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Name: 20200709_Thu_Alex
Air Date: July 9, 2020
2529 lines.

This broadcast covers various topics including COVID-19 treatments, political prisoners, globalist control, migration policies, censorship in academia and media, compliance with coronavirus measures, Roger Stone's legal situation, UN involvement in population control and migration policies, promotion of health supplements, resistance against globalist takeover, lack of testing for Coronavirus on migrants, lockdowns, ADL's demand for fact-checkers, criticism against SPLC and ADL for authoritarian actions, future of Europe and Africa with Macron stating 250 million migrants by 2040, Black Lives Matter spreading across Europe funded by George Soros, dangers of a philosophy based on atheism and utopian ideals leading to relativism, nihilism, and anarchy; progression of radical nihilistic philosophies in Western culture; how modern science and philosophy are built on assumptions rather than empirical evidence. The broadcast promotes self-sufficiency, bug-out plans, and buying products from InfoWars.

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This is Hitlerian stuff!
And then I sit there and I have all the data.
Remember the Clintons three months ago, two months ago.
We have the videos.
Clinton looking like the Cheshire Cat saying, it's really great Chelsea and everybody runs it and we're doing it and we've got the funding.
We're going to send several million people to everybody's houses and test them and you know there's people inside that are sick.
We're going to take them because it's what you do.
That pervert Jeffrey Epstein, pedophile, rapist, drug addict, piece of filth.
He has an army of SJW scum with databases, with an Apple, Google app already on all the phones, whether you like it or not, tracking your location to come to your houses as the cover for their domestic security force and do this.
I mean, this is it.
It's war.
And so I'm not just going to...
They're taking us past the time for talking is the issue.
And they know what they're doing.
They're pushing us into a civil war.
And we're in one now.
And they just think it's going to get worse and worse and worse until we do something.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, every broadcast is jam-packed, but this one is going to be particularly jam-packed on this live July 9th 2020 worldwide broadcast.
Again, we are 116 days out from the election.
We have Roger Stone joining us.
With exclusive information concerning a lot of very important things.
You can probably imagine.
I'll leave it up to him.
Coming up at the bottom of the second hour.
Now, the Supreme Court has ruled against the President, at least on the surface, about his tax returns, rules Manhattan District Attorney can obtain Trump tax returns, but now it'll go back down to a lower court for another fight.
You can keep the records private for now, so it's another false victory, but in precedent and in law, you're not supposed to do this.
And we saw the Clintons and others keep so much private, including their library, you name it.
And so this is, again, nothing but presidential harassment.
They will then harass all of his business associates.
The FBI and others have already gone over all his tax returns.
They know there's nothing there.
The Supreme Court says, rule of law.
President cannot block release of financial records.
Trump rages at the Supreme.
Subpoena scare.
Gorsuch, Kavanaugh join majority.
So you see the establishment's just made up of a bunch of cowards.
72 Decision rocks the political landscape.
Those are the headlines of at grudgereport.com.
Roger Stone joins us coming up at the bottom of the next hour.
And he's got big news.
And it's so big that I just think I'm going to let him cover what he wants to cover.
And I'm not even going to give you any preludes or any hints.
But let's just say this, in the next six days before he's scheduled to be sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit as a political prisoner, he's gonna work to make this the exclusive first place he comes on.
Now, if he gets pardoned or gets clemency in the next few days at 6 o'clock at night, and I don't answer the phone immediately, and if I can't get a crew down here in 20 minutes, we won't get the exclusive.
That's okay.
I just want him to get clemency or pardon.
So I told him just to make the first phone call and We can't get stuff fired up, you know, go ahead and go on Fox News or whatever.
But he's had a lot of dirty tricks against him the last few days that he'll be getting into at the bottom of the next hour.
They've had people having CNN call up and misrepresent that Roger has told them things when he hasn't even talked to CNN.
A lot of disinformation.
And so expect them to really try some criminal stuff.
They are a criminal organization.
Also, Roger Stone has seen thousands of accounts People he doesn't even know.
In most cases, there are people he shook their hand at an event who post stuff about Roger saying he's innocent.
Facebook and others, Instagram, are calling it inauthentic activity and are banning people from supporting Roger and suspending or canceling their accounts.
Same thing just happened to Bolsonaro.
Thousands of Brazilians that promote his speeches, well, they're saying, well, that's inauthentic.
Because Facebook can go in and read of the thousands of people posting his stuff and find one or two where somebody from the campaign or the president's office sends an email back or a message saying, thank you.
And so there's any contact between Bolsonaro and them that's called inauthentic.
Even though Democrats can reach out to their millions of minions and activate them, socialists can do that in Brazil.
He's not even allowed to send messages back over his Facebook, mass messages saying thank you.
That's inauthentic.
So this is, the whole internet is a giant control grid to suppress the populations.
And we, the people of America and the West, the world, need to say, no, we're not accepting the communist Chinese model.
Now we have the biggest COVID news yet.
It seriously just gets crazier.
All coming up on the other side, Infowars.com, Newswars.com, Tomorrow's News Today.
And we have in the studio, our Europewars.com reporter, Dan Lyman.
That's how many days to the historic election the Democrat Deep State is openly trying to cancel.
Now officially coming out in the New York Times with a publication saying that there shouldn't even be debates or it should be remote so they can put teleprompter statements up to Joe Biden so he can read off a screen and that The last 15-20 minutes of the debate should be mainstream media fact-checking the President to tell viewers he's full of crap.
They are really trying to tie everybody's hands behind their backs, but no one more so than the President of the United States, who has been standing up for our Republic and trying to restore American strength, jobs, and national security.
There is so much coming up today.
Well, did the Supreme Court really rule against the President?
They did.
In a 7-2 big majority, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, both that he nominated, going against him.
7-2 decision rocks political world, Congress.
Denied for now, because what they really did on the technicality was send it back.
Supreme Court rules Manhattan district attorney can obtain tax returns, but it is a circuitous route.
Court rulings keep Trump's financial records private for now.
The Supreme Court allows prosecutor, but not Congress, to get financial records, saying it's part of criminal investigation going on.
Out of the Manhattan District Attorney's Office.
And I can tell you that that office has been harassing the living hell out of thousands of prominent Trump supporters, not just in New York, but in the United States.
And the Attorney General of New York, Letitia James, ran on destroying Trump and his associates and supporters and was fully financed by George Soros Just like the mayor and district attorney in Chicago.
Just like the district attorney in St.
Like the district attorney in San Francisco, whose parents were in the Weatherman Underground.
So, that's what these frauds do.
Letitia James knows she's a liar, knows she's sent.
People that were healthy but positive for COVID-19 into nursing homes to get the death numbers up.
She ordered the nursing homes to do that.
And what's incredible is she put out a false statement against me, just an example of the things they do, saying we had a COVID-19 cure and stopped saying we had a cure when we said no such thing.
But that's how these frauds operate.
CNN says Trump hates all Mexicans.
Says there's a video.
There is no video even close to that.
But then it's up to Trump to disprove a negative, like when did you start raping or beating your wife?
But because they never get held accountable, they just keep doubling down with the lies.
And let's get into the big COVID-19 news right now.
I have pointed this out for six months looking at the literature since this story began to arrive in January.
Hard to believe it's already been six months.
And it said in the medical literature that in Taiwan and Hong Kong and Japan, they were having almost 100% success rate with people that came in with these type pneumonias because it was mainly an autoimmune response.
And so this particular phenomenon, giving them an anti-inflammatory, Particularly a steroid would knock it out through a nebulizer.
And we'll tell you about that particular drug when we come back, but now a Texas doctor that headed up Rick Perry's task force for the state on healthcare for seven years was at a conference in Dallas and was on a local TV show
and now the video has over a million views and he talked about having total success rate with his
emergency room patients with this steroid nebulized.
They are now attacking him all over the news.
And saying he's a bad guy.
And then when they interviewed the patients, they said, no, it's all true.
Felix Money was sitting on my chest until I went on this.
And within a day, it went away.
Others said within two days.
They said it was almost immediate when they nebulized it into the lungs.
Can also do it in an inhaler.
They know this.
They knew this when the NIH followed the UN directives to put a Intubation tube in the lungs and then the last thing you want when they're inflamed is to expand them because it makes the blood vessels all break and they kill you.
That's why the majority of the deaths were either old people in nursing homes or people on respirators.
And doctors and nurses from New York to Missouri to Illinois to California have gone public saying, listen, the person would come in saying they were coughing, having trouble breathing, but that we wouldn't even try.
A steroid.
We wouldn't even try hydroxychloroquine.
We would just put a tube down their throat, and they'd die!
And you better watch out, because they're opening new testing centers, hundreds of them a week.
They're opening several today in Austin, big ones, taxpayer-paid for, and people are running in to be COVID movie stars, to get two weeks off, to be, oh, I got it, I'm so cool.
Almost all the tests are false positives.
That's mainstream news.
The federal guidelines admit almost all of it's false positives.
Have you ever had a flu or coronavirus in the last decade?
But you go in and say, oh, I'm having anxiety, or I'm coughing, or I've got the sniffles.
They'll grab you, strap your ass down, and run a tube down your throat.
They keep saying, we don't know why it's in the minority areas that most people are dying.
Because that's where you got the health department eugenics run facilities that actually have the cult members in them that are killing you.
I noticed Media Matters attacked me for this three months ago and I said they're killing people on purpose in the hospitals.
It has come out that they are.
There is a contingent of cult members like the governor of Virginia that ran the organ harvesting of living babies that are in control and the Democratic Party is a literal ghoul operation of devil-worshipping Satanists that are doing this through the medical system.
Now I know that sounds insane.
They are insane!
I need to play the guy when we're going.
We decide if the woman want the baby and the woman doesn't want the baby.
We call it don't resuscitate then we keep them comfortable until they die.
Well resuscitate means you've you've died or your heart stopped and we restart it but don't their term resuscitates different.
In the Virginia law, they have a law there, so does New York, that you can keep babies alive for up to two weeks to a month, depending on the state, while you get the orders in to harvest them, then you do a procedure, you harvest them, you suck their blood out, their skin, all of it, every little juicy drop of a seven pound little ball of joy, seven pounds, six ounces, she decided not to resuscitate, that it legally is dead, it's legally not counted as a human, Then it passes through the fire of Mulloch, and instead of having to harvest real quick and hope they've got orders in...
They get them the fresh juices.
And they've tested all this out in Communist China, and now it's been brought here, and there are, what is it, five states have passed laws to keep babies alive after they're dead and harvest them.
And it just came out, the lawsuits from a decade ago are just now winning, where the FDA was paying across the nation, hundreds of thousands of dollars, millions of dollars total, for quote, fresh baby parts with still beating hearts.
Berkeley, in one particular filing that just came out last year, said, we want beating hearts.
And so, they would deliver them a baby.
Actually, in a box.
And they would butcher them right there on the spot.
It's like I can pick up and order some hot wings or whatever.
Now, where is PETA not caring about all this?
And by the way, if you're a new listener and you're hearing this, this is all on record.
Just type in University Ordered beating hearts of babies.
Or FDA-ordered fresh baby parts.
That just came out last week.
There's thousands of these articles, so that's who they are.
They want to murder you and your family.
And they're hiding in plain view certain hospitals, certain facilities.
Blue states, blue cities, almost always Democrats.
You got Republican doctors doing a great job caring.
They, though, are naive until they brush up against them.
But my dad in Dallas brushed up against him.
He told me when I was going to get my driver's license, don't sign the organ donor card.
Some hospitals, if you're in a car wreck, will kill you for your organs.
Came out later, on 60 Minutes, he was right about Dallas.
If you just tuned in, I'm not trying to be macabre.
I'm not trying to shock you.
During the break, the crew heard me talking about it.
They pulled it up.
In court, CEO of Abortion company admitted to harvesting beating baby hearts and delivering them on video to Berkeley and other universities.
You understand?
And I can show you last week where the FDA paid for fresh, never frozen baby parts.
Now here's Breitbart, China's cultural revolution featured cannibal flesh banquets But here's Business Insider.
Flesh banquets of China's Cultural Revolution remain unspoken.
Where youth brigades went and grabbed even their parents, chopped them up, put them in cauldrons as an act of dominance and ate them.
Flesh banquets of China's Cultural Revolution remain unspoken.
So I want you to understand the left is literally about death and destruction.
They're not liberals.
America was founded on liberal ideas.
That means freedom.
They've changed the definition.
Leftist means left-hand path, or the path of Satan, the path of the devil.
And in mainline history books, the cultural revolution of the French Revolution was run by Satanists, and they had human sacrifice, drank blood, ate bodies, ate baby parts.
This is all real.
So Hollywood pushes all this, but says, oh, Christians are nuts.
This has never happened.
Every culture ends up degenerating and sacrificing men, women, and children.
Every culture.
I don't care if it was the ancient Mesoamericans, the ancient Germanics, the ancient Chinese, the ancient Africans.
All over the Pacific, they still eat each other.
It's ritualistic.
The men go out and hunt each other from other tribes and then eat them for their essence.
And so that's the Old Testament, where you have Abraham about to sacrifice his son, and then the angel comes and holds his hand and says, you don't need to do human sacrifice anymore.
So the Old Testament, very early on, is about let's stop sacrificing children.
And anybody that does it, you need to, what does the Old Testament say?
If your neighbors are giving their children to Molech, kill them all.
Actually says it in the Bible.
If you are next to a group of people that are sacrificing children, kill them.
Wipe them out.
So, the history books, the archaeology, the sociology, the anthropology, it's all kidnap, murder, eat, children.
Kidnap, murder, eat, children.
And so we sit here in a Christian civilization in the fading light of it, going, that's ridiculous, there's no way they're keeping babies alive.
I just showed you mainline news.
And the whole communist Chinese model is what the left admits they're operating in.
Okay, let me get into the COVID-19 developments.
They come out and say only 15 days because the hospitals are going to be full, there's going to be 2.2, 2.5 million dead.
Just stay in for 15 days.
And then I said they'll never take it off.
They'll loosen it a bit and then tighten it back up.
They want this power.
They want contact tracers.
They'll be able to arrest you if you don't take forced inoculations or if you leave your house.
And now counties all over the U.S.
and some states are saying you leave your house six months in jail.
If you quote have COVID-19 or tested positive with a false positive or whatever.
And then they come out with a vaccine.
Then they come out with a forced inoculation.
It's all pre-planned.
So now the blue cities and blue states are going, well, we really don't want to have to do it, but it looks like we're going to have to do it again because of the spiking cases, spiking cases, 63,000 cases, the worst day ever.
It's all caused by Republicans not staying in their houses, but Black Lives Matter and the left marching around everywhere, that's okay.
So there's also a suspension of common sense and of logic and of mathematics here that you always see when you're inside a tyranny.
So we have all of that.
And so you have the mayor of Austin, the mayor of Houston, the mayor of L.A., the governor of California, and the governor of Texas saying, well, we don't want to do another 35-day lockdown.
I won't leave your house, but we think we're going to have to do it.
Let's see if things keep spiking.
And they know as new testing centers open every day in every state.
I mean, Austin's got two opening this weekend.
Everyone flocks to be part of the coolness.
And its employers are told by their lawyers, well, you better just get everybody tested just to be safe.
And then most of your staff are going to test positive because most people have had a coronavirus or a flu virus in the last decade.
And you will show not just the antibodies, that's not the majority of tests, you will show the detritus of an infection.
That's in the literature, mainline, showing you the whole reports here.
Governor admits it.
Bunch of states refuse to do it, saying it's a fraud.
Saying the tests aren't real.
Those states have no COVID-19, basically.
We have it horrible because we have testing centers everywhere!
And to show that we're into the fear and into the falsehood, we wear the mask over our face that does absolutely nothing and is a total fraud, and the medical literature admits all of that.
So here's some of the headlines.
corona cases rise above 60,000, setting single-day record for one day.
That's Reuters.
Should read, as testing continues to ramp up to record levels, the number of positives skyrockets and most positives are fraudulent.
But no, now it's infection rates what matters.
Not that the death numbers are going down, but see, once the fall comes, and there's regular deaths from flu, and regular deaths from pneumonia, because people don't get their sunshine, and don't get their zinc, and don't get their D3, and don't get their vitamin C, they're gonna put them all in the death column, and it's gonna go back up even more.
And you notice it just never works?
We'll never get out of it, because it's a coronavirus, and everybody's got it in them.
But, Dr. Birx attributes coronavirus case spikes to reopening too fast.
We know how to stop the spread.
Stop using fake tests?
Worsening U.S.
outbreak prompts tough actions as new coronavirus cases hit record.
Not deaths, but new record.
Los Angeles City coronavirus update.
Mayor warns of possible new stay-at-home order.
All options on the table.
We didn't want to do it, he said two days ago.
We're not sure.
Well, it's on the table.
We're doing it!
Well, that's what vaccines do, is cause inflammation.
Oh, now you're telling us that viruses cause inflammation and that vaccines do it and they're a problem?
Oh, but they don't tell you?
Take Benadryl?
They don't tell you?
Take steroids?
From your doctor?
That's how you handle it?
That's why they've had seven cases in places like Taiwan.
Because they know it's all fake and they know it's all false positive, but for the few people that actually die that do test positive, it's seven.
