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Name: 20200707_Tue_Alex
Air Date: July 7, 2020
2456 lines.

In this episode, Alex Jones discusses various topics including the political climate, COVID-19 pandemic response, recent arrests related to Jeffrey Epstein's case, and censorship of conservative voices by tech companies. He criticizes those advocating for strict measures during the pandemic and accuses them of pushing leftist ideology. Roger Stone, a former Trump campaign advisor facing prison time, is interviewed on the show where he discusses his concerns about going to jail before being able to appeal his conviction and exposes alleged corruption within the justice system. The interview also touches upon recent protests against police brutality. Alex Jones appeals to listeners to support Stone through donations and purchases related to his case. Pastor Graham shares his experience of being arrested for protesting against lockdown measures and believes that the pandemic is not about a virus but rather a plan to shut down the globe and the church. He mentions his new book, The Phantom Virus, which he co-wrote with Pastor Rodney Howard Brown, and how Amazon banned it. Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne held an event at his church defying social distancing guidelines and claiming that he had taken precautions against COVID-19. He believes that churches are being targeted by those who oppose God's word. The Pastor also shared a prayer during his event, expressing repentance and dedication to following Jesus Christ. Alex Jones and Pastor Rodney Howard Brown discuss the devastating effects of the global lockdown on people around the world, specifically in Africa where millions are at risk of starvation due to lockdown measures. They also mention how pastors in England are not allowed to sing and how there's an uprising taking place against the restrictions imposed during the pandemic.

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The ADL has come out, an international organization, and is running all the major tech companies, thought crime divisions, and they tell them who to ban, who to censor, they say what symbols are good, what symbols are bad, and they've said the thumbs up is bad, and the okay sign is bad, and just everything's evil, and you know, chess,
White Knight Takes Black Pawn.
That's, that's banned.
And the word master bedroom has nothing to do with slaves and all the rest of it.
Again, like master switch, the main switch.
They are teaching us what language we can use.
They are our kinks.
Thank you, ADL.
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones going down path.
Increasingly making Jewish mafia references in rants.
The ADL was founded with funding by the Jewish Mafia on record.
I mean, that's in the encyclopedias.
Everybody knows I'm not against Jews in general.
Because I judge people off the content character who they are.
And there are a lot of different organizations and groups.
The ADL is a leftist, globalist organization that is censoring everybody and got Stefan Molyneux taken off YouTube by defaming him
Saying he was a white supremacist.
I say let ideas stand on their own.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And that's not Hunter Vassar.
That's how long we are out from the election.
But if you think this is being done to just get rid of Trump, think again.
All of this has been pre-planned.
We told you exactly what they would do when they began the rollout, and they're doing it.
They're shutting the world economy down.
They're going to kill billions in the next decade.
Billions will die.
So all you big leftists and folks that are into depopulation, you are definitely going to get everything you want.
It's going to happen to you as well.
But you'll be positronically and chemically lobotomized long before they suck your soul out.
So you want dystopia?
You got it!
Now the good news is we're going to see a lot of rejection of this whole New World Order system.
And a big awakening is taking place and we are starting to turn the corner when it comes to a particular nasty club of deep staters.
That are trying to cause a civil war in our country.
But long term, if they're not routed out and prosecuted for their criminal operations, just by attrition, they're going to win by shutting down civilization.
And you knew the next call was going to be Silicon Valley that started the lockdown and shut down their companies first.
Then followed by the entertainment industry and create the domino effect to make it look like Trump had to shut everything down.
Or he was killing people.
All the fake numbers and all the rest of the propaganda.
Silicon Valley's now announcing that they're basically never reopening.
And that you'll all, quote, work from home as you're being taught to be obsolete.
And now, following suit, California school districts in Silicon Valley, leading the way, are announcing that they're never going back to school.
And Austin is following that model, and the AISD, and also the Westlake schools, they have just gotten rid of grades, basically, where you can take whatever semester you had your highest grades, and then that is applied and doubled.
I mean, this is 2 plus 2 equals 5.
This is ending education by design.
It was always the plan.
This is how you create servile slaves is dumbing them down.
Destroying the work ethic so that robots have to come in and do the work.
Further displacing humans because humans are so dysfunctional, so mentally ill, and start so many crazy fights with each other that we are dysfunctional.
There was a big article out about that yesterday.
I meant to get to it.
You guys pull it out of the stack.
Big study just came out.
There's a whole bunch of these, but how leftists, again, are more likely to steal, more likely to lie, and that they claim they're trying to help the office or the military or whatever the institution is, but they will destroy it.
And they're just ninnying, spoiled, brainwashed brats who are being prepared to be pushed into the fire, not by us, but by the globalists.
But then when you look at the engineers of this thing, to a person, they're into dehumanizing and pedophilia.
They're just obsessed with hurting innocents.
So, they're not setting up some survival of the fittest thing to get rid of the useless eaters.
They are setting up a charnel house of just out-of-control experiments and degradation.
Experiments in just a mad scientist torture chamber, hell hole, on a planetary intergalactic scale.
Just hell on earth.
But let me tell you some of the big news when we come back from break here.
There is a lot of it.
And we now, well we've always known what's going on, but now it's really confirmed.
We know the exact shape of it, how the new world order is going to come and everybody and
Where we're going to go from here.
But remember, they're going to keep the death of the third world quiet until it totally collapses and overfloods us.
That's the plan they're about to carry out.
So a lot of folks are dying right now, starving to death.
So I hope the left are proud of yourselves.
It is July 7th on this Tuesday Transmission, 118 out from the election.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Well, I am sitting here not looking at the blueprints of world government and planetary deindustrialization and depopulation.
I'm now looking at the New World Order Field Marshal's plans in motion.
You know, Hitler had Operation Barbarossa to invade Russia already drawn up in 1938.
But it wasn't for what, three years or so till they did that.
But it's one thing to have something on paper.
It's another thing to actually launch it.
Kind of like we had the atomic bomb plans and weren't sure they were going to work till we detonated them out in the desert in Nevada and then dropped them on Hiroshima and Nagasaki a few months later.
Nothing like a live test.
So I'm almost speechless right now.
The news and information is so profound.
The only way I can do this is just tell you the news we have coming up and then try to do the best job I can to go through each stack of this.
If you remember in 1984, they have the telescreens that watch you, listen to you, and also bark orders at you.
That is now official.
And they're not just going to take over your TV or your cell phone, but they are going to take over your refrigerators.
Everything is now having microphones and cameras and speakers put at them because everything's going to be barking orders at you and surveilling you.
You're not just going to get governmental text messages and corporate advisements, but everything from Apple to Spotify to Google, everything is going to bark orders at you.
Everywhere you go, license plates are going to be digital.
They'll be barking orders.
Billboards are being bought up by the corporations to be digital.
They'll bark orders.
They also spy on you with different devices.
It is a completely hellish dystopia being built by the bad guys to suppress and control humanity and bring us into the kill grid.
Fortnite obviously has 50, 100 million, who knows, players on it.
It's one of the biggest video games in the world, multiplayer games.
And now CNN is force-fed onto that, whereas players could talk to each other and go around and live in this fantasy land.
You think you were just given fantasy lands and you'd sit there and eat Hot Pockets all day?
You were addicted to this fantasy land because now you're learning it's a roach motel, and roaches go in, they don't go out.
And so every media must be pumped full of race war, pumped full of disinfo.
Now it turns out that players across the board, whether they be black or white, almost universally began attacking the big jumbo screen re-education camp brainwashing systems.
If you're watching this on TV right now, or you're a listener that's up on InfoWars.com, this is
Directly out of a Soviet or a Chinese-style re-education camp.
Oh, they had drive-in theaters in Communist China, but not the type that we had.
You get locked up at the local sports stadium, and they sit there and blare, sometimes 24 hours a day, messages about how you need to accept re-education, you need to
Decry those that haven't fully submitted.
You need to say what you've done wrong.
You need to promise what you're going to do for the party.
This is a dystopic blueprint being run on us because it's worked everywhere else.
I mean, we're being marched in to a collective extermination grid.
Seen the film, the Nazis herding men, women, and children into pits to shoot them?
And then have bulldozers cover them up?
Ever seen all that execution footage?
Well, that's what we're all being herded into, folks.
And they're cutting off your food, your water, your medicine, your mobility, everything.
And it's not going to end if Trump gets out of office.
It's only going to get worse.
Because this is a giant, total, complete corporate model.
So imagine, you don't just get force fed CNN at the airport or force fed CNN at the bar or the train station.
Now you have to watch it because it's going to come over your phone with alerts.
It's going to be forced onto your video game TV screens.
And now they're saying, Oh, if you're mean to the messages and don't listen to them, you're going to be punished.
That's right.
You're not allowed to be on your fortnight.
Unless you submit to Van Jones telling you that white people are inherently bad.
When the most evil globalist corporations the planet's ever seen own Time Warner, own CNN.
I mean, CNN won't say a word about 3 million Muslims in death camps, millions of Christians in slave labor camps in China.
They love it!
Silicon Valley loves it!
They're authoritarians!
And they're going, oh, this is for black people!
We're hijacking all your screens and pumping race war narrative, and that America sucks, and that black people are about trans people.
Makes no sense.
So you must support helping black men have their penises cut off.
Because we're helping.
This is your science fiction movie, folks.
You're in the dystopia.
And they're going to force you to watch them, force you to look at them while they censor everybody else.
And then while they lie about everybody else.
So medical doctors are, that's good, I can't look anymore, thanks.
Medical doctors with major hospitals, major clinics come out and show COVID-19s and exaggerated hoax.
They get banned on YouTube.
But Van Jones is pushed at the top of Google, top of Twitter, everywhere, and now force fed onto your video game.
So remember we were worried about surveillance cameras 25 years ago and how they'd be hooked into these grids and trying to control you?
And I made films and warned you about how they would hijack the devices.
Now big corporations would do it.
And now you're here.
And it's like, oh, they're doing it because of COVID.
Remember a few months ago, oh, we're hijacking all your computers, your TVs for COVID.
And oh, at the top of all the playlists on Apple Music and Spotify and YouTube, we have what we call a blackout where we only show you communist, revolutionary black music.
How to kill the police, how to do all this.
And now it's like, oh, and now we're gonna force feed a whole race war channel that CNN's separately producing
Right onto your TV screens to radicalize people sitting there, playing their Fortnite.
The average age is about 13.
So your child, while you're busy watching Netflix, your child is being brainwashed by Van Jones.
Here's the thing though, I don't really want to interrupt my enemy when they are destroying themselves, quote, pulling a bone apart.
This, I could have told them, would have spectacular backlash.
But see, they know that.
They don't care.
They're gonna press and press and press and press and censor.
The ADL's come in and said, we run Sony.
We run Microsoft.
We have partnerships with all the video game platforms.
We're going to control what you can say and do.
And they're banning the OK sign now from the military games.
Just sign language, international meaning.
OK, move forward.
Everybody knows what all that means.
Thumbs up.
They're now saying to raise his term.
So literally, this international spy organization, the ADL, is now the thought police partnered.
Oh, and they called Stefan Molyneux a white supremacist.
They put out a list of thousands of people that they say are white supremacists.
And so
He was taken off YouTube.
See how it works?
Because Mr. Greenblatt is God and now controls your TV screen.
Remember Outer Limits, that old 60s show?
We control the vertical.
We control the horizontal.
Well, your TV doesn't just track what you watch and what you do now.
It barks orders at you.
And notice this is all moving very quickly.
It's all moving very, very quickly.
Now we're just suddenly, it's going to be on everything constantly, just screens like Minority Report.
You're walking through, they're face scanning, they know who you are.
They're directing mobs.
And then the Maoist Youth Brigades.
Oh yes, they're now raiding churches, attacking people under de Blasio's command.
Wait till we cover this.
And it's all modeled off of Communist China.
We'll show you the documents when we return.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us as we discuss the destiny of humanity and the great choices we have before us on this planet.
All right, let's get into the operating system of this.
The communist Chinese took a lot of models that the imperial Chinese and the Mandarin and the legalists and others have developed over several thousand years and just basic torture they learned from
The Huns and many others.
And they fused it with a lot of Western torture techniques and a lot of the techniques that they were taught by the psychiatric systems of the world and other authoritarian regimes.
And so if you read back in the 50s and 60s,
The CIA, that had really secretly helped put Mao Zedong into power, said, oh, we've got to study all this torture and all this mind control, because the Mandarins are doing it, you know, the Communist Chinese are doing it, and they're able to actually create Manchurian candidates, we get that term, we have to be able to beat that.
So that was their excuse to have those projects, was to study it.
Just like they'll create all these new bioweapons to have a cure for them.
And so when you look at the operating system, as I've told you many times, of Black Lives Matter and of what's unfolding, we've been studying Antifa and Refused Fascism, controlled by Soros and others, and it is a Maoist group that they will tell you, we follow Mao's plan, and what they do is they hype the young people up,
I don't know.
One facet of this gets into the Communist Chinese and one of their systems of control.
And it's interchangeable with European schools of torture and psychology as well.
I mean, a lot of this is just putting you into a Stockholm Syndrome, learned helplessness position.
But I want to go to this report and then when we come back, I want to show TV viewers and talk about it for radio listeners, photos here and documents
About what happened in the 50s and 60s and 70s and the tens of millions that were killed by people on average the age of 12.
And let me tell you, you know, you got 50 schoolgirls coming to your house with butcher knives, I mean, they're going to kill you.
It's not that women don't know how to kill people, it's just that when they do get into it, it's like an absolutely savage, insane foaming at the mouth, just murder, murder, murder.
That's what they're winding up right now.
So you notice, she's the leader, she's the girl, you know, she's ten years old, she's gonna kill you.
Look at this one.
Oh, look how happy they are, all the power they've got, killing people every day.
Kill, kill, kill!
They're just nice little girls.
Kill, kill, kill!
Kill, kill, kill!
When you go out to these events, you see the hate in the eyes, man.
So the Communist Chinese that have three million Muslims in death camps, and millions of Christians in slave camps and death camps, they're our model of Black Lives Matter.
They're the good guys.
Because they hate black people, the communists particularly, but China's very, very racist.
Oh, look at this here.
Here they are tearing down statues of Buddha and things, just like the Muslims do, and beating people to death.
You can just type in Malice Youth Brigades.
But let's go ahead and go to... Worldwide population being tortured in Deep State PSYOP.
This is an incredibly important report.
You know what?
I'll do it next segment because I ran out of time.
Report's a little longer than I thought.
Oh look, here's book burning right here.
And you've got all the young people.
Some as young as, you know, 7 years old, but the average age is 12.
And they're burning all those evil books.
And that's the official model of all this.
Oh, and guess what?
Guess what the
The main mechanism of these brigades was to feed themselves when they would go out in the countryside and round up people that weren't following all the orders.
They did it as an act of will.
This is on record.
They would cook in huge cauldrons.
Ten feet high, there's photos of these with people being put in them.
And they would chop up men, women, and children and throw them in and boil them and then sit there and eat their flesh.
Look it up!
Communist China and the practice of cooking political dissidents and eating them.
So, this is the operating system that is being promoted by that devil George Soros, and that demon Hillary, and all these people, and they really think they're going to be able to get away with this in America, because, my God, Kaepernick came out and said, get rid of the American flag, get rid of the country, America's bad, get rid of July 4th, and major groups said, we agree with you, you're God, sir, you're God.
And now they're not going to play the National Anthem.
They said it at the beginning of the NFL now.
They're going to play the, quote, Black National Anthem.
That's a Communist Anthem.
So see, oh, first it's just take a knee for police brutality.
Win the flag.
Don't take a knee at a part of the game separately against police brutality.
No, no, it's take a knee during the flag, during the Pledge of Allegiance, during the National Anthem.
And now it's, yeah, I want to get rid of America.
America sucks.
And all he's doing is operating with some $100 million corporation that sells overpriced crappy shoes made in slave camps.
And it's all just this sick cover for this massive AI takeover of the culture.
And the force feeding of the propaganda and all of it.
And all the men in this country, predominantly, have been taught, just keep your head down.
Get into the fear of whatever BS they're pushing at the time and play along and you're going to get advanced in life.
No, that's not what happens in this phase.
That's not what happens.
Things get dystopic very, very quickly because the globalists are now launching their operation.
