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Name: 20200421_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 21, 2020
2610 lines.

Alex Jones claims Marina Abramovic's Microsoft ad is satanic and links it to the new world order. He promotes discounted products on his website including DNA Force Plus, Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, Living Defense, Real Red Pill, and X3 supplements.

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But here's the goal.
The goal is to continue to push for slow opening, delaying it and delaying until people cry out.
Or relief.
And then they're going to have a relief ready, which is going to be this vaccine.
You get the vaccine and we're going to give you your freedom.
Of course, along with this vaccine comes the new vaccine patch with its ink coating in there, which you can be scannable and readable.
I mean, if there's anything getting close to the mark of the beast, you know, this is it.
You can't be free.
You can't go back into business unless you have the mark.
This is Mark of the Beast training wheels.
This just shows Trump has to take out the Deep Stater.
We're screwed.
And I just don't think he can do it because he's so surrounded.
Well, that's right.
It's proven by the way that he's handling this.
He continues to resist, but they overload him with these expert opinions.
And what can he do?
He just doesn't have the background to be able to counter them with specifics.
And there's nobody around him who has the background that can do that.
But it's out there on the Internet.
And we're just going to have to flood the world with truth and with these resistance movements within the legislature themselves to put a halt to these emergency orders.
Because I'll tell you what comes next is another pandemic, another pandemic.
They'll keep doing this.
They know that nobody has the ability so far.
Well, I said this 10 weeks ago.
It'll be like weather reports the new virus.
Now they've said that.
CNN, New York Times.
It'll be like weather reports.
Here's the UN.
Says life will never go back to normal.
A new way of living under UN control.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, well, Facebook admits to coordinating with state governments.
To shut down anti-lockdown protest, and to shut down 5G protest, and to shut down forced inoculation protest.
The very definition of fascism, the government coordinating with corporations to silence and suppress the people.
But it's okay, because Mark Zuckerberg is And helps works with authoritarian states to shut down their people just like all the rest of big tech that are the real enemies of America and humanity today.
Like the virus, an invisible spying, controlling, manipulating enemy.
And of course the view is out there at the same time saying anybody protesting, anybody out there why you're terrorists, you're all suspect.
The UN's come out and said That you'll never go back to the way it was.
It's a new way of living directed by the World Health Organization.
Who runs it?
Unelected group called The Who!
Isn't that interesting?
Here's Joy Behard.
These people are being egged on by right-wing media and people like Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh.
And why are you bringing guns to a rally?
You want to call yourself protesters?
Leave your guns home.
Those are terrorists who bring guns to things, to rallies.
I don't trust that at all.
And don't listen to these people.
Yeah, sorry.
Go ahead.
What did Thomas Jefferson say?
And it was paraphrased in Viva Vendetta.
When the government Here's the people, there is liberty.
When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
We have corporate, globalist government, and blue city government, and blue state government, allied with the World Health Organization, unelected authoritarians, directed by the Chi-Coms, openly taking action against free humanity right now.
And saying, Oh, it's not just Alex Jones that's censored now.
No, it's people that want to exercise their First Amendment in the streets.
And Zuckerberg has said those that demonstrate will be deleted off Facebook.
All the money time you spent promoting and all the connections you made, all the spying they did on you, all the illegal selling of your data, they're going to keep all that but not even let you communicate with people.
And now they're seizing control of regular telecommunications and they're announcing people that call friends and family and talk bad about the New World Order.
AI is now listening to your phone calls.
This is in the news.
And they're going to suspend your phone service.
They're already in the apps.
I told you a year ago, soon they'll be in the apps of the text messages saying, oh, we're not going to let you send things like, Corona came out of a Chinese lab.
That is verboten.
Doesn't matter if the Nobel Prize winner that discovered HIV says it.
Does it matter if the major Indian institutes say it?
Does it matter if it's a fact?
Does it matter if it comes out in documents?
Zuckerberg, Sugar Mountain, says, you keep your damn mouth shut, the Harvard Mafia runs your life.
Of course, he tried to take thousands of acres of tribal ceremonial land, the best part of Kauai, and the natives told him to go to hell.
He was unable to steal it.
So if we just act like the natives, and have a little fight in us politically, and say no, he'll roll over like a big, fat, dead fish in the ocean, metaphysically, politically, and bloat out, rot out, and sink.
You think that little bug-eyed demon can defeat us?
Not if we're aware of his evil.
Who's he work for?
That's right, he works for Bill Gates on record.
He's another globalist, deep state front man, carrying out eugenics against you and your family.
David Icke was on yesterday, one of the most powerful interviews he's ever done with us, if not the most powerful.
He described it perfectly, he said, yeah, we've all known about Bill Gates involved in world government, implantable microchips to buy and sell, forced inoculation, depopulation, eugenics, Club of Rome, Georgia Guidestones, Bilderberg Group, But now suddenly the door closes and click!
We're locked in the room with him and he is in command.
And I'll lay that out next segment how he is in command.
But the full David Icke interview is on NewsWars.com, InfoWars.com and Band.Video.
David Icke Emergency Broadcast.
Humanity at the crossroads.
We the people. Now, I came into the office a few hours ago and I was talking to Rob Dube.
I was putting a piece together, one of my compadres, and he said, man, look at this.
This is from that show V five years ago, the reboot, about an alien invasion.
They pose like they're humans.
And in a vaccine, they put a digital ink in you that tracks your location.
Bill Gates patented that.
Three months ago with patent number 2020-06-06-06.
And then it ties to another patent with 666 at the end of it.
And it's just... Why do gangs, low-level white supremacist gangs, Hispanic gangs, black gangs, why do they tag things with their symbols?
MS-13, you name it.
Well, that's because they're tagging them.
Gangs always leave a card.
Why would Special Operations would kill and assassinate people they knew were Viet Cong or thought were in Vietnam?
Why would they leave the Ace of Spades in their mouth?
Well, it's a calling card.
And so, not just on this patent, on a bunch of them, it's 666.
And then it's a world government with a digital liquid chip in you so you can't get it out of your body.
And you've got to have it to buy and sell.
But the first level is, oh, you've got to have it to prove you're safe from COVID-19.
You have the antibodies.
You've had the inoculation.
And then, oh, by the way, it's a perfect system to buy and sell now.
And, oh, when you use it, we're giving you free cryptocurrency.
Bill Gates has announced it in the white papers, in the reports, in the prospectus to shareholders that, oh, by the way, how do they get kids to go play these video games where you have to buy gold or buy silver to fight in the game?
It's online.
You go play.
You've got to buy weapons to fight.
You've got to buy We had to put money in to get that.
Well now, how do they sell it to kids?
They go, oh, sign up to play Goblin Killer, you know, Dragon Slayer, whatever these games are called, online, and you pay for the weapons in the virtual reality.
But they'll give you, they'll say, 100 gold coins to sign up now for free.
But they know once you use the 100 gold coins, you're going to put the credit card in or swipe your chip.
It's like crack dealers or heroin dealers famously, you know, in the 50s or 60s would go to elementary schools.
They would go to middle schools.
They'd say, here's some pills.
They'd get you addicted.
They'd say, now go rob your mom's jewelry and I'll give you more.
And that's called priming the pump.
And so our children are having their pump primed with these video games where parents wake up and look at their credit card at the end of the weekend, and there's a $2,000, $3,000, $10,000 bill sometimes.
One time my mother didn't know how this worked, like, eight, nine years ago with her iPhone.
And my son, who was like nine years old then, he said, can I play this dragon game?
I forget the name of it, some where you kill dragons.
And she goes, yeah.
She didn't know it was tied.
To her credit card, and it was a $600 bill that she got a few weeks later.
But again, let me explain this, and I know you already know all this.
You go get this for the vaccine.
It's really a nanotech tracker system.
People do it because they want to be safe from COVID-19.
They've been fear-mongered about that'll be for over a year till they quote, give you the vaccine.
Gates already has patented, already ready.
It's all admitted with the digital ink.
It's nanotech.
And then everybody's like, shut up.
I don't want to hear it.
I just want to be safe.
By the way, I got.
I got $1,000 on my credit on this.
And at first they admit it's gonna be a new cryptocurrency.
It's gonna explode when you've got it.
Oh, I'm a crypto baron.
My thousand I first got, I didn't spend it.
It's worth 5 million now.
And you're in, you're caught, it's over.
It's done.
And that's the plan.
How diabolical.
You take the digital chip under ID2020, Bill Gates' public plan, Patent number 2020-060606.
It tracks everywhere you go.
That's why they need the 5G.
And the satellites.
And if you do the task exactly as they say, you get more credits put on there.
Oh, the fun part about the vaccine is you get a bank account and money!
Oh, and no one can steal it!
Because the old problem is thieves might cut the chip out.
This just goes into your body.
Most of it stays in the spot, but some is smaller nanotech.
It drifts and gets into other places.
So even if you cut your arm off, you still have the mark in your body.
And I've noticed something.
All these fake Christian churches and online fake Christians are attacking me right now, going, Jones, don't listen to him.
He plays rock and roll.
He's of the devil.
Why the sit in the mark of the beast?
Everything's OK.
The mark is actually this or that.
Open world government, 666 the patent.
Tracking everywhere you go to buy and sell money of a man.
Let he of understanding reckon the number.
It's the number of a man in your body.
Making you the currency.
And tracking your body activity.
He's got all the patents together with his tracking system, with the chip, under the skin that does it.
It's two different patents that go together.
But don't worry, the churches are there to say, don't listen to him.
Bill Gates is a man of the Lord.
And you need to take it and be safe.
Like Kenneth Copeland said last week, he said, I'm the name of, and I won't say it, I demand this virus die and I demand a vaccine now, Lord!
Unbelievable, we're gonna go to break.
I'm going to come back with a really huge announcement.
The UN has announced that you will quote, never go back to normal, a new way of life.
You will have to have a tracker chip.
You will have to have your cell phone, even leave your home.
It is official.
I will read you the world government masters telling you how to live your life.
Separately, ladies and gentlemen, I cannot impress upon you enough That 10 weeks ago, we've never seen food sales the level they were, and now our great sponsor has caught up on the orders.
They're actually ahead of schedule.
They've gotten out almost everybody's orders.
They had to stop for two weeks a month ago to get caught up and to open some more factories and to secure more food.
They've got it ready to ship to you.
And now we're seeing substantive food sales.
But let me just say something.
I said you need this in case they implode the economy.
You need this unless the globalists get their way and are able to keep a continual shutdown going.
Now I'm telling you, you absolutely need it.
Because we're going to have a depression now, pretty much for certain.
How bad it's going to be is if Trump can, and if we can wake up and say no to this and get past the brainwashing and the fear and get things reopened.
Now, again, it's 10, 15, 20, 30 times lower than what they said.
They're still saying nothing can reopen.
They're trying to block the president.
You need to get your storable food now while you still can at four or five times cheaper than what you're going to get in grocery stores.
Super high quality.
It funds this operation.
I would get your orders in now for the breakdown of civilization and society and then live off the food and things you can get as things unravel and unfold.
Hopefully they turn around.
I'd say about a 70% chance we're going into hell itself in the next six months to a year.
It's very sad.
I would get your food now.
I would get your orders in now because it's going to take months and months and months for this to unravel.
But you're going to start seeing total breakdown and civil unrest right around the election, which is the globalist plan to try to drive Trump for power.
So now is the time to get your storable foods at InfoWarstore.com.
The other big dealers don't have food.
They're lying to you.
We do.
It takes a few weeks to get it out to you, but we have the food.
It's being packaged.
Get your orders in now at InfoWarsTore.com and get stocked up on the supplements and other high quality products you need as well.
Because who knows how long InfoWars will be here?
I mean, I'm serious.
And we ship the day after your order comes in on the supplements at InfoWarsTore.com.
There's a little bit of a wait on the food.
Stay with us.
Imagine if I would have told you, like I did five years ago, that they would release a deadly virus, lockdown civilization, Come out with a vaccine that had tracker ink in it, digital nanotech that would then control how you could buy or sell.
What if I told you the unelected UN, working closely with the Communist Chinese, would cover up the release of the virus?
And that Nobel Prize winner would come out and say, we've scanned the virus, it's man-made.
That top Indian institutes come out and say we've scanned the virus, it's man-made.
Top U.S.
institutes, we've scanned the virus, it's man-made.
Now there's a big paradox here between people like David Knight, Mike Adams, David Icke
and others who argue with each other and get mad at each other over different angles of
this when it's completely normal with a government and the media that's been caught lying to
us so much over and over again to question everything and that's healthy and you should
do it.
I don't agree with David Icke that virus science isn't basically real but 95% of what he's
saying I can prove and know is right and he has a lot of courage and so I love having
him on.
We don't have one view like CNN or MSNBC and then parrot it.
[End of Audio]
Mike Adams thinks, you know, that we need to take all these precautions and the virus is much worse than what we're even hearing and, you know, I think that's a little extreme but I still understand his point of view.
David thinks it's all super exaggerated and that, you know, we're giving up our freedom via a bunch of hysteria.
Everybody's right in their own way.
But what we do know is this.
They're counting every death from a car wreck, gunshot wounds, suicide, drug overdose, cancer, you name it.
This is admitted, by the way.
I had a family ask me, is it really true they're counting every death?
That when someone tests positive for it as that?
I said, yes.
And is it true that most of the tests are for common cold?
That most people have Quote, genetic material from?
It's not an antibody test, it's a test showing you've been in contact with cold viruses.
The damn things are everywhere!
They're on the surface of counters, they're in the food you eat, they're everywhere!
If you had an electron microscope and looked at the table I'm sitting at, there's millions of them right here.
So, it is a hoax, ladies and gentlemen.
That they said there'd be five million dead and then two million dead.
Well, if you lock everything down for just two weeks, you'll only have a million dead.
And then we lock down for months and there's 30,000 dead.
40,000 dead.
So that's how this operates.
Yes, the virus is real.
How deadly it is, you can discuss all day.
But it's being used to selectively shut down our economy, irrevocably creating a Great Depression, and to drive populists and nationalists out of power, and to discredit capitalism, which is the globalist, deep state, cloward, and pivot plan, that they can't beat capitalism.
Authoritarianism, fascism, and communism can't out-compete capitalism.
And so they've got to destroy capitalism with a race war, or a famine, or a plague.
And that's what they say they'll do?
Or by bankrupting the country with so much welfare.
That's cloward and pivot.
And you're living the admitted attempted takedown.
And no matter what the president does, and no matter how much the projections are off, they still blame him.
Because America was the target of this from the beginning.
So people ask me, well, Alex, you can't have it both ways.
You can't say this is a bio weapon.
But that it's not as deadly as they're saying and that shutting things down is a hoax.
Well, of course I can.
If you're coming out with something that is the common cold but souped up so you own the mutation of it, which Bill and Melinda Gates do, You then know the trajectory of what it's going to really do, and then you can own all of the responses and the vaccines and the antibodies to this new thing that's going to be bigger than the flu every year and with us, a souped-up cold, so it does kill more people than the regular cold.
And that's why it's manufactured.
That's why it's a bioweapon.
So they can patent it, which they have, so they own it.
And it's come out.
Bill Gates, two years ago, patented a chimera of this.
They transferred it to China.
And I predicted three months ago that they will then, as soon as we don't go forward with a lockdown, they will release more deadly strains in the United States and Europe.
And that's exactly what's been announced.
China has come out and said, oh my gosh, dozens, 30, 40, 50, hundreds of new strains, even more deadly.
Shut down, shut down.
And they've gotten the suits out and show people being welded in again.
They go, America, do this!
You're not opening.
And of course, there's camera crews.
And that's fake.
It's a real virus.
But for the WHO, who's in trouble, who's been caught launching it, China's saying, OK, you're right, don't open again.
Because people went, wait, China reopened?
Shouldn't we?
Oh, no, no, you don't reopen.
Look, we've got deadly new strains.
It's a permanent way of life.
Sorry, the vaccine's two, three years out.
You're going to be locked up until you get a digital blood scan that shows you've already had it on your phone.
And then that means you can go outside and do things.
And now the president said that the WHO gives orders to governments through big tech to decide who's safe to go out in public and who isn't.
China executes you if you put a video out they don't like.
They shot all these videos that were the worst acting I've seen since watching third graders do Peter Pan.
You ever been to a third grade school thing of Peter Pan?
They're better actors than this.
Almost all of it was staged.
You'll have two or three people fall down together on the street at the same time, the welding shut.
It was fake.
It was garbage.
Almost all of it was not real.
But to create the hysteria, that's a psyop.
90% of war, the Pentagon will tell you, in the modern age, is psychological.
And so, there were some deaths.
They use it to shut down Taiwan.
