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Name: 20200728_Tue_Alex
Air Date: July 28, 2020
2531 lines.

Alex Jones, host of The Alex Jones Show, delves into various global issues including politics, health, technology, and conspiracy theories. He discusses vaccinations, Western governments, and censorship before promoting his own products. In another episode, he speaks with Joel Skousen about strategic relocation during crises. They consider safe areas in the US and Canada based on factors like healthcare, climate, and job opportunities, highlighting states such as Montana, Nevada, California, Utah, and Idaho. The conversation also touches upon topics such as medical freedom, conspiracy theories, and media disinformation.

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By the way, I agree with you that Trump is losing right now because of fraud, because of mail-in ballots, but also because he's not on the offense and because of Jared Kushner giving him bad advice.
I say that so he'll change course in the next 97 days and hopefully avert this.
I'm the guy that told you he was going to win when others weren't, that the polls were fake.
I know internal polls show him narrowly ahead.
Previous internal polls showed him 10 to 15 points ahead.
This is a serious situation.
But I don't think he can get ahead unless he comes out and attacks this coronavirus as it is, as a false pandemic.
It's exaggerated.
The testing is the key.
It's not valid.
It's picking up all coronaviruses.
I totally agree.
You're saying he's got to head on and destroy Gates and destroy Fauci.
He's got to attack this because American people, I've been in a hotel today talking to people in Austin, people pulling down their masks and saying, this is ridiculous.
I can't live this way.
There's a, there's a, Underground current of resistance building.
They need a leader.
They need someone to have the courage to come out and say the Emperor has no clothes.
This has got to stop.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It is Tuesday, July 28th.
The year is 2020.
I'm your host Alex Jones coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas broadcasting worldwide.
I woke up at 5 a.m.
this morning to a text message I'd been sent by constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes to a BBC article and above that tweet was a statement by another Twitter user that this is the line in the sand for so many people and it's the line in the sand for me.
And so I'm going to do my best job here today to calmly and proficiently lay this out.
But I have to tell you, despite the fact that I have been up since 5 a.m.
researching, preparing for this, I have butterflies, and I'm having trouble even being on air right now.
Because there's so much data, so much proof, it's all totally confirmed to myself, to you, to everybody else, and it is completely and absolutely evil, Diabolical and in our face.
And you can see every facet of this takeover plan that leads towards a medical tyranny that kills us via DNA altering, soft kill, slow kill, so-called vaccines.
And the level of lies is just getting Over the top.
And so I really am going to do my best job going over all of this today.
When we come back, I'm going to air Bill Gates on CNN with Anderson Cooper.
And it's about a three and a half minute video, and I'm going to try to not start it too much, It is so deceptive and so evil and so out in the open about its deception and its evil.
It's simply mind-blowing.
And then there's the other Gates interview from CBS this weekend, we played yesterday, where they're saying, hey, 100% of people in one of your vaccine trials got sick and in the other vaccine trials, 80%.
Some of them paralyzed.
And Gates is like, well, it's no big deal.
You're going to take the vaccines.
So they're even telling you it's gonna hurt you, and it doesn't even protect you, and he is so obviously psychotic and evil, and he wants to global depopulation, and he hangs around with Jeffrey Epstein, and then he is going on Anderson Cooper, a Vanderbilt, the Vanderbilt heir, another globalist, probably Richard and Gates, their money's hidden.
And says it's crazy, we're not connected to Jeffrey Epstein, even though both of them are, Bill Gates would live at his house in Paris and New York for sometimes weeks on end, and he's all over the ledgers of the Lolita Pedophile Airplane Express.
Meanwhile, you've got the President being censored, and Don Jr.
is in Twitter jail, his account locked up, Because they quote put out that hydroxychloroquine helps with COVID-19 infections, there's hundreds of studies saying it, because the UN says that's not true.
So the President, our President's tweet's deleted because the UN says that's not the case.
Think about that.
We're under UN control and our President's battling just to get some semblance of American control.
It is Tuesday, July 28th.
The year is 2020.
We are 97 days out from the election as the forces of globalism, the Communist Chinese, the EU, Hollywood, the Fortune 100, openly battle to trigger race war and the collapse of the U.S.
Gold has exploded to an all-time high at $2,000 an ounce.
As every major financial publication calls for the end of the dollar and the end of American hegemonic power in the world to be replaced with the world champions of tyranny, mass murder, genetic engineering, the communist Chinese super state.
The average American has been promised they will live austerely as slaves once we're collapsed.
That's what the globalists actually say they're going to do, but the professors at the community colleges tell all the young commies, you're going to rule as managers in the new utopia.
And the meth heads, that's who they mainly are in Antifa and Black Lives Matter, they're mainly white.
They then get completely excited about the whole thing and run around and start shooting men, women, and children and shooting police in the head.
And they're called peaceful demonstrators as they burn down courthouses and try to burn down federal buildings.
And we're told that this is martial law by Trump in his feeble, gilded, lackluster, soft-soap response.
This is how republics die.
When the mouse of the new world order that roared intimidates the mighty lion.
This is like a chihuahua coming up and growling at a pit bull and the pit bull rolls over and urinates all over itself.
But many times that's actually what happens.
Because we've been trained to appease the establishment.
When the Communist Chinese and the EU and Soros publicly fund violent radicals.
Google engineers, professors, assistant professors, drug dealers, bureaucrats.
They're all out in black uniforms, hitting men, women, and children in the head with hammers
and throwing Molotov cocktails.
But that's okay.
It's kind of like, you know, Tim Cook runs death camps in China, making components for his phones on record.
He's the worst offender.
But it's okay.
He wears little black t-shirts and prances around and goes, I'm gay, I'm gay.
This is all their smokescreen for their vicious evil.
We have a special guest in studio next segment.
It really symbolizes our entire future and where we are as a species.
And then, I would suggest you call your neighbors, your friends, your family, your co-workers, your boss, your employees, your church friends, random people.
I suggest you email everyone you know.
I suggest you text message everyone you know.
And say, if you want to know the secret of COVID-19 and what's coming next, and if you want to understand the permanent scientific medical dictatorship we're going under that is designed to depopulate the planet, then you need to tune in to InfoWars.com forward slash show, NewsWars.com forward slash show, or the BandDot video Alex Jones section.
That's the best feed to send out.
Go to the Alex Jones section, click on the left-hand corner, find the link to my page, find the live feed right there to the show, send that out.
That's not as censored as much.
On the internet, it's easier to get out there.
Tuesday live, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announces plan to microchip everyone on Earth.
BBC News and others are celebrating the brave new world of forced inoculations, contact tracers, and Mark of the Beast rebranded digital tattoos.
Now, I'm going to read to you from the BBC article and others, but what's so amazing is There's been a rollout at MIT, BBC, USA Today, a bunch of other tech publications.
And I went this morning and spent an hour and a half just checking the authors.
All of them have written for the UN, MIT, and Bill Gates.
And they all write exclusively on devices in your home that spy on you, like smart toilets and street lights that watch and listen to you.
And now the digital tattoo that's sewn into your skin.
It's imprinted on your skin.
You stick a sticker on you that's got little micro pieces of glass that have miniaturized tech chips in them that work their way into your skin.
So you can't get them out.
And then this is the proof you'll need to fly on an airplane.
Now remember six months ago, We came on air and said that, and it got huge traction, and so you saw every major publication in the country, Washington Post, New York Times, all of them say, Alex Jones is evil.
Bill Gates does not want you to take a digital tattoo, it doesn't exist.
That's because we were telling you before they launched it publicly.
They didn't want you to have a mental note that it was negative.
Now, in these articles, they link to the MIT and Rice University, and they link to Google's Under the skin chip.
They link to all of it.
And they go, isn't it wonderful?
They even mention Bill Gates cares about you so much.
He's got a global plan with the United Nations.
And you notice it's already the United Nations that tells us our policies on COVID-19 and everything else for that matter.
When President Trump tweets a bunch of doctors in front of the Capitol saying they had great response to hydroxychloroquine, Twitter bans the President's tweet, puts his son in Twitter jail, and says that was not authorized by the WHO.
That is not seen as medically approved information.
So now medical doctors with medical degrees go to Washington to lobby on their own money and say, here are hundreds of studies about hydroxychloroquine.
And here's how it helps you.
And here's how we have 99% success rates, not just with COVID-19, but other pneumonias and flus.
And the president tweets a 40-minute video of the press conference that the doctors have.
A diverse group.
And they say that is not approved treatment by the WHO Fox News reports at CNN.
You just wake up one day and the UN censors the President of the United States and dozens of medical doctors at a press conference in front of the Capitol.
And why not?
In the last few months they've censored all these other clinic owners and medical doctors and epidemiologists and scientists and the heads of university epidemiology and virology departments.
At Rockefeller University and so many others.
And now they're going in and pulling out peer-reviewed studies going back years ago about hydroxychloroquine and they are taking it down because they are so upset that this is challenging them because they want you to take a forced inoculation, old people have to take five, young people have to take two, Then you have medical testers that keep coming to your house testing you that are part of the U.N.
operation under the Clinton Global Initiative, under Bill and Melinda Gates.
This is your new controllers, the enforcers.
They come to your house, and then when you go to the airport, you have to be, you put a scanner in your mouth, they actually put a cord in your mouth, like idiocracy, and you breathe into it, and then it decides if you can fly or not, even though most of the time it's a false positive.
And then you're grabbed and put in quarantines.
So they don't know what to do, ladies and gentlemen.
They are forcing all of this on you in a big, big way.
And people have been resisting and saying no.
And the UN's own scientist came out in December at the WHO and said that the head of their vaccine program said, we don't test this.
Gates just tells us what to do.
Our doctors say it's hurting people and killing them.
The front line's wobbly.
We don't know what to do.
Well, the answer is they're just doubling down and Gates comes out and says, OK, it'll kill a bunch of people.
It'll hurt a bunch of people.
You don't have a choice.
You're taking it.
And you're not going to leave your house or have a job or go in a store or find an airplane till you have this app on your phone saying that you've checked out and you don't have COVID.
And everything they've said has been a fraud and a lie.
And this is their big global move against everybody.
And we've got the proof.
We're going to read over this shocking BBC report, basically put out by Gates, telling you how you're going to take a digital microchip under your skin and be able to leave your house.
Well, I got to tell you, you got me.
You got me here.
I got four children and I got a son.
He's almost 18 and bigger than I am.
But this guy is super handsome.
Oh my goodness.
Now, I've known this little lady 10 years.
I'm not going to say her first name.
She gets messed with by Angie for anybody.
But yeah, you've been you've been with Kellen McBrain for his works here, who's the son of Darren McBrain, who works here.
And so I guess I've known you about 10 years.
You guys have been together 12 years, but you're married now and got this guy.
And I tell you, vaccine free.
And of course, this is partially an infomercial.
He's wearing the Baby Lives Matter onesies available at InfoWarsStore.com.
We also have the big shirts on the back.
So we've got a little thought here in the works.
No, but seriously, Mrs. McBreen, what do you make of this world where they're now saying they want to forcibly inoculate us?
What do you make of him wanting to forcibly inoculate this little guy before he can get on an airplane?
I don't agree with it.
It makes me just want to keep him in a little bubble, but at the same time, you know, just try to create a world for him like kind of what we had before.
Well, that's it.
They're bringing in this dystopia.
People say, well, don't have kids.
No, we're going to have our children and we're going to fight hard for them and defeat the tyrants.
Yes, exactly.
Because we believe in a pro-human future.
Now, we're going to say your baby's name, but he's not named Bill Gates Jr.
Now, I know it's close to his bedtime, but he is a sweetheart.
He is.
He's such a good boy.
And no vaccines, huh?
And completely healthy.
Never been sick.
He's good to go.
I know you see these children without all the vaccines.
Most of them can't talk.
They've got gut problems.
They've got black circles around their eyes.
Very sad.
It is.
You can really tell in their eyes, you know, when it is.
They just kind of look like something's missing.
But him, no.
They've had the Gates procedure done.
That's pretty cold-blooded to do that to folks, isn't it?
Secret medical experimentation.
You know, now they're trying to get most little boys to say they're girls and sterilize them with chemicals.
That's more abuse from Bill Gates.
Yeah, I just know.
Not happening over here.
Because this is a little boy.
I know that's a thought crime.
That's a boy right there.
And you can tell.
People meet him and they're like, I can tell he's a boy.
Well, you're committing a thought crime there, young lady.
We're going to have to hand him over to some social workers.
They'll teach him when he's a girl.
Yeah, I know.
Why do you think they're targeting boys so much in this modern system?
Well, because they're the ones that, you know, help recreate little babies like this and they don't want That's it.
They're targeting men and women.
They're targeting the whole species.
Oh, yeah.
How would you define the globalists?
I mean, they act like aliens to me.
They don't act like they're humans.
Aliens, for sure.
So, Kellen does a great job writing for us.
I don't usually have people from the same family working here, but we have it with David Knight and his son Travis does a great job.
Now his other son's come to work with us.
And then you've got Darren McBrain.
So that's three generations.
You've got Darren, Kellen, and now little sweets of yours.
Yep, little EJ.
We got AJ and EJ.
I tell ya, his grandfather is very proud of him.
Yes, he is.
Oh my goodness.
You want to say hi to Grandpa?
You know who that is?
What's he called, Aaron?
He calls him Grandpa.
Where is Grandpa?
Where is he?
You know, Darren... Where's Dad?
Darren does not have butterflies getting on air.
I'm joking.
Get McBrain in here.
Darren, get in here.
I know they're back there watching, I'm sure.
Oh, here he comes.
Hey, Darren, you come sit right here and host the rest of the segment, alright?
Here comes Grandpa!
That's my special boy right there.
That's my special boy right there.
That's what we're fighting for.
No, this is exactly what we're fighting for.
And the thing is, you know, we surprised you, asked you to come in here and bring EJ.
We live in a climate right now where we don't even want to Say their names, because you never know.
We talked about this earlier.
It could be a year from now and they find out that he was on the Alex Jones Show.
We live in a culture now where Child Protective Services might get involved.
Hey, what do you mean he hasn't been vaccinated?
Yeah, we get flagged or something.
What happened?
Tell us a little bit about how the nurses tried to get him the vaccines when he was first born.
Oh, just constantly coming in the room.
Hey, are you sure you didn't want this?
Um, you know, it does this and this and this.
I'm like, no, we actually did our research and we have a plan.
Um, I just kind of, instead of denying it, I just said, I'm going to get it later.
You know, I kind of postponed it per se, just so they would kind of get off our backs and.
And what Kellen would do too is, I remember, because they would have to take him behind the curtain, and he would say, open the curtain, I want to see everything you do.
I want to see everything you're doing.
Yeah, for all the little tests.
Because they will secretly do it.
Yeah, they will secretly.
And I was just... We did not let him out of our sight, just in case.
I was talking to David Knight just before I came on, and he was talking about somebody that, she had a C-section.
And they removed the child and then they tested her and she tested positive for COVID-19.
So then they took the child and she hadn't seen the child for a month.
Oh my goodness.
So Child Protective Services and this whole thing and hospitals and of course the Bill Gates thing where they're trying to push this vaccine on everyone.
It's very dangerous.
We live in dangerous times.
But this is our future right here.
That's my special boy.
And yeah, we just got to fight this with everything we've got.
Well, I mean, that's it.
They want the precedent that the government rules your children.
And that's why the U.N.
has said, we want to come in and take your children.
That's our main mission.
And now the Clintons, with Bill Gates, run the contact tracers that are coming to people's houses.
They're beta testing in blue cities.
The dystopia is here, folks.
They have the enforcers, everything.
They're coming.
I mean, they now say, officially, Bill Gates came out and said, to have a job, to go in a store, or to fly on an airplane, you will have to have a digital ID implanted in your skin.
I'm going to cover it next segment.
It's here.
That's right.
Contact tracing.
And, you know, did you show, because I saw it in the show folder, where the lady got kicked off the plane for not wearing a mask, and everybody's clapping.
Everybody's clapping.
So that's going to be applauded, and it's the same kind of, and I don't have, by the way, I have no idea when we're going to commercial.
So, but look, another conversation I had with David Knight earlier, I feel like right now,
we're approaching August 2020, November's coming, and I'm just, I'm thinking, we're
not going to recognize this country in November.
I mean, so I really feel like I'm in the forest and I see the birds and the trees flying off afraid.
All of a sudden deer are running past me.
All the animals are afraid.
Something's coming.
Something's coming.
It's going to be huge.
So, and this is what I've told Kellen.
I've told you guys.
Now is the time to just appreciate everything.
Get right with God.
Appreciate just each other.
Love one another.
Appreciate the birds and the clouds.
And get right with God.
Because something wicked this way comes.
So, that's right.
Well, I tell you what.
It's good to have you here.
Let me hold him for a minute.
Come here.
This is it.
This is our future.
And folks, picture Baby Lives Matter.
Imagine how evil it is to say only black lives matter when all lives matter and babies are all good no matter what color they are.
But the globalist one is fighting with each other.
It's not going to happen.
We're going to stand up for our children.
