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Name: 20200225_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 25, 2020
2296 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the coronavirus outbreak, its implications for the economy, and the behavior of the Democratic Party. He promotes products such as Heart and Body Extract to improve health and encourages listeners to stay informed about Band.Video and Infowars.com. The speaker also criticizes Bernie Sanders and highlights the importance of free speech. He discusses the impact on supply chains, the need for preparedness, and the increasing intolerance among leftists.

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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
There's so much huge news to cover, but when I got up this morning at about 5 a.m.
and I was thinking about what the top story would be, It's clear.
It's the fact that the Democratic Party are publicly revealing themselves to be satanic, devil-worshipping, perverts, pedophiles, and mental patients who are just into destroying civilization and society, and more and more, they are admitting that that is Their goal.
So I got together just some of the news the last few days that ties into all of this.
And then via their lust for total power and control, the fact that they're trying to normalize all this behavior and criminalize normal common sense human behavior.
They're trying to turn the world upside down.
They're trying to invert things.
Well, what does Satanists do?
They read stuff backwards.
They turn the star.
It's just a symbol of the human.
The pentacle, the star, the head, the arms, the legs, and they put it upside down, a human being driven into the ground.
They take reality, they don't create anything, they just reverse it.
And when you understand that, you go, wow, the ancients all knew this.
And they said, beware people, Hindus taught this, the Jews taught it, Christians, you name it, that anybody trying to reverse the order of things is a demon.
The Tibetans, that's what they call it.
And it's the same thing.
Now, whether it's psychological, whether it's environmental, whatever it is, it's real.
Because it manifests itself, and we all know that it isn't just person, it's not just individuals, it's the same thing in different people.
It's a transmission.
It's something they're receiving.
It's a spirit.
And our DNA has been proven to be an electrochemical transceiver.
It transmits and receives.
So we're going to go to break.
And I'm going to get into this news that is so incredibly important.
And then we are going to hand the baton to Mike Adams, who's getting ready as we speak to come in studio with just the incredible information he has to cover.
And we're also going to get a quick update from The CEO of MyPatriotSupply.
Everybody else has sold out.
They have food, but they are now four weeks out of delivery because the packaging of it is the logjam.
them and at current sales rates, I talked to them a lot this morning and last night,
in about a month they're going to have to start saying, "Okay, we're stopping orders,"
because they won't take orders when they don't have food.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am your host, Alex Jones, coming to you from Austin, Texas, broadcasting
Next segment, I'm going to go to the heart of the evil that drives socialist, communist, statist, the Democrats, and all of their writings and statements of Bernie Sanders and other individuals praising rape and pedophilia and why they can't help themselves.
And the Clintons, the things they're involved in.
The conviction of Weinstein.
And Avenatti.
All of it.
Coming up next segment, but Keith Bansimer is the CEO of the largest storable foods company in the world.
I kept saying they're in the top three because I mean, I knew for the last four or five years they are.
They've been around 12 years.
I found out they were really great, doing a great job, a consortium of a couple of good companies that had merged with some great management.
So they became our sponsor for storable food.
I just want one great place that gets people high quality storable food.
And then about five, six years ago, they became partners with us.
They're in our shopping cart.
We're partnered with them, so when you order from us, you're just ordering from them the exact same prices, the exact same products.
It's just part of the money that goes to support our broadcast.
But this isn't just a plug for horrible food here.
It's bigger than that.
A month ago, or more than a month ago, Homeland Security Department, several of them, he's even named the departments, the Office of Procurement, they came in and wanted to buy everything they had.
And they bought up everything else everybody had.
And that was a big sign.
Whoa, this is big.
With the coronavirus.
Then I talked to two different sources in Homeland Security, one in the Army, one in a federal agency, and they said, yeah, we're told it's really deadly in a bio-weapon and that we've got to lock things down and they've got a bunch of emergency centers set up, but Trump doesn't want to panic the public.
Then I talked to somebody in the RNC that was at a big dinner with high-level folks in the Trump administration.
They said the same thing.
We're on record saying that a month ago.
Now they admit it's man-made.
Now they admit they've covered up the death rate of it.
Are the CHICOMs using it to power grab?
Absolutely they are.
But the fact that this is the biggest food sales ever seen.
This is four or five times what it was a month ago.
But there was a lot of panic buying and.
My Patriot at InfoWarsTore.com has the food, but now they're down to four weeks.
I kept telling you it's going to go up because the orders are so astronomical.
They've got their three factories to get it packaged, to get it certified, tested, packaged, ready.
They go through all the steps.
They don't cut corners because they want to be in this for the long run.
They want to be number one.
They are.
Just see, I picked the winner again.
Number one.
You need to get your storable food at Infolarestore.com.
You need to lock it in right now, because next week, they're not sure exactly what's going to go up.
Well, they've got a good idea.
They told me this morning in long talks.
Just don't be specific.
We think it's going to be the certain size cans, just because our prices have gone up.
First, it was 5% a few weeks ago.
Now, it's 10% to 15% to get the food.
The premiums are there because it's running out.
The other groups don't do long-term contracts, folks.
They just have what they have, they sell it at overprice, and then they're done.
Then they'll take your money while they try to get some crappy food.
Not my Patriots.
So, infowarestore.com, if you want a three-week, or you want a three-month, or four-month, or six-month, or a year special diets, they've got the best packaging, last 25 years, super high quality, tastes great.
Even Vice, the thing of our sponsors, said, man, this is a damn good macaroni and cheese, this is great.
This is really good.
They tested our coffee.
They're like, well, the coffee is really good coffee.
Well, yeah, I want folks to like it.
So we only got like six minutes left to break.
I want to bring Keith Bansumer on.
I know he's very busy.
You guys were hoping a few weeks ago that obviously the virus wasn't that bad.
Yeah, this would kind of go away.
You've got folks going 24 hours a day.
You're going all over trying to procure more food.
I mean, this is crazy.
None of us wish this was happening because it's dangerous.
But it is good that folks are waking up and thinking about getting prepared for economic crashes, you name it.
What we just saw in the stock market yesterday, and we'll look at that latest numbers in a moment, that's another big wake-up call to people.
That this could be a weapon used, as the Democrats openly are admitting, against President Trump and other nationalists.
In fact, they're on MSNBC hoping it hurts Trump.
Just rooting for a virus to devastate the economy.
What a group of criminals, Keith.
Well, I'll tell you, you know, you've hit the nail on the head, Alex.
You know, those that know what's coming are definitely using today to prepare.
Just yesterday, just by comparison, 30 times normal sales.
For emergency food storage.
America is absolutely preparing.
We've reacted with a few things.
You mentioned we have three different facilities.
Actually, this weekend, we opened a fourth, Alex, because we just need more capacity to take the foods we've purchased.
We've got the rice, got the beans.
Actually, there's a potato shortage out there right now.
We're running into some of that, and that's what's forcing some of the food pricing up.
That actually, there are some shortages starting to appear.
But we've got these teams now in four facilities working 24-7.
They have to process the food.
They have to make the meals and the blends and all.
