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Name: 20200519_Tue_Alex
Air Date: May 19, 2020
2225 lines.

The speaker discusses hydroxychloroquine, a drug that has been used to treat malaria and rheumatic diseases for 60 years. They mention a study from 2005 sponsored by the NIH that found the drug to be almost 100% effective in treating the SARS coronavirus in primates, run by Dr. Fauci. However, they criticize Dr. Fauci for not supporting the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 and accuse him of being bought off by Bill and Melinda Gates. The speaker highlights various studies from different countries that show promising results when using hydroxychloroquine in conjunction with zinc, as well as medical professionals who have successfully treated COVID-19 patients with the drug. They emphasize that it is an affordable and widely available treatment option and urge people to listen to the experiences of these medical professionals rather than relying solely on large pharmaceutical companies' development of a vaccine or other treatments for COVID-19. The speaker also notes that hydroxychloroquine has not shown any adverse side effects, unlike Tylenol or aspirin, and can be prescribed prophylactically by doctors. They share a personal story of their father, who experienced severe symptoms of COVID-19 but recovered after being prescribed hydroxychloroquine and antibiotics by his cardiologist. In the midst of the current global pandemic, Alex Jones suggests that individuals should consider buying storable food to ensure they have enough sustenance in case of worsening conditions. He emphasizes that such supplies are available at InfoWarsStore.com. Finally, he discusses hydroxychloroquine and shares personal stories of individuals who claim that the drug saved their lives or significantly alleviated their symptoms.

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This shows how we're afraid of knowledge, afraid of common sense, and the left tells us you don't listen to anybody but Fauci, who actually ran the Wuhan lab coronavirus program with Bill Gates, who, again, they've launched the attack, and they're the ones telling us how to respond.
Isn't it perfect?
Because you'd never imagine who's behind the attack publicly.
It's on record.
AP, Reuters, everything.
Think about that.
Think about that.
And now they've got forced inoculations for you.
They're telling you you don't have any rights.
They're full of crap.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We are being told by the United Nations, WHO, that they are in control.
That is world government.
And then you study who created the UN, who funds the UN.
It is the Rockefeller consortium of bankers that took all their tax-free money in the trillions and put it into foundations to take over the planet, to be tax-free.
None of the Rockefellers measured up after David Rockefeller.
He was in charge until his early 90s and died at, what, 99 a few years ago after his seventh heart transplant failed.
And the globalists really don't believe in just passing on power through royalty unless someone rises to the occasion.
Well, the decision was made to make Bill Gates the head of the New World Order About 12 years ago as best I can tell.
He was already top science officer.
So there's a lot of joke memes out there about Bill Gates 2020 because he's all over the place saying he's the president, he's the president of the world, he's your doctor, he's gonna tell you how to live.
But really it's Bill Gates president of the world, dictator of the world 2020 because you didn't elect him.
He didn't have a medical license, but when Trump comes out and says, I'm taking hydroxychloroquine, oh my God, this is going to kill people.
He's the biggest devil on earth.
We'll address all of that here on this May 19th, 2020, Tuesday, global transmission with 167 days out.
But I wanted to play a little bit of context, this bombshell audio and video of Alan Dershowitz The liberal-slash-conservative darling, the lawyer to the convicted pedophile scumbag Jeffrey Epstein, who didn't kill himself, saying the Supreme Court has ruled in emergencies they can make you do anything they want.
Well, that's not true.
I went and looked it up.
We have informed consent, and no country but places like North Korea or communist China make you take a vaccine.
And they now got articles out admitting the vaccine trials are hurting people or they don't work.
So the idea that you don't own your body and that if you don't take a vaccine, you're going to hurt somebody else.
Well, wait a minute.
If you're an idiot, you've taken the vaccine.
Aren't you supposedly protected?
So all of this and more is coming up here today.
But here is Alan Dershowitz saying he wants you assaulted by the state to drag you to a facility and put whatever they want in your body.
They already do it with the GMO, the 5G.
So this is just a logical extension of the power grab.
Here it is.
Let me put it very clearly.
You have no constitutional right to endanger the public and spread the disease, even if you disagree.
You have no right not to be vaccinated.
You have no right not to wear a mask.
You have no right to open up your business.
Wait, can I stop you?
No right not to be vaccinated?
Meaning if they decide you have to be vaccinated, we have to be vaccinated?
Absolutely, and if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor's office and plunge a needle into your arm.
Where is that in the Constitution?
If the vaccination is designed to prevent a spreading disease.
If the vaccination is only to prevent a disease that you will get, for example, if there's a disease that will kill you, you have the right to refuse that, but you have no right to refuse To be vaccinated against a contagious disease.
Public health, the police power of the Constitution, gives the state the power to compel that.
And there are cases in the United States Supreme Court.
Case that pops into my head, I may have the name wrong, is Jacobson.
I think probably I have it right.
Check it out.
You'll see that there are cases after cases after cases that the public health permits reasonable actions to prevent the spread of communicable And that's under the Public Safety Clause.
So I went and looked up what he was saying, plus I studied this, and it's a total lie.
They're saying if you have smallpox or the bubonic plague, that there is a right to quarantine you because you have a disease.
But they do not have a right to force medical treatment on you.
I have never seen a more clear cut Etched in stone, teaching moment to show complete crystal clear fraud.
A Rosetta Stone, a skeleton key, a master class, a masterpiece of on its face lies, treason, arrogance, deception.
And the projection of ignorance and superstition and fear of ideas and fear of communication, which the universities have now been inverted from the pentacle of empowering humanity to the pentagram of inverting and silencing debate.
Ladies and gentlemen, hydroxychloroquine is one of the only known treatments That actually works for respiratory illnesses.
It's also known as a cure for malaria and a preventative.
It's also known as one of the only treatments of off-drug that works in lupus.
And there are hundreds and hundreds of studies that hydroxychloroquine, when taken in the first stages of a coronavirus COVID-19 infection, is 100% effective.
Now, if you're 90 years old and have heart failure and liver failure and don't have any zinc in your body, you take hydroxychloroquine, you're going to have hallucinations because it causes a chemical imbalance in the brain.
You must take zinc with it.
Now, they did studies in China, they did studies in Europe, they found it 97% effective because, you know, a couple percent were already so sick it wouldn't help.
But see, Fauci and the globalists have their vaccines already ready.
They already have all their dangerous drugs that just so happen to attack your testicles and cost thousands of dollars ready.
They don't want some off-patent drug that costs somebody 30 bucks.
They had articles attacking me when I pointed out medical doctors artwork because they're allowed to give this to people, it's over-the-counter.
Tonic water with quinine!
That's all hydroxychloroquine is, is medical grade of that!
This is the British military developed this with the Dutch 300 years ago, Jack!
It's why they were tough all over the world and other people weren't, because they had vitamin C and they had quinine.
But listen, I'm not going to go over history lesson again for you, ladies and gentlemen.
Trump talked to the White House doctor.
He's got all these letters from doctors.
You have the New York Hasidic Jew doctor that's now treated over 2,000 people, 100% recovery rate.
Because the minute you have a fever or cough, he puts you on zinc, hydroxychloroquine that pushes into the cells, and Z-Pak.
People went, oh, that guy's a fraud.
You don't give people antibiotics for a virus.
The main carrier into the lungs is bacteria.
They carry the damn virus.
So again, this has been out since early February.
Before that, it was out in studies years ago.
So Trump knows they're pushing the deadly vaccine.
He knows they're pushing these other dangerous drugs that a Fauci study says has an 8% approval, I mean, improvement rate.
So, it doesn't matter it's on WebMD.
It doesn't matter it's in hundreds of studies.
They come out and say the president is a fraud and a liar and a scammer.
When he makes his own medical decision with his own personal doctor to take it preventatively with zinc.
And Trump decided to knock out his bacterial flora and took a Z-Pak up front.
Hope he's taking probiotics to replace them.
But yeah, around all the people he's with, I get it, because they could hit him with some weaponized version.
So, what is the CIA?
That means some leftist arm of it.
This is out of anti-fair.
CIA, please ignore Trump's medical advice on coronavirus.
Yeah, who are you, a doctor?
You're not Bill Gates.
You're not Alan Dershowitz, you know, that tell us they're doctors.
Trump's not a doctor.
He's only playing one on TV, Washington Post.
Trump's not a doctor.
Trump urges coronavirus patients to take unproven drug.
How dare him?
This is a top story everywhere and they're saying he's a fraud, impeach him.
The Democrats are calling for hearings because a man has free speech as a consumer and as a human that his doctor told him this is good when it's a fact!
Folks, they have people under criminal investigation or SWAT teaming medical doctors that give patients vitamin C because they don't want you to know that it's a disease of vitamin deficiency.
Zinc, D3, vitamin C. Major Yahoo News AP last week admitted it.
They did a huge EU study and found everyone that died of COVID-19 was Deficient in D3.
They know this, folks, if you don't have vitamin C, in a couple months your teeth fall out, you start bleeding out your rear end, every old cut reopens, it's called scurvy, scurvy, scurvy, you fall apart!
It's a sin!
We're so ignorant like cavemen now, and so scared of knowledge, it's like an idiocracy where the guy can read, so they go, he talks like a fag!
Let's put him in prison, he knows how to read!
I talk to lawyers, I talk to rich people, and I'm like, yeah, you know, Zink, you can't impregnate the cells if you have it, and they're like, oh yeah, what are you, a doctor?
I'm like, oh, here's 10 studies, here's a Harvard, wow, it says, yeah!
The NIH damn website!
We used to have scientists, folks, now we have a government that tells us men can have babies.
We now have a government that says the word mother and father is bad.
So this is a war on reality, and the President's taken months.
They go, oh yeah, the studies say and the doctors tell me this hydroxychloroquine is great because it loads the cells.
You don't need it, folks.
You take 10 times the daily allowance.
That's safe.
I looked into it.
I had doctors on the show.
Long term, not good for your kidneys.
But during this, you take 100 milligrams of zinc, you're in like Flynn if you've got the D3 and the C. But they can't get in the virus.
Viruses cannot get into cells and cannot replicate when you have zinc load.
So here is a medical doctor, one of hundreds that's gotten on local news, never national, saying all my patients have done perfectly with this, just like the Jewish doctor first did.
Here it is.
I do want to ask you about hydroxychloroquine.
The president was pushing it pretty strong again yesterday.
You said you have prescribed this.
I want to talk to you about the effects you're seeing and what it might do for people who take it normally outside of coronavirus and a possible shortage of medicine for them.
What we're finding clinically with our patients is that it really only works in conjunction with zinc.
So the hydroxychloroquine opens the zinc channel, zinc goes into the cell, it then blocks the replication of the cellular machinery.
So it has to be used in conjunction with zinc.
We are seeing some clinical responses in that regard.
There are people that take it regularly for other disease processes.
We have to be cautious and mindful that we don't prescribe it for patients who have COVID that are well.
It really should be reserved for people that are really sick in the hospital or at home very sick that need that medication.
Otherwise, we're going to blow through our supply for the patients that take it regularly for other disease processes.
But what you're saying is you're prescribing it and it is working for COVID-19 patients?
Every patient I've prescribed it to has been very, very ill, and within 8 to 12 hours, they were basically symptom-free.
And so...
Clinically, I am seeing a resolution.
That mirrors what we saw in the French study and some of the other studies worldwide.
But what I am seeing is that people are taking it alone, by itself.
It's not having efficacy.
Exactly, because you have to... Hydroxychloroquine is the gun.
The bullet is zinc.
You gotta have both.
But here's the deal.
Why does a fish die out of water?
Because it can't breathe.
Let me go back to this.
This isn't just about Trump being right about hydroxychloroquine.
He's the president.
We elected him.
Without even looking, I've seen hundreds of doctors on British, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, U.S., Canadian, Mexican.
I mean, it's just this doctor says it's—this doctor.
Because they're doctors!
They're like, yeah, studies all say it's great.
You know, as long as you aren't on death's doorstep and you get this in you, we just recommend you take D3, vitamin C, and Zink!
And then the President, after four months of this being out there, and them trying to bully him, and one study, Bill and Melinda Gates Finance, with people on their deathbed over 85 who had multiple conditions, it didn't help them.
They went into the study, oh look, this didn't help anybody!
Well yeah, if you've held somebody underwater for five minutes, and you come back, you try to resuscitate them, they don't usually come back to life.
I mean, again, all these things are essential.
You die quick without them.
What's in food?
This is all basic science!
But now there's this thing where they go, oh, this is insane!
And they'll take medical doctors offline when they go on ABC News.
Oh, by the way, you know YouTube removed that ABC News thing out of California.
It's like a whack-a-mole, because every doctor knows this.
We're like, well, of course!
No, no, no, dirty Americans!
And now we're told the CIA, someone in the CIA, said that this isn't true.
Oh, oh, the CIA!
Oh, someone, a bureaucrat, okay, don't listen to Trump!
Trump said his doctor told him this.
And it's the truth, folks.
But all they gotta tell you is get vitamin D, C, and zinc, and clean water.
You need to buy the D3.
Get the sunlight.
What did doctors used to say forever?
They said, oh, you're inside.
Get some fresh air.
Get some sunshine.
It's the best disinfectant.
Before they discovered that your skin makes D3, there's doctor's journals that are telling royalty 400 years ago, get out the sun.
Lay out the sun in your underwear.
During the swine flu, they had outdoor hospitals, and they had triple the recovery, just laying the people out in the sun.
Turned out they hadn't had any sun.
And I know you all know this, but this is how sick these people are.
Here, let's hear, let's hear from President Trump what freaked everybody out so much, and this shows how we're afraid of knowledge, afraid of common sense, and the left tells us you don't listen to anybody!
But Fauci, who actually ran the Wuhan lab coronavirus program with Bill Gates, who again, they've launched the attack and they're the ones telling us how to respond.
Isn't it perfect?
Because you'd never imagine who's behind the attack publicly.
It's on record.
AP, Reuters, everything.
Think about that.
And now they've got forced inoculations for you.
They're telling you you don't have any rights.
They're full of crap.
Here's part of the President.
A lot of good things have come out about the hydroxy.
A lot of good things have come out.
And you'd be surprised at how many people are taking it, especially the frontline workers, before you catch it.
The frontline workers, many, many are taking it.
I happen to be taking it.
I happen to be taking it.
I'm taking it.
Right now, yeah.
A couple of weeks ago, I started taking it.
Because I think it's good.
I've heard a lot of good stories.
And if it's not good, I'll tell you right.
I'm not going to get hurt by it.
It's been around for 40 years for malaria, for lupus, for other things.
I take it.
Frontline workers take it.
A lot of doctors take it.
Excuse me.
A lot of doctors take it.
I take it.
Yeah, my family doctor takes it.
I hadn't been into a medical checkup in like three years.
I went in, got the checkup, and he said, I'm not worried about it.
I've ordered hydroxychloroquine.
He goes, it was sold out here.
I got it from France.
I'm like, okay, great.
But I mean, I was like, don't you just take zinc, doc?
And he goes, yeah, but I want to push it in my cells.
I mean, it's just a fact.
I mean, this is insane, folks.
Look, I'm done talking about it.
We got something really powerful.
It's the Bill Gates and the population control grid.
It's a part three that the great James Corbett, award-winning investigative journalist, has put out.
And we posted all three parts of his reports he's put out the last few weeks on Bill Gates.
They're all 30-minute documentaries or so, and it really lays out just very factually what's going on currently with all this.
So we've got it linked up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That is coming up at the start of the next segment for a couple segments, and then we're going to have our guest in here.
Separately though, ladies and gentlemen, it's not a sales gimmick that we had a week of sales.
A lot of the products were actually selling out and that now we've extended it three or four days.
We weren't planning that, but...
This is such a popular sale and a lot of these products are going to be coming in for a long time.
I've just decided to go ahead and get them in your hands and to make sure we have funding to go into the future.
So I would take advantage of this because it could be two, three, four months until some of this stuff comes back in.
Almost all these products are almost sold out or very close to being sold out.
Current sales and specials extended two more days, maybe three more.
Infowars biggest sale yet in 2020 has been extended for two final days.
This is your last chance to get 30 to 60% off best-selling fan-favorite products.
Ultimate Krill Oil.
You talk about D3.
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No, that's 40% off.
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X3 triiodine, 60% off, DNA Force+.
If you take anything with the PQQ, the CoQ10, this is it.
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PQQ, they were telling me to eat like 10 crates of blueberries or something.
It's just ridiculous, the little packages of them.
Living Defense, 50% off.
