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Name: 20200609_Tue_Alex
Air Date: June 9, 2020
2359 lines.

The podcast discusses various topics such as information warfare, cult leaders, brainwashing, white parents and their role in the cultural revolution, David Rockefeller's involvement in globalism, leftist protests, defunding the police, and a new iodine spray product called Survival Shield X2 Spray. The host introduces Super Male Vitality, a formula designed to assist men in regaining vitality, energy, and overall wellness. They also touch upon how the media is unified in their censorship, the economy's potential recovery, and Trump needing a stronger team to counter the left's tactics. The podcast concludes with a mention of internet censorship and women entrepreneurs potentially joining Trump's agenda to build up small businesses.

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What I've said and you've said before for 25-30 years, it was DARPA that created the internet.
I was trained by Defense Advanced Research Project Agencies in the 70s at MIT.
It was started by DARPA.
It was started by the CIA.
And this has to do with the province and the government.
It has nothing to do with Zuckerberg.
It has nothing to do with Bill Gates.
And by the way, they know they're just frontmen and placeholders.
Why are they...
I guess it's a rogue coup trying to like take over our infrastructure.
On the surface it looks like a rogue coup, but in reality it's not a coup at all because they've been watching too many movies where they think if they can disrupt a certain number of cities, which by the way happen to be liberal, but by the way they're really in trouble, this is where you have the self-destructive ignorance.
I agree with you the blue states are committing Shepa coup, but I'm worried about them dragging us with them.
Why do they seem so confident?
They're confident because the arrogance of the liberal has always been the sine qua non of being a liberal.
That means you garner your wealth, whatever you did in before, like Nancy Pelosi, corruption, she was the daughter of mafioso, and basically garner her wealth and then goes out and make believe that she's a liberal, that she cares about blacks.
So it's almost a holier-than-thou activity of a bunch of sociopathic criminals.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Cult leaders determine what their followers are allowed to believe, even in their most private thoughts.
In order to do this, cults separate people from all they have known before.
They force their members to renounce their former lives, their countries, their customs.
They allow no loyalty except to the cult.
The first thing they attack, always, is the family.
Families are the main impediment to brainwashing and extremism.
That's true in every culture.
So if you're going to control individuals, if you're going to transform free people into compliant robots, the first thing you must do is separate them from the ones who love them most.
The important thing for white parents to keep in the front of our mind is that if black children in this country are not allowed innocence and childhood without fear of being killed by police or marginalized in some other way, then our children don't deserve innocence. If Tamir Rice can be shot dead in
a public park playing with a toy gun, something white children do all
over this country every day without the same fear of being shot, if Tamir
Rice can be killed then white children need to be told at least at the same age.
If they can't be innocent, we don't get to be innocent.
Who is behind this cultural revolution?
Who is behind this Maoist style takeover from the words of David Rockefeller himself in the New York
This whole thing is a Rockefeller-UN globalist experiment in China.
They believe it's been successful.
They're taking the planet over.
And that is the ideology.
That is what this entire system is, ladies and gentlemen.
The President of the United States of America awards this Presidential Medal of Freedom to David Rockefeller.
Through his extensive humanitarian efforts to promote world peace, David Rockefeller has worked to improve lives both at home and abroad.
His creation of and support for the Trilateral Commission has provided a unique forum for communication and problem solving by world leaders.
We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other publications, whose directors have attended our meetings and restricted their promises of discretion for almost 40 years.
It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity.
But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government.
The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident.
The United Nations can and should play an essential role in helping the world find a satisfactory way of stabilizing world population.
It's just incredible, ladies and gentlemen.
But it's okay, they're saying the leftists can demonstrate, they can protest.
But in leftist cities, the police will arrest you if you leave your house, still in many areas, or don't wear a mask or social distance.
But if you're out ranting and raving and calling for an abolishment of local government, well, you're a wonderful angel cake.
Because they have to overthrow government first to rebuild on it their nightmare New World Order system.
Black Lives Matter is not just a radical idea.
Making sure that we limit the size, scope, and scale of policing in this country.
Chanting breaks out in city council today during city budget discussions.
We don't want anybody to take a knee.
It does not give our communities the resources that they actually need for mental health care, for relief for COVID, from the things that would actually keep us safe, not cops.
We're calling for defunding the police.
Now when the cops wrongfully kill somebody and they all get indicted, the whole country melts down and then everybody's guilty for what some bad cops did.
And the left says dis- Arm and disband all the police?
Well who's going to go out and run all your leftist control systems?
They're not getting rid of the police.
The left are muscling in on the police and saying you're going to be leftist enforcers now or we're going to cut your funding.
That's all this is.
It's June 9th, 2020.
I'm David Knight, your host.
I'll be here at the very beginning.
Alex will be coming in later in the broadcast.
We'll have Steve Patrinik as well as Paul Joseph Watson.
I want to begin by taking a look at this, I don't know, will you call it shameful or ridiculous display that was put on by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and these other Democrats yesterday taking the knee in Capitol Hill.
Well, I think we've got some exclusive footage of it, don't we?
Let's roll that exclusive footage of the attack on the White House and then the submission.
Roll that footage.
[Sounds of a plane taking off]
There you can see them flying in.
[Sounds of a plane taking off]
[Sounds of a plane taking off]
Bazooka's nothing works.
And then the Democrat antifa mob here exercises some gun control by seizing the fully automatic weapon and snapping it.
Taking the door to the Oval Office, then.
You are the one they called President?
I I am.
I see you are practiced in worshipping things that fly.
Rise before Zod.
Oh, she does.
We'll now, um... Well, during the moment of silence, I'm sure that those who have been, uh... Kneel before Zod.
We will now kneel for our moment of silence.
So obedient.
There she is.
They take the knee.
You are not the president.
No one who leads so many could possibly kneel so quickly.
That's right, and yet they do kneel, don't they?
But they are expecting that you will be kneeling before their policies, because understand, it is their policies that are at the root of what they are complaining about.
You know, we had the family, the attorney for the family of George Floyd, Has now demanded that the United Nations intervene in what is going on here.
He wants them to investigate, to intervene, and to recommend what needs to be done here in America to fix all this.
The United Nations.
And one of the things that he mentioned in that was the militarization of the police and the militarized training.
He said, we've got this heavy equipment and so forth.
Does he not realize that this was put in Do you remember the NDAA and how they snuck into that annual authorization for the Defense Authorization Act?
They snuck in there, indefinite detention by the military without due process, even being able to render you to another country?
Where presumably you could be treated to torture and so forth by the government if they allowed that there.
Not being a citizen there, not having any constitutional Bill of Rights as they have worked so hard to destroy here.
We were very concerned about that when that happened, along with Republican support.
Because you know, hey, if they put it in there to support the military, we're not going to pull anything out.
We've got to give them the authorization to For the military to take American citizens and hold them without due process.
The Democrats didn't care because it was Obama.
And now they're complaining and using this as an effort to get more power.
This is all this is.
This is a power play.
They look like they are submitting, but they are not submitting.
This is as phony as the cloth that they have wrapped around their necks, the kente cloth.
And you have Democrats one after the other saying that what this is is the Democrats in blackface.
This is political blackface, said Keira Davis.
She said, uh, I've never known any white person to appropriate these patterns for a very public but vague cultural statement.
Until today, it's all so bizarre.
To me, it was nothing more than political blackface.
Pelosi and Schumer were donning the colors of a people and a movement that they know nothing about, and I would say they care nothing about.
If they cared about this, You would not have had the militarization of the police under Obama.
You would not have had the crime bill that Biden pushed.
They would be talking about ending the war on drugs, which is the root cause of the militarization of the police.
As I was saying this morning on the program that I have that precedes this one, and again you can track it every morning, 9 to noon, Eastern Time.
It's live on InfoWars.
As I was saying this morning, we go back and look at the history of this, and we look at how they have used this war on drugs to eliminate due process, to do no-knock SWAT team raids.
When you go back to the Rodney King riots, it was Daryl Gates Who was a police chief in L.A.
and he was the first person to really embrace SWAT teams and armored personnel carriers and the militarization of the police and what did he do?
When you had a similar situation, you had a, you know, the Rodney King arrest and beating and the optics on it just enraged the black community.
They were dragging people like Reginald Denny out of his truck, beating him just because he was white.
So because of the violence that they saw of the police officers, whether or not it was justified, they were coming after white people, not even the police.
But the police were not taking any chances.
They used all of that militarized power not to protect businesses, not to protect neighborhoods, but to protect themselves.
Daryl Gates circled the wagons around the City Hall and the police departments.
They protected themselves.
And we see the same pattern happening today.
No matter how militarized, no matter how much power is given to the police, they will leave people to defend themselves.
And so when we look at this shameless posturing that's being done by Pelosi and others, recognize it for what it is, and understand that these reforms that they were passing out to you and telling you to defund the police, and we need to reform the police.
That's the real problem.
They don't want you to reform the police.
They want you to get rid of the police.
But they're not going to get rid of their policies.
So who is going to enforce these policies?
As Tucker Carlson said, you're going to see the weaponization of this Black Lives Matter, racist identity politics.
You're going to see that weaponized.
You can already see it in terms of what is allowed with free speech.
Anytime you say something that is against the established narrative, and this goes back to COVID-19, If you suggest, just merely suggest, that you might have hydroxychloroquine, or you might have some other treatment, maybe it's intravenous vitamin C, maybe it's stem cells, you will not be allowed to say that.
You will immediately be punished, just as today you are immediately punished if you talk about some solution to this other than jumping in on the racism crisis that they've created.
Just as they had focused on a lockdown followed by vaccination, They've now focused on racism, followed by Black Lives Matter.
And in the next segment, we're going to talk about the history of Black Lives Matter.
BLM, the M really stands, you could just call it blacks, liberals, and Marxists because it has had a deep basis in Marxism.
If you go back and you look at its origins, going back to 2013, that's when we first had that term used.
But when we look at what they're proposing, they do not want to remove the tools of oppression They turn their eyes away from whenever the Democrats have enacted these structures.
They make it purely about politics.
And we've got to focus on this and make sure that we don't give a pass to Republicans or to Presidents who destroy our liberties as well.
Because you understand that the things that are put in place now Whether it is surveillance in the name of tracking looters, or surveillance in the name of tracking people who are infected, or whether it is vaccines that are going to help us to get out of lockdown, those are going to be used against us by people that we don't like, not just the people that we love.
They may use it against us as well.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Folks, what we are seeing is a complete Cultural revolution, a complete political and economic revolution.
You have to understand the looting of this country began with the lockdown.
We have seen more wealth transferred from the middle class and from Main Street to the elite and to Wall Street than ever in history.
As they decided that the large companies were essential but your small business was not.
And as I said at the very beginning, it's very much like what Mao did to eliminate any opposition.
He was worried that it was going to come from the middle class, so he destroyed the middle class with his Cultural Revolution, with his Great Leap Forward.
He purged them out of the cities, took them out of their homes, put them out in the fields, ostensibly to raise more food, and yet You had 80 million people starved to death because it was about his power.
And let me tell you what you're seeing right now with Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, all this Black Lives Matter.
They don't believe Black Lives Matter.
This is not about racism.
This is about their political game.
And it essentially comes down to power coming out of the barrel of the gun and who is going to be holding the guns.
You know, they are setting up as part of this radical revolution And as I said this morning on the program before this one, I said what we've seen here is a blitzkrieg information war.
This is a lightning war.
We've never seen this combination of firepower between the mainstream media owned by three or four companies, everything that you see in broadcast media, everything that you see in entertainment controlled by three or four companies, and social media.
Everything that you are allowed to say.
Everything that you're allowed to see and hear on social media, controlled by three companies.
This kind of power, this kind of concentration of power, is similar, I think, to what happened at the beginning of World War II.
You know, we just had on Sunday the anniversary of D-Day, and of course the Antifa people claimed it as their own, and many people in the mainstream media said, oh look, you know, what we had going on D-Day Was the biggest Antifa rally ever?
No, it wasn't.
Antifa are looters, thieves, liars, terrorists.
They are not the soldiers who defeated the Nazis.
And what we have to understand is that it is not just a radical restructuring of our economy.
Destroying the middle class, getting people accustomed to a universal basic income, which has been the plan for decades.
The UN 2030 Agenda, smart cities, universal basic income.
They are manipulating you.
They did this very quickly, in the same way that even though we had airplanes in the First World War, they did not realize the power of the airplanes, the power of the blitzkrieg, the lightning war.
We don't realize how powerful this new propaganda power is.
But they've been able to radically alter society on a global scale now.
Two times within three months.
With both a lockdown and now with a looting.
And you've got people on both sides scared to death by this blitzkrieg of information war.
And they're calling for more government power.
And we have to be very careful about the solutions that they have prepared for us.
You have one of the people in Minneapolis, as they're talking about dismantling the police department there, even on CNN, Allison Camarado's kind of, well, I'm not really too sure about what you're talking about here, asked about those people who might be concerned about their personal safety.
And the person she was talking to from the Minneapolis City Council, the president, Lisa Bender, and of course they were the ones, the city council were the ones who voted to defund the police and did it over the objections of the mayor.
And so the president of the city council was there on CNN and she said, such concerns come from a place of privilege.
You understand that?
It comes from a place of privilege.
People are now experiencing the reality of life for Americans, African Americans.
This is what they always say about communists, right?
They have nothing and they want to share it with you.
These people have anarchy.
They have fear.
They have violence.
And they want you to share in that with them.
They don't want to end the fear and the violence that they have created in the African-American communities across the country, especially in the countries that are run by black Democrats.
Places like Baltimore and Chicago.
No, no, no.
They don't want to end that fear and violence.
They want you to experience it.
That's what this is really about.
And so, Allison Camerato then came back and said, do you understand the word dismantle?
Or police-free also makes some people nervous, for instance?
What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into?
Who do I call?
Well, yeah, who do you call?
Who do you call when you have a riot?
As I said before, as we've seen in the LA riots, as we've now seen across the country, the people who are organized to defend themselves.
I played a clip last week.
From a black Chicago woman who was absolutely over the top.
We had to heavily censor the language for the broadcast.
But she was putting out one F word after the other and one ethnic slur after the other.
She was outraged that there were Arabs and a black person surrounding a business holding rifles.
And she used every slur she could think of to condemn them.
How dare you?
Just get away and let people have that stuff.
You know, you're going to kill somebody over your stuff, your stuff you got from China and so forth.
Yeah, you know, nobody did anything.
It was a deterrent.
And that's the point of the Second Amendment.
I've had liberals engage me many times and I said the fundamental purpose of the Second Amendment is not to go hunting.
It is not even about self-defense.
It is about protecting yourself from a government that is out of control.
Well, you can't do that.
They said the same things that you've heard from Eric Swalwell, from Beto O'Rourke, and also from Joe Biden mimicking them, saying, oh, we got big weapons, we got nuclear weapons, we got jets, we got fully automatic weapons, and so forth.
Well, you know, that hasn't really worked out well for them in the asymmetric warfare areas where they have occupied Iraq, they've occupied Afghanistan, they have been defeated over and over again after a conventional warfare that went really, really well.
And George W. Bush says, mission accomplished.
And then they decide they're going to do nation building.
And they get bogged down into a quagmire with people who don't really have anything like comparable weapons.
And they've never really won one of those wars yet.
And if they're smart, they won't do that to the American people.
That's what the Second Amendment is about.
It's about mutually assured destruction, just like the Cold War was about.
Both sides having nuclear weapons.
Fortunately, neither side was crazy enough to use it.
Will the Democrats be crazy enough to try to take the guns, especially in this kind of a situation?
Well, they may take us into that area.
As Tucker Carlson said yesterday, and he was called out on Huffington Post, they were angry about the fact The Carlson said, imagine if the Black Lives Matter rioters had weapons and immunity from prosecution.
That's what they're talking about when they talk about partisan law enforcement.
Here's a new rule and it defines everything.
You are not allowed to question Black Lives Matter in any way, full stop.
And we've seen this over and over again already in terms of the digital public square.
I mean, just look at the examples that we've seen of this New Age religion of worshipping Black Lives Matter and their patron saint, George Floyd.
We've seen a police chief prostrate on the ground.
We've seen other police doing foot washings.
And you see these other Democrats kneeling.