They've got to package it.
We've got all that standing by.
They put it in the buckets.
They seal it up.
They're getting it out the door.
But as you point out, we're seeing a 21 to 28 day delay right now.
delay right now and that could go further.
Walk through this for us because again, the ultimate weapon is the truth.
Mike Adams was on yesterday.
And he just said, we're overwhelmed with his shopping cart.
He goes, we're just overwhelmed.
You guys are almost overwhelmed.
We're almost overwhelmed.
We're not.
But it's a very satisfying thing to just tell the truth.
You're not getting a gimmick here, folks.
Just like we told you, prices are going to go up, because that's what's happening in the market.
And we told you the time to get it's going to go up.
We're not lying to you like other people.
And I'm not just trying to say, come get it from us.
I went and got the company that does what they say they're going to do, because I want long-term relationships.
That just makes perfect sense to me.
And it's actually shameful, Keith, That almost every other company is fly-by-night, has gone away, or folded, and wasn't even in position to be the biggest company because they play games.
But you guys did the right thing, just like the Bible teaches, and here you are number one.
But that's a side issue.
It's just crazy to me that there's food is sold out everywhere at the other storable food companies.
Well it is, but you know, they're selling to the governments too, and their programs and contracts.
And that's something that we've never done, and will never do, and we've said no, and we've ignored the emails.
I don't even take the phone calls right now.
I mean, I've got them on my phone.
I said, oh my gosh, they're calling again.
They want us to get into the government procurement system.
We're not going to do that.
We're just selling direct to Americans.
Which, by the way, means COG has been triggered.
Continuity of Government.
And you named one of the agencies before.
You want to name a few of them right now?
Well, we know that some of them have to do with the defense.
We know some have to do with FEMA.
You know, they show you the list.
They say you can have access to all these things.
In fact, here's some competitors and others in the space, in the food storage space, that are already in the system.
And you can have these contracts, and they show you the numbers.
You know, it's enticing, but that's not what we're about.
You know, we're about serving Americans and helping them prepare for, you know, eventual emergencies.
And that's the thing that people don't know.
When there's a real emergency, the government and agencies buy it all up.
I think for control, they've already got giant bunkers full of food.
And again, the government's not the enemy, but the globalists have been in control.
Trump hasn't gotten control of the government yet.
The average person in the government's a good person, but the people on top are almost all bad.
It's changing now with Trump.
And so that's why you guys Absolutely.
You know, you control the information and communication.
That's step one.
to FEMA and others because you believe that that's what it's all about is having people
not dependent but people in a position of self-reliance.
You know, you control the information and communication.
That's step one.
Step two, control the food.
And that means you get to step three.
That's control the people.
We're not doing that.
We're going to help people prepare if they want to prepare with the foods and water filtration and all the other items.
That's right.
The Alexa appears the highest rated.
People go test it.
Third parties go, wow, this is like one of the best filters out there.
It's like, you know, there's only one or two as good out of hundreds.
Well, yeah, that's.
Who I partner with, and the food company I partnered with, puts out a great air purification, the Alexa Pure Breeze, and then you got Alexa Pure Water Filtration, all at infowarestore.com, and then that funds this operation.
We're all about Second Amendment defending ourselves.
We're all about having our own independent, pro-freedom, pro-truth media.
We're all about having storable foods.
We're all about standing strong and being healthy and taking dominion over the earth from Satan.
And that's what God tells you in Genesis.
You were to take dominion over the planet.
Well, Satan is the god of this world.
God tells us, you're taking the planet back from Satan!
And that means being strong, being pure, having children, raising them right, and being self-sufficient.
Harvey Weinstein verdict brings relief for his victims, convicted of rape and more.
This is just in the last few days.
Pro-HIV California senator wants to exempt LGBT pedophiles from sex registry.
Yes, he got it passed where you can give somebody HIV and not get in trouble, and give blood.
They call it gift-giving.
And they're all into pooping all over the street and needles in every leftist area.
Because they're here to bring civilization down.
They're called deviants.
We must abolish the family to have a feminine future.
Men must be abolished.
Sounds like an alien takeover.
CNN asks why testosterone and sperm counts are plummeting in Europe and North America.
Well, you know why.
It's all the bisphenol A and all the estrogens that you push on everybody.
Boris Johnson's government releasing report on ethnicity of rape gangs, even though they're almost all Arab and Pakistani, not in public interest.
Transgender inmate accused of rape in women's facility.
Men in prison with women.
Men convicted of armed robbery.
Deep fantasy essay explained.
I'm going to cover this.
I shot a special report that's going to air at the last segment of the third hour ahead of Paul Watson, right when Alan Keyes is going to be guest hosting and leaving us.
I'm gonna read from this, but let me tell you, he fantasizes about 12-year-old girls being gang-raped by over a dozen men.
And how it is good!
It is good?
And NPR says it's good!
That seat, just like Islam, is good.
Throwing gays off buildings.
It's, it's, it's... It is good.
The Christians are bad.
The gang-raped 12-year-old good.
Just like the head of the Young Turks fantasizes about raping piglets.
I'm not kidding.
Reportedly, that's what he's into is pig sex.
He says he wants to pleasure animals, and then the word on the street is...
I'm not going to go there.
Folks, you can't even... This is insane.
But by the way, if you're a new listener, I'm not joking about Bernie Sanders.
Bernie Sanders wrote news articles fantasizing about raping 12... EVERY MAN WANTS TO RAPE 12-YEAR-OLD GIRLS!
What the hell?!
It's like psychos when they catch them with dead bodies in their basement.
Everybody wants to kidnap kids and kill them.
Uh, no dude, that's you.
You're going in the electric chair.
But again, look at Bernie's face back when he wrote this.
A psychotic control freak, demented loon bag.
Let's roll some of the B-roll, if we can, of the Bernie rally Sunday, where our crew got assaulted and bloodied.
And it was like they had opened up the gates of a giant 25,000 person mental institution.
But the media explains it.
She fantasizes about being raped by three men.
Bernie Sanders' bizarre 72 essay on gender.
Then you read it.
It's not just fantasizing that a woman wants to be raped, it's a bunch of men rape a little girl, that's what they like!
California Democrats introduced a bill that would protect gay pedophiles.
So, there goes their Me Too, that a man asking a woman out is rape and evil, like the Gillette commercials, to cover up for the fact that, oh, having a big clown-dressed fat man have your kid bounce on their knee, With names like Fishpants and Flojob, that's normal!
Sometimes the parents aren't even told!
But, you know, Gillette ad, if a guy goes, hey, ma'am, you're beautiful, you wanna go have a cup of coffee?
Wanna go to a movie?
Don't you do that!
So you see where they're coming from.
You see what they're doing.
So how are they going to sell this evil?
Well, they're going to silence us.
And when I give a speech at the Omni on Wednesday night at the Free Speech Emergency Conference, Free Speech Under Attack Emergency Conference, I'm going to be covering this.
Leftist study that's been endorsed calls for banning small clusters of right-wing thought criminals to avoid inflaming the entire hive.
