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Name: 20200417_Fri_Alex
Air Date: April 17, 2020
2635 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various conspiracies related to COVID-19, censorship, 5G technology, and globalism in his speech. He criticizes social media platforms for blocking members of Congress who believe the coronavirus originated in the Wuhan lab. Jones also claims that there is a conspiracy to control people's speech and families through fear and manipulation. Additionally, he discusses the potential impact of 5G technology on health and the importance of self-sufficiency. The speakers denounce globalists as satanists promoting an anti-human future and urge listeners to stay politically active and prepared for future challenges.

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So what do you do when this happens?
A loved one, let's say it's your dad, drops into the family group chat.
Let's say it's your dad.
Oh, him.
Oh, that one.
I'd change your diapers and cook the barbecue and took the trash out and loved you and swam with the pool in you and took you to Girl Scouts.
Back it up!
Oh my God!
Dad said something!
Not him!
No, the globalists are creating the fear and shutting down the economy that will destroy the third world and our world.
But, oh, Dad, oh, you're feeding into the fear.
Just stay at home.
The Chinese love you.
Sure, they've got three million people in death camps, but, Dad, sure, they kill people like they're orcs.
China's got Dad!
If he just didn't have testicles, Dad!
Is there one free speech, Dad?
These weird, frumpy women on the Chi-Com payroll told me my daddy's bad!
Screw you, Daddy!
Burn in hell, Daddy!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is April 17th on this Friday transmission, and InfoWars is in attack formation.
Despite all the globalist attacks, thanks to your prayers and your support and your word of mouth, we're still here, stronger than ever, but bloodied.
The enemy is moving on the surface and beneath the surface against every free nation on earth.
There have been draconian developments, undreamed of just six months ago, that have unfolded.
Twitter, Facebook, and Google are now announcing that they're even going to block members of the Congress.
When they say that the coronavirus came out of the Wuhan lab, they are openly announcing that.
I've got all the articles right here.
They're announcing they're going to restrict or ban anyone that says the WHO covered it up or that China covered it up, as the documents are released to the Associated Press confirming everything we told you 10 weeks ago.
I'll be laying all this out next segment.
They're running national news pieces in Europe, the UK, Australia, and Canada telling children, do not trust your parents, watch them carefully, and report them if they say China is behind the virus.
The fact-checking group that runs it is run out of Wuhan, At the bioweapons lab.
I'm going to say that again.
The fact checker that runs the science group for Facebook that is then used by the other sites works at the level four bioweapon lab and is number two in command.
The bioweapon lab Decides what Americans and Canadians and Germans and Mexicans and Brazilians can say and sets the AI to watch you and control you.
Welcome to the new world order.
CBC instructs kids on how to shut down their parents.
That's a quote.
Conspiracy theories.
It says, does your dad say it came from the Wuhan lab?
Shut him down!
But it gets worse in Australia.
I saw an article where they're saying, report them!
In fact, that'll be done by next week in Canada.
They say here it's dangerous as the virus.
When your daddy, it says your daddy's the bad one.
Of course if we're gonna have drones watching us and checkpoints and stay at home, lockdown, house arrest orders, of course they're gonna tell the children, watch your parents.
Because you see, 1984, for these guys, is a owner's manual.
It's an operations plan.
That's why Hillary Clinton said famously in the mid-90s when she was co-president, she said, my favorite books, 1984, I see it as a manual.
People said, what does she mean by that?
Well, it's called hiking her skirt and urinating directly into your face.
Yeah, let's put that article back up on screen for folks.
Very, very, very interesting.
Hillary Clinton's lessons of George Orwell's 1984 is to trust leaders, the press and experts.
They're coming for you.
They're coming for all of us.
But you know, the fun part about it is we were waiting for them.
And we were laying out the resistance, so we're not going to be caught flat-footed.
The war has already begun.
We are all players in it.
I want nothing more than humanity to defeat this AI, 5G, positronic genetic engineer warfare takeover.
If we don't succeed, not one child will have a future.
The extermination has begun.
The incremental ambient background noise of the electromagnetic radiation is being jacked up on high.
All over the world, people are watching 5G go in by their house and the trees die within weeks.
The grass begins to gnarle and brown.
The birds move their nests.
And the studies are coming out everywhere that the 5G towers are 3, 4, 5, 10 times stronger than even the FCC says they're allowed to have.
And at the FCC-agreed level, massive increases in cancer.
Oh, you're burning inside now.
That microwave's rubbing your molecules together.
And you're burning inside.
And soon, you will die.
And the globalists think you're so stupid that when you're all dying, you won't even notice it.
You ready to die?
Hope so, because you're dying right now.
Let's lay it out, ladies and gentlemen.
All over the place, people are putting up time-lapse footage and photos of it going in and the trees dying.
And it's in the studies they do that with the older systems that weren't as strong.
They're pouring in from Maryland and Texas and California.
People that didn't even believe it openly see it.
It's a microwave.
And it's strong.
Hey, but while you're dying, slowly, while your chest is all tight because it pushes oxygen out of your lungs, in the studies, that's why it's been banned in Switzerland, it pushes the trace gas oxygen out of your lungs.
Look it up.
Look up 5G studies and oxygen.
By the way, we had Dr. Groupon in 2018 on my show and on Owen's War Room, laying it all out and the specifics.
And then it lowers your immunity so that viruses, period, are able to enter the cells.
The resonance of 5G is perfectly tuned.
To push viruses over the cell barrier and to give them penetration.
See, they don't want you to know the things that coat the cells that are naturally occurring that block viruses going through and replicating.
The system, the corporate media, is doing everything it can publicly to block people learning about vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc.
They tell the president, shut up, when he talks about it.
And then medical doctors go on local news and say, no, it's incredible.
It's absolutely vital.
It's on the NIH website that you die without zinc.
And the feds are impaneling grand juries to arrest people that say zinc is important.
That is the level of the evil that this country faces.
And the world.
And the World Health Organization, the Associated Press reported two days ago, knew the virus came from the Wuhan lab, knew it was weaponized, knew it was spreading, and they covered it up and then told Trump, don't block flights from China, you're a xenophobe.
That's the Associated Press!
But Facebook has announced AP will not be allowed to be shared on its platform, and anyone sharing the article will be banned.
I'm going to show you those articles here in a moment.
I'm going to say that again.
They told you 10 weeks ago, when we told you it came from Wuhan, from the bioweapons lab, that we were evil, and thank God we're blocked so many places.
And that I need to be arrested for putting out disinformation in fear.
But we knew from the author of the bioweapons law and from scientists, prestigious universities, and now it's on Infowars.com.
Nobel Prize winning scientists that discovered HIV Has gone public saying he has looked at the data.
It is 100% chimera man-made in a lab.
But you don't listen to the Nobel Prize winner!
Stories on Infowars.com.
And you don't share it on Facebook or Twitter, you dirty scum Americans.
Because the communist Chinese run America now and run the media and own Hollywood.
And it's on record that their people have control and the Chinese communists are the moderators on Twitter and former Stasi are the moderators on Facebook.
But wait, it's better.
Guess who runs Facebook's science division, runs it, and decides what you can say about zinc, vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine?
Who says on Facebook that the president's a liar and there's no hope?
Only Bill Gates can save you.
One of the top scientists at the Wuhan Bioweapons Lab!
You can't make this up!
They've hired Stasi!
They've hired CHICOMS!
They run it!
And now, Dr. Danielle Anderson, one of the top scientists at the Wuhan Lab, with U.S.
Bill Gates funding, says AP is banned!
Does it matter if a whistleblower released the documents?
No, no, no, dirty Americans!
You keep your filthy mouths shut and you stay in your house with the 5G towers going in and you wait for Bill Gates coming with his forced shot.
You will take it.
Do you understand, filthy scum?
You know who the Stasi are, folks?
They're the East German police that were worse than the KGB and NKVD.
They've hired over 10,000 of them to run Facebook.
We first reported on it six years ago when it started.
By the way, I remember seeing that Marcus Wolf, the former head of the Stasi, was hired by the Democrats as a consultant to Homeland Security.
He was the head of it.
I remember hearing that and didn't believe it.
It turned out it was true!
He was paid a million dollars a year to set this up.
And now...
One of the top scientists at the bioweapons lab runs Facebook Science Check and tells you what science is and what science isn't.
And AP is lying!
She works at the lab, not a conflict of interest.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
But don't worry when we come back.
All over the world they're saying, report your parents.
They're telling people in their little daily videos that are sent to them.
This CBC thing is sent to the kids at home and CNN is sent for 10 minutes every day for public school kids all over the country.
CNN's the first 10 minutes they watch and it's telling them to watch mommy, watch daddy.
I'm gonna show you the video.
You're like, how did we wake up in 1984?
It's how wars operate.
They build up, they build up, they build up, and then finally they emerge and...
You're hit by the Megaton Blast.
Just as I told you in the video titled, this is why they banned Alex Jones.
It's been out for almost two years.
And I explained they're coming with the Mega Blast vaccine in the video.
They're going to hit you out of China with a bio weapon.
And here we are totally laying it out because of our human intelligence.
We're going to override this.
I feel my intellect and spirit supercharging because the main enemy attacks coming in.
For every action, there's an opposite and equal reaction.
And you are God's response.
This is an emergency transmission from deep in the heart of Texas.
The U.S.
resistance against a global corporate combine, empowered and funded by Communist China, allied with the big megabanks that set up Communist China in 1949.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of U.S.
telecommunications infrastructure.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of Hollywood.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of the main universities.
This is all confirmed.
This is not a drill.
Big Tech in Silicon Valley is almost completely run by the Communist Chinese government.
They've officially become state-run.
Apple 100%.
Google is now making the transition and announcing a merger and total worldwide censorship.
They are now beta testing using me as the straw man, a demonized version of Alex Jones, to do that.
This is happening.
This is not like the other probes before that were meant to get you used to probes and censorship, thinking you would adapt to censorship by just putting up with it.
Now this attack is thousands and thousands and thousands of times the magnitude of all previous attacks.
This is a titrated dose reverse psychological warfare operation using adapt to overcome subversion paradigm manipulation.
In layman's terms, they are manipulating the fact that we adapt to being oppressed.
We adapt to being pressed with the low dosages of oppression.
And now when the The Megaton hits us of the total takeover.
We try to adapt to the poison infusion instead of not knowing.
It's a lethal dose if we accept the dose.
Total Internet of Things integration global social score complete command and control system.
It is the virtual reality AI.
weapon system now attacking the United States with traitors inside the major security agencies
blocking Trump's resistance of the program and attempting to stop us from removing the tentacles
of the Chai Com slash Big Tech banking combine emergency situation. I have been chosen for
destruction because I brought you this information and have been battering ramming it out as much as
I can. They want to double use me as they always do in any complex system of mathematical deception
where every angle of my good is turned against us.
So they take what I've said, being sincere, build me into an insincere person in the straw man.
I'm a person that cares about life and children and is against these wars, and so they make me a herder of children.
And then they build me into this lie to then set the distraction Well, they're actually censoring all of you to make a debate about Alex Jones!
So even if I didn't sell out to them, they've now used me as an archetype to serve them by being the main distraction!
I have now been captured by the enemy in the information warfare fulcrum, and it's being used against you!
Only your full understanding of this TV will break you free from this paradigm!
I have given you the transmission!
Now break free!
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Over the mountain!
We're going over!
They're not going to just creep around and kill the babies silently and give you cancer slowly anymore.
Now they're coming.
Total economic collapse, war, disease.
All the games are over.
Playtime's gone.
The honeymoon is a thing of the past.
And that's a good thing.
Because now, people will be forced to choose a side.
And a little bit of temporary power?
And an eternity of being cut off from God?
Or rising to the occasion and standing against evil and finally really living and the mist clears and God's right there.
And you're like, how did I ever not understand this?
How do they serve Satan when they don't even imagine the power of God?
And it's because they are cut off.
All right, let's get into it right now.
I'm totally ready to lay it all out.
I'm ready to lay it out to the President.
I'm ready to lay it out to the American people, to the people of the planet, to the Pentagon, to everybody about the choices we all have to make right now.
And I know it's time for you, all of you watching and listening, to lay it out as well, to your husband, your wife, your neighbors, your church, to the person that screams at you at a gas station because you're not wearing a stupid mask, when most of the counties in the United States don't have one damn case of this weaponized cold.
I'm gonna lay it out next segment, and I started to get into this.
This morning, again, I got up at 5 a.m., went down, got some coffee, cooked some eggs.
I went on the back porch with a little surveillance tablet, and I was just pulling up the news, and it was just over-the-top insane.
All over the world saying, watch your parents.
What are they saying about COVID-19?
Report them.
With a Wuhan bioweapon lab and the Chinese operatives running Facebook and blocking the Pentagon and the President and AP saying it came from Wuhan, which is confirmed.
And I just sat back and asked myself, is the President in an incremental trance not resisting this, or is he part of it?
And I know Trump's not part of it.
Trump doesn't think the public can handle the truth.
Well, you know what?
I think you can handle the truth.
And in my experience, when people get slapped up against the face with reality, they're not wimps.
They're ready to stand up against it.
But see, most people are very humble.
And so they don't see themselves as leaders.
And I want to tell people that are humble out there, Very aggressive right now.
We're going to lose our entire future and it's the end of the planet as we know it.
One world government, microwave, you know, the torture system, absolute destruction of the youth, pedophilia, Satanism out in the open.
Microsoft is financing unbelievable ads that show open Satanism and devil worship and demons being conjured.
And there's 99% rejection of it.
And that's what's crazy about this is, even though we reject it spiritually, they are forcing it in.
The TSA was just a little test.
Border stays wide open, Islamists just pour in, but they're gonna grab your five-year-old's genitals.
Your daughter, your son.
It's all an act of power over you and your family.
An act of submission.
And it's also about murdering common sense.
I have a stack of announcements here where they're still bringing in thousands of Afghans a month and resettling them in Ohio and Texas and Michigan and Idaho.
Thousands a month.
That's just one country.
They're being just brought in.
Oh, but you better stay in your house.
It's all a giant fraud.
80,000 people died of the flu in 2018.
They're not counting anybody new in the last two months that's died of the flu.
They always say COVID.
It's a hoax, folks.
Doesn't mean there isn't a real virus killing people.
People are always dying.
But billions are going to starve to death and be depopulated from this by the first world collapsing.
That's admitted.
I have the actuaries.
The very UN running this is now like, oh, give us more money to help the starving third world.
So I'm going to cover it all when we come back.
But all I can tell you is that it's exactly how we foresaw it.
Because you could see it all lining up and what they were beta testing and what they were doing.
And it's, it's, it's exactly what we predicted.
And then we know exactly what's going to happen next.
And it's like sitting here watching this.
No wonder they've got to get us off the air.
And again, when they kill me or arrest me, folks, remember that's not a defeat.
That's courage.
And that's what we have to have.
Because we're all dead anyways.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
And I won't back down.
Because I know what's right, but we've only got one life.
All right, thank you Johnny Cash, coming in there with that great cover of The Traveling Wilberleys.
You've all got just one life.
All right, let's lay it out here.
It's Providence they played that song.
I didn't tell them to play that song.
We probably haven't played that song in years.
It's been sitting in there on the computer in the Phantom Zone until it was put out worldwide to all you great people.
And I was about to come back in and say that there's no easy way out of this.
In fact, people thinking they go along to get along is what has allowed us to get in this position now.
And the more you submit now, the more you're going to be enslaved.
Because this has been the plan stated to cut off your carbon, to cut off your life, to cut off your mobility, to absolutely bring you down to below a third world status and then lower the third world into total starvation.
Hey baby, there's no easy way out.
Ah, stand my ground.
Because you can't back down.
More than 2 billion people of the 7.5 billion on this planet, according to the UN's own numbers, and those are pretty accurate numbers, are at starvation level.
Look it up.
on average about 12 million people it's estimated die of starvation and malnutrition every year.
And there is a quiet It's not racism.
Racism isn't a thing.
Tribalism is what there is.
