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Name: 20200810_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 10, 2020
2542 lines.

In this segment, Alex Jones discusses various topics related to politics and current events in the United States. He addresses the upcoming presidential inauguration ceremony, criticizing Democrats for their electoral prospects diminishing due to alleged voter suppression tactics used by the Republican party. Jones also highlights the corruption and hypocrisy within the Democratic Party, mentioning a group of former government officials who simulated various election scenarios in which Joe Biden didn't concede the election due to allegations of voter suppression. The segment also touches upon the ongoing investigation into alleged spying by the Obama administration on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, with Jones accusing former President Obama of creating a "hellhounds draw nearer" atmosphere as he anticipates potential retribution for his actions. Jones discusses the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the economy and society, criticizing those who advocate for continued lockdown measures and expressing concerns over the suppression of dissenting views. He promotes a sale at his online store, emphasizing that purchases fund The Info War, his news platform. In the final part of the segment, Jones previews upcoming guests who will discuss their experiences with and knowledge of Hollywood's alleged satanic pedophile rings, which he claims have infiltrated and influenced major institutions like the Vatican and the Democratic Party.

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They officially say they're going to contest if they don't win, and they are going to have New York, California, and a bunch of other states they list secede.
That's how the Civil War started in the 1860s.
That is Civil War, baby.
And that they're going to ignore the Senate, they're going to ignore the Supreme Court, And that they are going to form a new country and have their own inauguration.
They're planning civil war!
They're planning race riots as the cover!
They're going to contest and split the country up and go into martial law.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Because he might not want to move out of the White House doesn't mean we won't have an inauguration ceremony to inaugurate a duly elected President of the United States.
I'm second in line to the presidency and just last week I had my Regular continuation of government briefing.
This might interest you because it's, I say to them, this is never going to happen.
God willing, it never will.
But there is a process.
It has nothing to do with that the certain occupant of the White House doesn't feel like moving and has to be fumigated out of there because the presidency is the presidency.
It's not geography or location.
The Democratic panic is in full gear.
You can hear it in the warbling of former President Obama as the hellhounds draw nearer.
There are those in power who are doing their darndest to discourage people from voting by closing polling locations and targeting minorities and students with restrictive ID laws.
Even undermining the Postal Service in the run-up to an election.
That's going to be dependent on mail-in ballots so people don't get sick!
So we caught President Obama and Biden spying on the campaign.
I caught them and we caught them spying using the intelligence apparatus of our country to spy on an opponent's or the opposing party's campaign.
both before and after the election.
How about after the election?
I had already won.
So that was the story.
We caught them spying.
Now it's up to our attorney general.
As you know, I've wanted them to do it.
I didn't want to get overly involved.
Maybe I should, maybe I shouldn't.
But I do hear it's breathtaking what they found.
That's all I can say, breathtaking.
You can hear it in Pelosi and Schumer as they failed to support the American people
during a plandemic shutdown.
At times yesterday, our Republican friends seemed willing to walk away
from the negotiating table to do an unworkable, weak and narrow executive orders
which are not going to do the job for the American people.
We are committed to negotiating.
And as we said, we are willing to make compromises.
Won't millions of Americans now get some extended federal unemployment relief and some protection from evictions?
Get that now rather than getting nothing at all.
No, in fact what the President did is, I agree with the Republican Senator, said it was unconstitutional slob.
You're known as a master negotiator, but didn't you mess this one up?
Failure to make a deal is going to result in a lot of people and a lot of entities that were in need ending up with nothing.
Well, how do you justify?
Tens of billions of dollars to feed the hungry to $250,000.
You understand how far apart we are just by that example.
Are you talking about going to court?
Because if you do, you must know that the practical effect of that would be, if you're successful, that you would be blocking, I know you'd think that they should be $600 rather than $400, but you would be blocking, if you were successful, the millions of unemployed workers from getting any federal benefit.
You can hear it in the New York Times columnist Ben Smith, where the entire country is brought to its knees for the sake of political wargaming.
Shall we play a game?
How about global thermonuclear?
As Smith writes, a group of former top government officials called the Transition Integrity Project cast John Podesta, who was Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, in the role of Mr. Biden.
They expected him, when the votes came in, to concede just as Mrs. Clinton had.
But Mr. Podesta, playing Mr. Biden, shocked the organizers by saying he felt his party wouldn't let him concede, alleging voter suppression.
He persuaded the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College.
Tell me this is one of your simulations, Mr. Podesta.
All right.
Flush the bombers, get the subs in launch mode.
We are at DEF CON 1.
In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr. Trump took office as planned.
The House named Mr. Biden president.
The Senate and White House stuck with Mr. Trump.
At that point, the nation stopped looking for the media for cues and waited to see what the military would do.
One need look no further than Joe Biden who is Democrat panic incarnate.
A blubbering senile old-school racist globalist minion representing a portion of America that is so confused that they would willingly support him.
John Bowne reporting.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, coming to you live from deep in the heart of Texas.
Despite all the enemy's attacks to shut us down, you've kept us on air and I salute every man, woman, and child across the planet, no matter what color you are.
If you stand for freedom, we love you and we appreciate you and we're in this together for a pro-human future against the global technocrats.
It is Monday, August 10, 2020, 84 days out from the election.
We have some huge guests with breaking news today that is going to be earth-shaking concerning Hollywood and their giant satanic pedophile rings they use for control coming down, including the pedophile rings that have captured control of the Vatican and the Democratic Party.
We have a major filmmaker and actor who's been suppressed in his work joining us in the second hour.
We'll tell you about that.
Here's the good news.
You know that for Three and a half years I've been exposing the deep state illegal surveillance of the President, how Obama set up, stay behind networks is the technical term, but basically embeds is what Trump calls them, using CIA mockingbird computer programs with their contacts in the global media and domestic media to engage in psychological warfare against the American people.
And Trump has never gotten control of this.
I know Pompeo says he's tried, but the way they built these systems is their computer interfaces with holes in the CIA and in the NSA back doors, so these actors would never be brought out of power.
Now the fact that they have these bad actors, I don't mean Hollywood actors, now that's why taking their security clearances that finally happened to Brennan and Clapper, took over a year and a half, Was so critical because now when they get into these databases, it's a serious felony.
These systems should not even exist.
But that's how you'll see an article come out against me put out by the Democrats and by Obama mainly.
That comes out of the PR firm, that comes out of Media Matters, and then it's delivered to one of the operatives of the State Department or CIA, and then you see it on the cover of every paper in the country.
And of course, Zero Hedge did a great job back in 2016 reporting Obama set up his own Ministry of Truth, countering Foreign Disinformation Propaganda Act.
That legally put it into place to trigger the operations and billions of dollars of funding against the American people.
And then that's how you saw House hearings, Senate hearings, where they would say Jones is a Russian agent.
And they would have high-level CIA, high-level State Department in there saying it with a straight face.
They use that to tell the rest of the government, oh Trump and Stone and Jones, they're all Russian agents.
And they desperately needed that to be true, but it never happened.
They sent operatives to try to set me up with Russian money that was CIA money.
They sent operatives to Stone to try to set him up.
I reported it, we all reported it to the FBI.
This is the level, I'm gonna ask them to get into it by the FBI.
This is the level of what's been going on here behind the scenes.
I have personally experienced it, not just read about it.
So, I was toodling around Friday on Paul Joseph Watson's Twitter, because he always has a lot of interesting things, and I like Mike Cernovich's stuff, and I saw Alex Jones's name.
I'm like, let me see what Mike Cernovich is saying about me.
Clicked on it, and it was a link to a New York Times article from five days before that I missed.
On the third, Where a senior reporter at the New York Times got in on the phone conference with a war game, a tabletop exercise of senior Democrats, including Hillary Clinton's former campaign head, John Podesta.
And it was everything we'd already said, everything we'd already analyzed off their talking points and pre-programming, but they hadn't told us the final battle plan.
Now, we knew it was civil war, contested elections, Democrat states seceding.
Hillary has come out, so has Pelosi, a month ago and said, well, if he just tries to stay in the office, we'll just have our own inauguration.
Well, how do you have your own inauguration?
They officially say they're going to contest if they don't win.
And they are going to have New York, California, and a bunch of other states they list secede.
That's how the Civil War started in the 1860s.
That is Civil War, baby.
And that they're going to ignore the Senate, they're going to ignore the Supreme Court, and that they are going to form a new country and have their own inauguration.
I mean, again, this came out in the New York Times Five days before I even learned of it.
Because again, we're so on top of this and beating the drum going, no one's covering this, they're getting ready, they're pre-programming, emergency!
I mean, I've got hundreds of entertaining clips, hundreds of articles, incredible guests.
If I wanted to make the show more popular, I could do it.
But instead, they hate the broadcast because when I know something will save the republic and is a key talking point, I will just parrot it and parrot it.
Emergency, emergency.
They're planning civil war.
They're planning race riots as the cover.
I mean, I'm just...
Because that's it.
I mean, if the Russians were firing missiles at us and I was at a satellite control panel or a radar at the North Pole, I would just be reporting incoming missiles, incoming missiles, incoming missiles.
They're now at this many thousands of miles away.
Their trajectory is they're going to hit Chicago, New York.
I mean, he would just say that over and over again.
Not, oh, look at what Pelosi said, or look at what Clinton did.
Because, or look, Biden's an idiot.
He doesn't know what planet he's on.
They don't care he's a placeholder, and we now know.
It's not get rid of him at the convention.
It's not get rid of him at the debates.
They don't care how embarrassing it is.
They're going to contest and split the country up and go into martial law.
Under their blue state city areas, you've already seen them do it on the West Coast, telling the feds, you don't guard your own courthouse when we're burning it down.
You don't guard the local police station.
You let us do it.
And so when they secede and Trump tries to send in federal troops, they're going to then say, oh, they're racist and use black people to get shot and killed, which will happen when they're literally involved in insurrection.
It'll be white people running it that the race war is on.
Just like George Jones would say, the race is on.
And when it's on, it's on.
So Pelosi, a month ago, when she said, we'll fumigate him out of here.
We'll have our own inauguration if he refuses to leave.
I've met with the military last week and the COG.
And that's the key of what the New York Times reports in this bombshell information.
By Ben Smith telling us what we already knew, but confirming it, that they said, we believe the military at that point will side with us because a civil war is too dangerous.
So they're going to maneuver us into collapse financially.
We're already under a lockdown and they've canvassed the military, which I told you months ago, then came out and made statements against Trump, the SecDef, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, all, a bunch of top generals all ran down the president in the news day after day.
Unprecedented US history.
And that was there, putting the knee down, tipping the cap.
And I don't take that type of insubordination and garbage as a foil to manipulate the left.
I don't think that's what's happening.
They breed these generals to be cowards.
They breed them to follow the orders of the system.
They're brainwashed by these globalist PhDs they have to go get.
And they're selected because they just are moral cowards.
Some say, oh no, it's a Q-level deal.
Trump's ordering to do it.
I've been involved at the highest levels when Trump doesn't know about stuff and I know what happens once he learns about it.
And you heard Pchenik, when I was like, oh Milley's good, like two months ago, he goes, no he's not.
He'll have to go too.
And Pchenik's down there hooked into Special Operations Command in Florida and he's a great source.
And he said, no Milley's been compromised.
And I'm not going to say that that's the word of God or something.
I just knew that suddenly Milley ran around like a chicken with his head cut off talking crap about the president.
What planet did we just wake up on?
They are signaling and Pelosi has met with them.
And she said, I'm number two in command.
So I'm going to say it again.
The lockdown isn't normal.
The COVID isn't normal.
The race riots, none of it's normal.
It's all a smokescreen for the real civil war and the secession.
We'll read it all when we come back.
But think about the headline.
On InfoWars.com right now.
Think about the headline on InfoWars.com right now for the live show.
We can put that up, please.
Because that's what we're dealing with.
And that link needs to be shared with absolutely everybody to understand what's unfolding.
Red Alert!
Democrats planning to contest election using state secession.
That's in quotes.
Plunging America into civil war.
That headline's not even hardcore enough.
They believe the crisis will then preempt the military to remove Trump.
So they're gonna hold the country hostage, hold the states hostage, put us into civil war, tell us they're gonna blow up the police departments, and then it's Trump's fault and the military has to remove him because he's a racist and caused all this when they're engineering the whole damn thing.
I want to be very calm about this, but the Democratic-DNC highest-level war game run by John Podesta, you know who he is, of spirit-cooking fame, along with his brother, literal commanders of the army of pedophilia.
They say that they are going to have the states secede.
Every Democrat state, they have California and New York lined up.
They're going to declare Trump illegitimate.
That'll plunge the economy, and then they'll have the military remove him.
And Pelosi, of course, a month ago said, in a four-minute rant, that she's second in command.
No, it's the vice president.
She sees that whole regime as an enemy regime, like a foreign country they're going to topple.
And it doesn't matter what he does, or if he doesn't leave the White House, Because they're going to have their own inauguration.
She told everybody the plan!
And you can see all the pieces set up.
It's like your kids like Legos and sometimes, you know, it's out of the box.
You don't know what it is.
It's a bag.
It's like a spaceship.
Yeah, I see ray guns and a cockpit and engines.
And then your daughter walks in.
Hey, what is it?
Oh, it's a spaceship.
You can see all the pieces, and you're like, oh, there it is.
And then it's exactly what we said it was.
Like, oh my God!
And so praise God, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart, that I've been begging you to get the word out.
You've done it.
We've pointed it out.
Others have picked it up.
It's now on Hannity, Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, Breitbart, and hell, it's on CNN.
They're saying the military's going to overthrow the president.
And now we know their main plan.
They might try to change him at the inauguration.
They might pull something, you know, Especially at the nomination of Biden, something could happen there.
They could pull another curveball on us, detonate a nuke in a major city, release a more deadly bioweapon.
I mean, we're in the time of crazy town.
But all their pre-programming, the way the lawyers and psychiatrists and psychologists operate, they always tell you what they're going to do, because they prepare you in the media with the talking point, so when it happens, they're geniuses.
And so everyone's acclimated and ready for it.
And so I really wanted to pray on air the last few months, and I'm not a shy person when it comes to covering news.
I'm not shy in front of a crowd of people.
I just never have been.
But praying in front of people is a personal thing with me.
I do pray a lot.
It's something that almost feels like I'm a Pharisee doing it, but God has told me There's been very strong, you know, Holy Spirit push that we need to pray every day on air.
We need to invoke the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and thank God for sending Jesus to us.
And we just need to hold up that standard against the enemy flood.
As the Bible says, when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up the standard against it.
So, we start the next segment, I'm going to pray, and I hope you'll pray with me.
When it's not a prepared prayer, I probably start crying.
Because when I pray, I feel the Spirit of God so much stronger.
And just so much comes to you, and it's just so clear.
So, I start thinking about it.
I come into God's presence.
God's presence is always there.
When you pray with God, you actually have that connection.
It just opens up, and it's powerful.
But this is the time for us to be praying for our children and our future and everything because we're faced with pure evil and it's going to become extremely obvious what we're facing and what we're dealing with.
But just listen to this horrible crone, this ringwraith, this reanimated corpse up there reading her talking points but going too far.
How she met with the military over COG.
And all the trouble they've stirred up, the sellout of the country.
She even came out yesterday and said she's on the side of Communist China.
Joe Biden said we should let China run every aspect of our lives.
I mean, they're just out in the open inoculating you to the fact that they're enemies of the country.
It's ridiculous what they've trained us to accept.
Now our kids wear masks, perfect for child smugglers.
All of this is their pervert, freako, cult world.
I would want to be Nancy Pelosi when God gets a hold of her.
Because there's no coming back for that witch or her governor son-in-law or any of those people.
But here she is!
The final pieces fall into place now.
This is exactly what the New York Times is in on the phone call, DMC War Game.
We're not just going to concede.
We're going to have the Democrat states break off.
We'll have our inauguration, it says it, and make Joe Biden the president and whoever the hell else he signed on that he'll step aside.
Perfect communist system where it's a committee of the Democrats will decide whoever they want to be president.
This is like the Politburo in China.
Barr came out in an interview last night on Fox News with Mr. Levin and it's powerful.
I saw it this morning and he said excerpts of it.
He said, This is all malice.
This is a malice playbook.
You're like, wow.
People are like, wow, he's saying malice like you've been saying.
It is a malice playbook!