That's a quote.
Here's the actual George Washington University plan, hidden resilience and adaptive dynamics of global online hate ecology.
Resisting the pedophiles is that.
They say just ban them incrementally, get other people to not stand up for the next person that's banned, and then we can ban them all within the space of a two-year plan.
And we're about two years in.
The people are finally figuring this out.
People said, Alex, how do you like being banned?
How are you?
I said, they're coming for you next.
This is a test.
They demonized me first for a couple years, then banned me, so you wouldn't stand up when the general public and Congress didn't.
Giant green light to attack!
Like when Hitler first invaded a couple small countries and nobody did anything.
He went, ah!
North Africa!
Bomb England!
Attack Russia!
That's how that works.
It's a probing.
And Trump and America have failed miserably.
The grassroots has fought back.
Talk radio's fought back.
People have gone to websites like Infowars.com.
They've spread the word person to person.
The people get it.
We're winning.
We're fighting hard.
But the politicians shake in fear that MSNBC might talk about them at night.
Trump gets you want to be attacked by these scum, by these pedophile pushers.
You want, that's a red badge of honor.
You don't want to sit there and be getting along with these people.
You want to break their back politically and the con game and the hoax over you.
Here's the good news.
They want to normalize their evil because they know you're going to reject it and they can't hide it anymore.
And they built cults on it.
They've taken over the Vatican.
They've taken over the Catholic Church.
They've taken over the Boy Scouts.
They've taken over most of the universities with pervert ranks.
And now they've been promised this giant power and your kids are going to be fed to them.
The demons want blood.
They want the blood of the innocents, as they always have in every culture that goes down in this phase of the cycle.
And so they're not getting it.
So they're trying to normalize it everywhere because they know their system's coming to an end.
And that's the positive news.
So everybody says, oh, you don't like being attacked or the Republicans banning you here and everybody doesn't want to be.
I don't want to be associated with all the cowards and followers.
I want to be the vanguard and change the world by my example and telling the truth and freedom.
And I've done that thanks to you backing me.
I've got the courage and will just like you do.
We're just like each other.
Don't thank me.
I want to thank you.
You supported us.
You prayed for us.
You spread the word.
You did it.
And we're winning now together more than ever!
All right, Mike Adams here.
Take it over for the rest of this hour and the next.
You just heard from Alex Jones on what's going on.
Crazy news today.
I've got a lot of breaking reports on the coronavirus, things that you have not yet seen in the mainstream media in any form whatsoever.
So buckle up.
This is going to get real interesting.
We've also got some special reports coming up as well.
So we'll get into those in the next hour.
Where to begin?
It's now, the coronavirus is now in Croatia.
It's in Switzerland, Austria, Spain, and Iraq.
So as of this morning, it has now been confirmed in those additional nations.
South Korea has almost a thousand infections confirmed there.
Because South Korea is in fact doing the testing that the United States is not doing.
Japan has confirmed 160 cases.
Italy, a big explosion of cases in Italy, now 270 confirmed and of course a lot more testing going on.
Remember that these numbers are only the people who have been tested and confirmed.
There are a far greater number of people who have not yet been tested.
That's really crucial to understand.
Also today, the United States Senate is being briefed in a classified briefing from CDC officials, HHS, NIH, and the State Department.
A classified briefing for all senators on the coronavirus.
That briefing is probably happening right now.
Why is this classified?
Why isn't this a public briefing?
I think I have the answer to that, and I think it's because the CDC knows there are over a thousand cases confirmed in the United States.
According to sources that we have cited, that is the case.
There were over 989 infections as of a week ago, but the public is not being told this information.
We believe that today the United States Senate is being briefed on the reality of the situation, Or possibly, possibly the CDC and the NIH is maybe covering this up from the senators and saying everything's fine.
But it isn't fine.
We're going to get into that.
But as of yesterday, the CDC had only tested 426 people across the entire country.
I mean, think about that.
In South Korea, they've tested 28,000 people.
In America, they've tested only 426 people.
When you have, what, over 300,000 returning Chinese students from mainland China, many of whom went home for the Chinese New Year and they're back, and they haven't been tested?
Get this, California has tested zero patients itself.
There are 158 Californians who have been tested, but all those tests were conducted by the CDC in Atlanta.
California's tested zero.
Washington State, He claims to have tested 28 people as of yesterday.
They released 200 people from their watch list and they tested none of those 200 people.
The 28 that were tested were tested by the CDC in Atlanta.
So what's happening is all of these states, and by the way, Hawaii's tested zero people.
All these people are sending, these states are sending their samples to the CDC for testing in Atlanta.
Because the test kits that were sent out by the CDC on February 5th, the test kits are faulty.
They do not work.
They had bad reagents.
These reagents are like, usually white powder chemical compounds.
The reagents are usually from China.
Because China is the chemical manufacturer of the world.
And I got a story here about Procter & Gamble that's going to blow your mind.
17,600 products use ingredients from China.
And they just issued a warning that those products may be disrupted.
All over the world, the supply lines are cratering.
But the CDC's test kits did not work.
They produce false positives and false negatives.
A false positive is when it says you have the virus, but you don't.
And a false negative is when it says you don't have the virus, but you do.
Either way, it's a disaster.
So the CDC, around February 13th, announced that no one should use those test kits.
Stop using them, they said.
And they said, well, we're going to send out new test kits with new reagents.
We're going to solve this problem.
We're the CDC.
Trust us.
We're in charge.
Everything's fine.
There's no evidence of community outbreaks in America, they say, because no one is testing.
You understand?
No one is testing.
Not in Oregon, not in Washington, not in Hawaii, not in Florida, not in California.
Fewer than 500 people tested in the entire country.
Now, where are the replacement test kits from the CDC?
And how is the CDC going to get the new replacement reagents when most of them are made in China?
So now you have a supply chain that is cratering to provide the materials to run test kits that the states are still waiting for.
And in the meantime, in my analysis, in my theory, I believe that the states have been ordered to not test anyone using their own technology.
That the CDC, I believe, has ordered Hawaii and California and Oregon and Washington to not conduct any tests using their own equipment.
And that's why there are zero tests being conducted there.
Because every state in America has law enforcement labs that can do PCR replication, gene sequencing analysis.
These labs exist all over the country.
Why aren't they being used to test for this?
And the answer is, because the CDC, I believe, has told them, do not test.
And that way the CDC can go on the air, they can talk to the Wall Street Journal, they can talk to the New York Times, Dr. Nancy Messonnier, who I now believe is deceiving America, they can go on and they can say, quote, we have no evidence of community outbreaks in America.
Notice that they are not saying we have no community outbreaks.
They're saying we have no evidence of community outbreaks, and the reason they have no evidence is because the testing is not being done.
So right now, the U.S.
Senate is being briefed in a classified setting.
I think, I mean, there's two options.
They're either being told the truth, that there are thousands of cases in America, this is spreading, it's doubling every 3.5 days or so.
In another month, there might be 40,000 cases in America.
It's going to be bad.
The hospitals will be overrun.
