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Name: 20200527_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 27, 2020
2707 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses issues such as nursing homes being threatened with arrest for refusing to accept COVID patients, the importance of spiritual awakening, resisting government control over churches, promoting health products, and encouraging listeners to resist oppressive measures put in place by globalists. The speaker emphasizes standing up against authoritarian regimes, prioritizing individual rights and freedoms, and elevating human consciousness during the pandemic.

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Journal of the American Medical Association, April 21, 2020.
Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection because there is no evidence to suggest that face masks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill.
Journal of the American Medical Association.
Face masks should be reserved for those who need them because masks can be in short supply, blah blah blah.
So the whole narrative is collapsing.
What does that signify?
What do they do next?
Because, here I'm continuing, because N95 respirators require special fit testing, they are not recommended for use by the general public.
So what I'm suggesting you do, those of you, whatever, million people right now, maybe more that are listening, go to that Journal of the American Medical Association, April 21, copy this out, make handbills, and just, you know, as Bill Hicks used to say, I'm just going around planting seeds, planting seeds, just hand them out to Uh, you know, people standing in line at Whole Foods in their masks, acting like robots and so on.
Or wherever, you know, store managers, hey, you might want to read this.
Hello, hi, how are you?
Just take this and check it out.
Because look, this whole thing is, as Alex said, completely collapsing.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Thank you.
And the governor's office is also continuing to defend his early policy of requiring nursing homes to accept COVID-positive patients to keep space free in our hospitals.
Well, a report from the Associated Press says that the state sent more than 4,500 patients recovering from the disease to those nursing homes, and at least 5,700 nursing home residents have died with the virus.
The administration claims that it was doing what Washington told them to do.
The policy that the Department of Health put out was in line directly with the March 13th directive put out by CDC and CMS that read, and I quote, nursing homes should admit any individuals from hospitals where COVID is present.
Not could, should.
That is President Trump's, CMS, and CDC.
So I know that there's been a lot of discussion on this topic.
There are over a dozen states that did the exact same thing.
The governor later changed that policy to say that hospitals should not discharge patients to nursing homes unless those nursing homes certify that they can actually properly care for all of those patients.
If you understand that one minute, ten second clip, you understand everything about COVID-19, everything about the New World Order, everything about how these crime networks operate.
And so we're going to dissect that piece Coming up at the start of the next segment.
Obviously, Trump has come out.
There's a big story up at DrugsReport.com.
It's also on Infowars.com.
Trump threatens to close down social media platforms that silence conservatives as feud with Twitter ramps up.
Well, it's not a feud.
They're blocking the president, telling people that mailing everyone in California or New York a mail-in ballot is going to be rife with fraud.
That's on record that you don't do that.
Nobody does that.
But it's his free speech, he's allowed to say it.
Well, now they've taken that away from the president so he finally gets it.
159 days out from the election that he's the target.
And it may be too late.
This is election meddling, this is fraud.
You know, the new Black Panther Party goes out and stands in front of a Polling place with billy clubs, that's a federal crime.
And the KKK does it, it's a federal crime.
But when big tech on the modern communication systems, that is Twitter, Facebook, Google, all of it, Instagram, allows total real-time AI censorship, it is a criminal operation.
With Media Matters, with the ADL, with the Southern Poverty Law Center, with the over 100,000 trained individuals just in North America to censor and control everybody.
And with the censorship comes the surveillance.
Mr. President, skin the cat with the racketeering.
Open and shut!
I could build this case in 30 minutes with the FBI, with their own admissions, their own Google statements, their own Twitter statements, and then they're lying to Congress.
How about lying to Congress under oath?
How about racketeering and organizing this between a Big Five cartel?
How about admitting that they're being directed by the Democratic Party?
How about how big tech takes hundreds of millions in foreign advertising money, that's really globalist money, to try to throw this election at others?
I mean, there's so many recipes on how to fricassee this thing that Trump's not surrounded by idiots.
And the word is Ivanka and Jared, who have nothing against them, personally, are so far up Google's ass, excuse my French, that Well, let's just say this.
Their lips and their asses are touching.
And... It's unbelievable.
It's un-American.
It's criminal.
It's ridiculous.
It's not, oh, they're a private company.
They can surveil your private messages and control those, and they can share your data, and they can control what the president can say.
This is the modern telephone.
Imagine somebody breaks into your telephone.
Oh, you can't say that.
We're listening.
You'd be like, this is outrageous.
But if it's the internet and it's digital, oh, it's okay.
Trampling all over us when we come back.
This is the string on the sweater that will pull the whole house of cards down.
And it's the deaths in these nursing homes, the premeditated planned murder.
Wednesday, May 27th, 2020.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be here live for the next four hours with 159 days out to the historic election.
And you couldn't have two More polar opposites of Joe Biden, the political insider lawyer nobody, the puppet, and Donald John Trump, the maverick, his own man.
You can disagree with what Trump does sometimes, but he's definitely the president, he's definitely in charge, and the globalists are crapping their britches.
But there's Biden up there with his kabuki theater with his little mask on and, oh, Trump's not good.
Trump's endangering people.
You've got to do what a special guild says forever.
You've got to let them run your life and have tracker chips and phones and social distancing and cycled on and off wearing masks and can't travel and your job's not essential, you're not essential, but we're essential.
This isn't red flags, folks.
This is alarm bells and explosions going off.
This is a thousand alarm fire.
We'll cover it all today.
I don't get into mumbo-jumbo.
There's plenty of that.
But I get into what's real.
And for anything that's real, the spirit world, the other dimensions, good and evil, you're going to have counterfeits out there that talk about spiritual experiences they've had, or sixth sense they've had, or things that transcend our five senses.
But this was a big issue weeks ago.
It wasn't even that big of an issue right now.
But I had a lot of people bring this up to me yesterday and then I prayed last night before I went to sleep that the answer to bringing down the globalists and exposing their whole COVID-19 hoax materialized in my mind.
Is it that they're putting people that die of cancer and gunshot wounds and car wrecks On the COVID list.
That's big.
Is it that the UN's running the whole thing and directing us and that all their numbers were fraudulent and lies and 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 times bigger than what they projected?
Is it the Wuhan lab made it so they have a patentable virus they can actually make a vaccine for?
All that's important.
That Fauci, working with Obama, transferred it to them and it was a big scandal five years ago and they think we're just going to forget about that.
All that's important.
And I already made a big deal about this point yesterday, but it really hit me last night.
And so I went to bed about nine.
I woke up about 3.20.
And I got up, started doing research.
And boom, into my text message comes Rob Deuce text.
He's up at 5 a.m.
saying, look at this.
And of course, it was the same subject, but something that my own research for an hour and a half, I hadn't found yet.
I was sending links off to the producer for the show today.
And so next segment, I'm going to get into this because this isn't just about the lives of these people.
More than half the COVID-19 deaths in the United States are nursing home folks.
It's about the rollout and how they systematically did it.
And we're always then planning to blame Trump later.
And this isn't about Defending Trump.
This is about learning how these criminal networks operate and the criminal architecture of how they battle-planned and pre-planned and beta-tested what they rolled out on us for at least a decade and had it in their pocket.
And we're already planning to do it, but now they're focusing it against Trump and the nation-state and the economy.
And now Gates has come out and said, this is only really a beta test.
This is event 201.
Event 202 will be a much more deadly pathogen.
Just as I've told you.
Because it's logical progression with these psychotics.
When you've read enough of their white papers and watched them long enough, you get inside their heads.
And let me tell you, it's not a pretty place.
Because word for word, what they're going to say and do, and all of you witness this, and all of you make your own predictions you see happening.
And a week later, exactly word for word, this is a final solution to cull the world population.
This is what Hitler wished he'd do.
A week later, he goes on Colbert and says, we're carrying out the final solution.
And Colbert goes, whoa, whoa, whoa, you might not want to use the Nazi term for killing off, you know, the undesirables.
So then, this morning, I walked into a gas station.
I couldn't help it, I wanted an ice cream sandwich, a little treat.
And the guy behind the counter goes, you know what pisses me off more than anything?
What they did to all those folks in those nursing homes, they need to hang.
Now, again, it's bigger than the dead, which is important.
But they've gone over to the other side now.
They would want those that killed them to be brought to justice, but it's bigger than that.
You knocked this domino down.
I mean, this is the Death Star shot, the money shot.
This is the bullseye.
It's the grand slam.
It's the royal flush.
It's everything.
I've analyzed it and I've spiritually cogitated on it.
And I was super guilty last night when I went to bed that I didn't make a bigger deal about this.
I mean, I talked about it a lot.
We said, it's terrible.
Aren't they evil?
And I realized they were breaking my will subconsciously and that they've killed so many babies and so many old people and taught us that human life is worthless and that they're so evil that I was here just going, oh yeah, and they're sending COVID patients to these places on purpose to have a higher number and to get rid of people and make 50 something thousand dollars off of each person they kill.
And then Media Matters wrote an article about it a few weeks ago saying I'm a terrible person, saying health care workers are killing people.
No, the actuaries, the bioethics boards, the corporations that set the policies are.
But again, they're going to hide behind the health care workers.
They're going to hide behind, oh, Trump told us to do it.
You mean Fauci that follows the U.N.
Not one Republican state followed this U.N.
directive that Fauci then regurgitated.
You think Trump is looking at every detail of this to put COVID patients in nursing homes?
That's a default move.
Like, if you got a can of gasoline in the middle of August in, say, Iowa, with a dead field of dry grass, and you just light the grass, it's gonna burn the field down.
But if you run around with gasoline end-to-end with a 50-gallon tank of it, the whole thing's gonna explode and burn down in minutes.
Putting patience That are COVID positive by the hundreds in per facility.
Chalking them full right next to old people.
I went and looked it up.
They'll put people in the same damn room with somebody knowing it's a death sentence.
And over half the deaths nationwide, it was 48.
Now it's 51% of all the deaths.
Our nursing homes, and it's like dominoes, one after the other.
Think about the cold-bloodedness of this.
The UN comes up with it.
It's put out by the NIH, CDC, and the Dems follow the UN plan to the T. Republican states didn't.
And, I mean, this is like if I walked in to a nursing home with people with a deadly pneumonia and said, we're going to put people next to you.
Oh, that's what they did.
The one group that it was killing that they knew not just to boost the numbers, not just to make the money, $13,000 and $49,000, do your math.
That's a lot of money.
$50,000 plus.
That's not even why they did it.
That's just gravy.
You got gravy, you got your chicken fried steak, you got your peas, you got your corn on the cob, you got your...
Sad fictions there, but the stake is the power to be able to do that, everybody cover it up, and then run it, and then say Trump told you to do it.
When Trump's been caught up in all the hysteria and fighting the whole thing being drugged downriver and then they've got the nerve to say it's his fault now after they just killed 50 plus thousand people and it's the very group running it and posing as our saviors and telling us it's never going to end and who want total medical control by centralized companies computers in the UN over everything your doctors and nurses do this is a test to see what they can get doctors and nurses to do and to manage All the death and destruction and then indemnify all these companies that carried out the killing.
That's why as soon as all this came out, Cuomo committed a major crime, not just killing the old people.
I'll tell you about it when we come back.
He now is threatening to take the licenses and arrest all the nursing homes because of COVID-19 deaths, saying they didn't carry out proper safety procedures when he ordered them to put them in there and kill everybody!
When the man comes around.
We are back live, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Now, we have in our hands the photon torpedoes to fire down the Death Star reactor shaft.
And we have the missiles aimed directly over it.
All you gotta do is hit a button and they're done.
Now let me explain this.
I've learned and studied their criminal activity.
And I've got inside their sick brains.
And then you can always reverse engineer and find their own documents where they admitted all themselves.
These criminals loved it.
Also flaunt things in front of everybody.
That's basic criminology.
They knew they weren't going to have big death numbers on COVID-19.
They knew it's a nasty, souped up pneumonia.
So listen to me.
*stutter* I could easily just talk about all this, or we can all understand, I think you all know this better than I, that if we get this story out and if this gets exposed, it's over for them.
And they know that, I'm about to show you proof.
They've already committed major crimes covering up these crimes in New York.
And I can tell you that these very individuals want me arrested.
Because we've been exposing this.
Well, they can burn in hell, and I'm sure they will.
Because we're not backing down.
So old Cuomo and all the rest of this trash thought trying to push the American people around and make us back down.
Think again, scumbag.
You may have been pushing around a lot of folks up there in New York.
You're not pushing me around.
You're not pushing Texas around, sonny boy.
Let's get right to it.
It's been laid on my heart that I'm gonna go to Michigan and I'm gonna go to New York at least and probably California and Pennsylvania and I'm gonna literally go with the people's arrest warrant to go make the point that these people need to be arrested immediately because you see the globalists Goebbels, who was a proto-globalist, the Nazi propaganda minister, they had the EU plan, the whole plan to expand that into ten regions of the world, with the three mega regions, starting with the EU.
He said, if you're going to tell a lie, tell it so gigantic and so huge that people can't believe that you would possibly tell a whopper that big.
And as long as you're in government, and as long as you have the authority, people will tend to not challenge it because it's so ridiculous.
Like the Emperor's New Clothes.
The emperor's butt naked, but anybody that says he's naked will be executed.
So everybody goes along with it.
That's how craziness at the top rolls down.
It's psychology.
So the UN comes out with guidelines and the NIH run by Bill and Melinda Gates on record, Trump just inherits this whole bureaucracy where every major bureaucrat at the top has been put through college by the very same robber barons.
And then once he got into power in the last 30 years, Bill Gates is the chief science officer of this cult.
And so understanding what they've done in the nursing homes is important.
Understanding the cover-ups is important.
Understanding how they're trying to frame Trump is important.
But it's the whole process that burns them down.
And it's the understanding how they premeditatedly planned all of this publicly.
To jack up the numbers to make $52,000 off of every person they killed.
And then to use that to corrupt all the healthcare institutions that, oh, we'll charge you in being part of this if you don't do exactly what we say.
So they got them to commit the crime by following the order.
That's how the mafia works.
And then once they've gotten you to commit the crime, now they got you by the balls.
So, let's talk about it.
Because this is, you press one button, they get dropped in the bacon grease.
You decide to get pissed about this.
You decide later when this video has been archived, demand a video to share it.
You decide to go do your own research and demand at your church, your pastor cover this, or break the church up, go start a new one.
I mean, this is the type of stuff where people better stand up for our elderly.
Because they're us.
Well, you talk about karma.
What comes around goes around.
Read what you saw.
What type of idiot wants to treat people like crap and not take care of them in these crappy homes and not visit their family and not make sure they're taken care of?
It's the children and family not standing up for people that has turned many of these into hellish pits of evil.
But that is a byproduct, ladies and gentlemen, of our selfishness and what we've turned into.
What we do to our unborn, what we do to our children.
So, if we're this degenerate by now, can you imagine what we're gonna be like in 20 years?
No, this evil cannot stand.
See, evil doesn't just occupy the world and kind of leave you alone.
It tries to take over.
It always does.
It's its nature.
So I'm done preaching.
I'm going to get into it now, but I just please call everyone you know and tell them tune in right now on the local AM and FM station you're listening to, on the local TV station you're watching.
And if you're watching on local radio or TV, tell folks about that station and then call friends and family and tell them who are outside that area and say InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Oh, InfoWars.
I heard it's bad.
Well, find out why they told you it's bad.
Cause it's not bad.
It's over the target.
And we cannot just save hundreds of thousands more old people that they're setting the precedent to kill.
That's important, folks, but let me tell you, I guarantee I go to a nursing home and talk to those old folks, they'll say, listen, I've already had my days and everything.
This is for our children, our future, because they can do this to us, they can do this to anybody, and that's what empathy is, and why these people don't have it.
They're so foolish, and they get that jack-o'-lantern demon look that the governor of California has, the governor of New York has, the governor of Michigan has, that the CNN host Brian Stelter has.
That arrogant, satisfied evil.
They're committing a crime against humanity and they love it.
Governors who forced COVID-19 patients into nursing homes to kill everybody.
Gretchen Whitmer, Andrew Cuomo, Gavin, American Psycho Newsome, Tom Wolf.
You know, you can put little Nazi uniforms on them and little Hitler mustaches.
That turns it into a joke.
It's not funny!
And they're not drunk enough on the blood of the 60-something million babies they killed in this country.
Many of them, they're already out of their mother's womb.
Now they want to say, oh, we're going to send a highly infectious, really bad pneumonia into the one group it's guaranteed to kill.
And that half the numbers are going to be in the few states that did it and half the total numbers nationwide.
Because if you average out just those states, it's even higher than 50%.
