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Name: 20200819_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 19, 2020
2372 lines.

In the InfoWars show, Alex Jones discusses various topics related to global control, COVID-19 measures, and technology. He warns his audience about how the globalist agenda is unfolding as predicted and provides examples such as Operation Lockstep and Event 201 documents to support his claims. The speaker also highlights resistance against these measures, such as a veteran addressing county officials in California and expressing frustration with the impact on citizens' livelihoods. Furthermore, the video discusses how authorities are giving themselves power to remove children from parents in Australia due to COVID compliance. In another segment, Alex Jones interviews Laura Loomer, a conservative candidate for Congress, who won her primary election in Florida’s 21st district and credits her success to her willingness to stand up against the establishment and fight for free speech. She believes that she and others like her are the ones who energized the grassroots base in 2016 to help elect President Trump. Laura Loomer pledges to go after Big Tech companies such as Twitter and Facebook for supposedly censoring her speech, which she claims is election interference. Alex Jones also discusses with Laura Loomer the failure of the Democrats and their attempts to silence voices such as Jones and Loomer. They talk about how effective their actions were in disrupting the Clinton campaign during the 2016 election. David Icke's new book, "The Answer," provides insights into this global conspiracy. The power lies with the people to stand up against these globalist agendas and change perceptions by refusing to acquiesce to their demands.

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So, if you look at human society now, it's a reflection of human consciousness.
And when human consciousness changes, in other words, human perception changes, then the world will change to express, project that change of perception.
So, if you are frightened of authority and you acquiesce to authority, then you are going to live in a world of control, because it's a projection of your perception.
When you can break those bonds, and the bonds are almost not imposed upon us so much as we impose them on ourselves, right?
I've not worn a mask.
They can stick that where the sun don't shine.
I've not rubbed sanitiser on my hands, poisoned me bloody self.
I've not got involved in their track and trace.
I never will do any of it.
And therefore, I'm not acquiescing to them.
I'm living my life as I've always lived my life.
And everyone could do that and together we'd be unstoppable.
What they're trying to impose upon us would be unenforceable.
I mean, how do you enforce masks on everybody?
There's not enough police officers for a start and you can't do it.
You do it because people overwhelmingly acquiesce and then the next thing is they not only acquiesce, they insist that everyone else
does, the old Stasi system in East Germany. And so this is human
consciousness today. We went under lockdown because vast numbers of people believe the rubbish that
they were told.
Therefore, I've got to go under lockdown.
That's my perception because I'm in danger.
And it's all been proven to be a lie.
And then Fauci says trust the science when everything he told us was completely fraudulent.
He couldn't dispel science.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Listen to me very, very carefully, ladies and gentlemen.
The final pieces of the puzzle fell into place today.
It is now official that the permanent lockdown will never end and will only get tighter.
It is designed to cause mass starvation and total collapse, not just in the third world, but of the third world, causing a triggered collapse of the first world.
It's all coming up today and David Icke will join us on the very same subject with a detailed analysis for the second half of the broadcast.
It is official.
The COVID-19 tracking systems have been rolled out across the world.
They're already here.
Major universities have just announced that you will not be allowed to leave campus, and you will all have to have an issued cell phone authorized that has a tracker app on it, and that if you leave for the entire semester, you will be expelled.
Everywhere you go will be tracked.
You will live in a bubble.
Basically, you'll have an ankle bracelet, but it's a phone.
This has been the plan, but now it's official.
And that's what Bill Gates is saying.
Everyone will have these.
You will not leave your house without one.
Also, the UN has announced, and it's now happening, they're going to take your children while they test you and see if you have COVID.
So it's about power.
It's about total control.
And it's about destroying the economy and vertically integrating things.
They also say at these universities, you can only go to the stores they authorize.
And you tattle on people not wearing masks, then it's going to be those that don't have their Inoculation records on the app.
This is the dystopian takeover.
But humanity is fighting back.
There's major resistance to it.
I had a detailed talk yesterday with a doctor that laid it out for me that I ran into on the street.
But first, Veteran Health County in California to take the mask off said it's not going to be peaceful much longer.
Here is the powerful report from InfoWars.com.
I wasn't going to speak.
I was asked to speak here.
You know, Sheriff, good to see you.
I'm telling you guys, you know, I'm pretty appalled at what's going on.
You know, at first we sat as concerned citizens that we all want to figure out how to best navigate our way through this whole COVID thing, you know.
And as we realize that, it's not quite as dangerous as we thought it'd be.
I was absolutely appalled and cowardice.
And as you're sitting there with your masks on, I don't blame you for wearing masks because I'd be hiding my face too if I was you for what you're doing.
It's absolutely horrendous what you're doing to these people.
I'm a business owner.
And I'm telling you, our families are starving.
You guys can sit here with your jobs.
You can sit here and you're going to get paid.
You can fall asleep in your chair like that gentleman's doing behind his mask right there.
And I'm telling you right now, that right now we're being peaceful.
And you better be happy that we're good citizens, that we're peaceful citizens.
But it's not going to be peaceful much longer.
And this isn't a threat.
I'm not a criminal.
I've never been a criminal.
I'm telling you that good citizens are going to turn into real concerned and revolutionary citizens real soon.
And nobody else is going to say that.
I'm probably the only person that has the balls to say what I'm saying right now.
That we're building, we're organizing, and we'll work with law enforcement or without law enforcement.
But you won't stop us when time comes because our families are starving.
If you don't hear the seriousness of my voice, I hope you open your ears and you absolutely listen to what I'm saying.
Because this is a warning for what's coming.
It's not going to be peaceful much longer.
It's not going to be rah-rahs.
It's not going to be speeches.
It's not going to be gathering outside saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
It's not going to be waving flags.
It's going to be real.
When you've seen the things that I've seen, I went to war for this country.
I've seen the ugliest, dirtiest part of humanity.
I've been in combat.
And I never want to go back again.
But I'm telling you what, I will to save this country.
If it has to be against our own citizens, it will happen.
And there's a million people like me.
And you won't stop us.
Open the county.
Let our citizens do what they need to do.
Let owners of businesses do what they need to do to feed their families.
Take the masks off!
Quit masking and muscling your children!
The psychological damage you're doing to them is horrible.
I've had six friends kill themselves since it's happened.
Veterans who lost their jobs.
How do you feel about being complicit in perpetuating that?
The greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the American people, and you're a part of it by wearing your masks.
In Shasta County, we're supposed to be red country up here.
Not blue country, we're red country up here.
You guys know that?
You claim to be conservatives, maybe you're not, maybe you're liberals, I don't know.
But by God, we're Americans.
And remember that.
Take your masks off.
Quit muzzling yourselves.
Join us.
Fight with us.
Against what's going on in Sacramento.
It's travesty.
It's official.
It's now happening.
We'll cover it when we come back.
Big Mike, also known as Michelle Obama, threw down the gauntlet.
Tonight it is this.
said you think things are bad now they get a lot worse you better submit to
them you better bow or they'll never take the mask off they'll never let you
leave your house again except that's actually their plan submission to them
is the end of the world as we know it officially and I'm gonna lay it out a
moment but first here's big Mike tonight it is this if you think things cannot
possibly get worse trust me they can they will if we don't make a change in
this election.
If we have any hope of ending this chaos, we have got to vote for Joe Biden like our lives depend on it.
Yeah, your lives do depend on it.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Big Mike's telling you he's going to break your kneecaps if you don't do what he says.
Big Mike.
Heard a Big John, Big Mike, Big Mike, Big Bad Mike.
At one point it went to number one on Twitter yesterday.
Joan Rivers' statements about Big Mike.
Big Mike's definitely in those videos, got a big plastic snake in his pants or something.
But let's get serious, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's get deadly serious here about the reality of the world.
A lot of you that are tuning in right now on radio stations and TV stations around the country to the Alex Jones Show, the show you're not supposed to listen to, the show you're not supposed to tell people about, you're going to say, we've already heard this, we already know this.
But it's one thing to know that the UN announced they want this.
It's another thing to see them implement every step of what they said they would.
In Spain, and in Australia, and now in New Zealand, they are taking children from people's homes who are refusing to be COVID-tested when they shut down whole tower blocks, showing that's the weakest point to live in under globalist control is in one of those high-rises, obviously.
But they're treading the police and locals who accept it, and now we have the newscast, we have the articles, they're on Infowars.com, where they signed on to a WHO directive, because that's who directs the COVID hoax response, and they are now taking children?
They specifically mentioned children, and they call it a benefit of the UN.
Oh, a benefit.
Because if they can train you to see men in uniforms taking your children away, they can do anything.
It's at InfoWars.com, it's at NewsWars.com, it's at Summit.News, WatsonSite, Australia.
Authorities give themselves power to remove children from parents to ensure COVID compliance.
Ah, and guess what else got announced?
At universities all over the United States, And at least five states have now taken their NIH money.
And by the way, I already knew all this this morning when I saw the article at InfoWars, but I wanted to search and double check.
So I began randomly checking Stanford and Harvard and Yale and then lots of subcolleges, and they all have NIH funding for contact tracing.
Billions of dollars total.
Being paid of taxpayer money to Google and Apple and Facebook and Twitter and Microsoft.
Bill Gates gets your tax money and then he calls it philanthropy.
And they've announced that to go to college you will accept an app on your phone that's already there by the way.
Six months ago Apple and Google announced that they'd merged an agreement to have a secret app on all phones you can't remove in the operating system.
That tracks everywhere you go.
It's the social credit score.
They're already doing it, but they want to normalize it.
So these colleges are announcing that you cannot leave for the semester.
You are a prisoner.
And that if you do, your phone will activate and let them know and you will be expelled.
And or suspended.
University threatens to suspend students who leave 4.5-mile COVID bubble.
That's what they call it.
And I told you, the plan is dome cities.
They're even introducing you the idea to the safe bubbles.
This is their words, not mine.
It's in my film, Endgame, that they want to build bubble cities inside cities where you're, quote, safe.
It's a cult.
See, there's one iron rule of the cult.
One iron rule.
And it's not that logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
That's part of it.
Those are sub-rules.
But the big rule is, you don't leave the farm.
You don't leave the cult without permission.
And you don't talk to people unless you've got permission.
And if your family doesn't go along with it, you can't see them.
And now they've got apps to track everything you do and everywhere you go.
And China is announcing Dome Cities.
And everyone outside of those Dome Cities has no freedom, and they've got to pay for the Dome Cities of those inside.
So everyone is rightfully fleeing the cities and trying to get single-parent homes, and the UN is announcing, I have the articles, that we've got to have an initiative to stop the fleeing to the countryside.
And they say, don't worry, we've got plans with taxes and regulations to cut people off that are running to the hills.
This is literally a technocracy cult of scientists putting us into giant prisons, calling them safe bubbles, and saying you can't leave for four months, five months, unless you, five days ahead, register on the app and get authorization from the app, from the warden, as a trustee, to leave the prison.
And they even have on the apps how you'll be given credits in your social score and discounts at approved businesses at the university that are part of it, but unapproved cannot operate.
So it's also the company store, because this is beyond a cult.
A cult is the entryway to slavery.
When you're on a slave plantation, or you're a real old-fashioned sharecropper, you buy your stuff from the company store, And you don't leave the plantation unless you got a letter.
And if you get caught without that letter, they don't care if you're white or you're black, you're going to get beat up or put in prison.
Well, now it's everybody.
So, no free speech on these colleges.
Telling people, oh, no white kids allowed this weekend on campus.
It's all absurd sounding to your eyes.
It's cult control.
So overhead shot, please.
Veteran tells county to take the mask off, because it's not going to end peacefully much longer.
Australia authorities give themselves power to remove children from parents to ensure COVID compliance, and now they're doing it.
We have the newscast.
Remember this?
Coronavirus WHO official floats removing the infected from their homes to stop the spread.
University threatens to suspend students who leave the 4.5-mile COVID bubble.
That's the same as wearing an ankle bracelet.
It's called your phone.
Meanwhile, people are more likely to contact and contract COVID in their homes, study finds.
Of course, U.S.
News & World Report.
And now families are fleeing to single-parent homes and to the countryside, and the U.N.
says they need to stop it.
The U.N.
calls for banning it.
And you've got to go read this five-year-old, six-year-old article out of The Spectator.
I read it this morning.
I scanned over it.
It's like 30 pages long.
It's so rich.
They go, the insane people like Alex Jones and Senator Ted Cruz believe the U.N.
will lock down the rural areas and lock down the cities and have high-tech face scanning checkpoints and other systems under U.N.
control because it said they would.
And you read this and it's all come true now, but the Southern Poverty Law Center says you should have your bank accounts taken and be kicked off the internet if you believe any of this, and they're doing it on top of that!
So they're authoritarians even taking your speech and your bank accounts if you warn the UN's taking over and now we're under UN control and now they're rolling it out and the president's trying to fight it.
But that's what globalism is.
It's counties and cities and states that work with them called munialization.
Schwarzenegger, for five years after he was governor, led the global effort for the UN cities project, strong cities project.
And now you understand.
It's all there now.
It's in the 2030s here.
You go read that, you'll know what's coming next.
Once they collapse everything, they're going to get all the people in the cities organized and in uniforms and told, we're marching out now to take the countryside.
That's your job.
And then they're going to form up and march on us.
I mean, they've got a whole plan.
They're two years out if they got rid of Trump to having their externalization from the cities, just like the Bolsheviks did in 1919 and starting the invasion of the countryside.
Prepare yourselves.
If we can't hold them here, they're going to take the whole country.
It's going to be a long, protracted war.
But we won't go down like Russia!
I've been warning everyone systematically for many years about exactly what was going to unfold and exactly what was going to happen.
And now exactly what I told you is happening because the globalists have been honest about it.
Do you need me to list the documents?
Do you need me to go over them again?
You can go read Operation Lockstep.
You can go read Event 201.
You can go look at any of this for yourself, or you can go look out your window now and see it.
Overhead shot, please.
Now I'm going to play this clip because this says it all.
It's a veteran in Shasta County, California.
The suicides in America are double what they were ever before.
They were 10 times higher than they'd ever been in veterans up until now.
Now that's doubled.
So the largest group is veterans killing themselves and then small business owners after that.
The largest group overall is white men.
Those evil, horrible creatures that are told they're crap, told they're the problem, so they go out in their car and blow their head off.
Cop drove up in Portland and just politely said, hey, you guys hate me.
You're calling me a pig, a monster.
I'm putting in my resignation.
I'll be gone.
They started attacking his vehicle.
This is the designed fall of society, folks.
We have to be wise to it.
We have to understand what it is.
And that's why I told you that once they start pulling all this, they're going to have rolling blackouts all over the United States where Democrats are in control.
And now California has rolling blackouts, they say, as they make the switch to green energy.
It came out in the Ken Lay documents of Enron that they do that to train you to accept not having power so that you'll pay more for it.
And that's the whole plan.
We're going into feudalism.
We're going into serfdom.
We're going into slavery.
And when you sit here and you normalize what's happening, you think, well, things will just be like in the past.
They're going to get better.
No, they're not going to get better.
That's why Michelle Obama told you they're going to get a lot worse.
Because they're the ones on record creating the discord.
They're the ones, on record, creating the collapse.
They're the ones in all the established publications saying the dollar's dead.
America's over.
Because they're the ones engineering it.
And now you wake up and they're, hey, there's apps on your phones.
The university has access to it with the NIH funding it.
And I went and looked up the universities that are doing it.
In Virginia and in Michigan and in California and other states.
And guess what?
There's Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation education funding, of course!
That's how they roll out the Chinese Communist Social Credit score that was actually designed by Big Tech here, implemented there, established and set up, and now major universities just like that.
Snap your fingers.
You can't leave For the entire semester, and you've got to have the phone on you at all times.
And so what it's saying is a phone is mandatory and it's really a tracking device, but it's for COVID.
Oh, and it also only gives you approved places you can shop and where you can go on campus.
So of course, next, it's going to be less and less where you can go and, oh, it's nine o'clock.
Now you can't leave your Room.
And then everyone is told to use the app to spy on people.
