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Name: 20200806_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 6, 2020
2870 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, Alex discusses COVID-19 related issues like mask mandates and vaccine debates. He also mentions L.A.'s mayor threatening to shut off power and water for parties. He talks about the attempt to take over the U.S., with CNN stating that people will wear masks like seatbelts in the future, and only 44% of people say they will submit to the coronavirus vaccine according to a Gallup poll. Jones plans to open the phones for first-time callers, welcomes an old friend Daryl Rundis into the studio, and talks about a planned sniper attack on conservative protesters in Austin, Texas, which was thwarted by law enforcement. He also discusses an event in Palatka, Florida where BLM is threatening to tear down a confederate statue, advises caution, and predicts that this conflict will escalate before the election.

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Just a few minutes ago, my office filed a lawsuit against the National Rifle Association to dissolve the organization in its entirety for years of self-dealing and illegal conduct that violate New York's Charities Law and undermine its own mission.
She says, I want to abolish and get rid of the NRA forever.
Oh, but now she cares because they had lavish meals and the executives board flew on jets to give speeches.
Oh, oh, oh.
But again, the problem is they rolled over.
Because I remember a year and a half ago when she opened the criminal investigation, she was saying it was criminal then, now it's civil, that she said, oh, they're laundering money through the NRA TV because that's money from the NRA and now this is a TV network they're launching.
Yeah, that's what non-profits need, TV networks.
Conservatives need TV networks.
Pro-gun Christians, we need our own networks.
We don't need CNN and Google where we're all banned.
They're the criminals!
I don't care!
They're bad!
She's a murderer!
Letitia James sent people to the nursing homes to get high death rates!
She's Joseph frickin' Mingla in the flesh!
These people are the enemy of this country and they're never going to stop till we stop them!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Melania Trump knows the answer to fighting the satanic New World Order.
It is to trust in God.
All things are possible through Christ.
And we must realize that it's God that's going to lead, guide, and direct us.
But all things are possible when we put our faith in God and then take action.
We are confronted with the challenges of an invisible enemy.
One that can only be defeated through unity and our nation's strength, love, and devotion to each other.
All through history, Americans have unified in challenging moments, and during our greatest times of need, we always turn to prayer.
Today, I want to ask all of you to unite and pray to protect and give strength to those who are serving on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, and provide comfort to those who have lost loved ones.
In these uncertain times, I know it is hard not to gather in your places of worship.
But we must keep our faith in God and pray for the courage and knowledge that better days are ahead of us.
We will soon return to work and send our children back to school again.
We will return to our places of worship, reunite with loved ones, attend sporting events, and gather with friends to share some laughter.
Our dear citizens, through prayer and faith, we will get through this together.
I am so proud of the way all of you have responded to this crisis.
When we reach out to our Lord, let us remember I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
God bless you all, and God bless the United States of America.
And of course, Twitter has been blocking the spread of that video, so has Facebook.
With 88 days out from the election, Twitter, Facebook, all of them banned a Fox & Friends video of the President saying children basically have immunity to COVID-19.
Now I have federal and state governments officially saying that.
It's totally true.
But even if he was wrong, he has the right to say it.
And for a platform to claim that has Section 230 immunity and isn't a publisher, that it's their job to stop something that isn't true, A is unconstitutional, B is extremely dangerous, and then once they don't let you see the video, they can lie about it with impunity.
Meanwhile, they let Communist China engage in whatever disinformation they want, and they say that's all A-OK, and the Democrats call it the American virus, the Trump virus.
That's a total lie, but that's OK.
So it gives them impunity to lie on the modern communication systems that most people use.
Most people don't use landlines, don't use cell phones.
They use interfaces to the internet through phones, through computers to talk over web messengers and other systems.
And now Facebook admits they are censoring my links, President Trump's links in the messenger app.
Something CNN called for last year is now being done.
But what's incredible, we'll cover it when we come back, so tell everybody you know, tune in.
I have from the federal government, I have from state governments, all right here.
The actual graphs of zero deaths of children from COVID-19.
And we now have the British government coming out and saying they put out fake numbers of the death toll and they are going to massively reduce it.
That's because the fraud is being discovered.
But the fraud, when it comes out, gets blocked on the modern telecommunication systems of Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and other systems.
In fact, if you TikTok, We've done videos on TikTok.
They will censor things exposing where COVID really came from or exposing that it's a disease of people that have vitamin deficiency, as the NIH website even admits.
We've had videos censored of the NIH website saying if you don't have zinc, you will die of a viral infection because viruses cannot replicate inside zinc, inside the mitochondria.
It's all just facts!
But they go, oh, we trust in science.
We trust in Fauci, who's lied at every point of the compass.
And then through the opening pitch, as you know, and it went 50 feet in the left field.
An archetype of the total fraud.
But if you say he didn't hit the mound, hit the pitcher, if you say his throw wasn't perfect, they'll ban that too.
Because Fauci is Bill Gates' minion.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
88 days until the most important election in world history.
A referendum, nationalism and a pro-human future, or a globalist technocracy post-human nightmare?
I am your host Alex Jones, very very honored to be here, very very thankful to be here on this August 6th, Thursday, worldwide transmission.
We will be opening the phones up yet again today.
We will be taking your calls.
Daryl Rundis, one of my old friends who I haven't seen in many years, is going to be in studio.
And then Matt Bracken is going to be hosting the fourth hour.
The news is so incredible, so important, so over the top, that I must cover all of it today.
I must get to every single scrap of this info, but it's overwhelming.
We have Letitia James, the woman under Cuomo, that ordered and threatened to arrest Nursing home owners, operators, and managers, if they did not take COVID-19 positive patients who had other things like pneumonia and flu.
This monstrous woman sent more than 10,000 people to their deaths.
She is now suing the NRA and vowed to quote, shut it down.
Because they're going to claim that Wayne LaPierre had dinner events paid for by the NRA at his house or that flew on private jets paid for by the NRA to events.
When the Democrats and this whole criminal group and Media Matters and the rest of them get billions from Soros and live like kings and fly around on private jets everywhere and completely violate the law.
But imagine this woman Upwards of half the deaths in New York, now she won't even release the latest numbers, are dead people.
They wouldn't let their families see their families, so they could quietly kill them when they got $52,000 and change for every person they said had COVID, every person they intubated.
Letitia James needs to be indicted.
But now, She will throw the power of New York, where the NRA has been chartered since after the Civil War, because Northerners were not growing up with rifles anymore.
They got slaughtered by the South.
The NRA was started to train Northerners how to shoot and to arm and train black people on how to defend themselves in the North and the South.
Talk about an original civil rights organization.
Without the NRA, the Second Amendment would be gone.
Now Letitia James has made this move.
Guys, call Ted Nugent.
Try to get him on the air tomorrow.
Just tell him I'm going to pop in for two segments if he can.
Thank you.
He's on the NRA board.
So we've got that press conference that just ended.
Her babbling just ended.
They're asking her questions right now.
We're going to play the nightmare intro.
Of that.
And since she began to investigate the NRA, along with the Justice Department, they've backed off all their offensive pro-America stuff and have become a gelded group, shutting down their news division.
But that's what they do.
That's why the same globalists, including Letitia James, are coming after us publicly and privately.
I'm not liberated to get to it yet.
and are wanting to shut us down.
Everyone that speaks the truth must be shut down.
That's why when you tell people about the broadcast, when you send it out in your email, or your instant messenger, or on Twitter, or on Facebook, or word of mouth, our articles, our videos, our reports, the live feed, it changes the world.
You need to use the First Amendment to defend the Second Amendment.
All right, let me get into our top story first.
President Trump must take action now.
Congress must take action.
There's massive election meddling going on by Big Tech.
The heads of Big Tech have been caught by Veritas.
Their managers have been caught.
Their own internal documents have come out.
They've lied to Congress.
They aid and abet Communist China suppressing their own people.
And now because Trump's done nothing, a month ago they censored one of his tweets.
Now they're blocking his tweets.
Now they're freezing his accounts and sub-accounts.
And while they do it, they say the president is a liar.
The president isn't telling the truth.
Now, if he was wrong, it's up to us to judge what he says.
He's a citizen.
He's a public figure.
He's the president of the country.
We have a right not to have big tech get in the way.
He goes on Fox & Friends and says, basically, children have immunity to COVID-19.
They can't get it.
They can't die from it.
Now, that's a totally true statement.
I'm going to show you the proof in a moment.
Just like hydroxychloroquine in more than a hundred studies with viral diseases has almost a hundred percent success rate with zinc.
If you don't have zinc, it'll make you have hallucinations, because it'll push other things into the cells because zinc isn't there.
And the doctors will all tell you that.
These are facts, but they don't want you to have any hope.
They want you to shut down and accept what CNN has now called for, permanent masks like seatbelts to leave your home forever.
There's some doctors now saying caesareans should be mandatory.
No more vaginal birth.
This is the takeover by big tech and big pharma of the life cycle of humans.
But let's get back to it.
Unreal, Twitter suspends Trump campaign account.
We're saying Children almost immune from COVID-19, but they're right.
More kids die from drowning and car accidents.
Well, it turns out no children have died from COVID-19.
They died from car accidents, they died from cancer, they died from other things, and then they just test them and have a false positive and say they did.
This is from the Massachusetts Department of Public Safety COVID-19 dashboard.
Monday, August 3rd, 2020.
The last time we got a screenshot of it.
Deaths by age group.
Zero to 19 in Massachusetts.
You see that?
Zero deaths.
Zero to 19.
20 to 29.
17 deaths.
30 to 39.
40 to 49.
91 deaths.
35 deaths.
30 to 39, 35 deaths.
91 deaths, 40 to 49.
314, 50 to 59.
890, 60 to 69.
And it goes up to 80 plus 5,422, more than all the other deaths combined by double,
or triple, excuse me.
So, there's the reality, we've got more of that.
And remember, most of the people that they say they're young or dying, it's car wrecks,
it's gunshot wounds, and they admit that.
Let me give you another little caviar caveat.
This is up on...
Infowars.com, the National Health Service of England, to decrease COVID-19 death toll after counting mishap.
They claim it's a mistake, that they're going to cut it massively from the 49,000 that they had said to an incredibly low number, and most of that is fraud.
That is all coming up.
But let's actually hear what the president had to say before I show you a stack of government CDC documents and mainstream news articles admitting, why do children not die?
Why do they not even really get sick?
Because even if they're malnourished, their cells are better, their mitochondria are better at operating with less zinc.
But if you're old, you need more of things so you don't absorb it as much.
Everyone knows that.
As you get older, you need more of your essential nutrients.
When you hear on a cereal ad, it's fortified with essential nutrients.
You know it's crap cereal, sugar cereal, but they add vitamins so you could live off that crap if you needed to.
Essential means essential.
Here's what they're censoring.
We've posted the censored video of President Trump on Fox News to BandOnVideo.
Here it is.
School should be open.
If you look at children, children are almost, and I would almost say definitely, but almost
immune from this disease.
So few, they've got stronger, hard to believe.
I don't know how you feel about it, but they have much stronger immune systems than we
do somehow for this.
And they do it, they don't have a problem.
They just don't have a problem.
I mean, literally in New Jersey, where you had thousands, many thousands of deaths.
The governor, Phil Murphy, told me, good guy too, by the way, but he told me thousands and thousands of deaths.
It was hard hit.
There was only one person under the age of 18.
Who died of this and I think that person also had diabetes, a young person.
It doesn't, and especially when you get younger than that, it doesn't have an impact on them.
And I've watched some doctors say they're totally immune.
I don't know, I hate to use the word totally because the news will say, oh he made the word totally and he shouldn't have used that word.
But the fact is that they are virtually immune from this problem.
And I've got all the mainline news, all the CDC articles right here, and they even admit it's really an inflammatory disease.
They know that aerosolized steroids knocks out 100% of it if your lungs aren't already ruined.
If they get to you on time, 100%, a few puffs of that, within hours you're fine.
You do it a few days, it's gone.
And the doctors go public, prestigious doctors.
And they get called up for reprimand, they get fired, they get censored, because these murdering criminals, like Letitia James, that ordered the nursing homes to take people that were sick into them, knowing it'd be a death rate.
They needed the murder rate.
These are people trying to murder our Second Amendment.
Trying to murder our speech.
They're a criminal takeover.
They're funded by George Soros, and it's all coming out.
They're enemies.
And now their back's against the wall, so they're fighting for their dirty, criminal, political lives.
Sending out an SOS.
They've taken the guns everywhere else around the world, except for Switzerland and Israel and a few other places.
And now George Soros, the Nazi collaborator, wants our guns and has gotten all these attorney generals and district attorneys elected that say no second amendment, no self-defense, and abolish the police.
So no one is there to protect you, not you, not the police, not anyone, because they are the tyrants, they are in control.
Here's Leticia James just about 45 minutes ago, pledging to destroy the NRA.
And the co-chief of the enforcement section, Emily Stern.
Just a few minutes ago, my office filed a lawsuit against the National Rifle Association to dissolve the organization in its entirety.
Blow up the police stations.
Kill the whiteys.
Abolish the NRA.
Oh, they don't want to abolish the NRA.
Oh, they don't want our guns.
Oh, that's a conspiracy theory.
And now they're making their move.
And now, oh!
Ban Alex Jones' speech so they can then lie about me however they want.
That same woman says that I'm a criminal and that I said I had a COVID-19 cure.
It said no such thing.
Let's see, when she says it, then the left says, oh, Jones is saying this.
Get him.
She's the one that sent all the people to the nursing homes, ordered them.
Doctors run those.
They're like, this will kill people.
You can't send sick patients that have pneumonias and the flu that you say are COVID-19 into these.
It'll kill them.
And they said, you'll be arrested if you don't.
She was all maniacal about it, remember?
Over 10,000 dead, now they're keeping the new death secret too.
And she's up there doubling down saying, hey, I'm gonna kill old people, and I'm gonna take your guns, and I'm gonna kill you!
Because she's a dirty monster communist, with a big fat chip on her shoulder, and she hates this country.
But I just showed you the Massachusetts numbers right here off their own state website.
Zero deaths of children, zero deaths of people, zero to 19 years of age.
In every case where you hear about some, oh, a two-year-old died, turns out the two-year-old been in a car wreck and they said they tested positive.
Well, the two-year-old had cancer.
And again, why do all these kids have cancer now?
But they say our president is a liar.
But I'll tell you what is going on.
Coronavirus restrictions killing 10,000 children per month.
And wasting and stunting millions more.
That's conservative numbers starving to death because of it.
But that's okay.
Because Letitia James is black.
So she can do whatever she wants.
But that's why Soros, the Nazi collaborator, hired her.
That's why Nike.
And that's why Apple gives money to Black Lives Matter.
To say that they represent black people.
So, hey, Letitia James is allowed to get rid of her Second Amendment.
She's black!
Oh, and Apple's allowed to run slave factories in China and have three million Muslims in death camps because, well, Tim Cook gave money to the black people, didn't not give money to the black people.
They've raised fifty-something million dollars last time I checked for Black Lives Matter that all went to the Democratic Party!
And a bunch of old, crazy white people!
Trump runs an ad showing Joe Biden, and we saw his own photos he put out where they had everybody social distancing.
And there's like only five people in the room.
That's what they put out.
And Trump showed that and they went, oh, that's misleading.
He's had bigger rallies than that.
Joe Biden's been hiding for six months.
Joe Biden won't do TV interviews with anybody, basically.
Oh, but it's fake news that Trump showed this photo in an ad.
And said hardly anybody was there.
Even it was fake.
Then you see it, you learn Trump's a liar, but it wasn't.
Trump was right about no children dying of COVID-19, basically being immune from dying from it.
And he was right that Biden won't ever come out in public, except for two or three little photo ops.
And when he does, he doesn't know who he is.
And the gaffes, daily.
He said black people all think the same with some notable exceptions.
Well, yeah, the Democratic Party thinks they all do and they think they own you.
But they think they own us all.
Black Lives Matter is the least black thing in America.
It comes out of George Soros' think tanks, who's not even an American.
He's a dude that rounded up his fellow Jews and sent them off to death camps and said it was the happiest time in his life and that it was exhilarating.
He called it happy-making time.
Do I need to play the clips?
And you know, if you said that on Fox News, they didn't care who you were, Judicial Watch, you name it, you get banned.
Newt Gingrich came out on Fox News and said it.
He said Soros is behind Letitia James, behind all these DAs, all these crazy people.
Lightfoot, all of it.
And again, why is it all black women that Soros is running?
Because then you can't attack them!
It's like Oprah Winfrey goes to secret eugenics meetings to discuss depopulating Africa.
That's a London Guardian headline ten years ago, back when they weren't totally evil.
Even ABC News reported on it.
She goes to meetings to decide how she can be the front person with her foundation under Bill Gates and Bloomberg and Ted Turner to depopulate Africa.
And then she's on TV with her billions of dollars telling us America sucks and white people are inherently evil.
Remember that?
By the way, if you're a radio listener, they're putting on screen the Wall Street Journal, the London Guardian, all of it.
Just type in Bill Gates wants to depopulate Africa.
You'll get his own words.
So let me explain how this works.
You see, she works for people that are really evil and do want to kill you if you're black.
I'm not going to sit here if you're black full of hate towards me because you're brainwashed by these people and kiss your ass.
I'm going to tell you, wake the hell up, everybody!
That we are all under attack by this and it's crazy!
We're going to go to break here in a few minutes when I come back.
Wait till you hear this.
Wait till you hear this.
They're now shutting off the electricity and water at people's houses when the neighbors call and say they had a small party in the backyard in Los Angeles.
And it gets worse.
I read this.
I was trying to go to bed early last night.
I read this at about 10 o'clock in bed and I got really angry and had trouble sleeping for about an hour.
Because I knew when I saw the headline what it was going to say and I read it.
CNN and others I thought, oh God, this is a new PR rollout.