Well, we have someone else that we kneel to, and Christ is not being kneeled to by the churches.
That's the biggest problem.
Welcome back, I'm here for one more segment and then Alex Jones will be joining the program and taking it over.
I just want to talk in this short period of time that I've got about what is going to happen in terms of the Democrats' program.
If you look at this program that was put out after Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats took a knee, they introduced their so-called reforms.
They call it Justice and Police Act, and the only thing that they talk about that is an actual reform is to reform qualified immunity, which is something that the Supreme Court imposed in 1982, unilaterally, as they do so many things out of the Supreme Court.
But the rest of this stuff is basically racial.
You have racial stats and quotas are going to be kept on everything that the police do.
You're going to have training about racial bias.
They're going to make lynching a federal crime.
Now, do we have a lot of lynchings that are going on?
But see, lynching is a dog whistle, again, for race.
So it's all about race.
Except it's not about race.
It's about government and about mismanagement of the Democrats and also the one other thing that they're doing here is change the use of force and other standards from a federal level.
You understand that this is a federal takeover of local policing, which is the last thing that we want.
I mean, that is even more dangerous than defunding the police at a local level.
I mean, if you defund the police in one town and it doesn't work out, that doesn't affect the other towns.
But if you change policing from the federal level This is why for the longest time the John Birch Society has talked about supporting your local police, your local sheriff, whatever.
And that's really what I do support.
The sheriffs are elected.
We didn't have any police in the United States until 1828, and we didn't have much of it very widespread until the 20th century.
Institutions change.
And we need to understand that they can change for the better or for the worse.
We have, as Frank Serpico pointed out, you have bad actors that are going to be in any human institution.
The key thing that has to be done is those bad actors have to be purged.
And if you don't purge those bad actors, then that corrupts the institution itself.
What we have seen, and the core problem in most of these police departments, is that when you have a bad actor, even if the police chief or the sheriff or the mayor wants to get that person out, The police union stops that.
The immunity means that they have no responsibility for what they're doing.
And as I pointed out this morning, when we look at people and individuals and institutions and businesses that are given legal immunity, that is an incentive to corruption.
Just take a look at the immunity that's been given to the vaccine companies.
We don't want that.
At any level.
It is a corrupting factor here.
But we especially do not want the federal government controlling law enforcement.
That should be done locally.
When you look at what happens with these riots, what happened in L.A., when Darrell Gates refused to use his militarized police department to protect people, and now we've seen this again.
What happened was the power of the community.
People Got together and protected their neighborhood, or they protected their business, because the police were not doing that.
So one of the reasons why Sturm and Ruger have gained 17.5% in just one month, because so many people are buying guns.
But now the Liberals.
Tom Arnold says that Liberals should borrow our dad's hunting rifles.
Yeah, is Tom Arnold still living in his mom and dad's house?
Is he living in the basement or something?
Second Amendment is for everybody, he says.
Oh, really?
It is?
Wow, I've never seen a liberal say that.
Then he goes, but it's effing time for us white liberal men to stand up for our brothers and sisters.
We need to borrow our dad's hunting rifles and go nose-to-nose with Trump's gang of misfit tools.
Okay, okay, there you go.
That's his idea.
Because that's really what they're trying to do.
They're trying to start a race war.
And that's what he's pushing on social media.
The problem is, is that when we have, as we've seen many police officers in this lockdown say, and police chiefs say, I'm not going to enforce these laws.
They are unconstitutional.
They can tell me to do it, but I'm not going to cite anybody.
I'm not going to shut down any businesses.
And you've seen police officers who have taken to social media and many of them have been fired.
We just had a police chief forced to resign after he supported citizens who armed themselves during a riot.
So these people who are talking about the abuse of power still want to have power concentrated in their hands, just like Chairman Mao.
And that is why they're destroying the middle class.
That's why they're pushing this.
They do not want to have reform.
Let me give you another example of this.
Who will replace the police?
Well, the Daily Mail talks about what Black Lives Matter and MPD 150 and other activists are saying they want to see happen.
Here are some examples.
Well, you know, we got this problem now, but I think we'll solve that by having more homeless shelters.
Or maybe what we will do is we'll legalize marijuana.
Well, that hasn't stopped crime in California, has it?
And locking people up for that.
Look, Eric Garner was choked to death because he was selling cigarettes as individual cigarettes.
They called them Lucy's.
Why did he do that?
He did that because tobacco is so heavily taxed in New York that it makes it profitable for people to buy the cigarettes in another state, bring them in, and sell them as individual cigarettes.
And so that was a minor infraction.
And it was an overreaction, to say the least, of the police to choke him to death for violation of a minor infraction.
But understand that legalizing marijuana isn't going to do anything.
Tobacco is legal.
But you can tax it so much that you create a black market for it.
And then you send out police.
Or maybe even community organizers with a badge.
Who will eventually, when push comes to shove, wind up choking or shooting or using non-lethal force in a way that is lethal.
They say better handling of drug offenses to stop the criminalizing of communities of color.
Nowhere do the Democrats or even Black Lives Matter, even Black Lives Matter, nowhere do these people talk about ending the war on drugs.
The war on drugs has been the core of police corruption, of the abuse of power, of the militarization of the police, of creating a lucrative black market monopoly between these drug gangs.
It has caused black people to be locked up with Biden's crime bill with the mandatory minimum at a rate higher than any society has ever locked people up.
But they're not looking at any of these problems to solve.
They're looking to use this as racism.
Today I talked about in great detail, and I don't have enough time to talk about it, but I was sent by Mark Hall, who I've interviewed numerous times.
About his documentary, Killing Ed, where he talks about charter schools and how you have some corporations, in the worst case is the Fatala Gulen organization, that operates in every other country as Islamic madrasas, getting massive amounts of money, about 750 million dollars, the last time I saw the figures on it.
But that was a worst case example, but he has lived in Germany and he sent me a picture going back to 1932-33, the KPD.
And the flag, if you can zoom in on the desk here and you can see this, now this is black and white print, but the flag is actually the same called Antifascista Action.
And the flag is exactly like the Antifa flag.
This is a long-term communist group.
And as I mentioned today, I went down the list of people and organizations that are behind this.
They are communist organizations.
They have been funded by people who are socialists and communists.
They pull together The race war, going back to the weather underground, Bill Ayers, he went into education because he wanted to push white privilege.
They called it white skin privilege.
When he stopped bombing buildings, when he stopped killing police officers, he decided that he would bomb your children's minds.
And now what we have seen through Common Core and the federalization of education, we've now seen thoroughly radicalized youth.
Pushing the agenda of these Marxist organizations using a race war because they couldn't do it with a class war.
using a race war to overthrow American society and reset it to their dystopia.
There are now over 50 Metropolitan Police officers that have been injured, some of them seriously.
And yet my argument here isn't against equality of opportunity.
It's not to say there may not still be things in society that aren't perfectly fair.
But it is to say this, and to say it very, very clearly.
This Black Lives Matter movement is a dangerous Marxist organisation, hell-bent on anarchy.
And we need to wake up, get some facts into our heads, and understand what it is we're fighting.
The main agenda of the Black Lives Movement and Black Lives Matters is the defunding of the police force.
That's right.
They want to effectively close down the established police force in the United States of America.
And that's what the key activists in this country want to do as well.
They're aiming at a radical redistribution of wealth.
They're hinting at assets Being taken from private companies and put into the hands of workers.
I mean, look, this is a little bit like, you know, the 1917 Lenin Manifesto, which saw the Communist Revolution.
And that's exactly what this is.
And everybody's sitting here flat-footed, laughing at the left, because you see what clowns the minions are.
But it's not clowns on top of it, it is The most powerful, wealthy, rich people on the planet that are ruthless and cold-blooded and know that we have a heart and know that we care, so they use our altruistic nature as weakness and are totally dominating society.
If you want to rebel against the man and against the system, then it's the multinational megacorporations That have set China up as the model of planetary control and it is absolute, pure, unadulterated, complete evil on its face.
So yes, you see the throngs and the masses that they have brainwashed out there as cannon fodder.
And you have to understand that as they domesticate more people, It's only going to get worse.
And that this is true organized corruption.
So here's what I want to do today.
I want to open the phones up for the balance of the next three hours.
and I want to take your phone calls on the subjects of what's unfolding in the world.
We are going to attempt as good as we can to break down and lay out
Exactly what's happening and exactly what's unfolding.
And I have to tell you, when you sit there and you try as best you can to watch and to listen to all the things the left are up to, And to see the media misrepresent everything they engage in, this is a pure conversion over to evil that has happened with the average leftist.
There are video after video after video where they throw themselves on the hoods of people's cars and act like they fall down and act like that they've been attacked.
And the media says, oh look, someone tried to ram them down and kill them.
All trying to repeat Charlottesville over and over again.
So it's like a big satanic drama club of victimology control freaks over and over and over again, repeating the same garbage.
And I've experienced it where they come up to your table, they say, we're going to kill you, we hate you.
And they're waiting at the exit.
And then they shoot video and you yell back at them and say, Alex Jones came to my table and harassed me.
Or they burn down homeless people stuff in downtown Austin and then just say, we did it.
And the news runs with it.
And it's that coupling of mainstream media with these criminal mobs that is so incredibly dangerous.
And the United States is not the former Soviet Union.
It is not communist China.
It has a different history and it's going to be explosive what unfolds.
In this nation.
I've got articles here.
We're out in California suburbs are defending themselves from armed mobs.
Just peacefully standing in front of their businesses and the media is calling them terrorists and vigilantes because they don't let groups of white meth heads dressed in black come and burn down their businesses.
It's just simply insane.
We also have big developments.
Here in just a moment that we're going to play for you dealing with an exciting new announcement.
But Prince Andrew won't be extradited to the U.S.
over Jeffrey Epstein, says Attorney General.
What's really all behind that?
US Prosecutor Spahr with Prince Andrew, an Epstein attorney.
Now, we are also...
We're going to look at the whole ongoing COVID hoax that we told you four months ago will never go away and will never stop.
The EU, the UN, and Spain are announcing it's never going to end.
You're never going to not wear a mask.
You're never going to be able to leave your house without apps on your phone that tell you when you can.
It's the post-human world.
It's the panopticon megaopolis lockdown.
They said they do.
And now it's here.
I made a film 13 years ago called Endgame.
It has everything in it because they said they'd do it.
It is a dystopia.
It is not about your safety.
And COVID-19's a hoax.
The death numbers are a hoax.
All of it's a fraud.
But they can always have their false test and counted by the dies of car wrecks, gunshot wounds, you name it, saying they test positive for COVID.
It's all a fraud to leverage up the deaths and then bring back the deaths and sit there and idle it up, idle it down, rev it up, rev it down.
This is the medical tyranny of Bill and Melinda Gates of the New World Order.
We are now inside of it.
We are now absolutely inside of this medical tyranny, but we can break out if we admit it.
Oh, it's now in the news that the Amazon and the Apple and the Google Home Assistants will now bark Black Lives Matter orders at you.
See, last week it was take over Spotify and take over Apple and take over everything.
Tell you that white people are bad.
Take over your devices.
Now they're just going to shout orders at you while they listen to you.
And why not?
You took devices into your house that are hooked into megacorporations that listen to you.
You let pedophiles come and teach your children in public school.
And so they think it's a green light to take everything you've got, I've got, everybody's got.
So I'm going to start the next hour, get to all this news, and take your phone calls throughout the rest of the transmission today.
Really appreciate the crew, and I appreciate all the radio stations, TV stations, and David Knight sitting in the first 45 minutes.
I had to be in family court yesterday.
That's why I missed the first hour.
And then today I had an extraction of a broken tooth set up months ago.
COVID-19 shut that down.
It took longer for them to get to me, so they pulled this molar.
That's been done.
We're going to go to break.
Here's the big announcement.
The reason you should buy our new Atomic Iodine Spray is because Atomic Iodine is so incredibly good for your body and because almost no one else is on the market selling true Atomic Iodine.
Now it's listeners that started about four months ago begging for us to put a spray bottle on our X2 iodide.
So we looked into it and the formula we have is not best delivered through a spray bottle.
So we went to scientists and developers and they said actually it's another great way to aerosolize it and deliver it into the body to reformulate it with this particular type of glycerin and this type of spray bottle.
But the real reason I went ahead and decided to develop this is I don't like having to take the bottle of X2 around with me that's got the dropper.
That's good for at home, in my medicine cabinet, and in my kitchen.
But then I tend to forget when I'm on the road or I'm on...
Business trip or vacation to take it with me.
And the spray bottle is really a refreshing way to do it.
It also soothes my throat and my larynx.
I obviously talk a lot.
And so once we got in some of the test bottles a few months ago, I was blown away and I'm now personally hooked on it.
And this is the way I like to take my X2.
So it's proprietary.
It just came in.
It's 33% off.
It's amazing.
And if you don't know, What iodine is and why it's so important, the soils are
depleted, most of the food is depleted, most of the other types of iodine that are out there are
bound to other substances and the body has trouble absorbing them. That's not the case with our
nascent iodine system. It's atomic, it's pure, it's very, very clean. And what it does for your
thyroid and the rest of your body is "essential." Iodine is essential, like oxygen, like
water. You have to have it. And one of the best ways to get it is the original X2 or now X2 in the
spray bottle. I would take advantage of this right now. I'm very excited about it. By having it in
the car, I don't forget to take it.
And again, we're discounting it out of the gates at 33% off at fullworthstore.com.
I am so angry about what's going on inside the New World Order.
That I can barely contain myself into these broadcasts anymore.
I knew about the New World Order.
I knew about the Globalists.
I knew about their plans.
Really like nobody else does other than the people that run it.
But it's another thing to actually see them launching it and really letting us know they're going into the depths of it.
I was doing some research last night.
I'll cover this at the bottom of the hour.
into 7277, State Department ran 7277 and then public law that came out of it. It is the law
of the United States. It was passed into law as State Department policy and it calls for the total
disarmament of the American people and just now folks are starting to pay attention to it.
Last night, I text messaged folks that I know that have worked for the CIA and the FBI and other places, a couple different people.
And they said, I've never seen 7277.
I said, look at this.
I said, I'm a CIA.gov link talking about it.
And if one thing got Kennedy killed, it was this.
You know, I don't think Kennedy overall was a bad guy, but he was really buying into this world government business.
And he did buy into the gun confiscation plan.
And it got him killed.
It was the last straw when they finally said, he's dead.
And a lot of people that meant well were involved in killing Kennedy.
But then it was an even more evil globalist group that was behind trying to get Kennedy to do the gun confiscation that was opening up China, and had this New World Order plan that he was actually opposing.
So that's why this gets so sophisticated and so, so complex.
We would have been a lot better off if they hadn't killed Kennedy, because they would have tried this gun confiscation out in the open, and the UN is going to take over, and it's a good thing that Kennedy was believing all this.
But right at the end, he tried to abolish the Federal Reserve.
for the pull us out of Vietnam. He was smoking the peacenik dope that was only one wing of the
new world order. He didn't have full spectrum analysis and neither does Trump. And I don't
say that from a position of I'm so smart, you know, the average high-level politician doesn't
understand this. They've been picked and chosen because they're compartmentalized.
Trump came in from the outside, from entertainment and from the service industry and was able to get
in by riding a populist wave that Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller brought to him as his operating
And Trump was familiar with it because of his father and because of Roy Cohn and the Jerome Burt Society and identified with it.
But it wasn't Trump's main operating system.
Now he's been further inducted into understanding of the deep state by having it try to barbecue and electrocute his arse.
So when we come back, we'll talk about what David Knight points out.
George Floyd is now the patron saint.
We can rewind that and show that when we come back.
He's now the patron saint of the takeover of the police, because this is not abolish the police.
This is intimidate, come in with federal and globalist money.
This is Operation Strong Cities.
Hey guys, print me something on Strong Cities.
Loretta Lynch wants you in to oversee police departments.
Breitbart Infowars AP.
That's what this is!
And just as it was in 1963, it is today.
There's George Floyd, the patron saint of the left.
How many days of funerals?
How many days of...
Absolutely, just knowing that it touched our hearts seeing him beg for his life.
And so now, since our hearts touched, we're all guilty.
We're all bad.
And we have to kneel.
We have to kneel to Sardum.
We have to kneel to Lucifer.
