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Name: 20200818_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 18, 2020
2588 lines.

In this episode, Alex Jones talks about globalist control, criticizes the response to COVID-19, and discusses issues related to civil liberties. He mentions the situation in Melbourne and New York City, as well as the delayed election in New Zealand."

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Fauci says the U.S.
can learn from Asian countries, namely Communist China, in the battle against COVID-19.
And now the new precedent is, okay, COVID doesn't really kill a lot of people, but if you're infected with it, we've got to close your factory, your meatpacking facility, or your school.
But only the United States and Australia and a few other countries will do this, so we'll shut down and lose the trade war with China.
And that's really what this is all about in the first phase.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Your deputy told me to come up here and meet you, Sheriff.
What's up and what's he doing here?
Ain't you heard we're shooting?
Well, yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.
A lot more empathy, a lot nicer people, a lot more down-to-earth folks that knew how to skin a buck or run a trot line.
America was, by and large, Mayberry, RFB.
But we're not anymore, are we?
We're New World Order, cyberpunk nightmare dystopia.
And things are getting bad real fast because We took God out of our lives and we made ourselves God.
And so that means the very worst of us are now in charge, who have no empathy, no compassion, and who actually enjoy hurting and destroying people and vandalizing civilization and giant hordes of dumbed-down Satanists who don't even know they're Satanists.
Screeching and squawking and demanding total power and total control.
So you can hear the crowd cheering.
It's open.
Las Vegas is back.
Las Vegas is open for business once again to crowds to cheers.
They threw open the doors to casinos.
Places specifically designed to bring large groups of people together for extended periods of time.
That's right, Las Vegas is now open for business.
Slot machine handles are being pulled, poker chips are being passed, bars are raking in the cash.
But it's still illegal for more than 50 people to attend a socially distanced church service.
And of course, our top nuclear scientists that build our bombs are sent by the federal government to three-day training seminars where they're taught whiteness is inherently evil.
Of your racism, right?
The focus on who is racist or not only serves white people.
Matter of fact, I think it's only something that white people individually care about.
Across this nation, outrage wears many colors.
My sign says white silence equals white violence because white people are the people oppressing black people.
To be white in so many ways is to be raised, to be functionally illiterate on the topic of race.
I am white, and part of being white is that I was not raised to see myself in racial terms.
I mean, I understood that somebody had race, but not really me.
To be white is to see oneself outside of race.
The globalists are gaslighting everyone.
The globalists are saying 2 plus 2 equals 100.
They have an impossible job, but that doesn't mean in the process of trying to set up this post-human world that these crazies are building in their power grab that it won't destroy the planet perhaps in the process.
But once you research this information and find out it's true, well you'll be committed as well because it's the animated contest of overcoming tyranny that empowers you, not the degrading contest of laying down on your belly like a snake and then
groveling to the New World Order and just hoping they eat you last.
Today I'm talking about how city leaders are coming together with other community
groups and the Philadelphia Police Department to combat gun violence. The
city is seeing an increase in shootings so city leaders are distributing this
fire which reads save a life turn in a gun. If you safely turn in a gun that can
help get it out of the hands of the wrong people. We're gonna have a lot more
information coming up on Action News on some new locations that should be
popping up soon of where you can turn in a gun that you're not using.
We're not adapting to being slaves we are overcoming this great test and it's
going to be great and most of us will probably end up dying early.
Most of us are already soft killed, walking dead.
it's going to get really bad and really obvious.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say
I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this but you want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
76 days to the election, 76 days.
76 days, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Tuesday, August 18th.
The year is 2020.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And Roger Stone's got big breaking news.
He'll be joining us at the bottom of the hour.
Then Dr. Joseph Mercola on the whole COVID lockdown hoax and more will be with us in the third hour.
I intend to open the phones up in the Second hour of the transmission today.
Well, I tried to watch some of the opening DNC pod people virtual convention, and it was like watching paint dry, obviously.
But we do have some of the boil downs that we're going to go over, and we have Trump's response to it.
But to me, that's really not the big story.
Fauci says the U.S.
can learn from Asian countries, namely Communist China, in the battle against COVID-19.
And now the new precedent is, OK, COVID doesn't really kill a lot of people, but if you're infected with it, we've got to close your factory, your meatpacking facility, or your school.
But only the United States and Australia and a few other countries will do this.
So we'll shut down and lose the trade war with China.
And that's really what this is all about in the first phase.
It does a lot more as well, brings in the surveillance state, the post-human future.
It's really simply incredible.
That's all coming up next segment.
And we see the economic results of the COVID hoax and the lockdown, not COVID, bringing us to depression and bringing the world mass starvation.
It's just unfathomable to sit here and watch this unfold.
And watch the bureaucracies, whether they be blue states, blue cities, communist states, communist nations, globalist nations, work in concert with the global media to normalize this unprecedented destruction of human life and human wealth, and all of it based on verifiably false, demonstrably, provably false information.
So I think really I should just play these clips one after the other without much of a description but we have of course Bernie Sanders saying many ideas I fought for were considered radical are now mainstream.
Yeah because we're one of the only countries dumb enough to want to get rid of capitalism and bring in socialism and communism.
And then we've got Michelle Obama, Joe Biden is a man of faith, trusts science, and knows what it takes to rescue the economy when they're the ones that have destroyed the economy.
And then we also have Pastor Jerry Young saying, if we don't have a totally open border, give everybody free stuff, and have all the crime pouring in, and all the drug-resistant TB that killed a million, 400,000 people last year, that's a real health crisis.
Well, we're going to hell.
Jesus would say we're all going to hell.
So here are a few of the highlights from last night, and then we'll cap it off with Trump mocks Michael Obama's snooze speech.
Even leftists say DNC unwatchable.
Here it is.
Our campaign ended several months ago, but our movement continues and is getting stronger every day.
Many of the ideas we fought for, that just a few years ago were considered radical, are now mainstream.
But let us be clear, if Donald Trump is reelected, all the progress we have made will be in jeopardy.
I know Joe.
He is a profoundly decent man, guided by faith.
He was a terrific vice president.
He knows what it takes to rescue an economy, beat back a pandemic, and lead our country.
And he listens.
He will tell the truth and trust science.
He will make smart plans and manage a good team.
And he will govern as someone who's lived a life that the rest of us can recognize.
I was a stranger and you had the nerve to build a wall while at the same time you have in the harbor there in New York a statue of liberty saying, give me your tired, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
Jesus will say, America, if you don't get your act together, You may well go to hell.
Because in as much as you do it to the least of these, my sisters and brothers, you are also doing it unto me.
We need to unmute the mic.
I gotta stop with that guy.
This is the party that wants to kill babies in the womb, out of the womb, wants to kill old people.
What you do the least of me, you've done to me.
Meaning if we don't let the UN direct replacement migration to bring in hundreds of millions of people, hundreds of millions in Europe and the US, numbers so huge it's hard to believe, 640 million they want for the US by 2050.
That's more than double our current population.
If we don't let the UN that literally enslaves the world and exploits these people and then brings them here, run everything and turn us into third world slaves, we're going to hell!
These people have no sense of decency and no bottom to them.
I mean, Michelle, Joe loves you and will listen to science and will care.
You know, they've war-gamed that term.
They have 15 terms that the federal government tested out at Yale this year.
And the number one one was be a hero.
Number two was You're hurting people not wearing a mask, and you're a bad person.
Number three was, trust the science.
2.5 million would be dead.
Masks protect you, which they don't.
All of it lies.
But that means sit down and shut up.
Trust the science.
Let's go to a clip of Trump mocks Michael Obama's snooze speech.
Here it is.
By contrast, the Democrats are promising to elevate their left-wing war on cops.
And to bring it up to the White House in the form of sleepy Joe Biden.
I don't think that's gonna work.
You know, I noticed at their convention tonight, these are all taped speeches.
Michelle Obama's speech is taped.
Why don't they tell me that I'll tape my speech next week?
I'll tape this a lot easier.
I'll make sure it's perfecto.
Every word will be perfect.
If I don't do it, I'll give it five or six goes.
I'll say, pick the best one.
What is this?
They're taping their speeches.
I just learned that her speech is taped and that most of them are taped.
I don't know.
We'll have to speak to Republican leadership and say, let's take those speeches.
You want to go to a snooze?
You know, when you hear when you hear a speech is taped, it's like there's nothing very exciting about it.
So I just heard that coming in.
I expected to see, you know, and Fox will broadcast them more than they broadcast us, you know.
All right, let's just stop right there for a moment.
We're going to come back from break and I'm going to get into really what matters.
And it's the fact that there is an organized takedown of human civilization to end civilization as we know it to cause a societal, cultural, economic, population collapse.
This is not being done to save the earth.
This is being done to destroy a free market that will raise living standards, raise life expectancy, and will give a more equal distribution of the future and of high technology systems to the general public.
The technocrats call all these real-life extensive technologies and new energy systems disruptive technologies.
They call them disruptive technologies, and they believe having an open, free system, or any semblance of it, will produce so much competition to them, they won't be able to control the future.
That's why all of this is a war for the future.
They want to control the future, and we sit here and just accept What the news says, and what the academics say, and what Hollywood says, and we just accept their view of the world, and quote, trust the science, which is all lies.
They're the ones that hate science.
They're the ones that, you know, say that all the major cities are going to be flooded by 2013, that by 2013 all the ice caps will be melted, the ice caps are bigger.
They lie!
In every breath because they're frauds and they represent the most powerful elites on earth who are psychotic, who want control over every aspect of life to play God.
We're going to come back and get to all of it straight ahead.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Remember, the only way the information gets out is when you share it.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, Band.video.
You're doing a great job.
We're reaching millions of new people every day thanks to you, and we salute you.
Stay with us.
We'll be back.
Epic Times!
Yes, the word's overused, but not in times like these.
We are in the creme de la creme of incredible danger.
The once free civilization built on Christendom, the Enlightenment and the Renaissance is under full assault.
And is under full collapse.
But it's only when we go into bondage again that we remember what we had and understand that we have to fight for everything that's good.
That freedom is not free.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Live Tuesday Transmission.
I am very, very honored and pleased to be here.
It's on days like these that you really understand how transitory and short life is.
This morning I had T-boned and I'm lucky to not be seriously hurt.
I think I had a little bit of a concussion, but I'm glad the other guy and his dog that ran into me is okay.
I think it was both our faults, but it is good to be here with you today.
I'll just leave it at that.
Let me just tell you that Roger Stone is coming up next segment with some big breaking news on multiple fronts.
And I'm just going to leave it at that.
And then separately, I want to remind listeners that this whole operation is an eyesore to the New World Order.
This whole operation is a thorn in the side of their evil operation.
And they've got their operatives and their little minions beavering away behind the scenes, trying to infiltrate our operation, trying to turn us against each other, trying to destroy us constantly.
We're a big target.
With 76 days out from the election, and you're a big target, they've got to get through info wars, like the President says, they've got to get through him to get to you.
Well, they've got to get through info wars to get to you.
And I know you understand that.
That's why you've been praying for us.
You've been spreading the word.
You've been financially supporting us, getting great products that are great for you and your family, a total non-zero-sum game, the definition of 360 win.
But I just want to encourage listeners to take advantage of the sales, the new sale we have at InfoWarshaw.com, and really get great products and be part of history funding this operation.
Because I have to remember not to get so fatalistic with how bad things are and then just forget that we need to continue on to the future, that we've already come so far together.
And thanks to God, we are still here on air and in many ways stronger than ever.
So thank you all for your support.
Again, I want to thank you and salute you and just encourage those of you that Have gotten products and like them, but haven't reordered to reorder.
For those of you that have never tried any of the products, we have a high-tech, fully secure, quality shopping cart with thousands of great items, books, films, t-shirts, other Patriot apparel, ball caps, survival gear, high-quality, storable food, amazing supplements.
Water filtration, air filtration, and right now at InfoWarStore.com, we're introducing the Everyday Essentials Sale.
Take advantage of huge specials right now at InfoWarStore.com.
Now, I can't do store-wide free shipping because we don't bring in enough to fund our operation when we do that, but we do have store-wide free shipping on these select, highly discounted items for a very limited time.
Eight Pack Power Stack and Survival Shield X2 Combo.
X2 now back in stock.
Not the spray type, that's been in stock, but the original liquid out of the tongue.
Heart and Body Combo, ExtendoWise and Vazobeat.
Both so good for cardiovascular, the heart, the lungs, everything.
50% off.
Even though XtendoWise is selling out fast.
Survival Shield X2 Nascent Iodine, again, back in stock.
50% off by itself.
Ultimate Fish Oil.
Highest grade, highest quality.
That goes through the process of removing any mercury.
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33% off.
Survival Shield X2 Spray.
50% off.
Selling out fast.
Crossed a guard.
That was our best seller yesterday.
It's back in the stock, it has a good dose of high quality zinc and then it's got the
saw palm meadow and other known ingredients that again, it's on record.
Even the totalitarian FDA goes, "Yeah, you can say saw palm meadow is good for prostate
health and shrinks it and is anti-cancer."
I mean, it's just a fact.
Imagine what it does with other glands in the body and go look into it yourself.
Saw palm meadow is something women should be taking too.
This is not just for men.
In fact, a lot of studies show it's better for women than it is even for men.
It's just been particularly studied when it comes to men's prostates.
So very important if you have that to remember to take it as well.
Also Survival Shield X2 and X3 combo, 50% off.
All this free shipping.
Krill oil, back in stock, selling out fast.
That's 17% off.
Alexa Pure Breeze, $149 plus free shipping.
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Leading competitors are $400, $500.
They mark them up four times.
This is a really great deal.
Free shipping at InfoWarsTore.com.
Okay, I'm going to stop right there.
Thank you all for your support and ask you to also support our local AM and FM affiliates however you can.
That is critical.
And you've been doing that.
So a lot of stations pick us up at night and they end up carrying us live for an hour or two.
They end up carrying us live four hours and they pick up David Knight, they pick up Owen Schroyer.
I mean, we get the ratings and a lot of the Patriots own the stations and they understand.
And now that so much of what we've talked about has turned out to be true, a lot of stations are calling up And markets we've not been on and say, you know, you need to be on.
You've been vindicated.
We know you get great ratings.
We're going to put you on.
And so now is the time that Infowars, now is the time that you, the patriots, that have been those winter soldiers that have been demonized and lied about and called constitutional terrorists and the ADL and Southern Property Law Center have run around brainwashing everybody against you, because you were the patriots.
You know what was going on.
And now the whole world government's out in the open, the lockdown's here, it's all unfolding.
You have more credibility now than you've ever had.
And it was very humbling, Weekend on Saturday to say, hey, let's hike down to the Greenbelt.
I picked a spot was too far of a hike, but still folks were great.
It was really hot, but it was just amazing to meet all these wonderful people and to go into a park.
We're told is closed outside of law and the police said, of course, we're not going to stop you.
We know this is all unenforceable.
It was very, very.
Humbling to see all of you and to see probably 200 people show up in 104 degree temperature to hike down to where just a week before they told my wife she couldn't go hiking down there and got in her face and got in my face and we saw the mainstream media lie about it and say I was just harassing random people for no reason but the truth is the world knows what's happening.
And yes, their propaganda may work on some people, but it's working on less and less as people discover the truth and discover what's really unfolding.
You know, when that little boy got shot in the head a few weeks ago because he was white, a five-year-old, the media tried to ignore it for a week.
When they couldn't ignore it, they came out and said lies about him.
Because they didn't want to have it two-sided that black people do things that are wrong, white people do things that are wrong.
There's evil in the world.
They wanted to make it about skin color being evil and say it's cops that are evil inherently, especially if they're white.
Instead of us recognizing evil as the threat and saying we want to fight evil, we want to fight real hate.
No, they make it all about it.
Well, that little white boy deserved it.
Over $760,000 raised for Cannon Hennett's funeral costs.
And I guarantee you the family would rather have him than that $700,000, but it makes it a little bit better.
And it's a message to the establishment that you tried to suppress this.
We are going to champion this little boy.
But can you imagine if a crazed white man would have shot a little black boy in the head for no reason?
The cities would be burning.
And there's only a matter of time, they're crazy white people too, until something like this happens.
Or until the globalists false flag it.
And that's what we're being maneuvered into and set up for.
That's why capitulating to Soros-run Black Lives Matter is so dangerous, because you're giving that system the moral high ground so that when something bad happens, they can tear the country apart.
