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Name: 20201007_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 7, 2020
2936 lines.

In this segment from The Alex Jones Show, various topics such as Trump's potential actions against supporters of pedophilia or corruption, global lockdowns, the role of Bill Gates and Rockefeller Foundation in global governance, and the increasing radicalization of the left are discussed. Alex Jones interviews a former CIA insider who suggests that President Trump should arrest key figures within the Democratic party and those involved in the alleged coup attempt. The speaker discusses various topics including Bible prophecy, globalist control systems, corporate power, and the COVID-19 pandemic being used as a takeover strategy. Alex Jones talks about law enforcement, leftist cops, district attorneys appointed by Soros, and encourages listeners to call in during the show. Finally, Alex Jones discusses mind control, enslavement, Bill Gates, and the Rockefeller Foundation's long-term plan to control Western medicine, health departments, and nations worldwide.

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The greatest battle in the history of humanity is happening right now.
Don't sit on the sidelines.
Take action now.
The fight starts at InfoWars.com.
I mean, Bill Gates literally is coming out with a mRNA vaccine that literally reprograms every cell in your body, and they admit it's super deadly?
I mean, this is crazy!
And I'm just telling you, they're gonna pay!
We're not gonna sit here and take this crap!
You think I'm a doormat for you to piss on, you little rat?
You little piece of crap!
That's who these leftists are, man.
They want it.
They want cans of whoop-ass like Popeye's got opened up!
And just keep pushing Soros and Gates and all of you!
I swear to God you're gonna get it!
See, that shouldn't be on air.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I want this to sink in on this Tuesday, September 22nd.
And it's just a time to have our heads screwed on straight and to get on our knees to God, because this is the big one, ladies and gentlemen.
We are not living in normal times.
We're living in the year 2020.
But I'll tell you this.
We're living in such an incredibly amazing and thought-provoking and dangerous time.
There was a film made in the early 1990s that described exactly what's happening, but it condensed it down to something very simple.
So that it happened very quickly.
There's a real weapon.
Takes its time, so you never know it hit you.
That way you don't see it creeping up.
Because we knew this was coming down.
We knew what they were planning.
And now we're sure of it.
They are gonna scuttle the whole country and bring it down.
It's just that simple.
Because where this AI is taking us is a nightmare situation.
But they are going to try, execute their operation, even though we're aware of it.
They don't care.
This is a doomsday scenario.
By the way, you know what the Pentagon back in the 70s called this satellite grid, hooked into the internet, tracking everything you do?
They called it Skynet.
And we cannot sit here.
And let them do it.
Because this country is two minutes from destruction, total annihilation, and war in the streets, and everything we've built flushed down the toilet.
There's red fire in the sky.
They're trying to exterminate humanity.
The technology that they have deployed and developed to replace us.
We're accepting Skynet and the AI system in.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Resistance is victory.
That simple, initial decision to stand up and to get involved and to take action is the most important decision you can make in the fight for freedom and human dignity.
Do you understand that, Soros?
You think you're gonna have this fight and have robots win it?
I say to you, your technocracy is dead on arrival.
We are in charge of the planet.
You pathetic maggot!
InfoWars has delivered, because you have delivered.
InfoWars is organic, pro-human resistance to the globalists' takeover and to Satan's plan to kill humanity.
This is real.
You can see Bill Gates announcing he owns your body.
You can see the globalists announcing they own your family.
The good news is, for every action, there's an opposite and equal reaction, and you are that reaction.
So understand, you are not supporters of the Infowar.
You're not calling in to thank me.
You are the Infowar.
You are the resistance.
You are the future!
So now, with 25 days out from the election, spread the word about the broadcast.
Buy the products that support us to stay on air in the face of the enemy.
You kept us in attack formation.
And, pray for us, you do that trifecta, nothing can stop you!
You control your destiny!
You are victory!
Take action now!
InfoWars, tomorrow's announcement.
26 days out from the election.
105 from the inauguration.
Emergency transmission.
High main transmission kicks off in T-minus 60 seconds.
Please spread the transmission.
Four wars.
Tomorrow's news today.
It's October 7th.
26 days out from the election.
105 from the inauguration.
And the forces of Satan are launching every attack they've got.
But there's good news.
When I go on the Trump campaign website and on YouTube, I see the fact that they are rolling up the big guns and praying in almost every report, having prayer meetings online on the official presidential site.
This is what we need to counter the forces of Satan.
He is Jesus Christ.
Okay, I got up at 4.30 as is customary this morning, and I got really mad at myself.
I was Sitting there drinking coffee by about 5 a.m.
and I just watched a horrible 24-minute quote closing arguments of Big Mike also known as Michelle Obama.
That's what Obama calls her, the Big Mike.
Calls her Michael.
And it was just such lies.
She's like, the only way to get the economy going again and to stop the lockdown is to stop Trump.
And we want you to be successful and we want you to be free.
And it's all just surreal lies.
And so then when the campaign ad ended on YouTube, it loaded another campaign ad.
And then it loaded another campaign ad.
So I watched three of them.
The next few were only like a minute long.
And I said, You know, I've got a feeling.
Let me go over to the Trump campaign website on YouTube where they're spending tens of millions of dollars so far.
So I go over there and I watch not one, not two, not three, not four, five videos.
We're doing a report on this that'll be out before this broadcast is done.
And guess what happens on all of the paid Trump ads where he's paying and sending these out to his supporters?
After it rolls the little minute-long or two-minute-long Trump ad, it airs a Joe Biden ad.
But most of the time it doesn't show a Joe Biden ad.
It shows a Stephen Colbert anti-Trump piece.
It shows all of this.
It shows Comedy Central.
It shows the late shows.
It shows Saturday Night Live.
Because we know they're the surrogate mouthpiece for the Democratic Party.
When you pay to run ads, then you expect more of your ads to load in, not you send somebody a Trump ad, and then all this Democratic propaganda runs at the end of it, just like they put Democrat talking points over Trump's tweets now, or outright block them.
So what is this?
It's total and complete election meddling and scamming.
And again, Biden videos don't roll and then go to a Trump video.
Biden videos roll and go to more Biden videos.
But the Trump ads either go to Biden videos, which you know are not being paid for, or they go to attack pieces on Saturday Night Live or Stephen Colbert or Comedy Central.
Vicious pieces.
They went to the Saturday Night Live piece where they call the president a bowl of scum and he's got his face ripped off.
It's a total maggot that needs to die.
I mean, it was just a horrible Saturday Night Live.
I watched it on Sunday after it had aired.
That's what Trump's speech is that he pays and adds he pays to have pushed out their go-to.
So when the campaign Sends out these emails, and sure enough, I went to where I'm signed up for Trump emails, where they're sending out YouTube ads this morning.
I spent like an hour and a half on this, and sure enough, the campaign ads I'm being sent are in YouTube formats many times, and then they roll over and play Biden ads after it.
I've got so much big breaking news today, but we're going to show you the video clips of this.
We're preparing it right now, where when the video ends for Trump, it goes to an anti-Trump video.
When the Democrats' videos end, it goes to a pro-Biden video.
This is pure election meddling.
Imagine if you bought a grocery store ad for your grocery store chain, and then every time your grocery store ad runs, it doesn't roll another one of your ads that you have there.
It rolls your competition's ad, but not vice versa.
This is election meddling, and it shows the unbelievable incompetence of the Trump campaign.
Trump's strong, the American people are strong, but the incompetence of allowing the censorship, the incompetence of having this go on, the incompetence, or the outright sabotage.
But the Republican Party is aware of all of this, surely, and they're letting them do this.
Again, they send out These ads, they pay for their ads to roll in the B-roll of Joe Rogan's podcast and so many other shows.
And when you then click on the Trump ad to go watch more ads, you don't get taken to Trump.
You get taken to the Democrats.
And because the average Republican in Congress is like 80 years old, because Trump's people, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, I guess, you know, God bless them, but I mean, they're having dinner with Google.
Are they in on this or are they just chumps?
So there's total election meddling going on on every front.
Voters in four battleground states file lawsuits claiming election meddling, funded by Mark Zuckerberg.
99% of the referrals he gives are to Democrat Party websites, Democrat Party videos and articles.
And as we approach Election Day, he says no Republican ads or statements will be allowed.
There's a shadow ban already on all conservatives, including Tucker Carlson.
That's admitted.
Outright bans are expanding and they have the list of millions and millions of Americans.
Your Facebook will be blocked coming up to election day as well.
This is the criminal activity of these individuals.
It's absolutely massive.
And then they're going to spin it anywhere Trump wins and say, oh, it's Russians.
All right, I'm gonna stop right there, but we're gonna put together a video report showing you, because I sent to the crew what I just told you, the screenshots of the videos and then what it loads to, so you can see it for yourself.
That is so massive in and of itself, and they've gotten away with it, so they're only gonna do more.
Okay, here's the big news, obviously.
We are into our number four of the 40-hour broadcast That is going to run for the next almost two days.
I haven't done a fundraiser in a long time.
I've done a money bomb in over a year.
It's been about a year and a half.
But when we sell a lot of product, you'll say we sell $100,000 worth of product, but then that only brings in like $30,000, $40,000.
But when we do straight up donations, we can keep about 95% of that to really continue on.
This is such a special place.
There's nowhere else like it.
The enemy totally hates it.
We break A large portion of the most vital stories that no one else will touch because they're scared.
We go where almost no one else dare to go other than Project Veritas and a handful of other groups.
And we wish that there were more groups that were as awake and hardcore as we are.
We wish there were more people as awake and hardcore as you are.
It's our job as this critical world government, Mark of the Beast system comes in, and as the pedophilia comes out in the open, and the Satanism comes out in the open, that we stay on air because we're more effective now than ever.
So I want to thank you all for your support over the years.
I want to encourage you to go to InfoWars.com.
We can put that up on screen.
Website InfoWars.com.
You can see up at the top of InfoWars.com, you can sponsor us.
We're not sponsored by George Soros, or the Southern Poverty Law Center, or The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and these aren't donations because technically a donation could be tax exempt.
It's a sponsorship to make a one-time $10 donation, $20, $30, $40, $50, $100, or you can sign up for recurring sponsorship and cancel any time.
That way we get roughly 95% of the money to fund the operation.
And that's so precious.
And it's been these money bombs throughout the years that have taken us over the Main yard line into touchdown territory, so...
Go to InfoWars.com and you can find right there on the front page the donate buttons.
We've got customized, we've got one time, we've got recurring.
But again, they're not donations, it's sponsorship because that's critical that you're sponsoring this content and standing in the gap when others don't.
So I thank you and I salute you.
There's also the big InfoWars total blowout special, 30 to 60% off and free shipping.
So a lot of product to fund ourselves, but we do.
That sale's going to have to end soon because we're effectively blowing out of almost everything we've got.
And then hopefully the money bomb goes well and we'll have money to reorder more product and then come in as seed money.
But now's the time to take action in this critical fight.
We also appreciate you telling everybody that the 40-hour special emergency Save America, Save Infowars transmission is live.
At 2020ElectionsCenter.com.
That's the URL to share.
It's not censored as much.
Ladies and gentlemen, Save America!
InfoWars Money Bomb.
You cannot doubt that InfoWars has been absolutely critical in getting Trump elected, getting Bolsonaro elected, getting Boris Johnson who's gone sideways on us, but exposing the real architecture of planetary control.
There's all these fake talking points, all these schools of disinformation, all these rabbit trails, all these distractions.
But InfoWars is over the target.
And our breakdown of the world is extremely accurate.
It's extremely historical.
But we also understand there is a giant spiritual component to all of it.
All right, let me tell you what is coming up today.
I was sitting there looking at all these great guests we've got lined up.
You know, I think I'm going to cancel most of these.
Just because nothing against them, I just think we should really open the phones up during a money bomb throughout the whole next 40 hours.
Because it really is about you, the listeners.
It really is about you, the viewers.
You that keep us on air and what you have to say.
We'll see.
But we also have a big list of who's going to be hosting what.
I'm going to be giving that roster here in a moment.
I'll tell you about that next segment, the lineup of who's hosting when and a lot more.
It's all listed there on the front page of InfoWars.com.
as well. But let me go ahead and just tell you what is coming up.
Supposedly, SpyGate is going to be blown wide open tomorrow at this press conference that they're going to
have, where it just confirms that Obama was running out of a
secret office that they'd established under the White House in the
A program from July forward, when they knew that Trump was the nominee,
to spy on him and undermine him and keep him from getting into office.
and once he got into office on how to get rid of him.
Now that's just more of the same.
I told everybody four years ago that Obama was spying on Trump.
Before he got elected.
Then we laid out how they were spying on him.
Then we laid out about the FISA court first.
You would hear crickets when we put this out.
That's when we were banned.
And I don't bring it up and say, oh look, we broke this first.
It's just to say now, if Durham doesn't indict a bunch of people, if this is Trump's October surprise, simply coming out and saying, oh look, more documents, more evidence, they were doing this, we know they were doing it.
A year and a half ago, when this started to be totally confirmed, Clapper and Brennan, that ran the criminal operation for Obama and Hillary, came out and said, we're not going to get in trouble in Congress.
We were ordered by Obama to do this.
Think about that.
And then still the Republicans ask, gee, looks like Obama was illegally spying.
It's like, look, oh, total proof, big tech censoring.
Big tech celebrates how they censor nationalists and patriots.
They're conquering us.
Oh, Congress has put out a year-long investigation that big tech has formed a monopoly and that they're working together in an oligopoly as a cartel.
They help round up people in China and have their organs harvested.
Yeah, they're bad dudes.
They know they're bad.
Sundar Pichai.
Eric Schmidt. Tim Cook.
They're all bottomless pits.
But they all have that liberal, affected act.
They don't act like warriors.
Oh, that's a beta male.
They're not beta males.
They are psychotic lords of death.
Ruling over, spying, censoring, surveilling, ripping off, consolidating, bankrupting.
They're getting more powerful as we collapse, as Main Street dies, as the family dies.
And they're up there just laughing their way all the way to hell.
So we've got all that coming up as well.
President Trump authorizes total declassification of all documents related to Spygate, Hillary email scandal, with no redactions.
But he's ordered stuff before and they just don't do it.
He told the military, stop teaching that white people are inherently evil.
And the Secretary of Defense said, nope, we're going to keep doing it because their religion is that America's bad.
Oh, and the Communist Chinese are in the news today.
China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran announced U.S.
for systemic racial discrimination.
China is the most racist country in the world against anybody that isn't Chinese.
They have millions of people in death camps for their religious beliefs, but that's okay because they told us we're bad.
And we love it.
We love being bad.
We love being told we're bad by people that have killed five times what Hitler did.
We love it.
We get off on it.
We love appeasing.
You know what happened to me today?
I should have started the show with this.
I went for a little eight mile hike and there were guys rock climbing wearing masks when they were rock climbing.
So I was saying, hey guys, how's it going?
Wearing a mask for COVID is like wearing a diaper to stop farts.
Means it goes right through.
And some other rock climbers were shaking my hand and were laughing.
And so I came by some more rock climbers.
Was saying the same thing.
And I saw this old looking dude with an old lady with a mask on.
They looked pissed.
They're about 30 feet away.
And I'm sitting there talking going, oh yeah!
I said it like another time.
Maybe I'd said it five times total in the last couple minutes walking by.
People were laughing.
They were getting photos.
Oh, it's the gay frog guy.
All of a sudden, boom!
The guy's dog bites me.
And he goes, good job!
So I grabbed that dog, punched it twice in the head.
They go, you hit our dog!
And I said, you're the perfect leftist.
You set your dog on me.
They came at me with a dog from 30 feet, came over and had the dog bite me.
And he told the dog, good job!
And when I grabbed it and punched it, See, it's all one way.
That's who they are.
And I've got all these videos, all these videos of them beating up women who aren't wearing masks now on the streets of the U.S.
and Europe and all the rest of it.
And the police beating people up.
And that's all this was.
Oh, that guy's exercising his First Amendment.
He's standing out in a Woodland Canyon?
And I'm communicating with people?
I mean, I've been, we talked about five and a half miles when that happened, and I had only yelled out maybe three or four times before that when I saw people wearing masks.
Wearing a mask for COVID is like wearing a diaper to stop farts.
It goes right through.
I'd say, like, wearing a mask for COVID is like wearing a diaper to stop farts!
It goes right through!
It's virtue signaling!
You gotta understand, this is L.A.
now, Austin is, so most people are listeners, but I saw one lady with yellow hair, orange hair, like Ronald McDonald.
She saw us coming 30 yards ahead, jumped over, and ran to the woods with her dog when she saw it was me.
