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Name: 20200924_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 24, 2020
2979 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including recent protests in Louisville over Breonna Taylor's death, criticizing violence tactics used by protesters. He also addresses the upcoming US election and the potential for conflict between Trump supporters and globalist forces. The speaker emphasizes vigilance against threats to democracy and freedom while criticizing media dehumanization of individuals. He mentions concerns about elderly people during the pandemic but claims that the media focuses more on terrorizing people than addressing these issues. Finally, Jones emphasizes unity and hope for a better future through alternative information sources like InfoWars.

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I think we do have to investigate these people, and we have to put blame where blame is.
We need to find out who's financing them.
If you're from out of state and you attacked someone in D.C., I would think that the FBI or federal authorities should investigate, you know, how did he get there?
Who's paying for it?
I can tell you that Black Lives Matter is supporting these folks, and that we shouldn't shy away from attributing blame where blame goes.
When we were attacked, the head of Black Lives Matter in Louisville had this to say.
She said, we can see the fear in their faces and that's how we want them to live.
Their goal is terrorism.
Paul, you're smart enough to actually know how bad it is.
You're trying to introduce to people to not look radical that...
Oh, you know, who funds them?
We need to find out.
We know who funds them.
It's your political rivals.
They're allied with foreign powers like China and Hunter Biden with the sex trafficking and all of it.
Of course he's involved in sex trafficking.
That's what devil worshippers do.
They want slaves, children and women locked up in dungeons.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It is Thursday, September 24th.
The year is 2020.
We are 39 days out.
118 days out from the inauguration.
And we have seen the crisis that Soros has already helped engineer and develop the nation once again.
After the verdict in Louisville, Kentucky.
We have a special report on that, and then we're going to lay out everything that's coming in the timeline with a bunch of special guests today.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is not a spectator sport.
Please tell everyone you know.
Tune in now.
An hour before Attorney General Daniel Cameron was expected to announce whether charges would be filed against the Louisville police officers responsible for the death of Breonna Taylor, Louisville Kentucky Mayor issued a preemptive state of emergency.
And why not?
Democrats in Louisville are already using Salinski-ite tactics to disrupt traffic.
In fact, BLM communist Robin Crandall, an organizer with the Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, pointed a gun at random drivers.
Crandall, who had previously been convicted of burglary in the third degree and theft of less than $10,000, served two years in the Bullitt County Detention Center.
But in November of 2015, she was pardoned by Governor Steve Beshear.
The pardon restored Crandall's right to vote and hold public office and point a gun at random citizens.
And then Attorney General Daniel Cameron spoke.
My job as the special prosecutor in this case was to put emotions aside and investigate the facts to determine if criminal violations of state law resulted in the loss of Ms.
Taylor's life.
Detective Cosgrove and Sergeant Mattingly were justified in returning fire because they were fired upon.
I'll leave it to others to make determinations.
We have vigorous self-defense laws in this state.
All the evidence was given to the grand jury and they made the decision that one endangerment was the charge to file or to indict against Mr. Hankinson.
Clearly, the funds had poured into Louisville as the next flashpoint on the Marxist Soros Death to America Tour.
Twitter's Jack Dorsey helped donate $11 million to organizations that included the Bail Project.
National File reported that an employee of the Bail Project, Holly Zoller, was caught handing out shields and other equipment to potential rioters from a U-Haul truck in Louisville, Kentucky.
How's that for sedition?
And then all hell broke loose in at least 30 cities across the Democrats' intentionally divided states of America.
Independent reporters were savagely attacked.
Back down!
A mega Molotov cocktail was thrown at police.
and two Louisville police officers were shot.
Police naming the suspect in the Louisville officer shooting overnight.
Lorenzo Johnson is behind bars.
His charges have not been announced.
How's that for peaceful protest?
Of course, these fools are completely unaware that Brianna's boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, shot first.
And that Breonna's drug-dealing ex-boyfriend, who she had bailed out of jail on a regular basis, led the police to her apartment based on suspicious packages he had been receiving there.
And, of course, this little-known fact.
The statements that were made by officers there the night, or the morning of March 13th, Uh, show that they did knock and announce.
Uh, the important point here is that information was corroborated by another witness who was in close proximity to apartment for who corroborated that information.
Uh, he said that there was a knocking and announcing by the officers.
The witness was a civilian.
Going forward, it doesn't matter whether or not justice is served.
The Marxists will use anything to burn this country to cinders.
John Bowne reporting.
We're witnessing terrorism, period.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live thanks to your support and your prayers.
It is Thursday, September 24th.
The year is 2020.
We are 118 days out from the inauguration.
We are 39 days out from the election, but the Deep State, the Chaikom Globalist-backed crime syndicates, Hollywood, the corporate mainstream trader media, the enemies of the Republic have all openly said they know they're going to lose.
They can see the internal polls.
They know the facts.
So they're going to contest the election.
When Trump challenges their contention, that's going to be called dictatorship, and they're going to remove him by coup.
If they're able to, this has all been publicly stated on every major news channel in the country.
We were the first to tell you that they were planning all of this.
You can see some of that spit out today.
The Trump campaign is reportedly discussing contingency plans to bypass election results.
The Atlantic tells us, again, that's the main Democrat mouthpiece that puts out the lies that are then picked up by the New York Times.
Even the Wall Street Journal goes along with these and parrots.
All of it.
Then that ties into Trump says Supreme Court will decide the election.
Very good chances they will.
Needs a ninth justice.
That's in the Constitution as they now have extra votes because Mitt Romney's been under such pressure.
But even if he tries to stab folks in the back, um, we'll have the votes.
That's why he's now claiming he will vote for it because he's unable to stop this next Supreme Court justice from being put in.
But after what we saw happened to Kavanaugh, This is going to be an explosive situation and all of what we're witnessing has a name.
It's called terrorism.
What's happening in Austin, Texas?
What's happening in Louisville, Kentucky?
What's happening in Portland, Oregon?
What's happening in Los Angeles, California, Chicago, Illinois, New York, New York?
What's happening from Miami to Dallas, Texas is the exact same thing.
It has a name.
What does that spell?
And what is the definition?
Of terrorism, the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
That is the definition.
The state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization, a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.
What we have is Democrat, globalist, allied with the foreign powers, literally engaged in classical terror and saying, going to people's houses and saying, we're going to kill you if you don't vote the way we want.
And then inside big tech, all these college Marxist trained employees, whether they're in Spotify or whether they are in Twitter or Google or Apple, they don't care about slave camps in China.
They like Xi Jinping.
Washington Post says he's their hero.
They hope he quote, annihilates Trump, destroys Trump.
No, no, they're like little baby birds that were hatched out of their eggs and, you know, saw the mailman, so they imprint on the mailman and think it's their daddy, not the mommy duck, but they imprinted on communism and Satanism and devil worship and CNN.
And so now, there are so many videos of crazy people running around with machetes, attacking.
There are so many videos of reporters being beaten and shot.
There are so many videos of police officers being shot.
There is so much absolute mayhem that I can't even get to the new stuff that's breaking every hour.
Our own Savannah Hernandez went out last night, and again I don't want to criticize her, but I have to say she didn't want security with her.
She went out without security into Austin.
They mobbed her, they beat her, they attacked her, they robbed her.
She did fight back, but Local media is basically saying this is a great thing.
She's a fascist.
So this is how they dehumanize people.
And they had guns.
They had guns, ladies and gentlemen.
That's on video.
And they beat up a woman and took her phone and hit her in the back of the head.
And it's all on video.
And that's what it's like in America for her to go out and simply videotape them.
These are men with guns beating up women.
These are the heroes.
Remember, they always wanted to get our guns to keep us safe.
No, they wanted our guns because only they would have the guns then.
Well, guess what, scumbags?
We've got guns to defend ourselves.
And two police officers last night watched as delivery trucks, U-Haul trucks and buses arrived with antifa shipped in from local universities and local government assemblies.
A lot of them work for the legislatures.
That's been caught on record many times.
And loaded out of the U-Hauls were the signs about killing cops and Antifa.
And guess who was unloading out of these trucks the shields and the clubs and all the rest of it?
Guess what?
A group funded by George Soros on record and Jack Dorsey of Twitter.
Jack Dorsey gave a million dollars this year to the very group and the very woman that heads it up unloading the weapons.
So, as I said again, this is terrorism.
And remember, Rand Paul came out just a month ago, out of the White House, and people surrounded him, attacked him, said, we're gonna kill you.
Knocked police down, they barely got away.
Black Lives Matter.
Remember that?
Well, Rand Paul understands what we're facing now.
This is called terrorism.
Last night, in Louisville, they pull up, they say, we're going to kill the cops, and then they start shooting the police that had done nothing, not even fired tear gas at that point.
And the media, CNN, said, well, there's going to be violence.
The police deserve it.
Like they said a few years ago when all those cops were getting killed in 2016.
And remember, they were on the news saying, well, cops kill innocent black people, so you're going to die randomly, when statistically it doesn't even show that.
Here's a few of the clips out of Louisville yesterday where they're talking about Y'all get ready to f-ing die, and sure enough, it started.
Here it is.
Y'all get ready to f-ing die!
They come from everywhere else.
Here they come.
Ooh, they're shooting guns at us!
They're shooting guns at us!
Real guns!
And then, of course... They're blasting at the police!
Yep, the BLM start running until they realize, oh, that's us shooting the police.
So this is it.
They've started their war.
They only want to make it more intense.
Soros just overthrew Ukraine seven years ago the same way killing cops.
Here's Senator Rand Paul just minutes ago telling it like it is that Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization.
Here it is.
I joined Senator Scott and others in saying that we have to appreciate our police more generally.
They're protecting us from the vandals, the marauders, the arsonists in our cities.
And it's not just the Democrat proposition of defunding the police that threatens us.
It's also the idea that if we don't appreciate our police, we won't have more volunteering to become policemen in the next generation.
So I think it's absolutely imperative that we do show our appreciation for these people who are risking their lives to keep us safe.
My wife and I know about this personally, as you saw from the video going into this.
We were attacked by a mob in D.C.
just a few weeks ago.
For those of you who doubt that the mob had violent intent, immediately after we were safely into the hotel, or somewhat safe in our hotel, one of the police officers was assaulted and received stitches in his face.
And I guess what bothered me is, you know, I commend them for their heroism.
I truly believe they saved our lives.
But the person who assaulted the policeman was from out of state.
I think their federal charges were lodged, but then he was released on his own recognizance.
I tweeted out somewhat snarkily, if you're looking for him, you may look in Kenosha.
But I think we do have to investigate these people.
And we have to put blame where blame is.
We need to find out who's financing them.
If you're from out of state and you attacked someone in D.C., I would think that the FBI or federal authorities should investigate, you know, how did he get there?
Who's paying for it?
I can tell you that Black Lives Matter is supporting these folks and that we shouldn't shy away from attributing blame where blame goes.
When we were attacked, the head of Black Lives Matter in Louisville had this to say.
She said, we can see the fear in their faces and that's how we want them to live.
Their goal is terrorism.
They're admitting it.
If you look at their exchanges online and social media, they are saying their goal is to terrorize public officials and really anybody.
Many of the people in the restaurants that they're being terrorized are not... We're going to come back to the conclusion of this.
Stay with us.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Very honored to be here.
Savannah Hernandez, Importers Reporter.
Who goes out on her Action 7 on her own because we don't condone her being by herself like that.
Got attacked by that mob last night.
We admire her courage, but just can't be part of it.
But she's going to be on air with us coming up here in just a moment.
And just disgusting mob with guns threatening to kill her and physically attacking her.
This is terrorism.
And we've got countless videos of People saying to the cops, we're going to effing kill you.
You know, I'm not Mr. Tough Guy.
I don't try to be Mr. Tough Guy, but I couldn't have the restraint.
You walk up to me and say you're going to kill me, I take that as a threat of bodily harm.
But you see, these cities are run by Democrats, so there's no charges!
People ask why I don't go out to these events.
We went out last year when Beto O'Rourke was giving a speech, and a couple thousand anti for the biggest crowd I've ever seen of him in Austin.
Go, it's Alex Jones!
Like a horde coming to kill him!
And the state police had to come stop him, and they were attacking the state police.
And the police said, just please get out of here.
And we left.
I mean, this is America, folks.
I was 150 yards away, not even in their business.
And they came.
Because they hate America.
Because they're terrorists.
Listen to this scumbag.
Just one of many videos.
They're all over InfoWars.
Saying, get ready to die.
We're gonna kill you.
Here it is.
And then boom, boom, boom, they shoot a couple cops who are in critical condition.
Remember this video from just last week?
Oh, that's ancient history now.
They're shooting so many cops now.
Their names never hit the news.
They're never humanized.
This is sick evil, ladies and gentlemen.
And again, it's the governments themselves attacking their own police to take them over, which is called terrorism.
What is the definition of terrorism?
The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
This is outside globalist forces publicly funding a color revolution.
That's what they call these when they come in and play groups off against each other, but it's an outside group running it to bring down the whole country, the whole ship.
And it's Soros, the king of this, in the last 40 years, running the play.
Running the play.
Now, we were playing part of what Senator Paul just said literally like 20 minutes ago.
The crew did a great job getting the club.
And we hadn't finished up where he was getting into defining this as terrorism as its textbook.
Here it is.
I think we do have to investigate these people, and we have to put blame where blame is.
We need to find out who's financing them.
If you're from out of state and you attacked someone in D.C., I would think that the FBI or federal authorities should investigate, you know, how did he get there?
Who's paying for it?
I can tell you that Black Lives Matter is supporting these folks, and that we shouldn't shy away from attributing blame where blame goes.
When we were attacked, the head of Black Lives Matter in Louisville had this to say.
She said, we can see the fear in their faces and that's how we want them to live.
Their goal is terrorism.
They're admitting it.
If you look at their exchanges online and social media, they are saying their goal is to terrorize public officials and really anybody.
Many of the people in the restaurants that they're being terrorized are not public officials.
But their goal is terror.
Now whether or not that equates to something that you can legally investigate, I don't know.
But we should know that, and we should let corporate America know that.
Corporate America is giving millions of dollars to something they perceive as an anti-racist group.
In reality, it's a group that is funding terror, and funding terrorists to go from city to city.
Well of course!
It's racketeering, it's organized.
The head of Twitter funds it.
Soros funds it.
The Democratic Party runs Black Lives Matter and collected 90-plus percent.
The last time I heard of like 50-something million.
Look up now how much Black Lives Matter and affiliated groups have given to Democrats.
The Democrats run that.
A few months ago, you go to their website, it goes right to the DNC to give money.
The DNC, I mean, they had Kamala Harris and Joe Biden tweeting last night saying, say her name, say her name, Breonna Taylor, who was with some drug dealer gangbanger that somebody else called the cops on.
The cops come, he starts shooting at them, and the cops shoot and she gets killed in the crossfire!
That's called a mistake, an accident, because you were living with a gangbanging drug dealer.
I mean, when a cop's bad, man, we got footage of cops tasering people not wearing masks in America.
That's tyranny.
That's evil.
That's a fraud.
That cop needs to be fired.
But that cop's got a globalist leftist above him giving him those orders.
Conservative police departments don't act like that.
This is America.
A young mother tased, cuffed, and arrested for not wearing a face mask at a mostly empty stadium to watch a high school football game.
Because a virtue signaler called the cops.
You know who's bad?
The public calling the cops for loud music.
Or the public calling the cops because their husband's beating them up.
When the cops come, the husband shoots them.
And because the husband happens to be black, then the cop gets indicted!
All over the world, people are being arrested for not wearing masks out in public.
But even in the UK, they won't arrest Black Lives Matter.
It's in Australia, won't arrest Black Lives Matter.
They're allowed to demonstrate because they're UN Soros approved.
And everything else, everybody else isn't.
Now I've got countless videos of this, but let me show you for radio listeners, I'll describe it.
This is another video out of Seattle last night of a man hitting a cop for no reason in the back of the head with a deadly weapon, a baseball bat.
Here it is.
[crowd noise]
So they knock a cop off his bike, he sprays him with pepper spray, and then a thug hits
him in the back of the head with a steel, with an aluminum baseball bat.
I mean, that's why I couldn't be a cop.
You hit me in the back of the head with a baseball bat, I'm pulling a gun to shoot your ass.
And then Seattle would throw him under the president, ladies and gentlemen.
Because that's the left.
They're teaching you, we can do whatever you want, we can engage in terrorism, but conservatives can't even go to church because of the COVID-19 scam.
So dangerous.
We're going to go to break.
Savannah Hernandez will be in studio with us.
They're going to be out riding in tonight.
We tried to send security with her.
She didn't want security.
And they beat her up, attacked her, stole her phone last night.
We admired Savannah.
But, you know, she's just I'm not going to put my reporters in harm's way like that.
But she decides to do it herself.
That's her issue.
And I'm sure she'll continue doing that.
But we appreciate her.
She'll be with us in a moment.
Please don't forget this is the emergency election.
Everything must go shale.
If Trump loses, they're going to take us off the air.
And take our banking and everything else away.
We have to sell everything we've got, be able to fund it in the next year.
That's the bunker mentality, and that's where we are in the year 2020, and I think you all can see why and understand we're all in this together.
So get your supplements, get your books, get your films, get your T-shirts, get your pieces of history, because InfoWars, the whole country, 30% chance won't be here by January of next year.
So get those supplements, get your X2, get your X3, get your DNA Force Plus, get your Winter Sun.
We're about to sell out of it.
So I'm going to have to go back to regular price starting tomorrow.
Last day, you get 50% off on the highest quality vitamin D3 with vitamin K you're going to find.
DNA Force is the big thing I do for my cells and for my overall immune boosting and body defenses with the PQQ, the CoQ10.
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And I would also take X2 and X3 that are essential, the cleanest, purest iodine you're going to find out there.
Game changing, amazing.
Take advantage of these sales right now.
And preparewithalex.com.
That big sale's about to end with storable food.
Get ready to fucking die!
They come from everywhere else.
Here they come.
Oh, they're shooting guns at us!
They're shooting guns at us!
Real guns!
They're blasting at the police.
Shots fired, shots fired.
You good?
Good. You okay? We're good.
Hold on, everybody here?
I'm gonna get a picture.
Are you good?
I'm gonna go up there.
Where do you want us to go?
Right there.
Right there.
Officer down.
Right there.
Officer down?
What do you want to do?
But I think we do have to investigate these people.
And we have to put blame where blame is.
We need to find out who's financing them.
If you're from out of state and you attack someone in D.C., I would think that the FBI or federal authorities should investigate, you know, how did he get there?
Who's paying for it?