And the doctors are saying, well, it's because they took this steroid.
Well, yeah, because a lot of people are going to die from regular pneumonia, and a lot of that is an autoimmune response.
So, of course, that's what you prescribe people to test that have pneumonia.
If they can't breathe, you give them a steroid, because a lot of times it's an autoimmune response.
It's not really water in the lungs.
If you x-ray somebody and there's not a bunch of water in there two-thirds of the way up, then you know it's an autoimmune response.
It's why they're swollen.
Just like when a bee stings you, and you can't breathe, and you EpiPen, baby, EpiPen!
But they won't tell you that, because they want to get the death numbers up to keep everything shut down, roll out forced inoculations, and the total tracking of everything you do with these apps on the phones.
It's all a stated plan, and they're systematically rolling it out, and any government official that goes along with it is an enemy of America.
If you just tuned in and you hear me telling you that there are hundreds of hospitals and clinics and mental institutions and facilities where mad scientists, mad doctors, mad nurses get away with killing people, get away with killing preemie babies, get away with euthanizing old people, you're just not informed.
We all know the Nazis got their go-ahead and their impetus from mad scientists in England and the United States with eugenics.
And Margaret Sanger in Planned Parenthood.
That's in the Nuremberg trials.
We also know that the head scientist for the Nazis who ran the final solution was Dr. Joseph Mengele.
We know in the Soviet Russia medical tyranny was one of their key suppression systems.
So we think of doctors as just perfect angels and under Hippocrates for thousands of years and the Hippocratic Oath, the West we said do no harm.
But when you're around death and disease you get very callous.
And a lot of people get into it because they already think of themselves as elitist and they get recruited by the eugenics organizations.
So when you get Bayer pharmaceutical documents that I've talked about a lot, we're back during the eighties when the Clintons were governors of co-governor, I call them, but when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas from the eighties into the early nineties, it came out in France, Australia, and the U S in court.
That they knowingly allowed the inmates to give blood way over the level they were allowed to and didn't test for HIV or hepatitis and let people with it give the blood to then ship it up to Canada and have it shipped out of the world to be put in hemophiliac medication.
Factor VIII, the clotting agent.
And almost everyone that got it ended up contracting hepatitis and or HIV and dying.
And of course it came out in those famous Bayer pharmaceutical documents where the Regional directors are saying, well, so what?
There's too many hemophiliacs.
They put that in the minutes of their meetings with a stenographer in the room at board meetings.
Imagine you're at board meetings and you're just sitting around, well, we shipped out over 2 million dosages of Factor VIII.
It's going to hit the hemophiliacs and it's going to kill most of them with hepatitis and HIV.
So what?
Too many of them.
Remember Larry Grathwald and the Weatherman meetings?
They all had PhDs in there.
They were all calmly talking about how they're going to shut the economy off, bankrupt everything, starve out Americans and kill 25 million people, put 50 million in re-education camps.
They were dead serious talking about it, very calmly, like you talk about going down to the store and getting a gallon of milk.
You better, I better, we all better start realizing the enemy we're up against.
They're cold-blooded, they're psychotic, they're sociopathic, they enjoy the power over you and your family.
And complying with them and groveling to them and going along with them will get you destroyed.
The whole Rockefeller New World Order system is about a medical tyranny.
The whole U.N.
takeover plan is about a worldwide medical tyranny.
They're coming with forced inoculations they admit are going to hurt you.
And the big corporations, the blue states, and the airlines aren't going to let you travel or live unless you comply, and that's going to be phase one!
Now, I want to get into all the fraud of COVID-19.
And a plan they have to set Trump up when we come back from break.
But I want to air part of this special report.
It's at Bandot Video.
It's at NewsWars.com.
And this doctor, who by the way, I didn't just believe him.
I went and looked into who he was and headed up Rick Perry's task force for seven years.
First was on the task force and headed it up for medical activity in Texas.
But I didn't just believe him when I saw this viral video that just came out a couple days ago.
I already knew that inflammation drugs, like Budesonide, are having basically 100% success rate.
A steroid goes into the lungs and the body stops having the autoimmune response.
But sure enough, since this got millions of views and went viral in the last day, now they have mainstream media coming out.
COVID patients defend Dr. Bartlett's silver bullet medicine regime.
But then they still go on to have, well the NIH says only the UN is the boss, and only what they say is approved.
Midland Memorial Hospital says inhaled steroid is no silver bullet for COVID-19.
They say there's not the UN saying it's certified, so that's not scientific.
Well what about it actually working?
Like, do I need a science degree to know the leg's chopped off, and if I tie a tourniquet around it, it'll slow the blood flow?
Do I need to know, without the UN saying so, that brushing my teeth is good?
Or that eating my vegetables is good?
They play this game.
It's like a new Dark Ages.
So here he is on the TV show, the full video.
We've archived it, Bandot Video, because I'm telling you it's going to get pulled down.
Right now it's still posted at AmericaCanWeTalk.com.
Dr. Richard Bartlett, here it is.
So I mentioned at the start of the show, we have a guest joining us.
This is kind of a funny thing.
I'll just tell you a true story.
So last night, there was a political event.
I moderated a panel that was speaking at a political event.
And afterward, I met someone who attended the event, is a doctor here in Texas, and not in Dallas, but in Midland, Texas.
And he has been working also dealing with COVID-19 patients, coronavirus patients.
The article is up again on our website, AmericaCanWeTalk.org.
An article about him is called, Local Doctor Believes He Has Found Silver Bullet for COVID-19.
We had a great conversation after the meeting last night.
And on the spot, I said, why don't you come on to my show tomorrow?
And gratefully, he was available.
So here you have, we have joining us in studio, our new friend, Dr. Richard Bartlett.
Hello, sir.
Debbie, I'm honored to be here.
Thank you.
I'm grateful you could be here, and I would love to just have you dive right in.
Since I don't really know you, I'll have you start with telling our listeners about your medical background.
Well, I've been practicing in Texas for 28 years.
When Governor Perry started a new task force called the Health Disparities Task Force, he asked me to be on that task force.
And the purpose was to give him advice so that all Texans can have access to quality health care.
And that was a two-year appointment.
After two years, he asked me, would you stay on one more year?
And so that happened year after year for a total of seven years.
And a lot of good things happened.
But I also have been the medical expert for CBS affiliate in West Texas for over 20 years.
And I do a regular weekly update on COVID on the Talk 50, 5.50 a.m.
talk radio in West Texas.
And we've been doing that since the beginning of this drama.
And so I'm also an author and do medical missions in other countries.
And so I've seen a lot of disaster all over the world.
But I want to say, echo everything you said in your first five minutes.
I agree 100%.
There is, we already have an answer for this.
And to put things in perspective, let's look around the world.
You know, in the country of Taiwan, there's over 25 million people.
They're stacked on top of each other.
If they did social distancing, they'd be out in the ocean floating around.
There's not enough room for them to do social distancing.
But guess how many people have died to date during the whole pandemic in Taiwan?
As many people as you can stack in a minivan going down Central Expressway.
And so the next time your viewers see a minivan, think, oh, that's how many people have died in a country of 24 million people.
That is astonishing.
Yes, and I'm going to tell you why that's the situation.
It's the situation also in Japan.
121 million people in Japan.
They've had less than 1,000 people die during the whole pandemic.
Only 12 people have died in the whole country during the whole pandemic.
Well, that's not possible according to what we're being told in the mainstream media, but that's reality.
Anyone can look it up.
You can even look at the Johns Hopkins COVID website and you'll see those numbers.
They're hidden in there.
But I'm pointing them out because the people in... That's key.
We're going to come back next segment and play more where he gets into the one particular drug.
But again, it's in all the literature.
That many pneumonias kill you not from the virus replicating and actually destroying the tissue, but your body has an autoimmune response.
Those are the ones you die of sometimes in 24-48 hours.
The lungs just expand with inflammation and you die.
It's not just the fluid.
They just completely expand and shut down.
And it's just mainline thousands of studies that when somebody's dying before they even put a ventilator on you, they will give you an anti-inflammatory.
But they don't want that discussed because they want Have the problem never end.
They want the panic.
They want the fear.
They want the tracking.
They want the control to make you stay in your house.
The forced inoculations and the trillions they're going to make on the vaccines and expensive drugs that Fauci and Bill Gates openly are invested in with criminal conflict of interest in your face.
We'll be right back to expose these murdering criminals.
Stay with us.
And so the next time your viewers see a minivan, think, oh, that's how many people have died in a country of 24 million people.
Now, I'm going to tell you.
And I'm going to tell you why that's the situation.
It's the situation also in Japan, 121 million people in Japan.
They've had less than a thousand people die during the whole pandemic.
Only 12 people have died in the whole country during the whole pandemic.
Well, that's not possible according to what we're being told in the mainstream media, but that's reality.
Anyone can look it up.
You can even look at the Johns Hopkins COVID website and you'll see those numbers.
They're hidden in there.
But I'm pointing them out because the people in Texas need to hear good news.
In Dallas, they need to hear good news.
And I have good news.
I'm sure you do.
I'm blown away by those numbers.
I gave up trying to write them down.
But you're going to tell us somehow, eventually, when we get to this point, that in these other countries... They're doing what I'm doing, Debbie.
They're doing what I'm doing, which is not hydroxychloroquine, although that works.
And so what they're doing is an inhaled steroid.
And so my silver bullet is inhaled Budesonide.
The brand name originally was Pomacort.
Now it's generic.
It's super cheap.
It's about $200 for the total treatment if you pay cash.
With insurance, many of my patients are not even having to pay for it.
And you use a nebulizer machine.
It's an asthma medicine.
It's a respiratory anti-inflammatory for COVID, which is a respiratory inflammatory disease.
And it works.
100% of my patients are alive.
I've been treating this since March.
And you use it for 5 minutes.
It takes 5 minutes to do a breathing treatment.
You plug it in the machine in the wall.
You put the medicine that's pre-mixed, pre-measured from the pharmacy into the little reservoir.
You push the on button and you breathe it during 5 minutes during the commercial.
You don't even have to have a mask.
You can use a little mouthpiece that you hold in front of you and you breathe it for five minutes.
Let me tell you what I've heard from patients when I started using this.
They tell me, I feel better during the first treatment.
And so their chest pain goes away.
Their shortness of breath goes away.
Their fever breaks.
I'll give you an example.
I have a patient who has two kinds of cancer.
She calls me after five days of being flat on her back in her house, in the bed, can't get out of bed.
Fever won't break for five days.
She says, I heard you on the radio and would you please help me?
It's on a Friday.
She says, my granddaughter tested positive today and I think I have it.
And I said, I'm sure you do with all the symptoms you're describing.
She is currently fighting two forms of lymphoma.
She's on chemotherapy right now.
She just had radiation a month before for the lymphoma.
She should die, according to what you hear from the CDC and World Health Organization.
But I gave her that treatment that night.
In the morning, her fever had broke.
She had her first good night's sleep.
Over the weekend, she recovers.
On Monday, she works an eight-hour day.
She still is fighting cancer, two forms of cancer, but she's cured of COVID.
She's symptom-free.
She has her two consecutive negative tests.
That's a cure.
Okay, can you say the name of the drug again?
Budesonide, and so is it done in an inhaler?
It's an inhaler, and so it does actually come as an inhaler, but I'm using it in a nebulizer machine.
You know, you see preschool kids use this.
It's safe, it's so safe, it's been out for over 20 years.
It's been used on two-pound premature babies safely, without batting an eye, and the fragile
elderly in nursing homes for over 20 years.
There's no reservations with it.
It doesn't cause any cardiac risk, like the accusation of hydroxychloroquine is a risk
of heart trouble, although that's ridiculous to make that accusation.
This one doesn't even have that risk.
And so I give that and an antibiotic to protect from secondary bacterial pneumonia.
But let's talk about what COVID is.
It's a respiratory virus that goes into the lungs, binds to ACE receptors in the lungs, and that triggers the release of inflammatory chemicals.
And we call it a cytokine storm.
That's a fancy word for inflammatory chemicals and enzymes that are released at the total body.
And so with COVID, we have a killer that's never been around before.
It is killing some people if they're not treated.
And so for 50% of the people, they get it and they don't even know they had it.
50% of the people don't even know.
But for the 20% that are at risk, there are treatments.
We already have an answer.
Let me tell you, you're right.
Taiwan, 24 million people, they don't need to wait for a vaccine.
They don't have a problem that you should vaccinate 24 million people for.
They only had seven die during the whole pandemic.
We have some treatment plans and options that are already valid and working.
Okay, this is truly, it is great news.
As you said before you went on, great, great news.
So you've been using this since early March.
Roughly speaking, how many patients do you think you've treated?
I'm getting calls every day.
I have five new patients today.
And so, I haven't even tallied the numbers.
But every one of them is living, not dying.
I'll give you another example.
A lady who, an elderly lady who has a 50 year history of smoking.
And she had her chest cracked and had four vessel bypass surgery.
She's on medicine for high blood pressure and thyroid disease.
She calls me after five days of fever and shortness of breath and chest pain.
She feels like she can barely get across the room.
I start her on the treatment.
With the first treatment she tells me again something I've never heard with this medicine until COVID-19.
She says, I feel better during the first treatment.
And she's cured with two double negatives after the fact.
She's so grateful.
But with this medicine that's been out for over 20 years, there's lots of research on it, it's safe.
Big Pharma's not going to make a dime off it.
Nobody's going to make any money.
It's $200 for the total treatment versus the experimental antiviral that you have to be put in the hospital and then be a part of an experiment to get that costs over $3,100 just for the medicine.
Let's stop right there.
That's Desivere that Fauci owns part of, and he did a fake study.
Fauci's study's been proven to be a fraud.
Help people 8% more.
But other studies show it kills you.
That's why they don't want hydroxychloroquine because it works really good.
But the studies with this, it's basically 100% with Budesonide.
percent with butycinide. B-E-W-D-E-H-S-O-N-I-D-E. Butycinide.
Now the full video is at Bandot It's the featured video.
It's a mega red alert.
I shot the video last night with the intro to it.
Only has 114,000 views.
It needs 10 million views.
And I guarantee you, it's on YouTube right now with a million views, been up for two days.
They will pull it!
They've already got the Texas media attacking him.
They went and found his patients.
And one headline is, Doctor claims to have cured it after only treating five patients successfully.
He said, I just treated five the other day in one day!
Every day since March.
I can't tell you how many we've helped.
They turned that into, he only helped five people.
There are enemies.
They're owned by big pharma.
They're owned by the big mega banks.
They're all lockstep.
That's the Rockefeller plan, called lockstep, together to force evil upon us and our families.
And to not let us know about zinc, or about vitamin C, or about vitamin D3, or vitamin K, that you've gotta have it, or your cells fall to any virus.
A regular coronavirus will kill you dead in a hammer.
If you don't have vitamin D3 and zinc, you die.
That's why they're called essential.
The NIH website says.
Under vitamin D3, under zinc, they're antiviral.
You must have them for cellular operation.
If you do not have them at a certain level, you will go deficient, and you will end up dying from a viral infection.
It says it on the NIH website!
And I literally have friends and family, and I know lawyers, and I know insurance salespeople that go, Jones, are you claiming really vitamins will protect me?
Yeah, dumbasses!
Just like drinking water will protect you from dying of thirst, you morons!
I drove to work today, and I'm not exaggerating.
There was almost no one on the road, but idiots driving in the fast lane below the speed limit are at it.
Because they think the left lane's an open lane.
There were old people, there were black people, there were brown people, there were women.
It was all colors of idiots.
These people are idiots!
My God, what is wrong with people?
They're superstitious of knowledge, they're superstitious of being informed, they think I'm weird because I study stuff and know things, and I've trained my mind to want information.
Everything that doctor's saying is true, and the criminal media, there's hundreds of articles attacking him, and lying about him because they've been ordered to, to keep people scared, to keep the lockdown going forever!
Over my dead body, Gates, I'm not taking your vaccine.
I'm not putting up with your Mark of the Beast, your digital tracking.
I'm just telling listeners.
Tell folks about this live show.
Tell them about the video.
It's on InfoWars, it's on NewsWars, and share it!
Override these murdering maggots!
Has that lady gone to the wrong doctor?
He'd have shoved an intubator down her throat.
He'd have killed that old woman.
Just like you'd run over a squirrel and not give a damn.
In fact, there are other types that run into a squirrel on purpose.
And then you pay $15,000 at least to be in the hospital during that time.
Unless you go to the ICU and then you'll get a $30,000 or $40,000 bill on top of being sick.
So this is a medication you prescribed before COVID ever came along?
For asthma?
For asthma prevention.
You know, there's 25 million people in America that have asthma.
And so this medicine is used routinely for over 20 years to prevent asthma attacks.
It's the first line preventive measure to protect people from having an asthma attack is an inhaled steroid.
And so that's what they're doing in Japan.
That's what they're doing in Taiwan.
That's what they're doing in Singapore.
So even healthy people over there.
With COVID, they're treating with inhaled steroids if they get COVID.
So, you know, for the 50% of the people who are going to get it and never have symptoms, they don't need medicine.
They certainly don't need a vaccine.
But for the 20% that are at risk of death if they don't get treated, we have an answer.
And here's what we need to do.
Early treatment Early testing, early treatment.