So this is one of the most important reports ever.
And I'm glad people actually go to the research and codify what we talk about here because
When I tell you they're all Maoist Youth Brigades and I tell you they're using Chinese Communist brainwashing techniques?
I mean, this has officially been adopted by the major psychiatric associations.
The average reporter knows what they're doing.
They're all in on it, folks.
This is a criminal takeover.
And people are fighting and positioning themselves to be party members in the new authoritarian system.
Instead of going out and fighting this, people are auditioning to see who can get on their belly the fastest.
I want to warn those that have been working for the system, though.
I've never seen a case when one of these things really comes into power that they don't burn the people that brought it to power.
There's a lot of reasons that's done.
It's scientific tyranny.
It would take an hour to go over it all, but I think you've got a lot of reasons and answers yourselves.
You'll want to purge over folks that engage in atrocities so another group can say they're another faction and it's always the same.
And you also don't want people like this that are power seekers because they're just going to try to overthrow your regime.
So it's very, very sophisticated.
There's a science to it.
We are walking right down the road now to the gates of hell and crawling into it, dragging our children with us.
I mean, this is 100% total red alert.
Grave Digger.
All right, we got a big show today.
I probably should have told you this earlier.
Paul Joseph Watson, quarterbacks, the fourth hour.
Pastor Rodney Howard Brown, who's been one of the biggest preachers day one, got arrested saying he wasn't going to shut down his churches.
He's really written a powerful new book detailing that COVID-19 is a hoax.
And guess who else will join us at the bottom of the next hour?
Roger Stone with exclusive information when he's just days away from being sent to federal prison for a crime he didn't commit and for the crime of being an American patriot and getting President Trump elected.
Okay, let me just go back to this.
I want to explain something.
It's on record that the Democratic Party has taken 50 plus million dollars from Black Lives Matter.
It's on record that group was set up and funded by Soros as a PSYOP to claim that a PAC they control represents black people.
It's real simple.
The Democrats made this group.
They got three black communist brainwashed women who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
Who are the front people and all the money sucked out.
And they live in million dollar mansions.
And then they say, we represent black people.
And then they are indistinguishable in their command chain from Antifa.
That's run by Refused Fascism, also funded by Soros, and they work in tandem.
And that's in the Soros documents we got three years ago.
Documents that tell plan in Maryland for martial law under Obama plan.
We have the documents.
It's how they run it, how they try to go out and get black people to burn stuff down and how the whites are there leading it in their disguises.
So this is not a joke.
This is deadly serious and the New World Order is not spending tens of billions of dollars on all this for nothing.
That's right, there's a video.
BLM founder says, we are trained Marxists and we are carrying out a Maoist revolution.
You go out to these events, you'll find them wearing Maoist Youth Brigade uniforms.
And when I drive by in my armored vehicle, the news is all coming, they literally look at me, and they're mainly, usually white men, and they go, you're dead, we're gonna kill you when we take over.
They just point at me and say, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead.
These are killers.
But not really.
Gonna do the killing by themselves, but when there's a big mob and they're burning down your house or whatever, yeah, they're gonna do that.
Well, guess what?
You're never gonna get me in one of your little FEMA camps.
And I just want them to know that if this kicks off the way you really want it to, you're gonna beg for your mother.
You're gonna beg for your mommy and she ain't gonna be coming, okay?
Let's just move on from that.
But they are running this operation against us
And it's deadly serious.
And now people know, whoa, Jones isn't exaggerating about this.
No, I'm not exaggerating about any of it.
It's worse than I can tell you.
These people are on a power trip because they are commanded by globalists.
They have a plan.
They believe they're going to have positions of power.
I'll never forget running to Antifa 20 years ago.
And Steve Mason, a local activist who'd been a big liberal, parents were Quakers on the East Coast.
Warned me.
He said, this is the main group in the future.
This is what the Conmates really are.
Within 20 years, they plan to overthrow everything.
This is the group.
Because he'd infiltrated them.
He'd been there.
He went deep.
I haven't talked to him in years.
I've got to get him on the show.
I hope he's alive and smarter than hell.
I just can't believe it.
I mean, these people literally want to beat your brains out and take your kids away, and you're lucky if they don't eat them.
By the way, you guys didn't pull it up.
Did you have trouble pulling up where the Communist Chinese eat people?
Greg Reese found it the other day.
It was even, like, in Vanity Fair, of all places.
I've written the exact name.
It was called Flesh Banquets.
Communist Chinese Flesh Banquets.
I mean, I want listeners to know, we're not up here making any of this up, okay?
Here's the report.
It's on Bandot Video.
It needs to get out to everybody.
It's so incredibly important.
Worldwide population being tortured in deep state PSYOP.
Here it is.
This report is based on Amazing Polly's recent video, Is This Torture?
In her video, Polly examines Amnesty International's 1973 report on torture and how it seems to reflect the current response to COVID-19.
According to Amnesty International's report, torture is, "...the systematic and deliberate infliction of acute pain in any form by one person on another in order to accomplish the purpose of the former against the will of the latter."
The report then uses Biedermann's chart of coercion to describe the technique.
Psychologist Albert Biederman studied communist Chinese tactics known as DDD.
Debility, Dependency and Dread.
The CIA has been trained to use Debility, Dependency and Dread.
And according to their 1983 Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual, many psychologists consider the threat of inducing debility to be more effective than debility itself.
With DDD, the debilitated victim becomes dependent upon the torturer and develops a strong fear of anything vague or unknown.
Biderman's chart of coercion lays out the design of DDD.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Number one, isolation.
We see this with quarantines and social distancing and the prohibition of crowds and large gatherings.
Number two, monopolization of perception.
Corporate mainstream media has monopolized all of pop culture and those on social media who challenge the mainstream narrative are censored.
Also listed is restricted movement and monotonous food.
Number three, induced debilitation and exhaustion.
Gym closures, church closures, losing your job, school closings, and wearing masks all day long increase stress and provokes exhaustion and debilitation.
Number 4.
We are threatened that our own children may be taken away from our homes, and that experimental forced vaccines are coming.
We are told that more will die if we restart America.
And we are threatened with tracking chips, contact tracing, and a new normal.
Number five, occasional indulgences.
Here we find fluctuations of interrogators' attitudes, such as, BLM protests are good, Trump rallies are bad.
Walmart is okay, but small businesses are not.
The torturer will provide occasional indulgences, such as, rewards for partial compliance.
If you just wear a mask, someday we can return to normal.
Number six.
Demonstrating omnipotence and omniscience.
Shutting down the entire global economy was a pretty good demonstration of omnipotence.
Huge fines and jail for people not wearing a mask.
We see the omniscience with Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and other official experts.
Number seven is degradation.
Being called non-essential or a science denier.
Being treated as ignorant fools and called names by celebrities for not complying.
Number 8.
Enforcing Trivial Demands.
This final step develops habits of compliance.
Enforcement of minute rules such as standing six feet apart, following arrows, and showing support for violent BLM protests.
Also, according to the report on torture, many victims become ill as a result of coercion, and more than half the illnesses listed in the report can be easily diagnosed as COVID-19, according to CDC guidelines.
All right, I think you can tell, there's a little bit more in the report.
It said, banned on video, this is key to the fight.
Get it out, folks.
That's your mission.
Stay with us.
Welcome back to the Pro Human.
Last-ditch front line against the New World Order takeover.
Yeah, I wish we were bigger.
I wish we were better.
But we're what's here.
You're what's there.
We appreciate you.
People keep asking me.
Emails flood in on the street.
I get almost nothing but universal love now, which shows a lot of people are awake, unless it's a leftist.
But people say, oh, how does it feel to be vindicated?
How does it feel that it's all been proven?
I'm like, it doesn't feel good at all, man.
It's like your mom gets a big lump in her breast and you're like, hey mom, check that out, it might be cancer.
And she goes, yeah, it's cancer.
It's like, oh, I'm vindicated.
You know, it sucks.
And I'm just sitting here thinking about what I'm going to put up with.
Cause you can always overthink this type of stuff.
And I just want to see these globalists get off our backs.
I don't even have vengeance.
I just want to be in a different universe than them.
You know what I mean?
Because they're bad people.
All right, I'm not going to start pontificating.
I mean, by the time I watch 50 clips before I go on air and look at all these news, it just drives me crazy.
But we've got to do it.
That's why we're here doing it.
Look at these headlines right here before I get these videos.
BLM teacher says 2 plus 2, only 4, because of Western imperialism and that math is racist.
By the way, I was talking to a lady this morning.
And she's like, yeah, I used to be kind of a liberal, but it's a cult now.
And she goes, I used to work in PR, you know, she had a degree in it.
And she goes, this is real brainwashing.
And she goes, that's why I got out of it.
And I said, yeah.
Did you hear YouTube's now putting strikes on YouTube channels where they say white knight takes black pawn?
She didn't believe me until I showed her.
You know, that doesn't make sense.
Of course it doesn't make sense.
It's not supposed to make sense.
It's supposed to be, if they tell you, stay on your head,
And drink piss out of the toilet, you do it!
It's cult brainwashing!
Supposed to be nonsensical!
They're getting you ready to bow down!
And yes, they're also officially saying chess itself is racist and you shouldn't be able to have white pieces and black pieces.
As if it has anything to do with race.
It's two different colors.
Obviously opposing sides.
Holy mackerel.
Charges that education is grounded in white supremacy.
That's how they bring in the new class system, you see.
But it's not to empower black people.
They'll be the kept group, the globalist control that they claim that they're representing.
They're really just milking them.
University researcher forced out for highlighting facts showing no racial bias in police shootings.
In fact, if you're a white person, you are statistically the highest group to be shot by the police.
Not because there's just more white people, I mean per capita, because cops will actually do their job when they're dealing with white people because they know they're not going to get sued.
Like in Phoenix the other day.
People call on a guy with a gun out in a car and he's doing weird stuff.
The police get there and the guy has a gun in his hand pointing it at him so that they'll shoot him.
Do you think the cops want to shoot somebody?
Have a big freak?
They're like, put it down buddy, put it down.
I couldn't believe the cops didn't shoot him quicker.
You point a gun at me, I'll pull... I mean, this is insane, man.
But this is designed to break society down.
Here we go.
University researcher forced out for highlighting facts showing no racial bias in police shootings.
Well, actually there is.
If you're white, the cops will shoot you quicker.
And there are some bad cops out there.
And you wait until the standards go down?
It's good people don't want to be cops?
But I love how the group that called the cops on the guy with the gun then bitch about it.
Like, you call them,
They get there, and then, oh.
Researchers say 26 million Black Lives Matter protesters did not increase spread of COVID-19.
And Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are real, too.
So notice, oh, 26 million people's good.
But if you want to have a Baptist church service in New York, de Blasio will have you arrested, and he says Black Lives Matter is more important in the video clip.
Like, we'll play it in a moment, but first, then they send Black Lives Matter into Baptist churches, multiracial churches, and scream names at black people!
You're like, that doesn't make sense.
No, this isn't some PR thing where they're trying to look bad.
They want to be so godlike that they can march into your church and start fights with people.
And have it defended because they're whipping it up to the malice level violence.
Look at this, getting in front of somebody trying to go to the Baptist Church.
We're allowed to march, you can't have your church.
We're gonna call black people Uncle Tom's.
This is, they're trying to get a fight.
I mean, you talk about getting on somebody's turf.
And it goes on and on, shock video, BLM harasses Christians attending church.
Let's play this.
There's probably 50 of these videos a day.
Black thug sucker punches dancing 12-year-old white boy who was at a local dance school dancing out front.
Let's go ahead and roll the video of that.
And again, some trendy white kid, probably autistic, out with a multiracial group of black kids playing music, having a good time, and boom!
There's your diversity, baby!
And then the black dude's like, why'd you do that?
Well, because the other guy thinks it's cool because white people are bad.
Didn't you hear?
White lives don't matter.
Kid got a broken nose and a concussion.
But there you go, that's a racial attack.
But oh, it's, you won't see that on the news.
Oh, poor white people, like CNN says.
And it goes on from there.
Let's go ahead.
And play a clip from a gentleman that, you know, ought to be on Fox News, not on sports TV on the NBA.
Marcellus Wiley laying out what Black Lives Matter really is.
Here it is.
I'm gonna start with you.
Is this a good idea?
Ah, it's not a good idea.
I do want to give the players credit for their flex to even get this to be more than just an idea, but something that's going to be in reality.
I give the players that.
But there's a problem when you start to go down this road of the freedom of expression, freedom of speech, and how much social space is allowed for those who don't support
In that same space.
And that's where I wonder where this is going to go.
In terms of identity politics.
We know what identity politics does.
It divides and it polarizes.
No matter how you want to look at it, that's just the effect of it.
No matter how great the intentions are.
And we all know the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
So, it's an interesting play right here.
I don't know how many people
Really look into the mission statement of Black Lives Matter.
But I did.
And when you look into it, there's a couple things that jump out.
To me.
And I'm a black man who's been black and my life has mattered since 1974.
And this organization was founded in 2013.
I'm proud of you.
But I've been fighting this fight for me and for others a lot longer.
Two things.
My family structure is so vital, important to me.
Not only the one I grew up in, but the one I'm trying to create right now.
Being a father and a husband, that's my mission in life right now.
How do I reconcile that, what I just told you, with this mission statement that says, quote, we dismantle the patriarchal practice.
We disrupt the Western prescribed nuclear family structure requirement.
When I know statistics, when I know my reality, forget statistics, I knew this before I even went to Columbia and saw these same statistics that I'm going to read to you right now.
That children from single-parent homes versus two-parent homes.
The children from the single-parent homes, this is in 1995 I was reading this.
Five times more likely to commit suicide.
Six times more likely to be in poverty.
Nine times more likely to drop out of high school.
Ten times more likely to abuse chemical substances.
Fourteen times more likely to commit rape.
Twenty times more likely to end up in prison.
And thirty-two times more likely to run away from home.
I knew that.
You know why I knew it?
Because a lot of my friends didn't have family structures that were nuclear like mine, and they found themselves outside of their dreams and goals and aspirations.
So when I see that as a mission statement for Black Lives Matter, it makes me scratch my head.
When I also see their mission is to eradicate white supremacy.
In 2020, white supremacy is the mission.
That's a lot of digging through minutiae right there.
I am on a show that I'm hosting along with another black guy who is hosting with me who replaced another black guy.
And that's just one example of it.
So I understand, I respect your space.
I respect what you're protesting for.
But will you respect others who don't support that same protest?
That's right.
And we're talking about globalist supremacy.
Globalist supremacy.
The video is on Infowars.com.
Alright, I didn't plug this, I'll be right back.
Alright, I can get all scientific, or I can just get down to brass tacks.
But, we sit here and we look at this and we go, this doesn't make sense, going and attacking people at their houses, attacking them at their churches, going to multiracial churches and bowing up to people and getting in their faces.
These thugs that we just showed you are paid and told what to go do.
They're given printout battle plans.
They're given bonuses.
I mean thousands of dollars.
If they can get somebody to attack.
You talk about putting black people down and treating them like animals.
I think we have footage of this when we were having the anti-abortion rally a few years ago with signs pointing out the KKK.
To help found Planned Parenthood.
In quotes from Margaret Sanger, little Antifa scumbag driving a brand new $70,000 Jaguar, but he's a communist, was driving around with money out the window, offering him 400 bucks for somebody to attack him.
Because they don't do the attacking.
They go hand hammers out a deadly weapon, somebody will get 50 years in jail.
And they try to get him to knock me in the head with a hammer.
But when I was there, I watched him go over to an old man in crutches and start messing with him.
That's who the little white trendy that comes from some rich family.
These are all rich people and I'm not against, this is not class warfare, but they claim they're against money.
No, they want it all.
They want to run the whole show.
They're all little dirty soy boys that think they can get out there and get them a big black book, as they call them, to go out and do the fighting for them.
It's disgusting.
And it pisses me off.
And we watch the entire system.
The money, the chi-coms, the globalists, the banks, the power structure, pour money into this and every American should reject it on its face and go, this is ridiculous, mega banks!
Companies that own slave camps?
Apple's gonna lecture us how America sucks when they're involved in slavery at scales never before seen?
It's an abhorrent, ridiculous fraud.
And then the ADL got 5 to 10 million dollars in taxpayer money even though they've got hundreds of millions of dollars and 92 million in assets.
