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Name: 20200902_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 2, 2020
2616 lines.

In this Infowars episode, Alex Jones discusses topics such as the U.S Presidential election results through mail-in ballots, Red Mirage strategy, patriotism, globalist forces, and InfoWars products for preparedness. He also talks about political tensions, authoritarianism in America, the importance of liberty and freedom, Cuomo's nursing home order, tracking by tech companies, COVID-19 case numbers, and the need to defend the Constitution against enemies, foreign and domestic.

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It is now not just official.
On the drawing board 14 months ago, we first started telling you they're going to contest the election with mail-in ballots and say that when Trump contests that fraud, he should be removed by the military.
Well, then you saw them begin to prepare it, roll it out, and now Bloomberg, now Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, have given hundreds of millions of dollars To push the mail-in fraudulent ballots that they're bombing the country with to gum things up so that the election is put into question because, oh, Democrats were all scared of COVID.
Yeah, right.
They're all busy sending in the ballots under the name of their dead dad, their dead neighbor, their dead mom, their dead cat.
That will confuse the system.
It'll be impossible to process it all.
And then you will have a jackknifed, sabotaged election.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
I'm all about the truth.
And that's what I'm going to lay out here.
I'm teleprompter free, I'm not getting talking points from Trump, the CIA, Santa Claus, anybody.
It's all from my own research, what I believe in my integrity.
So I'll just have integrity here.
Trump, or whoever runs his Twitter, sent out a tweet today that Matt Drudge did not support Trump in 2016.
And that Matt Drudge must have confused Joe Biden as the candidate who has cognitive problems and not 74-year-old Donald Trump.
So let's just talk about the reality.
Drudge's report was critical in getting President Trump elected and game-changing as the number one news site in the world at that time.
It's still right up there at the top.
Now that said, I've met Matt Drudge.
He's a big fan of the show.
He came here and had dinner with us once.
I don't know why he's turned against Trump the way he has.
That's a separate issue.
And it's a free country.
He can do what he wants.
You notice, I don't really talk about Drudge as much because it's not sometimes the game-changing links like it was.
It's just kind of more like a smorgasbord of what the establishment's saying.
But that's fine.
Drudge was critical, just like the M4's audience of activists getting Trump elected.
So that's a false tweet by the President.
You don't see a lot of lies out of Trump that I can document.
That one is a doozy.
But let's roll this video of Trump in a factory, and he's dragging one of his legs just a little bit, and, you know, kind of being Mr. Slick about it.
I have a torn Achilles.
I hobble.
Trump's 74.
He's 74.
issues. He did go down that gantry, you know, a few months ago with that general
at a commencement, kind of watched his step because it was wet. I do that too.
I walk like a penguin sometimes when things are wet and I can't see what's going on.
He's 74. The issue is to try to compare Trump's cognitive ability and physical
ability to Biden is ridiculous. I mean, Trump's stamina to work 15, 16, 18 hours
a day, on the spot, live interviews. The guy is incredible.
He was 30 years old.
He'd be amazing. And out there playing golf all day, whatever, you know, Biden can ride a
bicycle, so can a trained monkey. Biden can't string a sentence together. Biden
says billions died from COVID. Biden has had multiple strokes on record, major
brain surgeries, and the Democrats have him as a placeholder.
So they know they've got big problems and that Biden has cognitive issues.
And so it's a Democratic talking point to say that Trump has all these problems.
And I've heard that Drudge sold out the Democrats.
I've heard Drudge, but there's no proof of that.
But this, going with many strokes, Without evidence or showing a leg, which is a little weird, but I don't know what that is.
Kind of Trump kind of acting like Elvis or something.
It doesn't hold water.
And this is election style stuff, 62 days out.
So I'm not judging Trump.
I'm not judging Drudge.
I'm glad to know both of them.
They're both interesting men, but both are full of crap on this.
Drudge got Trump elected.
I don't know what happened between them or the schism and On the other side, I don't see that Trump's had this big stroke and all the rest is garbage.
If you want to know whose expiration date is up and who obviously has serious problems, it's Joe Biden.
But hey, Trump's 74.
His brother just died a week ago.
I mean, we're not saying he couldn't fall over dead tomorrow.
It's just that, obviously, The timer clicked, the egg clock ticked, the egg timer.
I mean, Joe Biden's finale, he's over.
And so that's what's so frightening is the Democrats would try to push something like this on us.
Back to the live transmission tonight with Election Countdown with Deonna Lorraine.
All right, that's a little bit of what was on the show last night.
Thought I'd start the broadcast with that.
We've got over-the-top important information.
The UN has launched its planetary takeover.
It's been going on a while, but that was all the preparatory phase.
They're now launching the full takeover, and if people don't respond to it, understand what they're being hit by, we'll be defeated by it.
But thanks to you, and thanks to this transmission, and to patriots worldwide, we will prevail.
God bless you.
60 days, my friends, 60 days.
Until a referendum on nationalism and freedom and capitalism and Christianity against Satanism, the end of humanity, the post-human era, and the new world order of Satan.
That's really, not hyperbole, that's what it is.
I've been saying for years this election is a referendum on good versus evil, and now that's the mainline sentiment of just the general public.
People that don't even believe in God suddenly do and say, I'm seeing people act like demon-possessed crazies on the left.
What's wrong with them?
It really is a spirit.
It's like they're enchanted by something destructive.
Trump even talked about that yesterday.
And he also talked about stupid rich people in dark shadows trying to fund a violent revolution that will only blow up in their face, but they can't stop.
What an epic time to be alive.
Let me give you the quadrants here of the different news we have to cover.
It is now not just official.
On the drawing board 14 months ago, we first started telling you they're going to contest the election with mail-in ballots and say that when Trump contests that fraud, he should be removed by the military.
Well, then you saw them begin to prepare it, roll it out, and now Bloomberg, now Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, have given hundreds of millions of dollars to push the mail-in fraudulent ballots that they're bombing the country with to gum things up so that the election is put into question, which is what John Podesta and Hillary and others are on record saying they want to do.
And now they've got what they're calling the Red Mirage.
That when you see Trump win almost every state, when you see a giant Electoral College victory, well it doesn't count because there'll be such a disaster with ballots designed to create a disaster.
That they're going to hold up the election weeks or months, which is the admitted plan.
And I know I keep harping on this.
There's hundreds, hundreds of incredible stories.
I've got 30 plus incredible clips.
If I just wanted to put on an entertaining show, we could have a show that was way more entertaining, but that's not what this is.
This is an emergency transmission to defeat these people.
So we have a problem.
You have a problem that once we know something, we tend to move on.
But if something's the key of what the enemy's going to do in 61 days, we just can't let them gloss over it.
They're all over the news, saying Trump's going to win in a landslide.
They know internally they've cratered.
They know the riots and the intimidation and the saying that pulled out all the monuments and that the police are all evil and America sucks and Hispanics are rejecting it in record numbers.
Blacks are rejecting it.
Whites are rejecting it.
Unless they're liberal academic types who think they're the ruling class.
The globalists have really failed just like they did a year and a half ago with the whole or two years ago with the whole Brexit thing when they tried to repeal Brexit and they called everyone racist and they said the national anthem was evil and they said get rid of the UK entirely and people that were bullied, classical liberals that believed in openness and freedom realized they were being exploited and voted in Boris Johnson.
Who's gone sideways with COVID and things, but is at least not a globalist, and Nigel Farage got him into power.
And so, this is a really big moment we've reached here.
But I've got that whole area exclusive.
Bloomberg group warns Trump will appear to win big on election night, but won't.
JP Morgan says key markets brace for contested election.
The Democrats say they will contest it.
But again, he's not allowed to contest their contesting.
According to the Democrat talking points.
But why are they scared?
New tracking polls show Trump surged his 28% support among black Americans when he got 8% last time.
Two polls show black support for Trump more than doubled since 2016.
And other polls are showing similar numbers.
And that's what internal polling is showing.
So you have to ask yourself, well, they did fake polls last time.
It basically destroyed the polling industry.
Why are they being more honest this time?
Well, they're still oversampling 10 to 15 points more Democrats.
That's just in the sauce.
They say there's more Democrats than Republicans.
It's not true.
But that's how they always skew it so people then that are on the fence go, well, I want to vote for a winner.
And it's the bandwagon effect where people don't go vote because they think, well, you know, my candidate's going to lose.
It's a perception management manipulation.
But because of the fact that they know that people don't believe the polls anymore, well, why should they just put out lies and fake polls?
And the Democrats even come out on CNN last week and with official talking points said, Trump doesn't follow the polls, he doesn't believe them, the public doesn't, so we're not gonna really push them anymore either, which probably means they will later.
But right now, they're pushing polls that aren't as deceptive because they want credibility on election night for the landslide, which they then say is the red mirage.
Because, oh, Democrats were all scared of COVID.
Yeah, right.
They're all busy sending in the ballots under the name of their dead dad, their dead neighbor, their dead mom, their dead cat.
That will confuse the system.
It'll be impossible to process it all.
And then you will have a jackknifed, sabotaged election.
I've got a whole stack of news on this.
I'm not going to get into it until Later in the second hour, I wanted to take more calls yesterday.
I dropped the ball.
I made people sit on hold, and I apologize.
And I'm getting better about not doing that most of the time, but I'm going to open the phones up today at the bottom of the hour, and then I'm going to take calls right through until the end of the next hour.
And then we have that incredible individual, Mr. Zapata, that gave that powerful two-minute Citizens Communications.
Carlos Zapata, a better orator than I am, he is going to be Joining us, he's a veteran and he's a patriot and he laid it all on the line.
So this will be his first big interview since he came out of the shadows and blew him away.
And that's really our Ace of spades, that's our trump card, is that there's all
these men and women who are good, hardworking people who don't want the spotlight, who don't
want to be in power, who just want to be left alone and raise their families and have their
businesses that are being put in the corner.
And you're going to see coming out of every angle, Hispanic, black, white, old, young,
male, female, gay, straight, you name it. You're going to see people across the board that say,
I'm not your slave. I know you're trying to enslave me. I know you're a liar and you can't
stop us all if you keep pushing it's going to get bloody.
And they already tried to get us into a bloody situation.
That's why they've already pressured us and already pushed us, and we don't want that.
But I said, if they steal the election, if they're rounding people up and arresting them, if they're doing all this politically, you reach a point where, if they're running a classic communist operation where they have control of the cities, you don't want to just wait in the countryside until they come later to get you a year or two later when the food's cut off.
You have to, you have to go into the cities and remove the globalists.
And then you got to have fallback positions if that fails in the countryside for the resistance.
You've got to be identifying who the communist and globalist operatives are in your town now.
This isn't a game, folks, okay?
This isn't LARPing.
It isn't Q stuff.
This isn't make-believe stuff.
This is the real world, okay?
This is the real deal.
So I say offensively fix the country peacefully.
That's our offense, but you have to defensively really understand that they're saying, we're going to take over and have a bloody purge of you and your family.
We're going to come dig you out of your houses and put you in a forced labor camp.
That's your children and your wife.
They're going to kill you.
And they're saying they are, and that's their blueprint.
How do I know what they're going to do next?
I've got their blueprints.
We've got their blueprints.
We know who they are.
They're going to fail, I believe in this, if we're active and we're vigilant and we get in their face.
But if They win this first round and come for us.
If they're crazy enough to do that, you have to realize that there are books written about the resistance against the Nazis that are good, like Total Resistance I read back when I was a teenager.
I know that's in print.
There are other books about guerrilla warfare you can read about.
There's a lot of 21st century overlays to all of that.
The key is, if we go to something like that, the enemy is going to have their moron fodder decoys out that they pay 200 bucks a day to go burn things, hoping you come down to engage their decoys.
You don't, in a war, engage the cannon fodder.
That's World War I and before stuff.
You go after the command and control and the leadership of an enemy operation.
And I'm not planning any of that, and I'm not a military person,
though I study more than most people in the military do.
Most of them are just politicals that follow orders.
But this is the wheelhouse we're entering now with a communist, globalist-funded foreign combine
planning the shutdown of the country, the total breakdown of the country,
bringing us to our knees.
Now, speaking of that, if you go to the top headline at Infowars.com today,
I announced that the United Nations now engage the takeover of much of the planet.
I'll tell you who's behind it, what they're doing, and get into incredible footage.
So much we can't even show it to you all.
They're now door-to-door arresting people in their homes for speaking out against COVID.
Now you don't have free speech in Australia.
They've now gone full Nazi Germany, Soviet Union.
Australia has fallen.
One last breath, the four winds blow.
Better raise your ears.
The sound of hooves knock at your door.
Horsemen are drawing nearer.
Leather steeds they ride.
They come to take your life.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much.
Thank you for joining us on this live September 2nd, Wednesday, 2020 transmission.
We are 61 days out, ladies and gentlemen.
Okay, let's get into it right now.
I want this to sink in real good for everybody because The John Birch Society and the Liberty Movement, starting in the 50s, had the actual takeover plan because Army officers and CIA operatives and officers who believed they were working for the U.S.
government were inside the compartmentalized operations and saw the global plan for the world.
The UN taking over the nation states, dictating medicine, religion, economics, the family, the end of the family, forced depopulation through starvation, through forced inoculations.
I mean, you go back and you watch the speeches from the 50s of the John Birch Society in the 60s.
And I'm not a member of the John Birch Society.
My dad grew up reading about it and seeing it and went and gave some anti-communist speeches and did a radio show when he was a kid in Dallas once a week against the communists.
He didn't even try to get me into radio.
I didn't even know he did that until later.
I went and did it and then I discovered all that.
A lot of stuff I didn't know about my dad.
But I guess chip off the old block.
And this was no knowledge Then you have State Department Mirandum 7277, which describes how they incrementally disarm the people, then the military and the police, and only the UN is armed.
And it's a Hunger Games scenario, how they then have certain districts in each sub-district, ten global regions, three mega-regions.
Ten sub-regions within each of the ten sub-regions, three mega-regions, ten sub-regions, ten sub-regions per region.
I mean, it's the ten regions of FEMA!
And Europe has ten regions.
And then each country has ten regions.
I mean, this is all official!
And so, I remember the good old boys, even when I was like six, seven years old talking about the CFR and the New World Order and David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski and my dad had all their books on the table.
And, you know, he was reading all about what they were saying and doing.
And, and my mom's dad would come over to the house and they'd rant and ram about it.
I mean, and the Chinese, they gave him the ICBMs and the Russians and the plan to nuke the Russians with the Chinese.
And I mean, I'm sitting there listening to all this stuff and.
To me, that's just background noise.
And then all these years later, it all came true.
It all happened.
And we're up to the point, are you ready for the rest of it to happen?
Because it just gets horrible from here on out.
I mean, all this is buildup.
Like, they're rolling the big boulder up the hill to roll it down on us, and they've got it up at the top of the hill now, and they are Releasing it as we speak.
And so when you think of a peaceful world, they mean getting rid of men, getting rid of families, corporately controlling everyone, ending the normal human cycle.
Because the Carnegie Endowment after World War I and then World War II, its main job was to create a world government to end war, and the scientists came back and said, end the family.
End men being aggressive.
End private property.
But none of that was really even the plan.
It was about a super elite getting total control over everyone.
And so...
Once I got on air 26 years ago, people thought, well, when the UN comes with their blue helmets, we're going to get them.
And I always told you, they're not going to come in blue helmets.
They're going to come with Agenda 21, Agenda 2030.
They're going to come with regulations.
They're going to come with shutting the economy down.
They're going to come with taking our fuel away and our factories.
They're going to come through the educational system, dumbing us down, sexualizing our children, getting us into debt, undermining our morals.
This is their plan.
It's all on record.
And then finally, when they drop the hammer, they're going to kill the dollar.
They're going to trigger riots all over the United States.
And they're going to have a bioweapon release that I've been telling you for years as the cover to keep people locked down and other people off balance so that you can segue from one martial law into another martial law.