You know, almost all the new born people don't have children because they believe in a post-human future.
We're betting on the future.
We're having more children.
I'm having more children.
We're going to fight for those children and we're going to win.
I'll have more children, too.
Let's do it!
Hey, let's get them to do a voiceover real quick.
We need a couple ads from you.
Can you do some ads?
Everett, tell us what you think.
You have done well, Lord Vader.
From the Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines.
You're listening to the broadcast that's got the New World Order's number.
We know who they are.
We know their plan.
Thanks to God, these revelations, we know how to stop them.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, let's get right into it.
There are so many facets to this, but I'm going to cut right to the chase and then go through the details.
Bill Gates and Microsoft and Google have been all over the news in the last decade.
Trying to come out with injectable nano microchips that are actually in vaccines or that they give you after to show you've had a vaccine.
And notice that this week suddenly there's Reuters and Wired Magazine.
Google comes out with digital tattoos.
And there's big articles on Microsoft.com about digital tattoos.
And how incredibly great they're going to be.
And how we all need to get them.
But remember, five months ago, six months ago, we were showing you MIT, and we were showing you all these different publications, where they were saying Bill Gates funded us to create something that's a digital tattoo that you put a sticker on your arm, a bandage, and it has little micro pieces of glass, Or metal that work into your body and that stay inside your body that we can then scan because they can put so much data now in just something that's smaller than a grain of sand that are inside each piece of glass.
Well, the public got upset about this.
We said, hey, they're going to come out with contact tracers run by the U.N.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
I didn't know it'd be the Clinton Foundation involved, too.
Even worse.
But in partnership with them, And they're going to make you take these digital tattoos, these digital chips, Mark of the Beast rebranded, to prove you're a good little globalist.
And to be able to first get on airplanes, then to have a job, to go into a supermarket.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, Overnight, the BBC and Microsoft, and Daria, I sent you the link, I didn't see that in my stack, but I also texted you the link, let me pull that up, to Microsoft.com and quote, digital tattoos, so you can have data in your skin, access information, prove you've had a vaccine, medical record, all that.
So my point is, I'm gonna show you some of these articles right now, but this is all being announced.
But remember, just a few months ago, there it is, Microsoft.com.
Smart tattoos.
So, we come out and we expose what they're doing, what they're up to.
In January, February, March, and April, lay out exactly what they were going to do, because we had Operation Lockstep by the Rockefellers, 10 years old, exactly laying this out, and we had Event 201 from October, November of last year, laying out exactly what they've done, through the United Nations, in control of the United States and the rest of the world, dictating our health policy.
And they had every publication from the Financial Times to the LA Times to Wired come out and say Bill Gates is under attack by liars.
There are no digital tattoos.
There is no plan to make you take vaccines to travel.
None of this is true, even though they were already proposing it.
And they didn't coordinate their propaganda.
First they come out in February and March and say we're lying about it.
But then Fauci and the UN say, oh, we do want you to have a digital passport or a chip under your skin to prove you've done it.
And so people went, whoa!
You just said you weren't doing that.
So now, three or four months later, they think you don't have a memory.
They have announced on the Microsoft website, as you showed it to the viewers, they have put out in the BBC, a letter, it turns out, writes for Gates and the foundation, Exactly how they're gonna run it.
And when you read this BBC article, it will make your head spin.
We posted the full thing at Infowars.com.
Please try to change it or take it down.
We have a link to the BBC article.
Our headline is, forced inoculation microchipping pushed by UK state-run media.
The actual headline at BBC by Lena Zeldovich, who looks like the Wicked Witch of the West and works for these people, Physicist, engineers, biologists, citizen scientists are devising new technologies and tests so we can globetrot again.
And she says by 2022, you will get off an airplane, a robot will scan you.
He will then go to the counter and they will put a device pod in your mouth that scans you for COVID or other diseases.
You'll be taken away if you do have it, quarantined.
But it's no big deal, you understand, for your safety.
And then she just goes through how to buy and sell and live your life.
You're going to have this, and Gates has all the patents now where they're going to use this ID for the global medical ID, and they say they're going to have all 7.5 billion people chipped.
But don't worry, they'll give you money to get chipped.
And now don't worry, it's just a patch you put on your arm.
You might have a rash.
But now you're going to have nanotech in your body.
It is a long article.
I suggest you go read this for yourself.
Oh, and it's how easy it is.
You just blow in this little, you just blow in this little thing, and it's all medical tyranny right there at the airport.
And of course, this doesn't stop diseases spreading.
They're the ones letting people in from the third world untested.
They're the ones that let all the TB in.
We have 1.4 million deaths a year by it.
A bubonic plague coming in out of Latin America.
No, no, no, no.
This is all about you complying, you submitting, because they say, you have to have this, you have to have a vaccine to travel.
And now Fauci and all of them admit, wearing the mask is a symbol of your compliance.
Wear the mask, accept the contact tracers in your house, accept the apps on your phone that are already on your phone.
Apple and Google announced it six months ago that they'd merged an operating system on all phones that is a hidden app that cannot be deleted.
That tracks everywhere you go and everything you do.
But then when the FBI has a warrant to get in somebody's phone, they won't give it to them.
Because again, they're bigger than the federal government.
They're bigger than the Justice Department.
They're the new government.
They're the global government.
And see, Bill Clinton left office.
He'd always talked about being the new Secretary General of the UN.
Well, now he's just the global initiative head.
It's like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
It's above the UN.
So you have the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative, and it's these three groups with John Hopkins And Fauci, on record, in the Event 201 document, that create global policy that's then given to the United Nations as the global corporate government, that then gives us the orders.
And then, we're coming to this when we get back, the President tweets a press conference of more than a dozen doctors, medical doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, It goes viral.
It gets millions of views in hours.
The president tweets it.
And just like all the other doctors and scientists that have come out, and Cedars-Sinai that's come out, prestigious doctors, virologists, heads of universities, it got deleted, the video, and the tweets blocked everywhere, and they're in the news saying, good, they stood up to disinfo, because the WHO, the World Health Organization, is the authority, and they say hydroxychloroquine doesn't work, because they have one study that was withdrawn, that was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, I'm gonna show you when we come back, Even NBC News admitting that the study they used to say hydroxychloroquine has no effect when all the other studies say 99% miracle drug because it injects zinc through the cell membrane that then viruses can't replicate in the mitochondria.
And they don't want you to know that because they want you desperate and scared and locked down so you will accept the vaccine, the digital world ID, and boom, you're inside the world government under medical tyranny directed by the UN, itself directed by the shadow Secretary General of the UN, Bill and Hillary Clinton!
Hillary doesn't need to be president, she's head of the UN!
Stay with us!
Welcome back.
I am your host Alex Jones.
We're here live Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
David Knight is on 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m.
before us and of course Owen Schroer 3 to 6 p.m.
We're gonna have some special nighttime election coverage starting really by next week, many nights of the week, where we're gonna be breaking down live events as they unfold.
This is such a critical time for the entire planet, not just America.
97 days out.
Let me just say this briefly.
We are selling little Faraday cages, privacy pockets, that are sold for $25, $30, even $35 at Amazon.
They work great.
They block the contact tracers, the UN, the globalists following you everywhere.
You put your phone in prison, you take it out when you want to use it, and you have incredible Incredible privacy from hackers, you name it.
It's so important and it also reminds you about how we're living in a Big Brother system.
These cost us $11 and change with free shipping right now.
We're almost losing money on these.
So, next week we're going up to $24.95 on these.
Because my, you know, folks that help me over there in the warehouse are explaining, yes Alex, you sell a lot of stuff.
It doesn't really make any money because you sell stuff so inexpensively.
So these are going up to $24.95 next week and we have to get rid of the free shipping again because of the same problem.
I want to thank you all for your support.
The Christmas in July special will end this Friday because July is ending and because a bunch of our best sellers, let me just mention to you what they are, are about to sell out.
We have the ultimate turmeric formula.
Bodies about to sell out.
Living defense that flushes out the unwanted visitors.
So important.
About to sell out.
Really brings the balance back to your intestines.
VasoBeats for your cardiovascular system.
Concentrated, super strong beet extract that creates the nitrous oxide in the blood.
Looking at what that does.
50% off.
TurboForce, 10 hours of clean energy.
50% off.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion with the amino acids, the vitamins and minerals.
It's an adult and children's formula.
Very, very good to boost your overall health immune system.
BrainForce Plus, 50% off as well.
Survival Shield X2, Niacin-9, Iodine Spray, the first of its kind, but true Niacin-9, that is there.
Survival Shield X2, Lung Cleanse, Ultra 12, DNA Force Plus, that's really an important one for your cells and your mitochondria to keep them healthy.
Your telomeres, Winter Sun Plus for the immune system, the Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K, take it under the tongue.
It's one of the best formulas out there.
Chill Force helps you come down healthily in the evening and have great sleep.
Superfemoral Vitality, Biotricillinium is essential for the electrochemical activity in the body.
That is amazing as well.
Alexa Pure Breeze at cost.
All of this will finally end this weekend.
InfowarStore.com or 888-253-3139.
or 888-253-3139. And we do have also in closing the new charcoal toothpaste,
activated charcoal, pure activated charcoal that is enamel safe.
It does not attack your enamel.
It does not erode your teeth like many other toothpastes that are full of fillers and many other charcoal toothpastes.
Charcoal toothpastes are extremely popular.
This is not meant to replace our other two toothpastes.
Uh, that, uh, we hope to bring back soon, but you've seen the left is trying to shut us down for those.
They have nano silver in them.
This has nothing to do with COVID-19.
The others, the other toothpaste don't either.
The left just tries to confuse everything and deceive people.
So this is not a replacement for that.
We've been developing this for over a year and, uh, it's, it's very, very popular.
We sold out of one 10th of it yesterday.
Won't be getting more till the end of August.
So this will sell out a very, very soon, probably because people want to take advantage of the free shipping because With the free shipping, Tim Fergé pointed out to me yesterday, he said, hey boss, if we sell the toothpaste for $9 and it cost us $3 and shipping is basically $5, we're making like $1.50, we cannot operate on that.
Yeah, we sold a thousand tubes of toothpaste, that's $1,000.
That doesn't run anything with an operation this big.
You've got to stop the free shipping.
Again, I can't compete against Amazon and the four and a half dollars they get for every order that they get from, you know, a taxpayer bailout and the 30 billion he got, Bezos got, a taxpayer money during all this.
I mean, we don't get any of that.
And so we don't have all the taxpayer subsidies.
So when you think you're getting something for cheaper there, you're not, folks.
You're paying for it.
I'm ranting.
I'm going to stop right there.
It's just very frustrating.
So thank you all for your support, but I would take advantage of this sale because there's not going to be anything like it until Christmas just because we can't afford it.
So thank you for the support.
Rob New didn't think he'd have this done until the third hour and have a special guest Joel Skousen in studio for two hours.
But he does think he'll have it done by six after next hour.
So I was going to play this clip raw of Bill Gates and Anderson Cooper with Sanjay Gupta.
This weekend, but we were up here late last night getting clips and things adding into this.
And so we're going to show you a clip of him with his own clips contradicting himself.
So Bill Gates contradicting himself and them saying it's ridiculous.
Bill Gates, you know, you and I have no connection to Jeffrey Epstein.
Yeah, you just lived at his house in Paris and New York.
And you flew on his airplane a whole bunch to the pervert island.
The Pedophile Island.
I mean, they're just up there lying to everyone.
So I was going to play the raw clip.
But why?
Why do that when we have one that actually has clips of Gates contradicting himself?
If you're a radio listener, we're putting this on screen right now for TV viewers.
The flight log of the Luda Express.
This is released by the FBI with him flying on the plane over and over and over and over And over again.
Now Gates was interested in this because he was basically running Epstein.
And the word I get is Gates was not having sex with any of the children.
Gates had Epstein going out and compromising academics and head scientists to blackmail them into the cult.
Because they were setting up a Cloning cult, which I told you that years ago, now it's mainstream news.
Now, of course, there is an engineer employee that Bill Gates's mansion created 6,000 child porn images using Gmail accounts.
So, you know, but the word we have is this is all about blackmail for Gates.
So Gates goes on TV and says, none of this is true.
Just like he goes on TV and says, I don't want anybody to have a microchip or proof of a vaccine.
But then he goes on and says, but to live normally and travel and have a job, you're going to have to have it.
Things won't go back to anywhere near normal until we make you take vaccines.
So, oh no, this isn't true, but we're going to make you do it.
And what's even more frightening is when he goes on CNN or CBS now, we play these clips, yesterday he says, no, this is going to hurt a lot of people.
And old people need five shots.
And the immunity goes away real quick.
It's totally made up.
They want the precedent to hurt you with vaccines and get you, like ancients would volunteer to have their kids sacrificed, to opt in to this lunacy and this madness through peer pressure and have the corporations and businesses and managers and owners of the businesses make their employees through peer pressure do this.
This is all about Them lying about the numbers, how many would die, and putting numbers, people that died of other things in the COVID column, and putting out fake tests and fake positives, and we all know that!
But the controls get more draconian, and I've got exclusive information for you.
I'd already read this in a Fauci statement to the NIH, got no attention, and then I was talking to a major medical manager in Austin who's involved with the health department, and the governor is now getting advisements from the NIH, still, that means from the UN, that they're now going to start the masked police by the fall.
Where they're going to check your mask and that it's certified at an M95.
So see, it's always more, more, more.
And because first it's wear the mask, submit.
Okay, it's just cloth.
Wear your burka.
And they got to get you ready for vaccines.
So they need to get you ready to check your phone and to check that it's got the right app and to check that you're being contact traced and that you've been approved or that you've been quarantined.
So they have to first, now they got to check your mask.
Now they got to get up in your grill.
And yet you're used to being asked questions and showing them things and showing you a certification and showing you a number on the inside of the mask.
Because next it's going to be, we got to check and make sure you've had your vaccine.
And that's what's in the BBC.
That's what's been announced.
But let me show you this real quick.
They're saying Trump's banned off Twitter.
He's been blocked on Twitter.
His son's been put in Twitter jail for tweeting medical doctors giving a press conference.
They're trying to cherry pick doctors and take a few that have interesting views, you know, Christian, eschological views and attack them for that.
This one lady thinks it's off-world intelligence attacking us.
Obviously, this is anti-human.
The Bible says it's a fallen creature doing it.
But look, the Lancet retracts large study on hydroxychloroquine.
NBC News.
Zoom in on that.
So this is back in June.
This is a Bill Gates funded deal.
This is what they use at the UN to say that no one's allowed to say hydroxychloroquine.
It was withdrawn.
Coronavirus influential study on hydroxychloroquine withdrawn, BBC.
Researchers retract botched anti-hydroxychloroquine study, which was used to attack Trump.
But they're still using it at the United Nations to shut down our president.
And they put out the number of 600,000 troops having it.
That was all fraudulent, that just came out yesterday.
All fraud, all lies from the father of lies, Bill Gates.
So, we've got Congress still debating whether Big Tech is censoring people in election meddling.
That's like debating in the year 2020 if Hitler was a Nazi.
It's just absolutely insane.
or debating whether Winston Churchill was British.
And meanwhile the UN is...
is on documents, it's on masks, it's on drugs, it's on the news, that, oh, this is WHO approved, sorry, we only do what the WHO says, and they say these three tests are the only tests that test for COVID, and all three tests were designed to give off-the-chart false positives, and they even admit it!
It's built-in definition fraud, where if they say A baby is dead even though it's kept alive.
They're allowed to keep it alive and then later harvest its organs because they legally said they didn't resuscitate it.
And so look at these headlines.
I just showed you last segment, NBC News, BBC, all of them.
Lancet retracts large study on hydroxychloroquine.
Researchers restrict and retract botched anti-hydroxychloroquine study.
Which was used to attack Trump.
Here's BBC.
Coronavirus influential study on hydroxychloroquine was wrong.
Gates funded hydroxychloroquine studies are designed to kill people.
Researchers retract botched hydroxychloroquine zero hedge.
Thumbs out they added 600,000 people to the list that had COVID that didn't.
I mean, it's just all lies.
Meanwhile, they don't tell you that in these articles.
Twitter censors Trump by completely removing his tweet for the first time.
Infowars just tells you what happened.
Look at these headlines.
Trump has video he shared of Dr. Wrongly Saying Hydroxychloroquine Cure Coronavirus removed!
The video's removed, the tweet's removed, and they go on to say the WHO says in a study it's no good.
Even though all the other studies show it's amazing.
But doctors should be allowed to say what they want in a press conference, and it's put out.
And if something's wrong, they can be sued for it.
But it's not wrong.
So based on a fake study that the UN uses, that Trump can't tweet, the president's being censored because the UN said so, as the authority, and the medical doctor's video at their press conference, we can roll some of that for you, it's on Infowars.com, a mirror of it, is taken down.
Trump shared video, later taken down, for providing false information about COVID-19, Yahoo News says, French news agency.
And then you read it and it's like, yep, the U.N.
says it's not true.
Okay, censor the president.
Those doctors aren't U.N.
Well, shut them down.