We need to detect it early.
For every disease, Debbie, America has the best healthcare system.
And we do early detection and early treatment for cancer, for heart disease, for stroke, for all kinds of infections.
But this is crazy that we're doing what Communist China is doing, and we're parroting that through the World Health Organization.
And then the World Health Organization is praising what China did, and so Italy follows suit.
And look what Italy, over 30,000 people died in Italy so far, versus 7 in a country that people are stacked on top of each other, 24 million.
And what Dr. Richard Bartlett is saying is all completely correct, except he's being such a nice guy, he's like, let's get early testing.
But then those are false positives, so that drives up the fear.
And then doctors that aren't informed like him, or who are evil, with these evil big conglomerates that get $52,000 for every person they end up saying has COVID and putting a tube down their throat, they will grab them and intubate them.
And then you're going to get a death.
So that's the one problem, because I guarantee you, this guy's a goody two-shoe.
Guarantees an Eagle Scout.
Guaranteed, you could, this guy's, you can totally trust this doctor.
He just comes off good, decent, nice guy.
Like, you know, my dad is a doctor or any of these nice doctors.
And so we then all think all the other healthcare providers are like Dr. Richard Bartlett.
No, no.
They're like Governor Northam.
A lot of them are like Governor Northam.
And so, you notice Governor Northam's up there saying hydroxychloroquine's bad, there's no hope, only the vaccine, because they know their job with the big cartels.
All right, I got something really powerful coming up next segment.
We got Roger Stone, bottom of the hour, and I've got all this COVID-19 news I haven't hit.
You know, they're doing door-to-door lockdowns of public housings, where they'll always start with dependent people, and they're starting forced COVID testing.
So see, then, That's all UN recommended.
That's all UN run.
That's what the UN called for, is taking your kids away if you test positive but they don't.
You're totally healthy, but we're going to take your kid away.
This is just getting you used to contact tracers coming to your house, taking you away.
That is coming up as well.
Yes, you just heard me.
This is breaking ABC News out of Australia.
Absolutely insane, but they put it out like it's a good thing.
And then separately, I didn't plug last hour, I really need to.
We have store-wide free shipping, double Patriot points, 60% off on our best sellers.
The sale has to end this weekend because a lot of these things are going to sell out because we've got limited amounts of them because the supply chain's breaking down.
That's what's scary.
We'll be like, we want 10,000 bottles of bodies.
Sorry of the high quality turmeric you're getting and the supply chain, we've only got enough for 3,000 bottles.
And I'm like, well, that'll sell out in a few months and we won't have it.
I mean, that's why so many things you like to buy are gone.
Because we just can't get them at the quality that we get them from the sources we get it.
I mean, this is crazy.
So if you want your Ultra 12, your bodies, you want your winter sun, you want your DNA Force, your Basso Beats, your Vitaminal Fusion, at 50 to 60% off, store-wide free shipping, double pay three points, now's the time to get these and support the InfoWare.
But things are breaking down, folks.
The global depression is here.
Brought to you by the COVID Oaks.
Ladies and gentlemen, I just got hit about 10 minutes ago and I'm trying to process it right now.
We'll cover the next segment.
We're getting the video right now.
From ABC News, that's the Australian Broadcasting Company.
Where they are doing house-to-house forced COVID testing.
And just like the UN Director said, if you test positive but your kids don't, we're going to take your kids from you.
In fact, grab that clip too if you guys can.
A UN official says we'll take your children.
And you hear all this six months ago, five months ago, four months ago, three months ago, two months ago.
This is a rollout.
And they said there will need to be more lockdowns.
You'll need to have an ID and then a tracker system on your phone that allows you to travel and you're going to need to take this vaccine and others and more bad things are coming.
So they're teaching you now that bad viruses are going to be here.
You've got to be tested.
You've got to be given all these shots.
They suppress the real information about the virus.
They over blow its severity and its numbers.
They lie about The system through the test that show all the false positives.
They send people that have pneumonias and flus into nursing homes in blue states and in Italy to get rid of the old people and they admit this is about culling the earth.
This is about lowering the carbon footprint.
This is about getting rid of the Western civilization.
And they're using it to then launch the riots worldwide at the same time to bring down the first world, bankrupt the third world, Then have the U.N.
control the migrant flows taking over the West.
And the U.N.
announced this again a week ago about replacement migration.
They said due to the COVID hoax they created and the panic they created, the depression with the shutdown they created, we're going to have to open our borders to the refugees now.
And the Democrats have put it in their platform to do just that.
The 2020 Democrat platform.
I have all those news articles.
Dan Lyman of EuropeWars.com, who lives in Europe, works with InfoWars.
He is here visiting.
While his wife visits family, while he visits family, and he is going to be interviewed with us to chronicle replacement migration now officially on the Democratic Party platform.
Sacha Baron Cohen and the ADL say if you talk about it, you will be de-platformed, and they said next phase, arrested.
It's public, but the ADL says he will be arrested.
That's why you're now hearing if you criticize Black Lives Matter, you'll be arrested.
This is a Soviet-style takeover.
The Communists, using COVID-19, have now taken over Hong Kong.
They're saying the same thing.
Criticize a list of things they list, you'll be arrested.
It's not even as strong as what the left says here.
So it's blue cities, blue states, the Democrats, big corporations, all ganged up on what's left of America, and the President, and the people, and the family.
So it's all coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm just speechless right now.
It's just unbelievable.
But we also have to have a little fun in the information war, don't we?
And reach out to people that aren't as awake.
And the way to do that is with entertainment.
And one of the most memed things is Lord of the Rings.
Well, Rob Dew has spent a little too much time on this, but it is good.
I hope it goes viral.
New Joe Biden campaign ad shocks the world.
CNN will probably say, Jones said it was real, but it wasn't.
And so's the Easter Bunny.
On its face, it's a joke.
Share this video to fight back against internet censorship and stop the enemies of the Republic.
So Biden campaign releases their most powerful campaign message ever.
You can get it at man.video.
You can find it at InfoWars.com or NewsWars.com.
Please tweet it, Facebook it, email it out, text message it out to everybody and say, check out Joe Biden's new campaign commercial that's shocking the world.
Ha ha.
But nevertheless, here it is.
It just gets better and better throughout the piece.
It's not really for radio, so I'll narrate some.
Here it is.
The power of Isengard is at your command.
Ask, warrior.
Build me an army worthy of Mordor.
What orders from Mordor, my lord?
What does the Eye command?
We have work to do.
Trees are strong, my lord.
Their roots go deep.
Rip them all down.
It's all turned on all statues.
It's America.
The world is changing.
Who now has the strength to stand against the armies of Isengard?
And Mordor?
Stand against the might of Sauron and Saruman.
I must make way!
To what?
I must make way!
I must make way!
I must make way!
[Evil laughter]
Together, my lord Sauron, we shall rule this world.
The world will burn in the fires of industry.
The forests will fall.
A new order will rise, in a war with the sword and the spear and the iron fist of
the orc.
I am the one who will destroy you.
(train whistling)
I want them armed and ready to march within two weeks.
But my lord, there are too many.
They cannot all be armed in time.
We don't have the moons!
Build a dam, rock the street, work the furnaces, light the day!
We don't have enough fuel to feed the fires.
The forest of Fangorn lies on our doorstep.
Burn it.
We need a revolution in order to overgrow this system, bring a whole new communist world into being
that can actually ensure the rights of black and brown people.
We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.
I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.
And it ends with them.
Burning American flags all over the United States.
The media is saying it's good.
New Joe Biden campaign ad shocks the world.
This went live at Mandod Video.
I hope that you share it with everyone you know.
Now, this is going to get really serious.
You've heard a bunch of U.N.
high-level officials, and now you've heard it in the U.S., and you've seen Democrats say this like light flute in Chicago.
We're going to have to go into the houses door-to-door and test and see who has it inside.
See, that's the next phase we're going into.
And the Clinton Initiative runs it and is reaching out to the Obama Initiative and to Obamacorp and all those groups to be run by the Peace Corps.
And they're now going to come to your house and, look, we're just here to test you.
We've got your name.
We've got your info.
And, oh, and then the image of, you know, taking the people away to quarantine that have it, those that don't, and all of its false positive garbage, all of its lies.
And then once they've got you in a facility, They're gonna be like, you've got COVID, we're gonna, they strap you down and just, we're liberal!
It's like the communist Chinese are known for saying you have a respiratory illness and they kill you by putting a tube down your throat and blowing your lungs.
Or they'll say you haven't been eating properly, so they pump food into your stomach till it explodes.
And they're gonna be good little liberals.
And most of them aren't even really evil, they're such cult members, they're like, there's a lot of bad people that are insane and don't trust us.
And that's why they say, be tough, wear your mask, come on, it's no big deal, because That shows everyone bowing down.
That shows everyone submitting.
So now you'll submit the forced testing, the forced lockdowns, the forced arrest, your children being taken.
It's all coming.
And you did such a good job.
You already put up with 70,000 old people in the nursing homes, locked down and killed, and their families unable to go see them.
You already did a good job!
So now you're going to die!
They're coming!
They're going to kill you!
And the governor of Texas is going to help them!
Welcome back.
We are the front line of resisting the globalist takeover.
We're in the middle of a worldwide corporate takeover through the United Nations.
You didn't think that these big megacorporations would hit you with tanks and militaries.
No, they know people will resist that.
They hit you with medical tyranny and a synthetic virus they've released that will infect everyone that is a Cold virus.
And that shows mainly false positives so you can become a suspect.
And then as you're quote, reinfected with new colds, they will always say you still have COVID and have to take all these forced inoculations, have apps that track you, all of it directed by the United Nations.
Now, the UN Director of the World Health Organization Emergency Programs, that means their takeover, their offensive general, the guy that leads the landing parties, Dr. Michael Ryan said months ago, but they've all been saying it, but after he said it, suddenly mayors and governors in blue cities, blue states began parroting it like mockingbirds.
That, oh, we need to go in your houses and forcibly test you, and then whoever's test positive in an antibody test, that means you're actually over it, they don't care, you get taken to a facility!
And it just gets you used to, a van shows up, there's bureaucrats, they're with the Clinton Global Initiative, on record runs it, they're paid money, the Clintons make billions, and if you don't do what they say, they get on the phone and here come the police!
And then when they arrest you or kill you, oh, the cops did a good job.
You know when a black cop beats up a black guy or kills a black guy who didn't wear a mask, that's okay.
Or you're a white guy, whatever.
There's no police brutality when it's that, when you don't want to be whisked away.
So he was talking about this months ago, now Australia is actually doing it.
All of this is a formula, whatever the UN says is a rollout.
They had to get you first to say stay in 15 days, then it was a couple months, three months.
Then they got to get you used to wearing the mask to submit, then it's going to be the medical ID, it's going to be the tracker.
All of it's been announced and then lockdowns of whole cities.
Australia's announcing the lockdown of whole cities and they started unannounced.
The police are downstairs.
They started with apartment towers.
You may not leave and we're forcibly testing all of you.
They hold you hostage under UN orders.
It's all a directive.
It's a formula.
So it's coming here.
Just like the sun comes up, you know, the sun's up on the other side of the world at night.
And then when it's dark over there, it comes up here.
It's, it's, it's, it's coming here.
Coming to a town near you.
And they're going to start with the big leftist controlled apartment towers.
Perfect presence.
They lock it down and they say, you can come out once we come in door to door in the next week.
They've told him you're locked in for weeks.
Once we get you cleared and tested, those that aren't clear are going to be taken away.
Those that aren't clear, you can stay for now.
And the media's like, oh, the people want more.
And the article's like, we want more of this.
Whoa, oh, just locking me down for weeks is too much.
Can you test me now?
It's all psychologically war-gamed.
And these victims just, just like run into the pits.
Like when the Nazis would shoot a group of people and then order the next group to run into the pit.
They're like, yes sir, let me do that.
Well, I'm not doing it.
And the good news is, sheriff's departments, the police departments are waking up.
A lot of states are waking up.
Every Republican governor said no, except Santa Ana.
The emperor of Texas, Governor Greg Abbott.
Very sad to say it, he's fallen to Mordor.
He's knelt to Satan.
But here is the UN Director of Offensive Emergency Medical Operations, who codified the plan with China.
Here he is telling you, we're coming to take your kids.
Here it is.
And at the moment, In most parts of the world, due to lockdown, most of the transmission that's actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household, at family level.
In some senses, transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units.
Now we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.
And they went on to say, particularly children, a safe and dignified manner.
Keep them comfortable.
Always get the family, always get rid of the nuclear family.
Official UN policy.
That family, that family, that family, that family, that family!
What a shameful Irishman you are.
Look what you've turned into, you monster.
Let's go ahead now and go to Australia at the test site, where they have begun locking down the 20 and 30 story towers.
And they just roll it out like it's, oh, we just woke up and we're locked down until the testing.
Here it is.
We're in complete lockdown as in we can't go out for exercise, can't go out for work, we can't go get groceries and any essentials either.
You can see police presence on every access point.
I haven't stepped outside, not for a second.
I opened my door just to look at some of the food that was dropped to me.
You can see this is the food that has been Came around 2 a.m.
last night.
No one expected for someone to go on lockdown.
You know, especially in Australia, we didn't expect that.
But, you know, obviously there's members of the community who could understand that.
Why is it happening to us?
You know, are we different?
Do we happen to be a different class of people?
At the same time, you know, I really completely understand because, you know, if you see the conditions where we live in, It's like this is my house, this is my living room.
corridors and lifts that we share, then you will be concerned about how easily coronavirus
can spread in these communities.
So this is my house, this is my living room.
If you look down, basically I'm high up, so there you go.
I can basically see all the towers.
So that's the Clementa Towers, and this is the North Melbourne Towers.
Yeah, a lot of members of our community are scared of a backlash.
We're scared of racial profiling.
We're scared of that backlash because right now it actually looks like, you know, we're the only people in Australia who are poor.
We basically are not heeding to restrictions.
We're spreading the virus.
We don't care about anybody else.
And that's far-fetched from the truth.
So if you're gonna roll out lockdowns, oh, it's the towers they built just like Bloomberg and just like Bezos are building the exact towers.
The guy lives in a coffin apartment.
Looked like it was 300 square feet, literally.
Toilet in the same room and everything.
The corridor is so small you can't walk through them.
They're building three of those in Austin now that are even smaller.
I talked about this yesterday.
I said to herd you in.
So of course, now that they've done this to them, it's in the article that starting next week, it's the whole city.
Oh, don't worry, we won't be racist.
But see, first it's, oh, it's the brown people we shipped in to control and put in the prison.
And now once we got it beta tested on them, now we're going to do it to everybody.
Everyone will be locked down sector by sector and forcibly tested.
Until they submit and it's all you and Ron and it's all coming to you because there's nothing you won't put up with
Oh just put the mask on and the next oh just take the tracker app
Oh, just let the global Clinton initiative into your house to check. Oh, just just take the inoculation
Oh, just let us have your kid to drag queen story time with a pedophile. Oh, just let us teach you about Nambla. Oh
Oh, let us tell your five-year-old son he's really a girl and now he has the right at age nine to chop his testicles off.
It's all here.
A cult takeover on record.
They created it all to end us.
It's a scientific extermination system.
And I've looked at it up one side and down the other.
I don't go around looking for flying saucers at night, folks, or I don't try to conjure goblins or demons.
I've studied the globalists, and they behave like an alien species involved in a systematic dehumanization, takeover, deindustrialization, training us to go into cages, into pens, and to set up a medical tyranny that they admit is here to get rid of us.
Now, the globalists themselves say they're following an off-world entity that's given them advanced knowledge, and they have to carry this out so that only they, the elites, give up their bodies, merge with machines.
And they wrote books about it, you know, to condition the public, Childhood Zen and things, back in the 50s.
This is their plan!
Now whether they're really getting off-world, interdimensional transmissions or not, I don't know.
But they're building it!
And you will see it happen!
They're coming to kill you and your family!
Get ready!
Cool it, baby!
You ain't got no place to go.
Real tight.
All you gotta do is let yourself go!
All right, I'm not normally just gonna sing a song.
We're waiting on Roger Stone having perpetual Skype issues, but he's got big breaking news
with us here.
He told me a lot, but we'll see how much he can say about what's going on.
He's just six days out from his imprisonment for thought crime.
Before we go any further, 4th of July Super Sale continues, but it is officially going
to end Sunday night, Monday morning, because a lot of these items that have been sold out
have come back in, but we can only get limited amounts of them because of supply chain issues.
And so I'm gonna end the sale before a lot of these sell out so we can fund ourselves.
And so we have store-wide free shipping, double Patriot points, but on these particular items,
lung cleanse, 50% off after being sold out for months.
Vitamineral Fusion, 50% off after being sold out for months.
That's so good for adults and children.
VazoBeat, so good for cardiovascular crates, key compounds that are known to be in the beet extract
that are so good for you, out of stock for months, finally back in stock.
DNA Force Plus, the PQ and the CoQ10, sold out for months and finally back in stock.
Winter Sun, 50% off, sold out for months and finally back in stock.
Ultra 12, sold out for months, now back in stock.
Bodies Ultimate Turmeric Formula, sold out for months, now back in stock.
With all the stuff that's going on, use the lull in the storms.
