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Name: 20201012_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 12, 2020
2794 lines.

In this episode, Alex Jones discusses various topics such as election meddling, Laura Loomer's campaign for Congress, control of big tech and media over information dissemination, law and order and political violence in America, COVID-19 pandemic, and censorship of free media infrastructures. He also encourages his listeners to support InfoWars and other alternative media platforms that provide uncensored information."

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WHO backflips on virus stance by condemning lockdowns.
All of it.
Just says it's a fraud, it's killing the economy, it's starving millions.
Instead of just implementing a lockdown and then getting money to feed people after they caused the crisis, they're actually, their head envoy is saying it's got to stop.
Pigs fly!
But I mean, you are talking about Hitlerian-level murder.
I mean, forget Hitlerian, this is going to kill more than Hitler.
Maoist-level killing here.
Where Bill and Melinda Gates tell the UN and China how to run the scam, they run the scam.
And then all hell breaks loose.
So that is absolutely huge news.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It's Monday, October 12th.
The year is 2020.
We are 21 days out from the most historic election in world history.
We are.
100 days out, ladies and gentlemen, until the inauguration.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're gonna be live here for the next four hours.
This is the most demonized, most attacked, most lied about transmission in the world by the forces of evil.
But the forces of good and pro-human justice love our broadcast, and you keep us on the air.
I salute you all.
You know, I've got so much news to cover, so many angles.
I want to take calls.
I've got a bunch of special guests.
I'll tell you about that next segment.
But I really think we should just open up the transmission with this.
Because when you see a semantical headline, what's really behind that headline?
And we could talk for several hours just about this one headline of a video clip I'm about to play.
Bill Maher on Friday night with his program.
Confronts Adam Schiff about mass exodus from California.
But it's not a mass exodus from California.
People aren't mass exiting the topography or the beaches or the climate.
There's an exodus from leftist, globalist, chi-com looting and control.
That's what people are engaged in.
Is an exodus away from the left.
And even Obama and Biden say, oh, too many people are fleeing the big cities.
Brown, black, white, it doesn't matter.
It's racist.
We need to have Agenda 21 and go out and take over the local towns and cities and the smaller hamlets and make them go under our control.
This is mismanagement by design to bankrupt and annihilate the country.
Communist China is the main partner of the globalists.
They write the script on how Americans are treated.
And as Americans realize this, they're not just going to leave California and take their values with them.
Some will.
But the majority of Californians and others I'm talking to are fully rejecting the values.
And I can tell you, I don't live in the super elite part of Austin, but I live in a nice area.
And I just see TV stars, movie stars, famous people.
Politicians, inventors, well-known individuals everywhere now.
And they all say everyone they know is leaving California, New York, Virginia, Michigan.
But there's a lot of, again, common folks as well.
So there's a massive, massive exodus again.
Just like we fled Europe, some of our ancestors, to get away from tyranny.
We recreated our own tyranny here, but lesser so.
And so there's always that exodus out of Pharaoh's Egypt, that exodus out of Sodom and Gomorrah, that exodus out of California.
But it's an exodus away from the spirit of tyranny and oppression and vampirism and cultural enslavement.
But here's Schiff trying to deal with something that he can't deal with.
And he even hesitates and says, well, we shouldn't make it too onerous.
I mean, we should make it a good place to have business.
Here is Mr. Schiff of Russiagate Fraud treading water.
Look, you're a congressman from California.
I know some of this is not in your domain, because you go to Washington and work on national issues.
But I live in California, so I'm gonna bitch a little bit, can I?
Because, you know, I mean, there is an exodus.
California businesses are leaving the state in droves.
In just 2018 and 19, which were economic boom years, 765 commercial facilities left.
13,000 businesses left between 2009 and 2016.
Look, I came out here in 1983.
I found paradise.
I love California.
I do.
I don't want to leave.
But I feel like I'm living in Italy in the 70s or something.
Super high taxes, potholes in the road.
I don't know what I'm getting for my super high taxes.
And this talk of exodus...
You know, I tell you, people talk about this a lot now.
And people are leaving.
Like in my industry, Joe Rogan left.
Ben Shapiro, sorry ladies.
Elon Musk talks about leaving.
What do you say about that as a California representative?
Well, I think we have to make every effort to make this a more business-friendly state.
And I don't think there's anything incompatible with being progressive and also want to make sure that this is a place that businesses can... He wants to bankrupt everything and consolidate.
He's a monster daemon.
All right, let me give the listeners some really key headlines here as we launch this Monday transmission.
21 days out from the election, 100 days out from the inauguration, which is the real date we've got to look at.
The deep state Chi-Combat Democrats say they're going to contest with the fraudulent ballots they put out.
By design, we've got big developments on that front.
But first off, there's good news happening internationally, good news happening nationally, and good news happening at InfoWars.
I never cry wolf to you, but a lot of times I can't tell you about the attacks we're under for a lot of reasons you can probably figure out.
But you've really come through and supported us with your prayer, your word of mouth, and your financial support, while getting great products at the same time.
But we've had, in the last week, blessing after blessing happen, and all glory goes to God and His Son Jesus Christ.
But I just want to thank you all for your prayers and your support, because It's been really, really rough behind the scenes and really, really dark.
And really, really, we've been persecuted terribly.
But we stayed faithful to God and to you supporting us.
And we've just come through incredible times together.
And someday I'll be able to tell you about all this, but now is not the time.
21 days out from the election.
But it's been a fight.
And, you know, you see how the enemy comes after people.
You see what they do to folks.
So I'm sure you can figure out what's going on behind the scenes.
But I'm not a victim.
I expect this.
My God, if I walked out in the parking lot and they walked up and shot me in the head, I would just expect that.
If I didn't get the draw on them.
I'd just expect to be killed, quite frankly.
That's worth it for this mission.
I mean, I decided this because these people are evil.
I've got to be opposed.
So all the stuff they've done has not been fun behind the scenes, but It's been necessary, and so I've actually kind of enjoyed it, other than the fact that, you know, I wish it wasn't going on, but I enjoy the fact that we've caused the globalists so many problems, they've had to do the things they've done to us, but it's really the fight and standing up that I love, and doing the right thing, and so I've not enjoyed the persecution for that reason.
And I just want to thank you all for keeping us in the fight.
You are the info war.
And when I say that to you, I'm not just saying that to patronize you and pat on the head.
You've changed the world.
You are the cadre of humans on this planet that have backed the most truthful, most accurate, most aggressive transmission out there.
And I salute you all.
Okay, let's get into it right now.
Another incredible big piece of news that I can actually give you the details on.
Our personal stuff will be revealed at a later point because I think it will be an important historical marker, but now is not the time.
This is the time.
Look at these headlines from yesterday.
Global bombshell.
UN says COVID restrictions and lockdowns are killing millions.
Must stop.
This all broke on Saturday at Infowars.com and GatewayPundit.com also broke it.
And why is that important?
Well, look at what just came out and what just broke.
Today, Australian news.
WHO backflips on virus stance by condemning lockdowns.
ABC News, Australia.
WHO doctor says lockdowns should not be main coronavirus defense, killing millions worldwide.
Who, Director General Special Envoy, that's the guy that communicates with the world, for the UN, on COVID-19 preparedness and response, came out, we played the video last night, on the Sunday show, and said that it's causing more death than it's saving by orders of magnitude.
Now, I know you've heard this here 500 times, if not more, and I know you've looked at it yourself, I know you know that, but here's the good news.
They're being forced to cover it now because there's major resistance in Latin America and in Africa where they're really getting hit hard and in poor areas of Asia and Eastern Europe.
And people understand this is siege, this is blockade, and they understand that it's mass murder.
So when a yuppie trendy is wearing their mask or telling you a lockdown needs to continue, just explain to them, hey, The hysteria and the chicken little fear-mongering and the lockdown of the economy is killing the third world.
When the first world has a depression, the third world dies.
And a lot of people are cynical.
A lot of leftists are.
It's come out in studies that they're seven to nine times more likely to steal.
Six to eight times more likely to actually be secretly racist.
You know, five to nine times.
They all vary.
That they virtue signal that they're giving to charity but don't give to charity.
They come into any organization or group and start infighting and destroy it, claiming they care about everyone.
They want power without actually doing any work.
They're troublemakers.
And so they're not even what you can think of as a liberal.
Thomas Jefferson was a liberal.
He said, small government, rugged individualism.
These people want government to micromanage every facet of your life and have you wear a bubble when you go outside and just engage in constant fraud.
They're scammers.
They're magicians.
They're fraudsters, but they're not a magician you pay at a dinner party to do some fun tricks with his lovely assistant, who's wearing fishnets.
These are scammers that brainwash your children, take control of your society, and set up frauds, and then always set up new frauds on the problems they create.
Problem, reaction, solution, the Hegelian dialectic.
I went out many times the last few months.
Many of you have seen the videos at BandOnVideo.
We'll go to the local park, we'll go to downtown, and we'll show the trendies all staying six feet apart wearing their mask.
And we point out, hey, this lockdown here, this chain reaction here, is causing mass death.
And a lot of them say you're right and nod their heads.
About a third of them or more flip us off.
And they come over to me and say, you're a racist.
I mean, it's on video at the park.
This group of women go, F you racist.
I'm like, Africa is starving.
It's the main continent being hit.
Two million have already starved to death.
They're like, F you racist.
And it's a bunch of white women.
One of them was black.
Like 10 women under a tree on a big blanket.
They're all wearing masks, like they're Bane from Batman.
And I hear them going, ah, shut up, racist, shut up, yeah.
So I walk over, politely go, hey, it's Star Wars The Third World, can I show you on my phone?
Get back!
And they had their pepper spray, because...
To them, following mainstream media is virtue.
They don't have to think, they just follow what the mainstream media says.
But now the United Nations scientists themselves are saying vaccines don't work, vaccines are dangerous, the doctors don't believe in them, and we shouldn't have these lockdowns and shouldn't have all this garbage because it's actually not helping people.
It's causing mass death.
And I'm not lionizing the UN.
It's a terrible group set up by the Rockefellers, set up by multinational corporations.
Its International Human Rights Board has got, you know, North Korea and... What is it?
Qatar and Saudi Arabia on it.
I mean, it's a joke, folks.
Communist China is on their board.
And so all of this is going on, and these people just want to feel good.
Well, it's our job to not let them have the moral authority while they wear their mask, and while they keep businesses shut down, and while they don't want school to go back, and while they sue their employer because somebody got COVID in the office, but nobody even got sick, but they didn't shut the office down.
You need to confront them that they're idiots that follow the Rockefeller head operative now.
Bill Gates.
He heads up the Rockefeller Foundation.
That's who's really behind this.
And the Cardi endowment.
He gets all their money into his foundation for the takeover of world medicine.
And you need to tell them, this is about Bill Gates setting the precedent to put things in my body and your body, and it's about a global reset to shut down the economy, to starve the third world, and then when the third world collapses, the UN weaponizes those groups and uses them to invade us.
So even the average leftist that is a secret racist and wants to starve Africans to death.
Hell, most leftists will tell you there's too many people and go, well, yeah, we need to kill them.
Oh, but we need to take them in then and put them on welfare so you can have them as a pet that you control.
No, no.
We need to build up Africa, build up every country with first world standards, and then we'll turn it all into giant tourist spots.
America will be a tourist spot for Africans.
They'll be a tourist spot for us.
That's what you do.
Development, like Trump talks about, That cleans up the environment, lowers birth rates to two children for every two adults.
That's the answer.
But the globalists don't want a utopia.
They want a dystopia.
And it's up to us to recognize it and rebuke the snot-nosed, educated idiot, morons that are really eugenicists and don't even know it.
But now the UN officially says that the COVID event is killing more people than COVID.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, again, super good news that the UN is being forced to cover their butt and say, okay, the lockdown's killing 10, 20, 30, 40 times what COVID is.
It needs to stop all the social distancing, the end of the economy.
It's causing a planetary collapse.
It's going to flood the West.
But of course, they've already triggered this.
So now they want to act like they're fighting what they've already created.
But at least we forced them earlier than they would to come out and say in the lockdowns.
Now their solutions are going to be implantable chips, forced inoculations, contact tracers, and tracking apps.
That's all admitted.
But first, we'll cover that next segment.
Let's get into this powerful report that just went live by Greg Reese.
Last month, the popular internationally syndicated program, The Dr. Phil Show, delved into something that until recently hasn't even been on the pop culture radar, but is now one of the top trending issues in culture.
The subject of adrenochrome.
21 years ago, when I was investigating the secretive Bohemian Grove elite cult in Northern California, I became aware of adrenochrome.
In my research, I noted that Hunter S. Thompson had written about it in his book, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Two years ago, InfoWars investigative journalist Greg Reese did a five-minute detailed analysis of adrenochrome.
Anyone who's even done a cursory review of history knows that human sacrifice and the eating of organs to have a physical effect or get high happened in every ancient culture in Africa, in Asia, in what is the Middle East today, Europe, Mesoamerica.
Every culture during different periods degenerated and established priest class that would actually carry out the orderly human sacrifice of, quote, virgins and children.
The population's awakening to the grisly fact of adrenochrome is a red flag to the establishment that all of their satanic and dark occult practices are now being exposed.
Mainstream media, the Democratic Party, make fun of anyone exposing giant child kidnapping rings that have been exposed.
When the Associated Press came out two years ago and revealed thousands of Haitian children kidnapped by the UN, sex trafficked, and many of them murdered, the left again covered the story up and made jokes.
Humanity is awakening to the secret priesthood that sees us as animals, as lower than animals in many cases, who see us as a commodity to be bought, sold, and traded.
I want to believe that Dr. Phil is a good man.
On the subject of adrenochrome and ritual satanism and black sabbaths that are part of the historical record, I would be more than happy to come on Dr. Phil's show anytime he'd like and or to give him information and other guests that can give him the facts and the reality.
Because this subject isn't going away, it's just getting bigger as humanity awakens.
Here is part of the Dr. Phil segment and then Greg Reese's original from two years ago.
My investigation has revealed that this is all linked to a ritual.
I believe somebody in an occult was drugging my daughter Jessie for a year before she went missing.
I believe that she was killed June 20th, 2016 because it was a full moon and the summer solstice at the same time.
And then the next day was Lilith.
Lilith is a holiday that the occult does celebrate and it requires a human sacrifice.
I had a person say to me that if I looked around at the environment and looked at the seasons, I would see a pattern.
And as I looked and did more research, realized that it was very specific and that people went missing on very specific days throughout the whole year.
Other missing persons cases.
Like it's a big web.
A lot of the times she'll say things like, I know I sound crazy, but it just started getting too out of control.
I believe that Jesse was tortured for the drug adrenochrome.
Adrenochrome is a chemical that our body produces when we're extremely fearful or have a lot of distress.
It's a strength that gives you vitality.
And the people that killed Jessie are harvesting that from other people.
And when you drink it, it gives you euphoria and power.
A gang member told me later that he had a video of her death.
He told me that Jessie had been killed, that her body had been put into a barrel and set on fire.
The police do have a part of that video.
I believe that the police are protecting her killer.
Adrenochrome first hit pop culture in 1971, when gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson wrote about it in his book, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
He wrote that his lawyer, Oscar Acosta, was defending a Satanist who was charged with molesting a child.
The Satanist client paid his lawyer with adrenochrome.
And claim the only source was the adrenaline glands from a living human body.
If you search Google for adrenochrome, the Google-supported result is from the conspiracy wiki, which suggests that it is all merely fantasy.
But just to the right, you will find that adrenochrome is real.
According to scientific research, adrenochrome is formed by the oxidation of its precursor, adrenaline.
Adrenaline is the active hormone from the adrenal medulla, otherwise known as epinephrine.
Epipens are auto-injectors that contain synthetic adrenaline.
Developed by the US military to protect soldiers in the event of chemical warfare, EpiPens are used to treat extreme allergic reactions.
EpiPens only have a shelf life of about 18 months.
According to the manufacturer, after 18 months, the oxidation process begins and the EpiPens are turned into adrenochrome.
Interestingly, both companies that manufacture the EpiPen, Mylon and Kaleo, are connected to the Clinton Foundation.
Ambrosia, a controversial new startup company, was recently charging $8,000 to fill your
veins with the blood of young people.
Founder and CEO, Dr. Jesse Karmazin, who claims it will give you superhuman powers, has recently
ceased patient treatments due to a recent FDA warning.
In Greek mythology, ambrosia means immortality and was the food of the gods that gave longevity or immortality to whoever consumed it.
It is believed by many researchers to represent the blood of the young.
The cosmetic industry has been using aborted fetal tissues in various anti-aging skincare products.
The taboo culture of consuming the young seems to go back through all of human history.
But now, it seems to be coming out into the open.
Democrats are pushing for full-term abortions.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mothers.
And telling us that the future is too grim for us to think about raising a family.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
How far is this going to go before humanity has enough?
For NewsWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
All right, only way this dog hunts is you take action.
