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Name: 20200706_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 6, 2020
2746 lines.

In this episode of "The Alex Jones Show," Dr. Andrew Wakefield discusses the dangers of offshore virus research funded by America, raising concerns about a potential link between COVID-19 and Bill Gates' prediction about a terrorist releasing a virus. Alex Jones also talks about various topics including health supplements, an armed militia group demanding reparations from white drivers in Georgia, the recent "Unite for Peace and to Restore Freedom" event in Colonial Kingston, NY, and criticizes public health officials for promoting fear during the COVID-19 pandemic. He promotes his mega sale on various products available at the InfoWars store and argues against unscientific laws imposed during the pandemic. Finally, he discusses America being on the brink of civil war and emphasizes unity and preparation for the future.

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The devil wants us to kill each other!
We gotta stop doing it!
I just, I'm so sick of the globalists.
I'm so sick of their crap!
I can't even look at Bill Gates anymore.
Just evil looking, evil wives.
God, these people make me sick.
And the way they run circles around us!
It should be so obvious that they're trying to sink the ship.
It should be so obvious that you should defend the Republic.
It should be so obvious you should love Jesus.
It should be so obvious we shouldn't be killing our babies.
It should be so obvious, but it's not!
And that's how the devil tricks you.
Oh, kill these kids.
Oh, kill these black people.
That ain't no problem.
And then all you've done is killed yourself!
The devil is training us to kill each other.
And we sit here like dumbasses, and we go along with it.
I personally can't take it anymore, and I'm not going to take it anymore.
I declare total war on the New World Order.
And I know you are too.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
If tomorrow all the things were gone, I'd work for all my life.
And I had to start again, with just my children and my wife.
I thank my lucky stars, to be living here today.
'Cause the flag still stands for freedom, and they can't take that away.
This song is not prophetic.
and I'm proud Because it's happened before.
They always come for the strength.
They always come for the men.
So no one's there to defend the women and children.
But men are rediscovering themselves right now across the world.
And America will once again reclaim its destiny in the long march for humans' great destiny.
We will face world government, a robot, drone takeover, and science fiction nightmares that you probably can't even imagine, but you will face it.
And you will come through it.
Most of you will die.
What matters is, you'll die anyway someday.
At least you'll die on your feet.
I felt, yesterday morning, the enemies will break.
Massive, massive download.
I felt yesterday, morning, the enemies will break.
Massive, massive download.
Biggest ever.
They cannot stand the fact that humans are amazing.
Who died?
These demons, that's what they are, will fail.
The biggest thing we can do is just reach out to God.
Because that's the real fireworks that matter.
Is to point your spirit right at the Creator and just say, I'm yours!
I'm weak!
I need you!
We're going to protect our children, you know.
Rowlings is a big liberal, at least she was, but she's smart.
And now she looks at how they are chemically castrating children and doing medical experiments on them, and now she's coming out against all of it.
More people, when they see the real harm of the Satanism and the abuse of children, are going to decide which side you're on!
Are you with the children?
Or are you with this?
That will be damned for eternity!
They've turned the corner.
It's gonna be rough.
And there's gonna be other big fights to come.
But the enemy's will has been broken.
I expect they're gonna stage a mass shooting and some bombings very quickly.
Probably release even more deadly bioweapons.
They just got us primed for that.
But their will's broken.
And they threw everything they had at us.
Guarantee they were sacrificing kids and torturing them 24-7.
I mean, it's been a hellish time with the dark energy they've been putting out.
But, light just poured back into the planet.
And it was this attempt to make us reject America and hate ourselves.
And this guilt trip these demons spew at us because they know we have a conscience.
But it's a hack when they use a conscience against us because it's not real.
It's all synthetic.
We have our conscience.
It's pointed at God.
We are receivers.
We are transmitters.
That's what we're built for, is to receive God's power and to project back consciousness into the universe from every level.
These globalists, I tell you, they do all this nasty stuff to just make you give up.
And you have to realize that you can't let them demoralize you.
You can't let them make you feel like you're a piece of crap.
You're not.
You're made in the image of the Creator and all the amazing design around us.
And that's why these scum, these poor people, Zuckerberg and Jack You know, Dorsey and Tim Cook and the Queen of England and just all of these people are just God-forsaken losers.
Absolute, pathetic, disconnected people.
They are more poor than a mentally ill homeless person squatting in their own feces.
There is nothing lower or more pathetic or sad than them.
They're a joke!
And we all know it and they know we know it.
Ennio Morricone is dead, but he will live on through his amazing art.
Forever as long as the bright light of human consciousness burns on this planet
and our destiny throughout the stars.
So today we're going to be playing mainly Inyo.
Throughout the transmission, I think a lot of you will be shocked at the thousands, thousands of incredible songs that lift up the human spirit.
Let's listen to him for here, just a moment, on this July 6th global transmission.
Some AI computer didn't create that.
Are those humans singing like angels?
Are those women?
You don't think the enemy likes that?
No, they don't like you seeing those high places.
But songs can take your spirit.
That's why we have to celebrate purity and goodness and God and children.
The enemy's religion is the inversion of all of that.
Imagine the reverse of this song.
That is the enemy!
They want to take from you your spirit, your power!
Don't give it to them!
Revile them!
Revile Hollywood!
Revile Washington D.C.!
Revile the Satanists!
Break their will!
It's a steady strength God gives us.
Feel it.
It's real.
He doesn't take away from you.
It only makes you better and stronger.
But you've got to love God.
And there's the ultimate freedom in that.
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.
Another lie.
You don't reign in hell.
You burn in hell!
You burn because of the absence of life.
You freeze in the coldest space.
He's like fire.
You freeze in hell.
Be close to God, you're really on fire.
On fire forever.
Consciousness expanding, creating, building, striving.
That's the great destiny.
The social engineers that have turned themselves over to pure wickedness, and then really found out the door snapped shut and they were slaves, not empowered, Are just that.
They're slaves of evil.
But they're not who we should even focus on.
We should focus on rebuilding civilization and reviling them like you revile a disease.
Or like you revile a car wreck where you see smashed dead children on the road.
It's a thing beyond hate.
It's a revulsion.
They're revolting people.
Everything about the New World Order is revolting.
And they know they're revolting.
That's why they want to pull us down because they are revolting against God.
And they love smothering you.
They love the little gang of corrupt scientists, mad doctors.
Making us put masks on our faces, preparing us to take the inoculations, preparing us for the depopulation while they smirk and laugh.
But really, they're whistling past the graveyard.
They're scared.
Oh, they're very scared.
I've been around globalists.
The more high-powered they are, the more you realize they're a hole.
A black hole into another dimension.
There's nobody there.
They're like a camera on a wall looking at you.
You know it's dead.
There might be a consciousness behind it looking through the hole, but that's all they are is a keyhole.
A keyhole into nightmares.
And they're trying to turn our heaven into hell.
And it's time to stop fearing them.
It's time to not put them in the position of our judges.
Our priests, our kings, our gods, when all they're doing is trying to destroy civilization for their master, that is nothing but a kill switch program for not just humans, but the entire planet.
That's why they're the guardians of the children.
Oh, they're the guardians of the earth.
Oh, they're the guardians of the arts.
They're liberals.
Oh, free speech, except yours.
AI watching you, controlling you, building a dystopia in your face.
And even though the dystopia grows like a cancer by the day, these men fight.
They fight over who has the levers to it, instead of never building such a thing.
But they can't help it.
And they know, that's why almost none of the globalists have children.
Because they don't want to love themselves, love their own genetic code, because they can't have the courage like some of the globalists do.
Like Aleister Crowley did, killing his own son.
Like certain New York heirs that have CNN programs.
Families where they kill their own children.
That's the full commitment to Satan.
But they trick us to do it.
And we go, oh, it's not my child.
And you go, have it sucked out with a vacuum cleaner or maybe have some acid spewed on it so it takes a couple days to die.
It, you know, the baby.
Keep it comfortable.
Like the governor says.
He's a good man, that Governor Northam, isn't he?
Why would you want to have anything to do with these people?
So I'm telling myself this when I tell you this.
Anytime you can, don't spend money with a globalist organization.
A globalist hotel, a globalist airline, anything.
Their insurance, their systems, all of it are there to hurt you.
And remember that when you spend money with them, you might as well be bashing babies' brains out and drinking their blood through a straw.
Because that's who these people are.
They're not working for humans.
They didn't Ever get given all this power because they're the anti-establishment.
They are not just the establishment, they are the enemy programmed to kill us.
And as soon as you see them as that, as avatars of a fallen AI system, then you understand what you're really dealing with.
Because, you know, this has all been done before.
And that's the larger issue, is they're repeating it again.
in. He keeps losing. And so you could say God's a sadist, but God's not a sadist.
God's making conscious new beings that, in their potentiality, can become a whole new universe in the future.
Your potential to grasp the universe is the potential to build universes.
But you're not gonna just wake up and have it all handed to you because you don't understand it.
You have to go through a process.
And you have to go through pain.
But as I've said, God is not a hypocrite.
Is it the only way to make it fair?
Come down here and show everybody how it's done?
That's putting your pride down.
Taking all of it on?
You think it's hard to look at the New World Order and fight them and study what they do because it's very depressing?
Can you imagine every action that ever happened, did happen, and would happen in the omnipresence dumped onto a human body?
God staring through a tiny keyhole into hell to save us.
God putting himself in that position to haul our ass out of this thing.
No, God's no sadist.
God loves us.
God wants company.
That's what the Bible tells us.
We're built.
We are built to have communion with God.
We are built to see and explore things you could never imagine.
Look at all the good things we have.
Our husbands, our wives, our children, the food, the sunsets, the rivers, the oceans, the little birdies, the little ants on the ground, all of it.
That's just one level.
You can't even imagine the consciousness we're gonna be given.
And it goes up and up and up and up until finally you just fly right in and merge.
With God.
And these idiots, Satanists, think they're getting power.
You know, I saw a video that Candace Owens tweeted a month ago.
And when I first got to sitting, I was too busy and I didn't watch it.
And then I watched it on July 4th and it just knocked me out of my chair.
I mean, I literally had to go lay down.
And because the guy says everything perfectly other than the cuss words, and that's kind of like the emphasis or the highlighting.
And the key to it is he said, I've never been involved in politics and I'm just here taking care of my family and this is what I see.
And it's everything he says is true.
Speechwriter couldn't come up with it because it's real.
I'm going to play that as soon as we bleep it.
And there's this chain reaction of survival mechanism in humans that when stuff really starts getting bad and evil really starts creeping up on you, people are going to get real.
Or they're going to commit suicide.
And nobody should be committing suicide unless you're in terrible pain.
And I understand it's a sin, but people do it.
I just don't want the state killing people.
They try to mix those two together.
But you need to fight and stand up against evil, not let it depress you, not let it get you down.
They train us to take attacks as if we got to feel sorry for ourselves and we're a victim and that gets us somewhere.
It doesn't get you anywhere.
Deciding that I'm going to beat this or I'm going to die trying is what turns you on.
It's like starting the engine in your car.
But most people get in their cars and are taught, oh, you know, don't ever even turn the car on because it's dangerous.
You might be in a wreck.
I mean, have a driverless car.
See, don't live anymore.
See how the example becomes reality?
You know, the two I just talked about are two different separate areas, but one's an allegory, but one's the reality.
We're being turned into pod people.
I remember when the Federation of American Scientists, back in 2000, came out in an article and said, yeah, there's this Pentagon plan to end war, and it consists of us being put in pods at birth, and the heat from our bodies powers it.
And it'll stop war, and it's the future evolution.
And people are like, this is the Matrix sequel!
This is the Matrix!
The Pentagon's ripping off the writer of the Matrix, the Wachowski brothers.
It was declassified from 1977.
That's just how the public just can't handle it when it's right there.
Well now you hear, we're pod people and we're never going to leave our houses again.
And a lot of folks are wearing masks and putting the gloves on and have decided it's all real.
And if they were told, go get in a pod and it's the end of your life, they'd do it.
See how suddenly what was this classified secret document is now just like, okay, yeah, sure.
But see, people weren't ready to believe that then, so they were shown it in a movie.
I mean, you... I mean, you know they've done this before, right?
I mean, you know this is not the only planet that people are on, right?
I mean, if you really read the Bible, it's very, very clear.
But see, that's all esoteric, so the priests and the preachers keep everybody away from that.
Christ says, I had many flocks.
The eye has not seen, the ear has not heard what's in store for us.
Well, I've seen, just so you know.
And it's unbelievable.
And see, if other people ever get a connection to God and start getting the downloads, because the only good is you can handle it.
No one's going to want Jeffrey Epstein anymore.
No one's going to want the Queen of England.
Nobody's going to want the Skeksis with all their bling and all their garbage and all their fakeness to cover up what they are is nothing.
They're nothing.
They're nothing.
Now, I'm going to stop preaching.
I got a lot of news to cover here, obviously, but the most important thing everybody has to get to their heads is most of the... everybody knows this, but what's the New Testament about?
What's the Old Testament about?
Why do they want it banned?
Why do they want it gone?
Don't get the Bible confused with the fake priests and the fake corrupt churches and the fake corrupt systems that tell you the opposite of the Bible.
They're just trying to get between you and God.
But you actually read that with real eyes?
It's all right there, ladies and gentlemen.
And their number one mission Is to make us sexless, colorless, gray automatons.
And that's on record.
So this whole project you see is again on record a Carnegie Endowment report from 1928, is one of them, saying we're going to have freedom from war and to do that we're going to end the nuclear family and get rid of men entirely, because men like to fight.
Now this is a cover story, of course.
This is not what it really is about.
And so we're going to take over with compulsory public education, and we're not going to breed men up to be really powerful and strong and trustworthy and truthful and amazing.
We're going to make them stupid and play games and screw around and be weak, and then we're just going to slowly say it's men's fault, there's any problems, period.
And then we're just going to chemically castrate them.
And it's all right there!
And then the Tavistock Institute and Alfred Kinsey and all of them set about creating what you see.
This is medical experiments out in the open.
And they get the weak first.
That's what wolves do, right?
So, in the UK, I've had members of Parliament on covering this.
It's so evil, folks.
Even liberals in the UK are fighting it now.
They take children who are mentally retarded or who have autism Which of course they've introduced with different systems.
And what's it hit?
90% male.
It's all designed to get males.
And you've got all these brain damaged males running around killing people and going crazy.
And then the social workers at that level kind of know, well, yeah, we're giving them hormones and telling them they're girls.
And it's like, oh, we want to celebrate the black trans.
We're going to fix the black male crime problem.
We'll just cut your balls off.
And the white people are like, well, we're not really racist, but the black people are bad.
So we're just going to chemically do it to them.
It's for everybody.
It's pure evil.
You put fluoride in the water to lower somebody's IQ.
You shoot them up with a bunch of damn vaccines to lower their IQ.
You put cancer viruses in their ass.
You do it to all of us.
But since we only care about black people, that's great.
Let's talk about them.
Because that's the guinea pig right there.
You like what you've seen done to them?
Well, the exact plan's being run against everybody.
It's been so successful, the New World Order's exporting black gangster thug devil culture across the planet.
Isn't that nice?
Isn't that sweet?
Let me tell you something, you get around liberals, man, and you start having a few drinks with them, they'll tell you right up front they want to kill every black person they can.
So you remember that those whites out there at these evil Black Lives Matter events literally want you dead if you're black.
