact tracing, apps on your phones, controlling where you can
go, what you can do, always new rules, always new humps to jump through.
Then when you take the vaccine you'll be celebrated as a hero.
Then when you criticize people that are getting sick from it, that's going to be blocked by
big tech and that's all an exercise in covering up the killing they're involved in.
And then the social credit score is brought in over those apps.
Did you take your child to a drag queen story time?
Did you let them sit on their lap?
Did you let them babysit your child?
Did you let them rape your child?
I mean, like, letting your five-year-old get raped by a pedophile, you're talking major cred.
It's gonna be put in your system.
And then of course, finally, sterilizing your child.
You'll get five years living wage off that.
Chop your own balls off.
Same thing.
Join Church of Satan.
Bigger bonuses.
Hurt yourself.
Take lots of psychotropics.
Say that you're debilitated.
Say that you're depressed.
Again, and then they tell you you're a weakling, and they tell you there's nobody there for you, and they tell you you're so bad, so you shove a gun in your mouth and kill yourself.
They're all there preying on you to debilitate you, get control of you, make you depressed, cut you off from God, and then kill you.
Because again, the decision has been made, there's too many people, people are too dumb, they're too lazy, but they've made it that way with the system, so that it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, so that those of us that aren't like that will join the spider in killing our own people, because then he can eat us last.
That makes us defenseless when we turn on our own species with a spider.
So if you work with these entities, and you do this to your own people, you'll be damned.
And what does that mean?
You'll be cut off from the Creator.
You understand?
And all of this is accelerating.
And the big tech is the surveillance grid.
The big tech is the control grid.
It's the thing to force you to do all this.
And then those that you see like Governor Newsom and Hillary Clinton, they're all wanting to be at the global government level.
They're all wanting to show that they enthusiastically merge with this spirit and accept the destruction of humanity and celebrate it.
And they're all trying to become one with the Luciferian satanic spirit so they can
transcend the destruction of the planet.
And they believe they're doing this beautiful thing and that out of this destruction comes
the birth of this new entity that is the marriage of Satan and humanity.
But in truth, humanity is being destroyed and giving up its humanity in that processing.
So when you see a Jack Dorsey or you see a Governor Newsom, these are absolute, adept, Luciferian Satanists that their whole mission is destroying you and your family with a total commitment, total commitment to annihilating you forever and taking your soul with them into the darkest reaches of the universe.
Now, This is the reality.
And you're going to see it all unfold.
Write this down.
Record it.
Remember it.
There'll come a time when none of this is available online.
There'll come a time when you're starving to death and the robots are coming to kill you.
Just remember, God's real at that point.
Call on Jesus' name.
That way your soul doesn't get caught by the spider.
Because it's the last moment it wants to trick you to beg to it and to say you renounce God so it won't eat you.
And as soon as you do that, you're gone.
All that matters is your soul now.
Welcome back!
What an incredible time to be alive.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Only 18 days left of the election.
But of course, that's just the beginning of the globalist attempt to take over.
This new world order has been built one step at a time.
And we're going to have to dismantle it one step at a time.
But we have to first recognize what the enemy is, understand it, and then take action.
Now, if you just tuned in, you may have missed some of what I broke down earlier, the metaphor of the spider and we being its prey.
That really is how this works.
I'm not literally saying it's a spider.
But when I talk about who the globalists are and the model they believe in, and what they're establishing, and how they believe Communist China is an example of what they want to establish on a planetary scale, Could a movie describe 115 million people killed by a communist regime like the communist Chinese admit they've done?
Could a movie or the most horrible science fiction nightmare horror illustrate that?
And the answer is no, it couldn't.
These are individuals.
These are hopes.
These are dreams.
These are souls.
These are women.
These are children.
These are people harvested for their organs for the crime of loving God or believing in God that wasn't the Communist Party.
And Tim Cook goes to Communist China.
You can pull up transcripts and see his speeches in Chinese.
He can speak it fairly well.
Where he says, I believe in censorship.
I believe in the model of the elite.
I believe in what you've done, and I will stand with you for censorship here and in the rest of the world.
Communist China, he said, three years ago?
They said, give us the code keys to all Apple devices, which they won't even give the FBI.
They shouldn't.
And they gave it to them, and when the media, Reuters, did an article about it, the Communist Chinese were quoted saying, well, yeah, and so was Apple.
When you move here, and when you set your main base there, they're not based in Seattle now.
They're not based in Silicon Valley now.
In California, they're not based in the West Coast.
That's their old base.
They said, the Communist Chinese officials say in the article, they said, when you move here, You become part of us and you have to put our intelligence agencies in control.
Remember even the head of Alibaba got in trouble because he wasn't giving him enough control and he was Chinese.
And so I was in DC about a year after that happened and I've been making a big deal about it.
There's the article right there with TV viewers.
And I met with some advisors of the president and they said, Jones, this is blowing us away.
We're going to get this to the president.
So the next time I was there, a few months later, a Fox News host came and met with me.
And he said, wow, I didn't know it was this bad.
Reuters reported on this.
You talked about it.
Nobody else did.
I'll get it to the president.
And it got to the president, and he had a fit over it.
And they said, well, don't worry about this, sir.
Worry about Huawei.
But what that shows you is, it's not that I'm that important.
This is how scary it is.
It's that the lawyers that run Congress, and the lawyers that run the White House, have lived in America so long, they think it's all free, and the checks and balances will all be there, like somebody walking out over the edge of a cliff, like Wile E. Coyote, who thinks there's a cliff under him, and then finally figures it out and drops.
But in the real world, you don't walk out over a cliff and then realize it and then suddenly drop.
When you realize it, you fall off the minute you stumble over the edge.
And we have stumbled over the edge of a cliff, We're in free fall towards the bottom, and we have a parachute, which is realization and our connection to God.
We can rise like the phoenix.
We can claw back what's been stolen from us.
We can turn the clock back.
We cannot go headlong into this horrible tyranny, the worst the world's ever seen, Communist China and the UN running it through big tech.
But it's going to take Congress realizing they got scammed.
You know, whenever I get scammed or screwed over, I learn from it.
I admit it.
I want to get better.
But I've learned that's one of my best attributes.
It's one of the best attributes you can have.
Is that a lot of people I know that when they get screwed or conned or cheated, they don't want to admit it.
They get mad at you.
And I've used this example many times.
It's a true story.
I know a talk show host, and I have a distant cousin, and I also have a friend who would never speak to me again.
Because they got email scams, Nigerian scams, back when those were huge, 20 years ago, and then 15 years ago is when these cases happened.
And they give them that first $1,000.
You get the email, hey, if you just send us $1,000, the Prince Boo-Boo or Hot Boo-Boo will send you $15,000.
And once you've done that scam, you don't want to admit you got scammed.
So, in a couple cases, I caught the friends when they were at like $10,000.
You know, the second round.
Oh, the prince wants to send you a million now.
We're going to send a representative to meet with you as well.
And sometimes they'll even send a car with guys in the royal African robes, because, you know, they've got networks everywhere.
And then sometimes they'll get $100,000 on the third round, because people have already given them this money and they want to believe they're going to get this huge investment, because Prince Abubu's got the money in this bank, he's got $15 million, and if you give him $100,000, he'll give you the $15 million.
And once they do it, they don't want to know they got conned.
And then in one case with the talk show host, he worked for GCN, he flipped out, went crazy, and said, Jones messed up my deal when I was on air, not even saying his name, saying, I know this guy on the network being scammed by Nigerians.
He was on air believing it was real.
Or maybe he was working with him, I'm not sure.
But Ted Anderson can tell you the story.
He was involved trying to get the guy to stop it.
I mean, folks, this is what's incredible.
Once they screw somebody, once they get you to wear a mask, supposedly 15 days, now it's 8 months, once you accept the total fear, once you accept you're a hero because you do it, well now you're going to accept that you're a hero because you have contact tracing and fill out a form to go to the park.
Imagine, you show up at a big park and sit in the middle of the field, there's a green Stand with plexiglass and you walk over and say, Hi, I'm Alex Jones.
I'd like to go to the park.
Sorry, it's full.
You're like, there's barely anybody in the park.
Giant, huge, you know, park.
Sorry, you can't.
And then you leave and they let somebody else in.
It's all arbitrary.
It's all evil.
It's all mindless.
Just to see if you'll put up with this and see, folks, that's all this is.
So everyone's freaking out now.
Wow, did you see Twitter and Facebook and all of them?
In a concerted effort, they blocked not only these real emails that are confirmed to be real, these photos, and the eyewitness and all this, and a major news organization, but now they're blocking the House and Senate committees.
Because it's an exercise of raw power.
Because Congress won't act.
We already have a government.
It's called Big Tech.
It's called the Communist Chinese.
It's called Hollywood.
It's called the blue cities and blue states that already got bought out by them.
That are already running the operation to collapse the United States and saying no borders, no wall, no USA at all.
We have been completely turned over to our enemies already.
And Trump's starting to figure it out and saying arrest the heads of the deep state and, hey, we're at war with China.
But the public doesn't get it and thinks, oh, this guy's just fear mongering because of an election.
And the mainstream media is pushing for the destruction of the economy and the destruction of the dollar, thinking you're so stupid when they do it, they're going to blame it on Trump.
So they're going to make their move in 18 days.
They're going to hold up the election.
They're going to try to kill the dollar.
And it's up to us to get the word out that they're trying to do this so we can stop them.
But even more importantly, in case they succeed, everybody's got to know who did this.
Because notice, they blame Trump for the coronavirus.
They blame him for the economy problems.
They blame you.
They blame Christians.
They blame white people.
This is the New World Order strategy.
And so I'm here to tell you, we're in the fight of our lives.
And once things get really bad, if we fail at this juncture, we're going to have a lot of folks awake.
But by then, everything will be shut down.
I'll talk about that when we come back.
I'll get very technical next.
I said I would.
I have it because I'm very emotional right now.
But I've already foreseen all of this.
And they're now doing it.
And I have their battle plans as well.
But my foresight is even better than my analysis.
But it's just always...
You can see it, too.
It's all very clear now.
Let's go out to break with the President, though.
Calling it like it is, saying China will run America.
This isn't rhetoric.
If Biden wins, America's fighting for its damn life against enemies and traitors.
Here's the President.
If Biden wins, China will own the United States.
And I turned it all around, and you know that better than anybody.
In 2019, if you go back 10 years, everybody projected 2019 the economy of China was going to be bigger than the U.S.
Except it didn't happen because I got elected and I turned it the opposite way.
We were picking up much more than them.
And then I did the no dumping steal and I did tariffs and I did everything on them.
No, no, they want Sleepy Joe to win.
Well, there's no doubt that InfoWars was meant to be here, that you're meant to be here, this great crew was meant to be here for this time.
And again, I'm your host Alex Jones.
I hate to get up here and say these horrible things and just to say these disgusting things, but you know what I hate more is lying to you.
And when I say these things, I sit back and go, my God, you're saying this because it's the truth.
Bill Gates is obsessed with killing children and old people.
He says it all the time.
We have the clips.
His father ran Planned Parenthood.
His mother was a famous eugenicist that ran IBM.
I mean, this is the front man of the enemy.
May he burn in hell.
But let me just do it this way.
Let me just talk to you like I'm giving a report to the President.
Because a lot of this information does get to the President and get to others.
The blind spot good people have is that you're not like Bill Gates.
You're not like Ted Turner.
You're not like George Soros or David Rockefeller.
You're not like Prince Charles.
All of these men have said they want to kill 90% of the world's population.
That's the number they settle in on.
And that's their religion.
And so I made all these films telling you, global government's coming, forced inoculations, lockdowns, checkpoints, tracker passes on your phones.
Then people go watch Endgame, which they took off Amazon, you notice, because it was going to number one.
You know, I made it 13 years ago because people watch it and they go, how the hell did he know this?
I didn't know it.
It was admitted.
God Almighty.
Yeah, there's Ted Turner put that up outside Atlanta, the Georgia Guidestones, saying they're going to keep the public at 500 million.
That's even more than 90% reduction.
So, let's just get into it.
We just had a bear trap to catch our leg.
Communist China, the big health departments of the planet, owned by these big corporations, are involved in a power grab.
Big tech is exercising censorship control right now.
And they began to say in their own corporate admissions, affecting the battle space in the last three months, that, oh, on election day, we're not going to let any Republicans say Trump won, including the president.
We're not going to let elected leaders say it either.
We'll decide from authoritative sources.
They listed those as CNN and the New York Times, the Washington Post.
And so Then we began to see the acceleration of everybody being banned or shadow banned or blocked.
Well, it's clear.
You don't just flip everybody off and take them off in one day.
There'd be a revolt.
So you just start incrementally banning people, starting with Alex Jones.
But as you get closer to the election, you're banning more in a day than you used to ban in a month.
And they say, on election day, everyone will be filtered, everyone will be blocked with keywords, and you cannot say that you thought Trump won.
The Democrats are going to say that Biden won, they're going to contest, they're going to say count the ballots, and if you simply counter them, or show a Project Veritas video, or show local news showing election fraud, that won't be allowed, because that is not authoritative.
So I warned Congress.
And I got messages of the President, and I know you did as well, and I just said, they're gonna put the internet kill switch in, the selective kill switch, with the AI control, a few days before November 3rd.
It'll be fully in place within 15 days.
And then I was over at a big podcasting studio they've built here in Austin, not Joe Rogan's, but another one, and they were showing me the emails before we went on air, Hell, they even did it on air.
It was the Drinking Bros podcast.
We should get them in studio the next few days.
And there was the emails from Facebook telling them, we'll pay you to not post and not say anything on election day.
How much money do you want?
And they were doing this to anybody that was prominent.
See, they're not even hiding it, folks.
They're reaching out to the conservatives.
And saying, hey, send it out, and we won't ban you, and we'll give you some money.
How much money will you lose, do you think?
Tell us how much money you want.
These are the emails.
How much money do you want?
And when they didn't respond, and I even pulled up articles admitting, this is not even hidden, this is going on, I didn't even know about it.
When they send you a number, and you don't respond, they go, well, tell me how much do you want?
Because see, they're just trying to find out your price, you see.
But when you take that money, you don't just lose your soul, folks.
Which they didn't take the money.
You're now under their control, and they're gaming everything.
So they're so worried.
They know Biden's losing so bad, they're trying to pay prominent Facebook users money to just don't post because the AI and the censors aren't strong enough to control it all.
I was in their studios a week ago.
My interview with them just aired the other day.
It's good.
Two hours long.
Had some fun.
You ought to see what happened to the villain from Halloween.
But that's where we are.
So we should be having a larger discussion about Congress and what is Congress going to do?
What, what, what, because I mean I don't, I'm not in love with these old, old men.
And I'm not in love with these lawyers.
I'm just saying, you jackasses are into your power, right?
You're into how you're gravitas and all your courtliness.
You're idiots.