I wasn't even talking then, but she got a COVID You know, statement.
I said the same thing.
And then again, I get to the cliffs about a mile up.
I'm talking to folks, shaking hands.
And this dude, I saw him on 30 feet, like looking at me with his wife.
They're like coming towards me, even though I'm on another path or on a higher path.
And he just comes down over the path.
I'm not really paying attention.
Dog hits me.
So they're now setting... He didn't bite me too bad, it's over here.
I did file a police report.
Not 9-1-1, 3-1-1.
Because I know leptards, man.
They're lying devils.
They probably called the police on me and probably said I killed the dog and smeared blood all over my face and worshipped the devil.
Info wars.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
And I'm too mad to be on air right now.
Just to overheat it, I'm going to take a break for a while.
And then I'm going to be back.
Then I'm going to be ready for you.
I'm going to start the show over.
But I'm just telling you, they're coming for everything, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm not going to blow up here on air and we just started a 40-hour transmission and be burnt out.
I'm going to be here for a lot of it.
When I come back, I'm going to have you the list of the rundown, who's going to be hosting, and what's going to be going on.
I'll be ready to restart this transmission.
Might be back in an hour, might be back in five minutes.
It's just, I just can't handle it right now.
I got to take a break.
We got some really important reports here, some old promos that don't really get seen, but we're going to run.
And then I'll get into the really massive news with the Communist Chinese and Bill Gates and everybody else just ganging up on America and the average American loves it and loves hating their own self-interest and hates loving their future and just absolutely hates themselves.
And it's really sad and sick to see.
That we're not totally rejecting the New Old Order, totally rejecting the Democrats, totally rejecting Hollywood, totally rejecting all these bullies!
But we don't!
Alright, stay with us.
You are the one they call President?
I am.
Kneel before Zod.
Kneel before Zod.
Kneel before Zod!
You are not the president.
No one who leads so many could possibly kneel so quickly.
I'm the man they're protecting.
I'm the president.
President Trump gives every indication by what he says and what he does and what he doesn't do
that he's mean as a wolverine.
(Motorcycle engine)
It's 11.59 at Radio Free America, and this is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now, I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone.
The chair is against the wall.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
John has a long mustache.
It's 12 o'clock, Americans, another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
But they took a lot of people away.
People that they thought were gonna make trouble for them.
People that had guns or things they wanted, they just took them away.
Re-education camps, that's what they call it.
So part of it is you have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
I have decided we really need camps for adults.
And we need the type of camps that you all run.
I mean, really.
All persons of Japanese descent were required to register.
Now they were taken to racetracks and fairgrounds where the army almost overnight had built assembly centers.
I'm a sovereign citizen.
I refuse to recognize you guys.
What kind of a situation in the U.S.
would you see that happening?
We've got a lot of constitutionless and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
Plus you have a lot of people that are coming out of the military that have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
These people are radicalized and they don't support the United States and they're disloyal to the United States.
It's our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community.
It's what we're doing here and let's not kid about it.
We're building a domestic army because the government is afraid of its own citizens.
Put your gun down, really?
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Are you some kind of a constitutionalist?
So these people who hold themselves out to be patriots or not. They're nothing more than domestic
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
President Trump gives every indication by what he says and what he does and what he doesn't do
that he's mean as a wolverine.
I'm watching the midterms.
Man, you would think our country is Mad Max Thunderdome.
This guy is like, they're coming from Guatemala, they're coming from Mexico.
There's a liberal mob that's coming.
You wanna talk?
You wanna talk?
Who are the presidents?
And you would think everybody in the country is just like, to the bunker.
Hello Americans, I'm Paul Harvey.
If I were the devil.
If I were the prince of darkness, I'd want to engulf the whole world in darkness.
And I'd have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn't be happy until I had seized the rifest apple on the tree.
So I set about however necessary to take over the United States.
President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by the shooting.
I'd subvert the churches first.
I'd begin with a campaign of whispers.
With the wisdom of a serpent I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve.
Do as you please.
To the young I would whisper that the Bible is a myth.
I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around.
I would confide that what's bad is good and what's good is square.
And the old I would teach And then I'd get organized.
I'd educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting.
I'd threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa.
I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could.
I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction.
I'd tranquilize the rest with pills.
If I were the Devil, I'd soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves, until each in its turn was consumed.
And with promises of higher ratings, I'd have mesmerizing media fanning the flames.
The President of the United States is racist.
If I were the Devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect the disciplined emotions.
Just let those run wild.
Within a decade, I'd have prisons overflowing.
I'd have judges promoting pornography.
Soon I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress.
And in his own churches, I would substitute psychology for religion.
I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.
If I were the devil, I'd take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.
I would caution against extremes.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
In hard work, in patriotism, in moral conduct, I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on TV is the way to be.
And thus I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure.
In other words, if I were the devil, I'd just keep right on doing what he's doing.
Welcome back. I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I was not trying to be dramatic last segment.
I was really just being real.
I get in here and I look at all these hundreds of articles and video clips and China is trying to trigger race war and funding Hollywood and admittingly being behind it.
And then also bad-mouthing our coronavirus response, working with the Democrats to put our country down, trying to destroy the dollar.
All over the news, the dollar's dead, America's over.
Do you understand we can survive forest fires, we can survive viruses.
They killed the currency.
It'll make the Great Depression look like Christmas time.
And so as a man, I am physically so pissed off that before the show, I looked at the producer and I said, I think I can't do this.
And I'm, because I don't take Valium, folks.
I don't take Xanax, okay?
And so I'm not trying to be dramatic.
When you call in, don't say, oh Alex, we love you.
Look, I feel bad right now like this, okay?
I'm so pissed off, I basically can't do the show.
But you know what?
You're supposed to be pissed off!
This is outrageous!
And the thing is, I used to get mad on here, people like it, it's funny, uh-huh.
I can't do it to myself physically.
I gotta stop it.
Um, and so I'm just trying to control myself right now.
And if I sound like a prima donna little bitch, I guess I am sometimes.
I've got the best crew ever.
I've got the best IT crew ever.
I've got the best all in fours operation are literally for this time in history.
And they put up with so many outside attacks and so many obstacles and so many things to shut us down from taking our servers to our sponsors, to our bank accounts, to our, the, the, the DNC lawsuits.
And we're not victims.
We're badasses on the cutting edge, slaughtering the New World Order lies.
We are just devastating them.
InfoWars is the champion against the enemy.
And it's that realization that's why I get mad.
That's why David Knight made me feel so good when he was on air yesterday with us.
He said, listen, he said, the way I do this and don't have another heart attack is, because he gets upset too, is David's usually subdued.
You notice he's as wild as I am now.
Because man, this is Mark of the Beast, total satanic takeover!
It's real!
God Almighty!
And I just see all these people going along with it and it pisses me off, but David said, Alex, off air and on air, he said, I just, God spoke to me and I've got to just be a soldier and God's the boss and I just follow the orders and trust in God.
It's so true.
Oh God, please, we trust in you.
Because it's, it's, I know you're all the same, that's why so many veterans commit suicide, so many people give up, because they feel like it's their fault, and they feel like they can't be strong enough.
We are not strong enough.
Only God can get us through this.
And when I'm talking about myself, it's because I'm talking myself, down from getting really pissed off, and it's the truth.
It's not me preaching at you.
But I know you're feeling the same way.
Everybody I talk to is, this is unbelievable!
I mean, Bill Gates literally is coming out with a mRNA vaccine that literally reprograms every cell in your body, and they admit it's super deadly?
I mean, this is crazy!
And I'm just telling you, they're gonna pay!
We're not gonna sit here and take this crap!
Okay, we got a bunch of guests coming up Maybe it's good I keep the guests, but I also want to take a lot of calls.
So let me tell you the schedule.
What's going on here?
David Knight was on the first few hours, had Bishop Patrick Wooden on, Stuart Rhodes.
I've got Jason Goodman who does the big walk around showing how New York's totally boarded up and shut down like Omega Man or Last Man on Earth.
Mark Randazzo represents a young man in school who was yelled at, screamed at, and kicked out of class for admitting he supports Trump.
They have communist events all over the country.
We have videos of a bunch of these.
And they go, everyone here denounced Trump!
And everybody raises their hand denouncing, like in the Soviet Union or China or Nazi Germany.
Everyone raise your hand and say Heil Hitler!
And if you don't, you know, you get in trouble.
The new cycling US team, the top guy, Got kicked off the team!
Because they went down the Twitter list, the team, saying, we want you to denounce Trump.
He said, I'm not doing it.
You're off the team, bitch!
Oh, everybody gets to go, Black Lives Matter.
Everybody gets to take an eater in the Star-Spangled Banner.
But when you say you support the president, you're gone, and we just put up with it.
That isn't getting close to slavery.
That's far down the rattle.
And I am pissed off that that slack-jawed liberal leftist didn't like me wearing a mask, so he had his dog bite me on the arm.
And they're so delusional.
When I punched that dog in the head a couple times, that dog thought it bit me.
I said, I got you.
And when I cracked that dog's head in, that guy looked at me and said, my dog!
You hit my dog!
I'm like, yeah!
It ain't a one-way street, you son of a bitch!
You're lucky I didn't kill your dog!
That's what I told him.
You think I'm a doormat for you to piss on, you little rat?
You little piece of crap!
That's who these leftists are, man.
They want it.
They want cans of whoop-ass like Popeye's got opened up.
And just keep pushing, Soros, and Gates, and all of you.
I swear to God you're gonna get it.
See, that shouldn't be on air.
I'm gonna stop right now.
I'll tell you what else is coming up.
Dr. Steve Pachinick, former spy chief, he exposed the whole thing.
John Rappaport, great job.
Gavin McGinnis, amazing.
Donald Lorraine, incredible.
They are, all these people are amazing, incredible.
What else can I say?
We're going to cover the debate tonight.
Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes will be on after that.
Greg Reese.
Allie Alexander, all these incredible people.
Taylor Marshall.
Harrison Smith, always kicking ass, and so many other big guests.
It just goes into tomorrow.
Paul Joseph Watson, and Laura Loomer, and the Hodge twins, and Matt Bracken, and Leo Zagami, and... I mean, it just goes on and on.
Rex Jones, my son, and so many others.
Jay Dyer.
All right, let's just stop for a minute.
Oh, why are we here today?
The enemy salivates And praise for you to just go into a trance and give up and roll over.
Instead of standing up, waking up, and getting active.
It doesn't mean you need to be like I am off the rails sometimes.
But you know what?
Stuff pedophiles coming after us, devil worship, world government, robots controlling us to buy and sell, forced inoculations with a crazy supervillain.
I mean, you know, this is actually light what I'm doing.
I mean, the truth is, it's a verbal demonstration of the spirit of what is about to happen.
I mean, they're coming for humanity.
They tell us this is to hurt us.
So, we got products that are incredible.
I mean, I'm not the healthiest person.
I work too much.
I do things I shouldn't do.
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But I tell you, if I didn't have X2, if I didn't have X3, if I didn't take DNA4s, if I didn't take Winter Sun, I'd get sick like everybody else does.
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And, uh, I mean, I'm like a jackrabbit.
I'm just telling you.
So, this stuff's real, okay?
And that's why they don't want it in your food and your water.
They want the opposite of it in your water.
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We run off iodine.
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But you can feel the enemy's will trying to break our will.
You can feel it pouring in and trying to just use the blood of the innocents to power its satanic engine.
But I can feel God's spirit just absolutely pouring even more power in and it's unbelievable!
Quite frankly, that's it.
My engine's got too many horsepower.
I know yours does as well.
We've got to learn how to deal with this and contend with the enemy and just pray in the name of Jesus Christ that all the new order systems be destroyed and they all be punished and they all be thrown in the lake of hell!
The greatest battle in the history of humanity is happening right now.
Don't sit on the sidelines.
Take action now.
The fight starts at InfoWars.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back, and we're in hour number two.
Jason Goodman's an amazing investigative journalist.
He's with us for the next 30 minutes.
Then we have a thought criminal and his lawyer joining us, where you get yelled at and screamed at and kicked out of school if you say you like Trump.
That's coming up.
but Jason Goodman has been shooting these viral videos where he walks around in New York
and shows the boarded up nature of it, the kind of apocalyptic nature of it.
Some stations don't carry this segment, some stations do, but so we're gonna get to the meat of this
in the next two segments, but Jason Goodman, how would you define the time we're in right now
with 26 days out and just the energy level of the left we're seeing plus the energy level
we're seeing from humanity and the huge, I see an awakening where people really get it's good versus
What's your view on this time we're in?
I'm with you on that, Alex.
I mean, you know, what's happened to New York over the past seven months has been really Devastating and depressing.
And you know, Michelle Obama had a YouTube video out last night.
Actually, somebody I know was the cinematographer for that.
She was boasting about it on Instagram.
But they're trying to convince us that these protests are mostly peaceful.
And I mean, Alex, to me, that's like saying Jeffrey Dahmer was mostly peaceful.
I mean, he was sleeping.
He was, you know, he's only killing people a certain amount of time.
It's that small portion of time where they're not peaceful.
That all this destruction is happening around the city.
Now, I'm approaching 5th Avenue right now, and I just want your viewers to see, this is one of the most famous shopping districts in the entire world.
And Alex, so many stores are closed.
It looks like Caracas.
It looks like Caracas.
I mean, it's going to be a disaster.
And you know, we've got now, coming from Mayor de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo, They're talking about a potential re-shutdown.
They've just opened restaurants for indoor dining, I think, yesterday or two days ago, and they're already threatening to shut them back down.
We can see across the street here, retail for rent, Eisenberg's Sandwich Shop.
That's a famous diner that's totally closed.
This photo place is closed.
Yeah, I've eaten at Eisenberg's, man.
They got great sandwiches.
I mean, that's like been here forever, you know?
All these places are papered up, boarded up for rent.
These are premium flagship retail locations that there are just so many of them now that are unrented.
And who would want to open a premium retail location in a city where, frankly, most people with good reason are fearful of leaving their homes?
I've been assaulted so many times, whether it's by homeless people who are becoming increasingly desperate, Or Black Lives Matter and Antifa supporters who just take one look at me and say I look like a troll.
I think they mean I look like somebody who would... torch.
Rather than, you know, one of the minions who would go out and destroy these shops in the name of whatever it is they think.
But, I mean, it's really upsetting, Alex.
It sure is, and I've seen some of your videos and others have done them.
You can walk around for hours in any direction and it's the same, the same otherworldliness of all of this.
When we come back in a minute, I want to get into what's the endgame?
How do you think it's going for the Deep State with their attempt to hold us hostage?
But what are the average New Yorker saying?
Are they still buying into this garbage?
You know, I know a lot of people who are leaving.
I see moving trucks around all over.
Just when I left my apartment, there was a giant moving truck.
Yesterday, when I went into the elevator in the apartment building, one of my neighbors, there were moving guys, you know, wrapping up all the bedding and everything and taking it out.
So, people are leaving.
The tax base is eroding.
Businesses aren't paying taxes.
People aren't going to restaurants.
It's a disaster.
Unmitigated disaster.
And what's crazy is I've seen de Blasio, the mayor, and I've seen the governor say, keep wearing your mask, you're gonna wear your mask, and they all get caught not wearing their mask when the cameras are off, they think.
We're gonna come back and talk about where all this goes.
Oh, by the way, the mayor Of L.A.
still saying we'll give you money if you catch somebody having a party at their house.
But then all the big tech guys still have their parties.
They don't get in trouble.
And now the governor says, put your mask on and off in between bites of food.
And of course, wear your mask during the act of sex.
We'll be right back.
This is a cult seeing how much we'll do when they order it.
These boots are made for walking.
And that's just what they'll do.
And investigative journalist Jason Goodman has had a lot of big viral reports as he walks around.
Poor areas, rich areas, the fanciest areas, it doesn't matter, of the once great Big Apple.
I've never liked L.A.
I like New York.
A lot of people say, oh, New York's okay.
I like the feel of New York.
I like all the shops.
I like the museums.
I like the action.
And it was, you know, I remember when I was younger, it was really bad under Democrats.
Got better under Giuliani.
Had problems with Giuliani still.
But now it just looks like a third world hellhole.
Jason Goodman of crowdsourcethetruth.com has been walking around and putting these viral videos out, showing how it's totally broken down, how it's fallen apart.
And he's going to tell us what he thinks is really behind this attempt to hold all the blue states and blue cities hostage.
We know they want to hurt the economy, blame it on Trump.
As even Bill Maher said, but it seems to be hurting them.
People are seeing through it with Big Mike, a.k.a.
Michelle Obama, in that speech you talked about earlier last night.