And whether Trump loses or wins, they plan to segue into real martial law with race riots they're going to trigger.
Whether Trump wins or loses, they're going to continue on because we don't have full control of the country and we haven't arrested the leadership of the globalist operation.
Which Trump is starting to talk about to Congress.
You gotta arrest Soros.
You gotta arrest these people.
They're literally engaged in criminal activity.
On a mass scale.
So finally, the establishment that isn't totally suicidal and insane gets This isn't the old game of selling us out to China and making a bunch of money.
We're done.
They're going to butcher the hog.
They're going to kill the golden goose.
You cannot let them do this.
The games are over.
It's an existential battle.
We were set up to be sold out by China.
We have to say no and come back to life now and rally the forces politically, culturally, spiritually, economically, militarily, and through law enforcement and the general public to absolutely expose this foreign attack, override it, and reject it fully.
You can't just recognize you've been given poison pills.
You've got to stick your fingers down your throat and you've got to throw them up.
And they've got to take a bunch of activated charcoal politically.
You've got to vomit the rest of it out.
You've got to get it out of your guts now or you will die!
We have been poisoned!
Recognizing it is not enough.
You have to reject the enemy, let them know they're the enemy, and let their stupid minions know that you're not going, I'm a liberal, I believe in your speech, why are you attacking me?
Because they're not liberals, they're fascist, globalist, Qaikom-controlled monsters who've been promised power!
And they've never had any power in their lives.
They're on welfare, they're on drugs, they're devil-worshipping, they're doing everything else the media told them to be successful, and they're not successful.
And the enemy's telling them again.
If you just go out and do all this, you'll finally be a real boy.
You'll finally have power.
And that's where we are.
So when we come back, it's the headline on Infowars.com.
It's official.
We've got unbelievable footage.
Australia has fallen to you in control.
Mass arrests begin.
And I'm going to give the number out at first only for Australian callers.
Everybody else don't call at first because we got 20-something phone lines.
It'll fill up with other people.
We won't get the Aussies on.
So please, no one call unless you're in Australia, or you have family in Australia.
We're working on getting a Syrian girl who lives in Australia on to talk about it, but I mean, you've seen them choking women on the news, and women with masks being choked, and saying eight weeks you can't leave your apartment, period, and animals have to defecate out the windows, you know, the dog, I mean people, I mean seriously, have to hang the dog's butt out the window of the bathroom.
All this is going on, ladies and gentlemen.
And now they are arresting people who criticize the lockdown at their houses and putting it on the news.
The secret police.
And it's a beta test.
People go, you really care about Australia?
They're coming here next!
Here's what I'm trying to say.
This is the main assault.
This is the beginning of things just getting crazier.
And I don't tell you that to scare you.
I tell you that because you're going to be victorious.
Everybody that's been sitting on their ass and making jokes about abortion and devil worship and all the Satanism, they're going to be forced to worship their God.
They're going to be forced to see what Satan really is.
They're going to be torn limb from limb.
So remember that.
This is the end of the games, the end of the decadence, the end of the fraud.
And the more it drains away from them, the more they're going to clutch to it.
And the more they're gonna try to be self-destructive to hurt us, but in the end, they've only dug the pit for themselves.
And they're shoveling themselves into their psychic grave.
Alright, let's get into it right now.
I am not here because, you know, used to I would just say things on air.
Then I learned people interpret things differently Then what I believe I'm saying, so that's why I talk about myself a lot, not in some narcissistic way, but in so you understand where I'm coming from.
Jason Jones is a very successful filmmaker, author, researcher, and he comes here and he's like, I just really appreciate how much you care about Hawaii and the indigenous people and how much you know about their history and what they went through and how you really care how they have checkpoints and forced testing and are saying forced inoculations coming.
And I looked at him and I said, Jason, I know you're a nice guy and a big Christian and help people, but there's a perspective thing here.
You understand they're beta testing in Hawaii for everybody.
I mean, they admit that.
So if I'm a cow being sent through a squeeze chute at a slaughterhouse, and I see other cows being chopped up 50 feet in front of me, I'm going to be bucking and kicking and trying to get out.
And I care about the cow getting chopped up, but I really care about me.
And see, that's the thing is, everybody thinks one-dimensional.
And Jason's a smart guy, I'm not putting him down.
People say, what do you care about Australia?
Wow, that's the other side of the planet.
Wow, that's an 18-hour plane flight.
Australia is being run by the very same international institutions and is a beta test to show us the images, just like we saw in China, of a horrible, dystopic, science fiction, nightmare dystopia.
And they admit, and the UN is bragging, that they're preparing to export that to blue cities and blue states, and then finally to red areas.
And cops come to arrest me for my speech, saying COVID's a fraud?
I'm resisting.
And see, that's the thing.
There's a line in the sand, and this is it.
You're forcing inoculations, arresting people.
I've sworn to only tell you what I really believe.
And I'm going to tell you, Australians should really be having a public discussion about Who you're occupied by, who's taking you over, and what these police are doing.
Because these police are following orders.
But that won't cut it with the Nuremberg and the Geneva Convention.
So, I don't want to make them the distraction, though.
They're not where this is coming from.
They're being told in select leftist cities like Melbourne, notice it's not conservative areas they're doing it, it's the same thing, like the US, to do this!
And now they're going to people's houses, I'm gonna show you a video in a moment, in this test city, And arresting pregnant women in front of their children and dragging them off to jail for having anti-lockdown rallies.
And folks, in at least five major cities of Australia, and the phone's up for Aussies to call in, they don't even let people out of their apartment blocks for up to eight weeks.
You don't leave the house.
This is a globalist power grab.
And the U.N.
has said, you're under U.N.
control, we dictate what you do, and Australia is following U.N.
Trump's getting us out of the U.N.
And here's examples of this.
condemns U.S.
for gun violence.
Jacob Blake shooting.
And the U.N.
has put out a press release saying America's bad.
What in the world, in God's green creation, is the U.N.
doing telling us what to do with our guns?
They have unitary meetings saying their goal is to totally disarm us.
It's 7277, complete and general disarmament, where only the U.N.
has guns, not the police, not the military.
We used to read that stuff and go, how are they going to disarm the police and military?
Because you have the U.N.
as the overseer via the Strong Cities Initiative worldwide.
They come in and cherry-pick bad events and then say the whole department is bad.
And then when you go under U.N.
control, you no longer have the left or the media attacking you and stirring up mobs to bring down your country.
That's all this is.
It's very elementary.
It's very simple.
So before I get into all these articles and give the number out, look at this right here.
condemns U.S.
for gun violence.
Jacob Blake shooting.
In theory, the United Nations exists solely to prevent another world war.
While it lasted longer than the last attempt at the thing, the League of Nations, it hasn't really stopped many wars so far.
No, it just runs child kidnapping and drug dealing and its international crime unit.
Instead, the UN spends a fair bit of its time giving Jumped up dictatorships, the supposed authority to band together and critique the United States for stuff that really none of their business.
The latest example, the UN Human Rights Office has condemned the U.S.
over Jacob Blake shooting and ongoing gun violence in our cities.
And they have the spokesperson for the U.N.
High Commission criticizing us and saying we're committing crimes against humanity.
Ladies and gentlemen, that's U.N.
And it's the U.N.
that gets the corporate money, the corporate governance, then beneath it's the U.N.
So it's a consortium of corporate governance and dictatorships on the top.
Corporate governances are dictatorships globally, and then countries are dictatorships, like Communist China.
They write the policies as shareholders, is what they call themselves.
Then, the offices of the UN put out policy, and our countries have signed on to treaties, like the UNESCO treaty that Trump pulled us out of three years ago, that make it where our education, our medicine, our culture, our regulations are under the UN.
But even when Trump pulls us out of those bureaucracies, they continue to follow the treaties and the agreements.
Because there's corporate sponsorship into global governance as well, not just U.S.
money going to the U.N.
So that's how Bill Gates is in control of world vaccine law and other medicine.
So, Australia, pregnant woman arrested in her home, InfoWars.com, Paul Joseph Watson article, in anti-lockdown Facebook post.
Shocking video from Melbourne, Australia, shows a pregnant woman being arrested in front of her children in her own home for the crime of organizing an anti-lockdown protest on Facebook.
And Facebook, of course, reported her.
So it's one thing if they want to say there's a law to arrest you if you go out and have a protest, but BLM and the same town can have them, the Muslims can demonstrate.
It's just the general public that can't because you're the slaves.
That's criminal as well.
But to say she doesn't have the right to say we should organize and march and demonstrate, just like that, they've banned your free speech and your right to petition.
Which they supposedly have in their Australian Constitution.
So, this is the same thing here.
Churches can't open, restaurants can't open, unless you're a Democrat.
BLM and the left can do whatever they want.
That's all this is, is selective martial law.
We'll come back with this footage and the UN bragging how they're in control of it.
But this is the UN in control and trying to take control of our guns, of our police, of our society, because the federal government goes, oh, we won't control what the states or locals do.
We're hands-off.
We're handcuffed by the ACLU and the liberals and George Soros' People he's gotten appointed and elected everywhere as district attorneys.
And so the Republicans sit there like they're still living in America, while the UN and Soros and their gangs totally take over.
And the same thing in Australia.
Australians, this is an international takeover, putting you under permanent martial law ahead of forced inoculations.
It will sterilize you.
It is your right and your duty to say no, and the police ...are guilty of treason against the people of Australia when as sycophantic followers they follow these orders.
Shame on you!
You are enemies of humanity, enemies of the people, and you are on notice.
And anybody in the constabulary in the United States or Europe or anywhere else that goes by this is enemies and are dangerous, violating the Geneva Convention and the Nuremberg Code of forced inoculation, forced medical testing and experimentation.
You are Joseph Mingala's henchmen!
You are criminal tyrants who've been trained to follow the orders!
Now if you live in Australia, can't call 1-800 as some can.
Dial the country access code at 512-646-1776.
The toll-free line, many can call from Australia on that.
512-646-1776. The toll free line, many can call from Australia on that 877-789-2539. 877-789-Alex. 877-789-2539.
877-789-2539. First calls only from Australia. If I sound like I'm concerned, I am. I
I'm also very, very exciting.
Humanity is making a good showing as we awaken to battling the globalists.
We've got them back on their heels.
If we just realize who they are, that they're the enemy, and just put our head down and politically tear their arms and legs off, It's over.
We still have problems to deal with, but humanity's got an incredible future ahead of us.
But we've got to stop these New World Order globalists first.
They're just the scum of the planet.
Now we've got one call from Australia.
I know it's, depending on the time over there, 1, 2, 3, 4 in the morning.
I guess four time zones.
You got John in Adelaide, Australia.
We'll go to him in a moment.
But since I mentioned this, there's literally too many videos of them, particularly on the news, choking women, even wearing masks.
That's not enough.
You're not allowed to go outside in some areas during the day.
And I go, why are they choking women in front of cameras when they would never do it to a Muslim or do it to a Black Lives Matter thing that they have in Melbourne and other cities that allow them?
Because it's about training you that they can do whatever the hell they want.
And you notice these are leftist officers in leftist departments who are monkey see, monkey do, ordered to do this to make other departments behave like this across Australia.
Ever been to Australia?
Known a lot of Australians.
Known folks that live there.
Hard working, nice, tough, funny people.
But it was a prisoner colony at first for people that hadn't done anything.
You know, if you couldn't pay your bills 200-something years ago, they'd throw you there.
The United States was set up.
A lot of us were brought here as prisoners, as indentured servants.
That's all we're, you know, good stock.
So the United States has a lot of similar things to Australia.
Wal-Wal-West, they've got their own.
But they've been a prison colony and the police have got a tight grip on a lot of folks.
They killed the real Crocodile Dundee.
The guy based off that movie, looked just like him, just like the guy in the movie.
They killed him back in the night.
He came to his house, wouldn't turn in his rifle.
The cops started shooting at him.
He killed two cops before they killed him.
So I'm not against police that are dutiful under the Constitution and under common law of the West.
And they're good people on average.
But evil wants control of the police.
And once it gets control, which it wants, they don't want to abolish them.
They want control like they got in Melbourne or in Beijing or in Madrid.
I mean, the police in Madrid, I know folks that are there.
Paul Watson is in Spain.
His parents live there.
And I mean, if you're not wearing a mask in public, the police crack you over the head with a billy club.
Well, they never got out of fascism.
Franco was with Hitler.
Franco never got rid of the fascism.
Spain is not a free country.
It's a beautiful country.
I was there and took a picture of a church.
Cops come over and they go, erase that.
And I said, what if I don't?
He said, don't make me hurt you.
And he was just as a matter of fact about it.
So see, you go under communism and globalism, oh, you're going to have the police.
They're telling you our police are like, oh yeah, right.
Being a globalist or communist country, You call the police about family violence or a shooting, they don't even show up most of the time.
They're there to collect money off you and that's it.
So, Australia ought to be ashamed of itself, and I'm going to say this again before we play this and go to your calls.
Everybody goes, oh, you really cared about that black woman police wrongfully shot in D.C.
Well, yeah, I don't care what color she is.
If it's in the wrong, it's the wrong.
Are you?
Why do you care about Australia so much?
Because it's the new, it's global government.
They're the beta test.
They admit they are.
This is all coming here.
Trump's trying to block it.
So here is the incredible footage of the poor woman.
It's posted by Rita Penahy.
Full articles on Infowars.com.
This is in retaliation for her being part of a Facebook group saying she was going to come out and rally like you saw in Berlin or London last weekend.
And here come the Thought Police thugs.
The death rate in Australia is like .0000 something.
It's made up, folks.
I mean, this is incredible.
So let's show these true enemies of humanity and what they do to her.
Let's roll the footage.
Yeah, you can show me your search warrant before you go through my house.
Search warrant for what?
Yeah, what I want to explain to you is if you want to listen, you got your phone going?
Yeah, I do, yeah.
Right, now you're under arrest in relation to incitement.
You're not obliged to say or do anything, but anything you say or do may be given evidence.
Excuse me, incitement for what?
What on earth?
Excuse me, what on earth?
Just put your phone down.
Can you, like, record this?
In my pyjama I had an ultrasound in an hour.
Yeah, she's pregnant, so... I'll take it easy.
What's this about?
I had an ultrasound in an hour.
Let me finish and I'll explain.
It's in relation to a Facebook post, in relation to a Let's rewind this.
The compartmentalized cop doesn't know this.
The problem is she's pregnant.
The vac seems to sterilize you on record.
So that's the problem, ma'am.
We're here to sterilize your ass.
The forced inoculations are coming in a couple of months.
They've already said it.
I'm not going to let you demonstrate.
I'm not going to let you rally people to stop this criminal action.
They've got to bring you to heel just like Nazi Germany.
Folks, this is Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia.
This is China.
This is the fall of Australia.
This is evil!
This is outrageous!
And the people who gave the orders should be arrested for life imprisonment.
For crimes against humanity.
Absolute tyranny.
Go ahead and roll it.
What's this?
Yeah, she's pregnant so... What's this about?
How can you arrest her?
She's pregnant so...
I'll take it easy.
I have an ultrasound in an hour.
Let me finish and I'll explain.
In relation to a Facebook post, in relation to a lockdown protest you put on for Saturday.
Yeah and I wasn't breaking any laws by doing that.
You are actually, you are breaking all.
That's why I'm arresting you in relation to this.
In relation to my children.
In relation to my two children.
Like, come on.
I'm happy to delete the post.
This is ridiculous.
I have to give you these Cautionary Rights.
Do you understand?
Yeah, that's fine.
Like, I'm happy to delete the post.
This is ridiculous.
Like, I'm just in front of her.
That's fine.
Maybe getting evidence.
Do you understand that?
Yeah, that's fine.
But my two kids are here.
I have an ultrasound and an hour.
Like, I'm happy to delete the post.
You also have the right to communicate with or to communicate with a legal practitioner.
Do you understand those rights?
Yeah, this is ridiculous.
Yeah, this is a bit unfair.