So as soon as I read the article, I search engine the terms and I saw hundreds of articles this week that I hadn't even come across where they are now saying that we will wear masks permanently outside and in our homes and robot computers, the home assistants and all that will be mandatory.
And they're going to watch you and make you wear a mask and breathe carbon dioxide.
I mean, think of a cult movie.
Made in the 90s or something, where in the future you wear masks to go outside because you're scared of viruses that doesn't even really exist.
And it's all total mental illness.
And yeah, they've announced robots are watching you to make you wear the mask.
I mean, this is all over the news now!
This is a total dystopic takeover!
And Gates and the UN run the Wuhan, run China.
It was all beta tested in China and Singapore, and now we do what they say.
And it's total dystopia to get us ready for forced inoculations and even more.
But it's all here.
It's not coming.
It's here.
I mean, we've got to stop them!
We've got to say no!
Never comply with any of it!
They're the enemy!
If you've observed recurring violations of the Safer at Home Order, please continue to let us know at coronavirus.lacity.org slash businessviolation.
You know the old expression about snitches.
Well, in this case, snitches get rewards.
We want to thank you for turning folks in and making sure we are all safe.
Well, that's the LA gangster mayor, the minion of Pelosi, Eric Garcetti.
And now he's telling the snitches to call, and if you have a party in your backyard, you dare to live, they will come by and turn off your power and your water.
But all the big box stores and all the big corporations and the governor's vineyards that have restaurants and wineries on them, they had an order on the 4th of July.
Everybody else had to be shut down, all the other wineries, but his big chain of wineries was allowed to stay open.
And you're like, well, that's outrageous conflict of interest.
That's criminal activity out in the open.
Well, that's how it works.
The NRA, the Democrats, are preparing criminal charges against them at the Justice Department.
Trump's not in control of the Justice Department.
Democrats are still in control of most of the areas.
And, I've told you, they're going after the NRA sibling.
Ted Nugent has to be careful because he's an NRA board member about what he can say about this suit, but he will be joining us tomorrow to cover the waterfront.
We just talked to him.
But Letitia James vows to abolish the NRA.
Abolish the NRA because they're saying Wayne LaPierre threw event parties at his house, which is, it's their non-profit, and flew with his family at least seven times on a chartered plane to the Bahamas.
That's an organization that's been defending the Second Amendment.
Now, the problem is they got wimpy about 20 years ago.
Gun owners of America and others got on their tail.
We got on their tail.
Ted Nugent made them hardcore again.
They've done a great job the last 10 years.
They set up NRA TV.
It was rivaling Fox.
Huge viewership online alone.
I mean, we're talking 10 million viewers a day.
They hired a lot of great consultants like Jesse James and others.
And all these other people that ended up being Fox News hosts like Dan Bongino.
It was huge.
And as soon as Leticia James went after them two years ago, and said, I'm going to go after your non-profit status, because they've been based in New York since the end of the Civil War, where they were there to teach Northerners how to shoot, because the Northerners got their clock clean, because they didn't know how to use a gun.
They had basic training, but when we had Southerners that were cooking and going out and shooting dinner every night for mama, they got their ass handed to them, even though they had five times the troops.
And way more times the ammunition and weapons.
Only one ammo factory in all the South.
But long story short, it was set up for that and for blacks to be able to have guns.
Literally, it's charter.
And that's why when they come out and have the left go, the new KKK is the NRA.
It's like saying Martin Luther King is the KKK.
It's just total fraud, ladies and gentlemen.
But people that don't know history, Are doomed to repeat it.
So they shut down the production.
They got rid of all the great hosts they had.
And they thought, oh, that'll make them leave us alone going after our tax exemption.
They're like, what are you doing having TV shows advocating Second Amendment?
That's political.
Of course it is.
And you've got all these tax exempt Democrat groups that do whatever they want and say abolish the police, abolish the border, abolish the country.
Oh, but that's not political.
So we need Congress to act, the NRA to act.
And I told the NRA at the time, and I told some of their board members, I said, you need to go after the criminal activity of the New York Mafia.
You need to move the NRA out of New York.
You need to go on the offense.
You do not need to put your tail between your legs and do this.
And they agreed with me, but not the majority of the board.
Well, they shut down their incredibly successful TV network.
And now, James, after they shut everything down, after their power has waned, now they're going to try to shut them down.
This is absolutely, totally, and completely.
We're going to get to that next segment.
But here's the L.A.
mayor threatens to shut off power and water to homes that host parties.
This is the criminal evil, all based on COVID-19.
Which the British government now admits, okay, we count everybody else's deaths from other things, including car wrecks, as COVID-19.
They're calling it a mishap.
No, it's the U.N.
By the way, I have videos of people being thrown out of stores in the U.S.
and Europe for not wearing masks.
And they go, hey, the law says if I have asthma or anxiety, I don't have to.
They go, we don't care, get out of here.
And they go, W-H-O!
Yeah, there's a video right there.
In the U.S.
And by the way, she's Hispanic.
And she goes, what's wrong with you people?
I talk to your corporate.
And he goes, oh, you're racist saying you people.
No, he meant you people at the store.
I mean, it's just, again, the left uses race on everything.
So it's a Hispanic lady talking to a guy, I can't tell if he's Hispanic, white, whatever, it doesn't matter.
And again, it's the mental illness of, oh, you're criticizing me, I'm throwing you out, you got all your groceries ready to check out, you believe in COVID, she says, I put my hands all over this, let me just get out of here, I called your corporate.
That's what my wife does, she calls people's corporate and says, hey, I'm coming, I don't wear a mask, I have anxiety.
They go, absolutely, we know that's the law, come on to our store.
But a few times, she's had them still throw her out because they don't know, and they're virtue singlers.
Imagine, you're this lady.
She says, what's wrong with you people?
Ooh, you're racist.
Because they've taken every form of language, the okay sign, the bro fist, what's wrong with you people?
I mean, I remember I've been in an auto repair shop that ripped me off one time.
I'm like, what's wrong with you people?
Does that mean I hate them because of what color they are?
It means you people in this business, Everybody knows what you people mean.
It means you.
But see, you're not a you anymore.
You're not an individual.
What you did, it's about a group and people hide behind that.
But it's not empowering you.
Being an individual empowers you for what you stand for.
I'm going off the rails here.
This is just insane.
So here's this monster mayor and whatever LA does, it's the UN model.
And all of this is directed by the UN.
Every part of COVID is a fraud.
But still they double down and keep things locked down to kill this economy and consolidate power.
You see, everybody's leaving California and it's falling apart.
They'll just take the restrictions off later, five years from now.
Then jack up prices again.
It's a seesaw.
It's a game.
It's war.
Here he is.
But all the sacrifices can be undone by those who refuse to follow the science and who refuse to follow the rules and put our economy and our community at risk.
Recently we've seen the reports of some large parties and gatherings in flagrant violations of health orders.
As our County Department of Public Health said yesterday, and I quote, the highest risk settings are large in-person gatherings where it is difficult for individuals to remain spaced at least six feet apart and where face coverings are not worn.
The consequences of these large parties ripple far beyond just those parties.
They ripple throughout our entire community because the virus can quickly and easily spread.
While we have already closed all nightclubs and bars, these large house parties have essentially become nightclubs in the hills.
Many times the homes are vacant or used for short-term rentals.
And beyond the noise, the traffic, and nuisance, these large parties are unsafe and can cost Angelenos their lives.
That is why tonight I am authorizing the city to shut off Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Service
in the egregious cases in which houses, businesses and other venues are hosting unpermitted large gatherings.
They have a name for this, it's called siege.
Now you notice he's reading off a iPad.
Remember what Gateway Pundit reported on Monday.
Federal government testing how to brainwash the public at major universities with 15 data points about a shame and anger and use other people being mean to you to force you.
Let me give folks the headline.
It's at gatewaypundit.com.
Federal government and Yale are holding clinical trials on how to best persuade, close quote, that's brainwash, Americans to take COVID-19 vaccines.
You watch that whole press conference.
He goes over all 15.
It's a script.
It's a battle plan.
They're the criminals.
They lied to you.
They cooked it up in the Wuhan lab.
Fauci and Gates.
It's a takeover plan.
They're getting you ready for contact tracing, apps on your phone, forced inoculations, and they admit that's the plan.
That's the whole plan.
They're coming for your kids, your guns, your health.
They're forcing GMO on everybody.
It's on.
They developed years ago COVID-19 vaccines of the very chimera.
That's come out in the news.
They are master criminals and they've bought off the media to gaslight everybody and now the president can't even tweet and point this out or they block him.
Imagine how much worse it's going to get.
We're in the midst of an enemy takeover.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide.
Again, thank you so much for joining us on this live Thursday, August 6th transmission.
Here's what I want to do.
I want to open the phones up next hour and take calls from first-time callers on several subjects I'm about to throw out.
And then we have an old friend of mine, a pastor and businessman who I haven't seen in years.
I'm like, where's Daryl Rundis?
We should get him back in studios.
He's driven down from Dallas.
He's going to be in studio with us in the Third hour today and then Matt Bracken will take over in the fourth hour, former Navy SEAL bestselling author, researcher, great guy, very informative about the attempt to take over the U.S.
and what he expects to have unfold here in the next 88 days.
Now let me tell you what's coming up here in just a moment.
mayor threatens to shut off power and water to homes that host parties.
The debate over mass today is a lot like the fight to mandate Seatbelts!
And CNN says you will wear one at all times, like a seatbelt.
I mean, you talk about a cult, man.
And all the health problems, the insanity in humans for all of our development, seeing each other's faces, and just what this does psychologically.
This is so damn evil.
It comes out of the mad scientist that brought you Wuhan Lab, everything.
The good news is, Only 44% say they will submit to the coronavirus vaccine.
That story is up on InfoWars.com from Gallup.
And you know under peer pressure, a lot of people are going to say, oh, I'll submit when they're not.
Studies show that.
So I'd say off this number, maybe 15% are actually going to take it.
But they actually say in this article from CNN, they go, well, they said, we'll end up forcing you and we'll make you evolve to submit that humans will always wear masks now.
Again, what does Monsanto do?
They make every major crop artificial so it doesn't produce seeds that produce seeds again.
It'll grow crops.
They take control of the life cycle.
That is the end game.
They have told you that is the end game.
We'll be covering all this and more in a moment, but I have a very exciting announcement to make.
Before there was even InfoWars Life, Nine years ago, the first product that we private-labeled and put out was a very high-quality concentrated liquid turmeric so that it's absorbed under the tongue because some people don't absorb as much of it in the gut.
And then we were unable to get more from that supplier and have never had a liquid turmeric formula.
Now the one we have, over two years of time and work to get it because turmeric is so precious when it's the super high-end type, we now have it, ladies and gentlemen.
And it is pure turmeric extract taken under the tongue.
Extremely strong.
It doesn't compete with bodies.
Bodies is a turmeric extract concentrate curcuminoid at 95% leading competitors on average are 3 to 5%.
It's amazing, people love it.
And so this complements the new liquid turmeric.
They go together.
But it's different strokes for different folks.
A lot of the crew's been using this in the last few months, which it's been in.
The testers, the official stuff got in a few weeks ago, but I've been so busy I haven't launched it yet.
Now I am.
And some of the crew likes this better than bodies.
My wife can't tell that she's taking both of them, but she's like, again, why does this turmeric pill I'm taking from somebody else say it has twice the tumor but doesn't work as well?
Because it's not a curcuminoid concentrate, where they isolate the curcuminoid and then concentrate it.
This is concentrated turmeric.
Take it under the tongue and then you swallow the rest of it.
Different strokes for different folks.
People want a liquid turmeric.
This is the best we can find and bring you.
And it took a long time to get it, get it certified, and get it out to you.
So, we have a limited run of this.
Out of the gate, it's 25% off.
Infowarsstore.com or call toll free, 888-253-3139.
or cultural free triple eight two five three three one three nine and the money
that comes in off of this funds us when we're going up against the very same
people like Letitia James and the Democrats and the globalists and all the
things are trying to do to us ladies and gentlemen Because what they do is they bite into you and then try to get you to serve them politically and then if you go along with them it gets even worse, as the NRA just found out.
We're not rolling over the New World Order.
We're not shutting down our media operations so they'll leave us alone.
A, because it's not the right thing to do.
B, they lie.
The NRA shut itself down politically, rolled over.
Because the leadership didn't want to get audited and stuff for no big deal stuff.
And so now you see where they are.
That murderer, Leticia James, took that as weakness.
She is a murderer.
She ordered the hospitals to disgorge people into the nursing homes that had flus and pneumonias.
And she's so arrogant, because George Soros backs her, that she thinks she can murder all these people to get COVID numbers up.
And now she pledges to destroy the NRA.
We also have the new special.
It is, for a limited time, it's the same special we have.
We just had to get rid of the free shipping because we're not bringing in enough funds with that to fund our operation.
So 50 to 60% off all the best sellers.
It is the Reopen America Back to School Special.
Whether it's the Lung Cleanse, whether it's the Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, Turbo Force, Brain Force Plus, X2, X3, Winter Sun, the Ultimate Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K taken under the tongue.
Amazing for immunity and your overall health.
You absolutely need that.
Ultra 12 is amazing.
Highest quality vitamin B12 you're going to find.
Two different types together synergistically under the tongue.
Is the building blocked?
Yesterday I was super tired.
I was like, wait a minute, you've not been taking all the supplements.
So I took vitamin D3.
I took the Winter Sun.
I took the Ultra 12.
I took the bodies.
I mean, I had a bunch of it last night and yesterday afternoon.
This morning, I'm my old self.
No need to even take brain force or turbo force.
Now, if I end up working like 14 hours, I'll end up taking some brain force or turbo force, but probably a quarter packet of the brain force that's so strong and the turbo force.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for the support.
Because we are up against pure scientific evil here.
And imagine, the new talking point is, you're never taking your mask off.
Fauci says we should never shake hands again.
They don't want us having kids.
They don't want us dating.
They don't want us living.
They don't want us having parties.
It's a cult of control.
None of the top globalists have children.
Oprah Winfrey's part of the secret death cult.
We'll cover her next hour.
She's a racist pig, but not against white people.
She hates herself.
She hates black people.
She's sworn to kill as many Africans as she can.
She is the front for Gates in Africa to give them the inoculations.
She set up a tax-exempt cult foundation that teaches Luciferianism, and they get the orphans, and you know what happens to them.
And she's part of the whole Epstein smuggling cult with Hillary.
She's a sick, evil woman.
And I'm going to open up on her politically next hour.
I mean, she is just a horrible monster picked by the establishment because she hates everyone.
She hates white people.
She hates black people.
She hates children.
She hates everyone.
But Soros and Rockefeller and all of them that picked her because she's a black woman and they need that.
If Hitler would have hired Oprah Winfrey, he'd have won.
If Hitler would have hired a bunch of black women to be his fronts, just like Black Lives Matter, three angry, fat lesbians, and the same thing with her, big, fat, unhappy lesbian.
And another thing is women that like, I'm just saying, they're all big, fat, ugly lesbians that hate themselves and hate men and hate everybody and want to abort all the black babies, and they're murdering criminals!
I'll show it all to you next hour!
Write about that, Media Matters, you scum, right-wing watch-all, you lying filth!
Let's go out to break with Leticia James that sent all those people infected with diseases into the nursing homes to get a high death rate.
Let's go to Dr. Joseph Mingala.
Here she is swearing to disarm you and complete your journey to enslavement.
Just a few minutes ago, my office filed a lawsuit against the National Rifle Association to dissolve the organization in its entirety for years of self-dealing and illegal conduct.
that violate New York's Charities Law and undermine its own mission.
The National Rifle Association, or the NRA, is the largest and most influential pro-gun organization in the nation.
Since its founding in 1871, the NRA has been a registered not-for-profit charitable corporation in the state of New York.
The Attorney General's Office has a wide range of regulatory and enforcement powers over charitable corporations and their trustees, including the NRA.
The NRA's influence has been so powerful that the organization went unchecked for decades, while top executives funneled millions into their own pockets.
For years, The NRA diverted millions and millions of dollars away from its charitable mission for personal use by senior leadership, to award contracts to the financial gain of close associates and family, and appeared to dole out lucrative no-show contracts to former employees in order to buy their silence and continued loyalty.
Think about this.
This lawsuit specifically charges the NRA as a whole in addition to four individual defendants.
Everything she says about them, she does.
The first individual.
Longtime Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, who has been the face of the NRA for decades.
Coming up, I'm going to open the phones up and talk about the state of the planet, but here's an incredibly important report at Bandot Video from Darren McBreen that will only fight the enemy and save lives if you spread it.
HCQ, Nazis take over the media.
Hey, have you ever noticed that whenever somebody goes up against the mainstream narrative, or God forbid, dares to challenge somebody like Big Pharma, they are immediately, ruthlessly persecuted by the mainstream, mockingbird media.
Ever notice that?
Perfect example is the character assassination that's going on right now with America's frontline doctors who recently held a press conference to tell us all about their success stories in treating coronavirus patients with hydroxychloroquine.
This is a treatment regimen that's very simple and it should be in the hands of the American people.
The difficult aspect of this is that at the moment, because of politics, It's being blocked from doctors prescribing it, and it's being blocked from pharmacists releasing it.
They've been empowered to overrule the doctor's opinion.
The video is astonishing, and it's been completely removed from the internet.
I mean, it was seen, what, 17 million times before Facebook, Twitter, Google, and the rest threw it down the memory hole and completely got rid of it off the internet.
President Trump posted this video, and Twitter deleted it.
The president retweeted the video, which was eventually taken down by Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube for violating misinformation policies.
And they went even further with Don Jr.
He posted it.
They deleted his video as well, but they also suspended his account.
This is a must-watch because it seems very contrary to the narrative that they've been force-feeding us.
I mean, what the hell are they so afraid of?
Why is this video so dangerous?
They won't even debate these frontline doctors.