Trump Jr., suspended by Twitter for posting misleading and potentially harmful information about coronavirus that his father retweeted.
London Independent.
Well, you shut that man down then.
Thank goodness we've got censors in charge.
Twitter partially suspends Donald Trump Jr.
for sharing hydroxychloroquine video.
And then they attack one of the doctors.
I mean, it just goes on and on.
Folks, you've got to read this Newsweek article of all places.
As a professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, who lists hundreds of studies on hydroxychloroquine and how it's saving lives, this just came out a few days ago, Todd Henderson Professor of Epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health.
He's offered over 300 peer-reviewed publications and currently holds senior positions on the editorial boards of several leading journals.
He goes on to say there is no doubt that hydroxychloroquine saves almost everyone that uses it, if taken in the early stages.
He says patients are dying needlessly because they're being told don't use hydroxychloroquine.
The doctors are being told.
And he goes on from there.
What an important article for you to get.
The key to defeating COVID-19 already exists.
We need to start using it.
Oh, but the United Nations says, according to a withdrawn study, that our president needs to shut his mouth.
And everything the UN's told us and Fauci's told us of where it came from, how many it would kill, all of it has been a lie.
But they don't care.
They just keep doubling down, doubling down, doubling down.
But the answer is more doctors going public.
More nurses going public.
Everybody should go picket out front grocery stores and CVS's with these articles and this information.
Get aggressive.
This is their takeover.
Fight it.
Bill Gates, two days ago, went on.
Anderson Cooper, another fellow blue blood.
And lied to the world saying they have no connection to Jeffrey Epstein even though he flew on the airplane with him and stayed at his home.
And lied about everything concerning hydroxychloroquine.
He owns part of all the big vaccine companies.
He has a revolving door.
He and Fauci own part of the patents and it's all coming out even in mainstream news.
And the rats are leaving the sinking ship.
Here is Gates talking and then we cut to clips showing what's really going on.
Here it is.
So there's a conspiracy theory that one of our viewers asked about.
I just want to play that sound.
What would you say to the French portions of the public like conspiracy theorists that seem to think that you're somehow responsible for the outbreak?
You warned everybody about this in a TED Talk in 2015.
You predicted this would happen.
If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it's most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war.
There's also a conspiracy theory that you're pushing vaccines because you're going to inject people with a tracking device when they get the vaccine.
We also have ambitious goals for getting vaccine coverage up.
So you can avoid lots of diseases if you've been properly vaccinated.
Once you have a safe and effective vaccine and get that out to almost all of the people on the planet and build the preparatory systems for the next pandemic so you can nip it in the bud.
We will go back to normal and economies will recover.
Of course, along with this vaccine comes the new vaccine patch with its ink coating in there, which you can be scannable and readable.
I mean, if there's anything getting close to the mark of the beast, you know, this is it.
You can't be free.
You can't go back into business unless you have the mark through these ink dots.
This is the mark of the beast training wheels.
This is a day I've been looking forward to for a long time.
It's all part of a so-called globalist plot to control the world.
Behind closed doors on this New York campus, a secret gathering of some of the world's
most powerful people.
Gates, Buffett, Bloomberg, Winfrey, together with others at the meeting, including George
Soros, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller.
That much money, that much power around one table.
It begs the question, what were they doing?
What were they scheming?
The problem is that the population is growing the fastest where people are less able to deal with it.
So it's in the very poorest places that you're going to have a tripling in population by 2050.
Probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero.
But let's, let's take a look.
Uh, QAnon folks are, you know, which is actually a group that's been targeting me as well lately.
They're claiming falsely that I'm somehow connected with Jeffrey Epstein and global cabalists of sex traffickers.
It's insane.
What, what do you say to people who believe this stuff?
Because I mean, I'm sure you are inundated by, I am, by people direct messaging me just insane stuff.
Disturbing allegations about accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and members of his social circle.
Bombshell accusations point a finger at some rather notable names.
In court filings, Goufray says she became an underage teen sex slave for Epstein, who was later directed by Maxwell and Epstein to have sex with many, quote, powerful men, including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, and other world leaders.
Among those Goufray names in sworn depositions, British royalty Prince Andrew.
Yeah, the combination of having social media spreading things that are very titillating, to have this pandemic where people are uncertain and they prefer to have a simple explanation, it's meant that these things are really millions of messages a day.
Uh, and people like myself and Dr. Fauci become the target.
You will always have conspiracy theories when you have, uh, very challenging public health crises.
They are nothing but distractions.
Often, the clever thing they do, you know, our foundation has given more money to buy vaccines to save lives.
Because it's all tax free.
You get foundation money from the Rockefellers.
So you just turn that around.
You say, okay, we're making money and we're trying to kill people with vaccines or by inventing something.
The ultimate solution, the only thing that really lets us go back completely to normal and feel good about sitting in a stadium with lots of other people is to create a vaccine and not just take care of our country, but take that vaccine out to the global population.
We clearly need a vaccine that works.
In the upper age range because they're most at risk of that and doing that so that you amp it up so it works in older people and yet You don't have side effects.
You know, if we have, you know, one in 10,000 side effects, that's, you know, way more, 700,000, you know, people who will suffer from that.
But you don't have a choice.
People act like you have a choice.
People don't feel like going to the stadium when they might get infected.
And at least it's true, we're associated with vaccines, but you actually, you know, sort of flipped the connection.
that we have there.
He said use vaccines to reduce population.
I hope it doesn't create vaccine hesitancy.
So in 2011, the German company CureVac was given $33 million for their research and development
of RNA vaccines.
Then in 2013, Moderna Therapeutics was given $25 million for their research and development
of RNA vaccines.
Then in 2015, Inovio was given $45 million for their DNA vaccines, which they also mentioned admitting to using DNA nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology is using microscopic, very tiny little robotic organisms, okay?
All of these companies are backed by the Gates Foundation or have been associated with the Gates Foundation in some way.
You know, these are well-meaning people.
You know, this is a time where people are doing great work.
And, you know, so I hope the conspiracy stuff dies down.
It's really, the numbers kind of blow my mind.
And it's not just the fringe people that you would normally think of.
It's not at all.
I mean, I can tell you, I get stuff from people who seem, you know, they have lives, they have families.
I don't know if they genuinely believe this, if they've just been misled, but, you know, and for me it's, you know, they claim I was on Jeffrey Epstein's airplane and going to his island with Tom Hanks, or, I mean, just insane, crazy stuff.
What do you, I mean, do you think... Bill Gates right there goes all the time.
I know internet companies are looking at this.
Do you wish that they would Play a role in taking stuff down, which is his demonstrably fault.
They're already censoring everywhere!
So we have tried to bring this to the public.
It's not... They're censoring the president right now.
It doesn't work.
You know, the media is controlled.
So this is why you don't see healthcare professionals and other researchers speak up more.
You see some still, but you don't see the group of us.
Because we don't feel like we have freedom of speech.
Because it does have real world impact on vaccines or a nut showing up to a pizza parlor in Washington D.C.
with a gun.
Yeah, in some cases they are taking things down.
It's a bad combination, a pandemic and social media and people looking for a very simple explanation.
Who's the bad guy here?
I mean Gates used to stay with Epstein.
They're saying protect Gates, take Epstein stuff down.
And of course vaccines weren't popular with everybody even before this all Because of all the death and destruction?
So, I'm a big believer in getting the truth out, but it's kind of not as titillating to say, you know, Cooper is innocent.
See, they use Cooper when the guy that stays with Epstein's right there.
See how the maintenance switch works?
You don't afford that to quite as many people.
As you do, um, the acquisition.
Yates said he never stayed in his house.
The side effects for the Moderna vaccine sound concerning.
We looked.
After the second dose, at least 80% of participants experienced a systemic side effect, ranging from severe chills to fevers.
So, are these vaccines safe?
Well, the, uh, the FDA Not being pressured will look hard at that.
The FDA is the gold standard of regulators and their current guidance on this, if they stick with that, is very very appropriate.
You know, the side effects were not super severe.
That is, it didn't cause permanent health problems for the things there.
They, you know, Moderna did have to go with a fairly high dose.
And so, you know, to get the antibodies.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
Joel Skousen, Marine Corps Aviator Patriot, the Editor-in-chief at World Affairs Brief, one of the smartest people I know, he's been interviewing with us for two and a half hours to talk geopolitics the first 30 minutes, then two hours on the globalist mass exodus out of the cities and why they're doing it.
In fact, guys, will you print me some articles about elites moving out of cities to escape COVID, moving to private islands?
That's the last six months.
But print earlier articles, elites Billionaires, the rich, moving to New Zealand, other areas to escape financial collapse and war.
They're using the COVID crisis as the excuse to shut down the economy before it collapses on its own.
They're going to use that to consolidate power.
That's why gold is at $2,000 an ounce right now.
Side issue, people ask, why don't you have a gold sponsor?
Well, we could have plenty of gold sponsors, and I believe in gold, but so many of them are bait-and-switch, so many of them overcharge people.
I don't believe in charging people more than 5% over on bullion.
If something has numismatic value, maybe 10-15%, you've got to be able to pay, keep the lights on, and have the gold and the silver.
Anybody that has it at cost in a market like this is lying to you.
They're just going to take your money and make you wait.
But we don't have a gold sponsor because I don't trust any companies that are out there.
I am working with someone that I worked with many years ago.
Try to get them back into the business.
But it was hard for them to even operate because they weren't making a big markup.
So we are looking by next week to have a gold sponsor for everybody.
Everybody's been beating my doors down.
Before we get gold, I went out and tried with three other companies.
They would sign contracts.
They would lie to us.
And then when you would call to get, you know, the deal at 5% above spot or whatever, they would try to charge you more.
And I just, I will not be part of that.
I just will not be part of that.
If you want to buy a collector coin, that's great.
If you want to, you know, sure, the company we're getting will pitch you stuff that's more expensive or whatever you want.
It's just that there's going to be a menu of coins that I'm promoting that are great deals that I'm personally getting myself.
And that's just how I am.
And so that's why we've not been in the gold game.
Came out where Glenn Beck was doing 100% markups on people for gold and silver.
100% markups.
That's just outrageous.
A collector coin where you pay more because it has a value?
Sure, you might get your money back on that someday.
That's up to you if you want to do it.
But the point is, buying stuff that is numismatic, semi-numismatic, stuff that's Right at melt costs or whatever, that is absolutely a smart move.
I mean, gold should be at $70,000 an ounce.
Sorry, I'm digressing.
I've been trying to get a gold sponsor for years, and I just am neurotic about only getting you the best deal.
And there just aren't many good deals out there.
Though, even if you bought it with a big markup a year ago at, you know, $500, $600 an ounce for gold, you're sitting pretty even with a markup of $2,000 right now.
I get it.
I won't get into Bitcoin because I know so many people have been scammed by it.
I'm not saying Bitcoin itself is bad.
It's just that I just can't do it.
I know people in this office that have been scammed by Bitcoin, but speaking of scams, vaccines don't work the way they say they do.
They're an excuse to add things Trojan horse, just like the cell phones are Trojan horse, the water is Trojan horse with fluoride, the GMO crops are Trojan horse, all to reduce fertility.
And now Bill Gates comes out And Bill Gates wants you to take a forced inoculation to be able to travel.
That is a coerced inoculation.
They'll go, oh, you didn't have to take the inoculation to have your digital ID or your digital tattoo.
You didn't have to take that chip if you don't want to get on a bus or a train or an airplane or have a job at a big company or travel across state lines or go to church.
Because everyone's going to toady around because lawyers run everything now and go, well, 2.5 million didn't die.
150,000 died in the U.S.
and most of those died of something else, but we're not going to admit it was a fraud.
We're going to say if one life could be saved.
We'll never leave our houses again until we've had our shots, that sure kill a bunch of people and have side effects that don't even protect you, but it doesn't matter!
Because we want a virtue signal.
Well, when you're in the Great Depression, and when things are totally collapsing and crime's already up 100% nationwide or more, and when you realize the third world's starving to death, just remember all those little goody-two-shoes that walk up to you in the grocery store, even in Texas, and say, wear your mask!
And I look at them and I say, You know masks don't protect you.
Oh, shut up!
Well, remember there was supposed to be 2.5 million died.
Ah, you watch Fox News!
So now I might come back here and they come over and yell at me.
I look at them.
This just came to me the other day, but now I'm successfully did it again yesterday.
I go out a lot.
I'm not letting them stop me.
This individual comes up.
This time a man.
Happened at the gas station a few days ago.
This was a man.
First time it was a woman.
And they look at me and they say, and I think all you should do is, they look and they say, wear your mask!
And just look at them, and they'll say, oh, nothing to say, huh?
Or, oh yeah, you're bad, and say, no, I don't want to be cruel to animals, or I don't believe in cruelty to animals.
And they're going to say, oh, what are you calling me, an animal, a dog, a bitch?
You go, no, a sheep!
And they, both times, shut their mouths and just walked away.
Because they know they're sheep.
They know it's a fraud.
I try to talk to them nice.
A lot of folks... I'll get on an elevator or something, and they'll see I'm not wearing a mask, and they'll say...
You care I take it off?
I'm like, no, I know it's a fraud.
Oh, thank you.
My husband's the same way.
He says it's a fraud, but I just want to get in fights with people.
And you know, I, I read that they're counting for every person that has it, 15 more that don't.
And I, yeah, that's true.
Most people know what's going on, but they're not speaking up and talking to others.
So we should never have complied with the TSA, that was the beginning of the slave training, the groping the kids, going through the body scanners, but the borders are wide open, and they're bringing Muslims in, unvetted, and Trump's bad for blocking Muslims from seven countries where they don't even give them real passports, but, oh, you've got to be checked because you're bad.
I know, a million plus people die of TB every year, 1.4 million, they just bring the kids in, no testing, put them in school to give your kids the TB, don't even treat the poor kids coming in that have TB, that's not a problem, diseases don't exist, they're not an issue.
Flip a switch.
We can't leave our houses because 150,000 died in the last six months, and the whole thing's fraud!
So I've got Joel Skousen in here, and I really wanted to read this BBC News article on Airbnb, it's long, where this woman that's written stuff for MIT and Bill Gates before, that's what she does, she promotes implantable microchips, and she's got all these weird witchy-poo photos when you type her name in, but everybody tore into her on her Twitter.
Absolutely annihilated her on Twitter.
She wrote this big article for the BBC, Lena Zeldovich.
Pull her up, Lena Zeldovich for me guys.
And Lena Zeldovich, just type her name in.
Writes for all these publications pushing implantable microchips, smart toilets that spy on your poop and your pee, and just how good the toaster is spying on you, and how good the AI is, as she wrote this huge article about, and linked to the MIT and Bill Gates, and how great it is, and you're gonna have to have this to buy and sell, and you're gonna have this to get on planes, and robots are gonna control your life, and it's gonna be so good, it'll be here within 14, 15 months.
And there she is.
And she's a creepazoid that left the Soviet Union and brought it here.
Got a sneaking suspicion her family and folks probably were right on the tyranny over there, but I guess folks didn't put up with it anymore.
So she's here to run our lives again and she's attached herself to Bill Gates and all the articles are the same.
They're sickening, they're evil, and they sell you on the garbage.
So the article's linked up on InfoWars.com where they're openly saying you want to buy and sell, you want to travel, you will take hundreds of Bill Gates shots.
He says it'll be five every few months.
There's hundreds of new diseases.
You're going to take it all.
Gun violence erupted across Chicago over the weekend with more than 60 people shot and at least 12 killed.
Tragically, this now makes nine children killed in the city of Chicago over the past three weekends.
63 people shot, including nine juveniles, 12 people dead.
There has been a 50% increase in the number of shooting victims in Chicago compared to last year.
Overnight, President Trump ordering 150 federal law enforcement officers to Chicago.
Tonight, the mayor of Chicago is vowing to fight plans to deploy federal agents in her city.
I'll be darned if I'm gonna let anybody Even if their name is Mr. President, bring those kind of troops to our city and try to take off our residents.
That's not going to happen in Chicago.
She's clearly unable to control her streets.
She's a radical.
They need to toss her out of office.
If necessary, she will file a lawsuit in an effort to stop these actions by the Trump administration.
18 Chicago police officers were injured in a clash with protesters who were trying to take down a statue of
Christopher Columbus.
Projectiles, including frozen water bottles and firecrackers, were being tossed at those officers who were near the statue on the scene.
Stunning development.
Our officers learned that every single one of the St.
Louis looters and rioters arrested were released back on the streets by local prosecutor Kim Gardner.
I got work to do.
Do you disavow the Austrian anti-vax?
That's happening in Portland right now?
That's a myth.
Protesters throwing bottles and fireworks at police officers, while some were caught with knives and other weapons.
All the people arrested in the violent demonstrations and looting on Monday night in downtown St.
Louis are now back on the streets.
New York, Atlanta, Philadelphia, all grappling with double-digit increases in shootings.
In New York City, more than 77 percent.
Atlanta, 31 percent.
President Trump threatening to send federal law enforcement to other major cities.