Come on, mate.
What about she just doesn't do the event?
Like, it's not like she's done it.
She made a post.
So that's an offence.
Now, search right.
Titles us, and we're required to seize any computers, any mobile devices.
Yeah, can I just get your badge there, mate?
Alright, hit pause again.
This is about terrorizing everyone else that you don't leave your house and you don't protest and you play along with this UN global government takeover.
As the head of the UN said last week, no one must be allowed to protest and no one must be allowed to say no to our vaccines that aren't even approved.
They're coming.
Everyone I know that was in the military had members of the unit die from vaccines.
Everybody knows this.
They're coming to attack you violently.
And these stupid cops don't know that they are literally going to have thousands of dead per city from these vaccines, Bill Gates admits.
And they will be complicit in the murder!
So, there's not much further to push.
Not much further to push.
With their siege and their martial law against us.
This horrible evil.
Let's continue and we'll go to the calls from Australia.
We've got John, Pat, Mason, PandemicMedic, and everybody.
We love you.
We're gonna get to you.
I'm gonna finish up with this lady.
Lady go ahead.
She's pregnant, like, come on.
I'm relaxed.
This is just very unfair.
The predator wants you to relax while the wolf takes away the sheep.
What we're gonna do, hit pause again, in a couple months it'll be what we're gonna do is take you to the medical wagon and give you a shot and then she'll have a miscarriage and be like, sorry mate.
This is all this is.
And notice the cops can wear masks now while they're doing it, like little bandits, see?
It's all been pre-planned, all been rolled out.
Let's continue as they haul off the pregnant mother.
Any mobile telephone you've got, okay?
Any mobile telephone you've got?
Yeah, neither.
It's actually my sister's phone, it's not mine.
It doesn't matter.
Any device in this house we're talking.
Well, you're not taking my phone.
I'm taking any device, man.
That's my phone.
It's nothing to do with her.
And they go on from that point wanting their phones.
He loves it.
Look at the guy's eyes.
He's like, I'm taking every device in this house.
These are the enemy.
And when the left gets your city, or your state, that's who you've got horrible, slimy, nasty pieces of garbage that will do anything they're told.
Until we 1776 them.
And Australia never had it 1776, and look at that predatory monster.
They have some regulation that you're inciting people to tell them to have a demonstration.
See how perfect it is?
Suddenly no right of assembly, no right because of a virus that's exaggerated, overblown, made up, all based on fraud, and online they won't let you protest it.
So now they won't let you protest it in the third dimension.
And they're trying to shut InfoWars down, so get your products while you still can at InfoWarsStore.com.
I said last day of the sale yesterday, I've been too busy to come up with a new one.
Shipping on a bunch of our best-selling items, 8-pack PowerStack X2, you name it.
50 to 60% off, get them in now.
We'll go to your calls from Australia in two minutes!
Stay with us!
Alright, I got really upset.
I've seen them brutalize, beat women.
What is it with Melbourne and a few other cities?
And these are the equivalent of the Kingsmen of old that would, you know, slit a woman's throat, they were told to.
And they're just monsters.
And they're there because this woman had free speech and wanted to stand up and say no.
And her most fundamental rights are thrown out under U.N.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
We're going to go John, Pat, Mason, Pandemic, Medic, Worker, and others.
If you live in Australia or have family in Australia, 877-789-2539.
We're on your calls now.
We're on your calls now.
Thank you so much.
John in Australia, thank you so much for joining us.
Tell us where you're calling from.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
For starters, I'd like to say I know you don't like to be thanked.
I've been listening to your show for many, many years, but I'm going to do it anyway.
God bless you.
Keep your brother and keep the best going.
Keep it alive.
I'm calling from Adelaide, South Australia, and I've had the urge for many, many years to call in, but It's getting really really strong at the moment.
I can see where we're at around the world and of course my own country.
And there's too many sheep over here, mate.
And they've got to wake up.
We're getting to the gritty end, the pointy end of the stick.
That's right.
Describe what it's like.
Describe what you've been under.
Well, there's a lot of sheep over here.
The upside of all this crazy stupidity going on, it's waking a lot of people up.
I'm constantly sharing articles.
I tune into the show every single day.
My wife, I think, is getting tired of me constantly talking about it, but she's not... The arguing about whether I'm right or wrong is slowly disappearing as she's starting to see it more and more.
And it's pretty surreal, mate, that we have to put up with this sort of craziness that not more people can actually connect the dots and get off the dot and actually do something about it.
You're absolutely right.
You know, my wife is, you know, was apolitical and now she saw all this.
She's totally on board and she's ready to go to war.
I mean, this is really waking people up right now.
Well, I can tell you right now, um, I'm 44 years old and there's no hope in hell.
I will be taking any goddamn vaccine created by Bill and Melinda Gates or any of the other dirt bags, satanic pieces of garbage.
They can all go and take a flying leap.
There's no way.
I mean, the upside is, I'm talking to people all the time, and you are create, they are really sort of hungry and looking for information, and I'm constantly sharing articles, I'm constantly printing articles, I'm constantly giving stuff away to people to say, hey, go and read this, go and check that out.
I'm constantly giving the links to So not only your show, but Mike and all the rest of them.
And I'm just hoping I can wake enough people up quick enough to put the brakes on this stupidity.
Absolutely, because people need to understand, the compartmentalized police are following orders.
That still won't get them off the conviction like the Nazis.
But this is a directed plan, so we know the next phases.
And I should create a one sheet with factoids, with a bibliography saying, first they lock you down this way, next they do that, next is contact tracing, next is an app to move around, next is forced inoculations.
They admit that's where this leads by next year.
And Australia has been chosen We're going to go to break.
I want you to finish up, John.
Don't hang up.
I promise I'll get to everybody else.
60-second break.
Why has Australia been chosen?
I've never been to Australia.
I've been invited to go speak there.
And then I heard they had some restriction on me coming there two years ago and they blocked a bunch of other people coming saying we're coming to stir up trouble.
And I said to the Aussies then, I said, the fact that they're restricting people coming into your country or into the UK for their speech shows it'll be you next.
And now a woman arrested for posting on Facebook that she was going to go to a protest.
We'll tell you who that lady is on the other side.
We'll be back in 60 seconds.
They're coming with a medical ID, they're coming with forced inoculations, and they're telling you it doesn't protect you and it makes you sick.
That means they failed in the cover-up of what vaccines really are.
You know, they shot up the black people here with syphilis and other sterilants.
The Tuskegee experiment, you know, they shot up the Aborigines in Australia.
It wasn't the Aussies that did it, it was the medical corps.
And compartmentalized groups, you know, they tried to recruit my dad into that.
That's one reason all these years later, I knew about this when I was a kid, because I was told about by my dad.
I thought everybody just knew this stuff.
But see, my dad didn't join in with him.
He was taught his class in Texas, in high school, already at college.
And I use that story because that's what this is.
And there's the stuff that adults know, and there's the stuff that children think they know.
So if you just joined us, There's all this election news and all this incredible stuff happening, and I'll cover it next hour.
We have an amazing guest next hour, Carlos Zapata, who was on fire.
And what did he say?
He said, you keep pushing, we will physically take you out.
And that isn't a threat, it's a guarantee, and you won't stop us.
You can hear it in his very voice, all of it's completely real, it's a commitment, and it's going to happen.
So I don't get up here and call these cops tyrants and evil and agents of corruption to act tough and to say they're really cruising for trouble.
I'm scared of what I'm going to do.
I'm not scared of them.
And again, you're like, well, wait a minute, you like the cops, but now they're the bad guys.
No, no, no.
Good constitutional police following the law and going after bad guys are wonderful.
When they start telling you that you don't have a right to go out and speak for a made-up, overblown virus that's been proven to be a fraud, and they keep people locked down for 10 weeks in their apartments saying they can't even leave, and suicides are off the chart, and people are dying of all these illnesses, and the hospitals are closed, and they tell you they're full, it's a fraud!
I'm going to stop ranting and go to your calls, but it's Freedom Day, Ballarat, Sturt Street, Ballarat Central, VIC, hosted by Zoe Lee.
Remember that name?
She's like the Rosa Parks of Australia.
Peaceful protest.
All social distancing will be followed.
They even go along with the stuff.
Please wear a mask unless you have a medical reason not to.
But in Melbourne, they wouldn't let you out with a mask.
I've seen women arrested.
September 5th is Freedom Day.
That's three days from now.
As some of you may have seen, the government has gone to extreme measures and are using scare tactics through the media to prevent the Melbourne protest.
Here in Ballarat, we can be a voice for those in Stage 4 lockdowns who can't leave their apartment towers.
We can be seen and heard and hopefully make a difference.
This is a woman fighting back against the martial law.
In lockdowns, stand for human rights!
We live in a free country!
Meet at the bottom of Strut Street, end of bridge, mall, 11am.
Make a sign, see you there.
And they arrested her and seized her computers because they think Aussies are cowards.
Just like they think Americans are cowards, but we're not.
This, I predict, will make the crowd ten times bigger.
And I predict this is the kind of stuff that will bring them down.
Show the footage as I talk to these callers of the huge rally in London, the rallies in Berlin and others this weekend.
This is incredible.
In fact, in solidarity for this lady, what is the 5th?
That'll be Saturday?
Saturday we're having a rally in Austin.
I'll figure out a good spot for it.
We're having one in solidarity.
We're going to have the Zoe Lee America's a free country event.
We'll call it a free Australia event.
I mean, because this is all in solidarity, people.
They're coming after us all.
I said I'd go to your calls.
We got calls loaded now from Australia.
Having gotten done with John in Adelaide, Australia.
Finish up your point.
Why did they pick Australia as the UN base?
I mean, they've said to where this is for the planetary regime.
They already did China as the example of a lockdown.
Now you're the example.
Why do you think they did that?
I think because, mate, the people I tend to believe, unfortunately, too much that the mainstream media, the TV, is their god.
Now, that's not always, that's not everyone.
I've done a lot of reading, a lot of research, and I'm more and more so now passing on information who, a few years ago, people would laugh at me.
Today, they're asking for it.
And let's be clear, look at Berlin, that's like a million people.
You're a leader.
They're a leader.
Zoe, don't you think this lady, Zoe Lee, is a leader?
I admire her.
Mate, if I could give her a medal, I would.
If I could support her, I would.
But with the current craziness climate, I'm getting really strong urges.
I've had it in the past, but even stronger now, to go and buy a piece of property out in the country somewhere and get off the grid.
The biggest problem we've got here is we are too apathetic.
There are too many people who, it's the she'll be right attitude.
I'm not sure if your callers are familiar with that term, but Australian callers will be.
But they don't actually care until it actually gets to their doorstep.
And by then, it's the old adage of it's too late to do anything about it.
You're absolutely right.
God bless you, sir.
This is a crime against humanity.
This is a Nazi-level event, putting these masks on children.
Suicides are up five-fold in Australia.
They're up four-fold here.
God bless you, and thanks for the call.
Okay, we got Jim in Queensland.
We got Pat.
We got Mason.
We're going to get to everybody right now.
Thank you for holding.
Let's go to Pat in Sydney, Australia, then Mason.
Go ahead.
Good night, Alex.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
I'd like to agree with everything that John said, and the answer to your question is that we've been disarmed.
We can't even buy a pea shooter in this country, and haven't been able to for the past 20 years.
Well brother, you're here on air, where do you think all this is going?
I think it's all going downhill real quick in Australia, but even worse in New Zealand.
Well tell us what you think should be done about it, and what you think your fellow Aussies are going to do.
I don't know what we can do.
We're disarmed.
We've got a conservative government in government and we've only got a leftist option in a two-party system.
Well the answer is the people just not complying.
What do you predict the arrest of this young mother who was pregnant for the crime of organizing a demonstration?
What do you think this will trigger?
I hope that all Australians will stand up and stand behind it.
But because we're all segregated into four different states and territories, we can't cross borders at the moment.
That's right.
You're under a form of martial law, so they stop you passing into other states?
If we try and go from New South Wales to Victoria, they actually have the military on the border.
God Almighty.
Anything else, Pat?
No, I'm good.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you.
And folks, I'm angry and I can pontificate.
We had a caller that was a medical worker in Australia who got cut out during the lockdown.
They were next.
Call back.
Callers are being really good.
They're leaving it open for Aussies.
And I promise I will get to all your calls that are on the board and won't make you hold.
I'm just ranting and raving.
I'm going to go to Mason, I'm going to go to Jim and Roger.
The calls we have left from Australia, open lines 877-789-2539.
And if that caller calls back, we'll go to the head of the line.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mason in Bristol, Queensland, or Brisbane, Queensland.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex. It's Nathan.
It's really good to speak to you, and I'm actually American citizen as well,
so I can relate to you very well.
And to be honest, I'm not all about Trump, but I feel like Trump is somewhat the lighthouse for everybody in this
world, currently at this current moment.
And I've been watching what Trump's been doing since he was elected into the presidency, as I'm sure you have as well.
I live in Queensland, which I'm kind of away from Melbourne, but I've got friends in Melbourne.
And I feel like, to be honest, right now what's happening is Everybody's too afraid to do anything because of that whole martial law situation.
Everyone's locked out of every state.
Pretty much no one can move anywhere else other than the state they're in.
But I think that a lot of businesses are really becoming ended with this whole situation.
They just don't want to deal with it anymore.
And I feel like a lot of businesses are going to stand up against this.
So that's going to create an issue with the government.
And I feel like at some point there's going to be a fight between the people.
I don't know what kind of fight that'll be, but that's what I think will happen.
Nathan in Brisbane, Queensland.
Don't hang up.
I'm going to come right back to you to talk about the sense of the public, what they're thinking, what you make of this great lady, Zoe Lee, being arrested after Facebook reported her for thought crime.
It's all coming up.
And then Jim in Queensland, Australia.
Roger in Washington from Australia.
More lines are open.
It's so cool to get your calls from Australia.
I'm going through them quick now.
Please stay with us.
And we're taking calls from Australia where the U.N.
is in control and has expanded martial law with the military on the state borders, major cities, a shutdown where you can't even leave your house or your condo, total collapse of the economy, mothers that planned demonstrations against it being arrested for inciting basically terrorism at their homes.
We showed the footage earlier.
We're taking calls right now.
Nathan, what is the sense in Australia?
I mean, do the people know that the COVID numbers have barely killed?
How many have died in Australia, even with inflated numbers?
They now admit here that almost no one's died of it.
It's been a big hoax to shut down the world economy, and now they want to use Australia as an example to scare the rest of the world into martial law.
Alex, I feel like the people, they probably understand to a degree but I don't think that a lot of people really are researching for themselves and I think that's just a trait of the Australian in general.
I don't know if that's going to be the case forever though because I feel like at this current moment people are starting to wake up and like the previous callers were saying that Other states are seeing things happen in other states, and then they're kind of questioning what's going on, and it doesn't sit right with people, so I feel like at some point there's going to be some sort of rejection.
How they're going to do that, I don't know, but... What's going on with Melbourne?
Why are they doing the most draconian stuff in Melbourne?
Personally, my personal opinion is because there's a lot more immigrants in Melbourne, and that's easier to control because it brought a lot of immigrants into that state.
That's right, they always do the draconian controls on a group that doesn't have as many rights, but then it's always exported to everybody else.
Yeah, well they don't know their rights as well as an Australian does, but at the same time we don't really know our rights either.
Well, a lot of people don't stand up for their rights anyway if they do know their rights.
Very well said points, Nathan.
How long do you think we'll put up with the lockdown?
They're talking about a lockdown forever now.
I don't think you can keep a human being down like that, especially if they've had freedom.
It's different when they're from, you know, places like North Korea, but I feel like there's going to be a point where people fight back.
I don't know how long that'll be, but it'll happen.
That's what I think anyway.
That's my opinion.
Do you know off the top of your head, I mean, I saw the numbers, it's like minuscule that have died in Australia from COVID-19.
It's less than 1%.