We're beyond 1984.
Just like that.
And the United Nations is directing the whole thing.
The corporations control it, then they direct it governmentally, and we're inside it.
And you go read the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, attacking myself, and Glenn Beck, and Senator Cruz, and others that could read the UN documents and see that everything else UNESCO we signed on to was done.
So George Herbert Walker Bush signed on to Agenda 21 in 1992, and it says by 2000 they're going to do all this.
And it says by 2000, they're gonna do all this.
That's why Toronto and Berlin and London and San Francisco are all banning the construction of single family dwellings.
Now they're announcing they're gonna have new condo designs where you live with other people you don't know in a commune and have like a little shelf you live in with your kids and you're in a house with other random people that a computer that Facebook runs decides.
It's called communist communes.
It's called death camps.
It's called re-education centers.
That's what all the diversity training is.
The military having to wear red high heels.
All of it.
The scientists that make our nuclear weapons sit the three-day conferences to be taught that whiteness is bad.
This is an action alert.
I don't suggest, I demand, if you want to get the true spirit of liberty going, that you go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and share the article, Veteran tells county to take the mask off, says it's not going to end peacefully if they keep pushing.
Never truer words have been spoken.
Please, if you care about your future and want the fighting spirit to win, share this video now!
Here it is!
I'm telling you guys, you know, I'm pretty appalled at what's going on.
You know, at first we sat as concerned citizens and we all want to figure out how to best navigate our way through this whole COVID thing, you know, and, uh, As we realize that it's not quite as dangerous as we thought it'd be.
I was absolutely appalled at the cowardice.
And as you're sitting there with your masks on, I don't blame you for wearing masks because I'd be hiding my face too if I was you for what you're doing.
This is absolutely horrendous what you're doing to these people.
I'm a business owner.
And I'm telling you, our families are starving.
You guys can sit here with your jobs.
You can sit here and you're going to get paid.
You can fall asleep in your chair like that gentleman's doing behind his mask right there.
And I'm telling you right now, that right now we're being peaceful.
And you better be happy that we're good citizens, that we're peaceful citizens.
But it's not going to be peaceful much longer.
And this isn't a threat.
I'm not a criminal.
I've never been a criminal.
I'm telling you, good citizens are going to turn into real concerned and revolutionary citizens real soon.
And nobody else is going to say that.
I'm probably the only person that has the balls to say what I'm saying right now.
That we're building, we're organizing, and we'll work with law enforcement or without law enforcement.
But you won't stop us when time comes because our families are starving.
If you don't hear the seriousness of my voice, I hope you open your ears and you absolutely listen to what I'm saying.
Because this is a warning for what's coming.
It's not going to be peaceful much longer.
It's not going to be rah-rahs.
It's not going to be speeches.
It's not going to be gathering outside saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
It's not going to be waving flags.
It's going to be real.
When you've seen the things that I've seen, I went to war for this country.
I've seen the ugliest, dirtiest part of humanity.
I've been in combat.
And I never want to go back again.
But I'm telling you what, I will to save this country.
If it has to be against our own citizens, it will happen.
And there's a million people like me.
And you won't stop us.
Open the county.
Let our citizens do what they need to do.
Let owners of businesses do what they need to do to feed their families.
Take the masks off!
Quit masking and muscling your children!
The psychological damage you're doing to them is horrible.
I've had six friends kill themselves since it's happened.
Veterans who lost their jobs.
How do you feel about being complicit in perpetuating that?
The greatest toast ever perpetuated on the American people, and you're a part of it by wearing your masks.
In Shasta County, we're supposed to be red country up here.
Not blue country, we're red country up here.
You guys know that.
You claim to be conservatives, maybe you're not, maybe you're liberals, I don't know.
But by God, we're Americans.
And remember that.
Take your masks off.
Quit muzzling yourselves.
Join us.
Fight with us.
Against what's going on in Sacramento.
It's travesty.
We'll be back Wednesday.
August 19th, the year 2020.
75 days out from the most historic election in world history.
And InfoWars was supposed to be off the air, shut down and silenced.
But thanks to you, the affiliates, the sponsors, the listeners, the activists, your prayers, your word of mouth, your financial support, we now stand in the gap at the critical time when everything we warned of is now coming true.
And our credibility, your credibility, goes to triple platinum.
And the globalists now face certain defeat.
But they're not giving up.
They're cornered rats.
The good news is there's a mass awakening happening.
Resistance is intensifying, not just here but around the world.
And Laura Loomer, who they said had no chance of even winning the primary, Had more votes, basically, than the other two candidates combined.
President tweeted out, Great going, Laura.
You have a great chance against a Pelosi puppet.
Human Events tweeted, Laura Loomer delivers stunning primary victory in Trump's voting district.
The NationalPulse.com and of course the Daily Mail ran with the headline, Stunning Victory for Laura Loomer.
For the American people, for this audience, we've got to get good people in Congress and she will expose the globalists, she will expose the COVID hoax, she will expose it all.
I know she's exhausted, hasn't even slept, is in mixed strategy meetings today, hasn't done any interviews but is giving us one right now over the phone.
Laura, thanks for popping in.
Thanks so much for having me, Alex.
It's incredible.
History was made last night.
You know, I wish you could have been there to witness it because we truly did turn cancel culture on its head last night.
Everybody who had been canceled from from myself, Miley Annapolis, Roger Stone, Gavin McGinnis, and even Faith Goldie, they were all there on stage and Really, it was just a big middle finger to the Cancel Culture movement and all these tech tyrants in Silicon Valley who have been trying to silence conservatives.
And people said that it couldn't be done.
They said that we couldn't win an election while being banned on all social media.
They said that it was impossible to win a race or to win a primary while having no Twitter, no Facebook, no Instagram, no PayPal, nothing.
But we did it, and now we have sent shockwaves through the nation, Alex.
The media is losing their minds.
Leftist heads are exploding.
I received a phone call last night, an hour before the polls closed, from RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, who told me that That I was a political rock star and a change agent for the Republican Party, and that she's looking forward to meeting with me.
And you're right.
President Trump did tweet a tweet to him last night.
He tweeted twice in support of my candidacy, telling me, great job, saying it was a huge win last night.
And he also retweeted five tweets that other people had posted in support of my candidacy.
You know, we are 75 days away from the general election and I'm going to be doing everything in my power to make sure that we flip this seat red so that come January of next year, I can officially be a member of the United States Congress, Alex.
Can you imagine when you had congressmen shouting you down and people trying to have you arrested and being censored everywhere?
They are certainly, the left's not laughing at you now, are they?
No, you know, and some of them actually are a little bit.
I mean, they're trying to say that it's a qualifier, right?
So now what they're doing is they laughed at me when I ran for Congress saying, ha, ha, ha, you can't win, you're banned from social media.
And now the mode of attack is, oh my God, she won, she's banned from social media.
As if being banned from social media is a qualifier for me to be able to participate.
Oh, exactly.
They're always like, Jones and Loomer have You have been found to be involved in hate speech so they're banned like the censorship is a good thing and a sign of some conviction in a court and now they're saying President Trump, who's had his tweets blocked, is bad as well.
Yeah, and look, there's no ignoring this, and you and I are arguably two of the most high-profile people in this country, along with everybody who was on stage with me last night.
Milo, Gavin, Roger, myself, and you.
We are, all together, the most high-profile cases of the deplatforming movement in this country.
Of course, there's many others, like Tommy Robinson abroad, and others who have been deplatformed, like Faith Foley herself.
But we now have a seat at the table and they can no longer ignore the issue of tech censorship.
And like I said, I got a personal phone call last night from the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee.
Okay, the head of the Republican Party of Florida called me this morning to tell me that they are fully on board with my candidacy and that they will be supporting me and they asked me to let them know anything I need.
And so you better believe, Alex, that I am going to make it a pressing matter Especially when, hopefully, President Trump returns to the Mar-a-Lago District and I'm able to have, hopefully, a sit-down meeting with him, I'm going to make it of the utmost importance and ask that the Republicans really take this issue seriously.
Because big tech, social media censorship, big tech tyranny is the biggest threat we have facing our country and free and fair elections.
It is the most egregious form of election interference.
have done more election interference just in my cycle alone than the Russians ever could have done.
Oh, I absolutely agree. And boy are they upset. And boy, do you look great and sound great. I
know Roger Stone was there. I know he's helped with the campaign. He seemed really excited.
And, you know, we have a lot of footage, obviously.
And last night, the event ended really late.
We didn't finish the party until about 11.
And then we had a little bit of an after party until about 2 o'clock in the morning.
And so we have a ton of footage.
We have so many photos, and I will be sure to be sending those to you.
Like I said before, this is my first interview I've done since winning my election last night, Alex.
I'm just so thankful to you.
I'm so thankful to the InfoWars audience.
The other night when I was on your show, they helped me raise an additional $40,000.
And I hope that we can do that again, because we're going to need to raise millions of dollars, Alex, going into this election, and we are going to destroy cancel culture once and for all.
We are going to cancel cancel culture, and we are going to prove to America that there is no such thing as state speech, there is no such thing as having a wrong opinion, and that here in the United States of America, it is the American people who will decide election winners and losers, not the big tech tyrants in Silicon Valley.
Well, you know I admire you because not just your ideas and policies are in line with what I think America's all about, but you've gone through the same fire.
You haven't backed down.
You've persevered.
I really want to thank the audience for supporting you and supporting all of us together.
It's going to take blood, sweat and tears and money to take America back.
I think people finally get we're in a real existential war.
But in closing, before you pop back in with us tomorrow for more strategy, once you've had those meetings and tell us what we can do from your perspective, which we respect, The idea that Trump's endorsing you, the idea the RNC gets it, they're going to ignore all the lies.
They know going with a populist firebrand, conservatism, nationalism is what people want.
And it shows that Trump is ignoring Brad Parscale and all the wimps more and more, not trying to be mean, and is getting hardcore.
This is a good sign for the president 75 days in to not be pussyfooting around, but to really get behind you.
That shows they understand what's happening.
Yeah, and look, you know, I know that a lot of people can't say things publicly, but I would say that all of President Trump's campaign and his senior advisors have been very gracious and supportive of me.
I know that Brad Hartzell is a fan of mine.
Katrina Pearson is a fan of mine.
And now President Trump, of course, has openly expressed his support of me.
And so you're right.
Look, it's not like I have skeletons in my closet to hide.
What you see is what you get, Alex.
And what are they going to do?
They call me an Islamophobe.
OK, yeah, people know that I've said factual statements about Islam and Islamic terrorism that
the mainstream media and the radical left don't want to accept.
These are the same anti-American, anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, jihadist-loving communists
who were perfectly fine with Linda Sarsour being on a phone call at the DNC with Joe
Biden last night as one of his key political advisors.
A woman who has called for jihad against the President of the United States.
A woman who has said that her mentor is one of the co-conspirators in the 9-11 bombings.
a woman who has said that Jewish people shouldn't be humanized in this country.
Well that's what I'm saying.
I want to like Brad too.
I want to like Brad too.
So I don't want to put him down.
But all I'm saying is, as much as you're demonized, the Republicans shouldn't run away from good
people that are demonized.
It's all lies.
What you're saying is true.
And the fact that they're embracing you is beautiful.
And so that's great.
And that's my point though, is that the people who are attacking the Republicans from embracing
me, and believe it, CNN is out there this morning.
You know, The Washington Post that reason just came out with an article that said that the GOP should should shun me.
When they decide to shun the jihadists and the anti-American communists and their own party, maybe we can have a conversation.
But it is time to fight fire with fire, and it is time for people to grow a pair of balls, to start embracing the freedom fighters, people like me and you and Milo and Gavin McInnes and Roger and others.
People who have put their lives on the line for this country to fight and protect our First Amendment rights.
Laura, you are on fire.
It is a new Republican Party.
It is a new Republican Party, and that is what Ronald McDaniel told me last night.
He said that you are going to be a change agent in the Republican Party, and that is what I am, and that is what I plan to be.
It shows that you're a masthead.
They are endorsing your spirit, which I endorse as well.
Laura Limber, thank you.
We'll talk tomorrow.
Ladies and gentlemen, I smelled victory all over Donald Trump, and I knew he was the real deal.
I knew what his family was up to, the John Burns Society, the rest of it, the inside baseball.
And I knew that all hell was going to get released when he did get elected.
Now, I know Laura Loomer.
I've known her a long time.
She's a great lady.
She has a lot of passion.
She's pro-America.
She's pro-freedom.
And they've demonized her because they fear her.
And they want to put forward all these horrible radicals that say, abolish all the police, communism, America was never great and will never be great.
And the way they try to then all get together at CNN, MSNBC, all of them, and act like she's bad for things she says that Ronald Reagan would totally agree with.
And Ronald Reagan was pretty liberal compared to some Republicans, but at least he was pro-America.
At least some Republicans in his day.
But he understood the UN, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR were taking sovereignty.
He spoke out against it when he was running for president.
Laura Loomer understands all of that and the fact that the Republicans are saying that she is a bellwether, that she's a change agent, that she's an archetype.
I didn't talk to Laura today.
I sent her a text and said, can you come on?
She said, well, I'm doing strategy, no other interviews, but I'll do tomorrow.
And later she said, yes, I can do it.
We didn't talk about she's a change agent.
She's a bellwether.
She's a lightning rod.
She's the archetype of the Republican stopping being wimps.
And Trump a few months ago saying, we're not doing this wimpy route anymore.
I'm going my instincts, hardcore nationalist populism.
I saw that.
And Laura comes on and goes, yeah, that's exactly what they just said to me.
Because you can see it.
I don't need to talk to Trump to know what he's up to.
We're simpatico, and he's getting back on the right track right now, and that's a good thing.
Laura, is that what you were trying to get at?
Because this is so exciting.
That's A. And then B, B, Jack at Twitter, you are an official nominee of the Republican Party in one of the most important districts in the country, the President's District.
You better damn well be giving your Twitter back right now.
So tell us what's coming next.
Yeah, and that's exactly what I was trying to say.
And what I was saying, and what I want people to know is, is Ron McDaniel is right when she says that I'm going to be a change agent for the party.
Because look, there's no more of this dancing around for the sake of appeasing the left and people worrying about optics.
You know, Alex, I was told, and I'm just going to share this with you, and I haven't told you this yet, but you and I have been friends for many years now.
I have a lot of respect for you.
I admire you.
I have been told by people, if you want to win your Republican primary, you cannot go on InfoWars.
But you want to know what?
I said, screw you.
Alex Jones is my friend.
He's a freedom fighter.
You know, Laura, that's powerful what you're saying, but your phone was totally clear until you got to that.
Repeat, you were told not to talk to who?
Start over.
I was told that if I wanted to win my race, and if I wanted to have success in my Republican nomination and win the primary in Florida's 21st District, that I could never do Infowars again, and that I could not speak to you, because they say that you are toxic, just like they say about me.
And I said, screw you, okay?
Alex Jones is a freedom fighter, he's a patriot, he's fighting for the First Amendment, and
I am never going to, I am never going to sideline any of my friends or any of the people I know
for the sake of optics.
We are changing the Republican Party and we are going to force them to come to the table
and have a discussion with freedom fighters like you, like Gavin McInnes, like Milo, and
like other people in this country who have been completely silenced and banned because
we were the people who led the culture revolution in 2016 when President Trump was nominated
and elected.
Okay, President Trump went on InfoWars and he told you that you were amazing.
We were the people who were responsible for helping President Trump get elected and we
energized the grassroots base and that's what the Republican Party is missing now and that
is what they need to return to if they want to secure Trump's victory in 2020.
It is not the elite.
It is not the establishment in D.C.
that has President Trump's best interests and got him elected.
It is we, the people, the freedom fighters, the grassroots, and the so-called provocateurs who they have sidelined for the last four years.
I'm going to make it my priority to make sure that I provide a voice for everybody who has been silenced, everybody who has been banned, and I am going to force this issue to the forefront of the Republican Party ticket this election cycle because we can no longer allow for the radical left in this country to destroy freedom of expression because it is the underpin of Western civilization and the First Amendment and freedom of speech is what makes this country great.