And now they've declared victory.
Facebook has capitulated and says they will take orders from Mr. Rosenblatt.
Who, by the way, runs everything else.
The Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL literally, it's on record, create the codified plan.
And when they send an email to Google or to Twitter, they say, sir, how high do I jump?
And they said, oh, here's 5,000 people today, we say are white supremacist.
Most of them are just mainline Trump supporters, black people, you name it.
They just go, oh, you're a Nazi, I'm Rosenblatt, I'm God, I put the Nazi symbol on you.
You know, the Nazis put the triangle, the Star of David, you know, on Jews.
Well, Rosenblatt just puts a little swastika on you.
He just walks over and goes, here's a swastika.
You're like, but I'm not a Nazi.
Even if you were a Nazi, you'd have your rights to free speech.
But he goes, oh no, I'm Rosenblatt.
He comes over and puts the swastika on you and goes, take him away now.
And then he has Sacha Baron Cohen read off the teleprompter and go, we're gonna arrest you.
We're gonna arrest Mark Zuckerberg if he doesn't do what we say.
That was just four or five months ago.
And now, this was in November, eight months ago, time flies.
Now, he's in charge.
That's right, Facebook now removing
Trump campaign videos because they showed an Antifa symbol.
So they went, oh, that's a hate symbol, not Antifa, but your symbol.
I mean, there's just no end to it.
And we just put up with it.
You know, everybody knows Trump's a Nazi, right?
Just none of it is reality based.
It's all just sickening evil.
We'll be right back.
Do not spread that link.
Just bow down and say, yes, sir.
So let me lay out some basic cultural mathematics here.
You know, like 2 plus 2 equals 4.
Even though they're now announcing that's racist.
No, I'm not kidding.
You know, that's ridiculous.
It's meant to be ridiculous.
It's cult programming.
Welcome back again.
I'm Alex Jones.
Into the second hour, Roger Stone coming up with exclusive information.
Just days away from facing prison for political thought crime.
He's going to be with us.
Pastor Rodney Howard Brown is going to be on.
He's been censored and kicked off of Amazon for writing a book exposing that COVID-19's response has been an overblown hoax.
That thought crime is going to be coming up as well.
We still have this little thought crime space here, don't we?
But, that said, a lot of attention is being focused on the fact that the ADL has come out, an international organization,
And is running all the major tech companies, thought crime divisions, and that they tell them who to ban, who to censor.
They say what symbols are good, what symbols are bad.
And they've said the thumbs up is bad, and the okay sign is bad, and just everything's evil.
And, you know, chess.
White knight takes black pawn.
That's banned.
And the word master bedroom has nothing to do with slaves and all the rest of it.
Again, like master switch, the main switch.
They are teaching us what language we can use.
They are our kinks.
Thank you, ADL.
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones going down path, increasingly making Jewish Mafia references in rants.
The ADL was founded with funding by the Jewish Mafia on record.
I mean, that's in the encyclopedias.
Everybody knows I'm not against Jews in general.
Because I judge people off the content character who they are.
And there are a lot of different organizations and groups.
The ADL is a leftist, globalist organization that is censoring everybody and got Stefan Molyneux taken off YouTube by defaming him, saying he was a white supremacist.
I say let ideas stand on their own.
Last time I checked, David Duke still got his YouTube, man.
Fine, I think he should have it.
I don't agree.
Just like these black nationals saying whites are evil and whites are the devil.
I don't agree with that.
They've got your right to say it.
Remember, that's what America's about.
Letting people make their own decisions.
But no, no, no, no, not now.
Everything you do is watched.
Everything you do is controlled.
Now, if you're playing Fortnite with 50 million players, CNN breaks in and tells you white people are bad.
That happened yesterday.
This is not a joke.
This is the globalists raping you in your private home, in your life, where you think you're playing a video game.
They're like, no you're not.
We're gonna break in on your cell phone messages.
We're gonna do everything.
But let's go to Mayor de Blasio.
The only person more disingenuous and creepy looking than Brian Stelter.
I don't know, it's a...
Is he more creepy looking than Ryan Stelter, or is Governor Newsom even worse?
Are you talking about winning the award for not being self-aware?
I'm sorry, folks, I just... Sorry.
No, no, get a photo of de Blasio smiling, and I mean, you know, that'll make your hair on the back of your neck stand up.
Here's some creepy, creepy looking news.
Like I said, I'm not saying they're child molesters.
I'm saying that if I was a Hollywood producer and I was casting a movie about child molesters, I would cast de Blasio and Stelter immediately.
Now, if I wanted to have American Psycho 2, step aside Christian Bale.
You ain't got nothing on Newsom.
Talk about, again, an actual Dracula.
Newsom's a Dracula.
De Blasio and Stelter are Renfields.
They just deliver stuff to Dracula.
They're always so happy though, proud of themselves.
Now there's Dracula right there.
He'll kill you real good.
He will, don't you worry.
He'll tell you when you come outside your house too now.
Because he loves you.
Because he's Governor Newsom.
Sorry, let's just get right back to where we were.
Here is the most Orwellian communist statement pre-planned ever that, you know, he worked on with lawyers and PSYOP operators, because this is the speech he gives every day, where he goes on TV this weekend and he says, apples and oranges.
I met with religious leaders, so if he meets with a few, quote, stakeholders, that's how the UN works, oh, then the thousands of other churches that don't agree with being shut down, they're shut down because he talked to a cardinal and they said it was okay.
So you can shut down the Baptist churches because the cardinal said it was okay or vice versa.
And then, oh, the Black Lives Matter, this is a historical, cultural, this is a good thing, 26 million marchings, a good thing.
But then they send Black Lives Matter, which is Antifa, directly to the Baptist churches for no reason!
Just that it's known they're more conservative, to politically scream and yell and try to start fights.
So here's de Blasio first, then we'll show you some of what happened just this Sunday.
Here it is.
I want to ask you about a court decision from last week.
A federal court ruled that you and Governor Cuomo violated the Constitution by restricting religious services during the lockdown of the pandemic.
The court said you openly discouraged religious gatherings and threatened religious worshippers.
And sent a clear message that mass protests are deserving of preferential treatment.
Essentially saying that you treated the protesters who were on the streets differently than the religious gatherings that were on the streets.
Your reaction?
Just wrong.
We worked with the religious leadership of this city for months.
Cardinal Dolan in the Catholic Church and so many other religious leaders who were in full agreement that it was not
Back in a minute.
You see, he's saying, you're non-essential and we, the government, decide when churches can operate, which violates the first clause of the First Amendment.
Congress shall make no law restricting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the exercise thereof.
See, I tried to go too fast.
Congress shall make no law.
Congress shall make no law restricting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the exercise thereof.
You don't have jurisdiction.
But he's saying, we decide what is valuable, we decide what is essential, we decide what is acceptable.
Here it is.
For months, Cardinal Dolan and the Catholic Church and so many other religious leaders who were in full agreement that it was not time to bring back religious services because of the danger it would cause to their congregants.
The protests were entirely different.
A national phenomenon that was not something that the government could just say, you know, go away.
It's something that really came from the grassroots and obviously had profound meaning.
And we're all acting on the meaning of those protests.
But it's really apples and oranges.
Our religious leaders were the first to say it was not time to bring back services.
Now we're doing it carefully, smartly.
So I think that decision profoundly misses what the very religious institutions themselves were saying.
Let's talk about where we are.
Absolutely disgusting.
Absolutely evil.
As satanic as it gets.
What a monster saying, we run your churches, but our globalist Democrat Party fundraising machine that's already stolen $50 million from people, we're going to do what we want because we're profound, we're important, you're not.
He's demoralizing you, but he knows you're going to submit to him.
He knows he's already got your main religious leaders.
They think they got you, folks.
They don't have you.
Compliance with these monsters is death.
We're going to go to break.
I'm going to come back with the attacks on the churches that are now taking place.
Then Roger Stone joins us.
Please do not forget that we're going to have to end this special.
We're going to have to end it Thursday because a bunch of these items are getting ready to sell out.
It's the big summer July 4th super sale.
It's extended right now.
And you've got storewide free shipping.
You've got double Patriot points at InfoWarsTore.com.
And we have today's special is Lung Cleanse 50% off.
I think so.
Store.com or 888-253-3139.
Stay with us.
We've also got more on the DC system and how they're responding to Maxwell's arrest.
We are back live broadcasting worldwide.
Brazil's Bolsonaro tests positive for COVID-19, because anybody that's ever had a cold with coronavirus tests positive.
Meanwhile, Santa Ana, this is their nickname, Abbott admits low death COVID rate in Texas, but still wants to shut down Texas economy anyways.
So he's trying to act like he's against California's total lockdown with the partial one that's here in place.
And again, they admit that they're counting 15 cases for every COVID patient just with a computer model.
It's only one of eight states doing it.
Last time I checked, seven Democrat states and Texas.
Why Abbott?
You know, I learned this weekend, Abbott, when I went and bullhorned him on Friday, again,
He was there.
We had our sources.
And he literally was asking the security people, I wonder who put Jones up to this?
Because he isn't even talking to the Lieutenant Governor now, who's against this.
They're fighting with each other.
And he thought that I came down there because I was told to by someone.
Because I guess in Abbott's world, he takes orders from we're not sure who now.
I thought it was the people of Texas.
Listen, buddy boy.
When I do things, it's because I'm doing them.
But I love how these politicians always think everybody's working for somebody else.
I'm not working for Dan Patrick.
But maybe he needs your job.
Maybe Abbott's just a political animal and he knows the public's dumb.
Maybe he's right.
He just, you know, he's like, hey, doesn't matter if it's all a hoax.
We got to go with it.
You know, I kind of told Trump up front that.
I said, this is man-made.
I think it's just they want to own it and track it.
But I said, we got to wait and see.
But it's just China welding people in and all the dystopic stuff looked, a lot of it looked fake.
Some of it was fake.
They execute you in China if you do something unauthorized.
And it was all, the media was just playing stuff out of a zombie apocalypse movie.
And so I was like, hey, Trump, watch out.
Don't say it's not a threat.
Wait and see.
But as soon as we saw it was a total hoax, we're like, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold your horses.
But now we're already in the trap.
Maybe I made a mistake.
I don't make a lot of big mistakes, but you know, maybe up front I should have said that it's all a hoax, it's all a fraud, but the fact that prestigious universities were saying it was man-made and showing the scans, and then they were being censored to protect China, made me take the bait and say, well, we know what it is.
It's a gain-of-function cold virus that spreads everywhere so they can test you positive and create hysteria.
And then if you die,
They will attribute whatever you died of, gunshot wound, great white shark attack, doesn't matter, skydiving accident, get hit by a Mack truck, literally.
And now we're here.
They admit it's fraudulent numbers.
They admit they're exaggerating.
They admit that the death toll was 20-something times lower than what they said.
And we're just in the trap now, and it's just like, well, we can't ever leave our houses again because of the common cold.
All right, let me get back to what I was breaking down here.
Can you believe the ADL, Sacha Baron Cohen, went up on TV late last year and said, arrest anyone that disagrees with us, and arrest anyone that we say arrest for their speech, and we're going to arrest Mark Zuckerberg if he doesn't go under ADL control?
I mean, how scary and creepy and wild-eyed is that?
But you know what?
Facebook just said, OK, ADL runs us.
You'll tell us what to get rid of, what to allow.
And again, Twitter, YouTube, all of it, ADL run, along with Southern Poverty Law Center.
It's like the ADL is the political muscle, but Southern Poverty Law Center actually does the main training.
And I mean, it's just, the family's bad, uh, the master bedrooms are bad, OK signs are bad, and you're like, that's ridiculous.
The ADL says, listen, Americans, you don't use any words or talk unless it's approved by us.
You got that straight.
Well, that sounds like the Soviet Union wrapped up in Hitler to me.
Sounds like something I don't want to go along with.
It's creepy.
It's scary.
It's bad.
It's dangerous.
It's un-American.
Oh, but all the big real Nazi sites are up there because the ADL needs to have that up there to see.
So look, there's the Nazis.
So that when they point at Alex Jones or Stefan Molyneux and get us banned, they have the political cover they need.
Meanwhile, here's real fascism, here's real authoritarianism, here's real Maoist communism in New York at the Baptist Church.
Full videos on fullwars.com.
Shock video!
BLM harasses Christians attending church.
They bump into them, they get in their face, they do it all.
Let's play a couple of those videos right now.
Here it is.
Look at what they're doing!
Why are you bringing a baby into a church that's not the home?
You are... This is no house of God!
They're screaming at a woman with small children.
To the bullhorn.
This is no house of God!
Good morning.
What the hell?
I'm calling CPS on you!
Say no change!
Yeah, we're calling CPS on you because you're going to a Baptist church.
Say no change!
Say no change!
Save those kids!
Save those kids!
Save those kids!
So, de Blasio orders churches closed.
This is a Baptist church that refused to close.
This is on record.
And so now, they come and they attack, and they even go inside and try to start fights.
This is inside the church.
By the way, a multi-racial church.
Look, you don't know what a multi-racial church is, you dumb s***.
Black lives matter.
Sub-women starting fights.
I mean, just look at this.
That's called... Imagine, they don't know that they're the bad guys.
They've just come in a church, because it refuses to stay closed.
That's why they're there.
Now they're starting fights.
Talk about criminals, man.
So, the communists are coming for your churches, folks.
The little ones.
Oh, the Walmarts stay open.
Oh, the big megachurches stay open.
But your little Baptist church that de Blasio saw on the news that didn't shut down a few months ago?
Guess who shows up to threaten to knock your ass out?
An armed group of thugs.
Reportedly it was in the news, some of them had knives and clubs.
I mean, this is it!
Because if they can get away with this, well next when they burn a church, that's been happening.
Remember Trump just marched over to the church by the White House to say it's wrong, they burned it.
He was bad!
He was using religious images!
He doesn't get his speech!
Only Black Lives Matter, only Antifa are allowed to march.
They're the only ones that have rights, you don't have any.
And the whole media, and the whole culture, and the communist Chinese in Hollywood are literally pissing on our faces, and the average conservative man, whether he be black or white, is sitting there with his thumb, you know where.
Okay, you think that's safe?
You think we're not in danger, everybody?
You're proud of this?
You're proud of what's going on?
You're proud we let this happen?
Communists are that close to overthrowing the whole government, taking it all, because we just keep appeasing and appeasing and appeasing.
And now thugs come into church services and shove people around, trying to get a fight going.
You know, during the break, as we're getting Roger Stone lined up on Skype, I went back and I got a glass of water.
And I just stopped in the hallway and I just thought about the videos we just watched.
And there's more than those, it gets even worse.
Of thugs shoving their way into a church and shoving a multi-racial Church of Baptist around, threatening to beat their ass and poking their fingers in two-year-old children's faces and saying, I'm calling the CPS on you, we're gonna take your kids.
These are communist youth brigades literally harassing black people, telling them they can't go to this church.
I mean, this is sick, folks.
The fact that they can get... People go, well, this is horrible.
Why would de Blasio send these people here?
He runs it because if they can get him to do that, they'll do anything.
And the media is defending this.
People shoving body armor with clubs and knives and they shove their way in and they threaten to attack people.
I mean, I'm sorry, you're in my church, inside the church, you threatened to knock me out, you just threatened me, I'm gonna attack you!
But here's the thing, these Christians are better Christians than I am.
Because they understand that that's what these bad people want, and they didn't give them what they wanted, but it makes me physically mad at myself that we've gotten to this point.
I mean, look at this!
Thugs shoving people in a church!
All because that church pissed de Blasio off and wouldn't shut down.
The Black Lives Matter is there to say, we get our speech, you don't get nothing!
It's over, and churches got burned down all over the country by leftists who think they should be able to march, but nobody else should be able to go to these churches, where a lot of the old people go to these, and it's all they've got is these communities.
And you're trying to take that away from them, you evil globalist, you pieces of trash.
Did you hear about them shutting down churches in China?
Well, it's happened here now.
All right.
We got a big exclusive with Roger Stone.
I had to twist his arm to do this.
He's only days away from a potential death sentence.
If anything happens to him in prison, it is on this tyrant judge's head.
We'll talk about that.
The emergency appeal he just filed.
Lost his house.