We'll be right back with Roger Stone.
The very destiny of humanity is being fought over right now.
Like the archangel and the devil fighting over the body of Moses.
But this is not a dead body that's being fought over.
This is the living body of the Republic and the planet and our destiny.
And together, we can end the New Dark Age and relaunch the true Explosion of a new renaissance.
But you have to activate.
Here's a little reminder of what we're up against in the spirit of the left-hand path.
It's Texas, you fucking moron!
You're a fucking idiot!
You wanna play this little pedantic game or do you wanna actually have a conversation, you little bitch?
Why are you getting in my face?
You fucking snowflake, bitch!
You guys are such little bitches!
You're getting in my face, punk bitch!
You're a fucking Marxist, you fucking dipshit!
You dumbass!
You're a Marxist, you dumbass!
Why don't you back up a little bit?
Fuck you!
And I fucking understand this, you dumbass!
Why are you getting in my face right now?
I'm gonna tell you one more time.
Do it, do it, do it.
I'm gonna tell you one more time.
Do it, do it, do it!
Do it, I swear.
Do it.
I promise you.
Do it.
[car horn]
That's the type of people that see us with American flags in Austin
and jump out of their vehicles and run over threatening us.
That's the type of garbage that we deal with.
All right, I got up early this morning and saw that Roger Stone had not slept last night.
He just texted me at like 6 a.m.
The article that's at StoneColdTruth.com.
It's also at InfoWars.com.
Why I decided to withdraw the appeal of my unjust conviction in the Mueller witch hunt.
Now, we all know that he could never get a fair hearing.
But when I actually read the lengthy article they stayed up all night to write, it's bigger than Roger Stone.
I'm not trying to minimize Roger Stone.
I'm saying, I'd forgotten what they've done to General Flynn, what they've done to Stone, how rigged it's all been, and how now the media has the talking point.
Oh, that, oh, Roger got clemency first, but now after the election he'll get a pardon.
That's some secret deal.
When all of that's a lie, and Roger got all these calls last night about it when they dropped their appeal because he doesn't want to have to spend, I mean, it's high-level appeals cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for every leg of it, and they fight it up and down, and it's a million bucks.
That's their endgame, is to put us in jail, get fake judgements on us, shut us down.
It's the same game plan they're running against Infowars, folks.
But you keep us in the fight.
And I just keep saying that because, literally, we're in this together.
Thank you for keeping me in the fight.
I don't want to lose the fight.
I don't want to give up.
And we're actually winning in some ways, but the enemy now is getting very creative and out of control.
So Roger is on his way to another event.
He's speaking, he's giving speeches, he's doing interviews, he's fighting for America.
now harder than ever, so he joins us via cell phone to just verbally recap why you dropped
your appeal and the latest spin that's out there as we chronicle up close this true miscarriage
of justice.
Well, Alex, I must tell you, I made this decision very reluctantly because I really would like
to clear my name and I really feel that I was railroaded, that there are a number of
constitutional issues that I could have prevailed on appeal in a fair court, but recent decisions
in this court.
Lead me to believe that they have no regard for the law or the Constitution.
First and foremost, despite the.
The legal precedent in every circuit in the United States, including DC.
In the last 45 days in which somebody convicted of a nonviolent crime like me was sent to home confinement rather than prison.
To protect them from COVID-19, despite the rules and regulations of the Department of Justice and the Bureau of Prisons that require that, despite the condition of my health and my age, and despite the undeniable danger at the Georgia facility they wanted to send me, this D.C.
Circuit Court of Appeals voted 3-0 to send me to my death.
Secondarily, they vacated their order to Judge Sullivan, ordering him to dismiss the charges against that great American patriot, General Flynn.
We now know that Flynn did nothing wrong and was politically targeted, but that's not disputed.
Then they rescinded that order.
They vacated their order and decided to hear that case en banc, which happens very, very rarely, meaning all 11 justices in the D.C.
Circuit Court of Appeals We'll hear the Flynn case.
Seven of the 11 are Democrats.
Then they ordered that the President's personal attorney, or his White House attorney, Don McGahn, needs to answer questions under oath from the Congress.
I think that's unconstitutional.
And then lastly, this is the court that reversed the order requiring Hillary Clinton to testify against her emails.
It's the same court When I appealed my gag order during my trial, sat on my motion for two months while I sustained damage every day from CNN and the Washington Post, and then they essentially just sent it back to Judge Jackson, which was completely illogical because why would the judge who imposed the gag order rescind the gag order?
So I came to believe that I cannot get A fairly heard appeal.
All you do is put yourself back in their criminal clutches.
And it's clear with General Flynn, you also in the article parallel what they've done to him that even mainline liberal scholars like Jonathan Turley say is unprecedented North Korean style justice.
What do we the people, what does Congress do?
What does Trump do?
I mean, these judicial tyrants are out of control.
Well, we need to win control of the U.S.
House of Representatives.
I mean, I know that Congressman Andy Biggs and others are working on bills of impeachment on some of these more egregious judges who are violating the oath of their office, violating the Constitution, and in some places may even be mentally unstable.
Nowhere does it say the judicial branch is More authority than the legislative branch.
We need to hold these people accountable.
Remember when the Flynn judge just made up something about how Flynn had been with the Russians and everybody knew it?
And he wasn't even in there being charged with anything with the Russians.
The judge just did a whole rant about, you're a Russian agent and that's why I'm not going to, you know, I'm going to not be lenient on the sentencing.
Remember all that?
I mean, it's like you said, we're talking... Today, the Senate Intelligence Committee has released a report Report that has 1,058 individual references to me.
I've only read two of them.
One of them says that on July 17th, I wrote a tweet for Donald Trump praising Putin.
Absolutely total nonsense.
Completely and ridiculously false.
Also says that they had ascertained that Stone and Trump spoke many times about the WikiLeaks disclosures.
Mueller spent $30 million in three years, could find no proof of that, Because it never happened.
I mean, this is Richard Burr, who, as you know, is under an ethical cloud, and the Senator from Virginia, Mark Warner.
I mean, the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation is just another witch hunt.
I can't believe they're recycling it again, and even have, you know, frontline specials implying we're Russians.
I mean, there's just no reality to any of it, but they just keep pushing it.
Well, it worked so well for them, I guess they don't want to abandon it.
Let me ask you this.
What do you think?
Did you have any time to watch the DNC last night?
It was very boring.
It was a snooze fest.
Very short on substance.
Where was the substance?
How is Joe Biden going to bring back jobs?
How is Joe Biden going to fix our borders?
How is Joe Biden going to rebuild our military?
I mean, it was ridiculous.
I thought it was quite boring.
What's your prediction right now, 76 days out from the election?
Very hard to say.
If we had an honest election, in which only people who are qualified to vote voted, Donald Trump would win.
But I'm still not convinced we're going to have an honest election.
Let me ask you this, Roger, and we'll do one more segment with you on the other side and get into the election itself and get into this whole canard over the post office and what you think's behind that and more.
But think about this question as we go to break.
Why do they hate you so much, and why do they hate me so much?
And I don't bring us up because I want to put us in the spotlight.
We're in the spotlight.
There's something about what we do that angers the establishment, and if we can figure out that, other people can do it.
Because clearly what we're doing works.
What is it they're so scared?
Why do they hate us as much as Trump or more?
What is it about Roger Stone the establishment hates so much?
He's still got major battles.
They've tried to ruin him.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
What we're going to do is next hour, I'm going to break down how we stop the COVID hoax, how we bring down the deep state, if people actually want to do it.
And I was asking Roger Stone the question, why does the establishment hate Trump, him, and I more really than anybody in the world?
And I'm, by the way, I'm not a proud person, but I am very proud of my enemies and the fact that we've had a big effect.
What is it about us?
I think it is, frankly, our effectiveness.
anti-American, anti-human establishment boil with hatred and obsession.
Because if we understand that, then we understand their weak spots and why they want to take
us out because we're over the target.
What is it, Roger Stone?
I think it is, frankly, our effectiveness.
As I say in the movie, "Get Me Roger Stone," I think our effectiveness has driven them
I mean, the book that I wrote on the Clintons, "The Clintons War on Women," it completely
exposes the Epstein connection two years before anyone else.
The succession of elections where I have defeated them head to head in various races.
All of these things have driven them insane.
Just driven them insane.
So it's the same reason so many other football teams hated the Patriots.
It was the winning streak.
I think that's exactly right.
This is also true of you.
You have been ahead of the curve on so many of their machinations.
I mean, you're fearless.
I pretty much tell people exactly what I think.
Throughout my entire political career, people have told me, oh, you can't say that.
You're going to offend the Bushes.
You can't say that.
You're going to offend the party.
I didn't get into politics because of the party.
I'm an American.
I'm a Christian first.
I'm an American second.
I'm a conservative with a very libertarian streak third.
I'm a Republican fourth.
That's the order of importance to me, and therefore I have been bipartisan in my criticism of the deep state.
I've been bipartisan in my criticism of Republican and Democratic administrations.
I refuse to play the game.
Well, I totally agree with your synopsis.
When I worked for Ronald Reagan, I was opposed to making George Bush vice president.
All right, the time we have left with you.
Looking at the post office situation, obviously they want $25 billion extra.
Obama ran it in the ground.
From what I've seen, Trump's done nothing wrong.
Mail-in ballots are not absentee ballots.
They're randomly being sent out.
It's a recipe for disaster.
As you know, already in Michigan, they've turned back tens of thousands of ballots that have been mailed in that are in the names of dead people.
So we know the fraud's going on, not just there, but in several other states.
This is insane.
And most of the ballots will be cast.
Before the debates ever happened.
So we see that the deep state knows there's a landslide coming and their attempts now to say Trump is stealing mailboxes.
Folks, I'll play it next hour.
I'm not kidding.
Trump's stealing mailboxes now.
They're trying to get Democrats to fetishize The mailboxes and the mail-in ballots as the secret weapon.
They're hyping up the post office so that Democrats, who are usually lazy drug addicts, will go out and get the ballots and fill in Granny's name.
I think that's what this is really all about.
And throwing the election into question up front, which we were talking last week, they said they're going to do.
What do you think?
Well, Alex, we know that they always project.
In other words, whatever it is they are accusing us of doing is exactly what they are doing.
That has always been the pattern.
Hillary was the one colluding with the Russians.
She had the Russians write the Steele dossier, for example.
In this case, it's the same thing.
At the same time, I must tell you, in Florida, the Democrats are killing the Republicans in terms of the number of requests for absentee ballots.
That has never happened before.
Early voting is at record levels.
Well more than 50 percent, maybe as many as 70 percent of the Florida voters will have voted Prior to Election Day, we usually win the Election Day vote, but the question is, can you hold them off in early voting?
The mail-in thing is just a recipe for theft.
It violates 12 state constitutions, it violates 35 state laws, where a photo ID is required, but this is all part of building up to a theft of the election.
At the same time, we've talked about this, Inoculating the people so that Donald Trump cannot object to the theft.
If he objects to the theft, he's just being recalcitrant, he's just being stubborn, he's anti-democratic.
They've stolen it and there's proof they've stolen it.
Then we have a disputed election that's going to have to be settled in the courts.
That's right.
Today, I got T-boned.
This car's going really fast.
I start to pull out.
There's no car.
I look down to get my Gatorade.
Start to pull out.
Shouldn't have done that.
It was partially my fault, but the guys went really fast.
He slams on his brakes, probably going 70.
Hits me going about 45.
But there was that second during the headlights, as I looked to see if I could get out on the road and get in front of him, but the truck wasn't fast enough.
And so he hit me in the back, spun the car around, knocked it into the ditch.
Here's that feeling, 76 days out, like a deer in the headlights.
They're saying Trump's going to steal it while they're stealing it.
They're saying 25th Amendment.
They're saying they're going to contest it if they don't win, and then have riots until the military removes him.
And Pelosi's on TV saying, we'll have states to seat and have our own inauguration.
And I'm like a deer in the headlights with civil war coming at us.
I have that feeling.
What is your sense of this?
I have a sense of horror, of foreboding, of slow motion death.
And like, I should be doing something.
I should find the answer.
What is the answer?
What are you feeling?
What are you seeing?
What's your sense of this, Roger?
And what should we do?
The answer, the only answer, is to win the election decisively enough that you can collect enough legitimate votes to overcome the fraud.
And the President of the United States certainly has the bully pulpit to do that.
And he has the executive order pen to do that.
And he's a great communicator and a great campaigner.
He is, as we know, somewhat hemmed in by COVID-19.
But those country club Republicans who are already headed for the tall grass and bringing their hands about to feet, there's actually one member of the Trump senior campaign staff that is circulating a tell-all book about how Donald Trump lost and all the mistakes he made.
It's unbelievable.
So there are... Stop there.
That's like a record skipping noise.
Tell us more about this.
They already have people inside who are already scripting and already trying to sell books about the defeat of the President.
Yes, absolutely.
Good God.
Tell me about that.
Well, I'm not going to say any more than that.
This is a developing story.
I'm hoping to get a copy of the proposal.
And if that's true, then this person should be outed for disloyalty.
Well, here's my final question, Roger.
I'm not a criminal.
I don't think in criminal ways, but I do study the globalists, so they think in criminal ways, so I understand them.
When you're faced with a criminal conspiracy that only escalates the amount of crime they'll commit for power, and then we keep playing the part of good old boys, being nice and friendly and all shucks with them, there's a certain point where they raise the threat continuum to a level that us not getting, I don't want to say dirty, but let's say very nasty and aggressive, We begin to aid and abet our own destruction.
I mean, they're saying they want to end the country, they want to steal the election, they want states to secede, they want to destroy our whole future, they're trying to kill the dollar, and I'm starting to feel ashamed that I'm not doing enough.
I don't know what it is I'm supposed to do, but I'm sitting here not wanting to see this country flushed down the toilet.
Well, I'm with you on that.
On the other hand, we have a certain restraint that they don't have.
We will not go out there and break the law.
They will go out and break the law, just like they throw bricks through windows.
Just like they beat up old people.
Just like they maraud and riot.
I know, and in my whole life, I've never had myself start wanting to think about breaking the law.
That's what I'm saying is, and I don't want to do it, but my brain's like, I can't help it.
My brain is going those places.
Well, we have to wait.
There's so many different ways this can play out.
There is no certain scenario.
I suggest we just kind of Stay organized.
We do our maximum to win this election by such a margin that we can offset their stealing.
That can be done.
There's no question about it.
The question is, can it be done in 71 days?
Sure, and again, I'm not saying I'm anything criminal.
I have no intention to.
I'm just saying, when you're faced with a criminal evil, and then you're always playing by the rules and they use that against you at a certain point, don't the Democrats know they're just going to erase all civilization?
They're going to be destroyed one way or the other.
I mean, imagine if they steal the election.
What's going to come out of that?
They're not going to get away with that.
But all they're interested in is money and power.
This is about money and power.
You're absolutely right.
It's all about raw power.
They don't care about anything.
They are completely sold.
They have no ideology.
It's just about raw power and money.
Roger, this is too important.
We've hit the key here.
Two minutes.
Come back and do a few more.
Just five more minutes on the nature of the beast.
Understanding our enemy.
We'll be right back.
Second hour.
Five more minutes with Roger Stone.
Stay with us.
Kick them while they're up.
Kick them while they're down.
Roger had to go, he was 30 minutes late going into a speech, I understand that, but he was getting into something very intriguing there.
I don't care about money and power, but I do care about not being a slave.
And the New World Order comes after us trying to take our money away or whatever, like that matters to me.
It's just fuel to fight them.
But when you really look at it, I'm being honest with listeners.
I mean, I don't commit crimes.
I don't want to cheat people.
I don't want to do any of that.
But when the globalists make it the law that our speech is illegal, and their tyranny is the law, well then it's flipped around at that point.
And I'm just saying, we're entering that area.
And it's because these globalists have never gotten in trouble that they've gotten so arrogant.
Think about this.
The protesters can't vote in person, but they can protest and run around and that's good.
But now they've got to be able to vote by mail so they can engage in fraud.
Here's that report.
We'll come back again to the big COVID-19 news.
But let's get in to the latest COVID developments.
New saliva-based COVID-19 test could be fast, cheap, game-changer, CNN.
Scientists are calling it a COVID testing breakthrough, a supervised but self-administered test for coronavirus from a sample of your saliva.