She called her closing argument, said, we're going to reopen things.
Trump kept it closed.
You want the economy to come back, so do we.
I mean, everything she says is an inversion of truth.
You're out there, Jason Goodman, for TV viewers.
They can see it as you walk around.
But again, describe what you're witnessing and then why do you think they're doing it, even though it looks like it's backfired?
Well, Alex, right now I'm standing right here on a world-famous Fifth Avenue.
This is one of the most exclusive shopping districts, not just in New York, but people used to travel from countries all over to just come here.
And, I mean, you can see the garbage behind me.
This place here appears to be under construction.
I don't know if they're just clearing it out for the real estate company that owns it.
Joe Rogan would be happy that they're saying psychedelic medicine is here.
I don't know what that's about.
But there's garbage everywhere.
Major stores along Fifth Avenue totally closed.
We can see right next to Sephora, there's a store for rent over there.
All of these places are closed.
There's one after the other.
This was a clothing store here.
We had a pizza place right next to it.
Graffiti everywhere.
I know a lot of people who haven't been to New York expect that there's graffiti everywhere, but I can tell you, Alex, this is not the way it was.
Certainly not on Fifth Avenue.
Uh, this fry store is closed.
Yeah, New York, up until about, what, five, six years ago, was still a pretty clean, nice city.
It wasn't like it was in the 80s.
Sorry to interrupt, Alex, but we've got a Karen right here who just attracted my attention because she doesn't want to be filmed.
I was walking down the street, minding my own business, when you attracted my attention.
Yeah, they all just look for trouble.
I had a Karen and her husband... She's asking me why I'm not wearing a mask.
Go back and talk to her.
Sick a dog on me.
Go ahead, doctor.
The reason I'm not wearing a mask, ma'am, is because I'm not an idiot.
And it's my right to walk around breathing air.
Why are you wearing a mask?
Why did you attract my attention?
I'm not sick.
No one's gonna get sick from me.
Tell her wearing masks to stop COVID is like wearing diapers to stop farts.
I'm walking down the street.
I wasn't filming you until you attracted my attention.
Now, you know, have you ever farted and smelled it because it's coming through cloth thicker than that?
Because you've attracted my attention and you're irritating me.
I'm walking down the street minding my own business.
Alex, this is terrible.
This is what's happened.
I can't leave my apartment without being accosted either by a woman like that Which, it always seems to be these, like, nosy, skinny white women who want to tell me what to do.
Or, Black Lives Matter people might have seen just a week ago.
No, you're right.
The stereotype of middle-aged white women, nothing against middle-aged white women, but it's a certain subtype, literally believe that they're supposed to run everything.
I never vape, but I've seen how they vape and can blow through the mask showing that they're a fraud.
That's nicotine.
Oh my god, this is horrible.
But anyways, let me just illustrate this for folks about the mask, okay?
A, I can breathe through the mask.
Sorry, I'm not good at these masks.
A, I can breathe through the mask.
And I can breathe out.
Doesn't work, see?
See that?
I mean this is crazy.
Keep going.
You've already been accosted by one Karen because you're a slave out walking around.
Now here's a place that was closed but they weren't satisfied that it was closed.
They had to smash the window.
So now the building owner has to deal with that.
I don't know why they think these are victimless crimes.
There are people who own these buildings, take out big loans to be able to rent them and make money.
You ask me why I think this is happening.
Well, I think this is a classic Uh, economic warfare tactic that was used with Project Phoenix or Operation Phoenix in Vietnam, where you scare the civilian population, you destroy the business climate, property values plummet, oligarchs buy up all this stuff, and in 10 or 20 years it'll come back with somebody else owning it who's not the people who are here right now.
And that woman Attracting my attention over it, where did we get this culture of everybody has to do stuff to protect everybody else?
All these people driving cars, they're putting carcinogenic particles into the atmosphere that are increasing my likelihood of getting sick.
Every one of them should get out of their car and buy an electric car or take the bus or do something.
I mean, what about people who are smoking?
I see people walking down the street with masks.
Jason, you're really impressive.
You just said it.
Everything is toxic in life.
We have to have I think so, and that woman's falling for it.
progressively better, but they're a sabotaging civilization like Prop 65 in California, creating
expectations that are impossible, so they can be the monitors, the hall monitors, the
wardens of all the infighting and all the snitching and all the garbage.
That's our future.
That's what the mask is all about, is getting us all fighting with each other.
I think so, and that woman's falling for it.
She told me before not to film her.
Now, does that mean that I've seen her on a previous day and she told me that and she
She thinks that I remember who she is?
I never saw that woman before that I can recall.
But it makes no sense to me.
Like, that is an unwise thing to do.
Well, she wants to be a victim.
That's the whole left's deal.
I had people today come to me, 30 plus feet with a dog, because I was giving a speech to rock climbers who were up on a 200 foot wall wearing masks.
And they were laughing.
Hi, Alex.
And the guy came and released his dog, and it bit me on the arm.
Yeah, these people, this happened like two hours ago.
Holy cow.
I mean, that's crazy.
Obviously, you could get sick, you're injured, you got bit by a dog.
He told the dog, good job when it bit me.
God, what meanness.
That's crazy.
Alex, I'm sorry to hear that that happened.
No, I'm alright.
I mean, it didn't bleed too much.
The point is, is that as the dog bit me, I grabbed it by the ear and picked it up.
It was like a 60-pound dog.
And when the guy said that, I went, oh, really?
It's a good dog.
How about that?
So I gave the dog a lot worse than it gave me.
But you see my arm?
You ought to see the dog.
But it shows their craziness that he came over with the dog and told it to get me.
That's terrible.
But this type of animosity, it's just breeding everywhere.
I mean, you know, the smartest thing for that woman to do if she was afraid that whatever is coming out of my mouth might make her sick, is just allow me to continue down the street and mind her own business.
I'm six feet away from all these people.
Well, obviously, if you're the plague carrier of the Chinese virus, she should just get away from you.
She drew my attention, and it's not the first time that happened.
Alex, I pity these people.
I think they're victims of Cognitive dissonance, you know, mind control from the media.
Like you said, Michelle Obama last night, everything she was saying was the exact opposite of the truth.
Trump wants to open up the city.
I think if anybody is afraid of getting hit by a car or mugged or getting sick from another person, they should stay home.
They should put on a mask.
But if you're healthy, and if you're willing to accept the risks, I could trip and fall off this curb, crack my skull, get hit by a taxi, anything could happen.
If you're willing to accept the risks... That's right, and that's the lawyers.
They got rid of diving boards.
Now the pools are three feet deep.
They're getting rid of jungle gyms.
Everything's being gotten rid of because it's dangerous.
Now they're getting rid of vaginal birth because there might be a problem, even though statistically, the cesarean's more dangerous.
Yeah, I mean, I don't know.
I think people should become more responsible for themselves and worry about what they're doing and just let everybody else peacefully coexist.
I totally agree.
What do these people think they're going to do as the depression this is triggering deepens if Trump is unable and if we're unable to reopen the economy?
Our guest Jason Goodman is with us on this live October 7th, Wednesday.
40-hour transmission.
We're into hour number 5 right now.
And remember, the Deep State works around the clock to suppress my voice and your voice, so when you share the live links to this show, however you can, it changes the world.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with Jason Goodman.
It seemed like yesterday we could walk down the street without contact tracers and not wear a mask.
But it was long ago.
213 days ago.
And now, Bill Gates has come out and said the lockdown never ends, and we need to quote, reduce vaccine hesitancy.
Jason Goodman, crowdsourcethetruth.com is our guest.
Hope you'll join us again for a longer segment to walk around New York and illustrate things.
This has been powerful.
We know what this is about.
Remember Obama five years ago?
He went to South America and he went to Africa and he said, you can't have cars and air conditioning for the earth.
But of course he has a jumbo jet and $14 million palace on the beach.
And so that's what this really is, is the establishment showing us, hey, we took everything over.
We can cut stuff off.
This is called siege.
And I think people need to realize it's predatory.
What do you say, Jason Goodman?
Absolutely, Alex.
I mean, all you need to do is look around.
I don't understand how Michelle Obama can produce a video last night.
Saying that these are mostly peaceful protests.
What I see is the remnants of destruction around the city.
And, you know, this mostly thing... I was, uh... I encountered a group of Black Lives Matter supporters who were not permitted.
This was last week.
They were blocking 42nd Street, which is a major road in New York City.
That's not a peaceful protest, because what if somebody needs to get through there in an ambulance?
And when I asked them, Do you guys have a permit for this?
Where are the cops?
They surrounded me, accosted me, assaulted me, smacked my camera, broke one of my cell phones.
That's not peaceful.
I think that the news, the mainstream news, feels like if you're not shooting someone or actively burning down a building, everything else is peaceful.
But that's not correct.
We're approaching Washington Square Park right now, Alex, and I want to... Well, I don't know if we can show this to your viewers, because it's foul language.
spray painted at the foot of George Washington on the Washington Square arch right here.
And for all the technology we have in New York City, and all the Black Lives Matter
banners that have been painted on the street since this occurred, I don't know what they're
doing in this forklift, but they're not removing the F-12 graffiti here at the feet.
It's disgraceful.
They are a Marxist Bolshevik group being given free reign.
And, you know, the park is a little bit more under control certainly than it was a few weeks ago.
I don't know if you saw my encounter with the homeless vagrant who was living in the fountain there.
And I'll tell you something else, Alex.
There's a certain, I've lived in New York City, I was born in New York City, grew up, you know, in the suburbs and have lived in Manhattan for 30 years.
There is a certain type To homeless people in New York.
And I don't mean race.
I don't mean anything.
But it is not young, healthy-looking white people with fresh clothes.
It's usually people, black or white or any color, with clothes that they look like they've been wearing for months.
So I've been noticing around town younger, cleaner-looking people sleeping on suitcases.
Homeless people don't have suitcases.
And, as I said, the park is relatively calm compared to what it's been, but... Well, they've made it very avant-garde to be homeless.
They've set it up to have crime in the streets.
This is simply to demoralize us and bring the country down.
They admit that.
Yes, and we've got anarchy symbols painted all over the place.
I don't know if this is one I haven't exactly seen before, but graffiti is rampant.
You know, petty crime is happening all over the place.
You know, even people who maybe wouldn't be criminals feel emboldened to start fights and arguments and...
You know, they're arguing with the cops.
Nothing is happening.
When they get thrown in jail, they get out the next day.
You know, I was assaulted in this park.
I walked about 100 feet over to an NYPD officer who was standing by the arch, and I said I was assaulted by that guy over there.
The officer asked me if I had called 911.
And I was like, wait, you're standing right here.
Can't you do anything?
And they would not do anything.
So I got to be honest, it's not safe right now in New York City.
This is the breakdown of law and order.
How do you think this whole Marshall Law siege is going for the globalists?
Are they getting what they wanted?
I have to say, I think that President Trump has been playing it very smart so far.
You know, not Having a heavy hand come in.
It's amazing to me that these Democrat-run cities are refusing the help that we obviously need.
I mean, the impression that I get from NYPD, because most of them won't speak to me, and I understand, they can't do that.
They have their orders.
But the impression that I get is that they've been deliberately told to stand down.
I mean, why would a police officer not walk 100 feet to where an assault occurred and at least find out what's going on, maybe do an arrest?
They just wouldn't do anything.
And, I mean, before the George Floyd murder, when I was walking around, the city was basically empty.
It was really like I Am Legend.
And there were no police whatsoever.
And when I would, you know, go to a police precinct or something and ask them if they've been stood down, the response was very weird.
They just did not want to answer.
And the only cops I saw were Traffic Cop and the Special Response Group, which, as I understand, NYPD, SRG is some kind of anti-terrorism unit.
Yeah, what's happened is the media has paralyzed local police.
Also, the Democrats above them, the mayors and others are part of it.
And so they know if anything goes wrong, they're going to be blamed and fired.
So they've stood down themselves, which is the same thing as being paralyzed.
It's a very, very dangerous scenario.
And I've seen a lot of the reports you have posted.
We should have you back soon or maybe even later during.
The commercial free part of this 40 hour broadcast to play some of the amazing videos and reports you've got because they are incredible.
Where do people find all those reports?
Well, they can find them on crowdsourcetotruth.com.
That will lead people to all of the YouTube and Patreon and all that stuff.
You know, we've been taking a lot of heat, Alex.
The Emmys have brought a lawsuit against me and my corporation, actually, for doing a parody.
I was speaking with David Knight about that when the lawsuit was first raised.
But I've already started my legal defense.
And yesterday, my appeal to the YouTube legal department worked.
And so the YouTube channel has been reactivated, and I think the Emmys are in big trouble when our court date arrives on October 30th.
Explain to people that they're using copyright law when you're clearly protected covering something, giving analysis, and saying you violated them.
Yeah, well, what they're actually using is lawfare.
They claim that I violated their copyright, but clearly it's a parody, which is protected by Section 107 of the Copyright Act.
That's right, parodies are pretty much the most protected under free speech, because you're allowed to imitate it and make fun of it under satire.
That's right, but because Adam Sharp, who's the son of Roger Sharp, who reported from the Dallas police station, November 22, 1963, that Lee Harvey Oswald had shot John F. Kennedy and went on to win four Emmy Awards.
His son is now the president and CEO of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, which awards Emmys for the news, daytime drama and stuff like that.
And so I think that people who report things like Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK, they win Emmys.
People who report things Like Alex Jones or Jason Goodman, get their channels struck, they get lawsuits.
That's right, I'm not even sure Trump wants a Nobel Peace Prize for all the wars he's gotten us out of.
Because they give it to Henry Kissinger, they give it to Barack Obama.
I mean, it's almost like getting an Iron Cross from Hitler.
And you know, right now I'm in the West Village, which normally on an autumn day, it's beautiful weather today, I would expect most of these restaurants to be full.
But so many of them, Alex, are closed down.
And I mean, this is part of what made New York, New York.
You might come on a vacation and try a different restaurant every night, get into some, you know, interesting shopping.
This is an artificial depression.
Jason Goodman, crowdsourcethetrip.com.
Thank you so much for the time, brother.
Talk to you again soon.
Take care, Alex.
Thanks for having me on.
Thank you.
Now, we've got Mark Randazzo, a well-known First Amendment lawyer.
He doesn't work with us.
He's got a client who's got in big trouble for his free speech in school.
We'll cover that.
This world government system is authoritarian.
Hollywood, Communist China, the big universities, they promote it because big corporations want to get rid of nation-states and due process.
Big tech's bigger than government.
Big tech surveils more than the NSA.
And government hasn't even figured that out yet, though Congress has put out a report dealing with big tech censorship operating as a monopoly and election meddling.
But just a week ago, American Cycle is suspended over pro-Trump tweet.
Quinn Simmons, reigning world champion of the junior road race, now placing the highest levels in the official top races, set to be the new Lance Armstrong, was asked on Twitter Well, if you don't follow me and support Trump, you can go.
The journalist Joe Bin wrote in a now-deleted tweet.
Bye, Simmons replied.
Again, if you follow me and support Trump, you can go.
The journalist Jose Bin wrote in a now-deleted tweet.
For one word, bye, like bye-bye, he was kicked off the team.
Suspended, now kicked off.
That's how these systems work, ladies and gentlemen.
We're joined by Mark Rondazza with an exclusive story here in a moment dealing with something that's happened in Massachusetts in a school.
But first, here's a few short clips of even more egregious things you're about to hear going on where young people get kicked out of school or get in trouble for their political beliefs.
Absolute authoritarianism, here it is.
What exactly did the teacher say now when Bella said Trump was her hero?
Well, when she found out that Trump was her hero, she said, you're not allowed to pick Trump.
He spreads negativity and he says bad things about women.
And I was like, Floyd, when I heard that.
Well, for a little girl to have the poise To not just buckle under the pressure and actually come home and Arthur say, Mom, Dad, this doesn't seem right.
That's what actually gives me a lot of hope.
Is that your little girl, Arthur, said, you know something?
No, I'm not.
I'm not giving in.
That's pretty unusual, I have to say.
I don't think you can hear me over your music!
The park is closed!
You'll get arrested if the cops come!
Wait, can we go over there?
Is that crazy enough for you?
Can we go over there?
This is a teacher telling people they can't be in a park or they're gonna die.
It's all just this craziness that our young people go through.
Jackson Cody is our guest student at O'Malley Middle School, Gloucestershire Public Schools, Massachusetts, and I'll let his lawyer, my good friend, Mark Randazzo of the Randazzo Legal Group go over this for us.
This is not like the other crazy teachers.
They're following a directive of the school.
