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Name: 20200504_Mon_Alex
Air Date: May 4, 2020
2214 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea that China is preparing for war with the United States, the potential arrest of James Comey for treason, and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama planning to run together on a ticket. He also raises concerns about the dependence of the US on Chinese-produced medicine, the negative impact of population growth on ecosystems, and the ultimate goal of the Rockefeller Foundation to create a one-world government. Jones highlights the issue of COVID-19 cases being predominantly found in Democrat-controlled areas and claims that hospitals are falsifying diagnoses for political reasons. He also discusses the involvement of Bill Gates and Fauci in research related to the virus. Throughout his discussions, Jones promotes products from Infowars, such as supplements, water filters, and hand sanitizers, urging listeners to support their fight against the globalist agenda.

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And as it becomes known that we're in a mega massive deep depression already, Trump can only level with the American people about the plan of the globalist and how they did it and explain how they're going to make it even worse.
And he has to just level and say it's the chi-coms with these criminals.
They're a fifth column and America is about to end because the globalist will never let us come back up.
And they're gonna bring in total authoritarianism and have martial law anytime they want with viruses and have forced inoculations and medical tyranny and combat robots controlling your life.
The dystopia is here.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, Reuters is reporting that the Chinese military is preparing for war with the United States.
High-level government officials are openly calling for the arrest of James Comey, for him to be charged with treason and given the death penalty.
All hell is breaking loose.
Hillary and Obama are preparing to announce, running together on a ticket, with Hillary as President, Obama as Vice President.
At first, here's John Bowne's latest report on how we must reclaim American medicine.
Hypothetically speaking, you wake up one day and China and the United States have elevated tensions in the South China Sea, Iran, North Korea, and the globalist Combine have become a modern-day axis of evil, and now everything made in China is either under embargo or severely limited.
Just how deep of a hole have we dug in the United States when it comes to the supply of necessities we need to survive?
Most people don't realize that as much as 90% of the medicine they use comes from China, where pharmaceutical companies avoid U.S.
regulations and benefit from lower production costs.
China has become the world's largest producer of acetaminophen.
that's used in everything from theraflu to Excedrin to Sudafed and beyond.
And China is the world's largest producer of vitamin C, annually exporting more than
100,000 tons of it.
How did America fall into such a deep decline?
We can thank the Rockefellers, for one.
John D. Rockefeller upended our healthcare system in the early 20th century.
The discovery of petrochemicals led to a vilification of the United States' natural, nutritional, and holistic medicine system that was kicked to the curb to establish a pharmaceutical goliath shelling out patented synthetics that only treated symptoms rather than offering cures.
While increasing the scope of Rockefeller and his robber baron cohort's monopolies.
Years later, David Rockefeller, in league with his globalist cronies, saw to the exportation of the pharmaceutical industry, leaving America completely defenseless in an unforeseen time of crisis.
The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident.
When we are able to go about our business here in the Americas and around the world with confidence and security, it's because we know the strength of this government stands behind us.
For that and for all your other contributions, we thank you very much.
Eric, can you be specific about when you met Rockefeller, how it happened in these discussions?
I met Rockefeller through a female attorney I knew, who called me up one day and said, one of the Rockefellers would like to meet you.
I made a video called Mad As Hell, and he'd seen the video and wanted to meet me, and knew I was running for governor of Nevada.
So sure, I'd love to meet him.
The ultimate goal that these people have in mind is the goal to create a one world government.
Run by the banking industry.
Run by the bankers.
And the whole agenda is to create a one world government where everybody has an RFID chip implanted in them.
All money is to be in those chips.
right, there'll be no more cash. And this is getting me straight from Rockefeller himself,
this is what they want to accomplish. And all money will be in your chips. And so, instead
of having cash, anytime you have money in your chip, they can take out whatever they
want to take out whenever they want to.
If they say you owe us this much money in taxes, they just deduct it out of your chip digitally.
Total control.
Total control.
And if you're like me or you, and you're protesting what they're doing, they can just turn off your chip.
And today, Bill Gates is using the old John D. Rockefeller method of problem-reaction-solution to con the American citizen into accepting a chip to monitor manufactured antibodies under a Microsoft 5G Big Brother technocracy.
I'd say it's ironic if you take somebody who's doing their best to get the world ready and, you know, putting, in my case, billions of dollars into these tools For infectious diseases and really trying to solve broadly infectious diseases, including those that can cause pandemics.
We're in a crazy situation so there's going to be crazy rumors.
It should have been a wake-up call as iconic American brands like Levi's, Radio Flyer, and even G.I.
Joe were made in China.
But on the bright side, perhaps a Chinese embargo would finally wake average Americans from their TV zombie slumber.
Because we don't make televisions in the United States anymore.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Monday Global Transmission.
Coming up, I am going to show you the original projections by Bill and Melinda Gates and by the different royal college groups in the UK and others on what supposedly was going to happen.
You remember their models two months ago.
And we're going to look at those models across the world now.
There are models on Brazil.
There are models on America.
There are models on the UK.
There are models everywhere.
In fact, let me just show TV viewers real quick, if I could, this right here.
Maybe put the color one up on screen.
This is the estimate that was put out by the Imperial College, who they say is the best in the UK.
They're actually the worst.
And you can see here we're Sweden, and these folks really actually are.
Versus where they said we would be, up here, and if you're a radio listener, this is 18 times higher than what it actually was.
Okay, so they're talking about absolutely massive, hundreds of thousands of dead, and then you look down here on the bottom, and we're talking about not even, not even, 5% of what they said.
Here is another one right here.
Now, they've changed their models now.
And they have come out and they have said, this is a new model for TV viewers, you can see it.
They have said, oh, well, we were predicting that Sweden would have this giant bell of death, but it didn't happen. So now they've moved
it down and they say oh now if you stay locked up you will you will not have
these massive dead and they just keep moving it and moving it. They're doing the
same thing in Texas now.
And we've got this graph showing all the regular heart disease, cancer, flu, homicide.
Those numbers have all been moved over and put on top of the COVID-19 numbers.
And that's why they're massively underreporting all of that now to tell you the numbers are there.
And we have the White House spokespersons admitting to the world, ladies and gentlemen, to the world that Indeed they're counting all deaths that have tested positive for COVID-19 as dying of COVID-19 even if you've died in a car wreck and they test you and then they admit that the test that they've been using is only if you have genetic material showing you may have had a coronavirus but everybody's had a coronavirus so anybody that's ever had the antibodies
For a regular cold is now testing positive.
And by the way, I have an incredible piece of evidence to this right here.
More than 370 workers at Pork Plant, Missouri tested positive for coronavirus.
All were asymptomatic.
They were not sick.
Because the test, it says they gave, was for the genetic material of the coronavirus.
Because, again, it's like having a hundred breeds of pigs, but only one is the COVID-19.
But they give you a test to see if you're a pig, and everybody else that's the other type of pigs now tests positive as a COVID-19 pig.
But you're not a COVID-19 pig.
By the way, folks, this is all admitted.
I've gone and read the literature for months on this.
This is all completely and totally confirmed.
So coming up at the start of the next hour, I am going to walk through Brazil.
I'm going to walk through the UK.
I'm going to walk through the US.
I'm going to walk through Canada.
I'm going to walk through all these places.
And I'm going to walk through also, if you look at New York, Or other Democrat-controlled areas.
That's where almost all the deaths are, because that's where they're total criminals running things and ordering the hospitals to say everything is COVID-19, even if they've not been tested!
Now, that's been admitted!
And Project Veritas caught it on tape!
So they're using every trick in the book they can to keep people in fear, and this is a fact.
Bolsonaro, when they lost 5,000 people so far a few days ago, in months in Brazil, said, so what?
I'm sorry they died, but we lose hundreds of thousands every year from colds and flus.
He goes, so what am I supposed to do?
Shut everything down?
We all starve to death?
So, that's all coming up.
This is conclusive.
370 workers test positive at one meatpacking plant.
They shut it down!
Oh, everybody's gotta go home and quarantine!
Because they have antibodies for the coronavirus, the common cold.
Almost everyone has antibodies for that.
You understand that?
Now, they think antibodies hang around 5, 10, 15 years, depending on the pathogen.
So that's why some people have not had a cold in 10, 15 years.
So they don't show up for it.
But it's maybe 10% they estimate.
So 90% of us are going to test positive.
That's why when they said three months ago, oh, 70-something percent.
Remember when Gavin Newsom said, oh, 70%, 75% of California is going to test positive.
What was the exact number?
He said 79, didn't he?
Look up.
Gavin Newsom says 79.
Because they know the doctors told him, sir, everyone's gonna test positive.
Everyone's basically had the cold.
In fact, you're tough if you haven't had a cold in 10-15 years.
And that's the people that don't even show up with the genetic material in their body that they've beaten it.
This is a galactic super mega fraud of biblical proportions.
Now let me say this right now before we go to break and come back with the big news.
Reuters is reporting the Chinese military is preparing for war and believes the United States is going to attack.
The article is on Infowars.com.
Leaked memo.
Chinese leaders warned of armed confrontation with the U.S.
amid coronavirus backlash report.
And again, more news is breaking that Fauci indeed ran the Wuhan Lab coronavirus research along with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation operatives who run fact-checking for Facebook.
You cannot make this up.
So Bill and Melinda Gates and Fauci are in control of Facebook.
Fact-checking, shutting you down, and banning medical doctors when they go on air and contradict what Bill and Melinda Gates say.
This is an information warfare takeover of medicine, of communication, of science, of everything.
Now, let me get into this, because I want to cover this right now.
Was a big controversy when I came out last Tuesday and I was going along with the satire of Jonathan Swift, 1730, saying he would eat Irish children because the Irish were subhuman.
Because no one was taking care of the Irish, it was overtaxing them and overregulating them and they were starving to death.
And so he said, because he was Irish, he said, How about we just start eating the Irish babies?
And he published it like it was serious, and it's the most famous satire in the world.
So I did a whole piece showing real articles from the UN about 30 plus million starving to death right now, 135 million starving to death.
I played the head of the World Food Program talking about it.
And then I said, well, fine, once all the food runs out, I'll just eat my liberal neighbors.
Knowing they'd pick it up, but they edited it down to one minute.
I did it to draw attention to the starvation, because when the first world collapses, the third world dies.
And so here's the article's AP.
We don't know how it will end.
Hunger stalks amid crisis in the United States.
Frantic meat shortages.
Some Americans turned to hunting during pandemic.
Coronavirus pandemic could push 130 million to bring starvation, AP.
Now again, it's the UN doing all this, but now saying coronavirus did it.
No, the lockdown did it.
Some media actually understood that it was a modest proposal, understood it was satire, but the deaths are very, very real.
So here's what I'm saying, listeners.
A war with China, the Democrats trying to cancel the election, all the crazy stuff that's going on and things I know that are going on behind the scenes with the deep state planning to take Trump out.
You need to get prepared.
You need to get ready.
And if you ever wanted an InfoWars t-shirt so that you can fight in the third dimension to spread the word with our great new t-shirt I've got over here.
Let me just show it to you.
Just show this to you.
This is 5G Kills.
Great new t-shirt.
I don't know how long InfoWars will be here.
I've never talked like this before.
But I'll just tell you that when they run to martial law and take the president out, first thing they're going to do is arrest me or kill me.
I know they're trying to line that up right now.
We can ship these out to you in a couple days.
Food takes longer than that, but we can ship these out to you usually the next day after you order it.
Usually get it in three days anywhere in the U.S.
5G kills on the front.
Very powerful on the back.
Have a piece of history here.
We're probably going to beat them, folks, but there's a good chance we're not.
Everything's going to get shut down and it'll be permanent martial law.
And after they kill Trump, they'll tell you to stay in your house forever because of viruses.
We have another one right here that just came in.
We've got these in stock right now, and it shows the evolution of man, if you believe the evolutionists.
It's funny.
You know, from the monkey, which I don't believe, up until humans today, and then 5G kills us and kills humanity.
And that's got Infowars.com on the back as well.
So get your storable food while you still can, get your vitamins and minerals, because we could be SWAT teamed and killed at any moment.
The country's going into total war with China.
They've got a fifth column inside the U.S.
that's called the Democratic Party.
They are terrorists.
America is in the fight of its life right now against a axis of evil.
Global corporations that engage in siege, mutiny, a clampdown allied with blue cities and blue states, with the communist Chinese, the EU, and Hollywood, a consortium of godless America, capitalism, freedom-hating trash, the ultra-rich, Are the ones funding the socialism and communism to get the public domesticated, but really all they're bringing in is world corporate fascism.
Now again, the virus is real, it's patented, it's a bioweapon, so Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation can own it and own the vaccine that comes out for it.
They could never have one for a coronavirus because that is the most common type of virus that can get you sick.
They wanted it to be a chimera coronavirus so that when they tested everyone they would test positive for it.
Because the test that they have out there is testing the one they've given everybody that they admit gives a lot of false positives.
Well of course it gives a lot of false positives.
They're covering their ass.
It's almost all false positives because if you have the genetic material of a fight that you've had with a coronavirus in your life, it's gonna show up.
And again, here's even CNN.
More than 370 workers at Pork Plant in Missouri tested positive for coronavirus.
All were asymptomatic, meaning none of them were sick.
None of them felt bad.
They only have 352 deaths statewide.
And that's mostly people that came in sick from something else, and then when they test them, and they go, oh, you test positive because they had genetic material from a coronavirus infection sometime in the last 5, 10, 15 years.
It varies on the person, but if you've had a cold in 10 to 15 years, you are going to test positive.
I know I keep harping on this, folks, but this is incredible, folks.
And you look at all their graphs, all their models, and now you notice they're saying, oh, the same Imperial College that gave us these graphs that were 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 times off, now says, sorry, life's never going back to normal.
I told you all this was going to happen 12 weeks ago.
I also told you Hillary was planning to run in a broker convention.
That's why they had a weak field of candidates.
And now The Hill reports top Democrats say they're preparing Hillary to run as president, Obama as vice president.
And that Biden will step down at the convention.
Insider, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama ticket could replace Joe Biden.
This is the plan.
You're like, it's unconstitutional.
It's criminal.
They don't care.
They will do it.
The media will back them.
They have their criminal stay behind networks inside the different government agencies.
That's not the whole government.
But they operate as a literal fifth column against the country.
Now, a former top general went public over the weekend.
And is exposing that there is a fifth column called the Democratic Party that works for the Communist Chinese in America because that's the reality.
We'll play that coming up next segment.
But first I want to play this clip.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Democrat ex-CIA agent says Comey must get the death penalty if found guilty of treason.
A Jamie White article.
Disgraced former FBI director James Comey could face the death penalty if found guilty.
We're weaponizing FBI against Donald Trump and his campaign 2016 according to ex-CIA agent Democrat Brian Dean Wright.
Let's hear from him on Fox News.
What do you think, if anything, should happen to James Comey then?
What's your opinion on that?
My preference?
I'd love to see the death penalty.
And boy oh boy, I'll tell you, if I could flip the switch myself, I'd do it.
Because these men are traitors.
They absolutely assaulted, not just the Trump administration, but your vote, my vote, and anybody who went to the ballot box in 2016, irrespective of who we voted for, they decided that they were going to choose the nation's political winners and losers.
All right, let me come back.
I'm going to play the former general saying the same thing.
But I want people to understand, I don't get up here with this rhetoric to just scare people.
I get up here because it's the truth.
Now, occasionally I engage in satire, maybe every week or two, and that usually is what the media picks up.
And I'm really tempted to stop doing it, even though it's a successful way of getting us a lot of new listeners.
I like to engage in satire because it's so disgusting that we're letting 135 million people slide towards certain starvation and death.
30 million now currently starving to death.
That's the UN's own numbers, and I believe those are accurate numbers.