You've had Chai comms and big tech run circles around you and take all the power away.
So now they're my unelected government over me with banks shutting down our bank accounts,
shutting down the NRA's bank accounts.
We're all going into slavery and you old dumb lawyers won't even organize your legitimate
power, which would make you heroes, save your grandchildren and make you more money.
But instead you want to be China's bitch.
Because you're scared of the media when it's a paper tiger.
I mean, is Josh Hawley okay?
Yeah, I guess.
He talks a good game.
Is Jordan okay?
Yeah, I guess.
Where's the action, man?
Little less talk, little more action!
That's what gives me satisfaction!
Everyone's having circles run around them because we have a normalcy bias that we're the USA and we'll always be free,
damn it.
But we're not.
So the internet kill switch I've looked at the numbers, okay?
They hit us with a 96% ban on all the platforms the day after Hillary lost four years ago.
Then when they totally banned us, it was complete.
We have all the metrics, the numbers.
And I started looking at other people's numbers in the last year.
They all, they have an algorithm.
It's like 96%.
Now they're even getting rid of that 4%.
And then I watch Congress like, is it censorship?
It's not censorship, it's racketeering, total takeover, where Joe Biden gets caught in an FBI cover-up, his son gets caught in it, with the emails from the ministers, we're going to give you money for the bereavement deal, smoking gun, and it's so dangerous, they all work in concert to shut it down.
But again, that's because the people put up with it.
They don't respect the FBI.
They don't respect the Congress.
They see you as little bitches.
I wish you'd man up!
Because in your own stupid self-interest, you're going to be annihilated by this corporate takeover, but you live off the idea of America and great men before you, so you still think you have all this power, when you don't, because you gave it up!
You advocated your responsibility, you pissed it away, you stood down, you little men!
You little lawyers, with people pulling your chairs out, and kissing your ass, and your chauffeurs, and all of it, and big techs laughing at you!
Telling you, oh your excellency, oh senator, oh congressman, oh Mr. President, I don't do that!
I've told Trump I don't need you to tell me how great I am and pat me on the head.
I'm not a dog.
I don't want to be a slave of these people and I want you to defeat Communist China and the pedophile rings and the New World Order and take control of this and build a pro-human future.
That's what I want.
So don't call me back till you do it!
That's where we need to be.
But these candy asses still want to play the game.
This is a takeover.
It's over.
You're not playing two sides anymore.
And Trump, God bless him, gets it and says, we're at war.
Communist China is conquering the U.S.
We have enemies that want to destroy your future.
Emergency mayday, mayday, mayday, mayday.
Choose America.
Choose your own common sense.
Choose reality.
Say no to this.
And there's a good chance with election fraud he's gonna lose in 18 days.
And even if he wins, despite the fraud, they're gonna say he didn't win, and all hell's gonna break loose, and the average man cares about complying to the media, and the government, and his wife, and everything else.
And so the women are all desperate and freaked out, and the children are alone, and evil's taking us over, because men are a bunch of damn cowards today!
And they suck their thumbs, and they put them up in the wind to see which way it's blowing.
I'm not doing that.
That's why we built Bandai Video.
That's why we built InfoWars.com.
It's why we're here.
We are on the air fighting with our great affiliates.
So spread the word now, you Paul Reveres!
If you've got any common sense!
Well guys, I guess it finally happened.
It's been a year and two months that I've been on Twitter.
And as of yesterday, my account is permanently suspended.
I've known this day was coming for a very long time.
I've known it was coming.
I've dreaded it.
I've expected it.
It's just my lot in life, you know?
As the son of the Forbidden One, as the son of the Goblin, the son of Alex Jones, the son of Gay Frogman, I was going to get banned.
And we can whine and moan and complain about that.
We can whine and moan about me getting banned.
But it really is just par for the course at this point.
We've given up and we've lost the fight.
When it comes to social media, we have lost our ability to fight against technocrats.
The battle has been lost.
The war has been lost because President Trump won't do anything about it.
These massive media tech monopolies won't be shut down.
They won't be broken up.
They should keep getting stronger and stronger and stronger because as long as the president himself isn't banned, nothing will get done.
And I had two strikes.
First strike wasn't legitimate.
It was them targeting me for something stupid.
They locked me out for an hour.
I wasn't that mad about it.
One strike.
Who cares?
This happened less than a month ago.
Then, I get my second strike.
I'm locked out for a week.
I'm locked out for an entire week.
Now, what I said wasn't a call to violence or a call to action.
It wasn't slander or defamation.
It was under free speech.
I could have said what I wanted to say.
And under U.S.
law, these companies are supposed to operate under the First Amendment, under free speech.
They are free platforms.
They are not publishers.
But what I said was rude, so they cut me off for a week.
I was mad about that, but I expected it.
Now, I go to my computer.
I think this is, yeah, I think this is Monday.
I go to my computer and try to log on Twitter.
Your account's been suspended!
Okay, when do I get to log back in?
Oh, you don't get to log back in.
You got zero followers and zero subscribers, boy!
You're gone!
You're gone, son!
You're outta here!
You violated our community guidelines.
Well, that doesn't tell me anything.
Let me put it to you this way.
You violated our community guidelines.
My video wasn't hurting anyone.
I don't understand why you would censor me.
Oh, right.
It says here you violated our community guidelines.
Now that I am banned on Twitter and I am a ghost with zero followers and zero subscribers, I must make the trek, the journey, the pilgrimage, the exodus to Gab and to Parlor, the only two places on the internet where I can exist anymore.
I must go to DLive and start a new show.
I must expand and innovate.
I must escape the gravity well, the black hole that is mainstream media and mainstream big tech.
I must escape Twitter.
I must escape Google.
And how do you escape Twitter and Google?
You move somewhere else.
I'm Rex Jones, and I'm moving to Gabin Parlor very soon, and I'm moving to DLive even sooner.
For more updates on my upcoming show, and for more updates on my upcoming media platforms, stay tuned to Band.Video.
I'll be coming out with a video tomorrow, explaining in detail...
What exactly I'm going to be doing, where you can find it, and more importantly, how we can all be a part of this fight together.
These people want to take our free speech rights, they want to take our ability to talk, they want to take our ability to fight.
If you cripple your enemy before you even fight, before even the battle, then how is he supposed to win?
How are you supposed to beat someone when you're in a wheelchair?
You can't.
You die.
You lose.
And these people, they're so weak.
They know that the only way they can beat you is to cripple you.
And that's what they've done with literally every conservative and libertarian voice.
Anyone right of Ben Shapiro gets banned.
Because these people can't have an argument with those guys.
They can't have an argument with Alex Jones.
They can't do it because they'll lose.
They can't have an argument with Gavin Guinness.
They can't do it because they'll lose.
So, what do you do when you can't beat your opponent?
You get rid of them.
You ban them.
You cripple them.
You make sure that they can't fight back.
That's what's been done to me.
That's what's been done to hundreds of other people.
Alright, the full report's at Band.Video, but that's why we have Band.Video, which is
banned on Twitter.
You can share the link.
It's 2020ElectionsCenter.com.
It's a clone of the site, the exact same videos, same view counts, same comments.
It just puts URLs over it.
They ban that, we ban another URL.
But that's what this is all about, folks.
It's about total control.
And then once you submit to them, there's always something else you've got to submit to.
It's a global social credit score.
It's an electronic straitjacket.
It's turning you into a robot.
Say no to it.
I'm going to come back, give the number out, take calls for the rest of the transmission.
I am Alex Jones.
This is your InfoWar.
You built this for the very time we're in.
Beyond epic.
I salute you.
So, just a microcosm of it.
Saturday, there was a big demonstration of a couple thousand people at the Governor's Mansion in downtown Austin, Texas, by the Capitol, saying, we want the lockdowns to end, we want the face masks to end, we want all businesses to be essential, it's causing the third world to starve to death, the United Nations admits it's killing hundreds of times more what it's actually saving.
The UN had just said that.
the night before. No one had covered it then. Of course, the president covered it Monday.
It's now a big story. But we're there reporting this really important news, the governor,
and they banned my son's Twitter. They said that violates community guidelines against dangerous
COVID disinformation. I've got stacks of articles here where members of Congress
have medical doctors in hearings about if you have enough vitamin D and vitamin C and zinc,
you cannot get any of these COVID viruses because they can't replicate inside the cells.
I mean, that's on the damn NIH website.
But now Twitter, I've got a stack of articles here, is censoring CDC and NIH and National Health Service as well in the UK when that stuff's published, including 10-year-old studies.
So Big Tech is publicly wedded to Big Pharma.
You look at these big companies, they're all co-invested.
And whereas you used to be able to have a consumer report site and comment about what happened when you took a drug or took a vaccine, they're saying, no, no, no, you don't do that.
And so my son, on Saturday, he said, I bet if I post this, it'll be my third strike because you're criticizing the lockdown.
And he said, I'm going to put it up anyways.
And they banned it.
But he made that step.
That's good.
Because Congress is now seeing the House and Senate committees put out reports about, hey, the media's wrong to be censoring these confirmed emails and photos and porn videos and, more importantly, emails of Hunter Biden talking to the head of Burisma about getting paid off for his father.
And they blocked the committees now, ladies and gentlemen.
That's government.
They're involved in something if the government came in live time through AI.
Imagine if the NSA was coming in, if the National Post Office, which I've said should have its own social media network.
It's a counterbalance.
It should have its own video network.
Taxpayers already pay for it.
There's post offices communication.
And then have the First Amendment over it.
Everyone would use that post office system.
It would work as good as Twitter or Facebook.
And if it wasn't illegal, you couldn't do it.
You're like, well, Jones, you're a libertarian.
The corporations are bigger than government now.
They've got more power and we see them as corporations that have have invincible rights when we have no rights.
It was one thing for the Supreme Court ruling, you know, 200 years ago to say that corporations are individuals and have rights.
That was dangerous enough.
but now they have all these rights and we real people don't.
So this is a big wake-up call and Jack of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, came out last night and said, oh, in a lawyer statement, oh, this is unacceptable, we shouldn't be taking this down.
When Congress finally said, that's racketeering, we're going to shut you down for censorship, he went, oh, we don't know what's happening.
But now he's being subpoenaed for who made the orders, who did the what, exactly.
Because they're acting as a government.
They're acting like a Soviet-slash-Communist government.
They're watching what we do, they're controlling what we say, and now they came out and said, a month ago, if lawmakers or anybody else says that Trump wins and an authoritative source has not said it, we will ban you.
We will block or ban you.
And again, they said, well, what's an authoritative source?
They said ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, DNC, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, Reuters.
So, oh, those are the authoritative sources.
If Trump's got 97% of the ballots in, and you count all the ballots that are out, and say all those are for Biden, but still that means Trump's gonna win, with the numbers you say, okay, he's won.
They say, no, we're gonna hold it up until every ballot's counted, and that's their admitted strategy.
John Podesta, in a phone call with the New York Times, with a bunch of Democrats on the line during a war game, admitted that's their strategy.
To never concede, hold it up, use the 20th Amendment to remove Trump.
And so they're rolling this battle plan out and they said a month ago, Big Tech said, anyone that doesn't go against, anyone that says something other than what the establishment says, authoritative sources, will be banned.
Will be banned.
Will be restricted.
Will be blocked.
And I said, they're going to just start banning everybody up to the election.
And then by the time we're there, a few days before, everyone's accounts are going to be locked down.
And finally, the day of, they're going to lock the president's down.
Once all of his support's been locked down, once all the Congress has been locked down, I said a month ago, you heard me, I said, they're going to start censoring committees.
They're going to start censoring C-SPAN.
They're gonna start censoring TV feeds.
They're gonna censor the president when he gets up there at 2 a.m.
on election night on November 4th and announces he's won.
They're gonna block that feed!
And holy hell, they just said they're gonna do that exactly.
Because if they've got unlimited power and no one's gonna stand up to them, it's easy to extrapolate and say, okay, Past behavior is the most indicative of future performance.
What are they going to do?
Plus, they're telling us what they're going to do.
And I sit there and watch Josh Hawley.
Well, gee, Jiminy Crickets, we finally got you smoking gun.
And then, Jim Jordan, I sent you a letter.
Explain yourself.
We might have to look at Section 230.
Jiminy Crickets.
Oh, Jeepers Creepers.
Oh, and Senator Cruz.
This looks mighty bad, what you did.
Are you going to stop it?
Because they're all scared.
And they're doing nothing.
And we're being sold out.
Communist China isn't conquering America.
It just provided the financing.
Big tech and the multinational corporations have.
And they want to get rid of it.
And they're pissed that Trump wants to make decisions.
They don't care that Trump made them all this money.
They don't care.
They want to piss on America's grave.
And they're mad that Trump makes decisions.
They just want him out of the way because he makes decisions.
That's why they hate him.
And all these other guys just want to survive.
They're just jockeying to get in a position of power down the road because they know they're going to flip-flop power between Republicans and Democrats.
And so they're not going to do too much.
They're going to demand answers.
If I walked up, hypothetically, I never do this, I like Senator Cruz, and hit him in the head with a baseball bat, And his teeth are knocked out.
He can barely talk.
Blood's pouring.
He goes, Why'd you do that?
I want answers!
I mean, like, because I'm trying to kill your ass!
What do you mean you want answers?
Here, I'll give you another answer.
How about some break your ribs?
Oh, how about your collarbone?
How about we'll just go ahead and knock your brains out?
Which I'm not, don't want that, it's hypothetical.
And he's sitting there on the ground like, ribs broken, dying.
I'm like, do you got any questions for me?
Do you know what I'm doing?
It's like the Alamo, you're being overrun by 5,000 troops bayonetting you.
I mean, was Colonel Travis asking what Santa Ana's intent was?
I mean, you walk out in the parking lot, you got a case of beer in your hands.
Some dude pulls a gun out and says, give me your beer, give me your money.
It's like asking him, what is your intent?
I'm like, here, take my beer.
You're right.
They're so used to people going along with it.
The guy actually, with his gun, takes the taste of beer, hit him in the side, hit him with an elbow, get him down, break those ribs, just rack him.
Get my beer, get in my car, roll out.
Roll out.
See, I don't need him to tell me his intentions.
Soon as he pointed that gun at me...
I just instinctively went, here, have your beer.
And when he took it, he was hurt real bad.
That's a true story.
I try to act tough.
That's just how the real world works.
But I guess I'm a throwback.
I'm a caveman.
I'm not one of these people that just rolls over and rolls over and rolls over and rolls over.
And now we're going to find out that rolling over, over and over again doesn't get us somewhere good, it gets us somewhere bad.
And 18 days out, They plan on destroying this country during the contested election for civil war with massive big tech media ganged up on America, doing this to us, and the average person at the Pentagon, the average police chief, is just gonna wait it out because they're winners.
They're smart.
They never commit to anything.
They just sit back like little followers and wait to see who's gonna win.