They use it to shut down China.
It is a manufactured virus.
It does have the HIV delivery system.
Uh, it is something that keeps coming back.
Now that's the thing.
It's killing really old people, and people that are really sick.
No young people, which is unheard of.
Viruses always kill young people more than old people, because they have new immune systems and freak out and you have an autoimmune response.
This thing is so alien, it's not even hitting kids.
But it's mutating in the body and attacking the testicles.
And so, Here's the facts.
It's going to keep mutating.
I've looked at this closely.
It's designed to mutate.
It's five different viruses together, at least.
They've already tested in labs how it's going to mutate.
And that's why they say, oh, get ready.
It'll be worse soon.
And now they're admitting it because it's going to chew your testicles off.
I mean, that's what Bill Gates wants to do.
And he wants to reduce your fertility.
Everybody's saying viruses don't exist and saying nothing's coming.
You're dead wrong.
It's far worse than you think.
And by next year, it'll be a thousand mutations in and we're gonna find out what they really got inside this thing.
But they're coming for your fertility.
They're coming for your balls.
We are back live broadcasting worldwide, ladies and gentlemen.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Infowars.com and Newswars.com are the main sites.
Bandot Video has the live feeds and so much more.
And we're on a lot of different AM and FM stations.
Now, I really want to go to a very, very special report here that I just filed.
It's on Bandot Video.
I hope that you really, really will share it.
And then I'm going to get into Facebook and others coordinating with government to ban anybody on Facebook that dares try to protest.
So total direct violation of what you do in the real world on the ground exercising your right to peaceably assemble for a redress of grievances.
That's the big law of the land all being overrun because America didn't defend people's rights like yours truly.
And it is so incredibly dangerous, the definition of fascism.
Facebook reached out to state governments and said, do you want this banned?
Give us legal authority to do it, which the states didn't have.
And the states, it turns out, told them, don't do it.
But they still did.
It claimed they were operating as the states.
So this is True fascism, the very, very definition of it in spades.
So, I will be out there this Saturday.
Owen Schroer will be out there this Saturday in Austin, Texas.
And that's all important.
But we launched a nationwide movement that everybody can get involved in.
You can sign the petition.
You can sign up to get updates.
We're going to coordinate other groups nationally, try to create a focal point.
We're going to be updating the site a lot.
We're very, very excited about it.
Can'tcloseamerica.com, can'tcloseamerica.com, and timetoopen.com.
Here's the report.
Half the planet is under house arrest.
One of the most extreme forms of martial law.
And we're told it's all being done because of COVID-19 and the United Nations, the WHO, the UN, the very groups that overestimated the death toll 10, 20, 30 times in all their graphs.
Now tell us we've got to stay permanently locked down and take forced inoculations and have embedded digital chips to buy and sell and have forced inoculations to ever be able to go out and leave our homes again.
This isn't some far-off Mark of the Beast tyranny that's coming.
It's here, hitting us like a Mack truck running over a family.
What can we do to fight this?
How can we resist it?
And how can we turn the tide?
against this worldwide medical tyranny takeover.
TimeToOpen.com is not just a place for Americans to demand our basic freedoms and common sense and a right to live and a right to travel.
It's also a place for people around the world to begin to organize with petitions and plans of legal, lawful, peaceful, direct action.
This site, TimeToOpen.com, is the web portal where the people of not just the United States but the world are already beginning to organize to take action.
I'm personally launching cantcloseamerica.com that is a subsection on the site for Americans across the country to organize now while there's still time.
Because there's not much more time until the depression that's already begun here and worldwide becomes irrevocable and extremely deep.
The UN's own numbers admit that a half a billion people are now on the edge of starvation and that several million more are already starving to death right now and will die because of the global shutdown.
And that's a central point not being raised by President Trump, not being raised by the Democrats, and not being raised by other governments and populations around the world.
That in the first world, you might lose your house, you might go bankrupt, you might not have Money all the time to buy as much food as you'd like, but it's still not a death sentence like it is in many areas of Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
That's right.
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times more people die every year of starvation in the world than have died of COVID-19 in the last four months.
And that number is set to expand wildly because when the first world shuts down, the third world collapses and tens of millions more die.
And the very UN, the very WHO, that worked with Communist China in the Wuhan lab to cover up its leak, and to cover up that it was spreading, are now our bosses directing how long the shutdown must be, and that we all have to take forced inoculations to prove we're good people.
They're the same ones that are now starting to try to raise money to ship food in to the millions their policies are starving to death.
The corporate media that gets its marching orders from the United Nations and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation makes you think it's about millions of people out of work and thousands of businesses closing their doors, in many cases permanently, and that's bad.
But it's really about fundamental basic rights to travel and to have businesses and to communicate that have been hard fought in the last thousand years being erased overnight.
There are a lot of other great grassroots organizations that are starting up around the United States and the world saying, hey, we have a right to work.
We're essential.
Why are big corporations allowed to stay open?
This is vertically integrating the economy.
This is a corporate takeover.
And all of that is true.
That's only one layer.
Beneath it is the medical tyranny to forcibly inoculate you and Bill Gates admits that hundreds and hundreds of thousands will get sick and many will die from his vaccine and that it might not even protect you.
Then you find out Bill Gates and his foundations are pushing for this to establish a planetary private corporate government that controls every facet of your life and that within the vaccine that he's proposing and has patents for, a digital ink tattoo, ID2020 with MIT, is put under your skin that shows you can go outdoors and have a job and that will be used as the global government currency with a cryptocurrency.
This isn't coming.
This is here.
This isn't revelations 2,000 years ago.
This is unfolding now.
So it's a lot bigger than just opening small businesses.
It's a lot bigger than just being able to go to the park or go back to school.
This is about a fundamental globalist revolution against humanity.
And the other organizations out there don't understand this.
This is about a criminal, corporate, authoritarian, world government takeover.
So, here on this site, we are going to have videos and articles from around the world showing the resistance.
We're going to spotlight the resistance here in the United States.
We're going to put up our own petitions.
We're going to post other people's petitions and make it a clearinghouse for people to
come and to share information.
Because on Facebook, Twitter, Google and other platforms, they are banning anyone that questions
this in any way.
Because again, we're not just losing our freedom to move, we're losing our freedom to speak.
And so that's why we've established these news sites and organizations so that the people
have a chance to fight back against this.
That's why The Globalist fought so hard to get me off the air in the last few years ahead
of this, because I had laid out their actual plan in my film, Endgame, 14 years ago, showing
their own documents how they premeditatedly had all this prepared.
And I told the world that Bill Gates would lead the world government movement for the implantable microchip, forced inoculation, and the digital currency.
And now it's here.
But because of listeners and viewers supporting our organization, we're still on air, though we have been badly bloodied.
But that's okay.
Being the tip of the spear is about taking responsibility for yourself and humanity and standing up for what's right.
And now I'm begging all of you for my own children's future and your future and your family's future to come together Get organized, get focused, and get aggressive politically, economically, and culturally against this tyranny.
Humanity must come together now and stand against this police state takeover.
The virus is real.
It kills about the same amount as a bad flu.
But the fear they've been hyping and the hysteria to stampede you into giving up all your freedoms, that is the giant hoax.
Designed to take out the West economy.
Designed to punish the West for rejecting globalism.
There's about a minute.
Left on this report, it's at man.video.
Our video streams are down.
They told us that at the data center, the cable was cut, the fiber optics.
So, who knows what's happening there.
A lot of stuff going on.
We've still got the audio streams going and the satellite feeds to TV and radio stations.
So stay with us and spread those links.
I gotta tell you folks, this is one hell of an adventure.
Toe to toe with the fallen one and his one world government mark of the beast.
It's not coming.
It's all here.
Force inoculations are incoming.
But we're still here on air because you keep coming back for more.
You keep coming back for more and so do I. Alright, I've done massive preparation for this show and it's when I do massive preparation and there's just incredible news that I tend to spin out of control and I apologize.
We're going to take your phone calls throughout the transmission now.
I'm going to give the toll-free number out right now, 877-789-ALEX.
First-time callers, long-time callers, people that disagree, people that agree.
But I want it to be on the lockdown, the martial law, the forced inoculation, the mark of the beast, just the whole insane thing we're in.
And how does Trump and how do we get ourselves out of this?
this. 877-789-2539. 877-789-2539. Now, folks, when I get up here and I tell you there's
stuff going on behind the scenes, and then most of the time I never tell you about it,
there's reasons you don't hear about it, and those are strategic.
Here's just one thing I was dealing with yesterday, and I'm not complaining, but that's why I was getting really angry on air on the rest of this, because look at this headline.
Alex Jones' ex-wife rebuffed in bid to gain daughter's custody.
After he courted COVID-19 at Raleigh.
And this is being run all over the United States when it said Jones to have his daughters taken today in an emergency court hearing.
Well, it didn't happen.
And guess why it didn't happen?
Before I went out there, I knew there was a Supreme Court ruling in Texas two weeks ago that you can't take people's Children away in custody battles from police officers, nurses, doctors, telephone company repair people, delivery people, radio host, media people, folks that are deemed essential.
So before I went out there, I had the law on my side.
But I wasn't sure still what was going to happen, so I did it.
So yeah, do I have skin in the game?
You better believe I do.
But I love the article because the left is freaking out.
It says, Jones who has full custody of his children.
I thought I didn't have my children.
See, that's the level of deception.
That's the level of BS that goes on.
And again, it's not just about Alex Jones.
It's understanding how these systems operate.
I'm sure you saw the news.
Jones claims he has a cure to COVID-19 and a treatment.
Never said that.
Never said anything close to that.
But they still run that headline everywhere.
Until I've got cousins of people calling going, Alex, do you really have a cure?
You're a moral guy.
Do you have it?
I want it.
And I'm like, no, I don't have it.
Well, the news says you do.
See, people that know me, but don't really listen a lot, they know I'm a good guy.
So they're calling me old friends, old college buddies, old girlfriends.
Oh my God, my mom, you know, she's old.
Do you have the cure?
And I'm like, no, but the news says you have it.
See, they trust the media so little that they think I've really got a cure.
When the media says I do, because they trust me, not them.
But see, that's the level of deception.
There's a whole other lie to it.
I didn't say I had a cure or a treatment.
Man, this will make your head spin.
I mean, this will make your head spin!
So all I'm saying is please pray for us, because there's stuff a lot bigger than this I can't tell you about.
And they've said it's your final warning.
Leave Bill Gates alone.
Leave this alone.
Back down.
Or... The SWAT team's coming.
And it's not a pissing contest.
It's not that I'm Mr. Badass or anything.
I said, do your worst.
Piss up a rope.
Feel your hand.
I will never abandon ship.
But it doesn't mean the ship won't sink beneath me.
So let me just explain to listeners.
We're at DEFCON 5.
It's not just me.
I personally know highest levels of government, highest levels of independent media that's fighting for freedom, and they are having their families threatened.
They are being threatened.
People are coming to their houses.
People are breaking in over their phone lines and death-threatening their wives.
Most of the people you see at Fox that are good were already not in the Fox building before because of the security issues inside the building.
I couldn't imagine if this building was open to, you know, the outside like a Fox News or something.
How would people even operate?
Well, they don't operate.
It's no secret that Tucker lives in Maine.
I knew it two years before it was even in the news.
But it's bad.
And I don't say that to go, oh, we're victims.
Oh, poor us.
No, man, I'm just telling you, we're in damn foxholes.
It's like the Alamo.
We're sending letters out on the back of wallpaper saying, help, we're about to be overrun by a group 10 times our size.
But victory or death, get this out.
I'm just letting you know, man, final dispatches.
These should be final dispatches.
Now, hopefully, we go another six months, a year, two years.
Hopefully, sanity comes back in.
We turn this around somehow.
I wanna explain something to you.
We're not in a normal period anymore.
Now, I'm gonna go to your phone calls at 877-789-2539, 877-789-ALEX.
Into the second and third hour, Joel Skousen's popping in with his very measured research information as well, but I'm a little behind so far, but I've got to do something here when we start the next hour that is so powerful and so important.
I'm gonna read you three definitions on here of war.
And then I'm going to ask you what we're living in today.
And then I'm going to get into Zuckerberg on TV saying, state governments asked us to shut down illegal protest.
Well, that's not true.
Facebook called and did it.
They're not illegal.
They're protest.
And the Supreme Court of Texas has already ruled we can have these protests.
You know what happened when Owen Schroeder showed up at about 12 noon on Saturday at the state capitol.
And normally you'd have a permit to be up in front of the capitol, so he did it down on the street.
They had a couple provocateur antifa dressed up in American flag outfits.
We know who they are.
Tried to start a fight with cops.
The state police saw right through it.
Didn't even arrest them.
Just shoved them to the side and said, Owen, we can't control this down here.
We appreciate what you're doing.
So does the governor.
This is off record, but on record.
They should want to say their names.
Please come up in front of the Capitol and we'll protect you from these people.
We'll protect... Okay, so that's the Fight Club stuff that's going on here in America.
And the Antifa guys trying to attack the state police.
It didn't work.
People see right through your crap.
But that's what it's like now.
This is total war for the Republic.
If Trump can't get things turned on, I said a month ago, within a month and a half, two months, we're done.
Most estimates are we're already screwed, blued, and tattooed.
And up the creek without a paddle.
But it's gonna get really bad.
You know, I told you I saw an estimate that 2 million are currently starving to death, on top of the 10 million gonna die this year.
Sorry, the UN, the ones that are behind it, now want more money.
30 million starving to death, that's triple the normal number right now.
But you're not going to hear about their names, you're not going to hear a damn thing.
You're going to hear about 40,000 Americans and we all candy ass around with our mask and everything else.
By the way, people are asking, why are you selling an Infowars mask, cloth mask, black mask with Infowars on it, very nice looking mask?
For men and women.
When you're saying this is all pretty much overblown hype.
Because if you've got to wear it to go in a store or whatever, getting you ready for the microchip, the conditions to go in a store, you might as well get the word out while you do it and you can breathe through these better.
Cause you're not going in stores or anything for six months or forever without this.
This is the peer pressure.
So when the vaccine comes out and all the forced garbage, people go, Hey, do it.
We want to get back to work.
Now here's a huge key piece of intel I'm going to cover when we come back.
That I'm glad John, the boom operator brought up because it was the first thing I was going to cover today.
When I got up at 6 AM and I was reading the news, it reminded me of the fact that I saw a Michael Schneider article on Infowars.com And in his headline he said, as long as we don't overwhelm the hospitals, open the country back up.
We did this so the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed because there were going to be millions dying.
Now it's 40,000 and they're counting all these old people that died of something else.
Think about that.
We were told it was for overwhelmed hospitals and it was only two weeks.
Now we're a couple months in and they're telling us it's forever.
Here's the UN.
WHO warns people to get used to the new way of living and that this will never end.
The U.N.
is suddenly world government and our boss.
Folks, pray for the best, you know, hope for the best, but stuff's getting bad.
Prepare for the worst.
Get your high-quality, storable foods at m4restore.com.
They're back in stock, ready to ship out to you.
For economic collapse and craziness, it's one of those check marks you gotta check off, and purchasing it there gets high-quality food that's actually in stock, you'll actually get, and it supports the M4.
So don't wait.
Get storable food at m4restore.com and a lot of items.
like super metal vitality that's so good is back in stock and a lot of these products are 40 to 60
percent off like vitamin mineral fusion and winter sun get yours while you still can we've got calls
coming in from norway iowa florida new york california chicago illinois wyoming washington dc
washington state texas my beloved texas and more It is Tuesday, April 21st, 2020.
195 days out from the election.
And I'm going to your phone calls next segment, and I've got just the transmission that in the future, if we win this fight, will be fabled roar.
But first, my friends, let's go to a little interaction from local talk radio yesterday, and one of our news investigators, Rob Dew, calling in.
Here it is.
Zuckerberg calls it harmful misinformation in the times of a medical emergency.
Rob is in South Austin.
Hello, Rob.
How you doing today?
I'm doing good.
Yeah, I think we really ought to look at Facebook and how they control information.
Robert Epstein last year came out and said, you know, they could sway six million votes just by putting out alerts or not putting out alerts for people to go vote on Election Day.
So anything this man does at this point should be considered election meddling.
Yeah, the story from CNN I'm seeing now says Facebook said they were contacted by some states and asked to help remove this content.
Now that is overreaching government.
You're calling up and saying, oh I see that my constituents are planning to protest my orders.
You've got to take that down.
You've got to get out of office.
People don't see the command and control that's going on with entities like Facebook.
They've got everybody on their platform and then they go, "Hey, now we're going to control
what you can say and what you can't say and we're going to kick you off."