Just shut it down.
Shut it down.
No hydroxychloroquine for you!
Think about it.
Right now.
In the good old US of A, America's frontline doctors are not allowed to participate on the public square.
That's what's going on.
Under Trump's watch, I might add, and sure, he might act like he's not very happy about it, but when it comes to big tech censorship, Donald Trump is all tweet and no action.
And now they're going in and pulling out peer-reviewed studies going back years ago about hydroxychloroquine.
And they are taking it down because they are so upset that this is challenging them because they want you to take a forced inoculation.
There are many thousands of physicians who have been silenced from telling the American people the good news about the situation, that we can manage the virus.
It's not good enough for big tech to simply delete these videos and silence these frontline doctors.
No, they've got to go much further than that.
These doctors must be punished!
and ridiculed and made examples of for daring to go up against the mainstream big pharma narrative.
Shame! Shame! Shame!
Dr. Stella Emanuel was part of a video Monday that featured a group of doctors claiming without evidence that there's a
cure for COVID-19.
Dr. Swilengold was in that video, the banned one. She was censored.
but more than...
More than that, she was fired from her job.
Dr. Emanuel here has a large number of baseless claims.
Dr. Emanuel has also drawn criticism for pushing unusual conspiracy theories.
First they delete the videos and throw them down the memory hole.
Then comes the smear campaigns and the character assassinations.
Seriously, who on earth could possibly trust a doctor like this?
She believes that demons and witches cause medical problems when they have nighttime dream sex with humans.
Just to be clear, John, we're not supposed to have sex with demons while we're asleep?
Does she think that's bad?
I get lost.
Here's the thing.
You know no one loves a demon sperm joke more than I do.
Demon sperm... I can't believe I actually said that.
That's Don Lemon's new name.
I've been fighting this info war for a long time.
I work for the most banned news network in the world.
And one thing I know for sure is you receive the most flack when you're over the target.
And trust me, right now, these frontline doctors, they are directly over one big fat pharma target.
That's why they're being persecuted.
Who should get the name Demon Sperm?
Should it be George Soros?
I think you're doing a real disservice to the health of Americans.
I mean, if you're going to come on here and talk about how this is a good treatment... We're now into the second hour of this worldwide broadcast and I bring you really grave tidings.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you for joining us.
I'm going to get the number out here in a moment.
I'll put the phones up for this hour and then Del Rondis is going to be joining us in studio next hour.
The NRA is America's oldest Second Amendment organization.
It was set up after the Civil War because Northerners were growing up in cities, didn't know how to shoot, and they got really devastated by the South.
And it was also set up to train and arm newly freed slaves on self-defense.
That's historic fact.
Now, of course, the NRA got kind of soft on guns 20-something years ago.
They got hardcore again when Ted Nugent got on the board.
And without them, we would have lost much of the Second Amendment.
Well, George Soros funded Letitia James, the same one that sent people infected with COVID-19, other flus, and other pneumonias to the hospitals to get around half the deaths in New York, over 10,000.
This monster has come out and announced that they're going to, quote, abolish the NRA with a state-run civil suit because they're chartered there.
Take their charter.
And quote, give the money back, that's what it is, to the NRA members because the NRA said that it was running a deficit and she says it wasn't.
I don't care if Wayne LaPierre was paid five million dollars a year, he wasn't.
I don't care if they were flying around the country to events on private jets, they better be.
You can, if you've got ten people flying, it's about the same price to get a little private jet than it is to fly commercial.
I don't care!
I care about their policy.
I give them money.
I get results.
If Wayne LaPierre could save the Second Amendment in America, I'd give him my right arm.
Now, that's why they wanted out of the way.
They were expanding TV networks and were on cable and on satellite and were getting huge views, 10 million a day conservatively, online alone with Dan Bongino and Who's the attractive brunette?
Her name always... She has the beat commercials on Fox.
The point is, they were getting over 10 million views a day on there.
That... Dana Lash... Losh... That upset all of them.
And so they said, we're starting this investigation to take your charter a year and a half ago.
And the NRA, if they did anything wrong, rolled over, pissed themselves, and terminated NRA TV, terminated the huge outreach.
I know people involved with it, not just Ted Nugent.
I know Jesse James, work he was doing, basically for free for him.
And all these other activists trying to get on the offense for the Second Amendment, and the youth events, and the advertising, and the marketing, And everything they were doing going on the offense, something they were encouraged to do.
And so they play these accounting games on TV and they go, oh, they claim they were 30 million down, but they needed 60 million and all this BS.
I've experienced that and I'm not a tax-free deal, but the New York Times got some of my divorce documents.
From like six years ago and went, Jones brought in $25 million in 2014 and then they counted it between three corporations I have three times and said I brought in $70 million.
No, we brought in $25 million and that was gross.
Then we had to pay for the product, the infrastructure, the satellites, the lawyers, the copyrights, all of that.
And I made a couple million dollars, and then I paid it in taxes, and then I paid it out in lawsuits.
There's been years where I don't end up keeping any money.
You bet now I want to make more money so I'm strong, so I can withstand these people.
But imagine you open up the New York Times, Jones made 78 million dollars.
So I know when I watch this, and they're like, and this criminal that sent old people to their deaths.
When she's up there going, oh, they stole $67 million and they've got this and that.
You can't believe anything that comes out of their mouths.
You can't believe any of it.
I wish back in the day when we were able to make more money that I'd have put a war chest in and that I would have prepared for this so we're not running close to empty.
The NRA needs $10 billion.
If with 50, 60 million they almost defeated the globalists, give them 50 million!
We're going to lose everything if we don't start word of mouth and supporting people with money.
Because I'm in a total war with the exact same people.
And I'm not at liberty to get into it at this point.
But I am not rolling over like the NRA.
So the NRA, when they got attacked with this, Went to lawyers and said, is it okay we put on parties for corporate people to come?
Well, yeah.
Well, we flew around on private jets?
But they're gonna say it's bad.
Just get rid of your media operations, they'll leave you alone.
And you notice when they did that, it brought that little bloodthirsty, anti-Second Amendment, anti-First Amendment, Soros, monster, Nazi collaborator, minion, that's what she is, he's a minion of a Nazi collaborator, at their throat like a vicious, foaming at the mouth piranha.
Here's the number to join us first-time callers on this subject.
CNN says let's wear masks permanently.
California says you're never taking them off again, even in your house.
This is a cult, folks.
It's a power of Islam where, you know, women are enslaved by the state and so they can't be seen.
It's an act of power that you're bad, you're dirty, you're evil.
And they're not just saying make it mandatory during it.
In a new article, the debate over masks today is a lot like the long fight to mandate seatbelts.
They say, in the end, we will now wear them forever!
And Fauci says you won't shake people's hands.
So I'm getting a cup of coffee during the break.
And I'm watching Fox News, and they're literally acting, they're just repeating everything Latisha James says.
And that's why we're in so much trouble in this country, folks.
We're losing everything right now.
Here's some of Fox News breathlessly putting out what Letitia James is up to.
This is Outnumbered Overtime.
Here it is.
I'm Harris Faulkner.
The New York Attorney General filed the lawsuit today after 18 months of investigation.
She says that revealed grave misconduct among some of the nonprofit's most high-profile figures, including allegations they used the gun group to divert millions of dollars in funds for their personal use.
For these years of fraud and misconduct, we are seeking an order to dissolve the NRA in its entirety.
Today, we send a strong and loud message.
That no one is above the law.
Not even the NRA.
In the last 20 minutes, we've been covering the breaking news on this.
Things have heated up.
The NRA has come back with its statement and our Laura Ingle is on the job.
Hi Harris, well the New York Attorney General Letitia James just a short while ago outlining the stunning allegations against the NRA and four top executives with a long list of misdeeds that she says have allegedly drained the accounts of the long-standing organization for years.
New York's top legal officer filing the lawsuit today in state Supreme Court in Manhattan
against the NRA and Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president of the powerful gun rights
group stating that investigators have been looking into the fraud allegations since February
of 2019.
Now, the lawsuit claims that LaPierre and several top lieutenants engaged in a decades
long pattern of fraud to raid the funds of the NRA for personal gain, draining the organization
of $64 million in just three years, saying that they've been using millions upon millions
of dollars from the NRA for personal use, including for lavish trips for themselves.
Alright, that's enough.
That's enough.
So this woman says in her opening statement, we played it earlier, in fact, cue it up to that.
She says, I want to abolish and get rid of the NRA forever.
Oh, but now she cares because they had lavish meals and the executives board flew on jets to give speeches.
Oh, oh, oh.
But again, the problem is they rolled over.
Because I remember a year and a half ago when she opened the criminal investigation, she was saying it was criminal then, now it's civil, that she said, oh, they're laundering money through the NRA TV because that's money from the NRA and now this is a TV network they're launching.
Yeah, that's what non-profits need, TV networks.
Conservatives need TV networks.
Pro-gun Christians, we need our own networks.
We don't need CNN and Google where we're all banned.
And that was their big sin.
The same sin I committed when I launched us on TV satellites, already on radio, and we were launching more shows and building up and getting picked up on stations, they filed over 50 DNC-funded lawsuits and investigations against us, including Letitia James.
And my lawyers are like, don't talk about that.
Well, I mean, what am I going to talk about?
I don't care what they do to me.
They're the criminals.
They're bad.
I don't care.
She's a murderer.
Leticia James sent people to the nursing homes to get high death rates.
She's Joseph fricking Mingla in the flesh.
These people are the enemy of this country and they're never going to stop till we stop them.
The globalists are launching everything they've got to destroy the Western world and capitalism and consolidate under the megabanks.
Total planetary Antichrist takeover is now in full swing.
Margaret the Beast is being announced under the United Nations control.
The average citizen is invoking the WHO when they throw old ladies out of stores for not wearing masks.
It's here, the New World Order.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
All right, I said I want to go to some calls specifically on the NRA.
What do you think we need to do as the American people?
Because they want to get rid of our main lobby for the Second Amendment.
The very corrupt, evil New York City that is launching its cancerous attacks across the country.
Same thing with California.
We need the President and Congress to step in.
We need to understand that we need to get on the offense with the President calling for the prosecution of Letitia James and Governor Cuomo, not being nice to them.
The NRA needs to come out and run ads about Letitia James sending people to die in the nursing homes.
If they roll over, it's over for them.
They need to go after her for her murder, her premeditated murder, when she ordered those nursing homes with threat of jail if they didn't follow Dr.
Cuomo's orders, Dr. Leticia James' orders, Bill Gates' orders, the UN's orders.
But that's how they cover up, just like they're putting checkpoints up for anybody not from New York to act like New York wasn't the epicenter.
It's just, it's how these criminals cover up.
First time callers, how do we get on the offense?
Dale Rundis, old buddy of mine, I haven't seen in years.
He's going to be here in studio.
I want him to get into God.
He's also a pastor and things like that.
He wants to talk about how great InfoWars is.
If you think Infowars is great and you guys are great, just support it and spread the word about it because they're shutting everybody down.
They're censoring the President everywhere.
It's out of control because they're monsters.
When he says hydroxychloroquine, look at these studies, they go, shut up, you can't do that.
To the President!
And he takes it!
We need action now!
Absolutely mind-blowing, but if you want to support us, it's so easy.
Get an Infowars.com t-shirt, get a Keep America Great, American Eagle shirt with the American flag, Betsy Ross flag.
The news called it Nazi a month ago and Trump was selling a similar one.
We made a better one.
Now they say the American Eagle's a Nazi.
Get that great shirt at InfoWarsTore.com.
We have the Restart America, Keep America Open, Reopen America, Back to School Special.
Right now we have the Baby Lives Matter onesies.
And t-shirts, and if you've got to wear a mask going in a certain place, we've got cloth masks with InfoWars.com on them to get the word out.
We've got the Space Force.
This is how you meet like-minded people.
This is how you spread the word.
We've got the Betsy Ross 1776 worldwide shirt.
We've got the Betsy Ross USA shirt.
We've got the I Am The Resistance shirt.
We've got the InfoWars Golf Shirt, we've got the 5G Kill Shirt, the Don't Visit Infowars Shirt, the Free Alex Jones Shirt, and then all the evil, politically incorrect stuff like Mass Murderers Agree, Gun Control Works, the original first t-shirt we ever sold, sold that sucker for 23 years.
The Molon Labe Shirts, all at InfowarsStore.com.
But we have the special going right now.
Double Patriot points.
50-60% off all the best-selling supplements.
But that is going to have to end.
And now we have the Pure Turmeric Extract.
25% off.
Double Patriot points.
It doesn't compete with the Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
That's a turmeric concentrate.
This is raw turmeric concentrate.
They go together like a horse and carriage.
Alright, Michael in Ohio.
Michael, what does the NRA need to do?
They need to go after, if the judge or the prosecutor or the attorney general coming after you is a murderer, a criminal, a political monster of Soros, you must attack Soros, you must attack her, you must attack, they sent people to their death, the NRA must use its power and double down, not bend over to that Soros monster.
Yeah, they need to bring back Uh, certain people that, for whatever reason, they have disassociated themselves with, like Coleon Noir.
His channel on YouTube is by far the best pro-Second Amendment channel, and I don't know why they stopped working with him and stopped having him as a spokesperson, but they need to bring people like him back.
They need to bring back the NRA TV, and I don't see how they haven't understood that they bowed a little bit and they took everything.
That's what they've been preaching to us for years.
If we give them a little, they're going to take a mile.
And they just took 10 miles from the NRA.
It's time to stand up and do something.
Stop bending over to them.
That's right.
LaPierre, instead of hiding somewhere, he needs to come out.
If he thinks he did anything wrong, he needs to step down so they don't bring the whole organization down, but they're gonna get him for crooked toenail.
And he needs to come out and say, did we fly around places?
Did we do things that we absolutely we did?
We fight hard, and we're defending the Second Amendment, and what matters is results.
And then attack Letitia James for all her criminal activity, and that witch will put her tail between her legs and piss herself.
But instead, everyone grovels to these empty nobodies!
That woman is a murderer!
A premeditated Jeffrey Dahmer!
Yeah, they need to stop cowering and keep fighting.
Because if they don't fight, they're going to take absolutely everything away from the Second Amendment.
They're a privately owned business, too.
How can they go after a privately owned business and say, oh, you're flying around on private jets?
Because they did it as a tax-exempt thing because it promotes an American right, and the left that acts like Oh, you've got political views and you're tax exempt?
Yeah, Second Amendment.
So they tried to convince them that you're not allowed to have a TV network and promote news and information.
No, that's because the formula is we all need, as American patriots, to support independent media, to have a counter.
Because the NRA would be bigger than Fox News if they kept going.
Fox News is part of this.
They play the part of the loyal opposition.
While the system doesn't let anybody else ever get set up.
And anybody that's good at Fox News, the same combine inside and out, go after them like Tucker Carlson.
Yeah, Fox News absolutely is controlled opposition with this.
They only give you a little bit of the information just to get you baited into what they're believing.
But, you know, withholding part of the truth is the same as lying to me.
And they need to stop with this.
Because they only have one good reporter on there, like you say, every day.
That's Tucker Carlson.
And even he won't even dab into the truth of what's really going on with everything.
He knows what's going on.
God bless you, brother.
Brian in Georgia, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing, man?
I just want to talk about masks real quick.
I'm actually currently on the road leaving the Democratic scum state of Savannah, Georgia right now, and I'm headed back up north to where we could be true Americans in the beautiful state of New Hampshire, where I'm from.
Anyway, I just wanted to reach out real quick and say, since the beginning, I have not complied to this mask order, I have not complied to the stay-at-home orders, none of it, and none of us should.
People need to stop being scared of this tyrannical government that we put in place.
People need to remember that we, the people, are the ones who have this government in place, and we shouldn't be backing down in the time when we need to stand up.
We've been backing down for so long now, And to add to that with the masks, I got family that say, oh, it's just a mask.
It's just a mask, right?
We should comply.
Well, then I asked the question, where do you draw the line of this medical tyranny?
Because the next is forced inoculations.
We all know that, right?
Oh, they've said that.
They've said, you don't take the mask off until you take a shot.
Now they say, CNN says it's like safety belts.
You never take them off, even in your house.
It's the law.
This is a cult to cover your face, to not see fellow humans, to act like we're bad, to act like we can't be near each other, to close all our parks.
And it's all based on a giant fraud.
Wait till they release a real bioweapon.
And Bill Gates says he is, Brian.
100%, Alex.
And I want to say, too, man, You know, my brothers didn't die on these battlefields for Americans to be scared of a tyrannical government.
We're more powerful than that.
We need the men to stand up like we've always been talking about.
That's right, we need to form groups and peacefully go into these stores without our masks, handing out flyers, educating people.
We must go on the offense now!
Well, I gotta say it.
President Trump has, you know, pulled us out of the WHO.
He's got a lot of our jobs back.
He stood up to Communist China on one side of trade deals.
He kicked out some of the deep state.
But they are just belligerently criminally now announcing plans to, quote, abolish the NRA, dissolve it for no reason.
Made up crap.
Being executed by a politico minion of Soros, and now you know why Soros is finance, attorney generals, and hundreds and hundreds of district attorneys and county attorneys, because they are involved in a just savage political witch hunt, and Republicans won't ever even prosecute them for real crimes they commit, because Republicans are scared.
And Republicans think rolling over To all of this is going to get them left alone and passed over.
No, it's not.
I know the last 50 years laying down got you ahead.
The globalists are ending the two-party system right now.
They're coming in for takeover because they know everybody's rejecting them.
They know they've destroyed their blue cities and blue states.
They know there's an exodus away from those.
So they're just going to suck those down as fast as they can to create black holes of financial collapse and economic and cultural destruction that suck everything else into it.
Then the whole country goes into globalist receivership, bankrupted, a banana republic, They're going to have a reign of terror, consolidating control, and having their way with everybody.