We have to bow to the New World Order.
But it's gone too far with white Democrats dressed up in Kwanzaa outfits, stumbling around in the congressional Rotunda.
That is all coming up.
Absolutely jam-packed transmission.
And again, wild horses couldn't drag me away.
I'm in a good spot right now.
My mouth is still numb.
Having a molar that has been cracked and rotting for many years.
Finally removed.
My wife will be happy.
Because that bugger did not have a good smell to it.
Even if I brush my teeth five times a day.
The circle is now complete.
When we return, we're going to launch into all of it and take your phone calls.
I'm Alex Jones.
Remember, the only way we reach new people is when you decide to override the censors and spread the links to newswars.com forward slash show, infowars.com forward slash show.
All right, I want to open the phones up throughout the rest of the transmission as we enter the second hour.
I want to cover a ton of news from around the world and really try to bring folks up to speed as best I can on what we're really facing.
But what I want to do today is I want to open the phones up for leftists who've woken up to tell their stories.
People that were in Antifa, people that were in the Communist Party, people that were in Black Lives Matter, to call in and tell us your story of what you witnessed and what you saw.
I also want to open the phones up Four leftists that really do think Trump's bad and really do think that abolishing the police is a good idea and who really think that the Democrats and the globalists have your best interests at heart.
I'd love to respectfully hear from you if you seriously disagree.
And there's a third group.
I'd like to hear from people who have been helped by police And I like to hear from people who've been wronged by police.
And I personally was wronged by police.
Growing up in Dallas, I was not a big drug user.
And I knew that police were dealing the drugs in Rockwall County where I live.
They later busted the sheriff dealing drugs.
They later busted a bunch of the police department dealing drugs.
Texas Monthly heard me talk about that when research had found out it was all true.
And they would pull me over With my friends, when I was 13, 14, 15, I had older friends who were driving, a lot of times girlfriends, and they'd search the car and find a six-pack of Coors and take us to Juvenile.
And I'd be like, man, I saw you three years ago deliver ecstasy and marijuana to that pool party.
Because I lived in a wealthy area, you know, McMansions and mansions and swimming pools.
I'd see my friends' moms getting drugs delivered to them.
I'd be at a party where the high school kids were there, college kids.
And I mean, sometimes they'd pull up cops in their private truck, but they'd be in uniform with a jacket on and hand them a bag of drugs.
So when the very cop that's a drug dealer is taking me to jail, I'm like, hey, buddy, I saw you deliver drugs.
That's when they flipped out, threatened to kill me.
A couple of years into it, they told my dad, through our lawyer, they said, you need to move out of here.
Or your son's gonna end up being hung dead in the jail.
So are there bad police departments?
You better believe there are.
And can police be oppressive and do bad things?
You bet.
Can the courts do it?
It's our system though.
And you look at the other systems, they're even worse.
And it's all about the character of the people and how we stand up and what we say no to.
The TSA is a total hoax.
Islamists attack us, the borders are wide open, but they're going to grope your genitals.
Don't blame the average TSA agent.
If you want to do civil disobedience and opt out, that's great, but don't say they're the problem.
We let Congress do this.
We need to change the law.
Just like we need vaccine liability, vaccine damage liability, where they can hurt you with the vaccines or kill you or your family, and then it's secret court.
If you can jump through 100 hoops, you get paid a paltry sum.
Average is about $100,000 for people that die.
Your kid dies, you get 100 grand.
You get paralyzed, you get 100 grand.
So there's a lot of things we need to change, but us just killing each other because we're black or we're white or because it's the cops is wrong.
And I gotta tell ya, crime's been going back up because with all the Trayvon Martin Justice Department financed garbage to create a race war for the last six, seven, eight years, the police are slow rolling into black communities.
And that is causing people to be fed on by criminals that know that they can't get in trouble.
And I'll just say it, George Floyd was in security.
A lot of people at nightclubs or drug dealers, we all know security usually deals with drugs in a place that's corrupt.
He drops a baggie out of his pants when he's in the surveillance video.
He had enough fentanyl to kill two grown men in him.
But he's now the patron saint.
We've actually got a funeral going on with him as a saint.
As an angel with wings, ladies and gentlemen.
Maybe we can back that up five minutes and show the viewers.
But this is ridiculous.
I'm sad he's dead, but a Christ-like figure he is not.
And I'm not taking on the guilt of the police officers that have all been indicted.
What is it?
Five of them that were there.
I didn't do that.
And I'm not going to take on some guilt because of what color I am.
That is cult brainwashing.
That is the essence of being an occult.
And now, Black Lives Matter is coming out saying, if your family isn't for Black Lives Matter, and that means the George Soros Planned Parenthood, break up the traditional family, abort black babies, adopt a Marxist-Leninist worldview, they just use black people as a shield, as a cover, as a sales point.
Oh, you're guilty about black people being mistreated sometimes?
Well, you just better do whatever the new old order says.
That's all this is, and now there he is up there as the patron saint, George Floyd.
Think about that.
And think about, are you going to take this guilt on?
I mean, here's an example.
There is 10 to 1 black on white crime in this country by every crime statistic there is.
We'll pull up this article, Instagram censors FBI crime stats graph as hate speech.
This is the FBI's own numbers.
And if you look at the whites killed by blacks, it's 9.63.
Blacks killed by whites, it's 0.77, or more than 10 times more likely for blacks to kill whites.
Blacks killed by blacks is 53.94.
Compared to blacks killed by whites, 0.77.
So where's the problem?
The left destroyed the black community.
They've delegitimized, they've broken up the families, they've shipped drugs into it, welfare.
This is their plan for everybody.
They admit it's total domestication and enslavement.
Look at these numbers.
White on black, 959,778.
59,000 versus 547,000 black on white attacks.
This is what they arrest you for in Europe, in Germany or Sweden, if you show statistics
that are exactly the same there, except it's Muslim against white.
When you pull up these numbers there, they will arrest you if you even say the race of someone that attacked somebody, unless they're white.
So this is what the left's covered up.
They brought in groups, taught them to hate the country they're in, and taught them that whiteness is inherently bad, and then tell whites, you're guilty for these cherry-picked events that we blow up mountains out of molehills, and then we say you're all guilty.
That's a cult.
Look at these headlines.
New York Times columnist demands white people ditch family members who don't support Black Lives Matter.
Well, I thought Scientology's bad when they tell family members that don't support it you're supposed to ditch it.
But the real culture, folks, is the Democratic Party.
Everything they do is cult-like.
We're gonna go to break.
We're gonna come back and show you the Democrats bowing again, this time House members, wearing Kwanzaa outfits.
There's no end to the virtue signaling.
But with Trump, he doubled, more than doubled, funding for black colleges and specifically earmarked $100 billion in tax breaks for corporations to relocate in predominantly black areas and even put earmarks on it.
That it was supposed to go to minorities to have those jobs.
I almost think that's discriminatory, but if you want to firehose jobs and infrastructure at people instead of just checks to go buy Democrat drugs with, That's what you do.
Because the Democrats, when you're on Skid Row in Austin or Skid Row in LA, you go down there and there's an open-air drug market, disgusting drugged-out prostitutes on fentanyl, and they all get their paycheck.
There's local leftist groups that sign them up for other welfare they can get, and the leftist groups take about a third of the money on average.
And they'll be getting $100,000, $200,000 a year to somebody that's got a disability.
And that person is in a wheelchair on fentanyl, doesn't know what planet they're on, and the local leftist groups will be in three-story, five-story buildings all around downtown, right there milking them like they're a cow.
They go sign them up, they make sure they stay on the fentanyl or the drugs, and then those local community groups milk the homeless drug addict.
And that's all this is, a milking operation.
And then to distract from what the Democrats are doing, oh, look, a cop in a Democrat city trying to do chokeholds by the Democrats.
Let's make it all about white people and Republicans everywhere.
Let's all make it their fault.
All right, next segment, I'm going to take calls until about 15 minutes in the next hour.
Then Dr. Steve Pachetnik, former head of psychological warfare of the State Department and the CIA, will be joining us to gauge this whole attempted globalist uprising and how to counter it.
The toll-free number to join us on this June 9th transmission, with 146 days out from the election, is 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
With your quick pro-police story, your quick synopsis anti-police story or bad story, your whistleblowing inside a leftist organization, Those are the type of questions I want to ask here.
If you're a leftist that disagrees with me, and wants to explain how you think all this rioting and death and attacks are good, then I want to hear from you.
877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
But I do want to get to your call, so just have your point and we'll move to the next person.
I don't want to sound rude when I hang up on you.
Okay, let's get into the cult brainwashing.
So the New York Times and the major universities and all of them are lockstep, whether it's Europe, whether it's in Australia, whether it's here in the United States or Canada.
White people are inherently bad.
It's original sin to be white.
This is the most racist stuff you could ever imagine.
But if you don't agree with that, you're racist.
And so now they have the senators.
Had the moment of silence Friday and then get on their knees.
Well now, we've seen Nadler and Pelosi, but they wanted to one-up, we're going to play the audio here in a moment, the Senators.
So they all wore Kwanzaa outfits and Kwanzaa masks.
I guess some type of like Kenyan pattern.
Talk about virtue signaling.
Talk about cultural appropriation.
It's just pandering.
It's so transparent.
It's so disgusting.
And then, of course, these individuals can hardly even get back up once they've gotten on their knees.
The truth is, they want America to get on its knees in cult programming of wearing masks and wearing Kwanzaa outfits and bowing.
It's all about virtue signaling.
It's all about distracting everybody.
Because these are the mentally ill slaves, Pelosi and others, that the system has to offer.
So, here's the first video of Pelosi talking about it.
For those who wish to, we will now kneel for our moment of silence.
This is a complete and total clown show.
Trump's actually trying to stop the fentanyl pouring in that's killing millions.
Actually trying to get jobs and industry.
All that's real.
Doubling the funding to black universities.
All that actually helps people.
No, ladies and gentlemen, they want to siphon off and milk the welfare off of these drug dens they run in order for the police not to patrol or protect.
They want open crime red light districts that they control.
Now let's go to these Skeksis.
Trying to get back up.
Here it is.
I mean, what a joke.
These people are on another planet.
So she's bad.
She's bowed to show that she's able because she's white.
Because they tell black folks don't do it.
And the police chiefs go, that's not enough.
We're going to get on our bellies and put our hands behind our backs.
And now the British Prime Minister that ended slavery, England didn't even have it, but they sent ships out to attack slave ships and hundreds of thousands of British sailors and marines were lost for the next 50 years.
It was massive wars.
To end slavery?
Well now they're trying to take down his statue.
That article is up on InfoWars.com.
Leftists want to topple statue of British Prime Minister whose government ended slavery.
That's right.
Statue of Charles and Earl Grey, a former British Prime Minister, despite the fact that he oversaw the abolition of slavery in the British Empire.
That's a bad person.
They attacked the Abraham Lincoln Memorial a few days ago, and the Black Memorial for Civil War.
That's just who the left is, because they're good and you're bad, and facts don't matter to them because they're God.
Well, here's the Islamist Sadiq Khan, who banned Outdoor advertising in London if it shows a woman in a bathing suit because he's an islamicist.
He allows all the rape gangs and grooming to go on.
He now is going to have a commission.
He will decide what can be seen and what will be taken down.
So this is the cult of Islam.
You know they love to cut down your statues when they conquer you and you know later take your women as slaves.
So here's Sadiq Khan.
Are we taking statues down?
I suspect the recommendations of the Commission may well be that some of the statues be taken down.
For example, some of the slavers for whom there are statues across our city.
I suspect the Commission may come back and say it's not appropriate to be memorialising, to be celebrating these people.
They're not icons.
And they may well come back and say our recommendation is to take these statues down.
But it's a discussion we should have and it's really important to bring in diverse voices.
Do you think of any in particular?
I don't want to name them, but we can imagine the slavery.
So, for example, there are statues of people who were involved in the Royal African Company in London.
So it always starts that way, doesn't it?
Oh, we're just taking this down, but it's a commission of thought police who have the power to take down whatever they want, and they want Winston Churchill taken down.
They've now taken down some of the kings in Europe.
It's a joke.
You can go to Africa right now and there's slavery.
And I don't defend the institution of slavery itself.
Christ spoke out against it.
It was going on all over the world then.
Let me tell you, Africa should think it's lucky stars that industry and the West was ever brought there because it helped build it up.
So should the rest of the world.
Everybody knows that.
But now the globalists are here to de-industrialize and get rid of everybody.
But that's okay.
Black Lives Matter, New York Times writer says, if your family doesn't support whatever the latest propaganda is, the latest demand to get on your knees or your belly, don't associate with them anymore.
You know what the good news is?
Everyone's running away from you, and everyone is running away from leftist ideologies, and the blue states are collapsing.
I know your plan is to just take the whole country over and make us submit to you, but this is the death throes of the New World Order, and if we don't just get buffaloed by it and buy into it, it's going to collapse in on itself.
Now, when we come back, we're gonna go to your phone calls, and then I have the footage All over the country, people are coming up and throwing themselves on the hoods of people's cars.
It's like a new rite of passage.
And then they go, oh, I was attacked!
A white supremacist tried to run me over.
Look at this video.
Let's play it again for TV viewers.
If you watch, they jump up from the side.
They jump up on the hood.
They try to jump in front of the car.
They picked a small car, one of the little mini cars.
And oh, that's how you're really in the inside group and battle-hardened like the troops storming Normandy as they compare themselves to while they try to pull down the statue of the Commander Robert Winston Churchill.
And it's a bunch of white kids with trashcan lids running around picking on women driving minicars.
Cars to go.
So again, this is the whole takeover plan.
Meanwhile, shock video.
Police say leftist lawyer George Floyd, protester, shot driver in the head.
The guy's in the truck.
He doesn't drive over him.
He just stops, shoots him in the head.
And look at the satisfaction on the face for your TV viewer of the liberal lawyer.
He is a hero.
He shot a man in the head on video who stopped at a stop sign.
He's a hero.
And the left is celebrating him saying, you know what?
That truck tried to run him over when it didn't.
But see, it's all about, oh, a lady had a heart attack and died in Charlottesville.
Oh, a guy drove a car into a crowd.
Let's just go jump in front of cars and recreate that to again create the Civil War.
Let's just start attacking people on highways and beating them up like all the footage we've got on tape.
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
We're going to talk to Anonymous in Texas, a former leftist, Nathan in Michigan, Charles in Michigan, Joe in North Carolina, and many others on whatever topic they want to raise or the issues that I brought forward about what is it like to be a leftist or do you still defend the left?
Do you still think This isn't a globalist takeover funded by the most rich and powerful people on earth.
It asks the question too, what is Trump going to do to reverse this with 146 days out from this election?
But I wanted to play this video since I mentioned it for TV viewers, radio listeners, I'll narrate it.
Just last weekend, we had Savannah Hernandez out there during the riots and they blocked out 35.
And a white dude gets out of his car and says, hey, I love Black Lives Matter, but you know, I've been stuck out here for a long time.
And a big black dude starts punching him and beating him, knocks his glasses off.
And the dude keeps attacking him so he can't get his glasses.
And Savannah gets in the guy's face and says, stop.
Let me tell you, these are some ballsy demonstrators.
Because I guarantee you that's rioting.
That's locking people.
You start hitting people.
Folks have got guns in those cars.
But that's all this has become is an excuse for thugs to go crazy.
And nobody's lionizing the poor white people being attacked.
But then, we have the footage of the man in the car.
Getting shot in the head.
This is happening all over the place.
And new videos coming out of the left jumping from the side, on the hoods, and then calling police and saying, I was attacked!
I was attacked!
It's all Jussie Smollett-ing on a grand scale.
And every leftist goes out to see how they can pose and be a victim.
Now watch that video again.
They're jumping in front and on the side of the car.
Look at that.
From the side of the car, jumping up on it.
In fact, guys, I want to do this as a stunt.
Have one of the crew go to a local rent-a-car place, get a small car, and then we'll just reenact this after the show.
And I'll just say, stop it with a trash can and jump on it.
I don't go, I'm a hero!
And then I'll call the police.
Not literally, but I'll do it figuratively to illustrate this because it keeps happening.
So here's the footage with the audio of Savannah Hernandez having to defend a skinny white dude being beat up by a big black dude for no reason other than his race.