Limited edition InfoWars face mask, $9.95.
You gotta wear one of these Sharia law things out in public.
Well, then fight back with InfoWars.
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Pollen Block, about to sell out.
50% off.
And again, that's what makes this whole operation go around.
So, take advantage of that and other specials at InfoWarsTore.com.
We will have some new specials.
I've been so busy with everything that's happening, I haven't come up with new ones.
They won't be as deep or as expansive, but we will have some specials next week.
Probably some of the things that have sold out.
But I'm just keeping this show going right now because you're really responding.
And so that's helping fund our operation, even though the margins are a lot smaller.
The amount we're selling is a lot bigger.
So I'm just going to pedal to the metal, balls to the walls.
And for the next three, four days, take advantage of it right now.
We'll be right back.
Hello, everyone.
Mr. P!
What's your secret mission about?
It's not my mission, but an idea that came from my good friend, Mr. Bill Gates.
Hi, kids.
The real, actual, in-person Bill?
He's trying to say that we're big fans, Mr. Gates.
It's a strange fact that Bill Gates' hagiographers, PR hacks employed more often than not by large corporations that receive funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, consistently depict this drab software developer as a cartoon superhero using his superpower of being very rich to help save the planet.
Behind closed doors on this New York campus, a secret gathering of some of the world's most powerful people.
Gates, Buffett, Bloomberg, Winfrey.
It was like, well, it was like... The Super Friends.
In the great hall of the Justice League, there are assembled the world's four greatest heroes.
But these cartoon-fueled puff pieces reveal more than they know about Gates and the other mega-rich philanthropists they are attempting to idolize.
They reveal that the idea of the selfless billionaire do-gooder is a work of fiction so unbelievable it is only fit for Saturday morning cartoon fare.
As we have seen in our first two explorations of Bill Gates' role as global health kingpin, the seemingly selfless generosity of the Gates family through their eponymous foundation has in fact greatly increased their own wealth, with Bill Gates' personal net worth having doubled in the past decade alone.
But the takeover of public health that we have documented in How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health, and the remarkably brazen push to vaccinate everyone on the planet that we have documented in Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World, was not, at base, about money.
The unimaginable wealth that Gates has accrued is now being used to purchase something much more useful.
Control not just of the global health bodies that can coordinate a worldwide vaccination program, or the governments that will mandate such an unprecedented campaign, but control over the global population itself.
This is an exploration of Bill Gates and the population control grid.
You're tuned into The Corbett Report.
From a journalistic standpoint, Good Morning America's inane report on the secretive billionaire meeting that took place
in New York in 2009 was a failure.
It listed some of the meeting's attendees and their combined net worth.
Gates, Buffett, Bloomberg, Winfrey, together with others at the meeting, including George Soros, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, they're worth more than 125 billion dollars.
It turned to the senior editor of Forbes for a soundbite about what it would be like to witness such an assembly of wealth.
To have been in the room and see this meeting of the minds really would have been a fascinating thing.
And it dutifully reported the participants' own stated reason for holding the meeting.
That much money, that much power around one table.
It begs the question, what were they doing?
What were they scheming?
Total world domination?
This group, together for six hours, was talking about charity.
Education, emergency relief, global health.
before wrapping up with another juvenile appeal to comic book superhero lore.
The new supermen and Wonder Woman, the super rich friends, not fighting bad guys,
but fighting for good nonetheless. For Good Morning America, John Berman, ABC News.
Yes, from a journalistic standpoint, Berman's report was an utter failure.
There was no attempt to question the participants about the meeting.
No space for any criticism of these billionaires or questions about their motives.
No adversarial journalism of any kind.
But as a PR piece, it was brilliant.
It leaves the viewer with a vague sense that some kind of gathering took place somewhere in New York in which rich people, who, let's not forget, are superheroes, talked about charity.
One would have to turn to print sources to discover that the meeting was held at the personal residence of Sir Paul Nurse, then president of Rockefeller University, that the invitation to the gathering was co-written by Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and David Rockefeller, Or that the aim of the meeting was to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world's population.
Given that these extraordinarily rich and powerful men, including Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller and Ted Turner, have all expressed their belief that the growing human population is the greatest threat faced by humanity, it should not be surprising that they would convene a conference to discuss how best to channel their vast wealth into the project of reducing the number of people on the planet.
Particularly unsurprising is that attendees of the meeting later dubbed Bill Gates, a man for whom population control is particularly close to his heart, as the most impressive speaker at the event.
Here we can see a chart that looks at the total world population over the last several hundred years.
And at first glance, this is a bit scary.
We go from less than a billion in 1800 and then 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.4 billion where we are today
is happening even faster. So Melinda and I wondered whether providing new medicines
and keeping children alive, would that create more of a population problem?
And what the developing world does not need is more children.
And I think that was the biggest Aha to Bill and me when we got into this work, as we asked ourselves, of course, the same hard-nosed question you'd ask, which is, if you get into this work and you start to save these children, will women just keep overpopulating the world?
And thank goodness the converse is absolutely true!
This is a very important question to get right because it was absolutely key for me.
When our foundation first started up, it was focused on reproductive health.
That was the main thing we did because I thought, you know, population growth in poor countries is the biggest problem they face.
You've got to help mothers who want to limit family size have the tools and education to do that.
That's the only thing that really counts.
In recent years, critics have pointed to Bill Gates' own words linking vaccination programs with his goal of reducing population growth.
The world today has 6.8 billion people.
That's headed up to about 9 billion.
Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
$10 billion over the next 10 years to make it the year of the vaccines.
What does that mean exactly?
Well, over this decade, we believe unbelievable progress can be made, both inventing new vaccines and making sure they get out to all the children who need them.
We could cut the number of children who die every year from about 9 million to half of that if we have success on it.
And the benefits there in terms of reducing sickness, reducing the population growth, it really allows a society a chance to take care of itself once you've made that intervention.
But as any number of fact-checking websites, not to mention Bill Gates himself, are quick to point out, this doesn't mean what it sounds like it means.
What we found out is that as health improves, families choose to have less children.
The truth is that when people's lives improve, when children survive, for instance, or when girls go to school, people start making decisions based on the expectation that their children will live and thrive.
The result is smaller families and slower population growth.
I came across articles that showed that the key thing you can do to reduce population growth is actually improve health.
And that sounds paradoxical.
You think, okay, better health means more kids, not less kids.
Well, in fact, What parents are doing is they're trying to have two kids survive to adulthood to take care of them.
And so the more disease burden there is, the more kids they have to have to have that high probability.
So there's a perfect correlation that as you improve health, within a half generation, the population growth rate goes down.
Yes, the Gates stated plan is to reduce population growth by improving health.
But the idea of using vaccines as sterilization agents, even without the public's knowledge or consent, is not conspiracy lore, but documentable fact.
In its 1968 annual report, the Rockefeller Foundation addressed the problems of population, lamenting that very little work is in progress on immunological methods, such as vaccines, to reduce fertility, and much more research is required if a solution is to be found here.
The Foundation vowed to correct this problem by funding established and beginning investigators to turn their attention to aspects of research in reproductive biology that have implications for human fertility and its control.
This was no empty promise.
By the time of its 1988 annual report, the Rockefeller Foundation was able to report progress on its funding into contraceptive research, including Norplant, a contraceptive implanted under the skin of a woman's upper arm and effective for five years.
In its 1988 report, the Rockefeller Foundation was pleased to announce that Norplant, which was developed by the Rockefeller-founded Population Council, was now approved for marketing in 12 countries.
The Rockefeller's Population Council and other research organizations joined with the World Health Organization in 1972 to create a task force on vaccines for fertility regulation.
By 1995, they were able to report progress in developing a prototype of an anti-HCG vaccine, which works by combining an immunogen formed from a synthetic peptide of human chorionic gonadotropin, HCG, a hormone secreted by the surface of the early embryo to remain implanted in the womb, with a toxoid carrier molecule.
The vaccine stimulates an immune reaction, causing women to develop antibodies against the hormone, thus preventing them from carrying babies to term.
But beginning in the 1990s, a series of scandals over WHO-led vaccination programs in the third world led to allegations that tetanus vaccines in places like the Philippines and Kenya were being laced with HCG in order to implement population control by stealth.
The controversy generated by these stories led global institutions to step back from the campaign to champion population control by vaccine.
But, as usual, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was there to renew interest.
You heard me talk earlier about Sadie, who I met in Niger.
to host a London summit on family planning in 2012, at which the foundation announced their support
for funding the research, development, and deployment of injectable contraceptives
to the developing world.
You heard me talk earlier about Sadie, who I met in Niger.
She was traveling 15 kilometers to get an injection.
But let's ask ourselves, what if she didn't have to travel to that clinic?
If we put it in her perspective, how can we keep her in her village to get the contraceptive she wants?
Well, Pfizer is testing a new form of Depo.
The injection that she goes 15 kilometers to get, they're now putting it in a new form, a new device that can be given.
It's very, very small.
It's called Uniject.
I think it's going to be pictured here.
It's a high-quality product.
It's effective.
It's safe.
It's tiny, as you can see.
And it can be put in a health care worker's kit to give to the woman at the village level.
So Sadie won't have to go 15 kilometers any longer to get that injection.
But the Gates were not content to stop there.
In 2014, it was announced that Microchips Biotech, Inc., a company in Lexington, Massachusetts, had developed a new form of birth control, a wireless implant that can be turned on and off with a remote control and that is designed to last up to 16 years.
According to MIT Technology Review, the idea originated when Bill Gates visited Robert Langer's MIT lab in 2012 and asked him if it would be possible to create an implantable birth control device that could be turned on or off remotely.
Langer referred Gates to the controlled-release microchip technology he had invented and licensed to Microchips Biotechnology, and the Gates Foundation granted $20 million to the firm to develop the implants.
Reducing population growth has, by Gates' own admission, been a core mission of the Gates Foundation since its inception.
But in order to really understand what Gates means by population control, we have to look beyond the concept of controlling population size.
At its most fundamental level, the population control the Gates speaks of is not birth control, but control of the population itself.
In order to understand the broader population control agenda and how it ties into the Gates Foundation's plans, we have to look at a puzzling development that took place in 2017.
In that year, GAVI, the Gates-founded and funded alliance that partners the Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, and the World Bank with vaccine manufacturers to help ensure healthy markets for vaccines, took a strange pivot away from its core mission of vaccinating every child on the planet to providing every child with a digital biometric identity.
The idea was first floated by Gavi CEO Seth Berkeley in a Nature article that year, Immunization Needs a Technology Boost, where he states that the goal of 100% immunization will not be reached without secure digital identification systems that can store a child's medical history.
He then gives a specific example.
We are working with a company in India called Khushi Baby, which creates off-grid digital health records.
A necklace worn by infants contains a unique identification number on a short-range communication chip.
Community health workers can scan the chip using a mobile phone, enabling them to update a child's digital record even in remote areas with little phone coverage.
This sudden interest in digital identity was no mere passing fancy for the Vaccine Alliance.
Gavi doubled down by becoming a founding member of the ID2020 Alliance, a public-private partnership dedicated to spearheading a global digital biometric identity standard.
Other founding members of the Alliance include Gates First Company, Microsoft, and the Rockefeller Foundation.
In 2018, Gavi issued a call for innovation in digital technologies for finding, identifying, and registering the most vulnerable children.
The call specifically requested technologies for capturing, storing, and enrolling the biometric details of infants on rugged biometric devices.
Berkeley continued to follow up on this idea in public engagements as one of the new core missions of GAVI.
What's interesting is that people tend to think of, you know, birth certificates as kind of a major document.
But, you know, the most common, as I mentioned before, is not a birth certificate, is not a death certificate, is not a marriage certificate.
The most common connection, vital registration for the population, is actually a child health card.
Because we reach more than 90% of children with at least one dose of vaccine as part of routine.
So, they're in the system.
The challenge is that contact is not connected into the system.
So, if you could connect it, then you have the ability to give them their basic identity
You have ability then later on if they want to own land or they want to have their rights,
you're able to help them with that.
But, you know, we're not currently taking advantage of that.
And so the children get seen, they get enrolled in the health centers,
but that information is not used for anything else.
Although vaccines and identity may seem unrelated, Bill Gates has spent the last few years funding research
that can bring the two ideas together.
Late last year, Gates once again turned to Robert Langer and his MIT colleagues
to investigate new ways to permanently store and record the vaccination information of each individual.
The result of their research was a new vaccine delivery method.
They found that by using dissolvable microneedles that deliver patterns of near-infrared light-emitting microparticles to the skin, they could create particle patterns in the skin of vaccine recipients which are invisible to the eye but can be imaged using modified smartphones.
Rice University describes the quantum dot tags left behind by the microneedles as something like a barcode tattoo.
So who was behind this development?
As lead researcher Kevin McHugh explains, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation came to us and said, hey, we have a real problem, knowing who's vaccinated.
So our idea was to put the record on the person.
This way, later on, people can scan over the area to see what vaccines have been administered and give only the ones still needed.
The microparticles that form the fluorescent quantum dot tags are delivered along with the vaccine, but they cannot be delivered by a traditional syringe.
Instead, they must be delivered by a patch of microneedles made from a mixture of dissolvable sugar and a polymer called PVA, as well as the quantum dot dye in the vaccine.
It should be no surprise then, that big pharma vaccine manufacturers, in their scramble to produce the coronavirus vaccine that, Gates assures us, is necessary to go back to normal, have turned to a novel vaccine delivery method.
A dissolvable microneedle array patch.
The University of Pittsburgh is where the polio vaccine was first discovered.
At the medical center, researchers are now developing a vaccine that is delivered using a dissolvable patch called a microneedle array.
Think about them as almost like a band-aid.
And so the microneedle array is simply applied to the skin topically, pressed into place very shortly, and then taken off and thrown away.
And then the antigen is already delivered.
As is becoming evident, this new vaccine-delivered barcode-like tattoo is about much more than simply ensuring that children get all their Gavi-recommended immunizations.
On a recent "Ask Me Anything" thread on Reddit, when asked, "What changes are we going to have to make to how
businesses operate to maintain our economy while providing social distancing?"
Bill Gates answered, "Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested
recently, or when we have a vaccine, who has received it."
In his answer, Gates fails to mention that he has himself been instrumental in kick-starting and funding the research
into the very type of digital certificates for vaccination that he is speaking about,
or that these "digital certificates" – likely, at first, to be a digital marker linked to a biometric ID – could
very well one day take the form of vaccine-implanted quantum dot tattoos.
But, as in so many other aspects of the unfolding crisis, Gates' unscientific pronouncement that we will need digital certificates to prove our immunity in the new normal of the post-coronavirus world... Eventually, what we'll have to have is certificates of who's a recovered person, who's a vaccinated person.
...is now being implemented by a number of governments.
It is now being reported that OnFido, a tech startup specializing in AI-based biometric ID verification, is in talks with the British government to provide the type of digital certification Gates mentioned, dubbed an immunity passport.
The proposed system would require would-be workers to use the OnFido provided app to scan their face or other biometric data, link that information to a SARS-CoV-2 antibody test, or, eventually, proof of coronavirus vaccination, and then have their picture taken and immunity verified every time they wish to access a restricted space or work environment.
Last month, OnFido announced that it had raised $50 million in a round of investments led by Bill Gates' old company, Microsoft.
But this is not Gates's first experience with the field of biometric identity.
A decade ago, the government of India began what has been called the largest social experiment on earth, enrolling over 1 billion people in the largest biometric identification database ever constructed.
The project, involving iris scanning and fingerprinting the entirety of the Indian population, recording their biometric details in a centralized database, and issuing them a 12-digit identity number that could be used to prove residence and access government services, all within the span of a few years, presented an incredible societal, legal, and technological challenge.
It's no surprise, then, that the person who was brought in as the chief architect of the Adhar project when it was launched, Nandan Nilukani, co-founder of Indian multinational Infosys, is also a longtime friend of Bill Gates and a partner with Bill and Melinda Gates on a philanthropic venture called Co-Impact, which supports initiatives to address major social challenges at scale.
Nilukani's involvement in Adhar has even made him one of Gates's heroes, featured in slick video promotions produced by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
My friend Nandan Neelakani is one of India's best known entrepreneurs.
He led the creation of the world's largest biometric ID system.
Now he's working to promote his platform to improve the lives of the world's poorest people.
There are more than a billion people around the world who don't have any kind of ID.