So again, the globalist UN creates the problem, then offers a solution.
Oh, give us billions of dollars to go save people who they then don't even save.
They do a few photo ops, and the supermodel that goes to the photo op thinks she's actually saving people.
But I did come out on last Tuesday and say, well, if everything collapses, it's road warrior.
I guess I'll just eat my liberal neighbors.
Pointing out how serious this is that when the first world collapses, the third world dies.
And I'm trying to get that out there as a hashtag.
I'm trying to get that out because it's really true.
And the globalists know in all their studies that if they cut carbon By about 50% in the West, that will kill over a billion people in a decade.
That's a billion people.
Bill and Melinda Gates pushed to get hydroxychloroquine banned in Africa to not get UN funding for that, so people die en masse there because of that, about a half billion people.
Madagascar is now shipping their own natural hydroxychloroquine out.
And Bill and Melinda Gates are trying to block that being shipped to the Africans because it doesn't just stop, according to their studies in Madagascar medical doctors, malaria, which is a fact, it also takes out and builds your immune system ahead of time, according to doctors.
I have that clip coming up as well.
It's on international television out of the Middle East.
So they don't know what to do, ladies and gentlemen.
This is all coming out, this is all happening, and Africa doesn't want to die.
And I don't want to be overrun by African third-world populations that are used as Democrat voters.
But I don't want them to starve to death and be killed.
So we need to stabilize Africa, stabilize the Middle East, stabilize Latin America, stabilize Asia, bring first world systems to them, then their populations will stabilize.
But if you don't ever let them develop, it's just going to get worse and worse, and that's the globalist plan.
So, that's all coming up, but this is an incredibly serious time to be alive.
And everyone's saying, be a hero.
The medical workers are heroes.
Don't ever go outside again.
Your shutdown is just going to make you be in a depression.
You're killing millions of people when you go around grandstanding with the mask.
You go around grandstanding how good you are.
You go around grandstanding that you're better than other people and you're virtue signaling.
I know a lot of you just want to help.
You want to be friendly.
You want to look like that you are at least complying.
But the mask and all of that is part of the fear, and it's part of the mind control, and it's part of the manipulation.
Because China is at war with America, but fear of the virus is the real enemy, and it's what's powerful.
And so we have to break that fear, and that's why the mainstream media don't want you to know about zinc.
Hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, vitamin C, silver topically.
That's why they're just arresting medical doctors that give people vitamin C. SWAT teaming them with machine guns.
Because Big Pharma and the globalists who control this country, they've had a coup and it's time to remove them.
The Russia coup didn't work, the Ukraine coup didn't work, but the medical tyranny is on.
The Bill and Melinda Gates have a program where every person they kill, saying they have COVID-19, they get $39,000.
And the blue states, they're murdering people in those hospitals while they drink vodka and have sex.
Compliance with the lockdown means hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in the next year and a half.
That is now official, that is now confirmed.
And the depression that is already hitting the United States will be devastating for generations to come.
And out of the poverty that comes from it, all major colleges will no longer be for the general public.
Everybody else will teleconference.
Most jobs will be obsolete.
You're going to see the robot take over the driverless cars.
The whole system, because after all, humans can't be in contact with each other.
We can't shake hands.
We can't get on airplanes.
This is the lockdown.
This is the takeover.
This is the post-human world.
This is the giant leap.
Into the future that the NWO had promised they were going to bring us.
This is the mass culling.
When the first world collapses, the third world dies, then we're third world, and then we are slowly collapsed as well.
This is the takedown of the Western Dream, the takedown of the Renaissance, the death of egalitarianism, the death of true liberalism, wrapped in a neoliberal fabric of sickening technocracy.
Now, here is General Robert Spalding, recently retired, breaking down the fact that we are at war with China, and it surrogates its fifth column right now.
America is to survive, and what I mean by that is if it's going to continue as a democratic constitutional republic, then Americans are going to have to stand up and fight for it.
It's not going to be given to you free.
It's not going to be handed to your children or grandchildren for free.
You know, our founding fathers had to fight for it.
You know, along the 240 plus years of our existence, people had to stand up and fight.
The fight is just different this time.
You don't have to go, you know, Pick up a weapon and go fight in some faraway land.
You have to fight for democracy right here at home by recognizing that democracy here is under assault.
Look at what happened with the NBA.
It's clear as day if you choose to look at it.
So, in a way, we're already in World War III?
We are in World War III, and you are in the front lines.
I am now in the front lines.
When I had a uniform on, I was, you know, working in the government.
I wasn't really paying attention, but now I'm fully woke, and I'm taking up the battle cry, and this is one of the ways that I'm doing it.
We are at war with China, but we're at war with the powerful consortium that put them in charge.
Now, I've been hammering this for 20 plus years.
I'd say about 23 years of my 26 years on air.
I wasn't that up on China.
I knew a lot about it, but I didn't understand that.
I knew it was a globalist control zone.
But I started reading the CFR report saying the 21st century will be a Chinese communist one, as David Rockefeller envisioned.
So I started reading New York Times articles he wrote, loving Mao Zedong and mass death, and how they were the model of everything that would be here.
And people thought, come on, China's not that powerful.
And then we saw the unlevel playing field that had been established to create this.
And then I've been under Chinese communist propaganda attack for at least six years.
I mean, they fund the direct attacks.
I've had them do other dirty tricks.
And that's who most of these internet companies work for.
It's who runs the show.
And that's why you see the Washington Post headline.
Last year, Xi Jinping must destroy Trump to save America.
Save us, Xi Jinping, that has three million Muslims in death camps.
Liberals love that all of a sudden.
I just don't want to have Sharia law and import 10 million Muslims over here.
But the Chinese Muslims are very well-behaved people.
I wouldn't have a problem with the Uyghurs being brought over here.
I've met a lot of them and I know about them.
They're in death camps.
But that's like, oh, that's sexy because Tim Cook owns a bunch of the factories.
Literally, he goes like this, like Bill Gates.
As long as you go, uh, uh.
We're going to air next hour at least 30 minutes of this latest David Icke interview with Brian Rose, where they streamed it on their own platform.
Just last night, got over a million people watching it simultaneously.
I can see the numbers.
And we're going to get Brian on the show tomorrow and get Icke on soon.
But Icke really lays out the full compendium in a smooth way, unlike my machine gun buzzsaw way.
And so it's not that I don't want to be on air next hour, but I'm going to air a big chunk of this.
First 35 minutes is just over the top, penetrating, laid out absolutely perfectly.
Now Ike believes that viruses are just something released by cells as a detoxification format.
That's part of it, but I don't agree with that.
That view.
But other than that, what he says is deadly accurate.
And what he lays out in a spoken word way, I could sit here and show you articles and documents for everything he's saying.
In fact, I'm gonna get one of the editors, probably Rob Dew, he's one of the most researched on these subjects, go through all of the documents and all the things that Ike says in his report And just back up what he's saying because they're not
putting any articles or video clips up on screen while he's talking but everything he's saying
Is on record and documented except one thing and that's why he got banned on facebook
That's why he got banned on twitter speaking of uh, covid19 I don't cough like this
Except when i'm in this new studio And I think we should have the air conditioners checked in here.
Because my wife was watching the show last night, the Sunday show, and she's like, gotta keep pausing to cough.
And yeah, it's, when I come in here, maybe it's because the air conditioner's right above me.
But it just makes me cough and makes my bronchioles seize up.
So we need to have these air conditioners inspected or looked up.
Something's going on.
It's like certain hotels I get in, my throat gets really, really dry.
I start hacking.
Where is my, this is not a plug, but it is a plug.
Oh yes, I forgot about this.
Lung, lung cleanse.
Mm, very good.
People have been saying too, they noticed that my,
I saw nurses and stuff on the website last night going, "How much you got polyps on your larynx?"
I guarantee you, you've got to get that checked.
People are like, do you have throat cancer?
You know, I have not had a checkup since, uh, I was like 42.
And I definitely screamed too loud in a lot of demonstrations over the years.
And so that's why my voice got.
very, very deep. This is not a put on with my voice and it does need a good rest at some point.
But I'm told if I do have polyps, which I undoubtedly do, it would put me out for up to
six weeks of not being able to talk. If I had the polyps removed, then my voice would be a lot better.
But I do think I need to go get a checkup, because it is going from being very deep, very baritone, to sounding like rocks being put into a blender.
So I am aware of that, and a lot of folks like my voice.
I personally don't like it.
The very front of my mouth like this, where I whisper, because that's what's happening to my voice and I apologize for it, but that's just the way it is and it gets exacerbated with whatever is in this room.
By the way, I guess I'll turn this into a plug.
Most of your throat or palate cleansers have maybe one or two essential oils or some menthol, and it's nothing but alcohol.
This is incredibly thick syrupy, so sometimes you gotta pull the top off under hot water to get the sprayer cleaned out if you haven't used it in a while.
But this has a whole list of high-quality essential oils in it, and nothing else works like it.
And when my voice goes out at home sometimes, I realize, oh my gosh, why I don't have a bottle of Lung Cleanse here.
and Lung Cleanse is available at Infowarsstore.com.
And believe me, we need a lot of money around here to operate.
The Democrats filed 40 plus lawsuits on us.
We knocked them down to six.
They filed three more.
And I'm fighting some of the biggest democratic law firms in the country that want to shut this completely off.
But two plus years later, after the suits were filed, we are winning, they are losing.
But I need a lot of money.
See how good that worked?
I need a lot of money in our war chest to fund this operation, and yes, we've got other challenges going on that I'm not at liberty to get into right now, but your prayers are paramount, your word of mouth, knowing how precious this free beacon is, and of course, your financial support, getting great products you already need.
Get your storable food now while you still can.
Get your supplements and things while you still can.
Because already our suppliers are saying they may not be able to supply us soon because supply chains are breaking down.
It's getting to be that desperate and that serious.
This is the designed takedown of civilization.
Now when we come back, I'm going to blitz through a bunch of other news I haven't hit yet and so much more.
Hillary Clinton is preparing to run for president.
They plan to assassinate Trump first.
Folks, do I sound frantic here on air?
If I sound desperate, I am.
Did you hear me play that former high-level CIA operative who's a Democrat on Fox News saying, we're going to have to arrest and execute the deep state people?
People don't say that just to sound tough.
It's us or them.
It's communist China and their whole way of life, which is total death, or it's us.
Now citizens don't need to get violent.
And people in the government don't need to get violent.
But we need to identify who the third column is, who the enemies are, and stop putting up with it.
And we need Durham and Barr to understand that if they don't indict all the conspirators of Comey, then you greenlight their continued arrogance and criminal action against the American people.
For too long, everyone's been intimidated by these people, and it's time to hold the line, hold fast, and get rid of these people.
You arrest these individuals, they will fold like a house of cards.
And obviously they know about dirt in the government.
Americans don't care about stuff like that at a point like this.
They don't want a depression.
They don't want a war.
We have to be strong, or China and their moles will continue to push it until the country goes into a civil war.
China has predicted Hell, it was like eight years ago.
We ought to find it.
It was a TV ad they put out in China about how they financed a civil war and the collapse of America.
And now we learn, what I already said months ago, even in the New York Times a week ago, that China is trying to foment a civil war.
I'm trying to stop a civil war!
But you've got former retired generals, you've got former CIA people telling you there is a fifth column in this country.
And that's why you see more and more Democrats coming out and saying, I'm not with the fifth column.
I am not with foreign powers and corporations trying to overthrow the government.
Let me tell you what's going to happen if Hillary Clinton gets in with Obama again, because they are Chi Com globalist agents all the way.
The CFR and the New World Order has been heavily investing in China for 50 years and plan for them to take over the world.
That's public.
They positioned us to collapse, but it's not going the way they thought it was.
But their operatives are all so dug in right now that they can go out and prosecute in jurisdictions they still control, the Democrats still control, federally and state, a ham sandwich, a General Flynn, and so many others.
That you've seen them go after, that you've seen them persecute.
And so that's why there's this reign of terror and fear and everyone giving in to them.
Insider, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama ticket could replace Joe Biden.
A Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama ticket to replace Joe Biden isn't even possible.
Douglas MacKinnon, a former writer for George H.W.
and Ronald Reagan had an editorial for The Hill on Saturday revealing that many
Democrats are secretly worried about Biden's presidential prospects. And of
course the George W Bush supporter comes out and basically says, "Oh it's
constitutional even though it's not." I looked it up and notice you've got
George W Bush coming out saying, "Oh Trump's being partisan.
He's being mean to the Democrats. We need to not be partisan." The
Democrats have been completely partisan from the beginning against Trump trying
to block him blocking Chinese flying here, then blaming him for
everything that's happening.
Then lying about what's going on.
Then covering up for Communist China.
And then when Trump stands up to them, here comes George W. Bush out from under the rocks to defend the Democrats because it's the deep state.
George W. Bush, we're not partisan combatants in a fight against coronavirus.
Really, you're not?
Well, how come the Democrats then continue to act like that?
So these people are sharing power, and they believe it's always the way it was, and they believe they're going to stay in power.
But that's not what's happening.
Even if they kill Trump, even if they put me in prison, the American people are never going back to the way they were.
And that's why they're trying to collapse the whole U.S.
to have an emergency Marshall Plan.
that props up the blue cities and the blue states, not the people of the blue cities and blue states.
Trump had the rescue plan, thousands of new factories coming back, tens of millions of new
jobs, tax cuts for the middle class and poor people, tax incentives for minority-owned businesses,
a massive doubling of federal funding to black colleges.
The list goes on and on.
And it's not a conservative package.
It's a populist emergency boost.
Super liberal.
Old-fashioned, just super liberal.
And by old-fashioned liberal, just pumping money to the general public.
And the stimulus packages and everything else.
I mean, what do you do when your engines stall and you pump more gas into it?
And I don't even like that type of stuff long-term because it deflates.
And inflates and causes all sorts of crises.
But we're already in the crises of our life.
And we're staring down the barrel of Hillary Rodham Clinton as President and Barack Hussein Obama as Vice President.
And I told you they would do it because they're so damn desperate.
And they knew Trump was going to win.
Internal polling had him 15 points ahead of Democrats.
But they know if they crunch everybody and then say, don't you want it to go back to the way it was?
Hillary and Obama, sure, things weren't perfect then, but at least there wasn't a clampdown.
And subconsciously, it's working.
People are starting to blame Trump.
They're starting to turn against the President.
The President's internal polling shows that.
Because people, when they're being strangled, start flailing.
A drowning man or woman, if you try to help them, will scratch your eyes out and try to climb up on top of you.
And they're climbing up on top of America, they're climbing up on top of Trump, and as it becomes known that we're in a mega-massive deep depression already, Trump can only level with the American people about the plan of the globalists, and how they did it, and explain how they're going to make it even worse.
And he has to just level and say, it's the CHICOMS with these criminals, they're a fifth column, and America is about to end because the globalists will never let us come back up.
And they're going to bring in total authoritarianism and have martial law anytime they want with viruses and have forced inoculations and medical tyranny and combat robots controlling your life.
The dystopia is here.
It's just like in...
One of the last Star Wars movies, they're super cheesy, but it's good when, like, they're coming up on that planet, and all of a sudden, all those Star Destroyers go... And they're all right there.
It's just like they came out of warp speed.
It's like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
The ships are there.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
That's how war started.
You're just sitting there, and all of a sudden, bam!
And folks, we just got hit upside the head with a 2x4.
We better just reach down deep when you're dizzy and just go, CAVEMAN!
And all of a sudden your brain will fire up.
And just ignore the fact you just got hit in the head with a 2x4.
And you better get the word out to everybody you know that we're under total attack and who the enemy is, or we're done!
But I'm here until the end raising the alarm faithfully, because I'm not committing my children to total slavery.