And we think about it as, oh, that's the third world.
That's Africa.
That's Latin America.
That's areas of Asia and the Middle East.
And again, those people are used as weapons against us.
To come and drive down wages, to vote for globalism.
So, they've been made the enemy.
And many of them are the enemy because they're in a bad position.
They've already been enslaved.
They're being thrown at us.
Like, somebody picks a rock up and hits you in the side of the head with it.
The rock's not bad.
The globalists just picked it up and hit us in the head with it.
Doesn't mean we capitulate and they manipulate our humanity and say, give up your borders, give up your sovereignty, help the poor people.
Because the globals aren't trying to help them, they're trying to bring us down to their level so that they don't have anybody to save them.
And when you de-industrialize and you collapse the first world, just the estimates put out by Russia and the United States, and Lord Monckton has his own, that if they did a 50% carbon cut like they wanted by 2025, they wanted the deal in place by 2008, didn't happen.
That over a billion people would starve to death in the first decade.
That's a b-b-b-b-b-b-billion!
Everybody can sit there and play games.
Well, there aren't too many people.
It's for the Earth.
Because you're all taught that in the media.
And even if you believed those numbers, and believed that disinformation, it's a plan to get rid of everybody.
And now the globalists admit that.
They say a post-human world is coming.
And so the people that sign on to be guardians of the earth to get rid of the excess population and sterilize these third world folks for their own good.
The truth is they're just psychotics that want full control and full power.
And they're the people at Cold Springs Harbor and at the Royal Academy in Britain that created Hitler on record in Pulitzer Prize winning books.
Like Rise and Fall of Third Reich by Schur and others.
So that's why It's like if you've watched Star Wars, you know who Darth Vader is.
Well, it's like if you've read history books, you know who Bill Gates' dad was and Thomas Watson and James Watson and who ran the human genome.
And I mean, they were, these are the people, you know, giving Hitler the orders.
I mean, at Nuremberg, they're listing Cold Springs Harbor and how they were under US command.
Hitler was put in power by the British and US intelligence.
So I'm sitting here knowing who the players are in horror.
Saying Bill Gates is going to take over.
He'll be the president of the world.
He'll have forced inoculations.
He'll have a digital tattoo to travel.
because he's been saying it and getting it ready for decades.
And Bill Gates is on record saying, "Kill the old people."
Kill the third world.
He's on record saying, reduce humans down to zero to save the earth, and the crowd laughs because they're part of the sick cult.
Imagine their power trip.
They're not going in and industrializing the third world.
They're not going in and trying to get people to only have two kids or whatever and actually building them up.
No, no, no.
They are using that as the excuse to have total power over everyone, and they're putting vaccines into us that lower our immunity, lower our fertility, and don't even protect us.
And when they got the third world as captives, it's not just the Constance Gardner, where, you know, a fiction movie where he finds out they're injecting people with secret experiments in Africa and killing them.
That's based on true stories, folks!
The Constance Gardner is not fiction!
It's going on now, and it's gonna happen to you now.
Bill Gates has come out and said, A lot of you are going to get sick and die from the vaccine, but it's for the greater good.
They're going to externalize the method they've used at the health departments and they've used at the medical core level to go, yeah, there are a lot of bad side effects, but it's better for the greater good and saves billions that millions die.
But the doctors are looking at the numbers and going, this isn't really true.
What's in this stuff?
Why don't people get clean vaccines?
The doctors now learn that the rich people actually get electron microscope scanned clean vaccines, where it's just the pathogen and just enough adjuvant to make it work.
And it still has side effects, but some of them, you know, I would choose to get something sometimes if it was really bad.
But see, it's not.
It's a cover for the larger operation.
The President has to understand this, and we've chronicled every move of how they operate and what they're going to do next.
And I can tell you that, and I'm not bragging about this, the Pentagon and intelligence agencies in the White House at this point are in awe of Infowars, how we continue to be way ahead of the curve.
It's because, Mr. President, we're not naive.
And I understand why the Pentagon doesn't want to admit the Deep State launched this attack on purpose, because we have to go to war with who did that.
And I understand why people don't want to admit all this is going on, because you go out and go to parties with Bill Gates.
You're standing right next to Satan.
It's like Albert Spears said, you know, why were you with Hitler?
And you were a good guy, supposedly.
He goes, well, the devil's got his arm around you, you don't recognize it.
If what I'm saying is true, we have to go to war with these people at the local level, the international level, the national level.
And it's a horrible thing.
But we're at war and they're attacking us, cutting our economies off.
They launched the damn attack.
They've been caught doing it.
The Communist Chinese are now publicly running the censorship in the US.
It's suddenly all over the news.
And Everybody's kind of like, well, we're all invested in each other, and, well, they're everywhere, and the Chinese spies are everywhere, and the big foundations fund them, and can we beat it?
And anybody sticks their heads up gets attacked.
They're expecting you to not see what this really is and deal with it.
But only by full commitment and recognizing it and being honest can we.
President comes out, announces this.
America already senses it.
The world already knows.
We will destroy these people in hours.
We can annihilate them now.
It's us or them.
We now take you live.
To Austin, Texas.
In the heart of the resistance.
You know, people ask me why I live in Austin.
It's basically a toilet for California.
And it's because it's where my family's from.
Since it was Mexico.
But don't worry.
I won't be here much longer in this city.
Everything dies.
Everything fails.
But what's important is that things be reborn.
And we have planted a lot of seeds, haven't we, my friends?
The evil thinks it's gonna win, and all it's done is sowed the seeds of its destruction.
I can feel God's Spirit A thousand times stronger than I've ever felt it.
The awakening has begun.
The enemy will push the boulder to the peak of the hill.
As world government stands for a year, it will collapse down on the enemy.
Those of us that stand against it through this tribulation will be spiritually like Samson in the temple
Though blinded and tortured the dignity in the end of breaking in and knocking it down
Think about it These are the times the tribe and souls
Let me do this.
And I've been doing this the last few weeks.
There's an effect where I'm like, I can't continue at this point.
What I have to cover is so incredible and so absolutely illustrative of what we're facing, what's going to happen next, and what is going to unfold out of that.
That I will do my best, because I keep trying, and I think I've laid out a lot of stuff so far, but not like I wanted to.
At 6 after, I just pray to God to give me the focus and the clarity to hit it with just the facts and just lay out the big dimensions of this without going into little minutiae like I like to do to prove each little factoid.
But it is untenable and outrageous and unacceptable to have the Communist Chinese Officially given the run of the big five tech companies to censor people all over the world and to ban anyone off their platforms that says they're going to go out and protest to reopen America.
We've been so broken by big tech.
With their training toy that was yours truly and others that, oh, it's just him being banned, and, oh, it's just this person.
And now all of you are told stay in your house and shut up.
And then when Owen did that, every other Twitter account that our host have was banned.
And they said, because we committed a crime of saying, we protest, we have the First Amendment, we're going to go exercise the right of assembly.
Because a dirtbag, slimy mayor said we can't.
But the homeless can run around and they can have their gay pride parades.
It's all about pissing in your face.
And they're all these useless followers that think they're part of the power structure going along with this.
They've had nine deaths in Travis County, and it turns out they're all misattributed to people that had heart failure and cancer and were like 90 years old.
And they put up fake news everywhere showing this whole family died.
Total bull!
They now admit hospitals in the US and the UK are four to seven times emptier than they are on normal times.
You go by hospitals, there's just no cars there.
Usually hospitals are just full of vehicles.
Nobody's there.
And they, Cuomo admits, oh, it was all a hoax, you know.
But we're still gonna have martial law.
We didn't need one-tenth of ventilators, we thought.
Okay, the hospitals are empty.
Everything I've been told was, you know, exaggerated 10, 15, 20 times.
Because they couldn't keep denying.
They're like, oh yeah, lots are dying, it's the end of the world.
They take everybody that dies that has the common cold virus antibodies in them, or test for any type of coronavirus on the other blood test, and they call it a death from that.
You die in a car wreck, you die of a heart attack, people go, 33,000 have died in the last few months!
That much are dying every day of other stuff!
Because people can't wrap their minds.
Around that we're 350, 60, 70 million people.
Oh my God.
All right.
I said I'd get to all this and we start the next hour.
I am, but, and I've got a bunch of clips and I want to open the phones up as well.
And we have Owen Schroeder in the third hour ahead of Nick baggage, Dr. Nick baggage in the fourth hour.
Things have gotten so much more Twilight Zone in the last few weeks.
And I'll just leave it at that.
I personally am at peace.
But I... When it comes to getting the word out to people, I'm not at peace.
This is the most important time ever.
Because this is deciding the future of things.
And this is just such a dramatic attack on all our freedoms that it's so insane.
And they don't want us to have hope.
They don't want us to be prepared.
It's crazy.
You know, I wasn't joking 20 years ago when I said someday they'll say it's a conspiracy theory that mothers have breastfed children or that there were vaginal births.
They're now basically trying to get rid of vaginal births.
Everything's unnatural.
I've joked and said maybe the FDA will come out and say food is non-essential and you don't really need nutrients at all.
They already say you don't need vitamins and minerals.
It's like saying you don't need oxygen.
I'll probably get an FDA letter for saying you need high-quality storable food during an emergency like this to give your body sustenance and to make sure you have food in the future during the depression they're artificially creating.
And this stuff lasts 25 years and is about one-fifth the cost of food you get at the grocery store because the middleman's been removed.
That's all true, but I expect them to say, Snake Oil Salesman Jones claims you need food to live during a depression.
You don't.
All you need is CNN.
That's how ridiculous all this is, like all the things, oh tap water is the best water study show.
No, there's no study show, that's a damn lie.
It's full of glyphosate and every other damn poison you can imagine in big cities.
Most well water is full of glyphosate.
You're crazy you're not filtering your water.
I don't care where you get it, get it.
They have national news, Jones is a scammer.
He says the water's got toxins in it, get a water filter.
It's like saying you're driving down the highway, you need a...
Windshields so bugs don't hit you in the face.
Jones is a kook.
He sells windshields.
Jones claims you want to go scuba diving, you need a mask and snorkel.
That's a scammer.
You don't need that.
You need to get your storable food now.
We have the biggest, best company because when stuff hits, I want folks that can deliver it and that people are going to like it.
So you appreciate us.
We appreciate you.
That's how we do this.
It's not even a business model.
It's just I go out and get the biggest and the best.
Everybody else was sold out nine, 10 weeks ago.
They lied.
Most folks never got their food from other companies.
Everybody's gotten the food on the schedule.
They were told they would get it.
We have literally one half of percent of a charge back level on storable food.
Because folks were told up front, and they're very happy, and it's the best, highest quality, affordable food you're gonna get for the price.
You can pay five, six times the amount and get some gourmet stuff that tastes better.
But a lot of this stuff tastes amazing.
Most adult, the rest of it tastes good.
But, I mean, yeah, some of it doesn't taste too gourmet.
But it's got a lot of calories, a lot of quality, and you need food to live.
I don't care what the FDA says.
You die without food.
They'll call it a conspiracy theory.
But I'm a food snake salesman, you know.
I'm so evil.
I'm so bad.
I said they're gonna have food shortages and a depression and it's already starting if this keeps going.
So, get your orders in now.
They've got it.
They've got the food.
They're packaging it.
They're shipping it.
And if they get to a point where there's too many orders, they will stop sales like they did for a while.
But right now they've got it, they've caught up a lot.
They told me, they said almost every order is four weeks now, but don't tell them that.
We add two weeks, so they're, we under-promise what we're delivering.
I said, I just want them to know that let's just say six weeks, but depending on what they order, in fact...
It doesn't matter.
The point is, you want your storable food, it funds our operation.
To me, money is just fuel to keep this operation going in the face of the globalists, as you know.
If I wanted money, I'd have sold out to them and I could candy ass around and fly around in private jets and be in these New York or DC or LA with these mummies all kissing each other.
I mean, it's totally horrible.
You could put a gun to my head and I wouldn't join the globalists.
I mean, understand, it's not like, oh, I didn't sell out, I'm so good.
I'm high as a kite on the spirit of the universe.
These people don't have that.
In fact, I'll kill for this feeling.
I don't want to be evil, man.
I don't want to be around them.
By the way, people think, oh, when you're good, you're like some shrinking violet, a little wimp.
I am a Tyrannosaurus flame-breathing goblin.
I mean, the closer I get to God, the stronger I get.
The intellect, the piercing information, the discernment.
It's like a Twilight Zone episode every day.
I didn't have this until I went through the fire and got tested.
And it gets more intense every day because God is supercharging me.
The more I'm not fearful, the stronger I get.
The more I double down, God goes, double down, double down, double down, double down.
I'm doubling down on you.
I'm doubling down.
I'm doubling down.
It's wonderful.
I love the persecution.
I love it!
We will crush the Satanists!
They will burn in hell!
[crowd shouting]
And we do it in Jesus' name!
In Jesus' name!
We are essential! We are essential!
Open Kansas up! Open Kansas up!
They got other mafia thugs with guns now protecting their other thugs with guns.
All over her, honking her horn.
All right, folks, we are currently in Austin, Texas, here at the Governor's Mansion.
This woman was driving into this protest.
As you can see, there's about 50 to 70 people here now, but these police stopped her car.
They are currently forming a barrier, and they're issuing her a ticket for honking her horn.
So ma'am, they just issued a fine for what she said was honking your horn?
It's not a fine, right?
It's just a warning.
Just a warning?
Keep your dirty mouth shut, you stinking American!
Uh, 547.501.
Back up.
Back up.
This is a warning.
A warning for honking your horn.
A warning for honking my horn, so I'll just drive around peacefully and blast my music.
Jam it to the new killer's con.
Get those warnings and tickets ready Saturday.
We're gonna be honking some fuckin' horns.
All right, ma'am.
So you're here today at this protest.
It seems that people are wanting to reopen the economy.
We've been shut down for a month now.
22 million people have lost their jobs.
Talk to us about why you're here today and talk to us about your sign as well.
Well, first of all, I just believe that it's really important that as Americans and as Texans, we stand for the rights of all people, the liberties, the constitutional rights for all people.
Let us work!
Let us work!
So I have a lot of family members who have been laid off or furloughed.
You know, I feel like the whole unemployment crisis, you know, at 30 percent, maybe plus, now unemployed, that that's hurting people quicker and with a wider range than any virus has so far.
We're small business owners and we know lots of small business owners and the restaurant industry in particular that have completely gone under and had to shut down the day they locked down Texas.
Our numbers cut in half the day they locked down Texas and we know lots of people that just need to get back to work.
We're not scared of the virus.
Let us choose.
We'll take the risk if we want to do it.
If you don't, stay locked inside.
Have you had to unemploy anyone in your small business?
Half of our staff.
We believe that our rights are being violated, that people need to be able to work, and we need to reopen the economy and end the shutdown.
What we do is we're a glass and window business, and so money is another thing.
Right now, who's going to go out and spend money to get new windows done?
Who's going to go out and spend money when we're in a crisis and we're in an economical crisis, you know?
We're not as affected by it as a lot of people, but our hearts go out to all the people that are.
But more so, I'm concerned about all of the rights being taken away, not just closing down the economy.
I mean, rights are being taken away left and right.
Honestly, if somebody is sick or there's an elderly person, then it's up to them to stay home.
But I feel like it's ruining our economy, and we need to go back to work, or we're going to lose our homes, we're going to lose our families, and there's going to be a lot of other problems.
Everybody out here is hurting.
They want to go back to work.
Listen to those people.
Nine times out of ten, you want people to work?
These people want them to work.
Let them go back.
Let everybody go.
Open Texas.
That's all we're asking.
Like my son Sign says, he wants to go back to school.
He misses his friends.
I have a lot of clients who, um, I do taxes and luckily I'm an essential employee for whatever reason, but my clients aren't.
So I have a lot of people that I know that everything was pulled out from underneath them.
They don't have any means to support their families or feed their children.
Ladies and gentlemen, I just got major Roger Stone news.
When we come back, we will get to all of that.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got a lot of breaking news coming up on this World Wide Transmission.