This whole thing is engineered by these so-called smug demons.
Look at that ugly witch.
And I'm not talking about how she physically looks.
That is the gr- I mean, a pile of maggots eating rotten flesh is beautiful compared to that face.
That is a ab- Oh, look at him.
Just all of these people are the trash of the earth.
They are literal executioners.
Not just these old people, but freedom and justice.
And they need to pay.
I got a box of coffin nails in my pocket, and I got a hammer.
And I got the New World Order laying in a coffin in front of me.
And all we gotta do is put the lid on it, and drive those nails in it, and shove this casket into a six foot hole.
But, I'm not strong enough to put the lid on and drive the nails.
But we are strong enough together.
And we will.
But we have to see it through.
And we will see it through.
And we will be successful.
Because we have God on our side.
All right, let's get into it right now.
There are so many facets to this, but let's just pull up to the 100,000 foot view first.
See the whole earth down there.
Why would the Nazis Want to kill the mentally retarded and the old people and then pretty soon if you had a club foot they killed you?
Because if they could get a officer corps that started out with doctors, that's who first led the Nazi extermination operations.
First groups killing people for who they were was the doctor corps in the SS in 33.
Once Hitler was elected.
People forget he was elected as president.
Later firebombed the Capitol building, made himself chancellor and president, unified it into the leader position, der Fuehrer.
And the Soviets did the same stuff with the medical corps.
And now you see the left everywhere using psychiatrists, psychologists, psychological police to go out and grab everybody and circumvent the process.
So, that's how they're doing all this.
And setting the precedent to the public and the courts and everybody.
This is just normal.
It is the very definition of tyranny.
The blood of tyranny.
The guts of tyranny.
The very bone and sinew and mind and spirit.
And so when you see Bill Gates up there talking about getting rid of old people and don't take care of grandma and you can hire 10 people, he's telling you that we're a conquest economy.
That for you to win, somebody's got to lose.
Well, we can just make the pie infinitely bigger.
We should certainly practice ingenuity, self-sufficiency, competition.
Oh, the left gets rid of that, though, at the same time, while telling you screwing somebody over is how you get ahead.
But you've got to do it through the system.
You've got to do it to a baby or to a Down syndrome person or to an old person.
Like the BBC pieces and others we've shown you in the Netherlands, where they're like, high-functioning Down syndrome man, they're like, you cost six times more than the average citizen.
So they make it socialist, and then now you've got to know that, oh, you're costing others, well, we gotta kill you!
They want you to take on that attitude.
So, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, it's not even debated, even mainstream news admits, runs the UNWHO, runs almost every country national health service, When there's corporate boards by buying off the top people, their money is all tax-free.
It's given to them by the intelligence agencies to set all this up.
He's a major globalist operative.
Remember, the New World Order is corporate, not governmental.
It's corporations that have government power.
But you have no rights against them.
They are persons that have rights.
You are a person that have no rights.
They are stakeholders.
You are not.
These are all the real definitions you need to learn.
And so imagine if you pull back from this, they want to be able to come in, say there's all these COVID-19 deaths, control how many die, they can list all regular deaths as COVID-19 to get some numbers up, but they can also put it in nursing homes because it is a bad pneumonia, and they know statistically it'll kill a bunch of people, and now it's over half the deaths in the United States, over half the deaths in Europe, is putting COVID-19 patients in nursing homes.
And they did the same thing in Europe.
They don't call them nursing homes, they call them convalescence homes.
In Italy, they were putting them in and nurses were going public saying we're here and they're putting healthy patients that have COVID-19 saying they've got to quarantine in the damn hospital with sick and old people and it's spreading!
They said this is 101, why are you doing this?
Like if you pulled up and I'm at your house with a can of gasoline pouring all over your front porch and lighting it, you know I'm crazy, you know I'm burning your house down.
When you order Nursing homes to take COVID patients so, quote, hospitals have room?
So the hospitals have to be empty for the COVID patients, but the COVID patients have got to go where they've got a vector.
You know, if you're a mosquito and you're laying larva, you need some still warm water.
Consistently, you know, 79 to 90 degrees.
You need to be able to lay those eggs there.
And where's the best place to lay your eggs if you want to kill a bunch of people?
Is a nursing home.
It's the sweet spot.
It's that place in the environment where this virus does its absolute best.
And so you go and deliberately do it in the blue states.
Let's put our criminals back on screen.
Gretchen Whitmer.
Andrew Cuomo, Tom Wolf, Gavin Newsom.
So you've got the wolf in sheep's clothing, you've got the American psycho, you've got demon woman, and you've got this spawn of hell over here.
And it's all actuaried out.
It's all carried out.
So they get the billions of money, because once you get an old person, That's got COVID.
Well, now you get $13,800.
And then when you intubate them, they said, if you even have a fever and intubate your ass, now you get another $39,200.
$39,200 and then they die really quick as you turn the pressure up higher.
And they've just got techs doing this.
They're ordered to do it.
But the techs come out, the doctors come out and go, hey, we're in order to run the pressure higher.
They said that we normally would for COVID patients because they want to get the money, not actually take care of them.
You could run through that $39,000 if you keep them alive.
Plus, they might sue you.
If you're going to kill, kill them quick.
And then when it all starts to come out, you go, well, wait, Trump told us to do this.
Oh, really?
Trump told you?
You mean somebody in the NIH, Fauci, gave you a memo that Trump never saw?
The Republicans are like, this is crazy.
We're not going to stick people with COVID-19 in the main group it kills.
And now they turn around and blame Trump.
So these people have to pay.
For what they've done.
And the public's upset.
The public gets it.
But we don't just need lawsuits.
We don't just need, you know, 70,000 new lawsuits for the people they've killed so far.
And the hundreds of thousands more they're going to kill.
That doesn't fix the country.
Sure, have lawsuits all day long.
But Cuomo's come out.
I've got the articles right here.
I'll show you when I come back.
And he has said, oh, we're going to Indict and take the licenses away from everybody that allowed COVID deaths.
So now he's put, with that monster woman he's got, James, the gangster attorney general, the laughingstock criminal, in charge of now, after ordering, under penalty of being commandeered, going to jail, We can pull the clips up.
I'm going to put you in jail if you don't!
Open up your nursing homes, you greedy, selfish people!
Remember that?
And now he says, I'm going to indict you for the deaths.
So they go, Oh, hands up.
So he has you commit the crime.
He's the, he's the mob boss.
He tells the capos to order you to do this.
You're a soldier.
You don't know what you're doing.
And now the mob boss calls you in and says, you did what I told you to do.
I am going to have you chopped up and fed to the fishes.
He really thinks we're that stupid?
Oh, but guess what?
I was looking around this morning for his executive order.
It was gone.
Didn't know it was already a news story.
Document Cam shot, please.
Turns out he committed a crime.
he ordered them to delete it out of official records.
New York Health Department website quietly deletes controversial coma order
that forced nursing homes to admit coronavirus patients and led to 5,000
And that very New York State Health Department are the ones that ordered us not to sell any silver products and called us criminals and all that.
And meanwhile, they are engaging in crimes, deleting these documents, And covering up the mass murder that's going on.
Isn't that perfect?
That's how they muscle everybody, how they try to shut everybody up.
Well, guess what?
If you thought this dog was on your ass before, I'm on your ass for keeps now.
What a pack of murdering, sick gangsters.
These are serial killers amongst us.
And they're just getting started until we stop them.
We are back live.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
And only you can amplify this message.
You are the Infowar.
That isn't a statement.
It's the truth.
I can feel the energy.
I can feel your power.
I can feel the guardians of the Republic rising.
All right, let's get into it.
Here's the summation and the key.
The globalists premeditatedly directed in their blue states the infected COVID patients who are asymptomatic spreaders
in two buildings and facilities with the people they knew it would kill.
But now over half the deaths are caused by them.
And then they turn around, and I'll show you the articles here in a moment, and tell everybody that they're criminals because they didn't keep the patients apart.
Remember, they're the ones telling you, stay six feet apart and get us all fighting with each other is what it's about.
It's about dividing and conquering.
Wear your mask and, you know, oh, stay and you're a hero.
But then they're sending people that are sick with this supposedly thing way worse than SARS, where they have special Buildings for the SARS patients, and special buildings, and spacesuits, and, you know, they're welding people into their buildings in China, and, why, you've got to stay quarantined in your house or we'll arrest you, and police would go to people's houses, you know, in Kentucky and stuff that it had, and said they were fine, and have checkpoints around their homes, and contact tracers to see, were you close to somebody, but then, oh, let's send the people with the disease that only basically kills old people, let's send
Very infected, dangerous bombs.
And then here's the key.
Remember back when they did it four months ago, three months ago, it was all over the news.
People were like, this is crazy.
The nursing home's medical staff is saying this is a death sentence.
What are you thinking?
You shouldn't even go visit family in the nursing homes if you're sick.
Everybody knows, don't go visit grandma.
She's 89 years old and I've got a cold.
I don't want to get her sick.
But it gets better.
So they could do it in these four beta test states, Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan, California, that already account for a third of the deaths in the whole damn country.
They said you can't go see grandma.
Cause see, you can't come in the building, maybe we'll let you touch the glass.
While we snake a tube down her throat and get 50 plus thousand bucks.
While we do this, and while we kill your mother, kill your father, kill your grandma, or kill your sister, or kill your brother, or kill your son or daughter.
While we kill you!
While we commit this crime, you can't come in, and that's the thing.
It's top-down, like criminals in a Mastermind movie, where they're gonna rob the Fort Knox.
They've got every part of it planned out.
That's what criminals do.
That's what the globalists are always like, trying to sue me and get the secret documents and the secret funding and who gives the orders and who's in command.
The brain God gave me is in command.
The Holy Spirit's in command.
And it's getting more powerful every day to beat you because God's pissed.
You devil worshippers just hadn't figured it out yet, have you?
You're not the masterminds, you're the master losers because you sell out to evil thinking because you commit evil.
You're smart.
Oh look, other people aren't doing this like me.
I must be special.
Yeah, like cancer.
You don't follow the rules God gave us.
It's called sin.
What is sin?
It's something that breaks things down in the end.
And you're like, well, why do they... I can see sin, cheating on your wife, or I can see sin, drinking too much liquor.
At least there's some fun in that.
It always ends bad.
But what about the sin of just wanting to hurt people?
Because when you look at the gleam in Newsom's face yesterday at a press conference, where he looked like he was having orgasms, and you look at Hitler over there and...
Or Himmler or whatever it is.
Oh yeah.
Seems it looks like Himmler.
Hitler and Himmler in the same word.
And they all look like they're on drugs.
They all look completely psychotic because they are.
This is who Satan had to get.
Brian Stelter.
With that psycho... Hi!
I'm like... I mean, you know.
Making psychotic pirate faces like, oh Stelter, you're so powerful.
We're scared of you.
Get him off the screen, please.
But that's who these people are.
So let's get into the documents, just because I just spent 45-50 minutes on this.
Let me just show you.
Here's the Daily Mail.
New York Health Department website quietly deletes controversial coma order that forced nursing homes to admit coronavirus patients led to 5,000 deaths.
Now, under federal and state law in New York and federally, that's a crime to officially delete a document out of a database.
Oh, and you know Alex Jones always shows you the proof.
1663 U.S.
Code, justice.gov, protection of government property, protection of public records and documents, updated in 1974 with the Freedom of Information Act, also explaining it's a felony.
And that's what they just did.
Oh, but it's okay because you're the Mafia Don of New York and we're all so scared of you.
Cuomo, I'm so scared of you.
Oh, you're so powerful while you kill these old people.
You're such a big man.
Such a tough, tough guy.
Don't worry, Cuomo, I won't get between you and what God's going to do to you, buddy boy.
Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord.
Oh, Cuomo, look, still defends policy of filling nursing homes with coronavirus patients.
He ordered them to do it.
And it's in the news today.
He signed a new executive order yesterday.
Saying you're all criminals and I'm gonna hold you criminally responsible and take your licenses.
We gotta find the clip, I saw it months ago.
We're not going to have these selfish people that run these refuse these patients.
For your, for the empty hospitals.
Remember they sent asymptomatic people that had the virus to these damn places.
That's like loading a gun up, walking in and shooting old people in the head.
I mean, it took more planning than to actually plan going in and killing with a gun.
Man, I tell you, imagine dying with that damn thing snaked down your lungs and these crazy people running it all.
I mean, my God.
And then your family can't even come in and see you.
So they don't even take care of the patients now.
Poor lady, just leave them in piles of feces now.
It's just all a big exercise to see what they can get away with.
Cuomo still defends it, yeah?
New York Governor Cuomo reportedly ordered over 4,000 recovering COVID-19 patients to be sent to nursing homes.
Business Insider.
Hospitals send hundreds of COVID-19 patients to nursing homes, rehabs, at peak of pandemic.
Governor takes action on COVID-19, threatens Michigan's long-term care facilities.
She orders them in and now she says, I'm gonna arrest you for all the dead.
Gotta love that, man!
Gotta love it!
Nursing homes at the center of COVID-19.
And it goes on and on and on.
But see, now she's starting the criminal prosecution of the nursing homes because they're all being indicted.
Now they can't go, hey, you told us, see?
They'll all just piss themselves and change the subject.
No, it's that they ordered you to.
And you shouldn't have followed the orders.
The Nuremberg defense is true.
So I agree.
You should get a few years in jail.
For not letting the families in and letting them bring in people that had COVID-19 and letting them kill people when the doctors and nurses knew it was a death sentence.
You should probably get 5-10 years in prison apiece.
The decision makers over those facilities.
The medical deciders.
But the people that ordered you to do it?
I mean, I really think the death penalty's in order.
I'm not gonna kill anybody, but I mean, if justice was done, they'd be indicted, there'd be a Nuremberg trial, and then we would march these folks up and hang their ass in public.
I mean, that's what you do in any free country that had Nazis like this.
Because, look, you think Nazis were back in the 1940s, ladies and gentlemen?
You just, look at these four people right here on screen.
Wolf, Newsom, Whitmer, Cuomo, all guilty Nazis, crimes against humanity, period!
And they're all like, oh, the Feds told us to.
Oh, I see.
You mean, I tell you what, whoever wrote that policy, Fauci and all them, slipping it under to set Trump up later.
Yeah, let's have an investigation.
Hey, let's have some hearings on that.
Yeah, let's march them all in there.
And you know what?
If Trump gave that order, then Trump needs to pay.
But you know what?
We all know Trump didn't give that order.
So you people are a bunch of filthy criminals.
And so why don't you have George Soros write another Media Matters article about how I'm lying about the healthcare workers, and I'm lying about the hospitals, and I'm lying about them being empty, and I'm lying about the nursing homes.
I'm so proud that a Nazi collaborator is still alive and runs an operation trying to destroy me.
That's the crazy thing about it.
I never thought of myself as some hero like a COVID person or whatever, but you know, it's weird.
It's like, it's, it's, it's psychedelic.
It's, it's, it's like my grandfather's boast almost died fighting Nazis.
I almost don't exist because of Nazis.
And then, Here I am, actually fighting a real Bonafidi Nazi.
Can't make that up, ladies and gentlemen.
And you're fighting them too.
And they're all trying to set the precedent to kill whoever they want, whenever they want.
And to get everybody corrupted by following the orders, this is the corruption of the healthcare system, to now do whatever they're told.
Because I told you months ago, once they carry out these crimes in the hospitals and nursing homes, now they're going to come in with the state Soros-run prosecutors and totally take over everything!
And remember, Hillary's company with Chelsea runs the contact tracing apps.
Oh, you ain't got a plan.
Alright, folks.
The first hour was very important.
I hope you share it with everybody as soon as it's posted to Bandai Video.
It's critical.
It's not just more old people getting killed, but all of us.
This is beyond critical.
It's key.
Please, please take action.
I'm going to come back in the next segment and hit a bunch of stuff, but look at what Trump's done.
It's not about defending Trump.
I must promote the truth.
He really has done with Patriots a great job turning the VA around massively.
It's not perfect, but it's a lot better.
Here's the report.
I was just watching Trump before we went live about 10 minutes ago, reminding us what a great job he's done with the rest of the folks in government that wanted to make the VA better from one of the worst agencies to really turning it around in three years.
Family tells us on the last day of his life, Hager took a trip to the VA walk-in clinic to get help.
But instead of seeing a counselor, Hager was told to simply give his guns to a family member and come back for a follow-up after more than a month.
He went home that night and shot himself in the head.
We unveiled indictments against 15 South Florida residents.
Those 15 residents were charged with fraud, kickback schemes, and corruption schemes all carried out at the Veterans Affairs Medical Centers In Miami and here in West Palm Beach.