And the only chance we've got is to hit them hard, 110% with the truth right now, and let Trump know, we know you're good, we know you don't want to be a dictator, we know you don't want to be an authoritarian, they are pushing you into that position.
Destroy the enemy, restore the republic, and then leave office, like George Washington.
We need that action now.
But the country is hanging by a thread, make no mistake.
And I'll tell listeners again, If you ever wanted to get InfoWars t-shirts to wear them out in the open and show solidarity and show you're aware of what's happening, there's nothing more revolutionary, nothing more 1776, nothing more outlaw country, nothing more hardcore than an InfoWars t-shirt.
We've got five new Space Force shirts that are limited edition back in InfoWars.com.
We've got two new 5G Kills shirts that are amazing.
We've got so many new shirts that I had designed by the crew that I haven't even had time to plug.
It's so important to show these shirts in The third dimension, and that's how we fund ourselves into the future.
And it's important for us to get as much capital as we can now.
So get your X2, 50% off, sold out for months.
The good Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, the base of everything.
Get your best krill oil.
You're going to find out their highest grade we could find with our expert buyer.
It is amazing what it does for your body.
We have the great Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus.
You always need these things.
These things are essential.
We also have Vitamin Mineral Fusion that's good for adults and children.
We have Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula that's the highest curcuminoid we can find on the market.
90 plus percent curcuminoid.
Everybody else has 3 to 5 percent.
A few brands are 60, 70 percent.
Ours is extremely strong.
Vazo Beach is very strong.
Concentrate of beach and how popular that is.
Everybody knows what that does.
Great nitrous oxide in the body.
Fill our war chest with 182 days left so we can give the enemy the maximum punch and push and we're just balls to the walls, ramming speed, hair on fire.
Absolutely loving every minute of it, quite frankly, but...
Behind the scenes, that's why you see CIA guys going on TV and going, you know, Chinese fifth columns, America under attack, arrest the traitors, not much time, and former generals coming out and saying it.
Because we're at war.
This is a 21st century war.
It's a war by the globalists.
It's a Psy-war trying to scare you.
And the answer to that is not be scared.
And we're gonna remove the Chycom Cancer, and the Hollywood Cancer, and all the filth!
We're so damn close!
Destroy them in the Info War!
Launch the attacks now, in the Info War!
Victory or death!
They're frickin' interdimensional invaders, okay?
I'll just say it, make fun of me all you want, on CNN or wherever, but everyone already innately knows this.
These people are not frickin' humans, okay?
You know what I want covered tomorrow night?
I want this covered tomorrow night.
I want GMOs covered.
I want what's going on covered!
I want to fight these son of a bitches!
I don't want to have half measures!
I don't want to die and have them win!
I'm sick of their crap!
And I don't know how to totally beat him, but first, like Howard Beale says in Network, you've got to get mad.
You've got to get angry, you've got to find your humanity, and you've got to start kicking some New World Order ass in the info war.
This is an emergency transmission from deep in the heart of Texas.
The U.S.
resistance against a global corporate combine, empowered and funded by Communist China, allied with the big megabanks that set up Communist China in 1949.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of U.S.
telecommunications infrastructure.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of Hollywood.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of the main universities.
This is all confirmed.
This is not a drill.
Big Tech in Silicon Valley is almost completely run by the Communist Chinese government.
They've officially become state-run.
Apple 100%.
Google is now making the transition and announcing a merger and total worldwide censorship.
They are now beta testing using me as the straw man, a demonized version of Alex Jones, to do that.
This is happening.
This is not like the other probes before that were meant to get you used to probes and censorship, thinking you would adapt to censorship by just putting up with it.
Now this attack is thousands and thousands and thousands of times the magnitude of all previous attacks.
This is a titrated dose, reverse psychological warfare operation using adapt and overcome, subversion paradigm manipulation.
In layman's terms, they are manipulating the fact that we adapt to being oppressed.
We adapt to being pressed with the low dosages of oppression.
Now when the megaton hits us of the total takeover, we try to adapt to the poison infusion
instead of not knowing it's a lethal dose if we accept the dose.
Total Internet of Things integration, global social score, complete command and control
It is the virtual reality AI weapon system now attacking the United States with traitors
inside the major security agencies, blocking Trump's resistance of the program and attempting
to stop us from removing the tentacles of the Chai Com slash Big Tech banking combine
emergency situation.
I have been chosen for destruction because I brought you this information and have been
battering, ramming it out as much as I can.
They want to double use me as they always do in any complex system of mathematical deception where every angle of my good is turned against us.
So they take what I've said, being sincere, build me into an insincere person in the straw man.
I'm a person that cares about life and children and is against these wars.
And so they make me a herder of children.
And then they build me into this lie to then set the distraction while they're actually censoring all of you to make a debate about Alex Jones.
So even if I didn't sell out to them, they've now used me as an archetype to serve them by being the main distraction.
I have now been captured by the enemy in the information warfare fulcrum and is being used against you.
Only your full understanding of this TE will break you free from this paradigm.
I have given you the transmission!
Now break free!
I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
All right, let me do this.
I was watching this last night, or yesterday afternoon when it was live, and it was so good that I thought, I really need to air The first 35 minutes of it.
That would fit nicely with some extra time in this hour.
But there's also so much news here to hit.
And we have Alan Keyes coming on, who sent me over some great notes.
He's absolutely right about the virus.
China and the virus are attacking us with the real enemy's fear.
And some other key points he'll be on with us.
I also want to open the phones up.
And so I'm going to talk to my producer about scheduling this week and make sure a few of the days we don't have guests.
I'm the one always saying I like to have guests on.
But we do need to, we do need to open the phones up as well and get your take on everything.
So think about what I want to do here.
This is one hell of a time to be alive because we are at war with Communist China right now.
And the Democratic Party has literally been converted over into an America-hating, freedom-hating group of morons.
Because they're not even going to get power if they're successful.
They're idiots.
But they're just such spoiled brats that they get a reflected glory out of evil, and they think that burning America down and mounting it on the wall will give them power.
All right, we are now into hour number two.
Former U.S.
Ambassador to the U.N., Alan Keyes, is joining us coming up in the next hour.
I also intend to take some calls when that's going on.
It's now mainstream news that Fauci is secretly working with the Communist Chinese.
You have the Five Eyes coming out and all 17 U.S.
intelligence agencies saying, no, Trump's right.
We're the ones that showed it to them that it did come out of Wuhan.
It is man-made.
The discovery of HIV is scandal.
It is man-made.
And it was Obama and Fauci that paid the Chinese to make it when it was illegal in the United States to do so.
So, it's all coming out.
The globalists don't know what to do, and they're hoping that by Fauci being exposed, Trump will see Fauci as the government, and so Trump will, you know, cover that up.
No, Trump needs to level the American people.
There's a fifth column of chi-com anti-Americans, and just destroy them.
Because they're not going to stop their mischief.
They're not going to stop trying to blow the country up, and overthrow the government, and overthrow the election.
Until that until that happens and that's really where we are ladies and gentlemen
I'm gonna play this clip again though Democrat XCIA agent says Comey must get the death penalty
if found guilty of treason This regard former FBI director James Comey should face the
death penalty if found or disgraced former FBI director James Comey should face the death
penalty if found guilty or Declinizing FBI against Donald Trump and his campaign in
2016 according to XCIA agent a Democrat Brian Dean Wright, let's play that clip
What do you think, if anything, should happen to James Comey then?
What's your opinion on that?
My preference?
I'd love to see the death penalty.
And boy oh boy, I'll tell you, if I could flip the switch myself, I'd do it.
Because these men are traitors.
They absolutely assaulted, not just the Trump administration, but your vote, my vote, and anybody who went to the ballot box in 2016, irrespective of who we voted for, they decided that they were going to choose the nation's political winners and losers.
And so again, what's coming out, what the whole world is waking up to, that we've been hammering since late January, is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201.
We covered at the time of 65 million dead, world government's the result.
The Rockefeller Foundation report 10 years ago, lockstep, saying authoritarian world government via a bioweapon.
Look at this.
October 18th, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hosts tabletop coronavirus pandemic exercise.
November 15th, Bill Gates gives $5.5 million to the...
Piebrite Institute.
November 20th, Piebrite granted patent which relates to the use of coronavirus in vaccine.
They've actually isolated the vaccine part, the coronavirus, all before the outbreak.
Oh, and it's a chimera coronavirus.
Of course, they've already hammered on all of this, but this is the stuff trending on Twitter right now.
They've got a big, big, big, big, big problem.
They've got a big problem.
So you go ahead and try to kill the messenger, Gates.
Anything happens to me, we know who did it.
And we've got plans for it to all be released.
We have the documentaries made, we have all the preparations, all the information we've already covered.
But Santa Ana thought the destruction of the Alamo would make him win the war.
It lost him the war.
So either way, we win.
But that's what these folks are up to.
Bill Gates doesn't run it, he's just the head of it.
Bill Gates is the front man, the figurehead.
state that they are the world population control bureau.
And again Bill Gates doesn't run it, he's just the head of it.
Bill Gates is the front man, the figurehead.
The Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the IBM Foundation,
Thomas Watson all put their money in to a foundation control by Bill Gates' mother on
the IBM board and Bill Gates' father that ran Planned Parenthood.
And then they needed a young face so that they could spend that money off into a new corporation to get around the antitrust laws that Congress was still enforcing in the 1980s and 90s.
And so Microsoft was created.
And this is all on record.
I mean, I sit there and I tell high-level folks this in D.C., and they're writing notes on it, and they know I don't mess around, and they call me back and they go, my God, we looked at this, we didn't know this.
It's good to have a novice like Trump in there who knows business and knows how to reboost an economy and, you know, is a patriot, but Trump hadn't been studying secret foundation money and eugenics and, you know, the New World Order.
So, you have to understand that there's a real crass course going on right now inside the government.
So what I'm going to do is, in the next three segments, I'm going to play this interview that's at Band.Videos.
You can send it out and share it with people.
And it's on the front page of InfoWars.com.
You can pull that up.
And it is the band interview that got David Icke banned off of Facebook, banned off of YouTube, just because they were planning the broadcast talking about why his last interview got banned off YouTube.
But we've hosted it at Banned.Video and it's on InfoWars.com.
I suggest you share it there.
It's streamed out.
Over a million people tuned in.
I linked to it.
I appreciate the listeners promoting it.
Because I want London Real to be new and independent and have its own platform separate from the Globalist.
I want InfoWars to have that.
I want Brighteon to do well.
I want everybody to do this because this is how we defeat the Globalist is building new independent systems.
So it's now time to go to Bandot Video and get the full David Icke, Rose 3 interview.
We're going to go to break here in a few minutes.
But let's go ahead and start the interview now.
Here it is.
This is London Real.
I am Brian Rose.
My guest today is David Icke, the English writer, broadcaster, and public speaker known since the 1990s as a professional conspiracy researcher, calling yourself a full-time investigator into who and what is really controlling the world.
You are the author of over 21 books and have lectured in over 25 countries, speaking live for up to 10 hours to huge audiences, filling stadiums like Wembley Arena.
You are here for the third time this year to talk about the COVID-19 pandemic and global lockdown, the looming economic recession, dangerous technology rollouts, potential mandatory vaccinations, and the violation of our basic human right to freedom of speech.
David, welcome back to London Real.
Thank you, Brian.
First of all, I want to announce that we are streaming now on our new digital freedom platform, which is a censorship-free, independent broadcasting system that is of the people, by the people, for the people, and available exclusively through our website at londonreal.tv.
Can everyone watching please share this link now via the sidebar to any and all of your social media channels?
This is a learning experience for everybody, and this guy's as smart as I am, but I encouraged him to just double down a month ago and do this, and he already had the idea himself, so that's why I thought it was a really great idea.
Great minds think alike, but when you share the links at man.video, when you share the links at infowars.com forward slash show, or from London Real, it changes the world.
This is how you override AI.
And the fact that we're routinely getting a million views on videos at Bandot Video is because of you taking action.
And the fact that this had over a million viewers that tuned in to their stream.
That's revolutionary.
That's you doing that!
But it took David Icke, it took Brian Rose, it took InfoWars, it took you out there watching and caring, and it took those of us that already had media platforms and that already were popular in the system not backing down.
Everybody else bows.
Oh, just don't have this person on.
Now I don't have these people on.
Now I don't have this whole group on.
Don't talk about that.
And the noose is tightening around your neck until suddenly you can't say anything or do anything and now you're just another puppet and now you're not popular because you're not telling the truth.
I don't know, so many really big people like that, that behind the scenes know all this information.
But, to stay on the big platforms, they went along with it.
Well, what about building our own?
They've sued us, attacked us, they're trying to arrest me right now.
They got all sorts of horrible stuff going on.
It's okay.
People had to go through a lot harder stuff than I'm going through to establish this country.
And now the stakes are so high.
King George just wanted to enslave us.
The globalists want to kill us.
So when we come back, I'm going to finish up with this, but share the links right now at Band.Video to the archive of that.
Three hour interview, that's amazing.
And the live feed of this right now, and the best feed to share is newswars.com forward slash show.
Because infowars.com forward slash show gets censored more on big tech.
You can share newswars.com forward slash show and band.video and the live show feed up on the left hand tab.
Just click the Alex Jones Show, you'll see the live feed right there.
And you can put this out, they'll get a taste of it.
Then we'll send folks to the full video that we just posted.
This morning, full David Icke, Brian Rose, three interview.
And I'm going to go change that headline a little bit better.
I babbled it out this morning to him and it was, it was full Ike Rose, part three interview, but we'll get that updated for you right now.
And we'll be back on the other side.
We're going to come out of break and then go back into the interview.
Stay with us.
Remember, only you taking action.
Only you overriding the A.I.
Only you.
Engaging in modern Paul Revere activity can override the New World Order, and I know you will.
This full video is posted at Band.Video.
And Infowars.com forward slash show is streaming it live.
In defiance of the tyrants on over 200 radio stations, over 100 TV and cable stations, on a global shortwave and TV satellites, to more than a third of the world.
This is defiance of tyranny.
Can everyone watching please share this link now via the sidebar to any and all of your social media channels.
Let me repeat that.
Can everyone watching please share this link now via the sidebar to any and all of your social media channels.
This is important.
Simply ask your friends and family to give us 15 minutes and then they can decide.
David, I pledge to you and everyone watching us that none of this conversation will be edited, censored, removed, or banned.
And that anyone in the world can watch the full version of this episode free at londonreal.tv forward slash live, thanks to the generous donations of over 25,000 people around the world, also known as the London Real Army.
For anyone wanting to become a founding member of this digital freedom platform, you can visit londonreal.tv forward slash freedom to donate and fight with us on the front lines to protect our human rights.
Here at London Real, we've been a platform for free speech since 2011.
And David, I'm excited to have you here today.
I want to bring everyone up to speed on recent events, so I'm going to start there.
46 days ago, on March 18th, we broadcast Rose Ike One, which was our first conversation of 2020, where I asked you to make sense of the early days of the coronavirus pandemic and global market crash, as the UK was not yet out of total lockdown.
In this conversation, you spoke about your concept of problem-reaction-solution, you questioned the motives of the World Health Organization, and you warned of the looming Hunger Games Society.
This episode immediately went viral and was watched over 10 million times from people all around the world keen to learn a different narrative than that of the mainstream media and governments.
Then, 27 days ago, on April 6th, we broadcast our second conversation of 2020, Rose Eyck 2, via YouTube, that became the second biggest livestream in the world that day, only behind that of the President of the United States, Donald Trump.
With 65,000 concurrent viewers and nearly four times the previous live stream, we expected this episode to reach 40 million views, making it the largest video podcast in human history.
30 minutes later, that live stream episode was deleted and banned on YouTube with no explanation and no communication.