Mayors from across the country taking swift action, signing a letter requesting immediate removal of federal officers, accusing President Trump of using terror tactics.
Who are these people?
Why do they have these kind of uniforms on where they cannot be identified?
When you send camouflaged, uniformed officers into a city without any clear identification to direct their force at peaceful protesters.
The reason I'm here tonight is to stand with you no matter what.
Your presence here isn't wanted.
It's not needed.
It is clearly ratcheting up the violence and the vandalism.
And Democratic Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley tweeted at President Trump, Get your DHS lackey and uninvited paramilitary actions out of my state.
Joe Biden says he is concerned President Trump will try to steal the November election.
This president is going to try to steal this election.
This is a trial run of the President of the United States, who may be organizing to not accept what happens when we have the election.
If he loses, and I expect that he will, then we have to be prepared for what he is going to do in the immediate aftermath of such a loss.
I promise you, I'm absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.
The government's going to kill this guy.
If he's not elected, is he going to pull out?
This military?
Is he going to engage us?
He has already alluded to there may be a civil war.
He is clearly trying to ignite a civil war in this country.
These are not acts of peaceful protest.
These are acts of domestic terror.
Seriously, Mr. President?
Civil War isn't coming.
Civil War isn't coming.
Civil War is here.
With 97 days out from the election, the ambient background violence of the communist and globalist organizations are being activated.
So that the police can be demonized ahead of the overthrow of local governments, the surrounding of the White House, in an attempt to drive the President from office.
I've been telling you that that's Soros' plan for the last three years from documents we exclusively got from family members.
They got high-level Antifa documents of brigades of groups under the command of Alexander Soros.
Soros promptly financed more than 50 lawsuits against us when we got these documents and published them.
But Soros is just one front guy of the larger system.
Now every major leader of the Democratic Party, Pelosi, Eric Holder, the former Attorney General, Maxine Waters, former head of Homeland Security, Governor Ridge, a Republican, now Nadler, today confronted The Attorney General Bill Barr and said, you're planning to use troops to stay in office.
They've said they're going to contest the election.
The Democrats are.
Then if Trump contested, which we saw in 2000 with Republicans, co-contested, they're saying we're going to remove him.
And the Washington Post headline said, anyone aiding him will be put in prison, including members of his cabinet.
So it's clear that that's their next move.
COVID to lock things down, race riots to be the cover for the overthrow of the elected government.
So, he better not oppose the overthrow of the government.
You hate black people, then it's 98% white communist activists.
So, Joel Scalzo is going to be here for the next two hours and 20 minutes, roughly, until the end of the broadcast.
He's flown here.
He's a pilot, former Marine Corps aviator from Vietnam.
He's an author.
He's one of the top experts on secure homes and real survivalism.
He's traveled the entire world.
He's up there in the top two or three people and recognized maybe the top survivalist expert for serious survivalism.
Not so much about the gear but where to live and how to be prepared in a lifestyle that allows you to do it.
I've known it's the right thing to do for a long time but I've been in pure offense mode trying to stop this.
I have to tell you now, folks, that I agree with his analysis that in the long term, we're not going to stop this.
We can just mitigate it for ourselves and try to make sure that this whole system we have to go through, this peace system, is not as painful as it would be.
And it's about winning people's hearts and minds spiritually.
ahead of what's going to be coming down. And so we'll discuss it all in the third and fourth hour today.
I'll be co-hosting with Joel Scowls. He has his maps. He has his fourth edition, a strategic relocation out.
We also co-made a film together. They're both available at Infowarsstore.com and they are absolutely, totally
But we've got about three minutes to break. We're gonna play some of
the Attorney General's confrontation with Nadler.
I have two crew members watching the hearings.
They say now all the Democrats are saying Trump's a dictator.
He's illegitimate.
He's sending in troops.
I mean this is now their next big move in my view.
Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief.
What is your view?
Well, they certainly don't intend to let Donald Trump get re-elected.
That's why part of the reason for extending this COVID-19 phony pandemic extensively is to make sure there's no in-person voting, or at least if it's very limited, to have drive-by voting, have voting by mail, all of which is easily corruptible.
With all of the thousands of new voters that they brought in and registered, I think it's very, very unlikely that Donald Trump's going to get elected.
And I'll tell you, if the Democrats swing the Senate, and it looks like they may be able to, Joni Ernst is in trouble, Sally is in trouble in Arizona, David Perdue is in trouble in Georgia.
If they take the presidency and the Senate and have the House, There's going to be hell to pay in the United States.
They'll stack the Supreme Court with more justices to overcome whatever minority they have with John Roberts always switching sides for them.
We're going to get Green New Deal.
We're going to get all kinds of gun control, urban, federal zoning planning.
I mean, this is going to be a nightmare.
And I don't think we're ever going to recover.
By the way, I agree with you that Trump is losing right now because of fraud, because of mail-in ballots, and also because he's not on the offense and because of Jared Kushner giving him bad advice.
I say that so he'll change course in the next 97 days and hopefully avert this.
I'm the guy that told you he was going to win when others weren't and the polls were fake.
I know internal polls show him narrowly ahead.
Previous internal polls showed him 10 to 15 points ahead.
This is a serious situation.
But I don't think he can get ahead unless he comes out and attacks this coronavirus as it is, as a false pandemic.
It's exaggerated.
The testing is the key.
It's not valid.
It's picking up all coronaviruses.
I totally agree.
You're saying he's got to head on and destroy Gates and destroy Fauci.
He's got to attack this because American people, I've been in a hotel today talking to people in Austin, people pulling down their masks and saying, this is ridiculous.
I can't live this way.
There's a, there's a, Underground current of resistance building they need a leader They need someone to have the courage to come out and say the Emperor has no clothes.
This has got to stop Okay, you just said what everybody needs to hear and it's the truth and I meant to start the show with that today So I want you to come back and say that again I want to take a clip of what he just said live guys put on the front of the whole show when we archive this today for everybody because Trump has really dropped the ball, and I don't say that with pleasure.
He needs to not be on both sides of this.
He needs to destroy Fauci, destroy Gates, destroy the United Nations fraud, expose the whole thing.
Joel Skousen, Editor-in-Chief at WorldAffairsBriefs.com, is our guest.
In about 15 minutes into the next hour, we're going to spend an hour and 45 minutes on strategic relocation.
On the really safest places to live in the United States and the different crises and things that are faced and also other parts of the world.
And then hopefully he can take a rest today.
Nothing ever needs much.
He's a hardworking guy.
And maybe shoot an hour uninterrupted later in the studio before he leaves back to where he lives on the West Coast out there.
And can you just have an hour uninterrupted here to also get into this issue in more depth?
But he's here with us now.
Obviously, a lot of stuff is breaking.
I already planned to play the Attorney General's opening statement.
I've got a transcript of it.
It was extremely powerful, saying this is all made up.
You guys are a wet shunt.
You're a coup against the president.
You're now attacking me because I won't go along with it.
Well, now Hank Johnson, we're getting the clip right now that said that Guam floats that islands float on top of water like a raft.
He now says that The Attorney General's opening statement sounded like it was written by Alex Jones and Roger Stone.
So we'll have some of that opening statement and that exchange coming up.
I've got a little bit of an exchange right now between him and Nadler on the big new talking point that Trump's going to lose the election, but then if he challenges it, he's a dictator and must be removed because they're going to challenge it.
But Joel, start over with where you think Trump is.
Look right into camera four and what does Trump need to do to not lose?
Because I agree with you right now, he's going to lose.
Well, I fear that if Trump doesn't begin to take a strong stand against this corona, this exaggerated pandemic, if he doesn't start to attack the fact that the test is invalid, the test is picking up all coronaviruses, not just COVID-19, the death rate is being exaggerated by assigning death to people who have motorcycle accidents, who have Lou Gehrig's disease, saying they died of COVID.
He's got to come on the offensive and attack Because America, there's a seething undercurrent in this country of resistance against this mask mandate, of resistance against sending kids to school with masks.
And they were looking for a champion.
Someone's got to have the courage to come out and say, the emperor has no clothes.
How would the president do that?
I mean, he's got all the numbers.
They said 2.2, 2.5 million would die.
It's 150,000.
They used the numbers of people that have died of other things in the COVID column.
The Democrats sent people with pneumonias to nursing homes, knowing it would create a death number.
They've got blood on their hands.
They're easy to destroy.
And they're blaming him for the pandemic.
Why the hell is he doing this?
Well, first of all, there's a net of vetting around the president that refuses to let him see anything that he doesn't get on TV within his own personal quarters.
And he watches, you know, Fox News, which won't touch this conspiracy other than Tucker Carlson.
At the Capitol Hill, for example, you had over a hundred doctors testifying about why this was a false and exaggerated pandemic and all the mistakes that have been made by the establishment.
And the media banned it.
They wouldn't cover it.
They wouldn't show it.
They now have banned the President's tweet putting out the 44-minute news conference.
That's incredible information control.
That's like the Soviet Union.
But Donald Trump has got to get someone into the White House who can brief him on this.
He lives by briefings.
He doesn't do any original research.
And so if he doesn't get briefed on it, it's not going to enter his head, except for what he sees on television.
And unfortunately, he won't get the full story.
And that's why they've doxed Carlson's house.
It's why they're around the clock trying to get him fired, because he listens to Tucker Carlson.
Yeah, but Tucker Carlson, even that, will not go deeply into conspiracy.
He knows there are limits to what he can get away with on Fox News.
You know, which is a false conservative news source.
Oh, he absolutely does know.
I mean, he has been, uh... If he didn't have such giant ratings, he'd already be gone.
But he is a breath of fresh air.
He's interviewed people who have defied these orders.
He interviewed the gym owner in New Jersey who was arrested for keeping his gym open, for taking the doors off his gym so that they couldn't close him down.
They finally arrested him after 144 days of threatening him.
And he's still defiant.
Meanwhile, Walmart and all the other big companies, they're essential.
Think about the psychology of that.
They're essential.
Big companies are essential, but little people, little companies that are the most easy to go under.
And I know all these small companies have tried to get online, get the stimulus money.
They can't get it.
Then they get online.
They can't get it.
We looked at it.
It's a big scam.
And then Jeff Bezos gets $32 billion.
And there's a lot of innovation that's not happening right now because of the instabilities in the markets.
For example, the construction crews are still busy and they're still working because all those contracts were signed and implemented before COVID, but very little new stuff is being signed.
So we're looking at a second wave of a depression.
When this hits next year, it's not going to be the same year.
I have a lot of friends that are in construction and they said, we're busy now and finishing stuff early because there's nothing new.
That's right.
Now I'm here to tell you, I think, Alex, I've got a gut feeling they never intend to let us free from these pandemics.
They never intend to let us free again.
The UN had said that!
And Bill Gates laughed when he was talking in an interview and talking about the next pandemic is really going to get their attention.
They planned this one in advance.
They knew years in advance.
Even Fauci said this administration will face a major pandemic.
And now Gates is saying the next one will really get their attention.
He's planning it.
That's right, he said the next one, this is just a drill, he said.
This is really a test on Colbert.
He said the next one will be terrorist, and it'll be much worse, and he started grinning like a devil.
Yes, he did.
So, what's up with Bill Gates?
He just, why does he celebrate, and like Fareed Zakaria goes, we're never reopening, and Gates goes, that's right, that's right, he gets so happy.
What is that, demonically, when he looks so happy?
Well, as you know, and we've talked before on this show, there is a satanic connection in the entire deep state and globalist conspiracy.
These things are done by revelation and guidance at the highest level, not through the intermediate yes-men, the stupid idiots that Lenin used to call them.
But Gates is one of those useful idiots to this conspiracy.
So you think he's not even in the inner circle?
No, I don't think so.
He's a lightweight.
When you look at him mentally, you know, this is not a heavyweight.
Soros was the inner circle.
Kissinger was the inner circle.
Brzezinski was the inner circle.
But not Gates.
I agree.
What about the Rothschilds?
They're pretty high up.
Yeah, they're very, very high up.
You know, a lot of people get concerned about who is at the exit.
It really doesn't matter who's at the exit.
Because they're just ringwraiths of Satan.
That's right.
We know that this has got satanic direction.
That's the only reason it could be going for centuries.
I mean, it starts clear back in the former centuries and it keeps going.
No single evil person could set this in motion and keep it in motion.
Doesn't the Bible call that the mystery of evil?
It's got to be revelatory and it isn't at a high level, I mean at a low level or immediate level, but they use mostly control aspects for people at the intermediate.
They promise them wine, women and songs, power, money, immunity from prosecution and that's what we're seeing all across the board with the way that Jeffrey Epstein was covered up for years and the way that Maxwell is being treated in the courts.
This is immunity and they're going to do it.
We're not going to get justice.
I don't think Bill Barr, even though he's playing loyal to Trump, is going to let Durham or have Durham ever reveal.
It's going to just continue to investigate until after the election and then it'll die because Donald Trump, I predict, will not be re-elected.
And did you predict he'd get elected?
I think you did.
No, I didn't.
I really thought that they would, through the manipulation of the election, which they tried, and they manipulated up to 10% of the votes, but it wasn't enough.
It was an overwhelming surprise.
That's right.
He had such a landslide that they almost stole it.
He barely made it.
That's right.
He just barely made it.
But now they're ready for him.
That's right.
I mean, we've already lost the states that he gained by nip and tuck in the Electoral College.
Even Florida may go blue in this next election.
I mean, I think we saw in the midterm election how we got those additional votes for the Democrats.
I think it's going to be an acceleration of that.
I mean, there's just so much corruption in the election process.
And I'm not trying to give people bad news.
I'm not trying to be a big bummer here.
Clearly, again, they're going to contest if they don't win.
They're already engaged in fraud, and then if Trump challenges it, they're going to say he's a dictator and burn everything down.
I mean, they're now, that's all they're saying like parrots.
But you know, Alex, it's my opinion that these people, like Nadler and others in there, are so rabid, and Pelosi, so rabidly, and they can't control themselves.
That's why they're actually going over the top.
I don't think there's any intention.
To have to overthrow and they're putting out this dictatorial stuff about Trump.
I think it's because they're simply almost irrational now in their hatred of Donald Trump.
Not because that's going to be actually necessary.
I think the people who control things under the scene have got things they know they're going to be able to defeat him.
They know they've got the votes.
They know they've got the corruption.
They know they're going to use voting by mail and the way to corrupt that type of thing.
But these people out there in front of the cameras, they're over the top.
And I just don't think they can control what they're saying.
It's embarrassing.
Look at the Washington Post.
12 signs Trump would try to run a fascist dictatorship in a second term.
There's another Washington Post headline where it says you'll have to be driven from office if he challenges the election that those that aid him will be arrested.
It's just fear-mongering though.
They're just painting this picture of Trump as the monster.
And they're blaming him for COVID, for not doing whatever.
But it's not too late!
I'm tempted to go every day bullhorn the White House.
I know he's heard it before.
He never is able to call me anymore.
I know Roger talks to him some, and I'm just, we need Roger to just tell him to go after COVID, expose the COVID fraud.
That's what we need to get through.
And we need to get an advisor into the White House who can feed him the information.
That's the number one thing, folks.
I totally agree with Joel Skousen.
All right, Joel Skousen of WorldAffairsBrief.com is here, and he's best-selling author on The Secure Home.
He's the most respected person out there when it comes to secure homes, really secure homes and safe homes and hidden homes.
And I really want him here to consult with him.
He flew here.
He's a pilot to talk about What I should do with my operations and things.
I care about the operation.
It's all invested here.
I couldn't move this now somewhere else without the money.
But at the same time, we're moving down the road where they could be shutting us down the next year or two with all the things they're doing to us.
I don't try to be dramatic about that.
We'll be able to do something somewhere else.
And we've got a lot of... My speech will always be there.
They try to put me in prison, so they're never going to shut me up.
I mean, if they think taking money away from me hurts me, they've got the wrong animal.
I care about staying on air, keeping my crew employed.
We're definitely in the endgame on every front.
And America's very long on the tooth, and America's been really in a coma.
But when we come back, we do have three clubs we're going to play, and then we'll get to the breakdown of strategic relocation in the next hour and 45 minutes with Joel Skousen.
But just again, the few minutes we have during this segment before we play some of these bar highlights where they attack myself and others just minutes ago in Congress with the Attorney General.
What is your message to Trump?
Because some of what we say does get to him via the Secret Service, and via the military, and via a few other people inside the White House I won't mention.
And I think they are telling the President this, not just because we're saying it, but because they know it.
They've been encouraging him to really go on the offense and destroy the entire COVID fraud.
Well, it's not only important that he get the right information about COVID and there's plenty of doctors that can advise him.
There's plenty of people.
He's somebody in the White House who can be a point man who can direct him to the right information and who can counter the The disinformation that he's getting from his briefings.
He needs someone to sit right down beside him and has the answers to the false briefings that he's getting.
And one of the number one things he needs to understand is that the Deep State runs terrorism in the world.
They run ISIS.
They run Al Qaeda.
And so he gets talked into bombing Syria supposedly to stop Al Qaeda.
You know, he's only doing their bidding.