Experts say if done properly, it could be as effective and much easier to perform than those intrusive nasal swabs by medical workers covered in PPE.
You read the type of test it is, it's the other basic test they've been using.
That give almost 90% false positives.
So that'll create more hysteria, more fear.
It's never about the death toll now.
It's about the number of people that are infected.
But once you get tens of millions that have been tested, then if they die in a car wreck, or if they die of a heart attack, you get to count them.
They go, oh, 1,200 a day dying from COVID, when tens of thousands Hundreds of thousands some days die in the United States.
People say, man, the left's collapsing their states, their cities, because they worked for the New World Order to collapse the whole country.
You think they're just idiots that don't know how to run things?
They know how to destroy things!
It's a plan!
Michigan rejects more than 10,000 absentee ballots, including some from voters who died.
Wouldn't it be a concern to you? Do you do you realize how inaccurate the voter rolls are with
just people just moving around, not let alone the people that die off, but sending ballots out just
based on a voter roll registration? Anytime you move, you'll change your driver's license,
but you don't call up and say, "Hey, by the way, I'm re-registered."
But there's no evidence of widespread voter fraud.
There's no evidence that there's not either.
That's the definition of fraud, Jake.
When we look at that, what we have seen are a number of mail... Violent crime explodes during the police getting defunded and the police being told not to respond and people being told to riot and kill and murder.
But the article blames COVID and the police!
For the globalist economic depression and reset and martial law that comes out of it after Trump's removed, if they're successful.
The NYPD and the mayor did not do their job last night.
Well, you know, I just heard a story about somebody saw a protester, excuse me, a looter arrested.
The reality of the situation is that that looter will probably be back in three hours and we'll have to catch him again.
Any comments?
That are placing the blame for where we are with this situation on the backs of the men and women of this police department that are putting their lives on the line, Neil, I think is disgraceful and he should be ashamed of himself.
There's politics and there's what's right.
And that is a disgraceful comment.
This agency have done a remarkable job in probably unprecedented times and I couldn't be prouder of the work the men and women of this agency have done.
You know, CNN says Covid is Trump's fault and it's the police fault.
crimes exploding.
You know I sit here and I
really look at the evidence and I really weigh what the actual controllers
of the planet are saying and doing.
And then I come to you, and I tell you what I believe they're going to be executing.
And here's the thing, most of the time, it's 100%.
I'm just telling you what they said, where they said it, like with Operation Lockstep or Event 201.
And I'm sitting there, six months ago, when the U.N.
sang, this will be a permanent lockdown, it'll never end, we'll never shake hands, we'll always wear a mask, no one will go into buildings anymore, we'll all live in our homes, robots will deliver us our food, that's the post-human world.
People go, that sounds crazy!
And you're like, oh here, let me pull it up for you.
Here's Davos, here's the U.N., here's the Rockefeller, and people look at it, even family, they'll go, that's crazy, Alex!
I sure hope you're wrong.
You hope I'm wrong.
Right before the French Revolution, there was a mail carrier riding through Germany who got struck by lightning carrying a parcel.
And it killed him, and it blew the parcel up.
You know, like when an oak tree gets struck by lightning and it explodes.
And the police got there, and there were documents all over the ground, letters, a bunch of orders.
To the Illuminati in Germany and France about how they were going to have a revolution and overthrow the crown and overthrow the church to put themselves in power over everyone.
Not to empower the people.
And we know they got control and what the Jacobins did.
And if you study Satanists today, the left, all of it, it goes back to the left-hand path, the same group.
And Aleister Crowley is just the more modern version of that operating system.
But this morning I was thinking about all the things we've covered in the last eight months under this global takeover and the fact that we're making this Bill Gates film right now that I need to hurry up and get done.
There's always new stuff adding, so new chapters so fast we can't ever get it done.
And I remembered all the patents Through the Wuhan lab and others that Bill and Melinda Gates, through their foundation and foundations they fund, and Fauci, and the NIH, and Obama, were funding.
Where they created COVID-19 chimera bat viruses, vaccines, and did animal trials already.
That's how they skipped the animal trials.
And I'm talking five years ago, two years ago, three years ago, six months ago.
They already had all this ready and had the vaccine ingredient prepared.
And that's how it was in the Associated Press.
Just yesterday and over the weekend.
Oh, the U.S.
has developed new strains of COVID for the vaccine trials.
Boy, they said it would be three years, and then two years, and then a year, and then... Remember, I told you back at the start of this in January and in February, I said, watch.
They're telling you two, three years for a vaccine.
They'll have it by the winter.
Because I know them, folks.
They didn't create all this.
They didn't have 11 different operations funded by Fauci and Gates alone at Wuhan where they were doing the illegal research that had been banned in the United States.
They were running it.
Now do we know specifically what they're planning or how it mutates or exactly what the vaccine is going to do to us?
They just tell us it's gonna make a lot of people really sick, and it changes your DNA, and makes you a GMO creature.
New DNA vaccine will make us aliens!
Type that in!
You'll get the New York Times, you'll get Newsweek, you'll... I mean, they're just like, oh, we're gonna make you corporate-owned now, we're gonna put something in you that changes your cells.
Oh, and by the way, it's going to make you real sick.
Oh, and by the way, it's not even going to protect you.
Because they're like, oh, there's going to be new ones all the time just to live your life.
You'll be getting these things, you know, every few months.
So they're announcing this gargantuan dystopia.
And instead of lying to us about how it's not going to help us, they just say, oh, it's not going to help you, but you're going to do it.
And the contact tracers are going to come to your houses.
And they're going to take your kids away.
And I thought, I said, six months ago, and this was in the documents, it wasn't news yet, but they were, and the UN was saying this, and I'm like, look, they're saying this here, look, this is going to be announced in six months.
Of course it is now.
Because I've learned how they operate their formula.
And I said then, over and over again, I said, I guarantee you, they've got more deadly strains of this.
This is only a test.
This is a simulation to see how we'll lock down.
They're going to count regular flu and other stuff as deaths that scare people.
But this is all just to scare people with a virus they own and control because they've got worse versions and worse mutations that spread faster and will kill higher numbers.
So they're just introducing us to our destruction and teaching us that there are saviors.
While hiding in plain view, they produced it all at their laboratories.
To make sure it's all scripted, that they're the good guys, and they're saving us.
Because I could see all the documents and all the pieces, and only a few pieces were missing in the jigsaw puzzle.
And then about a month after I started saying that, Gates goes on Colbert and he says, this was only a drill.
Terrorists are going to release one way worse.
And I went, oh my God.
We're just making sure we can lock you down during this.
And see, we passed the test.
We wear the mask.
We lock down.
We're going to stay in our houses when they kill us.
And he says he wants to kill you.
He wants to depopulate you.
And he says it's great everything's shutting down.
It's good for the earth.
And he's just as happy as a pig.
And you know what?
Because his whole life work is being carried out now.
And he's in the news like, this is when you'll be able to go outside again.
This is when you'll have a job again.
It's Bloomberg.
AP Reuters.
Here's Bill Gates.
He runs your life.
I mean, imagine if the cops acted like this, or Trump, but oh, the media says he's the good man.
Look, he's wearing a pink sweater.
And then just as sure as the sun came up, they came out the last week and said, okay, we found deadly strains in Malaysia, China, and other areas, and they're hundreds of times worse, and they're coming to kill you, and that's why the lockdown's gonna be permanent.
We know more's coming.
And then when it hits, and it's not killing, you know, 0.0032, when it's actually killing
1% of people, there's really dead bodies everywhere and they're getting us ready for it at the
They're gonna say, hey, you better take these shots, hey, we better have contact tracers in your house, and all the SJWs out of the colleges that are trained authoritarians that want power are gonna be coming to your house and to my house.
And there are gonna be dead bodies all over the place, and they're gonna be vitriolic, saying, see, we told you so!
Now, I told you this six months ago.
Now, they're saying it all over the news.
It's all scripted, folks.
So remember, when your wife, or your husband, or your child, or your mother, or your father's dying from this, and there are dead bodies piled up outside hospitals, and there are crematoriums going around the clock, and they're dumping people in mass graves, and hundreds of millions are dying, just remember...
You're not essential.
They told you that.
They're teaching you right now and beta testing what it's going to be like when most of you are gone.
Because the next one's only going to kill a few hundred million.
Then they're going to have permanent lockdown, robots controlling us, drones controlling us, China's the model.
And then, five years after they do that, they're going to release a bioweapon that'll make you glow in the dark.
I have a permanent orange afro.
That was an old movie, I forget which comedy, where they said that.
These nuclear weapons will make you glow in the dark.
I have a permanent orange afro.
You know, we joke about this.
It's here.
It's their plan.
They're doing it.
They're on record.
I'm sorry.
I don't want to have to tell you that.
But people say, aren't you scared?
We're all dead already!
What are you talking about?
The whole thing's going down.
Are you going to just sit here and take it?
All these people are being seduced into this, where they just comply, they think they're going to be safe, but that's how they then tighten the AI noose.
The robots aren't just going to attack us one day, they're going to be there to protect us and control us, and then, Katy, bar the door.
Toll-free number to join us.
Give us your take on this and more.
First-time callers.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We are here in defiance of tyranny.
Thank you for joining us.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Let me just finish up with the whole COVID situation.
Hit a few news articles.
I'm gonna go to your calls.
There's really not words for me to describe how serious this is and for listeners to know
that unless we have a full rejection of the entire new order operation, they are building
a dystopic world on purpose.
They don't want you with swimming pools and going to college and happy and being healthy and having a future.
They see you as eating their food and using their globalist resources.
They've stolen the world through fraud.
And they don't want you making decisions about the future of the planet.
And that is the bottom of the spider hole.
And so they've told you, COVID lockdown never ends.
They've told you the vaccine won't protect you.
And now they're telling you super deadly strains are coming.
And then I pull back.
And I go, well, wait a minute.
I mean, it's on record that Fauci and Gates don't have their fingerprints on this.
They are the people that run the Wuhan lab.
And then the Westerners that are in it, it's mainly Westerners, head up Facebook.
And Google and Apple fact-checking on COVID-19, it turns out.
So they're running the censorship of the media through Wuhan, through the UN, and then the UN says what can be on the media worldwide, and then governments follow the orders under treaties!
Every day I see articles like, yesterday, UN orders UK not to use Navy to stop Migrants coming across the English Channel.
French Mayor says it's act of war for England to even stop them or turn them back.
And they're not turning them back!
It's the United Nations in control of everything.
Our speech, our medical systems, all these doctors, prestigious doctors, saying things that are true.
Giving press conferences how Bill Gates funded a fake study saying hydroxychloroquine hurts people and it wasn't even real and was withdrawn when all the other studies show the opposite!
And now you see the headlines, oh this university closed, this high school closed.
Because, well, no one's dying at the university, no one died at the school, but the parents were mad that the school was open, so they tested their kids, and we found that, you know, this many kids tested positive for COVID!
And no one goes, well, let's look at this type of test.
There's three types of tests now.
Almost all of them are false positives, the way they designed the damn things.
Again, it's all based on hysteria!
But people want to be COVID positive.
They want to get into it.
They want to go lay around and watch Netflix while the economy collapses and the future dies.
Because everybody just thinks it's an extended summer, an extended spring break.
And no, it's not.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
Look at these headlines.
MarketWatch, Dr. Fauci says U.S.
can learn from Asian countries in battling against COVID.
Says China is the model.
Oh yeah, China has no problem now because it's all fake statistics.
UNC Chapel Hill.
Oh, that's one of the places that produced COVID-19.
Reverses plans for in-person classes after 130 students test positive for COVID-19.
Oh my gosh, you're testing positive!
You're all guilty!
And then we expose it as a fraud.
We show how it doesn't have a high kill rate.
But then they roll out the next model.
And Bill Gates is vindicated.
Oh, he'll be vindicated.
And we know that these vaccines, normal flu vaccine lowers your immunity to the flu the next year.
That's major studies.
So they want to give you a vaccine for COVID-19 so that the next version, ha ha!
COVID-19 mutation that's 10 times more infectious than the original discovered in Malaysia.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
Look how infectious it is in the graph.
Of course, the death rate straight down is 0.037 globally.
Rabid squirrels kill more people, but it doesn't matter, you see.
Because the infection rate's up, because it was all actuary to be a fraud.
Meanwhile, another important article at InfoWars.com, why Americans should adopt the Sweden model on COVID-19.
They had a spike, almost no deaths, and now, almost no.
Infections or illnesses, because it's herd immunity.
And they know the fraud, they didn't do all the fake testing, and nobody's dying.
They just have some international medical groups that are going along with the fraud.
Just like Bolsonaro exposes the fraud, his medical system is still global so he can't help it.
They put out the fraud there.
Everybody that dies of a car wreck, gunshot wound, cancer they call it.
When you actually get a pneumonia or something, it's like, oh, let's gather around, let's make a big deal about it.
When pneumonia's always killed way more than the flu.
But they didn't want to panic people, so when the, you know, when I lost three family members six years ago in the same month Both sides of my family moved out to the ranch.
Uncle, cousin, and my dad's older cousin, we called him his uncle, all died within one month of each other from a pneumonia.
And when I was at the hospital, they had people dying when I was there off and on for a couple weeks.
Just dead bodies everywhere.
Nothing on the news.
But callers were calling the show going, man, a lot of folks dying in my town.
It hit Texas, it hit the South, it hit the Midwest, and I mean, it was, there were a few, a mystery illness has hospital overwhelmed, and boy, it was real!
We'd drive over to the hospitals, they'd be empty, nothing going on.
Turned out, there was nothing going on.
We're gonna go to break, come back, go directly to your calls, Rabbi Wolf, Jeff, Cooper, Samuel, Mike, Michael, Scott, Clint, Tim, Don, Casey, you're all coming up straight ahead, and we've got other stories.
AP did their job.
Fact check Michelle Obama's DNC speech.
Found out she lied about something big.
We'll tell you about when we start the next segment separately.
Got a new big special going.
I can't offer shipping storewide.
There's a lot of items that we just lose too much money on.
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Infowarrestore.com, and I'll say it again, if you don't get storable food now while you can, our great suppliers, super high quality, great packaging, last 25 years.
One to two weeks for them to ship it to you.
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Because if you think the world's going to get easier, it's going to get crazier.
And the enemy wants you dependent on them, not self-sufficient.
Well, firearms and a relationship with God, most importantly.
This broadcast contains subject matter that may offend liberal snowflakes.
I don't give you permission to record me!
You're on live right now!
I don't give you permiss- Remember when you ran away and I got on my knees and begged you not to leave because I go berserk?
Well, you left me anyhow and then the days got worse and worse and now you see I've gone completely out of my mind!
They're coming to take me away, ha-ha!
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, he-he, ha-ha!
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time!
And I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats, and they're coming to take me away, ha-ha!
Get out of here!
You naughty!
You thought it was a joke and so you laughed.
You laughed when I had said that losing you would make me flip my lid.
You know you laughed.
I heard you laugh.
You laughed.
You laughed and laughed and then you left.
But now you know I'm utterly mad.
They're coming to take me away.
Ha ha!
They're coming to take me away.
Ho ho!
Hee hee!
Ha ha!
I'm gonna grow a magnificent pair of breasts!
I cooked your food, I cleaned your house, and this is how you pay me back for all my kind, unselfish, loving deeds!
Well, you just wait.
They'll find you yet.
And when they do, they'll put you in the ASPCA, you mangy mutt!
You're a fucking idiot!
And I'm a fucking Marxist, you fucking dimwit!
You wanna play this little pedantic game, or do you wanna actually have a conversation, you little bitch?
Why are you getting in my face, punk bitch?
I'm gonna tell you one more time.
Do it.
Do it.
Do it.
Do it.
I swear.
Do it.
Do it.
I promise you.
Do it.
Trump supporters are pussies!
Motherfucking pussies!
They're coming to take me away, ha ha!
They're coming to take me away, ho ho, hee hee, ha ha!
To a funny farm where life is beautiful all the time!
And I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats
And they're coming to take me away!
What do you want, you wacky old man?
With trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers Who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes
And they're coming to take me away!
Ha ha ha!
To the bunny farm, where life is beautiful!
[Car engine]
Alright folks.
You know, you look at the mental illness of the left, it's actually very sad that we've not stood up to them.