Here it is.
I walked out.
I was walking down 6th Street and was like, oh, this is shit.
And I jumped right on top of that dude with my knees.
Jumped up straight with my knees on his chest.
Head goes down.
You guys ought to be glad you're messing with little kids now.
And then a woman has to stop him.
She's trying to find his glasses.
Where are the men in America?
threatening to beat her up.
So they shut the highway down, you're with your screaming babies, everything.
Because they're the communists, they're the good people, while George Floyd, he's our graven idol.
Well, he's not shooting porn movies, or working as a bouncer at the club, or got bags of fentanyl falling out of his pocket.
Turns out there's two videos of drugs falling out of his pocket.
Okay, I don't want him to die.
My point is, he's not Jesus.
He's not my God.
What's the Bible say?
Old Testament.
Thou shall have no other gods before me.
That goes on into having a graven image you worship.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or that it goes on, that shalt not bow down thyself to it, nor serve them.
For I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of thy fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.
Boy, can you imagine how our generations are going to pay for all the abortion and the rest of it?
And now, bowing to George Soros' Black Lives Matter, bowing to Black Lives Matter run by Planned Parenthood that wants to abort babies.
They're bowing to a group that, I love black people!
Oh, a couple of cops did something wrong, so we represent black people, and then it's Planned Parenthood mainly funding it.
Look it up.
Because if you're there to kill the black people, what better system than to claim you care about George Floyd?
Is this four funerals now?
Maybe they're going to have his coffin go around for a hundred years.
And now in public schools we're having elementary students say, I'm guilty, I'm bad, and they're bowing and they're laying down and they're saying, I'm sorry, I'm white.
Little kids being taught they're bad because of what color they are.
Imagine what it was like for black people in some areas to be taught they were bad because of what color they were, and now repeating it to supposedly end it.
How sick is that?
And the very party that ran that in this country as an institution is the one teaching it to us now.
I got a word for that.
It's called Sick As You Know What.
I'm going to play this short newscast and go to your calls.
This is the newscast dealing with the man.
According to police, a liberal lawyer from Colorado is being charged with attempted murder for assaulting And assault after he shot a driver in the head while the motorist tried to creep through a line of protesters blocking the road.
They just run out, block his truck.
He doesn't even bump them.
For radio listeners, I'm narrating.
It's on InfoWars.com.
And man, this dude, right through the window, shoots him right in the head.
The guy drives off, parks, cops come.
And the left stayed there and called the cops, saying he had attacked them!
And you look at the arrested individual, he looks like in his mugshot photo, like he is happier than flies on you know what.
These people are crazy.
And they're out there believing anybody's a Nazi.
They run and throw themselves on your truck and shoot you in the head.
You're bad!
I threw myself on your truck and shot you in the head!
You're bad because you're white!
And he's a white dude doing it!
Remember Abe Skrillex yelling it?
Owen Schroeder?
See if we can find that.
The full exchange.
I want to get the full video.
And he goes, you're an effing white male!
Shut your mouth!
You don't have speech!
They believe this, folks.
Here's the video.
Here's the report.
Controversy continues to rattle the small southeastern city of Alamosa after police say a 27-year-old defense attorney who was protesting shot a 49-year-old driver in the head on Thursday night.
The driver is in a Colorado Springs hospital and the attorney is charged with attempted murder and assault.
But tonight, KRDO News Channel 13 has obtained security camera footage which has been provided to police from a nearby business that captured the moments leading up to the shooting.
Now, we want to warn you that the video you're about to see may be disturbing to some.
Here's investigative reporter Chelsea Brentzel.
Security footage time-stamped at 5.55 Thursday evening shows the moments surrounding a shooting during a protest in downtown Alamosa.
You can see about a dozen protesters lining Main Street with signs in hand.
Next, a black truck pulls up, and as the driver goes through the crosswalk, this protester appears to reach in their pocket, pull out what police say is a gun, and aims it at the passeng truck.
Within 11 seconds the truck comes to a halt of the intersection.
of nearing the crosswalk.
The truck comes to a halt in the middle of the intersection.
Protesters scatter.
Cars continue to drive around the stop truck for about two and a half minutes after,
and then the truck moves through the intersection.
Alamosa police say they found the driver, 49-year-old Danny Pruitt, alert about a half mile away
from the scene of the shooting.
Shortly after, police arrested Alamosa defense attorney, 27-year-old James Marshall, on several charges, including attempted murder and assault.
On Friday afternoon, some protesters told KRDO the driver plowed through the crowd.
But here's what Alamosa investigators told us about that claim.
So we heard the same thing.
Again, it's still an ongoing investigation.
I could say that we have no evidence to show that he was driving into or through the protesters.
Meanwhile, many of the protesters in Alamosa are stunned by the violence.
Sad that things turned the way they turned in a matter of a second.
I mean, you're talking seconds.
It was just the wrong town, the wrong place.
Black lives matter!
And those who have been at the protests all week hope they remain peaceful as they were before Thursday night.
In Alamosa, Chelsea Brunsell, KRDO, News Channel 13.
We don't know the driver's condition right now, but a GoFundMe created by his family indicates he is on life support.
The fundraiser page also says the driver is a single father and a veteran who lives in Canyon City.
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Submitting to the left doesn't get them off your back, it makes them demand more.
Because they've got a giant group of people of every race, color, and creed all over the world.
that want you to bow and that want you to say you're a racist. So they're going to call everything
racist and everything a microaggression. So they have an excuse to be mean and dominate you and
then demand a list of demands that you acquiesce to and now you must join their cult. You must
denounce yourself. You must say that you're a bad person.
You must announce your family.
You must say America sucks but never say Bill Gates sucks.
Never say Ted Turner sucks.
Never say Jeffrey Epstein's bad.
Never expose the New World Order.
Never expose Jeff Bezos's and the people worth hundreds of billions of dollars that finance us all killing each other and turning George Floyd into the patron saint of the UN taking over our local police.
I'm going to show you the evidence of that next hour.
But right now, let's go to Anonymous in Texas.
Former leftist, thank you for calling.
Welcome, Anonymous.
Hi, how are you, Alex?
I'm doing pretty good here on air, still able to be on air with the massive censorship.
Thanks to all of you.
Well, good, good.
I'm a little bit nervous.
Don't be nervous.
I think I've called in several times since I started listening in 2011 and I ended up hanging up because of the long wait, but I was really rather pleasantly surprised at how long I didn't have to this time.
Well, I'm working on that.
You know, the problem is, is that We have like 20 phone lines.
And so if you call in number 15 or number 20, you're waiting hours.
But if you call in first like you did, you're out of the gate.
So welcome.
Go ahead.
I don't even know where to begin.
Here's something that's really ironic.
You know, I listen to whatever I can every day.
You know, my husband and I have been listening to Robert Barnes quite a bit.
We really like David Knight.
We've really, really been following this, you know, especially in terms of recent events and The irony, excuse me I am nervous, the irony is I wanted to sit down and write you guys a long letter because I've had thoughts as you've been broadcasting over the years, being a former leftist, that I think you're definitely correct in this way.
There needs to be a segment of I was in the anti-war peace and justice movement here in North Texas.
I wasn't a leader, but I was one of the core organizers, I would say from 1988 off and on until 2003.
So, you've got a broad spectrum of people and sometimes I think, and I don't mean to be, well sometimes I think you're painting everybody with the same brush.
Definitely, you're correct in that there were some very militant people that were advocating for violence and overthrow of the government.
I know that for a fact because I went to one of their meetings and what's happening now is what they were dreaming of.
Okay, so you are very correct in that.
Well, let me just say this to be clear.
Because the world's so complex that I'll oversimplify on a case-by-case.
What's attractive to me about Democrats 20 years ago is they were supposedly anti-war.
Now they're the pro-war ones.
Trump's trying to pull us out of Afghanistan, pulled us out of Syria.
That's a wonderful thing.
The Democrats have totally abandoned that.
I used to be nonpartisan.
And absolutely, there are a lot of great people that are liberals who I've known that are really caring good people.
I'm saying now the multinational corporations and Soros have fully taken over all those movements from the top down and now, by and large, they are psychotic, hateful cults.
Absolutely, though, I know there are wonderful people that have been in the anti-war movement and so what do they say now?
Because Trump really is trying to get us out of these wars.
Yeah, here's something really interesting.
So, my last stint with the Peace and Justice Movement was back in 2003 when we were bombing, whatever, I'm still a little bit nervous, what weren't we doing?
Iraq, yes, Iraq.
You know, the National Day of Resistance, 2003, February, Iraq.
That was my last stint.
So then I was busy.
I was a busy mom.
You know, I kind of retired from political work, was a busy mom.
And we, my husband and I, this was when you were at the federal building.
I'm giving away my city.
I'm from Dallas.
The Federal Reserve actually.
The Federal Building in 2011?
Yeah, the private Federal Reserve.
Yes, that was the Federal Reserve in Dallas.
Yeah, and then there was the Occupy protest right across the street from you.
So, my husband and I, we thought, this is kind of interesting, let's go check this out.
So, we went down and I kind of just kind of looked at some of the Occupy people and said hello and all that and then I went over to your side.
And none of the Occupy people I even recognized as part of the original peace and justice movement that I worked so closely with years before.
It was a whole... But then again, the progressive movement, and I really feel this is because of Obama being elected, the progressive movement really took hold in Dallas after I left, and they had people organizing outside of Your traditional peace and justice movement, which, by the way, included people that worked directly with Martin Luther King, yadda, yadda, yeah.
Well, exactly, and all that's being thrown out.
Now it's not about don't look at color, it's only look at color.
And I could talk to you for hours, God bless you, and I'm glad you called in.
I'm glad you brought up the issue that the original liberals in America are good people, and you've been hijacked.
And taking control of.
The old Republican bluebloods, we've hijacked them with our populist movement.
So we're the insurrection.
And we're against these needless wars.
We're against global government.
We do want a strong military.
And we're just here to help.
And that's what is, you know, is happening here.
All right.
God bless you, man.
Really appreciate your call.
Let's take another call.
Does anybody disagree?
And I'll go to them.
Let's talk to Justin in Idaho, former leftist union organizer.
Welcome, Justin.
Tell us what's happening.
Hi, Alex.
God bless you.
God bless you.
Uh, yeah.
So I was a former leftist, uh, uh, guy.
Sorry, I'm a little nervous.
I, uh, I, uh, was hanging around with some of the WSA guys, the Workers Solidarity Alliance and Food Not Bombs people.
And, uh, the whole, uh, Occupy Wall Street thing, hanging around those people just disgusted me and I woke up, you know.
I woke up after 9-11 when I was 16 years old.
I knew that wasn't a... I just knew that it wasn't a real thing, you know.
I could just tell, that's whenever I found you in high school.
And then I kind of... George Bush.
I hated George Bush so much that it kind of pushed me towards the left, you know.
Exactly, and now George W. Bush has endorsed Biden.
And I like Winston Churchill's quote that actually makes me feel a little better.
He said, if you're not a liberal when you're young, you have no heart.
You don't become a conservative as you get older.
I'm probably butchering this.
You have no brain.
That's what he said.
It always made me feel better.
Winston Churchill was a really smart guy, and now they want to pull his statue down.
Their statue down, yeah.
They're calling him a fascist, but they're comparing themselves to the D-Day invasion when he commanded that.
They have no sense of irony.
Have you noticed that?
Because the liberals I used to know knew history and were informed.
I like them more than mainline conservatives that were all just bluebloods and thought they were elitist and, I mean, the average Republican.
Well, it was an establishment person.
They didn't care about the Second Amendment or freedom.
They were elitist.
They weren't populist.
So I thought the liberals had some good in them because they were populist.
But now that's all gone, man.
It's all stinking sorrows, neoliberal corporate poison.
I worked for my union.
I was an organizer.
I got appointed to that position.
And I was just disgusted by... I never met any gangsters.
I think that the guys that run the union They're not necessarily, at least the ones I experienced, they didn't let me in on that.
I guess I wasn't part of the club all the way.
Oh, no, no.
The average union guy is just taking orders from on top and they're just trying to get a better deal for their people.
I don't think you really find the evil in the unions.
I mean, it's all the academics.
It's the anti-fights, the politicos.
They're just the scum of the earth.
It was the bankers that I got the evil feelings from whenever we would do like We'd have meetings with the guys that controlled our fund.
My union's a pretty big union.
We have billions.
Oh, it's famous.
That's who's stealing the money, brother.
That's who I was disgusted by.
It was great.
And who's financing Black Lives Matter and Antifa?
It's the big banks.
Right, yeah.
What does Willie Nelson say?
Bankman says he likes me, but there's nothing he can do.
He says he's coming to take my property, but the clouds are coming, too.
He ain't my friend, and I'll ride again.
Thank you so much, Justin.
More calls straight ahead, and Dr. Steve Pacino to give his take on this attempt to overthrow the Republic and replace it with a nightmare.
And his job used to be overthrowing governments.
He's an expert on it.
We'll talk to him coming up.
But first, more of your phone calls.
Stay with us.
They may have wounded me, but they'll never get the best of better men.
Thank you for joining us on this live Tuesday edition.
More of your phone calls coming up right now.
Just during the break, I was watching one of the founding members of the real Black Panther Party, Larry Pinckney, on with one of the other talk show hosts here.
I need to get him back on.
They were showing footage of people climbing on top of 18-wheelers and knocking the windows out and stuff.
I mean, this is brutal robbery!
And all that matters is they're white, and it's mainly white people attacking them.
It's so damn creepy!
And you know, I don't want to kill anybody.
A, I don't want to kill people.
Plus, I don't want the trouble that comes with it.
Man, let me tell you something.
You start trying to knock the windows out of my car and grab me out of my car, I'm going to fill your ass full of lead.
These people are really lucky.
They got cases where they're trying to drive people out of their cars and they're shooting people now.
The police are arresting them.
It's another virtue signal.
Because the media and the culture is trying to encourage the rioting, and Trump's advisors are telling him, oh don't come out against it, you'll look bad!
Knowing that actually hurts Trump and his constituents.
And they're afraid of that wrong image, you know, of a cop doing something wrong.
People know this is all hysteria.
People know it's out of control.
People know that the average person can't even run their own life, even if you're competent.
Just imagine everybody's trying to pull you out of your car, knock your wind out, you shoot somebody.
Now they've arrested that guy.
Because he didn't want metal barriers blocking his car in.
So he could swear fealty and get on his knees.
Or get killed.
Left to woke, Katie in North Carolina.
Katie, then we'll go to Dre, Jordan, Joe, James, Jack.
Katie, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Thank you so much for taking my call.
I was 19 when I voted for Obama.
I loved America.
I loved my country.
And I thought, I believed Obama.
He was very convincing.
And it was during Benghazi, the media, the way they completely didn't They just didn't tell the truth.
And I saw they didn't tell the truth with information that was coming out.
You could watch videos on it.
The different men that were over there, you know, contradicted what the media was saying happened.
And I started doing research and I found you.
I watched Endgame.
I probably watched Endgame like 20 times.
I share it to everybody I know.
And I'm just really scared for the way that our children They've been under educated, over indoctrinated, and they've
literally turned our youth into anarchists.
Well that's the plan, exactly.
Don't teach them history or geography or math.
Make them totally dumb and weak, totally ignorant, and then fill them full of microaggression
and whites are bad.
I mean, this is the most evil crap.
What it is, is Nazi.
The Nazis taught people everything was about what color you were.
And now, they're literally teaching it the Democratic Party is.
It's just crazy!
My main question to you is, how do we get the children to wake up?
Because honestly, I believe the majority of the people in this country love being American.
People come to this country because they love what we stand for.
Exactly, and now they come here to be victims.
Oh, I'm coming here because you're going to oppress me.
It's all a load of crap and everyone knows it, but we've got to get up against all the big corporations are lined up.
It's the elite doing this.
It's not the grassroots, it's the elite funding the whole thing.
Katie, we love you, we appreciate your call.
The key to this is exposing that it's the big billionaires to almost a man and a woman that are funding this whole deal with the Chinese communists.
The Chinese communists don't allow a bunch of race bait in their country, because they're an authoritarian regime, they know it weakens them.
But boy, do they fund it here, and it's disgusting.
We're back in 60 seconds with Barbo and others.