And so you have my word, Alex.
I don't care what people say.
I don't care how controversial they may think you are.
Hell, they're already using you today to attack me in the press, you know, talking about all of these, you know, so-called conspiracy theories that are really just factual stories that you and I have been ahead of the curve on for years.
But I don't care.
We're doing things my way.
It's the right way, clearly, because I won my nomination last night, and we are going to flip this seat in November and send shockwaves through Washington, D.C.
Well, let's talk about that.
You had a whole bunch of people.
They flooded it trying to beat you, and you just... I was looking at, like, all the other candidates together didn't get as many votes as you, did they?
No, they didn't, and what's funny is that 48 hours before the election, CBS News, they published election results saying that the election was already called, that there was 100% reporting, the CBS 12 station did, and they said I got 2% of the vote.
So they were intentionally trying to lie, and there were supporters of mine who were calling the news station, and they got the receptionist on the phone who admitted at the news desk Oh yeah, they said they intentionally did that in the newsroom because they wanted to screw Laura Loomer over and ruin her chances of winning.
So they're pushing out fake information, they're suppressing voters, they're banning me at Xfinity Comcast from sending out fundraising and text messages.
I'm the only deplatformed candidate for Congress and now it's going to be very interesting because Single-handedly, as the Republican nominee for Florida's 21st District, I have presented on a silver platter to the DOJ a perfect criminal case to prosecute Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg for committing perjury.
Because now, they are actually guilty of committing election interference because they are suppressing the Republican nominee in the President's home district of Florida 21.
And they testified under oath, Alex, you and I both know.
They testified under oath and said that they are not committing political election interference and that they do not censor political speech.
And so it's going to be very interesting today to see how Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg respond to my election victory.
I guarantee you that there's severe nausea and indigestion taking place in these offices in Silicon Valley today.
You know, I made a promise.
I made a promise to the people when I filed to run for Congress, and we are going to go to Washington.
We are going to break Big Tech up.
And not only am I going to be the worst nightmare for the radical left, but we are providing firepower and reinforcements to President Trump and this Republican Party.
Mark my words, I'm going to be Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg's worst nightmare, Alex.
They don't know what's coming their way.
Well, Laura, you're always on fire, but my gosh, you were just the most eloquent orator ever, and you're always a pretty lady, but you looked, like, radiant up on the stage last night.
I mean, am I wrong that you just feel like you've hit your second wind and are energized?
Yeah, look, this really energizes me and, you know, I am energized and I get my energy.
I'm running on adrenaline right now.
I don't sleep, Alex.
You know me.
I'm always working.
I barely sleep.
But for me, you know, fighting for the American people and you could just feel the energy in the room last night so much so that you were one of few people who said it was radiating out of my skin.
I mean, just seeing so many people, you know, be inspired and have a renewed sense of hope.
And it was just so beautiful to have, you know, the entire Cancel Culture Cool Kids Club basically on stage at my event.
Giving the middle finger to the establishment and the cancel culture and saying, you thought that you could silence us, you thought that you could keep us down, but look at us now.
And you're literally the answer to the Ilhan Omar's and all these other nightmare people that talk about all this.
And again, if we don't want to live under a UN world government tyranny, we've got to let good people understand we can fight back.
We're promoting freedom.
And the key, what you said is, They try to make us run away from Trump with exaggerated, twisted, edited things.
They try to make us run away from you and from me because we're the populist.
We're telling the truth.
We'll defeat the globalists.
People need to run towards what's being attacked, not away from it.
And the mainstream media is losing their will.
They're losing their control over our minds.
That's why they launched this whole COVID hysteria, was trying to get control of us one more time.
But their system is going to fail.
Yeah, look, their system is going to fail, and that's why they silenced us, is because they know that we are more effective and that we are, we, they would not be able to win or even have success for the Democrat Party in this re-election year if we were still around, Alex, and that's why they silenced us, because President Trump was never supposed to win.
They thought they had it in the bag.
But it was thanks to people like me and you and Milo and others who basically Terrorized the Clinton campaign.
You know, I did so with my undercover videos with Project Veritas.
You did so with your Bill Clinton as a rapist.
You know, your incredible... Well, that's why they hate us.
We're not bragging, but people don't know that you and Veritas, you were one of their top people.
I mean, and our listeners, we savaged the Democrats and held them down and destroyed their lives in that last six months, particularly in 2016.
That's why they hate us so much.
Yeah, that is, and it was all led by you.
I mean, you had people all across, and that's really, I owe a lot of my career to you as well.
Not only James O'Keefe, but when I left Project Veritas, it was InfoWars, and it was you who gave me a platform to really expand my Loomerd videos and my Loomerd brand.
And, you know, when I was an InfoWars commentator... Laura, stay there.
I know you said you had more time for us, but I want you to get to your strategy meetings and be able to pop back in tomorrow with the strategy and what the troops can do.
But do five more minutes with us about finishing, about the spirit of perseverance and victory, and then I'm going to get into so many huge issues, folks.
The UN is announcing children will be taken from their parents under COVID-19, and universities are announcing a universal social credit score on your phone.
It's all official.
It's all happening now.
Well it's just a big deal, Laura Loomer.
The most censored woman in the world.
I mean, she's like a Chinese dissident or something.
She's been more censored...
They don't let her, you know, go to the Airbnbs.
They don't let her have Uber.
I mean, they put her name as a particular person to destroy because she got some of the most important Project Veritas scoops.
A lot of things that will never be on the record.
It was all legal what she did, but I know about her.
It was daring stuff.
And since then, she's done a lot of daring things.
And she's been a soldier for this country.
I mean, you can't exaggerate that.
And she's the type of firebrand that we need in Congress.
Because so many times we helped get somebody elected like Senator Rand Paul.
I like Rand Paul.
But once he got in the Senate, well then he didn't want to come on the show.
Or his handlers didn't.
One time he called up, you know, and wanted to come on, I had him on.
I don't need them.
Because there's not a big audience for Rand Paul.
He's a great guy, I like his voting record overall.
But it's not something I'm begging for.
But somebody like Laura Loomer, she inspires resistance.
That's why they're scared of her.
Because if that type of Loomer spirit, or Jones spirit, or Trump spirit, or Gavin McGinnis spirit catches on, it's over for the globalists.
So in closing here, when are you going to get back on Twitter?
They really should.
Where do people find you?
How do they get behind you?
And other key points you'd like to make, because you got cut off by the break.
Well look, I don't want Twitter.
Do you understand?
I don't want to pander to Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg.
Twitter and Facebook, as far as I'm concerned, they're irrelevant.
You want to know what has become completely irrelevant now?
All of these big fat social media sites.
Because they are undermining our Constitution.
They are undermining the American people.
But you want to know what is relevant?
Resisting communism.
You want to know what else is relevant?
Fighting back, being a freedom fighter, sticking up for your country, fighting for your country, standing with your president, okay?
There's nothing wrong with civil disobedience.
I'm not condoning violence at all, but it's time for Republicans to start exercising more civil disobedience if they want to take back their country from the radical left.
And so people can follow me on Parler.
I'm also on Gab.
Even if Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg were to come to me today and ask me to come back on, what conservatives need to realize is that these executives are making money off of conservatives being on their sites.
It's like being engaged with an abusive relationship and paying your abuser to stay in the abusive relationship with you.
You have to silence yourself, you have to muzzle yourself, you have to worry about whether you're going to get banned, you have to worry about whether you're going to be shut down or reprimanded for what you say.
Why on earth would any conservative want to keep staying on a platform that is making money off of them for abusing them?
It's time for conservatives to take a stand and to get the hell off these sites and migrate to places like Parler and Gab.
Because, you know, we shouldn't have to be censored and we shouldn't have to alter our speech By the way, Laura, I'm in love with what you're saying.
We didn't war game this interview.
I didn't know you were going to say that.
That's exactly what I would say at this point, is they've made themselves irrelevant.
That is the most rock star, true Americana Outlaw rock and roll spirit of 1776 statement is they've already made themselves obsolete and the answer is go build our own things.
They're trying to shut us down and saying we're obsolete but actually we're stronger now and they are the ones that are the dinosaurs.
We're the mammals.
The meteorites coming.
They destroyed themselves.
They destroyed themselves and, you know, I'm going to be the one that puts an end to them.
And we're just going to burn it all down, Alex.
And like I said, I'm not going to Washington, D.C.
to make friends.
I am going to Washington, D.C.
to be a voice for the people, to fight for the people.
You know, when you are honest, you don't exactly make friends being an honest person in Washington, D.C.
There really aren't many honest people in Washington, D.C., Alex.
But look, I said last night, and this may sound controversial, not that I've really ever shied away from controversy, but You know, I'm not going to Washington to work for the Republican Party.
I am not one of them.
I'm one of you.
I'm one of the American people.
And yes, I will be a representative for the Republican Party, but I work for the American people.
Laura Loomer, you're on fire.
60 seconds.
Come back and finish that statement.
Laura Loomer is our guest.
Stay with us.
Well, folks, you know I don't hype something unless it's big.
And I told you Trump was coming in like a juggernaut.
Laura Loomer is en fuego.
En fuego.
En fuego.
She is just saying stuff that is absolutely on target.
is what we need to hear.
And so just she got cut off by the break.
She says I'm not going to DC to be a Republican.
I'm going down to burn down the swamp.
I'm working for the people.
I'm a nationalist, conservative, patriot, populist, and I don't want to be on big tech.
They've destroyed themselves.
So just in two minutes finish your point, Laura Loomer, who just won a landslide.
They ran all these candidates against her.
She got more votes than all of them combined.
They had polls saying she was neck and neck.
They said she'd lost by 5 o'clock in the afternoon with 2% of the vote.
And they got caught in fraud!
They are crapping their britches!
And she's a bellwether of this.
So if we get excited about her, and give her a mega landslide coming up in 75 days, she'll override the fraud.
Let's make sure it happens, ladies and gentlemen, so we can fix this peacefully.
Or we got to do what Mr. Zapata talked about out in California.
We're going to play that clip when she leaves us here in a moment.
Laura, finish up the amazing statements.
Yeah, so thank you so much, Alex.
And I just want to reiterate that this election is going to be won by the people.
You know, I didn't have the support of the Republican Party or the NRCC or Kevin McCarthy going into my primary.
In fact, they were working against me.
OK, they said that I wasn't going to win my race and they were passing around false polling information that they didn't even conduct.
I'm talking about fake polls.
Perpetuated by Kevin McCarthy to try to sabotage donors so that they didn't donate to me.
So if you want to see me in Congress and you want to make this a reality, I need all of the InfoWarriors to donate, okay?
Whether it's $1, $5, $10, $100, $1,000, or the max donation of $2,800 like you did.
And you can technically donate another $2,800, Alex.
I need everybody to go to lauralehmerforcongress.com right now and donate to my campaign, because not only am I going to be sabotaged by the radical left, but don't think that these rhinos aren't going to come for me, okay?
They're already pouring millions of dollars into the Lincoln Project here in Florida to try to sabotage me.
They did it with a mailer last week to try to ruin my race, saying that I had an F rating when it comes to supporting President Trump.
So we need to fight back, because like I said, The American people decide election winners and losers, not Big Tech, not RINOs, not the Lincoln Project, and not these establishment cowards who think that they're going to have a political stronghold in our country forever.
We need to take our country back.
We need to burn it down.
We need to burn this system down, Alex, and that's going to happen by getting every single InfoWarrior on board.
So please, LauraLumer for Congress.com, donate all that you can today.
That's right, because the left is trying to burn down America because it can't compete with it.
It's called cloud and priven.
We have to burn down their communist system by dismantling it legally and lawfully, piece by piece.
All right, as soon as you're done with those strategy meetings today, whether it's tomorrow or the next day, please come back and join us so we know how we can make sure you get in there in 75 days.
Laura, congratulations.
Congratulations to all the listeners.
You heard her.
You were the most critical part of this win.
God bless you, InfoWarriors.
Thank you, Laura.
Thank you so much, Alex.
All right.
David Icke is going to be joining us coming up at the bottom of the hour.
He has a new graphic novel out that I've seen that is unbelievable.
You know, I used to call my films film books.
I was ripping off a Frank Herbert term.
It's like a book, but each page kind of has a little film that goes with it.
Well, he's actually done it, and it's called The Answer.
And so we'll show some of the book while we're here on air for TV viewers, radio listeners will describe it.
and it is extremely powerful.
He'll be with us at the bottom of the hour.
The book premieres today.
But let me just stop right there.
I got up at 5 a.m.
this morning and I went to InfoWars.com.
And I saw a Paul Joseph Watson article, it was like somebody punched me in the stomach.
And look, I knew it was coming and I knew it was already happening.
So I spent an hour glued to my computer before I even got coffee.
Because it was just a crystallization of everything.
And I'm in the kitchen at the counter, the coffee's literally three feet away.
First thing I usually do is get coffee.
And I sit there and I start searching, because I already knew, but I started searching and searching and it was already all over the country.
Next year when the college is open, it's already starting now in many colleges, you will all have to have a cell phone with a tracker app on it, and you're not allowed to leave the campus for the semester.
And if you do, you're expelled or suspended.
and it tells you what businesses you can go to, and it tells you how to spy on people.
Now, we knew it was a Chinese social score. We knew it was coming here.
Then I looked at Europe, Australia, it's all the same. They're doing it at pilot schools now,
and by 2021, the chains are on, and the whole next generation's being trained to do this.
And then there's another article on Infowars, and then I watched the local newscast.
They're beginning forced inoculations in Australia, in tests, but they're grabbing certain groups.
They're saying it's going to be forced inoculations.
They have drones saying we're following China's lead, as Fauci said, watching everybody.
They're choking women that leave their houses with masks on.
They're now doing lockdowns where people are in their houses for six, eight weeks and can't even leave.
And they're announcing that they're going to come in and take children out of people's houses if people refuse to be tested.
So everyone wondered how you get drug off and disappeared.
They just say they think you have COVID and they send over thugs that grab you and you disappear.
And the UN admits this is their model.
So it's not the UN a few months ago saying we're going to do this.
They're doing it now, for the children, of course.
Now I mentioned to you, veteran, patriot, videos up on Infowars.com, you should share video, veteran tells county, Shasta County in California, take the mask off, because it's not going to be peaceful much longer.
And it's a very important breakdown that he goes over.
But that's the desperation.
This is never going to end.
This is a worldwide depression to bring us to our knees with robots controlling it and dominating us.
I'm going to play the clip when I start the next segment and then get to the others.
This is a whole societal globalist takeover.
So everything's been incremental so far.
Now it's going to hit us with a ton of bricks.
And the depression of the eight-month lockdown that's gone on around the world is already here.
Millions are already starving to death in the third world.
Now it's coming here.
And the desperation.
And now the UN's announcing the universal income.
But with that comes your capitulation.
With that comes your list of subserviences that is always going to be expanded.
We are going into bondage, and people realize it, and they realize they're gonna have to fight.
Separately, I get so focused on these broadcasts now, I didn't tell you how we fund ourselves the entire last hour.
Most talk radio plugs every segment.
People know that a lot of people don't listen to the ads anymore, and it's the live plugs that do it.
So when I do these live plugs, I'm telling you, you've kept us on air, and I appreciate you, but you really need to realize Info Wars now, more than ever, needs your support.
Your word of mouth and your prayer.
Get the videos from Bandot Video.
Get the articles.
So many videos, so many films, so many reports can only be found at Bandot Video.
All these top medical doctors can't even come out and say what happened with their patients or their band.
And now they're getting in trouble.
And now they're losing their licenses.
And now they're... I mean, this is terror!
And I ran into a medical doctor lady yesterday and she said, we know hydroxychloroquine in our own practices is killing all these things instantly, but we're not even allowed to get it from the pharmacy.
She said, there's no law we can't get it.
The pharmacies are working for some big corporate group.
You're right.
There's a group in control of this.
They don't want people to get better.
That's incredible, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, we've got some big specials running right now.
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Heart and Body Combo, Extend-A-Wise and Vaz-O-Bees, 50% off.