Thank you Alex.
So they believe they're going to be empowered by serving this evil system, but the more
they're not empowered, they just keep doubling down.
That's the nature of the psychology.
All right, Rabbi Wolf.
And then we've got Casey and James and Tim and Michael and Mike and Cooper and many others.
We're going to the order the calls are received.
Rabbi Wolf in California, welcome to the airwaves.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
I wanted to mention to you that there are parallels between the 2016 and the 2020 election,
namely the fact that you were t-boned this morning and that Roger Stone was t-boned during
that election, but he didn't mention it this morning.
And, you know, I know you mentioned about the Gatorade, but there's nothing that you could have done to prevent yourself from being T-boned this morning.
And the fact that you looked down actually saved your life because you would have been hit on the driver's side.
And you should call on Yahweh.
And I asked him in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach to put a protective ring around you and your family because you don't know how much danger you're in because of the Shadowgate film.
Well, sir, I know this.
I haven't had many wrecks in my life.
I had one about 15 years ago where we got blown off the highway out in the countryside, and the police got there and they said, you know what?
Tornado came through here.
That's what blew you off the road.
And then I barely rear-ended a lady a few years ago because she slammed her brakes on, but that barely even dented her bumper.
But this today, I really think was both of us making errors, but I'm just
glad to be alive.
I can tell you that.
And yeah, because it did come close to hitting my door, hit right behind me,
smashed that door in the back pretty bad.
And but I'm here.
I was only telling the story because I was a little late at work.
I got here about 10 minutes for the show because of that fiasco.
What do you think is coming up with the election battle, my friend?
I think it's going to be a real dogfight.
And, you know, the elections, they're really never determined by the absentee ballots,
because, you know, as you know, I mentioned that I work with the
Democrats, you know, during their election, and most of the ballots
are thrown away.
And most African-Americans vote by absentee ballots.
So, you know, they're really not going to count all of the ballots anyway.
So what's going to happen is It's going to be contested, and this is why the Supreme Court made the ruling concerning whoever wins the popular vote.
So it's going to be a battle, and I mean a kinetic battle.
And what will happen on the other side of this is the fact that China is basically being given the green light to go after Taiwan.
So that's the one thing that we'll have to watch for.
I agree.
In fact, I was going to ask listeners today, I'm glad you mentioned that.
What do you think the next big, we've had COVID, the fake race riots, Russiagate, Ukrainegate.
What's the next big thing?
And I think it's Taiwan, Hong Kong.
I mean, I think the globalists are trying to greenlight China to do that as another big upset.
What do you think?
I think so, because China, you know, their president is saying that they're not going to pass it on to the next generation.
What I could see happening is China firing missiles at their air bases and naval bases and basically invading.
Oh yeah, they've been flying with their jets over threatening to attack for weeks.
Right, so this is what I see coming on the other side of the election if they don't do something in August or September.
But from what I see, it's going to happen most likely on November 4th.
All right, thank you so much, sir.
Really great points.
Let's go to James in Pennsylvania.
James, thanks for holding her on the air.
Thank you very much, Alex.
I just want to say you woke me up as a young man with the Obama deception.
Now I've grown into a man taking care of his family.
Breaking news!
The United States Postal Service on February 7, 2020, filed a patent Yeah, it's just unbelievable how fast the pace of this has picked up in the last eight months.
I mean, you've been calling it for more than a decade, brother.
I just want to say thanks very much for everything that you do.
have your own blockchain number and then somebody could not copy that. In fact, here's the article
right here. Go ahead. Yeah, it's just it's unbelievable how fast the pace has picked
up in the last eight months. I mean, you've been calling it for more than a decade, brother.
I just want to say thanks very much for everything that you do. You woke me up. Oh, brother,
don't thank me. We're in all this together.
But I tell you, they are sure throwing the kitchen sink at this.
What do you think the deep state is going to do next?
Well, I think they're going to continue on with their communist takeover of democrat controlled cities, culminating to a point where they Trump either sends in the military and they're going to call up their United Nations forces, unfortunately for the West Coast.
I think the West Coast is almost entirely lost.
And by the way, I used to think when old-timers would say that they were crazy, but it is in State Department memorandum 7277.
The weatherman in court, it turned out, wanted to take over the West Coast, bring in Chinese troops in the 60s and 70s, and now they're trying to bankrupt the West Coast on purpose.
And they're talking about having the military take out Trump if he contests the election, and having Democrat states secede, starting with the West Coast.
So, I mean, Pelosi's on TV saying it!
So it's like, we're already living in insane times, my friend.
It's fever pitch right now, leading up to the election.
God bless you, brother.
God bless you.
You know, I've seen nothing but lies from AP the last few months, but I'm surprised they told the truth.
AP fact checks Michelle's DNC speech.
Cages for illegal immigrant children were built during Obama-Biden era.
And they were simply chain-link fences inside these warehouses, separating unaccompanied children from adults that weren't their parents.
What do you think you do when you've got emergency centers opening up and a million people born across your border in a month, and you're rolling up the chain link fence to keep the kids away from the adults that aren't their parents?
You're not putting drywall in there overnight.
Years later, they have.
But they keep showing you the same images over and over again.
That is called deception.
Those images are from 2010.
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16.
And it's on record they are, but they don't care.
Because they can sit there and lie, lie, lie, because their constituents have no memory.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
Alright, I see Casey in North Dakota says, pushing back on mandates, kids going back to school.
What they're doing now is, they're testing in the schools, and if anybody has it, they close the school, even though it's not killing anybody.
It's incredible.
This is how they hamstring us.
They create new phobias that, well, you can't ever get a virus and get sick.
That's part of life.
It's why you get sunlight, why you eat good food, why you get good nutrients, why you supplement.
But they, again, say, oh no, zinc's not good.
Medical doctors prescribing vitamin C have been SWAT teamed because the UN said that wasn't approved.
And the FBI was so dumb in those states Like Michigan.
That they didn't even understand medical law.
They had to obviously never even put charges on them.
Because a doctor can prescribe anything they want as long as it's approved as a general prescription.
Plus, vitamin C is not even a prescription!
But they wanted that idea that, oh, the UN says there's no known treatment for COVID-19.
And the doctors were quick to say, it's not a treatment for it.
If you have high vitamin C, vitamin D3 and zinc, you can't get it.
That's on the NIH website.
And that's what's crazy is the science is all there if you trust the real science.
But they've got the public so dumbed down that even the FBI thinks vitamin C is illegal.
I can play you the newscast.
What you gonna do when they come for you, bad boys?
This clinic rated for giving people vitamin C IVs.
I hate needles, but I get vitamin C IVs a couple times a year.
And the minute I start feeling sick, I grab the phone up, there's like 10 places to do it, I go, get over here, please.
Boom, they come here.
100 bucks.
Stick that needle in my arm, baby.
Works like a charm.
And every other person that's got their head screwed on knows that.
But that's the world we live in, folks.
Because they want you desperate and scared, thinking you've got to stay in your house, wear a mask, and never leave again.
And, oh, five vaccines a year for COVID, that still won't help you.
It's just the end of the world!
Casey, in North Dakota, you're right.
It's time to reopen.
It's time to be leaders and expose the fraud at PTA before the schools open to explain how the fraud works.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
It's an honor.
10-year-in full warrior from the North Country up here.
And today we sent our son off to his first day of kindergarten.
And in his hand he had his constitutional coloring book with his backpack and there was no mask in his pocket.
We're not going to let these kids be indoctrinated anymore by this leftist infiltration into our education system.
Quote Thomas Jefferson, if a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.
But we're taking it upon ourselves.
Teach our young son and our young daughter when she's old enough.
Honestly, we're sparsely populated.
What is it about North and South Dakota?
Because I was reading you guys have the least restrictions of anybody and some of the lowest
levels of the fake COVID thing.
Why aren't folks buying the BS in the Dakotas?
Honestly, we're sparsely populated.
We've got we've got a lot of people with their heads screwed on straight up here, but we're
not free from the globalists.
Oh, I know you got idiots.
I know you got idiots up there too.
Everybody's got idiots.
Well, our Governor Doug Burgum is in Bill Gates' back pocket.
Microsoft bought out his software company in 2000.
And just recently this year, it was reported Doug Burgum went on a private party excursion with Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates.
So if people think that It's not in their backyard.
They need to look again because it's a lot closer to home than they think.
No, I know you're right, but folks are great up in the Dakotas.
I know everybody's got their own problems, but, you know, I love Texas, but I just, and my office is based in Austin.
People always ask, why are you in Austin?
It's the new L.A.
Well, I literally was down at the creek this weekend, and then I got out of that creek and marched down the creek a little bit further and got back in.
And these women were like, Alex Jones, you live in Austin.
Why do you live here?
It's so liberal.
And I asked the women, I said, where'd you move here from?
Oh, I moved from California.
They said, really, welcome to Austin.
I thought it was a joke.
They said, well, when did you get to Austin?
And I said, in the 1820s, you know, back when it was Waterloo.
I mean, that's why we're in Texas.
His family settled here.
Family settled in Gonzales.
Family, my mom's side, my dad's side settled in East Texas.
We still have a ranch, the part we have left, that was bought from the Mexicans.
We have the actual land grant in the old family Bible laminated in my dad's safe.
And when I got done, she just laughed at me.
She said, welcome to Austin.
It was just funny to her.
And it's like, you know, hey, she was a leftist.
I get it's all a big joke to her, but she wants to run from what she's done and then piss all over the state.
And I just, you know, I just wish that America would find its soul again and turn back the tide and stop this globalist takeover.
What do you think?
I think we are, Alex.
You know, a lot of people are spreading the links, especially with the pedophilia rings going down, the massive operations against that.
Um, there's a lot of people normally that are pretty conservative.
You won't hear him speak out about any of this.
They're sharing information on it, talking about it.
The awakening is massive and it's only gaining momentum.
Uh, the one thing that we really need our president to do, we got to start knocking heads here sooner and later.
Um, I'm hoping, I'm hoping he's holding out closer to the election to start dropping the bombs.
You know, I think he's, I like that, but he's got so much ammo.
He just needs to blast, blast, blast, blast, blast.
Totally agree.
letting them unload everything they've got and then he's gonna come blasting
out of the corner. I like that but he's got so much ammo he doesn't need he
just needs to blast blast blast blast blast. Totally agree he needs to unload now
because his people need that need that glimmer of hope that we're heading in
the right direction and they don't have them totally stifled but you're totally
right Casey.
Casey, thank you for the call.
We're going to jam some more calls in.
I like the fact that Trump posthumously gives people pardons to bring up the fact that what they did was right.
President Trump pardons one of America's most important women.
And she, of course, was arrested for voting as a woman in 1872, Susan B. Anthony.
But folks are saying, hey, what about Julian Assange?
They sent in CIA sex operatives, two women.
He likes women.
And they said after the fact, well, he wasn't wearing a condom.
It was consensual sex.
He wasn't wearing a condom.
Seven, eight years later, he's still locked up in solitary confinement near death for being a journalist that exposed the deep state and the pedophile rings.
The man is a hero.
He deserves a Pulitzer Prize.
He deserves a Nobel Prize, but instead they give those to tyrants.
So, there's an article on Infowars.com by Kent Daniels.
How about pardoning someone alive?
Base upset Trump pardoned Susan B. Anthony instead of Assange, Snowden, or Flynn.
He needs to pardon all of them and throw it in the globalist's face.
Do it now, Trump.
God Almighty.
Alright, let's take another call here.
Let's go to Cooper and then Mike.
Cooper in Florida.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
How are you, Alex?
I'm just... It's surreal watching all this unfold.
Understood and agreed.
We have to change our tactics, though.
We need to start getting aggressive.
I agree with you.
I'm not condoning violence.
I'm not saying we need to go out there and start knocking heads.
Well, we have to up our tactics.
This, what we have been doing previously, these proprietary ways of doing things, that has to change.
Well, that's it.
We can't do all the old proprietary.
We have to really be stunning.
We have to really take things over legally and lawfully.
That's why they're not doing live TV shows in public.
They know we take them over, like last time with Bill Clinton's rapist.
So, we've got the enemy already hiding, but then how do we pierce through that and absolutely take it over?
Use their tactics against them.
Not in the same way, though.
They want to flip things.
Everything they say Trump has been doing, they have been doing.
You need to do the same thing.
Call that to the attention.
Use truth.
That is what's going to bring everything to light.
That's the only thing that will work.
I think people have to go into grocery stores and hand out flyers and say it's all a hoax and expose Fauci as a criminal and Bill Gates.
I think people have to get up in front of their churches and yell and scream.
They've got to do it at city councils.
We've got to make a major stir everywhere.
Not go out and bully people and shut down people's free speech on the left.
We've got to go to the churches and the businesses and everywhere and we've got to get out of our comfort zones and stop being the silent majority.
Because they're just going to steal the election with fraud and they don't care about the fact that we actually win the election.
And we know that's what they're going to do.
They've already told us.
So we need to get a game plan as far as what we can do in the meantime.
And what we're going to do in the event that they, you know, follow through with it.
And by the way, if somebody lives near somebody like Pelosi or Waters or any of these criminals, they still go out, they still do things.
It's legal for you.
They're the ones saying harass everybody at the grocery store or at the gas station.
Well, no, don't do that, but get in their face.
People, don't hit them in the head with a tire iron like they do us.
Just get in their nasty faces everywhere.
And also, no, they're criminals.
Their husbands are criminals, their kids are criminals.
And so we need people that work around these folks to get the dirt on them and release it.
Start getting aggressive.
Anything else, Cooper?
No, I just want to see that these people are never, ever allowed to walk these streets again without people knowing them and seeing them for their true face.
It's time for them to take off their masks.
That's right.
They want to intimidate us.
They started the fight.
Instead of just knocking innocent people on the head on the side of the street, let's get in the face of the establishment.
More calls straight ahead, back in two minutes.
This is the pro-human, pro-God, pro-family, pro-children, pro-future transmission.
We are standing tall in the face of evil and its attempt to take control of the planet forever.
And I'm honored to be here and very thankful you've kept us in this position to fight back.
Who'd I say was up next?
That'd be Mike in Oregon.
Mike, thanks for calling in.
Go ahead, Mike.
Alex, 1984 doesn't have anything on 2020.
We're living in probably the most dystopic times of any human existence and at this point, with the way the city is going, I'm just, I have to get out of here as quickly as possible because these people are still brainwashed and far gone that basically They'll do anything to destroy Trump at this point.
And they don't care if they destroy the city along with it.
They don't care.
They're just like, basically, they'll snitch you out for not wearing a mask.
But we got 70 days of rioting here and the downtown looks like a third world country.
And basically, if the president's hearing us, we, you know, most of us around here would like to see the National Guard come in and actually take care of this.
Because this is just getting ridiculous.
I know a lot of people that own businesses downtown, really good people, diverse people, black, white, Arabic, it doesn't matter.
And when you read the Washington Post, the New York Times, MSNBC, it's like, America's failed, the rioting caused by Trump and the police, and it's just a total inversion of reality.
Your guys' news broadcast will show the actual footage of the guy going around and just the other night he was chased by the protesters.
That's what the local news like to call them, the rioters.
Turned out he was a liberal dude going to help his transgender friend who'd been robbed and it turns out there's footage of that happening.
So he's literally a liberal Oh yeah, the news said he was part of the Proud Boys.
They didn't even show the crowd robbing his vehicle or none of that.
They're just like...
Downtown protesters got a little out of hand last night.
It's like, a little out of hand?
What's a little out of hand after 70 days?
This is just... And they beat the guy's wife up, drag him out of his car, kick him in the head, and then say, Get up, bitch!
Nothing wrong with you!
Yeah, nothing wrong when a guy comes up with a 10-yard field marker and boots you right in the face like he's going for a field goal.
And by the way, the man they attacked took two days to become conscious again.
He did it yesterday.
They put him in a coma and beat his wife up, but they're the heroes.
For no reason.
Yeah, apparently so.
They got more rights than the majority of the business owners.
People who own rent and do anything down there.
You can't do anything.
I usually want to go down there and get a bite to eat, and I won't even go near it.
I live about 10 miles from downtown, and I won't even go near it.
I'm trying to even... Oh, I won't even go to downtown Austin now unless I've got to go down there to protest.
I mean, it's gone.
Feces, needles, satanic liberals stumbling around.
God bless you, brother.