I've done the math on it already.
And that's, that's like, that's a really high number.
I mean, the actual numbers, it was like, I'd see articles like in one city, 10 deaths.
And then we know most of that's made up and just what's into the world for something not even as bad as the flu.
Very, very scary world.
Thank you so much.
All right, let's go ahead and go to Jim in Queensland, Australia.
Talking about store harassment and SAR COVID tracing.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, we're dual citizens.
My father was an American and my mom's Australian and we live in Sunshine Coast, which is in Queensland, north of where the previous caller in Brisbane called from.
And this is what's important because this doesn't get out in our news, okay?
And I hope the people in Australia that listen to your show a lot do will hear this, okay?
My sister was a member of our local council and that's like your Your city councilman, same thing, but they have more power in Australia and Britain, the British system.
My sister was in doing her shopping and her mask wasn't on and she's this, you know, she's an advocate for standing up against the hoax, you know, similar thing to like what you do.
And she was snatched out of the store.
And now before I say this, I'm going to tell you where she was taken because I want the people to hear this.
She was taken to Campbell Barracks in Western Australia.
She was snatched out of the store by the Australian SAS.
They are doing the same things now, at least in Queensland, that the British SAS did in Northern Ireland with the IRA.
Anybody that is in a local council that is against the vaccination, the mandatory lockdown, and they're called the SAS Regiment.
They're taking the Campbell Barracks.
My sister was held there for three weeks and then just recently released and the family's all going to America now.
She's scared.
The SAS snatched her just like they ate the British guys.
Well, let's explain.
Special Air Services was also caught staging bombings and blaming it on the IRA and leading the IRA.
I had a steak knife on about a month before they murdered him.
I didn't realize how big a guest it was when I had him on.
He was a former British high-level commando.
But for those that don't know, this is all UN.
This is the globalists taking back control of Australia.
This isn't even your government.
And, of course, she wasn't grabbed for not wearing a mask.
She was grabbed because she's been a leader and been critical of them, just like they grabbed this woman that was organizing a demonstration in Melbourne.
They're going after the leaders.
This is criminal, Joseph Mingala, Nazi-level stuff, and shame on the Australian leadership.
But this has never happened before in Australia, where they used the SAS against Australians.
Now, the police special branches, yes.
They've gotten like aboriginal leaders that were advocating terrorism or stuff like that.
But this is the very first time.
It is inconceivable in the state that, you know, like a Marine recon unit or the Army Green Berets would go and kidnap citizens and take Well, sir, I want to get your name and number and info, and I know your sister's probably scared, but the minute she goes public with her name and info, this will be international, and they're going to be in a lot of trouble.
I guess they tried to intimidate her and just scare her to shut up?
I mean, what did they do when she was in captivity?
Well, we haven't had a chance to talk to her yet.
She's still in transit, but from what we've heard from my brother-in-law, the first thing they did is they isolated her as if she was a criminal for two days.
Then they put, and I guess there's council members from all over Australia, that they're taking them to Campbell Barracks.
That's in Western Australia, and that's where the SASR, they call them in Australia.
Sir, I can tell you're totally credible, but I mean, she's a public figure, then tell us the name of the town and tell us her name.
It is Sunshine Coast, and I'd rather not Give her name.
Everybody in Sunshine Coast knows who it is because, you know, she's the popular rabble rouser.
Yeah, so the military is kidnapping Australian citizens to silence them.
I mean, this is one step away from death camps.
Yes, exactly.
And she's not the only one.
She said there were people from all over Australia.
And like you said, from South Australia, Melbourne area especially, the SAS had all of these council members from all the different little towns Primarily from South Australia, which is where Melbourne is, which is where all of this... Why do you think they released her?
Do you think they broke her?
I mean, because I heard she wants to leave now, is what you heard.
Well, we're dual citizen, okay?
So, my brother-in-law, again, I haven't talked to them, but there's a strong possibility that the American Embassy in Canberra contacted the Ministry of Defense.
Oh, so that's the only reason she got out.
Oh my God.
God Almighty.
So even our own country, our State Department knows about this, Alex.
Well, sir, this is a martial law drill.
They admit, and they say, you will be arrested if you don't take the vaccines starting next year if the Democrats win.
And it's going to be, I mean, this is it.
And then like, when they come for the conservatives and patriots, it'll be, oh, we're not coming for you because you're a conservative.
The computer showed you have COVID.
See how the fraud works?
And my sister was a vocal opponent As were all of these other council members from especially South Australia.
They're starting there.
Melbourne is the first city.
And any of the local council members, that's like I said, city council for little towns, that are vocally against this, They're getting snatched by the SAS.
God Almighty.
Jim, this is why they don't want InfoWars to exist globally.
We have listeners everywhere.
This is so precious that you're there.
Stay there.
Don't hang up.
I'm going to go to Roger, who's from Australia but in Washington State right now.
This is unbelievable.
All right, folks, we're back.
The last caller sounded very credible.
My BS detector was at zero, and I've already seen them arresting women and beating up women and arresting people for leaving their houses after eight, nine weeks of Level 4 lockdown.
And they've had 1,400 deaths in Australia.
Most of them died of other things.
So to put that in perspective, they've had probably 10 times the deaths from automobile accidents than with COVID-19.
This is a total power grab.
It's all admitted.
And the more you submit, the worse it gets.
You're not a hero wearing a mask.
You're not a hero going along with it.
You are writing your own destruction.
Now we got other huge news breaking.
I told you this was coming.
There's a new video.
It's on InfoWars.com.
Bill and Hillary warn Biden.
Do not concede under any circumstance.
Drag it out.
Contest it.
Same thing they've been saying.
Now it's official.
More of that coming up next hour.
When Carlos Zapata, an amazingly well-spoken veteran, joins us who laid out the fact that war is coming if these tyrants don't back down.
Let's go to these callers in Australia.
We've got Adam, Grant, and Roger.
And again, I love how we have an audience.
I can say, I want a call from Israel.
I want calls from Russia.
I want calls from Canada, calls from Mexico, and we'll get good calls.
So I'm very, very honored you're calling in, very, very honored you're there listening.
And this just shows how huge InfoWars is.
Thanks to our listeners spreading the word across the world.
This is so important to be here now, so they don't have information dominance and control.
Because as Mark Twain said, a lie goes halfway around the world.
Howdy Alex, long time listener, first time caller.
Once the truth puts its pants on, it wins the race.
I added that last part.
Kind of jazzing out there, improving on what he said.
One of the callers just hung up, or maybe they're coming back, we'll see what happens.
Rogers in Washington from Australia, then Adam in Melbourne.
Roger, what in the hell's going on in Australia?
Howdy Alex, long time listener, first time caller.
Australian by birth, but American by the grace of God.
And I've been watching this happen around us and compare the differences between Australia and America.
Pretty much we're the same people, but the difference is America's backed by the greatest constitution in the world, known to mankind period.
And the thing is, Australia doesn't have that.
And they've been de-armed, the population has.
Then what's happened on top of that, the media is in complete overdrive pushing this narrative about the COVID, about the BLM, the vaccinations and all of that that go with it.
And pretty much Australians are buying the all hook, line and sinker except for the few.
And the few that do resist, like your previous caller said, They're probably taken away to re-education camps.
I don't know what happened to that lady that was there from the Sunshine Coast, but if she's a dual citizen, I'd be returning back to America because I believe a quickening is happening around us right now, Alex.
It's global.
And people need to get right with God.
People need to get right with people that are like-minded.
And we start pushing back on what's happening.
No, I agree.
More than guns, more than water, more than food.
That's all important.
We need friendship and like-minded people.
The brethren.
That is what we need to have.
We can do anything together.
We need that moral support.
They want to isolate us.
They want us alone.
And you're right about that.
You know, this George Floyd incident, it was times too perfect to create a smoke screen on top of this COVID.
I don't believe that.
I don't know whether MKUltra or some sort of mind control was put in, but that lit the match around the world.
And all Western countries, be it Australia, the UK, America, they all bought into this narrative where, you know, all people's lives matter.
But it created a larger division amongst the masses.
And it just seems too perfectly timed We're dealing with one lie, and now we're... Oh, absolutely.
And remember, they took most of the guns in Australia 20 years ago, and now we knew what would come.
It's the same model, and it's an island, sparsely populated, and so they're beta testing, just like they're doing in Hawaii, and admitting it's coming here.
That's why we've got to resist.
We've got to say no, because the agenda gets worse.
They don't let the noose off our neck when we don't struggle.
They tighten it.
What happened in Australia 28 years ago, there was a mass shooting in Tasmania in Port Arthur.
And that's where Australia's gun laws changed forever.
And that story was total mind control as well.
Very suspicious.
I can't believe an autistic person could handle a rifle that well, where he could shoot a Beirut triple into a car, which is two through the windscreen, one through the radiator, and then do that to people.
I find that very hard to believe.
No, it was obviously special operations units.
And then they pick a really retarded person because they can't defend themselves, exactly.
God bless you, sir.
I appreciate your call.
Call me back again.
Amazing calls.
Adam in Melbourne, Australia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you going?
So I'm from Melbourne and I just thought you might want a Melbourne view on everything that's going on at the moment.
Please do.
Basically what all the other callers are saying is basically true.
Everyone here has so much faith in the mainstream media, the politicians and the police and they don't really question anything for themselves.
It's more like whatever they see, they believe.
And I think that's obviously a major concern and a problem here.
And I think People are starting to kind of work out what's going on, but I think we're still a long way away from making a big difference.
Why do you think Australia is the new beta test?
Because it's so controlled by China?
Or what's going on?
Because China was the beta test to scare us all.
Now they're using Australia as the new image to scare us.
Here showing us images saying, we need to never leave our houses.
We need to wear masks inside our houses.
You know, we need to, you know, go under UN control.
Why do you think Australia was chosen?
In a way, a bit of a rebellious country where we don't always follow what we're told.
So I think it was kind of a good testing ground to see how we would react to everything.
If we would abide with what they say, that's probably a good starting point for why they chose us, in my view.
Well, they're talking about never ending the lockdown and forced inoculations and tracker tracing.
I mean, I wonder, will the Aussies just be a closed country from now on and never leave their houses and all just starve to death?
Because the economy is already breaking down worldwide.
What's the economy like in Australia?
Oh, we just announced that we're in a large recession.
Yesterday that got announced.
So, the economy definitely isn't doing well here.
Contract tracing, that's already started.
I think it's definitely going to be rolled out further.
I think people are going to start realising what's going on and I think once it gets to a point beyond Absolutely, Adam.
God bless you.
I appreciate you calling from Australia.
Alright, we got 8-9 calls from Australia.
A few had to hang up.
I just hope that more people can really come to the senses and find out what's actually
happening here.
Absolutely Adam, God bless you.
I appreciate you calling from Australia.
Alright, we got eight, nine calls from Australia.
A few had to hang up.
I'm sorry I didn't get to you.
If you can still get in from Australia.
I know it's on average like 4 in the morning over there.
Dial your country access code 512-646-1776.
4 in the morning over there 877-789-2539. Dial your country access code 512-646-1776.
I've got a lot of other news, other areas to cover, but why did I leave with Australia
for an hour and 40 minutes so far? Because folks, this is the UN.
The U.N.
says America should turn its guns in.
The U.N.
said Australia should turn its guns in.
The U.N.
says Switzerland and Israel should turn their guns in.
Now they're starting to turn their guns in.
And now the U.N.
says our police are bad.
They're going to control them.
Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi is running around getting her hair done.
Lightfoot's getting her hair done.
And she says, well, I'm a public figure.
I'm important.
I get my hair done.
You don't get your hair done.
So they're just bringing back the class system where the new royalty is the bureaucrats and the liberals and the Democrats and you've got Boris Johnson in the UK and you've got the Australian leader as well, so-called conservatives, going along with this but they catch Boris Johnson out at places without his mask and Pelosi and all of them because it's a fraud.
Boris Johnson didn't have COVID-19, he didn't get sick.
It's all PR stunts, it's disgusting.
And It is the main globalist power move.
It's that simple.
We're going to come back.
I see the phone lines loading up.
Is that more calls from Australia?
We'll find out.
But if you just joined us, the article's on Infowars.com.
A pregnant woman of two who organized a demonstration in Melbourne coming up this Saturday.
She even said, social distance, wear your mask, BLM's allowed to march.
The Islamists are allowed to march.
Everybody else is allowed to march.
I say they should.
But not people against COVID itself.
Not people there saying it's overblown.
Not people saying it's a power grab.
The perfect way to shut down speech.
They're even saying Trump shouldn't have the RNC.
But Democrats can have all their events.
They can have the MTV Music Awards.
It's all monkey see, monkey do, cult programming.
What orders will you follow?
What will you submit to?
I will submit to nothing.
Don't have to wait for world government and forced inoculation and drone robot control anymore, or the pedophiles openly announcing your children belong to them.
All the denial's over!
Don't have to wait for the UN to tell you you're going to take forced inoculations and that nation states must follow their orders and turn in your guns.
It's here.
And they won't control your police department, so they'll be under their control in the so-called warrior class.
We have one more caller from Australia, Grant in Queensland, and then I'm going to hit the news.
Schools now threaten to exclude students who make jokes about coronavirus.
It's a new political correctness.
Don't talk bad about black people.
Okay, fine.
Oh, now you can't criticize the made-up, exaggerated virus.
Now you learned how the political correctness operates.
You must submit to the new religion of germophobia and the inoculations that sterilize you.
For those who just joined us, the article's up on Infowars.com with a video.
Australian pregnant woman arrested in her home over anti-lockdown Facebook post.
They said, you're not allowed to do that.
Here's her post.
Freedom Day, Strut Street, Ballarat Central, Vic 3350, Victoria, Australia.
In Melbourne.
Peaceful protest.
Everyone should be there.
Everybody should stand with her and let these thugs know that they're not gonna win.
Let's go to Grant.
In Queensland.
Grant, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Brother, give us your take on this situation.
Oh, mate, we're... Australia's walking around with their eyes shut.
Alex, the whole world's falling apart, as far as I see it.
Thank God for America.
America's the last stand, I think.
Wow, we're not doing too good.
So, you say a lot of people are asleep.
A lot of people are asleep here.
What are you witnessing?
What are your friends and family saying?
What are the points you want to impart to folks?
And I know it's... What time is it where you're at?
4 a.m.?
Yeah, I'll just... I've slept in, Alex.
I normally get your broadcast every morning and I was up playing with guns and all that sort of stuff last night.
Everyone's a bit of a panic in my camp but we've been organising storable food and gold and silver for months now so yeah, everything's gone a bit wild out here.
Well, what is your sense?
I mean, we know it's a world government takeover, but where do you think they're leading?
Why is Australia under the gun more than anybody else outside China?
Well, I listened to the Common Sense Show yesterday.
I hear the UN are training in China.
I think the UN is China.
By the way, that's true.
The UN is training a giant army in China.
That's true.
They're training a mainly Chinese army.
I was hearing over a million men.
That's pretty scary.
Yeah, I put all my time and effort in to see what's happening around the world.
And I get any opportunity, I'll grab people's phone and put your app in there.
And I get laughed at most of the time.
Well, yeah.
Well, they won't be laughing later when the Chinese troops invade.
That's right, buddy.
Because you know Australia and New Zealand, after China invades the South China Sea, you're the big plum.
We're the jewel in the crown out here.
Once they get to the China Sea, they're already in New Guinea, up to the Solomons.
They're on their way, mate.
You think the Aussies will be laughing then?
No, mate, no.
I don't know what's going to happen out here.
Well, here's the problem with people in Australia and America.
They're good people and they think everybody's like them and they project their niceness onto people.
I mean, you think that's the problem?
Oh, they just believe, everyone believes mainstream media.
I can't even take, um, I can't even take tank water to my family and have them drink it.
They prefer to drink, buddy, the water out of the tap that's full of fluoride.
I give them more of your products and I've got to...
Oh yeah, it's hard work Alex, making people believe.