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And the high-quality, storable food that everybody should get now, during this crazy time, to be prepared.
I sell everything I think you need, and that I personally want, and that I personally stockpile.
So yes, we're looking at serious collapse.
You need storable food now, 100%.
I'm very honored to be here with you.
Very blessed.
And I know why people 25 years ago, 26 years ago, 10 years ago, thought I was crazy.
I mean, I was talking about a world government using bioweapons to lock everything down, having a robot takeover, and how they were going to break up the family with transgenderism and make it stylish to sterilize children, and how they would keep putting pathogens in vaccines to the point that we were sterile.
But you know, I'm not like John the Revelator on the Isle of Patmos having a vision, because God sent an angel down.
No, I started reading publications put out by the John Birch Society and others, and I didn't believe what I was reading, so I went to the library and actually got books by Helmut Schmidt, the German Chancellor, or Carol Quigley, the top advisor at Georgetown to the Clintons.
Or is it Victor Brzezinski, the founder of the Trilateral Commissioner?
And I went and got the books, and I read them!
Where they admitted all of it!
And I said, man, this is horrible!
People need to be warned!
You know, you're not a peepin' Tom or anything, but if you're walking by the apartments, and you got windows open, you hear somebody saying I'm gonna kill you and you look to the window and
you see somebody somebody tied up in a chair and they got a knife and they're
threatening to kill them you call the cops.
I never saw something like that that's just an allegory.
I have seen people getting their houses robbed a few times and I call the police.
See people breaking into a house, see them coming out to a van, TV sets and stuff, you know, I've called the cops.
Well, it's the same thing.
I mean, I'm reading the most powerful people in the world saying they're building a post-human planet and how they're going to do it!
And how they're going to domesticate it so we're stupid and dumbed down and live it in the city so they can completely enslave us and how they're going to sell us on how it's security and how it's good and how their number one tool is going to be a virus.
And they'll also divide us along racial lines and claim they're fighting racism, but they'll be the ones exacerbating it.
And I mean, I'm reading all this 20, 30 years ago, and then decades later, WikiLeaks comes out, and it's Hillary and hundreds of emails to this top professor, a psychologist, on how to brainwash and how to create race war.
I mean, it's all right there!
It's in all the documents.
I mean, just the other day, I was reading Lockstep again from the Rockefeller Foundation, and it says we're setting up a planetary police state?
Those are quotes.
And we're going to end everything and make it so horrible people are going to accept you've been getting euthanized.
I mean, they're just going to turn all the food and water off, folks.
But they're going to do it slowly and get you to give up more each time to get food or water or medicine until finally you're tied up so tight.
And they walk in and say, your ass is dead.
And by then you want to die.
Things are so horrible.
So I'm not going to lay here and I'm not going to take it.
And I know you're not going to take it.
And I'm going to say this because we need a lot of money to keep this operation going and to expand 24 hours a day and to fight all the attacks and to do a lot of other things we're doing behind the scenes.
And you need storable food.
They're having power outages in California by design.
They're trying to implode the country.
They're trying to kill the dollar.
They're trying to cause race riots.
It's their stated goal.
Michelle said, Big Mike said, it's going to get a lot worse if you don't put us in.
What did the Atlantic Monthly say?
They said, you elect Trump, we're burning the country down.
You're going to burn it down anyways.
So yes, we went out.
And got the best storable food company out there that had only been around a year or so, but people liked it.
They got it on time.
It was quality.
I ordered some from them.
I was looking for a storable food company.
So many of them were fly-by-night.
I didn't even have a sponsor for it, even though I believed in it.
And MyPatriot came along.
And about six years ago, they partnered with us.
They're in our back end.
We have their full store there.
They take the orders.
They get them to you.
And when it was, oh, eight weeks for delivery, everybody got their food because it was such a huge ordering going on when COVID started.
But it's not the COVID virus you get the storable food for, it's the collapse, the lockdown, and the hysteria creates is the reason you get the storable food.
And the fact that the third world's already dying, and the first world's collapsing, and people are getting to the point of starving, and by the time it hits us, it takes a while to hit us, food prices are already exploding.
There's already breakdowns in meat packing and so much more.
So the default, sane thing to do when there's only one to two weeks for delivery now from their four factories here in the U.S.
is to get your order in at MFORESTORE.COM.
You get great, high-quality, nutrient-dense food, well-packaged, great for transport, last 25 years, and you've got that box of preparation ready.
Take care of yourself and your neighbors, and then you move on and some of that money funds the operation.
Infowarsstore.com, take action now.
But it was Emilio Zapata that said, it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
And today, Carlos Zapata said the same thing in California.
And this is the political shot heard around the world.
Share it.
Here it is.
I wasn't going to speak.
I was asked to speak here.
You know, Sheriff, good to see you.
I'm telling you guys, you know, I'm pretty appalled at what's going on.
You know, at first we sat as concerned citizens that we all want to figure out how to best navigate our way through this whole COVID thing, you know.
As we realize that, it's not quite as dangerous as we thought it'd be.
I was absolutely appalled at the cowardice.
And as you're sitting there with your masks on, I don't blame you for wearing masks, because I'd be hiding my face too if I was you for what you're doing.
It's absolutely horrendous what you're doing to these people.
I'm a business owner, and I'm telling you, our families are starving.
You guys can sit here with your jobs, you can sit here and you're gonna get paid, you can fall asleep in your chair like that gentleman's doing behind his mask right there.
And I'm telling you right now, that right now we're being peaceful.
And you better be happy that we're good citizens, that we're peaceful citizens.
But it's not going to be peaceful much longer.
And this isn't a threat.
I'm not a criminal.
I've never been a criminal.
But I'm telling you, good citizens are going to turn into real concerned and revolutionary citizens real soon.
And nobody else is going to say that.
I'm probably the only person that has the balls to say what I'm saying right now.
That we're building, we're organizing, and we'll work with law enforcement or without law enforcement.
But you won't stop us when time comes because our families are starving.
If you don't hear the seriousness of my voice, I hope you open your ears and you absolutely listen to what I'm saying.
Because this is a warning for what's coming.
It's not going to be peaceful much longer.
It's not going to be rah-rah.
It's not going to be speeches.
It's not going to be gathering outside saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
It's not going to be waving flags.
It's going to be real.
When you've seen the things that I've seen, I went to war for this country.
I've seen the ugliest, dirtiest part of humanity.
I've been in combat.
And I never want to go back again.
But I'm telling you what, I will to save this country.
If it has to be against our own citizens, it will happen.
And there's a million people like me.
And you won't stop us.
Open the county.
Let our citizens do what they need to do.
Let owners of businesses do what they need to do to feed their families.
Take the masks off!
Quit masking and muzzling your children!
The psychological damage you're doing to them is horrible.
I've had six friends kill themselves since it's happened.
Veterans who lost their jobs.
How do you feel about being complicit in perpetuating that?
The greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the American people, and you're part of it by wearing your masks.
In Shasta County, we're supposed to be red country up here.
Not blue country, we're red country up here.
You guys know that.
I don't know.
You claim to be conservatives.
Maybe you're not.
Maybe you're liberals.
I don't know.
But by God, we're Americans.
And remember that.
Take your masks off.
Quit muzzling yourselves.
Join us.
Fight with us.
Against what's going on in Sacramento.
It's travesty.
The Answer by David Icke.
His newest book.
Coming out today, we live in extraordinary times with billions of bewildered and seeking answers for what is happening.
David Icke, the man who has been proven right again and again, has spent 30 years uncovering the truth behind world affairs.
In a stream of previous books, he predicted current events down to a T. The answer will change your every perception of life and the world set up and set you free from the illusions that control human society.
There's nothing more vital for our collective freedom than humanity becoming aware of what is in this book.
And I haven't read all the book.
I've seen the graphic novel of it.
We'll play some of that while he's on with us.
I do intend to read it.
And it's at DavidIke.com.
But let me just say something right now.
David Ike has been profound in his analysis and his piercing understanding of what's currently happening and what's going to be happening.
And InfoWars has also been on the cutting edge of a lot of things.
And it's not about celebrating that, but it's understanding the fact that we could predict it means we can also stop it.
But it's humanity facing the horror of just how evil these forces are that will set us free.
As long as we live in denial about it, and don't face all the different compartmentalizations that come together to form this behemoth, we have no chance of beating it.
So David was just asking what I wanted him on about.
I've been wanting him on for a month.
He said, I'll come out when the book comes out.
I want him on about the book?
I want him on about what he sees as coming next.
I want him on about how he thinks we stop this.
I want to get his take on how you think the fight's going.
Bill Gates is this reviled demon.
Almost everyone I know, black, white, old, young, liberal, conservative, understands COVID's a hoax.
It's now out in the open.
They want forced microchipping.
Major universities from Europe to the United States are saying this semester, starting You're going to have a cell phone with an app on it.
You can't leave the grounds for the semester.
If you do, you're expelled.
Only certain shops will take your money.
I mean, it's here.
Everything they built has now been launched.
It's like Hitler built up for World War II for five years, but one day he finally launched the war.
And so the dam has broken, the enemy has emerged.
As David said a few months ago on the show, they've gone from denying it Yeah, ditto Alex.
it and so I just want to give him the floor to cover all those questions where
he wants to start for the next hour and 20 minutes. David Icke, thank you so much
for coming on with us and it's a real pleasure to be fighting right alongside
you against this anti-human force. Yeah, ditto Alex and you know the fact that
this situation could be predicted tells people something very profound. Those
that have been in denial all these decades where they've said to me a few
people can't control the world.
It's not possible.
Well, you've just seen it happen in a few months.
And what the predictability of current events tells you is they're not random.
You can't predict random events.
They just happen.
What you can do is predict long-planned events because they are long-planned to happen.
And so we are now looking at a transformation of human society, which surely even the most naive cannot go on believing that this has happened in terms of its organization and its orchestration since some virus came to light in the early part of this year in the West.
This is playing out as a script, as a seamless script, based on psychological manipulation, not health, because it was sitting there waiting for the button to be pressed for a long, long time before.
And all it was waiting for was the trigger, the excuse to play it out.
And that is what we've seen.
And, you know, when you look at the speed of transformation, In country after country, because it's globally coordinated.
I've just come off a two and a half hour interview with people in Melbourne, Australia, and what's happening there is, you know, well, what's happening there is the precursor to what's planned in the Northern Hemisphere when we hit our winter.
They're in their winter now, and that is outright, full-blown fascism.
But people look at the society as it's transformed and they say, oh my God, it's happened so quick.
But the speed of transformation of human society is equivalent exactly to the speed of human acquiescence to it.
If that had been pushed back, and we're not having it, months ago, we wouldn't be where we are now.
And you know, when you break down how a few can control vast numbers, it's a very simple structure.
And while people may sit around moaning that it's going on and pointing out the evil people involved in it, and they should because they are, they also need to find a bloody mirror.
Because we are, as a human race, completely responsible as well for what's happening for this reason.
People say that a few can't control the world.
Well, it's easy when this happens and I'll explain.
You think of a pyramid and at the top of the pyramid is a tiny few people, what I call the cult.
Some people call it the 1%.
I call it the cult because it is.
And then that cult in a circle imposes its agenda on the next level down, which acquiesces
to it and impose it on the next level down.
Now very quickly as you come down from that pyramid peak, you start to meet levels in
the human hierarchy, national and international, who have no idea there even is a cult or there
even is a global conspiracy.
They're falling like dominoes.
And that's why when we go out and resist the park closures, they just stand down.
The police agree.
We hate this.
It's wrong.
Do what you want.
But no one's pushing back.
But when we do push down and push back, the dominoes falls.
What you're saying is stop just acquiescing and repeating what comes down from the United Nations, from the globalists.
And when you follow this this pyramid down, it's very simple.
Each higher level acquiesces to the level above and imposes on the level below.
So it's imposition, acquiescence, imposition, acquiescence, imposition, acquiescence, until you reach the body of the population, again, nationally and internationally.
And if we, as a human race, then, at our point in the pyramid, acquiesce to that level of the pyramid that is imposing
upon us, we complete a circuit.
And that circuit completes a sequence of imposition and acquiescence which allows a tiny
few at the top of the pyramid, which the vast majority of people in the pyramid have no idea
exists, to impose its will on the entirety of the population.
And without human acquiescence, none of this is possible.
This cult and these authorities have no power.
Let's not fall for that one.
They have no power.
The power that they use recycled back against us is the power we give to them.
We had a few weeks ago, just down the coast from where I live, we had thousands of people hit the beaches because it was such a really hot period.
And there were so many people on the beaches, social distancing, unsocial distancing was not possible.
So the local authority in the area calls an emergency incident.
Okay, you called an emergency incident.
Oh yeah, emergency incident, but what's happening?
Okay, so what are you going to do?
Well, there's nothing we can do.
We've got thousands of people on the beach and they won't obey.
They won't cooperate.
Nothing we can do.
So, why can't we do that with masks?
Why can't we do that with social distancing?
Which have nothing to do with health and everything to do with safety.
Stay there David.
You're on fire.
This is the key to everything and then let's ask the question.
A lot of people say, oh, I'll wear my mask, so what?
They don't get that once you complete the circuit, it's a test to then accept contact tracing, then accept the social distancing apps, then accept the implantable chip, then accept the forced inoculation, then accept all of it.
That's what it's about, is breaking our will, the spider, the cult, exercising its will.
How do we get people to turn their will on?
With David Icke, straight ahead, stay with us.
I'm looking at mainstream headlines out of Australia.
Australian law allows forced vaccines or jail to prevent suspected disease.
It goes on to say they're now announcing a new law under the UN, that's who they cite, to take children from parents that won't allow them to be tested for COVID-19.
They're now beginning To announce that universities will suspend students who leave a 4.5 mile COVID bubble who are being tracked by their phones, the equivalent of anklet races.
David Icke has a new powerful book out titled The Answer.
Find it at iconic.com.
I-C-K-O-N-I-C.com or davidicke.com.
But here we are.
We're told you cannot criticize the U.N.
in Europe, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, China, the United States, Canada, Mexico.
We're told, officially, the U.N.
says there's no treatment for COVID-19.
The U.N.
says other medical doctors can't disagree.
They're banned.
So you wake up one day and you're under U.N.
It's Fauci and Gates running the Wuhan lab.
I agree with David Icke that it's basically not what's killing us.
It's what they say is the virus.
The numbers are extremely low.
They're putting the names of people that died of other things in that column.
But there is something going on at the Wuhan lab, and I think it's something else they've got planned.
Because Bill Gates has said on national TV that, oh, a bigger, more deadly one's coming.
This is just a test.
I think he's telling the truth there.
He's gloating like a supervillain.
They're telling us that, hey, we're testing you to see how you'll comply, and if we will comply, the real depopulation's coming.
So I wanna talk about how we awaken humans, how we stop acting like robots, one of your first books, how we start being ourselves and saying no and breaking that circuit of control.
But first, big picture, how's the world doing in its resistance to the COVID situation?
What do you think they're gonna pull next?
How do you think it's going for them, and why do they want Well, the situation is that they have been hiding below the radar decade after decade after decade after decade, and we've been pointing out that they are operating below the radar.
And I said a long, long time ago that there'll come a point when they will have to break the surface where we can see them.
And it will be very, very difficult to deny what's going on then.
Because when you are manipulating transformations of society under the radar, and you're trying to hide it, there comes a point we have to break the surface.
Because if you don't, you're not going to transform society as you want.
And when you If you, like, enter the room where people can see you, you've got to move very, very quickly.
Because the slower you move, once you've put yourself on public display, and my goodness me, they've done that since the turn of 2020, the more people are going to start to wake up and are going to see it.
Because it's painfully obvious how everybody can't see it now, it's staggering.
And therefore you've got to try to get to that point of control before enough people have realised what's going on.
This is why they're rushing the vaccine.
I mean, I said when this whole thing started, the vaccine already exists.
I'm not saying it was necessarily in, you know... No, you did say that eight months ago, but it turned out Bill Gates, through subgroups, did have a bunch of coronavirus bat vaccines ready, and already done animal trials, at least four of them, so they actually did have it ready.