All right, if you just join me, we're into the second hour here.
I've known this for a long time, but when I get up here on air and I say it, I know why listeners really don't take it serious.
Because when I say that Google hired thousands of members of the Stasi and are looking at moving their headquarters into that in Germany, their headquarters in Europe, or when I say Facebook hired the former top Stasi people to help censor there and spy on people, it sounds insane.
Kind of like saying we'll all be on house arrest and Bill Gates comes out and says we're going to have an implantable ink in the vaccine that puts a digital tattoo on you to show you've been given your vaccine.
It sounds insane.
Except it's really going on.
And the way they would do the articles is like, oh, they hired the former top Stasi.
And then that person will bring in thousands of their people.
But it's all happening.
It's all going on right now.
And you sit here and you look at this and you ask yourself, big tech is the new telecommunications.
It's how most people communicate.
Not over telephones, but over voice apps, over text messages, and over their Facebook and Twitter.
That's how you talk to people.
But then they can have AI and live time controlling what you can text, what you can say.
And you know, at first, oh, you can't say the N-word.
Well, I don't ever say the N-word.
Why would I want to?
So, okay, censor that.
And 10 years later, you can't send out an Associated Press link to documents that are confirmed that the WHO knew it was a bioweapon out of Wuhan weapons lab and covered it up.
Today, they're also blocking the Nobel Prize winner, one of the top virologists in the world, Who discovered the HIV virus in 1983.
He's come out and said, he's looked at the bioscans, it's 100% man-made.
He's being blocked.
Now, I'm gonna explain something.
See, first it's, oh, block Alex Jones and Laura Loomer, and then it's block Nobel Prize winners and AP.
And Twitter's now censoring President of Brazil, censoring the President of Hungary, censoring the President of the United States.
The President and Congress must act now!
95% of Internet traffic goes over four companies.
A little sub fifth one, but most of it over those four.
And it's in the news confirmed.
You've heard, oh, Twitter and Facebook let armies of Chinese trolls put out this info, but then when you read deeper, whether it's Google, whether it's Twitter, whether it's Facebook, whether it's Apple, they have over the divisions, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ADL, Media Matters, Snopes, but now they're giving way to the Communist Chinese Party and are actually in there heading up the divisions with armies of Chinese and AI watching what you do.
This is public news.
Look at this headline.
Facebook fact checker worked at Wuhan Biolab, ruled out virus leak, While debunking articles, and she's the head of Facebook Science.
You know, they have their media, their culture, their sports, their... Well, she's over all science news on a platform with... How many members does Facebook have, by the way?
3.4 billion?
Check that.
Half the world's population, roughly.
Look at the latest numbers.
How many members does Facebook currently have?
China's a billion and a half people.
Russia's 160-something million.
The U.S.
is 300-something million.
That's bigger than the top five or six countries combined.
Half the world population is on Facebook, and they're in a big digital gulag, and Facebook's in the news today saying, no AP links, no Trump links.
That's why they fact-checked the president on TV.
They go, oh, well, he just said about hydroxychloroquine was not true.
No one ever said use it.
It never helped anybody, right?
Sanjay Gupta?
Gupta, I've never heard of this.
It's insane.
It's just in like 50 studies.
So see, if the president's being fact-checked by these liars, We just move on from there.
And see, Trump's super confident, that's great, but he's so confident, he thinks he can battle and block it all himself, and no, he can't.
Plus, it's our rights, it's our speech, he's gotta do something.
So let me show you some of the articles right here I've got.
Facebook fact checker worked at Wuhan Biolab, ruled out virus leak while debunking articles.
And then you read the article at InfoWars.com by Steve Watson.
It turns out she runs Facebook Science.
And she just so happens works in the bio-weapons lab.
What do you think the chance?
Oh, and it gets Bill Gates grants.
It's just always the same group.
It's a very small group.
Wonder what project she really heads up there.
Let's look at this lady.
Danielle Anderson.
Wonder what she's really up to.
Wonder if he'll research her.
Is she into eugenics or depopulation?
Maybe she's a fan of 12 monkeys on her Facebook?
I don't know.
Just... Oh, she controls what you can say.
Oh, and she works in the bioweapon lab.
Meanwhile, CBC instructs kids how to shut down their parents' conspiracy theories.
If they say it came out of Wuhan and read the AP, report mommy and daddy.
Sources tell Fox News who was complicit in helping China cover up coronavirus leak from the lab.
AP got the documents.
But see, that's like three days old.
Who cares?
I mean, we have this lady.
Dr. Danielle Anderson is going to tell us what we can and can't say.
Meanwhile, the shutdown backlash is coming soon with a vengeance.
The money's already run out for small businesses.
Most people didn't get it.
Trump admits that.
He said, we got to turn back on.
No, no, no, we can't.
And then Facebook to issue warnings to users who've liked or clicked on coronavirus misinformation.
And they say, if you link to AP, we may ban you, but we're going to certainly block it.
And it says AP is not allowed.
And they have this nice picture of Owen.
Twitter's facilitating the promotion of an InfoWars host rally that will flout Texas social distancing order.
How dare them exercise their First Amendment!
How dare them go out and say the shutdown must end and only nine people have died in Travis County in Austin and it's a hoax!
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms, but oh, Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of a religion.
Well, they sure shut the churches down.
Or prohibiting the franchise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press to allow the people to peacefully assemble, and to petition the government for U.S.
Well, that all went out the door, didn't it?
Scattered protests push back on U.S.
coronavirus stay-at-home orders.
You had to disobey because they choose what's essential and what's not while the borders still open and while they bring in thousands a month from the Middle East and other areas totally unvetted and brought in.
The homeless can do whatever they want but you can't leave your house because you're a producer and you've got to be taught to not be a producer and brought to heel.
You've got to be totally and completely enslaved.
Isn't that just darling and cupcake cute?
So what does the President need to do?
What do we, the people, need to do before it's too late?
We'll go to break, and I'll come back and judiciously get into this, and then I've got a bunch of news and clips we'll get to after that, and I do intend to open the phones up as well.
Owen Schroer is here with us, but there's a lot of things going on behind the scenes, and a lot of things I can't tell you about right now.
But let's just say this.
The enemy knows, and that's why they want us off the air.
But everybody knows that I'm unfiltered and just tell you what's going on.
And all this is public too, but we told you before it came out.
So can you imagine what the Pentagon and the White House think about Infowars right now?
That's why...
We can be taken off the air at any time because they don't want this source of information to the President.
But it's okay.
You know how things work.
And no matter what happens to me, you're going to continue on.
We know who did the bio-attack.
We know it was the Deep State with the CHICOMS against America to kill the economy.
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones, and we are in the final days of the Republic.
Absolute slavery, martial law forever, under the cover of viruses.
It's a V for Vendetta script, and it's in your face.
And the very people that created the virus, gave it to China, released it, covered it up, got it over here, are now blaming President Trump.
It's a script, and we're just following it, but it's so diabolical.
It's so evil, it's so ridiculous that the Pentagon keeps going, uh, we don't think it's man-made, uh, we don't think it's, uh, shot at their own purpose, because if that's true, we gotta, we gotta go to war with them.
And I understand that President Trump I keep forgetting to put this on.
I'm going to go to rebroadcast for a while.
I'll just do that because this thing's been off for a while and I just need to get my earpiece back in.
So, you know, here's what happens.
We get hit by this big, massive globalist attack.
And it's so crazy there's all these Americans allied with Communist China and Hollywood's out to get us and they're trying to bankrupt the country and everybody else is opening back up and people are just dumbfounded by this.
They go, well, if I just wear my mask and do what I'm told, everything will be okay like it always was.
No, America had its own guardians.
America Had people that weren't perfect, but they cared about prosperity and the general welfare.
We don't have that now.
We have globalists in charge that are aborting America, that want to kill it, that want to destroy the idea, that want to conquer it.
And so playing games and half measures and being politicians and playing patty cake with this is going to get us destroyed.
So the old rules of being chicken necks and being cowards is over.
Let me just do this because when things are really bad and really crazy and really insane, people need to be prepared and ready.
I tend to get in the mode where I don't even talk about things that we could at least do.
If you don't have firearms and ammunition, you better get them.
I don't sell firearms and ammunition.
If you don't have water filtration, you're insane.
You need high quality water filtration.
The Alexa Pure and the systems we have are excellent.
I think they're sold out, so what's the point of plugging them?
You should just try to get them somewhere.
Storable food is an absolute no-brainer.
We have the biggest, best company for the price, the best food you're going to get.
Because I kind of look at it like, price, Price versus quality.
So you got quality up here and you got price.
Get the best thing you can for the price.
And that's who we have supplying our food.
It turns out they've been able to keep the supply going.
They've been able to deliver to people and not give the food industry a bad name.
It's why I have my Patriot.
So now you go to MFORSTORE.COM and you order.
They're ready to take your orders again.
And depending on what type of thing you order, and they can't give you an exact answer, that's why they say six weeks.
It's really like four.
But they don't want to piss you off, so you might order something that's a specialty item, it might take seven weeks, but they're saying six weeks, and they've been ahead of schedule, though they asked me not to say that, but I just did it, because I just can't help it.
I'm erotic about telling the truth.
The point is they have it.
It's high quality.
It's not about the virus, folks.
It's a permanent shutdown.
Food shortages have begun.
They're creating a depression.
And the numbers are out in the polls.
Trump is unpopular.
Trump's getting blamed for it.
And that was the plan.
You saw Bill Maher and all of them talk about it.
So... These storable foods are in big, strong... Somebody grab me one of them.
Big, strong...
Plastic hard containers that you have to break open with the seal, and they're in big, heavy, sealed bags filled to the top inside.
And I looked at the numbers.
It's about one-fifth the cost for the amount of food you get at the grocery store.
Yeah, bring it on over to me, brother.
Thank you.
Thank you very much, sir.
So, look at this.
Ready Hour.
And this sucker is heavy because they're not selling you a bunch of air.
And they've got three-month, four-month, six-month year supplies, three-year supplies.
And this is stuff you can travel with quickly.
It lasts.
It is absolutely essential.
And I've got a crap ton of it.
Because I got to take care of my family as well.
And I got stuff I bought from them 12 years ago in my attic.
And I got stuff I bought six months ago, before all this kicked off, in my garage.
And when I went out to the place we've set up in the country, it took a bunch of this out there.
Because I don't want to evacuate.
It was one of the worst things I ever did.
I just felt terrible doing it.
To even have to start preparing for the total collapse of us being taken off the air and knowing that that is now a real possibility.
And that we're at that point.
I'm not going to lie to you.
But I have never been more disgusted.
A lot of folks like to get into prepping and they feel kind of selfish.
They've got their cabin in their woods and it's kind of romantic and everything.
But for me, because I'm on air and all this, to think that we may get our asses kicked at least in this round, shut down and And then they're going to start arresting everybody during that.
And just to watch America on its knees makes me sick.
I don't really want to go down this road, but I got to tell you now, folks, you definitely want to get food to supplement yourself into the future.
You want food that's easily transportable and that you've got ready to go.
And there's not going to be any currency out there more valuable than food, except liquor.
And, you know, that's why they keep that open as essential, because they know you're not going to put up with not getting your liquor.
But the minute they want to cause riots, what they're starting to do in Europe, they're going to cut the liquor off.
And crime is already exploding.
They've already got pirates attacking people in the Gulf of Mexico.
That's exploding.
The globalists have done actuaries, psychological warfare tests.
They know what's going to happen.
And this is a time bomb.
And this is war.
The globalists are engaged in economic and cultural war against us, and they're using this overhyped virus as the pretext to make themselves the saviors, and if you don't give them all the power and all the control over your life, you're the bad guy.
Well, the answer is give yourself power and control over your life, and at least get that three-month supply of food, and have that In your attic or in your basement or wherever as a supplement into the future, knowing it's contained, it's ready, it's easily transferable.
If you got a bug out, you're not putting stuff in paper bags or plastic bags and put the back of the truck, you're putting it in waterproof plastic tote containers and you're ready to boogie out.
But this depression, I mean, I could have done a whole show.
Maybe we should on what a depression will look like with Joel Skousen and the breakdown of civilization.
Because that's what the globalists wanted, was to stall world economies and cause a mass die-off.
They thought slowly turning carbon off would do that, but no one put up with that.
So now they're just demanding you don't leave your house to have a shutdown.
And the food packing and the farms and, you know, the dairy cows, they're having to sell them to turn them into beef now.
Because if you don't keep pumping the milk, You got to dump it into a gutter.
And if you don't want to dump it in the gutter, you got to sell Daisy, the Hallstein, or the Jersey milk cow for hamburger meat.
So they're now selling, because of meat shortages, the milk cows.
So when a country starts selling its milk cows off, You know, to get hit by a gas jackhammer in the head and their throats slit and turn into juicy hamburgers, you're burning the candle at both ends, boys and girls.
So I'm here to tell you, the engine warning light is flashing red, and I've done my damn duty.
But I tell all you leftist scum, I hope you enjoy this big-ass depression and civil war, because you asked for it.
I'm not happy it's happening, but you know what?
Once it goes on, I don't mind getting my boots dirty.
And then part of the guidance seems to sort of shift to states and companies, the burden
not just of additional testing and surveillance, but also this sort of new normal in which,
you know, there's smaller crowds in restaurants and bars and...
Well, that's not going to be normal.
There's not going to be a new normal where somebody has been having for 25 years 158 seats in a restaurant and now he's got 30 or he's got 60 because that wouldn't work.
That's not normal.
No normal will be if he has the 158 or 68 seats and that's going to happen and it's going to happen.
Relatively quickly, we hope.
But that's our normal.
Our normal is if you have 100,000 people in an Alabama football game, or 110,000 to be exact, we want 110,000 people there.
We want every seat occupied.
Normal is not going to be where you have a game with 50,000 people.
The new normal is you can't leave your house.
The new normal is you gotta have a special app, tracks everywhere you go.
The new normal is you're a total slave, but the borders stay wide open.
I have a message to the President.
Get out ahead of this.
Go through the numbers that we've got that are from the Leningradian and the United Nations.
The left can't even deny these.
That an extra 2 million people are set to starve to death this year on top of the 8 to 10 million because of the shutdowns and because of industries that the West funds in Latin America and Africa and other areas.
That it's a death sentence to people that are paid less than a dollar a day working at the flower farms in Africa.
That's one of the main employers in Africa is flowers that we have in our homes.
And you can say, oh, well, that's a frivolous thing and it hurts the earth, the carbon to fly those flowers.
And that's how they're living.
And so you cut the economy off the service economy that we were told was the whole future.
A half a billion people are put on to the edge of death and millions will starve to death.
Even their own Oxfam report admits.
See, nobody's humanizing them.
And it's all a ritual to wear the mask and social distance and, you know, the people that do it are the virtue signalers and they're the good guys.
It's truly disgusting.
I'm going to lay on you right now some unbelievable information.
And all of this is incredibly important, but I want listeners to understand something.
This is life and death, okay?
I want to lay this on the White House, and on Trump's lawyers, and on the Pentagon, and on everybody else.
Dramatic action is the only way out of this.
Leveling with the people is the only way out of this.
That we're in a total war with globalist criminals allied with the Communist Chinese, who developed the virus, prepared the propaganda, prepared the TV shows, the movies, the tabletop exercises with governments, that literally spent hundreds of millions of U.S.
taxpayer money through Bill and Melinda Gates.
They don't ever spend their own money.
Oh, you're such a philanthropist, such a sick joke.
to pre-program the response you're seeing that is the takedown of the industrial world,
something that thousands of bombers couldn't do with conventional munitions.
Prepare yourselves for the ultimate smoking gun.
If you're a new listener, You're tuning in and you're hearing me say that Communist China at the Wuhan Laboratory produced this man-made bioweapon, and that they used it to then shut down the West, knowing that the media here would demand an endless shutdown, but not a shutdown for China.
That's just elementary military information.
And we predicted they would do that, and now they've done just that.
And we predicted they'd blame the President.
