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Name: 20200324_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 24, 2020
2347 lines.

In this transcript of "The Alex Jones Show," the host discusses various topics related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. He criticizes lockdown measures and government responses, promotes natural compounds like zinc for boosting immunity, and discusses hydroxychloroquine as a potential treatment for the virus. Jones also talks about economic impacts, martial law fears, and the importance of remaining informed in these uncertain times. Dr. Petitius reports no deaths or hospitalizations due to the use of antibiotics in their treatment, as well as the use of zinc as a preventative measure. The severity of the economic impact of the coronavirus is discussed, criticizing lockdown measures and promoting immune system boosters like vitamins and zinc. Criticisms are made against the Ivy League system for lack of real understanding or knowledge among those with advanced degrees, while concerns are raised about enforcing lockdown measures in the UK. A speech by Alex Jones discusses how the globalist agenda is using the pandemic to destroy the economy and implement martial law in the United States; he promotes his lung cleanse product at InfoWarStore.com as an immune system booster while criticizing Democrats for blocking coronavirus relief bills over unrelated political priorities."

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Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to be a really good boy today, and I'm going to cover all the news.
And boy, is it amazing.
The big, giant, quadrillion pound enchilada that's sitting in the middle of the living room, with a quadrillion pound elephant sitting on top of that, and the infinity dollar question is, where the hell are the globalists going to take us?
And the answer is right into chaos, wreck and ruin, and destruction.
Isn't it amazing to watch the globalists flounder around like this and try one big hoax after another, and now their mass hysteria worked at first, but now everybody I talk to is now waking up and just saying, this is ridiculous, this is out of control.
And the Lieutenant Governor of Texas came out and said, I'm a grandparent, others are grandparents.
We're all talking and we're ready to brave this thing.
It looks like it might kill 1% of people that are above 75 and sick for our grandkids because the Great Depression is going to be a lot worse than that.
And Trump said it last night in a press conference that Brian Williams attacked.
That's coming up.
He said, this isn't how America was built to operate.
We don't operate like this.
We would have plagues before.
Where, you know, 10% of the public got sick or more, and half of those died.
We didn't close up shop.
We didn't shut down Jack Squat.
Now you're hearing, oh, we're going to track you in real time with your cell phones.
And, oh, we're going to have forced vaccines next year.
And this is a way of life.
And now every time there's a virus, we're going to have lockdowns just suddenly.
And it's on.
No, the virus is real.
It kills some people.
Nobody's bad that wants to be upset about it and quarantine themselves.
But that's your choice.
The forced shutting down of society is unconstitutional and is deadly dangerous.
And by operations, media and warehouses and food are all covered.
So I'm not saying, oh, I'm against this because it affects us.
It makes me physically go into a rage that
Art supply shops are going to have to shut today when Austin declares it's only essential businesses stay open.
Or that Academy was told to close in Dallas, which is a lot more important than Walmart.
They got a lot of good survival stuff and camping stuff and guns and everything.
And clothing.
No, you're just shut.
And ProPure in Michigan, our other great water filter supplier.
Alexa peers selling out.
So I said, well, let's go to Propia.
Let's promote them.
They're just as good.
They go, Oh, sorry, Michigan ordered them shut down.
I'm reading the letter this morning and I literally got angry.
Water filters aren't essential, but marijuana is.
Welcome my friends.
Welcome to this Tuesday, March 24th, 2020 global transmission.
They're openly all over the news.
New York Times, Politico, CNN.
Will they cancel the 2020 elections?
Because they know Trump's approval rating is going straight up.
Their whole virus hysteria hoax has only backfired on them.
And so now they want to move the Gold Post back and say, oh, maybe we'll postpone it a year while we can dig up some new dirt on the president and make up some more garbage.
What an incredible time to be alive.
I got a call yesterday from one of my lawyers, who I've known about six years.
He's a good guy, but he's a big Democrat.
Means well.
Kind of an old-fashioned Democrat.
Yellow dog Democrat here in Texas.
He said, I'm kind of thinking Trump's right.
You know, I'm looking at my 401k, and I'm looking at my first grandchild coming, and I'm looking at depression and what that'll do, and how millions died of starvation during that.
Did you know millions died during the Great Depression of starvation?
I'm like, no, I didn't know that, because I'm hearing my own information come back at me.
That's when you know you're successful.
And I go, did you hear that from me?
He goes, no, no, I was talking to some of the other lawyers.
He said, I do think we just can't shut everything down for months and months.
I mean, China is already open for business.
And he goes, I think Trump's right.
I mean, we just can't indefinitely shut everything down.
And it looks like the death rate's lowering down to 1%, but the media is gonna hype it up.
And I just don't know what Trump's gonna do.
Then the lieutenant governor comes out and gives a press conference and says, I've talked to a lot of grandparents like myself.
We're willing to die so we don't create a depression.
Plus, staying at home isn't going to save you.
It's all a sick joke.
But I'll tell you the mind control.
The general public, people I know well, literally believe Austin has been under a stay-at-home lockdown order since L.A.
did it last week and since New York State did it and New York City this weekend.
And I sit there with people I know well, and I go, listen, they've only shut down restaurants and big public events and things like that to get you ready.
This is all a globalist psyop for when they do say shelter at home.
But even that, there's hundreds of places you can go and things you can do.
And they even say, because they're our nanny state, you can go out in the park and exercise or play tennis or whatever, just do social distancing.
And people I personally know go, nope, nope, nope, it's a lockdown, it's a lockdown, it's a lockdown.
And I'll sit there with stacks of the actual orders, state, federal, local, and what it's all based on, the Essential Services Cybersecurity Act, and I'll show them the law.
And they go, well, that's your opinion.
Because they wanna get into the hysteria, they wanna get into the fear, they wanna get into the end of the world stuff.
Because it's like LARPing.
Most people in the modern world have never faced a real crisis.
They've never faced a life-threatening situation.
They've never lived in a third world country.
They've never seen open sewage.
They've never gone out for a month and lived in the wilderness, you know, for their military certificate or whatever and survived.
And so it's fun to get into the hysteria and to go on Fox News and sing kumbaya songs and say, I can't leave my apartment building when none of that's true.
And so that's why Gavin Newsom, the evil one, the governor of California last week said to the media, stop calling for martial law.
It's nuanced.
The public's going further than we would.
They're socializing to the new system.
And so we know what the new system is.
Stores like H-E-B, Michael's Art Supplies, I went and saw for myself, have signs on the doors in Austin that say, don't bring cash, we don't accept cash.
And it's all social engineering.
If you demand to use it, they still do.
But it's all social engineering.
And you see the IMF World Bank saying, time to get rid of cash.
Because then you've got a social credit score, then you've got your government app, and then you're not allowed to buy or sell unless you're a good little globalist.
And that's the final endgame of this control system, which they are already using against people, and which China has already implemented, where you can't leave your front door unless you have a government app, or an Alibaba app, which the government nationalized two years ago in China.
And the government minister went on TV and said, you will not set one half foot in front of your door, leaving your door unless we say.
And now the CDC is saying, we're using all your cell phone data to track you in real time to see of your social gathering, and you may be fined or punished in the future.
It won't be this year.
Next year, the vaccine comes out.
And they'll say, if you haven't had it, you can't fly, you can't work.
And then you'll be socially pecked on by others who will then virtue signal, Starbucks fires employees who don't take it.
Even though top scientists say it's a dangerous vaccine and it's not gonna cover you for next year's mutation of the virus, it's like a new flu they've introduced to us.
And most coronaviruses are very unstable and drift off of being dangerous, but that's the science.
And they won't tell you the science that zinc, if taken preventatively before you get sick,
Depending on the study you look at is between 97 and 99 percent effective with viruses, period.
Look it up.
Type in zinc antiviral and you will see it for yourself.
And what does chloroquine do?
Hydroxychloroquine, it is simply
I don't
Rum as part of their pay and rations, grog.
You've got gin and water, one part gin, two parts water in the army and the navy traditionally got two parts water, one part
Rum, called grog.
And they would put lime in the grog, and they would put in the gin, they would give them a tonic.
A tonic was the old name for a medical drink that the apothecary or the drugstore gave you.
So the drugstore symbol is like an urn with a grinder, because they would grind it up.
And the military would actually, you'd get demerits, and you could get court-martialed
If you look this up, if you didn't at least drink your tonic, because it was a anti-malarial and they wanted their troops ready to fight, ready to build, ready to move.
No one's going to tell you you can just go to any store and get that for yourself and drink two bottles of it.
It's what's recommended.
Listeners thought I was joking yesterday when a caller brought it up.
Even the crew did.
They went and looked at it and was like, my God, the tonic, Seagram's tonic or any other tonic?
Has it in it?
The same thing that's in hydroxychloroquine that the British military discovered.
Why did the British kept winning all the wars, folks?
Because they had better science.
The British invented the first clocks.
They invented the first major navigation systems because they wanted to win wars.
And then they could keep it secret why their troops were ready to fight better.
Tonic and limes.
Tonic and limes, because troops on the ground, they're not going to get scurvy because they're getting green vegetables.
They're not like the Navy.
They're getting malaria.
And they notice this tonic protected you.
They don't want you to know that, folks.
By the way, I don't own any stock in Seagram's in Canada Dry.
That's just one of the companies, but theirs has it.
Some so-called tonics out there don't have it today.
You have to read on the back.
And it will tell you that it has it in there.
And it's classed as a drug.
But see, it's... Grandfather Ed, by the way, you know why Coke's called Coke, right?
On record, the secret ingredient was cocaine.
The secret ingredient today is de-coconated, or... It's like, it's similar as cocoa, but it's for cocaine.
It's de-cocained.
And that's the Coca-Cola flavor is cocaine flavor.
And it was another tonic.
The first soft drink tonic was invented in Waco, Temple, Texas.
It's Dr. Pepper.
And at 10, 2, and 4, you had to have one.
It was a high dose of cocaine.
Same thing.
It's tonics.
It's soft drinks.
It came from the drugstores.
All of this was once known by everybody.
But now we're ignorant.
We've got all the big news.
Massive news straight ahead.
Trump says he may end the disaster very quickly.
We'll break it all down.
Stay with us.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, broadcasting worldwide again.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
I want to open the phones up.
The city of Austin just announced the lockdown for people to stay in their homes, but that's a PSYOP.
They're following a federal law, I'm gonna show you, that actually shows hundreds and hundreds of different things that can stay open, including warehouses, food distribution, any type of media, any type of internet service company, any type of telecommunications, any type of childcare, construction, facilities that are creating food and meals and delivering food.
But again, a lot of people voluntarily shut down because they want an excuse to lay their employees off and get the big bailouts that are coming.
But President Trump understands this is a PSYOP.
So he's been in a balancing act where he responded to the virus that does kill people and is a serious issue.
It's the hype saying it's the end of the world that's the hoax and the PSYOP.
He knows that China's already ramping up, ignoring the virus over there.
They've only lost about 4,000.
Italy's over 5,000 now because they have the oldest population in Europe.
And because they all live third, fourth generationally together in the same small apartments, they lose 70,000 on average a year from the flu there.
And so they've lost 5,000 from this.
So they know, just like with the school shooting,
You on average have less than 100 people that die in real school mass shootings, where it's actually a mass shooter every year.
It's still too many, it's terrible.
But they personalize each young person, they show them, they have their parents on.
And so every time there's a new shooting, it's like, this can't ever be allowed again.
Well, with 500 and something dead Americans, it's probably gonna get up to 50,000.
It is a virus that kills people, it's a dangerous virus.
That kernel of truth is there.
But they hype the fear up as much as they can.
They don't tell you there's all sorts of things that are preventative and that mitigate, like zinc and vitamin D. They don't tell you any of that.
They don't tell you, hey, your county has no cases, don't worry.
They just create total fear.
And when the president says we're gonna be okay, even when I've had a bone sticking out of my leg, the doctor's like, you're gonna be okay.
They go, don't you say that, it's all over, people are scared.
The president's a bad person.
We're saying America's not built to live like this where we just shut down in fear.
We've had much worse pandemics before.
Why are we acting like this?
Because they have the apps and the cell phones and the AI now to totally control everybody using viruses that are constantly gonna break out every year that are just as bad as COVID-19, the Chai Com man-made virus.
I said get ready because of the economy and the breakdown and the global is trying to use it eight weeks ago.
And boy, have we been proven right.
So don't panic because of the virus.
Get ready and get concerned because of the panic they've created.
But the worm is starting to turn.
And a lot of people that said, we want to go home last week.
I said, go ahead, work from home if you're a writer or researcher.
Almost all of them have come back without me even asking.
Because they're like, if I'm at my apartment, my house, I'm still going out.
They're just here.
I'm still talking to neighbors.
I'm still... How many people are in our production team over here?
There's less than 10 people here, though we're exempt from that rule under the essential operations.
So is our warehouse with food.
I'm mad because it's affecting all these other people that are mom and pops that'll never get a bailout and they are shut down forever because the public is scared and people are walking off the jobs at the warehouses around the country and at the farms and at the distribution centers and that's what's crippling things is people before Austin even declared this emergency thought they couldn't go out of their houses.
Because they didn't read the law.
They didn't know what was going on.
And the law itself is probably unconstitutional.
But all that's going to be challenged.
Here is the president last night talking about the fact that this isn't how America was built to work.
Here he is.
America continues to mobilize every segment of our society to turn the tide in the battle against the virus.
I want Americans to know that we will get through this challenge.
The hardship will end.
It will end soon.
Normal life will return.
And our economy will rebound.
We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.
This is not a country that was built for this.
It was not built to be shut down.
At the end of the 15-day period, we'll make a decision as to which way we want to go, where we want to go, the timing.
And essentially, we're referring to the timing of the opening.
Essentially the opening of our country.
We have 160, almost 160 million jobs in this country now.
The most ever, by far.
By far the most ever.
The number of jobs, almost 160 million.
So we can't turn that off and think it's going to be wonderful.
There will be tremendous repercussions.
There will be a tremendous death from that.
You know, you're talking about death.
Probably more death from that than anything that we're talking about with respect to the virus.
Wonder who they're listening to.
See, I don't go get talking points from globalists or DC.
We showed you the university studies.
That the Great Depression killed 7 million people malnutrition and we were 50% roughly or more totally self-sufficient, 90% rural.
We are 90% urban, 10% rural.
It's estimated, look it up, that half the rural community is self-sufficient.
5% versus 50% or more that were self-sufficient or somewhat self-sufficient.
Seven million dead.
You ever seen The Grapes of Wrath?
It's a pro-communist movie, but it's damn accurate about what it was like living in Oklahoma, Texas, the Midwest, other areas during the Dust Bowl.
And, you know, people like Merle Haggard was born on a railway car right outside Bakersfield.
Living in a railway car with a starving mother and father from Oklahoma.
Now you think about what was going on then, folks, and there were viruses and stuff spreading them, people were malnourished.
When you got ribs sticking out, the weakest virus will kill you deader than a hammer.
We don't give up and roll over like this.
Especially when the airplanes are still flying.
I can see if they shut those down and if a city had an epicenter of it saying, okay, we're going to strict movement out of there if you're not tested.