You can't do anything in life without an ID, because people are mobile, they're migrant, and wherever they go, whether they want a job, or whether they want to board a train, or whether they want to get a bank account, or get a mobile connection, if the person has no way of proving who they are, then they just won't get access to those services.
So the challenge we had was, how do we give a billion people, many of whom don't have birth certificates, how do we give them an ID?
Well, Adhar is a huge asset for India.
the Aadhaar scheme as a huge asset for India.
It was designed very well.
The fact that you can make digital payments so easily, you can open a bank account.
India is a leader in that.
Our foundation, you know, worked with the Reserve Bank.
You know, Nandanil and Connie and a group of people that he pulled together did a great job.
But Gates is not merely an arm's-length admirer of the Adhar experiment.
He is not only personally connected to its chief architect, he is also connected to one of the key companies that spearheaded the technology that underlies the project's biometric database.
The company that provides the iris recognition technology at the core of the Adhar system, Idemia, also provides facial recognition systems for the Chinese government, and is currently developing digital driver's licenses for use in the United States.
Idemia even created the cushy baby identification necklaces with embedded microchips that Gavi CEO Seth Berkley touted in his Nature article.
Unsurprisingly, the company received support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through its involvement in the GSMA Inclusive Tech Lab.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Harrison Smith.
I am joined here by fellow InfoWars reporter Greg Reese, and I know I'm personally honored and I feel quite a bit of pressure sitting behind this desk, especially at such an important time period in the history of humanity and where we are now, the crucible.
Where, truly, what happens in the next few days, the next few months, will decide the fate of all of humanity.
So, what an honor it is to be with you here today on the 19th of May, 2020.
So many stories to get into.
Greg, what are you looking at?
Basically, COVID.
All I've been looking at for several months is COVID, COVID, Bill Gates, COVID, forced vaccinations.
Corbett reports on Bill Gates are pretty good.
I recommend everyone checking them out, and they're all on Bandod Video right now, I believe.
Yeah, they're on Bandod Video and Infowars.com.
James Corbett does just incredible work, so definitely get those and spread those.
Bill Gates is a supervillain.
This is my realization.
He's a literal supervillain.
I actually went through and started to look at Some of the most famous supervillains around these days, and they literally sound like Bill Gates.
You have, of course, from the Marvel series, you have Thanos.
His whole point is, I'm going to save people by killing half the people.
There's too many people, overpopulation, we have to cull the population.
Which is just, literally, it sounds like a Bill Gates TED Talk.
And then, of course, you have this story here, Harvard scientists begin experiment to block out the sun.
This is...
Something that Bill Gates is involved with.
But, you know, what do you describe?
How do you describe the person who wants to block out the sun and cull the population in order to save the population and is involved in vaccine catastrophes that just do terrible things to people all over the world?
and then goes on TV and celebrates himself.
I mean, he is literally a super villain.
In fact, I think one of the, Jesse Eisenberg plays Lex Luthor in one of the new Superman, Batman movies.
And if you go to the Wikipedia, it's like the author was like,
"Oh, I based this off Bill Gates.
I wanted a Bill Gates-like character."
So I don't know.
Why do you think people don't recognize the just super villainy of Bill Gates?
I honestly think that some people do.
I think that there are a lot of people out there that have bought the whole population control, global warming thing.
I remember reading a document about 10 years ago that was a leaked document that was basically saying the world is now ready to be told about population control.
They've been conditioned enough to accept it.
So I think there are a lot of people out here that think that this is a good thing.
Well, here's the amazing thing.
You can watch, there's an interview with Mike Wallace and the creator of Planned Parenthood, whatever her demonic name is, and this was in the 1950s and she was pushing population control because of overpopulation.
They were terrified of overpopulation.
You know, it's going to double in this long.
And of course, what actually happened was that the global population far exceeded their most dire predictions.
We have way more people on earth than they ever thought was possible.
And yet we have less poverty, less starvation than we ever have had before.
Of course, if we'd followed their suggestions back in the 1950s, maybe the person who invented the crop technique that allowed people to be fed and allowed the population to grow, maybe they would have never been born.
You just can't manipulate the human race in the way these people think that you can, including Bill Gates, who I'm told now we have this video.
This is Bill Gates, what they call it is Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment.
That's the scientific term for it, but here's what it looks like.
like here's Bill Gates trying to block out the sun.
The elementary school, the local tavern, the old age home.
You must be very proud.
No, not while my greatest nemesis still provides our customers with free light, heat, and energy.
I call this enemy the sun.
Since the beginning of time, man has yearned to destroy the sun.
I will do the next best thing.
Lock it out.
Good God!
Imagine it, Smithers.
Electrical lights and heaters running all day long.
But sir, every plant and tree will die.
Owls will deafen us with incessant hooting.
The town sundial will be useless.
I don't want any part of this project.
It's unconscionably fiendish.
I will not suffer your insubordination.
There has been a shocking decline in the quality and quantity of your toadying, Weyland.
And you will fall into line.
No, Marty, I won't.
That's Bill Gates!
I mean, literally, you go from cartoonish supervillain like Montgomery Burns to the literal manifestation of this in Bill Gates.
Harvard research team intends to spray tiny chalk particles into the stratosphere in a controlled experiment.
Computer models can only go so far in predicting the impacts with this geoengineering technique.
Don't worry about that.
Don't worry about predicting the effects.
Don't worry about trying to figure out whether this will actually be a long-term positive solution.
Don't worry about that.
Just go ahead and block out the sun.
It is time for a real-world test, they say.
With funding in part by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, the Harvard team will begin to answer the remaining questions as early as the spring of 2019.
So yes, this has been going on for a year.
The Harvard scientists experimenting to block out the sun with help from Bill Gates.
And that's, you know, that's just the beginning.
You go on to talk about the population control, the culling of, you know, People in poverty, it's like these people in charge, they literally think that you would rather be dead than be poor.
And it's sickening.
And in the Matrix, that's how the humans tried to beat the machines, was to block out the sun.
And that ended up giving AI the upper hand and breeding people as batteries and stuff.
It's just insane.
The solutions that they come up to are...
Just as draconian as the problems that they think that they're solving and again it's like you just just type in super villain you know go find some list top 25 super villains of all time or whatever and just read through what their plans are and they all sound exactly like Bill Gates's plans it's it really is a simple that and of course there's the greatest super villain of them all Satan, right?
The old school, the classic, the Dr. Doom of the Bible.
His whole plan, of course, as we know from Revelations, is to microchip everybody, track everyone, keep everyone in a one-world government.
I mean, this stuff is laid out in that wonderful book known as the Bible, and that's exactly the team that these people are on.
You know, you got, I mean, you just have to look at some of the old James Bond movies with Blofield.
On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Lex Luthor, Thanos, Scarecrow, of course One Punch Man,
if you're a fan of anime, there's One Punch Man, one of his nemeses is Vaccine Man,
who literally wants to vaccinate the Earth in order to protect the environment.
I mean, this is, it's, there's a reason that all of this stuff sounds familiar.
It's because we've heard these stories that we're now seeing play out in real life.
We've heard them over and over and over again in fantasy and in fiction, and yet here we are.
So how do we stand up against a literal supervillain when they aren't wearing tights and a metal helmet and coming out and saying, mwahaha, I'm doing this for evil, when they couch everything in, oh, but it's for your own good.
It's for your safety.
You're hurting everybody if you don't let us do this.
How do you fight back against a supervillain who seemingly has...
All of the media on his side.
How do you fight back against this?
I'm looking to you, Greg.
I know.
Greg's like looking over his shoulder like, oh me?
Am I supposed to know the answer to this?
Well, no, it's interesting because you're talking about these supervillains and it's making me think of The Watchmen, which is a great movie.
I never read the comic, but I really enjoyed the movie.
And I can't think of the villain's name in that.
I think he named himself after an Egyptian pharaoh or something like that.
But the character that was trying to expose the plan, Rorschach, Was sort of painted as like a lowlife villain scum for as if the message of that movie that I thought when I watched it was was keep your mouth shut and don't try to expose this because it's a necessary plan.
You don't understand.
You're just a little.
A little cretin down there that doesn't understand the big-brained plans that we have to eliminate life on Earth.
It's emblematic, right?
Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, any major work of fiction that captures the imagination of mankind has this in it.
People just don't recognize that in the Matrix, the machines are the bad guys, y'all.
Do you not realize this?
The orcs are the bad guys!
Hopefully we can realize this.
Many videos on the other side.
Don't go anywhere, folks.
We are back.
Your co-hosts for today while Alex Jones is out.
Myself, Greg Reese, and Harrison Smith here in the Alex Jones Live Studio.
Just to show that this is happening all over the world right now, there is a massive move by the New World Order, whatever you want to call them, to Bring some type of global communist government throughout the entire world right now over this whole COVID thing that's going on.
So let's go to clip 6, global police state right now, just for a couple minutes of highlights of what's going on with these police all over the world taking on these protesters that just want to open things back up and work and live their lives.
You flexed it for, don't flex, but you're the last one to. Look, look, look, he ain't
even do nothing. He ain't even do nothing, look. He ain't even do nothing. He ain't do
nothing. You're back. You're not back right now.
I am not under arrest for anything you are doing.
The four-year-old son is scared. Why should we risk?
You're not supposed to be fighting. You're not supposed to be fighting.
Stop it. You're not supposed to be fighting.
I have no shame in this!
You're scaring my son!
He's afraid for me and my son!
I'm going to kill you!
They ripped apart his son, kicking and screaming,
held back by two officers.
I'm going to kill you!
The first protester of the day to get arrested for violating the public health order.
Deputies arrested another man after this protester
got on the beach.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music continues)
(upbeat music continues)
We're seeing just clip after clip police just haul people away.
(upbeat music)
Throwing them to the ground.
I mean complete police state behavior.
What you're seeing right now on Bandod Video is a link to an article Whistleblower Reveals State-Run Media Mind Control in the UK.
And this is a full episode from UK Column News in the UK that just came out within the past week.
And it's very interesting.
If you have a long attention span, I highly recommend checking out the full video
because they really break this down.
But I just sort of did a quick edit right here for the segment.
And I'm gonna go over it, and I'm also anticipating a short video report
on this as well.
It's very revealing, and it should be no surprise to a lot of our audience,
but I mean, now we're getting the actual documents.
So basically, before we play this short edit I did of the UK column, I'm just going to go over basically some of the stuff that they cover in this hour.
One of the things they cover is this article called Mindspace.
And this is a very big article.
This is from the Institute for Government, the Cabinet Office of the UK.
You can download it online.
It's a PDF.
Influencing behavior through public policy.
And it goes on to say, applying Mindspace to policymaking.
Traditional ways of changing behavior such as legislation, regulation, and incentives can be very effective.
Mindspace does not attempt to replace these methods.
Rather, it extends and enhances them, adding new dimensions that reflect fundamental but often neglected influences on behavior.
In basic terms, Mindspace represents the tools for changing behavior.
And it basically just goes on to show how people can be manipulated psychologically into being more compliant.
Now the main document that they mention in this video, this is a released, a leaked document from the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies in the UK, SAGE.
SAGE is an interesting organization in that they are secretive, like they're not allowed, I mean they're allowed to keep secret as to the members on the board.
The members on the board can volunteer who they are.
Such as Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England, has revealed that he is on the board of SAGE.
And we also know that in 2008, Professor Chris Whitty received $40 million by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for Malaria Research in Africa.
Which is very interesting.
And so a document that came out of SAGE that's dated March 22, 2020, it's called Options for Increasing Adherence to Social Distancing Measures.
Increasing adherence.
Increasing adherence.
And so that's the background for the video.
And let's play the video number 8 UK column right now and that should basically give you an overview of what's going on in the UK.
And that COVID alert level will be determined primarily by R and the number of coronavirus cases.
And in turn, that COVID alert level will tell us how tough we have to be in our social distancing measures.
The lower the level, the fewer the measures.
The higher the level, the tougher and stricter we will have to be.
There will be five alert levels.
Level 1 means the disease is no longer present in the UK and level 5 is the most critical.
The kind of situation we could have had if the NHS had been overwhelmed.
Over the period of the lockdown we've been in level 4 and it's thanks to your sacrifice we're now in a position to begin to move in steps To level three, and as we go, everyone will have a role to play in keeping the R down.
The little swing-o-meter, or no, there was a little thing moving down the number of numbers, and it hesitated.
It didn't even move down a whole degree, it hesitated.
This is deliberate mind manipulation, and in a minute we're going to show you how real this vicious attack by the UK government on the minds of its population is.
Can we tell us that number?
Well, I think several times now, Chris, I've said to you I can't tell you that number because the experts tell me it's not possible to say with certainty what that is.
So the experts have told Nicola Sturgeon that it's not possible to know what that number is.
So how are they going to run their traffic light system if they don't know what R0 is?
They are still after getting Bill Gates vaccines to everybody in the country before we're free.
But this is the bit we need to concentrate on.
The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergency SAGE What have we got to report?
Well, we were given two days ago an internal document from SAGE.
So here's the government talking about persuasion, perceived threat.
A substantial number of people do not ...feel sufficiently personally threatened.
It could be that they're reassured by the low death rate in their demographic group, although levels of concern may be rising.
And what does it go on to say there in bold?
The perceived level of personal threat needs to be, quote, increased amongst those who are complacent using hard-hitting emotional messaging.
to be effective. This must also empower people by making clear the actions they can take to reduce the
Now that last statement Mike is not about the actions... We'll be back after the break
at Infowars.com. Harrison Smith and Greg Rees sitting in for Alex Jones on this 19th of May 2020.
We watched a video in that last segment about the color-coded charts that they're now rolling out for, you know, whatever, COVID, coronavirus threat levels, like they did with the terrorism chart.
I mean, this is all about programming people to be able to accept complete control and being dictated when
they can leave their house, when they can't.
So now we have a nice color-coded little chart.
Of course, Austin, Texas is coming out with one, a couple places in the United States
is also coming out with this.
But one of the craziest clips in that, I'm not sure how clear this was, but they say,
"Okay, we're going to make this chart."
It's based on R, which is the rate of transmissibility or whatever they said.
And then they're asked, so what exactly is, you know, do you know what the value of R is?
And they say, well, the scientists say there is no possible way to know what the value of R is.
OK, so you're shutting down the government based on this chart that's based off this value that you admit you don't know how to calculate.
Just what is going on?
Was I missing something here, Greg, or did I hear that correctly?
No, that's true.
And if you watch the full video, they get into asking the question, why are they calling it R?
Because the actual mathematic equation is R-naught.
And they're not saying R-naught.
So in this full hour, they're actually saying, are they just abbreviating it?
Or are they creating a new definition?
But it doesn't matter.
Either way, like you said, they're announcing that there's no way for us to know what R is.
So you just have to trust us.
And you can see, if you've got a document cam, if you have time, you can see here that, you know, Boris Johnson, who, after he got, allegedly got COVID and came out, he seemed to have a whole new outlook on life and how great the Ministry of Health, or whatever it's called there in England, is doing a great job and he's all behind him.
And he's side-by-side with our Professor Chris Witte, who received 40 million from Bill Gates just like our President Trump is side-by-side with Fauci.
So we see Gates all over the place in this funding the whole thing.
In the break I just asked you recently because there's some reports out about how the Chinese army is now in South Africa.
His consultations helping them with the whole COVID thing.
This is happening worldwide, and we can see now what the game is in this last video of this leaked document from Sage, because it's happening here in America too.
For example, I would argue that this is exactly why they're trying to silence all this talk about, you know, alternative cures and stuff, because they want people afraid.
They want to amp up the fear so that they can then shut things down more.
They want a compliant public that obeys these color scheme charts.
And of course, you know, the hydrochloroquine, you know, when that comes out, you just look at the difference of reporting with that, where it's this dangerous, untested, unproven sort of thing.
And then, you know, some big pharmaceutical company comes out with a proprietary, supposed preventative measure.
And all of the articles are, could this be the miracle cure we've been waiting for?
And, you know, is this going to be the vaccine that saves us all?
And it's like, all right, it's untested.
They just came up with it in the last month.
It's not proven at all.
And yet the way it's being covered is so hopeful and energetic, and yet when you come out with something that has been shown to be able to help with coronavirus, it's completely crudded on, let's just say, since we are over the radio.
And you also talk about the difference between America and Europe and how the European lack of free speech is sort of making its way over to America.
But it is, you know, it's videos like that.
It's videos like the Canadian couple who was taken out of their home for their own safety, right?
You heard that a bunch, because basically they stood up against the local Hamilton, Ontario government and they were dragged out of their homes for mental health evaluations.
