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Name: 20200727_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 27, 2020
2594 lines.

In this episode of InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses the upcoming election in 99 days, criticizing media narratives that claim Trump is already a dictator. He talks about the lockdown serving globalist interests by replacing jobs with automation and consolidating power. Jones also mentions Sinclair postponing an Eric Bolling segment featuring conspiracy theories about Fauci and gain-of- function transfers of weaponized coronavirus. He emphasizes information sharing and taking action to fight against the globalists. The DHS Secretary has condemned Democrats after they threatened to kill him following his criticism of leftist protests. Portland rioters inverted the American flag as an act of defiance, while armed protesters in Austin blocked traffic and pointed guns at people. Jones discusses recent events such as false media coverage of InfoWars rallies and George Soros's involvement in funding Black Lives Matter and Antifa. A video by David Icke suggested that 5G is responsible for positive cases of COVID-19, which was removed by YouTube along with videos discussing this topic. A new scientific research paper explains the relationship between 5G technology and coronavirus, suggesting that 5G millimeter waves can penetrate cell nuclei, causing DNA to react electromagnetically. Ted Nugent discusses the current state of America and its political climate on the show, urging listeners to vote in order to win the revolution on November 3rd. Nugent shares his thoughts on recent events such as Vicki Gibbs' death after being intubated for COVID-19 and the NFL potentially getting rid of the national anthem. He criticizes blue cities and states for following orders that lead to autoimmune responses in patients with COVID-19, advising listeners not to end up like Gibbs by taking a new approach to their health. Jones discusses misleading portrayal of "peaceful protesters" by the media as they promote violence and destruction under the guise of social justice. He criticizes Antifa for claiming to be anti-fascist while behaving as fascists themselves and Black Lives Matter for having no connection to black lives. Jones calls for people to be more engaged in politics and not remain silent, promoting his Ted Nugent spirit camps. Finally, Jones promotes InfoWars Life's Vitamin Mineral Fusion Formula and Survival Shield X2 Spray while discussing the importance of privacy and how surveillance organizations are tracking citizens' data without their consent.

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So here he is telling you there's no violence.
Antifa's not bad.
They didn't attack our truck with hammers.
They didn't go up and shoot people in the head this weekend.
They didn't burn anything down.
They're angels.
In fact, he says it's a myth.
You disavow the violence from Antifa?
That's happening in Portland right now?
That's a myth that's being spread only in Washington, D.C.
About Antifa in Portland?
They're building all this up to drive Trump from power.
Now the Democrats in Atlantic Monthly, the New York Times admit that if Trump doesn't step down, we'll burn everything!
Just like the Bernie supporters got caught on tape saying.
But you're not supposed to know it until they fully activate it and they want to get the police used to standing down so when they have the real operatives come out and burn stuff, it will create the illusion that America's collapsed and people will capitulate to them and then we're inside the communist nightmare.
We're inside the Bolshevik nightmare 2.0.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
The first duty of government is to protect the safety of our citizens.
That's what Attorney General Barr said when he was here at the White House just a few days ago.
For 55 days in Portland, Oregon, we've seen lawlessness, anarchy, and destruction that threatens peace in our streets and the safety of our fellow American citizens and the safety of our brave law enforcement officers.
Yet some Democrats and some in the media continue to ignore reality.
Call it like it is, a specter is haunting the United States.
It's nothing less than a radical communist political conspiracy.
What we are seeing across the United States is funded in large part by corporations engaging in Chinese slave labor and the notorious unchallenged usurpation strategy of George Soros.
And like the sublime perfect masters of old, Soros will take nothing less than the collapse of the United States at any cost.
President Trump.
is a con man and the ultimate narcissist who wants the world to revolve around him.
Soros' network is massive, where a league of outlaws, fueled by an endless stream of
funding, Marxist ideology and peer pressure answer to centralized radical left organizations
that in turn receive public support from communist-leaning democratic leaders and mockingbird media, all
tied into Soros' grand strategy.
Aunt Jemima!
Miss Butterworth!
That's her name!
Miss Butterworth!
It's her name!
Portland, Oregon is ground zero, and its liberal mayor, Ted Wheeler, found out firsthand that his civil rights rhetoric is useless against the Marxist maelstrom.
This, this is a A grievous overreaction on the part of the federal officers.
The strategic tactical attack on the federal building in downtown Portland puts President Trump in a damned-if-he-does, damned-if-he-doesn't situation, while Democrats loyal to the United States Strong Cities Network annihilate the truth to fit their propaganda of subversion.
The President has been on a campaign now for some time against Democratic mayors across the country.
Whether it's me, whether it's Keisha Lance Bottoms in Atlanta, whether it's Muriel Bowser in Washington, D.C., whether it's Jenny Durkan in Seattle.
Do you see a common theme here?
And our justice system is equally compromised.
As Bloomberg reported, Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner said in a statement, anyone including federal law enforcement who unlawfully assaults and kidnaps people will face criminal charges from my office.
This network of Marxist cultural revolutionaries, which is roughly 90% white, has fully exposed itself.
It has hijacked the civil rights movement to engage in full-blown sedition.
Men will recognize that out of one blood, God made all men well upon the face of the earth.
Let us be dissatisfied until that day when nobody will shout white power, when nobody will shout black power, but everybody will talk about God's power and human power.
Would Martin Luther King's movement of non-violence continue to march as innocent Americans died in its wake?
As American small businesses were torched by MLK's followers?
We all know the answer to that.
It's an obvious, resounding no.
We're gonna have this kind of vigorous protest.
My hope is that it will be non-violent.
I would hope that we can avoid riots because riots are self-defeating and socially destructive.
John Bowne reporting.
Ladies and gentlemen, We are live.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
With 98 days down from the election, America is fighting for its life against a consortium of multinational corporations, authoritarian states, and America-hating, child-molesting Hollywood trash.
But America is coming back from the dead, and we're going to be laying it all out Here today, on the other side of this quick break.
So start your engines.
98 days out.
It is Monday, July 27th.
The year is 2020.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Strap yourself in, because this is the real world.
This is what the globalists have been building for over 50 years.
The attempted sacking and takedown of the West and a nightmare system they plan to replace it all with.
Here's the headline on InfoWars.com.
For the live show, I hope you share it.
Countdown to total civil war.
Blood in the streets.
Collapse of the United States.
Monday live.
UN Soros-Chicom forces have publicly activated communist death squads.
They're now shooting and stabbing innocent people as America burns.
That is the reality of what's going on right now.
This is all orchestrated.
This is all run by the stay-behind networks that Obama put in charge of the major foundations and in charge of large elements of the CIA.
There is a civil war going on within the federal government right now.
Everyone siding with the globalists is siding against their own personal interests and against the country.
But it's spiritual.
These people that serve evil will destroy themselves if it brings down good people because they are spiritually controlled, they are spiritually twisted, and they have a desire to kill, steal, and destroy because they are like their father and they love death.
So in the midst of all these new videos this weekend out of Colorado and California and Texas and New York and Kentucky, Of leftist shooting themselves while trying to shoot passers-by.
And all the footage we've got of them jumping on people's cars trying to play the victim.
And all the footage of buildings being burned across the United States.
Now over 600 alone in Minneapolis, over 400 in Portland, hundreds and hundreds in places like
It just boggles the mind to then see the talking point on CNN, MSNBC, NPR, that Antifa are anti-fascist good people and that they are non-violent.
And they are leading the protests along with Black Lives Matter that are both, again, publicly funded by George Soros.
He brags he's the main funder.
And then the New York Times will come out and say Jones is a conspiracy theorist.
He says George Soros is involved in this.
But here's some next level gaslighting for you.
Here's Nadler calls Antifa violence a myth.
In a perfect example of the disconnect between Ivory Tower Democrats and reality, Representative Jerry Nadler gave a shocking answer when writer-producer Austin Fletcher asked him if he would disavow Antifa violence in the cities like Portland.
Now, no disrespect to the writer of this article that's posted on Infowars.com, but this is not Nadler in an ivory tower.
Nadler's talking point after the Democrats called for violence in the streets and the murder of Trump and his supporters and our harassment at grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, churches.
After they ordered Antifa to go into churches and harass people, after Democrats have said Antifa and Black Lives Matter could demonstrate, but pro-police rallies aren't allowed, and synagogues can't stay open, and Baptist churches can't stay open, and Catholic churches can't stay open, after all of that, and after all the mayors of Portland and L.A.
and Seattle and New York and Miami and Austin telling us that they're peaceful, Mayor Cobblebot, you know, aka The Penguin.
Nadler is hobbling around, looking like a Humpty Dumpty character.
Emblematic of the zombie-like reanimated corpses that are Maxine Waters, that are Nancy Pelosi, that are this creature.
Wheeling around.
Hanging on to power.
Like that last leaf as winter starts on the maple tree.
This is a dying, corrupt establishment that sold America out, and they're failing.
No matter what happens to Trump, no matter what happens to me, people now know they're the enemy, they know they're the globalists, they know they sold us out to China, and the deal's a fraud, and we're saying the deal is dead.
Their new world order is dead on arrival.
Oh, they're gonna try to bring in their global dystopia, and they're gonna force it on us to try to make us submit, but in the end, it may take five years, it may take 20.
Their New World Order will be repudiated, their AI takeover will be dismantled, and the individuals that have carried out these operations will absolutely pay for what they've done.
But here he is, the Penguin, in DC on the street, not wearing his little slave mask, It's like Fauci's when he's called the street isn't wearing one.
Because it's for you to wear, so you submit.
It's so citizens attack you if you're not wearing one.
It's for divide and conquer.
It's to see who will submit to the New World Order Sharia medical tyranny law, where men and women both wear burqas and hijabs.
Just like that.
So you will submit to the forced inoculation.
Which Gates is back in the news admitting will hurt a lot of people.
Oh, it's gonna hurt you, don't worry.
The immediate effects, nothing compared to the long-term effects of these special vaccines that go in and reprogram your cells.
But you just call it a vaccine when it's nanotech on record, synthetic DNA that reprograms you in a giant open-air guinea pig test.
They admit some people will get cancer, but that's okay.
Because you're going to volunteer so you can get on that cruise ship, so you can fly on airplanes, so you can have that job.
They're going to force you to do it, but officially you're going to agree to it metaphysically.
So here he is telling you there's no violence.
Antifa's not bad.
They didn't attack our truck with hammers.
They didn't go up and shoot people in the head this weekend.
They didn't burn anything down.
They're angels.
In fact, he says it's a myth.
Here it is.
There's violence across the whole country.
Do you disavow the violence from Antifa?
That's happening in Portland right now?
That's a myth that's being spread only in Washington, D.C.
About Antifa in Portland?
Sir, there's videos everywhere online.
There's fires and riots.
They're throwing fireworks at federal officers.
DHS is there.
Look online.
It gets crazy, Mr. Nadler.
Wow, so...
He thinks it's fake news.
Antifa's a myth.
Yeah, Antifa's a myth in Portland.
Meanwhile, the whole city's on fire and they're trying to burn down the courthouse.
Well, there you go.
Now here's Senator Cotton responding to Nadler's claim to the sky.
It's not blue, because they're building all this up to drive Trump from power.
Now the Democrats in Atlantic Monthly, the New York Times admit that if Trump doesn't step down, we'll burn everything!
Just like the Bernie supporters got caught on tape saying.
But you're not supposed to know it until they fully activate it and they want to get the police used to standing down, so when they have the real operatives come out and burn stuff, It will create the illusion that America's collapsed and people will capitulate to them and then we're inside the communist nightmare.
We're inside the Bolshevik Nightmare 2.0.
This time America.
So let's go ahead and go to Senator Cotton.
So Senator, I can't tell if he's referring to the part of the sentence where the reporter says there's violence across the whole country.
Is he calling that a myth or is he calling the fact that Antifa is in Portland a myth?
Well, Jared Nadler denying Antifa is in Portland is kind of like Baghdad Bob denying there were American tanks in Baghdad back in the day.
I mean, you can just look at the videos that have been posted in recent weeks.
I mean, people are carrying the flag of Antifa and wearing t-shirts and spray painting it on buildings.
Obviously, that's not the only people in the streets in Portland, but there's no question.
That there are professional instigators and agitators on the streets in Portland who are trying to stir up violence.
It's a sad situation that people who want to protest peacefully or demonstrate for any cause can't do so without these instigators and agitators trying to infiltrate their protests and use them for their own purposes.
They're leading them.
They're running them.
They're not infiltrating them.
And notice Fox never shows them attacking police with hatchets and clubs.
I mean, you try to hit me in the head with a hatchet or a club, I'm going to shoot you.
But the cops are so emasculated now, afraid of being prosecuted by local Soros prosecutors, that they let them hit them in the head with hatchets and hammers.
I don't get up here and say, see, we told you exactly what was going to happen to impress people.
I'm doing it so you understand.
We have the globalist battle plan.
We know what's coming next.
They were pulling out full-page ads in the New York Times saying, overthrow Trump and Pence this July 4th with race riots.
Refuse fascism that Soros funds, that runs the Antifa.
It's got former Weathermen on its board.
That's who this is.
Then they ran full-page ads saying this November overthrow them.
We showed you that.
And they got really mad and all over the news said, Jones is insane!
He claims they're planning to trigger race riots in America that'll be used as the trigger to then drive Trump-Pence from office.
Now the Democrats in Atlantic Monthly, the New York Times, say these are legitimate uprisings.
They're the only demonstrations allowed because they're vicious riots.
Everyone else must stay inside.
No one else can go out.
Wear your mask.
They induct you into this martial law.
They activate their moron forces.
They go jump on cars and shoot people and try to create a provocation.
But they jump in front of a Somali so they can't say it's a white supremacist in Seattle.
They're shooting up all these cars, shooting people in the head.
They're getting caught on video.
They're shooting their own people.
They're such bad shots.
And what's being reported Is that this individual, you can hear five shots from a rifle, then you hear three muffled shots that would be from inside the vehicle.
And that's why, reportedly, and we don't know what's happened yet because the police are keeping this secret, and the district attorneys and folks here in Austin are, you know, literally put in office by Soros.
It's on record, just like Seattle, just like New York, just like DC, just like St.
The big Soros-backed fella that got $600,000 from Soros, he just won the district attorney race here in Austin.
Just last week.
So their people are in almost everywhere.
And you notice they're not saying the color of the man that supposedly shot the peaceful Antifa demonstrator.
They're at BLM, who said, I'm going out here and can't shoot the cops, because you know, they might shoot me back.
But don't worry, these people are wimps out here.
They're not going to do anything.
And so you randomly run up in a car, legally turning, surround it, start beating it, start jumping on it.
The person stops.
He walks over, Garrett Foster in Austin, Saturday.
He swings the gun up.
And we'll show you a still photo from the video in a moment.
That's what the witness has said.
And then next you hear five shots that sound like... an AK-47.
A Warsaw Pact weapon.
And then you hear what sounds like muffled handgun shots.
So that's why the details of this are being covered up.
Because just like I said, oh, they're not saying the racist who did this in Seattle, they're shutting the story down.
Bet it's a black guy.
Boom, black guy.
So they're not telling you three days later, this is unprecedented.
Actually, this happened Friday night, yeah, so almost three days later.
They're not telling you what color the guy is or what happened because the online sites, the researchers, the military experts are saying that one sounds like the rifle round from an AK-47, semi-auto version, variant, and the other sounds like a handgun inside a car.
So, why hasn't the man been charged?
Why aren't you hearing his name?
Probably not white.
And many people believe that what you hear is Garrett Foster firing into the vehicle.
But we do know he approached a vehicle surrounded by people.
They were beating on it and then he raised the firearm.
We'll show you the video stills in a moment.
But look at the eyes on that man.
Under lights of a camera.
His pupils are dilated bigger than Tim Cook's.
90% and under light do not get smaller.
Couple of drops of molly, some methamphetamine.
He was blitzed out of his bonkers.
And he went out LARPing, live action role playing.
I mean, do you have any idea?
I mean, we're a lot more friendly in Texas than we used to be, but when I was growing up in Dallas, if you looked at somebody wrong, they'd pull their car up and get out.
I don't care if it was a white guy, black guy.
You better be polite in Texas.
Especially places like Dallas.
Austin was always more liberal, a little more passive, but still, you're playing Russian roulette, man.
Running up people's cars at night, beating on them, you're gonna get shot.
You do it with a gun, your ass is dead.
And I kept saying, man, they're gonna pull this stuff in Texas, they're pulling other places, there's gonna be some death.
There's videos now of them jumping on old ladies' cars and trying to drag them out.