Do you understand me?
I'm pissed!
Because let me tell you something, I can feel God's Spirit.
God does not like this.
And that's how they trick you that, oh, you're part of the scientific elite, and oh, you make the big choices.
Oh, we know that it's causing a lot of autism, the vaccines, but it's worth it for the greater good.
I had one of the heads of the Texas Health Department tell me that on the hiking bike trail.
These are sick, sick people.
And here's the big key.
They all think That they are part of the establishment.
None of you are.
From Lord Rothschild right down to your local social worker that buys into this.
You are traitors against humanity and you will pay for it!
Do you understand me?
You will know fear!
Welcome back!
I'm your host Alex Jones.
What a great experience it is here with Consciousness with all of you.
I love you.
Love you like myself.
I know you love me.
You know, when I feel depressed or down, as like a gauge, we're all oracles, we're all people that see the universe,
give our perspective.
I tell you, I don't get up here and give you hype or tell you we're winning just to tell you that.
In fact, for many years I told you we were losing bad.
But all these attacks, all these globalist temper tantrums are their failures.
They're losing.
And it's not about winning for winning's sake.
We were playing another team that wasn't pure evil.
Who cares about winning?
But this, this winning, this means everything.
Yeah, there's all this anti-Russian sentiment going on in the news right now.
And when you actually know what was done to Russia, and then now where Russia is coming out of that, and how they were put through the same process as us, just an earlier form designed by globalist sociologists, anthropologists, and psychiatrists for them.
And then you sit up there and hear, oh, Trump, you know, made up lies.
The Russians had bounties on the troops.
Oh, the Russians have bounties on the troops.
Not the way you think.
The West, under Obama, paid Russian mercenaries to addict our troops so they would then be corrupted so they'd ship opium back to the United States with commercial-grade Russian and U.S.
Now, I got this from multiple combat veterans, officers and non-enlisted, non-commissioned officers, and later it came out.
I mean, I don't make stuff up, folks.
This is confirmed.
It's like I told you, folks don't like Eric Prince these days, because under Obama, he ran contracts in China for CIA torture bases.
I mean, people told me, they said, Jones, you talk about that again, we're going to kill you.
But just knock yourselves out!
The point is, I'll throw a little stuff like that out.
I'm not even putting Eric Prince down.
I'm just saying that.
I put that out so people know I'm not playing games when I talk about this stuff.
You understand?
And it's not about being macho, folks.
It's about attacking and not backing down.
It's about winning against this evil.
So, the very corrupt globalists that hate our military and have been trying to put them in wars to get rare earth minerals for China.
We've spent a trillion dollars plus.
Last time I checked, like two years ago, it was a trillion.
Guys, how much has been spent in Afghanistan?
Just in money, not in blood and lives and all the rest of it.
And China has not spent one dollar on security.
We provide security.
To the communist Chinese.
You know, they got so mad one time when I was talking to Trump.
I said, sir, you don't need to thank me.
You don't need to call me to tell me, you know, wish me whatever.
Thank you for the little card.
He goes, that's right.
I've got two minutes.
I'm like, Mr. President, you know, we've spent almost a trillion dollars in Afghanistan.
We're providing security for them to get rare earth minerals.
He goes, very interesting.
I knew some of this.
Tell me more.
Those are the real conversations that go on.
Why are we paying?
With blood and a trillion dollars for those pieces of garbage to get all the rare earth minerals.
What, you just think China got 98% of rare earth minerals?
Because they just magically, they were given it by the Rothschilds and the globalists.
That's their deal.
To strategically corner us.
God, this is ridiculous.
And I had to sit there and watch, and let me tell you something.
Oh my God.
They had a helicopter over my house within three hours.
They had people death-threatening my family within minutes.
They had spooky phone calls, we're gonna kill you, all of it.
Because I told the president why we should get out of Afghanistan.
That's how scared they are of Trump, because he's real, folks.
But yeah, he knows how to manage golf courses and hotels and stuff, and he knows some geopolitics, but we gotta get him back on the show.
Why has Joel Skousen not been back on?
I don't wanna get him on.
Has he been too busy?
Because Joel Skousen has been dead on that Trump doesn't know all this stuff.
I mean, Trump cooks his steaks well done with ketchup, okay?
He likes NASCAR.
He's a real deal.
He's a blue-collar billionaire, folks.
And most people don't know all this stuff, but those of us that know all this have to really get our minds around the fact that Trump doesn't know all this.
And Trump's like, yeah, I know it's almost a trillion dollars to be spent there.
And I go, where's minerals?
Where's minerals?
Lithium, lithium.
And I'm telling all this stuff.
You think people around Trump are telling him about that?
Because the deal has been made to screw us over.
Yeah, but let's get, I don't want to put him on screen.
I want to ask, have we been asking Joel to get him on?
I'll go to rebroadcast and find out.
All right.
Well, whatever we got to get.
Anyways, the point is that, here's another example.
Tommy Robinson sends me messages to come on the show for me to do stuff with him, and then I'm unable to send a message or call him on the number he's giving me.
So I'll just do this on there too.
I want Joel Skousen on the show.
I guess I'll get my cell phone number up.
And I also want to get Tommy Robinson on the show.
Because whatever weird computer phone he uses, I can't talk to him.
He only calls me.
So I guess in a new way, I gotta start playing telephone here on the air.
We should spend all our time figuring out, with 119 days left, how to get messages to Trump.
Because I still get messages to him, but we need to be there constantly.
By the way, you know it's true.
Jared Kushner's been pushed to the side about 80% because of Tucker Carlson.
And you know Tucker Carlson literally is on the phone with the President every day.
And you know the reason he's on the phone with the President every day is because he doesn't kiss the President's ass.
He doesn't sit there and talk about football or his golf score.
He talks about the Republican crisis with the President.
And that's what the President needs, is that good counsel.
And not to be surrounded by a bunch of globalist trash.
Alright, I'm gonna go to break.
I got several powerful videos I'm gonna play next segment.
And the 4th of July special is still going.
That's how you fund the operation, and these are really great products.
These are amazing things that God produced through the planet that he made, and they really do an incredible job, and I'm very, very proud of the products we have.
I mean, all of this stuff is such a game-changer, and the public's so ignorant.
It's their national story.
Jones is a con artist.
He says you need vitamin D3.
You die without it!
The food's depleted!
Of course!
Oh, you're the snake oil salesman!
The guy that promotes iodine, who the hell needs that?
Survival Shield X3, 50% off.
Lung Cleanse, 50% off.
Vitamineral Fever, 50% off.
Vasovage, 50% off.
DNA Force Plus, 50% off.
Winter Sun Plus, 50% off.
Ultra 12, 50% off.
Body, 50% off.
Torrible Food, back in stock, ready to get out to you.
Storewide, free shipping, double pay for your points.
And we'll run this special for another, we'll run it until Wednesday.
Because quite frankly, we sold out of so much stuff and we're selling out a lot of this.
I don't even know what's what I've got for sales anymore.
I just wish somebody would send me a big fat check and I'd just fight the Globals and I'd get so much more work done.
And I'm not complaining.
This is an absolute war.
So I want to thank you all for buying the products, but if you don't want to hear me plug them, believe me, I'm just as much as you.
Nobody listens to Shumworth more than me.
I don't like the show a lot of the time, but it's alright.
It's the truth, and it's just what it is.
It's so liberating, too, to just not even think about what you're going to say, and just say the truth.
That's why the cops pulled me over, and they said, have you been drinking?
I said, yeah, I had a half bottle of sake.
Boom, you're arrested.
I've gotten neurotic where I have trouble lying.
When I was a kid and a teenager, I'd lie some, never not that much.
But man, I just... It's actually become a problem.
Because I just can't even do it anymore.
It's weird.
But the brain, when you don't lie, it's just, it's instinctive and active.
That's why lies are so bad.
Lies hurt you.
Lies screw you up.
Whereas just being real empowers you.
I know I'm stating things that are incredibly obvious.
Anyways, free shipping and store-wide double-pager points, all of it, store-wide, free shipping, double-pager points, and Foursquare.com.
Charlie Daniels just died.
Soon as you get double, went down to Georgia, queued up.
It's in the computer.
Get it ready for me.
If not, put it on YouTube.
Charlie Daniels.
He's got his Wikipedia page now.
They control reality.
He must be dead.
Charles Edward Daniels.
October 28, 1936.
July 6, 2020.
You know, I was thinking about Willie Nelson this morning for some reason.
Never think about Willie Nelson.
I used to play chess with him a few times, hang out with him some.
I thought, man, I need to call him.
I got a feeling he's going to die.
I guess my brain just missed the target.
That's how this connection works.
Because it's not always, you pick up the general stuff, but it doesn't get all the exact stuff.
Like the Pentagon, the FBI called up.
They said, how did you say there was going to be a mass shooting, a sporting event at 10 o'clock at night?
I said, I didn't say that.
They said, listen to the last part of your show.
You said it at the end of the show.
And I said, I don't know.
I said, you guys know how this stuff works.
Yeah, we know how it works.
We also know no one can control it.
See, anyone trying to tell you they can control psychic powers is a liar.
The closest way you can do it is you just go with your gut, which is not your gut.
It's all the stored up ancestral knowledge and everything telling you right up front what something is.
But it can still miss the target.
Here, let's go ahead and hear one of Charlie Daniels' best known songs.
Here it is.
Let me put this with a PDF or something so you don't look at me.
The devil went down to Georgia.
The devil went down to Georgia.
He was looking for a soul to steal.
He was in a bind because he was way behind and he was willing to make a deal.
When he came across this young man sewing on a fiddle and playing it hot.
And the devil jumped up on a hickory stump and said, boy, let me tell you what.
I guess you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player too.
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
Now you play pretty good fiddle, boy, but give the devil his due.
I bet a fiddle of gold against your souls.
I think I bet The boy said, my name's Johnny, and it might be a sin, but I'll take your bet you're gonna regret, cause I'm the best there's ever been.
Johnny, rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard, cause hell's broke loose in Georgia and the devil deals the cards.
And if you win, you get this shiny fiddle made of gold, but if you lose, the devil gets your soul.
Yeah, he voiced the documentary that I was in.
The devil opened up his case and he said, I'll start this show.
And fire flew from his fingertips as he rolled up his bow.
And he pulled the bow across the strings and it made an evil hiss.
Then a band of demons joined in and it sounded something like this.
When the devil finished Johnny said, "Well you're pretty good, old son."
But sit down in that chair right there and let me show you how it's done.
Fire on the mountain, run, boys, run.
The devil's in the house of the rising sun.
Chicken in the bread pan, picking out dough.
Granted as you don't like no town, no!
Alright, we are back live!
We are broadcasting worldwide and giving old Charlie Daniels a good send-off.
He's in a much better place.
I got a little stinging suspension.
He just moved up to the next level.
The devil bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat.
And he laid that golden fiddle on the ground at Johnny's feet.
Johnny said, Devil, just come on back if you ever want to try again.
I done told you once, you son of a bitch, I'm the best there's ever been.
He played bound and bound and run, boy, run.
Died of a stroke today.
They'll probably say he died of COVID.
♪ And we don't fight no child, no ♪ - Another one of those evil white people.
♪ Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun ♪ - Charlie Daniels just made the jump into hyperspace.
Alright, I said I'd get to videos this segment, but I learned he died during the break.
This is an extremely powerful video.
It was the famous boxer, Tito Ortiz, who's a Trump supporter, who put the video out, but we found the guy's Instagram that actually said it.
And why this is so important is, he really does an A-plus job, I mean, A-plus, other than the cussing.
But hey, that's his exclamation point.
To lay it out.
But again, what's central here is... He says, I've never been involved in politics and I've never spoke out.
But I am now.
And he just knocks a hole in one.
A grand slam, a royal flush.
Because that's... That's who they're scared of.
You get off the bench...
You got red blood, you got the brain God gave you, you got the soul God gave you, I don't care what damn color you are, what a joke, the left is so evil, they're the racist folks pushing color all day.
And turn people into basket cases over it.
That the minute the men and women, because when the men cease to be men, the women step into that place, and that's starting to happen too.
Stand up and reject this on its face and stop appeasing it like they're the moral authority.
Oh, we love these five-year-old children that are autistic that we're giving attention to and braiding their hair and going, you're a little girl.
We're going to sign the paper.
We're going to chop your balls off.
They're like, yeah, you chopped your balls off.
They're abusing people.
And we're like, oh, I'm trendy.
I'm for it.
I'm not against trans people.
You mean medical experiment victims?
It doesn't matter I have the Jabba stock and Alfred Kinsey documents.
Alfred Kinsey had dungeons where they molested children, and the American Psychological Society has debates on whether it was right or not.
Well, he was a doctor, so this was important research to pay pedophiles to rape little boys.
And to pay men to rape little girls, and to pay women to do it.
Oh, but it's professional.
It's like Joseph Mingelow.
I'm a doctor in the German military.
I'm a doctor.
I'm a doctor.
That's why I said... Oh, we're electro-shocking these children and doing MKUltra on them because, you know, we're trying to create super soldiers.
Oh, okay.
We'll do that.
Oh, hey, let's just tell everybody it's trendy to chop their son's balls off.
And they just do it out in the open, and you go, but it's so evil, it's so ridiculous.
That's how evil works!
It's just gotta be out in the open!
They're not denying any of it.
And now we learn 30,000 plus people have been found in a database where the German government would deliver Christians' children, because they call Christianity mentally ill in Germany, Homeschool or stuff like that.
That's what they actually started.
And they would take them to the ideal love, which is sex with an adult, they believe.
This is DW.com.
This is mainstream news.
And I told you when it broke three weeks ago, I said, you watch, it won't be this one psychiatrist in Berlin.
This was nationwide.
Turns out it was nationwide.
A cult of screwing your children, of raping them, and then pimping them out.
And then turning them into pedophiles.
I told you back when they were bringing down the Catholic Church that this is in all the big institutions.
That's how they take it over.
And now you see it's everywhere.
Because it was already there.
It's a cult.
We don't just kill our children in the womb.
We kill their spirit.
We kill their future.
We kill their destiny.
We betray them!
Oh, but the reality show parents.
Oh, they're so, such a, oh, he was an Olympic guy.
Now he chopped his dick off, but he didn't even do that, did he?
No, he just wants you to chop your son's off.
He didn't chop his off.
He wanted the money.
Hope that money keeps your ass warm in hell when you're freezing in the night circle.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Charlie Daniels just died.
You know, those evil humans that are bad for the Earth.
Look how sick the globalists are.
Humans are bad for the Earth.
Chop your son's testicles off.
They're the enemy, folks.
I mean, if Martians landed running around with ray guns shooting us, they'd be better than this.
At least they'd be right there doing it.
But that's not how they attack.
They attack through the subspace transmission.
That's why the media doesn't joke about that anymore.
They don't even attack me for it anymore because they all know.
They're all down on their knees doing whatever evil they can to get God away from them so they can get the transmission.
That's why they kill kids and all that.
You know that most of them don't even really enjoy it.
They just have got to get that little bubble of Satanism around them so the demons can get their transmission in.
You know, I knew God was real a long time ago, but 20-something years ago, 25, 27, 28 years ago, I used to go down to
abortion clinics and protest a lot.
And you'd have the doctor come out, or you'd have one of the nurses come out, or you'd have people going to do it, people bringing women to do it.