So there's a whole major shift that he needs to understand in terms of his paradigm.
And that's going to be hard to get through to him because you've got people who are looking over his shoulder, watching who comes into the White House.
You can bet if he got a source into the White House to advise him.
They'd have a major investigation of who's the secret source sitting next to Trump.
They'd blow it up in the Washington Times and the New York Times.
Oh, they did that to us because we did have conversations and I did have law firms write up plans and stuff.
And they went crazy and are trying to put me in prison with their covert action just because they do know I might talk to him.
They want to destroy Carlson because he talks to him.
They tried to put Stone in prison because he talks to him.
Yeah, they're ruthless.
And that's why I say Trump is surrounded by these people.
And it's unfortunate.
You know, Trump has good instincts.
He came into the White House really trying to make America great.
But he doesn't have any backup information.
He doesn't have any backup experience.
He doesn't know any conservatives.
When he had to fill, he didn't even know he had to fill 44,000 positions in the West Wing of the White House.
He didn't know anybody.
So he goes to the Washington Republican establishment to pick who he is.
They put his very sorrowous enemies in.
That's right.
And so it's not just one leaker in the White House.
There are dozens and dozens of leakers in the White House.
They're all total sycophants.
So Donald Trump has got a problem.
He's got only a few months to be able to turn this around.
And if he doesn't, start to fight.
If he doesn't, start to attack this.
I mean the American people generally, because they're Following like sheep all of the mainstream media and they're just like, they're parroting the same thing.
Every single local news station, every day is parroting the same thing.
Stories about COVID and how we're all in this together and how nice it is.
But underneath people are seething with hatred for this thing.
You said you're at your hotel and people were pissed.
Everywhere I go they're mad.
I mean I get mobbed and public people mad.
He needs to tap into this.
He needs to be the champion of the resistance.
And I'll tell you, they'd have a real problem defeating Donald Trump, because the mainstream people who are going along with this are only doing so because nobody comes out and has the courage to say- So when he came out and said, wear your mask, it's patriotic, it went from half the folks I saw not wearing masks to everybody wearing them, basically, and saying, well, Trump says, but they're still mad at Trump for doing it.
Alright, Joel Skousen, stay right there, worldoffirstbrief.com, Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
We're going to come back and play these Bill Barr clips that are sensationally crazy.
Then we'll get into strategic relocation, really important information you won't get anywhere else.
Please spread the word and tell folks to tune in.
Recognizes Mr. Johnson from Georgia.
Thank you.
General Barr, your opening statement reads like it was written by Alex Jones or Roger Stone.
You understand by that statement?
Now I'm sure that we can agree on some things, we disagree on a whole lot, but I'm sure we can agree on the fact that President Trump is just a prolific tweeter.
Isn't that correct?
He seems to be.
And he tweeted many times about the Roger Stone sentencing, didn't he?
I don't know how many times he tweeted about it.
Well, many times.
And you are aware of them because you said it hurts you from doing your job.
And isn't it true that when prosecutors in the Roger Stone case filed a memo with the court recommending a sentence of seven to nine years in prison, a few hours later, President Trump tweeted that the sentence recommendation was, quote, a disgrace.
You're aware of that?
And General Barr, several hours after that, you filed a pleading with the court stating that the sentence recommendation would be changed and that you would be asking for a lighter sentence for Roger Stone.
Isn't that correct?
So there you go.
That's the man that says that islands float.
He's worried if too many people go to Guam, it will tump over and capsize.
But there they are.
We should hear some of that opening statement.
But Joel Skousen, editor-in-chief at WorldAtFirstBrief.com, he's here.
What do you make of Hank Johnson?
Obviously that's being written for him by the Democrats.
Throwing that in there.
Well, I think it's embarrassing to his own people for him to state that.
I think Barr is handling him very well.
He's being calm.
He's being collected.
And that tells a lot to the American people who aren't partisan on this.
But as I say, Donald Trump, or Bill Barr, is playing the role of the loyalist to Trump.
But you've got to remember that Bill Barr is deep state.
He was the handler.
He was the Attorney General under George H.W.
Bush, covered up for Iran-Gate, Iran-Contra, all the drug- He was high-level CIA before that.
High-level CIA, and so, you know, he's playing a very, very smart role, but ultimately he's going to betray Trump because he is not going to allow the investigation to come forward, exposing Comey and Hillary Clinton and all of that, that the DOJ is going to continue to extend on into after the election so that it never has to come out.
And as you said, you said this months ago, they never want this lockdown to end.
Now the head of the UN said, Saturday, he said it's going to go on forever and ever, and it doesn't matter if you take vaccines.
This is just the new way of life of medical tyranny.
You've got to have a digital tattoo under your skin, so you can't even remove a chip, they just inject it.
into you and and and now they control you and they use that as a digital currency
to track and trace and control you and there's the world government run by the UN
attached to your medical records and attached to a new digital currency. Boom!
And and they've got the dollar ready to collapse, they're bringing this whole thing in.
Of course it won't all be knit together until after World War III and people must understand
that even though we are losing and being prepped for martial law and to take
orders from by dictate from government.
This is just prepping.
It won't be knitted together until we get into a World War III scenario where we absorb a nuclear first strike and where our leaders talk us into then joining a militarized global government in order to fight the war, and that's when we get the new citizenship Where the passport is complete with all the aspects, including the vaccine, and that's where you can't buy or sell and you can't be a professional unless you take the new passport or the new citizenship, the global, and they'll weed out the conspiracy believers who know that this has been, you know, forced upon us.
And that's where I think the active persecution of those like you and me and others that have blown the whistle will start.
They'll say, we have to lock up these people.
Who are not supporting our war effort.
You know, they'll patriotize the new global war.
That say that there's a conspiracy.
They'll actually get people in these GS men to attack people.
And I agree, they're going to make the revolution communist and leftist for a while.
It gets annihilated, then it flips into a fascist.
That's right.
The globalists are funding the Black Lives Matter, knowing that it's full of a lot of communists, like the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chicago, which has a lot of branches around, and Antifa, who's full of a lot of Marxist and Marxist followers.
These are violent criminals as well.
They're supporting it, knowing that it breaks down the social order, and then they come in with their solution.
Their solution, of course, is a milder form of socialism, but it always involves control.
And that's where we're headed, and that's why this violence is continuing.
It is literally shameful.
It's a one-sided civil war.
In other words, it's only one side, and the American people are too busy in their life trying to fight inflation and keep their jobs together despite what government is doing.
And the media tries to cover up the violence while they slowly gear it up.
I want to go to break here, the next four to five minutes we have left, with this powerful opening statement of the Attorney General this morning.
Then we'll come back and get into strategic Good morning Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Jordan.
safest parts of the United States, the most dangerous parts of the United States, and
so much more.
Joel Skousen, please call your friends and family, tell them to tune in.
Then today we'll archive this at Bandot Video so you can see the whole thing commercial
But right now let's go to this controversial supposed statement of the Attorney General
this morning.
Good morning, Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Jordan.
I'm pleased to be here this morning.
On behalf of the Department of Justice, I want to pay my respects to your colleague,
Congressman John Lewis, an indomitable champion of civil rights and the rule of law.
I think it is especially important to remember today that he pursued his cause passionately and successfully with unwavering commitment to nonviolence.
As I said in my confirmation hearing, the Attorney General has a unique obligation.
He holds in trust the fair and impartial administration of justice.
He must ensure that there is one standard of justice that applies to everyone equally, and that criminal cases are handled even-handedly, based on the law and the facts, and without regard to political or personal considerations.
And I can tell you that I've handled criminal matters that have come to me for decision in this way.
The President has not attempted to interfere in these decisions.
On the contrary, he has told me from the start that he expects me to exercise my independent judgment to make whatever call I think is right, and that is precisely what I've done.
Indeed, it's precisely because I feel complete freedom to do what I think is right that induced me to serve once again as Attorney General.
As you just said, Mr. Chairman, I served as Attorney General under President George H.W.
Bush, and after that I spent many years in the corporate world.
I'm almost 70 years old.
I was almost 70 years old and slipping happily into retirement.
I had nothing to prove and I had no desire to return to government.
I had no prior relationship with President Trump.
Let me turn briefly to the several pressing issues of the day.
The horrible killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis understandably jarred the whole country and forced us to reflect on long-standing issues in the nation.
It's not the crew's fault.
I was reading a transcript when I went on air today of the meaty parts where he said, this is a witch hunt, you're trying to overturn an election, Russiagate's a fraud, from day one I've seen what you've done, it's terrible.
We'll actually, this is an eight minute clip, we'll actually find that part or I'll go review it during a break.
And then at the end of the show, we'll play it.
But regardless, you can read the transcript.
The clips are everywhere.
And I'm not going to burn any time here with the pleasantries that began at the beginning.
Joel Skousen, in the three minutes or two minutes we have left, other political thoughts, though, about what Trump needs to do and how you would describe the climate of this country right now?
Well, the climate in this country is extremely divisive in three parts.
And that is, there's the extreme left and the hardcore left.
And I'm not talking about the Antifa people.
I'm talking about Democrats who induce this kind of hyperbole from the Democratic leaders in Congress.
And then there is the people who are really awake about conspiracy, about this COVID-19 virus.
And there's a great big body in the middle that are going along with the COVID, that are wearing masks.
that are denouncing everyone who doesn't wear a mask.
And these are the people that are up for grabs in life.
And this is the main body of people that Trump could turn if he were to take a strong, documentable issue
with the COVID-19, and that takes real expertise.
You know, the media will pull apart everything he says if he doesn't document.
But instead he can walk in and go, Bill Gates's study that said hydroxychloroquine isn't good
has been withdrawn.
Here's all the studies saying it's really good.
How dare them censor me?
This is tyranny.
That's where he could start right there.
We'll be back with Joel Skousen.
We're gonna lay out the real state of this Republic and more with strategic relocation.
Okay, folks, the four horsemen of the new world order and apocalypse are riding towards us
and the Bible's being proven correct.
The anti-human nature of this is here.
The UN collapsing the third world, using it as a giant weaponized army to come in and break down society, replacement migration.
Bill Skousen was talking about that 20 years ago.
He's got his fifth edition coming out, but he's got his fourth edition right now in beautiful color book and also in a film.
And then he's got all of this available at InfoWarsTore.com.
You can also find it at Amazon.com.
You can find it at WorldAffairsBrief.com.
I don't care where you get it, you should get it.
We have 100% reviews with the complete Joel Skousen collection, the trifecta, the secure home, strategic relocation, and of course, strategic relocation, the film.
But whatever you do, please pay attention because this isn't just about for folks that have the money or whatever to move to the countryside.
This is for everybody.
So, Joel, I'm going to try to just sit back now for the next hour and 40 minutes and let you and the time we have go over this.
Thanks, Alex.
The most important thing I can tell people about strategic relocation Is that we are losing the battle in terms of universal surveillance of our society.
You've got tracking instruments in our automobiles and your cell phone is the worst tracking instrument there is here.
And there's no way to avoid that ultimately, except to be where they cannot corral and enforce you.
And so I want to focus, if you could focus the camera on this map of the eastern United States out of strategic relocation.
The areas in red are the numbers of people.
And so the more red that you see, you see the higher population density.
Look at this area from Boston all the way down towards Washington, D.C.
It's a mass of red.
That area is a thousand people per square mile.
In this COVID false pandemic, that's where they concentrate the air.
That's where you lose your freedom, that's where the enforcement is, that's where all of the police are in terms of large numbers.
That's the fish in the barrel.
That's right.
And so as you see, these areas in yellow, this is a regional map of the Northeast region, and I have one for the Southeast and for the West and the Southwest.
And in these areas marked in yellow that you see, these are mountainous forested areas which make for the best retreats.
And you notice there's hardly any red in these areas at all.
There's hardly any people.
There's probably less than 35 people per square mile in these areas.
Now the unfortunate thing, if you're looking for retreat locations, is that when these thousand people per square mile cities empty out and start to go westward because they can't go to the ocean, They're eventually going to get through to these areas, and that's why there's nothing in the Northeast that is really safe in the long term.
Eventually... Like army ants or locusts, the population will take everything over for thousands of square miles around it.
That's right.
Eventually they get to it.
They pillage the suburbs first.
And then they go on into the farm, and that's exactly what happened after World War III when the Russians invaded Germany.
They headed for the cities, the cities, people got out on the roads, and eventually, at last, they got into the farms to do that.
But the safest area in the northeast section, for example, is the Cumberland Plateau.
It's the furthest away from this area, and it is a thousand foot high plateau.
People who are pillaging and who, after an EMP strike or the nuclear strike that comes during World War III, will not be willing to climb a thousand foot plateau.
They'll stay in the valleys and pillage there.
And so, that's an example.
If you look at the portion of the map on the southeast, for example, you see how bad Florida and why Florida is a zero-rated state.
Florida has all of these red population areas, but there's only two ways out of the state.
Two highways out of the entire state, and they're going to be clogged.
And then you have, of course, the big sore spot of the southeast, which is Atlanta.
Look at that, it's almost a...
You know, 50 or 60 square miles of 1,000 people per square mile.
That's a time bomb.
And unfortunately, North Carolina has become a real high-tech center, and a lot of people have been moving from the Northeast down to North Carolina.
And that's the center.
And that's why this yellow retreat area in the Blue Ridge Mountains is not as safe as the Cumberland Plateau, because that's going to absorb the primary fallout from these people moving west, etc.
But even without a nuclear war, in a global depression, they're all going to be going out anyways, just at a slower pace.
Well, in a global depression, people still tend to hunker down toward the cities because that's the only place there are jobs.
But in EMP, for example, which will precede a nuclear strike in World War III, there's no electricity.
When there's no electricity, within three days, everybody is starting to starve.
There's no sewer, there's no water within the cities.
And notice now we're openly talking about nuclear war with China.
That's right, and China's getting very, very aggressive.
China's now threatening Taiwan directly, and my analysis lately is that China will try to take Taiwan even before World War III, knowing that the U.S.
will not come in and risk World War III by stopping them.
I agree with that, but they say they are soon, yeah.
They're doing overflights now, reconnaissance flights to the Chinese air force almost daily over Taiwan.
They're getting very, very aggressive.
This is very important to understand about international.
In the book, Strategic Relocation, I do cover all of the rest of the world in terms of its relocation potential.
And the one thing I warn people about is don't get to anything near China, especially Australia and New Zealand.
No kidding, that's going to be... Australia's going to get overrun.
There's a lot of stupid globalists that have gone and built... New Zealand!
...in New Zealand.
And they don't understand, and it shows that they don't all know the big picture.
They haven't been told, even though they're part of the conspiracy, they haven't been told what the big picture is.
Because China, when it unleashes itself against the world, is going to take everything from Japan, Philippines, Borneo.
And they've now declared everything in the South China Sea and beyond.
That's right.
They're going to take Australia.
They have purchased all the mineral rights in Australia.
You don't think that they're not going to invade to protect those mineral rights during war.
That's right.
And they're not going to be allowed to be able to allow New Zealand to remain a free country that close to Australia.
So I'm predicting that China will occupy Japan all the way down through New Zealand.
So don't go there for relocation.
A lot of people also talk about South America and Central America.
I've lived in those countries, a good portion of them.
I speak the language down there.
And I'll tell you, you don't want to make relocation decisions based upon current expat experience down there.
You know, you have all these expat...
A lot of websites on the net talking about the glories of living in Panama or Costa Rica or Chile or Argentina.
But I'll tell you, you just don't want to make decisions based upon current conditions.
Because even today under COVID, these countries are going down fast.
They're all socialist countries.
They depend on American and European tourism to keep their country afloat.
And that tourism is down to zero now.
And they tend to want to then confiscate, as Mexico has done, American bank accounts and replace them with Mexican bonds and other things, which they've done a couple of times already.
So, it's very important to understand as well that there is no population within these South American, Central American countries that have any idea of constitutional liberty and government.
In other words, the number of potential resistors to government tyranny in these countries is very, very small.
Bottom line, you want to be around large concentrations of self-sufficient right-wing Christians.
That's right, and you find the greatest concentration in the world in that, in the United States, and so even though we're going to be the target of a lot of this globalism because of our residual freedoms that we have here, as I go to these maps, remember it's these areas with low population density that's always going to be where the conservatives, the Christians, are going to, and that's where they're going to migrate to.
Let's lay it all out on the other side with Joe Scalzi and the World Affairs Brief.
This is beyond critical information.
Please magnify it and amplify it.
You are the Paul Reveres.
You are the resistance.
Stay with us.
The globalists have said they are carrying out the organized, engineered collapse of civilization for the general public.
They will then have armored City-states that are high-tech reservations that suck off everybody else, and they will be above the law within those city-states.
That's the model, they say, that they're going to devolve towards.
But Joel Skousen is breaking down what will happen, and he's talking about during a big war.
But I see this already happening in slow motion.
People empty out of the West Coast and the East Coast.
Yeah, you're absolutely right, Alex.
Texas, bringing all their politics and the rest of it, and the crime and the homelessness
and the corruption and the danger where you have to flee regardless because of that.
Please continue.