Dori Stafford says this letter, obtained by CBS News, shows how badly the VA claim system is broken.
It's dated July 29, 2014, thanking Dori's husband Wayne, an Army veteran, for the disability claim he filed in July of 2004.
That decade-long delay is just one problem.
The other is that Wayne Stafford died in an accident seven years ago without hearing a word from the VA.
And now this.
Does this upset you?
It upsets me.
The epicenter of the scandal.
Phoenix, Arizona, where as many as 40 veterans died at this VA hospital while waiting up to 21 months to see a doctor.
This is the VA's new medical center just east of Denver, a sprawling complex.
Its ballooning costs have made it the most expensive ever. Design, construction and management issues blew up
the budget from $328 million in the initial prospectus in 2004 to almost $2 billion as
of today. Its opening delayed repeatedly. Government documents reveal blatant mismanagement,
showing the VA gave the contractor incomplete designs and never came close to one that could
be built for the budgeted amount.
I talked to a lot of vets. They say it's gone from nightmare to working pretty good.
They can also see private doctors if the VA doesn't step up.
I mean, this is one of our great accomplishments, getting Trump elected and people inside the VA working hard against the bureaucracy, because the globalists hate our vets.
So Memorial Day coming up, I just want to talk about something positive Trump's done.
Here he is.
We passed the largest reform of the Department of Veterans Affairs in the I think in the history of the department, including VA accountability and I said VA choice, we've removed 8,500 VA workers who weren't doing their job, who were taking advantage of our country and hurting our vets.
The percentage of veterans reporting They trust services.
Think of that.
They trust services.
So they report, and they say they trust services, has reached the highest in the history of the VA, Secretary.
That's a big statement.
So the percentage of veterans reporting that they trust the VA and the VA services is now the highest in the history of the service.
Satisfaction with the VA outpatient care has reached 89%.
And we're not going to rest until we have it at 100%.
Remember a year ago, in Miami and places, they wouldn't take down Obama's pitcher.
Happy to be able to get these hung up.
We always say in the Army, right?
Nothing takes five minutes.
But shortly after those pictures were taken down, after they were put up, they were deemed inappropriate.
Do you believe that?
Well, when I walked in the door, there was where the previous picture of Barack Obama was.
There was just a blank wall.
And I was really kind of surprised.
And I walked up to the information desk and I asked them, I said, well, what's going on?
I said, where's the picture of the Commander-in-Chief?
You know, and the guy kind of leans over to me like it was a secret or something.
He said, well, he says, they're telling us that it was a typo.
And I was like, what?
So years into Trump's presidency, the bureaucrats running it were so evil, they wouldn't even put up the president's picture.
Well, they've had their asses fired.
This is a model for the rest of the government.
All right, when we come back, some big moves.
Trump's launch against the globalists and the deep state.
Stay with us.
We are back live, my friends.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Wednesday Global Transmission.
We belong.
We belong to the Republic.
And we can talk about that all day, what that really means.
But if you don't belong to something, well, do you belong to anything?
You belong to whatever people controlling you say you belong to.
Well, I believe in we the people.
We the people aren't perfect.
We're a lot better than we the psychotics.
All right, let me give you a smattering here of the other news we're going to cover.
I don't usually cover first hour only one story, but if you just joined us, it's open and shut that the Democrats in the deep state wanted to hire COVID-19 numbers, and the blue cities, the blue states, with the UN, with the CHICOMS, unify their policies of putting asymptomatic COVID-19 patients that didn't even have fevers but were spreading it into nursing homes.
That's like shooting fish in a barrel.
That's so premeditated that a first-year nursing student would tell you that's illegal.
A doctor knows damn well 100%.
Again, this is like saying it's illegal to have sex with a newborn baby.
I mean, everybody knows that's evil and who would want to do it anyways.
The point is, But there's this authority figure moment where, well, they keep babies alive and sell their organs.
We keep them comfortable, though, until we take their organs, so it's okay.
Or, oh yeah, we have convicted pedophiles come and teach drag queen pedophile time to kids.
It's all about getting you to accept anything.
Pushing the envelope.
And I know you know that.
But, I gotta tell ya.
The final nail in the coffin is them threatening now in Michigan, California, Pennsylvania, and New York to indict and arrest the people that run the nursing homes who bucked them and said don't put COVID patients in here and they signed executive orders ordering it.
Think about the magnitude of that.
I've never seen anything like this anywhere.
And then the nursing homes will be ordered to parade the dead bodies out.
And yeah, the people that took part in this that have medical degrees are all accomplices to premeditated murder.
So I just spent the whole first hour on that and I'm having trouble getting off of it, but I have had an instinct.
To go physically to these places.
And I know you're all having that instinct as well.
That's a normal instinct when they're killing the most defenseless people.
I mean, there's something wrong with you if you're not pissed off.
But imagine those that love it.
They love the power to kill an unborn baby or to kill a baby after it's born or to kill an old person.
That power over them.
I always wonder why out of events Antifa will attack an old lady or, oh my gosh, if somebody's on a walker or wheelchair, they're, they've got to be guarded.
And I'm like, what planet does a paramilitary force target women and children and people in wheelchairs?
See, because those of us that aren't like that, like if I was going to get in a fight with I'm not trying to say I'm the biggest, toughest guy around, but I got my head screwed on straight.
I look for the biggest, meanest one, and I jump on top of them and ram their head in the ground until all the others got scared.
I just picked the biggest, meanest one and I beat his ass right there like David and Goliath, or I'd die trying.
These people scan the scene and they see an old lady or a baby or an old man on crutches.
They want to get to them.
Because they're scum.
They are fundamentally, absolutely evil.
And that's the nature of evil, is that when you see a baby or you see an old person, you get this instinct that you want to do something mean to them.
It's called being a predator.
You know, a wolf can look out over a field and look at, say, a hundred sheep.
But it sees that one with a broken back leg.
And that's the one it can get with the shortest amount of energy.
It's just trying to get food.
It's not like these globalists.
A wolf is a holy creature compared to them.
It's just going after what's easiest for it to get.
But with these globalists, they're going after it because it makes them feel powerful to rub it in and hold somebody weak down.
Because they're so intrinsically weak, they're projecting their weakness onto that target.
They see weakness in that baby, in that old man or woman, or in that Down syndrome or that quadriplegic.
And so they want to come in as the pure, big, strong, get rid of you because I'm so powerful.
It's the degeneracy of it because you see they're already so caught off from God.
They're already so caught off from honor that they don't even know what the animating contest of liberty
They don't know how high you get when somebody bigger and meaner than you is taking you on, and you just can't get it on with them.
To them, though, it's the power of rubbing it in to some little person on a walker.
And until you've wrapped your mind around the weakness of these people, the total commitment, then you understand why they want rats and feces and homeless and mental illness and collapse.
Because they're sick!
Stop trying to placate them.
Stop trying to get them to leave you alone.
Stop trying to get them to be nice.
Everything you give them only wants them More to destroy you.
That's why the allegory that, you know, came out in the last hundred years or so of a zombie that was based on old African lore and old European lore.
I mean, every culture had the lore of a zombie.
It means a brain-dead crazy person that's out of their mind that will eat flesh.
Because psychos get like that.
That's what we have the legends of zombies.
And that's what they are.
And what does a zombie want?
It wants brains.
Why does it want brains?
Because it doesn't have brains.
It's an allegory.
You got brains.
You got a husband.
You got a wife.
You got a life.
You go to church.
You love God.
You're not perfect, but you believe in humanity and you got a connection to God.
And man, these zombies see that and they don't like it.
And all they want to do is hold you down and bite big chunks out of you.
So, I ask everybody again, do you think you can make a deal with a zombie?
You think you can throw it some meat and it's going to go away?
You throw a zombie meat over your fence, it's going to climb that fence because it knows where the meat came from.
And so, placating and kissing all these people's butts has to end.
So I'm not going to do anything violent to Governor Whitmer or Governor Newsom or Governor Cuomo or Governor Wolf.
I'm just going to sit here like a good cowardly American and watch them kill everybody in the nursing homes.
Because I'm a good American.
I sit there and I take it.
And I let them kill old people.
Because I'm a coward.
No, seriously folks.
It would turn them into martyrs.
So the last thing we want is a little hair on American Psycho's head to be harmed.
We need to destroy his name.
We need to expose what a monstrous sack of garbage he is, and we need to expose all these monsters, and we need them to be indicted.
We need this idea of, oh, they're a power figure, or oh, some medical board told them, or oh, and Trump needs to burn Fauci.
Because the left set him up on this.
Oh, see, now they're removing their executive order, saying they never said it.
Because they're now saying Trump killed the people in the nursing homes.
And they're going to go find Democrat members of their family that are dumb enough to think Trump actually did it.
and they're gonna be all over the news that Trump killed the old people.
And so see Trump, you have to destroy Fauci.
You have to destroy the chat coms.
Politically, we have to.
Because here's the thing, I'm not somebody looking for war.
But when somebody comes to me and attacks me, well I'm not delusional.
I'm going to fight back, and they're the ones that brought us to this climate where they've killed 50-something thousand old people on purpose, all by design.
Okay, I'm going to stop.
We've got some good news on declassifications.
The new Director of National Intelligence definitely came out of the gates on fire.
Big news about Bill Gates caught being involved profiteering off COVID-19.
I know that's like telling you that crap stinks.
Well, the sky's blue and a bunch of clips and a bunch of insanity and a bunch of craziness and just it's all coming up today.
Remember, this is not a spectator sport.
This is total warfare for your body, your mind, your future, your dignity, and your soul.
Spread the word about InfoWars or submit to total destruction.
All right, my friends.
I have a lot of news.
I want to get to a lot of important clips I want to cover.
But I also want to take Let's just say six or seven phone calls.
That way people don't sit on hold.
Specifically from anybody that's lost family in these nursing homes or worked in nursing homes, anybody in the states where they were ordered to take on the COVID-19 patients, knowing that was a total death sentence for those around it.
Remember, you're not supposed to get within six feet of people.
You're supposed to stay in your house.
We're supposed to have a worldwide depression, this is so deadly, but then we're going to send infected people to the most susceptible group out there that now is over half the deaths in the United States.
I mean, the whopper levelness of this.
It was all pre-planned.
We know it was, they admit it was, and now they're going to blame Trump for it.
And the media is now engaging in that.
And forget Trump, forget Alex Jones, forget you individually.
What about everybody with these criminals and what they're doing?
The total free number to join us is 877-789-ALEX.
877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539, 877-789-2539.
You know, I don't get up here and say people like Cuomo need to be indicted for premeditated
mass murder and then if he's found guilty he needs to be given the death penalty.
I don't get up here to act tough and do that.
I mean, the governor has tried to get the Attorney General of New York to indict me.
She said they want to indict me.
And then she lied that I said I had a cure for COVID-19, and all this other crap.
No, I've been selling silver products for years, and they're all known topically what they do.
Nothing to do with curing or treating it.
But if those criminals want to indict me, knock yourselves out, man.
Because it's all about what you did in the nursing homes, dirtbags.
And your very health department, you're trying to have prosecute me right now.
Destroying the executive order that's a federal and state crime.
Leticia James.
They're the ones that ordered [BLANK_AUDIO]
The executioners, the COVID patients to be sent to the nursing homes, where they have fertile ground to kill.
Cold-blooded murderers.
Maybe Leticia James is just stupid.
Okay, it's manslaughter, lady.
But I want to know who was in command of this.
Oh, you say Fauci, the one that doesn't like Trump, the one that works for Bill Gates.
So I get it.
It's Bill Gates, isn't it?
That's where the buck stops, doesn't it, really?
Need more childhood death?
That guy?
We need death panels to get rid of old people?
That guy?
Oh, the guy that said we gotta get rid of old people?
Case for killing granny?
Surprise, surprise.
He told us what he wants.
Big article up on InfoWars.com.
Another Gates vaccine bites the dust.
There's another big article out on Gates.
Is that big brother behind the medical mask, Bill Gates, to co-fund South Korean research on next-gen quarantine methods?
He's gonna decide, the psychopath, how to lock us all up?
If we don't give the old people a hint...
Do a good Bill Gates imitation.
If the patient isn't given treatment, we can hire 10 teachers, but that's a death panel and we can't talk about that.
He, he, he, he, he, he.
We've got all those reports as well, but I want to hit the big, big top drudge link earlier.
I don't know if it's still there, but Trump says he'll shut down Social media.
Well, what they've done is shut down free speech in this country and spied on folks and bullied them.
What he really said, he's going to shut them down for the censorship.
He means the censorship.
But as scary as it is, Trump shutting down media.
Well, they're shutting all of us down.
I mean, they started the fight.
It's a very dangerous, slippery slope, but we're already down the slope, aren't we?
But he doesn't need to do that.
He needs to go after them for their insider trading.
There's so many ways to get them.
Trump vows to close down Twitter.
We've got a DrudgeLink story today that I haven't even gotten to.
COVID pass!
UK introduces digital health passport to monitor travel health population.
That's coming up too.
But let me do this because our fabulous crew reminded me.
They said, Jones, you've not been plugging lately and well, there's no money coming in to fund the operation.
That's not good.
The hotter the show, the less I'm plugging.
Listen, I had my lawyer on the phone, my family lawyer, really nice guy, smart guy this morning.
He said, so you really... His mother's a nutritionist, retired.
He goes, so you are taking your zinc and taking your vitamin D3 and taking all this?
And I said, yeah.
On a regular basis because they're called essential.
The media's like, Jones claims he's got a COVID-19 cure selling zinc pills that I've been selling for years.
No, it's not a cure.
Oxygen is not a cure for asphyxiation.
You just asphyxiate if you don't have it.
Somebody already hung you because you're a traitor.
Well, oxygen is not going to help because your brain's dead.
But they play these little games like, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, you see, you see your krill oil has D3 in it.
Oh, because they play on the ignorance of the public.
Folks, I take D3 because it makes me have more virility than when I was 16 years old.
I take X2 because it makes me younger and stronger.
And of course, it's essential and it's pure.
I take turbo force when I gotta go to a rally or do some event and I'm already exhausted and already worked 10 hours.
And I have trouble going to sleep in which I didn't take it.
It's too strong.
It's the strongest clean 10-hour energy you're going to find.
That's what it's formulated for.
The big sale of last week, a lot of stuff sold out so we had to partially end, but we have the Memorial Day special that's extended but not much longer.
I've just been so busy I haven't come up with new specials.
This is the biggest special of the year so far.
Take advantage of it.
Super Mel Vitality is amazing.
40% off.
Knockout is incredible.
Sleep aid.
I designed that.
50% off.
Rainforest plus the big newt and nootropic that we've not had on sale since Christmas.
That's 50% off.
That's a big fan favorite.
That's not like energy.
That's brain energy.
It's a different thing.
Biotrue selenium 60% off.
That's amazing.
That's essential.
What's Biotrue mean?
It's from the mustard seeds.
Totally organic.
It's the strongest one out there.
And I'm always honest with you.
It's got a side effect if you already have male pattern baldness to make your hair fall out.
It'll make that tally whacker harder than when you were 16.
Okay, Family Show, delete that.
Anyways, BioTrue Selenium, Chill Force, amazing, 60% off.
Ultimate Krill Oil, 50% off.
Back in Stocks and Problems with X2, back in Stocks, 50% off.
Lux Pure Breeze, $100 off.
Retail, that's the lowest price ever.
Emery's Essentials Hand Sanitizer Combo in three different great scents.
Also, Essential Oils 8-Pack Power Stack, the best deal we've got at cost.
70% off.
DNA Force Plus, 50% off.
That's the most important thing, other than the next two.
They're right up there at the top together.
I can't decide which one's better.
They're both too good.
Living Defense, plus 50% off.
Limited Edition Info Wars Face Mask, $9.95.
If you've got to do the whole clown dance, might as well get the word out while you're at it.
Turbo Force, 40% off.
Triiodine is going to sell out soon.
Real Reptile, Real Reptile Plus about to sell out.
Bazzo beats 40% off.
It's all there.
Now completely sold out.
Pollen Block, Vitamineral Fusion Bodies, and Ultra 12, and a bunch of other stuff is about to sell out as well.
And again, you need water.
You need air to live.
You need food.
What's in food?
Vitamins and minerals.
Well, if you can get concentrated, high-quality versions of those key elements, that's what you do at InfoWarshaw.com, then it funds the InfoWar.
These are the highest quality supplements out there.
If I was selling hot air, it'd be okay, because you're in front of the InfoWars that's delivering victory and truth.
By the way, a lot of great t-shirts at InfoWarsWare.com, too.