And it really makes you value the First Amendment.
And remember that as bad as things are getting here, as much as the private companies will do everything they can to destroy free speech, we'll be getting into Twitch and some other big tech companies on that front in just a little bit.
It still makes you realize we at least have that First Amendment.
So at least we're starting off on a better place.
We at least just have to protect the First Amendment, where places like England and Canada, basically everywhere except America, I guess you could say, are starting off on much farther back in their attempts to just speak freely and get the truth out there.
And I want to play this video.
This was, and this just shows some of the anger that's being felt around the world.
This is from Ireland.
This video was actually tweeted out by Michelle Malkin, and she tweeted out saying that the account that originally posted the video was deleted off Twitter, and the video is quickly deleted off Twitter.
So, figure, hey, if Twitter's deleting this video, it's probably something that our audience would want to know about, and it gives you a little taste of exactly how people around the world, the regular people, you know, the people who the governments are supposed to represent, how they feel about the Okay, so the judge has gone to make his judgement.
The travesty of representation.
You'll see.
This is lockdown Ireland.
The breakout begins at 5pm tonight, apparently.
Let's go here.
Okay, so the judge has gone to make his judgement.
We've asked him, could he please, given that we are effectively in a state of martial law
in this country, that there has been an effective coup by an unelected government, a government
firmly rejected by the Irish people in February, and at least three months ago, the Irish people
have been in a state of martial law.
And we've asked him to please, given that we are effectively in a state of martial law
in this country, that there has been an effective coup by an unelected government, a government
firmly rejected by the Irish people in February, and at least three months ago, the Irish people
have been in a state of martial law in this country.
And we've asked him to please, given that we are effectively in a state of martial law
in this country, that there has been an effective coup by an unelected government, a government
firmly rejected by the Irish people in February, and at least three ministers who do not even
Given all of this, we've asked the judge could he please make his order quickly so that we can get to the substantial hearing.
So look, we feel that a lot of games went on today.
He said that we were making a full frontal attack, was his exact terminology, wasn't it?
On the separation of powers, effectively.
Well, we would say very differently.
That this is a full frontal attack on Bonn Rock, Nahara, and on our most basic fundamental freedoms.
We really believe, given that, The people of Ireland are under house arrest.
That the children of Ireland cannot go to school.
That the elderly of Ireland cannot get the health care that they need.
They cannot see their families.
Many of them are dying alone.
That so many citizens, that the people who pay the taxes, who pay the exchequer to keep everything moving, the parents, The sons and daughters of these elderly people, that they are stopped from earning their livelihoods.
Our small businesses, who are the backbone of our economy, are broken.
Well, here we are at the end of the process.
The idea that they serve the Irish people, just like RTE, they've forgotten it.
They've forgotten it.
And that's what we need to do.
And that's part of what we're doing with this case, to say we can risk everything.
We're not afraid to risk anything.
Because no matter what we have as human beings now, it will be worthless if they succeed in doing to our country what they want to do to it.
So that spirit that you see on display there is exactly why the globalists of the world are intent on destroying the American people and the European people, that unwillingness to submit to absolute control, this unfair house arrest.
But in the beginning of that clip, what she's talking about is, you know, there are people that have run for office in Ireland.
They weren't voted into office.
The people of Ireland rejected them.
but they get around this by appointing them to unelected positions under the guise of
well it's an emergency we have to do this and we're seeing this in America to even a
more extreme extent where in places like New York the governor Andrew Cuomo tweets out
you know I've invited Bill Gates and the Bill Gates Foundation to come in and redo our entire
education system and oh because of this coronavirus we've invited Eric Schmidt of Google to come
in and be a board you know to create a committee to redesigning every aspect of life in New
And it's like, okay, nobody voted for Bill Gates.
Nobody voted for Eric Schmidt.
These people are technocratic, billionaire, industrial monsters, essentially.
Complete supervillains.
And they don't have to appeal to the people.
They don't have to lay out what their plans for the people are in order to get approval for that.
They simply get in through the back door.
You have Andrew Cuomo just inviting them in, just saying, hey, come install your technocracy.
There's from Andrew Cuomo, as we prepare to reopen.
We have the opportunity to reimagine and build back our education system better.
We will work with the Gates Foundation and develop a blueprint to do this.
Why does the Gates Foundation get carte blanche?
Why do they get a blank check to rewrite the education system in New York?
And what does the coronavirus have to do with that at all?
It makes no sense at all.
And there's this from Andrew Cuomo as well.
The federal government must develop fair rules now to ensure any future vaccine is available to all.
And he also goes on to literally invite Eric Schmidt of Google to take over.
Just take over life.
Just let's redesign life from the ground up because we're not happy with all this all this freedom everyone seems to enjoy.
It's sickening.
We've been breaking down a lot of really negative, scary, horrible things in the last few months here on air.
But not because we're trying to scare people.
We're trying to get folks to take action and to wake up and then to wake others up.
And so I've got some really good news for you.
The awakening we're seeing is Off the charts, nothing we've ever seen.
It's a hundred times the wake-up we've ever seen.
Friends, family, neighbors, community, my phone's blowing off the hook.
I can't walk in a grocery store now where I'm, instead of a few people shaking my hand here and there, I'm being mobbed by everyone saying, it's all a hoax, you're totally right, it's crap, it's BS, it's New World Order, Bill Gates is a demon.
You go to any video, ABC News, CBS, NBC, CNN, And every comment is, Bill Gates is a eugenicist, here's a link to him saying depopulate the planet, the next clip, the next link is just somebody else exposing him.
What's exciting is the people are all telling me in the street, or I'm seeing it online, that they're researching and they're finding stuff I never found.
You'd think I know everything about Bill Gates, I don't.
Devastating new videos are coming out of them at award banquets going, we're here to depopulate, giving awards for eugenics just 15 years ago.
I mean, it's insane.
In fact, I can hardly even sleep at night now.
So much stuff's coming in.
We're airing it all on the show, or as much as we can, but here's the problem.
I'm not stupid, neither are you.
They're punching us, they were on top of us, we got pissed, got them off of us politically, gave them a big right hook, knocked them down.
They're getting up.
We just knocked their ass on the ground.
These people don't give up.
So the fight's starting right now.
Like when we invaded Europe to free Europe from the Nazis, and the Battle of the Bulls, they had their big counter-offensive that they launched.
And just, I'm telling you, get yourselves ready, spread the word, pray to God, and Just absolutely understand that this is crunch time, because they are going to launch their counteroffensive.
Listen, they fell with Russiagate, they fell with Ukrainegate, they fell to totally smash the economy so far.
People are waking up to the COVID-19 hoax.
Now it's leading right back to Gates and Fauci running the Wuhan facility.
They are going to launch something really big, really, really quick.
And we should all be debating now, what's the next big hoax?
I said in October and November, I think it'll be a bio-attack, and that's why I used the whole image of the spaceman on Earth, because things would be biologically, you know, so dangerous that humans couldn't live on the planet.
That was what I was seeing in their pre-programming.
And then we had Event 201 and Lockstep and all the rest of it.
So, we need to now cogitate and really meditate and really focus and really pray and seek God and discernment to see what the next attack's going to be.
Separately, I've been so busy fighting the globalists and working on some inside baseball stuff that I'm taking off the next few days to work on the Bill Gates film and to get a bunch of other projects completed and major investigative journalism.
And so I've been so busy, we haven't had time to come up with a new special.
We have to end this big mega-sell in a couple days.
We've extended it because a bunch of our best-selling items are selling out.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion, by the time you watch this, will be sold out.
Bodies will be sold out in a couple days.
X3 Triiodines, about to sell out, 60% off.
Ultra 12, 40% off, about to sell out.
PollenBot, will sell out in a day or two.
They're still Major League discounted.
But Ultimate Krill Oil, 50% off.
X2 Survival Shield, a must-have, 50% off.
Supernova Vitality, 35% off.
DNA Force Plus, that's the one you should really get, or the iodine.
They're both incredible.
That's 50% off.
Living Defense, 50% off.
I'm out of time.
I want to get back to Harrison Smith.
I want to get back to Paul Joseph Watson.
I want to get back to all the great hosts.
Like Greg Reester, taking over for the next few days with Owen Schroer, but I'm going to be here in the ATX fighting hard.
But take action, fund the info, and get great products you need at InfoWarsTore.com.
You only lose by not taking action!
That's exactly right.
It's apathy that will end us in the end.
Harrison Smith and Greg Reese here on the Alex Jones Show will be taking you through the remainder of this hour and into the next hour.
And then in the fourth hour, Paul Joseph Watson will take over to close out the show before the War Room begins at 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Now I want to play this video.
This video has been making its rounds on Twitter.
I believe it originally came out of 8chan.
It's just an anonymous video that somebody edited, but it is very good.
It's excellent.
It has Tucker Carlson and features many of the Republican neocon rhino traders that have kept us in this mess, and he makes a great point about How the blame is there to go around.
It's not all the Democrats.
We've been failed by those who claim to stand up for us.
So we'll go to this video and then discuss all of the new multitudinous, you know, new news with with Obamagate.
Because literally today there's been like, today and yesterday, there have been like 12 new advancements in this story.
So we'll discuss all that after this video from an anonymous editor somewhere out there in the Internet.
Here it is.
Do you know anybody who trusts the government anymore?
There's a reason for that.
And by the way, it's not just Democrats you should blame.
The vast majority of the Russian collusion investigation occurred during the first two years of this administration.
Who ran the government then?
At the time, Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and every single committee, by definition.
They had the power to expose this hoax and to shut it down.
But they did not.
It was Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell and Richard Burr and so many of the other useless Senate Republicans.
They're total phonies.
They didn't really do anything.
Richard Burr, he is calling Don Trump Jr.
Senator Burr, who's well respected, he doesn't want to be lied to.
He wants to get to the bottom of what happened.
Republican Senator Richard Burr had served the President's son with a subpoena.
Can you explain why the Republican would want to do that?
Gowdy disputes Trump's spy claim.
I think Gowdy's appearance was a disgrace.
According to Gowdy, the FBI ran it by the book how the Americans would have wanted them to run the investigation.
Give me a break!
You said, I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what Americans would want them to do.
There was no spy.
Have you seen any evidence of that?
I have not.
I would think you would want the FBI to find out whether or not there was any validity to what those people were saying.
The FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do.
He says the FBI did exactly what we should want them to do.
The number one question I get asked from Americans is... Why no one has gone to jail and been held accountable?
It was Paul Ryan and Trey Gowdy that wouldn't give us that subpoena power.
We didn't send out a single subpoena, not one.
I supported the Mueller investigation because I didn't know.
Senator, we're talking about a shredding of constitutional law due process that we would ever have.
You say that Mueller's a good guy.
That's been my experience, yes.
And you'll do anything necessary to protect him from being, uh, interfered with?
Uh, absolutely.
Well, I've got... And it's all been that.
Where's Director Ray, though?
I've got a lot of people yelling at me tonight he's not doing his job.
And you'll do anything necessary to protect him?
Uh, absolutely.
Somebody that every American should trust, Mr. Mueller.
Bob Mueller, it was an excellent appointment.
He will go wherever the facts lead him.
He will have great credibility.
People want you to move on this, Senator.
Are you going to do it?
Yeah, but I've told you and I'll tell you again.
Total phonies who tell you they're representing you but don't explain why they didn't really do anything to stop the derailment of America while it was in progress.
He's exactly right, and that video makes it abundantly clear the failure of the so-called Republicans, the so-called conservatives there in Washington and their absolute inability to mount any sort of effective resistance against the Democrats who are just hell-bent on destroying everything we've grown to love here as Americans.
I think some of the neocons are finally sensing the pushback.
You have Rand Paul calling out a bunch of them.
Of course, you have Tuck Carlson calling out all of them.
You have a groundswell of disdain for these people, and I think they're kind of feeling it.
Here are just some of the updates from the last few days from the House Judiciary GOP Twitter account breaking.
After failing to hear from FBI Director Christopher Wray, Jim Jordan and Mike Johnson invite Bill Priestrip and Joe Pientka to appear before the Judiciary Committee.
So of course Bill Priestap was the FBI agent who was the author of that memo talking about
trying to get General Flynn to lie.
So they're making some moves to try to get some of these criminals in front of them to
answer some questions.
Lindsey Graham also, again, seemingly finally after so long, far too late, he starts to
Lindsey Graham sets to vote to subpoena Comey, Brennan, and dozens more in oversight of Crossfire Hurricane.
So that vote will take place on June 4th as to whether to authorize subpoenas for documents and testimony from more than 50 current or former government officials.
So, don't get your hopes up.
They'll probably throw a wrench in the works, you know, when it comes down to it.
You know, at least it seems that they're, at least in some small way, hearing the anger and the fury coming out of the American people.
Of course, A.G.
Barr is again, you know, once again just being this almost sphinx-like enigma as to whether or not he's a good guy.
So, A.G.
Barr downplays Obamagate.
He says, I don't expect Obama and Biden will be criminally investigated, which personally is a mistake, in my opinion.
These people, we know their names, we know what they've done, we know when they did it and how they did it and how they justified it and how they lied about it.
So there's a list of people who are traitors, who are criminals, who are anti-American scum and need to be called out for it.
So William Barr is now in the position of either You know, executing warrants and bringing justice to these people on the list, or being on the list himself.
So that's the position he finds himself in as we move further into Obamagate.
There's a great article on Yahoo News, Obamagate is not a conspiracy theory, where he breaks down just the overwhelming evidence for Obamagate, compares it to Russiagate and the lack of evidence there, and just lays it out quite clearly.
Look, this isn't a conspiracy theory.
These are the facts.
Here are the facts that we know.
If you think that sounds like a conspiracy, maybe you're one of us.
Maybe you need to come on over and join the good side.
We'll be right back.
Gregory Harrison Smith on the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere, folks.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the Alex Jones Show.
We are into the third hour.
I'm Harrison Smith, and I'll be joined by Greg Reese momentarily, and we'll take you through this hour and then hand it off to Paul Joseph Watson.
But while I'm here, and since this is my first time hosting the Alex Jones Show, I thought I'd take a moment to make a little personal aside.
Hopefully you can indulge me in this, because I was in 6th grade when September 11, 2001 took place.
By the time I was out of middle school, I had seen videos of this guy, Alex Jones, bullhorning about 9-11 being an inside job.
Breaking into the Bohemian Grove, I'd fully had the scales lifted from my eyes and realized the level of insanity that governed this world.
And it was really an awakening and suddenly I was in conflict with my George Bush-loving parents because I knew the truth and, you know, it took them a little bit longer to come around to it.
But that's fine.
Because by the time I was 18, 19, I moved to Austin from Houston and I would be driving down the street and I have a very clear memory of driving down Guadalupe Guadalupe, as we say here.
Passing Lamar, and there was a man standing on the corner holding a sign.
He was a well-dressed man, glasses, and the sign said something like, hear the truth, info wars, tune in to 90.7 or whatever it is.
Or, you know, open your eyes, Alex Jones, 90.7.
I remember, I mean, so clearly.
I just moved to Austin.
I do what the sign says.
I tune to the radio station and there I'm in the midst.
I'm at the tail end of a legendary Alex Jones monologue where he's talking about the power of freedom, the strength of the American people, and the resoluteness and, you know, unconquerable spirit that we embody.
And I just remember, you know, 30 seconds into listening to Alex Jones and I'm just, I'm like punching the steering wheel and I'm fired up with that spirit myself.
So, to me, sitting here behind this desk is the fulfillment of really a lifelong, not even ambition or goal.
I was hired here as an editor and a cameraman and luckily this is a true libertarian sort of space and they allowed me to get in front of the camera and so here I am now.
Honored and humbled, and I thank, of course, everybody at InfoWars, especially Alex Jones for putting the trust in myself and Greg and all of us here at InfoWars.
I know I speak for all of us when I say it's a fantastic place to work.
But most of all, obviously, the people I want to thank are you, The audience for going out there and supporting InfoWars for so long, going to the InfoWars store, making purchases, supporting yourself and your own health, but also keeping this ship afloat.
So now, you know, here I feel like a petty officer, you know, sat behind the wheel of a battleship while the captain is doing other important business.
And hopefully I just don't end up on the shoals here as we guide our way towards a better future.
But truly, this is a Wonderful experience and I have the audience there, the InfoWarriors out there to thank for this because without you this entire operation would not be possible.
So I thank you for going to InfoWarsStore.com and I ask you if you haven't yet, please do go to InfoWarsStore.com as I used to do when I was watching the 2016 election and I saw the The plane fly over with Hillary for prison trailing behind and I thought this is an organization I need to support.