They've now just done that.
This is all 2 plus 2 equals 4.
Elementary, my dear Watson.
But it gets worse.
Whether it's the WHO or the CHICOMS, it's all Bill and Melinda Gates because they're this Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, IBM endowments that were all Nazi eugenicists on record.
This is mainline history.
This is like me telling you that Volkswagen was designed by Adolf Hitler and the first VW bug drawn on the back of a napkin and given to Albert Speer.
Now, if you don't know history, you just think I'm putting out words.
I'll say that to, like, Lepus.
They go, oh, you're talking fancy.
We know you don't have anything behind that.
Everything I said is totally true.
They are the architects of this entire thing, including the Rockefeller Foundation, with the Carnegie Endowment, putting Mao Zedong in power.
And Xi Jinping So when we talk about China, it's that big giant force of a billion plus people and a scientific technocracy that is used by the globalists to attack us.
But it comes out of us.
It comes out of the West.
And I have no doubt that after this technocracy is set up, China is going to be sacrificed.
I don't want that for the Chinese people.
But now they've been set up as our enemy.
So you could go through every fashion of Bill and Melinda Gates and their event 201 in October, November with 65 million dead with the coronavirus and world governments brought in and digital IDs are injected in the body and forced inoculations and they had to get it ready and then right on time it shows up and Fauci who's over the technology transferring in 2012 through 2017 to China and he was criticized for giving gang a function for coronavirus chimeras He says in 2017, don't worry, Trump's going to be challenged by a new novel virus.
And he'll do what we say or he'll be gone.
He's a little arrogant monster because he's right there with Bill Gates, who's given him hundreds of millions of dollars, including $100 million he was given in December, just four and a half months ago.
But let me give you one more little juicy piece of hundreds.
We talked about how the Nobel Prize winner that discovered HIV has come out and said he looked at the viral scans by the Indian University and others, and it's 100% man-made.
And how Facebook censors AP and that information, and the fact that they admit that Wuhan covered it up, the Wuhan Center with the UN.
Look at this down here.
Facebook fact-checker worked at Wuhan Biolab, ruled out virus leak while debunking articles, but it turns out she's a head scientist with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funding.
And it gets worse.
She runs the Facebook Science Division and decides who is censored and who isn't, like AP, saying you will not show actual documents that they covered up the virus release or that it's man-made.
Talk about conflict of interest.
Talk about red-handed.
It's like having Hitler be over the Nuremberg trials.
When you look up Dr. Danielle Anderson, what do you find at Duke NUS Medical School?
She helped develop the test kit for COVID-19 that's now set to make over $200 billion.
dollars. Oh, boy, the very lab that released it developed the test kit. That's like the old rumors that I confirmed
with one of the heads of the virus companies, antivirus, digital viruses, that they would create their own to get
money and And sure enough, they said, oh, yeah, yeah, that we did.
But I'll kill you if you ever tell anybody they got a hit man with him, actually.
But I'll stop right there.
Probably that's what I'm talking about.
I was like, dude, you got a guy with guns everywhere.
Anyways, look at this.
Dr. Anderson utilizes novel diagnostic platforms for the identification of not only new Viruses, but also other clinically relevant emerging infectious diseases such as MERS and the Zika virus.
All Bill Gates specialties.
So, she runs Facebook and decides who can say what.
And she works high level at the bioweapons lab, on record.
And she has the big global test that it turns out says all cold bugs are COVID-19 to get a higher rate to then count every death as COVID-19 when it's not.
So you talk about no wonder they want to censor everybody because they can't handle anybody studying who they did.
You're all caught and you're all in big trouble, Missy.
You can't make this up.
Bill Gates and the Communist Chinese government as well as the World Health Organization have their fingerprints publicly over the development of the virus, the transfer of the weaponized COVID-19 to the Communist Chinese.
SALT confirmed.
And then one of the heads of the lab is the Facebook fact checker that's censoring AP and members of Congress when they point out that it's admitted that the bioweapon came from Wuhan.
She is over that and then it turns out Dr. Danielle Anderson on her own Duke in US bio says she developed the kit test for COVID-19.
So the very lab that gave you the bio weapon now gives you the test where they're gonna make hundreds of billions, they're saying, off this test now.
And she works for Bill and Melinda Gates as well.
I mean, this is just insane.
Meanwhile, Facebook says, run by her, Anyone criticizing them, anyone saying that it could have come from China or Wuhan, even after China admits it came out of a lab, you will be censored.
And who decides that?
She's not just a top scientist in the lab.
She's not just over the test for the weapon that came out of the lab.
She censors the world!
You talk about a spider web, I think we just found one of them, didn't we?
and they hide it in plain view like we're so stupid.
And it just gets crazier.
Because see, they see humanity waking up.
They've got these plans on the blackboard, the blueprints.
They go, this will make them submit.
We'll lock them down.
It'll work.
And then they release it with their damn fingerprints all over it.
And the Indian University's top scientist, the German scientist, top scientist and others, US scientists go, yeah, we scan this virus.
This thing is as phony as a $3 bill.
It didn't come out of some monkey or a dog or a bat.
It was man-made.
Who are you?
Who are your experts, Alex?
I mean, sure, you said this 10 weeks ago, and now they say it all over the news, but where'd you get that?
Oh, I got it from the Nobel Prize winner of the Discovery Day, Charlie.
They say it's probably the top virologist in the world, but you know, don't listen to the top virologist in the world.
I mean, you know, I mean they have Sanjay Gupta to tell us we don't need Zika vitamin D.
And this has become, oh charges of censorship.
Facebook deleting posts about coronavirus, leading to charges.
They tell you what's not allowed.
They say in Facebook, do not say it came from Wuhan Biolab.
And it's the woman that's one of the top scientists in the lab that got Fauci money telling you that.
That's beyond conflict of interest.
So let's go to this next piece.
Copyright Rush Limbaugh.
Ladies and gentlemen, from Australia to the United States to Canada, they are calling
for people to get in their parents' faces during kids at home on government programming
and CNN has played to all the public schools.
First period, first ten minutes, they're doing it too.
Saying, does your dad say it came from Wuhan lab?
Well, get in his face and send him a definitive link From Danielle Anderson.
I'm not kidding.
And they don't tell you she runs the lab!
Or has the test for it that says all coronaviruses are COVID-19 to create the hysteria.
These people are ridiculously obvious and stupid.
But if they dominate us, we deserve it.
Oh yeah, coronavirus has started a censorship pandemic with the communist Chinese running it!
So, let's play CBC, that's Canadian Broadcasting.
Corporation instructs kids how to shut down their parents because if you're on house arrest and there's drones watching you and medical tyranny and forced inoculations and China running the propaganda, what's left?
Let me think.
I don't know.
Take your parents out back and shoot them in the head.
I mean, that's the next level.
Watch your parents closely.
And in Australia they're saying, report them.
But Canada, that'll be next week in Canada.
Here's Canada right now about kids.
Who's the enemy?
Is daddy talking to you?
Daddy doesn't talk to you.
Daddy is bad.
In fact, if daddy doesn't want his son's testicles cut off, he's bad.
We'll deal with daddy by chopping his balls off.
Here, here, let's go ahead and play this.
So what do you do when this happens?
A loved one, let's say it's your dad, drops into the family group chat with something he thinks is real.
It's something about China manufacturing the coronavirus.
There's a link to a site you've never heard of with a message calling it scary stuff.
So what do you do with this?
Do you ignore it?
Do you call him out saying how ridiculous you think this is?
If you do that to your dad, you've actually shamed him.
My name is Claire Wardle, and I'm the U.S.
Director of FirstDraft, and we are a non-profit that we help people navigate the challenges of misinformation online.
What happens is that your dad doubles down on his view, and he dismisses what you're saying.
Use language that's empathetic and to say, we're all in this together, rather than, you're wrong, I'm right, here are the facts, because that does not work.
So hold back on all that reactive talk.
Maybe try something like this.
Yeah, these are scary times.
We're all a bit afraid, but let's be careful.
What you're sharing is inaccurate, and it feeds into that fear we all feel.
Everybody's anxiety is so heightened right now.
People are sharing this stuff not for any malicious reasons, but because they're scared too.
Sending more context could also be a good move, but don't drown them in evidence.
Maybe send an article from a legitimate source quoting credible scientists on why the virus wasn't manufactured.
Conspiracies can be just as infectious, just as dangerous as a virus, so you have to guard against them.
It's very easy to just mute your crazy high school friend on Facebook or to leave a WhatsApp group where people are sharing false information.
But right now, I actually think there's kind of a responsibility on all of us to help people understand that sharing that kind of information is increasing the level of pollution.
Can you imagine men fighting for their families?
How dare them dropping into a group chat to talk to the women?
The women are gonna show him!
Like Danielle Anderson at the bioweapon lab, who makes money off the test, who runs the censorship.
Ladies, we're gonna show the men!
Screw them!
Screw those men!
Hell yeah!
Shut them up!
Cut their balls off!
Bill Gates loves us!
Let's say it's your dad.
Oh, him.
Oh, that one.
Changed your diapers and cooked the barbecue and took the trash out and loves you and swam with the pool in you and took you to Girl Scouts.
Back it up!
Oh my God!
Dad said something!
Not him!
No 5G is who loves you.
Just die, girls.
Just let us run you.
Please let us sterilize you.
Please die!
Oh, kill them!
Sorry, it's so liberal.
It's so liberal!
Listen to Daniel Anderson, don't listen to your daddy!
Listen to Bill Gates!
Dad thinks it's real.
Oh, God, he's so bad.
Of course, it's all true!
Dad's right!
But see, it's like the fun of, we don't listen to Dad.
We take the shots and have convulsions and die!
But it's so trendy!
What happens is, we're paid by the communist Chinese that killed 115 million people.
And we're making a major move with Bill Gates to sterilize your ass.
So, your dad, if you challenge him, doubles down.
Don't do that yourself.
Let us get in contact with you.
To actually take control of your life, but we're claiming it's contact to get- Let us get between you and your daddy!
I'm a weird frumpy lady on Chai Comparo!
Listen to me!
If dad talks and says it came out of the bioweapon lab, which is confirmed!
I mean, folks, if you wanted to- This isn't like a science fiction movie.
This is happening!
And notice, nothing against women.
It's women they've got collaborating.
No, the globalists are creating the fear and shutting down the economy that will destroy the third world and our world.
But, oh, Dad, oh, you're feeding into the fear.
Just stay at home.
The Chinese love you.
Sure, they've got three million people in death camps, but, Dad, sure, they kill people like they're orcs.
Time has gone, Dad!
If he just didn't have testicles, dad!
If there wasn't free speech, dad!
These weird, frumpy women on the Chi-Com payroll told me my daddy's bad!
Screw you, daddy!
Burn in hell, daddy!
Well, we told you.
The Man of Salt was coming in 2020.
Because one thing, these globalists are neurotic.
They obsess over little timetables and they put them in all their little publications like we're animals.
They go, the public are dumb animals.
We'll dumb them down, chop their balls off, make it trendy, destroy their families, poison them, we'll never know what hit them.
By 2020, we'll launch the bio attack, have them all locked down, have drones controlling them, bankrupt their economies, shut down the third world, starve billions to death.
But, We knew it was coming.
And we didn't believe the globalists when they said, oh, they're profane.
They'll never oppose us.
We made preparations to fight them.
And so now, they're having to admit that Bill Gates is being targeted by social media mobs.
The people that are being censored and knocked down and attacked and silenced.
Are 99-1 just annihilating him with links to how he's behind bioweapons and depopulation, how his employees are heavily involved in the COVID-19 production?
He's being destroyed.
And so the Wall Street Journal comes out and says, look at these conspiracy theorists.
They say Bill Gates is involved.
Think about the psychotic, one-dimensional thing of Gates.
He thought he put out that A Bronowick High Priest of Crowley video all over the place and people would like it.
Where she like appears like a demon in a pentagram and all this stuff.
99% literally rejected it.
Just like everything else he does.
We see through you, boy!
Everything else I do from here on out is icing on the top.
And everything... Because...
Son, you think you know about the dark side.
You don't know nothing.
And these devil worshippers are deceived.
They haven't been given the full picture.
And they really think they're in power and they're in charge.
They're just here to test us.
And it's going to be rough like boot camp, but Jesus is real, God's real, and goodness is real, and we're going to make it through this.
But yeah, it's pretty incredible what's going on.
I mean, look at Rothschild and their demon witch.
They worship this hog-like ugly woman that looks like a... I mean, a pig's butt is prettier.
And that's who they literally think is the queen of the earth.
Bill Gates hangs out with her too.
And Jeffrey Epstein.
Just be glad you're not these people.
Because everything they're doing is their weird, satanic hallucination.
Let's go out to break with Dr. Phil.
Media matters and George Soros is angry with him.
He came out and said we should reopen the economy.
Dr. Phil's now a thought criminal.
See, a lot of folks you thought were going on to get along will actually join us in the end.
Because they realize there's no hope unless you stand up against it.
We'll go to break, come back with Owen Schroer.
That door is going to open soon, and it's kind of like the pace car at a NASCAR race.
When that pace car pulls off the track, you want to be at full speed.
Let everybody else be looking for their keys and figuring out what they're going to do.
You want to be up to full speed.
You need to have your mind busy.
You need to be working and doing things every day.
Don't be sitting around because Particularly elderly people, their mind will begin to wander and they will not become cognitively active.
You've got to be cognitively agile.
This really has an effect on people neuropsychologically.
I've been talking with my colleague, Dr. Marty Greenberg, and we're very concerned, even about people in their 30s and 40s, losing a step cognitively by being in quarantine.
Yeah, and kids have to be hearing from their teachers at the same time every day as if they would in school on video.
You've got to do something.
Alright, question from Don.
What can people do to avoid confrontation with other members of the household since everyone is forced to stay home together?
Dr. Phil might be the last one.
That's a tough thing.
You've really got to give each other space.
And I mean space mentally, emotionally, physically.
And before you judge somebody, you need to realize you're probably a jerk too.
So just back off and give everybody some space.
This will end soon.
We probably shouldn't have ever started this, but just realize there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
We need to get out of this and get back to work.
I'm a Dr. Phil fan now.
We never should have started this.
Find your fight.
Say no.
To get to the science here, because I assume all of us are following the lead of epidemiologists,
arresting someone for sitting alone on the beach, tell me how that arrests the spread
of the coronavirus from an epidemiological point of view.
Yeah, I wasn't referring to that.
I actually don't have the specifics as to why that happened.
I meant congregation at state and county parks, of which there was an enormous amount when the weather got warm.
And the fact that folks weren't... It's not that they couldn't be in the park and jogging by themselves or walking on their own and keeping distance.
They weren't.
And there were a lot of out-of-state license plates in the parking lots.
And we've got some of the nicest parks in the Northeast, if not the country.
Again, it brings me no joy, but we felt that was the right decision to make.
So, you made that decision, and as I noted before, 15 congregants at a synagogue in New Jersey were arrested and charged for being in a synagogue together.
Now, the Bill of Rights, as you well know, protects Americans' right and shrines their right to practice their religion as they see fit and to congregate together to assemble peacefully.
By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order?
How do you have the power to do that?
That's above my pay grade, Tucker, so I wasn't thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.
First of all, we looked at the data and the science and it says people have to stay away from each other.
That's the best thing we could do to break the back of the curb of this virus that leads to lower hospitalizations and ultimately fatalities.
And I'm not contesting that, though.
I do think there's a debate.
This is a rolling conversation because we're learning new things every day.
Nothing is settled at this point.
No, understood.
But I do want, since you are an elected official, a leader in the government, an executive, how do you have the authority to order something that so clearly contravenes the Bill of Rights of the United States, the U.S.
Where do you get the authority to do that?
Well, here's the thing.
We know we need to stay away from each other, number one.
Number two, we do have broad authority within the state.
And number three, we would never do that without coordinating, discussing, and hashing it out with the leaders, the variety of the leaders of the faiths in New Jersey.
We are among, if not the most diverse state in America.