Doing the show out of an apartment.
Nothing wrong with that.
But that's how serious and real this is, folks.
You don't know the cost of this, believe me.
I've been sued a bunch of attacks.
I know what it costs.
It's devastating.
But we're in a fight.
It's okay.
He's a winner.
He's a fighter.
He's not a victim.
He's a target.
He understands that.
But he needs your help.
So do we.
We're in this together.
And then I asked him, like last week, I said, please come on about the Ghislaine Maxwell Epstein.
I know you know the inside baseball and where that's going and what's happened with the U.S.
And so he's got some intel for you on that whole situation.
The AP and others reported that she's got
Thanks for coming on with us today.
You've got the floor.
Alex, thanks for having me on because the situation surrounding my case changes so quickly, literally minute to minute, and the InfoWarriors have been among my most loyal supporters, including everybody that works right there in your facility, not to mention you yourself.
I always want my supporters who are praying for me, who have helped finance my defense and helped my family, to know the latest.
You're absolutely right.
I'm at seven days away from being sent to a prison where the Federal Bureau of Prisons has tried very hard to cover up a substantial and growing coronavirus crisis.
Last week they had no cases, now they say they have one.
Blowers in the facility, both inmates and prison guards, tell us that there are additional cases that are being concealed.
But as you know, I'm 100 years old and with a history of respiratory problems my entire life, I would be at great risk.
I would be extraordinarily vulnerable.
We filed an emergency motion with Judge Jackson based on the government's policy, based on my health, based on the law, and she denied it.
Yesterday, we had no choice but to file an emergency appeal with the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, making essentially the case that Jackson was wrong across the board, and that I have a real life and death situation.
I'm not confident.
Roger, stay right there.
We're having that Max Hedrum thing, you know, that show from the early 80s where he would literally, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Somehow your Skype does that, but we may connect with your cell phone here in a moment, but let me see if it clears up here for just a second or see if...
Maybe some stuff can be shut down there on your computer, but I mean, this is really happening.
They've released all these rapists and murderers and criminals, some of which had just served a few months in the case of Harvey Weinstein, but you supposedly lied to Congress, which has been proven fraud.
They had a show trial.
They had a totally rigged deal, rigged jury.
It's all come out, and now you've still got to go to prison.
This is insane.
Yeah, we're going to connect with him on cell phone.
We're going to go right back to Roger Stone here in just a moment.
And he's going to give you the latest on Ghislaine Maxwell and what this really means and why the Clintons and others are so incredibly scared right now.
But Roger Stone's defense fund, we can put that up on screen.
They've really tried to bankrupt him.
And I hope that you will all go there and I hope that you will support him because I'm in the same position.
You know, the Democrats filed over 50 lawsuits on us.
We're down to eight.
They've got Georgetown University, the Vatican suing us over our speech.
We have the Democratic Party funding group suing us.
I mean, it is a total and complete war.
So, we now have Roger Stone over the phone and Skype.
Roger, please continue with the persecution.
Seven days out from jail, the emergency appeal you just filed.
Well, first of all, you're absolutely right.
I never realized how much I looked like Max Headroom.
But moving on from that, you know, I'm seven days away from being sent to a prison where the Federal Bureau of Prisons is dissembling about how many actual cases
of COVID-19 they have among both prison workers and inmates.
I'm 67 years old with a history of respiratory problems.
This is, in essence, a death sentence.
By the way, the folks at Media Matters who are mocking me, greetings guys.
No, it really is a death sentence.
Make sure you get that in your headline.
The point, of course, is that now I'm going to the D.C.
Circuit Court of Appeals
To appeal the judge's ruling to essentially send me to my maker.
And we've asked for immediate emergency expedition of that.
But I've been quite candid.
I don't have high hopes that the D.C.
Circuit is going to do anything other than remand the decision back to Judge Jackson.
The important thing is at that point, I will have exhausted every possible legal remedy my lawyers can come up with.
And there is only one man on the planet
I think so.
Let's be absolutely clear about this.
This isn't just Roger Stone.
We're all Roger Stone.
If they can continue to politically persecute people and put people in prison, they admit you're the beta test.
As you know, we can't get into it, they want to put me in prison right now.
They're trying to build a case against me as well.
They're not planning to stop.
They've already brought back the Russiagate BS again.
Well, Alex, we're in the same boat for the same reason.
We're truth tellers.
We have dared to stick our thumb in the eye of the political establishment, tell the people the truth.
And I've done so, as you have, without regard to party.
The Bushes are just as corrupt as the Clintons.
They're equally corrupt and they're all in it together.
And now the worst possible thing happened that they could imagine.
Donald Trump, an uncontrollable nationalist, a man who loves America, a man who believes in American exceptionalism and America's destiny.
I don't know.
But guess what?
The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.
By the way, your phone's the best HD audio I've ever heard.
We'll be back with Roger to shift gears into the latest on Jeffrey Epstein and so much more.
His advice to President Trump in 2020.
Roger Stone, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Give me back my bullets!
And Roger Stone is definitely a big ol' magazine of bullets in Trump's truth gun.
And we need him to get pardoned or clemency.
He's going to jail in seven days.
Political prisoner.
More on that in a moment.
But first, Roger, I know you don't tell me you got news unless you got news.
You live near Palm Beach.
You know what's going on with Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, her getting finally arrested.
The Southern District of New York
Attorney being removed reportedly for blocking the investigation.
All of this starting to come to the head.
What is the inside scoop on the word that she has these, you know, get out of jail free cards, these secret tapes of world leaders raping children?
We know the FBI says there's hundreds of DVDs that Epstein had of this.
Where is all that?
What is the big breaking news, Roger Stone?
Well, Alex, first of all, those who've been following Infowars over the long term first heard about Jeffrey Epstein right here.
In fact, nothing you have learned about this overnight billionaire pedophile in the last 18 months was not in my book, The Clintons' War on Women, in 2016.
That's right.
Bill Clinton's 28 trips on the Lolita Express.
Which was a blueprint for Trump to go after
Clinton, when he put out fake allegations against the president and candidate, that's why they really hate your ass.
There's no question.
And the fact that two of the prosecutors in my case are closely affiliated with Hillary Clinton, the two lead prosecutors, show you that my prosecution is a vindication, is a retribution play, and it's over my book on Jeffrey Epstein.
Now, let's be very clear.
Epstein was first convicted in Florida.
When the Palm Beach City Police conducted an extensive undercover investigation, and they were prepared, and they handed the state prosecutor an open-shut case for child sex trafficking, child exploitation, and the kind of crimes that end you up in prison forever.
The state's attorney ended up charging Epstein with one count of solicitation.
The police chief, who is a very honest guy, was outraged.
He went to the U.S.
attorney for this district and said, something's wrong.
Either the prosecutor has been threatened or he's been paid.
But we handed him an airtight case for child sex trafficking, the exploitation of at least 33 children who are still in the jurisdiction.
And he took a dive.
The U.S.
attorney, whose name was Acosta, conducted his own investigation.
And then he simply rubber-stamped the state investigation and sealed it, hoping that none of us would ever know what really happened.
When he was later appointed Secretary of Labor and was asked, what about your handling of Jeffrey Epstein?
He said, and I quote, well, he's in the intelligence community.
It's their problem, which I think explains the situation here.
Now, I know some say that Epstein was Mossad.
My research does not indicate that.
My research indicates he had worked for the Mossad.
He'd also worked for the United States.
He had worked for anybody with money.
That's right.
He was a triple agent contractor just going around setting people up.
And the blackmail was the entire game here.
Now, it's funny to watch liberals try to call him a Trump associate because they ran in the same social circles, but Donald Trump never visited his island.
Donald Trump never went to any parties.
Donald Trump was never on his airplane.
But Bill Gates did and Bill Clinton did over and over again.
Turns out Bill Gates would literally stay with him sometimes for weeks on end.
And as I first revealed, I think Bill was going to the island because of his
Affair with Ghislaine Maxwell.
That's the connection.
They were having a torrid affair, both in New York and in the Virgin Islands.
And it is absolutely true what you say regarding the U.S.
Attorney Jeffrey Berman, who was fired by Attorney General Barr roughly 10 days ago.
The mainstream fake news media was trying to say that Berman was fired because of his intense investigations into Donald Trump's businesses, but that is a fake news lie.
The truth is, Berman was fired because he was opposed to the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell and because he refuses to move forward on the Anthony Weiner laptop case.
You will remember that as the case.
Where Huma Abedin, the right-hand henchwoman of Hillary Clinton, forwarded over 600,000 emails, some of them classified, to a computer jointly used by her and her pedophile husband, former Congressman Anthony Weiner, and it is thought that this was her blackmail file.
This was her insurance file.
Officers with the New York Police Department, who initially found this material,
In a routine investigation into Weiner for sex texting underage girls, and immediately reported it to the FBI, but NYPD sources have told me that these videos include evidence of graft, corruption, child exploitation, the torture of children,
It really sounds like a treasure trove of information.
And what, nine of the twelve police officers that saw the videos are dead.
Reportedly, it's children being tortured to death.
They say it's so horrible, and even General Flynn's lawyer is very respected.
She's met with these very people that have survived.
They told her point blank, they said, you know, it's literally beyond pedophilia.
It's chopping kids up.
It certainly sounds that way.
So there's no question that if she wants to bargain, Ghislaine Maxwell has a lot to bargain with because her mentor, she was basically a procurer.
She would cruise the bus stations, the train station looking for runaways who would then be groomed for Epstein's own sexual gratification.
And then when he got tired of them, he would farm them out to his friends like
Former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell or former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson or the scientist Stephen Hawking.
That's really disgusting.
Or who knows?
I mean, I think this list is extensive.
It includes politicians, people in the financial world, athletes.
This guy was keeping tape on everyone, which is why I believe he was murdered.
But I'm not saying he was murdered by the Clintons.
I'm saying there were many, many, many people and many institutions that had an interest in silencing him.
So how coincidental?
The videos just happened to be turned off.
The guards just happened to be asleep.
I mean, it's insulting, really, for anyone to think.
Well, that's the next question.
How long do you think she's going to be alive?
They're claiming they have the best security team ever, monitoring her every move to keep her safe right now.
Well, obviously, I think that depends on what she does.
I mean, we don't know whether she's already agreed to cooperate.
We don't know if she is holding back some bull cards.
Here's what I do know.
My new attorney, David Schoen, one of my two attorneys, really an excellent attorney, very brilliant, very aggressive.
He had been retained by Epstein for his defense.
Epstein paid him on a Thursday, made arrangements for him to move to New York on Friday, and Epstein died Saturday.
Does that sound like a man who killed himself?
Well, in fact, Epstein's lawyer, I guess you have his lawyer, he's come out and said Epstein thought he was going to be killed.
Is that the same lawyer?
Yes, indeed.
Now, everybody's entitled to a lawyer.
You're not bad to have a great defense.
That's how it works.
I understand that, yeah.
Well, I wish I'd had the same lawyers at trial, frankly, where I'm still confounded about the fact that, for example,
Steve Bannon was the government's surprise star witness.
And why is he constantly hanging out?
Oh, that's another, we'll cover that in a moment.
Yeah, let's get back to this.
He told the Senate, well explain, his perjury's cut and dry.
It's really simple.
He testified before the House Intelligence Committee.
That testimony was classified until about a month ago.
He told the House Committee he never discussed WikiLeaks with me ever on any occasion at all in 2016.
Yet he showed up at my trial as a surprise witness for Mueller, and now he said, Stone and I talked about it in every conversation we had in 2016.
I considered Roger Stone our access point to WikiLeaks, which would be news to me.
So what's the truth on Bannon?
Because I mean, why is he hanging out with Epstein?
It's very, because I think he is a globalist.
I mean, when I did the research, every one of the major anti-Trump globalists who weaseled their way into the administration,
McMaster, Rex Tillerson, every one of them, you can trace the patronage right to Steve Bannon.
So he may go on TV where he's stolen the name of the radio show started by Owen Troyer and myself, The War Room.
I guess we should call ours The Real War Room.
But he talks the talk, but he doesn't walk the walk.
I mean, you know, the guy, first of all,
When it comes to personal appearance, the guy has pioneered the whole idea of Oboe Chic.
He looks like he changed out.
He's pioneered.
He looks like a reanimated corpse.
He looks like a dead body.
Let's do five more minutes.
We've got to go.
But I want to talk about what is happening in the campaign.
What do you think Trump should do?
Seven days out, Roger.
I'm so glad your new attorney tells you to go out and do interviews.
Yes, I love that advice.
My God, the whole thing is about shutting you up.
What a crime!
With 118 days left, they want to make the 111 last days no Roger Stone.
That's not American.
We are back live.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
All right, Roger Stone, who I'd like to try to get on every day if we can before they try to throw his ass in prison.
There's so much big news, the campaign, other key points you want to make in the short time we have, but separately, Trump's got to give you clemency.
He's signaled he's going to do it.
But why not go with the full pardon?
Why not double down, get in their face and literally make you a campaign advisor or something?
I know you don't even want that.
You like to be informal, do whatever you want as a free agent.
But I just think we need to start doubling down.
America wants that.
They want us to own it.
They want us to just get back in their face and stop groveling.
Does that make sense?
We've got a little bit of technical difficulty.
We're going right back to Roger here as soon as we get him here in a moment.
I think he thought that was a four-minute break.
It's a two-minute break there at the end of the hour.
Roger, 2020 election advice to the President.
What's your comments to the President?
And why not just get a pardon instead of just a clemency, Roger?
I think they may have lost audio to us, but hey, that's the great part about Skype.
Like, you're talking to Mars, you're talking to Venus, you're talking to Pluto, you're talking to the Moon, you're talking to Antarctica, you're talking to the Keebler Elves, you're talking to the Easter Bunny.
I think they probably just have lost the feed from us, so that happens.
It's the fun of Skype.
Roger is a great political operative, a good guy, but he is technical stuff, which is understandable.
But in this whole COVID world now, we're all learning how to get all of our stuff a little bit better.
So he may, this is interesting though, let's just put Roger on screen here.
He doesn't even know he's on air.
Hey, Roger!
Yes, sir.
Hey, you're awesome.
I know that's only a two-minute break, sir.
We should have told you, not a four-minute break.
But in the time we have left, why not get a full pardon?
Why shouldn't Trump just double down and go all the way?
Well, look, that is entirely up to the president.
But in all honesty, I would like to fight for exoneration.
I'd like to be formally vindicated.
But the problem here is I have to live long enough to do that.
So those well-meaning patriots who say, look, Stone can just go to jail for four or five months and then be pardoned after the election.
I don't think they understand.
I won't be alive after the election if that happens.
And therefore, the pardon, the appeal would die with me.
The reason that it's essential that I get to appeal, beyond my own exoneration, Alex, is my appeal, if ever heard, will fully expose the misconduct of the judge, the corruption of at least two jurors, and the criminal misconduct.
Sure, you need to expose, to fully exonerate yourself, not just get a pardon, but if you get a clemency, then you can go through the process then, and I guess expose the fraud.
That's precisely the point.
Whereas a pardon, that ends the whole thing.
So, a commutation or a pardon, obviously I pray for either one because my wife is 73 years old, she's deaf and she has rheumatoid arthritis.
She's a beautiful woman, she's the greatest thing that ever happened to me other than finding Christ, but I don't know who's going to support her.
By the way, your wife is the best looking 70 year old woman I've ever seen.
I've had dinner with her a few times.
You got your real hottie right there.
I bet she was a firecracker back in the day, huh?
She still is a firecracker.
The point is, you know, I lost everything in this fight.
You're going through it.
I lost my home.
I lost my insurance.
I lost my savings.
I lost my car.
I lost my voice.
I lost my ability to make a living.
They want to silence you while they're lynching you.
Yeah, they're sending a message with you.
That's why we've got to support you.
So people need to go to StoneDefenseFund.com.
People need to go to the InfoWars.com site and get themselves a Roger Stone Did Nothing Wrong t-shirt, the special InfoWars edition, which I swear to you will end up in the Smithsonian eventually.
And there's not going to be any more of them.
It's a limited edition.
Roger, you could still be thrown in jail in seven days.
If Trump doesn't give you clemency, I'm gonna get major pissed.
I know we think he is gonna do it to the right thing.
You know, you gotta go.
Let's talk again very, very soon.