And there's a lot of video of this now, and I always talk about this, but people caught it on tape a lot around the country.
It's always the same.
And some woman will walk up, and she'll be rubbing her breast, and she'll go, You're like, wow.
And you kind of learn like, oh, that's a sex demon.
Then you got like slimers and it's all and you just learn how they all are.
It's like, oh, that's that demon.
That's that demon.
You go to Seattle, it's under such demonic control that we've got live streams that caught this.
Where I'd go around one street in a corner, and it's like Agent Smith in The Matrix where he's coming after Neo and he's jumping into person after person.
Just like the Bible says, demons are jumping from person to person to person, because they're already open channels to it.
So anytime they want in, ah, we're gonna get you, that's your family, walk around the corner, that's right, we're everywhere, we're gonna get your family.
So whether it's a demon or not, they're also programmed, might as well be, because, I mean, they act like demons.
And then you look at these creatures, they act like retarded gremlins.
Is this an advanced species?
It's just space junk.
Injected into the planet to destroy us.
I mean, look at Lord Rothschild.
Look at Hillary Clinton.
Does that look like And I'm not putting down the look, not the physical body being old, just the rat-likeness and the weakness and how scared they look.
I mean, pull a picture of Hillary Clinton.
She's just like Brian Stelter.
She can't even help jack-o'-lantern rings, what I call it.
That's a jack-o-lantern right there.
And like I told you, I got sucked into the edges of real Satanism.
Not, not, not, not the trailer park version.
I mean, the real deal.
You know, the helicopter pads, the mansions, the whole nine yards.
And you know what Satanists look like?
They look like Hillary Clinton.
You go into a room of real Satanists, ladies and gentlemen, they look just like this.
Here, I'll try to make the face without actually tuning into it, because I don't like to tune into it.
I could actually tune into it and show you, but just go ahead and do a straight shot.
That's what Satanists look like.
And Hillary doesn't... Hillary doesn't even hide it, ladies and gentlemen.
So... She wants to kill you and your family.
She wants to kill you.
She wants to kill you.
She wants you starving and begging first, though.
With horrible diseases, having convulsions.
But see, notice that's what she's cursed to.
What she tries to do to us, God is going to literally give her exactly- He's going to put her in a prison cell herself.
For eternity.
Until eternity ends.
And she crawls back out of that nest again to try to get our children.
Say to the African presidents!
Yes sir!
Do not take Their medications.
I say to those of us in America, we need to call a meeting of our skilled virologists, epidemiologists, students of biology and chemistry.
And we need to look at Not only what they give us, we need to give ourselves something better.
So my teacher told me, don't speak for some, speak for the whole.
And now I'm speaking for Black America, for Hispanic America, for the Native American, And for those who are desirous of life, they are making money now, plotting to give 7,500,000,000 people a vaccination.
Dr. Fauci?
500 million people a vaccination.
That's right.
Dr. Fauci.
Teach them this.
Bill Gates and Melinda.
That's right.
You want to depopulate the earth?
What the hell gives you that right?
Who are you to sit down with your billions and talk about who can live and who should die?
That's why your world is coming to an end quickly, because you have sentenced billions to death, but God is now sentencing you to the death that you are sentencing to others.
Well, that's two minutes and six seconds of pure truth.
It's at newswars.com.
That's Lewis Farrakhan.
And the media takes out of context a few things he says that I disagree with, because I don't want to make this racial.
Or religious.
But what he says is true.
And did you know that that speech was banned off of Fox's so-called Black Channel and banned everywhere else?
They're not allowing it to be uploaded.
In fact, I went and looked where I originally got it.
It's been taken off Twitter.
I'm sure other copies are up there, but Bill Gates says he wants to depopulate you.
Because he metaphysically has to admit it in one statement, but like a lawyer, later go, oh, I got something for you, it's good.
Oh, and by the way, it's going to hurt a bunch of people.
Got to make it really strong.
He has to get his own doctors and his own people ready that, well, there's a side effect, but it's for the greater good.
That's the cover story.
But we can't say, oh, we don't trust you.
We don't like you.
We know you're a liar.
You can't hear that from the big evil black man, Louis Faircott.
Because you need to let Bill Gates kill those black people.
But first he's going to finance them to go around and burn stuff and burn up their own neighborhoods and make them all look like bad people.
First he's going to frame them up real good and scare the white people so they won't be like abolitionists and want to empower people so they'll actually go after black people.
And it's working a little bit, but Americans are seeing through it.
You know, Christ said, "Well, you're the least of us you've done to me."
And it's not that black people are the least of us.
People are all individuals and have different traits and different, different aspects.
But the way it's been set up is the black people are the least of us.
And then we're supposed to take care of them by chopping their son's balls off.
Do you really think That's what God wants us to do.
Do you really think we're not going to be punished for that?
Well, Sphericon's absolutely right.
You will be punished for everything you do.
I will be.
You will be.
Everybody will be.
And racist black people out knocking white people on the head for no reason.
They're idiots.
They've been programmed.
Just like the white liberals.
When you go down to one of these events, they're a shameful group of people.
They look like somebody sucked their brains out.
That's what serving this evil does.
Here comes the wolf.
Here comes the weasel in the hen house.
He says, I want the vaccines for black people first because I love you so much.
He's telling you right in your face what he's doing.
And all these sick, evil black leaders are paid off.
They're not black leaders.
They're black assassins to kill their own people.
You think the devil sends in somebody that looks different?
The devil, Margaret Sanger, all of them, on record said, I've got her letters.
They're in the Colgate Foundation.
You can look them up online.
I got actual copies for Endgame.
When I used to read the stuff online that Margaret Singer said, we gotta hire all the black leaders, and we gotta break their families up, and we gotta sterilize all of them, and we gotta do all this to them, I thought, man, that's just incredible.
And I sent off to the University of St.
Louis, actually had them, and I got copies, I paid for copies of her handwritten letters, how she wanted to kill every black person on the planet!
And she got awards from Hitler!
She trained Hitler!
And she runs the whole Democratic Party!
And these people, they sit up there with their nerve!
I was sitting in an outdoor restaurant about three years ago with a few of the crew members, and these black guys walked by.
There's a little fence, you know, a little fence with a restaurant.
And they go, oh look, it's the blue-eyed devil, Alex Jones.
I jumped that fence with one arm, got right in their face, and I said, you listen to me, and you listen real good, buddy boy.
You try to hurt me and my family because of what color I am?
I will destroy you!
You wanna get in a fight right now?
Let's do it!
I'm trying to save my ass!
And to save my ass, I gotta save yours!
You don't take their vaccines!
You don't buy their crap!
You don't listen to their gangster rap, all that!
It's meant to destroy you!
So if you wanna get your ass kicked right now, I'll do it to wake you up!
And it was literally like the movie, They Live, with Rowdy Piper.
It was that moment.
I was ready to kick both those guys' asses to wake them the hell up, man.
I'd have done it lovingly.
I'd have beat the living hell out of both of them.
Because I had the right on my side right then.
There was nothing they could do and they knew it!
You take that racist crap and you shove it up your ass!
The devil wants us to kill each other!
We gotta stop doing it!
Alright, we're gonna go break.
I just, I'm so sick of the Globals.
I'm so sick of their crap!
I can't even look at Bill Gates anymore.
Just evil-looking, evil wives.
God, these people make me sick.
And the way they run circles around us!
It should be so obvious that they're trying to sink the ship!
It should be so obvious that you should defend the Republic!
It should be so obvious you should love Jesus!
It should be so obvious we shouldn't be killing our babies!
It should be so obvious, but it's not!
And that's how the devil tricks you.
Oh, kill these kids.
Oh, kill these black people.
That'll handle the problem.
And then all you've done is killed yourself!
The devil is training us to kill each other.
And we sit here like dumbasses, and we go along with it.
I personally can't take it anymore, and I'm not going to take it anymore.
I declare total war on the new world order.
I know you are too.
I can feel your spirit is strong.
America is rejecting this poison.
The world is rejecting this poison.
Let me explain this.
Then they'll go, oh, then open your borders up.
You love the brown people.
No, no, no.
We've got to fix those places and stabilize them.
That's a weapon that they've torn down and weaponized and scrambled up.
This isn't just idiot logic where it's like, oh, we're all kumbaya.
The enemy knows we're like that.
They try that and they play that with us.
It's a weapon.
And they're going to put us in a position where the third world is so dangerous, we're going to cheer and all wink at each other when they release a bioweapon that's going to kill billions of brown people.
And then... I've seen the plans.
They're public.
I've also studied the enemy in more ways than one.
And they want us to sign on to exterminating the third world.
And they got a lot of excuses and reasons.
They're teaching us people are bad, we gotta save the spaceship, blah, blah, blah.
But they're the ones that never industrialize it.
They're the ones that promote policies to have as many kids as possible.
Because for them, it's more kids to kill.
And then they're the saviors while they try to... You understand how that works?
These people are sick.
All right, when I come back, I'm going to play the report I told you about.
I'm gonna call it the new July 5th movement we're launching.
We are back, my friends.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Very thankful you're here.
Even more thankful that you share the links, because I don't want to just do this for no reason.
I want to win, and I know you want to win as well.
The Global Awakening is here.
Look at the headlines of the live show today.
I forget exactly what I wrote, but it's basically, The Global Awakening is here.
The tipping point has been reached.
The Sleeping Giant is rising.
The enemy is going to strike back.
You better get ready.
And it's just going to be right out in the open.
They're going to say, by the time they're done, Sterilize your sons and your daughters so you don't get your multi-pass to work.
That's the official plan.
Everything these predators is doing is pure, absolute, undulterated evil, and everything is about getting you to submit to them.
So I'm going to ask you, are you going to submit to these people?
Alright, this gentleman, we can't figure out his name, it's been out a month, it's got millions of views on Twitter.
It's Seymour underscore views will probably ban on Instagram.
But here's his layout.
We don't know his name.
He's a black man from Pennsylvania.
But I was going to tape of July.
fourth message i was gonna shoot one at the house and i saw this i'd forgotten about it only seen part of it
previously or forgot about it and and i said well this is my july 4th
message so i want to talk about the july 5th movement then hit news
next segment uh but let's go ahead and go to uh this gentleman here it
is this is my first youtube video first social media video so
i'm not sure if i'm even doing this right but here you go
I just want to say something.
Just got into a beef with my best friend over some political issues.
I just wish people would wake up and realize that Trump is not fighting against you.
Trump is not fighting against black people.
He's not fighting against Spanish people.
He's not fighting against transgender.
He's not fighting against Mexicans or none of that shit.
Trump is fighting against globalists.
Globalists that don't have nothing to do with none of us.
There are people who believe in one world order, one world agenda, the bankers, the money, the movie makers.
They the ones who hate Trump for a reason because he's not their plan.
He's not part of the agenda.
Trump done went over there, got North Korea to put down their guns.
He done squashed the beef with Russia.
He done told China to stop playing with us and pay us our money.
Went to the European Union, told them that y'all owe us money, time to pay up or y'all not going to get no security.
He done cut the A corporate tax from 35% to 21%, making us more...
Uh, competitive in the global market.
Uh, black people unemployment rate is at its all-time low.
Women's unemployment rate, all-time low.
Spanish people unemployment rate, all-time low.
You got jobs coming back to Pennsylvania.
People pouring steel again in America.
They say that we wasn't gonna never have again.
And they still try to make this a black and white issue.
Now is not the time for angry black people to stand up.
Now is not the time for angry Mexicans to stand up.
Now is not the time for Transgenders to stand up.
Now's the time for fucking patriots to stand up.
Patriots who love America.
When I found out, it's most motherfuckers don't like America.
They say fuck America when it's all said and done at the end of the argument.
It's time for patriots to stand up.
I understand America got a rough history, but a lot of people died for this country that was black, who died for this country too.
And you just don't love the country?
Go to the fuck somewhere else.
Go somewhere else if you don't like America, okay?
Because this ain't about you.
I'm black.
I don't even know white people.
This ain't even about me.
This is about America.
We've been losing on everything, on everybody's money across the world, but nobody don't owe us.
China's stealing all our intellectual properties and selling to the rest of the world for pennies on the dollar.
We losing!
There's a man trying to stand up for the country.
We can fix the rest of it later.
First we got to save the ship.
The ship has been sinking.
Has been sinking.
He's trying to put a band-aid on it, fix the mud, save the country.
Then we can fix this racism and all this other shit y'all keep crying about.
It's time for patriots to stand up.
I'm a patriot.
I love America.
I love the freedom that it gives me here.
Yeah, we got racism issues, but that's not the biggest issue.
People don't understand, Trump supporters is about one thing, America first.
That means we don't want to hear about your racist sh**.
We don't want to hear about your fucking Mexicans.
We don't want to hear about your fucking transgenders and none of this sh**.
We want to talk about America first.
And right now, we are winning.
We are respected in the world right now.
We're making money.
People know not to play with us.
Trump's number one job is commander-in-chief of our military.
People say, oh, Trump want to start a war.
Where the fuck is the war?
He squashed the beef.
You hear me?
Squashed the beef.
North Korea, no, don't fuck with us no more, little rocket boy, because we will smash your ass.
Take real balls to do that.
We ain't playing with these people.
And then they try to say he colluded with Russia.
Colluded with Russia for what?
For peace?
We was about to go with World War III fucking with Hillary and them.
Don't y'all remember?
Russia moved their fucking air defense to Syria.
America moved their fucking to Syria.
The line was drawn in the sand.
We was supposed to be gone!
Hillary was supposed to have been the president.
We was supposed to set the shit off!
It wasn't their plan for Trump to win.
He may be an asshole, a bigot, all that.
It don't make a difference.
It was not their plan for him to win.
They had a plan.
And now they mad at you.
So you got to hate your mother.
Wake up, Patriots.
Stand up.
This ain't a black or white thing.
Stand up.
God bless you.
God bless America.
God bless Donald Trump.
Power to the people.
I don't give a **** about none of that race **** right now.
We're trying to save America.
America first.
Make America great again.
Well, we've got Trump's new vice presidential candidate.
People are saying have Kanye replace Pence.
I like Kanye.
I think Kanye's a great guy.
I don't think I should be the vice president either.
I just think we're both too wild.
But, getting serious, why is that such an important video?
First video he's done, we looked it up right here.
It's true, and it's just out of the park truth, because it's real.
And that's the kind of guy you, you can be old, Hispanic, black, Asian, wherever you are, you love freedom and you get it.
Speak out, you're the secret weapon.
You think Alex Jones is the only one that can run his mouth about freedom and knock something out of the park?
And I've always known my main mission is to get other people Who are patriots of every race, color, and creed to just get off the bench and come on in?
Because we're in a big fight.
We need you.
We need you bad, man.
I need you bad.
You need me too, man.
I'm just telling you, we need each other.
We're getting, we've been getting our asses kicked, man.
They're killing our kids.
They're chopping our boys' balls off.
I mean, they're promoting world government all over the place.
I mean, we got to start coming up at some time.
We've got to say we've hit bottom.
Come on.
And I feel like, I'm not just saying this.
I metaphysically felt it on July 4th.
I think we've turned the corner.
And it's because of people like that man you just saw.
Never done a video, and he's sitting there knowing all this stuff, ready to knock it out of the park, and he just got in the game.
And I'm not trying to use a black analogy, but it's a good analogy.