No, no, I'm sure that you talk to every rabbi and priest, but there's a deeper question here.
And I'm just going to ask you one last time, because I think it's important.
I'm sure you've thought about this.
You can't just, as the governor of a state, tell people who they can talk to when and where,
because the Constitution of the United States, upon which all of this is based,
prohibits you from doing that.
So you clearly decided that you could do it.
Did you consult an attorney about this?
Did you?
I mean, because this is a legal question as well as a medical one, isn't it?
I don't go to the men's room without consulting an attorney, so I guarantee you we did that.
But I'll give you an example that was not related to the synagogue.
I called up Cardinal Tobin, Cardinal Joe Tobin in Newark.
There are five or six archdioceses in New Jersey.
It was coming up to Easter and Holy Week in particular, and I said, listen, I'm really concerned about drive-through Holy Communion because we had heard some stories about priests who unwittingly had the virus.
Alright, so the idea is if anybody could ever die of anything, it can't be allowed.
We've all got to stay in our houses.
We bubble people.
We've got to be tracked in real time.
He said they're wearing a state police outfit.
This is truly disgusting.
Meanwhile, this thing has not killed half of what...
The 2018 flu killed.
We're 360, 70 million people.
You count the illegal aliens, probably 400 million.
This is an absolute hoax.
And now they're predicting that there is a vengeance against this.
People have been complying, but they're pissed.
They know they were roped into it.
Being told, oh, it's like an extended spring break.
I said, yeah, for the rest of your life, this is economic warfare.
China's open for business, but we're not.
Dr. Phil's come out and said this should never have been done.
This is a sick joke.
The top virologist in the world, who discovered the HIV virus when it was so small and nobody could find it, didn't know what was happening, he's come out and said, we looked at it, it's man-made.
AP has the documents!
Wuhan covered it up!
The WHO covered it up!
And you're seeing a desperate push by Facebook, Twitter, Google, to block anybody, including congressmen!
They're doing fact checks on Senator Cotton!
So, if Trump and the media Getting their fights, that's one thing, but if they have mass censorship of people's views and things that are confirmed, that's total tyranny and Trump must act against this.
We've gotten so used to censorship, censorship, and now our back's broken and we put up with anything and we've got all this unfolding and it turns out, just such huge news, folks, that one of the top scientists at the Wuhan Lab, works for Bill and Melinda Gates, Daniel Anderson, And Danielle, it turns out, came up with a COVID-19 test that's going to make tens of billions of dollars, conservatively, and she works for them.
And it turns out that she runs Facebook's fact-checking, and she's the one running the... So the woman behind the test making the money, the woman at the lab who has a stake in covering it up when it's confirmed, she's the one saying what's censored and what isn't.
You can't make this up!
I mean, Owen Schroer, thought criminal.
Let's show Media Matters here.
Media Matters breathlessly yesterday had this video still of Owen, you know, him with his
mouth open and said, "Oh, they're openly organizing."
Twitter is facilitating, not the child molestation the Democrats do.
No, Twitter is facilitating, not the Islamic invasion the Democrats do.
No, I'm sorry.
Not the Chinese flying in, you know, when Trump had to block them with COVID-19.
No, no, they weren't facilitating that.
Twitter is facilitating the promotion of an InfoWars host rally that will flout Texas social distancing order.
So you're going to exercise your First Amendment of the right of assembly to go out there and say, don't hold us hostage.
Don't kill the third world.
Half a billion now on the edge of starvation.
They say tens of millions could starve.
Two million already starving to death.
They don't count though, Owen.
How dare you exercise your free speech!
Every damn account associated with you is deleted because you want to exercise assembly, you piece of garbage!
Well, Alex, and how dare you be so upset that a Nazi for Media Matters would be censoring us.
This is what we should be celebrating, that we have Nazis censoring people on social media.
But you know, Alex, I think it's worse.
Look at all the carp fish here.
It's like, I love that they even got a photo of your mouth open.
Look at that.
You know they had to go through my broadcast how many times to get that shot.
They're making a big storm right now.
Ah, that's all right.
They can go through this broadcast later.
Let's do double carp photo for Media Matters.
Let's talk about this, but the Communist Chinese and the Wuhan lab operator are in control of Facebook.
I mean, where's the Pentagon?
If I seize control of Facebook, I should be arrested.
What, when, since when do the Chai comms run everything?
Well, not only that, so they want to stop the information from flowing that this virus originated at the lab in Wuhan, but now she's also going to want to stop any information from flowing that this individual is about to profit massively off of the testing.
So it's like, oh, we release the virus and then we release the test.
I mean, that's about as criminal as you can get right there.
Arrest everybody involved.
And so she thinks she's a genius.
She's like, this is funny.
She put this out.
If you're a radio listener, this is on her own bio.
But Alex, think about the complete reversal of the reality of the situation here.
So, she's complaining that it's coming out now that this virus originated in the Wuhan lab.
By the way, they're about to try to chip that narrative.
She's not complaining.
She's in command, censoring.
How many people are on Facebook now?
3.4 billion?
They're already... She's in command of what you can say and she's behind it!
China and so same Cambridge University that said this was not a man-made virus has now come out and said this did not even originate in Wuhan.
So somebody needs to be investigating Cambridge University as well.
Listen, listen.
The Nobel Prize winner for discovering HIV says it's man-made.
No, it's obviously man-made, it's obviously from Wuhan, they're obviously covering it up.
My point is though, see, she's on here saying, oh, we don't want to spread the fear, we don't want to spread the panic, when she knows this came out of a lab.
So see, if you could actually be honest that this came out of a lab and was man-made, then you could actually say, okay, you know what, hey, we got a serious situation here, this is biological warfare launched against us by the Chinese, we need this to phase out, we're gonna need a month, we're gonna have to do some serious social distancing, we're at war with China.
Instead, they're totally desperate.
Blaming our speech when it's confirmed, and how does the government put up with this?
Chai comms?
Run everything?
I want action from the president now!
No, it's totally out of control, and I'm not going to try to complain.
No, people go, why are you so upset?
I don't know, we're under bio-attack, we're locked down in our houses.
Since when are men trained?
Like, I know a lot of men, like, if you bump into a store, they're ready to kick your ass.
Or if your dog craps in the yard, they go, hey, your dog just crapped.
I'm like, hey, sorry, like, I'll beat your ass.
But, like, if somebody just kills your whole family, destroys your way of life, you just sit there and piss on a little puddle and go, I mean, I'm sick of it!
Seriously, Owen.
I'm trying.
You realize we're two inches from total nuclear war right now?
With China?
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, I've had it.
It's time for action.
I don't know what the president's waiting on at this point.
120 years ago, the most powerful robber barons in the world combined their fortunes and pledged to establish world government and planetary depopulation against the unwashed useless eaters.
It's mainline history, but people have forgotten it.
And now Bill Gates is probably right.
You deserve to die.
He says, survival of the fittest, social Darwinism, if you don't stand up, you deserve to die.
Well, guess what, Billy Boy?
I see you.
You're not trying to improve the race, you want to dominate it.
You'll never get it.
He's freaking out.
It's in the Wall Street Journalists everywhere that 99% of people hate him.
They're saying he's behind it, and it turns out his people are behind it.
It's not going the way old Billy Boy want, like you were saying during the break.
I said, what do you, how do you approximate this though?
And you're a smart cookie, Owen Schroyer, host of The War Room, coming up here in about an hour and 39 minutes from now.
He said, well, the world's rejecting it, but they're still force feeding it.
So it doesn't matter if he's on Instagram, if he's on Facebook, if he's on Twitter, if he's on CNBC, if he's on CNN, doing all of his media requests, everywhere he's being rejected.
He jumped the shark, baby!
But it's like in, I don't know who made the meme, I saw it on newswars.com, where Bill Gates is like the Skeksis in the Dark Crystal, but he is, he's like, It's time to make my move.
It will kill a lot of you, the vaccine.
It's time to make my move.
We did transfer it to Wuhan, my people are in charge.
Time to die.
We're like, okay, dude, when you try to kill us, don't you get it's a two-way street?
Alex, let me tell you, I think that anybody who's going to be defending China and trying to blame Trump on this is going to... And he's done that!
He's now saying, oh, don't blame China, the WHO, because they're blackmailing him.
Remember China last week said, you gave it to us.
And Bates is like, Trump, leave him alone!
China's good!
No, no, don't do it!
Trump has to bring it all out and just burn them all, flame throw them.
I think the next big narrative that's going to blow this thing out of the water is the fact that China And I believe it was November and December was stopping flights out of Wuhan to everywhere domestically, but international flights from Wuhan were still going out.
No, that was on record and the media was like, federal judges blocked Trump trying to stop flights from China.
How dare you?
And then they're blaming Trump now!
So why doesn't Trump, he's on the right track, exposing that China's behind it and the WHO, but he's gotta just, he's gotta attack with everything now.
Yeah, I don't know what is going through President Trump's head.
It's the golden opportunity right now, and America can't, I mean, we're on the precipice here.
And we're going to let that thing on screen, right?
That's like the Rothschild, like the old Rothschild royalty.
They're kind of losing control.
Bill Gates is now seeing this and he's saying, Oh, virus, scare them.
Oh, that will show them.
Uh, uh, wait.
And Bill Gates is sitting back like, "Yes, you had your central banking."
You had to be in control, you know?
And Bill Gates right there, he's like, oh.
Oh, your central banks are failing.
Your fake wars have been exposed.
Bill, they'll kill everyone.
They'll forget about your Ponzi scheme.
But I've got the scheme.
Except everyone knows it's you.
I've got some.
And you think it scares me, the stuff you've got jacked up?
I love it!
I've never been higher than this.
I love it!
So we've got... I've come here to destroy your ass.
Sorry, go ahead.
No, but Alex, here's the thing.
People want to be like, oh my gosh, you guys are just, you're just so extreme.
You're just so loud and boisterous.
Oh, why are you so loud?
Oh, I don't know, I mean... It's like, I got, I got...
People putting out Chinese propaganda in the United States.
They admit that Facebook's run by the Wuhan Deputy Scientist!
I got Nazis censoring my free speech.
I got a technocrat trying to inject the entire earth with a foreign substance in total medical tyranny.
I have Democrat governors saying, oh... Meanwhile, there's probably someone wiggling in their seat at Media Matters, like, ooh, useful.
I mean, this is like, it's ridiculous.
It's ridiculous, dude.
I don't want to know what goes on behind closed doors.
Wait, wait, you have Democrat governors that are openly admitting, like, oh yeah, Bill of Rights, I didn't, what?
I don't look at that, like, no, no, no, Bill of Rights, Constitution.
Under persecution, how good are you feeling right now?
I mean, this is horrible stuff going on, but I feel the awakening, brother.
You know, it's a weird balance, Alex, because I feel the human awakening.
No, actually I am jealous.
I think I'm shaving my head.
No, don't do that.
You have nice hair.
Actually, I am a little jealous with the nose because there's a lot of work that goes with that.
I'm very jealous of that dog's ass.
But Alex...
I'm a little worried, not for, because the American people are waking up, we're seeing that.
What I'm worried about is what is the president doing?
Why are we still dealing with these criminals and these... No, no, I agree.
Is Trump complicit?
Because this has really become ridiculous.
And it's not about like, I mean, we could make that decision and pivot and say, okay, it's time for us to go after Trump, whether we think Trump is the enemy or that's just the best way to wake people up.
Well, I don't think that.
I just like, this has become ridiculous.
Well, it is ridiculous.
The amount of censorship is out of control.
I mean, China runs it.
Yeah, it's all for and run.
It's an act of war.
Do you see where Facebook's blocking AP now?
No, no, no, Alex, Alex, if you... And then the woman at the Wuhan lab runs it?
Who can make... That's like in Scooby-Doo where they pull the hat off and it's the bad guy.
It's like we've caught them!
It's like ridiculous!
If you were at war, what would be one of the first things you would do to your enemy?
You'd sabotage their communication.
You'd shut down the lines of communication.
Yeah, you'd shut up the American people with a bunch of delusional, dark... all these... Jack Dorsey and all these little nobodies, man.
Then you would poison the people.
Oh, OK.
Oh, we released.
Oh, accidentally the virus came out of the lab.
But see, they're all trying to cover it up now.
It's all about the cover up now.
But don't they get that literally if there was any leadership, we could decapitate people in like three hours.
I mean, the military could just, you send out a thousand assassins.
It's time to start putting people in jail.
are known Chi-Com operatives and you just take control of the infrastructure, hand it
back to the people.
And I'm not a guy that like lusts over violence.
They're attacking us, brother.
And now they're going to have a nuclear war.
It's like, why are we letting them do this?
Just stop them now.
It's time to start putting people in jail.
It's time to start putting people in military tribunals.
The general public should not engage in violence.
And because we're winning politically.
That's why they want to overturn everything with this martial law.
But I'm just saying, the head of Harvard, you know, they're all CHICOM agents.
And they're launching bio-attacks on us.
And I'm telling Trump and the Pentagon, do your job, okay?
We're under damn attack.
Do something now.
Yeah, I don't know what we're waiting for here.
We've got Harvard chemistry professors and chairmen trying to transfer biological material with Chinese nationals.
And everybody else is sitting there in a bucket of piss, scared to say all this.
We're losing everything because we act like cowards.
America had the world through ideas because they knew we weren't cowards, man!
But that's another silver lining.
Goddamn cowardice!
Holy hell!
That's another silver lining, though, is that the Winter Warriors are being separated from the Sunshine Patriots right now.
The Winter Warriors are coming out, the Sunshine Patriots are hiding in their hole.
But I mean, if you think Winter Patriots are smart and want to live, people think Winter Soldiers are tough.
No, we're not.
We're smart.
I don't want to live under lockdown and globalist pedophiles running everything.
We got freedom because we had people willing to stand up.
It's not some cool thing to stand up, folks.
It's like getting oxygen when you've been underwater.
And this reopening in phases, I'm not behind that either.
Oh, it's all about, oh, and we cycle it, and then the apps watch you.
And it's okay.
This is the new normal.
It's a good thing Trump came out and said this is not the new normal.
That's good.
We'll play that clip when we come back and we'll get into your thought crime.
Because imagine you're like, yeah, I'm going to go out and exercise my right to assemble, you know, like black folks did in the 1960s or whatever.
Now he's out on the left.
Like imagine he just said it was a virus back then when we wouldn't even end the segregation.
I mean, it's just like, it's like you just literally everything stopped because there's a virus.
It's not even that deadly of a virus.
No, no.
Stop breathing actually.
Because you could get the virus.
That's how you stop the virus.
No, I guarantee you, you can't catch a respiratory virus if you stop breathing.
No, no, no, no.
That's the answer, folks.
Stop breathing.
You will die.
Beam me up, Scotty.
There's no intelligent life down here.
That's a thought crime.
In fact, that's a crime against my respiratory system.
So we've discovered how to stop the spread, Alex.
Are you ready to tell the people?
That's right, folks.
They have told us that humans are the problem.
We're hurting the Earth.
The only way to stop the spread of COVID-19 is to stop breathing.
So to save others, if you're a Democrat, Globalist, Lord Rothschild, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, I wish no harm upon you.
Myself, if you want to abort the babies, you should have so many people.
You can get an electrical wire, a rope, go to the hardware store, whatever, and just Tied around the ceiling fan, get a chair up there, put it around your neck, and then just kind of wiggle off there.
You kind of get that, that breaks, what happens real quick, kind of break the neck real fast, and then you won't be spreading COVID-19.
Now, I'm not asking you to do that, and I hope you have long lives.
I'm just saying, you've told us how there's too many of us and we need to die.
Show us, you're leaders!
And leadership means you have to show us how to do it.
So I think Hillary and Lord Rothschild and all those people, there's so many of us, and they're leaders, they should show us how to kill ourselves.
Well, I mean, for other people it may be as simple as just, you know... Well, their first issue is suicide.
Well, I'm just saying, if you want to stop the spread, I mean, we can do it right now, Alex.
Look, if they asked us, who would help them?