Come back tomorrow if you got the time, please.
Well, Alex, the most important thing for you to do is to bring this to begin the countdown again.
Because otherwise people don't recognize how short term this is.
So please begin the countdown.
Oh yeah, you're the beta test to arrest everybody.
We gotta save you.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are excited to have Pastor Rodney Howard Brown on.
He's got a huge, great church in Florida.
And he was one of the first major pastors to say, we're gonna have our meetings, we're essential.
Well now, Black Lives Matter and Antifa are essential.
And the mayor of New York, we played it last hour, said,
Churches are not essential.
They're apples and oranges.
Black Lives Matter, which is run by Soros, is.
And then they sent Black Lives Matter individuals to start fights to a Baptist church in New York because they're one that didn't shut down.
I mean, this is just brazen communism, brazen malice youth brigades.
Well, it gets crazier.
They're not just censoring, trying to keep him from having his services.
They arrested him for it.
And then, last week,
Right when I was about to click on it and buy it and read it.
The Phantom Virus.
How an unseen enemy shut down the planet.
Amazon banned him selling the book, but you can still get it.
I mean, talk about dangerous.
Talk about authoritarianism.
That's what Black Lives Matter is.
Marching in and taking over Baptist churches in New York.
Mayors of major cities saying Christianity and churches aren't essential, but communist movements are.
This is truly evil.
So he joins us here.
Been trying to get him on for a long time.
He does hundreds of prayer meetings around the country and the world every year.
He's a workhorse, a great guy, and he has a lot of courage.
He's also, you know, gone and prayed with Trump at the White House and done a great job on that.
The new book, The Phantom Virus, How an Unseen Enemy Shut Down the Planet.
He joins us now.
What are we facing, Pastor?
Well, you know, if you remember, first of all, let me say good to see you.
You know, it's basically a communist takeover of the planet.
Now, I'd written the book The Killing of Uncle Sam and then Killing the Planet.
I came out with this in January on socialism under the microscope.
And then I did a tour through Australasia.
I actually left on Super Bowl Sunday.
We went from Tampa straight to Hilo, on to Fiji, New Zealand, and then ten cities across Australia.
By the time I hit Singapore, this thing was crazy.
COVID was nuts.
They were taking everybody's temperature.
I then went to Jakarta, on to Bali, General Santos in the Philippines, Manila.
We were going to go on to Micronesia.
They shut the country down.
I came straight to Honolulu, and then I got back home on the Saturday night.
I sent a message to the White House.
I said, you better tell the President, you better get on the front end of this thing.
It's coming like a train.
And I realize what happened here is because he wouldn't sign the Paris Climate Agreement and that would give the offshore banking $1.5 trillion a year.
They said, oh, no problem.
We'll bring the virus in and they will take over the world using the World Health Organization, which is funded by the Communist Party.
Bill Gates and Fauci are all part of that.
And so this, what we call a pandemic, was already planned.
As a matter of fact, there was a plan laid out in 2006.
But the Rockefeller Foundation did a whole document in 2010.
And when I go back, I actually read it out publicly in the church, that this was the plan.
Because I could already see it coming like a train smash.
And who could believe that in a matter of moments, the whole world is shut down and Hollywood fell, which I don't have a problem with that, but all the gods of America fell like in a matter of a week.
I mean, Hollywood fell, the NFL, NBA, everything was dead, dead.
They shut down the planet and everybody's afraid.
And the media is running the thing out.
Everybody thinks they're going to fall dead.
I come from Africa.
We have viruses all the time.
I must have prayed for Ebola, yellow fever, H1N1, swine, AIDS.
We live through all that kind of stuff.
So, I mean, I really, we studied this and that's why we brought this book out.
And of course, when the hard copy comes out in the next week, I'll get you, I know you're going to get some, but... Absolutely.
What people don't understand, Alex, this is a communist takeover of America.
And of course, they say it's not an attack on church, but what I did was, I flew a guy in from Texas, I bought machines, and I spent over $100,000.
These machines
I love it.
People wanted to say Florida passed arrest of holding services, and then it says hashtag gunshot, hashtag Romans 1, uh, uh, 16, hashtag First Amendment, hashtag I'm brought down.
But, but, so...
This has been so crazy, which, actually, I was at total peace when they came and arrested me, because the sheriffs that arrested me, because I live an hour away, they said, look, we are sorry that we have to do this.
I said, look, don't be sorry.
I'm actually honored.
I'm actually becoming an official American today, because I come from another country.
I raised my hand to defend the Constitution, and I'm actually being arrested for the First Amendment.
This is, like, epic.
So, they handcuffed me.
Of course, they did ask me if I was... When I came out, you know, they said, are you packing?
I said, really, Sheriff?
I'm gonna have a showdown.
This is like some Western movie here.
So, they put me in the back of the car.
They handcuffed me from the front.
And I'm driving in the back of the police car, 40 minutes to the detentions.
And I thought, this is, like, really strange.
I never thought I'd see the side of it.
And then I got there, they measured my temperature, made me put a mask on, they made me sign an affidavit.
I come through, the guy says, um, well, we, uh, we need to get a mugshot.
So I said, well, can I buy those handcuffs from you?
I said, I've never been arrested.
I want them as a memento.
So they were laughing.
I said, well, I can't laugh on this mugshot.
I said, I need like an Al Capone look.
So I kind of, you know, stared and, and that, that mugshot went around the world within 15 minutes.
I mean, it was around, people were messaging my wife from India and Africa and whatever.
I felt the law say don't attack the sheriff.
I actually am friends with the sheriff and was friends with him.
He was texting me on the phone.
I became an honorary deputy sheriff two weeks before my arrest.
He actually told me on the phone, you're safe, you're okay.
But the city put pressure on him, and there were other churches that turned me in.
I found like seven churches, which I hold nothing against them.
So when I left, I was inbound.
They took me, Alex, I did my fingerprints, whatever, they put me in the cell.
I actually fell asleep.
Believe it or not, people, I was so tired, you know, because I was on the phone.
Dealing with pastors around the world and, you know, people thought it was the end of the planet.
I said, no, it's not the end, but this is a test run and they want to try it, but we have to push back.
We have to stand up and boldly preach the gospel.
And by the way, Pastor, when you say it's a communist takeover, Black Lives Matter, Antifa openly say they're communist.
The whole system is a communist Chinese operation.
All of this is an admitted plan with the mega banks above it.
They admit this.
How do you see their takeover plan going right now?
Well, I think it's failing.
I think it's failing.
First of all, look at California.
No fireworks.
Los Angeles probably had one of the greatest fireworks display of all.
But let me just say this.
I felt that the Lord said, don't attack the sheriff because he's going to call you.
And that's exactly what happened.
I went live and I started broadcasting every night.
We shut the church down because we had over 100,000 threats.
Death threats, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, phone calls in the ministry.
Churches have been burned everywhere.
Sure, but every night we had between 100,000 views just online.
I was on television, and so millions of people around the world were tuning in, and I just stayed online until I knew that we could open up.
Not that we couldn't, because within three days of my arrest, the dominoes started falling, the church was declared essential service.
So I notice when you got arrested, that's what finally got Trump to trigger and to take action.
So again, the devil calls this a victory.
This is a huge victory for Christ.
Yes, but let me tell you what we're doing now.
I felt the Lord say, take this field and make a stand.
So we have two acres of parking lot that I turned into a giant field.
I know they send pictures to you.
I don't know if you- We've been putting it on screen, yes.
We'll show it.
Alex, listen, unbelievable.
We've had over 9,000 people come on the property and we're broadcasting to millions of homes across Africa every night.
Across the UK, across America, I'm telling all the churches to stand up, to make a difference, and the churches should never close their doors.
And I told everybody, we will never close our doors.
Now, the sheriff's here, I've got bombs for the dogs, I mean, they're actually protecting me now.
Not that there is any threat, I mean, we'll take care of ourselves.
But I'm just telling you, this is an attack on the gospel, which people don't, they say, no, it's not, it's about a virus.
It's not!
There's only 510,000 people dead in the world, or 520,000 out of 7.8 billion.
This is a plan to shut the globe down and shut the church down.
That's right, and punish people for trying to take their country back.
Stay there.
Let's talk about the reality and the book, The Phantom Virus, and how you lay it out and how Amazon banned it with Pastor Rodney Howard Brown.
Revival.com, Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to listen to me very, very carefully.
Pastor Brown is not here giving you his opinion.
This is now out in the open.
He's a great researcher and author.
This is a communist takeover.
And he has witnessed what communism has done in Africa and around the world.
And this is mega banks, the mega rich, funding communism to destroy the free market, to consolidate things, to shut down the small businesses and only have the big businesses in control.
Pastor, I want to get into your new book, The Phantom Virus.
I want to talk about what you've witnessed.
Let's play a few clips here.
Here's a little 30 second promo of the new book that's now available, Phantom Virus.
Here it is.
The World Health Organization is part of the United Nations system.
Dr. Fauci.
Dr. Anthony Fauci.
We know we need broad scale testing and the ability for contact tracing.
If anything kills over 10 million people, it's most likely to be a highly infectious virus.
Now, I want to play a clip here of the pastor praying and talking about this.
This is what they're trying to censor and shut down.
Why are they so scared of real God-fearing churches that were Antifa and Black Lives Matters being deployed by Democrats who say they have a right to protest and then go shut your church down.
This isn't just discriminate.
Now it's send people to shut down your speech with the group they say has speech.
Here's Pastor Brown's prayer.
Take out the Stoney Park.
Put in a heart of flesh.
Wash me.
Change me.
Fill me.
Use me.
Let me never be the same again.
I turn my back on the world.
I turn my back on sin.
And I follow you Lord Jesus.
Thank you for dying for me.
Thank you for shedding your blood for me.
Thank you that on the third day you rose for me.
And thank you that you're coming back again for me.
From this night on, I'll never be the same again.
I confess, Jesus Christ has come into flesh.
He is my Lord and my Savior.
And right now, by faith, in the finished work of the cross,
And by the sheer blood of Jesus, I am saved.
Thank you, Lord, for saving me now.
Now lift those hands and just thank you, Father.
I pray over these that are standing right now, that you would seal them now by your blood and by your spirit, that on that day no one would be missing.
Raise them up to be mighty men and women of God.
Use them to impact this generation.
Set them ablaze.
Set them on fire even now put a holy boldness upon their life and use them to bring many souls into the kingdom that on that day they will hear these words well done thou good and faithful servant enter thou into the joy of the Lord let not one
Let not one be missing.
We take them now.
We put them in the mighty hands of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit, you carried me as a boy from Africa and you took me to 85 countries in the world over 40 years.
Carry them now too.
I pray this even now.
I break every bondage.
I break every addiction.
I break every curse.
I send it back.
Ladies and gentlemen, we do this not because it's real, we do it for that reason most importantly, but the enemy hates this.
They are literally in Europe and in the United States and Australia and in
Canada, over the top, wanting to shut down churches.
And it's so obsessed with it, and sending thugs to attack Christian churches.
Why are they so scared, Pastor?
Because I see that diverse crowd in true unity in Christ.
That's what the New World Order fears.
They're afraid because there's unity and strength.
And plus, when we give our life to the Lord, you don't care, you're not worried about you're going to die because you know where you're going.
You know what we did, Alex?
We did a manifesto.
It's on the website called thestand20.com, which is for this event.
I make everybody sign a waiver.
To get on the field.
That means they will not hold us responsible for contracting COVID-19 because they could have gone to the gas station or Walmart or the Uber guy or Uber Eats.
So they're not going to hold us responsible.
And some people don't want to sign it.
We say you can't come.
But this is what the manifesto says.
The Antichrist system operating through the WHO and the UN and governments worldwide have mocked the Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
They've done this by arbitrarily shutting down the Church
...by not acknowledging or recognizing the Church as an essential service, by openly discriminating against and even persecuting the Church.
In their arrogance and godlessness, they've attempted to neutralize the Word and the power of God, to mute the voice of the Church, the voice of righteousness and truth.
They ignore or belittle the teachings of Jesus Christ.
They mock the Word of Almighty God, the blood of Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit, the power of our worship,
Psalm 91, the saving and keeping and preserving power of God, the power of communion, the power of the table of the Lord, the body and the blood of Jesus, the doctrine of laying on our hands, and the commandment to gather together, the power of unity and prayer, and the prayer of agreement.
So, with the Stand 20, like Elijah, we mock the prophets of Baal, we mock the mainstream media, we mock those who oppose and resist Almighty God, they will fail and fall, every one of
We stand for the Word of God and for billions around the world whose rights to worship freely were removed and have not been, or perhaps will never be, restored.
We stand for hundreds of millions who are dying of starvation because of this ill-advised, unwarranted lockdown.
There is a virus, as there has been in the past.
However, there's no justification for the draconian steps taken by governments to keep us safe.
Which, as it turns out, were contrary to the advice of scientists and epidemiologists, experts in pandemics and immunology.
The percentage of deaths have been low compared to the recovery rate and even low compared to the number of people who are and will be adversely affected for years to come as a direct result of loss of jobs, businesses and the destruction of their economies and the loss of personal freedoms.
Many more people are at risk of dying or have already died because they have been denied medical care for other ailments.
Us and on this field,
...represents the dreams of billions of people worldwide.
We stand to see all nations of the earth open back up, and with no blackmail of the citizenry, through forced participation in trust-tracking apps, mandatory vaccines, or the threat of permanent loss of their freedoms and rights.
Governments serve people.
People are not obligated to serve governments.
Our rights are given to us by Almighty God.
We are not slaves, we are free people.
We stand to see the restoration of people's liberties, to live and die at our own risk.
We stand and we worship according to Psalm 150, with voices and singing and musical instruments.
We lay hands upon people.
We obey the Great Commission.
We stand with the Gospel.
And stand with us many.
May this field, this stand be duplicated through God's people in all 50 states, in every US territory, and every country in the world.
The Stand 20.
Now we've got people replicating it.
They're doing this all over the world.
In fact, when I talked to you the other day, this is the biggest thing ever.
I should have started the whole show with this.
Let's talk about re-energizing Christian soldiers worldwide to take back the planet from Satan on the other side with Pastor Rodney Howard Brown on Alex Jones.
All right, Pastor, I want to talk about what they're trying to suppress, Amazon blocking your book.
How we just got used to this.
Oh, now Amazon blocks books because you're challenging their narrative, which they said 25 million dead, you know, worldwide by now, it's like you said, half a million, most of it fake numbers, real virus, major exaggerated, 2.5 million dead, 2.2 million dead a year, 130,000, most of that exaggerated.
How can we not have the right?
All these medical doctors getting blocked on YouTube, blocked on Twitter, Facebook for owning hospitals and saying, hey, our wards are empty.
We treat people with zinc, hydroxychloroquine.
I mean, this is so evil.
It's just suddenly we wake up and we're inside the matrix.
Look, everybody has to stand up.
There's no question.
And that's what I'm trying to do with the stand to get pastors and leaders to stand up and make a difference.
Listen, no town, city council or mayor or governor can make an order that supersedes the Constitution.
That's why everything was changed for me within three days.
It was all reverse charges dropped because I had legality
Of the Supreme Law of the land, the Constitution.
So people don't understand that.
They say, well, I mean, I have some pastors that don't even want to talk to me because they've got arrested.
I have a mugshot.
But it actually ended up with the blessing, being a blessing in disguise.
I have more friends now than I ever had before.
The bottom line is this.
We have to make a stand.
And here's what I told everybody on the front end of this.
Whatever you give up this side, you'll never get back on the other side.
Because they don't just take an inch or six.
They take everything.
They take all your freedoms.
So now, pastors in England, you can speak, but you can't raise your voice.
And now they can't sing.
You can't sing in church.
The Bible tells us to sing, lift up our voices.
It says, if we don't raise our voices... Yeah, Newsom says don't sing.
They're literally saying we'll follow all their ridiculous little rules and turn us into government cults.
And let's talk about that since you brought it up.
They are... It's never gonna happen.
Please continue.
No, it's never going to happen.
I mean, not here, and not some of the people I'm talking to, even in Los Angeles.
There's changes being right now.
There is an uprising taking place.
Listen, 15 days to slow the spread.
People said, OK.
But now, what, over 100 days?
And now there's a re... Come on.