Well brother, I think Australia is ahead of us in some ways, but behind us in others.
And Aussie's always calling her awake and mad about it, and I get it.
Ten years ago, nobody cared about fluoride in the water, now everybody does.
I think you guys are behind us, because you've had it a little bit better than we had in some ways.
Things have gotten crazy here, and so, I know they're crazy there too, but don't be mad at people.
They're going to wake up later.
They're going to laugh today, they're going to cry later.
What really matters is we wake enough up That before it's too far gone, we can win.
And then, my friend, you'll be celebrated.
Not that that's a good thing, but it's just a fact.
God bless you.
What did Mark Twain say?
In the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man, hated, feared, and scorned.
But later, when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
Think about that quote.
In the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man.
Hated, feared, and scorned.
But in the end, when his cause succeeds, Tim would join him.
Because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
And we're not mad at the Lemmings.
They're followers.
There might be one leader out of 50 people if you're lucky.
And a lot of people join evil once they're a leader.
They go, you know, I'm a leader.
And the system comes to you and says, hey, you're a leader.
Join us.
And most people go, I will join you.
Another call in Australia.
Then I'm going to hit all this news.
I have a special guest joining us.
There's so much bragging.
Lyndon in Australia.
Thanks for holding.
Where are you calling from in Australia?
Good day.
I'm in Melbourne.
I'm in the suburbs and I'm just Basically disgusted with our government at the moment.
I can't believe what they're doing.
We're living under martial law, basically.
We're in a curfew.
You can't go out after 8pm.
You can't get up before 5am.
My girls have to carry work papers and go through roadblocks manned by the military with their Soviet-style papers.
Let me ask you this, sir.
and that's they're lucky enough to work in a food industry that actually gets to go to
A lot of people just don't even have jobs at the moment.
Let me ask you this, sir.
What is it like to be under this and to know that it's all based on a pretty much a hoax?
I mean an overblown, 90 plus percent overblown situation.
I mean do Aussies know how overblown it is?
I mean you've had 1,400 people die from this and most of those died from something else and it's the UN directing it.
Well, I think most people are just basically have no idea because our media is like every channel is CNN.
Our national broadcaster ABC is totally left-wing, CNN-style, and every commercial channel, we only have the ABC and three major channels, and they're all 24-7 bashing this COVID narrative into everyone, and everyone's Believe it, because there's not a lot of alternative media.
Well, that's it.
So it's a total cult of information, which is so dangerous.
And that's why they want to shut InfoWars down.
There's not much independent media left here in the U.S.
Yeah, and most people just... Australia, if they knew, they would wake up instantly.
But it's just... The narrative is just so controlled by the mainstream media, and we don't have I don't think many people are listening to Infowars because it's 4am in the morning.
I'm a long time fan and I just want to say thank you Alex.
You're a modern day saint.
You're a John the Baptist.
Well listen, brother, you are too.
We're all just not wanting to get taken over.
And once the economy implodes, they call it the global reset.
They want to make you all poor, make me poor, to control us.
So I'm just trying to survive.
God bless you, brother.
We appreciate you.
Speaking of this, I haven't really plugged the last two hours.
And if I don't, we won't be here.
Because we're barely bringing enough money to operate.
I'd love to expand.
I'd love to launch a bunch of other operations, like Operation Hydra.
I was talking about my crew this morning, about trying to inspire folks.
Go to InfoWarsTore.com, especially if you live in the U.S.
or Canada, where we can ship stuff to you easy and take advantage and get books and films and water filter and air filter and really high quality storable food.
Everybody needs storable food.
We can ship it in one to two weeks.
The other places don't even have food.
The food prices are going up.
The food distribution systems are breaking down.
And this is insurance you can eat.
It's high-quality food.
And some of it tastes okay.
Some of it tastes gourmet.
Compared to the leading competitors, it's amazing.
So I went out and found you the best product I could.
It's how we fund ourselves.
And I believe if you don't have a three-month, six-month year supply, you're crazy.
And you need water filters.
We have the highest rated systems, both ProPure and Alexa Pure, that you can get water out of a swamp.
10,000, 20,000 gallons, depending on the unit.
These are basic things you need.
I'm selling them.
It's how we stay on air.
But just a crazy, crazy time, folks.
It makes my blood boil watching them do this, these women particularly.
But these aren't Australians.
These are globalist minions, just like here in the U.S.
We'll be back with our number three with a very special guest.
You'll want to stay with us.
All right, Alex Jones here, back live.
Carlos Zapata, who spoke a few weeks ago at a California City Council and got a lot of great attention because what he said was all dead on, said better than I could say it.
He'll be joining us coming up.
I just spent two hours on Australia because the UN is in control of national policy of every country but a few.
The US was under their policy.
At the WHO and at UNESCO.
Trump's pulled out of both.
Pulled out of UNESCO three years ago.
Because when you sign on to that treaty, the UN is in control of your immigration policy.
It was bringing us refugees that were 80 plus percent Islamic age, military men.
And so Trump pulled us out of that.
And then a few months ago, as you know, he pulled us out of the W.H.O.
This is the real deal, folks.
And then the W.H.O.
has come out and criticized us owning guns and said we're racist and our police are bad.
When there are some bad cops, good, fry them when they're bad.
But I mean, statistically, if you're a black man getting shot by cops is like about 14 black men are killed wrongly a year by cops, even with mainline numbers.
I mean, but every time it happens, it's like burn all these cities and try to destabilize the country.
As Kanye West came out and said, 22 plus million black people have been killed.
That clip's coming up.
In fact, let's just do this.
Let's say the Clintons came out again, now with Bill, and said contest the election no matter what.
Even though they admit Trump's going to win in the poll numbers, they're still going to contest it with their mail-in ballots.
And then play the clip of Kanye.
He came out and said, Black Lives Matter is fake.
If you cared about black lives, you'd care about abortion.
Passed by Margaret Sanger to kill black people on record.
So here's both those clips.
And I said, my advice to Joe Biden, and I've told the campaign this, obviously, is do not concede under any circumstances because I believe the other side is going to cheat and sneak and try to do everything they can.
He's not going to leave if he loses.
And so we're going to be resolved and we're going to be strong and we're going to be You know, on that front line.
And we're going to get our country back.
That's our plan.
We're going to get our country back.
That's the plan.
No borders, no walls, no USA at all.
America sucks.
Sell us out to China.
Have Hollywood demoralize us.
Have horrible policies where the military has record suicides.
All of this.
Promote pedophilia.
And she's like, we're going to get our country back.
Smiling like a little goblin demon.
With Bill the pervert pedophile in the background.
Here it is.
Here's Kanye.
To the award show because it was a setup.
Now, okay, so let us get to, let's get to life.
In 50 years, there's been over 22,500,000 black people aborted, strategically and on purpose.
Planned Parenthood was set up and placed in minority communities to Kill black people.
You're talking about when Margaret Sanger, the originator of Planned Parenthood at the time, because a lot of people, when you say things like that, in their defense, they say, well, Planned Parenthood today is a different organization.
But what you cannot deny is these facts that Ye is about to give you right now.
Here we go.
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was an avowed racist whose goal was to reduce the black population in America, and she succeeded.
80% of abortion clinics in America are in minority neighborhoods.
Over 22,500,000 black babies have been aborted in 50 years.
black babies have been aborted in 50 years. Over 1,000 black babies are
aborted every day. So that means we are inside of it as we speak.
This is genocide.
So wait, we are inside of genocide as we speak.
So what about the people that are going to argue and say, but... Alright, last segment of this hour, I'm going to play more of this, but imagine 14 black dudes killed wrongly by the cops, maybe each year, versus hundreds of thousands, millions killed each year.
Again, it's the genocide group running the black leadership.
That's what Margaret Singer went and did, is they hired the black leadership and created the NAACP and all of it to exterminate black people.
Speaking at a city council about a week and a half ago, Carlos Zapata, a business owner, a father, a veteran of the Iraq War, Laid out what was really happening, and I think did a 100% dead-on job, better than I could have done in two minutes, in Citizens Communications, to challenge their arrogance, to lay out the facts, and let them know the reality that even a minority of us are highly motivated and stand up.
They cannot stop us.
Here's what he had to say.
I wasn't going to speak.
I was asked to speak here.
You know, Sheriff, good to see you.
I'm telling you guys, you know, I'm pretty appalled at what's going on.
You know, at first we sat as concerned citizens that we all want to figure out how to best navigate our way through this whole COVID thing, you know, and As we realize that it's not quite as dangerous as we thought it'd be.
I was absolutely appalled at the cowardice.
And as you're sitting there with your masks on, I don't blame you for wearing masks because I'd be hiding my face too if I was you for what you're doing.
It's absolutely horrendous what you're doing to these people.
I'm a business owner.
And I'm telling you, our families are starving.
You guys can sit here with your jobs.
You can sit here and you're going to get paid.
You can fall asleep in your chair like that gentleman's doing behind his mask right there.
And I'm telling you right now, that right now we're being peaceful.
And you better be happy that we're good citizens, that we're peaceful citizens.
But it's not going to be peaceful much longer.
And this isn't a threat.
I'm not a criminal.
I've never been a criminal.
I'm telling you, good citizens are going to turn into real concerned and revolutionary citizens real soon.
And nobody else is going to say that.
I'm probably the only person that has the balls to say what I'm saying right now.
That we're building, we're organizing, and we'll work with law enforcement or without law enforcement.
But you won't stop us when time comes because our families are starving.
If you don't hear the seriousness of my voice, I hope you open your ears and you absolutely listen to what I'm saying.
Because this is a warning for what's coming.
It's not going to be peaceful much longer.
It's not going to be rah-rahs.
It's not going to be speeches.
It's not going to be gathering outside saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
It's not going to be waving flags.
It's going to be real.
When you've seen the things that I've seen, I went to war for this country.
I've seen the ugliest, dirtiest part of humanity.
I've been in combat.
And I never want to go back again.
But I'm telling you what, I will to save this country.
If it has to be against our own citizens, it will happen.
And there's a million people like me.
And you won't stop us.
Open the county.
Let our citizens do what they need to do.
Let owners of businesses do what they need to do to feed their families.
Take the masks off!
Quit masking and muscling your children!
The psychological damage you're doing to them is horrible.
I've had six friends kill themselves since it's happened.
Veterans who lost their jobs.
How do you feel about being complicit in perpetuating that?
The greatest folks ever perpetuated on the American people and you're part of it by wearing your masks.
In Shasta County, we're supposed to be red country up here.
Not blue country, we're red country up here.
You guys know that?
You claim to be conservatives, maybe you're not, maybe you're liberals, I don't know.
But by God, we're Americans.
And remember that.
Take your masks off.
Quit muzzling yourselves.
Join us.
Fight with us.
Against what's going on in Sacramento.
Carlos Zapata joins us.
Recent video went viral in which Carlos Zapata tongue-lashed the Shasta County Board of Supervisors in Redding, California for invasive mask and lockdown policies, similar to what we've seen in Australia related to COVID-19.
He's a former Marine husband, father of four Iraq veteran, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt, and teacher.
He is a resident of Palo Credo, California and a patriot, the owner of the Palomino Room in Red Bluff, California.
And he joins us.
So, Carlos, we really appreciate you.
We love what you said.
It's totally true.
You've got the floor.
I could ask a hundred questions of why you went and spoke, what happened since, what's happening with the exodus from California, where you see this going, but just you've got the floor, my friend.
Let us have it.
Thanks for having me.
Thanks for what you're doing.
You know, you're really getting a lot of good word out there and you're saying things that are resonating with a lot of people where maybe a year ago people would have thought folks like us are crazy.
Now they're listening and they're tuning into our platforms because we're saying exactly what they're thinking.
And yeah, so obviously this started a couple weeks ago, and I never had any plans to speak or to be so vocal about the things that I was thinking, you know.
I've been vocal in small circles, you know, within my group of friends, within my small scope of influence, but never would I have dreamed that this was going to go this viral and this big.
But that day, that night, I sort of got thrown And by a friend of mine who's been a great organizer, Alyssa McKeown, has been an awesome organizer here in our community.
And she threw me to the front of the line at the Board of Supervisors meeting, and I figured I had two minutes to give them everything that I had and to put as much information as I could possibly put in front of them, you know, and then put the ball in their court.
Because they've absolutely dropped the ball, you know.
And what happens here, like most counties across the country, is that They are beholden to the state governments for money.
You know, we have a tyrant of a governor here in California, which you all know Gavin Newsom, who's holding a lot of money over their heads.
And if they don't comply, if they don't obey what his tyrannical dictatorship is mandating, then the counties aren't getting that money.
But we're to the point now where we want the county supervisors to understand that the money doesn't come from the government.
It comes from us, the citizens.
It comes from business owners.
comes to people being able to do commerce here locally and and you know
outside of the area and and that's where we're at so you guys saw what I said I
think the only incorrect thing I said was that there's a million people like
me I think there's more like probably 30 million people like me who would fight
and I think there's probably 30 million ready to fight now and as soon as we
would did that we'd have a hundred million behind us I mean victories there
as long as they don't distract us off if things get physical into some side
But I don't see that happening.
I just see them taking our kindness as weakness.
Where do you think this is all going gut level?
You seem to have your head screwed on.
I'll tell you what, Alex.
Nobody wants war.
You know, especially those of us who have been there don't want to repeat that.
But I don't see any way out.
The one thing I know about the socialist programs that they want to instill, they want to turn us into a socialist communist country.
Let's make no mistake about it.
And you can't vote your way out of socialism.
And this is what they wanted to feed down our throats forever, right?
Well, if you don't like what's going on, you wait two or four years and then you vote that person out, you know, and you get newly elected officials that hopefully, you know, resonate with what you want them to do.
But that's not the way that socialism works.
Once it takes root into any country, I know this because my parents came from Peru and my family came from Chile and they came from these countries that were ravaged by socialism.
And had they been able to vote their way out, maybe they would have stayed and changed their country.
But the only way that you get out of a socialist state or a communist state is you either have to leave it or you have to fight.
And there's nowhere else for us to go.
My dad said to me a couple of days ago, he said, son, we came here because it's the last pillar of freedom.
Where are we going to go from here?
We have no other country that we can pack up our stuff and our families and move to to start a new life.
And this is it.
My gut feeling, Alex, is that we're at that boiling point where there's a lot of angry people like myself that have been criminalized for doing the most fundamental thing, which is To open our businesses and earn a living for our families.
And the only way that I see out of this is to fight if they fail to listen to our words.
Because they've completely, completely failed to listen to our words at this point.
You know, the mandates just get more strict and more regulations come down the pipeline.
And it's almost like they feed you a little bit of a carrot, right?
Every couple weeks, the governor gets on.
He says, hey, we're getting closer to opening again.
And then boom, they take it right back from you.
And if you ask me personally, I think it's an experiment.
It's a game.
Oh, they admit it's a giant experiment.
And all they do is tighten, tighten, tighten, tighten, tighten into their cult.
And Bill Gates admits it's a post-industrial world.
It's total economic control.
So they can dictate to us, as you said, in Latin America, anywhere, rich, powerful countries, till they go communist and socialist, because they do it on purpose to make people poor, to dictate to them.
This has nothing to do with equitable wealth.
It has nothing to do with creating a sense of equality, you know, for everybody as socialism sells itself.
And you've got a lot on your head, Alex.
You know, they're not even trying to hide or disguise this anymore.
You know, even Castro himself in Cuba tried to disguise what he was selling from a centrist point of view, right?
He told people that this was going to be good for everybody and he made promises, you know.
Well, he was a secret communist.
You know your history.
He was a secret communist.
A hundred percent.
And these guys now, they're not even secret anymore.
You know, here we are in the United States of America in 2020, and it's no secret what they want to do, where they used words like progressive and liberal before.
Now they're just admitting that they're straight socialists, and we all know that communism is the next step to socialism.
Carlos Zapata, you're on, you're exploding, you're on fire.
