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Name: 20200313_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 13, 2020
2539 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the ongoing global crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, claiming it to be a "globalist creation" aimed at exercising power and training people to submit to globalist control. He promotes preparedness through being armed, self-sufficient, having access to food during times of crisis, and taking control over medical tyranny. Jones criticizes smartphones and surveillance for enslaving citizens under the guise of safety measures in China while urging President Trump not to buy into COVID-19 hysteria. Jones shares his personal experience with an undiagnosed internal digestive problem that was improved by Living Defense, a product by Global Healing Center. He strongly recommends this supplement to others and discusses Hillary Clinton advising people to take flu shots despite research suggesting it lowers immunity to Coronavirus. Mike Adams predicts that liberal cities will be most affected due to their unhygienic conditions, warns about a wave of new homelessness after the lockdown, and believes there can be a strong recovery on the other side of the crisis if shutdowns are implemented quickly and effectively. He discusses how the Coronavirus is being used as an attack on Trump, America, and its economy by many left-wingers. The show promotes various products offered by their organization, emphasizing their high quality and effectiveness. They also discuss how the left arm of media and sports entertainment have joined forces with the right arm of scientific military industrial complex to launch a pincer attack on the West at the direction of the UN and the World Health Organization. In the radio program, Jones interviews callers regarding their opinions on the COVID-19 pandemic and its potential connection to globalist operations. The conversation touches upon topics such as people protesting against abortion or having pro-gun rallies being criticized for not doing enough to address the pandemic, the possibility of the virus being man-made, and the importance of having diverse perspectives in discussions about global events. The Infraware Super Silver Cream is a skincare product that helps heal and protect the skin from damage caused by daily wear and tear such as wind, heat, water, and aging. It contains ingredients like coconut oil, vitamin E, and Silver Sol formula which work together to support beautifying and protection of the skin in a non-greasy formula. The cream can be used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, smooth and soften calluses. The mining sector, specifically gold and silver, has recently experienced a significant drop due to margin calls for ETFs (exchange-traded funds). This is indicative of larger problems within the derivatives market, which controls around $200 trillion in global assets. Derivatives are complex financial instruments that can lead to cascading failures when one part of the economy bets against another, and these bets are unwound. The situation has not yet reached its peak, but there is potential for further economic instability as derivatives implode. President Trump has activated emergency preparedness plans for every hospital in the country and granted the Secretary of Health and Human Services broad new authority to immediately waive provisions of applicable laws and regulations to give doctors, hospitals, and healthcare providers maximum flexibility to respond to the virus and care for patients. This includes the ability to waive laws to enable telehealth, allowing remote doctor visits and hospital check-ins; the ability to waive requirements that critical access hospitals limit the number of beds to 25 and the length of stay to 96 hours; the ability to waive requirements that a three day hospital stay prior to admission to a nursing home; the authority to waive rules that hinder hospitals' ability to bring additional physicians on board or obtain needed office space; and the authority to waive rules that severely restrict where hospitals can care for patients within the hospital itself. The President has also announced a new partnership with private sector to vastly increase and accelerate our capacity to test for the coronavirus, aiming to make up to a half a million additional tests available early next week. He has been in discussions with pharmacies and retailers to make drive-through tests available in critical locations and is working with Google to develop a website to determine whether a test is warranted and facilitate testing at a nearby convenient location. The speaker discusses the current global economic situation due to the coronavirus outbreak. He notes that while there is a lot of happy talk in mainstream media about the short term projections, the long term projections are devastating. He explains how 58% of Americans only have $1000 or less in savings and questions what will happen to these individuals as they struggle to make ends meet during this difficult time. Jones points out that there are opportunities for bad actors to take advantage of the current situation and predicts that government agencies will be engaging their playbooks designed for scenarios like this one. The mining sector, specifically gold and silver, has recently experienced a significant drop due to margin calls for ETFs (exchange-traded funds). This is indicative of larger problems within the derivatives market, which controls around $200 trillion in global assets. Derivatives are complex financial instruments that can lead to cascading failures when one part of the economy bets against another, and these bets are unwound. The situation has not yet reached its peak, but there is potential for further economic instability as derivatives implode. Dr. Francis Boyle, author of the U.S. Biological Weapons Law, discusses COVID-19 with Alex Jones. He highlights the need for quarantine measures and widespread testing to combat the virus's spread. Dr. Boyle criticizes mainstream media outlets like CNN and MSNBC for politicizing the crisis and calls for bipartisan cooperation in addressing the situation. He emphasizes leadership, collaboration, and focusing on the issue at hand rather than using it as a political tool. Alex Jones discusses COVID-19 and its impact on President Trump and the general public. He mentions conspiracy theories about postponing elections and using bioweapons against Trump and other conservatives. He encourages listeners to support each other and remain informed, promoting his own platform and products available at Infowars.com. A discussion about COVID-19 and its impact on President Trump and the general public takes place on the Alex Jones show. Callers express their concerns for Trump's health and speculate that the virus is being used as a weapon against him. Some callers share their personal experiences with the virus, describing symptoms and recovery processes. The topic of vaccinations is also brought up, with some callers questioning their effectiveness in fighting the virus. The speaker discusses the importance of supplements and storable foods to combat various issues in today's world. He highlights the availability of high-quality products at InfoWarsTore.com. Furthermore, he emphasizes on taking action now as there might be a possibility that these products may not be available in the near future. The podcast discusses the ongoing crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic and how it is being used as a weapon against Trump and America. Mike Adams suggests that the virus is man-made and being utilized to attack both Trump and America's economy. The discussion also covers the closure of borders, including Mexico preparing to close its border with the US to stop the spread of the virus. The host discusses how people are reacting to the current situation with COVID-19 and discussing various opinions on it. There are different perspectives on whether the virus was man-made or a natural occurrence, and there's also speculation that it could be used as a cover for a global economic crisis.

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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It's Friday, March 13th, 2020.
234 days out from this incredibly important election, and all hell's breaking loose.
Old Scratch, the Elzebub, Has been throwing everything he's got at InfoWars.
But thanks to your prayers, the good Lord above, this old cat, InfoWars, keeps making it out of there.
Nine lives?
Got a lot more than that.
Thanks to you out there.
We really appreciate the prayers.
Man, I got to tell you, it is going to be one hell of a transmission today.
I can assure you of that.
I'm now completely sure and have clarity, very deep clarity, like staring into a pure blue sky devoid of any clouds.
You can just see a hundred miles from a mountaintop.
What's going on with the coronavirus?
It is absolutely, totally a globalist creation.
And it's real on many fronts, but understanding what it is gives you power over it.
Well, I told you this two weeks ago.
I said, FEMA has already declared secretly a national emergency.
And I said, in two weeks, we're getting pulled.
I personally wrote a little blurb for the live show.
I said, within two weeks, President Trump, that was just about 14 days ago, I said, within two weeks, President Trump will declare a national emergency.
They'd already secretly declared it and got it in place before they rolled it out.
You just type that into Infowars.com or into Google or Bing.
FEMA has already secretly declared a national emergency.
Infowars.com in the search box after it.
And it will pull that up for you.
And then the sub-headline was, President to make announcement within two weeks.
That's what I was told by sources.
And here it is today.
Bloomberg, Trump to declare national emergency to speed virus response.
Trump says he may institute domestic travel bans.
Well, I tell you, Mike Adams has been dead on about that.
And the way it's all being rolled out is too coordinated, too choreographed.
Trump didn't want to go along with it at first.
They were going to blame him whether it's nice going along.
That's really what this is all about as a globalist flexing their guns.
Flexing their guns, exercising their power, and training us to submit to them.
It's not about whether the virus is super deadly or isn't.
It's about the coordinated operation.
So we'll break it all down.
On the other side, you talk about profound information, this is it.
And that's not bragging, that's not hype.
That's the reality of what's unfolding on this planet.
And you see the conniption fits and the mental gymnastics of the media twisting and lying about me and throwing everything they have against InfoWars because they don't want us on the air during this period.
And they want to arrest me.
And any day now I could be arrested or killed.
And it's not a big, you know, drama queen thing.
I'm a man.
I asked for all this.
I'm actually enjoying all of this because I expected it, and it was coming, and I talked about it years ago, and it's only going to get more intense, and I can take it.
And I know you can too, because standing up for the innocent and telling the truth is worth it.
And so I'm very honored, very thankful to God that God believed that I could stand against this, and that you stood with me, and that we've come this far together.
So it's just a great honor to have the scum of the earth lying about us and attacking us.
It's a great blessing.
And I don't do a perfect job carrying this operation out, but I'm doing the best I can.
And so you've got my commitment here to never let you down when it comes to fighting as hard as I can.
I'm never going to give up or give in.
I may give out, but that's when God decides it's time for me to give out.
I'll hold the line as long as God keeps me strong.
And right now I feel stronger than ever.
There is an ether.
There is a group collective.
There is a group consciousness.
And it's now been mathematically and scientifically proven, not just in humans, but many other animals.
But human sight is greater than that of anything else on this planet.
We know that.
Made in the image of God.
Great potential.
We're told now we're obsolete, that the creator is being made obsolete by the computers it created.
Let that float around a few seconds inside your skull.
It's a load of crap, isn't it?
But everything is to kill the potentiality you have, the destiny you could have, to make you think you're weak.
So let me now tell you what the coronavirus 2019 is.
We now know, from one end to the other, exactly what's happening.
It is a chimera.
HIV style bug that comes back over and over again.
We told you that six weeks ago.
Mainstream news today.
They survived the coronavirus.
Then they tested positive again.
It's HIV part two, folks.
Just like the top Indian scientists and now a bunch of others have said.
But you're not supposed to know that.
So let's just move on from that.
You've heard Microsoft and Facebook and Google and Twitter and advanced micro devices and every other big computer or tech company tell you for 30 years, we're going to build a world where you don't drive to work, where you telecommute.
Well, that's great to do that sometimes.
But, if you watch what they teach school kids in England, going back 15 years, with shows on TV, and also here now it goes, oh, Megapolis, you only get meat on your birthday, the government decides when you can leave your house, and decides what government job you've got, and shows all these happy people.
An adult watches that and thinks, this is pure dystopia.
But the five-year-olds watch it, And they think it's completely normal, just like being led into a big fat man who's a convicted pedophile and being sat on their lap.
So, all of this is conditioning of the youth, and so they're cancelling schools all over the country by next week.
All the schools in the country will be cancelled.
It's a giant virtue signal, a giant stampede, giant mob psychology.
Whether the virus is super deadly or not.
And it's all a drill in global monkey see monkey do.
Just like four weeks ago, we had drones shouting at people giving orders.
in China, now it's happening in Italy.
Italy got taken back over by globalists.
You mean?
It's all big tech.
It's all South by Southwest.
It's all the leftist groups.
This is their next big hoax.
And they've had this on the shelf for a long time waiting.
And now they're rolling it out.
It's all about the new world where you don't get to leave your house unless your smartphone, China Now does this, says you're cleared to go.
And that you're authorized to travel.
Because there's gonna be deadly viruses all the time now.
And don't worry, the government and the corporations will have treatments for it, like HIV.
It's just gonna come back over and over again.
So this is airborne HIV.
Just like HIV gives you pneumonia and cancer and heart attacks, and that's what it is.
So, Obama and the U.S.
government, the criminals that ran it then, created this chimera, sold to China for plausible deniability five years ago, that's mainstream news, and then now they've released it as their big temper tantrum, and don't worry, they've got treatments for it all, but it's still gonna kill you.
So, they wanted to depopulate, and they now gave you a soft kill weapon that debilitates you and comes back over and over again, so you never really know the virus killed you, you're just dead.
And if you try to run away or, you know, try to fight it, well, you know, just in mass, we were showed how to behave by Communist China that killed over 100 million of its own people.
They're now the savior showing us how to drag men, women, and children out by their heads and take them and then kill them and burn them in mass graves or weld them into their houses.
This isn't Will Smith and I Am Legend.
It's not Omega Man with Charlton Heston.
It's not The Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price.
It's The World 2020.
And everybody gets into the hysteria.
Everybody has a bunch of fun with it.
And all of a sudden I can drive all over Austin at rush hour and get there twice as fast.
And restaurants are empty already and it's kind of interesting.
But now it'll be the new system with the new viruses like a weather report.
You're hearing all this here first.
You will watch all this become reality.
Like a weather report.
Like an allergy report.
Remember, allergies used to be bad 20 years ago.
Now everybody has them.
It's the GMO.
We're dying.
We're being killed.
This has all been done before.
It's all planned out.
The planet's being killed very slowly, but you never know what hit you.
Because you're powerful.
If you knew what was hitting you, you'd mobilize and go to the next level and defeat them.
But no, it's all creeping death.
The 5G is going in to lower your immune system and track you at the same time.
The sterilization is intensifying.
And just like weather reports, Or allergy reports, it'll just be the Corona family.
And then once you buy into that and accept it, well, a new family of viruses.
And, oh, there's a new vaccine for that.
And if you don't take it, well, you let others get it, even though they're not protected when they take it.
And this is the tyranny.
It will be medical.
You know, with Paul Revere, oneth by land, toeth by sea.
If the British came by land, it'd be one.
Light up in the church table.
But if it was by sea, it'd be two lights, right?
But see, it didn't come by land or sea.
It came by fear and panic and a virus.
And Trump tried to block it.
He tried to not make a big deal about it.
He understood it.
And then we said, no, you can't get behind it because they're going to hype it.
You can't defeat a hype at this level.
The left's all behind it.
You got to take control of it.
The president knows now and understands and this is a medical tyranny.
It's a big test.
Can they put out a man-made virus and then shut up the German and the Russian and the Indian universities that scan it and go, this thing's man-made.
Oh, we'll cut your funding if you say that.
Okay, we'll withdraw it.
The Indian universities, others didn't say they were wrong.
They just pulled it.
And no one discusses where it came from, and now we're all being told to do this.
We don't know how deadly it is.
It's killed, you know, a thousand people in Italy.
Who knows even what that is?
And now there's other strains that are more deadly.
And this is all a test to see how we behave and how we act.
And all the schools and everything are being cancelled, so that in the future, when they snap their fingers and say, everybody's got to stay in today, Your carbon footprint, you can't travel around.
Your smartphone didn't say, I mean, there was an article out two weeks ago in China where they said, oh, our smartphones, our surveillance, you can't even go out without a smartphone now, they'll arrest you.
And they track everyone in real time, where you were, what you did, and it's all to keep people safe.
And it's a giant control freak straitjacket, not to keep us safe, but to enslave us.
So if you wondered how they counter Trump, this is how they do it.
And it's a paradox because if he doesn't buy into the hysteria that's impossible to defeat at this level, the Stampede, he will be overrun.
But instead, he's running like a wildebeest running from a lion with all the other wildebeests.
And now he can be overrun any time he doesn't stampede right where they want him.
So he can either stop and be overrun by it, or he can go, Jones is right, I've got to run with it.
Make no mistake, the White House listens to us.
It's not bragging.
But they know.
And you know, too, don't you?
See, we're the Oracle, not Alex Jones.
This whole operation is the zeitgeist.
We are the human resistance.
We have chosen the path Of the pro-human future.
And God has given us the flame of enlightenment.
We are the true electrochemical supercomputers.
We are the superiors to the globalists.
We are the masters of Earth.
And in the future, all dimensions.
And we will succeed.
We will overcome.
I have received the transmission.
If you can receive the transmission, you're in touch with the Creator.