I mean, it's crazy.
Yeah, at the very least they knew what was in it.
And we're looking, you've mentioned some of the things, we're looking in this vaccine at things that transform not just DNA but transform the whole genetic structure of the body.
And of course it's not going to be one vaccine, they've already said that now, it's going to be a flu-like every year or so.
Well, Yates talks about five a year for adults, two for children to change your DNA.
So what he's really doing is, he wants us all guinea pigs to test changing our DNA.
That's really what this is.
Yeah, and so the other part of this vaccine will be a sterilization agent.
One of the things that I've been tracking over the years in my books is the absolutely collapsing sperm counts around the world.
I quote in the answer an article where it said that if sperm was an animal they'd be talking about it moving into the area of extinction.
Because they want to transform the body from the biological nature we have now into synthetic biology, a synthetic type body, which will not procreate.
So they want to do two things.
They want to transform the body into a new form and there'll be nanotechnology and the vaccine to nanobots etc, self-replicating
nanobots which will be part of that process which insiders have exposed over the years.
But also they want to stop the procreation of what they have now and this is where the
the transgender explosion comes in. This is why they are confusing the gender of
the young and indeed the very young because it's confusing gender on the
road to fusing gender and the no gender human. So all these things are connected
and the Gates vaccine is massively involved in. By the way, none of this is your
opinion. Carol Quigley wrote about it, so many others did.
If you look at the guy that wrote Brave New World, Aldous Huxley's brother, Julian
Huxley, ran the UN operation, was the head transhumanist. He said back in
the 30s, we're gonna get rid of the sexes but first we're gonna confuse them with
chemicals in the water.
And so they've done it, they're doing it. Yeah, Julian Huxley was a
eugenicist of course and Aldous Huxley In Brave New World, written in the 1930s, was describing this very situation of the end of procreation, the end of parenthood.
This is why parental power over their children is being deleted and deleted and deleted and handed to the schools and the states and the social services.
It's because they're moving out of parents bringing children up, it's going to be the state bringing them up.
And so he talked about world state hatcheries in which humans were decanted, not procreated in the normal
And you know, this is the whole point.
And a lot of people who are new to this will think, well, how did he know in the 1930s?
Well, for the same reason that I knew decades ago, and you were talking about it a long, long time ago,
and that George Orwell knew about it in the 1940s, Because there's two worlds.
To understand is to understand the two worlds in the same reality.
You've got the world that humans live in and you've got the world of the cult and the difference between the two overwhelmingly is the level of knowledge.
So, you have the world of human society where knowledge is strictly limited and strictly oppressed and suppressed.
This is done through the school system, through the media, etc.
and you keep people on what I call the postage stamp.
The postage stamp consensus of very narrow understanding of everything because it's there systematically.
But then you've got this other world Where the knowledge is vastly more advanced because it's passed over through the upper levels of the secret society network to keep it out of public circulation.
And this other world not only has a much wider understanding of reality and the nature of reality and how we interact with it, but it also has knowledge obviously of the projected agenda.
And because of the level of knowledge that it operates with, it's projecting technology Which to the human world doesn't exist and is, at one point, sci-fi stuff.
But it knows this stuff exists and how to create it.
That's right.
The future is here, it's not evenly distributed.
And they're building this post-human railway, this post-human system, while phasing us out.
And now they've got to the point, in the Wall Street Journal, looking forward to the post-human future.
And now they're admitting, in NBC News, that humans will soon be phased out.
And that they're going to direct our evolution and that, hey, we're not really humans.
We don't believe in aliens, but we believe we are becoming them.
I mean, that's what they're saying.
So something, this is heavy.
But you know, this is why, because this other world, if you can access it because either you're an insider or because you spend decades working your backside off uncovering it, you can predict the future.
Because the future, unless there's An end to acquiescence, so it can't become the future, becomes the future.
So, predicting the agenda becomes predicting the future.
And because of this level of knowledge, in this other reality, this other world, this is why Huxley could talk about genetic changes and drug changes that didn't exist then.
In the human world, that was... What?
That's incredible!
And it happened exactly as he said it would.
Yeah, and this is why Orwell was able to talk about telescreens, which are now the first precursors of those, of course, are the smart TVs.
And I've quoted people in my books from, for instance, 1969, where Insiders who were describing the internet, who were saying we're going to make boys and girls the same.
Now, they know that because their knowledge base is vastly in advance of the human society.
Stay there, David Icke, and we're going to come back in two minutes with the next hour.
But they don't like the fact that you and I and many others were ahead of the curve, so now that it's all happening, we have credibility.
How are they going to try to stop that?
Well, with censorship.
But that's not working.
Everybody tell folks to tune in now.
Well, every time David Icke comes on, I've been interviewing him for 25 years or so, he just gets more eloquent and he's a real blessing for the species.
There's a five-minute segment, long segment coming up here in a moment.
But David, we can break down the way society operates in different areas, but you have conquest government, you have renaissance government, of course there's always a mix of those two, you have predatory government, you have altruistic government, But as you described, so many people in corporate life and business, they know it's all hierarchical.
They just learn to do whatever they're told, so they're pushed up higher.
But still, they're not their own person, and it builds stagnation, and we know it's an anti-human endgame that we're basically gestating, you know, this alien globalist force, and at one point we're to be destroyed, which we're now entering that phase.
But so many men that are actually smart on the surface, they decide to serve it, they think we're dumb to even try to study what's really going on.
I was lucky enough that my dad never got into the higher levels of this group, but he did get recruited in high school into it, and he told me about a lot of it when I was a kid and said he got out of it.
He didn't get the more fantastical realms of it, but he was dead on.
And so I kind of had to jump on things.
I guess you woke up working inside the BBC and other things and seeing the angle of what was happening, but the short segment we have here I cannot describe to people the value of knowing how things really work in business or life or stocks.
If I want to do the stock market, I'm almost always winning.
If I want to know how to stuff the outcome, and then it's like people that don't have the knowledge, they think it's foolish and laugh at us when we do, but they're not laughing now.
So what happens as it becomes clear that humans that are aware of the real world Well, you know, I come from a different angle, Alex, to many people who look at this network, what I call the cult, as this powerful entity.
studying this knowledge, what's going to happen? Because the censorship I don't
think is going to be able to suppress it.
Well you know I come from a different angle Alex to many people who look at
this network, what I call the cult, as this powerful entity.
I see it as a bunch of frightened little boys and girls in short trousers and
you know when you think, I'll give you an example of what I mean to support
When you look at this cult, it's because of its control of money and its control of all the institutions of society.
It controls the media and the information that people overwhelmingly receive.
It controls the Silicon Valley giants and therefore, again, controls not only what people see but what people don't see.
Controls the banking system.
Controls governments.
Controls corporations.
And yet, it has to ban people like me and people like you.
Because it's frightened of what we're doing.
And it's frightened of what we're doing because it can only survive, and its narrative, not least about this virus for goodness sake, what a crock of crap that is, it can only survive by protecting it from exposure.
And the more that they censor, the more evidence you have of where the real power is.
You know, all that control, and yet they have to take my videos down.
They have to take my YouTube channel down.
Oh, I totally agree with you that they're all about suppressing and controlling humans because we're more advanced to them, so it's basically like a Space Coast episode where the centipede or the praying mantis creature is trying to figure out how to control American television and can't even figure it out.
I mean, they've got the power, but they don't have any of the knowledge.
Yeah, they have the control of the institutions, but they don't have the power.
We have the power and their narrative is so tenuous that if people were left to freely expose it, it would be over.
So they have to.
This is, again, where the power is coming from.
They're not censoring.
Because it's a bit of fun.
And they're not censoring to posture their power.
They're censoring because they've got no choice.
Oh, I agree because once they censored us, we only got bigger.
And they're more scared.
I mean, they're scared.
I've been around globalists.
They're scared.
Stay there, Dave.
We're back in 60 seconds.
I want to ask you some questions you might not have ever been asked.
And I know you're here to just educate the public, and we really appreciate it, but I want to talk about your book, how people get it, because people really need to know the truth of what's going on, and David Icke is dead on the target.
He's like Robin Hood, where he splits his own era, and we're very, very honored to have him, DavidIcke.com, and you can find the new book, The Answer, there.
I'm Alex Jones with NewsWars.com and Band.Video.
The only way those links get out is if you share them.
Stay with us.
Humanity has the power!
We have the power!
You have the power!
David Icke is amazing.
I love him.
He's a trailblazer, a visionary, and he's been dead on.
Dead on.
And here he is with his new book, The Answer.
We've got him for another 50 minutes or so.
We're very honored.
The book came out today.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
David, let's look forward to the future like you did back in 1992-93 when you really started warning people and you got ridiculed and laughed at.
But of course, didn't even care if you knew the truth.
People ask how I take it.
I know I'm right.
And we're doing our own research.
You come up with basically the same answers from different perspectives.
And so is the general public.
So as that quickening happens, the enemy's been forced to accelerate their plan.
They've been forced to emerge.
They're very scared.
You can see that.
We have the power.
They know it's slipping out of their hands.
What are they going to do to try to counter that?
And how do you imagine or project?
I know it's all up to us.
But as a general in the pro-human fight, how do you project that fight going and if we were able to
defeat them quickly how would their collapse look like the old soviet union but
on steroids how would this blossoming in this explosion of knowledge
and of honor and justice and freedom and not the evil programs
that they inject into us of backstabbing racism and fighting and mindlessness what would that super renaissance
look like well human consciousness individually and collectively is
human society [BLANK_AUDIO]
So, if you look at human society now, it's a reflection of human consciousness.
And when human consciousness changes, in other words, human perception changes, then the world will change to express, project that change of perception.
So, if you are frightened of authority and you acquiesce to authority,
then you are going to live in a world of control because it's a projection of your
When you can break those bonds, and the bonds are almost not imposed upon us so much as
we impose them on ourselves, right?
I've not worn a mask.
They can stick that where the sun don't shine.
I've not rubbed sanitiser on my hands, poisoned me bloody self.
I've not got involved in their track and trace.
I never will do any of it.
And therefore, I'm not acquiescing to them.
I'm living my life as I've always lived my life.
And everyone could do that and together we'd be unstoppable.
What they're trying to impose upon us would be unenforceable.
I mean, how do you enforce masks on everybody?
There's not enough police officers for a start and you can't do it.
You do it because people overwhelmingly acquiesce and then the next thing is they not only acquiesce, they insist that everyone else
does, the old Stasi system in East Germany. And so this is human
consciousness today. We went under lockdown because vast numbers of people believed the rubbish that
they were told.
Therefore, I've got to go under lockdown.
That's my perception because I'm in danger.
And it's all been proven to be a lie.
And then Fauci says trust the science when everything he told us was completely fraudulent.
He couldn't spell science.
And so the other group of people that went under lockdown and acquiesced were those that, well, there's something not right here.
But their perception was, what's the consequences for me of doing anything about it and standing up to it?
So those two perceptual groups went into lockdown.
So we went into lockdown.
The perception became the reality, became the experience.
Now we can reverse that.
And we reverse it by ceasing to acquiesce and ceasing to do what we're told.
You see, you can listen to government, you can listen to authority, and they tell you, you know, you need to do this, and you're like, OK, and you can go, OK.
So tell me why, right?
And OK, I'll hear that.
I'm going to do a bit of research.
And sometimes you might say, well, do you know, yeah, I agree with that.
I'm going to do that because it makes sense to me.
I'm making the decision.
But when you are acquiescing by reflex action, just because some prat in a dark suit tells you to...
That is subjugation.
And that's what leads to the few controlling the many.
That's right.
And a lot of people think if they buck something, they're being uppity, they're causing a stir.
No, we need to start saying no.
When they said all the parks are closed in Austin, and people were acquiescing, I went down there.
Then they said, oh, sign up for COVID tracing at a huge giant parks that are as big as a national park.
And we just marched in there, got in the face of the people, and the police said, yeah, there's no law you can't have.
Hired bureaucrats blocking people to a park, so they had to open it back up.
And it's just that people just have to push back.
That's all it is.
You know, we don't have to fight the enemy.
We don't have to even protest, though people can if they want.
All we need is the power of no.
I'm not doing it.
And you cumulatively have people saying, no, we're not doing it.
Oh, we've had a discussion.
Are we going to do this?
No, we're not doing it.
We're not doing it.
So where's your power now?
What, you haven't got any?
Your power was always in us saying, well, I don't like it, but I've got to do it because they told you.
It's the law.
It's the law!
Well, if the law's a load of old crap and designed specifically to enslave you, your kids and your grandkids, what are we doing acquiescing to it?
This is the change of perception.
No, I know you're trying to get people to shift their perception.
I'm asking you, though.
How's it going for the evil spider?
And what do you expect?
What would it look like?
How do you see the enemy falling?
I get it.
We wake up, we say no, and then this group becomes irrelevant.
They all go to prison.
I mean, already these blood-drinking, devil-worshipping, child molesters are... Everything you said 30 years ago is coming out.
Everything I said 26 years ago is coming out.
I mean, it doesn't look like things are going too well for them.
Well fortunately, fortunately for us, they have an unsellable frontman in Bill Gates.
I mean, you know, I mean, people with their eyes closed.
Which shows it's not a human agenda because it never, it doesn't even have human instincts.
I mean, who would come up with Bill Gates as the frontman?
I mean, it's extraordinary, and it's a great thing, because he's unsellable.
I mean, he's got I Am Frickin' Evil stamped on his forehead.
So he's a really hard sell, and that's a good thing, because they can't disconnect Gates from the vaccine now, which is excellent from a pushback point of view.
It is.
But what they will be seeking to do, and it will be in the script, is to, because they're terrified, you see, they're
terrified of this gathering momentum.
This is where all the bans on gatherings of people beyond a handful comes from. They're
terrified of pushback. What they've done in this country is introduce fines for not wearing a mask
in the situations that they've decreed of up to ÂŁ3,200, which is a lot of money for people.
And they've done that because they're terrified of the momentum of people saying, ain't doing it.
But still people are refusing, and then the judges are refusing to enforce it.
Yeah, and so what they're going to try to do, it'll be in the script, ...is to get control of as many fundamental necessities to life as they can.
So obviously they're going to create food shortages.
They're going to get control of the electricity grids and obviously they've got control of the internet from an on-off point of view.
So they're going to try... And by the way, in blue states everywhere they're now doing rolling blackouts on purpose, just like you said.
Yeah, so it's the necessities of life they want to control.
Because everything they are doing is to stop this momentum of non-acquiescence.
Because that's the end of it.
All over.
Thank you.
See you later.
Once that happens.
And so it's like, you do that and you won't get this.
You do that, you won't get this.
And you're right.
This is their big assault, their global tracking grid, their social credit score, their forced inoculation.
If this fails, Then what do they do?
This could be the end of the New World Order.
Well, yes, it could, because they've made it --
you know, if you use the analogy of a long-distance race, they've been in the pack, hiding in the pack,
moving this thing forward.
And now, in 2020, they've made their run for home.
And you see, when people make the run for home in an athletics race, they have to stay in front.
And they have to get across the line, because once they get caught,
they start going back into the pack again.
Yeah, a lot of times, they stumble and fall on their face.
Powerful allegory with David Icke.
Stay there, David.
We'll come back and start at that point.
David Icke is here with us, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's just surreal.
To see every major publication say the earth will be better without humans.
We must give up our bodies.
Families are bad.
We can't have single person homes or family homes.
All of this is beyond Orwellian and it's the agenda.
And I know David you want to get into what's technically happening and who the globalists are, but getting back to your earlier work about this being non-human.
You got attacked for that 30 years ago.
Clearly this whole agenda is anti-human.
They say their job is to get rid of humans.
The goal is a post-human world.
Now they say they want to overwrite all the genetics of the planet and totally change it.
It is, by definition, alien.
The genetic engineering, they're creating new life forms that never existed before.
So, so what is this?
What is the endgame?
I know you say we're all energy, but what are they?
What are they?
Why do they want the blood of children?
Why do they want to torture people?
Why do they love ugliness?
Who are they?