I appreciate your call.
We've got Dr. Mercola joining us for three segments, but then I will continue with your calls if you want to hold.
If not, to Jeff and JB and Michael and Tim and Gus.
I understand, but I will get to all of you before I hand the baton to Paul Joseph Watson, who will be hosting the fourth hour.
But we're going to get into this with Dr. Mercola, who's a medical doctor, very respected on what's really happening with COVID-19, where he sees all this going.
And the silencing of doctors and other medical professionals who come out and point out that this is a vitamin and nutrient deficiency, that hydroxychloroquine almost puts zinc into the cells, that the death rate is very, very low.
But we still have InfoWars.
We still have NewsWars.
We still have Band.Video.
We still have Mercola.com.
So that is coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
On the other side of this quick break, Dr. Joseph Mercola.
Please tell everybody you know, tune in.
This will be very informative.
And then Paul Joseph Watson in the fourth hour, as I said.
We'll be right back.
We are transferring power from Washington, D.C.
and giving it back to you, the people.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo.
This is the heart of 1776.
Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
Huge nationwide protests erupted once again on President Donald Trump's second weekend in office.
We are not in the White House!
When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.
When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.
Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States.
And most importantly, we will be protected by God.
From the front lines of the InfoWall, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Dr. Joseph Mercola is undoubtedly the number one alternative independent news source
for health news in the last 25, 30 years.
reaching billions of people And now he's heavily censored as well.
Dr. Joseph Mercola is a medical doctor.
I'm not going to go over that.
Best-selling author, osteopathic medicine.
You know, featured in everything you can imagine, Mercola.com.
He's here to break down with us what's really going on from a real medical doctor's perspective and to talk about the unprecedented censorship of hundreds of prominent doctors, scientists.
Cedars-Sinai put out a video saying, yeah, we do use light therapy for this in the lungs.
That got banned off YouTube.
It's just, it's next level.
It's Soviet Union or Communist China level.
Dr. Mercola, thank you so much for joining us.
Great to have you here.
Well, thank you for having me, Alex.
Really appreciate the opportunity to connect again.
Well, where do you want to start?
With the censorship?
With the real numbers?
With the best facts you've got on COVID?
We're really excited to have you here.
You're a great resource.
Well, thanks.
I think probably the biggest thing is that obviously there's a serious problem going on here.
I believe it's been, the statistics have been engineered and inflated and really fear has been driven
into the population to implement these recommendations from the government.
Without the fear, they would never have been able to get these mandates and wearing masks.
And these interventions do not work.
They do not help reduce the severity of the disease.
They have failed, absolutely miserably failed to address the single most important thing,
which is improve the immune system of the individuals being attacked.
And any efforts to explain and educate the public about this have been violently suppressed.
And ours has certainly been one of them.
But in response to that, because I've been passionate about natural therapies to help improve people's health, I learned and appreciated that vitamin D is a simple solution that many people understand, but really fail to appreciate how significantly powerful this resource is.
So there's loads of evidence that show that if you have sufficient vitamin D's, and Alex, 80% or more of the individuals in this country are vitamin D insufficient.
And those that have very dark colored skin, like African Americans or people from the Middle East, color of their skin prevents them from having high vitamin
D levels. So those individuals are having even a higher incidence of vitamin D insufficiency.
So I apologize for that beeping We're in a storm right now and my backup power supply is down.
It doesn't bother us.
We totally understand.
Let's talk about that because the worst hit areas, the highest death tolls were these urban canyons.
And we've seen, and it's also African Americans, but also people from areas that have darker skin.
And I'm always reading about the fact they also have higher cancer rates because they're unable to get the vitamin D. And again, Absolutely.
And then the elderly, so the two biggest risk groups are the African-Americans and the elderly.
We can get more of the light because we didn't have as much light living in northern Klines,
whereas you have Africans and others that are out in the open sun, they need melanin
to protect themselves, but then when they're in a light-starved area, they get hit even
harder with the vitamin D deficiency.
Is that correct, sir?
And then the elderly, so the two biggest risk groups are the African-Americans and the elderly.
And the primary common denominator in both of those groups is really one of the most
important ones is the vitamin, lack of vitamin D, optimized levels.
Well, there's also a cultural thing, and it's going away, and that's good, because I think black skin's beautiful, just like all color skins.
I love it.
But really, black skin's healthy.
A lot of black folks don't want to get a bunch of sun.
They don't want to be super black.
Well, I'm sorry.
You need to get the sun.
You need to be black.
It's not only black.
It's Mexicans and other cultures, the Philippines, they really avoid the sun
because there's this perception that the darker colored skin is associated with some type of a
negative association.
Lower caste.
Lower caste.
So that's unfortunate because it is what we're designed to do.
And I think that's one of the most, the healthiest strategies you can have.
So ideally that's the best way.
But even if you live in these areas, in subtropical areas in the Middle East or Africa or Dubai,
you have to go out in the sun.
Just because you live in a place where you have it, it doesn't make a difference.
So many of us, even if we live in places where we can get sun exposure, we're not going out.
We're working, although many of us nowadays aren't working because of the sun.
What is it about the sun?
I could be depressed and go out and get 30 minutes of direct sun, you know, in my Speedos
in the backyard and just feel totally energized.
I know the eyes pick it up and there's something chemically in the brain, the skin.
What's happening, Dr. Mercola?
Well, there's a large number of benefits, but with respect to the risk for COVID, the primary one is the ultraviolet B radiation, which goes into the skin and increases the production of vitamin D. But then there's other benefits, too.
It has near-infrared and far-infrared rays, which go in and can actually increase the production of nitric oxide, which is very beneficial for control of high blood pressure and regulating the size of your blood vessels.
So, and of course, the circadian rhythm benefits that, you know, which is so key to improving your sleep and staying healthy.
But the key, so anyway, ideally you get it from sunlight, but it's possible to take it as a supplement.
And fortunately, vitamin D is one of the least expensive supplements known to man.
It's almost free.
So, this is not an expensive solution.
In an effort to help educate people, I put together a site.
It's called Stop The censorship has been accelerated to levels that we had no idea that they would go to this level, but they have.
up front, you're here with solutions.
If everybody simply spreads the word about D, which the media, have you noticed they're fighting?
To like, they're even taking YouTube videos down from medical doctors to talk about vitamin D
and zinc, this is evil.
The censorship has been accelerated to levels that we had no idea that they would go to this level,
but they have.
So you can't even mention anything, remotely mention it without being censored on YouTube.
And the other media.
So anyway, this dot COVID cold.com is something I would encourage every one of your listeners
and viewers to go to.
And not just to learn about vitamin D, but to take a test.
You put together a quick quiz.
It literally only takes you two minutes.
That will identify the most important variables and tell you precisely what your risk factor for developing COVID is.
So let's say that again very slowly for radio listeners.
We've got it on screen for TV viewers.
Tell people to stop.
It's the word stop.
And then send it to all your friends and relatives.
We've also got The phrase Facebook frame that if you if you're still on social media and use Facebook, you could overlay this image show help people understand where they can go to to get more information.
And there's a PDF that you can download, a short one that's about 12 pages that helps explain it.
It's real easy to understand and gives you precise instructions on how much vitamin D you need and the strategies to use it.
And then a more comprehensive one, like a 50-page report for the health care professionals who are interested in specific science.
And that's the number show.
It's urban canyons, black people particularly, not getting any sun.
It's a death sentence.
But as you said, Hispanics, anybody that supposedly, if you have dark skin in the sun, you particularly need to get more sun, right?
Yes, yes.
So that is one factor.
Obviously, there's a wide variety of factors.
Age is one.
And other comorbidities that, basically, the weight that you have and diabetes.
But the common thread between the comorbidities seems to be a characteristic called Let's explain that when we come back with Dr. Mercola.
losing the ability to flexibly transition between using sugar and fat as a primary fuel.
So there are simple, simple strategies that you can do to improve your insulin resistance.
If you have high insulin resistance and low vitamin D, you are ticking time bomb when
you expose this virus.
Let's explain that when we come back with Dr. Mercola.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
Well, Texas has a new governor.
His name is Greg Abbott.
But he's the same old governor.
He might as well be Gavin Newsom.
Stories up on InfoWars.com.
Governor Abbott tells Texans, wear a mask around family.
Even your backyard until COVID-19 vaccine.
He's definitely on the payroll of Bill Gates in the UN, ladies and gentlemen.
The mask and studies do nothing.
They cause all sorts of problems with lower oxygen.
It's just absolutely fraudulent and I'm really ashamed of him.
But that's what the line he's towing.
Dr. Mercola is our guest.
I appreciate Dr. Joseph Mercola at Mercola.com joining us.
Medical doctor, esteemed, very famous, very well respected.
I know you're just trying to get solutions, get vitamin D out to folks so that the death numbers aren't there, but they're going to count people that die of flu and of pneumonia, which I know vitamin D helps as well.
They're not going to stop regardless with this.
Now they say they're never going to end the lockdown.
Big picture for you.
Looking at this, big power grab, the UN is who tells us what can be done, what can't be done.
I mean, big picture, what do you think this whole COVID hysteria is really about?
What do you think of Bill Gates?
I'm sorry, Alex, I just got back in five seconds ago.
I'm saying, what do you think of Bill Gates driving this whole situation?
What do you think about the big picture of what's behind it?
I think that's clearly an element.
We've done a lot of exposés on him.
He's clearly the mastermind at this.
He's part of this broader system called technocracy, which is essentially this small group of people that are focused on technical and engineering solutions to control the whole entire population without any government.
So he's one of the leaders in this mess, for nefarious purposes.
I mean, he follows a path very similar to John Rockefeller, who was equally vilified over 100 years ago.
And decided to use philanthropy to change his public image, which is exactly what he's done.
Most of the public believe he's the saint.
He's donating all his money, but the fact of the matter is he's cleverly found loopholes.
When he donates his billions of dollars, he donates them to a trust.
The trust invests in companies that directly benefit him personally.
Even though he's donated tens of billions, his net worth is increased by double.
He operates tax-free.
Essentially, yeah.
He's manipulated the system crazily to his benefit.
So he continues to be one of the wealthiest guys in the world.
So Dr. Joseph Mercola, you're very respected.
Start over with that.
You're saying he is a mastermind.
And you turn on the news, he's like our father, our president, our doctor.
He's saying every facet of our lives.
He tells us when we can go back to work.
He tells us what vaccines we're going to take.
I mean, when did I wake up and this guy's like, my God.
Well, see, I want to get back to the vitamin D, though.
See, that's the whole strategy.
They've got lockdowns, they've got the mask, and they've got the vaccines.
And they also have these other drugs like Remdesivir.
And they just these other strategies like hydroxychloroquine or flacquinil, which is, you know, been basically dismissed by the national media because it's a competitor To those other strategies and the expensive drugs like remdesivir, which cost $3,000 or $4,000 for a course of treatment.
But many people aren't aware of this, especially if they've been following natural medicine really carefully.
But there is hydroxychloroquine, I believe in.
It doesn't work as well as some other strategies that I can discuss, but it works by driving zinc into the cell and it needs to be used with zinc early on in the course of illness.
But there's another alternative called quercetin.
It's a natural bioflavonoid.
It's in fruits and vegetables, and you can take it as a high-dose supplement, and it works better, better than hydroxychloroquine.
It's almost free, even compared to that.
How's Corsican do that, Dr. Mercola?
A number of different ways.
It drives zinc into the cell, just like hydroxychloroquine, but it also has other metabolic benefits, because we know that increasing inflammation is one of the reasons that causes the morbidity, mortality increases in COVID.
So it decreases inflammation.
It does it by downregulate a metabolic pathway called NRLP3.
And it also activates a sirtuin, sirtuin 2 specifically, which is a longevity protein
that has very powerful metabolic benefits.
So, and a whole variety of other things.
So, it's better than hydroxychloroquine and there's no side effects and it's less expensive.
So, you don't have to rely on it, even though you can't get a prescription for it,
you just go to the store and get quercetin.
So, a lot of those lines- - How is COVID-19 killing us?
Is it plastically destroying cells in replication, or is it the autoimmune response?
Is that why so many doctors are pointing out that steroids inhaled are also knocking it out?
No, it has to do with inflammation, and a whole variety of metabolic consequences down there, specifically at certain areas of the body, like in the lungs, the alveoli, the little Oh, she showed the video of the charts when the people didn't have COVID.
get filled with fluid and is all that you can't get enough air or oxygen into
your system which is why they use ventilators which is a catastrophe.
I just interviewed Erin Marie Osleski who was the EpiCenter nurse in New York
and Almers Hospital last week and you know she disclosed I'm sure you've heard
of her and disclosed all the incredible negligence. Oh she showed the video of
the charts when the people didn't have COVID they still would put a tube down
their throat and blow their lungs out. I didn't know but she went when she just
volunteered out of the goodness of her heart to go there and had no idea what she's going
And then once she was there, literally within hours, she realized what a catastrophe it was.
And she went out, talked to a lawyer, and she got spy glasses.
And she recorded these with spy glasses on.
And that's what we need, is the morality of when you see evil, you stand up against it.
Yeah, she's a brave, courageous nurse, and she just wrote a book, The Epistemic Nurse.
It just was released yesterday on Amazon.
But one of the other things, for those of us who try to share this information, we are heavily censored.
Like, I don't even think Twitter has stopped your links.
If you put a link to InfoWars, it still goes up on Twitter, right?
So are you still active on that?
But they haven't taken your links down.
I don't think they have.
They're trying to block our Bandon video links, but yes.
They blocked our site.
We had done no violations at all, no rules yet.
You cannot post a link to our site on Twitter.
We're banned from Twitter, essentially.
And that's because they're scared of another well-known, reputable medical doctor.
Again, the level of trying to deny people care, or their own research, or their own consumer research, is just flabbergasting.
Yeah, and aside from censoring, they have discrediting campaigns.
So one of the campaigns is being launched by an associate of Bill Gates, which is CSPI.
It's an acronym for Center for Science and the Public Interest.
Now, this is a nefarious evil group.
They've been around for decades.
And this is a group that was responsible for helping promote trans fat that literally killed millions, if not tens of millions of Americans.
And then they hid the fact up that they did that.
They were promoting artificial sweeteners.
They're just bad.
So anyway, the head of the CSPI is Peter Lorre.
He's a former associate commissioner of the FDA.
And last week, they testified before a subcommittee of the Senate and said that I was a COVID scammer selling snake oil cures.
And they're trying to get the FTC and the FDA coming down my back.
But they can try, but we do nothing illegal.
We don't make any claims.
We have all this vetted by high-level legal firms to make sure we're not violating any
rules so there's not much they can do. No I know they lied about me and said
that I had a COVID cure I never said that but Leticia James of New York said
it and it put me under investigation. Let's come back and talk about these
sinister groups that again are trying to suppress the health rights of the American
With Dr. Joseph Mercola, I'm Alex Jones with NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com.
And the badge with somebody doing a good job is they're banned.
Well, you can still hand-share Mercola.com with everybody you know and say, hey, here's the forbidden link.
That's how we override the AI.
So I want to thank everybody for doing that.
We'll be right back.
New story up on InfoWars.com.
Michelle Obama makes bizarre threat.
If you think things cannot possibly get worse, trust me, they can and they will.
Sounds like if they don't win, America's destruction will continue.
Not from Trump, but from them.
Dr. Joseph Mercola is here, and he wants to get into vitamin D3.
He wants to get into these evil players.
He wants to help people, but we've got to talk about the sinister characters.
We're just getting into these Bill Gates-funded groups that go out and put out the disinfo about artificial sweeteners, aspartame, about trans fats, telling us they were good in the 80s and 90s, and all the heart attacks, and the fact that it gooes up the heart by design.
What do you think their endgame is?
I think it's just like Monsanto that Gates is heavily invested in, where seeds don't produce seeds that can actually grow plants.
They want to make everything on earth artificial and corporately owned and controlled, including the entire life cycle of humans.
The CSPI was also partnered with Monsanto and they promoted GMOs just like Bill Gates.
So what's their ultimate endgame?
I agree with you.
I think there's a whole Wealth of information and literature supporting that this is a technocracy.
This is a movement by these elite leaders in technical skills.
Bill Gates couldn't be more of a representative for that perspective.
They're seeking to control the government.
Not the government, but the whole population without the government, without going through the hassle.