But this whole random stay in your homes, it's all about the vaccine coming out next year for inoculation.
They admit it's all about programming people and now they say that's all coming out just as we warned you.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539, or country code and 512-646-1776.
We're going to go to break.
First-time callers in the first round of calls.
We'll get you up and on the air on this syndicated TV radio show.
877-789-ALEX or 512-646-1776.
I'm in a bed-and-breakfast and turn on the TV and you're on it.
Or I'm in, you're on the local cable here on TV.
Why you're on TV?
Yeah, that's what the satellite uplinks we pay $25,000 a month on the roofer for.
Anyways, we love it.
We're fighting harder than ever.
And Bandot Video has tripled the traffic it had just two months ago, thanks to you.
Tell them folks, hey, the truth's on.
It's at Bandot Video.
Pass it on.
America is awake and fighting back.
Bandot Video.
Spread the word.
Oh, yes you can.
The wicked flee when none pursue, but the faithful are as bold as a lion.
You belong to victory.
You belong to Christ.
You belong to the fight.
You belong to the future.
You have the birthright.
You have the mark of God on you, not the mark of Cain.
You belong.
And that's why you're strong.
And it's spiritual.
And it's genetic.
And it transcends race, color, and creed.
It's the soul.
And the DNA that resonates as a transceiver with God's consciousness that is the universe.
Alright, let's get into it right now.
Toll-free number to join is 877-789-2539.
And as soon as I see those callers up on the board, they're coming in, I will start going to them.
Let me just take care of this piece of business first.
And I've got a big illustration that I've got for folks.
Document cam, shot, please.
Now, I already showed everybody yesterday.
In fact, let me just get the stack.
Down here on the floor, I've moved it over.
I'd already shown everybody last week here at the office and on air this stack of information right here with the federal law and all the letters from the different corporations and the homeland security letters and the different orders from California and Texas and the different cities all saying the exact same thing over and over and over again that
Warehouses, food distribution, newspapers, television, radio, internet, media, telecommunications, satellite uplinks, here's the federal law right here, are all exempt from these, quote, shutdown orders that are using a deceptive term.
They're not called shutdown orders.
Here's the Travis County, Austin, Texas shutdown order that just came out one hour ago.
Stay at home, work safe, order 20200324-007 by the mayor of the city of Austin.
And let me just turn here for you to page 5 of 9.
News media, newspapers, television, radio, and other news media services are exempt.
Still, no one will listen to me.
Because it's too much fun to get hysterical.
Had so many people call me saying last week, oh you're going to be shut down.
They thought the order was in place last week.
And people think that I just make all this stuff up.
But I'm like, it's in the Homeland Security, Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Active.
They say, you don't know that.
That's just fancy words you're using.
All I went and did was read it.
But you didn't think I already know about critical infrastructure?
All I talk about is COG, and InfraGard, and shadow government, and how all this stuff works.
But I realize that the average person doesn't know how electricity gets to a light bulb in their house, doesn't think about how hamburger meat gets in their refrigerator, doesn't think about how any of this happens, and that's why we're in so much trouble.
Because I would think that other people that are radio and TV hosts that I know
I probably had 10 of them call me the last week and go, well, I guess we're all going off the air.
I'm like, you're on a local radio station.
That's essential services.
Well, even the owner's not sure.
Owners of TV stations and radio stations don't know.
And again, it's because Americans don't even know their basic rights.
And that's why the globalists are moving on us, is because we don't know the basics of the universe.
And I don't sit there knowing all this stuff and feel powerful.
It actually scares the hell out of me.
And most of the crew believe me.
Some of them didn't.
They didn't believe me that the emergency wasn't in place last week.
And they didn't believe me when I was holding the federal law, showing it to them.
They're like, that's your opinion.
And I'm not putting the crew down.
They're great people.
I'm just, I'll make a huge spectacle out of it on air if I have to.
Because if you don't know your rights, you're going to lose them.
I can recite most of the Bill of Rights by memory.
I've read the Constitution probably 50 times.
I have constitutional lawyers on constantly, and I'm on the phone with them all the time every day.
I live this.
And that's why I'm powerful.
And I'm not saying that to go, I'm powerful.
I am powerful because I have information.
Knowledge is power.
Information is power.
And that's why they don't want you to have information, because they want the power for themselves.
But I want you to have the power!
Because when the average person is informed and enlightened and engaged and involved, it's a better world for my children and your children together.
But when we have an ignorant people,
We have lawlessness, and we have corruption, and we have evil running rampant.
And that's what we have.
What type of nation are we that they let convicted pedophiles and others enamble us, sponsor drag queen story times, where fat men in clown outfits bounce small children on their knees, in some cases with only glitter on their genitals.
Don't show it.
When the Globalist saw us put up with that, they went, hit them as hard as you want.
They'll take anything.
These are all tests.
Now, I told you this was coming, and I don't like saying, I told you, I told you, I told you, I told you.
This is out of Yahoo News, it's out of, it's everywhere.
How Stimulus Bill Envisions Digital Dollar to Ease Coronavirus Recession.
It'll only be used by select corporations, so you get the money, but only those corporations get it.
Just like when the IMF gets a loan or World Bank to a country, it's gotta go to the dictator and then go right back to the globalist, select companies.
And you'll have an app on your phone and you get the money that way, but you can only spend it certain places that are ADL approved.
I'm not joking.
ADL approved.
You've been hearing like the ADL wants to approve what you can say, what you can do, where you can spend money.
Closest thing to a Nazi I've ever seen is the ADL today.
I mean, that's what the Nazis did.
Imagine the Nazis if they had something like this.
Oh, the ADL, by the way, wants a bailout of your money as well.
They want your speech, they want your money, and so do all these other leftist, globalist organizations.
But it's really dangerous what the left's turned into.
So we told you that was coming.
It's a war on cash.
All these stores aren't taking cash now.
I was driving around this morning, getting more supplies and stuff.
I went to get art supplies, and that's why I saw it said, you know, we're not taking cash on the door.
And I saw women standing all over in their exercise clothes,
This part of Austin I was driving through, and they were all standing 10 feet away talking to each other.
I saw one group doing it, saw another group.
I was busy, had to get to the office.
I was getting my kids art supplies because they're at home, and I didn't videotape it, but you'll see it yourself.
It's everywhere.
I didn't shoot footage.
I have a digital footage, not videotaped.
We're going to go to break and come back and take your phone calls after I play some clips of what Brian Williams had to say.
Juxtapose what the president said about not panicking and about America isn't a bunch of cowards with an anti-state.
If we can save one life, we've got to shut everything down and you've got to carry a phone that tracks you and you've got to take an inoculation and Bill Gates has a new tattoo where it stitches it into your skin.
It's invisible except under a scan and it puts
The actual micro microchips into your skin under the skin and sewn in so you can't cut them out without cutting a whole big patch your skin out.
Just two weeks ago, David Knight broke that.
Now it's all over the news and China's doing it and everybody's doing it and it's all here.
The Mark of the Beast, everything happening, totally insane.
So what I don't like is the fawning over the hysteria and the getting into it and the people enforcing made-up stuff on themselves and exaggerating it and getting into how they're complying.
But see, we've been turned into a nation of jellyfish, of followers, of cowards.
There's still a lot of good people.
But we have to be leaders and not comply with the mind control and the exaggeration.
And we have to get in the face of the sheeple and explain to them their compliance is the danger because the globalists are evil.
They're the threat.
They want to put handcuffs on you.
Welcome back.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
The globalists are openly publicly trying to kill our economy.
They've been bragging about it.
They're trying to remove President Trump and blame him for a bad coronavirus response and the depression.
They themselves have been cheerleading for.
Even in their skewed polls, Trump's numbers are up about 6-7 points, meaning he's probably really up at about a 65%, not a 57% or so.
They don't know what to do.
But here's old Nancy Pelosi.
She tried to impeach Trump for withholding aid to Ukraine, but now she has.
Withheld aid to the United States.
And it's ongoing, as we speak, an attempt to bring down the stock market.
Let's look at a moment and see where the Dow Jones Industrial Average is today, in this tug of war to drive it down.
It's up!
It's up!
1,733 points!
Because Trump said we're probably going to open for business in a couple of weeks.
See, the minute Trump got elected, the stock market went up, what, 5,000 points or so, because they've been suppressing us by design and only letting you build in China and India and other areas.
That's the Global's plan.
They guaranteed the Chinese century.
And then once he got into office, it went up even more.
And so as soon as he's confident and has a response, but then says, hey, are we a nation of cowards?
Then as soon as that balance comes in, there's confidence again in the markets, even though the Democrats are holding up the stimulus package.
And we'll give you the latest on that as it unfolds.
You know, Pence is on live TV with Fox right now at the Rose Garden.
Trump has said to come out and speak soon.
We'll go to that.
We'll also take your calls.
But here's Brian Williams, the guy that said he got shot down in a helicopter and totally made it up, but they weren't even shot at.
That they said had retired, but of course came back because they don't think you have a memory.
He's up there really angry that Trump's trying to create confidence and not scaring us enough.
And he's just really, really, really upset with what's going on.
These people are openly betting against our country, but Xi Jinping was the best.
He was doing a great job because these are globalists.
So here he is, the known fraudster, the stolen glory.
That's the definition of fake news for NBC.
Brian Williams.
Well, good evening once again.
Day 1159 of the Trump administration.
225 days until our next presidential election.
And if you were watching the White House briefing earlier tonight, then you know.
Nothing but good news.
The president says it will be over very soon, that businesses will be open very soon, and we should await the okay to get going.
He says the vaccines are coming along very quickly.
They are fixing the problem.
He emphasized this is a medical problem, not economic.
And he said the mortality rate number may be lower than people think.
Now, we should point out, in the real world, the U.S.
has the highest rate of increase in the world, and our numbers rocketed up again today.
And again, we don't know how many people have it in this country, because people can't get tested so much of the time.
Of those tested, we know we have over 43,000.
And the number of deaths just went up by at least 137 just today.
As we come on the air tonight, the death toll currently stands at 533.
The U.S.
remains way behind where we should be in this fight right now.
Our economy is going into a forced kind of sleep mode, and unemployment claims are higher than they have ever been in our history.
The International Monetary Fund is now warning the pandemic is likely to cause a global recession before the end of this calendar year.
America continues to mobilize every segment of our society to turn the tide in the battle against the virus.
I want Americans to know that we will get through this challenge.
The hardship will end.
It will end soon.
Normal life will return.
And our economy will rebound.
We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.
This is not a country that was built for this.
It was not built to be shut down.
At the end of the 15-day period, we'll make a decision as to which way we want to go, where we want to go, the timing.
And essentially, we're referring to the timing of the opening.
Essentially the opening of our country.
We have 160, almost 160 million jobs in this country now.
The most ever, by far.
By far the most ever.
The number of jobs, almost 160 million.
So we can't turn that off and think it's going to be wonderful.
There'll be tremendous repercussions.
There will be a tremendous death from that.
You know, you're talking about death.
Probably more death from that than anything that we're talking about with respect to the virus.
Meanwhile, the Senate is paralyzed.
Just what Americans want to hear right about now.
They're deadlocked on a nearly $2 trillion emergency bailout bill.
This is the second time in as many days the Senate has failed to move forward with an aid package.
A big sticking point here, the $500 billion the bill would set aside for federal loans for states, cities, businesses.
The bitter partisan tension was clearly evident today on the Senate floor.
We Democrats are trying to get things done, not making partisan speech after partisan speech.
Leader McConnell continues to set arbitrary vote deadlines when the matter of real importance is the status of the bipartisan negotiations.
For days now, we've been engaged in intense bipartisan talks
To build emergency relief legislation on an historic scale.
But yesterday, when the time came to vote on these urgent measures, our Democratic colleagues chose to block it.
Alright folks, let's go over the fear-mongering that is so intense.
Cuomo warns we haven't flattened the curve.
Well, there's a curve!
We've all got to then shut down China, isn't it?
We've all got to just never leave our homes again and have apps that follow us and force inoculations and drone shot orders at us.
We're looking at a bullet train coming across the country!
We don't turn our guns and all the kids will die.
Fear and foreboding in New York.
San Francisco surge.
The virus is spreading.
City dwellers fleeing to deserts and mountains.
Go home, rats, furious locals and rural towns.
Fight back.
DC closes businesses.
Louisiana has fastest growing case in the world.
America may be the epicenter, says the UN.
Governor's clampdown even as President considers easing.
Reopening economy too early could backfire.
Flood of unemployment claims sparks delayed checks.
Goldman buy gold now.
Italy may set heavier fines for lockdown violations.
What happens when all doctors are infected?
What happens?
Farewell invites students back to Liberty Campus.
Falwell, he's protecting them.
Denver exempts pot shops, liquor stores from stay-at-home order, but gun shops closed.
America is the new epicenter warning.
Massive bailout bill close.
Entire India lockdown.
Virus lingers on service for 17 days.
America is done!
But just because Trump signaled a little bit of confidence, the stock market shot up 1,700 points on the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
This thing kills 200,000 people, which of course it's not.
You know what a depression will do just in crime and the total breakdown of society?
And people not get the medical treatment they need for regular things like heart surgery, you name it, that are all going to go without?
And all that rest of the insanity?
This is all a PSYOP to accept the cashless society.
And I know you all know that.
I want to take your calls when we start the next hour, but look how Brian Williams was fear-mongering.
Versus with Pence and Trump who are doing blitzkrieg interviews working 18 hours a day.
I mean, I see Trump doing interviews at 10 o'clock at night.
He's tweeting until two in the morning.
The guy needs to probably take it easy, but he thrives off of that.
I'm 46 and I like to work hard too, but man, Trump is a locomotive hauling this uphill.
He is amazing.
We're gonna go to break.
I'm not saying this isn't something you need to be prepared for.
Every season, there's bad pneumonia and bad flu, and zinc is what is sold out everywhere.
People know zinc's really good, and we have a great multivitamin mineral formula ready to ship to you.
We're up-to-date on shipping.
Real Red Pill, Red Bill Plus has the stimulant in it, natural stimulant.
Vitamineral Fusion also has it.
You need all these in synergy together.
Well, Vitamineral Fusion has it, amino acids as well, great for adults and children.
The Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus is for adults.
And because of the crisis, even though it's gonna sell out soon, I cut the price to 50% off on Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus.
And we have our Nano Silver Super Blue Toothpaste still in stock with the Nano Silver Super Blue Toothpaste in stock.
Think about how Trump is working so hard to counter their demoralization and economic attack on the US in live time.
He just came out live on Fox from the Rose Garden speaking with
The American Psycho.
And then we will play you all of that when we come back in the next segment.
I also intend to go to your phone calls here today.
We do have it queued up to the President's speech, and we're going to play that for you coming up at the start of the next segment.
And I do want to take your phone calls here today.
In fact, let's just go ahead and take one now.
Kevin in Washington, you're on the air, go ahead.
First-time caller, big fan.
I've been listening to you since 2014 or so.
I went on the CDC website, cdc.gov, and I was trying to find the recovery rate for the virus in the U.S., and I could not find anything or anything on there.
Well, you got cities where there are hundreds of people that have it and nobody's died yet, so...
People around here in Seattle are walking around like zombies.