I told you more lockdowns are coming.
It's going to intensify the depression, supply chain problems.
They don't want to create a depression that's too bad.
That's why they squeeze, let off, squeeze, let off.
It's incredibly dangerous.
You need to get high-quality, storable food.
We have the best company.
They have the highest quality.
It's all packaged very, very well the last 25 years.
It's something you're going to need in the next few years, I believe.
But it's no problem because it's insurance you can eat.
And with inflation on the horizon, I think we'll probably have quite a bit in the next 5-10 years.
This is a great way to put something into the bank that'll taste great in a couple years and save you money.
So I would get your orders in now while it's 3-4 weeks for delivery.
They got over that big hump, got it all delivered while you still can because I predict you're going to see even bigger runs on storable food and things than we saw earlier this year.
That's what I really think is going to happen.
I think things are just going to get crazier from this time on out.
Now we are joined, ladies and gentlemen, by Roger Stone with Breaking Information.
Just five and a half, six days from having to report to federal prison.
And he's also got analysis on an unprecedented Censorship!
Bolsonaro is under the same attack saying that his fans aren't allowed to talk about him or post his speeches or material.
Well now Facebook has done that to Roger Stone on Facebook and Instagram.
Quote, cracks down on inauthentic activity.
So ahead of his Pardon?
Or ahead of his clemency?
Or ahead of him having to go to prison?
If the president doesn't act, they are silencing everyone that might cry out against this and another giant authoritarian exercise of evil?
And as I said, they're also doing it to Bolsonaro.
Here's Reuters, the exact same thing, cracking down on inauthentic information and a quote, a disinformation network.
And they say, Bolsonaro sending any Facebook messages from his campaign to fans is disinformation because the ADL and the UN decide what is official, not just here, but worldwide.
So this is a total hijacking of the telecommunications system worldwide and is next-generation warfare that the Pentagon and the President must grow up to or be totally captured by it.
But we are in World War IV right now.
It's an information war.
Roger Stone, thank you for joining us.
Alex, I'm great to be back with you.
I apologize that we couldn't get our Skype up.
No problem.
Let's just get right into it, my friend.
Well, right now I'm wearing an Alex Jones Did Nothing Wrong t-shirt that I was hoping you could see.
But in any event, I'm glad to be with you.
What do you want to get into first?
Well, we just had developments only minutes ago in the U.S.
District Court of Appeals.
I'd like to jump into that real quick.
Just as a quick review, as you know, when we learned that the current Department of Justice and U.S.
Bureau of Prisons Policy Of releasing those inmates convicted of non-violent crimes from prison to home confinement because of the dangers of COVID-19.
Apply for creepy porn lawyer Michael Albinati, who stole $25 million.
Michael Cohen, the ex-Trump lawyer convicted of financial crimes who became a witness against the president.
And Rick Gates, Paul Manafort's former bag man, who got a 45-day sentence for multimillion-dollar tax crimes in return for false testimony against me.
They are all in home confinement, but Roger Stone, at 57, and with a long history of pulmonary problems, mostly asthma, must report to prison next Tuesday.
So, Judge Jackson ruled Despite all precedents in her circuit and others for compassionate release, despite the reports of outstanding tests of COVID at the prison where they want to send me, despite the policy of the DOJ and FOP, and despite extensive medical records and tests and studies supplied to her by my physician, she ordered me to prison.
We immediately appealed that order.
The government did not, under Bill Barr, oppose the order.
They did support it, but they did not oppose it, which is significant.
Minutes ago, we filed an immediate appeal.
The issues have not changed in the slightest, other than the fact that now there are confirmed cases at the prison they want to send to me in Georgia.
But in a stunner, the government has now completely flipped And now they support sending me to prison in just, I guess, five days now.
Given the fact that none of the facts in the case have changed other than to my benefit, because there were a number of outstanding COVID tests that The Bureau of Prisons still didn't have results on.
I can't understand the government's position.
I cannot understand how they justify... How Harvey Weinstein only spent a few months after being convicted of brutal rape.
How you, guilty of thought crime, are about to be sentenced to possible death if you believe their whole COVID situation.
And it's true, eating prison food, you don't get D3, you don't get zinc.
Also, I mean, who knows what they'll pull on you in prison.
I'd be worried about them, you know, winding up somebody that beats you to death like they like to do to people they want to get rid of.
And it will be on the judge's head if you get hurt in that prison, because no doubt it'll be the Clintons who are doing it.
I know you don't want to scare your wife, but now's the time, Roger, to really talk about the reality.
I wouldn't be worried about COVID if I was you.
I'd be worried about Well, I think that it's really very obvious.
you know, trying to Jeffrey Epstein you because you're a big embarrassment to them and they
don't want you to be able to be pardoned by the president.
He must pardon or give you clemency now.
Well, I think that it's really very obvious. The reason they want to send me to prison now
is because they cannot afford for my, my appeal of my conviction to come to hearing,
which would be about a year now, because then when we finally get to a courtroom that isn't
controlled by Judge Jackson, all of the facts will be exposed.
The epic corruption of my trial, the epic corruption of the jury forewoman, and at least one, perhaps two other jurors.
The epic corruption of the prosecutors who defrauded the court on multiple occasions, and I think engaged in other misconduct.
You know, my case remains under seal, so I can't discuss those things today, but in the proper forum, they will all be exposed, and I really believe that I will be exonerated.
Oh, you will be.
I know what you're talking about.
You're not allowed to get into it, because stay there, Roger.
Let's come back and talk about the massive censorship.
This is all bigger than Roger Stone.
We are all Roger Stone right now.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
And we've got Roger Stone on the phone with us here, five days out from being sent to prison for a thought criminal, and Congressman Matt Gaetz came out yesterday when the media was gloating and saying, ah, you're going to prison, you're not going to get a pardon, and said, think again, Roger Stone's not going to prison.
And Sean Hannity and a lot of other folks that have talked to the president have said the same thing is about to happen, but Roger's not talked to the president in a while.
He doesn't know.
So talk about being on the edge of his seat.
Roger Stone should not Disproportionately bear the burden of corrupt Mueller investigation.
Gates also came out yesterday, it was all over the news, and said that Roger Stone is not going to be going to prison, so the left out there shouldn't hold their breath.
I want to talk about that briefly with Roger.
Roger, five days out, what do you think is going to happen?
Well, my faith is in God.
I mean, in all honesty, I've been very forthright about the fact that I've been able to hold up and fight this through.
I've had the serenity and the strength to keep fighting only because I was reborn.
I reaffirmed my belief in Jesus Christ back in January on the advice of Reverend Franklin Graham.
Uh, and I never looked back.
I'm telling you, Alex, I reaffirmed my faith in Christ on a Saturday.
I confessed my sins.
I decided to get right with Jesus and try to walk in his way.
And Monday morning, the story hit the fan about the jury corruption completely exposed in my case.
It was like overnight.
So God works in mysterious ways.
This is in his hands, which is why I'm confident.
I really believe that everything will be fine because the Bible tells us God will never desert you.
He will always protect you.
So I feel pretty good.
Now, do I have inside information?
No, I don't.
I'm encouraged when I read this from Matt Gaetz because he is a close friend and protege of the president.
But he's not returning my calls, so I couldn't tell you what it means.
But it sounds pretty good and it calms my wife down some, so we're just hoping for the best.
I'm going to keep fighting, you know, no matter what.
But the reason they have to silence me is so obvious.
If I were allowed to remain out of prison pending appeal, and I get to appeal, they will all be exposed and they know it.
Well, Roger, I mean, the way they want you as this shrunken head, as this token of their victory, even the New York Times says about me, if we can just bankrupt Jones and shut him down or put him in prison, it'll be a consolation prize.
But then we've got to get all of Trump's other supporters, even if Trump's removed, we've got to level them.
We've got to burn them down.
We've got to destroy, they're talking about America.
They literally want to drive us into submission and dominate us.
Well, I understand that, but although we are not committed to illegal tactics, I'm just as committed to fighting them as they are to fighting me.
It is outrageous that they're going around the country tearing down statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln.
But when black people are pulling down a statue of Frederick Douglass, this shows how ignorant they are.
This shows how this has no point.
It is violence for the sake of anarchy, violence for the sake of destruction.
They have no plan for America.
And I know many patriots in this country are not going to let that happen.
They're not going to let them cancel our democracy.
This next election is going to be the most crucial election in our lifetime.
And they're going to cheat, and we're going to have to fight it out in the courts in the end, in my view.
Thank God the president has appointed so many conservative jurists.
Fair-minded, honest, conservative jurists.
Well, I don't know if that's the case, though, reflecting Gorsuch and Kavanaugh ruling against him on his tax returns today, 7-2.
I know he's appointed over, what is it, 300 judiciary now.
Well, it's thousands total, but, you know, at the highest level.
What do you make of that?
Boy, are they going to be disappointed when they find nothing whatsoever wrong in the President's tax returns.
They're going to find nothing.
I mean, they're going to find that he paid a huge amount of taxes.
They're probably going to find out that he used deductions that are perfectly allowable under the law to save paying taxes.
But if he didn't do that, he'd be too stupid to be president.
Well, they already got some earlier ones and went, oh look, he would put money in family trust.
That's what every rich person does.
But that's just standard.
Go to an accountant and do that.
Go to a CPA or a tax lawyer if you've got any extra money.
Not even rich people.
Middle class folks do that.
Speaking of making things up, they're all over the news saying you use disinformation groups and that you're all over Facebook and Instagram so anyone promoting you is going to be banned.
And it's the same group that put out Russiagate hoaxes.
Tell us about that.
Yeah, it turns out that some outfit out of New York that is financed by two Wall Street firms, we're digging into that because I just have a suspicion we're going to find Soros money sooner or later, put together this extraordinarily fabricated dossier, let's call it, in which they claim that I owned hundreds of fake Facebook accounts in the names of other people.
Let's be clear, I've never owned one fake Facebook account in the name of another person.
They suggest that I set up and control the vast network of fake sites to promulgate false
Now, it's clever because it winds in and out with perfectly legitimate, legal, fully authorized
political activity.
I mean, there's no question.
On my own Facebook pages, which are clearly identified as mine, on my own Instagram accounts, I have called out reporters who promulgate the fake Russian... Sure, they're saying you communicating with people and then people on vacation with their dogs in Colorado putting a link to it.
They're claiming that's a sock puppet of you and you've never met them.
I mean, I went and looked at this.
It's unbelievable how they defame... but Bolsonaro...
Reuters reports they just did the same thing to him.
They're saying if his office or campaign ever even sends messages out to Facebook fans telling them thank you or responding back, that that's disinformation.
Well, you know, you're absolutely right.
So in other words, if a person out there who has their own Facebook account Where they post about their kids and their grandkids and their car and music and concerts and food and so on, but they happen to put up a post that is favorable to Roger Stone.
They got shut down yesterday despite the fact that I might not even know who they are!
The claim that I used fake Facebook posts to post some of the WikiLeaks disclosures.
Demonstrably, provably false.
So, these guys in New York, Grafika and this woman who did the same kind of con job for the Senate Intelligence Committee, they will have ample opportunity to show their proof.
Alex, money has poured into my legal defense fund in the last 24 hours when I put out an appeal based on stopping the censors.
I'm going to sue the crap out of all these people because this report is a pack of lies.
Here's the other point.
If you're a journalist, stay with the Wall Street Journal.
Perfect example.
And you report this as a fact without saying allegedly or may have.
I'm coming after you too.
Roger, you are absolutely right.
Again, that's why when I say we're all Roger Stone, they're coming after everybody.
I could play CNN clips, MSNBC clips, New York Times articles where they say, after we get Trump and Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of Trump's friends, we're going to punish all these people at every level.
We're going to go after millions of people.
I mean, these are terrorists.
These are authoritarians.
These are the real McCoy.
These are the enemy.
Roger, you still there?
Well, that ended on a good note with Roger, so it's okay.
His internet was cut off today, probably an accident.
He's paid his bill.
His computers keep getting... Well, he got SWAT teamed.
He got SWAT teamed by 23 FBI agents that grabbed everything, and then they left an actual wrong hard drive with a camera footage on it.
Roger, you there?
I've learned when to tap out, guys.
I don't want to tap out.
I have my instincts.
I'm ready to tap out.
Roger's not there.
The most amateur thing on talk radio, Howard Stern does this where he calls, he has prank callers call a radio station, and then act like they're a guest or a caller, and then go, hello, hello, and then say a little something, and then not be there.
And then say a little, I have a pet peeve, and it's that.
Roger's cell phone's out.
And so I'm not going to do this thing where I go back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth, and back... I'm not doing it!
Anyways, the ongoing technical difficulties are fun!
They are fun!
And I refuse to wallow in them!
Like, I'm going to go off air!
I'm leaving!
I refuse to be part of this crap!
I'm telling you, man, because it's not that.
It's the doing it over and over and over and over and over and over again.
The failure, the criminals everywhere, and the devil doctors killing all the old people, and the liars like Bill Gates, and we all just sit here while they crap all over us.
Okay, there is the UN.
Well, Sacha Baron Cohen says I might want to talk about this, although that would have me arrested, but I'm going to talk about it.
In fact, get Cohen queued up, if we're able to do that.
Great career.
I'm not mad at them.
I'm just... It's little amateur pet peeve things I have.
That we're done with it, buddy!
We're done!
Ever again!
This is our country at its very best.
What an incredible achievement.
Of course, the coverage and admiration for Mount Rushmore was business as usual for Bernie Sanders and later Barack Obama.
CNN's Jim Acosta even referred to Barack Obama's stop at Mount Rushmore as a fitting stop for a presidential contender in 2008.
Donald Trump chose the most grandiose symbol of U.S.
imperialism on Earth to usher in a very on-brand, star-spangled spectacle.
Complete with fireworks and military flyovers, it was Trump's predictable way of throwing red meat to his base.
While the left trigger their petty tyrant New World Order response by claiming that television icon Mary Hart was flashing the white power symbol as she introduced Donald Trump.
Thank you to you incredible audience.
You have been here for hours today and it was only 125 degrees out here in the sun.
That same group crying in their 4th of July cupcake has no comment when it comes to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spreading the same vicious KKK symbols.
Meanwhile, President Trump gave America the best firework show the White House could muster under a tsunami of propaganda.
1776 represented the culmination of thousands of years of Western civilization and the triumph of not only spirit, but of wisdom, philosophy, and reason.
And yet, as we meet here tonight, there is a growing danger that threatens every blessing our ancestors fought so hard for.
They bled.
To secure.
Our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, to fame our heroes, erase our values, and indoctrinate our children.
It sounded like a Stephen Miller speech, and that is something that appeals to the parts of the president's base that he really focuses on.
This is wartime conservatism, this belief that conservatives are at war trying to protect the country from change.
That message, I know it resonates well with the Hannity base, but I don't think this speech made any sense unless you had watched hundreds of hours of Fox News and you had read all of Newt Gingrich's books.
You know, you have to be fully plugged in to the narrative that the right wing is selling on radio, TV, and online.
But it was in such contrast to what is the biggest cultural event, you know, entertainment event this weekend, right?
What's the biggest moment this weekend?
It's the release of Hamilton on Disney Plus, the streaming service, you know?
Yes, this resonates with the core, but painting everybody who doesn't fully support the president's
policies across the board as anarchist and that Man is a coward.
I say that clearly.
I say it out loud.
Donald Trump is a physical coward.
Independence Day weekend.
President Trump will be at Mount Rushmore where he'll be standing in front of a monument of two slave owners and on land wrestled away from Native Americans told that be focusing on the effort to quote Tear down our country's history.
The nation's ideals and principles are being questioned.
When you carve out, you know, four white men who were colonizers, who committed genocide against indigenous people, and for that to be okay in society today, is fundamentally wrong.
I'm tired of the American people turning against themselves in a house divided, making science partisan, and not blaming the Chinese Communist Party for killing Americans, for putting us out of work, and destroying trillions of dollars of our wealth.
And I think that's a message that should be carried to the MSNBC audience, Ali.
And I just don't hear it.
It's all about Trump this, Trump that.
He's the bad guy.
As Trump derangement goons express their deep hatred for our country in the streets, celebrating the 4th of July by tossing the Columbus statue into Baltimore's Inner Harbor.
Total stupidity reigns among the disconnected Marxist cultural revolution brown shirt machine that is still, supposedly, protesting the death of George Floyd.
Long after the police officers responsible have been arrested and after Minneapolis was declared a disaster area by the governor.
John Bowne reporting.
You know, it gets me really upset to see all the political prisoners being persecuted in this country
and to see the corrupt communist Chinese that oppress their own people by the hundreds of millions.
Absolutely setting the standard worldwide and have the United Nations be the only information allowed to be on U.S.
news and that medical doctors that disagree with it are shut down.
And now, in Australia, whole apartment buildings are being locked down and the police are saying you can't even leave thousands of people for weeks until we come test you for COVID-19.
This is extreme medical Martial law over a virus that they've totally overblown and lied about and they've covered up treatments for not just this but other demonias that are a hundred percent.
So I apologize to listeners and I apologize to Roger Stone.
He won't mind.
He knows me well.
That when he had Skype problems, then audio problems, then was back and forth on the phone that I blew up and said look I'm done.