I recently got removed from Twitter for "abusive behavior,"
which all I'm doing is sending out article links and stuff like that.
But no, it's not the right article.
It's not the right point of view, so we're going to censor you.
And I really think you guys should be backing people like Alex Jones, who are out there on the front lines trying to get people motivated, because let me tell you what, the economy is going to crash if we keep this up much longer.
Alright, thanks so much.
Listen, I believe you have every right in the world and I just come from a different side.
I'm not taking the lead from Alex Jones in anything.
You got that?
He's a nut.
He's a nut and he's bad for this state and he's bad for this town.
And then Owen Schroeder had a great response to that later on the show.
We'll play that for you.
But, I'm a nut.
I predicted all of this, I laid it out, I told you 10 weeks ago it came out of the Wuhan lab, and now the Nobel Prize winner for virology, for discovering HIV when nobody else could find the virus, says it's completely man-made, 100%.
In fact, guys, we have the audio of the radio show he was on, or the blog show, and they're trying to argue with him, and he goes, no, no, let me explain.
Maybe we should play that later.
This is powerful stuff.
Noble winning scientist claims COVID-19 virus was man-made in Wuhan lab.
How many universities and scientists do you need?
The Indian lab first came out 10 weeks ago and said, this is ridiculous.
They said it's 100% man-made.
Is it 57% man-made?
You can look at it and tell it's been made.
You look at a mountain, you go, no, that's not man-made.
You look at this highlighter in my hand, that's man-made.
Did man make me?
No, God made us.
Humans made each other.
Genetics did.
But this is man-made.
This is artificial.
This highlighter is fake.
It's not original.
It didn't come out of the organic sphere.
It was artificially produced.
This Aromati I'm drinking has an artificially made tinfoil can, but that came out of the earth and was refined, and the plant inside came from nature.
But still, you can say this is man-made.
Well, let me tell you what's man-made, ladies and gentlemen, is that damn virus.
And the fact that the whole corporate media tries to block and ridicule what is coming out of top scientists shows you they know the jig's up.
Because you know who made that virus and who cooked it up?
Bill Gates, baby!
Leads right back to that smiley piece of garbage.
We are back live.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, on this Live Tuesday Global Transmission.
I want to go to your phone calls here in just a few minutes.
And we're going to do that.
But it is a big, big deal right now.
That it's confirmed the virus is man-made, the Nobel Prize top virologist discoverer of HIV is confirmed, but all these other universities and labs have confirmed.
It's confirmed it came out of the Wuhan lab, it's confirmed that the WHO covered it up, and then it's confirmed that the WHO is in charge now of how long we're locked down.
Now let's look at how this was done from the start.
If you go back 10, 11 weeks ago, when Communist China used this to shut down the Taiwanese protest, to lock down their country, they shot a lot of exaggerated and dystopic fake videos, where a man and woman both fall down and start convulsing, and obviously very bad acting in hundreds of videos.
Doesn't mean the virus is fake, doesn't mean it's not happening, but it's greatly exaggerated.
And then we're told it's just an extended spring break in early March.
We're just going to have two weeks and that's it.
You'll all get a check.
And I said, folks, it's like the famous cases with the serial killer Ted Bundy, who'd go to the mall, he'd dress very conservative, he'd have a non-threatening yellow Volkswagen, he admitted this later, he'd walk over and tell teenage girls, hey, you want to go drink some beer?
Have some ice cream?
Want to go have some fun?
And as soon as he got them in the car, he'd put a gun to their head and he'd say, look, just put these handcuffs on.
And I just want to talk to you while they're on and I'll let you go.
But if you don't, I'm going to hurt you.
And all of them but one woman, that's how he later got caught, said, yes, sir, and put the handcuffs on.
You put the handcuffs on.
He's going to take you to a dungeon and torture you over three days and rape you and electrocute you and bite big chunks out of your ass.
Now, folks didn't listen.
We're now being marched down the stairs into the basement.
There's women hanging off mead hooks.
Now, you still got time to headbutt Ted Bundy.
And to try to throw him down the stairs.
But I know the average American now.
They're gonna thank him while he's biting big chunks, literally, out of your ass.
Thank you, sir.
May I have another?
Not me.
Everything I do on this show is, don't put the handcuffs on.
Okay, uh, try to jump out the side of the car.
Roll in a populated area, he'll have trouble getting you back in the vehicle.
Uh, you know, you're in the middle of town.
Just, you know, throw yourself in the windshield.
Do something, you're dead.
I'm like, we're at the farmhouse!
Oh my God!
Fight him once you get out, run towards the road!
You're not listening.
Now, you're in the house, he's gonna take you to a basement.
Okay, when you start going down the basement, headbutting, fighting, he's gonna tie you up down there.
And you're like, shut up, Jones, you racist.
I, and now we see the torture table.
With the electrical wire, we're gonna be tied down the bailing wire.
And I'm just pleased.
At least, you're not going to listen.
You're going to get on the table.
You're going to put your mask on as a symbol of slavery.
You're going to awake the forced inoculation.
The digital currency.
And you're going to submit because you know subconsciously you killed 62 million babies.
You know subconsciously your life doesn't mean anything.
And you want Ted Bundy to torture you for three days.
And he will.
The three days are an analogy.
It's going to be a decade of hell for you and your family.
And you're going to turn your children over for pedophiles to have sex with them, but you'll get your digital money, don't worry.
And you're going to submit to everything you're supposed to to prove you're a good little globalist.
So the moral of the story is, getting in the car with Mark Zuckerberg Getting in the car with Bill Gates is a mistake.
Remember, I always told you, don't get in the car with Bill Gates.
He's coming with world government, forced inoculation, depopulation.
He runs the whole show.
All the big foundations fund him.
He's the kingpin.
People are like, Jones, leave Bill Gates alone.
He couldn't even invent windows.
You know, he's a moron.
I'm like, beware!
They're like, he wears a salmon-colored shirt.
He dresses like the Easter Bunny.
He's non-threatening.
Ted Bundy dressed just like that.
He said he would wear pink shirts.
These psychos are all the same.
He wears pink shirts.
Warren Buffett drives around in a Volkswagen bug.
I don't know why these psychotics are all the same.
But they like getting it over on you.
It's like Warren Buffett is always a pitcher with an ice cream cone.
Like, I'm getting the van kids ice cream.
I've got a puppy.
So everybody's freaking out right now all over the internet going, oh my god, Jones is right.
How did he know it was Gates?
How did he know?
The guy told you he wants to establish world government to carry out forced depopulation on Laird NewsHour 26 years ago.
The interview's out there.
We've played it here.
I made full-length films about this.
And so these psychotics are so disconnected, they're always like, look, I've got a puppy.
I've got ice cream.
Look, I, let me get a beer.
Elizabeth Warren, let me get a beer.
Her husband was, well, you don't normally drink beer.
She says, well, I'm going to have a beer.
It's like Beto's like, let me have hamburgers.
He's cooking these weird hamburgers on belt on, on English muffins.
I mean, it's like the Coneheads moved in next door.
They act like space aliens.
Because interdimensionally, folks, these people are not human.
They could be black, they could be white, they could be old, they could be young, but you take African voodoo, what's that saying?
Something else jumps into you, folks.
Well, every culture has that in their legends, because it's true.
These people aren't operating with a full deck.
Their elevator don't go all the way to the top because the lights are home.
But nobody's home.
You think those are people, folks?
You think people weave webs like this?
You think people want success and challenges and life and enjoyment and building and doing amazing things?
People don't act like this!
Working their whole lives to get control and generational power passed down to establish world government to forcibly inoculate us and depopulate us and dumb us down?
This is a planet-killing spirit!
All right, I'll go to break and come back with your calls, and then I'll get into Zuckerberg saying you're not allowed to go out and protest.
But if you wonder why these globalists want to abort babies and molest kids and why they can't keep away from it, they are drawn to the life force, but they want to drink it up and snuff it out.
All right, I'm gonna go to break and I'm gonna come right back
with your phone calls and I'm also just gonna leave it at this.
With all the craziness that's going on in the world today, and the fact that food shortages have already started around the world, and the UN is now reporting 30 million people extra are starving to death.
That's the UN saying that, after what they've done, now they want more money to save the folks they're already killing.
Of course they'll never save them, the whole plan is to starve them.
You need to get prepared.
You need to get ready.
You need storable food.
You can go pay five times more at the grocery store and get little bags of stuff that's 80% air, or you can get InfoWars high quality storable foods that we have in stock.
They have to be packaged, so it takes a few weeks, but we're ready to take orders again.
But as folks are figuring this out, that orders are escalating again.
So get your order in now to lock in quick delivery.
Because when you get your order and it locks into quick delivery, you get the delivery date.
They tend to be ahead of schedule in almost every case, over, you know, under promise, over deliver.
But this is high quality, swirled food, yes, and it funds our operation with what we're doing in the middle of this ongoing depression.
But get the food now so you have it so that box is checked off.
We have the swirled food available again, but they, anytime, they say, okay, that's it for orders.
Your order gets in, it gets delivered on time.
But if the orders don't get in, we have to cut it off.
It could be in a week or two, I'm told.
We won't be able to order here.
We do have the supplements.
Now, the food comes out in a few weeks.
Supplements we have in the warehouse, ready to ship to you.
We have the food.
It's just got to be packaged and inspected and all that.
But get your high-quality supplements as well at InfoWarsTore.com.
There's so many of them and a bunch of big specials running right now.
Here's the Nobel Prize winner for discovering HIV.
Pointing out this is a man made by 11.
This is the biggest story because it's the globalist on purpose and it leads back to the NIH under Obama.
And Trump just brings that out.
He can expose all of them and their agenda to bring down America and blame the virus on him can be stopped.
And then the millions and millions starving to death can be saved.
But it's too common sense.
It's too easy.
People are too one-dimensional.
So hundreds of millions are going to starve to death now.
It is an act of war.
To shut down the economy of a farming or industrial state.
But at least with those economies, the people are somewhat self-sufficient.
But when you shut down a service economy that we're promised under globalism is gonna be so good for the earth, well, you make the population obsolete.
And that's really the term being introduced now with this whole UN World Government power grab you're seeing that just sets the stage for the real power grabs that are coming in the future.
And that is, you are non-essential.
You are obsolete!
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have nothing but spindly limbs and a dream!
And the state has no use for your kind!
I don't care!
I tell you, I don't care!
I'm a human being!
I exist!
That's what authoritarians tell you!
How would they have a show back in the early 1960s?
About being obsolete with Rod Serling.
This is not a new world.
It is simply an extension of what began in the old one.
It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time.
It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom.
There's been a big anti-authoritarian, big anti-Nazi, big anti-communist.
He wrote those stories.
Where'd he come up with this?
Well, he'd seen it.
In fact, he says in the intro to The Obsolete Man, he says this isn't new, this is from the old world, just in our modern time.
A system that wants to make the individual Obsolete.
So when you hear, oh, you're non-essential, and the big banks will give you a check with strings attached, but you'll also owe tax money on that down the road, this is called slavery.
the communist Chinese released a bioweapon out of the Wuhan bioweapons lab and then under Obama
and under Fauci and the NIH in 2012 through 2017 they transferred a chimera coronavirus
artificially created to China.
intelligence is saying this week that the coronavirus likely came from a level 4 lab in Wuhan.
There's also another report that the NIH, under the Obama administration in 2015, gave that lab $3.7 million in a grant.
Why would the U.S.
give a grant like that to China?
The Obama administration gave them a grant of $3.7 million.
I've been hearing about that.
And we've instructed that if any grants are going to that area, we're looking at it literally about an hour ago and also early in the morning.
We will end that grant very quickly.
But it was granted quite a while ago.
They were granted a substantial amount of money.
We're going to look at it and take a look.
But I understand it was a number of years ago, right?
What did you hear when the grant was made?
Who was president then, I wonder?
Now, it's since come out that the Pentagon and Associated Press have gotten the documents that indeed it came out of Wuhan and the Chinese worked with the WHO to cover it up.
That's broke a week ago.
Now the discoverer of the HIV virus.
Who won a Nobel Prize, is arguably the top virologist in the world, came out to the world a week ago and said, I've looked at it, we've scanned the virus at our laboratory, because they have those systems, and the Indians and others are damn right, it's 100% lab made.
And then the US government trying to say, okay, it came out of Wuhan, but it was naturally occurring.
No, only genetic engineering creates these.
It's now my great pleasure to invite Lady Gaga.
Dr. Tedros, I would like to thank the World Health Organization and the United Nations as well as Global Citizen.
Thank you very much Dr. Tedros and Hugh Evans for all of your leadership in this fight against COVID-19.
The Global Citizen Lady Gaga One World at Home concert to support the World Health Organization is the moment when Hollywood draws the line in the sand as blatantly as possible between the American people and Hollywood's globalist masters.
Over 20 million Americans are fighting to file for unemployment.
I dial the number and it's just like a busy beep, beep, beep, and then it just keeps beeping.
That's all there is.
Brianna Marshall of Milwaukee is a hairstylist and a mother and one of more than 76,000 Oregonians filing for unemployment benefits right now.
And I have called, I can't even count anymore, just over and over, I mean probably three, four hundred times.
Small businesses that have been around for decades are permanently closing.
And the measly $1,200 check promised to all of us by the government hasn't reached as many as it should have.
And we recognize that the average American household has an income of $4,000 a month.
A $1,200 check isn't going to go very far.
The Satanists in Los Angeles want all eyes on their million-dollar quarantines to support a foreign entity led by a Chinese-installed Director Tedros, who propagandized three cholera outbreaks in Ethiopia and has now directly caused the deaths of thousands of Americans due to touting Chinese disinformation.
We know roughly the timeline.
We know that China concealed it from the WHO.
We know that the WHO aided, at worst, looked the other way, if they weren't actively aiding and abetting this.
And we know that China locked down Wuhan and prevented, shut down domestic flights, especially flights to Beijing, but did not shut down international flights.
So, at best for the Chinese government, there is negligence.
At worst, it may be that this thing got out, infected a bunch of people, the Chinese government knew, the Communist Party knew that they had a real problem on their hands, and figured, hey, if it's going to infect China, why should we stop it from going around the world?
Because we can't have China's position relative to the rest of the world be weakened.
Global Citizen and the World Health Organization have received an incredible outpouring of support.
Thank you World Health Organization.
The United Nations urges us to think global and act locally to prevent future outbreaks.
Here to tell us more is Secretary General of the UN, Antonio Guterres.
Thank you for your support for the life-saving work of the World Health Organization and the other humanitarian agencies.
Yes, liberal snowflakes, Orange Man Bad isn't going to send the largest donation per year to the World Health Organization.
That can now be the dishonor of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
There's a lot of vaccine candidates that we're backing, and I'm optimistic by late next year one of those will come out.
And we need to make sure that gets out to everyone in the world.
All right, I said I'd go to your phone calls, and I'm gonna go to them here in just a moment.
Alex Jones here back live.
A lot of really positive things happening.
All over the country, there are big rallies to reopen the nation.
And Facebook's trying to come in and bully people and say, you're not allowed to do that.
We're gonna work with local government to suppress you.
I believe Americans are just gonna get more angry about that and more vocal and more active.
And so I've talked to my amazing crew.
And I said, listen, I see us running all these promos and stuff about our event this Saturday at the Texas Capitol.
That's wonderful.
But we need to be promoting for people all over the country.
This is a national show.
We need to be promoting to people all over the country and creating a website so they can email us and so we can learn about their events and what they're going to do, whether it's 10 people or 100 people or 1,000 people.
We want to know about that and we want you to send us emails.
We have an email listed on the site.
And to also sign up so we can email you back and communicate with you at timetoopen.com And can'tcloseamerica.com.
And we're gonna be adding more videos, we're gonna be adding more articles, we're gonna be adding a lot of stuff to that site.
And we're just gonna blast out folks and let them know when there's a big rally coming up in their area.
Will this site save the world and turn America back on?
But all of us together at other sites and other groups organizing and taking action will.
So time to open.com and can'tcloseamerica.com.
And you can see a video there where I lay all of this out on the site.
Again, timetoopen.com.
Leads to the same site, cantcloseamerica.com.
And we're going to be adding a lot more to the site as it unfolds, but it's really important for you to Go in there and put in your email your name so we can communicate with you, and then send the URL, cantcloseamerica.com, to everyone you know and say, America is organizing, America is preparing, America is not going to be intimidated by Zuckerberg, so we have to have our own sites for us to organize, and we're creating a news feed in there that will have the different articles and videos and, you know, things as people demonstrate and people protest.
They're feeding on the sites of a big closing house.
Uh, there for everybody to go and organize.
So, can'tcloseamerica.com.