I mean, it goes back to the 1975 Zygmunt Brzezinski put together with Jimmy Carter, the Trilateral Commission.
President since then, either directly as part of the Toronto Commission or multiple people on their staff, and this is part of the technocracy that's seeking to control the population.
They're not getting rid of government, they're creating a corporate government, unaccountable, that can do whatever it wants, and that's just how you see it, no matter what Trump does.
The corporate bureaucracy just has its own law, its own rules, and keeps us on lockdown, regardless of what national leaders do.
So what do we do?
We educate Congress, we educate the President, and we take back power from these groups.
and we bust up these racketeering organizations.
Yeah, but it's not even a government, it's actually a specific group of individuals and
It's a cartel.
It's a cartel.
It's a cartel, yeah, there's no...
They have two different groups, the Republicans and Democrats, and they're only to polarize
us and be divisive because there's nothing about these parties.
Each party is almost irrelevant.
It's about the people that are directing the show.
But before we go further into that, because I know we have limited time, I just want to remind people about StopCovidCold.com and get the information about vitamin E. Pass it around because you've got such an army of people.
You can make such a big difference.
People are listening.
Just go StopCovidCold.com, take the test, read it, and then implement it.
But more importantly, be part of the army.
Spread the message to individuals like the churches that have large numbers of black individuals in their congregation or nursing homes.
Get this message out to those people.
Hopefully, I know next month, Alex, you're going to be in Joe Rogan's podcast, his premier podcast on Spotify, so congratulations for that.
I'm sure it's going to have like 20 million views at a minimum.
I think you had 15 million the last time you were on, but hopefully you can share that with Joe, because I think Joe has a perspective that he's a little more pro-vaccine, and you know, because of my position on vaccines, he does not want me on his show.
So, if you could share that, stop COVID cold, that would be great.
Well, I know Joe is moving to a place very close to me, but I'll just leave it at that.
Yeah, that's right.
That's right, he is.
You're going to be neighbors, essentially.
He got smart in California.
What do you make of what's happening to California and just the collapsing of the country in general?
Why do you think in so-called leftist areas, they seem to be actively trying to collapse things?
Because I agree, both parties at the high levels are part of the same cabal, but the Democrats seem to be the cutting edge of the takedown of America.
Why would the establishment want to collapse things?
Well, they're seeking to...
I don't know that that's the people like Newsom.
Newsom, yes.
So I don't know that that's his direct intention.
He may believe that he's doing it for the benefit of his state, although the results speak for themselves.
It's actually highly counterproductive.
But I think they're just willing participants in this charade and this fraud that's going on.
And they believe they're doing the right thing, but they're not.
They just haven't questioned the narrative.
And, you know, there's, congratulations on what I know one of your reporters put together, Surveillance Gate.
That was a really brilliant documentary.
And I had a chance to watch it this weekend.
And it really is a reflection of what we're talking about, because they had really specific details on how they are able to get this technocratic infrastructure really implemented within the culture.
I mean, there's a book.
by Shoshana Zuboff called Surveillance Capitalism, which is a brilliant book.
She's a Harvard professor that goes into some of those details, but the Surveillance Gate documentary really had some incredible information on how it's actually implemented and how they influence the social media and how they get the media on board, the regular mainstream media, to pitch this narrative that you're telling people about and have been for years.
You know, the mainstream, the CNN, uh... new york times in washington post you know they
and it's just it's it's a you've got to read these things just if you know the
truth just to be entertained i can tell you how many laughs i get by reading the
new york times i mean that they used to be use the arbiter
approved and investigated journalism in their piece is there such
Meanwhile, you're a medical doctor, you're known for doing very even-handed stuff.
There's stuff you talk about on the NIH website about zinc and vitamin D3 and how they're essential for cell function, but they have congressional hearings saying you should be shut down, you're a bad guy.
What villains that now the FBI is raiding medical clinics that are giving people vitamin C I mean, it really seems like a new dark age they're trying to launch.
Well, I don't know about some of those details, because you have to be really careful.
There's very specific rules and regulations, and if you advertise something as treating COVID, they can rightfully take you down, even though it's true.
So you have to be really careful on how you promote yourself.
But we did not violate any of those rules.
I'm not really concerned.
I mean, there may be an FDA or FTC investigation on us, but I'm confident we will succeed.
Of course, we'll have to pay huge legal fees to defend ourselves, but it's part of the game.
And you've been a victim of that before, but you've helped Trailblaze since the early 90s.
The little bit of supplement freedom we have today, which is so vital.
Yeah, it's actually better than other places in the world, surprisingly.
You go to even Canada or or England or Europe, many places in Europe,
where you can't, many vitamins are just unavailable, or at least in dosages that make any significant difference.
So we do have a bunch of more freedoms than other countries, so it can be worse.
But yeah, they're really shifting the regulatory nuisance to make it harder to get real treatments.
They just don't want competition, is what it boils down to.
They want to, and there's more than likely a depopulation agenda going on too,
which Gates has been well-connected with, and his father being a eugenicist,
clearly part of the movement.
Well, that's what's crazy is he talks about he wants to reduce the world population, but he wants me to take his vaccine because he loves me so much.
Yeah, yeah.
It's, it's, uh, yeah, mixed messages for sure.
You know Bill Gates in closing has the worst body language when he talks about things will never open again, my vaccine's gonna hurt a bunch of people, I need liability protection.
He starts giggling and laughing.
I know he's positioned himself as our medical doctor but this is like a supervillain when they're monologuing or something.
It'll be interesting to View the documentaries that are made of what we're going through right now.
I mean, I look, I frequently look at the 2008 documentaries, the crazy financial disasters that were occurring, and they uncovered all of the details that were going on, but they're going to be documentaries of what we're going through, because this is never...
They've never been done in the course of human history, and what's going on right now that we aren't even aware of is just incredible.
Well, you're a smart guy, Dr. Joseph Mercola, and you're right.
It's all about global government.
It's about power.
It's about money.
It's about depopulation.
It's about eugenics.
One more time, and I appreciate your time with us, how do people find that great website about vitamin D3?
You can find out what your risk is and really important specific instructions on how you can lower it and then spread the word to everyone you know.
That's right.
Knowledge is power.
That's how we defeat these eugenicists, is exposing these facts.
Thank you, Dr. Mercola.
Call's coming up.
Stay with us.
Dr. Mercola was totally right earlier.
They're technocrats setting up a corporate cabal and removing government.
And then they will control us through the AI computers and the social credit score.
Police won't even be needed because if you don't serve the system, they'll turn your credits off and then direct a mob to kill you.
Because they'll get credits in their phone.
And that's all the patents that Bill Gates has.
You know, a lot of listeners are digging through old videos of ours that they can still find because they deleted tens of thousands of ours off YouTube conservatively.
Our channel had like 40,000 videos on it, hard to believe, 5 billion views.
But here is a June 1st, 2010, more than 10 years ago, clip where I describe the social credit score in the pop-up windows, taking control of your computers.
It's now happening.
here it is.
Future of News.
Michigan considers law to license journalists.
This is in the Associated Press, Reuters, and Fox News.
And what's scary is the media is reporting it like it's reasonable.
And other states are moving as well to where I won't be able to be on the air.
Now I have to have a government license.
They have to approve.
And that's what the New York Times and also many members of the White House, Obama czars, are saying.
You have to be vetted.
We have to decide, or we're going to put messages up on your website, government pop-ups, that say stuff isn't true, or that directs you to government or other media.
Of course, that was in the news last week.
We're kicking their hind ends.
They are going to try this.
So, you better enjoy the internet while it's here.
And you better use it to wake people up while it's here.
Because the new media is destroying the old media, and so you've got the mainstream media teamed up with government wanting to block that.
That's from 10 plus years ago, and why'd it come true?
Because I didn't predict it.
I'm telling you what they said they'd do then.
Well, now they say they're going to inoculate you with systems that sterilize you bare minimum.
So, I'll be here in 10 years.
Most of you got cancer.
I'm off the air.
Alex Jones is talking about it.
We gotta do something about it.
They're violently attacking us.
Fauci and Gates are coming with forced inoculations to hurt us.
Please don't forget we've got the new big specials running right now for a limited time.
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InfoWarsaw.com, the full line of My Patriot Supply.
Okay, let's jam in a bunch of calls here.
Who's been holding the longest?
That would be David in Hawaii, and then Tim and others.
David, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Alex, this is David in Hawaii.
How are you today?
Man, you're a beautiful, beautiful island.
I'm sorry you're so locked down.
Yeah, well, the governor is going it over right now to issue another stay-at-home order, you know, because the cases are up and the deaths are still way down.
Um, so we got that to look forward to.
You know, the state's already facing a $3 billion windfall from tourism being shut down, which is putting a lot of people I know out of work, and it's making it harder to find work.
And the economic depression is here.
People I know are up and moving.
They're selling their homes, and they're getting the heck out of here.
And that's really scary to watch.
So it's a scary time to be alive out here in Hawaii.
But I want to also say that I pray for you guys.
I pray for the Info Warriors out there.
I also pray for all the children out there that are being hurt right now.
And the other night, I was laying in my hammock, and I was looking at the night sky, and I just prayed to God, you know, because we have to remind ourselves that God made promises to us.
And one of the promises was, if you hurt a child, or if you hurt innocents, it's better for you to tie a millstone around your neck and throw yourself into the ocean.
And I just pray that God unleashes judgment on those people that are hurting innocents worldwide.
And you know, sure enough, man, right across the sky, just came this beautiful comet.
I mean, it was just burning across the sky.
And I was like, wow.
What a crazy world we live in.
Well, you're right.
We have to reach out to God, and then God reaches out to us to take action.
And then when we take action, God's behind us.
But we have to initiate with our free will.
God bless you, David.
I appreciate you holding.
Beautiful story.
Tim in Oklahoma.
Tim, welcome.
Hey, you are the gladiator.
You're the tip of the spearman.
Without you, I think we'd all been under already.
Just a couple of things.
If you connect the dots, and I'm sure you have, they're successfully crashing the world economy.
There's no sports, no business, fake money, control of the media.
They're putting us deeper into debt.
They're killing the third world.
They're getting rid of cash.
My wife let us see her mom in San Diego.
No store at the airport would take cash.
And they're playing on the spiritual ignorance and just general ignorance of the general public.
They're not going to stop.
They're lawless.
So it doesn't matter what the laws say.
They're just going to keep going.
And that's why they're so confident.
They're committed.
They've pulled the trigger.
And they're suffocating the world economy while calling themselves saviors and blaming it on COVID.
Then they're going to use the collapsed economy to use all the trillions in fake currency they've got to buy up all the real estate, like the folks fleeing Hawaii.
Right, right.
I know you know.
No, no, no.
I'm totally agreeing with you and we're just riffing off each other here.
You're totally right.
What do we do about it, Tim?
You know, alright, well one thing is the election's coming up.
I don't know if there'll be one or if it'll happen because Do you believe in a biblical rapture?
I've read Revelation.
I don't get mad at Christians.
I think there's a pre-tribulation rapture.
A lot of people think there's a mid-one or a post, but it talks about after the devil's tied up and put in a pit, Well, we're to occupy until he comes.
That's in there.
that happens and I've never really seen Christians where we got like take the
Bible they got persecuted by the Romans they didn't get they didn't get
teleported out so a lot of Christians are gonna take the mark they're gonna
serve the world government they're gonna take the chips because they're gonna
believe that well it can't be the Antichrist because I'm supposed to be
raptured out. Well we're to occupy till he comes that's in there we're to keep
on fighting against evil until he does return but I totally agree with you and
it says the beast will wage war on the Saints and overcome them. Well there
anyway I don't get into it. You were asking me my I'm saying that's just
round one though just cuz Satan wins a couple battles that mean he wins the war
does that make sense? Absolutely but I wanted to share with your public there's an
excellent video I've studied this I'm 72 years old I've studied this and on YouTube there's an excellent video.
It's a 2020 rapture, 2020 to 27 tribulation timeline.
Alright, well I sure hope, I sure hope, I sure hope God raptures out all those babies getting aborted every day.
But I hear you brother, I appreciate it.
Yeah, you know the whole pre-tribulation thing is about 200 years old.
And it's a Masonic doctrine so that Christians don't stand up and fight.
Because we beat, it was Christians that led the fight against King George.
And so the establishment is like, what do we do?
We've got to stop these Christians.
We've got to tell them that they're going to be raptured out next time there's evil.
But hey, people follow whatever they think is best, and that's fine.
Just when you see world government and the Antichrist and everything, and you've not been raptured out, just remember, don't swear allegiance to him.
Because you'll think, oh, your church will be telling you to just swear allegiance.
And they'll say, Jesus came.
He's our world leader.
Take his chip.
And the churches will want to get their 501c3, and then they'll say, These are bad Christians that are having their heads cut off.
They deserve it.
In fact, your preacher will probably be up there with a guillotine going, this is a devil worshiper.
He does not worship our Christ, the leader.
Then they'll be chopping their heads off.
That's how it works, folks.
But I'm not saying that caller's wrong.
Well, I sure hope we get rapture out of here.
I don't know.
I wouldn't listen to those preachers.
I'd actually read Revelation and Daniel.
Ezekiel, I'd actually go read it for yourself.
I wouldn't have one of these books about it.
I'd actually go read what it says.
It's very clear, very easy to understand what's described and what happens.
But you got all these preachers and all these people that want you to think you don't have to go through anything.
And that's why the churches are all like, praise God, the world government's here.
I'll be raptured out soon.
And when they're in bunkers starving to death and hydrogen bombs are going off, they're going to say, what the hell happened?
We were deceived.
Well, the Bible tells you they're giving over to great delusion.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Alright, this just happened about 20 minutes ago.
I am speechless because that's where the Democrats have taken us.
They've maneuvered us into election fraud.
Mail-in ballots that are designed to be fraudulent.
Knowing that Trump would then try to block it because that's his job.
And then they claim he's a tyrant.
This is just unbelievable.
Then they have the states to cede that are blue and call for the military to take Trump out.
Trump, we may have to redo election.
That is the top of DrudgeReport.com.
The video is also posted on InfoWars.com.
Unbelievable that this is where we are.
The Democrats brought us here with a deep stake.
This was their plan to present a fraud to the president, a scam, knowing he would then block it.
He says, if you have this, it'll be a bad election.
We'll have to redo it.
He knows he's going to win in a landslide.
They are muddying the waters on purpose.
Here's what he just said at the pardoning of Susan B.
Anthony press conference.
We'll talk about that.
The Democrats want to make it a political issue.
It's not a political issue.
It's really about a correct vote.
You have to get voting right.
You can't have millions and millions of ballots sent all over the place, sent to people that are dead, sent to dogs, cats.
sent everywhere, made it, this is a serious situation.
This isn't games and you have to get it right.
I just want to get it right.
Win, lose or draw.
I think we're going to win.
Win, lose or draw.
We have to get it right.
So are they getting a part of their bill?
Well they're going to do something in Congress, but everything they do is political.
As an example, why don't they do it now instead of on Monday?
They picked a day, actually.
They picked another day on Monday, as you know.
Well, that's when the Republican convention starts.
Why don't they do it during the Democrat convention?
Because everything they do, Nancy and Chuck, they play games.
How's it working out?
I think this is the White House, isn't it?
How's it working out for them?
Not so good.
So I will tell you, it's disgraceful.
It's disgraceful.
We have to have honest voting.
That's what this is all about here.
It's honest voting.
You can't take millions of ballots, send them haphazardly all over the country or all over a state, And expect to come out properly.
And if you look at the last ten elections, where they did this universal.
And by the way, absentee is great.
It's been working for a long time, like in Florida.
Absentee, you request, and it comes in, and then you send it back.
Absentee is great.
But universal is going to be a disaster, the likes of which our country has never seen.
It'll end up being a rigged election, or they will never come out with an outcome.
They'll have to do it again.
And nobody wants that.
And I don't want that.
It's now official.
The Democrats' whole strategy is defeat the landslide by engaging in massive fraud.
Then when Trump does his job to block it, they say it's illegitimate and have states break off civil war.
This is just...
Unbelievable with 76 days out, and President Trump knew what he had to do, and they keep misrepresenting that.
Oh, everybody knows it happens to be ballot.
That's all this is.
No, exactly.
You're on the voter rolls.
You're going to be out of town.
You can't vote in.
You request it.
You get it.