Like, it's like the Negro Leagues in baseball or whatever, then they got in the regular and took over.
I mean, we need everybody that knows the truth.
Whether you're black, white, old or young, just get off that bench.
Because there's all these men out there that are of every color.
They all got red blood.
And I know who you are.
If you decided to get in form and take action, Alex Jones would be out of a job.
I've been doing this 26 years.
I don't want to quit, but I'm killing myself, just so you know.
Listen to me.
I need you.
I need you.
I need you to be better than I am.
I need you.
I know you're there.
I know you're there.
I need you to stand up.
Please do it.
Look at all these men out there.
They just sit on their asses.
I'm not into idol worship.
It's not idol worship to love the flag.
It's a symbol of what we stand for and what we fight for and of all those people that came before us.
That is just mean the soldiers off in some war That means the women taking care of the kids back at home in those factories.
That means people putting their boots on every morning and getting the job done.
You know, I saw Kaepernick, which is the perfect example of a fake liberal black person.
He's not even black.
He might be Arab.
He had two white liberal parents that adopted him.
He's worth like 80 million dollars.
He works for a corporation with slave factories all over the world.
Current slavery.
He likes it super bad.
And he sits over there and he tells you how much America sucks.
Oh, and remember, it was always about police brutality.
It was always about police brutality.
Oh, we're not disrespecting the flag we're taking.
Oh, we're not disrespecting America.
Oh, no, no, it's about bad police.
Now he came out in a statement and said, July 4th is white supremism.
Get rid of it.
Well, let me ask you a little question there, son.
If Jesus Christ sat down in Jerusalem or landed wherever he so chooses, then yeah, okay.
He says, this is your new symbol.
I'll do that.
But what are you going to replace it with, my friend?
Truth is, you just do what the big money corporations want, and that's to break this country up.
And again, nothing against folks with afros.
Afros are cool-looking haircuts on girls.
I mean, it's kind of flexing, but, you know, whatever.
Afro's interesting.
But you didn't have an afro until you signed that Nike contract.
And I bet it's in the contract.
You gotta have a big afro and go, I'm black!
Because truth is, you're not black.
That's why you got that Bozo the Clown hair.
He's married to his Islamist's sweetie pie.
Why don't you move to the Middle East?
Lady, you're a Somali.
It's so good.
Oh, you notice a white supremacist ran over people this weekend.
Friday night.
Remember that?
White supremacist runs over two women and kills one in Seattle.
They come and block the road at night.
Emergency vehicles pull up.
A guy drives around.
He slammed on the brakes.
He didn't try to do it.
They start trying to kill him.
He drives off to protect himself.
And now they're trying to suppress the mugshots because he's Somali.
And there's still articles out saying white supremacist Charlottesville 2.0.
You're on the highway with the lights off at night!
That's a Darwin award right there.
Hey, Newsflash!
Don't run around the highway at night.
Unless you like dying.
He swerves trying to not hit him.
He stops with his flashers on.
And they start attacking him.
But you can see the black dudes from the car, when they see it's a black dude, they go, oh.
But they still go, get out of the car, we're going to kill your ass.
He drives off.
You are playing in the highway.
And now the guy that hits you, it's his fault.
But that's God's sick irony that it's a Somali.
We love our Somalis.
We love our Muslims too.
Oh, they're so good.
Oh, they're so sweet.
You know, they had like 20 million views on... I guess Viacom put that out.
They thought... See, I never... Promise I don't lie.
I get it.
It's good to not lie, but... I got upset.
I love how the elite are attacking with memes.
This thing's got like 20 million views.
So they just deleted the Bon Iver song.
It's been uploaded again, has like 2 million views, 3 million views, whatever.
But the point is, it's like, these old globalists, like, because they don't like to be criticized.
Because they're so godless.
They don't get a joke.
So to them, like, oh, criticize Jones!
And then it gets 20 million views, and I go, I love it, I love it!
And everybody says, oh, we love Jones!
And then they delete the video that has 20 million views!
It's always the same.
So that's why we can beat these people.
Because remember, these are slaves.
These globalists are cutouts.
These corporate leaders, all of them.
Except for a few people like Trump are literally put in power for front groups because they're nobodies.
They do what they're told.
We love our Somalis.
We love our Muslims too.
Oh, they're so good.
Oh, they're so sweet.
But what I'm saying is, the victory is getting average people engaged because you're humble and you think, well, I'm not that important.
I'm just average.
No, being average is what's important.
You're not one of these fake, humanoid, you know, creatures.
And then you've got Hollywood and Time Warner owned, at the time, the group that put these out.
And they literally thought it was hurting me.
And instead, all it did was wake up all these teenagers, to even bigger listeners.
It was just beautiful.
And then as soon as I talked about how it was positive, they removed them all.
I mean, imagine being like 90 years old, Sumner Redstone.
And would he want to be made fun of in a video?
No, no, because he's Sumner Redstone!
Why, he's got a 50 billion dollars!
I mean, he's been sitting on top of America forever, and, you know, you don't put Sumner Redstone down!
See, that's why it's so easy to beat him.
But you have to stop complying with him.
And make him a joke, because, you know, they really don't like humor.
They don't like being made fun of.
They can't stand it.
And so, remember that.
They're all scum, none of them care about each other, they're all empty, their families all hate them, they're all devil worshippers, and they can burn in hell.
So piss on them.
It's like, okay, kill me!
Hell, let's go!
You can't beat that!
I am a maniac.
I am a crazy.
Crazy enough to fight your ass and beat you.
Because I don't want to rape children.
I don't want to eat enchiladas and drink beer.
I don't want to hurt people and dominate them and have power over people, because guess what?
I've got the birthright of loving Jesus Christ!
I've got the affidavit!
I've got the deed, baby!
I already got it all!
And you ain't got nothing!
So burn in hell!
That's my message on this post-July 4th.
I told you I'd get into...
The July 5th movement, now we'll talk about it when we come back, but I just want you to know, we've already won, folks.
Folks, Christ has got the keys to death and hell.
You're losing, New World Order.
The government store, the paradigm of absolute control.
And that's why we're just out here doing simple things, pointing out that we're meant to be in nature and be natural.
And this is where we find the source that God made to transcend the New World Order.
And that's why they want to try to keep us out of it.
I'm angry.
I've had enough of these people.
They're a bunch of Christian buttress gong men with giant death factories keeping babies alive and sending their body
What more do you need to know about these people?
I go out and face these scum.
They literally crawl out from under rocks.
They have green lookin' skin, and they run around screamin' we love Satan, we wanna eat babies.
I have them on video, Hillary's in the creepy, weird, sick stuff, man.
She sleeps in the same room with that creepy, weirdo woman whose mother wears a hood over her head.
What the hell?
That woman number one is ugly.
Imagine how bad she smells, man.
I'm told her and Obama just stink.
Obama and Hillary both smell like snow fur To get a roof and fire pot then the goblins are hobbling
around coming after us My spirit gets close to that evil and I feel it go high.
We're stuffed, self-centered crap.
We don't even notice hand itself rising up against us.
Millions of pointed people of the very worst type, and I'm so pissed.
We're gonna stab your daughter at the mall.
Oh, oh, oh!
We're gonna stab your wife, your son.
We're gonna stab you with a butcher knife And then the police chief is gonna say
We love our Somalis We love our Muslims
Oh, they're so good Oh, they're so sweet
I was watching Fox News as I worked out this morning Ha ha!
So they thought that hurt us And when they realized it didn't
And had almost totally positive comments So again, the enemy doesn't have any soul.
And remember, they never want to be made fun of.
They can't stand it.
I love it.
I'm not a masochist.
I'm not into being in pain.
Except I am.
That pain gets me where I want to go.
And that's the attitude.
Dude, who cares what people think about you?
If they're wrong.
I mean, they could strip me down naked and put me in front of a crowd of five million people throwing tomatoes at me and pillorying me and calling me names.
I don't give a... Think I care?
Damn what you think about me.
If you're wrong, go to hell!
And we have to have that attitude, and I know most of you have that attitude, but you're humble.
You don't want to get in people's face.
You gotta do it.
You gotta do it.
Believe me.
First time I started 30 years ago, shoot my mouth off at grocery stores and churches and everywhere else, and abortion clinics.
I didn't like doing it.
Now, it's like breathing.
And my family's used to it now.
They, they, I just go grocery stores, gas stations, the mall, church, doctor's office.
You just, you know, you run your leftist mouth on me and you try to henpeck me in any way.
I'm not bowing down to your crap, you piece of crap.
Because it's not them, they're a program.
They're telling you what they were told to say.
And so, they're all about being followers.
And so, you want some negative stimulus?
You want some Pavlovian electricity?
You're gonna get it.
They're followers, so they think pecking at us, messing with us, making us miserable, ruining our economy, breaking down our system.
They think that makes us hate Trump, because that's who they are!
If somebody says to them, do what I say, I'm going to punch you in the nose, they say, yes sir.
If somebody tells us, do what I say, I'm going to punch you in the nose, go ahead and take your best shot.
You're about to get your neck broken.
It's not about being tough, folks.
We let them rape our children and devil worship everywhere because we've stopped being men.
Anybody's ever been in a fight even with a big mean tough person?
Just as soon as the fist starts flowing, how much do you love it?
You're not scared once it's happening.
Even your head's going to the concrete, it feels good, doesn't it?
Because you're alive now.
That's how God built you.
You're not supposed to have robots driving your car.
You're not supposed to not be doing anything, watching TV.
You're supposed to be building things, doing things, and putting your body in danger.
Because you're just going to get another one.
One even better.
And what we do on this plane manifests ourselves at the next level.
It's not like the Hindus think where you go up here you're a bad guy so you come back as a grasshopper or something.
I've seen the other side.
The enemy knows it.
And you've seen the other side as well.
And so I'm not going to get all preachy here.
Let me show you the real death toll.
Because you know, black-on-black crime is 23 times, last FBI statistic I saw, what white-on-black crime is, 23 times.
It's 10 to 1 black-on-white because of what has been set up and what has been promoted and what has been done.
Because I'm going to tell you, I don't lionize black people or anybody else, I lionize humanity.
But I want to look at the statistics.
Black folks 80 years ago weren't doing this.
So black people wanted to be successful.
They had themselves on a very short leash to try to get out of where they were.
That which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
They were becoming strong.
The left didn't like that.
The globalists didn't like that.
They wrote letters.
LBJ wrote that.
Not defending the system they were under.
They went, hey, this system of raw oppression has made these people tough.
They've got solidarity.
They're not bowing to us.
They're building strong colleges and families.
We've got to take them over.
And so the social engineers came up with a great society you've seen.
And now, hundreds of black people kill each other every day.
Dozens in Chicago.
Dozens in Atlanta.
Dozens in Dallas.
Man, when I was a kid in Dallas, it was just black people just slaughtering each other everywhere.
And let me tell you, you'd be in a store or something and it'd be with black people.
There's some young black guys that came in, the black people were like, getting on the counter, getting their gun ready.
Because that was the culture that the system sold and the psy-op they ran.
It wasn't systemic racism, it was not wanting to die.
And that's what this country and this world's turned into.
So look at all these videos I have right here.
There's a whole bunch of them.
Black pastor, all the killing ain't coming from white people.
And we've got fathers and mothers, people speaking out about their children being shot.
I mean, people come to these block parties and the thug that wants to kill some other gang member doesn't go up and do it right in the head.
They always do it like a hundred feet away and just shoot some innocent people.
Here's a little newsflash.
You're going to kill somebody, go kill the person you're trying to kill.
Don't shoot some average people.
Oh, but nobody's going to talk about these little dead kids because they're black on black.
Imagine if white dudes went and sprayed a black crowd.
This is sick.
Here it is.
And then there's the problem of death.
If we're going ideologically, the argument got to hold up on both sides.
All the killing in our community ain't coming from white people.
[crowd cheering]
Come on, say amen if you can.
We are killing one another.
Our old people are scared to get out at night in their own community.
They're not scared of white people.
They're scared of young black boys on the street.
And it's all because there was no father to beat their ass.
No, no, no, no, no.
All the killing that's going on ain't going on in River Oaks.
It's going on in South Union.
In Third Wall.
On Cullen and Martin Luther King.
Every street that's named after Martin Luther King across America is riddled with crime and death in the name of a man who stood for non-violence.
The church has got to accept some responsibility because we ain't here singing and shouting on Sunday morning.
Let's get out here and go tell that young black boy and that young black girl we gonna teach you how to love yourself more than somebody taught you how to hate yourself.
Pull your pants up!
Take your nasty pajamas off when you get up in the morning to go outside.
Wish I had somebody to help me.
Act like you've got good sense!
Talk like somebody's raising you!
Alright, the full clips on Infowars.com. That's Reverend Terry Anderson, Houston.
And it's true. I mean, we need fathers in the house to teach young men that there are repercussions. That's the
I have sworn on the altar of God eternal resistance against every form of tyranny against the human mind.
Thomas Jefferson.
Well, Dr. Wakefield's going to be joining us to talk about somebody vindicated.
Very sadly, though, there's no pleasure in that, because the death toll and those maimed just keep skyrocketing.
But since he's been on with us a few years ago, a lot has come out.
We'll talk about it next segment.
The UN has admitted that everything he said was true.
But now they've doubled down.
That's coming up.
You know, I'm just looking at numbers here, ladies and gentlemen.
Racism is just another form of classism for people who feel like they've had success because other people, quote, haven't.
But usually the people that are involved in classism and racism themselves didn't earn or build what they did.
And when you look at the Democrats and the globalists and their model, it's simple.
You've got a big planet, some areas are overpopulated, there's a lot of problems, and they play us off against each other.
It's simple divide and conquer.
And that's how empires have controlled things since the days of Rome.
But I sit here with the July 4th that just passed, and I talked about the July 5th movement, and I said I'd break it down for you, but I really can't do it justice in the time we have.
I really want to build a big website.
I want to get the public involved.
I want to try to just say it's an idea I have and see it catch on with other people.
In fact, quite frankly, I had this idea on July 5th of the morning and it's one of those things that hits me like the big thunderbolt.
And when I have those top deals, it's like, it's like when I'm like 1997.
I just saw where it was going.
It's not some psychic thing.
It's a cultural, you know, mathematical analysis, an integration of the information.
Well, when I thought of the July 5th movement, Sunday morning, it hit me like a thunderbolt.
Because we talk about July 4th, and we have a hot dog and watch some fireworks, but why is it under attack?
Why does the system want to get rid of it?
Because it's the flower of the tail end of the Renaissance.
Of the Gutenberg Press, and the freedom of religion, and of the Magna Carta.
I gave a speech outside Bilderberg to a crowd of like 5,000 people many years ago and even had the police going with me where I told the history of how Magna Carta and then all the rest of it came out of England and that's why we won that war because at first Parliament wouldn't even declare war until the King of England went and demanded you go to war with your fellow Englishman who had the same rights.
So when I talk about 1776 worldwide, I don't mean just America, folks.
I love America.
I mean the idea of the Magna Carta, 1215, the idea of the West, the idea of building up humanity, and the fact that they blame the West and Europe, particularly, for slavery.
When anyone that knows any history knows it was England fought more than 11 wars to end slavery, and that the world owes England And hundreds of thousands of dead sailors, mainly in Marines, who went out and enforced that worldwide and shut it off.
That's why it's such a sick joke to talk about the West, the West extinguished slavery.