We launched so many major movements together with our activism, so I suggest people go there and then share the URL.
It's time to open.com is an excellent URL.
That's where we go with that, but it's better probably overall than can'tcloseamerica.com.
America was never closed, but A lot of folks don't understand that, so we're going with time to open.com.
Please share that URL, and it's not been censored yet, like the other sites that are trying to promote this.
Well, they probably will censor it.
We'll give it a new URL next week, but that's where we are in America.
America is trying to organize just to get together, just to be able to communicate and say, this is a fraud.
We're being shut down.
Here's the big piece of intel.
They had 5 million dead in their earliest Royal Commission grafts and Bill Gates grafts, then it was 2 million.
They said if you give up all your freedom and shut everything down, you know, only a million die.
And then, oh, only 200,000 die.
And, oh, now it's only going to be maybe 60,000 that die.
Well, Bill Gates wanted to be this genius months ago, and he said, oh, I think 80,000 die.
Because they knew all along They can manipulate statistics out of the hospitals of who dies of cancer, who dies of a heart attack, who dies in a car wreck, and that they test positive for any coronavirus.
They call it COVID-19.
That's how they're doing it.
it but this is the big takeaway and I'll go to your calls.
They told us we were going to shut down the country for two weeks to put the handcuffs
Because we didn't want the hospitals with 2 million dying, 3 million dying, 4 million dying, 5 million dying, I mean.
I need ventilators, said the governor of New York.
I need hundreds of thousands will be dying.
And then it was thousands and he looked like a fool because they were buying the hype.
Now they go, oh it's 99% lower than we said because you all did what we told them.
They hyped up how deadly the virus is.
They're run down.
They're poisoned in China.
They breathe dirty air.
It killed a higher number there and they tried to cover it up.
So this is a giant power grab and we know it and we have to say no to the blue cities and states saying wear masks for the next six months and never turn the economy on because everything is going to go to hell and we're going to have a Great Depression that makes the previous ones look like a walk in the park and that's why I'm so urgent and why I'm so angry and why you Have to be leaders in your area, whether it's a small town, whether it's a big city, whether it's a middle-sized town, you've got to shoot video.
Go out with your husband, your wife, your neighbors, your business.
If it's 10 of you in front of the city council, and say, open our businesses, open them.
Half the counties in Texas don't have one case.
They're still locked down.
Talk about running off the edge of a cliff when nothing's going on.
This is crazy.
I want to be absolutely clear.
TimeToOpen.com is for the whole country and the whole world.
We're adding a section about people demonstrating around the world who are being attacked by the police in Germany and things.
We're coming out and saying, this needs to stop.
This was done, they said, to stop the overwhelming of the hospitals.
The hospitals are empty.
That's now admitted.
That was a conspiracy theory a month ago.
People went out with their own cameras.
There's Austin just this last Saturday.
And yeah, it got national attention.
I'll be out there with Owen Schroeder this Saturday.
Noon to two again, but I just told the great crew the promos aren't about us and what we did in Austin.
People need to see that we're saying great job all over the country and that it's about what you're doing where you're at.
That's why I always say don't call in and tell me I'm doing a great job when all I'm doing is fighting for my own life and my own security and my own future.
It's a default position to do this.
You need to think of it as Getting up in the morning, or breathing air into your lungs, or just making your children breakfast.
You don't make them breakfast because you're a hero.
You make them breakfast because they depend on you.
We don't need Americans to think of it as extraordinary to go out and demonstrate in the face of this tyranny, in the face of this fear.
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
We need everyone to realize if you don't go out and demonstrate.
If you don't go out and get over your fear, then you're dead already, and you're part of the enemy operation.
It's either you demonstrate, and you say no, or you're with the enemy.
It's not, oh, Alex Jones and Owen Schroer are so great.
Boy, they went out there and didn't wear a mask.
Don't they have courage?
If I was having kidney and lung failure and I was 85, I wouldn't be out in a big crowd anyways because I could get pneumonia and die.
But you know what?
If I was old like that, I'd come out saying, I'd love to end up dying in my boots instead of on my knees standing up to this evil.
Every bit of freedom we've got takes a risk.
And now we're being told it's not about not having the hospitals be overwhelmed, it's about no one ever getting a virus again, which is impossible, and Fauci saying don't ever shake hands with anyone again.
Since when did this space alien from hell land here that ran the HIV cover-up?
And the anthrax cover-up and all these crimes, he's up to his eyeballs in the Wuhan lab, and Billo Melinda Gates, $100 million from him last year, and now he's here saying, don't shake hands with anyone ever again?
Yeah, let's cue this up and play it.
Him in 2017, saying Trump will be faced with a major crisis very, very soon.
Here it is.
Is that there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases, both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already ongoing disease, and we have certainly a large burden of that, but also there will be a surprise outbreak.
And he goes on to say Trump won't be ready for that.
These criminals love to brag.
I mean, if you're a new listener, you know I'm not just here on air saying Fauci's involved with the lab.
Or the head Facebook fact checker ran operations at the lab.
Or that the Nobel Prize winner for HIV says it's man-made bioweapon.
And then you go, well then is it really deadly?
You're saying it's a bioweapon.
It's a weapon they own that does kill some people and is mutating and attacking men's testicles.
It's really a anti-fertility operation.
And of course I predicted there'd be a bunch of more deadly mutations because they're releasing them.
You see, as soon as Trump tries to reopen, they're going to release more deadly strains.
I've already foreseen their whole operation.
We'll be right back.
Alright, I said I'd open the phones up, and as usual, I haven't gone to your phone calls.
But we're going to them right now.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Wyoming, then we'll go to Emmanuel in Norway.
Thanks for holding John here on the air.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Let me tell you something that happened here in Sheridan, Wyoming.
On April 4th, which was a Saturday, the Sheridan County Republican Party held their county convention here.
And they had to do it, you know, over the smartphones and things like that because of the virus.
So we couldn't have a regular in-person convention.
But I introduced a resolution which would have prohibited any agency of government to force anyone to ingest or receive any type of medication or vaccine without that person's full knowledge and informed consent.
And some globalist jackass got on the line and put a rider on that resolution, which would say that, well, if you refuse any medication or vaccine, then you could be denied medical care.
And I didn't have enough votes among these idiots.
To shoot the thing, to strike a resolution.
By the way, you're supposed to have control over your medical care.
No, no, you don't get any medical care unless you've got the chip.
Unless you do what they say.
And so they, they wanted to pass this thing with my name on it and I refused and I shot down my own bill.
Because I was not going to be on that piece of legislation with my name on it that would say that if you refused a vaccine or refused medication, you could be denied medical care.
So they did that.
But I hearken back to when Johnny Carson was hosting The Tonight Show decades ago, and he would bring on Dr. Robert Mendelson, who was a great medical doctor.
He'd bring him on every now and then.
And discuss medical issues.
And Carson asked Dr. Mendelson one night, and what about AIDS?
And Mendelson said, AIDS was concocted at the Fort Detrick Army Lab in Fort Detrick, Maryland in 1978, and was deliberately introduced to the African population through World Health Organization smallpox vaccinations.
Well, when he said that, you could hear a pin drop in that entire audience.
And Mendelsohn, shortly after that interview, they claim, the authorities claim that Mendelsohn died of a heart attack.
He was 60 years old, in perfect health, didn't smoke, didn't drink, didn't use drugs, had no obesity problems, and yet they claim he died of a heart attack after he... No, I remember that, and it was common knowledge in Dallas, my dad knew a bunch of physicians that worked for the government.
And they all talked about that.
It was put in the vaccines, as you said.
And I was just talking to the crew about lawsuits and stuff about Bill Gates covering up mousepox in vaccines and mouse viruses.
I mean, this is what they do.
These people are monsters.
And now there's just this full stampede.
Everyone does submission.
It's crazy.
Well, let me tell you what happened also on the trading floor yesterday.
For the first time in history, West Texas Intermediate crude Closed at a minus $37.63 a barrel.
That's never happened before.
Yeah, not even during the Great Depression did it trade at that.
So the economy is in free-fall death spiral and the average leftist is like giggling in a high-rise apartment, totally dependent, has no idea they're going into Great Depression.
They think this is going to hurt Trump.
They have no idea what's about to hit them, John.
Well, they think they're also trying to destroy our energy industry because for the first time in our history, Trump has made us truly energy independent.
And they're trying to destroy it now with negative pricing for West Texas Intermediate Crude.
Negative $37.
The globalists are showing us that none of us are essential.
Only their power is essential.
And they're teaching us that economy period can be shut off.
It's called a blockade.
It's called siege.
I haven't gotten to that yet.
I never did.
I probably never will.
But God bless you.
I appreciate your call, John.
Great points.
Emmanuel in the great nation of Norway.
You're on the air, sir.
Thanks for calling.
Hello, Alex.
Lines are not good today, so I hope you can hear me clearly.
You sound very clear.
Go ahead.
We're in a war.
It's an information war.
And in a war, well, we are the army, right?
And if we cannot communicate clearly, we will not be efficient.
So I have a few suggestions that can help the assistance movement, everybody that wants to make a difference, be more efficient.
One of the things I do not want to say on here, but I hope I can find a way to communicate it to you and Mike Adams, something like that.
The other thing is, you know how the leaders are seeking mystic information?
They are seeking channelers, psychics, Astrologers, all kinds of things to get secret information, to get their strategies together, to be efficient and to be on time.
And we can do the same.
But we have to do it through God, of course.
And so I'm thinking every week you go online and you dig up dirt and you expose lies and you reveal truth.
And it causes people to get angry, upset, afraid, desperate, all kinds of stuff.
People want to make a difference, but they don't always know how.
And so a lot of people don't even have people around them where they can pray together about these things.
So I was thinking maybe it's an idea to once a week have a show on your platform where people come together to wage war in the spirit and to seek prophetic revelation and All right, I appreciate your call.
Thank you so much.
Great idea.
The truth is, I can't organize, fight my way out of a paper bag.
So, you know, I can get up here and do the show.
I organize this.
That's about all I can do.
And you know, quite frankly, I've been in this race so long, I may have to take off a couple weeks.
I just, I'm not even afraid of the globalists or anything.
I'm just like, I sit here and I look at all this going on, and it's just so criminal, and it's so disgusting.
And the public, on average, is so stupid, just begging for it.
And the response to resist it is so cattywampus that I'm not trying to be negative.
I guess everybody wants to starve to death and die.
And hey, what's wrong with that?
We're a bunch of decadent slobs.
Maybe I'm in the way of what's... Maybe that's why I feel bad.
Maybe this is good.
I mean, I don't like Bill Gates.
I don't like the globalists.
But you know what?
Why am I in the way of billions starving to death?
Why am I in the way of everything collapsing?
It'll be all the yuppies and trendies first.
Maybe that's why I feel bad.
Maybe because I'm trying to stop it.
Maybe it's supposed to happen.
And I get a big vacation.
I don't have to sit here and try to balance all this and save all this and all the lazy people and everybody that want to be dull, they can get what they want.
How's that sound?
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Jack in Chicago.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey, Alex.
What do you call it when a lot of us come to the same conclusion without ever even talking to each other?
I think it's truth on its face, prima facie.
It just is what it is.
I'm telling you, man, a lot of people that I would never expect, you know, I've been putting this stuff out there for a while.
They call it a mass enlightenment is the technical term.
Yeah, yeah.
I feel like, you know, one of my friends today, a black guy here in Chicago, community organizer, he texted me.
He said, hey, did you see this thing from the Simpsons from 1993, you know, where they predicted the whole thing?
And I said, Tony, you're not going to believe this.
Uh, and I sent him over the lockstep video and told him about that, and he's like, holy, you know what?
So I'm telling you, people that you wouldn't expect are really waking up to this, and I think it's good, but my fear is, you know, when these guys, when they get on the ropes and there's this mass enlightenment, I mean, what do they have planned next?
That's sort of my fear.
Oh, I can tell you, this is the drill.
Let's all lock ourselves down and piss all over ourselves with just a weaponized cold virus.
They're gonna release stuff that kills billions.
And they just want you trained to stay in your house while you die.
And then robots come by and clean you up.
So, you know, robot trash trucks, robots come in, drag the bodies out, process it.
And so that's all.
I mean, no, I mean, everybody's dead.
They're gonna kill everybody.
That's why I'm not even worried about myself anymore.
Because we fail this test and bow to the globalists, and bow to the Rockefeller plan, and grovel in fear to this, well then they're going to hit us with a real bioweapon.
Well Alex, what I want to say too is the most positive thing I've heard all week is, you know, when this all kicked off, I looked at my wife and I said, you know, this is our chance to homeschool our kids.
We've been talking about it.
We've been wanting to sort of reverse the indoctrination, the global indoctrination they get.
And so we started planning and I come home in the afternoon and I do P.E.
and shop class.
And yesterday, my son looked at me and it almost made me cry.
He said, Hey, Dad, what time are we going to sit down for family dinner?
Hold on, stay right there.
Let's talk about this.
Me, personally, I just shut and pull wars down and just move to the country and let all the globalists and leftists just murder each other.
Because, you know, the left hates us because we're holding back their Valhalla.
And we're standing in the way of them getting all the destruction and debt they want.
Why are we doing that?
Let them die.
Can we save the planet?
Yeah, it's worth it for our children.
And the answer is pulling out of the system, not doing business with any globalist, not giving them any support and realizing they hate you and your family.
And it's really true.
And then embracing others that tell the truth and take action and, you know, staying positive.
And I tell myself that as much as I can, because, again, everybody says, Arne, don't you feel empowered?
You've been proven right?
No, I feel horrible.
Absolutely horrible.
We couldn't stop this.
But it's all prophesied.
what's gonna happen but I don't know anymore I just don't know there's just
so many evil people So many bad people out there.
Selfish evil people.
And... God's gonna destroy us.
It's just a fact.
The question is, what do we do to get on the right side of that?
Jack in Chicago, this beautiful story about how you're starting to homeschool your children now.
This is just making you get out of the system.
You know, they're going to come with the forced inoculations.
They're going to come with a digital system to buy and sell.
But if your children are aware of that and understand, this won't be like some Fortnite video game where they're fighting imaginary enemies.
They'll be there with their family, fighting the real deal.
You know, in a way, this is a great adventure.
In a way, I shouldn't be so upset or depressed.
This is pretty damn exciting to be alive, up against a satanic AI, anti-human, world government takeover.
What do you have to say, Alex?
Like you and David Eich were talking about yesterday, the key to winning is setting our will against their system and reversing the incremental domestication.
Right there.
And we've got camping trips planned.
We're excited.
You know, the baseball season's canceled.
The soccer season's canceled.
But like I told my wife and I are in agreement.
And the other thing too is, We've got a good group of friends here, man.
We're in the Southwest suburbs of Chicago, and there's probably 15, 20 people that we talk regularly.
We've been open at their houses, hanging out in their backyards, whatever, and everybody's kind of on the same page.
So, I mean, there is, you know, I'm pissed, and I'm saddened that we're through this, but it's almost what people needed to force them to get off their asses.
And I think it really is, you know, waking so many people up.
No, I totally agree with you.
I mean, the globalists saw us as weak because we put up with so much.
The last straw was pedophile story time, where convicted pedophiles come and your children, you know, ride horsey on them.
They're just like, well, these folks will put up with anything, launch the virus.
And well, they were mad that Trump was beating the impeachment.
And I said, what's the next attack going to be?
I said, probably a bioweapon attack.
And it is.
And, you know, people say, well, why doesn't Trump just arrest Fauci?
Imagine the optics of that.
Again, that's how surrounded Trump is, but he should have always known it'd be the medical tyranny that pulled this.
That little cult member Fauci, we're exposing him, and he's hated online.
Bill Gates is hated.
And they're freaking out.
They're like, my God, we're 99% hated.
And when Time Magazine and the New York Times praise him and call him sexy, everyone gets even more enraged.
That little ghoul is spotlighted.
That little cockroach just had the lights at 2am turned on, and he knows it.
Yes, sir.
Alex, one other question.
What's the best resource or source or paper or whatever to research the Sabbatean Franken cult or whatever that is?
You know, that's something that David Icke gets into.
And I know there is a Luciferian cult of Sabbateans.
I know it ties into that, the new Microsoft lady, the devil worshiper lady.
She's reportedly one of the head people in that.
And it's just a bunch of delusional Merovingian line stuff.
Like, from the Christian perspective, you'd say it's Merovingian, that they're Jesus' bloodline.
But from that cult, they would say that it's a Jewish bloodline.
And it's not Jewish, it's not Christian, it's not... It's devil worship is what it is.
And it's really horrible.
And, yeah, there's a whole Sabbatean cult that believes they're about to have world government on Earth and they're gonna kill everybody else, so...