I can tell you that Black Lives Matter is supporting these folks and that we shouldn't shy away from attributing blame where blame goes.
When we were attacked, the head of Black Lives Matter in Louisville had this to say.
She said, we can see the fear in their faces and that's how we want them to live.
Their goal is terrorism.
They're admitting it.
If you look at their exchanges online and social media, they are saying their goal is to terrorize public officials and really anybody.
Many of the people in the restaurants that they're being terrorized are not public officials.
But their goal is terror.
Now, whether or not that equates to something that you can legally investigate, I don't know.
But we should know that, and we should let corporate America know that.
Corporate America is giving millions of dollars to something they perceive as an anti-racist group.
In reality, it's a group that is funding terror, and funding terrorists to go from city to city.
Oh, Corporate America, the ones that want to get rid of the U.S.' 's own existence.
Apple that runs giant slave factories in China that funds Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
Soros has overthrown all these countries.
And the Ukraine recently, they literally put Nazis in charge.
Oh, he doesn't know what he's doing.
No, Senator Paul, you're starting to get wise, but not fast enough.
This is an organized, multinational crime syndicate funding domestic terror organizations inside the United States to give cover for the attempted overthrow of the elected government to install a tyranny.
And now we've reached the flashpoint.
39 days out from the election, 118 days out from the inauguration.
The real fight's going to start on the election day.
Trump's going to win, they're going to contest.
When he contests, they're going to try to burn down the country.
They're hoping that black folks get killed in this so they can say all the local governments are bad.
The mayors that run those governments will hype it up to further torch the nation.
They're going to try to kill the dollar at that point.
This is all going to happen.
This is what we're up against.
That's why they're censoring everybody so Americans don't know what's happening during this and blame Trump and blame loyalists to the republic so we can finally be broken up by the globalists and the chi-coms.
The footage we've got of police being shot all over the country, and cases killed, and people being hit over the head with baseball bats, and police officers hit with baseball bats, and being stabbed, and being firebombed, and the media defending it, and then our own Savannah Hernandez!
Who, again, we did have security for, but I guess that makes her job hard, so she didn't want them.
She went out last night, I guess under her own moniker, and got attacked by these monsters.
We'll play some of that footage.
I'm glad you're in one piece.
I love the great footage you get, and you show what monsters they are.
I just don't like dangling my friends and crew members, you know, down into a pit of meth-head pit bulls.
Yes, Alex, and I do want to say, you know, you always provide me with great security and I'm so appreciative of that.
You always try to make sure that I'm safe and sound, that when I go and I do this protest coverage that, you know, I have someone watching my back because these people are clearly insane and they're just pushing this violent...
Just all this violence on independent journalists, that's the new culture now.
But last night, I haven't gone out and I haven't covered protests for about three weeks now, so I let my guard down.
I said, oh, you know, this probably isn't going to be too big of a thing here in Austin.
It's probably going to be a small march.
I'm not worried about it.
I'll probably go for 30 minutes, get some footage, and then be done with it.
But then the Austin police have started cracking down, they started cracking down a lot more on BLM and Antifa here in the city and they were making a lot of arrests, they figured out how to kind of corral them on certain streets to be able to arrest them and to try to get them to start legally obeying the law again because BLM and Antifa keep taking over the streets.
So I was following them for about two hours without any issue and then someone starts chanting my name and then this grown man starts pointing at me and they all start mobbing me.
I start walking away or start trying to walk away.
I get punched in the back of the head and then they all start mobbing me.
And prior to me getting attacked, there's another uh independent journalist here.
His name's Hiram Live and he's pro BLM and he's been live streaming all summer.
They were attacking him All night last night.
They targeted him and they were attacking him as well because apparently, if you record any of their criminal activity, you're a snitch and you're working for the police.
And that gives them the right to attack you.
In fact, we have the videos all over the country.
The first time I've heard a scene was in Seattle, then Portland, now in Rochester, New York, where they say, uh, only cops film criminals.
And, and, and they're, they call themselves criminals.
So, so the level of just ignorance and insanity It's just totally crazy.
And Alex, in my last report, I put in that Black Lives Matter chant.
Who do we protect?
Black criminals.
These people are criminals.
They want criminal activity and lawlessness to abound on our streets.
And any journalist, any person trying to expose what's really going on in America right now is going to be targeted and attacked.
It doesn't matter.
And let's say what this is.
No chivalry, no common sense.
You're a reporter, so everybody's supposed to respect that.
And you're a woman!
And it's men!
I've seen the video, for radio listeners who can't see it, videos on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and they are really hitting you, dragging you into the crowd, slamming you up against the wall.
Describe what happened.
Yeah Alex, they, again, they started chanting my name.
They targeted me out.
They made sure that the mob that I was surrounded by knew who I was.
Grown men, a part of Antifa in this city.
And as I tried to walk away, they punched me in the back of the head.
But what they weren't expecting was for me to hit back.
With a lot of these independent journalists that go out, they think that they're just going to be able to beat them down and throw... And I do see that.
It looks like you punched a couple of them back in the face.
You lunged at a couple.
Yes, because I had been punched in the back of the head at this point, and people were just mobbing me, so I said, okay, it's time for me to protect myself, and I grabbed a couple of them, I threw a couple of punches, and they started backing up, and that's how I was able to get out of this situation.
Sounds like the guy that got killed a few months ago.
He said, oh, these are all wimps, I'm gonna go stop cars and point guns at them.
Then he got killed about ten minutes later.
Exactly, and there were armed protesters out there last night.
And those were the only two protesters I really talked to because, again, as a journalist, it's my job to be there and ask people, hey, why do you have these guns?
What are your intentions for your march tonight?
What are you out here doing?
They said they were jokingly like, oh, well, legally, we're not allowed to stay there for the police, but we have them because of what happened with Garrett Foster.
And like you just said, Alex, what happened with Garrett Foster?
Black Lives Matter pointed a gun at a gun-wielding citizen who then protected himself.
And now they're out on the street with firearms thinking they can shoot whoever they want because self-defense is now a crime in America if you're conservative or if you're just anti-domestic terrorist.
These are very low IQ individuals.
I'm not trying to be mean, but they didn't get picked up a lot with their babies.
They didn't get a lot of nutrition.
And you can all see the dead look in their eyes.
A lot of really young women that are going to college have been radicalized by Marxist professors.
And very few black people, I noticed, in this particular group.
Some groups of BLM are almost all black.
A lot of them are almost all white.
They don't seem to be mixed.
They're usually one or the other.
But this is a racist race cult funded by George Soros.
They have no idea about any of that.
They're just out there believing they're the good guys because CNN and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris tweeted out, say her name.
Like when they attacked Rand Paul three weeks ago.
They kept beating him up, attacking the police saying, say her name.
He wrote the bill to not have no-knock search warrants.
On Breonna Taylor.
They're so ignorant, they attacked the guy that wrote the bill.
Alex, all of the politicians and all of the media who have been pushing this false narrative about Breonna Taylor are complicit in all of the violence and destruction that is currently happening on our streets.
Well of course, they're just using Breonna Taylor as a prop.
We now know that they came because there was a dead body found in her car.
All this other stuff.
Yeah, she's tied.
That was the warrant for her house.
She wasn't asleep.
She wasn't shot in her sleep.
You know, and Owen makes the point too.
Hold on, we'll be right back.
Let's talk about it.
We'll be right back.
We're live, broadcasting worldwide, about to go back to Savannah Hernandez.
InfoWars reporter attacked last night out just trying to cover the Antifa BLM meth heads, almost all of them white, running around in downtown Austin burning things, attacking people.
And they saw her and said, oh, she's with InfoWars, that's Savannah Hernandez.
And grown men started beating her, and as soon as she fought back, they ran away in fear.
These are true scum.
We'll talk about that in just a moment, but don't forget, That we have a really big special going right now at PrepareWithAlex.com.
That is a subdomain of MyPatriotSupply, so that they can give you an even bigger discount than you get at InfoWarsTore.com.
They're in our back end.
That's the full MyPatriotSupply catalog at InfoWarsTore.com.
And so if you want bigger food supplies or all of that, it's the best deal you're going to get.
But if you go to preparewithalex.com, you will find three specials on three different deals.
Water filtration, food and air filtration.
They put out the Alexa Pure Breeze air filtration and the Alexa Pure water filtration system,
and they have those discounted.
The discounts are $170, $100, and $140.
And we, again, can put that on screen, maybe go to the website, preparewithalex.com.
That's preparewithalex.com, and that special will end on Monday,
and then that's it, they can't do it anymore.
They may have some other specials on some bigger food packages,
but if you want a three-month, a six-month supply, their highest quality water filter,
biggest one with a bunch of replacement filters other systems.
It's right there.
Four days, 15 hours left.
So that runs through Monday afternoon.
Let me see, it's Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Yeah, I guess it ends Monday afternoon.
That's four days, 15 hours, 9 minutes, 57 seconds at preparewithalex.com.
Separately, We have the Infowars emergency election sale, total blowout.
If Biden gets in, or if their Civil War is successful, I'll give it a 30% chance, then they may be able to shut us down by early next year.
They're going to shut everybody else down too, but we'll be first.
And of course, all the main conservative people will all wait while the other one gets eaten and not stand up for him.
America's shown that proper level of cowardice with the censorship, and so that's why the enemy might have a chance of winning if we don't rally behind those that are under attack.
You do as viewers and listeners, but the big establishment conservative talk show hosts do not.
To them, mainly it's a niche, it's an ideology, it's a way to make money, you know, it's a way to just...
You know, basically have viewers, because you're out there, the conservative nationalist patriot movement.
You were there before I was born, many of you.
You were there when I was on the air 26 years.
And, you know, we just have to realize that a lot of our so-called ideologue supporters really aren't in this because they believe it.
They're in it because they know there's a market.
And that's why they've got all the big sponsors, all the big money.
We don't have that.
We have you supporting us.
I will tell you, Tucker Carlson's for real.
Rush Limbaugh's for real.
He's woken up a lot.
But a lot of other folks are not real, ladies and gentlemen.
That's why InfoWars is so precious.
It needs to stay on the air.
So thank you all for your support.
We have that big mega sale.
Winter Sun Plus, 50% off free shipping.
VitaMineral Fusion, selling out, still discounted.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric, selling out, still discounted.
TurboForce, selling out, still discounted.
VazoBeat, selling out, still discounted.
DNA Force Plus, 60% off free shipping, even though it's selling out.
I'm done talking about that.
Want to thank you all for your support, but most importantly, pray for us and spread the word about the live feeds and more.
So, Savannah Hernandez, you got attacked last night.
Other points you want to make about this?
I mean, this isn't just happening to you, this is happening all over the country.
This is accelerating.
Yes Alex, the point that I want to make too is it doesn't matter if you're a journalist on the left or right or if you're neutral.
These people are attacking anyone right now.
Again, we discussed in the past, or the last segment, that Black Lives Matter has chanted so many times, who do we protect?
The black criminals.
They're pushing this lawlessness.
They're pushing the rioting.
They're trying to normalize this.
They're trying to normalize oppressing people and silencing them.
We've seen all of the videos of them forcing to Forcing people to stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter.
Put your fist up and say Black Lives Matter or we're going to attack you or you're going to face the consequences.
These are domestic terrorists running the streets and we need to know who's funding them.
We need to know who's behind them.
Well that's a cult making you pledge allegiance.
And we know.
Did you see where it's Jack Dorsey of Twitter funding the very lady unloading the trucks with the weapons and stuff and the shields in Louisville?
This is the first time I'm hearing about it, but that's not surprising at all, Alex.
All of these people are always all tied and connected.
And, you know, now we even have Fox News trying to cover for George Soros, even though anyone can go on Google right now and research what George Soros has funded, which states are the most Just destroyed with riots and chaos and destruction and how he has recognized all of that.
He's got the mayors and district attorneys elected in those cities so they won't prosecute his terrorists.
You get how that works?
If you have the district attorney and then you have the terrorist on the ground, you win.
That's all this is.
And still, Congress is just now starting to figure this out a day late and a dollar short.
Exactly Alex, yeah.
What, Nancy Pelosi came out four months later after rioting and all of America has been burned down.
Oh, we don't condone this type of behavior.
It's already too late.
They light the fuse, they built the bomb, they lit the fuse, and now it's exploding.
They go, we have nothing to do with that.
Yep, and it's been a slow burn, it's been the demonization of our police, it's been demonizing conservatives, it's been demonizing gun owners, and now you can't even hold a gun in your own house, in your own property when Black Lives Matter comes to your home.
That's right.
If you have a gun in your house, don't aim it at people when they're saying we're coming to burn your house down.
You just show them a shotgun, you get indicted by the liberal district attorney.
Yes, so we're turning into an America that is tailored to lawlessness, that's tailored to these anarchists that are running the street, and conservatives need to stand up and they need to speak out against this, and we need people in the Senate and in Congress to take a stand against this.
That's right.
They started out with the intimidation.
They started out with the censorship.
People didn't do anything.
Now they're throwing Molotov cocktails on an hourly basis.
Savannah, this isn't about lecturing you.
It's about a threat continuum and where we are.
I get for two and a half years, you've been going out covering Antifa,
where they tried to block you, even showing what they were doing at the border.
And you went and flew drones inside Mexico and showed great things for your first year,
two and a half years ago.
And you've been on Fox News, you've done all this great stuff.
You've gone out and covered hundreds of events, Portland, Dallas, Austin, New York, DC.
You've been everywhere.
You've been to Hong Kong.
Hong Kong, yeah.
So Infowars has seen you all over, and you've done a great job.
And then you come here, And you're like, okay, well, I'll be okay going out.
No, they all had guns.
They're now shooting police.
They're now shooting women.
They're now shooting people at randomly on the highway.
These aren't just terrorists.
These are the dirtiest, most mindless level of terrorist where they're just told by their controllers go out and do horrible stuff.
So the controllers have plausible liability, but they don't because this is the playbook.
So that's why I'm saying you're not where you were even a month ago.
And imagine where we'll be in 39 days or 118 with the inauguration.
This is only escalating until the head of the snake is prosecuted.
Definitely, Alex.
And they've done a great job of trying to normalize, oppress, and silence anyone who they disagree with, anyone who thinks differently than them.
And that's why they have been allowed to attack journalists like me, like Andy Ngo, like Owen Schroer.
So many people have been attacked on the street.
And nobody stands up for us.
And you know, Alex, this does go all the way back to even your silencing and censorship on Twitter, on social media.
We silenced voices on social media, and now we're silencing voices in real life.
That social media censorship is now bleeding into everyday American life, into our constitutional rights.
And that's what I was saying is, you have a normalcy bias, I have a normalcy bias.
We still think that...
We were where we were a year ago.
We're not there.
We're under a Soros, Obama, Rothschild, globalist attack.
They're literally trying to end the country right now.
Exactly, Alex.
A Hispanic minority woman cannot go stand on the street and neutrally report on what's going on without being attacked anymore.
The press, there's no freedom of the press anymore.
It's freedom for BLM and Antifa to run the streets and it's this funded, organized domestic terrorism being pushed by our politicians, being pushed by our media, and being pushed by our celebrities.
And being pushed by China as well.
So, you know, everything's all tied together.
The destruction of America can be linked back to all the same exact people, and people need to wake up and start, you know, exposing this more and more every single day and standing up to it.
No, I agree.
We're going to go to break, do five more minutes with you, and then probably get some rest before you come back and produce some of the shows.
Maybe come on with Owen Troyer later.
Maybe come on the nightly new program we've been doing during the election, election countdown from 7 to 9 p.m.
But just in the minute and a half before break, If we've already accelerated this far, and they've not gotten in trouble, and they've helped ignite criminal activity nationwide, what do you think should have come next?
Alex, I genuinely feel like with the whole defund the police movement, we have our police, their hands are tied.
You know, Black Lives Matter has so much power and Tifa has so much power and it's genuinely up to the average American to stand up for themselves at this point because I don't really feel like anyone's going to come to save us.
Donald Trump can only do so much, but it's these Democrat mayors and governors Who are allowing all of this to happen.
It's up to the average American to vote in the proper politicians that are going to save them.
And it's up to the average American to protect themselves because no one else can do it for them.
Well, that's right.
You know, I look at police and riot gear like Darth Vader, and it's meant to project power, and in the wrong hands, unconstitutional, it can be horrible.
But then on the other side are people in black uniforms that'll attack women and children, and love the devil, and hate your country's very existence, and will shoot innocent people in cold blood, and try to beat up reporters.
We know who the bad guys are.
I want to explain this again.
It's all Democrat jurisdictions where they are letting their police be attacked to train people nationwide to attack police everywhere to undermine the rule of law and overthrow our country.
This is America under attack, under siege.
This is terrorism.
And again, it's not hyperbole.
It's not exaggeration.
It's worse than I can even describe.
Getting massive chills.
We're back with our number two.
Stay with us.
Got some big special guests coming up.
Dr. Wakefield in studio.
Don't look!
Look at the ignorance of the anti-BLM hordes.
Don't look at the patheticness of Joe Biden or the sellout nature of Kamala Harris and think, oh, they're weak, they can be easily defeated.
Don't take them for granted.
They're just the puppets of the big spiders that are in the dark, ladies and gentlemen.
And with 39 days out, we cannot be in a more dangerous and precarious position.
America has a really good chance of defeating this uprising, but after we've defeated this foreign-funded uprising, we have to route out those that financed it and ran it and controlled it instead of dealing with the low-level operatives they've sent.
Savannah Hernandez, great InfoWars reporter, brutally, physically assaulted last night.
She fought back.
Recap what happened to you and where you think this is all going.
Well Alex, the militant wing of the Democratic Party is out in full force.
They attacked me last night when I was trying to report on their march and what was going on.
I wasn't talking to anybody, I wasn't trying to instigate anything, but it doesn't matter at this point.
It doesn't matter who you are, if you're neutral, if you're left or right.
Black Lives Matter and Antifa are domestic terrorists who don't want their criminal activities recorded and they're going to Viciously assault any reporter, any journalist who is trying to expose the truth about what's going on in the streets.
Now, I was talking to you in the breakout, Alex, about how I can't livestream because they'll find out who I am, where I am, and they'll target and assault me just like they did last night.
I usually will upload HD clips slowly throughout the night, but they still figured out who I was and they targeted me.
This is a well-organized, again, militant wing of the Democrat Party and we need to hold Democrats responsible because it is Democrat cities where this type of behavior is allowed to thrive and it is Democrat politicians who enable and allow these people who get arrested every single night to get out of jail and continue their chaos on the street every single day.
And no army in modern history since chivalry was developed would attack women For no reason and be proud of themselves.