It's on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and Man.Video.
Global awakening to adrenochrome drug terrifies satanic elite.
I suggest you use this weapon.
It's called a big Trump win.
And it's in 21 days, but it's going to be contested.
And the globalists are going to try to block it, and they're going to try to obfuscate, try to break the country up.
But they're not Americans.
They believe the country shouldn't even exist.
They're globalists.
Good, I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We've got so much to cover, so much to get into.
Let me do this.
Just to give you an idea of what we got on the table here in front of us.
We've got Laura Loomer joining us in the third hour, because she had Skype problems last week.
She had a lot of news to break.
We're going to open the phones up.
We're going to be taking your phone calls coming up next hour.
And we're going to be getting into not just that the U.N.
has officially come out and said the lockdown's killing way more people and the checkpoints and the mask and just all the breakdown of society and the shutdown of businesses is killing way more than COVID-19 ever dreamed of.
Even The Nation magazine has come out against Bill Gates And now he really is tax-exempt because he gives money to other companies he owns as a way to get around taxes.
And that's how he's become one of the richest men on earth.
While the poor get sick, Bill Gates gets richer.
Just incredible to have them actually telling the truth about that.
It makes the head spin.
Meanwhile, the social unrest that the globalists have going on.
Rioters topple Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt statues in Portland.
Museum windows smashed out.
The next segment, I'm going to cover an article out of the New York Times saying, in search of Antifa, in search of looters, in search of rioters, and the New York Times says it doesn't exist.
Well, I've got a video that's going to go with that that shows you, shows you how that doesn't exist.
Meanwhile, China holds military invasion drills of Hong Kong and Taiwan amid tensions with Taiwan,
is doing fighter-bomber flyovers of the city's provocative attack run test, and are threatening to attack US ships
that they say are in Chinese waters that the Chinese just declared
the entire South China Sea basically to be theirs.
All the way up to the north of Japan and the islands to the Spratlys down into the Philippines.
They've even been attacking Vietnamese waters and ships and taking oil rigs that are in.
Waters 400 miles from.
the coast of China. You look at China, it's right here and then there's Vietnam down below it. I
mean, they're down in southern Vietnam grabbing, sending troops in and killing everybody on oil
rigs and taking them over. I mean, China is out of control.
Imagine the United States just randomly pulled up somebody's oil rigs without declaring war, just
blew up the command center and took it That's what's going on on a routine basis, but it barely even hits the news.
But you can look at it, you know, Chinese takeover of Vietnamese oil rigs.
Kill those on board.
And they're building all these islands out there and then claiming that they've got hundreds of square miles around each island is now theirs.
And they're putting all these weapons systems and missile launchers on them?
And then Trump says we shouldn't roll over to it, and oh, he's a bad guy, ladies and gentlemen.
No, he's getting us out of wars that we shouldn't be in, and standing up to people that are trying to push the entire planet around.
It's like Japan 2.0, but this time it's the communist Chinese.
They're doing it because they've been greenlit by elites here in the West to do it, who believe they can get rid of Trump and believe China can push us around.
It's outrageous.
Now, I've got more than 30 incredible clips, but again, maybe once a week we'll play a clip twice in a row.
I'm about to do that now.
I started the show with it.
You may have missed it.
It's a big deal because when I saw this clip yesterday, and then I saw that it was on Infowars.com, It made me think to what we saw with our ancestors, many of ours leaving Europe to get away from the kings and oppression and served them to come here.
Now many other folks came to America seeking a better life, seeking basic freedoms.
And how when you hear about an exodus out of California, it's not really an exodus out of California, it's an exodus, a fleeing from a political oppressive system.
And so Bill Maher is finally recognizing that there's a supposed exodus.
He's postulating, is there an exodus?
There's been a brain drain and a financial drain for 20 years out of California.
It was once a vibrant red state, once very populous, once very pro-American, once beautiful and clean and good and a world destination.
Much of California now represents a dystopic science fiction nightmare.
I don't have to go over all that for you, but it's because the globalists are trying to bankrupt all of America.
They're trying to bankrupt Europe.
They're trying to bankrupt Africa because they want to consolidate control.
That's their stated goal.
So when Schiff's confronted by the exodus, they're trying to collapse New York, New Jersey, California, Michigan, and other states they've controlled into us.
So it's not mismanagement.
It's that they loot all the infrastructure and all the money.
It's well known, it's documented.
And so Mars talking about a California exodus, no.
It's people running from the communism, from the socialism, from the Chinese communists that basically run California, Oregon, and Washington State.
So the full video's up on InfoWars.com, but here's part of Schiff, of the Schiff Show, the globalists, Who's dedicated to bringing down our president that's actually trying to reverse the policies that have America imploding.
And now Schiff's blaming Trump for the COVID-19 that they brought in and the lockdown Democrats engineered that's killing the economy as well.
They're having hearings in Congress today showing people that have died of COVID.
And saying it's Trump's fault.
This is so transparent, it's so ridiculous, and people should reject it and be angry at the Democrats who are the party of world government, the party of open borders, the party of homeless, the party of fentanyl, the party of Satanism, the party of pedophilia, the party of corruption.
And so here's Schiff trying to put perfume on the pig they've created.
Look, you're a congressman from California.
I know some of this is not in your domain because you go to Washington and work on national issues.
Back it up.
Start it again.
But I live in California.
I know you're a congressman.
You're in D.C.
dealing with bigger things than our state.
No, congressmen are supposed to, first and foremost, when they're House members, deal with what they're doing domestically in the state 70% of the time.
Maybe during wartime, 30% they worry about federal stuff and wars and foreign things.
The Senate is more about foreign entanglements and treaties.
That's their job.
So the idea that, oh, it's not your fault that California's a hellhole.
You've been busy trying to overthrow our populist president.
You've been busy with your... Well, just go ahead and go back to them.
Look, you're a congressman from California.
I know some of this is not in your domain because you go to Washington and work on national issues.
But I live in California, so I'm gonna bitch a little bit, can I?
Because, you know, I mean, there is an exodus.
California businesses are leaving the state in droves.
In just 2018 and 19, which were economic boom years, 765 commercial facilities left, 13,000 businesses left between 2009 and 2016.
Look, I came out here in 1983.
I found paradise.
I love California.
I do.
I don't want to leave.
But I feel like I'm living in Italy in the 70s or something.
Super high taxes, potholes in the road, fire... I don't know what I'm getting for my super high taxes.
And I do understand... You're getting a revolution in plode America!
You know, I tell you, people talk about this a lot now.
And people are leaving.
Like in my industry, Joe Rogan left.
Ben Shapiro, sorry ladies.
Elon Musk talks about leaving.
What do you say about that, as a California representative?
Well, I think we have to make every effort to make this a more business-friendly state.
And I don't think there's anything incompatible with being progressive.
And also, I want to make sure that this is a place that businesses can... Progressive like cancer.
...can survive and thrive.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am your host, Alex Jones, and we are back live.
I've got two stories I want to cover right now that illustrate the left and their wannabe gaslighting, and how they try to convince us to deny our eyes, deny our ears, deny our noses, our touch, our sixth sense, our discernment, our connection to God, our everything, and just believe their lies.
There's several of these.
One of them I'll get to in a moment is, remember Nadler, the little globalist?
Penguin-like creature.
And I don't want to insult actual penguins, aquatic birds, I mean, like the Batman villain, Penguin.
Remember him saying Antifa is a myth, it doesn't exist?
Well, now the New York Times has come out and said that anarchists don't exist either, which are part of the Antifa movement, and there's just no violence and none of it is happening.
Help me find Trump's anarchist in Portland.
There's a whole New York Times article About how this doesn't exist.
They're not blocking roads, shooting people in the head.
They're not burning down police stations.
They're not firebombing federal buildings.
They didn't attack and beat out the windows of our armored vehicle a few months ago in Austin.
They didn't beat up Savannah Hernandez three times.
They do not exist.
The New York Times and Congressman Nadler say so.
So that's coming up.
I thought I'd hit this article.
It's up on Infowars.com.
The full interview's there.
I'll just play a short clip.
Sex Pistols Johnny Rotten says, of course I'm voting for Trump because he's a rebel.
You can see the whole system's against Trump.
He goes on to say that Biden is obviously senile, has dementia.
He goes, my wife has Alzheimer's.
I know what it looks like.
He doesn't know where he is sometimes.
He's out of his mind.
And the media says back to Johnny Rotten, oh, how do you know you're not a doctor?
Well, that's like saying if a cobra bites you, you don't know to go to a doctor.
Or it's like saying, oh, you're not a mechanic.
You don't know how to know when your car overheated and the radiator blows up.
It's ridiculous.
You know when people have dementia.
You know when you have Alzheimer's.
And as bad off as Joe is, I'd say you won't know who he is in a year or two.
This all started two years ago when we said he's cognitively slipping.
They had fact checkers and PolitiFact.
Oh, Jones is crazy.
Biden's super smart.
He's all there.
Jones is even more banned on Facebook.
You can't even say nice things about Jones now or you'll be banned.
He's not just banned, but saying nice things about his ban because he says Biden looks like he had another stroke.
Then they fat-checked, he's not had a stroke.
I said, looks like he's had a stroke.
I got another big USA Today fat-check where Jones says doctors are trying to kill Trump at Walter Reed.
I said they're either trying to kill him or they're idiots because all these scientists say you don't want to cross these true experimental drugs.
Rendesivir enough is dangerous.
It's a figure of speech.
Thank God the President's okay.
But in the report I said either they're trying to kill him or they're idiots.
Later we learned Trump demanded it be done, which they really are idiots.
I love the President, but my God.
Just because your patient is heroic doesn't mean, you know, that you want experimental treatments even though they're dangerous.
So again, they misrepresent what you've said to then fact-check it and say it's wrong.
But I'm digressing.
Here's what Sex Pistols Johnny Rotten had to say.
They're like, how dare you?
He could win a spelling bee.
Wow, he's got the mind of a 20-year-old genius.
I mean, Joe Biden's perfectly fine.
Here it is.
Tax hikes beyond belief, more lockdowns, more confusion, more bureaucracy, and less answers.
You're thinking of voting Republican or not at all?
Yes, I am.
No, I'm going to definitely.
For Donald Trump?
I have seen what Democrats have done to California.
They have destroyed this place.
Quite hard to imagine John Lydon voting for Donald Trump.
I don't know.
Many people might think that.
Well, he's an individual thinker.
I'll give him that for a start.
He's not the most lovable fella on God's earth.
But I cannot see the opposition as offering me anything by way of a solution.
Joe Biden is...
In all practicality, senile and delinquently.
And in the full clip they go, you can't say that, you're not a doctor.
If he can't talk and doesn't know what planet he's on, you have a right to an opinion that you're not going to vote for him because you look like he's senile.
But now they're fact-checking Johnny Rotten.
This is the, I mean, they've in fact checked satire now.
So speaking of that, do you remember again Congressman Nadler saying that Antifa doesn't exist.
It's a myth.
Here it is.
There's violence across the whole country.
Do you disavow the violence from Antifa?
That's happening in Portland right now?
That's a myth that's being spread only in Washington, D.C.
About Antifa in Portland?
Sure, there's videos everywhere online.
There's fires and riots.
They're throwing fireworks at federal officers.
DHS is there.
Look online.
It gets crazy, Mr. Nadler.
Okay, so that was a couple months ago.
Here's the New York Times article.
And again, they've recycled these.
But, help me find Trump's anarchists in Portland.
And this is an article from back in July, but they've got similar ones out right now.
Saying the exact same thing, it doesn't exist.
How foolish they are.
How dumb they think we are.
And now happening today, rioters topple Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt statues in Portland.
But Abraham Lincoln helped end slavery.
They don't know.
It's an old white dude.
Get rid of him.
Meanwhile, Utah high school student bullied, spat on for wearing a hat in support of President Trump.
On Infowars.com, Swedish student banned from wearing Christian cross for school photograph because it might upset the Muslims.
See, you don't have rights.
Everybody else does.
But if you're a Christian, you don't.
Meanwhile, City of Denver accused shooter, hell he's on video, Matthew Doloff is not licensed to be a security guard.
So you have Channel 9 goon executing an unarmed man.
And the left is, of course, celebrating that as well.
Coming up on election night, we already told you this months ago, but now it's official.
Twitter, Facebook, along with Google, they don't mention that here, will censor election-related posts saying Trump has won the election.
They're saying they will not allow him to declare a victory.
Even if he's right or wrong, he has a right to declare it.
But nope, he is not allowed to do that, they say.
So that's all coming up.
Now I want to give the number out.
I want to take your phone calls in our number two.
First-time callers, people that agree, disagree, we don't screen your calls, only that you have a good phone and that you tell us where you're calling from if you'd like, or you don't have to.
So we don't screen your calls.
The toll free number to join us is 877-789-2539, 877-789-2539, 877-789.
Alex, and if you're in a foreign country and I won't let you dial the 1-800 number sometimes, the U.S.
Country Access Code is 512-646-1776.
Or 877-789-ALEX.
All right.
All right.
This has been in for a month.
512-646-1776 or 877-789-ALEX.
All right.
All right, this has been in for a month and it's incredible and I'm very excited about it.
And I've been so busy, I haven't even launched it.
We have a limited supply of it, and despite that, it is discounted 50% out of the gates because I want you to get it, and I want to move it out of our warehouse in case Trump loses and they arrest me and shut everything down, which believe me, they're trying to do.
Though we just got some news today that it's not as desperate as it was.
It's very good news.
I'm not going to get into it yet.
A lot of good news, we thank God, certainly, for that.
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And then we have the new, again, X2 Spray that's for internal, that's X2 with a spray bottle.
That's discounted, too.
Now, it's selling out at InfoWarStore.com.
The hypocrisy of Democrat Michigan Governor Whitmer's executive orders have become an exercise of infamous tyranny.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer says her husband tried to make a joke, but her critics are not laughing tonight.
They latched on to what some interpreted as a power play amid the pandemic.
My husband made a failed attempt at humor last week, knowing it wouldn't make a difference.
He jokingly asked if being married to me might move him up in the queue.
Over the past couple of months we have seen an explosion of rampant rumors and violent death threats against my family and me online.
Because of that, I'm not going to get into the business of refuting and discussing every aspect of my whereabouts or dispelling every inaccurate statement or post.
Because frankly, there's just too many to keep up with.
No one likes having to stay home right now and not being able to visit loved ones, but four people, including three from right here in Oakland County, argue the governor's extended stay-at-home order is not only inconvenient, it's unconstitutional.
The lawsuit, seeking relief under the 5th and 14th amendments, claims Governor Whitmer's executive order unfairly infringes on their rights to associate with friends and family and utilize their private property.
We believe what the governor has done with her orders is overbroad and overreaching.
Taking a sledgehammer to an ant.
Resulting in a lockdown protest so overwhelming, Whitmer just had to react.
A small group of people that came together without masks on, brandishing their weapons, who were having posters of being anti-choice.
I mean, this was a political rally.
I feel that they are overreaching, overreacting, and crushing our small businesses, crushing our economy.
And what brought me out here is I'm a small business owner, and she's putting me out of business.
It was only a matter of time before her hubris-riddled occupancy of the Michigan governor's mansion would be flipped on its head by the Democrats' white supremacist narrative.
Planned to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and then what they were planning to do to her.
Thirteen suspects arrested, including seven alleged members of a right-wing militia group.
The FBI and state authorities conducting a series of raids in Michigan.
Those 13 suspects taken into custody, seven of them alleged members of that right-wing militia group.
Today, Governor Whitmer.
thanking authorities for protecting her and her family but went on to talk about
white supremacists in this country and the president who she pointed out was
asked to condemn white supremacists on that debate stage you'll remember the
president saying stand back and stand by. Just last week the president of the
United States stood before the American people and refused to condemn white
supremacists and hate groups like these two Michigan militia groups.
Our head of state has spent the past seven months denying science, ignoring his own health experts, stoking distrust, fomenting anger, and giving comfort to those who spread fear and hatred and division.
Went on to say that they're very good people on both sides again.
Come on!
People walk around in a governor's driveway with assault rifles and wave flags.
I mean, they should be, this is something to be concerned about.
And they saw what the head of the FBI said a couple days ago.
He said the greatest terrorist threat in America is from white supremacists.
But like the liberal industrial complex's smears against Nick Sandman, Kyle Rittenhouse, and the Proud Boys, wrongfully branding them white supremacists, there was more to the story than Whitmer wanted her subjects to know.
The Hill reported that Democrat Delaware Governor John Carney last year signed the pardon of one of the men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
First reported by the Delaware News Journal.
Carney in April of 2019 signed off on the pardon for Barry Gordon Croft Jr.
who faced a series of charges in Delaware during the mid-90s including possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, assault, and burglary.
A spokesman for Carney said in a statement that the governor called Croft's federal charges disturbing and said this is only another warning sign about the growing threat of violence and radicalization in our politics.