Yeah, you're absolutely right, Alex.
Californians now, their prime destination has been for the past three decades, Oregon
and Washington and Northern Idaho.
And that's why Northern Idaho has become a liberal bastion of Democrats, even though
the state is still conservative.
Now their number one destination is Texas.
And you're going to get a lot of influx into Texas because of the Californians.
Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, everybody.
Lack of income tax, that's one of the major draws here to Texas, etc.
So they're heading for the major cities.
As you can see in the map here, these are your major danger areas in Texas, because you have these high populated... And, you know, it's becoming like Oregon.
Oregon is completely controlled by the Portland-Eugene demographics.
They're all arch-liberals, leftists, and Democrats there, and they control the rest of the state, which is all conservative.
And that, I predict, is what's going to happen when Texas turns blue.
These five major areas are going to control the rest of the state.
And that's... And by the way, to give you an example, this just broke at InfoWars.com.
Adon Salazar, this is directly from the proposed new city budget.
Austin City Council officially calls for blowing up police station as symbol of ending police hate.
They call it deconstruction.
And they've now hired a new city attorney, prosecuting attorney, who was financed by George Soros, literally.
And he says abolish the police.
He means put their people in.
I mean, when these blue cities fall, they fall overnight.
And it's a hellish situation.
Well, in this map here, for example, of the Midwest, north-central region, you can see the major populations areas of Chicago and Detroit and Cleveland dominate this area.
And those areas are going to empty out mostly to the south, into the Midwest, into Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, and that's why these are not safe areas.
And so you have to get further west, where you see hardly any population centers, in order to find some safety.
Going back to the Texas region, for example, if you're between Houston and Dallas in Interstate 45, that area is going to be one major traffic of refugees someday, and so anything on either side of those is going to get pillaged.
And just to back you up, we have a large family ranch we've had since before it was Texas.
Halfway between there and Dallas, right where it says 45 on that map, And just a little bit to the east there of that 45 marker there on the map, and when there's a hurricane now, within a day of it, the highway is jammed, there's looting, carjacking up to 20 miles on both sides, and major crime and houses getting robbed.
And so now every time, so you know, we're not at our farmhouses when we're gone, well they get robbed when there's a hurricane.
So that's just a microcosm of what would happen in a bigger attack.
That's right.
And so, you see, the safe areas are outside the cities.
The South Texas Hill Country is a good area here, although it's getting pretty expensive because a lot of the wealthy in Austin have moved out and bought land and things.
A better area, actually, is the South Texas Pine Forest area here, which has a lot of pine forestation, a lot of good farmland, etc., and it's not as desirable, apparently.
For the wealthy, and so that's been a good area.
The more austere areas in northern Texas, the Texas Panhandle and the Red Plains area are very good, but they're very rural, very little water available, and so it can be a challenge to try to get residences there.
Let's turn to the West, for example, and show what a stark difference it is.
Now, Washington and Oregon and California, what we call the left coast, is no longer viable, even though eastern Washington and eastern Oregon are very, very good in terms of retreat areas.
They still are subject to the fallout that's coming down from the Seattle area, especially where you have multiple nuclear targets.
There's a lot of fallout that's going to come down here.
You also have the Yellowstone caldera in this area, which compromises most of Wyoming.
Wyoming normally has some very good retreat areas.
Big Horn Mountains, Star Valley, for example.
But this caldera, when it blows, can put fallout and ash, depending on which way the wind blows, all over the area.
And they say it's set to blow.
It has certainly had a lot of rumblings, etc., so it is very definitely a real threat.
Now, it isn't a dangerous threat in terms of like fallout is, but it can wreak havoc in your car.
I was in this area where I had my business and raised my family outside of Portland when Mount St.
Helens blew its stack.
We got ash, and when most of the ash went north, Over Washington and into Montana and clear off across the United States.
But we got one day of ash and I'll tell you, it's the most gritty thing.
It gets into all the bearings of your car and clogs the filters on the cars.
It's very, very difficult to even drive through the dust and ash because of its ability to clog things.
But the important thing to realize here is that This is called the Intermountain Area, and on this side of the map you can see it more clearly here.
But the Intermountain Area here is probably the safest area in the United States because of its distance from population centers.
It's 500 miles from Denver.
It's 700 miles from Los Angeles in that basin.
It's 800 miles from Sacramento and 1,100 miles from Portland and Seattle.
And there's virtually no way to get to these areas on foot because it's trackless deserts through either Nevada or the Arizona deserts or the Southern Idaho and Oregon deserts, etc.
That's what makes this the safest general area in the United States.
Population density of 35 people per square mile.
But that does not include Salt Lake City.
Salt Lake City, like any major city, has now had gangs.
The conservative Mormon population are no longer the majority in Salt Lake City.
Though they are in these surrounding valleys, etc.
These just also has a disadvantage of being a dry area of the country.
This is mostly desert, but the mountains do collect a lot of snow in the wintertime and they provide gravity-fed water to all of the communities and that's one of the advantages.
How far south is it good?
Is northern Arizona good?
Northern Arizona is not quite as good, but that's about the lowest Portion you can get to be safe before you get too close to Flagstaff, etc.
And so really down here in the Red Rock country of Utah for Saint George Zion's National Park and Dixie National Forest.
This is probably the closest safest area for the people in the South.
There are some good areas here in Northern Arizona, especially over here where Payson is and Show Low and other areas in Northern Arizona.
But water is very, very hit and miss here.
Either you get a lot of it in certain areas where there's aquifers or you get nothing.
What about New Mexico?
New Mexico is completely out now.
It's a Democratic-controlled state.
In this new addition, Colorado's been downgraded from four stars to two stars.
And New Mexico's being downgraded.
So they're just taking over.
I notice big tech's coming in everywhere and just buying off the governors, buying off the... I mean, even Abbott now is just being bought off by Google and Apple.
I predict that Arizona's going to become a blue state, New Mexico, Colorado.
The only ones that won't become blue states are probably Idaho and Utah that will be left in that area.
How is Idaho?
Idaho's been pretty good up until the COVID problem when you had, you know, your mainstream governor.
Bought into this entire thing and issued some draconian things, not nearly as bad as Washington, Oregon, and California.
Where's the best place in Idaho?
Well, I think the best place in Idaho is the southern portion of Idaho.
This has a lot of preppers up in northern Idaho, especially in Sandpoint, and there's even a boundary county up in northern Idaho that doesn't even require building permits.
One of the few places in the United States where you can build without a building permit, there is a state electrical permit.
Uh, the problem is the Coeur d'Alene area has moved in a lot of Californians, and so this area tends to be, uh, to be liberal.
Still, a lot of good retreat areas in there, but it's weather-wise not as benef- as, um, comfortable, I think, as the high desert region.
This gets nine months of cloudy, rainy weather.
All right, stay right there.
We'll come right back with Joel Skousen.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to go right through the next hour laying out the safe areas of the U.S., the dangerous areas, what things will look like during a deepening depression, what things will look like during a natural disaster, a nuclear war.
I think people now see with COVID and the lockdown and the fraud that we're not in Kansas anymore.
And that there is a move worldwide to destabilize things and bring things down.
And I want you to, Joel Skousen, with your fourth edition of World Affairs, a brief website there, and the strategic relocation fourth edition out, and the film.
Spend a few minutes though, just speaking in general, for folks about the nature of good versus evil, and really what this is all about.
Well, there is a war on for our souls in this life, from a religious point of view.
You know, we all have a conscience, and both God can speak through the conscience, and Satan can speak through the conscience.
It comes interpreted as your own grammar.
It sounds like you talking to yourself.
But if you start to listen carefully, you can tell when you're being prompted to do something you should do, that you know you should do, and you immediately get that voice of rationalization, such as, ah, you're too tired, you don't want to do that, or etc.
And so, When you learn to listen, you realize there's a real agenda of good and evil.
There are two sources of evil in the world.
And I'll tell you, when you have people out there actually exhibiting hatred of that which is good, You know that they're being influenced by Satan in the mind.
And it's not something that... You know, and when you get into public schools where they don't teach anything about morals, they don't reinforce conscience, like they used to do in public schools, Alex.
I mean, your teachers used to talk about conscience.
You know what's right.
Listen to your conscience.
But you never hear that anymore.
And so people have felt, I'm free to do anything I want.
You know, it started in the 60s with the hippie rebellion and now you're free to do everything you want.
It's really a violation of conscience.
And now they say they're free to do to us what they want.
That the next freedom is they want to have sex with children.
They want to do this, they want to do that.
It's just outrageous.
And worse now, they hate your free agency.
They hate your freedom to judge.
Everything about the claim that everything is racist is an attack on your right to judge.
And they want you to not judge.
Now they're saying you must have sex with a homosexual to prove you're not against them.
So it's, it's, it just turned the world upside down.
It's turned black to white, et cetera.
And so I've also noticed delusion that the Bible talks about.
Like I've, I've had people I've known.
Who just decide to believe a lie about us and then go tell the press it because they get patted on the head by the establishment and they get off on it and they think it's funny to commit just giant, fraudulent lies and they just sit there and do it because they feel like they're getting ahead and so as long as they think they have, at the end of the day, the moral authority, in justifies the means, so they'll lie about you.
Well, you've been the subject of that a lot.
And anyone who reads the Rickopedia article on yourself or my realizes there's a hit job.
And listen, here's the thing.
I don't feel sorry for myself like I'm a victim.
I'm blown away by people I've known personally who know they're lying.
And they go do it for not even one piece of silver.
They do it so their wife will pat them on the head.
Or so they can feel like they're part of the establishment.
They think the New York Times or Frontline or CNN is good.
Even though everything we warned about is now coming to fruition.
We have all this credibility.
They know absolutely well what they're saying about us is totally not true.
And they don't care.
And they want to say we're illegitimate and we're liars and that we're frauds.
And they cherry pick things out of context to try to say that's true because they don't have a real identity.
And they don't like our ability to judge the fact that they are liars.
You were just saying.
Let's get back into this.
Let's get back to the strategic relocation.
The biggest question I get when people consult me is, Joel, just tell me where the safest place to go.
Alright, I'll tell you.
It's out here in the middle of Nevada, or the middle of the Oregon desert, or the middle of the eastern Washington desert, where there's no people for a hundred miles.
That's the safest place.
The problem is you can't live there.
If you have to drive two hours to Home Depot, you're not going to be able to get to build anything.
Except with wasting out your life in commuting.
And so everything about strategic relocation is a really serious compromise.
You have to take into your needs, your health needs, the climate you want to be in, your job needs, the family.
You have a wife.
She may not like to do something.
And so what we do in strategic relocation, if I can go and point out something in the index, we cover all of the basic threats in detail.
I mean, in general, for example, we talk about crime, pollution, we talk about medical help and regulation, schools, cost of living, nuclear war, chemical and biological warfare, property rights, firearm rights, states with red flag, low regulation states, but then we take something else to a different level and that is, in this section of the book, we take every single state And we rate it and break down all of those different threats.
So we talk about every state is rated according to population density, its cost of living index, the private land available, building permits, what it requires to get them, how onerous there are, land use planning, whether or not there's a statewide mandate, food production, how good, how easy can you grow, what the various growing seasons are, your health and environment, what the traffic is in the major cities.
What the politics are of the state, what the tax rate are of the state, and in the general section on taxes, we break down every state with its tax rates.
You can compare states where the overall tax rate is.
I mean, you've done a lot of work, and this isn't your first edition.
This is invaluable information.
Yeah, and we've updated all this data now to 2019 to 2020.
We've got all the gun laws of every single state, where they rate.
Alternative medicine, this is very important.
How free is the state to allow you to have access to alternative medicine?
Midwifes, naturopathy doctors, ODs, and other, you know, alternative medicine.
The statistics show midwives are safer than the hospital now.
Absolutely safer than the hospital.
Homeschooling regulations, we cover that.
And then in every state, for example, we take all of the major cities and we tell if you have to stay in the major cities of Michigan, for example, where can you find the safer areas around those?
So there's a wealth of information.
About every single state in this.
Here's Minnesota.
We give the same breakdown.
So you can go in any state based upon the general maps you pick.
I want to try this state versus that.
Then you go to the specific.
We have a star rating on it.
And then we talk about the specifics that you need to know about that.
And then in the back, we have an actual map of colored map of every single state in the Union.
And these are, and the provinces of Canada, and these are very, very excellent states.
For example, in this one in Montana, you have your green areas, which are your national forests and state forests, and you can see how much of the free area of Montana is covered up by state forests, which you can't build in.
Then you have Indian Reservation zones, which you should never build in those.
You have your nuclear targets.
Look at these massive field of missiles there in the Great Falls, Montana area.
And of course, all that fallout generally, according to WinPet, is going this way.
So this leaves out of Montana.
This is the only safe area in Montana.
And it's federal.
And most of it's federal or state land.
Now that isn't to say that you can't find places.
Some of the best areas in Montana, for example, are the Kalispell Valley up here.
And unfortunately, a lot of Californians have moved in there and started to turn it liberal.
This is going to be a blue state.
But once there's nuclear war, if it happens, those people will be cleaned out very quickly.
There will be a lot of problems.
And they are fair weather people.
They don't believe in prepping.
But you see, these maps are really invaluable to finding out where in the states that you can go and understand.
And nearby, for example, this map shows all of Nevada, shows also the nuclear targets in California, and the wind directions, realizing you're probably going to get fallout.
What about reactors melting down under nuclear attack?
Isn't that even bigger than the bombs with the fallout?
Well, it depends.
It's a more complex analysis because there's no indication, for example, that Russia and China want to actually nuke reactors or cities.
They want to hit military targets in their first strike and then blackmail the West into submission.
It's very clear from the speeches that were uncovered from The Communist Chinese leaders and their doctrines.
Anyway, they're talking about, we want to take, that's why they want to use biological weapons.
They want to cleanse the land.
They want to have land to occupy for excess Chinese.
Now why do you think China suddenly, thousands of packages of weird invasive species are being randomly mailed?
Have you heard about that?
Well yeah, they want to basically infect and kill off the United States people.
The trouble is that biological weapons have a backlash back to them.
That's what happened when it leaked out of Wuhan.
But going back to nuclear power plants, nuclear power plants are much more dangerous than nuclear weapons because it's dirty.
Of course.
It's got long-term isotopes that will last for years and years if it pollutes the land.
Now, gamma rays from nuclear radiation from bombs only last about two weeks.
And so it doesn't leave any residual effects.
Because the left always goes, you idiot right-wingers, you've got an underground basement or a survival shelter, you're going to live in there for years.
No, it's two weeks!
That's right.
Or a month, depending on another wave of fallout coming from a more distant area.
So you have to be prepared.
You've got to have a fallout shelter meter.
You've got to know when it's safe to come out.
It's not enough to just get in there and be ignorant.
But nuclear power plants are not going to be targets directly.
In a meltdown situation, it could only happen really if they can't get a supply of diesel fuel to run the generators.
And the federal government does have the abilities, and I think even during wartime, to keep those things going.
So I don't think there's a high probability.
Still, I don't recommend people occupy downwind of a nuclear reactor.
Yeah, you don't want to be downwind of a nuclear reactor.
We'll be right back in two minutes with Joel Skousen.
I'm Alex Jones.
Tell your friends and family and neighbors, tune in.
This is vital information.
Stay with us.
Joel Skousen is our guest, worldoffirstbrief.com.
He has the fourth edition of Strategic Relocation available at infowarstore.com, and the film he made with us, I don't know, four or five years ago that's excellent as well, on the subject at infowarstore.com.
So this is a five-minute segment, longer segment coming up, but you were getting into not living downwind from a nuclear reactor.
That's right.
Yeah, because if they do melt down, of course it's going to be a very damaging, you know, like Fukushima.
Now, it's still not the end of the world.
For example, Fukushima was claimed it was going to kill off all the fish in the Pacific.
It didn't do that.
You can't discount how thousands of miles of Expansion.
Dilution will diffuse a lot of it, and it does, and it goes away.
And so the effects of Fukushima are almost gone right now.
And same thing with Chernobyl.
There was a higher incidence, for example, of cancer in a certain portion of the elderly population, unhealthy thyroids and other things that happened, but it only increased the death rate by about 2% in that group of people.
So it's not the end of the world, if you have, but you just don't want to be down Directly downwind within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant, because if there is a meltdown, that fallout is going to be so concentrated, you'll need more than just a fallout shelter.
You've got to leave the area.
You've got to exit here.
Please continue.
So let's talk about one of the safer states.
Let's talk about Utah and Idaho.
This is the state of Utah.
And as I say, it shows where the Indian reservations are.
These are in high desert countries, you know, the tribal treaties.
They always gave the Indians the worst land.
And which was unfortunate.
The main population density is along the I-15 corridor in here.
And this is the Salt Lake City area here.
This is a not recommended area because of the high population density.
But the nice thing about these mountains in Utah is just on the other side of the cities.
On the other side of these mountains are high mountain valleys which are our very good areas and are shielded from any nuclear targets and still within an hour's drive of the city so people can live up in these higher mountain valleys and commute to the cities.