Not with him.
I'm just I hate that game and I'm legitimately Pissed off about this all the time.
I dream about the lockdown and the New World Order now.
I don't even have regular dreams anymore.
My wife doesn't.
It's all we talk about.
It's a total fraud.
And there's all these compliant people wearing masks everywhere, which means they're going to accept the forced inoculations.
It's a progressive rollout.
Spain's the only other country that's locked down whole apartment buildings and gone and forcibly tested.
And now Australia's doing it.
It's coming here.
And even if it wasn't coming here, I'd be pissed!
This is Hitlerian stuff!
And then I sit there and I have all the data.
Remember the Clintons three months ago, two months ago.
We have the videos.
Clinton looking like the Cheshire Cat saying, it's really great Chelsea and everybody runs it and we're doing it and we got the funding.
We're going to send several million people to everybody's houses and test them and you know there's people inside that are sick.
We're going to take them because it's what you do.
That pervert Jeffrey Epstein, pedophile, rapist, drug addict, piece of filth.
He has an army of SJW scum with databases, with an Apple, Google app already on all the phones, whether you like it or not, tracking your location to come to your houses as the cover for their domestic security force and do this.
I mean, this is it.
It's war.
And so I'm not just gonna...
They're taking us past the time for talking, is the issue.
And they know what they're doing.
They're pushing us into a civil war.
And we're in one now.
And they just think it's going to get worse and worse and worse until we do something.
Well, we've got a lot of things to exhaust first.
I'm going to go out and expose these testing centers and what frauds they are.
And I'm going to go back to the governor's mansion and I'm going to go back everywhere else.
And I just, when I see these people wearing masks, They are submitting to the whole program.
So when you see that, and people say, oh, be tough.
Be tough?
Oh, be tough and take your inoculation.
Be tough and let us have the database.
Be tough.
Now, you tested positive.
We came to your house.
Bureaucrats of the Democratic Globalist Party.
You and bureaucrats.
You know that woman from Harvard that said she wants to kill white people?
The Asian lady?
I didn't need to know she worked for the UN.
Turns out she does.
Almost every time you hear some professor or some academic say they're going to kill white people, they work for the UN.
It's the United Nations that enslaves the world, brings in third world populations they
control in coffin apartments, set the precedent in slaving them, and then enslave everybody
And so, ah, my head's set.
Feet fell off.
So it just absolutely drives me crazy.
You know, and I just sit here and I deal with this.
I watch this.
I put up with it.
Total globalist war against everybody.
And then Sacha Baron Cohen, we'll play the clips when we come back.
He says, he says you will be arrested.
If you talk about replacement migration, he is my lord, my master, my king.
And so I'm going to show you the articles out of Europe, and I'm going to show you the articles out of the United States, from the United Nations, where they say they're going to break down the third world and flood us with the third world because they will control them and they will brainwash them in the camps before they get them here.
And Dan Lyman is an expert On this.
He lives in Europe and he runs Europe Wars dot com.
We're going to talk about this because I told you this is going to cause a depression here collapse in the third world.
They're going to see giant surges into the West.
By early next year, if not before.
The UN's controlling it.
They're building up the refugee centers, they're preparing, they're brainwashing millions to break through like you saw in Guatemala, break through like you saw in Greece, break through like you saw in Macedonia, break through like they tried to do in Romania and Hungary with the client governments directing them and then 90% years later never even have a job because they don't even let them get jobs, they keep them in these giant compact city areas as a weapon that if the
indigenous population does not submit to them, they then unleash them in a tidal wave of
And Macron says we're going to replace the French with 230 something million Africans
and the new French will be African.
And they have TV ads saying the new Swede is Somali, the new Frenchman is Algerian.
And again, and whites are bad.
It's total war!
The UN has already oppressed and used the third world, and brought China into control of Africa, and now they turn it around as it collapses, and they run the COVID hoax, and throw those people against us!
And they sit back, just like in the old From Russia We Love James Bond movie, where there's three Chinese fighting fish, and the one goes in and kills the other, but it's weak, and then the other one comes in for the kill.
And that's all the globalists are doing, is playing us all off against each other, and it makes me extremely angry.
It makes me extremely frustrated.
It makes me come to the point and come to the level of just absolutely being At another point in my life, just where it's all 100% true, it's all 100% criminal, it's all 100% a lie.
You can prove all of it to be disinformation, all of it to be authoritarian, all of it to be predatory, all of it to be absolutely wicked and diabolical and sick and degenerate.
And if you heard about a psycho doing one one billionth of this, he'd be the greatest psycho on earth.
I mean, this makes Hitler look like a choir boy.
This makes Mao look like an amateur.
This makes Stalin look like a nincompoop.
And I know so many people that work here in the office that try to go to the local grocery store and say, hey, state law says if I have any disorder, meaning I have anxiety, meaning I have asthma, I don't have to do this, but I don't have to tell you by law what I have.
And they said, listen, wear this face helmet.
The big face shield.
And the lady points out to him that works there, she goes, oh, this is somebody else's war?
You believe all this?
Because if that protects you, it's about do what we say!
Walk separated like we say.
And now they're saying, oh, don't sing if you're in the choir.
And now they're going to reopen the theme parks.
But they're watching you.
If you yell or scream on the roller coaster, you will be kicked out.
It's a cult.
And first cults always try to get you to not use a few certain words.
I mean in the Spanish Communist Revolution it was just Señor or Don.
Don't call somebody sir.
Disrespectful term.
You know, it's in Old English, Old Spanish, all of it.
You'd get in trouble for that later, you'd get arrested.
And then they had hundreds of words you couldn't use.
But now they tell us, you don't use the word family!
You don't use the word Jesus!
You don't use the word America!
You don't use the word American flag!
You bow to us, a ravenous, psychotic, demonic cult of evil people that absolutely must be resisted.
And then Sacha Baron Cohen says, That if they catch you talking about a UN plan for replacement migration, you will be censored.
And if you do it again, we will put you in prison.
What a dangerous, evil, evil person.
What a horrible authoritarian.
The closest thing to Joe Stalin, Mao Zedong, or Adolf Hitler I've seen.
The real deal who then hides behind our First Amendment when he goes out and commits criminal attempted defamation setups of people that they're racist so they deserve to be put in his camps.
Because he doesn't just want to put the real quote racist in camps, he wants to put you in a camp so he can Well guess what Count Dracula?
your guts out because he won't feel like he's a real man till he's on top of a pile of American
skulls. Well guess what Count Dracula, Von Helsing is coming for you!
Well, if you're not awake and if you're not upset, you're not paying attention.
Dan Lyman, reporter for EuropeWars.com, he heads it up.
Works for InfoWars.com now, I don't know, three years or so.
However long it's been, time flies.
He lives in Switzerland, travels all over Europe to cover Davos events, you name it for us.
And he and his wife are here visiting family back in the United States.
Good to see you, my friend.
Great to see you as well.
Always good to be back.
I mean, I want to get into Sacha Baron Cohen and the replacement migration, because the Democrats have come out and officially announced that on their platform now, a replacement migration, and to say that the U.N.
will run our open borders once Trump's removed.
So it's all official now.
But Sacha Baron Cohen says you'll be arrested if you talk about this.
Yeah, and they've actually set that precedent, of course, in other countries such as Sweden and in France.
If you speak poorly about the migration situation there, you could face prosecution.
You have people that get thrown in jail and fined.
Elderly Swedes I've seen that have gotten fined and thrown in jail just for speaking poorly about the situation affecting them in Sweden as it pertains to migration.
So I think that the precedent has already been set and we can look to other countries to see what could be rolled out here in the U.S.
And it's all internationally run.
It's all UN Globalist plan.
In fact, a bunch of Democrat-run cities are now announcing that they're not going to put the color of people up in mugshots.
So Europe's already done that for a while.
Recently, a couple days ago, there was a bus driver who was driving a bus in Bayonne, France, and he asked some of the riders to put their masks on, and they refused.
And they ended up beating him into a... He was brain dead now.
He's clinically brain dead.
And they haven't released any information about the attackers.
And a lot of people are wondering why haven't we seen any information.
And that scenario plays out very often in Europe where you don't get very much information when the attack is committed by someone other than, let's say, a white male.
Well, just two days ago, a big professor here in the U.S.
refused to go along with fake statistics that whites attack blacks more often.
And he published, you know, the real FBI numbers and now he's in trouble.
Exactly, yeah.
And so that's the truth tellers are getting purged out of academia, off of social media, out of the media, of course.
So there's only the narrative and if you don't speak the narrative, then then you're going to get run out of town.
So it's not like we're becoming China.
We are like China.
I mean, this is hard core.
Super great, 200 proof tyranny.
You've got dozens or 30 or 40 articles from EuropeWars.com that tie all this together.
Start getting into what's really happening, the narrative, the truth narrative they don't want to hear, and then we'll get into the attempt to finally break our will completely and complete our journey into world government.
Well, sure, we can talk about the issue at the moment.
Of course, that is with COVID, that is with the face masks that we're facing here in the U.S.
that I've just now started to experience.
Things are a little bit looser in Switzerland, thank goodness.
But in other European countries, such as Spain, they've gone really aggressive with the mask laws and the social distancing protocols and all that.
So in Spain, they've really set the tone for what could be rolled out in the U.S.
as well.
And recently, they've started, they just started opening the beaches there in Spain.
Some people are allowed to go.
but they have drones patrolling the beaches, they now have a civilian patrol force of over
3,000 people where they hired people who had lost their jobs or unemployed people in Spain,
they hired them on to start these civilian patrols and now they're walking around the beaches
busting their own fellow Spaniards for infractions on social distancing and all that.
So in the past week since they rolled out this new force, just in the one autonomous region of, let's see, Andalusia in Spain, they reported over 26,000 incidents.
These civilian patrols ratting them out to the police and to the government.
Were these people at the beach now?
Maybe they weren't spread far enough apart or weren't wearing their masks.
And that's the contact tracers here from the Clinton Foundation rolling out.
Same in Australia.
It's global.
And it is rolling out globally.
So that's in Spain.
And in Spain, we look at that as kind of like the test case for what they're rolling out because they've been really strict there.
They have had one of the strictest lockdowns.
They recently said that the mask laws are going to stay in place until there is a cure or a vaccine for Spain for coronavirus.
So that's what the Spaniards have.
Then you'll have to have the medical ID.
You've had the vaccine.
Yep, absolutely.
Denmark just announced today that they are rolling out a COVID-19 passport for travelers.
So if Danish travelers want to go abroad, they can bring this so-called passport with them to assure other authorities that they are coronavirus-free.
I mean, this is so classic evil.
It is.
It's really crazy.
I'm just back into the U.S.
for the first time since the coronavirus all hit and I'm shocked at the compliance from everyone here.
I find it a little disturbing the way that people are just rolling over to every little thing that's presented in front of them that they're supposed to do while at the same time people are allowed to go out and protest if it's for the SJW agenda.
I have a stack of articles where they're saying Trump's responsible for the nationwide outbreak, but 26 million marching for George Soros' Black Lives Matter operation.
They're all good and have nothing to do with it.
Right, they're even publishing articles now saying that the Black Lives Matter protests may have actually slowed the spread of coronavirus.
That's right.
You can't make this stuff up.
I mean, they're now saying that 2 plus 2 equals 4 is racist.
And it is.
Please continue with what's going on, Dan.
Sure, sure.
We can get into, well, we've gotten into Spain a bit there.
Of course, what I find so interesting is that they're able to roll out, overnight pretty much, is 3,000 people they're able to hire to patrol the beaches of Spain to check for people obeying these social distancing protocols.
However, you have hundreds of migrants are landing on the beaches of Spain.
That has been happening now for a couple years now.
Hundreds or thousands, depending on how you extrapolate that.
Right, exactly.
So you have them landing on the beaches, on the islands.
You have them actually landing on the Canary Islands off of Africa.
But they can't seem to muster up any forces to patrol the beaches for that kind of infraction.
And so it's amazing how they're able to really crack down and clamp down when something happens that they feel like they need to control.
But when they need to control the borders, they all of a sudden can't do that.
And by the way, George Soros is on record with U.S.
money, Trump finally cut it off, funding this through the U.N.
This is U.N.
paid for.
Those Zodiac boats just coming in, coming in.
As we uncovered last year, we were the first English-speaking outlet, if I'm not mistaken, to uncover this story.
We discovered, based on monitoring the Croatian media, that the Croatian police officers there were finding that migrants that were coming up through the Balkans were actually carrying UN-EU marked MasterCard debit cards that were preloaded with money that they were spending once they reached Europe.
And we were actually the first outlet to report that.
And they denied it, but then later admitted it?
And actually, thank goodness, Hungary really, they took notice of this story as it started to spread around and other outlets started carrying it.
And they actually pressured the EU into admitting that they had issued millions of these cards with tens or hundreds of millions of dollars worth of money loaded onto them for the migrants to spend as they made their journey into Europe.
And the end game is, totally way down Europe, collapse it, bring in world government, because only the UN can then control the borders.
We have to capitulate to UN world government or they'll keep flooding us.
Absolutely, and it's going to continue on.
Things did slow down a tiny bit with the coronavirus and the border shutdowns, but they are picking up again, as we've seen many reports that the illegal and legal migration to Europe is on the upswing.
And we've got the articles in Europe and the United States.
The illegal aliens, the migrants, they're exempt from all the rules.
So are the homeless.
I mean, don't leave them alone.
It's just, it's incredible.
It is.
Actually, one of the really interesting stories, which we can get into a little bit later, of course, but to touch on.
In the UK, they actually have this situation where we have migrants, thousands and thousands of migrants are pouring across the English Channel.
And Nigel Farage has gone from being a politician, statesman, to being on the field, in the field, a journalist.
And he's been reporting on this really- And the police come after him!
Absolutely, absolutely.
And what he discovered was that few to none of the migrants are actually being tested for a coronavirus on their way in.
So they're just being brought into the country and then funneled right into the interior of the country.
Because it's all just an excuse to have power grabs, set up a domestic security force, forcibly inoculate us and make us take apps on our phones and track us.
It's all official and it's coming, folks.
They're never going to stop the lockdowns till you submit.
They're gonna say, you better submit, it's your fault we're not letting the lockdown end.
We are being held hostage.
Get out of the Stockholm Syndrome!
You can either roll over to this world government takeover, that operates under the guise of medicine and humanitarianism, or you can expose it.
The only way they've been able to get away with it this far is control the dominant media, dumbing the public down, and now censorship.
You look at the footage a few years ago of millions of people trying to slam into the Guatemalan border, hundreds of thousands breaking across, the caravans advancing.
That was a UN test.
Of how we respond, Dan.
Yeah, absolutely.
You know, we've seen a lot of the same warnings coming out from these international agencies, basically, in Europe and the United States, saying that the coronavirus, the fallout from the coronavirus, the economic fallout, and also there are breakouts in the camps, that basically, that would drive migration surges into both of our continents.
So, however they need to, they spin this agenda to make sure that we're on the notice that there will be millions of migrants coming into our countries whether we like it or not.
I believe this is Spain.
And so they can't find a way to patrol those beaches when they have hundreds of foreigners
pouring in, but they can find a way to bust you and your family if you're not wearing
masks on the beach.
And a lot of this is mixed in with Greece, who actually did fight for a while.
Italy stood up for a while, but then Italy had a communist government put back in charge
And they are starting to take far more migrants again.
And a lot of these migrants, they are known to be infected with coronavirus.
They'll be out on these ships, on the NGO ships out of the Mediterranean.
And at first, there'll be a little bit of pushback from the governments.
They'll say, no, we can't take this next boatload.
But then the captains on board or the people that are working on, they'll say, oh, there's a bunch of migrants that are They're very sick or they're trying to commit suicide.
You have to let us in.
This is an emergency.
And so they always do find a way to land these boats with hundreds of migrants.
And now it's happening across the English Channel.
across the English Channel.
That was the footage that you were just rolling there, Nigel Farage, he's been documenting this.
He's really been a hero about this.
We have already hit a record for the year, I believe, and we're only about halfway through now, of course,
for the amount of migrants that are coming across the channel there from France into the UK.
Farage is projecting that on the current pace that they're on, they might have 7,000 reach
by the end of the year, and that's just the known numbers.
That's just the ones that they record.
Farage has also done a great job of documenting the fact that the French Navy
and the UK Border Force are cooperating with each other to basically guide the migrants into UK water,
and then the Border Force will pick them up and load them onto ships and bring them over to the shore.
And the amount of migrants coming over is so heavy at this point that they have charter buses,
big coach buses, waiting for them.
But then when he goes to the coastline and shows it, the police later, this is on the news,
come to his house like he's a criminal, even though journalism is, quote,
essential under their own rules.
Right, exactly.
All color law.
So a former member of the EU Parliament, British Parliament, could have been the Prime Minister, one of the top people in Europe.
He doesn't have rights, but the illegal aliens do.
Exactly, and that should worry everyone if someone as powerful as Nigel Farage doesn't have the ability to just go and report.
The initial reports he was doing, he was merely standing near the ports.
A gentleman, well-spoken, and now the ADL is trying to shut him up.
Let's go over this.
Here's the United Nations.
This is InfoWars.
Two years ago, Paul Joseph Watson revealed UN plan to flood America with 600 million Migrants.