Okay Carney, but from who?
Croft walked Trump is not your friend, dude.
And it amazes me that people actually believe that.
The full report is at Bandot Video.
It's Whitmer narrative backfires.
It gets even worse.
Turns out they're Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and anarchist idiot drug addicts.
There you go.
You know, I'm not doing a perfect job.
I think I'm doing a decent job, but the crew is doing as close to a perfect job as you can get, and I love them.
I want to thank them.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
I want to take a lot of calls in this second hour.
And Laura Loomer, who's got a good chance of doing an upstart victory against the Democrat in Trump's district there in Palm Beach.
She had big Skype problems last Friday, so she should be popping back in with us today.
Other than that, we've got open phones.
If you just joined us, I've got Hundreds of incredible articles, dozens of incredible videos, but I'm sorry, I've got to recap our top news.
China's holding military invasion drill and admitting they may invade Taiwan and or Hong Kong.
They're threatening to even take islands away from the Philippines and the Japanese and are threatening to attack with missiles any US ships that enter the disputed waters, which is most of the South China Sea.
This is insane bravado.
Meanwhile, even the nation comes out and exposes, even the liberals, that Bill Gates' wealth has gone up since he went tax-exempt 20 years ago, over $150 million.
He takes his profits, puts them in tax-exempt foundations that invest in private corporations that he holds controlling stakes in.
You're only allowed to do that if you're ultra-rich, folks.
A regular billionaire would get arrested if he did that.
But a regular billionaire almost pays no taxes.
You know, it came out Jeff Bezos paid no taxes this year or last year.
I pay more taxes than Jeff Bezos.
Because I don't make what a professional baseball player makes.
All these rumors, I have this fabulous wealth and all this crap.
I put my money into the operation.
But What I'm getting at is, imagine I pay more taxes.
Okay, a guy that owns a small restaurant that maybe makes $200,000 a year.
He pays 40% in federal, pays local tax, state tax, property tax.
He's paying about 65%.
So he's keeping $80,000?
And that's supposedly upper middle class today, okay?
He pays more than Jeff Bezos.
But Jeff Bezos funds Black Lives Matter for hundreds of millions of dollars, just like Tim Cook is.
What's Tim Cook worth?
Last time I checked, like, $20 billion or something.
It's a joke, folks, but, oh, they're liberal, and, oh, America's bad, and, oh, the police are bad, and, oh, Trump's bad.
And then he gets $4 and change on every package sent through the USPS under a loophole in federal law.
We don't get that here.
Because the law's written where you've got to be doing billions in business until you get it.
Do I get?
Oh, I'm sorry we can't do free shipping all the time.
We don't get taxpayer financed.
Because see, there is no free lunch.
When you get that free shipping from Amazon, you paid for it in taxes.
And I'm not even attacking Amazon.
I'm just saying it's absolutely insane.
There it is.
American billionaires, including Jeff Bezos and Tesla founder Elon Musk, have gotten $280 billion richer since the start of the pandemic because the whole thing was actuaried out to only let them operate.
Now, to Elon Musk's credit, he says it's a tyranny, a takeover.
He doesn't like it.
But all the others love it.
And this other huge news.
Gotta give credit to the Australian News.
Australian News ABC.
That's the state-run media over there, not our ABC.
And, uh, there are other big stations, other big papers.
WHO backflips on virus stance by condemning lockdowns.
All of it.
Just says it's a fraud, it's killing the economy, it's starving millions.
Instead of just implementing a lockdown and then getting money to feed people after they caused the crisis, they're actually, they're head-on voice saying it's gotta stop.
Pigs fly!
But I mean, you are talking about Hitlerian-level murder.
I mean, forget Hitlerian, this is going to kill more than Hitler.
Malice-level killing here.
Where Bill and Melinda Gates tell the UN and China how to run the scam, they run the scam, and then all hell breaks loose.
So that is absolutely huge news.
Now I've got all this campaign news, and all the COVID-19 news, and I've got a bunch of video clips and things I want to get to.
There's so much.
We're going to be covering here today, but let's start doing your phone calls.
Tristan and Todd and Joe and Henry and CeCe and Tom and Cruz and Jonathan and Jay and Patriot.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-ALEX.
On this live Monday, October 12th, transmission, 21 days out from the election.
You can talk about the UN admission that the COVID lockdown is a weapon to starve people to death.
You can get into what you think Trump's up to.
You can get into what you think of the economy, what you think the dirty tricks are the left's going to pull, what you think of Biden degenerating.
I've got videos.
In fact, did I tell you those videos, guys, where Biden doesn't even know where he is in these new videos?
I think I forgot to show those to you.
I've got them right here.
It's all coming up, but just whatever you want to talk about, it's like the Ted Nugent song.
It's a free-for-all.
It's a free-for-all.
So, let's go ahead and take a call from who's been holding the longest.
That would be Tristan in Oregon.
Hi, Tristan.
Hey, can you hear me?
I can, brother.
So, yeah, I'm a high school senior here in Oregon.
I'd like to first start off by saying, being somebody who actually lives in Oregon with all the craziness in Portland, I can tell you, it's real.
But the New York Times said nothing happened.
They said it's peaceful.
Yeah, no, no, it's definitely not.
Every time I've gone up to Portland, it's been one thing after another.
But I got, sir, I got the New York Times right here.
It says it doesn't exist, sir.
You heard Nadler, he said it doesn't exist!
Yeah, and another thing, I don't know if you've seen the exact article, but recently a statement came out, I believe it was the Secretary of Defense, who said that they had been receiving intelligence that foreign operatives We're training left-wing groups like Antifa to stage an organized armed resistance within the U.S.
and they tried to bury the article.
You can't hardly find it anymore.
I did see that article.
In fact, guys, reprint that.
What was the headline?
Secretary of Defense says, says leftist radicals being trained by foreign powers.
I think they were saying ISIS and China were involved, right?
I believe that was the case.
Well, sir, I can tell you that it's mainstream news.
They caught him.
Thousands of Antifa fighters went to fight alongside the Kurds against Assad in the last seven years, and so that goes on as well.
It's hard to find the article anymore.
I imagine that they tried to bury it a little bit, but particularly here in the Northwest, Well, I'll tell you what I've been seeing pop up in like LA Times and mainstream news for 25 years.
First time I saw it was 19...
96, I guess that's about 24 years, was L.A.
Containers full of AK-47s and hand grenades seized coming in from, in Costco containers from China.
Well, we've confirmed, I saw these reports a few months ago and I checked with sources inside federal law enforcement, they confirmed they are, they are finding guns from China, full auto, that have been shipped in to crime gangs around the country.
What do you make of that?
I believe I've seen that as well, and that kind of mirrors something that happened, I believe it's Boise.
There was a protest a while back, and pallets of brick started shilling up on the side of the road, but that's been happening all over the country for some time now.
and they don't like to address that but they tried to deny that and they found one innocent guy that put bricks out
to then go to him and say oh none of it's really happening bs they're delivering bricks
they're delivering shields they're delivering clubs from george soros funding groups and groups funded
by jack dorsey appreciate your call brother all right i got to one call that segment i'll try to
get to four or five next segment up next when we come back will be todd henry joe cc and many many
and many others.
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It's all I'll ever have.
I don't know.
Somebody didn't tell the German police.
Because the New York Times and Congressman Nadler says there's no such thing as Antifa.
It doesn't exist.
But I mean, this is an article that just went up on InfoWars.com with video.
German police raid Antifa squat house in Berlin.
InfoWars Europe report from the scenes of a clash between German police, that's InfoWars.com, and Antifa in Berlin after authorities evicted dozens of left-wing radicals from a squat house that had been occupied for decades.
It's a bunch of drug addicts that just sit around having sex all day and everything else you can imagine.
A bunch of perverts.
to mitigate violence riots by Antifa who had summoned reinforcements from around
Europe for a weekend of retaliatory chaos.
It's a bunch of drug addicts that just sit around having sex all day and everything else you can imagine.
A bunch of perverts. I mean let me tell you how many Antifa leaders have been busted being pedophiles.
The one Rittenhouse killed after he came after him, you know, was a convicted child rapist.
Ten, nine, eight year olds.
I mean, just, just, I mean, I said on the video, I go, that looks like a pedophile.
I'm not saying he's a pedophile.
I'm not saying she's a gold digger, but she ain't getting with no, I mean, you know, I ain't saying he's a pedophile.
He just sure as hell looks like one.
These people are sick, man.
They all look like Brian Stelter.
You know, like the little flashcards for kids, like, that's a lion, that's a seal, that's a puppy, that's a whale, that's a bear, that's a chicken, that's a pedophile.
That's a demon pervert.
That's a psychotic.
I'm not saying he's a pedophile.
I'm just saying if I was going to cast money for being a pedophile in a movie, I mean, or hit the clown without makeup.
I mean, look at that.
Totally self-unaware, total creepazoid.
You know women just run from him.
Imagine, because I watch the videos.
He'll walk into like a party at a Hollywood deal where they've got footage of cameras going, and he'll literally walk around making this weird, crazy smile, bugging his eyes out.
And you just see people, like, partying away from him, like, who's this?
Well, it's Chucky the Clown!
Look at that!
And that's what CNN thinks we want to watch.
I'm sorry.
All right, I'm going off on a Brian Stelter rant.
Oh, my God.
Just let him babysit your kids.
You know there's no problem.
All right, I'm going to shut up.
Let's talk to Mike, who is calling from Texas.
He's active duty in the Navy.
He has a comment on all this.
Go ahead, then we'll go to Todd and everybody else.
Yeah, I just want to tell you, Alex, what we're seeing right now, it's not going to end on January 20th or January 1st, 2021.
Everyone's like, well, you know, Mike, This year is just a really crazy year, I understand that.
But it's just relative to us.
There's been crazier years in human history.
No, no, I agree.
This is a launch of a global takeover of the nation-state.
This is just the beginning.
I'm just saying, for benchmarks, 21 days from now is just the beginning.
It's inauguration that matters in 100 days.
Yeah, absolutely.
And so what I see happening after election, win or lose, is things are going to continue to escalate, whether people like it or not.
I mean, the only good thing is if President Trump refuses the 14th Amendment.
I believe Section 3 is an insurrection act against the criminals and traitors within the government.
And by the way, I'm totally against the police state.
It's not a police state if foreign powers are trying to overthrow your country to arrest their ass.
That's what you're supposed to do.
The police state is letting the foreign power overthrow you.
So what I see happening, unless they use the Insurrection Act against the traitors and mayors, governors, and even, like, Congress, to lock them up for what they've done to our country, and even lying against the president to get a duly elected president out... Oh, the attempted coup is all confirmed?
It's all declassified?
Yes, so if that stuff doesn't happen, this stuff will continue to escalate.
So what- Well I agree with you, that's the problem.
If Barr doesn't do something, if others don't do something, it greenlights them to continue
to launch more coup attempts, which then makes you aiding and abetting them, bare minimum
dereliction of duty.
And Trump's saying arrest them.
Trump's saying arrest Obama.
Trump is saying arrest them all, and Hayden goes, "Oh, you a-hole, back."
You know, I mean, what is he expecting them to do?
They're trying to destroy Trump, destroy America.
We're supposed to just sit here and take it?
Yeah, absolutely.
And what we've been seeing since the George Floyd riots is basically Kristallnacht in the USA, where in Nazi Germany in 1938, you had the brown shirts break in and round up thousands of Jewish men in a number of days.
And we've been seeing this in a number of months.
And, you know, I have to question, you know, when we look back in history 100 years from now, are we going to see that during this time?
Did you hear Keith Olbermann saying, I want to arrest all his supporters?
I want to destroy them?
I want to annihilate them?
I want Amy Cohen Barrett in prison?
I did, and if we're not smart about this, at an individual level, we can't just rely on the president.
We have to educate each other.
I implore every American to carry a cheat sheet with them to basically show, okay, all right, what is actually happening?
Well, you don't have to trust me if you're trying to explain this to someone at work, if someone at a restaurant, or a police officer.
Well, let me ask you this.
How many people you know in the Navy know what's going down?
Not enough.
And if they do, they're not talking about it.
Well, and I get normally keep your head down, but in a climate like this, that's going to get us destroyed.
We've got to speak out.
We've got to take action.
And I tell you, a lot of liberal police I know have woken up.
A lot of people I know that are feds that are liberals have woken up.
I mean, I think there's a big wake up call.
We see it in the polls.
We see it with Hispanic and black voters are waking up.
But I agree with you.
We're all in grave danger.
God bless you, Mike.
Keep it up.
All right, I'm going to go to break.
Come back to a bunch of calls, but right now, let's go out to break, since we mention it, with Keith Olbermann foaming at the mouth, saying that, oh, defeating Trump's not enough, we've got to eradicate his base.
So, you talk about Hitlerian, this is it.
Trump can be, and must be, expunged.
The hate he has triggered, the Pandora's box he has opened, they will not be so easily destroyed.
So, let us brace ourselves.
The task is twofold.
The terrorist Trump must be defeated, must be destroyed, must be devoured at the ballot box.
And then he, and his enablers, and his supporters, and his collaborators, and the Mike Lees, and the William Bars, and the Sean Hannity's, and the Mike Pence's, And the Rudy Giuliani's and the Kyle Rittenhouse's and the Amy Coney Barrett's must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society while we try to rebuild it and to rebuild the world Trump has nearly destroyed by turning it over to a virus.
Again, they launched all of it.
They said they wanted to collapse America.
You represent our forefathers.
You piece of filth.
They said they wanted to collapse America.
Our forefathers died.
That the fight is not just to win an election, but to win it by enough to chase, at least for a moment, Trump and the
maggots off the stage.
Oberman, I promise you this, if you get the violent revolution you want, buddy, you're going to be begging for
your mommy.
I guarantee you, Oberman is gonna get what he asked for if this kicks off.
Oberman, you better put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye if you're successful.
There's a real violent revolution.
You know where you're going, buddy, and it's under the earth.
Ladies and gentlemen, you have lived to see it.
You have lived to see world government allied with the Communist Chinese, the EU, and Hollywood.
Making their move against the American Republic and openly trying to overthrow the very existence of the nation, trying to outlaw Christianity, trying to annihilate the family.
But the good news is our forebears, and many of you watching and listening before I was even around, and myself for 30 years, 26 on air, have been knowing this was coming, have been tracking it, and have been ready.
We've been dug in the whole time.
We've been warning others.
We've been preparing.
And we are not being caught flat-footed, so I salute you all for keeping us all in defense posture to be ready for this, because now we've got a good shot at beating them.
It's going to be rough.
The enemy's panicking.
They understand how much trouble they're in.
But this is an amazing time to be alive.
This is a spiritual battle.
All right, let's race through your calls right now.
Who's been holding the longest?
Is it Todd?
Is it Joe?
Let's just go down in the order they're here.
Todd in California, welcome.
You're on the air.
Hi, how are you?
Uh, sir, I'm very optimistic.
Things are bad, but we're turning the corner, I think.
What do you think?
Um, yeah, I mean, it's looking good.
I mean, I know that they are really scared of what Trump's doing, and you can just see the fear in their eyes.
Schiff and all of them know they're a bunch of dirty crooks.
They're scared, which makes them dangerous, but they also now know that they're not invincible anymore!
And they've also tested us and learned their threats and stuff doesn't work.
It only pisses us off.
Now they're starting to figure out they're in a real fight.
You like that, don't you?
Well, yeah, the people that are afraid of them will do anything to make the pain stop.
What they really want is a better life.
The better way to do that is just go the way that we're trying to go.
And I think that they're going to realize that.
Free market, capitalism, human empowerment worldwide.
And we will lift every culture up.
It's an absolute fact.
They admit that.
They're trying to suppress that.
Absolutely, absolutely.
And I wanted to take a second to say that I've been taking your X2 for a while now, and it was the first product of yours that I tried.
And, I mean, I'm not just saying this after the first time of trying it.
It absolutely cured.
I had a stomach issue, and I think it might have had something to do with, you know, just not getting the right Talide in my system.
and it just from day one it actually completely changed.
Well look, Big Pharma doesn't want this known because they're evil, they're globalistic.
You go back to almost all of Big Pharma, nothing against Germans, but it was German and British,
and it was all the Rockefellers, they were eugenicists.
And so they don't want you to know that most of the illness is caused by deficiencies.
But they have to tell you in the medical literature, on the CDC website, and the NIH, that if you don't have vitamin C, you die.
Don't have iodine, clean iodine, you die.
Don't have vitamin D, you die.
And even Fauci's been forced to admit it.
But listen, any virus is gonna kill you if you don't have enough.
If something's essential, like oxygen or water, you gotta have it.
Well, it's the same thing with these vitamins and minerals.
That's why we've got X2, that's why we've got X3.
When I forget to take this, I feel it.
Describe for folks, they need to know what this is like, because you never know what you're going to get hit by with a deficiency.
How long you took X2 before you saw the difference?
It happened immediately.