Nobody seems to have a clue what's going on.
Yesterday, Governor Inslee came on the news around 530 and said that he was issuing a stay-at-home order.
Uh, people here seem to be just following along like blind little sheep, it would appear.
And I honestly have not seen anything around here that besides people hoarding for toilet paper, which is mindless.
About any hysteria about the virus gone in the general public.
Oh, absolutely.
This is all a globalist lockdown, so government can be a savior, and so big tech can push a forced inoculation.
It's all about medical tyranny.
But the virus is just now starting to explode.
It is going to kill a bunch of old people.
And it'll kill some other people as well, just like every other pneumonia virus or flu virus does, in even greater numbers.
And so this is just, they went, oh, people aren't scared of old viruses, they're scared of new ones.
And they're scared of stuff out of China.
So China took a real outbreak and some real problems, told their people, go ahead and videotape it, put it on the internet.
They normally don't have any freedom to do that.
You get locked up for that.
And so they all did what GGP and the party said.
The party controls everything.
They put the word out, hyped this up, hyped the numbers up, hyped the death numbers up.
That's now Wall Street Journal admits China lied about the numbers, said they were much higher to get the maximum fear.
Then they went, oh, it's no problem now, we're back to work, knowing the globalist media would then hype up an 18-month shutdown of the US as a giant PSYOP, to where if Trump didn't respond properly, every death would be his fault.
It is a cooked up globalist plot ordering the Chinese to do this with a man-made virus so they would know the trajectory of it.
People go, well wait, if it's man-made it must be super deadly.
No, it's man-made so that it continues to spread, is very communicable, kills some people, but is very scary.
But they need to have it man-made so they know what it's going to do.
Make sense?
Oh, it makes total sense.
I wonder what the public reaction would be if they actually covered the flu like they're covering this virus right now.
Like, we've got a hundred deaths today in the country.
A hundred and fifty on average.
We've got deaths in Austin, deaths in New York, deaths in L.A.
This little boy died.
This old woman died.
Let's show them!
Another death!
Another death!
If you had a hundred and fifty deaths announced every day on TV,
Another death!
That's what, on average, die a day of the flu.
Imagine if they announced the deaths from automobiles every day.
It'd be hundreds a day.
Hundreds of deaths.
Hundreds of deaths.
Hundreds of deaths.
Hundreds of deaths.
Hundreds of deaths.
Just, oh, oh, cars, cars are scary.
They're going to do that down the road about how dangerous driving is to make us accept driverless cars.
They're creating phobias, neuroses.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, President Trump is out promoting courage, saying America wasn't built to shut down and cower in fear, and that the Chi-Com economy is back up and running, and that we're going to have real mass death in this country if we have the food supply breakdown and depression.
Seven million, it's estimated by major universities, starved to death during the Great Depression.
Watch The Grapes of Wrath.
It's basically a documentary.
But now let's go to President Trump who's speaking live.
We've backed up a few minutes.
Well, it's near time at the Rose Garden on Fox News in a virtual town hall.
And then more of your calls are coming up right after we do that.
Here it is.
Welcome and thank you all for being here.
Thank you.
Unusual circumstances where you're trying to communicate with the American people.
We're trying to maybe bring the American people a little closer to you and get some answers.
That's true.
To you, Mr. President, when was the moment that you thought, we got to move on this?
Well, I think when I started seeing and reading about China and seeing what was going on in China, Wuhan specifically, it seemed to come mostly out of there, that area.
The province.
And when I saw that and I saw the kind of death they were, you know, talking about on television, on in the papers, and I started reading a lot about it.
And really, what I had to make a decision, do I stop people from China and specifically that area, but from China to come into the country and everybody was against it.
Almost everybody, I would say, was just absolutely against it.
We've never done it before.
We never made a decision.
Did somebody come to you with a bit of information, a piece of data?
Was it a world leader?
Was it a member of your own team?
What was it?
We had a large group of people right behind me in the Oval Office, and I consulted with Mike, but we made a decision.
I made a decision to close off to China.
That was weeks early, and honestly, it took a lot of heat.
Sleepy Joe Biden said, it's xenophobic.
I don't know if he knows what that means, but that's okay.
He said it's racist, what I did.
Thousands and thousands of more people, probably tens of thousands, would be dead right now if I didn't make that decision.
And I must say, doctors, nobody wanted to make that decision at the time.
It was very, very early.
Call it luck or call it talent, it doesn't matter.
We made a great decision.
I took a lot of heat from China.
They weren't happy with it.
Now they understand it.
They've really, you know, we're doing just fine.
But they were not happy with it.
I took a lot of heat from a lot of people.
Bring the conversation to present day.
In the past day and a half, you got a lot of attention for this.
A tweet that I think went out late at night, you said, we cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.
So you start to look at this 15 day period which will come to us, day 15 is next Monday, today arguably day 9.
What are you trying to gauge as to how you can open the country back up again?
When you say I took a lot of heat for that essentially, I really didn't.
I mean a lot of people agree with me.
Our country's not supposed to be, you know, it's not built to shut down.
Our people are full of vim and vigor and energy.
They don't want to be locked into a house or an apartment or some space.
It's not for our country.
We're not built that way.
And I said, you know, I don't want the cure to be worse than the problem itself.
The problem being obviously the problem.
And, you know, you can destroy a country this way by closing it down, where it literally goes from being the most prosperous... I mean, we had the best economy in the history of our country three weeks ago.
And then all of a sudden we're supposed to shut it down.
And then we're supposed to pay people not to go to work.
We never had that.
We used to pay people to go to work.
But this is a government order to go ahead and stay home.
It's tricky, Bill, when you try and turn the faucet back on.
New York could be different from Utah.
Louisiana could be different.
Let's pause here.
I'm gonna go do some recalls.
We're gonna come back to this throughout the hour.
But again, we called it eight weeks ago.
A real virus to create fear, but way overhyped.
China's the example, welding people into their doors, shooting women at checkpoints, UN, US media, universally, Xi Jinping is God.
He is just angel cake, sweetie pie, a dictator who sits upon a communist party that killed over 100 million of its own people.
Xi Jinping's own father was almost tortured to death by it.
And now, they're saying we've got to stay shut, but they're back totally open after a couple of months.
The media wants 18 months, the UN, the CFR.
I have articles here from the Council on Foreign Relations where they say, the shutdown must be total, it must be complete.
Sorry, America, the full lockdown is coming.
This was from a week ago.
And when I read this from foreignpolicy.com, I went, oh, that's the CFR for the Washington Post.
I clicked on Laura Garrett.
She's a Council on Foreign Relations fellow.
And she talks about, sorry, America's over.
Sorry, you'll not see anyone again for months and months and months.
And yes, you're gonna have a depression.
Nah, it's liberal.
That's how their investments, I bet she's heavily invested in China.
They all are.
That's them trying to prop up their investment.
They bet against America.
You lost, lady.
And we're kicking that snot-nosed commie dragon up and down the street.
And so a lot of folks got into it and they went home for a week and sat there and got laid off and went, wow, this is really terrible.
You're so scared.
Don't go to the mall.
Don't go to the movie theater.
Don't go to the airport.
Don't go on a cruise ship.
Don't get on an airplane.
But the idea of you can't go to work, you're going to get sick there, but everybody knows they're at home doing stuff.
You're not locking yourself up in your house.
It's a load of manure.
And now they admit the food's running out.
So you want to be scared, folks?
Keep the lockdown for another month.
We're in a depression.
Every actuary shows it.
I'll say this.
The media will not tell you.
That if you drink a lot of purified water, that if you get sunshine, that if you wash your hands, and that if you take zinc, that chloroquine is the drug that injects zinc into your cells, and that all the studies show zinc is an incredible antiviral if you have it built up in your system.
Let me show you something else.
Guess what the drug that they're attacking Trump that Europe said did a great job has in it?
It contains quinine that's in all of your tonic.
Why do you call it tonic?
Look up the word, the definition of tonic.
Tonic was a drink made in an apothecary or a pharmacy that reportedly had good health effects.
And the tonic, there were thousands of tonics in Europe and England and the US, but the tonic they still sell in sores, so all the other tonics have been basically banned because they had drugs in them, is
Yeah, tonic is an agent.
It's a drug that increases body tone.
One that invigorates, restores, refreshes, or stimulates.
A day in the country was a tonic for him.
A liquid prescription with a scalpel hair, chiefly New England, a carbonated flavored beverage.
Because they used to have drugs in them, like cocaine and opium.
But what does this have in it?
Still sold.
Why not?
When I was a kid, my dad was drinking gin and tonic.
He said, Sean, the British, made their troops drink this, this particular tonic, because it has an anti-malarial effect and also an anti-viral effect.
And I went and looked it up later, and it's all true!
So, I don't have any stock in Canada Dry and the Globalist Seagrams.
I'm just telling you, theirs, I looked it up, has one of the highest levels of the Pinon.
So everybody's trying to get
Chloroquine or chloroquil, and they're all fighting for it, trying to get prescriptions for it.
All it is is a prescription version of this, ladies and gentlemen.
My dad also told me, he said, never drink too much of it.
It's poisonous.
And it is!
It's poison!
Just like the gin you drink it with.
So, I'm not really a fan.
I like soda with my drinks.
But, uh, this, this, this, this is a tonic.
Grandfathered in.
Just like Coke on the bottle says, Coca-Cola.
There it is.
And the sweet taste is the quinine.
It's quinine, baby.
Order of the British Army, right there.
So, I wonder why the British could fight so hard, why they were always in such better shape when they were fighting in the tropics, because they didn't have malaria.
And the other troops didn't know, the Spanish didn't know, you know, the Dutch didn't know, the Portuguese didn't know, the Americans didn't know until later.
The British had science, folks, and it's still on store shelves.
Big plug for that, because I want the listeners to know that you don't have to just sit there and wait to die, okay?
Because they're using anti-malarial drugs on this thing, it's very, very similar.
That quinine in an empire, boom!
Scientific American, how it built their empire.
Same thing with limes, what I call limes.
But even more important is zinc.
This just drives zinc in the cells.
We have an amazing vitamin mineral system with the Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus, with a high quality zinc in it, your daily allowance, and we also have the vitamin mineral fusion that's good for children to take as well.
Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus is not
Four people under the age of 18, because it has preglanone in it, which boosts it all.
Well, we played it live last segment, but I'm going to get the clip and play it again coming up at the end of the hour.
Trump just came out and said, you keep the country shut down, you're gonna destroy the nation.
Now, on top of that, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is going straight up.
Right now we'll continue to break that down.
It's up 1,400 plus points on news.
We're not going to sacrifice, destroy and kill the entire economy.
But the idea is if you don't do this, more people will die.
That's like saying take all the guns from Americans so there's never a mass shooting and it kills less than 100 people a year.
There's bad people.
The world's not perfect.
Millions die every year from the flu!
70,000 Italians!
Italy has a third as many people as we do, last time I checked.
Guys, pull up population of Italy for me, please.
We're 327 million, not counting the 40 million illegal aliens.
We're like 360, 370 million people, depending on how you look at it.
And we have 35,000 deaths, so it's the other 60,000.
I guess most Italians have left.
Italy was, I guess it's peak, almost 100 million.
60 million people have 60 to 70,000 deaths a year from flu.
We are 300 plus million.
We have 35,000.
They have the oldest population in the world on average.
Many estimates show maybe Japan's more, but they're neck and neck of any major country.
And they live three generations to four generations in a house, and their grandkids bring in the stuff and kill them.
Because the flu kills 85 and 90 year olds, and almost everyone that died is that old.
The average age is 85.
And yes, I'd make a lot more money if I got up here and told you it's the end of the world and you're going to die if you don't get our products or whatever.
You need these anyways because of all the viruses and flus that are already out there.
You need to have a good immune system anyways.
Yes, you need our multivitamin, but ours is high quality.
Get another one if you don't get ours.
And yes, nano silver is great.
And yes, all these products are wonderful.
And yes, our toothpaste is excellent.
And it's got nano silver and tea tree oil that's also antiviral.
But that's for everyday issues.
If you have a run-down immune system or you're 90 years old, you better be scared!
But I'm not gonna get up here and go along with this whole cashless society, bankrupt our nation, and the left cheerleading it, and hoping it brings down Trump.
Trump gets that.
America gets that, and it's backfiring in real time right now.
But the idea that if there's one death, it's Trump's fault, is asinine.
Darren brings up this point, how many infected actually have another virus flu cold?
Exactly, because they don't have the testing.
They don't have a testing yet for the antibodies.
They have to go in and do an expensive multi-thousand dollar.
Some people have been charged $23,000 for the test.
They check your insurance, they look, they run it.
Some people, it's 9,000 I've seen.
And it's a blood test, and they have to go in and do all this.
It's ridiculous, folks.
If you're not super ill, also people think they had it months ago.
Yeah, my question was, are they actually testing all these people?
For the flu that are getting sick, you know, badly sick from this, do they have multiple things?
How easy would it be to...
Uh, you know, make this huge scare.
Maybe half the people that die of the flu every year die of some kind of other virus on top of the flu all the time.
Well, that's a very smart statement, sir.
There's actually a lot of studies and reports out admitting that a lot of people they claim die of a heart attack, really die of flu.
A lot of people they claim die of flu, die of a heart attack.
I don't
Yeah, I mean, they had articles out.
I was just reading that they were expecting Italy to have the worst flu season, the most deaths, back the 1st of January.
You know, are these deaths even... Are they more than normal?
Are there hospitals... You know, they're showing us they're overwhelmed.
No, that's right.
New York Times, Washington Post, all in January said Italy previously lost 70,000 in one year.
Now they're set to lose even more in 2020.
And now we're told it's corona.
Yeah, I mean, how many of them... I mean, the coronavirus has been around forever.
Are all these flu deaths that they say
Flu and Corona every year of some other strain of coronavirus?
We don't... Well, that's another thing is that coronaviruses are out every year.
A lot of times they're really bad because they mutate so easily.
Most of them are harmless and most deadly ones mutate quickly.
It's called drift.
They drift off.
I've been talking to a lot of medical doctors and virologists on and off air learning about this, but absolutely great call.
Thank you, Darren.
I'm gonna go to another caller right now, but
I want to explain something.
I said eight weeks ago get storable food because they're going to try to crash the economy.
And yes, boost your immune system just in case.
That's all smart to do regardless.
And now you see it, and I don't think Trump's got us out of the woods.
I want to be very positive so that things don't go down.
We're in a fight of confidence here, and Trump's being confident now so the globalists are in trouble.
This is a real war, folks.
So, everybody's saying get your antivirals, everybody's saying get healthy, everybody's saying shelter in place.
If you can do that, great, do it.
I'm just saying the globalists are pushing this to crashes.
Okay, let's go to Tony in Texas, former Navy or current Navy.
Give us your point on this, Tony.
Alright, Alex, I just want to let everyone know that it's a true pleasure to talk to an American patriot as yourself.
You are the Paul Revere of our time, and it's just a blessing.
Brother, you're the Paul Revere as well.
Anybody that takes action speaks out as Paul Revere, and that's why Paul Revere was revered.
It's powerful speech, and you putting your will out is the key to victory.