In that episode, you spoke of the COVID-19 misdiagnosis and the misclassification of deaths, further dangerous technology rollouts, the vaccine agenda, economic totalitarianism, and the weaponizing of fear.
The next day, a BBC article broke the news and our representatives at YouTube accused you of being a COVID-19 denier and subsequently deleted and banned an additional 10 of your videos and my personal vlogs from our YouTube channel.
Instagram, Facebook and Dropbox followed suit by deleting and banning more of our videos and then London Real was completely de-platformed from LinkedIn and Vimeo without explanation.
But we fought back, and continued to host both episodes, Rozeik 1 and Rozeik 2, on our website to millions and millions of viewers, and we still do today, while also suffering very sophisticated malicious attacks on our technology platform.
Next, the UK regulator Ofcom, who is also in charge of issuing 5G licenses in this country, censored the broadcast of Rozeik 1 on London Live, which is a television channel we have provided content to for many years.
Ofcom said, and I quote, It risked causing significant harm to viewers.
At this point, I had had enough.
And I believe in the fundamental right to freedom of speech.
So I decided we can no longer rely on any third party for broadcasting.
And 11 days ago, we began crowdfunding to create the Digital Freedom Platform, which has now raised over a million dollars worldwide from over 25,000 people fighting for the right to free speech and freedom of the press.
It's been an incredible vote of confidence in what we're doing.
Then, two days ago on May 1st, you were completely deplatformed from Facebook for publishing, quote, health misinformation that could cause physical harm, unquote.
You responded by saying, the funny thing about fascism is that it's so predictable.
Yesterday on May 2nd, you were completely deplatformed from YouTube because, quote, YouTube has clear policies prohibiting any content that disputes the existence and transmission of COVID-19 as described by the WHO and NHS.
Your channel had more than 900,000 subscribers at the time it was removed.
Which brings us to today, May 3rd, Rose Ike 3, which is being live streamed now to over 1 million people on our new digital freedom platform.
Again, to everyone watching, please take a few seconds right now and share this link via the sidebar to any and all of your social media channels.
Simply ask your friends and family.
Give us 15 minutes.
Then they can decide.
David, I'll be honest.
These past three weeks have been some of the most challenging in my entire life.
My reputation has been questioned, my business is under threat, and my human rights are being taken away from me every single day.
But it's also been the most empowering time of my life.
I got millions of people from around the world rising up and voicing their support.
And as a result, I've never been so steadfast in my convictions for the basic fundamental right of freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
And that's why we are here broadcasting today.
David, I want to thank you for 30 years of tireless work and for your own conviction to fight on.
And now I've got one question for you.
Where do we begin?
Well, welcome to my world, Brian.
And before I say anything, I think what you and your team have done is absolutely magnificent.
Because the cutting edge, as I know from 30 years of of trying to be there is a very lonely place and it's the point of the arrow so there's not many people there.
And to do that, to be there, you have to first of all have a constantly open mind to information, but you have to have a backbone that won't vibrate.
One that says, I'm going to stand up for what I believe to be right.
And no matter what is thrown at me, I will go on standing up for what I believe to be right.
Because I'm not going to stand here, sit here, and start going off defending myself.
Oh, don't say that about me.
How could you say that about me?
I couldn't care less what you say about me.
Boom, boom, boom.
And let them worry about me.
Thirty years of my life has been kind of leading to this moment, certainly leading to this time.
And I said to you in the last interview, and some people might have thought it was a bit of bravado, I said, I'm more powerful than them.
And they know it.
And within minutes of the interview ending, they were proving me right.
Here they are, this cult that I will explain, that control the mainstream media.
My God, has that been any more obvious than in the last few weeks?
They control Silicon Valley, they own Silicon Valley.
They own the corporations.
They own the banking system.
And yet, one interview, with one guy, and this all-powerful, we're-in-control, omnipotent, all-powerful force, is running around like someone shouting, fire!
Gotta take him off this, take him off that, take him off this, take him off the other.
And what are they saying?
Brian, they're saying you're more powerful, one man, than we are.
And so we have to stop what you're saying getting to people.
All right, that's absolutely true.
And you, every listener out there, when you take action and speak out, you're more powerful than these people.
Because you're pro-human, you're pro-life, you're pro-future.
They are pro-Satan, pro-death.
We'll be back with the interview.
Stay with us.
This is The Takeover.
This is The Globalist Operation.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Alan Keyes, former ambassador of the UN, is on fire concerning what's happening.
He'll be joining us live on air.
We'll also take phone calls the second half of the interview.
But right now, let's go back to the Ike Rose 3, which is the model of victory.
Just like InfoWars is the model of victory, Bandot Video is the model of victory, you are the model of victory supporting us.
Your word of mouth, your support of local radio stations, it's king.
Well, it's the same thing with They Told Rose.
You have him on again, we're going to start banning you.
And they took half his subscribers away when he did.
And then they persecuted him more.
Then he went and built his own thing and he collected money and put it into the infrastructure.
And believe me, it's expensive.
We pay millions and millions in bandwidth every quarter.
Well, that's what he's doing.
Now, imagine a million people on at one time.
They did it.
And we can do that too with word of mouth.
That's when you take action.
So let's go back to the interview you weren't supposed to be able to hear.
And, you know, everything is a frequency.
My voice now is a frequency.
And mendacity, lies, deceit is a frequency.
Truth is a frequency, a much more powerful frequency.
And they know the power of the truth circulating, because people resonate with it.
And so, if they are going to Pull off what we're unfolding now, what we're experiencing now.
And they are going to control billions of people.
They have to control their perception.
They have to.
We are in the situation we are now because of mass human perception.
Part of that perception is there is a dangerous virus so I must stay indoors because the authorities are looking after my interests and they've told me that I have to and if I go out I might catch this deadly virus and oh my god we're all going to die.
And that perception allows vast numbers of people to concede their uniqueness, to concede their freedom, and to sit in their house under house arrest, being told what to do by a handful of people.
And the other perception is, I can see there's something not right here, but What are the consequences of me saying so or taking this on and challenging it?
And that perception of what are the consequences for me means that lots of people who have realized something's not right, my God is it not right, we'll get into that, also sit under house arrest.
And those two perceptions, they are the reason this is happening.
Because when you break down the number of people behind this, in each country and globally, it is tiny.
I'm going to explain how that's possible.
And yet there are getting on for 8 billion people.
There are 66 million people in Britain.
The number of people that are locking down Britain are tiny.
It's perception and fear of consequences that are making this all possible and are destroying the independent livelihoods of billions of people.
And the greatest form of control is dependency.
You need this to survive, and because of this economic Armageddon we have created, we are the only way you're going to get it.
And you know to get it?
You do exactly what we say.
And that's the dynamic that we have shifted into in a matter of weeks.
We need to come out of denial And realize that we are now living in a global version of Nazi Germany.
No, they don't have the jackboots.
No, they don't have a silly mustache.
But the structure is the same.
A tiny few people Dictating to everyone else.
And we will have a lot of people watching here, Brian, who will be new to this.
And I'm kind of pretty much in a position now to go through a sequence of events and background manipulation that will explain in very simple terms how a tiny few people have pulled off a fake pandemic with no virus and convinced vast numbers of people that there is a virus and they are in danger.
And giving up their freedom is essential to their survival.
And most people have a hard time to even conceive that there might not be a virus because they see the pictures of New York City, they see the pictures of the ICU, they see the numbers on the newspaper, they see the president talking about it.
So most people would say, David, there's obviously something happening.
Oh, there's something happening.
And there are people dying.
But The shocking, he said, what can all be explained?
And I will today.
Very simple terms.
But just some quick background for people new to this, because there's some background that is essential to understanding how this was pulled off.
First of all, for much of the last 30 years, in my books, I have been pointing out that there is a, I call it the cult, there is a global network that works through secret societies and literally satanic groups, that has a structure in place which I'm going to describe.
It's so simple, it has to be or it wouldn't work.
To dictate from a central point down into even local communities.
The first thing to get across, and as I explain this, current events are going to become very crystal clear in terms of why they're happening.
...is where does this cult want to take human society?
This is not something that's happened in weeks.
This goes back a very, very long period of time.
This is why people like Aldous Huxley in Brave New World and George Orwell in 1984 were able to predict current events because this has been in the planning for a very, very long time.
And if you can access that inner sanctum, if you like, where this plan is being projected from, you can predict the future.
All right, we come back, it starts getting really powerful, but they're setting the table here.
The full interview is posted.
At Band.Video and at Infowars.com see the interview that got David Icke completely banned off of all the mainstream platforms.
IckeRose3 at Infowars.com.
And of course at London Real as well.
But we need to get this out because he lays it out very smoothly, very succinctly.
He says that there's no virus, period.
It's manufactured so they can own it.
But then he explains, oh, it's all about what's in the vaccine.
We know that.
He gets into Bill and Melinda Gates, owns the supposed virus that's now coming out in the news, that's ready for the vaccine.
They're just making you beg for it.
I agree with 99% of what he's saying.
Other than just, you know, deny there's any virus at all.
No, they had to release a simulant virus that does kill some people so that they can then counter it with their vaccine.
But this is dead on.
Stay with us.
Remember, everything you see and watch here, the most powerful, corrupt individuals on Earth are battling hard that you not be able to see.
And whatever else they're trying to keep from you, we bring to the air as well.
So here's more of us live-streaming before Ambassador Keefe joins us next hour.
More of the interview you can see in full at band.video, the full-censored Ike Rose 3 interview.
In a sanctum, if you like, where this plan is being projected from, you can predict the future real simple.
Because if the plan for the transformation and the direction of human society is not challenged, if there's not an intervention by people to stop it, then it will happen.
And so by predicting what the plan is, You're predicting the future because the plan is going to play out, unless we intervene.
And it is playing out, and current events are a massive advancement of it playing out.
So where do they want to take the world?
I've been describing this for a long, long time as what I call the Hunger Games Society, obviously named after the movie trilogy.
And the reason I use that phrase is because where they want to take the world, and I will emphasize again, this is not me speaking now, since the lockdown and the pandemic hoax, this is me speaking decades ago, writing decades ago, that this was the plan.
And the Hunger Games Society is designed, if you think of a pyramid, to have a tiny few at the top.
We call them the 1% today.
And at the bottom, the rest of humanity, basically, in dependency, in deprivation, in poverty, and crucially, again the word, dependent upon the 1%.
The means of survival.
And in between the 1% and the rest of the population in this Hunger Games Society society, you have a, in the end, what they want it to be is a police-military state, a fusion of the two.
But a police-military state which imposes the will of the 1% upon the rest of the population and stops the population Challenging the 1%.
Now, I've been saying over all these years, this is where they want to take us.
And one other level of this, again as I've been saying for a long, long time, is that this Hunger Games society would be controlled by technology.
So we're talking about a fascist, communist, global society with an addition.
That it is controlled by technology, which makes it what people call a technocracy, which is defined as a society not controlled by elected politicians, they want all rid of all that, but by technocrats, by bureaucrats, by scientists, by medical bureaucrats and technocrats, by engineers and scientists, etc.
And we've been moving in that direction very clearly, but what do you need more than anything if you're going to make that society reality?
You have to destroy the independent livelihood Of vast numbers of the population.
Because while they're running their businesses and employing people and operating independently, making money, paying employees, you're not going to put humanity in totality in the bottom reaches of that Hunger Games society in deprivation, in poverty and dependency on the few.
And this fake pandemic, which I'm going to explain, has been employed for many reasons, but profoundly right in there, is to have a lockdown of business, particularly small business, which almost in vast numbers will not survive.
The big people can.
To have a lockdown long enough to destroy the independent livelihood of vast numbers of the human population.
And at the end of our first interview, Brian, you said to me, well, where does it go from here?
And I said, what they're going to do is they're going to keep this going Until they reach the point where they think we've now reached a situation where we've transformed human society, we have destroyed the independent livelihood of enormous numbers of people.
And it's irreversible.
And that's what they're holding on to.
And what you're going to see is some of it rolled back, as little as they can get away with.
And then they're planning new waves of the virus, which we're going to get into.
And then they will bring lockdown back.
And the other part of this is they want the whole human population vaccinated, and we'll get into that later, and the almost indescribable extremes of psychopath that we have in Bill Gates.
So, that's where they want to take society.
Okay, let me ask you a quick question.
Why would someone who was a member of the 1% who, you know, take for example Gates, like, with hundreds of billions of dollars, and say the 1% is wealthy, they have real estate, they have jets, why would they want more?
Well, because, I think this is something we should get into later, because I can explain this, but this is not about money, you see.
This is about control.
This is about a complete takeover, not just of humans in the physical sense, if you like.
It's to take over their minds and their perceptions directly in the end.
Through connecting their brains, human brains, to AI, which they're already talking about and they're already giving us a time scale of 2030.
And all this is going on now, they're all stepping stones to that.
And why do they want to do that?
Well, that is a big picture, which would be better, I think, a little bit later on, when I can get into all that.
Who are these people and why are they doing it?
Because it goes very, very deep.
And they are hijacking human society.
They're hijacking the human race.
And later in the chat, we should get into that because it's apparently far out, but less and less far out as what we thought was far out in terms of this would never happen is now happening.
But the point about... We talked about where they want to go.
So how do they take us there?
And what's the structure that allows them to pull off something like this global fake pandemic, as I would call it?
If you think of a transnational corporation, the structure is basically the same, except that instead of subsidiaries in different countries, it's secret society networks and family bloodline networks.
So you have a central point, say the headquarters of this cult, and it operates in the shadows.
And it's dictating from the centre.
Then in each country, You have subsidiary networks of this cult.
And their job in each country is to control that country's politics, government, government administration...
We call with control of the intelligence network, control of the military, and so on.
We call the deep state now.
We even have a word for it.
I've been writing about this for decades.
Now people are actually calling it the deep state.
So you have these networks, and they are there to control the politics, government administration... Now let's explain, the British Empire was taken over by these networks, and as it's exposed, they don't know what to do.
But even Zbigniew Brzezinski in the 70s wrote about the networks, but said that they were a good thing.
So again, the full interview is at the top featured video at Bandot Video.
It's really powerful from here on out.
COVID-19, he walks through all the evidence, shows how they're killing people, shows how they're coding it to give $39,000 per person.
They say die from it.
And all of this is backed up.
So we're playing it because they censored David Icke.
We're playing it because they fear this information.
We're playing it because it's about 99% accurate from my perspective.
I'll play about five more minutes of it.
And then Alan Keyes joins us with a lot of big breaking news and the latest on the global financial Armageddon
engineered by the New World Order Be and so on
We call the deep state now.
We even have a word for it.
I've been writing about this for decades.
Now people are actually calling it the deep state.
So you have these networks and they are there to control the politics, government administration, major corporations, the banking system and finance, and the media, ownership of the media, to control perception by controlling information.
And part of these different pyramidal hierarchies, with the cult at the top, include control of the medical systems in each country, control of health systems, control of the big pharma, big pharmaceutical cartel, mainstream medicine arena.
So this is going on in every country with the central point, I call it the spider, dictating, just like a transnational corporation dictates to its subsidiaries, and they're all working to the same agenda, the same blueprint.
And there's two mass mind control, mass mind perceptual manipulation techniques that this cult uses to advance its agenda.
One I called a long time ago, Problem Reaction Solution, where you covertly create a problem You get your unquestioning media, have we seen that or not in the last few weeks, to tell the public the version of that problem you want them to believe, and you want the public to be saying in a state of fear and anxiety or outrage, something must be done, what are they going to do about it?
And then those who've covertly created the problem and got that reaction then openly offer the solutions to the problems they've Covertly created and blamed someone else for and there's another version of that which I have called no problem reaction solution That's where you don't need a real problem.