If you're receiving this transmission, you want to be with God that gave us everything good and not with Satan, who's very real and wants to destroy you and your family forever.
All right, let's get right into it.
I had several guests scheduled, and they're great people, but I canceled them, no disrespect, because I want to talk to the Oracle.
I want to talk to the people.
I want to do what the globalists hate more than anything.
They've taken the comment pages off most newspapers.
They're shutting down town squares.
They don't want speech anywhere.
The establishment, not the local government or the average person.
But this town square still exists, and it's bigger than ever thanks to your word of mouth, which is the currency of liberty, which is the blood of freedom, which is the hope in the middle of despair, which is the dawn after the freezing night, which is the oasis in the Sahara Desert.
Not just the fulcrum, not just the thrust, not just the will, but the entire existence of consciousness is based
around belief in order.
And the globalists promise you order.
But all they bring you is disorder, don't they?
So let's lay it out.
I'm gonna give the number out in a moment.
I have been thinking very deeply about what's going on.
And the system has been attacking us because they don't want me to be focused.
They don't want you to be focused.
We had a pretty profound last segment, I think.
And as I sit back, I think the best thing for me to do is just lay this out very, very woodenly, very methodically.
So let me just make it in basic statements, and then we'll drill into it all and take your calls.
This entire event is completely staged and has a real bioweapon at its heart.
That is an entire class and family of engineered chimeras that are gonna cause autoimmune disorders, pneumonia, cancer, attacks on nerves.
We now know what it's doing.
And that's why when you tune in now, or you tune in to the national news, it's like, it's an autoimmune virus and it keeps mutating and it comes back and back and back.
You heard that six weeks ago.
The most prestigious Indian university that deals with CRISPR gene editing looked at this and said, my God, this is completely artificial.
Jesus, this is, excuse my French, this is out of control.
And then others said the same thing.
We know.
So people that are debating, is it super deadly or isn't it?
But everyone is instinctively scared because, yeah, it's deadly, folks.
They have introduced airborne 2.0 HIV, and nobody's getting away from it.
Everybody's already got it.
And six months from now, when the kits are everywhere, and that's what Trump knows, he has been trying to hold back the kits, and I understand why.
All he tries to do is assess what's happening.
When everybody finds out that basically 90%, it's not going to be 70%.
We told you, you know, six weeks ago, it'll be probably half.
Everyone's going to get this.
You could go hide out in a basement somewhere.
You're not getting away from it.
Because once it gets in a body, the human body incubates it, spews it out.
It's a tiny bioweapon virus that floats around, lasts days even in the sunshine.
And it's coming for you!
So, the globalists told you, we're going to sterilize your boys.
We're going to reduce population.
The western sperm counts down 87% if you average Europe and the US together.
some cities have 97% sperm countdowns.
We're being murdered.
And so now this new virus comes out and oh, the government's going to save us and the institutions are going to save us
and, and oh, some say it's super deadly. Some say it isn't.
No, it's totally deadly.
And they did it.
The globalists have technology to reverse this.
Human immunity is amazing and we always do things that the globalists don't think we can do.
So I don't think this is even a case to panic because your soul's being killed.
Your consciousness is being drained.
The globalists are destroying our attention spans, our connection to God and family.
We're already dead anyways.
I use the cheesy analogy, but it's a great scene.
Rathacon, where Spock knows that it's gonna detonate, they're gonna die.
If he doesn't go into the reactor, they're all gonna die anyways, why doesn't he just stop it?
And he goes in, and Captain Kirk goes to try to open up the chamber to save him, and they grab and hold him back, and they said, he's dead already.
You gotta get in that position.
You're dead already.
You don't just think they started putting fluoride in the water in the late 40s.
It lowers IQ and brain damage.
Injected poor white and poor black folks with syphilis starting in 1949 because the people running things were nice folks.
You think they stopped in 1949 shooting black people up with syphilis?
That's a microscopic worm that eats your brain.
No, they've already loaded us with all sorts of nanotech, that's just an artificial virus, that they can oscillate.
We have the patents to trigger the viral spread when they want.
They can aim 5G beam at you and activate the viruses and nanotech already embedded.
And that's not science fiction, that's 2020.
So yeah, but the people doing this that serve the fallen one, The Fallen One.
You know, like in the 1980s, the thing.
Crashes in the eyes, they dig it up.
Much worse than that.
This thing.
Like Biden said, you know, you know, the thing.
He's talking about his guy.
Just get right with God.
Because it's 2020.
We warned you.
And I said, I said it in game, I said by 2022, they will begin the next giant depopulation operation and their own emissions.
And they don't just do all this because they're not going to do it.
They're going to kill you and your family.
And most of us are already dead.
We'll all be getting cancer soon.
We'll all be sterile soon.
It's over.
But what matters is getting your spirit right with God.
All these globalists, all these lawyers, all the establishment types who think they're part of the system, they're all a joke to the devil.
To the alien that God told us about.
And so, the big guy's in charge, and this is a test, and we're gonna make it through this.
But let me tell you, just like Christ pointed at Jerusalem and said, by the time your generation has passed, not one stone will be left on top of the other.
Google, Facebook, Bill Gates, all of these people.
Before this generation passes, everything they've done will be destroyed.
And they will be the known failures of the universe.
They are the slaves of Satan and they have failed.
I'm going to tell you what's coming next when we come back and get the number out.
But I am so honored to be here in defense of human liberty with you.
And I can feel your prayers.
Keep them up.
We'll be back.
That thing, it didn't want to be that dog.
wanted to be us.
And it waits, to her sleep in the dark.
and then it strikes.
But some of us aren't sleeping.
Or we sleep with one eye open.
And it's a real pleasure to take on the creature.
All right, I want to give the number out.
I want to take your calls throughout the entire broadcast.
And then, Dr. Nick Begich takes over in the fourth hour.
The toll-free number to join us on this Friday edition is 877-789-8111.
I haven't gotten to the other big story.
There's a live feed headline up today and the sub headline is very interesting.
I'm calling on Friday 877-789-2539. I haven't gotten to the other big story.
There's a live feed headline up today and the sub headline is very
interesting. Trump set to declare national emergency and then the sub
headline at Infowars.com is the fact that the deep state wants to assassinate
Trump and blame it on coronavirus.
Oh, make no mistake.
The ether has been swimming with that for about a week here at the office.
And I wasn't ready to go to it until Wednesday.
And then I came up here last night to shoot a video on it and I didn't get it done because I was dealing with other stuff.
There's a lot going on.
But I will talk about that.
At the start of the next segment.
But can we pull up on InfoWars.com the main feed of the show?
If you just go to InfoWars.com or NewsWars.com and you'll see the live feed of the show right there and it says Trump said to declare a national emergency leftist.
Targeting 45 for an assassination to be blamed on coronavirus.
Well, that's quite a claim.
It's like the claim we said six weeks ago that they're going to, that the virus comes back, like HIV, over and over again and you can't get rid of it.
Oh, that's now Reuters APing everything today.
Truth is, The globalist problem is there's science.
So they can use science for evil, but there are other institutions and universities and people that aren't evil.
They go and they look and they tell us this.
And they're like, shut up, it's not true.
Shut up, University of Wisconsin.
Shut up, University of New Delhi.
Shut up, you know, University in Switzerland.
We're like, hey, this thing has HIV delivery system.
Oh, shut up.
And like, oh yeah, HIV, uh, drugs treat it.
And people are like, well, Alex said that six weeks ago.
And again, it's not that we're that smart.
We understand how stuff works.
Everyone's not evil.
Everyone's not involved in a conspiracy.
That's the globalist problem, is there's all these professional classes and all these smart people that are out there that actually have studied things and they know what they're seeing, and they're going, hey, this is manufactured.
They're like, shut up!
Shut up, you're funding's cut.
They're like, whoa, well, the university says I'm fired if I don't withdraw my paper and say it's wrong, but I'm not going to withdraw my paper and say it's wrong.
I'll just withdraw my paper.
And then three more universities come out and say, yeah, not only is this artificial, it's been weaponized.
And that's really the big story, is that it's mutating, and it's the perfect cover for an off-the-shelf bioweapon that you can go and tweak parts of it And then release it on a certain group as race-specific, or even on an individual, and then it mutates and becomes harmless right after it.
Has a very quick half-life.
Think about that.
And again, I have the virologist on.
I have the bioweapons experts on.
I have the, you know, author of the U.S.
Weapons Treaty on.
We gotta get Francis Boyle on ASAP, by the way.
I don't know why this week I forgot to tell the producer.
Just default, get him on every week.
Because the only person who's been more accurate than Mike Adams in some ways has been Dr. Boyle.
And I get Mike's real concern about this and how he says six weeks ago it's going to totally lock everything down because the hype and because of the nature of this virus.
It's super deadly.
To some people.
And it's mutating.
And it's man-made.
And it comes back.
It comes back.
Like a zombie.
So I'm gonna lay out the evidence that they are... I mean, God, I heard this weeks ago from folks in the office and I ignored it.
The drumbeat intensified three days ago when they were saying that Trump's infected and Trump's got it and Balasaro, everybody they hate, has it.
And sure enough, it's just plain... It's like, whatever the worst thing is the globalists can do, they do.
But let me hit this right now for TV viewers and radio listeners.
This is very, very important.
You can see my green folder here.
Got a green folder right here.
And I'm going to show TV viewers that with an overhead shot.
And it's a New York AG order.
And then we open it up and just look at all those articles.
That's just part of them.
Hundreds of articles.
Hundreds attacking Alex Jones.
And what happened?
The New York Attorney General, who is not a fan of Trump, though she is a lovely lady, said, I ordered Alex Jones to immediately stop selling and marketing products as a treatment for a cure for coronavirus on his website.
If he doesn't cease and desist these activities immediately, I won't hesitate to take legal action and hold him accountable for the harm he's caused.
Then she went on to make even more claims that aren't accurate.
And then it got picked up But you know what nobody picked up was the actual letter from the Attorney General.
It doesn't say any of that.
But see, they're smart.
They put out a letter, a PR statement that they said was her statement.
And then in very few of the releases did they put the actual letter.
And the mind control is incredible because we're so used to honesty from people that I had lawyers here today and they're like, yeah, here's the letter from a, I'm like, no, no, the letter's here.
It's the little link down there.
And in my crew, like for an hour, I'm like, no, no, they keep going, sir, here's the letter.
Here's the letter.
I said, listen, that's not a letter.
That's the PR firm.
The legal letter says the, says completely opposite of what they're saying.
And see, that's the mind control.
Because we take things at such face value that when we search Google and it says a gas station, the next gas station is five miles.
If you don't pay Google now, they don't tell you where your gas station is.
Your gas station could be in a quarter mile.
If somebody needs gas right now, they don't tell you now.
But they know you take stuff at face value.
So this isn't about Alex Jones.
It's about the process that I was with two lawyers this morning and my crew and I was
not getting mad.
I kept going.
I was like, hey, no, no, no, no, go out there.
There's another official letter on the letterhead.
It's just right under the email.
They're like, no, no, we have the letter.
I'd be like, no, no, no, that's a PR letter.
And I just kept like, I said, please, please listen to me.
They put that out as propaganda.
The real letter's here.
And they just, they couldn't, I talked to crew.
I would beg them.
I'd say, please listen to me.
This is a PSYOP, they have put this out, but see, we're all just one dimensional now, so we see that, and that's how they get us, and they're doing it everywhere like that.
We never said that we had products that would cure you of coronavirus.
We never said, the toothpaste we sell, I'll play the ad when we come back, is about tooth whitening.
It does have nano-silver in a Homeland Security report years ago talking about antiviral properties.
But see, that's what I mean.
They're really crafty.
They put out a press release that says all these things that aren't true, knowing that's not a legal document.
And the legal document, they just say, hey, you might want to clean your website up, and the disclaimer at the bottom is not big enough.
But it doesn't say that, see?
And no one sees that, because they can't.
They're a dream.
They only see the front page saying letter to the Attorney General.
Think about that.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live broadcasting worldwide on this Friday edition.
I tried to take off about a month ago for the first vacation in a year, and I'm not complaining.
I just, I need a vacation.
I need to reset.
And I was going to try to take off next week, but I don't really think I can do it.
Because they'll just like park trucks in here and like turn their horns on the whole time.
So I'm staying.
That's it.
The latest incident with the horns honking for like five minutes.
I've obviously got to be here or there won't be a broadcast, but I'm being sarcastic.
I want to take your phone calls now.
And I sit here and I look at this news.
I told you I was going to get into Trump last segment, but couldn't do that.
Because hell, the cats hear the mice play.
But I'm going to try my best here to take your phone calls.
And I've said this because 20 years ago I could do it.
I used to like be so good at just going to callers and the callers got habituated to just saying one minute content and then moving on.
And it was so much more interesting.
But we have so many great callers here.
I'll just go to a caller and then they'll talk two minutes and I'll talk five minutes and they'll talk a minute and then they'll talk.
I'm going to talk to Brian, Josh, Rokey in Afghanistan, and Joe next second.
And then we'll go to Josh and Matt and Cecilia and Cindy and everybody else after that, but I'm going to who called in first.
And I'm just going to come out of break, I'm going to talk 30 seconds, and I'm going to go to your phone calls.
But, I got distracted with the truck that just happened to be parked right up against the studio wall honking during the break.
I'm not complaining.
I didn't really get the points I wanted to make earlier.
It's just so crazy, man, to watch the Democratic Party just say, hey, the Republicans are beating us because they're more corrupt than us.
We have to get rid of our morals to defeat them.
And that's how they got seduced the last 10 years.
Of course the blue blood Republicans were horrible.
And Democrats used to oppose them, and I supported some Democrats, because they were doing good things, like being anti-war and anti-torture and things.
But once they went, oh, we've got to be more evil than the bad guy, the end justifies the means.
They have just turned into total criminals.
I mean, they will accuse you of something, they will sue you, they will indict you, they will lie about you, and they just do it like it doesn't matter.
And they say, hey, you're bad, we're doing this to you.
But look, because you're a Nazi.
You're like, actually, you're funded by a Nazi collaborator.
And they're like, shut up!
At a certain point, you just go, man, you're crazy.
You're crazy. You are crazy.
And I just can't let you run my life.
And so whatever you do to me, go ahead.
Because I'm not submitting to you and then they come start a fight.
And the left, I've seen it.
They will hit you.
This is so archetypal.
This is so emblematic.
It's so illustrative.
They will hit you, and if you hit them back, they call the police.
I'll never forget the first time I ran into Antifa, maybe the second time I ran into Boss before that, was in 2008, DNC, Denver, Colorado, and man, Antifa walked over beside me and hit me with her elbow, and I just elbowed him right back, and they went, Officer, he just hit me!
And I looked at this guy, and what I saw was dishonor.
Well, that guy was honorable compared to him.
Now, they'll attack women and children first.
You watch these videos, they see a little kid or an old woman or a guy on a wheelchair.
If you got a guy on a wheelchair, Antifa is like flies on SH-T.
I mean, they come in to attack.
Like, the normal person would, like, never attack a woman or somebody in a wheelchair.
That's who they are, man.
And you just gotta come to grips with it.
They are the scum of the earth.
Start your engines.
Your call's in T-minus 60 seconds.
Oh, we're getting there.
You can face it.
You belong.
We are broadcasting worldwide on this Friday edition.
President Trump is set to declare a national emergency.
As we told you, it's already in place.
Within two weeks, there will be major cities quarantined in a giant biological warfare drill.
The left is trying to parlay that the patriot president of Brazil has it and that Trump has it.