It's not like they're following my talking points.
It's what it is.
All right, here's Pelosi.
Here she is.
Because he might not want to move out of the White House doesn't mean we won't have an inauguration ceremony to inaugurate a duly elected President of the United States.
I'm second in line to the presidency and just last week I had my It's not geography or location.
It's California.
briefing. This might interest you because it's I say to them this is never
going to happen God willing it never will but there is a process it has
nothing to do with that the certain occupant of the White House doesn't feel
like moving and has to be fumigated out of there because the presidency is the
presidency it's not geography or location. It's not geography or location it's
California it's New York it's Colorado where they happen to have the COG
headquarters And then I read the New York Times transcript where they're now introducing to you the plan.
We're going to go to break.
But it's like I told listeners, if you haven't gotten your storable food before all this happens in 84 days, if you haven't gotten your firearms, if you haven't gotten prepared, if you haven't talked to your neighbors, you're insane.
And if you're not calling talk radio and going to city council and paying local companies to fly airplanes with messages on them, I mean, everybody better do something now and not just say, oh, that's what Trump and Alex Jones do.
And I'm not bitching at you.
I'm just saying it's on.
And I told people, you better buy our products because the supply chain is breaking down.
A lot of our supplements we can't even get anymore because of the COVID hysteria and the warehouses locking down and all the fear.
That was all designed.
And the food shortages and the food prices are going up, but my Patriot hasn't gone up.
Go there.
It takes two to four weeks now to get the food.
See, I'm so crazy, I don't even have my sunglasses on.
I didn't realize I've got those on.
All of this is unfolding, ladies and gentlemen.
So get ready, and yes, we need funds to go into the future, but I don't even know if we'll be here in six months, four months.
I mean, this is on, folks, because once they take Trump out and do this secession, they're going to be empowered and just run around murdering everybody, and a lot of the police are just going to roll over and bow to it, and then we're going to be inside the new Soviet Union, and it's going to be one hell of a war.
And it will be a war, and they will pay.
But seriously, better get your storable foods now on InfoWarsTore.com.
I told you.
Everybody was buying up and selling out all the food from all these crappy places, and I told you, no, now's the time to get the food.
Not for COVID, but for the crises they're engineering.
Get your supplements, get your books, get your films, get your InfoWars t-shirts while you still can.
I'm serious.
I don't know if we'll be here in three months.
I don't know if the country will be here.
I hope and pray it will, but only by being honest about how much trouble we're in can we get ready and stop it.
Raise the alarm now!
She looks like an angel.
Walk like an angel.
Talk like an angel, but I got worse.
You're the devil in disguise.
Oh yes you are.
Thanks for joining us today.
Okay, I literally, probably out of 150 incredible articles, incredibly important clips, all this stuff's important.
I'm just going to tell listeners again, I know you understand.
But we're not in normal times anymore, and the enemy is not gonna make its move.
They're making their move with the COVID hoax and the lockdown and the abnormalcy being made normal and the new normal and the race riots that are 90% white people, literally funded by Soros and Clinton and Obama, running around, burning, attacking, and then going gaslighting the public, going, it's insane.
The police, the federal building, when they tried to burn it down, they did something.
That's terrorism.
They're invoking a revolution against what's left of the federal government, which they themselves have built up in control, but now they're in the process of overtaking it and fully conquering it.
And of course they're idiot $10 an hour, $20 an hour morons that are hired to beat up old ladies and stuff and pour paint on their face.
They're never going to have any seat at the table and have power, but they've been promised a Marxist revolutionary takeover.
And I'll say this, they couldn't get the Hispanics to do this.
Some are there, maybe 5%.
They couldn't get the blacks to do it.
I've been to the events, I've seen thousands of videos show you it's 90% white.
And I'm not blaming whites because they're bad people, but...
Just the idea that this is black people is totally and completely Democratic Party saying they represent black people and it's three obese black lesbian women who say they hate men and who say ending the patriarchy and ending nuclear families is what they want.
That means ending black people.
Which they've done a pretty good job of.
Because you kicked that out of the house.
The state is dead, or they'll become a leftist and cut their genitals off.
That's their plan.
Or the local gangbanger's dead.
Black illegitimacy was lower than white illegitimacy in the 30s and 40s.
Because under pressure and persecution, blacks clung to Christ and Christianity became strong.
Not defending the institutions of oppression, but what makes a diamond is pressure.
Within 20 years of the men being turned out of the house and the women paid to have a bunch of kids with no man around, the black neighborhoods were turned into anarchic hellholes.
Because no one was there to whip the ass of the young men when they didn't do their chores or smart it off to mom.
Worked like a charm.
Oh, we're freeing you black people.
But the letters of LBJ, he said, I'm going to stop these uppity n-words while I have them voting Democrat for 200 years.
And they got it.
At least 60 years.
Democratic Party is cancer.
The old Republican Party was a bunch of blue blood country club people intimidated by the left because the left controlled the media.
But I always saw the Republican as the weak point in the enemy structure.
We could take it over with a populist movement, reboot with 1776 ideals for all.
That'd be a hell of a challenge to globalism and slavery.
And my bet paid off, your bet paid off.
I just believed in you.
Yeah, I believed in you.
And you know what?
It, it paid off for all of us, but now we're in the fight.
It's one thing to take the ball away from the enemy.
Now we got to score.
And we've been scoring, making them come out of the shadows and expose their satanism, their pedophilia, their anti-Americanism, their Chi-Com affiliation.
And we're going to keep forcing them out.
Oh, we're winning.
They've had to throw everything they've got.
They've had to uncloak.
They've had to just throw caution to the wind on a suicide mission, on a ghost dance against us.
But they could grab victory from the jaws of defeat.
And I want to make sure they don't get out of the jaws of defeat.
I want to make sure they get swallowed because we're so beat down and so turned against each other and so sick and so decadent.
With the best government you could imagine, we're going to have trouble getting back to any form of goodness.
But you know what?
Sometimes you don't come up for air until you hit the bottom.
I think Russia is the model throwing these Hollywood globalist scumbags out.
And as an example of how we could turn the corner culturally and rediscover who we are.
I said I was going to pray this segment.
I'll try to do it next segment, but I need to do this every day.
It's a very personal thing for me, but we need to do public prayer, and God's told me that.
I'm going to do it.
I'm sharing my responsibility right now, but I'll do it.
Let's do this.
Let's just do this.
Let me go ahead and just read you this report.
Here it is in Breitbart, Democrats' war game for election includes West Coast secession, possible civil war.
I mean, that's what they say.
And this is at the highest level of the Democratic Party.
How the media could get the election story wrong, that's the little camouflaged Ben Smith headline.
You read it, it's the battle plan to the faithful.
So let's read over this.
This is Ben Smith at Ben at BE New York Times.
John Podesta played Biden in an election war game and refused to concede in a scenario that looked a bit like 2016.
A big popular win for Joe Biden and a narrow electoral defeat presumably reached after weeks of counting the votes in Pennsylvania.
For their war game, they cast John Podesta It was Hillary Clinton's campaign chair in the role of Mr. Biden.
They expected him, when the votes came in, to concede just as Ms.
Clinton had done.
But Mr. Podesta, playing Mr. Biden, shocked the organizers by saying he felt his party wouldn't let him concede.
So this is them introducing the Democrats to their plan.
Oh, but it's just a drill.
It's just like COVID-19.
Event 201 was the exact attack by Gates.
Oh, it's just a drill.
Just a war game.
Like, should we have war games about going and taking out all the Democrat leaders?
I mean, I'm not saying we should, but see, that's how you cover planning.
Oh, it's just a hypothetical Dungeons and Dragons game we're playing.
It's not real.
Just a drill.
But Mr. Podesta playing Mr. Biden shocked the organizers by saying he felt his party wouldn't let him concede.
Alleging voter suppression, He persuaded the governors of Wisconsin, Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College.
That gives the cover of legality.
It's not.
In the scenario, this is where the real secession comes and the real civil war.
Notice that they go, oh, we'll send electors, and the real meat comes in later.
Oh, and by the way, we'll have secession.
A new country.
Just, oh, that's a side thing.
In the scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States, and Mr. Trump took office's plan.
The House named Mr. Biden president.
The Senate and the White House struck with Trump.
At that point, the scenario of the nation stopped looking to the media for cues and wanted to see what the military would do.
A big popular win for Joe Biden.
A narrow electoral defeat, presumably recent for weeks.
Counting the votes, it goes on.
That's their plan.
And they're sticking to it because Pelosi and Biden and Obama and Hillary for all the illegal spying and being Chai Com agents and destroying the borders and devaluing everything and maneuvering us towards financial collapse and saying the dollar is going to die on the news, trying to hurt the country.
I mean, just incredible criminal activity.
Like a horde of gremlins burning down the castle.
And then now they're saying the military must remove Trump because he caused this.
Can you imagine if they remove Trump, what it'll be like with these empowered crazies that think they're invincible?
These psychotic, sociopathic narcissists, what it'll be like?
This is their plan.
They're going to execute it.
What are we going to do?
84 days.
84 days.
I'm telling you, man, this is it.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We are back live.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Now, let me get into this.
If we just look at the looting and the rioting that happened last night in Chicago, it'll be ongoing tonight.
Oh, it's because of George Floyd.
No, a man waving a gun around at police in front of witnesses was shot and was not killed.
And so now, if police ever engage a criminal in Chicago, or Dallas, or Austin, or New York, or Oakland, or Portland, or if, you know, people call the cops to a house party they don't want to be going on because of a COVID lockdown and somebody pulls a gun on the cops and the cops shoot them, well then, it's your time to go out and riot and loot and burn.
And this is not predominantly white people that are antifa.
This is predominantly black people.
But a few white folks and Hispanics are in there.
I've watched a bunch of the videos.
They're all on Infowars.com, going around and looting hundreds of stores and setting fires.
And while they are stealing the jewelry and the electronics, they're saying, I can't breathe.
I can't breathe.
Because that's like the magic get out of jail free card.
Because, I mean, that's why you're doing this.
That's why you're robbing a store that probably won't come back to your neighborhood.
And so this is the idea of what's supposed to happen.
The black folks, when the media pushes them to do this, are going out on average and looting and robbing.
The white folks are there trying to get them to burn down the police stations and the federal buildings, but that's not going too well.
But this is all the cover that the media's put out.
When the McCloskeys, you know, defend their own home from folks saying, we're going to kill you, Whitey, and we're going to burn down your house, a white group leading a black mob, they come out and point guns legally and they get indicted.
Because the message is, you can go out and loot, you can go out and kill, you can go out and ransack.
And like something out of a medieval history book, they have all those canals in Chicago, right off the Great Lake there.
They raise the drawbridges.
You know, the big bridges that open and close so ships can go through.
They raised and lowered the drawbridges, literally so the looters couldn't get to other areas because they were trying to then go into the neighborhoods.
And I've got all these videos, in fact, cue that up in a few minutes, of Antifa is now in the suburbs of Portland, the suburbs of Colorado, going up to people's houses randomly at night and screaming at 2 a.m., we're gonna burn your house down!
In fact, back that up, let's play it with audio here in a minute.
Imagine people randomly come to your house, shine lights in, and say, I'm gonna burn your house down!
It ain't the Big Bad Wolf of, I'm gonna huff, and I'm gonna puff, and I'm gonna blow!
Your house down, it's crazy meth-head white people!
You haven't done- and a lot of times it's black people in the houses!
They'll jerk black people out of cars!
They'll beat the hell out of the white crackerheads!
I mean, this is all- but you say, well it doesn't make sense.
It's just the cover for overthrowing Trump, saying it's his fault.
And now the Democrats say that.
And that's why the big tech censoring and the media censoring and, oh, not letting you know about the black-on-white crime or all this crap, because they don't want the public to know.
They want you to buy that when everything burns down in 84 days, when Trump wins by a landslide, which they know is going to happen, that it's because of him!
Yeah, so roll the audio of people with bullhorns at random houses at night saying, we're going to burn your house down.
That's a threat.
I got to tell you, man, if people were at my house saying we're going to burn it down, I would train a rifle on them, and if they lit up a Molotov cocktail, I'd light them up.
Because I don't want to kill these sacks of garbage, but you're gonna kill me?
You're gonna burn my family up, you crazy people?
Here, go ahead and roll the video.
Can you imagine if the police acted like this?
If the police acted like this, I'd say they were a tyranny and I'd say overthrow them.
Black lives matter.
We're gonna burn your building down.
Black lives matter.
Can you imagine if the police acted like this?
Black lives matter.
If the police acted like this, I'd say they were a tyranny, and I'd say overthrow
That's not what's happening.
Black lives matter.
We're gonna burn your house down cuz you're white.
I see a white head pop up.
We're going to burn you down, white person!
You hear any black sounding?
Those are white trendies that want to go out and be thug criminals.
We're going to burn your building down.
We're going to kill you and your family.
We're nice people.
We're not violent.
We're not bad.
You're like, why would the Democrats do this?
Because they failed in their Russiagate, they failed in their illegal spying, they failed in Ukrainegate, they failed in Sexgate, Jeffrey Epstein's in trouble, the Clintons are in trouble, their whole house of cards is coming down, so what are they going to do?
They're going to legitimize in the media the criminal element to go out and do whatever they want.
But I'll give it to the black folks in Chicago.
They're just going and robbing expensive stores.
That's bad enough, hurting their community, but at least they're not threatening to burn down people in their houses.
I mean, the scum level of that.
But let's play the audio and the video of the woman, while she's robbing the store, she chants it like it's okay.
Like she's giving absolution, like she's giving immunity because, I can't breathe, I can't breathe.
Well yeah, you're wearing a dumb mask, idiot.
But that's like her mindless chant that some drugged out guy died in Minnesota with Democrat training.
The police are treating them like they're social workers.
The cop has got a crowd around him threatening him.
He doesn't pay attention that he's got his, not on the head, but the carotid artery.
And the guy dies.
You think the cop wanted to go to jail?
You think the cop wants to be indicted for murder one?
No, no, no.
It has nothing to do with George Floyd, folks.
This is about race war as a smokescreen for the martial law that has been announced when they have states secede and they hope the military will take Trump out and they believe the military has agreed to it.
So I'm saying let's have a national debate about what's coming so they don't hit us flat-footed.
And the good news is, praise the Lord.
In fact, I'll say that prayer I said I'd say in a moment, but just go ahead and roll the lady with her chant.
I can't breathe while she robs.
Here it is.
They tried to pull it out, but it ain't coming out.
I don't know where the keys at, y'all.
These bitches not in here.
They on the next floor, though.
Let me see what they got for them hands.
Hold on.
Let me see.
Did that say Valentina?
That say Dolce & Gabbana?
Hold on.
Let me find me some first.
Hold on.
I can't breathe.
Let me see.
This is a flip-flop slapping.
What you got?
Hey, how you get these Canada Gooses off?
How you get these Canada Gooses off?
They over there.
How the fuck you get that?
It ain't no scissors in this, b**ch!
You know it, because I'm a girl, baby.
Hey, can y'all get this Canada Goose hoodie for me, y'all?
And the videos go on and on and on.
I'm just gonna say this right now.
We have to seek God's face.
We have to repent for everything we've individually done.
We've all been decadent.
We've all been slobs.
And we have to come together and realize this is spiritual evil that has been injected into us to bring down our nation.
And I just pray to God that Our Heavenly Father, through His Son, Jesus Christ, and the debt of blood that was paid for our sins, that the Holy Spirit move across the face of not just America, but the world, to awaken people to a revival, to say no to evil, and to reject what's happened, and to stand up against it, and have the courage to speak out against this evil attempt to take down our nation.
We know we don't deserve redemption.
We know we don't deserve a reprieve.
We know we're evil and we're bad and our greatest works are dirty rags but we care about the unborn and we're so close to restricting and banning abortion and we're so close to turn the tide and the enemy's thrown everything at us so I just ask God to move people's hearts at the highest and the lowest level to realize that this is a spiritual choice and that the planet awaken and reject Satan.
And that the people understand that there is a true ticking time bomb.
And the secession and the collapse of the Republic and untold suffering and bondage and collapse and just total enslavement.
And I pray that we be given a reprieve, but we not just take that reprieve and throw it to the side like spoiled brats, but that we understand now that we have to set about rebuilding civilization and society, not just here, but around the world for a true Christ-based future.