Well, if we had another two hours, I'd love to talk about this because, you know, I've been talking in the books for decades, decades about the fact that the force ultimately behind this is non-human and that the network, the cult that I call it in human society, which people like Gates and Soros, et cetera, are assets.
They are the manipulators within human society on behalf of this non-human force.
In fact, the non-human force controls them.
And when you look at ancient writings in ancient cultures, there's a real common theme and it absolutely fits what I've been talking about all these years.
And that is, you know, we can perceive life as form.
You know, I have a human body, and there's another body, and another body, and an alien body.
But ultimately, what's animating that form, what's using that form as a vehicle to experience, is consciousness.
Imagine a balanced, harmonious level of consciousness, which people call love and other balanced emotions.
Now imagine the absolute antipathy of that, an inverted, imbalanced, distorted state of consciousness.
That is what this non-human force ultimately is, and it possesses this cult.
And this is why, you know, the bloodlines are all part of this possession network, because their genetics Makes them more open to this possession.
And so what you're looking at is this imbalanced, deeply disturbed state of consciousness driving this cult.
That's why they do what they do.
This is where psychopathy comes from.
Psychopaths, which is what all these people are, super psychopaths with people like Gates and Soros, These psychopaths are an expression of this, what I've been calling for years, this mind virus.
And what they're trying to do is to assimilate the rest of humanity into this mind virus state of consciousness.
And it shuts them down, it isolates them in the five senses.
What I found fascinating, Alex, in the last couple of weeks is I've been reading a lot of stuff On the Native American concept, one of the names for it is Wetiko.
And what they're describing is exactly what I've been writing about for years and I'm talking about now.
It's a mind virus.
And you see this in all the ancient cultures.
Sure, they had people that would go crazy and start trying to kill kids, drink blood, and just go psycho for no reason.
This is the possession of this Wateco mind virus.
When I say virus, I don't mean physical virus.
I mean like a computer virus.
That's how it works.
Because you see, if you take the analogy of a computer and you take that to be the five sense conscious mind of humans, And then you take the guy on the keyboard and the mouse to be expanded states of consciousness.
Those two things should be interacting.
That's our natural state.
But what happens when the computer gets a virus?
You bang in the keyboard, you bang in the mouse and nothing's happening because now the virus has taken over literally the perceptual information processing systems of the computer and it's going where the virus tells it.
So all hell's breaking loose.
That's right.
Everything they do is about forcing us into a false reality.
Yeah, and so the more that they can bring us into fear and imbalanced low vibrational states of emotion like anxiety and anger and hatred and all these things, the more they are basically attaching this mind virus frequency to us.
And one of the interesting things, you'll certainly recognize this, all people watching this show, The Native American concept talks about this Wutiko being a mind blindness which operates out of the subconscious.
That's what he hides in the subconscious.
And of course the cult in all its forms, its target is the human subconscious.
Because if they can put perceptual programs in the subconscious, they'll filter through to the conscious mind.
And the person will think they're their own thoughts, opinions and you know, kind of insights when actually they've been put
into the subconscious.
So this Wutiko virus operates in the subconscious.
And once the conscious mind becomes aware of it, it loses its power.
This is why, you know, when you can have an image and you can have a subliminal insert
into it, and that insert will talk to your subconscious.
But once it's pointed out, there's that subliminal insert, the conscious mind's aware of it, that's the first thing you see when you look at the image from then on, is the insert.
It's been made conscious, it's lost its power over you.
That's the spell losing its power, so how do we get people out of the spell?
So what the Native American concept of this mind blindness is, is that it tricks the conscious mind into a state of mind blindness.
In other words, not knowing the hell what's going on, but it thinks it has.
And what we're seeing all the time I'm seeing all the time anyway, is people who actually consciously believe they've looked at what's happening and they've come to their own conclusions and they've worked out what this virus thing is all about and what comes out of their mouth.
Is the official narrative, word-for-word.
In other words, they're blind to what's going on, but they think they're not.
And this is the... Exactly!
They always dial in to the stated talking point, but they think it's their own, but they word-for-word say it, because they've become nothing but, like you said, a repeater, because it's like an electrical charge.
They've just completed the circuit.
Yeah, this is what this bubble is.
They try to put people in a bubble of perception, what I call the five sense bubble.
And people think they're thinking... By the way, the universities in the UK and the US are calling it a COVID safety bubble where you're not allowed to leave for the semester.
Have you seen this?
It's kind of funny.
I use the concept or the symbol of the bubble in the answer when I'm talking about how, you know, people are isolated in the bubble.
And I wrote all that.
85% of that book was written before this stuff kicked in.
And then what played out was what was in the first 85% of the book played out in human society.
And then they brought in this bubble concept, which I thought was extremely synchronistic, because that's what they want us to put us in, this bubble.
But if we stop self-identifying with being... We'll stay there.
We've got to go to break again.
But yeah, putting the kids in bubbles, rock concerts in bubbles, at restaurants in cages.
It's a mental image.
You're bad.
You're dirty.
We've got to keep you locked up.
Stay there, David.
David Icke.
David Icke is on fire, on fire as usual.
I'm Alex Jones.
Spread that link.
The bell is tolling.
Humanity is at the crossroads.
We're going to win.
But it's going to be rough.
I remember David Icke back in like 2005 on my show.
He was saying, I think around 2016 will be a giant awakening.
But then by 2020, the real fight will come, and if humanity can make it through that in the next 5-10 years, I think there's going to be a real, I mean, amazing time after that, but it's really up to us.
I remember saying, well, why are you coming up with these numbers?
And he said, well, I do a lot of research, but also I'm just hooked into the universe.
Well, that all played out exactly as he said.
Not just here, but around the world, the big move against globalism, the big awakening, they counterstrike.
Go back to that, David.
Come on.
I've answered this question before and you won't answer it.
Go back to the moment, you're on my show, you said it a bunch of other places too, and you just said, I just envisioned 2016, the global awakening, the tide begins to turn, but then the enemy by 2020 comes back in to be a big fight, but we're going to win.
Go back to that thought process.
Well, it was, if you go back to when I started 30 years ago, I mean, you couldn't get, you couldn't fill a phone box with interest in this stuff.
But as the years have unfolded, what's happened is people's experience and people's view of the world and lots of other things that are going on have started to break down this, if you like, this bubble.
And people have started to see and look at the world in a different way.
And you know, you've seen a difference.
I've seen a staggering difference in the last few years.
And now they tell us openly, you're only safe in the bubble.
Please continue.
It's not just the numbers of people that are waking up.
It's the type of people, system people, are starting to wake up from within the system and realize what they've been part of.
Oh, that's key.
I think I wanted to ask you this when I was trying to get you on a week's ago, but you couldn't.
Bill Gates was on with Anderson Cooper.
I'm sure you saw it about a month ago.
And they go, yeah, millions of people an hour are saying bad things about Bill Gates.
And they go, and it's not the normal types.
You know the ones.
Don't mind us.
It's like regular people.
It's people in the system.
So what you just said is they're hitting the panic button.
Which is an expression of what I'm talking about.
I know from people who've contacted me, the kind of people that are waking up now are really in the system.
And they've reached the point where they can't just ignore what they're seeing around them anymore.
We've seen that with doctors coming out.
During this pandemic hoax.
But what has happened in this period is a lot of people have fallen for fear, yes, and acquiescence, but it's got so many people off the fence because it's very difficult if you have a smear of intelligence on active duty to look at the world and what's happened and not realize that actually the world is not like you thought it was.
And this is one of the great benefits of speaking out about what was coming at a time
when it was extremely unpopular and all you got was ridicule and abuse basically.
Because now that the fruits of that are coming to bear because people saying well if they
said it was going to come and it's come it can't be random.
Therefore, what's going on?
What's behind it?
And so we're at a point now in a fork in the road where we are choosing which way we're going.
And acquiescence will just take us where this has been heading all along.
And there's a nightmare down that road.
But non-acquiescence can bring an end to this very, very quickly because it's completely dependent on acquiescence.
And what we need, ladies and gentlemen, is to move people.
From that, I can see it now, symbolically you're on the other side of the street, I can see what's coming next, to cross the street and engage with it, or even more powerfully, to disengage with it, the power of no!
The power of no will bring this down, because the power of acquiescence has built it up.
Our power is being used both ways.
And by the way, I agree with you.
I didn't finish that point, but I agree with you.
This shows how weak they are.
They're throwing everything at us.
I can see their body language.
They are in panic-crazy mode.
And our people never look better, never look stronger.
We're glowing, and it looks like they're diminishing.
Yeah, because they're dependent on us.
And when we stop cooperating with them, they're finished.
They have no power.
And all that's happened in the last few months has simply been through acquiescence of the target population.
No one would be wearing masks now if people chose to not wear masks.
There would be no social distancing, unsocial distancing, if people hadn't acquiesced to it.
There'd be none of this stuff.
It's human acquiescence that's created it, which is great news in a way because it means we have the power to uncreate it.
And you know, Look at where this is going.
Look how far we've come in a few months and then project that forward if we go on acquiescing.
To where that's going to be by the end of the year.
Never mind if... That's my last question.
You talked about the Southern Hemisphere.
They are choking women on TV on purpose.
They're arresting women wearing masks on purpose.
They're beating people up.
They're getting forced inoculations ready.
They're saying, we're going to take your children.
And the UN says it's the model.
I mean, this is... What is wrong with Australia?
I guess it never got to be in a prison colony.
What the hell is going on here?
Well... They're in their winter now.
And what you're seeing in Melbourne and Victoria under this fascist, there's no other way of describing him, Daniel Andrews, the Premier, is what is planned for the winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
And so Australia today, just like China yesterday, will be the West today, as I said, Australia today, Victoria today, is planned to be the West tomorrow.
So how much more are we going to take, ladies and gentlemen?
And by the way, with Matthew McConaughey the other day, I'm sure you saw it, Fauci said, we need to do what China says, they're the model.
How outrageous is that?
Yeah, well, that's the whole point.
See, because this cult has no borders, and one of its great global centers is China, it's no accident this thing came out of China, this whole hoax came out of China.
Because what they've been doing, this cult was behind the Mao Revolution.
And it has used China behind the wall of that tyranny as an incubator of the global model for total human control.
So it's come out of China, very symbolically and appropriately, this pandemic hoax.
And the crucial element of it was to make China's draconian lockdown the blueprint for the West's response to it.
This is why immediately it started in China.
Ted Ross, the deeply, deeply corrupt Director General of the World Health Organization, when he speaks it's, or moves his mouth, it's Gates speaking.
When Gates speaks it's The cult speaking.
He came out and said China is the way to deal with this.
And so when it came to the West, the Chinese model, which was the cult model, was imposed on the West.
And what has happened since then, Alex?
The Chinese model of human control has been transferred massively into the West.
And so if you want to see what they want the world to be tomorrow, it's what's
happening in China today and they ain't finished in China in terms of extremes yet either. So when
are you going to do that?
When are you going to react to this? When are you going to say no? You know, when we're full-blown China?
How about then?
It would be a bit more difficult then, wouldn't it?
We need to draw the line now, use the power of no, use the power of collective unity in not standing for it and not having it.
And yes, there'll be challenges.
Yes, there'll be some consequences.
But as the numbers increase, there will be no consequences.
There were no consequences for the thousands of people on the beaches when they declared a major incident.
There's too many people!
We have the power, and their absolute terror is for that penny to drop.
All right, final segment with David Icke.
Straight ahead, the new book, The Answer, at DavidIcke.com.
I mean, I know that it's linked on the site.
Where's the best place to go to find the new book?
Yeah, go to DavidIcke.com.
All right, just came out in the last few days, The Answer.
Great cover, great information.
Can't wait to read the whole thing.
We'll be back, and I've got a bunch of my questions.
Just about the general world, the so-called Council of 13.
I mean, how many are really in control?
Because people now are ready to awaken.
I know a lot of this is old news today, but what's old is new.
We'll be right back.
Don't forget, the only way this interview gets out on the radio stations you're listening to, or the TV stations, is to tell people to tune in.
And once it's archived at Band.Video, to share it.
That's how we win the war.
Oh, it's getting nearer.
David Ikes here.
One more segment.
One of the most important, informative people on the planet Earth.
And we're just so blessed to have him.
If he hadn't been there, we would not be in the position we're in now.
We're getting to win.
It's like an arm wrestling contest.
We're starting to push him down, but we can't I don't think that we have victory yet, and humans have our own problems, but when you come to the realization that every ancient culture was right, there is an evil anti-human force in control.
You know, you have been at the BBC, top TV show, big soccer champion, all that before.
You began to see what was going on, it awakened you, then you had a vision in Peru.
You know, I've had moments of great clarity and understanding where you just suddenly beamed all this information.
I haven't really gotten into that on air, but that's happened after I woke up later.
So you don't like to talk about the enemy itself and what they do, but you pioneered exposing the pedophilia, the satanism, the adrenochrome.
But you talk about the program public following orders, because they're compartmentalized and manipulated, but there is a large group that serves this evil force because they're into the
demonic spirit.
They're into this hateful force.
And I never joined it, I was never in it, but I've been around it
growing up in a very rich area of Dallas.
And then later I saw things like Eyes Wide Shut and things, and met folks that had actually been involved in real stuff
like that in Hollywood, very high level.
And so there is that level as well of people that serve it, not out of ignorance, but because they like that force and
that energy.
And what can you say about that and how people need to wake up and realize that exists?
Well, we go back to this mind virus, which is actually the consciousness that is totally controlling these people.
And because this This consciousness is in such an inverted, distorted state, it cannot draw energy sustenance like others can, from a balanced state of energy.
Because they're on completely different frequencies.
So to feed itself, to give itself power, to give itself energetic sustenance, it has to feed off energy coming off people that is within its same distorted state.
So that's why in every culture they have to scare people and torture children to death to get that energy?
Well yeah, because what they do is when they put people through these horrific rituals, they're putting them into states of extreme fear, extreme terror, which is what?
It's an extremely imbalanced, distorted state of being.
You go far enough back and they openly sacrificed people to the gods, and they sacrificed young virgins to the gods.
Well, what was that code for?
It was code for children.
So they were doing it openly then.
And then as humanity grew up and matured a bit, it was no longer acceptable.
So it went underground.
It's still going on today.
All the Epstein stuff, it's all connected into it.
And so they are these sacrifices to the gods.
They are these entities or this ultimately this state of consciousness is feeding off this low vibrational emotion of fear and terror and anxiety.
So if you have a war or you have this virus pandemic scam which terrifies people, You're creating an energetic banquet for this consciousness which is empowering it.
They want people, the whole structure of society and manipulation is to put the population in these low vibrational states of emotion.
So that they are producing the energy, the frequencies that they can absorb.
This is why when Morpheus in the Matrix held up the battery and said the machines have turned humans into one of these, he was describing in that movie a profound truth of what's actually going on.
So the more we don't fall into fear, the more we come from here and don't fall into these low vibrational emotions, not least fear, which is the foundation of it.
We cease to feed the beast.
The more that we fall into hatred and conflict.
This is why they want people fighting.
No, no, I agree.
So when you were at the BBC at a time that they were sacrificing kids and slitting throats, you didn't see all that, but you heard about it, you said it, years later it was confirmed with the very people you said.
Did you ever see what I've seen, they do it on TV but I saw it some growing up in Dallas, with real satanists when they make that satanic joker face and a human can't copy it, only the demon shining through can, when you look at the Colbert faces or the faces made by AOC or the faces made by Hillary when she's all sharking out, or Newsom makes them but not completely, they make this demon face.
Have you ever seen that in person?
Well, um, I've seen many faces do many strange things and the key word that describes them in totality is distortion.
Their faces distort, um, in various, many in various ways.
And you look at like the exorcist type movie, Possession.
Well, I'm just telling you, Colbert is a, I mean, that's a devil worshiper.
That's hardcore stuff right there.
That's what a kid sees when they're getting killed.
Yeah, but because this consciousness is actually possessing these people, they're just vehicles for it.
People like Gates and all these other people, they're vehicles for this Wateco consciousness distortion, which we call evil.