And I've been up there, it's beautiful.
And this southern portion of the state is the Red Rock Country.
This is where you find Bryce Canyon, the most popular national park for international tourists.
Just gorgeous.
You ought to Google that.
And if you haven't seen it or Zion's National Park, St.
George is a dry area and the city itself is not recommended because of the fact that it's going to be an escape valve for the Las Vegas when it empties out is going to end up coming up towards St.
But around the surrounding areas in the rural mountainous areas, there are some good Retreat areas, especially out of Cedar City into this mountainous area here.
But Utah does have plentiful water supply for the cities and for irrigation of crops because they store water in the mountains.
And as I was saying, in normal plain state, you have to pump water up to these towers to have gravity feed, as in Texas, etc.
But not so in Utah.
You have gravity feed.
They'll have water from these mountain resources, even if there's no electricity, which is a great advantage.
Let's take a look at Idaho.
How'd the Mormons know to pick that place to be if they'd never been there before?
Well, the Mormon history talks about Joseph Smith, the original prophet, seeing and vision that they would be driven out of the East, and he saw this valley.
Didn't know where it was, but he saw this desert valley surrounded by mountains.
He told Brigham Young about it, and Brigham Young kept going, and finally when he saw it, he says, This is the place.
It was interesting when the Mormons went to Utah, they went there specifically because nobody else wanted it.
Jim Bridger, who owned a big fort, said, I'll give you a thousand dollars for the first bushel of corn you can grow in the Utah Valley, or Salt Lake Valley.
They collected on that debt.
Some stations don't carry that first five minutes.
I want to recap on Utah when we come back and then get into Idaho.
Because a lot of people are wanting to know where they're going to go, ladies and gentlemen.
Not just because of the horrible situation of possible nuclear war, but because the collapse of civilization.
I hope you can get into just moving not to avoid war, but the Depression and leftist cities.
I mean, I think it's pretty much the same places though, right?
We're back in 60 seconds.
Stay with us.
The world is a very, very dangerous place, and it's becoming more dangerous and more unstable, and we're looking at the safest places to live in the United States for nuclear war, but Joel Skousen is one of the top experts on this, was also saying that it's the same for societal collapse, depression, you name it.
So let's look at Utah again, and then get into Idaho and some of the other best places to live.
Well, Utah and Idaho are the two top-rated states in the United States for relocation, not only because they are at the center of the Intermountain West, which is this high desert area that is separated from all the population centers, L.A., San Francisco, Portland, Oregon, and Denver by five to seven, eight hundred miles of trackless desert.
People just aren't going to walk that.
But Utah also has some unique characteristics of being a Mormon-based population, for example, which are very conservative, generally, and believe in preparedness.
So a good deal of your neighbors in Utah are based on preparedness.
They're quite open to non-Mormons being in the area.
The only area of Utah I don't recommend is Salt Lake City, which has become a Democratic stronghold.
It has gang problems.
Nothing of the sort anywhere else in Utah.
You're saying some of the best areas are those high mountain valleys?
That's right.
The high mountain valleys, if you go and visit Utah, for example, you go to Salt Lake City and it's very unique because the very steep Rocky Mountains come right down to the edge of the city.
I mean, there's no land between them.
It just comes right down to the city.
And if you get behind those mountains, you can find high mountain valleys that are within an hour's drive of the city, actually mostly 45 minutes within commuting range, and yet they're safe havens.
I've been to gorgeous ski resorts where you land at Salt Lake and 45 minutes later you're at the ski resort.
That's right, you're up to Deer Valley or Park City, etc.
And the same thing all along the Loasas Front, you have these high mountain valleys behind the main front range of mountains that provide safety and security.
And the mountains themselves are reservoirs of water.
The snow pack mounts, they store the water and then they gravity feed that so that even if there's no electricity, Utah cities will have water mostly because of the gravity-fed water supplies.
All right, now looking at Idaho.
Now Idaho is the other, used to be five star rated, both Utah and Idaho have been downgraded to four and a half stars because their mainstream Republican governors went along with the COVID phony pandemic and a mandated, not Not legal mandates, but the heavy pressure to do voluntary mandates, which amounted to the same thing.
But there's two areas in Idaho that are different.
Northern Idaho is different from Southern Idaho, not only in politics, because of Coeur d'Alene, where a lot of Californians have moved in and become a liberal bastion.
But this is also a maritime Pacific Northwest climate.
In other words, you get nine months of cloudy weather there and a lot of clouds even during the summer.
Pretty nice summers, actually, not as wet as Seattle or Portland by any means.
And I've It was grown and raised in this region, so I know it.
But you do get a lot of dreary weather during and that's a downer for many people.
Survival-wise, Boundary County and Sandpoint, Idaho, that area, they have a lot of preppers moving into that area.
Boundary County doesn't have building permits other than a state electrical permit.
And so you have a lot more freedom from government intrusion up there.
This area used to be a very safe area, except that it's dominated by a Nez Perce reservation.
And it's pretty dry as well, but you do get some beautiful forestation in this region.
It's a little too isolated for most people that they can't get to a major city in this lower portion of the northern Idaho.
But the prime area of Idaho is in the southern Idaho area along the Snake River Valley.
The Snake River provides ample irrigation water for this entire area, so there's a lot of beautiful crops that grow in the area.
Good soil.
Boise is the capital in this area, and even though that's not a recommended area, there's a ring of cities around on the north and the south of Interstate 84, like Starr and Middleton or Kuna, Idaho.
And on the other side of the Snake River, Homedale and other things that have the Snake River as a barrier from any social unrest that may come from Boise.
But these are good areas, close to a metropolitan area.
that are within 20 to 30 minutes.
That way you have the best of both worlds.
Yeah, you get the best of both worlds because most everything is a compromise.
People have children, they've got to go to school, they've got jobs,
they want some socialization with some neighborhood.
As I say, they don't want to live out in the middle of the desert.
And you've got to be close enough to facilities so that you can build a retreat,
so that you have access to products, etc.
This area of northern Idaho or southern Idaho is the colder area.
You get some of the cold continental Canadian air that spills down.
On the western side of the Rockies, it's always at least 15 degrees warmer in the wintertime than it is on this area.
So you get your sub-zero temperatures.
It's nice during the summertime, dry, sunny weather, but in the wintertime, it's cold here.
Big cold blast.
Big cold blast.
But still, as I say, there's a lot of different climatology and a lot of different And a lot of people that know what's going on.
Yeah, and a lot of people, a lot of preppers in this area.
In the area that I live, in rural Utah, it's the only town in the nation I think that 50% of the people are preppers.
You can't top that anywhere else in the country.
We're going to talk about that some when we come back.
Guys, can you print me the full Breitbart article please?
I just have the front page.
Violent crime explosion forces Minneapolis residents to form militias.
And these aren't the type of militias that are forming for the U.N.
Nothing against those guys.
These are people seriously just doing neighborhood watches and having some of the men and women stay up at night and watch for criminals because the police won't show up now.
This is a natural De-evolution of the power back to the people.
Please continue.
The situation in strategic relocation has changed.
Unfortunately, I rewrote the fourth edition when this COVID thing started, enough to put that throughout the book about the dangers.
In other words, the main point that I want to make is even though every Republican governor in the United States has gone along with the COVID false or exaggerated pandemic, Still, the amount of resistance in a Republican base is greater than it is in a Democratic base.
Well, you see it.
Republican congressmen don't wear the mask.
The Democrats all wear it.
Republicans are not compliant.
They see through it on average.
You want to be around those people.
You don't want to be around a bunch of dangerous sheep that have accepted Marxist ideology and want to, quote, blow up the Austin Police Department in the new official budget.
That's right.
Although the problem that we face is that in every single conservative state, Whether you're talking about Indiana or Oklahoma or Idaho or Utah, because of the effect of public education propagandizing the youth and even conservatives end up sending the kids to the public school and you become semi-democratic, you get liberal, you get leftist in the public schools and public universities.
Everyone who runs for public office as a Republican has to meet this mainstream They're moving the Overton window, we're not.
And folks, if I told you in Austin, it's why I've got a beautiful place, families from here, I just have to evacuate, because the children of the Californians literally will tell your five-year-old daughter they need to be a boy or your son, they need to be a girl, and it's like you are in a LGBTP brainwashing camp being around these children.
I mean, it's gone.
It's gone.
I mean, I could harp all day about drag queen story time, pedophile story time.
It's beyond that now.
For people that don't live in a leftist area, you have no idea how they've radicalized right down to the grassroots.
And they're there barking at everyone.
Not just, I mean, they are pushing it.
It's their religion.
The left are converted to Satanism.
But in contrast, for example, in rural Utah and rural Idaho, you never hear public school teachers propagandize about transgender, about gays, or other types of things.
Well, where do they propagandize about America and freedom and the new world order?
They don't do that either.
Well, I wish they would.
The point is, they don't because of the standardized state curriculum.
No, I agree, but we need to get on the other way.
No, I understand.
But the only way really to counter that, you're never going to win the public school battle because they're run by government schools.
You've got to get your kids out.
That's the one good side of COVID is people are... That's right.
It's the one great positive.
There's two great positives.
It's driving people out of the medical system, which they should get out of it.
It's driving people out of public schools.
And those are the two biggest victories which the globalists are resenting right now.
And they're trying to stop people from leaving the public schools.
They're telling them they can't leave because of COVID.
But they can.
The Homeschool Legal Defense Fund, or organization, is the largest.
And boy, they'll come to bat.
They'll put a letter to that school board and inform them that you've got to let those people out because that's the state law.
And again, it's all intimidation.
You've got to take a vaccine.
No, not the law.
You've got to stay in public school.
Not the law.
But the people perish for a lack of knowledge.
That's why we're laying out heavy knowledge here today with Joel Skousen.
He's got a lot more to cover.
I also want to get into just for rioting and breaking down society where it's safe.
What the most dangerous parts of the rest of the world are.
Some safer areas in the world.
With Joel Skousen of WorldAffairsBrief.com.
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Going back to Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief, one of the top Secure home experts, strategic relocation experts in the country, and survivors in the country.
Please continue.
Well, we were talking about the fact that everything has changed a little bit in terms of my ratings in the book about safety because of the Republican governors going along with this COVID-19 threat.
And I put up about a map, for example, in the latest issue of the World Affairs Brief that has a link to all of the cities and counties that have mask mandates and those that don't.
And there are only some 17 states that do not have an actual mask mandate in the United States.
Of those, 14 of those states are Republican governors, but even in those states, Democrat-led governors in cities, for example, you can see the orange in this map, in Idaho and Utah and other places, there are pockets where they have mass mandates because the state has allowed the Democratic managers to... And this is really a good bellwether or gauge of how submissive to the UN these areas are, because this is all coming from the UN.
That's right.
And so it's important if, and by the way, if any of your listeners want to get a copy of that World Affairs Brief, and by the way, the whole issue is about the scientific evidence against the COVID claims by government.
And so I spend the whole issue talking about how the masks do not protect or why the tests are invalid and all the scientific evidence, why the deaths are overrated.
It debunks every single claim the government makes.
It's in this edition of the World Affairs Brief.
So people need to get this?
They get a free copy of the email and they need to share it?
Yeah, you email me at editor at worldaffairsbrief.com.
Editor at worldaffairsbrief.com for a free copy of this.
And this is meant to share.
Forget about the copyrights.
You can pass this along to anybody to let them know that this is the ammunition you need to counter.
And it's good.
It's good.
I've read it.
I saw you talking about it with David Knight this morning.
You're going to be back on the war room today as well.
Right, right.
So get that free copy and share that with us.
Editor at worldaffairsbrief.com.
So let's talk about some more cities.
A lot of people talk about, shall I go to Alaska?
Well, Alaska has some tempting things because it's really remote, it's really away, and it's safe in some regards, except for the fact that it's right across the Bering Straits from Russia.
There will be an invasion in the war for Russia.
But the more important thing, even in the good times, is that it's very difficult To be self-sufficient in Alaska.
It's very difficult to grow anything almost impossible.
It's almost like moving to the moon.
And things are very expensive because it's like being on an island.
Everything has to be shipped in.
Also, the weather is horrendous.
For example, if you take a cruise ship to Alaska, you'll find, they'll warn you, there are only 12 sunny days in Alaska, in the southern portion of Alaska.
12 out of the entire year.
And if you're happy to get to one of those 12, you're going to see the sun in Alaska.
Now, it's beautiful.
There's a lot of trees, a lot of wildlife, etc.
But remember, not a good location unless you're going to be a very experienced outdoorsman.
If you had to be there, would you want to be down here in the peninsula?
Yes, either west, east of Anchorage, or down in the peninsula where you've got the milder temperatures and weather.
But remember, it's also in the Ring of Fire.
There's a lot of earthquakes, especially along the Aleutian Chain.
So, it's not safe from earthquake threats.
Let's look at Arizona, for example.
This is a popular destination for Californians.
That's why the Phoenix area is growing.
It's crime ridden now.
It used to be that Mesa and Chandler, which used to be Mormon colonies in this area, very conservative, now they have turned almost democratic because they're being invaded by the California.
Scottsdale is the ritzy area and a target of a lot of the Antifa protests.
What the hell's wrong with Californians that they leave it and bring their brainwashing?
I guess they're just zombies.
The safer areas of Arizona are this band from Flagstaff down through Payson, Arizona over to Show Low.
This is all high desert forested country and they do get snow, a little bit of snow in the wintertime.
But it is far enough from the Phoenix area to at least provide some safety.
I don't recommend the Navajo Reservation area of course because it is on Navajo land and ever since the Supreme Court ruled that the treaties In Oklahoma are invalid and that Oklahoma doesn't in fact have jurisdiction over a third of... That makes me more towards anarchy.
Yeah, it's just open to Pandora's box in that regard.
and uh... so this is the this is the gold zone of arizona in terms of retreating area it's a pretty good area if you're going to be in arizona let's look a little bit of california because california if it weren't for the democratic socialist state of california would be a great state to live in in terms of demographics you have this beautiful central valley growing you have the massive sierra madri mountain which provide a great deal of retreats beautiful pine forested lakes But it's overrun now and controlled by the California Environmental Commission so that it's very difficult to build.
There's extreme restrictions on everything that you build in California.
And there's lots of nuclear targets.
This is the main danger nuclear target.
And there's the earthquakes.
And I've got the earthquake map since you mentioned that.
This is important to see.
This is the earthquake map in here and you can see that this ring of fire here in California is all in red and it's a massive earthquake waiting to happen.
The big one is going to destroy a lot of those communities.
And they say it's overdue.
And it's long overdue.
There's also this large earthquake area around the Missouri...
We'll be right back.
We've got two more segments.
It's a crazy world we live in.
We'll talk about where all the globalists are moving too on the other side.
goes off that shakes the entire countryside clear over to Boston. Top of
chimneys the last time it went off in Boston. Isn't it so bad it's changed
the direct I mean it's changed the way the Mississippi ran backwards during
that. Yeah it's very very serious. We'll be right back we got two more segments
it's a crazy world we live in. We'll talk about where all the globalists are
moving to on the other side stay with us. I'm telling you at my house I've got
the first edition, the second edition, the third edition.
Like I've got right here in my hand, and I've read this three or four times, and the amount of detail, just because I know Texas, I know a few other states very well, and I go down into it, look at it, and it's just really good information.
I don't think if there's any other book out there like this, Strategic Relocation, North American Guide to Safe Places, this is edition three.
We now have got edition four in at Infowarsore.com, and you've even got an updated edition five, you were telling me, but Amazon suddenly won't accept it.
They took down the listing.
I mean, and they're doing this now sort of with a few titles.
Now it's thousands of titles, especially authoritative self-help.
They don't want people to have knowledge.
They want us.
I mean, here's the thing.
They want us domesticated in mega cities, locked down to control us.
We've always known that.
But now they really are traps.
And sure, I live in the suburb, but that's not good enough, Joel.
If I had to commute even 30-40 minutes to work, 50 minutes, where would you live outside Austin if, from this point right here, let's say 45 minutes, where would you go?
Toward the hill country.
Gotta get out west.
Because the threats are all east.
So, gotta go west.
And like you said though...
Because of all the rich Californians, because they're inflated real estate, they all moved here.
I cannot afford, you know, the kind of place, 20, 30, 40 acres in a house.
I mean, I lived out in the hill country, and then the divorce, my ex-wife got that.
It was just nine acres, but it was on Barton Creek, and it had fruit trees and stuff, and we had a big garden.
But I mean, that's scary if, you know, I'm not a rich guy, but Alex Jones can't get a piece of property away from this.
Imagine the average family.
What can they do?
That's another question.
Yeah, that's the big compromise.
If you can't move out far enough, that's where the cheaper land is.
For example, there's a great deal of land north of the hill country that's actually very, very rural.
It's not as hilly, it's not as hidden behind hills.
Where is that?
Let's see, let me get to the text.
I don't want to interrupt you with all the stuff.
But anyway, it's north of the Hill Country, and it's very good farm and ranch land.
And it's a lot cheaper up there.
So we'll talk about that afterwards.
But let me take a break from talking about the state.