I need to put my money where my mouth is and throw these guys some bones because without Infowars, Alex Jones and the whole crew out here spreading the truth, I can't imagine the world that we would live in today.
We definitely wouldn't have Trump.
We wouldn't know.
That all of this coronavirus nonsense was just that, and planned, and a scheme to bring about world government.
We would be lost in the dark!
So, thank you to Alex Jones for holding the light, and thank you, the InfoWarriors, for going to infowarestore.com and making that possible.
Giving fuel to the torch that lights our way.
Now when we get back, we'll talk a little bit more about Obamagate.
We have a lot of censorship going on, we'll talk about that as well.
This Ahmed Arbery video
has come out multiple videos actually have come out will play those for you
and we will absolutely decimate vice magazine or vice news corporation whatever it is that's
subsidiary of time-warner
uh... will break down their failed attempt at propaganda propagandizing
their audience against five g will go will go piecemeal through that and and absolutely
dissected so go anywhere
we'll be back to the election show momentarily we are back
harrison smith and myself greg reese sitting in for alex jones at the info at
the alex jones live show You know, in the past three years we've experienced being divided by political reasons.
A lot of people think that we're Republicans, for example, and we're really just truth-seekers.
But we've been successfully divided for years.
Right now, there's a different divide, and I would say the divide right now is the actual, authentic, organic one.
And the divide right now are the people that are seeing through all this nonsense and the people that are just falling for it.
And it's sad to see the people falling for it, but it's very encouraging to see awakened people seeing right through it.
You know, it seems like to me, finally, all of the accoutrements are being shed away, and what we're left with is humanity versus the machine, right?
Humanity versus the beast, and I think that's becoming apparent, and I hope people recognize that, because I completely agree with you.
We're finally seeing people sort of recognize, oh, we're not, this isn't a political divide, this is a divide between people who Basically hate humanity, and think we're a nuisance, and a virus, and a bug, and want to control or eradicate us, and serve a machine, serve the technocratic inhuman future, and those of us who love humanity, love freedom, love a little bit of chaos, like all of the little things that make life worth living.
I think you're exactly right.
That's the new distinction that we're seeing.
And that group includes a very large amount of the population that don't care about politics, that don't want to be bothered about politics.
People that just understand how the body works.
People that understand basic fun... I think a lot of people have known that our modern medicine in the Western world is extremely medieval.
And people have been, for the past hundred years, people have been, you know, holding on to holistic medicine, bringing back holistic medicine.
How many times did we hear the term Big Pharma come up in the Democratic election debates in a negative fashion, right?
Oh, Big Pharma, boo, boo, right?
And then it's like, these same people are like, stay inside until you let Big Pharma do whatever they want to you.
Stay inside until Big Pharma has his way with you and injects you with his vaccine.
So there's a cognitive dissidence there that hopefully the just sheer arrogance of these people is finally breaking through, but who knows?
Yeah, and anyone who's actually starting to look is now seeing this and that's going to wake people up too.
So there is hope.
So this next video I just saw a couple days ago.
This is from Massachusetts.
This is from the capital of Massachusetts.
And I think you'll enjoy the woman who took the video.
She's one of the awakened ones.
She's seeing right through it.
So if you go to clip four, please.
What are you guys doing?
For people to walk in one direction?
Okay, there's spray painting arrows on the sidewalk.
You know this?
What the?
This is crazy.
You know what happens when you low people authority, like selection and such.
Who's the town manager for Swampscott?
John Fitzgerald.
And I bet he supports Charlie Baker.
Oh my God.
So people, now what happens if I don't walk in?
What if I do this?
And I will, because this is what I'm going to do.
What happens if I do that?
What do they do to me?
I know you guys are doing your job, but this is insanity.
You can cut it short there, actually.
You know, so these city workers here, you know, they're obviously embarrassed.
This woman is asking them, you know, what are you guys doing?
This is crazy.
And they're a little embarrassed.
They know it's crazy.
But they're spray painting arrows on the street to corral us like sheep.
Telling you where to walk.
I love that woman.
She was good.
And what if I do this?
What if I walk the wrong direction?
What are you going to do?
What are you going to do?
Just pointing out how utterly pointless this is.
But hey, they got to do something, I guess.
You know, we're seeing this pop up over and over everywhere.
Here's actually another person from Massachusetts.
This is a Bostonian angry about losing his business.
This is Clip 7.
And you really just feel the fury coming out of this guy.
And hopefully this is one of those things that all these people that are just like, just stay inside.
You don't need to go to the gym.
Just sacrifice yourself.
This is what they're asking people to do.
This is the sacrifice they're asking people to make as you listen to this guy.
So here he is, a Bostonian, angry about losing his business.
to give up my business that I worked 25 years, sacrificed my life for, okay?
For coronavirus, I'll take coronavirus over losing my business, okay?
And I guarantee you, 99% of the people who are here will do the same thing.
You know, somebody put out on Twitter the other day, I saw, it was like, this whole lockdown thing
is really showing us who has never heard the word no in their life.
And it's like, that's such a strange way of interpreting this.
To me, it's, you know, now we're seeing the divide between who has actually had to work for themselves
for their whole life, who has spent their whole life being dependent on and obedient to high-risk.
higher powers and who is actually an American and stands up and wants to run
their own life, make their own decisions, make their own money, support themselves
and who is just willing to be a complete leech on the system. I think that's the
divide that we're seeing and people like that man in that video are the real
the real Americans. I don't know how else to put it. Those are the people that
actually made this country, made this country great and continue to keep this
country working. Whereas all the people telling you to stay home, they were home
already. They weren't doing anything already. And the people that are
complicit or compliant and think that there's some kind of utopia coming, it's
just evidence of the brainwashing because there has never been like a
You know, no one's ever come out and said, here's what's coming, here's what's coming next, we're going to replace all this and we're going to give you this.
The closest we've come is the Green New Deal, which is so loose and ridiculous, but that's probably enough for a lot of these people to just cling to and think, oh, Utopia's coming, thank God I don't have to work anymore.
And that's what really drives me crazy, seeing The people out there that enjoy getting this check every month and enjoy just sitting around doing nothing because what on earth is the point of this life if it's not to go out and create things and produce things and to experience struggle and challenges and become more independent and more responsible?
Oh, it's to play video games, Greg.
That's the answer.
The answer is to get all of those, to achieve all of those things digitally, you know, in ones and zeros.
That's seemingly what a lot of people my age feel.
I mean, and honestly, you can't really blame them when their entire lives have been, you know, any of their dreams and if their ambitions have been utterly stifled and cranked back and no, just behave, just obey, just do as you're told, just get a job at a big company.
Don't try to start your own thing.
It's too hard.
There's too many Regulations, there's too much red tape to get to.
So of course they retreat into a video game where they have all the power in the world and can do whatever they want because they've been robbed of that in real life.
So it's pretty sickening and sad.
And I was reading an article today about just the sheer number of people whose unemployment checks are larger than their checks were for working.
I have friends myself who worked for catering companies and Got furloughed as a result of coronavirus and is now making more than she made when she was working full-time jobs.
Of course they're going to choose that.
If given the option, well, you can slave away for somebody else for eight hours a day and be paid a pittance, or you can spend all day in the park with your dog and playing video games and be paid even more.
We're being set up to where the easiest path is submission.
The easiest opportunity for us is just submit to control.
And that's the paradigm that they're trying to erect, in my opinion.
Yeah, 100%.
I just saw an article, too.
COVID-19 data sharing with law enforcement sparks concern.
And this is here in the United States.
You don't say.
And a lot of people are concerned about this.
If you have COVID or if your friends with someone have COVID, now you're on a list with law enforcement.
And I mean, we've seen what's happened in Canada, law enforcement showing up at your house and stuff, and you know, we do have the First Amendment still, but I mean, this is being rolled out all over the place, and there are a lot of people in this country that are cheering for it.
Well, and you know what happened just before coronavirus, maybe just as it was starting to break out in China and stuff?
You have Google and Amazon both being given access to medical records for entire states, just given for free.
Here, have all of the medical records for everybody in our state.
I'm with Google as I said and Amazon and now Google is trying to buy Fitbit so
everybody's got a Fitbit everybody's got a little watch on their hand you'll be
being tracked in real time every you know heart monitor anything like that
and once you extrapolate once you understand the power of technology and
what they can do I mean if you have a heart monitor on your wrist and you're
watching a video and you like the video your heart rate goes up
Are they going to start using this and go, oh man, this guy watched this video and his heart rate went up.
His expression on his face as we were watching him with the facial recognition cameras.
He was gleeful as he was watching this video.
That's a hate crime, right?
Or, well, a face crime, I think they called it.
It's all coming true, folks!
one after another.
I will.
I will eat your ass.
I will eat your ass.
I will eat your leftist ass like corn on the cob.
I'm ready.
I'm ready.
I'm ready.
I'm ready.
I will eat your ass.
My children aren't going hungry.
I'll do it.
I'll drink your blood.
And I'm starting to think about having to eat my neighbors.
You think I like sizing up? I'm gonna haul him up by a chain.
Chop his ass up, size it up, I'm gonna haul him up by a chain.
Chop, chop, chop, chop!
I will eat your leftist ass like Lauren on the Cob.
I'm ready!
I will!
I will eat your ass!
I will eat your leftist ass like Lauren on the Cob.
I'm ready!
I will eat you.
I will eat your ass!
I'll barbecue your ass.
I will cook your ass up so fast, I'll tell them, oh I killed a cow out back, baby.
You think Christ would eat somebody?
He would never do that.
I will.
I'm ready to hang them up, gut them and skin them and chop them up.
You know what?
I will eat your leftist ass like corn on the cob.
I'm ready.
I will.
I will eat your ass.
I will eat your leftist ass!
Like corn on the cob!
I'm ready!
I will eat you. I will eat your ass.
I will eat your leftist ass.
I'm going on the call. I'm ready.
I will. I will eat your ass.
I will eat your leftist ass.
I'm going on the call. I'm ready.
I will eat you. I will eat your ass.
That's why I want the globalists to know.
I will eat your ass first.
I swear to God, if it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna get my hands around your throat.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
That's what I woke up to this morning.
Someone sent me that this morning.
That was the first thing I saw this morning.
It's a good way to wake up.
Got me tapping my toes.
You know, as we enter the crucible, as we find ourselves in the center of this firestorm of totalitarianism and the slow creep, the slow boil of authoritarianism is finally starting to boil over.
You gotta keep a little bit on the bright side of life.
You gotta laugh a little bit because they're getting desperate.
They're flailing.
They are like that image.
Alex Jones did an interview with an Orthodox guy in Hawaii one time where he talks about stepping on the head of a snake and the snake's body just going insane.
It's the death rattles of the New World Order.
So I have a collection of headlines just from the last few days that will elucidate this The insanity that we are uncovering, the lengths of cognitive dissonance that we're forcing the New World Order into just to try to maintain its insane control.
You know, I remember reading 1984 in high school, and I didn't really like it because I thought it was too unbelievable.
You know, there's a scene where people make signs to protest and then they're told in the middle of protest that somebody has sabotaged their signs and they start ripping up their own signs and I just thought, there's no way.
There's no way people can be controlled like that.
There's no way they could be forced to completely flip an opinion and truly believe it and not even have to be forced to do it.
They truly believe it.
But then, You go on New York Times and you see this headline, believe all women is a right wing trap.
That's what they say in the New York Times.
Believe all women is a right wing trap.
This is, this is insanity.
This is insane.
This is unhealthy, right?
I mean, this is like mental illness on, on such a scale that It's beyond fiction.
It's insane.
I mean, to go through the years that we've gone through where conservatives have continuously said, no, you need an investigation.
No, you can't just believe all women.
That makes no sense.
You have to have fairness.
You have to have due process.
For them to turn around and say that believe all women is a right-wing trap?
I'm speechless.
I don't even know what to think, Greg.
Help me.
No, I mean, you're right.
It's, uh, you know, it felt like just, it kind of actually felt like we were just winning, winning, winning up until around March, whenever this COVID thing came down, then everything changed.
And all of a sudden I realized how terribly, tragically brainwashed so many people are.
So I would say almost the majority of my friends and family that I grew up with are complying without question.
I think that I'm crazy.
And it's astonishing to me.
You were talking about 1984.
Yeah, there's, I mean, if you were to describe what's happening now just six months ago, I would have lost interest in the conversation and thought you weren't that bright.
But here we are.
It's insane.
And it's, what you have to understand is that The plans that they enact, the schemes that they manifest, don't happen all at once.
They have very long multi-step processes with contingency plans.
So what we are in now is a contingency plan.
What they originally wanted was plan A. They wanted everybody in the world to succumb to their brainwashing and to willingly go along with globalism. Now they basically had that in the
They basically would have been home free if they could have only gotten Hillary Clinton into office.
She would have ushered in the censorship on the internet.
She would have, you know, gone to war with Syria, gone to war with Iran.
The endless war would have accelerated and expanded.
They had it in the can. And it was Brexit and Trump that derailed that train, right?
So they had to go with plan B. Well, we're living through plan B right now.
Plan B is coronavirus and basically forcing people, basically eliminating people's ability to protect themselves by using the secret weapon of fear, right?
Fear is the mind killer.
Fear is what is needed in order to control and dominate people.
Whether that fear is real or based on a real threat or a fake one, it doesn't matter.
The fear is what's necessary.
So, they've put all of these plans in place and then, as Alex was talking about, as we've been talking about, they won't stop here.
Even if we defeat them here, they will continue to try to enact their Devious machinations, but we can identify them and fight against them and know that when the mysterious spaceship from aliens comes and we all have to make a global governance to fight them, we'll all go, yeah, we know.
We know what you're doing.
Very good job, Project Blue Beam.
Screw you.
We're not doing global governance.
Hopefully we can be in that position when Plan C comes about, when they fail to enslave us through coronavirus.
We have the United Nations claiming it's politically incorrect to say husband or wife and tweeting out a bunch of weird, again, Orwellian, completely Orwellian double-speak level stuff.
But it's a weird, you know, I like to call the modern world an apocalyptic or a dystopian smorgasbord, right?
It's a dystopian buffet.
And the world controllers have gone down the line and picked all the most authoritarian treats that they desire and put them all in together, right?
So with this United Nation tweet, you have the 1984 level, don't say policeman, say police officer, don't say landlord, say owner, don't say boyfriend, say partner, right?
This weird language control that we see in doublespeak in 1984.
But at the same time, you have the genderless aspect of it.
You have the, uh, uh, Husband and wife.
Oh, they're just your spouse, right?
Of course you can extrapolate that to mother and father and that's where you get into the brave new world Territory right they you know to them mother and father was like a curse word It was like disgusting the idea of mothers and fathers.
So it's it's a smorgasbord.
It's a it's a buffet.
It's a a variety platter of all of the most oppressive and You know, mind-destroying aspects of dystopian novels all rolled into one with this lovely tweet from the United Nations.
That's why I won't call them.
I think world controllers is like the best possible thing to call them.
New World Order, Illuminati, whatever you want to call them.
They are the people that are in positions that are unelected and yet they pull the strings.
They're the controllers, the world controllers.
As foreseen in Brave New World.
Alright, we really will get to that Vice video on the other side.
It's one that will have a long segment.
We need a lot of time to destroy the lies and misinformation of Vice News.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Harrison Smith and Greg Reese sitting in for Alex Jones for the next 30 minutes and then Paul Joseph Watson will take over, so don't go anywhere.
And we're going to spend this segment talking about our old friends at Vice News.
Vice News, right?
Now they're failing, as always, right?
Every year or so they get injected with half a billion dollars from some multinational And yet they can't keep the lights on, can't keep the doors open, like many of their compatriots there in the leftist media.
Vice Media lays off 155 employees with deepest cuts in their digital group.
The Economist lays off 90.
Quartz is laying off 80.
Condé Nast is laying off roughly a hundred and furloughing a hundred more.
The Young Turks, of course, is constantly having to beg for money because they are failing utterly.
Maybe you shouldn't have spent that twenty million dollars you got two years ago as a gift for free from some giant millionaire investor.
Maybe you shouldn't have spent that million dollars getting fifth place in a special election, Cenk.
I don't know.
Maybe these are things you could have done.
Now he's writing opinion pieces for the Wall Street Journal.
But Vice, I was looking into Vice, just seeing what they're coming out with lately and I found one of their latest videos.