You couldn't sit and watch Fauci, you know, who probably shops and gets his clothes at the JCPenney's children's section.
Blah, blah, blah, you know.
I actually switched off listening to anything they were saying.
I couldn't take another thing.
Tests, and whatever.
The test is where the problem is.
Everybody, COVID-19 is actually, it's a flu virus.
And there's 30 different strains plus more.
For this virus to get to do what it's done in nature would take 800 years.
This was a bio-weapon.
Started in a laboratory here in the United States, moved to another one, and then- That's how he ran!
He was barely running, Luan!
The whole thing.
And that's where they genetically modified it and bring the bat.
It didn't come from bat soup.
I mean, to all of us that have bat soup, keep drinking.
I'm teasing, but...
You're not going to get COVID-19.
It's a flu virus that has been engineered.
And they, they, very clever.
They, okay, so I don't know why, you know, because all this is about population reduction, but what they want to do is come with the forced vaccines, the tracking apps, and whatever, and then control the whole of humanity.
That is not going to happen because I already know it's not even working in England.
People are giving the names of their city officials and their phone numbers.
Well, that's my next question.
Talk about that, because I agree with you.
This is backfiring.
But I'm worried they're going to launch something else to try to, like, oh, really?
OK, well, here's a real bio.
I mean, that's the plan.
The plan is in the fall to release another one.
And that's the plan.
But I'm telling you, we are praying.
And I'm telling you, and I told everybody, I don't care if they have six B-ball plays in our county.
By the way, I love how we're all just synced in.
Of course, it'll turn out to be true.
The Holy Spirit, but also the evidence we have,
Is that what you're getting as a transmission from Research or God?
Because I know they're going to launch something even worse in the fall.
That's what they planned.
Listen, they are so upset.
They want to do anything they can to stop what is coming.
But let me tell you, here's what's happened.
The rights have failed.
Let me tell you why the rights have failed.
Because it's the left fighting the left.
It's really what you see is the Democratic Party consuming themselves.
It's very funny.
I mean, there is no opposition to these riots.
It's basically a bunch of leftists fighting against themselves.
And of course, they're getting no results, so that's why they're attacking statues.
And, you know, I hear that they attacked the statue of Rocky Balboa and he won 15 rounds.
I'm kidding.
The bottom line is this, you know, so that whole thing is failing, because the more they ride and loot, more Trump's numbers go up.
So now they have to kind of squash that, but they don't know what to do with that.
So then they want to bring the virus back, but people are done with that.
You know, can't go to the beach.
People are going, I'm going to the beach.
This is the middle of summer here in America.
So I was very excited when I saw all the fireworks being lit across California, and the Californians are saying absolutely no.
And I mean- Oh, by the way, in Austin,
I'm not exaggerating.
Ten times what I ever saw.
It went on like World War III.
At my parents' house, they told me, and where I was at, because people saw this as a way to say, we are not accepting your lockdown.
I mean, look at L.A.
They've never seen anything like it.
I think people have, you know, even the left, even some of the, you know, the liberals have, you know, okay, okay, but they are done now.
I mean, the highest number of gun sales.
So, they're going to try something, but I tell you, they're going to fail.
Alex, they're going to fail.
What they're underestimating is another spiritual great awakening.
I think all the hunger, the people, people are starting to get desperate.
I agree with you.
I'm seeing massive awakening and people coming to Christ.
Are you seeing that?
Totally, totally.
And many of them don't understand why their churches shut down.
And it's crazy.
And I understand.
Now the left tries to take it away.
They understand that's why they need it.
Correct, totally, yeah.
Well, you can't go to church.
Well, I want to go to church.
And here's the problem, too.
A lot of the people that died in the senior assisted living homes, they died of loneliness.
They, you know, I mean, to rob people, the ability to see their parents, you know, say goodbye to their dad that's dying.
It's evil.
That's beyond the pale.
But they can allow, you know, hey, Alex, the virus is so intelligent that as long as you burn and loot, the virus leaves.
Isn't that amazing?
No, there's official studies.
26 million marched for Black Lives Matter.
That, they say, did not cause a problem, but Trump rallies are bad.
It's totally lunacy.
Total lunacy.
Let me ask you this.
Why are they at war with logic now?
Because I think they're trying to short-circuit us, just get us used to insanity.
What is that devilish tactic?
It's like the education system is now produced.
You've seen what is produced.
I mean, you've got white people attacking black people, saying you are racist.
Here's a white person telling a black person they are racist.
2 plus 2, we know is not 4, it's 5.
It's common core education.
I mean, everything.
Rewriting history.
Getting rid of anything that was America that
I mean, there's, you can't, you can't, well, I'm so sorry for what my forefathers did, I had nothing to do with it, but I can make a difference now.
So it's like, you know, 57 genders, what do you feel today?
They're stealing our identity to say that what somebody did in the past is your fault.
What about your individualism?
I mean, you can see it happening right across Africa, but even in Africa right now.
You know the president of Tanzania, you know how he kicked the who out, and by the way, the headline just came out that Trump, we are now officially, this happened just probably hopping out, breaking, the USA is officially withdrawn from the World Health Organization.
That's good.
So that's a good sign.
But so here's the thing, the president of Tanzania, he tested a goat, he tested a papaya, which is a fruit, and he tested another, I think a banana.
And they all three came back positive COVID.
Oh, it's all fraud.
Yeah, he kicked the who out.
And there's a whole, in Africa right now, they're actually... Oh, I love it!
The Africans are not buying the COVID thing, are they?
No, because they realize we've lived with everything before.
You're starving us.
Alex, just in South Africa alone, between probably about 15 million people that are on the brink of starvation.
Let's talk about what the world lockdown has done.
The UN admits millions starving to death already.
Up to 135 million could die.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Welcome back, folks.
Alex Jones here with Pastor Rodney Howard Brown.
David Beasley is the head of the UN Food Program.
We're saying the UN's bad guys.
Yeah, at the top.
But the food program, you know, is claiming the servers are trying to help people.
He said two months ago, 3 million were already starving to death.
35 million probably starving to death the next year.
He said 130 plus million starving to death in the next two years.
We've played that clip many times, so I'm not going to play it again for you here.
But when the first world collapses, the third world dies.
You've got contacts all over the third world.
You travel all over the world.
What are you seeing, Pastor?
Well, yes, I actually called the State Department and I said, we don't understand.
Whatever decision you make in the First World, the ramifications in the Third World are devastating.
Because how do you control masses of humanity in the markets?
They actually make their money by day trading.
Suddenly now, Alex, I've got film footage of people being beaten to death for coming out of their little hut.
I mean, it's horrendous what's been taking place.
People are starving.
I mean, there's middle class families calling their pastors saying, listen, we have no food.
We haven't eaten in seven days.
There's not even water.
The kids are crying.
Same thing in India.
People don't realize millions are dying.
This is insane.
It's like it's a catch-22 because the church is actually the thing that's been helping the people all these years and then suddenly the church, non-essentials, shut up.
You can't meet.
You're disconnected from your people.
They're stuck in their houses.
They've got no food.
And then, of course, everybody thinks they're going to die because all they get to watch is the Communist News Network of CNN and the BBC and people around the world.
They don't know anything.
It's on a ticker loop.
It just goes, and it's just pumping racism.
And that's the key.
You wrote a book about the UN World Government.
Your new book is about the phantom virus.
Doesn't matter whether it's Texas or whether it's Nigeria.
It's the same global policy run by the UN.
So Trump officially removing us from the WHO in the last hour is a huge victory.
It's huge, because that's funded by the Communist Party.
So here's the thing, what people don't understand, they say, come on, it can't be.
What you have to understand, the people that run America and run China, they are behind the scenes.
They don't really care about humanity.
This is all about control, plus population reduction, because what they want to do is they want to come with a planned vaccine.
That people will not be able to travel.
Your social media score, like they do in China already, you won't be able to get on a plane without the right vaccine or passport that says you've been vaccinated.
It means you're going to limit your travel, where you can even go on holiday.
You can see people can't walk into restaurants if you're not wearing a mask or whatever.
Of course, in the state of Florida, it's illegal for anybody over the age of 16 to wear a mask.
And then also, when you wear a mask, it negates your Second Amendment.
You're not allowed to have a concealed weapon and wear a mask.
So, I tell our church, if they say you're not wearing a mask, you just tell them, I can't wear a mask because I have a weapon.
And I'm not going to be... Is this not the mark of the beast?
You go buy or sell without having this official mark that you're complying with everything we want you to do?
Yeah, it's the Antichrist system.
Obviously, the devil's always trying to preempt everything.
Plus, then on the back end of that, the vaccines are going to kill more people than anything, which is all what they want to do with eugenics, population reduction.
But again, you know, Alex, I'm not a negative person.
I mean, I've written all the books and negative stuff and whatever, but I'm a positive person.
I believe
Jesus said for us to occupy until he comes.
We have a job which is the Great Commission to travel the world and preach the gospel.
And I'm going to preach the gospel.
And if they say, well you can't, well they're going to have to arrest me.
Or kill me.
I don't really care.
I personally, if they're going to do it in America, I would prefer just do a guillotine public.
Put it on television.
Because I think that would be great.
And by the way, you're not being macho about that.
Isn't there a real freedom trusting in God and just saying,
I don't care.
I'm going to do the right thing.
Do whatever you're going to do.
I'm done.
Because we know where we're going.
Alex, we know.
You know, we're passing through.
But, I mean, as we have lived, and our forefathers and those that went on, if you look down through the years, down through the centuries, go look at the apostles.
They gave their life for the cause of the gospel.
They were beheaded.
That's right.
None of them were submitting to government edicts or to stand on their head or any of this.
Everyone that wrote the Bible was in prison.
I mean, most of them in prison.
Paul was in prison, you know.
Jesus, they tried to arrest him too, and they actually killed him.
He hung on a cross for us.
And that was his mission, we understand.
But we have to make a stand.
And I, you know, when you have kids and grandkids, what are you leaving them?
What are they going to say?
Let's say that this thing gets pushed back and we live another 100 years.
What will they say of this generation?
In 2020, they were sleepers?
What do you make of Epstein and Maxwell?
Because there's not just evil goods coming out.
All this evil is being exposed right now.
What would you call this time we're in right now?
You know, I mean, I've been looking at this and you wonder, is this just a decoy to really try to protect what's happening?
I mean, I personally would have thought by now Hillary would have been in prison, you know, and a lot of people would have been locked up and yet they're still roaming free.
I don't know.
I don't know what to say.
I mean, I'm watching even the Supreme Court.
Not do what they're supposed to do, you know?
As you know, I believe the courts are corrupted all the way from the low courts to the high courts.
I mean, this thing's pretty far gone.
But again, that's why... Yes, and the truth is coming out.
I mean... But they are trying to distract.
They're trying to say, you know, you have to apologize for your whiteness.
Well, I mean, the bottom line, I'm born in Africa, but my DNA, two and a half percent, I'm East African.
So I'm actually, I do have African blood in me.
I don't know what my ancestors did, but I'm two and a half percent African.
Well, let's talk about this though.
You know, Christ says, render unto Caesar, that's what Caesar.
And so the world is going to run its systems, the banks are going to run, but we have our souls.
And I see the enemy consolidating its power, but I see God consolidating his power in the people.
I see the separation beginning to happen.
Yeah, totally.
The church has to be a loud voice.
Preachers have to be... You can't hide in fear.
If you're watching today and you're afraid, and even you going about your daily business, you're afraid of getting sick or dying.
We live through H1N1.
We live through the bird flu.
Fear is the real virus.
Panicking is the real virus.
There are studies showing hysteria over the virus is causing all sorts of illnesses.
Yeah, but people are living in total paranoia.
And then they start screaming at somebody else, you're not wearing a mask.
As I tell everybody, to try to bring the mask out now and make it mandatory is like bringing contraceptives to a baby shower.
I've been in my car and people pull up and cuss at me that I'm not wearing a mask in my car.
I've lost his voice.
I can't hear him.
Can you hear me now, Pastor?
All right, well, you gotta love Skype, folks.
But Pastor Rodney Howard-Brown, the new book, The Phantom Virus, we really appreciate him being on with us.
Can you hear me now, Pastor?
Everything went quiet, and then I didn't hear Alex.
Guys, get him on the phone so we can say bye to him, okay?
I'm sure it's their Skype again, but we need to check ours.
Because every guest we have is having problems.
And Microsoft took it over five years ago.
It's just been ruined since.
We're trying to talk about using Zoom.
The Chinese own that.
It's all a big mess.
So we will continue to figure all that out.
A very powerful interview, though, with Pastor Rodney Howard Brown and the Phantom Virus.
Briefly, we have the 4th of July special running right now, and it is about to end.
Store-wide free shipping, double Patriot points, whether it's BODY's Ultimate Turmeric Formula or Ultra 12, the B12 taken out of the tongue, or Winter Sun, sold out now back in stock with the high-quality vitamin D3 and the vitamin K. That is all available at InfoWareStore.com or 888-253-3139.
And these are great products, man, I tell you.
You can go out and buy synthetic cheap stuff and then just have a fancy package.
We don't do that.
I go out and I go, what is the best pharmaceutical grade or nutraceutical grade?
What is the very best I can get?
Whether it's turbo force or whether it's brain force.
I think.
I don't know.
We're good to go.
So between the Vatican and the ADL and just all of it, it is just an anti-American nightmare.
But your funding of InfoWars, getting great products that make you and your family's life better, semi-auto-racial ship, thank you so much, because we're staying in attack formation.
Paul Joseph Watson takes over at 5 after.
I'm going to come back and finish up some final statements, and then Paul Watson will take over for Her Britannic Majesty's London.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Paul Joseph Watson is about to take over, but this report is so powerful, I'm going to air it twice today on the same show.
Worldwide population being torched in deep state sun.
I'm Greg Reese.
Here's the report at Bandot Video.
Please share it.
This report is based on Amazing Polly's recent video, Is This Torture?
In her video, Polly examines Amnesty International's 1973 report on torture and how it seems to reflect the current response to COVID-19.
According to Amnesty International's report, torture is the systematic and deliberate infliction of acute pain in any form by one person on another in order to accomplish the purpose of the former against the will of the latter.
The report then uses Biedermann's chart of coercion to describe the technique.
Psychologist Albert Biederman studied communist Chinese tactics known as DDD, Debility, Dependency and Dread.
The CIA has been trained to use Debility, Dependency and Dread.
And according to their 1983 Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual, many psychologists consider the threat of inducing debility to be more effective than debility itself.
With DDD, the debilitated victim becomes dependent upon the torturer and develops a strong fear of anything vague or unknown.
Biderman's chart of coercion lays out the design of DDD.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Number one, isolation.
We see this with quarantines and social distancing and the prohibition of crowds and large gatherings.
Number two, monopolization of perception.
Corporate mainstream media has monopolized all of pop culture and those on social media who challenge the mainstream narrative are censored.
Also listed is restricted movement and monotonous food.
Number three, induced debilitation and exhaustion.
Gym closures, church closures, losing your job, school closings, and wearing masks all day long increase stress and provokes exhaustion and debilitation.
Number 4.
We are threatened that our own children may be taken away from our homes, and that experimental forced vaccines are coming.
We are told that more will die if we restart America.
And we are threatened with tracking chips, contact tracing, and a new normal.
Number five, occasional indulgences.
Here we find fluctuations of interrogators' attitudes, such as BLM protests are good, Trump rallies are bad.
Walmart is okay, but small businesses are not.
The torturer will provide occasional indulgences, such as rewards for partial compliance.
If you just wear a mask, someday we can return to normal.
Number six.
Demonstrating omnipotence and omniscience.
Shutting down the entire global economy was a pretty good demonstration of omnipotence.
Huge fines and jail for people not wearing a mask.
We see the omniscience with Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and other official experts.
Number seven is degradation.
Being called non-essential or a science denier.
Being treated as ignorant fools and called names by celebrities for not complying.
Number 8.
Enforcing Trivial Demands.
This final step develops habits of compliance.
Enforcement of minute rules such as standing six feet apart, following arrows, and showing support for violent BLM protests.
Also, according to the report on torture, many victims become ill as a result of coercion, and more than half the illnesses listed in the report can be easily diagnosed as COVID-19 according to CDC guidelines.
Do you really think that this is all a coincidence?