It's to talk about how you plan an exit from the city.
If you've got a retreat outside the city, you have to live within an area.
And this is, I picked a very bad area, Newark, New Jersey.
Explain that, you're like, you still have to work in a city, but build your emergency valve.
So you gotta retreat, it's outside, into the country.
How do you get out of the big city?
This is not an easy proposition.
If you can focus in on this map, with the camera.
I've got the Newark area here and I've got a person who's lived in Livingston, New Jersey.
So he's got to get out of this area to Newton, which is a very rural area and a good retreat area.
He's got to get around the Picatinny Arsenal, which is a nuclear target.
But the big problem is this beltway, 287, that goes around Newark.
This is like a moat around a city, and you got them in New York, you got them in Atlanta, sometimes two beltways.
And the problem with the beltway is that you can't get across the beltway, in most cases, without encountering an exit or an entrance to the freeway.
Now, I can guarantee you that in any crisis, those exits and entrance to the freeways are going to be blocked with cars trying to get on or off the freeway, and you're not going to be able to get through the beltway on those areas.
And so, if you look... And people are going to wreck, there's going to be fights, it's going to get clogged.
And so, just like in Katrina, it just gets clogged, it's gridlocked, and you can't get on the freeway, so you've got to get past the beltway.
How do you do it?
Well, you get on Google Maps, and you get on the satellite view, and you zoom in on this, and you start following it around until you find a spot like this.
Where it crosses under the freeway and there's no entrance onto the freeway or exit off.
There are several of those in every beltway going around.
An under or overpass that goes past without an exit or an entrance.
That's what you want to find.
That's your escape route.
That's how you get past the beltway.
Now you have other obstacles to find.
You have streams to go across.
We've had bridges.
If there's a bridge that's blocked and the road is blocked, you can't get off and get around.
So you want to try to pick an exit route that avoids as many bridges as possible.
And as well, to go past this Interstate 80, you've got to get under the freeway in an area, and that's what I found there.
So this is just an example of how you plan an exit route if you're in a major city and you have to get out past these And people don't think like this.
We just think it always goes on forever, but we see it breaking down.
This is normal thoughts that people need to be engaged in.
That's right.
And you have to plan secondary routes.
You don't want to get on these secondary red roads.
You want on the residential or rural roads that people normally won't take in an exit scenario so that you can get on.
It's a little bit slower, but it's a lot faster than road blocks.
Now you haven't written the sexy book or maybe I don't know about you did but I mean the truth is after a breakdown of society there's going to be a lot of vigilantism, a lot of roving gangs, a lot of criminals.
The good news is his patriot militias are springing up even in Minnesota as there's no law and order but wow what will it look like after a collapse?
Well, it is going to look like a Mad Max scenario within the major metro areas.
I mean, you're talking about Rome.
You look at what's happening in Antifa and the police standing down.
This only encourages violent activity and criminal activity.
And you're going to have people just literally breaking into every store, stealing.
And once it's stolen, they start moving out to the suburbs.
And once they've pillaged the suburbs, they start moving out further.
And they stay generally to the main paved roads, though.
Very rarely.
It's very interesting.
There's a very herd mentality to mobocracy, which stays to the main... In fact, they'll even go between Houston and Dallas, not thinking that Dallas itself has to be melted down.
But that's the way mobs think.
They go between major cities, and only when they find or get there that it's completely pillaged do they start going out in the suburbs.
So suburbs are your friend if you're out in a rural area, because they will absorb... And a lot of people in the suburbs will go ahead, they're going to wipe out a lot of these people.
And, you know, if you think you're in a suburb and you have a... And I'm not looking forward to it.
When I made the joke about I'll eat my neighbors, that was a joke.
I said it was a joke to get out of context.
But, I mean, they've got pending on studies.
Within 15 days, the average person does become a cannibal or kill themselves with no food.
And I mean, just imagine what this will be like.
Well, you know, there are people with conscience that wouldn't become that, even under dire circumstances.
And that's what's going to be the dividing line between society.
Who has got enough self-control to listen to conscience, not to panic, not to start to be a predator, versus others.
Well, I agree, but listen to conscience and be ready beforehand.
That's right.
My conscience has never been so intense as, get out, get ready, get out, get ready.
I mean, it's like a banging drum now.
Now, one of the problems that we have Demographic wise, in the United States, that our conservative base is all integrated within the major cities and overwhelmed by democratic majorities.
One of the benefits of the crises that are coming in the future, I believe Alex, is that there will no longer be a reason for good Christian conservatives to stay within the cities because the jobs are gone.
It's pillaging.
There's no reason to go into the cities.
They're going to totally explode.
So what happens is, it drives the good people out of the cities.
And it's my feeling, hopefully, that under the direction of the Lord, they'll be guided through inspiration to seek out and find places of refuge, conservative places, where there will be new majorities.
That's my hope for the future, even though I'm pessimistic about ever beating the deep state, about ever returning America to the liberty.
But the answer is just being good ourselves, living on the land, having community, and that is building the remnant.
That's right.
In building the remnant, you and I are trying to do that with these broadcasts.
Trying to reach people who sense that something's wrong.
If we have to work too hard to convince you, if you don't sense that something's phony about this COVID thing, then I can't help you.
But if you sense that something's wrong, I've got the information to help.
Alex has got the information to help.
But you have to prepare in advance.
It's really a problem.
If you are in those refugee flows, trying to get out of Newark, New Jersey and start from scratch somewhere else, Even though people will help you and take you in, there's only a limited amount of people can do in a rural area to absorb these masses.
That's why I'm encouraging people to seek out retreat properties in advance, even if it's...
Finding a relative that will take them in and helping stockpile supplies.
If you're doing a long-term retreat... Exactly.
A relative that has a barn, you say, I'll fix the barn up, put supplies in it, put a four-wheeler in it, and everything collapses.
And families, they want you to come out there.
That's right.
You know, people need to stockpile, even if you're going to go a long way, you need to stockpile fuel, for example, at a neighbor's or a friend's house.
That's key.
If you're young enough, I encourage people to learn to get a pilot's license.
I don't care if they shut down the air traffic system.
I can jump in my airplane from a non-towered airport and fly low.
Well, that's what I was going to say, because he's been a pilot, is how important it is to just have a way to get out, because private flight is the way to go.
What do you think of helicopters?
Well, helicopters don't have quite the range of fixed-wing aircraft.
They're slower.
Their maximum speed is about 150 miles an hour for a big, powerful helicopter.
And that limited weight, in the helicopters you can afford a small two or four place, you know, they're still, you know, several hundred thousand dollars.
Yeah, the Ravens, the Ravens.
That's right.
But still, if you can afford it, that's a great way to get out and to land anywhere you want to.
I was about to say, you can have that jump out to your retreat and always have getaway.
It can go 150, 200 miles, get to your retreat, have fuel and stuff there.
Yes, that's right.
That's what we're looking at.
We'll be right back.
Welcome back.
Final segment of a powerful four-hour transmission.
The War Room with Owen Schroeder, loaded for bear, is coming up in T-minus 13 minutes.
And boy, I tell you, Bill Gates coming out and admitting, okay, we got digital tattoos, you're gonna need this to be able to travel on airplanes or have a job.
That all came out yesterday.
First they announce it, then we criticize it, they say it doesn't exist, then they come out and announce it again.
That's the tactic they're engaged in.
Phil Skousen, worldaffairsbrief.com.
People can send an email to editor at worldaffairsbrief.com.
We'll send them a special edition free of the newsletter, breaking down the COVID hoax that you hope people will share with others.
It's one mind at a time, folks.
This is beyond critical.
That's why they had 15 plus Medical doctors at Capitol Hill at a press conference got millions of views and Twitter took it down and blocked the president's tweet and put the president's son in Twitter lockup.
I mean, this is unbelievable in America that medical doctors can't have a press conference and expose what's really going on with COVID-19 because they said the U.N.
is the only authority.
Phil Skousen, you're talking about Colorado.
Is Colorado a good place?
A lot of elites are living there.
Well, the problem is a lot of the elites know.
I mean, retired FBI, CIA, NSA, they're building retreats in the ski resorts and things.
You know because you build them.
Well, no, I don't build them.
But you know about it.
I know the contractors and things because I deal in that area.
We design our security residents and retreats.
Then they build them, yeah.
We won't work for the globalists.
But the problem is that Denver, Colorado, under the Denver Airport, that airport that went over some billion dollars extra in costs, is because there's a whole underground subterranean safe area under the Denver Airport for the elite.
This is going to be the second continuity of government location after Washington, D.C.
That's the alternate government.
That's the alternate government location.
And so you have secret facilities there.
By the way, here's shots of what they have.
All this weird Anubis and all this Egyptian.
People don't realize how big that is.
We're talking 100 foot, 200 foot statues.
Yeah, and there's artwork in the... that's very weird.
Mass murder and gargoyles.
Yeah, there's Masonic symbols in the Denver Airport.
It's very, very clear that this is a New Age, New World Order type facility.
But because it is the second alternative head of government for the New World Order, for the Deep State, the globalists, a lot of the people in the know have developed retreats because they know the war is coming.
They're not warning the American people.
They know it's coming.
The U.S.
is building a lot.
They're anywhere near Colorado Springs.
That's the major target.
They're up in the mountains to the west.
Colorado Springs, of course, is where your NATO command, not NATO, but NORAD and SAC command headquarters are in the bunker system in Cheyenne.
They basically emptied out Cheyenne Mountain for a couple of years until they completely redid it with EMP protection.
That was what they were doing in Cheyenne.
NORAD out there in Colorado, in Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, making the city itself a primary target during that period.
That's crazy.
And now they've moved back into Cheyenne Mountain.
It's still operational.
So Colorado used to be a four-star rated state because of its immense, you know, it was Republican controlled and had a lot of beautiful retreat areas.
My favorite place in Colorado is the Montrose area in western Colorado.
But now that Colorado's been downgraded to a two-star state because it's under Democratic control, you're losing all your freedoms in Colorado.
It's only a matter of time before it becomes like California, Oregon, and Washington.
I'm no longer recommending that.
But still, for people in Colorado, the Montrose area is a beautiful farming valley, lots of irrigation water, and surrounded by gorgeous mountains here to the south.
It's a big ol' slice of heaven.
But it's...
It's a very interesting... So the smart globalists are moving there, because you talked to the contractors, they know you've talked about that for a long time.
And the ones that aren't in the know are going to Australia and New Zealand, and that's not a good move, because those places are going to be occupied.
What about Kauai?
I mean, obviously it's an island, and that's where Zuckerberg and all them have gone.
Well, let's look at Hawaii, because it's... I've lived in Hawaii.
When I was in the military, I lived there for three years.
I have a lot of experience in Hawaii.
Look at the number of nuclear targets in Oahu.
Just full of nuclear targets.
The problem, even in good times with Oahu, is that everything is shipped, including diesel fuel, to run all the generators for electricity.
That's going to run out, of course, during wartime.
And there's military bases out here, there's military bases around the state.
If anything, the only thing that has any potential at all of retreating really is the big island, which is big enough that you can get lost out there and people can't find it.
Oh, it's a lot of farmland, a lot of beef produced.
But there's two active volcanoes there.
I've been there.
This helicopter pilot went in it because he was illiterate, and we're not supposed to do that.
He went in it.
There was lava like a hundred feet below at a movie.
He took me in there because he goes, usually the vent's coming out, so you can't get in it.
But that day it was venting, but out the side, and so we were able to go into it.
Pretty amazing.
Well, the important thing to remember about Honolulu, if there's any place in the United States that's going to get occupied or taken over by the Chinese during the war, it's Hawaii.
It's sticking out there, Guam, etc.
So, Hawaii is definitely a zero-rated star, not only because it's Democratic-controlled, but because it is not self-governing.
So why do you think so many globalists are moving to Hawaii?
Well, as I say, they don't know.
They're not in the know.
I think Zuckerberg is in the know.
He's got a private jumbo jet sitting there.
Yeah, I don't think Zuckerberg... He's a lightweight.
He's a frontman like Gates.
These are lightweights.
These are people that are useful idiots, but they are not in the know.
You can tell a dark side, like Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Now, there's a dark side operator that had a dark countenance.
You can tell it when you speak to him.
His daughter, of course, is on national TV.
Married to another murderer.
But, you know, George Soros is very, very high up.
Henry Kissinger is extremely high up.
The Rothschilds are very high up.
But there's a lot of useful idiots at the lower level, like Bill Gates, that are yes-men to the establishment, do what they're told, but are too naive to know what the ultimate agenda.
They don't know about the war that they're planning on bringing on people.
But we're decompartmentalizing them.
What is the effect of this show on your work and all the people that do get it?
I think that's why they said in Congress today with Bill Barr, you get the stuff from Alex Jones.
You're crazy.
This challenges them because we're decompartmentalizing it.
Well it does, but they're extremely arrogant.
They know that they've got more power than anyone ever imagines, the Deep State.
I mean, that's what makes the QAnon phenomena so much of a joke, you know, to claim that Donald Trump is going to meet with Robert Mueller and take down the Deep State when Robert Mueller is Deep State.
I mean, you know they're playing with us.
They know they are just fooling the The Trump supporters into believing he's going to round everybody up.
Oh, absolutely.
But then so many well-meaning people get into it, and then they start spreading the word about other things.
I hate to be mean to them because it hurts their feelings.
Like, they'll tell me, Q exposed the pedophiles.
You never did.
Or Q exposed the Federal Reserve.
And I'm just like, yeah, I've been doing it for 26 years.
Your uncle was the first guy to expose it 60, 70 years ago.
You've been fighting it for 40 years.
And they just treat us like we're... I'm not trying to brag, like I'm up here as smart or something.
But, I mean, literally, our names are Alex Jones and Joel Skousen.
Ron Paul's name is Ron Paul.
Cleon Skousen is Cleon Skousen.
Barry Goldwater is Barry Goldwater.
We're real people.
We've got a track record.
We know what we're talking about.
And we talk straight, Alex.
Q talks in riddles.
He talks in riddles.
He never says anything straight.
He's always hidden.
No conservative, no true conservative can stand to talk like that.
You have to tell the truth.
That's one of the... All we try to do is to be as straightforward as possible.
That's right.
And, you know, you can be careful, you can be... but this is not being careful.
Anybody who claims to be an insider...
Is not.
Because the NSA has the capability to ferret out anyone.
Anyone who emails me and says, I'm an insider in the NSA and I want to pass you some information, I don't respond because there's no way.
That's obviously not true.
You could no way, you could be.
Well at the level of this, there's not even code words or groups.
It's a society.
It's spiritual.
It's all electromagnetic.
You know, the top ten families or so.
Because it's all running off the satanic impulse.
It's a spirit running it.
And just like those opposing it, there's a spirit running us.
That's what it is.
That's right.
And they're listening to a spirit which hooks them in by the promise of immunity.
That's very important.
That's the Faustian pact.
Not only will it make you famous, in fact there's a very interesting video I talked about in the World Affairs Brief about someone in Hollywood, a stuntman, Who came out and talked about the satanic cults going on in Hollywood.
And they're not allowed to actually get to a certain level of fame until, and they just stop them, until they join this cult which involves pedophilia.
And that's because they want you to do something bad to cut God off from you so you're totally turned over in a slave.
I mean, Mark Dice, he was going to get a national show with a big guy and they call him in and say we want you to go ahead and budge yourself.
And I had told him about that, and he thought I was crazy until it happened to him.
They did that to me.
I mean, it really comes down to, hey, we want you to do something.
And, hey, uh, you think you should be at this party?
Because there might be some, you know, 15-year-old girls over here later.
And it's like, yeah, I'm leaving.
Yeah, we didn't think you were in the club.
I mean, I've actually been there, had that happen.
And this is real, folks.
Same thing in the CIA.
When they take the CIA young agents and they want to grill who's going to be going into the dark side, they take them over to Europe on a trip.
They have prostitutes come to their door at night, offer their services.
The ones that accept Get advanced.
The ones that don't accept, don't.
And okay, it's a 20-year-old hooker one night.
Next it's, oh that girl you had sex with, she's 14.
And now they got you.
And next they go, you know what?
We want you to have sex with an 8-year-old.
Hey, you know what?
We got a 12-year-old causing a problem.
We want you to go slit her throat.
Now you're killing a kid.
You want to be part of that, folks?
I don't think you do.
And believe me, it's real.
It's real.
Joe Scousin, powerful, my friend.
Thank you.
Good to have you here.
This is the real world.
What are you going to be talking about in the war room?
Well, we're going to talk about the COVID in detail and the scientific evidence that it's false, as well as the election coming up and what Joe Biden is going to do.
All right, it starts now.
Owen Froyer, InfoWars.com, Bandai Video.
Great job, group.
Ladies and gentlemen, the only way we stay on air with all the Democratic Party finance
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Just this week, they've had Fareed Zarkaria of the CFR and Bilderberg Group come out and do an hour special attacking yours truly, Roger Stone and Donald Trump, claiming we're part of some evil cabal against America.
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New court filings.
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And now I'm gonna plug.
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This is a 100% markup.
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