David Dorn in St.
Louis was a 77-year-old retired police captain who got shot dead trying to stop looting.
He's black.
He's raised less than $50,000 on his GoFundMe.
Still working at 77 for his family.
But don't worry.
George Floyd has raised over $13 million.
That's virtue signaling for you right there.
And the Democratic Party, it now just broke.
on infowars.com. Money laundering global donations to blacklivesmatter.com funded
and funneled to the DNC. Democrats openly conducting illegal money laundering operation at the same time
in the name of saving black lives. Of course, total complete exploitation. All right,
let's go ahead and take more calls here.
Who's been holding longest?
That would be Dre in Chicago.
Dre, thanks for calling.
Yeah, you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I was calling because people talk about systematic racism in America, and they don't really, like, I don't hear no leaders, nobody talk about this as far as how generational wealth, black people never got a chance to I agree with you is that it's the generational wealth system.
because of what we went through throughout the history of America.
And that's really what's causing the, I mean, what's the effect of what we're seeing right now
in black communities and, you know, so the bad things that we're going through.
I agree with you, is that it's the generational wealth system.
That's why Trump has talked about tax credits for black businesses that are new
to not pay taxes for say 10 years.
See, I never heard of that.
*Cough* That's what Trump has been proposing.
They're trying to block it.
And that's another thing too, like, like this, I could agree that black people need to wake up on this part.
I'm not sure how politics or anything would help us with that.
And I think they're doing that purposely for the music, like say, music and movies and everything that they glamorize and all that.
But, um, We, uh, we do get, like, we, we study.
I forgot what I, I forgot what I thought.
Speaking of, uh, I forgot what I thought.
I know how it is, man.
You're sitting on hold 20 minutes.
You forget what you're going to say.
I do the same thing myself.
But no, but no, um, but yeah, we do basically gotta wake up though and stop trusting, you know, like, falling, keep falling into what they basically doing right now.
You know what I'm saying?
They, they using our, our, um, they, somebody said it on your show, they pepping our, our, uh, pain.
You know what I'm saying?
Well, there's no doubt.
I mean, what do you think of a bunch of white Democrats kneeling and bowing and wearing Kenya outfits?
I mean, that's, I mean, if I said to somebody, I'm sorry for what happened to you, I'd say it.
I wouldn't dress up in an African outfit.
And by the way, I'm not against cultural appropriation.
If you like how a foreign outfit looks, wear it.
But I'm saying they all dress up in African outfits.
With Kenyan dress on and then go out there to say they're in... It's just... To me it's very patronizing.
Well you talk about pimping.
They've had funerals going on since Friday!
George Floyd funeral. I'm like in shock how black people not waking up to how
they how they act you know what I'm saying. Well you talk about pimping they've had
funerals going on since Friday how many days of funerals we're gonna have? Right!
But no, what happened was, I seen that video and it was a black lady that helped Pelosi up when she was trying to fall, I think.
And that black lady, she should be fired.
Ain't no way she should help a racist white lady who blamed herself for George Floyd's death.
That's crazy.
God bless you, Dre.
Appreciate the call.
Alright, who's been home the longest after that?
That would be Jack in Canada disagrees.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Oh, hey there, Jonesy.
Can you keep your mouth shut and let me get my point across quickly?
Well, you sound like a nasty leftist, but go ahead, please.
You called.
Well, I just can't believe you... Tell you what, hold on.
I got an onion ring right here.
They went and got me from one of my favorite places called Dan's.
So while you sit there and talk, I'm gonna eat this onion ring.
Oh, no, you're already cutting me off.
It's okay.
I knew that was gonna happen.
You go ahead, Jones.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Okay, well, I'd like to know, I've done a little research into your InfoWars, and, uh, what happened to the old Firepower News?
Where's, uh, where's, where's your old Black Anchor, huh?
Huh, you racist?
That's right, I'm very, very racist because we ended up not doing Firepower News due to lack of crew, and we've been trying to hire more crew, and it still hasn't worked out.
That's why for at least a month or two, we're gonna have to suspend doing The latest show we're doing, Barnes' show, is very popular.
We just haven't been able to hire the crew or get the crew.
We're probably going to suspend that for about two months until the election so we can bring Countdown America back with Barnes.
And of course, I'm being racist against Barnes as well.
We've had a big crew problem getting enough high-quality crew in here to run the show.
So if I hire a black guy and have him on as a guest, I'm just, I'm totally messing with you.
I follow the show.
and then we have to stop the show for a while, that is inherently bad.
So, I mean, this is like real weird leftist ideology.
You're like calling in to say that I've engaged in an evil racist act.
Tell me more about what I did.
I'm just, I'm totally messing with you.
I follow the show.
I use bodies, I use a toothpaste, it's all awesome.
I was just asking you.
All right, I appreciate your call, Jack.
We're not trying to make jokes about this.
I wanted to continue Firepower.
And, literally, you think Texas is conservative.
Most people that come and ask for the job interview, they find out it's Alex Jones, they won't even take the job.
We got a great crew now, but they're overworked and they're exhausted and we've not been able to launch all the new shows I want because we've had problems getting new people hired and getting them in and getting it set up.
Maybe it's a bottleneck with the crew or the folks that are hiring people, but we're trying to get it done right now.
That was a caller trolling us.
That's not funny.
Let's go ahead and talk to James in Texas.
Go ahead, James.
Democrat turned Republican.
Tell us what happened.
Good brother.
I was just wondering, when is Trump going to pick Rand Paul as his VP?
Because I really just don't trust Pence.
I'm from Indiana.
I've just heard him say good things about Booty Judge and there's a lot of rumors you know that he's just kind of deep and rooted as a blue blood in Indiana so I'm just wondering is he gonna just pick Rand Paul and clear out his cabinet or?
Pence has said good things about Booty Judge?
Well yeah like when Booty Judge was getting up in the polls I like Rand Paul more than Pence.
You say you're a Democrat-turned-Republican.
And he just said that he was like a nice guy and that they had worked together on a couple different bills
You know and I'm not saying he should talk bad about him or anything, but like I don't know
I just don't know if I trust fence because I mean honestly I feel like
If Rand Paul was the vice president more people would come to his base. You know I
Like Rand Paul more than Pence You say you're a Democrat term Republican tell us about
that Well, I mean I used to be like a really big activist
You know, I grew up in the early 90s and from Indiana, kind of right by South Bend.
And, you know, there's just a real blue state now.
It used to be more red, but I just feel like right around the time of Benghazi and Fast and Furious, I just really started waking up to how Obama just really wasn't saying what he meant.
You know, he was just kind of I feel like he was just reading lines and stuff, and then I feel like right around that, Trump came out with the birther thing, and it kind of just woke me up a little bit.
Well, there's no doubt that Obama's trying to hide his origins, but it's because his father is a famous communist from Chicago, and it's all confirmed.
It's incredible.
That's why they planted, Hillary first planted, Obama being born in Kenya story.
And nobody's bad researching it, nobody was bad that questioned it.
uh... his uh...
harvard he was the editor of the harvard law review they said in there he was born in kenya
people saw all that but that was just him being trendy early on lying about
that too obama and these democrats
will just say whatever they want at the moment is they think you don't have a memory
and so that's what they're really doing i think like a lot of leftists like especially right now
are kind of waking up and coming more to the center especially when they see how
the democrats are just blatantly you know taking money from anybody in china and everything
I hear you, brother.
God bless you.
I'm glad that you're taking action.
Republicans aren't perfect either.
They got their own problems, but they hate Trump because he's not been part of their club.
We'll be right back with Dr. Steve McKinnick and your calls.
Please stay with us.
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
That was 12 years ago.
If this still happens, I'm wearing the very same t-shirt today when I gave that speech in Dallas.
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones, Dr. Steve McChinney.
You guys are going to be joining us in a moment.
We're having some Skype issues.
You'll be with us a little bit in the next hour.
We'll also get to your calls.
We do have an exciting announcement.
X2, that is deep earth crystal pure iodine that's essential to the body and such a game changer, is about to sell out.
But I'm keeping it, even though the main sale is over.
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I don't want folks to put on the fence about clean iodine to find out how great it is at Infowarsstore.com and have a chance to support the broadcast.
Well, it's very close to cost at that price.
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But with the formulation we had, it didn't work as well.
Well, we've got a new technology.
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So again, get your X2 now in the spray bottle at InfoWarStore.com or you can call toll-free 888-253-3139.
And it's just a little side note.
I'd asked for the X2 new write-up.
This is about a two-year-old write-up.
Not sure how that happened.
Not a big deal.
It's just that I put together the new write-up for the new X2.
And I really wanted that and I don't have that.
And since I'm gonna say something on air, I get it.
'Cause the crew's great.
So I'm just, it's not bitching on air.
It's just maybe, can I get that?
That'd be good.
Separately, another big announcement.
All InfoWars shirts available at cost.
All InfoWars shirts available at cost with the campaign here, with the attacks on free speech, with the shutdown of civilization and society.
We have all InfoWars shirts available at cost.
We haven't done this since the last campaign in 2016.
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And let's shift the phone for Pachenek.
I'm just going to tap out at this point, say after 10 minutes, 15 minutes, trying to get him on.
Oh, we have him now on Skype?
Okay, well, I'm going to try to go to him now.
So much happening in the world.
So much unfolding.
Obviously, this is an attempt to destabilize the country after the whole COVID hysteria.
And now we're off the races again.
Dr. C. Pacinic is a best-selling author, researcher, co-wrote books, of course, with Tom Clancy, and ran psychological warfare operations for the State Department.
We don't have time, really, to get into this now.
In the next minute and a half, what do you make of Floyd without addressing it from a political perspective, but just from a historical perspective?
Is this not an attempt to create basically civil unrest?
Yes, it's called agitation propaganda.
Floyd is almost irrelevant to the whole story.
His history is one of a convicted criminal or he's been in prison five different times over 10 years.
This is the type of individual we would have kept at St.
Elizabeth's Hospital for the criminally insane most of his life.
So the fact that he was released, he was on fentanyl methamphetamine, he was already a convicted felon, that's almost secondary to the whole issue.
What really what this is about is an attempt to destabilize the government, agitation propaganda, And it's not working.
It's not working because it's ending up to be a parody of itself.
And what's coming out is to show the absurdity of the liberals and the ineffectiveness and their inability to really do anything other than to parody themselves and to look at an attempt to destroy the country.
And it won't happen because most of us in the conservative, even in the Democratic parties, will maintain the viability of the republic.
Nancy's never understood the viability of the Republic.
She never knew the difference.
Well, let's talk about big picture and who the players are with the Democrats, the Chi-Coms, and how we stop this destabilization.
With Dr. Steve Pucinich on the other side.
Please stay with us.
Excellent website.
A lot of important videos and articles.
You won't get anywhere else.
Dr. Steve Pachenik of stevepachenik.com, author, researcher, worked the State Department of Psychological Warfare, ran some of the major operations, including regime change.
If you just joined us, I'd like him to start over so he's not up against the brake with what we're witnessing with George Floyd, what the Democrats are doing, the bowing, the kneeling, the mask.
All of this classic cult programming behavior and what he expects them to pull next with 146 days out.
But you are a psychological warfare expert, you are a psychiatrist, you're also a veteran of these type of non-operations you ever launched.
This looks like a communist style deal following Mao's Cultural Revolution.
They even admit that.
What are the Democrats turning into?
What are they doing?
For people that aren't experts in this, what are we witnessing?
What we're really witnessing is a mad magazine version of agitation propaganda.
And the reason I say that with a smile is because Nancy Pelosi is not very bright.
Neither are the leaders of the Democratic Party.
And what you're seeing is a parody of what agitation propaganda is supposed to be.
People like myself who've been in the business of agitation propaganda, we normally create all kinds of disturbances and send things on fire.
And we know exactly what it is we want to do.
We want to polarize a country to the extent that the police force comes in.
And basically engages that populace in some form of covert or overt warfare.
In this case, it's a complete disaster.
Number one, George Floyd is the wrong example to deify or to make the key element of an agitation propaganda.
Number one, he's a felon.
He's a career felon.
What happened to him is unfortunate, but it happens to all the felons, whether they're white and black.
Police have to do what they have to do.
Let's get to the more important part.
The reason this is occurring now is because of the coronavirus, the three months that should not have been shut down.
But nevertheless, people are totally restless.
There's need for agitation.
There's need for them to get outside.
So the Democrats said, OK, we're going to use this.
And Milley, the millionaire, your person, the millennium Milley, did an excellent job of explaining agitation propaganda.
Number one, we get all the people necessary in order to protest.
Number two, we create a cause celebre.
In this case, it's George Frey, a person who was killed.
The third thing is we create all kinds of symbols that should resonate with the public.
Unfortunately, this is not the case in what's happening now.
The Democrats came in, the Obama people, who are total sociopaths and quite ignorant, really, on how to create agitation propaganda, are sponsoring this from the covert part.
You've got the CIA elements, you've got the FBI elements, you've got some of the other elements within our deep state, which you guys explain quite well.
Now, let me tell you who the leaders are.
First you have Alan Sharpton.
I grew up in Harlem.
I went to Booker T. Washington.
You're looking at a Hispanic kid or a white guy who grew up in a black neighborhood.
The Al Sharptons of the world, we wouldn't take them seriously.
Neither black nor white would have said to us, this guy, listen, get out of here.
You're a punk.
You never went to college.
When you did go to college, you never finished it.
You married your sister-in-law.
And more importantly, what's not known, and this is important, is Al Sharpton has been a snitch for the FBI and the intelligent community for the past 40 to 50 years.
Let me repeat it again.
In Harlem, we would have taken Al Sharpton out because He was a snitch for the FBI, and he snitched on other black operatives, and he snitched on the Gambino family, the Genovese family, all the families that he was involved with, narcotics.
Number two, we have Obama, a completely created CIA Manchurian candidate, who is so sociopathic, you have no idea.
In a world where we have the Hillary Clintons, the Bill Clintons, Already pretty good sociopath.
Then you had Bush Jr., who was a dumb sociopath.
Now you got Obama, whose every word he's told you is a complete lie.
He was born a homosexual, his father was CIA in Kenya, his mother was CIA, maternal grandmother, maternal grandfather, all CIA.
He was a pathetic product of a pathetic CIA, namely John Brennan, another failed operative, a Catholic operative who became a Muslim.
So let's go down the list.
Nancy Pelosi.
We've talked about Nancy Pelosi before.
20, 30 years ago when she was lucid and attractive, she did some good things.
However, as she's aged and became debilitated and somewhat senile, she's really trying to do what we call the last hurrah.
So she's bending down, she's wearing kente clothes, African clothes, and tries to assimilate what an African looks like.
And it's absurd!
The blacks in America, I find it offensive, but I find it so ridiculous that a bunch of other white guys, Jews and Christians, are following this nonsensical bowing down and praying.
Are they not trying to launch a type of new religion, Dr. Pachinik?
Liberation theology on steroids?
Well, you're too sophisticated.
Liberation theology actually came out of the Jesuits.
You were brilliant to say that.
And that was true in Latin America.
She doesn't know what liberation theology is.
She didn't even know what a democracy was and a republic.
So you don't have that kind of insights that you had.
What you're saying is it's all very ham-fisted and it looks very immature and very... It looks immature, it's pathetic!
You go down the list, so who's next on line?
I've got Colin Powell.
He says the president is a liar.
Oh my God, Colin Powell, I've known you since the days you came out of Harlem and said you spoke Yiddish, you BS artist.
I knew you when Weinberger brought you in the Nixon administration and made you a hero.
Although you lied on the lie and you let Private Kelly take the blame for the massacre.
Then you lied again, you pathological liar, when you were Secretary of State about anthrax.
And what does he say?
It's called projection, my friend.
He says the president lies.
Really, Colin Powell?
You happen to be the epitome of the liar and the pathetic general.
Then I have General Mattis, another, what we call, cherry Marine.
40 years, unmarried, self-aggrandizing.
What was he in the military field?
Let's see, he was a Marine General and had an amphibious landing to a landlocked country like Afghanistan.
And he almost had Osama bin Laden, but he couldn't quite capture him in Tora Bora.
Then he was arrested when he was 19 years old on drug charges.
Oh, let me see.
This man created an image of himself as an intellectual, yet none of his papers are written by himself.