Good luck.
I mean, Microsoft ran that ad with that devil worshiper witch as their spokesperson.
I mean, they pulled it.
I mean, we can't beat that blob of degenerate scum.
I mean, that dog crap is on a higher level than that piece of trash.
Alex Jones here, back live.
We're going back to your calls here in a moment, but we always knew that Michelle Obama was, Michael Obama was fluttering around in the background with those beautiful linebacker shoulders.
Ready to come in and save Biden, who can't even talk.
He's just a shoehorn, who probably on Inauguration Day, if they're able to steal from Trump, won't even be able to talk.
He'll probably be in the pens, naked, stumbling around in front of the Capitol.
And Michelle will come down like a Valkyrie and land and like an eagle grab him and bite his head off or something.
Who knows?
But Michael Obama, who according to A lady who died soon after, she said, was our first tranny.
Joan Rivers, remember she died?
It wasn't Alex Jones said that Michael Obama is a man.
It was Joan Rivers, her big buddy.
She said, please, our first gay president.
Obama and his wife, his husband Michael Obama
But regardless of whether you think Michael is a man or a woman or something in between, that's who they're hoping to come in and defeat.
President Trump.
Here's Biden.
Where are you in naming that running mate?
And will you commit that that person would be a woman of color?
No, I'll commit to be a woman, because I think it's very important that my administration look like the public, look like the nation.
And there will be, I've committed, there will be a woman of color on the Supreme Court.
Doesn't mean there won't be a vice president as well.
In terms of who to pick, we're just beginning the process.
We'll shortly be announcing the committee I've named to review this and begin to look through the backgrounds of the various potential nominees.
And that's just getting underway.
I've heard some speculation about Michelle Obama as Vice President.
If she said to you she'd be willing to be your running mate, would you ask her?
Oh, I'd take her in a heartbeat.
She's brilliant.
She knows the way around.
She is a really fine woman.
There's a lot of... Well, there you go.
That's Joe Biden.
Alright, I've got another clip here.
I don't want to play, but let's go back to your phone calls and we'll get to that clip.
Jason in Oregon, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Brother Jones, greetings from FEMA Region 10 in Oregon.
I just wanted to hit you up with a couple different points.
First of all, Oregon, population of more than 4 million, only 1,200 confirmed corona cases, and they're locking down the state of over 4 million over 1,200 confirmed cases.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
And most of the cases are regular corona virus, which is the common cold.
Yeah, the response is a hoax.
Intriplicate confirmed.
And notice they just say, we're never opening.
The UN says we're never opening again.
Well, and on that point, I mean, the gentleman from Wyoming kind of stole my thunder.
We were talking about.
what they're planning on doing to protect us, protect our bodily autonomy from the medical
tyranny invasion with all these tests and whatnot.
And I just wanted to ask you if you have the opportunity to get Robert Barnes' take on
this, if there's any legal framework that we can request that Donald Trump, President
Trump push out to us from a federal level to protect us from state tyranny.
Yeah, Barnes hosts the weeknight show seven to nine.
American Countdown and he goes over all of that and he has talked with Legal
Framework and he's filed some lawsuits along those lines. I appreciate your
call Jason. Kyle in Iowa. Kyle welcome. How's it going Alex?
I've got I've had about a million things cross my brain that I wanted to
bring up but I'm gonna try and condense it down into three things maybe four and I'll
try and be quick.
First one, I just wanted to bring up, and I don't think it's too late for you to do this, but I called in maybe three years ago, but I had made the suggestion, and I know I'm not trying to put everything on you, but you have to... Oh, I'm probably going to shut InfoWars down soon.
I don't like this show anymore.
I don't like what we do here.
I can't do the show anymore.
And it's not due to the pressure.
I just can't stand it anymore.
I can't look at it.
I can't... I used to like the show.
I hate the show.
Every minute on the broadcast is pure torture now.
And it's not the Democrats suing me.
It's not the globalists.
It's not all of it.
It's just all... I just... America and the world's gonna burn.
It needs to burn.
We killed too many babies.
We're done.
We're gonna lose.
Well, um, you know... So tell me what I need to do now.
Go ahead.
Well, no, no, no.
I just... You thought I was gonna... Because God just needs to blow the planet up.
See, I realize now that that's why I feel, I don't, we need to, we need to pay for what we've done, actually.
Everybody's in zombie mode now.
People aren't even alive anymore.
The listeners are alive, I feel sorry for you, but, you know, the rest of the public's not, dude.
We're on a planet of dumb idiots.
We're on a planet of slugs now.
I kind of, I kind of understand your position.
Ruled by demons, and people don't care, so.
Why don't you just get out of the way, man, and let it all fall apart, Kyle?
Yeah, no kidding.
So tell me what I need to do again, Kyle.
Well, okay, so I brought up the idea and you thought it was a good idea, but I called in a couple years ago and I said, hey man, you should do some bumper stickers or shirts that say, and I got a couple other points I want to make really quick too, but I was like, you should maybe do some bumper stickers that say, the coming economic collapse is an inside job.
No one will buy them, no one cares.
Well, maybe.
But, um... People just like fake stuff.
They like Q stuff and made-up crap.
They don't like totally real stuff.
Like, totally confirmed it's a bioweapon.
Totally confirmed.
Nobel Prize winner confirms it.
Totally confirmed no one will do anything.
That Fauci's all behind it.
The UN's running the whole attack on us.
The average idiot loves wearing a mask.
Loves being a moron.
They want a depression.
They want to lose their bank accounts.
They want to be forcibly inoculated with steroids.
They want to die.
They don't like prosperity.
Yeah, so for your callers, or for the people listening to you, just a point of strategy, and I got one other thing.
Point of strategy is, if you look back in history, it was, you know, the SS, it was, you know, the Special Force in Russia, all the secret police and everything.
They were only able to do what they were able to do because... Yeah, it's an Alexander Shultz and Easton quote.
Oh, later how we burned in the camps, wishing that when the secret police came out to round us up, that we would have fought them with our clubs, our hammers, our knives, when they came on our front doors, but instead we laid down and rolled over, when we would have just lifted a finger, the whole apparatus, the organs of oppression would have rounded a hole instantly, but we were cowardly filth, because we are filth!
We are filth!
We are cowards!
We are trash!
And so all the yuppies wearing their mask, and all the trendies getting into it, they're gonna have everything they have taken, and they're gonna starve to death, and it's good.
It's a blessing.
See, I'm beginning to realize that it's all a blessing.
All this crap's about to end.
All this fake stuff, all the laziness, all the stupidness, all the TV shows, all the Netflix, it's all about to go.
You see, you didn't think of it right.
The weakness of the people brought the secret police.
They should have stopped it long before they came to their doors.
They couldn't stop it because they were cowards and dumbed down and followed orders up front, just like we are.
You understand, sir?
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
Oh, you understand now.
Well, you see people coming out of the woodworks on Facebook and everything right now.
You see the Tattletale squads coming.
But just to lay a little more context over economically... You see Zuckerberg with that look of total psychotic dominance, and he knows you're weak and he's going to tear your family limb from limb.
He's going to teach Americans you don't have free speech.
They're going to come arrest you and your neighbors are going to praise it when you go to that gulag because he's liberal and he's superior and he is a God.
He is the Superman.
He is the Ubermensch.
You are the slave.
You are the cattle.
Bow to him now.
Worship your God before he kills you.
The Spider King Zuckerberg, the baby that came out of the rectum of Yes.
Yes, Lord Jones, yes.
Worship him now. Worship him Kyle. Bow to your king.
Yes. Yes Lord Jones. Yes.
Not me. I'm not the spider king. Worship Kyle the spider.
Bill Gates is dropping.
Worship Bill Gates dropping.
Alright I'm getting a little dark today.
That's why I gotta take off a few days, folks.
I've got plans and operations that would defeat the globalists overnight.
People don't want it.
They don't need it.
They don't get it.
And so, we will join the children.
We deserve it.
There's a way out, but I can tell you we're not gonna follow it.
No, America and the world will burn.
Look, I didn't mean the things I said last segment.
I'm not gonna quit.
I'm never gonna stop.
And America and the world doesn't deserve to burn, but if we don't stand up and say out of this, that's what we're going to get.
And I just feel such responsibility to fight this.
And I've never felt stronger, actually.
I've never had greater understanding.
And quite frankly, I can't handle it.
But nobody can handle it.
We're all under incredible stress and I just pray for all of you out there to have a better life and to be healthy in a closer relationship with God and for peace and justice.
And I pray for that myself.
I probably, there's no probably about it.
I need to take a couple days off because I work seven days a week and things are so crazy.
I need to disconnect.
Because I've just gotten extremely beyond hateful.
I love my family.
I love you.
I care about everybody.
And I know how to beat these people.
I know that when I carry something out and do it right and work with you, we always win.
And then the problem is there's so much coming at us that I can't organize even basic stuff.
I do the show, I get ready for it, that's all I can do, and then it's just constantly, organize this, do that, this would work this way, that would work that way, and then I'm hit with this, I'm hit with that, and it's not even fear I'm dealing with, it's more just like, the nature of the modern world is deception.
And they hide their intent behind things.
And now it's just out in the open.
And I'm not throwing a fit.
It's just that all the restraints are gone.
are gone.
And it's almost sick to just sit up here and talk about all the evil stuff these people are doing without putting a change to it.
And then I'm thinking, well, we're going out and demonstrating and getting demonized.
And I told you yesterday, they're trying to take my kids away because I went out in public with them and I came back close in court to that happening.
And I'm not complaining.
I'm not a victim.
That shouldn't even be going on.
That shouldn't even be a question.
I mean, if this thing was killing 2% of people, we have a right to go out in public.
You quarantine who's actually got it.
You never say everyone's suspect.
But they've had real plagues that are killing 5% of people, not one-tenth of 1%.
This whole thing is a giant UN world government takeover with barcode microchip 666 code actually on the patent number and a psychotic demon running it.
And Mark Zuckerberg in the news saying, you go out and demonstrate, I'll delete you off Facebook.
You don't have free speech in America.
I'm the moral authority and he works for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Put his money in there tax-free to make even more money out.
It's just these monsters, these evil authoritarians, man.
And so I get pissed.
And I can't just turn it off and then not get angry at everything around me.
And so, it's a real test of leadership.
Because see, I don't have a problem with fear.
When people are attacking me and stuff, I don't have fear.
I get angry.
And I try to turn the anger off, and I'm just unable to do it.
And then, I go in grocery stores, and I go in shops, in this California's toilet bowl that's Austin, Texas, and these people tell me, put my mask on, and I just get in their face, and I say, listen, jackass, this whole thing's a damn hoax.
You loved it when the borders were open.
Don't sit there and henpeck me.
You understand 30 million people, it was 2 million, now they admit 30 million, are set to starve to death this year!
And they go, still don't spread the virus.
And I go, do you understand math?
A million haven't died worldwide from this.
Not 500,000, but a hundred and something thousand, and most of them died of something else.
This is a globalist takeover.
And now they're saying 30 extra million people, the UN says, are set to starve to death.
Don't they have a... Hey man, just do what you're told!
I'm like, yeah, I'm doing what I'm told by common sense and God.
Turn the economy back on.
This is the global Extermination.
This is the beginning.
This is what I made films about.
This is what we warned of.
This is what's going on.
And to them it's funny.
And I'll tell you where I am paradoxically.
I don't sit up here and do this show so I get money to keep paying this crew and keep running this place.
I do it because I have a responsibility, no matter how bad things get, to try to stay on the air to expose this, so that we're here on air while these critical things are happening, and I get mad thinking if I don't do a good job and get the money to stay on air, when stuff gets even worse and worse and worse, we won't be here to challenge it.
And then I see the fact that there's not enough money to continue on at the level we're at.
And I just think about the fact that if people really realized how serious this was, they would do their job, and I know a lot of you are, and get the word out about the guests and the shows and the things we cover, because this is life and death, and we predicted all of this because we've done our research, and it's going to get a lot worse unless we turn this around.
So there's a real desperation here, ladies and gentlemen, and I see the lackadaisical attitude of the general public, and it enrages me.
But it's not their fault.
They've been put, since birth, in front of a TV, in a trance state, and we are a nation and a world of watchers, not of doers.
So you better start doing now, instead of watching.
But they want you locked up in your house, watching, not doing.
They want jellyfish.
They're conquering us.
This is an electronic, psychic, spiritual takeover.
This is an overriding of the planet.
This is systematically planned out.
Mark of the Beast, the whole nine yards.
So yes, I will tell listeners, I appreciate your support keeping us in the fight.
And I've got things and products that all of you already need.
And so I'll just tell you again, with the things we go through here and what it takes to even stay in a position to defeat the globalists and the criminal nature of the system, that if you haven't flooded us with support while getting good products at the same time, we wouldn't be here.
And my frustration isn't like I'm some victim saying, please stay, keep me in the fight.
The longer I'm kept in the fight, the more they just want to kill me or put me in prison, which is fine.
I'm not suicidal.
I'll never commit suicide, but I'm really not worried about them grabbing me or putting me in handcuffs, because all that matters is I'm going to continue my mission, not backing down to the end, and that's all in God's plan.
But I do want to do it to the fullest extent I can, and that's why I'm asking folks that are around me and everybody else to take this damn serious, because this is damn serious.
This is damn real.
So, X3.
The UN reports.
And again, they report all this because they run it.
Almost 3 million people have lower IQs or mental cognitive disabilities.
Just go search, even on NIH.gov, because they don't have enough iodine.
The globalists love that.
That's why the average person is like a retarded jellyfish, because they are.
Very sad.
We have X3 selling out.
X2 should be back in soon.
60% off, limited edition, InfoWars.
COVID masks, so you can go out during the clownery, during the terror theater and educate folks.
That's $9.95.
Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, 50% off with the zinc and so much more.
That's just good for your life in general.
Ultra 12, high quality vitamin B12, take it under the tongue, get great absorption, that's essential.
40% off Vitamin Mineral Fusion with the zinc and so much more, and amino acids.
50% off Winter Sun, 50% off with the vitamin K as well.
That's together in the same model, Winter Sun Plus.
Alexa Pure Breeze, 30% off, great air filtration.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, 95% humanoid, 40% off.
Turbo Force, 40% off.
Restorable Food, available now for order.
Again, had to pause it to make sure the other orders got out.
Super Metal Vitality, back in stock, 35% off.
And Emrix Essentials Hand Sanitizer Combo, 50% off, or get them individually in peppermint, And of course in, what is it, lavender?
All right, Joel Skousen's with us, and then we'll continue with your phone calls after he leaves us here on this live April 21st, 2020, Tuesday edition.
And we are inside the new world order now.
World government forced inoculations, IDs to travel.
This is the beginning, the training wheels for what they're trying to roll out.
Meanwhile, the UN itself says, give us lots of money.
30 extra million people are going to starve this year.
The Globe and Mail out of Canada reports World Food Program warns at least 30 million people could die of starvation during pandemic when it's their shutdown of the Western world that's triggering this cascade that hasn't even killed 200,000, 300,000 people worldwide.
We know they're saying that everyone that dies of any other cause that tests positive for any coronavirus in most of the tests they're saying is this.
So is the virus a hoax?
I'm saying no.
Did it come out of Wuhan?
Was it released because Bill and Melinda Gates have it patented and can have this whole industry on tracking it?
Which is then tied to a bracelet you wear, a watch you wear, a phone you have, or a chip, or even liquid ink under the skin that's tied to that to buy and sell.
All seven and a half billion people take it.
Bill Gates says that 700,000 will get sick or die, but that's a good cost to pay.
This is like a Bond villain or something.
To actually watch all of this unfold?
We're going to be discussing that here with our guest, and where he sees all of this going, and can Trump turn the economy on?
The blue states are under mutiny.
They're being directed by the WHO that's been involved in the cover-up.
Phil Skousen was a Marine Corps officer in the Vietnam era.
a naval aviator, got a land on aircraft carriers, and he's a best-selling author, researcher,
experts on secure locations in the U.S. at editor-in-chief of worldaffairsbrief.com.
Joel, I mean, I'm telling you, this is a very exciting time to be alive. I just feel
I feel...
I'm beyond angry right now.
I am just fuming and disgusted.
in the spirit I've never felt before.
I'm beyond angry right now.
I am just fuming and disgusted.
It's a feeling I've never had.
It's just a feeling of...
America's been so satanic and done so many bad things.
We deserve this on one hand, but the innocents don't deserve this on the other.
And to see so much of the public going into bondage and submitting, and to see us buying into this, and to see how transparent this attack is and the cover-up.
But then there's also good news.
A lot of people are waking up.