Or you go in and do early voting.
That's legitimate.
Very hard for them to engage in fraud in.
At the voter level.
They can still do it electronically.
But to just mail out all these ballots around the country.
Look at Michigan and several other states that have already started it.
They're getting up to 20% dead people.
They're checking them and they're dead people.
Who has the names of dead people?
The Democrats get it off the voter rolls.
They know with a computer who hasn't been struck.
They know who's dead.
They run it through a database.
And then they have their people fill them out and mail them in.
And Michigan checked it.
10,000 votes rejected.
Something like 20% of them.
That's just the ones they spot-checked.
And they were dead people.
And people whose cat died 10 years ago, but they wrote an obituary about it online, so the computer thinks that's an address, that's the person, the AI sends a thing for their dead cat that died 10 years ago.
Paul Joseph Watson's coming up.
I tried to get to Chris, Michael, and Samuel.
I gotta tell you.
This is so huge, Trump saying this.
He's so real.
It's so amazing.
They're going to jump on this.
This is a top story on Drudge Report.
I'm going to play this again and get Paul Joseph Watson's take on this and what he thinks we should do next.
Straight ahead, then he'll take over from Summit.News the rest of the hour.
Back in 60 seconds.
This is huge.
Well, we'll talk about that later.
We'll talk about that.
The Democrats want to make it a political issue.
It's not a political issue.
It's really about a correct vote.
You have to get voting right.
You can't have millions and millions of ballots sent all over the place, sent to people that are dead, sent to dogs, cats.
This is a serious situation.
This isn't games.
And you have to get it right.
I just want to get it right.
Win, lose, or draw.
I think we're going to win.
Win, lose, or draw.
We have to get it right.
Well, they're going to do something in Congress, but everything they do is political.
As an example, why don't they do it now instead of on Monday?
They picked a day, actually.
They picked another day on Monday, as you know.
Well, that's when the Republican convention starts.
Why don't they do it during the Democrat convention?
Because everything they do, Nancy and Chuck, they play games.
How's it working out?
I think this is the White House, isn't it?
How's it working out for them?
Not so good.
So I will tell you, It's disgraceful.
It's disgraceful.
We have to have honest voting.
That's what this is all about here.
It's honest voting.
You can't take millions of ballots, send them haphazardly all over the country or all over a state.
And expect to come out properly.
And if you look at the last ten elections, where they did this universal.
And by the way, absentee is great.
It's been working for a long time, like in Florida.
Absentee, you request, and it comes in, and then you send it back.
Absentee is great.
But universal is going to be a disaster, the likes of which our country has never seen.
It'll end up being a rigged election, or they will never come out with an outcome.
They'll have to do it again.
And nobody wants that.
and I don't want that. But that's the plan. Bring down the blue states, bring
down the blue cities, crash the dollar. And the Democrats said we're contesting
the election, we'll have the blue states secede, we'll have our own inauguration,
geography doesn't matter, and then we'll have the military remove President Trump.
This is officially, with 76 days out, their plan with what they've done.
Paul Joseph Watson, what's your view on this historically, what we're witnessing and what do you think is going to come next?
Well, this is incredible Alex, because these are the same people who for the past two and a half months, they're supposedly concerned about Coronavirus, social distancing, if they're not able to do this mail-in voting.
They've been out on the streets for the past two and a half months marching in tens of thousands, gatherings of tens of thousands in major cities.
No concern about social distancing.
No concern about coronavirus.
Now they're concerned about voting because of coronavirus.
It's an absolute fraud.
The Babylon Bee got suspended briefly on Twitter last night.
Babylon Bee is a satirical website, openly so, for a meme.
Which portrayed Donald Trump going around smashing up USPS mailboxes.
They called that, you know, election meddling, misleading election information.
For the past week, Democrats all across Twitter have been claiming with no proof whatsoever that Trump is ordering the removal of USPS mailboxes so he can sabotage vote by mail.
First of all, Alex, that was an Obama program.
It's been going on for over a decade.
But there's a tweet which has literally got, I think it's up to 150,000 likes now.
It says, photo taken in Wisconsin.
This is happening right before our eyes.
They're sabotaging USPS mailboxes.
And the actual photo is of mailboxes at a refurbishing center.
So this hoax has gone completely viral.
It's not being fact checked by Facebook or Twitter.
It's being allowed to proliferate.
The Babylon Bee gets suspended for a meme.
This is allowed to go viral for over a week with basically no pushback whatsoever.
People can find a photo of that at your Twitter, at Prison Planet on Twitter.
Paul, I know you're about to take over, doing a great job.
What are you about to cover in the next 50 minutes?
I'm covering the mass exodus from the cities.
Los Angeles, New York.
Half the people I know in London are moving out of London.
You had 420,000 New Yorkers move out of the city between March 1st and May 1st.
The crime is out of control.
Cuomo came out today and blamed the New York police after they withdrew a billion dollars from the budget, after they basically told police they couldn't pursue and tackle criminals.
The city is on its back.
It's not coming back.
All these wealthy celebrities who pay, by the way, 1% of the population pays about 50% of the taxes, I believe, in New York.
They're saying it's not coming back.
It's a financial black hole.
There's no reason to be in the cities anymore.
Whatever reason there was for being there, all of it's closing down and people are fleeing in their hatred.
Alright, you're going to cover all that.
I'm going to get out of here and listen to you while I have my lunch, Paul.
I'm hoping people spread the links at Band.Video and Summit.News when you tweet out the live feed.
What do you think the endgame is?
The left's just throwing a fit.
They're globalist.
They're CHICOM funded.
They want to scuttle the country because they can't have it.
Because even if they're able to steal the election from Trump, it'll just cause a revolution.
No one's going to put up with their destructive policies.
I mean, these people are crazy!
I think the goal is to intimidate people into voting for Biden.
It's this attitude that, oh, maybe we can have four years of peace without all the cities burning and people being dragged out of their cars and beaten up.
But you'll notice, Alex, that the CNN poll came out yesterday.
Biden in the CNN poll in early June, we're talking right after this George Floyd mayhem kicked off, was ahead by 14 points.
He's lost 10 points.
That's a double digit fall in just two months.
No, I agree, and I don't say this because you're in London.
Hitler literally believed if he bombed London and other cities, civilian targets, the Brits would get scared and give up.
They went from, in polls, 80% because World War I, they lost millions of Brits, did not want to go back to war with Germany, but as soon as Hitler bombed them, 99% wanted war.
Why do the globalists think intimidating everybody and messing with us is going to make us want to bow down?
That's not how this works!
Everyone I know wants to vote Trump now, who are even liberals, and literally are absolutely pissed forever.
Well, that's exactly what the poll shows, Alex.
It says that Trump's backing amongst his base went from 76% in early June to 85% Just a few days ago.
So this past two and a half months of rioting and bedlam and mayhem has only hardened support, and he's also gained support among... So what's wrong with Hitler and Pelosi and all these guys?
Why do they think beating us up makes us want to bow to them?
Because it doesn't.
Because they still have control of the media.
Basically the narrative is, you know, that Black Lives Matter is a peaceful movement, that we need social justice and all of this.
They will never show the footage.
There was a guy who was beaten up during the 92 LA riots.
Reginald Denny, of course, dragged out of his truck, beaten half to death.
That was nationwide news the same day, and it's still played today.
People still remember his name.
Basically, every other night in Portland now, people dragged out their cars, beaten half to death.
Not only do people not even know it's happening, the general population, it's not even being shown on the news.
It's just another Twitter clip that everybody forgets about two days later.
So they're counting on You're kicking ass, Paul.
I just wanted to talk to you.
Sorry to take some of your time.
We're really glad you're here.
They even banned Bill Mitchell a couple of days ago, who is like the most milk toast
Trump supporter.
So now they're just going hell for leg leather in terms of the censorship and they hope that's
going to be enough.
You're kicking ass, Paul.
I just wanted to talk to you.
Sorry to take some of your time.
We're really glad you're here.
Paul Joseph Watson takes over right now.
Please don't forget we have the new specials in and we have storable food available for
shipping within one to two weeks.
We'll see you next time.
Get it in now, ahead of all this unrest.
You think things are bad now, folks?
We're going into total insanity.
Get ready, get prepared.
And also, store-wide free shipping is over, but we have it on 8-pack Power Stack, heart and body combo, Survival Shield X2 back in stock, Ultimate Fish Oil back in stock, Survival Shield X2 spray, Prostacard back in stock with the zinc.
Yeah, I'm talking about the exodus from the cities.
People are fleeing in droves.
We've talked about Los Angeles in the past.
We've talked about London, of course.
I said before, half the people I know are fleeing London.
New York City is basically a deserted S-hole at this point.
They've had a 95% year-over-year increase in interest in moving out of Manhattan.
95% between May and July.
People are fleeing.
People are desperately trying to sell their apartments.
You've got celebrities coming out and saying they're moving their families out to Miami, to Florida, places like that.
420,000 New Yorkers moved out of the city between March 1st and May 1st.
Obviously, largely due to the lockdown.
Which has basically not gotten any better.
All the main reasons for being in major cities now no longer exist.
People are fleeing.
It's because of the lockdown.
It's because of the crime.
It's because of the incompetence.
We'll be back on the other side to dig into it.
Now, if you've heard about what's going on in Melbourne, Australia, you probably won't be surprised at the latest news, but it's gotten even more draconian.
I'm going to get into that later on in the show.
But we're asking the question.
Why is the Big Apple going rotten?
We've heard about people fleeing from major cities, but New York is prime amongst them.
As I mentioned before, the figures are absolutely outstanding.
Again, between March 1st and May 1st, a period of just two months, and obviously this is largely due to the lockdown, but as we'll see, it's definitely, in terms of the minds, the fears that New Yorkers have, more connected to violent crime.
But between March 1st and May 1st, 420,000 New Yorkers moved out of the city.
Between May and July, a 95% year-over-year increase expressed interest in moving out of Manhattan.
And remember, the wealthy 1% in New York pay half of the state's taxes, so it's going to leave a huge financial black hole.
The dark days of the 1970s, according to many residents, appear to be on their way back.
But unlike the 1970s, There appears to be no roaring economic recovery around the corner.
Now, they have a massive problem with violent crime, and I'm going to get onto those figures in a second.
But why do you think they've got a problem with violent crime?
Could it have anything whatsoever to do with the fact that de Blasio, the mayor, did the prisons of criminals?
Some kind of connection between those two situations, do you think?
Again, this was at the height of the COVID outbreak.
de Blasio set free 2,000 prisoners.
He celebrated this as a great victory, by the way, on several occasions.
50 of the first 1,500 who were released were re-arrested.
These included a rapist who was released and tried to rape again.
Another was a convicted murderer who tried to rob a bank.
Now, there's no problem with social distancing in New York jails.
And the New York Post outlined this in an article.
They accused de Blasio of letting folks out for ideological reasons.
Now, in the same week that shootings surged 277%, de Blasio had the nerve to get on television and celebrate New York's record low population, prison population.
He said, we now have fewer people in our jails than any time since World War II.
And we're safer and better for it.
Shootings in the month of July, compared to the same month last year, have soared by 177%.
Is that safer?
Murders are up 59%.
Burglaries are up 31%.
Is that safer?
Just last week, between Thursday and Saturday, 49 people were shot in a 48-hour period.
Five times more than the same period last year.
That's approaching Chicago levels, or even greater.
There have been 1,087 shooting victims so far in 2020, compared to 577 at the same point last year.
So you're talking about 100% increase.
You have massive sales of residents panic buying bulletproof vests.
Sales of body armor are up 80%.
Again, this is all after de Blasio emptied the prisons to make the city safer.
The residents of New York don't seem to be feeling too safe right now when they're bulk buying body armor.
But how did Governor Andrew Cuomo react to all this?
Well, he reacted by blaming the police.
We have an article here out of the Daily Mail that Cuomo blames police for crime wave.
New York Governor says cops must address lack of trust in communities.
There's Big Apple shooting surge 82%.
He said during a press conference yesterday, you cannot dismiss these numbers.
You cannot look at this reality and say it doesn't exist because the reality is so clear.
And he blamed the police in the same breath of blaming the police.
He said data showed that 90% of the victims of these shootings are black and brown.
He said you want to talk about social justice.
You want to talk about civil rights.
You want to talk about social equity.
How do you explain that?
Well, you explain it because 90% of black murders, as we know by FBI stats, are black-on-black violence.
That's going to get worse if you empty the prisons of all the criminals.
The police aren't going to these areas because they're stretched out.
De Blasio had 27 police officers on rotation guarding a Black Lives Matter mural as crime surges in every category across the rest of the city.
They've defanged them in terms of telling them that they're unable to pursue and tackle criminals with force because, of course, not only do they fear prosecution personally, they fear literally starting nationwide riots and potential civil war in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.
Obviously, you have the Ferguson effect, which we've seen for the past six years of police refusing to police these crime-ridden areas.
Therefore, the criminals feel emboldened.
Crime increases.
Of course, you've got a $1 billion budget cut to the New York police, meaning there's less resources to tackle crime.
So how on earth does Cuomo have the nerve to blame the police when it's his policies, when it's de Blasio's policies, that have caused this in the first place?
And this isn't just in the bad areas, by the way.
Compared to the same period last year, Manhattan's Upper East Side has seen a 286% increase in robberies.
And again, this is why these entrepreneurs, these celebrities are all coming out in the media now and saying, we're getting the heck out of Dodge.
The Upper West Side has become a dumping ground for hundreds of homeless people, which the city has put up in luxury hotels at a cost of $175 per day per person.
That's funded by Partly by taxpayers, also by FEMA.
Again, to keep homeless shelters clear of COVID-19.
Problem is that these homeless people are all now spilling out onto the streets.
They're doing drugs, they're aggressively intimidating people, literally spitting at them amidst this supposed pandemic, verbally abusing them, masturbating in public, urinating on the streets.
And that has a knock-on effect because all the local restaurants Who now can, in some cases, only have customers sit outside again because of coronavirus.
They're going out of business, they're staying closed because people don't want to sit outside and be harassed by these aggressive homeless people.
Now obviously you make the point, if you live in a major city, it would be condescending, snobbish and elitist to suggest that you wouldn't have to encounter or witness homelessness.
But this is why we have homeless shelters.
But again, because of this hysteria This coronavirus hysteria, they're just squeezing them into the luxury hotels and it's all starting to fall apart.
There was a video out of Fifth Avenue somebody posted on Twitter.
Everything's boarded up, the streets are deserted, there are no people and it's not coming back anytime soon.
One community organizer told the New York Post, our community is terrified, angry and frightened.
But again, de Blasio, While defunding the police to the tune of a billion dollars, while making it unable for them to tackle and pursue criminals properly, he does have the resources to devote 27 of them to guard a Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower.
That's very important!
When they wanted to have the annual 9-11 light beam memorial though, they cancelled it because of coronavirus concerns amongst the workers.
But it's fine to have workers in their tens, dozens, maybe even hundreds, paint a giant Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower.
Don't go away, we'll be right back.
We're continuing to ask why the Big Apple is going rotten.
There's a headline again here out of the Daily Mail.
There's New York is finished, Big Apple born and bred entrepreneur pens devastating blog on why a city will never recover after being devastated by COVID.
There's a born and bred New Yorker who laid bare why the city will never recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
A dark week of looting in June and its ongoing struggle against escalating crime, homelessness and violence.
This is James Altrucher, who owns a comedy club in the city.
And he's among the many who have fled New York City.
He took his family and escaped to Miami immediately after the June riot.
He says he's convinced the city will not bounce back, as many claim it will, and explains that unlike in previous times of crisis like 9-11 or the crime wave of the 70s, there's nothing bringing people back now because everyone can work remotely.
This is the point he makes.
Now you have high-speed internet which is virtually ubiquitous unless you really live out in a remote area.
What is the reason for being in a major city?
All the stuff in New York's closed down.
He makes that point.
Broadway, it's all closed down.
Fifth Avenue, half of it's closed down.
The luxury hotels around the best areas of Manhattan, full of homeless people spitting in your face, urinating on the street, doing drugs.
What's the reason for being in New York?
And of course, part of this, part of the reason why this happened is because they massively overreacted and were hysterical.
In their response to coronavirus, of course, it was Cuomo and de Blasio who ordered the nursing home patients out of the hospital into the nursing home, which exacerbated the problem.