Oh, yeah, wear your colors proud in the third dimension, dimension, dimension.
Welcome back.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
NewsWars.com, Band.Video, and InfoWars.com are our flagship operations.
When you carry the ball, it's like planting a seed and being the sunshine and the rain all at the same time.
It changes the world.
And you see how close the fight is against the evildoers.
Now their programs are being defeated as fast as they can launch them, but they always launch a new tyranny.
That's the struggle against this evil system.
Okay, so the big story today, I have said the big story for me, is the premeditated murder at the nursing homes to have high COVID-19 numbers to make billions of dollars for blue states, $50,000 plus per person that they said had COVID-19, just absolutely evil.
And if Trump would move against them and expose them, it would really be a good thing and could just go ahead and say, hey, Fauci was a holdover from Obama.
I didn't imagine that doctors would be political.
Turns out they are.
And I'm calling for Fauci's criminal investigation.
But don't hold your breath for that.
But now Trump's going to have to because they're coming after him saying it's his fault.
Which I said months ago, I said, watch after they kill a bunch of people in these hospitals,
it's over half the deaths, they're going to say it's Trump's fault. And because Fauci is in there,
and you can say, well, as long as Fauci's in there, putting out guidelines, that's Trump's fault.
So it does, the buck does stop there in a sick way. But the premeditated folks going,
oh, the boss doesn't know what's going on when we do this.
They're the ones that really committed the crime. Now, I wouldn't just trust Trump in all this, I
hadn't seen with the VA, how he's fought Fauci, how he's fought the mask, how he's fought the
shutdown as best as he could.
Trump threatens to close down social media platforms that silence conservatives as feud with Twitter ramps up.
And they have the fact checker that is a super ultra leftist.
Who believes that the White House is run by Nazis and Trump is a Nazi.
So they don't fact check him when he's saying that or Google puts out the Republican Party official affiliation as Nazis.
And then the Washington Post is the Factotum, so is the Washington Times, the New York Times.
These are all listed fact-checkers.
Unsubstantiated claim.
Twitter fact-checks Trump on mail-in voting fraud.
Yeah, you've had mail-in ballots around the world be totally fraud-ridden, but currently there's no proof that the 2020 election was stolen because it isn't happening for 159 days.
So technically it's unsubstantiated.
It's like saying There's a rattlesnake I saw crawl in that hole.
Don't stick your hand down it, you're gonna get bit.
Hey, maybe it's not hungry.
Maybe it's not scared.
Maybe it doesn't bite you.
But as it does substantiate it, don't stick your hand down that rattlesnake hole, you'll get bit.
The Democrats all over are mailing out ballots, the governors are, to steal a federal election.
And Trump's like, this is insane.
Look at all the angles they could scam with this.
And their answer is, you are fake.
You are a fraud.
You are a scammer.
You are a tyrant.
And then the fact check is whatever mainstream media says Trump is wrong.
Twitter slaps fact-check censor on Trump tweet about rigged election.
Get the facts about mail-in ballots.
Why, they're great!
Why, they're wonderful!
Gavin Newsom says so.
Head of site integrity and election security at Twitter thinks there are actual Nazis in the White House.
Actual Nazis.
Not George Soros, an actual Nazi collaborator on record that said it was the best time of his life rounding up Jews.
Happy making time.
Those are real quotes.
No, no, no, no, no.
It's Trump, the pro-Israel guy.
He's a Nazi.
and Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner, they're all in there, highling Hitler all day.
So what is Trump going to do?
I mean, look, it's not about private companies can do what they want because they have liability protection.
Section 302 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Safe Harbor Act.
Saying if you're a message board or a third party posting like Facebook, Twitter, you're not responsible as the owner of what they do.
You can have your own rules, your own guidelines, your own whatever.
But when you say you're an open free thing and then you go around with AI reading what people say and blocking them and shadowbatting them and laughing about it and Google having video conferences with their top executives saying we're gonna make sure Trump loses next time.
It's premeditated election meddling.
But you can get them on insider trading, you can get them on lying to Congress, you can get them on the combining with all the big companies meeting.
They even admit that corporations have a discipline.
Oh, the top five all met at Twitter headquarters to decide how to take on Trump's lies.
What you mean is all get together and how to bully everybody and block free speech?
If Trump puts a video out of Michelle Malkin at a dinner talking about how she was censored, how it's wrong that they're banning conservatives out of banking and hotels and travel apps, and how they're all working to blacklist people, way worse than ever happened to the communists in the 50s, and they're like, oh, this is wonderful now!
Trump can be like, this is what people like McCarthy could only dream of.
This is a thousand times McCarthy.
Go after them.
Put injunctions on them.
Trump could announce they got off-the-shelf Twitter systems.
He could announce a new Twitter.
Just fight!
With 159 days left, you cannot sit there and take this crap anymore.
It's Trump's greatest failing.
Alright, let's go to your phone calls right now.
I have a special guest that's joining us.
Nick Passio's coming back on.
And then we've got... Roberto!
We've got Greg and Alex and Rudy and Paul and Dave and Wendy and Mark.
Let's talk to Tony in Wisconsin.
Thanks for holding.
You work in a nursing home.
God bless you for calling today.
Hello, sir.
Thanks for calling.
Give us your data dump, my friend.
Well, I work in a nursing home and we have a lot of policies against like any visitors coming and a lot of new residents that are trying to come.
We don't allow them to come because They have to be tested and make sure that they're COVID-free even though the test isn't completely accurate.
It's still like a precaution we take.
And why is that?
So that people don't die in our whole facility.
Because a respiratory attacks what?
The elderly?
And most of our like residents like we have like one-on-ones that come so like they take care of residents that are like Typically wandering around all the time so like there's one person that takes care of them that comes from facility to facility to facility and all we do to check them is check their temperature but like most COVID positive people are asymptomatic so.
I feel like that's just stupid to have.
Well, what's it been like?
And we're working with a nursing home in Wisconsin.
Last time I checked, they're not ordering COVID patients in there, like, you know, pouring gasoline on somebody's house and lighting a fire.
What, what have the staff, the nurses, the doctors, the medical, what have you thought watching this, this exercise in evil?
Well, a lot of the people, I mean, I spread the information at my facility and I let everybody know, like all the nurses and the LPNs, but a lot of them are kind of ignorant to what's
going on.
They don't really pay attention or they just don't believe it.
They don't take the time to look into it.
But I found that you could share things on Facebook.
Obviously InfoWars' URL is banned completely, but you can share things in your story, like
screenshot an article or screenshot something and then put your name into it, put InfoWars'
name into it, and you can kind of get through the censors like through your story.
Whatever they're not supposed to see, tell them, hey, InfoWars is banned for a good reason, because it's people that work at nursing homes calling in, it's doctors calling in, it's us showing Cuomo deleting the executive order.
What do you make of him deleting the executive order, where he ordered under penalty of losing licenses or arrest, or commandeering, he threatened, three months ago, the nursing homes, if they wouldn't take COVID patients?
How evil is that?
I mean, this is so ridiculous.
Yeah, he deleted it just so that he can hide the evidence that he did something so that people that look into it later will be like, well, he never, he never did that.
He never put that order out.
And then you also have the fact that the death rate in one facility went from two to like 30 after he started admitting them.
And then you have the nursing home patient.
In Michigan, they got beat almost to death by a COVID positive patient that was asymptomatic.
Like, why does he need to be put in a nursing home?
And here's the other key.
They're saying Trump told them to do it when Trump never did, but it's all blue states that pulled this.
Yeah, and it's all blue, like blue governors.
It's like no Republican or most People are knowing that, like, we can't even have families visit.
Everybody knows you don't visit grandma when you got a cold.
God bless you, Tony.
You may have more to add.
He's already gone.
Great, great call, sir.
Thank you so much.
I should let him talk.
I'm going to let you talk when we come back.
I want to hear from you.
Phones are loaded.
Stay with us.
I said only take like five, six calls, because then we get like 20 on the line, then I wouldn't get to everybody.
And all these are amazing calls.
I'm going to try to shut up and just go to you.
Alex Jones here, back live.
Jay also works at a nursing home.
We've got all these people calling in from medical facilities.
Doctor is a pharmacist on the topic of nursing homes.
A family member died of COVID-19.
Declaration of Independence 2020 taking on Cuomo in New York.
Protest first via Oath Keepers.
Wife is a nurse at a nursing home.
Let's go to Alex in New York, the epicenter of this, and then we'll go to others.
Thank you, Alex, for calling.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
Yes it is, my wife is a nurse and I got so pissed about when Cuomo ordered an exclusive order to test all nurses, all workers, even people who wash on the floor in nursing homes.
Testing by blood test on coronavirus twice a week.
And when they're going to make a test, they're also going to charge insurance of nurses, LPNs, and everybody. But they said if nurse or
any worker decide not to do any blood test, they will be terminated and no pay, no vacation pay,
no nothing. And right now, the nursing home is very, very short on all the workers, LPN,
nurses, and everybody.
And you were correct about Coloma was ordered to send 16 old people from the city to the nursing home.
That is correct.
Originally, it was 120 people in my wife's nursing home.
Then it was increased up to 160.
And fortunately, right now it's about 90 people left.
What is it like to see the medical workers harassed, treated like slaves?
We're all supposed to stay at home, not get near each other, but let's ship asymptomatic COVID patients, making them quarantine in the nursing home.
That's the worst decision you'd make.
And they did it in four deep blue states.
Obviously for the money.
What are the reasons do you think they did this for?
Of course it is about money.
It's one test gonna cost about $300.
From the insurance of LPNs and nurses, and they're going to charge personal insurance.
Imagine just one test, which does not cost more than $20, they're going to charge that much money.
And who's going to make this money?
Insurance companies.
And who pushed exactly this order?
Mr. Cuomo.
It is spectacularly evil.
And now he's talking about charging the nursing homes for the deaths when he ordered the whole operation.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you.
All right, up next would be Mark in Massachusetts, family member died of COVID-19 in a nursing home.
Thanks for joining us.
Sorry for your loss.
Yeah, I had a family member who was in a nursing home for a long time.
You know, she was almost 80 years old and she contracted the virus, but she had a lot of pre-existing conditions.
That's what I'm finding.
Everyone that I hear of that's dying from this, they all have pre-existing conditions.
It's not.
Over half the people are in the nursing home.
So they knew that.
They knew it was mainly killing old people with pre-existing conditions.
So it's totally... How does Cuomo and the rest of these governors like Newsom not get indicted?
I mean, how?
Like, who told them to do this?
I mean, it's ridiculous.
Yeah, they're all above the law, you know?
And, you know, my ex-wife is a nurse and she talks about it all the time.
Like, I can hear her voice shaking when she talks to me about it because she's just...
You know, she said they're all going to have PTSD by the end of it because, you know, they're just dealing with all this.
And it doesn't make sense.
For me, okay, the globalists have the power.
Why do they say they want to get rid of old people and children?
Because it's about power to them.
It's about life and death.
They want to be God.
Yeah, it must be.
I don't know.
What else did you want to add, Mark?
No, that's about it.
You know, it was just great to talk to you.
Thank you, brother.
I'm sorry to hear about your family member.
Let's go ahead and go to Debra in Michigan.
You're on the air.
Nursing homes and your comments on those.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'm an activist.
I know why they're killing them.
I know how they're killing them, and they've been doing it for a long time.
They got my father, my sister, my boyfriend, and my best friend.
Age ranges from 47 to 85.
I know how they... The baby boomers and their parents are getting ready to hand down 47 trillion dollars to their children.
The politicians and the bankers want it.
The probate courts are in on all this.
I'm not joking.
I've been fighting this for years.
I noticed it when I was selling medical equipment in Arizona.
Every patient I had, they was murdered.
When they got my father, I couldn't believe it.
I had to kidnap him.
They sent armed officers to my home to arrest me.
It was a job to keep him alive.
He had a large estate.
They got the whole estate.
I'm not joking.
It's about the money.
So when they get somebody that has an estate in there, they can just milk it out of them, we know that.
And the cops are like, oh, they're the medical authorities, they're the boss.
Notice Governor Northam last year said, We don't want the government involved.
The doctors will tell the mother what to do.
That's the new mafia.
Yeah, and they depend on the families not understanding the medicine.
They're using fentanyl, Ativan, and morphine, and they're euthanizing them.
Now with COVID, it's a free-for-all because all they have to do is shove the tube down their throat and blow up their lungs.
They get an instant $50,000.
They would sign him up to hospice, and anybody can sign you up to hospice, and you can't unsign the papers.
I tried to get a friend of mine out.
They were euthanizing him.
He was 47.
He begged to live.
The lady told me this to my face.
The paperwork is signed.
He's scheduled to die.
Anyone who interferes with this medical procedure will be prosecuted and jailed.
The police were called and I was removed.
My friend died at two the next day.
That was my best friend.
I've been an activist trying to stop this.
They just killed my girlfriend's mom two months ago.
COVID is a free-for-all to make big money.
I'm in Michigan and it's bad.
Your governor doesn't just do evil things.
She acts completely evil.
I mean, she is so proud of herself killing all those people at the nursing homes.
Yeah, I couldn't believe it.
They're doing it.
It's horrible.
They suffer.
It's torture.
They know they're being killed.
Reportedly, it's excruciatingly painful when they blow your lungs up like this.
And that was going to get the death numbers up, but doctors came out and said it was wrong.
So the key is medical workers coming out and exposing it, family exposing it.
What about Got it.
That's exactly it.
And now it's a free-for-all.
I've never seen anything like it.
This is insanity.
This is Nazi Germany.
but family can't come you might have COVID. No, that was because they were in
there killing these people and wanted to cover it up.
Got it. That's exactly it. And now it's a free-for-all. I've never seen anything like it.
This is insanity. This is Nazi Germany. This is what it is.
Ma'am, the same people put Hitler in are running all this.
This is absolutely Bill and Melinda Gates.
I'm telling you people, you better wake up.
They reclassified baby boomers.
50 and over.
They want the estate.
Well, they're going to kill everybody.
That's what it's about.
And all these liberals get ready to die.
They all think they're part of the system.
You're not.
God bless you, ma'am.
I can hear the concern in her voice.
I mean, this is the rollout.
The tyrannies always start medically.
In the last 100 years or so.
And these people are not gods, and the average doctors and nurses are good people.
If they fill out one thing wrong, they get indicted.
But if you or your hospital commits crimes and kills people for organs and does all this, then you're in like Flynn, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to go to break and come back with more of your phone calls.
And Mark Passio is going to come on.
I really enjoy hearing from him here today.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, Tomorrow's News Today.
I just can't stress to you what a war this is.
And also that, again, we had last week's sale.
We had to end that because some of the stuff was selling out.
But I extended what was left, a lot of great products, and added some new products that had been sold out.
To the 30 to 70% off list.
And so now, Supermail Vitality, 40% off.
Knockout, 50% off.
BrainForce Plus, 50% off.
BioTruth Selenium, 60% off.
ChillForce, 60% off.
That's an amazing product.
DNAForce, still 50% off.
But the groups here are going to have to end.
We'll continue the Supermail, Knockout, BrainForce, BioTruth Selenium, and ChillForce for another week or so.
That's our new sale.
It's part of the old sale.
But all of this will end.
Um, today or tomorrow.
I'm so busy with news.
Again, I haven't gone and changed this yet.
Ultimate Krill Oil, 50% off.
Survival Silodextrin, 50% off.
Emerge Essentials, 50% off.
8-Pack Power Stack, 70% off.
That's going to have to end soon.
DNA Force Plus, 50% off.
Living Defense, 50% off.
Turbo Force, 40% off.
Swervel Food, available again.
For the crazy times coming ahead, folks.
You can get the Swervel Food.
We have the best, and it's available in FullWorthStore.com.
All right.
Hour number three.
Straight ahead.
It is the info war, and it's real.
Everybody now knows, man.
We weren't playing around.
This stuff's all real.
We're taking your phone calls right now, and they're all powerful.
It's the truth.
It's the reality.
It's what they want cut off.
I mean, the whole other big story is how Google and Twitter are now in your personal messages.
They're in your personal downloads.
They're now going out and finding, you know, downloads of films exposing medical tyranny and Fauci and Gates.
They're deleting them off your computers.
So they're not just in the cloud now.
They're deleting them off your computer.
They're just, it's a free for all.
And you know, Trump's great and all that, but he's 74 years old.
And he's up there.
And he just, we've been overrun.
And big tech has nothing but arrogance for everybody.
All right, let's go ahead and take a call.
From Greg in Wyoming, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex Jones, it's good to talk to you, brother.
Good to talk to you, brother.
So, listen up.
You said something about this not being a spectator sport earlier, and you're absolutely correct.