And then the news came out and said it was false, even though they admit it was true.
They said, well, but they don't really mean it.
UN Migration Pact.
Crumbles his attention, drawn to disturbing replacement migration plan.
Here is the migration plan from the UN's own website saying exactly what we just said.
France says they want 230 million people that the new Frenchman will quote be an African.
And again, nothing against Africans or anybody, but you don't use the UN as a weapon bringing people in.
Then they put them on welfare to control them as a political weapon.
This is suicide.
And so, let's talk about some of this, because if you speak out against this, Facebook blocks you.
If you talk about it on Twitter, they do.
And that's under Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL orders.
So here's Sasha Barrett-Cohen, just last November, the official spokesman for ADL, who lives behind the First Amendment, commits a lot of these things I think are crimes, setting up innocent people to then, you know, put them on the news as criminals themselves.
Here's this monster that hides behind the First Amendment, talking about how, before
they took Facebook over, that, "Oh, if you let one person organize something in Burma
or in here or there, Muromar or wherever, we're going to blame the owner of it as if
you did it."
Even though if Sacha Baron Cohen has somebody that watches his movie and goes and commits
a crime, he's not to blame.
Or he has a website, somebody says, "I'm going to kill somebody on a message board."
He has that federal law that protects him.
But he's saying, "Let's go after Zuckerberg if he doesn't submit."
This was in November.
Zuckerberg has now submitted.
And maybe fines are not enough.
ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center now officially run and control what can be on Facebook.
Now you see them banning Bolsonaro, banning Roger Stone.
This is the tyranny that we now live under.
Here it is.
And maybe fines are not enough.
Maybe it's time to tell Mark Zuckerberg and the CEOs of these companies, you already allowed
one foreign power to interfere in our elections.
You already facilitated one genocide in Myanmar.
Do it again and you go to jail.
There is such a thing as objective truth.
Facts do exist.
It comes out of your mouth.
And if these internet companies really want to make a difference, They should hire enough monitors to actually monitor.
Work closely with groups like the ADL and the NAACP.
Insist on facts and purge these lies and conspiracies from their platforms.
Like Hitler did?
And I'm talking about this today because I believe that our pluralistic democracies are on a precipice and then the next 12 months and the role of social media could be determinant.
Now British voters will go to the polls while online conspiracists promote the despicable theory of the Great Replacement, that white Christians are being deliberately replaced by Muslim immigrants.
Americans will vote for president while trolls and bots perpetuate the disgusting lie of a Hispanic invasion.
How about open border?
We can't do that.
Mexico can't have that.
And then there's one more clip.
Let's play the clip about the evil Alex Jones.
Here it is.
And that trigger outrage and fear.
It's why YouTube recommended videos by the conspiracist Alex Jones billions of times.
It's why fake news outperforms real news because studies show that lies spread faster than truth.
And it's no surprise that the greatest propaganda machine in history has spread the oldest conspiracy theory in history.
The lie that Jews are somehow dangerous.
As one headline put it, just think what Goebbels could have done with Facebook.
On the internet, everything can appear equally legitimate.
Breitbart resembles the BBC.
The fictitious protocols of the Elders of Zion look as valid as an ADL report.
You know, I'm not talking about Jews here on air.
I'm talking about the ADL, an organization that has their spokesperson, the radio teleprompter, saying, purge people, arrest people, imprison people, if we don't have fact checkers trained by you.
You're saying if you don't let us run and control what you say, we're gonna purge you?
We're gonna arrest you?
We're gonna imprison you?
And then you start spouting off about Jews in the middle of it, so you can then hide behind that while you're calling for Communist Chinese-style takeover.
Unbelievable tyranny.
Dan Lyman.
This is the same way they try to silence anyone talking about George Soros, if you recall.
Anytime you bring up Soros, they say that's anti-Semitic.
Which is just crazy.
Not a lot of people, I've never heard you say anything about that.
It's because George Soros is evil.
It's because George Soros is funding so many of these programs.
We know he's funding all of these district attorneys all over the country now that are allowing rioters.
I mean, he's evil!
And Sasper Cohen is evil.
There are evil Jews.
There are evil Africans.
There are evil Christians.
I mean, the Pope is bad.
But Sasper Cohen is a flaming authoritarian monster.
I mean, he's the very definition of what is super deadly.
You can see it in his face.
People years ago would have just associated him with Borat and this comedic... He's a chameleon, but that's the real guy right there.
A monster.
That's what I was getting at.
Look at him!
If you saw a guy like that walking down the street, you wouldn't think a Jew.
You'd think Count Dracula.
I mean, you'd think... Run through the hills.
That's a monster.
Just look at that monster.
And now he controls your life, folks.
He watches what you do.
He's your master.
We are back live.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Dan Lyman's with us for a few more segments.
We have a special guest host coming up, I'll tell you about in a moment.
But listen, the ADL has tried to bait me for years to come out and say that the New World Order is a Jewish conspiracy.
I don't believe that.
I don't want to make this about one religion or a race or a group.
Because a lot of the leftist globalist system wants to get rid of Israel.
They openly say that.
They say Trump's an anti-Semite.
The ADL's come out and attack the President.
The ADL, just like Big Tech, just like all these other big corporate front groups, wants control of knowledge.
And they all know, well, we had a war with the Nazis, and Americans, you know, know those are the bad guys.
So, if we call Americans Nazis, and say America sucks, we can be the boss over language.
That's the left in general.
So the ADL wants open borders.
The ADL, you know, just absolutely, I see it as a global organization.
But the fact that now they're front and center, it used to be Southern Poverty Law Center, saying, we're the policemen, we control, and having their spokesperson say, it's not just him, they say, we want to arrest you for your speech now.
This is really dangerous authoritarianism.
They've got a 501c deal.
They just got a big bailout.
The Southern Poverty Law Center needs to be criminally investigated.
They've got hundreds of millions offshore.
These are just really un-American groups.
I don't care whether it's the Southern Poverty Law Center or what the NAACP has turned into.
NAACP is a communist organization.
Nothing to do with black people.
They're shutting down our speech and they use these slurs against us, but they accuse us of being Nazis and all that.
But they're the ones really behaving like that in that authoritarian strain where they're just silencing and crushing all dissent.
I'm talking about Pershing people!
Right, exactly.
And people like us, we would like liberty, an open dialogue, open conversation, the ability to say as we please and have peaceful conversations.
He's trying to get people to attack Jews in general.
That's what the ADL does, so they can be the representative and then, quote, milk everybody.
But Jews are smart.
They've really woken up to the ADL.
That's why Abe Foxman had to go.
They lost a bunch of lawsuits calling people, you know, anti-Semites trying to be Jewish.
Right, exactly.
We'll keep going, sorry.
No, no, no, that wraps it up for me.
Well, let's get more into all these articles and your report from Europe about what's really happening.
You were mentioning about how Macron has actually been on record saying that the future of Europe and Africa are one, he says basically.
And he has talked about bringing in 200, he espoused the idea that 250 million migrants over the next 30 years seems pretty reasonable.
I said 30, I went from a lower number.
What's the actual articles people can find?
I believe it is 250 on Reddit.
Yeah guys, pull it up.
Macron bringing 250 million migrants to France.
France's future is 250 million migrants from Africa by what, 2040?
I believe within the next 30 years, so by 2050.
And maybe by 2040, maybe it's 230 by 2040.
And the sheer number of that, I mean, if it was people from Norway bringing in 200... There's not even 100 million in France.
Right, exactly.
And what we're seeing starting to happen now in France and other European countries is that we're starting to see warfare, tribal warfare, between different Islamic groups and different groups of migrants.
So recently, you had in multiple French cities, this sparked off in the beginning in Nice.
With African Muslims fighting.
Chechen Muslims.
So there was a dispute.
I guess there was one of the Chechen youngsters, 16 years old, I guess, was beaten by some Moroccan, North African migrants.
And Chechens from all around France descended on Nice and they went for days, all out warfare in the streets, fully armed AK-47s.
They were crashing cars into each other.
And that warfare actually spread into other cities around France.
So they continued that on for a couple weeks.
And the police are totally Unable to take care of this.
They had to send in, basically, military forces to bring that all down to a cool.
But you see, almost every week now, it seems like there are riots in Paris for different reasons, but it's always migrants and Antifa taking advantage of that chaos.
And the UN knows this and has done it by design.
Absolutely, and they love to see this discord being sown in European cities.
And the Vatican wants it too.
Talk about evil.
Again, I'm not against Catholics when I attack the Pope.
It's like when I attack the ADL, saying to put, purge everybody and arrest everybody for their speech.
That's not Jews.
They don't, and most Catholics I know are great and the Pope doesn't speak for them.
He said Europe shouldn't have walls, saying it's Christian, makes him nauseous, we should open up.
But the Vatican's got 200 foot walls.
And he's on videos of him washing migrants' feet and spreading that propaganda.
But meanwhile, of course, like you said, he lives behind walls.
And so kind of going along that whole same theme, we have that kind of warfare spreading throughout French cities, but we also have it moving into cities across Europe.
And I think that they're taking their cues in many ways from what's happening in the United States and very inspired by that.
And basically this Black Lives Matter movement has spread across Europe as well.
The Soros is funding it, so they call it a revolution.
It's like he funded the Ukrainian overthrow.
It's on record.
Right, exactly.
So recently we had in Stuttgart, they said the worst riots they've seen maybe ever.
They had migrants and Antifa running wild in the streets, smashing up the entire downtown.
You have similar situations playing out in Belgium, Netherlands.
It seems like every week there's a new city that pops up and sometimes you don't even realize you've never heard of the city and all of a sudden they have hundreds.
It's just the new normal and tens of thousands of years stabbed, murdered, raped and it's just no big deal.
And very little of it gets reported.
And when it does get reported, we don't get a lot of information about who the culprits are.
But more and more high-level former French Prime Minister, high-level intellectuals, even famous liberals are coming out and saying, look, this is suicide.
Europe's almost dead.
This is total collapse.
It's got to stop.
You have Eric Samour, who's a very well-known dissident author and journalist, and he has basically said that they really need to do something about this because France is essentially lost in many areas.
And right after he delivered one of these interviews recently, he was actually attacked in the street by migrants.
So, I mean, it's just like the prophecy fulfilled itself.
How much will people put up with?
In America, we're cucking just like Europeans.
I think it's because we become spectators with TV and the iPhones.
We just can't ever imagine actually doing something.
That's a good question.
I really am shocked the way that Americans have rolled over for the masks at this point.
Especially some of the other places I've been in the States.
Even more aggressively, these mask laws are in place and everyone is going along with it without really even questioning it.
Even if they question it at home, they don't feel comfortable questioning it.
And they need to be challenged out in the open.
We've been doing that because you need to be educated and let other people know.
You're accepting the tracking.
The contact tracers, the forced inoculation, that is the plan.
You must say no.
And another thing that I've noticed about what's going on with the way that they're pushing and pulling with the coronavirus lockdowns is it seems like they kind of give us a little bit more ground to give it back, but then when they take back, they take back more than they had.
Well, that was always predicted.
It's an exact formula.
Right, exactly.
And so I think people need to watch out for that because people started getting complacent when things started getting reopened again, and all of a sudden when they dropped the hammer again, they took back more than they had originally in the previous lockdown.
That's right.
You must go out and expose that it's massive testing, false positives, and that they're hiding things.
that for people that do have this autoimmune response, because it is real.
The virus is real. It's been engineered.
It's designed to spread really easy so everybody has it, so everybody's suspect.
And then if you're really deficient in things and old, it causes an autoimmune response in the lungs.
Normally viruses like that do it in young people.
This is very weird because it does it in old people.
It's a very strange virus.
We're not sure they're in game with it, but I believe it's a real virus.
In fact, we know it is, but we know it's very weak when it comes to killing you, very strong and spreading.
The perfect thing to keep everybody scared.
And we do know that the testing even is very strange.
On the CDC website, which I'm sure you've covered, they even say that if you test positive for coronavirus, you don't necessarily have the COVID-19 coronavirus.
You might have had a coronavirus, a common cold.
That's almost all of it.
And that's on the CDC website.
So if that doesn't really blow up the whole narrative, just that one little passage there on the website, I don't know what would.
Well, that's why they chose to make a genetically modified corona.
That's why they can never make a vaccine for a corona, because it's so common.
And so it's the perfect thing where it never is going to end.
Now they're going to count all deaths as corona forever, and they've said even a vaccine won't fix it.
It's just, it never ends.
We just can't let it kill us.
But no drugs that actually cure it like that can be allowed.
No vitamins, no minerals, no steroids, no nothing.
You can't have any of it.
You really have to wonder when are people going to have said this is enough is enough because... I'll tell you when they say it.
No one's going to get in trouble when this hoax gets defeated.
We'll fight like everything.
It'll be horrible.
They'll get some ground.
We'll push them back.
And then they'll just do the next hoax, the next hoax.
They never got in trouble for Russiagate, Ukrainegate, this race wargate, you know, this COVID-19gate.
It just never ends.
Not only that, but as soon as things seem to feel like they're calming down with the coronavirus, they're already talking about the next plagues coming out of China.
Another pig virus!
It's all over!
And Gates goes, this is kind of a simulation, he said on Colbert, but he said the big one's coming.
And that's it.
This is Event 201, Event 202, 203.
We're just being trained to be straightjacketed so we behave ourselves and we're really dying.
Right, and you even have Fauci on record, I believe it was in 2017, saying that there was going to be basically a big surprise, a viral surprise during the Trump administration, basically.
He said during the coming administration, there will be a surprise.
He was laughing, he goes, don't worry, Trump's got a big problem on his hands.
They're all smiling because they're in the in-club.
Yeah, they knew something was coming, so we just, we have to try to stay ahead of them and educate the public.
And that's why we've got to stay on air, we've got to reach more people.
So if I'm pissed, folks, it's because I know this is going to war.
I don't want to go to war.
I want to keep going out on my motorboat once a month and eating cheese enchiladas and, you know, hanging out with my wife and kids.
But I mean, I cannot sit here while that murdering criminal that literally owns the vaccine companies with Bill Gates does this.
You understand, Fauci?
You understand, Gates?
You're not going to get away with this, you murdering trash!
You're our enemy!
I see you!
You will pay!
Cease and desist now!
You will not pass!
People ask me, Alex, isn't it an act when you get pissed off?
Uh, no.
Now, do I let the dog off the chain sometimes?
To show you how I really feel?
Today, actually, some of it's been out of control, okay?
Because as a normal human with normal instincts and normal intellectual capabilities, we're literally being conquered in a globalist war.
And people are running around submitting like morons.
There's a big article out from Dissident Voice.
The mask is a symbol of subjugation.
Big report on Bandai Video dealing with all that.
Dan Lyman will be back in here tomorrow with Owen Schroyer.
There's a good chance I'll be here too.
I've got a family thing that came up, but it might not be happening now.
now, got to deal with some family out. But I'm going to come in here this Saturday and
do a special live report or a tape report, I'm not sure which one, but look for that
during the afternoon. I'll be on the Sunday show always, 4 to 6 p.m. while we're still
here. Remember, around the clock, the Democratic Party's suing us, black ops, fake investigations,
you know, Mueller's had me under criminal investigation, that's still ongoing even though
he's gone, harassment of my family, and I'm not bitching. I'm just here to tell you, this
is a war and you're the target.
You can be old, young, black, white.
If you're intelligent, you want Western culture, you're a Christian, you're the enemy.
Dan Lyman, in the four minutes, three minutes we have left, other key points you'd like to hit and solutions or other things you're doing over at EuropeWars.com.
You know, going along with that point, the way that everything is under attack, and including the progress of Western civilization at this point.
So you have everyone getting behind masks now, which is just totally bizarre.
It's very... It's a Chai Com thing.
And you know, I think it's funny that...
You know, a lot of people have been worried about, let's say, the advancement of the Islamic agenda and the promotion of the hijab, trying to get women into hijabs or even further into other Islamic garb.
But now you have both sexes, everybody hidden behind masks.
And so I'd say that in some ways that the agenda has superseded that previous agenda with the masks and all that.
But going back to the point of just the way that progress is being rolled back, you have so many things that are being kind of pushed upon us.
And I have a great example right here.
The Berlin Transit Authority recently urged riders to forego deodorant.
So that it would force people who tend to wear the mask underneath the nose to get a little better breathing while they're on the trains.
It would force them to cover their entire face because the smell would be so bad.
So they're encouraging people to harass folks.
Exactly, and also to just be offensive, to smell offensive, to look offensive.
Be ugly, be dirty.
Right, exactly.
That's a leftist agenda.
What is it about the left that they want people to be filthy and dirty and ugly, just so no one respects themselves they can run over you?
They worship at the altar of ugliness.
How do they start wearing fancy suits all the time just to piss them off?
Yeah, taken in the opposite direction, of course.
Yeah, you know, I mean, all these Antifa, all of them, everyone, these people that are camping out in these autonomous zones, quote-unquote, or in the park in front of City Hall in New York City, this is filthy behavior.
If you're trying to stop the spread of a virus, people shouldn't be sleeping in tents on the street.
But the news said it's helping fight COVID.
That's the new reality.
That's a tactic psychologically, though, to like juxtapose things and have oxymorons on purpose to make you give up.