We all lose under this dumbasses.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We'll give you the number.
We're gonna open the phones up straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Live from Austin, Texas, some of the last resistance holdouts broadcasting worldwide.
By the time you figure out how bad it is, you better be ready.
We've never made any of this up, folks.
You know, there's some good news in all this.
Our affiliate relations director has been a producer and worked on this show, I don't know, 17 years, John.
He said he's never been flooded by stations, wanting to pick up more of the show, wanting to help us.
And realizing that, oh, they used to think Alex gets people awake, but he's a little crazy.
He goes too far.
Now they turn on the news.
Pentagon says forced inoculations coming.
You'll never take your mask off.
A local pedophile group to speak to your children about pedophilia, how great it is.
I mean, it's just out in the open.
Believe me, folks, I didn't make any of this up.
I'm not happy about this.
This is real.
But I tell you these stories, and I tell you these things, this is not made up.
None of this is made up.
Believe me, I wish it was every damn day.
And it's not fun to stand up against these people.
But I gotta do it, because it's gonna be worse if we don't.
Let me give the number out, and they start getting the clips.
I've got like 30-something incredible clips, and I wanna take your calls.
I had a bunch of big guests today that we're gonna reschedule, but I wanted to just open the phones up, and I'm pontificating here, but it's just such an epic time to be alive.
When House and Senate committees are being banned on Twitter, we're in a lot of trouble.
And that is election rigging.
And again, we knew it was coming!
The logical extension of Congress doing nothing is this!
So again, I say to Libertarians, I get your Libertarian idea.
I've been a Libertarian when it comes to Civil rights and our private lives.
But when corporations become bigger than government and act like a cross between Hitler and Mao Zedong, and we go, oh, well, the Heritage Foundation, it's free market.
No, it's not!
They're tyrants!
And our republic is there to block the organization of such tyrannical operations against the people.
And I don't ask, I demand President Trump and Congress take action.
But then you look at Trump, And he's on fire saying arrest him!
World government!
The communist Chinese are running this!
Vote for me or communist China!
That's exactly what we've said he should say because it's true!
Does it sound crazy that we let ourselves get to this point?
Yes, but that's like CNN.
Oh, he's insane.
25th Amendment.
He's saying China is backing Democrats.
Pelosi said China wants Biden.
China owns almost all of Hollywood.
They own almost all the debt.
They're threatening to blow up our aircraft carriers for going to the South China Sea.
It's been open forever!
It's never been under China's control.
China just runs along it.
It's like saying Gulf of Mexico.
Does that mean Mexico controls Texas, and Louisiana, and Mississippi, and Florida?
It's called Gulf of Mexico.
It doesn't mean that Mexico controls the whole Gulf.
It's the same crap!
But it's much bigger in the Gulf of Mexico!
Can you imagine if the Mexicans had battleships going around threatening to blow stuff up if you entered the Gulf of Mexico?
They would never even do that!
It's insane!
The Mexicans want your business!
But China wants control, ladies and gentlemen.
It's like the English Channel.
It's called the English Channel.
Does England then say that the Netherlands and Germany and France and all those countries can't use it?
It's like you're going to Death Valley.
They got Death Valley Pass.
Because you're going to Death Valley.
It's the same thing.
English Channel.
You're in France?
It's called the English Channel because on the other side's England!
Doesn't mean England owns the water.
I'm going off on a jag.
It's just... I see CNN and MSNBC like China owns the water from the north of Japan and Russia, from the Arctic Ocean, all the way down to the Philippines.
No you don't!
You don't own 2,000 miles of water, you jackasses.
See, but see, I'm informed.
And to me, it's not even smart.
It's like, cool to know this stuff.
It's cool to study history.
And then I know all this stuff, and other people think I'm, like, making it up.
I was with a medical doctor yesterday.
Smart guy, nice guy.
He was putting a post in for an implant, because I clenched my teeth and finally lost a few of these teeth.
Clenched, clenched, and he's like, yeah, no, I know most deaths are in the nursing homes.
Why do you think that is?
And I go, well, Doc, it's because they're not getting any sunlight, vitamin D3, and a lot of their food's debilitated, and they have a lot of leafy vegetables, vitamin C, plus they have a lot of malabsorption in the lower and upper intestines.
Once someone's above the age of 75, there has to be a higher level of supplementation to be able to offset the malabsorption issue with those type of disorders.
That we tend to see over and over again.
I'll list a few disorders.
That's just what they really need is a regiment like they did during the Spanish flu.
About an hour of sunlight a week and boost of vitamin D and vitamin C and vitamin and the guy's mouth was hanging over.
He's like, well, my professors didn't talk like that.
Well, I mean, well, why didn't they then, dude?
I mean, it's not like I'm snap, dragon and pop here because I know all this.
What happened to people?
The viruses cannot replicate after insertion of their RNA strain into the DNA in a high zinc, vitamin D, C environment.
Replication is impossible by reprogramming the mitochondria.
That's simple viral reproduction information that you learn in 7th grade.
But people don't know that.
They don't know 7th grade information.
All right, I said I'd give the number up.
Toll-free number to join us, 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
First-time callers, 877-789-2539.
877-789-ALEX, 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
First time callers, 877-789-2539.
If you're calling from outside the U.S., sometimes 1-800 numbers don't work,
you can dial your country access code and 512-646-1776.
I'm just so fired up with 18 Days Out.
I mean, they're going to contest.
They're going to try to break the country up.
They've got riot teams.
They've got assassination teams.
You heard Caputo come out a month ago and he got in trouble for it, saying they got hit teams.
The cover for the hit teams is Antifa, their decoys.
All this is real, folks.
And I'm not glad the fight's here, but at a sick level I am.
Because people aren't going to sit on their hands while babies get aborted and devil worshipers run around with their tongues hanging out.
Without now you paying something so everybody's sitting on the fence that thought they could sell the fence you got what do they call it skin in the game skin in the game you got skin in the game now people are about to figure out that there is no spectators in this there is no sitting on the bleachers that being in the middle of the roads the worst place to be there's no sitting on the fence here you're gonna have your ass your Black ass, you're a pink ass, you're a white ass, you're a red ass, you're a yellow ass, you're a, I guess, one of these glow-in-the-dark antifa, you're a green ass.
You're gonna have your ass in the game.
So all the delusion, all the fake crap, everything's going away, folks, the next few years.
You think stuff's bad now?
You're gonna look back on this time like it's good.
Here's what's going to happen.
Trump is re-elected.
He's going to try to fix stuff.
They're still going to implode things.
It'll be a lot better, but it's going to be bad.
Oh, but let me tell you, they get rid of Trump, they're going to blame everything they do on him forever.
And you just get ready for the left to bully the living snot out of you till you finally start standing up to their ass.
Rallying patriots worldwide!
That's you!
I was looking for you to join the fight.
I need you to win the fight.
The inspector says, "Well, why didn't you do something before this?"
He said, "I was waiting for you, Inspector. I was waiting for you.
Why didn't I do something? I tried to do something. I need you!
Woo! Yeah!"
I was looking for you to join the fight.
I need you to win the fight. You're the key to winning the fight.
--waters has, in fact, been contaminated--
Authorities are attempting to control its deadly spread.
There's a wave of destruction throughout the underground.
Fueled by the media, fear and panic spread quickly, fracturing and dividing the country until at last the true goal comes into view.
Before the St.
Mary's crises, no one would have predicted the results of the election that year, no one.
And then not long after the election, lo and behold, Some believed it was the work of God himself, that it was a pharmaceutical company controlled by certain party members that made them all obscenely rich.
A year later, several extremists are tried, found guilty, and executed while a memorial is built to canonize their victims.
But the end result, the true genius of the plan, was the fear.
Fear became the ultimate tool of this government, and through it, our politician was ultimately appointed to the newly created position of High Chancellor.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Can you prove any of this?
Why do you think I'm still alive?
We'd like to take you into protective custody, Mr. Rookwood.
Oh, I'm sure you would.
But if you want that recording, He'll do what I tell you to do.
You put Greedy under 24-hour surveillance.
When I feel safe that he can't pick his nose without you knowing, I'll contact you again.
Till then, cheerio.
Why didn't you come forward before?
What were you waiting for?
Well, for you, Inspector.
I needed you.
You have to quit waiting for somebody else to do it.
Now, during epic times like this, my blood gets up, I get really excited, and I tend to not be intellectual and not get to the meat and potatoes.
I had an article here in my stack that I was going to leave the show with today, that the man in Delaware, that Biden was such a drug addict, he left it there, he forfeited it, didn't pay for it, so the guy's reformatting the hard drive, he pulls it up, it's Hunter Biden, Robert Biden's his real name.
Bangin' hookers, snortin' cocaine, smokin' coke, talkin' about business deals, and he got scared.
He said, well, if they later learn I've got this, they'll kill me.
I gotta give it to the FBI.
That's what I would do.
The guy talks about he found child porn before he called the FBI.
They did a good job, but that was regular FBI agents, not the special politicals.
So the media focuses on the crack pipe and the hooker videos.
And we've got this stuff linked up on InfoWars.com.
That's why we're here.
So this stuff can get out.
It's all on InfoWars.com.
Go read it.
Viewer discretion advised.
The photos, videos, it's all up there.
Well, Giuliani, because the FBI wouldn't do anything with this, got it.
He's definitely got some huevos.
And he said last night, they played it on the war room.
In fact, guys, see if you can cue that up, see if you can find that.
Giuliani said, hey, a lot worse stuff's about to come out.
We're just, you know, basically waiting to see what Biden does.
Well, you saw the massive censorship, the panicking.
The Biden campaign said, well, the fact that it's censored shows it's fake.
Oh, wow.
Even though they earlier admitted it was real.
But now they've released new emails from Robert Biden, Hunter Biden, from 2017.
} And it talks about payoffs.
And what you get for the payoffs.
I mean, this is so... Like the regular mafia would be smart enough not to spell stuff out when, hey, you give me this, I give you that.
This is what they accused Trump with in Ukraine of quid pro quo.
My understanding is that the original agreement, this is from Burisma, where the director was for consulting fees based on introductions alone.
This is from Hunter Biden to them.
My understanding is the original agreement with the director was for consulting fees based on introductions alone at a rate of $10 million per year for a three-year guarantee of a total of $30 million.
$30 million to introduce him to his daddy!
Hunter Biden demanded $30 million from Burisma to be introduced to his father.
There's your headline.
But Jack Dorsey and Jeff Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai and Tim Cook, Tim Cook that runs death camps, but it's okay, he's gay.
They literally are trying to block this information.
Can you imagine what's going to come out next, ladies and gentlemen?
Let's start over on the email.
My understanding is the original agreement with the Director was for consulting fees, based on introductions alone, at a rate of $10 million per year, for a three-year guaranteed total of $30 million.
The Chairman changed that deal after me in Miami, we in Miami, to a much more lasting and lucrative agreement.
All caps, by the way.
To create a holding company 50% owned by ME, in all caps, ME, and 50% owned by him.
Consulting fees is one piece of our income stream, but the reason this proposal by the Chairman was so much more interesting to me is that my family is that we would also be partners in, like a hotel, the equity and profits of JV's investments.
And he goes on to demand the money.
Folks, this is the most open and shut smoking gun craziness with this crackhead son who got kicked out of the Navy for being a crackhead.
And what did Trump say two months ago?
He said, I found out China isn't the one ripping us off on the drugs.
They get about 20%.
It's a fair deal.
The middlemen are the ones that charge us three times what it's worth, the highest in the world.
I'm ending that.
You're getting a good deal.
Trump didn't step in and go, I'm the new boss.
I get the trillion dollars.
He went, uh, it's over.
And he said, they're going to come after me now.
They may kill me.
You remember he said, I may be gone.
He said, that's okay.
God put me where I am.
And he looked up.
He said, this is Providence.
I've got a mission.
I mean, folks, the American people ought to be literally throwing rose petals at Trump.
Because he's literally like, how would you like your prescription drugs going down on average 70%?
And Trump's like, I can't believe it!
These middlemen are making billions apiece off getting between you and these drugs.
He goes, I got a better idea though.
How about we make the drugs that are safe, if they are safe, here in America, and then we hire the factory workers, pay them well, build an infrastructure, and have a fair price.
How about that?
Who bought them TV bits?
Tell me that!
To quote Ludacris, I mean, move, bitch!
Get out the way!
Move out the way, bitch!
Get out the way!
I mean, you got this whole new world order, literally, that's sold off America, and that screws us at every level, and you've got these pieces of crap that run it and do it and they think it's funny and it never stops.
Yeah, $3,000 plus for the first round of Remdesivir that Fauci and China are invested in.
It doesn't even help you.
God Almighty.
These people make me sick.
It'd be like $50, they say.
That still makes some money.
I'm sorry.
I'm going to go to break.
Come back with your calls.
I mean, that's just one of these stories.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Zero Hedges got it too.
Latest cache of email details how Hunter Biden earned millions in China for introductions.
I mean, that's quid pro quo, baby.
It's obviously, and it's the same thing with Hillary and her deal.
Senate Judiciary to subpoena Jack Dorsey after Twitter suspends Trump campaign.
House GOP accounts were Biden's scandal.
Xi Jinping tells elite troops, prepare for war after a U.S.
destroyer sails through Taiwan Strait.
Screw you, you piece of commie crap, man.
God, I just want to see the Chinese agents in this country.
Let me tell you, I'm not a violent person.
They've killed 100 million of their own people.
But if the people are squeamish about this once they're found convicted at the Nuremberg trials, I will not wear a black hood.
I will sit up there 12 hours a day.
I'll put the hoods on their heads, I'll put a noose around their neck, and I'll pull that switch all day long.
You got my absolute commitment.
I'll sit there and I'll take part in the eradication of this trash.
I am so sick of these murdering filth with 3 million Muslims in death camps, a million Christians and Buddhists in death camps.
The globalists know they're losing control of the United States, so they're doubling down, revealing themselves.
It's such a dangerous time.
But my spirit's on fire.
I feel victory.
We've said this a thousand times.
Trump needs to say it's a fight between America and China, and a fight for our survival, and America will rally and understand the threat.
And now, every speech he gives in the last three days, he says this.
In fact, he's speaking, giving a speech as we speak.
We paused it a few minutes ago, but here is the President talking about who we're really fighting against.
Here it is.
These deals were made at the same time Joe Biden was letting China steal your jobs and take away your factories.
If Biden is elected, the United States will be owned by China.
But we don't have to worry about it because I can't believe, I can't believe it's going to happen.
He's shot, just so we understand.
We cannot have a leader that's just about half shot.
Can we believe we're even fighting against this guy?
But you know what?
They're a powerful party.
They're a very corrupt party.
They're in bed with the media, the fake news right back there.
Good pause.
This is so powerful, I just want to cry.
It's worth what we say, because it's truth.
We don't talk to each other about this.