I know it sounds like a gimmick, but I put a comment on your site a while back.
It was actually X3 that was the first product that I got.
The minute, the second that it got in my system, I wasn't expecting it to do anything for my stomach.
You kept talking about how great it was for virility.
I was like, hey, you know what?
I could use some of that.
Why not?
And I took it and my stomach problem just went away immediately.
I said, that can't be.
That's weird.
That's got to be temporary.
And it wasn't.
I've been on it for the better part of a year now.
It's unbelievable.
I mean, I don't want to get graphic.
It's a family show.
I've got more virility.
And, you know, let's just say... I mean, here's the deal.
You know, I'm like 15, 16.
I'm like, man, I'm really well-endowed.
By the time I was like 30-something and burnt out and tired, I'm like, man, I don't... I mean, you know, when I get in bed with my wife or whatever, things aren't like they used to be.
Man, I went on iodine within weeks.
I'm like, whoa, I'm 15 years old again.
What the hell?
And it's just right then, you know, wow.
And then you're like, oh, yeah.
But it was all Dr. Group explaining to me all of it.
Here's the problem.
Most iodine is bound to something, and it's crappy from where they get it.
We get a deep-earth crystal.
And so, it just absolutely goes right into the blood.
Here's the problem.
If you've already got medical issues or are already deficient, who knows what it'll do to you.
So you should consult a physician.
This is not a game.
This is an essential thing for your body, and if you've been deficient in it, your body will start using other things to survive, and who knows what'll happen.
So everybody should take it very, very serious.
What was your political point, Todd?
Well, I really think that we don't know if the virus still exists at all.
Um, I had family members, a bunch of family members that got really sick in 2018 at the end and also through 2019.
Some of them actually almost died.
And I think that we may have possibly already seen this virus completely.
Everybody, exactly.
I had family.
Three of them died six years ago.
The hospitals everywhere were full of dead bodies.
This was a real pandemic.
They covered it up.
COVID-19 as it's known has already been around for many years.
It is a simulant for the vaccine.
It's a live virus vaccine ingredient that got out.
And so it's a vaccine for more deadly SARS that is out there.
That's what the best money is on, is that it's a vaccine ingredient, live virus that got out, that will kill you if you don't have enough vitamins and nutrients and Again, let's expand on that.
This is the most critical part.
It has incredible gain of function because it's actually a live virus vaccine.
A lot of these vaccines are actually meant to create herd immunity now, where they give you a live vaccine and then you shed the virus.
Does that make sense?
Oh, absolutely.
But my point is that's what it was when they let it out.
I mean, I think that, to your point that you've made before, I think that's already retrograded out completely.
I don't think it exists anymore.
That's my honest point.
If you take the death of flu and pneumonia, they're not counting it in Europe or here either.
It's all you in control.
You take that number, add it to COVID, it fits exactly.
So they're just counting everything as COVID.
God bless you, brother.
All right, I got to one call.
Let's get another one in there.
Great caller, though.
No, I'm telling you, folks.
I remember Dr. Gripp, like, nine years ago, was like, you need to come out with this iodine we've been testing.
It's super incredible, blah, blah, blah.
You know, those sunspots in your face will go away.
You'll lose weight.
You'll have more libido.
And I'm like, yeah, yeah, right.
Yeah, doc, right.
I was exercising so much then.
I went on the clean iodine, and I lost all this weight.
If you think I'm fat now, I was big.
I was like 289.
I mean, I work out now, I'm like 250.
And I'm older, I'm like 10 years older.
I'm 46 now, not 36.
When I was about 37, changed my life, man.
Wow, changed my life, my skin, everything.
Let's go to Henry in Illinois.
Henry, thanks for holding, go ahead.
Hi, Alex, thanks for taking my phone call.
Thank you, brother.
I'm calling, I think we should start using Title 18 of the section.
Section 242 to prosecute all this illegal unconstitutional mandates for every governor,
health department.
Yeah, the Supreme Court of Illinois, excuse me, the Supreme, well, that too, the Supreme
Court of Michigan said what Whitmer's doing is illegal.
Go ahead.
Yeah, so we should start doing that.
We start educating the public and tell them, don't be afraid, especially the businesses.
They're so afraid to get cited by the health department.
Even though the Supreme Courts have all said don't do it, including Texas, they just keep doing it because the governors say so.
Yeah, and I don't follow that.
I don't wear a mask.
I'm very against the mask.
Also, did you know that the CDC is trading on the stock market?
I didn't know that.
I just found out last week.
I did.
Tell folks about that.
So we should start defunding them and take away the tax exempt, the 501c3.
Also, we should start prosecuting them for fraud.
You brought up a key point.
The CDC owns a position in most vaccines.
How can you have a government group with shareholders that make money?
You know Fauci and Gates make money off the CDC.
Right, so we should start going after them.
Take away the tax exempt that they have.
And prosecuting for fraud.
Also, I think we should start educating the people that masks do not protect you or others against any virus.
Because people are so afraid, oh, we're protecting you.
I said, no, they're not.
I called the CDC and I spent two hours on the phone and I asked the supervisor, explain to me what is the mask does for me?
Oh, droplets.
No, I'm talking about the virus.
It does not protect you or others against the virus.
You have to be No, it's a sign of slavery.
Henry, you're absolutely right, and you're smarter than I am.
We should be targeting Fauci and the fact that the CDC is invested and co-owners of the damn vaccines is a conflict of interest, and it's the key area to strike at.
God bless you.
Alright, Cece, Joe, Tyler, Anthony, Tom, Jonathan, Jay, and Scott, your calls are all straight ahead.
Tomorrow's news today.
We are back live, and I was just noticing on InfoWars.com, there's a great Dan Lyman article from EuropeWars.com, German police raid Antifa squat house in Berlin.
It should say dramatic video.
See the dramatic video of German police raiding Antifa squat house in Berlin.
This is exclusive InfoWars video, eight minutes of it, and I'm watching this.
This is powerful.
That's the problem with InfoWars.com.
It over delivers.
I can't even keep track of all the stuff and the reporters we've got in Europe.
We got three reporters in Europe.
We got three reporters in the UK.
We got 10 reporters here in the US.
And that's where your financing and so much more goes.
So thank you all for the great work you do.
But I mean, I didn't have no idea we even have all this.
It's like incredible footage.
For any illusors, you can find it at InfoWars.com.
Okay, let's just race through your calls right now, because I got a guest coming up.
We'll continue with the calls as well.
We've got a lawyer on COVID and court systems tying into what the last caller was saying.
Jordan in New Jersey.
As a lawyer, what's your view on this?
Hi, Alex.
I don't want to take too much time.
Thank you for pushing me in.
I've heard a lot of the callers coming in about, well, we should do this with the court system.
And if you look at blogs that still kind of report the truth and have a collective knowledge, kind of like what your site does, like Jim Fetzer's blog and so forth, at least some of the contributors there.
The court systems in places where the worst of this is going on, like New Jersey, Connecticut, New York, Michigan, they're shut down.
They're operating maybe at 26%.
If someone goes down to a courthouse right now and they have an emergent case where their civil rights are being violated, you can't get into the courthouse to file anything.
That's right.
The system is carrying out siege against us.
While they take our rights, they close the courts and our access to go challenge this.
It's true fascism.
It is.
And everybody needs to know that.
The normal court procedures and what we used to think of the rule of law is completely shut down.
And people have to be made aware of this in spades.
I just can't tell you, but it's not, you know, it's not a cry to go out there and take things into your own hands because the whole thing... Sir, I know people who've had their children, you know, taken by an ex-husband, taken by an ex-wife.
There are cases I know about in Travis County where people have not seen their kids in 16 weeks and the judges won't even show up for a hearing and won't even do anything.
So, so, I mean, it's breakdown of civilization.
It is, and this is a siege on Western civilization in this sense, because, and this started with, and this is like the frog being boiled in the water, and so the little, you know... Yeah, first get rid of the police!
Oh, now let's get rid of the courts!
And people are like, well, wait a minute!
Sorry, go ahead.
But what I'm saying is that when they started taking out 10 commandment monuments and stuff like that and one Satan, you know, statues up at the courthouse, people should have been scared.
People who believe in any sort of notion of civilized society.
So, are you there?
Yes, sir.
I'm listening to you.
I'm totally agreeing with you.
I'm sorry.
So I just wanted to make everybody aware of that because there's a lot of people that call and I just want to urge them that that's not working right now.
I don't know what kind of effort would work.
Well, sure.
I mean, notice Whitmer got in trouble from the Supreme Court saying, stop it.
So she then had a whole fake, you know, terror kidnapping scare come out.
What we need to do is noncompliance with unconstitutional, tyrannical garbage.
It's called civil disobedience.
And we need to do it nonviolently now.
God bless you, Jordan.
All right, let's take another call here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joe in New York.
You're on the air, sir.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Can you hear me?
I can, brother.
Go ahead.
I'd like to thank you for taking my call.
Thank you.
It's crazy what the liberals are doing.
Well, I mean, it's called an overthrow of society.
They're breaking the social contract to create a breakdown of civilization to destroy the dollar for the Chinese Communist.
The 25th Amendment?
What is she trying to do?
She's trying to invest that?
That's crazy!
Yes, also Andrew Cuomo.
If Biden wants to put him as Attorney General, you know how our government would be screwed?
Argentina were richer than us per capita. They got corrupt elites in that
bankrupted people to make them poor as a tool of control.
What's been done all over the world is being done to us right now. Yes also
Andrew Cuomo, if Biden wants to put him as Attorney General, you know how our government would be screwed. Screwed. We
gotta stand up but we are the resistance.
You're right, Governor Cuomo is a monster.
He killed so many people in the nursing homes.
I have a teacher that she only, she's like, she wants to go against everything the Republicans do.
She goes, oh no, that's wrong, that's wrong, that's wrong.
She doesn't bring facts, I bring the facts.
She doesn't do that, it's crazy.
She's like, no, listen to the liberal media.
Don't waste time on her.
Move on to others.
God bless you, Joe.
Thank you.
Cece in Cleveland.
Then, Jay in Alabama.
Cece, welcome.
Thank you.
Hey, um, I had a bunch of stuff to talk about, but while I was waiting, I just started thinking, like, all of these topics that we're all talking about, they're all distractions to what I think most of us are all waiting for, which is the outcome to this Jeffrey Epstein thing.
I agree.
And every time they get a little bit closer, like these emails being dumped now that we
all can read, every time we get a little bit more closer to the reality of this pedo, satanic,
whatever, sex trafficking, whatever they got going on over there.
Every time we get more info, oh, the COVID, it's increased, lockdowns, Trump versus whoever with the elections.
They're all distractions to what we're all waiting for.
Ma'am, ma'am, I'm so glad you called.
Don't hang up, Cece.
I'm going to give you the floor for a few minutes.
But hundreds of times last year, I've been driving into work saying, what should I start the show with?
The last eight months, really.
And it's that the globalists are panicking.
We're awake to them.
We're exposing their pedophile rings.
Now they're doing this siege and lockdown to distract us from the fact that their house of cards is coming down.
And you called and made the point.
Please continue.
Yeah, and I just—I'm sick and tired, and every day I wake up looking for a headline of who's going to get arrested or who—so now Barr, he has to make these arrests, you know?
Trump's telling them to press forward with the arrest that—if anybody's paying attention, we know it has to be—something has to be involved with those emails that's let out.
So, what are those emails?
I mean, is anybody talking about that?
Because I haven't read anything about what those emails contain.
Well, they're releasing official State Department emails as they go through them, and I don't think you're going to see the real meat and potatoes come out.
Trump has ordered them released.
He knows they have the full list, but their own bureaucracies are too scared because they're too blackmailed to do it.
But, I mean, what's in there is paper play.
It's foreign governments and individuals paying her foundation.
It's even come out in some of the emails previously, in WikiLeaks, where they give her foundation a million dollars, she literally gives them a concession that they want at the State Department.
So that's what's in there.
Well, that's what I'm waiting on.
And that's the big, that's the big kahunas for me.
You know, all of this other stuff is all a big distraction.
Yeah, we got the COVID.
Yeah, we got the lockdowns.
Oh, it's airborne.
It's not airborne.
It's just so much.
You can't keep up with what's going on from day to day.
It's causing everybody stress, which is exactly What they want to cause and create chaos, remembering this is a spiritual war.
We've all forgotten that, caught up in the elections, caught up in all this other stuff, that this is so much bigger than what we even talk about on the day-to-day.
Exactly, and when we all get frustrated by the evil and the corruption and them suppressing us, give it to God and realize that what's happened to us is nothing compared to what happened to the unborn babies, the already born babies, and that it's up to us to turn it over to God and tell God to tell us what to do and be humble That's what I do myself every day now.
I just pray to God and I say, God, you take control.
Please give me peace so I don't get so mad and so I don't go crazy.
And I think that's the prayer to say.
Do you agree with me?
I totally agree with you, and that's the only way to go about it, because when they come knocking at your door, you said something in a show I heard years ago, by the way, I've been listening to you for over 10 years, you said something in a show years ago, when somebody comes knocking at your door, ask you, whose team are you on?
Are you with God or no?
And at that moment, you will have to answer the question, and if they're going to blow your head off right there in that moment, what are you going to say?
Are you going to lie, or are you going to just Embrace the grace of God in that moment.
And that's exactly the place that I think we're in right now with the vaccine.
We're going to be faced with a decision to make very soon.
And I call it in my household, the big decision.
We discuss it as a family.
What are you going to do?
It is.
And what do you do to fight so your family doesn't get in that position?
But you saw what happened in Kenya.
five, six years ago, where the Muslims came into the nice shopping malls, nice as anyone
we have here, Kenya's a nice country, good Christian people, and they came in there and
they lined up families and said, "Are you a Christian?"
And if they said yes, they blew their heads off.
And the majority of the people who are Christians said, "I'm a Christian," and died.
That's real courage.
That's, that's to not deny Christ.
I mean, I'll be honest, some Al Qaeda guys putting a gun to my head, I'd probably lie to get out of it.
But, but I get, they saw it as a biblical thing of denying Christ and didn't do it.
And, you know, I'd live to fight another day, but I've got to say I honor those people, because there will become that point where you've got to take the microchip, which will then take control of your life.
You don't just take the chip, folks.
The chip then governs the decisions you make, so you've got to serve the chip and do evil.
That's why you lose God.
And I will not do that.
I will not take a chip either.
But somebody got a gun to me in my kids' heads and said, denounce Christ?
I'm not going to lie to you.
I might do it.
I mean, those Africans, they didn't do it.
They died.
All right, we're going to get to Trina and Anthony and everybody that's patiently holding.
And we've got Laura Limmer popping in as well today.
But Amy Coney Barrett just started speaking.
So let's start playing a few minutes of what she's saying right now in the opening day of the hearings.
Karen Brown.
Ranking member Feinstein and members of the committee, I'm honored and humbled to appear
before you today as a nominee for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
I I thank the President for entrusting me with this profound responsibility, as well as for the graciousness that he and the First Lady have shown my family throughout this process.
I thank Senator Young for introducing me, as he did at my hearing, to serve on the 7th Circuit.
And I also thank Senator Braun for his support.
And while she could not be with us via the satellite, I am also grateful to former Dean Patty O'Hara of the Notre Dame Law School.
She hired me as a professor nearly 20 years ago, and she has been a mentor, colleague, and friend ever since.
I thank the members of this committee and your other colleagues in the Senate who have taken the time to meet with me since my nomination.
It's been a privilege to meet you.
As I said when I was nominated to serve as a Justice, I'm used to being in a group of nine.
My family.
Nothing is more important to me and I am very proud to have them behind me.
My husband Jesse and I have been married for 21 years.
He has been a selfless and wonderful partner every step of the way.
I once asked my sister, why do you think marriage is hard?
People are always saying that.
I think it's easy.
And she looked at me and said, well, maybe you should ask Jesse if he agrees with that.
I decided not to take her advice because I know that I am far luckier in love than I deserve.
Jesse and I are parents to seven wonderful children.
Our oldest daughter, Emma, is a sophomore in college who just might follow her parents into a career in the law.
Next is Vivian, who came to us from Haiti.
When Vivian arrived, she was so weak that we were told she might never talk or walk normally, but now she deadlifts as much as the male athletes in our gym, and I assure you she has no trouble talking.
Tess is 16, and while she shares her parents' love for the liberal arts, she also has a math gene that seems to have skipped her parents' generation.
John Peter joined us shortly after the devastating earthquake in Haiti.
And Jesse, who brought him home, still describes the shock on JP's face when he got off the plane in wintertime Chicago.
Once that shock wore off, JP assumed the happy-go-lucky attitude that is still his signature trait.
Liam is smart, strong, and kind, and to our delight, he still loves watching movies with mom and dad.
Ten-year-old Juliet is already pursuing her goal of becoming an author by writing multiple essays and short stories, one of which she recently submitted for publication.