You need the perception of one Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq there was a no problem reaction solution to justify the invasion with all its ongoing consequences of Iraq There's a no-problem reaction solution called human-caused climate change, which, when you break down the facts as opposed to the propaganda, is absolutely unsupportable.
And then we come to current events and a colossal of historic, unprecedented proportions, no-problem reaction solution, the global pandemic.
So with that background, how have they pulled it off?
Well, I go back to the fact that each country has its own subsidiary network of the cult, whose job is to impose the will of the cult centrally dictated, And therefore these different subsidiaries can work as one unit, when to the public they're different countries, there are borders, there are different races and political systems.
Actually, at the cult level, there are no borders.
This is vital to understand.
Something else I've been saying for decades, before this started, is the blueprint For the global Orwellian fascist society, the technocracy is China.
I said what they are doing and what they've done, this has been in my books for years, they have had a fierce, vicious dictatorship in China for a long period.
This means, unlike in the West, where until now, no longer, they've had to pay lip service to freedom and democracy and all that stuff, in China, what we want we're bloody doing!
And so they've been able, through simple imposition, Today to test it all, and now they're rolling out their globalist model.
Not the Chinese model, the globalist model.
See the full interview.
There's another two and a half hours of it.
It's really powerful.
At Band.Video.
Share it from NewsWars.com.
You are the resistance.
Our special guest joins us on the other side.
Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, your host, and Alan Keys, as usual, is on fire.
I'm not going to go over his whole background, but he was a military brat, lived all over the world, and a lot of his family had been, you know, a great patriot, sent our military.
He was appointed by Ronald Reagan to be the U.S.
Ambassador to the United Nations.
He's an author, talk show host, TV host, and he's pro-life, pro-liberty, but I want to get him on so he has time here.
We'll also take some calls for him at the bottom of the hour.
I'll give the number out.
Bottom of the hour or start of the next segment but here are the topics he wanted to get into and that's right what I wanted him on about to talk about China and the virus are attacking us but the real enemy is fear Given the open-ended nature of the coronavirus threat, no vaccine can defend us against the real threat, which is the destruction of our God-endowed right, liberty, sovereignty, the Constitution that preserves this, and other points he'll get to.
So, Alan, great to have you back.
Please, you've got the floor, or I'll interrupt.
Give us the state of where we're at right now, because I see a global catastrophe.
The UN admits 135 million beginning to starve, millions starving to death, 300,000 a day extra now starving to death.
I guess Bill Gates and the eugenicists are getting their way of depopulation.
Well, I think that the first thing we have to realize is that this is an assault.
And it's, in a key way, an assault on the entire West, as it used to be called.
Countries in North America and in Europe and Australia and other countries like this that have been the bulwark against totalitarian tyranny since before the Second World War, obviously, but especially in the aftermath.
Of that war.
And I think that this is being orchestrated in a way that, you know, there's this question.
Did the Chinese virus come out of the laboratory?
Well, I think now, a lot of facts are on the table that suggest to people who are willing to look at it, that that's the most plausible thing that happened.
But that's not the key question.
What were they doing in that laboratory?
And unless you're crazy and have no interest whatsoever in helping to defend this country, you have to think through the likelihood that what they were doing, they did on purpose, because all the behavior after this whole crisis began, and supposedly in Wuhan and the release of the virus there and so forth, they were deceitful and doing everything possible to make sure that the virus would have an opportunity to spread to other countries, and in particular, to our country.
Did they do that as an afterthought, taking advantage of the crisis, as these leftists always say?
Or was it planned as a crisis?
I happen to tend in the latter direction, and think that this is a planned strategy being directed against us, and that sadly we're playing into their hands.
But I also think that when we come to our senses, we have all of the things necessary to make head against it.
We are a people renowned, in fact, for, first of all, our courage.
And they are counting entirely on our fears, and I think they're making a mistake.
Americans didn't respond to the quarantine and to our leaders asking us to do something for the quarantine because we're all afraid to die.
That's what they're hoping.
I think we responded to it because we don't believe in doing things that put other people in danger.
So if you ask us to do something that will help to minimize danger to others while we get the situation assessed, they don't mind.
But once it becomes clear that staying in this situation is going to pose greater harm to the country than good, they want to see us get out of it.
They don't intend to be taxis for some strategy to overthrow our sovereignty, overthrow our self-government, overthrow especially our economy, and in the end even destroy our ability to defend ourselves with our military.
These are the implications across the board of this crisis if we continue to act as if we can shut down our economy and then bankrupt our people's government.
In other words, the government of the United States as such represents us, the people.
If we go head over heels in debt to a point where we can't repay it, We then destroy the full faith and credibility of our government and put ourselves under the control of whoever happens to be holding our debt and able to back up that holding because they've moved out of the dollar and done other things to protect themselves from the Communist China.
That's Communist China, among others, but it's also a lot of these billionaires, including Bill Gates and others, who have been positioning themselves to be effectively the fifth column that inherits the power and the control of the U.S.
government once the American people have been removed from the picture.
So I think we've got this clearly to deal with, but I also think as a people, as we come to our senses, we have the wherewithal to deal with it.
And pray God, Donald Trump is in fact the leader he seems to be who will be on our side in this process.
But that, I think, is what we have to make sure is happening and we have to second that motion with every kind of understanding, analysis, facts that we can put at the disposal of the President so that he doesn't have to feel that he's going to be destroyed politically because he gets out from under the grip of the Fauci-like people who are essentially pushing him in
a direction that destroys America.
And of course, Fauci is heavily involved with the coronavirus research at Wuhan that was
made illegal here.
So he and Obama, this is mainline news, in 2015-2016 moved it there.
And I've never heard a more reasoned boil down in just five minutes that you just gave Ambassador Keyes to what's happening.
And that's exactly what's unfolded.
And now the Democrats are like, sorry, the lockdown never stops.
It's going to go on for years.
And we're going to bankrupt America.
And again, I know you're focused on America, but when we move to third world status, the third world dies in mass.
So if Trump comes out and points out that even the U.N.
with one hand is hyping this authoritarianism and the virus and the lockdown and praising China while criticizing us, but with the other hand, their food director says 135 million extra are going to starve to death, 300,000 a day already dying.
I looked the numbers up.
They're pretty accurate.
If Trump uses that and says, man up, America, like Balasaro's doing, and explains, yeah, it's terrible folks are dying from this virus, but the media's way hyping this up to kill the economy.
They're doing this for political power.
We're killing the third world, millions of them.
Americans will man up now, but they're showing us that the deep state wants this to be a permanent emergency.
Well, they certainly are.
I mean, and it's not going to be a permanent emergency.
It's going to become a permanent totalitarian state in which we no longer have much say in our government because it's been taken over by the bureaucrats, the politicians who are part of this adventure, who will no longer, by the way, really be elected in any fashion that we control.
And it's going to be controlled by those who control the financial resources because we will have destroyed our full faith and credibility so that the U.S.
government can't borrow money and will therefore be at the mercy of the folks.
So this is the greatest threat since our founding and global tyranny is now descending upon the planet with the stated goal of Bill and Melinda Gates and all of them of global depopulation.
How do we trust the person that says he wants to get rid of everybody and there are too many people to now give us an inoculation?
Well, I'm not sure we as yet are in a position where we really have to talk about him that much, because he hasn't defeated us yet.
We're not out of this picture.
We haven't been battered down to nothing or anything like that.
What we do in the course of the next month or two is going to determine, however, what kind of a future we have.
And I think people are already indicating, look, We cooperated with this.
We have the goodwill to do that.
We have the self-discipline to do that.
But they're now reminding our leaders that we also have the guts and intelligence to recognize when something's being put over on us that will destroy us as a free nation, destroy us as a decent self-governing people, and put us under the yoke.
Of the kind of totalitarian tyranny that abandons conscience and destroys humanity itself by the many tens of millions.
We won't have it.
And I think it's time we remembered that and started to look for the specific things we must now do in order to make sure that we put in motion all the things that are needed for us to get past this imposed crisis so that it doesn't produce the result those who have imposed it on us expect.
Well, Ambassador Alan Keyes, we've got to take the interview today and boil it down to ten minutes, that first five, and you talk about solutions when we come back, and I'm going to personally try to make sure that we send it to everybody, our listeners send it to everybody, and that somehow President Trump gets it, because you're absolutely right when you say a month, maybe two months, and then things are going to be basically irreversible unless we go to war.
And if we leave the very deep state in that's helping orchestrate all this, I don't see any hope.
We better warn everybody now that there's not much more time to turn around.
Let's talk about how bad it's going to get if we don't turn it around, but then let's talk about solutions when we come back with former Ambassador of the United Nations, Alan Keyes, and his websites are excellent, loyaltoliberty.com and imtv.us.
We'll be right back.
Please stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
Please tell everyone you know, however you're listening or watching, to tune in now.
This is beyond critical.
God bless you.
By the way, Bandod Video is getting about five times the traffic it was just getting a month ago.
And so I know some of the stream's been breaking up.
There's been some glitches, some problems.
It deals with the back end of the site.
We're not Google.
We're not Facebook.
We don't even have one one millionth the money they have.
That's why it takes a ton of money to build the infrastructure.
Millions and millions of dollars come in every few months in gross, but then Half that's the product cost, and then all the legal fight the Democrats in the deep state, and the infrastructure we've got is operated on a shoestring compared to that.
So please support us at InfoWarStore.com.
Get your storable foods, we actually have them.
Get things like krill oil that's so good for your body, that's back in stock.
X2 back in stock, 50% off, and so much more.
But we are working on Bandot Video.
That's why we're supporting other folks that have their own platforms as well.
Hell, if we can't do it, I'll just work with others that seem to know how to do it.
But we're doing everything we can here, ladies and gentlemen.
So thank you all for your prayers and everything else.
And take all the videos off Bandot Video and just re-upload them on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.
Just don't put my name in them.
But this is a resource for everybody.
All right, going back to former Ambassador to the United Nations, a point about Ronald Reagan, Alan T's a real patriot.
You never see this guy on TV anymore, hear about him a lot.
You know, he's been everywhere because they've banned him.
They've tried to censor him.
He gets out on talk radio and has his own TV system and still reaches a lot of people.
But this guy is amazing.
I've been watching him since I was in high school.
Well, I think we can summarize how bad it's going to get with one word.
I always liked it when he came on TV.
But he's here with us.
This is your shorter segment, long segment coming up.
You can go where you wanna go, but you just laid out beautifully how they set us up,
the authoritarian power grab.
You wanna get into how bad it's gonna get if we don't turn around,
or what we should do to turn this around right now?
Well, I think we can summarize how bad it's going to get with one word.
We're all focused on the death of individuals, right?
How many people, individual people, dying because of the threat of the virus.
The whole nation and our whole way of life dies if the actual attack, which is against our institutions, our character, our rights, and everything that makes us a free people and a nation.
It's all gone.
So, the threat is the overthrow of our way of life.
It disappears.
So we have a choice.
Once you see that, that choice is the same as the choice that would have faced you if you were, say you were a young person back in 1940, 1941, after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
Is your first thought, the Japanese are threatening me, let me get a shelter in place, let me find a place to hide?
How many of you felt that way after the 9-11 attacks?
See, I know a lot of folks, and you know the first impulse was?
You want to get out there and fight!
So, once you begin to realize that we are being subject to an attack that intends to overthrow our way of life, and that they are using the virus to basically do what the threat of bullets and nuclear war and so forth and so on is supposed to do.
Make you so afraid.
That you simply surrender.
That's what they want.
Are we that people?
So afraid that we'll just surrender?
Always keeping in mind that we would have been defeated in every war we ever fought if Americans had looked at battlefields and said, oh, that's a dangerous place.
I'll get killed on that battlefield.
I'm not going.
Don't include me in that.
Count me out.
Are we really that way now?
Because the battlefield now, the home front now, is right here at home.
And it's a direct, subtle, very well thought out attack on the institutions, but also the character that we need to maintain as a people.
One example.
The Constitution guarantees that we have the right of the people to assemble, right?
We may freely assemble, they're not supposed to interfere with that.
They're interfering with it all over the place!
Does our politics really work if we don't get to assemble and talk to each other?
If we don't get to have the gatherings where people can speak to us about what they offer, what they think, what their understanding is, so we can make rational, clear, common sense judgments about who really represents us and our best interest?
Does it work if we can't gather in our churches, in our schools, in our homes, and talk about what we think is best for our neighborhood, for our community, for our country?
Of course not!
You introduce a permanent way of life that has us standing six feet apart, and you introduce us into a way of life that's going to put us six feet under the ground, as a nation and as individuals, if we dare to stand for our rights.
So we have to look at that and say, wait a minute, Battlefield is here, and we have to communicate it clearly right now.
You know what our form of battle is right now?
Getting back to work.
And we need to make it very clear to the President and everybody else who is supposed to listen to us in the Congress and everywhere else that we want to get back to work.
Because that's the only way our way of life survives and we have the courage to stand on this battlefield and fight for it.
And getting back to work will be our way of fighting for it.
And that we'll do it despite the danger.
They're not going to make us afraid anymore.
And leave aside, leave aside, I think, Alex, the fact that the little period in which we've been able to take stock of things, my main conclusion from that period is that even though the threat of the COVID-19 virus may be real if you just let it go unchallenged, The overall threat that is faced has been an engineered result, just like the virus itself may have been engineered in a laboratory by the Chinese in order to serve purposes that they share with people who include what used to be called fifth columnists.
I hope people remember where that phrase comes from.
It was because during the Spanish War, I think, You had one side was being attacked by the other side, and there were people working for the other side inside the city that was under siege, and that was referred to as the enemy's fifth column.
Well, you're absolutely right, Alan.
Sorry, I had my mic open.
I was actually talking over you, saying, hey guys, pull up.
The definition of fifth column, but I happen to have event 201 Bill and Melinda Gates with the UN and John Hopkins just last October and the disease acts in the UN and the whole thing pre-rigged.
The Rockefeller Foundation saying they'll use the disease in the in the document lockstep.
To have a planetary takeover and Bill and Melinda Gates tested what a coronavirus release would do to bring in world government and Hillary Clinton will play it next segment said use the virus for their global government aims.
The new Secretary General of the UN said they'll use it for global government and quote deindustrialization of the West.
I mean they are openly saying all of this right now.
It is insane.
Well, I think it's got to be a form of hubris.
That is, excessive pride and arrogance, assuming that you have already won the victory.
And they assume that, I think, because despite the fact that most of the people who have this happen, they've all forgotten that there used to be a most famous president, FDR, famous for saying, the only thing you have to fear is fear itself.
He predicated that statement on the belief that once you made that clear to Americans, they were going to brush you aside because our whole country was built on the basis of risk.
Yeah, well he said time to man up.
He said time to man up.
It's time to kick ass.
It's like, hell yeah, we're going to do it.
That's all we need to hear is let's be tough and let's not be a butt.
But no, instead of we're worshiping, whimpering and fear and hyping everything up.
That's why Balasaro's right.
He said, screw this.
It's a bunch of fear mongering.
And they've only got 7000 people dead.
If you even believe that.
Well, I think we have to start looking, first of all, at the specifics of our real situation.
We took stock, and it's not nearly what they're claiming, though they are preparing us for a false rise in deaths when they get closer to the election.
Everybody should wait for that one.
Stay there, exactly, because they're attributing people that die of anything as that.
That's why all the blue states have all the deaths, because these are criminals that run them.
We'll be right back.
They're having a lot of internet outages the last few months because so many people are inside doing nothing but watching TV.
And while we collapse the third world status again, the third world is dying in mass.
That's why I did that 10 minute rant about Jonathan Swift and the modest proposal about saying we're just let the Irish starve to death with our taxes and regulations.
How about we just tell them to Breed their babies up to age one and then sell them to gentlemen and ladies for dinner.
And recipes how to butcher them and eat them.
And I explained all that and they did my rant.