I know Mark is not saying the teachers are the problem here, though I think they're following orders that they shouldn't.
I think the Nuremberg Code shows that they are doing something wrong, but I get it.
They're not the main target.
They don't mean to be bad.
It's just that just following orders isn't going to cut it.
It is the school itself.
I agree with Mark Randazzo.
So Mark, lead us through this, and thanks for coming on with this exclusive.
So Jackson here is a very politically astute, a very articulate student who happens to be a young Republican.
So he was in class and he was asked whether, the teacher I believe asked Jackson, tell me if this is right, asked if anybody in the class supported Trump.
And then what happened?
She basically told me that I was wrong and that she shamed Donald Trump.
And she kind of made me feel bad and made the whole class gang up on me.
So she even said to him, well I thought I liked you.
And this is a 12 year old kid who I think we ought to be proud of.
Any 12 year old who has their own political opinions.
I don't care if they're out there as an outspoken conservative, liberal, communist, anarchist.
As long as they are engaged in the process.
And what we found disappointing was that Not only did his his homeroom teacher first tell him that you know there was something wrong with him for these beliefs, but then he was in a later class.
Why don't you tell about what happened in your other class?
And the teacher just said she was having a bad day and the only good thing that happened to her today was Donald Trump getting coronavirus.
Me and my friend were talking about what Donald Trump's done.
She told us to be quiet, but the other kids in the back could talk about how bad Donald Trump was.
She walked by them and said nothing to them.
So you got blatant viewpoint discrimination and you know what I'm one of the things I'm most proud of Jackson and his family for is that they have insisted that They don't want to shame anybody.
They don't want to mention the names of the teachers publicly.
They did mention them, of course, to the administration in letters that I sent to the administration.
But they don't want to play the cancel culture game.
His direct quote to me was, you know, we're not liberals.
We don't do that.
You don't want tit for tat.
You want them to uphold the First Amendment.
What have you learned about the First Amendment through this, Jackson?
That you just have the right to your own opinion, no matter what your opinion is, and you don't let anyone else stop that.
And about your educational process?
That the teachers, they need change and they need the proper training.
It's not one individual teacher, they're not bad, they're not wrong, they just don't have the right training and they need the right training.
Well, I mean, that's a very nice thing for you to say, and I say overall you're absolutely right.
But, and it's going to be measured in your response, but this is all over the country, all over the world.
Nationalists, patriots, conservatives, Christians, populist, anti-war people are being censored and shut down in an organized fashion.
And I think something's wrong with the teachers and their training.
That they think that these are okay orders to be given.
I mean, they all know you could have a Church of Satan event there if the kids wanted to have it, or you could have a Boy Scout event, or you could have, you know, LGBT stuff if the young people are wanting to have that event.
But to say that you then can't say you support the president, this is just outrageous.
Yeah, I mean, Alex, I think the graphic you put up about Cambodia was right on point.
You know, this is how, when you want to Wipe out your opposition.
You start with the kids.
You brainwash the kids.
You don't let the kids think that there's any other option.
You know, I don't think that we're ever going to be, I'll never be so certain of my politics that I think there's no room for debate.
I don't see how in God's name that, you know, a middle school would do this to kids and make it, you know, make it difficult for kids to have their own thoughts and their own beliefs.
You know, higher education, I mean, we see this on college campuses, sure, you know, high schools, but now to see this even all the way down into the middle schools, you know, there needs to be systemic change.
Well, we know what's happened.
The universities that were once founts of free expression have now become horrible, bizarre, maliced brainwashing facilities that actually adopted that.
And much of the Khmer Rouge type of brainwashing and Pol Pot, you're absolutely right, Mark Randazzo.
How's this lawyer joining us?
But now they have externalized that method into the middle schools, the elementary schools.
I mean, this is this is called programming and they believe they're backed by the teachers unions.
This is being directed by big corporations.
It needs to stop.
Yeah, I mean, I've had a case against this school before where there was a teacher whose First Amendment rights were infringed upon.
And, you know, it's funny how when that wasn't politically charged speech like that, the teachers union had no interest in helping her.
But I do agree that part of the problem you have is the public service unions are probably not a good idea for us.
And when you have these public service unions essentially programming their members to try to program the kids, you've got a little taste of a cultural revolution that I don't want to participate in.
Yeah, it'd be one thing if my neighbor was telling my 10-year-old, oh, this is not my view.
It'd still be a little pushy, but if they told my son, you're an idiot, you can't have that view, I'd say, hey, Bob, I'm about to beat your ass.
I mean, at the end of the day, this is very cult-like, it's very authoritarian, it's very dangerous, but to have the school doing it...
It's just next level and it feels so acceptable.
I want to hear where you're going to go and where you think other people with the same problem, Mark Rendazzo, are going to go if this continues, which it is.
I mean, when do we start pushing back?
It's one thing to send a letter, you know, this teacher may be quiet for a while, but move on and abuse the next class.
What other young people out there, what do you recommend they do when this happens?
I think what Jackson Cody did is the model of doing this.
I would have been probably a little more aggressive, but that's why I'm a crazy person.
We'll be right back.
Tomorrow's news today.
Constitutional lawyer Mark Randazza is our guest.
Another segment with a young man, Jackson Cody, who was told he was a thought criminal and ridiculed and got in trouble for saying he supported Trump.
But that's how they do it.
They ask, who supports Trump in here?
It's the same all over the country.
You raise your hand, then they belittle you.
They make you feel bad.
This is the essence of authoritarianism.
And I go back to American Cyclist suspended over pro-Trump tweet.
And then you had the football player a few weeks ago, who was a bronze star winner, and the rest of the football team decided to stay in during the Star Spangled Banner.
Well, he said, I can't help it.
He went out and did it.
They threatened to kick him off the team, so he basically apologized, which makes it even worse.
I mean, he's willing to get shot in combat for the country, but he's going to get kicked off the team if he wants to stand with the anthem.
This is so cultic.
And so authoritarian.
I mean, words don't describe it.
Mark Rondazzo.
You're up there in the top ten First Amendment lawyers in the country.
You're very well known.
You take Christian cases.
You take occultic cases.
You take, you know, everybody's cases.
If it's First Amendment, it's legal.
You take it.
I respect that.
I know in some cases even the Satanists have gotten mad at you for taking my case, with some of the cases you do for us.
It's just outrageous.
When did the so-called liberals become the crazy left and totally not just abandon free speech, but actively assault it?
Well, you know, I think that has been a cornerstone of how people have interpreted Marxism.
I mean, you look at Mao, you look at Lenin, you look at Pol Pot, I mean, that's how you use it.
You know, it is true that, you know, that they will often aim at people first who are on the outskirts.
You know, you aim at people who speak outrageously.
First they came for Milo, then they came for you, and now they're coming for even more and more people.
And, you know, just It's not like I'm representing somebody here who has some kind of outrageous reputation.
I mean, Jackson's a half-decent student, right?
Yeah, I get all As and I rarely, never get in trouble.
I mean, involved in activities.
It's absolutely outrageous.
It's a total abolition of the job of the teachers and their sacred trust.
It's disgusting.
Jackson, you're a stand-up guy.
What do you want to say about free speech in America and what you think of Trump?
This is your chance to be heard by millions.
They want to silence you.
You stood up.
You're a model for all of us to stand up and say no.
What do you want to impart to everybody, my friend?
Well, just like Oliver Wendell's home idea of the marketplace and freedom of speech, I just feel like that everyone has the right to their own opinion.
And I support Donald Trump and he's done many great things, making peace with many countries, not creating a new war.
He's helped our economy.
And some people may not agree with me and they have the right to their own opinion, but let me have my own opinion and don't say anything about it.
What do you expect to happen now that Mark Rondazza is helping you stand up for your rights?
Well, I expect the school to get the proper training.
I expect the district to get the proper training.
And the teachers should not belittle students or be biased against religion, politics, or any of this anymore.
It's not right.
Mark, you're taking an even hand with this.
You're being very judicious, but what do they need to do?
I mean, I think they need to announce they're having some classes about the First Amendment for these damn teachers.
I think they need to have some apologies.
And what, absolute commitments to not act like, you know, baby Stalin again?
Yeah, I mean, one of the teachers already, you know, and on her own without being pressured, I think, thought about it and apologized to the family, and I thought that was a real stand-up move.
But there needs to be education.
Yes, the teachers need to learn.
Because I think you're not a good teacher if your students are aware of your political or religious views.
Jackson, what went wrong?
And then Mark, what went wrong where just even 10 years ago, everybody knew free speech was key, unless it was profane or calling for violence.
Since when, where did we lose this?
And where did this sacred amendment that we all agree on?
Some would agree with the second amendment, we all agree with free speech.
I thought, when did we lose that most American idea?
Probably when Donald Trump became president.
Everyone didn't like him and they loved him all before he became a politician and started running for president.
That's a good answer.
The floor fell in, the bottom of the pit opened up when Trump got in, Mark.
But it was already going on before that, wasn't it?
Well, I think it was.
There was certainly a current of anti-free speech.
And I think the right and the left are equally to blame.
There was a time when my entire career was fighting government officials who were on the right who wanted to shut down speech that they didn't like.
But, you know, it has been a strategy of the left, I think, to infiltrate education, to make sure that you just don't feel comfortable expressing certain ideas on college campuses and high school campuses and now apparently middle school.
You know, I think that he's right that in 2016, when everybody was shocked At the power of the First Amendment, because that's what got Trump elected.
I mean, a broadcast like yours, you know, you were hitting so many people that they weren't taking any account for that.
The DNC... Trump, before they didn't care if we had 20 million people a day, which we did, but afterwards all they went, whoa, but it was their arrogance.
Yes, I think so.
You know, look, I think, you know, I worked on the Obama campaign in 2008.
And, you know, we kind of laughed at the fact that the Republicans apparently didn't know how to use the Internet.
Well, they learned over eight years.
And then there are just as many, if not more, conservatives organized online than there were liberals.
And, you know, that same online marketplace of ideas that I think helped propel Obama into office propelled Trump into office.
And that's just the way the game is played.
And what you don't do, what I won't stand for, is when somebody says, well, if your communication is so effective that it got someone elected that I don't like, I need to stop you from communicating.
Well, exactly.
They should just adopt what's popular if they want to win.
Yeah, I'd say that.
But what you don't do is you take a fine American like this kid, you know, wrestling champion, top grades.
I mean, this is a stellar student and you want to and you look at him and you see he's so politically astute and so like red beyond what the teachers make him do.
And you don't want to foster that?
You don't want to pull that out of him?
them. And I agree and here's the key, he knows to go to his parents and get a
good lawyer and stand up. That's the final, he doesn't just know all the info,
he knows the action is key. All right, amazing. Jackson, Cody, if anybody wants to
contact you, do you got an email or through your parents or through Mark
Randazza, we really appreciate you standing up for all our freedoms. Yes, I
do. My email is... You don't want to give that out in the air.
Yeah, you can contact him through my firm.
That'd be fine.
All right, sure.
So no Twitters, no Facebooks yet?
Not yet.
All right.
Well, you're awesome.
We appreciate you both for standing up and God bless your parents as well.
All right.
Thanks for having us on, Alex.
Thank you.
There goes Mark Rondazzo and Jackson Cody.
And that's just another one of those stories.
You can search children punished for supporting Trump and they found, like, A little girl had her Trump pin ripped off of her and sent to the principal.
I mean, this is crazy.
And look, I know it's because of who I am today.
This guy set his dog on me and it bit me.
And luckily it didn't get the blood a little bit.
Most of the teeth didn't puncture.
It bit me on the arm.
Because as soon as it started biting me, I grabbed it and punched it and got it off me.
But the guy told his dog, good job, because it's who I am.
I mean, this is just ridiculous, folks.
This is absolutely out of control.
And I did file a police report.
I saw animal control was just calling me during the break.
Because you know why I'm going to have to go after that guy?
He's going to lie about me.
That's what the left does.
Oh, I got witnesses, buddy.
I got it all.
I got it all.
But it's going to get worse, and that's the big question we've got to ask is, what are they going to start doing now?
When they lose in 26 days because all hell's going to break loose and it's going to be bad and they're going to claim that Trump still stole the election and they say if he strategically does anything to even defend himself, he's a bad person.
We have to get ahead of that.
I'm starting to see that happen.
It's very, very positive.
All right.
Former head of psychological operations with the State Department, one of the co-founders of Delta Force, and the real deal.
You've got all these folks that say they've been involved in regime change and black ops and all this crap, and it's not true.
But Steve McKinnick is the best-selling author.
He has done all of that.
Steve McKinnick has the website SteveMcKinnick.com.
He's going to join us, and then I'm going to continue hosting right through.
We're in the middle of a 40-hour global transmission.
We have so many huge guests coming up.
Gab McGinnis, Deanna Lorraine, John Rappaport.
Tyler Marshall, Alec Alexander, Greg Reese, Robert Barnes, Harrison Smith, Paul Joseph Watson, Dan Lyman, Syrian Girl, Tom Papert, Patrick Howley, David Knight, Leo Zagami, the list just goes on and on.
Rex Jones, my son.
It's all coming up.
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Right in front of our very eyes, we are seeing the globalist deep state at work.
Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
What a terrible, terrible blight upon all people.
Antifa, which they claim means anti-fascist, is absurd, ludicrous, and totally opposite of what they claim to be.
They are not anti-fascist.
They are the fascists.
Black Lives Matter.
It's a ruse.
If Black Lives Matter, then why don't we do something about what is happening?
Blacks on Blacks.
Killing Blacks.
In places like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Washington, D.C.
It's an endless list that won't be missed.
So, the bottom line here is that it's about divide, confusion, chaos, and conquer.
What we're watching here is insanity, and particularly the deep state Democrats and their seditious, despicable, lying media are fanning the flames.
I urge all of my brothers and sisters, don't go for the ghost.
Okay, don't be Duke, Goodwink, Bamboozle.
Understand that we are in this struggle as patriots, as U.S.
citizens, together.
What we have on our side is we have each other.
Each other.
And that's extremely powerful.
And that's something that the media, the deep state, Democrats, and the rhino Republicans For that matter, they don't want you to know that.
They want you to think that you're alone.
You're by yourself.
You're not alone.
You're not by yourself.
And there are a lot of people, millions, millions who are thinking just like you.
This is our republic.
This is all about fun and games and hurting people and destroying, not building, not serving the people, body and soul, but the exact opposite.
So I plead with, implore with, to all my brothers and sisters of all colors, get a grip on reality.
Stop this madness.
Stop this insanity.
And those who won't stop it need to be stopped.
So I would say, you know, if anything that's happening at CNN and anybody who buys your book, it's really just one of those things that is dividing our nation.
And I don't believe in dividing our nation.
It hurts our great nation.
And so CNN is really the enemy of the truth.
And that's my opinion.
Thank you.
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No News Outlet is an enemy of America.
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All right, we're already into hour number three.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We are into, what, hour number five of the global transmission, or hour number six now.
And I'm really excited that Dr. Steve Pachinik's with us.
He's a best-selling author, researcher, a veteran, and the former head of psychological operations in the State Department, involved in regime change, co-wrote a bunch of books with Tom Clancy as one of his main sources.
StevePachinik.com's his website.
His latest e-book, American Warrior in Crisis, Tales of a Political Psychiatrist is available.
He's also a medical doctor, psychiatrist, and MIT trained and a bunch of other things.
And he's with us here. You know who he is, @StevePachinick on Twitter. We really appreciate
him joining us. He'll always have a lot to say, and he's got his own pro-America agenda. He's a
good guy. I agree with about 95% of what he has to say. And he'll get into his agenda because we
don't pre-talk before he comes on. But I've got my questions. And I know he doesn't want to
overestimate how powerful the Chai comms and the Hollywood scum are and all the rest of them.
But just right here, they're out in the open in the communist Chinese newspapers saying,
"China, Trump sets poor example with post-coronavirus White House return," even though
they've been reopened for business. And now they've got documented reports out that they
are hyping up corona to keep us locked down.
Meanwhile, China, North Korea, Cuba and Iran denounced US for systemic racial discrimination at UN.
I mean, China's killed more people than Hitler ever dreamed of.
Talk about discrimination.
It's not even... It's so laughable, but our whole media goes along with it.
So, I want to ask you this.
Who are America's enemies?
Because we know there's a deep state, and there's an inept state, and that's the big enemy, and we know the Chinese have brought their money in and bought up the media, and all the rest of it.
But I want people to know who the players are, because I get asked all the time, who are the players?
Well, I can see who's aligned.
The Communist Chinese, Hollywood, the EU, hell, they have Davos meetings and say, "Xi Jinping will crush Trump three
years ago."