The Brazilian president has tested negative.
The media is running with the fact that he has it.
They're not talking about quarantining Trump and removing him from power.
They could release a designer bioweapon on the president and say that coronavirus did it.
That's something I'll cover at the bottom of the hour.
I said I'd get to it earlier, but I got sidetracked.
Let's go ahead and go to your phone calls here.
We've got Rogue, and we've got Bruce, and we've got Joe, and we've got Josh, and Cecilia, and Janet, and Cindy, and Josh, and Brian, and Julia.
In California, thanks for calling on this Friday edition.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, buddy, go ahead.
Good, I'm taking it you can hear my audio correct.
Yeah, I gotta give each caller about a minute or two, bro.
I can't do the test, test, test.
I hear you good, man.
No, okay, cool.
Well, let me guess, you can't hear me, right?
It's real low audio, tell you?
Yeah, to me, but I got... Yeah, that's, that's, that's our biggest problem.
The calls, they just don't sit in the file.
They're not going to stop it.
So, so I'm sorry to explain this.
Anyways, sir, go ahead and make a point.
Let's go in about a minute.
Um, basically what I called about was a whole laundry list of items, but what I'm thinking now, um, I've been, um, observing the San Francisco situation.
Um, you know, I started posting, um, My belief that we were going to be the first beta city for quarantine, and people were laughing and everything, and um, heads up, as it's gone on, the laughing people are finding out it's going on in their cities now as well.
But what I believe, um, seeing they're releasing all the kids out of the schools, they're gonna want them, they'll come up with, we don't want them to get sick, so I'm looking at curfews next up.
In San Francisco, that is.
Well, what do you think's coming next?
Um, what, what, um, I believe, you know, we got criminal minds out there too.
So I, um, I went down to meet my son picking up his girlfriend yesterday.
It ends up, he didn't show up, so I'm there.
And then I was trying to let her know I could come in because she lives, I live downtown San Francisco.
So, She's tripping out.
I says, well, I can pick you up for the next two weeks.
And she doesn't, no one seems to understand that.
The human reaction is a bigger problem to me than the violence.
You don't understand what I'm saying?
No, you're right, you're right.
Thank you so much, sir.
The panic is the real issue, and clearly the system is trying to create as much panic as they can.
Whether the virus is a big threat or not, this is the big globalist move.
I totally agree.
And again, I wasn't mad at the caller.
We just do like this dance, like, do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
And it just, it always happens.
And when I call in, I have low audio too.
They just go, oh, the audio is great.
So whatever, I'm behind the group, just the way it is.
It's the callers and me that are wrong.
There's great audio.
Let's see the next caller.
Let's see if Rogue... Now, they're way over in Afghanistan, so maybe there's a reason the audio will be low there.
Rogue in Afghanistan.
How am I coming to you?
Hi Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, yes.
How am I coming to you?
Okay, so real quick... How am I coming to you?
I hear you clear.
I hear you clear.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
So real quick, I'm a DOD contractor here in Kandahar.
So if you go to USAJOBS.gov, there's a job posting called Public Health Advisor Quarantine Program with the CDC.
It was posted on November 15, 2019 until May.
And there's multiple positions at 16 different places across the country.
No, I meant to cover that yesterday and I covered it two weeks ago.
They were getting ready then.
They knew what was happening in China back then.
And again, that just shows that, well, what do you think as a DOD contractor?
You're a person that knows these type of things and understands how it works.
What do you think?
This was already pre-planned.
They were already preparing for this.
They knew.
And now we know that China was covering it up and obviously the Pentagon knew what was going on.
What does your gut tell you is going on, Rogue?
This is all part of the globalist agenda.
That's what I think.
And we really need to pay attention to this whole new 5G network thing and what are the possible risks towards our health.
And that's all.
What are other contractors in Afghanistan and other people that are out there in the real world, what do they think?
Well, I'm over here.
I'm spreading the word, too.
You got some guys that believe in what's going on.
You got some guys that are just ignorant.
They just, you know, call it conspiracy BS.
So, um, just don't be a sheep.
Yeah, I had it printed off yesterday.
I covered it last week, what you're talking about.
I had it printed off in my stack yesterday.
Tell folks again where they go to search that.
This is a great call.
I really appreciate you, sir.
Go to USAJOBS.gov.
And what do they search?
Public Health Advisor.
Public Health Advisor.
Yeah, I had the printout yesterday and it said quarantine sites all over the U.S.
in November.
I had that in the stack.
We should do a whole... I think I want to do a whole segment on that whole thing.
Yeah, there it is.
Public Health Advisor Quarantine Program.
And there it is, November 15th, just like you said.
Click on that.
This is an official website for the U.S.
government employment.
$93,000 per year.
Workforce schedule full-time.
And then it shows the different sites all over the U.S.
Wow, how incredible is that?
It's crazy.
Anyways, long time listener, first time caller for 10 years.
Thank you for what you do and love your products.
Rogue, thank you.
And by the way, I wasn't trying to be a jerk to the last caller or the next one.
I'm pissed that I can't get to callers quicker.
I want to get to all of you.
I want to shut up.
And I want to get to you.
But then I've got to like, because I'm slow, I'm like, hey, say that again.
And then I'm like, wait, wait a minute.
I had that a week ago.
I barely, I get mad at myself.
I'm like, why didn't you?
I'm just trying to tell you why I'm a jerk.
OK, folks, because I am a jerk.
OK, it's just that it's not you.
I'm just like I'm overloaded, man.
And I'm not complaining.
I'm just saying it's like I already knew what he was saying was true.
And then I'm pissed that he's telling me this and I didn't cover it.
Because we made a huge deal.
I'm going to say this.
We're going to go to break.
I said I'd get to four calls.
I got to two.
I failed.
I'm coming back.
I'll go to three calls next second.
Or I'm going to hit myself in the face.
How about I'm seriously, maybe I put a dog shock collar on myself.
I'm not joking.
And if I don't go to the number of callers, I say I'm shocked for real.
Plus, that'll get the ratings, get folks to tune in and see what's going on.
It's man made.
They were pre-positioning.
They knew China was covering it up.
Trump's not bad for doing that.
I mean, here's the articles.
Trump's declared a national emergency to speed virus response.
I haven't played the clip yet.
And then look, this is our video on Banned.video.
For whatever reason, we can't even find the article.
I'm not mad at the crew.
It's just the way Google blocks stuff now.
We wrote an article!
On March 2nd saying, exclusive FEMA declared secret national emergency ahead of coronavirus pandemic.
And I said within two weeks Trump will declare a national emergency.
Yeah, there's the video, but we can't find the article.
And it's not the crew's fault.
Google's so blocked now we can't even find our own stuff.
But look at this, Trump declared a national emergency just like we told you.
But it's not like I told you.
I talked to people at the White House, and I talked to people in the military, and then I talked to people that talked to folks separately, and they all said, yeah, no, it's on.
And we think, you know, three million dead is what we're preparing for.
3.2 million.
It's like... It's just... So here we are.
This is gonna get crazy.
I don't know what the hell's about to happen.
But we're gonna take your phone calls one way or another.
So just get ready.
I'm coming out of break.
I'm going to your phone calls.
The most important thing is to get you on air.
Because the angles you bring up are so critical.
Whatever you do, don't visit NewsWars.com.
Do not visit NewsWars.com.
When I grow up, I want to defeat Satan.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
If the globalists think defeating me will defeat the human spirit, they're wrong.
But they're little demons.
They can't figure that out.
That's why they're demons.
All right, I'm going to take three calls this segment.
I'm going to take four calls next segment or I'm going to just walk off the show.
My fault if I don't get it done.
So we're going to do it right now.
Let's go to Cindy in Maryland and Janet.
Then we'll go to Josh.
Let's go to Cindy in Maryland.
Cindy, thank you so much for calling on this Friday.
Alex, I am more excited to talk to you than I would be the president.
Well, I'm excited to talk to you, Cindy.
I always like talking to ladies.
Hey, look, and you know, you're always plugging, you know, Supplements and things like that, but not your apparel.
I bought that Liberty or Death sweatshirt.
It is my favorite, favorite shirt.
And right now... It's funny you say that.
My wife wears that all the time.
She's got that Liberty... Is that the gray one?
Is that the gray one?
And it is so comfortable.
Everybody's like, where did you get that?
Where did you get that?
So I tell them.
But you know, people don't believe in God.
They haven't looked at the female form.
I mean, just women are amazing.
You know, you're an amazing person, Cindy.
Thank you very much.
No, I mean, I'm just saying that God made a really good thing there.
I yeah.
Well, thank you very much.
I think so myself.
I want to know why, you know, we hear that this virus It started in Fort Detrick, okay?
It started in Fort Detrick.
I have a friend that works there.
Oh, tell us about that.
We know the Obama scumbag allowed it to be transferred.
I totally agree with you.
They'll take a test virus out of Detrick and they'll transfer it to a university.
We know it came out of North Carolina.
That's confirmed.
Wow, so tell me what your friend told you.
Well, I mean, she told me exactly what I know, what I told you.
It started there.
But see how I say we're going to take a call like this.
No, no, no.
Tell me, like the anthrax attack came before daydream.
You see, I have a friend that works there.
Just tell us what she said.
Well, she told me that it was it they were working on it there and then it was transferred.
It was just like that into the.
And she couldn't go into details, of course, because of the security.
And she shouldn't have been telling me this to begin with.
But, um, it's scary.
I mean, because she was like, you know, it was very... She said, you know, that when they handled it, you know, she said it was very, very scary because that's what she does.
She said... So she was saying it was one of the most scary weapons they have.
Yeah, it was.
It was the worst one they had in there.
And she said that it was gone.
Well, I know this.
It's super small.
It keeps mutating.
It keeps coming back.
Like we reported six weeks ago, that's now confirmed.
Mainstream News is reporting it's basically like HIV.
It keeps coming back.
You can't get rid of it.
How uncool is that, man?
I know.
And I was like, how can you work that?
So I was like, oh, America, you don't like giving your little boys transgender drugs?
How about we just kill you, everybody?
Like, we tried to just cut your son's balls off.
We tried to just let you die quietly.
But since you didn't, you've chosen the path of pain!
Well, all the globalists hiding out in their bunkers, they've chosen the path of death.
This might be by my hand, but I can tell you, the angel of death is coming for them.
Go ahead.
Yeah, so anyway, I want to know why Obama isn't hung from the highest tree for taking that out of there.
Well, we don't wish any harm on the puppet Obama.
We just want him to tell us who controls him.
Well, you know, treason is punishable by death.
You know that.
No, I hear you.
I'm just saying Obama is just a puppet, but I hear you.
God bless you, Cindy.
I'm not saying your story's not true.
I'm just telling you that if that's true your friend needs to go public before she ends up getting hung from a tree by
the globalists.
Let's go to Josh in Colorado, then we'll go to other callers.
Josh in Colorado, thanks for rolling.
God bless, Alex.
Quick point.
Obama said in 2014, October 24th, Ebola is a quote-unquote trial run for a more deadlier airborne disease.
And that's, oh, I meant to cover that.
That's what the UN member a year ago.
Disease X is coming.
It's coming.
We'll have a worldwide pandemic.
Give up all your rights and you won't go to work anymore.
Drones will deliver all your food and robots will grow all the food.
You'll be in prisons from the viruses.
This is the takeover.
It's happening.
Second point, there's a video I found.
I sent it to Savannah Hernandez on her Twitter message.
It shows what's happening when the gain of function happens, the mutation.
It's the same thing that happened during the Spanish Flu.
People have their autoimmune rush to the lungs and then they have a massive seizure.
And there's a video I sent her and I've never seen anywhere.
It is A bunch of people in the back alley of some Chinese place, and there's hundreds of people flailing around on the ground.
Jesus, I hear you crying.
You know, China wants to hit its own people.
It's a bio-attack on their own people, incubating them as a weapon, pure evil.
Tell me the name of the video.
You sent it to Savannah Hernandez on Twitter, private message, but give us the name, brother, and we'll find it.
It was tweeted by a Twitter named WaitingFish3204.
Let's start on Waiting Fish 3204.
What's the name of the video?
It's just a Twitter video.
WaitingFish3204. WaitingFish3204, February 16th, 944 AM.
What's the name of the video? It's just a Twitter video. It doesn't have
a name. Oh, there it is.
Good God.
Masked and false.
Excuse me, Lauren.
And if you look at it, some of the doctors, I don't know, it's hard to see.
You might need to have video editor.
It doesn't look like they're wearing masks.
They're all in lab coats.
Yeah, no, no.
I mean, this is it.
Look, look.
America and the world was coming back.
They launched this giant attack.
And now they don't want to tell you what NanoSilver and CoilSilver does.
Folks, the studies don't, don't buy my products.
This is not about my products.
Go look at how nano-silver coats cells and how it kills viruses.
It gloms on to viruses and stuff too, but it gloms on to cells and it's like, the silver's like, no, this cell's mine.
And let's be honest, it's toxic.
Let's not lie about that.
It's true.
They go, oh, it's dangerous.
Why do I go to hospitals and all they've got now is silver?
Because that's all they've got.
Everything's not working anymore.
And you use what you've got in a crisis.
So I just want to tell the globals, everybody's trying to take me down.
I'm not going to kill you.
Most of you are going to be dead soon.
So just keep laughing, keep having fun, keep attacking, keep hating Jesus, because Judgment Day is here.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
And Dr. Francis Boyle, professor, author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law that became the U.N.
law, has been absolutely on target.
It's actually frightening how on target he's been.
I don't get suspicious he might be behind the attack.
It just kind of gets like, how does this guy?
Well, he's an expert, expert of experts.
He was gracious enough to join us on short notice.
We'll go back to your calls next hour.
But Governor Abbott.
And we had Gary Haven who met with the governor an hour before, billionaire Gary Haven, philanthropist, patriot.
He met with him and he said on air the governor is going to declare an emergency next week.
Well, it happened earlier than that.
Trump's about to declare an emergency.
The Democrats said you didn't do enough.
Now they're saying, oh, don't block flights from Europe.
They are openly trying to use this as a political weapon.
It should extinct their party forever.
We need a new second party or third party in America.
We're going to go to him in a minute.
But here's the governor still speaking.
We backed the DVR up.
Here he is like five minutes ago.
Here's the governor declaring, the Texas governor announces martial law powers.
And of course we brought you live the Massachusetts governor, Governor Abbott of Texas.
Let's watch.
DSHS announced that 10 public health labs in Texas are now equipped to perform COVID-19 testing throughout the state.
DSHS has established a website for COVID-19 to share up-to-date information.
It'd be helpful if you get that out.
It is dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/ Again, it is dshs.texas.gov backslash coronavirus backslash.
Now the state has also asked health insurers and HMOs operating in Texas to waive costs associated with the testing and telemedicine visits concerning coronavirus.
We have a long list of health insurers that have agreed to comply with that request.
Very importantly, for the uninsured, if an uninsured person needs testing for coronavirus, there are two options.
One is public health testing or private laboratory testing.
For public health testing, it requires consultation with local health departments.
If the person meets public health criteria, then the person is eligible for testing through public health testing with no cost to the person.
And again, I have the transcript of what he said.
He declared a state of disaster over coronavirus as drives through testing to start in San Antonio.
I believe this virus is already all over the place.
I think it's going to create a giant panic.
Again, let's go ahead and go to Dr. Francis Boyle here, taking time off there in his office to speak to us today.
I could ask a lot of questions, but what's front and center for you as one of the leading experts on this who has predicted exactly what's now unfolded?