And the news is like, these are peaceful people.
Random old ladies because they're white?
But they're also, in Portland there's video of them trying to drag black guys out of their car, and then the black guys get out and beat their ass!
These are crazy people!
So, here he is, minutes before...
He goes and surrounds a car with a mob beating on it, and raises his gun menacingly.
Somebody raises their gun on you, unless they're the police in the execution of their duty, or you're robbing somebody's house and they put a gun on you.
If you run up to somebody who's innocent and point a gun at them, they got every right to pull a gun and shoot your ass.
But they're trying to tell people, oh, the McCluskeys can't defend their own property from people threatening to kill them.
That's why the Soros District Attorney up there, is indicting those people.
Because the ultimate no-no is not bowing down to one of these little thugs because they've got to be empowered to go out and bring down the country.
So this guy has got eyes like a great white shark, total black.
He is jacked up.
He's in power.
He thinks he can go intimidate people like a bully.
And he found out he wasn't going up against a nugget in that car.
Here it is.
Oh, it's AK-47.
Why'd you got it out tonight?
They don't let us march in the streets anymore, so gotta practice some of our rights.
Do you feel like you'll need to use it?
I think the uh... I mean if I use it against the cops, I'm dead.
And... I think all the people that hate us and, you know, want to say sh** to us are too big of a pussies to stop and actually do anything about it, so...
Why'd you start carrying?
Well, our roommate got arrested and they stopped letting us march anywhere, so I started carrying.
Minutes later, there he is raising the gun to the vehicle.
Like he's in a SWAT team or something, and he's dead now.
Well, that man just won the Darwin Awards.
He went out looking for trouble.
He surrounded somebody's car, illegally driving, started beating on it with a mob.
And I'm just surprised that the person inside had the control to only shoot him.
That's why police first said multiple injuries.
I bet if Foster was put on the trigger like the audio shows, points towards, we're not sure though, that other people got hit by ricochets or something and there's a big cover-up going on by the leftists that run Austin, Texas.
But we'll be watching this story very, very closely.
We'll play the video and audio of what actually happened when we come back.
All the other videos, the latest on Bill Gates.
Boy, he's really starting to get challenged in mainstream media and he doesn't like it.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the most censored, attacked, demonized broadcast in the world.
But thanks to you, we're still on air and fighting back.
Ladies and gentlemen, the only way we stay on air with all the Democratic Party finance lawsuits and all the dirty tricks and all the disinformation is your support.
Just this week, they've had Fareed Zarkaria of the CFR and Bilderberg Group come out and do an hour special attacking yours truly, Roger Stone and Donald Trump, claiming we're part of some evil cabal against America.
They have a frontline special, a series that starts airing tomorrow night with total lies about myself with individuals obviously paid off to lie about us.
This is the reality of the globalists hating us and wanting to punish us for exposing their operation.
We have great products you need that everyone who's been on the fence about getting really should, or those of you that have gotten the products and love them should remember to sign up for AutoShip and get an additional 10% off.
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Let me do this.
It's always such a race to fight the globalists.
And I could come in here very suave and go over this news in a very, very calm way like David Knight does.
And he does a great job.
But me personally, when you're confronted with the evidence and the overwhelming lies, it's just really hard to be calm about it.
Like a Hollywood movie, About boxing, or horse racing, or you name it.
Everything's coming right down the line.
We're 50-50 in this fight against evil.
And it's really going to be what you, the individuals, do that determine all of this.
And more than ever, it's the communications system, with censorship so massive, with the controls so incredible, with the persecution of people for their speech so unprecedented.
It really is up to you, the individual, by word of mouth, to overpower the system.
To overpower the sensors, the AI.
I was in Florida for six days and I ran into, I mean, I probably shook 500 hands conservatively.
And they would almost always say, man, I really love your show.
I love what you do.
Thanks for trailblazing The Awakening.
Everybody I know is awake.
Are you still on air?
And I'd say, yeah, I'm on hundreds of radio stations.
Band.video and Infowars.com.
Well, I still get some of your stuff.
Yeah, so I go, yeah, you know, remember URLs?
It's all Facebook.
It's all Twitter.
It's all Google.
It's all Apple.
And then they, of course, abused that power as soon as they got everybody on their platforms.
They lied and said, come to our platforms.
Come be here.
Come be with us.
And they turned right around and betrayed the trust of the people because they were always designed.
They helped put millions of people in death camps in China.
All the big tech companies do.
They are evil.
They financed some race rioting as the cover to show how woke they are, like Nike and its slave factories.
And so, when I tell you you're important, I'm not just telling you that.
You are king.
And so our great audience that understands we're still on air, and that is word of mouthing to everybody, you've got to say, hey, you know Alex Jones, the guy that got massively demonized?
The guy they say you shouldn't get into that's so evil?
You know he's still on air at band.video.
Write it on the back of a cocktail napkin, a card, give it to him.
Or newswars.com.
Or infowars.com.
And that's how we're going to win this, because what I'm going to cover next segment is so incredibly important.
Bill Gates confronted about widespread vaccine side effects.
They're not the side effects.
I'm gonna explain that.
New video with him on CBS.
Meanwhile, this just broke by Jamie White, InfoWars.com.
Cover up!
NIH removes 5G coronavirus study from website following InfoWars expose.
Yeah, that story got linked up on Drudge.
It got picked up everywhere.
It went super viral because it was on the NIH website.
There's a whole bunch of other studies saying that 5G helps viruses grow.
This is just one on Corona itself.
And turns out, David Icke was right, you were right.
It was really the citizens saying, 5G does it, 5G does it.
Even before Icke said it, it's like the knowledge.
And I'm like, people were sending me links going, you know, You had Dr. Groupon three years ago showing studies about this, and I'd forgotten those.
So, it's hiding in plain view.
It's incredible.
There's a Gregory's Report on Mandot video that breaks it all down.
But first, here's a little compilation of Nadler being confronted and saying that it's a myth that Antifa's violent.
It's like saying it's a myth that fish live in the ocean, or the sky's blue.
And then we put some video together to show the reality of what's happening.
Here it is.
There's violence across the whole country.
Do you disavow the violence in Antifa?
That's happening in Portland right now?
That's a myth that's being spread only in Washington, D.C.
About Antifa in Portland?
Someone was shot.
Jefferson Square Park Think all the people that hate us and you know want to say
to us Too big of a pussy to stop and actually do anything about
it a lot of people are going to get shot at and they're going
to get shot at a lot. Every time. Every time.
I'm going to be the second leader.
One, two, three.
Everybody back up.
We know overnight it appeared to be a drive-by shooting.
In fact, you can still see some of the remnants of the glass from when the car was taken away.
It was a white SUV, two people shot, one person killed, the other person a male in critical condition.
...contained the vandals.
LAPD can be seen firing off several non-lethal rounds as things were escalating quickly.
Sir, there's videos everywhere online.
There's fires and riots.
They're throwing fireworks at federal officers.
DHS is there.
Look online.
It gets crazy, Mr. Nadler.
Wow, so he thinks it's fake news.
Antifa is a myth.
Well, Bill Gates is telling you old people need four or five shots of COVID-19.
Something really special for you.
Keep you safe from something they cooked up in this lab.
On record.
On record.
Remember that.
And he also said 700,000 people are going to get sick or die from the vaccine.
Wow, he's really telling you up front because you see, they were denying vaccines were damaging people, but doctors knew they were.
So the UN said last December, the head of the WHO vaccine program, we played the video.
She said, the doctors don't believe us.
They know it's hurting people.
There's been a coverup.
We don't even adequately test vaccines.
We do no testing.
And so Gates comes out and says, okay, we skip animal trials.
We do accelerated human trials and a bunch of you are going to die.
If you ever want to leave your house again, you're going to take it.
So they've gone from denying it to admitting it.
And so he was on CBS, where by the way, his foundation funds ABC and CBS and CNN, look it up, and The Guardian.
They're one of the biggest underwriters.
So a lot of times at the end of the show, it'll even say that it's underwritten by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, or one of the subsidiaries.
So even on things he's paying for, they're having to bring out that it's going to hurt you.
Instead of, oh, it doesn't hurt you, and then trying to cover up with all these moms with sick kids and people dying.
So now, they're like, oh, it is going to hurt you.
It's like the talking point when he was on Fareed Zakaria a few months ago is, Fareed Zakaria goes, we're never going to reopen.
He goes, that's right, we're never going to reopen.
He starts smiling.
And now the head of the WHO says, we're never reopening.
There is no reopening.
The new normal is masks, and we'll tell you like a weather report when you can leave your house.
You all have to have apps that track you.
It's here.
It's all here.
And they lie about the numbers that have died from it and take people from other death columns and put it in there and they send people that are sick into nursing homes to kill the old and say their families can't come visit though so they can carry out the executions.
They pay them $52,000 for every person they can intubate and whack!
That's where all of this is going.
Hiding it in plain view.
So the articles on Infowars.com, Bill Gates confronted about widespread vaccine side effects.
Here it is.
Moderna vaccines sound concerning.
We looked.
After the second dose, at least 80% of participants experienced a systemic side effect, ranging from severe chills to fevers.
So, are these vaccines safe?
Bella, hit pause.
Start it over.
Robert F. Kennedy has been following the trials, even though they're trying to keep them secret.
And the one individual they used, who was young and healthy, who's a famous individual, he got Guillain-Barré's and was paralyzed and almost died and went public, and Twitter and Facebook and Google blocked him.
And then when Kennedy Jr.
wrote about it a month ago, they blocked him!
But now here's Gates taking it head on.
This is all scripted.
He just normalizes it.
Well, that's what it's gonna cost!
They told us 2.5 million Americans would die.
150,000 have died, and almost all of that's fraud.
We hear every day, oh, a 5-year-old died.
Turns out the kid had holes in their heart.
Oh, a 12-year-old died.
Turned out they had cancer.
Oh, a baby died of it.
Turns out the baby was born without a brain.
Had that deformity.
Only had a brain stem.
But they test it.
Oh, it was positive.
The COVID killed it.
And these lying criminals are just slithering around in front of us, censoring medical doctors that tell the truth, shutting down their own reports.
The NIH's own website.
Says you must have vitamin D3 to live.
Any virus will kill you if you don't have a D3 proper level.
That's why it's called essential.
That's how you die when you don't have vitamin C, D3, or zinc, or iodine.
You just suddenly shrivel up and you get a cold and you die!
That's why it's called essential.
When you see the side of a vitamin or mineral, essential, it means you die!
Exclamation point!
Die, die, die!
Die, die, die!
And I know lawyers and scientists and FBI agents and all these people and they literally go, Alex, I was wondering, are those supplements real?
Do you really need D3?
And I'm mean to these people.
I say, listen to me.
You know what essential means, right?
You die without water and oxygen.
Oxygen in four minutes, on average.
Water in three days.
Food in a month.
Why is food essential?
Because it has nutrients in it.
And I'm not talking down to our audience, but man, I'm starting to get pissed.
I've literally had congressmen ask me, we have guests all the time on the board ask, are those vitamins real or are they snake oil?
What the hell does that mean?
We have guests that ask us all the time, are the collars real?
See, I never think of myself as that smart.
I'm starting to realize that the general public is really ignorant.
This is just incredible.
God Almighty.
Sorry, just let's go back to Gates.
Here he is.
Moderna vaccines sound concerning.
We looked.
After the second dose, at least 80% of participants experienced a systemic side effect ranging from severe chills to fevers.
So, are these vaccines safe?
Well, the FDA not being pressured will Look hard at that.
The FDA is the gold standard of regulators, and their current guidance on this, if they stick with that, is very, very appropriate.
Pause again.
Current guidance is way of all safety measures that we've been doomed with the old systems, but now there's just no measures, whatever they want.
Called warp speed.
Here it is.
You know, the side effects were not super severe.
That is, it didn't cause permanent health problems for the things that are there.
You know, Moderna did have to go with a fairly high dose.
Oh yeah, they did ask people to get paralyzed.
You know, to get the antibodies.
Some of the other vaccines are going able to go with lower doses to get... Pause again.
They're now saying, by the way, people that have antibodies aren't immune from it.
Because you can't be.
It's a cold virus.
Just like one year's flu vaccine doesn't protect you from the next.
And they never guess the right one every year.
It's made up crap!
But they made a chimera so he can patent it.
And he literally has it patented through three subsidiaries out of Wuhan!
And Sinclair tries to run news stories about it, and CNN throws a fit, and so they go, oh, we won't run that now, even though it's on record!
Continue with this murderer.
The J&J and the Pfizer, and so there's a lot of characteristics of these vaccines.
It's great that we have multiple of them.
Pause again.
Remember, the autoimmune response you have It's what they're looking for.
Like a bee sting.
And sometimes a bee stings you and you're going to get really sick or you're going to die.
So remember, they tried to deny this for decades.
It's a known fact.
Why'd the baby have a convulsion when they came in at 18 months and got 5 shots?
Because they're allergic to it.
Because it's designed to cause an autoimmune response.
Why'd your daughter die at 8 when she ate a peanut?
Because they grew those vaccines on damn peanuts.
They know what they've done.
Those are all side effects.
But what's really going on with these vaccines is never what they tell you.
And this new DNA vaccine that the four companies he's got is not like traditional vaccines.
It goes in and reprograms the nuclei of your cells.
And they admit they don't know what it's going to do.
They're testing it on humans that are coming in and voluntarily signing on for it.
They've waived the rules!
They're doing human experimentation!
You know the data better than I do.
But the data showed that everybody with a high dose had a side effect.
Yeah, but some of that is not dramatic where, you know, it's just, you know, super painful.
But yes, we need to make sure there's not severe side effects.
The FDA, I think, will do a good job of that.
Let's stop again.
Any insert that comes with the vaccines, not the fact sheet, the actual insert with the injection bottle.
We'll list dozens and dozens, if not hundreds of things.
Pancreatis, Guillain-Barré's, cancer, heart attacks, autoimmune disorders.
I mean, you gotta go read one!
Go to Walgreens, ask them for a vaccine insert for MMR, for the flu shot, or for God, Gardasil, read that!
Says it can kill you!
Says on the insert, this might kill you, or eat your ovaries!
It's got little fancy names for it.
But here he is going, oh, no serious side effects.
The FDA, the FDA will protect you.
The FDA will protect you.
Listen, I'm going to go to break.
And then there's the big news.
It's on InfoWars.com.
Cover up!
NIH removes 5G coronavirus study from website following InfoWars expose where it said 5G actually breaks the cell membrane, drives coronaviruses into the cell, and helps them reproduce.
How did we know that three years ago about regular viruses?
Because it's a fact in hundreds of studies.
5G is a murder weapon.
It lowers oxygen in your bloodstream, it gives you skin cancer, it gives you cataracts, and it makes viruses breed!
Till the day I die.
I just interrupted that Bill Gates thing over and over again and that's not fair.
To this little demon.
Let's actually hear what he said uninterrupted.
Let's go back to the beginning of the two and a half minute clip.
I'll play it uninterrupted and then I will give you my views on it, which are not my opinions when it comes to this.
This is deep research, but it's all hiding in plain view.
Everybody watching and listening has either gotten super sick from a vaccine or had family that got sick or died from it.
And a lot of you got children that can't talk because of it.
They were talking, they got that next round and bye-bye.
And what happened there was an over gain of function.
And I don't mean gain of function, it's spreading a pathogen.
I mean, it's designed to lower IQ.
That's one of their main functions, infertility.
And sometimes you have the big blood on brain effect, and it just absolutely screws up the wiring of the child permanently.
What really they want is just a bunch of people with low IQs, but sometimes, again, it overdoes it.
That's why Gates is calling for even stronger ones, because he just wants to really hurt a lot of people.
And he's told you that, he wants to kill you.
So, here's Bill Gates.
Moderna vaccines sound concerning.
We looked.
After the second dose, at least 80% of participants experienced a systemic side effect, ranging from severe chills to fevers.
So, are these vaccines safe?
Well, the FDA not being pressured will Look hard at that.
The FDA is the gold standard of regulators, and their current guidance on this, if they stick with that, is very, very appropriate.
You know, the side effects were not super severe.
That is, it didn't cause permanent health problems for the things there.
Moderna did have to go with a fairly high dose to get the antibodies.
Some of the other vaccines Are going able to go with lower doses to get responses that are pretty high, including the J&J and the Pfizer.
And so there's a lot of characteristics of these vaccines.
It's great that we have multiple of them that are going out there.
And yes, I think you know the data better than I do.
But the bill bill that the data that everybody with a high dose had a side effect.
Yeah, but some of that is not dramatic where, you know, it's just, you know, super painful.