And this isn't some big thing we're proud of.
It's just, it's a reality.
And so when you see that level of ignorance, Frederick Douglass, his own Statue in New York City.
Incredible orator.
I read his speeches, I'm like, how could somebody write stuff this good?
He's right up there with Thomas Jefferson.
They tore his statue down.
Just like they're tearing down the Lincoln statues.
Because it's about power, ladies and gentlemen.
It's about the power to have an ignorant mob come burn your house down and have a bunch of Trigley Puffs Like that lady right there.
Dominate and control.
That's all this is is a bunch of big banks and the Chai-coms thinking they can savage this country and savage Europe so they can make us back down because we're afraid because they use our plurality, our open society, to then weaponize our own strength against us.
But I believe this will be their undoing and I can see it in the streets and I can feel it.
All right.
We come back.
We're going to go into the new film. 1986.
With Dr. Andrew J. Wakefield.
On the other side, I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com are the sites, man.video.
We'll be back.
Remember, this is your broadcast.
We're only here because of you.
You keep us in attack formation.
We'll be right back.
Coming up, I'll play the clip.
Remember what Bill Gates said just a few months ago on national TV.
He said, oh, 700,000 people are probably going to get hurt or die from our vaccines.
We've got to turn the power up of it because it's not working on old people.
But I thought, safe and effective, never any adverse reactions, never any problems.
The heart of this, I've always believed, is the 1986 Act, where they get liability protection for vaccines.
And Bill Gates said that the same sentence.
He said, we're gonna play it next segment.
He said, we need global indemnification.
That's a license to kill.
Florida 007, the fictitious character Ian Fleming.
This is a real license to kill.
So, I've been demonized, I've been lied about, I have been, and I'm not a victim.
I just want you to know, obviously, when you see Sandy Hook out of context, obsessing, they'll just brand you with some fake thing they talk about.
With some fake statement out of context you didn't make.
Oh, you mean Andrew Wakefield, the disgraced guy that admits he faked his research.
And I've been on radio shows, and I've said, I'll give you $10,000.
Seriously, I've been on shows in New York, D.C., Austin.
And like an hour later, I'm on air going, where's, seriously, $10,000 right now.
Show me where Andrew Wakefield said there was a lie.
What's the lie?
Turns out his research is groundbreaking and now been confirmed all over the world.
About gut flora and the rest of it, so...
Yeah, the other people too that said the world was run on to them.
We orbited the sun, you know, they got arrested.
So he didn't go, he didn't get in much trouble with Galileo or anybody, but he did expose this.
So Dr. N.P.J.
Wakefield, the new film is the 1986, The Act, just 1-9-8-6-The-Act.com, 1-9-8-6-The-Act.com.
They're trying to block it, they're trying to ban it, they're trying to censor it, they've been doing it.
And all he does is show you that they're indemnified from the damage.
Here's the trailer to the film and then we'll come back with Dr. Wakefield.
Here it is.
How do we navigate this increasingly precarious world in which we live?
In order to understand where we're going, we need to understand where we've come from.
In order to understand where we've come from, you need to watch 1986 The End.
It is the story of one of the most powerful forces in the universe, and that is maternal intuition.
Okay, okay.
This is not halftime entertainment when we've got work to do!
This is a force that has evolved in our species over thousands and thousands of years.
It is far more powerful than anything else that man might have contrived.
It is the reason that we are here on this planet right now.
And if we listen to it, it will be the reason why we are here in a thousand years time.
All right, to talk about where the film is available, what's happening, the censorship.
I know it's massive.
Dr. Andy J. Wakefield.
You know, we played a song last Friday.
Renegades, those are my heroes, especially renegades that are good people and tell the truth and are proven right and have gone through the fire and been through the media hoaxes.
Dr. Wakefield, I don't usually build up a guest for ten minutes, or five minutes, but I gotta tell you, I really salute you and your courage, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
It's great to be back on the show.
Thank you.
Where do you want to start?
The censorship, the filming, the UN coming out last December admitting vaccines are killing people and there's a cover-up?
I mean, it's just crazy.
Why don't we start starting with the film and then go from there?
So tell us about 1986, the act.
But this is really a story, Alex, about how bad vaccine policy about unsafe vaccines hurts children everywhere.
And it comes about, I believe, that the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, signed into law by Ronald Reagan, is at the core of the vaccine-related problems that we have worldwide right now.
And believe me, we have some major problems.
I don't need to tell you that.
But this is a law that gave Protection from indemnity to the pharmaceutical industry.
What it did is remove the vaccine makers and their products from the free market, the constraints of the free market.
And within the free market, you know full well that good products will float to the top and will succeed and the companies will thrive and bad products will sink down and companies will either improve or they will fail.
They will disappear.
But when you take away liability protection and all incentive for safety studies, then what you do is you allow those unsafe, those bad, those dangerous products to prevail, to succeed in the marketplace.
And then, when you make that product mandatory, as we have here in the United States, so you have a mandated market, no liability, what you give the vaccine manufacturers is the perfect business model.
All they can do is profit, and that is exactly what they've done, to the point where they have become extraordinarily powerful, where they've been able to influence policy, politicians, media, doctors worldwide.
There's no way to overstate this.
I mean, they're given absolute god-like power, they're indemnified, they're given total liability protection, and there's a bunch of creepy, weird depopulation eugenicists involved in it.
The government wanting to put something in our body, and then the media lying and saying no one's getting hurt when it's on record, they're secretly paying out billions.
I mean, this is just, this is a science fiction nightmare.
Yeah, we have a compensation system in place now that has paid out over four billion dollars in damages.
For what?
Damages that don't occur?
Oh yes, they do.
And that is a tiny proportion, a tiny proportion of the true number of children whose lives have been permanently damaged.
And your film lays this out.
When can we see it?
How do we get it?
I've seen there's been some censorship.
Well, you know, that's happening.
And as you know, with Vax, my last movie, when that came out and it was censored at Tribeca, De Niro went on television the following week and said, we made a mistake.
Everybody should see this film, make up their own mind.
It exploded worldwide.
So we're trying to actually encourage a bit of censorship, Alex.
Give us a bit of free publicity.
So far, you know, it's actually not been too bad.
We're surprisingly still on Facebook and Twitter and all of these things.
I cannot imagine that.
Sure, I'd already just seen blurs, people sharing it or being blocked and stuff like that, but that's good news.
I think they've learned, and you're saying after trying to block the last big film that that didn't work too well with the Streisand effect?
Oh, Vax was a hugely successful film.
It went everywhere.
It went round the world.
And every time they tried to censor it... I'll tell you one story, Alex.
We went to Italy and a senator invited us to show the movie in the Roman Senate.
And we went there and we were banned.
The first day I arrived in Italy, they cancelled the screening in front of all of the senators.
And what happened was, if we'd played, maybe the Senators would have seen it.
It made no media at all.
But because they banned it, because for the first time in Italian history, a Senator had been censored from his own Senate, it was on the front page of every newspaper.
It was on every news broadcast for the next three quarters.
Why doesn't the vaccine cartel get that?
Because they do the dumbest moves.
I don't want them to get it.
Not quite yet.
Not until this movie's a success.
So let's just...
No, I agree.
Then tell them, you will not, you will not censor my film.
Yeah, you won't censor my film.
And what you won't do is stop people from watching what they want to watch.
If they feel it's relevant and they want to watch it, they will find a way of watching it.
You will not stop them.
By the way, you've gone through hell.
I mean, I've known you probably 15 years or so.
You've been in many times a studio.
And I could see you were a little depressed and down, but you kept fighting.
You seem more effervescent in the videos I see of you now.
I mean, what's this whole war been like for you personally?
You know, Alex, I guess what happened in the early years is they didn't like the work I was doing.
And that's too bad because, as you say, it's now been proven correct.
And I say that without being egotistic.
It's simply a fact of life.
In the published literature now, the whole gut-brain link, the vaccine relationship, it was so Compelling, the vaccine relationship that the CDC had to fake the data.
Stay there, we're going to come back.
But I mean, we're not kissing your ass, it's true.
You're a pioneer.
I want to ask how with your clinic and how, how did you pioneer this?
You must have scared, because this is probably 20 years ago now, you must have scared the hell out of them.
The fact that you, you literally cut right to what they were doing.
Dr. Andy Wakefield is our guest.
You've got to find out about the film, promote it.
I can't wait to see it.
Hopefully we'll get some and carry it as well.
Because with a digital system, they can delete stuff now.
You won't have physical copies of all this, folks.
We're gonna save children's lives, save their destinies.
Dr. Andy J. Wakefield is here.
And I'll just be honest.
I'm going to give him the floor of this segment.
The reason I celebrate him is he's a great guy that pioneered and made major discoveries that are all confirmed now.
I look at news every day.
It's ridiculous how much he pioneered.
I want to know how he knew that.
And then I know what he went through and how he didn't give up.
And how he's been vindicated 15, 20 years later, it's what's happened with me.
I haven't gotten to the level yet of his vindication, but how they've set me up, how they've framed me, it gives me faith in humanity to watch someone doggedly not giving in.
It's a real human story.
But we need to talk about the children that are dying, and the big rollout, and the forced inoculation coming next segment.
But let's go over the history first.
The film, the 1986 act.
I think Reagan was a good guy, but he was a little bit senile, and he just believed doctors, so they got it passed.
It's a horrible thing, Ronald Reagan did.
We need to expose the heart of this, as you were saying.
So, wherever you want to go now, on what's currently happening, what's coming up, you know, the film.
Dr. Wakefield, please continue.
Alex, thank you very much.
You know, I talked to you about The taking away liability for vaccines from the manufacturers for damage done, and then mandating these products so that they had a captive market.
But it got worse, Alex.
What happened then is the federal agencies that were responsible for enacting the policies of Congress by doing adequate safety studies, vaccine safety studies, monitoring the true rate of adverse reactions to vaccine, They deliberately, in concert with the industry, sabotaged those checks and balances that Congress have put in place to protect children.
They deliberately sabotaged them because every time a child was compensated, what it said to the public is vaccines can do that.
And they didn't want that to believe.
They didn't want anyone to believe that vaccines can do that.
And so we have this absolutely catastrophic situation, which is where we are now, where we have a huge number, 72 doses of vaccines on the schedule before a child leaves high school.
And this is way, way more than you and I would ever have received way back in the day.
And yet we're still here.
We're fighting for it.
So what has happened?
Why is this necessary?
It became, they expanded the program dramatically.
When they were given a get-out-of-jail-free card.
When they had no liability, they thought, right, let's just go for it.
And that's exactly what they did.
With no incentive for safety whatsoever.
And then they bought the agencies.
They bought the agencies, they paid for the FDA, they paid for the politicians, and they paid for the media and the doctors.
They own them.
They became so rich.
And this is globally.
This isn't just in America.
The vaccine industry became so wealthy that they could buy all of this.
And then, of course, what we also had Was this the FDA gave back the right or gave to the industry this right to direct a consumer advertising.
So two countries in the world do this.
Here in the United States and New Zealand, nowhere else in the world are the vaccine manufacturers or the drug makers able to advertise direct to their consumers.
And what that did, Alex, is it did something very interesting.
You see, I don't think they go on television with those ads which have at the end of them a laughable number of adverse reactions.
Confusion for drugs, for Alzheimer's, for heaven's sake.
I don't believe their principal aim is to sell drugs.
What I think their aim is to do is to give so much money through this sponsorship to the mainstream media, nightly news networks, that they become dependent upon that income.
And thereafter, the industry, the pharmaceutical industry, owns the headlines.
What they want published will be published, and anything that criticizes their products will not be published.
And this is a system that is now in place that has given them enormous power over the American media.
So it's a really very, very precarious situation in which we find ourselves.
And of course, their marketing ploy time after time after time has been fear.
And the important thing about the film is that we are now living in this state where people are frightened and begging for a vaccine.
Because they've had this fear instilled into them about Covid-19.
We've been there before.
Not once, but many times.
And every single time, fear was what drove the commercial agenda.
Make the people frightened.
Make the politicians frightened.
Nothing motivates politicians quite like a plague.
And here we are right in the midst of it now.
So there could be no better time.
There is no bigger audience aware now of the issues and facing not just Childhood mandates, but now adult mandates as well.
Cradle-to-grave mandates.
No, pregnancy-to-grave mandates.
So people worldwide are becoming increasingly concerned.
And you're exactly right, Alex.
You pointed out that when Gates goes on the media, he says, yep, we're going to give this vaccine to 7 billion people worldwide.
When we do that, It's going to be causing some harm.
There are some risks.
We're rushing these things to market.
This number of people are likely to get hurt.
And of course, we're going to need indemnity because we don't want to be liable for the damage done.
Shortcut the safety trials.
No indemnity.
You have a disaster.
You cannot take products outside of the constraints of the free market without this kind of catastrophe.
And just one more point, Alex, and this is you asking the question about me.
Well, that's why I got the mic turned off, because I want you to roll, sir.
Okay, well, you asked me about me, and it's interesting, because this brings in Texas, and as you know, I lived for a very long time in Austin.
Austin was a kind of oasis for me when I left England, and I left the Royal Free Hospital, and I left my job and came to Texas, and my heart is in Austin, Texas.
It was a bad time.
That was a bad time.
And I was going through a lot.
I can see it.
You were in pain because you'd been lied about and you kept fighting on and on.
But again, it's a success story.
Please continue.
Well, I went down to Bandera one night, Alex.
I went down there and I went outside the beautiful, beautiful rolling hills and I, it was pitch black.
There was no ambient light.
I look up at the sky and there were billions and billions of stars.
And I suddenly thought, you know what?
This isn't about me at all.
This is not about me.
And as soon as I realized that, that everything they said, everything they did, everything that they'd done didn't make a button of difference.
It was about something far, far more important, and that is the health and well-being of children, our future.
And suddenly this huge weight was lifted off me.
And ever since that time, Alex, it's been Not only a privilege to do what I do, but I'm now doing something that I love and is communicating and educating people, entertaining people, but informing them in their best interests.
And what I want to get across more than anything Is that there is a very positive way of looking at this, and I showed it in the mini-trailer earlier.
And that is, it is a story.
This movie is a story about one of the most powerful forces in the universe.
An ancient wisdom.
An ancient wisdom which is maternal instinct, maternal intuition.
The reason we are now here on this planet.
Not because of public health, or vaccines, or doctors, or men in white coat.
It's because mothers know their children.
Instinctively, intuitively know when they're well, and they know when they're ill.
And Big Pharma's not going to win its fight against women.
You will never.
You will not do it.
And when women start to take that back, when they realize it, when they know that little voice inside of them that was telling them, But there was a problem.
There was an issue.
When they realize how powerful that is, not just individually, but collectively, then it has an extraordinary impact.
And this is happening worldwide now.
It is.
Dr. Wakefield, stay there.
You really touched my heart because I've had the exact same experience you just talked about under the same Texas sky.
This is incredible.
I talk about the song Renegades by Steve Voss.
Renegades are my heroes.
The guy's a good man.
And I got chills up and down my spine whenever he talked about being out under the Texas Hill Country.
Skies are bright.
Stars are bright deep in the heart of Texas, and he was talking about out there in the Texas Hill Country staring at those stars.
When I've had really bad things happen to us, just incredible lies and attacks on my family, which I expect, you know, I'm not a victim, I'm an overcomer, but, you know, it's not fun.