Freedom is not a spectator sport.
You will either actively fight for your freedom, or you will passively lose your freedom.
Now, I have a question for your listeners.
Are you mad yet, American?
Because, let me tell you, The founders, they gifted us a blueprint to fight the tyranny that they could see was taking place right at this very moment in time.
And that blueprint is the Declaration of Independence.
It's time that we use that declaration.
In fact, I've crafted... Well, you're right.
I mean, it's the law.
It's our right, our duty to abolish a government that is destructive of our freedom.
And my God, you're premeditatedly incubating COVID-19 in nursing homes by design and locking the families out, but then saying, but the medical staff has to be tested for COVID.
That is so sick.
That is so evil.
And it just, it has, they have to, they have to, they have to pay for what they've done.
They have to be put on notice, brother.
And, as I've said, I've crafted the Declaration of Independence 2020.
And I have this posted up on Twitter, um, at Angry American.
I would encourage you, please, Alex, to look this over.
I will!
So what's the actual handle?
Is it at Angry American?
Um, actual handle is American Spirit.
I had to use the uppercase N-O-M-E-R-I-C-A-N.
That's why I'm actually asking for the handle so I can find it.
I'm flying the upside down flag, brother, because our nation is in distress.
You don't have to tell me about it.
I hear you, man.
I am so freaked out.
I mean, the way they, they, they're just, it's like they plan this evil and they carry it out and they brag and then you can guess the next move because it's all laid out and I'm just sitting here going, You know, like, I don't hate, you know, somebody who looks like a psychotic child molester.
I don't hate, you know, that Hitler lady up in Michigan.
She just looks like a demon witch.
Cuomo, all of them.
But I mean, they're killing people, and they know it, and they think it's funny.
They can't stop smiling.
And I'm like, you know, I'm aiding and abetting this killing if I don't do something.
And I'm just telling you, I'm to the point where, I mean, look at that guy.
I mean, just look at that psychotic demon.
Just look at him.
My God, does he not just radiate Satanism?
Yeah, he's got frickin' slit eyes, it looks like.
He looks like a damn snake, man!
I mean, would you let that guy babysit your kids?
Hell no!
Well, he's gonna run your lives, he's gonna kill your ass!
Go ahead.
That's what they want to do.
We all know it.
And are we gonna passively sit by and let them do this?
No, we are not.
That's why on July 4th, Independence Day, I will be in Cheyenne, Wyoming, at the Capitol, and I'm going to be reading the new Declaration of Independence.
It's the Next Generation Declaration, and I encourage all your listeners To look at this declaration, go to their capitals on Independence Day.
All right, I want to read it.
I'm going to pull it up, guys.
Put it up for me.
God bless you, brother.
Now, again, I love the crew, but I told them to get like five, six calls, so I want people to leave them on hold.
Roberto, Alex, Rudy, Paul, Dave, Wendy.
I'm going to have to commandeer some time from the guests in the next hour.
If you guys want to hold 45, 50 minutes, I'll get to you.
If not, you hang up and I won't do the fourth hour.
And we're going to cover the big Falcon 9 heavy launch.
Coming up as well in the war room.
Stay with us.
No safety.
All the honeymoon.
Living off the energy of others and those that stood up for basic human freedoms and that trailblazed some of the good things we have in this world.
All that's over.
The reserve tank is empty.
But that's actually good news because all those that have doubled and tripled and quadrupled down on lies are now going to have to sleep in the beds they made.
I wanted to get Mark Passio back on because I really like the work he does and my wife's a fan as well.
I already knew who he was before she became a fan but she watches and listens all the time and so I'll give a chance to watch him even more.
WhatOnEarthIsHappening.com and you know I'm going to have him on sometime just about his journey of awakening through the occult and coming out of that.
But all these schools are painted and controlled the rose-colored darkly of the priesthood classes that are trying to get us to enter their control and not having our connection to God and to that almighty power.
You've got NASA coming out admitting there's a whole other dimension they found.
Look, they've always known this.
There's a lot of dimensions they're trying to suppress that knowledge because a nation of blind sheep can be led easily to slaughter.
But I wanted to get him on just in general.
Today about the big picture of this time because the end means a beginning as well and just crazy things going on who he thinks the factions are where he thinks all this is going what's gonna happen next because It's getting so crazy as the psychotics, like the nursing home thing I've been obsessing on, knowingly sending COVID patients there, knowing that would cause mass death, the only group that it kills in large numbers, and then turning around and being saviors after they've done it and threatening to arrest all the nursing home owners when they order them to do it.
I mean, it's a form of black magic, really it is, where why is Bill Gates' wife Melinda Gates.
And it is.
It's an upside-down cross.
And the Church of Satan, though, fat-checked it with Snopes and said, well, when you wear an upside-down cross, it doesn't mean you're officially with this Church of Satan.
So they play that game like, if you're not affiliated with Anton LaVey's group, why, they say they don't have no record of them, so it's not satanic.
It's an open flaunting and a lesser magic.
What is this really all about?
And then all of their different bills and sponsored codes and patents are 666.
What's in that?
Mark Passio joins us the rest of the hour.
Thanks for joining us.
I've thrown a lot out there.
Tackle it.
Whatever you want to take first.
Well, Alex, I fully agree.
I mean, we are really being ruled by Satanists.
We are being ruled by dark occultists.
That's what is really taking place.
These people have had control of our planet since time immemorial.
They've probably had control of our planet since human beings have existed here on this planet.
This is a time of opportunity for people to make that recognition and to get their ego out of the way so that they can understand what A religion they have actually been inculcated into.
See, what we have planetarily, we have a whole lot of de facto Satanists.
So, de facto is, it means indeed, by their deeds.
So, if you actually look at the tenets of Satanism, You will see that it is all about egotism.
It is about placing the self first and foremost, even if you have to hurt others in the process.
OK, so out of control ego.
How many people in our society embrace that type of a characteristic in their personality?
I would say it's a good amount.
And then that's reflected back to us in the form of the people that we say are in control.
You know, look at these governors.
I mean, they're they're de facto Satanists if there ever were any.
You know?
I mean, these people are- And they can't even hide that- What's that crazy look these Satanists get?
Where they're just like- They're like in ecstasy, it's so ridiculous.
They're getting off on power, a perceived power over other people, you know?
But see, what we have to realize is that this is all a reflection, in consciousness, of what is really taking place in the majority of human beings.
No, I totally agree.
Us becoming satanic allows them to flourish and they're just kind of the lowest herd.
But don't they know how sick they look to someone that has discernment?
I mean, they're pathetic.
They don't have real power just because they're screwing people over.
They can only control people that are really at their level of consciousness or below their level of consciousness.
And that's the problem.
So then if you actually really ask yourself where is the consciousness of the people of Earth, it will make us really as people who are... Exactly!
They're just a gauge of how low we've sunk.
We will realize if we understand that what our work is to do.
And it's a tremendous body of work that has to be put forward to get people to really set down their false versions of reality, the stories that they tell themselves.
You know, it's all ego that's in the way.
The ego is really the force.
See, people who, like, look at ego from this New Agey perspective or this religious perspective don't really understand.
It's just the force inside our minds that refuses to allow us to say the simple phrase, I was wrong.
How many people can't utter that phrase, can't acknowledge that they were wrong about something, that they were duped about something, that they didn't see things clearly in the past?
It's usually the beginning is becoming humble, which means really just not not being on a power trip.
That's right.
It is humbling yourself to the truth.
Because if we don't do that, the only thing that's really going to shake this planet awake is pain.
The way of maximum pain, is what I call it, is when we have chosen the path of ignorance, which is the refusal of truth, the refusal of acknowledging that We don't have the right to command anybody.
These people don't have the right to command anybody.
This is all an illusory form of power, you know?
And because we have refused that, in that ignorance, we have gone into a level of consciousness that allows us to be controlled by this satanic cabal, this worldwide network of dark occultists.
We've been given over to a grand delusion.
How deep is it going to get?
I mean, when do we hit rock bottom?
Well, we're going to hit rock bottom when there is absolutely no freedom in the world and they start really, truly merging consciousness with machines.
I mean, that's where this is going into an AI hell, you know.
But the thing is, we can level the playing field very easily.
The problem is, people have to let go of their false and illusory ideas of what good and evil really are, because we have a false version of what is good.
We've been told a false version of what freedom is.
We've been told a false version of what goodness really is.
We don't really truly know what good behavior is as a species.
And we've also been told a false version of what evil is, what bad behaviors are.
See, the occultists have done a great job.
People have to understand, occult doesn't mean worship of supernatural gods and performing crazy rituals in a dense forest.
This is a Hollywoodized variant of the occult.
Take it from me.
I was involved with these people.
I was involved in the dark occult for many years of my life earlier on when I was younger.
The occult is simply an ancient form of deep psychology.
These people understand every aspect of how the human mind works, all of our motivations.
They understand the archetypes, they understand the epigenetics, they know how to program people.
Without a doubt, that's what they are.
They are ancient, powerful psychologists who have done their homework about the human mind and fully know how to control the mind.
They are mind controllers.
And they decided to make everybody dumber to control them, which is the first level of being collapsed.
I mean, they claim they're so ascendant, but the fact that they try to dumb people down and take free will shows they're the opposite.
And those are the real pandemics, Alex.
Fear and ignorance.
Fear and ignorance always makes people easier to control.
And these controllers, these occultists, know this.
But see, what they've really occulted, they've occulted or hidden, that's all the word occult means, hidden.
They have hidden a form of knowledge that is the absolute most deeply occulted thing
in the entire world and it's what enables them to keep their control going and going.
And that is what the actual difference between good behavior or right behavior and bad behavior
or immoral behavior.
People do not understand worldwide the actual objective difference between moral behavior and immoral behavior, and that is the occult knowledge that has allowed the cabal of sorcerers, of mind-controlling sorcerers that really has The ultimate form of power in our world which is power over the human mind to continue their... Let's talk about what you're saying is the ultimate occult secret on the other side with Mark Passia, WhatOnEarthIsHappening.com, Alex Jones with InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Only way these sites get out is you hand-sharing them and it changes the world.
Don't think you doing that's a small thing.
It's the biggest thing.
Putting your free will into action with truth.
You couple those together, it changes the universe.
We'll be right back.
You know, there's a lot of laws to the globalists, to their satanism, and I've just observed them growing up.
That's the best intelligence.
It's not going off what's in books or what people say, but what they do.
Like Christ said, you judge a tree by its fruits.
Well, these globalists, these satanists, most of them are minions.
They just follow orders, and they're so unhappy.
They're miserable people.
They're ugly.
They're stupid.
They always are going around on these bizarre power trips.
They're really unconscious.
But their main mission is burn things down, destroy things, and then build ugly edifices to themselves.
It's really like cancer.
It's malfunctioning individuals.
Like that group of photos right there.
Those are real photos.
That was David Rockefeller at what, 97?
Kissinger about eight years ago, and that's a recent photo of Soros.
Somebody asked me once, what would you give for your eyes?
A billion dollars, two billion dollars?
Well, you're like, the answer's nothing.
Because you've had sight, you've seen it.
What about your essence, your soul?
Well, that's priceless.
But see, if someone woke up born without eyes, you can try to program them and trick them to believe whatever fantasy you wanted.
So the occult is really about keeping your eyes from being open and seeing what's happening.
And then you think you're getting the secrets because you're in the dark and you need them to tell you what to do.
And so for me, that's really the biggest secret is, is that it's men putting themselves between us and the Creator and God and trying to get us to malfunction and engage in sin so that they have ways then to get more control of us and it's really just a cancerous exercise.
But Mark Passio, short segment, long segment coming up.
Get into this big secret from your perspective, your research, about the deepest occult secret.
Well, it's very appropriate that you would bring up the eye, you know, because that's where the word occult comes from, the Latin noun oculus, which means eye.
And then occultare is the verb in Latin, which means to hide or to conceal from the eye, to conceal from sight.
You know, it's all based on the same root word.
See, they don't want us to be able to see, but what don't they want us to be able to see is the ultimate question.
And in my years of researching the occult, of being involved in it, the ultimate hidden knowledge, the ultimate thing that they want to occult from our vision is the objective difference between right behavior and wrong behavior.
In other words, what is the difference between a moral action and an immoral action?
Because if you can do that, if you can get people completely confused as to what right and wrong actually are in nature, Okay, you will have them acting against the laws of the creator of the universe in no time flat.
So they're making us rudderless so they can wreck us.
They want the destruction of the human soul, without any doubt, without any question.
They want a society where the souls of the individuals have been completely destroyed.
And as you said, they build up a tyranny upon the edifice of those former souls that are now completely destroyed.
They cannot see the difference between right and wrong and cannot even see that they are now slaves.
See, they have occulted what a right is and what a wrong is.
This evidence could be fully proven and shown.
All any of your listeners or viewers have to do is go out on the street corner and do a little social experiment and ask people if they can give the correct definition of what a human right is.
A right is an action that does not initiate harm to another sentient being.
Human beings will not be able to do that.
They will not be able to give the correct definition.
99.99% of the human population does not know that definition.
And now they're making it where AI computers put fake news in front of everything you would try to search.
I mean, it's just getting deep quick.
Oh, the search engines aren't even showing people results of what's available on the internet.
The paradigm shift has to be made technologically in people's minds.
You don't get stuff from a search engine.
You have to go to the URL.
Pretty much, and hopefully sites that index a lot of content, they have their own search engines built into the site.
See, a search engine is only showing you like maybe 0.5%, half a percent of what is actually available.
But notice how it suddenly clicked, and we've had this giant societal de-evolution, and I see it clicking faster and faster to where just in a few years we're going to be deep inside the New World Order.
I think we're already there.
I mean, we're already there as far as anything regarding our rights is concerned.
See, if you can't correctly define and understand what a right is, you're quickly going to lose them.
You know, we don't know what our rights are.
We think that we have certain people have rights that others don't.
We don't understand that everyone has all the same rights because any action that initiates harm against another sentient being, if anyone does that, that's a wrongdoing.
Therefore, everyone has the same rights.
We can do the rights that don't initiate.
That's right.
You don't have the deed to hurt somebody else.
That's right.
We can't grant that to anybody.
You know, we believe that we can conduct these religious ceremonies and signing of papers and grant rights that other people don't have.
And the ego is in the way to understanding this.
See, that's the new nobility.
He's saying if you're all these supposed protected groups, you're this new royalty because the crown, the government has bestowed it to you.
That itself is a very satanic act.
They want to place their little, you know, run-of-the-mill, rank-and-file minions, you know, in front of the people.
So let me ask you this.
What was the satanic exercise of these four blue states saying, we're ordering COVID patients into nursing homes, knowing it was a death sentence and half the deaths?
It was just a raw... And when those governors would get up and talk about it, they'd go, I know I'm being criticized, but I'm doing it.
And they'd really like little demon dances.
This is a public sacrifice.
It's a total human sacrifice ritual.
That is what it really is.
It is a human sacrifice ritual, and it is done during the time of the year.
This was all done during the time of the year known as the occult season of sacrifice, which is a satanic season of the year between the spring equinox and the midpoint of spring, which is May 1st, Valpurgisnacht.
And this all took place during, right, that's the satanic high holidays.
And they believe they're getting power off of it.
I mean, Newsom literally looks like he's having an orgasm now when he talks about death.
These people are sick.
Well, again, he's for murdering babies in the womb.
These people are, as I said, de facto Satanists.
It doesn't matter whether you could trace them to an actual society or organization that officially practices Satanism and Satanic practices.
It's irrelevant.
They're Satanists by their actions.
No, but I totally agree.
But to get into their mafias, you have to commit crimes.
It's different uniforms, but it's the same cult.
And from my experience, at that level, most of them actually are devil worshippers.
It goes up to that level at the higher levels.
At the level I was involved in, I was not involved in crimes in the occult.
So, they didn't care when I wanted to get out.
It was like, go do whatever you want, go tell people whatever you think you understand, you're not going to be able to hurt us.
You know, unless you actually have committed crime.
Well, what about me though?
They tried to get me involved in crime right away.
They tried to get me involved in crime right away.
I mean, that's one of the things they'll do to suck people in, to have blackmail data on them.
That's another.
That's why they exercise in pedophilia.
You know, that's why they engage in pedophilia.
This is all a blackmail, you know, right to get people, you know, basically doing their bidding.
Otherwise, they threaten to expose them and expose their involvement with children, sexual involvement with children.
Yeah, the stuff I saw was nothing to do with children, but it was definitely some bad stuff.
We're going to come right back, and I never got into the Satanism, folks.
I was literally lured repeatedly to these things.