But yes, we need to make sure there's... I could have gotten prepared for this because there's just so many clips and I saw the article this morning.
They're in the break.
Guys, will you try... Dew's always good at finding all this.
Robert Kennedy Jr.
wrote a bunch of articles listing people that contacted him who were prominent spokespersons who were like, I'm a big healthy guy.
I'm volunteering for the full dose.
And they got paralyzed.
One of them was like a CNN pundit.
And then you don't see him on TV anymore, but I forget the names.
Will somebody go pull that?
Because he's up there, bald-faced, lying.
I mean, I knew, I told you months ago, hey, here's the test.
They're having really bad side effects, 80%.
On average, with three different dose levels.
But 100%, you heard her, on the strong dose.
And a bunch of them, last time I heard, are paralyzed.
And he's up there lying about it.
There's a local talk show host that texts me all the time.
But he admits he went and got the flu shot and his feet and hands were numb for a year.
But he says it's worth it.
It's called Guillain-Barré.
Let's finish the clip.
Finish him, please.
Not severe side effects.
The FDA, I think will do a good job of that, despite the pressure.
How many doses of the vaccine will we need?
Well, none of the vaccines at this point appear like they'll work with a single dose.
That was the hope at the very beginning.
Maybe one of them, particularly in the second generation, won't surprise us.
We hope just two, although in the elderly, sometimes it takes more.
And so making sure we have lots of elderly people in the trial will give us that data.
But that's a death panel.
We don't talk about that.
You've said some more than 7 billion doses.
That's what we'll need.
Welcome back.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and we have a special guest investigative journalist, Patrick Howley, joining us at the bottom of the hour to get into the incredible statements made by Bill Gates that, okay, 100% of people that took the full-dose vaccine for COVID-19 put out by four different companies had side effects.
They got paralyzed, very sick, you name it.
Many of them couldn't get out of bed for weeks, but that's okay.
Because again, Bill Gates really cares about you in between how he talks about how he wants to use vaccines to lower our population.
Now he wants death panels to get rid of old people.
So all of that is coming up at the bottom of the hour.
And all of this is secret.
Medical experimentation.
And good old J.K.
Rowling, who used to be an establishment leftist, is now waking up to all the secret medical experimentation going on.
And she says, society risks medical scandal over uncontrolled experiment of transgenderism.
That's what it is, a giant sterilization operation, making it fashionable to convince Mentally retarded children and autistic children, that's half of who's being put into the hormone therapy or having their genitals actually mutilated off of their bodies, over half of those getting the transfer are seen as subhuman by the establishment.
So they developed this whole plan to, through the vaccines and through the GMO and through the fluoride, create a mass of children One in 35,000 had autism 40 years ago.
Now one in 52 has it.
In Korea, it's one in 25.
And then you've got to have a way to make sure they don't breed.
And then finally, they're going to go ahead and just euthanize them.
Once we're one in three will then be autistic, and that's the collapse of civilization.
But robots love to come in and take care of everyone.
We're always going to have the aging population.
We're going to have the total phase-out of the entire civilization.
I'm sorry to have to announce this dystopia to you, but you saw the Wall Street Journal a month ago, dreaming of the end of humanity.
Humanity's bad and failed and fallen, and COVID has showed us that, and we all need to die for the Earth.
But first, the new transhuman will rise, and it's gonna be the most beautiful future you've ever seen.
This is the sick stuff that Aldous Huxley, whose brother ran the whole transhumanist operation at the UN, Julian Huxley wrote about.
In the 1940s.
It's their world.
We're just living in it until we wake up and say no.
All right.
I've got something really exciting to announce.
And obviously when we announce this, we're going to get a lot of questions about something.
So I'm going to go ahead and address that first before I tell you about this new product.
We started selling six and a half years ago, Super Blue Toothpaste.
And it became our overall bestseller.
We didn't have much margin in it, so it wasn't really a profit center, but it brought people to store.
It had thousands of five-star reviews.
It was called Super Blue because it has natural, clean, pure iodine in it.
So it comes out of the tube white, but turns blue once it becomes oxygenated.
Because pure iodine looks like it's red in a bottle, but actually turns blue under oxygen.
And so my dad had the name Super Blue.
He's a dentist.
He developed it.
With one of the major toothpaste developers out there, here in the US.
And so it was always there to be, you know, to brush your teeth, to clean them, and to freshen things, and to remove plaque and bacteria and things like that.
That's what toothpaste does.
It's a really good toothpaste.
It didn't have any fillers in it.
And then, a couple years later, they start developing a tooth whitening toothpaste that also cleans and does things, but it's mainly cosmetic in making teeth look really good and clean.
That was even more popular.
And then people started pointing out, well wait, both your toothpaste have nano silver in them.
And people were out buying nano silver up all over the internet.
And Letitia James, the same lady that ordered the nursing homes to take People with COVID-19, the flu and pneumonia into them and who block families to be there during the hit job where they got $32,000 total for taking them in, intubating them, you know, so the mass death could happen.
About half the death nationwide has been in those nursing homes in blue cities and blue states.
Well, that same Letitia James put in power by George Soros, like the other individuals in Austin and in St.
Louis and in LA and in San Francisco and in Portland.
And in Seattle, the Weatherman children, like in San Francisco, I mean, that's who's running things.
She came out and said, Jones says he has a cure for COVID-19.
We want him arrested.
Never said I had a cure or a treatment for COVID-19.
Obviously talked about silver and, you know, topically what it does.
It's like alcohol or anything else.
And so people say, well why don't you keep selling the toothpaste?
Because when I do it, she falsely claims, this is how it works, we caught them, that I've got a cure all over the news.
People then go to the website and buy it, their operatives, so they can say they thought I had a cure, so they can sue me or indict me.
Because they need the witnesses.
And we've tracked it and know what they're up to.
So I got Soros trying to put me in jail, folks.
And the only way to stop their people, because we tracked some of it who was coming in with orders.
I mean, they're so dumb.
They're so obvious.
You know, universities are ordering and stuff like that.
Same universities that sue us.
And so we had to stop the sales of it because they're framing us.
This woman is a criminal.
A master criminal working for George Soros, who murders old people.
So, over a year ago, I tried charcoal toothpaste from a major brand and thought it was amazing.
And I went to my dad and people said, I would like to put on a charcoal toothpaste that doesn't have all this silicate and all these fillers in it.
And so it just so happens, one door closes, another door opens.
We were able to have this come in just a few months after we stopped selling the other very popular toothpaste.
And we also have the mouthwash, activated, pure, high quality charcoal with other essential oils, doesn't have the fillers.
Very strong toothpaste, because we just don't add the fillers, and I'm very proud of Dr. Jones Naturals.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, you can go...
To InfoWarsTore.com, and you can find it all right there on the site, or you can follow the links we have at InfoWarsTore.com to Dr. Jones Naturals and get it there, because it's my dad's separate company.
That's why we set it up a year ago.
Nice shopping cart, nice system.
We fulfill the orders for him, but this is his company, and it's got a bunch of other high-quality vitamins and other supplements.
Nine different brands at Dr. Jones Naturals.
So I hope that everyone will be sure and check that out drjonesnaturals.com drjonesnaturals.com distributed by DJN Health Lab, LLC, Austin, Texas 78764.
And we are again extremely, extremely proud of my dad and of Austin Rivera, who again has degrees in chemistry and all the rest of it from Texas A&M and who officially does product development for major corporations.
He came in and did this as well.
And so this is Dr. Jones Naturals, made in one of the top factories and labs in the United States.
We have the activated charcoal.
And we have the activated charcoal toothpaste, as well as the mouthwash.
We're very, very proud of it.
And right now, there's still free shipping on the site, but we're gonna have to end that when the month of July ends because Tim Ferrugiae came over to me yesterday and he goes, hey, listen, you know, everybody else sells these privacy products for $25, $30, $35.
They cost us $11 plus.
You understand with free shipping, we're almost losing money on these.
So he suggested if you don't wanna go bankrupt, Because your listeners are buying stuff, but you need to actually make money.
We should go up to $24.95 on these, and you should stop the free shipping, because he showed me a bunch of items that we basically break even on, some things we lose money on, because there's no marketing going on here.
It's just me coming up with all this.
And of course, people realize it.
That's why it's unorthodox what we do here.
I want to thank you all for your support, but I'm really, really proud of the Dr. Jones Naturals Activated charcoal, naturally fluoride-free, mouthwash and toothpaste.
And if you don't know what activated charcoal does, ladies and gentlemen, it naturally, in a clean way, strips away the toxins, the impurities, the plaque.
And it doesn't damage the enamel.
That's really important.
Because it's all the silicates and all the other things that they overdo in these things that end up causing the problems.
Makes your teeth look really clean, it just destroys the enamel.
This cleans them up beautifully, does an incredible job, but doesn't damage your teeth.
And it's, I believe, you're going to like this as much as the other toothpaste, maybe even more.
If you've never used anything like it, get yours at m4store.com right now.
All right, we are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
And I kind of went off into a whole rant.
Earlier on the toothpaste saga, which isn't even about plugging the products, but understanding how the scams work.
That's how the left operates.
They go out and make a false claim about you, say that you're doing something, say that you have violated the law.
They make statements that they attribute to you, and then they go out and find victims that you supposedly hurt, so they can then sue you.
That's how they operate.
And we've caught them doing it a bunch.
And it's just when you come face to face with criminal will, and they know they're criminals, and they, I mean, let me tell you, they knew when they sent tens of thousands of People of their graves that it would come out that they murdered all those people in the hospitals.
And the hospitals and the nursing homes begged them and said to Governor Cuomo and Letitia James, they said, if you send people with the flu and with COVID-19 pneumonia into the nursing homes, you're not supposed to do that.
It's a default.
It's going to kill them.
And they threatened to arrest them if they didn't do it.
And they feel good about it because they're the left.
They have a right to rule.
New York passed a law.
They can keep babies alive after they're born and harvest their organs.
And when the governor signed that order with those women up there at the statehouse, he looked like he was in ecstasy.
That's who these people are.
It's like the governor of Virginia saying, we keep babies alive and harvest their organs, but don't worry, we keep them comfortable.
These people have no bottom.
Soros goes out and picks people that are known to be evil.
And he runs them and he puts them in.
And we can't be afraid of these monsters.
We have to stand up against them.
Leticia James and Governor Cuomo need to be indicted.
They need to go to prison.
Instead, they're lecturing Governor DeSantis in Florida.
Oh, you did a horrible job, everybody.
Everybody's got COVID, and they've been caught in Florida.
Motorcycle accidents, car wrecks, cancer, 90-year-old people with cancer saying they're COVID positive, and it turns out 333 labs who were testing up to 500 people a day apiece all said, day after day, week after week, 100% positive rates!
And then the people that said they were tested were never tested!
I personally have met 50 plus people in Austin and in Florida when I was there last week coming up saying, my brother got tested and they said he was negative but then he got a test saying he was positive.
My brother went in to get tested, they didn't test him, he got called, they said he had it.
I know people personally in Austin that have never been to a clinic and they got a call, you've got COVID.
And they say, why?
Well someone at your office tested positive and we're just saying you have it.
And people need to understand, we have the documents from NIH going back months ago when they changed the policy in May.
They changed the policy in early May.
It was implemented in mid-May to say that one person that tests positive for COVID, you then test That's a Freudian slip, there is no test.
You then say that 15 people around you have it with a computer model, a metric.
That's like a slot machine running a scam and calling it a metric.
And I know I've ranted about this and I've raved about it, but the way they're engaged in the fraud, out in the open, in front of everyone, boggles the brain.
So again, Letitia James comes out and says Alex Jones says he has a cure.
Never said any such thing.
My products do not treat, cure, anything COVID-19.
Then they hope idiots believe that and believe that, oh, Letitia says he says he has a cure.
She says he's a fraud, but I bet it is real.
They go order and then they have their own people go order.
So they can then be a plaintiff to a criminal or a civil suit against me, and now it turns out they admit that that's their plan.
I mean, these are monsters!
You don't just think they stopped with Jussie Smollett claiming people attacked him, put a noose around his neck, or the NASCAR driver running scams, or any of this.
No, it's what Democrats do.
They frame people, they set people up, they lie, they cheat, they steal.
Because they're able to murder over 10,000 people in the nursing homes.
What do you expect?
By day they work at Google, by night they set fires and beat people.
Like the Google operatives getting arrested.
They are a group of criminals that want to take over and dominate.
They want to overthrow civilization and society.
They hate America.
And think about it.
Has Governor Cuomo got in trouble for killing all those old people?
Has Trump even really come out and criticized him?
He's done it mildly.
Everyone should be talking about Cuomo and Governor Wolf and the other governors, ten of them now, that ordered people with pneumonias and flus and COVID-19 in to the nursing homes so they could get their death rate up.
He's a stone-cold killer.
And what does J.K.
Rowling say it is?
Rowling says society risks medical scandal over uncontrolled experiment of transgenderism, taking retarded and autistic children in the UK and all over the world now and saying, oh, you're so cute, you're so pretty, you're really a girl, you're really a boy, giving them attention if they go on drugs to sterilize themselves or actually have surgeries.
That's sick medical experimentation hidden in plain view.
And the Tavistock Institute said in the 60s, we will convince mentally retarded children To undergo sterilization by making it popular.
And that's all this is.
But here's the big story.
It's on InfoWars.com.
There were all these studies Dr. Groot pointed out three years ago.
There were all these other studies about 5G pushing viruses across the cell membrane and helping viruses produce.
Well, cover up!
NIH removes 5G coronavirus study from website following InfoWars expose.
We can go to the article, please.
I'd like to click and show folks a screenshot we've got right there of the actual study.
And there's a whole bunch of other studies.
On it.
But they don't want you to see the study.
And I don't just believe this study.
I've seen a bunch of other studies saying the exact same thing.
Even mainline headlines.
5G lowers immunity.
5G causes cancer.
Wired Magazine.
And the globalists were losing.
The UN officials went public and said, okay, vaccines are hurting people, there's been a cover-up at the WHO.
That was in December, and then all this happens.
Instead of admitting they're wrong, backing off, now Gates says, I need global immunity for 7.5 billion shots, and we're gonna have 700,000 people get sick or die, but it's okay.
So they've gone from denying it to admitting it.
And what does it do?
It doesn't just rattle viruses across the cell wall and help it get through.
It actually breaks up the DNA inside your cell.
And you know what happens when the DNA breaks up?
So there's the study.
It's linked.
It's backed up.
They removed it.
They don't give a reason.
They just, oh...
It's just pure evil, ladies and gentlemen, just like when the Indians came out and said it's a man-made thing.
And that was later confirmed.
They just threatened him and they withdrew that as well.
All right, we've got some investigative journalists joining us, coming up from nationalfile.com.
Patrick Howley, stay with us.
We are back live.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
You know, one of the big things people online point out that we were right about 25, 26 years ago is that Bill Gates is a kingpin of the New World Order.
People always say, why do you obsess over Bill Gates?
Why do you put him in your movies?
Why do you say he's a bad guy?
Because I was doing basic research into the globalist and the UN and into depopulation and transhumanism and I found his father.
And his father's father, working for the Rockefeller Foundation and running Planned Parenthood and being on the Federal Reserve Board and literally saying they supported, you know, sterilizing the general public and stuff.
And then he went on Bill Moyers 25 years ago and said he believes in depopulation.
We've got all the video!
And then he wants to euthanize old people and he wants to depopulate the planet.
And now he's telling us that he runs all these big institutions and that he's going to run our lives.
So now he's gone on CBS News.
We played the clips earlier.
Investigator journalist who's written for Epoch Times, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, broken a lot of huge stories, the Veterans Affairs scandal.
Governor Northam's blackface, and the NXIVM sex cult, and the Clinton sex trafficking.
We'll get updates from him next segment about the latest on Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.
But he's been on Bill Gates' tail.
And so I want to ask him, why do you think Gates is suddenly out admitting, okay, 80% of people are getting sick that take my vaccine in the trials.
He tries to say it's not a big deal, but some have been paralyzed.
Why do you think he's doing this?
And what's really going on with Bill Gates from your deep research?
And welcome, Patrick, for joining us.
Well, Alex, I think it's time for Bill Gates to get a new PR guy because he's not doing a very good job of making the people like him or even feel like he's one of us, like he's a fellow human being.
But they are becoming more brazen about what they're doing.
They're becoming more brazen about the fact that they don't care about hurting us or making us sick or damaging us with these vaccines.
Now, the thing you have to realize about this Moderna coronavirus vaccine, where at least 80 percent of the test subjects are getting side effects.