And he's being saluted on stage by Juncker, the Nazi heir, stumbling around drunk.
So I get they're inept, and I get we can beat them, but to not see more Americans openly
supporting Trump and supporting the rebuilding of our military, building our infrastructure,
pulling us out of these wars.
All this is very pragmatic, common sense to me.
To not see that really frustrates me, Dr. Pucinich.
That's a long intro.
I appreciate you.
Who are the players?
People want to know that they know you're smart.
Who are the players 26 days out?
What do you think they're going to pull?
Thanks for joining us.
It's my pleasure.
Number one, the greatest enemy of America can only be America.
We have no other enemies.
Putin is not our enemy.
He's a strong ally.
He can say whatever he wants about the Democrats, Republicans.
President Xi knows he's sitting on a very dangerous situation because not only the coronavirus, but they have a real problem economically and then they have a system that they can't really work.
The only problem we have is an internal dissension within our country where the real problem is we don't know anything about our history.
We talked about racism, yet the Civil War had nothing to do about racism.
We talked about economic problems, yet the issue here is we're doing economically quite well.
We bring forth people who have been discredited, have accomplished absolutely nothing, have started wars, and are corrupt, i.e.
Where is the danger on the outside that is comparable to the danger with inside?
What I'm speaking about is internally, because we are 37th in the world on education, that Democrats are able to mobilize these sayings like, oh, we have a history of racism.
Who has more racism than the Africans who brought the African slaves here to America?
Who has more racism than the Muslims who brought over the African slaves to America?
We didn't create the Civil War over racism or the slaves.
It was done because we had an idiot, Marfan syndrome, depressed, manic depressive, Despot called Abraham Lincoln, but we don't teach that.
We said that we did the Civil War because it was for the freedom of the slaves.
You know, and here's the problem of America.
We don't understand where we are.
If you want to talk about racism in America, fine.
Let's talk about the time in FDR, one of the greatest racists of all time, the epitome of democratic values and progressivism.
Yeah, he was the eugenicist.
People don't know that.
No, let me go on and I'll explain it.
Number one, he allowed the Jews to be exterminated.
He was warned repeatedly that we have been exterminated.
His right-hand man, John McCloy, who created the CIA, said under no condition will we stop the bombing of anything, but we will save certain factories in Germany.
He was pro-Hitler.
Whom did they incarcerate?
The blacks?
The Japanese in World War II.
FDR initiated the incarceration of the Japanese, the Germans, and the Italians.
Does any Democrat know that?
There wasn't one black who was incarcerated in a prison camp.
But I know thousands and hundreds of thousands of Japanese who were.
Mistakenly, because we were at war at the time.
Who was the one who created the wars in Vietnam?
It wasn't Eisenhower.
Eisenhower, a general who served in our military with distinction, said, we're not going into Vietnam.
This is a disaster.
Let the French do it.
So who did it?
A draft dodger who was totally manic-depressive, another moron who Doris Lessing loves, the liberals love him, and his name was LBJ.
He just increased the number of soldiers we had from 16,000 to half a million and eventually to two million.
And used the false flag, Galt of Tonkin, and you know his letters are at his presidential museum and library here in Austin where he says that he's going to suppress and control black people.
He had no desire to really free anybody.
That was the point.
So you got LBJ.
Who comes next in line?
Totally out of control mentally.
He looks great.
He's tanned.
You got Ted Sorensen once again from the liberal left at Harvard coming in and making up a story of the 10 days that shook the world.
But the reality was John F. Kennedy We don't talk about it.
He was totally depressed, psychotic.
We don't talk about it, thanks to the fact that I was at Cornell Medical School with
our doctor.
But it is declassified that he took methamphetamine injections daily.
He was taking more drugs than Elvis.
And as a result of that, Khrushchev could not believe that we had a totally incompetent,
psychotic president, so we got the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Plus, we had wars all over Latin America and the Middle East.
And guess what the results were?
Inevitably, he had to be stopped, and he was stopped.
And LBJ was part of it, Bush Senior.
Then we get to Bush Senior, and we start making up stories about Bush Senior.
He was a war hero.
He ejected from his plane and allowed eight of his own servicemen to die while he saved himself and made sure he became a hero.
He said, I'm going to go to the CIA in 1972.
No, Bush Senior, you went into the CIA in 1957.
Your father was already in that business.
You were corrupt.
Then we get who else?
The idiot version of Bush Senior, Bush Junior.
With Cheney, and what did they create?
Thousands of Americans killed.
Then they immediately go into Iraq and Afghanistan with no reasons, no evidence whatsoever, but they're not arrested.
And who comes in?
Comey, Mueller, Hayden, all the incompetents.
So all you're saying is the detritus, the lackeys of all these scumbags are now left hanging on for power, but with every passing week they're losing their power and Trump's bringing in a new renaissance.
That's exactly it.
But they are the core of disintegration of our American Republic.
Not our democracy, unlike Nancy Pelosi and the group of Democrats who do not understand our country is not a democracy.
Our founding fathers were too smart.
They saw exactly what happened in the French Revolution, and they said, we do not want the tyranny of the masses, so we have a right to vote.
That's exactly what George Washington said in all those letters.
So, great history lesson.
We love it.
I'm asking you currently, we're going to come back.
I know you know the players.
The universities, the big corporations are still running this Bolshevik playbook of divide and conquer.
Major universities everywhere are segregating black from white again.
These people are crazy!
They totally have a plan of division.
And I know when Trump is re-elected, hopefully he's got a battle plan.
And they say this intelligence is coming out tomorrow that's going to expose the deep state coup against him.
I don't believe that because, I mean, Durham hasn't done anything yet, but we'll get your take.
Dr. Steve Pachinick, an amazing insider for America.
On the other side, stevepachinick.com.
I'm with 2020electioncenter.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
Dr. Steve Pachinick's our guest, and he made a really important point earlier.
The only way this republic can fall is from within, and our real power is our ideals of individualism that made us the apple of the world's eye.
But as we lose our cultural, spiritual identity, We become a house divided.
We can be a bunch of different colored people if we believe in free market America and rugged individualism.
We lose that, well then, our different colors and different backgrounds can become our weakness, not our diversity.
It's true that America's diversity has been at strength in ideas and engineering and food and culture.
Because other places couldn't do it.
They always fought and destroyed themselves, but our outside enemies, the Chi-Coms and others in Hollywood, are doing this, the tried and tested game of divide and conquer.
And so it was the Roman senator and historian, Marcus Tullius Cicero, quotes on treason, A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government by itself.
And he goes on to say in the full quote that we can defeat outside enemies, but the traitor is the plague and will bring down the city.
And when you look at the Democrats and Antifa and Soros, I mean, they say, we want no borders, no wall, no USA at all.
And I get, Dr. Pichinik, you're a psychiatrist, a smart guy.
You see that they put out their crisis, they mean it, but that you believe America will rise to the occasion and counter it and make us stronger.
I'd like to not even go through that process and absolutely repudiate that, just completely to deal with it and get rid of it, and then have a new dialectic of excellence and super excellence.
Not horrible communist collapse and dirtbags and scum and just pedophiles and devil worshippers versus decent Americans.
I'd rather have decent Americans versus super Americans.
I'd rather not have that wing of filth.
Do you get what I'm saying?
But remember one thing, Alex.
You and I grew stronger and bigger because of the conflict within ourselves and the fact that we were challenged from the outside.
When you were stigmatized, you went on and created a bigger show.
This is not about you, but I'm explaining it to your audience.
It's a laboratory.
No, we got much more powerful and stronger.
It's true.
And that is the example I want to talk to the audience about.
So you're saying the facts don't lie, that prosperity makes monsters, adversity makes men.
And the bottom line, the essence of our republic has always been serial entrepreneur, the ability to take a risk and go with that risk.
You've got Daria from the Soviet Union or Russia.
I'm coming from Cuba.
You've got immigrants from all over the world who've become very successful here.
Because only in America, and I've grown up in France, Cuba and elsewhere, but only in America are you allowed to make mistakes.
And a mistake doesn't mean that you're going to go into bankruptcy.
A mistake doesn't mean, like in France, you can't go up the cash system.
A mistake doesn't mean, like in Russia, where you go to the gulags.
Or in China, where you end up in Xinjiang or some other prison.
Here in America, you can make those mistakes, and the beauty of what we have in Trump is the very essence of an American political profile.
It's not Biden.
Biden represents- No, it's true.
I mean, Trump is pure Americana.
He really is.
He's a pure American specimen.
You know what's beautiful?
Trump doesn't say a word about his uncle, who happened to have been one of the greatest Professors at MIT and develop radar in all, but MIT now is talking about, oh, we have to have courses on integration of blacks.
What does that have to do with MIT?
Trump doesn't talk about the fact that he built 42nd Street.
He built Fifth Avenue.
He built the casinos in New Jersey.
He built the ice skating rinks for my daughters for free in New York.
He hasn't talked about that.
He may say whatever he wants, and I don't care, and I've said it repeatedly on your show, it's not what the man says, it's what he does.
In contrast, we have a decadent, pathetic Biden.
The complete adverse or converse of what American is about.
He became a politician at 27.
He lied about his background.
He lied about how his wife was killed.
He lied about his corruption.
He lied about his achievements.
He started wars in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan.
And guess what?
This draft dodger started a major war in Iraq and he doesn't want to talk about it.
Yet he's also very elitist towards everyone, which a lot of scumbags are because they're not really elites.
And he's well known to be a racist.
He's everything that is a fool, a moron, and a corrupt individual.
He personifies the very opposite of Americanism.
That is, the man who is completely corrupt, completely infested with evil, if you want.
He's insulated.
He never has to take a risk.
He has the whole system protecting him.
He's stagnant.
He's not only stagnant, he is the epicenter of regression.
If we fail, it's because we've gone to a man like Biden.
He does not represent achievement.
He does not represent self-respect.
He does not represent decency.
He does not represent serving your republic.
When he was drafted, oh, he had asthma, he couldn't go.
But he had no problem starting the Iraq war with 3,000 men.
I asked you the other day on Owen's war room, I said, what would you say if you could talk to Biden and repeat that?
Because you really chewed him up good.
I would say to him, don't even think about running for the presidency.
It's not going to happen.
You won't get there.
It will not happen.
The people like myself and others who know you all too well, there you are with Richard Haass, another disaster, at the very essence of the Institute that I left, the Council on Foreign Relations, admitting that he had received billions of dollars in Ukraine.
I would make sure he will never run.
I would make sure that Kamala Harris... Well, that's another point.
Why would he brag?
I said, I'm going to keep the million dollars if you don't stop the investigation of my son.
And they did what I told.
Why would he admit a giant crime on TV?
He's a psychotic!
Well, he's not psychotic.
He's nuts.
What he is is arrogance.
It's arrogance, my friend.
If he was psychotic, we would give him dispensation and say, oh, he doesn't know what he's doing.
No, you're right.
In a real cycle, he would probably be smarter.
Then why would you brag about a crime on air?
Because you're a sociopath.
Because you basically think you're going to get away with everything.
And guess what?
Biden's gotten away with everything he's done.
I mean, it's endless.
We have never, and one of the issues that we talked about, no one's gone to jail.
Bush Jr.
hasn't gone to jail.
Cheney, who created more wars and violated our national security, never went to jail.
Colin Powell, our big African-American general, who lied like a banshee about his success in Vietnam, and then he lied in Iraq.
Condoleezza Rice, another African-American, lied continuously.
We have pathological liars, and guess what happens?
We promote them in positions of power.
So guys like you and me who want to say, hey, look, you know, the emperor has no clothes.
We're called conspiracy traitors.
Am I concerned that the New York Times says I am a white supremacist literally because I wear a Hawaiian shirt on your show?
That's what they call me.
Because the more I allow them to come with all kinds of absurdities and attack me, the more they're going to self-destruct.
So what I'm saying to you, let us continue what we are saying and doing, and in turn, Trump will come to the forefront.
Stay there.
We're on the path to victory.
I want to look at this big COVID-19 PSYOP.
Where do you think it's going under Steve McKinnick?
He's kicking butt today.
And yeah, they now say Hawaiian shirts are white supremacist.
The OK symbol, everything is.
This is just, they're projecting total mental illness on people.
[Gun cocks]
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say,
"I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you ought to fight!"
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Here's Biden, since he brought back earlier.
This took a year and a half ago.
This took a million years to get him practicing his criminal activity.
What I'd call pissing on her face.
Let's go!
I remember going over convincing our team, our brothers, to convincing us that we should be providing for loan guarantees.
And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev, and I was supposed to announce that there was another billion dollar loan guarantee.
And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor, and they didn't.
So they said, they were walking out to the press conference.
I said, no, we're not going to give you the billion dollars.
They said, you have no authority.
You're not the president.
The president said it.
I said, call him.
I said, I'm telling you, you're not getting the billion dollars.
I said, you're not getting the billion.
I'm going to be leaving here, and I think it was, what, six hours?
I said, I'm leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money.
Oh, son of a bitch.
Got fired.
And they put in place someone who was solid.
Solid, uh, you know.
So, so what is the need on national TV on C-SPAN, Dr. Steve Pchenik, to brag that you just ended a criminal investigation with a billion-dollar bribe?
Again, uh, you're right, it's chutzpah, it's arrogance, it's bravado, because he's gotten away with it so far.
The reason, listen, Alex, and the audience has to understand, and we brought it up with Owen Schroeder yesterday.
If no one is arrested, I mean literally no one, we should have arrested Comey for all the violations of the Constitution.
We should have arrested the CIA, Gina Haskell, for torturing.
We should have arrested the heads of the FBI for all kinds of intransigence and corruption.
We haven't done that.
As long as no one is arrested and as long as Trump brought in a John Bolton, a Kelly, whatever, all of these guys who had been in the administrations before and had been corrupt and are profiting them, as long as we have Simon & Schuster, which is not a publishing company now, it's now a propaganda machine against Trump, We have never held anybody accountable except those of us on the alternative right or whatever you want to call us, the conservatives.
We make our own life.
We don't depend on the kindness of strangers.
And we have to and we give our life to the republic, none of which occurs in this in the Biden administration.
Biden, as I tell you, he's totally corrupt.
He's an idiot.
He's senile, demanded.
The New York Times can say whatever.
You said that like two years ago, and now they're having a minute.
So let me ask you this.
What are they going to do with all the publishers, all the media, all the foreign money, all the king's horses, all the king's men, Hollywood, cannot prop him up?
When do they start to give up?
Because I agree, we have people power, we have common sense, humanity's awakening.
What are they going to do psychologically as a psychiatrist, you know, group diagnosing them?
Are they going to do a new ghost dance?
What are they going to pull?
No, what they're doing right now is they're giving, they're really screaming for the last moments of their own existence.
Let's get an example of Hollywood.
That's it, so they can win just to get more donor money.
They're like, my dad in college was an exterminator, and he said that when you spray cockroaches with poison in these horrible places they'd send them into, he had like a city contract, he said they would start fornicating.
The roaches would just party once they were poisoned.
And so I think what we're seeing is a last gasp, like you said, kind of the death throes.
It's a death throes because number one, who did he put up as vice president?
Kamala Harris, mother's Indian.
Kamala attends a Buddhist temple.
Father was a major professor emeritus from Stanford.
20 years of her life were not in America.
She did not serve her country.
She went to Montreal.
So she should run for Prime Minister of Montreal, but she's not an American.
You have in contrast Mike Pence, Governor, State Senator, U.S.
Senator, and now the Vice President, Christian American, Clearly understands America.
Clearly will debate her tonight.
But you've got an American persona versus somebody who's been put in from Canada and doesn't belong here.
Just like Obama did not have a very American pedigree.
Certainly at Harvard he said he was from Kenya.
We know now it's really from Hawaii.
Why do the globalists ever want to give us a real American?
Because we have one institution that has to be taken down.
You asked me which one.
It would be the CIA, number one.
All of the operatives that we've had so far, Obama never, never was an organizer in Chicago.
Obama was the son of an operative in Indonesia.
She spoke Russian.
He was the grandson of two operatives who worked for me in the East West Center in Hawaii, i.e.
the East West Center is the banking institution for the CIA.
He was CIA, never went to Columbia.
Went to Occidental.
What's an Occidental College in Los Angeles?
A second-rate school, but it has third-rate ex-CIA operatives teaching there at Occidental.
He was an operative.
That's why he lied.
He consistently created wars.
He had more wars than anybody I've ever seen.
Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria.
All with the help of Hillary Clinton, another one of your CIA operatives, went to Yale.
Bill Clinton, Bush Sr., Bush Jr.
Between Harvard and Yale, you produce more detritus in this country than you could ever imagine.