I don't believe he went to any school that... I was about to say, when he talks, he comes off as the biggest fop fake who can't even string sentences together.
You're correct, but you use that other word almost correctly.
He is a fake fop.
He is totally a feat.
And this is what I call the paper generals.
These are guys who go out and they make themselves seem important, yet what do they really do?
Trump has pulled out our men from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
Well, I don't mean to interrupt, but yeah, you've got the architects of the fake Iraq wars and all of it saying Trump is a liar.
When it's the opposite.
Trump neurotically says what he really thinks.
That's exactly my point, Alex.
That's why I said at the end, he's excused.
In French, we said, those who excuse themselves, accuse themselves.
He killed more people in a lousy, stinking war in Afghanistan, where we had no right to be.
And I was there in the 70s and warned our people to stay out.
Then he went into Iraq.
He lost there.
And so you've got General Dempsey, also lost.
But with General Dempsey, I have to give him an important plug.
He was one of the few men, and he never said it, but he helped us out and helped me out and the former Assistant Surgeon General to contain the Ebola epidemic.
He never said a word, but he allowed me to send 3,000 troops into Sierra Leone and Liberia, and he deserves the credit for allowing me to send 3,000 troops.
Sure, what about Millie?
I told my folks Millie's good.
Nilly is very good, but basically his problem is that he has an association with not-too-good generals, and if I were he, I'd just walk out quietly and come back in another administration.
This is a farce, and the farce is that these generals should keep their mouths shut, because Esper- Yeah, what did you make of the Secretary of Defense saying Trump's wrong, and maybe Trump was wrong to say Insurrection Act?
Maybe that would- He is wrong.
You know what?
He may have been wrong, but his job was to keep his mouth quiet.
And the esper went to West Point and then spent the rest of his battlefield as a process soldier doing the Heritage Foundation, the Center for Foreign Relations, never really been in combat, never really saw anything in a crisis.
Well, stay there.
Let's talk about what's really going on when we come back.
Stay with us.
Okay, enough of me babbling.
Dr. Pucinich, we've only got two more segments with you.
I'm sorry we got you on late.
A little Skype issue.
There's so much for you to talk about, but you used to be involved in psychological operations.
To look at these...
And to see the media so unified and so much censorship and to see all the virtues signaling and just the escalation and I've got articles here out of CBS News.
It's on Infowars.com.
Homes displaying American flags being targeted by arsonists and I see highways being taken over and people being attacked.
I mean, I get it.
You're saying it's backfiring.
I hope you're right.
And I understand that if they can get Trump to go out with a big military response, that maybe somebody gets killed and now, you know, with the Agiprop, they get what they want.
But at a certain point, you're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't.
And I just really want Trump to win re-election in 146 days.
What are the big issues we should be aware of?
And why are you saying it's blowing up in their face?
Basically, this has gone on for... I'm sorry, it's gone on for too long and it's not really working.
What you're getting is a coverage of this area being burnt, that area, but it has no impact on the vitality of America.
What do I talk about vitality?
We hear in the South, the Midwest, the Southwest and the West, where you basically have Christian fundamental values and you have people who are workers.
You're talking about the middle class, the real middle class.
I'm not talking about those who have garnered wealth and then make believe they're liberals.
I'm talking about people who go to work every day.
They build a building.
They're in construction.
They're building roads.
That's going on through all of America.
That's what I'm seeing here.
This is in the south of Florida, we're in the north central part of Florida, but we have a very active economy that never, never shuts down.
You're saying they're trying to demoralize us, but the state of the economy is strong, and the economy's coming back faster to the left now, wants to keep us locked down with COVID.
How do we challenge that fraud?
Because basically, by bringing the economy back, which is what Trump has done, and the stock market believes the economy will come back, even though we declare, quote, an official recession, meaning that there were two periods of time where we had a decreased growth, that's not relevant to what's really happening because we have pent up Capacity and the planes will start flying, hotels will be filled up, the beaches will be filled up, small businesses will reconstitute themselves.
Unfortunately, some that went under will have to refinance themselves and come back up.
But the fact that he had provided PPP, that he had provided the money and Mnuchin did a brilliant job of providing all that capital.
Sure, so what do we do when the left, though, keeps taking regular deaths and putting them in the COVID column and tries to bring the hysteria back in the fall?
How does Trump counter that?
He doesn't.
What he does is basically to allow them to self-destruct.
The American public is a lot smarter than what anybody thinks.
And that's what you said.
That's what I said.
What he basically has to do is to do exactly what he did.
I'm talking about the economy.
I'm going to bring back the economy.
I want an infrastructure capacity.
In other words, he has to bring out the fact that we're going to be building roads, highways, tunnels.
I think that'll be important.
At the same time, he has to reconfigure some of this White House.
I don't want to get in the particulars, but he needs people who are a lot sharper like Mnuchin.
Well, he needs to get rid of Jared Kushner, doesn't he?
Well, it's up to him.
The family issue is a very delicate issue.
No, no, I've not been at war with Kushner, but I really trust Tucker Carlson, and he's been on the inside, and he tells me that Kushner is literally the worst thing on the planet.
All right.
I have no problem with that.
I said it up front, but that's his family.
But he has to get rid of Jared Kushner.
He has to get rid of Esper.
He has to rebuild a team that's not based on the neocons.
When he brought in George John Bolton, that was a very bad signal to me.
And in fact, he had to pay for that for many months later.
The issue now is he has to bring in economists and people who are involved in companies where they are big, the Boeing's, the Lockheed Martin's.
I don't care about the military industrial complex.
It has to come back online very effectively.
And at the same time, he has to assign, I would put women entrepreneurs who can build up the small businesses.
Now, the small business would be a key element of his new agenda.
Small business means any business below 500 million.
And I would recruit women who come from different parts of the area to show that he's interested in feminine entrepreneurship and that we're interested in serial entrepreneurship.
You know, that's a great idea.
He tried that and Facebook's been banning his ads.
What should Trump do about the internet censorship?
He says he's going to do something.
Do you have any sources on what he's planning to do?
No, I have no sources, but I know very well that Trump will do what he's always done, which is to shut down what doesn't work, and that means Facebook and Twitter.
Dorsey's online, Zuckerberg is online for that, and he will come in and make sure that we have freedom of expression, and if the government has to take over, YouTube or Twitter or Facebook, I have no problem with it.
I don't either, because they're already the equivalent of a government.
They're already more powerful than the NSA.
They're just doing whatever they want, working with China.
What the hell?
Yeah, but more importantly, what I've said and you've said before for 25-30 years, it was DARPA that created the internet.
I was trained by Defense Advanced Research Project Agencies in the 70s at MIT.
It was started by DARPA.
It was started by the CIA.
And this has to do with the province of the government.
It has nothing to do with Zuckerberg.
It has nothing to do with Bill Gates.
And by the way, they know they're just frontmen and placeholders.
Why are they I guess it's a rogue coup trying to take over our infrastructure.
Well, on the surface it looks like a rogue coup, but in reality it's not a coup at all, because they've been watching too many movies where they think if they can disrupt a certain number of cities, which by the way happen to be liberal, but by the way they're really in trouble, and by the way they're led by people like de Blasio, who just Assumed a $7 billion debt service for New York City, which is going into bankruptcy.
And on top of that, he's putting $7 more billion, where I calculated he's going to pay $11 billion in interest.
This is where you have the self-destructive ignorance.
I agree with you, the blue states are committing Shepa coup, but I'm worried about them dragging us with them.
Why do they seem so confident?
They're confident because their arrogance of the liberal has always been the sine qua non of being a liberal.
That means you garner your wealth, whatever you did before, like Nancy Pelosi, corruption, she was the daughter of mafioso, and basically garner her wealth and then goes out and make believe that she's a liberal, that she cares about blacks.
So it's almost a holier-than-thou activity of a bunch of sociopathic criminals.
And that's what sociopathy is.
It's not an accident.
You have Colin Powell.
You have Susan Rice.
Condoleezza Rice.
Am I saying only blacks are sociopaths?
But I can say what I want about growing up in Harlem and going to school at Booker T. Washington because I don't know any other so-called liberals who did, and I didn't come out to be a liberal.
I didn't come out to love whites or blacks.
I just treat people as they are.
But I'm going to call a spade a spade, and that's exactly what's been happening.
And Nancy Pelosi is a disaster.
She will destroy the entire political, liberal establishment, along with, guess what?
On top of that, I'm putting a senile white man to run for president.
You and I could not have created that scenario in a fiction book.
You said two years ago he has cognitive degeneration.
Now that's confirmed.
Who would come up with a horse in a race that can hardly walk?
I have no idea, but when I said it years ago, everybody thought I was nuts.
No, I'm a neurologist, psychiatry, board examiner.
He is senile.
So this is the epitome of the democratic establishment.
Farce, self-destruction, envy, which means they want to destroy what the Republicans, and particularly Trump.
Now let me tell you why Trump is a problem for them.
Trump says what he wants to say.
I've known about Trump for 30 years.
He can say and dance whatever he wants.
But guess what?
He got paid for saying what he wants.
That is, on the reality show, he could say whatever absurdities he wanted to.
But the reality of Trump is what the Democrats don't understand, and people like me and you do understand.
He gets things done.
He eliminated regulation.
He got our economy back on place.
For the first time in our history, we shot an American rocket.
Think of that.
An American rocket into space from an American site.
That means for 40 years with Obama, the Clintons, the Bushes.
We had to use Russian rockets at the cost of 75 million each shot to go into space from Kazakhstan.
Here's the President of the United States says, you know what?
I'm going to make space war and I'm going to make NASA the most important.
And I know folks that were there.
He called Musk in and said, do it and cut the regulations.
And he did it.
In one year, an American rocket in American space with American astronauts.
By the way, let me tell you this.
I'm sure you know this.
The guys that told me this were in the meeting.
I said, well, this is classified.
They said, it's okay.
You can say they've got a deal, him and Musk, to actually, in like a year, they've already got robots up on the moon with these 3D printers, and they're already building a base on the dark side of the moon for the Mars shot.
So they told you, but that's correct.
They're going from that, and they're going straight into Mars.
That's correct.
They've already got robots doing it.
Well, hold on, we're going to stay right there.
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
All right, final segment with Dr. Steve Pachinic.
I want to invite him back up for an hour, two hours soon to cover the whole waterfront and to take calls.
Paul Joseph Watson is about to take over.
But suddenly we've been told there's no human future.
It's all going to just, you know, be us here in virtual reality.
But Trump is definitely with Elon Musk.
We're back in space.
America is going to release all these suppressed technologies, disruptive technologies, as they're called.
That's why a lot of the corrupt power structures are so upset.
But a lot of other groups are very, very excited.
And I was told by folks that were in the meetings with the President and Musk, and I was told, go ahead and talk about it, that They've already got a little base on the dark side of the moon.
They've got 3D printers ready.
They've got a bunch of other stuff to do a test rocket to Mars in the next couple of years.
They're just going to announce it unmanned, and then they're going to have manned go.
And then the excitement around that is exactly what we need.
So in closing, Dr. Pachinic, how important is humans going back into space?
Exceedingly important.
Let me put it this way.
I want people to think of the following.
You're putting two men into a capsule, which is going at 17,000 miles per hour, Mach 2.
And at the same time, they're traveling for 19 hours straight right into space.
From that point on, we have to get to Mars, which is many, many weeks away from the moon.
And that becomes an imperative dynamic for Trump.
Trump will increase the amount of money and the amount of allocations that will go to the space warfare, also the missiles and our spaceships.
He's committed to that.
Secondly, Trump is committed to increasing the funding of our infrastructure.
He will start putting money out, and I think once he gets re-elected, you will see tunnels, bridges, and people going back to work.
The beauty of our republic, and they have to understand this, we've been through many revolutions and internal disruptions.
The problem I have is that unfortunately the African American and the black is used as the model of inefficiency or being the scapegoat.
Pathetic, and that's arrogant, and that's absolutely incorrect, because the blacks have improved over the past 30 years.
They're in the middle class, they're working, they have their own businesses, and they could care less for what the liberals have to say.
What has to happen, if we're going to have a dynamic relationship in politics, is that we need a completely new, newly constituted Democratic Party.
But that's not my problem.
That's the problem of the Democrats.
If you keep all those old Jewish men in, the old Italians, it's like the mafia.
It's like Meyer Lansky and Longy Zwillerman and Luciano all got together, but it's antiquated.
And that's what you have with Nancy Pelosi and Schumer.
It's basically a mob.
The old Italian Jewish mob.
It's antiquated.
Trump doesn't represent that.
Ironically, he comes from New York, but he's not liked by anybody.
He was never in the shishi public.
He's a multi-billionaire.
And what he is, is he's an individualist.
And he treats you as an individualist.
And the irony And what I'm glad to have seen is that Mike Pence, the vice president, has really come forward both as a executor and executive of the COVID problem and the space warfare and the space relationship.
And he's come forth as a very effective candidate to become president of the United States.
I'm pleased by that because it could be Trump for another four years.
And after that, it'll be eight years of Mike Pence.
Having said that, I'm saying it only because I do have faith in our Republic.
And those elements that are trying to destroy our Republic, they're not relevant.
The only reason they're relevant, there's much sound and fury which signifies nothing.
And in effect, they know this is the end of their own entourage and their own little kabuki.
You're saying though, all the folks you know in different intelligence agencies everywhere else, who are patriots overall, they're done with the old system.
It's done.
And no matter what they pull, it's not going to work.
Because look, are we going to use tanks and airplanes in the future?
No, we're going to use cyber command.
So what becomes important?
National Geospatial Agency, NGA, Cyber Command.
Which general is important?
A general called Nakasone, who's now the head of Cyber Command.
Alright, Steven Chinick.com.
Unfortunately, we're out of time.
Always amazing.
Please join us again soon.
Paul Joseph Watson is about to take over and he is ready, ready to knock a grand slam.
Well, the Cultural Revolution continues, the erasure of history continues.
Today, in the UK and in other European cities, we've seen yet more statues defaced, more statues removed.
They're now removing TV shows because back in the day they weren't seen as offensive as they are now.
But as the BBC said earlier in an article, times have changed.
Now they're literally going back into their on-demand service and removing TV shows from 15 years ago because some people are offended today.
Heinrich Heine.
A German playwright once wrote, where they burn books, they will in the end also burn people.
Over the past few days in the UK, we've seen statues being pulled down, dragged into the river.
How long before they start dragging people into the river?
Well, because everyone's racist, right?
Everyone who disagrees with me is racist, so why not people?
And I made the point earlier But given that much of history is now digitized and therefore prone to woke revisionism, you know, we've literally got Wikipedia being edited in real time to hide history.
We've got the Wayback Machine on the internet being changed to delete old content that was on the internet.
Given that history is now digitized, at least much of it, don't be surprised if the mob starts burning books and museums next.
They literally are going to get to that stage where they have mass bonfires of books in the streets.
They're going to start burning museums down because they contain offensive things.
Like, oh, we'll move the statues to the museum.
No, still offensive.
They need to go.
They will start attacking museums, mark my words.
And of course, lefty academics and historians will applaud it as a courageous act of progressivism.
So what's been happening today?
We'll start in Belgium.
Headline, Belgian city removes statue of longest-serving king after it was defaced by Black Lives Matter protesters.
This was in the Belgian city of Antwerp, which if you look at the population of Antwerp, the demographics, very interesting correlation after Black Lives Matter protesters.
In the Belgian city of Antwerp defaced the statue of King Leopold II, Belgium's longest reigning monarch.
Authorities removed it and said it will be put in a museum.
As you can see, it was daubed with paint, this statue in front of a church in Antwerp, Belgium, prompting its immediate removal by local authorities.
However, according to Johan Verment, a spokesman for Antwerp's mayor Bart de Wever, the statue will not be returned to its original position after restoration and will instead likely end up in a museum.
And since this article went up, I've literally seen video after video of Congolese migrants climbing atop all these other statues in Antwerp, in other cities in Belgium, defacing them, demanding their immediate removal.
Now, this official said because of a renovation work plan for 2023 in the square in which it was placed, the statue will not be replaced.
Of course, that's the excuse.
He went on to say it will probably become part of the museum collection.
So, consigned to history, the statue of Belgium's longest-serving king.