There's this part of you that just defaults to, hey, my name is expendable, I'm physically expendable, I'm a man.
And he talks about the power of women's intuition.
The circle's now complete.
Women know what's happening.
That's why Hitler said, "First you get the women, then you've got the children, so follow the men."
That's why 80% of advertising targets women.
It's not that women are dumb.
They are the fount.
They're the target.
In fact, it gets into a lot of sophistication, but, you know, men are the manifestation of what genetically the
female decides to do.
And you can say the sperm chooses the sex, it's male, all the rest of it, but it's a lot of really amazing things that are going on here.
There is no male, there is no female.
There is the human race and who we are and our incredible relationship with each other.
And the satanic nature of trying to divide that is just unspeakably bad.
It's a joke.
It's cancer.
It's like Monsanto wants seeds that don't produce new seeds.
It's a corporate takeover of the life functions of the planet because these corporate guys just see that as, well, we'll just take everything over.
We'll be God.
It's delusion.
But I've been there in those scary, dark places, and then it's just like, hey, think about the children.
I was looking up at the stars years ago this happened.
And this has happened every time I've been depressed or upset.
And I'm like, each one of those little stars is like a human soul.
And we're not going to let them black those out or mark those out.
I've got to do what I've got to do because this is not about me.
And I'm going to humble myself and be ready even if I get destroyed and people hate my name for a thousand years.
Who cares?
Or forget who I am.
It doesn't matter.
I've got to do this for the children.
And I think, Dr. Wakefield, that's what you were saying.
That was very deep.
And I bet a lot of other men have had that experience.
And I think what you're saying, your idea for the film is men's service.
It's beyond chivalry.
It really is service to women and children, isn't it?
I think if men recognize this innate power.
I mean, I've come across so many couples, Alex, where they have been fighting about, we're going to vaccinate.
No, we're not.
And the wife is saying, look, there's something about this that just doesn't feel right.
The husband says, get over it.
What about polio?
What about smallpox?
Vaccines have saved the world.
Walk out of the room.
Is this the women that are saying no?
The women are saying no, and what they are saying, they're saying no, not deductively, not logically, just listening to that voice.
And when that voice speaks, you listen to it.
And the doctors don't want you to recognize that voice.
It's power.
They want to usurp your power.
Take it over.
Go inside yourself.
Look to an internal authority, not to that external authority, for how you should look after your children, because that force is so powerful it's why we are here right now on this earth and as I say in that mini trailer it's why we will be here if we listen to it in a thousand years ten thousand years time and I cannot let me give you an example Alex I was looking at an essay that was sent to me by a public health student in Samoa where as you probably know they had a recent outbreak of measles and they have a lot of deaths and there has been no public inquiry into why but there are many reasons and we're filming this at the moment now
The important thing about this is this student went back into the history of measles in Samoa and looked at it way back in time when it was a killer of children and he said it was notable that in those villages where they had a well-formed and Empowered women's committees.
They kept the mortality and morbidity to a very minimum.
In other words, that's nothing to do with doctors, nothing to do with public health or vaccines.
That is the collective intelligence, the innate intelligence of these women coming together.
Women controlling the heart.
What is best, exactly.
And it is so powerful.
It's not an emotional argument.
It is a survival imperative.
It is absolutely crucial.
And people need to recognize it and take it back.
Well, that's right.
I didn't mean to get all mushy earlier, but it's true.
Go back to that moment when you're out there under the stars and you realize that it is the collective.
I mean, it really is.
I'm going to do this.
It doesn't matter.
And the moment the fear, the depression ends, it's so empowering.
It was an extraordinary moment.
It suddenly evaporated when I realized that, you know, I thought to myself at the time, look at the size of the billions and billions of stars.
The universe doesn't care about Andy Wakefield.
Now, I've since met people who've persuaded me that actually the universe is invested in each and every single one of us.
But it made me, it made it so much easier to say, look, buddy, you don't have a problem.
That child sitting there, or running around the room, or banging their head against the wall, or screaming.
They need you.
And your job is to get on and sort this out to the best of your ability.
So get over yourself and do it.
And beyond that moment, it became so much easier.
How did you pioneer, because I mean, folks, if you haven't paid attention, like everything he researched with his little lab, for him to be accurate, how did you pioneer discovering the gut-brain connection?
How did you find that?
It wasn't terribly clever, Alex.
I just listened to the mothers.
The mothers said, my child has autism.
I've come to see you as a gastroenterologist because they have severe gastrointestinal issues.
So it was the mothers again?
I'm not as again, and the doctors have put all the medical professionals I've spoken to have just said, oh, your child's got autism.
They're bound to have diarrhea 12 times a day or bloating or pain.
So put them in a home and forget about them and move on.
That was the kind of thing that we were hearing.
And so I just listened.
I put the autism on one side and I said, OK.
And they said, doctor, when this is bad, when the intestine is bad, the behavior is bad.
When this is good, this is good.
It's a gutsman program to create poison.
Explain how that works.
It turns out Bill Gates is obsessed with this, as you know.
He wants a quarter of the market on this now.
Well, you know, it's going to be a very fruitful market when we understand it.
But what we now know is that the gut and gut bacteria in particular are at the very core of our immune system development, but also our brain and our nervous system development.
They modify our behavior.
So we have believed that bacteria were an enemy since the time of Pasteur and tried to kill them with antibiotics.
They're absolutely essential for our own well-being.
No man is an island.
We are entirely dependent on the health of the gut bacteria.
So they're as important as white blood cells?
White blood cells are really our immune system and they are one of the intermediaries between the gut bacteria.
They're the officers.
They run the operation.
That's right.
They either switch on and cause inflammation and attack against microorganisms, or they switch off.
So they should switch off to good bacteria.
And the problem is autoimmune disease.
Many of them come about When the immune system starts to respond to things it shouldn't respond to, gut bacteria or food proteins that should be innocuous, that we should be dependent on, suddenly become something that trigger an abnormal immune response, a food allergy for example.
And there's no doubt that in the mix, triggering this process, triggering this myriad of autoimmune diseases, gut diseases, are vaccines, in my opinion.
Well, it's not your opinion, though.
I mean, the whole system's upset.
It's New York Times, Washington Post, thousands of studies now since you talked about this, and you literally just got this from mothers.
And then you tested it, too, and proved it.
That is why, Alex, when the mothers said, and I believe that this happened after a vaccination, I wasn't anti-vaccine, I took my child to be vaccinated on time, this is what happened.
So when the mothers said, this is what I believe happened to my child, they fell ill and are permanently injured after a vaccine, we had an absolute Moral and professional obligation to heed what they were saying and act upon it.
They had been right about everything else.
The medical profession had been almost completely, to a man and a woman, wrong.
And we listened, and I absolutely believe that they are correct.
And what convinces me that they're correct, Alex, about vaccines, and MMR in particular, is the need for the CDC to actually fraudulently cover that up and destroy the documents, which of course, Was the substance of our last film, Vaxxed.
We'll play the next trailer for this and talk about it with Dr. Wakefield.
And I didn't even know you left Austin.
I'll find out where you're at now, but we'd love to get you in the studio and fly you down here.
We'll be right back.
It was on David Knight last week.
Did a great job.
Dr. Wakefield's here.
Get the new film.
We'll tell you about it when we come back.
Stay with us.
The efficacy of vaccines in older people is always a huge challenge.
You know, it turns out the flu vaccine isn't that effective in elderly people.
We clearly need a vaccine that works in the upper age range because they're most at risk of that.
And doing that so that you amp it up so it works in older people and yet You don't have side effects, you know, if we have, you know, one in 10,000 side effects, that's, you know, way more 700,000, you know, people who will suffer from that and that actual decision of okay, let's go and give this vaccine to the entire world.
Governments will have to be involved because there will be some risk and indemnification needed.
To Bill Gates raping you.
And we have the articles up on InfoWars.com.
The U.N.
came out in December last year and said, no, we've covered it up.
The doctors, the front line is wobbly.
People don't believe in this.
We do no testing.
And then the 10 minutes we have left, Dr. Wakefield, condensing down, I see this whole COVID-19 hoax and they skipped animal trials and people that were like the Pet Project, people are actually sick, almost died that took it.
What do you think's going on right now?
I'm really worried, Alex, just as you are.
You know, when I've been back into the history of these vaccine trials, when they've rushed things to market in the face of a swine flu, a predicted swine flu pandemic, that never happens.
It didn't happen.
It didn't work.
It didn't.
There was no need for it.
And yet a lot of people got hurt.
A lot of people got what's called Guillain-Barré syndrome paralysis.
Many died.
It was totally unnecessary.
The CDC got it wrong.
And we have this same model being predicted time and time again, fear being the key, indemnity being negotiated with Congress, and people being forced to take a risk.
And it just happens that this time, with Covid-19, it's worse.
By many orders of magnitude, they're using vaccine strategies that have never been used before.
They have no idea what the medium or long-term outcome is, let alone the short-term outcome.
And yet people are rushing To take part in the trials to get this vaccine.
I'm surprised what is interesting though is that people have never been more aware of this and I see now this just this week.
30% won't take it.
50% won't take it.
If 30% don't take it we're not going to achieve vaccine herd immunity.
The vaccine may only last three months.
It may not last at all.
I mean who would who would take these risks?
What is emerging is a disease that is no worse than a seasonal flu.
And it's extremely worrying.
Let me interrupt you for the President of the United States.
Trump has tweeted, breaking news, the mortality rate for the China virus in the U.S.
is just about the lowest in the world.
Also, deaths in the U.S.
are way down, tenfold decrease since the pandemic hiked, and our economy is coming back.
Let me ask you this, Dr. Wakefield, you're a prestigious scientist, a trailblazer, real doctors.
My dad's a doctor.
Do you actually listen to patients?
What's going on?
You go with what works.
Clearly scientists have looked at this virus and it's got gene gun, edited, it's a bunch of stuff's been done.
Looks like some kind of vaccine simulant or vaccine ingredient that got out.
I've got that from actually UN and CIA and a lot of big sources.
They told me this six months ago.
It turns out that Dr. Bullard's been right.
So it has great gain of function, but if you're not deficient in vitamins and things, very low death rate.
But then you combine that with them hyping it up, putting people from things that have heart attacks, cancer in the list.
I haven't figured it out yet.
What the hell?
Is it real?
Is it overblown?
What is COVID-19, Doctor?
I think, I mean, I said from the very beginning, Alex, that this is something that came out of a laboratory in China.
It is unthinkable that there could be a coincidental emergence of a novel coronavirus in the place where they have the coronavirus essentially bioweapons research facility.
Just a backstory to this.
Years ago, we were dealing with an ex-member of MI5.
His job at MI5 was as an Uber hacker.
He was a man who could hack into anything at any time on behalf of the Secret Service.
And once he left, he came to do a bit of work with us.
And he came to work one day and he said, You'll never believe it, but this SARS virus that has just, you know, impacted the world, this came about because there was an earthquake in central China that destroyed or damaged a bioweapons facility.
And then he was contacted by his minder, they all have minders once they leave the service, who said, you will forget what you just saw and you will never do this again.
Do not mention it.
And that's really interesting, but I don't believe these things could possibly, in light of that, in light of the proximity of this laboratory to the outbreak, there was no question.
And Fauci was running a bunch of the programs under Obama that got outlawed here in 2015, were moved to Wuhan.
You can't make this up.
That's really worrying because I would call that treasonous.
If that turns out to be true, that they were moved offshore after Obama outlawed them, after scientists wrote saying you should never do this kind of study.
You have no idea what you're doing and no idea what the consequences might be.
And so it was then apparently moved offshore, was done in Wuhan with American funding.
And if Dr. Fauci was in any way involved in that process, then he needs to be held accountable.
But it was quite right.
Those scientists, when they predicted that you do not know what you're doing, and there are going to be problems with this, the world is now experiencing that problem.
What is wrong with these mad scientists?
I mean, you've been around the world.
What is the problem with them?
I mean, I don't get it.
Well, I think in this case there was this idea that if we're not doing it, someone else is going to do it and we may be at risk.
Sure, so we've got to build the weapon to create a vaccine, but you just built the weapon.
Yeah, I just don't buy that.
I don't believe it.
Can we just get everybody together and stop producing this?
Stop doing it.
Stop doing it.
Learn from this dreadful mistake, and it must never ever happen again.
Don't these people love their children?
I mean, like, why do they keep doing it?
Like, oh, someone may create a superweapon.
We better do it.
And the vaccines are emerging to be the same.
This is going to compound the problem enormously, in my opinion.
They are creating these Frankenstein viruses that are using the backbone of one virus with the genes of another virus.
That lets it jump species.
I didn't mean to interrupt.
Go ahead.
No, no, no.
And so we saw this, as you will well know, with the dengue fever virus vaccine in the Far East.
We saw that they produced this vaccine.
The manufacturers knew there were problems with it.
It was a Frankenstein virus, a hybrid of a number of viruses that when they gave it, It produced antibodies.
It didn't appear to produce any adverse reactions.
But when those individuals were exposed to the dengue fever virus, they developed severe, often fatal disease.
And this process... Oh, it's a binary weapon.
Explain that to us.
So, they're being pre-programmed.
Explain, as an expert on this.
Well, it seems to be that the immune system is triggered to overreact next time it encounters the virus.
So you're not protected against it.
Quite the opposite.
Next time you see it, then your immunity, your immune system goes into overdrive and causes disease and death.
And this is well-recognized.
It happened with the SARS virus vaccine.
We're all primed now that next time something shows up in this family, we have an autoimmune response, like a Spanish flu and die.
And Bill Gates magically says, this is event 201.
He said, on Colbert, he goes, this is a drill.
He said, the big one's coming.
And he said, a terrorist is going to release it.
Yeah, I think his name is Bill Gates.
It is deeply worrying.
We interfere with nature at a huge price.
And nature doesn't exact that price immediately in most cases.
It does it insidiously and it is widespread through the population.
So we have to be extremely careful when we're doing this kind of thing.
And here we are, foreshortening all of the safety studies, rushing it to market.
That can only lead to problems.
Why do you think, in closing, and I really appreciate your time, and the film's so exciting, I want to have you back on a routine basis, it's been too long.
Why are they so arrogant, with a big pushback even by the UN scientists, and just everything, and like the test, and the trials going badly, and they just don't care?
What is that?
I don't know.
Every prediction that they've made has come adrift.
Everything that they've said has really turned out to be false.
The predictions of what is going to happen to the economy, I mean, it really is Catastrophic.
And nobody seems to be learning, nobody wants to take responsibility, and there's no accountability.
I mean, what happened in New York, for example, with the highest and extraordinarily high mortality rate, which was nothing to do with the virus.
So there are many lessons to learn from this, but there are going to have to be changes.
All right, Doc, the film, when does it come out?
30 seconds left.
How do I see this?
It comes out two minutes past midnight on Wednesday, 1986, The Act, 1986theact.com.
Go there, watch the movie, get it in the hands of your friends and family, get it in the hands of politicians and demand change.
You will only vote for those people who will put your children first before the well-being, the profiteering of the pharmaceutical companies.
We've got to fight the big pharma that wants to put things in our bodies.
Dr. Wakefield, come back with us again the next month.
Please don't wait a couple of years.
We really appreciate you and God bless you.
Thank you, Alex.
Very powerful.
All right, I'll do a couple of segments since you're all so busy taking over.