So fine, I'm not going to kill babies, I'll eat my neighbors.
Well, Governor Northam's saying keep babies alive, sell their organs, keep them comfortable.
That's okay.
Because he's killing babies for real.
I just say I'll eat my neighbors.
They know it's satire.
The media decides to not act like it's satire.
Edit it down to a minute.
Out of a 10 minute rant and say that I'm saying kill my neighbors.
But it's the very same left that revels in abortion and now openly says they love to kill their babies as an act of power and an act of rebellion against God.
That's all over the news.
Oh, but suddenly I'm this brutal person that wants to do all this.
And even days after I exposed all this, I haven't gotten to it yet.
We'll do it after our guest leaves us.
John Oliver went on HBO Sunday two days after it was clear it was satire.
All over the news it was satire.
He played edited clips and said that I literally want to kill my neighbors.
But that I should sell the Rolex watch that my dad gave me years ago.
Well actually somebody stole the green Rolex my dad gave me like 10 years ago and I went and bought another one.
And I guess he's right.
It was $8,000.
It's like $15,000 now.
But the point is I should sell this before I kill my neighbors.
You see that's this whole idea That I was serious.
These are very, very, very deceptive people.
And people know they're deceiving.
And so their audiences are getting smaller and smaller.
So their answer is censorship.
And now they actually said they want us physically shut down Alan Keyes.
How do you expect this fight to unfold as they try to keep America closed?
I see them using the businesses and everybody to basically keep demanding the mask, keep demanding the symbol of slavery, keep the fear going so that the depression worsens, even though those businesses themselves are destroying themselves by their virtue signal.
Well, see, I think they're actually doing what, as I understand it, can sometimes happen with a virus.
A virus gets into your system, and because it takes time before the body develops a specific antibody for that virus, right?
The virus gets into the cells, in this case it might be the cells of the lung, and the body gets the signal from the cell that there's a nasty foreign thing going on in there, and it starts to react.
And if it doesn't have a specific antibody, it will release a microphage, an antibody that just kills the cells, right?
And so it comes in and it starts killing off the infected cells.
But if you don't find that way of dealing with the infection fast enough to get a specifically designed antibody, what happens?
It's going to kill more and more of the cells and you're going to die because you don't find the so-called vaccine fast enough To overcome the damage that's being done to your lung or to your liver or to whatever part of the body the virus targets.
And what they're fooling us with is the notion the panacea is the vaccine.
How can the panacea be the vaccine if, and here's an assumption that I think we need to start thinking through at a strategic level.
We're arguing over whether it was engineered.
We know in the real world that it might have been.
Let's assume for a moment, like good strategists have to when they're trying to save their country, that the enemy has the ability to engineer vaccines.
And they've engineered a vaccine that was built on one that targets the lung tissue.
You do realize, don't you, that the body has all different kinds of tissues, and that you could, in fact, design a vaccine that would target other parts of the body.
And then you'd have to wait for another vaccine to deal with that problem, and another vaccine to deal with the next problem.
You get my drift, right?
We're being walked into a permanent medical dictatorship, and that's why the cardinal sin now is to say, if you have enough zinc, these viruses can't even get in and replicate.
If medical doctors are giving people IV, vitamin C, they're being arrested, even though it's legal.
If you tell people about vitamin D3, they say they're going to arrest you.
If you tell people about topical silver, they say they're going to arrest you.
There's no hope, only Bill Gates and this vaccine he's got coming for you.
You know what it reminds me of?
I was thinking about this over the last little while.
Do you know all this hand-washing that we're doing?
Where did that come from?
It came from a guy named Ignaz Semmelweis, who introduced it first in his hospital back in 1847 and was immediately attacked by the medical establishment.
He was eventually put in an insane asylum on false pretenses, apparently, and he ended up being brutally beaten to death.
Because they didn't want this to get out.
They had a stake in their money, hospitals, prestige, high positions in the world, and respect, and all of this, and they weren't willing to give in to the truth.
So they didn't want to look at the facts, and they're pretending that that's science.
Now this guy Semmelweis, he didn't know why hand-washing helped, because they hadn't gotten to the whole germ theory thing yet.
He just knew that when he washed his hands, the patient survived.
And when you didn't wash your hands, the patient died.
Why are they so dead set against us taking that simple first step of all scientific things and take a look at the world and see what makes people better?
Cause and effect.
I mean, hydroxychloroquine is known, and Bill and Melinda Gates funded it so Africa doesn't get it, and they've lost a half billion people to malaria, and now Madagascar doctors and the government certified the same stuff the British discovered with the Dutch 400 years ago to stop malaria.
They're putting it out as a drink to the public, and the UN's trying to block it, saying, no, Africans and Madagascarans, you don't get this, and it's a known thing!
Well, see, what they're keeping us from doing, though, is looking at the provisions of nature, using our faculty of observation to make connections, and then moving ahead in ways that they themselves have now acknowledged to be safe.
My favorite example is chlorine dioxide, popularly reviled as bleach, right?
Hey, I want people to drink bleach!
That's a lie from hell!
Chlorine dioxide is well known to the FDA as being something that you can drink, so long as it's within certain safe limits, like most things that are devised for your health.
Overdo it, do it in the wrong dosage, do it in the wrong way.
We all take that risk all the time with most of the things that we take to sustain our health.
In this particular case, however, they have actually approved it for use to disinfect water.
Remember the President's famous question, Alex?
Could it, would it be possible that we could find something that would disinfect, meaning kill the virus, remove the virus, that would work inside the body?
And they acted like, well that's outrageous!
That's something we shouldn't even look at!
Well, it's been happening.
Well, we're going to go to break here in a moment.
Well, the Davenport block, Cedar Sinai had a video out about when they were intubating people
with non-UV light and how it was killing the virus unsuccessfully.
YouTube took that down.
And then we saw those doctors, medical doctors came out and they took them down when they talked about hope.
Doesn't that tell you that their aim is not to deal with the death?
But to evoke the fear so that they can exploit it.
Because the first thing you do if you want to deal with the situation rationally, is you find a way to stop people from dying because of what the virus is doing.
Step number one.
Step number two, you look for a way that is not just going to stop this virus and that virus, but stops a whole range of viruses.
That's right.
They don't want any innovation, and they don't even want Why is it called gin and tonic?
Because the tonic water contains quinine, which the British military confirmed, blocks malaria.
Now, I'm not selling this.
I'm not, they'll go, Jones has a malaria drug, arrest him!
This is how bullying they've gotten where medical doctors have gone on air and said, yeah, I've given my patients this, it's working, and they threaten to arrest them.
Well, see, but there is one person in this country who could actually cut through these lies.
President Trump.
That's President Trump.
Do you remember Thomas Jefferson, the Louisiana Purchase, and the famous Lewis and Clark Expedition?
Was that authorized by Congress or by law?
Because the President can take initiatives that fall under the rubric of providing necessary information for the good of the country.
Getting to the facts.
Well, let's talk about what President Trump needs to do.
I want to keep you 50 minutes to the next hour.
I want to take calls.
The toll-free number is 877-789-2539.
Remember, folks, if you're listening to us on AM and FM stations, it's so important to tell people, hey, the Van Show is on.
Please tune in.
Understand they're taking America down.
It's a permanent depression, a permanent dictatorship.
We've got to contact the president.
He's got to take action, not just expose China, but expose the fifth column within the country.
We're seeing more of that by the president's surrogates, but we need him to say it.
There's only a few months left, maximum, to be able to turn this around, in my view.
I think Alan Keyes is right on that.
We've had so much traffic to Bandot Video that the live streaming breaks up a lot, and we've got some big companies that we pay a lot of money to have it work, and I don't know if it's internal sabotage at those places or what it is, where I'm going to fire up myself on the phone today, some backups, just for the live streams to be on the front page, and Bandot Video doesn't work anymore, because effectively that's what it's becoming.
Right now the archive videos from the live show are up, so this whole Alan Keyes incredible interview
will be posted there.
We had to build our own infrastructure, I'm not complaining.
It's just a very, very hard fight here.
That's why you should take all these videos and re-upload them to Twitter, Facebook, Google,
short clips, long clips, do whatever you can.
Go get a, you know, you're a business owner.
Go get a streaming service.
Decide how many streams you want to pay for and restream our stuff.
It's all free-to-air.
We're on the satellite, free-to-air to TV and radio stations.
We just want folks to pick it up because we're in a fight.
And it takes money to do this, so get your products at Infowarestore.com.
We've got the best durable foods, they're still available, but the demand's gone up so much they may have to hit a pause again in taking new orders to make sure they get out all the old orders, but they're actually ahead of schedule with all the craziness.
Politically be involved, try to turn things around, but also get prepared because the globalists want to take over, shut the economy down, remove Trump, and then really shut it down under a new virus threat that's going to come back after the election, before the election, and then Fully, as the Marxists want us to do.
Starve us into total political submission.
So, getting prepared now.
Moving to rural areas now, in case we lose.
Absolutely growing a garden.
Getting affordable food.
Getting firearms to protect yourself.
And having neighbors you can trust.
Getting close to God is the paramount thing.
Because this is the 21st century authoritarianism.
Corporate allied global systems with the chi-coms in Hollywood.
The blue cities, the blue states making their move.
Cloward and Piven trying to bring down the country.
This is Fifth Column 100%.
In fact, I meant to start the show today defining Fifth Column, and then Alan Keyes brought it up, because Fifth Column is the watchword.
It is the keystone.
It is the skeleton key.
It opens up the locks.
So, InfoWars store, Get your new 5G shirts, kill, get your new products that have come in like the krill oil that's the best fish oil you're going to find out there.
It's back in stock and 50% off at Infowarsstore.com and get it while you can because we're already having our top flight manufacturers say, things are so broke down here.
Things are so crazy.
We've got five different suppliers that it's going to be longer to get your products and some of them might just shut down.
Because sure, we're ordering product, but a lot of their others aren't ordering product, because people are scared and aren't investing to buy product, and so these companies are folding.
And in just a few months, Alan Keyes was talking about that, you will see the chain reaction.
In fact, all the numbers say this, Alan, we're already in the biggest global depression by any metric, and it'll be sustained and I think irreversible for a long time if it's not turned around.
So what is your warning when you say just a few months, and what does President Trump need to do?
Well, the first thing he needs to do is remind the American people that we're a people of courage, and that we shouldn't base our policies on cowardly surrender to the threat, whatever form that surrender takes, and shutting down our economy beyond the point needed to assess the situation.
That can be helpful sometimes, so I didn't oppose that idea.
But now we've assessed the situation, and we need to move forward.
The other thing that he really needs to do is make sure, if you're asking people to courageously face the threat, Make sure that you have opened up every avenue that's going to equip them to take that courageous stand while taking the steps that are necessary to defend themselves.
And those steps in this case are not get a rifle, shoot somebody, and so forth.
Get the information you need.
In order to start mobilizing yourself using things that are already available that will help you strengthen your immune system, but that will also directly affect this threat.
And finally, just like the Lewis and Clark expedition, if you find things that are promising and where direct observation shows that they are going to have a positive effect, for instance, on this particular virus, don't wait for a vaccine.
Find those things so that people who are having breathing problems are going to be relieved of those breathing problems because you've found a way to super oxygenate the blood and kill the virus at the same time.
Alright, I want to take some phone calls here for...
Former U.N.
Ambassador Alan Keyes.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
But what about the fifth column?
The Democratic Party Washington Post headline, G.G.
Ping Must Destroy Trump to Save America.
I know all these Harvard people, 90% of them, all the leftists actually hate America, have disdain for it.
They love dictatorships.
They believe they're going to get a filthy seat at the table.
And they're just demonic individuals.
How does the president deal with that?
I see more and more top people coming out saying, 5th column, Chi-Com collaborators, people are finally getting it.
Well see, I have to confess Alex, I don't think the president can deal with that.
The president has to deal with the things he has the power to deal with.
And the people have to deal with the things they have the power to deal with.
Now, let me see.
We have a government of, by, and for the people.
We have constitutional rights.
We have rights endowed by God that put us in a position where, for the first time in the history of the world, we have released the deep energy of human initiative and self-responsibility that then powered our country to become the greatest country in the history of mankind.
And they're threatening to overturn all of that by pushing us out of the way and establishing the very kinds of dictatorships that have destroyed human hopes throughout the world, throughout history, and especially in the course of the last century, century and a half.
And we're going to let them do it?
I think the American people will take care of that, provided that, provided that, We don't have any shenanigans with the next election.
These guys are going to lose that election.
They're going to lose it badly.
Because most people in this country like America.
But they're trying to do the mail-in fraud.
We like Americans.
We like being Americans.
And we're not ready to become subjects of Xi Jinping or any other communist tyrant.
No, I agree.
But they're making their move.
They failed in the Russia gate.
They failed in the Ukraine gate.
Enemies attack, Alex.
Enemies attack all the time.
The fact that the enemy attacks you is just the first part of the war.
We are now on the front lines of the battle to fight back.
We concentrate all our energy, first of all, on making that fight.
Putting together the strategy and following through on it.
And I say from President Trump's point of view, the first part of the strategy Is to remind people of their courage and then equip that courage by freeing them to explore alternatives to the Bill Gates imposed routine of sitting around waiting for Godot.
Meaning the vaccine's gonna save you.
No it's not.
That's a lie.
The vaccine's gonna make you dependent on the next vaccine and the next vaccine and the next vaccine.
We need to be looking for ways that on a broad spectrum attack the problem that they can engineer us to death with.
Because of the technologies that now exist.
And don't tell me I have to prove that it happened.
A strategist doesn't wait to prove that they're killing us.
Because the only way to prove it is to die.
Well, that's right.
You can see the whole rollout, all the preparation, all the programming, the lockstep.
They actually admit they're doing all of this.
And Fauci has been caught doing all this.
So Trump's got to figure out a way.
Well, I'm actually up here with the guy that transferred this to the Wuhan lab, so we know it's the Globalist with China.
Trump just has to come right out and expose Fauci!
Well, let me see if Donald Trump comes forward with a way of defeating the virus that we're dealing with without having to wait for the vaccine.
What do you think that will do?
Well, he's known that.
That's why when he talks about light therapy or when he talks about zinc.
But I would argue that he needs to start putting muscle behind that because he has the ability to do it.
He needs to start looking for the people No, you're right.
The globalist gets so pissed when he tries to look for a solution.
They don't want him to have a solution because they got their... They don't get in his way.
They can't get in his way.
He's the President of the United States.
He has the initiative to do these things.
And this is an initiative that is in the service of the common good as much as exploring Louisiana was in the service... And let me stop you again.
The idea that the President Can't have people up there and investigate and give hope and have a scientist from Homeland Security on.
Yes he can!
No I know he can, but they try to beat him over the head saying he can't.
It's so obvious that they're the villains.
President Trump doesn't strike me as a guy who's going to be intimidated by toughs beating him over the head with verbal assurances or verbal lies and so forth.
He's going to look for the truth when he finds it, etc.
And what he's going to insist on right now is that the American people have the freedom to explore the truth, just the way Semmelweis was exploring the truth.
He made an observation.
If you do this, people are saved.
People can make the observation.
There are people all over the world by the hundreds and thousands.
If we took this and it saved us from this, that and the other thing.
Then you organize folks who can systematically see what is going on, verify that it happened.
That's the first thing.
Because once you verify that it's happening that way and doing so safely, Then you go ahead and use it.
Then you have somebody go into the lab and figure out why this is happening.
That's what Trump did last year with the right to try with people that are dying of terminal stuff, can try experimental drugs.
We'll be right back with a few phone calls with Alan Keyes.
Then, Gerald Celente takes over.
Well, we've got two short segments left.
One short, one long with Alan Keyes.
And then we're going to have Gerald Celente take over.