The infection will be out of control at some point.
The CDC knows this and they have to brief the Senate.
So we're going to cover today all the news that you're not getting anywhere else, such as the fact that now over 13 people in China have been reinfected after they were, quote, cured and sent back home.
This is coming out of China.
My staff scans the Chinese media because we have an office in Taiwan.
We have another just bombshell story coming out of China where we have a female doctor who came down with this and it hit her so aggressively.
She wrote an article about how she went from no symptoms to unable to walk.
In mere hours.
And it took her 30 days to recover with emergency medical care.
And she's a physician.
She said, I've never seen anything come on this quickly.
It's because it's a weapon system, folks.
It's a biological weapon.
And you have people out there to this day saying that this doesn't exist.
That it's a giant hoax.
I'm going to cover that today.
The people out there saying this isn't even real.
Another major radio host that's one of the biggest radio hosts in America yesterday said that this is no worse than the flu.
He said that he thinks the media is weaponizing this to try to hurt Trump.
The media is weaponizing it by hyping it up, is what he said.
Are you kidding me?
The media is downplaying this.
And it's not the flu.
The flu doesn't cause people to drop dead in the streets.
The flu doesn't cause you to vomit blood.
The flu doesn't cause China to shut down its entire manufacturing economy, putting the entire Communist Party at risk.
If this were a hoax...
Is South Korea in on this hoax?
Is South Korea faking 977 infections and numerous deaths?
Is Italy in on the hoax?
Is Italy running roadblocks for 12 towns with armed military to stop cars as part of some hoax?
Is Malaysia running a hoax?
Now Iraq and Spain and Croatia and Switzerland?
Are they all in on some grand hoax to fabricate something fake that doesn't even exist?
Excuse me.
It's insane.
This is real.
People are really dying.
People are really sick.
Some people are committing suicide.
This is real and President Trump is not taking it seriously enough yet.
We're about to go to break here.
We'll come back with a quote from President Trump and then another quote from Senator Schumer.
And it turns out, you're not going to believe this, Senator Schumer is actually the right person in this particular quote.
I can't even believe I'm saying that, but it's true.
We'll have that quote when we come back.
Stay tuned.
Infowars.com, Alex Jones Show, much more coronavirus news straight ahead.
All right, I'm going to reset restart here.
Sometimes I'm my own worst critic, but I don't think I'm giving you the full impact of what's going on here with the coronavirus.
Just to quickly summarize, yes, it's now in Croatia.
It's in Switzerland.
It's in Australia, it's in Spain, it's in Iraq.
I'm sorry, Austria, not Australia.
Pardon me on that.
It's exploding in South Korea and Italy.
There are roadblocks, armed roadblocks in Italy now.
And we believe there are cases in the United States.
The Senate is getting a classified briefing right now as we speak on this.
A classified briefing because it's super secret, apparently, how many cases are in the United States.
The CDC has only tested 426 people.
Most states, nearly all states, are testing no one.
Zero testing being done in the United States.
So how are we supposed to find out people who are infected if we're not doing testing in the United States?
South Korea has tested 28,000 people.
America's tested 426.
That's it.
Now, so we have a quote here from, well, Chuck Schumer, Senator Chuck Schumer.
And this is shocking, I'm going to agree with Chuck Schumer on this, which has never happened before.
It's almost, I can't imagine it, because Senator Schumer, in my opinion, he is a lying, treasonous, evil person, okay?
But he's not wrong on this quote, so here it is.
Quote, we have a crisis of coronavirus, and President Trump has no plan, no urgency, no understanding of the facts, or how to coordinate a response.
That's Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who is himself a heinous liar.
But he told the truth on that quote.
I'm sorry to say, President Trump wants the best for America.
I know that.
But President Trump, I believe, is being lied to.
And sadly, President Trump is not an expert in this area.
He doesn't understand virology or epidemiology.
He is not.
I mean, he's an expert in many things.
He's a very successful person, an expert in real estate.
This is not a real estate problem.
This is a pandemic problem.
And I think the people briefing the president are lying to him.
And so President Trump posted on Twitter from India earlier this morning, quote, the coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.
This is from President Trump.
"We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries.
CDC and World Health have been working hard and very smart.
Stock market starting to look very good to me."
So this is President Trump saying, "Buy the dip. Everything's fine."
The World Health Organization has it totally under control and the CDC is telling you the truth.
Now again, maybe the president is, that's the information he's being given because we know that many of these agencies, there are deep staters inside the whole system and they lie to the president all the time.
I have to believe that President Trump is getting bad information.
So he's not deliberately misleading anyone, but he's just not fully informed of what's actually happening in America.
The World Health Organization is a front group for Communist China.
They've been lying from day one and they've now banned, essentially, the word pandemic.
They're not going to declare a pandemic.
They already announced that.
We're not going to use the word pandemic.
Even though back during, remember the bird flu scare, which was nothing?
They declared a stage six global pandemic.
You know why?
Because they had vaccines ready to fund at that time.
Now there's no vaccine available.
So they say, well, it's not a pandemic.
Everything's fine.
CDC is lying to the president.
Let's go through.
Where is it?
Procter and Gamble story.
This is going to blow your mind.
Procter and Gamble.
All right.
Oh, here it is in my hands.
I'll get to that in a second.
No, here it is.
17,600 products produced by Procter & Gamble use 9,000 materials from 387 factories in China.
This is up on Natural News right now.
It'll probably get cross-posted onto Infowars.com.
The CFO of Procter & Gamble just announced, his name is John Moeller, he just announced during a speech at the Consumer Analyst Group of New York Conference, he just announced that all of this is going to be potentially disrupted by the coronavirus.
Now, you think about Procter & Gamble, you think about shampoo, you think about soap, you think about razors, brands like Gillette, and Head & Shoulders, and Pantene shampoo, and what else?
Feminine hygiene products, all kinds of products Just Tide laundry detergent, you know, household things, personal care products, Oral-B, Crest, Scope mouthwash, Iams pet food, Duracell.
One day you're going to walk into a Walmart and you're going to wonder why are the shelves empty?
Where are the vacuum cleaners?
Where are the refrigerators?
Where are the personal care products?
Where's the shampoo?
Why is it all gone?
And the answer is because it all comes out of China.
Because China makes almost everything.
Again, Procter & Gamble, think about this.
17,600 products all around the world, 9,000 different ingredients.
Those are materials to make the packaging, materials to make the razor blades, materials to make the plastic razors, materials that are the chemicals that go into the shampoo and the soap and all these products.
And these chemicals are no longer available, or at least strongly impaired, we could say.
So when you talk about getting ready for this, This is what I have to underscore here.
It's not just about getting food, although that's crucial, because obviously you starve to death without that.
And right now, by the way, I've been told it's four weeks out.
If you order the MyPatriotSupply food from InfoWarsStore.com, you're going to have to wait four weeks to get your shipment now.
And that's going to probably get longer.
And I'm going to talk about this food in a second, why it's so crucial to get a food supply.
But you need to be thinking even beyond that.
We need to think about all these consumer products.