It's a documentary claiming to debunk conspiracy theories about 5G.
So let's go through this in segments.
Basically, I'm not even really going to address many of the 5G technical aspects.
Really, we'll just pay attention to the propaganda tactics used in this documentary.
So here's the first clip, where they lay out the claims that are made by conspiracy theorists.
Here it is.
This movement had become a phenomenon, with conspiracy theories being spread through Facebook groups, political parties, and protests.
5G she had to kill!
Its members claim that 5G was threatening to kill off their families, causing mental health issues, cancer, infertility, Alzheimer's and autism.
So a couple things right off the bat, right?
This is not a conspiracy theory.
This is a public health awareness campaign, right?
Nowhere in this video will you hear about there are these people that are doing this on purpose.
It's simply people who are saying this is untested technology.
5G could potentially be dangerous and we don't appreciate being your guinea pigs.
That is the protest.
It is a public health awareness campaign, no conspiracy. But they have to name it a
conspiracy theory in order to try to discredit it.
Now he named the concerns that they have. They say he says they make some ill,
killing off their family, mental health issues, it can cause cancer, infertility, Alzheimer's,
autism, and they say it can be linked to COVID-19. As we go through this video,
what do you think the likelihood is that they address a single one of these? It's zero.
They don't.
They don't.
They absolutely do not.
So just keep that in mind as we continue to watch these videos.
They don't address a single concern.
They don't try to debunk anything whatsoever.
They simply mock.
So this is, you know, pay attention to the scary music that'll be under this.
Also notice that they refer to people who don't like 5G as impassioned disciples, right?
So every opportunity they have to strip you of Your personality strip you of your intellectual ability to come to a conclusion.
No, no, you are just a brainless, mindless, scared disciple.
That's what they're trying to drive home.
So here's clip two.
Now they even claim that it's linked to the coronavirus pandemic and impassioned disciples are burning down mobile phone mosques around the world and spreading misinformation, encouraging people to ignore safety measures and interfering with vital communication services, endangering people's lives.
You know, it's just projection once again, Impassioned Disciples, because these are just people questioning it.
The Impassioned Disciples are the ones rolling it out without any question, just following orders.
But of course, and again, you'll see this over and over, they frame it as, these people are very dangerous and they're risking people's health by Burning down these towers.
It's like, it's like you have a machine gun up on a hill looking down at a village and the villagers come up to dismantle and it's like, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You got to follow the safety procedures as you dismantle our machine gun.
It's absurd.
But here we have the clip of the expert they bring in.
To talk about the fears that these people have.
They're so scared.
Let's go to this clip.
Clip three.
To understand how the 5G conspiracy theory has spread so quickly, I spoke with Dr. David Robert Grimes, an expert on how science and society interact.
What are the concerns around implementing 5G across the country?
It's really interesting because a lot of the fears that are surrounding 5G at the moment are actually echoes of previous fears.
A lot of them have a superficial or indeed quite deep resemblance to stuff that was said about Wi-Fi networks 15 years ago.
What is interesting now, I suppose, is that the fears we're hearing have gotten a lot more traction.
It's like, well, it's because it's the same concerns.
It's because it's a device that gives off radiation.
Now, the amount of radiation that it gives off is way higher, so the fear is multiplied by that much.
But, of course, they're framing it as, If you're scared of Wi-Fi, you know, if you're not scared of Wi-Fi, then you shouldn't be scared of 5G.
They're not exactly the same thing.
In fact, he goes on to explain, and this, I mean, to me, this is the craziest clip of the whole thing, and this just gives you an insight.
Again, they don't actually ask, well, but does it make you infertile?
Oh, but can it give you cancer?
Don't worry about actually addressing the concerns that the public health awareness activists are bringing up.
No, no, just tell everybody that they're stupid and scared because that's the message that they're trying to get across.
So here he is.
He makes a little glib remark at the end here as he explains the wireless spectrum.
Here it is, clip four.
Essentially at the moment we're using between 2 and 5 gigahertz as the kind of frequency we operate in.
That's become very very congested.
The idea of 5G is to go a little bit further up the spectrum between 6 and 25 gigahertz.
That sounds like a huge increase, but on the scheme of the electromagnetic spectrum, that's nothing.
The most powerful photon or particle of light that could be a 5G particle would still be about 17,000 times less energetic than the weakest possible visible light.
So if you're really, really concerned about 5G, you should be terrified of light bulbs.
Isn't that funny?
Isn't that funny, Greg?
If you're scared of 5G, you should be terrified of light bulbs.
Address the concerns.
Answer the questions.
But no, he's just going to be glib.
But it's an absurd statement anyway.
It relies on the ignorance of the viewers, right?
To say, well, light is also just an electromagnetic wave.
You know what's in between these two spectrums that he's laid out for us?
Heck, let's go even backwards, right?
So before you even get to the power that he's talking about, 5 through 25 gigahertz, microwave ovens operate at ultra-high frequencies, which is actually below that.
Up to 3,000 megahertz, or 3 gigahertz.
So, what, are you scared of being microwaved?
Ha ha ha!
What, just let me microwave you!
Because you're not scared of lightbulbs.
I mean, it makes no sense, the propaganda that they're trying to spread here.
But what else do we have here?
We have high frequency microwave radio relay, microwave remote sensing, Direct energy weapons, millimeter wave scanners, x-rays of course, so you have to wear the big lead apron to prevent the radiation from getting to you.
All of these are in between the spectrum of light bulb and extremely high frequency, which is what, I'm sorry, super high, not extremely, I'm sorry, let's get that right, super high frequency that 5G operates in.
So again, they're not addressing any of these concerns, they're literally just mocking the people that have them.
So let's go to one more clip.
Let's go to clip 7 here.
Just pay attention.
You know what?
I don't know if we have time for this clip.
We're going to have to carry this on into the next segment.
You know, my father was a radar operator in the Vietnam War back in the late 60s and he would tell me stories about how when they were bored they would uh...
in their computer guided radar whatever they would find a bird and they would
trail the bird until the bird would die and a that was something that would just
do for fun back in the sixties the radar microwaves back then could kill birds at a
distance you know and so
this information's been out forever
and basically all this piece is doing is just telling you to shut up and trust us
you know yeah and that's it and and will play some more clips on the
other side uh... because again it's not
it not once in the peace do they actually address any of the concerns
that are being made and they don't even it's this dishonest way of editing and
we'll show you in the in the next clip
where date they don't get
it's like this guy will say oh yeah there's a five g transmitter up on that
light post and the host of the shows just like all you think it's up
there huh Oh, hmm.
It is!
There's a 5G transmitter up there.
Everybody knows this.
They're open about it.
The man sued the council, the city that he lives in, and he won.
He won the court case.
So it's like, but these people don't know that.
They're not going to do any more research.
All they know is the cool, funny Vice News anchor rolls his eyes when the guy says that.
So it must be false.
And it just leaves you with this With this idea.
A feeling, right?
A feeling of, if you don't like 5G, you're a loser, idiot, conspiracy theorist.
If you're into 5G, you're one of the smart, cool guys.
Forget the facts.
It's about developing a spirit.
Alright folks, time flies when you're destroying the New World Order.
With an information barrage.
But here we are in the final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
The final hour of the Alex Jones Show, I should say, will be hosted by Paul Joseph Watson at 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're going to finish out with this Vice News propaganda piece, trying to just impart the spirit unto you.
That questioning 5G, having concerns about the health impacts of these incredibly powerful wireless transmitters every 150 feet covering the entire country.
Oh, and why not throw up 20,000 satellites to bathe the whole Earth in this frequency?
If you're concerned at that, you are a dumb loser.
OK, if you just obey and listen and don't question, you are a genius and you probably are beautiful.
So that's the spirit that they're trying to get across.
And as you watch this clip, the guy points out a 5G lamppost.
And I encourage you to go watch this video because it's a masterclass in propaganda.
He asks him at one point about a Court case that he was in and then they do like a hard
immediate cut to him talking about birds this activist talking about how
There are no birds around and it's like it goes from them standing to then walking, but they act like it's the same
conversation They just manipulate people's words to literally make them
sound like they're rambling and crazy by cutting together two different pieces
So you'll notice that a little bit here But here is the activist pointing out the 5g lamp post and
notice they don't dispute it But notice that the facial expression the the idea of just
like oh, you're you're crazy That's what they're trying to get across.
So here it is, clip seven.
In fact, it was one of the free papers where they've said they went on holiday.
Well, I'd like to know where the Sparrows go on holiday, because they're an indigenous bird.
The 25 milliwatt transmitter on the top of that streetlight.
Where's that?
That's it there.
It's an area on top of a lamp.
And you're saying this is what sends the 5G signal?
It's called a DEW, D-E-W, Direct Energy Weapon.
That's what's underneath that small black cover.
The antenna that's in that streetlight, that's just a cover.
Did you see it?
Did you notice it?
Do you notice the subtleties that there?
Oh, so you're saying, oh, so that's where the 5G comes from, huh?
The streetlight.
Okay, the streetlight's trying to kill you.
Mm, okay, you're crazy.
It's just like, this is not up for debate.
This is, that's where they install the 5G.
Just type in 5G lampposts, you get headlines.
The new trend of 2019 LED lighting is 5G smart streetlights from Philips.
Philips team working with wireless giant on 4G and 5G light poles.
Smart LED streetlights become a 5G connection platform.
I mean, this is not up for debate, but they don't say that.
They simply insinuate that you're crazy if you believe the light post is trying to kill you.
And of course in Guardian they have it as well.
He asks him about this court case.
He doesn't point out the fact that the man actually won the court case.
From Metro, the headline, nobody, uh, that's not it, headline from Chronicle Live, judge refuses to gag anti-5G streetlight campaigners, stating, quote, the public have a right to know.
and it's not just one crazy guy from the UK concerned about this.
Brussels has made 5G illegal and they're pausing their rollout until they can confirm that
it's actually safe.
Switzerland is doing the same thing.
There's lots of places that have made it illegal to put Wi-Fi transmitters in preschools because
of the effect it has on children.
There was a elementary school in California that had a cell tower removed because over five, I think it was between five and eight children had brain cancer in this one elementary school because of the cell tower located above the campus.
So this is not, these are legitimate concerns, but Vice is doing its best to propagandize and make it all sound Crazy, right?
And even from, this is from International Business Times, right?
One of the most globalist publications you can find.
They say, amid 5G concerns, the US and Europe need safer technology for children.
Oh, a bunch of conspirators!
What, you think they'll, what, are you scared of light bulbs, International Business Time?
Uh, don't turn on light bulbs, you know, these people.
They're fools.
Here's exactly what they think about you.
This is clip 8 from, again, this Vice propaganda piece.
People who often will confidently assert conspiracy theories, really, when they are tested, often have the lowest level of knowledge about the thing on which they opine.
I think that belief is a strange thing.
I think you can convince yourself you believe something if it makes you feel good about yourself.
One of the biggest motivators of people spreading these conspiracy theories is the idea of them having special knowledge.
So it doesn't matter if you're an expert in that field, they know more than you because you're a part of the conspiracy or you're just an idiot.
So that's called illusory superiority or illusory knowledge.
And it's very, very alluring to certain people.
Narcissism is a factor behind this.
When people spread conspiracy theories, they get a sense of satisfaction out of it.
They feel like they're special.
So sometimes the people perpetuating this are doing it for their own gratification, but at a long-term cost to public understanding of science and medicine, and ultimately sometimes to public health.
You're dangerous.
You're actually a danger to the public health, if you question.
And once again, that's obvious projection right there, because anyone who starts learning about all the stuff we talk about doesn't feel good about themselves.
They start actually feeling a little bit scared, a little bit uncomfortable, and they want everyone else to know so that we don't end up In some type of kill box someday.
And the people that don't question it and accept the comfortable eyes, they feel good about it.
They feel special.
They are given the special information.
Like you said, they think they're beautiful.
They think they're smart because this is what they're, this is what the feedback is they're getting from the TV.
It's astonishing how good projection works.
Yeah, I mean, it's literally the mirror image of reality.
It's a fiat reality dictated to us that bears no resemblance to the real world, and it's absurd.
But, you know, so you're not just crazy, you're not just a danger to society if you question the rollout of 5G, you're also kind of a narcissist.
That's what Vice News wants you to know.
Stop Questioning things okay, so Brussels you're just full of stupid dangerous narcissists Switzerland chock-full stupid dangerous narcissists anybody that is concerned about
The proliferation of this incredibly powerful technology.
Well, you're just a dangerous, stupid narcissist.
And thank goodness Vice is there to tell us stop questioning things.
Stop questioning things.
We're Vice.
So it's just, you know, the level of propaganda that we are up against is, again, it's evidence that they're getting desperate.
It's evidence that they Have nothing else.
And I gotta get to this.
You know, before we go, I just gotta drop this in.
California says, give us money or we'll fire cops and firefighters.
So they're saying, we're running out of money, we'll have to fire...
Police officers and firefighters, if you don't bail us out, government.
While at the same time, California undocumented immigrants can apply for relief funding starting on Monday.
It's just like, oh, hey California, I got an idea where you can get that money.
I know, I'm a genius.
Hire me and I can find money for you so you don't have to fire the firefighters and police.
You don't have to hold them hostage.
You don't have to hold the people of California, by extension, hostage to your demands.
Just stop giving your money to Mexicans.
It's literally as simple as that.
Yeah, and that vampire doctor for Los Angeles, who isn't even a doctor, she gets paid $500 million a year, so... Yeah.
Why not?
Yeah, take that money.
There's so much other news to get to today.
It's like, I could sit here for 10 hours and still not cover everything I want to cover.
Thank goodness we pretty much do that, from the David Knight Show to the War Room to the Alex Jones Show.
How many is it? 12 hours of programming, 10 hours of programming.
Not to forget American Countdown with Robert Barnes.
Really just a full day of incredible information coming from InfoWars.
And you can support all of it.
You can support everything we do, including our incredibly talented and hard
working crews by going to infowarsstore.com and making a purchase of some of the
really great specials, which I believe have been briefly extended.
But that will not go on forever.
The special going on right now is really absurd.
I say it anytime I'm hosting, I'm just like, I'm not a part of the financial side of
InfoWars because I don't understand it.
I don't understand how you can sell everything at 60% off and that's a good
business move. But I leave that up to the smarter people and you can just take
advantage of it. Maybe it is a bad idea, but hey, all the better for you to go to
InfoWarsStore.com and make a purchase, save a bunch of money on this mega sale,
which has been extended two days.
Ladies and gentlemen, two days you have to take advantage of the 30 to 60% off
All of those incredible products.
My favorite is Turbo Force.
Greg, what's your favorite product?
Oh, you know, I think my favorite's probably the bone broth.
I mix it with my coffee every morning and it's fantastic.
I also love the iodine.
I love the DNA force and vitamin-mineral fusion.
My favorite thing about this job is that we sell these great products.
You know, I've been You know, we can't make any claims because we're no experts, but we're human beings and we understand how our bodies work and we understand that if you just take care of the body and if you give it the minerals and the vitamins and the supplements that it needs because we've deprived our food source of all these things, then the body will thrive and take care of anything that nature throws at it, it seems like.
That's how I feel.
I feel very, very happy that I'm stocked up on my products and taking care of my body and being healthy.
Yeah, absolutely.
You notice the difference.
You take the products and there's a reason people come back and buy them over and over and over again because they put them to the test and the products pass the test with flying colors.
Well, once again, it has been...
A complete honor to be with you here on the Alex Jones Show.
My name is Harrison Smith.
To my right is Greg Reese.
You can find our videos at Band.Video.
You can follow me at HarrisonTheGood on Twitter.
At Greg Reese on Twitter.
That's right.
Please follow us.
Stay in touch and enjoy the last hour of the Alex Jones Show with Paul Joseph Watson.
It is important for us.
The American people want the economy to open up.
We all do.
We want our societies to open up.
We all do.
And in order to do that, we have testing, tracing, treatment, and isolation.
And that is the path.
It's what the scientists advise.
That is what we do in the HEROES Act.
Pelosi's Legion of Doom called for a second round of the 1,800-plus-page $3 trillion coronavirus relief package, the largest in history.
Pelosi says the broadly written second stimulus will focus on recovery, while her neglected district in San Francisco plunges into a third-world abyss.
San Francisco has a new plan to keep COVID-19 from spreading through an at-risk community.
Part of the solution could be these white boxes being painted on some city streets.
More tents taking up sidewalks with hardly any space to get through.
It's the kids, there's schools around here, you know, there's women and families that have to go through here to get to work.