The thing you have to realize is the NIH is partnered with Bill Gates on this, and the NIH, the National Institutes of Health, has a financial stake in it.
Francis Collins, the NIH director, caught on tape at the Economic Club admitting that NIH has an intellectual property stake in this vaccine, and guess who funded it?
None other than the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness, which is a Bill Gates-funded, Bill Gates front group.
And the partner on it was Anthony Fauci, NIAID.
So if you think about this, and we know how they've smeared hydroxychloroquine,
the president's great treatment, which he's now vindicated on, which is saving lives, okay?
The government, which is supposed to be helping us or telling us how we're going to survive this pandemic,
actually has a financial stake in this extremely dangerous vaccine.
No wonder that people in Johannesburg are now taking to the streets and saying, we don't want this thing tested on black people in Africa.
I guess black lives don't matter to Bill Gates.
And meanwhile, people in Boise, Idaho, just like the people in Johannesburg, burning their face masks now.
White people and black people all over the globe coming together against the globalist elites.
This is a new paradigm.
Let's talk about this.
This is the rollout of global government.
Explain to people how the pyramidal power structure of a global corporate Oh, that's absolutely right.
at the top of it because now people are learning every major Institute of Health
except maybe Russia or a few others India South Africa you name it Mexico
they're all run by Gates and the UN that's why even Bolsonaro tries to stop
him but he can't because his own system has been funded for decades and run by it.
Oh that's absolutely right and if you look at Fauci who's totally in the
pocket of Gates and Burks who's also in the pocket of Gates she's on the board
of the Global Fund which has gotten over two billion dollars from the Gates
You look at IHMA and Imperial College London, the two models that shut down our economy, rendered millions of people unemployed.
Both of those groups funded by Gates.
If you go back to 2001, that photo that you just showed of Fauci, who's apparently this anonymous health guy,
this health expert, and by the way, for a health expert, he can't throw a baseball.
He throws a baseball like a toddler, but he's there with Bill Gates Sr.,
who was on the board of Planned Parenthood prior to Roe v. Wade.
He's there with George Soros, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, all of the members of the club.
Two years after that, the Stephen King television show, "The Dead Zone,"
predictive program this entire thing.
You and I both know, Alex, that they think that their sinister deeds have more power if they telegraph to the people what they're doing.
And that's why 2003, oh, there's a coronavirus outbreak in China on this television show,
and you have to wear masks.
And then chloroquine, the anti-malarial drug, is the thing that ends up saving the day.
And the CDC finally admits that chloroquine was right.
They predictive programmed this.
Gates has called this vaccine his final solution, okay?
He has called coronavirus pandemic one, and he has cackled, cackled with joy
about the prospect of another pandemic, which will get even more attention than this one.
By the way, Patrick, you're on fire more than usual here.
I can tell you're pissed about this.
Why do you think Gates looks more?
happy as he's ever looked. When he talks about the economy never starting back, he begins
giggling and looking like he's having an orgasm. When he talks about 700,000 are going to get
hurt by the vaccine, he gets visibly excited. As you said, he calls it a final solution,
which is the Nazi term for exterminating groups. And then meanwhile, he has the whole pedigree
of that. This is what the hell's going on here.
It's demonic energy, Alex.
These people genuinely derive power and satisfaction and energy off of the suffering of others.
Now, we know that this entire thing was a scam.
You know why we know that?
Because Fauci actually funded the coronavirus bet project.
With the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Trump and Pompeo have both said that was the outbreak.
So let me get this straight.
So Fauci is the guy who actually funded the thing that unleashed the outbreak onto the world, and he's partnered with Bill Gates on the vaccine, and he spent all this time trying to shut down inexpensive treatment like hydroxychloroquine.
Meanwhile, they try to make money on the side.
Eight members of the NIH treatment panel disclosed financial transactions with Gilead, which makes this super expensive drug.
That's why they didn't like hydroxychloroquine.
So it's all been about the vaccine.
They want the mass vaccinations.
And you know what else?
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was funding a project at MIT.
And we know Gates and Epstein, good friends, through their work at MIT.
Epstein funneled money to MIT through Gates, okay?
You know what the project was? How to use a vaccine to implant people's medical history under their skin.
So you can look at somebody's skin and figure out whether or not they've been vaccinated or not, like a marker.
And let me stop you. They then came out and said that I made that up, and they listed you in articles that you made
it up, even though the head of Rice University Science and the
head of MIT Science said Gates asked for this and showed the documents bragging,
and then here's Google today.
They're racing to come out with their own digital tattoos under the skin to prove you've had vaccines.
That's business insider right there.
Google working on smart tattoos that turn skin into living touchpad.
So what is this tactic where they say they're doing it, we say we don't want it, and they say we're liars?
Well, you know what, Alex, in your great state of Texas, a Google partner is doing the contact tracing, where they send the contact tracers around to everybody.
In Massachusetts, you've got a George Soros and Bill Gates-funded organization that Chelsea Clinton is on the board of trustees on, that are doing the contact tracing.
And everybody keeps asking, what happened to Governor Abbott?
I'll tell you what happened.
Google and Apple moved to town, and he took money from them, and he gave them the money back for contact tracers, and he's now merging with Soron!
Yep, and de Blasio says all the contact tracers can't ask if you've been to a George Floyd protest.
They know the thing's a scam.
Fauci's at the baseball game not even wearing his mask.
After his testimony, he's on video not wearing a mask.
Sending a message to the fake news reporters that you don't have to wear a mask.
Only the commoners, only the cattle, only the animals in our slave class have to wear masks.
You're absolutely right, and it's an occult ritual.
Well, and let's admit it, the military is and things for reasons, but that's, you go and you sign up for that to be put into a cult.
And it's a cult, you know, that supposedly empowers the human, but gets you used to acting as one cohesive group, but it's still a cult.
This is classic Chinese communist cult programming.
They admit, with the mask ahead of, take the inoculation, take the contact tracing, take the app on your phone that tracks you.
They are getting us ready for total submission.
Absolutely right.
And now we have two Chinese teenage boys dead because they were wearing a face mask during gym class.
If you cut off oxygen and you breathe in your own carbon dioxide, then you become weaker.
And they want us to be weaker because they want us to be unhealthy, because they want us to submit.
That's right.
Indoors program.
Google announces for at least two years, no more open businesses, no one in their buildings.
Totally unaccountable.
Congress not having any hearings with real people.
Everything locking down.
No human interaction.
Separating the globalists more from the people so they can carry out their criminal operations and depopulation.
We'll lay out what's coming next and how to stop them straight ahead.
Welcome back.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And what did award-winning, awesome, fired-up, great talk show host Patrick Howley at Twitter, Howley Reporter, have to say?
They love in their weird mystery school To reveal to you what they're doing before they do it, it programs your subconscious, but metaphysically, they also have to tell you what they're going to do so that you have a chance to resist.
They believe that that then karmically gets them out of violating your free will.
This is mysticism they're involved in.
They're not atheists inside Hollywood or DC.
The Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, I know people that have been around them, the DuPonts.
I worked with someone who on record, you know, was very close to the DuPonts.
Devil worshippers.
In Pennsylvania.
And I'm gonna leave it at that.
That's why they're in control.
The Bible's real.
The churches are captured by this, they're all scared, they're gonna tell you, take the mark, everything else.
But this is really happening.
Here's the Simpsons, more than 15 years ago, throwing it in your face.
I'd like to call to order this secret conclave of America's media empires.
We're here to come up with the next phony baloney crisis to put Americans back where they belong in dark rooms, glued to their televisions, too terrified to skip the commercials.
Well, I think... NBC, you are here to listen and not speak.
I think we should go with a good old-fashioned public health scare.
A new disease.
No one's immune.
It's like the summer of the shark, except instead of a shark, it's an epidemic.
And instead of summer, it's all the time.
Now I hate to be the guy who derails what everybody else loves.
He loves being that guy.
But Janice, we do have standards.
This can't be a made-up disease.
The only moral thing to do is release a deadly virus into the general public.
We do have something we've been holding on to, but it hasn't been tested.
Get over here, NBC.
Well, we certainly believe in testing, but I... Oh.
Oh, yeah.
So, we've got our deadly disease.
Now, we just have to blame it on something that's in every household.
Something that people are a little bit afraid of already.
House cat flu is coming, people.
The Center for Disease Disinformation predicts with some degree of probability that the house cat flu might spread in the following hypothetical outbreak pattern.
So petter beware, that warm body on your lap just might be ready to destroy your tender fiddles.
Springfielders are advised to stay tuned for more information if they experience any of the following
Mild thirst, occasional hunger, tiredness at night.
And everything you see in the news, tiredness at night, rashes, You're not being able to sleep, a cough, while you've got COVID, and they say that counts as COVID in the official NIH.
But no one attacks Fauci head-on, because if you do, you get banned.
The whole corporate media with the chi-coms lined up.
Trump's kind of eating around the edges.
Patrick Howley joins us for about 15 minutes into the next hour.
Then we've got a major Google whistleblower coming on to talk about those hearings that were going to happen today.
My sources said they were going to cancel it to throw off demonstrators.
And so I told our folks, watch, it's going to be virtual.
They're not going to tell you that.
But the first time they're going to cancel it a couple times, and then once you show up to protest, it'll be virtual.
Well, you notice they canceled it today.
People say, how did you know that, Jones?
Because the New World Order is formulaic.
They got a couple plays they run, and once I've seen them do this a couple times, I've gone to D.C.
and they cancel it.
I've caught them a couple times.
That's why they do this.
So, you learn stuff engaging the enemy.
Remember I told Sundar, you bet on the wrong country, you're a Chinese communist spy, you're helping suppress the Uyghurs.
Nobody was talking about that then.
I'm not bragging about Alex Jones, I'm saying you could go do that too!
And make it a major talking point.
Because it's not that all of D.C.' 's evil.
A lot of them are just compartmentalized.
Alright Patrick, I've been ranting here.
We got six and a half minutes left of the segment.
You've got the floor here.
What do you want to cover next?
I've got a lot of points to make, but how is this cover-up going?
What do you expect to happen?
You talk about a global awakening happening.
How's this operation going for him?
What do you think's coming next?
Well, Alex, the real sad thing in all of this, if we think about the real victims, is that Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul, doesn't get to go to his beloved Bohemian Grove ritual this year because it was cancelled due to the scandemic.
So I'm wondering if perhaps they can worship Malik via Skype or maybe Zoom.
But, you know, look, This is about social control.
Speaking of Pelosi, she wants the digital wallet.
She wants to take us off the fiat currency, as awful as it is, still better than a digital wallet because they're going to tie your income to a social credit score like they do in China.
And if you are somebody like you or myself, Alex, our social credit score is going to be very, very Bad.
They are also using the mask as a social control and a test for how much they can control us before they roll out this hyper dangerous Bill Gates vaccine.
In Broward County, there is now an order requiring everybody on a residential property, including guests, to police everybody else on the residential private property on facial covering requirements.
They're coming into your homes.
We literally have Sharia police for men as well now.
That is absolutely right.
We hear this over and over again about even the WHO has said it, coming in to people's homes.
And if you look at where this contact tracing data can be sent according to the Federal Register, they can send it to the World Health Organization.
They can send it to law enforcement to place you under quarantine or isolation.
And you know what the really, really dangerous thing is here?
And I have to address this issue because there's so many good parents out there who I work with.
Child Protective Services in Los Angeles.
Now, bear in mind, if you test positive on an antibody test, half of them could be wrong.
There are people who have tested positive who didn't even take the test, who were just standing in line.
They went home, and then they got a fake positive test result, okay?
That's first of all.
So even if you test positive, you might even have the common cold, according to the CDC.
There was a parent who tested positive, and now they're trying to set this precedent in Los Angeles County.
Department of Children and Family Services recommended in court that the child of the parent be taken away because they tested positive for coronavirus.
And again, as you said, that is the U.N.
The blue cities are rolling it out.
The Clinton Foundation with Google to control it, with Apple, who run actual death camps in China.
So that means that's what they want here.
That's who they are.
That's their goal.
Google literally, we're not exaggerating, wants to take your property, have robots take over, and kill you in a death camp.
We're not joking.
It's the post-human world, Wall Street Journal a month ago, looking forward to the end of humanity.
Yes, and collectivist child rearing is a big thing that they want to do.
Hillary Clinton's mentor, Mary Jo Bain, who worked in the Clinton administration on the welfare reform and all the social stuff in the 90s, she even said back in the 70s, the only way to ensure equality For children is to take them away from their families and raise them communally.
And the new houses in Germany and the US that Bloomberg and Bezos are funding, Austin's built five of them, have little pods you're in and then communal living rooms where you're with all these other people, including illegal aliens, criminals, you name it, to just put you into a hell pit where you never learn you have any privacy.
First they take your online privacy, now they take your personal privacy because you're a damn prisoner now.
And Washington State had to walk back their ad, their job posting for CPS workers to work the child quarantine centers.
And they said, oh, that's for kids who are already in the system.
But it could be for kids who didn't even test positive.
They can just make up anything.
Oh, he was kind of exposed to it.
Put the kids in a child quarantine center.
What the heck is going to happen?
Which again is the background to train you to not to have kids being grabbed and people being grabbed.
And outside of the police, now all these cities, Albuquerque, LA, you name it, are creating a new civilian force that has guns, but come as social workers and help you.
So they're literally going to arm the Antifa and send them to your houses.
Yes, and that's what contact tracing is all about, and that's why they're letting people out of prison right now, even as they're trying to put people in prison for hate crimes, for covering up a Black Lives Matter mural, or the McCloskeys who are, you know, being disarmed and treated like criminals, possibly facing prison simply for pointing a gun on their own property.
This scandemic, even though All of our viewers are onto it now.
You have been leading the way, and people all over the country want to talk to me about this.
They recognize me from this show, especially if I'm in Texas or if I'm in the Midwest.
People want to come up, talk about Gates, talk about Fauci.
But you know what?
They are just shoving it in our faces at this point, and they're using this scandemic in order to obnoxiously push through every single globalist design that they have had in their sick minds for the last 50 years.
That's right.
This is scientifically done, but to them it's a love affair of dominance and control.
This is their religion.
Yes, and they thrive off of the suffering of others.
And so, you know, if you look at what's happening with Jeffrey Epstein right now, and I want to touch on this, too, because it's important.
You'll have time next hour, but give us a little prelude.
Well, Dershowitz is pushing for the mandatory vaccine, right?
Well, Dershowitz has some big problems on his hands with his buddy Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.
And if Ghislaine Maxwell starts talking, I mean, there's no coincidence that she was arrested at just the time this scandemic was happening.
This is, in fact, 4-D chess.
And, you know, it's up to people like us to navigate it and to play it and to make sure that we come out with freedom intact.
Why do you think they purged Q?
I mean, first Q was good, then it got taken over by some bad guys.
Then it got so grassroots, it got people waking up.
I think that's why they finally purged it, because I think overall Q started becoming more positive.
Well, it's about the election.
I mean, when people are digging up information and, you know, supporting President Donald Trump very strongly, they have to get rid of that before November.
It's all about the election.
Patrick Howley, nationalfile.com is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones with newswars.com.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
All right.
Patrick Howley is our guest.
He's with nationalfile.com.
I'm your host, Alex Jones here.
And everybody should remember this.
The globalists, their pedophile rings, their satanic networks, how they operate, how they control people, how they get people inducted into evil so they know they'll carry out whatever they're told.
That's all falling apart.
That's why they're throwing race war at us and masks and all the rest of it, trying to tear society apart, trying to bring in a depression.
Where they can reset the global economy for all the fraud they've created and blame it on COVID.
It's not COVID causing the worldwide starvation or the worldwide collapse.
It's the hoax these criminals launched.
And look, emblematically, all of their evil crones are rotting and dying, like Ginsburg and the rest of them.
Nadler stumbling around gaslighting everybody.
So don't think they're all powerful.
Learn to say no to them.
Got some good news coming up at the start of the next segment.
But here is the head of the UN's Global Response Unit that then, right down to Texas, right down to California, we follow the orders of.
And now that's why they're saying, you gotta wear a mask in your house.
We gotta take your kids away.
Here it is.
And at the moment, In most parts of the world, due to lockdown, most of the transmission that's actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household, at family level.
In some senses, transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units.
Now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.
Right after he said that, Lightfoot of Chicago, Newsom of California, all of them came out and said the exact same thing.
They admit, they follow the U.N.
orders directly.
That itself is revolutionary corruption.
Patrick, what do you think, how should we respond to this level of tyranny?