That's my best impromptu prayer and it's not like a real prayer when I'm like really reaching out to God because I don't really even speak when I'm praying to God.
But it's just we cannot count the cost here if this goes sideways and it already is.
And folks, if you think things are bad, it's going to get worse.
Like when you start sliding on ice and you know you're going off the road and you kind of hit that first fence and then all of a sudden there's a hill.
It's happened to me once and all of a sudden you're like tumbling down a hillside and your car's rolling and you're like, you hope you make it.
I mean, we're just now going off the road right now.
We're like, I mean, it's going to get bad.
I'm just saying, brace yourself for impact.
Because, I mean, this is it.
We've had it so good so long.
We conjured these wolves and they're here, folks.
They're here to take us down.
All right, we got a special guest joining us that goes down the mineshaft of the pedophilias.
It's important.
It's sickening.
We're going to cover it.
The children deserve the truth coming out.
And I've got a very special Brian Stelter piece I'll play in the third hour, and I'll get into all the latest COVID fraud as well.
Coming up.
But before John Paul Rice joins us, the producer, director, and star, we call that Hollywood thing, comes up, let's go to this special report, Brian Stelter's Fantasy Fun Time.
After years of relentless, shameful, anti-executive office takedown tactics, Brian Stelter actually had this exchange on his Fantasyland weekend show.
Aaron, your view of this?
You know, when you see entire media companies essentially exist to tear down Joe Biden, is there an equivalent to that on the left, tearing down Trump?
There really isn't.
And, you know, what I would say, it's really a diet of this type of information that a lot of these voters are getting.
A lot of the voters that I talk to, I can, you know, when I interview them, I do hear them saying a lot of the talking points that sound very familiar from some of these shows, which I try to listen to.
You know, you can hear these comments being echoed by voters, and you know that this is the diet that they're on.
You know, AM radio, you know, conservative talk, This is the big number on the main question.
Should the Senate vote to convict and remove President Trump from office?
A slim majority of Americans in this poll, Breonna, 51% say yes, 45% say no.
Just think about how far we have slid down the slippery slope of the mountain in just a handful of years.
This president is impeached for life.
There's nothing the Senate can do that can ever erase that.
On the campaign trail, you called yourself a nationalist.
Some people saw that as emboldening white nationalists.
Now people are also saying- I don't know why you'd say that.
It's such a racist question.
There are some people that say that now the Republican Party is seen as supporting white nationalists because of your rhetoric.
What do you make of that?
I don't believe it.
I just, well, I don't know.
Why do I have my highest poll numbers ever with African Americans?
Do you think Donald Trump is racist?
I do.
Why doesn't President Trump condemn racism?
His own words and actions tell you why.
He's a racist.
Stelter exists in a parallel news universe of his own making, where he is America's Redeemer, and his disciples are sent out among us to rid the world of truths they don't understand.
Look at this right here, the guy that goes around policing and calling for censorship and then claims that Trump's wrong, there's no censorship of conservatives or patriots.
Incredibly shameful. How are you doing Alex? You're just a look at you. You are literally an anti-american
Anti-free speech coward you're gonna go down the history books at the criminal news network
Only someone like a Brian Stelter who was obviously born yesterday
Wouldn't have noticed that the 92% of media coverage that is negative against President Trump began even before
President Trump set foot in the Oval Office and a portion of it by Stelter himself
Number one, just how low will the deception go?
How deep will the deceit go?
Trump's defense is predicated on cheap slogans like coup and hoax.
He's constantly contradicting himself, saying those slogans over and over again.
You know, one minute he says, read the transcript of his call.
The next minute he says that Adam Schiff is going to doctor the deposition transcripts.
Well, it reads like a classic organized crime shakedown.
Shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words, this is the essence of what The president communicates.
We've been very good to your country.
Very good.
No other country has done as much as we have.
But you know what?
I don't see much reciprocity here.
I hear what you want.
I have a favor I want from you, though.
And I'm going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good.
I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent.
Understand lots of it.
On this and on that.
I'm going to put you in touch with people, not just any people.
I'm going to put you in touch with Attorney General of the United States, my Attorney General, Bill Barr.
CNN is a cultural information disease, a full-blown propaganda arm shelling out conspiracies of the socialist left for their globalist paychecks.
Anyone held in its sway should see a mental health care provider.
John Bowne reporting.
All right, you know Oprah Winfrey came out last year and said children enjoy being molested.
Well, the whole house of cards is coming down.
We're going to talk about it straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Welcome back.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And we've got John Paul Rice, who's been an actor in some big films, produced a lot of successful films as well.
He put out a child's voice that was very popular on Amazon.
He's put out six films and it got censored.
It got blocked.
We're going to play you that trailer coming up here in a few minutes.
Then he'll be with us for the rest of the hour.
But I wanted to set the table here with just some of the things that recently came out.
In just the last few days.
First off, Oprah Winfrey said, I've said for years, if the abuser is any good, then you won't even know it's happened.
That young children enjoy being molested.
It feels good.
We're going to play you that clip in a moment.
Uh, no, it doesn't feel good.
Meanwhile, she defended and supports faith healer who's now been convicted of keeping women in subterranean breeding pits and selling their children for all sorts of satanic purposes.
John of God.
But it seems like every month or so I see a new article out about transgender baby dolls, dolls that you punch the button and it says, I love Satan, have sex with me, you know, stuff like that.
Well, now Hasbro has recalled a toy with secret button.
Wasn't even advertised on private area that makes Dahl gasp and giggle.
So this is just a full-on assault of this cult.
They can train us to not care about our children.
We'll roll over to anything.
It's the last frontier for the Satanists.
Here's a clip of the video.
Okay, I wanted to do a quick video because I find this disturbing and I find it something that needs to be shared.
As you all know, stuff that's been going on in the world about the sex trafficking in kids and things that are thrown in our kids' faces to kind of groom them and make them kind of a little bit more oblivious to things that are really happening.
It was my daughter's birthday a couple days ago, and she turned two, and she was given this gift.
It's like a little Poppy doll.
It's adorable.
And here's the box.
So she had a Poppy birthday, and so they gave her this.
It's just from the new movie, The Trolls World Tour.
On the box, it says, Giggle and Sing Poppy.
On the back, it says that if you push her tummy right here, Sorry, it's glaring.
If you push her tummy right here, she makes 10 phrases and sounds, and that's all it talks about, and it comes with a little comb.
So, I mean, she does all that.
You touch her tummy, and she makes little singing sounds, and she's super cute.
Well, I was showing her to my husband, In a moment we'll show you where she hits the button and it makes the sound.
But before we go to that, let's go to what Oprah Winfrey just had to say last year.
And again, she's part of the secret Epstein group, secret depopulation group with Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner.
She runs orphanages worldwide and she was a child prostitute herself, so a lot of times those become abusers.
And here she is.
So this is what so many people don't understand.
A big part of the confusion and shame for child victims is that the attention and the seduction from the predator, who is probably going to be somebody you know.
In order for it to work, it has to be somebody you know, somebody you admire, somebody you respect, or maybe even love.
And it feels good.
I mean, if you're seven years old and somebody, which I was trying to say this to my friends who had children, you're seven years old and someone is stroking your penis, it feels good.
Even though you don't have a name for what that is, it feels good.
And when I first said this years ago, people were like, you're crazy because everybody wants to believe it's like sexual assault and you're being thrown up against the wall and you're being raped.
And I have said for years, if the abuser is any good, You won't even know it's happened.
You will be in it and you won't even know it's happened.
And if the abuser is any good, he or she is going to make you feel like you're a part of it.
I mean, and nothing is more being a part of it than what we discussed earlier.
Then you had, you say you were married.
You had marriage vows.
To the adult abusers.
Meanwhile, very famous wrestler, former WWE wrestler Adams, admits killing pedophile abuser LGBT media insinuates it
was homophobic murder former WWE superstar Shawn Michaels the Rockers tag
team partner and they go on to talk about the person raping him so they
killed him and they're saying that's bad this was loving gay sex and again
I don't see myself as abused because it didn't go too far
I'm not in a victimology.
But Terry Crews talked about in Hollywood, he'd be at a party.
He's a big, muscular black dude.
So imagine what they do to kids and women.
And producers would just grab them by the balls.
I had that happen three times, where it was like a handshake with these guys, and I threatened to kick their ass twice.
One time, the guy grabbed my balls, jumped in this car, and drove away.
And he was a well-known producer, and he'll actually quote a patriot.
He died.
Soon thereafter, of cancer.
And I'm only telling the story because it's real.
Now, when I was about three years old, they had a kid living down the street named Joey, who was like, I guess, 12 or so.
And my parents only had him keeping him for like an hour.
He usually had a girl that kept me.
And he abused me, and I pushed him off him when I'm three, and I did not like it.
So I can tell you, at three years old, having my penis stroked did not feel good.
And I only tell the story because, Oprah, you don't have a penis, you don't know.
So, you may have enjoyed being abused, as you admit you were.
A lot of folks get into it, and you abuse others.
You run orphanages, you're involved with pedophiles, you're involved with Jeffrey Epstein, you're a prime candidate, and the word is, you are a pedophile.
I mean, we know you're a lesbian, but that's legal.
We're not attacking you for that.
So, that's what all this is about here, ladies and gentlemen.
And so, I'll just go ahead and tell you that stuff on air.
Because that's the reality, Oprah.
No, it was not enjoyable.
I didn't like it.
I have a memory of it.
I didn't like it.
I told my dad right away.
And let's just say there was some blood involved.
Some people got their asses beat.
So, that's the reality of what goes on here, ladies and gentlemen.
And I did not enjoy it.
How dare you say something like that?
Oh, they enjoy it.
That's the pedophile entrance.
And then it's like, oh, make kids where they have a choice.
Lower the age.
And that's something that we see being pushed by these people.
They want to destroy the innocence.
Truly, absolutely, absolutely horrific.
But let's go back to the doll once she pushes the button.
This was being sold in Walmart, Target, everywhere.
Didn't even tell you it has this other button.
Has 12 sounds come out of the one on the belly, but oh, this is the one on the vagina.
Here it is.
And I heard some other sounds that I had never heard before.
And if you look down here, I figured a video was the best way.
So I just touched her tummy and she's going to sing for a minute.
But down here is a button.
Right here on her privates.
And if you push those, she makes these sounds.
Jocelyn Elder's taught to teach babies to masturbate.
That's the U.S.
And I know some of you may not, like, think this is a big deal.
Oh, it's totally.
Especially since I've had kids.
Like, this is wrong.
For one, this button, it says nothing about this button on the box.
Oh, it's 100%.
And the color is the trans color and the pedophile color.
That's their flag.
That light blue on pink.
So, that's it.
This is their religion, like when Tony Podesta was in the 2007 Washington Post saying, yeah, I'm into kids naked, I've got a dungeon, and it's putting it out in the open in your face.
John Paul Rice will join us for the rest of the hour.
We'll play the trailer for A Child's Voice, which has been silenced by Amazon.
That's what they do.
They grab them, they put a mask over their face, they cover them up.
This is perfect for tracking, by the way, because Trump's got face-scanning cameras trying to find stolen children.
Well, now all the kids are wearing masks.
Normally, you see kids wearing masks out and about, getting put in vans.
You call the police.
But now, see, it's all normal.
And TSA has trained you to accept this and go along with all this.
So it's all part of a larger, evil, satanic plan.
It's like in every culture that went under, pedophilia, satanism, sex with virgins, that means a child, became the mainline operation.
So John Paul Rice, Well, join us.
He knows a lot about these rings in Hollywood.
Very eloquent, very powerful Facebook post that we mirrored at Bandot Video.
So when we come back, he'll have the floor to get into how deep the rabbit hole goes.
He wants to come on and talk about pedophile rings and not his film, but I want to talk about the film and why they were so scared of it and how people can hopefully amplify it into one place.
It's still available for now.
No restrictions.
It's on Vimeo.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
But the only way we expose this satanic network is by you having the courage to tell the truth and take action.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, Band.Video, Tomorrow's News Today.
Stay with us.
Here's one of the trailers for the award-winning film A Child's Voice, now silenced by Amazon
after over a year of major success.
Can you hear me?
Hi, I'm Tim.
F*** off.
I'm Tim.
So do you know who that was that was shooting at you?
He was my boyfriend.
Son of a bitch!
Is everything set?
This man convinced my boyfriend to start kidnapping kids himself.
You piece of shit!
Can you hear me?
Who's there?
If you fucking run, Bill will find you.
And they will hurt you.
Looks like you need some new clothes.
I need you to have your shit together!
Do you fucking understand?!
Help me.
I'll help you Can you hear me?
I watched it Saturday.
Very well done film.
Very powerful.
And it's fiction, but based on a lot of real stuff that goes on.
Imagine, that's now censored by Amazon because the whole house of cards is coming down.
Joining us is John Paul Rice, an independent film producer.
Six authentic and bold stories about Humans issues not shown in today's Hollywood movies.
2016 election result motivated Rice to do a deep dive on the range of topics over the years to understand how the United States arrived at Donald Trump being elected president when researching testimonials from those on the inside he came across.
Roland Bernard's testimony which inspired a child's voice his team is in a production on game day a coming-of-age
drama about football Family family rivalry and who will win and the new film
What was been out for a year or so a child's voice at no restrictions?
Ent.com so we got about seven minutes till this segments over you got the floor a powerful Facebook post you did
about What's happening how you've been censored and what's coming
next? Where do you want to start?
I just want to first of all say Hugh Alex for giving our Film and more importantly this issue a very large platform
for which many many years There have been brave women and men
Who've tried to come forward and they've lost their lives for doing so
They've been silenced.
And I just want to say that what is the most moving part about this whole experience?
Has been the thousands of messages from people all over the world who are waking up these horrors and those who have known about them for decades and heard nothing from the mainstream media and nothing from the majority of the Washington DC establishment.
And there are women out there who have messaged me, one who was 53 years old and said, I have been looking for a reason to live my whole life.
And hearing your video and seeing the response and knowing that there is a way out through EFT, through real healing of these traumas, she was motivated to get up and do everything she could to heal herself and prevent this from ever happening again.
And there's other ones out there too that no followers on social media.
Messaged and said, I have no followers, but I'm going to keep talking about this issue until it breaks through.
And that's why you do this.
That's why you become an artist.
That's why you get involved with movies that have meaning and purpose.
Because it's not about you.
It's not about being a star.
It's not about being famous.
It's giving something that you learned through the discovery of that journey.
To be able to speak to the world what you believe, according to what you know, at the time that you're doing it.
And then let everybody else decide what they feel and think about it, and do what research they wish to do, and take what action they wish to take.
And this movie being censored at this time, on Amazon, was as the Wayfair scandal was coming in, And then the Max, we were building up to Maxwell.
The rise of minutes for all platforms of this film was increasing because people were seeking out information on human trafficking.
And it brings back all of what happened in 2016 with the WikiLeaks and the Podestas talking about Pizzagate.
And you can go back in time and look at the Franklin scandal.
And you can look at all public documents that are out there that have A recorded court case after court.
This is not, I'm saying, human trafficking.
Absolutely, what you're saying is super powerful.
Your Skype just now started disconnecting, so we're going to reconnect with you right now.
This is so important, and your whole journey, and what Hollywood's like, and where you think this is going.
You're a very well-spoken gentleman, and we don't want the Skype breaking up to get in the middle of what you have to say, so we'll reconnect with him right now.
You have to understand, listeners, I know because you're not into Satanism, you're not into hurting people, it's a secret currency with the Satanists and with the corrupt to abuse children.
Because you corrupt people that are involved, God's hedge of protection is removed from those that are involved, even on the periphery, and so then the devil can take full control of those people.
And this film is Very, very powerful.
I mean, it's got points where, you know, the actors, you know, obviously you can tell they're actors, but then it's got parts that are very, very, very, very scary and very, very realistic.
So it's got its high points, but the overall message of it is extremely powerful.
And that's why you need to see a film like this with $100 million budget, not a I would guess a half million dollar budget.
I don't know.
We'll talk to the film director, you know, John Paul Rice, we'll just reconnect it.
And he is back with us now.
Just interestingly enough, I mean, parts of the film are very, very scary, very, very realistic.
You obviously did a lot of research for this.
Where did you do the research to discover this information?
Well, it was because I was a Democrat and I had voted here in Los Angeles 19 years for Democrats.