When we come back, what do you want to cover next?
I got a lot of questions, but what do you want to get to next?
You know what, Alex?
Let's just talk about where our country's going and how we got here.
I think we need to understand how we got here in order to understand where we're going.
Know how we got here, to know where we are, know where we're going to go and make that decision.
Everybody needs to know, no more procrastination now, folks.
We're in the jaws of the fight.
And if we fight back, we're going to win.
But if we go along with the creature that's got us in its jaws, we're going to lose.
Don't forget the news websites are InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I also will ask Carlos Zapata, the best place for people to visit him, I guess it's at Carlos underscore Zapata underscore one.
And on Instagram, Carlos dot Zapata dot nine zero.
We'll be right back.
So folks used to hear us 20 something years ago talking about all this, saying that sounds crazy.
Nobody throw away America.
All this freedom and all the wealth.
We've got problems, but no one would throw it away for North Korea or Cuba.
You don't understand, there's powerful interests behind it that want that.
It's not Kim Jong Un or Kim Jong Il or Fidel Castro you're fighting.
It's the multinational banks.
It's the consortiums that are now out in the open.
that intend to do it and now people aren't laughing, which is a good thing.
People are starting to wake up. I agree with Carlos Zapata and I watched his video the other day.
I think I even said that on air. I said this is like a perfect two minutes,
except I think it's more than a million. He's right. But will those more than a million stand
up speak out? So let's talk about how we got here. Next time we'll talk about where we're going.
Carlos, take over.
Hey, I'm sorry. So I've been a student of history my whole life, you know.
I was a history major in college, which doesn't really mean anything, but I've read a lot and I've experienced a lot, you know.
And I'll tell you that I've always felt like there was an attack on the American male, an attack on the alpha male, you know.
And from the time we were kids, we were told you can't fight, you can't cuss, you can't talk aggressively.
You can't make fast decisions.
You can't you can't win, you know, and we're to the point now where you got to think about this, you know, we've got to the point in America in the world where we actually play sports.
We don't allow a team to win.
Think about how ludicrous that is.
If you don't think that that eats away at the soul of a man or a soul of a human that then you're absolutely blind, you know, because you're doing nobody any favors.
You're not doing any.
Participation trophy.
And this is a community and society that we live in now.
And you got to ask yourself, why are they doing this?
Are they really doing it because they want that loser kid to feel better about himself or that person that maybe makes a bad decision and not to feel the consequences of it?
No, they do this because they know that if they eat away at our drive to win, they can start to inject and interject these socialist policies and these communist policies.
They know that eventually they're going to try to make us all the same, where there's
no winners, no losers.
And we've seen this coming, right?
I mean, I have four children.
I think that's maybe why I have a voice in the community, because I'm every dad, I'm
every American, you know?
I have a business, I have a family.
And I see it in my kids, you know, where our kids are being raised now to feel guilty if
they're better than the next kid.
They're made to feel like they need to regress or be less in order to be like everybody else, you know.
And if you have half a brain between your ears, you know that that leads to absolute, absolute just loss, loss of culture, loss of economy, loss of everything.
Go ahead.
They don't want to put pressure on kids to make them excel.
And I remember, I was not a good soccer player.
When I was like six years old, they put me in soccer.
I remember being at the pizza place at the end of the year.
And they were giving out the participation trophies and nobody told me what they were.
But I knew I wasn't good at it, so it made me want to quit.
Because I wasn't mad at the kids that got the big trophy.
I knew I didn't deserve it.
And even as a mammal, as a male, as a human, I knew there was something wrong with that.
That I didn't deserve that.
So you're talking about the other side of it.
The kids that excel, they're saying, you excelling doesn't matter.
And then that takes the drive out of people, which makes them soulless.
100%, you know, a thousand percent.
And people like you, people like me, people like the kids that were raised and understand this, they understand that there is a loser and there's a winner.
And here's the deal, you know, it's okay to make mistakes.
It's okay to fail, right?
But we can't live in a society where we don't allow people to fail because in all the failures that I've found my success, that I've found my way, Around towards success, right?
So you can't make a good decision unless you know what a bad decision feels like smells like, you know, and and I've made plenty of those, you know, which is why I am where I am.
But, you know, Alice, I think we're in the most existential crisis that we've ever been in in our lives, you know, in my 41 years on this Earth, I never would have thought that we'd be fighting for our very identity.
And I know you've talked about it before, but when they're knocking down statues of our history, That's knocking down a statue of who we are today, you know, of who I am as a person.
Now, am I a racist?
Have I ever been a racist?
Will I ever be a racist?
But, you know, to say that I'm a bad person because I think that we should have Confederate statues in the South does not make me a bad person.
It makes me a student of history, a person that understands that If we erase how we got here, we erase our identity, and that's what they want.
At the end of the day, they want a bunch of robots that are simply going to do what they say.
And we're seeing that.
We're seeing the result.
Listen, I hate to admit it, but they're winning.
You know, they've gotten us to a point where I go to our local grocery store.
I live in a town of 1,200 people, and I go to the grocery store, and I see people who are otherwise pretty tough, country-living people wearing masks all of a sudden, where, you know, three months ago, they weren't.
But they've been talked into this.
They've been felt guilty.
And when I asked them, why are you wearing this mask?
They said, well, I just don't want the confrontation.
You know, I just get anxiety from thinking that somebody's going to approach me and tell me to put a mask on.
I said, well, you know, that's the problem.
The problem is, is that going back to what I said earlier, we've been taught that confrontation is bad.
We've been taught that fighting is bad.
We've been taught that standing up for yourself is bad, you know, and And I don't know, I've been a fighter my whole life.
I love to fight, so I have no problem walking by somebody.
And once they get you, as you know, Mr. Zapata, to give up on the one thing, now it's going to be contact tracing.
California has announced, when you go to any grocery store or business, they're going to write down who you are, put it in a database, and then comes the contact tracing, then comes the forced inoculation.
They admit.
It's not like we're speculating.
This is coming very soon.
You talk about war.
It's one thing to shut down a business.
It's no longer speculation at all.
Keep going, sorry.
No, it's no longer speculation at all.
The day's coming where they're going to tell me that I cannot have a business license unless I have a vaccine for this COVID, fake COVID virus.
I'm telling you, it's coming.
No, I agree.
So when you say, lie in the sand, I'm ready to go to war, I mean, it's not like we're starting a fight.
They're coming with medical tyranny.
Have you seen Australia where they're beating up women and arresting women that organize demonstrations?
And that's coming soon.
So things that we're seeing now even in our own cities, right?
Look at Portland, look at Seattle.
We're seeing things that five years ago we were watching on the news in third world countries and thanking God that we were Americans and that would never happen here.
And here we are now having this conversation, Alex, where You know, six hours away, people are killing people because of who they're voting for.
You know, because the guy's a Trump supporter and he's getting killed in the street.
Because we thought it could never happen.
That's key.
Get into that.
We have just been sleeping on our laurels, living on our laurels, and people need to get, no, the assaults now.
This isn't another probe.
It's not a joke.
This is the attack.
Yeah, we are here.
They've crossed the line of departure.
I've been called a domestic terrorist since my speech.
I've been called an insider.
I've been called a lot of things by some people.
But let me tell you that I've gotten literally hundreds of thousands of text messages, emails, Facebook messages, Instagram messages, Twitter.
Of people that say, just let us know when and we will be there.
If I put up the balloon right now and I said, hey, I need a million people here with guns, they would show up.
And that's leadership, brother.
And that's what scares the system.
I think they jumped the gun.
They were planning this later.
But Trump made them launch a plan that they had planned maybe a decade from now.
Yeah, and they've underestimated guys like me and guys like you.
They've underestimated the fact that, you know what, us veterans, we look forward to peaceful lives and raising our families in the way that we see fit.
But if we have to go to war, we have to remember that the oath that we swore, the oath when I raised my right hand as a younger man to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that did not end with my contract.
The day that I left active duty, that contract Between me and the Constitution, between me and my country, stay very much alive.
Until the day that I die, until the day that I take my last breath, you know, I have to uphold that oath, you know, of fighting.
Stay there.
You're on fire.
We're going to come back and you're going to continue on with what's coming next.
And again, you swore an oath, you're still following it.
All of us.
No, we're going under slavery here.
So this is survival now, too.
And the more people lay down, the more they're in denial, the worse it's going to get.
But I want people to understand something.
We're not up here trying to act dramatic.
This is the whole buildup of the takeover.
The globalists admit, now at Davos, this is their reset.
This is to teach you to be poor.
This is to get rid of small businesses.
You talk about discrimination.
They talk about black or white all day.
What about small businesses can't be opened but Walmart and Target and Governor Newsom's wineries can?
This is so obvious, and then they admit it's a vertical integration.
So, you talked about in that speech, things are going to get physical, because you're physically starving us.
You're physically trying to forcibly inoculate us.
You're physically, you are attacking us with, you know, fifth generational warfare.
And as a man, as a father, I'm not trying to prove myself.
I'm not looking for a fight.
But genetically, at a cellular level, I can't get my mind out of it now.
As I see we're under assault, I'd be in Stockholm Syndrome if I decided to just go along with it.
So how do we get the public not to go under Stockholm Syndrome, but not start a shooting war?
Is there a third rail, a way to get out of this before it's too late?
You know, the mechanisms are set in place through our Constitution, you know, but the problem is, Alex, is that the Constitution has been completely disregarded at this point.
You know, if we were still Uh, operating under constitutional law and constitutional ideals, we wouldn't be having this conversation because those mechanisms of how we deal with this would be there.
The biggest mechanism that we have that was granted upon us is obviously our Second Amendment.
We can talk till we're blue in the face, but if our message does not have teeth behind it, if we don't have that bottom line, but we're actually willing to go into a kinetic type of warfare for our ideas, then our message means absolutely nothing.
And that's what's happened.
They've mistaken our kindness for weakness because they thought that we would never actually go into that kinetic fight.
And we will.
And we have to because, listen, I've done well for myself, but I can't afford to lose any more money.
I can't afford to have a closed business that I've put half a million dollars of my own money into.
In the last year, you know, and there's other businesses that aren't going to be okay other businesses that won't open again.
So you've taken away our most fundamental right which is what the pursuit of happiness, right?
The pursuit of happiness was put written for a reason because somebody knew that one day we would be able to open our business, but they also knew that someday somebody was gonna be able to take that away from us and the foresight that our forefathers had.
It's absolutely divine.
If we can't see that, if we can't see that these were the most intelligent
men that ever lived that wrote a constitution, that we're just simply not
American and we hate our culture, we hate our country, but that's why we're here.
And these, these piranhas I call them, these liberal piranhas are so good
at feeding off of the vulnerable.
So, let's talk about what's happened in Central America.
What happened there?
They preyed on the least of these, right?
They preyed on the native population that was uneducated, and they turned them against the white man, against the European man, right?
And they told them that it was their fault that they were where they were.
It was their fault that they weren't educated.
It was their fault they didn't have good schools or housing or whatever, you know?
And they're doing the exact same here, but let's call it the black population, okay?
They've taken a black population, a fatherless society, and trid them against everybody else.
This is what we're seeing.
BLM and Antifa gaining ground in this country.
Without that population, they would have nothing because the rest of us aren't going to fall for that.
Now listen, this is not a knock on a black community.
In fact, I have seen some fantastic... You're talking about Liberation Theology, the CIA, the foundations.
It's on record.
They take schisms and manipulate them for division.
A hundred percent, and there are some great black leaders coming out of this, and I think that the black community is awakening now and seeing that they've been taken advantage of, they're being raped, and they absolutely are being kept under the thumb of liberal thought.
Look at Kanye West!
Look at Kanye West!
One hundred percent.
Look at folks like David Harris Jr., that's a good friend of mine, you know?
People who are intelligent and coming out and saying, look, we need to address the problem.
And if it makes me a racist to address a serious problem because I want you to fix it, then label me what you will.
But I'll say that, look, I'm trying to fix the problem.
Unless we identify what the issue is, we can't fix it, right?
So what is the heart of the matter?
It's the megacorporations playing us against each other using psychological warfare, cheating.
They need to be brought to justice.
It's absolute.
This whole thing is a psychological operation, you know?
I had an opportunity to work with... I was in the Marine Corps, but I worked with the Army PSYOP guys when I was in Iraq, and I'm seeing exactly the playbook that they would use, you know?
If I was in a controlled population, I would use the playbook that's been set out for these guys already.
All you have to do is read the book and you know where we're going.
This does not end well for us.
Not today, not tomorrow, not ten years from now.
It never ends well for us.
The only way is to realize the game and not play it.
Oh, you have to.
And going back to what I said earlier, I am absolutely appalled and I'm disgusted.
I want to throw up every time I see a friend of mine or somebody that I respected before play the game simply because, well, I can't afford not to.
I have to keep my job.
No, I have to comply.
I'm trying to save my words, you know, because I don't want to offend you.
It's excessive approximation.
We're being walked into total slavery.
Complying doesn't get you ahead now.
It means the takeover like Venezuela.
And people say, they say, well, you know, it's just a mask, right?
Oh yeah, it's just a mask.
You're going to tell me you can't put on a mask, you can go fight for this country.
No, it's what that mask signifies.
That mask signifies absolute control.
It signifies silencing myself, silencing my children.
It signifies a stealing of my identity.
2300 years ago, the Muslims knew that if they covered somebody's face, it would take their identity.
It would take their self-worth.
If you take away our self-worth, you eat away at the very soul of what makes us great, and that's what's happening.
Let's talk about that in a moment, because I interrupted you, but what do you make of all the Democrats caught eating at restaurants they own, going to salons, not wearing masks?
I mean, they know it's a fraud, so they'll arrest you if it's not their business, but if it's their pet business, then they can do it.
You know, I don't think much of it.
It doesn't surprise me one bit.
You know, I was not even shocked at all from when I saw that Nancy Pelosi video.
We know this about it.
This is not a surprise.
They're not hiding it.
They're elitists.
They hate the middle class.
They want to eradicate the middle class, you know, because they can't control the middle class.
They can control the lower classes with money.
They can't control people like me, you know.
They want domesticated people in a world of money.
The middle class is the free, undomesticated person.
They want to kill the Pioneer Spirit.
Remember while we're out here, I live out West.
The West was won by Pioneers who were willing to fight for what they wanted, with no promise of victory.
They fought with no promise of victory, knowing that there might be something else over the horizon that might benefit their families.
So that pioneer spirit out here, out west, I live in rural America, that's being trampled
on you know, people, but it's the very people that are being trampled on that are going
to fight.
People like me will fight and like I said before, I think you said what, 30, 40, let's
call it 50 million people that would fight with us right now.
Let me play a short clip of a few months ago.
This is Mirrors Pelosi of Lightfoot caught out at a salon and she goes, well, I'm a public figure.
I need to have my hair done.
Oh, no one else needs a haircut?
I had that haircut, you know, in a while.
I shaved my head when this was coming.
I knew it was coming.
But I mean, the elitism... I wear a hat.
It's insane to say, I'm an elitist, I don't, I mean they're even blind to their elitism, this is beyond quote racism, this is classism, meaning in America we all have the same rights, not under them, it's incredible, here it is.
You guys got a live football player.
I'm out in the public eye and you know I'm a person who I take my personal hygiene very seriously.
As I said I felt like I needed to have a haircut.
I'm not able to do that myself and so I got a haircut.
And again, the full press conference is she was arresting people opening their barbershops, but she goes, but I need a haircut.
I mean, this woman is totally blind and totally unselfaware.
How the hell do you say you are arrested if you go get your, she even said in a speech like a week before, I'll catch you at a barbershop or I catch you in a bar or I catch you in a restaurant, you're arrested.
She's like, well, I'm, I'm, I'm important.
I mean, I gotta get my hair done.
What the hell?
And same thing with Pelosi!
Oh my God, Newsom!
I mean, just Admiral, Agbar, whatever it is, we'll be right back.