Well, you know what, Alex, if you study Alistair Crowley, Alistair Crowley was the most influential person of the 20th century, and Alistair Crowley's influence can be felt in everything.
And his magic rituals, which now form, you know, so much of our government policy and our media and our institutions, because these people infiltrated and subverted everything, it all has to do with children.
And that's what we're seeing with Child Protective Services.
They want to use coronavirus as a pretext to take people's kids away and then do God knows what with them.
And we know what they do with these children, with the ceremonies, and we know what was going on down in Epstein Island.
Now, you were right.
They are not invincible.
This is a modern kind of takeover and subversion attempt.
They're not the establishment.
Calling them the establishment gives them too much credit.
They're criminals.
They're rogue, sicko criminals who have taken over in recent decades.
Now, if you look at the nexus of power of this, which revolves around, frankly, some Mossad families, including Maxwell family, Bronfman family, they're good friends who they've partnered with.
And these hanger-ons like Alan Dershowitz, who provides the legal expertise, and Jeffrey Epstein, who is running this blackmail operation down on Pedophile Island with the satanic temple there, and the owl statue, and all the videotaping, and, you know, Elaine Maxwell, she really is royalty in this world.
So, you know, now that this kind of stuff is collapsing, we're beginning to see how fragile it is.
If there's an economic reset, If these people somehow lose their money, it's all over.
I mean, they have been hoodwinking us with Hollywood and the media for a few decades, but they're not invincible.
The willpower of the people is stronger than them, and the normie class that they have created, the hysterical, emotional people who watch Oprah and Ellen DeGeneres and think that they don't have to improve themselves because Oprah empowers them, Okay, those people are not going to have power anymore in our new society because real, smart, competent men are going to lead.
Well, let me tell you, you're always powerful, but you're really fired up right now, and I'm loving it, and I'm seeing the great articles you're writing daily over at NationalFile.com.
We're going to break here in about 30 seconds.
I want to come back, and I want to get into the latest on Ghislaine Maxwell, but I want to hit what's happening with the mask rebellion as really a symbol of the slaves, just like the hijab or the burqa is, and where you see that fight going.
And of course we'll play the clip of the lady attacking the family at a picnic table, not wearing their hijabs while they eat.
She should move to Saudi Arabia.
She'd love it.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones with Band.Video.
See David Icke's new film there for free.
Integrating this in.
With them activating the race riots through Soros, activating the COVID lockdown, saying that their communists are allowed to march and attack and be violent, but you're not allowed to have peaceful pro-police rallies.
Clearly it's an overthrow of the country, but now we have Atlantic Monthly, the CFR and others saying, we're doing this to overthrow Trump.
You better leave office or we'll burn America down.
They actually said that this weekend at Atlantic Monthly.
It's worked in so many other countries.
It just worked six years ago in Ukraine.
That's why they're so arrogant.
Then they go attack the courthouse, the media covers it up, and says they're peaceful.
But I don't think it's working.
What's the big picture?
What do you expect them to pull next with 98 days out?
Well, Alex, I know everybody likes to be politically correct, but you have to understand how racial Maoism and racial communism works, which is they are, in fact, targeting white people, demonizing white people.
They're explicitly saying that.
The Republican Party will not respond to this, even though the majority of the people who vote for the Republican Party, who elect them to office, are the white, Christian, evangelical middle class.
And so those people are getting frustrated.
Young people are getting frustrated when they see themselves demonized every day on ESPN by their sports stars, by these guys who are kneeling for the national anthem, and they're being treated like heroes, and meanwhile they're burdened with debt, they can't get a job because all the corporations are woke, and this stupid scandemic has shut down the small business economy, and now Fauci wants you to wear a disgusting face diaper on your face and breathe in your carbon dioxide.
So people are beginning to lose hope.
Millennials only own 3% of the wealth in this country, plus they have debt and they have a very bleak future with globalist mass migration.
And so there needs to be people, leaders, reaching out to them and making them feel like It's not hopeless.
We're going to rally behind Western civilization.
And it's not a racial thing with us, but you know what?
It's a racial thing with the other side.
They hate white people, but they're going to come for black people next because it's replacement migration.
They're going to come for legal Hispanics next.
They're going to keep continuously replacing people and genociding people because they want the entire slave class to be kind of this mongrel race.
Uh, that doesn't compete with them and doesn't even live in the same universe as them.
Well, that's right.
That's their sick plan.
A group that doesn't have any culture that's been overwritten.
They use the third world, enslave them, break them down on record.
Then they open the borders, flood us with the third world, filling them full of race-based hate.
While they tell us to stand down because we're inherently bad, and the corporations conquer all of us, take all of our rights, and then carry out the extermination using super bio-weapons they've already got geared up.
This is Gates said on National TV on Colbert.
He said, oh this is just a drill.
The real one's coming.
Terrorists are going to release it.
And he started smiling and laughing.
When he was on national Japanese television, they said, are you depopulating?
He said, listen.
We got different vaccines for different countries and groups.
Don't worry.
The poor people really need this.
We need to make sure there's not overpopulation.
He says it.
He doesn't even hide it.
And it's crazy.
I don't want to be flooded with a bunch of brainwashed people from, you know, Africa or wherever that want to kill me.
At the same time, I don't want to murder all of them.
I mean, that's what's... And then you study.
Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and the Rockefellers, and they're all crazy evil people, way worse than the most crazed African!
So, I mean, what I'm saying is, it's like, it's a nightmare scenario with these people.
Absolutely right, and this all ties in.
I mean, everything is related over the last few decades.
Ghislaine Maxwell's nephew was a top-ranking official in Hillary Clinton's State Department overseeing the Middle East, specifically overseeing Libya.
During the time of Benghazi.
Now, Sarah Bronfman, who is part of running the NXIVM cult.
Okay, Bronfman's and Maxwell's have been partners traditionally over the years, both very closely linked to the Mossad.
Sarah Bronfman was working on, you know, agitating on behalf of the rebels and using the rebels, which became ISIS, as their own personal fighting force.
So they were destabilizing that region.
Bush was in on it.
Cheney was in on it.
Both parties, Rove, Obama, McCain, these are sick people and there's no difference between any one of them.
This is a sick agenda that has been put forth in recent decades and it's up to people like us to finally free people's minds and wake people up.
You're one of my heroes, Alex.
I've been listening to you since high school.
People are waking up.
I think probably even the majority of the people now get it.
They really get it.
What do you make of Trump?
Because I did research on Trump.
Obviously, I was covering Epstein 15 years ago, covering the pedophile stuff, you know, before that.
You know, not just once he got indicted and all the rest.
I was aware of these operations.
I knew that he was there to corrupt scientists and was just an operative in it.
Uh, so, so I wouldn't support Trump.
He was really connected.
He never got on the plane.
He didn't, you know, he had his golf club.
He came to that, came to events.
They knew each other.
He knew Ghislaine.
Why would he say in that press conference, oh, I wish her well?
I think he means he hopes she doesn't die in custody.
So we find out what's happening.
Let's go ahead and play that clip and get what you think.
And so a lot of people want to know if she's going to turn in powerful people.
Do you feel that she's going to turn in powerful men?
How do you see that working out?
I don't know.
I haven't really been following it too much.
I just wish her well, frankly.
I've met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach, and I guess they lived in Palm Beach.
I'll stop there.
is accused of sex trafficking underage girls for the late convicted sex
offender Jeffrey Epstein charges she denies and intends to fight the
president is among several well-known people linked to the pair the intent of
this briefing was to provide an update on what Donald Trump...
I'll stop there so why would Trump who's called Epstein degenerate and a horrible
person who in 2015 you know told Bloomberg that it was a horrible degenerate
things happening They were horrible people.
Why would he then make that statement, Patrick Howley?
Because he wants her to talk.
And you know, you've also got Keith Raniere out there.
Here's another thing to keep in mind.
Keith Raniere of the NXIVM called.
Who, like Epstein, was another outsider brought into this evil nexus.
That's exactly what I thought Trump was doing.
His sentencing has been indefinitely postponed.
So we want him to talk too.
We want to keep him safe.
We want to keep these people safe.
Look, I've been an insider on this effort.
Well, that's exactly what I thought Trump was doing.
He's letting her know, "Hey, we wish her well.
You better tell us."
Well, that's right, Alex.
I worked for Steve Bannon 2015, 2016.
I've been an insider on a lot of this stuff.
Alright, early 2015, I wrote an article with these documents talking about how Epstein pleaded the theft when he was asked about his friendship with Bill Clinton.
Immediately after that, Donald Trump went to CPAC, did an interview with Sean Handy where he said, Bill Clinton's got an Epstein problem.
He was fanning the flames of this Epstein stuff the entire time.
And you know what?
He was an informant the first time they busted Epstein for pedophilia.
Epstein gets out of jail, he gets a little country club sentence, George Stephanopoulos is still hanging out with him, Katie Couric is hanging out with him, Woody Allen, all these big people, okay?
But Trump was the informant who tried to bring him down, okay?
So it's no coincidence that all this is happening during the Trump administration.
And as soon as he got indicted, Trump threw him out of the club.
Absolutely right.
He's been on to Epstein for years.
And we're not just defending Trump, we're defending the truth.
Trump from day one has not been part of this.
But he has big public parties in his club.
Of course he's known Epstein.
Trump's old money, and he's a patriot, and he is part of the industrial class that built this country.
He doesn't want subversives.
And by the way, I want you to do one more segment to explain this, because you do know a lot of the inside baseball, and I concur with you, but Trump isn't going to a Russian hotel to get pissed on.
He's actually a germophobe and doesn't like that kind of stuff.
He doesn't like little girls.
He likes big bombshell women that are intimidating.
That's what he's well known for.
He's a powerful man.
He's not... I mean, look at the women he's with.
Big, big bombshells.
The point is, is that these creepy globalist-like women that look like little kids, that's who they are.
And they want little kids because they want power over them because they're creepy sickos.
So it's not about defending Trump.
The media's attempts to tie him to Epstein are a smokescreen from the Clintons and the rest of it.
Yeah, that's absolutely right, and Trump is a religious man, and he's a Christian, and I think he's had a big awakening late in life.
He wants to stop these people.
He knows what Satanism is just as well as anybody else.
He wants to stop these people, and it's going to be up to citizen journalists on the outside to help him, to give him the justification that he needs.
We are going into a very, very tough election, but you know what?
The chessboard is getting very complicated.
Trump has a lot of cards.
He's got a lot of cards.
And he's playing those cards.
I can tell you that.
That was my next question.
One more segment before the Google whistleblower with all his breaking news.
A lot of pieces are moving on the board right now.
What are our aces in the holes?
What do we expect to happen with 98 days?
I hope Trump doesn't hold his powder too long.
He needs to start, I think, unloading those cards now.
He needs to hit them now.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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like bodies ultimate turmeric formula so be sure and take action on that. All right Patrick Howley
speaking of Trump's ammo what he's got this quiver of arrows here and and and what you expect him to
do I think he should start firing almost everything now early the enemy's doing that because they know
they're behind and I believe they know they're desperate they know they're in trouble and so
they're trying to overthrow them.
They're trying to kill him.
They're saying they're going to use the military to take him out.
I think waiting is not smart.
I think he should decisively destroy them right now.
Absolutely 100% correct.
Look at the paradigm that we have now, which is pretty amazing.
You've got Harvey Weinstein is in jail.
You've got Keith Raniere, who is in jail.
You've got Ghislaine Maxwell, who's in jail.
We had Jeffrey Epstein.
We didn't see it coming that they were going to kill him.
I didn't kill himself, that's for sure. And you know what?
We've got these NXIVM people who are still out there. We've got tons of NXIVM witnesses. We have a lot of different
people who can talk. And we're unraveling this network. And so it's basically an Agatha Christie novel right now, where
who's going to flip on who?
These people all know each other.
They all know what they've been up to.
We all know what they've been up to.
And so it's an amazing opportunity right now to really shift the balance of power in the whole world because these people haven't been in power for very long.
As I said before, Trump is old money.
He's an industrialist.
He doesn't like seeing his country get ruined and subverted by these criminals who just went on a criminal spree.
Everything Trump does is about service economy, which is a human economy.
He's pro-human.
That's right.
He's a humanist.
Absolutely right.
And we're going into a very sinister technocracy if these evil people, if these Satanists are allowed to stay in control.
We don't want that.
And so, you know, we're in a great situation right now where we have these people where we want them and we don't want them to get killed.
We want Ghislaine Maxwell to be alive.
We want Keith Raniere to be alive.
There's a reason why Keith Raniere's Sentencing has been indefinitely postponed.
There's a reason why they're pressuring Claire Bronfman, Sarah Bronfman.
And notice how they criticized Trump when he went to that church and said it was the worst thing ever.
No, he needs to fully embrace Christ and God and he will absolutely win and the country will save itself.
So they always attack what is most effective.
Trump needs to, whatever they're attacking, he needs to do that.
Yes, absolutely right.
Now, you mentioned the mask being similar to the burqa, and you have to understand that these globalists use Islam.
They manipulate Islam.
They went over there, and they had our troops, our heroes, who we admire and we respect.
They turned them against our own interests and they had them funding and arming and training the jihadist groups and building the ISIS network that now threatens us all over the globe because they wanted ISIS to be their private fighting force and they gave ISIS management of the Syrian oil wells.
Okay, there was never any nationalization of the oil wells during Bush and Cheney in
that region.
So ISIS got the oil wells, they were making a tremendous amount of money.
They kept it all off the books.
When Ambassador Stevens, you know, was going to blow the whistle on what was going on with
the gun running, all of a sudden Hillary Clinton posts his itinerary on her non-secure private
server and then, oh well, some of our jihadist friends got them.
I guess, you know, it was a spontaneous reaction to a YouTube video.
Well, who was overseeing Libya at the time?
Ghislaine Maxwell's nephew within Hillary Clinton's State Department and Sarah Bronfman and the Bronfman family.
All of these people are connected.
Everything horrible that has happened in the last 20 years or so is all connected to these people and now a lot of them are in jail.
And there's also civil war inside Israel.
And I'm not saying Netanyahu's perfect, but clearly the Rothschilds own and run the economists.
They hate Netanyahu worse than they hate Trump.
What's the split there?
Well, you know, Netanyahu supports Trump and, you know, it's, again, it's, you know, there will be people who say, if you point out the Mossad connections to these people, that's somehow anti-Semitic and we have to get out of that.
It's not anti-Semitic.
I'm an Irish guy.
You think I'm going around saying I'm offended if people criticize John Brennan or James Comey?
The intel agencies don't even represent the countries that they're affiliated with anymore.
Well, that's why I was asking the question, not even to defend Israel.
Israel's just a group like the U.S., a bunch of factions.
What I'm saying is it was Omer and other Israeli prime ministers that were there secretly visiting Epstein, obviously running him.
So I was just pointing out there's different factions over there and I wanted to get your take on this particular faction.
Because Bill Gates, we know, is in this faction and was using these networks and he was, you know, controlling Epstein to a great extent to blackmail people and get the scientific elites corrupted.
Well, you know, it's not about ethnicity.
It really is a group of people who... About power?
Yeah, but it's a group of people who believe they're descended from the Nephilim bloodlines, from the fallen angels.
Regardless of whether or not there's any truth to this, this is the network that's been built.
And you have all kinds of different people... Now you're getting at it.
This is a Merovingian cult that they are the god creatures.
Explain this.
And some of them actually think that they are reincarnated Egyptian gods.
You see all this Egyptian symbology.
If you look at what Jay-Z, Beyonce, is now doing this new video, Black is King.
All of this is a cultism.
It's tied to Freemasonry.
It's tied to the Illuminati.
But it all operates sort of together.
There are different covens.
There are different orders of this.
And by the way, that's in all of the WikiLeaks.
This is real stuff about, oh, we need you to do a ritual, an Alistair Collier ritual right now.
I'm sick.
I mean, these people are really a joke.
Yep, and you see the black and white Masonic tiles in every single music video.
This is real stuff.
Now, regardless of whether or not you believe in the supernatural aspect of Lucifer himself, and you know what?
It would make a lot of sense if there was an archangel manipulating all of the minds of these people.
Regardless, they believe that they're serving him.
That's what the child sacrifice is about.
That's what all their symbology is about, and it's all about subverting the Bible.
They're not atheists.
If they were atheists, they wouldn't care about the Bible.
They spend their whole lives like Madonna, mocking the Bible, mocking Christian symbology.
It's all classic black magic rituals.
In closing, you've been a journalist for a long time.
When in your research did you get to the bottom of the rabbit hole at being good versus evil?
Well, I probably started figuring this out about five years ago.