What are you seeing right now, Joel Skousen?
Well, Alex, I am also extremely disturbed, mostly by The acceptance of normal people of what's been done in the name of executive orders, governors, state levels, even county people have been shut, health officials have been allowed to shut down the economies in a local county without any really real authority.
So I'm really worried and a lot of this is because of the excessive awe and reverence The establishment media has established over the years in the education system over medicine.
The establishment medical system.
These people are treated like gods.
And they're nothing but a bunch of yes-men to establishment medical protocols, which bind them down under threat of losing their job in a hospital if they ever deviate from these protocols, which are hostile in the extreme to all of the natural health, easy remedies for any virus, including coronavirus, Things that I've covered since January 31st in the World Affairs Brief.
So, you know, don't go running after hydroxychloroquine.
Don't go running after any vaccine or drug.
These things are poisonous.
These things have side effects.
That's the worst thing to do.
In fact, we now know that if anybody took the flu shot, the chances are 67% greater they're going to test positive for the coronavirus, which isn't a valid test, by the way.
As you pointed out, it picks up every coronavirus, not just COVID-19, which is a very difficult test to do, taking out three portions of the genome, you know, it would take weeks to do a proper test on COVID-19, and they're not doing that.
But it's driving all of our state legislators, all of our governors, except for South Dakota, which is, Lester Hart has kept faithful to the Constitution, that I'm not shutting down, you know, this economy, but everybody else is nearly following suit.
And President Trump as well.
So it's a very sad situation and I think I've got at least a remedy that I want to suggest that I think could help.
Well, please talk about it, Joel Skousen.
Well, the essential problem is that there is no explicit language in any of these emergency bills that says That we are authorizing the Governor, the President, etc., to violate people's fundamental rights.
But that's exactly what it's doing because of the broad language in these emergency power legislations.
That broad language allows for the violation of rights.
So what I've written in last Friday's World Affairs Brief is a simple one-word Amendment to any of these pieces of legislation, whether in your state or in the federal government, a one-sentence amendment to all of those that will protect us without having to train legislatures on how to dissect an emergency bill and correct its little things here and there.
We can, with one simple one-line amendment, stop it cold.
And here's the amendment.
The emergency powers granted herein shall not be construed or interpreted to allow any official decree to suspend, undermine, or violate the fundamental civil rights of citizens as listed in this state's Constitution or the Bill of Rights of the U.S.
So you see, it doesn't matter what the general language is in these emergency bills, which are in every state now.
Most of them were passed in the past 10 years.
It simply defines and eliminates any interpretation or construction of the language that will allow you to violate fundamental rights.
And it allows anyone whose fundamental rights have been violated to go to court based upon this amendment that said their emergency powers are limited.
They cannot violate our fundamental rights.
Joel, I don't like to bring myself into these articles, but you really have to when you're in the news.
The View said I'm a terrorist, that people that go out to these things are terrorists.
Here's the headline on The Statesman.
Alex Jones' ex-wife rebuffed in bid to gain daughter's custody after he courted COVID-19 at rally.
And so they even had a hearing yesterday on whether I have full custody to take my children from me because I dared go out and exercise my free speech.
Well, it turned out we had a Texas Supreme Court ruling from a few weeks ago that said what you just said.
that none of your regular rights are suspended under this, that it's basically voluntary.
Because they had people trying to take husbands and wives' children because the husband or
the wife was a police officer or a nurse that was around this.
This is a thing that says everybody's suspect.
The Supreme Court said, "No, you have due process."
And so really more and more the courts are suddenly, like the court in Missouri did and
other court was last week federally, saying, "No, you can't shut down religious gatherings."
shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or behavior free exercise thereof.
That's right, but you know those rules don't ever get done unless somebody files suit,
which is expensive and which very few people are. What this does is that this brings out
all of the, it brings out the core issue in every state legislature.
What I'm suggesting is if you're listeners, get a copy of this from my World Affairs Brief.
They can email me at editor at worldaffairsbrief.com and get a copy.
And what this does, and I've done this in Utah, we're doing it in Idaho and in Wyoming, and there's other people because I've been on other radio shows promoting this amendment.
What it does, it puts them all on notice.
You throw this in the legislative hopper, and all of a sudden they start to sweat.
To oppose this amendment... No, I agree.
You're right.
We need to, exactly, not just count on courts, introduce laws now to know the cavalry's coming.
But not laws.
That's too complex.
This is an amendment to existing laws.
It's a one-line thing that stops them from pulling.
That's what I'm saying.
And they come out and try to say, oh yeah, we really do want to, nobody's going to say, we really do want to violate your right.
They're going to say, oh, we have to under the amendment.
Then you can say, no, no.
All right, Joel, we know your sky's usually super clear.
It's kind of muddy today.
We might have to get you on the phone here during the break.
We'll keep the video up so I can, because I might have missed what you were saying.
Come back.
This is important.
And quantify what you're saying, as you're a smart guy, about specifically a way to block this right now, because that's what I'm looking for.
It's what we're all looking for.
But boy, you talk about a hoax, folks.
You talk about getting buffaloed.
This thing is a giant scam.
We'll be right back.
Joel Skousen, Editor-in-Chief of World Affairs Brief, is back with us, and his Skype is clear and clean.
Recap this great solution you've got to legally block the Marshall Law.
Okay, Alex.
Essentially what we're proposing is a one-line, simple amendment to any emergency powers in any state or even the 1976 law in the federal government.
Something simple that your subscribers can send to their congressman, can send to their representative, and you just insert it as an amendment to any of these things and say it has to be voted on.
So when it comes up in a legislature, everyone's going to say, oh, no, I'm going to have to oppose this.
It's going to block our ability to do all this coronavirus dictatorial stuff.
But they're going to have to say to oppose it.
Yeah, I want to violate your fundamental rights.
And they're going to be very reluctant to do that.
And so if they do come out and say, yeah, we're going to have to suspend fundamental rights because of this pandemic for a short period of time to make it sound nice, you then come back and say, Yes, but to suspend fundamental rights, you have to have a constitutional amendment.
You cannot do this by majority rule.
You cannot suspend a guaranteed right in the Constitution without an amendment.
And they've been doing it by court of interpretation and the Commerce Clause and other things like that.
And this stops that because by putting it in the bill as language that nothing in this bill can be interpreted to violate, to allow official decree to violate people's fundamental rights.
It blocks, it gives you judicial ability to go and say, yeah, it's an amendment to the Emergency Act Bill that it can't violate my fundamental rights.
So this is a simple solution that everybody can get their state and congressional legislatures, at least if they're conservative, to try to introduce to block this.
Joe, let's pull back here in a big picture.
You've got Bill and Melinda Gates of the Deep State scripting all this.
You've got the lab.
You've got the fact that it's man-made.
Nobel Prize winners coming out and confirming it.
35,000 foot view.
You're a pilot, you'll get that.
You're a smart guy.
And I mean that.
Big picture, where does this come from?
Where is it going?
The giant global power grab is so obvious.
To shut down Western economies, to remove Trump.
I mean, this is their big move.
What's going on?
How should we counter it?
Where'd the virus come from?
Well, the virus came from the weapons lab in Wuhan, but it was also given to them.
It was developed in North Carolina.
And when the United States shut down and made it illegal to do infectious enhancing of any virus and things, the NIH under Dr. Fauci, about three years ago, Gave that $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan virus and we helped build that through Harvard University and gave them this material and said, you run with it.
Now, the U.S.
also has secret weapons labs all over Eastern Europe, which they're working on their own biological weapons.
But I think they wanted to outsource this to China so that China, with its bad protocols on safety, would accidentally leak this, not on purpose, because it really damaged China as well.
But then they knew that it would get back from China to the United States.
It's like giving a stick of dynamite to a five-year-old.
Now they have the excuse, the globalists have every excuse now to lock down this nation.
And the reason they're doing this is not because they want to destroy the economy.
Yes, they do want to get Trump out and they can give him a bad name if he continues to go along and lock down this economy.
We're going to see if this lasts another month as they want to, we're going to see mass riots in the street demanding to be opened up.
But here's the goal.
The goal is to continue to push for slow opening, delaying it and delaying it until people cry out.
Or relief.
And then they're going to have a relief ready, which is going to be this vaccine.
You get the vaccine and we're going to give you your freedom.
Of course, along with this factory comes the new vaccine patch with its ink coating in there, which you can be scannable and readable.
I mean, if there's anything getting close to the mark of the beast, you know, this is it.
You can't be free.
You can't go back into business unless you have the mark through these ink.
This is the mark of the beast training wheels.
Yeah, it really is.
And this stuff It's something they've got to talk people into.
And what I'm saying is that people are all too accepting of this because of their idiotic reason.
Well, the media tells them you're heroes because you're locking down.
But what about the UN admitting 30 million this year are going to starve to death?
I mean, those numbers, I think, are pretty accurate.
This is hundreds of times what's going to die from COVID-19.
I don't think they'll allow it to get that far.
Remember, they want to push this economic crisis.
So that people cry out for release and they'll have this vaccine ready to be, this is your key to getting your freedom back.
And notice they keep wetting the appetite.
Oh, it might never come.
Meanwhile, we know Bill and Melinda Gates again, have a bunch of these patented coronavirus chimeras ready as the ingredient in the vaccine, which is the same thing.
So they're acting like, oh, we don't have it, but the human trials have been going on two months.
Yeah, and unfortunately what I warned people in the last week's World Affairs Brief is this is a new DNA vaccine.
This is a genetically altered it.
They're going to make, you know, we're going to be GMO crops basically in the human genome because they're going to insert altered genes that are supposedly going to produce these antibodies.
And don't buy into this protein antibody test as a secure for your freedom as well.
These antibody tests are flawed.
And they are not accurate and they require an intrusive blood test as well.
We have to really stop this stuff.
You know, they're talking about rolling shutdowns.
If they don't get it this first time around, they're going to pull it on us again in the fall time and start the shutdowns again.
We really have to build A solid case to the American people that these shutdowns are illegal and unconstitutional.
No, you're right.
We've got to kill it now.
We can't play games.
Nobody can play games.
Because people think of a vaccine as something you get an injection, a little bit of a bad thing that's been killed or attenuated so that you learn how to defeat it.
No, folks.
Vaccines now just mean something they inject into you, and as you said, a lot of these new vaccines have whole humans' genomes in them, and then it's manipulating your DNA.
Think of the Trojan horses that the globalists are burying in there.
They've already caught them in vaccines, hiding all these sterolins and stuff.
That was old-fashioned stuff.
Yes, and you know, we have the opportunity now, because of the growing backlash, We've got to take advantage of this to get people educated.
Stop trusting in the medical establishment.
They're all drug-oriented.
You don't need any medical establishment if you're a healthy person that gets this virus.
You can overcome it easily as Dr. Mercola and Dr. Brownstein And Dr. Shiva and other people have documented, you know, you get up on your vitamins, you get up on, you know, vitamin D3, on zinc, and on selenium, and multi-doses of vitamin C, and you can beat this.
I mean, I do this regularly, and I don't even get colds or flu anymore.
And I'm 74, so I'm not even at risk, because I have a healthy, strong immune system.
But if you're taking the vaccines, if you're taking the flu shot, Your immune system is being damaged and you're becoming immunodeficient and suffering from these things.
By the way, you're not just saying that.
It's admitted in the news that a lot of people testing positive for COVID-19 took a flu shot.
Here's another one.
Flu vaccine increases coronavirus risk.
36% says military study.
That's just if you've had one flu shot.
These things lower your immunity.
That's right, because the adjuvants that are in there to stop the immune system of attacking the virus or attacking the vaccine cause all these autoimmune diseases.
They start attacking normal cells because you're tricking the immune system not to get rid of this foreign vaccine that they've injected into your bloodstream.
And while this patch is probably less invasive in terms of that, because it's going through the skin rather than injection, Putting DNA, altered DNA, into your body is not something I am ever going to do.
So we really need to build the movement that people need to stop taking vaccines and not trust the medical establishment.
Joel Scalzi, you're absolutely right.
This morning I intended to come on air and say we need to stop complaining, we need to organize the resistance, and I...
I just get upset and then spit off out of control because this is just so horrific to watch and I'm trying to be positive in all of this because at least it's fulfilling revelations.
It's fulfilling that this is the precursor to the larger plan they're going to launch.
What is this like for you, I know, as a Christian and others you know?
I mean, is this not an amazing time to see prophecy beginning to be absolutely fulfilled?
Well, what has shocked me, Alex, is the rapidity at which this has grown instantly because of this, this phony or the exaggerated pandemic that they placed upon us.
I never thought that it would come this quick.
I thought it would wait till World War III until they could justify a lot of these things.
This has justified Pandora's box of illegal activity.
And, you know, we can get out there in the streets and protest, but I'll tell you, they're still going to turn around And come back at us next week and wear us down unless we get this amendment that I'm talking about.
No, I agree.
We have to go on the offense now and say this is a total hoax, it's hysteria.
Fauci and those are up to their eyeballs in the involvement in it and expose that.
I mean, they've got to go to prison.
Because they're gambling that we're so scared and worship medical authority that the very people with their fingerprints all over it who stand to gain kibono with the power trip are now going to run our lives.
Folks, this is a total takeover.
Joel Scalz is our guest for two more segments and I promise I'll host the rest of the hour and take your phone calls for Sonny, Grant, Joe, Truther, Craig.
And others.
But these are just incredible times to get close to God.
You know, I personally am a man.
I'm not worried about myself.
But when I think about my four children, I become enraged.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right.
Two more segments left with Joel Scowls in the World Affairs Brief.com.
He's really a smart guy.
And your smart calls coming up as well.
I appreciate everybody holding.
And then we got the war room on Troyer coming up.
I'm able to be very positive under overwhelming odds.
I don't personally, you know, take things bad when I'm under attack, but I have to tell you, if you have a spirit at a very deep level, I am very disturbed.
I've never been this much disturbed, and I don't want to say it's a come to Jesus moment, because I'm already with Jesus, and I'm not perfect, folks.
I've got my problems, but I love God.
It's just fundamentally What's being set up is so dangerous and so grievous.
And this vaccine is so evil.
Because if you thought they could hide stuff in vaccines before, I mean, DNA vaccines with manipulating the DNA of the human body?
This is big.
And you watch Bill Gates licking his lips and hopping around, and the stuff he's involved in.
Joel Skousen talking big picture.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
just from the perspective of God versus the devil.
This is the world government move.
They're announcing world government, forced inoculations, the WHO in command.
It's so outrageous, it should be easy to defeat, but we have to reject it and see what it is,
a giant power grab.
Well, it is.
And, you know, these vaccines, for example, never do it in good for any form of flu,
including coronavirus, because they mutate constantly.
So you set it up for a certain vaccine and it doesn't do any good.
The flu vaccine never does any good.
And so you really have to depend on your own.
But, you know, from a big spiritual perspective, Alex, this has got the satanic forces just clapping for glee, especially how most normal people who watch the mainstream news has bought into this hook, line and sinker and they see victory.
But I'll tell you, I think the mistake that they're making is pushing too far too fast.
And clearly the rebellion that is building, I think, is the Lord's way of waking people up and saying, uh-oh, something's really wrong here.
I mean, ordinary people who is having their income just destroyed, and business people who are not conservative or liberal.
What about the mass death of the third world, sir?
I mean, yeah, the 30 million that are probably going to starve to death if it keeps going.
Yeah, and that's why I say I don't think they're going to let it go that far because the backlash, they're very sensitive to backlash.
They want enough to push us to want to do what they want to do without killing the finest amount of people from getting a black name.
So I just discount that they're going to let 30 million people die over this.
But I can tell you they're going to keep pushing Americans for this slow, Opening up the nation is going to be so slow and it's going to be so damaging to the economy that people are going to be really uptight.
And that's why I say we need a solution that can take to the bank without simply protesting alone.
Because, you know, a protest, it doesn't change the authorities mind.
They just simply give you give in a little bit, soften you up a little bit, and then they go back to it again in November.
And that's why I say we have to raise a movement that stops these emergency orders and we have to attack them as the real issue.
And again, I understand what you're saying, but a lot of folks aren't experts in the law.
Slowly, in a minute and a half, we have a level come back more.
Joel Skousen, it's in your World Affairs Brief.
What do we do?
What we do is we send to our legislators and our congressmen, especially the conservative ones who are going to be more willing to get on board, And basically tell them, you know, there's a lot of data out there showing that the number of COVID-19 cases is exaggerated.
Even the CDC admits that the tests are not valid and that the cases are being improperly assigned to COVID-19 death.
And while we cannot necessarily overcome this wave of propaganda, what we can do, telling our legislatures, is we need to stop these Uh, the excessively broad language of these, and we can do this by simply adding an amendment.