Well, that was an out-of-the-park interview.
It's so important.
It's life-saving.
We're going to post the Band-On video.
Share this interview.
Joe's Monday's coming up in about 15 minutes.
10 minutes or so, I'll hand the baton to him.
There's all these articles out going, oh, Fox News, CNN, okay, Trump's right.
Hydroxychloroquine cuts death rate in half.
It's beyond that.
Hydroxychloroquine pushes zinc into the cells.
Coronaviruses cannot replicate with zinc.
If you take 100 milligrams a day, the studies, there's literally hundreds of them.
You can't do it.
Now, here's a little problem.
You take 100 milligrams of zinc for a couple of years, you're gonna have kidney failure.
But no, I mean, that's the way the universe works.
Like, we're not gonna live forever, but nothing's invincible.
But it's beatable.
You take 30 milligrams of zinc, that's three times the daily allowance, you're covered.
You're bulletproof at 100.
I mean, you think I didn't research this?
I care about my family.
I mean, my wife was like, six months ago, just five months ago, like, you're locked in this room with printouts five feet tall.
What the hell are you doing?
And I'm like, I gotta read these studies.
I gotta know what I'm talking about.
And that's the problem.
Most people don't.
They just, they just, oh, I heard on the news, whatever.
You take vitamin D3, you take zinc, you take vitamin C, you're bulletproof as F you, you know what?
If you got everything else.
And it's not like people go, oh, Jones sells snake oil.
I'm not even, like, Jones needs to be arrested.
He's claiming he's got a cure for COVID-19.
You know, I could take one of my shoelaces off right now.
Don't let Bobby Wallace see it.
He'll think it's a noose.
I could take this shoelace off and I could choke myself right now.
I'd kill myself right now.
So see, that's what not having knowledge is like.
Of course, it's the opposite.
You know, I know how to kill myself with a shoelace.
What I'm getting at here is, if I don't have oxygen for four minutes, I die.
That's a fact.
If I don't have vitamin C for six months, I die.
If I don't have water for five, six days, I die.
See, but see, literally, the Democrats literally, on record, Letitia James, Soros funded attorney general of New York, called for my arrest as she called for criminal investigations, which I can tell you they launched.
I'll talk about it more in the future.
And they literally said, saying that anything as essential is illegal.
These bankers, Do not even want you to be able to say, don't put a rope around your neck and jump off a cliff.
Because I could kill myself.
I could make myself pass out in about 30 seconds right now.
They want you to go, oh, you're not Fauci.
You can't say you can kill yourself with a shoelace.
Of course you can.
Four minutes without oxygen, you are dead, dead, dead, dead.
Five days without water, on average, you're dead, dead, dead.
Six months without vitamin C, you're dead, dead, dead.
Six months without vitamin D3, dead, dead, dead.
Six months without iodine, dead, dead, dead as hell!
And these people literally are such a cult, they don't even want you to know that and know the food's depleted, and they want to arrest people that tell them that if you take 100 milligrams of zinc a day, you're bulletproof.
Except your kidneys will fail.
That's how the universe works.
There's stuff you can do and take that'll make you bulletproof of this, but none of that.
So what, what, what is, what, what's the best advice I've researched is 30 milligrams a day won't give you any problems and you're almost bulletproof.
You know, it's like herpes or something.
People like only get that when they're run down and sick, then it pops back out.
That's how it works.
Tell us what's coming up.
I got a few final things to hear.
It's just, man, the way they wage war on reality, the way they try to dumb us down, the way they try to make us all superstitious about information is BS, and I'm done with it.
Be right back.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
People say I'm no good and crazy as a loon.
Cause I get stoned in the morning and I get drunk in the afternoon.
Kinda like my old blue tit hound, I like to lay around in the shade.
And I ain't got no money, but I damn sure got it made.
Cause I ain't asking nobody for nothing, If I can't get it on my own.
If you don't like the way I'm living, you just leave this long-haired country boy alone.
That's old!
Patriots have died today.
Very sad, Charlie Danielson.
And also, I always mispronounce this.
I've been a huge fan since I was a kid.
The spaghetti western guy, the guy that did everything?
You know, Gerald Sloan is the only one who ever pronounces his name right.
I'll let him do it in a minute.
I'm joking.
So, that's, you talk about music, it uplifts the heart.
Talk about class.
That's the definition.
That's like my...
People ask me all the time, like, who's your favorite musician, favorite band?
And, you know, I think it's him.
I mean, that's what I listen to in the gym, in the car.
He wrote, like, thousands of songs.
Like, almost every movie is him.
In fact, we'll introduce Gerald Cilente coming up with Triumph.
That's what I call it on the computer.
It's got another name.
But from the good, the bad, and the ugly, we'll bring that in.
But before we end this transmission with yours truly, Let me hit some of this news.
Black armed militia holds up white drivers for reparations.
This same militia marched in Georgia and literally said, we're here to kill white people.
This is so stupid, ladies and gentlemen.
As if a white person does something wrong to a black person, so then white people are to blame.
That is the most idiotic thing.
But let me tell you, the idiot followers in this are not Globalist, but let me tell you, I've watched the leader of this militia of species, the guy is a New World Order Soros puppet, 1 trillion percent.
And imagine you come up to a checkpoint, people have guns, because you're white, they want, quote, reparations.
Even though 2% of the South had slaves.
Most people that immigrated here from Europe came after the Civil War.
It doesn't matter.
The idea that your grandpa did something wrong, or your great-great-grandpa, is crazy.
And it's just, it's just, it's nuts.
Because let me tell you this, the people held up at this checkpoint have a lot better behavior than I would.
Because if I pull up to armed men, if the cops said, give me money, I'd get out.
I mean, I just, imagine if cops acted like this.
Here, go ahead and roll the audio.
Here it is.
So you're in Georgia, and here come the armed men.
Of course, this guy in the car is ready to kill all these people, and he's got... I mean, he's not scared at all.
That's what's dangerous about this.
People are really asking for it.
You know what I am?
I'm your worst nightmare, brother.
This ain't the one you want to talk to, bro.
We ain't no Black Lives Matter.
We ain't none of that bullshit.
We're Black Militias.
This ain't your worst nightmare.
We're Black Militias, bro.
Let me talk to the mic for a minute.
What are you?
I just told you what I was.
What are you?
What are you is the question.
Everywhere you go, you invade, steal, rape, rob, and kill us.
Oh, really?
Then you steal people's culture.
Then you have the nerve to have an attitude about it.
Where's our reparations?
Thank you.
Of course.
I love that.
I like the song.
What did I do to you?
It's not what you did.
What's the answer?
You're in benefit from me.
You're in benefit from me.
Go ahead and watch the narrative before you lose your life.
Before you lose your life.
I mean, I'd be, I'm sorry, I'd be attacking people.
I can't handle it.
I mean, this, this is what the left is trying to do to start a war.
And it's criminal.
So I'm going to tell Trump again, Dirk Karlsson was right.
I get we don't want to give the Agiprops what they want to go crush them, but you have to follow the law.
And I'm not acting tough, I'm actually ashamed of myself.
If people with guns did that to me, I'd go Captain Caveman.
I mean, I got problems, okay?
So, that's why I gotta have armed security now, because they gotta handle this, man.
I cannot deal with this, man.
I mean, I don't care if it's KKK, black dudes, Easter Bunny people.
Man, you're in a road with a gun saying, you're gonna kill me?
You're about to die!
Or I'm gonna die.
I mean, it's just insane.
You don't see patriots in Virginia when we were there with 5,000, 6,000, 7,000 people, black, white, old, young, out together.
Can you imagine if we had a Virginia rally in Richmond and we were threatened to take people's money?
It's disgusting.
But this is what Facebook has created.
This is what they allow this stuff.
Can you imagine?
Proud Boys is a multiracial group promoting manhood.
They hate that.
But you're a bunch of black nationalist racist at people's co- I mean, do those idiots not realize how much danger they're in?
I'm surprised.
I mean, I'm surprised they're not dead.
Because you want to flip my- I know a lot of people, man.
You want to flip some switches.
But I get it.
The Patriots know they want the violence.
We're just holding back.
I would have controlled myself too.
But the dude then says, thank God the guy's kids weren't in the car.
I think if that guy had had his kids in the car, it would have been all, I mean, it's just, you can't only take so much saying you're about to die.
I'm about to die because I'm white and I'm driving down the road, you racist piece of filth.
These people are idiots!
But they know the media is praising them.
You don't see those black racists out of the abortion clinic trying to save babies.
No, they're just out there because they're led by a dirty ADL operative or Southern Poverty Law Center operative.
I bet my right arm they are funded by those dirty criminals.
So instead of getting mad at these dumbasses that have been led like the Pied Piper to this thing, I'm pissed off at the corrupt foundations, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the rest of these people.
And I'm sick of it.
And I just want the globalists to know If the Civil War kicks off, my target's not black people.
My target's you.
So get that through your head.
You think your private jets are gonna get you to New Zealand or Kauai?
Everyone hates you in Hawaii and in New Zealand.
I get told everything about you.
Your chefs hate you.
Your security people hate you.
Your children hate you.
We hate you.
And we're gonna get you.
So keep thinking you're in charge.
The minute you jump, the minute you start your crap, we're not gonna be out the street killing a bunch of dumbasses.
It's gonna be you.
And you know I don't just say stuff.
You know what I mean.
And you know it's true.
You're dead.
You're dead.
That means dead.
That means not breathing.
That means blood running out your ass.
Out your frickin' mouth.
You keep pushing your crap.
You keep trying to activate all these mobs and all this BS.
You're gonna die just like Hitler.
And just like the freaking Japanese Emperor dickhead.
I'm gonna tell you one more time.
I'm not gonna kill you.
You're killing yourself.
So you sit there and run your big, fat, New World Order mouths, and you sit up there in your stolen mansions with all your fake-ass money, just like David Rockefeller couldn't buy an eighth heart transplant, just like he went to hell!
You are conjuring oblivion.
You are conjuring your annihilation.
And I get it.
So, hey.
All I know is Hillary Clinton's gonna burn in hell.
All I know is that jack-o-lantern-faced pedophile is not better than me, and she didn't intimidate me, and I didn't bow down to her.
I don't give up.
Let me tell you something.
Gerald Soltis taking over, Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
It's time to decide who you are right now.
This isn't about pissing contests or acting tough.
These people are killing us, alright?
So you decide which side you're on right now.
As for me, give me liberty or give me death!
Victory or death!
I can't wait to watch you pay.
Can't wait to watch you burn, you globalist pieces of trash.
Tell someone to take over, stay with us.
Hello, hello.
Great being on the Alex Jones Show!
And, uh, happy two days after the 4th of July.
As you well know, we had a big rally here up in Colonial Kingston, New York.
Unite for peace and to restore freedom.
And boy, what blowback did I get.
There they are.
Look at that crowd.
Look at that crowd of angry people.
Look at all those white supremacists.
That's what they were calling us.
Oh, all old geezers, huh?
Well, not when you look at the photo.
You can see a lot of young people there.
Children, babies, families, respectful people came from North Carolina.
Oh, and a lot of them with InfoWars t-shirts.
And that's one of the reasons I got so much pressure, because I'm in liberal land up here.
But that's a good thing, General.
That's why we love you.
If the enemy wasn't attacking you, you're not good.
Because I'm on InfoWars.
You would have no idea, Alex, the hundreds, the hundreds, the hundreds of negative responses we got up into the lead-in in this.
Because I had, number one, I'm on Alex Jones Show.
I host an hour, and number two, I had Judge Napolitano here, from Fox.
We asked the people- They're all just a bunch of bullies!
They attack everything!
They're not bullies, they're cowards.
I agree.
They don't fight.
They're not fighters.
We invited the people from Black Lives Matter to give them the platform because this was- you look at the poster.
To unite for peace and to restore freedom.
Oh, you've always been about unifying everybody.
I mean, I would call you a real liberal.
I know you're a black agnostic, but I'll let you take over.
I'll keep interrupting.
Just take over.
No, no, no, no.
Stay on because I want you to hear this.
So they refuse to come on because of my association with you and Napolitano.
Number two, these morons It's not, it's okay that I host an hour show on Progressive Radio Network.
That doesn't count.
So anyway, a lot of people were here because of you.
And I want to read, oh again, we were getting bombarded with negative, negative comments.
This is racist, on and on.
The people that from the peace program, they backed out the band.
That we were going to have playing.
We had two bands, one backed out an hour before the event.
And again, you can see by the pictures, it was perfect.
They were threatening to protest.
They were threatening on and on and on.
Now, one of the cowards showed up.
There's Napolitano.
And how beautiful the setting is.
That's the Crown Garden on the most historic four corners in America, where the seeds of democracy were sown.
So they weren't going to stop me.
And we kept going on and on.
But here's what happened the next day.
This is in the newspaper, the Daily Freeman.
Ulster County sees weekend spike in coronavirus cases.
And then under it, that picture, people gather, mostly without masks, in uptown Kingston, Saturday, at an Occupy Peace rally.
Yes, they're saying COVID's your fault, when meanwhile, Black Lives Matter and if you're going to protest all day long, but again, anything that's pro-America can.
That's right.
So now the stupidity of this, Alex, is that, that they say that the cases spiked, you ready?
To 20.
Making it seem like it was responsible because I had the rally.
Oh, it's the same formula.
Like Trump had his Tulsa deal, the next day they went record level because they did record testing.
But not only that, it takes, what, about 14 days for this thing to catch it.
Total hoax.
Here's what they wrote.
Ulster County saw 20 new cases of COVID blah blah blah.
Ulster County executives said recently blah blah blah.
And now they're concerned, the county executive, that a rally held in Uptown Kingston Saturday to protest coronavirus-related restrictions imposed by government leaders could lead to even more cases in Ulster County, Kingston.
In Ulster County.
Now, Alex, We have 178,000 people here.
In four months, four months, we've had 86 deaths.
Out of those 86 deaths, and this is a hard fact, over 50% of them came from nursing homes.
So now you'd cut that in half, right?
You have 43 deaths Out of 178,000 people, you have the grand total of 0.024% of the people here died.
By the way, that's what the doctors found in California three months ago.
The same number.
There you go.
It's like, you have a better chance of seeing the Easter Bunny than the... I mean, this is...
So now, they closed down... Oh, if you go back to the Daily Freeman, that paper, and you go to today's picture, the top story, a restaurant right across the street from here, Duos, and a pastry shop.
Out of business.
Got it?
Got it, clown boys who closed down the society?
Got it?
People are going broke all over the place.
For what?
For 0.024% of the people's time?
0.24% of the people died.
Now they're talking about new cases with fake tests.
So now it's about deaths, the record cases.
Yeah, the record cases add up to nothing.
Because when you look at the amount of people- How do you physically look at him?
I literally, when I see him, I want to strangle him.
Not wish any harm against him.
I just, I can't look at him.
Who, you mean Cuomo?
Cuomo too!
All, I mean, just, well, whoever.
They're up there, just, it's like, as soon as he finishes the press conference, he pulls the mask off.
It's all a big joke.
I know.
I know.
And this guy, Fauci, a jaw.
That's what Fauci means in Italian.
A little jaw-boning little freak.
A cazzone, as we would call him.
Anyway, that's what's going on.
Alex, the pressure that I had, you would believe because you've had much of it.
That's what I had.
I said, I'm going ahead with this.
Well, God bless you.