And you know what?
Donald Trump was instrumental in helping me get there.
I don't want to pretend like I'm really good friends with him, but he, as I said, he was an informant against Epstein.
He's somebody who knows what the power structure is, and he wants to take this stuff down.
And there are a lot of good people who want to take this stuff down.
But ultimately, it's up to citizen journalists, truth tellers on the outside to use as much power as we can.
In order to get these people, because there's still a ton of corruption inside the government.
That's right, and it's good to see that Trump's getting control of Q again.
For a while it was taken away by the bad guys.
Someday I'll expose the whole thing in a good way.
Patrick Howley, Howley Reporter on Twitter.
Great job, amazing.
Over there at National Falls, say hi to Tom Papert for me.
I'm gonna get you back very, very soon.
Coming up, the Google whistleblower.
Thank you so much, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
The good news is Walmart Home Depot now say they don't have to wear masks.
People are getting pissed and resisting it.
Good news.
That's on Infowars.com.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Well, Greg Coppola is one of the biggest Google whistleblowers so far to go public.
He committed horrible thought crime when he said that they had a political bias.
He said the sky again was blue and that fish swim in the ocean.
Thinkdifferentagain.art and revelations.live.
And he's launched a new social network.
Deep Revelations is the first independent social network to use the advanced machine learning to compete.
On even technology terms with the big players.
So a lot of exciting things going on out there.
And they were supposedly today going to have the big tech leaders.
The guys that run our lives, Sundar Pichai, Tim Cook, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg.
They were going to be meeting in DC.
And I told my crew, I said, man, we're not going.
They're going to cancel it a couple of times to throw off anybody trying to go cover it.
And then I said, I bet one of them shows up.
But, because they all coordinate.
But I bet that the others are all virtual.
Because they hate it when I go up there and confront them and others do.
That's why they also want this whole virtual system so you're locked down again and leave your house.
So they can be up on their Mount Olympus, their Elysium fields and we're just down here little slaves.
And they're all globalists, they all help have Chinese slave labor, they all help the Chinese death camps.
But the two worst ones are Sundar Pichai, who's a puppet of The former head of Alphabet, Schmidt.
And then, of course, you've got Tim Cook up there, who's just an absolute monster.
But these individuals, again, have set up Monopoly Trust.
They're working in coordination, and they're helping China run death camps.
So never wonder what they'll do to you if they have their way.
These people are completely selfish, completely out of control.
So Greg joins us.
He is an experienced software engineer and founder of Think Different Again, a dramatic Start up the social media space.
Greg has made headlines again in 2019 with a senior software engineer at Google who had been placed on administrative leave for 24 hours after publicly suggesting the company is politically biased.
This is not even allowed to have speech.
Greg Coppola went on to expose Google's dishonest methods and practices among them, which are political bias, boosting and de-boosting search results from civic websites, perjury of Google CEO Sundar Pichai to Congress, and other questionable company processes.
So he joins us now.
Thanks for coming on.
What do you want to tackle first?
Hey Alex, yeah, so basically, yeah, I've been working on a startup for almost a year now, so that's really what I'm focused on, I guess, is the future and, well, yeah, I've thought very deeply about the problem.
I mean, I think there's, I think it's important to have an ensemble of approaches, you know, public and private.
I think we need a fair environment to compete, similar to how, say, basketball teams are provided a fair environment to compete by the NBA, but they're not told how to play by the NBA.
For example, Michael Jordan is someone that Joe Rogan holds up as this, you know, real intense genius who was able to transcend what was previously possible, you know, and play basketball better than anyone really had.
And that comes from his own internal passion.
That can't be regulated.
But what they do need to do, you know, like in basketball, is make sure nobody's showing up with a bat and just breaking kneecaps before the game.
That's destructive competitiveness rather than constructive competitiveness.
But I think, you know, so I've really been focusing on what can we do from the private sector?
What can we do from a technological perspective?
Because that's the most thing that's under my control.
And I think there's a lot of optimism.
Like I said, I just launched my my first social network.
It's kind of like an advanced version of Reddit.
It's like Reddit driven by deep learning.
There's no one really on it yet, but it's You know, it's all set up and ready to go, these deep learning algorithms.
It's like, once you start putting the data in there, that's when they start to go.
Got it.
So, it's a field of dreams.
People come, it'll be there, it'll manifest.
People should do that.
I know I'm going to try to get involved, but pulling back since you were here with us last year.
Obviously Google now, everybody knows, is controlling things.
Big Tech is openly doing it.
Twitter is openly doing it.
They're openly meddling in the election.
What do you think Congress should do?
What do you think the President should do?
Should they just sit back and let Big Tech become bigger and more powerful than the government and the country and then take over the planet and merge with the CHICOMs?
Well, it certainly does take time to produce software.
That's one thing that has to be recognized.
It's the so-called minimum irreducible number of errors.
You can't speed things up beyond a certain point.
There's a certain amount of error that goes into tinkering.
So it does take time to stand up new services.
And for a near-term emergency measures, I'm not sure if there's a government will to do
Maybe that would be necessary.
The one thing that struck me, I was recently reviewing Sundar Pichai's testimony to Congress,
and it did sort of strike me as though it's not clear when they ask him, "Are you guys
Are they asking him to define what bias is, or does the government know what bias is?
I mean, I know how I would define bias in terms of, like, the same conditions that you would run a t-test for in undergrad psychology.
Exactly, what you said is it's all lawyering, and it's all subjective, and it's all how they define things, and that's how they tell these whopper of lies.
And so we need to have real definitions.
Yeah, well normally that's, you know, when someone's on trial, they're not being asked the meaning of the words and whether or not they've done something.
They're just being asked whether or not they've done something according to fixed meanings of the words.
And maybe that's one of the things right now, is there's not clarity on what bias is.
And if government is having a hard time defining statistical bias, then that's one more argument of why They shouldn't be doing too much other than creating a level playing field because, you know, people are just thinking a lot faster in the private sector than in the public sector.
Well, that's the big one, is you've got the big banks behind all this, blocking startups, trying to take down Gab, trying to take us down, giving us a hate rating when I have perfect credit, so we lose merchant accounts.
I mean, this is stuff like the Nazis did to the Jews, taking their bank accounts away or their right to, you know, have a shop or a storefront.
Is that big tech and Twitter buying up all the digital currency and all the online banking systems.
They're creating monopolies and with their cancel culture now in the third dimension even trying to stop people's speech.
I mean this is an authoritarian combine leveraging its power and you've got the aged lawyers who all are delusional up there on Capitol Hill who have no idea what they've just been hit by.
I mean the separation between Montezuma and the Aztecs and the Conquistadors was very close compared to this giant gulf of these old stupid lawyers that have no idea that AI is taking over the whole planet and merged with the Chicoms.
Yeah, I mean, I think one of the most concrete things they could do, positive actions, would be to make sure we all have access to the same supply chains, the same Um, computational resources that we all we're not losing our dot com.
We're not being banned off the App Store.
We're not being having any of these things removed.
I think we can't get into the game of, you know, like if they take our electricity away, then we have to build the electricity company.
And then when it comes down to banks, you know, banking is regulated in and of itself.
Like, we weren't allowed to start crypto banks because that's regulated.
So then for people to get kicked off of banking systems, you know, that shouldn't be allowed, I think.
But Gab is a great example because, you know, it's like Gab has an information retrieval product, Google has an information retrieval product, but Google also has the App Store.
And then one day Google told Gab, well, you're not allowed to be on the App Store.
And at that time, the App Store was required for being considered professional.
You know, and I think at that time Gab was not the most advanced software, but same thing with, you know, when Larry Page started, like, he didn't write the best software himself, he just proved the concept, and then he had some of these classic all-star engineers join the team.
Well, that's it.
Look, Big Tech doesn't just buy up thousands of competiting companies, they shut them down and block them off of their monopolies, which is un-American, dangerous, and criminal.
Yeah, and also with respect to Gab, I'm also releasing the source code of my social network, and my main thing is I want to teach based on this social network.
I recently took Brian Rose's Business Accelerator class.
And I saw people selling all these different kind of digital products.
And Kevin O'Leary says he also sees this digital America emerging.
I think this is the beginning of Web 3.0, if we can push it through.
And it's going to be more.
My vision is more horizontal integration, smaller companies with less hierarchical depth competing and cooperating within an ecosystem of platforms that are More fair and more distributed.
So instead of vertical integration, horizontal integration which will create real diversity in Web 3.0.
So you believe their attempt at censorship is going to force the new renaissance?
Well, I think there are three technological disruptive forces that are pushing things towards smaller companies.
And maybe this is one reason why there's so much anti-competitive.
Maybe they acknowledge, maybe they see the writing on the wall that, like when, you know, the mainframe... Hold on!
This is so key what you're saying.
Their old order, their old system is coming down, and all of this is an attempt to scare us and put us back into a dark age.
But nothing...
When I grow up, I want to see humanity go interplanetary, interdimensional.
I want to see us build a pro-human universe.
So we're on the verge of some really incredible things if people take action.
I agree with Greg Coppola, thinkdifferentagain.art.
Stay with us.
When I grow up, I want to see humanity go interplanetary, interdimensional.
I want to see us build a pro-human universe.
But we're going to have to fight for it.
We now take you live to the front lines of the information war with Greg Coppola of thinkdifferentagain.art
and revelations.live Well, let's hear the liner.
It's pretty good right here.
Alright Greg, really exciting that you've launched revelations.live and we're excited
I want you to get some into that, but get back into this, not vertical integration, but horizontal integration and the chance if people start supporting other platforms to really take the power away from big tech, just like our ancestors, you know, left countries that weren't as free.
Or places that weren't as free to try to build something that was freer, doesn't mean we didn't bring the problems with us, didn't mean that we created a utopia, but it did create something better.
And so that process is happening now.
Let's talk about it.
Well, I've been like studying a variety of different topics.
And I think, you know, one interesting thing is that the Amazon assistant has a lot more Market share than the Google assistant and it's interesting because Amazon even tried to do less of a vertically integrated product than Google which is to say that they tried to have more of a platform that farms out the work to other people than Google's I think approach was more like we're very smart we have a lot of expertise in-house let's try to do most of the stuff in-house and I would say that Amazon has worked better and I think internally the reasons for this are they've actually
I've been known since really the 1970s.
I think there was a book called The Mythical Man-Month, which is called The Bible of Software Engineering, and it was written in 1975 by Frederick Brooks.
And I've been reviewing Brooks books back till then to kind of understand what's going on.
And it starts with the assumption that I've noticed that Google Assistant language understanding isn't Really any better in 2020 than it was in 2012.
So I would contend there's been eight years of stagnation there.
And as I reflected on the experience, I started to look back in history for what might be known about Software teams and we find that like software teams have a difficulty in growing because of the communication costs are so high and cost a lot to onboard somebody and then it costs a lot to keep them in the loop.
So the original way this manifested was that they noticed that when you add new engineers to a late project that we usually just make it later.
And that's because it costs so much communication to bring them on board.
If they can't contribute, you've actually just, you've lost rather than gained by having more people.
And, you know, a corollary for this is that companies can really only grow to a certain size before, like, there's just too much time wasted on communication.
And this is something Steve Jobs really understood.
He's an engineering hero of mine.
I mean, obviously we all have many sides to us, but he's an engineering hero of mine.
For sure, and he would always cite this book called The Mythical Man-Month.
Now, I have this quip in my mind that maybe Google threw out all their copies because it had the word man in it.
And then they forgot the last one.
Yeah, that's the whole attack on humanity itself.
Please continue.
Well, it is interesting to think though, once upon a time they had the word manpower because if you really, let's say you had lumberjacks chopping down the forest, that was The Lumberjacks really were the manpower, whereas now the engineers are programming the computers.
So it's almost like even, yeah, there it is, that, you know, even an entry level, even a child who's just learned to use a computer is almost like a manager of people chopping wood.
Or, like, if you think about a construction site, you know, no one ever walks off the ground floor of a construction site and then starts their own construction site.
But tech is very different.
So there's a number of reasons for that.
But tech really does favor, I think, I wouldn't say single people in their garage, but there's, you know, even in 1975, they were already asking, well, if all the new products really start in garages.
Like Hewlett Packard did in 1939.
That was the first garage that started the whole thing.
And you really hit on something here.
They want AI to take over because these big centralized things like Yahoo or others start declining.
So they keep imagining some mythic AI that they program that will consolidate it and run it all for them.
But then it goes back to social control wanting us to behave a certain way so the AI can control us.
So it's really kind of an oxymoron.
Yeah, I don't think there's been much technological advancement in the last decade, and this is something Peter Thiel, who's one of my favorite software philosophers, he brings up.
He distinguishes two axes of development, what he calls technology on the vertical axis, and he says globalization on the x-axis.
Technology means that you learn to do something that you've never been able to do before, and globalization means you just take that and you port it somewhere else.
So like the first time the television was invented, that's technology.
The first time it was made in Japan, that's globalization.
I would generalize that to say there's Sure, and I don't think we want global adoption of centralized AI systems.
That's the goal.
That will kill innovation from the beginning.
I mean, it's one thing if people want to adopt something and adopt something better later, but this globalist system wants to make global adoption forced and then make it basically be a separated civilization.
I mean, yeah, I don't know what to say about that.
But I do think that there's a certain level at which vertical integration doesn't work.
Because, like, imagine, like, what most people would say about the Google Assistant is that they have very good speech recognition, but they don't have very good language understanding.
And so there's no way, like, for the speech recognition to sort of be reused if You know, if you have 10 different projects and one is failing, that could lead to the failure of all of them.
Sure, what I'm talking about is with a global social score, forced adoption of certain systems over others.
Fundamentally, the modern globalist system actually doesn't want to have classical globalization or adoption because something works and is superior.
They want to force tyranny through the very architecture of it, is what I'm saying.
Well, I think I see it as, yeah, I mean, just I see it mostly manifesting as just attacks on the supply chain, including the rule of law.
I mean, that's part of the supply chain normally of starting a new business.
You know, being able to go to like a city like LA or New York or San Francisco, you know, I mean, it's, you know, and travel around safely.
You know, just we have so much of the normal supply chain is not there.
If we had the full supply chain, we could easily start.
That's what I'm saying is and big tech, the way it's set up is dissolving the regular supply chains and consolidating power.
And if we have everybody working from home, then that's not going to build the infrastructure anymore.
Complex infrastructures build complex infrastructures.
You, quote, simplify infrastructures and say you're trying to cut the carbon of a carbon-based planet, you're actually destroying the infrastructure and creating a new dark age, which is the Club of Rome plan.
So I'm projecting the political desires of the establishment rulers onto what you mathematically are looking at as an equation.
And I'm saying the two things are different.
That make sense?
Yeah, I don't know.
Yeah, I mean, I'm not really here to ascribe motivations, but I do think that there's a limit to how much vertical integration can work.
I mean, otherwise, like, You know, like, in 2012, you know, on the Google Assistant, you could set an alarm.
And today, you can set an alarm.
And that's, you know, not what's happened in the meantime.
Like, in eight years, you know, and like, how long are we going to go without any?
The real innovation is social control with the tracking.
I mean, all the real innovation is, we've got the Trojan horse, but the soldiers, they're loading into it to enslave us.
They're getting more powerful.
Well, but that's not even really new technology, that's old technology just used in another way, so that's... No, but I'm saying they're rolling out the predatory angles of it now.
We're accepting the bad, oppressive, classical tyrannies that these things deliver to us.
Yeah, I don't know.
There's very little interest in, like, freedom.
I mean, I'm in Canada.
You know, there's been a big change in the culture from when I was young when we were sort of in charge to, like, now it's more like the government's in charge.
There's just a different culture of, like... A technocracy!
That's what I'm talking about.
So how do you deal with a technocracy that doesn't want innovation, that doesn't want freedom, that wants stagnation, and wants a public taught to just go play video games?
I think, yeah, we are at a decision point.
I mean, if we could choose stagnation, it might not, you know, like people have forgotten the classic lessons of software engineering, I think, in my generation.
And like, if they're not remembered, you know, I'm not even sure who's going to build, I'm not sure really what the end game is.
Like my thesis is like, okay, so Mark Zuckerberg made Facebook at like 18 or whatever.
Shouldn't we have many 18 year olds who are ready to just bursting out and making their own companies, even just trying?
I mean, they must be at home, right?
Or they must be in the dorm room.
What's really stopping them unless there's just something like, you know, we're lowering our capabilities just overall at the adult level and at the child level.
And that's why we, you know, where are the 18 year olds that are making their own products?
Well, that's it.
You're using technology to build things.