Maybe their assistants put gasoline on them?
I'm not even going to take a deep breath.
I'm just going to stop breathing, because I want to be a leader.
I want to stop the spread.
It's all about stopping the spread.
Let's do it.
Let's do it.
I want the crew as well.
I'm Obama, and you're Hillary.
Let's just... Now, of course, we do have a silence alarm that'll hit, so we should probably play some music under this, or the station's getting mad.
Maybe like something like you would get at a funeral.
Yep, it's kind of getting harder.
But I'm saving the Earth, right?
Hold on.
A little COVID's coming out.
No, but we joke around about this.
I saw the headline like, breathing spreads it.
Well, the obvious answer is not breathing.
I saved the world.
I'll tell you what, Owen.
I'm saving the world.
Hold on, get over here.
There you go!
You like that?
Thank you Alex!
Yeah, it's for the Earth!
For the Earth!
Thank you for saving the planet, Alex!
Anyways, now seriously.
You know, we can joke around about this all day here, but... No, I want to thank you for... No, I agree.
The left says humans should die.
I think, you know, like, the average leftist should like... There's a lot of empty farm equipment out there.
Alex, if you want... They can find a wood chipper, turn it on, jump right in.
Alex, if you want to volunteer for such a heroic thing, I mean, you know, you could just, I mean, I'm sure you, with the proper training, I'm not saying you should do this, but I'm saying if somebody wanted to be the hero, with the proper training, you could probably learn how to just get a lineup of people and just, you know, put your, get the headlock and then just, and just, you know, just ten in a row, save the planet, one at a time.
Well, but you would volunteer for something like that, right?
Well, no, like we've been told by David Rothschild and so many people, well, I think he should volunteer to pour gasoline all over himself and then light himself as a Roman candle.
Well, if humans are the disease, you know, and you want to eradicate humans, lead by example.
In fact, a Microsoft ad ought to be that lady, that devil whispers, she pours gasoline off herself, so like having kids blood or whatever, and she goes, for the earth!
I'm just going to be like, wow!
She might actually do that.
She might actually do that, though.
She might literally do that.
Because see, what they're doing is, they want to cement her into like human history as like the first artist to be multi-dimensional or like a hologram permanently through time.
And so then kids in like the year 2500 are like, ooh!
Marina Abramovich, a hero of art, when she's a known... Well, she should drink gasoline, then.
It's an art project.
She lied it.
Well, actually, you know that she actually did do an art display one time where people literally tortured her?
Oh, yeah, right.
Anyways, let's just get back to what I was gonna get to.
The media matters, David Brock.
has come out and you have been a very bad boy. You wanted to exercise your free speech,
your right of assembly of the first amendment and they said you're banned off Twitter everywhere.
You committed a thought crime for what's coming up this Saturday. Tell us about the thought
crime you committed.
Well, this is incredible because...
You wanted to break martial law and I mean, come on, America is about you don't leave
Come on.
No, that's true.
I was a... What a radical over here.
I was a bad American and I didn't want to shut America down and crash our economy and destroy America forever.
I decided that I wanted America to live.
This is a really good photo of you though, Media Matters guy.
They had to... You know, it's sad that these people follow everything we do, but that's another story.
No, let's look at you right here.
This is a very good photo.
I asked them to get me from my good side.
But that's what they showed.
You look like a clark trying to get air.
Well, see, that's actually what I look like when... See, I wasn't breathing when I was doing this livestream, because I'm trying not... I'm trying to stop the spread.
Because that was after about two minutes of not breathing, and I started, you know, you start gasping for air like a carp out of water.
It's tough, Alex.
No, but seriously...
So, people all over America are deciding it's time to reopen the country, and I don't even like saying that, and I'm glad that when I was talking with Daria, she's like, don't even go with that.
They can't close America.
So we decided to call Saturday's rally, You Can't Close America.
So that doesn't give them the precedent to say, well, we already closed it, so you gotta reopen it.
No, you never closed it.
We voluntarily stayed inside.
America never shut down.
America never shut down, and Trump said it too yesterday.
He said America cooperated.
No, that's it.
He didn't cooperate.
Yeah, yeah, let's play that clip.
Because here's, like, this guy going, the new normal is drones deliver this food.
Hey, President, what do you think?
Can America just stand side for Heather?
Part of the guidance seems to sort of shift to states and companies, the burden not just of additional testing and surveillance, but also this sort of new normal in which there's smaller crowds in restaurants and bars and arenas.
Well, that's not going to be normal.
There's not going to be a new normal where somebody has been having for 25 years 158 seats in a restaurant and now he's got 30 or he's got 60.
Because that wouldn't work.
That's not normal.
Normal will be if he has the 158 or 68 seats.
And that's going to happen.
And it's going to happen relatively quickly, we hope.
But that's our normal.
Our normal is if you have 100,000 people in an Alabama football game, Or 110,000 to be exact.
We want 110,000 people there.
We want every seat occupied.
Normal is not going to be where you have a game with 50,000 people.
So, literally, China's open for business.
It's this thing where, if somebody has a virus, we never go outside again.
Talk about a cult!
I mean, this is so ridiculously obvious, and the whole facade is starting to break down.
Well, the wet markets are even open in China.
But they'll, Alex, they're going to use... Is that your little kitty cat?
Still a little kitty?
I'm like, I'm hungry today.
I'll take two kittens.
They'll throw anything that is alive into a hot Boiling pot of water that has boiled probably ten live animals previously to your... And that is fine Chinese cuisine, you racist.
No, but seriously Alex... People don't know you speak fluent Mandarin.
Well no, that's the thing is that... It came out of there, it's admitted now, we're not supposed to say it.
But they're using, here's what I'm saying Alex, get back to the censorship, they're using coronavirus as an excuse.
It's not about coronavirus, it's not about stopping the spread.
Obviously it's not about that.
But what about Congress should act that Twitter says they're trying to organize to have protests, those aren't allowed in America.
What happened to freedom of assembly?
All your BS doesn't trump that.
This is insane how they just push the president and the precedent out further and further, look at that.
So by the way, the event that they're trying to stop, the American freedom that they're trying to stop, is this Saturday noon at the state capitol in Austin, Texas.
And Alex, when I first announced this, it was really just in response to what I saw in Ohio and Michigan and North Carolina.
I didn't really know it was going to become a nationwide phenomenon.
And then other groups here locally, other groups in San Antonio, other groups in Houston.
Sure, it's spontaneous.
And it's just, it's just synchronicity.
And so we're going to have our people out here.
There's going to be all kinds of other groups out there.
By the way, though, the governor of Michigan said it was racist because they said she's a Nazi.
She goes, oh, look, they're Nazis.
They said I'm a Nazi.
But she thinks people are so illiterate that if we're calling her a Nazi, we're Nazis.
Well, wait a second.
She's the governor that betrayed her own Democrat representative and who would have died if it wasn't for Trump getting the hydroxychloroquine out there as far as... It doesn't matter.
I'm calling you racist right now.
Why are you a Nazi right now?
Why do you like Hitler?
I can't beat that.
That's it.
That's it for me.
Why do you like Hitler, huh?
Well, thanks for having me, Alex.
Yeah, exactly.
You like Hitler, huh?
Save the planet!
Thank you, Alex!
That's not Hitler!
Is that how you save America?
Hold on, I'm suing Alex Jones!
I'm suing Alex Jones, he just coughed on me!
I guarantee you Alex Jones, Alex I guarantee you, I guarantee you right now, I will find 10, I will find 12 liberal lawyers, I will find 100 liberal lawyers that will sue you!
They will sue you for coughing on me and shut you out of business!
You're spreading the virus!
You know?
I had to kick Owen Troyer out of here earlier, Alex Jones here back live.
He was saying terrible things about the globalists.
And then he finally got reason.
And he said, it's time for all of us to die.
To stop COVID-19 spreading, the UN said you have to stop breathing.
So I don't just believe we should all be given masks.
I believe they should set up voluntarily hanging centers at all the local grocery stores You can put it on Twitter, and the China will promote it.
And we should all hang ourselves.
Like they said, there's too many people, so... Ceremonially, we have Gigi Pring's spirit animal here.
Gigi Ding Dong is here for TV viewers, and look at that.
You are looking very nice, Gigi Pring.
Well, actually... Actually, I represent the future babies of planet Earth and the world.
And we don't say America, Alex, because in the future there is no America, only one world.
And so I'm here representing... You kind of look like David Brock.
Well, that wouldn't be possible, knowing his sexual orientation.
But, maybe in the future... Will you kill me right now so I don't hurt the Earth anymore?
Yes, but I just want to say that this is an example, and the future of the world The Democrats really care about the future babies, and so we've been sent, Alex, to come here and to kill all humans so that we can save the human race.
And you have volunteered.
Alex Jones has volunteered as tribute.
He will be the first.
Well, actually, you're going to do this while I die.
I'll be uploaded live forever in the digital.
I'm not really being killed.
Oh, yes, of course, of course.
I'll be transferred into the A.I.
right now.
Yes, yes, you're right here.
OK, I'm going to be transferred.
OK, are you ready?
Are you ready?
Yes, divine.
I'm ready to be uploaded to the Apple's heaven.
They own slave camps in China, but that doesn't matter.
It's OK.
You're a real hero for this.
I'm ready.
I'm ready.
I'm ready to join Apple.
Oh, yes.
Rest now, Alex.
Rest, Alex.
Good, Alex.
And so, ladies and gentlemen, as you can see...
This is the future of mankind.
This is the only future if you want the future babies of the world to live.
So listen to Bill Gates and take your loving vaccine and just die.
Just die so that humans can live forever and until then stay inside.
Now Alex Jones digital hologram rises from the dead just like we say when we say Oh, it's so wonderful.
All of you need to get up your physical bodies, you'll be in heaven like me.
Oh, it's so wonderful now.
I'm there with Bill Gates right now.
How do you feel, Alex?
I'm not hurting the earth anymore.
That's right.
You've now reduced your carbon footprint to nothing.
I like David Brock too.
He's very handsome.
And now, don't you feel better knowing you won't be spreading the coronavirus?
That should make you feel really proud of yourself.
And I just hope that fellow Americans take from Alex Jones' lead, and they just willingly die.
But don't worry, we'll put your consciousness onto the system for free!
Is that really Ellen Schreuer behind that mask?
For free!
Why, but you're an imposter.
Say it with me.
For free!
Are you getting serious, Ellen?
For free!
We can sit here and have fun during this tyranny.
And I'm just, you know what?
I always say I'm honest with the audience, and I am.
But sometimes I hold back on stuff, so I'll just be completely honest with everybody.
I'll just make a huge issue out of this right now, okay?
This looks too natural.
It actually is very natural right now.
Hello, KQ Vaccines, we love you!
Look at how much, look at how much age you lost, Alex.
I know, I look like a baby.
Just by being digitally uploaded.
Now let's get serious, though.
Things are getting really hardcore, Owen.
You have a demonstration tomorrow that you were grievously punished for.
We can joke around about this, because we take things on the chin a little too easily.
It really, what I learned last night, that you and a bunch of other crew members were banned off Twitter.
And they said, because you're going to violate social distancing, imagine that level of tyranny where due process and where before you even did it, an off-platform activity and The right to assemble and basic, the First Amendment's gone and it's all being overseen by the same tech companies that help police the Chinese people.
This is a crime against humanity.
This is war crimes.
Well, where are the, you know, you're talking about real men, but where are just Americans?
Where are the real men?
Where are the real women that are sitting here and just seeing this at its face value and saying, wait a second.
You can't tell us to close our business.
You can't tell us to end our way of life.
You can't tell us to stay inside.
You can't do this to us.
You can't threaten us with fines.
You can't threaten us with arrest if we choose to open our business.
Especially when you...
gave the bioweapon to the Chinese, released it, it's confirmed now, and the people that
released it are our bosses?
I mean, let me tell you, I trust Trump, because I know what he's gone through.
If it was a real bioweapon got out or something happened and it was like killing 5%, 10%,
and they're like, "Hey, man, I want to see bodies piling up for real and it wasn't all
fake stuff."
And Trump's like, "Hey, I need you to do this.
It's like two weeks, emergency."
I would trust him.
He's been against it from the beginning.
Then they jumped on him and said, "You're going to cause mass deaths."
had because of our cowardice. I don't mean yours, I have the general public's.
He had to try to ride the tiger.
Now he's been trying to reopen things.
And again, the very same media praising Xi Jinping as attacking Trump.
America better side with your president, man.
You better side with your president right now.
Well, and it's really just side with reality, side with your own personal freedom, because I think another reason why they want to stop these, you know, rallies and exhibitions at State Capitol and stuff, because guess what, Alex?
This is our way of kind of testing the system, too.
Like, all right, we're all going to go to this.
Most people aren't wearing masks.
They're shaking hands.
Are we going to be alright?
Most people are probably going to go home and look in the mirror about a month later and still be healthy and say, you know what?
Dude, 9 people have died and 8 of them are over 80 years old.
And that's with a fake test that counts every cold virus as that.
It's a hoax!
And folks, I knew with China shutting down, and what was coming, I said, you better get ready, you better boost your immune system, you better get food for the economy shutting down.
And you should normally have your immune system boosted anyways.
I'm very glad to get folks to get vitamins and minerals they need, plus it funds the operation.
I'm totally transparent, but... Speak of this, I haven't even really plugged today.
We have a new product in, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you about this.
This was planned.
Six months ago, before this even started, I said, you know, there are all these hand sanitizers that are toxic and have problems.
We have it with high quality organic alcohol and with essential oils in three different scents.
Lavender, and we also have eucalyptus, and we have that other one.
And we also have Peppermint, all of these evil terrorists.
You can get all three of them together for 50% off or get them together individually, but no one has that we've looked at an organic hand sanitizer that actually leaves your hands not oily, but not dry.
It leaves them healthy.
And I said about six months ago, looking at the market, and I said, what's really hot?
Well, hand sanitizer.
And I'm like, yeah.
Hand sanitizer on average is really toxic, lowers fertility, studies are out there.
I said, I want a natural hand sanitizer.
So that's how God works, that right as they try to block us putting out major products, this baby, six months in development, is here.
We have a limited amount, only a few thousand bottles of each one, and we won't get more for a couple months,
but this is how you fund the operation.
Plus, this stuff is amazing.
Infowarsstore.com, we have it in lavender, we have it in peppermint, and we have it in eucalyptus,
which is one of my favorites.
At infowarsstore.com, it's so good just for your nose, just for your brain to smell it,
like it's this olfactory nerve.
You know, let's say it's a conspiracy.
The olfactory nerve doesn't exist.
Yes, it does.
You know, like I said, we have storable food.
They're going to probably say you don't need food to live.
You know, the FDA says it's not essential.
Like your job, your life is not essential.
I'm not even joking.
They say they're already saying it's weird if you claim vaginal birth is normal.
I predicted that 20 years ago.
They're now saying vaginal birth should be illegal.
And you know, because again, ladies and gentlemen, it's a takeover of the normal human biology.
It is.
It is a tyranny.
It is a domestication.
So we have these at InfoWarsTore.com.
And, you know, I'm not even worried about bringing the money in at this point, except I forget how serious things are.
And then I remember that I should tell you these are great products already.
It's just that things are insane.
So get your storable food back in stock, get your hand sanitizers with natural essential oils, and then fullrestore.com where you still can.
Owen, what do you have coming up in the war room today?
Well, let me just say, I will be definitely talking about these new hand sanitizers, because most of the time, you know, first of all, you can't even find any.
But normally, you know, you try to squeeze it, right?
And the whole, like, glob comes out, and then you have too much, and then it's a mess.
How has nobody done this before?
With a spray?
If they believe in what they're doing, they'll buy the damn sanitizer.
This is a spray gun!
It doesn't matter, we're all going to burn in hell anyways!
How has nobody developed a spray hand sanitizer until we did it?
That's just... Well, we got some even cooler stuff coming up.
But no, actually Alex, I really want to take a lot of phone calls.
I got a lot of great guests coming up today too, so... And you're going to announce that you're gay today?