Go ahead, sir.
Thank you so much.
I have a question, but before that question, I just want to let everyone out there know that it's a new caller to InfoWars, how important you are to this InfoWars and to this country.
Alex Jones, for anyone that doesn't know, is the person that discovered and got into Bohemian Grove.
The person that exposed Janet Reno and the Clintons during the Waco Massacre with Posse Comitatus on our own American soil.
The Clinton Foundation.
David Gergen.
That interview is still on YouTube and if anyone wants to see something amazing, it's when you went into Bohemian Grove and then you confronted David Gergen and he was completely spooked.
You're right, we need to get all of those famous reports that people don't know about that were so, so revealing and repost those since most of it was taken off YouTube and banned on video, but he's just limited staff.
Okay, Tony, I appreciate you promote the show because we do do critical work, but you supporting us,
Is the M4.
It's not just thanking you.
You are the M4.
We come back, make your point about giving up liberty and the virus.
Then we'll go to Kevin, Kenny, John, Nick, Brian, Mike, Cynthia, Jennifer, and others in the order the calls were received.
And then Dr. Steve Pucinich is loaded for bear, joining us in the third hour.
Paul Joseph Watson in the fourth.
I want to thank the listeners, the viewers, our amazing crew that are the only reason we're able to do this when it comes to the production of this transmission.
I really do appreciate them.
I'm going to go back in a moment to a clip of Trump earlier saying, you destroy economies, you destroy countries with lockdowns like this.
A country set up like America with all this diversity and all spread out and with so many industries and things, you cut it off.
It's very hard to restart.
And we've just won a major trade war with the globalists and their pony, Communist China.
Let's put that headline back up for TV viewers, please.
The headline I put out today for the live feed at Infowars.com and Newswars.com that I hope you'll share until we reach new people is, we're not a nation of cowards.
This is not how America works.
Time to go back to work.
Watch live.
Trump and other U.S.
leaders warned that chicken little psychology would create the greatest depression ever.
And that's the plan.
And I just can't believe the Democrats openly hope for this, are pushing this, are still blocking the aid package.
I keep checking every segment.
And they're trying to destroy confidence.
But despite that, the stock market's up on the Dow Jones Industrial Average about 1,500 points.
And look, I know the stock market's corrupt.
I know it's got problems.
We're up against China with a totally rigged stock market.
And the Global is trying to literally destroy the United States.
That's their admitted plan.
No borders, no wall, no USA at all.
And the UN, betting with China against America and praising Xi Jinping while attacking Trump.
And Senator from Missouri, Howley, he came out, and Hawley, and he said China's got to pay.
They're behind this whole damn thing with the globalists.
I mean, they brag in the CFR.
They brag that they moved everything to China with one-sided deals.
It's called treason.
But two minutes to midnight, we got Trump in, and we're beginning to turn the tide.
And the military's full of people that know what's going on.
Most of the agencies, low-level, are good people, whether it's the Department of Energy or the Department of Agriculture or whether it's even the Defense Intelligence Agency.
But you've got globalists at the top of all the other big agencies, like the CIA, and it's really, really, really, really, really, really bad stuff.
And some of the most awake people I've run into have run operations for the CIA, been
Mid-level CIA, and they know this show's real, because they know I've done my research in my guest tab, and we know what we're talking about.
And so they listen because they know we're not making it up.
Well, the White House listens, because other people don't generally study everything like we do.
I'm a generalist.
Most people are specialists in one area and try to then compete within that realm with other experts in that area.
I'm trying to have full-spectrum analysis and integrating that with historical overview, with common sense.
With a supercharged, very competitive, flamethrowing Americana.
So that's our bottom line here, 1776 Worldwide.
And Infowars is infectious because it's real.
It's unfiltered.
Because it's totally filtered by Americana and by our roots and by research and by common sense.
And it's so grounded that it's like lightning bolts.
It looks spontaneous, but it's a buildup.
It's like I'm totally collectivist because I'm an absolute individualist.
I'm absolutely, totally, 100% scripted and just 100% put together because it's already so organic.
It looks like it's just come out of nowhere.
You understand the deepest thing Trump ever did was become shallow.
That's totally Zen.
It's absolutely true.
He has that great deep instinctive knowledge, research knowledge, real life knowledge, and he's learned that his subconscious is a thousand times more powerful than his conscious.
And then when he goes with that, he's almost always right.
As long as he interprets the subconscious correctly.
And so that's what I'm trying to say here, is we're totally spontaneous, unfiltered, because we're so grounded, we're already so researched, we're already so real.
We live in a world of truth instead of a world of lies.
So it just gets so easy to not check what we're gonna say and just go with it.
Does that make sense?
Alright, I'm gonna stop ranting.
Let's play a clip of Trump again with what he said earlier.
We got some of the other clips coming up.
He's still ongoing in this Rose Garden live event on Fox, countering all those that are trying to implode the economy right now.
We'll go back to your calls, but here's where he said this totally true statement.
That essentially.
I really didn't.
I mean, a lot of people agree with me.
Our country is not supposed to be, you know, it's not, it's not built to shut down.
Our people are full of vim and vigor and energy.
They don't want to be locked into a house or an apartment or some space.
It's not for our country.
We're not, we're not built that way.
And I said, you know, I don't want the cure to be worse than the problem itself.
The problem being obviously the problem.
And, you know, you can destroy a country this way by closing it down, where it literally goes from being the most prosperous... I mean, we had the best economy in the history of our country three weeks ago.
And then all of a sudden we're supposed to shut it down.
And then we're supposed to pay people not to go to work.
We never had that.
We used to pay people to go to work.
But this is a government order to go ahead and stay home.
It's tricky, though, when you try and turn the faucet back on.
New York could be different from Utah.
Louisiana could be different from Arizona.
So how do you go about making that decision?
Well, you have to make the decision.
Look, we lose thousands.
I brought some numbers here.
We lose thousands and thousands of people a year to the flu.
We don't
Turned the country off, I mean, every year.
Now, when I heard the number, you know, we average 37,000 people a year.
Can you believe that?
And actually, this year we're having a bad flu season.
But we lose thousands of people a year to the flu.
We never turn the country off.
We lose much more than that.
Stop there.
And then ask yourself, who's directing us that we're supposed to shut off for 18 months?
Never come back from that.
That's a joke.
Won't come back from six months, three months, probably.
The UN, the CHICOMS, the media, Hollywood.
We've got to dump the economy to get Trump.
It's worth it, crowd.
All right, I'm going to go to your calls, but here's another clip where Trump talks about Cuomo.
Trump's trying to get the money from Congress.
He's had it ready since Friday.
They won't fund it to get all the respirators, everything that's there.
They go, no, you just commandeer the companies and give it to us.
Because they want government control.
And the troops went into New York Friday.
Cuomo and that other guy that looks like a child molester, de Blasio, are on TV Sunday saying he's not helped, he's done nothing.
It's all lies.
Here's Trump.
I watched Governor Cuomo, and he was very nice.
We're building them hospitals, we're building them medical centers, and he was complaining about, we're doing probably more, definitely more than anybody else.
And he was talking about the ventilators, but he should have ordered the ventilators.
And he had a choice, he had a chance, because right here, I just got this out.
That he refused to order 15,000 ventilators.
I'll show this to Bill, but take a look at that, Bill.
What does that say?
This says that New York Governor Cuomo rejected buying recommended 16,000 ventilators in 2015 for the pandemic.
For a pandemic!
Established death panels.
And lotteries instead.
So he had a chance to buy in 2015 16,000 ventilators at a very low price and he turned it down.
I'm not blaming him or anything else, but he shouldn't be talking about us.
He's supposed to be buying his own ventilators.
We're going to help.
But, you know, if you think about Governor Cuomo, we're building him four hospitals.
We're building him four medical centers.
We're working very, very hard for the people of New York.
We're working along with him.
And then I watch him on the show complaining, and he had 16,000 ventilators that he could have had at a great price, and he didn't buy them.
See, that's what Democrats do.
If you watch Democrat cities, they'll have a bond for roads, or a bond for fire trucks, or a bond for ventilators.
They never, almost never, spend the money on that.
Or they'll spend 10% and then it just disappears in the general fund.
It's the same thing.
They're given all this money and then, no, to seize the companies, like Venezuela.
They're like, but you already got the money for it.
We got them right.
More, more, more, more, more, because they steal it.
All right, I promise I'm going to your calls.
Tony and everybody else would come back.
Bam, bam, bam.
Tony, finish your point.
But I had to get those powerful clips from the president.
And it's not like they even want to defend the president.
He's like always in the right.
And they're always lying about what's really going on, just like they do.
About Infowars, I'm going to tell listeners again, I'm not saying you shouldn't take this virus seriously.
I'm not saying you shouldn't get ready for it.
I'm not saying it isn't going to kill some people.
But who's telling us what to do?
The media that says they want to crash the economy, and it is.
And they're saying China's great, back to work, don't worry about it.
That's all forgotten.
They say it didn't come from China.
It's not a Chinese virus.
It's Trump's fault.
So Trump has to go back and remind everybody that he tried to block the air travel and the Democrats said don't do it.
Now they're blaming him for not doing enough once it's gotten into the country.
They have their dirty deep state fingerprints all over it.
Share that link.
You spreading the word about the truth about what's happening isn't just a big part of victory, it is the victory.
That's why Paul Revere raised the alarm and they took the call.
And it's that magic moment of standing up, of standing up the army against the enemy, is the moment victory was had.
The course was set.
The victory was assured, because the spirit was strong.
Tony, sorry for holding.
Go ahead and finish your point about giving up liberty in the virus.
Yeah, no problem, Alex.
Go ahead.
Let me just get quickly to it.
I know you got a lot of calls.
Something's definitely happening.
All my neighbors are majority Asian, and a lot of them are coming from Singapore to work here as software engineers.
They're all moving out within this week.
I see dozens of movers moving them out and they said that their companies are telling them this is going to be a long time and they need them back in Singapore because this lockdown is going to last a long time.
Oh, exactly.
The globalists intend an 18-month, my friend, that's official.
But China didn't even do two months.
Yeah, absolutely.
And a great quote by a great American, those who would
Give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety and... Benjamin Franklin!
Yep, absolutely sir.
This is my question to you.
What would happen if there were a massive protest?
Because people right now are afraid of the virus.
They don't even want to be together.
And I think this is by design.
What would happen if there were a massive protest in Washington D.C.
with conservatives and liberals side-by-side protesting the grievances for the liberties seized by our own government?
Well, I think down the road, even a month or so, this isn't turned around.
We're going to have to have that march to show we are not afraid.
We are not afraid.
This is not America.
This is not how America was founded.
We are not afraid.
We are not cowards.
And we'll have to encourage the police and military, everybody else to join us, because this is a PSYOP.
It's all about fear, as the president said.
And you're right.
The globalists intend to shut our economy down, and they intend to have their companies and things stay shut to create the fear, regardless of what Trump does.
That's why they did it all first, to make it look like he wasn't acting, so he had to go along with it some.
Now he's trying to speak common sense to us.
He's very sophisticated and he's working.
I've never seen Trump work this hard and never been.
He was exhausted a month ago.
Now he's on the offense.
He's supercharged and he's everywhere because he understands this is pointed at removing him and then destroying the country.
America is fighting for its life.
This is as critical as 1776 and Lexington and Concord, 1775.
This could be the death date on the tombstone.
July 4, 1776, the baby is born.
It was in the womb for a year before that.
Now, 250 years later, ladies and gentlemen, could be on our tombstone.
It's that serious.
I don't say that to hurt confidence.
I say it because I believe you're going to rise to the occasion.
God bless you, Tony.
All right, let's go to Cynthia in North Carolina.
Cynthia, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I've been watching ever since I was little, and I totally agree with everything that you're saying.
I do believe that the coronavirus is a biological weapon, and I've been watching it since December, and it just makes me angry that they're trying to shut down everything and shut down America.
And if you do host a protest, I would love to, you know, be with y'all out there.
Well, we're not doing it yet because we believe the president can turn this around and we support him with emails and calls and you calling into shows and you talking to your neighbors and just pointing out that this is a QICOM weapon with the deep state to kill our economy using fear and mind control with a controlled press that's openly cheerleading for the fall of the country.
And so are we going to let these people intimidate and bully us and have us get on our damn knees?
No, absolutely not.
What else do you think, Cynthia?
It's going to happen.
Um, I really see that they're trying to shut down America, and they're trying to shut down the other countries worldwide, and it makes me wonder, like, why are they releasing all these inmates for?
Like, I've never seen this happen before.
Like, they're trying to cause, I guess...
Cause chaos?
Oh, absolutely.
All the blue cities are releasing hardened criminals, not to stop the virus, but to create as much bedlam, just like they let them sell fentanyl, they let homeless take over, they pass orders as if they could sleep in your yard, to create as much hysteria and collapse as possible, to debilitate and demoralize the population.
Yeah, I mean, it's unbelievable.
Oh, when you turn on HBO, CNN, all of them, it's America's done, America sucks, America's racist.
The Democrats have their requested spending bill.
It's all about racial division and paying to have eight-year-olds' genitals cut off.
I mean, it's just total psychotic evil.
Well, I'm rooting for you.
I'm rooting for Owen Schroer, David Knight, all of y'all up there.
Y'all are doing a great job.
Cynthia, we are rooting for you, and we love you, and we appreciate you.
Jennifer in Alabama's up next, then Kenny, and many others.
I'll get to y'all, John, and so many others.
I'm going to say this again.
It's a 360 win.
Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus.
When I don't take it because I'll take a supplement and forget for a while, I totally feel it.
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I don't take Real Red Pill Plus because I don't need extra high-quality caffeine in my life, but it's got that nice boost on top of it.
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Food was drop-shipped from another facility.
We have a lot of storable food we sell as well, and things like the
The powder, the whey, and the bone broth and all that's counted as a food.
You know, we have those things at InfoWarsTore.com.
But what you really need is Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
That's good for adults and children, with all the amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and a really high quality, good tasting fruit punch.
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Those are 50% off, even though they're going to sell out now within about a week and a half, because I just want you to get them, and I want you to have them, and I believe you'll like them, and then become a customer of the Real Red Pill, or Real Red Pill Plus in the future, or Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
Advanced multivitamin mineral formulation with all the other amazing things it's got in it.
That's what you need right now.
And we have the Super Silver Wound Gel and Super Silver Wound Cream that last way, way, way longer than alcohol.
We'll be right back.
What we've been telling you for a long time is now made its way on the Fox News.
And next segment, I'm going to tell you about it and then Steve McKinnick joins us.
We'll continue with calls.
A New York doctor, the hand he's released the info, said he had 350 patients
With the coronavirus, it had a 100% success rate of curing them with three things.
And guess what we've been saying on air for a long time?
Zero deaths, zero hospitalizations, zero innovations.
Guess what's on the list?
It starts with a Z, Z, Z, Z, Z, Z.
Let's go back to your phone calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jennifer in Alabama.
Jennifer, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
It's a pleasure to speak to you.
I've got two main points here.
First, I want to just say it's a pleasure to talk to you.
I love your show.
I love your products.
I'm currently taking the Real Red Pill.