And our youngest, Benjamin, is at home with friends.
Benjamin has Down Syndrome and he is the unanimous favorite of the family.
He was watching the hearing this morning, I'm told, and he was calling out our names as he saw the kids in the back.
My own siblings are here, some in the hearing room and some nearby.
Carrie, Megan, Eileen, Amanda, Vivian, and Michael are my oldest and dearest friends.
We've seen each other through both the happy and hard parts of life, and I am so grateful that they are with me now.
My parents, Mike and Linda Coney, are watching from their New Orleans home.
My father was a lawyer and my mother was a teacher, which explains why I became a law professor.
More important, my parents modeled for me and my six siblings a life of service, principle, faith, and love.
I remember preparing for a grade school spelling bee against a boy in my class, and to boost my confidence, my dad sang, anything boys can do, girls can do better.
And at least as I remember it, I spelled my way to victory.
I received similar encouragement from the devoted teachers at St.
Mary's Dominican, my all-girls high school in New Orleans.
When I went to college, it never occurred to me that anyone would consider girls less capable than boys.
Do you see what I see?
All right, let's just jam in a ton of calls to this segment.
I had Laura Loomer joining us, Amy Cummings Barrett speaking.
I don't want to be mean, but it's like paint drying.
Let's go ahead and take a call.
Who's been on the longest here?
That would be Jay in Alabama.
Jay, welcome.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I come back from California.
I'm a long-distance truck driver.
I live in Alabama.
Thursday, I went and I voted.
And I had to literally call the police to get a ballot.
I don't speak so well.
Anyways, I couldn't get in the building.
They asked me if I wanted charges.
I said I didn't want charges.
I wanted to conduct my civic duty.
And he said your civic duty is to wear a mask.
And I told him I had a letter from my doctor.
I have a muscular disease, and it makes it difficult to breathe, and I get very dizzy and lightheaded when I have a diaper on.
Sure, and federal and state law says their regulations are unenforceable, but they must let you not wear a mask if you claim that you have a medical or psychological issue.
So what you're saying is they tried to block your right to vote because you weren't wearing a face diaper.
Yeah, they wouldn't even look at the letter written from my neurologist.
The guy was really a not-nice guy.
And he got his name and number, he called the Republican Party, a lawsuit needs to be filed right now.
Well, one thing led to another.
I called the police and another officer went down and got me a ballot.
And I thought about that, and I thought about that, and I probably should, but... No, but at least, what, did they let you fill a ballot out outside?
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
And the funny thing is, I wasn't the only one.
There was another vehicle that rode up and I seen the same woman that brought me my ballot out.
Oh look, Gates says that the masks never come off.
They're teaching us to be neurotic, to be afraid of our own shadows, to never leave our houses, to all work from home.
I mean, we're being taught to be obsolete.
This is a giant psychological wound on humanity.
So your civic duty was to expose the fraud.
We only can salute you, Jay.
What else is on your mind?
I take a lot of your products.
I'm going to miss your 8-pack PowerStack.
I bought four extra boxes.
I hope you formulate something.
As a truck driver, it really keeps me going.
And you got my wife actually changed her mind.
She's been listening to you.
And she's petrified, to be honest with you, what's going on in all these other nations.
And she's worried it's coming here.
And she's asking me, where are the troops from China?
And I tell her, she said, let's go to Canada.
I said, no, you don't want to go to Canada.
And, uh, let's go to, let's get, you know, let's get out of here.
And I'm like, this is the last, this is, this is our battle.
This is what we got to fight.
This is the last stand.
And she has to know it's not going to be overt at first.
It's all covert where they have UN regulations taken over the police or where the Chinese communists own Hollywood.
It's not up front.
It's all creeping death.
That's why they can't stand exposure.
That's why they want to censor everybody.
That's why we're actually powerful and they aren't.
We got plenty of guns here in Alabama.
And my neighborhood is a pretty secure neighborhood.
I love Alabama.
Oh brother, you're in the right state.
You're in the one of the right states during a breakdown.
God bless you.
Could talk to you for 10 hours, but let's get to everybody here.
Okay, who's up next?
Who's at home along us now?
That would be... Go to Trina in a minute, but right now let's go to Tom in Tennessee.
Scott and others.
Go ahead, Tom.
Hey, hi Alex.
I've been listening for years and years and years.
Thank you.
I'm a lawyer in Nashville.
I've been working with a young man who's a veteran, 101st Airborne.
Worked two tours in Iraq and the JDOC Center positioning drone strikes.
But he's developed a system and we launched it this week.
And the application is going to link together workers in the voting stations with law enforcement so that the people in the voting station can And that's what Trump's called for.
Tell me more about this.
Is there a website?
How do people contact you?
Yeah, they can go to our corporate website.
It's sirtaf.net.
And that's S-I-R-T-A-F dot net.
And the application is free for the polling stations and for law enforcement.
And it's going to do a great job of allowing instant communications and help for suspicious actions.
It's a military-grade application, so we're real excited about it.
Well, I'm excited about it because you've got the U.N.
overseeing the elections and the left doing it, but oh, if a conservative tries to oversee it, everyone should also volunteer to be poll watchers by law.
In almost every state, they're supposed to put you in there.
Sure, if you randomly show up and say you're a poll watcher, they can say you're intimidating, but that's not what's happening.
But say the website again.
I want to check it out.
How do people find it?
All right.
And that stands for Special Incident Response Military Grade Security dot net.
We're also going to be working with Catherine Engelbrecht at True to Vote to help her volunteer network.
She has a huge network of people and does some wonderful work.
We're going to help her protect them.
We don't have it out for citizens yet, but we're going to expand it in November.
So they'll be out there for all of us, for store owners and whomever, so.
Tom, you're taking action in Tennessee.
We love you.
Thank you so much.
All right, up next is Jonathan in Georgia, then Trina.
Jonathan, thanks for holding.
Hey, Jonathan.
How you doing, Alex?
I'm good, brother.
Go ahead.
So I remember you had mentioned this about six months ago about you trying to start up maybe a Hispanic version of the show because you know I watched Caitlin Bennett's video I think earlier today she dropped it was about the title I think was let Latinos waking up and you know I'm a Latino myself and I think it's you know it's quite exciting seeing that kind of stuff come out because in reality more and more I totally agree, and the Democrats are scared.
Big Politico articles out in Florida, how the majority of Hispanics they talk to are going to go Trump.
And because they see right through what's going on, that's beautiful.
That's scaring the hell out of them.
What are you seeing?
I mean, you know, being a Hispanic myself and seeing Kaitlyn Bender's video, one of
the girls mentioned how, you know, Hispanics really take a second and look at how their
faith and what they believe in.
That all lies with Trump and what Trump believes in too.
And it's really, it's kind of sad how, you know, these families that have experienced all the socialism, all the failed countries that have immigrated here and now, they're raising their children and their children are, you know, claim that they love socialism or they want Marxism, you know, it's like, They need to input that family value back into their children and into the community.
Well, absolutely.
Communism and socialism is run by big mega banks to enslave us.
And anybody that thinks otherwise is an idiot.
We've got problems in America, but if we want big problems, we need to let the Democratic Party take over.
Because Trump's running ads where he says, you know, Communists have taken over the Democratic Party.
Don't let them take over America.
It's true.
That's what this is.
They're putting us under martial law.
They're trying to lock us in our houses.
They're trying to tell Jews of all groups they picked out of New York they can't leave their houses, but everybody else can.
I mean, this is crazy town.
Absolute crazy town.
What else are you witnessing, Jonathan?
Already said that more and more banks are starting to wake up more and more starting to get involved with
With politics and seeing all the human trafficking and you know at first when Trump had mentioned about the the wall
at the border You know people started freaking out
But when they actually took a second to do some research instead of believing the mainstream media narrative
You know they realize the Democrats in the deep state are just hauling across all these children that disappear
Yeah, I mean, and that's why they're starting to stand up like on topics like that and starting to actually do their
own research And a lot of them are just starting to wake up, and it's
just a really good thing that I'm seeing God bless you brother.
Thank you so much.
That's a great, that's a powerful point.
There's a Washington Post headline they hate.
Federal Justice Department finds children brought in under Obama's child program put into child sex trafficking.
And so when he did that open the border thing, like a third of it ended up disappearing.
Great points.
All right, Amy Comey Barrett has finished up her speech.
It was pretty lackluster.
They're about to start the questions, but Laura Loomer's coming up from a major battleground congressional district, Trump's district, Palm Beach, Florida.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Well, Laura Loomer is here from her campaign headquarters in Palm Beach, Florida.
She had bad Skype problems last week, but she's back with us now.
And I wanted to cover the waterfront with her about her campaign, about what she's seeing on the ground.
Polls showed her way ahead of the other Republicans.
She won even bigger than what they said.
Now she's ahead in many polls against the Democrats she's running against.
They are in full panic mode.
And I was reading a Politico article.
They were panicking that you've got massive Hispanic support there, that's normally Democrat in that district.
I think you're a bellwether of the country of underdogs winning, but regardless, you're in the arena.
Laura Loomer, give us a report from Florida.
Well again, thanks so much for having me back on, Alex.
It's always great to see you, and we are 22 days away from Congresswoman Laura Loomer becoming a reality.
Stay tuned, get ready.
Like you said, the polls were showing me being ahead, and that's how it is right now, too.
It's a neck-and-neck race.
I'm tooth and nail with Lois Frankel.
I believe it's 46 to 45 percent.
I, of course, am taking the lead with 46 percent.
But you won't really see that.
That's what our internal polling is showing us, and that's what some independent polls that are conducted by individuals who are publishing their polling online have been saying as well.
But then Bloomberg, of course, has decided to pump in $100 million into the state of Florida.
And there was this poll that came out a few days ago from this Bloomberg-funded company called St.
Pete Polls that said that I was behind 28 points.
Which is absolutely absurd because, you know, my volunteers and I, we have knocked on thousands... Wait a minute, you mean Bloomberg runs fake polls?
Do bears also go to the bathroom in the woods, Laura?
Yeah, I guess we should have known that, right?
Someone should have told him about that when he spent $750 million on his failed presidential race and they said he would have beat Trump on a landslide.
But yeah, Alex, this is the state of affairs here and the media has decided to, you know, engage in a full-blown blackout on my race.
So what they're doing is because they know that I'm actually gaining traction and because I'm winning, they're telling people, oh, she has nothing to say.
The Palm Beach Post just came out with an endorsement of my opponent two days ago.
And I kid you not, they literally said all of these things about Lois Frankel in the article.
And the only thing they said about my candidacy is, well, there's not much to say about Laura Loomer.
The only thing you need to know is that she's banned on Facebook, Twitter, PayPal, Chase Bank, and Uber Eats.
Enough said.
So, because I'm banned, I don't exist as a human being.
Because I'm banned, I don't get to participate.
Well, that's what they're saying is they control reality.
After I got banned, you've done this too.
I've been in D.C.
and people walk by and they go, Your Republican Senator there said this to me.
He goes, you don't exist.
I don't know who you are, but let's talk about this.
I've seen the numbers that people are way more searching your name than hers.
Two to one, they're searching how to vote Republican than how to vote Democrat in Google searches.
These are the type of real numbers that show real engagement, that show if you don't win, it's election fraud.
You are in a county famous for that.
How are you planning to mitigate that problem?
Well, it's interesting that you said that because there's already a lot of concerns about voter fraud here on the ground.
And I know that the Republican Party locally is getting their attorneys and they're getting their poll watchers in place, especially given the fact that we are officially one week out from early voting here on the ground in Florida.
And, you know, while there's going to be voter fraud all over the country, and we're already seeing it, we're seeing instances of 100,000 ballots getting, you know, sent to wrong addresses or 50,000 ballots being thrown out, okay?
You know, in different parts of the country.
Another form of election fraud and election tampering that's taking place is the suppression of speech by social media.
I'm sure you saw today, and it's not a coincidence, and I think that the timing of it is being done
to manipulate the Florida elections, but Twitter today came out with a new policy
that said that starting in one week from today, which is officially October 19th,
they are going to start making it impossible for people to retweet tweets that they deem fake news.
So for an example, just a couple days ago, President Trump said, "Yeah, I'm feeling really great.
I got COVID and I'm recovered and I feel like I'm immune to it.
Twitter put a fake news label on that tweet, okay?
And so now their rule is that you can't retweet tweets that they deem fake.
What's going to happen, in my opinion, is they're going to have massive amounts of voter fraud, and any single time anybody wants to retweet it or post about it, they're not going to let them because they're going to say it's fake news.
So Twitter's just going to be like an overwhelming echo chamber of radical leftists, pro-Biden, pro-Democrat speech.
And then I've been saying it for over two years, Alex.
I said it when I sat next to you in the congressional hearing when we were yelling at Jack Dorsey and trying to talk some sense into these do-nothing Well, that leads me to this next point.
When you've got two-to-one searches on Google for how to vote Republican versus Democrat, that's a big, big number.
That's the headline.
People can pull it up if they'd like to.
point, when you've got two to one searches on Google for how to vote Republican versus
Democrat, that's a big, big number.
That's the headline.
People can pull it up if they'd like to.
But bigger than that, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, they all say, "Oh, we're not going
to let a winner be declared that day if the numbers show."
That's the fact.
We're going to hold it up a few weeks, a few months.
And if Trump or anybody else tries to declare it, we're going to block them.
So this is election meddling being prepared right now.
It happens here in Palm Beach County, too.
I mean, there's, you know, according to our sunshine laws here, of course, if you go to the Supervisor of Elections office, you are allowed to watch them.
Just as we saw in 2018 with the recounts, you are allowed to watch them open the ballots and, you know, it's a process that's You know, you can view it as a member of the public.
And, you know, you generally have attorneys from both parties that go in to observe this process.
Well, it's very interesting because on the schedule for Palm Beach County, it has the day after the election and then the 5th of November as well as days for viewing and opening ballots.
So the election is supposed to be called on November 3rd.
Why are there dates for November 4th and November 5th on the calendar?
You see what I'm saying?
Oh, Democrats have said their whole policy.
If I was you, I'd make this a campaign issue of election fraud and the fake ballots around the country and how they plan to hold it up, that Democrat judges block it.
I would make it a huge issue of the Democrat coup and what they're doing to force your name out there.
But I agree, everyone in America needs to contact friends and family in Florida, particularly in your county and your district, and understand that it's people power now Because they were demonizing you.
That didn't work.
It made your poll numbers go up.
So now they're trying to act like you don't exist.
Well, let's make sure that doesn't happen.
Yeah, well, thank you, Alex.
And that's why I need, you know, all the Info Warriors and all the people watching this and all the American patriots around the country to support my campaign.
We're 22 days out.
And that was my next point.
Money will buy you ads like nothing else.
How do people donate to make sure?
Because if there's any people want to bet in the fight for freedom, imagine Laura Loomer in Congress fighting big tech and the censors.
If Trump won't do it, she will.
Let's send our champion.
She's got a good shot of winning.
She's in the arena.
Shame on folks that don't donate.
How do they donate, Laura?
Yeah, well you can go to lauralumarforcongress.com and you can donate whether it's a dollar, five dollars, ten dollars, twenty dollars.
You know, if we could, if we could get, you know, ten thousand InfoWarriors to donate a dollar, right, that's ten thousand dollars.
So you see how it all adds up.
Well I did two thousand something in the primary, didn't I?
And I'm legally allowed to do that again now, right?
Yeah, you gave $2,800 in the primary, so you could give another $2,800 for the general.
Get the accountant over here from Alex Jones, my private account.
It's in my office.
I'm going to give $2,800 now to Laura Loomer today because regardless, she's already educated a lot of people.
She's done a great job.
She's got a real shot at winning.
People want to win.
This is how we do it.
Where do people donate again?
Laura Loomer for Congress.com and there's a donate button on the front page of my website.
And then you can also send a check if you don't want to donate online with the address at the bottom of my site.
Unfortunately, because I'm banned everywhere, you can't use PayPal like every other candidate in the country is able to.
That's right, you're discriminated against by the left because you're effective until the truth.
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
So we've all heard The famous sayings from Nazi Germany about first they came for this group, I did nothing because I wasn't part of that group.
Then they came for another group, I wasn't part of that group, I didn't do anything either.
Finally when they came for me, there was nobody there.
You have to understand, I know pretty much everybody in the liberty movement worldwide.
I mean all the top people.
It's a real honor, it's one of the blessings of this job.
And everybody's harassed.
You could be black, you could be white, you could be Christian, you could be Muslim, you could be agnostic.
If you're promoting freedom, you're gonna get banned by big tech and the big media.
Laura Loomer's banned everywhere.
On Uber and on Airbnb and bank accounts and everywhere.
Because she's spunky and smart and aggressive and went into Congress and confronted people peacefully.
You know, if you're some leftist group, oh, they love you, they give you coverage.
She gets up and warns about what's happening.
And just politely talks to Avenatti or politely goes up and exposes Ilhan Omar or Rashid Tlaib.