The mayor's announcement comes on the heels of a new lawsuit filed this week in federal court by UC Hastings Law School and residents demanding the city clean up the crowded streets.
You've been there longer than a year.
Things should not get worse under your control.
Things should be getting better, and they're not getting better.
They're getting worse.
And the U.S.
national debt hovers around $25 trillion.
The Democrats have wrapped this bill up in disinformation, titling the legislation the HEROES Act, creating the illusion that the relief is geared completely towards supporting those on the front lines of the pandemic, which some of it is.
As they vote from their homes after approving proxy voting, literally phoning it in.
And what's more important to the Democrats than the American people?
That's right, un-American people.
As the Washington Examiner explains, a provision in the bill would allow people to receive stimulus funds if they file taxes with a taxpayer identification number, which is issued by the IRS to those without a social security number.
While tin holders, including unauthorized immigrants, were ineligible to receive funds under the CARES Act, the HEROES Act would retroactively provide funds to those using tins under the CARES Act, according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform.
The Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions, or HEROES Act, also includes a provision that would protect banks that service marijuana businesses from being penalized by federal regulators.
The measure includes language requiring research on minority-owned and women-owned marijuana companies.
Who and what are the Democrats fighting for at a time when the average American faces an economic cliff steeper than the Great Depression?
As Senate Majority Leader McConnell pointed out, the word cannabis appears in the bill 68 times.
More times than the word job, and four times as many as the word hire.
The bill will likely die in the Senate, but it shouldn't go unnoticed.
It is a representation of the decadent aloofness of the Democratic Party.
What are you going to share with us from your home?
Chocolate, chocolate candy.
Oh, wow.
And... Oh, my... Wow.
Other people in our family go for some other flavours, but chocolate, and then we have some other chocolate here.
A party only interested in building its own caste system and strengthening its twisted resolve to destroy American prosperity and freedom.
John Bowne reporting.
And we are live.
About 30 seconds left in this segment, so we're going to come back in the next segment and get into the full raft of news articles.
We were told that we needed to go through this social distancing to get back to normal, but now we're being told that we have a different normal, a new normal, that's going to be characterised by ritual public humiliation, specifically in one case by wearing silly foam hats.
And bumper tables like children's tables at the playpen in McDonald's.
This is the new, normal, the social distancing society.
We'll be right back to talk about it on the other side of the break.
Summit.News, now go away.
Well, I'm beginning to think that one of the methods by which the elite, the authorities, the controllers want to make us stay indoors is by making operating in society as cringeworthy and difficult as possible.
You know, the petty enforcers with their masks barking orders at you if you don't sit properly social distance.
Because I had the clip in my video a few days ago of the woman in a park holding out a stick And whenever joggers got within six feet of her, she chastised them.
I actually saw the same thing right where I live in the park the other day where a mother, probably called Karen, was encouraging a child to hold out this six foot long tree branch to enforce proper social distancing.
This is the new normal apparently.
We had the headline yesterday, public humiliation cafes make customers wear stupid hats.
To enforce social distancing.
And it got me to thinking, of course, now that in the year 2020 humans apparently no longer have properly functioning immune systems, this is going to be our new normal.
You know, scientists across the world for the past two, three months have been working day and night to put a stop to coronavirus.
Little did they know that the solution all along was right in front of their faces and it was straw hats taped with swimming pool noodles.
Who knew, right?
A cafe in Germany is making customers wear the hats to enforce proper social distancing.
They talked to one of the customers at this cafe in Germany.
He said, quote, it's totally uncomfortable of course, like all of this stuff is, but the bottom line is that we put a lot of effort into it so that we can go to our cafes in public.
Because supposedly a deadly virus that spreads so easily is surely going to be stopped by a novelty foam hat.
And then there's also the question of these haps being passed on to the next customer whenever these people leave the cafe anyway.
Potentially passing on the infection if you believe it's that deadly.
Absolute genius idea.
But again, it got me to thinking, is this just a gimmick?
Is this just a ridiculous temporary thing that we're going to look back on in two, three, four months time, laugh and shake our heads?
Or is this going to go on for years and years and years?
Again, are they making it so uncomfortable and so cringeworthy to operate in the outside world that that's how they make us stay indoors?
I was watching a video out of Australia, Sydney, Australia yesterday.
A guy walking through a mall, one of those giant indoor malls with a video camera, basically the mall is almost completely empty.
Announcements on the public address system every five minutes about social distancing.
Stickers every 20 meters on the ground barking orders at you about social distancing.
This is already being put in place.
Doesn't look like it's going to be very temporary to me.
This is the new normal, and there's an element, of course, of ritual public humiliation.
Now, I was looking at this story out of the cafe in Germany.
Of course, we also have the story out of Maryland, where they've got people prancing around literally wearing bumper tables, like they're in a McDonald's playpen, and they don't need anyone to get near the kids, so they literally imprison them within the table itself.
And this whole idea, Of the mandating of wearing things.
Wearing the table.
Wearing the silly hat.
The swimming pool noodle hat at the restaurant.
Wearing the visor.
They're now wearing visors.
Wearing masks.
The idea of the state or the authorities enforcing the wearing of silly hats and other attire in order to ritually humiliate the public to either punish them or keep them in line.
Now, is there any historical precedent for that?
Well, yes, there is.
Remember, the dunce cap.
Now, since the 1600s, of course, the word dunce has meant a particularly stupid person.
People were made to wear dunce caps so they could be mocked for their idiocy.
And of course, up until, I guess, about 50 years ago in schools, definitely at the turn of the 1900s, the kids were wearing these hats.
And there's an image of one there.
Children were punished for doing or saying something stupid by being made to stand facing the wall while wearing a silly dunce's cap.
Treating people like naughty children by making them wear silly hats to enforce good behaviour.
Some kind of connection there.
There's some kind of similarity I'm picking up on.
Can't quite put my finger on it.
And of course then if you look at Communist China, They employed the same thing.
The dunce cap was used during the Cultural Revolution in Communist China.
Dissidents were forced to wear the dunce cap on which their crimes against the state were announced.
And in fact, there's a BBC News article headlined, Rare Chinese Cultural Revolution Photos on Display.
And it shows one of these dissidents With his crimes against the communist regime written on the dunce cap and he stood there being ritually publicly humiliated.
Those who were charged with betraying the communist cause were marched through the street during this era.
They see the picture there.
Wearing the dunce cap as they were spat on and verbally abused.
Now, I'm not comparing the wearing of silly swimming pool noodle hats in German cafes to Chinese dissidents being tortured, but there is a spirit of the authorities making people wear silly attire to go about their business, to go about their normal day, and people accepting it.
You could also look at the shaved heads.
Of course, Thousands, probably millions of men in the Western world at least over the past few months have decided to shave their heads because they couldn't get a haircut.
In the UK they're saying we won't be able to get a haircut until August.
There's been one coronavirus death in London.
No, in fact, I think there's one coronavirus case.
A single case in London on Saturday.
And yet they're saying we're going to be locked down for the next two and a half months at least.
We won't even be able to get a haircut until August.
I'm going to have to fly to Spain to get a haircut because they've already opened up, largely.
But this idea of men Having to shave their heads because they can't get a haircut.
Of course, shaving someone's head is another form of ritual public humiliation.
And in fact, disgraced dissidents who had displeased Chairman Mao would also be publicly shamed by having their heads shaved.
Of course, you've probably seen the footage out of France at the end of World War II.
Where women who had slept with or been informants for Nazis were dragged out into the street and publicly humiliated by having their heads shaved.
Of course, head shaving is a common thing when you enter a prison, and it's partially done as a demeaning gesture.
So now everyone's wearing silly hats, everyone's shaving their heads, and this is all an act of ritual public humiliation.
Then, of course, you have the classic archetype of the court jester, also known as the fool or the buffoon, who was basically a medieval clown.
Under the ownership of the elites, the royals, the jester's job was to keep his masters entertained.
And, of course, a lot of these jesters that we know from history had mental illnesses and were basically kept as pets for the amusement of the elite.
They wore hats called fool's hats.
And if you do a comparison of a jester's hat and a swimming pool noodle hat that we see there in the cafe in Germany, also some similarities there.
So this entire idea of the state or the authorities forcing you to wear silly attire to go about your daily business or to punish people for not being obedient enough, there's very much a strain of that that we see going on right now.
And of course, it's all largely pointless because the latest data that we've seen has shown that social distancing has no real impact on stopping the spread of COVID.
Sweden, which didn't lock down, has a lower death rate than the UK, which did lock down from the end of March.
And we're increasingly beginning to understand that this disease, which, by the way, spreads mainly in hospitals, can only be spread when in very close, prolonged contact with an infected person.
Wearing a foam hat made of straw and swimming pool noodles foam, really think that's going to stop a disease if it's that deadly, if it's that easy to transmit?
Or is this about something else?
I'm going to get on to the mask wearers because now we have more examples of Karens exploiting this coronavirus paranoia and fear-mongering to enforce their petty mandates in terms of Controlling the personal behavior of other people.
They're having a whale of a time.
Don't go away.
We'll be right back.
So we see this process of ritual public humiliation going on across the West with the new normal, the new social distancing normal.
And of course, attendant to this, we have the new high priest class, which is the mask wearers.
And in the United Kingdom, We have a weekly religious cult initiation ritual where everybody goes outside their front doors onto their balconies and applauds the NHS.
Some people don't applaud the NHS because either they choose not to or they just forget.
Or being richly publicly humiliated, there was one case where a woman Forgot to applaud the NHS because she was trying to put a kid to sleep.
He was being unruly.
So she was tired.
She fell asleep.
She forgot to applaud the NHS.
The next day she was shamed by her entire community for not publicly applauding the NHS.
Of course, we've got flags, Catholic flags outside churches in the UK being replaced with NHS flags.
These are the frontline heroes.
Actual frontline heroes are people who go to war, but apparently we've dispensed with that notion.
People just doing their jobs in empty hospitals, making TikTok dance videos.
They're the new frontline heroes.
And of course, the general public wants to adopt the look, the visage, the aesthetic of the new high priest class by wearing the masks.
And I go out in the park running every day, The people in the park where I live, the people wearing the masks, they're not elderly people.
I see elderly people out in the park, the ones most at risk.
They tell us from coronavirus and it would be perfectly understandable if they were wearing masks.
They're not!
Who's wearing the masks?
Women aged 40 to 50 named Karen.
I'm going to get on to that and another story about that in a moment.
And young people.
When I'm out in the park, it's all people aged 18 to 30 wearing the masks.
33 people in the UK under the age of 40 have died from coronavirus.
Now, obviously, in every case for the families affected, that's tragic, but the risk of people aged 18 to 30 dying from coronavirus is minimal.
There was one new case of coronavirus in London on Saturday.
They're all wearing masks.
They're not at risk at all.
In fact, somebody did a comparison and they found that if you're under the age of 21, this is in the UK, you're equally as likely to die from falling over while putting your pants on as coronavirus.
Yet these people are wearing masks!
It's absolute brainwashed mind control.
But again, They're wearing the mask because it's a status symbol of obedience and it means they can lecture you if you're not being similarly obedient.
And in fact we had a protest in Hyde Park on Saturday.
People protesting against the lockdowns, about 300 people there.
Police turned up, arrested I think more than a dozen of them.
Extinction Rebellion, the climate change action group, they had a massive protest.
Nobody went near them, that's fine.
As long as you're protesting the right thing, the police won't harass you.
And there was a case where, as lockdownsceptics.org reported, quote, one cyclist deliberately accelerated towards some protesters who managed to avoid a collision by the skin of their teeth.
So literally one of these lockdown cult members on a bike Broke his social distancing rules to try and plough into this group of anti-lockdown protesters.
No doubt he was wearing a mask.
No doubt plenty of Karens across the United Kingdom are wearing their masks too, and we have an article about that right here.
Karen takes her family to the beach.
Complains other people are at the beach.
A video of a British woman has gone viral after she took her entire family to the beach and then complained that there were too many other people at the beach who were not social distancing.
Now, of course, under the easing of the lockdown, which came into force last week, you're allowed to go to the beach.
She's allowed to go to the beach.
She took her entire family to the beach.
She drove an hour and a half away from where she lives to get there, but still complained about other people not social distancing.
She said, it's lovely to get out, but I'm quite shocked at how many people are here.
They're not paying attention to social distancing.
I find that quite annoying.
To be honest, it's like being in Tesco.
Okay, Karen, you're in Tesco too!
You're going to the garden centres, you're going to the beach, and then lecturing and pointing your finger at other people for doing exactly the same thing.
Karen's daughter, Karen, Ted, it's nice to get out of quarantine, but I think it's going to peak again because everyone's going to go mad and go anywhere they can.
Which again...
They keep saying, oh, there's going to be a second wave, there's going to be a second wave, despite the fact that this is dropping off exponentially.
In Germany and these other places where they've eased lockdown now a couple of weeks ago, there's no second wave.
In fact, every time the R rate of infection goes slightly up in Germany, it's the top headline in the UK.
Next day, it goes down even more.
It's not even in the news.
So they keep repeating this threat of there's going to be a second infection so they can just
reimplement all this lockdown tyranny on a whim.
Twitter users holed up in their tiny one-bedroom city flats without gardens or fresh air,
immediately poured forth their disgust at anyone being outside.
Somebody responded to Karen by saying, "For someone who is engaging in selfish, irresponsible
behaviour, to criticize others for selfish, irresponsible behavior is
the height of hypocrisy.
Don't go to the beach or other beauty hotspots.
Don't drive one and a half hours to go anywhere.
Just stay at home.
Now also in the UK, we have People not sending their kids to school.
We have people getting paid by the government to sit on their arses sunbathing while the future of their country turns to crap.
In the UK we have this furlough scheme where 80% of people's wages are paid by the government.
Now if you factor in The fact that they don't have to travel to work, which is incredibly expensive in the UK.
You factor in that they're not going out socialising after work, which is what a lot of people do obviously in major cities.
That extra 20%, they're probably saving a chunk of that money too.
So they're basically getting paid what they would anyway to sit on their backsides all day and sunbathe.
And they don't want to go back to work.
You look at the polls out of the UK.
The support for the government went down after they eased the lockdown.
They wanted the lockdown to become even more intense because they're getting paid almost all of their wages to sit on their backsides and sunbathe.
I mean, that is Stockholm Syndrome, if ever I heard of it.
We also have a debate about kids going back to school.
Article here out of Lockdown Skeptics.
Says the row over school openings rumbles on the mail sites evidence from 22 countries on the continent at an EU briefing which suggests that reopening schools has not been harmful to children and teachers.
So in 22 other countries, they've reopened the schools.
Of course, children, almost impossible for them to catch coronavirus anyway.
Yet we have a massive debate in the UK where trade unionist activists are given platforms on BBC and Sky News to say how dare the government want to send kids back to school at the beginning of June, despite the fact that the data shows the risk of them getting COVID is infinitesimal, despite the fact that Keeping kids out of school harms the poorest kids in society because they can't afford, their parents can't afford or are incapable of homeschooling.
We'll get into that and more on the next side of this break.
Don't go away.
So this whole lockdown debate has been completely politicised in the UK, as it has been in the US and many other countries.
We have a big debate over when to send kids back to school.
They've missed months and months of education.
Of course, the left grandstands and says we have to protect the kids from the deadly disease, which doesn't really affect them at all, infinitesimal risk of them actually getting and spreading Covid.
Now they're saying that the government shouldn't send kids back to school.
Because that is putting the kids at risk and they claim to be wanting to protect the poor in urging them not to do so, even though the kids who will be harmed most are the poorer kids in society because their parents can't afford or are incapable of providing them home school facilities.
So once again, They don't care about the poor, they only care about obtaining power.
Now they're saying, oh, because of the lockdown, we need to stop Brexit.
Because of the lockdown, we need to throw out the government.
It's been completely exploited and politicised.
As I was talking about before the break, we now have this new high priest class of mask wearers who get to enforce their petty decrees at every level of society.
That's why many people support this.
Because if they display enough obedience, they will get rewarded.
And in fact, there's a little story here out of, again, lockdown sceptics, of a guy who visited a garden centre I'll read what he said here.
He said, Coming back today, my wife and I were faced by a young chap in the car park wearing a surgical mask.
Your new leader!
Even though I understand the risk of infection in the open air is negligible, inside the garden centre we were greeted by the usual tape on the floor to keep us the required distance apart.
But again, everyone sported the sinister masks.
And this is the truly bizarre part.