And along those lines, my first point, which is great, by the way, I think it's really held down for hormones.
But what I wanted to say about zinc, my first point is,
Is that a natural food source of zinc is black sesame seeds.
So I thought I'd throw that out for your audience.
And the other thing I wanted to throw out, and this is a really radical idea that I'm not saying that I believe, but I felt like I would throw it out there because there's a doctor, Dr. Terry Tillart, T-I-L-L-A-A-R-T.
He has done a webinar on Facebook.
It was posted to his page on the 22nd of March of this year.
It says, uh, there is no virus.
There are no viruses.
Five experts weigh in.
One of them being John Rappaport.
Uh, can you hear me okay?
Well, I like John, but I don't think he's... Did John say there's no such thing as viruses?
Well, I'm not saying that he says that, but he's one of the ones that was interviewed on this webinar, but there's a Dr. Stefan Lenka, who's a microbiologist, and he studied HIV and the measles, and he says that we've never been able to isolate a virus.
I'm telling you, these are radical ideas.
I'm not even saying I believe them myself.
No, but listen, it's okay to look into everything.
The media's like, oh, the president can't even say that
Chloroquine has been shown to help people when it's been known for, you know, 100 years with the stuff that's in tonic.
200 years to do that.
Hell, I guess 300 years from the Dutch or whatever.
So we will definitely look at all that.
Thank you, Jennifer.
All right, let's take another call here.
Jamming them in.
Kenny in Ohio.
Thanks for holding, Kenny.
Thanks for calling.
Go ahead, brother.
Hello, Alex.
Yeah, hey, do you hear me?
I sure do, Kenny.
OK, I live in Northeast Ohio, and right now our state is shut down.
I don't know.
Panic everywhere.
Everybody I know is in a big panic.
Oh yeah, your governor really has been at the tip of the spear, squeezing every bit of fear he can out of us.
Well, look who the health director is.
She's an Obama supporter.
She was on his campaign.
She's a volunteer in 2008 for the Obama administration.
It all ties in together.
It's all by design.
You are hitting the nail on the head right there.
Well, it isn't hard.
I mean, they've scripted the whole damn thing.
Everything is by design, and I... What are my jobs?
I have an essential job.
I take care of a man in his house.
My other job, I work part-time at a gun store.
Well, they should be in panic because in California they banned gun sales saying they're not essential, but the pot shops and liquor stores are still open.
So, I mean, you talk about, I guess in a way it is essential.
Folks run out of their liquor, they're going to be going crazy.
But France just banned the sale of liquor.
That's not going to go well with the French, I can tell you.
My store, we had to close down.
There's a couple of issues to that.
What, is that because the NICS system isn't putting the background checks through?
NICS cut me out of the computer filing system for two hours, then they hung up the phone and said we couldn't even get to you on Saturday morning.
It was so apparent.
No, I understand.
Essentially, gun sales have come to a halt in this country.
Great point.
Sorry I've got to jump to anything.
Thanks for calling.
All right, we've got Dr. Steve Pachenik straight ahead.
You're awesome.
He's a medical doctor.
He'll give us his take on this.
We'll be right back.
So you see the PSYOP in China.
You see the fear.
It's a real virus.
It does kill some people, obviously.
It's not a hoax.
But the hysteria is a hoax, exactly as the president said.
And the way he came out, and the way he said that this is not who we are, America's not built to run like this.
You don't just turn economies like this on and off like a nuclear reactor.
You do it wrong, it blows up, or it just stalls out.
And he said, you want a lot of people to die.
He said this about an hour ago.
We've already played the clip twice.
He goes, you shut our economy off a couple months.
7 million people died of malnutrition according to major universities in the United States in our 10-year Great Depression.
7 million people.
Grapes, Grapes of Wrath, you see that movie?
That's a whitewash of what it was like, okay?
And so, you're starving, you die of the flu, you die of a normal cold.
Most of that is malnutrition in the third world.
You hear about Africa and a plague kills a million people?
Because they are starving.
And so, that's where we are now here.
And so, Dr. Steve Pchenik used to run psychological operations at the State Department.
He ran major operations, major peace accords, major terrorist negotiations, hostage situations, regime change.
He was the co-author of Tom Clancy and the character from which Jack Ryan partially was derived.
He's also been a big film producer.
He's also a psychiatrist.
That's a medical doctor.
And he's also done a lot of military operations and things.
He early on said it's been here for months and months.
A bunch of people had it.
He had it.
Now we know that.
And we know as the testing goes out, we're going to find out a lot of people have it.
It's just, you know, another pneumonia virus and that the death number is going to go way, way down.
It's the people that go to hospitals that are already super sick.
And we know about Italy, oldest population in Europe.
They live three generations in a house.
The average age is 85.
But the media doesn't tell you that.
I think?
Does a pretty good job.
They're attacking him and trying to kill confidence.
I see that as just nakedly trying to drive him from office by killing the economy.
Careful what they wish for, because if they do kill the economy, and you're seeing it, they're getting the blame.
Trump's numbers are going up.
So again, like Russiagate, Ukrainegate, all this other crap, every weapon they form against us blows up in their face.
But you talk about turning the chessboard over when you're losing, or going into a conniption fit when you're losing.
This is all just absolutely psychotic behavior in my view.
We have a psychiatrist here to, I guess, talk about the mass psychology, the mob psychology, where it's going, how he thinks Trump can ride this tiger.
We'll continue with your phone calls as well.
Dr. Pucinich, thank you for joining us.
My pleasure.
As you and I know, Alex, I said months ago, I had it in January.
I had the virus.
There was no question it was a coronavirus.
And more importantly, I said it on your show, that I used erythromycin, an antibiotic that's very common, to cure my pneumonia after seven days.
Guess what happened?
Fauci says, and
Fauci trained me at Cornell, and I like Fauci.
But Fauci, unfortunately, is a very strong Jesuit follower.
In other words, he's more Catholic than the Pope.
He's a great
Theoretician, he was a great epidemiologist, but in the real world, Tony has never left NIH after 40 years and Tony will probably leave soon.
I'm glad he helped out Trump, but I agree with Trump and I've always agreed with the notion that he has the instincts to bring us back.
To our business.
The business of America is business.
It does not shut down for any epidemic.
It does not shut down for the coronavirus.
It doesn't shut down if Martians attack because that's our lifeblood.
We can't shut it down.
I've been in the polio epidemic of New York.
I saw kids having polio.
I was involved in all kinds of epidemics.
I took over the Ebola epidemics eight, nine years ago with General Dempsey and our great military.
We sent him over to Sierra Leone.
Liberia, they built an infrastructure and they stopped the epidemic.
Fauci was not involved in that.
Obama was not involved in that.
I took over the SNLs in 1980 in Maryland and I saw what happens when they go under and the Federal Reserve does not come in to guarantee the viability of the banks.
So Trump is correct as if today we go to work.
I want every business to go to work.
That means small businesses, large businesses.
But America is primarily made of small businesses.
And what do I mean by small businesses?
Anything from a couple of thousand, a hundred thousand, to five hundred million.
I'm not worried about Boeing.
I'm not worried about the Hilton Hotel.
I'm worried about the veterinarian.
I'm worried about the grocery store.
I'm worried about the restaurants.
I live in the South.
These people are incredible.
We all had some kind of infection in January.
Remember I said to you on your show, CDC was two months too late.
All of the numbers that you used were too late, too little, and we already had it, we're immune to it.
With Fauci, and nobody's ever talked about it, is that there's passive immunity.
Those of us who had pneumonia, those of us who are 77, I'm no spring chicken, I have immunity.
That means I can go in and work.
There are a lot of people who had some cold in December or January.
There's no question in my mind that they were affected with the flu.
And they have immunity.
They go to work.
And we have to continue our work.
No war has done to America what is happening now.
I couldn't believe it.
I honestly could not believe what I was seeing.
I'm going to different stores now just to give them cash flows to buy things.
I think all of the Americans should just go into your various stores and pay just for something.
I was about to say, Governor Newsom last week, looking like the psychotic he is, was licking his lips going, we don't need to call it martial law.
They're all doing more than we told them.
They're really socializing to this.
And it was disgusting.
And it was sick.
And we got a few minutes to break when we come back.
Everything you said about Z-Pak, for people that don't know, it's bacteria carrying the viruses around.
You're absolutely right.
And that's exactly what a medical doctor told Hannity.
He's released it.
That's exactly what I talked about on air as well.
Zinc sulfate, 220 milligrams, once daily.
That's a huge dose.
500 milligrams once daily of the Z-Pak.
200 milligrams of
Because look...
They failed in the impeachment.
They failed on everything they've tried.
Now they're riding this panic and blowing it out.
It's not an accident.
It's New York, de Blasio, Cuomo, you got Pelosi, all Italians, Americans, and that's the end of their
That's the end of their dominance in American politics.
I think, and I'm saying it from my point of view, both the Jews and the Italians who ran the mobs in the 30s and became politicians, this is the end of their era.
It's not an accident Schumer.
It's not an accident Pelosi.
It's not an accident at all of these people are coming out with the most ridiculous claims.
But at the same time, it's not an accident that Steve Mnuchin, who was at Goldman Sachs, but he's a brilliant businessman who built a lot of companies in Hollywood, said correctly, we're going to infuse cash and Trump and I are going to recover this economy.
And that's what we need.
Forget the people in California, forget New York.
The powers are in the South, Southwest, Texas.
By the way, Trump said that in speeches.
He said, look, New York and California are great and everything, but the Midwest and the South, he goes, America's strong, they get it.
He talks about it like that's America now and the other places are lost.
Well, they're basically arcane.
This was the old intellectual establishment of the white Anglo-Saxon Protestants on the Northeast, and then you had the Californians who came in maybe 80, 90 years ago with Hollywood and whatever else they had in Pasadena.
Those days are finished.
Everybody's moving out of California to Montana.
They're moving to other states where they're low taxes.
Most people in business world are moving out of New York into Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, and North Carolina.
Stay right there.
Let's talk about it.
Stay there.
We'll be right back with Steve Pachinick.
Dr. Steve Pachinick is our guest.
He is a medical doctor and a famous psych warfare expert for the Pentagon and the State Department.
And he's here with us talking about the PSYOP they've tried to run on us.
Now again, I'm not saying you shouldn't be prepared because if they're successful, we're going into a depression.
And yes, if you're older or have autoimmune problems, you better be taking your zinc and other things.
But I went around and just talked to medical doctors that I know, people in my family, did research, and I was like, oh, I knew that.
Zinc goes into your cells, the mitochondria.
And viruses basically cannot get the mitochondria to start producing other viruses.
It also coats the cell.
I'm not a doctor.
I can read the mainline studies.
Type in zinc antiviral.
It's thousands of studies.
Prestigious ones.
Take this.
The Dutch 400 years ago had a concoction that they called a tonic that contained quinine.
That's the thing that they use that is then in the drug chloroquine.
That they're saying Trump shouldn't talk about even though the EU said they had a 90 plus percent success rate with it.
It's called a tonic.
That used to be the name of a drink that makes you better.
And the British got it from the Dutch and said you want your...
Gin that the army drank, you gotta mix it with this.
Their officers ordered them going back 200 years ago to drink this, and it stopped malaria and a bunch of other problems.
This is history.
By the way, I'll have the FDA calling me up.
I'm not selling Canada Dry.
I don't own stock in it.
That's just one of the companies.
Look at these headlines.
We'll get Dr. Pucinich's take on it, because they're attacking Trump for talking about this.
Look at this.
Overhead shot.
Quinine and Empire.
Scientific American!
How that's, their empire was able to not be stopped because their troops were healthy, everybody else was dying of malaria.
So then with limes in the grog, well they call them limeys, the imperial cocktail.
No one is supposed to know this!
They literally attacked the president when he's just reading medical reports saying this.
So this is what a doctor told Sean Hannity, the doctor's even scared to go on air, in New York.
A New York doctor shared with Hannity and his hydroxy
Chloroquine, Z-Pak results, 200 milligrams daily of hydroxychloroquine, 500 milligrams once a day of Z-Pak, 220 milligrams once daily of zinc sulfate.
He had 350 patients, breathing restored 3-4 hours, zero deaths, zero hospitalizations, zero inhibitions, meaning not sticking a
We're good to go.
I had to take it prophylactically when I went into Cambodia or any jungle or South Africa.
For centuries.
I apologize, they didn't have your mic up the first five seconds.
Please start over.
What I'm saying is chloroquine is a anti-malaria product.
It's well known, it kills whatever comes in.
Trust me, malaria is far more lethal than some of these viruses because when you get malaria and you get cerebral malaria or hemorrhaging malaria, you don't make it and the rest of your life you're constantly in a problem if you don't have the kind of medicines
Thank you.
on this coronavirus.
Every doctor should know that.
Every physician and MD knows that the virus goes right into the bacteria and it's carried by them.
And lo and behold, what happens?
He's treated with an antibiotic and you're better in seven days.
Fauci didn't talk about that because unfortunately at NIH, what we have there are the purest of pure.
In other words, they're more Catholic than the Pope.
Well, let's quantify what you're saying.
They keep contradicting Trump when he's going, hey, French studies shows malaria drug is helpful.
Hey, these studies show Z-Pak's helpful.
You were saying that here on air two months ago.
He's the president.
He's allowed to tell people, hey, we've got some really promising treatments, especially when it's true!
Of course it's true, but I happen to know Tony Fauci, and I know Tony is more Catholic than the Pope.
He trained me at Cornell Medical School.
He was a very good clinician.
But unfortunately, he doesn't know how to run a crisis.
The Ebola crisis that was run by NIH was a disaster.
I remember the Pentagon took over at that time.
That's correct and the Pentagon had requested me to come in and I in turn asked some other people and we sent 3,000 soldiers to Sierra Leone and Liberia.
Tony wasn't involved with it.
Tony never developed a vaccine to AIDS.
I mean that's nonsense.
The AIDS was treated by people who had AIDS but were not
They were passive carriers.
And that is the whole issue of the solution to this virus.
Those of us who got the virus in any form or shape, and most of the Americans have had it, they go back to work.
We have passive immunity.
And if you don't think you have the immunity, you can take antibiotics.
I want to get into the hysteria and the psyop, and you're an expert on that and how they've rolled it out.
We come back in a longer segment.
But since I mentioned it, here is Sean Hannity talking about what the doctor told him last night.
Mr. Vice President, I'm holding up a letter, and I'm going to read from it in a second, from a doctor in the New York area, and, if I may read from it, he has now worked with his associates, and he has a regimen.
Hydroxychloroquine, 200 milligrams, twice a day, five days.
Azithromycin, 500 milligrams, once a day, five days.
Zinc sulfate, 220 milligrams, once a day, for five days.
This is what he has seen.
Him and his team have now treated approximately 350 patients in Kyrus Joel, an area of New York that was hit particularly hard, and another 150 patients in other New York areas.
His results?
We have had zero deaths, zero hospitalizations, zero intubations.
So let me ask Dr. Petitius, we've got a break.
I'm only taking three times recommended daily allowance.
I'm told it's a preemptive.
That is super effective.
I'm told that the amount they're talking about, it could damage the kidneys long term, but I guess this is an emergency.