It's what you see.
How are we letting globalists do this?
Totally screw us.
Sell our birthright out.
Why would any Democrat support this?
I mean, Trump literally does not do stuff for his own money, interest.
He does it for what's better for everybody.
I study each damn topic.
I knew when he did the vaccine thing, he was taking it away from Gates so he could kill that whole thing.
And now you see Gates is pissed.
Doesn't mean I agree with the Machiavellianists, because I'm not as sophisticated as Trump.
I just don't delve in those areas.
But Trump is mopping the floor.
But you can see in his eyes, though, he's concerned.
He's like, I can't believe we're even having to do this, but it's fraud.
He knows they're going to contest, and he's totally freaked out because he understands this is the big epic contest.
He's not worried about Donald Trump or his family.
He is in a spiritual war now.
As he said, he was always a Christian, but it was never a big deal to him.
He just knew God.
Once he got into this, now he has energized and can see this stuff, and he just is absolutely on fire right now because he is seeing the enemy.
He has discernment.
You go through the fire, folks, it's like a video game.
Your discernment goes up and up and up and up.
To a certain point, you're just like, oh my God, why would anybody go with the devil?
This is ridiculous.
But see, they don't have that sight above the mountains.
They're down in the valley, man.
They're down in the mine.
They're down in the hole.
They don't have the sight, Trump.
They've not gone through the fire yet.
They don't.
That's why they try to keep you subordinate and never informed and never engaging and a victim.
Because if you fight, you get stronger.
You see, it's like muscles.
It's like breathing.
So, so, let's go back to President and your calls.
Here he is.
And totally protected by big tech.
If I said what he said, they'd be calling for me out of there in 24 hours.
What this guy has said, two days ago he said, I'm running for the United States Senate.
That's the third time he said, I'm running for the... Now that's not, look, that's not like a regular, like, mistake.
You can make a mistake.
He said that, and he said other things, but we won't even get into it.
This is crazy.
This is the craziest race.
You know what?
I'm running against the worst candidate in the history of presidential politics.
And if I lose, it puts more pressure.
I wish he was good.
I wish he was good.
I'd have less pressure.
You know, I mean, how do you lose to a guy like that?
How do you lose to a guy like this?
Aye yi yi.
And by the way, we're leading in North Carolina.
That poll just came out.
I think we're leading everywhere where people are intelligent, actually.
And you actually, we just got a report the lines are through the roof on areas that would more typically vote for us.
Trying to be diplomatic.
I said I'd go to the calls, but that's so powerful.
Back that up three minutes, guys, if you can.
We'll play it next hour, but I mean, there he is saying, I can't believe they're going with China.
I can't believe they're going against their own self-interest.
It's all been a tilted playing field to not even give the Chinese power.
The globalists just use that as a place to use their people as slaves.
It's like Trump said, it's the middlemen.
That's what Trump told Xi Jinping.
He said, hey, we'll give your workers a 10% raise, but the middlemen are cut out.
And G.G.
Ping's got deals with them.
He's like, no, we're not doing it.
I said, we're going to war then, buddy boy.
We're not going to send hundreds of billions of dollars a month to a bunch of jerks that sold out America.
I don't care if they're the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Clintons, who they are, they're not getting that money.
You know what they say about those Scots?
They can turn a piece of coal up their ass into a diamond.
I mean, he's got that German genetics with that Scot on top of it.
What a mix, man, with Trump.
I mean, he literally cannot stand us being screwed.
And with him, it's not even about us.
I mean, it is, but it's about... He just cannot stand bad business deals, one-sided deals.
I don't know people that know Trump well.
I mean, he, he'll like give his employees huge bonuses or be really nice to certain people and like pay some black couple's mortgage that fixes his black, you know, his attire or whatever.
But when it comes to other billionaires, Trump is obsessed with dominating them and defeating them.
And thank God we've got Trump in there.
All right.
We got Jared Indiana says Trump.
to stop big tech and China takeover. I want to hear what Jared has to say. Jared, thanks for
holding her on the air. Yeah, Alex, I was just wanting to know, do you think there's any kind
of laws that he could put in place to stop after he's not president anymore, to stop the censorship
all over because as you were talking about earlier. Yeah, it's not just section two,
It's racketeering, it's organized media, blocking certain groups, it's total discrimination, it's illegal on every front.
The Justice Department is filled with a bunch of baby, darling, leftist, brainwashed, club kids that they put in there that literally hate America.
The average Justice Department prosecutor, not the FBI agents, is literally an America-hating leftist libtard.
So you got to understand their whole ethos is hating the country.
Yeah, and like you were saying earlier about the discernment as a Christian, I think that we feel it in God's spirit stirring in the church and in people who believe in God that The evil is revealing itself now.
It's coming out in the open.
My discernment is God is like literally ordering me to attack.
Just to take action, win, and then all these ideas are pouring in.
Because I mean, I've always had a drive.
It's a hundred times whatever it was.
It's just like, it's just overwhelming.
It's like, you will stop this boy.
Get your ass up.
Are you not feeling that?
Oh yeah, 100% agreed.
And I try to tell everybody, you know, tell them what the Bible says at the end, what's going to happen at the revealing, and what the letters to the churches were saying what it would be like.
And you can see it.
Maybe it's not fully blown yet, but it is definitely, you can see the storm rolling in.
We're all psychic, and we're all in God's will, so we're bouncing forward time, and the big event bounces back waves that are smaller events of the same thing.
The Bible says there's many antichrists.
There's one big antichrist, but time-space, it's bouncing back like sonar or radar, and it's so powerful in the future, it's creating ripple effects that create microcosms of the same thing.
Yes, I 100% agree.
I'd like to say, too, I ordered a couple.
We got some of your shirts in, too.
I ordered some of your shirts.
Awesome shirts, as well.
I love your shirts that we got in high quality.
Well, brother, thank you so much, and I love you.
And I haven't even plugged the last two hours.
I've been so wound up.
That's how we fund ourselves.
I hate coming on here saying, hey, better buy my videos, better buy my books, better buy my supplements, better buy my beer.
But literally, we're just barely here.
And I hate to give the enemy that news.
That makes them all happy and everything.
You know what?
We've held through and most people failed, so I'm proud of what we did.
Hell, part of me just wants some time for them to just smash me and get rid of me so I don't have to keep fighting hard, but that's just one side of me.
Let's just say this.
It's all God's will now.
We got Baby Lives Matter, Church, Tyranny Response Teams.
These are all pieces of history.
Jared, thank you.
All right, I'm gonna be a good boy now.
I took one call this hour.
You got my absolute commitment to take every caller on the board.
Matt, Brock, Austin, Jared, Steve, John, Kevin, Patrick, and many others.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back and take your calls.
I mean, it's just so, I mean, the new emails they just released, Giuliani just released.
Which they're not even denying are real emails.
These are real emails where, hey, you give me money, 30 million, you get stuff done.
I mean, it's like, put the handcuffs on, you can have a week-long trial, they're convicted.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
The full new information is on InfoWars.com.
All I can say is, uh, damn, Giuliani's definitely Trump's big asset.
He's risking his life doing this.
I mean, if I was Giuliani, I wouldn't be getting on airplanes anytime soon.
That guy's got some huevos.
But so do we.
That's the good part about this fight.
We got the balls.
All they got's their Satanism.
I have to tell you, this is very sensitive.
The, uh, the stuff that we're in possession of contains a thousand, maybe more photographs.
That are highly, highly, anywhere from inappropriate to illegal and have to be possessed by the Chinese government.
If the Chinese government doesn't have these photographs, they're not really a rival.
I mean, I did intelligence work.
I helped to start the FISA court.
I know this business and I know the Cold War people better than I do the people now.
All my FISA warrants were against China and Russia.
They have got everything the American people are going to look at in the next five days.
China's been looking at for a long time.
And you heard that.
They're going to roll this out over five days.
So we're into day two now.
The new emails are on InfoWars.com.
I just covered them.
And it's Honor Biden saying, look, you agreed to 30 million for me to introduce you to my dad.
Now, part of the deal of us giving what you want is a percentage of the money as well.
So, it's open and shut, it's bombshell, and it's why the criminals are involved in obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting, giving sucker.
It's just organized crime.
By big tech.
But, you know, the FBI will do nothing and Congress will do nothing, but probably stick their thumbs up their rear ends.
And I'm sorry to talk like that, but that's what I expect.
Okay, who's been holding the longest?
Is it Matt?
Is it...
John, is it DJ?
Who's been home the longest here?
Let's go ahead and talk to Steve in New York.
Steve, welcome.
Hey, what's up Alex?
Thanks for taking my call.
Man, we're living history, brother.
Is this not incredible?
This is an incredible moment in history and what we need to do now that big tech is completely
shadow banning and banning everything on Twitter, on Facebook.
We need to politically attack more than ever we have before starting right now.
We are controlling the narrative as of right now.
When the mainstream media, big tech and the leftists control the narrative, we have to
keep fighting it in a harder way.
But now that we are on the attack, we have the headline of Hunter Biden and possibly this Benghazi thing that's going on.
We have to attack.
We cannot be silent anymore.
And attack on every platform imaginable.
No, I totally agree.
That's why we've got Man.Video.
That's why we've got InfoWars.com.
They're shutting everything else down.
And this is why this is so serious, brother.
They're shutting you down since... Oh, it's your first platform to be shut down.
I have a big following on Instagram, on TikTok, which is a conservative app, and I've been shadow banned.
Nobody sees my videos, and it's everybody.
It's all consenters on every platform, and it's time to attack big tech like we've ever had before.
I mean, I agree.
Listen, I'm not a fascist.
I'm not an authoritarian.
They're the ones shutting down info, blocking the government, blocking Congress.
George Washington would just order troops to occupy these facilities.
It would be a no-brainer.
He'd just sign the order.
That'd be it.
America would back it because they'd know.
It wasn't George Washington seizing control of information.
It was him freeing information.
But they're trying.
I don't think they think Trump will do it.
I think they'll roll over immediately.
I think they ought to have special operations from the Army take over Big Tech right now.
I'm serious.
I completely agree.
I think some sort of way the military needs to get involved and we need to shut this down.
No, no, no.
We already have Big Tech operating as a government with the CHICOMS.
So my military better protect me now!
Yep, and then they're going to try and attempt to call Trump a dictator while he does this.
But what other way to do it?
We have to break up big tech.
It's just a monopoly.
It's way bigger than the government.
It's surveilling more.
If the NSA was doing this, I'd say arrest them.
Yep, it's where everybody gets their information from it.
You know, this is, it's just time to break it up all together.
It's time to arrest these people.
That's right, the courts are controlled.
You can't do it that way.
I mean, I'm serious.
If the FBI won't do their job, the U.S.
Army needs to do it.
By the way, that's historically who deals with stuff domestically in the United States.
You got Posse Comitatus that claim the Marines can handle it.
I don't think the Marines are a big enough force to do this.
I mean, they could be attached to the Army if they want.
And folks, I don't just say this.
I really mean this, okay?
I mean, the Chinese government is literally attacking us and threatening to blow our ships up right now and are in bed with the Democrats.
Stop it!
Stop it now!
Can we believe we're even fighting against this guy?
But you know what?
They're a powerful party.
They're a very corrupt party.
They're in bed with the media, the fake news right back there.
And totally protected by big tech.
If I said what he said, they'd be calling for me out of there in 24 hours.
What this guy has said, two days ago he said, I'm running for the United States Senate!
That's the third time he said, I'm running for the... Now that's not, look, that's not like a regular, like, mistake.
You can make mistakes.
He said that, and he said other things, but we won't even get into it.
This is crazy.
This is the craziest race.
You know what?
I'm running against the worst candidate in the history of presidential politics.
And if I lose, it puts more pressure.
I wish it was good.
I wish it was good.
I'd have less pressure.
You know?
I mean, how do you lose to a guy like this?
How do you lose to a guy like this?
Aye yi yi.
And by the way, we're leading in North Carolina.
Poll just came out.
And the same speech he said.
Communist China wins, if I lose.
They've done one-sided deals with middlemen.
They're screwing you over.
We're going to fix those, and he's got a plan to do it.
That's what he said just an hour ago.
Here's what he said last night as well.
Here it is.
If China wins, China will own the United States.
And I turned it all around, and you know that better than anybody.
In 2019, if you go back 10 years, everybody projected 2019 the economy of China was going to be bigger than the U.S.
Except it didn't happen because I got elected and I turned it the opposite way.
We were picking up much more than them.
And then I did the no dumping steal and I did tariffs and I did everything on them.
No, no, they want Sleepy Joe to win.
And if he does, if Sleepy Joe wins, China will own the United States.
And that's literally what's happening.
Someone explain a threat continuum.
I don't want to kill somebody breaking into my house.
I don't want to deal with the cops.
I don't want to kill somebody.
There's a little bloody dead body, blood coming out of their mouth.
They look pathetic.
It's a problem.
They'll crap on your floor a lot of times.
You know, you gotta clean them out of your house.
But if you come to my house when my family's there, I'm gonna kill you dead in a hammer.
And you know, it's the same message to the globalists.
It's like Catherine Austin Fitch was using the analogy from Yellowstone.
I've only watched a few episodes because one of my buddies is on there, Steiner.
His brother and dad are on the show.
They got like these bad guy lawyers trying to take their ranch over and they've done all this violent stuff and finally they've got them, they're about to kill them.
And the ranching family says, why'd you make us kill you?
Like, we didn't want to kill you, but we're going to kill you now.
They go, well, no one ever stood up to us before.
And you know what?
That is such a deep statement.
It seems so simple.
Like no one's ever stood up to these people.
And so I'm Mr. Anti-Police State.
I'm Mr. Anti-Surveillance.
That doesn't mean I'm against the police and military.
We have that when big organized groups attack us, they're supposed to do something.
And China is all over their major news saying, we're going to blow up U.S.
bases in Asia.
We're going to nuke the United States.
They've got flyovers threatening to bomb Hong Kong.
And they're literally owning our media, threatening us, and I'm just sick of it, man.
But let me tell you, China would give up real quick if Hollywood and the Democrats were not so arrogant, but they've never gotten in trouble.
You know, if I was working with a foreign power, trying to overthrow the U.S., trying to kill the dollar, I would expect in the old days, I'd walk out to my car and a former person associated with the Green Berets would break my neck.
Wouldn't be somebody in the Green Berets, somebody formally associated with it.
They'd break my neck.
That was back when the country was free.
Because if I worked for a front power, if I tried to actually overthrow the government, I wasn't a citizen then, I would just get my neck broken.
Or I'd commit suicide in the garage with, you know, with the car on.
I wouldn't really commit suicide, they'd kill me.
But see, we don't have that anymore.
That's all been gotten rid of.
And instead, we just have chi-coms and the left killing people and pissing and pedophiles running everything.
And it just goes on and on and on.
And no one respects us.
And we're a big joke.