Yeah, I think they really are trying to drive us crazy.
You know, one of the laws in many states now is you have to wear the mask into the restaurant, but then you take it off when you sit at the table, but then you put it back on when you go to the bathroom.
I mean, this is like, it creates... It's all stand on top of your head and stick your finger in your ear.
I mean, it's just, it's just, it's moron behavior.
Jump one foot in the air and slap yourself in the nose.
I mean, it's cult programming.
Cults have people do this.
And look, the Marine Corps is a cult, but it was for war.
They have the guys do dumb stuff too, just to seal the follow orders.
But that's for military cult for a reason.
This is a cult to go under communism.
The Marine Corps ain't telling you to cut your son's cock off.
They're trying to break our will and to also just to break our ability to say no and to just keep us always on our toes, keep us guessing about what comes next, what's the new rule, what's the old rule.
And instead we should, you know, that's the answer.
We'll talk about it tomorrow when you're on.
I want you to think about this.
We need to get them off balance and stop submitting in different ways.
All sorts of stuff.
I think before it gets physical, we've got to start going into the civil disobedience realm.
Europewars.com, you're still on Twitter.
How many people, are you still on Twitter?
Still am, for now.
At CitizenAnalyst on Twitter.
Well done, Lord Lyman.
Do what must be done, show no mercy.
Here you go, buddy.
Jay Dyer is ready to rumble!
And he takes over in T-minus 60 seconds, but that's math, so that's racist.
This is Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis, and I am hosting the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back.
You know, I thought today we would talk about Some philosophical and spiritual topics at the same time.
I want to talk about nihilism, the philosophy of our age.
And I'm going to tell you what nihilism is, and we're going to talk about a book that's really good on this, that's really brief.
But I remember many, many years ago, about 20 years ago, I went to this country church out in the middle of nowhere.
I remember this preacher stood up and he had that That Georgia judge, like a Southern judge, draw, you know, he said, we've got people out here in the country of America, God's nation, and they are erecting altars to Lucifer, to the devil.
And we're going to see more of this.
Erecting altars to, and probably even worse, right?
And it just poured out like sap, right?
Like molasses coming out of that.
Out of that, whatever tree molasses comes out of.
A molasses tree.
And I remember sitting in the crowd and I was thinking, this is crazy.
I was, you know, 20, 21 year old, wild boy.
I thought, what is this?
This is crazy.
There's not gonna be altars to the devil.
And this is nonsense.
And then here we are, what, 20 years later, 2020, and we've got open groups out there openly erecting Alters to the devil in America, you see.
So I have to give props to that old country preacher.
He was actually right about some things 20 years ago.
But I mentioned a book.
This book is called Nihilism.
And it's written by an Orthodox philosopher.
And his name is Seraphim Rose.
He wanted to analyze what he thought was the zeitgeist, okay, not that goofy movie, the spirit of the time, right, the zeitgeist of our era.
And he thought that you could trace it back to these kind of Jacobin revolutionaries.
You've heard Alex mention, you know, Jacobins, Illuminati, this kind of stuff.
And there's absolutely documented evidence and proof of this when you go and read these philosophers' actual writings.
I had a professor who specialized in that in my undergrad, and we actually went in, we actually read a lot of these original manuscripts and texts from these guys.
The official history, a lot of it's actually public, too.
It's not like people think, oh, that's a conspiracy theory.
No, actually, there's a wealth of information in mainline scholars about, you know, the Bavarian Illuminati and this kind of stuff.
Anyway, it's this radical revolutionary philosophy that was even wilder than anything else that we saw in the American Revolution or anything like that.
They were like the communists of their time.
And as I mentioned in past segments with Alex, they were influenced by Plato's Republic, right?
Well, what happens with this radical revolutionary philosophy is the idea that we don't want kings, we don't want none of that stuff, we don't want democracy.
Who's going to run all the stuff?
Who's going to be the big boy, the big chief at the top of the totem pole running things in society?
Well, we need philosopher kings.
And shocker, who do you think Plato put at the top of running everything?
The philosopher as the king, right?
If we have philosopher kings, the idea runs, then everything will function logically.
It'll be ideal, right?
Plato said what we got to do is pick out elite kids from the, you know, guardian class, which is the communist class on the platonic pyramid there.
There's three tiers to the Plato pyramid.
You got the proletariat worker masses, then you got the guardian class of Communist soldiers and then at the top you got the the philosopher king elite and Plato thought we could draw out of the lower class as somebody take him stick him on a mountain for about 30 years make him do a bunch of math homework literally just sit up there doing math homework studying geometry and Then you come down the mountain right Plato's not a guru in the sense of like a yogi rolling around in filth Plato thought you come down from the mountain and then you take all that math and
And you stamp it into the city-state.
You force the city-state into this perfect ideal republic as best you can.
There's always going to be players, hustlers.
There's always going to be black ops.
You can never get rid of everything bad.
Plato wasn't an idealist in the sense that he thought you would actually get this perfect society.
But he did think that you could shoot for it.
So, this elite philosopher guy comes down after studying, and then he's got to stamp onto society, onto the city-state, this mathematical ideal.
Now, what do you think might come out of that?
The Greeks talked a lot about techne.
Technocracy, you see.
It originates in the ancient Greeks, right?
In Platonism.
Now, on paper, this sounds good, right?
If you've got a little dose of TISM, right?
Got a little dose of that T-I-S-M, then you might think, oh, that's perfect.
Why don't we all do that?
Yes, let's have me, the King Autist, as the head of the society, and I'll run everything perfectly.
But if you know about that, you can't have a Spurge society.
You can't have a Spurge empire because the world doesn't work on the ideals, right?
The world works on reality.
And reality is in flux.
Reality is not perfect, right?
There are ideals that we can shoot for, yeah.
But every one of the utopian communist-type societies, from revolutionary France and the Jacobins, all the way up to any of the revolutions the last few centuries that tried to enact these utopias, The problem is that they didn't take into account the real world, right?
That you can't stamp into a world that is, in the process of change, a perfect ideal.
But if you're young and dumb, you can convince a bunch of young dummies that you can do that, you see, right?
So that's the danger in this philosophy.
The danger is that it dupes young people.
Ideally, when you're young, you're idealistic, right?
You think, I'm gonna change the world.
I'm going to be the Kingsburg, and I'm going to be the God Emperor of the Kwisatz Haderach, right?
I'm going to be Paul Muad'Dib.
But it doesn't work that way.
Because the world is more complex than you think when you're 18, 19, 20, and you're brought into that kind of Maoist youth brigade type of stuff, which the universities absolutely teach.
I dealt with this for years when I was in the university system, all these sort of crazed professors.
But the point here is that there's a philosophy that results from this attempt to constantly try to set up this perfect utopia.
And what it leads to, and ironically, Plato even kind of picked up on this, is chaos, anarchy, right?
And that leads to nihilism.
And in Father Rose's philosophy, he actually assigned stages to this, which I'll get into here in a minute, but basically nihilism is the philosophy that there's not really any philosophy, right?
It's in a way, it's Nietzschean.
Nietzsche is kind of a nihilistic philosopher par excellence, which is not to say that there's no philosophy or that there's no, quote, truth, but it becomes a rebellion against truth.
And we're going to see some of these crazed characters of the 20th century who are nihilistic Like Lenin, right?
Lenin actually thought... Lenin would say stuff like, I want to blow up the universe.
Like, you thought, you know, ISIS or something was a terror group.
I mean, nobody could top Lenin.
Lenin wanted to blow up the whole damn universe, right?
So, if we think about these basic principles and we think about how the ideals that people wanted to set up When they fail, they lead people to these radical, crazy positions.
Now, again, there's a lot of professors and philosophers out there who are nihilists, who will say, oh, you're misinterpreting.
You know, we don't think that you need to blow up everything.
No, that's just one stage of nihilism.
That's what I'm getting at here, right?
Because there's a dark logic to these kind of atheistic philosophies that leads people into more and more consistency.
Ironically, I mean...
If you're an atheist, nihilist, materialist, there's not really any reason why you should be consistent, because there's no should involved here.
Okay, should is a domain of ethics, right, philosophy.
And so if there's no real universal ethical principles, then you don't have to do anything.
There's no meaning in anything.
We'll get into more of this in the next segment, but let's think about how this leads to what's called relativism.
And what is relativism?
Relativism is the basic philosophical presupposition of the entire modern world, out of all of this revolutionary thought and atheism, which says there is no truth.
Your truth is your truth, man, and my truth is my truth, man.
And whatever floats your boat, right?
But it assumes truth to say that there's no truth.
So it's fundamentally self-refuting.
More on this when we come back in the next segment.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer, jaysanalysis.com.
I was going to try to have old Sam Tripoli on, but he was, he was a little too busy.
So I'm just going to sit here and act like Sam Tripoli.
I'm just kidding.
I love you, Sam Tripoli.
Shout out to Sam Tripoli.
And if you heard me talk about that dosatism, That's a shout out to your boy Theo Vaughn out there.
Now I was talking about the atheist approach to these things and I was talking about how it leads to nihilism and we were covering kind of as a rough outline this excellent book on nihilism.
And I remember one time when I was going to a debate many years ago and there was an atheist and a theist and Before the debate, we were all kind of in a circle, kind of talking, and we were hashing it out with the president of, I don't know, Atheist, Beaver, Beaver Atheist Association, or whatever it was, from America.
And he said something like, look, the reality here is that you people who believe in God, you theists, you're just scared.
You're just scared to admit that the entire universe, cosmos, ultimately is just purely meaningless.
And I sat there for a minute and I said, wait a minute.
I said, so if all the universe is meaningless, then ultimately your life is meaningless, right?
And that dude said, yeah, sure.
I don't have a problem affirming that.
Why not?
So what?
That's what you're scared of, wussy?
You just wuss?
And I said, well, if your whole life is meaningless, then ultimately this debate conference thing that we're at is meaningless too, right?
And he said, yes, dude.
Why can't you just own up to it?
And I said, well, if this whole debate conference is meaningless, then our conversation right now is meaningless, right?
And he said, yes, dummy.
And I said, well, if our conversation is meaningless, then also aren't your sentences and arguments meaningless?
And he said, why are you playing word games?
See how easy it is?
This stuff is built on a house of cards.
Now, if we notice that the atheist position, that the entire superstructure is built on nothing, built on a house of cards, then we can start to deconstruct this whole system as pure contradictory nonsense, right?
Before we went to the break, we were talking about how claiming that nothing is true is itself A self-refuting claim, you see.
I only believe in what I can determine from my senses.
We only know what comes through five-sense empirical data, many people will say.
Did sense data tell you that you only know things from sense data?
No, it doesn't.
You can look under a rock.
You can look in a test tube.
You can look at a microscope.
It's never going to tell you that there are only sense datum, you see, right?
So that's an assumption that's not empirical.
It's beyond the empirical, but the claim was claiming to claim that only sense data is what we can know.
So therefore, it's fundamentally self-refuting.
Now, when you start to realize this, and by the way, in the first chapter, he does the same thing that I'm doing right here, but it's not that different.
He makes these same kinds of arguments, and he says, all these people, by the way, who tried to enact these ideal, perfect utopias, they're missing some fundamental philosophical points here.
And when you assume from the outset for your worldview that there isn't a God, that there's nothing higher, that there's just sort of matter in motion, anytime you then try to make truth claims and try to have ethical, you know, systems or whatever, I'm going to have a secular humanist system, right?
It doesn't work.
It falls apart.
Because you start to realize that there's no thing to build this on.
There's no objective truths.
It's all purely subjective.
And so you'll hear, you know, atheists, materialists, these kinds of people.
These are the people, by the way, who are indoctrinating everybody in the universities, you see.
Now, you, you, if you're, you know, working a Sally, Sally Six Pack and Bobby Soccer Mom, and yes, I reversed it on purpose.
Because everything's reversed now in our inverted world.
If you're working at the factory, you may not interact with these philosopher creeps and weirdos, but I assure you, when you send your children to the universities, they are underneath creeps and weirdos for four years straight, at least.
Trust me, I've been there.
I tried to tell my parents this years ago and they didn't believe me.
They were like, it's not that bad.
It's not that crazy.
I'm like, Boomer, you don't even know how bad it is.
They are like, I'm not, I can't say, I can't say on air what would come up in college classes and nobody believes you until, you know, people film it, right?
Remember these viral videos of the last several years?
And people are like, you know, college, is that crazy?
It's, it's beyond what you even know.
So even though you may not interact with these weird, you know, academics on the day-to-day Sally Sixpack, I assure you that at the university they are indoctrinating people consistently.
And the first thing that they do in the praxis of indoctrination is to try to break down the existing worldview framework that people came into the class with.
That's their first Priority.
That's the first thing that the professors do.
How do I break down their existing moral framework?
So the first thing that we'll try to do is indoctrinate with these kind of unchecked assumptions that I'm talking about.
Like, do you really know if the Bible's true?
Do you really know if there's anything beyond sensitive data?
They'll throw this stuff out there and it sounds kind of smart, right?
Oh, well, I guess science is, you know, done with a bunch of test tubes and there's blue liquids and bubbles in the tubes.
And I guess it's really scientific.
There's a guy with a lab coat.
So that must be authoritative.
But that's the domain of natural science, right?
That's not the domain of philosophy.
That's not the domain of the bigger questions.
That's the domain of the smaller questions.
I remember I had a professor one time and he wrote up on the chalkboard, we only know what sense data tells us.
That was his first class.
The first thing was that.
It was an astronomy class.
And I said, Do you know that by sense data?
And I kid you not, he sat there for a minute with a chalk up to his mouth, just kind of staring off into space, like space was going to give him this answer or something.
I guess if you worship space, you're going to look to space, right?
But he didn't have an answer, and none of those professors ever did have an answer, and that's what I'm trying to tell you, is that it's all a house of cards, you see.
And it's a house of cards that's intentionally there to make your children, first, atheists.
But atheism doesn't hold people very long, right?
Atheism doesn't have a hold, really.
Like, it'll last for like a phase, and then the intention is to take people into darker things, you see.
And you think that's crazy.
Well, now wait a minute.
What did Lawrence Krauss say we are?
Do you remember what Lawrence Krauss said?
One of these famous atheist materialist physics dudes?
He said we're all stardust.
We're all stardust.
What is, uh...
What does Richard Dawkins say?
Richard Dawkins says, we are all merely stardust.
Perhaps, in fact, we are the offspring of queer aliens.
And we were placed here by queer pervert aliens.
And we are the DNA offspring of these aliens.
And we must then perhaps also eat people.
That's a logical conclusion from the Dawkins philosophy, I guess.
He literally says that, by the way.
He says, why don't we speculate about eating people?
All right.
God is irrational.
But aliens are rational.
You see how House of Cards this is?
That's what I'm trying to say.
That's what I'm trying to get across is that this superstructure of supposed science and these giant concrete buildings with statues of Darwin and people out front, it's erected on houses of cards.
That doesn't mean that scientists don't discover things.
I'm going to tell you more about that in a minute.
Now, I was telling you all about Lawrence Krauss talking about stardust.
We are all made of stars.
Now, who else said that?
Oh, Alistair Crowley, by the way, said that we're all stardust.
Every man is a star, right?
Did you guys ever see that interview with Ben Gertzel when he was all with Joe Rogan, man?
And he was like, we're all just molecules, man.
And like different configurations, man.
And we're nothing else but a bunch of molecules, bro.
Like I saw this on DMT was, right?
Total nonsense.
Molecules cannot tell you anything beyond molecules.
And it can't even tell you molecules, you see.
All of these worldviews are pure nonsense.
Now, I was talking about relativism.
I was talking about how that's kind of the basic philosophy behind this revolutionary atheistic philosophy that the Jacobins, the Illuminists had, right?
And it develops into these stages.
You've got these stages.
It leads to its own dark kind of logic, is what I'm trying to say.
So, what do I mean by that?
Well, every worldview, every systems, if you study philosophy or systems analysis, this kind of stuff, you'll notice that there's a certain logic that a system has.
It links together and connects together, and every one of the parts relates in some way to the whole.
This is true of Uh, computers, right?
This is true of the different components and motherboard and all this difference of the screen, the keys.
This is true of cars, right?
A car, any, any kind of machine.
It's true of ecosystems and it's true of humans.
And it's also true of their schema or their worldview, as we call it in philosophy.
That's just the view that you have of things.
It doesn't really matter about the fancy philosophy words, that's not the point.
The point is that everybody has a worldview, even if they know that word or not.
They have some view about ethics, which is just right and wrong.
Some view of knowledge, can we know anything at all or not?
And some view of reality, what exists and what doesn't exist.
Now, even if you're totally agnostic, that's still a view, right?
It's a view, well, I don't know, we don't know, nobody knows, who knows?
But no matter what your view, there's something in humans where they, over time, always kind of live more and more consistent with their governing assumptions or their worldview.
And so if those assumptions are on the theistic side, then if you continue with that view, you're going to live more and more consistently with your theistic view.
If you're on that atheist or Luciferian or whatever, that darker left-hand path, you're going to live more and more consistent with that kind of view, right?
Unless you change or repent or whatever.
With these two different kinds of logics or systems, there's an undergirding logic that you will follow through with, right, which is just called being consistent.