And I got a crew of fighters around me.
We're fighters.
And so that's what happened.
It was a perfect day.
And by the way, you know what I started it off with to unite peace?
Reading Martin Luther King's freedom speech.
Which all these little cowards forgot.
To unite black and white, Jew and Gentile.
We're all in this together.
And these little boys and girls.
Are trying to destroy the freedom that we have.
But I won't let them, you won't let them, and the people that listen to InfoWars won't let them.
We had a freedom fest, the Independence Day.
Beautiful, stay there, you're gonna take over, I'm gonna stop interrupting.
Darryl Celente takes over on the other side of this quick break.
Talk about it, you know, tune in right now, this is very important information.
How dare him quote Martin Luther King, that's racist.
Hello, hello.
Great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And look, if you want to go to OccupyPeace.com, OccupyPeace.com, listen to the speeches.
Judge Napolitano was excellent, is excellent.
What a man.
What a guy.
And he was he was just perfect.
As were some of the others.
Most of them.
All of them.
And the music, food.
It was a spectacular, spectacular time.
You see that tree standing in front of that?
That's a ginkgo tree.
That's about gigantic.
Again, this is the most historic Four Corners in America.
And you can see we red, whited and blue this place all over.
Made it as beautiful as we could possibly make it.
American flags hanging everywhere.
Peace and freedom.
So they went on to say, the event Saturday, sponsored by the organization Occupy Peace, drew hundreds of people who turned out to protest the imposition of what organizers called, draconian rules that have destroyed millions of businesses and lives.
And as we showed you, they destroyed millions of businesses and lives, one right around the corner from us.
We are going into the greatest depression, the likes of which we've never seen before.
In Florida, they locked down Miami-Dade.
And how come?
Well, because, well, those spikes went up, the coronavirus spikes.
Florida yesterday, they counted 26 deaths, excuse me, 46, out of 21 million people.
You know what that adds up to?
Adds up.
Oh, you don't care that people died?
Of course, like people die.
You got it.
We don't live forever.
Could you imagine that?
Again, the viruses again, you see it 46 deaths.
Out of how many people?
21 million.
And this is the headline news.
Non-stop, they keep pushing it out, pushing it out.
Here we go.
To date, some 1,043 people in Miami-Dade County over the past four months in a population of 2,745,000 died of the
virus, or 0.04% of the population.
And we go on to write, "A fact totally ignored by the fear-mongering prostitutes."
And absent in the coverage are the facts of who is dying from the virus.
Are they elderly in nursing homes?
Are they people suffering from pre-existing chronic diseases, obesity, type 2 diabetics, etc.?
But again, overall, 99.96% of the population Have not died from the virus is absent from the mainstream news media.
And the fact that millions of lives are suffering emotionally and financially from the unprecedented economic shutdown and tens of thousands of businesses are being destroyed are rarely discussed.
Arizona's governor closed down bars, movie theaters, gyms, water parks on June 29th, After state health officials voiced concern over 3,858 more cases of the virus reported the day before.
So far in a state of 7.3 million people, 1,588 have died, which is the grand total of 0.002%.
the day before. So far in a state of 7.3 million people, 1,588 have died, which is the grand
total of 0.002%. This goes on and on and on. How dare I, Gerald Celenti, fight for freedom
that the dictators are robbing from us.
And I also have to thank Neil Anderson, may his soul rest in peace, for generously contributing to Occupy Peace that helped us put this rally on.
And as everybody knows that does this, This doesn't come cheaply.
It cost a lot of money.
You can see we had first-rate everything.
Sound systems.
It was, it was the top.
So do what you can to support InfoWars.
You better start putting your money where your heart is.
Do what you can to support Occupy Peace.
Subscribe to the Trends Journal.
We can beat them.
They're cowards.
They're not fighters.
They would threaten to protest over here.
You have no idea.
Of course you do.
Alex Jones people have very good idea of the pushback we were getting.
They're cowards.
They were saying things about me that are totally untrue.
Accusations, total lies.
You know why they don't like me?
Because I speak out for my freedom.
And when somebody tries to screw with me, it's going to get ugly at the end.
You know, that's Salenti has a bad temper.
I told Salenti to go screw himself in my own proper way.
And he doesn't like that.
And he tells me what to do and how to do it, because if he doesn't, it's going to get ugly.
They don't like that.
Do what you can to support Alex Jones InfoWars.
Buy those products.
This thing is going down big.
This is just the beginning.
They're flocking out of New York City.
Hundreds of thousands.
The place is a shadow of what used to be.
A lot of them are moving up here, so I'm saying, oh, jeez, these gutless little liberals.
They're not liberals.
What they are are fascists.
They're moving out.
They're going to be coming up here.
Again, we told you this trend when it broke out in the world, in the Trends journal that they were going to be commercial real estate was going to decline rapidly, particularly in the densely populated big cities.
We said this in February, March, April, May, June, July.
Got it?
This isn't new news to subscribers.
We said You're going to see violence and protests like you haven't seen probably since 1968.
And you're seeing it.
And again, as I got criticized for holding this rally, they're holding Black Lives Matter rallies here two times a week.
En masse.
But no blowback against that.
Only against me.
Because I am opposed to having my rights and freedom robbed from me.
And when we come back, I'm going to show you the proof of what's going on.
And how they're singling us out.
And letting the protesters get away with anything they want to do.
Again, the pressure that I get.
You're on with Alex Jones as you bet I am.
Alex Jones is Alex Jones.
Gerald Solenti is Gerald Solenti.
InfoWars is a platform to let freedom ring.
And I'm on there.
We both respect each other.
And he respects all his guests.
Why wouldn't I want to be there?
Because you don't believe in it, and your mind is that small.
That's right, this 4th of July Super Sale continues, free shipping, double Patriot points.
So ring in the 4th!
And celebrate true patriotism by supporting the number one alternative news source in the fight for truth and against tyranny.
And they've added new specials every day to ring in this pivotal moment in American history.
Now you can take advantage of double Patriot points and free shipping for an extended period with these great deals.
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Boy, Storable Food, that's one you really gotta consider with what's going on and what's gonna be happening.
And Real Red Pill and Real Red Pill plus 60% off.
Final run, limited final supply available.
And again, those Storable Foods, all these products, this thing's going down big time.
We're gonna see, this is an America That we're going to be, if we don't change this around, into a civil war, and you want to be prepared for the worst.
And again, people say to me, oh, you're on Alex Jones, and you bet I am.
And a lot of Alex Jones warriors were at our Occupy Peace, Unite for Freedom, and Unite for Peace and Restore Freedom rally.
Loads of Info Wars shirts, it was great to see.
So, I said to you before, the hypocrisy.
You're allowed to march in Black Lives Matter, and the toilet paper record and all these other ones condemn me and others for holding rallies to have our freedom.
And again, the numbers don't add up of who's dying from the virus.
We do it in detail in the Trends Journal.
And just quickly, when I was a youth, Back in 1957-58, they had the Asian flu.
A million people died.
That's right, one million.
Out of a global population of three billion.
Today we have a population of 7.8 billion.
If the same percentage died, that died in 1978, Excuse me, 1957, 1958.
We'd have 2.6 million people dead by now.
Not 550,000 out of a population of 7.8 billion.
So here's the toilet paper record.
Despite mass Floyd protests, new infections remain down so far.
Oh, this was on Thursday.
As they were condemning me about holding a rally.
Their rallies are fine.
Excuse me.
Epidemiologists braced for a surge of new cases.
It has not come yet.
We've been looking very closely at the number of positive cases every day to see if there is an uptick in the context The protest said Ted Long, Executive Director of the New York City's Contact Tracing Program.
We have not seen that.
Another study involves a review of thousands of cases in China.
Found that only a single instance of outdoor transmission.
Wait a minute.
They're saying that we can't be outside.
But they're saying here That they only found a single instance of outdoor transmission.
And lowlife Andy Cuomo.
Yeah, you know him.
The daddy's boy born on third base, the arrogant guy, along with his little brother Chrissy boy.
Would be nothing if daddy wasn't Mario Cuomo, the governor.
When it broke out in New York City, most of the people who went to hospitals were already locked down.
They were from home.
Not people outside.
This is deadly to be walking around in fresh air with a mask on.
It doesn't jump out of the trees or hide behind one.
It's not floating in the air.
Why are you wearing that mask if no one's around?
I'll tell you why.
Because we're a nation of cowards and we believe the little freaks that shove it to us.
Like these guys are doing with their shove poles that the people take and bend over and take.
Why are you doing this?
Because we're cowards.
Other facts here.
In Minnesota, an initiative that targeted demonstrations found that 1.5% of them tested positive.
In Massachusetts, Fewer than 3% of the protesters did.
These numbers add up to nothing.
They add up to nothing.
And as far as the face masks, the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were saying that only people that were ill should be wearing them.
And then they did a 180 on it.
And we know that the virus comes in through other areas.
So, they're not as effective.
And how stupid can it be, when people are sitting down, and they're allowed to eat without a face mask, but when you stand up, you gotta put your face mask back on.
This is total, total insanity.
So how dare I, Gerald Cilenti, a man born to be free, hold a rally to fight against the draconian, unscientific laws That they have pushed down our throats.
And now you have it over there in Texas, too, with that little Abbott from Abbott and Costello.
Another little nothing boy, like most of them are, or nothing girls, to be perfectly, perfectly equal here.
Black, white, red, green, good, bad comes in all of them.
You got that witless over there up in Michigan.
Again, men, women, girls, boys, black, white, save it.
Good and bad comes in all of them.
America is turning into a racist state.
Look how they're promoting that Biden should pick a black woman.
I don't want, I don't care.
Black, white, green, yellow, transgender, upside down.
I can care less.
Give me the best person.
How about that?
How about Biden will pick the best person possible to be vice president.
That's why we have to unite for peace and to restore freedom.
The markets are up today some 400 points.
Gold is also up strong because gold knows that the markets are of sham being artificially pumped up by the Federal Reserve and the gangster banksters.
This thing's gonna go down like we've never seen before.
Travel's not going to come back.
This summer, how many businesses rely on summer business?
They're not coming back.
Restaurants closing down.
Yelp says 53% of them won't be reopening.
You better prepare for the future.
Buy those products.
We're going to have Brad Stein, one of the great, great martial artists, who very much admires my work, is going to be writing more about how to prepare for it in the Trends Journal.
And I'm a close combat guy.
I'm a fighter.
I fight for my freedom.
I don't get in fights to fight.
In close combat, you only get in a fight to kill.
And I don't want any of that.
I want peace.
But you have to prepare for the future.
InfoWars has the products.
2020 is a very special year to the globalists, to the occultists, to those that are into esoteric mysticism.
And they believe this is the year they're going to totally overthrow America and the world and bring in their anti-God, anti-human tyranny.
Well, we're here on air and we just ask you all to realize that we're in opposition to this evil and that only your word of mouth helps us reach new people.
I want to salute you all and thank you for your support.
I also want you to know that our 4th of July once a year mega sale is here and we've got a bunch of stuff at 50-60% off right now.
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It is now back in stock, sold out for over 3 months and it is at 50% off.
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makes it all possible. Plus, these are great things that God designed for you and your
family's bodies. Please take action.
Hollywood, the Democratic Party, the unelected EU bureaucracy, and the Fortune 100 corporations
are almost unanimously rooting against America, against the American people, and against our
President Donald Trump. They're all over the news saying the American century's over and
that America's quarantined and that COVID-19 was our fault and that the United States may
not even exist in the future and certainly isn't going to be a superpower.
We have to be politically more engaged than we've ever been before to stop this new world war takeover.
But we also have to understand that we have to reach out to God and pray and ask for God's intervention.
And we also have to be physically prepared for what's happening.
If you don't have a firearm and don't know how to use it, don't have ammo, you really should get some.
And you really should get high quality, storable foods and water filtration systems.
And in those two departments, water filtration and storable food, we have the highest quality at the best price you're going to find anywhere.
I would suggest now you get your storable food today.
It only takes about four weeks to ship it out to you.
So many others are sold out, but InfoWareStore.com has it and is ready to ship it to you.
The New World Order social engineers are all on record that their entire program is about domesticating us, dumbing us down, and making it to where we are not self-sufficient.
During the Great Depression in the 1920s, it's estimated by major universities that around 7 million Americans starved to death from malnutrition or died from diseases because their immune systems were run down.
Now, back then we were 90% rural, and almost everybody was self-sufficient.
Now we're 90% urban, and of the 10% that are rural, it's estimated that less than half of those are actually self-sufficient.
We are sitting on top of a time bomb.
We have been domesticated.
I know how to skin a buck and run a trot line, but I don't know one one-hundredth of what my grandfather knew.
I don't know one twentieth of what my dad knew.
And quite frankly, I've dropped the ball.
My children are city slickers.
They know how to shoot a gun, change a tire, that's about it.
We need to get back to the land, back to self-sufficiency, and back to being prepared.
And the way to start, ladies and gentlemen, is having friends and family with a bug-out plan if there is a total collapse, and water filtration, and food to last you at least a few months.
And the food we have is very high quality.
It's in great containers that are great to be mobile.
They have wide selection, special diets, you name it.
It's the best price you're going to find for quality food like this, and most importantly, All the other big companies have become fly-by-night.
They only keep a little bit of food on hand, and it's low quality, it's overpriced, if they even have it.
And they'll lie to you and say, oh, we ship in two weeks.
They're not.
They're still shipping in six to eight weeks if you can find it.
But our sponsor, we've been partnered with for 11 years, MyPatriot, has the food, has four plants in the United States, several sub-plants, And a lot of their food shipped out within two weeks, but on average it's about four.
But you need to get the orders in now in the lull before the storm.
I told you lockdown two was coming.
I told you they're going to have new versions of the virus.
The New World Order is making its move.
Whether Trump loses or wins, things are just going to get more crazy.
And this food lasts 25 years inside the containers.
So it's something you can hide, something you can bury, something you know is an ace in the hole for you and your family in the future.
And the little bit of profit that comes in funds the InfoWar to continue to warn the people.
So you're also funding InfoWars, the most powerful Paul Revere organization in the world, because it's powered by you.
Get ready, get prepared, spread the word.
Whatever you do, pray to God and get yourself right with God because this is the real deal and things only get crazier from here on out.
Good luck and God bless.
Go to M4Wars.com and get the Turbo Force.
I work long hours.
I work 18-19 hours a day sometimes.
Sometimes I work 24 hours because we're so short-handed with the coronavirus.
People don't want to come to work.
But some people are just taking an option and I'm cool with that.
But anyways, I take the TurboForce.
He's got a product called TurboForce All Natural.
Man, the energy is amazing!
I get about 10 hours worth of just sustained energy.
Sustained energy!
I'm recommending these websites.
I'm recommending these products not because I get paid.
I don't get a referral fee or anything like that.
This is just my personal experience.
I know their brands, but their brands and their websites, they're very famous.
A lot of people know who they are.
I take products from people that I've been listening to for years.
And I've been listening to InfoWars.com for years.
I've been listening to Dr. Root for years and years and years.
I've taken a lot of supplements from other companies, other places, and a lot of that crap is snake oil.
Believe me, snake oil.
But the TurboForce, I take that and I'm good for the entire day.
I'm good for like 12, 13 hours.
At least.
But anyways, I can't speak enough to it.
Working long hours.
I need it.
I need it.
TurboForce and 4Wars.com.