And China's got this 5 million man army.
And they're taking the whole planet over.
And big tech grovels to them.
They have respect for them.
They have no respect for us.
But I guarantee you, if one of the heads of Big Tech tonight fell down their stairs and broke their neck, and I'm not calling for that, I'm just saying, if Tim Cook, or Bill Gates, or Jack Dorsey, or Sundar Pichai, or Eric Schmidt fell down their stairs tonight, and bounced their little head up against the wall and broke their neck, They'd be pissing themselves tomorrow stopping what they're doing.
But our weakness has opened a channel up for them to then screw us constantly, eternally, ongoing, and then we wonder why we're on the edge of nuclear war, and it's because we've got a bunch of weirdo tech people running everything.
Just saying.
So, I'm not a general, and I'm not up here calling shots.
All I know is I call what I see going down.
And I said I'm going to your phone calls.
I said I'd take them all the salaries.
I'm going to shut up now.
But, 18 days out from the election, big tech works with China, they're screwing the country, they literally want a civil war, they're out of control, and it's going to cause millions of dead, probably, if this keeps going this way.
And I just want it to stop.
I just want... See, the president doesn't have a few good men.
The truth is, we're a soft country.
I'm soft, too.
People can't keep their mouths shut.
And instead we've got all these leftists walking around now.
They're gonna kill this person.
Oh yeah, you're not gonna kill anybody, fat ass.
And you know, all these big... Let's play the Democratic Party chairman or whatever in Denver.
Let's play him and go to break.
I'll come back with the calls.
Let's play the latest Project Veritas I didn't get to yesterday.
Where he's got all these dreams of guillotines and the rest of it.
And you know, hell, actually, we're so weak, we'd probably all give them our kids.
Here, put them in a guillotine, sir.
But here it is.
2020 is a political revolution.
I am going to do everything morally acceptable to win.
I will lie, I will cheat, I will steal, because that's morally acceptable in this political environment.
This is Chris Jacks from Our Revolution, a radical left 501c4 organization bent on creating a, quote, political revolution in the United States.
Jax represents the Democratic Party here in Colorado.
And Jax says a Biden administration will be used to advance his political objectives or else there will be violence.
It's going to take a strategic hit against the 21% that's in charge.
Because that's who it is.
Bezos funds this guy's actual group.
So you want to do some Versailles?
You want to do some Antifa sh*t?
You want to change this country that way with parents?
There's only one way to do it.
You got to get people that are close to billionaires and start just random billionaires, start turning them down.
I mean Bezos at the top of the list.
I hit pause.
Bezos funds this guy's actual group.
Let's just continue.
You always have to have somebody that's willing to hold up the flag and say
"Nope, this is the line in the sand, and we're the ones holding that line."
But they ain't stabbing motherfucker like they used to.
They don't have to though, because they used to stop.
I'm f***ing with you.
I don't want to act tough, but for charity, I will get in the ring with this guy with
baseball bats.
Mr. Jax is so tough.
Hey, Jax, let's get in a ring, three rounds with a baseball bat.
She won't survive 30 seconds.
In fact, your baseball bat can have nails in it.
I would love to get in a ring with that guy, man.
I mean, he's such a full of it piece of crap, man.
He wants to go out, he wants to kill people, he wants blood, he wants power, because he's never done that.
He has no idea what that's all about.
And all I'm saying is, okay, I'm gonna be a good boy.
I'm gonna stop now.
You've been holding a while.
Austin and Kevin, been holding the longest, and DJ, Tim, Patrick, Mel, Jared, Brooke, everybody.
I'm gonna be a good boy.
What a time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
What a time to be alive.
What a time to be alive.
What an incredible time to be here.
Remember, remember, remember, remember.
They hate it when you share the live links to the show on your private email, your private text, with a few areas not totally censored.
Now do it while you still can.
Jam it up, The Globalist, you know what.
And tell folks about those local radio stations.
We'll be right back.
All right, let's go to your phone calls right now on this October 15th Global Transmission.
Let's talk to Kevin in Iowa.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Yes, I'm an electronics technician, engineer, and one way to keep the internet going, I think, would be to make sure that they can't get their propaganda out.
And how do we do that?
You have to take out the STLs that go to the transmitter.
And it's pretty basic.
Instead of shooting people, shoot the STLs out.
What this will do, and I'm talking about all stations that don't carry out the Alex Jones Show, this will pretty much ensure that they can't get their propaganda out.
What about the repeater systems?
The repeaters.
The local emergency station repeating systems.
The STLs are the studio-to-transmitter link for the local reporting.
If they can't get... And see, I was going the backwards way.
I know those are connect, at least in the past, those are connected to an emergency response, national emergency hookup.
Again, I'm not an engineer.
Explain exactly what you're saying.
They can't get their...
The STL, if the STL goes down, they'll just, see I used to work for KCRG, Cedar Rapids.
No, I understand, so you're saying it's the local station link to the main station that's broadcasting the satellite link, that's taken out, they've got to do local programming.
Located on the tower, about halfway, okay?
So you're talking about the EAS takeover uplink?
No, yeah, it's like, That EAS system is at the studio.
I understand.
So you say take out the interface at the tower?
And that way, um, and if that doesn't work, go for the transmission line right in the center of the tower.
And, uh, what this will do, it'll buy us a little bit of time.
It'll take a long time to fix that.
And those guys make $250 an hour getting up there, you know, and maybe more now because that was in the nineties, they were making $250 an hour.
Um, but yeah, if that's done, they can't get their information to their little squads on the ground through the, you know, through their, uh, whatever, you know, what they've talked.
And also, that'll keep people from not watching TV and be watchful for, uh, other things.
And they won't be able to take the internet down because... I was about to say then, they're going to see radio and TV as secondary.
Wouldn't it be cell towers as the primary target?
I mean, hypothetically, I would never do this, but just five gallons of gasoline will take out any cell tower.
But I just had my phone line cut, and I was using the phone line to listen to your program.
And that's pretty dastardly.
And then they did it right at the end of the billing cycle.
Brother, I know everything's a scam.
I appreciate your call.
I want to be clear.
I don't want to cut any communications.
But they are taking communications over and blocking Congress as Twitter and Facebook are doing.
That's an act of war.
So I get the public thinking about, oh, well they're going to use communications.
We'd rather just have a station owner that just goes in and bypasses the EAS and tells the truth.
And then no one ever even knows how EAS works.
There's no enforcement.
They have no power.
We just need good people at the radio stations to tell the truth during a crisis.
or to laugh at whatever comes down the EAS.
You can tell that wasn't engineers, folks.
We're getting into engineer talk and stuff here that I've tried to study,
so I don't mean to get us off on a side issue.
I'm glad to call it a call, but it is somewhat of a rabbit trail.
Okay, holding the longest now would be, dun dun dun, Austin in D.C.
Austin, thanks for holding, go ahead.
Alex, it's great to speak with you.
I wanted to just kind of throw out there that us conservatives really need to organize more.
I don't know how we would do it, but, I mean, we see BLM and Antifa, they're so dang organized, and we've got to be able to compete with that.
But besides that, I wanted to mention that I think our high-ranking military officials are still operating under this U.S.
Army field guide, field manual that was put out in 1979, and it's basically a psyop operation. They declare it as obsolete
now, but I believe our high-ranking military officials are still operating under that. And it
details, you know, psyops in support of prisoners of war and civilian internee programs here in the
U.S. with U.S. civilians. And it's crazy stuff. So you're talking about a precursor to Rex 84?
Yes, yeah, it was put out in 1979.
Yeah, that's an operating manual talking about for emergency COG during times of nuclear war 1979.
I'm familiar with that.
That's a founding document of FEMA.
So that, do you believe our high-ranking military officials are still operating under this?
I know they are, and that's how they artificially created the COG, which itself is connected to the State Department, RANDOM 7277, and other CARNEY agreements, where they sent the generals to these brainwashing facilities to teach them about world peace and to see who would believe it and who wouldn't, to then stack the deck, and that goes back to the bigger problem of how many of the military leadership is actually globalist, like this top Army official saying, we'll never take off the mask and we'll never, you know, all this is going to happen.
These people have been chosen because they follow orders, not from the President, but from the permanent bureaucracy which the Trilateral Commission has put in place.
I mean, and it talks about augmentation and cellular organization of shadow governments.
It's absolutely insane to take over our current government and to replace it with a socialist state.
It more comfortably merges with the Soviet Union.
I mean... It's not the Soviet Union doing it.
The argument was disarm America to merge the Soviet Union to end war.
But now today it's like in the patriarchy, in men, in conflict.
See how it's the same story?
End fighting.
Let us be in charge.
Give up your guns.
Only we'll have the guns.
See how that works?
Yes, sir.
And they'll never take our guns.
They'll have to take them by force because we'll never give them up freely, buddy.
I hear you.
God bless you, Austin.
Great points.
All right.
Up next, holding the longest, would be... Brock in Florida.
Brock, welcome.
Hey, Alex.
I'm on the air?
Yes, sir.
All right.
I just wanted to call in and reinforce that people are waking up to all this.
I work at a restaurant in Orlando, Florida, which everybody knows is a fairly liberal area, and I get guests coming in every day.
And they start talking about the election and, you know, I start going into like Bill Gates and Fauci and they'll cut me off and they'll take the words right out of my mouth and your mouth.
And they're like, yeah, I know.
He's under investigation in India.
He's corrupt.
He's banned out there.
He's a eugenicist.
And I'll be like, whoa, I mean, do you watch Infowars?
And they're like, they're like, no, but like, look at what he's up to.
And, uh, but they're taking the words right out of mine and yours mouth.
And, you know, I've got friends and family calling me too.
And they're asking me about Bill Gates and what he's been up to.
And, you know, it's, it's, it's really inspiring to me and about how alert people are becoming to it.
And I just wanted to share that with you, but I don't hang up.
I want to come back to you.
I want to hear more about this when we come back, because absolutely again, my dentist, my dad just retired a year ago.
My new dentist doesn't know who I am.
He knows I'm a radio host.
And he's literally sitting there yesterday putting an implant in, you know, a post for one of my teeth that broke apart.
And he's like, yeah, Alex, I don't like Bill Gates when he's doing it.
I'm like, do you know who I am?
No, he's telling me about how Bill Gates is bad.
He doesn't know who I am.
And this is the good news is the pushback is beautiful.
Stay there, sir.
We'll come right back to you.
The enemy hoped to cut us off from President Trump.
See, we have a communication system.
They can't break.
It's called the Ether.
And the more they try to cut off the transmission, you can hear it.
The stronger it gets.
Let's crank this up.
Because you can face it.
You can take it.
Alright, let's get into it right now.
Your calls are amazing.
Barack in Florida talking about the awakening service industry worker.
What he's saying, and the most beautiful thing is, they've tried to turn brown people against white people.
And it's actually had the opposite effect with everybody I know.
It had people come together.
It's a beautiful thing.
Yeah, we got countless videos of Racist, black people, you know, killing white people, but that's statistically manipulated.
That's not the average black folks doing that.
It is way more often than whites do it.
People go, well, then look, the blacks are bad.
You don't judge somebody off what individuals do, you judge them off what they do.
You don't judge somebody off a group, you judge them off what they did.
And statistically, it's still very rare to be killed by a black person if you're a white person, even though it's 10 times more likely That a white person killing a black person, just like a cop killing a black dude in wrong, I mean like 14 a year?
Out of 370 million people?
I'm not here to defend police!
I'm here to defend reality.
And again, the idea that the police are out hunting blacks.
The average white cop, black cop's afraid to even respond to a black person.
Because they know the media's watching them.
And think about that lawlessness and what that does to black communities.
When cops won't respond to black communities.
And cops won't stop a black guy attacking his wife.
Or cops won't respond to a drug dealer attacking a family.
Who's that hurt?
Well, we know in Chicago, 2,000 black men a year on average die from other black men.
And there's no response.
That's systemic racism.
That the cops are so paralyzed.
At that Florida footage, the black lady calls the white cop.
She didn't know she was calling, she called 911.
Three white cops, one black cop show up.
Cops walk in, guy shoots cop right in the chest.
Black Lives Matter rioted because they shot the guy that shot the cop.
That's crazy!
Because they want to take over our government, folks.
And it's not black people taking our government over.
It's George Soros.
Now there's the footage.
Black lady calls a white cop, he gets shot in the chest and he's the bad guy when he gets shot and gets up and kills the guy that attacked him.
That's called being retarded, folks, that people are mad about that.
And again, it's not about defense of the police.
It's about defense of reality.
All right, let's go to your calls.
Brock, finishing up your point from Florida, you're making a great point about the big awakening you're seeing.
Yeah, absolutely.
Just one more thing I wanted to press on about the election.
Attorney General Barr needs to go on the attack right now.
If he's not going to attack, we need to start calling him out on it.
Conservatives, liberals, whoever just believes in right and wrong.
Well, his argument is he's not making a political of all the... He's killed a bunch of cases.
Let me give you the inside baseball, and I'm not defending Barr, but this is the truth.
This is what really is going on in his head.
The Democrats have 15 cases against Trump.
And I shouldn't even give this out, but the truth's the truth.
Because Media Matters will get this, but they already know this.
There's 15 cases against Trump in one district alone.
There's a bunch of other cases.
They've killed those, saying it's political, wait until after the election.
And so they've got to kill the others.
So does that make sense?
Yeah, absolutely.
And, you know, I'm not a fly on the wall in the White House.
So, I mean, like, I really don't know what's going through his head.
I'm just on the outside looking in.
Just believe me, I am.
But then you see Trump pissed at Barr not doing anything.
Trump does nothing to hide.
Trump's like, I don't care if they're investigating me in the Southern District.
I don't care.
And Barr's like, oh, no, no.
Because he's, you know, they've stopped all the investigations until after the election.
Not just the ones against Trump.
They've killed them all.
That's a fair point, you know, I really, you know... Well, no, no, I'm telling you, actually, I don't want to get into it, just... I got it from a very high-level source.
It's below the president, but... I don't have the... you have, I'm just... Well, no, no, it's not that, brother.
You got your own common sense.
That's the only thing I got.
I love you and I appreciate you.
No, I hear what you're saying.
I absolutely hear what you're saying.
I just...
I'm at a level of information that I get what's really going on from their perspective.
These people don't BS me.
I mean, believe me, they BS me.
I'm coming after them so fast, I'll make your head spin.
They get the only currency is being honest.
They're like, uh, there's like a hundred investigations of Republicans, high level right now.
And we're killing all those and we're killing the investigations on the Democrats.
So that's what's going on.
Everybody gets so pissed off about it.
I mean, I agree with Trump.
Trump says, hey, Barr, you're wrong.
I don't care if they're investigating me.
Let them have their charges.
I'm just telling you what's going on.
All right, let's take another call here.
Let's talk to Matt in Oregon.