I followed the primary between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
And I saw how the media manipulated that whole charade.
And it devastated and broke my heart.
But it wasn't until the election of Donald Trump for which it blew a hole through the perception of my reality.
That I began on my own, nobody asking me, to ask questions and look as to why we are here now, where Donald Trump is president.
Looking at what the media said and accepting all of that on face value, I went to disprove, or I went out to prove all of that and disprove all of that.
More importantly, I went back into time and I saw the trajectory of how we've arrived to this moment in America and the world.
And human trafficking happened to be one of many rabbit holes that I went down, but it was the one that it led to the darkest corners of the world and showed me that there is something else going on here that is out of sight.
And yet I've seen being out here for 19 years.
I've seen Different versions of that.
Stay right there.
Let's come back.
That's powerful testimony.
So you'd already seen the pieces of it and put them together.
And then once you try to disprove something, you found out, man, this is really going on.
And then it just blew your mind.
And that's how it is for all of us.
I mean, I remember Ted Gunnarsson telling me this stuff 25 years ago in person, and he was a credible former FBI high level ran LA.
And he was telling me this stuff.
I just, I thought it was crazy.
Turned out they even declassified a bunch of it.
He was dead on what a hero.
All right, John Paul Rice is here, and while he's talking, actor, filmmaker, director, I was thinking about Vivian Kubrick.
And you know, Vivian Kubrick was the protégé of Stanley Kubrick, probably one of the best directors in history.
I think they say he pretty much is the best director ever.
And I tend to agree, not just his style and his skill, but not just the cinematography, but the projects he chose.
And I asked her, I had a chance to hang out with her a few days in Dallas.
I guess 10 years ago now.
About 8 years ago.
And then I've had a chance to talk to her some.
And she told me about Eyes Wide Shut.
And you know, there's 25 minutes that got cut out of it.
And I guess this is just some stream off the internet they found.
But there's HD interviews out there.
That's not when they deleted my YouTube channel that had 5 billion views.
So many of those great HD interviews are gone.
We should find those and re-upload those to Bandai Video.
But that's just a personnel issue.
We don't have enough crew members.
I'm not complaining.
It's just there's so much to do.
She was like, absolutely.
My dad never went to one of those events, but it was known in the English countryside where they live, but also in the United States and upstate New York and other areas that that type of thing was going on.
And of course he fought with, he had final cut on that film, refused to cut the 24 minutes technically, and then died of a heart attack during that whole period.
And the word is he was whacked.
And, you know, she wouldn't go there, she wouldn't get into all of it, but she told me quite a bit.
And then said, you know, don't tell the public a lot of this.
She told me what I could tell people.
And I, I separately confirmed a lot of this from other sources.
And so, We're witnessing an attempt at coming out of the pedophile ranks.
Because they need to normalize what they've done before they get caught.
But it's not going well for them, so that's why they're destabilizing all of civilization.
So John Paul Rice made the child's voice censored by Amazon after being up there for a long time, being very successful, having four-star reviews.
Before we hit break there, you're having some sky problems.
Get back into your awakenings.
You were investigating this.
You didn't believe in this.
And then what was it like as you found things out?
And then let's talk about the actual censorship of the film, because that's a pretty big, important news item.
So my awakening to this was what you mentioned earlier, Ronald Bernard's testimony.
He did a five-part interview, and I sat down and listened to all five parts as they came out.
And then I followed his story.
Because I was just, I was watching a person.
I do a lot of readings and castings with actors and I could feel the truth coming through this guy that he was authentic.
He was being very honest and truthful and emotional.
And basically what it was is this.
In the highest echelons of power, beyond what we see, there is a very small group of people in relation to the total population of the world Who are responsible for all the wars, all of our poverty, all of starvation and suffering in humanity, to make it look as though we do this to ourselves.
And this 8,500 people, he had worked his way up over the years and had come to understand that he had found career criminals just like him, but there was another level to it.
And that was when they invited him into a church to sacrifice a child.
And he had total breakdown.
This is a guy who had been involved in all of what I just said before.
And he could not bring himself to murder that child.
Well, there have been major famous EU bankers that have come out and said the same thing.
Yes, this has been a conspiracy.
The real conspiracy, Alex, is the conspiracy of silence.
And I I know that most people cannot believe because they could not imagine doing such a thing to their child, even with the child abuse that exists in this country and in the world that is sanctioned.
But even still, no one can conceive of doing such horrors to children.
They are our most precious God-like being that we have on the face of this earth.
They're the potential of the future.
They're a new seed of a pure grid and the enemy wants to corrupt that.
Well, yes they do, but more importantly they do it because they know what each and every single human being born on this planet is.
You are a child of God.
You are from a creator of heaven and earth.
You don't have to have a religious belief to know that truth.
It lives in your heart.
That's right.
They hate God, and so we're made in the image of God, so they want to destroy us.
Yes, they want to pervert and corrupt us.
They don't need us to believe and worship in what the dark gods that they do.
It has more to be about deception and turning you away.
This is what the Luciferians have talked about, and the Satan worshipers have talked about in numerous interviews that are online.
And all they did was went into neighborhoods and made sure that you did not believe in Jesus and you did not believe in God.
And those two things gave them the opportunity to come in and put the drugs there, the prostitution there, all of the crap we're seeing happen across cities in this country.
It is the real, the real oppressive system is their oppressive system, not Our oppressive system, not the 99% who occupy this world.
That's right.
The real 1% are Satanists.
That's the secret shadow government.
I think it's bigger than just the label, but these people believe what they believe.
I agree.
It's bigger than the term Satan.
It is a force to destroy humanity and slaves.
And it brought me, I mean, you asked why I did what I did.
I had no idea.
If you had told me three years ago, or even four years ago, That I would be here at this moment right now, believing, not believing, knowing what I know, knowing for myself.
That's the key.
I didn't have to hold any beliefs.
I just had to put one plus one plus one together, and I just kept adding and trying to disprove it at the same time.
And I looked at it from every side and every angle, and it's a disbelief.
It's not a reality that you come lightly to and wanting to believe.
You don't have many nights where you sleep well when contemplating and learning about this.
Everybody has their limit.
And what I wish to tell the world is this, in the face of this darkness, in the face of this concealed darkness, all of us, all human beings on this planet, have an opportunity to unite together and love together in the face of this darkness.
This one issue, the commitment to end child abuse in this world, And give humanity its time to start beginning a new story, the real story of humanity that is lived in each and every human being's heart.
That's what this time is about.
You're absolutely right because any predator targets the babies.
When you see a lion come out of the woods or something, it goes after the piglets, not the pig.
Or the shark goes after the baby seals, not the big seal.
It's the same thing. They're going after the youth because we're not protecting them
and we need to protect them and guard them and not have this laissez-faire attitude.
You're right.
The Satanists tell you they're atheists and, oh, it's all over and there's no point to life and just don't care and have fun.
But meanwhile, they literally are trying to get power and control.
They don't want you to know you have that electrochemical spiritual connection to Christ and that power to build a new world and go to the stars.
They want to steal that birthright from us.
This is because these entities are so pissed that we're so superior to them, but they've got a leg up on us.
Because we don't understand our potential.
That's why they don't want you to know it.
And I just want to point to one study that I would mention.
Anybody can look up.
It's called 98% of all children are born with creative genius intellect.
And that was proven by these doctors who gave a TED Talk that showed that every single child, 98% of all living beings born, have a creative genius intellect.
And they're trying to kill that potentiality.
And it brings it down by the time we're 30 years old, it's down to less than 2% of the population, and they cited the exact reason was the education system that fused both divergent and convergent thinking together so that you didn't have this creative intuition to keep manifesting new realities.
It was so that you would decide no, Yes, maybe.
I've done that before.
And then if you introduce child abuse any which way, you have self-defeating thoughts added to that.
And that's why they teach us we're all victims, that that empowers us.
It makes our brain give up and go into a victim.
That's why I don't say I'm a victim.
I decide to overcome those things.
I don't adapt and submit.
I overcome.
I know you've got to go to an appointment soon, but I want to do 15 minutes to the next hour with you, because I want you to really roll.
John Paul Rice is a great guy.
You can tell he's telling the truth.
And his fiction film has been banned because it was popular and great and telling the truth.
And that is on the hands now of Jeff Bezos.
What a horrible thing to do.
So I spent the entire first hour on the New York Times, senior writer, in a meeting with the top Democrats, the DNC wargaming, the state seceding, and trying to have the military remove President Trump if he wins.
And they're saying if they lose, they're going to contest and do this.
Pelosi said it.
This is a crazy time.
They're being forced out in the open.
I'm always promoting that you should have high quality storable food in the last 25 years.
It's really good.
It's high quality and the profit we make funds this operation.
People were going crazy back during the COVID when there was a six week wait to get it.
And I said, listen, I'm worried about the election, the collapse of the world economy, food prices going up.
You need storable food for what's coming in the future.
COVID is the sign of the lockdown, the sign of them changing the subject from the elephant in the room, the pedophilia, the world government, the Satanism.
And so now there's a two to four week wait.
They've got the food, it's high quality, four factories, the packaging, big plastic hard tote containers with steel containers inside.
Transportability's key.
You can bury it, whatever.
You need this.
And it funds the InfoWar.
When you're under siege, you need to have water filtration, air filtration, you need to have firearms, protect yourself, we don't sell that.
You need to have storable food.
You need to have a plant.
Whether you live in a city or the countryside, now is the time to get ready.
I would order swearable food right now before what's coming with this election, because it's going to be rough either way.
And the globalists want you dependent.
They don't want you self-sufficient.
They want to control you.
So take action at InfoWarsTore.com.
We also have the Reopen America Back-to-School Special, 50% off all the great supplements and double Patriot Points.
And we've got a lot of products that are very close to selling out, like Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, that's still 50% off despite that.
And of course, DNA Force Plus that is so good for your telomeres and your mitochondria and cleaning your cells out.
That's 50% off as well.
DNA Force Plus.
I highly recommend.
And that's what funds this platform.
They want to shut down so hard.
So John Paul Rice, filmmaker, actor, director, who's made A Child's Voice, is here.
He's hitting us with some really heavy things.
I want to ask him some questions about the state of the world today in a moment.
Let's talk about the film, the specifics of what Amazon did for those that don't know how big a deal this is.
OK, so what happened was we we had published Child's Voice in 2018.
We started doing pretty well.
We were getting out interviews and doing podcasts.
And then there was a huge surge last year after the Epstein arrest, because then it started to connect with a lot of people.
We were doing this before there was Epstein and Maxwell in the media, in the mainstream.
And so we came out with this film and it incorporated all of our research in small disclosure ways and still tasteful enough that you don't have to get the total gross, you know, you use your imagination essentially, but it's in there with this message of love.
The road to redemption is through love.
And so what we tried to do through a fiction piece is we took a story about a young boy
and a young girl on the outside, a heroin addicted homeless kid and a girl who was being
beaten by her boyfriend who started selling kids for money.
And they're brought together by this child who is sacrificed at the beginning of the
His spirit lives on and he reaches out and calls out for anyone who can hear him.
And he gets the attention of this boy and he cures him of his heroin withdrawal and
he sends them on a journey to track down this girl and put the two of them together.
And in their involvement with each other, as they begin to speak the truth, they come closer together in a spirit of love, and they go into the trafficking network.
And there are two people that stand up in the face of this horror with love in their heart and courage for one another.
And that is what the whole movie is about.
When you stand up to this darkness, you say, I will help Every child that I can in my life to make them as strong and as loving a human being as possible.
And I will risk my life to do that.
And what scared them is valuing children and admitting this is going on.
And now Trump signed executive orders.
The busts are up ten plus fold.
I mean, this is what is it like for you to watch all this unfolding?
Well, it's kind of surreal, but I sort of, in a way, expect it because these people, when you learn about who they are, They're not the evil villains that you see in your cartoons or your movies.
They always make them, you know, taking over the world, rubbing their hands together about the destruction that they can cause.
But these are people who consider themselves to be intelligent, good parents, good lawyers, doctors, teachers, whatever it might be that they identify themselves with.
They don't believe that they're doing pure evil.
I know that's hard for people to imagine, but they're what most people, to become a Hitler, you don't notice that person.
Well, let's expand on that.
In Germany, it came out in DW.com, biggest TV network there, that the government psychiatrists all over the country, they first did one city, Berlin, and whitewashed it.
There were 30,000 children.
Over 30 years were given to thousands of convicted pedophiles because the study was, we believe the family's bad.
Sex with a child creates love.
Think how sick.
So we're like, we're loving children.
We're taking them from Christians, that was what they said was mentally ill, and homeschoolers, and giving them to people that have sex with them to create the new family.
And of course it created suicide, death, collapse.
But that's how sick the mid-level people are, just these whack jobs.
Yes, they're the true believers.
They're the perfect psychopaths to carry this out.
This is not an act.
They really believe this.
They really feel that way.
And now they're scared, though, because they know they're in trouble.
Yes, they know they're in trouble and they're on borrowed time, because once the collective consciousness of the world comes to this understanding, they're not going to have any power anymore.
I mean, it's as simple as an equation as that.
You can only keep the lie and the illusion going for so long.
For example, like Hollywood.
I'm just looking at it.
I was about to say, notice how as the pedophilia comes out, Hollywood exponentially collapses.
And there's silence about it.
That's that's the key.
That's that's that to me when when they are silent about an issue.
I mean, I'm just taking a step back for a second.
If I'm a business owner and I have accusations, a growing amount of my customer base ...continues to find problems with the products that I'm putting out with, and in looking at all of the people, from Me Too to Epstein to Maxwell, that we've learned about who are involved in this, and we were told these were conspiracies.
We were told these were conspiracies.
Didn't matter what side of the equation you were on politically.
It just didn't exist!
It didn't exist, and it was all manufactured, and this conspiracy is taking away from the real victims.
Okay, fine.
Accepting all of that at 100% face value, wouldn't you, as a responsible business person, come out and say, we understand your concerns, we are going to do a full investigation, no stone will be left unturned, and we will have full transparency and accountability, so that we can not only debunk these claims, but put them to rest, and if we do find That there are people who did this to children under whatever circumstance it was.
Those people will be brought to justice and to law enforcement and will never serve in another position of power within our industry ever again.
Well, let's go further, absolutely.
And now it's all coming out and they cover it up and it's getting worse and worse.
And now Hollywood's eating itself and Weinstein's gone to jail, been released because of COVID, but Epstein's dead and then Maxwell.
What is the sense of Hollywood?
I mean, I know when I've been out there, it's hellish now.
The vibe is even worse.
The homelessness.
I know most of the Hollywood folks are fleeing right now.
That's exactly right.
I have a lot of friends who are looking to get out of here as quickly as possible.
They've seen Santa Monica, which was one of the most beautiful cities to visit on the coast there.
Um, just completely get dangerous over the last five or six months.
See, that's the thing is, why can't the left help but wreck everything they touch?
Because it's satanic.
It wants to hurt things.
And they offer policies that speak in the language of equality and tolerance and diversity and empowerment.
And they do exactly the opposite of that.
I don't think it's a, it's like, I I'm telling you, Alex, I was a guy who voted for Barack Obama twice.
No, I get it.
You projected your goodness onto their story.
But as soon as you looked at their story, it was the opposite.
It's that and all the contradictions and all the cognitive dissonance.
Because here's what I tell people to do.
I say, look, it's very simple.
If this is true, how is this also true?
If this is true, How is this also true? And that way you can begin to see
through the illusion that they're projecting onto you and using television as a way to literally program
your mind so that your thoughts are just repetitions of the sound bites that you've heard and the
story that you've created.
A surface control.
You're a smart guy.
I want to hear what you have to say.
John Paul Rice.
Walk us through this.
How you wake up people out on the West Coast when we come back.
A Child's Voice on Vimeo.
Find links at NoRestrictionsEnt.com.
I watched it.
Very, very powerful.
Very, very scary.
Because it's reality-based, and it's who these people are.
And the guy you got to play, the Satanist Mind Control guy?
That guy's a frightening actor.
Did a great job, though.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right, I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And, you know, I don't tell these stories.
To try to impress people.
I know that in my life, God put me in the places I was at so that I could discover how the real world worked.
It was a real education, but I grew up in Rockwall, Texas, the richest county in Texas at the time, bedroom community of Dallas.