Things are clichés because they're true.
People say them over and over again.
Well, it's always darkest before the dawn.
There's another cliché, don't ever meet your heroes, they'll disappoint you.
Well, meeting Carlos Zapata, who is a hero to us all and is just common sense two minutes, has not been disappointing.
It's been empowering and I want to invite him back.
On the War Room, on the Election Countdown, on the David Knight Show, to get his analysis and topics he wants to cover and things that are unfolding.
Carlos, let me ask you this question.
When we went to break, you had another topic you were on.
I said, hold over, I forget what it was.
What do you think the globalists are thinking?
I think they're just testing and probing to see what we'll put up with.
The fact that they, the leadership, never get in trouble is why they think that they are invincible.
Your thoughts on that and just on the election and on the destabilization and everything else that's happening?
I think they push a little bit further every time.
Every time something like this happens, they're going to push a little bit further to see how gullible we are.
And we prove over and over again to be very gullible.
We prove that we'll allow them to push the line more and more.
And things that if you would have asked us a year ago, hey, at what point would you fight
against a tyrannical government?
People say, "Oh, well, if they made me shut down my business, I might fight."
Well, here we are.
They shut down our businesses.
"If they made me wear a mask, I might fight."
Well, here we are, we're wearing a mask.
And we're not fighting.
So we're telling them, and silence is consent.
And I'm not silent, you're not silent, people like us aren't silent, but there's very many
people that are.
And as long as we're consenting and they see that consent, they're going to continue to
move the line.
And people like us will be labeled the terrorists, we're going to be labeled the fringe, right?
But Alex, like I said, this doesn't end well for us unless we change course and we change
course now.
And right now we have the most important election in the history of our country coming up, where my mother was sitting in my living room last week and she said, son, this is no longer about Joe Biden versus Donald Trump.
This is literally, in a very real way, a choice between liberty and freedom and tyranny.
And that's it.
And if we choose tyranny this time around, we will never, ever, ever be able to go back to where we want to be.
And you've been through this.
You saw this in Peru.
Your family did.
I mean, the globalists admit this is a total takeover.
Describe to people, with your historical understanding, what it will look like if they win, what the future is.
If they win, it's going to be a free for all, Alex.
I'm going to tell you what's going to happen.
If Joe Biden wins, In November, they're going to absolutely push their agenda in a way that is so fast and so uncontrollable that we will not have a choice.
We won't be able to stop it unless we take to the streets.
And there's going to be bloodshed in the streets because at that point, they know they've won.
And at that point, they're going to be so rooted for the next four to eight years that we will never be able to catch up again.
And like I said before, we won't be able to vote ourselves out of this this time around.
We barely voted our way out of it, you know, from the Obama years, and we won't be able to do it this time around.
Their infrastructure is there.
They have their plan in place.
That's right.
They've gone weaponized.
We barely got a reprieve.
Trump held on under total coup d'etat.
And now they know if they get in, they're going to go for the, they say, we're going to, quote, wipe his supporters out, wipe out Americans, wipe out the middle class.
I mean, they're on TV saying they're going to, quote, level us, wipe us out.
Your family experienced that.
What does the wipeout look like?
They're telling us what it's going to look like.
It's going to be like you losing all your wealth.
It's going to be like guys like me going to the bank one day and not having any money in the account because my accounts are frozen and I'll be able to access them.
You know?
It's going to look like them telling me that I can't run my business because I don't have a vaccine or my kids aren't vaccinated.
It's going to look like my kids aren't able to get an education.
And that's the key.
That's the cover for their communism.
It's going to be the Microsoft Bill Gates run contact tracing.
That's their cover.
So we know the playbook, right?
They create an obstacle, they create a problem, then they wait for a reaction, and then they create a solution, right?
But the solution is not a real solution.
The solution is just furthering their own agenda by whatever action they take.
And in this case, it's going to be I think the inoculation, the contact tracing, it's going to be a very globalist control over us.
And we have nowhere to go from here, Alex.
I can't pack up.
I said this earlier.
I can't pack up my family, sell my things, and go to another country to start over again.
And there's nowhere to run.
I love America, but I've said if there was some free country, the folks that got it, I would have left because... We would have gone.
We would have gone because I love my freedom more than I love my country.
And I love my country because of my freedom.
Beautifully said so.
Wow, it sounds like your folks are great people.
Talk about your parents.
They are, you know.
My parents, you know, I say this all the time that my parents, we came from very humble
beginnings, okay.
My parents' families have done very well in Peru, in Latin America.
In fact, I'll tell you something that I haven't said on any show before is that my grandfather was an Allende, related to Salvador Allende, who was the communist leader of Chile.
And we know what happened to him, you know, in that coup d'etat.
And so that is my family history.
We come from the Allende family.
We come from a socialist, communist family.
My father was a leader of the Socialist Party in Peru.
He fled Chile and he became the leader of the Socialist Party in Peru.
And so I've seen how this crushed that country, how it crushed not only the government, but the people and the
culture of that country.
It's a beautiful country.
So I know this. My family was part of this history.
So let me tell you that this does not end well for free people.
So here I am, now a proud American.
I'm an American.
If you ask me, I'm not a Peruvian-American, I'm not a Latin-American, I am a registered American.
Chairman, I can tell, if I ask about your folks, I can tell you know what you're talking about.
Not just from being in the military or being American, but you had some expert understanding.
Yeah, and my parents are great people.
Listen, they lost absolutely everything.
You know, whatever their families had amassed in wealth was completely lost.
They came to this country.
My father's a priest, he's a pastor of a church.
No, no, I get it.
There's nothing like experience to make you be intelligent and informed.
Absolutely, nothing else, you know.
So let me talk about this for one second, Alex, if you don't mind me jumping in a little bit.
What you just said about experience is something that you can't replicate.
You have to understand things based on experience, right?
What have we done, you know, to our society over the last 30 years?
I was raised In a community that told you that if you don't go to college, you're going to end up being a plumber, okay?
Well, a plumber makes $150 an hour, and if they own their own business, they make more, right?
And people with a college degree, on average, are bagging groceries, sorry.
So I'm going somewhere with this, right, in that we were all funneled.
into this pipeline of indoctrination. You were told that you have to go to college because if
you don't go to college you're going to be a dummy. You're going to go work in the trades.
Well guess what? Some of the smartest people I know never went to college. Some of the smartest,
most intelligent, capable people I know work in the trades.
Okay, but why did they want us all to go to college? Because this conditioning had to have a
vessel and that vessel was academia, right?
That vessel was universities and colleges around the country, where they could funnel us all in there and get brainwashed, essentially, to where we are now.
You know, and create a political army and allies because they knew that this day would come where they would need every last person, you know?
And they need to give them educations that disenfranchise them so they're desperate and scared and will follow the cult leaders who've already abused them under Stockholm Syndrome to then direct them against the rest of the country.
It's all conditioning, and I won't even go into all the studies that have been done.
We could go into that another time, but studies of how easily conditioned people are.
Milgram, Stanford, you name it.
Well, listen, you need to join us again.
When do you want to come back on with the show?
I would love to.
You tell me, Alex, I love your show, I love what you're doing, and listen, I never wanted this platform, but now that I have a platform, people are hearing this message, I think it's important, I feel it's my duty now, as part of that oath that we talked about earlier, to get this message out, because we have to save our country.
Yeah, why don't you just pick a day you want to host an hour, that way I'm not interrupting and you can really flow with it.
Dario, the producer, will talk to you.
You pick an hour you want to come on.
No, seriously, that's what we do.
We want to get regular folks who aren't the regular folks, the real people, on the show, in the game, brother.
I appreciate it.
I have a lot to say, and I would love to come back and do that with you.
And you ought to, sometime when you're cold, after you've done it, if he does, bring your dad.
You should do a show with him.
Yeah, he'd probably love it.
He has a lot to say.
I bet he does, because I can tell, not just that you're informed, you have that passion and that focus of the experience.
You can see that.
You can't fake that.
We love this country, Alex, and one thing that I will not buy into is the fact that based on the color of my skin, you know, being an Hispanic, that I need to vote a certain way, you know, because there's so many like us, you know, and so many people from my background and in our culture have bought into that bait.
Well, it's not saying there isn't real stuff by all sides out there, but the globalist corporates with their sociology and anthropology are exploiting people, period, cold-bloodily.
It's a fraud.
Doesn't mean there's not real stuff going on, but what they're doing is a fraud.
Carlos Zapata, at carlos underscore zapata underscore one, a real leader.
Instagram, Carlos.Sapata.90.
Hey, come back on this week.
Let's not wait.
Get on with Owen Schroeder.
Daria's going to set you up right now.
Get on my Instagram.
Get on Twitter.
I have a lot to say on there, guys.
Follow me.
Not because I want the popularity.
No, but you need to win the war.
I get it, brother.
Here's the deal.
You're now conscripted.
You're now drafted into the InfoWars Army.
So, come back on this tomorrow.
Come on the other shows.
Tell people where you want them to go again.
Where were you saying?
Go to Instagram, carlos.zapata.90.
Go to my Twitter.
It's carlos underscore zapata underscore the number one.
And follow me on there.
You know, we have a lot to say.
We can have some good conversation on there.
And I try to answer as many messages as possible.
So if you have questions that you want to answer.
Absolutely, Carlos.
You're awesome.
We love you.
We'll talk soon.
We'll be back with our number four.
Stay with us.
We are drugged out.
We are following other people's opinions.
We are controlled by the media.
Today, it all changes.
This reality has been forced upon us.
It is a choice, just like when I said slavery is a choice.
Einstein said the death of insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different result.
So we keep on saying, I hate you, I hate you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.
How are we going to get a different result out of hate?
Why don't we just try love?
Why don't we just try love?
We have the resources.
Sometimes you need some crazy motherfuckers to change something.
Steve Jobs is crazy.
Now we all on Steve Jobs' phones.
They say Trump's crazy.
They say I'm crazy.
But I'm here to show love.
It's a bigger plan, and I'm just doing what the universe told me.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, I played part of the Kanye clip earlier, but I want to play the whole thing right now.
Then I've got some news, so good, so powerful, and we've been breaking a lot of big news here today, but this is really exciting.
Trump is doing exactly what we blew up a few months ago and said he should do it.
I'm not saying he's listening to us.
Maybe he's listening to the same angel that God sent, but he is definitely hitting on all cylinders right now.
We'll tell you about it when we come back, and then John Rappaport takes over, but Mike Levin did a great job breaking things down.
This is next segment.
You don't want to stay with us, but here's what Kanye Kanye had to say about the real, it's not about virtue selling to black people.
You know, I know they've trained a lot of black folks to be racist and mean to white people.
A lot of white folks didn't do anything.
Uh, and then they get pissed and start hating black people.
That's just like showing blacks cops, killing blacks.
And they think all the whites want to kill them.
It's all manipulation, but there's a larger plan.
And if we just expose how blacks have been put on the globalist plantation as a beta test, Like Australia's a beta test right now.
It's game over.
We come together, we'll still have problems, still have issues, but it's nothing compared to the post-human New World Order that doesn't want any people.
Got that?
Here's what Kanye had to say last night.
I expect.
To the war choke, because it was a setup.
Now, OK, so let us get to, let's get to life.
In 50 years, there's 20, there's been 22 million, over 22 million, 500,000 black people aborted
strategically and on purpose.
Planned Parenthood was set up and placed in minority communities to Kill black people.
You're talking about when Margaret Sanger, the originator of Planned Parenthood at the time, because a lot of people, when you say things like that, in their defense, they say, well, Planned Parenthood today is a different organization.
But what you cannot deny is these facts that Ye is about to give you right now.
Here we go.
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was an avowed racist whose goal was to reduce the black population in America, and she succeeded.
80% of abortion clinics in America are in minority neighborhoods.
Over 22,500,000 black babies have been aborted in 50 years.
black babies have been aborted in 50 years. Over 1,000 black babies are
aborted every day. So that means we are inside of it as we speak.
This is genocide.
We are inside of genocide as we speak.
So what about the people that are going to argue and say, but you know, Kanye doesn't have the right to speak on that because he's not a woman.
The fact that Planned Parenthood does a lot of amazing things and they're in those communities because they need to be in those communities.
Well, I have to go to the word.
God says he knew you before you were in the womb.
Yep, Jeremiah 1-5.
So, I got one other statistic.
Abortion is the number one killer of black lives in the United States.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, abortion kills more black people than HIV, homicide, diabetes, accidents, cancer, and heart disease.
Watch this one.
Then they pump in the vaccines, the fluoride that dumbs us all down.
They give us gangster rap.
They have us kill each other.
And then they sit back and try to make us all kill each other again.
It's real simple.
This is a globalist takeover.
The full video is on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
That's why this broadcast is so important.
That's why funding of it is critical because without your money, we're not going to be on air.
You want to talk about victory.
I have told Trump, and obviously this is a common sense thing.
It's the right thing to do anyways.
Isn't it funny how the right thing to do is always the right thing to do anyways?
New York's true nursing home death toll cloaked in secrecy.
That's not an Infowars.com headline.
That's AP.
See, everybody was saying 44% of the deaths were in nursing homes.
There was like 6,000 in New York.
But we had a group that crunched the numbers two months ago.
It was over 10,000.
Well, just what numbers publicly available.
The word is they probably wiped out 15,000 old people in New York alone and in nine other states.
And now they think it's 60% of the COVID deaths were old people.
They sent people with flu and pneumonia into the nursing homes, told the families they couldn't be there so they could cover them up and kill them.
So Leticia James, under orders of the Governor, ordered nursing homes that said, we're not going to put sick people in nursing homes, that's a disaster.
She said, I'll arrest you if you don't.
So that criminal, Leticia James, and the criminal, Governor Cuomo, are in trouble.
When AP puts it out, they're in a lot of trouble.
New York's true nursing home death toll cloaked in secrecy.
And the same thing in Michigan and Pennsylvania and all over the place.
These are some evil people.
They knew, the doctors told them that you do this, it's a death sentence.
Now Mike Levin on his show on The Blaze laid it out, did a great job and pointed out that months ago, we first reported this, Cuomo erased his executive order ordering all this and hopes you forget about it.
and hope all of these James attacks on the NRA and Infowars make you forget that they're the real criminals
they're the ones that are mass murderers on record and ordered mass murder
and deserve to be put in prison for the rest of their dirty stinking lives and now we're getting closer
to real justice and that's a beautiful thing and then John Rappaport takes over but here's Michael Evinn
It's amazing again that this guy Cuomo has a major speaking part
during the lead up to the nomination of Biden while they continue to trash the president of the United
States This is why I spent a big chunk of time, maybe too much time on this program, going through the list of the things the Trump administration did and when they did it quickly.
Their actions have been ubiquitous.
They really seem to leave no stone unturned.
And then we have one guy running a state.
Who makes the biggest, bone-headed decision you can imagine, and the minute I heard it, when I got that call, as I pointed out last time, I couldn't believe it.
Now, Business Insider, Governor Cuomo's March 25 order that required nursing homes to admit patients who are suspected to have or had tested positive for COVID-19 has been deleted, and this is some time ago, from the state of New York's website, Fox News reported.
The State of New York's website displayed an error message stating the page that you are looking for is not found in place of a link to the original document.
The March 25 order is only accessible through an archived version of the webpage posted by the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.
So he's trying to cover up his tracks here.
And he's lied about it.
He's given multiple excuses for this in the past.
Federal guidelines required it.
Federal guidelines required no such thing.
You could have used that medical ship that was effectively empty.
Well, they didn't tell me I could.
But you didn't ask.
They would have allowed you to use it, just as they allowed you to use the Javits Center for people who had the COVID virus.
So over and over again, he lies.
Before Cuomo released new guidelines on May 10, mandating that hospitals could not send COVID-19 positive patients back to nursing homes until they tested negative for the virus.
Got that?
So he reversed his course.
The controversial order stated that, quote, no resident shall be denied readmission or admission to the nursing home solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19.