Matt, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I am a Bible-believing preacher here out in Portland, Oregon, and I appreciate the truth that you are pumping through that station every single day.
Praise Jesus, brother.
I agree with what you're saying, and I think there is some good news coming, in my opinion.
I do think Trump is the man that God has brought for this country.
Oh, there's no doubt about that.
Is Satan not upset?
Yep, and he hasn't even gotten started.
I really think that the Lord is going to give him four more years.
I think he's going to take out the Deep State.
I think Q is going to take the credit for it, and it's probably an arm of the Deep State in some way that's going to try to bring a bunch of people on their side.
But here's the thing.
In the Bible, Haman, he built the gallows that he was going to hang Mordecai on, and he ended up getting hung on his own gallows.
And I think that's what's happening with the Deep State right now.
And you'll remember that when Amon was preparing this whole thing, the Lord made a total idiot out of him.
You know, you had Mordecai riding on the horse, and all that whole story happened in the story of Esther in the Bible.
And it's incredible to me just how The Lord is just making these guys look like total idiots.
They picked Joe Biden, the worst possible thing they could ever imagine.
They're all total clowns.
God certainly gives us a choice, doesn't he?
Like, these total lying clowns or total victory?
What do you choose?
The only difference is, Satan's rebellious.
Satan goes, oh, join me, I'll give you freedom.
But Satan totally controls you.
I think the Lord's going to give Donald Trump four more years and we can thank God for that.
I think the Lord is positioning the nation of Israel for what's to come in the future as outlined in the book of Revelation, but I think it's incredible.
No, I agree.
You talk about that.
This is all pre-positioning for the next big move.
I agree.
We're going to look back on these times as easy right now.
Yeah, there's a lot of bad stuff coming.
I do think there's a bit of, maybe a bit of a golden age in a way coming.
I think, like I said, if you're going to take out the deep state, these people are criminals.
I think he's going to do it.
And I think the church is going to go into apostasy.
Because in addition to a deep state, we have a deep church.
And that's the, I believe, the Roman Catholic system.
And that thing has to be addressed.
That thing is covered top to bottom with pedophiles.
You know, Pope Francis is a total globalist ecumenicist.
And I think eventually Trump's going to have to go toe to toe with Pope Francis as well.
There's no doubt that the leader of the Catholic Church is trying to destroy the Catholic Church and set up world governments.
You can say whatever you want about whether it was good or whether it was bad.
There's no doubt that it's evil right now.
Thank you so much.
Russell in California, thanks for holding.
Russell, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
Man, I'm just, I get wound up.
It's such an epic time, brother.
Yeah, I know.
Hey, one of the subjects I wanted to bring up was that, you know, everybody seems to be Under the spell of the white privilege of social media saviors, Zuckerberg and them, they are not that smart to be orchestrating everything that's going on right now.
I point the finger at the CIA and the NSA because they're the only ones who could pull off the assassination of JFK.
They're the only ones who could stage 9-11.
They're the ones that are Behind the scenes, directing them with the Obamas and the Bushes and the Clintons.
You know, you talk about Roy Xadi forming a shadow government.
I honestly believe they are not in our best interest.
You never know.
I agree with you, Russell.
So let's be clear, Russell.
I get everything you're saying since the very start.
But right up front, I miss what you're saying.
So explain to me your view on this when we come back.
Russell, straight ahead, stay with us.
Stay with us and spread those links.
Welcome to the final segment of hour number three.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
All right, Russell in California.
We'll talk about stay behind network, CIA controlling the game.
Go ahead.
Give us your view.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Thank you for your time.
And this brings up a subject of mine that I need to, let's say, keep confidential.
I knew some gentlemen who were in Afghanistan trying to track down Osama bin Laden.
Um, according to them, by the time they got there, all the stories they heard was that Osama bin Laden had left the country, uh, to either, um, back to Saudi Arabia or, uh, Pakistan.
Now that being said, there was also other Saudi Arabian operatives there building madrasas
and they were basically pedophile type.
And some of the stories they told me were just outright ghastly.
And they were soon commissioned by the CIA to participate in this Tora Bora exercise
where Asad bin Laden was supposedly hiding in Tora Bora.
And it was for the benefit of CNN and also Geraldo Rivera that they were propagating
this myth that he was hiding in Tora Bora.
I remember they were dropping like Moab bombs on caves.
And so so just just to reiterate, you know, Mr. Steve Pchenik, I don't know much about the March on.
Kind of thing.
But according to them, they knew full well that he wasn't there.
Oh, absolutely.
Great guys you're talking to, Russell.
I appreciate you and we love you.
Alright, let's go to another caller here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jared in Florida.
Jared, come on down.
Amazing, Mr. Jones, sir.
Thank you for taking my call.
Thank you, brother.
Go ahead.
All right, so first I want to say I totally agree with you that action is all that matters, and that's why Jesus Christ said that you judge a tree by the fruit it bears.
You don't judge it by what it says or what it thinks.
You judge it by what it bears.
So I totally agree with you on that.
Certain action is what we need.
I also want to comment on something you said earlier about lawyers.
I am a practicing lawyer, and it really disturbs me that in my profession, the more elite and the more prestigious you are, The more cowardly you are.
It's always bothered me.
Well, yeah, I'm not demonizing lawyers in general.
That's part of our system.
But I'm just saying these lawyers get circles run around them by big tech who grovels to them verbally, but screws them in the real action.
So I'm just like really sick of these lawyers in Congress.
Yes, sir.
And the reason I'm sure you know this, because I'm sure you've dealt with lawyers, but for your listeners that haven't, I used to work at a very prestigious firm in Texas, actually.
I have no doubt you'd recognize the name.
And the issue is that to high-powered lawyers, and this is going to include AG Barr, their reputation, and they would rather amputate their own arm than quote-unquote look unreasonable.
And that's why these people are not.
Exactly, they always want to look reasonable, but when they're fighting chi-coms or devil worshippers, there's no way to look reasonable crushing them.
That's right.
It does not look reasonable to charge a machine gun nest.
There's nothing reasonable about that.
And that's why a lawyer, I hate to say this because the Founding Fathers were lawyers, but the modern lawyer cannot be reasonable.
No, but that, you know, a lawyer will never do that.
and going into a demon nest is not reasonable.
No, but that lawyer will never do that.
Yeah, they always play it safe and that's why they're banning pools, that's why they're
banning dodge balls, that's why they're banning diving boards, that's why they're now banning
the family, they're banning vaginal birth, even though statistically the other way is
It's all about how do we take control of a process.
Yes, sir.
If you've got 30 seconds, I actually have a question for you.
I want your opinion on something.
I've been watching your documentaries.
I watched Endgame recently, and I watched your, I think it's your first documentary, America Destroyed by Design.
And something I noticed is that there were particular schemes at work that tyrants were trying to bring to fruition, like the Trans-Texas Corridor, and also the giant naval base, the Deepwater Port in Long Beach, California, that they literally tried to lease to the communist government in China in the late 90s.
And what I noticed is that both of those things That's a great question.
for you is you were around and you saw these things. What did the Patriot movement do that
was able to stop those things from happening and how can we apply that in the future?
Well that's a great question. Anything we targeted got defeated,
but then they said well why do we even need highways?
We'll just take control of their governments.
So I appreciate your call.
You know, I made the films, we exposed it.
I think the answer is when we fight, we win.
When we don't fight, we lose.
Let's go to DJ in Virginia.
DJ, thanks for holding.
Okay, man.
I feel like I'm talking to my four-star general, man.
It's really good to talk to you.
Well, I wish we had four-star generals that are awake, brother.
You're the four-star general.
You called in, you held, you cared.
You're in command now, Admiral.
Oh, awesome.
Yeah, I got a few things I'd like to touch on with you if you have a little time.
Go ahead.
I see a lot of people getting down with what's going on today and how things are starting to unfold.
But I got some really good news.
Um, if you believe in Christ, we, everything in prophecy has to happen.
In Revelation, there are seven different church stages.
We are at the very last two in between the Laodicea and the Philadelphia church stage.
Okay, nothing else has to happen for Christ to make a comeback.
But when he says in 2 Timothy, when we are, sorry, I was running right before, Amir, that we wore and entangled ourselves with not the affairs of this world.
So he calls for us to be a soldier.
He tells us to endure.
So in this time, I believe that he is rising all the soldiers right now for the fight, which is the final fight.
And in my heart, I believe I'm so happy that this is happening.
I see people getting sad and getting down, but this is prophecy.
This has to happen.
Everything that is happening is God's will.
Or to happen for us to move on to the pearly gates.
DJ, I hear you.
That it's all being manifest, God's words being proven true, but we've got to be politically involved and be part of the solution.
Thanks for the call.
I really appreciate you.
All right, up next, Patrick in Vegas.
Go ahead.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing today?
Man, I am wound up.
I mean, 18 days out, the Hunter stuff breaking, they're like paper play, writing the emails.
Wow, that's open and shut.
I don't know how they cover that up.
They can't.
Hey, I got a question.
Why doesn't Trump call out the left and the deep state about the COVID hoax?
Well, he's come out and said it's been over-exaggerated, take your mask off, we should end it.
He knows that a lot of people believe in the whole COVID deal.
I mean, it is a real virus, from my research, that does kill a small percentage of folks.
So, I've been critical of Trump going along with the COVID thing, but I think lately he's been, take your mask off, we've defeated COVID, the pandemic's over, which is true, didn't kill millions of people like they said.
I mean, actually, you ask, why hasn't he come out against it?
I think he has.
Well, he should keep repeating it so everybody would understand it during his, uh, you know, his, uh, um, uh, commentating and... No, no, I totally agree with you, but you know, I've watched five Trump speeches since last night.
He says it in every speech, but it's not in the news.
He is saying it.
It's being blocked.
We have to get it out.
Blake should do it at his, uh, um, Every time he stops in every state, he should say it to everybody.
No, I agree.
I think he should.
From the Oval Office address, they said 2.5 million died, 200,000 died.
Most of those died from something else.
They're making it political.
We're not a bunch of cowards.
He should call it out from the Oval Office.
Go ahead.
He should call it out and just get it over with.
Well, he is.
I appreciate your call.
But I hear what you're saying.
He should do it even more.
I just want... I might disagree with you, caller, but act like he hasn't done it.
Like, oh, I could have done better with a strongman stump.
I mean, he's been... He's saying, we're at war with China.
They're working with traders.
They're trying to destroy us.
I just want one-sided deals to end.
I'm trying to bring jobs back.
They triple charge us on the drugs.
I'm gonna end that.
Help me.
I need you.
I mean, he's doing that.
So as the internet is censored, and as all this garbage goes on, What are we doing on the street at live news feeds or the rodeo?
The baseball game, or the football game, or the basketball game, or the lacrosse game, or the soccer game, or the horseshoe game, or the video game, or the whatever.
I mean, just everywhere you've got to decide you have power, and you're saying no.
Mel in Costa Rica, you're up next on the other side as we start our number four!
And then tonight, We're going to have two different live feeds.
Owen Schroer covering one of the town halls.
Our other great reporters covering the other.
The dueling battle of town halls.
Two live feeds at band.video.
All right, at the start of the next segment, we're going to play Biden Rap.
They say it's the hottest thing since sliced bread.
That's coming up.
Jay Dyer is going to be hosting tonight.
Owen Schroer, Deanna Lorraine, yours truly, Alejandro Jones and others dueling fiends at Band.Video, 2020ElectionCenter.com, InfoWars.com.
Um, we are going to have the Biden town hall.
It'll be entertaining and we'll have the Trump town hall as well.
Dual feeds and Ghostbusters always says don't cross the streams.
There'll be points where we cross the streams tonight.
Do not tell your email.
Do not tell your private message.
Do not tell your text message.
Do not tell YouTube or Facebook.
Do not tune in tonight!
Do not spread the links.
Zuckerberg says no, no, no.
All right, Mel in the beautiful country of Costa Rica.
Go ahead.
Mr. Jones, how are you, my friend?
I'm going a little crazy.
Hey listen, we love it when you yell and scream and you got veins popping out of your neck and your eyes look like they're gonna burst and fire shoots out of them, you know what I mean?
We are, my friend, we are the last gladiators, okay, in the arena.
The Info Warriors.
I agree, but you don't want me to sing the Fenton Old Dragons song.
Yeah, we need to stand up and we need to make a lot more noise.
And you guys keep getting close to the fact that there's a global reserve currency coming, that there's a financial reset, and then you missed the mark.
I think so.
Well, sir, lay it on us.
You got three minutes.
Okay, today is going to be the day that Alex Jones is going to announce XRP, Global Reserve Currency.
It's the fourth one down the line.
It's not so shiny.
I think it's being manipulated by force, to be quite honest with you.
But XRP, make no mistake about it, will be the Global Reserve Currency.
There's a channel you and your viewers need to pay attention to.
It's called Digital Asset Investor.
He's on YouTube.
They're going to take over SWIFT completely and entirely, and for it to do that, it's going to go from 25 cents to probably $2,500.
I'm not making price predictions here, but I know what this is because I've been studying it for about four and a half years.
It makes transactions in three seconds, free of charge.
There has been $30 million sent through the internet, through the XRP system, and it landed in three seconds and it cost the guy less than 30 cents.
I think it was actually $50 million.
This connects all the way up to Donald J. Trump, through his son-in-law, through his daughter, okay?
I can tell you for sure that Brad Garlinghouse has been at the White House visiting with Donald J. Trump on numerous occasions.
The chip was a system that's going to be the one that Gates wants to put out, which is a vaccine, a cryptocurrency, and a chip where they control you.
XRP is actually one of the good guys.
It's the least of all evils, okay?
But we are going to go digital.
Everybody's going to wake up.
The dollar's going digital.
You're going to wake up.
Your money's not going to be paper anymore.
It's going to be digital.
It's interoperable with the XRP system.
Make no mistake about it.
The guy, I can't stress this enough, the guy you guys need to study is a guy by the name of Digital Asset Investor on YouTube.
Go back at least a year and start watching.
That guy will make you connect the dots like there's absolutely no tomorrow.
By the way, sir, your products kick serious butt.
I fly in from Costa Rica to pick up my product.
I told my wife, the next time I want to fly into Austin because I got to shake your hand.
Well, brother, I'm going to look into this new digital currency.
There's no doubt a big shakeups here.
There's no doubt they're trying to create a world depression, consolidate power.
We're here covering it.
We love you.
We appreciate you.
All right.
There's a big lie out there that we have fake callers.
You can always call on yourself and see that it's real.
See that it's you.
But they still say we have fake callers.
We do not.
And we don't have fake guests either.
We have our next guest coming up right now that is a real person.
A real person.
Jay Dyer at jaysanalysis.com.
I'm a real person.
You're real.
Don't let them tell you you're not.
And then, the War Room with Owen Schroer in one hour.
And then, tonight, dual feeds!
Both town halls covered at infowars.com!