Several also wore plastic visors of the type a groundsman might wear for streaming duties.
Because again, they've now gone beyond the mask.
They're wearing like almost Darth Vader helmets.
One single new case of coronavirus in London and people are out on the streets wearing Darth Vader helmets.
This is absurd.
He said, the reason for this flummoxed me.
When it was time to pay, there was a single till with a checkerboard area marked out in front.
We were instructed to deposit our trolley in this area and move away.
The lady on the till then emerged from behind a plastic screen, reached for the trolley at arm's length, and after drawing it back to safety, tottered up our purchases.
He said, the reason I think this rather odd experience is important is that for most of us, shopping should be a pleasure.
And this is what I was talking about at the start of the show.
If they make everything so cringeworthy and difficult, like little squares where you're allowed to sit in the park, equally spaced out, nobody's going to want to go out.
It's going to be hell.
He says if it isn't, who will go?
Supermarkets and similar will survive, as we all need provisions.
But what of the others?
Will we really be piling in and kick-starting the economy if the experience is anything like mine today?
I suspect many will either do without or shop online.
That's a terrible thought and I hope I'm wrong.
And again, it's all about this remoulding society around this prison pod planet.
with the high priest class mask wearers barking instructions at you if you get too close to
anything. Meanwhile, while you're out in the park they'll literally just drive straight into you,
they don't care. Because it's about power, they don't actually think they're stopping the spread
of the disease. Another article in relation to that, Psychotherapist, lockdown zealots are behaving
like cult members.
This is psychotherapist Dr Hugh Wilborn who says lockdown zealots are displaying all the classic signs of cult members by doubling down on their beliefs despite having been proven wrong.
And he highlights the work of a respected social psychologist called Leon Festinger, this is back in the 50s, who analyzed the belief of a UFO cult who believed that a flying saucer would rescue them from the apocalypse.
However, after the catastrophic earthquakes and floods they expected to hit the United States never arrived, and their beliefs were totally disproved, the cult members would become not less, but more convinced of their beliefs.
Which is kind of why, even though we've reached the plateau, and in fact we've flattened the curve, and these coronavirus cases are starting to fall off a cliff, especially in cities like London, the mask wearers seem to be increasing.
And increasing in their paranoia because they're doubling down on it.
Now he had identified five conditions that needed to be met in order for the cult members to double down on their beliefs.
And he noted, this is Hugh Wilborn the doctor, How terrifying predictions of how many people COVID-19 would kill had fallen massively short, and that the models that produce these numbers have been thoroughly debunked.
Despite warnings that coronavirus would kill half a million people in the UK alone, that was what our lockdown model was based on.
The disease has only claimed Worldwide again, that is tragic, but it's massively, massively less than what we were told would happen right at the start.
And people say, oh, well, it's because we locked down.
That's why we that's why we came in way below the numbers.
Sweden didn't lock down.
They have less deaths than the UK per capita.
Wilbur says to put this figure into perspective.
The number of people who have died of or with COVID-19 in about four and a half months is the same as the number who died in five days from cardiovascular disease.
And of course, as we know, as illustrated by the classic man bitten by shark dies of coronavirus meme, many, many of these coronavirus deaths were people in hospital with serious illnesses, many of whom would have died anyway.
Or the coronavirus merely shortened their lives by a matter of months.
The Doctor notes how experts are still doubling down anyway, warning of mass death if lockdown is lifted too early and a second wave of infections.
In reality, research suggests that the lockdowns had a minimal impact on infection numbers, and Sweden's per capita death toll is lower than the UK's and numerous other countries, despite the Scandinavian country having imposed no hard lockdown.
And in fact, If you compare Sweden to a country like the Republic of Ireland, similar landmass, similar population, similarly spaced out population, the Republic of Ireland locked down, Sweden didn't.
Again, Sweden's per capita death rate and infection rate was lower than the Republic of Ireland.
Toby Young says, is this starting to sound familiar?
As Wilburn points out, the sequence that Festinger wrote about more than 50 years ago is eerily reminiscent of what's happening today.
An apocalyptic prophecy was delivered from on high, the science.
Those who believed it radically altered their behavior.
The prophecy turned out not to be true, but instead of abandoning their doom-mongering, the believers have become even more fervent, attacking anyone who points out the gap between fantasy and reality as dangerous heretics, fake news, misinformation, conspiracy theories.
Of course, now we have actual doctors getting banned on YouTube, Simply for questioning the experts, the same experts who have been proven wrong and in fact given out contradictory information time and time again.
Young continues, the difference of course is that Festinger's UFO cult had a few dozen members, whereas the Covid cult seems to have infected half the world.
If Festinger's right, the bad news is we won't be able to persuade people to stop social distancing if we prove that the danger posed by Covid-19 has been dramatically overstated.
On the contrary, people's opposition to returning to normal will intensify rather than diminish as the evidence mounts that they were wrong.
And of course, that's made a lot easier if the government's paying 80% of your wages and you're making up the rest of the 20% with You know, avoiding travel costs, social costs, all that kind of thing.
Very, very tempting to sit on your backside on a balcony, as I see every day from my window, when your wages are being paid.
Of course, the economy's gone to total pot.
Millions of people are going to be unemployed.
There's probably going to be little economy to go back to.
But they get to sunbathe, and they get to watch Netflix, and that's what's important.
Spin reports Travis McCready played first socially distant concert.
If you look at the pictures, it looks completely boring and invasive, and nobody would want to go to these kind of concerts.
They've taped off...
Six of the toilet stalls with caution tape and they've taped off one of the sinks with caution tape for this socially distant concert.
Because taping off one sink in a bathroom is surely going to stop the spread of deadly Covid-19.
Don't go away.
Summit.News final segment coming up.
We'll be back.
Final segment here, we're going to get into a few big final news stories.
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Sweden got one thing right in the past 30 years of its history, but they continue to get a lot of things wrong.
Sweden, 19-year-old man killed whilst trying to stop migrant rape of woman.
19-year-old Swedish man was stabbed to death while trying to prevent a Sudanese migrant raping a woman at a party.
What happened is, there was a party in the town of Harnåsand in eastern Sweden.
A group of migrants broke in and one of them, a Sudanese migrant, Tried to rape a girl while a 19-year-old man tried to stop him.
The teenager did not expect the migrant to have a knife with him.
I don't know why he didn't expect him.
So he stabbed him easily.
The migrant finally raped the girl twice more.
The individual who tried to stop the rape was later named as 19-year-old Thomas Lind.
He was a supporter of the populist Alternative for Sweden party.
And his friends said he had a strong sense of justice and always tried to come to the aid of those in need.
The culprit, the rapist, was named as 22-year-old Abu Bakr Mohammed, a Sudanese migrant who was granted Swedish citizenship in 2011.
And, surprise surprise, had a long criminal record, including a 2015 conviction of raping a girl under the age of 15.
For some reason, A guy who raped a child was out on the streets four or five years later.
What's the explanation for that?
We're in Sweden, that's the explanation.
But this gets even worse.
After the story garnered national media attention, a group calling itself the Nordic Resistance tried to hold a protest in Hörnösand, this same town, but authorities denied the application.
The protest went ahead anyway and was subsequently described as a Nazi demonstration by Sweden's public broadcaster SVT.
So a group of people basically tried to go out and protest against the fact that This migrant was out on the streets despite having raped a child.
He raped another girl at a party.
The guy who tried to stop the rape was viciously stabbed to death.
They wanted to protest that.
They went out on the street and they were subsequently demonized as Nazis by Sweden's taxpayer-funded public broadcaster because of course they were This Is Sweden.
The article, the SVT article, Also completely failed to mention that the demonstration was against the migrant rape of the woman and subsequent murder of the 19 year old man.
And I've read the article, they just say how dare these Nazis show up to protest in our town, we need to kick them out.
Don't even mention what they were protesting!
As we have exhaustively documented, Sweden has a massive rape problem due to its total failure to integrate migrants after sustained years of mass immigration.
Of course they have Grenade attacks, which have now become commonplace across the country, and it's all still derided as a conspiracy theory by the media.
Just as no-go zones are still called conspiracy theories in France.
Headline, migrant youths in riot.
Migrant youths riot in Paris, attack police with fireworks.
Margaret Youths rioted in Paris yet again last night, attacking police with fireworks in response to the death of a teen motorcyclist.
And again, they did the exact same thing last month after there was a confrontation between police and a motorcyclist.
The same thing happened again.
The disorder began after the death of 18-year-old Sabri Choubi, who was killed after ramming into a pole while not wearing a helmet on the northern outskirts of Paris on Saturday evening.
Of course, the migrants immediately blamed the police and used it as an excuse to riot, burn cars, throw fireworks and other missiles at the police because that's what they like to do.
Police responded by firing tear gas at gangs who had gathered near public housing estates before arresting six people.
The migrants then Set three cars alight, burned 20 dumpsters and apparently tried to set a local police station on fire by bombarding it with Molotov cocktails.
When this happened, the exact same thing happened last month for four nights in a row in Paris and in other areas of France.
The media described the unrest as anti-lockdown riots.
It wasn't anti-lockdown riots.
It was something that happens in Paris time and time again because they've failed to integrate huge communities of migrants who live out on the edge of the city.
Meanwhile, in London, UK judge rules 14-year-old boy is safer living in Sierra Leone than London.
A judge in the UK has ruled a 14-year-old boy is safer living in Sierra Leone than London due to the English capital's problem with crime gangs.
This was a guy who was excluded from school in 2019 after going off the rails having become involved with crime gangs in South London.
And the judge ordered him to be sent back to Sierra Leone because he said he would be safe there.
And as I've documented many times before, We also have Somali immigrant parents who live in London who are now sending their teenage sons back to Somalia because they believe they'll be safer there than in London.
According to Metropolitan Police figures, 73% of knife offenders and 53% of victims are from a black or ethnic minority background.
Of course, we've had problems with violent criminal gangs in London for decades, but the violence has definitely ticked up as a result of mass migration because you get gang members coming in from even more violent countries in Africa.
So then all the local gangs have to up their level of violence to compete with them.
But now it's gotten so bad that Immigrant parents are actually sending their kids back to Africa, back to Sierra Leone and Somalia, because it's just become too much.
That kind of tells you everything you need to know.
The Independent reports grooming gang characteristics research to be published after government U-turn.
Research on the characteristics of grooming gangs is to be published by the government following a U-turn.
Of course, the left didn't want this research to come out, because as we've known from other studies in the past, 86% of grooming gang members, people who abduct children, rape them, sex traffic them in the United Kingdom or from Bangladesh and Pakistan.
That is a hate fact.
In response to a Freedom of Information request by the Independent, the Home Office previously said releasing the paper would not be in the public interest.
Again, because it's going to be a little bit too honest about the situation.
The response sparked a government petition that's so far been signed by almost 126,000 people demanding the release of the official research on grooming gangs undertaken by the government in full.
So the Conservative government tried to sit on this report for months and months and months and finally, after massive pressure, the truth is going to come out.
I don't think people are going to like the results.
UK police force humiliated for launching manhunt for trucker who kissed a woman on the cheek.
This is the same police force, by the way, Derbyshire Police.
who previously faced heat for bragging about using a surveillance drone to identify and publicly shame, there it is again, ritual public humiliation, dog walkers in remote countryside during the early days of the lockdown.
They were also ridiculed after they dyed a blue lagoon black in order to deter people from gathering there.
Yes, they actually did that.
They went out into a remote part of the countryside because some people were sitting next to a lagoon Spaced, I don't know, half a mile apart from each other.
That's not acceptable.
They dyed it black to put people off going there.
Well, now they're facing more humiliation after trying to enlist the public's help in a manhunt for a trucker who committed the dastardly crime of kissing a woman on the cheek.
How dare he?
They put out a tweet appealing for help to identify the man who kissed a woman on the cheek to thank her for helping when his lorry became stuck under a low bridge.
They got absolutely rinsed on Twitter for that, yet still, despite deleting the tweet, came out and said, no, we're actually still looking for the public's help in identifying this dastardly culprit.
Cartoon Network teaches kids about intersex non-binary gender identities.
This is the show Steven's Universe, written by a bisexual non-binary woman.
Surprise, surprise.
Her Wikipedia page says, She's encouraged her.
She encourages the importance of LGBT representation in art, especially in children's entertainment.
And of course, exposing children, toddlers, to sexuality, to this gender identity crap.
As young as the age of three or four is definitely wholesome and good.
I'm sure you'll agree.
It's going to wrap it up.
Coming up next, War Room with Owen Schroyer.
don't go away.
Now we're telling you what's coming.
What's coming?
[music playing]
I'm cutting this ad on May 10th, 2020.
And within a week or so, many of the best-selling items that we're selling at InfoWareStore.com will no longer be at 50% off.
In fact, last year I said I can't do 50% off anymore because our markup just isn't enough for us to be able to get enough profit to operate this operation.
But I want you to get the ultimate krill oil.
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They're all in stock right now and they're 30 to 60% off.
More than 20 items are 50% off right now.
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and Vazo Beats.
So take action.
Be healthier.
Boost your body's natural defenses and fund the InfoWar.
Get these great products at InfoWarStore.com.
I don't have to tell you that we are in the most important point in human history.
The globalists have taken the gloves off and they've taken the mask off.
And they're like, yeah, you're taking implantable chips.
Yeah, we're into pedophilia.
Yeah, we're into world government.
Yeah, you're obsolete.
You are non-essential.
We are shutting your ass down.
Yeah, we told you don't be farmers and don't be ranchers and don't work in industry anymore.
You're going to be the service economy.
And now the globalists are telling you that there's no more service economy and you're obsolete.
So you better bow down to them and get your universal pittance income so they can dictate your life.
The handcuffs are going on right now.
We have to resist and say no to the New World Order.
And that takes you understanding you were right.
And understanding I was right.
And getting in people's faces and raising the alarm now while you still can.
Now is the time for action.
Now is the time for you to shine and be the Paul Revere's you know you are.
It's now more critical than ever to keep InfoWars on the air.
Everything we warned of for decades is now emerged.
It was always there, but now it's uncloaked.
It's out in the open, and our credibility, your credibility, has gone to the stars.
That's why they want to expunge and erase every Every documentary, every film, every article, every report, every interview.
That's why they don't want to just silence Infowars.
They want to silence medical doctors and scientists and members of Congress and leaders who tell the truth.
But humanity is rallying against this threat.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, is the time to spread the word like never before.
I know I get up here and I say you are the Paul Reveres.
But you know what?
The evil we're facing is much more wicked and much more diabolical than King George III.
260 years ago.
These globalists want to dominate and take control of our very genetic code.
They want to sterilize us.
They want to erase us.
They want to destroy our seed.
They want hegemonic domination over every life form on the planet.
They want to override it in their selfishness.
And we can't let them do that.
So I'm telling you, ladies and gentlemen, however you can, Realize you're a leader.
Listening to local radio stations, watching local TV stations, going to newswars.com, going to band.video and finding the articles and the videos that you think are most important and most informative.
And sharing those at the grocery store and at church and to your neighbors and to your friends and saying, hey, here's what's banned.
Here's what they don't want you to know about.
That's changing the world and that brings hope into the world.
And people that weren't ready to wake up years ago, they're ready to wake up now.
That's why the globalists wanted to shut us down all these years.
That's why they wanted to silence us all these years.
Because they knew that once their system emerged, we would have massive credibility.
And so they hope people forget about what we said.
They hope they forget about all the warnings.
But people aren't forgetting.
People are remembering.
And remember what Jonathan Gruber said six years ago about Obamacare, who he wrote Obamacare.
He said, Obama chose me.
Because I came up with the best plan to triple prices and rip everyone off.
And I was the most deceptive person.
And he said, thank God they don't have memories.
Thank God they're so stupid.
But you do have memories for baseball or movies or things you like.
We'll start focusing on politics and the world and the globalists, not because you like them, but because you want to defeat them and remember what they've done and expose them and celebrate exposing them and celebrate the First Amendment and the free speech that veterans fought and died to defend.
Because those veterans and our forebears didn't create those rights, but they fought and bled to enshrine them and to get them openly practiced.
So that they would become part of our culture, and so that freedom would not pass from the world, and so that we would not be slaves.
So I tell you again, exercise these freedoms, or lose them forever, and tell everyone you know about the fight for freedom that goes on here, now more important than ever, at InfoWars!
We're going to be true until the end.
I'm not going to back down.
I'm not going to compromise.
And I'm asking you not to back down or compromise because compromising with this, submitting to this, is worse than living death.