Or are the people of the world being subjected to an advanced form of torture, coercion, and mind control?
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Rees.
And we are live!
Gonna get into a ton of news, including the latest on Elaine Maxwell and Epstein, the cover of the trial, etc, etc.
Gonna get into the latest things that are racist, of course.
Many new things are racist on a daily basis.
Gonna cover that.
Also gonna get into the actor Terry Crews, who appeared on Don Lemon on CNN last night.
And he was in a lot of hot water recently because he made the point, and wait for it because this is pretty controversial, he made the point on Twitter that not all white people are bad.
Yeah, that sounds really daring, really bold statement to make, but he was in hot water for saying that.
He was in hot water for saying that if black lives matter maybe we should concentrate on the biggest threat to black lives in America, which is other black people.
Now over the July 4th weekend we had
An eight-year-old girl in Atlanta shot dead during a BLM protest.
We had another seven-year-old in Chicago who was shot in the head while waiting on the sidewalk.
Outside her grandmother's house, we had 67 people shot in Chicago over the weekend.
So Terry Crews gets up on CNN and says, maybe this should be a segment, maybe this should be part of the discussion.
When we're talking about Black Lives Matter, Don Lemon shot back and basically said,
No, Black Lives Matter should solely be about police brutality and criminal justice, even though we know from Black Lives Matter's own statement that it's not.
It's about defunding the police, it's about overthrowing capitalism, and it's about breaking up the quote nuclear family.
So we're going to get into that in the next segment.
First of all, we're going to find out the new things that are racist as of today.
It's a changing spectrum on a daily basis, so it's, you know, very important to keep track
UK estate agents to drop term Master Bedroom to placate politically correct millennials.
That's right, the term Master Bedroom and the term Master Bathroom in terms of descriptions of property for sale is now apparently racist.
Of course, we had this in the US with some realtors in Texas saying the same thing.
Well, now estate agents across the UK are set to stop using the term Master Bedroom
In order to placate politically correct millennials who think such language is racist.
The rumours will instead be described as principal or primary, in the hope of warding off the potential anger of easily offended morons, who again represent such a tiny minority of the population, who would be going to visit a property, whether they're looking at renting it or buying it.
And see a description of a master bedroom and think, that's racist, I'm not going to see the property.
What tiny percentage of imbeciles would actually go through that thought process?
But again, it's the noisy minority that is literally taking over society in this cultural revolution.
Now we had Peter Wetherall of Wetherall Estate Agents in Mayfair, London.
Who said this, these changes are being driven by political correctness and dramatic transformations in the buyer demographic across Prime Central London.
Again, you have to be very careful when you talk about demographics in anything other than a positive light, of course.
He went on to say, the typical buyers are now aged from their early 20s to their mid 40s and from all over the world.
This young demographic tends to be very broad-minded, when in actual fact they're the opposite of broad-minded.
They're totalitarian control freaks who want to literally control the words that come out of your mouth.
Very broad-minded, though, and find any form of sexism or racism deeply offensive.
Perhaps living in fear of the same irate mob that tore down the Edward Colston statue and threw it in the river, David Westgate, the group chief executive of the Bristol-based estate agent chain Andrews, said, quote,
Literally some estate agent in Bristol in some town in the UK is self-flagellating over Black Lives Matter because in the property descriptions of his properties they use the term master bedroom.
Now the term master bedroom in that context was only used in the United Kingdom in 1925 was the first recorded instance of its use according to the dictionary.
Nearly a hundred years
After slavery was officially abolished throughout the UK.
By the way, we were the first country in the world to officially abolish slavery, but apparently we're also to blame for it.
The Barbary slave trade, which enslaved people from my generation, people from my ancestry, that doesn't matter.
We're not asking Arabs for any reparations.
There were a couple of estate agents, which I quoted in this article, who actually engaged their common sense thinking process.
One of whom was Trevor Abramson, the Managing Director of Glentree International.
He said the phrase Master Bedroom wasn't used until the early 20th century.
If the woke liberal elite want to equate that with slaves and masters, that is ridiculous.
And yet the others are all bowing down and metaphorically taking the knee.
Edward Heaton, the founder of Heaton and Potters, echoed his sentiment, remarking it's ludicrous that we should be expected to ignore our history and heritage to placate a vociferous minority.
And yet, that is exactly what's happening.
So, Master Bedroom's now racist.
What else is racist?
Well, Shakespeare is racist, yes.
The book burners are back.
Fahrenheit 451 in full effect.
Fahrenheit 451, of course, being the Ray Bradbury book, which they later made into a movie, dystopian thriller, based on a totalitarian society where firefighters didn't put out fires, they burned books.
And that's a big
A cause celebre of the mainstream media in recent weeks, of course, and now we have the Washington Post talking about purifying Shakespeare, if not eliminating it altogether.
By the way, I put out a tweet on June 11th, which cited an academic paper from a few years ago, which said, quote, William Shakespeare wrote several plays which depict Jews and blacks in a very negative stereotypical fashion.
Time for Audible and Amazon to delete such offensive trash.
Let's see how far down this rabbit hole goes.
And now, less than a month later, the Washington Post comes out with an article.
This is a headline out of the website Moon Battery, which commentates on this Washington Post article.
Headline, Washington Post, now lets purge classic literature.
What's the next target for the liberal mob after tearing down statues of the titans of American history and getting people fired over the most trivial infractions against political correctness?
Any student of totalitarianism knows the likely answer.
Of course it was the German philosopher, his name slips my mind for the moment, but he said basically to paraphrase, where once they burn books, next they will burn people.
Of course, the left doesn't quite have enough political control yet to do that, but in terms of the long march through the institutions, they're certainly ahead of the game.
So writing in the Washington Post, Ron Charles celebrates the war on statues and the purging of old television programs of anything currently regarded as offensive by liberals.
Now he wants to purge literature.
He starts at the top with Shakespeare, and then he quotes from the article where they cite Othello,
The Shakespeare play, and they point out that one of the characters, the Venetian general, is manipulated into murderous rage by his villainous white colleague.
Even before Othello comes on stage, he's subjected to obscene racist ridicule.
So the Washington Post is now basically calling for all Shakespeare plays to be run through a modern-day social justice purity test before they're allowed to be performed.
And if they don't, well, maybe they're not going to be performed at all.
So Master Bedroom is racist, Shakespeare is racist, what else is racist?
Wasps are racist!
Again, from Moon Battery, Wasp mascot under fire by anti-white racists.
The purge of all things associated with America's heritage and core population has reached such a hysterical frenzy that not even insects are safe.
This is Emory & Henry College in Virginia, which has announced to students that the school will re-examine its wasp mascot.
The bug may appear exclusive to students who are not white Anglo-Saxon Protestants or wasps.
So again, it's not even got anything to do with that.
The insect, apparently, the insect wasp is now racist as well.
Wales is racist.
That's official as of today.
The country of Wales in the United Kingdom is racist.
The black demographic, the black population of Wales is minuscule.
The white demographic, the white population of Wales is 95%.
It's 95% white and yet now the leader of the Welsh Government, reports Breitbart, has announced an urgent audit of statues, street names and building names
To address Wales's connections with the slave trade and of course the move was inspired by weeks of protest by the Marxist Black Lives Matter campaign.
So Welsh roads are racist, wasps are racist, Shakespeare's racist, master bedrooms are also racist and that's not even the entirety of the list.
Don't go away.
Summit.News, we'll be right back.
Now, the actor Terry Crews appeared on CNN with Don Lemon last night to ask the question, why do black lives only appear to matter to the Black Lives Matter movement when they're taken by white people?
Now, he was in hot water over the past few nights since July 4th.
And in fact, there's a chyron, you know, the text at the bottom of the screen on CNN where it says, Terry Crews defends his statement of uniting with good people, black or white, as if that
Would be a controversial statement to make.
His initial tweet said, quote, Are all white people bad?
Are all black people good?
Knowing this reality, I stand on my decision to unite with good people no matter the race, creed, or ideology.
And for that tweet, although he got a lot of support, he also got a lot of hatred from the woke pitchfork mob on Twitter.
Now he followed that up with another tweet yesterday in response to the massive wave of violence in Chicago over the weekend.
He said nine black children killed by violence in Chicago since June 20th.
Hashtag all black lives matter.
Then he appeared on CNN with Don Lemon and Don Lemon basically tried to argue that no, the biggest threat to black lives being other black people in America should not be a part of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Let's go to clip number one.
This is the apples and oranges clip.
Let's roll it.
Here it is.
And one thing is really shocking.
Who's the next oppressor?
Who's the next oppressor?
When I describe this, when you look in the city of Chicago, there are nine children who died by gun violence, by black on black gun violence, from June 20th all the way to today.
And you're talking about even with the Atlanta child murders, there were 28 kids who died in two years.
You're talking about a month!
And you have nine black kids, and the Black Lives Matter movement has said nothing about this kind of thing.
about gun violence.
I lived in Chicago.
There are many people who are working in those communities to try to get rid of the gun violence.
The gun culture in this country is prevalent, but I don't understand what that has to do with a movement that's for equality for black people.
It's not mutually exclusive that if you care about equality for black people, that somehow you're going to stop
Random violence, or unfortunately, kids from being shot.
It just seems like apples and oranges.
You know, it's not that way.
You know, this is the thing, Don.
You know, Black people need to hold other Black people accountable.
I said this, the same thing.
This is the Black America's version of the Me Too movement.
If anything is going to change, we ourselves need to look at our own communities and look at each other and say, this thing cannot go down.
And this is the thing, too.
There are a lot of great, great people there who are held hostage, who are held hostage by people who literally are running these neighborhoods with violence and then claiming that black lives matter.
So there you have Don Lemon arguing that there's no equality in America for white people.
Of course, white people have the exact same rights in America that white people have.
He also tried to argue later on, and in fact we're going to roll this clip.
He tried to argue in that piece that we saw, that we saw just there, that black people don't have the same rights.
And then he tried to argue that this was about gun culture in Chicago and not black-on-black violence.
Let's roll the second clip.
Here it is.
Terry, you're a high profile person, you're writing things out there, you know you're going to get backlash, you know people are going to respond to what you're saying on Twitter, so I don't think you should be surprised by that.
I have a skin as tough as an armadillo because of what I do, and I think maybe you should adapt that.
But here's what I have to say.
The Black Lives Matter movement was started because it was talking about police brutality.
If you want an all Black Lives Matter movement that talks about gun violence in communities, including, you know, black communities, then start that movement with that name.
But that's not what Black Lives Matter is about.
It's not an all-encompassing.
So if you're talking about, if someone started a movement that said,
Do you understand what I'm saying?
But when you look at the organization, police brutality is not the only thing they're talking about.
I know that, but I agree, but that's not what the Black Lives Matter movement is about, Terry.
Black Lives Matter is about police brutality and about criminal justice.
It's not about what happens in communities when it comes to crime, black-on-black crime.
People who live near each other, black people, kill each other.
Same as whites.
Eighty-some percent of white people are killed by white people.
Because of proximity.
It's the same thing with black people.
It happens in every single neighborhood.
But that isn't, again, I'm not saying that's not important that those kids die, but it's a different movement.
So you hear Don Lemon try to claim it's apples and oranges to try to bring into the equation the industrial level of violence committed by black people against other black people in Chicago, in Atlanta, as we saw over the weekend.
Fourteen people shot in just one street.
In Chicago, a seven-year-old, sorry, an eight-year-old girl shot dead at and during a BLM protest because her mother tried to reverse the car and park the car in an area where a BLM protest was taking place.
They shot out the tires, they shot the little girl dead.
We had another instance in Chicago where a seven-year-old black girl was shot on the street on the sidewalk outside her grandmother's house.
What's to blame for that?
According to Don Lemon, gun culture!
Because you really see white people killing each other on an industrial scale in white areas of the country which have high gun ownership, don't you?
No, you don't.
This has nothing to do with gun culture.
He then tries to argue that
Talking about black-on-black violence would be like a Cancer Matters movement being asked why they don't talk about HIV.
Which again is a complete misnomer because the full scope of BLM is not just about police brutality or criminal justice reform as Don Lemon claims.
You can go to their website.
You can listen to their leaders.
It's about overthrowing capitalism, imposing communist ideals
Defunding the police and of course they talk about breaking up the nuclear family.
So no, it's not about one single issue as Don Lemon claims, based on what the leaders of Black Lives Matter themselves say.
And then the interview ends with Cruz insisting that there is more to the BLM agenda than police brutality.
And that it needed to be scrutinized.
And Don Lemonhoff admits that, but then brings it back and does a complete 180 again, and claims it's just about police brutality, when we know it's not.
The fact is, as I write in this article, Black-on-Black violence isn't part of the Black Lives Matter narrative, because Black Lives Matter isn't a civil rights movement.
It's a mammoth political movement, and Black-on-Black violence can't be exploited for political grist.
Which is why people like Don Lemon don't talk about it.
Which is why people like Don Lemon don't talk about the foundings of Black Lives Matter.
The fact that the inspirational guru, the philosophical guru behind Black Lives Matter, as I've said on many occasions, Assata Shakur, is literally a cop-killing terrorist fugitive who has to hide out in Cuba to avoid the FBI because she's on their top ten most wanted terrorist list.
So yes, it has its origins in extremism,
And its leaders often spout political agendas that have absolutely nothing to do with police brutality.
Don Lemon knows that.
We'll get more into this on the other side.
Summit.News, don't go away.
So again, I ask the question, why does the Black Lives Matter movement only appear to care about black lives when they're taken by white people?
Why does Don Lemon not appear to care about black lives when they're taken by other black people?
Why is that not part of the conversation when that's the biggest threat to black lives?
It's very simple.
Over the July 4th weekend, we had an eight-year-old girl shot dead during a BLM protest in Atlanta by a BLM activist.
Imagine if a right-wing extremist had shot an eight-year-old black girl dead during a BLM rally.
That would be a headline for months.
It was barely even reported.
It was reported in local media and not really highlighted anywhere else.
We had 14 shot during a street party in Atlanta on July 4th.
We had 67 shot
13 fatally in Chicago over the July 4th weekend, including a 70-year-old girl who was shot in the head while stood on the sidewalk.
Again, the vast majority of those victims and perpetrators were black.
Where is the BLM march for these victims of crime?
We had a headline here out of Summit News yesterday.
You shot and killed a baby.
Atlanta mayor decries black-on-black violence during BLM march.
And to her credit, she came and gave a press conference and spoke out about this.
She later caught coronavirus, or admitted that she got coronavirus, and that became a bigger story.
An eight-year-old black girl was shot dead inside a car during a Black Lives Matter protest, leading the mayor of Atlanta to proclaim, we are shooting each other on our streets.
This shooting happened
Near the same Wendy's that was torched by BLM protesters in response to the police killing of Rayshard Brooks less than a month ago, which of course made massive headlines, made massive social media traction.
An eight-year-old girl gets shot dead in the same place during a BLM rally and it's barely a footnote.
The crowd of protesters gathered there and erected barricades.
A car, and it was being driven by I presume the mother of this eight-year-old child because she was also in the press conference,
So a car tried to drive into this parking area at which there was a BLM protest taking place.
And at least two people, and last time I checked they hadn't caught them, if they've caught them today that would be a new development, but as of yesterday they hadn't caught them.
Two people in the crowd opened fire at the vehicle, hitting Secoria Turner, eight years old, police said.
She later died from her wounds.
Again, I didn't see Shaun King talking about this.
I didn't see any of the Black Lives Matter leadership talking about this.
And to her credit, Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms talked about it.
She said, you can't blame it on police officers.
You can't say it's about criminal justice reform.
This is about some people carrying weapons who shot up a car with an eight-year-old baby.
For what?
As I talk about in this article.
Elsewhere in Atlanta, 14 people were shot and two died during a July 4th street party on Auburn Avenue.
And you can watch the video, which is in the article, which shows, of course, virtually all of the attendees at this street party were black.
The people running away from the gunshots were black.
Two people died.
And I think, last time I checked, there were actually more people injured than the 14 that the authorities initially said.
Chicago over the same weekend.
67 people shot, 13 dead, two children dead in Chicago over that one weekend.
One of the victims was a seven-year-old girl who was shot in the head while standing on the sidewalk at her grandmother's house.