And you basically, and I can put the language in the emails.
I've already got hundreds of emails from your subscribers wanting this amendment.
But basically we suggested them drop this amendment to all of these things, and this will solve our problems.
It will give us our rights back.
It will allow things to go forth voluntarily, but tell your legislature you need to drop in the basket an amendment to all of these emergency powers stating that nothing, none of the powers granted herein can be used or construed or interpreted.
And by the way, everything's primed for that because the Texas Supreme Court's already basically said that, but everybody's just stampeding off the edge of a cliff.
The medical tyranny of the United Nations set up by the Rockefellers and their lockstep operation is all public.
And I agree with Joel Skousen, there is a big silver lining in all of this.
I'm your host Alex Jones here back live on this live Tuesday edition.
That they're overreaching and they're so arrogant they think the public doesn't watch WHO meetings where they admit the vaccines aren't helping people and are killing people just four months ago.
They don't watch Event 201 Bill Gates events where they admit this is happening.
They don't read Rockefeller Foundation documents like Lockstep that says an authoritarian world government that we need, in their words, will be brought in using this We're just gonna do all this, so they organize it all right in front of us like we're morons, and then they execute it, and then it's all selectively enforced, and the Democrats say, thank God to our separation of powers, the three branches, and then the state governments, and the federal system, and the fact that we've got two parties, they're still not perfect, they've got big problems, but people go, wait, Democrats aren't opening up?
But the Republicans are trying.
People understand at a fundamental level that we are under something I said I would start the entire broadcast with today and I didn't but I'm going to do it now.
What is the definition of blockade?
The isolation By a warring nation of an enemy area, such as a harbor, by troops or warships, to prevent passage of persons or supplies, broadly a restrictive measure designed to obstruct the commerce and communications of an unfriendly nation.
Interruption of a normal psychological function.
And then it goes on, well, what's house arrest?
Same thing we're under is martial law.
They're getting us ready for it.
They're preparing us.
And what does Zuckerberg say?
Oh, we're going to watch you.
We're talking to local governments.
And if you protest, we're going to ban you off Facebook.
So now the censorship's gone up.
A billion percent?
I mean, literally, from Alex Jones to me wake up, it's everything.
Joel Skousen of WorldAffairsBrief.com.
Joel, look at Oliver Darcy, the CNN creature.
Anti-quarantine protests being organized through Facebook in California, New Jersey, and Nebraska are being removed from the platform on the instruction of governments in those three states.
The instruction of governments, not injunctions, not lawsuits, no.
Governments in those states because it violates stay-at-home orders.
Facebook spokesperson.
Turns out the states go, no, they called us and said we'll be like it and we said no.
That's a lie.
So it's CNN, who's the police dog, With Facebook and others and Big Tech lying and saying they have government authority to ban your right to go out and protest the fact you're being told that you are non-essential.
Talk about Nazi, that means obsolete.
Joel Skousen.
Yeah, they've even told us that our First Amendment rights to protest, the free speech, to free assembly is non-essential, at least in North Carolina.
That's what a sheriff tried to say.
Now I can tell you that when you get arrested for some of these things and you ought to protest and let them arrest you.
They're going to be bending over backwards to try to dismiss this case and let you off with a fine so that it doesn't go to trial, because they know this cannot be defended under current law before the courts.
It's just going to get thrown out.
That's right, and all our ancestors' blood and toil, going back to the Magna Carta, is now on the line.
We're losing 900, 800 years of blood, millions dead, Joel.
Explain this to people right now.
All this freedom didn't just grow on a tree, did it?
No, that's right.
But that's because, you see, our public education system never educates people in constitutional rights.
What's a proper law and what's an improper law?
They don't get any of that.
We don't even get that in college.
You don't even get that in law school anymore.
They don't teach the Constitution and its restriction.
They teach case law.
And they'll teach all about this.
My brother's an attorney.
He tells me, how do they just, and I asked him, how does he justify this?
The Commerce Clause.
The Commerce Clause has been used to justify all these emergency powers because The president has the authority to make sure that nothing interferes with commerce.
Well, it's the authorities themselves interfering in commerce now.
I was about to say, we need to respond that this is a blockade, this is globalist run, and we reject it, we reject fear.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who I didn't like as a president, but who was telling the truth when he said, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
And it's proven that the overblown nature and the fear was a hoax.
Yes, but Roosevelt's statement was a political statement.
He didn't believe that for a minute.
He knew that his own government edicts would be the thing that people would really learn to fear.
And so, I don't quote Roosevelt, but anyway, there is... No, no, I agree with you.
Roosevelt was bad, but I'm saying, in this case, the only fear we have to fear is this propaganda.
Yes, and the government power based upon that propaganda.
I mean, what they have claimed to be able to do.
Nobody ever used these emergency powers to this degree before, so nobody really knew what they would do under them.
Now we know that the so-called broad authority, and that word is in most statements of emergency
authority in the Federal 1976 Act, for example, the Utah 2016 Act, the health are given broad
And those kinds of statements are unconstitutional when they start using that broad authority
to violate your rights.
That's right, Joel.
Right to do a business and we need to stop that.
And there's just no way to stop that without a broad statement like I'm suggesting that says none of this stuff.
It doesn't matter.
We don't have to revise these emergency laws.
We just simply have to say whatever's in them can't violate fundamental rights.
That's right.
Is Trump by the existing state and federal law, the Bill of Rights?
Which again, you stated it correctly, under a republic, minority rights are protected as well as majority rights.
You can't create just some law that violates these fundamental underpinnings.
That's right.
And you know, legislatures know that.
And I'll tell you, a lot of these rural conservative legislatures are really open to suggestions.
When I first threw this out last week, when Utah had opened a special session to talk about the coronavirus, they were going to vote on extending the government's power, which was limited to 30 days, to extend it.
And I threw in this thing about, you know, these are a violation of federal rights.
Not only you cannot, you extend it.
You have to demand that they give a constitutional amendment if they're going to enforce these illegally.
What you're about to say is they were all about to do it.
They weren't bad.
They were being stampeded by emotion and hysteria.
But then they listened to you.
And what you're saying is that people have the power to say, whoa, whoa, whoa, we're not buying into this.
Remember what America is.
Say no to the stampede.
Every listener has to realize how critical they are in doing that.
Yes, and a lot of the legislatures, you know, they knew intrinsically that this was wrong, but they didn't have the language, they didn't have the wherewithal.
They know they're going to get attacked by the national media saying they're killing people if they don't hand power over to Fauci and the UN.
And by the Republican, the mainstream, liberal Republican legislatures that are running even most conservative states.
They knew that they would get attacked.
And so by giving them this amendment power, I said, look, they try to attack you and say, And you just come back and say, what, you really are in favor of suspending our fundamental rights?
And if you do, that takes the constitutional limit.
You're right.
Force them to say they want to kill America.
Well, we're not going to let it happen.
And that's why I said we have to build this movement in every state of the union.
To stop these emergency powers, that's the best thing that we can do.
Let me ask you this question in time.
We have worldfirstbrief.com, Joel Skowzin, always amazing.
You were here 11, 12 weeks ago, and I said, what comes next when the impeachment fails?
And we talked about wars, bio-attacks, I don't know if you remember that.
What comes next if this fails?
I mean, this just shows Trump has to take out the deep state or we're screwed.
And I just don't think he can do it because he's so surrounded.
Well, that's right.
It's proven by the way that he's handling security.
He continues to resist, but they overload him with these expert opinions.
And what can he do?
He just doesn't have the background to be able to counter them with specifics.
And there's nobody around him who has the background that can do that.
But it's out there on the Internet.
And we're just going to have to flood the world with truth.
And with these resistance movements within the legislature themselves to put a halt to these emergency orders, because I'll tell you what comes next is another pandemic, another pandemic.
They'll keep doing this.
They know that nobody has the ability so far.
Well I said this 10 weeks ago, it'll be like weather reports the new virus.
Now they've said that, CNN, New York Times, it'll be like weather reports.
Here's the UN, says life will never go back to normal, a new way of living under UN control.
Just like that, they control us with viruses.
Viruses always kill people, folks.
This is incredible.
Joel Scalzi, you've been on fire today.
Thank you so much.
Please join us more often.
Please go on David Knight.
Please go on Owen Schroeder.
Thank you, sir.
I'd love to.
All right, folks.
Alex Jones here back live.
I appreciate callers holding.
Some callers have been holding five minutes, just called in.
Some have been holding over an hour.
So we're going to go to Craig and we're going to go to Truther.
We're going to go to Grant.
Others have been holding the longest right now.
And Joe and others.
Grant in Florida.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Alex, thanks for having me.
I'm holding an event this Friday.
It's called Evening of Freedom.
It's in South Florida.
It's going to be from 7 to 8, and we're protesting this stay-at-home order over here.
So it's going to be some music, it's going to be some prayer, and it's going to be a little bit of everything and just a good time.
It's an hour.
Well, that's awesome, because we're trying to create like a system.
And the next day or two at TimeToOpen.com and Can'tCloseAmerica.com to where everybody can go post, you know, what you're doing so we can spotlight that and more.
So that's exciting.
How do people find out more about that event?
Go on to Evening of Freedom on Facebook.
We're still over there.
I have a flyer on there.
We might be banned.
Yeah, you can't allow an Evening of Freedom.
Zuckerberg doesn't allow Americans to meet.
Wow, it's not like China.
It's for your own good, of course.
Yeah, exactly.
I think people over here are really pissed off.
Now, I do want to say, you're feeling that depression.
I've been handing out flyers, I've been working real hard, and a lot of people are just so asleep.
They're just going, so much hate, so much negativity.
I don't want to say it's depression.
I've got all the stuff I want to do, and I know how to do it, and then I'm just, the minutiae has got me pissed off.
I don't want to complain on air.
A lot of good things are happening.
It's just, it should be so easy to beat this.
We should reject this.
We're supposedly Americans.
This is ridiculous.
And the thing is a hoax overall.
And they're counting all deaths as it.
And they're counting anybody with a flu virus as that.
And they admit that the flu shot, if you took it, shows you as COVID-19.
Positive, I mean, the thing is a giant stinking fraud, and then Fauci and the Gates Foundation are beyond their eyeballs.
They're underwater involved in it, and it's confirmed it's man-made, and so they should be arrested!
Not telling me that I can't ever go to a restaurant again, or I gotta take a damn shot with him and that other elf, Stephanopoulos, up there!
Makes me sick!
Piece of crap, that guy is behind it!
He's shipped to China, he runs the Bio-Up Level 4 labs, I'm sick of the medical dictatorship and Bill Gates.
So at least the good news is everybody knows Bill Gates is involved.
Everybody hates his ass.
So I should be more positive actually.
The problem is I hold it back and I'm not acting like I really feel.
How about I just come on air and really tell you what I think.
Grant, God bless you.
Kruther in California are on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, this is East Bay Truther calling from FEMA Region 9.
I wanted to go over Project Roomkey, which is starting to take place in California.
Tell me.
So Gavin Newsom, I mean American Psycho, decided to make a deal with motels and hotels all over California to start housing the homeless.
But there's a catch to that.
And I'm about to blow the whistle on something.
Um, I'm going to protect my friend that gave this to me.
I'm not going to... Let me guess, they got to take a microchip to stay there?
No, no.
It's a little bit different, but here's what we got.
So, this is from County Health and Human Services Agency.
I wanted to go over a few things with you to make sure your stay goes as smoothly as possible.
And what's it called?
Project... Project Wound Key?
No, no.
Room Key.
So, this is a document from Project Room Key.
So, this is for California.
So, let me finish.
First, we want you to know that we want to make sure your visit is as comfortable as possible.
That said, you are here because coronavirus, a very serious disease, is being spread throughout the community and we all need to do everything we can to reduce the spread of the disease.
So we are going to ask you to follow these three rules.
Rule one, no guests at any time.
Rule number two, you cannot leave the property at any time.
Rule number three, no illegal activity.
And then it goes on to say, You will have three scheduled 20-minute breaks a day where you can take a walk or go outside, and the time should be posted in your room.
Remember, the goal of your stay is to keep you and the community safe.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for breaking these rules, and if you violate any, you'll be asked to leave.
You'll be getting separate calls from our staff soon who will ask you some questions and figure out what you need during the stay.
We want to make sure that all your needs are met during this time.
If at any time you feel you need hospitalization, call 9-1-1.
By the way, sir, I didn't know about Project Room Key when I typed it in.
There it is.
They're basically locking people up as prisoners.
Yeah, and the guards that are going to be guarding these motels are going to be private security guards.
And each hotel is going to have two to three, maybe five guards watching.
And their job is to keep an eye on the homeless people that are in those hotel rooms And if they leave, they're to call the sheriff and the police to have those people arrested for violating their shelter-in-place orders.
Man, this is so Twilight Zone.
It's the same Democrats in early March, late February, when Trump's like, block the Chinese flights, hell, middle of February.
They're like, no, no, no!
Because they were incubating it, like Mike Adams and myself and others pointed out.
Fauci's like, oh no, bring them in.
This is so obvious, Truther.
What do you make of this?
I think it's time for California to rise.
And I think that's starting to happen.
We've been having protests all over the state.
We got some protests going on in Sacramento.
More people need to blow the whistle.
Work for these security agencies that are going to be securing the hotels.
Get videos of it.
Spread the news because you know Fox News is going to come out or you know the mainstream media is going to come out and say it's a great thing.
Project Room Key.
Everyone's getting their own key for a room to stay in.
And they're going to be staying... But really it's Project Slave Key.
Project Prison Key.
Because they say you've got a key, but you're locked up.
Can't leave.
And this sets an incredible precedent.
And of course it's government money to these Cracker Box hotels.
Do me a favor.
I saw the articles you're talking about.
Obviously that's an internal memo.
If you could black it out.
Yes, sir.
And that's the agenda.
correct. The left says that's a hate term, no it's just black type, coming up with black folks.
White it out, whatever, gray it out, cut it out. Send us that at showtips@infowars.com
but it sounds like you're giving us the internals of this.
They're all pushing it that people aren't prisoners at these but that's big news.
Project Roomkey literally makes the homeless prisoners. Yes sir and that's
the agenda. They're gonna start with the homeless and who was talking about
separating families like they say Trump's doing at the border,
but they want to do this nationwide.
Oh, of course, California's the... Oh, I saw that with the homeless thing in California.
They said it shelters separate families.
Because people are going bankrupt during this.
And by the way, renters...
They're throwing people out of their houses in Austin and their condos and their apartments that can't pay rent because the checks aren't coming.
Same thing in California.
And now your kids get taken away from you.
And I was reading they're also going to do forced inoculations, not for COVID-19, but once you get under this.
Sir, what else does this document say?
That was just basically it.
But the guards that are on post are being told to call the cops or the sheriff to have, you know, the people that break the rules arrested and taken care of.
Well, sir, let me put you on hold.
I bet money Owen Troyer wants you on as a Project Roomkey whistleblower.
And if you can get, if we can put him on the phone with Scott, his producer, and if we can get that set up and get that document to Owen, that would be a very important segment to show that, because that is not in the literature.
But I think this man's telling the truth.
Thank you so much, Truther.
Let's pass this information on to Owen's producer for the war room coming up here in about 30 minutes, 32 minutes from now.
Wow, that's what I mean.
It's just... I don't want to say I'm exhausted.
I'm not exhausted.
I come in here and I look at all this and I just... You heard the caller.
I've seen stuff just as bad as that I haven't even told you about.
And then every day when the show ends, I feel guilty that I didn't cover enough.
There's no way to cover it all though, I'm sorry.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
I personally am trying to figure out my psychology right now so that I can get control of it.
Because I can take a lot.
And watching American freedom and worldwide freedom butchered and knowing the very people caught red-handed behind it.
Are the ones that did it.
Pisses me off.
But it reminds me of those times in my life, when I was younger, and three or four bullies, only happened a couple times, a couple dozen times maybe, maybe a dozen times, were beating me up, and the disgusting feeling of letting it happen, and then the exhilaration of going crazy and kicking their ass, even though they were a lot older than me and bigger.
And it's that feeling though, but see, I can feel like I'm winning fighting them myself, but I'm a collectivist.
I'm such an individual.
I believe individualism, but I'm a total collectivist that while kids are getting aborted and the
third world's dying and people are being poisoned and they're getting away with it and Bill
Gates is laughing, I feel like I'm having my ass kicked.
And I apologize to the crew too because I've been a jerk the last week.
And it's because watching our country burn down.
You know, people say, oh, you know, it's a grand falloon.
Why do you care about America?
It's had its problems, but we had basic due process and rights and prosperity.