Well, Alex, let me say that I fully applaud President Trump for cutting off travel from Europe.
I think he should have done it sooner, but at least he did.
And I support him.
Those European leaders are absolute idiots.
They have this ideological commitment to the EU and their little bitty Schengen Agreement.
So they kept open borders out over there and allowed this to travel all over Europe.
Indeed now Tedros of the WHO has said that now Europe instead of China is the epicenter of the coronavirus.
So of course Trump should have shut it off.
And I have no criticisms at all, and I do not believe those who criticize President Trump for this are acting in good faith.
I do believe, however, that President Trump should add Britain to the list there.
I know he's got good relations with Prime Minister Johnson, but I'm very sorry.
We need to protect the American people.
They have a very dangerous situation there in Britain, indeed, yesterday.
Prime Minister Johnson said a lot of British people are going to die.
Regret to say, I think that should be cut off.
And I'm not anti-European.
I have citizenship in the EU member state, along with my native-born American citizenship.
And I travel with both an EU and an Irish passport.
Sure, but the fact is, Europe is like thousands dead in Italy alone.
Why is Italy so hard hit?
I don't mean to change the subject here, but why is Italy so hard hit?
I guess they did not act immediately and effectively to shut it all down as soon as possible.
South Korea, which is also a democracy, seems to be doing a very good job now in getting this thing under control.
They have massive testing, 10,000 a day, quarantines and everything like that.
So maybe South Korea is Turning a page here, I can't say, but in Italy, Germany, France, now Britain, I think it's completely... I know you don't like to cover old ground, but to me it's seminal that six weeks ago you were here saying it's man-made, major universities saying it.
Now, you know, that's big news now, saying it's man-made.
You know, the fact that it's mutated, the fact there's reinfections, that's now confirmed.
I mean, The providence of this, what's behind it, to me that's pivotal.
Well as I said Alex, right, and you see...
The CDC, HHS, NIAID, Tony Fauci are all covering this up.
As we went through this before in great detail.
You were right when you said three weeks ago they're screwing up covering this up for Fauci.
Clearly Trump early on had advisors covering it up.
His instincts kicked in.
He's not doing that now.
It appears he's not trusting the advisors he has now, but I think he's got to fire all of them, because Azar, Fauci, CDC, Redfield, they're more interested in covering their own behinds here, because they were funding this Death science research there at the University of North Carolina.
I just gotta say this, I don't want to inject myself in here, but I confirmed through lawyers that just having you and others on pissed them off.
So somebody inside the CDC put the word out to try to shut us down.
I'm sure you've seen the news.
They're everywhere.
They're calling for SWAT team raids on us right now, doctor.
That would not surprise me, Alex.
As you know, I'm totally censored on the mainstream news media.
Not only here, but in Europe for obvious reasons.
Ever since I blew the whistle on the Amerithrax coming out of a U.S.
biological warfare program.
So it's par for the course.
I think Trump just has to fire all these people.
I agree.
What does the president do?
He's definitely listening.
What does he do?
Well, it looks like he's going to proclaim a national emergency later today and inject billions of dollars into helping frontline people combat this.
That's good.
And applaud that.
You know, with all due respect to the markets, we have to take care of the people first and foremost, the American people.
And the markets, I think, will take care of themselves.
So, you know, I know the president's a businessman, but right now the priority has to be the American people get everyone tested and free of charge and mass testing.
And then if necessary, telling them to, you know, quarantine at home, shutting down all schools, churches, public events, and try to shut this down.
as best as can be done. I also think, given the deliberate stalling and delaying and covering up
from these so-called advisors in Washington, D.C., state and local governments, I've said this
before in our last interview, they're just going to have to charge out there on their own.
Just like... Well, you said that just last Wednesday and that's now happening.
Stay there, Dr. Francis Boyle is really knocking it out of the park.
Stay with us, we'll cover all this straight ahead.
In another hour, your call straight ahead.
We're in the middle of history right now.
Dr. Francis Boyle is going to leave us in about 10 minutes, and then I'll go back to loaded phone lines.
But guess what they're now finding in Newsweek and the Associated Press?
The coronavirus is eating men's testicles.
Oh, what a surprise.
It destroys fertility.
So, Dr. Boyle, I've got a lot of questions for you.
We can talk for 10 days.
Hopefully, you'll join me on the Sunday.
show whatever you can do for a full hour or maybe you can host if you like Sunday
for an hour that's even better without me interrupting but the way it's a
chimera the way it keeps mutating I've got articles right here that they're
saying oh no people that are here to they survived the coronavirus then they
tested positive again you and Mike Adams and the reports were six weeks ago we're
saying this it has an HIV delivery system and then it just keeps coming
back like HIV it's like you beat it and then it goes away there's so many
points to cover so many angles to go with but the fact that it's man-made who
would do this where did it come from and then now they're trying to blame Trump
and then bring down the economy with it to me I think this is it just looks like
the biggest salt to take down America I'm gonna stop talking for 10 minutes
you've got the floor you just cover whatever you think is most important
dr. Boyle again Alex As we went through before in detail, the HIV is in there, and I already mentioned to you this scientific study where one of the Wuhan BSL-4 people worked with the Australian government to mate HIV with coronavirus.
And then I also think they took the of UNC gain of function coronavirus and back there in Wuhan
put them both together to create this turbocharged biological weapon that then leaked, I
believe, accidentally.
Right now I haven't seen it.
I was about to say, if it's man-made, you can prove where it came from, why the hell
would you release it?
I think it was an accident.
The problem is, Alex, that all of these BSL-3 and BSL-4s leak.
You've proven that.
It's on record.
Why doesn't Trump just come out and address the nation and admit it?
The stock market will go down 10,000 points like you said.
That doesn't matter.
Truth matters.
He will politically win by that and will mobilize like when Germany was bombing Britain Britain was against World War II until the Nazis attacked.
If Trump, like Churchill, just says, we're in trouble, it's horrible, let's fight.
That's what we need, not a bunch of cowering.
What do you say?
I agree with that.
I'm happy to speak with President Trump about this if he wants to talk with me.
And the amount and extent of this Nazi biological warfare work that has gone on here for quite some time, And that was funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Center for Disease Control.
And he's, you're right, you said this a month ago and I'm like, he needs to burn them all, because they're going to set him up.
I don't know if they're setting him up, but they're certainly covering their own rare ends here.
They're all off to the heights.
Sure, but then the globalists in the process blame Trump.
So I'm just saying, it's the right thing to do, plus they're going to blame him for it.
Burn him!
It's clear he's being blamed for something that was in operation here long before President Trump.
Indeed, it was the Obama administration that put a pause on this dual-use DNA genetic research and then lifted the pause.
That's right there in that University of North Carolina article I mentioned to you.
If you look at the footnotes and the small print, it's all there.
So, uh, this preceded President Trump.
But as I said before, you know, as, as President Truman said, the buck stops here.
So he's- No, you're right.
And you were saying three weeks ago, he doesn't take action now, but he is starting to take action.
He is.
Uh, but again, he's got advisors around him that are trying to restrain him from Taking, I think, what is even more effective action that's going to have to be taken at this time.
Well, listen, I could ask questions a thousand times.
We really appreciate you, and I know you're a busy man, but I hope you can come on Sunday, maybe in hosting hours.
There it is, lab-made coronavirus triggers debate.
That was five years ago.
Scientists said in major publications, these scientists, why is this going on?
And then now it's here, and we know it does kill a large number of people.
What's scary is, The HIV aspect where it reinfects.
As a top bioweapons lawyer that wrote the U.S.
law on it and then the U.N.
adopted, just in a minute or two, Dr. Boyle, can you explain a regular flu virus or something else, you get sick, you defeat it, whatever.
They're in the news, AP, LA Times saying, okay, it is coming back.
What type of virus comes back?
Is that not an autoimmune chimera like HIV or what's happening?
Yes, you know, it's total disinformation to say, well, the flu, it kills more people than this.
The people who are saying that are just trying to deceive you.
This is clearly a turbocharged offensive biological warfare weapon that has never been released before.
And if you're going to release it, you do it on your own people to be the victim so you don't get the blame.
Well, as I said, I think, well, this was being stockpiled on both sides by both China.
So it's hard to know who did it?
Well, I think that UNC article makes it quite clear that this, this goes back to the University of North Carolina.
And you'll note there was a pause on it and then the Obama administration lifted the pause.
It's all in that article that we discussed, Alex.
Phase one, phase two, well you missed the previous class, but we have huge, the audience is way bigger than a month ago.
So I get it professor, you teach in phases and then that makes sense.
People should go back and watch the previous interviews.
We should categorize them as that, but this is just, this is just... Well maybe Alex, what you should do is put together the interviews we gave.
I think starting, was it Mr. Sherrod?
You were out of town at that time, so I gave them a warning.
No, you're right.
We should take the interviews from like six weeks ago and just say, Professor Boyle's class on coronavirus, and just have it all right there.
I would not say class, but I don't wish to sound professorial.
Whatever you call it.
Professor Boyle's analysis.
Yeah, analysis.
But I think it would be helpful if you went back to the first half hour interview I gave.
I think it was Mr. Sherwood or Sherrod.
Right, and then I gave you, that was on a Wednesday, then I gave you an interview on Friday.
No, you have to understand, I've been interviewing you for almost 20 years.
You're a great guy.
I respect you.
You're really smart.
Everybody knows you're prestigious.
I hate myself doing this.
I hate you being so accurate.
Like, I wanted you to be wrong.
I was telling True like six weeks ago, oh, I think Boyle's, I'll be honest, I think Boyle's just worst case scenario, that's what lawyers do.
And now I'm just like, no, Boyle's dead on.
I feel sick right now.
This is, we're living in 2020 under a bioweapon attack and we don't know who the hell launched it.
Well, that's why I've tried to appear on your show.
I think it's important to understand.
It's like the Pogo cartoon.
We met the enemy and he is us.
And that's what's going on here.
It came out of that UNC lab with the approval of all the people.
They think they're going to cook this stuff up in labs.
It gets out.
Everyone's to blame.
Why did you do it?
Why did you build it?
It goes back to the atomic bomb.
But now...
Well, I publicly condemn this UNC research as far back as 2015, if you have a look at that.
No, no, I had you on at the time!
That was what's, I've got a good memory still.
I remember you freaking out about Level 4 labs, doing level, you know, all the, we're here now, so let me, in the closing minute, Professor, because you've got the crystal ball, you live this, what's coming next?
I regret to say it doesn't look good, Alex.
You know, I regret to say because of this criminal malpractice advice that all these advisors have been giving to President Trump, domestically it looks like it might be a little too little too late.
I think... A day late, dollar short.
What has to be done now Uh, is, uh, as you just saw, uh, Governor Abbott, uh, do.
Hold on.
I know you gotta go.
Do five more minutes.
Back in two minutes.
Five more minutes with Dr. Boyle.
All right.
Thank you, sir.
Man, I just, I got four kids.
Man, I'm so pissed right now.
I can barely do this show.
I know you're all pissed.
Man, they just canceled my kid's school.
They're shutting all of Austin down.
They're declaring martial law powers right now.
It's all happening.
This isn't a debate.
It's not a joke.
It's happening now.
We'll be right back.
All right, Dr. Boyle, where you see this going, what President Trump should do, the other topics in those last five minutes, we really appreciate you as the author of the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law on what's happening.
You've called it all the last six weeks.
You've been dead on.
I'm just scared to hear what you're going to say next.
Well, again, trying to be positive about this, I really think we're going to need governors and mayors to step up to the plate and just take their own action
because it's obvious because of the people around President Trump giving you advice that it's
not properly being done.
And so I commend, I didn't hear the whole press conference there of
Governor Abbott, but that's what we're gonna need all over the country. The governor's just... He just declared an
That's what we're going to need.
And then act accordingly.
And also, you know, provide as much free testing, free testing for everyone.
I don't think it should be limited by insurance plans or anything else.
They're doing this now in South Korea.
You can just drive through a parking lot and get a test.
Everyone should have a test to find out exactly what's going on here.
And then if it's positive, immediate quarantine for at least two days.
I think Governor Cuomo did the right thing there in calling out the National Guard to surround New Rochelle.
I'm afraid we're going to be seeing more of this happening.
What do you make of Democrats?
I don't know if you've seen the clips with your academic life, but CNN and MSNBC are like, oh, bring down the economy.
It's all Trump's fault.
Rooting for the virus.
It's like they're cartoon characters.
To me, I see that and I go, these are bad people.
Like, rooting for bad stuff to happen?
I just, it's crazy.
Well, again, I'm a political independent.
I'm, you know, I'm not really here to criticize the Democrats and the Republicans.
No, I understand, but they're like frothing, hoping for politics.
The Democrats are trying to make political hay out of this.
You are correct.
From everything I've seen, you are correct about that in watching the mainstream news media.
I don't think that is the appropriate way to proceed here.
You're exactly right.
But the same with Republicans, too.
Exactly, why don't they get, it could be their kids that die, don't they get that?
They need to be like really trying to find the truth. You're exactly right, but
but the same with Republicans too. For example, I read in the New York Times
today this this new package the Republicans are saying, well there has to
be an anti-abortion provision in the bill.
Well, that's already prohibited by the Hyde Amendment.
Come on.
Let's let's just focus on this particular problem.
I agree.
Don't make it political because they've they've definitely been doing that.
No, we you know, we can't resolve all the problems in the world here.
Racism in America, poverty in America, et cetera.
We need to focus on They've all run to bunkers!
Did you see?
and trying to stop it and contain it and get proper medical treatment for all American people,
poor or rich, because whatever the financial aristocracy believe, they're in the same boat with the rest of us.
They've all run to bunkers.
Did you see, literally most of the billionaires have run to bunkers.
It's not gonna help them unless it's completely sealed off
like a BSL-4 lab.
That might help.
I don't know how long they're going to be able to survive in their bunkers because if they're breathing the regular air like the rest of us, they're going to get it.
Well, Dr. Boyle, thank you so much for the time.
You're going to learn more tomorrow.
If you can join us on the Sunday show, that'd be great.
Thank you so much, my friend.
Well thanks, Allison.
I do want to thank your viewing audience because I've received many emails.
Yeah, how do people contact you?
How do other shows that want to talk to you, how do they interface with Dr. Boyle?
Well, I'm sort of interviewing you because I'm pretty much all interviewed out, Alex.
I've given so many interviews and the mainstream news media won't talk to me, so fine.
So I'm basically, you know, re-interviewing people who've interviewed me already.
I understand.
We appreciate you.
I get it as a professor, like I already said it, but you got to say it over and over again.
You know, at first I was happy this morning.
And then I got really scared.
Because I'm not worried about stuff anymore.
I felt sorry for people attacking me.
Because, I mean, I'm like an insane killer ape.
Not acting tough, but, I mean, let me tell you, a psycho machine.
And I sit there, and I watch all these people acting tough, and I watch them thinking they run the system, and they're tearing away the veneer of civilization.
They're getting rid of the checks and balances that have protected them.
And I just sit back, watching it, and I'm like, do they really know what they're doing?
Because I'm just a nice sweetheart, you know?
But I know you as an audience who are activists get this.
All right, here's the deal.
Mike Adams is popping in in about 30 minutes.
I want to get to Julian and Anthony and Josh and Janet and Cecilia and Matt and Jim and Bruce and Joe.
I want to go to those calls before Mike Adams.
So just don't thank me.
I love you so much, too.
Let's just go to each person.