But these same officials, these health officials, at the start of the outbreak of the coronavirus were telling people to go out and congregate in huge crowds.
Commissioner Dave A. Choksky told New Yorkers to, quote, ignore misinformation about corona and go out and mingle with thousands of others to celebrate Lunar New Year.
Mark D. Levine, another health official in New York, praised crowds for defying coronavirus by gathering in huge numbers.
And then as late as March, Mayor de Blasio himself was broadcasting the same message, basically saying If you think coronavirus might be an issue, well, you're probably racist against Chinese people.
Get out in that crowd of thousands of people and celebrate Lunar New Year.
And oh, how that flipped in a hurry, didn't it?
But they can't set up the light memorial.
You can't have the annual light memorial for 9-11 cancelled for the first time in 18 years because the work crew might get coronavirus.
But you can have dozens of workers, cheek by jowl, paint a giant Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower.
You know, you can't get corona at a BLM event attended by tens of thousands of people, but attend a light show and you're killing granny.
These are the people running New York into the ground.
One billion deducted from the police budget.
They've disbanded the plainclothes anti-crime unit.
Officers in their hundreds are signing retirement papers because they're being told they can't pursue criminals anymore.
By the way, they did the same thing in London about 10 years ago.
They started telling the police that if the criminal is on a moped and he removes his helmet, you can't even chase him.
What happened?
Explosion in crime, explosion in burglaries, explosion in stabbings.
The police became a joke.
Because they were told they couldn't go after criminals.
This is what's happening in New York.
This is why shootings, burglaries are all surging.
This is why the New York, the NYPD's largest union, the Sergeants Benevolent Association has now openly endorsed Trump.
They're absolutely sick of it.
Because it's turning into a literal asshole at the hands of Cuomo and de Blasio.
By the way, a literal asshole because it quite literally stinks too.
They've cut $106 million from the sanitation budget, partly because of Covid, of course.
They've reduced garbage pickup by 60%, so you've got huge piles of uncollected trash lying around the city.
So the rats and the raccoons are taking over, and New York City literally stinks.
Now, how are they going to fill this financial black hole, given that The wealthy 1%, which pays 50% of the total state taxes, have fled the city and they're not coming back!
Well, maybe you'd think they want to appeal to tourists to come back to the city.
If you go into New York, even from within the United States, you face a mandatory 14-day coronavirus quarantine, which of course is a de facto house arrest.
It's not like a lockdown, where at least they allow you, To go outside and buy your groceries or allow you to go outside and do your exercise?
You can't even go outside to do exercise!
They've got checkpoints set up around the city to check your papers if you're flouting the quarantine.
Then you've got stores closing.
You've got JCPenney.
Nyman Marcus have both filed for bankruptcy.
The Subway food chain has closed dozens of its locations in New York City because there's nobody on the streets.
They either don't want to be on there because they've all been petrified to death by COVID hysteria, or they don't want to be there because you've got aggressive, spitting homeless people getting in their face everywhere.
According to reality TV star Jonathan Chabann, who was recently robbed at gunpoint in a wealthy area of the city, I might add, he says it's now traumatic to be in New York.
He's desperately trying to sell his apartment, And he accuses Mayor de Blasio of destroying the city.
And as I just mentioned, James Altrucher, the entrepreneur, had a similar message.
He says, New York is, quote, completely dead and it's not coming back.
Broadway is closed, the Lincoln Center is closed, all the museums are closed.
There's no reason to be there whatsoever.
So in the absence of a, you know, a Rudy Giuliani who's going to come in and sweep it all up and clean it all up, It looks like New York will once again become to be known, as it was in the 70s, as Fear City.
Absolutely incredible, and all thanks to de Blasio and Cuomo, who today has the nerve to blame the NYPD for the dire situation that he's partly responsible for.
Absolutely incredible.
Talking about coronavirus though, We've been keeping track of the draconian new lockdown in Australia.
Now we have this headline out of Summit News.
Melbourne authorities to use surveillance drones to catch people not wearing masks.
Now, I'm in Spain.
They've literally got surveillance drones doing circles around the beaches, looking out for people not wearing masks, looking out for people not social distancing.
And by the way, you cannot underestimate the stupidity and the servile nature of people.
Everybody I've spoken to about this in Spain, they love it.
They're like, oh, it's so great.
They've got helicopters flying over the beaches to keep everyone under check.
They've got surveillance drones.
Isn't it great?
You just can't underestimate the servile nature of humanity, especially at this point.
Authorities in Melbourne, Australia will use high-tech surveillance drones to catch people outside not wearing masks, as well as to scan for vehicles that are in violation of curfew by being more than five kilometres from a home.
How dare they?
Remember, of course, in remote countryside areas of the Peak District in the United Kingdom a few months ago, They used surveillance drones for the same thing.
They were scanning license plates and then publicly shaming people on the internet for walking their dogs in a remote region, miles away from anyone else.
There was a massive backlash to that.
Doesn't seem to be a great backlash to this in Melbourne.
They interviewed two people in this news report and they said, oh, it's great.
I'm not worried because I have nothing to hide and I'm sure they'll have the same attitude when it comes to the mandatory vaccine.
Because of course in neighbouring New Zealand they announced recently that potential Covid infectees and their whole families will be put in quarantine camps and if they refuse to take a coronavirus test They'll be held there for at least 14 days.
Not a big leap from that, being held against your will in a quarantine camp, to being injected against your will with a vaccine.
You don't need to be a tinfoil hatter to see there's not a great leap between those two things.
And I'm going to get more into what's going on in Melbourne after the break.
They've got police going into people's homes without warrants.
You've got videos of women being choked by police on the streets and not wearing masks.
It's all gone very 1984, very draconian indeed.
We'll be back to talk about it on the other side.
Don't go away, submit at dot news.
We're going to play this video out of ABC7 Australia here in a moment.
Canvassing people's opinions on the surveillance drones enforcing the wearing of masks.
And they all love it, of course.
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So in Melbourne, they have surveillance drones whizzing along the parks, the beaches, enforcing the wearing of masks.
Here's the clip from Severn News Melbourne.
Police are preparing to launch their aerial arsenal as part of a crackdown on COVID rule breakers.
High-powered drones will be used to find people not wearing masks and cars too far from home.
Sky-high surveillance as we battle to control COVID.
Over the next week, Victoria Police will dispatch drones.
They'll be keeping a watch on St Kilda and Port Melbourne Beach, making sure skate parks and playgrounds remain empty.
And for those who head to the park, a mask is a must, or at least a face covering.
Are they knickers?
Yeah, it's my knickers.
Police have also been using drones to guard the New South Wales border.
There are concerns this style of policing won't end when the pandemic is over.
I think it's very important that we come up with rules, with laws that can also have things like sunset clauses so there's an end point for any kind of technology or new powers that police might use.
There's no escaping this high-powered aerial arsenal.
It can be flown for seven kilometres, the camera is infrared, and it's so clear it can read a vehicle's number plate from 500 metres away.
It doesn't really bother me, I'm doing the right thing, so I've got nothing to hide.
I reckon they're doing a good job, the coppers, and good, you know, good on them for doing that.
Tegan Dolling, Seven News.
Now again, you see it there.
These people think that being servile to and obeying arbitrary government rules makes them good people.
Their lives are that worthless, they actually get off on this kind of thing.
I hasten to add, as you saw in that clip, the woman was literally wearing female underwear as a face mask.
Even the medical face masks, they don't keep out 97% of particles.
They're utterly pointless.
People have been wearing these valve masks for months.
The CDC came out a few days ago and said they do nothing to stop coronavirus.
Of course, the people wearing the valve masks thought that they were a tier above the normies wearing the blue medical masks.
No, completely pointless.
Completely and utterly pointless.
Oh, but because you obey the government rule, that makes you a good person.
And if this was isolation, it would be, in isolation, it would be bad enough.
But we featured the video clips of women being choked, strangled, dragged to the ground.
A woman was left bruised.
Her entire body was left bruised by one of these incidents, because unlike in most Western countries, because again, These coronavirus lockdown measures only work with the consensus of the people.
If you start having the police arbitrarily enforce them violently, that's only going to cause a backlash.
It's going to cause less people to adhere to the rules.
We saw that in the UK, where at one point the police were checking the contents of people's shopping bags.
To determine if they made essential purchases.
So in some cases, people had bought two bottles of wine.
The police said, no, that's against the rules.
They were completely making it up on the spot.
But there was a backlash and they had to row it back.
And in the UK and most countries, you merely get fined.
The fines are crippling at this point, but you still only get fined.
You don't literally get choked and dragged to the ground for not social distancing and not wearing a mask.
Pretty ironic that, isn't it?
Oh, stay two metres apart, but this cop's gonna manhandle you to the floor and sit on your face.
That's fine.
We also have the story again out of Melbourne.
Which, by the way, they locked down the entire state of Victoria because of a cluster of Covid cases.
Again, complete hysteria.
They instituted an 8pm to 5am curfew.
People going to work on the highways having to stop at police checkpoints and show their work permits to prove that they've got a job, that they're allowed to go to work.
You have the Australian Defence Force Troop patrolling parks, which is embedded in a tweet at the bottom of this article, literally like paramilitary troops in masks walking around parks.
Police fined a couple for allowing their children to play in a playground further than five kilometres from their home.
There were two guys who tried to arrange a protest.
Not a Black Lives Matter protest, that would have been fine because we know that Covid is a woke virus and takes a vacation for every BLM protest, of course.
But these two guys tried to organise an anti-lockdown protest in Melbourne.
The police executed a search warrant against their house and seized their computers They're trying to organize a protest in a supposed liberal democracy.
Absolutely incredible.
They had the, uh, as the announcement was being made for the curfew for the new lockdown in Melbourne, they literally had police position themselves outside big apartment blocks in the city, waiting to see if anyone tried to escape.
It's just beyond, beyond 1984.
And it's only going to get worse.
And it's looking like it's going to get worse in New Zealand where we have this headline.
Neighbouring New Zealand, of course.
New Zealand Prime Minister delays election due to coronavirus.
Of course, when Trump suggested doing this in the United States, the Washington Post called him a fascist and the New York Times said that Trump should be removed from office.
Again, merely for suggesting in a tweet that because of coronavirus, maybe it was a Sensible decision to delay the election for a month.
Guess who was just celebrated for delaying an election for a month because of coronavirus?
The President, the Prime Minister, sorry, of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern.
She was praised, lavished, worshipped, because of course she is a globalist darling.
Having instituted a mass gun confiscation programme after the mosque shooting last year, She's one of the good guys.
So she gets to delay, suspend the New Zealand election because of coronavirus for a month.
And she's not a fascist.
Nobody's calling to remove her from power.
She's being lavishly celebrated.
Christopher Stone asked, didn't Trump get attacked for suggesting something similar?
Zero Hedge asked, did she get the idea from Trump?
Of course, authorities in New Zealand have said they will Put all new coronavirus infectees and their close family members in quarantine facilities.
So this Prime Minister is literally suspending the election and putting people in camps.
But Trump's the fascist.
Absolutely incredible.
Of course, this new lockdown in New Zealand was imposed after a single family caught coronavirus.
After the country had gone 102 days without having a single coronavirus case.
Absolutely incredible.
Meanwhile back in the United States, Portland Police, man viciously beaten by BLM protesters, was trying to help transgender victim of robbery.
As far as I know so far, at least as of this afternoon, the Portland Police have not even made an arrest in this case, despite the fact that the identity of the vicious thug who kicked this guy in the head has been known for the past two days.
But no arrest whatsoever has been made.
Reginald Denny, who I mentioned earlier in the show, he of course was dragged out of his vehicle, similar to the guy in Portland, beaten half to death.
His identity was known nationwide, it was a nationwide news story, he's still remembered to this day.
How many outlets of the mainstream media have covered the guy getting kicked almost to death in Portland?
Apart from maybe a couple of local media, again, it's zero.
Just like zero of them until massive pressure covered the Darius Sessoms murder of the five-year-old boy in North Carolina.
Well, now we have this headline.
Justice for Darius Sessoms Facebook group set up by trolls attracts thousands of actual supporters.
20,000 people got on there and started saying, no, the five-year-old boy deserved to be shot in the head because of his white privilege.
Sick, but no surprise at this point, given the attitude of the people we're facing.
That's going to wrap it up.
War Room is coming up next with Owen Troyer.
Don't go away.
They were still taking people's orders, and many of the companies have still not fulfilled them.
All the orders we got in have been fulfilled.
Our supplier's the best, the highest quality, the best containers to transport it as well, and they've got the food with four factories in stock.
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You need to order your storable food now.
The world is much more dire.
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The third world's already starving to death.
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Uh, the farms and the production plants are shutting down because of the COVID hoax.
You need to get your storable food while you still can at InfoWarsTore.com.
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But you need to get it, whether it's three months, six months, a year.
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They're an absolute must.
But whatever you do, ladies and gentlemen, don't wait until a bigger crisis comes.
Don't wait until everybody panics.
Take action.
Get ready now.
Owen Schroyer here, host of the InfoWars War Room, every day from 3 to 6 p.m., and that means I have to follow up after the big man, and that is not an easy task.
So I need to be as focused and energized as possible every day at 3 o'clock.
So yes, I am on performance enhancing drugs.
It's the combination of the energy of the turbo force, the focus of the brain force, and then the VasoBeat Complete, which is a beet supplement, which act as a vasodilator, which makes sure that the nutrients and supplements that you're intaking are getting all throughout the body so that I can maintain proper focus and energy for three hours and beyond.
It's almost three o'clock.
That means it's time to take my performance enhancers that I have conveniently stashed right here at my desk.
I literally will never host a war room without them.
It starts with the Turbo Force right here.
Just get your cup of water.
Pour in the Turbo Force.
I then take my Vezo Beat Complete right here.
One dropper.
Two droppers.
Stir it up just a little bit for good measure.
And then, with the energy from the TurboForce and the nitrates in the VesoBeat Complete, with the Focus from BrainForce, with the Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and all the other supplements that are inside of that, those are the supplements I take.
Every day, right before I go on air, for maximum performance, maximum focus, maximum energy.
And the good news is, once I finish drinking this Turbo Force, I've got energy for about 10 hours, so I can continue working, pass the show, work on other things, go and lift weights, run, whatever I need or want to do.
It's all with the Turbo Force, the Brain Force, and the Vezo Beat Complete Trifecta, available only at Infowarsstore.com.
I've talked to the EMS, I've talked to the medical doctors, and what makes you nauseated, it's not just the smell of piss.
What we call the smell of bum piss, it has this sweet, nauseating smell.
It's on the face.
All it does, it's a sweet, it's a sweet stench, like you wanna throw up, like rotten meat.
It is, it is the crap of dust mites.
Have you noticed the stench of bum piss in your leftist-run neighborhoods?
The crap of dust mites in bum piss is a real thing, and InfoWars Store has the solution.
InfoWars has created the most powerful herbal lung cleanse and respiratory support product on the market, with over a thousand types of mold and mildew, toxic chemicals, and yes, dust mites.
Our Lung Cleanse Plus, made with organic and wild cultivated herbs, is just what you need to survive the unprecedented surge of bum piss and other toxic substances in liberal leftist cities everywhere.
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Four years ago, I added a member to the InfoWars Life team who has developed products for major
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and manufacturers of high quality supplements and make a new standard.
Well, that individual helped us come up with Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula with 95%
extra-cuminoid extract concentrate when the leading competitors have 3-5%.
We believe it is the strongest in the market.
If somebody else has got one, we don't know about it.
Now folks, absolutely love it.
They love the results that they get from it.
Now, this is apples and oranges because it complements bodies.
But, going back over seven years ago, we had a major supplier of high-quality, organic turmeric that was liquid that you take into the tongue.
And people loved it.
Then we could no longer get any more because that company was so overloaded with orders from other people.
Because getting high-quality turmeric is really a tough thing to do.
We've now secured another company in the last year that has even higher quality turmeric concentrate.
This is one ingredient, pure turmeric extract.
It's the liquid type, taken out of the tongue.
If you love bodies, I think you're really going to love this product.
Some people around the office that have tried it say it's better than bodies, some say it's not, some say it supercharges it.
All I know is this is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, turmeric extracts under the tongue you can find out there and it's got a different delivery system.
All I know is this is one of the strongest turmeric concentrates that's liquid that you take under the tongue I think so.