This would sink an army if footage came out of US military acting like this to an unarmed woman.
But oh, they're the liberal Antifa.
They're funded by the owner of Twitter and George Soros.
It's come out.
So they're allowed to do whatever they want, whenever they want.
They're like God.
These people are fascists, they're communists, and they're domestic terrorists, Alex, and I can't express that enough.
We need to put a stop to this and we need to expose who's... Yeah, the Italian mafia we always hear is the most evil thing on earth and everything, just because it was contending with other major mafias that did a lot of bad stuff, no doubt.
If the Italian Mafia had hordes of people wearing masks and beating women up on the street, the FBI would be swat teaming them in 10 seconds.
But no, this is the Mafia of George Soros.
This is the Mafia of the ADL.
This is the Mafia of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
This is the Mafia of the Democratic Party.
This is the Mafia of Communist China that openly is in league with Antifa.
This is the real enemy of America.
Exactly, and we have all of our politicians, all of our celebrities, and all of our media running cover for them every single day.
So this is definitely a fight for America, Alex.
Oh yeah, Senator Rita Paul today, we played the clip earlier, he's like, I don't know why the corporations are giving hundreds of millions of them.
Don't they know?
Of course they know!
That's why they're overthrowing America!
Exactly, Alex.
This is a fight for America and we all need to stand up and we all need to keep pushing and exposing the truth.
And again, we need to start electing politicians who can help make a change because it is the Democrat cities where this is allowed to thrive.
It is the Democrat politicians who are pushing this type of behavior on conservatives.
Oh yeah, they incubate it in their own towns.
They want America destroyed, Alex.
And then feed their own police that Democrats run to the mob to give them a blood meal like a dog you're training to fight.
They're training their commies on police they control that they order to stand down, incubating them in their blue cities.
Exactly, Alex.
And seeing all of this footage come out now, like you said, we're, what, 39 days until the election.
So if you guys think things are bad now, they're only going to continue to get worse.
Because the Democrats are emboldened and these domestic terrorists are allowed and have been allowed to run the streets.
Savannah, you are on fire like so many of our great guests.
When a guest is on fire, we have them on.
That's why I'm not always saying every guest is on fire.
A lot of our guests are on fire.
Dr. Andrew Wakefield is in the studio.
He's on fire.
Robert Barnes, lawyer.
He's coming up.
He's on fire.
Savannah, are you going to be in the war room today?
Yes, I will, Alex.
All right.
War room, 3 to 6 p.m., coming up then.
Election countdown, 7 to 9, with Owen Short, Ilana Rain, myself, and many others.
Great job.
Be safe, Savannah.
And we just wish you well on your happy trails.
We'll be right back.
Thanks, Alex.
I joined Senator Scott and others in saying that we have to appreciate our police more generally.
They're protecting us from the vandals, the marauders, the arsonists in our cities.
And it's not just the Democrat proposition of defunding the police that threatens us.
It's also the idea that if we don't appreciate our police, we won't have more volunteering to become policemen in the next generation.
So I think it's absolutely imperative that we do show our appreciation for these people who are risking their lives to keep us safe.
My wife and I know about this personally, as you saw from the video going into this.
We were attacked by a mob in D.C.
just a few weeks ago.
For those of you who doubt that the mob had violent intent, immediately after we were safely into the hotel, or somewhat safe in our hotel, one of the police officers was assaulted and received stitches in his face.
And I guess what bothered me is, you know, I commend them for their heroism.
I truly believe they saved our lives.
But the person who assaulted the policeman was from out of state.
I think their federal charges were lodged, but then he was released on his own recognizance.
I tweet it out somewhat snarkily.
If you're looking for him, you may look in Kenosha.
But I think we do have to investigate these people.
And we have to put blame where blame is.
We need to find out who's financing them.
If you're from out of state and you attacked someone in D.C., I would think that the FBI or federal authorities should investigate how did he get there, who's paying for it.
I can tell you that Black Lives Matter is supporting these folks and that we shouldn't shy away from attributing blame where blame goes.
When we were attacked, the head of Black Lives Matter in Louisville had this to say.
She said, we can see the fear in their faces and that's how we want them to live.
Their goal is terrorism.
They're admitting it.
If you look at their exchanges online and social media, they are saying their goal is to terrorize public officials and really anybody.
Many of the people in the restaurants that they're being terrorized are not public officials.
But their goal is terror.
Now, whether or not that equates to something that you can legally investigate, I don't know.
But we should know that, and we should let corporate America know that.
Corporate America is giving millions of dollars to something they perceive as an anti-racist group.
In reality, it's a group that is funding terror, and funding terrorists to go from city to city.
Okay, so here we are, well into hour number two.
I don't normally play a clip three times.
In fact, I may have never played a clip three times in the first couple hours of the show.
Usually I play a clip one time, but that happened right before we went live today, about an hour and ten minutes ago.
We got the clip of him in that Senate committee hearing, and why have I played that three times?
Well, first I played it to describe the real definition of terrorism and what the Democrats are running and funding is terrorism.
And the second time I played it to illustrate the fact that Rand Paul is one of the most informed senators, but he still doesn't get it, because he's projecting his normalcy onto all of this, and his father has studied the esoteric globalist operation, but the media so criticized people early on, covering the whole Soros issue, that no one would ever investigate it, because you were told, that doesn't exist, don't look at it.
Now, I want everybody to listen to me, because, I want you to listen to me like a pin drops, you hear it, okay?
Because I've got victory in my hands, okay?
You've got it too, but I'm not playing around here, okay?
I'm not risking my life to play games.
This information comes out the way I lay it out, it's over for them, and we don't have to go through this big giant war with these people.
Which we'll win as well.
There is a normalcy bias in people that are doctors and have kids and play golf and go to church like Rand Paul.
I mean, this is Lieber to Beaver's dad, okay?
I've known him for 26 years.
It's the same thing with somebody like Rush Limbaugh.
It's Lieber to Beaverville.
He's smart, it's Lieber to Beaverville, okay?
Trump, around New York, around all the craziness, but still he has a normalcy bias.
These people are naive.
Trump, not so much.
But he's up there going, I don't know if you can prosecute him, and you know, I don't know if you find out who runs him.
Jack Dorsey, that owns Twitter, gave $11 million to the group on record.
Soros has given almost a billion bucks to Ante for the last decade.
That's in the federal register, directly to the groups!
Most of it to a group that's been around four years called Refuse Fascism.
He brags about it.
He goes on Fareed Zarkaria and brags how he's funding BLM and Antifa and other color revolutions.
So it's the Democrats doing this.
It's Kamala Harris and Joe Biden tweeting out, say her name and all this other stuff.
And they're doing it.
They're the ones that said we're going to burn America down.
And AOC goes out and says, be a radical communist.
And it's Don Lemon says we got to blow up the whole country.
And then people go out and they blow the country up!
And we sit here and go... A year into the deep attack.
It's been going on in little test attacks before, but now we've gone from baited to operational.
And we're sitting here... With finally, Rand Paul, who they tried to kill him and his wife and beat up the police and said, we're gonna effin' kill you, a big mob of people.
They said they were gonna kill cops last night and they sure as hell shot them.
in Louisville.
And don't you get it folks?
This isn't your regular liberals on, you know, drugs stumbling around or whatever with rainbow flags.
This is a communist movement.
And it's been successful in most countries it tries to overthrow.
So it's confident.
So you look at the weakness of their followers, that's their strength.
Because their followers are idiots and don't care if they're destroying something good to replace it with something bad because they're scum!
So, if the FBI, and if President Trump, and if Bill Barr, and if the rest of these people don't start meeting the threat at the level it's coming at, then we have no damn hope!
Other than the big, giant, bloody civil war that's going to be carried out as they take over our towns and cities, if they take out Trump and do horrible things and people just finally say, screw this!
And the reason I've told Savannah Hernandez, don't go down and engage Antifa, Don't get involved when they attack you in street battles.
Because they're training us that when there's a real civil war, we go fight their meth-head scum in the streets, and that's where the battles happen.
Like we're idiots.
That's not where the battles happen.
If they kill Trump or throw him out and remove him and bring in more of their martial law, we're already under it, because Trump's not in control of most areas.
The cities, the counties, the states, the banks, the bureaucracies, the agencies, the universities, the foreign money, the Hollywood brainwashers, the media, the Islamic radicals, they're all on one big giant globalist team to bring down the West and sack it.
They're all in an alliance.
And of course they'll fight with each other if they win!
Then that'll even be a bigger Dark Age!
That's what Dark Ages are!
It's not one good ideology, people unified in free will, but all these competing satanic ideologies just tearing everything apart!
And so...
If there are rich people in this country or hard-working people or middle-class people or blue-collar hard-working Christian folks who don't want to be in enslavement and don't want to be in crazy town, you better realize you're already in deep into the total implosion of society.
And don't have your normalcy bias of the past.
Because that normalcy bias will get your ass killed.
You're not in Kansas anymore.
And you're never going back.
That's all gone.
We gave it up.
We got a big, hard, long fight.
But here's the good news.
You fight, God loves you, you're going to feel better about yourself, we're going to build a better world, and it's going to be better in the future.
You don't fight.
There's no limit to what these people will do to you and your family.
So I'm going to say this to Senator Paul and all the rest of them.
Paul, you're smart enough to actually know how bad it is.
You're trying to introduce to people to not look radical that, oh, you know, who funds them?
We need to find out.
We know who funds them.
It's your political rivals.
They're allied with foreign powers like China and Hunter Biden with the sex trafficking and all of it.
Of course he's involved in sex trafficking.
That's what devil worshipers do.
They want slaves, children and women locked up in dungeons.
Why don't they really sex slave a lot of men?
Because you may think you've got a man as a slave for 10 years and one day he'll pick up a knife and shove it right into your throat.
That's why they want to get rid of men.
Their main enemy is men because it's been men that have defeated the Satanist over and over and over and over again.
So I said, I'll break this down, but I want people to understand, this is it.
And we need to recognize they're terrorists, we need to recognize it's racketeering, we need to recognize it's illegal what they're doing, and we need to see the people funding it indicted and arrested.
But, you got systemic corruption in the FBI, so don't hold your breath.
This is going to come down to a fight over how many people are awake and how many aren't.
They're going to contest the election.
They're going to say Trump lost.
They're super pissed that I'm on air.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
You kept us on air.
We did the analysis first.
It's now gone mainstream.
We continue to be the epicenter.
And what they've said directly to us is you continue to be the epicenter of our plans not going the way we want.
You need to stop right now.
And they're very, very serious.
Well, I'm not signing on with a bunch of devil-worshipping child molesters.
This is not going to happen.
So, they are moving now to destroy me.
I used to say, support InfoWars, rescue InfoWars.
Save yourself, save the world.
We're in this together.
Because let me tell you something.
Communism's up here.
Infowars is the dam blocking it, which is all of us together supporting.
And you and I are all down here with our families.
My children are right here!
But I need money to fight a war!
And I need word of mouth!
And I need prayer!
And I need action!
Because that dam's gonna come down!
Trump's told you, hell's coming!
All right, I want to get constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes, good friend of mine, really smart historian, his view on what's happening politically right now, 39 days out from the election, the Soros groups, the funding, the head of Twitter.
Jack Dorsey giving 11 million to the group, seeing the head of the group handing out the riot shields and the defund the police stuff, and then two cops shot, and then Senator Paul saying this is terrorism to try to block people's political views, to try to scare them, to try to make them submit.
He read the definition of terrorism in the Senate about An hour and a half ago, and we played the clip three times, but Congress keeps acting like they don't know who funds BLM or Antifa.
Soros is in the New York Times bragging about it.
So I wanted to get Robert Barnes' take on that ahead of the situation with the Supreme Court and some of his concerns and some of the inside baseball he's going to give us.
But Robert, good to have you with us.
Hey, glad to be here.
Let's get your gravitas on, 39 days out, what you see happening, what you think about these BLM riots, where you think that's going.
I think there's sort of a two-fold set of concerns.
You do have sort of a rise of the, they're weaponizing the mob on the political left side of the equation, and that's an issue, and they're trying to take out Trump by creating this sort of chaotic atmosphere that they can blame on Trump.
But I think we also have to have a parallel concern about the rise of a certain sort of statist agenda on both the left and the right.
Like, if we look at what happened in Germany in the 1930s, how Nazis came to power, they had three things in their favor.
First, they used a sort of excuse of the rise of a violent left, the communist left.
The fascists used that to help seize power, to legitimate their seizure of power.
Second, they used economic collapse and a quote-unquote emergency to assert power politically.
And then legally, the key aspect was there was, quote, an emergency exception to the Weimar Constitution that was used by both first the corporatists and then the Nazis to seize power legally.
And so we have to be cognizant of anyone that's pushing any of that kind of agenda.
So I think we have to have parallel concern of protecting the president.
and not and get seeing him reelected and I think there's great opportunity to see
that happen despite all the shenanigans and scams that are taking place but I
think there's power afoot and movements afoot within the government on the sort
of statist side of the equation that would like to use the pretext of the
violent left and the pretext of the pandemic to seize extraordinary power
that is my next point is that when you see people going how do we counter this
We have no laws.
If you had the Irish mafia, the Italian mafia, any mafia out beating people up, blocking businesses.
Back when pro-lifers would block abortion clinics, I thought they had a right to do it as civil rights activists.
They would charge them under racketeering.
Okay, well maybe that was an overreach.
That was the left, though.
It's clearly racketeering.
If Antifa won't let people go into a university to give a speech, or if Antifa goes out and tears up businesses or BLM and says you can't have dinner because you're white, imagine if a bunch of whites came and told a black restaurant you can't have dinner.
Clear civil rights violations.
Clear racketeering.
You're the constitutional lawyer.
Rand Paul, Trump, keep asking what tools they have.
Well, the Justice Department must be smoking dope or something.
There's plenty of tools right there.
And I was telling someone the other day, do we really believe the FBI doesn't have any informants inside Antifa or BLM?
Do we really believe that law enforcement has not infiltrated these organizations at all?
Look at Christopher Wray.
Wray has been coming up with excuses as to why they don't need to take action.
He's been shifting the worries and concerns to supposed racist groups that don't really exist in any major quality or quantity anymore.
So, we have to ask ourselves, why is the government responding in certain aspects the way they are?
I'm going to interrupt again.
In the middle of murders every day, cops being shot, people dying every day, baseball bat attacks, machete attacks, burning checkpoints, total insanity, we're told white supremacist number one threat.
I don't give a rat's ass about white supremacists.
If they were doing this, arrest them.
But no, that's just a cover.
It's a big, sick joke.
And I think it raises concerns that if we go back to COINTELPRO and how they infiltrated the Black Panthers and ended up redirecting the Black Panthers.
But you don't need to even infiltrate these people.
If I was funding groups nationwide to block entrances and attack things and do all this, I'd be arrested.
Oh, exactly.
And that's my point.
In other words, I can't imagine... Yeah, we don't need new legislation.
We have it all.
So some people listen to you, Robert.
What should the FBI do?
What should local governments do?
Well, they should have been cracking down on this a long time ago.
And they should start cracking down on it immediately now.
And the fact that they're not raises concerns to me because I don't understand why there hasn't been broad-scale, wide-scale investigations and indictments already.
There have been some by Attorney General Barr.
But there haven't been nearly enough.
And when Christopher Wray says he doesn't even consider them really a high priority, that's the big problem.
The big problem is not the failure of the laws on the books.
It's the failure of Christopher Wray at the top of the FBI to prioritize going after Antifa and BLM.
All the means to do so are already present on the books.
Why do you think Soros and all these criminal Democrat groups think BLM and Antifa are going to be successful?
Because they look like clowns to us.
They're doing terrible things.
But they've succeeded in other countries.
I think that's why they're so confident.
Well, I think it's back to the old, well, I think they think they win either way.
Because if they can use the rise of the violent left to excuse various forms of a sort of over-response by the state in a different, of restricting our liberties in a different context that doesn't really relate to NT for BLM, they can use them as the foil the same way the Nazis did.
You can remind people of the Reichstag case, of what happened there.
The perception of a dangerous, radical, violent left...
A mentally ill communist burned down the Capitol so Hitler took total power and turned out the Nazis did it themselves.
But in this case it's not Trump doing it, it's Soros, but you're saying for a larger globalist aim because they want to get rid of freedoms period which we know the Democrats want.
I think they think they can win either way.
Trump is the only obstacle to their objectives.
But I think they can either use the violent left to actually seize power, or use the violent left as a foil to increase their power on the other side.
So is Trump right to not take the bait of the AgiProp, let them go wild and crazy, which then only politically hurts them?
Did he take the third way?
Was he right about that?
uh... partially and i was i think what he wanted was the f_b_i_ the justice
department to do a lot more he's right to be hesitant to have military on our
streets in the legitimize that uh... but with a pretty is real hindrances that the f_b_i_
is not been following his directions
that they meaningfully criminally investigate and prosecute on a much
broader scale they've done especially the institutional funders and
facilitators of this activity
people don't randomly show up with you all's with tools and equipment to commit
random violence within an hour of a grand jury indictment in louisville
unless somebody with big money and big influences backing and supporting it
And that's where the indictments are not coming.
We've seen some good indictments on the street level.
We're not seeing indictments against the funders.
And that's what the President has called for.
But the big hurdle is that Christopher Wray at the FBI is the one blocking it, is the one stopping it.
And I think that's where the concern has to be.
The President has done everything he can do.
But there's people within the institutional apparatus of the government that are resisting it.
People within deep state control of the law enforcement and police infrastructure that's precluding it from happening at a meaningful level.
That's the problem.
Christopher Wray is the big problem.
That's right.
And let's talk about the Durham investigation where it's at.
Let's talk about handicapping this whole thing coming up with the Supreme Court.
Robert Barnes, straight out of Alex Jones, NewsWars.com.
I know you can see me, so here's a surprise.
We can see your designs.
And if we can get the general public to understand what's happening, and their own self-interest, it's goodbye to this last 60, 70 years of incredible corruption and stagnation, really holding back civilization and our development.
Constitutional lawyers here with us, Robert Barnes, BarnesLawLLP.com.
You can also find him on Twitter, obviously.
Robert Barnes is here with us.
Look at these headlines.
Trump says Supreme Court will decide the election needs a ninth justice.
It's constitutional.
He's moving forward.
But then The Atlantic comes out and says Trump campaign is reportedly discussing contingency plans to bypass election results.
So the Democrats are going to challenge the election when Trump wins.
When he challenges that, they're calling it bypassing.
We'll get Barnes' take on that.
Republicans hope Supreme Court fight boosts Trump's re-election bid, helps GOP hold Senate minority.
So you can see what's true and what's not.