And what's coming is going to be so horrible.
And it's already here.
You know, that's what it is.
I hoped at a sick level that Revelation was just a choose your own adventure, a warning from God that if we didn't do the right thing, this would happen.
And I tried to play games with God in my mind that, come on, it doesn't have to be that bad.
It's not a choose your own adventure.
God's already chose the adventure.
And that's quite frankly what it is.
I look at my children, I look at my three-year-old daughter who is incredible.
Our joke is she's the Martian ambassador.
She's got red hair and huge head like me and like speaks in full sentences and when she was like two years old and like well everybody gets freaked out around her It's crazy.
She's not a Martian ambassador.
It's just they know these advanced humans are coming on the planet right now.
The globalists are scared of that.
They know the real next advancements here.
And my other children are amazing as well.
And I look at them and it's a feeling beyond enragement.
It's a feeling of, you better do something!
It's just every cell in my body saying, you better up your game, son.
And it's not a feeling of feeling like a piece of crap.
It's a feeling I've never had.
And I know what it is.
It's a metamorphosis.
So I just have to somehow just give it to God.
And I keep saying this on air because I know you're going through this as well, listeners.
And we just have to deal with this together because this is not supposed to be comfortable.
And pain is weakness leaving the body, and so many philosophers have said it, and it's true.
Not having suffering, legitimate suffering for good, is the essence of corruption and evil.
And these people that are all of themselves selfish and care about no one, they're into power and into trampling other people, they're not the example of what we should be.
So I get ashamed of myself, getting angry and being a jerk.
He will cruise fine with it.
I don't like that.
I want everything I do to be ammo downrange the enemy.
But I'm like a race car driver getting in there, 1200 horsepower vehicle, and pressing the accelerator down too hard, and you blow the engine.
I haven't done that yet, but I've thrown some rods, I've busted some pistons, and I try to turn it over to God, but I need listeners to pray for me.
I'm under enemy spiritual attack and a lot more.
You all are.
We all are together, but I'm a focal point.
And I just need to pray for calmness and providence and discernment and that quiet place, the Most High that King David talked about, because I can get in that place sometimes now, but not like I used to.
And it is because my discernment is way off the charts.
I mean, I see way further than I used to, but at the same time, then it's like, I don't want to see.
Like, used to, I wanted to see stuff.
I wanted to know stuff 30, 40 years ago.
I wanted to, you know, I had sight, but not that, now it's like, oh, I don't want to see this anymore.
And I get that.
Think about Christ having to see a trillion times a trillion more than we see, and having to take it all on for our sins.
That's what this is.
To beat evil, you have to face evil.
Well, are we really ready to stare it in the eye?
Are we man enough and woman enough?
And maybe I'm not.
I've talked a big game for 26 years on air, and now that world government's here, I'm starting to crack up.
And not because I can't face the evil.
I can't believe we're not fighting in order.
I just cannot believe we're letting these satanic, weird pot-bellied dudes in pink shirts going, who talks about how he's going to murder everybody, and now he's in charge of stuff.
And then it's the sickeningness of he's coming in less than a year with forced inoculations.
And he's assaulting me and he's assaulting you.
And he thinks it's funny.
And all these people bow down and serve him.
And so the metamorphosis is, we're going into war.
And everything before it was just preparation.
And so you're supposed to get sick before a battle and throw up.
Not because you're scared.
But because you get all the crap out of your guts, all the piss out of your kidneys, and all the food out of your stomach, because all the blood's going to your brain and your limbs for savage destruction.
And they want death?
They're gonna get all the death they could ever imagine.
And I mean that.
I'm not planning any violence and I'm not going to carry out violence.
But these people are assaulting us.
And so we better decide which side of history we're on and what we're going to put up with.
And that when he says 700,000 people are going to get sick and die from his vaccine, he's announcing he's coming to kill you.
And of course it's a hundred times that.
It's a declaration of war against you and your family.
A declaration of war against our very genome.
Joe in New York, you're on the air, thanks for holding.
Hello, Alex, I'll get right to the point.
I had a statement, as your forecast has changed, and people taking certain aspects of it away, I have a... To be fair, I think your phone's laying down by your head, shift a little bit.
Your broadcast has taken a change as I'm listening to it.
I have a friend in North Dakota who did a documentary on the Bakken oil field, and he
called me last night and he asked my opinion on the negative $37 a barrel of the oil.
And it just makes me want to believe that Trump is doing the right thing, but if he
does not stem the import of Saudi oil into our country, then it just makes me believe
that there's a big problem with Trump.
And my brother...
Brother, Trump got in and the globalists took over the economy because we didn't submit.
It's not Trump launched the fake virus.
It's not Trump shut down the economy.
He's been trying to reopen it.
But the American people on average like staying home and watching Netflix, even though they're going to end up homeless.
They don't think even a month out.
You know, there's a lot to... I'm a third-time caller.
The second time I called you, first time was about forced flu shots.
My wife is an oncology nurse in New York.
Second time I called you was about the, you know, the problem as far as the,
the, the problem is as far as the.
All right.
Well, I hear you, Joe.
Just take extra vaccines.
It'll be all right.
Look, I love you, brother.
We all get a frog in our throat sometimes.
Me permanently.
I'm going to come back and talk to Sonny, Ken, EJ and Craig to close out the hour and
then the war room is coming up.
Nobody came to save those 62 million babies in America.
And all these people being compliant while the economy's shut down think they're dutifully protecting themselves.
Well, the final countdown is getting very clear.
Let's pull up the headline for TV viewers.
County has 400,000 cases.
And if you do the deaths, it is a .11 Not even 1% death rate, ladies and gentlemen.
So 617 deaths out of 450.
They're counting every car wreck, every stabbing, every heart attack, every cancer patient, every old person that dies.
And the testing is anybody that's got a flu virus, had the flu vaccine, shows whatever genetic material they're saying.
It's a giant hoax of biblical proportions with the deep state now getting $17 trillion off the scam.
There's the Santa Monica mirror.
For you.
But the hysteria and the societal breakdown and the lockdown is what's really important.
I've had some really important people since the show started call me and text me asking what this means.
And we've confirmed it's real video.
I'm going to play it right now and then go to these calls.
But what does it mean?
Hot mic moment at Coronavirus Task Force.
We're talking to Fox News' host, John Roberts, right before Trump comes out.
He's talking to the rest of the media and they go, yeah, it's 0.1.
It's a hoax.
Don't worry, we've all been vaccinated already.
What the hell does that mean?
This is not going to go the way the globalists thought.
Let's go to the clip.
Here it is.
All right, man.
What do you got, bud?
You can take off the mask, Doug.
The case fatality rate's like 0.1 to 0.3, according to... Is it really?
That's reassuring.
Everybody here's been vaccinated anyway.
USC and L.A.
County Public Health came out with a study.
They found that there are 7,000 cases in California, but they really believe that there are anywhere from 221,000 to 442,000 people who were infected.
So that makes it 0.1, 2, 0.3.
There's a study to come out, by the way.
Yeah, just deal with it.
So it suggests that the patient's allergy risk is 10.
What's your right line with the fruit?
Yeah, exactly that.
So it was a hoax.
Yeah, exactly that. That's what it is.
It was a hose.
I don't know if it was a hose.
Alright folks.
It's a hoax.
Yeah, you got that right.
It's a hoax.
I mean, this is what we like.
We like to be hoaxed.
But let me tell you what isn't a hoax.
30 million facing starvation.
In the third world, thanks to this right now.
And they're gonna die.
Those little kids are gonna die.
And the average trendy doesn't care, because they like to wear a mask and feel trendy.
And like, oh, I'm so brave.
I'm in a war zone.
It's a war.
And the average medical worker who has no regular patients, the hospitals are empty.
I talk to people I know that are nurses and doctors.
They're having sex and watching Pornhub and Netflix.
They're drinking.
They're taking pills.
They're having orgies.
That's on record!
They're takin' pills, they're drinkin' vodka, they're drinkin' whiskey, they're drinkin' wine coolers, they're drinkin' White Claw.
They're havin' sex.
His hospitals are empty and all there is is booty call time.
Booty, booty, booty, booty everywhere!
Rockin' everywhere!
Rockin' everywhere!
Players Club for a month or two.
That's what's really going on is they're at the Players Club, folks.
Bang the nurses.
Take the pills.
Snort the coke.
Party, party, party, party, party every day!
Rockin' every day!
Rockin' every day!
You see them headlights?
You see me knock them curtains down?
I'm doing 100 on the highway!
That's what's going down, baby!
I've talked to friends and family and they say it is a giant orgy.
I mean, already the doctors and nurses are, you know, to quote Wayne's World.
But it is party time!
While the stock market and the jobs and the farms shut down, you ain't gonna be laughing in a month or two, Jack.
You ain't gonna be laughing no more!
Hit the road, Jack, and don't come home no more, no more, no more.
You ain't gotta worry.
The gravy train's over.
The New World Order took our temperature and said, hit them with a fake virus.
They'll panic.
They'll shut down.
And sure as pumpkin pie, they're like, they let convicted pedophiles go to their schools and follow their kids.
They let us give them vaccines that are deadly dangerous to kill them.
And like, you know, a third of their boys can't even talk.
They let them do all hell.
We'll just, we'll just do it.
And you know what the general public got their back on it.
Like a beetle.
And they're like, hit them with everything you got.
And then people protest.
Hey, we're losing our jobs.
And the nurses go, let's stop having sex for five minutes and using all the drugs.
Let's put our mask on and go out and stand in front of the cars in Denver.
I'm getting back in that hospital and I'm going to use all the drugs and drink all the alcohol a day.
Shut up.
But here's the thing, those nurses that have done the fake videos saying everybody's dead and all that, they'll be crying for mommy when we're Venezuela.
And we will be, don't worry.
Just look at these people.
You know, I said I'd get to Craig and EJ and Ken and Sonny and everybody else.
And I love you to death, but I didn't do it.
I'm a bad person.
I know a Troyer's coming up, but I guess I should jam a call or two in here.
You know, I've got like 20 more videos here.
But just remember what Jeff Zuckerberg said.
You keep in your house, you dirty, filthy, scum Americans, and you don't go outside.
Or he'll take you off Facebook.
Ooh, I'm so scared!
You do with that sleazy, crazy Harvard trash jazz that works for Bill Gates, you filth.
Stephanopoulos might talk bad about you.
Here, cue up Joy Behar.
Or Joy Behar might call you a terrorist.
You know why we have guns at these rallies, you old hunchback goblin?
Because you've got all the guns and you're enslaving us and we're reminding you that it's a two-way street.
Here, let's hear her tell the American people, you stay in your houses and you starve to death.
Here it is.
These people are being egged on by right-wing media and people like Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh.
And why are you bringing guns to a rally?
You want to call yourself protesters?
Leave your guns home.
Those are terrorists who bring guns to things.
To rallies.
I don't trust that at all.
And don't listen to these people.
I don't trust you, the Taoist.
All right, let's jam in a few of these.
I'm going to jam in as many as I can.
I love you guys.
Let's talk.
This has been on the longest here.
Craig in Washington!
You're on the air, Craig.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Uh, you know, I'm just really sad.
Yeah, I'm feeling it.
I've got some Jesus for you to kind of talk to this.
So what, you know, the story of Jesus was one day he was on the road and he found a disciple and he asked him to follow him.
And he said, the disciple said, or the future disciple said, I follow you, but I first need to bury my father.
And Jesus said to him, let the dead bury the dead.
Come with me.
And that's, to me, that speaks a lot of where we're at right now.
No, I think about that a lot.
Knock the dust off your feet.
He also said that.
But the dead bury the dead.
You're absolutely right.
What's dead's dead.
You're right, brother.
We need to turn away from Sodom and Gomorrah and not look back.
And this world, so we're fighting for this world.
This world right now is crap, you know?
There's the highest suicide rate ever and the lowest birth rate ever.
I like economics.
To me, those are the two most economic, most important economic indicators.
No, you're right.
The wages of sin or death.
And so we have to fight for those that want to know the truth, but just cut it loose and realize it's all going down.
Yeah, but some of it's also taking a step back.
I came up with a term like Hermes hiccups, kind of like an atlas shrug.
But you know, Hermes was more about shopkeepers.
So that's what you're talking, get back to the farm, get back to local, unplug from that.
And then how we kill them, the globalists, is we starve them.
They are vampires.
No, I agree.
And notice they're trying to cut us off and teach us that we need them.
This should be a big learning lesson, folks.
Don't be dependent.
Don't take their loans.
Don't be involved with them.
And literally hate their guts because they hate you.
I mean, it's just hard for me to look at Bill Gates, man.
What a... I mean, wow, man.
What an enemy.
What an enemy.
Just what, you know, that's Hitler 2.0, man.
I'm glad we took his call.
All right, Sonny.
I always say this every day, and we don't do it.
And it looks like I lie to the listeners.
I don't lie about anything, except I never call the callers back.
Can we get their three names?
Sonny, Ken, and EJ, their digital numbers, their calls, and get them on.
All right, Owen's coming up.
And I'll just tell you this.
With all the attacks we're under, if you don't buy the products, we'll be shut down.
But that's God's will it is.
We've got great products you need.
Torrible Food's back in, a bunch of other specials.
So please do your shopping at InfoWarsTore.com.
We told you what was going to happen and it did.
Now we're telling you what's coming.
What's coming?
videos. InfoWars.com.
The most banned network in the world.
We're gonna sell out of X3.
We sold out of X2.
It's a long time till we get more X2.
X3 is amazing.
It's three types of iodine.
All X, including the D3 crystals.
It's apples and oranges.
They both do the same thing.
But some people like this formula better.
I talked to scientists.
They said some people need all three types.
So, it's here.
And it's gonna run out in the one ounce the next couple days.
The two ounce in probably about a week or two at this current rate.
But instead of 40% off, I just went to 60% off.
So, you know, we're making 30% or so on that.
That's okay.
I just want you to get it, and you're going to see it sell out.
But I want you to have it, and I want you to get Real Red Pill Plus.
It's going to be sold out soon.
It's at 50% off, and the Real Red Pill will be sold out.
We're going to sell out of the Prostagard that also has a big dose of zinc.
Pop her and a bunch of other stuff that's known to be really good for you and boost your defenses.
That's what I'm selling today.
Spazzo Beats, amazing for your overall body.
Creates nitrous oxide in the blood.
Just look into what that does.
Look into what PQQ and CoQ10 does.
And that's just some of the ingredients in DNA Force Plus.
Absolutely the number one thing I'm taking along with the iodine.
That's all 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com right now.
And go out and consult physicians.
And every physician I've talked to, I've talked to a lot of them, I ran into an airplane,
an airline pilot, flies for American yesterday.
And then I was talking to a medical doctor, I'm not going to say where I was, what I was
He was like, "Oh, absolutely.
You can't find zinc anywhere.
I'm telling my patients, take zinc."
And I said, "Well, how much?"
He said, "Hundred milligrams a day."
And he goes, "If you taste it later, it tastes kind of acidy, means you're on too much, but
they're giving 250 to people that already have it.
That's not good for your kidneys, but it's better than dying.
but wouldn't do it long term.
And I said, well, I've been taking 30 milligrams a day.
They said, "Yeah, I'd probably load up more than that.
And I'm up to 100 milligrams this morning."
So that's what I'm doing.
If you go to the NIH and type in zinc, it'll tell you right there that it's an immune booster.
You gotta have it to live.
Cleans out the cells, protects the mitochondria.
But that's the NIH.
Listen to them.
Only listen to CNN, who's still saying hydroxychloroquine's bad,
and there's no hope, and you're all dead.
'Cause only a vaccine will save you when there is no vaccine for the coronavirus,
because it's always mutated.
But that's just two plus two equals four.
Hey, CNN says men can have babies, biological men.
The penises can have babies.
It's not true.
They're training you to accept delusion.
So, infowarestore.com, Super Blue Toothpaste is selling out.
We have the Super Silver Cream.
It's all there.
Stay with us.
(electronic beeping)
Bio PQQ.
Research that.
Look into it for yourself.
Big Brother and The Globalist don't want you to.
Oh, you probably want to spend some time researching CoQ10.
And then research DNA Force Plus and the types that we have in here.
The very best forms of PQQ and CoQ2.
And then a whole bunch of other natural ingredients from Mother Nature that are known to supercharge it all.
This is our best-selling overall formula.
And I've told listeners at the end of last year that we can't sell products at 50% off anymore because there's not enough
markup in them to fund our operations.
But because of what's happening and going on in the world right now,
I really want everybody who hasn't used or tried or enjoyed the benefits of DNA Force Plus to have DNA Force Plus for
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DNA Force Plus, now 50% off.
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