They're using it to beat themselves over the head where we do all these micro decisions all day that don't matter.
And the technology is designed, as Sean Parker said, to exploit our weaknesses and take over our lives and make us miserable.
Yeah, we should really, you know, I mean, I often say we don't want to stagnate and people might be thinking like, well, I mean, everything's moving so fast right now.
I kind of want to break.
But stagnation doesn't mean like that you're hanging out at the lake.
Stagnation can manifest itself as just a lot of churn.
And and for kids, I mean, like we grew up in a I'm more or less the same age as Mark Zuckerberg, and we grew up in a great age because we had like You know, in the 90s, let's say, like, I was on DOS computers.
They were very simple.
I could understand what the program was doing.
I could write those programs myself.
I used to do that.
You had the old world and the new world, but you got to see behind the curtain.
Yeah, it's very interesting, and I think, like, with the kids today, like, their phones can do so much, and then the control, like, interface they have on their phone is so weak that there's, like, it must seem like just complete magic what's happening, and, you know, maybe we're not going to get engineers, like, Exactly.
They're accepting it just as something that's there, like a lake they're going to go swimming in.
They're not thinking about what goes into the lake.
And so they're becoming cogs of the machine itself, not users of the machine.
Let's talk about the launch of this new social network, revelations.live, and I've got big breaking news.
Stay with us.
Greg Coppola is our guest.
Got a lot of courage, left Google, exposed their corruption, and he's fighting back with Think Different, again, .art, and revelations.live.
And how do people get involved?
How does it work?
Looks pretty exciting.
How do I get signed up at revelations.live?
Well, it looks to be, yeah, the website seems to be standing up, and if you go to revelations.live, you can put your email in there, and then I will Uh, I will be inviting people to join the first version of the network and then we'll get a few people in there and then eventually I'll let other people invite.
So you're in beta right now and you're kind of launching it right now?
Yeah, exactly.
Basically, we're kind of just, uh, just starting up and, um, so there's a few, there's, there's, there's a bunch of things going on with this website.
So first of all, there's the website itself.
It's going to be great.
It's going to be like an advanced version of Reddit.
It's not going to suffer from the brigading problem.
We can get into that another time.
You're not going to take 300 million from the Chinese government?
That's right, and it's also going to be managed in the West, rather than in China.
Reddit is just adding 1's and 0's, and 1's and minus 1's.
That's like antiquated stuff.
It's going to be blown away.
It's using neural nets.
We're going to represent you as a number in a multi-dimensional space.
If you don't know about neural nets, then this is going to be a good way for you to learn about them.
And then on top of that, what I'm doing is I'm giving away the code, and I want to sell courses on the back of that.
There's this whole zoomification, online-ification going on of education.
A lot of people are saying they want more capacity.
Even Eric Schmidt is building a parallel university to Stanford and MIT.
I think a lot of people see that if you go through all the way up to high school, and then you go through undergrad, if you're on an antiquated program, you know, then you're still going to have to learn machine learning at the end, so you'll have to do another program at the end of that to learn the modern technologies.
I think we can just start with kids, teaching them straight in the line, like, look how to maintain this social network, and then you'll learn about databases, you'll learn about networks, you'll learn about user interface.
At the final point, you'll learn about deep learning.
And that's the modern stack.
Software engineering really has changed so much, and I've just spent the past year really modernizing my skills.
So my model is really, I want to teach people.
So you can use this network.
It's going to be cool.
You can download the network.
You can try it.
So there's all these different related enterprises that are going on.
But to start with, go to revelations.live and put your email in.
It asks for your name and some interests just so that we can tell the bots from the non-bots.
And then we'll get those emails.
From there, we can go with the email list.
Uh, even email incidentally can be blocked.
You know, email is another point of failure because of the spam detection.
But if we create an email list, we should be able to go from there.
All right, well, I'm going to try to get my guys to sign up with you.
Maybe you can help us along, because we like to be one of the first groups when you actually launch the platform, because we really need to understand that it's been social engineering.
So many people two years ago, when we got totally banned, said, hey, we really like you, but we're not going to have you on our interview.
We don't want to get banned next.
And I'd say, you'll be banned within six months.
They called.
Did you talk to an insider?
I said, no, they want to get you, too.
And they're going to get everybody.
So they do it incrementally so that the crowd of sheep still don't stand up.
And so by the time they get them, the next group doesn't stand up, the next group.
And so first it's the nationalists and the conservatives and the Christians, then the patriots, then the populists, and then the, you know, the classical liberals.
And now it's just a total takeover and people need to stand up against it in general and stop living on their knees.
Yeah, I mean, um, like...
You know, I sort of spoke out last year because I did kind of feel like if I waited until this year, I would just be lost in the noise, which is true.
And then the good side effect from that, which seemed like a principled stand at the time, was like I found a new way of life now.
Otherwise, I would have still been in Midtown Manhattan dealing with the crime there.
And, you know, I would have been trapped in my small apartment.
And now I've got to say, I mean, you looked really nervous and unhappy and unhealthy when you were on this last year.
I'm like, is this a new guy?
You look like you look healthy.
You look happy.
You look like a new person.
Yeah, I'm a lot happier.
I was really depressed.
Well, that's why I had to shake things up last year.
But yeah, I'm much happier.
I'm like living on the west coast of Canada now.
That's the crazy thing.
Every time I make the right decision against the enemy, my life just gets better too.
But people that serve it are just so committed to it.
They get more and more unhappy.
They want to pull us down.
It's not going to happen.
I'm very excited about revelations.live.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you so much.
Hey, thanks for having me.
All right, wait till you hear this latest COVID-19 news.
I've been holding back on this.
It just went on Infowars.com.
We'll tell you about it when we come back.
Wait till you hear this.
It is unbelievable.
You think they're creating fake COVID numbers?
Wait till you hear this one.
Ha ha ha!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
And you tend to live a lot better life if you resist them as well.
So why not do the right thing?
God just wants us to win.
But you gotta have courage.
It's all God wants.
God hates cowards.
Never forget that and never forget what the ancient Greeks said, and I think Zapata put it in a quick quote, but it's true.
It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees as a slave.
Because the coward does, really, die a thousand deaths.
But those that aren't cowards only taste of death once.
All right, my friends.
Here is the good news, the bad news, the crazy news.
This is from gates.house.gov.
They're having the hearings.
Congressman Matt Gaetz files criminal referral against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
To the Justice Department.
And he goes on to say that Zuckerberg testified that they do not blacklist anybody, they do not penalize conservatives, despite they've got all the undercover footage Project Veritas got.
And then you have the leaked emails where they were banning me and where they talk about how to set me up.
And how they're going after conservatives and pro-Trump people.
I mean, they lie to Congress.
Roger Stone got charged with that, convicted of that, and he didn't even do that.
He said, no, I've not spoken to Julian Assange.
Later he's like, yes, I've got intermediaries.
The Hillary dump will be big.
He had a guy talking to them.
They're going, yeah, it's about Hillary.
Assange had already said that.
You could watch Hannity and know that when Assange was on with it.
The only thing Roger's guilty of is hype.
And boy, were we hyping up those WikiLeaks, and they were dynamite, weren't they?
I know I did be devil worship and pedophilia in there.
I knew they were into that, but you need to go read it.
It's going up at Infowars.com right now.
We'll also post it at Newswars.com, but he lays it all out and how they lied and what they did.
And here's the letter to the attorney general.
And I've already sent letters to the President.
I've had law firms write up how they're lying to Congress, how they're all doing it.
I've done it again.
And again, I don't do that because I'm the smartest.
I have all the answers.
I'm not going to sit here while these globalists take over and run death camps in China and set those up for us and watch them lie to everybody.
I went and confronted Sundar.
I went and confronted Jack Dorsey, who then banned me off Twitter that same day.
And I went and confronted them over and over again because I'm going to do it.
And it's not because I'm a hero.
They're enslaving me.
They are metaphysically pissing on me, punching me, stabbing me, and you, and I will not lay down and I will not take it.
And if Bill Gates comes out with his vaccines, and they start pressuring people to take them, people die from it.
There comes a point that we have to start discussing what we're going to do when we're being physically attacked.
And I say that because that's what you're supposed to do when you're a man.
They're already launched violence against us everywhere.
They're already shooting people every day at random communist checkpoints and the media is calling it wonderful.
Well, I don't want to go kill stupid meth-head communists in the street.
They always call Antifa meth-head.
You look at the guy that got killed in Austin, his eyes were total pupils.
I've been around them, that's who they are.
They're usually about 22 a meth-head into devil worship.
I mean, dog feces is lower than these people.
I don't want to kill them.
I don't want a physical war.
That's why I tell everybody, they kick off a real war and start killing our leaders?
And the FBI sits there while they burn down courthouses and all this stuff?
Don't go during a civil war downtown and fight commies.
Remember who the generals are, and I don't mean military generals, I mean remember who captains these operations.
Because when they make their move, this is just the cover to make it look grassroots.
There they are shooting their high-powered lasers.
You can buy a laser for like 200 bucks, it'll burn somebody's eye out.
I bought a few of these just to test them years ago, I didn't believe it.
If you bought a $100 laser, you can shoot at a matchstick and it ignites in like two seconds.
We've got blue and green lasers, and there they are just shooting them in the face for 30 minutes or so.
And of course, these guys are blind now.
They open their eyes up and everything's blurred because it burned out the rods and the cones in their eye.
But oh, they're peaceful.
So all I'm saying is I'm not going to sit here and take crap like this.
You know, that woman attacked that family with their children at a picnic table for pulling their mask off in San Diego, and I'm sorry.
I body slammed that lady.
I don't care.
I'm not putting up with being assaulted.
That's disgusting.
These people are out of control and they're activating all their liberal death lovers to come out and attack us.
Now here's the big whopper, ladies and gentlemen.
Tricare wrongly tells more than 600,000 military members they had coronavirus.
And I read through this.
It's linking back to a database.
They're claiming it's a glitch.
No, this is how they're putting record numbers and spiking.
It's all fraud.
They admit it's all fraud.
They told 600,000 people in the military that they had it, and that's how they announced last week a doubling in the military and a total pandemic and all this crap.
It's all fake statistics, that story.
He's up on Infowars.com.
You know, you talk about disgusting video.
Police raid New Jersey gym.
Arrest owners for violating Governor Murphy's shutdown order so Walmart can be open.
And Antifa can riot, and Black Lives Matter can attack people, but you can't open your little gym.
You've got to go bankrupt, even though you can't get the stimulus money.
And here come the goon police that'll roll over and piss themselves to Antifa, but they can sure arrest a gym owner.
And there's the gym owner wearing his stupid mask.
I mean, this is all tyranny.
These are shameful police, and that governor is a shameful sack of garbage.
Go ahead and roll the video.
Atlas Gym.
Little bitty private gym.
And here they are.
Oh, you're opening up in the morning.
Hear the birds tweeting?
Nobody's allowed to come work out here in the morning.
We're your boss.
We're your king.
We're your god.
1.4 million died of tuberculosis last year.
They bring in the illegal aliens with it.
Put them in school with your kids.
Don't even test them.
And they die.
They die for real.
But this is the virtue signaling cops who they put in charge that will stand down while America burns.
Meanwhile, on Infowars.com, Walmart, Home Depot and others, reverse policy.
We'll allow unmasked shoppers.
That's because the federal and state laws have to have loopholes for people that have anxiety issues or who have oxygen problems or asthma.
Because they know about the lawsuits now.
And so that's why you tell people, I don't need to wear a mask.
I have anxiety.
And then you can explain it's a fraud to them.
And when somebody comes up and threatens you, that's their problem.
But see, they're getting sued now.
And so they understand.
Push back!
I was in Florida.
I went to grocery stores twice.
People would come up and say, wear your mask.
And I'd say, you know, they said 2.5 million would die and only 150,000.
Oh, you watch Fox News!
Another guy said, walked up to me and said, you better wear your mask.
And I said, you better get statistics.
He goes, huh?
And then I'm walking outside at a gas station in Florida.
I'm going to tell this story.
I haven't told this story yet.
And I'm sitting there.
This is last week.
And this woman walks over.
And she says, wear your mask.
And I looked at her and she said, why aren't you wearing your mask?
And I said, nothing.
And she looked at me and she said, oh, you have nothing to say.
You can't defend yourself.
And I said, no, I don't believe in cruelty to animals.
Just came to me and she said, oh, you think I'm a bitch?
And I said, no.
You're a sheep.
I don't think up this stuff.
It just comes to me sometimes, you know?
Because usually I'd shoot my mouth off instantly, but I was sitting there in the morning, I was gassing the car up, and we were going to drive up to the Everglades and some of these natural pools, and I was drinking a coffee, and I just was kind of like, what is this woman yelling at me for?
And I just kind of looked at her, and I just said, I don't believe in cruelty to animals.
And she said, what?
I'm a bitch?
No, you're a sheep and she went and just walked off Because they want that authority to be they're the good guy.
You're the bad guy.
Hey Everybody loves him.
He's coming up right now.
The one, the only Trends Forecaster, Gerald Celente.
Don't forget, the free shipping ends this Friday.
It will end.
And the store-wide 50% off.
A lot of stuff's selling out, like bodies and X3 and all the rest of it.
So get yours at InfoWarsTore.com.
I want to thank you all for your support.
And we have the new activated charcoal with no additives and all these great essential oils.
Toothpaste and mouthwash at InfoWarsTore.com.
We're really proud of it.
And I don't have a jacket on today.
It's hot up here in Kingstown.
And I don't like air conditioning.
I can't stand this stuff.
that we're not making money right now, that the sales got to end.
So I want to thank you all for your support.
Get some t-shirts while you're on the site too, and exercise your free speech in the third dimension.
Gerald Salente is taking over.
Hello, hello, hello.
Great being on the Alex Jones Show.
I don't have a jacket on today.
It's hot up here in Kingstown.
And I don't like air conditioning.
I can't stand this stuff.
So anyway, thanks for having me on.
And it's a big day today, but not for people who listen to InfoWars.
It's old news.
Hey, you see gold?
Bop, bada, bop, bop.
New highs.
That's right.
Hey, how about that silver spiking?
No surprise.
No surprise.
We called it.
We called it perfectly.
You go back to your Trends Journal.
Trend alert!
Trend alert!
June, what was it?
6th, 2019.
The Gold Bull Run has begun!
Gold was $1,332 an ounce.
And now it's headed to a $2,000 an ounce.
Gold was $1,332 an ounce.
And now it's headed to a $2,000 an ounce.
Silver, go back to your Trends Journal mid-June of this year.
Gold was floating around $17.50.
And now it's shooting up into those high 20s.
We said silver was going to take off an increase at a more rapid rate than gold.
It's going to particularly spike, we wrote, When gold goes over $2,000 an ounce.
The reason it's going up is very simple.
The global economy has crashed.
The only people that don't know it are the people that Listen to prostitutes on the mainstream media.
Go back to when they started locking down everywhere.
This is what all those little low-life liberals said.
Oh, it'll come back.
Oh, it'll come back.
It's not coming back.
It's gone.
It's over.
Oh, wait till we get a vaccination, then I'll come back.
That's the line they're putting out now.
The global economy has crashed.
Gold and silver are spiking because of all the digital trash, backed by nothing and printed on nothing, that the central banksters are pumping into the system to artificially prop it up.
End of story.
One central bank after another.
And then the governments.
Oh, they were talking at the beginning of this year.
You know, we may see a deficit of a trillion dollars this year.
How much is it going to go up now?
Oh, maybe four trillion.
This is all fake money.
And as we've been saying, they're going to come out with a new currency.
And now even in a new Trends Journal that will be coming out tomorrow, it's a weekly, Greg Manarino, Gregory Manarino, is writing about it.
The Fed's going to do it as well.
They're crashing currencies.
So between the fiscal, which means governments pumping fake money in and building up debt, the fiscal money being pumped in, and the Zuckerberg Digital trash backed by nothing and printed on nothing being printed.
Gold and silver are going to spike is my forecast.
And I do not give financial advice.
A motto of the Trends Journal is think for yourself.
I will put my track record up against calling this against anybody in the business.
Yeah, a lot of people have been saying was going to go up.
We gave the precise dates.
The precise dates.
Silver is up some 35% since I called it in June.
Gold, forget about it.
Again, $1,332 an ounce when I said it.
$1,332 an ounce when I said it.
Today we're floating in the mid 1900s.
Get ready.
We are living in it.
The greatest depression.
Look at all the violence going on around the world beyond what's beyond the protests in Portland and in Seattle and in DC.
It's all over the world.
This thing is unfolding.