When Trump says it, it's out of his mouth.
That's what he really stands for.
But, oh, behind the scenes, he thinks he's losing.
He knows the Democrats are planning to contest.
So should we take how they're planning, in their own words, or your view, the Democrats to contest it, what you think Trump should do, or hit the Supreme Court first?
Because they both are obviously intertwined.
No doubt about it.
The President needs a fifth vote that is on his side, and a fifth vote that will actually clear nomination, and a fifth vote that will vote against the lockdowns.
Because right now, whoever replaces Ginsburg will decide whether or not there's an emergency exception to the Constitution moving forward.
The capacity for militia law and martial law completely depends upon a justice that is pro-lockdown existing.
And right now, with Ginsburg gone, there is a 4-4 split on the lockdown.
So that's important, and co-equal to that...
Given that the Democrats are clearly going to contest the election, the President needs a fifth vote on the Supreme Court prior to the election occurring so that they can be there.
And he needs the best possible nominee.
And I agree with you.
The fact that they keep promoting this particular lady as the lady makes me suspicious.
So I called you last week and I couldn't get you on until now.
And you made your concern of the problems.
Let's talk about that.
Judge Barrett would be a disaster.
She has a way above average chance of being denied nomination because of a range of controversial
comments and decisions she's made while she's been on the bench and previously comments
about deferring to the Pope in cases of a conflict between a judge and the Catholic
Comments involving about a lot of pro-government, pro-prosecutor decisions that have been made,
pro-corporate decisions that have been made.
So that she was open season for the Senate to deny her potential appointment and then
the President doesn't have his critical fifth vote.
The second problem is she is the most pro-lockdown judge that could possibly be nominated in
the country.
She just cited a decision that was in favor of the lockdown.
She enforced the Illinois governor's lockdown against the Republican Party's challenge, the Democratic governor's lockdown.
And most frighteningly, she cited the Jacobson decision.
A record just skipped.
Go back.
She's siding with Democrats to keep the lockdown going.
Please continue.
So what she did is she's the most pro-lockdown judge that could possibly be nominated.
She voted with the Democrats to keep the lockdown in Illinois.
She cited the Jacobson decision, which is the forced vaccination decision from 1905.
Which was used then to justify forced sterilizations in the Buck decision in 1925, which was then used to justify detention camps for the Japanese Americans.
That's right.
That set up the first health departments in the 19s and the 20s, and that was the sterilization, and that led to the camps.
You're absolutely historically right.
So Jacobson is like the Plessy v. Ferguson of integration.
That was the decision that established segregation in America.
Or the Dred Scott decision that led to the Civil War.
Or Jim Crow.
Or exactly, Jim Crow.
So all of the... So they're all pushing her like liberals don't like her, but that's just like the Federal Reserve financed articles in 1913 against the Federal Reserve so consumers would be for it.
And I trust you, I've looked those cases up and you told me that this weekend, hard to believe it's been that long since I learned this, I should have been talking about it, that this particular judge is literally the lockdown judge.
That is not good.
Oh, it's terrible.
And I think she is not a reliable vote at all.
She's helped game the system.
She comes from the old money South.
She comes from the sort of hierarchy.
She's a part of groups that have kind of, are like Opus Dei in their approach.
So this comes, she comes from an authoritarian perspective.
In fact, she's been one of the most authoritarian oriented judges of any judge in the country the last two years when she's been elected.
How did she become the top of the list?
Just because the media said so?
Federalist Society.
So the same people who put Chris Wray into the FBI, the same people who put John Roberts on the bench, are trying to put Barrett on the bench.
I've been worried about the Federalist Society on that computer list.
Trump was going off that until two weeks ago.
He's added some new names, right?
Where do you get those names?
Yes, so he demanded that they add names several weeks ago that he published, and that included Barbara Lagoa, that included Allison Rushing.
So if he wants to nominate a woman, Lagoa has a great life history, great life story.
Tell us about her.
That's the lady you think's good.
Yes, she's Cuban-American, so she personally, by her life experience, knows the danger of statism, the danger of communism, the danger of radical state power, that her family escaped Cuba.
That's her life history.
She stood up pro bono for Elian Gonzalez when a lot of people told her not to.
She refused to go the judicial clerkship, government service route, been on the state bench in Florida for almost a dozen years.
Yes, so she's on the 11th Circuit, has been there for more than a year.
She's the one who refused to recuse herself and said there were... And so she just got vetted, as you were telling me this weekend.
DeSantis, been one of the few people to stand up against lockdowns and refuse to
do extensive lockdowns. Has she been vetted heavily though?
We don't... Yes, so she's on the 11th Circuit, has been there for more than a year. She's
the one who refused to recuse herself and said there were... And so she was just
got vetted as you were telling me this weekend. She just got vetted. Exactly.
And in fact, because of her background, she kind of has like a Clarence Thomas-type background, it's hard for Democrats to criticize her without coming across as anti-Cuban, anti-Hispanic, anti-immigrant, anti-the American Dream.
So that's why, like, she got much more— Again, all I care about, whether she's got what between her legs or whether she's Cuban or whatever, I just care about her voting record.
What's the voting record like?
Voting record is a consistent constitutional conservative over 10 years on the Florida state bench and while she's been on the 11th Circuit.
She's the one that refused to allow felons to vote until they had paid their fines.
That's led Bloomberg and LeBron James to talk about paying off their fines.
I was about to say, how can they do that when that's obviously paying for votes?
That's a felony.
As long as they don't precondition it on voting, they can legally get away with it.
They have to pay everybody, but they can't discriminate.
They can't only pay people who promise to vote.
They can't offer an extension for a promise.
So it depends on how it's done.
Listen, everybody's heard the other name.
Let's say this lady's name over and over again.
I think you're a really smart guy, I trust you.
Tell her name over and over again.
When you get this name to Trump, tell us who we should get to be the Supreme Court nominee.
Judge Lagoa would be his best political choice.
Would lock up Florida.
She has the highest likelihood of passing the Senate.
She'll be the best vote for him to protect against election fraud.
And she'd counterman that commie Sotomayor.
I mean, she comes from the anti-communist tradition.
She breathed it.
She lives it.
She understands it.
She's still a conservative Catholic.
She still comes from constitutional roots.
All of that.
You get all of the benefit without any of the baggage.
She hasn't signed off on any of that.
She's not going to make the Catholic's baggage if we get rid of the other lady.
And she's conservative.
And she's Hispanic.
And she's a patriot.
So, yeah.
So the second best choice would be Judge Rushing out of the Fourth Circuit.
She's made great rulings on every constitutional liberty.
Probably the most pro-constitution judge in the country.
First Amendment, Second Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Sixth Amendment, all of them she enforces.
She's willing to call out corrupt police, corrupt prosecutors, corrupt politicians.
By the way, I looked that up and I saw that she really said she'd defer to the Pope?
But Lagoa has been good on every decision she's had the opportunity to make.
So Lagoa is the best political choice, Rushing is the best sort of intellectual choice, Barrett is the disaster.
A disaster because she may not even make the bench and then Trump is unprotected.
By the way, I looked that up and I saw that she really said she'd defer to the Pope.
You can't do that when you're a federal judge.
She wrote a law review article.
It was her first law review article that she wrote.
She said that if a Catholic judge has, if the Catholic Church says something is wrong, then the judge has to recuse themselves.
And that was in death penalty cases.
She was saying a Catholic judge could not enforce the death penalty conscientiously.
That is not someone we can trust to be on the Supreme Court.
Well, I mean, one thing about Pope John Pius II or somebody, well, this new pope, he's a damn communist.
So now we'll have this Pope as the new Supreme Court Justice.
And we don't need the Pope.
We don't need authoritarian rule.
We need populist, anti-authoritarian, pro-freedom, pro-America.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Barbara Lagoa.
That's the name of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals judge.
And Robert Barnes was on with us Friday night when it had just been out for a few hours that RBG had made the jump into hyperspace.
And he said, listen, you need to go with this Barbara Lagoa.
She's much more constitutional.
She's much better than Barrett that the media is pushing.
Well, then I learned, and he hasn't mentioned this yet, that she's the judge that finally unsealed all the Epstein stuff that had been blocked by Republicans and Democrats.
Circuit Court of Appeals orders Rehearing in survivor's case involving secret Jeffrey Epstein plea deal and got the info released.
So that's another big feather in her cap.
Tell us more about her, Robert Barnes.
So Lagoa comes from a better life experience, and in my view, in interpreting and predicting judges, it's much better to follow their life experience often than what they've publicly or politically stated.
John Roberts pretended to be a pro-life, hardcore conservative in his political statements just so he could weasel his way onto the bench.
And, you know, yesterday he said that he's going to make sure Ginsburg's legacy lasts in the court in terms of her legal decisions.
So that gives you an idea of who Roberts is.
The same people who put Roberts on the bench are the people inside Washington that are heavily pushing Barrett, trying to force Trump to take Barrett.
Trump instinctively, by what he told people early on, wants to pick Lagoa.
But he's getting massive pressure from the entire corporate establishment, legal establishment in DC to pick Barrett.
Barrett is the one that has the highest risk of not being nominated.
Barrett is the one that's the pro lockdown.
Barrett is the one with the problematic history.
By comparison, Lagoa is someone who chose not to play the political games, didn't try to just go the government or clerkship route.
She just served her country, took risks by pro bono cases for Elian Gonzalez, by willing to go after the government in respect to that case.
So she's shown a history of standing up.
And when she was on the Florida Circuit Court of Appeals, she's the one who uncovered the corruption involving Epstein, was the first judge in meaningful respects to take meaningful action to force the disclosure of those records.
Then she was appointed by, recommended by Governor DeSantis, who's a very pro-Trump populist wing of the party, to the Florida Supreme Court, where again she made good decisions.
Then she gets put on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals where she's made many good decisions and no bad decision to date.
No pro-lockdown decision, no anti-civil rights, civil liberties decision.
So we need to package this with the truth.
Trump needs to appoint the conservative Cuban-American judge that helped expose Epstein.
The Cuban Clarence Thomas.
Will you give us the headlines?
I'm going to put this on Bandot Video.
I'm going to ask listeners to promote it so it'll get probably a million views when they get excited.
This could really have an effect.
Trump listens to you, I know.
He listens to us.
And the more I research her, I mean, wow, you can see the scam.
Have Feinstein attack her Catholic faith to make her actually a hero in an earlier hearing.
You can kind of see the prepositioning to trick conservatives and Christians to support Barrett.
Barrett is the stealth deep state candidate for the Supreme Court.
By contrast, Legault is the Cuban Clarence Thomas pro-American candidate that will get Trump re-elected and protect his election.
And that's the, there couldn't be a greater difference.
You have a constitutional conservative who understands how dangerous and scary communism is, how dangerous the state is, who's exposed Epstein, who's taken on the deep state, who took on the attempts to corrupt the election in Florida by refusing to allow people A revolutionary American judge, not a globalist, trying to destroy the country.
Let's talk about Barrett.
How bad is Barrett, then, if they're pushing her?
Barrett is terrible.
Barrett is literally the worst judge that, in my view, would have been nominated to the Supreme Court in the last half century, at least.
The most authoritarian judge I've ever seen nominated.
Is there anything worse than an RBG?
Yes, part because she can sneak in, but also because she's more authoritarian than even Ginsburg was.
So Ginsburg had the eugenicist connections, but even Ginsburg didn't endorse the famous case that led to eugenics, which was Jacobson.
I mean, just five months ago.
Justice Kavanaugh, Justice Alito, Justice Thomas, Justice Gorsuch, Judge Stickmin in the Western District of Pennsylvania two weeks ago, and Attorney General Barr at a dinner I was at a week ago, all condemned the Jacobson decision and the logic behind it.
But two weeks ago, Judge Barrett said Jacobson is the governing law.
For those who don't know, explain what the Jacobson decision is.
Jacobson was the forced vaccination case that also established that you have no constitutional rights or liberties as long as there is a public health... So here's the bottom line.
She supports lockdowns and forced inoculations.
We need to pick the lady that has a great pedigree fighting communism and voted to expose Epstein.
Lagoa is the choice that will get, that can get nominated, that will protect Trump from honest, make sure the election is honest.
He's going to win.
Can Lagoa, Barbara Lagoa handle them saying she rapes women or something?
You know, they're going to say that.
I mean, what we saw with Kavanaugh, there's no shame.
How would you expect them to attack Lagoa?
And who are some of the other candidates?
Here's their big problem.
They're so scared to attack a Hispanic or Cuban, the Democrats are, that 27 of them already voted for just a year ago for the 11th Circuit.
So they're going to have a hard time fabricating something now.
Whereas they were already opposed to Barrett in certain respects.
Because he comes across as sort of a Catholic authoritarian of that wing of the Catholic tradition.
legally. And so they're gonna have a hard time coming after Lagoa
because they don't want to be seen as being opposed to Cubans, as being opposed
to Hispanics, as being opposed to a Latina woman, as being opposed to the
first-ever Cuban to get on the bench. Well this seems like a no-brainer for Trump to do.
Again, what do we do to get this in front of Trump? Listeners, this is live right
now. We're gonna take this, we're gonna post this to Vandal Video, hammer the
White House, hammer the RNC. We need to get the governor of Florida to come out
endorse her don't we? Absolutely.
In fact, Governor DeSantis has been lobbying for, Congressman Getz has been lobbying for, Senator Scott has been lobbying for.
Almost all of the populist and constitutional conservatives in Florida have been lobbying.
We get Rand Paul, it's over.
And I know we've got some people behind the scenes trying to talk to Paul right now.
And I know that people connected to Paul have great concerns about Barrett.
For example, for people out there, a lot of your known conservative legal people won't say anything publicly because the Federalist Society will gut their political aspiration.
But there's a reason why Harmeet Dhillon is talking about how important Jacobson is to the next Supreme Court nominee.
And Laura Ingraham is talking about how important it is.
No, exactly.
So even Barr is already floating lookout for this decision because they're already trying to stop her.
Barr understands what's happening.
Let's talk about Barr.
How do you think he's doing with Durham and everything?
I know he's got an impossible job, and I like him saying, list Antifa in these cities as rogue areas, but I mean, what the hell's going on here?
You know, he is a nice guy.
I met him at the dinner last week.
Very friendly, easy to talk to, and I believe has sincere intentions.
But what I said when I was up there was that, you know, what he needed to do was send in Gene Hackman from Mississippi Burning to purge the deep state, not send Barney Fife from Mayberry.
And I'm afraid Durham is more of the latter than the former.
Uh, and I think he's pondering it.
I mean, he made criticisms about the way the Southern District of New York is operating.
He's clearly cognizant of the corruption at the lower levels.
And he's basically admitted it at his speech, that he's having a hard time getting people to comply with him.
That they're saying, no, I'm in charge, not you, the Attorney General.
So he gave a long speech saying how philosophically, constitutionally, democratically it can't be that way.
And he's going to try to crack down and continue to try to crack down.
The problem is he has too few allies.
And he's even got an adversary as Christopher Wray is at the FBI.
He said nothing positive about Wray in the entire time period, though he was afforded the opportunity to do so.
And he said the lockdown, he was trying to signal to people without getting into a public war with the Federalist Society.
He said it's the biggest thing since slavery!
Exactly, the biggest civil liberties violation since slavery.
I mean, that was a brave statement.
All right, Barnes, stay there.
Do five more minutes with us, and then we've got coming in studio somebody that was the front line exposing the vaccines and the forced inoculations and everything else that's unfolding there.
Dr. Wakefield's going to be here.
We're going to go to break.
Robert Barnes, Robert, give people your Twitter.
What's the best Twitter?
I know you've got a couple of them.
What's the best Twitter for people to follow?
Sure, at Barnes underscore Law.
So the still exists, they haven't banned me yet.
I know, you do a great job, I visit it daily.
Okay, there it is right there, Robert Barnes on Twitter.
Alright, we're going to take a break, just briefly.
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We'll be back.
Hour number three.
All right, Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, good friend of mine, is live with us for another five minutes.
Then Dr. Andrew Wakefield will be in studio with us for the next hour, and then we'll host continued into the fourth hour here.
So in the five minutes we have left here, advice to Trump, advice to America, handicapping the election.
I know you predicted Trump would win like I did, but most didn't.
They admit, like the London Guardian, you won the biggest bet ever, just in Ireland alone, like $300-something thousand dollars, just on Trump.
How do you handicap Trump right now, and what else do you want to relay to people?
I think Trump's only risk of not getting re-elected is if he were to try to put Barrett on the bench.
Barrett is not only the pro-lockdown choice, she's not only the deep state stealth choice as another coup attempt against the President.
The same people who recommended to Trump to put Fauci in charge are the ones recommending Barrett for the Supreme Court.
The same people who recommended Bolton to the National Security Council are recommending Barrett to the Supreme Court.
The same people who recommended Chris Wray in charge of the FBI and Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller to the Department of Justice are the same people pushing Barrett.
And Barrett is the forced vaccination choice, the forced sterilization choice, the lockdown choice, the detention camp choice, the emergency exception to the Constitution choice, and the person who cannot be trusted or relied upon to defend the President on a key election lawsuit upcoming at the election.
Donald Trump will win the vote in the election of the Electoral College.
The question is, will that be affirmed and recognized when the Democrats try to steal it by using selective lawfare against him?
So I think the President is in excellent position.
By contrast, if he picks Barbara Lagoa, the 11th Circuit Judge to the Supreme Court, He can put Florida in the bag.
He can likely put Arizona in the bag.
Nevada will be competitive and the whole race will come down to the upper Midwest and Trump will win because she's a popular constitutional conservative in the working class tradition that we need.
And Trump's biggest allies, as you said, Governor DeSantis and Congressman Gates are heavily endorsing her.
That's all I need to hear.
Your endorsement, Gates' endorsement, DeSantis' endorsement, that means she's gold.
Almost every populist civil rights lawyer I know supports Lagoa for the bench and is terrified of Barrett.
In fact, I've heard constitutional lawyers have written to me and say that she reminds them of a fascist.
I mean, that's how aggressive their language is.
Language they've never used in their life.
And these are people in the constitutional right.
Well I would see endorsed 1905 heavily criticized Supreme Court rulings on eugenics.
That's just unbelievable.
Because it's the ultimate emergency exception.
It's the legal basis for the deep state to take over.
The deep state operates under eugenics.
They all operate off that ruling.
They set up the health departments off of that.
That ruling is the anchor to the Korematsu decision that authorized detention camps in America.
That was the key case cited for forced sterilizations in America for population control.
And that is the case that she used to say the lockdown, that you have no protected liberty against the lockdown.
That's what her decision said.