All the yuppies and all the trendies and everybody that thought going along would get them ahead are going to grovel even more with the social credit scores and everything and say, we'll do whatever Hollywood and the media say, whatever Big Tech says, just bring back the golf and the tennis and the sex and the drugs.
Well, just please, we groveled.
We groveled.
Why are you taking everything?
It's because it's what they do.
They destroy countries.
And CNN, the debate over masks today is a lot like the fight to mandate seatbelts.
It's a long article by this woman that writes loveless PR pieces, Scottie Andrew.
She's been doing it since college.
I went and looked her up.
Take your microchip.
The debate over masks today is a lot like the long fight to mandate seatbelts.
She says, psychologically, we're going to pressure you and you will submit finally, and you will wear a mask everywhere.
And it's all over the news.
Oh, and never shake hands again.
Never shake hands again.
What a sick, sick, sick cult.
Meanwhile, millions are starving to death.
But people are waking up.
Here's the problem.
The globalists and their minions never get in trouble.
Governor Cuomo and Letitia James and Governor Wolf and all those other Democrat governors that sent people to nursing homes, knowing that it's the only group that would actually die on the studies from Europe, to get half the death numbers from those old people, and now the very same Attorney General is saying the numbers of the new dead are secret.
The FBI will give her probably an award!
Oh, you're murdering more!
Oh, good Letitia!
Oh, good!
Governor Cuomo, You're so good!
And he's like, yeah, I'll kill whoever I want.
And they'll make $52,000 while they kill the old people.
And he'll lick his lips all day long.
Because a lot of the nursing homes said, don't do this, this will kill folks.
They said, shut up, because the big ones in the state lobbied the UN and others to make this the mandate to get that high rate.
Get that 50-something thousand each person they killed.
And then the big banks like it, because that's all that money they don't have to pay out.
The death panel.
See how it works?
Alright, let's go to more calls here.
Let's talk to Minuteman in Virginia.
Minuteman, what do we do?
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I'm alright brother, go ahead.
Hey, so I called in to tell you about this, our great governor in Virginia.
How yesterday he put out the app that China has been putting out for The pandemic and corona, coronavirus, basically, you know, monitoring how far and how distanced, how close you gotta be to someone, and then all of a sudden you gotta go home if it lights up red or yellow or something like that.
Yeah, that's right.
The governor's trying to mandate everybody on their phones have an app that the Communist Chinese created for social distancing.
Benjamin Netanyahu's also been pushing it.
Well, yeah, most definitely.
And then they say, oh, it's not gonna control you, it's not gonna get your data, all this and that, but yet, They forget, people forget in Virginia that you put out about our great senator Mark Warner is getting paid for our data every day.
People don't realize that.
They're saying it's through Bluetooth.
And I'm telling you this now, Alex, just because of that?
I actually ordered two of your pocket protectors, you know, your data protectors.
Oh, listen, we're selling, we used to sell probably a couple hundred of these a month.
We're selling a thousand a day.
They cost us over $11.
We're still at $19.95.
And it's a little Faraday cage.
You put the phone in there, it slips into your pocket smoothly.
And then hackers, government, COVID trackers, all of them, don't ping your location.
So that when you're quote next to somebody that they claim has COVID, most of it's fraud, they will then claim you have COVID too and put you in a database to say that you're guilty.
So think, already to go to Barton Springs in Austin, they make you encode yourself into a system.
So, I mean, this is absolute tyranny, folks.
Everybody needs to get their privacy pockets at InfoWareStore.com.
And I'm glad you reminded me that Virginia and California are both launching I absolutely agree to that.
you have them. First it'll be government employees and the cops, then it'll be all of us. They
always make the enforcers do it first. That's why they're pressuring the cops right now
to make sure they roll over and submit. Do not submit police. It'll only get worse the
more you follow these globalist orders. These are not Americans. Governor Northam is a traitor
on the CHICOM payroll.
I absolutely agree to that. And another thing I want to bring up too is that you were talking
about the Republicans need to stand up.
Americans need to stand up.
It doesn't matter if you're a politician or an average Joe, just like Alex Jones or just all his info crew or just me talking.
This is for our listeners, the listeners.
They need to rise up.
Everybody needs to rise up, whether you're talking to your next-door neighbor, talking to employees, talking to anyone.
Rise up.
Because you are the next generation as well to be that next politician.
I agree.
And when you see people at the store say, listen, they're making the mask mandatory.
They're preparing for contact tracing.
They're going to give you inoculations.
It's a fraud.
It's a takeover.
And just warn people, warn people, don't go into the slave pitch without saying no and speaking up because the arrests are beginning and people need to see the pushback now.
So that's all I really wanted to say, Alex.
And the NRA is doing well.
I hope they fight this lawsuit because I'm an NRA member.
I support the NRA.
And there's other organization groups out there, like there's a Virginia gun group here.
The NRA, politicians are scared of them.
They do a great job.
They were soft 15 years ago.
They're good now.
We do not need them shut down.
All you need to know is George Soros' main minion is trying to shut them down.
None of it's true.
It's all garbage.
Back the NRA.
The only problem the NRA has against her is that they are the ones scared rolling over.
Because conservatives are always listening to the left's lies.
Like when Lahesa James said, Alex Jones is a criminal, he says he has a COVID-19 cure.
That's her evil mouth saying that, then attributing it to me!
You understand?
And so she says, oh, the NRA's evil, they fly on private jets, then the NRA gets rid of its TV network to try to be... No, that's like blood in the water for that demonic walrus to come after you.
I agree, absolutely.
All right, Minute Man, God bless you.
Oh, go ahead.
He's gone.
All right, listen.
We got Bobby.
We got Dylan.
We got Phil.
We got Derek.
We got Brennan.
We got Lucas.
We got Resistance.
And we have Daryl Runnis coming in in the next hour, but it takes a few minutes to get people in here and get them seated.
So we're going to go to break.
We're going to come back.
And I'm going to pop three callers in.
I'm going to play a little clip, and then we're going to get Daryl Runnis in here.
And we'll continue with your calls as well.
But I haven't got into Oprah Winfrey.
You know, the more I thought about her, why don't I attack her as much as Bill Gates or Warren Buffett or Ted Turner?
She's just as evil.
And then all the stuff I know about her.
That's why they were talking about her running against Trump.
He said, yeah, I hope she runs.
Well, she's got a lot of bad stuff in her closet.
He knows what's in her closet.
She ran with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell heavily.
And she also ran with who?
Harvey Weinstein.
And she likes the same thing.
Young girls.
Hey, if it isn't true, sue me Oprah.
The point is though, she's blackmailed, she's compromised.
If the house of cards goes down, she goes down, okay?
Her husband's her beards.
But that's not the issue.
The issue is she's a Nazi eugenicist that hates black people.
My friends, when Ghislaine Maxwell got arrested out in the middle of nowhere on the East Coast, she had her cell phone wrapped in tinfoil so the FBI couldn't ping it through cell towers and track her location.
Well, now with the contact tracers and all these Democrat states launching their own contact tracing apps to make you guilty, to say you're a criminal, and to feed it into their own corporate and governmental databases run by the Clintons, It's important to protect your identity from them, to protect your movement from them, and hackers and other criminal organizations.
That's why we have privacy pockets with Faraday cages with almost 100% protection.
Sometimes, if you're right by a cell tower, you can still get through it.
So that you can protect where you go and what you do and deny this information from these criminals and their different operations.
So get yours for $19.95 at infowarestore.com in four different colors.
And it's very thin, but it works really, really good.
And then they can go in your pocket.
So you don't have to carry a purse around with you.
It's amazing.
Get yours at infowarestore.com and put your cell phone in the prison it deserves to be in.
Now, let's go to your calls and continue on.
Who's been holding the longest here?
That would be Bobby in New York, a postal worker on the mail-in ballots and the NRA.
Hey, what's going on, Alex?
I'm good, sir.
Good to talk to you.
Yep, I'm a United States Postal Service worker.
I listen to the show every day when I'm out walking my route.
And we were briefed before they even had us start wearing masks in the office that we're doing mail-in voting.
And now CBS has came out and said, even by the first debate, September 19th, Over 16 states would have already voted, and by the second debate, over 35 million people, probably on an estimate, would already have voted.
That way they've already voted, not knowing that Biden is just a shoehorn to just wait for the next person they're going to put in.
Isn't that incredible?
Yeah, the first debate, we all know what's going to happen.
He's going to shit the bed and he's going to look like who he is.
So what I'm saying, Infowars and you, get in touch with their sources.
You need to start telling people what to look out for, for mail-in voting fraud.
Because it's going to decide the election.
And we all know it is, and we can't let it happen without having at least some things pointed out.
Go over that, because you work for the Postal Service, so you've already been advised.
But let's go back to the beginning first.
I'm so glad you held and got through.
This has all been scripted by the UN.
That's why I knew that they'd do a second lockdown, it'd be tighter.
And then a third one.
And even if Trump wins or loses, this is the bureaucracy, the corporations, the Democrat areas, in a corporate governmental coup, ignoring the executive branch.
So this is just an incredible time of sedition.
we're witnessing where they're telling you, oh, before the mask were even being
put on, we're going to have to have mail-in ballots.
And so before the debates are even done, most people would have already voted.
That is so sneaky.
That is so dangerous.
And that gives the Democrats time to rig those mail-in ballots and stuff those
ballots and pull all sorts of games.
That's their secret weapon to remove Trump and defeat America.
Cause you know, then if Donald Trump makes a fuss about it, says that he doesn't
agree with the election outcome, then you know what they're already kind of set
the narrative out that he's not going to leave office, they're going to have to
do it through force.
But honestly, in any other election, we haven't had mail-in voting.
So how could you tell people that you can't go to the ballot, you can't give an actual vote, and this person's not the legitimate president?
The whole four years that he's been in office, and then the moment it comes time to actually get into the ballot and vote, you can't actually go and do it.
You've got to do it through the mail-in system.
And who knows how legitimate that could actually even work out for like one or two state elections.
We might have won the whole country on the same day.
It just won't work.
What are your other fellow postal workers saying about the situation?
Uh, I mean, you know, I don't think anyone actually agrees that you can actually do a mail-in voting.
I haven't heard too many people talk about it, but there is definitely a bunch of people that don't like Trump, so.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were okay with the whole thing.
Well, you know how the scam works.
They mail these out of the homes of dead people.
They mail these out of the homes of people that know they're getting the ballots of dead people.
And they mail these out to people whose cat died 10 years ago, and then somebody else fills it out.
And then when they get a lot of these ballots back, they can just falsify them however they want.
This is the takeover, and they've already said that if Trump challenges this, he's a dictator.
So they're already saying, we're going to steal it, and if you challenge it, you're a dictator, and we're going to arrest whoever aids you.
That was the Washington Post headline.
If any of his cabinet doesn't agree, we'll put you in jail too.
It's now a reign of terror.
They tell you chaos is coming, but if Trump doesn't agree to what we say comes out of the chaos, it's his fault.
That's why they invoked this for the election, and Trump had better take action with 88 days out.
Well, you gotta take action too, Alex.
You and Infowars, you gotta get in touch with your sources and figure out what's the signs of fraudulent mail-in voting.
Well, sir, we do know what the signs are, and it's having a mail-in vote that's unverified.
The whole thing is a giant, complete fraud.
It's not like when you request an absentee ballot, they match it with your voter registration, they match it with your address, you get it.
That still has some problems.
This is total, complete fraud.
Just dump ballots out everywhere, have a total free-for-all, so that in the blue cities, and other areas they can particularly engage in fraud, then
it's going to be a disaster in all the other red cities. They won't know what to do. They'll
be honest and say it doesn't work. Those will be thrown out. All the fraud zones will be kept and
President Trump will be removed from office. And then the real reign of terror begins. The false
flags, the terror attacks blaming conservatives, the open borders, the collapsing dollar. The
Democrats are openly saying the dollar's over.
China's way overinflated their currency compared to us.
Yes, we're in a currency war.
Yes, we've overinflated.
But if we don't, we'll implode.
If we do, we implode.
But we still stay on top economically if we are the last currency standing.
So remember how bad it's going to get if Trump fails and we fail, and the very idiots cheering on for this will be the most hurt by it.
Can you believe that, my friend?
Yeah, I mean, honestly, I think everyone should have the right to vote, even if you don't like Trump.
And I totally understand if you don't like Trump.
I didn't vote for the guy either.
But I just feel that it's a democracy issue and that I should call on the show.
Because how many people on the... CBS is the one that reported by September 19th, there were 16 states that are going to vote.
How many people do you think there in CBS?
Oh, you're totally right.
Yeah, did you know the election will be over before it started?
Thank you so much.
Now, here's President Trump taking action against human smuggling and my son.
Stay with us.
Finally today I'm pleased to announce that the Department of Justice has issued 35 million dollars in grants to 73 organizations nationwide providing assistance to human trafficking victims.
A terrible thing.
You think of human trafficking as being an ancient form of crime.
It's not because of the internet.
It's a very modern crime all over the world.
Not just here, all over the world, human trafficking.
It's usually in women or women and children.
But it's again because of the Internet.
It's a terrible situation.
Never been like this.
And also survivors who face heightened dangers during the pandemic.
It's actually increased during the pandemic.
I guess some reasons are obvious and some reasons are less obvious, but human trafficking, we're working very, very strongly.
The wall is up to 277 miles right now, and it's going up by the end of the year.
It'll be largely finished shortly, shortly after the end of the year.
I'm going to be very blunt today.
I'm going to be very serious today.
I'm not going to make any jokes.
I'm not trying to have any laughs here.
This is an important message and it's a short one.
the human trafficking is what it's to be. It's one of the most horrific of crimes and
we work very hard on it.
I'm going to be very blunt today. I'm going to be very serious today. I'm not going to
make any jokes. I'm not trying to have any laughs here.
This is an important message and it's a short one. You got to go out and vote on
November 4th. And post midterms, post 2018, I didn't think I was going to be able to do it.
I despise Trump almost as much as leftists do.
That this is me, this is my coming out story to you about my opinions of Trump.
In 2016, I worshipped the guy.
I thought he was going to just come in and win for us and do all the things he promised.
And he betrayed us on about 95% of the things that he said.
Left me heartbroken.
He let all his biggest supporters, all his biggest fans, everyone who got him elected in 2016, that populist movement that put him in office, he let those people just get smacked aside so he could be friends with the bigwigs.
And instead of draining the swamp, he built his own personal theme park in it.
We gotta give him one more chance.
I'm gonna be at the polls November 4th voting for Donald J. Trump because it is the only option.
Donald Trump is the only roadblock, the only dam between our country becoming Venezuela.
Because if Joe Biden wins, it's not going to be a Joe Biden presidency.
It's going to be a Bernie Sanders presidency.
It's going to be a BLM presidency.
It's going to be a communist presidency.
And America is going to turn into a third world nation.
Do you really want that?
Trump may have lied to us.
He may have betrayed us on a lot of things.
But I think, honestly, in a second term, He can turn it around.
If he decides that he doesn't have to listen to the political hacks, if he decides he wants to give up on becoming Mr. Popular, he can do it.
He did not need their help in 2016 to get elected, and he doesn't need it now.
Let's go forward with the real movement he promised.
Let's do it.
And that, of course, is the man with Enemies Foreign and Domestic, the former Navy SEAL.
And right now we have Daryl Rundis.
In studio with us, Butterflyers.com.
Daryl's the founder and CEO of the world's largest circulation sales and marketing firm.
But some stations don't carry this first five minutes, so I'll reintroduce you to the next segment.
First off, I asked my producer a few weeks ago, I said, I haven't talked to Daryl Rundis in years.
You're a good friend of mine.
You've been on the show for over 10 years, 12 years or so.
And I'm glad we got in contact with you.
I'm glad you were able to come on the show.
Man, it's so good to be here.
I'll tell you what, Alex.
It's humbling sitting in this chair knowing who else has sat in this chair.
I mean, amazing, powerful men and women who have had profound and positive impact on this country.
But today I wanted to take this opportunity, you know, with the short time that I have with you today, to bring a history lesson to people.
And I brought something that I got from you last time I was on this show.
This is called Tyranny Crusher.
And if you would, just give people a little history about how This cord got cut because it's significant.
And I'm going to tie it all together to where we are today.
Well, since you bring that up, I didn't know you were going to do that.
Guys, can you guys pull up MSNBC attacks Alex Jones, cuts microphone cord.
We've got the video somewhere.
I mean, the guy literally comes at you with a knife.
That's right.
I mean, and he comes at you because he can't kill the message.
He can't kill the messenger.
So what does he do?
He cuts the cord.
And that's where we're at today.
This was the salvo.
This was the shot heard around the world.
Unfortunately, people didn't heed the warning.
You know, that happened at the DNC 2008.
Rob Dew can probably find it if it's somewhere.
But I think it was MSNBC attacks Alex Jones, cuts cord of Bullhorn.
Yeah, and he comes up with a knife, grabs it, cuts it.
Grabs it, cuts it.
But now...
Look what's happened.
I mean, we've gotten to the place where not only have they de-platformed you, YouTube, Google, yesterday they pulled the president's tweets and pulled them off of Facebook because he tweets something about COVID-19, which is absolutely true.
Kamala Harris is of course the new VP candidate.
The Democrats are in control of Twitter.
If that's enough to scare anybody, that when Biden dies, which he probably would in office if he did get elected, that would be your president.
Think about that for a second.
Would you want Kamala to be your president?
I mean, I can't imagine... And it wouldn't be a scandal when we pointed out that he had cognitive issues two years ago, and then he'll end up stepping down and she's the president.
She's a total puppet.
Well, and I don't want to get too off track here, because the reason I came down here today from Dallas is I wanted to talk to you a little bit about this, because this, once again, was the foreshadowing of what was to come.
Well, let's start over, because again, some stages don't carry the first five minutes, but I wanted to get you in here.
It's going to get you in there late.