In other words, you have no say.
And so that person who's sick, you can bring them into a healthy population.
And these senior citizens are in nursing homes.
You're in a nursing home.
That's a last resort.
That's where you're going to wind up.
Mostly passing.
They're being taken to a hospital.
And many people are very, very frail.
You expect your parents or grandparents to be treated with respect and to get all the care necessary.
You're paying a fortune for that nursing home coverage as well.
But you're just assuming they're getting the best care possible when you go through this as a son or a daughter or a grandson or a granddaughter.
And here, this governor is taking victory laps for what he did.
Now, this order from March 25th also said nursing homes and adult facilities were, quote, prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.
So if you know they have the virus, you can't turn them away and you can't test them in advance to find out if they have the virus because you can't turn them away.
So what the hell are you going to do when you're a nursing home operator or medical director?
You're stuck!
All these people you're caring for, and many of them become friends, they're there, some of them are there for a couple of years, you know they're going to be exposed to this.
Cuomo's office told Fox the time that the State Department of Health regularly updates its website to avoid confusion.
Though his office insisted the May 10 order was not a backtrack of its previous order, it's unclear if Cuomo's office or the state's health department had a role in the removal of the March document.
This is so sleazy.
And then this from the Associated Press last week.
New York's true nursing home death toll cloaked in secrecy.
You know, if the government wasn't doing this, if Cuomo was the head of, let's say, a massive nursing home conglomeration, and he had put out that order to his nursing homes, and to the person of the work there, this man would be up on charges.
I mean criminal charges.
Now he takes a victory lap.
Riverdale Nursing Home in the Bronx appears on paper to have escaped the worst of the coronavirus pandemic, with an official state count of just four deaths in its 146-bed facility.
The truth, though, according to the home, is far worse.
Twenty-one dead, most transported to hospitals before they succumbed.
It was a cascading effect, Administrator Emil Fazayev recalled, one after the other.
New York's coronavirus death toll in nursing homes, already among the highest in the nation, could actually be a significant undercount.
Unlike every other state with major outbreaks, every other state, New York only counts residents who died on nursing home property, not those who were transported to hospitals and then died.
That statistic could add thousands to the state's official care home death toll of just over 6,600.
But so far, the administration of Governor Andrew Cuomo has refused to divulge the number, leading to speculation the state is manipulating the figures to make it appear it's doing much better than the other states and to make a tragic situation less dire.
That's a problem, bro, states Senator Gustav Rivera, Democrat, told New York Health Commissioner Howard Zuckers, you saw, during that legislative session.
How big a difference could it make?
Since May, federal regulators have requested nursing homes to submit data on coronavirus deaths every week, whether or not residents died in the facility or at a hospital.
So in other words, the Trump administration is trying to get true numbers, unlike the Cuomo administration.
Because the requirement came after the height of New York's outbreak, the available date is relatively small.
Now, obviously the federal government decided to put in this rule in place because of Cuomo.
Because as I read earlier, all the other states were already doing it.
So Cuomo wasn't doing it.
According to the federal data, roughly a fifth of the state's homes reported residence deaths from early June to mid-July, a tally of 323 dead, 65% higher than the state's count of 195 during that time period.
Even if half that undercount had held true from the start of the pandemic, that would translate into thousands more nursing home resident deaths than the state has acknowledged.
Let me tell you a little secret.
I think when this is finally over and we get the real data, these cover-ups sent by Cuomo and some of these other governors, you're going to find that half of all the people who died as a result of this virus were in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
OK, here we are again.
Another meeting.
And big news, very big news this week.
Several major developments that I want to go over in detail.
Because we have to.
Because it's real.
Because things are happening in all sorts of strange ways.
So let's start with this.
The CDC quietly released numbers about COVID deaths in the U.S.
And basically what the numbers And the comments revealed was that out of, let's call it 161,000 deaths, something on that order, actually 6%, about 9,000 deaths could be attributed to only the virus.
jumping on that order, actually 6%, about 9,000 deaths could be attributed to only the
virus. 94% of those reported COVID deaths were in people, elderly people, who had several
prior serious medical conditions.
This is a bombshell.
A gigantic bombshell.
It speaks to the possibility, actually, that there is some sort of an interagency war going on between the CDC And maybe NIH, maybe even Fauci, who knows?
The CDC has been backed into a corner several times during this COVID insanity, and they haven't liked how it feels.
We'll see about that.
But I want to explain what this revelation means in terms of the numbers and so on.
First of all, the cover story on this is, yes, we had 94% of these deaths were in elderly people that had serious prior medical conditions, but the actual cause of death is still the virus.
Thick-cut Bologna.
That's part of the cover.
The truth of the matter is, here's what causes these people to die.
They're elderly.
They're delicate.
They're vulnerable, physically and psychologically.
They have serious health conditions going back years, even decades.
They've been treated for years, decades, with toxic medical drugs.
They are terrified.
of being diagnosed with COVID-19 for all that they've been hearing about it.
And then they are diagnosed with COVID-19 on no basis whatsoever.
A phony test.
And then, to top it all off, they are isolated and completely cut off from family and friends.
Some of them even put on ventilators.
Breathing ventilators.
And they die.
They check out.
They die.
They go.
No virus required.
No virus necessary.
What I've just explained is all you need.
And you don't even need the ventilators, which are killers in and of themselves.
So for the CDC to admit that 94% of COVID deaths, the official number in the US, really occurred in the elderly who have several prior serious medical conditions, is tantamount to an admission that the entire thing is a complete hoax.
The entire virus story, the entire COVID fear porn, the entire COVID operation, the entire lockdown, the entire social distancing, the masks, the isolation, the quarantines, the economic destruction, all a complete and utter fabrication hoax based on nothing.
That's the takeaway.
That's the revelation, if you understand it and go below the surface.
It's very important to grasp this because the propaganda will give you time and time and time again, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Yes, it's the elderly and they have prior medical conditions, but they are uniquely susceptible to the virus and the virus is actually killing them anyway.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.
Complete crap.
So, you can take the death figures for COVID in the United States thus far and you can chop off 94% of those.
And you would end up with roughly 9,000 instead of 160,000.
9,000 does not a pandemic make, does not an epidemic make.
And of course, as many of you know, and my readers know, I would take it much further than that because for the last several months I've been offering compelling evidence that they never isolated or purified or discovered a new virus in the first place.
That's another whole issue which I've gone over many times on the show here.
For now, we're putting that to the side.
Based on the official CDC admission and the truth, you could say in the United States 9,000 COVID-19 deaths.
By official statistics.
That's not a bad flu season.
That's not a severe flu season.
That's not an ordinary flu season.
Again, by official numbers.
That's a very minor flu season.
That's no reason to do anything but go about your life, your work, your business.
The whole deal.
Utterly incredible confession from the CDC.
It's been reported, but always with these conditions and obscurings and so forth, and we give you this, we take that away, we admit that, we don't admit this, all of that insanity.
That's just the first gigantic development this week.
There's more.
And I'll give it to you after the break.
Don't go anywhere.
Okay, we're back.
Second gigantic development this week.
This is out of the New York Times.
Up to 90% of all people who have tested positive for the virus are false positive.
That's the beginning of that article.
And the reason that the Times gives, and they quote various public health experts and so on, is because, quote, the amount of virus found in the bodies of these people is so infinitesimal that it couldn't possibly do that person or a flea any harm.
It wouldn't be, it would not be contagious from person to person.
That's in the Times article.
Right there.
Up to 90% and this means case numbers we're talking about because a positive test for the virus, the PCR test, translates into case number.
Same idea, same definition.
But now it's like, wait a minute.
You could subtract 90% of all the cases based on positive tests.
And then you would be left with 10%, which you would then call actual cases.
Another stunning revelation.
Another chop down, fantastic chop down of percentages and numbers that leave the story completely crippled, the covert op crippled, the fakery crippled.
Now, of course, what the Times does from that point on in the story is turn right around And say the solution is more testing.
Of course.
Town Hall website pointed this out.
More testing, better testing, and so on and so forth.
Now, there are levels below this that we can probe into about the test.
What are we talking about here?
Actually, the test is not even testing for a virus at all.
Infinitesimal amounts, large amounts, little amounts, medium amounts, forget it.
The test is based on RNA, which is assumed to be part of a virus, but not proven, ever.
So that takes us even further from the truth.
Much further from the truth.
And as the Times actually reveals, if you read far enough in the article, although it does it in a pretty muddy fashion, the mechanism of doing this PCR test, which is rather complicated, gives you whatever you want to get.
You do enough what's called cycles of the test, where you keep on amplifying these Infinitesimal amounts of whatever.
You'll get all kinds of results from that.
Oh, we didn't see this, we didn't see that, we didn't see this.
Much in the same way that if you were to take an ordinary photograph and say, blow it up a hundred million times, you would begin to see, what is that?
And hey, what is this little thing floating around?
It becomes meaningless.
At which point you could say pretty much we found anything we want to, including a virus or whatever, in the amplified test.
The test is a sham, a scam.
I've approached it 19 different ways and proved it over and over again.
The test itself has never been validated for its use as a diagnostic tool.
The inventor of the test, Cary Mullis, who won a Nobel Prize for it, said that it should not be used as a diagnostic tool in disease.
The kind of large, coherent study that should have been done before the PCR test was ever approved for public use was never done.
In fact, there were several types of studies that should have been done.
One, for instance, to show What happens if you take a test sample from a patient and you send it to 50 different labs, each of which does their own PCR test?
Are you going to get back the same results from all 50 labs?
Are you going to get back 15 different results, 30 different results, 42 different results?
That large study has never been done.
With, say, a thousand patients and tissue samples from each one in 50 different labs.
Never done.
Another large study on the PCR test that has never been done, never will be done, is its ability to predict who is sick or who will get sick.
Large-scale study.
Never been done.
I've outlined how it could be done in the real world, not in the lab.
Using again a thousand patients, you take samples from each one and you say to the lab, now tell us which patients have huge amounts of virus in their bodies, because they will surely be sick.
That's supposedly how you get sick, with millions or even billions of virus actually replicating in the body.
And then the lab would come back and say, OK, patient number 23, 46, 52, 187, 326.
They were all very sick because they all have huge amounts of virus in their body.
Now you unblind those patients.
Are they indeed sick or are they running marathons and swimming across the English Channel?
Let's find out.
Large scale study like that on, say, a thousand patients, never been done, never will be done.
Because the people who are making money off the test and using the test to frighten the population and do fakes numbers of COVID victims don't want the truth to be known.
These are just some of the issues that underlie the Times article which they don't want to get into.
But they say enough in the opening paragraphs of the article.
That up to 90% of all people who have been diagnosed with COVID in the U.S.
as a result of these tests are false positive.
Leaving by their estimate 10% of the figure that we've been fed.
I mean, that is completely outrageous, and there it is in black and white.
I've quoted it from the Times.
So now take the two revelations that I've explained here, the fake COVID death numbers.
It's really only 6% of the actual figure, of the official figure.
And the Times revelation that up to 90% of all COVID cases are false positive.
They're not real cases.
And from those two revelations alone, what would any sane person conclude if they knew nothing else?
It's over.
It's done.
It's finished.
Whatever we were calling this pandemic, epidemic, outbreak, whatever.
It's over.
It's finished.
Come out.
No more lockdowns.
No more masks.
No more distancing.
Go back to work.
Economies wide open.
No more regulations.
No more crap.
No more insanity.
No more New World Order.
Third big time story of the past week.
Someone discovered, this goes back to the PCR test again, test COVID test, that one of the so-called primers, and I'll try to explain that in a minute, used in the test is a section of DNA that is identical to a little sequence of DNA present In apparently all humans, it's just there.
So the implication of that would be that the test would simply be testing for a bit of human DNA that's already there in everybody.
And if it registers positive, that's what it's registering positive about.
Recently watched an interview done by David Icke with Dr. Andrew Kaufman, in which Kaufman said, yes, he verified this.
That is so.
And apparently this is a World Health Organization PCR test.
You have to understand there's about, at last count, from what I've been told, about 33 different PCR tests that are being used around the world.
The World Health Organization has their test.
So my first question was to myself and to anybody who wanted to try to answer it.
So you mean that anybody who's tested using the World Health Organization test is automatically going to test positive for the virus?
Because it's just registering on this piece of human DNA that's already in everybody?
And so I've been going back and forth with that because that's a bit dangerous.
In other words, for the World Health Organization to risk being discovered using a test that would be 100% positive on everybody.
So how could they manipulate and rig and slide and slither and slip and slide in order to make things work out for them?
Well, there are several ways, and I'll just mention one of them.
And that would be, for example, suppose the World Health Organization has four or five different PCR tests.
And they kind of mix and mingle them all together under one basic umbrella label.
So it looks like it's only one test, but it's actually several.
And in one of those, They use this little piece of DNA, which is called a primer.
It helps in amplifying the test sample that they're using.
It's part of the process of amplification.
And in that particular test, people will test positive.
They hide out, they obfuscate, they obscure.
There's more to be learned about this.
But it's another giant revelation that a test could actually be looking for, melding with, registering positive on a piece of human DNA that's in everybody, that has nothing to do with disease, that's just part of the deal of being human.
Amazing stuff this week.
Another giant rally in Berlin.
Huge numbers of people.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
addressed the crowd.
Big rally in London, Trafalgar Square.
David Icke talked, among others.
Fantastic work on the part of the organizers, the speakers.
I watched a long video of this.
At first, I thought, oh, gee, it looks like there's only 100 people there, maybe 50, whatever.
And I kept on moving ahead, moving ahead, and the crowd kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger.
There's David, for those of you watching.
A rousing, great talk.
Ended with freedom.
That's what we're talking about.
So all the data that I've been giving you here and the analysis of that data is all based on showing that the whole thing is a charade.
From the beginning, it was a charade.
It was a con, a hustle, a tap dance, a plan put in place as a bridge, as a gateway, To take us into another age, another era, another world.
A world invented for us.
Not the world you want.
Not the world I want.
Not the world you want to imagine and invent and live.
Not the world I want to invent, imagine, and live.
Their creation.
Globalist creation.
Technocratic creation imposed upon us under the pretext that things have gotten so bad that we can never go back to the way it was and we have to have global governance and no more borders and we have to have top-down control to make sure that we don't have another horrible worldwide pandemic that means real-time surveillance wall-to-wall of the entire planet China, which is the model for all of this, is now in the process, and I've mentioned this on the show before, but I'll mention it again because it bears understanding.
Their objective, as announced by the top of the regime in China, is to have real-time surveillance of every inch of the country.
Indoors, outdoors, all the time.
Can you grasp that?
And this is not just some, oh yeah, we'd like to have, no, this is a program.
This is a priority.
This is a gigantic, expanding infrastructure of government-attached institutes and companies in China working to achieve this.
That's the model.
To know in real time what is happening, who's doing what, who's saying what.
Everything that can be learned about what is going on in every inch of square space, inside, outdoors, in all of China.
A panopticon effect.
Not just from one point of view, but from so many different vectors, which would be cameras, swarms of drones, some of which are disguised as doves with cameras and so on and so forth.
All manner of this kind of surveillance, including sensors that would be placed inside the body to report out Real-time physiological data on changes happening in the body and brain.
All of this registered, recorded, observed in real-time.
And the biggest job of all, to collate it, organize it, into profiles.
of everybody and use it, use it for social credit, for control, for behavior modification, for surveillance, for pre-knowledge and pre-prediction of what people are going to do.
This is all announced.
I'm not giving you something that is, you know, in secret files.
This is all there to be known, to be seen, and it is the model.
And China is already exporting this model to other countries, pieces of it.
They love to do this, for example, in impoverished countries, in chaos-ridden countries, where they can say to the government, we know you can't afford what we have to sell you, but we'll make a deal with you.
A draconian deal.
This is just the beginning of understanding all of this.
But I wanted to include this at the end of today.
Okay? Many thanks.
[Sounds of a fire]
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