No protected liberty against the lockdown.
I agree.
We gotta beat the drum then.
You gotta come on the war room.
You gotta come on David Knight.
and approve that decision that that's what she'll be if they could sneak her
onto the Supreme Court and right after that is when they started pushing her
for the Supreme Court. I agree we got to beat the drum and you got to come on the
war room you got to come on David Knight you got to come on the countdown because
this is so important election countdown You name the times, talk to the producer, please.
We need to, I agree, we need to get articles out.
Because I don't just go off what you say, I already see all this.
This is true.
She exposed Epstein when others didn't.
I mean, we need Lagoa.
We need Barbara Lagoa.
She is just light years better than the Barrett lady.
Barbara Lagoa is nominated, Trump is re-elected, deep state coup attempts thwarted.
Whereas if Barrett gets in, she's the stealth candidate that can undermine the president and empower the deep state for life.
So this is a key decision that not only determines, in my view, the outcome of the election, or could, it's going to determine the outcome and the direction of the country.
So we need to, the patriots need to rally to a patriot judge like Lagoa and keep the stealth deep state... I agree, we've got 20 seconds.
What would you call this historic period we're in right now in 10 seconds?
The most extraordinary time in American history since the American Revolution itself.
This is American Revolution, the sequel.
Damn right.
This is crazy town.
All right.
Can cut the suspense with a knife.
Robert Barnes, thank you.
Dr. Andrew Wakefield, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
In studio.
This is going to come down to a fight over how many people are awake and how many aren't.
They're going to contest the election.
They're going to say Trump lost.
They're super pissed that I'm on air.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
You kept us on air.
We did the analysis first.
It's now gone mainstream.
We continue to be the epicenter.
And what they've said directly to us is you continue to be the epicenter of our plans not going the way we want.
And you need to stop right now.
And they're very, very serious.
Well, I'm not signing on with a bunch of devil-worshipping child molesters.
This is not going to happen.
So, they are moving now to destroy me.
I used to say support InfoWars.
Rescue InfoWars.
Save yourself.
Save the world.
We're in this together.
Because let me tell you something.
Communism's up here.
InfoWars is the dam blocking it, which is all of us together supporting.
And you and I are all down here with our families.
My children are right here!
But I need money to fight a war!
And I need word of mouth!
And I need prayer!
And I need action!
Because that dam's going to come down!
Trump's told you hell's coming!
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say I don't know what's
gonna happen at the end of this but you want to fight you better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Are you sick and tired of your calm, peaceful life?
Are you sleeping too well at night?
Is your city too safe?
Well, not anymore!
Introducing Democrats!
Politicians so incompetent, they'll fill your neighborhood with riots, looting, rampant violence, and even homelessness!
The secret is a special blend of corruption and good old-fashioned stupidity.
No more pesky law and order.
When Democrats are in charge, nobody's safe.
Simply vote for Democrats, sit back, and watch your neighborhood burn to the ground.
But wait!
Vote for Democrats now, and they'll include rolling blackouts, election fraud, cancel culture, taxes, and more taxes.
Bringing chaos right to your front door There are of course those who do not want us to speak
Let me think, just let me think.
Even now, orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Settler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words are for the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with This country isn't that.
You designed it, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You told me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have sensors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and subverting your submission.
We need cameras.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the Resistance.
We are the Infowar.
All right, Dr. Andrew Wakefield is our guest here for the rest of the hour.
He has a special guest that we're going to be talking to coming up that is exposing the liability protection of the vaccine makers and what's coming out.
Now, I like President Trump overall, but I'm not a cult member.
And I do not endorse him pushing this vaccine.
If you want to take it, go ahead and take it.
He says it won't be mandatory.
Okay, fine.
But his surrogates are wanting it to be mandatory.
But Dr. Andrew Wakefield, 30 years ago, was the first scientist To get big attention, as he'll point out, others have been researching it to show gut flora and connections to autism.
And then they demonized him and lied about him, put out hoax stories about him.
But all these years later, he's been proven right and vindicated.
We've kind of experienced the same type of event for ourselves as well, just to stand the fight.
The truth will out.
So he's here with us for the rest of the hour.
I really appreciate him joining us to cover the waterfront.
We're going to get into UN says new polio outbreak.
I think the election is the hot topic and really, how do you vote?
How do you vote going forward?
What do you do?
He's got his new film, it's doing very, very well and winning a lot of film festivals.
We'll talk about that.
But first off, what other topics do you want to get into?
And then I want to pick your brain about Trump.
I think the election is the hot topic and really how do you vote?
How do you vote going forward?
What do you do?
And what is actually going on, Alex?
Well you're the doctor and the trailblazer who's been vindicated.
I don't like seeing Trump up there saying, we're gonna have a vaccine, it's gonna be perfect, it's gonna be wonderful.
These are quotes, that's not true.
Even the cleanest vaccine's not gonna be perfect, is it?
There's no such thing as a perfect vaccine, and the more we learn about them, the less perfect they become.
But I think one of the fascinating things is that politicians, as you know, Alex, are extraordinarily vulnerable to their experts.
In other words, in a situation like a plague, Like COVID-19, then you are dependent upon the head of the NIH, the head of the CDC, all of these people, because you're not an epidemiologist, you're not a statistician, you're not a virologist, and so you... Nothing terrifies politicians quite like a plague, because they don't understand it, and that makes them very vulnerable.
And if the agenda of your advisors is that it's going to be, for example, vaccines and vaccines only, Then you are in many ways sort of compelled to go along with that in the first instance.
But what's really interesting is that Trump is one of the few people I've observed who has dissociated himself from Fauci's views and now brought on Dr Atlas as an alternative opinion who's standing up there and saying what should be done.
And that's what I see, is Trump took control of vaccines by saying, we'll do them.
That neutralizes Fauci and Gates, who are now saying, oh no, don't take Trump's vaccine.
So he's actually got the Democrats now all being anti-vaccine.
That is very sophisticated.
And now Atlas is coming out, pointing out a lot of the frauds, and the left's getting really mad.
Yeah, I mean, what have we got now?
We've got Operation Warp Speed.
We've got this vaccine being made based on the advice of his advisors.
We've got no liability under the PrEP Act, which we kind of took over from the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.
No one in the chain of supply of this vaccine, these supposed vaccines, has any liability whatsoever for damage done by those vaccines.
And in those circumstances, we can have absolutely no mandatory vaccine And that's what your film exposes.
We'll talk about it next segment.
That's a license to kill.
007 may be a fictional character, but Big Pharma, through vaccines, have a license to maim, sterilize, guillain-barre, kill.
against anyone who decides not to get a vaccine. That is absolutely essential. It
must be personal choice. And that's what your film exposes.
We'll talk about it next segment. That's a license to kill. 007 may be a
fictional character, but Big Pharma through vaccines have a license to maim, sterilize,
guillain-barre, kill. I mean this is a license to kill. With no liability
whatsoever. They can just walk away, they can make another vaccine, and not only is there
no incentive to do safety studies Alex there is a disincentive
Why would you do comprehensive safety studies that might identify something that's going to hit your bottom line?
You find a rare adverse event that really means your vaccine doesn't get onto the market, you're not going to do those studies.
But we saw the UN last December say, we don't even do testing, then we cover up the damages, we have a wobbly front line.
They said that.
So the safety testing for vaccines is appalling and anyone who thinks that they're anywhere near as good as the safety testing for standard pharmaceuticals is completely wrong.
Because they've been given a waiver.
They've been given a waiver.
So when FinFin makes you have heart valve problems that gets exposed but not vaccines.
That's right.
So they can do safety studies, so-called safety studies, which instead of having an inert placebo, saline for example, then they put another vaccine up against it.
And they're comparing vaccine with vaccine.
That's meant to be the placebo.
That's not a placebo.
That's not something... No, that's another chemical against another... Exactly.
And that's what they're allowed to get away with.
Another concoction.
Because it's biological.
It's chemical.
My God.
So listen, I don't want to let Trump off the hook.
But I don't want to spend all day on Trump.
We're going to come back from break, though.
Well, just in 30 seconds, what do you think of Trump coming out with this vaccine talk?
I mean, I see it taking control away from Gates.
It does.
It's an interesting maneuver, but he has to get up and reassure the voting public that there will be no mandates, and that must be at every level of government, and there must be no recrimination.
That's it.
There must be no mandate.
He said it once, like, four months ago.
He needs to do it every day.
Atlas has said it again, but we want to hear it from Trump.
I didn't know that.
Atlas said that.
Atlas said it just the other day.
He was called up by Trump to the podium and he said, there will be no mandates.
This vaccine will be only for those who want it.
Oh, I didn't even know.
Guys, search engine Atlas.
Dr. Atlas says no COVID-19 mandate.
Well, good to have you here.
We've got the vaccine expert, the trailblazer that exposed the autism connection, was demonized, now vindicated.
Stay with us.
All right, Dr. Andrew Wakefield's here with us.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and I know all of you, literally the regular listeners, you know all this and more.
Remember, other folks don't know it.
And we're going to talk about Dr. Wakefield's film, we're going to talk about the movement to repeal the 86 Act that lets vaccine makers hurt people and not get in trouble.
Nobody thinks they should have godlike immunity, should they?
But first, though, just as a father, a grandfather, as a medical doctor, as a guy that's been totally vindicated, you know, the model of the Phoenix.
What is this political time to see Associated Press admitting most of the new polio outbreaks are from the vaccine bill of Melinda Gates, Associated Press.
To hear Bill Gates wants to put an experimental vaccine that skipped animal trials and is that changes the DNA of our cells.
I mean, to see poll numbers where 50% of Americans a month ago supported the shot, now 40% do, and trends show it'll be 30 by next month.
It seems like a total collapse in confidence in the system.
What would you call this period we're in right now?
It's a time of learning.
It's a time of great change.
This is a fascinating situation, Alex, with the polio vaccine.
Because as you know, when you get into this discussion with anyone, the first question that doubters raise is, what about polio?
Well, here is what about polio.
This is the live, the oral polio vaccine that's being used in developing countries, has been used for a long time, and its use has been funded largely by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
And now we discover That this vaccine is actually, this live virus, is causing the majority of polio cases.
In fact, nearly all.
But you talked about that on my show 15 years ago.
That's right.
I mean, you did.
You sat in that other studio 15 years ago and said all that.
And now we have outbreaks in India, Pakistan, Sudan, elsewhere in Africa.
So I'm not getting, I know you don't care about the attention for yourself, but what's it like to be a trailblazer that discovers it, gets the report, says it, gets hit with the hammer, And then now it's all come out.
Does that piss you off at them?
What frustrates me, Alex, is in the interim, in the meantime, between it being discovered and described and now, many, many children have gone to the wall.
So many children, not only in this country, but around the world.
Children lost.
Have been lost.
They've been permanently brain damaged, they've been lost, they've been paralyzed.
It need not have happened, certainly to the extent that it has.
They didn't listen and now we're in a mode of just covering it up.
You know, I used to think Gates did it on purpose, but I was watching his new CEO that just retired.
Bill believed cell phones would never be big and blocked Microsoft ever getting into smartphones.
Maybe he's just dumb.
Maybe he is, but he's certainly wrong.
He's wrong on many, many things, and he's someone who should never have dabbled in vaccination.
I was about to say, how did he become my family doctor that's on TV saying I will take a shot?
It is extraordinary, isn't it, that a man purely by virtue of his wealth can dictate global health policy and individual health choice.
And why does he want to dictate it?
That's creepy.
If I come over to my neighbor and ask, hey, did you have a pap smear or did you have a colonoscopy or did you visit your dentist?
They'd be like, you're a freaking weirdo.
Richest man in the world's up there.
And he really is, folks.
You know, they say it's Bezos.
No, it's Gates.
He's literally obsessed with my body.
That's like a form of rape.
He also, there was one quote from him that said, this is the best investment I've ever made.
The returns on getting involved... We have the video clip, he says, I've made more money than ever!
Yeah, so there may be a purely commercial reason, nothing to do with... He's kind of autistic in his own right, isn't he?
He doesn't get what he's doing.
He's like, I made triple the investment on this!
There is a certain detachment, something that really separates him from many of the rest of us, yes.
I don't mean to be cutting in on you, you're only here for a limited time, I'm just ranting.
It's just so epic to see this all coming out.
It is.
It's very, very alarming.
And I have great concerns because what's happened, Alex, is these vaccines now for the SARS-CoV-2 has become too big to fail.
We've seen the trials, the trials of the Oxford vaccine now producing two serious, serious, life-threatening adverse events.
Look at the camera and tell them, because Gage was on CBS, he goes, 80% get sick, 20% go to hospital with the weak vaccine.
Tell folks.
Yes, so we have two vaccines in the running that are at the forefront at the moment that are in the news and one of them is the Oxford vaccine and we heard the other day that someone had developed transverse myelitis.
This is a severe and potentially fatal neurological adverse outcome recognised outcome for vaccines.
There's no question at all it's been awarded in vaccine court.
And when, I gather, they then had a meeting of stakeholders who were panicked about, you know, what the impact of this was going to be on the stock price and said, this is a one-off.
And the person from AstraZeneca said, actually, no, it's not.
No, it's not.
We've had another case, a case of multiple sclerosis that we haven't disclosed, but one that was simply unmasked by the vaccine.
I'm afraid there are a few things that make me really angry, Alex, but to say that this woman had an underlying multiple sclerosis that was simply unmasked by the vaccine.
And triggered by this.
Absolute nonsense.
There is no biological basis for that water.
So what you're saying is, they now know they're caught, they're gonna just go ahead with it, and hope it's so big that no one will hold them responsible.
Well, at this stage, if this were any other situation, that vaccine would be dead in the water.
Absolutely dead in the water.
But the hysteria propels it.
And, but they say, oh no, no, we've got to keep going, the child's... Just start over.
I'm gonna try to shut up.
This is just too epic.
Start over, what you just said, because I read it too in the paper the other day, but you're a medical doctor saying it.
This is literally brain damaging, paralyzing people, and they're just going forward.
It is, and it's going, it's resumed on the basis, it was said by Fauci initially it was coincidence, no it wasn't, and then it was said well it's a one-off.
It's a one-off until you have two or three or four or five, and then it's not a one-off.
Two should be a strong indication that it is now time to can this vaccine, and the second vaccine The Moderna vaccine that's next in line, if you like, is the one that had a very high rate of adverse reactions, particularly at the higher doses.
80% of people were getting severe to moderate adverse reactions.
Is that the mRNA?
That's right.
And what happens there, Alex, is that that was given to the healthiest people you could find.
These were not the elderly.
They are like triathletes.
That's right.
They're not the people at greatest risk.
And it's the elderly who are going to need that high-dose vaccine, because they have this what's called immune senescence, where their immune system is not as efficient as younger people, so they're going to need the highest dose to get through the day.
And they're the ones, therefore, that are going to have the serious adverse reactions and the worst outcomes.
And so this is a nightmare situation that we find ourselves in.
I agree with you.
I've been on there 26 years, and I'm sitting there like, this is the Twilight Zone.
Like, I mean, Gates is on TV going, well, 80% get sick, some die, you're gonna take it.
I mean, like, if my neighbor came over with a needle, I'm going to inject you.
I'd fight him.
It's like this weirdo I've never met is going to do this to me.
That's right.
But we come back to the point of choice.
And if you get informed choice and you want that vaccine despite everything you've heard on the news, that's your business.
Get that vaccine for sure.
Just don't make us take it.
Don't make me or anyone else take it.
Don't force that to happen, because that cannot happen.
That's right.
We'll brave the elements ourselves.
Yes, we are entitled to take that risk, that informed risk, on our own.
We do not need you to insist that we do it.
Could there be clean vaccines?
There's just no way.
I mean, I know it's a real science, but it's just so protected and has so many problems and always gets infected, it always gets contaminated.
I think one of the problems, the more I've looked into this, Alex, and I started, as you know, with measles, mumps, rubella vaccine, and it grew and it grew and it grew with the mercury in it, with the aluminum, and with then finding what are called adventitious viruses in there that should never have been in there in the first place.
And now we get into injecting people with RNA and Frankenstein viruses, we've never used these in human beings before and I have grave concerns because once it's in, there's nothing you can do about it.
And then in day one it causes massive illness!
It's not like we have to wait!
No, we don't have to wait.
It's right there in the trial.
So it's mad science and psychology.
Let's talk about that.
We're going to break in 30 seconds, but tell us about James Bradley, your special guest coming up.
James, we interviewed him.
He's running in California against Lou, Ted Lou down there.
And he's five points ahead!
That's right, he's five points ahead and going down to California now, looking at Los Angeles, looking at his district.
You can understand why.
And RFK Jr.
is behind it.
He's very powerful, so we hope that happens.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We've got Dr. Wakefield here with us.
We've got a guest he wanted us to have on.
We look forward to having that guest on.
They'll be gone in about 30 minutes.
We'll do a few segments in the next hour.
Then we have Jason Jones coming in to co-host and have some special guests on.
Talk about the new film, because you haven't raised that, and how people see the new film that deals with the 1986 Liability Protection Act for vaccines.
We made a movie about that act which effectively took away liability for vaccine injury from the vaccine makers.
It started with the whole cell pertussis vaccine back in the 80s and it just got worse and worse and worse.
And when the industry lied to the government And held their feet to the fire and said, OK, if you want kids to have this vaccine, we've made it as safe as we can.
We're going to pull out of the market.
Kids will die because there'll be no whooping cough vaccine and it'll be your fault.
How do you feel about that?
And that, Alex, was their basis for getting liability protection.
And it was a complete lie.
And that is what the film is largely about.
An expose of discovery documents that never went before a jury.
That had they gone before a jury, the industry would have been bankrupted to a man.
So this is the root.
It's an amazing film.
I watched it like three weeks ago, four weeks ago with my wife.
This is the root of how they have this invincibility and get away with all this, and now they're passing similar laws around the world.
Now these laws have been expanded to have above-the-law corporations with their dirty history having the power to mandate we take something and then have protection for what they put in our body.
A mandated market.
No liability.
All they can do is profit.
They've expanded the vaccine market hugely.
It is their future.
They've stated this.
And they will not survive without it.
And instead of backing down, they just want to expand their power.
Tell us about...
The man you recommended we have on the show, who we've got with us right now, because he's got a vaccine-damaged family member.
He's running for political office.
He can give context to what's happening.
James Bradley is a search-and-rescue veteran from California.
He is running against Ted Lieu.
He's a true patriot, a Republican.
In the 33rd district of California.
And if you go down there and you see it now, it has become a campground for homeless veterans.
And that is something that has upset him to the point where he's running for office to change that, to change health freedom.