For Brian Stelter?
No, for David Brock.
You know, I think David Brock... One of David Brock and... I don't even want to talk about these losers anymore, honestly.
They're just Nazis.
You know, Alex, they used to do career matches or retirement matches in the WWF, WWE.
I think you should put your career on the line in a bare-knuckle brawl, UFC style.
Put your career on the line.
All these people that won Alex Jones Shutdown, you can have a lineup.
You'll fight them all in a row.
Do it Royal Rumble style.
They can keep coming over the ropes and until one of them puts you out, And that'll be it.
You put your career on the line.
All these people that want Alex Jones shut down, you can actually end his career.
He'll put his career on the line.
I'm ready to fight.
Would you do that?
Proceeds go to charity.
Let's be serious, Owen.
That's the paradox.
As we get so close to absolute martial law, paradoxically under massive threat, I feel better than I've ever felt because I'm being true to myself.
And that's why people think like they're looking for fulfillment.
It's not about a car or a plane or a woman or a man or a big house.
Freedom produces all that.
And then you're like, you're almost ashamed you have it because you want to help others.
It's authenticity that's everything.
And right now, seeing all this happen, it's a paradox because I've got so much energy and I feel so good, Owen.
And I look at people that are under this control, living under this fear, and they just don't understand it.
So how do we, like Dr. Nick Begg is coming up, how do we get people out of fear?
Because people say, oh, taking action is fear.
No, that's not.
Action is not fear.
Action is actually changing things.
I try to tell people about the bad stuff happening because I believe they want to overpower it.
They ask me, why are you trying to make me scared?
I'm like, I'm not trying to make you scared.
Well, if something bad's happening, I want to know about it to fix it.
I think it's all about the winning psychology.
They still have enough control over the censorship and over the mainstream entertainment.
That they still have the illusion of being the victorious team.
Like, oh yeah, Bill Gates is still on top.
Everybody supports Bill Gates.
No, he's a total loser.
Nobody can stand him.
Literally, everywhere his name is, it's just nothing but hate.
So I think as soon as we turn that tide, and I don't know what the moment is or what the answer is or how it comes about, but as soon as we turn that tide of winning psychology, everybody's going to want to be on the same team as InfoWars.
Everybody's going to want to be on the same team as Trump.
Now those are just two names I put out there.
It's really just an idea.
It's just a cause.
But these are just some of the names at the front.
So, all those people that have been so brainwashed, all those people that have been so slovenly, all those people that have been so ignorant, they may not change in those ways, but they're going to hop onto the winning team because they see it's winning and they want to ride it.
Same reason why somebody wears a mask outside with their favorite team logo or, you know, somebody makes a mask their favorite color or with a pattern or something because it's like, hey, it's really not about protecting.
Sure, it's that bandwagon effect.
It's so ridiculously obvious now.
I mean, it should be easier to beat this.
But hasn't it always been ridiculously obvious, though?
I mean, when you go back and you look at everything you've covered, your documentaries, everything we've been through, it's always been obvious.
It's been obvious before we could even know what it was.
Like you don't even, you don't even have to know anything politically to look around the world and say, what the hell?
No, I agree with you.
And as I'm about to say, this is Nick Beggins is here.
I remember like 25, six years ago when I was first awake getting on air and he was like, had documents and actual.
Patents, it does take scientifically creating the original text to like say, okay, there's a scientific elite.
They're building a world outside of us.
What are they building?
There's like a skeleton has to be there.
So as we can look at the public and say, oh, you didn't see this.
Well, we have to build the skeleton and they have to build the skeleton.
They have to believe in themselves and report on what they're seeing and then test that with their own human DNA about whether that's sound or not.
I mean, I really think everyone has to be a leader now.
We have to get the average person that doesn't think they're a leader to start thinking about being a leader.
It doesn't mean they're always going to have the answers on, but it means they need to start thinking about, they don't just report off what they receive, they have to report from what comes within them.
And that's why, you know, people that own businesses and such just need to open their businesses in defiance of the tyrannical government.
But Alex, I was going to say this.
Well, I haven't told this story yet.
I mean, sorry, go ahead.
Well, I was going to say, I was going to actually, I was working on putting this out as a tweet, but here's a perfect example of how obvious it's been.
But you can't tweet, you're banned.
1942, the Nazis fluoridate the water they give the Jews.
1945, the U.S.
hires Nazi scientists.
1945, the U.S.
begins fluoridating their water.
There's your skeleton.
You still want to drink the fluoridated water, folks?
I don't think so.
Ladies and gentlemen, the very fight for the future of humanity is now.
Our Knick baggage is about to take over.
And the hotter the show, the more important the items, the less I plug.
We do have high-quality, affordable food that's available.
Everybody needs to be self-sufficient.
You need to get your orders in now.
They had to suspend orders for a few weeks while they got caught up.
Now they've got it.
Other people will lie to you and say, oh, seven days it ships.
And then they have people that lie to you on the phone.
Oh, it's coming.
It's coming.
We don't do that.
We tell you straight up.
It's available again with what's happening.
They want you dependent.
Don't be dependent.
We have the best durable food at the lowest prices you're going to find at InfoWareStore.com.
Take advantage of that.
We have this new system where you can get one of the only essential oil organic hand sanitizers.
50% off.
Just came out.
I planned this six months before this all happened.
Why is there an organic hand sanitizer?
It's got the alcohol in it, but it's got the essential oils.
We have it in lavender.
We have it in peppermint.
And they have it, of course, also in eucalyptus.
And that's how we fund the operation.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion has the zinc and so much more in it.
Great for adults and children.
That's 50% off.
X3 is getting ready to sell out.
It's still 60% off.
And it is your funding.
You know, I sit there.
It's money that allows us to have all the lawyers.
To hold off the deep state and stuff you don't even know about as long as possible, and we weren't supposed to be on air by now, and it's just been money just blasted at the enemy, and your prayers that's held them back.
So believe me, right now, it's always been about the victory.
But now, more than ever with a gun to my head, it is now 100%.
I can't tell you about the stuff right now, but let's just say they've had the carrot And then now they got the stick.
And so that's where it is right now.
And the White House knows about it.
And the White House is just cut off.
They can only put out main messages, and that's about it.
They're cut off as well.
Most people have been threatened with indictment or arrest to support the president.
Most people have rolled over.
I have not done it.
And I'm not a hero here not rolling over to folks.
I mean, not rolling over to stuff like that is what I do.
I mean, I would die the day I did that.
So I feel great, actually.
Uh, in fact, it's actually a distortion for me that I feel so good.
I'm not worried about anything.
I go, Hey, you better get your act together.
You better be serious.
You better warn people right now instead of, you know, like, Oh, you've done such a good job and you've never backed down.
So you feel so good about yourself, you know, and your soul telling you great job, great job.
I better actually get a little bit out of the souls.
I'm always too much in that and into the body.
And I go, intellectually, we better settle accounts here, because Nick Begich's dad wouldn't back off when he gave all that land to the Native Americans up there in Alaska.
They killed his house.
And let me tell you, though, his dad's strong, though.
He's a real man.
And that's what the point we're at is, who are we for eternity?
Take, like, Braveheart, and he says, imagine many years from now lying in your beds, wishing just once you'd have stood up and done the right thing.
Yeah, fight against that?
Fight and we lose, you know, run we win.
No, you die.
And so it's that spirit that builds everything in China, in North Korea, in all these places people roll over.
Here we don't do that.
And we stand on those shoulders of people that didn't back down under threat.
Because believe me, before they killed Nick Begich's dad, I know it's personal for him, I'm not belittling it, just putting it off here as a common thing, but we're in the same wheelhouse, so I can say it.
I'm not belittling how people get killed for the truth.
I'm saying that's what brings the victory, is people that don't back down in the final equation.
Oh, and final comment while I've got our Nick baggage to take over.
Well, that's kind of like a three option solution.
You have two options.
You can fight or you can run.
OK, so you can fight and you can lose, which is still a win.
You can fight and you can win, which is a win.
You can run, and you can win, but you will always ultimately lose.
So fighting is always the best choice when it comes to that, because victory comes with being in the arena and engaging in the fight.
So, it's really incredible.
Exactly, and you don't lose making the right spiritual decisions.
That's like the highest level of success.
And I don't seek any guilt or put in prison by this, but I'm not afraid of it.
In fact, I almost have like a guilt that I'm ready.
I love my kids.
I love my wife and everything.
I'm like ready to go if I need to.
And it's not like a power trip.
It's like I've passed the fear.
And so then at that point, you're like, you're not going to give up.
You're not going to back down.
You're going to get more aggressive.
It's like, yeah, I am.
And they're going to understand it.
Well, you have no choice.
It's momentum more than anything.
It's downhill momentum.
It's commitment.
And then at the point of the choice, the commitment is there.
Dr. Nick Begich, we love you.
We appreciate you.
Take over, my friend.
Hey, thanks for having me.
It's always a pleasure.
You know, just to echo all of that, it's true.
You know, it's like that agitation that you have to create sometimes just to wake people up.
And that's what InfoWars is about.
It's a little bit of agitation, you know, because you've got to prick people's sensitivity just a bit.
So we're paying attention, and that's what InfoWars is all about and has been about.
I want to talk about some of the dimensions of what's going on.
You know, when you talk about the idea of control, and as Alex said just before coming on, you know, for 25, 26 years, we've been Talking about this.
How's it going to go?
How's it going to come?
And now it's here.
And InfoWars has always been on that cutting edge of information.
And that's why it's important to look at all of the alternatives.
And they're being shut down right now.
That's a dangerous, dangerous thing.
I know there's conservatives.
There's people listening from all political persuasions, actually, all around the world today to this program, to what's happening in the world today.
And, you know, and again, the challenge will be how do we stand up and face the adversary, which is now so much in our face?
Personal privacy, the basis of liberty, all of that is at stake in real terms right now.
And so it's a question of what do we want to do about it?
You know, stand still or or act in an appropriate way.
You know, I want to Start kind of backfilling information that's kind of missing in a lot of the public dialogue, away from the virus a little bit, because that's kind of been covered a lot this week.
Getting in some of the ancillary issues, one of the news feeds again earlier today on the oil and gas side, wholesale price for gasoline in the upper Midwest, 12 cents a gallon according to Bloomberg today.
Think about that, 12 cents a gallon.
And here's why, and it's something I've been talking about here on InfoWars for over a year, and it's the storage issues with both Crude oil and now refined product because when you have a slack and demand as radical as the one that's happening right now globally between oil for ships, oil, jet fuel for jets, automobile gasoline and diesel for moving things around the planet, it's just not being sold.
Those are the refined products.
So where's the end storage tank?
Beyond your gas tank, it's at the gas station.
So here it is, all that gasoline is now moving into gas stations, filling up those pumps, discounting like crazy, but capacity's gone basically, being sucked up really quickly.
On the raw side, the oil production side, and I've been saying it for over a year, is U.S.
source capacity is gone and has been gone.
And now global storage capacity is quickly running out, including tankers that are floating around full outside of ports waiting to unload, but there's no place to put it.
So that's the state, and you can't just shut it down.
Remember, it's a flow of product.
Oil's not like coal or minerals.
You can pile them up in a pile.
You got to keep it moving through front refineries, through the end user.
And in this case, it's all shutting down.
Now, everyone's heard about the 10 million barrel a day cut.
Well, that's not taking place for a couple more weeks.
It's scheduled for May 1st.
From OPEC.
Meanwhile, they're discounting the hell out of their product and upping the quantity shipping and depressing the price even more.
Now, under 20 dollars Now, why is that all important?
Well, you have the fracking industry that's being gutted by the price, the banks that back the fracking industry, a whole bunch of jobs surrounding it, and then the mainstream oil industry here in Alaska.
ConocoPhillips a few weeks ago announced $200 million in reductions.
Another $200 million in reductions announced yesterday in capital expenditures, and they're just one of many cutting back on their expenditures.
Because of oversupply and no demand.
The two worst situations.
Both curves running away from each other in ever larger surpluses on the market.
We're going to be right back after these brief messages.
This is Dr. Nick Begich on this Friday afternoon in most of the world.
And welcome back.
And it's a Friday afternoon in most of the country, still a little bit before noon here in Anchorage, Alaska.
And we were talking a little bit about the oil and gas situation just because it has such a huge impact.
On various aspects of the country here in Alaska, it is devastating what's happening right now for two reasons.
One is we've completely lost our tourism industry as well as had a major impact on oil and gas and other forms of development here because we're essentially a raw resource state.
Also, before the break, Alex had mentioned a little bit about and You know, talking about Gates, right?
Why does he get such a negative backflash every time his name is quoted in articles and so on?
I would venture this, and I would put this out there, because he's not elected.
He doesn't represent us.
No one chose him.
He chose himself and had a big checkbook to get in front of the public.
But nobody chose him to lead anything.
A shareholder did, I guess, at one point commercially.
I mean, he did his thing with Microsoft, whatever else he did.
But the point of the matter is, that's kind of the rub for so many of us.
You know, whether you're talking about the United Nations, nobody elected anybody there either.
And they'd like to tell you what to do.
I resent that.
I resent that at a really deep level.
Not the idea of people talking all of that, hey, good, good, great.
I'm all for it.
I believe in dialogue.
What I don't believe is representation without a vote.
I don't believe in that, okay?
That's why I support the paper ballot only, not little things you punch out,
but things that you ink up with ink pens so that you can recount them later.
You know, that's one thing that should never be automated.
In fact, there ought to be a constitutional amendment 'cause nobody ever anticipated
there'd be a different way to do it.
But there ought to be a protection of the ballot is sacred to democracies and republics
where the voting actually matters, like ours, you know?
And so I think about that in the scope of things, but also think about sort of what's going on.
The opposite is what this virus is being used for, greater levels of political control,
something I've been talking about for years.
Over the last week, one of my business partners in Thailand sent me a document.
It was a pretty interesting one.
I want to mention it today.
It's called Scenarios of the Future of Technology and International Development by the Rockefeller Foundation and the GBN Global Business Network.
There it is.
For those of you that have a screen today, I can figure out where it is.
Ah, somebody found it.
Thanks, guys.
In any case, this thing was put together by the Rockefeller Foundation, and I read it, and a couple things caught me that I had not noted before.
One is, when was the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the biggest nonprofits ever, formed?
Now isn't that really interesting?
Because that's the same year that they created the income tax which, to remind listeners, in the 1890s was ruled by the U.S.
Supreme Court unconstitutional and likened to slavery because you couldn't tax a person's labor.
That was not possible until we had the amendment to the Constitution in 1913.
That created the income tax.
It also created all kinds of things, including non-profits.
So companies who were gonna get taxed now, like the Rockefellers, could transfer huge chunks
of their wealth because after a certain point, I mean, how much money do you need, really?
And the modern guys do the same thing.
The Gates and the other guys, people with big money, they move it to big non-profits.
Now, nobody gets taxed, but do you think those billion-dollar-plus funds don't have influence?
Ask the Clinton Foundation or the Obama Foundation or the Bush Foundation or, you know, the Gates Foundation or any other foundation.
What do they hope to gain?
And you could say, well, they're benevolent.
Well, perhaps so, and I'm sure in their view they are.
But how people act and what they do tells you more than everything else, right?
Measure against performance, but more importantly, I don't like and I think a lot of us don't like people telling us what to do that we don't elect appropriately.
To do that, or they don't get appointed by people that are elected.
And this is kind of ridiculous.
The U.N.
side of it is way too powerful from my perspective.
So is the World Health Organization.
And they can't even tell anyone what to do, obviously, unless you're given a script from China.
And that was not from Trump.
That was from the vice premier of Japan who called it the Chinese Health Organization.
So as all these things happen now, looking at that Rockefeller report, why else is that important?
Well, This was a narrative, a fictional narrative, right?
I mean, these were scenarios that were dreamed up and I'm looking for the right page here because I'm going to just read it because, I mean, you can't make this stuff up, folks.
I mean, it's too crazy, you know?