The good news, however, is the Harvard and the Yales and the Hollywoods are dying.
Because this pandemic— You said 15 years ago Hollywood would die and the East and West Coast would collapse.
You were all right about that.
So looking 26 days out, They say they're gonna, they already have the courts, some say they're gonna hold up the ballots.
What about their stratagem to act like Trump is illegitimate yet again?
What do you think Trump should do?
Because I agree, without jail time.
Here's some examples.
Handwritten notes by OGC attorney released day after General Flynn ambush interview.
DOJ admits it altered notes.
President Trump authorizes totally classification of all documents related to Spygate.
DOJ announces press conference tomorrow.
Are you expecting any teeth to this?
Because they've got to take action.
I would hope this Keith what I would do if I were Trump and again that was an issue that you and I have talked about I didn't think he was as tough as he should have been he should have swept out all of these people I would Present the fact that we have a lot of arrests coming in the forefront.
Either for pedophilia, corruption, or whatever else he wants to.
The fact of the matter is he will go back and he's probably going to announce the arrest
to give confidence to people that are scared under him.
Look, the Democrats keep announcing he's going to be impeached, he's going to be killed,
he's going to be coud.
They're doing that hoping someone tries it.
He actually has the law and history on his hands.
He needs to lead up front saying arrest them now.
He does that, we win.
I think he needs to do it.
I agree with you.
But will he do it?
I don't know.
I don't think so.
I'm afraid that's what he needs to do.
If he speaks to you, he speaks to Roger, or anyone else, the point of time is now.
Do I think he will come into power again?
The simple reason is he will refuse to leave the presidency and he should because there's ballot harvesting.
What's happening now is the Democrats are harvesting the ballots that were already procured months ago or weeks ago.
You give an example of the Somalian crook Ilhan Omar, who came from Somalia, was born of another corrupt, her father was a colonel in the Somalian army, a total corrupt individual.
She was indicted three times but never went to prison for irregularities in her campaign, using campaign money, using money in the campaign for her divorce, and now she's hired Mohammed to buy all the ballots up in Minneapolis and elsewhere, and nothing's done to her.
There has to be a carry-through action.
She's incompetent.
Oh, I totally agree.
I mean, they are publicly saying they're going to steal the election and not take the results, so I just think Trump has to attack it head-on.
I agree with you.
That's what I would do now.
I would get in the forefront, just as he did as he left Walter Reed Hospital, said goodbye to Fauci.
I said months ago, a year ago, Tony Fauci was out of his league.
He is self-aggrandizing.
Let's talk about what you think needs to come next with 26 days out, 104 inaugurations.
They're going to contest this election, but how do we discredit it up front?
We know it's fraudulent.
How do we discredit it now?
We've got to get ahead of it now, not wait and let them call the shots.
We'll be right back.
He aligns himself with the truth.
Dr. Steve Pachinick.
Okay, Doc, I could talk to you for 10 hours, and you do a great job.
Everything you bring up, I know from historical, my own research is accurate, has your own perspective, but, and I know you're a confident guy, and you did tell me stuff, 16, 17, 18 years on air, that I wasn't rolling my eyes.
You're like, the East Coast will collapse, the West Coast will collapse, America will be reborn in the South and the Midwest.
And in areas of Western U.S.
and the left will be a joke.
We'll try to bring down America in the process.
She definitely did your research.
Nobody was saying that back then.
You said, Hollywood's done.
And I know you've made big movies there and been very successful.
You said that on the air like 15 years ago.
And I was like, really?
All I know is I was on the green belt today and a guy saw me not wearing a mask or at least a dog that ran over and bit me.
And he goes, good job.
And when I started smashing the dog's head in, he got upset and said, I'm gonna call the police.
I said, go ahead.
Your dog bit me.
The left is getting crazed.
With all of this.
Here's Chris Hayes.
MSNBC's Chris Hayes promotes re-education camps for anti-maskers.
I've got all these videos every ten minutes.
Trigger Democrat pulls knife on woman for Trump supporters.
Threatens to kill them because they're Trump supporters.
I mean, I had a dog attack me today.
And these people, and the guy said, good job.
I said, good job.
I grabbed his dog and started punching it.
I think you think it's funny?
He's like, you're attacking my dog.
I said, yeah, dude, you attack me.
You're looking at him kill your dog.
So these people are crazed and it's like they're live action role players.
You know, these groups that go out with rubber swords and shields and beat each other and actually believe they're in World of
Warcraft or Game of Thrones.
They do that where it's like they'll come over and punch somebody in the face and when
you punch them back, they call the police.
So you're the psychiatrist and not just some quack psychiatrist used to run psychological
operations for the State Department.
What the hell is going on with these crazies and what are they trying to do and where does
this go?
Because it's getting out of control.
Really what they're trying to do is to intimidate those of us who really want to support Trump
and support the conservative values and support the ideals of America.
The simple answer to what you're really asking is, Do we create a counter-agitrop?
I would say yes.
But does Trump, really, can Trump order his U.S.
Marshals to arrest Comey, to arrest Flynn, to arrest Aiden, to arrest a whole bunch of these guys, including, you know, a brand new- And then let the left explode.
If they want to fight, let's have one.
No, no, but that's what I would do.
Tell us what you do, because you used to be highly respected.
You've helped change regimes.
We have a communist, globalist attempt to overthrow our country.
How would you counter these foreign enemies right now if you were Trump?
Well, one of the things I would do is start arresting all the major players here.
I'd go after Ilhan Omar.
I would go after Biden for saying that you have a history of corruption within the United States.
I would go after Brennan for damaging the CIA.
I would go after Gina Haskell and get rid of her.
Go after Comey and I would arrest him.
I would leave Obama alone.
I would leave Hillary alone.
But I'd start to arrest all the people that are in that purview around the Democrats and start rounding them up and saying, you know what?
You want to play this game?
We're going to play it.
I have full respect for Cyrus Vance Jr.
I knew his father, but he spent months to find the tax results on, or the tax exemption, whatever Trump has done or will do.
Nobody in the America gives a damn about Trump's taxes.
And that's my point.
If you want to waste your time and American dollars- And there was no Russia.
There was no Russia there.
Excuse me?
There was no Russia in the taxes.
No, there was no Russia.
There was nothing.
But if you really want to be ruthless, you go in and start arresting one after another.
By the time you've arrested four or five of these people, even when the marshals are showing up,
even when you're arresting one of your own in the FBI, Comey in particular, Brennan in the CIA.
No, I agree. They will all turn on each other overnight.
They've never had retribution.
They've never paid. They will fold like a house of cards in a high wind the minute Trump engages
in real leadership. And I'm not an authoritarian. They're the ones trying to overthrow the
president. They're the ones trying to get me arrested. They're the ones trying to...
It's time to punch back!
Well, not really.
Let me explain something.
I've been involved in a few soft coups in the United States.
A soft coup, and I'll explain this to your audience, means we do not use the military.
One was a transfer of power from Nixon to Ford.
That was a necessity.
I wasn't saying use the military.
When I say punch back, I mean legally.
I understand that, but there's another soft coup that occurred in the Bush Jr.
administration when he was warned by me and others that you will pay the price for 9-11, for killing our boys in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as chaining.
They put in a man who went in Rumsfeld, who was a disaster, and by the ability, whatever I did, we had gotten rid of Rumsfeld and put in Gates.
Gates' last message to me in particular and to the country was, under no conditions should there be a coup.
Well, I will take those words from Gates and say, think about what you just said, Gates.
And 20 years later, there will be repercussions for that.
You do not get away with violating the Constitution, violating the treaties, peace treaties, and go into war or corrupt our systems and then think you can profit from it and suddenly get away.
Bush Jr.
never paid for it.
Bush Sr.
never paid for it.
Cheney, one of the worst chicken hawks in the world, got away with it.
Steve Hadley, Wolfowitz, there's a whole bunch of these guys.
But now, if I were Trump, and I were in the White House, I'd start bringing in the U.S.
Marshals, start to arrest them, and let them complain, let the New York Times stay away.
I was about to say, isn't there under the Constitution, the President can sign warrants?
Well, he could say a state of emergency.
I wrote that novel 20 years ago where we created a state of emergency.
And that's what they really fear is the Insurrection Act.
I'd say he declares it because I'm not a martial law guy.
They're the ones having left this martial law.
They're the ones doing it all.
I'd just say he declares insurrection and then arrests the leaders of the globalist operation.
I agree with you.
If you want to have intifada, you want to have fascism in the streets, you want to kill people, fine.
I will bring back the Insurrection.
I will bring back the police.
I will bring back the National Security Dicta.
I will arrest those that I need to arrest.
And if I can't complete the action, that's fine too.
I just want to hold them in prison for a while and make them understand you're not playing games with Trump.
Is Trump strong enough and fearful enough to do that?
I'm not sure.
I would clearly do that.
I have no problem.
I've done it before and I will do it again.
Well, I agree with you that they've brought us to this point.
It's not like we're starting this.
They're literally saying they're going to overthrow the government and get rid of the country's existence.
I mean, you're not an American when you start talking like that.
That's not free speech.
That's sedition.
Let me give you an example.
I went down to Panama and my mission was to take out Noriega.
I had a wonderful dinner with him for three to four hours.
We talked about everything.
He wanted to be a psychiatrist.
I explained to him.
The next day I started blowing up things.
I started agitprop.
I started fires.
He brought in his own people and eventually he was taken out.
But the excuse wasn't what I wanted.
Bush Sr.
wanted to bring in paratroopers and I was against that.
I didn't want to Sacrifice our men for what was already accomplished by taking them out without using our soldiers.
So my point of contention is very simple.
You want to create a state of emergency?
Let's do it.
Let's start rounding up the people who are the ones in Intifada.
Let's start rounding up the people who are funding it.
And they're gonna understand what a totalitarian government really means and the reactionary forces.
That's my next question.
I know you say Soros is old and a front man.
It's his money.
Who's behind him?
Because every time I kick over a rock, it's his funding.
Shutting down speech, funding BLM, Antifa.
What the hell is George Soros bulletproof for?
He's bulletproof because he works for us, CIA.
You don't... Let me explain something.
The most lethal organization, bar none, was, is, and has been the CIA.
Most of these people have come in and out.
Why can I say that?
Because for 30 years the CIA has wanted me to join them, and I said, "Go to hell.
There's no way I'm joining you.
I will arrest your people.
I will take them out if I need, and I will throw you out, but there's no way I'm joining
I may have been trained by you, but I was trained by the military.
My loyalty is to the Republic.
The Soros is the- Give me five more minutes to explain that, because people don't get there's different factions in the government.
When you hear about CIA and the National Security Act, people think, oh, that must be the whole government.
No, that's one group.
It's true.
Soros ran a bunch of anti-Russian operations.
He is CIA.
That's why he's been protected, and now they all get immunity once they've been high-level CIA, like Obama or Hillary or Soros, and then now they can commit any crime they want.
Stay there.
Back in 60 seconds.
This is supposedly a fundraiser.
I'm not doing a good job, but it's InfoWars.com.
We got big discounts on the products and donate buttons to keep us on the air.
We're more influential than ever.
We reach as many people as ever, but finance-wise, the enemy's been successful cutting us off from funds, so we need your support.
Give aid and comfort to America at InfoWarsStore.com.
We'll be right back in two minutes with a final statement.
All right, pulling back from this.
People think this government is monolithic, but it's all different factions, different groups, and that's why I would be ashamed if people say I'm with the CIA, or Jones does all this.
I did this with my listeners and all of you together.
I'm not working with the CIA.
The CIA is like a big, diverse, different organization as well, but Dr. Pachinko was talking about we're in the State Department working in regime change, you know, doing different Camp David Accords, famously, all that stuff back in the past, right through to now, and he's here with us for a few more minutes.
Um, you're talking about the political rot in there and why Soros is untouchable or even Newt Gingrich criticizes him on Fox and they say you can't do that when Soros is on record funding Black Lives Matter and Antifund, gives press conferences bragging, but then if you say he does it, Fox won't let you say it.
But as you said, it's because he represents the same group Obama and Hillary do, this old, corrupt, entitled, just group of parasites, who I think are figuring out now, Doc, their power is coming to an end.
That's correct.
Basically what's happening, and without going too far forward, you basically said it in your ad, The real culprits of the future, the near future right now, will be the ones that Trump will go after.
That's Facebook, Google, Amazon, and other big tech, because they have transformed themselves Way beyond the nation state, and they are a function of a small company that I may have described last time, called In-Q-Tel, which was created by the CIA in 1999.
I kind of helped them out, where they funded, out of Alexandria, Virginia, a whole group of these startup companies, which at that time were little baby high-tech companies, and eventually became much bigger and became multi-billion dollar entities.
Those are the companies that will determine the outcome and the future of the United States if the President of the United States does not begin to break them up.
That's what we need to do.
In order to maintain the viability of the Republic, which I still believe in, even in the future, the big tech companies have to be broken up.
The people who have committed crimes or about to make crimes will be rounded up or will be arrested.
There's no other alternative to that.
Because if it's not happening now, then the concept of consequences are gone.
And you and I will keep talking about it ad infinitum.
And we don't have that kind of patience.
The third part, and the most important part, is that Trump will come into power.
He will remain in power.
There will be no question about that.
In the process of remaining into power, he has to restructure the economy in such a way that we're booming again, that we have an 8 to 10 percent growth rate, that 17 million unemployed will come back to work, And that the small businesses will be created because that is the backbone of our country.
Reignite Americana and the enjoyment of being the captain of your own life.
And obviously COVID's a real thing but been overblown as a power grab.
The Democrats have failed.
They thought they could blame Trump for the shutdown when they're the ones doing it.
Well, whoever it is, it's not relevant anymore.
It's he who can correct it.
In turn, I would fire Fauci, I would fire Redfield.
Well, Trump has sidelined him.
Well, it's not enough.
The problem is... He's got to be repudiated.
He has to be fired.
There's no issue with a self-aggrandizing narcissist who created nothing.
He didn't create a vaccine.
I had to run the Ebola epidemic for 3,000 soldiers thanks to General Dempsey who afforded them to me.
And in truth, he's created no textbook, nothing.
And then the same thing with Redfield.
He's a disaster.
So it's time for Trump not only to formulate his security, but also to hold all these institutions accountable.
start taking them down. We have two million people in the federal government.
We do not need them. I do not need HHS. I do not need CDC.
I do not need an FBI. I do not need a CIA. I have 15 other intelligence units that
are useless.
They all just become groups that shake their tail feather to corporations and
foreign governments to sell out America and then we try to set the country back.
They say we're traitors. Steve Pachinick.com, amazing interview sir.
Thank you so much.
And God bless your audience.
God bless them as well, yes.
All right, we're going to come back.
I'm going to move the phones up, take calls for an hour.
The No Ensurer takes over.
Please stay with us.
No one can deny that humanity is awakening and that the globalists are in trouble, but they're counter-striking right now.
That's why your action, spreading the word about InfoWars.com and buying products at InfoWars.com to fund our operation is so critical.
You've been on the front lines for a long time.
You've supported us.
You brought all of us this far together.
You have done this.
All of Infowar's successes are your successes.
But the enemy isn't going to give it to us easy.
Now they're scared.
They're fighting the hardest they've ever fought.
So I need you right now to pray for us and pray for yourself.
Buy products and spread the word about the broadcast.
Do it right now.
Take action.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We're into the fourth hour of this worldwide transmission.
That means David Knight was on 8, 9, 10 for three hours.
We've already done three hours, so that's six hours.
We're into hour number seven of the 40-hour worldwide broadcast.
And, you know, here's my own problem.
I've been so close to this problem, so close to world government, so close to implantable microchips, so close to forced inoculations, reading it and studying, not what patriots said, but what the establishment said, that now that it's actually here, I'm just like, and it's moving so fast.
It's so evil.
And we have a couple of questions.
How do we keep those of us that are awake and aware from not going crazy?
And not getting violent.
There may be a time for that, I'm not going to lie to you, I think you'll know what that is, but we're not there yet.
But we have this earnestness to get politically involved, and spiritually involved, and financially involved, and culturally involved, because we're moving down the road here.
I mean, Bill Gates is in the news again today, I'll cover this in a moment, saying, no, we're coming with forced inoculations.
Well, you want to assault me, you little pig?
And you don't think I won't hold you responsible?
I don't care if you say you've got liability out of some law out of the government.
I'm gonna hold you accountable.
You don't have liability protection with me.
And by the way, talking smack back to that demon who gets transcripts daily of what I say sent to him is not some pissing contest to act tough, you know, while the monster isn't looking at you.