One of his great platforms is health freedom.
And the good news is, in California, he's ahead of a Democrat in a lot of the polls.
This was a Democrat seat.
Ted Lieu was there.
You'll remember Ted Lieu from his battle with Candace Owens, where he got demolished in Congress.
And so it's time he went, and time James Bradley stepped into his shoes.
Well, it's great to have Mr. Bradley with us.
Mr. Bradley, what do you want to dive into?
The economy?
The world?
Where we're at?
Because this is really a big fight.
And I love President Trump and him coming out and saying, oh, we got the vaccine.
I get what he's doing, taking control away from Fauci, but I think it's still a dangerous game.
What do you want to address first?
Well, I want to dig right into the veteran abuse at the L.A.
VA Center, which is called the Soldier's Home.
We uncovered, and I actually dropped a press release beginning this week, uncovering the criminal activity that Congressman Ted Lieu, Senator Dianne Feinstein, and L.A.
Mayor Eric Garcetti, they're all complicit in this crime and I'm exposing it.
And for the primary purpose is getting those soldiers, our veteran heroes, back in the housing that they've been deeded over 133 years ago.
But also we're exposing what they're doing with the veterans.
They have them, they're using them for experiments for vaccines and those that are a program now for the benefit.
They're bringing them in and paying them up to from $1,000, $3,000 to do experimentation.
Now, my biggest concern there is You have homeless veterans that are just desperate that you're looking for any form of money.
So they go into these experiments that are basically on the fringe of committing suicide.
They put in these studies and at the tail end of it, they put them back in the street.
What are they going to do?
They end up committing suicide.
That brings up our suicide rate for my brothers and sisters.
We need to put an end to it.
We need to put an end to it now.
Well, you're right.
I mean, isn't all this, especially the new vaccines they've got, aren't we all guinea pigs?
But particularly, they target the homeless, veterans, poor people, you know, black folks being given The whole Tuskegee situation, Dr. Whitefield.
Yeah, I think one of the things that James points out is that these people are vulnerable.
They're so vulnerable that they're easily exploited by pharmaceutical companies or universities conducting drug research because they need the money.
They're destitute.
And this kind of experimentation has been seen on inner-city black families, Hispanic families.
I've talked to a lot of people that have done this.
I do it all the time.
I get really sick, but if I say I get sick, they don't hire me again, so I just put up with it.
And so they just go, so they get, people say nothing happened to them, they're getting really sick, they lie about it.
I've seen, I talked to that African American girl who was in Vaxx, the doctor who was in Vaxx, and she said that these families are so poor that they will take their children to be part of vaccine experiments at the earliest opportunity.
Because they need that income from that.
And they'll take them back again and again and again.
And we wonder why we see such a high prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders in African-American boys.
It's unbelievable.
And going back to James Bradley, who's here with us.
Running for Congress against who you're running against, are you seeing that people concerned about inoculations, forced inoculations, is that an issue?
Because I see that as a big issue with the public in general.
Well, our district has been identified by, I believe, Tucker Carlson as being the most safe, safety conscious vaccine district in all the United States.
So I believe, yes, we have a large part of our constituents that are concerned about the health risks of vaccinations.
And I call it poisons.
I have a daughter that was vaccine damaged today.
She's with me.
She's 26 years of age.
Lives with my ex-wife and I. So, it's affected my family.
More importantly, I lost a good nephew to vaccines.
He went through so many years of pain and struggling.
So, this is a little... Talk about them both.
Talk about your daughter.
Talk about your nephew.
Let's humanize them.
Let's spend some time about what happened to both of them.
Thank you very much.
Yeah, my daughter...
She was given a battery of vaccines earlier in her life.
She was doing quite well, as most young children are in the development cycle.
We saw a shift after a series.
My ex-wife has the list of the vaccines.
We saw the same symptoms, a high level of fever, not the same after the vaccines.
So we were very concerned, brought her into the physician.
They said, well, it's the result of A vaccine, give it time, it will pass.
Unfortunately, it didn't pass.
Now, she's highly functioning.
She's very brilliant.
Unfortunately, it's damaged her internal organs.
So, to this day, she suffers with severe pain, blackouts on occasion.
So, I believe there's some drug, there's some therapies to get her off and get the toxins out of her system that we're exploring today.
My nephew, unfortunately, he was inoculated or vaccined early in life, just like my daughter.
He went into a psychosis and he ended up taking his own life.
This was about three years ago.
So, it has a profound effect and a damaging effect to all those, and I encourage every one of the young mothers and fathers, please be very careful because this is not only you, but also your future generations.
We need to be mindful and we're not against vaccines as long as they're tested properly.
I mean, I've got so much family that almost died after they took vaccines.
My grandmother died three years ago at 92.
They told her, she got the second round of the polio vaccine here in Austin.
My mother was four years old.
She got polio from it.
Her doctor told her, just like you said the doctor said about your son, that it was a vaccine reaction.
We had a lady who worked here for a while.
She was nice.
She was going to go to Vietnam on a trip.
They gave her a vaccine, almost killed her, she had to wear a mask for a month so she had no autoimmune system, and then she got so sick she had to quit.
I mean, it's like, this is not a secret.
This is going on.
Yeah, I'm on the phone, on the road at the moment with the film.
Alex, we've been to New Jersey, we've been to North Florida, we've been to Nashville, Denver, St.
George, Utah, Salt Lake City.
I hear this story thousands of times every day.
Every day, parents telling the same story, breaking down, weeping.
I wish, I wish I'd listened to that little voice.
And I appreciate you, Doctor, taking this hard road, because I know it's hard to hear.
It's hard for me to hear.
I just, we have to do it.
We'll be right back to talk more about this and say bye to your guests.
Dr. Wakefield's our guest as well.
Some of the next hour we'll cover where this fight goes in the future.
We'll finish up with James Bradley.
Straight ahead, stay with us.
James Bradley is ahead in the polls running against his Democrat counterpart in California.
Dr. Andy Wegfield is here with us, True Trailblazer.
He's got his new film out.
And so just spend a few minutes talking about what's happening with that campaign, because you as an underdog and you ahead in the polls, that's very exciting.
Thank you, Alex.
This is not my first run.
I ran against Dianne Feinstein in 2018.
I came out as the top Republican in that race.
I had 32 candidates.
That was my message from God to keep moving forward.
And I was going to wait to take on Kamala Harris in 2022, but I didn't wait.
Couldn't wait.
California is turning into complete communism.
We need to stop it now.
That's why I joined the race.
I took on Ted Lieu because he claims to be a veteran.
I think he's not a veteran.
I think he's working for front groups for the Communist Party, and we need to put an end to it.
Our last internal poll, we came out about five points ahead.
We randomly sampled over a thousand of the constituents in the area.
But let me tell you who I am, really.
I'm a constitutional conservative.
I have been.
I'm a third generation veteran.
My grandfather served in World War I. My father World War II.
I served under Ronald Reagan.
So I was in the heat of battle back in the Cold War.
And let me tell you, Jess, I believe our hero Ronald Reagan was blackmailed back with the act.
And my mission with Dr. Wakefield and hopefully with Robert Kennedy Jr.
is to reform or repeal the act.
So I'm hard charging this.
We're doing good in the polls.
However, I'm technically a grassroots candidate.
I got the endorsement by the GOP.
Sure, and what you're saying is, if you get in there, you're going to try to repeal the liability protection for vaccine makers, which is a no-brainer.
All right.
Well, James Bradley, thank you so much.
How do people visit your website?
How do people support you?
Oh, you can go to bradleycongress.com.
That's B-R-A-D-L-E-Y, congress.com.
Join the fight.
We got this.
We need everyone in.
All hands on deck.
Thank you.
All right.
God bless you, brother.
God bless you.
All right.
Now, getting back to you, Dr. Wakefield, big picture here.
What would you call the historic point we're at where no one's ever been more awake to vaccines?
People are waking up faster.
It's all over the news that Bill Gates is the most heinous man in the world, that people think he's out to get them.
He's coming out saying life doesn't go back to normal until you take my shot.
This seems like a real collision course.
It is.
You know, when we were making, we were finishing the production on this film, no one had heard of COVID-19.
But there is, the silver lining to this cloud, Alex, is that never have more people worldwide, and certainly in this country, been alive to the issue of mandatory vaccination.
Somehow, when it was just children having to have vaccines to go to school, it was one thing.
But suddenly, when adults were being told, you're the next in line, and it's going to happen from pregnancy to grave, Vaccination according to the CDC schedule.
Everybody just said no.
And over 56% of people in this country now are saying we're not going to get it.
And then you have Fauci saying we're going to need 75% of people having it to have vaccine-induced herd immunity.
So that's a bust right from the very beginning.
It's not going to work.
Not least of which is because This disease has virtually disappeared now and the vaccine, the need for the vaccine has gone.
God forbid.
I saw him with Rand Paul yesterday.
I don't know if you saw it.
He looked so hateful, the way he was looking at Rand Paul.
It wasn't fake hate.
It was like desperate hate.
Like he just wanted to kill Rand Paul.
Have you seen this video?
No, I haven't seen it.
I'd love to.
Hey guys, cue that video up.
We'll go to it in a moment from yesterday.
Fauci flips out on Rand Paul.
We'll play that in a moment.
I get it.
They hurt a bunch of people.
It doesn't protect people most of the time.
They're busy covering up.
We're talking during a break.
What is this cult?
And you're just saying that they want our trust.
They want that power.
They've lost it.
And they'll never get it back.
And this is what they can't understand.
There was a meeting at the World Health Organization the other day saying, why are the anti-vaxxers winning on social media?
Why are we losing?
You're losing because Truth is on the side of those who are concerned about the safety of the vaccine.
Not anti-vaxxers necessarily, but people who are genuinely scientifically concerned about the safety of vaccines for very, very good reasons.
And what we're seeing now, Alex, is a huge play.
If they can win this, if they can force the world to comply, to fall in line with mandatory vaccination, then they can win.
And if they lose, they lose not just for this vaccine, but for all vaccines.
We're going to play clip 13 here in just a moment, but this really is a house of cards falling.
If there was a vaccine I could take that made me where I didn't get sick from something, I'd take it.
I'm all into medicine, science, everything.
But this particular thing is just where they admit like 100 million got cancer, they think, from the polio shot.
I've got like CDC reports from the 70s and then the swine flu and all the other problems and the UT where my mom She was like 50 years old.
She was still on the UT Masters team.
She was winning silver and gold medals.
And this Olympic athlete, she didn't get into swimming until she was like 30.
And they told the team, take your flu shot.
She was in bed for months, almost died.
Never swam competitively again.
She was doing triathlons.
It almost killed her.
I mean, I don't... That's not anecdotal.
It's like a cobra bites me.
I'm not a toxicologist.
I'm not an expert on cobras.
I just know cobras kill you.
And she got the shot and almost killed her.
Yeah, I think this is, as you say, I'm not anti-vaccine, I'm pro.
I'm pro-vaccine safety, I'm pro-the health of children, and I'm pro-choice.
I'm pro-the parents being able to choose what goes into their children's bodies and their own.
And you can't have that with liability protection.
You cannot have that.
So what's going on?
There can be no mandates.
So what's going on?
Because I read about in the London Guardian, even the Chinese news, that governments, like the German government, like 10 years ago, quote, got clean vaccines, like better vaccines for government ministers.
Is there any truth to that?
No, I haven't heard that.
That's interesting.
And would it surprise me?
Let's play this clip of Senator Rand Paul yesterday, where he's got Fauci in the hearing, and Fauci, if you blow the video up, I did, looks like he's dying.
I mean, he just absolutely hates Rand Paul so much.
It's so real.
It's not like a fake hate.
I mean, he is like, looks like he's dying.
Here's the video.
Do you have any second thoughts?
Are you willing to look at the data that countries that did very little actually have a lower death rate than the United States?
You know, Senator, I'd be happy at a different time to sit down and go over detail.
You said a lot of different things.
You've compared us to Sweden and there are a lot of differences and you said
well you know there are a lot of differences between Sweden but compare Sweden's death rate to other comparable Scandinavian
It's worse.
So I don't think it's appropriate to compare Sweden with us.
Yes, we have, I think in the beginning we've done things based on the knowledge we had at the time.
And hopefully, and I am, and my colleagues are, humble enough and modest enough to realize that as new data comes, you make different recommendations.
But I don't regret saying that the only way we could have really stopped the explosion of infection was by essentially I want to say shutting down.
I mean essentially having the physical separation and the kinds of recommendations that we've made.
You've been a big fan of Cuomo and the shutdown in New York.
You've lauded New York for their policy.
New York had the highest death rate in the world.
How can we possibly be jumping up and down and saying, oh Governor Cuomo did a great job.
He had the worst death rate in the world.
No, you misconstrued that, Senator, and you've done that repetitively in the past.
They got hit very badly.
They've made some mistakes.
Right now, if you look at what's going on right now, the things that are going on in New York to get their test positivity 1% or less, Is because they are looking at the guidelines that we have put together from the task force of the four or five things of masks, social distancing, outdoors more than indoors, avoiding crowds, and washing hands.
Or they've developed enough community immunity that they're no longer having the pandemic because they have enough immunity in New York City to actually stop it.
I challenge that.
I'm afraid, I'm afraid.
Please sir, I would like to be able to do this because this happens with Senator Rand all the time.
You are not listening to what the director of the CDC says.
He's got it.
That in New York it's about 22%.
Shut it down.
We've only got a few minutes until break.
You're a medical doctor, that's supposing a medical doctor debating a medical doctor.
They said 2.5 million would be dead in America, then 2.2.
They've been counting the list of people that died of something else on that.
I mean it's all fraud and he's sitting there telling Senator Paul he's wrong.
Yeah, if you look at Sweden, Sweden has exactly the same mortality curve for every other country in the world.
They did not lock down, Switzerland did not lock down.
Yes, you can compare them.
We have the same northern European genetic background as the Swedes.
Why does he look so hateful right there?
He does, doesn't he?
Because he knows he's wrong and he knows he's losing.
And when you look at the states, it's not just country by country.
When you look at the states, and you look at the mortality curves for the states, New York, as he says, is way and away the highest.
The northeastern seaboard is the highest.
And the lowest, the lowest states, the lowest mortality is right at the bottom are those states that did not lock down.
The six states that did not lock down... And by the way, he denies that on the video, but it's true.
No, so it's not just between countries, it's within the United States as well.
So the message is that the lockdown, the masks, the social distancing appears to have had no beneficial effect.
So let me ask you this, Dr. Wakefield, what do we do next?
We'll come back with him in two minutes.
I'm Alex Jones, and for listeners...
This isn't just about COVID, obviously.
It's a power grab.
It's a lockdown.
It's run by the UN and multinational corporations.
We have to kill this lie.
Is it a real virus?
Is it way over-exaggerated?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
That's where you find the film they don't want you to see.
And here's the deal.
There's a major battle going on.
Dr. Andy Wakefield is here with us.
And I've got two segments.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up, and then our next guest, Jason Jones, is taking over.
He's going to be co-hosting a lot to cover.
What else do you want to impart to listeners and viewers?
Because I have a lot of questions, but what else do you want to talk about?
I guess there are three things that I just want to reinforce, and that is that It's the death of experts, OK?
The experts have... God save us from experts, Alex.
But what we need is this vaccine is on the way.
These vaccines are on the way.
Operation Warp Speed.
No liability for the manufacturers or anyone in the chain of provision of these vaccines.
therefore no mandates. There can be no vaccine mandates and we need to hear
that from the president and we need to hear that there are no mandates at
either the federal, state or local level and no recrimination.
That's number one.
Number two is there are effective alternative therapies.
We were talking about vitamin D3 for example, vitamin C, zinc. These need to be
made available in the science. The science is emphatically in favor of
Trump, interestingly, has been pushing that and the resistance has come once again from those with a vaccine and vaccine only agenda like Tony Fauci and Bill Gates.
And then people, if they are to understand where we're going in the future with this, please watch the film 1986 The Act.
You can download it, you can order the DVD, you can watch it by streaming.
But if you can watch that, you will understand where we've come from and therefore where we are going in the future.
We have been here before.
And we will go here again unless we learn that lesson.
Well, that's right.
This isn't about vindication.
It's about redemption and saving children's lives and our economy in the future because we keep doing this to our children and we have no economy.
Even if you're a cold-blooded sociopath, this is not a good plan.
And we have to reverse this.
We have to stop this.
But as you said, too big to fail.
They're so big, so powerful, instead of backing off when the UN even comes out and says we're killing people, vaccines are a fraud, they just double down and go, we're taking everything over!
I mean, wow!
That's what abusers do.
I think the other thing to bear in mind is whenever you've had a state that has pushed a mandatory vaccination law, for whatever peculiar reason it's come right down the middle of the political divide.
The Democrats have been in favor of mandatory vaccination, stripping parents of their rights, effectively owning the children, making them wards of state.
And the Republicans have resisted it.
That has happened in every state where this has happened and we know that if the Democrats win that there will be a federal mandate, not state mandate, but federal mandate from pregnancy to grave.
That's right.
And that's what we've got to fight.
Well, I mean, if they can't abort the babies, they've got to get them... What it is, is the state wants power over our bodies, but the left claims that women need power over their bodies.
Well, don't we all get power over our bodies?
There is an extraordinary ambiguity, a contradiction there, that they've been in favor of giving forced vaccination, and yet, when it comes to other issues of health choice, then they're all in favor of bodily autonomy, and a woman's body is her own.
I bet on them losing.
I think they need to learn a lesson that they do not represent the people and they do not represent the best interests of the children or the people of this country.
This is a longer question, and I'm going to ask you this when we come back from break so you have time, because you don't talk about yourself, but the path you've been on, and I described this when you were on the phone or Skype a few months ago, I mean, because I've been through this similarly, and thank God I got vindication in like a year or two, and it was not fun.
We barely stayed on air.
It took you like 10 years to get vindication?
In many people's eyes, I'm still not there, but in many, I am.
Yes, it's taken a long time.
I mean, not that you need vindication.
You already knew you were right.
But I mean, no, everybody loves you, man.
Everybody's like, oh, that's the guy that... I mean, they put out false stories about stuff you didn't say and didn't do.
They lied and said you were a liar.
They did the same thing to me.
They misrepresent.
And you just kept going, and then time caught up with your facts, and you're a damn trailblazer.
I mean, it's not about kissing your ass, folks.
If we don't celebrate people that trailblaze, we're dead.
And I don't celebrate basketball players or movie stars.
If we don't start celebrating people that stood up when it was the right time, did the right thing, went through hell for all of us, then we have no future.
And under Andrew Wayfill, you did that.