Let's go to New York first.
Let's go to Janet and see what Janet has to say.
Janet, thank you for calling into the show.
Don't thank me.
Thank Janet.
Janet, you're on the air.
Oh my God, Alex, great to talk to you.
Hey, I just have two things I want to say and I want to get your opinion on and I want to put it in other people's brains.
What do you think about Gavin Newsom's executive order that he passed where he can commandeer private assets?
And also, why are we not seeing any of these families of these people that died doing interviews?
If this was a shooting, if this was... No, I agree.
It's a giant power grab.
The whole thing's synthetic.
...before the body was dead, before the body was cold.
Well, tell us what you think.
No, the whole thing's synthetic.
I'm not saying the virus... In fact, I believe the virus is a bioweapon that is like AIDS.
It comes back later.
But this is their big introduction.
This is the big globalist move.
Everything we were worried about, this is it.
What do you think, Janet?
Oh, I agree with you totally.
And yes, people are dying.
I can't believe what I see coming out of Iran and China.
And people are just not waking up.
I tell... I am...
Telling people all the time.
I had three kids.
The last one is in college.
I have to go get them today because they shut down college.
They were pretty much my oldest one was conservative, libertarian.
The other two were pretty liberal.
And you know what?
I talked to them.
I talked to people I know.
And I get this message out and I say, you have to look Beautiful.
Oh, it's a total power grab.
It's total authoritarianism.
And I don't say this that tough, because this will make them come after me, but I'll say this right now.
Oh it's a total power grab, it's total authoritarianism and I don't say this
that tough because this will make them come after me but I'll say this right now.
This is a synthetic globalist operation and if the globalists knew that
they were going to be held accountable for what they've done they wouldn't do it.
I'm doing.
And so I've been really nice about this.
Even two months ago, before this happened, I said, I think they're going to launch a bioweapon.
And if you hurt my family, I'll hold you responsible.
And see, it's not some big tough guy thing.
It's killing people is like taking a crap.
It's so easy.
I mean, it really is, folks.
Like, it's like eating food or having sex or taking a dump, man.
It's like we're meant to do it.
Like I'll, you know, these people, like I train guys to kill people?
You want to train me to kill people?
I'll do it all day long.
It's so easy.
I don't know how to do it.
But the thing is, you're absolutely right.
They think they're gonna carry this out, and that we aren't gonna dig them out of their holes?
Anybody I know dies from this man-made virus, I hold the establishment responsible.
And kill me, go ahead!
I've already won!
My people, who are our people, And I am their people.
We're going to kill you.
And so just let them know, hey, jerks, we know you're behind all this.
And we know what you pulled.
And you're not going to rest while you did this.
And that's all.
I mean, I really actually completed my mission.
I'm not going to commit suicide and never do it.
but let me tell you something.
I've been working really hard, man.
And I just, I want everybody to know, like, I don't want to keep going forever.
I'm not scared at all.
I'm ready to meet God.
And I want the globalists to know you're gonna die.
And you're gonna go to hell.
And we're gonna get you.
I appreciate your call, Janet.
We have another guest on right now, don't we?
Yeah, Mike Adams is coming on.
But I just think that's a good statement for people.
It's not like some tough statement, like, I'll kill you.
I'm just saying, you kill me, I kill you.
I mean, that's what this comes down to.
Like, people didn't mess with folks.
People used to ask, like, why are people so polite in Texas?
Well, because if you were impolite, somebody would kill you.
That's really what it comes down to is, in the final equation, It's like that Iron Maiden song, The Trooper.
Maybe we can go out to break.
Let's try to queue up The Trooper in a minute, if you guys can do it.
Let's play a minute of The Trooper.
Because you'll fire musket, but I'll run you through.
And when you're waiting for the next attack, you better stand, because there's no falling back.
I'm a soldier.
Just like a farmer.
I'm ready to die.
And they don't know how to deal with somebody like that.
Like, I'm so ready to die.
But I want to make sure on the way down, I take you with me.
And they're so scared of that.
They don't know what to do when somebody's ready to die.
They don't know what to do.
They sit there all night long and they're scared.
And they sit there on their knees to their god the devil begging for power and begging for Satan to empower them to defeat us.
They will not defeat us.
They will burn in hell.
It's like the Twisted Sister song.
You're gonna burn in hell.
You're gonna burn in hell.
You're not gonna get victory.
And all your money and power means nothing when you're a slave.
All right, who's been holding the longest here?
Let's go ahead and go to Joe in New Jersey.
Joe, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex, how you doing?
I'm on fire, brother.
I'm very close to God right now.
I saw Indiana postpone the primaries, and I wonder if that's going to be a precursor into maybe postponing the election along with They're posting pictures of Trump with these leaders who are positive, or supposedly positive, of coronavirus.
And are they making... Oh, they're 100% getting ready to say Trump has coronavirus, then kill him and say it killed him.
That's it.
Or, or, or, the 25th Amendment, which he's disabled and can't run for the country, and then bring Hillary on a broker convention.
The left is cheerleading coronavirus like it's their mascot.
Like if the Democrats were a football team, coronavirus is their mascot.
I think they're trying to, uh, you know, because they're hyping up the whole Trump thing sick, or, you know, Trump's sick.
Uh, they're shutting everything down.
And, and they don't want more than 250 or 200 people in one place at one time, so it shuts his, uh, his rallies down.
Oh, they won't take him out anyway.
Yes, you could take him out through the 25th Amendment because he's disabled, or they say he's disabled, and they put Pence, and no one can see the amount of people that still back Pence because you can't congregate with people.
No, I totally agree with you.
This is their... Look, they failed on every front, so they launched a CHICOM bioweapon attack to try to discredit the President.
I don't think it works.
What do you think?
No, I don't think it'll work either.
They'll pull anything they can out to do whatever they can.
And nothing's worked yet.
And there's too much of a backing in this country to let anything like that happen.
So what happens when the unmovable object meets the invincible force?
Well, you get big bangs.
You get new universes.
You get the future.
And we're about to see it happen on this planet straight ahead.
Tomorrow's news today.
I want to go to your calls, but let's do a review right now of Iron Maiden and The Trooper.
Let's hear a minute of this right now before your phone calls.
Over and over again it happens.
Only men and those that love liberty go forward.
All right, let's get into it right now.
Your phone calls on this live Friday edition.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
And I am exhausted, but I'm here.
Notice they said that Brazil's Bolsonaro says he's tested negative, but he's really got the virus.
And Trump's got it!
So they can hit him with a bioweapon or whatever and say, oh, Trump died from coronavirus.
Who's been holding the longest here?
A lot of great callers.
I respect you all.
The longest holding caller is... Julian in Kentucky!
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, Mr. Jones.
God bless you.
It's good to talk to you.
God bless you, brother.
Yeah, I've been listening to you about three years, and I support you.
But, you know, I'm worried about the President.
And it just seems he's...
He's surrounded by a bunch of fools.
They don't try to protect him at all.
And you know he's gotta have this virus by now.
And I've noticed, I don't see a lot of the Democrats with the coronavirus, but you see Gates, Collins.
Isn't that funny?
Exactly, it's a cover for a bioweapon.
That's what I was thinking three days ago.
It's a cover for it to hit CPAC.
It's a cover, exactly.
They just keep, yeah.
And most people that Trump's come in contact with has had this virus.
But I just find it funny that none of the Democrats have it.
And at least if they do, I've not seen it come out yet.
But I support the president.
I'm actually worried about him.
I know he's doing his best.
He's 73.
And I just don't know what's going to happen with him or this country.
But this is a spiritual battle.
And the battle lines have been drawn.
Just better be on the side of good because God will prevail over this.
It's scary, but everyone needs to get their hearts right with the Lord.
But support your president.
Beautifully said, Julian.
God bless you.
Thank you so much.
That's absolutely true.
That sums up the whole show today.
Anthony in Canada.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
Thank you for taking my call.
It's a pleasure to take your call, brother.
Awesome, awesome.
So I want to continue to agree with the last few calls about, you know, this whole thing with these leaders and celebrities.
You know, they just happen to be the ones getting this coronavirus, but the general public doesn't seem to be picking it up much.
Like, people that I know haven't picked it up around me.
It's just, it's all these celebrities and famous people, right?
So I'm a little worried about Trump, like the other callers are saying.
I think that this is just... That's what the whole office was like a week ago, and then I was like, oh, whatever.
Then two days ago, it was like, everybody's like, no, it's an excuse to kill Trump and say it's a bioweapon.
And that's where the clicking is on the news.
It's like, he's got it.
He's got it.
Take him out.
He didn't.
He created it.
He did it.
And Trump's got it.
Exactly, and I think because of his age and they say that he eats McDonald's and all that, they're just going to use it as an excuse to say that he was, you know, not healthy enough to fight it.
Well, I know this.
A group collective, the Oracle of the People, is saying they're trying to poison Trump and give him the coronavirus.
They're hyping it up massively.
So that's what they're actually saying now.
Yesterday I'm like, well, they blame him for corona and say he's got it.
Now they're actually saying it.
Well, that's crazy.
And he's going to speak at 3 o'clock now, so it's going to be interesting to see what he's going to say.
That's right.
Right as the war room starts, we're going to cover that live.
God bless you, Anthony.
Let's keep moving here to these amazing callers.
Mike Adams is coming up.
Let's go to Celeste.
Or Salisa.
I can't read anymore.
A beautiful name calling from... Huh?
I don't know Cecilia.
They got a little hotel in Austin called St.
Cecilia from Seattle.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I've been listening to the show and I think I had this coronavirus already.
They said it's been last week.
They were saying it's been in Seattle already about six weeks.
And kind of it was Martin Luther King weekend that I came down with the flu.
And it was a fast onset.
And, you know, I was fine that day before and then morning of, I didn't feel so great.
And by the afternoon, I was like, I have to go to bed.
So, um, it was heavily involved with the lungs.
I didn't have any sinus stuff.
I really didn't have a sore throat, but I was just this constant coughing.
So I had it about six, seven days.
And then someone says, Oh, this is the flu that's been going around last three weeks.
So I was like, "The hell was that?" And so I called the clinic. I went into the clinic and they
tested me. They said, "Oh, did you get vaccinated?" I said, "No." And so they tested me and I said,
"Well, is it the strain that you were vaccinating for?" And they said, "No."
So I said, "Well, what was it?" And they said, "Oh, well, it's the strain."
I can't remember the exact conversation.
I think she said it's a strain.
Well, they're even saying take the flu shot or the measles shot now, which only in studies, I even have the articles here, lowers your immunity.
So they go, oh, jack up your immunity because you can only have one virus at a time.
Well, that's not true.
The way you die is getting a couple of viruses at one time.
Well, I live alone and so I self-quarantined and I canceled everything and I didn't go out and I called everybody and said, you know, don't come near me.
Whatever I have, you don't want it.
But I'm 64, and I would just kind of like to put out that, you know, I survived it.
I did cough for about, like, after I recovered for it, I did cough for about two more weeks.
So there was a lot of lung involvement with this, for sure.
I think if you were older, I did notice that when I laid flat, I had to bolster myself with pillows.
Well, I'm not trying to scare you, but have you seen the reports that it comes back?
Well, I have not experienced that, but I super cleaned up my diet.
I stopped eating any dairy, any sugar, a lot of vegetables.
I do use your iodine and I use your immune gargle.
I went heavy on the B, vitamin D, vitamin C. That's smart.
Cecilia, thank you for holding for an hour.
I'm so honored to have you on the show.
We're going to get to Matt, Jim, Bruce, and Josh before there's a takeover by Dr. Nick Baggage.
But I am going to have Mike Adams, who predicted the shutdown of the U.S., who predicted the checkpoints, who predicted the martial law, now being announced.
You can say what you want about the virus, but the panic is the key, and Mike Adams has been on target.
So has InfoWars, but Mike Adams has been in fuego.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, Man.Video, and our guest, who has NaturalNews.com straight ahead, and then your phone calls, and then Owen Schroeder.
Well, we've got a clip for you in a moment.
Hillary Clinton says, take that flu shot.
It'll protect you from coronavirus.
Even though I've got, in fact, the study was in there yesterday, give me that article, that if you've taken the flu shot in the last two years, it lowers your immunity to corona.
That was in mainstream news, but Hillary, who loves you, who the hell advises her?
Says take your flu shot.
It's simply insane.
Mike Adams joins us now.
I'm gonna take your calls into the next hour.
Everybody stay right there.
But here's a clip of President Trump Says he may institute domestic travel ban.
The word is it's going to happen tonight or tomorrow.
All predicted.
Well, we didn't predict it.
We had White House sources here a month ago.
Here's the president.
Within the United States, such as to Washington State or California?
We haven't discussed that yet.
Is it a possibility?
If somebody gets a little bit out of control, if an area gets too hot, you see what they're doing in New Rochelle, which is good, frankly.
It's the right thing.
But it's not enforced.
It's not very strong.
But people know they're being watched.
New Rochelle, that's a hot spot.
So we're all learning to stay at home, to work from home, to have drones watching us, flying over us.
China, the communist of the model.
The southern border stays open, but your school's shut down, you can't leave your house.
The left loves it.
Here is a clip of B-roll of the police with drones in Italy.
Turn the audio on, folks.
Folks, let folks hear this.
(radio chattering)
So, you ever wanted to see martial law, folks?
This is it.
And the left says shut down every city.
Don't let you leave your house.
But they actually are saying Trump shouldn't stop flights from Europe.
The Democrats have introduced bills.
Judges are filing things to block it.
We're going to shut down your city, but your border stays wide open.
Like a big ol' you know what.
Like Tony Montana says, this town is like a big ol' you know what.
Mike Adams from NaturalNews.com has been on target about this.
He's been right on pace with what's going to be announced.
Schools being shut down all over the country.
Announcements of martial law.
Governors announcing martial law powers.
Mike Adams, what's coming next?
Well thanks for having me on Alex, and yeah, every time I announce something on your show, it's often the first time people have heard it and I get attacked.
By the way, it's kind of crazy.
I mean, I like you and I've known you for like 15 years, but I'm a little suspicious here.
I'm not saying that literally.
You've been dead on so far.
How are you doing that?
I know, it's crazy.
Well, it's because I've been running the models, you know, I've got the spreadsheet and I've been running the numbers and it's, it's very, it's quite catastrophic.
But there's some good news in this.
So one thing is, you know how you look at the election map of who elected Trump, you know, so-called flyover America and rural America is going to be in great shape relative to the cities.
The liberal cities will be the death zones and you're already starting to see that.
So it's just like Ten Commandments, the Pharaoh's Cursed.
Well, I suppose.
I mean, I'm not a Bible scholar, I don't know that whole story, but look, the liberals have set up their cities to be filth ridden, lawless, you know, feces in the streets, homeless camps that aren't enforced with any kind of standards.
And let me tell you something, Alex, there's going to be a wave of new homelessness After this thing is done and over with because we're going to have a lockdown.
It's coming.
We're going to have an economic disaster in the short term with a strong, strong recovery on the other side of it, by the way, which is why we've got to get through this quickly so we can have that recovery still this year.
That can happen.
But there's going to be a lot of new homelessness all over America.
I believe you're like the Oracle here.
So I love that.
Tell me about the recovery on the other side.
I like to hear about that.
Well, it's very clear.
If you study the epidemiology, the sooner Trump starts the shutdown, which has really already begun with social distancing.
And you said he changed trajectories a couple days ago.
He did.
Trump is now on track to save his presidency and save America and save millions of lives who would have otherwise died.