And I mean, I'd be like 13 years old and I was already promiscuous by then.
I looked like I was about 16 and I was a lively lad.
And I'm like, man, this is great.
I've got the 17 year old cheerleader.
In fact, one of them became a famous porn star later, I noticed.
And I'm like, no.
And then all of a sudden, I've had sex with them a few times, and all of a sudden I'm at some mansion and they want me to be part of an occult ritual.
And that happened a few times, and I just found out there's this invisible empire.
The KKK calls itself the invisible empire.
That came out of Albert Pike and the Illuminati.
But I mean, there's all these cults everywhere.
And they operate, this is a short segment, long segment coming up with John Paul Rice, the director and producer maker of A Child's Voice, that's been censored.
I want to get back to Amazon briefly, because I know you walked through this in the piece you did for Facebook, where you explain that, they just go, well, it's not the direction we're going right now.
Films out for two years, four-star, five-star reviews, thousands of reviews.
It's a fiction movie.
It's nothing as shocking as they put out, but it's about what's really at the bottom of the rat hole.
The fact that they did this, along with so many other books and films exposing it, really means they're aiding and abetting it, and it shows they're scared.
Yeah, I mean, it definitely, the searches, the banning, I mean, just to, we'll get back to Amazon in a second, but as a result of This video and others, the one that I did and many others that have been coming out, the Save the Child... Save the Children hashtag on Facebook and to some degree on Twitter has been censored.
It actually gave a community warning to people that said that this may be unsafe.
Posts with this tag may be unsafe.
And you just have to ask yourself... We got Facebook and Twitter defending pedophiles.
They're blocking it, and they're not saying anything about it, and they're not allowing this message to come through.
I mean, people are searching now at a record pace than ever before, and they're learning very quickly that there is something to this.
Whether you know the whole picture or not, there's something to this, and the people that are being asked to say, hey, there's this charge against you, They're not denying it, they're just faking themselves the victim, closing up their accounts and or not saying anything about it.
There's a lot of examples, movie stars, others.
People go to their Twitter and it's like celebrating, I want to have sex with little girls, I want to do this and that.
People say, hey, what are you doing?
Oh, I'm a victim, I'm a victim!
But no, what they were doing before, it's like the lawyer for Eric Ciramella said, I like to represent pedophiles, you know, we're taking over Washington.
And people go, hey, why are you saying that on Twitter?
He goes, oh, don't attack me.
I mean, it's like their calling card, isn't it?
Yeah, it's really something that... It's so disgusting because what you think you know when you're talking about people who are messaging to us and who have a certain responsibility of awareness and are talking about little children on social media in sexual ways.
And then the moment they're called out for that, oh, it's a joke.
Oh, he didn't mean it.
Oh, you're taking it out of context, the attacks, the attacks.
And it's like, wait a minute.
Are you not aware of the industry that you work in?
I'll point to one article.
Go to Deadline.com, Deadline Hollywood.
There's an article in there that came out two years ago that said the Child Protection, Hollywood's Child Protection Act, why it's ignored and why it's important.
And it documents that this law, that they all wanted, had not even been followed by the under-the-line crew.
This wasn't for actors.
This wasn't for directors.
This wasn't for producers.
This was for the agents, the managers, the photographers, the casting directors, and the like, to sign a pledge of sorts.
That would say, I am going to make sure that this does not happen around me and among my people that I'm working with.
Well, and how many directors are convicted pedophiles and Roman Polanski and standing ovations and just all of it.
We'll be back to talk about how you wake people up, what you think is coming next and more.
People should watch the film, A Child's Voice that Amazon tried to silence back in 60 seconds.
John Paul Rice is a filmmaker.
A Child's Voice has been censored by Amazon.
It's been out for almost two years because it deals with the secret currency of Hollywood and what's coming out and just the incredible emissions.
I mean, there's so many thousands of examples and how these people all over Twitter, Facebook brag that they like to have sex with children, but then say it's a joke later when everything they do is about corrupting the children and putting them on the wrong path of life.
So in the 10 minutes we have left, you've got the floor about Hollywood, the future of the country, the election, where you see this going.
What folks in Hollywood are saying, just hit us with all guns blazing.
Well, where I see this all going and what you've been talking about and many other people have been talking about for a long time is that these people know that they're in the final season of their show.
And they're going to do everything they can to keep us divided and away from the real issues that are going on.
Among their industry, among their political parties, among their different institutions of which they have inhabited for a very long time.
See, the structures of power, I want to make this very clear because a lot of my friends on the left tend to think that we need to destroy the system.
No, the system has been inhabited by a very corrupt and dark group of people.
And we can have all the things that we want in this world to happen the way we expect them to happen.
Through our law enforcement.
Through our local communities.
Through all of the institutions that we have been told growing up to admire.
This is not about the institutions themselves failing.
It's about the inhabitants of those institutions who have made them corrupt to the point that they have failed.
They have failed all of us.
And they do that on purpose so they collapse it exactly and then bring in their system.
Everything they have at us in this last two months Hollywood is going to do its part to stroke the racial divisions, just like they did from Jesse Smollett to Bubba Wallace to now with Oprah and everyone else talking about a white and black issue and reparations.
And it's not about that.
Any of those things are not issues that we cannot solve.
That's the key.
We can sit down and have conversation, but the time for debate is over.
The time for unification on this issue is now.
And once we get rid of these individuals out of the picture, purged from all of our institutions, we can take back the reins of power and make our own decisions through conversation, debate, and dialogue.
That's right, and you know, it's true, we've got to right the ship, and these systems are perfect at taking over systems and wrecking them to collapse things and bring in even more power and control like the French Revolution.
But I agree with you, they know their time is short, so they're not just trying to divide people, they're trying to collapse things, and they hope the smokescreen of that collapse is their ultimate distraction will get them out of this.
I assure them it's not going to happen, because I agree with you, it's critical mass.
I went to Florida a month ago.
And I was out in the surf talking to people and most of them didn't know who I was, but black, white, old, young, Hispanic, Asian, they were all global government, new world order, pedophile rings, the global reset, COVID's a hoax.
I mean, people really get it now.
No people, people where I live, see through the illusion of all of this with the masks, with the pandemic.
They're starting to question everything because all they keep seeing is changes of positions and then new information comes out.
And the way that people need to look at it is this.
Human trafficking isn't the only issue.
They're lying.
They're lying about almost everything that they present to you on TV and reality.
It's selective.
It's selective and it pushes forth an agenda that is not, it's actually not liberal in any which way.
These political parties have been taken over by a very strong yet small group of people who have used fear for a very long time to control the reins of power.
And this is the people that have been running the show.
And so when they come in and they crash, like we say, they're here to destroy it.
They'll destroy it through the mechanisms of capitalism using Predatory capitalism, not real capitalism.
What you and I are doing right now in this talk is real capitalism.
It's an exchange of ideas and that people find of value.
We need to return to that.
That's right.
They're getting rid of the real open free market of ideas and they're creating a monopoly and then blaming capitalism for the monopoly that's based off communist China and as people Even Rob Lowe was on Joe Rogan the other day and he said, what is it to be famous anymore?
Everybody hates celebrities and everybody's a celebrity and it means nothing.
Well, use your fame for good or it doesn't matter.
The illusion of Hollywood.
What was the illusion?
What was the spell?
When did the spell break?
Because it broke the last few years, but now it's gone from being a broken spell to a thing that mainline Hollywood is reviled, not just by people that are awake, but everybody I think now.
The illusion began breaking this last three years with Donald Trump as president.
And for anybody, like I said, it's not about Donald Trump.
He's the mirror.
He's standing up there.
However they wish to use it, you will see whatever you wish to see.
But it's aside from personality, character... I want you to have a strong finish here.
And again, this is a directive.
Once Skype does this, we always disconnect.
We're gonna disconnect and call him back right now.
Generally fixes the Skype.
Love the crew.
They're awesome, but I direct everything.
And sometimes when I'm not here, Skype's going.
It just goes and goes and goes.
At a certain point, we gotta cut the Skype off.
Reconnect with him.
And I'm not bitching.
It just seems like things behind the scenes don't get done.
So I say it on air and it gets done.
So we're trying to reconnect with him right now.
Very interesting fella.
Very well spoken.
John Paul Rice, the film A Child's Voice, blocked by Amazon.
Finish the last minute of what you were saying, sir.
Go ahead.
No, I just want to say what they're doing is they are going to deflect all of these issues onto the people as though this country is in a collapse.
They've been messaging this on MSNBC and other channels months ago about societal collapse, these buzzwords that they sow into the collective consciousness of their viewership.
And so that when they start seeing those things, they accept them.
They accept them as true.
That's right.
Talk about that repetition messaging, the brainwashing, and how we counter that.
Explain that to folks, because that's key.
Well, the key is to learn your subconscious mind.
They know your mind better than you do.
So if you learn about the 10 laws that govern the subconscious mind, you'll be able to be aware of these keys that they do.
They imprint a lot of their stuff with... And then their brainwashing has the opposite, because you're conscious, so you then see their template by their brainwashing.
Instead of it blinding you, it empowers you.
Yes, exactly.
And it actually gives you deeper layers within yourself to not be affected.
See, the thing is, is that when they do this, They're not just messaging to their base, they're creating the energy out there that also messages back to the people who see it.
But the question is, what is your response?
If it's more despair and anger, they're winning.
They're winning, because they're creating negative energy.
And they can create more negative, the more negative energy that they can put out there, whether it be violence, whether it be in words, whether it be in pulling down statues or changing names and everybody just freaking out with cancel culture.
That's a win for them because it's you're getting distracted.
You're getting pulled into their operation.
Well, I gotta tell you, you offered to fly here and be in studio.
I'm impressed with the work you're doing.
You're dead on.
If you want to come here next week, come on my show for two hours.
The other shows I'm sure would want to have you on.
John Paul Rice, I'd love to get you here so the Skype's not breaking up.
Because what you're saying is dead on, and I myself have to remember, God's in control.
Christ is in control.
I just need to be positive and not get despair, because they want to get us despairing, because then we're not being positive.
And so we need to be very truthful about the negative information, but in a positive way And not get caught up in what they're trying to do to us.
That's the key to the whole thing, is really this.
And I said this in the video, I wanted to give solutions to people, at least to start.
Is that you have to go within yourself during this time, when the outside world does not make sense to you anymore.
All you have is yourself, and your love, and your family, and your children.
And those are the people that matter the most in this time right now.
And it will be important for us, as things roll forward, that we also go out and try to heal those who are hurt and badly damaged from this system.
There's going to be a lot of carnage, and there's going to be law enforcement, which can only do so much, but it's really up to the human beings of this planet what future we wish to decide we want to live in.
And that starts with each and every one.
John Paul Rice, I'm impressed.
You're awesome.
No restrictions.
A child's voice on Vimeo.
Fly into town.
We'll fly in right now.
We really appreciate you and God bless, my friend.
Thank you.
That's a great guy right there.
You can tell.
That's why the soul knows truth when you see it.
And that's a truthful guy.
And so are you and so am I. We all love God.
We're in this together.
We'll be right back.
The parks in Austin, Texas are known as some of the most beautiful and widespread in the country.
And in 1992, the Save Our Springs Ordinance was adopted as law, which opened up these beautiful lands to the public.
Austinites practically live in a national park.
Taxpayers paid for it.
It is ours to enjoy.
It is the law.
But now, Austin City Mayor Steven Adler is attempting to seize control.
He has erected makeshift registration booths at park entrances and hired lifeguards who have lost their jobs as a result of the COVID shutdown to take reservations and register the names of anyone who enters.
It's been going on all over the nation for decades.
The United Nations Agenda 21.
Powerful entities seizing public lands from the people for their own private gain.
Ten park entrances have been set up like this by the Austin Parks Department.
It is unlawful.
It is nothing more than the edict of radical leftist Mayor Adler.
A power grab.
You have a past.
I've been coming here since I was in high school and college and now you guys use your COVID hoax to like set a checkpoint up so you can take over the parks and start charging.
It's unconstitutional.
This is not even a city ordinance.
This is a illegal power grab of the people's green belt and it's time to free Austin.
So are you guys volunteers in the city of Austin?
Who are you, masked man?
I'm a lifeguard for Barton Springs.
You're a lifeguard for Barton Springs, now part of the criminal power grab.
This is outrageous criminal activity.
This is the seizure of the infrastructure of Austin.
It is all color of law garbage.
My wife came here this morning when you cult member coops showed up here and you asked her, where's her reservation?
Her reservation is that we live in a free country.
We live in America.
I call for everybody out there watching.
The time for civil disobedience is here.
I want this removed tonight!
While we were there, a family from San Antonio arrived to enjoy the day in the park.
After an hour drive, they were turned away.
Look at these poor people.
Hey, it's all unconstitutional.
It's all illegal.
If I want to go in here and say the ordinance isn't even law, if I want to march down here, I can't.
Don't listen to them.
Don't sit at the back of the bus.
Don't believe their COVID hoax.
Get on down there and enjoy yourself.
These people will take everything you've got.
The gentleman from San Antonio spoke to the Austin police and was told that there is no law.
The police allowed the family to enjoy the park as the law permits.
Come on, everybody!
The police told you it's open!
There's no enforceable law!
Yes, sir!
Our car's not your car!
Our car's not your car!
There they go!
Down their path to freedom!
Like, Bill Gates is supposedly a doctor now.
He's not.
He tells us what to do.
And now lifeguards tell people they can't go onto a giant 500 square mile greenbelt because they'll find a virus down here.
No, the virus isn't down there.
The virus is the control.
The virus is the fear.
And the very city that says blow up the police department The very city that says blow up the police department and that we don't need the police has them out here trying to, not the cops aren't even doing it, but has them out here so the lifeguards can tell you that you can't go down there.
And so they can register you in this illegal database right here.
Hey guys, you ought to just go on in.
It's all color law.
It's all garbage.
We have to stop submitting at some point.
COVID-19 is a power grab hoax!
COVID-19 is a scam!
Is that your IQ?
One finger?
When a man came up and said, can I go in here?
And the APD told him, no, it's not enforceable.
You can go on in.
The police even told people the so-called art that you're using is criminal.
It's color of law.
I tell them black folks, they can't vote.
You can't block people from their parks.
This is a fraud.
You don't respond.
You don't respond.
So, as you can see, the park is now open for now, but they'll be back with color or law.
You gotta be the Rosa Parks that doesn't sit at the back of the bus.
You gotta say no!
Because there's no limit to their power grab if you don't!
They say the masks are permanent.
They say the forced inoculations are coming.
What are we gonna do about it?
Well, the globalists hope that you don't spread the word about this broadcast, but you know what?
You've been doing it.
You've been doing an amazing job, and I thank you for myself, my family, and your family, because this is a fight between human intelligence and human will, and Satan and his minions and their AI garbage they've built that will end up being their downfall.
This morning, I got up about 6 a.m., and I saw an article on InfoWars.com of Brian Stelter and his Orwellian-named reliable sources And he's really a fun guy to talk about because he sounds like Crispy the Clown.
He's like, oh, it's incredible.
They claim Biden isn't the greatest orator and linguist of all of history.
But in the piece, it's like 10 minutes long, he never shows any clips of Biden every time he talks.
It's a complete train wreck.
He obviously is in dementia.
And then he goes, at the end he goes, look, Biden's on a bicycle!
I'm like, ooooh!
Like he just walked on the moon or something.
No one said Biden can't ride a bicycle.
We said he can't talk a normal sentence without sounding like there's a bunch of marbles in his mouth.
And so I thought with the piece, well, there's other things that can ride bicycles as well.
Rhesus monkeys, things like that.
So, uh, this is an inspired piece.
Jeremy Breen put together.
So if you needed to have a little, uh, little laugh, the video just went live on Band.Video.
Just minutes ago, Joe Biden, Brian Stelter, and a monkey.
Here it is.
Let's go on a trip together to a totally alternative universe.
You never hear what's happening there unless you tune into right-wing talk radio.
But you need to know what they are saying because the most popular, most powerful talkers in the country have trained their sights on Joe Biden.
The President of the United States!
Welcome to Kingswood Community Center.
Actually, that's the one down I used to work.
It was a joke.
You didn't know where you were anyway.
Think about it.
I got hairy legs that turn, that, that, that, that, that, that turn blonde in the sun.