Thank you.
Well, you know, it's true.
So I'm asking you that what you said on the air, but you're now in person.
You retell the story.
We come back.
You're in Texas.
You lived here the night sky and you just you were absolved.
You were like empowered.
We'll talk about that in 60 seconds.
Stay with us.
That's the stuff.
The film is 1986, The Act, and we've got Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the trailblazer, here with us for one more segment.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
So here's the best way for me to describe this.
When I was sitting there this morning, knowing you were coming on the show, driving into work at like 8 a.m., and I thought, what do I first say to Dr. Andrew Wakefield?
And of course, I went off into Bill Gates and Trump and forced inoculations.
What is it like 30 years ago to discover what the connections to autism, especially in boys,
to be demonized, to be lied about, to have them come out and say you're a liar,
you admit you're a fake, what you didn't do, try to destroy you, and to be vindicated.
But the better question is this, what is it like to see thousands of doctors and nurses
and scientists, epidemiologists, you know, the head of Rockefeller Hospital
come out and say you need herd immunity, this is a fraud, locking people up will make it worse.
All that's been vindicated now, so you were kind of the beta test
of silencing medical professionals, but now they're not just trying to bully you,
who ended up being triumphant at many levels and fighting back and becoming more powerful
in your pro-human advocacy.
Now they're not just starting a fight with Dr. Andy Wakefield.
Now they're starting it with thousands of doctors from Belgium to the U.S.
to Russia to Japan to Mexico and they're really getting pissed and I think they've got a tiger by the tail.
What do you say to that?
Yes, they have.
They cannot win this, Alex.
People are coming round now to seeing the truth.
And once that happens, it happens en masse and it gains momentum and it's unstoppable.
And right now it's unstoppable.
And that is why they are in such a dilemma.
Their vaccine and vaccine-only policy, the enormous funds and profits from the pharmaceutical companies, all of this is under threat.
And that's their future.
And they are fighting just as hard as they can to deal with it.
And you talked about the story of What it was like, and we talked about this on the show before, but yeah, there was a time when it was... Taking everything away from you, trying to bankrupt you, all over the news, silent... I mean, you talk about that spiritual moment.
Tell folks in the camera about that.
It was a dark time, you know, they were stripping me of all the letters after my name, and the papers were being taken away, and the honors, and all this kind of thing, and it was dark, and I was having to fight legal battles against huge entities, and I went down to West Texas.
I went down to the country, down to Bandera, beautiful, beautiful part of the world, and I... I was out in the night sky, and there was no ambient light.
There was nothing.
And I looked up into the sky, and all I saw were billions and billions of stars.
The universe just went on.
It was absolutely extraordinary, and suddenly I realized that this was not about me.
It wasn't about me at all.
It made me dressed up to look like it's about me.
You know, the insults are levelled at me in the media, but that's just a way of playing the game.
And it wasn't about me.
It was about something far more important.
It was about the health of children, the integrity of families, the future of the country, the future of the world.
Something far more important than Andy Wakefield.
Andy Wakefield was completely irrelevant and that was a wonderful moment that I shared with Alex before because a huge burden, a huge weight was taken off my shoulders and I was able to just move forward irrespective of what they said or did.
I was able to continue what I was doing, expand what I was doing, enjoy what I was doing And do it in a much more creative way.
And now I'm a filmmaker.
I love making films.
And it's a way, an extraordinary way of bringing a message to people based on a true story.
Telling people the facts because people understand film.
Americans understand film.
And it is an extraordinary way of bringing the truth to the world.
So, I'm a very lucky man, Alex.
Well, that brings tears to my eyes, because I've been through a lot, and I've meant well, I've made mistakes, but I've always tried to be true.
And there's that moment where you just realize you're part of a larger continuum, you're part of the universe, you're part of God's plan, and it's like God reaches down and says, Just do the right thing.
We got it handled.
You're not alone.
So what about all the mainstream media?
So what about Hollywood?
Those are the losers.
And we're the winners because we're telling the truth.
Yeah, and they're having to shift their position and it's fascinating how they're having to do that and saying the vaccine hype for COVID-19 needs to be brought back to reality.
They were the ones responsible for the hype.
They created that hype in the first place and now they're having to face the reality that people like you and me were saying this all along.
And what do you make of these crowds of 50,000, 100,000, a million in Berlin they were saying, saying no in defiance of the lockdowns.
Well this is the hearts and minds of the people and it's all over the world and they cannot win.
When you see that kind of gathering, the biggest single gathering in the history of the German people, right there, and it's about Covid, it's about lockdown, it's about mandatory vaccination.
I've been told people that went to Germany, they say the Germans are more awake than anybody.
Oh yeah, they've lived through this.
They will not go back.
They will not go back to force... So they've been under cults.
Oh, so that's very interesting to see.
And I was, I got a talk... Somerset was as much as a million.
1.3 million people.
I got a call from my mother the other day and she said, the national news said last night on television that you're coming to England to address an anti-vaccine rally and I said, no.
If you don't trust the news, don't listen to the news.
And I was on that Monday and I broadcast to Trafalgar Square, there was a huge gathering via the internet.
And it was, you know, this is all over the world Alex, people are rising up and seeing the truth.
I mean, I look at Bill Gates and I look at Globalist on TV, they look scared.
And I don't even care about scaring them, but I'm kind of glad that they now got the fear of God in them.
Yeah, they realize that they've overplayed their hand, they've pushed too far, and the biggest mistake they've made is they've underestimated the intelligence and the determination and the integrity of the American people.
And you said particularly mothers.
Particularly mothers.
They have underestimated the extraordinary power of maternal intuition.
That is such a powerful force.
The reason we're here on this earth today, perhaps God's greatest gift, is maternal intuition, because it It is an ancient wisdom and it is far more powerful than the man in the white coat or antibiotics or vaccines or anything man has ever done.
And if mothers listen to that internal authority and do not listen to the external authority of people like Tony Fauci, who've just admitted the mistakes they've made, then we will... this is going to be game over.
I was about to say, why would, after the UN came out and said there's no way to protect yourself therapeutically beforehand, vitamins mean nothing when science says the opposite, his admission, I think he knows how ridiculous he looks.
Yes he does, and he has to admit that he's taking these vitamins himself.
Wow, alright, we've got two minutes left, the film, how do people see it again?
1986, the Act, go there, please watch this film, understand where we've come from, understand why we are here now, why this Act is central to all of the problems that we face in vaccination policy worldwide right now.
Take away liability from the manufacturers, give them a mandatory market, and they will make a massive profit, that gives them huge power, and they come to control everything except the hearts and minds of the people.
And you were previously in the UK, then you moved to Austin, now you're another part of the US, but we're just so pleased to have you.
Looking into your crystal ball...
I don't see any way that the establishment can extricate themselves from this.
I mean, they can try to oppress us, they can try to double down, I just think it's going to be more explosive.
I think if we want to protect health freedom in this country, then it's a single issue vote, and I think it's quite clear that we have to vote for the present administration to continue for the next four years to protect those health freedoms.
Exactly, because the Democrats are saying it's forced.
Trump's saying you can take it if you want.
And that needs to be reinforced.
No state, federal, or local mandates, and no recrimination.
We need to hear that from him.
And again, as your film states, we need liability.
On these companies.
I've got liability.
You've got liability.
Why don't they have liability?
Without liability, there is no incentive for safety.
And that needs to be put back in place and they need to be sued for the deliberate damage they've done.
They need to face punitive damages and everything that comes with that.
We've got 30 seconds left.
You're here with your healthy grandchild you're visiting who's in Austinite and vaccine-free, we're telling you.
Vaccine-free and absolutely as healthy as a butcher's dog, as we say in England.
Man, people see my children, I've got four, they go, what's going on with these kids?
And I'm like, there's no vaccines.
Yeah, no, it's a joy to see him and my duty now is to protect him and babies like him.
I'm not trying to be mean to folks that made the mistake of vaccinating their kids, but when your kids aren't vaccinated, it's like they're from Krypton versus planet Earth.
Dr. Wakefield, thank you so much, brother.
Great to be here.
All right, Jason Jones, filmmaker in his own right, is loaded for bear.
He's taking over on the other side of this break.
Then The War Room, 3 p.m.
Then tonight, 7 to 9, Election Countdown.
Stay with us.
This is going to come down to a fight over how many people are awake and how many aren't.
They're going to contest the election.
They're going to say Trump lost.
They're super pissed that I'm on air.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
You kept us on air.
We did the analysis first.
It's now gone mainstream.
We continue to be the epicenter.
And what they've said directly to us is you continue to be the epicenter of our plans not going the way we want.
And you need to stop right now.
And they're very, very serious.
Well, I'm not signing on with a bunch of devil-worshipping child molesters.
This is not going to happen.
So, they are moving now to destroy me.
I used to say support InfoWars.
Rescue InfoWars.
Save yourself.
Save the world.
We're in this together.
Because let me tell you something.
Communism's up here.
InfoWars is the dam blocking it, which is all of us together supporting.
And you and I are all down here with our families.
My children are right here!
But I need money to fight a war!
And I need word of mouth!
And I need prayer!
And I need action!
Because that dam's going to come down!
Trump's told you, hell's coming!
Welcome to Hour Four of the Alex Jones Show.
I am your guest host, Jason Jones, and what a privilege to be with you today of all days in the history of our beautiful nation, our blessed nation.
The neoliberal elite have been doing their best to divide us, and you have to ask yourself, yesterday on the very anniversary of Emmett Till's murderers being acquitted, regardless of where we are on the Breonna Taylor
decision, they picked yesterday.
So here we are on a show of the most diverse audience in the world, the Alex Jones Show.
Since 1996, Alex Jones has been knitting together a community of people who love each other and are authentically committed to freedom and peace and prosperity.
And this is the audience that will keep our country united.
My hobby is martial arts.
And when you're boxing or doing Muay Thai or Jiu Jitsu, your goal is to overwhelm Your adversary with information.
It's to let them see patterns that are really setups for traps.
And what has become so obvious to me is that the trap that we have been set up for is division.
Each and every one of us are having the worst parts of our nature tugged upon.
And so what is the answer to this?
It's very simple.
It's the founding principle of this country.
It is to understand and acknowledge that each and every one of us was made in the image and likeness of God.
That each and every one of us has an incomparable dignity, beauty, and worth.
And to be grateful.
To be grateful to understand we are living in a country founded on a vision of the human.
The only country in the history of the world that was founded on a vision of the human person.
As a creature with unthinkable dignity.
Philosophers like Nietzsche and Marx call this foolishness.
But our founding fathers understood that this is the truth of the human person.
And that is the truth of our unity.
How did a country bring people together from every corner of the world?
And build the biggest hegemon in the history of this world?
It's because we were founded on the truth of the human person.
If that founding principle, the Declaration Principle, was not true, this country could have never become the great country that it is.
And now as we are being pulled to deny that, as we have been pulled in the past, there have been three, I was asked by a reporter yesterday, A reporter called me.
I have a new movie coming out.
We'll talk about later, Divided Hearts of America.
And I'll also be joined by writer, director, producer Darius Garland, who happens to also be my friend.
We've been friends since we were five years old.
He's going to be joining me later today.
But I was called by a reporter asking me about my movie.
And he said, why is the Democrat Party so committed to abortion?
Why does it seem to be the one issue that they're most committed to?
And I didn't really have an answer.
I thought about it.
I said, you know, I don't know, but I agree with you that abortion seems to be the central organizing principle of the Democrat Party.
And abortion denies our founding principle.
Abortion denies the incomparable dignity and beauty of the human person, the inviolable dignity of the human person.
And then as I was talking to the person, you know what else?
Before abortion, what was the organizing principle of the Democrat Party?
Think about this.
The Civil Rights Act 1965 passed by Republicans after 100 years of work.
Then seven years later, you get Roe v. Wade.
We went from abortion to segregation.
That was Jim Crow, the organizing principle of the Democrat Party.
Now you go back.
What was it before segregation and Jim Crow?
It was slavery.
The Democrat Party from the very beginning, not to be partisan because the Democrat Party has done good things, especially at the local level for new immigrants in the early 20th century.
But the Democrat Party has, from its very inception, been organized around denying our founding principle.
So if we want unity, we have to look to the Declaration of Independence.
As Abraham Lincoln said, the founding principle, the Declaration principle, is the beautiful work of art.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and they are endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights.
That is the work of art, Abraham Lincoln said.
The sturdy frame to protect it, the well-crafted frame, that's the Constitution.
So we have to look to that.
When we come back from the break, we're going to show you a trailer to my new movie.
I got together with some filmmakers about 18 months ago.
We said, our country has been divided.
We're divided when we do not live up to our founding principle.
And the bigger the gap between where we are as a nation and our founding principle, the more division.
We said let's take the most divisive issue, because that's the cause of it, abortion, and make a film that unites America, and that is Divided Hearts of America.
I made it with NFL football player Benjamin Watson, Betsy Kennedy, Chad Bonham, Martin Luther King's niece Elvita King is in the film.
Some of the founders of hip-hop, all the way to Benjamin Carson, is in the film.
And we look at the denial of this beautiful child's life, this dignity, and how it really is at the root of our division today.
And joining me after the break will be my friend.
And we grew up in a neighborhood that was diverse.
And you couldn't say it was a white neighborhood, you couldn't say it was a black neighborhood.
It was, we had everybody.
We loved each other before we knew there was a difference.
And I think this is where most Americans are.
What I want to talk to Darius about is this.
If you asked me two years ago, I would say, they keep telling us we're so divided.
But we have never been more united as a people.
We have never loved each other more, cared about each other more, knew each other more.
But what has happened is you keep telling a lie.
Long enough.
You keep telling a country they're divided.
You keep telling a country that they're a group of people that you're hated.
After a while, you stop.
You say it at first and don't believe it.
But then after a while, you believe it.
And I think we have reached that point as a country where we have been told for so long that we're divided.
That we truly have become divided.
But it's a division caused by propaganda.
It's a division caused by lies.
It's a division caused by people seeking to exploit us.
People on both sides of the divide.
People on the left, people on the right.
We are the targets together.
But we can foil all of this.
We can foil all of this by resisting all of the attempts to manipulate us.
And that's why to be guest hosting the Alex Jones Show today is an honor because I know this audience reaches into every nook and cranny of this country.
I go all over this country and what do I see?
Infowar bumper stickers on all kinds of cars.
I'll see an Infowar bumper sticker on a car next to an iVote ProLife bumper sticker.
I'll see an Infowar bumper sticker on a car next to a Coexist bumper sticker.
I'll see an Infowar bumper sticker on a Bernie car and a Ron Paul car.
And so this is the audience that can foil the plan.
And the plan is very simple.
Divide and conquer.
When we set out to make this film, Divided Hearts of America, people thought, here we go, we got a break coming, guys?
When we set out to make this film, Divided Hearts of America, we'll show the trailer right when we get back.
People said, you're going to make a film about abortion and release it in October of 2020?
This is going to create division.
We said, no, no, no.
This is going to create unity because we have to get through the source of division to become united.
We'll be back.
(eerie music)
When does a person get rights?
When a person is a person.
When is a person a person?
And that's the thing.
When a child is born, then the child is a child.
If we look at the history of abortion laws, it's always been predicated on when a human's life begins.
There is no personhood under law for fetuses.
We don't have that in this country.
The state legislature has passed the Reproductive Health Act.
They say that this law has made Illinois the abortion capital of the Midwest.
This is one of the worst possible choices that any woman and her family has to make.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
There's nothing more common sense than giving a child born the right to continue.
People are saying, wait a minute, do they really kill babies?
I said, hey, it's called infanticide.
It's important that as African Americans that we truly understand the history of abortion.
In New York City, the home of Planned Parenthood, for decades more black babies have been aborted than born alive.
For decades.
Abortion is targeting black America.
That's not an accident.
doing this.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show and that is our movie Divided Hearts of America and
for the Alex Jones audience.
If you go to movietomovement.com and order the film, put in MTM for the code MTM and
you get a 20% discount.
I am privileged today to have a writer, director, actor, producer, Darius Garland, on the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Now, it's your birthday, by the way.
It is.
And I've been celebrating birthdays with you since you were, what, six years old?
Yeah, if we go back five, six, seven, a long time.
So, you know, you happen to just be here in town.
That's right.
And I was going to spend a birthday with you.
But you are a big Alex Jones fan.
But it wasn't too long ago when I would post on Facebook or social media, I would think about you and my other friends, our friends growing up and think, I hope I'm not offending them.
I hope I'm not hurting their feelings.
And because of the neighborhood we grew up in, we've been having to deal with this race division issue since we were in middle school, right?
You think?
Easily, yeah.
And now we see it's erupting.
I always say, you were my friend before I knew you were my black friend.
We didn't know differences.
No, we didn't.
We didn't at all.
The differences were there.
I've had some experiences where there were differences, because the neighborhood we grew up in was It was very diverse, but a lot of it was like Irish, Italian, you know, there were black, Latin, everyone was.
Outside, so we had our neighborhood where most of the black kids in the town lived.
And then outside of it was working class Irish, working class Italian.
Exactly, exactly.
So I had a lot of racist experiences outside of our neighborhood.
So inside Provincetown, you never did?
But when you left, see that's something I never knew.
And that's interesting, because I went to a parochial school, and there weren't a lot of black kids there.
That's right, you did.
And yeah, called names, picked last to play kickball, stuff like that.
But I didn't understand or know what that was really, really all about.
Nor did those kids.
Probably not.
Yeah, I would have to agree with that.
Because we were all the same.
I grew up not seeing color.
I didn't get it or understand it.
And it wasn't until later on, like high school, where I started to see the subtle differences.
And how, not so much by color were we divided, it was almost socioeconomic, to a certain degree.
So it was Provincetown, and then outside of Provincetown.
And outside of Provincetown.
We were the troubled kids.
You can look at it, yeah.
People thought of us that way, right?
That was the reputation that we had.
So now, you were, you didn't vote for Trump last time.
You'd have called yourself a liberal two years ago.
Infowars played a part in waking you up.
How did that happen?
What happened?
Infowars and alternative media played a big part in it.
And what I started to notice and see Was that, like, InfoWars was providing information that the mainstream media was not.
So, you know, my own curiosity was, like, what is this really all about?
You know, and we talk about, you know, bringing the truth to light and what's really happening in this world.
And the trickle-down effect of the control of the media, etc., you know, caught my attention in such a profound way that I just started watching, listening, reading, researching, etc.
And What I learned about myself is I've never really been a Democrat.
You know, because I looked at the history of the Democratic Party and saw what the party was all about.
It was all about divisiveness, tyranny, you know, pain.