What is your view on how much zinc a healthy person should be taking as a preventative?
I can't tell you that, honestly, because I really haven't used zinc.
I use primarily antibiotics, but I will tell you this.
One of the things Trump should bring in is Dr. Cassidy, the senator from Louisiana.
He's smart.
He understands passive resistance.
He made a good speech.
He's a Republican.
And we need doctors who have been in practice, not in NIH, to be able to control this whole epidemic.
No, I agree.
So stay right there.
Let's talk about that because people are scared.
They understand that it's a lot of it's hot, but some of it's real.
So what do you do, though, if you're not sick yet?
You're not going to get the Z-Pak until you're sick.
What do you do to prevent?
The word is, it's zinc.
We'll be right back with Dr. Steve Pichennik.
We saw the PSYOP.
We saw the hype.
We saw that it's all Trump's fault.
We've seen them trying to drive down the economy.
Democrats on TV saying we want this to hurt America.
You talk about disconnect, tone deafness.
His approval rating goes up.
And so they don't realize, hey, we're acting like villains, and back off.
They intensify trying to hurt the economy, which is even more frightening that they're this disconnected from reality.
And you were saying during the break, they don't know what an effing depression really looks like.
Careful what they ask for.
If they're successful, they're the ones that are going to get this on around their necks.
People, you were saying during the break.
Well, what I'm saying is the arrogance and ignorance of Nancy Pelosi, the Schumers, the left wing is so transparent and obvious and we talked about it.
We talked about it months ago.
We talked about their desperation.
Now they're going into self-destruction.
While they're in self-destruction, they want to take as many pieces or parts of the country as they can to justify their own sense of the self-destruction because there's nothing else they can do.
They're not repairing anything.
It's not their point of view that's coming out to say, you know, we got to repair the economy.
Schumer doesn't even understand how to do that.
It's Mnuchin who has to come in.
It's the Republicans who have to explain, look, we are business people.
Our basic philosophy is the entrepreneurship of America.
That's not your basic philosophy of the liberals or any part of the left wing of America.
It is the essence of American religion and entity that we are business people.
You can never, never eliminate a business, not in the polio epidemic, not in the World War II, not in the Vietnam War where we lost it, not in any epidemic that it was in, including the banks that went under in the 1980s.
I had to continue 20 banks
And unfortunately, Ben Bradley didn't know the difference between net worth and liquidity and he puts down in the Washington Post that I had a liquidity problem when I had not a net worth.
I didn't have one and the bank run started.
So what I'm afraid of is they're so stupid.
That Mnuchin is warning them as well as Trump and you and I and we're saying to the Democrats and others, listen, you haven't seen anything yet till you go into a severe depression and you watch what happens when all the small businesses and the large businesses have no employment.
Forget about the notion you may or may not have a virus.
Forget about the notion you may or may not be 60 and die.
You're talking about total desperation.
Nobody here, and you've said it correctly,
What happened in 1929 is nothing compared to what people saw.
John Steinbeck's book, you know, doesn't describe sufficiently how many millions lost their jobs and how many died.
This time around, we're talking about an element which could bring down hundreds of millions of people, businesses that had no relationship to this virus.
Our country, and basically you and I live in the South, which is really the heartbeat of the new America.
We understand what the small business is.
A small business isn't a mom-and-pop shop.
It can be millions of dollars, but it has to have cash flow.
Without immediate cash flow, and that's what Mnuchin and Trump are saying, we cannot sustain this economy and we will go into such a severe depression that the Nancy Pelosi's with $140 million will go off in the sunset and, you know, live another life or they may never make it.
The point of fact is if we hit a depression, we may see a lot of violence.
What is the psychology behind this?
It's arrogance, ignorance, and manipulation.
When you have no capability to affect change in a positive way, which is what the Democrats have been able to do, they haven't really affected change in a positive way.
All they can say is something for everyone.
He who loves all of man, as Moliere says, loves no man.
Trump is very clear.
The disease right now is worse, the cure is worse than the disease.
I don't need the cure anymore.
Most people have been infected by this virus since November and December of 2019, and I can guarantee you- Well, you said that over two months ago, that only came out two weeks ago, that the Chinese knew in November, and the NIH knew, and was already getting ready for the pandemic before then, and never told Trump.
That's correct.
I said it in November and December that they knew about it.
We knew about it.
It's worse than that, Alex.
I have a former assistant surgeon general who informed me here in this town, in a small town in the south,
That the coronavirus had a scenario of an epidemic ten years ago.
So CDC and HHS can't say we didn't know what was going to happen.
Well, I mean, Gates had the 201 event where it killed 65 million last November.
That's correct.
And they had that scenario, except we have a Surgeon General that shouldn't be there, nice gentleman, but ineffectual.
I have CDC, totally ineffectual, I told you.
I had HHS, ineffectual.
What I need is a crisis manager in the White House, along with Trump,
It could be Cassidy, it could be another doctor who's practiced medicine.
And who's on Trump's side against, we have a bigger patient called the economy that the globalists are trying to sink, which will bring them down too.
Speaking of that, here's Trump just about an hour and a half ago, when he's like, hey, you get a lot of people killed, you shut this economy down, because we're not self-sufficient like we were in the 1920s.
Here's the president.
What will you do for small business?
Okay, well, first of all, I have to say that Harris is one of my favorite people.
And I didn't hear a word she said, and I was hoping it wasn't too devastating a question.
But she is a fantastic person, I have to say that, okay?
Now that I've said it, because I can't hear Harris.
But, no, the bill is very much focused on the small business person.
It's very much focused on small companies, including restaurants and all sorts of small companies.
And what people don't realize, you know, you're talking about these massive, we have the greatest companies in the world, you talk, you add them all up, and the small businesses are just about equal in size to these massive companies, of which we have many also.
It's the engine of our country, small business.
This bill is absolutely aimed at the small business and the worker, and the workers of those small businesses, and the owners.
The owners are going to need help, they're going to need some loans, they're going to need things, and we're going to be able to take care of them.
Because we don't want those small businesses to go out of business, nor do we want the big businesses to go out of business.
When they said, Mr. President... That's him on small businesses.
This video is up on Infowars.com, and it's a titled video.
You destroy countries like this.
Trump says about coronavirus lockdown.
For some reason we can't play it off that computer.
I'll play it off my phone.
It won't play.
So here it is.
It's not built to shut down.
Our people are full of vim and vigor and energy.
They don't want to be locked into a house or an apartment or some space.
It's not for our country.
We're not built that way.
And I said, you know, I don't want the cure to be worse than the problem itself.
The problem being obviously the problem.
And, you know, you can destroy a country this way by closing it down, where it literally goes from being the most prosperous... I mean, we had the best economy in the history of our country three weeks ago.
And then all of a sudden we're supposed to shut it down.
And then we're supposed to pay people not to go to work.
We never had that.
We used to pay people to go to work.
And then he goes on to say you can kill a lot of people in the clip that comes up after that.
I think that's pretty accurate, Dr. Buchanek.
It's exceedingly accurate.
He understands exactly what you and I have been saying since November of last year, January, when I had the virus and the pneumonia, when others had it.
I can assure you most of the country has had already exposure to that virus.
There will be people who will die who are compromised, but they will die in case of influenza.
The economy is so important, I can't emphasize it enough.
Having seen what a bank run was like in the 80s, and having seen what a bank run was like in 2008, we cannot afford it now.
If we go into a depression, or we go into a massive economic recession, which is much greater than the one we've been in, we can't come out of it.
It will be very tough.
I'm not interested what Europe has to do.
I'm not interested what China has or what Russia has to do.
America sui generis.
We are entrepreneurs.
That's right.
And the globalists of the media are trying to make us these hysterical basket cases.
Phone calls with Dr. Steve Pachinik on the other side of this quick break.
We are back live.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Dr. Steve Pachinik is riding shotgun with us.
Paul Watson is about to take over.
I'm going to go to your calls now.
Those that have been holding patiently, but briefly, Dr. Pachetnik, StevePachetnik.com, since you are a psychiatrist as well, and not just one of the kook ones, but a proven guy that's run major hospitals and also run operations for the government.
I get that tyranny becomes a form of mental illness and there's always a form of sickness to it that sets it up to begin with, but without getting into all the clinical names and things, I have seen a lot of the public stampede into fear and really get into it and really enjoy it.
Realizes how they're being played here, literally in a trade war with China.
Let me put it this way, Alex.
We've been doing this, you and I, for what, 18 years.
It's not an accident they call us the alternative media, when in fact we are the straightforward media.
When we started, and we have always commented about what our government has or has not done to repress our people, going back to 9-11 when they had a false flag, and you stood up and said, uh-uh.
We're not going to accept this.
And then we had the Patriots Act.
We said, uh-uh, we're not going to accept it.
At the same time, what's happening is what we call in psychiatry, repetition compulsion.
In other words, it doesn't matter whether you're a Republican or Democrat, if you've never been a businessman like Trump, that's a unique gift to the American people because we are a business country.
And Trump has been the manifestation of the business.
When he is forced to think about other elements like epidemiology, which was fine, but it's enough.
And now Trump comes forward with his basic instincts, which says,
You know, we're a business empire, and we will continue to be a business, and now I'm going to act very quickly.
No, exactly.
Our fundamental generator, the globalists are trying to blow it up, and it's so obvious it's an attack, and I can't believe more people aren't pissed!
Because, listen, we never appeal to the most number of people.
You've got Italy going under.
You have France going under.
Who's helping Italy and France?
China and Russia.
We've backed off.
We have to now take care of ourselves and then come
Again, to the forefront of international relations.
But before we do that, we have to take care of ourselves.
Even my own friends in the intelligence community are concerned that we've lost our premier position in the world.
Trump has to reconstitute very quickly our businesses.
Our economy, there will be deaths, there will be problems, but they're deaths anyway.
Half a million people dying out.
They say it's unacceptable to have 50,000 dead from this.
That's nothing.
That's how the world works.
Like Trump said in his first speech, this is life.
To the left's always promising.
Everlasting life.
The government's going to make you never get sick.
We're going to lock you in your house so you never die.
Eisenhower gave a speech, I forget which college, but he said, I can make you totally free.
I can lock you up in a jail cell.
I mean, I can make you totally safe.
I can lock you up in a jail cell.
That's correct.
But Eisenhower was a brilliant man.
He understood that war.
Here was a general who had never fought on combat and yet won one war in Western Europe and his mentor, George Marshall had never been in combat.
And defeated two enemies, Japan and America.
This is what I'm saying about our leadership.
This is Trump.
He's the George Marshall of the economy.
He is brilliant.
He intuitively understood, okay, the epidemiology, I was listening to it.
That's enough.
Now we have to get back to the basics of what America is and will be.
Epidemiologists control our lives because they want to build themselves as saviors and save 20,000 people, hypothetically.
Let's talk to John in Texas.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
Last week, my lady friend's granddaughter and boyfriend came over to visit.
The boyfriend's mother is a head nurse in a hospital in Austin.
She told her son that they're using tonic water to cure people with coronavirus in the hospital.
Wow, tell us more of what she said because that's what quinine is in these for.
It's from the British Army making the troops drink this.
That's why it's called tonic.
It means medicine.
What did she say?
I didn't talk to him personally.
She just said, she called me up and told me on the phone about it.
That's what my dad said.
I mean, they say you treat it with malaria drugs.
Well, quinine is the original of that.
Just crazy.
I had this coronavirus back at the same time I think Steve had it, the first of January.
And I told my mother at the time, I called her up and I said, I think I got the flu, but this ain't the flu, it's something worse.
And I cured it with collodial silver, elderberry extract, and golden seal and china root.
It took me about six, seven days to get over the bad cough and everything, but I cured it.
I know that's what I do.
God bless you, John.
Appreciate your call.
But if you already have it, though, Pchenik, Dr. Pchenik said this two months ago, and he was gone for a few months, and he said it was a Z-Pack, and lo and behold, that's what they're now saying.
And the president's quoting what doctors are telling him is successful.
They go, shut up, you don't have a degree.
Well, it doesn't matter.
If I throw a rod in my engine, I go to a mechanic, he says, you blew a rod, I go home and tell my wife, the car's in the shop, I blew a rod, the damn mechanic told me that.
I'm allowed to tell my wife that the mechanic said I threw a rod.
And we're allowed to say what doctors are telling us.
Well, but also you've been very effective in explaining with your zinc and your vitamins, if you maintain your health, you will be fine.
If you deteriorate it for any reason, you don't take zinc or vitamins, you don't, you know, work out, you're not going to be in great shape.
So this is a warning to America, stay in shape, be healthy, but let's get back to work.
You were saying drink a ton of water.
I've read that.
Why is that important, Dr. Delp?
Flush you out or?
It flushes you out.
The amount of water I drank was unbelievable.
I still do.
It just continuously flushes out the bacteria, the viruses, and all the excrements you have.
Most of the time, most people are dehydrated.
They don't realize it, and particularly it's with older women.
When they go out, they don't realize when their lips are very dry that they're exceedingly thirsty.
And that's true as you get older.
When you're actually in a mode of dehydration, you're not thirsty, right?
But at the same time, you're very vulnerable to any infection.
And you're very vulnerable to other problems.
That's why your point about vitamins, zinc and other elements are important because you take water with it or whatever you want, quinine or
You know, tonic water, you're absolutely correct.
That was an anti-malaria pill.
But in my case, I take vitamins and I take what I need, a Z-Pak, and basically my vitamins are the same as yours.
As you know, I had a vitamin company and it works.
That's right, real fast.
Kevin in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, talking to a psychiatrist about the mass hysteria.
Go ahead.
Alex, how are you?
Man, I just hope Trump's successful.
And I'm so mad at the liberals trying to crash the economy.
They're crazy.
Yeah man, it's getting crazy out here in FEMA Region 3, formerly Pennsylvania.
Let me tell you, I've seen some things, a lot of similarities to 9-11 here.
And I wanted to get Dr. Pachenik's perspective on this as well.
Do you think there could be deep state Israel and deep state Saudi Arabia connections to this outbreak and prior knowledge
Uh, which, you can Google, I mean, you can Google Justice News, Chinese nationals, and top link, you'll get a Dr. Charles Lieber, who was in the NIH and DOD, and he was part of a Wuhan University of Technology program, which was basically rewarding people like him to steal proprietary... Oh yeah, what about all these arrests of Chinese and Harvard people and all that, and all the weird Chinese government hovering around this virus, Dr. Petchenik?
This gentleman is correct.
It's not specifically about Wuhan, but what it is is the fact that we have a lot of scientists, so-called scientists, both at Harvard and at MIT.
They were blown out initially with the Epstein problem, but nobody said a word.
That was back in November.
And what happened is these scientists are so crooked.
That they have not only the money from our government, NIH, or wherever else they get it, but they get it from the Chinese government as well, and they don't report it on their taxes.
And that's how Lieber got caught.
He's not the only one.
There'll be hundreds of them at MIT, Harvard, Yale, Cornell.
So Trump is rolling up the CHICOM spy rings.
Well, that's correct, but it's not only the Chinese who are doing this.
This is true of all of these academicians who want to go to China and Russia.