I mean, she's been a trailblazer, literally.
Because I always get up here, I always notice, a lot of people see what I do and they think it must be fake.
How does Jones and Infowars continue to always be cutting edge?
It's like asking how is Veritas cutting edge?
She used to work at Veritas, broke a lot of the big stuff.
People that are in the field keep breaking it.
It's called hard work.
And I look at all the things Laura Lerner's broken that a year later come out, it's staggering.
So I want to see her catapulted, propelled.
She's like, I want to see you propelled into victory.
I don't care whether you're old, whether you're young, whether you're Christian, whether you're Jewish, whether you're German, whether you're Chinese.
If you want freedom, we're brothers and sisters.
And when she just throws in, oh, by the way, They're blocking me.
Oh, by the way, they want to show my bio in the newspaper.
That's an insult to all of you, and I know all of you know that.
But she's not a victim on this show complaining.
She's reporting to you as a battlefield general on what she's going through and asking you in the homeland To support her.
So let's get into Trump, let's get into the campaign, the left saying they're going to contest the election, what you think Trump needs to do, where all this goes, and then what you would do, because I want to hear about this in Congress, day one to big tech, who's been caught perjuring themselves, Laura Loomer.
Well, the number one issue that we need to get a hold of right now in our country is this issue with law and order.
And right now, the radical left, with the help of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, of course, and I have to reiterate this on your program, Alex, because nobody else will talk about it.
The website Antifa.com goes directly to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' presidential campaign website.
Okay, they have had ample time to get this removed if they really wanted to, but they don't want to because their entire campaign is a dog whistle to the radical left and the insurrectionists in this country who are trying to burn down America.
And like I said... But wait a minute, Nadler said Antifa doesn't exist, Laura.
Yeah, well tell that to the family of the Trump supporter who was literally shot in the head, who had his brain explode on the streets of Denver, Colorado after, you know, the media, let's just admit this for what it is, Alex, okay?
The media wishes that they could murder Trump supporters, okay?
Wait a minute, we just had an Action 9 media person murder somebody in Denver two days ago.
Yeah, well that's my point.
The media wishes that they could murder conservatives and Trump supporters, but they can't, so they just lie about us on TV and they try to murder our reputations, right?
It's called character assassination.
So now they're literally hiring Antifa, you know, killers.
And they said that this guy was a security guard.
And I don't know if you saw the report that came out yesterday, Alex, but he is not a legitimate security guard.
So this news organization is lying about the fact that he is a licensed contracted security guard.
Okay, this is all over the media in Denver right now.
So he doesn't really look like a security guard, sure as hell doesn't dress like a security guard,
and the tattoo on his arm, it's like some weird French Antifa racist.
Oh no, they admit he's a big leftist that bragged about how he was gonna go after Trump
They're actually getting people to murder Trump supporters in cold blood now.
They're actually getting people to murder Trump supporters in cold blood now.
So we need to get a hold of this violence that's happening.
So we need to get a hold of this violence that's happening.
And you know, if I was President Trump, I would implement the Insurrection Act.
And you know, if I was President Trump, I would implement the Insurrection Act.
Hands down, Alex, I think that's what needs to be done.
Hands down, Alex, I think that's what needs to be done.
I think he needs to implement the Insurrection Act.
But like I said, regardless of who wins this election on November 3rd or whenever they
decide to call the election, I do believe there's going to be massive amounts of political
violence because the radical left is either going to try to assume power if Donald Trump
loses and they're going to target and come after conservatives.
And it's going to embolden the radical left to promote their violence even more than they're
doing now.
And then if Trump wins, the radical left is just going to try to burn down America worse
than they tried during the day of his inauguration when you and I, I remember we were in D.C.
the time of the Deployment of All.
They had an antifa blocking the entrances, attacking men, women, and children.
I saw them beating up children.
It's on fire.
I mean, it's out of control.
Well, Laura, let's talk about this.
What about Michigan, where the three leaders of the, quote, militia group are Antifa, BLM, and anarchists, who said they hate Trump and want to kill cops?
I mean, and the media spun this, that these lunatics are conservatives.
This is another frame-up.
Yeah, well, they lied and they tried to say that they were Proud Boys because they're trying to demonize the Proud Boys.
And let me just be the first to say, I support the Proud Boys.
And I was told by a lot of people, oh, you shouldn't say that.
You're a congressional candidate.
It's going to be really bad for you.
I support them as well.
They're a good American group that's proud of America and the West and proud to be men.
And women should be proud to be women.
It's a good, wholesome group.
Yeah, and we shouldn't be demonizing people.
And look, while I love and I respect President Trump and I agree with a lot of what he's done.
He messed up when he didn't know and he repudiated them.
Yeah, and so, of course, you know, you never see the actual true story regarding, you know, these violent attempts to kidnap people.
These, of course, are radical leftists.
These are anarchists.
Had nothing to do with the conservative movement.
We're proud to be American and we're proud of our heritage and we're all, I know you, you're very open-minded about freedom.
The left are the ones against freedom.
They're the ones trying to control speech and trying to tell us what to do.
They're the problem.
Yeah, they definitely are, and that's all they have is, you know, political violence and censorship.
They are full-blown communists, and that's what we need to start calling them.
You know, we shouldn't start calling them the radical left anymore.
We should just start calling them communists because, you know, this is... Oh, I love how they always spin they're not communists, but at this thing at Denver and everywhere else, it's a communist event where it happens!
No, you're absolutely correct and, you know, you need to give yourself credit for this because people really should have listened.
You know, imagine the America that we could be living in right now if people had been listening to your warnings of what would happen nearly 10 years ago, Alex.
It would be an entirely different country instead of having people like Chris Cuomo and, you know, Chris Wallace and all these, you know, do-nothing fake news media pundits at Fox News and CNN.
And they're both trash.
I mean, let's be honest, okay?
Fox News is Just as, you know, big of a dumpster fire as CNN or MSNBC.
They both need to, you know, just be completely taken down.
Just imagine, though, if people like you would have been amplified in those positions instead.
You know, we could have woken up the masses to what is currently happening.
Instead we're in an existential crisis where the Democrats literally want the end of the country and the dollar.
They want literally the United States to be destroyed, which would annihilate almost everyone in this nation.
They have no idea.
I mean, this is crazy.
Yeah, it's absolutely mind-blowing and you can just see right now the way that the Democrats are losing their mind during this confirmation hearing because they're going to do everything in their power to make sure that a pro-life Yes.
a Catholic woman who loves her country isn't selected for the Supreme Court, isn't confirmed.
I mean, these people in the radical left, their movement is not only anti-American,
but it's anti-life, okay?
It's anti-freedom, anti-religion, and it's exactly what these communist dictatorships,
and if you look back in history, these communist regimes perpetuated the same exact tactics.
And I know that Dinesh D'Souza recently just came out with a movie called "Trump Card,"
and people are raving all about it because.
He breaks this down for people who want to see how Antifa and Black Lives Matter and the Democrat Party are literally taking cues out of these tyrannical regimes and dictatorships.
So I think that's a problem is that we don't have a lot of...
...in our schools anymore, so people are not learning history.
That's right, people don't recognize classical tyranny when they see it.
Come back on the next segment, we'll take a few calls with folks that are holding patiently about COVID, and the baby boomers, and mask mandates, and Keith Uberman saying arrest all the Trump supporters, Laura Loomer.
But tell people again how they donate to one of the most important, very close campaigns in the country.
If they want to stand up, how do they donate?
Laura Loomer for Congress dot com.
Laura Loomer for Congress dot com.
Every dollar counts and, you know, we need to make sure that 22 days from now we're able to say Congresswoman Laura Loomer.
Because they're saying it might come down to a thousand votes, folks.
Your donation is so critical.
Thank you, Alt Listers.
You're the best.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right, we've got a segment or so left with Laura Loomer.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Tyler, Mark, Trina, Jay, Alicia.
Aaron, Scott, we're going to get to all of you.
Have your questions ready.
We want to get to the next person.
We love the information you have to cover for us.
Laura Loomers, here with us, doing such a great job, running for Congress after being banned, after being blacklisted, after being exiled, and then winning the primary against all odds, now in major polls, ahead of the Democrat dirtbag.
Gosh, I can't wait to have a great Congresswoman up there we can trust.
This is going to be spectacular.
It's up to us to take action now.
All right, who's been holding the longest here?
That would be Scott in Ohio.
You're on the air with your points on the lockdown and COVID.
We'll get Laura Loomer's take.
Go ahead.
What blows me away is all the information out there about what it really is.
People still buying into it, thinking they're saving lives and all that.
Oh, they love being heroes.
They buy into the role.
Well, it's so hard to talk to them because they don't want to hear it.
So me and my t-shirt business, we started making up COVID pandemics into live shirts and started putting them on bright orange shirts so you can see them from miles away.
And of course, we put InfoWars.com at the bottom of it so they can know where to go to find the good information.
I mean, I agree with you that we need to counter the fact they're using the fear of just microbes to lock society down.
The Democrats admit it's their plan.
Laura Loomer, what would you do in Congress about, Gates wants to keep the hoax, that it's a real virus, obviously they over-exaggerated, and thank you, Scott, for holding.
They want to keep this hysteria going forever.
What would you do in Congress?
Well, look, the numbers don't lie, and what they're doing is absolutely criminal, okay?
The recovery rate for COVID is 99.7%, Alex, and so if I was in Congress, You know, I would be advocating and fighting for the people.
That's exactly what I'm going to be doing.
The people want fighters in Congress who are going to speak up for them and say, enough of this craziness with the masks.
They don't keep you safer.
They don't keep COVID away.
I mean, for crying out loud, the President of the United States, nobody can get near this guy unless they have their temperature taken.
They take everyone's temperature before they enter the room.
He doesn't even shake people's hands because he's such a germaphobe, okay?
They act like he's got Ebola, and what you just said is true.
They added all the people No, he got COVID.
And it doesn't matter what you do to prevent it, you can still get it.
The President of the United States can get COVID.
If COVID can find its way inside the White House, You know, you can get it.
How many people got COVID and don't even know they have COVID?
You got a cough, you know, you got the sniffles and then you just kind of rest for a few days.
You don't really know what you have.
There's probably so many people out there, Alex, who had COVID and they don't even realize they have COVID.
And it's devastating.
You know, I was in Delray this morning speaking on the Chamber of Commerce meeting and these Democrats, they just lie so much about COVID.
I kid you not, my Radical Democrat opponent, and I have the video of this, She literally told the voters of District 21 that 200 million Americans have died from COVID.
I didn't know that two-thirds of our country's population were now dead from COVID.
Laura, this is so incredible.
Biden keeps saying it.
It's not that they're senile.
They're doing it on purpose, saying two-thirds of America died.
They are, and other politicians are starting to, you know, replicate his statements.
And so, I think this is their strategy, is just to really convince low-propensity voters, or people who may not watch the news, or people who trust politicians and everything that they say, to believe that 200 million people really have died.
I mean, it's... And in case folks don't know, that means if you're a family of six, three or four are dead.
I mean, this is insane BS.
Let's take another call here with Laura Lohmer.
Let's talk to Tyler in Iowa.
You're on the air with Another Great Point.
Go ahead.
Hey, thanks for taking my call, Mr. Jones.
First and foremost, I want to thank you for the products.
I want to thank all the people that are tuning in and listening to InfoWars.
It's your show, brother.
You keep us on air.
We love you.
Go ahead.
And I just want to talk about the mandated mask.
It's unconstitutional.
As Laura just said, there's a 99.3% survival rate.
Dude, I'll be out hiking in the middle of the hills in Austin.
I won't see somebody for an hour and I'll see a dude rock climbing by himself wearing a mask.
own carbon monoxide. Dude, I'll be out hiking in the middle of the hills in Austin. I won't
see somebody for an hour and I'll see a dude rock climbing by himself wearing a mask.
Yeah. I am trying to stay calm about it, but you know I'm driving and I see people in their cars
wearing a mask or they got their mask hanging in front of them. It's like it's the little trees
that you know the air pressure for the vehicles.
It's all a test.
And now they're coming with the forced inoculations, the contact tracing.
That's game level, too.
Thank you so much.
Laura, in Congress, we just might have to stand up and fight against forced inoculation.
I know Trump's against forced inoculation, but I know you'll fight that in Congress.
Yeah, I'm not taking the vaccine.
I mean, it's absurd to me.
Oh, we gotta get you in Congress.
Oh, I just can't wait.
Because I know you're going to call me as a witness on censorship, aren't you?
You are going to be my special guest, Alex, and you are going to testify.
You and Gavin McInnes and Milo Yiannopoulos and Tommy Robinson, Faith Goldie, you know, trust me.
You have my word, Alex, okay?
Oh, I know you're gonna do it.
Because we've been there together where they're talking about us in the hearings, calling us white supremacists, while you're wearing a Star of David necklace.
We're in there together, they're calling us Nazis, and we don't get to challenge them.
That's not American.
Yeah, well, you'll be coming to Congress as my special guest and my witness, Alex, when I get to grill Dorsey and Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg and Sundar Pichai.
And hopefully, you know, hopefully I am appointed to the House Energy Commerce Committee, regardless of which committee I get put on.
I think that my voice is pretty loud, you know?
Even with that auctioneering in Congress, I was still the loudest person in the room.
They won't be able to silence me in time, Alex.
It's beautiful.
We gotta get you in there, my God.
Let's go ahead and make another call here.
Let's talk to Mark in California, then Trina.
Go ahead, Mark.
Alex Jones, the man, the myth, the legend.
You're doing the Lord's work, my friend.
I'm trying, brother.
I love you.
What's on your mind?
Compliment to you real quick, because I'm proud to be an info warrior.
Before I get to my point, I brushed my teeth this morning with the Dr. Jones Activated Charcoal Toothpaste.
I ordered a bunch of 8-pack Power Stackers I've had in the past.
I love it.
Living Defense Plus, but it's just too much.
I can't even go on.
Here's my point.
Just two years ago, I retired 36 years in the insurance business.
And in 84, we were all being told to market to the baby boomers.
In the 80s, we were working on selling them.
Special car insurance plans because they were all buying their BMWs and Mercedes and moving up.
Then in the 90s with special homeowner's plans because they were moving up from their starter home to their fancy home.
Then last decade we were working on annuities, life insurance, because they were getting older.
Here's the point.
1946, 1964, that's the baby boom generation.
The oldest of them are 74 years old this year.
The youngest are 56.
That includes my wife and me, a little bit above it.
For the next 18 years, we're going to have a burial boom.
Then we had the baby boom, the birth.
Now we're coming to burial boom.
The government people know this.
When I say government, I mean Stauch and Resnick.
Just like in the medieval times, the Aztecs, the astronomers knew that an eclipse was coming.
And they would use that unusual thing happening to scare the population.
The government, you were right Alex, we're not out of this now.
For the next 18 years, we're going to have an annually increasing number of deaths.
And they're going to call it COVID-19, which does target people that are old and do not have enough vitamins and minerals.
This is the case for killing granny.
This is the actuary to not let old people get their investments and their insurance.
And the average old person will buy the hype and wear the mask, not knowing they're actually being killed.
I mean, Alex, I got family members.
I mean, I got younger siblings.
They're on their 40s.
They are scared out of their minds.
Now, the sad part is, I'm knocking the door 60 years old.
I've got siblings, and I'm the oldest of four.
I've got siblings in their 40s, and even in their 30s.
They're scared out of their mind.
And by the way, they got more health problems than me.
You know why?
They got into drugs years ago, they eat at McDonald's, and all this other garbage.
Plus, they don't take the supplements like I take from InfoWars.com.
Alright, that's another thing for another day.
The point is, we've got these deaths, this tsunami of deaths are coming for the next 18 years.
And the government, if it's not COVID-19, they'll come up with COVID-21.
Oh, you're absolutely right.
I mean, here's the deal.
Sure, we sell stuff that's got vitamin D3 and zinc.
Big deal.
That is not part of our business model.
Our business model is freedom and to fund that.
But when Fauci came out and said you gotta have vitamin D3 and zinc and vitamin C, everybody freaked out.
They're like, wait, we thought you were lying.
It's essential.
And you literally cannot die if you have high levels of that from a virus.
You may have a heart attack, you may get a cancer, something else, but you're not dying from a damn virus if you have it.
It's why it's essential.
Go to the NIH website, it says.
If you don't have D3, Zinc, and C, viruses can replicate in the nuclei and kill you.
So I'm up here saying this and the media is like, Jones is a kook!
The UN does not say you need vitamin D3.
Well, if the UN said plants don't need sunlight, I wouldn't buy into it.
Thank you so much, Mark.
30 seconds.
Laura Loomer, comments on what he said.
Well, you know, I think that he's right.
There's definitely, you know, some type of plot to kill the older generations here in our country.
And I do think that a lot of that has to do with our political year.
And I think that the radical left wants older people to die a lot of the time because they are more conservative politically.