And I'd be remiss to say, from a certain point of view, a hoax on a lot of black Americans.
From the very beginning.
Yeah, from the very beginning.
I mean, there was a time where they would tie the pencil or the marker for voting above the booth so you could see they'd put the Republican ballot on the one side, the Democrat ballot on the other side, and they would look to see where that string went.
And then they would lynch you, depending on how you voted.
Now they'll lynch you on Twitter.
Yeah, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.
But it's more, we know that this cabal transcends both parties, right?
I mean, there's this neoliberal...
The establishment that seeks to divide us has its tentacles deep into both sides.
The two-party system is an illusion.
That's my opinion.
I believe both political parties are owned and controlled by a very small group of individuals.
Same individuals that own the media, own Big Pharma, own oil and gas, own everything.
So how does legislation take place?
It takes place through our government.
You said you used the word cabal.
I guess that's the easiest way to describe it.
A very small group controls billions.
I guess the easiest way to do that in the United States of America is through both branches of government.
We've been presented with an illusion that if you're on this side, you stand for this.
If you're on this side, you stand for that.
But it's really pawns in a game.
And all of us are How do I say this?
It's like we're in a globe, ant farm, and our job is to go to work, pay taxes, get sick, go to the hospital, take pills, and die.
So there's an unlimited supply of human beings, you know, to fuel this machine.
So it comes down to two visions of the human person.
If you look at every human being you see, which as a Christian I understand when I look at a human being, I believe.
Every human being I see, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, right?
I believe when I look at them, I see a creature that was literally called into existence out of eternity in the very image and likeness of God.
That's right.
And what makes them so tragic is how far they have fallen.
And I think what makes them so tragic is how they can't see that in other people.
You know, how do you not, how do you not look at a human being, and I just got to spend some time with, I'm not going to, I can't say really who, but with some famous people who are very talented.
All of them, none of them believe in God, and they're all so talented.
I looked at each one of them and said that each one of them is the best proof of God's existence.
Like, if they could just look at themselves and see themselves the way that I see them, They would know God exists, because only an all-knowing, all-loving God could account for them.
So there's those two visions of the human person.
There's one that sees us as just ants on a farm.
And they see themselves as demigods.
And now, with my work in movies, and you've been around these folks too, you and I have been around these folks together, we get to be around these people sometimes.
They're very small gods.
Like, if they think they're gods, they live very sad, lonely lives, right?
That's exactly true.
But they are very small, looking at the big picture.
But there's millions and millions that look up to them as gods.
You know what I mean?
That's all part of the plan.
It's all part of the hoax.
Never in our lifetime has there been so much focus on movie stars, professional athletes.
Professional athletes, more than ever, are delivering messages of race relations and police reform.
We got 20 seconds.
After the break, we were talking in the green room about how when something happens with Breonna Taylor, they went to the athletes.
If this happened to a young white woman, they're not calling Brett Favre.
Let's talk about that when we get back.
Sounds good.
Welcome back to the last segment of Hour Four.
I'm Jason Jones, host of the Jason Jones Show.
No relation.
I'm not related to Alex.
I get asked that all the time.
And I'm not related to Darius, although we have been friends since probably 1976.
We first played a wiffle ball together in our courtyard in 77.
And it's great to have you here on the show.
Right before the break, we were talking about why is it that when a tragedy happens in the black community, and I even hate saying black community because They're not these walls between our communities.
We are communities, right?
And then they're porous.
But they go to these athletes, and I think athletes should speak out.
I think artists, you're an actor, you should speak out.
But why does the media seem to single out athletes in a way that they don't, they're not going to go to Brett Favre, they're not going to go...
And you had the right answer.
You told me an answer during the break and I thought that was exactly right.
Well if you look at these upper echelon athletes that are household names.
You see them on TV commercials everywhere.
They have tens of millions, if not over 100 million followers.
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.
So it's just smart marketing.
It's basically easy smart marketing.
How can you get a message out to the masses so quickly and easily?
And then you reward them with free earned media, free coverage, and so it's a reciprocal relationship.
It's all of that, but in some cases I think they believe that they are really just and right in some of these messages that they're delivering.
Well, and that's why this Breonna Taylor is so on my heart, because close friends of ours, one of our closest friends from Hollywood, young black woman, called me crying today.
She was so upset.
And this was right after my wife, we were watching it on the news, and she said, why didn't they say that her boyfriend fired at the police when they came in?
Why don't they ever say that in these stories?
And we were talking, man, if they told the whole story... There is no story.
There's no story.
If they tell the whole story, there's no story, there's no division.
There is no division that way.
Right, most of these things... That's why Infowars, they want to make this impossible to find.
They do not want you to get the whole story.
They don't want us to have the truth.
Because then they can't divide us.
You know, fact checkers didn't come to fruition until people started telling the truth.
Let me tell the truth.
I've got to fact-check it now.
Oh, it's not true.
Notice the only things I get fact-checked are true things.
The truest things I've ever posted on social media get fact-checked.
I posted, it was a meme, and Obama and Fauci were in China, you know, and it was about the money that he had sent over there some years ago.
You know, Instagram said, this is not true.
You know, gave me an explanation why.
As if it just never really happened.
You know, it's like a made-up photo.
It's bizarre.
I've posted jokes that they've said weren't true.
I have posted things that they said partly true.
But it's only when you post on COVID.
It's only when you post on things that break the neoliberal narrative.
You could post on anything else.
They're not fact-checking that.
But check out the power in that, right?
So if I'm just scrolling through a feed and I see something not true, you know, I think the person is still asleep.
That's not doing research or educating themselves.
We'll believe it.
Oh, it's not true.
It's a lie.
Or people want easy answers, right?
When we watch Fauci, we want, okay, what we saw in the last hour, you know, Fauci is just wear your mask, social distance.
We want that to be the case, right?
We want it, okay, we just wear a mask, we just social distance, we just stay at home, we just get a check, we just binge watch Netflix.
Everything goes back to normal.
We want that to be true.
Because that's easy.
It's easier than easy.
Like all the things you just mentioned.
Everything's microwavable.
Watch Netflix.
Everything's delivered by Amazon.
Get your DoorDash.
Get your Postmates.
Sit in the house.
Don't leave.
Wear your mask.
Meanwhile, on this show, Alex was so kind to have me on in...
Early March.
And I came on the show and said 250 million people will starve from Bangladesh to South Africa.
Last week, the New York Times reported 250 million people will starve to death this year because of COVID.
It's not because of COVID.
It's because of the ham-fisted lockdowns.
Yes, there have been locusts.
Yes, there have been floods.
Yes, this has been a bad year for locusts, but that's not what's causing the greatest year in famine since World War II.
It's slowing down food production, food processing, food distribution.
This is real.
And then you have now the expansion of concentration camps in China with the Uyghur.
The real victims, and by the way, free Hawaii, my home state of Hawaii, is being driven to despair.
Driven to despair.
They do as much as they can get away with.
They do as much as they can get away with in Texas.
But they know they can't get away with that much.
You have an island in the middle of the Pacific.
You can get away with murder, and they are literally getting away with murder because suicides are up like never before, drug overdoses.
I saw a study where 25% of children 8 to 18 during this shutdown have suicidal ideation.
So while we're doing DoorDash, watching Netflix, watching child pornographic cuties on Netflix, Eating our food that was literally, they just drop it off at the door and go away.
Getting our Amazon, just buying stuff from Amazon.
People are starving to death.
But we don't want to report that.
We don't want to talk about that.
And then people who do, like Alex Jones, we need to destroy.
So people don't listen.
But the people listening are the people who care.
The people who are listening, it's not just about them.
You know, since I have left Hawaii, I think about it every day.
I got home from the gym last night.
I was doing work calls as I was driving home from the gym, and it's in San Antonio.
It's a Muay Thai gym, and I'm driving to the Hill Country, and I'm doing work phone calls the whole way.
And when I pulled up to my house, I forgot I had moved, if that makes any sense.
And I'm just doing my calls, driving, and I pull up to this new house, and my heart broke.
I said, I had to leave Hawaii.
So my family can leave the house.
God bless you.
This is heartbreaking.
It's hard, man.
But the people in Hawaii leading the reopen movement are the InfoWars audience.
I can tell you now I'm going to go home and I'm going to have 300 emails.
From Hawaii, thanking me for bringing up Free Hawaii.
And if it was not for Infowars, the world would not know how draconian the lockdown is in Hawaii.
And I'm a student of totalitarianism.
The Bolsheviks in Russia took a longer time... There I am getting arrested.
You've known me since I was six.
You're not surprised to see me get arrested, are you?
Not at all.
That's not a surprise.
You know, at the time I felt bad because what I was saying to those police officers was, You know, you would arrest Anne Frank.
At the time, I thought I was being very harsh.
But as I look back, they've been arresting grandmothers for walking their dogs.
Oh, yeah.
Look at the videos.
It's unbelievable.
There are thousands and thousands and thousands.
This poor woman here is tased.
But you were saying... It's taste for wanting to watch your child's football game.
You were saying the other day that Hawaii and Australia have the most pervasive draconian lockdowns because they're islands.
You can't leave.
Can't leave.
So it's an issue.
It's hard to leave.
We left.
It was very hard.
Yeah, you just can't leave.
It's an experiment.
And your family's all there.
You can't get back to your family easy.
You leave Hawaii.
My daughter's there.
We talk every day.
She's fighting to reopen Hawaii, right?
And I want her to come here.
She's an ocean and a continent away.
You leave Australia, where are you going to go?
An ocean away.
We can even bring that to the mainland.
You know, free Los Angeles, LA County, free Chicago.
You know, free some of these, uh...
Blue democratic cities.
Because in the community I live in Los Angeles, you know, the apartment building I live in, you know, it's modern, it's new.
I got emailed the other day about wearing a mask, you know.
You weren't wearing a mask around?
No, of course not.
Without wearing a mask, you're gonna get a fine, you know.
Is that, is that even, how is that even possible?
No, and these people aren't suffering.
You know, they're not suffering, but they are so worried.
They say it's about You know, we need to care for other people.
They're not thinking about other people.
If they were thinking about other people, they would be thinking about the elderly in the homes.
In Hawaii, there's an organization called Kupuna Needs.
Kupuna Needs has given 50,000 people food.
They've been lying seven miles long.
They have come across elderly that live in upscale neighborhoods that were on the verge of starvation because they were so afraid to leave their house.
They don't know how to use DoorDash or UberEats.
Who's concerned about these people?
The people starving to death in Nigeria and Bangladesh, South Africa on the verge of political collapse, civil war.
Who's concerned about these folks?
They're not.
No, they're watching Netflix.
The editors of New York Times that are putting the Uyghurs expanding camps on page B17.
Famine on page B17-101.
By the way, New York Times, you reported it once.
Do you think 250 million people starving to death this year deserves one day of stories or it should be on the front page every day?
Front page.
Every day?
Every day.
Not once.
See, that's so they can wash their hands.
So in 20 years, when we look back, they'll talk about this hard-hitting article they had on B-26 on a Wednesday.
The media has delivered a message that we should all be terrified.
But really, of what?
Well, and I want to end on that, brother.
They want us to be terrified, but it's just a privilege to have you on the show today to talk about this.
We need to be unified.
We know we love each other, and it is an honor to talk to you, Alex Jones audience, because I know you, here at InfoWars, you're our hope.
Get out there and tell the truth.
You can see it.
You can taste it.
You can smell it.
You can touch it.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announcing a proposal to cut a billion dollars...
You can feel it.
You can see it.
You can taste it.
You can smell it.
You can touch it.
And deep in my spirit, I've got a fiery tingle up and down my spine that goes into my jaw
and into my eyes.
I'm on fire right now because I know in the next 40 days of this election and the insanity and the globalist nuclear meltdown that we're going to see when Trump wins, that everything you do and everything I do is going to affect the future of the world for good or for bad.
The globalists have made a very dangerous authoritarian move with all this massive censorship and surveillance.
Just think about censorship.
It takes surveillance of what you're doing and saying to have that censorship.
They've had this massive AI move.
They've had their street bullies out shooting cops and burning down buildings and setting up checkpoints.
They have really launched an authoritarian takeover.
And it's because they're losing the hearts and minds, not just here, but worldwide.
And they know that the tide is turning against them, so they're throwing everything they've got at us right now.
But if we let them normalize all of this tyranny, and their COVID power grab, and their free speech annihilations, and all their physical attacks, then we will go under their tyranny, and they would have broken our will.
And then things are going to get a lot worse.
The New World Order is on record that if they're able to defeat Trump, Bolsonaro, and others around the world that are patriots, if they're able to successfully and effectively silence you and I, that they're going to move to a level very, very quick of unthinkable oppression and total control.
That's why they're admitting that the new forced inoculations coming next year will actually maim and kill a lot of people because Bill Gates knows he can't hide it.
That's why Trump is taking control of the process saying he's going to have an early vaccine from a company that doesn't make one that is so dangerous or that doesn't change our DNA.
And I'm not even endorsing what Trump's doing, but I understand what he's doing.
So, things have been critical for 20 plus years that I've been on air.
They were critical before that, but they're all building, building, building, building towards this moment now and what is going to happen in the future.
And so the way we respond to this now and the way we take action to this now is like a game of pool when you first break the balls.
It's going to dictate so much of the coming game how we carry this out right now.
So ladies and gentlemen, pray to God for a global awakening.
Pray to God to give you discernment and lead God and direct you to know how to fight the enemy politically, spiritually, culturally, financially, and physically if they attack you to defend yourself.
And realize that InfoWars is truly the tip of the spear.
And it's only benefit in the spirit because of your support, your prayer.
So please remember to support M4WarStore.com today because without you, we will not be able to continue to operate.
And I'm firing the bat signal and saying now is the time that your support is so critical because over the years, the censorship, the lawsuits, the attacks, the enemy has really gotten us squeezed down to a point that I didn't want to ever get to.
But I'm being honest with you now.
We're seeing a lot of folks come through.
We're seeing orders massively increase.
But with everything going on, it's still not enough.
So get products you already need.
Get high-quality, storable food.
Get books, films, supplements that are so good for your body, so good for your immune system.
And know that you are funding an operation that is challenging the globalists effectively on a massive scale.
Thank you so much for all you've done.
I salute you, and I ask you to now count the cost, look at the historical juncture point we're at, and to make the right decision at this fork in the road.
I'm Alex Jones, and if you're watching this, never forget, you are the resistance.
This is going to come down to a fight over how many people are awake and how many aren't.
They're going to contest the election.
They're going to say Trump lost.
They're super pissed that I'm on air.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
You kept us on air.
We did the analysis first.
It's now gone mainstream.
We continue to be the epicenter.
And what they said directly to us is you continue to be the epicenter of our plans not going the way we want and You need to stop right now.
And they're very, very serious.
Well, I'm not signing on with a bunch of devil-worshipping child molesters.
This is not gonna happen.
So, they are moving now to destroy me.
I used to say, support InfoWars, rescue InfoWars.
Save yourself, save the world.
We're in this together.
Because let me tell you something.
Communism's up here.
Infowars is the dam blocking it, which is all of us together supporting.
And you and I are all down here with our families.
My children are right here!
But I need money to fight a war!
And I need word of mouth!
And I need prayer!
And I need action!
Because that dam's gonna come down!
Trump's told you, hell's coming!
Alright, Alex Jones here, back live, broadcasting worldwide.
And I want to just salute Keith Bessemer and the folks at My Patriot Supply because they've been a sponsor for 13 years.
They've been around 14 years.
They were immediately bought up some of the bigger, better companies.
We immediately got good feedback.
I didn't want a bunch of food sponsors.
I wanted one good one I can trust.
I got them.
And so we sell their whole food line and force where I come.
Because of the Communist Chinese attacks on our servers, and where you've got to put in a little code to prove you're a human to get in, and the rest of it, just decimating the amount of folks that get in to InfoWarsaw.com to buy the books, the films, the water filtration, the supplements.
I called them a few weeks ago and I said, look, we're under this attack.
Can you just set up a URL for us, and then we get a percentage of the sales we get?
Because I've got to move into just not even having our websites anymore.
I mean, we're under this level of attack.
They weren't sure they could even do it in a month.
And Keith Bessemer, the president of MyPatreon goes, oh no, no, we got it done for you.
And so a discount on top of everything at a special URL that leads you to a special page, $170 discount on something that's already the best price you're going to find.
So again, Keith, you've got the floor here.
Tell folks about the special that's running right now.
This is unprecedented because you guys already have the lowest price for the quality of food you've got.
That's well known in the industry.
So the three things are the air, the food, and the water.
We've talked about the food, and the first time we've been able to run a sale or a special all year because we've worked so hard with the suppliers to get the $100 savings.
That's exclusive right now with RepairWithAlex.com.
Then there's the water, and this is just as important.
You know, you only can live three days without water.
This is a kit we've never offered before that could help support the InfoWar.
And for your viewers, your listeners, Alex, It's the Alexa Pure Pro that you always hear about, and that always comes with one filter that filters up to 5,000 gallons.
Well, we've kind of amped this up, just like that sports car you were talking about there 20 minutes ago, the Shelby and all.
We've amped this baby up where you can put four filters into the Alexa Pure Pro.
This thing can flow with gravity, mean no electricity, and purify up to 20,000 gallons of water.
Sits on a nice stand that comes included in this kit.
You can put some of the water into a collapsible water storage container, and we've even given you a replacement part.
Today, on this site, preparewithalex.com, the Alexa Pure Pro Ultimate Kit is with $170 savings.
So that's all sitting there as well.
And then, of course, the Alexa Pure Breathe.
I mean, what a mess with the air and all the problems, wildfires from the West Coast blowing all the way across the northern states.
New York was showing pictures yesterday of it and such.
You don't want to breathe that junk in your home.
That's what the Alexa Pure Breathe is all about.
It's an indoor air filtration unit.
It has a true HEPA system inside, a four-stage process that helps ionize and get rid of all the bad stuff. That's on special
just like you've got in the InfoWars store. We put it on this page as well. It's
exclusively preparewithalex.com. I just wanted to start getting you on
because I feel really good selling food that's high quality that funds the
InfoWars so that way people are self-sufficient and prepared. But you've got
great deals on air filtration, the best four-stage ion filter, the lowest
price you're gonna find, literally. We're under massive harassment. So I went
to our partners, three or four of them, and I said, "Can you build websites
and no longer have us sell it and you sell it and just pay us to stay on air?" And so
this is just us making the next move and then they just did a big discount on top of
it. You know, there's not much profit there.
I know I guess I'm locked into some type of funding, but this is very, very exciting.
This is no doubt the best deals anywhere.
This is the best deal you're going to find ever.