Paul Watson is taking over in a few minutes, but I want you to finish up on that thought and try to jam in a few more calls.
Hold on.
Great point, Kevin.
Fourth hour straight ahead.
Infowars.com, stevepachinick.com.
Spread the word.
Ladies and gentlemen, I didn't just start demonizing the CHICOMS 20-something years ago for no reason.
I was reading the CFR reports.
I was reading what the globalists were all saying.
They'd set up one-sided deals to forcibly transfer everything over there.
Our technology, you name it.
They bragged America was over.
It's a leftist religion.
And now you see these top people at Harvard getting arrested and all the NUT banning all these Confucian societies.
It wasn't just the Chai Kongs, but the leftist foundations working through China as another command base.
It's above the law to do this to us.
And it's crazy it ever got this far.
But Dr. Pucinich was talking about how you're going to see a lot more people arrested, a lot more indicted, because it wasn't just they were taking money from the U.S.
government, doing research, then selling it to the chi-coms and selling it to other private companies.
They weren't even paying taxes on it because of this Harvard mafia.
And I know you've gone to MIT and all those big Ivy Leagues.
You've talked about it.
But almost every time I look at somebody,
Running a globalist, anti-American operation.
I know you remember the CFR as well till you left it.
It's Harvard.
It's, it's, it's Council on Foreign Relations.
And then I watch them on their C-SPAN talks.
They're like these bug-eyed mummies, all praising each other and stumbling around.
And I mean, what a sick, disgusting ruling class.
Who are these people and what's about to happen to them?
These are the self-anointed, self-aggrandizing individuals who say that they're intellectuals.
The truth of the matter is, every school that I've been to, Cornell, phony.
Totally worthless education undergraduate Cornell Med four years of some nonsensical teaching that I could have done in a year and a half here in a state in a community college where they have nurses they did in a year and a half Harvard three years of psychiatry I may have showed up for a couple of weeks and yet got the two awards so what I'm saying to you having been part of that and having been in the CFR what you find it's a
Disneyland of self-aggrandizing individuals who work among themselves, play among themselves, and are literally like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.
They become caricatures of what an intellect is supposed to be and what somebody who sounds smart and is smart is supposed to be.
The truth of the matter is
People like myself who came in as refugees, or someone like you, you're not a refugee, but we had to hustle our way through America.
It's not easy.
Well, exactly.
Self-made versus their own little ivory towers.
I don't want to be elitist against the elitist, but literally, I was watching a Harvard graduate woman from the New York Times on Joe Rogan, and he was asking her questions when she was attacking the Congresswoman from Hawaii, and
Are idiots, and I've been around them.
They have doctorate degrees.
When you start talking about real stuff, they think you're showing off or making up words because they're completely ignorant.
They're not into information.
They're not into how it connects.
They're not into how stuff works top-down and sideways.
They literally don't know anything.
No, that's correct.
It sounds ridiculous, but you hit it right on the head.
The absurdity of the New England system or the Ivy League is finishing.
What you're seeing now is the decline and literally the destruction of the Ivy Leagues, the Yales, the Harvards, the Cornells, the med schools.
And what are you seeing in return?
The Internet.
The alternative media.
You're not going to go to Harvard anymore.
You're going to go online and you're going to learn what you have to learn.
Do you have to become a medical doctor?
No, I've got nurses here who are trained better than we are, and they are EMT.
They're nurses, they're frontline, they're ex-policemen, and they're going to do exceedingly well.
Do I need to produce thousands of psychiatrists?
I know the CIA guy that just quasi-retired, he ran major operations, come down here, you probably know who he is, but he's got a master's degree in all this.
He says, Alex, it's worthless.
Everything I learned in the Marine Corps and then in the CIA and everything, on the streets is everything.
He goes, it's literally worthless.
StevePachinick.com, let's talk again soon.
I really appreciate your great points.
It's great to be with you and God bless you.
But truth, the street is where it counts.
America is about business.
Let's get back to business, ASAP.
Where the rubber meets the road, it's about real action, not a bunch of BS Ivy League bullcrap.
We'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
The UK was supposed to go on lockdown last night.
We had an address by the Prime Minister Boris Johnson last night at 8.30.
And basically, it's not an actual lockdown.
We've seen some of the measures in Spain and France, where they have literal roadblocks, checkpoints in some areas.
In Spain, for example, you're not allowed to travel in a vehicle with two people at the same time.
You're not allowed to carry a passenger, basically.
If you do so, the police will stop you, will warn you, and then if they catch you doing it again, they will fine you.
The fines get progressively steeper.
They've got
Basically rules in place that are way more draconian than what we've got in the UK even though the media did define it as a lockdown what the Prime Minister announced last night.
It's not a lockdown and most of the people are ignoring it.
Of course half the country is basically squirreled away indoors but then the other half of the country is very much against wanting to change their behaviour.
Headline up on summit.news, day after UK lockdown police forced to break up barbecue parties
So a lot of people decided to respond to this urgent warning not to gather in groups of more than two people by in some cases gathering in groups of over 20 people and having barbecue parties.
This happened in Coventry in the Midlands and the local police force there tweeted about it.
There's unbelievably we've just had to deal with 20 plus people having a barbecue.
Please listen to government advice else this will get worse and last longer.
And that seems to be the case.
They've kept the parks open and said that you're allowed to exercise once a day.
Now how are they going to enforce people being able to exercise once a day without them having broken that provision and exercised twice a day?
How are they actually going to police and enforce that remains to be seen.
Of course we know in countries like Taiwan they have
Their cell phones connected to a central database and then if the cell phones go quiet, these are suspected coronavirus victims or proven coronavirus cases.
There was a case where one guy turned his phone off or actually the phone ran out of battery for about three or four hours and because it's constantly supposed to ping the authorities his location, because he may have been exposed to coronavirus, because the phone was off for a period of about three hours,
He got a visit, a home visit, from the police within about an hour because it wasn't pinging his location to the authorities.
Are we going to have to reach that level of totalitarianism and what level of draconian control are people in Western Europe, in the United States, going to accept?
I mean, we've seen the cases out of Italy today.
People hoped that there would be a lower death toll because it had declined three days consecutively.
Their death toll is higher.
Although thankfully the rate of infections does seem to be finally starting to slow down in Italy.
But then people have shown other graphs which show that the rate of infection in cities like Madrid, New York and areas of California is actually on a steeper gradient than the coronavirus infection rate in Wuhan, China.
So if those infection rates in cities like New York,
And Madrid continue at the same pace.
They're going to have a worse situation than Wuhan, China, at least what we know of the stats that came out of Wuhan, China from the Chinese government, which can't be trusted.
But it appears in London, at least many people are ignoring the government's urgent advice to stay in.
There was another incident, which is also featured in this article, where people went to a park, set up a barbecue, three or four of them, the police turned up, told them to go home.
They ignored them, so the police had to come back again and tell them to go home.
And then there's the constant threat of civil unrest.
Of course, we've seen food shortages, shelves being empty in many parts of the UK for the past two weeks now.
And some of the more unruly parts of our demographic here in the UK have started to react in not-so-communitarian ways, let's say.
And last night there was an attack on food delivery vans, bearing in mind that quarantined elderly people are now completely dependent on food deliveries because they can't get out to the supermarkets because they're completely packed in some areas, and so they're going to get exposed to coronavirus.
So they can't leave the house, they're completely dependent on food and grocery deliveries.
Well, some urban youths in Bristol, in the UK, decided to really lend their helping hand to the communitarian cause of helping out the rest of the country, their neighbours, by setting fire to two food delivery vans.
And in fact, the article talks about how the police had to show up and disperse this large gang of youths, urban youths, that had gathered
And then they responded by throwing missiles at the police.
So whether that continues, whether we do see actual civil unrest, we saw it of course in London back in 2011 in a far worse or in a far less serious situation because they shot a criminal.
So we had four nights of rioting.
Let's hope that doesn't repeat itself.
Of course also here in London we have a big problem with trains and subways.
Basically the government is still saying you can go to work if it's completely impossible for you to do your work at home.
So it's not even just essential workers that can only go to work.
They're basically allowing anyone to go to work so long as they can't do their work at home or their workplace hasn't sent them home.
And that's problematic because they removed half of the trains from service.
So you've still got huge numbers of people going to work on half the amount of trains that were previously available in London.
What's going to happen?
Well, what happened was, you can see from these photos and the Daily Mail reported on it, Fury at Sydney can't overcrowd London transport that risks fueling coronavirus spread.
And the subways, the trains, were completely packed because Sadiq Khan, in his infinite wisdom, removed half of them from service.
So you've probably got about, I don't know, 60% of the workforce still going to work, but on 50% less trains.
So some of them are even more packed than they were before this coronavirus outbreak.
And of course he's come out and denied that it was his fault, but it was his decision
As the Mayor of London, as the guy who controls transport for London, to remove those trains from service.
So those need to be put back into operation.
Headline here from Breitbart.
British Army may have to enforce lockdown, says Met Police Federation Chairman.
And that is the other question.
How are you going to enforce measures against 67 million people, the population of the UK,
With a police force that's been totally decimated through a decade plus of politically incorrect nonsense, where the police have been completely emasculated, no one fears them.
You look at the police in Spain, you look at the police in Italy, people fear them because they don't mess about.
They're in shape.
They're basically troops, for all intents and purposes.
They're like troops on the streets.
In the UK, not so much.
The fitness standards, let's say, are not really up to par with some of our European neighbours in terms of police officers on the street.
But it's also the political impact of them being completely emasculated over the past 10-15 years.
And that's why we had the massive problems with stabbings, with violent crime in London and other parts of the UK.
And of course the moped burglaries, which became rampant,
Because the police were told by the government that they couldn't even chase criminals if the criminals on the mopeds had removed their helmets for health and safety reasons.
So you've got an entire criminal class in London and in many bad areas of the UK which have zero respect or fear for police officers and just laugh in their face.
And it's going to be a similar situation to what we're seeing in France where some of these
No-go areas and they are no-go for a lot of people including police and firemen and ambulances who literally get attacked sometimes when they try to go there.
That could turn out to be a problem and who is going to enforce these quarantine measures?
Who is going to disperse gangs of armed youths when we don't have enough police to do that in the first place and in an environment where these criminals have no respect or fear for them whatsoever?
Now let's hope they behave themselves because this is a pretty hairy time and they need to behave themselves.
But given what's happened over the past couple of nights, it doesn't look too good.
But we hope, we hope that civil unrest does not take place as a result of the panic caused by this coronavirus outbreak.
We're going to get into Trump's response and how his approval ratings are actually going up in the next segment.
Breaking news at Summit.News.
Don't go away.
And we're back talking about the only news story that exists and has existed for the past two weeks, which is of course the coronavirus.
And of course,
The World Health Organization and many other health bodies, health authorities across the world downplayed this from the very beginning.
The point I made over and over again is that the World Health Organization was amplifying Chinese propaganda, the completely erroneous claim that there was no human-to-human transmission of coronavirus.
Back in January, we had health authorities in Britain, in several European countries, in America,
Telling people that they could still travel to Wuhan, China.
In January, this was happening.
And so, oh, just be careful.
But yeah, you can go there, but just be careful.
No border controls whatsoever across numerous Western countries and the UK, of course, until it was far too late.
In fact,
There are still planes landing at Heathrow Airport from Shanghai, from New York, from Rome.
We're supposed to be under an internal lockdown, yet there's no border controls whatsoever.
The planes continue to land.
And that is the point.
If actual border controls have been imposed right at the start of this, at the end of January at least,
We would not be in this situation.
You look at Russia, you look at Singapore, both of which closed their borders at the end of January.
Last time I checked, just three total coronavirus deaths.
It's probably a little bit more now, but as of yesterday, just three total coronavirus deaths in Russia and Singapore combined.
Countries that both closed their borders, and then you look at countries like Italy, France and Spain that didn't, and it's absolutely horrendous.
The borders should have been closed until a drug or vaccine was available, and this would not have happened.
It would not have spread to the Western world.
But of course, the secret international flow of people had to be maintained at all costs, even at this point at the cost of, what is it, 18,000 dead people.
And of course, National Pulse reports, which we featured this before.
I did a video about this.
Headline out of nationalpulse.com.
Political correctness kills fearing racism allegations.
Italy failed to isolate Wuhan travelers early.
They talk about Giorgio Pallu, a professor of virology and microbiology at the University of Padova.
Who told CNN that concerns over racism were what stopped a swift response in Italy in terms of mitigating the spread of coronavirus because they did not want to discriminate against, stigmatize and be mean to Chinese people on the orders of the World Health Organization.
Let's not forget, in every single statement that they came out with back in January and early February, they said one of the primary things that you cannot do is profile, is close your borders, is stop the international flow of people because it might stigmatise the Chinese.
They said that literally five, six times.
And this virologist said that that was one of the key reasons why the virus spread in Italy.
Of course, we had the absolutely ludicrous situation
of the Mayor of Florence, the left-wing Mayor of Florence, telling citizens to fight racism, to stamp out hatred, by going out in the street and hugging Chinese people.
And in one video, which I featured in my most recent video, they're literally physically removing the face masks of Chinese people and hugging them and kissing them.
That was the advice given to Italians
by officials like the Mayor of Florence back at the beginning of February.
Again, to stamp out racism.
Another illustration of how political correctness actually is harmful, deadly, it kills people.
Now there's another example of that out of New York.
And the headline here up on Summit News, New York health officials told residents to congregate in huge crowds in defiance of coronavirus.
This was at the beginning of February, when health officials in New York told residents to congregate in huge crowds in defiance of coronavirus, a move that could have exposed thousands of people to COVID-19.
And the tweets are still up, they haven't deleted them.
New York City Health Commissioner Oxiris Barbot
Posted a tweet on February 9, urging citizens to flock to Chinatown in large numbers.
February 9th, this is, to celebrate the Lunar New Year while suggesting that advice to avoid crowds was, quote, misinformation.
This is the New York City Health Commissioner telling everyone to crowd in Chinatown while coronavirus was raging in China.
And if you look at these photos from this celebration, a lot of Chinese people, a lot of whom probably had returned from China.
The New York Health Commissioner was telling New Yorkers to go and congregate with those people in huge crowds because I guess it would be racist not to, right?
But it wasn't just her.
On the same day, Mark D. Levine, Chair of New York City Council Health Committee, lauded how huge crowds gathering in New York City's Chinatown was a powerful show of defiance of the coronavirus scare, tweeting four images of large groups of people gathered to celebrate the occasion.
So that you defy a virus by congregating in huge groups with people who potentially have the virus and can spread it.
That's how you defy a virus.
Again, this is all based on political correctness because it was during that phase when the media kept saying, oh all these bat soup memes, how racist.
Blaming Chinese people, even blaming the Chinese government for the coronavirus, how racist.
People calling for border controls, how racist!
People calling for social distancing from potential victims, carriers of coronavirus, how racist!
Get out on the street, get in Chinatown amongst thousands of people to defy the virus.
This is what New York health officials said on February 9th.
Sound quite different now, don't they?
Confirmed cases of coronavirus across New York surged 38% overnight.
That was two nights ago.
There were 157 deaths.
That number is probably higher now.