They started with the slave traders, now they're moving on to their literal kings and queens that were on the throne for decades and decades.
Because, of course, he was a coloniser.
An online petition created by a teenage Congolese migrant calling for all King Leopold II statues to be removed now has 60,000 signatures.
So the rest of them in other cities in Belgium may not remain standing for long.
And this is the key point.
Apparently Belgium is so racist that millions of migrants chose to live there. 53.2% of residents in Antwerp, Belgium's most populous, are now of immigrant origin.
So literally more than half the population is of immigrant origin and they start removing the city's history.
Some kind of connection there.
Now if you look at what's been happening in Antwerp over the past couple of years, as I point out in this article, with the mass deluge of migrants that's taken place since 2015 from the refugee wave, It's become a somewhat more violent place.
Back in October 2018, a 68-year-old man in Turnout, Antwerp had his face broken in 11 places after receiving a vicious beating from migrants.
Why was he beaten?
Because they were offended about how his dog smelled.
He was beaten to within an inch of his life.
Cultural enrichment strikes again.
Earlier that year, A dozen migrants in Antwerp pelted a handicapped elderly lady with large stones while calling her a dirty, smelly Belgian during an alarming attack.
These are the new citizens of Antwerp.
First it was statues of slavers, now its longest-serving kings.
What's next?
Well, what's next in the United Kingdom is a statue which was on the east docks of London.
And this happened just about an hour ago, two hours ago.
It was on private property.
This was a statue of somebody who wasn't even directly involved in the slave trade.
It was his family that was involved in the slave trade.
And because this statue is next to the River Thames, which was used to import goods during the slave trade, that statue has been removed.
This is a statue of Robert Milligan, removed from West India Quay in East London.
They had what looks like a little ceremony.
They had a JCB tractor turn up and yank it down because it was on private property.
And of course the owner of the land immediately cooked after seeing the footage here out of Bristol a couple of days ago.
And this is what happened that you're seeing on your screen right now.
So it was owned by a private landowner that owned this piece of land.
By the way, this is in front of a museum, which is all about slavery.
So the statue is literally in front of a museum.
It's basically part of the museum land, but it was removed anyway.
Is this going to go to a basement in the museum?
Are they going to hide it away?
Or are they just going to throw it in the River Thames?
So you have that happening.
By the way, in central London, Parliament Square today, yet another mob has surrounded the statue of Winston Churchill.
Which, of course, was defaced horrifically on Sunday, and the people who tried to protect it were moved on by the police, allowing the mob to come in and attack it.
The exact same thing is happening today.
You see this footage out of the Saturday incident, where there are a group of football labs, they call them, protecting this statue.
The police deliberately removed those trying to protect the statue, left it vulnerable to attack by the mob, Thankfully, groups of volunteers cleaned off the graffiti, but now, today, the mob is back.
Once again, to desecrate the statue of Winston Churchill, the arch-racist who literally fought off the Nazi war machine.
Meanwhile, Guido Fawkes reports, the left erected oppressive statues.
It says, while the left are busy trying to tear down statues of Britain's history, Their opposition to oppressive statues is very newly found.
In 2017, Manchester Council permitted artist Bill Collins to erect a statue of Engels, who by the way used child labour in its factories, they don't care about that, that had been torn down and dismantled by Ukrainians after their liberation from decades of communist oppression and genocide.
Perhaps given the current climate left, the activists will now reconsider the offensive statue.
And they've set up a website Which is being shared by all the left-wing activists on Twitter demanding that all these different statues around the country be removed.
One of those statues, headline, Leftists Want to Topple Statue of British Prime Minister Whose Government Ended Slavery.
Yes, one of the statues on the list that they want to remove was literally the Prime Minister of Britain when we ended slavery throughout the British Empire.
This is Charles II Earl Grey, Former British Prime Minister, and since the toppling of a statue in Bristol of slaver Edward Colston, and the desecration of Winston Churchill's statue in London, Black Lives Matter supporters are salivating at the prospect of what historical monuments they can tear down next.
And Charles Grey, second Earl of Grey, a long-time leader of multiple reform movements, under whose government slavery was abolished in the British Empire, is next on the list.
This Prime Minister Literally set aside 40% of Britain's GDP to buy slaves and then free the slaves.
But they still want to tear down his statue because part of that money went to pay off slave owners with reparations.
So even though he literally oversaw the movement that became the first government in the world to abolish slavery, which by the way still goes on in many countries of the world, none of which are white, Now they want to tear down his statue.
Christopher Snowden tweeted, they want to topple the statue of the guy who abolished slavery.
And now London Mayor Sadiq Khan wants more London landmarks removed to reflect diversity.
We'll get into it more after the break.
Summit.News.Go away.
The form of government, the new form of government that we now seem to be under, if you can call it a government, is what the Greeks called oclocracy.
And if you look this up on Wikipedia, It's termed as a form of mob rule, which is the rule of government by mob or mass of people, or the intimidation of legitimate authorities, which is what we've seen over the past week, with them caving at every possible opportunity to these individuals.
As a pejorative for majoritarianism, it is akin to the Latin phrase mobile vulgus, meaning the fickle crowd from which the English term mob originally was derived in the 1680s.
So the ancient Greeks saw this mobocracy or oclocracy As one of the three bad forms of government, which is tyranny, oligarchy and oclocracy.
We are now entering the oclocracy with the tearing down of these statues by violent mobs surrounding them demanding their removal.
Even to the extent, as I was talking about before the break, they now put on the list of statues they want removed The Prime Minister who was in control of the country and oversaw the policy to be the first country in the world to literally abolish slavery throughout the world.
He's next on the list.
People think Winston Churchill is safe.
I don't think so.
Charles II, Earl of Grey, who oversaw the abolition of slavery in the British Empire, is now on the list for statues that they want removed.
And Mayor Sadiq Khan has chimed in, obviously.
Headline, Mayor Corn sets up commission to review all London landmarks to ensure they comply with diversity.
So this is a guy who's overseen massive knife crime, violent crime in general, acid attacks across the capital city, moped robbing gangs, explosion of FGM cases, gang warfare, grooming gangs who aren't prosecuted.
That's all gone under the radar, but as soon as there's a racist statue to be removed, he's hot on the case!
This is a guy who is overseeing a knife crime epidemic in London, where 73% according to the superintendent of the mayor, who is black by the way, 73% of knife offenders and 53% of victims were from black or ethnic minority backgrounds.
He's done nothing to stop that bloodshed, but as soon as there's a racist statue to be removed, he is right on the case.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan faced backlash Tuesday After he announced the formation of a commission to review all London landmarks and street names.
Yes, the statues aren't enough.
Now they're going to be changing the names of the streets.
I mean, it's not enough to have rainbow LGBT crossings everywhere.
It's not enough to have transgender traffic lights.
Now we have to rename the streets.
Khan promised to review and improve London diversity in the wake of BLM protests at which statues of Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln were defaced.
Yes, the guy who went to war to end slavery, Abraham Lincoln, his statue was defaced as well.
Khan told Sky News that the Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm will review all London landmarks including murals, street art, street names and other public memorials.
Now the response to this, well one of the responses was why don't you start with this fella, Muhammad and slavery.
The Prophet Muhammad, who Sadiq Khan worships, Did not try to abolish slavery and bought, sold, captured and owned slaves himself.
Not going to talk about that, are we?
Not going to talk about the Barbary slave trade.
We're not going to ask reparations for that.
Somebody else responded to Sadiq Khan.
Protect our heritage.
No cultural revolution.
ISIS destroy history.
Yes, that's true.
They literally, once they take over a region violently, they destroy the history of the region.
Really people to aspire to, aren't they?
And I object to a 1,000 capacity mega mosque in Piccadilly Circus.
Yes, there are plans to build a 1,000 capacity mega mosque right in central London.
I guess a lot of people will be offended by that.
It's going ahead right on schedule.
Somebody else said, take Churchill's statue down so that he can see the start of civil war.
Well, the people who have tried to protect it so far have been immediately removed by police, so I don't see how that's going to happen.
Somebody else pointed out that the statue of Nelson Mandela remains untouched in central London, even though he literally, and his party literally, used necklacing, which was placing burning tyres on his political enemies and setting them on fire.
We don't talk about that anymore, do we?
Again, certain parts of history, they can stay, even if they're just as brutal as others, because of the narrative.
Somebody else said, I'd like to knock down the Roman part of London Wall that is still visible because they used slaves.
Another respondent said, the Tower of London will have to go.
Yes, people were imprisoned and tortured in the Tower of London.
Maybe we need to knock that down.
Somebody else said, not sure the French are too happy about Trafalgar Square and Nelson's Column.
There are thousands of them in London now.
Do we care?
No, stop wasting London's budget.
And Nelson's Column is not just offensive to the French, it's offensive to a lot of left-wing identitarians who have openly called for that to be torn down too.
So Sadiq Khan says he's going to replace these monuments, tear some down with diversity-specialised monuments.
Maybe Stormzy will replace Nelson at the top of Nelson's Column.
Who knows?
Absolutely incredible.
And then you contrast that with how Black people are literally being killed by each other on the streets of London on a regular basis, to the point where once our knife crime was worse than New York City.
Nothing whatsoever done about that, other than saying, London is open.
Absolutely incredible.
The Spectator reports Sadiq Khan's statue review is a mistake.
This is an article by Emma Webb.
She writes, what should we make of the clamour for more statues to meet the same fate as Edward Colston's?
One thing to say is that the toppling of monuments is rarely historically literate.
During the French Revolution, Parisians destroyed 28 statues of biblical kings from the west facade of Notre Dame Cathedral.
In their zeal, it didn't matter that the 500-year-old statues didn't actually portray the kings of France.
Countless pieces of art books and historical artifacts have been lost to this kind of ideological erasure.
Finding themselves in the illustrious company of the Taliban and Islamic State, it's wrong to describe this weekend's iconoclasts as mere vandals.
The good news?
There was a poll by YouGov here in the UK which asked people, do you approve or disapprove of protesters in Bristol pulling down the statue of Edward Colston?
And only 13% of them ...said that they approved of the statue being removed in the way that it was done.
I mean, 40% said it should have been removed, but at least only 13% think that you should empower violent mobs of people to go rampaging around cities, tearing down anything that offends them.
I guess maybe it's alarming that 13% think that, but at least it remains a noisy minority.
But again, if the police don't stop them, what's the point in doing polls?
What's the point in tweeting about it?
The police, when these monuments get torn down, literally say, oh, we thought it would look bad if we got in the way of them tearing these statues down.
Because it's not like we're the police or anything, is it?
It's not like literally our one job is to stop people committing crimes, is it?
And they don't only let them get on with it.
They remove the people protecting the statues.
There was a guy in London, after the Winston Churchill statue was daubed with graffiti, who merely went up to the statue and knocked away a few Black Lives Matter signs.
Because the mob fingered him, the Salem witch trial mob, and immediately chanted, WITCH or RACIST in modern parlance, the police went directly after him.
So if our own police force can't stop rampant acts of criminality on the Capitol Street, What can we do tweeting about it?
Absolutely incredible.
We'll be back with more on the other side.
Don't go away.
Now, of course, it's not enough just to remove statues.
It's not enough just to try and change history.
They now are going after TV shows that are as recent as 15 years ago.
Comedy TV shows in the United Kingdom.
And having them removed from on-demand services.
Which is quite ironic in the case of this show, Little Britain.
Which today has been removed from BBC iPlayer, Britbox and Netflix.
Because the creators of this show, David Walliams and Matt Lucas, are the most insufferably woke people you could imagine.
That didn't stop the mob coming after them.
Headline, Little Britain is removed from BBC iPlayer, Britbox and Netflix.
And it's also canned Come Fly With Me, which was another show created by the same people, amid concerns that the use of blackface characters on the series is no longer acceptable.
Now this is a show from about 15 years ago which satirised every different demographic in the United Kingdom and in fact most of the comedy was aimed at working class white people and making fun of them, making a mockery of them.
It offended everybody.
The characters in it which were blackface were not meant to be derogatory towards black people at all.
They were just characters.
But now Little Britain has been removed from Netflix, BBC iPlayer and Britbox amid concerns that use of blackface characters on the series is no longer acceptable.
This is Socialist Realism 2020.
This is exactly what the Stalinists did, as I'm going to get on to.
In an apparent reaction to Black Lives Matter protests, Netflix pulled the Matt Lucas and David Walliams series on Friday, along with the pair's other comedy, Come Fly With Me.
Then yesterday, BBC and Britbox both confirmed they had also decided to remove Little Britain, saying times have changed since the show first aired.
So because times have changed, because you've allowed this hysterical, woke, outrage mob to seize control of culture, now we have to erase history, down to the point of purity tests for entertainment.
The show includes scenes where the comedians portray characters from different ethnic backgrounds with the use of makeup.
And in fact, they portray racist white people.
That's why the show is called Little Britain.
Because it's about small-minded people in Britain being bigoted in some of these sketches.
No, not good enough.
It suggests a certain uncertain future.
But other popular comedy series which feature similar techniques, though many are still available to watch on streaming sites.
There's a movie from 2004, by the way, called White Girls, which shows two black actors in white face portraying white women.
I'm sure that'll be deleted, too.
Don't hold your breath.
But League of Gentlemen, another UK series, features a blackface character, is still both on Netflix and BBC iPlayer.
I'm sure that'll be gone within 24 hours.
And while Bo Selector, which has since sparked a tearful apology from its creator, Leigh Francis, is no longer available on all four, it can still be viewed on Prime Video.
That's right, the creator of Bo Selector basically wallowed in his white guilt and cried on the internet a few days ago apologising for using blackface because he wore masks depicting black people in a comedy show.
The entire show Was about putting all these characters, whether they be black or white, in the position of being from Northern England, doing stupid accents to make them funny.
It had nothing to do with the colour of their skin.
But no, that's probably on its way out too.
As is the film, Tropic Thunder, in all likelihood, in which Robert Downey Jr.
appears in blackface.
That's still available on Prime.
So now, are we going to have to go through every single movie and TV show over the past 50 years, To see if it meets the standards of the new woke mob.
This is what they did, by the way, during the 60s and 70s.
Not film classifications, not age ratings, but they had to put movies and TV shows before a panel of people who decided whether it was too offensive.
Now, back in the day, that was Christians, that was Conservatives, that was, you know, people on the authoritarian side of the cultural divide.
They had the power to censor and ban controversial content.
It was wrong then, so why is it not wrong now?
It's just the sands have shifted, and the people judging whether this is offensive are the people who are literally offended by everything.
And it's basically a purity test.
I did an article back a few months ago, headline, New Purity Test Tool to Scan Hollywood Scripts for Diversity Bias.
There's major Hollywood studios are set to use a new tool that scans movie and TV scripts and flags up any examples where diversity is not portrayed positively in a chilling new development that has echoes of Soviet realism.
And as I point out in the article, this is borrowed right from Stalinist Russia, running art through an Orwellian purity test before it can be allowed to be seen.
Throughout the course of the Soviet Empire, dictators mandated that socialist realism be the prescribed style of idealized art.
Art, paintings, whatever, productions, theater productions, movies, had to be run through the Soviet censor.
They had to be socialist realism.
This meant that every sculpture, statue and painting had to conform to an established aesthetic in order to educate citizens on how to be the perfect Soviets.
That is the exact same process we see today, but it's indoctrinating people on how they can and must join the mob.
In order to entrench loyalty to the Communist Party and advance a utopian image of Soviet society, the purpose of Soviet socialist realism was to limit popular culture to a specific, highly regulated faction of emotional expression that promoted Soviet ideals.
The key word there is limit.
This is going to make our culture infinitely more bland and sterile.
Because, I mean, you can't even get a work of art In an art museum, in many cases now, if it doesn't amplify a social justice message.
The most important thing about the work of art is the social justice message, not the quality of the art itself, which by no coincidence is why modern art is complete turd.
So they're literally implementing socialist realism, Stalinist thought control in the arts and entertainment industry.
In fact, there's a new thing where Actors in both TV shows and movies, in their contract, they have to sign a thing which says if you're targeted by a woke outrage mob and we fire you as the production company or the studio, then we're not going to compensate you.
Once they come after you, once they try to cancel you, they literally have to agree to that in their contract before it's signed.