Mayor Laurie Lightfoot came out in response to that and said, So again,
Where are the Black Lives Matter marches over the deaths of these two innocent children?
That was a point made by one of the fathers of one of the children.
Headline, you killed a child, father of eight-year-old shot during BLM protest speaks out.
The father of an eight-year-old girl who was shot during a Black Lives Matter protest in Atlanta told BLM demonstrators, quote, you killed your own, you killed a child.
He said, they say black lives matter.
You killed your own.
They killed my baby because she crossed the barrier and made a U-turn.
You killed a child.
She didn't do nothing to nobody.
And again, the mayor came out and echoed similar sentiments.
So you literally have the industrial level killings over one weekend of black people.
Both the victims and the perpetrators.
Why is that not part of the conversation when it comes to Black Lives Matter?
Well, of course, because it can't be exploited for political grist.
And of course, because the overarching agenda behind Black Lives Matter is not fixing police brutality.
Yes, that is the agenda for a lot of well-meaning activists.
But if you look at the leadership, if you look at their statements, if you look at their websites,
It's about overthrowing capitalism, defunding the police completely, and eliminating the nuclear family.
They literally talk about this.
Similar to the Extinction Rebellion protests which we had here in London a few months ago, where if you went on their website, their official website,
They said it wasn't, they literally said it wasn't about climate change.
One of the leaders of Extinction Rebellion literally said this is not about climate change, this is about overthrowing the Western imperialist capitalist system.
And in fact he said it was about overthrowing quote heteronormativity.
So again it's all about intersectionality, it's all about splicing in this LGBT movement, which again is not a civil rights movement because gay people in the West
Have won all their rights.
They've won that battle.
It's about an ideological purge.
This is about an overarching agenda.
That's the point that Terry Crews is trying to make during that CNN broadcast.
And of course, Don Lemon, because he's a grifter, because he's part of the agenda that is trying to overthrow
Capitalism, overthrow of the West, and indeed part of this coup against Donald Trump.
He's part of that neoliberal backlash which has manifested itself in the statue toplings, in the Black Lives Matter marches over the past five, six weeks.
By the way, another thing that's racist, I talked about this at the top of the show, we had estate agent descriptions of master bedrooms being racist now,
We had wasps being racist, Shakespeare being racist, roads in Wales, which is 95% white demographically, apparently they're racist, and now maths is racist too.
Headline out of Summit News, BLM teacher says 2 plus 2 only equals 4 because of quote, Western imperialism.
Yes, she actually said this.
This was a teacher who apparently, according to her own bio, which includes her pronouns, imagine my shock,
She's studying for a PhD at Rutgers and she is a teacher!
She put out a tweet which went viral after she claimed during the course of discussion about racism, quote,
And because of Western imperialism colonization, we think of it as the only way of knowing.
And we've seen this before, where people say, why are we using the quote, Western math standard for mathematics?
Why aren't we using other methods such as the way aborigines count?
They literally make that argument and claim that that's because of Western imperialism.
Yes, really.
Maybe it's because we're in the West and we're not Aborigines.
Maybe that's why we use the Western system.
Maybe that's the actual reason.
But as I wrote in this article, and by the way, she locked down her Twitter account and freaked out after this tweet came out and after people started picking up on it, as they always do.
Her bizarre statement is yet another example of intersectionality, the pseudo-intellectual garbage feminist notion which is being taught to all your kids right now, by the way.
That racism and sexism are prevalent throughout all areas of society and are intertwined even down to the degree that describing a master bedroom as a master bedroom is a microaggression and a form of cultural imperialism and racism.
It's really getting beyond a joke.
Some good news now though.
150 top intellectuals sign open letter decrying cancel culture.
150 of the world's top intellectuals, authors, and activists have signed an open letter decrying leftist cancel culture, censorship, and the totalitarian march of, quote, ideological conformity.
Now, why they've only come out in July 2020 and said this now, and why they're only putting out an open letter, you know, where are the conferences, where are the marches, where's the big movement behind the few remaining actual liberals who are left, who actually support and defend free speech,
Kind of hiding, isn't it, to put it out in a letter?
But this was signed by Fareed Zakaria, Garry Kasparov, J.K.
Rowling, and even feminist activist Gloria Steinem, as well as Noam Chomsky and Salman Rushdie.
And they write, the democratic inclusion we want can be achieved only if we speak out against the intolerant climate that has set in on all sides.
They highlight how the free exchange of information and ideas, the lifeblood of a liberal society, is daily becoming more constricted.
And they then go on to talk about cancel culture.
We'll get more into it after the break.
We'll also talk about the latest Epstein revelations.
Don't go away.
We're going to get into the latest Epstein news here in a second, of course, with Ghislaine Maxwell arrested last week and now being held in a detention facility, not the same detention facility that Epstein mysteriously suicided himself in.
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Headline from Summit News, Ghislaine Maxwell has dead woman switch secret sex tapes in her possession.
Presumably so did Jeffrey Epstein.
Didn't really help him, did it?
Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly has secret sex tapes in her possession that would expose powerful Epstein acquaintances, giving her clout in any potential plea deal while also acting as a form of protection against being suicided.
Now this is according to an unnamed former friend of Maxwell's,
Who told the Daily Mail, quote, if Ghislaine goes down, she's going to take the whole damn lot of them with her.
Prince Andrew, maybe?
The secret stash of sex tapes I believe Ghislaine has squirreled away could end up being her get-out-of-jail card if the authorities are willing to trade, said the insider.
He went on to say she has copies of everything Epstein had.
They could implicate some twisted movers and shakers.
Now, of course, as I've explained before,
In fact, I'm going to probably make a video about this this week and try and really flesh this all out.
We know that Epstein had his numerous mansions across the United States and, of course, Little St.
James, his Caribbean island.
Fastooned with secretly hidden video cameras everywhere so he could record his influential friends having sex with underage girls, material that could later be used to blackmail them, because of course what the Netflix documentary didn't tell you, which is kind of a central core aspect to this whole scandal, is that Epstein was almost certainly part
of a Compromat intelligence program run by Mossad.
Of course, we had the ex-Israeli spy come out months ago now and fess up to the fact that Epstein was recruited by the Israeli Mossad to spy on, to collect blackmail on all these powerful figures via Ghislaine's father, Robert Maxwell, who was also almost certainly a triple agent.
As I document in this article, when authorities raided Epstein's New York home last year, they found a vast trove of pornographic photographs and digital video files of underage girls.
And they all had handwritten descriptions of both the victim, the description of the material, and the name of the individual abusing them.
So all these individuals were tied to these digital copies of videos of this child sex abuse.
Given that Epstein committed suicide less than a month after reports indicated he was ready to name powerful players in an effort to secure himself a reduced sentence, it wouldn't be a shock to learn that Maxwell was thinking along the same lines.
But again, it didn't really work out for Jeff.
We did it.
In fact, we had an article which I linked to, I think in this article or one of the previous ones, where
There were rumours and it was being widely reported that Epstein was trying to get a reduced plea deal, a reduced sentence, if he named the other implicit parties in his sex trafficking empire.
Three weeks later, he was dead!
What a surprise.
But as we highlighted last week, a lawyer for one of Epstein's accusers thinks that Ghislaine Maxwell could reveal a, quote, bigger name involved in Epstein's pedophile network in order to secure a plea deal following her arrest.
That was Lisa Bloom who said, I'm sure Ghislaine's attorneys will try to make a deal where she speaks out about a bigger name to get reduced charges for herself.
Well, good luck with that because it didn't turn out too great for Geoffrey, did it?
Now, the question of where Epstein's money came from and where it was being sent has been lingering for well over a year.
We have this headline out of Zero Hedge.
Deutsche Bank inexcusably failed to monitor Jeffrey Epstein's accounts, fined 150 million dollars.
Well, I wonder why they mysteriously failed to monitor his accounts.
Could it be because they were complicit?
Because some of the people within Deutsche Bank were complicit, and indeed being blackmailed by Epstein.
Just putting it out there.
But now the New York State Department of Financial Services
Released a statement today indicating Deutsche Bank has been fined $150 million for banking transactions with accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who is now dead.
NYDFS said Deutsche Bank agreed to the multi-million dollar penalty for quote, failing to properly monitor account activity conducted on behalf of Epstein.
Banking regulators have been investigating Epstein's dealings with the bank for months, including past lending and transactions, along with dozens of accounts linked to him shortly before he died.
The investigation focused on why the bank continued to do business with Epstein, despite internal concerns that were raised.
So they knew from within the bank where this money was going, but they just
Turned a blind eye, much like the jail guards in Epstein's cell, who both mysteriously just fell asleep and allowed him to commit suicide.
And YDFS said the payments from Epstein's Deutsche Bank accounts were made to his co-conspirators who sexually abuse women, so that's where the money was going.
Other payments were made to Russian models
Payments for women's school tuition, which of course again was him buying off the victims' families, or at least attempting to.
Hotel and rent expenses.
And consistent with allegations of prior wrongdoing, payments directly to numerous women with Eastern European surnames.
They noted Epstein's periodic suspicious cash withdrawals, which totaled more than $800,000 over just four years.
So Deutsche Bank was Epstein's lender from 2013, even as other financial institutions labelled him a red flag.
Of course, he was convicted of soliciting a minor five years before that in 2008.
But Deutsche Bank continued to handle his money while it was being sent all around the world to these different people who were complicit in his sex trafficking, and no one said a word!
Almost as if they were in on it.
Meanwhile, former Reddit CEO Ellen Pau,
Chairman Powers, she used to be called, admits we knew about Ghislaine Maxwell sex trafficking underage girls.
She admitted in a tweet before locking down her account once again, as they always do, quote, we knew about Ghislaine Maxwell sex trafficking underage girls, but attended a party where Maxwell was present anyway.
Now, we had Elon Musk embroiled in this, a media witch hunt against Elon Musk over the past few days.
Because he was pictured with Maxwell at one of these tech elite parties back in, I think it was 2014, because we know for years and years Epstein was transfixed, obsessed with ingratiating himself amongst the tech elite.
Notably Bill Gates, who again continued to have a very close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein long after his 2008 conviction of sex trafficking a minor,
Well apparently, Ellen Powell knew about the underage trafficking too, but just went to the party anyway!
Now you contrast that with the treatment of Elon Musk, who I know for a fact didn't even know who Epstein was.
He was pictured with Maxwell at this party.
Famous person in meat, other famous person, shocker, and that's the point about this whole network.
Some of the people on Epstein's black book list, some of the people pictured with Epstein and Maxwell, were intimately involved in his sex trafficking, were part of it.
Some of them weren't.
Some of them were just pictured with him because it's known that Epstein tried to coax people from the tech elite, from the political elite,
Into his inner circle so he could blackmail them by throwing young girls at them.
Now many of those people who he attempted to pull that blackmail stunt on refused to go along with it or just ignored him altogether.
So yeah, you're going to have people who are in Epstein's black book who are pictured with him or Maxwell at these society parties
Who were not involved in the sex trafficking.
Now, when it gets to the level of being on the flight list for the Lolita Express, maybe that's a different story.
But there are a lot of people who are embroiled in this Epstein scandal.
Unfairly, and that's who the media focuses on, that's who they go after on Twitter in these witch hunts, which we've seen against Elon Musk in the past few days.
But funnily enough, the entertainers, the Kevin Spaceys of the world,
Who are listed in Epstein's black book, who are potentially implicated and or left wing in their politics or surprisingly left alone and nobody's really concerned about their involvement.
Interesting that, isn't it?
Meanwhile, Royal Society President says mask refuseniks should be publicly shamed like drunk drivers.
This mask wearing has now become part of the culture war.
It's become a symbol of obedience.
It's become a symbol of supporting the lockdown, which of course has become completely politicised in both the US and the UK.
So now the President of the Royal Society, which of course is a big elitist confab, says that people who refuse to wear masks, and he's calling for them to be made to wear masks inside public buildings,
Should be publicly shamed like drunk drivers.
This is the re-emergence of this attempt to publicly shame and indeed cancel people who refuse to wear the mask of obedience when it comes to coronavirus.
That's going to wrap it up for the show.
Warren with Owen Troyer coming up next.
Go away.
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Hollywood, the Democratic Party, the unelected EU bureaucracy, and the Fortune 100 corporations are almost unanimously rooting against America
against the American people and against our President Donald Trump.
They're all over the news saying the American century's over and that America's quarantined and that COVID-19 was our fault and that the United States may not even exist in the future and certainly isn't going to be a superpower.
We have to be politically more engaged than we've ever been before to stop this new order takeover.
But we also have to understand that we have to reach out to God and pray and ask for God's intervention.
And we also have to be physically prepared for what's happening.
If you don't have a firearm and don't know how to use it, don't have ammo, you really should get some.
And you really should get high quality storable foods and water filtration systems.
And in those two departments, water filtration and storable food, we have the highest quality at the best price you're going to find anywhere.
I would suggest now you get your storable food today.
It only takes about four weeks to ship it out to you.
So many others are sold out, but InfoWareStore.com has it and is ready to ship it to you.
The New World Order social engineers are all on record that their entire program is about domesticating us, dumbing us down, and making it to where we are not self-sufficient.
During the Great Depression in the 1920s, it's estimated by major universities that around 7 million Americans starved to death from malnutrition or died from diseases because their immune systems were run down.
Now, back then we were 90% rural, and almost everybody was self-sufficient.
Now we're 90% urban, and of the 10% that are rural, it's estimated that less than half of those are actually self-sufficient.
We are sitting on top of a time bomb.
We have been domesticated.
I know how to skin a buck and run a trot line, but I don't know one one hundredth of what my grandfather knew.
I don't know one twentieth of what my dad knew.
And quite frankly, I've dropped the ball.
My children are city slickers.
They know how to shoot a gun, change a tire.
That's about it.
We need to get back to the land, back to self-sufficiency, and back to being prepared.
And the way to start, ladies and gentlemen, is having friends and family with a bug-out plan if there is a total collapse and water filtration and food to last you at least a few months.
And the food we have is very high quality.
It's in great containers that are great to be mobile.
They have wide selection, special diets, you name it.
It's the best price you're going to find for quality food like this.
And most importantly, all the other big companies have become fly-by-night.
They only keep a little bit of food on hand, and it's low quality, it's overpriced, if they even have it.
And they'll lie to you and say, oh, we ship in two weeks.
They're not.
They're still shipping in six to eight weeks, if you can find it.
But our sponsor, that we've been partnered with for 11 years, MyPatria, has the food, has four plants in the United States, several subplants, and a lot of their food is shipped out within two weeks.
But on average, it's about four.
But you need to get the orders in now in the lull before the storm.
I told you lockdown 2 was coming.
I told you they're going to have new versions of the virus.
The New World Order is making its move.
Whether Trump loses or wins, things are just going to get more crazy.
And this food lasts 25 years inside the containers.
So it's something you can hide, something you can bury, something you know is an ace in the hole for you and your family in the future, and the little bit of profit that comes in funds the InfoWar to continue to warn the people.
So you're also funding InfoWars, the most powerful Paul Revere organization in the world, because it's powered by you.
Get ready, get prepared, spread the word.
Whatever you do, pray to God and get yourself right with God, because this is the real deal, and things only get crazier from here on out.
Good luck and God bless.
Go to InfoWars.com and get the TurboForce.
I work long hours.
I work 18-19 hours a day sometimes.
Sometimes I work 24 hours because we're so short-handed with the coronavirus.
People don't want to come to work.
But some people are just taking that option and I'm cool with that.
But anyways, I take the TurboForce.
He's got a product called TurboForce All Natural.
Man, the energy is amazing.
I get about 10 hours worth of just sustained energy.
Sustained energy.
I'm recommending these websites.
I'm recommending these products not because I get paid.
I don't get a referral fee or anything like that.
This is just my personal experience.
I know their brands, but their brands and their websites, they're very famous.
A lot of people know who they are.
I take products from people that I've been listening to for years.
And I've been listening to InfoWars.com for years.
I've been listening to Doctor Who for years and years and years.
I've taken a lot of supplements from other companies, other places, and a lot of that crap is snake oil.
Believe me, snake oil.
But the TurboForce, I take that and I'm good for the entire day.
I'm good for like 12, 13 hours.
At least.
But anyways, I can't speak enough to it.
Working long hours.
I need it.
I need it.
TurboForce and 4Wars.com.