I mean, we're talking helicopter pads, castles, man.
I mean, these people have castles in Texas, and it's just like, you're like, all I wanted was a super hot chick, and now I'm at a damn black mass with billionaires.
And it's crazy.
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
It's everywhere.
It's a secret, invisible empire.
And exposing it like the sun will burn up the metaphysical vampires.
Mark Passio is our guest.
Old Melinda Gates.
He's from Dallas.
Yeah, our dad was involved in the Skunk's Works and all the rest of it, like a lot of other folks.
Those aerospace engineers are in the club, a lot of them.
And I never saw her in the run-ins I had with these Satanists.
But if you want to know what Satanists looked like in Dallas, because you couldn't swing a stick in the dark and not hit one, that's exactly how they dressed, exactly how they looked.
But behind the scenes, boy, It's all about how they're cunning, they're smart, they're in charge, they're feeding on everybody else, and it's all just a big joke.
And they deserve to rule, because everybody else is an idiot.
But they engineer things to make you as dumb as possible.
It's not like they challenge you right up front, you know, and give you a level playing field.
So, I was never in the occult.
The occult was everywhere.
Then you look at what these people turn into and who they are.
They're jokes.
They're slaves.
They're sucked out.
I didn't run into any of those Satanists that were older that weren't absolutely defeated and destroyed.
And, again, only when they're chomping people and posing with the black babies they want to kill on record Which, again, is that lesser magic.
Mark Pazzo, I could rant all day.
It's always great to have you on.
We should have you on for two hours, a couple weeks.
Hell, I'm flying down here soon.
We have to deal with it as soon as this hysteria is over.
Of course, we're going to bring it right back.
Get into the points you want to make, because I've been kind of leading the discussion about the big picture, where we are, the human awakening, how you think they're going to strike back, how these nests are.
Because Austin is a cultic, but more new-agey and sleepy.
I haven't run into a lot of real Satanists here.
But from your own research, it does seem that there are nests of these Satanists.
Without a doubt, there are certain power centers of control.
New York is among the top in the United States.
Pennsylvania is actually a really big one, a little bit west of the Philadelphia area in a place called Rose Valley.
There's places in Delaware that the DuPonts have tremendous influence over that are satanic strongholds.
Many other places, places in California, Florida.
There's absolutely centers of it.
But see, I want to sort of shift the focus away from the controlling class, the ruling class, if you will, and get to the real factors that really drive all of this, which is how the average person thinks.
Because the average person thinks that these people have the right to command us.
The average person believes that the moral right to issue commands that other people must obey, because they're coming from a ruling class called government, You know, is somehow morally legitimate, you know, and it's not morally legitimate, you know, our ego is in the way of seeing that it's in the way of seeing the simple truth that no one has the right to command other beings.
And the reason that people don't see it is they never make the simple fundamental shift of looking at the behavior from the perspective of themselves.
Imagine If you weren't issuing commands the way these governors in some of these blue states during this so-called pandemic, issuing commands to other people about their lives, just puts you at a disadvantage.
If one nursing home owner would have come out and said, you're going to murder all the people here, that person might have gotten in trouble.
But three months later, they'd be the hero.
And they would have never gotten away with killing all these people.
Well, I mean, even more so than that.
That's obviously murder, what they enacted.
No question about it.
But even more so than that, just think, would you as an individual, if you're thinking about it from your own perspective, of your own behavior, apply the behavior to yourself, would you have the right to tell everybody to close down their businesses?
Would you have the right to command all people's behaviors and actions?
Regardless of whether there's any kind of a spread of disease or not.
You know, the whole point is we believe that these people have some sort of a right that other people don't possess.
No, I totally agree with you.
So let me ask you this then.
And again, I agree we should focus on us and how we can stop complying.
And that's what the real power is.
But getting back to Melinda Gates, why would she wear an upside-down cross ringed in rubies?
What's the symbolism of that?
Because, as I said, the Church of Satan was asking, well, it's an upside-down cross, but that doesn't necessarily mean Satanism.
What is this about putting this out in our face?
Well, first of all, the Church of Satan's statement on that is completely disingenuous and misleading.
It absolutely is a symbol of Satanism.
It just isn't a symbol of the Church of Satan, which is a small organization that practices the satanic ideology.
That's all.
And that does not mean that it's not a satanic symbol.
That is like saying, you know, a symbol of one particular church doesn't represent all of Christianity, okay?
You know, the symbol does represent the satanic philosophy and ideology.
It's the inversion principle.
This is something that I've covered in my podcast series and in presentations that I've done.
The inversion principle is that they want to invert morality.
They don't want people to be practicing what is right, what is truly moral.
They want people believing in illusion.
They want people doing things that are actually immoral.
And the Satanists claim, oh they're about human empowerment, but now they want Bill Gates to be able to put something on our body.
It's the ultimate form of rape.
I mean, pushing any foreign substance into someone's body against their will is coercion and rape, ultimately.
That's what it is.
It is a violation of the law.
So why would she do that?
Obviously, I think it's a desperate act.
I think they're getting weak.
No, they're getting off on the fact that people can't see that they're Satanists.
That's what it is.
It's flaunting the very symbology of their religion in front of people, and the average person is a complete dolt that cannot understand what they are even seeing in front of their eyes.
So what is the ritual?
Counting two?
Are they doing it because it's a lesser magic?
What do you think?
It's part of a ritual, yeah.
It's a ritual of mockery.
This is the mockery of the cattle, the mockery of the human sheep, of the human herd.
That they're flaunting the symbol of their religious belief system right in front of the average person who has absolutely no idea what it means because they're symbolically illiterate.
And cannot understand that that is a symbol of worldwide Satanism.
And it represents the inversion principles.
The inversion of right and wrong.
The inversion of good and evil.
The inversion of God.
And why do they always inverse?
They don't just twist.
They love to totally invert.
Because they're trying to replace the laws of the creator of the universe, the laws of God, with their law.
Why are they so pissed at God?
Because when you get into God and the universe, it's so much more powerful than they can even imagine.
Sure. Their worldview is that the universe itself is a prison because laws exist to bring negative consequence to
immoral behavior.
And because that law is in effect in the universe and can never be taken out of effect in the universe because it was
put there by the creator of the universe, the people who want to break that law with impunity,
meaning with absolutely no consequence enacted upon themselves,
believe that the universe is a prison and are raging against the natural law that governs the behavior of the
Which, by the way, all these big tech millionaires are on record saying, we now believe there's other dimensions, something's holding us here, let's break out.
And they think the silicon virtual hell they've built, they're advertising that as the new reality.
They believe natural law, which is the moral laws of the universe, the moral spiritual laws of the universe, that bring positive consequence to moral behavior and negative consequence to immoral behavior.
Not all at once, not just on the individual level, but on the aggregate societal level, on the global level.
The real galactic, intergalactic, universal credit score.
It's universal karma.
It's how karma truly works.
Not the cartoon or Hollywood version of karma.
It's how it really works on a societal scale, which is one of the big parts of my work talking about natural law.
So that's like Faust and all of it.
They're trying to escape karma.
They can't do that.
It's an impossibility, but they are essentially insulating themselves as much as possible from negative karmic consequence by getting the order followers, namely the police and military... That's why they need to trick us to acquiesce because they believe they escape a lot of the karma by not forcing us.
They have.
They actually have escaped a lot of the karma, not by not quote-unquote forcing us, but by telling the police and military to do their bidding.
And they say, yes, sir, I'll do that.
And then they all go commit suicide or their kids all die because they get the karma.
They go and do the negative behavior, the wrongdoings, the actual immoral behavior, and the karmic consequence comes heavily down upon them, and they don't understand it, because they are unstudied in the laws of karma, or in natural law.
They don't understand those rules.
And by the way, it's the real law.
I mean, it's 100% real, like a baseball bat upside your head, and people need to get that straight, man.
What comes around goes around.
What you do, It's going to get you, whether you believe it was right or wrong.
God knows what's right and wrong.
So you better be really safe.
Mark Passio is on fire today.
We're coming right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
Oh, we're told July 4th is canceled now because of COVID.
If there's just one death, they have to cancel everything forever.
PowerGram is here, but they've only launched these attacks because they're weak and they can feel their control slipping away.
Look at the eyes of Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, and Soros and I See Losers.
Mark Passio of What on Earth is Happening.com, talk show host, author is here with us.
I've been asked a lot of questions the last 45 minutes or so.
So in the final segment here, I want to have you back soon to get into the occult itself.
I know you want to focus on the enemy all day, but people are just now figuring out this is real, Mark.
So we have to explain who the bad guys are.
In my experience, people forget how we can become the good guys.
But in the 10 minutes we have left, without me asking questions, what else do you want to tell folks?
Well, I would say, first of all, really, you have to learn how the science of natural law works.
I have a documentary coming out on the topic pretty soon.
It's in production right now.
We're probably going to release it certainly by the end of the year, hopefully even sooner than that.
But we're going to be, it's an outreach documentary.
It's an educational documentary about how natural law is a science.
We have to make the discovery of how this works.
Because it's not about a belief system.
No, it's bigger than fire.
It's the laws of the universe.
It's the Matrix Code.
This is what they're hiding from us.
This is what this satanic cabal that is operating as a covert network worldwide is hiding from the human species.
They're hiding the understanding of natural law, which is the cosmic, spiritual, moral law that exists in the universe, in creation.
That ultimately governs the consequences of our behavioral choices.
We're given free will.
That's the random component of creation is free will.
We are given free will to behave in the ways that we choose to behave.
However, there are laws that are the deterministic component of creation.
See, the universe is neither random nor deterministic.
It's a blending of both.
We're given free will to choose our behaviors.
But then there are laws that ultimately give us the consequences of those behaviors in the long term.
And if we learn how the law works, we can intelligently inform our decision-making and therefore choose our behavior wisely.
That's how the universe, that's how our experience is ultimately built.
That's how we build our, we co-create as human beings our shared reality.
Exactly, we made the little g image of God for Somebody interject here.
How do you deal with the issue of people that are just feeling completely cut off from this?
Because I have discernment about what's right and wrong.
It's not like I'm afraid to do something bad because I know about these laws.
I feel it.
Other people have seen me missing that.
I'm not trying to be elitist here.
I feel it very strong.
As I get older, I just always go with the gut.
Now it's never wrong.
It's like magic.
Other people don't even seem to have the gut or they just are cut off from it.
They are cut off from what I would call true spirituality.
They don't have a form of spirituality in their lives.
This isn't about religious dogma.
It's about the development of the self.
It's about development of true self-respect and courage.
The people who are cut off from that power and that force that is ultimately the power of creation, They don't have any sense of spirituality or self-respect or courage in their life, you know?
They're huddling under the staircase in the kingdom of the self, you know?
And they don't understand... And that's why they act so arrogant, because they're really scared.
It's fear.
Their consciousness is ultimately driven by fear.
And again, as I talked about the last time I was on the show, what is fear ultimately based upon?
Fear is based upon ignorance, the refusal of truth, the refusal of knowledge.
We fear that which we don't understand.
We don't understand something because we're remaining in ignorance.
When people hear this, they know it's the truth.
I mean, you know prima facie.
Truth instills courage.
The intake of truth ultimately builds courage.
The more truth you take, the more courage and self-respect you're going to build.
And that's how spirituality is built.
That is exactly how spirituality is built, because that ultimately dispels fear by dispelling ignorance and bringing knowledge into oneself.
In the New Testament, Jesus himself, when the disciples asked He's referring to the truth about the laws of the creator of the universe, the laws of morality, natural law.
Well it's like when they try to trick you with the whole money changer deal and he's like, give the Caesar what's Caesar's.
He's referring to the truth about the laws of the creator of the universe, the laws of
morality, natural law.
Well it's like when they try to trick you with the whole money changer deal and he's
like give the Caesar what's Caesar's.
He's also saying that's their system, that does belong to them.
You gotta build your own systems.
He was basically, that's an insult.
He was basically saying, when he said, render to Caesar what Caesar's, he's saying, this is crap, let it go with crap.
That's basically what he was saying.
He's like, this is a total illusory junk and let the people who believe in that have it.
You know, that's what he was saying.
It was an insult to it.
It wasn't, uh, you know, giving credence to it, you know, in that allegory.
So how does the Hollywood, uh, you make your way points.
I'll stop interrupting.
Go ahead.
No, I mean, you know, what we just have to really understand is that the development of the soul is what we are here to work upon.
You know, the understanding of how the laws of the Creator function.
That's what our goal is to do in this life.
We are here to learn and to grow in consciousness and to understand, to discover and live in harmony with the natural law of morality, the natural laws of morality.
We're not doing that.
Because God built us for fellowship.
That's right.
That's right.
That's what true communion really is.
It's getting in touch with those first principles.
And they are moral principles.
And if you ask yourself, all you have to do to understand the human condition, ladies and gentlemen, is just ask yourself, how many people are truly doing that in their lives versus how many people couldn't give a damn.
They don't care.
They've given up on any of that.
They're not looking into anything deeper.
They're not working on the development of their soul.
That's who's dead.
They're like machines.
That's what the dark occult call them, Alex.
They call the people who they rule the dead.
That is their name for the average human being that knows nothing, doesn't care about anything, you know, doesn't take any action, doesn't have any courage.
They call them the dead.
They live, we sleep.
That's right.
That is exactly what they refer to as the dead.
So how does a sleeper awaken?
Because I know our audience is awake.
Some of them more than us.
Others, we're all different ways.
But what about the lost sheep?
I mean, is it bad to even spend time on them?
I put together a program in a very stepwise progression.
A very, very slow proceeding unfolding of information to do this in a way that people with a very... By the way, I've learned you're very good to get unawake people really awake.
It's good how you do it.
So explain it.
Tell them that.
I appreciate you saying that.
Yeah, I put together a stepwise progression of information that would take people from very low-level basic understanding and build their understanding up and up and up to really understand natural law at a pretty high level.
And I did that in my podcast series.
The bulk of my work on my website is in my audio, actually.
The podcast series, if you click on the podcast tab in the middle of the page, in the middle of the tabs, That is where all of the bulk of the material is at, okay?
Now, when you click it, they're listed in reverse chronological order, the newest first.
There's a red link up at the top of that page that you can click to go in order from number one.
Start at number one.
If you click that red link that says you should start at number one, that'll take you.
There you go.
And then you start at number one and you go forward in this progression, in this podcast series.
And I can tell you, folks, because I watch what Mark does.
He knows what he's talking about.
They cannot stand this.
Because a lot of us, and I'm telling the honest, we're not on a power trip, but just you're born like this.
We already know all this.
We're like, OK, yeah, we already know this.
Most people don't know this, folks.
You need to get them a progression of training wheels.
And then Mark gets it really advanced.
It's really intelligent stuff.
He breaks down.
They made a big mistake by telling me to do my very worst.
Let's put it that way.
Because this will wake people up if they go through all that information.
It's a tremendous amount of information.
You have to take your time, and you have to go through it at your own pace, okay?
And don't skip around.
But you're saying somebody that was deep in their dark occult, you found the truth by going away from that, and like, it's all right there, and it all just exposes their whole system.
I recognize the truth when I recognize that the people who were in Satanism and the Dark Occult were really the rulers of society and wanted to enslave everyone.
I made that recognition... Yeah, so simple.
They're causing the problems.
They claim they're empowering us.
No, you're not.
And I never wanted to get involved in the occult for slavery, to enslave others.
You wanted to find stuff out.
I wanted to get involved in the occult because I was very egoic in my youth, and I wanted an advantage over my fellow human being, and I knew that they had hidden knowledge that can give one an advantage if you were in an egoic mind state and wanted to do that.
And I was at that time.
You know, I've come out of that egoic mindset and realized that it is my moral responsibility, knowing what I know, to help to educate others.
And you have to do that through technological means.
You have to reach out to people online.
You have to get it to places that you can get it uncensored, get uncensored information.
Well, yeah, there's that.
Ezekiel talks about the fire in the bones.
If you don't have a drive to warn people, then you're with the bad guys.
Because they laugh.
I don't care.
Oh, I don't care about anybody.
They get off that.
They don't care.
The reason they don't want to be with God is there's a responsibility of the law.
Then now you're completely driven.
And it's very empowering, but then it's like a, it's not a bad whip, but it's like constant, like, you're going to fight these people.
And then it's total war.
All right, Mark Passio, powerful hour.
Come back and join us again soon.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you.
Only way we fund this is the t-shirts, the books, the films, the supplements.
Got that big sale about to end.
It's great products you already need, so get them if you want to support us.
All right, I promise to take your calls.
Alex, Rudy, Paul, Dave, Wendy, and then... All right, I really appreciate the callers holding.