And then the war room with Owen Schroyer comes up.
And the good news is the traffic to the sites is off the charts, but we've got some problems, some internet outages.
People can still get the audio feed at Infowars.com.
That's why you've got to spread those links now more than ever, because people are really hungry for the truth.
And I'm going to do a few phone calls here with Alan Keyes, but just briefly, Alan, isn't it good news that people are refusing to not go to the beach all over California, and that people are refusing to stay in their houses all over the place and know that this is a bunch of hyped-up bull and they're saying no to the fear?
I think it's good news.
Two things are good news.
First, that we have the discipline to say yes when we thought it was for a good cause.
And second, that we have the common sense to say no when it more and more looks like a contrived cause of our own demise.
I think these are two good aspects of the American people.
We're good people, but we're not stupid.
Well, that's right.
And folks are really understanding.
I mean, you quantified it so well at the start of the interview, and we're going to post this interview for people that weren't able to watch it on the streams right after the show to InfoWars.com.
Very, very powerful.
Okay, let's go to Trish in Virginia.
Trish, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Well, thank you, Alex.
Thank you, Mr. Keyes.
I appreciate you taking my call.
I don't know how we can get this illustration to the world that this fifth column They're doing the same thing now that they did on 9-11 by using fear and terror to usher in another attack on our liberty and to cover for their crime.
They're covering for Fauci poisoning the world, for Big Pharma destroying generations of people through their vaccines, for the tainted blood supply in the world.
They're going to use it to take control of the global health of the people.
The people who saw through it after 9-11, all the books that were written, all the studies that were done, we know it was perpetrated to us, how the world suffered terribly.
Now we have a scientist out there, Judy Mikovits, we've got JFK Jr. sounding the alarm of
what this medical tyranny is and why it's happening, why they're using this biological
weapon as a cover for their crimes.
The biological weapon, as horrible as it is, is small in comparison to what they're hiding.
It's just like 9/11.
As horrible as 9/11 was, those towers came down, those people were murdered.
They were covering for a much larger crime.
The same thing is happening.
How do we tell people?
That's why they sent everybody off the internet, that we have our own systems.
We spread the word, man.
You made great points, Alan Keyes.
Thank you, Trish.
Well, I think that that's a very good point, but what we have to do is spread the word, but we also have to spread the good news.
And the good news is that we have the wherewithal to look for alternatives to the setup.
We're being set up to go down the vaccine road, which will put us under permanent tyranny.
Instead, we can encourage the American approach.
And the American approach is exemplified, as you said, Alex, by the right to try.
It's the right for people to come up with things like, let's wash our hands before we do surgery, and not be sent to an insane asylum and declared crazy.
It's the right of people to look at what's going on with vitamins and with other things and with the water purifiers that are going into our water.
Look at them and say, wait a minute, these kill viruses across the board.
We wouldn't have to wait for a vaccine.
Why aren't we researching the efficacy of therapies that would use these kinds of things separately or in combination?
To fight the effects of viruses, while coming to a better understanding of how they actually work to attack the body, which I think needs to be done.
I think the biggest mistake was to put epidemiologists in charge of this whole effort.
They're part of the effort.
They're the very ones that transferred and up their eyeballs with China, and it's all coming out.
It's like putting logistics experts in charge of your strategy in war.
They're good at figuring out how to evacuate your cities if you want to surrender.
Hold on just a second, we'll be right back.
I want to jam in a lot of calls here in this final segment.
Just bam, bam, bam, quick comments, and I appreciate everybody calling in.
Alan Keyes is on fire, former ambassador to the UN under Ronald Reagan.
Finish your story about putting people that are into logistics in charge of a war.
You don't need that.
You need people in charge of a war that are ready to win.
Logistics people are good at moving things from one place to another and at stopping and helping people to spread out if you want to get them away from the enemy and so forth and so on.
That's all well and good, but you don't beat the enemy that way.
You beat the enemy by finding the people who can win that naval battle, win that aerial combat, take that hill and do the things that are necessary to defeat the enemy where the fight is taking place.
Those would be the kind of researchers who look at the evidence available, see what appears to be working best, no matter what the source of that data, and then systematically pursue a result that makes use of that knowledge in order to apply it to the battle at hand.
And that's why George Washington was so angry, because you had to get a British Lord to agree for you to do anything different in business.
Whether it was agriculture, medicine, architecture, and so America was founded about getting away from the guilds controlling what you could do.
Let's go to Carlos in Canada.
You're on the air, Carlos.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Certainly the only thing we should fear right now are fear mongers.
Look, a vaccine does not cure an invasion of a virus.
A vaccine prevents it.
So anything that cures someone that has an infection is a medicine, not a vaccine.
That's why it's important to differentiate between... Therapeutics from vaccines.
Thank you.
Yeah, the vaccine model operates on the basis that you're healthy.
So when I'm healthy, I take a vaccine to prevent infection.
When I have an infection, I should not be taking a vaccine.
So Mr. Gates and all of these fear mongers, go by the wayside, because it's illogical.
We should be- Well, that's right.
Up until about two years ago, all vaccine inserts said, if you're sick or pregnant, don't take a vaccine, because everybody knows it can kill your ass.
And now they're saying, if you're sick, take one.
Go ahead.
Well, see, I think you're exactly right, but that emphasis means that they don't want you to look at the therapies that will keep you alive.
They want you to wait for something that, in the meantime, a lot of people are going to die.
And why aren't people focusing on this?
If you want to keep people alive, you talk to the people who are working at the front lines.
Like the guy in New York who analyzed the problem and said, wait a minute, these people aren't dying because they can't breathe.
They're dying from hypoxia.
It's like high altitude sickness.
We need to find a way to help them oxygenate.
And then they try to suppress that guy.
They're trying to suppress the real Dr. Carlos.
Well, they're trying to suppress all positive approaches.
Because they don't want hope.
They don't want the fear.
That's right.
Carlos, final comment?
Yes, of course.
I have friends that are black and they live in the United States.
And I simply sent an email to them showing them that the vast majority of people that are black are vitamin D deficient.
And when they received it, they thanked me very much because the statistics... Oh yeah, that's why there's a higher statistic of blacks dying from this COVID-19, which they'll tell you if you don't have vitamin D3 or you don't have zinc, that's how it gets in the cells.
Let's save some lives.
Let's save some lives.
I've thought about it.
A lot of black folks in the cities, in New York and other places where you have the big tall buildings, they actually live in canyons, where they're not going to get the kind of exposure to sunlight that they need, just as an example.
And so, the idea that you encourage them to shelter in place instead of getting out where they can get some sunshine doesn't make any sense.
By the way, the president had scientists out there saying that.
You need sunlight.
They're like, no!
He's wrong!
You don't need it!
Thank you, Carlos.
Great points.
God bless you.
We can talk to you for 10 hours.
Michael in Colorado.
You're on the air with Alan Keyes.
Powerful broadcast today.
Thanks for taking my call.
So, as far as the treatment for the COVID, you know, people that are already having issues with it, if oxygen is, you know, one of the key factors, why wouldn't a hyperbaric treatment work as an alternative to any kind of vaccine or as a treatment to it?
Well, absolutely.
I mean, they have all these mainline scientists.
Cedars-Sinai isn't allowed to say something that's working.
Only Bill Gates.
No, I think that that's the problem right now.
And Donald Trump could take that in hand.
He doesn't have to pick any winners.
He simply has to step up his situation.
Bill Gates' surrogates are the ones all attacking Trump.
Trump should take it to Bill Gates.
He has the ability to call to himself.
People who are taking a different approach, just like Jefferson called on Lewis to come in and figure out what he wanted to do so that you could get to know the lay of the land in the Louisiana Purchase.
He doesn't have to ask permission to gather information.
And so he can put together a task force to gather information about what is working based on palpable experience.
And they're trying to literally make that illegal.
I can tell you about that off air, but they are literally trying to make even reading news on air illegal.
But they can't make, wait a minute, they can't make anything that the president does prima facie illegal.
Do you know why?
I'm talking about people out in the field.
Because the President has the ability to do things for the country's benefit, especially in an emergency situation.
No, I've got that.
I'm talking about us.
He can even tell you to do things that formally break the law, because he has the pardoning power.
He may have to stand the heat from the Congress if he does something that's not warranted.
But if he's doing what helps, and he proves it, then all he's going to do is win the next election.
No, you're absolutely right.
I'm saying the citizens are being persecuted that even talk about stuff.
Michael, thank you.
We're almost out of time here.
Reg in Alaska, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
First thing I want to tell you is that all the video feeds are out.
I know that.
Yes, sir.
Might be the end of the show.
Who knows?
My friend in Louisiana says they're out, and I see that as a big move.
But I do have a question.
Real quick, I wanted to say, I figured out the best way to boost your immune system using the InfoWars product, and I made a video series about it because you always say, take action, and if you want the producers to check it out, you can see that that's the best way, but I found a free way as well, and that's just sitting in cold water, and I'd suggest that you guys all try this yourself.
This is an ancient form of training.
And so I've been doing it myself, sitting out in the cold water an hour a day.
This is free, natural.
You go to the natural system, boost your immune system.
You'll never be susceptible to any of these.
All right, Reg, I appreciate your call.
And I can tell you must not be listening as I've been bitching and complaining about the feeds being out all day.
But God bless you.
Tina, last call.
We have time with Alan Keyes.
Go ahead from South Carolina.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you both for taking my call.
Look, we've been getting vaccines from the 60s.
And then the flu vaccine.
How do we know that they haven't given us all these viruses, like AIDS, in these vaccines?
Because it's almost impossible to get bitten by a monkey and catch AIDS or get bitten by a bat Well, ma'am, we know about secret testing by Big Pharma that gets people into government that uses the government liability shield to carry out secret testing, so I don't have to rattle it off to you, but Tuskegee, the list goes on and on.
You want to comment on that, Ambassador Keyes?
Well, I think we're in a situation now where we don't have to kind of wait on their vaccines.
We know that some of them have been harmful and have caused more problems than they solved.
But I say that the President has the initiative.
He can start not only encouraging people to look for and look at these things, he could gather a team of people right under his rubric there in the White House.
Lewis and Clark, he invited Lewis to stay in the White House for several weeks, Jefferson did, while they were thinking all of these things through.
Got to know him really well.
The President has a personal leeway.
In order to do his job with proper information.
Ambassador Keyes, thank you so much for the time.
We really appreciate you.
Look forward to having you on again very, very soon.
And thank you to The Last Caller.
Thank you, sir.
Very, very powerful, and especially the first segment with him.
And I know we're on satellites, we're on a lot of radio stations, TV stations, but we're getting flooded with hundreds of calls into the office.
Emails are flooding in saying, where are the video streams?
And I've been asking that question.
We've got some backup systems we're firing up.
The archive videos are at van.video.
All the different archive videos of David Knight this morning right back through the last couple years are there.
We were taking off YouTube, taking off Facebook, taking off Twitter, but you can go find all those.
It's the live streams that are down and we are working to get those back up for you.
But I mean, We could get SWAT teamed any minute and my head blown off and there won't be a show anymore then.
I mean, that's where this country's going and people don't get pissed and wake up and take action.
There probably is a fifth column, you know, of one of these big companies doing it.
They admit they do it.
This is the sabotage.
They're shutting everyone that's pro-America down.
The country is under attack.
Hello, hello!
Great being on the Alex Jones Show!
And that's that cover they just showed of our Trends Journal.
Dumb enough to believe Bush's wars and dumb enough to believe the COVID wars.
And we did that last week.
And just two days ago, this came out.
George W. Bush, we are not partisan combatants in fight against coronavirus.
Bush's comments come as Democratic governors clash with Republican President Donald Trump or the White House coronavirus response.
They're quoting this moron, this murderous lowlife.
And when you look at it, this great artwork by Anthony Frieda, you got George W. Bush looking like Alfred E. Newman from Mad Magazine, the stupid little freak that he is.
Quote, let us remember how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat, Bush said.
In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants.
We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of God, which rise or fall together.
Human beings, man, you're the farthest thing from a human being.
Again, Friedan nailed it.
You are a lousy, freaking, murderous, Criminal!
And when you talk about we're equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of God, your God is Satan!
You're a murderer!
You're a low-life murdering piece of garbage that should be brought up on a wartime tribunal for lying us into war with all the rest of the low-lives around you.
That little arrogant nobody boy, Donald Rumsfeld.
Yeah, mission accomplished.
Just like these stupid politicians take you to war with no exit strategy, they've taken us to the COVID war.
So now, what's going on?
Well, it's very simple.
George W. Bush and all the low lives around him, the penis Cheneys, because I don't want to get, you know, banned from Alex Jones Show for calling him a dick Cheney, because that's all he is, is a little dick Cheney.
Another boy!
That if you called him out man to man, He wouldn't know whether to, I can't say the words, this or that, when you call him out.
And how about that Wolfowitz?
And I can't put the right word in there, but it starts with an S. Look at these little low-life pieces of crap, and you know what today is?
Today is the 50th anniversary of Kent State Massacre.
Vietnam War.
I was in college, and I gotta tell you, I was too stupid to be against the war.
I believe the BS.
I did go to college to beat the draft.
I admit it.
And it wasn't because I was against the war.
I couldn't imagine myself, I'm watching all these pictures, guys walking up to water this deep with guns over their head, all this weight on their back, and getting shot at.
So I said, I can't do that.
I voted for Richard Nixon.
I mentioned this because as Alex Jones was talking earlier, in the commercial there, about how the media got us into this war, COVID war.
And I detail this in the Trends Journal as it happened.
Our January 28th issue, 106 die in China.
And our line was 1.4 billion still alive.
What are you telling me this for?
So, last week, April 28th, a week ago Tuesday, U.S.
coronavirus cases surpassed 1 million and death toll is greater than U.S.
losses in Vietnam.
That's from the Cartoon News Network.
You know!
The home of the little boys of nothing, like little baby Anderson Cooper.
Gloria Vanderbilt's little boy.
Another guy born on third base and thought he had a home run.
An arrogant little nobody.
Hey, remember when he got beat up in the Arab Spring in Egypt and they rushed him home?
Oh, somebody punched me!
And how about that other boy?
Yeah, that little Chrissy Cuomo.
Another boy born on third base, thought he had a home run.
Oh, I'm sick, I can't fight, don't pick up coronavirus.
How come he didn't die?
The reason he didn't die is because coronavirus, diabetes, lung and heart disease, common in U.S.
coronavirus patients.
Oh, that's only according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Round zero.
The fifth of all chronic deaths have been in nursing homes.
One after another.
Going back to Vietnam and talking about the low lives, I mentioned this low life Cuomo planes.
I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die!
And CNN comparing the COVID to Vietnam.
That is disgustingly sick.
The United States killed over 3 million people in Vietnam.
They agent-oranged Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam.
Poisoned millions more.
Couldn't eat the seafood, the food, the morons, the imbeciles.
Yeah, we'll get rid of all the crops over there.
They'll have no trees, nothing to eat, and we'll be able to bomb them.
That's what CNN is comparing this to.
They're forgetting the 300,000 U.S.
young guys like I was that went over there and came back seriously wounded.
And the other ones suffering from illnesses, post-traumatic stress syndrome, murdering innocent people.
That's CNN.
Oh, and those little low-life pieces of garbage, prostitutes, who get paid to put out.
They forgot to mention the Gulf of Tonkin incident was another lie.
Just like the George W. Bush lie.
It never happened the way they said it did.
That's CNN.
That's how they're selling this COVID war, and guess what?
Just as the people were dumb enough, and I was one of them, to buy the Vietnam War, just like the people were dumb enough to buy George W. Bush's war, they're dumb enough to be buying the COVID war.
I see people driving with their windows up and masks on.
Grow up.
I can't use the word I like to use.
Children of all ages.
We'll be right back.