That's what evil is.
Evil is this distortion.
It's a distortion of the balance of love.
And look how they're all getting high off of it.
They just run around like crazy people when they're doing it.
In my definition, evil is the absence of love.
And you've only got to look at this cult and how it works and its personnel.
They are the absence of love.
And when you go into the biblical concepts of good and evil and, you know, all over the world, every culture, every religion has the same thing.
This is what they're talking about in their different ways and their different symbolisms and their different ways of expressing it, their different names.
They're describing this very distorted state of consciousness, which is driving and and possessing these people that I call the cult,
that have been manipulating to create a world that expresses their distortion.
And on the other side, you've got this balanced state of emotion and balanced state of awareness
that we call love and harmony and balance, et cetera.
And these have been the two forces, right the way through no new... And that's why they're trying to openly imbalance things.
Big Mike, Michelle Obama came out and said, you know, you better vote for us or we'll destroy everything.
Imbalance and chaos in society is exactly what they're trying to create.
Like, you know, when I study this mind virus, this distorted state of consciousness, I see it in Antifa, I see it in riots, and I see it often in people fighting the people who are within Antifa.
Basically, you have two groups again and again.
It's like a chemistry event that they're clashing us together.
Yeah, wars all over the place are basically different expressions of this mind virus at war with each other because it's creating the chaos.
And that's what I've noticed.
People I know that have been doing good work, they get hit by the mind virus and all they want to do is fight and they make stuff up to fight about instead of just having real order that comes from that pure, balanced state.
And so, if we want a world of harmony, then we have to be harmonious.
If we want a world of love, we have to be loving.
If we want a world of peace, we have to be peaceful.
I know you've got to go, but do five more minutes.
We've got a few minutes here in the new book, The Answer, David Icke.com.
But the globalists say they're for the environment, they're the ones killing it.
They say they want harmony, they're the ones fighting it.
So it's important to explain, they claim to be doing all the things we really need to do, but they're not.
Yeah, look at that, Alex.
This state of consciousness that's possessing them, this Witiko mind virus, shall we call it, is an inversion of love.
It's an inversion of balance.
And so everything they do, look at it, in society, you've just described some of them, everything is an inversion.
This is why, if you want to know the truth... That's right, they think they can't do something that's only half an inversion, they only have inversion or not.
Yeah, they invert everything.
If you want to know the truth in the society we live in, then basically invert what the authorities are telling you and you'll get very much more closer to the truth than what they're telling you, because they invert everything.
This is why they work with unbelievable levels of mendacity.
I mean, if they ever told the truth, they genetically implode from the shock.
It's because it's an imbalance, it's an inversion of balance and love and harmony that is animating them.
So they're going to express that out as the same inversion in everything they do.
I mean, look at the inversion of Gates.
Gates is saying, "We have to do this for the health of the population."
Inversion, he's doing it to destroy the health of the population.
And this is the mind virus.
And I see it in the eyes of Gates all the time.
He's totally possessed by it.
Do five more and we'll let you get out of here.
You got to come back sooner in these critical times.
It's just such a quickening.
DavidIke.com, we're so blessed to have.
I want him to get into the election.
And when he thinks of Donald Trump, I respect his opinion.
We'll get it, then he'll be gone.
And then John Rappaport takes over.
Stay with us.
A lot of people think that the globalists control everything.
So they think I'm controlled or David's controlled.
I can tell you I'm not.
I can tell you David's not.
They hate us.
Actually, we have the power.
But then people go, well, what about Trump?
And you know, I gotta say, it seems like he's doing a lot of good things.
They seem to really hate him in a lot of levels, but there's a lot of big things going on behind the scenes.
So I don't know David Icke's overall view on Trump.
I mean, I follow a lot of his work, but haven't heard him really drill into it.
Um, I mean, I know you're not, you know, the all knowing consciousness, but I mean, what, what, what's your honest view on, on, on Donald Trump and this election we see happening right now with the powers that be really, it looks like going after him.
Well, you know, I, I think, um, Wherever you look in politics, in any country, you're looking at the least worst choice rather than the best choice, almost wherever you look all over the world.
And, you know, there are manipulations of people that they don't know what's going on.
And I'm not saying that Trump knew this, he may have done, but he didn't have to know this.
But my view from the start, back in 2016, was that Trump has been brought to power to divide America.
And I'll tell you what I mean by that.
When you read the techniques of transforming societies into communistic Marxist tyrannies, but one of the themes is, and this guy, what's his name?
Alinsky in Chicago.
Saul Alinsky.
Yeah, he wrote this book Rules for Radicals, and in part of that he said, look, if you're going to transform society by creating division, don't target faceless bureaucrats and faceless corporations.
Pick one person and hurl all your hatred and all your blame for everything that's wrong
on him or her.
And I think that's why they brought Trump through, to be that person.
Because at the same time that they brought Trump in, the globalists, the 1%, the billionaires
and the billionaire corporations were absolutely funding to vast amounts of money the emergence
of the woke mentality which is completely...
David, you're a genius.
You just crystallized all of it.
It's not that Trump's bad.
He was, at first Hillary wanted him because she thought she could beat him, but then when he got in they said, screw it, this will give rise to our communist overthrow.
It may actually backfire on him, but that's why they put in the horrible leftist versus Trump, was to, they believe, to divide and conquer and then energize their base, and that is the alchemy, but just like they thought Bill Gates would be a good spokesperson, I believe is blowing up in their face.
Yeah, well, this is what they wanted.
They wanted to divide America down the middle.
And, you know, they've done it.
Basically, so much of political debate in America is do you love Trump or hate Trump?
Exactly, so what do they do next?
Well, there's obviously a point, it could well be in November, that they want a full-blown woke government coming in.
Because the woke is the 1%.
Black Lives Matter is a 1% funded and created organisation to divide and rule America on the grounds of race.
And I'm very, very encouraged at how many black people I've seen who've sussed it and realised that it's all a scam and all a con.
So they want to divide and rule people and they also want to bring in ultimately, whether it's November or absolutely the next time, Is a full-blown woke government, where all the extremes of woke, censorship, control, no borders, all this stuff, all comes in.
And that will be the end of America.
A new French Revolution.
I agree.
They let Trump get in, the people really elected him, to try to trigger a French Revolution event.
But I believe it's going to blow up in their face.
Well, they have just created... I mean, when I talked a few minutes ago, it's usually, you know, what's the least worst choice?
Well, what they've come up with in terms of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is the nightmare ticket.
Because you've got Biden, who is vacuous, he's evacuous anyway, but he's vacuous and then some now, because he's clearly increasing ever more evidential cognitive problems.
David Icke, you've got to finish this thought.
It's a final countdown.
60 second break.
I promise you'll be gone in two minutes after that.
Finish your point.
Handicapping the 2016, now 2020 election with David Icke of DavidIcke.com.
Stay with us.
David Icke was just getting into President Trump.
And the archetypal clash of sides.
But just like the Illuminists are trying to force-feed Gates, they're missing that human touch to understand what works and what doesn't.
And so, bringing in the squad, having Trump on the other side.
Trump isn't consciously part of that, but they believe they're going to bring in this communist revolution out of the hate of Trump, that they could manifest that.
But I see it miserably failing, or if they do come to power through fraud, it is going to engulf the nation in civil war.
So David, you were very eloquently walking us through that.
Please finish up, and thanks for staying over with us.
Yeah, no problem.
I was saying that you've got this nightmare ticket of Joe Biden, who has a career of being vacuous.
He's never had an original thought in his life.
But now, with his increasingly extreme cognitive problems, he's seriously vacuous.
He's an empty shell.
And then you've got Kamala Harris and she's an empty shell and completely vacuous without any cognitive problems necessary.
She will just tell you whatever you want to hear and then she'll tell you what someone else, what they want to hear, which is totally different.
She has no moral base of integrity.
And what you've got is two empty shells who will simply be the vehicles for that in the background to absolutely take over
everything in the American government.
And we'll have a full woke anything goes, extreme of extreme government.
And that will be the end of America.
That will be the end of America.
And you're right, you know, if that came in and started doing
that, then there would be, there would have to be pushback from people that were resisting that.
And then you've got your civil war conflict.
In terms of Trump.
Whatever he believes and how much he means it, he has a constituency of people he must keep on board to get elected.
And therefore he can't, even if he wanted to, I don't think he does, but even if he wanted to, he couldn't go full-blown woke in the same way because his constituency wouldn't allow it.
What would happen in the second term when you'd have to get elected again?
Well, we'd see that.
But so when I'm talking about The least worst situation, the worst situation by a million miles, is Biden and Harris.
Well, even Tim Pool, who's a very popular podcaster, who's a big liberal, he's endorsed Trump now saying the same thing.
So, I mean... It will be the end of America.
You see, I grew up, Alex, in the English Midlands, in a working class council house, as we call them in Leicester.
My brother still lives there, actually.
And we came from the left.
But it was the old left.
It was the left that was challenging corporations, that was challenging what were then millionaires, now billionaires, that was demanding freedom of speech, that was demanding freedom of lifestyle.
And what this 1% Kabbalah's done is hijack the traditional left, the truly
liberal left, which says, you know, do what you like so long as you don't impose on
other people.
And it's imposed this woke left, which is the fake left.
And it's further to the right that everything they're calling right.
I mean, this is tyranny, this woke mentality.
And it's been developed by controlling the education system generation after generation, and it's now turning out your Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezes as increasingly political leaders.
It is the 1% made manifest.
It's the 1% agenda made manifest.
So is Black Lives Matter.
Do black lives matter?
Of course.
Do all lives matter?
Of course.
But the capital letter, Black Lives Matter, the organization, is a 1% creation and front to divide and rule us.
And they admit it is.
It's funded by the most evil I saw a big national TV show just the other day that said Alex Jones is anti-Semite.
He said this about George Soros, and I said George Soros is a Nazi collaborator.
On 60 Minutes he said it.
So if you're a Nazi collaborator, you're good.
If you're against Nazi collaborators, you're anti-Semitic.
But I don't see the anti-Semitic trope working anymore.
Yeah, no, but this is an interesting point.
You know, I talked about the traditional left, and for the traditional left we're talking about the Democratic Party, for instance, in America as it was.
Anyone got a good memory?
Remember how it was?
And it was pushing back against, you know, all these things that I was talking about, and it was pushing back against loss of freedom of speech, etc.
And the elite were The enemy, if you like.
What's now happened is the elite are in bed with the woke.
And this has been brought about by replacing the dynamic.
The dynamic of the old left was freedom and it was justice and the end of imposition on the many by the power of money and the power of capital of the few.
So that was the dynamic.
The dynamic has completely changed.
Woke is not pushing against that.
It's been taken over by identity politics and all this nonsense.
And so the dynamic now is that the elite, as long as it speaks the language of identity politics, as long as it funds the organizations of identity politics, They are now one of us.
So the dynamics changed.
That's right.
They own the leadership.
And so it's not about human rights anymore.
They got rid of their biggest enemy, you know, the true liberal, not the left.
And so now these people literally are the elite with big tech censoring everyone.
And so they want to put us in FEMA camps.
But they believe they're still the underdog and the resistance at the same time.
Look at the woke.
It's the same in this country.
The woke mentality is pressing and agreeing with this virus hoax tyranny and everything.
It's them that say, wear your mask and all this stuff.
And the New York Times says, Awaken!
Kill the police!
And the police aren't the establishment, they're the lowest level of government.
It's absolutely incredible.
But if you want to destroy a society, then break down law and order and let the mob rule.
This is what the whole woke, 1% controlled woke is all about.
It's about letting the mob rule because they want, where are we going with this again, Alex?
They want the chaos.
They want the upheaval.
They want the distortion because that's an expression of Of their state of being.
They want chaos and upheaval and distortion everywhere.
And they don't want police, but they want the police to arrest you if you're not wearing your mask.
Amazing. David Icke, best interview yet.
The new book, DavidIcke.com, "The Answer."
I cannot wait to read the full book.
I've already read some of the first chapters, and I've seen the amazing video that your people put together.
The best thing, I mean, it's amazing that first chapter that you guys made as a little visual book.
Thank you so much for the time and please, please come back with us very, very soon, my friend.
No problem.
Thanks, Alex.
See you soon.
Thank you.
Powerful two plus hours or hour and 40 minutes or so.
With David Icke.
Too bad we've got to go.
But hey, we've got a powerful guest.
In fact, David Icke said during the break when he heard that John Rappaport's coming up to say hi to John.
He loves John's work.
John's interviewed him many times.
So hell, sometime if John wants to host a show, he can have David Icke.
So set it up, John.
Anytime you want to have Icke on, I'll take off the day and do other work.
I have working vacations.
I've got a lot of stuff to do.
And I seriously want to get it done.
So anytime Rappaport wants to host a show, he can have David Icke on.
Alright, thank you David Icke.
We're going to go to break and John Rappaport is going to take over.
Please remember that it's down to the wire.
When I say please, tell people about Band.Video or NewsWorks.com or InfoWorks.com.
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We're on over 200 radio stations.
We're on over 100 TV stations and cable stations.
And we've got VanDot video, and we're under massive attack, massive infiltration, massive globalist operations that I can't even get to on air, but your prayers are keeping us in the fight.
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Take this lull where they've gotten caught up on food shipments to get your orders in before what's coming, because even if Trump wins, even if we stabilize stuff, they're gonna start a civil war after that, and if he loses, it's gonna go to hell on earth.
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Thank you so much.
Here we go, folks.
Another week.
Another load of information.
Hello, David Icke.
Hi, David.
Hope you're still watching.
About the end of the last segment.
The operation.
The operation.
New Zealand!
I was just on a show from there the other night.
Warrantless searches are now officially approved by government leadership over there.
And in one article I read today, people will be taken to hotels For mandatory quarantine, lockdown, guarded by the military, if they refuse testing.
And this would be indefinite detainment.
Presumably, I guess, as long as they decline to be tested.
Don't think It's only over there and it's never coming here.
If you haven't learned that lesson by now, you're never going to learn it.
But this is truly amazing, what they've done.
Now, the Supreme Court of New Zealand struck down an earlier lockdown by the head of government of New Zealand saying, That the legislature had never passed a law enacting it and so on and so forth.
It looks good on the surface, that judgment, but now the government is doubling down and it looks to me as if if they need to, they can get the legislature to back up the executive branch over there.
I don't know, but that's the way it seems.
I mean, indefinite detainment in hotels.
So try to imagine what that looks like.
I mean, Let's not imagine we're talking about five-star hotels.
We're talking about moldy, seedy hotels.
Locked down in your room.
Indefinite detainment.
Guarded by the military.
If you refuse testing.
I mean, Have a drink of that and see how it feels.
Have a little anticipation of this possibly happening to you or people you know.
Imagine what that would be like.
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you unless we resist this complete takeover.
All sold with a story about a virus.
Not the virus.
Which is entirely unproven and fake, by which I mean its existence is unproven and therefore fake.
A point I've been making lately in several key articles and will continue to make and have been making since the beginning of this COVID covert operation.
They're selling a story about a virus.
And under that cover is coming what I've just been talking about here in New Zealand and in other countries.
Now we have a new member of the White House, I guess you could call it coronavirus task force.
He's being billed as a coronavirus advisor to the White House, Scott Atlas, MD.
Take notice of him because It's possible that this is the best we're going to get from the federal government.
He's connected with the Hoover Institution in Palo Alto, California, Stanford University, MD Scott Atlas.
The most important thing that he has yet said, and he's all over the place on videos that he made before this appointment, is The diagnostic COVID test alone, which leads to case numbers, is not significant.
The testing, the positive test, being equated, okay, your case number, you've got COVID, all of that, he's saying basically does not mean anything.
That's good.
That's very good.
Now, how far he's going to be allowed to press that home in the White House is yet to be seen.
Because of course, he's surrounded by predators and monsters.
People who will try to limit his contact with Trump.
People who will attempt to shut him up and send him over the corner in exile to just sit there and do nothing.
People who will try to stop him from directly addressing the public on television press conferences.