And I had a nurse at, nurses at Walter Reed Hospital who would, they'd actually breathe in my nostrils to make me move, to get me moving.
And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again.
They'd look at it.
So I learned about roaches.
I learned about kids jumping on my lap.
And I've loved kids jumping on my lap.
Look, look, whether you like Biden or not, this stuff is offensive and otherworldly.
Keep in mind that news and talk radio is still really popular, even in the internet age.
Guys like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity can influence tens of millions of listeners.
But nowadays, if you listen to those shows, they have shifted to big time Biden bashing instead.
You know what this is?
This is negative partisanship in action.
I shouldn't say it.
I'm going to say something I probably shouldn't say.
Anyway, I am very willing to let the American public judge my physical, mental, as well as my mental fitness, and to make a judgment about who I am.
Babbling, brain-dead, dumbass lawyer, Joe Biden stumbling around.
Emblematically, that's what rules over us.
It is especially extreme, especially vitriolic, on the right, directed at Joe Biden.
Every day, every day, this is what's airing on the radio.
There's Michael Savage saying, I pity the man.
There's Mark Levin saying, I think Biden's in a nursing home.
What the heck is going on on these programs?
Look at what Fox News saw on Saturday at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.
This is Joe Biden out there on a vigorous bike ride.
Not wearing a helmet, but definitely wearing a mask, by the way.
Fox's narrative and Talk Radio's narrative for months has been that Joe Biden is falling apart.
Mary is riding a bike, out for a bike ride, and Fox of all networks is the one that showed it happened.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
If you're a radio listener, we put clips of monkeys on bikes.
It's like, hey, if you can ride a bike, you can be president, right?
Joe Biden, Ryan Stelter, and a monkey.
Oh my God.
But the footage of him riding around the middle of the woods with a mask on?
This is ridiculous!
Meanwhile, here are the headlines.
Paris imposes mandatory face mask in public.
Billionaire Hong Kong protest backer Jimmy Lai arrested.
Oh yeah.
COVID-19 worked good for the Chi-Coms.
Payroll tax cut may be permanent, says Trump.
China slaps retaliatory sanctions on Ted Cruz.
Marco Rubio and other China hawks.
Of course, you can go see the Hasbro video that has a secret button where the female troll baby has orgasms.
These people are sick.
And of course, if you just joined us, I really should just be saying this for four hours straight.
Democrats' war game for election includes West Coast secession, possible civil war, and the military overthrowing Trump.
It's in the New York Times now!
That means they're going to go operational with this.
And you're like, but that's crazy.
Well, they never got in trouble for everything else.
And so still the Justice Department, even though the elements of it, some of them aren't bad, they're like, well, that's too dangerous to go after them.
That's too dangerous to arrest members of Congress.
That's too dangerous to shut this down.
So you're going to let them actually try it.
That's, that's, that's even more insane.
But that's where we are, is a bunch of scared men and women watching to see who they think went.
So that's why Pelosi's like, Trump will be gone in months.
Military's about to overthrow him.
That's to all the weak-minded people embedded in the FBI, embedded in the CIA, embedded in the bureaucracy.
Yeah, cue Pelosi saying that, you know, China wants Biden to win.
See, they're preparing you because they know this is all coming out.
It's like, of course China runs us, but oh, Trump's with the Russians.
China owns our debt.
China owns Hollywood.
China owns almost all the influence, has 98% of Earth's minerals, has taken over Africa.
If Russia was a real threat, other than their ICBMs, which is a threat, that we attack them, I would be all over Russia.
But they're not.
I need some lung cleanse.
Something about the air conditioner in this building, man, dries my throat out.
I feel great to get to work.
It's just the studio.
I don't know.
Certain hotels too, you know, are really dry with the air conditioning.
It's just like makes you cough.
But anyways, I digress here.
I want to hit the latest COVID stuff because it's pretty spectacularly deceptive.
You know, I was up here on Saturday.
And where the crew went, hey, did you hear a seven-year-old died of COVID?
And I went, let me see the article, and I read it, and I put the kid's name in.
And there it was that they were found drowned.
I'm not laughing about the kid being dead.
They were found dead in a bathtub.
Fell down, hit their head, bleeding.
You know, that's the most dangerous place, other than automobile, is a bathtub.
Everybody knows that.
I mean, how many people have lost their dad, their mom, whoever?
When they're older, you fall down.
You're not as tough as you were, you die.
Well, this kid fell down the bathtub and drowned, and that's what they're admitting.
They said water in the lungs.
But all over the news, a seven-year-old died from COVID because they did a rapid test as soon as a child came in because they were getting that extra money.
So that's the type of stuff I've got.
CNN, a seven-year-old boy in Georgia died of COVID-19, the youngest victim in the state.
Turns out that happened two weeks ago.
Turns out they've had the news for a week.
And every time I hear, one-year-old baby died, I go look it up and it doesn't even exist.
Or LBGTP lady died.
Doesn't even exist.
but by the time you expose that fraud they got 10, 15, 20, 100 more for you to deal with.
And then Owen Schroer and
And Savannah Hernandez are coming in to host today.
The dynamic duo, Batman and Robin.
Savannah's Batman, Owen's Robin.
She's the boss.
Just having some fun here.
That is coming up straight ahead, ladies and gentlemen, today.
But I gotta tell you, I'm tired of all this global stuff sneaking around.
Han Solo says in episode four, and boy, everybody wants to get some action.
You're about to get some.
There's a... Top's about to blow off this volcano.
It's become really shocking every day or so.
We get a new video in Australia of police choking women around the neck in like famous rape choke and then getting them down on the ground and taking them to jail.
Because they're outside, even with masks, in major cities.
They're under UN Plan 4.
Paris is going under it now.
They say you can't even leave your house.
And by the way, there's almost no cases of COVID in Australia.
The whole thing's a hoax.
I'll get to it in a moment.
But let's play this audio.
I mean, here's the deal.
The globalists want to control the police.
Australian police never became free.
It's been a slave colony, a prisoner colony.
There are good people there, but there's a very thin veneer of civilization, and behind it is a police state.
And Australia is now literally body slamming women, attacking women who try to go out during the day or at night.
Some areas have been locked down for eight weeks.
You cannot leave your house, period.
Food is delivered to you.
And they have almost no deaths, no cases.
It's total fraud.
This is a crime against humanity.
But oh, it happens to George Floyd, it's the end of the world.
I'm against what happened to George Floyd.
But it happens all over where some black cop beats up a black dude for not wearing a mask.
Now it's not even not wearing a mask.
It's being outside your house.
It's all to see what they can get away with.
So let's go ahead and play the audio.
Go ahead.
He's talking to me.
He's talking to me.
What the [BLEEP]
Her mic.
Get off of me.
Get off.
Two men and a woman.
They're choking a woman.
He's choking the hell out of her because she's bad.
I know they've been given authority to do this.
He's policing to be arrested.
God almighty, I couldn't watch this.
Now he body slams her.
Keep choking her.
You don't leave your house slave.
We got a UN meeting to run here.
The police really are the enemy of the people in Australia.
You know, during the break I told you guys what clips I wanted.
Now I can't remember.
I'm just, I'm just too blown away.
What was the next?
Here's another woman being arrested in Australia.
Play it.
for being outside during the day. I love to go outside. And the cops aren't even wearing masks.
And I gotta say it, nothing against Asians, but in Australia they're hiring mainly Chinese police.
Look, like most of those cops are Chinese.
Look at that!
Act two rules out here.
They bring in these authoritarians with no history of freedom.
These cops are such thugs, man.
It's like in England, they're arresting you if you show the Muslims coming in illegally.
On the ships.
These cops are bad people, man.
Get him, lad. Fuck him. Get him with your nuns.
Alright, this next one is a father in England.
Fuck him. Do him, fella. Fuck him.
Beating up a migrant he caught trying to kidnap his daughter.
Because an unaccompanied girl in many areas of Africa or the Middle East is slave meat.
We won't play the audio, it hadn't been bleeped out I guess.
Go ahead and roll it.
And again the father catches what's going on and here's the video of that.
So it's going to be war on the streets, folks, as the police stand down.
In the UK and Australia, they work for the invasion.
They work for the takedown.
And I mean, I'm telling you, in the UK, the police are absolute evil.
I mean, you see the footage every day.
They're trying to tell Nigel Farage, could have been the UK Prime Minister, you can't videotape boats landing that Soros pays for with Muslim men pouring off.
And these dudes just think, I guarantee you the police are gonna go arrest that father because raping children is not a problem.
The one crime there is not bowing to Islam.
Hindus in New York put out a video last week.
about their holy shrine that's been taken over by Muslims a few hundred years ago.
They just had a celebration to this particular Hindu deity.
Facebook said you cannot do that because that Hindu deity is associated with a shrine that
Muslims have taken over and Muslims are upset. So Hindus can't even have a Facebook event
dancing around supporting one of their saints.
I mean, it's just, it's unbelievable that we sit here and we put up with this.
You have the CHICOM, New World Order, Hollywood, EU, Islamic alignment.
Because the globalists can't compete with an open, free society.
They can't compete with America.
They can't compete with real liberalism.
So they bring in this hyper-tyranny.
Let's get these headlines for you right now.
tops 5 million confirmed virus cases to Europe's alarm.
But new numbers show that it's about to drop even a percentile lower, not a .037, but even lower.
It won't even be one-tenth as bad as the flu soon.
But it's all about cases, cases, cases!
All your kids all have it!
It's all fake tests!
Fox News, Georgia confirms healthy seven-year-old in state's youngest coronavirus-related death.
The child fell down the shower, hit their head, and drowned.
That's actually coming out now.
But they don't care.
We have an article on InfoWars.com.
Details emerge that counter original reporting on state's youngest COVID-19 death.
They're saying the child drowned.
Doesn't matter.
Car wrecks, gunshot wounds, it's all COVID.
More details released on seven-year-old Georgia boy's death.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
They believe he drowned after hitting his head.
Here's another one.
It's just from a few days ago.
COVID hoax!
Arizona's LGBTQ professor who died of coronavirus never existed.
It was a fake account run by Twitter.
There was no Arizona State University professor.
It was all made up.
That's the CIA mind-op that Trump hasn't shut down.
We'll be exposing later in the week with Millie Weaver and their big Shadowgate film is coming out with whistleblowers from the inside.
A queer indigenous professor who died of COVID-19 didn't actually exist.
A child in the U.S.
is 2,000 times more likely to be the victim of child trafficking than to die by coronavirus, even with their fake numbers.
But teachers are putting up signs saying, don't come here, don't die, because they don't want to go back to work.
That's your teacher's unions.
But as people, four out of five are saying they're going to homeschool now, now the left's panning.
Oh no, no, come back to school.
Let us put masks on your kids and COVID tests and lock them down.
Bill Gates, just come back.
No, no, no, we're never coming back.
China stands accused of manufacturing COVID-19 virus by the Secretary.
...of state, and it's all coming out.
Global lockdown set to plunge 100 million to extreme poverty and starvation.
Paul Joseph Watson, InfoWars.com.
Those are real numbers, who cares?
More than 97,000 children tested positive for COVID-19 the last two weeks, but none have died!
Georgia student who posted photo of crowded school hallway and called it good and necessary trouble is no longer
Her mom says, yeah, I don't think they should be suspended for it, but the school went ahead and shut down.
They're sorry.
Ha ha, the wicked flea with none pursued.
And it goes on and on.
60% of Sturgis residents were against the motorcycle rally that brings in thousands, but the city approved it.
Here's why.
CNN, oh, you can't have Trump supporters having a rally, but all the, but the millions for Black Lives Matter, Soros, uh, get rid of the black family rally.
Oh, they said that lowered COVID in the study they did.
Oh, yes.
A fence goes up in Chicago after Mayor Skold's residents gathered at Montrose Beach.
Admiral Ackbar has scolded Lightfoot.
Ackbar, the Boffin leader, has scolded everyone.
They had riots and burning buildings and death last night, but you don't go out there and you don't have a good time at the beach.
Within days, I was able to breathe.
NYC Democratic Councilman says hydroxychloroquine saved his life, but he was told not to promote that, and then as soon as he took it, he felt great.
Alright, we got Owen Schroer and Savannah Hernandez coming in to take over in a moment.
I got a few more stories, I'll hit the next segment.
But I just want to remind listeners that we're running a special that will have to end soon.
And hell, the way things are so crazy with the martial law and the secession of states and everything that's going down, I don't know how long we'll be on air.
I'm just being honest with you.
If you want your supplements, you want your books, you want your films, you want an InfoWars t-shirt, a piece of history, I've never been on air in 27 years saying, I don't know if we're going to be here next month or two months from now.
I mean, seriously, have you ever wanted an InfoWars shirt?
Wear it loud and proud in the third dimension.
I think we'll win even when we get shut down.
But I mean, this is just the territory we're in is crazy.
It's horrible food.
Two to four weeks to deliver now.
The highest quality.
You need to get your orders in now.
You need to be prepared.
You need to be self-sufficient.
We have the Reopen America, Go Back to School Special, Bodies, Living Defense, Vasilby's, Turbo Force, 500 Fusion.
They're all selling out.
They're still 50% off.
That's got to end.
Then we got the Lung Cleanze Ultra 12 DNA Force Winter Sun Chill Force of Real Vitality
and the new Liquid Turmeric all 30% off but for a limited time.
I want to thank you all for your support.
But whatever you do, pray for us.
We're praying for you.
And spread the word about the broadcast because that's how we circumvent the enemy.
Band.video, incredible reports.
It's all there.
Share those.
Check out each tab, each section on the left-hand corner.
There's so much incredible work there, not just old pumpkin head.
All right.
We'll be right back with some other key news then.
You know, if you wonder how that gunman that was going out stopping cars in Austin would
ignorantly say, "They're all cowards."
I'm going to go out and take over.
And they got killed 10 minutes later.
Pointing his gun at people.
They've seen us bow down to their political correctness and their pedophile story time, drag queen stuff.
They've seen us put up with so much they think the Antifa hordes funded by Soros, the Democratic Party, that we'll put up with anything.
The moment we'll play footage from Fort Collins, Colorado, where they went out into neighborhoods and we're gonna vandalize vehicles and stuff.
The citizens got together and beat their ass.
But they're all probing to see what you'll put up with.
Here's footage from last night.
BLM Antifa militants robe into a residential neighborhood, threaten to murder Portland residents.
We're gonna burn your building down.
Just random houses.
Imagine the level of senseless evil and how much danger they're in doing that.
I mean, let me tell you, I'm not a wimp.
I mean, I don't want to go mess with random houses at night and threaten to burn stuff down.
You can get killed real fast doing that.
But here it is.
We're gonna burn your building down!
Black lives matter.
We love you.
Black lives matter.
Black lives matter.
We're gonna burn your building down.
Black lives matter!
Black lives matter!
Imagine being children in these houses.
Black lives matter!
Oh, there's the liberals.
They're coming tonight.
We're gonna burn your building down!
We're gonna burn your building down!
We're mad you live in a... This looks like a too fancy a building to me.
This is the class envy.
So let's show what happened in Colorado.
This happened all over the country, by the way.
Where you hear, hey, there's people breaking car windows and just walking around going, Black Lives Matter!
It's like... and it's a bunch of weird meth-head white people who then like think... I love how they act tough, like...
All of a sudden, people go, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
I mean, you came for a fight.
Pick the biggest guy and swing.
Oh, no.
It's all about how you can intimidate until you run into resistance.
And that's all this is, is them sending out their probes, their meth-head, devil-worshipper probes, to see what you'll put up with.
Here it is.
Yeah, you did.
Oh, yeah, you did.
Where to now?
Go to your car.
Where to now?
Get your car.
Where to now?
[crowd shouting]
Let's just say those guys will be having a demo visit.
We got a birthday party on this side.
Let's just say those guys we have a dental visit.
Are you serious?
I love to break their fist on their faces.
Bye bye, go home.
Oh, here we go.
I'm good, I'm good.
And of course, one of the medics... Oh, he's about to get tangled!
Oh, my!
You guys came to the wrong city, boys and girls.
Let's go!
Come on, let's go!
Right here, right here!
Everybody keep their hands off the weapon!
Copy that!
Keep pressing each other in the face, just don't shoot each other!
There you go!
Notice how they let the old men beat him up?
All the big tough young guys just held back.
They say we're needed.
Let the old men have a little fun.