And when you read it and you go, who wrote this?
You know, it was the Rockefeller Foundation.
And so what do they say?
And so here's a Let me just read it.
And this is fictional, remember?
This was written, in fact, ten years ago.
May 2010.
Ten years ago, okay?
And here's what it says.
Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20% of global population and killing 8 million in just seven months.
The majority of them were healthy young adults.
The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies.
International mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking the global supply chains.
Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.
The pandemic blanketed the planet.
Though disproportionate numbers died in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central America, where the virus spread like wildfire in the absence of official containment protocols.
But even in developed countries, containment was challenged.
The United States' initial policy of strongly discouraging citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the U.S., but across borders.
However, a few countries did far better.
China, in particular.
The Chinese government, quick to impose mandatory quarantine in all citizens as well as an instant
and near hermetic sealing off of all borders saved millions of lives,
stopping the spread of the virus far earlier.
Think about that, ladies and gentlemen.
Think about that written 10 years ago as a prelude to where we're at today.
Another book I referenced last week was Out of the Blue by John Peterson, who runs the Arlington Institute.
He predicted pandemic too.
And then what would come from it?
And what would come from it from both of these guys?
A more directed and controlled society.
They were predicting this 10 years ago.
Rockefeller Foundation, in partnership with Gates and other foundations, including John Hopkins, are running the meters today.
Were they responsible or are they taking advantage?
I can assure you they're taking advantage of the opportunity, regardless of how it began, because these guys are opportunistic.
They look for this and take advantage of this to the detriment of every living soul.
We'll be right back.
This is Dr. Nick Begich.
And welcome back.
And, you know, thinking about, you know, just the whole team, you know, we've all got a lot going on and there's always a lot of stress in all of this.
And, you know, you got to sound the alarm.
You know, some people, you know, get a little more excited than others.
But that's the beauty of InfoWars.
It's about information.
And we all have different delivery systems to get the word out.
And I appreciate everyone It's been great the last week, you know, talking about Alex, you know, yeah, you know, you feel the empathy, the depth of the empathy that we all feel for what's going on in the world.
But at the same time, You're energized, I mean, because you got work to do, you've got a mission to accomplish, you know, so it is a kind of a paradox.
It always has been.
For those that saw it coming, you know, how do you maintain a sense of joy in this when you see what's coming?
You do, because you know how the story ends.
And so that works out.
But having said all that, getting back to what we were talking about a little bit before the break, but where I wanted to go with this, I started a little bit with oil.
I started a little bit with kind of dealing with that whole new world order structure that we've got going on around us.
But really what I want to talk about and again, pick up a little bit of where Alex left off.
He talked a little bit about Alaska and my family's heritage here.
And this is the great hope of the nation, you see, because we are the treasury of the nation.
We are about 18% of the landmass.
We have more coastline than the East Coast, Gulf Coast and West Coast of the United States combined in a 200-mile federal limit.
Extending beyond the three-mile state jurisdictional limit on all waters off Alaska.
That's a tremendous amount of resource.
Now let me tell you about that resource.
There's 700,000 people more or less that live here.
Let me say that again.
700,000 people living in a country with 350 million And we're 18% or about a fifth of the land mass.
It's crazy, right?
And yet, here's what we have here.
This is, Alex has always mentioned my dad's work on the Native Land Claims Settlement Act, and there's always a lot to say about that.
That particular act, I got to go back in time, I got to go back in history, and I'm going to give you that history because it's an important part of our nation's history most people don't know.
And again, it's One-fifth of the game when you think of the landmass, you know, what we hold in common, the public treasury, if you will.
And the lack of development here is an embarrassment, as multinationals have used this as sort of a storehouse.
And the method of storing it is to lock it up in parks, preserves and other federal restrictions that continue to extend into our state to the point where it strangles us.
And every environmental organization in the world uses Alaska as the poster child for fundraising events, which just totally screws us over here.
But it also screws over every single American because we're denied the opportunity to produce the nation's wealth.
You know, this is the wealth of the nation.
It's not fiat currency being run on a printing press by 300 member banks of the Federal Reserve.
That's not how it goes.
It's real wealth here.
And that real wealth, the multinationals call this their safety deposit box.
They just stow it all here.
They can twist all of our arms about how horrible and terrible it is to develop in the United States.
And so they chisel us down to nothing.
And a tax take.
And then they go elsewhere in the third world where they bribe and exploit resource producers.
Oh, I shouldn't say bribe.
I guess make contributions to their political efforts and non-profits in those countries that are owned by, gee, Government family members and all kinds of people connect to the government.
That's how it works, you see.
But in those countries, revolutions come and go and people get shoved into barrels and chunks and pieces and floated down rivers.
In America, we're politically safe.
So someday, they come back.
But by then, you know, what's left here?
It's time to develop our own resources and our national interests.
And encourage that kind of development and not discourage it and start thinking about what do we have and how do we do that?
How do we do that before?
We did it with infrastructure starting with transportation, the great railroads, transcontinental railroads, and then later the interstate system, and then the regional railroads that went along with that development before the interstate system.
And then we had a way to move goods and then the ports that allowed us to move goods in and out.
But you know, one thing we didn't contemplate is having to travel between U.S.
ports in the way that we do now.
And so there are certain things within legislation that absolutely strangle Alaska's natural resources coming in by ship at least into the United States, the rest of the United States.
And that's unfortunate.
It's called the Jones Act, which increases the shipping cost tenfold.
Because it requires U.S.
flag vessels to go U.S.
port to U.S.
You can go foreign port to U.S.
port, U.S.
port to foreign port, no problem, foreign flag vessel.
So a Chinese vessel can come from China to San Francisco and deliver a cargo for 10 cents on the dollar compared to how much it costs to ship it halfway back to China.
And drop it off in Hawaii.
Because that's a U.S.
port to U.S.
You've got to use a U.S.
flag vessel.
And it costs ten times as much.
So, you know, these are things that most people aren't aware of.
But they do.
They cost us all dearly.
Think about shipping oil from Alaska to U.S.
The same equation happens when you think about supertankers and their costs and how the cost of shipping figures into the cost of oil.
Because it's landed at the refinery and then landed at the gas station.
Transportation all figures in.
So, you know, we have all of that to think about in this context of what does Alaska offer?
Well, Tidewater is Southeast Alaska company, Ucor.
And by way of disclosure, I have some shares there.
But Ucor is a rare earth company.
And rare earth metals currently are produced predominantly in China and a little bit in Russia.
We have no domestic production, and these are critical to every major industry in the modern world today.
And so we have at Tidewater the ability to produce these rare earth minerals, and that's going to go into production.
You'll see it in the next couple of years.
Another mineral deposit, Constantine, owned by Dow, 49% domestically by others.
Cold mines operating now in Alaska, Donlon Creek, North is getting ready to do some things, but there's a lot going on in Alaska that most people don't pay attention to.
And we don't have a rail link, you know, to link us up to the Canadian rail system, which would then allow us to move commodities into the Midwest, into the Rust Belt, where value could be out in the United States and the Jones Act not be a problem.
And you can still protect U.S.
shipping with Jones Act, not have to make a modification for Alaska, but get us a railroad at least, you know?
How about a super infrastructure project to get American labor to work?
Hook us up with a railroad so we can get some of this stuff moving south, and then expand that railroad to the southern flank of the Brooks Range all the way to Nome.
Look at the historic maps of where rail was supposed to be.
And let's build rail to riches as a national program in America again,
and build the infrastructure that we need to put America back to work.
Because one thing all this taught us is supply chain needs to come home.
And that starts with raw materials, raw resources, producing them here,
adding value here, and then buying them here.
Keeping that working within our economy.
Not to say that your foreign trade is dead, but we need to rethink the critical elements
of our trade to make sure American industry is equipped and capable of producing.
And Alaska is a missed resource and a neglected resource at a time when people need
to again turn your heads north and pay attention to this region.
This is a major, major issue.
You know, when I come back from the break, I want to talk about a bit of the indigenous issues and how those formed, how Alaska became a state, what happened before, and how we've been as an extractive region, and why this is such an important region for the nation in terms of our national wealth.
You know, when you think of national wealth, remember, it's four things.
It's entrepreneurship.
It's labor.
It's land and natural resources.
Lastly, it's factories that make things, even a shovel that digs a ditch.
And those are the things that are real wealth, not fiat currency.
Let's talk about the national treasury, the national wealth, the national resource base.
We'll be right back.
This is Nick Begich.
And welcome back.
You know, thinking about what Alex was saying about my dad, you know, he was a U.S.
Congressman in the early 70s.
That's when the Alaska Native Land Claims Settlement Act passed.
And it was his legislation.
He was a freshman.
He got it passed.
It was the biggest indigenous settlement in the history of the United States, 44 million
acres and just a little under a billion dollars divided among 13 regional corporations and
then under them 226 village corporations that pretty much lined up with tribal boundaries
and regional boundaries here in Alaska.
And that goes back even further, you know, you got to go back to the Treaty of Secession,
You know, you got to go back to the Treaty of Secession, which is kind of an interesting name for a land sale, right?
which is kind of an interesting name for a land sale, right?
Well, the Russians didn't really have that good of a title to begin with to Alaska.
Well, the Russians didn't really have that good of a title to begin with to Alaska, but
But what they did have, they decided to sell the United States for 2 cents an acre in 1867.
what they did have, they decided to sell the United States And, you know, that goes back even further.
So, we bought Alaska 2 cents an acre, and they called it Seward's Folly,
because the Interior Secretary was being laughed at, because they thought, "What a wasteland, you know,
you're buying this boat anchor from Russia for a little over 7 million bucks, you know?"
And $20 gold.
So multiply $7 million by $60 or $70 to get today's price.
But still a heck of a bargain, man.
Because what we found here was first we had the reason they sold it is they kind of petered out on the fur trade because they had enslaved the local indigenous population and wiped out most of them with diseases that they brought along with them, including alcoholism.
And those that were left, there weren't any furs left.
They wiped out a few species.
And so they said, ah, let's sell this thing.
Because they had a good thing going.
They'd get the furs here, they'd take them to China, they'd get the furs in China, and then they'd trade opium and trade that, and it was a big deal.
They were making money on all ends of this thing, and Alaska was part of that loop going through.
So, what happened?
Well, the indigenous in that treaty, this is kind of interesting, if you were a Russian, you were given three years to return to Russia, or you were automatically a U.S.
If you stayed in the territory of Alaska.
If you were an indigenous person who could trace their roots back as far as they could go, you weren't given citizenship.
In fact, if you were an American Indian in Alaska, the deal was you had to read and write English, which a lot of immigrants couldn't do, but they were given citizenship here.
But that was the deal.
Read and write English.
And you had to renounce your religion.
Which nobody else had to do, unless you were indigenous.
So that's the kind of additional screwing over that people got here as indigenous Americans, up until the 20s, when they finally got rid of those requirements, you know, the late 20s.
And then it was the 40s, we actually had one of the very first Civil Rights Acts on the state level, before most states ever even dreamed of it, and tried to clean it up.
And by the mid 50s, my dad showed up here and he was dirt poor.
I mean, he arrived with 11 bucks and a job, you know, and.
Came from immigrant family background.
He's first generation American, you know, as a European American.
And he got it, you know, he understood poverty.
That's for darn sure.
And what he saw here, he didn't like very much, but he was a passionate, compassionate man.
And in his early 20s, he got engaged.
And by his 20s, he was in the state Senate, later, the United States Congress.
And in the Native Land Claims, why it was important is it wasn't just 44 million acres, but they got priority selection of all lands.
And at the time, only 1% of the land was privately held and only a small amount was under state and municipal control.
A little bit given to the university and a little bit to the Mental Health Trust prior to statehood.
Because we have a Mental Health Trust that got a million acre land grant that got whittled down to about 750,000 acres.
Big chunk of land in anybody's book.
And they have $500 million in the bank that throws off about $50 million a year for the mental health issues.
This is a pre-statehood fund.
We also have the Endowment Land Trust for the university, which doesn't throw off much money either because it's poorly managed, but it's a big chunk of land.
I think it's about 250,000 acres, as I recall.
And then the state, here's how it got sliced up, see?
My dad got the indigenous 9% of this state, nine times what all the rest of the private ownership had.
They only wanted to give them 4%, but they fought like crazy and got 44 million acres.
And why was that important?
They got priority selection.
So they could pick Oil and gas and minerals property and historic properties that were important to them within their traditional socioeconomic boundaries of their tribal structures.
So they did this as an alternative to the old reservation system.
The problem was the old reservation system.
What it did have was a tribal government route.
And this was important because within nations, and a lot of people don't understand Indian law in the United States, we have domestic nations within this nation and they're called Indian tribal governments.
They're sovereign.
States are not sovereign.
You know, that Civil War ended that for states, if you look at the history.
Now, I don't necessarily agree with that, but that's the way the law is today.
But with tribal governments, they are sovereign.
They're recognized as sovereign.
And so in Alaska, we only had a couple reservation tribes, and they were given the option of giving up the reservations or maintaining them and maintaining that structure.
And one gave up, two kept them, and then everybody else got settlements.
But here's the problem.
Without a tribal government, a recognized government, who did you bargain the deal with?
Because nobody really got to vote on this because there weren't any organized structures.
You know, there were informal structures.
So that's important to note as a historical point that maybe I won't have time to get back to today, but it's an important point.
The tribes themselves weren't recognized until 1993 and after in Alaska.
So this is many years, 20 years past the so-called Native Land Claims Settlement Act that my dad was involved in.
And it was important at the time because without that act you could not clear the titles.
Because within The statehood act later in 1959 when that was enacted was a provision that we had to figure out the indigenous settlement of land because I mean we didn't fight a war here.
We can't ignore the fact that these people were here before we were.
They have a right to settlement and so that was a big fight from Pre-statehood, after statehood, but it had to be resolved because nobody would invest in Alaska, Trans-Alaska Pipeline, unless they knew the land that it was going on was, you know, deeded properly, so they needed a settlement.
And so at that time, my dad was just elected to Congress.
He was able to negotiate that settlement and get Native Americans a priority selection.
So here's how it broke down.
Alaska, under the state constitution, we were given a title to 105 million acres in fee, which is 30 percent, a little less actually.
It works out now to 20 percent of the land mass in Alaska.
And here's the deal there.
In exchange for giving up so much of our surface estate to the federal government, we were given 90% of all underlying mineral wealth, rents, and royalties derived from that federal land.
So it was a pretty good deal.
You know, most states got to keep their land and the federal government got post offices and military installations, you know, but Alaska, you know, we're last up, you know, we're with Hawaii 49 and 50.
So they screwed us out of our land.
Hawaii didn't have much to get screwed out of, but at least the indigenous got theirs back in a traditional way, a big chunk of it anyway.
Ahead of Alaska, but we didn't get that situation.
We had a different kind of settlement was an important one.
It was a big one.
It's given huge economic power to native organizations.
I mean many of them generate more than a billion dollars a year in revenue.
So it's pretty powerful what's happened here.
But again when you think about it, so 20% For the state, 70% for the feds, 9% for Native Americans, and 1% for other private landowners.
When you think about the federal side, now what happened after statehood?
Well, it turns out that the agreement we made before statehood, that we would get 90% of the rents and royalties, can be changed by any successor Congress.
And it was.
When the ANWR was opened up, in part, we were reduced to a 50% royalty take on the basis that they said the law wasn't binding.
In other words, statehood for Alaska was the same as an indigenous treaty.
It wasn't worth the paper it was printed on, unfortunately.
The Native Land Claims Settlement so far has been honored.
The Statehood Act wasn't.
But, as I said, states aren't sovereign.
There's not much we can do.
I want to get back into this subject next week.
We'll pick it up from here because I think it's important.
The history of Alaska is part of our heritage.
It's a fifth of the America landmass.
I would say it's a big part of our story.
It's a fifth of our story, but that story is our future.
America's future is Alaska's future.
This is Dr. Nick Begich coming to you from Anchorage, and we'll be back next week, next Friday.
In the meantime, support the InfoWars.
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