People are losing everything.
And you know what I say, when people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
Which is why we also have Bradley Steiner, one of America's top close combat and survivalist experts, now writing each week in the Trends Journal, Survivalism.
And you're on InfoWars.
You're getting the products that you need to prepare for this.
Remember when they used to make fun of us?
Us people that prepared for the worst?
Look at what the little sadomasochists do.
You know, masochists.
When things got bad, what did they do back in February and early March?
You know how they prepared?
I'm not making this up.
They ran out and bought toilet paper.
Or as we'd say in the Bronx, toilet paper.
And by the way, Brad Stein is a Bronx cat too.
We got a different attitude than a lot of people around.
Yes, yes, yes.
Because if you don't fight for your freedom, you just could be nothing but a little boy or girl in Slavelandia.
And that's what most of America's become.
When I held the rally to unite for peace and restore freedom, the Daily Freeman, the paper here, oh, the people take out after me.
Oh, they were waiting for a big spike in virus cases.
You know what they came out with yesterday, the paper?
The virus cases are down.
All these little gutless boys and girls, these imbecilic liberals, and they're not liberals.
They're Bolsheviks.
They're Soviets!
You don't want to do what we tell you to do?
Then you're no good!
You don't have a right to think for yourself!
All these little cowards that called me out for having a rally for peace and freedom, now they got locked you up.
Time to fight for your freedom.
Time to support InfoWars.
Time for you to become you.
We'll be right back.
Hello, hello!
Great being on the Alex Jones Show!
And remember, you got to take care of their Christmas in July sale.
It's extending throughout the end of the month.
Five days remaining, free shipping and double Patriot points, 50 to 60 percent off.
And this is again, it's being extended through the end of the month.
But remember, many of these products are selling out fast and then not going to be available much longer.
You got Bodies, 50% off.
It's selling out.
Living Defense Plus, 50% off.
Selling out.
Vaso Beat, 50% off.
Turbo Force, 50% off.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion, 50% off.
And again, these are all selling out.
Brain Force Plus, 50% off.
Survival Shield X2, Survival Shield X3.
Lung Cleanse Plus, 50% off.
All of these, 50% off.
Ultra 12.
DNA Force Plus.
Winter Sun Plus.
Chill Force, 50% off.
And my favorite, among many of them, Super, oh, Female Vitality.
Wait, wait a minute.
I don't want to get in trouble for saying that.
I'm in Super Male Vitality.
So they got Super Male Vitality, and I'd like to meet her as well.
And we got BioTrue Selenium.
ExtenderWise, 50% off.
Alexa Pure Breeze available for just $149.
And this is really important.
Really, really important.
Storable food, back in stock, and it's on short order.
Again, storable food, back in stock, on short order.
Again, this is what we're writing about in the Trends Journal.
You got it?
Look at gun sales.
Going up through the roof.
Smart people know what's happening here.
This thing's going down hard and fast.
Oh, it'll come back.
Oh, it'll come back.
Hey, it got sown.
It was going down before it's gonna come back.
You look at the GDP numbers coming out of Japan, out of Germany, out of Mexico in 2019.
They're in recession.
They're in negative GDP.
It was going down before this.
It was only being artificially propped up by the central banksters.
You better prepare for the worst.
That's why we're writing about survivalism in every issue of the Trends Journal and giving you all the facts that are going on as well.
Here, this is from today's Wall Street Journal.
Front page.
Developing nation debt threatens to tip into crisis.
All right?
It's one country after another.
The reason gold and silver prices are going up so sharply is because everything is going down so fast.
The debt levels... Back before this happened, they were estimated at $250 trillion.
China alone has about a $45 trillion debt level.
They're going to come out with new currencies.
People ask me, they say, Mr. Sollenti, you know, one time, The government confiscated our gold.
Will they do it again?
To which I say, hey Junior, grow up.
They did it back then, they'll do it again.
If we did it before, we could do it again, yeah.
My father, may his soul rest in peace, said to me, when I was a kid one time, he said, you know, he said, back during the Depression, Called in all the gold.
You said your grandfather had a lot of gold.
My grandfather is very patriotic.
May they all rest in peace.
You know, immigrant from Italy.
He's so proud of being American.
I wrote about it in my book when Zizi gave Honey Boy.
He was the first online to go voting when the polls opened up during election day.
So you said your grandfather, they said, you know, He said, they're calling all the gold.
My grandfather's packing up all the gold, gonna turn it into the bank.
He said, don't, don't, don't turn it in.
My grandfather said, how dare you say that?
He turned it all in.
They turned it all in for about $26 an ounce.
After they got it all back, Or they thought they did, the government.
They raised the price to $33 an ounce.
So they screw the people that they stole the money from.
So people ask me, should I keep it in a safe deposit box?
And I say to them, do what you want.
For me, I would keep it far, far away, so they can't get their hands on it, because that's what they're going to do.
Don't call me a conspiracy theorist, little Zucker, or little Googlets, or little Twitter nothings of that arrogant Dorsey boy, the little boy that folded the fastest.
Calling in all his little slaves under him to stay at home when the virus broke out.
Don't tell me I'm a conspiracy theorist!
Low-life little geeksters!
All you little freaksters!
It was FDR that called it all in.
Franklin Delano, let's go to war, Roosevelt!
Not a conspiracy.
It's a fact.
Just as they've robbed us of our rights right now.
They will rob us again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.
You can't go out.
Don't you know who I am?
I'm Andy Cuomo, the little arrogant boy born on Third Base and thought he had a home run.
You gotta stay in your house, you're getting locked down.
I'm that witless Whitmere.
I'm that Abbot of Abbot and Costello over there in, uh, Texas.
I'm Newsome Gruesome over there in California.
I'll tell you what to do, you little pieces of garbage crap!
workers of Slavelandia.
And you do what they tell you.
They will rob us of everything they can.
And they're doing it now.
Will they rob you of your gold and silver?
Of course they will.
Because the currency is worth nothing.
Hey, how come you don't have that picture of Cuomo over there with his mask below his chin?
And you could take that mask and you could shove it up your you-know-what.
Oh, there you go.
There's the other little lowlife.
Fauci the fraud!
Jaw, that's what Fauci means in Italian.
Fauci the low-life, disgusting fraud, as with all of them.
Oh, and then you want to read your Trends Journal about the ineffectiveness of masks and how the World Trade Organization, not World Trade, World Health Organization, WHO, TOO, whatever, CDC, Fauci the fraud, One after another, telling us not to wear the masks.
Also pointing out the dangers of them.
But now you gotta do it.
Gold and silver is the future as I see it.
And the motto of the Trends Journal is, think for yourself.
The numbers of deaths, hey, highest in New York, thanks to Killer Cuomo.
And all the liberals love him.
We'll be right back.
And it's great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And as I said, you better prepare to survive because this thing's going down fast and hard.
You look at gold.
I was just talking about what happened back in 1933.
Hey, what's gold selling out now?
now. Oh, 1933. So again, it was one thousand three
and out.
So I said, so what is that?
It's $600 an ounce higher than when I said to buy it.
I didn't say to buy it, I said it would go up.
Again, I don't give financial advice.
So, going back to some other trends.
Wear no mask, you're under attack.
This is from the new Trends Journal going out tomorrow.
Forget the scientific facts, as we have continually reported in the Trends Journal regarding the ineffectiveness and dangers of face mask wearing.
If you don't wear one because you believe the data, and think for yourself, you'll be attacked by politicians, the public, and the media.
This was the 22nd July headline in Newsweek, or as I would say more appropriately, Call it last week's because it's last week's news next week.
But here's the headline.
Narcissists and psychopaths are more likely to refuse to wear masks.
Isn't that something?
There you got it.
That's what they do.
That's the fear.
Forget what The New England Journal of Medicine said, forget what the World Health Organization said.
Forget what the Centers for Disease Control said.
Forget what all these other researchers have found.
We're going to sell our crap, which is fear.
And you're going to buy it.
Then there's another one.
This is from Alt-Net.
Put in Alt-Net, and what they say about Alt-Net is, where do I have it here?
I don't want to lose it.
Ah, here they are.
Alt-Net is a politically left-wing leaning website that was launched in 1998 by the non-profit now known as Independent Media Institute.
Either they're very stupid or they think everybody else is.
How could you have an independent media institute and admit that you're politically left-leaning website?
How could anybody that could think for themselves lean either politically left or politically right?
How about, oh, you gotta be politically correct.
How about no politics at all?
How about keeping politics out of this and thinking for yourself?
They wrote an article a few days ago that is one of the most disgusting pieces of crap that I have read in a long time.
The headline is, Here's Your Field Guide to Five Main Types Of pandemic deniers.
So in other words, if you could think for yourself and you're not a low life piece of slimy crap.
Oh, this came from Salon.
Salon, S-H-I, you know what?
Then you're a denier.
You can't think for yourself.
They went on to say.
The article written with total bias, as I write it, and demanding us to subjugate to a higher authorities is void of any scientific data, yet it begins with, quote, every day there is more data to prove the dangers of the coronavirus.
Yet, bizarrely, the more proof we have of the damage of the pandemic, The more vicious and hysterical its deniers.
They don't show one shred of proof.
Because it's salon!
Because they're left leaning!
We don't have to show you proof!
I could show you proof!
How about this proof that you could shove up you know what?
The toilet paper record, the New York Times, Reported, quote, the disturbingly large numbers of coronavirus cases reported each day since the pandemic exploded may in fact be low by a lot.
A study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, found that the number of infected people, quote, far exceeds the number of reported cases, end quote.
The study said that actual infection rates were up to 13 times higher.
This they buried in one little article.
I've mentioned this before.
So now let's put this together.
John Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center says some 4 million Americans have been infected with the virus.
However, we write if the CDC estimate of up to 13 times higher, that would bring it to... You ready?
52 million people Infected by the virus.
So, with 149,200 deaths, again we wrote this yesterday, in the U.S. the virus as of Sunday,
99.77% of the people will recover from the virus.
But yet, they write this crap in Alt-Net and Ceylon that we are deniers.
They call us cove idiots that derives from this nation's Long resistance to expertise.
End quote.
You got it.
Fear is the real virus, and that's what they've been selling.
We quoted that guy, Jeff Zucker, and you could put any letter you want in front of that Zucker, you could call it an S or anything else, of CNN telling his staff To keep promoting the coronavirus because more people were tuning in as their ratings were going into the toilet, where prostitutes hang out.
That's all they sell is the crap in the toilet.
Just like they were selling that storm that's hitting Hawaii.
You know what it was last week?
Worst storm on the planet!
Oh, wow.
Hey, Maroon.
Worst storm on the planet.
There he is, there's that sucker.
Yep, let's just stay very focused on this.
Look at this, look at these people!
Look at them!
A freak show in front of everybody's eyes.
So that's what they're doing.
They're selling fear and hysteria.
And they've destroyed the economy.
It's not coming back.
It's only going to get much worse.
Airline travel is dead.
Tourism is dead.
All the summer spots that depended on people.
From the Jersey Shore to anywhere else around the world.
Americans banned in Europe to go to Europe.
26% of American tourism, 26% of the tourism, excuse me, comes from Americans in Europe.
Restaurants are empty.
Hotels are empty.
People are freaking out everywhere.
This is going down hard.
It's going down big.
New York City is empty.
A lot of places still boarded up.
Kingston is dead.
It used to be packed.
One of the hippest places around.
All over the country.
So, the motto of the Trends Journal is think for yourself.
You better think for yourself, and I'm just saying, you better prepare for the worst.
If the worst doesn't happen, you've lost nothing.
If the worst happens and you don't prepare, you lose everything.
See you next week.
2020 is a very special year to the globalist, to the occultist, to those that are into esoteric
And they believe this is the year they're going to totally overthrow America and the world and bring in their anti-God, anti-human tyranny.
Well, we're here on air and we just ask you all to realize that we're in opposition to this evil and that only your word of mouth helps us reach new people.
And I want to salute you all and thank you for your support.
And I also want you to know that our 4th of July, once a year mega sale is here.
And we've got a bunch of stuff at 50 to 60% off right now.
But BODY is our ultimate tumeric formula.
This is a tumeric extract, one of the strongest ones out there.
It's so good for your body, so good for your joints, so good for your cells.
It is now back in stock, sold out for over three months, and it is at 50% off.
DNA Force Plus is back in stock.
is 50% off as well. Check it all out at InfoWareStore.com and remember, your funding of our operation
makes it all possible. Plus, these are great things that God designed for you and your
family's bodies. Please take action.
Hollywood, the Democratic Party, the unelected EU bureaucracy, and the Fortune 100 corporations
are almost unanimously rooting against America, against the American people, and against our
President Donald Trump.
They're all over the news saying the American century's over and that America's quarantined and that COVID-19 was our fault and that the United States may not even exist in the future and certainly isn't going to be a superpower.
We have to be politically more engaged than we've ever been before to stop this new world war takeover.
But we also have to understand that we have to reach out to God and pray and ask for God's intervention.
Physically prepared for what's happening.
If you don't have a firearm and don't know how to use it, don't have ammo, you really should get some.
And you really should get high quality storable foods and water filtration systems.
And in those two departments, water filtration and storable food, we have the highest quality at the best price you're going to find anywhere.
I would suggest now you get your storable food today.
Only takes about four weeks to ship it out to you.
So many others are sold out, but InfoWareStore.com has it and is ready to ship it to you.
The New World Order social engineers are all on record that their entire program is about domesticating us, dumbing us down, and making it to where we are not self-sufficient.
During the Great Depression in the 1920s, it's estimated by major universities that around 7 million Americans starved to death from malnutrition or died from diseases because their immune systems were run down.
Now, back then we were 90% rural, and almost everybody was self-sufficient.
Now we're 90% urban, and of the 10% that are rural, it's estimated that less than half of those are actually self-sufficient.
We are sitting on top of a time bomb.
We have been domesticated.
I know how to skin a buck and run a trot line, but I don't know one one-hundredth of what my grandfather knew.
I don't know one twentieth of what my dad knew.
And quite frankly, I've dropped the ball.
My children are city slickers.
They know how to shoot a gun, change a tire, that's about it.
We need to get back to the land, back to self-sufficiency, and back to being prepared.
And the way to start, ladies and gentlemen, is having friends and family with a bug-out plan if there is a total collapse, and water filtration, and food to last you at least a few months.
And the food we have is very high quality.
It's in great containers that are great to be mobile.
They have wide selection, special diets, you name it.
It's the best price you're going to find for quality food like this, and most importantly, All the other big companies have become fly-by-night.
They only keep a little bit of food on hand, and it's low quality, it's overpriced, if they even have it.
And they'll lie to you and say, oh, we ship in two weeks.
They're not.
They're still shipping in six to eight weeks, if you can find it.
But our sponsor, that we've been partnered with for 11 years, MyPatriot, has the food, has four plants in the United States, several sub-plants, And a lot of their food shipped out within two weeks, but on average it's about four.
But you need to get the orders in now, in the lull before the storm.
I told you lockdown two was coming.
I told you they're going to have new versions of the virus.
The New World Order is making its move.
Whether Trump loses or wins, things are just going to get more crazy.
And this food lasts 25 years inside the containers.
So it's something you can hide, something you can bury, something you know is an ace in the hole for you and your family in the future.
And the little bit of profit that comes in funds the InfoWar to continue to warn the people.
So you're also funding InfoWars, the most powerful Paul Revere organization in the world, and it's powered by you.
Get ready, get prepared, spread the word.
Whatever you do, pray to God and get yourself right with God because this is the real deal and things only get crazier from here on out.
Good luck and God bless.
I work long hours.
I work 18-19 hours a day sometimes.
Sometimes I work 24 hours because we're so short-handed with the coronavirus.
People don't want to come to work.
But some people are just taking that option and I'm cool with that.
But anyways, I take the TurboForce.
He's got a product called TurboForce All Natural.
Man, the energy is amazing.
I get about 10 hours worth of just sustained energy.
Sustained energy.
I'm recommending these websites.
I'm recommending these products not because I get paid.
I don't get a referral fee or anything like that.
This is just my personal experience.
I know their brands, but their brands and their websites, they're very famous.
A lot of people know who they are.
I take products from people that I've been listening to for years.
And I've been listening to A4Horrors.com for years.
I've been listening to Dr. Root for years and years and years.
I've taken a lot of supplements from other companies, other places, and a lot of that crap is snake oil.
Believe me, snake oil.
But the TurboForce, I take that and I'm good for the entire day.
I'm good for like 12, 13 hours.
At least.
But anyways, I can't speak enough to it.
Working long hours.
I need it.
I need it.