How are you going to run your life?
I mean, hopefully you're not buying a bunch of Procter & Gamble garbage anyway.
It's, in my opinion, it's a bunch of toxic chemicals in those things.
You know, hopefully instead of buying Crest toothpaste, you're buying the super silver blue from Infowars store.
Way better ingredients.
There's not even any comparison.
But a lot of people depend on the cheap, chemically-laden Procter & Gamble products, and they're going to be gone if this continues on this current trend.
You're going to walk into a Target store or a Costco, and you're going to say, where is everything?
Or a Home Depot, where'd all the refrigerators go?
Well, the refrigerators are made in South Korea!
And South Korea needs electronic components from Wuhan, China, from the semiconductor industry.
And they're all gone!
Because the ships have stopped sailing, because the factories aren't running.
And get this, here's a quote from CIPS.org, also in that same article.
Other products affected include pork, the price has skyrocketed 167% on pork, and chicken, where ships carrying it from the U.S.
to mainland China are being diverted to ports in Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
Supplies of garlic are under threat.
China commands 80% of the export market for garlic.
Along with dried ginger, prices delivered to the U.S.
have grown by 26% just in the last quarter.
That's just two common spices, garlic and ginger.
The spice mixes, which means the food mixes, which means all the processed food that you buy in the store, those manufacturers have supply lines that are now shutting down.
So you want to talk about a food collapse?
The food supply lines cratering?
It has already begun and the prices are going to skyrocket.
If you don't buy food, even planning to eat it, buy it because it's going to double and triple in price.
If this continues over the next year or so, food, everything is going to get more expensive.
Your shampoo, your soap, your toothpaste, your food, your spices, your food mixes, your appliances.
Everything's going to get more expensive because China has always been the cheapest option in the world.
Now people have to source from India or Taiwan.
Or Japan.
It's more expensive to have it made in Taiwan because Taiwan has higher quality and Taiwan has better environmental protections, by the way.
I used to live in Taiwan.
I know a lot about Taiwan.
China is cheap because the quality is horrible.
China is cheap because there are heavy metals in the machinery parts.
China is cheap because they have no environmental controls.
And China is cratered.
The supply chain Armageddon is here.
It's going to affect food, it's going to affect smartphones, it's going to affect electronics, semiconductors, appliances, dog food, you know, hand lotion, everything that you can imagine is going to be infected.
Let me cover some other things.
More than 8,000 Californians now under self-quarantine for coronavirus.
You don't hear that on NPR, do you?
8,000 people in California are under self-quarantine.
Zero of those people are being tested.
And there's zero enforcement for voluntary quarantine measures.
I call it medical insanity on parade.
If these 8,000 potentially high-risk people were located in a place like South Korea, South Korea would test them.
In California, they're not tested at all.
Because this is how the CDC is controlling the narrative.
They're not controlling the virus, they're controlling the narrative.
8,000 people under self-quarantine, which means basically you get a suggestion from the state, hey, don't go out, don't be social.
You think 8,000 people are going to not be social?
They're gonna go spread this.
And it is spreading right now in California, according to our best sources.
And this is not under control.
And the CDC is not telling the truth.
And Trump is not getting the accurate information on this.
And other radio hosts out there are clueless about what's really happening in America.
This is the place, InfoWars, where you're getting the straight dope on all this.
Stay with us.
We'll be back after this break with more.
When My Patriot Supply says that they are experiencing 12 times normal demand for food right now, it's no joke.
I know this personally because, of course, I've got my own operation, manufacturing, production.
We've got a giant warehouse and production kitchen right here in Central Texas.
I see the same thing that they're talking about there at My Patriot Supply.
Right now, InfoWarsTore.com, If you order today, you're going to get your products in about four weeks.
If you delay, I mean, think about this.
If the CDC is briefing the Senate right now today, if they tell the Senate this is uncontained in America, that news could come out three hours from now and then it's too late.
You won't be able to order anything because everybody all over the country will go out and start buying.
I mean, it can happen that fast, overnight.
You do not want to be stuck with the crowd in anything.
If you find yourself standing in line with 5,000 other people trying to buy toilet paper or food or, I mean, garlic and ginger are going to be in short supply.
If you find yourself in a crowd waiting for supplies, you've messed up.
You've made a big mistake.
You need to get prepared early.
I know you're doing so.
So many people who are InfoWars viewers and fans are getting prepared.
I've got to double down on that advice today.
We are seeing massive shortages in being able to acquire foods ourselves.
I mean, even our own storable food, it's out of stock.
It's gone.
It's gone.
I talked to my staff this morning.
I said, what are you waiting for?
They're like, yeah, we got the miso in.
Yeah, we got this and that.
And what are you waiting for?
They said we can't get organic yellow popcorn.
We actually sell like popcorn is one of the ingredients like corn grains that's in our products and they said we can't get it.
It's all gone.
And they're asking me, what are we going to do?
And I'm like, well, we're going to have to replace it.
What else do we have?
What can we get?
They're going over to weird, exotic grains that I've never heard of before.
They're nutritious grains.
They're like heirloom grains.
But we're going to have to start putting crazy different grains just to have anything.
But my Patriot Supply has food right now.
They, I gotta say, they have, they plan better than we did.
My Patriot Supplies got food and we don't.
I admit it right here on air.
We're out.
My Patriot Supplies got the food.
Infowarsstore.com is where you get it.
And you need to get some.
And think about this also.
If you prepare, And this isn't as bad as we fear, then you've done nothing wrong.
You're prepared for lots of things.
You're prepared for World War III.
You're prepared for a grid-down power collapse.
You're prepared for an EMP weapon.
You're prepared for all kinds of things.
If you don't prepare, and the worst case unfolds here, you're in a lot of trouble.
Anybody who doesn't prepare is going to be in serious trouble.
Get prepared.
Look, I want to show you something here.
Every day this week, I'm doing some show and tell.
If you can do a top-down view of this, I've got a bowl here of a special wood that comes out of Japan and Korea and Taiwan.
This is a very unique wood.
It looks like little marshmallows, but it's actually pieces of wood.
And coming up here on the show today, I'm going to talk about what this is and how this wood actually kills viruses.
And why it has been used to help protect health for literally thousands of years throughout the history of Asia.
It's a very special wood.
You can still get this.
And there's a science paper of people using alcohol to do extracts of this wood to get the molecules out of the wood that have been tested on living systems.
Every day here, I'm hosting every day the rest of this week, I'm going to bring you some interesting kind of show and tell item like this.
And today, We have a bowl full of wood chunks that look like delicious marshmallows, but that's today.
We're going to get into that in the next hour.
I'm trying to bring you solutions here, folks, because I want you to be prepared.
I want you to live.
I want you to make it through this.
I know you can if you have the right nutrients, if you have the right defenses.
But if you do nothing, if you sit back and don't take action, It's not going to turn out good for you.
So stay with us.
I'll explain this wood when we come back.
One minute break.
Stay with us.
Before World War II started, the Japanese Empire had invaded China and taken it over.