People who will turn a cold shoulder to him, try to rattle him by ignoring him and so on and so forth.
And so what I am advising Dr. Scott Atlas to do is to not sit still for this.
You're certainly smart enough to know when you're being bamboozled and when you're being cut off from doing anything valuable whatsoever.
And your job as an American and as a human is to speak up and not keep your mouth shut.
Because the imaginary long-term benefits of your continuing to hold this job versus Speaking up and possibly getting fired like so many others from the White House.
That's not a good calculation for you, not a good formula for you.
You've got to speak up.
However you can, whenever you can, as forcefully and aggressively as you can.
You are your own steamroller, Dr. Atlas, and you better turn on the engine and get busy.
Because nobody is going to give an inch in the White House to roll out the red carpet for you and make room for you and allow you to say whatever it is you want to.
That is not about to happen.
You don't know the whole story and the depth of this incredible deception and what it really means in terms of the takeover of not only the nation, but the planet.
You're not willing to See the whole picture, but you've got enough of the story to make a difference.
If you refuse to shut up and you refuse to be rolled over on.
So do that.
Do it at any cost.
Don't wait around.
Don't think that it's all going to be better next week or next month, or if Trump wins the election, et cetera, et cetera.
Don't make that kind of calculation.
The times are too critical for that.
The stakes are far too high.
This is not normal.
We'll be back after the break with a lot more, so stay with us here on InfoWars.
John Rappaport back on InfoWars.
So I was talking about Scott Atlas before the break here.
We'll continue with that.
There he is in the White House, surrounded by enemies, and he's trying to, as best he can, make a case for some measure of freedom.
Some measure of, hey, we've got to open up things.
Because look at what the states are doing.
They're playing the whipsaw game from pillar to post.
The governors are saying, oh sure, we're reopening the economies and as we promised, the only thing is there are conditions.
These serious conditions involve everybody has to wear a mask all the time and everybody has to get tested.
And so the idiots say, well, this sounds right.
This sounds like a good idea.
I'll get along with this, sure.
And what does that mean?
Because the tests are rigged to spit out false positives, as I've been saying maybe 16,000 times in the last few months and have documented time and time again in my articles, that means that with increased testing, which is one of the conditions of, quote, reopening the economy, There are going to be more reported case numbers of COVID-19.
It's an artifact, in other words, of the test.
It has nothing to do with reality.
It's complete hoax.
But, it'll be on the news 24 hours a day.
Oh, well, Arizona just reported 600 new cases and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And here in Montana, the sudden upsurge of cases and Massachusetts had a flood of new cases.
So on and so on and so on and so on.
And what's going to be the effect of that?
More lockdown.
Worse than before.
And get this, because you've got many, many, many small and medium business owners Who have been hanging on by a thread, the ones who haven't been utterly driven into bankruptcy and total failure, suicide, et cetera, et cetera.
The ones who are hanging on by a thread, take this as a chance of hope and say, well, maybe we can reopen now.
So let's put whatever resources we have into the business and let's open it up and let's, you know, make our effort to have an open economy.
And some semblance of free enterprise, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
And then they do that.
And then a month from now, two months from now, whatever, just as they're starting to stumble to their feet, another lockdown.
And they're done.
They're toast.
They're gone.
It's over.
That's the strategy.
That's what's happening now.
The so-called reopening of the economy is a farce.
And I hope Dr. Atlas recognizes that and will speak to that, because he's already gone halfway with this story.
He's already said, look, just increasing the level of testing and saying that people are positive, testing positive, does not really mean anything.
OK, Scott.
Atlas, finish the story.
Tell the rest of the story.
Make it clear that this is indeed part of a larger strategy to pretend to reopen, escalating, quote, case numbers, which are fake.
Close it down again and make things even worse.
Don't pretend that this is all accidental or simply a mistake.
Rally the bulk of the American people who want to go back to work, who want to reopen their businesses, who want to earn a living, who want to make their own way in the world.
Speak to those people.
Make it clear to them what's going on.
Use whatever title and power you have, Dr. Atlas, as part of the establishment now, in your position as Coronavirus Advisor to the White House, to start talking and to not shut up, no matter what.
And to, of course, you will be attacked completely.
And when that happens, re-attack.
You've got enough facts at your disposal.
There's no problem re-attacking, right?
This is what, not just Scott Atlas, but many Americans who have a voice of any kind, or who can get a voice, have to understand.
These are the times the tribe had sold.
These are those times.
So this is no time for going halfway or saying, well, let me just leak a little tiny bit of truth because that's all the audience can handle.
No, no, no, no, no.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.
That's exactly the wrong thing to do.
That will get you the booby prize.
That goes nowhere.
That gets us completely under technocratic, fascist, globalist control.
That's what that gets us.
One world, one domination, slaves, etc., etc., etc., which is where we're heading now on a speeding train, in case people have not yet noticed that fact.
So now is not the time to stint or to go halfway.
And this is what I've been saying for months now.
Where are the researchers Who claimed that they discovered a new virus called SARS-CoV-2 that is supposedly this pandemic virus unleashed on the world.
Where are those researchers?
Who are they?
What did they really do in their labs, their secret labs that are so hidden from public view that nobody ever films what they're actually doing step by step.
No independent, objective, non-conflicted observers are ever let into the Holy of Holies to watch what is happening.
All you see are these preposterous stock footage news clips that those of you who are watching can see now on the screen of, you know, test tubes and injecting liquid into test tubes and buildings, official buildings, and people in scrubs and wearing masks and walking around.
And all of that crap.
There is nothing substantive about claims to have isolated and purified and truly discovered a unique new virus that is causing something called a pandemic.
That's a total BS story and I've laid that out chapter and verse for months now over and over again at NoMoreFakeNews and I have The actual large study that would prove one way or another, if people with integrity and honesty would do the study, would prove once and for all whether or not a new and unique virus had ever been discovered.
A study which will never be done because the risks are too high.
Because Researchers would suddenly be confronted with results and say, we don't have a pandemic here.
We have no evidence.
We're looking at electron microscope photographs taken from tissue samples of patients who have been diagnosed with a pandemic disease.
And we're not, we're not seeing a new unique virus in all of these photographs.
And you know, the whole thing is a fabrication.
It's a lie.
And everything that follows from the lie is a bigger lie.
And it's all in the service of creating a cover story underneath which is the economic war and the destruction of lives, which is phase one of the takeover.
We will be back.
Last segment.
Here we go.
So what is the plan here in terms of Ground-level fakery and intrigue and destruction and so on.
Well, it's a classic squeeze play.
Pinscher movement, if you want to go back in history.
Yes, we're reopening, but there are conditions.
You've got to wear a mask, okay?
You've got to suffocate.
And you've got to keep your distance.
Don't gather together with others and plan resistance.
And got to be tested.
Got to be tested.
We're expanding that as rapidly as we can.
Because that's a condition.
We got to find out how many cases there are.
And sure the test is phony.
It's rigged 16 different ways and we lie about the results anyway.
We've got all kinds of strategies to fake the fake of the fake fake case numbers which we deploy Every day, but nevertheless, you've got to get tested because that means higher case numbers and then we lock you down again.
But if you don't want to get tested, then then it could be everybody has to clear out of your house.
You stay there for 14 days alone.
And then if you still don't want to get tested, we take you to a flea bag hotel and we put you there until you will get tested.
Or Maybe we just say you have to live at home alone with an ankle bracelet for some undetermined period of time.
Yeah, we have to decide on a case-by-case basis, of course.
Yes, absolutely fantastic.
You bet.
And then, naturally, once the vaccine arrives, I mean, who would refuse the vaccine?
That would be treason to the human race.
Because only the vaccine could save us.
And then, we're going to vaccinate as many people as we possibly can.
Now, we're not going to say, from the federal level, that we're mandating the vaccine, making it compulsory.
But, you know, there's governors and state legislatures and there's other countries and leaders of those countries.
Some of these leaders say, like in Australia, have already come out and said everybody should get the vaccine.
It should be mandated once it arrives.
That's the plan.
Even though the so-called experts have admitted that according to their half-cocked theory of vaccination, the immunity that is created is only temporary.
The antibodies wane.
They decline.
And then we have to have booster shots, like the flu shot.
We have to keep coming back for more and more and more and more.
Good luck with that.
Good luck with that.
And then, of course, as I've gone over in great detail on the show before, we're not just talking about traditional old-time vaccines here.
We're talking about New untested technology that's never been unleashed on the public before.
Never been approved.
Approval has been sought.
Didn't work because of adverse effects.
But this time, eh, let's try to ram it through anyway.
Get it approved.
Sure, you betcha.
You betcha.
And all of the loyal soldiers will line up for the vaccine.
Isn't it wonderful?
Oh, we're all in this together, you poor schmuck.
Yes, it's so great.
Oh, it's just fabulous.
And you can be sure that the athletes and the celebs who are going to get shot up with whatever they get shot up with are going to be on TV talking about this night and day.
My God, the vaccine has been transported down from heaven and it's here for everybody and Talk it up and convince your neighbors and friends and those loved ones of yours that they must get protection because that's what we're selling.
This is a protection racket.
We don't break your windows in your grocery store if you sell us your soul.
That's what's called a protection racket.
Vaccines have always been a protection racket.
And now they want to make it a super duper planetary protection rack.
That's what they're going for.
So it's the testing, it's the tracing, and it's the vaccine.
And of course, the tracing has some really fabulous sidelines here.
Once you get into the tracing, you see you're looking really at its own universe, because the tracing really Has nothing to do with COVID, fake virus, or fake pandemic, or any of that sort of thing at all.
It has to do with pure and simple spying on you, who are listening and watching.
And your family, and your friends, and your people, and your neighborhood, and your world.
For every reason under the sun.
So that, A complete profile can be built on you with a real-world, real-time picture of your every move, your every statement, to predict what it is that you might do that could be untoward, that could be interpreted as non-normal behavior,
That could be interpreted as resistance.
That could be interpreted as having a dissident point of view.
That could be interpreted as being, quote, we should do something about this person.
That's what this contact tracing BS is really all about.
It has nothing to do with a fake virus.
It has to do with you.
It has to do with your freedom, as in destroying it.
It has to do with the minority report scenario of being able to predict behavior and free crime in advance.
So to enable the government, to enable those in charge in law enforcement to close in on citizens like you before anything happens.
That's been the plan for a very long time.
The globalists, the Rockefeller-type globalists, have simply been waiting for the technology to catch up with the plan.
And now the technology is rapidly catching up.
It's here.
It continues to improve.
It especially continues to improve in China, which is the model for the planet now, because they are building A mind-boggling establishment of surveillance to cover the entire country.
The goal of which is to blanket every inch of space exterior and interior of China with multiple vectors and layers of surveillance.
In real time, moment to moment, that is their announced Goal from the Central Committee and the highest level of the regime in China.
That is, in fact, what they're doing.
And you can find a fantastic article in The Atlantic, which I believe the title is The Panopticon is Here, which describes the building up of this staggering infrastructure in China.
To achieve the goal that I just mentioned.
Which is the worldwide goal.
Which is why this whole fake cover story began in China.
Because China could impose the 50 million people lockdown.
And set the stage, break the ice, create the model for the rest of the planet, globalist leaders.
Those leaders who have been compromised, pressured, blackmailed, etc., etc., to go along with the show and say, this is what we must do.
We must lock down at a rate that is unprecedented in human history, just like the Chinese did.
Look how wonderful.
They're our friends.
They did the right thing.
They may have been a little late, but they did the right thing.
And we must do it, too.
That was the operation in planning for years and it finally exploded in 2019.
That's where we are.
Resistance is vital for you, for everyone.
That's this week's report.
Thank you very much.
John Rappaport for InfoWars.
See you next time.
Just a few months ago, almost every storable food manufacturer was sold out.
They were still taking people's orders, and many of the companies have still not fulfilled them.
All the orders we got in have been fulfilled.
Our supplier's the best, the highest quality, the best containers to transport it as well, and they've got the food with four factories in stock.
Takes them two to four weeks to get it shipped out to you.
You need to order your storable food now.
The world is much more dire.
The economic system is collapsing.
The third world's already starving to death.
Food prices are exploding here.
The farms and the production plants are shutting down because of the COVID hoax.
You need to get your storable food while you still can at InfoWareStore.com.
It's a 360 win.
It also funds our operation.
But you need to get it, whether it's three months, six months, a year.
You need to get that now and have that checkbox off of being prepared and being self-sufficient.
We also have high-quality water filtration and air filtration at InfoWareStore.com.
They're an absolute must.
But whatever you do, ladies and gentlemen, don't wait until a bigger crisis comes.
Don't wait until everybody panics.
Take action.
Get ready now.
Owen Schroyer here, host of the InfoWars War Room, every day from 3 to 6 p.m., and that means I have to follow up after the big man, and that is not an easy task.
So I need to be as focused and energized as possible every day at 3 o'clock.
So yes, I am on performance enhancing drugs.
It's the combination of the energy of the turbo force, the focus of the brain force, and then the VasoBeat Complete, which is a beet supplement, which act as a vasodilator, which makes sure that the nutrients and supplements that you're intaking are getting all throughout the body so that I can maintain proper focus and energy for three hours and beyond.
It's almost three o'clock.
That means it's time to take my performance enhancers that I have conveniently stashed right here at my desk.
I literally will never host a war room without them.
It starts with the Turbo Force right here.
Just get your cup of water, pour in the Turbo Force.
I then take my Vezo Beat Complete right here.
One dropper.
Two droppers.
Stir it up just a little bit for good measure.
And then, with the energy from the TurboForce and the nitrates in the VesoBeat Complete, with the Focus from BrainForce, with the Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and all the other supplements that are inside of that, those are the supplements I take.
Every day, right before I go on air, for maximum performance, maximum focus, maximum energy.
And the good news is, once I finish drinking this Turbo Force, I've got energy for about 10 hours, so I can continue working past the show, work on other things, go and lift weights, run, whatever I need or want to do.
It's all with the Turbo Force, the Brain Force, and the Vezo Beat Complete Trifecta, available only at Infowarsstore.com.
I've talked to the EMS, I've talked to medical doctors, and what makes you nauseated is not just the smell of the piss, but what we call the smell of bum piss.
It has that sweet nauseating smell.
It's a sweet stench when you throw up like rotten meat.
It is the crap of dust mites.
Have you noticed the stench of bum piss in your leftist-run neighborhoods?
The crap of dust mites in bum piss is a real thing, and InfoWars Store has the solution.
InfoWars has created the most powerful herbal lung cleanse and respiratory support product on the market, with over a thousand types of mold and mildew, toxic chemicals, and yes, dust mites.
Our Lung Cleanse Plus, made with organic and wild cultivated herbs, is just what you need
to survive the unprecedented surge of bum piss and other toxic substances in liberal
leftist cities everywhere.
Order the InfoWars Life Lung Cleanse Plus supplement today at InfoWarsStore.com.
Four years ago, I added a member to the InfoWars Life team who has developed products for major
National Grocery Store and food chains to make.
make sure that he can go to the developers and manufacturers of high quality supplements
and make a new standard.
Well, that individual helped us come up with BODY's ultimate turmeric formula with 95%
curcuminoid extract concentrate when the leading competitors have 3 to 5%.
We believe it is the strongest in the market.
If somebody else has got one, we don't know about it.
Now folks, absolutely love it.
They love the results that they get from it.
Now, this is apples and oranges because it complements bodies.
But, going back over seven years ago, we had a major supplier of high-quality, organic turmeric that was liquid that you take under the tongue.
And people loved it.
Then we could no longer get any more because that company was so overloaded with orders from other people.
Because getting high-quality turmeric is really a tough thing to do.
We've now secured another company in the last year that has even higher quality turmeric concentrate.
This is one ingredient, pure turmeric extract.
It's the liquid type, taken out of the tongue.
If you love bodies, I think you're really going to love this product.
Some people around the office that have tried it say it's better than bodies, some say it's not, some say it supercharges it.
All I know is this is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, turmeric extracts under the tongue you can find out there and it's got a different delivery system.
All I know is this is one of the strongest tumeric concentrates that's liquid.