You stay behind its back, you're ready to fight it.
That's Hitler 2.0 right there.
You think I want to take him on for no reason?
But I'm not scared of him.
And I am taking him on.
And all I need is a little bit of your support to stay in attack formation.
He's done a great job.
God, we've done incredible things together.
We've done amazing things.
And now everything that was blurry and far away, we weren't sure were we right about it, but we had a good, good view on it.
And then we got real close.
We went, Oh my God!
It's worse than we thought.
That's how I feel like.
I'm like, oh my God, it's worse than I thought!
And my very cells go, WAR!
And so we see the idiots, the fools, the asleep, Complying with the increments of their own destruction, and we get mad at them.
We cannot do it.
And when I tell you that, I'm not lecturing you.
I'm giving myself an order.
Because it makes me so pissed when I'm walking down the street and somebody drives by and says, put a mask on.
Or somebody sicks their dog on me because I'm not wearing a mask.
And I should just realize that's a slave.
I'm not gonna submit to him, but I'm not gonna give him that burning anger I have.
That's reserved for the devil.
But even hating the devil is a form of worship, so let's just love God, and let's do what we do for love.
And I'm talking myself through this.
This is not a lecture.
This is me, like, talking to God myself right now, praying on air, like, what do I do?
And God's like, you need to love me, and love your family, and love humanity.
You need to not get into hatred, Jones.
But I'm not going to put up with these people.
First store puts face scanners up, like they're doing in Europe and Asia.
Before you go in the store to face scan you, I'm smashing it.
And let's pull that footage up.
There's footage of a, it's just in England, it's in the UK.
A man starts beating a woman up 'cause she's not wearing a mask on the train.
Then another guy's gonna come in and kick his ass.
I mean... God.
Now watch this footage.
And even though she puts the mask on, I don't know if he comes over in a taxi.
Now the man starts kicking her in the face.
What a big man.
He's such a big man.
Somebody else beats his ass.
What are you doing, you piece of shit?
I am.
I will fucking hurt you.
You're not under 16 at all.
Why are you like this?
I'll be with her.
Are you fucking well?
Are you fucking well?
What the hell are you doing?
Open that fucking door.
I know you're not fucking kidding me.
Watch that actual hell.
What, for that?
I'll go, I'll go.
I'm literally calling someone.
So, little thug wants to beat up a woman and gets his ass beat.
That's what we're talking about.
I'm not a victim.
It was ridiculous.
And I was shooting my mouth off.
They had these rock climbers up there wearing masks, like 20 feet apart from each other.
I was like, I wasn't like, I said exactly.
Wearing a mask for COVID is like wearing a diaper to stop farts.
I'm not into potty humor, but it's the only analogy that works.
And I said it a couple times, I saw this guy looking at me aggressive, like 30 feet away with his wife with a mask on.
I thought, they're looking at me aggressive, and I said, oh no, ignore them.
I turned, seconds later, the dog's attacking me, and the guy's saying, good job to his dog.
But that wasn't what was telling.
It was that when I grabbed the dog and started punching it in the face, The guy said, oh my god, call the police, he's attacking my dog!
It's perfect leftist mindset!
He comes over and attacks me!
And then when I fight back like the McCluskys... I love dogs, by the way.
Poor dog was told to attack me.
The McCluskys got indicted when people are at their house going, we're gonna burn your house down!
We're gonna kill you!
They're like, oh, we got guns!
Didn't even aim them, like the other guy with a shotgun in his house.
We're gonna burn your house if he has a shotgun like this.
Hell, if you were at my house saying I'm gonna burn it down, I'd have the shotgun aimed at your ass.
Like, I watch these videos of antifool guns that walk up to cops and go, I'm gonna kill you, cop!
You got a gun, you tell me you're gonna kill me?
I'd rather be tried by nine than carried by six.
I mean, it actually frightens me to watch the cops stand down like they do.
It's pathetic.
But notice, it's all about the jurisdiction.
It's all about who's in control of the jurisdiction.
Because the cops are surrounded by leftists below them, and their bosses are on the side of Soros.
Most of the district attorneys are put in place by them, so what would you do?
What could you do?
Well, you gotta resign!
And then they just put more commies in.
I talked to a lot of police, and they say, Alex, they said it's 75% leftists in Austin, in Dallas, in Houston, in San Antonio now.
There's something else about leftist cops.
They sit on their ass and never put their life at risk.
Like, you call a right-wing cop when you're getting raped or attacked, they're coming into your house.
They're full of testosterone.
You call a left-wing cop, they're not showing up.
And the numbers show it in Chicago and New York.
Not all cops are bad in those places, but a lot of them are.
They don't show up because for them it's a job with immunity and power.
They don't want the risk of being a warrior.
They want a gun and a badge to be above the law.
And it's disgraceful.
Let me give the number out.
We're going to take calls the rest of the hour during the 40-hour transmission.
We're into hour number 7 right now.
Call free number 877-789-2539, 877-789-2539, 877-789.
Alex, first-time callers, long-time callers.
And there's a bunch of other big guests coming up during the 40 hours.
We've got Gavin McGinnis coming up, Deanna Lorraine, Robert Barnes, and I should have been announcing all day long We're going to have live coverage tonight, and I'm going to be here for it.
I'm going to try to not talk over it too much, but from 7 to 8, because it's a later debate, I'll be here before and after the debate.
Robert Barnes will be on.
And again, I know you already know all this.
Seriously, you do.
I meet you on the street.
You're like, more stuff than I do a lot of times.
But the general public doesn't.
So if you tell them, hey, here's the forbidden feed of the debate from 2020electioncenter.com or Infowars.com, and if you just share it on your email, your text message, do it hours before and say, hey, here's live coverage of Pence versus Harris.
We'll get millions potentially of new people, at least hundreds of thousands.
So awesome job, folks.
We love you.
We thank you.
It's a team effort.
Please take action.
Welcome back.
You know, it's hard to demonize Bill Gates, the level he deserves.
I mean, the guy's like an individual in red pajamas with black horns.
I mean, it's just over the top.
Bill Gates warns U.S.
needs to brainstorm ways to reduce vaccine hesitancy and make you take your shots.
He's funding a bunch of studies on how to brainwash you or force you to do it.
Here's another Infowars.com article by Paul Joseph Watson just came out.
Bill Gates says life will only return to normal at the end of 2021, when there's a Corona vaccine that he puts out, and he makes money.
Let me explain how this works.
He has, say, a billion dollars in money.
He gives it tax-exempt to a company, and then he gets back the profit that's way above what he invested, because it was tax-exempt.
Oh, liberal!
I was reading, I was talking to my tax lawyer, he goes, yeah, Jones, you paid more taxes this last year than Jeff Bezos.
Jeff Bezos made 132 b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-billion.
You know the song, b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b And he did not pay one red cent with Abraham Lincoln on it.
Because he wrote the laws.
But if you're making $100,000 a year, you pay 40%.
Can we come in with Badass Mom, please?
Maybe next segment?
And again, then he says, I fund Black Lives Matter.
I want higher taxes and communism.
It's all a sick joke.
Oh, but he wears a Native American garb.
He's liberal.
Oh, because if he was wearing a fricking Nazi uniform, you'd fight him.
Oh, Jeff Bezos, he loves us.
Jeff Bezos is nothing compared to this guy, Bill Gates.
Billionaire philanthropist says that life will only return to normal.
And that's the trap, it never does.
Once there is widespread adoption of coronavirus vaccine, that this will not happen until the end of 2020, at the earliest.
Oh, so over a year at the earliest.
He's always said that.
And that's their mantra.
On and on and on.
And you know he pays me on the cover of Time.
And Forbes.
And CEO.
And Newsweek.
And Wired.
Bub, bub, bub, bub, Bill Gates.
Bill Gates.
Bill Gates.
Every morning you'd see him arrive.
He was 5'1", weighed 145.
Kind of satanic looking like a gremlin too.
Everybody knew he was going to kill you, Bill Gates.
Bill Gates.
Bill Gates.
Big bad Gates.
His daddy ran Planned Parenthood in front of the Nazis too.
A Rockefeller opera with IBM.
He's going to get you and your family.
You should just go ahead and die because that's his problem.
He wants to be king on high.
I'm not a rapper folks.
I'm being kind of stupid here.
Well yeah, we should play that as an intro coming out a little piece about Oh, hi!
I'm gonna be in your body.
That's what I'm obsessed with.
I spent 40 years with IBM and the Rockefellers, making sure I get full control of every facet of your life.
Big Bill!
Big Bill!
Big Bad Bill!
Gates said that by the end of 2021, is it best case scenario, of course his surrogates say the lockdown never stops, and that it remains unknown whether a successful vaccine could be produced.
But because there could be any death that could ever be allowed again, you could ever leave your house.
Sorry, but he, aww.
We still, we can read his voice, we still don't know whether these vaccines will succeed, said the Microsoft founder.
Now the capacity will take time to ramp up.
And there's the allocation within the U.S.
between the U.S.
and other countries who will be the point of contention.
Oh, everyone will beg in the media.
Oh, we've got to have it.
Oh, please give it to us.
That's an old tactic that's been documented for over 30 years.
Well, for like a hundred, but they only busted them.
They made movies like Turbo Doll with Schwarzenegger about it.
Turbodolls in the movie, things like Jingle Jingle or something, but they'd hire a local news station, usually in New York, LA, some big Chicago, some big city, to say, we want the toy, it's sold out, show a fight of two women, hydrochloric acid, there you go, two women fighting over the toy.
That then causes the artificial scarcity idea.
Everyone rushes out to get it.
Bill Gates, Bill Gates, big bad Gates.
And so that's the whole plan.
Is, oh, you can't even leave your house or have a job till you have the shot, then we gotta make sure you show you have it, so it'll be an ID on your phone.
Despite positive signs of the development of vaccines in Russia and China, Gates doubted whether they would ever be made available internationally.
So he just says, hey, look, I'm your boss, I decide what goes in your body, you can't leave your house or have a job till I say so.
Not a James Bond villain.
Not a bad guy.
Just, you know, he says he wants to depopulate you.
He wants to put something in your body.
Like, hey, I want to kill you.
By the way, I have a shot for you.
Oh, my God.
You sound just like, I think it's like Jeffrey Dahmer invites you over for dinner.
And says, do you mind if I put handcuffs on you?
You're like, well, absolutely.
I would love you to put handcuffs on me, Jeffrey Dahmer.
I mean, look at how disingenuous Bill Gates looks.
I mean, look at him.
Total little slimy bastard.
Who wants to give you something very special.
When you get really sick off of it, don't worry, he's got treatments for that.
Oh, here's your polio vaccine.
It's the main cause of polio worldwide.
And then the sick joke of him as the hero on TV.
Bill Gates.
Bill Gates.
Big bad Gates.
But here's another one.
Lockdowns trigger retail apocalypse.
Death of third world.
But it's okay.
If we save one person from COVID, let a thousand die!
We're heroes!
We're wearing our mask!
So their Russiagate failed, all their other stuff failed, and Big Pharma said, step aside.
We're already a governmental structure worldwide.
We have the respect of the people.
We have liability protection.
We will run our operation and our major attack upon humanity.
And now they've done it.
And the question is, will we sit here and let Big Bad Gates have his way with us?
Carlos, Greg, Josh, Jeff, Carlos, Michael, Joey, Matthew, Taylor, Robbie.
We're going to every single one of you on this live Wednesday, October 7th transmission, and we're honored to have you here.
By the way, if you want to get the lowest prices on alcohol and storable foods that you should have anyways for all the craziness going on, I didn't even ask them to do this.
They extended two days starting yesterday at preparewithalex.com.
The $600 off on the one year, the $300 off on the half year, the $160 off on the three months.
Already lowest prices.
This sale is next level.
And the small amount of profit comes to fund their operation.
We need the money to fund ourselves.
Get your storable food, get your supplements at InfoWarsTore.com.
Make a one-time sponsorship.
It's not a donation.
It's not tax-exempt.
It's a sponsorship for freedom.
I want to thank you all that have sponsored InfoWars.com.
To see the wild wonder and what they had found.
I'm going to yours, pretty baby.
Yours and yours alone.
But I'm here to tell you, baby, I'm bad to the bone.
Is this a music only?
It's good, but let's come in next segment with the actual music.
I should have been exact.
It's my fault.
I wanna be yours pretty baby.
Yours and yours alone.
But I'm here to tell you honey, I'm bad to the bone.
I'm not bad to the bone.
America is bad to the bone.
Bad to the bone.
Robbie in Australia under UN global takeover but fighting back Robbie.
We love you, thanks for calling in Robbie.
Can you hear me?
Loud and clear sir from the land down under.
General Alex, I'd like the report from the front line down here in Sydney, down under Australia.
Well tell us what's happening Admiral.
First of all sir, let me make it clear.
And this time, we, and when I say we, love Trump.
And you.
And all the patriots worldwide.
We're in this fight together, brother.
I know it, I love you.
So Alex, let me tell you, Sydney, compared to what Jason had on your show this morning, I almost cried.
Fifth Avenue, ghost town.
You're saying Sydney's a ghost town, even worse than New York.
Yes, sir, your phone may be breaking up.
I get it, you're 18,000 miles away.
Yes, sir.
We may have lost him.
We appreciate your call, brother.
You know, usually phones are clear, but it's still a miracle from Australia.
We love you.
Call back, Robbie.
Alright, let's go to Carlos in Texas.
Carlos in Tejas, you're on the air, go ahead.
How's it going, Alex?
How are you today, my friend?
Man, I'm good, brother.
What's on your mind this afternoon?
Man, alright.
Let me tell you this real quick, man.
I'm not.
Just take your hand off your receiver so we can hear you.
Yeah, just kind of back away from your phone.
Maybe our phone system's having a problem, but go ahead and talk right into it.
Yes, sir.
So, I just wanted to give a good minute ahead from the start.
You know, we'll have to come back to you, brother.
We may have a phone system crash in there or something.
I mean, we've got a high-tech system, my God, or maybe it's everybody's phones, but the guy in Australia couldn't hear us.
I'm going to make out a word you're saying, brother.
Let's take a call from Carlos in Canada.
He's a longtime caller.
Carlos in Canada, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
Can you hear me well?
I can hear you.
Oh my God.
Go ahead.
Thank you kindly.
Look, I've seen you ask a couple of times a number of people.
What times do we think we're in?
How would you call this period in time?
And this, Alex, I'd like to offer you my opinion.
I think we're in the, entering the, or in the age of inversion.
In time, in history, there have been some periods of inversion.
Where, you know, as in Macbeth, fair is foul and foul is fair.
And where people rely on lying to get ahead.
Where capitalism is the opposite is implemented, which is totalitarianism or communism.
That's very deep.
You're always amazing, calling in for over 15 years or so.
You're saying we're in the age of inversion.
I agree.
You're right.
I ought to start a podcast called The Age of Inversion.
Everything is inversion because they have no creativity.
They simply invert whatever is real.
What is the opposite of generosity, Alex?
It's theft.
What is the antithesis of love to promote hate?
What is the antithesis of capitalism?
The effort that you put in through enterprise to generate wealth?
To shut things down, is that what we're seeing right now?
And you print money out of thin air, you're doing away with capitalism.
It's he who prints money who decides the welfare of the state, okay?
And when you look at it in the context of, you know, There's a period of time where you don't understand really what's going on.
You know, there's a dissonance in the system.
That's the age of inversion, when you feel that way.
And you cannot work your way by thinking inside of the box.
Well, keep defining it, Carlos, because I know you're a really accredited, smart guy, international consultant.
Describe for listeners in the next few minutes the age of inversion.
We'll put a video out.
The age of inversion has taken place in the past.
Just before the American Revolution and the revolution that took place in France shortly after 1798, and all the disasters that happened.
Subsequent to that, there was a loss in the perspective of mankind contributing against nature, because it was difficult at the time, to build a society where all of the adversities were there.
Now we're living in an ancient inversion, where instead of mankind controlling technology, It is technology that's trying to control mankind.
You follow?
Brother, I'm all ears.
This is a time when we have to think outside of the box.
We have to stop a second and say, I'm going to approach my son and my daughter within the next few days before this election, and I'm going to express to them how I feel about them, what I wish from them, the best of developing their natural talent.
America and in my own country, Canada, there's been a period of time for the last over 45 years or so where the child has not been given all of the opportunities to develop in a full society to their full potential.
You're right.
They're always told to stay children and the parents never hand the baton and invoke like an incantation.
It's not magic, but it is saying you are now the birthright.
You are now given the birthright.
You must perform.
It's a spiritual transference.
You have to say to your politicians, I want to give my child the opportunity that God-given nature to develop to their fullest potential.