We'll just send our old men in.
Calmly grab a knife.
Calmly grab a knife.
Let them have some fun.
[crowd shouting]
Oh, commies go home.
Bye bye.
Bye bye.
And I love the voiceover.
Oh, I couldn't do as good a job.
Oh my God.
I wish I had a lot of money.
I'd hire that.
I'd hire every damn one of these people to do shows.
It's beautiful.
I mean, let me tell you, if I was with like 10 tough dudes, I wouldn't go in some black neighborhood, anywhere, Mexican, whatever, just like looking for a fight.
Go get your ass beat, man.
You think these people are in their houses?
They're scared of you?
They're scared of what they're going to do to you, scumbags.
You better be scared, too.
Because he might not want to move out of the White House doesn't mean we won't have an inauguration ceremony to inaugurate a duly elected President of the United States.
I'm second in line to the presidency and just last week I had my Regular continuation of government briefing.
This might interest you because it's, I say to them, this is never going to happen.
God willing, it never will.
But there is a process.
It has nothing to do with that the certain occupant of the White House doesn't feel like moving and has to be fumigated out of there because the presidency is the presidency.
It's not geography or location.
The Democratic panic is in full gear.
You can hear it in the warbling of former President Obama as the hellhounds draw nearer.
There are those in power who are doing their darndest to discourage people from voting by closing polling locations and targeting minorities and students with restrictive ID laws.
Even undermining the Postal Service in the run-up to an election.
That's going to be dependent on mail-in ballots so people don't get sick!
So we caught President Obama and Biden spying on the campaign.
I caught them and we caught them spying using the intelligence apparatus of our country to spy on an opponent's or the opposing party's campaign, both before and after the election.
How about after the election?
I had already won.
So that was the story.
We caught them spying.
Now it's up to our attorney general.
As you know, I've wanted them to do it.
I didn't want to get overly involved.
Maybe I should, maybe I shouldn't, but I do hear it's breathtaking what they've found.
That's all I can say, breathtaking.
You can hear it in Pelosi and Schumer as they failed to support the American people during a plandemic shutdown.
At times yesterday, our Republican friends seemed willing to walk away from the negotiating table to do an unworkable, weak and narrow executive orders which are not going to do the job for the American people.
We are committed to negotiating.
And as we said, we are willing to make compromises.
Won't millions of Americans now get some extended federal unemployment relief and some protection from evictions?
Get that now rather than getting nothing at all.
No, in fact, what the President did is, I agree with what the Republican Senator said, it was unconstitutional slop.
You're known as a master negotiator, but didn't you mess this one up?
Failure to make a deal is going to result in a lot of people and a lot of entities that were in need ending up with nothing.
Well, how do you justify?
Tens of billions of dollars to feed the hungry to $250,000.
You understand how far apart we are just by that example.
Are you talking about going to court?
Because if you do, you must know that the practical effect of that would be, if you're successful, that you would be blocking, I know you'd think that they should be $600 rather than $400, but you would be blocking, if you were successful, the millions of unemployed workers from getting any federal benefit.
You can hear it in the New York Times columnist Ben Smith, where the entire country is brought to its knees for the sake of political wargaming.
Shall we play a game?
How about global thermonuclear?
As Smith writes, a group of former top government officials called the Transition Integrity Project cast John Podesta, who was Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, in the role of Mr. Biden.
They expected him, when the votes came in, to concede just as Mrs. Clinton had.
But Mr. Podesta, playing Mr. Biden, shocked the organizers by saying he felt his party wouldn't let him concede, alleging voter suppression.
He persuaded the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College.
Tell me this is one of your simulations.
Alright, flush the bombers, get the subs in launch mode.
We are at DEF CON 1.
In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr. Trump took office as planned.
The House named Mr. Biden president.
The Senate and White House stuck with Mr. Trump.
At that point, the nation stopped looking for the media for cues and waited to see what the military would do.
One need look no further than Joe Biden, who is Democrat panic incarnate.
A blubbering, senile, old-school, racist, globalist minion representing a portion of America that is so confused that they would willingly support him.
John Bowne reporting.
So that report is at Infowars.com and Band.video and it's just exactly What the Democrats are planning on doing just laid out in a fashion of, oh, you know, we're just thinking about this, or we're just going to do a little drill, or we're just practicing in case this happens.
No, this is what they plan on doing.
And in fact, I ran an electoral college simulation.
Even if the Democrats win Texas, which I think there's a good chance they could, this Texas GOP is a mighty failure.
Maybe Allen West can save it.
But I think even if the Democrats won Texas, Trump would still have enough votes at 273 to get him over the top.
So they are really planning on either faking the election results with mainstream news running fake results saying Biden won, or they'll run the results that Trump won, but then they'll say, oh well, he had the popular vote and these states no longer abide by the Electoral College and so they're going to secede.
And I'll pepper this in right now, and I'm gonna get into this more on the War Room that I host today at 3 p.m.
They are now planning their physical front.
The militant wing of the Democrat Party is now planning, starting September 17th, Occupy the White House, which will last for 50 days, which is, of course, conveniently right up to the election night.
So they're gonna have all their people Just like they had them in Lafayette Square, they're going to have all their people surrounding the White House, thousands of them, and they'll either force, they'll either tell them that they're going to go in and forcefully remove the President of the United States as they're all hopped up, and then that will cause a physical confrontation with police or Secret Service or whoever is out there.
But this is their plan.
And they've laid it all out.
They know that Joe Biden can't win a real election.
It's really just Trump versus anti-Trump.
They won't even let Biden out of the basement.
But Jill Biden goes and does in-home interviews for ABC News and others while they keep Joe locked in a basement.
So, Savannah Hernandez and I will be covering that.
And I also want to open up the phone lines.
Do you think they're going to get away with this?
What do you think is going to happen?
Because they're going to go for an overthrow of the election.
We know that this is going to happen within the next 90 days.
Guaranteed 100%.
And then whatever happens after that, they'll just come back on whatever the inauguration day is and just start rioting and looting like they did in 2017.
But it's reached a crescendo now.
Americans are fed up with it.
And it's just the mental illness of the liberal that's out on the street that's willing to go destroy property, willing to put people's lives in danger because the television and the mainstream news told them to.
It's clear that they have no other recourse.
They have no ability to think for themselves, so whatever the TV and Hollywood and the Democrats tell them to do, they will do.
And so that's why this is so dangerous.
So, Savannah Hernandez is here with me.
You've been covering, and I know you're going to get into some of the violence in Chicago over the weekend.
Yeah, I mean, you know, I took a break from Twitter as I like to do on the weekend just to take a good social media break and a news break.
And of course, coming back Monday morning, Chicago is burned to a crisp.
And of course, anyone who's just getting into politics for the first time, one of the easiest patterns that we can see is that Democrat-run cities Democrat-run states are the ones that have the most violence, the most destruction.
All of these BLM and Antifa groups are running rampant.
And you called them the militant wing of the Democratic Party.
And I was listening to Lori Lightfoot, Chicago mayor, and everything that she had to say about All of the destruction that happened here.
I've been listening to Mazie Hirono, to Jerry Nadler who refused to denounce Antifa violence, Lori Lightfoot who refuses to take responsibility for her bad leadership, for all of the violence from BLM in her city.
And that's exactly what it is.
These people are the militant wing of the Democratic Party and that's why they refuse to denounce them and refuse to denounce their violence.
And, you know, you also made the point, too, that it's not really Trump versus Joe Biden, it's Trump versus anti-Trump.
And just common sense, if you take a look around the nation right now, I've seen more Bernie 2016 bumper stickers than I have Joe Biden.
Or Elizabeth Warren or any of the others.
There is zero support for Joe.
We're in the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer, Savannah Hernandez in studio.
We're going to go to your phone calls.
I'm probably not hysterical enough over the fact that the Democrats are now planning an open insurrection.
Not the behind-the-doors coup that the Obama administration ran, but just a open, for the public to see, insurrection coup against President Trump and against the United States of America.
And they're so dead on arrival that Their only option is to just go beyond what they had planned.
So, I mean, just complete deception, complete reversal of reality, complete cultural rot.
It's all that they have at this point.
And it's sad and frustrating to sit here and watch it, but Americans are waking up to it.
So, the phone number to call is 877-789-2539 if you want to weigh in on the Open Democrat insurrection against the country.
But Savannah, you were talking about over the weekend how all these cities, whether you look at Chicago or St.
Louis or New York, all run by Democrats for 50 years.
And this is where you have the most violence.
This is where you have the most crime, which is skyrocketing now, by the way.
And they blame COVID, even though the numbers say that that's not true.
It's all because of the media hyping up the Floyd protests.
Which, you're sick of seeing that too because, well, George Floyd, say what you want about that interaction between him and the Minneapolis police.
He was bombed out of his mind on drugs that day, it shows from the police video.
And by the way, nobody wants to play that though.
All the media that shows George Floyd dying, they didn't show the 10 to 20 minutes of confrontation before that when Floyd was obviously out of his mind on drugs.
And you know that's what's making me so frustrated too is that America has really made a martyr out of a man who had overdosed on drugs, who had previously held a pregnant woman at gunpoint.
This was not a good person and now you can't walk down any city street here in Austin without seeing George Floyd's name or seeing a George Floyd Memorial of some type and it enrages me so much because we're just being lied to so much by our media and you know prior to coming on the show today I was talking to you about how blackpilled I've been feeling about everything because of the coronavirus lies, because of the Black Lives Matter lies, because of the Antifa lies and you know even Mayor Lori Lightfoot, what did she tweet out this past weekend?
She tweeted out this picture of all of these people outside at the beach.
Whoa whoa whoa don't go Don't call the homosexual sunbathing exercise these people, okay?
Be politically correct.
That is a gay sunbathing ritual.
My apologies.
Thank you for correcting me.
I'm glad you're here.
I'm glad you're here.
No problem.
You're welcome.
So anyway, she tweets out this picture because this is what she wants to focus on.
So she's anti-gay now, by the way.
She wants to focus on people outside sunbathing, not social distancing.
Basically saying, we're in a pandemic.
No, hold on.
You're not reporting this right.
She is anti-gay now.
She's anti-gay.
No, I'm serious.
You're killing me.
Because if Trump did that, he'd be anti-gay.
But simultaneously ignoring the fact that in her city, her city literally experienced one of its most, in its whole entire history, Chicago had one of its most dangerous weekends in the beginning of June.
Just this past weekend, 35 more people were shot.
What just happened in the early morning this morning in Chicago there were stores that were looted
and ransacked and if you look at the complete arrogance and the attitude
of BLM rioters towards the police right now in Chicago, watch the
videos. They're not only filming themselves looting these stores because they
don't care at this point, you know the police aren't gonna do anything, but
you can calmly see them walking out of the stores they just ransacked with their
piles of goodies because they're not afraid of the police, they're not
afraid of the mayor. She has done nothing. She has emboldened these people and going
back to Antifa as well you said it was a militant wing and I wanted to expand a
little bit more on this because Antifa is a left-wing extremist group, again
militant wing like you had said, that has been emboldened by Democrats in
power because they've allowed them to run rampant in the streets.
These are domestic terrorists and they're continually lying to the American public about this group too saying, oh Antifa doesn't even exist.
Jerry Nadler said that.
Mazie Hirono has said that.
They refuse to acknowledge this group at all while simultaneously allowing them to destroy America, stomp on our flag, destroy small businesses, Terrorize children in their homes at night.
BLM, terrorist organization.
Antifa, terrorist organization.
All emboldened by these same Democrats.
And I was talking to you about this too.
Let's look at any Democrat city.
Louis, Chicago, Los Angeles.
Take any of these cities with high crime rates, high homelessness, disease ridden, disgusting crap holes.
They're all Democrat run.
So why in anyone's right mind would they want to put a Democrat in office?
I don't understand why people genuinely I think that the Democrat Party is good, physically seeing all this going on every single day.
And you know, Ted Wheeler, the mayor of Portland as well, has come forward and said that.
He said, y'all need to calm down because at this point, you guys are just a campaign for getting Donald Trump re-elected.
I want to answer the question.
You say, why would they be out here doing this?
It's the same old why.
Why would they vote Democrats?
It's the same old why.
Because the TV is their daddy.
The TV is their teacher.
The TV is their leader.
Why are they out in the streets rioting and protesting?
Because of George Floyd.
Well, why do they even know who George Floyd is?
Because the television told them.
And you know what?
That's the same thing too.
That's why I have such a frustration with the coronavirus and the face masks.
I was out in San Antonio this past weekend.
I was out at an outdoor nursery and everyone outside was wearing face masks.
We had to keep six feet of distance and I just looked around and said, this isn't about science anymore.
Are you people idiots?
And I'm so frustrated with America right now because you're right.
The TV tells you what to think.
Celebrities tell you what to do.
That's why when Alyssa Milano tells you to wear a face mask, you do it.
I don't understand why we have so many Americans who are willingly putting on the face mask right now and willingly allowing all of these practices to come into our country, the government to take away our freedoms.
You know, a lot of people are trying to say, oh, well, I wear a face mask because I'm trying to respect a person's private property, which I agree with.
But guess what?
Walk into any store right now without a face mask.
You don't have to put it on.
No one's going to say anything to you.
I went to H-E-B the other day and I walked past three people and I was waiting for them to say, hey, before you come in, you need to wear a face mask, which I would have gladly done if they tell me to do it.
No one ever tells me to do it.
So people have become so brainwashed now that we are now outside in 93 degree heat with face masks on in August.
This is never going to stop because the Democrats have brainwashed everyone, as has the media, and nobody thinks for themselves.
And you can take a peek at anything going on in America right now and basically see that the majority of people have no common sense.
And I'm just so frustrated with it.
Well, I wonder what's going to happen here in Austin.
August 15th, allegedly, is when the mask mandate is going to be lifted.
No, it's not.
That's what they told us.
It's not.
Yeah, I don't think so either.
Mayor Adler was on a national TV interview saying how he's learned on how to properly reopen and keep things closed and what's risky and what's not.
It's like, it's just, it's so pathetic.
Meanwhile, all the homeless are still peeing in our streets.
Not one homeless person I've seen with a face mask, mind you.
I didn't see any of the looters in that video that we shared wearing face masks, which is striking.
Normally they do to cover their identity, so it's weird how they would...
That's how arrogant they've gotten now.
They don't even care because they know that in these Democrat-run cities, the police aren't going to come hold them accountable, that the mayor isn't going to hold them accountable, that Mayor Lori Lightfoot's going to make sure that Donald Trump doesn't send federal troops or the National Guard into her city to enact a law and order.
Well look, I think it's time for the ACLU and the ADL to look into Mayor Lori Lightfoot's anti-gay action to shut down a gay sunbathing ritual.
This is the most homophobic thing.
In 2020 of all years.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot, you know what?
Letting Chicago burn to the ground is one thing.
That's okay.
But when you shut down a gay sunbathing ritual because of COVID, that's where I draw the line.
That's crossing the line.
I am now a gay rights activist.
Gay men have the right to sunbathe too.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot, why are you anti-gay?
Alright, your call's coming up.
There's a video at band.video, Alex Jones confronts mass contact tracers guarding Austin Public Parks.
I know that you've dealt with these people before, Savannah.
And I was thinking about this, because I watched that, and look, I mean, I've been the guy that had to be obnoxious at the scene of something happening before.
So I can't, you know, I can't fault Alex for that.
But I'm thinking, is there a way to do this without having to get so aggressive?
And, you know, without having to get uppity in people's faces.
And I'm thinking, well, okay, you could maybe kindly stand there and kindly inform people and kindly speak to the officers or whoever's there, like, hey, you know, actually, this ordinance is not a law.
And also, you can't ask me if I say I have a medical condition, I don't have to wear a mask, and by the way, you can't make people wear masks.
And you can have polite conversations.
And then, and so this is where you could get aggressive, though.
If they refuse you entry to a public park, or they refuse you entry into a building, or they harass you over a mask, that's when you just calmly but politely say, okay, well, you know what?
This conversation is now going to change into a peaceful protest.
And you just become a peaceful protester and you can just start saying, Black Lives Matter!
I can't breathe!
Just whip out your cardboard sign.
You don't even need a sign, just hold the fist up and just, Black Lives Matter!
I can't breathe!
And it's like cultural black magic.