It takes a few minutes to get people in and name the cameras and all that.
So when we come back...
Restart your story, and let's see if we can find it.
If we can't find it while we're live right now on TV and radio, obviously radio can't see it.
I'm sure today in post, when we post this to Band Off Video, will you guys ask Rob Dewey or some of the crew to find...
I think it's Alex Jones takes over MSNBC.
Alex Jones takes over.
What was it?
I think it was Chris Matthews.
Oh yeah, they found the old livestream.
Yeah, but we've got HD video of this too.
Remember old JustinTV?
Oh yeah.
Yeah, but we've got the HD of this too somewhere.
Where the guy comes up and cuts the cord.
But to me, you know, I have this sitting in a case in my office, and it reminds me of how one man, how God took one man with one bullhorn and practically brought the New World Order down to its knees.
And it makes me think, how many other Alex Joneses are there out there that have yet to rise up, wise up, speak up, and not shut up?
Because here's the thing... How many Samsons are there that need to That's right.
How many Daniels, how many Moseses, how many other people out there that are disobeying the calling that God has on their life?
And here's the thing.
Of all the great, amazing, or horrible adjectives people may use to describe you, there's one that I often think of, and we'll talk about it when we... Alright, well, recap.
That's what you're saying is powerful, and it's not about us, it's about everybody else being inspired.
Darrell Rundis is our guest.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, Darrell Rundis is our guest in studio a little bit in the next hour.
He is a founder and former CEO of the world's largest circulation sales and marketing firm, current CEO of Butterflies, Inc., the writer, producer, director, and the host of the Prayer Stop TV show, a happily married Christ follower of five, a father of five, a non, as a non-Christian for most of his life, Darrell Rundis is one of the world's oldest living survivors.
Of course, Hirschsprung disease, it's actually a very rare birth defect where you're born with partial intestines.
Oh, wow.
In fact, for the first few years of my life, about two years of my life, I was in the hospital.
Oh, wow.
And what's interesting about that, and not to get sidetracked too much, but they always said to my mom, if you even survive, You know, he's going to be tube fed his whole life.
He'll never eat solid food.
He'll be retarded.
Probably a vegetable by the time he's 10.
My wife thinks they got the retarded part right.
But in all seriousness now, Alex, I wanted to kind of... Let me finish up your bio here.
I'm like you, I don't like people.
Since the day he became a Christian, Daryl has had a tremendous amount of love for the lost and exceptionally grown as an evangelist and Christian.
He's preached and taught in churches all around the world.
He's worked with people like Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Chuck Baldwin, Alan Keyes, Kirk Cameron, Ray Comfort, Mark Cahill, Josh McDonnell, and many, many others.
Butterflyers.com, you're also a big marketer.
But wasn't your dad a preacher?
So then you kind of rebelled against the dad and then later became a Christian?
Yeah, I hated it.
I was a Saul to Paul experience.
I grew up hating Christians.
I would have told you the Bible was a big, thick, dusty book filled with rules to make your life miserable, right?
That if the Bible was even true, it was just a cleverly invented story to control the masses and to keep them from rising.
And so what made you have that?
Well, Paul, for me, what I kind of did with you a while back, and even though you were already saved, it really kind of took it to another level and helped you get a deeper understanding and relationship with Jesus and what it was really all about, was basically I asked people, I said, Alex, would you trade your eyes for a million bucks?
And you said, no.
I said, how about 10 million?
You said, no way.
I said, But if I gave you all Bill Gates' money, would you do it?
You said, absolutely not, man.
My eyes are valuable.
They're precious.
And I was like, well, if your eyes are merely the window to your soul, then how much more is the soul that looks out those eyes worth?
You wouldn't trade your eyes for all the money in the world.
Don't trade your soul for so much less.
And we got to talking, and we just became quick friends.
And now hasn't it become obvious that it's a spiritual battle, and now the atheists are like, we're not atheists.
We're devil worshippers.
They're pulling down Christ statues, putting up Bathoma statues.
Satanism's out in the open now.
We're definitely going to be addressing that today because I feel like we're in a parallel experience to Nebuchadnezzar or Belshazzar, who was his son, who inherited the kingdom, the greatest kingdom of all, Babylon, and unfortunately squandered it.
He saw the writing on the wall.
And a few years ago I did a really important message called the writings on the wall.
And most people didn't heed it.
Most people didn't even watch it.
YouTube suppressed it and so much more.
And now I feel like we're at that point where the enemies are in the gate.
The writings on the wall.
The modern American Christian has been weighed in the balance and found wanting.
They are lukewarm, lazy Christians.
They don't get up.
Has God's hedge of protection been lifted?
Or is it just partially been lifted to give us a last chance?
You know, I think God has given us this last shaking.
I think he's saying, look, if you won't repent, if you won't come back to me, if you won't stand up and fight against evil and wickedness and tyranny, Then I've got no choice.
You've turned for me.
I'd rather you be hot or cold, Jesus says.
It's the lukewarm, lazy Christian that makes him literally sick to his stomach.
And so I'm here today as kind of a call to action, a call to challenge, to tell Christians, look, it's okay to get up and to get out and to speak up.
Don't be afraid of men, okay?
What can men do to you?
I mean, especially like, take this COVID-19 thing and wear the mask and all these other things.
What's the worst that can happen is you die.
Well, if you're really soundly saved, if you've sold out for Christ, man, you're going home to your reward!
You should be happy!
Plus, statistically, it's all a lie put out by Gates and the rest of them.
So let's get into Tyranny Crusher, and then I want to get into what you see in the world.
Well, this right here always reminds me of how one man, how God can take one man and use him to, I mean... And for the radio listeners, it's a bullhorn that I used for more than 10 years, and then And man, this thing has seen Bilderberger groups, this thing has seen, you know, DNC conventions, this thing has seen more time than probably any bullhorn you've ever used.
And to me it was the salvo, it was the shot that most people didn't hear when they come and cut this cord because it was a foreshadowing of what was to come.
And recap that story.
I'm at the DNC 2008.
He's bullhorning it as typical Alex Jones.
And once again, to me it shows that one man with one message that's truth, that's truth, that's perseverant, that won't give up, can't be defeated.
By the way, that's why the Democrats did the whole COVID thing, was to lock down public events where we could bullhorn, lock down RNC, DNC.
Where you can't speak the truth.
Where we can't come take over with bullhorns.
That's right.
So you went out there, they cut the cord, but it was only a foreshadowing.
It was what to come.
Because now what?
They've cut you off Facebook.
They've cut you off YouTube.
When I googled Alex Jones Show yesterday, a bunch of pictures of some chick came up.
I mean, it was... That's right.
They either put her on top or they put all the lying...
Right, so it just goes to show you, it was kind of like, we should have took this.
This should have been the writing on the wall, right here.
This should have been God's way of saying to all of us, like, that they'll try to silence Alex Jones.
Then they're going to do it to everybody.
And of course, you might have been the first culprit, the first one that they attacked.
And it's our type of them trying to cut us off from God, from our families.
They're trying to isolate us.
But here it is, Kamala Harris' campaign operative is the one that actually works at Twitter and had Trump kicked off Twitter yesterday.
And the President puts up with that.
Well, you know, that's the big secret that they don't want anybody to know, that I want everybody to know today, is light beats darkness.
And that light is great, that light of love, the light of liberty, the light of truth.
And all you gotta do is get up and get out and just start speaking.
Forget Twitter, forget YouTube, you can be your own YouTube.
Start your own channel.
Alex started Banned Video, right?
It can be anything.
God's called you to do something.
Don't sit satisfied in your own salvation saying, oh, I'm waiting for the rapture and Christ, hurry, it comes soon.
Because the truth of the matter is, you're going to be found wanting.
You're going to get weighed in the balance.
Jesus says, be sure the Master finds you doing what He's commanded you to do when He does return.
So if you think these are the end times, and you think Christ's return is imminent and soon, then you better be sure Well, I know you're involved in Christian broadcasting at the highest levels, and I just don't have time to keep track of a lot of stuff.
I understand the news, but they're announcing digital tattoos under the skin, a world government controlling it, the UN tells us what health policy is.
They want us to take force inoculations that change our DNA.
I mean, if that isn't Mark of the Beast, what is?
Are churches saying no to this and speaking out?
Or are they just going along with, we're not essential, we're closed, but the liquor stores and the NFL are open?
You know what's amazing about that?
I had a friend just the other day, I love her dearly, she's a sweet, sweet lady and she loves the Lord.
But she says, oh, this this forced vaccination with an RNA marker that's going to change your DNA, that couldn't be the mark of the beast because we'll know what we're doing if we go to take the mark of the beast.
And I had to actually laugh at that because I thought, since when has Satan ever been forthright, truthful and honest about any of his intentions?
He never has.
And nowhere in the Bible does it say it's obvious that you're taking the mark of the beast when you take the mark of the beast.
OK, so I, for one, would never take that.
The only thing obvious about it is they say you've got to do this to buy and sell, to leave your house, to have a job, to get on a plane, and the social distancing diagrams they put out are three humans with sixes between them, six feet between, the number of a man.
Men must stay six feet apart.
The barcode only works with 666.
Over and over again it tells us.
Satan lies overtly, but then covertly it's all right there in the handiwork.
No, it's all there.
And if I were you, I would walk wisely and suspectly in this world.
Line up and say, oh, I better take the vaccine, I better obey, you know, to obey the government's better than to obey God.
No, it's better to obey God than men, right?
And the funny thing about it is I think back to our first conversation when we sat down and we talked about the eyes being the window to your soul and those kind of things.
And I said, Alex, what's your motive?
What's your objective?
What is it you want to accomplish with this?
And you said, we're going to take on the new world order!
And he goes, you know, and I was like, you know, that's an admirable objective.
That's something that we should all aspire to do, but you'll fail.
And you looked at me shocked, just like you just did.
You're like, what are you talking about?
We're going to fail.
I was like, the Bible says there will be a one world government.
There will be an Antichrist.
He will rule and reign.
Our objective, if your objective is to stop God, From fulfilling all the things he said that he was going to be in the Bible, you're going to be defeated, you're going to get demolished.
Sure, let's talk about the rest of the story when we come back with Daryl Rundas.
I'm Alex Jones.
Well, pastor and of course, successful businessman and TV host, Daryl Rundas is with us.
He has Butterflyers.com.
You've probably seen him, he invented it.
Okay, you want to get into The Antichrist world government.
And I want to be clear.
I never thought that we could stop the Antichrist and stop the world government.
But if you read the Bible, if you study history, things repeat.
They build their global government.
Then there's the biggest revival ever when the Antichrist comes in.
So we're in the position to warn people about how all this is going to happen.
They're not going to listen.
And then when it all happens, then they're going to really wake up.
We're already seeing foreshadowing of people who thought I was crazy.
25 years ago, 20 years ago, 10 years ago.
Now that it's all happening, our credibility's gone way up, so have others.
And they'll get a point where they probably kill us or shut us down.
But then people will remember that, they'll know that, so we won't be flat-footed up against this dehumanization system.
And now the world government says, dreaming of the post-human world, dreaming of getting rid of... They're telling us that the establishment wants to transcend humans.
This is revelation becoming manifest.
We're seeing all those prophecies foretold of old unfold right before our eyes, and now it's just to kind of pick up where we left off.
So when I said that, and you were like, yeah, we're going to take down there, we're going to get the Bilderbergers, we're going to do this, and then I was like, yeah, that's great, and I love that plan, but, you know, here's the thing, you're...
Very similar to what I do as a minister.
My concept, my idea, I can't save souls, only God can do that.
But what I can do is sow the seeds of truth.
And when I sow those seeds of truth, I got a hope that God brings forth the increase.
I said, your aim, your goal, needs to be waking people up.
Bring the knowledge, bring the truth, bring it passionately, so that then when this day came, Like you just said, they would realize, wow, I thought Alex was crazy all those years, yet now I'm seeing, oh, those stars are pedophiles!
Oh, wow, they do dance around in druid robes, and they do worship Moloch, and they do do all these horrible things that they used to call you crazy for.
In fact, once again, I want to kind of get back to the simple truth of the matter, and why God can and will use you and anyone else Just like he's used this man right here.
Now Alex, I know you don't like it when people toot your horn.
You don't like, you're like me, you know, you just try to stay humble.
You stay bold in your witness and humble in your heart and that's a good thing to do.
That's what God loves.
He wants a humble servant that does what He wants to do.
That'll bend the knee to Him and to Him alone.
I do need to take this opportunity just to encourage other people that, look, if one man with one bull hand can almost take the whole New World Order down, okay?
And now he's discipling others, right?
You got Owen, you got David Knight, you got many other people.
I mean, this studio is amazing, Alex.
When we first met, you were in a small little space coming off of public access television, and you were doing What nobody else had ever thought to do.
You were doing live broadcasting while you were on radio.
Nobody had ever thought of doing that before.
Now that's the thing.
That's what everybody wants to do.
And so what I would encourage you to be is be another Alex Jones.
Because here's the thing.
It's not going to be easy.
It's going to be hard.
In fact, the Bible says every Christian who wants to live a godly life in Christ will suffer persecution.
Okay, look at what Christ had to go through on his path to the cross in order to pay for the sins of the world, okay?
So, while I know he doesn't like people boasting about him and bragging about him, I do want to tell him one thing, one thing above all else.
People can call him crazy, they can call him out of his mind, they can say he's a great businessman or he's this, he's that, whatever, it doesn't matter.
There's one thing above all else that he has that we all need to have, and that's perseverance.
You need to learn the race, to run that race with perseverance that's been marked out for you.
He's run, I mean, think of all the obstacles he's been confronted with.
All the adversity, right?
They cut the cord, literally, on him, okay?
Yet, he persevered.
He didn't give up.
He didn't quit.
In fact, there's an, how much time we got?
I'm going to share something.
Four minutes.
It's an old poem called Don't Quit.
You ever heard it?
No, I may have, but tell me.
I memorized it when I was 18 years old going door-to-door selling magazines, okay, as a kid.
I dropped out of high school when I was 17 years old, decided I would go, you know, join this traveling sales group.
And knocking doors, if anybody's ever done it, is a very, very tough thing to do.
So I had to stay positive all the time.
I had to stay up.
And I memorized this poem.
I'm going to share it with you right now.
It says, when things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When that road you travels all uphill, when your funds are low and your debts are high and you want to smile but you have to sigh, when life is pressing you down a bit, rest if you must, but do not quit.
For life is strange with its twists and turns, as each and every one of us sometimes learn.
And many a people turn about when they may have won and they stuck it out.
And they don't realize how close they were to that crown.
They give up before the sun came down.
So don't give up when the pace seems slow.
You may succeed with one more blow.
Often the victor has given up when he may have captured the Winner's Cup.
Success is failure turned inside out.
The silver tint to the clouds of doubt.
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit.
It's when things seem their worst that you must not quit.
And that's where we're at.
That's where we're at right now.
This country is on a tipping point.
If you won't get up, wake up, wise up, and rise up right now, it's gone.
It's over.
It's just like it was on the days of Belshazzar, when he called in Daniel and he asked him to interpret this writing that was on the wall.
It was the hand of God writing on the wall saying, Have turned for me.
You've taken all that your father had given you, and all that he had done for me, and you've squandered it.
You now worship idols, and you drink from the chalices that were meant for the temple, and so today, this very day, the enemy is in your gate, and that very night he died.
He died.
And that's what's going to happen to this country if we do not get Donald Trump elected again, if we continue to... I mean, here, it's as simple as this, Alex.
I mean, think about this for a second.
It's not who votes that counts.
It's who counts the votes.
And with this mail-in ballots, with all these postal workers, only the USPS just endorsed Biden to be president.
What does that say about mail-in ballots?
You think they're going to take those ballots?
No, they're going to look at them.
They're going to take the Republican ballots from the trash.
So get involved.
Be the one who counts the ballots.
Don't just vote.
Be the one that makes sure that that vote counts.
That's right, folks.
You can smell it.
The Globalist.
Let me ask this, Daryl.
Why are the minions of evil have no spirit to them?
Biden, Hillary, all of them.
I mean, they're just pathetic liars.
And God's making it so obvious that they're so bad that we should reject them.
But still, other people don't reject them when they openly don't believe the country should even exist.
You know, the funny thing about it, most honorable, hard-working, let's say, good Christian people, for example, most of them won't even get up and go out and share the gospel, the good news.
I mean, that's like saying, we have the cure for cancer, you're dying of cancer, we can see you're sick and we know you're gonna die, yet We don't love you enough to tell you the truth about the cure for cancer.
Yeah, because good people seem to think it's pushy to do it.
You know why?
They fear men more than they fear God.
Just like in Jesus' day, there were many, the Bible says, that believed in Him, but they wouldn't profess their faith in Him for fear they'd be thrown out of the synagogue.
See, the truth is, people love the world more than they love God.
And now we'll be thrown out if we don't take the mask, the chip, the injection.
It's all there.
They obey the rules on Twitter.
Because, oh, I don't want to get deplatformed.
I don't want to lose track.
But then there's always more, more, more.
The news gets tighter.
Tighter and tighter and tighter.
And that's why God's saying, unless you break free from that.
I sent my son to set you free for who the Son sets free is free indeed.
And if you take that freedom and that liberty and use it as indulgence, use it for sin, use it to continue to go down and buy your cheap China goods at Walmart and your latte at Starbucks while you let the world burn all around you, then guess who's going to be held most accountable?
Not the evil wicked ones.
They act like people of the world because they're in the world.
It's going to be those who claim it.
Explain that when we come back because it's true.
God hates people that sit there on their ass while good people are destroyed.
God knows what the evil is.
Why does God hate the lukewarm more than even the evil?
We'll explain that when we come back.
All right, your phone calls are coming up in the next segment.
Derek, Phil, Dylan, Steve, Hunter, Brennan, Lucas, and Resistance.
That's all the calls we get to, but we love you.