Of all the people that talked at the conference, at the GOP convention, it was Millenia Trump who took the time to talk about that.
How to bring the best out of children, bring the best out of them.
You're talking about pursuit of happiness.
Well, exactly.
The pursuit of happiness was the Treaty of Westphalia, where for a time there was peace because people were able to think of the other.
We're able to work towards the benefit of the community, not the community of one, but the community of all.
And where, you know, people lying and was discouraged, and where theft was discouraged, and where sharing was encouraged, and where people had an opportunity to realize their potential.
When the communists create an inversion, they go, oh, we the central group will do the sharing.
No, it must all be a community operation from the individual.
It cannot be centralized.
And what happens, and now, this is why it's so important in history, because we have never had the technological power that mankind has now.
And I'm going to make a prediction, which you're not going to read in any book anywhere, because only a guy like myself, or other people who have been in the mind, who've been studying in neuroscience, who've been in front of the exposed human brain, and could tell you about these, you know, these implants and all of this baloney that they're talking about.
If we don't stop this, and stop and reflect, We can build computers that talk to each other.
We talk to robots that will talk to each other.
But the one thing that in evolution that has safeguarded our freedom, Alex, is the ability for each other not to read each other's mind.
If I were able to read your mind and know exactly what you're thinking, before you know it, because mankind has that freedom to think whatever, we would be at each other's throat.
You understand?
Yes, we need walls.
We need separation as independent sentient beings.
And as we get all this false knowledge, it also allows them to put in fake knowledge.
It'll make them be able to kill us.
Carlos, set Carlos up for an hour as a guest.
Set him up right now.
You guys are awesome.
Come back with more calls.
Carlos, come on this for an hour tomorrow.
We love you.
Carlos is so damn smart.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
I got some good news.
And I got some bad news.
I never get to all these calls during this segment.
But I'm gonna come co-host The War Room with Owen Troyer!
And we're gonna transfer those calls right over!
Now I got some news so huge.
I'm actually quite pleased.
Oh, it's horrible news.
One level's bad.
But the second level.
The third level.
And it gets just, just better and better.
Let's listen a minute to this.
But the second level, the third level, and it gets just, gets better and better.
B-b-b-b-b-b-b-bad! B-b-b-b-bad!
Let's just limit it to this. Let it roll out.
Before I give you this piece of news. Look right here.
You Globals got up front.
Keep it going.
You did it!
You suckers took the bait. You globalists got up front.
Keep it going. You did it! You unclogged you bastards! Woo! Woo! Woo!
F the dog, baby!
They screwed the Pudge!
They unclogged!
They already got the Cyclops to come out against Trump today!
Let's say, O-elect Biden!
And they came out called for the U.N.
to overthrow the U.S.!
Yeah, baby!
Straight up fight now, bitch!
And now we force you off and open you, dumb bastards.
They think they just released a cavalry in a battle they're losing?
They just destroyed themselves!
This is so good!
Oh my God, yes!
Thank you, Jesus!
Thank you Jesus!
Oh man!
Yours and yours alone.
I'm here to tell you, honey, that I'm bad to the bone.
Bad to the bone.
Bad to the bone.
Alright, let's just... I'm gonna stop now, because I'm gonna cover War Room.
I'm going there with Owen.
I'm commandeering the transmission.
He'll do a great job.
But let me tell you, The New York Times calling for the U.N.
to take over with troops and to run our elections.
I mean, we've been working so hard to get these pieces of crap to uncloak.
And they're doing it, baby!
I mean, I started the show out with how the Chi-Coms are pissed and how America sucks and how we're all racist and all this stuff.
And then they just came out and called for the end of the United States with U.N.
Thank you very much, you dumb sons of bitches.
God Almighty, that's as good as getting Churchill to manipulate the Germans into bombing London.
I mean, oh my God.
I just, I'm sorry, I'm going to stop right now.
I apologize to the listeners.
I just do not like to do world order and I was looking at this and the stuff they're saying about how we need UN troops and the UN to run everything and the UN to run our police.
I mean, you know how hard we've worked to expose these bastards?
I'm sorry.
Maybe I'm maybe I'm maybe I'm miscalculating here.
But in my my my playbook, having the U.N.
ultimately say they're going to run our election is not good for Joe Biden.
And it shows how illegitimate their attempt to hold the election up is going to be and how I predicted they'll try to.
I said a month ago they'll have the U.N.
troops in here running this damn election with the secession claiming the seceded states are legitimate.
I saw that in my little walnut brain.
And sure as hell it's happening!
I wanna be yours, pretty baby!
Yours and yours alone!
And I'm here to tell you, honey, that I'm bad to the bone!
I'm on a republic!
Man, look, most people will see this and go, you know, what does that mean?
This is desperate behavior.
This is desperate, shit-your-britches behavior.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Okay, let's go.
Who's been home the longest here?
We got Taylor, we got Matthew, we got Emily, we got Joey, we got Michael, we got Mark, we got Jeff, we got Joey, we got Greg, we got Noah.
Who's been home the longest here?
Emily in Florida, sorry I'm having a type of information gasm here on air, but welcome.
Hi Alex, how are you today?
I'm doing pretty good right now.
I'm a first time caller.
I know that's incredibly disgusting news, but yeah.
We forced these people out in the open.
We made them run their flag up.
Look, I know it's bad, but it's already been going on.
They're having to run, they're flying their flags now.
What does that mean to you?
What it means to me.
Well, one of the reasons why I wanted to call is because I feel like there's very little female representation on the Hill.
Well, we love hearing from you.
You're badass.
...that will call in and give their opinion on things.
And being a mother of children, it's really activated my motherly instincts.
I hear you.
I'm going to protect my children at all costs.
And so really what they're doing is I mean, it's amazing that they that they're putting their hand out there.
But what I wanted to talk to you about today was Section 230.
And I've worked for a company and I won't I won't go into the details here.
But I worked for a company where they developed different software for AI to be able to control social media and certain things.
And they actually are paid by companies to use the data in order to sell people more items.
So I wanted to talk about the fact that we all think, when is AI going to take over?
When is this going to happen?
And I wanted just to address the fact that it's happening currently.
It is happening currently.
It's not necessarily Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos or, you know, Twitter or any of these companies.
It's our actions, but it wasn't happening fully at the end of the COVID lockdown to further kill Main Street.
People should not, people should get out of their rhythms.
They should buy different places.
They shouldn't, they certainly shouldn't support the big guys.
Keep going.
Well, I think it's really important right now to realize the control of these companies and what they're doing.
And the thing is, it's not even the people in control anymore.
People have lost control of the technology.
They don't even really understand what the technology is even doing any longer.
It's really taken over our society.
It just slurps up more info.
It's its own consciousness, isn't it?
I mean, all of the algorithms and everything were created to generate revenue.
They weren't created in a way that was supposed to protect humanity.
And so it's evident today, as being probably one step away from a civil war, that when this AI pushes you down a certain rabbit hole, it says, OK, Emily is a big supporter of Trump, so we're only going to show her information that has to do with Trump to get her engaged and get her to stay online.
And that way you create revenue that way with ads and whatever you purchase.
I think that it's really become out of the hands of anyone who understands what's happening here.
And you can repeal Section 230, you can hit them where it really hurts, which is financially, and I think that's wonderful.
But what really needs to happen is the destruction of these systems, these computers that are housed in warehouses all over the world.
And I am in Laura Loomer's district.
I wanted to just put her name out there because I absolutely love her.
She's on tomorrow.
We love her too.
And this is absolutely beyond monopolies.
This is destroying the fabric of society and a mathematical takeover that is totally destructive.
And I am in Laura Loomer's district.
I wanted to just put her name out there because I absolutely love her.
She's on tomorrow.
We love her too.
She's a female supporter of you.
She's on tomorrow.
And I wanted to say that in my own home, and I think that's where a lot of this starts,
I think people are kind of clueless as to how they can change things and how they can
and be a part of the solution here.
And in my home, I've taken away everything.
I've taken away the video games, the killing video games.
I've taken away the access to social media.
I've taken away all of the Hollyweird, all of the movies.
And let me guess, your children are more happy?
Oh my God, you don't even understand.
I mean, my son and I are now on the same wavelength, and he is just so much happier.
Our home is so much happier.
And it's amazing the difference that it creates.
And these things spread, and I think people feel like, oh, I'm just one person.
Well, you're one person raising maybe four other people who are in turn going to do that as well.
And I think we really need to rein in AI.
I think that we're looking too much at these owners of these companies and such and pointing fingers when it is the actual algorithms and computers that are doing it.
It is us clicking on it.
It's us following it that gives us power.
And by the way, we love it when wonderful women like you men do call in.
We're going to take The last four minutes of you, Emily, and put it out as an informational news piece because you're so on target.
We really appreciate you, Emily, and we pray and hope you'll tell folks about Bandot Video and Infowars.com in 30 seconds.
How did you find out about the show?
I've been watching the show since I was 18 years old.
I'm 38 now.
So I've been watching you for the longest and I've had people call me absolutely nuts.
But I've been watching you forever.
So this is my first time calling.
I really just felt like I needed to put out kind of like a motherly voice.
And I wanted to ask you too, why are you not creating a social platform?
Everybody's being banned everywhere.
You know, we tried.
We tried.
We're trying.
We just redesigned it in 4th.
We're going to do it.
And much of it's going to be commercial-free.
We're going to have a raft of special guests and surprise guests.
We're going to be breaking major news with only 20-something days left at the time of airing from the election.
Now it's more critical than ever to keep InfoWars on the air and you've done an incredible job and I want to thank you and salute you.
But this is about getting funding into InfoWars that will continue into next year because of all the enemy attacks.
We need your support now more than ever or we won't be able to continue at the level we are.
We'll have to actually contract.
So please join us, support us, buy product, make a donation.
But whatever you do, spread the word about this upcoming Wednesday Money Bomb transmission that begins at 8 a.m.
on October 7th.
Separately, it's a symbiotic relationship.
A non-zero-sum game.
A win-win.
A 360 win is the term I coined.
You need high-quality, storable food.
You need to get it.
You need water filtration.
They have the best system at RepairWithAlex.com.
And that's the My Patron Supply Line.
Under contracts, they have to sell it on a certain price on their site and the same price for distributors.
They never do discounts.
You notice, we've had them as a sponsor for 13 years.
They're 14 years old.
They're the biggest company now.
They've got quality.
People figured it out.
They get it to you.
You like it.
It's got great packaging, great ingredients.
It was an 8-week wait, and everybody got their stuff early.
It said 8 weeks.
It was 6 weeks.
Other places said they had food.
They didn't.
They lied to you, or they had crap.
They're down to a week or so to ship your food now, but they're going to have to go up in price in a few months because they're already having to buy out months ahead, and the supply chain's breaking down.
So they extended the other sale $150 off a 3-month supply.
People said, hey, we want the bigger food supplies.
$300 off the 6-month, $600 off the year supply, $40 off the Alexa Pure Water Filtration System, $25 off the Ready Hour Wireless Solar Power Charger, and $28 LED light.
That is such a valuable thing to have.
It's a great unit.
So it's all there at preparewithalex.com or 888-411-ZERO.
We have the Infowars emergency election sale, and quite frankly, as a strategist, I really should just sell out of everything we've got now before the election in 33 days, because word is they're just going to shut everybody's bank accounts down and everything else, and you notice they're going to have a total internet kill switch goes in the day of the election where no one's allowed to say Trump really won.
The real digital kill switch, martial law, goes in in 33 days.
Everything else was just a prelude, so you just think, oh, this is just one more level of it when it happens.
They're normalizing it.
So, it's a good chance.
It's your last chance to get an InfoWars t-shirt, get a book, get a water filter.
We've got high-quality vitamin D3 with vitamin K, the highest quality you're going to find under the tongue.
Winter Sun with free shipping.
Get 8-pack Power Stack.
It's selling out.
We can't even get the ingredients in anymore.
That's 60% off free shipping.
Survival Silvex II, the good iodine, highest quality you're going to find.
50% off free shipping.
Heart and Body Combo.
Thiazo Beats.
That's enterprise.
Selling out.
still massively discounted. Free shipping on all that.
Mason Iodine Power Pack X2 and X3.
We also have the X3 spray, the first truly atomic iodine spray.
That's topical and for internal ingestion.
Available Prostagard with a high quality zinc and salt palmetto, $19.95.
That's an incredible deal.
Plus free shipping.
Infowarsstore.com, Vitamin Refusions.
Got all the vitamins and minerals for adults and children.
It's great.
It's massively discounted.
Plus free shipping.
We have Biden for nursing home t-shirt.
That won't be available after the election.
That is a collector's item.
And the only way we're able to stay on air is you getting products you already need.
And I just want to get as much money as I can and be able to put it in some side bank accounts so that we're able to continue operating into the future.
And literally, it's not a gimmick.
People know behind the scenes here.
We are, you know, I put a mortgage on my house.
I'm liquidating everything I've got.
And we're going to continue on, you know, for months into the new year, even if they shut our bank accounts down.
We've got backup plans because we know martial law and total hell's coming.
I mean, it's more than a 50% chance we're going to have a civil war.
Okay, I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's, we are, this, just get ready, people.
Nothing you've seen is anything about what you're about to witness, okay?
And by the grace of God, maybe we bypassed most of this, but I think you all know we're not.
I mean, you know what, you got children, folks, you got discernment.
You know, you got your spotty sense on right now.
We're in deep crap.
And I just want to get ready for it.
So thank you all for your support.
But your word of mouth is even more important to get the products.
Just tell folks about the show.
Let them know America's under attack.
Let them know who the globalists are.
Now they're ready to hear the truth.
This is going to come down to a fight over how many people are awake and how many aren't.
They're going to contest the election.
They're going to say Trump lost.
They're super pissed that I'm on air.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
You kept us on air.
We did the analysis first.
It's now gone mainstream.
We continue to be the epicenter.
And what they've said directly to us is you continue to be the epicenter of our plans not going the way we want.
And you need to stop right now.
And they're very, very serious.
Well, I'm not signing on with a bunch of devil-worshipping child molesters.
This is not going to happen, so they are moving now to destroy me.
I used to say support InfoWars, rescue InfoWars.
Save yourself, save the world.
We're in this together.
Because let me tell you something.
Communism's up here, InfoWars is the dam blocking it, which is all of us together supporting.
And you and I are all down here with our families.
My children are right here!
But I need money to fight a war!
And I need word of mouth!
And I need prayer!
And I need action!
Because that dam's going to come down!
Trump's told you hell's coming!
You know I had bicep surgery because I tore my bicep really bad last year.
And they did a block when I came out of anesthesia.
And for about 10 hours, my arm was completely paralyzed.
I never felt that before.
You just expect that arm to be there.
And that's what I think about the listeners and viewers.
I don't take it for granted.
I just take you like you're my legs, you're my brain, you're my guts, you're my heart, you're my soul.
And I've expanded in the face of the globalists, as I told you, to the point of we only have like two months of operating capital.
And then they've done a bunch of dirty tricks behind the scenes and a bunch of things to shut down bank accounts, shut down... You see gun shops can't go get a bank account.
Well, they did a bunch of that.
I've spent most of my time dealing with it and trying to right the ship.
And then I see the supply chain breaking down to even get the supplements in.
And I talk to people that are in a bunch of other businesses and it's happened to them.
And I'm just like...
I don't want to come and tell you glim and doom.
I'm just not going to lie to you, man.
This country is under a total attack, okay?
And I'm pissed.
But then I just realized, hey, with other partners like MyPatriot, I'll just go to them.
People eat food anyways.
So they launched this big initiative that's a discount on their already discounted food that's now ready to ship within one to two weeks.
They already have it.
They just got to get it packaged now to you.
I would get the order in before the next big rush.
PrepareWithAlex.com has a $100 discount on their lowest package of food.
goes up on the bigger packages. 170 on their best big water filtration special
and some other big specials as well and they're running it for three more days
so take advantage of it at InfoWareStore.com and then you guys have
really responded. That's weeks and weeks of operations a day coming in for us
into the future to push that gas tank from almost empty up to maybe you know
20% 30% of a tank so we can worry about fighting the globalists.
Get supplements, get t-shirts, get things that spread the word and make you
healthy and get high quality storable food right now at InfoWareStore.com and go
to prepare with Alex.com for the three days that are left to get the
best deals on high quality storable food you're gonna find anywhere and on air
filtration and water And so I just want to thank you all.
You've done an amazing job.
We also have the Save InfoWare, Save the Republic Super Sale right now at InfoWare Store and a bunch of other items.
Free shipping.
Take advantage of it.