And now Little Britain has fallen by the wayside as a result of that same mindset, despite, as I said before, its creators being the most insufferable woke people you could imagine.
That didn't save them from the mob, because there's no room for tolerance, because these are such tolerant people.
RT reports Apple and Google wokeify virtual assistants to educate users on Black Lives Matter.
Of course, last week we had the article, Apple freezes browse feature of music app and replaces it with F the Police playlist.
They literally broke their own app to try and force people to listen to a Black Lives Matter playlist that included the song F the Police, which, if you read the lyrics, is about massacring police officers.
That's trendy.
And that, again, like with Google, when they break their own search engine to Game their own algorithm and not provide you with the search result you need.
Apple did that.
Well now, Apple and Google have programmed their trademark voice assistants to respond to questions about Black Lives Matter movement as well as to scold those who ask about All Lives Matter.
Business Insider reports tech companies across the board are training their voice assistants to respond to questions on the BLM movement.
So somebody asked, this is a sports blogger, David Garner, tweeted a video showing his Google Home smart speaker responding to the question, do black lives matter?
In response, Google's voice assistant parroted the party line.
Black lives matter.
This is said in an NPC voice, no doubt.
Black lives matter.
Black people deserve the same freedoms afforded to everyone in this country.
Yet what freedoms do black people not have that everybody else has?
And recognising the injustice they face is the first step towards fixing it.
So now they're programming voice assistants with this cult indoctrination message in case people didn't get the message the first time round.
Absolutely incredible.
So what's next?
I mean, If there's a show from 15 years ago which makes a mockery out of every single demographic in the country, and in fact in some of the sketches exposes, quote, bigotry of small-minded or little-minded people in Britain, if that's not safe, then what is safe?
I mean, are we going to go back and erase all the Bond movies from the 80s because they're full of misogyny?
Gone with the Wind, that's racist, right?
Everything, literature, arts, movies, it's all up for grabs.
Everything must go.
Don't go away.
Goodbye, final segment.
I'm going to switch gears here in a second and get into some coronavirus news, but we're going to go to this Tucker Carlson clip first because the statues fall as TV shows are literally being removed from history because people are offended.
If you cave to the mob, this is only going to get worse, and this is the point that Tucker makes in this monologue, so let's roll it right now.
Here it is.
What is going on?
What is this about?
Even the outlines are blurry at this point, but we know this.
No matter what they tell you, it has very little to do with black lives.
If only it did.
If Democratic leaders cared about saving the lives of black people, and they should, they wouldn't ignore the murder of thousands of young black men in their cities every year.
They wouldn't put abortion clinics in black neighborhoods.
They would instead do their very best to improve the public schools and to encourage intact families, which we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is central.
To the life prospects of children.
They try to make black neighborhoods as safe as their own neighborhoods.
They would close the payday lenders that add so much misery to the lives of poor people of all colors.
But they don't even consider doing any of this.
They don't even try.
Instead they encourage theft and mayhem as if that will help.
It will not help.
This may be a lot of things, this moment we're living through, but it is definitely not about black lives.
And remember that when they come for you, and at this rate, they will.
Anyone who's ever been subjected to the rage of the mob knows the feeling.
It's like being swarmed by hornets.
You cannot think clearly.
And the temptation is to panic.
But you can't panic.
You've got to keep your head and tell the truth.
Tell the truth.
If you show weakness of any kind, they will crush you.
Ask Drew Brees.
By some accounts, poor Drew Brees is on his fourth apology for the crime of defending the American flag.
He decided to apologize and now they're using him as a propaganda work and hostage tape after hostage tape.
At a moment like this, there is no advantage in cowardice, in being Mitt Romney.
You think you're saving yourself, you're just empowering the worst people, people who hate you.
Before you know it, you're confessing to crimes you didn't commit.
Don't start.
Tell the truth.
And the truth is, this is a good country.
Better than any other.
Of course we are flawed, but we are trying, unlike most places, and we have nothing to be ashamed of.
None of us.
Immigrants know that best of all.
That's why they come here.
A million new Americans every year.
They're not coming because America is a racist country.
They're coming because it's not.
That's all true.
And in our clear moments, we know it's true.
Even the people claiming it's not.
Truth is a defense.
No matter what they're telling you at this moment.
This moment will pass.
Remember that.
All moments do.
When it does, we will look back at what we just saw in horror and disbelief.
But if you're honest now, you will keep your dignity.
And ultimately, you will be very glad about that.
Life is not worth living without it.
There you have it.
Tucker Carlson saying don't cave to the mob.
Not many people have paid heed to that message, have they?
Corporations, individuals, celebrities, they've all gone all in with the brainwashing, with the mob intimidation.
Gonna switch gears now, though.
Because you remember when the World Health Organization claimed in January, January 14th, that there'd be no human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus.
Of course, they were only told about it by China in December.
Well, now we have this headline out of CNBC.
Satellite images and online searches indicate China had coronavirus in the fall, Harvard study finds.
COVID-19 may have been circulating in China as early as August 2019, a new study from Harvard Medical School claims.
The virus, which is widely believed to have originated in a wildlife market in the Chinese city of Wuhan, was first reported to the WHO in late December.
So, China lied about it for at least three months, failed to tell the World Health Organization, but we're told we can't criticize China, we can't call it the China virus, we can't call it the Wuhan virus.
Don't blame China, that's racist.
And don't blame the WHO either, because they've been straight with us all along, haven't they?
Turns out no.
WHO scrambles to clarify comments on asymptomatic coronavirus spread say as much is still unknown.
CNBC again.
The World Health Organization scrambled Tuesday to clarify its comments earlier this week that transmission of the coronavirus by people who never developed symptoms is very rare, which drew skepticism from physicians and others across social media.
They've literally changed the line on this asymptomatic carrier thing three different times.
In fact, Cernovich tweeted something earlier under the words, the scientists are all fake, where he points out, referencing the tweets of Andy Slavitt, who at first said, breaking WHO clarifies they estimate 16% of people are asymptomatic and can transmit the virus.
Then later they said, WHO says 40% of transmissions may be through asymptomatic people.
And now they're saying, The WHO made a surprising announcement.
Asymptomatic people with COVID rarely spread it.
So it went from 16% to 40% to now barely 0%.
Remember, you will be banned if you disagree with the World Health Organization and health experts, even though they've literally changed their story on every single facet of this over and over again.
It's going to be hard to keep up with that, isn't it?
In fact, that's something that lockdownsceptics.org is talking about.
In regard to face masks.
They write, my heart goes out to the poor drudget YouTube, charged with overseeing the removal of any content that challenges the WHO's official guidance on COVID-19.
Because of course, Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube, told CNN at the end of April, the social media platform will be removing information that is problematic, including anything that goes against World Health Organization recommendations.
The problem is, Those recommendations change from one day to the next.
So how is YouTube's Centre-in-Chief supposed to keep up?
And they give the example of face masks.
As readers with long memories will recall this WHO video which tentatively recommended the wearing of masks in combination with other protective measures.
That was before April.
Then on April 6, the WHO updated its advice.
Now apparently there was no point in wearing face masks, so they changed it once.
He said, there is currently no evidence that wearing a face mask, whether medical or other types, by healthy persons in the wider community setting can prevent infection.
But then in its latest official guidance, they've changed the narrative once again.
Published on June 5th, WHO recommends that everyone should wear masks in public areas.
WHO's technical lead expert on COVID-19 said in a Reuters interview, we are advising governments to encourage the general public to wear a mask.
No doubt in a few weeks' time the WHO's advice will change again.
It's almost as if the organisation is trolling us now.
And remember, if you disagree with that, you're liable to get banned, your videos get removed off of YouTube, even though you could be right or you could be in disagreement with the WHO based on what they're saying from one day to the next, because they don't seem to know their arse from their elbow.
Absolutely incredible.
Meanwhile, George Floyd protesters asked about white woman killed by Somali Minneapolis police officer.
This is an angle to the George Floyd story that people like to gloss over.
Because in 2017, Justin Daymond, an Australian-American woman, was killed by a Minneapolis Police Department officer.
Don't remember any mass protests in 2017 against the Minneapolis Police Department, do you?
Why not?
Well, she was white and he wasn't.
40-year-old Justice Damond, an Australian-American woman, was fatally shot by Mohamed Noor, a Somali-American Minneapolis Police Department officer.
This was July 2017.
Damond had called 911 to report the assault of a woman in an alley behind her house, but was shot by Noor as she approached his police car, despite being unarmed.
So an unarmed woman, shot dead by a Minneapolis Police Department officer, Don't remember any giant riots or protests.
Don't remember anyone burning down businesses.
Don't remember anyone wanting any statues pulled down.
Suffice to say the incident didn't spark global protests.
And then Abiy Yemeni went out to Black Lives Matter Melbourne to ask people if they'd heard of this and if they care about it.
Asked if Damon's death was just as bad as George Floyd's death.
One black protester commented, no it's not, and then immediately walked away.
Another woman said it was s-word that people were saying all lives matter.
When asked if all lives did matter, she responded, not right now.
When asked why there were no protests in Australia over Justin Dumond, another woman remarked, well, I'd have to say that's a bit of white supremacy.
Yes, she literally said that.
And when pressed, why is it white supremacy?
The woman responded, well, because she's white.
So apparently, Being murdered while white by a non-white person is incredibly racist.
New York Times columnist demands white people ditch family members who don't support Black Lives Matter.
This is in an article published yesterday and he said if your family members don't Protest in favour of Black Lives Matter, or if they don't make financial donations to Black Lives Matter, then you literally need to withdraw from them and basically put them by the wayside.
Your own family members, which of course is classic cult behaviour, where they separate people from their families to indoctrinate them with the prescribed message.
And of course, the left just loves to use the cult of victimhood to break up families.
That is their raison d'etre.
Chicago sees its deadliest day in 60 years with 18 murders in 24 hours.
Nobody's gonna protest about that because they don't actually care about black lives.
They only care about power.
Gonna wrap it up.
War Room's coming up next.
Don't go away.
Our country's not perfect, but it's our nation and has a Bill of Rights and Constitution.
It's been very successful and has been the number one country where the average person has a chance to become successful and to become happy and to live out their dreams.
Powerful multinational corporations that exploit human populations all over the world to levels beyond any horror movie or H.P.
Lovecraft novel Are the very ones now setting up this tyranny in America and knowing that we care about race relations and knowing that we care and we have a basic Christian ethos still, they play on that and say, you're racist, you're bad.
And when out of 350 million people, something sad happens to somebody, At the hands of police officers, like George Floyd, even if they're all charged, and even if they all go to prison, it doesn't matter, it's your fault, because you're white.
But it's white billionaires controlling things, saying that they want to divert from their crimes, their corruption, their illegal surveillance of the population, on to Telling us that we're all individually bad?
And now after three months of a lockdown and top scientists coming out and saying COVID-19 is a giant hoax designed to destroy the economy, now they move on to destroying the economy with looting and rioting and race war.
It is absolutely evil.
And now Senator Cotton of Arkansas has come out.
And said that President Trump is absolutely right.
We should invoke the Insurrection Act because all over the United States, more than 20 states run by blue governors and blue cities say riot, kill, attack.
And will not call out the National Guard so the police are overwhelmed.
This is an attempt to further stall the economy and bring down the country.
And this will hurt the most disadvantaged Americans the most.
And this is a diabolical crime that absolutely must be punished.
The Justice Department has announced its opening criminal investigation of who's behind Antifa.
Soros and Alexander Soros.
And these organizations they fund like refusefascism.org.
Are the groups that run this.
We have all the documents.
We have all the proof.
Friends of Democracy.
These are the organizations that operated under Obama and the Clintons with impunity and are engaging in a massive criminal takeover.
But we've got General Mattis and George W. Bush and all and George Will that said he didn't care about the primaries for Trump.
That it should be overwritten because the plurality of the people didn't matter.
These are monsters.
And they're launching this attack on you and your rights and your freedom.
And they're deadly dangerous.
So see the chessboard.
And see that they're using you as a pawn.
And decide not to play their game.
Expose the entire game.
With the truth.
With the justice.
With freedom.
I just want listeners to know and I want you to understand that without your support we're not going to be here and we are running a sale that absolutely will end on Sunday and then it's over.
It is the flash 60% off sale that I launched on Monday.
It's the biggest sale not just of this year but arguably the biggest sale we've ever done because across the board all of these amazing supplements.
Are 60% off right now.
Supermail Vitality, Knockout Sleep Support, Brain Force, Biodry Selenium, Kill Force, Ultimate Krill Oil, Emerge Essentials, Hand Sanitizer, Organic Oils, DNA Force Plus, Living Defense Plus, Turbo Force.
Many of those we've never had at 60% off.
That's how we fund this operation.
They're great products.
Get some t-shirts while you're at it.
It's all there at infowarestore.com and that's how you fund the Second American Revolution and get high quality products.
So thank you all for your support.
please take action now.
As the pressure to wear masks in public rises, it's important to be able to keep yourself safe while
making a statement.
(upbeat music)
That's why we created a limited edition InfoWars face mask.
The easiest way to stay safe from incoming germs, while showing your support for patriotism and freedom in the face of tyranny.
Easy to use, just slip it on on your way to work, the store, or anywhere that mandates a mask around you.
These also make great gifts or purchases for friends, family members, neighbors, or anyone else concerned about their safety in public.
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Get the limited edition InfoWars face mask today at InfoWarsStore.com [Music]
When do you think the people should be able to like, talk again?
The deep person?
Yeah, that's a good question.
Well, Alex Jones at least has Infowars.com.
He can do his own thing and people go to that.
And Gavin's got a show still.
Does he?
Yeah, you know, as someone who's kind of all for free speech, I often get told that I'm bad because
I have to defend people whose language I don't agree with.
That is what free speech is.
It's not defending everyone who says things that I love.
It doesn't make any sense because that means you're right all the time.
If you're only defending the things that you believe in, will you write all the time about everything?
But I have to defend the people who say things that are even atrocious and that I would never get on board with, because that's what free speech is.
And like you said, it is that slippery slope of who gets to be the arbiter of what is said.
Right, and what are your guidelines?
Alex Jones is funnier than Andy Kaufman's ever been.
Alex Jones is f***ing hilarious, often.
Did you see the whole that he's Bill Hicks?
That's not real.
I went down that rabbit hole.
That's the silliest s*** ever.
I know, but there are videos.
But he had one thing we're talking about, like if it's between his family starving or eating his neighbor.
He's like, I'll eat your ass.
I thought... Come on.
I will eat your ass!
Do you don't think there's entertainment value in him saying he's going to eat his neighbor?
Stop my dumpster fire!
But there's something to that, like to stop that and ban that.
You're not stopping anyone from... You're not stopping anybody from anything bad by not having Alex do this entertaining thing about eating his neighbor.
You're not saving anybody.
You know what I'm saying?
Like, what are you doing?
Like, what is he doing that's so awful?
I don't know how to fix any of it.
It's entertaining.
Like, why is it only acceptable if you have some kind of entertainment?
Because there's so many rap videos that you could watch that I enjoy, but they're talking about shooting people and robbing people, and it's everywhere on YouTube!
It's so prevalent!
And somehow or another, that's okay.
Like it's f***ing weird what's allowed and what's not allowed.
I will eat your leftist ass like corn on the cob.
I'm ready.
I will.
I will eat your ass.
I will eat your leftist ass!
Like corn on the cob!
I'm ready!
I will eat you!
I will eat your ass!
My children aren't going hungry!
I'll do it!
I'll drink your blood!
And I'm starting to think about having to eat my neighbors!
You think I like?
Size it up, I'm gonna haul him up by a chain!
Chop his ass up, size it up, I'm gonna haul him up by a chain!
Chop, chop, chop, chop!
Barbecue yo' ass!
I will cook your ass up so fast, I'll tell them, boy, I killed a cow out back, baby.
You think Christ would eat somebody?
He would never do that.
I will.
I'm ready to hang them up, gut them and skin them and chop them up.
You know what?
I'm ready.
I will eat your leftist ass like corn on the cob I'm ready!
I will!
I will eat your ass!
I will eat your leftist ass like corn on the cob I'm ready!
I will eat you!
I will eat your ass!
That's why I want the globalists to know I will eat your ass first
I swear to God, if it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna get my hands around your throat.