Because New York is the hardest-hit state in America, New York City accounts for over 12,000 confirmed infections.
And again, as I point out in this article, they were only following the rhetoric of the World Health Organization, which repeatedly put out statements saying, don't profile Chinese people
Don't avoid Chinese people, because that's stigmatisation.
Now we can't even stand within two feet of each other, now we're under house arrest.
Literally, compare then to now.
Actual health officials saying go out and congregate in large groups of people, Chinese people who potentially have coronavirus, now we're literally under house arrest.
All thanks to political correctness.
Absolutely incredible.
But yeah, go hug a Chinese person to prove that you're not racist.
Absolutely incredible.
And in fact, in the coronavirus bill that they're trying to get through Congress and the Senate right now, of course, it's stuffed with more of this politically correct nonsense.
Headline up on Summit.News, Tucker Dems putting wokeness above all by blocking coronavirus relief.
And I think they count 60 different times
Where the word diverse or diversity is mentioned because these companies are being forced to produce elaborate racial reports for the government listing the skin color and the sex of their offices and boards of directors before they can even get this package to fight coronavirus past.
So all along line from the border closures to the don't profile Chinese people to the new legislation they're trying to get through now.
Political correctness is more important than stopping the pandemic, and it's harming people, and it's killing people, and it has to stop.
Don't go away.
And we're back!
We're going to go to this Tucker Carlson clip in a second, talking about the Diversity Bill, which had 60 different mentions of diversity in a bill supposedly meant to fight coronavirus.
Of course, Trump now is saying that the harmful effects of putting the US economy on lockdown, society on lockdown for months and months and months, could trigger a global depression.
And could make the consequences of that worse than the consequences of coronavirus itself, just based on people losing their jobs, people committing suicide and, you know, absolute bedlam and misery throughout society, based on economic circumstances, not necessarily health circumstances.
In relation to that, as a headline here out of Sputnik, one third of Americans report close family member unemployed due to pandemic.
One third of Americans say they or someone in their close family is now unemployed thanks to the coronavirus.
A whopping nine out of ten are worried the virus would hit them in the pocket but one third of Americans say that someone in their close family is now unemployed and that's why Trump is saying in this headline more people will die if COVID-19 restrictions aren't lifted
US President Donald Trump says he believes more people will die if anti-COVID-19 restrictions in place in the United States are not lifted soon.
He said tens of thousands of Americans die of other ailments and incidents, including seasonal flu and car accidents, but we don't turn the country off.
America, he said, is not built to be shut down.
You can destroy a country this way by closing it down.
A lot of people don't like that message, but if you look at the poll numbers, it seems that the majority of Americans do.
In fact, Gallup reports President Trump's job approval rating is up to 49%.
So it's actually climbed a little bit in the past couple of weeks since he became prominent in his coronavirus response.
And then 60% of Americans approve specifically of his response to coronavirus, with only 38% disapproving.
So if you look at the poll numbers, by that measurement at least,
This message of trying to get America back to work by Easter, which Trump has now said that that's what he's aiming for, does seem to be resonating quite well.
And that would be made easier if this coronavirus bill was passed through Congress and the Senate, but it's being blocked because, according to Tucker Carlson, Dems are putting wokeness overall by blocking coronavirus relief.
Going to go to that clip from Tucker Carlson from last night.
Right now, here it is.
This time in American life, obviously, Americans are worried they could die of this disease, that someone they love could die, that they might lose their jobs, that the country that they grew up in could be crippled permanently in the wake of this disaster.
It's a terrifying moment.
And in that moment, we need wisdom and steady guidance from our leaders.
We need altruism.
They need to care more about you than they care about themselves.
But in Congress, they don't.
The foremost concern of some members is saving their own investment portfolios, or making stupid partisan points, or indulging their creepy ideological obsessions.
Wondering why Congress hasn't yet passed a bill to help the country survive this?
That's why.
Details of the Democratic plan became public today.
Huge parts of the proposal have nothing to do with fighting the pandemic we're suffering through.
Read it, and you will find disgusting little interest group handouts added by lobbyists.
Worse, the bill is suffused with the cruel bigotry of identity politics.
At a time when America so badly, desperately needs to come together, Democrats remain intent on splitting this country into warring tribes.
It's shocking.
When asked about her bill today, Nancy Pelosi blamed the Pope.
Last Thursday, Pope Francis offered the world this prayer.
Enlighten those responsible for the common good, so that they might know how to care for those entrusted to their responsibility.
Today, House Democrats are unveiling the Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act, a bill that takes responsibility.
For the health, wages, and well-being of America's workers, the Senate Republican bill put corporations first.
But because of the insistence of Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats, progress has been made.
Even by Washington standards, shamelessness like that really has no precedent.
Quoting the Pope?
Nancy's coronavirus bill currently is more than 1,400 pages.
It's not that long because it's a finely tuned fix to help the country through this disaster.
It's that long because House Democrats have crammed it with totally unrelated political priorities.
Identity politics, stoking racial division as usual, global warming, open borders.
You should read it.
Here's just some of what you'll find if you do.
The bill would require every corporation that receives coronavirus aid to have officers and a budget dedicated to diversity and inclusion initiatives for a minimum of five years after they get the money.
Because that is going to keep America healthy and prosperous, just like it has.
More bean counters making sure you're the right color before they give you a job.
Companies would also have to produce elaborate racial reports for the government listing the skin color and the sex of their officers and boards of directors.
They have to prove they give enough money to firms owned by women and non-whites, and of course, how much they spend on diversity initiatives.
In all, this bill uses the words diverse or diversity more than 60 times.
What does it have to do with a pandemic that might kill you?
Not one thing.
It's just more ugly race politics, the kind they specialize in.
Democrats think that's much more important right now.
And then it gets worse than that.
The bill allocates $300 million for hiring experts to manage coronavirus preparation and response.
Those are critical jobs.
But instead of looking for the most qualified people in a time of national emergency, and that's the only criterion that should matter in the least right now, period, are you qualified?
Instead of that, the bill orders that employees be chosen on the basis of their race and disability status.
It's dangerous insanity.
This is insanity.
Who cares what color your scientists are?
But it goes on.
The bill would mandate that all 50 states have an early voter period, as well as same-day voter registration.
Because Democrats believe those changes would give them an electoral advantage.
The bill would expand collective bargaining rights for federal employees.
That's likely the group least threatened by the effect of coronavirus.
And this is the real point, though.
They're the most faithful Democratic voting bloc, so they're in the bill.
On matters of policy, the bill doesn't even try.
Should the airlines get a federal bailout?
That's an actual question.
You could take either side.
Democrats don't really dwell on it in this bill.
It's too serious for them.
Instead, the law would require that any airline that takes federal money offset their carbon emissions within five years because climate activism is way more important than the disease that could kill your family next week.
And then there's this.
The House version of the bill includes special provisions, for real, to protect foreign nationals working here in the U.S.
So we're staring down the barrel of the most profound employment crisis of our lifetimes.
That's not an exaggeration.
And what are Democrats doing?
They're trying to automatically renew visas and work permits for all immigrants here in the U.S.
Because their jobs are very important.
Way more important than yours.
Democrats want to make certain the people who are replacing you are secure and happy.
The whole thing defies belief, and that's not a partisan observation.
Again, read it.
The Republican version of the bill is not that awful.
Nothing could be that awful.
But we want to be fair and tell you everything that's going on tonight on Capitol Hill.
And according to an informed source that we spoke to, some Senate Republicans are trying to kill the requirement that companies that receive bailout funds stop sending American jobs overseas.
Why would they do something like that?
We don't know.
You'd have to ask the business groups like the Chamber of Commerce that are funding them.
There you have it.
Tucker Carlson once again emphasizing how the sacred value of diversity being a strength has been placed
Above and beyond stopping a global pandemic, stopping people dying, and on that note we have this headline out of Summit News.
Germany closes border to Europeans but migrants still allowed in.
Again, you are a second-class citizen now.
Germany has closed its border to visitors from Europe due to coronavirus.
But according to the German Ministry of the Interior, asylum seekers, which is basically a catch-all term for economic migrants fleeing from the Middle East and Africa,
are still welcome.
He said, as Germany's EU external borders, there's been no change in the asylum procedure, that is the Ministry of the Interior out of Germany.
So the refugee red carpet is still being rolled out, despite the fact that we had the story last week of them
Being put under quarantine for coronavirus at a refugee camp in Germany and responding by literally displaying ISIS flags, where they got them from, who knows, and threatening to burn down their own refugee camp.
So yes, it's obviously a great idea to bring more of those people into the country during a global pandemic while other Europeans are barred from entering.
Don't go away.
We are back in the final segment.
I'm going to get to some more news here in a second.
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Breitbart reports Paris no-go zone police overwhelmed attempting to enforce quarantine.
Well, what a surprise!
The more diverse elements of our community are paying absolutely zero attention to lockdowns and quarantines.
Who could have seen that coming?
Police in Paris no-go zones are becoming overwhelmed, trying to maintain the nationwide quarantine and have handed out record numbers of fines, which of course will never be paid.
The heavily migrant populated Saint Denis area, which
I think last track it said they had 400,000 illegal immigrants living in this one area of Paris.
Proving to be a tough area for police to enforce the nationwide anti-coronavirus quarantine, with police officers admitting they are overwhelmed.
A man guarding a local pharmacy, as my flight collapses in the back of me,
Told newspaper attempts that many of the residents do not even believe the virus is a threat to them at all.
They do not understand anything.
Some even say this virus is a fable of whites to force them to desert the street.
So again, we saw this in Africa with the Ebola outbreak, where they thought it was some kind of racist conspiracy to give them a vaccine to sterilize them, while now apparently our more diverse communities in areas of Paris think that it's some kind of conspiracy, a fable of whites,
To force them off the street, because again, occupying the streets is so crucial to these people, for reasons which we don't have time to get into, but you probably know why.
Other areas of Sardinia also saw people gathering, including a local shopping centre, where a number of minority teenagers chatted with each other, some wearing masks, some not.
So again, you've seen the video footage out of Italy as well.
Migrants sometimes congregating in crowds, sometimes individually having arguments with each other on the street.
You have people video recording them from apartments up above, telling them to get off the damn street because there's a quarantine.
And again, there was another clip out of Italy, or in fact no, it was out of France, where the police tried to arrest someone, and again this is during a quarantine,
Put them in the back of the police car, then suddenly about 20 of these migrants just descend on them and start harassing the police.
Why are they out there in the first place?
And what are the police going to do if you've got a mob of 20 to 30 people who just descend on you?
You're going to hand out fines?
It's not going to work.
Because these people don't obey the law.
There's another example of this in Italy.
Headline out of Voice of Europe.
Italy crime surges, people defy lockdown orders.
And again, it's in these more diverse, difficult areas of cities where crime is surging.
We've had burglaries of hospitals and supermarkets.
We've also had this out of France.
This is up on Summit News.
Local official in France bans sales of all alcohol during coronavirus lockdown.
Because that's a fantastic idea, isn't it?
Residents on lockdown in an area of France are now prohibited from buying alcohol after a local official banned all sales.
This guy
I think he was born in Lebanon.
His name is Ziad Khoury.
He's the local official who made the decision to ban the sale of alcohol.
He may indeed be Muslim.
This may indeed be some kind of Sharia law enforced thing where you're not allowed to drink alcohol.
In this area of France, of course, it's based on the hysteria from the coronavirus pandemic.
But he claimed that he's, quote, concerned about the link between alcohol and violence, especially domestic violence.
He said excessive consumption of alcohol is likely to create increased disturbances and violence, especially within the family.
So you've got thousands of miserable people confined to their apartments and houses under house arrest, basically.
Because the measures in France are way more draconian than they are in the UK.
You have to have a piece of paper to leave your house, for the reason you're leaving your house, medical, to buy food or whatever, and then the police will stop you and check that and interrogate you.
And I've seen videos of this, and in fact it happens to my parents in Spain where they've got the same system.
So people are staying in because they're getting harassed by police when they go out on the street, they're getting fined.
So they're completely miserable, they're under quarantine for God knows how many more weeks and months.
They're struggling to buy food, because of course we've had empty shelves and panic buying in many European countries.
Alcohol though seems to be okay so far.
No, let's ban alcohol!
What a brilliant idea!
How can you make these people more miserable and suicidal?
Ban alcohol, because that's probably the only way many of them are getting through it, is by consuming alcohol.
We know the French aren't shy in their love of red wine, for example.
So this local official has just decided to ban alcohol sales.
He's also decided to force shops, food shops, to close.
They can't open after 8pm.
So he's doubling down and making the residents of this area of France even more miserable.
Absolutely ludicrous.
Meanwhile in China, Zero Hedge reports China lied, released infected COVID-19 patients ahead of Xi's visit to Wuhan.
So we've got a lot of people claiming that the situation in China is now under control, that they're not having any new cases of coronavirus apart from foreigners returning to the country.
Seems that's not the case because some of the people showing up to hospitals in China who are coronavirus victims or potential coronavirus cases are being turned away so China can massage those numbers and not admit that indeed they are getting new organic coronavirus cases.
Since China lied about the number of COVID-19 patients in Wuhan, ground zero for the global epidemic ahead of a visit for President Xi Jinping's March 10 visit to the region, a local doctor told Kyodo News.
The same day China's health authorities reported no new cases of coronavirus in Wuhan, several symptomatic patients were released early from quarantine, while health officials suspended a portion of testing, according to the report.
According to the doctor who works at quarantine facility, the government figures cannot be trusted as the number of patients under treatment is being deliberately reduced to show the CCP's success.
in getting the epidemic under control.
So they're just refusing to count new coronavirus victims because that's going to negatively impact the numbers they put out.
Again, it's like, you know, they lie about their own GDP, of course they're going to lie about this, which is probably why the number of deaths in China was far, far greater than what they admitted to.
And in fact, this brings us on to another article from Breitbart.
21 million Chinese cell phone users disappear in three months of pandemic.
The official count from China is 3,277 fatalities from 81,000 infections, but the Epoch Times has noted that 21 million cell phone accounts in China over the past three months, an unprecedented decline that hints at more fatalities than Beijing is prepared to admit.
Now granted, as the article explains, a lot of those contracts will have been cancelled from people who can't afford to have a cell phone anymore, and from workers who need two mobile phones because you can't have the same mobile across some different regions in China, so maybe those people have lost their jobs, maybe they've moved back home, so they've cancelled their mobile phone contracts.
But that doesn't make up for 21 million, so the speculation out of Epoch Times is that some of these people don't have mobile phone contracts anymore because they're dead.
And 21 million is a significantly larger number than the 3,200 deaths from coronavirus that the Chinese government has admitted to, of course.
Meanwhile, Czech Republic says it may keep its borders closed for two years.
They fear the second wave of the coronavirus coming back
And they say that it's necessary, potentially, to keep the borders shut for two years to prevent reinfection of their population.
Again, Czech Republic, another country with strong border controls that hasn't been decimated by the coronavirus like many other European countries have.
So obviously now they're going to be lectured as being racist and denounced for having strong border controls.
That's going to wrap it up for the show.
Coming up next, War Room with Owen Schroer, breaking news at Infowars.com.
Don't go away.
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