Just take a group of your ten friends and then just start saying Black Lives Matter and calmly walk into Barton Springs.
That's how we're going to get through this.
Just water.
Just like that.
Just like that.
Black magic.
See, that's a peaceful protest right there.
But seriously, because it'll scramble all the wires, because they've been trained not to touch a Black Lives Matter protester, not to touch a liberal protester.
It's in their training.
So literally, it's like cultural black magic, like dark force, like, OK, well, OK, I'm going to have to turn this into a peaceful protest then.
And then you just walk in the park.
Black Lives Matter.
Black Lives Matter.
And then you're in the park.
That's the key.
You need at least three to four people.
If you have that many, you're a small group.
I genuinely, you know, I've been thinking about this.
I'm a three-spirit genderqueer.
I have been thinking about this because you know that not being able to go to Barton Springs has been something that has frustrated me because not only do the taxpayers pay for this park and it's public property, but you know basically If we've got 50 people just to march in there, they can't stop everyone and there we go.
See, you're still looking for rational scenarios here.
I'm going completely irrational into the lefto clown world.
See, I'm a three-spirit genderqueer, therefore I am three people.
That's why I've been so frustrated in 2020, I think.
Because I keep looking for rationality in all of these people and all of these So this is a peaceful protest now and you're just walking to the park or walking to the store and it's just, Black Lives Matter!
And then everybody will leave you alone.
I'm telling you, man.
This is how to go about this.
Alright, let's take phone calls.
I promised I would.
Owen Schroer, Savannah Hernandez in studio on the Alex Jones Show.
I'll be jumping over to the War Room studio after this to host the War Room.
I got a lot of stuff coming up, folks.
Austin in Virginia.
Austin in Virginia, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey Owen, can you hear me?
Loud and clear.
Well, it's good to talk to you again, sir.
I was going to talk about this liberal insurrection that we all know and feel is coming to a crescendo this November, but you mentioned a very great point about how the TV is becoming these leftist parents.
I mean, PBS has published numerous new episodes these past few weeks, totally just on the basis of racism and just keeping it alive.
PBS is pushing the narrative of racism and white privilege.
So when are we going to stand around and protest and defund PBS?
And Austin, I don't know if you saw this, but there was actually a segment on Arthur.
So it's directed towards children, but it was Arthur and Buster talking to their teacher about racism and George Floyd to children.
Arthur like the rodent?
Yeah, Arthur on PBS.
They had a whole show dedicated to George Floyd and Hold on, hold on, I'm confused.
You're talking about Arthur?
Like the kids show, Arthur.
Okay, the show about rodents and rats and stuff?
Yes, so this is it.
They're talking about racism, they're talking about George Floyd, Cooper Black now?
I don't know!
I didn't know Arthur had a race!
Hold on a second.
I thought he was an aardvark this whole time.
Arthur the aardvark, who is apparently black now, and his friend who's a white bunny, I mean, they've been so woke.
And you know who else was featured?
Who was the black Democrat that just died?
John Lewis?
Yeah, he was also featured in an episode as well talking about racism and how Arthur can stop bullying.
And I was just sitting there like, wow, back in my day it was just DW and Arthur fighting over dumb kid stuff and now it's all racism.
And honestly, Austin, the point you bring up is valid, but it's so much worse than that.
I mean, the stuff that PBS and NPR gets away with, all the anti-American, anti-Trump lies, it's really even worse than them, you know, trying to bring racism back for our children.
Oh, it's completely treasonous, and they're feeding it right into our school system.
I mean, this is where our schools are getting all this liberal indoctrination, their study guide.
I mean, they're taking it right from the higher-ups in media.
What happened to the good old days where they just gave you soft homosexual stereotypes like Bert and Ernie?
You know?
Now they just want to jam it down your throat.
Oh my goodness.
No pun intended.
Oh yeah, with the little troll doll that they have a special touch me button.
You know what?
I don't even want to go down that road, honestly.
Hey, thanks for the call, Austin.
Let's go to Steven calling in from Florida.
Steven, go ahead.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, hey guys.
First of all, I want to commend you both For, and I'm not gushing over you, but I want to give honor to who honors due.
For you guys being out on the front lines, if I was there in Texas, I'd come out to these events you go to.
It takes real courage, and like Alex has been saying, that should be the norm.
It shouldn't be the exception, so I just want to commend you guys for what you do.
Well let me just, first of all, thank you for those kind words, and I know Savannah appreciates it too.
I'm happy That, because it's come to a point now where if I go out there, I have to have a bunch of security, and really, I just don't want to LARP with these kids anymore.
I'm just sick of it.
But I'm happy that other people are doing it.
It's not as many as we need, it's not as much as we need, and it obviously doesn't get the media coverage, but other people are finally standing up.
You're seeing Beverly Beattie, you know, wipe out the Black Lives Matter thing.
Other people are doing that.
You saw the young individual write, unborn Black Lives Matter, and then get arrested in front of Planned Parenthood.
You're seeing Proud Boys in Colorado go stomp a bunch of Antifa commies into a ditch, literally.
By the way, the man that shot that's going to be on The War Room with me in about an hour.
So, thanks for those kind words.
I'm glad to see other people finally rising up.
What else, Steven?
Yes, sir.
Man, there's so much I want to say, so I'll try to keep this brief, but here's what I see coming.
And then I'm going to give the solution for this really quickly.
There's a guy named Brannon House.
I don't know if you ever heard of him.
He's been doing this for longer than Alex.
He's got a thing called WorldViewWeekend.com.
And last night he was interviewing a woman that used to be with the CIA and he's got on his website, let me read you the title of this, Street Insurgency, How the Marxist Black Lives Matter and Islamist ...are united to burn down America.
And what she talked about is the three-color code, which is the red, the black, and the green.
And they're showing how the leader of CAIR, the Council of American Islamic Relations and Muslim Brotherhood, are fully backing Black Lives Matter.
And, of course, the communists, as G. Edward Griffin has shown, They wanted to infiltrate the black community to turn this into a race war to brainwash them.
That's why they went to the black churches.
But the thing I want to say is this.
I do not see an election happening this November with these foot soldiers.
And these are not anarchists like Matt Bracken says.
They are communists.
But they are being funded by people like George Soros and the Clintons and Obama and others.
They intend to take this to the...
Lowest level, let's put it that way, that they can.
They're not going to stop.
And so, here's what I want to let everybody know.
There's three things you can do to prepare.
Well, four.
First of all, Mike Adams has what he calls, and this is free, you can go to naturalnews.com, it's called the Global Reset Survival Guide.
Put in for his newsletter and download that.
It's nine hours of PDF and audio.
He's put this out free.
Secondly, go online and watch the Battle of Athens, Tennessee that took place in 1946 and see how Americans dealt with tyranny then.
And then the other thing is, go online and read Patrick Henry's historic speech that he gave in 1775.
Alright, Stephen, thanks for that call.
Alright, I'm going to get to as many callers as we can.
You got 90 seconds coming up.
Alright, we got a bunch of callers here.
I'm gonna have to give each caller 90 seconds so that I can take as many as possible.
So let's just not hesitate.
Let's go to Wes, calling in from England on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead, Wes.
Yo, so thanks for the call.
The UN basically has this tool.
They have a tool that can give member nations to sign on to the I'm convinced that Trump basically has defunded the wrong organization.
He should really be defunding the U.N.
because the U.N.
to each nation that they declare requires humanitarian aid.
It's called the Kigali Principles.
Obama basically signed it in 2016 in the lame duck period.
I'm convinced that Trump basically has defunded the wrong organization.
He should really be defunding the UN, because the UN is about to take him out.
The Mexican National Guard back in 2017 was trained by the UN
in foreign intervention for "humanitarian aid," which includes killing locals
until they acquiesce to UN authority, etc.
So, what I'm basically implying is, is that we need to defund the UN first because the UN is out to get literally everyone that does not submit to their corona-pandemic fraud.
Yeah, Trump needs to get out ahead of the UN trying to take over.
That's a good point.
Trump needs to get out ahead of it now and lay the groundwork that poses the UN as an anti-American force so that people know when they arrive, boots on the ground, they'll understand that.
It's a difficult thing to weave in and out of because you know how the media is going to cover it and you do have to consider that, how they get everybody hyped up.
So I refuse to wear a mask.
No doubt, we've already covered this at Infowars.
The UN already has basically forward operating bases.
They've set up at like Kellogg's, big Kellogg's distribution places and stuff.
So they already have their trucks and everything.
People have seen that.
But yeah, they're definitely laying the groundwork.
Thanks for the call, Wes.
Baldy in New York, go ahead.
So I refuse to wear a mask.
If a business enforces the mask, then I either refuse them my business
or use a curbside option.
It's getting so bad here in New York State that I have sold my house and we are, my family and I, we're moving to a red county within a red state.
But thankfully President Trump, during his five-star weekend, I mean a total double thumbs up from pillar to post, from Friday to all the way through He gave us the cheat code, and if you don't want to wear a mask, it's because you're peacefully protesting, so you're clear with that.
You know, the weekend ended with the signing, putting Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats into a full Nelson and slamming their face into the turnbuckle, totally dominating them, making them look like fools.
But unfortunately, we got some distressing news in the beginning.
Saying that we may not be seeing him for a while.
Yeah, but let me, Baldy, let's just stop right there, because you're saying so much here.
I want to address a couple things.
Nobody is going to see that RKO out of nowhere that Donald Trump just pulled over Nancy Pelosi because the media is not going to cover it.
Now, Chris Wallace kind of touched on it a little bit when Nancy Pelosi was slobbering and smiling like a demon on Fox News this weekend, but Trump basically forced the Democrats' hand to now say that if they don't sign this bill, which they're all saying they're not going to sign because it's President Trump's bill, That the homeless will no longer get their benefits.
Basically all the benefits that the Democrats have been promising people forever are wiped out with this bill.
It's like they didn't read it and so Trump kind of got them.
But the media won't even cover that.
So I'm not even sure if that political victory really matters.
Samantha, do you want to respond?
I forgot the first point Baldy brought up there.
Oh yeah, the peaceful protest.
So yeah, you don't want to wear a mask.
You want to go to the park.
You just say, okay, well, you know, I tried to explain why the mask isn't legal, but now I'm just going to peacefully protest and black lives matter.
And then you just go about your merry way.
That's what you have to do, and like I said, one of the best ways you can protest, too, more importantly, against those face masks, is by not wearing them.
So, good job, Baldy, for not wearing the face mask.
Good on you for that.
Yeah, I think that's the ticket, though.
If somebody comes up to you and harasses you, you just kindly, you know, have a conversation, just say, hey, look, the mask thing is not legal, and actually, it doesn't even work, and you can't make me wear it, and, you know, I do have a health issue, and you can't ask about it by law.
And that's the thing too, so many people have been brainwashed to where they actually think it's a law, that you have to do it, and if you don't, you're breaking the law and you should be subjected to jail for not wearing a face mask.
And then if they say no, you have to wear the face mask.
Okay, well, I'm gonna have to actually take my right to peacefully protest the face mask now.
Black Lives Matter, I can't breathe, have a nice day, and then you go about your way.
Okay, let's do Brandon in California.
Brandon, go ahead.
Greetings, I'd like to say hi.
I appreciate you guys and what you guys are doing.
I'm going to try to not word vomit.
I have a lot to say, especially sitting on the phone, kind of listening to what everybody else has to say.
I think the main issue we're having as humankind is not being able to come together under one Common theme.
Who are we defunding?
Who are we attacking?
Who don't we agree upon or with?
Why can't we all just come together?
One thing to get going and then move on.
Second, I'd like to say I'm having an issue.
I understand not wearing a mask.
Me personally, I don't wear one either.
But the whole Black Lives Matter protest, I thought we were clear on who's funding it, where this money is coming from, who they're associated with, and why they're doing this thing.
So I don't understand people... No, no, no.
Here's why I would say do it.
I would say use it because here's the thing.
The left does all this stuff because they know it bothers us.
If we start saying Black Lives Matter to get our way, to get things that we want to get done, then they'll quit saying it.
Oh, okay.
You see what I'm saying?
Like, they love Black Lives Matter because it gives them carte blanche to do whatever the hell they want.
As soon as you say, you're right, Black Lives Matter, no face masks, then they'll be like...
Well, what?
You know, so it's just about scrambling their logistical wires.
And you know, I actually saw that in action too, because last week when Crowder was here, Antifa came and tried to silence the event.
So he got a black girl in the crowd and was like, hey, come sit down with me.
And they started chanting, stop silencing black voices.
And then Antifa stopped, because they realized that they were silencing a black voice.
So if you do use their tactic against them, it really scrambles their brain.
And it's hilarious to see in real time.
Anything else, Brandon?
All right, we lost Brandon.
Let's go to Ken in Massachusetts.
Ken, go ahead.
Hey, what's up, Owen?
Good job, guys.
Good job, Savannah.
Listen, in Massachusetts, I don't know what's going on.
There's contact tracing in certain restaurants.
I wear a mask.
People, I don't wear a mask.
People look at me funny.
I do wear a mask.
There's like $300 mandate our governor's putting on here.
I mean, I'm an independent researcher.
You know, citizen patriot, and I've worked for local media, I've done producing, and I've been waking people up slowly in my state.
I've been getting attacked, too, because I'm a conservative, independent, and I'm at a loss for words.
There's a lot of confusion up here in Massachusetts, and the way I get attacked for standing up Like you said, you need security.
When the other caller said, you know, it takes a lot of courage.
I'm not in Texas down there with you guys.
Right here is the front lines.
I don't know.
I don't know, Owen.
I'm trying.
I'm waking people up.
More people at the local radio station that I used to work at are waking up, starting to see it.
But then I got corrupt people doing certain things to me.
I can't explain on air.
It's crazy.
It's crazy.
Well Ken, you know, I'm going to play a video coming up on The War Room that really encapsulates the craziness where the left has now adopted What are really the fundamentals of Infowars?
Just anti-establishment, anti-tyranny, and they've literally captured the resistance, and they've captured it all as if it's in their name, as if they're resisting Trump, who hasn't even been president for a full term!
And then they side with the media that's been in power for 50 years!
They side with the Democrats that have been in office for 50 years!
So, I don't know, man.
Look, I understand where you're coming from.
It's like, you can't reach these people.
You know, keep fighting the good fight, and, you know, I don't know, Massachusetts is normally a patriotic state, but just like what they're doing with the left now, they're tearing everything down.
Alright, let's squeeze in one more from Aaron in Kentucky.
Go ahead.
Hey, great job today, y'all.
You know, you were asking earlier, Owen, regarding the stopping the election or the attempt of these Antifa thugs to try to stop the election, and I think if we watch what's happened in Portland and what's going on over there right now, I believe 100% that this Camp out that they're going to try to do in Washington is going to be moving towards that end.
I mean, I don't understand what they think is going to change, because you don't get a new president camping out, not shaving or showering, refusing to wear deodorant.
Because, I mean, this isn't a gaming competition.
So I don't understand what their point in doing this is.
However, I think that if we watch their game plan and what they've done in Portland and how they've attacked not only the cities, but they've gone out to the neighborhoods, they've attacked old ladies, they've attacked law-abiding citizens in their homes.
When they get over in Washington, I think it's going to be along the same lines.
Not only that, but years ago when the MIAC report came out, and we saw people that were being told that if you wear blue jeans or you pay in cash when you go to a store, that that makes you a domestic terrorist if you're a wrong supporter, or a supporter if you have a Don't Tread on Me flag.
Yeah, Aaron, we got a bad connection with you.
Thanks for the call.
Savannah, you want to end the show with anything?
No, thank you for the call and, you know, it was great being here today and I'm glad we were able to discuss a lot of these big issues.
There is zero doubt that the Occupy the White House is their next big thing to create a bunch of chaos in D.C.
Trump should just leave D.C.
and just hang out at Mar-a-Lago for the rest of the year.
Just play golf.
Just make him even more mad.
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Owen Schroyer here, host of the InfoWars War Room every day from 3 to 6 p.m.
and that means I have to follow up after the big man and that is not an easy task so I need to be as focused and energized as possible every day at 3 o'clock so yes I'm I am on performance enhancing drugs.
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It's almost three o'clock.
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I then take my Vezo Beat Complete right here.
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Two droppers.
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All I know is this is one of the strongest turmeric concentrates that's liquid that you take under the tongue I think so.