So everything about this virus has been inherently political.
Laura, stay there.
You just made me think of something big.
Powerful megacorporations did not want the United States' model of freedom to challenge the tyranny they were building.
So they put Mao Zedong in power in 1949, funded the Weathermen and Communist movements in the United States with taxpayer funding at the major universities to teach, kill anyone above the age of 30, kill your parents as Bill Ayers, mentor to Obama taught, Yes, that's what we're talking about.
Kill all the rich people, break up their cars and apartments, bring the revolution home, kill your parents.
That's where it's really at.
Well, I got an idea, buddy.
You didn't get our guns.
How about you die?
Bill Ayers has been on the show before.
Let's go back to Laura Loomer.
Laura, you were saying it right there.
This is the satanic vision, kill your parents, led by Bill Gates.
Yeah, look, I think that this is something that, you know, a lot of people may say it's far out there, but it's something that I originally thought of, and it really hit home when I saw Cuomo, who is now literally locking up the Jews in New York, shove infected people- Oh yeah, let's bring that up!
The commies can march, Black Lives Matter can go shut down Baptist churches, but the Jews, after eight months, wear their masks, come outside, and they're arresting them.
I mean, why is Meatball Como going after Jews?
Why is de Blasio?
The Democrat Party is the party of Jew-haters and Israel-haters, as President Trump has said.
And I remember when I confronted Democracy on the Street in the Women's March, and I chased him down the street and I said, you are a Jew-hater.
And I was sent by the IPD to be arrested.
And people said, oh, that's going a little far, don't you think?
And I said, no, this guy hates Jews.
And, you know, I'm sorry, but if you're going to be locking up Jews and arresting them for simply practicing their Judaism in New York, you hate Jewish people.
Bill de Blasio, Andrew Cuomo, they hate Jews.
Let's go further.
They've been messing with the Jews more than anybody.
It's true.
They go into Baptist churches, they're mixed churches, and scream they're racist.
They have Black Lives Matter attack people.
Now they're going into synagogues.
They're not going into liberal synagogues.
They're going after Hasidics who they know are conservative.
This is insane behavior.
But I guess de Blasio thinks if he can harass Jews, he can get away with anything, right?
Yeah, and they're trying to harm populations that vote conservative, okay?
So they're going after the conservative Jews because they know that a lot of Jews are now supporting President Trump.
They're going after the older people.
That's why Cuomo shoved all those infected COVID patients into nursing homes is because I do believe that he wants elderly people dead.
I really do think that- Look at the cops literally trying to attack Jews.
I mean, this is pathetic.
...attacks on the older populations, which is absolutely shameful, since the beginning of the year.
It started with getting the youth to have disdain for the youth through their OK Boomer meme, OK?
And that may seem, you know, kind of wack.
And for those that don't get it, they're pushing police cars into thousands of Jews who refuse to stay locked in their houses.
The cops didn't show that Black Lives Matter and do that.
I know the average New York cop's good on average, but who are these cops?
I notice they're not even wearing uniforms.
They're wearing light blue jumpsuits.
Well, I don't know, but look, Alex, going back to my other point, you know, politics
is downstream for culture, okay?
And there has been a lot of, you know, anti-senior rhetoric that has been perforating through culture over the past several months since the beginning of this year.
It started with the OK Boomer memes, where people were trying to, you know, incite hatred or disdain.
No, I get it.
Clearly there's a war on the elders now, and the left needs to know they promoted the heirs' idea to kill the old, well now it's coming back on them.
Yeah, and the radical left, they're starting to propagate a lot of the same rhetoric.
Going to the suburbs and they want to attack older, rich, white people or older people in the suburbs.
Quite brilliant of you to pull up Bill Ayer's previous passage because that's exactly what we're seeing.
It's all about the revolution, right?
That's what they want.
They want to start a revolution and they realize that in order to, you know, succeed in getting their cultural Marxist insurrectionist movement to take over the country, they need to get rid of the older populations that still love America, that still love the There's no doubt.
Laura Loomer, we love you.
Thank you for all the time.
I want to thank Trina, Jay, Alicia, and Aaron.
I'll try to get to you ahead of Gerald Celente coming up.
Thank you, Laura Loomer.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Big article up on Infowars.com.
Bumbling Biden.
Bumbling Biden again declares he's running for Senate.
Tells voters to register at non-existent website.
He's just emblematic of these people.
Gerald Cilente, the top trends forecaster, who's got a big, as I mentioned earlier, Columbus Day announcement, or Indigenous Peoples announcement, coming up here in a few minutes.
It's about to take over.
But I wanted to get to Trina in Nebraska, and Alicia, and a few others.
Trina, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, my main thing was they're now starting to talk about Trump's cure for COVID, WI-38 is in there, which is aborted fetal cells cloned.
Now they are complaining about it, which it's been in our Pepsi, our Doritos, our vaccines, and now the media twists and turns their evilness and points it at Trump.
I don't know if this story is true.
I'm going to have to do more research on it.
But where was all the coverage on this back in the day?
And I am so furious about it.
There is no explanation on how furious I am about this.
Why do you cover this now?
Well, that's a sophisticated way to put it.
And Trump's not perfect.
I'll criticize him when he deserves it.
But he's just like, hey, get cures, get therapeutics, turn the economy back on.
And then you're right.
Now the media is like, oh, one of the things he's promoting uses fetal cells.
Okay, you're the Democrats that love it, but now you're the one saying he's bad.
I think once Trump finds out about that, he'll back off that.
But I think you just stated exactly where I'm at.
If Trump comes out for fetal cells and stuff, I'll say that's BS.
I'll be mad at Trump.
The last thing I have to say is if you can get Pastor Greg Walkon, he's great.
He's got a book out called This Means War.
He's very patriotic, pro-Trump.
Against leftists, and if you can ever get him on, I think... Sure, sure.
We'll get him on as a guest.
It's called, This Means War?
His book, yes.
It's Pastor Greg Locke.
Greg Locke.
Thank you so much.
Well, thank you.
Let's go ahead and go to Alicia in California.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
This is Alicia.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
I am a great fan of yours, and I buy all your products from the... Thanks for keeping me on air.
You're awesome.
Thank you.
You're very welcome, and I'm just so grateful that you are a man of God.
And one thing, what I'm hearing is, I'm hearing a lot of fear, and I know there's an answer, and God has specifically told me to give you a call.
And the answer is in Revelation 10, verse 9 through 10.
And they talk about John digesting a little book.
It's bitter and sweet.
He swallows it, exactly.
He digests it.
It's sweet in his tongue and it's bitter in his stomach.
Well, I came across politicalmoron.com.
They have a book.
It's called The Little Book, The Witness.
And it talks about what's going on.
Now, there's a Brahma word, there's a prophetic word going out, and God wants His listeners to hear His voice, and a voice of a stranger who's not following Jesus Christ's name.
And I pray that you will have an opportunity to get this author on your show, because it's Ty King-Allen from PoliticalMoron.com, and most importantly, it is God's word, and God will not be mocked.
Because when you have the fear of the Lord, you will obey His voice.
And apparently there's a lot of people going, just listening to this mad news media that is so false.
And when you stand on His word, you will not be moved.
You'll have the peace of God.
I totally agree with you and I love you.
I gotta get Joel Celente on.
I promise you'll get to all the callers.
So, Aaron in Kentucky.
Real fast.
Go ahead.
Thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, one thing I want to say is that we have Gavin Newsom in California that's telling people that they should take off their mask between bites when they're eating in restaurants.
And here in Kentucky, we've got... Oh, they're saying people are dancing back-to-back.
They're saying we're a mastering sex.
This is all cult leaders seeing what orders will follow.
It's a massive cult leader because here in Kentucky, Andy Beshear is saying that when you buy things at a store or restaurant, they're telling or trying to push the cashiers not to sell to somebody if they're not wearing a mask.
Exactly, and next they're going to have to have an ID.
On their, uh, phone that lets them.
This is the total rollout.
And again, people dancing back-to-back.
It's all satanic.
Everything's upside down.
Not a man and woman face-to-face.
Now back-to-back.
And everyone's complying like idiots, Aaron.
You know, honestly, this is Satan's attack against the family.
He's trying to destroy the relationships that we have between man and woman.
It's trying to destroy the relationships that we have with father and son and daughter and mother, etc.
And seeing this massive assault and this attack makes us realize that the entire rollout of these masks is just trying to get people to accept the mark of the beast when it comes down the pike.
People will gladly accept some kind of vaccination chip in their body, if they need to just to either stop wearing the mask or go
back to regular society.
I mean even now we're learning that Microsoft is trying to keep people at home and they're
going to tell them if you accept this chip, this mark, then you can stay at home.
And then your entire neurobiology is going to be changed by what they're implanting.
Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft, they're all coming out with chips.
So is Elon Musk.
And they're saying, you must have this chip to work from home to prove you're good.
You can stay home if you take this chip.
You can fly on airplanes if you take this chip.
That is in the news today.
I should have had that top story.
I'm glad you raised that, Aaron.
This is so insane.
It's so naked.
It's such a power grab.
Thank you so much.
Jay in Utah, then.
Gerald Celente takes over.
Go ahead, Jay.
Hey Alex, you're doing a fantastic job.
Appreciate all your efforts.
I want to do a parallel with this clown Oberman and what he said.
I've grown up a Mormon and I have ancestors that were persecuted out of New York and went to Ohio, were persecuted there, went to Missouri, persecuted there.
The governor of Missouri, he issued the extermination order which made it legal for Missourians to kill Mormons and that was on the books until just like a decade ago.
And then the Mormons have to flee the organized United States and flee into Mexican territory,
and they settle in the territory of Utah.
BAR, the Justice Department, these guys have got to draw a line, because you can put parallels
which instead of Mormons, insert Trump supporters or conservatives or Jews, whatever, and that's
a great parallel to see what's happened if these guys don't get persecuted, or prosecuted,
and do their stewardship to protect our rights.
And I would love to see John Bowne or Greg Reif do a report on that parallel, or even
there was a great old-time 1950s radio show called I Was a Communist for the FBI, where
this guy, there's like 70 episodes and they're like a half hour on old-time radio, and you
can see Agent Provocateur is done, and you can see him stage.
Advanced and you can see gas lighting all these examples.
It's a fantastic tutorial that could be illustrated in today
But what was being promoted in the brother? I agree with you, and I love you
I'm gonna have Gerald Salente take over right now, but here's the article on info wars calm
2035 work from home if you get microchipped Microsoft has announced it
The article's on InfoWars.com.
But Gerald Cilente will be with us for the rest of the hour.
We really appreciate him.
One of the top trends researchers and experts in the world.
Trends Research Institute.
Great monthly magazine.
He's with us now.
He's got a big Columbus Day announcement here.
Gerald, we love you.
Take over.
Thank you, Alex.
And happy Columbus Day, everybody.
And as an Italian-American, You know, don't give me the Columbus crap, everybody.
We just sent out a trend alert.
Italian lives matter.
Was Columbus in the mafia?
Any statues of Columbus ripped down today on Columbus Day?
Of the many nationalities in America, not one is more consistently disparaged, defamed, and negatively stereotyped Then the Italians.
As I wrote in my book where Zizi gave Honey Boy a true story about love, wisdom, and the soul of America, and here it is.
Since coming to America, Zizi has seen prosecutors, the police, the movies, and the media portray Italians as mobsters, crooks, killers, and cafons.
I also wrote, if the Sopranos' brand of stereotyping is not deemed offensive by political correctness advocates, And the show is awarded trophies by the media for its brilliance, then why not bring back Amos and Andy?
Indeed, if the Untouchables, the Godfathers, Goodfellas are acceptable, let's see movies and TV shows of drunk Irishmen, black welfare queens, Jewish banksters, and Latino drug gangs.
Oh, would there be outrage!
And when we get back, I want to give you more of the outrage for that, but not against us Italians.
Happy Columbus Day.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
Great being on this Columbus Day.
Happy Columbus Day, everybody.
Oh, yeah.
Again, as I was saying, if the Untouchables, the Godfather, and Goodfellas are acceptable, Let's see movies and TV shows of drunk Irishmen, black welfare queens, Jewish banksters, and Latino drug gangs.
Oh, would there be outrage?
And now, as self-anointed historical experts proclaim what precisely happened 528 years
ago in 1492, when Columbus allegedly discovered America, along with the media and their politically
pure who suffer from PTSD, why do they ignore the millions murdered on war orders from American
presidents, black and white, since the end of World War II?
Italian lives matter.
I demand all TV and movies, such as those that I mentioned, The Godfather, Goodfellas, The Untouchables, The Sopranos, that mock, denigrate, and vilify Italians be banned.
Just as they've been movies, commercials, and packages branding that they found offensive to other nationalities and races.
Oh, you want to take Aunt Jemima off that box and Uncle Ben off the rice?
Get rid of those stupid-looking Italians that you call them with the big mustaches on the pizza boxes, you know.
These big, fat guys that look with those stupid hats on.
Yeah, get rid of them!
Hey, little De Niro, you little piece of crap that you talk so tough to!
You like playing all those cafone, tough guy roles!
Hey, look at me!
Don't you know who I am?
Hey, how come Trump didn't pick a A white Italian.
Yeah, look at that.
Hey, Tony's.
Tony Caffone!
Bring me back Uncle, uh... What is that guy?
Uncle Ben!
Put him back on the rice box!
Hey, Trump!
How come you didn't pick an Italian woman?
How come there are no Italian presidents?
Oh, we're all murderers and thieves.
Hey, they were really stupid.
You know, we talk like this.
It's okay to do this to us.
Oh yeah, I wanna see, bring back, I wanna see, I want Amos and Andy back!
Bring them back, Black Lives Matter!
Oh, only your lives matter!
Italian lives don't matter!
No, we're just gangsters and crooks and cafons!
Oh no, look at that guy, man!
He looks a lot better than the moron on the pizza box!
But that's allowed.
I've had it with this stuff.
I want every one of these degrading, defamatory, mocking, vilifying, Hollywood crap movies and TVs that put down Italians off the air!
Off the air, just like it took down all the other ones that you don't like when they do them to your people, but you do them to the Italians.
Hey, hey, yeah.
How about that, huh?
I've had it with this.
Columbus Day!
Proud to be an American!
An Italian-American!
Born to be free!
You got it, little boys and girls!
Born to be free!
I don't have people telling me what to do, and I don't either.
Land of the free!
Yeah, Columbus!
Oh yeah, what Columbus did.
Hey, how about what Obama did?
Hey, how about that murdering black guy, Obama?
Look what you did to Libya, murderer!
Hey, how about that white cat, Bush?
How about that slick Willie Clinton, huh?
Oh yeah, they're murderers, but they're okay!
Hey, how about Colin Powell?
Yeah, how about that black murderer who sold us the Gulf War?
Good and bad comes in every race, creed, color, and religion.
I'm tired of this stuff.
I've had it with this.
All men are created equal.
Save your crap for somebody else and shove it down your throat.
Nobody's better than anybody else.
By your deeds, you shall know them.
And to put the Italians out there, as the organized crime band, when the big organized crime is right in front of your eyes.
Yeah, the Wall Street gang.
Could you get any more criminal than them?
How about the banksters, huh?
That steal our money and give it to the too big to fails.
How about the JP Morgan gang?
Yeah, the ones that just got caught rigging the precious metals market and got a slap on the wrist for it.
Hey, but you have a speakeasy.
You got a gambling game over there.
You're playing dice or cards.
Let's break this up and we'll be tough guys.
Italian lives matter.
I want all these shows off the air.
Support freedom.
Or bring back Amos and Andy.
Put Aunt Jemima back on that box.
I want to see Uncle Ben.
And them drunk Irish cops, I want to see that.
And the black wealthy, I want to see those.
Spick gangs.
Oh, how can I say that?
Oh, I could call them wops and guineas.
I can make fun of the good fellas.
Yeah, I want to see all those drug dealer gang shows.
And all those Italians that play those roles, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
How low can you go?
Hey, Good and bad comes in every race, creed, and color.
One after another.
Hey, remember that guy Mussolini?
Oh, I'm Hitler.
I like Stalin.
No, no, no.
How about that guy Sarkozy?
I want that guy Gaddafi out of there.
Or that little boy Cameron, the murderer.
Son of a set, son of the British Empire.
Killed people all over the world.
But hey, we'll only go after the Italians.
We'll be back in a little bit.
Stay tuned.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
Great being here on Columbus Day.
Columbus Day.
Hey, Christopher Columbus.
But you know, hey, Columbus was in the mafia.
Don't you know that?
Here's the proof.
Take a look at the photo.
It's right there.
He was a gangster of the first degree.
Okay to call him anything you want.
But the other murderers and thieves out there, well, I got some guy telling me what happened 528 years ago.
This is what Columbus did.
And they ignore the atrocities being committed by the Americans?
Hey, you like what you did to Iraq with that war that a black cat lied us into and a white guy?
Yeah, Colin Powell.