We're going to get to you in a little bit in the next hour with Del Rondis, a pastor, also a very successful businessman, and an inventor.
We'll get to some of that in a minute.
I'm going to make him do it.
But first off, getting into this lukewarm issue, you are neither hot nor cold, so I spit you out of my mouth.
It's these dead zombies that know things are bad, they don't respect themselves, they don't have a sense of wanting to do evil or good, but just sitting there like blobs.
Well, you asked a question before the break.
You said, why does God hate the lukewarm more than the lost people?
Well, the truth of it is, it's very simple to explain, basically.
Think about it in military terms for a second.
If a general, a commander of an army says to a Navy SEAL, he says, here's the mission, I need you to go in, grab those hostages, I need you to get them out.
But instead of obeying the commander, he runs, he hides, and he doesn't do what he's been trained and commanded to do.
Do you think that soldier, when he returns, Is he going to get commended by his commander?
Of course not.
His commander is going to be furious with him because he gave him the tools, he gave him the talent, he gave him the training, he gave him the resources, he gave him everything he needed to do to accomplish the mission, and the guy ran like a coward.
The lukewarm are like cowardly Christians, basically, and it's almost like if I... You're right, it's all about cowardice, and God hates a coward.
Well, Revelation 21-7 says that cowardly will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.
In God's mind, lying, stealing, lust, all that stuff is just as bad as being a coward.
And, you know, it's kind of like this.
If I see you're in need, right, and I say, Alex, I'll help you with that need.
But then I don't do it, right?
I disobey and I blow you off and I don't come and help you with a need.
Which was worse, for me to see the need and ignore it, or to promise you I'll do something about it?
No, the false claim of, hey, it's like a ship radios you when you're going down them five miles away.
We're coming to help you, and doesn't come to help you.
Right, and they don't.
If you're going to ignore a ship that needs help, just ignore them.
Right, so here they are in church on Sunday singing songs, Oh God I love you, I adore you, I'll do anything for you.
Isn't it like they're really being Pharisees though?
They want to be seen as good in their community.
They don't want to actually do it.
I don't know.
I can't really speak to that.
Some of them though.
I mean, because here's the deal.
I go to these big churches.
They're not preaching anything I heard when I was a kid.
Everything I heard when I was a kid is coming true.
I go in there, it's all feel good, be happy.
That's not a church, it's a pep rally.
Well, no, exactly.
In other words, it's a prosperity message.
In fact, here, we've got a little bit of time.
Let me share with you an analogy.
Let's say this is the essence and what's wrong with the modern American gospel today, okay?
Let's say you've got two passengers on an airplane and you go to the first one and you say, Sir, Alex, put this parachute on because it's really going to improve your flight.
You're going to have peace and joy and happiness and man, this is just, this is going to be the greatest flight of your life.
Well, you try the parachute on because you're sure you'd love to have the greatest flight of your life and in experimental fashion you put the thing on but in a few minutes you notice the weight of the parachute on your back.
It's cumbersome, it's tight, you can't lean back in your seat.
Pretty soon you look around and there's other passengers mocking you and making fun of you saying, He doesn't need a parachute.
We're all okay.
We're safe, right?
So pretty soon, he gets somewhat embittered towards those that told him to put the parachute on to improve his flight because it didn't improve his flight at all, right?
But if I go to passenger two and I say, sir, put this parachute on because any minute you're going to have to jump 10,000 feet out of this plane and this parachute It's going to save your life from the jump to come.
Now, do they mind the weight of the parachute?
Oh, no.
Do they care they can't lean back in their seat?
If other passengers start to mock and make fun of them, they don't get embittered or indifferent towards those other passengers or towards those that gave them the parachute.
They have heartfelt sympathy towards those people without the parachute because they know what their fate's going to be when they have to jump.
10,000 feet out of the plane without one.
And in the same way, if people were true, faithful witnesses to what the Bible actually teaches, they wouldn't say, put Jesus on, because he'll improve your life.
He'll give you health, wealth, and prosperity, and all these wonderful things, because Jesus didn't promise that.
He said, becoming a Christian is going to make your life tougher.
People are going to hate you.
They're going to mock you.
They're going to revive you.
If they hated me, they're going to hate you too.
Remember, they hated me first.
In this world, you will have tribulation, but take heart, I've overcome the world.
See, the true believer, he puts his faith and trust in the parachute because he knows it's going to save him when he jumps from here into eternity.
He put it on for the motive to escape from the jump to come.
And again, there is passages about if you do the right thing and follow the rules, especially Old Testament, you'll live a better life.
That's all true.
But you'll be attacked by the world.
So they take that and they twist that.
And then Christians expect to never face any opposition because they go to the megachurch.
But that's just not true.
You're supposed to get charged up.
Like the Revolutionary War, the Black Brigade, the pastors, led that war against the king.
No king but King Jesus.
And so the entire history of Christianity is about people standing up.
The number one place to recruit in the Revolutionary War was where?
The church.
And the church, right?
Pastors would recruit their flocks and say, hey, we've got to go fight for freedom and liberty and we've got to fight for the future of our kids.
And yet you would not hear that preached anywhere from the pulpit today.
They all got duped and bought into the whole 501c3 thing years ago, even though right there on the IRS's website it says churches are automatically exempt.
And the Romans 13, Hitler's favorite quote.
But if you read the whole thing, it says, that's Caesar's currency and his system.
If you're in their system, that's what you've got to submit to.
Under the First Amendment, the church is separate from government and has no jurisdiction, because those are the things of Christ.
That's absolutely right.
In other words, you can't cut it both ways.
You can't say, oh, you can't have the church and the government.
You've got to have separation of church and state, which really isn't even in the Constitution.
But they can't then come into the church and say, oh, well, we're going to tell you how to run church.
Well, they twist it and say God can't be in government.
No, no, it's the other way around.
Government can't come in and tell churches what to do because it's not their jurisdiction.
Right, but they did.
They did.
Nixon did it with the fire.
And that's when it all happened, and that's now the churches are all scared about their tax exemptions, just like the NRA right now.
And it's not just that, Alex.
We talked about the lukewarm, okay?
The reason God hates the lukewarm is because they've said, God, the Bible says, searches to and fro for that person that'll raise their hand and say, here I am, send me.
I volunteer for God's army.
I volunteer for truth.
I volunteer for liberty.
I volunteer on the front line to be and do whatever you call me to be and do.
And yet, they say those things, they make those promises, and they don't do it.
Well, here's the other thing.
The people that, and again, I am a Christian, but for me it's just been like the spirit of it.
I'm so empowered when I'm doing what God wants.
It's a high that's incredible.
And before I was really doing what God wanted me to do, I was not a happy person.
People don't understand the empowerment of getting with what God wants.
And it's not running around telling people what a good Christian you are.
It's going out confronting evil, confronting the Satanists, confronting their works, and warning people.
I don't know how anybody now With Satanism as the world government, open attacks on Christianity, Mark of the Beast, one world government, it's all happening exactly as the Bible says.
I mean, I don't know how anyone could not now go, whoa, and then you think about a fallen one on the planet and trying to get rid of humanity.
I mean, it's science fiction, but it's not.
It's real.
No, it's happening right now.
In fact, every day.
I don't know when Christ comes back, okay?
I don't know the day or the hour.
The scripture makes that clear.
But I can tell you one thing 100% for sure.
We're closer today than we were yesterday, and not as close as we will be tomorrow.
It's imminent.
And as we see the signs... It's accelerating!
It's accelerating.
It's getting faster.
Daniel said in the last... Birthdays!
Many people will run to and fro, right?
And knowledge shall be greatly increased.
Well, in the original Hebrew, that to and fro means that things are going to speed up.
It's going to come much harder and much faster.
Jesus equated it to labor pains on a woman, right?
And anybody that's ever had a kid or been with a wife that has a kid, you see those labor pains get more intense and they come quicker and more painful.
There's a climax.
There's one thing that keeps that woman going, right?
When she's so worn out, she's so tired.
It might be 10, 12, 15 hours of labor.
That pain is so intense that she can't take it anymore.
There's one thought that keeps her going.
Do you know what it is?
What do you think it is?
The baby.
The meat in her baby.
And I think what's wrong with a modern American Christian, or even Americans, is they're not ready to meet their maker.
See, all my Christian life, people would say, Darrell, you're so on fire for God, you love the Lord, you know the Bible, what's the secret?
Give me some quick tips.
I'd say, well, know your Maker, you know, read the Bible, pray, you know, fellowship with other believers, etc.
Know your Maker, and then make your Maker known.
But I realized there was a third part that wasn't, that was missing.
In these times that we're living in, these turbulent times, these difficult days, I realized It's about meeting your maker too.
All throughout scripture you see examples Jesus gives about being ready to meet your maker.
Being ready for these days.
You don't have to be afraid.
You don't have to... Well, I've said that on air.
I go, I'm ready to meet my maker.
They go, Jones is suicidal.
No, the opposite.
But I'm ready.
I'm ready right now.
Put a gun to my head.
Deny Christ or serve Satan.
I say, pull the trigger.
I'm not scared.
That's right.
I'm ready.
And they hate the fact that they don't have that fear of them.
See, that's that fear of not the world, but of God.
And you're ready to meet your maker because you're on the right terms.
You're on the right team.
You've accepted Christ as payment for your sin.
You're not.
Count on your own good works, your own good deeds.
If anybody could pile up all these good things, all these things they've done, and count and toot their own horn, it would be you.
But you don't.
We'll be back with phone calls.
Joel Rund is with us in studio.
We've got a lot of breaking news as well.
Stay with us.
All right, Darrell Rundness is in the studio with us.
I want to jam in a few of your calls as promised, but you've got something fun you invented, and we're going to plug it here right now.
Shameless plug here, but... No, no, I want you to plug it.
We have all kinds of designs, probably 50 different designs, some that just look like butterflies, some that say happy birthday or merry Christmas or what have you, but this is a new way to...
I figured I'd bring the American flag patriotic kind of thing.
But people love them.
And we say fly it forward because right now, especially with a lot of people not going to birthday parties or graduations or weddings or what have you, they want to send a card.
And so they want something special to put in that card.
And that's what we made these to do.
You wind them up about 30, 35 times, put them in a book, magazine, greeting card, whatever you want.
And then when people open it up, It comes flying out.
And it's like a kid riding a roller coaster.
First they scream, then they laugh, and then they wind it back up and say, let's do it again!
Can I have one more of those?
Or I guess somebody can grab it off the floor.
No, I mean, my kids love these.
One for you and one for the wife.
And so you and us, a big purple one.
That's a big purple one.
And they're just a lot of fun.
Very simple, very easy to use, a very interesting concept.
And you invented this.
Well, these are our designs.
Actually, the inventor It was about a hundred years ago.
It was a magician who made one out of wire and paper in a rubber band.
And that's another thing people love about them.
No batteries required.
It's very low-tech.
Old-fashioned toy.
It's a lot of fun.
You could use them over and over again.
Grandparents are going crazy with their kids, with their grandkids for this.
And we need to get back to writing handwritten letters.
We need to get back to it.
I mean, more and more landlines.
Because all of the new technology is being used to totally dehumanize us and make us obsolete.
That's why before we go to calls, I wanted to bring this up.
I was out at Crater Park, Crater Monument in Arizona, I guess about 15 years ago now, and this thing was only like $600.
I later looked, and they're going for like $5,000 now.
It's out of Morocco.
It's a prehistoric crocodile.
And they had stuff for sale there, so I got this.
Now, I don't go with what the mainline preachers, how old they say the earth is.
That's their interpretation of the Bible.
Admit it, the universe is younger than what they thought.
Now they think asteroids hit us every 100,000 years, big ones on every 15 million.
Their science has all changed and stuff's getting crazier and crazier.
They were trying to unspiral DNA in the lab, thought it would break.
New DNA just generates and it just keeps unspiraling.
Turns out all that junk isn't junk and they've gone in there and they find like Whole species and things that have never even been here or that they didn't know about in us.
And other animals, like ferrets, get given this new vaccine.
We don't die.
They die.
I mean, we're so tough.
People don't realize how amazing humans are.
And there's just something special about us because God made us.
But just think about the old Earth age and what was here before and just, you know, what really went on on this planet, you know?
I would say that's pre-flood, and I'm a young earth guy.
I've done a lot of research, a lot of studying on this, and the fact that just recently, I'm going to say recently, maybe about four or five years ago, they found DNA in dinosaur tissue.
I remember.
So how is there 45 million old?
It can't be, right?
They just wouldn't survive that long.
So the simple fact is the Bible, if you go read the book of Job, describes Bohemoth, you know, this animal with a tail as big as a cedar tree.
And of course, in the biblical commentary, you'll say, oh, that's probably an elephant.
Well, have you ever seen the tail on an elephant?
A little bit.
Right, yeah.
So it's not a big, long tail like a seagull.
It's a tiny tail.
You have legends of dragons and dinosaurs in every culture all over the world.
And the Chinese say in their 5,000-year-old writings that just right before that, that there were these big dragons everywhere, and now China has more bones of all these giant dinosaurs than anybody.
Well, I mean, just north here, about an hour in Glen Rose, right?
You've got the footprints of men and dinosaurs side-by-side in limestone.
It's true.
So, I mean, how would that happen if dinosaurs were billions of years old?
Well, all I know is, I don't get into the debate because they try to set science against, you know, Christians, and then some of the pastors have their own theories.
All I know is, they're constantly revising the universe, and now they're going, okay, all of our spectrometers show that our universe is held in power by something five times stronger, and now they're like, okay, it's a simulation.
Okay, let's break out of it.
So they're actually now, like Lucifer, saying, I'm breaking out of this simulation, I want my own reality.
I mean, the top scientists, the billionaires, the head of Bank of America says, we're held in here by some slave master, we've scanned it, it's fake.
Well, see, so they're right back to Lucifer saying, come with me, we're going to create our new reality in silicon, merge with machines, we're going to make you gods.
Think about CERN, right?
They knew they tapped into something when they turned on that accelerator and it opened up.
A new portal to a new dimension and something demonic came out.
If you've ever never checked into CERN, do your research.
Oh, that was on the news.
It was just horrible.
I mean, they they're demonic.
I mean, they are dancing around to Sheba and they have all these weird demonic moves and they're praising they're wearing druid robes.
Reminded me of when you broke into the Bohemian Grove.
I mean, that's the thing.
We all are told, oh, atheists, there's no God.
All the elites are totally into the ancient occult stuff.
Because something was broken through that.
No, the thing is, it's like a Lester Crowley once said, okay?
He's like, I have no problem with my Plymouth brethren, Christians, right?
He says, I can't perceive of a generation that wouldn't believe in God.
I just chose to serve the other side.
All the Illuminists, all the powerful politicians, the elitists, they believe in God.
They know there's a God.
They just choose to serve Satan.
They want their power now.
So therefore, they sacrifice those children.
That's why they're pedophiles.
That's why they love their adrenal gland and drinking blood and doing all these things, because they're drunk on power.
That's what they want.
It says the whore of Babylon drunk on the blood of saints.
In fact, that original Greek word of saint there isn't saint like Christian.
It means the innocent.
Innocent children.
Innocent children.
So I believe honestly.
Drunk on the blood of children.
I believe mystery Babylon.
Is America.
I believe that's what John saw.
I think that's what God was revealing.
That's destroyed!
Right, if you, yeah, in a day it'll come to naught.
But I think that's after we're out of here.
Those that are getting on the ark, so to speak, that is found in Christ, salvation only through Christ, will escape that.
Not tribulation, but the wrath of God.
In fact, the time is coming when God will pour out his bowls of wrath and it'll be so bad, so bad, that the Spirit of God tells the angel to herald to the world, blessed are those who die from this point forward that are in Christ.
Because it would be better to die in Christ than to deal with the wrath of God on an unbelieving world.
And how many people get killed?
Well, almost all of them eventually are going to be cast into the lake of fire, but those that have not escaped, I mean, most of those people are still going to, a lot of people are going to get saved.
A lot of people are going to realize they missed the boat, literally and figuratively, and then they're going to come to Christ.
Unfortunately, they'll have hell on earth to deal with for seven years.
They're going to have to deal with the Antichrist and dodge and taking the mark and not being able to buy or sell without taking the mark and so on and so forth.
So, it's going to be hell on earth.
Those that stand firm to the end will be saved.
And then Christ will come back.
He'll set up his kingdom.
He'll set everything right.
And things will be great again for at least a thousand years.
And then, for some reason, the Bible doesn't say, Satan gets loose from the pits of hell and he starts to run amok again.
But God casts him and all the rest of those whose names weren't in the Book of Life back into the lake of fire and forever and ever and ever.
So, you know, I personally, I always looked at it as Pascal.
Pascal's wager, right?
His wager was simple like this.
If you are a Christian, you've got nothing to fear, nothing to worry about.
But if you're not, you've got everything in the world to worry about.
Well, listen, Larry Nichols knew Hillary very, very well.
Ran them first for governor.
When they started killing kids, he couldn't be part of it.
She would go to satanic rituals and other things.
She would also go to Native American rituals and church.
And he said, what are you doing?
And she said, I'm hedging my bets.
So she was literally, that's how whacked out she is.
But of course, God's not mocked.
He's not fooled.
You can't play both sides of the fence.
You can't be lukewarm.
What does that say about Hillary?
What fellowship can light have with darkness?
What can oil do with water?
They can't mix.
If I was going to serve Satan, I'd serve Satan.
If I was going to serve God, I'd serve God.
I'm not going to think I can serve both.
It's the old, like, what we need to do as patriots is know thy enemy.
So I think you should go to church just to know what the enemy's up to and to try to infiltrate the church.
The number one warning sign about the end times isn't earthquakes, pestilence, famine.
But the church has been captured.
It's false prophets, false teachers, false Christians, wolves in sheep's clothing.
Over and over and over, Jesus warned about that.