Hello, hello!
Great being back on the Alex Jones Show!
And listen everybody, now hear this, now hear this.
To keep our freedom alive, and it's dying quick, we have to band together.
You have to put your money where your heart is, and you have to stand up and fight.
And one of the ways you do it is by supporting InfoWars.
And they got some great sales going on, the current sales and specials.
And they're excited to bring you a brand new set of sales to help you save on your favorite products.
And these sales include Ultimate Krill Oil, 50% off, and it's back in stock.
Survival Shield X2, 50% off, back in stock.
Alexa Pure Breeze, $100 off retail.
Super Male Vitality, 35% off.
That's one of my favorites.
Emrix Essential Hand Sanitizer Combo, 50% off.
Info Wars Live Protein Bars, 40% off.
8-Pack Power Stack, 60% off.
One after another.
Turbo Force, Storable Foods.
Oh, and that's really important.
The storable foods are now available for you to order.
And this is the future.
There is going to be more and more lockdowns, more and more robbing us of our rights.
They came out with this new term.
They call it the new normal.
Who are you talking to?
Don't tell me what normal is.
This is your new abnormal.
And the abnormal that they're pushing on us is state powers over our rights.
I heard Judge Napolitano on Fox, and he's a good friend of mine.
He comes down to, comes up to Kingston to visit a couple of times a year.
We used to go to this great French restaurant, La Canard.
And he said, if I go into a store and the owner of the store says to put on a mask, it's his store, and I'll do what he says.
But for these governors to be making up these laws saying you have to do this, and then the legislature is passing them, this is unconstitutional.
They're robbing us of our rights.
In order to keep our freedom alive, that's why I'm mentioning to support Infowars.
Because they want to close us down.
They'll do anything they can to stop the truth, as you well know.
Facebook banning people saying to go out and protest.
One after another, you know it.
Now they're coming out with all this stuff.
They're going to be watching everything that we do.
With our temperatures, where we are.
If we don't fight for freedom, as I said, we're going to die in war.
So do what you can to support InfoWars.
And also, I want to thank all of you that tuned into our webinar last Thursday.
We sold out.
And thank you so much.
And again, we have the magazine, The Trends Journal.
And if you want to Support the Truth in Trends and we're unrelenting in bringing you the truth.
Consider subscribing to the Trends Journal.
It's only like, you know, $10 a month.
So it's very affordable.
A couple of pennies a day.
So going on to what's going on.
Again, who is dying from the COVID disease?
AP, Associated Press, keeps putting out these stories.
And in the stories, they mention, this is from last week, but it keeps going on, with staff wearing masks, checking customers' temperatures, and using disposable paper placemats, some of the nation's restaurants reopen, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And then they go in, right down near the end, and the story, you see I printed it out, in yellow, I underline salient points of stories.
That's what I do, I have a line as I read.
That makes me help, helps me remember.
They say at the end of the story, for most people, the coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms.
For some, it could cause severe illness, such as pneumonia or even death.
All right?
For most people, Diabetes, lung and heart disease common in U.S.
coronavirus patients.
Centers for disease control.
World Health Organization.
Saying the same thing on a different level.
Most of the people that are dying are from nursing homes.
Facts are all there.
Also ignored in the mainstream, this is from the Trends Journal going out tomorrow.
As fact, on 23 April, the European Regional Director of the World Health Organization, Dr. Hans Klug, revealed that over half of COVID deaths in Europe have taken place in nursing homes and long care facilities.
Facts also clearly show that children and young demographics are less vulnerable to COVID-19.
According to CDC data, in the U.S., only 1.7% of nearly 150,000 infections were found in people under 18 years of age.
nearly 150,000 infections were found in people under 18 years of age.
The people that are dying are, again, the elderly, obese, of which 42 percent of Americans
are, people suffering from heart disease, pulmonary conditions, and other chronic illnesses.
[ Silence ]
Do you shut down an entire world for that?
The reason they have a higher death rate, for example, in Italy, the Lombard region, Lombardy, where most of them died, is very polluted.
And Italy has been in a recession climate.
They haven't recovered from the 2008 panic.
So you have a lot of people living with their parents.
And it's the elderly that are ill that are dying.
But yet they're spreading fear among all of us.
And now they've come out with a new normal.
This is abnormal.
It's the new abnormal.
Welcome to it.
Wearing masks.
Stories on how in the airlines they're going to force you who should wear masks on planes.
Airlines are telling everyone.
Boy, it's gonna be fun to fly, huh?
It already stinks because they fill you up when you go on board now, unlike when I was a young guy, it was fun to fly.
How you gonna drink with a mask on?
How you gonna eat with a mask on?
Oh, you could take it off to eat and drink.
What are you making me wear this stuff for?
They're making this crap up.
Social distancing?
In Europe, it's one meter.
A little over three feet.
I'm the governor!
I say six feet, alright?
Hey, wait a minute.
I'm in Joyman, eh?
I'm gonna say, uh, four and a half feet.
They're making this crap up.
And they're destroying our lives and love and joy and beauty.
Oh, I better not smile.
They may arrest me.
Look at those tough cops arresting people for not social distancing.
Like that clown boy in New York, and he wasn't wearing a mask.
We'll be right back.
Great being on the Alex Jones Show, and I want to thank all the staff and everybody on InfoWars that makes this happen.
And again, do what you can to support InfoWars.
Go to InfoWars stores and buy what you can, because it's better buying it there than anywhere else.
Me, I won't go to the stores anymore.
I have friends go do it for me.
I'm not going to put on a mask and go stand.
They're making this stuff up.
Putting these lines up.
And then they got these plastic shields.
Yeah, but it's open on the side over there.
They've destroyed life.
The new abnormal.
Macy's prepares to reopen 68 stores.
And then they go on.
We don't know how consumers will respond, their CEO said.
And the shopping experience will be drastically altered.
You ready?
At Macy's, beauty departments will offer, quote, no touch consultants and demonstrations with the option to test products on a paper diagram of a face.
Customers will be required to use hand sanitizers before trying on fine jewelry.
And watches.
How about they try on crappy jewelry?
The cases will be cleaned regularly.
Only a handful of fitting rooms will be open at a given time.
They'll be sanitized frequently.
And employees will be, will hold items that have been tried on for 24 hours before putting them back on the sales floor.
What difference does it make if it's 24 hours or 48 hours?
And what if it's wool?
What if it's cashmere?
What if it's synthetic?
Does the coronavirus hang on to it longer?
This is the new abnormal and people are buying into it.
This is a grade B movie that's come true.
We got pathological, lying, sociopaths running and ruining our lives.
You listen to the moronic comments from them.
They got that one over there in Chicago.
Where did I do it?
Light head, light foot, light something.
No lights on.
Where is she?
She's talking about, they're breaking up, they're breaking up these things, people having parties.
Can you imagine that?
How dare you have a party?
You're not allowed to have a party.
So we're breaking it up.
And... She makes these stupid statements that only a politician would make.
Eh, where did I do it again?
And people believe them.
Not allowed to have parties, not allowed to have good times.
marriage rate plunges to lowest level on record.
Oh, that happened before the coronavirus broke out.
And now who's gonna- how's- how you gonna meet somebody with a mask on?
Who's behind the mask?
It's a freak show.
Again, they're pumping George W. Bush.
That shows you how low they can go.
What else do we have here?
France extends state of health emergency imposed to fight the coronavirus pandemic for two months until July 24th.
There's not going to be a bounce back here.
And this is going to be the greatest depression.
You're already seeing it.
Story like this.
Restaurants suffered twice.
First layoffs, now thieves.
All around the area, people are breaking into restaurants.
They're vacant.
They're stealing the booze and anything else they could take.
And this is, this is from the top down.
The Disney is stricken empire.
It was once a prospering kingdom, the envy of all the land, but then crept an invisible menace.
This is a, Story off, I think it was AP or... It could be the storyline for the classic Disney movie.
Instead, Disney is living it and happily ever after is nowhere in sight.
It's well written.
This is a tragedy of proportions unimagined.
And it's a tragedy of proportions unimagined.
And what this is, is a test to see how hard and how fast they can lock us down.
You just saw it.
As I mentioned, it was the media that pumped this up.
I talked about the Cartoon News Network over there and how They disgraced the Vietnamese people and the veterans by comparing the COVID deaths to that war.
It went on for, what, 10 years?
And this is from our Trends Journal last week.
In the 21 April Trends Journal, or two weeks ago, we reported how Jeff Zucker, chairman of CNN, seized upon the coronavirus to pump up the cable network's failing ratings.
This is a story from Wall Street Journal.
Ratings saw airs vanish at CNN.
Pandemic coverage boosts viewership.
Quote is from CNN from Wall Street Journal.
On a recent conference call, CNN chief executive Jeff Zucker urged editors and producers at the networks not to shift focus from coronavirus news updates despite weeks of wall To wall coverage of the pandemic.
You need to stay on the news, Mr. Sucker said, according to a person who listened.
Quote, people are coming to CNN for the news right now.
So they were right.
This hunch was right.
According to Nielsen, Total viewership in primetime averaged 2.2 million viewers
in the first week of April, more than doubling viewership in the fourth quarter of 2019.
How low can you go?
I love these suckers.
Sucker, Suckerberg.
I'd like to put an F in front of all of them because that's what they are.
To get rid of that Z and put in an F. Because that's what you are.
You low-life piece of crap.
They call this journalism?
This is propaganda.
And to do anything to boost ratings.
And I mentioned the Vietnam War.
Fairness and accuracy in reporting.
There's a story about 30 years ago.
On the lies of the Tonkin, Gulf of Tonkin incident.
And how the media lied us into the war.
Just like they continue to do.
Remember the toilet paper record?
The Iraq War?
Sure you do.
One after another.
It's up to you to keep us free and alive.
It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting breastfires of freedom in the minds of men and women.
Samuel Adams.
Do you can to support InfoWars.
Get in the best shape you can.
They got breast products there.
Build up your immune system.
Does anybody talk about that?
I have an honorary doctorate from the National University of Health Sciences for the work I've done in complementary and integrative medicine.
The first book I worked on was natural healing back in the mid-80s when people weren't even talking about this stuff.
So do what you can to support InfoWars.
Subscribe to the Trends Journal.
The more people we have, the more we can do.
And there's no other magazine like it.
Money-back guaranteed.
Say right back, Salenti, you're full of baloney.
Give me back my money.
I'll double it.
Because there's no magazine like that.
No, I'm not going to double.
I'll just give you back what you paid for.
But seriously, do what you can to keep the truth alive.
Because if we don't, they're going to take us to war.
They're sick by their deeds, you shall know them.
They're the ones that should be quarantined.
All the sick politicians, mentally deranged, spreading their mental disease throughout the globe.
They need to be vaccinated.
And incarcerated.
So thanks for tuning in.
This is Gerald Cilenti.
See you next week.
We told you what was going to happen and it did.
Now we're telling you what's coming.
More than 10 weeks ago, I began to tell listeners, now is the time to get storable food.
And I warned everybody.
Because I know the industry.
That most of the companies out there sit on top of a small stockpile of food, waiting for hurricanes or tornadoes or earthquakes or wars.
They sell out that amount of food and then they take other people's orders.
They then buy food from other distributors and basically rope-a-dope the customers, hoping they don't do chargebacks.
String them along saying your order's coming, your order's coming, your order's coming.
They will lie to you and tell you, oh we can get it to you in 7-14 days, and it's really 10-12 weeks.
We don't do that at M4's.
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That's why I went out and got one of the best companies 13 years ago to be our sponsor.
They're still our sponsor today.
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And when you order at MFOMoreStore.com, it's the full spectrum of food.
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And I've been very, very honest about this.
You can pay four, five, six times for super gourmet, affordable food that tastes even better.
This stuff tastes amazing.
Some of the food tastes so good, it's like gourmet.
Some of it just tastes okay.
But for the price and for the fact that it's got great packaging and they actually get it to you quickly compared to everybody else, it's the best deal you're going to find.
And it's all available at InfoWareStore.com.
But here's the important part.
That was 10 weeks ago, I was warning people.
And I said, I hope we don't turn the economy off.
I hope they don't have this globalist lockdown too long.
I hope they don't push the forced inoculation.
I hope they don't, when people try to protest, say it's not legal and lawful.
Well, guess what?
All of that happened and more.
This is a total UN World Government, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation takeover.
And so I'm here to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, the straits are way more dire than they were.
10 and a half, 11 weeks ago, and it is so critical that you get high quality, storable
Another great facet of high quality, storable food is that it cuts out all the middlemen.
And so on average, it's four or five times cheaper than similar things that are at the
grocery store.
So with all the economic turmoil coming up and plans to even cancel the election if the
globalists can pull it off, it is essential, essential, essential that you be self-sufficient
in the area of food, that you be self-sufficient in the area of self-defense, that you be self-sufficient
in transport.
So if you've got cousins or you've got family, if you've got friends that live in rural areas or the countryside that have got an extra old farmhouse or whatever, People are going to have to start thinking about beginning to move out of the major cities if this continues, because society is going to break down.
And during this greatest of depression, most areas of the United States, and the world for that matter, are going to be unlivable.
Because as our nations collapse, It is going to devastate the third world even worse.
And the actuaries and numbers are showing tens of millions more starving to death every year on top of the 10 million a year they estimate already starving to death.
So we are entering a very dystopian future.
The deindustrialization, the shutdown of civilization, the carbon tax, you know, globalist program that they have been pushing so incredibly hard.
So yes, ladies and gentlemen, you need to get prepared.
And a lot of the items need to get prepared.
like high quality water filtration, high quality air filtration, high quality
storable foods are available right now in full or store.com.
We had to pause food orders for a couple weeks while our supplier got caught up.
They don't take orders when they don't have the food on hand.
They've got the food now.
They're ready to take orders.
But get your orders in now because they may pause orders very, very soon.
Whatever you do, get ready and God bless.
Folks, if you don't want to go through the rigmarole of trying to add it up
and figure out everything you need or you don't have the time,
but you really want to supplement, but you just don't know or understand how to start,
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And, I mean, full transparency, folks, here's the deal.
This 8-pack PowerStack should be like a top seller.
The amount of work and money that we put into the 8-Pack Power Stack is ridiculous because it was meant to compete.
You know, we like to put out competitive products with a popular product.
So you've seen, you know, the male Power Pack or all this other stuff, the new True Packs and all this stuff, and they're hundreds of dollars.
And we were like, we'll compete with that.
Well, folks, you know, you really have to market something like that.
And we're almost competing with ourselves because we have all these supplements.
So we've now said, look, we're basically selling the 8-Pack Power Stack at cost.
And this is the best deal you're going to find on supplements.
Point blank.
So if you're thinking about starting a supplement routine, this is the cheapest way and the most effective way to get a full supplement routine into your daily routine.
It's the 8-Pack Power Stack.
It's at InfoWareStore.com.
I mean, folks, this is ridiculous.
So we've just decided, like, okay, we can either really push this for how great it is, or we can just basically sell it at cost, get people healthy, and move some supplements.
And that's what we've decided to do.
So instead of just saying, OK, we're going to really promote 8-Pack Power Stack, we've just decided, let's just cut the price 75% right now.
And you're good.
And it's all sorted out for you.
It's in conveniently little packages for the morning and for the night.
It's 75% off.
I mean, if you're really wanting to supplement, but you don't know where to begin, or how to begin, or you don't know the research, we've done it.
We've put together the 8-Pack Power Stack, folks.
It's out there for you 75% off.
Point blank, best deal in supplementation right now, period.
That's it.
It's not going to get any better than that, folks.
For the price, for the quality, It's a joke.
It's not even close.
There's nothing else that can compete.
And so I've told you how we got to that point with it, but that's where we're at now.
Take advantage at InfowarsStore.com.