And we've got to give the president credit.
He's starting to really take aggressive leadership action.
You've got to give Lister's credit for lighting a fire in his ass.
Absolutely, yeah.
I mean, he was on a trajectory that was looking very bad, but he changed that March 11th.
So he's on a great trajectory now, just 48 hours later.
He is taking charge.
He's going to declare a national emergency, as you and I talked about, I don't know, 10 days ago.
He's going to shut down travel eventually to certain cities that are the hot spots, and he's openly talking about that now, which is exactly what we need to see.
But the bottom line, Alex, is the only thing that stops this now is social distancing, extreme shutdowns, which are starting to begin.
And folks, it's not a conspiracy to try to embarrass Trump.
This is literally the only medical way to stop this.
And the sooner we start the shutdowns and just have the schools shut and everybody stay home for a period of time, Dr. Fauci says it might be seven to eight weeks, OK?
This is why you should have preparedness for 60 days or 90 days or more.
OK, I get all that, Mike.
Let's drill down.
Because I respect you.
You're a smart guy.
I really respect you.
Why is it so?
How deadly is it?
Why are we freaking out like this?
I'm not saying you're wrong.
Just tell me.
Well, because if you don't start the shutdowns early, then your hospital systems get overrun about six to eight weeks later.
Totally brings down the economy.
I get it.
But how do we know it's that deadly?
Well, we look around the world.
Look at Italy.
Now, Italy, they were late.
And a 5% plus mortality rate and their hospitals are in a state of collapse right now.
Italy is at risk of literally failing as a nation if they do not get a handle on this.
So I agree.
So looking at it now in hindsight, you first said it was a man-made.
That's been confirmed.
How bad is it?
There's lots of different strains.
That's what I'm concerned about is the fact that it comes back.
Like that's in LA Times and AP today that it comes back.
It's like HIV.
This is like airborne HIV it sounds like.
It's a zombie virus, basically.
Yeah, it keeps coming back from the dead.
So that's why people are so scared that elites are going to bunkers.
Well, look, if the death rate were only 0.1% like the seasonal flu, then we could all ignore it.
We would just accept every year we're going to lose 40, 50,000 people.
That's what happens with the flu.
We don't shut down the economy for that.
It's just an accepted risk of living.
So the panic by the establishment is they're using it for their advantage, but it's real.
Well, it is real.
Yes, the left wants to destroy Trump with this, but I want Trump to succeed.
I want America to succeed.
And I gotta say, Alex, those people out there that have been saying that fear is bad, I strongly disagree.
You need to have sufficient fear early enough to compel you to action.
Well, it's like when you come to the edge of a cliff.
You have fear for a reason.
Well, right.
If you've got a tiger that's about to eat your head off and it's ten feet away, you should have some fear because something bad is about to happen to you.
The question is, can you use fear to drive you to action to stop the threat and save lives?
So, fear itself is a survival mechanism.
We wouldn't be here without some level of fear.
And fear is our brain telling us what's bad.
But they want us to give in to fear.
No, we're supposed to take fear and become energized by it.
And it's the lack of information from the mainstream media and the censorship of the tech giants that has led to nationwide complacency, which will be followed by panic.
Oh, they're openly hoping this brings down America.
And they're so one-dimensional.
If they were successful, Trump won't be blamed.
Now they're going to be blamed.
You know, Trump is in a real tight spot.
No matter what he does, he's going to be condemned.
But he has made the right choice to block flights from Europe.
He needs to deploy the military to the U.S.
I was about to say, could you believe the left said he wasn't doing enough when he blocked the flights that got mad?
It's just, it's classic.
This is what we expect.
But Trump is in, he's pulling himself out of the trap now.
The next thing that needs to happen is he's got to deploy the military to the southern border.
Block the border, block all illegal traffic today, right now.
Use the crisis to fix the real crisis.
Well, yeah, and remember they're going to be infected people from Central and South America coming through Mexico.
We know it's a giant criminal inflow of drugs and stuff that saps the country's energy.
So let's just up front, instead of just saying, oh, stop virus, let's just say, no, we're shutting the damn country down.
You're going to have to.
You're going to have to shut it down.
The question is, do you do it now and take the hit early where it's smaller, or do you wait and do nothing to where it becomes catastrophic and it ends the Trump presidency?
You do it early and it's much easier to deal with.
And that's what's about to happen.
We're going to come back to one more segment, but how obvious is it where Democrats say, you're not doing enough, shut down the airplanes.
He does it and they say he's bad.
They are literally a joke.
Democrats are demons.
They want America to fail.
We want America to survive and succeed and prosper.
And that can happen if we do this right.
But you're right, Mike.
This is a big assault.
This is it.
Any way you look at it, this is a big assault.
And we're ready for it, and we're still on air because of you, the listeners.
I salute you, and I thank you, listeners.
Seriously, thank you for keeping us on air.
We are back live.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Mike Adams is here.
I have.
The Associated Press reporting, Mexico preparing to close border with the US to stop coronavirus.
How dare they?
They're not allowed to have a border.
There's so much crazy stuff happening.
Governor Abbott declares martial law powers.
Mike Adams continuing.
Let's go back to the beginning.
It's man-made.
It's being used to attack Trump and America and the economy.
You can cover the martial law.
We can cover the big events.
We can cover the death rate.
But what about the providence of this?
I think to attack the globalists, just like Trump's done, you pointed it comes from China.
They're trying to say it comes from America.
Well, we know from Francis Boyle, who's been a frequent guest on your show, that the origins of the engineering of the virus began in America, and that thanks to Barack Obama, it was allowed to be transferred to China.
Now, we also know, by the way, Joe Biden has been part of technology transfer to China, involving military F-35 jet technology, for example, and many other things.
You know, look, the Obamas and the Bidens and the Clintons are treasonous criminals.
And they have set into motion these weapon systems that are now devastating the entire planet.
Was that by design?
It seems so.
When Hillary's out there saying, hey, take the flu shot, when we know the flu shot increases your mortality, if you get the virus, you know that this is a weapon system.
They want you to die.
They literally want you to die.
This is the depopulation kill switch.
Where did it start?
Well, you know, it's a lot of bad decisions, a chain reaction of bad decisions and corrupt officials and betrayal of our country, which is why Trump has got to beat this.
I've got three predictions for you here, Alex, if it's OK to share these three predictions of where this is going.
Trump's about to have a conference in, what, 10, 10, 20 minutes, I think, right?
Just coming up.
There's a very good chance that Trump will announce a state of emergency.
Not 100%, but a very strong chance, or at least prepare the country for that declaration to happen soon.
Amazon.com, people are relying on Amazon to get all their products right now, to get things because they don't want to go out to grocery stores, for example.
Amazon.com, all of its warehouses are run by human beings with the help of some automation.
The people are going to have to go home pretty soon.
The Amazon.com fulfillment warehouses in many regions around the country will be shut down.
That's my prediction today.
Third prediction, members of our Congress will be infected and killed by this virus.
And that's partly because they're extremely elderly in many cases.
Some of them are like walking dinosaurs, even on a good day.
But the other reason is because they're hooked on pharmaceuticals.
They're not healthy.
But Mike, couldn't this be the cover for other viruses in the same family that are more deadly to release a bioweapon?
This could be the perfect assassination cover to even kill the President.
Well, you're absolutely right.
In fact, there could be more lethal strains that were already in the freezers, ready to be thawed out and deployed.
And you're exactly right.
This could be a cover story.
Oh, all these conservatives just happened to die from the coronavirus when it was really something much more vicious.
Fortunately, we've got young, healthy people like Rand Paul.
Who, I think even if Rand Paul were infected, he could survive it.
His father's a doctor.
He's got good medical knowledge.
We need people like Rand Paul.
We need Trump to survive if he's infected.
We don't want anybody to die from this, even if they're politically on the other side of the aisle, let's say.
But the truth is, we're going to lose members of Congress.
You can count on that.
And the elections are already starting to be thrown into disarray.
It's unclear now how we can have elections Until we get through this, because of the quarantines.
Who's going to go out and vote?
And then if you start having electronic voting systems to replace that, of course the Democrats will use that as an opportunity for more voting fraud.
So this is how they could steal the election, is to say, oh everybody has to stay home, let's let people vote on their iPhones, and then guess what?
All the votes are fraudulent, and all the dead people vote even more than usual in Democrat areas.
Trump has got to conquer this well before the election day in order to protect the integrity of the elections and not allow Democrats to steal it, Alex.
Mike, there's no doubt now.
Six weeks ago, you predicted they would start locking down U.S.
Let's talk about that.
They're canceling schools all over the United States.
What do you expect to happen next week, the week after?
When does this peak?
We're nowhere close to peaking yet.
We're still in the early stages of this.
So the next six to eight weeks we're probably going to see numbers get a lot worse.
So that's one thing to keep in mind.
If you're not ready to survive 90 days in isolation or longer as we've talked about before, then You need to take steps, everybody, to get prepared for that.
You might be isolated for an extended time.
The National Guard will be deployed in every region that has these outbreaks.
It's already happening, I think, five more states today.
Airports will be shut down in certain regions.
I expect that soon for Seattle, New York City, Boston, Atlanta, Denver, and San Francisco.
So those are the cities I'm predicting airports will be shut down, which basically shuts down all the connection hubs for most of the major airlines across America.
I don't expect a shutdown of private aviation, what's called general aviation, you know, private jets.
Gary Haven will still be flying around the country, thank God.
But commercial aviation will not be allowed to proceed in many areas.
Road travel will be allowed to proceed for quite a long time, except in certain areas that get very, very bad.
This is good news.
It means that UPS and FedEx and the USPS can continue to deliver packages, which are very important for even pharmaceutical supply.
For local pharmacies, people who need insulin, for example.
Or, you know, nutraceuticals or food or water filters.
All the things that people need.
It looks like those deliveries will continue.
However... What about the importance that crime is suddenly exploding?
Well, it's going to explode in the liberal cities again.
That's where it's going to be the worst.
So this is again... Yeah, it's Democrats.
Yeah, actually.
That's what it is.
Like Baltimore and Chicago and L.A.
It's all exploding.
Yes, and Governor Abbott today declared a state of disaster for the state of Texas.
He probably implies this, but I wish he would have added, and all Texans please shoot looters.
That's what he should have added to that declaration.
Now, I don't know if that attitude is going to be everywhere else in the country, but it should be.
Anybody who goes around looting other people's stuff deserves to be shot.
And that will happen in Texas, so looters will not have a lot of success, especially with the National Guard on the streets.
So anybody who tries to go out and steal from other people, you're going to get swept up by the guard, or you're going to get shot by some Texas rancher very, very quickly.
So, you know, if you're in the country, you're in much better shape right now.
If you're in the city, you're in a death zone.
And that's a mistake.
You might want to get out while you can.
If you can't, you better be prepared to hunker down and survive a zombie wave that's coming.
That's the truth.
Let's talk about Mike Adams, the providence of this virus.
I mean, it's man-made, that's admitted.
It shows up right on time, the media tries to blame Trump for it.
What do we know where it came from and who's behind it?
Well, yeah, again, this was engineered.
This is a biological weapon system, no question about it.
It's got elements of MERS and HIV and SARS-CoV-1 and, you know, many other elements in it.
So it was designed, it was engineered as a weapon against humanity.
It was given to China.
China purchased it from U.S.
I think Francis Boyle is absolutely correct.
And then China began tweaking it.
Remember, like, six weeks ago, I did an interview with you on this.
We thought maybe this virus was version 12 and they were working toward version 20.
Well, what if they have already version 16 or 18 or 20 in the freezer?
Version 12 got released, but now they're saying, well gosh, they're going to deploy version 20, which is even more deadly, as the bioweapon to kill certain areas like Washington, D.C.
Now that they've softened up America with this first wave, and China allowing their people to have the infections first, means that they have achieved immunity first.
And then they create the narrative that China's the victim, they're not bad, and they have the perfect bioweapon launch point.
That's how you would do this.
Well, exactly.
And the fact that they're willing to sacrifice so many of their people and then achieve immunity quickly with a draconian lockdown means they will now have a mobile military force that is immune to the virus that can literally invade and survive California, if they choose to do that, because their troops won't be affected by the virus.
They're already immune.
So think about, you know, I'm encouraging everybody to think about these issues and the traitors we have with Governor Newsom and Sacramento County deliberately releasing high-risk patients in California.
Seriously, Trump should arrest those people right now.
Deploy the military to Sacramento County, shut that thing down in terms of allowing the high-risk patients to be released.
Those people there are trying to sabotage America.
That cannot be allowed to happen.
It's hard enough to beat this virus when we're doing the right thing.
They're trying to do the wrong thing on purpose.
Oh, they openly wanted the Democrats wrong.
CNN saying, let's use it to bring down America.
That's their plan.
The fact that they say it publicly shows the weird bubble they're in, where they hate the country so much they think that's normal.
It's bizarre.
Mike Adams, nationalnews.com.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Thank you.
God bless.
God bless you, Josh and Jim and Bruce.
I'm going to take your call.
And the Dr. Nick Begich is going to take over.
In times like this, I barely even plug the products we have.
We have Ultimate Turmeric Formula Bodies, great for your immunity.
That's on record with the turmeric.
We have DNA Force Plus with the PQQ and the CoQ10, really strong formula to clean out the mitochondria, boost whole body.
We have the Silver Sol products.
We have all the great toothpaste and immune gargle back in stock, but it's going to sell out.
Watch, it'll be sold out by like Tuesday, I predict.
It's crazy.
But I just want to keep the show on the air.
These are great products you already need.
But let me tell you, I actually wish we weren't selling products at this rate.
It's a very sick feeling right now.
I am actually super calm right now, and I'm super exhausted.
It's just the magnitude of everything going on is so crazy.
It makes my head spin.
Josh in Florida, thanks for holding.
And Jim and Bruce, you're on the air ahead of Nick Baggett's coming up.
What do you think's going on?
Thank you for this emergency war council on InfoWars.
We now have the left arm of the media and sports entertainment and the right arm of the scientific military industrial complex.
They have now formed a pincer attack on the West by order of the U.S.
and the World Health Organization for the Chinese world government model.
Our flanks are now under siege.
Um, which has not been seen since 9-11.
China has implemented a scorch and burn tactic, um, to rout all the internal and external threats against them, and, um, this is world government bringing the West to our knees.
On December 17th, I called in and spoke about the apex of division being reached, and you correctly said After I brought up that point, that there's going to be a foreign power.
We have reached the penultimate event at the apex.
So after the apex, this was the swing.
And you called it, and we called it together.
And I really appreciate you taking phone calls because this is how we work.
I remember the discussion.
What did we talk about brainstorming together?
We talked about, I called in and said, um, they have reached the apex of division in this country.
They've reached the highest point.
I remember your call.
You said the race war didn't work.
Now they're going to do something better.
And, and they've reached the apex.
So once you reach the apex, you can only, there's only one, there's only one way down from the summit before you get another apex.
And this, and this was their move.
And you, you, you correctly said, That be careful of a foreign entity.
I was saying it was going to be the left and I thought this was going to stay internal.
You correctly said be careful of a foreign power and now under the directive of the UN, world government, how does every arm win?
How does the left hand and the right hand, the military industrial complex and the Hollywood media, how do they all win?
Instead of making bombs, they get to make masks.
Instead of Russiagate, they get to pull this up.
And now every leftist has their shutdown and their event to then hype up the virus.
And this is... And Tom Cruise, get him ready with, oh, Trump will never be elected.