In Matthew 24 and 25, he only talks one time about earthquakes and pestilence and famines and wars and rumors of wars, but ten times he talks about wolves in sheep's clothing.
You know, be careful.
In fact, he starts off, be careful no one deceives you.
Many will come in my name claiming I'm a Christian or I'm a Christ.
Don't believe them, right?
And they'll always tell you it's their little special way of doing it and you've got to No, God's into relationship.
It's not about rules.
It's not about regulations.
Now, you don't need that priest in between you and God.
There is one meteor between God and man, and that's Christ Jesus.
And so that's why God... Christ is the door.
He's the gateway.
He's the only perfect, sinless one.
God made him who knew no sin, sin for us, that we may be made the righteousness of Christ.
It's really just that simple.
Put it this way.
Who out there can say they've never told a lie?
You ever told a lie?
Yeah, I've told plenty of them.
Ever stolen?
Even a piece of candy as a kid?
Jesus says if you look at a woman and you lust after her, you've already committed a sin.
Well, it's sin like when I lust after beating people's brains out.
So those are commandments from God who wrote them on our hearts.
He gave us a conscience to bear witness.
No man can say, I didn't know it was wrong to lie.
Well, that's the knowledge of evil because I can tune in to how the enemy thinks what they're doing and it is like even the ability to do that is a sin.
Let me get to the other side though.
So the point is, we all know right from wrong.
We all know what a sin is.
Our conscience bears witness.
In fact, the word conscience with knowledge, okay?
But we broke the law, but Jesus stepped in and paid the fine.
He set us free.
It's like being before the judge and owing a million bucks and then the guy steps in and says, here judge, I'll pay the fine.
All right, we got to go to these calls, but you're on fire.
Dale Runn, this is our guest.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, Butterflyers.com.
We are drugged out!
We are following other people's opinions!
We are controlled by the media.
Today, it all changes.
This reality has been forced upon us.
It is a choice, just like when I said slavery is a choice.
Einstein said the death of insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different result.
So we keep on saying, I hate you, I hate you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.
How are we going to get a different result out of hate?
Why don't we just try love?
Why don't we just try love?
We have the resources.
Sometimes you need some crazy motherfuck** to change something.
Steve Jobs is crazy, now we all on Steve Jobs phones.
They say Trump's crazy, they say I'm crazy.
But I'm here to show love.
It's a bigger plan and I'm just doing what the universe told me.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Darryl Rundis, what do you think of Kanye West?
I think overall he's good.
He's attacking abortion.
He's attacking, with Satanism in the world, he's attacking censorship.
I see all these other Christians going, oh, well he's not pervert or he did this and that.
Well, I mean, how are people ever going to become Christians then if we all sit there like Pharisees?
It's like when they told Christ, don't hang around with the...
You know, it's so funny, of course, people always have their critics, right?
But Jesus says, if you really want to know if they're saved, you'll know them by their fruit, right?
What fruit is he talking about?
He's talking about the fruit of the Spirit, peace, joy, love, gentleness, self-control, goodness, and so much more.
So, when I see Kanye...
Given up his wealth, talking to his wife and saying, honey, you can't dress like that anymore.
You need to dress more modestly.
You know, all these people are lusting after you or taking a stand against abortion or any of the other things he's doing.
I've got to say, as a fruit inspector for God, man, he's legit.
He's the real deal.
You love God or money.
You can't serve both, okay?
When anybody's... But look how much more passionate he looks now.
That's real.
That's real.
And they're calling that mental illness.
See, that's of course.
The world hates Christ and Christ in you, right?
They've called me all kinds of names, you know, but that's okay.
I don't worry about that.
I don't care what other people think.
I don't care what they say.
And that's the point I came to make today.
In a nutshell, quit worrying about what other people are thinking.
Jesus says, why do you care about what men can do to you?
Fear not those that can kill the body and after that do no more.
Fear the one who can not only kill the body but have your soul cast into hell.
I tell you, fear him.
There is no fear of God.
That's why they're not ready to meet their maker.
And this attitude of groveling has let Satan take over!
All evil needs to prosper for good men.
Well, you can look at Kanye breaking down and crying.
That's the Holy Spirit right there.
And they're like, oh, I'm saying, but people, you know what?
All my friends, cause keep in mind, most of my life I hated Christians.
I was not, my dad was a fake Christian who was a pastor.
I grew up hating Christians.
I thought.
Was he fake?
Well, he got saved later in life after I got saved, actually.
Oh, wow.
But yeah, he was a fake preacher in the pulpit.
He had it in the head, but he didn't have it in the heart.
See, the issue is, it's a heart condition.
You can have it here all you want.
But see how all things work for the glory of God.
His fakeness made you not like it, but then brought it back, and then you brought him back.
Which then ultimately, my friend... You're like Luke Skywalker saving Darth Vader.
You know, it's really cool how God does work everything together for good for those that love Him and that are called according to His purpose.
But the funny thing about that is, all my old friends from high school that I used to party with and get high with and, you know, go do all kinds of crazy things with before I was a Christian, you know, when God got a hold of my heart, He so radically changed me that When I talked to them, they knew something had changed.
There was something different about me.
And their most common response was, you're the last person I ever thought would become a Christian.
But I think God does that.
He takes... Did it happen over time or like in a moment?
It was an instant.
God got a hold of my heart and radically changed it on the spot, just like Kanye.
Same thing.
You know, when you have like a Saul to Paul experience, I was on the road to success.
Last thing I was looking for was Jesus, right?
Well, I was Christian, but I was about 18 or 17, and I'd gotten really radical in a while, like 12.
So I'd already had hundreds of girlfriends, and done all these fights, and all this really... I wasn't a Satanist, consciously, but I was a Satanist.
Vicious, attacking, but you know, like what they'd want a Satanist to be, what they'd think of one as.
not a little shriveled person and then it was all of a sudden like God just started
getting a hold of me and like having dreams about the new world order and the world
government and the evil and how bad it was for children and I really repented
and got you know, stopped dating for a while and got better and then
it was like basically, almost like a vision continually that I had to do this work.
So it was a process with me. I think a lot of people look at you
or maybe me or other Christians or Kanye as an example and they nitpick and they say oh well he did this, oh I
caught Alex swearing, I caught Alex saying this or Alex
play the Led Zeppelin song, you know, whatever it is.
But they don't understand the fruit, the problem.
We'll be right back, 60 seconds.
So there's dimensions we can't see, it's been mathematically proven.
There are transmissions, it's all out there in the universe, we see a limited spectrum, and you were just talking about Like Black Sabbath and even Ozzy Osbourne sing, they wrote the whole album like in five minutes.
It was all just downloaded.
He said it was like somebody had already written it for him.
So let's, hey, don't deceive yourself.
There is good, there is evil.
But don't focus on the Christian, you know, be it Kanye or Daryl or Alex or whatever.
Focus on Christ.
Christians are imperfect.
That's why we need Christ.
We're not the perfect one.
God, there's only one perfect person I ever met and his name is Jesus Christ.
It's not Daryl Rundus.
It's not Alex.
We're gonna make mistakes.
We're not better.
We're just better off because we've received the pardon that God offers through Christ and the work that He did on the cross.
But hey, before we go, because I know we... I'm gonna take a few calls.
You guys are gonna kill me.
Yeah, I just really want to emphasize this one point, and that is, are you the next Alex Jones?
How about you?
What's God calling you to do?
When he comes back, are you ready to meet your maker?
Is he going to find you doing what he's commanded you to do?
Well, that's why they demonize and try to make me look like a loser, because they want to scare other people to not do what I've done.
It's been an honor to be attacked and demonized, and I shake 50 hands for everybody that, you know, spits at me.
So there's also, you know, the blessings of standing up to evil as well.
Go read the Declaration of Independence and look at the grievances that are listed there.
And then look at what we're dealing with today.
And ask yourself, how is it we got so tolerant?
How is it that we'll put up with a previous president spying on a sitting president and calling in all kinds of FBI agents and false doctrines and evidence and FISA court warrants and all that other stuff to spy on an existing president and we put up with it.
Back in the day, man, I tell you, if...
If Adams would have done that to Washington after Washington left office, he'd have been hung for sedition and for treason.
There would have been no... Well that's true and that's why Leticia James is now basically going to shut the NRA down because they've just gotten away with murder.
But that's because we're not doing anything.
What are we doing?
See, Alex is one man.
He's got one bullhorn and he took on the whole New World Order.
All our listeners back this.
I think that's why I don't want the credit.
They really did it.
Because it was really the listeners that did it.
Well, exactly, and then it just goes to show... You're a listener that's supportive.
We need more.
I mean, I can only do so much.
You can only do so much.
We need those other people that are sitting at home cowering in fear.
Don't fear men.
What's the worst they can do to you?
Because if you think you're hanging on to your wealth and your prosperity and your job and your house, guess what?
It's all gone.
It's gone.
If you don't get up and go out and start doing something, if you don't create the... And I think this audience gets that.
They need to go tell other people that.
Renaissance in New York.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey Alex, good to talk to you.
Thanks for holding, brother.
No problem, no problem.
So yeah, as far as the protests go, you know, we'll have a protest, but contrary to what these lunatics do, we don't stay.
So, you know, to hold a protest, whether it's D.C., whether it's at any given capital, Basically occupied.
Obviously don't go crazy and burn stuff, but stay there.
No, I agree.
It's time for civil disobedience.
We should just do every show about this for the next... What do we... Well, let me ask you, listener and Remaissance man.
What do you... I agree.
I'm ready to start getting arrested.
I'm ready to start civil disobedience.
I'm starting to ready to get myself chained to something.
Me too.
So what do you think we do?
Hold up.
Exactly that.
Next time there's a protest, don't leave.
Also, you know, since there's all this attack on law enforcement, where they're at, where each and every individual, where they're at, who knows, but if they're really, you know, holding up to their oath with the Constitution, you know, make some kind of coalition with them to not enforce policies.
Don't arrest, you know, like, You're with us.
We're Americans.
You're Americans, too.
You're constitutionalists.
Because the police... I'm not against the police if they're being constitutional.
No, I agree.
But they need to understand, if they bow to the globalists and follow their orders, they do become the enemy.
Because the globalists are the enemy.
So we're so close to losing the police over to the left.
And can you imagine once you've got millions of Leticia Jameses on our butts?
Forget about it.
Well, the sad thing about that, of course, is that the police, if they do end up siding with tyrannical behavior and tyrannical leaders, they're going to lose all their stuff, too.
Their pensions are already gone.
They're going to lose- That's why they're already saying, we're going to take the actual investment we've made.
And it's got problems, but it's ours.
They're just going to take it all.
They just want somebody to side with as well.
Believe me, one thing that nobody... We need to be leaders and the police will side with us.
And they will.
I mean, you know why?
Because nobody can argue passion.
It's like Kanye.
You can say he's saved or not saved or whatever, but one thing you cannot argue is his passion.
You can think Alex Jones is crazy.
You can think Daryl's crazy.
You think Christians are crazy.
It doesn't matter.
People respect passion.
At the very least, they're going to say... And why do real Christians have so much passion?
Renaissance man, great job.
Thank you and God bless.
Go ahead.
He's gone.
What were you going to say about passion?
Well, just the fact is, without passion, you can't have power.
Power comes from passion.
If you're, once again, lukewarm, to kind of go back to that, if you're just kind of lethargic and lazy and you don't get anything done, you're never going to move mountains, right?
But with faith, if you have enough faith, as a mustard seed, Jesus says, you could move mountains.
We can take the New World Order down.
We can... Jimi Hendrix says, standing next to a mountain, chop it down with the edge of my hand.
Yeah, we have to realize we're on the winning team.
Light beats darkness.
No amount of darkness can overcome even the tiniest.
Hunter in North Carolina, thanks for holding your trooper.
We love you.
Go ahead.
Hey, great to be with you guys.
Really, really tough to follow the pastor because he's saying all the things that we really need to hear.
It's kind of like following Van Halen as your opening act to try to say something.
But I've got two things that I really want to get out there that I think are super duper important.
And the first thing is the cure for the InfoWars overload.
I've been a listener, a daily listener, for 19 years, and there's something that has come out, not only through integrity, but as the pastor said, to follow the side of Christ.
If you look at football, and you look at basketball, and you look at baseball, do you think that these people in these sports are following God right now?
Absolutely not.
I've got some information for the InfoWars listeners, and I think it's super-duper important.
There is one sport out there That is so absolutely committed to God, and I want everybody to hear this.
It's golf.
Golf can be the cure for InfoWars overload, and sometimes I hear you, Alex, and I get a little worried.
You know, you get stressed out, but that's also what brings a lot of the listeners to you, is that you have that passion, and you have that drive that we are all looking for.
Well, golf can reduce your anxiety.
Golf can reduce your depression.
Golf can lower your stress, and this is all in it.
I played golf some when I was a kid.
I want to get back into it.
I live by a golf course and when the golfers are done at night I go walk around and that reduces my stress.
Golf is so zen.
You're like out there, it's pretty, you focus, it's a meditative thing.
And lately I have gotten bummed out, but I'm feeling good today.
I can't.
We teach golf through rock and roll.
I am sure.
And if anyone's on YouTube out there, please Google golf lesson with Hunter Watkins.
We actually make golf really easy through music, but I want to mention one other thing, and it's something that's very disturbing and that I thought you would mention through your connection through Dr. Groot many years ago and whatnot.
You talked about epigenetics.
Epigenetics is the thing that will absolutely suffer if this vaccine goes through.
I'm looking at an article right now that DNA memories have been passed down for 14 generations.
If we take these vaccines, your memory will be wormholed.
Your family, your great-grandfather, your grandfather, all the things that are passed
through DNA will absolutely be taken over, and I am not going to have it.
There's no way in hell you're going to wipe -- you can burn the books.
You can reprogram Google to hide the real history.
By the way, the enemy knows that That's why they made that movie in 2005, The Island, where they have clones for the rich people, but suddenly the clones already know, because they've been passed on genetically, when they made the clone, they already had the memories of the person and cells they were cloned from.
And so that's a whole other level of this.
And yes, definitely Gates is trying to do something through these new DNA vaccines that literally reprogram the cell.
It's not a vaccine.
Thank you, Hunter.
We're gonna do one more segment with the other callers.
You want to comment on that?
I just, uh, I've got about 59, 59 seconds.
We're gonna come back, we'll do one more segment.
Matt Bracken's great, he understands.
He'll get two segments.
No, I mean, it's amazing when you think of the neurology and the genius.
That's why I can't imagine how anybody could ever really believe in evolution.
That's like saying this whole studio happened by chance, right?
I mean, if I tried to convince you, Alex, hey, this whole studio, over a billion years, all the elements, everything came together.
And one cell's way more complex than this.
But it came out now that the DNA is a junk, which we already knew, that as they coil it, it doesn't break, it just keeps creating new.
No, if you were to unravel DNA, it would go from here to the moon.
But it's the only matter that's actually generating it now, they discovered.
Where did that come from?
It's actually building it.
Where did it come from?
It's like coming out of another dimension.
They're freaking out.
They can't even tell you what came first, the chicken or the egg.
But Bill Gates says you're going to take something that makes everybody sick that we're going to put in it.
Right, and we're going to alter your RNA, and everybody in the world has to take it.
No choice.
Are you going to do it?
If that ain't Mark of the Beast's devil stuff, I don't know what is.
I ain't doing it.
Standing next to a mountain.
Cut it down with the edge of my hand.
Alright, look at some of these headlines.
COVID hoax.
Arizona LGBTQ professor who died of coronavirus never existed.
I see these every day.
The one-year-old that died never existed.
The 2.5 million that were going to die didn't happen.
They count people that died of other things in the COVID column, but we're supposed to not question Fauci.
England to decrease COVID-19 death toll after counting mishap.
And here's another one.
Oh, they way overcounted and counted people that died of other things.
They say the level of error is so incredible that they can't even tell how big just that it's huge.
Fraud upon fraud upon fraud.
Meanwhile, Project Veritas James O'Keefe, banned from purchasing firearms.
Sues the FBI, even though he's not a convicted felon or anything else.
That's what's going on.
All testing.
All the bureaucracies and the technocracy to control us.
I want to jam in a few final calls from Brennan and Steve, Dylan, Phil, and Derek.
I'll give each person about a minute or so.
I appreciate you holding, but Daryl, closing comments.
I just wanted to, once again, charge people to get up, get out, and get busy.
And I want you to take these words of wisdom from the Apostle Paul.
And it simply is, Finally, brethren, be strong in the Lord in the power of His might.
Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to withstand the wiles of the devil.
For we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness in this age, and against the spiritual host of wickedness in heavenly places.
So therefore, Take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day.
The day we're in right now.
That's what he's talking about.
When he says host, he doesn't mean a host at your house.
He means armies.
So, this is war.
This is not just an info war.
Now, they're in your face war.
They're taking your stuff war.
They're forcing you to wear a mask war.
They're taking your job war.
Have you had enough?
They're telling you you're not essential.
So, I'm telling you right now.
Put on the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness.
Have that belt of truth securely fastened around your waist.
Take up that shield of faith.
Put your faith and trust in God.
Quit putting it in men.
Quit putting it in yourself.
And wield wisely that sword of the Spirit.
Take it to the enemy.
There is no armor protecting your back because you're not supposed to turn and run like a coward.
God will protect you if you'll confront the evil, if you'll confront the wickedness.
You can stand in this evil day if you'll take it to the enemy.
Quit cowering in fear.
That's key though, you don't have any arm on your back because when you take action, God's behind you.
That's it!
You've got the power of the holy angels behind you.
Didn't you ever hear what Jesus said when they were saying, hey, you know, we're gonna come, we're gonna kill you, we're gonna do that, and Peter comes, he chops off the ear of the guard, and Jesus is like, hey, Don't worry, man.
I've got to do this for this time and this place to fulfill these prophecies.