We had that great guest on earlier.
We're going to talk to Alex, Rudy, Paul, and Wendy, and then...
He's always great, but he's really been pissed the last few months.
He's been on fire.
All our guests are on fire.
That's why we have mine.
Let's go to your phone calls right now before John Robport takes over.
Alex in Michigan, one of the epicenters, it's kind of oxymoronic, one of the main tremor points, I guess New York is the epicenter, but it's a horrible center of murdering old people consciously.
What is your view on the death home, the euthanasia, the COVID-19 execution centers that the evil governor set up?
Oh, Michigan's great.
My grandparents moved to a nursing home in January.
My grandpa died in February.
My grandma's birthday was A few weeks ago, and we had to wave to her outside, to her window, and there were clearly nursing home workers spying on us to make sure we were properly social distancing.
There was about 15 of us.
I'm sorry.
Oh yeah.
It's sick.
I mean, they premeditatedly murdered all these people.
And if we don't stand up for them, it's on us.
I mean, I'm not just saying that to be dramatic, folks.
I'm literally There better be indictments is all I'm telling the FBI and everybody else.
You claim you're good government, then act like it.
Trump needs to go on the offense and start indictments that he has the blue states.
They go, oh Fauci told us.
Arrest that little son of a bitch!
Yeah, you're allowed to swear and I'm not.
No, I'm not trying to be like that.
I'm just being honest.
I mean, let me tell you something.
They convict Fauci or any of these people for this.
He needs to hang from his neck until dead after he gets infected.
Go ahead.
I'm spreading so much info or information right now.
I work at a hotel.
I got Employee of the Month three weeks ago, which involves my picture being taken and put on the wall behind the front desk.
My name happens to be Alex Jones.
So I put on my Alex Jones did nothing wrong shirt.
They took a picture of it.
It is now behind the front desk.
I believe you.
I don't want to get you in trouble where you're at, but send me a photo of that and I will have you as a guest on the show.
I love that.
Alex Jones.
All right, Alex.
So how's the Jones family up there in Michigan?
How you guys doing?
Oh, um, well, I was raised Mormon.
A lot of my family is Mormon, and you've been talking about the Book of Revelations recently, and, well, apparently we need some earthquakes to happen.
This happened late March, and there's so much going on that I don't think anyone noticed.
There was an earthquake in Salt Lake City, Utah.
It was big for that area and then a week later... That was the biggest ever, yeah, like a four point something, right?
But it didn't fully damage the main temple of the Mormons, but it knocked the trumpet off of Angel Moroni, which is on top of every temple.
And if you look up what that symbolizes, he's trumpeting in the second coming of Jesus Christ.
So some Mormons are kind of losing it right now.
No, I hear you.
It's definitely a crazy time to be alive.
Well, Alex, we'll put you on hold, and let's see if we can get a photo of that.
Not where you work, but just I want to see Alex Jones, nothing wrong, Employee of the Month.
That would be really, really cool.
Yeah, you know, Alex Jones, when I was named Alex Jones in 1974, was not a common name.
Jones is very common.
Alex was not a common name that year.
But about 50, 20 years later, it became a very popular name for a decade.
So there's like 20 Alex Joneses in town now.
And man, I had one call me up and he said, can you stop them coming to my house in North Austin?
They get death threats, visitors, people, fans, folks.
I don't live at that address.
I never live at that address up in North Austin.
I'm not, I feel so, but it's like, I'm like, Hey dude, your name's Alex Jones.
So, but like you think Google's so accurate.
It's like, Oh, look, you know, the dirt, whatever.com, whatever the site is, it has Alex Jones's house.
Here's his luxury $1.5 million house.
Here's his pool.
Don't live there.
And I, so it's a good cover though, in the cyber world, that there are like 20 something Alex Jones's in town.
It's always growing actually.
There's like more than that now.
Uh, so I feel sorry.
So I can only apologize so much.
I can't change my name.
And I'm sorry to all the other Alex Joneses, because you can imagine.
They get some fans, but they get some enemies.
And the average Libtar that's going to show up at your house, they'll come to the door, and they're like, I'm not Alex Jones!
Like, ah, shut up!
I'm going to kill him!
I mean, it's just crazy.
We're told that Bill Gates is going to lead us on the transcendence out of our humanity.
Well, no thank you, butler to the apocalypse.
You and your hunchback husband, Melinda, can burn in hell.
Because all your well-laid plans to take over society just blew up in you and your hunchback wife's face.
We're taking your phone calls here ahead of John Rapoport, investigative journalist, taking over.
And then we're going to have live coverage of the Falcon 9 heavy launch with the Dragon spacecraft, the first U.S.
manned spaceflight launched from the United States in 13 years.
With the big heavy lifter that's blown up quite a few times.
So you talk about a death-defying sport they lead.
You're about to see it today on The War Room.
Rudy in Connecticut, then Paul and Wendy.
Rudy, thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
Man, I'm just completely freaked out.
I mean, I know the Democrats are evil, but to openly kill a bunch of old people, 50-something thousand of them for money?
I mean, it took me to a whole other level now where I'm just like, I mean, you know what I'm thinking, man.
I mean, like, if we don't help these folks, we don't... They're still gonna kill more, brother!
I guess we're just gonna sit here and let them kill them.
I mean, these people are sick!
Well, I guess Bill Gates just wants to hire a lot of teachers.
I don't know.
Well, yeah, exactly.
We gotta kill an old person to hire teachers.
So he's like... Exactly!
He's helping us!
Well, now you explained it to me.
So actually, I should send him a blue ribbon and thank him, right?
Yeah, exactly.
This whole thing, this whole plan is The Empire Strikes Back, and them killing a bunch of people is certainly not surprising.
I've known a lot of people that went to the hospital, my parents, without condition, and they end up dying there.
So, I don't know why people are surprised that people in medical facilities are dying, and especially under this- Yeah, they don't want to pay out.
They have computers.
The doctors don't even know why.
They're told by the computer, do this.
And they don't want to pay out all that money they're owed, so they kill him.
Yeah, my mother was in a hospital with COPD.
She didn't have a terminal illness.
She just had trouble breathing.
And in two days, she was dead.
And they looked at me and they go, you want me to bring her back?
And I said, of course, of course.
And then two weeks later, she was dead.
Of course, after they argued with the doctor who wanted her released, And the administrators wanted to give her end-of-life care, and they eventually won, and then she ended up dying.
They know what they're doing.
Again, it's the bioethics board.
It's those doctors that keep the babies comfortable.
Yeah, if I could touch on something that Mark Passio said.
Yes, go ahead.
That he was talking about evil, and people don't really understand in a secular society that they don't buy the metaphysicality of what Mark was talking about.
But true evil is pure intellectualism.
And that's why you end up putting a lot of these super smart people, without empathy, get into positions of power.
And without empathy, they start executing these plans with no regard for human life.
They're psychotic robots.
Speak to that.
Yeah, well, exactly.
Intellectualism is the opposite of emotion.
So they lack all emotion and they just overly think things out without any care in the world for the things that we care about.
Well, it's in justifies the means.
And what we have to kind of stay away from is putting all our faith in these pure intellectuals Well, let's look at their mental illness, though.
They know we have feelings.
They give us false feelings to manipulate us with false mathematics.
If you build an economy to take care of old people, It makes it a more rich economy with jobs and infrastructure.
Economies that don't care old people are always collapsed war zones.
So places without empathy are hell holes.
Places with empathy are great.
But we're taught a non-zero-sum game, or a zero-sum game, where, oh, for you to get ahead, somebody's got to be screwed.
So it's a fundamentally evil, predatory thing to tell a bunch of teachers, you get raises and we kill old people.
Well, no, really.
You think a system that kills old people cares about you dumbass teachers?
So they know what they're doing.
It's not just like they're intellectual and they're up on some, you know, mountaintop with their high IQ.
They like to kill people.
They like the power.
Oh, absolutely.
They're driven by power.
If you know anything about philosophy and post-modernism, Power is the only thing they care about.
No, they say it's the willing.
So they say, we'll blow the planet up just to be willing.
They believe that that is the procurative power of God is to do something.
No, the power of God is to do something ordered and good and wholesome that regenerates with a Genesis force.
If you care and love something and are nurturing, you're a sucker.
But if you can will your power And do things like that, that you are supreme, and that's where humanism comes in.
And people don't understand, humanism is putting people as the supreme being versus people of faith who put God first.
That's right.
Then they trick us into being collectivists and go, oh, give up your free will for the greater good.
No, you take your free will to do what's good for everybody.
Appreciate your call.
These Satanists have no idea what they're dealing with.
They're only here to summon what we're going to do.
And they've done it, so congratulations to them.
Paul in California, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, big fan for 13 years, originally from Staten Island, New York.
You and I were pretty tight back in 2012-2013.
Let's talk surveillance.
We hear a lot about contact tracing.
You and I are familiar with Stingray.
What do you think the American public can see once the state, the federal government, and local governments Can you expand?
this surveillance and tell me about your thoughts. Well they've already got the
surveillance they want to roll it out like oh we have these people hired to
watch you we're looking at your phone that's for COVID-19 and this is the
rollout of the Chinese Social Credit score and people are gonna get really
upset and a lot of them are gonna get scared to go along with it now we have
to say no to it. Can you expand I was in the middle of an organized crime
investigation and I had total surveillance on me. Can you tell the
public tell the people listening to this if you get caught up what type of
surveillance is out there?
Well, everything is recorded.
Everything is controlled.
And then they can just pick and choose and create whatever they want.
I mean, that's really what it is, Paul.
I'm out of time.
Closing comments?
God bless you, brother.
Thanks for calling in over the years.
Wendy, last caller in New York, the true epicenter of the culling of the old people by design, with the purposeful planting of COVID-19 by the demonic, mass-murdering governor.
Those aren't just words.
He's a true Hitler, Joseph Mengele Cuomo.
Go ahead, Wendy.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
I would like to discuss a matter.
First of all, I'd like to say that this is truly the first Emergence of what the public is seeing as the death panels.
And then also, it's also what we're seeing as what our medical system would look like under the socialized medicine.
Now, my daughter is a pharmacist, and she was in corporate for many years.
She lost her job because her pay was so high that they Eliminated her because of cost factors.
She got a job as a, um, she did data entry for the seniors in the health, in the nursing care system.
Ma'am, I'm listening to you.
Yes, and she did, she did, she did data entry into the nursing care system.
She did it for almost, about two years.
A very new, growing field.
And what did she say?
What happened?
What happened was over time she saw more and more emergence of more people coming into the nursing home industry and they started getting more and more nursing homes into their accounts.
And there were more and more people hired, and she was hired, she actually worked from home because they needed more people and the facility, the main facility... Hold on, I'm going to hold you over.
Rappaport's got a big show lined up, but I want to hear you finish why this is important, because I'm sure it is.
But yeah, they're all honing in to get rid of the old people because they don't want to pay out their benefits and stuff, and they've got a lot of ways to get rid of them.
So this is it.
I mean, it'd be a lot nicer just to go in there and blow their heads off.
I'm not saying do that, I'm saying figuratively, like Jonathan Swift.
We'll be right back.
We now take you live.
Alright, John Robert Porter of NoMoreFakeNews.com is about to take over.
Always enjoy listening to him.
He's always informative, but he's really been upset and focused because we're under, beyond Nazi attack.
You hear about the Nazis and medical tyranny and killing old people and stuff like that.
It's really going on right now.
And so, it's all confirmed now that they ordered the nursing homes in these blue states to put COVID patients in there to kill them, knowing that it was only bad pneumonia to them.
And it kept the families out while they killed them.
A lot of callers are calling in, it's true, they give them opium until they die.
A lot of them didn't even die of COVID.
And this is how it works.
So, Wendy in New York, finish your point about What you're getting at here, because it sounds interesting, but like, what is your view on COVID?
So what is your daughter's view as a pharmacist on this?
Well, my daughter Erica, she was in, beginning of March, she was starting to lose hours.
And we really didn't understand, but I, she didn't understand, but I did,
because I've been following you since January, late January, watching this thing develop.
So she lost hours, and I said, You're losing hours because people are dying.
At that same time, my son came home from work with COVID.
He's a New York City police sergeant in Harlem.
So I saw from both sides of this New York thing, a sick child with COVID and a daughter lost her job because of COVID.
Let me ask you this in New York, are people getting pissed at Cuomo?
Oh God, everybody hates him.
But then we get...
He gets the best ratings.
Well, they lie.
They tell you he's super popular, exactly.
God bless you.
That's what I thought you were going to say, but I wanted to hear it out of your mouth, not out of mine.
John Rappaport, you take over.
I want to invite you on as a guest in the next few days.
The fourth hour is just as big as any hour, but I want to have you on with me because you've really, you and David Knight and a few others have just been on fire, on top of fire.
How do you say in Latin, the fire of the fire?
You know, the creme de la creme.
But I mean, this is truly weighing down on me.
Not some touchy-feely, goodsy-tootsy, I'm a liberal, I care about people, fake thing.
The murder of people in nursing homes knowingly and the intubating them to get the money, I'm actually ashamed.
My wife was asking, why aren't you eating your dinner last night?
Why don't you want to, you know, have fun?
I just, I said, I said, I feel guilty that I'm not getting on an airplane and going up to New York or Michigan.
And, you know, and I'm not trying to act tough, folks.
As a man, like these are Nazis, folks.
You talk about Nazis.
I mean, these are the real deal.
How are you dealing with this, John?
Because this is so sick.
It's so freakish.
And it's all an exercise to see what we're going to put up with.
Go ahead and take over, my friend.
Thanks, Alex.
I'm hanging in.
Hanging in.
All right, everybody.
I'm going to put something up on my screen here because it just came in to me.
Journal of the American Medical Association, April 21, 2020.
Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection.
Because there is no evidence to suggest that face masks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill.
Journal of the American Medical Association?
Face masks should be reserved for those who need them because masks can be in short supply, blah blah blah.
So the whole narrative is collapsing.
What does that signify?
What do they do next?
Because, here I'm continuing, because N95 respirators require special fit testing, they are not recommended for use by the general public.
So what I'm suggesting you do, those of you, whatever, million people right now, maybe more that are listening, go to that, Journal of the American Medical Association, April 21, copy this out, make handbills, And just, you know, as Bill Hicks used to say, I'm just going around planting seeds, planting seeds.
Just hand them out to, you know, people standing in line at Whole Foods in their masks, acting like robots and so on.
Or wherever, you know, store managers.
Hey, you might want to read this.
Oh, hello.
How are you?
Just take this and check it out.
Because look, this whole thing is, as Alex said, completely collapsing.
But what I really want to talk about here is something that InfoWars has been saying, I don't know, for the last, what, 25, 30 years?
This is a spiritual war.
I don't care if you don't even believe in anything spiritual, you know?
When enough freedoms of yours are taken away, you will notice something spiritual on some level.
So I want to start with this.
Patrick's Cathedral in New York, gigantic Catholic church built, I think, in 1910.
Don't know who the rector or the priest is who's in charge of it right now.
But suffice to say, let's suppose that he had the courage and the wherewithal to stand up on his hind legs and make the following pronouncement.
We are not beholden to the governments of Earth.
We are beholden to God.
That is the doctrine of our church.
Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit.
That is what we stand for.
Governments do not rule us.
We do not bow down to governments.
That has always been the case.
And we certainly don't get down on our knees and worship a virus.
Nor do we pay homage to Anthony Fauci.
or Como or any other human on earth.
This is not why the church is here.
This is not why people have suffered over the centuries in order to bring us to the point we are in now.
Therefore, we are saying that St.
Pat's is open for business and we are not talking about six feet apart business.
We are talking about the way we were created, which is we are here.
God did not create us six feet apart.
So, what I am saying to you is, I fully realize that as the priest in charge of St.
Pat's, there is going to be trouble.
Trouble from the New York City authorities.
So, I am requesting and asking every Catholic in New York and New Jersey to come to St.
Pat's this Sunday and to defend your church and to help us.
And to help me.
Show up!
What do you think would happen if he said this with enough conviction, enough authority, enough belief, enough faith, enough desire?
Cops show up, who knows how many officials, whatever, and 60,000 Catholics come in from New Jersey and New York and they assemble at St.
Inside, outside, everywhere.
What are the cops going to do?
Shoot all the Catholics?
Arrest all the Catholics?
Try to put them in trucks and take them away?
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I think the show would be over.
I think the Comovirus would magically go away.
That's what I think.
That's what I think would happen.
And so that's my intro to the spiritual war.