Calm, calm, calm, calm, calm, calm.
I learned that I got hairy legs that turned blonde in the sun.
And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it's strange.
And then watch the hair come back up again.
So I learned about kick-jumping off my lap.
Uh-oh, I'm in trouble, trouble.
What are we, nuts?
Dead, dead, dead, you know.
Come on, man.
Give me a little break here.
Get a life.
Taking cocaine or not?
What do you think, huh?
Come on, man.
Black, white, all colors, all backgrounds, what I mean.
Come on, man.
Men, women, gay, straight, everyone deserves a shot, you know.
Come on, man.
You know the thing.
You know what I mean.
You know the thing.
You know what I mean.
Come on, man.
You have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, but you ain't black.
Come on, man.
Corn Pop was a bad dude.
And he ran a bunch of bad sports.
I can hardly wait to meet with that guy who is the stable genius.
Come on, man!
I am, uh, very willing to let the public judge my physical and mental filth.
My physical as well as my mental filth.
Come on, man!
Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.
Wealthy kids.
Come on, man.
I mean, come on.
Take a look at the record.
I know a lot of weed smokers.
Black, white, all colors, all backgrounds.
What do I mean?
Come on, man!
Men, women, gay, straight, everyone deserves a shot, you know.
Come on, man!
You know the thing!
You know what I mean?
You know the thing!
You know what I mean?
Come on, man!
Why the hell would I take a test?
♪ I am a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, man ♪ ♪ I am a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, man ♪
(microphone feedback)
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer, for this last hour.
I want to maybe pick up where I left off in my last hosting segment.
You can find that, of course, at 201020electioncenter.com or at Band.Video.
And in that talk, I covered the relationship between the ecumenist movement, the Ukraine, the CIA, the Jesuits, all of that.
And I tied it into what's going on with the deep intelligence state The military-industrial complex, the pay-for-play scheme, and Ukraine.
And lo and behold, this week has been nothing but a bunch of vindications of everything that I talked about in that last stream.
In fact, I remember years ago talking about the Vault 7 WikiLeaks leaks, if you recall that.
That dealt with the ability of the CIA to spoof addresses, which would then of course call into question The claims that these hackers, right, had bought all these little tiny ads on Facebook, and that was what got Trump elected.
And of course, everybody knows that that is not the case.
It was the organic groundswell, right, that was behind what got Trump elected.
And in the last week, we saw, last time I was on last week, there was the DNI memo, which covered the admission that Hillary's Campaign colluded to basically concoct the whole Russia hoax and we saw that she Was doing this to distract from her own email servers and lo and behold what comes out the last couple days the smoking gun in regard to Biden Hunter Biden and the Ukraine right and the Ukrainian operation that was set up as a result of the coup So if you remember if we zoom out we can put this into context there was back in
Decades ago, billions of dollars that George Soros said the State Department helped him put into the overthrow of the Ukraine.
The Ukraine was then overthrown.
There was the Western sort of puppet guy that was put in.
And what is this about?
Is this really about humanitarian operations?
Is it really about humanitarian cover, NGO stuff?
It's not really about that.
Remember, as we said last time, under, I think, Reagan, 80s-ish, the shift from what the CIA would do with old regime change operations went into more of a privatized operation under Reagan.
So they would sort of farm that out to these humanitarian organizations that would have a new technological, sophisticated way, especially now that we have Twitter and all that, to do regime change and overthrow.
Remember the Egyptian regime change.
Remember that?
That was all fostered by Twitter, hashtags, Google, right?
They even bragged about the fact that they had the ability to overthrow governments now through hashtags.
It was a big part of it.
That smart power, soft power operation that goes on for many, many decades takes a lot of money, a lot of agitation, a lot of education.
Then you get that key kickoff moment when you do the coup, right?
When the timing is right, then you put in your puppet god.
That's what happened with the Ukraine in 2013.
That's what that was really about.
Now, it wasn't really about humanitarian reasons, right?
We think all the way back to Iraq.
We think back to Desert Storm.
We've been hearing the humanitarian clarion call, right?
Oh, these dictators have got to be taken down.
Yet, magically, there's all these other dictators that we don't take down.
So this is just obvious propaganda, right?
They're throwing babies out of incubators, right?
This stuff.
So we know that that is war propaganda, right?
But what is the war really for?
What is the regime change really for?
What is the covert operation really for?
It's for these pay-to-play schemes.
Just like I said last time, remember there was a Brookings Institute article that Hillary wrote some years before Libya.
And Hillary said, oh, we've got to take down Gaddafi for humanitarian reasons.
And then what comes out in the emails?
She's talking about Gaddafi's gold.
I want the gold!
Show me where the gold at!
Give me the gold!
That's what I thought when I first read that.
Hillary was thinking of the leprechaun clip and the gold.
And so that's what these are really about, and it's no different with any other color revolution location, right?
As we've said, there have been many of these all the way back to the 90s and the first one kicking off, I think, in 2000 in Serbia with Odpor.
So the Orange Revolution in Ukraine involved this sort of leftist global deep state operative situation where they would put in their people.
Their guys would go in and they would be the heads of these corporations.
They would have the government at their disposal to just kind of divvy up the country.
And again, the same thing happened back at the time of Serbia, right?
They did the exact same thing when the West comes in.
The West says, OK, we're going to come in.
We're going to give you freedom now.
You're going to get, you know, vaccines.
You're going to get Pepsi.
You're going to get abortions.
All of these things that we mandate that you get along with these big IMF loans so that now your future generations are in debt to the World Bank and IMF.
And then they have your country by the testicles, right, for the next several decades.
That's how the scam works.
But the politicians are the ones that kind of play the point man of making the deal for the foreign governments and operatives and international entities that want a piece of the pie.
And that's exactly what pay-for-play is.
Once you understand that, then you understand this whole geopolitical chess game.
It's not that sophisticated.
It's just a situation where The idea is if you donate to this campaign, you'll get a chunk of the pie.
Oh, you want these mines over here that, you know, produce rhodium or something.
Oh, you want these mines over here that do, you know, the gold mines.
Oh, you want access to this, you know, natural resource in the Ukraine.
Okay, we'll give that to you.
You just donate, I don't know, you know, a million, ten million, whatever, to this campaign fund.
That's how it works, right?
It's that simple.
It's just kind of a mafia tactic, but it's using the U.S.
government like a mafia.
That's what the politicians are doing, right?
They're just using the force of the state kind of like their own privatized mafia.
And that's why they prostitute themselves out for that vote, not because they have any interest in the populations that they represent, but rather so that they
can occupy this mobster office and then sort of divvy up the spoils with their cohorts.
So that's what has come out with this smoking gun.
We know that the deep state, especially deep state Democrats and some of those sort of
McCain style Republicans, remember John McCain?
Remember he went over to the Ukraine and he was seen on stage lecturing for this nationalism
on the Ukrainian.
Platforms and podiums, and he's standing up there with all these, you know, so-called right-wingers, which are actually right-sector neo-Nazi groups, that were all fake.
They're just operatives, right?
They're run by Western intelligence agencies, in my view, and so that's why it was so easy for McCain to do that, just like when McCain would go and appear with these jihadis.
Do you remember he did the same stuff?
He would just go, yeah, he would go to Ukraine, he's up there on stage with all these Right sector people.
I thought we were against neo-Nazis.
I thought this was all that John McCain can go up here with them, right?
Be up on stage talking about how Ukraine needs freedom, Ukraine needs this, right?
And it's all for the cronies.
It has nothing to do with these ideologies.
So get that in your head first, that this is not an ideological battle, first and foremost.
Because remember, these are the same people that say nationalism needs to go away.
But they're in Ukraine agitating for Ukrainian nationalism.
You see, it's useful to the regime.
Jay Dyer, we'll be back in just a second.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I am your fill-in guest host, Jay Dyer of jaysandalsys.com.
If you want signed copies of my books that go deep into Hollywood, I've got two really, really in-depth books on Hollywood, hundreds and hundreds of five-star reviews.
You can go to jaysandalsys.com in the shop.
And get signed copies of my books.
You can also support my work by subscribing to my website, which covers in-depth lectures on geopolitics, masterful tomes by Quigley, like Tragedy and Hope.
I go and read those for you.
So I go and read those 1,200, 1,300 page books and then I give you the distilled lectures.
All right, so I was talking about the recent news with Biden and Ukraine and his campaign suffering this huge exposure there.
We kind of knew this was going on.
This is not new.
It was rumored.
It was talked about.
And now there is, again, documentation.
Evidence, big documents coming out this last week.
I want to tie this though into the bigger picture with what I talked about last time I was on, which was the usage of Jesuits, the usage of ecumenism, and how this relates to the big shake-up this week also at the Vatican.
About a week ago, Pope Francis released his latest big encyclical, and it's about the length of a book, it's a small book, called Fratelli Tutti.
No, this is not about the Goonies.
It's not about the Fratellis.
It's about brotherhood.
But what's weird about this encyclical is how brazen it is in terms of what he has planned for the future.
Now, early on in the text, he cites his meeting last year with the Grand Imam.
And when they got together last year, they had this special document that they signed.
And this document discussed sociology, global ecumenical dialogue.
And in fact, it even made these controversial statements like God desires there to be all
of the different religions out there.
Now I'm not here to attack anybody's specific religion, but rather to just point out in
what sense the deep state, the global elite, the bankers, etc., are using these religions
as kind of a tool to gradually move people into a one world religion.
And this is going to tie in directly to the Ukraine, right?
Remember Biden is a Catholic.
I'm not saying that that means that he's a bad guy because he's supposedly a Catholic,
but rather the Ukraine was also achieved, that operation was achieved by the aid of
We saw last week an ex-Jesuit, right, talking about how Jesuits had gone into the Ukraine
and they helped foment the ecumenical relationships that would help divide the country religiously.
So remember, from the perspective of the global elite, religions are tools.
You just use these like little chess pieces and move them around to divide and conquer.
And so keep that in mind as we listen to what Francis, himself a famous Jesuit, Now, what's mind-blowing is how brazen this new encyclical is in taking things to the next logical step in terms of this global religion.
So, a year ago, not just the meeting with the Grand Imam about how all the world religions are basically all valid in a sense, there was another meeting that happened that the Vatican put on called the Amazon Synod, and this dealt with indigenous peoples It dealt with the Amazon region and how the Church, the Roman Church, needed to recognize and validate their conceptions of things like Pachamama.
Now, if you don't know what Pachamama is, I suggest looking it up.
Pachamama, believe it or not, is a human sacrifice goddess.
When people ask questions about the deaths that have occurred due to a particular vaccine, and this always gets blown up in the media, one should be able to give a very factual account of what exactly has happened and what the cause of deaths are.
But in most cases, there's some obfuscation at that level, and therefore there's less and less trust then in the system.
It was the UN back in December of last year said, hey, vaccines are killing people.
They're untested.
We need to pause vaccines.
The public doesn't believe in them.
The doctors don't believe in them.
But they said, but we're just giving them by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation told what to do.
So even the UN, the global government system itself is just a puppet.
And what they say is God.
Halting funding for the WHO during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds.
The world needs them now more than ever.
Well, the truth is the group actually needs Gates more than ever.
With the U.S.
taking a pause, he'll now be their largest active donor.
That's right.
One out of every 10 bucks that the WHO gets is from the world's second wealthiest man.
Again, my name is Dr. Tapper and I am no stranger to you as this is my third time here addressing regulations and mask mandates.
Imagine a virus so deadly and severe that you have to have a test done to find out whether or not you've had it.
You guys are basing these numbers on positive cases and not hospitalizations or deaths.
That's what you should be basing those off of.
The numbers are hyperinflated by false positives and the never-ending doom and gloom from the mainstream media.
If the mask mandate turns into a vaccine mandate, you will not be allowed to go back to work, earn a paycheck, renew your driver's license, or function in everyday society without proof of the vaccination.
We had draconian bills sweeping the nation last year coming after our medical freedoms.
And then the coronavirus came.
The Trojan horse to implement this tyrannical agenda.
They say you don't need vitamin D?
Then you can't say as a medical doctor you need vitamin D.
They say you don't need vitamin C?
The FBI will SWAT team you!
It was a special setup for this raid with the FBI putting on PPE as they went inside this medical clinic with a search warrant seeking medical records and physical evidence.
The investigation includes allegations that the clinic provided fraudulent treatments for COVID-19 and that the clinic did not observe proper protocols to protect patients and staff from the virus.
The FBI spokesperson would not say what specific treatment they were investigating, except to say it was on the clinic website.
We found this posting.
We've been using intravenous vitamin C therapy to treat COVID-19 and non-hospitalized patients with great results.
We've been told our whole life that vitamin D correlates with a strong immune system.
Grossman points to studies that suggest vitamin D can reduce your chances of contracting COVID or the severity of your symptoms.
He says he's tried for months to get the CDC and other experts to talk about it.
Then this week, one of the nation's leading infectious disease experts did.
Dr. Anthony Fauci mentioned vitamin D during an Instagram Live with actress Jennifer Garner.
For example, if you are deficient in vitamin D, that does have an impact on your susceptibility to infection.
But now Fauci's saying, oh wait, okay, we'll drop the charges.
Fauci's God.
So Fauci's God, Bill Gates is God, the U.N.' 's God.
None of us have any rights.
But now even the UN's head envoy for global COVID-19 response comes out and says, we've got to stop this.
This is causing millions to die already.
Hundreds of millions are going to die.
And it's already going to be devastating, de-de-de-de-devastating to our economy.
It's going to put...
Millions of people out of work.
It's going to bankrupt tens of millions in the Western world.
But the third world, it's already a death sentence.
Millions are already dead.
And I want the left and the Democrats and Fauci and Gates to know we know they're behind it.
So they can be discredited and exposed for the progenitors of the Nazis.
They're not sons of the Nazis.
They're not neo-Nazis.
They're not Nazis.
They're the eugenics global scientific control freak cult that the Nazis were just a spinoff of.
I want this to sink in on this Tuesday, September 27.
And it's just a time to have our heads screwed on straight and to get on our knees to God.
Because this is the big one, ladies and gentlemen.
We are not living in normal times.
We're living in the year 2020.
But I'll tell you this.
We're living in such an incredibly amazing and thought-provoking and dangerous time.
There was a film made in the early 1990s that described exactly what's happening but it condensed it down to something very simple.
So that it happened very quickly.
There's a real weapon.
Takes its time so you never know it hit you.
That way you don't see it creeping up Because we knew this was coming down.
We knew what they were planning.
And now we're sure of it.
They are gonna scuttle the whole country and bring it down!
It's just that simple.
Because where this AI is taking us is a nightmare situation.
But they are going to try, execute their operation, even though we're aware of it.
They don't care.
This is a doomsday scenario.
By the way, you know what the Pentagon back in the 70s called this satellite grid, hooked into the internet, tracking everything you do?