After that, the globalists that were running America took control of China and have set it up as an engine of global domination and communism.
Hitler couldn't even dream to carry out the tyrannies the Chi-Coms have.
And now, China has launched a crisis with the Wuhan virus worldwide.
They took a coronavirus and they DNA genetically engineered it into a biological weapon known as SARS.
And then they supercharged it with DNA genetic engineering to add into SARS HIV and the flu virus.
And then they gave it these gain-of-function activities.
So we're dealing here with some type of biological weapon that we have never encountered before.
I know I harp on this a lot.
And it's because at 46 years old, I finally figured it out in the last five years.
When I was a child, I learned that my intuition, my gut, was never wrong.
Now sometimes my gut was telling me something and I kind of projected off and picked something else that was a threat.
But the threat was always real.
Sometimes I would just get distracted onto a threat that wasn't the main issue.
So sitting here in the year 2020, and all the incredible things that are happening, Just pulling back and reminding listeners that we're all in this together.
I personally am storing food.
I personally have firearms.
I personally am training and know how to use them.
I personally believe in being self-sufficient and independent.
And of course then, I sell you things that I think and know you need that will make you more independent and more powerful in our fight together.
I see myself connected to you.
My common sense tells me what to do, and then I project that out and promote that, and others resonate with it, and I resonate with what you're saying when we come together.
So I feel really good promoting high-quality, storable foods and supplements and things that make your immune system better, make you healthy, make you live longer, like X2, X3 iodine, or the ultimate turmeric formula bodies, or high-quality, storable foods.
But I just want to remind listeners that Communist China is imploding right now.
And they've covered up how deadly this virus is.
Are they using it as a political crackdown?
I don't know.
The fact is, we don't want to end up like their people that are living hand to mouth.
We want to be empowered now.
We want to be informed and we want to be able to sit on top of the guns and the ammo and the will to use them to defend ourselves and the food and the communications to move forward in the future.
Because being independent, being empowered is absolutely king.
So again, don't end up like Communist China and Italy that is now locked down in the north with martial law.
Be prepared now.
Go out, get a firearms training lesson.
Go out, buy some affordable food.
Don't even get it from us.
The point is the mindset of thinking about bigger things and not just thinking about yourself and going to work or what you're doing.
Thinking about the bigger world and your role in being informed, your role in being involved, that opens up your spirit, opens up all the pathways.
It opens up everything your ancestors did and that's the larger world.
So that's why metaphysically buying sorbal food or supplements to take care of your body isn't just what you're physically doing, though that pays off.
It's about what you're metaphysically doing, making the decision in your mind and your soul to do that.
So we're covering it all.
We hope this thing planes out and it's great, but it looks like it's a big globalist move.
That's why I want to encourage listeners to go to mfullrestore.com while we still have sorbal food ready to ship and get it today and get the other supplements because we need the patriots that are awake and informed.
To be as healthy and focused and ready to be leaders in the future with what's coming down.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want to thank you all.
Whatever you do, spread the word about our live broadcast at mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullwars.com, mfullw And she was not infected by the virus because, of course, the coronavirus only targets humans, not demons, right?
So that's, okay, okay, bad, bad joke.
But to get serious here, 8,000 people under self-imposed quarantine in California.
Nancy Pelosi hasn't demanded any of those 8,000 people be tested.
And 325 people now being monitored in Michigan, none of them tested, none of them.
Yesterday, Paul Joseph Watson had a great article out on summit.news about this Harvard professor who estimates that 40 to 70 percent of the world population will become infected eventually because this cannot be contained.
But today here, show and tell, you know, I'm a food scientist.
I study molecules.
I have got a bowl of a special kind of wood.
This is from Japan and it's called Kinoki wood and it's also it comes from Korea and these
trees grow in Taiwan in fact when Japan occupied Taiwan during World War two they planted the
special kind of Trees the kind of cedar trees that grow this wood this wood
has a very special Very nice kind of medicinal odor to it a smell because it
is highly medicinal Scientists have studied this to make new drugs or potential drugs.
I want to tell you about this molecule here, not that we have this kind of wood for sale or anything, just because I want you to understand you live in a world where you're surrounded by natural molecules that can beat this virus.
So check this out.
This Hinoki wood, it's H-I-N-O-K-I, Hinoki, contains a molecule called Hinokinin, or maybe you could pronounce it Hinokinin, more like a Japanese pronunciation, but Hinokinin, it's H-I-N-O-K-I-N-I-N, this is a 3-C-L protease inhibitor.
It's what's called a biofunctional lignin.
So it's not a mineral, it's not a vitamin, it's a lignin.
It's generated by the trees, it's grown automatically in the trees and you can harvest those trees and you can extract that molecule.
Now why would you want that molecule?
And why is this relevant to what's happening in China and South Korea?
Because there's medicine all over Asia, if you know what to look for.
And I'm a food scientist.
I study these kinds of molecules.
Check this out.
This molecule, according to the bioactive lignin research on researchgate.net, it's anti-cancer, it's anti-inflammation, it's anti-HIV.
It is the most potent anti-hepatitis B virus agent among 25 tested compounds, according to 2003 research by Huang and some other researchers from China.
High anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
It has significant trypanocytal activity, which means it can probably cure Chagas disease.
You're saying, what do you mean?
Should people eat the wood?
No, no, obviously don't eat the wood.
What researchers have done is they've extracted it using alcohol, i.e.
They've gone out, they just use ethanol.
You could extract the molecule and you could make like a tea.
In fact, there's a lot of bark that's used in tea, for example, cinnamon.
I don't know why people don't realize this, but cinnamon comes from tree bark.
So yeah, this is another kind of tree.
This is the tree wood, and you can extract things from the wood just by using hot water.
What's called a decoction in traditional Chinese medicine.
And this molecule, quinokinin, causes anti-genotoxic activity in the peripheral blood of rats, according to rat studies, and shows bacteriostatic and fungicidal activity against candida albicans.
I've quoted some of the research here.
I'm going to do an article on this and give you more links about that.
But they say, ultimately, that henokinin has the potential for the development of new drugs because of its anti-mutagenic activity, which allows its safe use in humans.
So, what I find fascinating, here we are, we have a global pandemic, everybody's dying, or they're sick, they're waiting for a vaccine, they're waiting for a drug from Big Pharma.
If you die in China, you might be buried in a coffin made out of a tree that contains the cure.
There's natural medicine all around you.
And these trees grow in Taiwan, they grow in Korea, they grow in China, they grow in Japan.
And no one is using this.
No one is using this.
Natural medicine is everywhere.
If you know where to look.
And so I commit to you as a food scientist and a natural health advocate every day here this week on InfoWars.com.
I'm hosting the first hour and a half or so each day.
I'm going to bring you something like this.
I'm going to show you natural cures.
I'm going to show you natural medicine.
More than just hinoki wood.
I've got some herbs.
I've got some nutrients.
I've got interesting things.
I'm going to show you how this works.
You want to survive this?
Listen to the Alex Jones Show.
You want to survive this?
Watch InfoWars.com.
We'll bring you the solutions.