You know, he'll be elected when space aliens land.
And he's just all... Exactly.
So yeah, so they get to hit every agenda gets to be Everybody gets to have their, every globalist agenda is able to be hit through this virus.
Instead of assassinating Trump, they could just say it was coronavirus.
Once one celebrity or politician dies in this country, people are going to go crazy.
That's all it's going to take.
God bless you and your genius, Josh.
Next segment I take Jim and Bruce's calls.
Then Dr. Nick Beggars takes over.
But let's play this clip of the virus guy that wanted to overshadow the president two nights ago, Tom Hanks.
Here he is.
There's an American presidential potential candidate, not even nominee yet.
He wants to make America great.
Is that what Donald Trump's going to do?
Well, here's the problem.
America's already great, so I don't know what he is talking about.
You don't think if he becomes the president he'll make it great, because the states is already great?
I think that man will be president of the United States right about the time that spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs and red capes.
On that note, Tom, pleasure.
Take it from me.
How about that?
Cheers, Tom.
But oh, now it didn't go the way Tom Hanks said.
Can you imagine Tom Hanks when he meets God?
God's gonna say, hey son, get out of my face.
Get out of my presence.
Two more calls straight ahead, and Dr. Nick Begich is ready.
You know, maybe, maybe I'm wrong, but I always follow my gut, my intuition.
I don't feel weak right now.
I feel like I've almost completed my mission.
I feel so exhausted.
The Holy Spirit just is patting me on the head saying, you did a good job, son.
I think something really big and bad is about to happen.
And I think I may be taken out, at least off air very soon.
And I don't say that to be dramatic.
I want to tell you all I love you and I appreciate you.
But there's a lot of big stuff going down.
Maybe that's going to change.
But Trump is set any minute to declare a national emergency.
It was already declared three weeks ago.
As soon as that's ready to go live, as soon as the President walks up to the podium.
In fact, let's just, while I take calls, put Trump up on screen.
Just put the feet up on screen.
As soon as he comes out, we'll go to the President.
Jim in Colorado, you're on the air, go ahead.
I got the answer you guys are looking for and I know probably kind of be hard for you to understand.
Brother, that's why we're taking the calls.
Nothing's better than the callers.
Go ahead.
Your government hates you.
They don't like any of us.
They hate all of us.
They hate you.
They hate the fact that you exist.
They hate the fact that you're here.
They could do it better.
You lost your rights a long, long time ago.
It's been the type of folks that think they can run everything better than you.
I agree, that's the attitude of the globalists.
But not everybody in government is like that.
I mean, I'm not kissing everybody's ass.
I used to always attack the government because I saw it as the enemy.
It's evil people in control of it.
The average person in government actually is more awake than the general public.
That's not, for me, an ass-kissing ceremony.
I think that's what I really found.
Your government, it's null and void.
You lost sovereignty a long time ago back in the 1860s.
No, I understand that people can say at the end of the Civil War and all that, but it's about will.
It's about what's right.
That's what really runs contracts.
Yeah, well did you see what happened in Virginia when all you guys went there and you stood around with your guns and nothing happened?
You know why the governor put a fence up against the The Capitol, because he knows the rules of the game.
You didn't stand up for nothing.
Actually the governor backed down. I love that you guys all showed up, you guys all stood up.
They backed down on their gun grab. What are you talking about man?
You didn't stand up for nothing. The fact that that governor announced that he was going to
start killing babies. When you start killing babies, God's listening.
He's watching.
Okay, wait a minute, wait a minute.
Jim, Jim, Jim in Colorado.
Listen, brother, I'm not your enemy, but when we go out and protest against abortion, or we file lawsuits against it, or we go have a pro-gun rally, and you say we didn't do nothing, you calling in sound pretty pathetic, telling men and women that went and showed up and did something on their own time and money that we didn't do nothing.
That sounds like a load of crap to me, son.
It's not a load of crap.
You stood there and you... I'm done listening to you, man.
You get up and you fix it then, son.
That's disgusting.
What the hell are you talking about?
Hell, I was sleepy and tired.
Now I'm awake.
That was the most disgusting thing I've ever heard.
He's not pissed at the governor, the abortionist.
He's not pissed at the whole globalist operation, we that went out there and protested.
We didn't do nothing.
People that do something are the problem?
I've never heard such a demonic voice gibbering in my ear.
Go back to Satan.
Get behind me, devil.
Bruce in Ohio, you're on the air, welcome.
Hello, Alex.
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Thanks for calling.
Thank you.
First-time caller, long-time lister since about 2010.
I love your products.
I've been using them for four or five years.
They're all great.
My question is, in the past couple of years, I think you've had some experts on predicting a global economic crisis.
Uh, at least one in the United States, if not the entire world.
Well, I predicted they'd use a bioweapon as the cover for Total Tech Government, you know.
Do you think this virus could have been designed to distract people's consciousness from the economic crash?
Oh, absolutely.
It's the global reset cover.
I don't think, I know and I predicted it, this is synthetic.
The whole thing's a fraud and a hoax.
It doesn't mean it doesn't kill people, but the whole stampeding, limbing, over-the-edge-the-clip event, this is it.
This is the new world we're striking back.
I think we get that point out, and the fact that it's man-made, they've got to back off.
If we don't, we're screwed.
Trump comes out and says, looks like man-made, Wuhan, and he brings up the files with the man-made, he checkmates them all.
But Anthony Fauci and all them, I'm not even saying they're the villains, I'm not sure about them.
I don't want to make claims people make without all the proof, but let's just say this, he's getting bad advice, and Trump's got to fire all barrels at this situation.
He points out it's man-made, game over for them.
Two more quick points, Alex.
Most people in this country, would you agree or not, live pay-to-pay, month-to-month, on their income?
What is this going to do to people's credit?
Don't you think that... This morning, at 5 a.m.
when I got up, I wanted to come on air and talk about Paycheck to paycheck, half the public roughly is on that.
What happens when they can't go to work for a couple months?
It will create a social bomb.
And you just said it all, brother.
And last thing, thank you for having me on your show.
Dr. Steve Pechenik and Dr. Boyle seem to have a difference of opinion on Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Do you have anything you can add to that?
No, I mean I respect both of them.
They're both a lot of important things and that's why we have them on.
Because we believe, we don't give you a talking point, we just have interesting people on to have a discussion so you can see what they have to say and you can make a decision.
I get what Pchenik's doing.
He knows it's a foreign weapon to bring down America.
He can't help himself.
He's going to tell you everything's okay.
And then you've got Boyle, who's saying it's a bioweapon.
He can't help it.
He's going to tell you what he thinks.
And I think in that dialectic, you're going to get, because you want both, you want all those perspectives.
And I, because you know, notice Google feeds you results that you want.
It's like one thing.
No, no, no.
We want outside the boxes.
We want to look at all the points.
That's why there's all these Arnolds going, well Jones is selling fraudulent silver that cures Corona.
I never said that.
But he then says don't worry about Corona.
Why is he doing that?
Because we're not doing that.
Whether it's quarantines or not, you're going to get this virus.
And it is man-made.
And it looks like HIV.
And it comes back again and again.
So let's have a discussion while the iron's hot about where it came from, who stands to gain from it.
Because you start having that discussion, These viruses mutate quickly.
They're releasing them.
They're spraying them.
This is a globalist operation.
They don't release a bio-weapon that has legs.
They release a very quick-acting one that mutates and is gone.
A bunch of dickheads are running around releasing all this right now.
It's totally a bio-attack.
America and the world's under bio-attack.
And so, let's not be afraid of it, and let's realize, you expose the providence of it, game over.
Just one button I push.
You expose who did this, you expose this man-made, that's their weak spot.
It's all over.
Anything else, Bruce?
Last question, Alex.
Do you think that the Democrats have been immunized against this virus?
Why do they not feel or seem afraid of it?
Because they know it's overall a hoax and want to use it as a power takeover.
All right, I'm out of time.
Thank you, Bruce.
All right, Dr. Nick Begich takes over.
He's been one of the main trailblazers supposing all this.
He'll give you his take, and I'll agree with some of it, not all of it, because we're not a cult.
We're a college of ideas having real discussions, and I'm going to go take about a 30-minute nap because I'm not complaining, but I have been through the wringer lately, and there's nothing like the Odin sleep.
Thanks for making everything a nice little 30 minute nap.
And I'm gonna be okay.
And I'm good, but I need sleepy time right now.
I need sleepy time right now.
A nice place I go to when I'm asleep.
Nice 30-minute nap on my couch in my office.
And I'll be back today with other stuff and back this weekend, everything else.
But O&Shore is coming up in 45 minutes after Dr. Nick Begich.
And yeah, we got great products.
They're demonizing everywhere.
They're trying to shut down.
They're making false claims in my name about stuff.
None of the products we sell cure coronavirus.
That's a damn lie for the media.
We read Homeland Security reports about nano-silver killing viruses at point-blank range, which sounds like a good thing.
No, you got to get them right up next to it.
That's not a good thing.
That don't work in your lungs.
And welcome back, and it's Friday the 13th.
What a day!
What a week!
You know, last week I was talking about this virus and sort of what's happening and a different sort of take on it and a lot of positive A response and I remember last week listening to Alex and Mike Adams and listening again going into this hour and I want to comment a little bit because sometimes as Alex said we do disagree and it's regarding the issue of fear that Mike Adams brought up and I agree that it's a
An important emotion in terms of the Declaration of Human Emergency is fear, right?
I mean, we jump into that and we also jump in to the reptilian brain, the one that does the flight or fight response, which is an initial response.
You know, that's the appropriate one.
But in a modern world, that isn't the lion jumping out at us.
It requires a calmness.
And the reason it does isn't philosophical, it's actually biological.
Because what happens when you're in fear, your immune system gets depressed, number one.
So if you stay in a state of fear for a long period of time, you'll depress your immune system.
Long anxiety depresses your immune system, makes you more susceptible to illness.
So laying aside the reality or non-reality or how the virus started, because we could fight that to the cows come home.
Because last week I was talking about supply chain interruption and the impact of that, which is really important.
Because one of the callers just a few moments ago touched on the point of what about all those people?
That live paycheck to paycheck.
And something I've commented on in past programs in recent days is the fact that 58% of Americans only have $1,000 in savings or less than $1,000 in savings, which isn't enough to last very long, you know, as things go.
So, you know, talking about that reality and the fact that so many live so close to the edge and so many are already over the edge and something Mike said that I totally agree with, Is what happens after?
Are we going to have a bigger homelessness issue because of all of the problems?
Probably so.
You know, look at, you know, what's happening.
If you're watching the video clips right now, you know, it's the storming of the grocery store, you know, this kind of thing.
This program talked about this long ago.
You know, InfoWars has provided accurate information, not in a state of panic, but in a state of awareness.
Hey, ladies and gentlemen, pay attention.
That's what we need to do right now.
And that's initial shock, response, fear.
You got to be real.
You know, that's real.
And then we got to look at things a little differently.
We got to calm ourselves and approach things a little bit differently.
And remember our humanity, quite frankly.
And I think it's appropriate to say that, you know, today is a lot of happy talk, you know, in terms of what's going on in the mainstream, and yet the reality of it is settling in every quarter.
This weekend it will settle in more, because here's what Mike said a couple weeks ago, and it's accurate, is the projection on this.
You know, we ran our numbers, too, and go, wow.
The short term isn't too scary, but the long term is pretty devastating.
And it doesn't have to be that long.
Something else pointed out this can go a quarter or two and then flip back around.
What I was looking at at the end of last year wasn't a virus.
I was looking at just the economic fundamentals, which were bad.
They were really, really bad.
And I said this last week, you know, I even, um, Speculated on that horror show that I saw coming and this virus gives international bankers a lot of cover as they throw another trillion and a half dollars into liquidity.
To fuel an already on-fire market.
Today you see the big rise in the market happening at the moment.
This is not long-term going to be around, you know.
It's up 900 points right now as we go into the last hour of the day, half hour of the day.
And it'll end on a high note and then the news will roll in through the weekend and the counts will come up and Monday will hit and everyone will go, oh my gosh, what do we do?
And here's some things I want to talk about.
In terms of what's been hit really hard, oil has been hit hard for a lot of reasons.
Outside of this, beyond the dampening of demand, the supply side was increased dramatically by OPEC failing to reach agreement a few days ago.
And they're scheduled for a meeting on the 18th, an interim meeting where Russia and OPEC and everybody meets again.
Maybe they'll settle this on the 18th.
Keep an eye out.
That'll be a lot of happy talk around that.
There'll be a need to have a lot of happy talk because I think this thing still has a long way to go.
As we begin To factor in what I call the emotional x factor and
everyone thinks they understand emotion and thinks they understand how it works.
And we all can rationalize all that and intellectualize all that.
See, the part of the brain that's doing all that work, intellectualize all that, is the opposite side of the brain where the action is when the emotion starts to crank up.
So you can't assess one from the point of view of the other and be very accurate about it on either side.
So here's what happens in my predictions of the next steps.
And they're not, the prediction's to ask people to remain calm and start to do some things
just proactively, just because we should and it returns some power to ourselves.
You know, so do some things proactively, think about what's going on around you calmly
and then make sure you're as prepared as you can be.
And then, you know, buckle up for what happens 'cause we're already in motion.
Forget about fighting over the cause or the situation or who took advantage.
They all have a playbook on the show.
One of my friends from, I think it was the Arlington Institute, but the guy I had met years and years ago did some work for the Pentagon and he did a book called Out of the Blue.
And one of the scenarios was the one we're looking at right now.
And the government, the Pentagon, the government has a playbook on the shelf for exactly these scenarios.
Playbook is off the shelf and now it's being engaged.
So when people talk about a conspiracy, you can look at it that way.
Others who did planning thought it was just planning, you know, but but it's implementation time.
And so no one misses the opportunities when these opportunities are so big and global.
When the bad guy sees opportunity, he pounces, you know, and that's one of the things that we are totally aware of and InfoWars has been aware of.
So, think about what's going on right now.
Oil is way down.
Transportation sector is in the toilet.
Mining sector, gold and silver dropped precipitously today.
Because ETFs, exchange-traded funds, margin calls, what's happening right now is a whole bunch of implosions by these big funds.
And the big implosions are yet to come because those are derivatives.
And they may be unwinding.
We just haven't seen it yet.
But keep this in mind.
Derivatives were controlling $200 trillion, with a T, trillion dollars in global assets.
And they're all these weird gambling events, you know, that big guys have put together where they bet one part of the economy against the other.
But when they all come falling down and someone calls the bet, the game is in bad state and then falls faster.
So you might get some happy talk and some big infusions of cash because the big guy has a lot to lose.
And remember, when you're poor and you fall, you only have a little ways to go and you don't go splat.
But when you're high and mighty, as they say, and you're standing on the Empire State Building and you fall, you go splat.
And so, Americans, we're not going splat.
Hang in there.
Don't succumb to fear.
We'll be right back after these brief messages.
On several decisive new actions we're taking in our very vigilant effort to combat and ultimately defeat the Corona virus.
We've been working very hard on this.
We've made tremendous progress.
When you compare what we've done to other areas of the world, it's pretty incredible.
A lot of that had to do with the early designation and the closing of the borders.
And as you know, Europe was just designated as the hotspot right now, and we closed that border a while ago.
Lucky or through talent or through luck, call it whatever you want.
But through a very collective action and shared sacrifice, national determination, we will overcome the threat of the virus.
I also announced Wednesday night, following the advice of our medical professionals, who are doing a tremendous job.