You're going to be more and more consistent over time.
And that's why you'll see this darker and darker stuff with what we're seeing, you know, with Epstein-Maxwell, that kind of stuff coming out in the news.
That's just more and more degraded and degenerate versions of people living out their worldview.
Living out their governing assumptions of no God or I'm God, right?
Apotheosis, that man is God or is his own God.
Self-worship, that's just what idolatry is, is essentially worship of the self.
And so, it's not just the individual that lives this out.
You can also see this process in cultures.
And in civilizations.
Spengler, he wrote famous books, The Decline of the West, where he talked about how entire civilizations kind of had this organic lifespan of birth and flourishing and then death.
Daniel, the book of Daniel, he has a very similar kind of analysis to Spengler in that he saw the success of world empires, these big idolatrous empires, As these different images of different beasts, or he saw a big golden image, right, with these different sections of the image reflecting these idolatrous world empires.
And, of course, the last one was the Roman Empire under which Christ was born.
Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Daniel 9.
That perspective shows us that there are cycles.
That doesn't mean that all of history is purely cyclical, right?
I'm not a Nietzschean.
Nietzsche taught that.
There is a pattern.
There's a cycle that we see in civilizations and in histories and in cultures.
And when we look at the West, when we look at the post-revolutionary period and ethos of the West, what we see is this movement towards more radical, nihilistic philosophies.
And it started with that kind of atheistic, Jacobin-type of view.
And it progresses over time, you get these things, well, so the naturalistic assumptions of, you know, evolutionary philosophy, that replaces the Genesis account, right?
Freud comes along and Freud kind of replaces the notion of sin or violating the moral law with confession and, you know, telling your nasty secrets to your psychiatrist, right?
That replaces the older idea of confessing to God.
And then you get people like Marx who replaced the idea of what economics and human interaction is with class warfare in his day, and then later on it becomes other kinds of identity warfare.
It morphs into these other things.
Well, eventually you get in the 20th century the rise of Postmodernism and the breakdown of all narratives, because there's a recognition that these utopian systems, these universal systems that people kind of cooked up and came up with, doesn't matter which, whether it's Marxism or whatever, they don't really work as they're classically formulated.
So they logically move and morph into the next phase or stage of their alchemical development.
And for The Western atheist ethos, as it adopted atheism in terms of these Jacobin people I'm talking about, it becomes more and more nihilistic.
Great example again, we look at Bolshevist thinkers and philosophers, so to speak, right?
We think of Trotskyites, we think of Lenin, as I mentioned, like, I want to blow up the universe, right?
Who comes up with that?
I want to blow up the universe?
And it's like, well, why would you want to blow up the universe?
Don't you want to exist?
No, I want to fight all existence, right?
I'm anti-existent.
That's like the most fundamental thing to war against.
There was a famous author, I think he recently passed away, Umberto Eco, and he wrote some really fascinating fiction stories that are full of a lot of esoteric symbolism and whatnot.
Name of the Rose is really good.
It's got like a Well, it's a creepy kind of setup there, but this Sean Connery, and he's there with Christian Slater as monks in the Middle Ages, right?
Name of the Rose.
It's not that good of a movie, but the book's really good.
And Umberto Eco puts all this esoteric stuff in his books, and then he comes out with this famous essay.
I can't remember if it was in the New York Times or what, but there's a famous essay about meaning.
Now, you remember I was talking about atheism and meaning earlier, right?
Well, Ecko writes this essay and he says, look, all you fellow liberals and fellow travelers out there, he says, look, we got to fight against the real, quote, fascism.
And he says, you think I mean, you know, dudes in boots and, you know, skull jackets or whatever, death's head type stuff.
I'm not talking about Mussolini SS stuff.
He says, we need to fight against the real fascism.
Get this.
Which is truth itself.
Now, that took, I mean, Echo had to go through a lot of, you know, processes of that left-hand path.
And if you read his books, he's very much a left-hand path kind of person, right?
Who left religion, left, I think it was Catholic, left homism, left all that stuff, went into Kabbalism, went into, you know, probably satanic stuff.
I don't know, right?
Uh, and then he comes out of it and says, you know what I see from all this?
We got a war against existence and truth itself.
And he cites other philosophers, Deloitte said these different deconstructionist people.
This is what you start to notice is that.
As we get into the 20th century, people throw off all grand narratives, right?
I'm talking about at the intellectual level.
Now, on the streets, the dum-dums out there, like, they think they're going to set up the perfect utopia.
Yeah, but the intellectual class, they're beyond that.
They moved into the nihilistic philosophy of, there are no narratives that we're discovering.
Narratives are all created, and since they're all created, we will create the narrative We will create reality.
This is where postmodernism actually becomes magical thinking, literally.
If you read Terrence McKenna in his book Food of the Gods, he has a whole section where he says that the mushroom taught me that white people all need to die and reality is made in our minds.
Back after this.
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and also on Twitter and Instagram as well. Now we were talking about these stages of the philosophical
devolution of systems and one of the things that Rose highlights that is something from
Marxism is dialectics and it goes back older than you know Marx.
It goes back to Hegel, and it goes back even to the Greeks, which is the idea of right back and forth, left, right, black, white, day and night.
All these different things can be construed as dialectics, but in the socio-political sphere, we mean dialectical opposition that's controlled and manipulated.
So, in the Enlightenment period, we get this outbreak, and we're going to focus on the Jacobin stuff, right?
The French Revolutionary thinkers.
You know, you've got your Dantons, you've got your Rose Piers, you've got these kind of guys.
And Marat, right?
These are more radical revolutionaries.
They weren't all that radical in the French Revolution.
Some of the revolutionaries were the nobility, merchant class, these kinds of people.
So, you get these two branches of Jacobins and Garondins.
But the really radical ones are the Jacobins, and they were connected to the Illuminists, right?
A lot of them had an Illuminist philosophy.
That's the real Illuminati.
And initially the idea was to promote just kind of a liberalism that sparked off into the radical liberalism of the Jacobins.
And this is like, you know, the total communism stuff.
These are the proto-communists back in that day.
And at that point you get the idea of, well, let's just demythologize, let's come up with a new calendar, let's have an atheist calendar, you know, atheist civic saints, all this kind of stuff.
But the problem is that eventually people realize that there's no real undergirding basis for any of this stuff that's being erected.
So there's a progression where people start to doubt the Atheist ideals, right?
I mean, think about the secular humanist manifesto, this kind of stuff.
There's two of those.
I had a big debate with one of the premier atheists, Matt Dillahunty.
You can go watch that debate on YouTube.
And he's a big defender of this secular humanist thing, or the manifesto.
But the problem is that eventually you realize, well, if atheistic materialism is true, right, and there's just matter, It doesn't really matter whether you follow the Secular Humanist Manifesto, right?
And they'll say things like, well, but, you know, it would give everybody a better life if you just followed these basic ideas.
Would it?
On what basis do you know what's better?
And especially for other people, right?
I mean, you're an atheist, you're a subjectivist, it's relative, right?
So, who are you to decide what's better?
Maybe I want to be the God Emperor, right?
I want to be the Kwisatz Haderach.
To use the Dune analogy.
I want to just stamp out everybody and take all of y'all's women to be my harem.
And who are you to tell me I shouldn't do that?
What's true for you is true for you.
Whatever floats your boat, bro.
I just want to be the God Emperor, right?
So you see how quickly that devolves.
It doesn't work.
So therefore, the secular humanist stuff is all built on sin.
And eventually, the atheist materialist type people, that crowd, They kind of see through that and it moves to the next phase, right?
And the next phase of the revolution tends to be a little more vicious.
It becomes more hardcore.
You get the ideas of, all right, now we've got to, like, face the reality, right?
There's no grand narratives.
There's no real truth.
So the elite, the power elite here, we're saying, they make truth, quite literally.
You know, we got to set up systems that will ultimately put the technocracy in.
We got to get rid of a lot of people.
And it's unfortunate, but it's just the way it is, right?
Burson Russell has this quote where he says, look, a black death, right?
We got to have a black death every few centuries.
Why don't we have an engineered black death, which could kind of, you know, trim the hedges, you know what I'm saying, on the human crowd.
Just trim those hedges a little bit down to maybe 500 million, whatever.
And it sounds bad, but who cares?
Ultimately, we got to commandeer evolution.
We got to steer it, he says, as all of his crew said, by the way.
And he literally says that, and I think it's an impact of science on society.
Yeah, it is.
He says, well, what's how to engineer black death?
This kind of stuff.
Now, that's the The next phase where they realize there's no grand narratives.
We're not actually going to have this utopia.
So we got to, you know, have the noble lie, Plato's noble lie, which is like a civic religion.
Auguste Comte, you know, he talks about making up a fake religion to satisfy the masses.
That's a lot of these churches are basically tools of the state, fake religions out there, fake churches.
He says we can have that, but in the background we're, you know, we're the scientific elite.
We really know what's going on and it's unfortunate, but we can still set up this kind of, you know, a transhumanist technocracy or whatever.
We can still set up this perfect system which will evolve to give us godhood.
That's the second phase of the revolution, is this still idealistic, but more realistic position than the utopian, you know, low IQ people on the street types or the thugs or the, you know, the people think that they're going to set up the Maoist, you know, perfect state or whatever.
It's also a phase, right?
So this next stage says, well, we've got to kill everybody, put the robots in, let the bitch bots run everything.
But then some people realize that even that doesn't really make any sense.
And so there's a darker layer level that he argues is the real operating system of the whole Jacobin leftist left-path system.
And he says that's a Luciferian satanic nihilism.
And he argues that, you know, the top of that pyramid, that glowing eyeball up there, That's actually satanic, right?
And that glowing eyeball has the rest of that pyramid duped into thinking that at different layers, they're going to get different shares.
They're going to get different pieces of the pie.
But even the highest layers of that are duped because at that top, the eye hates humanity.
All of it.
And it's not going to evolve you into being a robot so that you can live forever.
You're not going to be downloaded into the cloud, all this nonsense, right?
By the way, that's, isn't that like a genie in a lamp?
I thought we had moved past superstition and now we're talking about genie worldviews.
Like, you know, I'm going to download into a zip drive.
That's like a genie, dude.
Imagine you could have a lamp that's a, that's a zip drive.
And then if you could download into the cloud, you could literally be a genie in a lamp.
Think about that.
I'm joking.
But for real, if we think about how this is ultimately satanic, then we realize that, oh yeah, wait a minute, if I'm being told that we need to be post-human, evolve past all of humanity, and that all carbon-based life forms themselves got to go away so that we can have this new silicon-based life form, which is what the transhumanists teach, then maybe at a higher, higher level, There's actually just nothing but the destruction of the human race.
Did you ever think about that?
What if that's really the final stage?
And that's kind of where Rose goes in this book.
Now, I don't think he mentions transhumanism.
He might mention it in passing, because this was written a few decades ago.
So he might have kind of been aware of it mentioned in passing.
He did mention like the Illuminati and this kind of stuff in the book.
He mentioned those kind of secret societies doing this kind of stuff in the background.
What I'm getting at is what you often hear, you know, people like Alex say, which is that, look, there's higher and higher levels to this.
And some of those layers of the pyramid think that they're going to get a share, a piece of the pie, they're going to be downloaded into the zip drive or whatever.
And that's also another level of deception.
Remember Albert Pike said that all of the lower levels on the pyramid get deceived intentionally?
Remember when he said that?
You think that there's not still deception even at higher levels?
I mean, I met some, you know, fairly prominent people, people who are well studied, interviewed some pretty prominent people who academics, philosophers, these kinds of people, some of them, you know, smarter than me, really smart people.
And they don't always have the full picture, right?
You got to kind of get up into like a.
Kissinger, Brzezinski type of level before people really kind of have the big picture.
That's what I'm trying to get at here.
But even that is still the big picture in the human domain, right?
The geopolitical domain.
What I'm trying to say is there's a higher kind of spiritual reality that, you know, Alex does talk about pretty consistently.
And Rose talks about it in the same way where he says at that highest level, the highest sort of Initiation level, you could say, into the dark arts of Satanism, Luciferianism, transhumanism is a total anti-human, anti-existence.
Just destroy this whole reality, ultimately.
That's what I think.
I mean, Satan ultimately wants that.
Because if God is the creator, author of being, what's the highest level of rebellion against creation against God?
To go against being itself.
This is Jay Dyer from Jay's Analysis.
Thank you for letting me host.
Thank you for tuning in.
This is the Alex Jones Show and you can follow my stuff at jaysanalysis.com and also my books.
You get signed copies of Esoteric Hollywood 1 and 2.
2020 is a very special year to the globalist, to the occultist, to those that are into esoteric mysticism.
And they believe this is the year they're going to totally overthrow America and the world and bring in their anti-God, anti-human tyranny.
Well, we're here on air and we just ask you all to realize that we're in opposition to this evil and that only your word of mouth helps us reach new people.
And I want to salute you all and thank you for your support.
I also want you to know that our 4th of July, once a year mega sale is here.
And we've got a bunch of stuff at 50-60% off right now.
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And remember, your funding of our operation makes it all possible.
Plus, these are great things that God designed for you and your family's bodies.
Please take action.
Hollywood, the Democratic Party, the unelected EU bureaucracy, and the Fortune 100 corporations are almost unanimously rooting against America Against the American people and against our president, Donald Trump.
They're all over the news saying the American century's over and that America's quarantined and the COVID-19 was our fault and that the United States may not even exist in the future and certainly isn't going to be a superpower.
We have to be politically more engaged than we've ever been before to stop this Newell or takeover.
But we also have to understand that we have to reach out to God and pray and ask for God's intervention.
And we also have to be physically prepared for what's happening.
If you don't have a firearm and don't know how to use it, don't have ammo, you really should get some.
And you really should get high quality storable foods and water filtration systems.
And in those two departments, water filtration and storable food, we have the highest quality at the best price you're going to find anywhere.
I would suggest now you get your storable food today.
It only takes about four weeks to ship it out to you.
So many others are sold out, but InfoWareStore.com has it and is ready to ship it to you.
The New World Order social engineers are all on record that their entire program is about domesticating us, dumbing us down, and making it to where we are not self-sufficient.
During the Great Depression in the 1920s, it's estimated by major universities that around 7 million Americans starved to death from malnutrition or died from diseases because their immune systems were run down.
Now, back then we were 90% rural, and almost everybody was self-sufficient.
Now we're 90% urban, and of the 10% that are rural, it's estimated that less than half of those are actually self-sufficient.
We are sitting on top of a time bomb.
We have been domesticated.
I know how to skin a buck and run a trot line, but I don't know one one-hundredth of what my grandfather knew.
I don't know one twentieth of what my dad knew.
And quite frankly, I've dropped the ball.
My children are city slickers.
They know how to shoot a gun, change a tire.
That's about it.
We need to get back to the land, back to self-sufficiency, and back to being prepared.
And the way to start, ladies and gentlemen, is having friends and family with a bug-out plan if there is a total collapse, and water filtration, and food to last you at least a few months.
And the food we have is very high quality.
It's in great containers that are great to be mobile.
They have wide selection, special diets, you name it.
It's the best price you're gonna find for quality food like this.
And most importantly, all the other big companies have become fly-by-night.
They only keep a little bit of food on hand, and it's low quality, it's overpriced, if they even have it.
And they'll lie to you and say, oh, we ship in two weeks.
They're not.
They're still shipping in six to eight weeks if you can find it.
But, our sponsor, we've been partnered with for 11 years, MyPatria, has the food, has four plants in the United States, several sub-plants, And a lot of their food shipped out within two weeks, but on average it's about four.
But you need to get the orders in now in the lull before the storm.
I told you lockdown two was coming.
I told you they're going to have new versions of the virus.
The new world order is making its move.
Whether Trump loses or wins, things are just going to get more crazy.
And this food lasts 25 years inside the containers.
So it's something you can hide, something you can bury, something you know is an ace in the hole for you and your family in the future.
And the little bit of profit that comes in funds the InfoWar to continue to warn the people.
So you're also funding InfoWars, the most powerful Paul Revere organization in the world, because it's powered by you.
Get ready, get prepared, spread the word.
Whatever you do, pray to God and get yourself right with God because this is the real deal and things will only get crazier from here on out.
Good luck and God bless.
I work long hours.
I work 18-19 hours a day sometimes.
Sometimes I work 24 hours because we're so short-handed with the coronavirus.
People don't want to come to work.
But some people are just taking an option and I'm cool with that.
But anyways, I take the TurboForce.
He's got a product called TurboForce All Natural.
Man, the energy is amazing.
I get about 10 hours worth of just sustained energy.
Sustained energy.
I'm recommending these websites and I'm recommending these products not because I get paid.
I don't get a referral fee or anything like that.
This is just my personal experience.
I know their brands, but their brands and their websites, they're very famous.
A lot of people know who they are.
I take products from people that I've been listening to for years.
And I've been listening to InfoWars.com for years.
I've been listening to Dr. Root for years and years and years.
I've taken a lot of supplements from other companies, other places, and a lot of that crap is snake oil.
Believe me, snake oil.
But the TurboForce, I take that and I'm good for the entire day.
I'm good for like 12, 13 hours.
At least.
But anyways, I can't speak enough to it.
Working long hours.
I need it.
I need it.