There he is, Columbus, yeah.
Now there's the Columbus that they sell you today.
Fine looking gentleman, isn't he, huh?
What a bunch of crap.
Yeah, how about that slick Willie Clinton, huh?
What he did to Yugoslavia.
It's not Yugoslavia anymore.
No, we'll get rid of that place.
We'll start a war over there.
Madeleine Albright, when he asked if the 500,000 children that died because of Clinton's sanctions on Iraq was worth the price.
Yeah, that's fine!
That's fine!
I'm Madeleine Albright!
Not all that bright!
Baby cakes!
An arrogant lady!
Baby cakes!
And a lot of cake on there!
Oh, you don't like that?
But you can say what you want about the Italians?
Look at these murderers!
Very important.
To support peace and freedom.
And very important for you to support InfoWars and support the Trends Journal because we're out there fighting.
This I just got from LinkedIn.
You ready?
Your comment goes against our policy on bullying and harassment.
It must be removed and only you can access it.
You ready?
This is my bullying and harassment.
We all must speak out or just keep bowing down, sucking up, and taking orders from liars, cowards, freaks, and fools who believe they have the power to rule us and destroy our lives and livelihoods.
This comment has been removed because it goes against our professional community policies.
Professional pieces of crap.
What are you talking about?
You're the bullies!
And you're bullying me?
You're doing this because I'm Italian?
Is that why?
I'm Italian-American.
Annapolitano, born in the Bronx.
Born to be free.
If I was born in Alta Valle Pino Vicoquenza, it couldn't be me.
I'd be caught in their little system.
That tight little system.
I don't like Italy anymore.
The people bow down too easily.
I used to go back there a little minded place. Just
Can't be free anymore.
Censored by LinkedIn.
By a bunch of little slimy geeks.
Girls and boys.
Little toys.
Tight as can be.
Making you just like them.
That's right.
The geeks have conquered the earth.
Not the meeks.
The geeks.
One of my top trends back in 2018.
The geeks have inherited the earth.
2019, I forget.
And they have.
They were the first ones to lock down up here.
Over in San Francisco, all those tough little boys here.
Look at them!
Look what they look like!
Look at what a cook looks like!
Look what a suckerberg looks like!
That piece of Schmidt from Google!
One little clown boy and girl after another.
Not a drop of boogie, not an ounce of jive.
Tight as can be.
And you go after Columbus and the Italians.
Look at that little boy.
Right out of, hey, did this guy jump out of a spaceship?
Is that an alien or what?
Alien to me, man.
Look at that cook.
Guy shot up with microwave, man.
Ain't no cookin' in him.
One after another.
Tight cats.
Imagine, censored on LinkedIn for saying, we all must speak out or just keep bowing down, sucking up, and taking orders from liars, cowards, freaks, and fools.
Who believe they have the power to rule us and destroy our lives and livelihoods.
Your comment goes against our policy on bullying and harassment.
It has been removed.
Could you imagine this?
These are the bullies and the harassers.
Telling me I cannot say That we should not bow down and suck up to cowards, liars, freaks, and fools.
There you go, man.
Out of space Bezos.
Matter of fact, you know.
Look at them.
Look at them.
These aren't humans.
Freak world is taking over.
How dare Salenti says That we should speak out rather than bowing down, sucking up, and taking orders from liars, cowards, freaks, and fools who believe they have the power to rule us and destroy our lives and livelihoods.
They've robbed us right in front of our eyes.
Freedom of speech?
Look at this little, look at this, look at these guys, look at these guys.
Yeah, go on.
Hey, lead the charge in a war.
I want to see you guys fight.
No, I got it.
You just lead us to war.
Can you imagine this guy fighting?
These aren't men.
They're mouses.
They're geeks.
They've destroyed the beauty of life.
They took the soul out of music.
Oh, yeah.
We could synthesize it just like you could play it.
We don't need any heart and soul.
I'm saying this because we're at a critical stage right now.
They robbed us of our freedoms.
Our freedom of speech.
Our freedom of assembly.
These are basic constitutional Bill of Rights.
Stolen from us right in front of our eyes.
Where's the fight back?
No fight back.
We'll censor you.
And that's why everybody listening, put your money where your heart is.
Buy those products from Infowars.
Keep the truth alive!
You can see it.
They're sending it to me.
They're destroying just to say not to take orders from liars, cowards, freaks, and fools.
That's against their policy to say that!
And support the Trends Journal.
No other magazine like it in the world.
Nothing comes close.
What's going on, what it means, and what to do next to help you prepare for the madness ahead.
And it's a freak show in front of your eyes, and you just saw some of it with all those geek freaks.
We're gonna be back in a few.
And again, go right to InfoWars and buy those products and support the Trends Journal.
Hello, hello!
Great being on the Alex Jones Show.
Remember, I just read to you how I'm being censored by LinkedIn.
They're telling us, telling me that I'm a bully and a harassment because I told people that they shouldn't bow down to liars, cowards, freaks and fools.
And that I have no right expressing freedom of speech.
And of course, they've taken away our freedom of assembly.
So do what you can to support the truth and do what you can to buy those InfoWars products and they have A blowout sale coming up now.
Up to 60% off, plus triple Patriot points and free shipping.
And it's going to end in seven days.
They're at a crucial moment here.
And we need your sponsorship and support to make it over the line in this historic election.
And that's why they're blowing out the inventory to prepare.
To help with that, they've added new ways to save.
So check out these great specials in the store.
Brainforce Plus Final Run.
Ultimate Krill Oil, selling out.
Super Male Vitality, one of my favorites.
All of these are 50% off.
Survival Shield X2.
Nascent Iodine Spray, 33% off.
Extend the Wise, final run ever, 60% off, plus free shipping.
Free shipping for all of this stuff.
All shirts.
They're available for 1776.
Free shipping.
All S.R.L.
60% off.
Free shipping.
Eight power stack.
Power stack.
Free shipping.
And many, many great deals.
33% off nascent iodine surface spray.
So revamp your daily routine and make sure you save big on these Store.
So I want to say a little something about the election coming up.
The headline in the news has been Biden leads Trump by 8.5 points.
If you go back, it was two weeks ago.
I get them all mixed up.
We have so many of them.
Trends Journal cover.
It was masks versus no masks.
That's what this election is going to be.
Lock it up or lock it down.
Lock it up.
Lock it down.
I should say open it up.
Lock it down.
Open it up.
Lock it down.
Masks on, masks off.
And these aren't more than masks.
They're muzzles.
You hear people talk... Yeah, there it is.
So now the next one's going to be open it up or lock it down.
That's what's going to determine this election.
And if Trump stays on that message, we forecast he wins.
That's the only message.
There used to be a saying back in 1992, when that low-life piece of slimy, garbage, crap, murderous thief, I smoked but I didn't inhale, little Willie Clinton, the campaign slogan was, it's the economy, stupid.
And that's what it's all about.
It's the economy, stupid.
This economy is in the greatest depression.
We're writing all about it.
Day after day, you're seeing things that never happened before.
Stores going bankrupt around the world.
What's going on in the equity markets has nothing to do with reality.
You know, all the money, what, 1% owns over 50% of the equities.
10% own 88% of it.
Total disconnect.
of the equities, 10% own 88% of it.
Total disconnect.
It's the economy, stupid.
Do you think all those bars have closed down, don't wanna open?
They put their whole lives into running these places.
All the florist shops, the salons.
All the small retail stores.
The mom and pops, the his and hers.
The his and his stores.
All out of business as the bigs get bigger.
It's the economy, stupid.
And that's what Trump needs to focus on.
The economy.
Open it up, or lock it down.
I want to put this into context.
We got that other little slimy piece of garbage crap over here.
An arrogant boy, born on Third Basin, thought he had a home run.
Andy Cuomo, who all the dumbo craps brag about.
What a great job he did in New York.
What do they have, 33,000 people dead, right?
33,500 something?
I'm mentioning this because Spain is also locking down.
You know how many people have died in Spain?
About the same amount.
March, April, May, June, July, August, September.
What's the population of Spain?
About 46,700,000.
33,000 dead.
Population of New York, 19 million, 33,000 dead.
You mean 40, almost 47,000, 47 million people.
I get the numbers mixed up.
I failed algebra too.
Went to summer school, failed it again.
You got 47 million people basically in Spain, 33,000 dead.
Nineteen and a half million people in New York, 33,000 dead, and people bow to this phony little nothing.
This little dictator.
You're not allowed to have free speech.
You're not allowed to assemble.
I'll tell you what the Constitution is!
Now they're all talking about cases going up.
You look at the cases, for example, in Spain.
Oh, yeah, the cases are going up.
And you look at the chart.
You show the cases going up.
But then you look at the death rate.
And it goes like this in the early months.
Then like that.
And then almost a level line.
Oh, but cases are going up.
Yeah, the cases are going up, but the death rate's going down.
The death rate is almost flat.
You keep looking at it.
One piece after another.
So why are they doing this?
It's complete control over the people.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and I'm sure this was said many times on InfoWars by different people, The recovery rate from people 1 to 50 years old, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is 99.8%.
Ninety nine point eight percent.
You're sick.
You got the flu.
You ever been in bed for two weeks?
I've been a couple of times in my life, yeah.
You know how many times you get sick?
And you don't close down the global economy.
If Trump wants to win this election, it's the economy, stupid.
Hey, they opened up there in Florida.
Remember they went after that guy DeSantis?
Florida has about 22 million people.
Florida has about 15,000 dead.
Half the amount they have in New York.
And they went after DeSantis.
Because he wouldn't lock it down like New York did?
And half the death rate?
Again, about 22 million people compared to 19.5 million people.
15,000 dead compared to 33,000 dead.
It's the economy, stupid.
If Trump wants to win this election, that should be his only message because then he wins the swing states.
It's the liberals in the cities that don't like him.
The people that work for a living in the rural areas, they want to be free.
And that's all he has to do, is bring in those numbers from the swing states, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Florida, and he wins.
Or else, All aboard!
Follow the orders of your leader.
Put on that mask.
Do what you're told.
Or be free.
And the rural people want to be free.
And Trump could win the election.
Very simply.
If he plays the one card.
It's the economy, stupid.
Thanks for tuning in.
Support InfoWars and the Trends Journal.
See you next week.
APEC Power Stack is an American success story.
We first put it out, it wasn't very popular.
People that got it loved it, gave it great reviews, told friends and family about it.
So it became one of our top five or six bestsellers.
But because it has 13 different pills in it, with an AM and PM stack, it does everything you need.
Game-changing, life-changing, and it's the highest quality.
Well, with the supply chain's breaking down, we've already lost a lot of formulas that are single-ingredient because the supply chain's broken down.
Companies have gone out of business, you name it.
This company's great.
It's still there.
One of the top companies in the U.S.
that makes this for us, but they can't get some of the ingredients.
So we've got to either change the name or reformulate.
That's how it works.
When you reformulate or change something under the law, you've got to change the name.
Or call it PLUS or whatever.
So, this is the last chance you can get an 8-pack Power Stack at InfoWareStore.com and experience it.
We're very, very close to selling out.
InfoWarsTore.com a true 360 win.
Separately it's a symbiotic relationship.
A non-zero-sum game.
A win-win.
A 360 win is the term I coined.
You need high-quality, storable food.
You need to get it.
You need water filtration.
They have the best system at preparewithalex.com.
And that's the My Patron Supply Line.
Under contracts, they have to sell it on a certain price on their site and the same price for distributors.
They never do discounts.
You notice, we've had them as a sponsor 13 years.
They're 14 years old.
They're the biggest company now.
They've got quality.
People figured it out.
They get it to you.
You like it.
It's got great packaging, great ingredients.
It was an eight-week wait, and everybody got their stuff early.
Said eight weeks, it was six weeks.
Other places said they had food.
They didn't.
They lied to you, or they had crap.
They're down to a week or so to ship your food now, but they're gonna have to go up in price in a few months, because they're already having to buy out months ahead, and the supply chain's breaking down.
So they extended the other sale $150 off a three-month supply.
People said, hey, we want the bigger food supplies.
$300 off the six months.
600 off the year supply, 40 off the Alexa Pure Water Filtration System, 25 off the Ready Hour Wireless Solar Power Charger, and 28 LED light.
That is such a valuable thing to have.
It's a great unit.
So it's all there at preparewithalex.com or 888-411-0350.
We have the Infowars Emergency Election Sale, and quite frankly, as a strategist, I really should just sell out of everything we've got now before the election in 33 days, because Word is they're just gonna shut everybody's bank accounts down and everything else and you notice they're gonna have a total internet kill switch goes in day of the election where no one's allowed to say Trump really won.
The real digital kill switch, martial law, goes in in 33 days.
Everything else was just a prelude so you just think, oh this is just one more level of it when it happens.
They're normalizing it.
It's a good chance.
It's your last chance to get an InfoWars t-shirt.
Get a book.
Get a water filter.
We've got high quality vitamin D3 with vitamin K. The highest quality you're going to find out of the ton.
Winter Sun with free shipping.
Get 8-pack Power Stack.
It's selling out.
We can't even get the ingredients anymore.
That's 60% off free shipping.
Survival Silvex II.
The good iodine.
Highest quality, refined, 50% off free shipping.
Heart and body combo, Vazobeats, Essential Wise, selling out, still massively discounted.
Free shipping on all that.
Mason Iodine Power Pack X2 and X3.
They also have the X3 spray, the first truly atomic iodine spray.
This topical and for internal ingestion.
Available Prostagard with a high quality zinc and salt palmetto, $19.95.
That's an incredible deal.
Plus free shipping.
Infowarsstore.com, Vitamineral Fusions.
Got all the vitamins and minerals for adults and children.
It's great.
It's massively discounted, plus free shipping.
We have Biden for nursing home t-shirt.
That won't be available after the election.
That is a collector's item.
It's all there.
And the only way we're able to stay on air is you getting products you already need.
And I just want to get as much money as I can and be able to put it in some side bank accounts so that we're able to continue operating into the future.
And literally, it's not a gimmick.
People know behind the scenes here, we are, you know, I've Put a mortgage on my house, I'm liquidating everything I've got, and we're gonna continue on, you know, for months into the new year, even if they shut our bank accounts down.
We've got backup plans because we know martial law and total hell's coming.
I mean, it's more than a 50% chance we're gonna have a civil war.
I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, we are, this, just get ready, people.
Nothing you've seen is, is anything about what you're about to witness, okay?
And by the grace of God, maybe we bypassed most of this, but I think you all know we're not.
I mean, you know what, you got children, folks, you got discernment.
You know, you got your, Spidey sense on right now.
We're in deep crap.
And I just want to get ready for it.
So thank you all for your support.
But your word of mouth is even more important to get the products.
Just tell folks about the show.
Let them know America's under attack.
Let them know who the globalists are.
Now they're ready to hear the truth.
You know I had bicep surgery because I tore my bicep really bad last year.
And they did a block when I came out of anesthesia.
And for about 10 hours, my arm was completely paralyzed.
I never felt that before.
You just expect that arm to be there.
And that's what I think about the listeners and viewers.
I don't take it for granted.
I just take you like you're my legs, you're my brain, you're my guts, you're my heart, you're my soul.
And I've expanded into Face the Globals, as I told you, to the point of we only have like two months of operating capital.
And then they've done a bunch of dirty tricks behind the scenes and a bunch of things to shut down bank accounts, shut down... You see how gun shops can't go get a bank account.
Well, they did a bunch of that.
I've spent most of my time dealing with it and trying to right the ship.
And then I see the supply chain breaking down to even get the supplements in.
And I've talked to people that are in a bunch of other businesses and it's happened to them.
And I'm just like...
I don't want to come and tell you Glim and Doom.
I'm just not going to lie to you, man.
This country is under a total attack, okay?
And I'm pissed.
But then I just realized, hey, with other partners like MyPatriot, I'll just go to them.
People eat food anyways.
So they launched this big initiative that's a discount on their already discounted food that's now ready to ship within one to two weeks.
They already have it.
They just got to get it packaged now to you.
I would get the order in before the next big rush.
PrepareWithAlex.com has a $100 discount on their lowest package of food.
goes up on the bigger packages. 170 on their best big water filtration special
and some other big specials as well. And they're running it for three more days.
So take advantage of it at InfoWareStore.com and then you guys have
really responded. That's weeks and weeks of operations. A day coming in for us
into the future to push that gas tank from almost empty up to maybe you know
20% 30% of a tank. So we can worry about fighting the globalists. Get supplements,
get t-shirts, get things that spread the word and make you healthy and get
high quality, storable food right now at M4store.com.
Go to PrepareItWithAlex.com for the three days that are left to get the best deals on high-quality, storable food you're going to find anywhere, and on air filtration and water filtration.
And so I just want to thank you all.
You've done an amazing job.
We also have the Save InfoWare, Save the Republic Super Sale right now at InfoWare Store and a bunch of other items.
Free shipping.
Take advantage of it.