We appreciate it very much that we're suspending the entry of foreign nationals who have Been to Europe in the last 14 days from entering the United States.
Citizens, permanent residents and our families, any of the families returning from Europe will be subject to extra screening as well as self-isolation for a period of 14 days.
As the World Health Organization confirmed today, many of the things that what we said were 100% correct, including our designation, Before them of Europe.
Like our earlier very aggressive actions with China, this measure will save countless lives.
I appreciate a number of the folks behind me, a lot of number of the people behind me said that that saved a lot of lives that early designation.
But it is only the beginning of what we're really doing.
And now we're in a different phase.
We had some very old and obsolete rules that we Had to live with it, worked under certain circumstances, but not under mass circumstances.
They were there for a long time, they were in place for a long time, and we're breaking them down now.
And they're very usable for certain instances, but not for this.
To unleash the full power of the federal government in this effort today, I am officially declaring a national emergency.
Two very big words.
The action I am taking will open up access to up to $50 billion of Very importantly, very important, and a large amount of money for states and territories and localities in our shared fight against this disease.
In furtherance of the order, I'm urging every state to set up emergency operation centers effective immediately.
You're going to be hearing from some of the largest companies and greatest retailers and medical companies in the world.
They're standing right Behind me and inside of me.
I'm also asking every hospital in this country to activate its emergency preparedness plan so that they can meet the needs of Americans everywhere.
The hospitals are very engaged.
New York and various other places are also very engaged.
I just spoke with Governor Cuomo.
We had a very good conversation.
And we're working very strongly with many states, including New York.
The emergency orders I'm issuing today will also confer broad new authority to the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
The Secretary of HHS will be able to immediately waive provisions of applicable laws and regulations to give doctors, hospitals, all hospitals, and health care providers maximum flexibility to respond to the virus.
And care for patients.
This includes the following critical authorities, the ability to waive laws to enable telehealth, a fairly new and incredible thing that's happened in the in the not so distant past.
I tell you what they've done with telehealth is incredible.
It gives remote doctors visits and hospital check ins the power To waive certain federal license requirements so that doctors from other states can provide services in states with the greatest need.
Number two, the ability to waive requirements that critical access hospitals limit the number of beds to 25 and the length of stay to 96 hours.
The ability to waive the requirements of a three day hospital stay prior to admission to a nursing home.
Big thing.
The authority to waive rules that hinder hospitals' ability to bring additional physicians on board or obtain needed office space.
They can do as they want.
They can do what they have to do.
They know what they have to do.
Now they don't have any problem getting it done.
The authority to waive rules that severely restrict where hospitals can care for patients within the hospital itself, ensuring that the emergency capacity can be quickly established.
We'll remove or eliminate every obstacle necessary to deliver our people the care that they need and that they're entitled to.
No resource will be spared.
Nothing whatsoever.
Ten days ago, I brought together the CEOs of commercial labs at the White House and directed them to immediately begin working on a solution to dramatically increase the availability of tests.
Other countries have called us and worked with us and they're doing similar things or will be doing similar things.
As a result of that action today, we're announcing a new partnership with private sector to vastly increase and accelerate our capacity to test for the coronavirus.
We want to make sure that those who need a test can get a test very safely, quickly and conveniently.
But we don't want people to take a test if If we feel that they shouldn't be doing it.
And we don't want everyone running out and taking only if you have certain symptoms.
Using federal emergency authorities, the FDA approved a new test for the virus.
We did this within hours after receiving the application from Roche, a process that would normally take weeks.
We therefore expect up to a half a million additional tests will be available Early next week, we'll be announcing locations probably on Sunday night.
I want to thank Roche, great company for their incredible work.
I'd also like to thank Thermo Fisher.
The FDA's goal is to hopefully authorize the application within 24 hours.
It'll go very quickly.
It's going very quickly, which will bring additionally 1.4 million tests on board next week.
And five million within a month, I doubt we'll need anywhere near that.
At the same time, we've been in discussions with pharmacies and retailers to make drive-through tests available in the critical locations identified by public health professionals.
The goal is for individuals to be able to drive up and be swabbed without having to leave your car.
I want to thank Google.
Google is helping to develop a website.
It's going to be very quickly done.
Unlike websites of the past, to determine whether a test is warranted and to facilitate testing at a nearby convenient location.
We have many, many locations behind us, by the way.
We cover this country and large parts of the world, by the way.
We're not going to be talking about the world right now.
But we cover very, very strongly our country.
Stores in virtually every location.
Google has 1,700 engineers working on this right now.
They've made tremendous progress.
Our overriding goal is to stop the spread of the virus and to help all Americans who have been impacted by this.
Again, we don't want everybody taking this test.
It's totally unnecessary.
And here we are going into the weekend.
President Trump's message.
Finally, we're hearing sort of where this is going under a national emergency.
I want to say, remember as this thing sort of unfolds, the emotional experience of being in it
is gonna be much different than thinking about it as we are right now watching the news unfold
on this Friday afternoon across the country and across the world.
You're listening to "InfoWars, the Tip of the Spear."
This is Dr. Nick Begich.
Check us out at earthpulse.com.
We're going into the break.
One of the toughest weeks on Wall Street and one of the toughest weeks on Main Street
because that's where this thing is hitting us all.
We'll be right back.
And welcome back.
And, you know, again, on this pretty crazy weekend coming up, you know, there's going to be a lot going on.
A declaration of emergency is just taking place by President Trump.
People seem to be reacting well to that.
That's good.
But again, I want to remind people the emotional impact is still not completely here.
It'll hit us when Things start really happening that you can't miss, that are visually in your face, and you'll start to see more of that.
Again, you know, talking about fear, we've talked a little bit about that before.
I talk about it a lot on this program, and my view of that is, is stay calm.
Yeah, recognize fear is what wakes us up, so we pay attention.
But now that we're paying attention, let's be deliberate about it.
What happens to the brain in fear is you show incoherent brain patterns, not those associated with higher-order thinking, or those things that are associated with the gifts of the spirit.
You know, actually, your brain activity and fear and God don't mix, you know, in the same way.
That's why when the angel arrives, he always announces, Fear not!
That's the first words out of the mouth because they want your brain in neutral where you can hear still before you jump into the flight or fight response too vigorously.
So go there because now we're awake.
Now that we're awake, pay attention to everything that's happening around you and try to stay calm and do what you can.
Be as prepared as you can.
This is a great country, the United States, only by virtue of the people that here live here and that are here, which are, in fact, I want to remind everyone, we are the government, you know, by the people, for the people, of the people.
If we remember that and remember our humanity in all of this, Americans tend to rise to our best at the worst times in the world's history.
We always do.
This won't be any exception.
I don't believe that.
I think that that's just who we are, what we are.
And I hope we rise to that again.
I hope we demonstrate to ourselves and the world that we are that people, that light in the world of darkness, when we can be.
Because I believe that is the answer, that to be that light is the answer, and that requires us to be courageous and strong at times when others are quaking in fear.
We don't need to be those.
Recognize these are scary times for sure.
We're going to oscillate in and out of that depending on where we are and what we're individually experiencing.
But we are not alone in any of it.
And this is a short stop between interviews, you know, with the maker.
You know, it's like, hey, We're not.
We're all in this together.
No one's getting out alive.
That's the nature of living and humanity in general.
Nothing's changed really in that regard.
You know, the emergency is at our door this time.
If we lived in Mumbai or Beijing or a lot of third world places in the world, you know, it kind of happened a long time ago and you've been experiencing it every day.
But it's happening here and now and so it's in our face and I still say remain calm.
There's other things going on that you want to pay attention to.
You know, there's things going on in the Middle East, things going on in the currency world that people haven't talked much about.
The Brazilian currency is down almost 20%, already ratcheting down before this really got in full gear.
The Russian ruble dropped 8% at one point and then bounced back a couple percent in the same day.
You know, these are big moves that normally don't happen.
So I would say there's big powers at play and there's a lot of things being unhinged right now.
The Australian dollar just tanked.
You know, if you look at what's going on there and they just fueled their markets
with lubrication and cash.
And Japan just fueled their markets, lubrication and cash.
And everybody's running around going, "Oh no, what do we hold?"
Do we hold dollars?
Do we hold yen?
Do we hold gold?
Gold crash.
Silver crashed horribly this week.
Silver down, you know, like a big chunk, 30 percent.
Totally counterintuitive, right?
When markets crash, metals go up.
Not if they're paper metals, which is most of the markets lately.
If anybody was paying attention, You know, it was exchange traded funds, ETFs.
These are being unhinged by margin calls.
People have to cough up money, you know, they're choking on their debt.
And here we are.
Folks, we are on a really rough ride at the moment.
This is what's going on.
That's the reality of it.
And it's going to be bumpy for a while.
And I agree with Mike Adams in the last hour.
On the other end of this, this will escalate right back out of this because there's a lot of money parked at the sidelines.
Now, let's just see how far it goes.
I'm not optimistic in the short run.
I think we got a couple of rough quarters and then we see how it all shakes down.
And what happens to derivatives and hedge funds and the big ones that when they start coming into whatever's going on right now, we'll see the big effect.
And maybe we haven't seen that completely yet, but don't lose heart because these things pass.
Yeah, things were already, there was a giant bubble.
Everybody knew it.
Everybody was aware of it in the economic circles.
This gives cover to those guys.
Don't let them off the hook.
You know, know what's behind the economic side of the equation.
But let's talk about the future also.
You know, people are working at home.
People are going to school at home.
People are going to college at home.
And they're setting up systems to do this on the Internet, which in one sense is like, hey, maybe this changes the economy, economies of scale on and how people function in the future.
I think it'll have lasting effect.
I think some companies will say, hey, it's cost effective to reduce office space and keep people at home.
It saves money to do it this way.
Uh, companies that were unwilling to try it are trying it out of necessity, now may find it works.
And in the long run, this changes the way maybe education gets delivered, so more people can access it for less money, less cost, because it's way less costly.
And the same for employment.
Maybe they can push more into payroll and less into building if people are working out of their homes and shuffle the deck around.
This could have huge and will have huge structural changes in what comes after this.
After the supply chain interruptions and people sort of reassess what globalism really looks like because right now everyone's getting a bad taste, if you're the average guy, because globalism is working against you and now If you haven't seen it, you certainly can feel it now as supply chains get interrupted and the sovereignty of food supplies and food sovereignty for lots of parts of the world are in jeopardy.
The foundations of independence, which is about food production and the things that are necessary for a modern society and a modern culture.
These are the things that we should all be reassessing right now as we move Into this thing, but also knowing that we're going to come out of it.
So if you're not panicked and you look around, think back to 208 and what happened.
Think back to 1987, if you were around long enough to what happened.
And then what happened on the other side of these things as we come out of it, it may be in this one may dangle for years.
It could dangle because of what has happened in an eruption.
And who survives, because people are going to get hurt.
People are already hurt.
And that's the side of this that needs to be addressed, because ultimately most Americans and most people in the world are one edge away from, you know, a paycheck away from being on the street.
You know, I initiated here in Alaska with a friend of mine, David Cuddy, an initiative, Intervention2020.com.
Check it out.
Intervention2020.com and it's related to the homelessness issue which I've covered on this broadcast and I agree with Mike Adams after this is over we may see a huge surge in that.
Here in Alaska a lot of it is petty criminality and that's what we're kind of addressing with this initiative that we started a while back but You know, the issue of homelessness on the West Coast and you want to talk about this virus in the context of homelessness and this when these two meet.
You're going to see an explosion that is very difficult to contain of people whose immune systems are already compromised by drug addiction, alcoholism, and some of the problems that face homeless populations as it is.
And so when you see all of this now in motion, it's going to be a lot more extreme.
What happened?
So intervention.com intervention2020.com we set up to begin to talk about at least a local solution because this is something that isn't going away.
We're going to see more of this.
We have a lot of suffering in the country already.
We have more coming unfortunately and despite the happy talk the emotional component of this will set in.
Stay as calm as you can.
Yes, accept the fear that comes along the way and let it move us into action, but don't let us take us anywhere.
Let us take ourselves.
Let us be that tip of the spear.
Let us be the light at the end of the tunnel and let the tunnel be a bright one.
Because this is America after all.
We're not beaten down yet.
We're humanity.
We are the human race.
We are created in the image and likeness of God to do something on this planet now.
In this dark hour, rise into what you are as a human being.
Be that person that you were created to be.
Make a change in your neighborhood, your family, and your world, and do it now.
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Available at InfoWarsStore.com Six weeks ago, we warned you that the choreographed nature of the global media and governments concerning coronavirus told us it was a major globalist operation.
Now, whether it's super deadly or not, the issue is it's being used by the globalists as a weapon against the world economy and against nation states and against the populist movement here in America.
And against Infowars.
And that means against you.
So however you're going to do it, now is the time to get ready and to get prepared with emergency supplies And items that are known to boost your immune system.
They're all at InfoWarsStore.com.
High quality, storable food when nobody else has got it.
Super powerful formulas like DNA Force Plus, X2, X3, Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, and our Nano Silver line of products.
A bunch of which has been sold out, but a bunch of which is coming back in later this week.
So check it all out at Infowarsstore.com and get prepared.
But they're up to five, six, seven, eight weeks for delivery depending on the item.
They're under promising over delivering.
But everybody else has been sold out for a month.
We told you about the FEMA emergency first.
We told you about the cover-up first.
Whether this virus is super deadly or not, they're using the crisis that has come with it to take over and have power and control.
Trump is not trying to do that.
There's no doubt that everyone I talk to, including myself, I'm not trying to cough here on air to illustrate this.
I can't stop.
I talked to Tyler Nixon during the break, Rodgers' lawyer.
He hasn't been sick in years.
He has pneumonia.
He's super sick right now.
Flew back from D.C.
Everybody I know that's flown is super sick.
That's what Steve McShinnick said a month ago.
He said it's already all over the U.S.
That's confirmed now.
It's race-specific, though.
It mainly kills Asians.
Well, that's still a problem.
It's still sad.
We care about them.
But it's the globalist launching this.
It's man-made right now.
That's why you've got to be concerned.
So check that checklist off to get high-quality, storable food.
The only place you're going to get it at five times less than store-at-cost, because they mark it up, is InfoWareStore.com.
And if I lied to you and said, oh, it's seven days delivery, we'd have five times the orders.
But I won't.
Do it!
The truth is, it's about four-week delivery, they told me.
They said, don't say that on air because people get mad, but most of our stuff's four weeks, but some of it's six, seven weeks with specialty items, so don't.
Tell them that.
You know what?
I'm gonna tell you.
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We're talking about the real deal here.
And I love Trump all day long, but, man, I tell you, he sits here and lets these big tech people keep running roughshod over him.
I mean, I've got a problem.
And we'll just take the Trump rallies over.
That said, about two months ago, I came up with a plan that I haven't launched yet.
We have a warehouse full of hundreds of thousands of stickers.
20 different stickers.
Impeach the Democrats.
Save the Second Amendment.
Defend the First Amendment.
And it looks like duct tape.
It's just a regular sticker.
You put it over your mouth.
You go to a Trump rally.
And you instantly take over without even disrupting things.
People say, why are you doing this?
What's happening?
Well, you go, well, we're being censored.
You know, Trump won't do anything about it.
And Dr. Puccini, let me just ask you what you think, because I've not launched this yet.
It's brilliant.
You've taken the very element that they try to repress you with, that's silence, and made it into a weapon.
You have the loudest sound of all, silence.
And you know what's most disturbing to people?