And now I'm talking about every house of worship of any denomination or sect Anywhere in the country, anywhere in the world, and any of the leaders, the people, the men, the women, whoever, in charge of those, what I will call churches, just to boil it down, and I will call them preachers.
To whom is their allegiance, basically?
What are they there for, these religious leaders?
John Rappaport back here in the fourth hour sitting in for Alex.
So, I was saying, I was interviewed by an outlet in Argentina and they basically said to me that the Catholic Church just said to everybody, you have to go along with the government.
That's not what I'm talking about.
And I'm not talking about the loosening of the lockdowns.
OK, the churches are opening and people say, well, that's great.
Trump said this is essential service.
You know, I'm not talking about that.
I'm talking about the preachers, the leaders.
Where is their conscience?
How high does it go?
How deep does it go?
My understanding of every religious group on earth is that at the beginning there was a tremendous struggle.
People were killed, imprisoned, tortured.
We're not talking about some little, you know, light thing here.
But now all of a sudden it seems like it's all suburbia.
That's the impression.
Well, you know, what do you expect my minister to do?
Get arrested?
I do.
Is he a man of God?
Is that his highest allegiance?
Why is he the pastor and the preacher?
Isn't this supposed to be a sign that this is a person of great conscience and depth who has spent his life making a relationship between himself and his creator, God?
Isn't that the whole point?
of a leader of the flock.
Isn't that what the flock is supposed to be looking toward?
Is such a preacher who is willing to say, we are open.
We're open for business, folks, not six feet apart, not wearing masks.
This is a house of worship.
This is where we come as a Community to be as close to God as possible.
And nothing, no state, no government, no anything is going to stop us.
Not just opening the door a crack, but going all the way.
Isn't this what, you know, once we brush aside the consumerism and the glaze and the gloss of society and so forth, Rock bottom, isn't that what we are supposed to expect from preachers and religious leaders?
Isn't it?
Now, I understand everybody draws a line somewhere and says, beyond that, I'm not going to go.
In the case of a preacher, let's see him stand up in front of the congregation and say, listen, My conscience tells me that what I should say publicly, with no compromises, we are open.
Not just because of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, but because our connection to God is greater and prior to any government on earth and always was and always will be.
But, no matter what my conscience says, I don't have the courage to do it.
I'm sorry, I don't.
Therefore, therefore, I'm stepping down.
As of now.
And the pulpit is open and bare in this house of worship.
Is there someone here in the congregation who not only has the conscience but the courage to go further than I have gone?
Much further.
If so, This house of worship is his or hers as of now.
Isn't that a reasonable statement to make given the fact of what these religions are supposed to stand for?
I don't care what religion it is or what sect.
Isn't that what we would expect?
And if churches, let's just take America as an example, if these houses worship these churches All across the country did this.
Don't you think this show would be over?
This farce, this destructive, insane war against the people would be over?
It would be.
By implication, it spreads and ripples and ripples.
And people are saying, wow, did you hear what Reverend so-and-so did and what he said?
And I mean, wow, this is real.
These people, these preachers, are finally talking reality, spiritual reality, that comes before any Cuomo or Newsom or de Blasio or whoever.
Jay Inslee, Governor of Washington.
Mere Disturbances of dust in the space of spiritual life as led by these creatures, supposedly.
It's quite OK for them to say, I don't have the guts to do this, frankly, I'm sorry.
I can't do it.
I've fallen short of the mission.
Of my connection to God.
Someone else is going to have to carry the ball.
Who is it going to be?
And someone stands up and says, I will.
Come up, come up, come up.
Stand at the pulpit.
Let's hear what you're going to say to the congregation, to the government, in public, not just here, but outside, to the press, to anyone who will listen.
Put your spiritual cards on the table.
And it falls to the congregations, they are not without responsibility, to say to their preachers, how far will you go?
Because what we have been witnessing is the destruction of what we stand for, imposed by the government.
which has no right to do what they've done, to limit us in any way, to have told us early on to close our doors, to limit how many people can come in to our house of worship and where they have to stand and what they have to wear and this and that and the other thing.
It falls to the congregation to inquire seriously of their preacher, their leader.
Where do you stand on this?
Where do you want us to go?
How much courage will you display in the face of oppression?
Maybe I'm wrong here.
Maybe I'm making a serious mistake.
And religion was never about this.
Is that right?
Was it always a con?
All the way?
All the time?
In all sects?
In all denominations?
Is that the conclusion that we're supposed to draw from this?
So, when I say, and have been saying since almost the beginning, that churches could lead the way, this is what I'm talking about.
This is what I'm talking about.
The spiritual war takes in the spiritual dimension of life.
And for untold billions of people, this means their religion, their God, their prophets, all of that.
But what does that really mean in the face of oppression?
It's very easy to go to church on Sunday and dress up.
When everything is good, everything's nice, everything's fine.
If that's the limit of a church, then the pastor has an obligation to say so.
We gather here to have fun, and to look at each other's clothes, and each other's cars, and the fancy hats, and the giggles, and have fun, and say a few prayers, and feel good, and then go to lunch.
That's why we're here.
If that's the case, make it clear.
If it's more than that, Make that clear in no uncertain terms.
I'll be back after the break.
We're not done.
Just want to make sure you know at the top of the hour the War Room will be covering the SpaceX launch so don't go anywhere and definitely watch that.
So as I was saying, a lot of people who go to church listening to what I'm saying here would say, is he kidding?
I mean, That's not spiritual.
That's not God.
That's not religion.
That's not what any of this is supposed to be about.
That's not what your preacher or pastor is supposed to be about.
Absolutely not.
Supposed to be leading the way by saying, no lockdown.
No lockdown.
We don't pray to the virus.
We don't pray to Fauci.
Fauci is not the God.
Berks is not the God.
You tell us to close our houses of worship or open them?
You give us permission to open our house of worship?
And then limit what we can do?
That's not going to happen.
We understand there are going to be consequences.
Bring it on!
In every church, every house of worship, Every pastor and leader.
Oh, really?
Is that what he's talking about?
I mean, I never heard of such a thing.
Well, if you haven't heard of such a thing, I don't know, try reading the Bible, for example, or any other religious literature, or delve into the history of some religion and see what happened early on.
These are the things that turn revolutions around.
When the people who are supposed to be the leaders look deeply enough into their own soul and find out what spiritual actually means.
They're up there on the pulpit already.
They're producing sermons by the truckload.
They're quoting scripture of their particular religion.
They're giving advice and counsel and so on.
Where is this?
Where is the pronouncement of the primary I'm listening.
Where is that?
I'm talking to you pastors and you preachers and you leaders of all churches of all denominations.
Where is that statement?
We are above the dictates of all governments that are oppressive and try to limit our worship And our churches and our spiritual connection.
Don't talk to us about online services and ten people in the room and six feet and masks.
The doors are open, not because of the physical nature of things.
The doors are open ultimately because this is a place of spiritual connection for all people.
Now you, the government, can try to destroy that.
Let's see you do it, if that's what you're intent on.
The cops, whoever it is, the governor, the mayor, who wants to destroy our spiritual connection, which is impossible, it's up to you.
We don't shut down for anything or anybody, because we are connected to a higher power than any of your governments.
That's the whole point, isn't it?
Isn't that the whole point of separation of church and state?
It is to us.
If it isn't to you, that's your problem, not our problem.
And again, I fully understand how a pastor or a preacher would say, that's not for me, I can't do it.
I'm sorry.
I wish I could.
I wish I were that strong.
I wish I were that powerful.
I wish I had the depth of the spiritual connection to God that you're referring to, but I guess I don't because I'm not willing to go all the way and take whatever comes as a result of making this spiritual stand.
And I'm going to say that to my congregation.
I'm going to make that clear to them.
And I'm going to step down because I must.
Someone else must take over.
Someone with greater depth of spiritual conscience and connection to God than I have.
And somebody does.
Or if nobody does, Then the church is empty for the only reason it should be empty, because there's nobody there who had that depth of connection to begin with.
In which case, what was the charade all about to begin with?
That church ought to be empty.
It ought to be desperate, because it was never anything more than just a picnic, a social gathering.
It didn't need the government to lock it down.
It just needed the shallowness of the people who inhabited it.
But for every other church, every other preacher, every other pastor, let the people take charge who are the most willing to make the deepest spiritual connection and to face whatever must be faced from the civil authorities who want to present themselves as all-powerful for whatever invented reasons they make up.
And they will keep inventing the reasons.
The coronavirus is just another reason.
It's just another story.
It's just another tale.
That's all it is in the face of the greater spiritual dimension, which leads to opening up everything, opening up the churches, opening up the houses, opening up the apartments, opening up the streets, opening up the businesses and the companies and commerce and life.
And then we see what happens.
Churches stand at a crossroads.
They are at a crossroads.
And if their congregations will not hold the pastor's feet to the fire, the spiritual fire, they are to blame.
They're responsible for surrender.
It was never meant to be that way.
Surrender was never on the table, but apparently it is now.
Unless it isn't.
Unless it isn't.
And I can hear people saying, well, that sounds good, but it'll never happen.
It'll never happen?
Then what are you listening for?
What are you watching for?
What are you hoping for?
Is it just a little bit of adrenaline, a little bit of entertainment, a little way to pass the time?
Is that it?
It'll never happen.
These preachers would never... Maybe not.
Their congregations, though, could replace them.
Move out of the way, Reverend So-and-So.
We, who have been led by you, have decided we've had enough.
This isn't enough.
We haven't gone far enough.
The doors have been locked, as if the government has the right to say, your place of the closest connection to God is now illegal, illegitimate.
We're not going to stand for that.
So either you step up, or we'll find somebody who will.
What about these television preachers?
20, 30, 40,000 people sitting in the audience.
I mean, it's just boggling on a Sunday.
What about them?
What are they saying?
What are they doing?
Nothing that I hear.
Nothing at all.
Where's their spiritual strength?
What are they talking about?
Are they talking about courage?
The courage to do what?
Wear a mask?
Bow down to the authorities?
Stand six feet apart.
Endure the pain of going without a job and starving.
Think it through!
I really hope it's gotten through.
This is John Rappaport, sitting in for Alex in the fourth hour.
Stay tuned for SpaceX.
See you next time.
We told you what was going to happen, and it did.
Now we're telling you what's coming.
[music playing]
I'm Alex Jones, and this is the InfoWar.
[music playing]
(dramatic music)
Alex Jones here with the bad news up front.
We are sold out of Pollen Block.
We are sold out of Out of Mineral Fusion.
We're sold out of Bodies.
We're sold out of Ultra 12.
And we're about to sell out of X3 Tri-Iodine in the 2-ounce InfoWars Life Vanilla Coconut Protein Bars at 40% off.
Real Red Pill Plus at 50% off.
Azobeat, 40% off.
But here's the good news.
The big mega sale we've been running, the biggest in 2020 so far, won't be one this big until the Christmas sale.
Has been able to add some items that actually just came back into stock.
Super Male Vitality, 40% off.
Knockout, the Great Sleep Aid, 50% off.
Brain Force Plus, a favorite bestseller.
Hasn't been on sale in five months.
50% off for brain force plus that great nootropic bio true selenium 60% off shill force is 60% off and you really need to try that now we're continuing the big mega sale on these other items but they will have to end right after Memorial Day, because a bunch of these are going to sell out as well.
Ultimate Krill Oil, back in stock, 50% off.
Survival Shield X2, 50% off.
Alexa Pure Breeze at $100 off.
Retail, you cannot find a four-stage ion filter, even Near this.
This is an amazing deal, ladies and gentlemen.
Almost no markup there.
They are just dumping these on the market to us, because they're Patriots, and they're about to make another big order.
So, a lot of inside baseball, but this is the best deal ever on Alexa Pure Breeze.
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It's a sign that you're under the yoke of Bill Gates, that you are his bond slave.
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That's something people absolutely love.
I love it.
It's a game changer.
50% off.
Limited edition Infowars face mask.
Look, my wife had to go up and visit her dad who's sick.
They made her wear a mask, so she wore an Infowars mask.
Yeah, it's the new Sharia law.
It's a sign that you're under the yoke of Bill Gates, that you are his bond slave.
Literally, that you're under the medical tyranny.
But you've got to find a plan, or you've got to do it, then fight back with Infowars in
Turn it against them.
Those are $9.95.
Turbo Force, the amazing 10-hour clean energy.
That is 40% off.
Turbo Food, now available again as well.
And so, part of the sale is in it because stuff sold out.
Other stuff's about to end because it's about to sell out while supplies last.
But a lot of new items that were out are now back in stock.
So this is a $3.60 win.
It funds the InfoWars.
These are amazing products.
That's why people love them.
That's why they get thousands and thousands of five-star reviews on Power Reviews and
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very best supplements there are.
A lot of the products we have are essential, meaning if you don't have these things, well,
it's essential, like oxygen or water.
So much of the food has been debased because of the soils being debased, not having the
trace minerals and the elements you need, that supplementation is absolutely key.
So you're funding the InfoWarm, you're getting amazing products at the best prices out there, and you're really putting your thumb in the eye of the globalists who wanted us shut down a long time ago before they launched this globalist takeover that we're now witnessing.
So again, take advantage of the Memorial Day Special.
It's the big sale that's ending, and it's new items that came in on sale as well.
Biggest sale so far this year, InfoWarsTore.com.
We're call toll free, we can answer all your questions, take your order, 888-253-3139.
And on top of all of that, We are putting free stickers inside all of the shipments so you can help spread the word that way.
Please don't underestimate the power you have when you purchase these products to fund the operation, when you spread the word, when you pray for M4s.
Thank you all and God bless you.
Now please get out there and spread the word.
You are the modern Paul Revere.
As the pressure to wear masks in public rises, it's important to be able to keep yourself safe while
making a statement.
(upbeat music)
That's why we created a limited edition InfoWars face mask.
The easiest way to stay safe from incoming germs while showing your support for patriotism and freedom in the face of tyranny.
Easy to use, just slip it on on your way to work, the store, or anywhere that mandates a mask around you.
These also make great gifts or purchases for friends, family members, neighbors, or anyone else concerned about their safety in public.
If you must stay safe, you might as well stay stylish.
Get the limited edition InfoWars face mask today at InfoWarsStore.com [Music]
When do you think the people should be able to like talk again?
Oh yeah, that's a good question.
Well, Alex Jones at least has InfoWars.com.
He can do his own thing and people go to that.
And Gavin's got a show still.
Does he?
Yeah, you know, as someone who's kind of It doesn't make any sense because that means you're right all the time.
bad because I have to defend people whose language I don't agree with.
That is what free speech is.
It's not defending everyone who says things that I love.
It doesn't make any sense because that means you're right all the time.
If you're only defending the things that you believe in, who are you going to defend?
You write all the time about everything?
But I have to defend the people who say things that are even atrocious and that I can't, I would never get on board with because that's what free speech is.
Otherwise, and like you said, it is that slippery slope of who gets to be the arbiter of what is said.
Right, and what are your guidelines?
Alex Jones is funnier than Andy Kaufman's ever been.
Alex Jones is f***ing hilarious often.
Did you see the whole that he's Bill Hicks?
That's not real.
I went down that rabbit hole.
That's the silliest s**t ever.
I know, but there are videos.
But he had one thing we're talking about, like if it's between his family starving or eating his neighbor.
He's like, I'll eat your a**.
And so it became this giant, come on.
I will eat your a**!
Do you don't think there's entertainment value in him saying he's going to eat his neighbor?
Stop, I don't stir fire!
Right, but there's something to that, like to stop that and ban that.
You're not stopping anyone from anything bad by not having Alex do this entertaining thing about eating his neighbor.
You're not saving anybody.
You know what I'm saying?
Like, what are you doing?
Like, what is he doing that's so awful?
I don't know how to fix any of it.
It's entertaining.
Like, why is it only acceptable if you have some kind of entertainment?
Because there's so many rap videos that you could watch that I enjoy, but they're talking about shooting people and robbing people, and it's everywhere on YouTube!
It's so prevalent!
And somehow or another, that's okay.
Like it's f***ing weird what's allowed and what's not allowed.
I'm ready!
I will eat you.
I will eat your ass!
My children aren't going hungry.
I'll do it!
I'll drink your blood.
And I'm starting to think about having to eat my neighbors.
You think I like... Size it up, I'm gonna haul him up by a chain.
Top his ass up, size it up, I'm gonna haul him up by a chain.
Top, top, top, top!
Barbecue yo' ass.
I will cook your ass up so fast that I'll tell them, oh, I killed a cow out back, baby.
You think Christ would eat somebody?
He would never do that.
I will.
I'm ready to hang them up, gut them and skin them and chop them up.
You know what?
I'm ready.
God, if it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna get my hands around your throat.