Don't you know I could call legions of angels to come and protect me if I wanted to?
And that is the time we're living in now.
God will come to our rescue.
God will save our country.
He will turn this tide.
No one knows the hour or the day He returns.
Because it really is up to us.
You know why?
We can put it off.
We can delay the inevitable.
It is inevitable.
It will happen.
But like me and Alex talked years ago when we first met, our job is to continue to wake people up.
To get people... You're right.
It's like a choose-your-own-adventure.
It really is.
We're all doing it together.
If you do nothing...
God's like, you know, I'm just going to turn you over to your reprobate mind.
You deserve the evil.
You're going to be Belshazzar.
The writing's on the wall, the enemy's in the gate, and you've been found wanting.
Darryl, you're going to start coming back once a month.
It's been too long, five, six years.
Let's jam in these calls they've been so good about holding.
Let's talk to Derek in North Carolina, then Brennan.
Go ahead, Derek.
And Alex, it's such an honor to talk to you.
I know you don't like these.
Honor talking to you, brother.
What's on your mind?
Have you guys noticed that Jim Jones and Charles Manson seem to be the founders of the Democratic Party recently?
Yes, they act just like psychotic, crazy people.
Okay, so two really quick points about Trump, what he can do.
First of all, I think that he has the right to pardon anybody.
He should come out and say it would be a darn shame if Dr. Fauci wound up dead, and then just pardon the person that kills him.
I know you can't do that, but I think that would be a really good thing.
The second thing is I think he should be able to write an executive order stating that if you want to be deemed as an essential company, you have to serve everybody.
You don't have the right to block anybody if it doesn't wear a mask.
The points for you, Alex.
Does this mask smell like chloroform?
I think would be a really funny one for you to put out there.
And I have asthma.
I have COPD shirts that people can wear in the stores so that we don't even have to talk to these people about... Oh, you're saying wear a shirt that says, I have asthma.
Well, here's the deal.
I don't have asthma, but I do have sleep apnea.
And I've tried to wear one of these masks as a test, and it makes me have an anxiety attack.
I don't want to admit I have a weakness.
But I mean, it's truly... I mean, it's horrible.
It is.
I hate it.
It's horrible.
And again, it's a fraud, and it's all based on lies.
I don't want any royalties or anything.
Please make the shirts.
I'll buy one in a heartbeat.
And look at this fellow wearing a mesh one.
I mean, it's all such a sick joke.
Today on the way down here, there was a store I stopped to when I got gas.
You had to wear a mask.
I didn't have a mask.
So I just put my t-shirt over it.
Nobody said anything.
I mean, that's as effective as the mask.
It's all a joke.
That's why I'm wearing like a little toy mask over my eyes.
Hey, you want a mask?
I got a mask over my eyes.
I'll just wear a burka.
Sorry I got you guys late.
Real quick here.
Brennan in Louisiana.
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Yes, sir.
I just want to get a couple points.
I have a new sticker idea for you.
It's going to be like the Fed, where they go undercover.
I think you should put a new sticker.
It's like a 3QR code.
You know, like one for the website, one for Band.Video, and one for the store.
Kind of like Discover.
What's the... Discover.
You know, I had it all set out, but of course, as soon as I get on air, I can't remember what I was going to say.
But the shirt.
Yes, I love the shirt.
We met seven years ago at South by Southwest protest.
I was at the Alamo, furthest moments of my life.
Those were very big moments.
You know, your guests, I don't believe in coincidences.
I live my life by, you know, love by action, not by words.
And those moments that I've stood up and put myself out there are, you know, just as equivalent in memory as getting married to my wife and my kids.
You know, I'm definitely going to get that onesie because those shirts, man, I'm telling you, I've had them and they're great.
And they look great on my wife when she steals them from me.
I might get one for my son.
I get that onesie that she plugs.
And I'm thinking about getting that charcoal and that charcoal.
Well Brennan, it's all about spreading the word and we love you and we appreciate you.
And I apologize to Steve and Dylan and Phil.
I always say this and I forget to tell John the next day.
We have to take calls tomorrow.
Call them back.
Send them all a free t-shirt.
Do that.
Get their name and address, free t-shirt.
Get them a Baby's Live Matter t-shirt of their, of the size, but they choose.
Darryl, that's a great way to end with what he was just talking about.
Same thing you were saying about it's those times we stand up for what's right against the establishment are the blazing moments in our life that we remember and empower us.
Then Matt Bracken's taking over.
Let's just do it.
I mean, whatever it is, just do it.
Just do it.
It could be a bumper sticker.
It could be a t-shirt.
It could be creating some new Facebook, right?
People are so sick of the censorship on Twitter and YouTube and Facebook.
There's a huge demand.
I'd sign up for it.
If you're a coder, you know what you're doing, and you can partner with some other people, I'll even invest in it, okay?
I am so... I don't know, you've given a lot of money to InfoWars, I've never even asked you.
Man, you don't have any businesses I've created, and you know why so many people call me and ask for advice on business?
Because of my failures.
So don't be afraid.
to fail either, okay? You learn every time you fail. You fail forward. There is no
such thing as failing unless you quit. And that's why I'm saying don't quit. Be
like Alex, persevere. If anybody's had to overcome more adversity in this earth
other than Jesus, I don't know who... Oh people have done a lot more than I have, but when it
comes to fighting the globalists, we've got to jump through some hoops. Darryl, thank you so
much. Thanks for letting me be here. Hey, you've got me for the rest of the hour
and seeing those books on the screen reminds me I'm selling a lot of the
signed actual printed books because I think it's starting to sink in that the
audio and the digital books are probably just going to go away when the if and
when the communists take over because that's a real likely outcome at this
Now, in this next segment, I want to talk about money.
Not like a financial advisor or anything like that.
I want to talk about what money really is and what it isn't.
If you've been following like Fox Business News, they do the scroll at the bottom.
You might have noticed that the price of gold has been hovering just below $2,000 for a couple weeks.
And in the last two days, it's shot right through and above $2,000.
What does that mean?
Does that mean that gold is now more valuable?
Actually, no, it does not.
What it means is that the dollar and most other global paper fiat currencies are crashing in value.
Gold is still exactly the same.
Gold and silver.
So I've actually, I've actually got a couple of props here today.
This is silver.
This is what's called a silver round.
And it's actually a little cool little Texas Mullen Labe one.
It's not a government-issue coin.
It's what they call a silver round, but it'll say on there, you know, 1 troy ounce, 0.995 fine silver.
That's pure silver.
That's now worth, in dollars, $23.
An ounce, a troy ounce of gold is worth $2,000.
Historically, the ratio between gold and silver has varied from 15 to 1 to currently it's almost 100 to 1.
Which means that silver has a long way to go to climb up.
Now, how do you define money?
What is money?
Is this money?
No, this is a Federal Reserve note.
It's not issued by the United States government at all.
It's issued by the Federal Reserve.
Read the creature from Jekyll Island, 1913.
That money at this point in history is no different than a Russian ruble during the Soviet Union.
It's a pure fiat currency.
It has as much value as people believe that it has.
For most of the 20th century, you could convert your dollars to gold.
You could just get $35, get an ounce of gold.
That stopped in 1971.
And there's been sort of a hybrid program since then, which was King dollar was the was the basis of what was called the Petro dollar.
So if you wanted to go to Saudi Arabia and buy a shipload of petroleum, you had to pay the Saudis in American dollars.
It was a sweet deal.
We're now destroying the dollar.
This COVID-19 bailout, the $600 a week to part-time waitresses, this is just the printing presses going full Venezuela.
And there's going to be a price to pay.
Now, If you look at gold again, the other markers of what gold is, it's gotta be portable.
That's definitely portable.
That's a Mexican two peso gold coin.
That's a gram and a half of gold.
That's now $100.
That, right there.
This is a silver junk dime.
This is a pre-64 dime.
Mercury dime.
That's now worth about two and a half or three dollars.
But if you actually want it, if you want it delivered, you're going to have to pay way over the spot price because nobody's giving up their physical gold and silver now.
The price of gold has been suppressed with all kind of shenanigans in gold equities, so-called paper gold.
But now people are wanting the physical.
Their fear is in the air.
War is in the air.
Crisis and catastrophe are in the air.
And people want the physical.
But if you want the physical, you're going to have to pay more.
So is Bracken saying, hey, go out and try to find a website where they'll deliver you silver or gold?
I'm suggesting an alternative.
Another form of money.
Your money is inherently valuable.
It's durable.
It's divisible.
And it's portable.
So real estate has a lot of these qualities, but it sure isn't portable.
If you know, if the, uh, you know, the enemy sweeps through your territory and you have to flee, you can't take your land with you.
You can take gold.
Now something that's not quite as compact as gold, but is extremely valuable.
It is still available and it's, and it's very durable.
It's valuable for many reasons, but the main reason is, This will actually stop people from hurting you.
Right here.
Okay, there's one unit.
That's a dollar.
Just like this.
These are both a dollar.
Now, depending on the quality of this, it might be currently 35 cents, or it might be a buck and a half, depending on what it is.
But, in this form, this is what I would call a $500 bill.
Okay, there's a $500 bill right there.
Weighs about 20-some pounds.
That's quality ammunition, name brand, known quantity, accurate, really good stuff.
That's in the buck-a-bullet club.
That's pretty hard to tote around in your back pocket.
But how about a $20 bill or a $25 bill?
That's what these would be.
That's 25 of quality Hornady defensive pistol ammo.
There's 100 of, you know, frangible 5.56.
Kind of like high velocity varmint type round for when you don't want to leave perfect pristine slugs wherever.
But these are known quantities.
That's a, this is a $20 bill.
And in, in five years, when a dollar is worth a penny in terms of buying power, that's still going to be worth, you know, a slice of a piece of gold or a slice of a piece of silver because it's got its own
inherent value.
Now, right now the US government is just flooding the market with dollars. There's very little
economic activity, so we're not seeing inflation taking off because people just aren't buying.
People are holding on to the money that they're getting from the government, and out of fear, spending as little as possible.
But we are baking hyperinflation into the cake, and it is going to explode.
Once you start giving people the $600 a week, Anybody that says I'm going to turn it off is automatically going to be painted as a Scrooge, the Grinch, you know, the greedy Republican.
Once you turn that free money spigot on, it's really hard to turn off.
And this is just the beginning stage of the United States going Venezuela or Zimbabwe.
So what is the government going to do about this?
Are they going to outlaw guns?
Good luck.
Are they going to outlaw the sale of bullets?
That'll just make them more valuable.
Are they going to prohibit people trading and buying in gold?
Well, how could they do that?
Well, if I want to buy something for my neighbor and I offer him gold for that tractor, That's great, as long as he's not being paid by the government to turn you in like a Stasi deal, where you go to the Gulag for doing an illegal gold transaction.
This might all sound nuts, but I mean, look, I've got a decent track record for guessing this stuff, and it's not always turning out to be nuts.
If you're holding dollars in the bank in a digital form, you might say, hey, I'm collecting a half a percent interest.
I'm making money.
You know, it's slow, but sure.
No, you're watching the value of your dollars evaporate.
And when the hyperinflation kicks in, it's going to evaporate really fast.
What's not going to evaporate is this stuff.
That is going to hold its value.
You will be able to walk into a hardware store with this, and that will always have the value of a current, you know, 2020 $20 bill.
It's never going to lose its value.
So, if you can't afford to buy gold and silver, or you're afraid you're not going to get delivery, you know, you'll get your credit card information and wind up getting nothing but promises.
Go to Academy Sports, go online.
If you think it's expensive now, it's cheap now.
For quality ammo, a buck a bullet is going to seem like the bargain of a lifetime.
So I say get into ammo right now, and we'll be back after the break and talk about something new.
Now, I wish I didn't have to talk about this because it's fairly depressing.
You know, if I was a farmer in a field in the middle of Europe in 1914 in the summer, and I saw all of these trains full of soldiers moving towards the front, you know, war hasn't been declared, but it's a bad feeling.
You just know something really, really awful is heading our way.
And I would say that the kinetic phase of this revolution is about to start.
I would point to something that happened in Austin last weekend where possibly the kinetic phase was averted by really very strong local and federal law enforcement operating off of intelligence, maybe confidential informants.
I can't say.
I don't have.
I'm not privy to that level of information, but A real pivotal movement, a pivotal turning point in this entire revolution, this insurrection, this communist insurrection, from Portland to Minneapolis to Austin and other points, has been the death of Garrett Foster in Austin.
He was the BLM Antifa guy with the AK-47 who was filmed saying that Conservatives are sissies and would never do anything.
Five minutes later, he actually didn't say sissies, but five minutes later, the dude was dead.
He had apparently raised an AK-47 toward an active duty army soldier stationed at Fort Hood, who was that night working as an Uber driver.
And he learned that when you point an AK-47 at a soldier, he might take it as a threat to his life.
Well, On the conservative side, we see that as a legit, good self-defense shooting.
But on the communist side, the way that it's being spun is an example of the federal government's double standard, that the three percenters and the quote-unquote white militia types, they can march in Richmond, they can go to various state capitals toting their guns, and nothing happens to them.
But poor Garrett Foster, he just takes one little bitty AK-47 and a white racist kills him, murders him.
That's how the communists look at the death of Garrett Foster.
They see him as a hero of the revolution.
Never mind that, you know, in Richmond and the state capitals, the three percenters, they're not raising a gun at anybody.
They're just doing open carry.
They're not in a nighttime illegal roadblock, stopping traffic, pounding on cars, breaking windows, and then raising an AK-47.
To them, that means nothing.
Well, last weekend in Austin, there was word that BLM, quote-unquote, Antifa, I call them the revolutionary communists.
That's what they really are.
BLM and Antifa are just cover names for the revolutionary communists.
Anyway, there was intel that there were actually going to be snipers positioned on balconies and rooftops around downtown Austin.
And they had these kind of goofball, I call them the bait team, which were like John Brown gun club type communists with rifles, who were going to instigate some kind of a pushing match with what they hoped and expected Would be right wingers showing up to counter protest.
And if they instigated it properly, then a conservative would wind up raising a rifle, at which point a communist sniper would shoot him.
This was the plan as law enforcement got onto it.
This is why they put out that letter to the hotels and buildings around Austin to be on the lookout for suspicious activity involving people scouting out shooting positions.
They had Helicopters in the air with forward-looking infrared, searching for snipers.
They did recover weapons, sniper weapons, not in the act of, you know, a guy in a sniper's hide, but being transported.
I never read anything about any arrests, so possibly they just confiscated or examined the weapons without making an arrest because perhaps the John Brown Gun Club communists with the guns weren't in the act of committing a crime.
But they averted something that could have easily been turned into, you know, the shot heard round the world.
Because make no mistake, to the communists, Garrett Foster is a hero.
They're trying to turn him into a martyr for the cause.
That's why they're called the John Brown Gun Club.
They consider John Brown, the abolitionist, you know, fanatic, to be their role model.
So dying for the cause is how you become a saint.
In the future, I would look for this tactic to be tried again.
for communism makes you a revolutionary hero, martyr, and saint.
So in the future, I would look for this tactic to be tried again.
In Austin, it seems like the feds and Texas Rangers, Texas Investigation were able to
stop this, but it is probably going to be tried somewhere else.
They're going to try to instigate an incident where the so-called white racist radicals are tricked or instigated into raising weapons, at which point snipers will take them out.
One of the clues that this was going on is photos that I've seen of these communist radicals.
They might look like morons, fat and out of shape.
They're just the bait team.
Keep that in mind.
Some of them had Orange tape stripes on their shoulders.
What this indicates to me is that these were identifiers so that their snipers up above would be able to separate the friendlies from the enemies.
I mean, that's the only reason for a group of people to show up on the street with rifles, but with orange tape stripes on their shoulders.
That's an aerial identifier.
So the next time when it happens in a less prepared venue than Austin, and maybe they don't have the exact intel, be aware that if you go to any of these street confrontations, that gets into the pulling guns stage, which we've seen happen now in Provo, Utah.
We saw it happen in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with a shooting that resulted in another, you know, communist fatality, you know, self-defense shooting.
The communists are going to fight fire with fire from their perspective as they see it.
Be very cautious if you go to any open carry rallies like what happened in Louisville with the NFAC.
Be very cautious about being lured into an instigated trap where you're going to be, from their point of view, legitimately in a self-defense way taken out by a sniper.
Now this weekend in Palatka, Florida, which is about 50 miles south of Jacksonville, there's a giant statue of a Confederate.
It's not a particular Confederate person, soldier.
It's just a monument to all the Confederates.
And the BLM is threatening to tear it down.
It's a pretty conservative county, so the politicians are saying, we're not going to do it by mob action.
BLM is threatening to tear it down, but this is in a conservative county, and there are supporters of the Confederate monument who are saying, you won't tear it down.
So keep your eye on Palatka, Florida, or other places where something like this can happen, because the word is that the revolutionary communists, I mean, don't be a sucker and call them Antifa or BLM.
That's just using their cover term.
The revolutionary communists are going to try to instigate a confrontation that leads to raised weapons, which leads to snipers.
And you can imagine this is going to be heard by all sides.
So if you get up close and personal at chest-thumping level, the next stage in this dance is going to be overwatch by snipers.
And who knows if they're going to be law enforcement, communists, Conservatives or false flag, you know, doing an intentional shooting of their so-called allies in order to blame it on the other side.
We're in very dangerous territory.
Be careful out there.
Don't be stupid.
All right?
If you're going to get up chest bumping while carrying an open carry, realize that you might be walking right into a bait operation, you know, where you're going to be, you know, the victim of a planned operation.
This can absolutely happen.
And it could be at a high level, like a Las Vegas shooter, or it could be at just a single bullet situation.
But I think this is the next phase that's going to roll out.
So I don't know when I'll be on again, but by the next time, maybe we'll be talking about it in the past tense.
But regardless, before the election, it's going to hit the fan.
I have no doubt.
See you next time.
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