Much more straight ahead.
Don't go anywhere.
Have some hinoki wood.
Alright, we just covered the hinoki wood in the previous segment.
Make sure you don't miss that.
I wanted to mention an interesting fact about that wood.
It's a medicinal wood that grows all throughout Asia.
Most of the local people there don't even realize they're living with medicine.
Hinoki wood contains an ingredient called Hinokainan that I mentioned before.
Hinokainan is also found in one particular spice.
A spice that I'm bringing tomorrow, a spice you've probably never seen before, never heard of it.
But that spice is an ingredient in Russian Pertsovka gin and Bombay Sapphire gin.
So, all week here, I'm going to introduce you to some very interesting, crazy molecules that nature makes for free.
You know, we talked about Hinoki wood here, and by the way, there's furniture that's made out of this.
In fact, what I was showing you in the last segment was kind of the scraps from the furniture industry.
After they finish making the furniture, they have these scraps.
But the medicinal properties are so good, they sell those little wood scraps.
They basically polish them up and sell them.
And it helps people.
It helps clear the air.
It helps prevent all kinds of health problems as part of the belief of ancient China and Japan and Taiwan and so on.
Also, one other thing, and then we got a lot more breaking news coming up here about Washington State, the World Health Organization, headlines from Korea and so on.
Alex, when he asked me to host today, He said, look, Mike, I know your store is crazy busy and you probably can't handle any more orders, but why don't you mention something that we don't have in the InfoWars store, something that could also help people, because we all got to help each other.
InfoWars store, the orders are backlogged.
I mean, maybe they're keeping up.
We're not keeping up.
But what do you have in your store?
He said.
So we have, by the way, a non-China vitamin C.
And we're one of the few sources in the world because most of the vitamin C comes out of China.
So if you go to my store, healthrangerstore.com, we have a non-China, non-GMO vitamin C that we source from the United Kingdom.
So that's what we have to offer.
If you want vitamin C that's not from China, that's lab tested, healthrangerstore.com.
I always appreciate Alex asking me to share things like that.
All of us can use your support and all of us have solutions that can help you stay healthy during all this.
So non-GMO vitamin C or non-China vitamin C and also we have a vitamin C super berry mix which is vitamin C made out of berries.
So that's that.
Okay, we're gonna have an interesting show and tell tomorrow, that's for sure.
Let's get to some more breaking news.
Coronavirus panic goes global.
South Korea warns of watershed moment.
Gonna go through some of these headlines here.
Watershed moment as Italy quarantines 12 towns, cancels Venice carnival.
Coronavirus, store shelves empty as panic buying hits Italy.
Kramer on the market plunge.
This is Jim Kramer, CNBC.
Coronavirus impact on companies could be, quote, more severe than thought.
Oh, you think?
Yeah, exactly.
Coronavirus store shelves empty as panic buying hits Italy.
This is a reminder why you should stock up now while you still can.
Treasury yields tumble.
Curve inversion deepens as coronavirus spreads because we're just starting to get a hint of what this could do to the financial markets.
Here's another story.
I was actually going to cover this myself.
Lab monkeys infected with coronavirus in a desperate bid to find a vaccine.
We've also heard out of China that the lab monkeys are being sold for meat.
In the local meat markets.
So if you wonder, well, how could this have escaped the lab?
I mean, I think it was a deliberate release, but an accidental escape scenario is now forming where they took all these monkeys they were doing the research on, and after the monkeys died, they sold them out the back door to some guy that takes them down to the monkey meat market there in China.
That's sick.
And people were eating coronavirus.
I mean, and handling it.
I mean, I don't know if you've ever been to any of these meat markets in Asia.
I've been there.
I've walked through places, and even in Hong Kong, like 20 years ago, that were just like a horror show.
I just, I, no, I could not believe, they don't even kill the animals before they start cutting them up for meat, okay?
Just to let you know.
They just grab live animals, whether it's frogs or fish or snakes or lobsters or anything.
They just grab live animals.
They just start carving them up right there in the market.
It's pretty sick.
And that goes on in China.
I don't know if it still goes on in Hong Kong.
It did a couple decades ago.
You know, that, it's crazy.
And of course that's going to spread disease if disease gets there.
But this is a biological weapon, but the meat market could have amplified the release, okay?
Harvard professor, I mentioned this last segment, says 40 to 70 percent of people worldwide will be infected with coronavirus.
So let's, here, how about this, let's do some math together, okay?
40 to 70 percent.
Of the world population, let's call it 7 billion people.
We got 7 billion people.
Let's say 50% of 7 billion get infected.
That's 3.5 billion people.
If we had a 1% death rate, that would be 35 million people.
If we had a 1% death rate that would be 35 million people.
Correct? 35 million dead if it's a 1% death rate.
That already dwarfs the Spanish flu.
2% death rate, obviously it's 70 million dead around the world.
But we know the death rate is much higher when people get into hospitals and the hospitals become overrun and then they get sent home and they don't have proper medical care and a lot of people are immunosuppressed, they've taken too many vaccines, their immune systems don't work well because of that, they're living on junk food.
Death rate of 10% Would be 350 million deaths around the world.
And the reason we know this is because we can do math.
Which I know, I know.
We live in a world where people can't do math.
And so, a lot of the analysts out there don't understand this.
I had a person call me on the phone the other day.
He said, look, I know you understand exponential spread.
I'm like, yeah, of course I do.
He says, look.
I've been asking people this question.
If you have, let's do a little another math project here, if you have a Petri dish and the bacteria in the Petri dish double every minute, they double every minute, and at 60 minutes the Petri dish is 100% full of bacteria, then the question is, at what minute was it halfway full?
At what minute was it halfway full?
And the answer, of course, is at 59 minutes.
Halfway full.
That's called exponential spread.
People don't seem to understand that.
The average person will tell you, oh, it must be halfway full at 30 minutes, because they don't understand.
Exponential spread means it's doubling every minute, so it's half full at minute 59, which means that you don't even know what's happening slowly behind the scenes, where the testing isn't being done and people aren't being confirmed.
This is spreading quietly, silently, probably right now in California, in Oregon, in Washington, maybe Hawaii, maybe in Nebraska because they've got patients there, maybe in San Antonio, Texas.
And the CDC says, we don't have any evidence of community outbreaks.
But it's silently spreading, just doubling, like in the corner of the Petri dish, just doubling, little bit by little bit.
And then one day, boom, it explodes.
We're overrun.
The hospitals are overrun.
That day will hit you by surprise, just like it did in Italy, just like it did in South Korea.
And if you don't have your food supply before that comes, if you don't have your medicine, if you don't have your products, things that you need to live on for the next few months, you're out of luck.
It's done with.
Your city's under quarantine.
You can't even get UPS deliveries at that point.
You're too late.
Don't be that person.
Stay with us.
We received a tip yesterday from a reader in Costa Rica who says, we haven't been able to confirm it, but they say there's an emergency court hearing happening today.
The nation of Costa Rica is trying to block a coronavirus infected patient on a cruise ship there.