They called it Skynet.
And we cannot sit here.
And let them do it.
Because this country is two minutes from destruction, total annihilation, and war in the streets, and everything we've built flushed down the toilet.
There's red fire in the sky.
They're trying to exterminate humanity.
The technology that they have deployed and developed to replace us.
We're accepting Skynet and the AI system here.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Resistance is victory.
That simple, initial decision to stand up and to get involved and to take action is the most important decision you can make in the fight for freedom and human dignity.
Do you understand that, Soros?
You think you're gonna have this fight and have robots win it?
I say to you, your technocracy is dead on arrival.
We are in charge of the planet.
You pathetic maggot!
InfoWars has delivered, because you have delivered.
InfoWars is organic, pro-human resistance to the globalist takeover and to Satan's plan to kill humanity.
This is real.
You can see Bill Gates announcing he owns your body.
You can see the globalists announcing they own your family.
The good news is for every action there's an opposite legal reaction and you are that reaction.
So understand, you are not supporters of the Infowar.
You're not calling in to thank me.
You are the Infowar.
You are the resistance.
You are the future!
So now, with 25 days out from the election, spread the word about the broadcast.
Buy the products that support us to stay on air in the face of the enemy.
You kept us in attack formation.
And, pray for us, you do that trifecta, nothing can stop you!
You control your destiny!
You are victory!
Take action now!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer.
A bit of a tech issue, but we're back.
I was discussing the new encyclical by Pope Francis Fratelli Tutti.
That's the real name.
It's not a satire name.
It has nothing to do with the Goonies, but we were talking about how the pay-per-play situation in Ukraine, it's all coming out, it's all in the mainstream now and being censored and being deleted.
And it relates to the new Pope and the Catholic Church due to the fact that the CIA has used the Jesuits as an arm of their power structure ever since the time of Vatican II.
I covered that with the Wim Hof book, David Wim Hof's excellent book on John Courtney Murray and how they utilize the Jesuits for a long time.
And this is very evident in the Ukraine where the Jesuits are agitated in concert with what we're talking about in terms of overthrowing the previous regime and putting in a new amenable to Western interest regime.
And this relates then to Biden.
Now, how does this relate to Francis?
Well, as we saw, Francis is, of course, from the Jesuit Order, Pope Francis, and in his new encyclical, he's taken the previous actions that you see in the video, Pachamama, this pagan deity that references directly to human sacrifice.
In fact, if you remember in Indiana Jones, when he's putting the bag of sand onto the booby trap, And grabbing the gold idol.
That's actually in the narrative, a gold idol of Pachamama.
So, they're literally worshipping.
So, I mean, Mola Ram, right?
Is the Pope going to do like an ecumenical meeting with Mola Ram, right, from Temple of Doom?
If you remember the, you know, guy wearing the big headdress and grabbing hearts and eating them, right?
Mola Ram.
Yeah, there you go.
There's Pachamama right there for you.
Andes, grabbing that, taking it back to the Vatican to put in the Vatican basement, I presume, for who knows what.
But Francis lays out a new path for ecumenism, which is really just a logical conclusion of the Amazon Synod and Pachamama and the last year's meeting with the Grand Imam, which is a global brotherhood of man around a new Social gospel, right?
The social gospel, which we saw a couple talks back when I was on, directly out of the Rockefeller's biography.
They put all this money into creating the ecumenist movement and the social gospel.
And then here, Francis says, it's time to move into a new stage of brotherhood of humanity.
Get this, he even says, no borders, no walls.
No borders, no wall.
Excuse me, there's this gigantic wall called the Leonine Wall around the Vatican.
It's a fortified ancient wall.
It's like 100 feet tall, but you can't have self-defense.
He even calls out self-defense in this new encyclical, right?
So here we have a specific change in the traditional Christian understanding of self-defense.
All denominations, you know, a century or two back would have affirmed the right of self-defense.
The right of even the state to exact the death penalty, for example.
But Francis goes after both in this encyclical and says, really, it's time for this idea of barbaric self-defense to go away.
And it's connected, he says, to this idea of borders.
Now, I don't know if you've ever looked at what they call the Popemobile, but Francis rides around in a golf cart that has bulletproof glass, and he's surrounded by about 30 Secret Service security detail people.
I'm not talking about the Swiss Guard, the guys that wear those goofy costumes who are the traditional papal guardians.
I'm talking about the security detail that he actually has.
And I would venture to think it's safe to assume that those security details are strapped, right?
What would be the point of having security detail and having a big bulletproof golf cart, right?
There you see a couple, but if you find other pictures, if you look up the article, there's one called The Pope's Security Detail.
You'll see him with about, there you go, there's the guys, there's their security guys.
Yeah, they look just like security service, Secret Service people for the President.
But now, you're not, you see, allowed to have self-defense.
You're not allowed to have personal security.
You shouldn't even have walls.
No borders, no walls.
And what does Francis throw into this groundbreaking encyclical in a bad way?
He even talks about fake news, and he doesn't mean it in a good way.
He says, drumming up drama, right?
Causing hate over so-called fake news.
We know who he's talking about.
This encyclical was half written against Trump.
I mean, it's mind-blowing, really, right?
That you've got the Pope basically writing an encyclical that has now shaken, look at all the security detail you're not allowed to have there.
Shaking up the whole Catholic world is now divided over this really controversial, almost Marxist, encyclical, really, if you look at the roots of this.
And we're going to go into some of the quotes from Francis here in a second when we come back after this break.
I'm Jay Dyer, Jay's Analysis.
You're watching the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer, for this final hour in this final segment.
We were getting into the niceties of Pope Francis's new encyclical, which has really rocked the entire Catholic world.
It's making a lot of waves all over precisely because it's controversial.
And it's controversial not because of anything traditional or conservative, but rather the
opposite, really taking the liberalization of that church to its next logical step.
And it's not just me that has come to this conclusion or given this analysis.
In fact, high-level Vatican and Roman Catholic clerics have actually come out stating that
this is a huge problem.
Remember, not too long ago, there was a famous letter by Vigano, right?
Archbishop Vegano wrote a powerful letter to President Trump about the struggle between good and evil that's playing out now.
He even mentioned secret societies, sort of intelligence networks that are intent on disrupting Western civilization, disrupting the church.
And in fact, Trump retweeted this, if I recall.
He retweeted the articles about this letter and how we got a real conspiracy on our hands.
A couple days ago, Vigano again made waves because, as you just saw there, he came out with this article talking about how the deep state is tied to the deep church to overthrow Trump.
So here you have, again, high-level archbishops saying the very things that you hear me saying.
So you know it's not something made up.
It's not wild.
Other people are coming to notice this because it's transparent.
It's all out in the open.
Yeah, here we go.
He urges Trump to fight this deep state.
And what is it that we're talking about?
We're talking about the very things that you're hearing me talk about.
We're talking about these networks of the Democrats, the RINO Republicans, the McCains, the Bushes, the Clintons, tied into the intelligence and banking apparatus, the technocrats, all working together.
And they push a similar agenda of globalism, one-worldism, and one-world religion.
And we can see this in a just shocking way in this new encyclical.
It is amazing.
It's mind-blowing what Francis has put into this encyclical.
Now, remember, this is not just some article that he wrote or he just giving his opinions.
No, no.
This is official teaching of the Catholic Church.
Papal encyclicals do fall under what Catholics believe is an ordinary teaching office of the Church.
So even though the encyclical might not be necessarily infallible in the Catholic view, it still has the normative authority of what they call ordinary teaching.
And as Francis progresses in his argumentation, he says, I want to thank the imam, I want to thank the other religions that I've met with.
He says that the imam paved a way for me to write this encyclical on universal brotherhood.
And he says that, I think something that kind of some people mistook to be a critique of the elite.
No, no, no.
This is not a critique of the elite.
He says, political life in the modern world is increasingly fragile in the face of transnational economic powers that operate within the principle of divide and conquer.
Now, if you just took that phrase, it might sound like something I would say or anybody here at InfoWars.
Yeah, there are powerful international economic powers that seek to divide and conquer.
What What interest does the Vatican have in banking?
Oh, wait, yes, a gigantic international usury-based bank called the Vatican Bank,
which is known for decades and decades of scandals.
In fact, there are famous books by David Yallop and others about the Vatican banking scandals
that involve the P2 Lodge, the mafia, famous people being assassinated,
and perhaps even John Paul I being assassinated in regard to Vatican Bank scandals.
Now, the Vatican Bank is a gigantic bank.
It has some of the biggest families in the world, such as the Rothschilds,
being the official bankers back to the 1700s for the Vatican.
So I just—just like with the self-defense quip that he had about we don't need self-defense,
It's time to move away from borders and violence It's hard for me to take seriously the statement that Francis is worried about Right the international banking institutions.
He is the head of an international banking institution known as the Vatican Bank So this is where this is very hard to accept Given that.
But as he moves on, and remember, what is communism, socialism, Marxism a great tool for?
For very wealthy banking people.
There you see some interesting triangle symbology there that seems to hearken to mine.
The FBI's list of symbols that might be worth looking into.
Preston says that we have grown indifferent to being wasteful, to having too much excess, to not sharing your food.
So, in other words, he begins with this guilt trip of that if you have food, if you waste food, you're guilty.
If you have excess, if you're a nation that has profit, You should feel guilty because you have only had that profit at the expense of, say, a third world country.
Now that is a classic Marxist tactic, right?
To put off again this guilt.
Meanwhile, this is coming from a guy who literally lives in a palace, right?
The Vatican has, for centuries, had various villas and palaces, right?
Even for almost a century, right?
In what's called the Avignon Papacy, a giant palace in France, where the Pope lived in a palace in France.
And yet he's here to tell us that we should feel bad because we have private property and because we have Uh, you know, a job where we make a profit or something like that.
Well, this is just ludicrous, right?
Because he says that if you disagree, and if you believe in borders, why, that's racist.
The Vatican is surrounded by a leonine wall.
I don't think that Francis is letting any migrants sleep in the floor or in the catacombs of the Vatican.
They probably don't want to sleep in the catacombs of the Vatican.
You might get sacrificed down there.
So maybe it's better to keep the migrants away from the Vatican basement.
But I don't think he's letting anyone into his papal villa, right, or his vacation villa to sleep the night over because he's such a Good hearted guy.
No, this is to make everybody in particularly America feel guilty.
You see consistently throughout the encyclical here, he talks about how if you have excess, if you have more, if you have money, if you have property, if you believe in self-defense, you want to have guns, if you want to have borders, it's because you're racist, it's because you're evil, it's because probably you like Trump.
That's more or less what he intimates in this.
He doesn't mention Trump, but he talks about fake news and people inciting racism and mean politicians, right?
Well, I wonder who he means, right?
He says, the culture of temptation to build walls, to raise walls, to erect walls in the heart, walls on your land, right?
This prevents an encounter with other cultures.
Now you see, that's the only reason that you should have open borders is just to have this
fun sort of kumbaya experience with all the other cultures.
It's that easy.
It's that simple.
And the only people who disagree with this are racists.
But now, wait a minute.
Francis just had a meeting where he okayed the Chinese selection of Chinese approved
communist bishops.
Now, if you don't know, there's what's called a Chinese Catholic Church, which is a state
approved church where the Communist Party approves the bishops in China.
And Pompeo actually wanted to have a meeting with Francis over this.
And Francis actually dissed Pompeo and went with China and okayed the communist bishops
This was another big revelation this last week, kind of shocked a lot of people.
Remember, we covered the Wim Hof book.
We had decades and decades of the CIA working to sort of co-opt the Vatican and the Jesuits, and here they get shafted because Francis is actually way more down the globalist line than anybody else in terms of the establishment.
He doesn't even want to meet with Pompeo.
He goes and he says, oh yes, nothing wrong with communist-approved Catholic bishops.
Is Francis not aware of China?
Other Asian countries, they have pretty strict border rules.
But I don't think he means that for China, does he?
No, no.
You see, this is directed only at the West, particularly at the United States.
And that's why you can see very clearly that Francis is a subverter.
He is a revolutionary.
He is not really interested in Christianity or the teachings of Christ.
It's really to play this office and this role to help subvert Right.
The bastion of Western civilization that's left, the remnants, right, the last remaining principles going back to common law, Roman law, Byzantine law, Magna Carta, these kinds of things.
That needs to go away to transition into the technocratic era and all of these guys All these people are essentially servants for that technocracy, even if they pretend like they're criticizing it or critiquing it.
So I would say definitely go check out this article on Vigano and the deep state, how it's teamed up to over there.
It's not so much that they care about the person of Trump.
It's what Trump represents, right?
It's what America represents.
And it's good aspects, right?
That's what they want to get rid of, right?
Self-sufficiency, the ability to have a limitation on tyrants in government and corporations, all these things that traditional America holds to, non-interventionism, you know, this kind of stuff is what has to go away for this technocracy to come into play, and that's why they're all part of this great reset scam.
I'm Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis and this is The Alex Jones Show.
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And the only way we're able to stay on air is you getting products you already need.
And I just want to get as much money as I can and be able to put it in some side bank accounts so that we're able to continue operating into the future.
And literally, it's not a gimmick.
People know behind the scenes here.
We are, you know, I've put a mortgage on my house.
I'm liquidating everything I've got.
And we're going to continue on, you know, for months into the new year, even if they shut our bank accounts down.
We've got backup plans because we know martial law and total hell's coming.
I mean, it's more than a 50% chance we're going to have a civil war.
Okay, I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's, we are, this, just get ready, people.
Nothing you've seen is anything about what you're about to witness, okay?
And by the grace of God, maybe we bypassed most of this, but I think you all know we're not.
I mean, you know what, you got children, folks, you got discernment.
You know, you got your spidey sense on right now.
We're in deep crap.
And I just want to get ready for it.
So thank you all for your support.
But your word of mouth is even more important to get the products.
Just tell folks about the show.
Let them know America's under attack.
Let them know who the globalists are.
Now they're ready to hear the truth.
You know I had bicep surgery because I tore my bicep really bad last year.
And they did a block when I came out of anesthesia.
And for about 10 hours, my arm was completely paralyzed.
I never felt that before.
You just expect that arm to be there.
And that's what I think about the listeners and viewers.
I don't take it for granted.
I just take you like you're my legs, you're my brain, you're my guts, you're my heart, you're my soul.
And I've expanded to face the globalists, as I told you, to the point of we only have like two months of operating capital.
And then they've done a bunch of dirty tricks behind the scenes and a bunch of things to shut down bank accounts, shut down... You see gun shops can't go get a bank account.
Well, they did a bunch of that.
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And then I see the supply chain breaking down to even get the supplements in.
And I talk to people that are in a bunch of other businesses and it's happened to them.
And I'm just like...
I don't want to come and tell you Glim and Doom.
I'm just not going to lie to you, man.
This country is under a total attack, okay?
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And then, you guys have really responded.
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