That would be the first case in Costa Rica if that is confirmed.
Again, we cannot confirm this yet, but we're working on it.
Maybe a story developing over the next day or two.
And by the way, coming up really soon here on the show, especially next hour, I mean in the next segment, I'm going to have Alan Keyes on the show.
He's an amazing person.
His mind is a beautiful mind, like that movie is named.
Alan Keyes, it's just a pleasure to talk to him.
We'll have him here for the next segment.
And then after that, Alan Keyes takes over the show and he will be interviewing G. Edward Griffin, a legend of liberty in America.
Also, G. Edward Griffin, of course, knows about cancer cures and the cover-ups and the oppression of natural nutrients like laetrile.
Apricot pits, you know, vitamin B17, all of that.
I don't know if they're going to get into all that today, but they possibly could.
I want to mention a positive note today about Bitcoin.
Now, I've been kind of a critic of the Bitcoin bubble in the past, but today, based on this coronavirus situation, and I don't own any Bitcoin, and Max Keiser didn't call me and scream at me about Bitcoin going to $400,000, so this is not a Keisergasm, this is just me saying, as the world Falls apart.
People are going to flee to alternatives to fiat currency.
I think gold is going to go up.
Silver is going to go up.
We're already starting to see that.
And I believe today you can quote me on this.
Mike Adams says Bitcoin is probably going to go really up very, very high in the next year or two because of this situation because of the virus.
Could it go to $20,000?
Yeah, absolutely.
Could it go $30,000?
I don't know.
Again, I don't own any Bitcoin.
I sold it for gold.
I've got physical gold instead.
And I'm not buying Bitcoin.
So I don't have any conflict of interest.
I'm pretty sure, you know, Kaiser probably owns lots of Bitcoin.
I don't own any Bitcoin, but I am saying it's going to go up, I think, because of this.
But, you know, other cryptocurrencies as well.
Because people need to move money.
There is a utilitarian value to cryptocurrencies.
And as central banks really begin to have a lot of struggles dealing with the wave of bankruptcies that's coming.
Cryptocurrency is going to be an obvious choice for a lot of people, especially people in Asia who need to move money around as banks start failing across China and other countries.
So Bitcoin could do really well this year, and I'm saying that as a former Bitcoin, well, you could say critic, but I just kind of tell it like it is.
Now, of course, the caveat with that is if things get really, really bad, Like Mad Max apocalypse scenario, then of course all cryptocurrency goes to zero if you have no power grid, right?
But if it gets that bad, then 90% of the population is probably going to die anyway.
So that's going to be the least of your worries.
Oh, I lost my Bitcoin wallet password.
Don't worry, the zombies are at your door.
So focus on the zombies.
You're going to be more worried about do you have a spare mag for your AR rather than your Bitcoin wallet password.
Oh, and speaking of the zombie apocalypse, by the way, you know how zombies in every science fiction movie, zombies are always infectious.
And, you know, their blood is spreading the disease.
Well, what do we have right now?
We have really a zombie apocalypse in the making where you've got these masses of unprepared people with a blood-borne disease now, coronavirus, that also spreads through the air.
You can just get it just by being close to them.
Within two meters of them, you can catch it.
And that's part of the advice, actually, in Singapore, is anybody who's been within two meters of an infected person has to be tested.
Well, just like in every zombie movie, you need to choose your weapons wisely, okay?
So, flamethrowers, you know, when the zombies come for you, when they come to your house and try to steal your MyPatriot supply food because they didn't prepare?
Flamethrowers are great because it kills the virus.
But if you're using a close-range pistol, like your favorite 1911 with a .45 round, you have the blood splatter effect to think about.
You can catch it from the blood.
You don't want to shoot close range.
You don't want to hit somebody with a .45 round and have to deal with that unless you have a face shield on.
Now, if you have a face shield, full face mask, respirators, and you're 1911, now you're ready for the apocalypse.
And you've got an AR slung over your shoulder, and you've got latex gloves, and you're reloading magazines with your latex gloves on and your face mask.
Yeah, you're all in, man.
But you'll probably, you'll probably be able to fight off the zombie apocalypse that's coming your way.
And, you know, I say some of this in jest, but seriously...
If this gets bad enough, the masses of unprepared are going to come for those of you who have prepared.
And if you are not, if you haven't bugged out by that time, and you're stuck in a city with a bunch of unprepared people, and you now have a quarantine locking down on your city, guess what?
Oh yeah, UPS doesn't deliver to quarantine cities.
And FedEx doesn't deliver to quarantine cities.
And the U.S.
Mail doesn't deliver to quarantine cities.
And everybody's panicking.
And the gangs are running loose because the police, well, half the cops get infected.
We're already seeing infections of law enforcement and military in China and other places.
So what are you going to do?
Well, guess what?
You ordered your MyPatriot supply too late.
Because, yeah, by the time the wait time got there, there was a lockdown of your city.
And now you can't leave.
And you were gonna buy a compass, you were gonna buy a topographical map, you were gonna try to see if you could get out on foot, but you kind of put that off because, you know, you were busy with your Snapchat friends or whatever, and now you're kind of out of options and the zombies are coming.
You know, this, seriously, this is the kind of situation you got to think about.
Infected Desperate, starving people.
Do you have that video from China about those howling voices from Wuhan?
I want you to get that video ready because I want people to hear the breakdown of mental health that happens when people are quarantined.
They're locked in the buildings and they have no options and they have no help.
Mental health starts to fall apart.
Just ping me when you've got that ready.
and we'll go to that. I just want people to hear the sounds of that because to me it sounds like a
howling horror nightmare from a zombie apocalypse movie.
But it's not science fiction, it's Wuhan, China today. And with the reinfection rate now skyrocketing,
it's showing that even after people are cured and they're sent home, they're getting reinfected.
But listen to this.
We're only going to do a few seconds.
Listen to the sounds from the horrified citizens of Wuhan, China, as they scream at night, screaming out of desperation, with no help coming.
Let's go to that.
Our community can't stand it anymore.
The world is crying.
I don't know what they're crying about.
It's all over the place.
These are screams out of Wuhan, China.
High rise buildings in the background.
Hundreds of thousands of people venting their fear and their anger at being abandoned and left to die by the Communist Chinese government.
Turn that up if you can.
They're all under quarantine.
And this is all they can do is go to the balcony and scream.
Haunting cries of desperation.
[crowd noise]
(crowd cheering)
Alright, that's enough of that.
The mental health deterioration that happens here is no joke.
I mean, sometimes the only way I can deal with this is to come on here and do a little bit of satire and joke around a little bit.
And, you know, throw Hinoki Wood at the camera guy.
Were you able to dodge that?
But look, in all seriousness, humanity is on the brink.
This is not looking containable.
The scientists who said yesterday that 40 to 70% of humanity will be infected.
Do you realize what he's saying?
We did the math in the last segment.
Minimum 35 million people dead.
Could be 350 million around the world.
This is a depopulation biological weapon system.
That's no joke.
And if you're not doubling down on your preparedness supplies right now, you could be caught In a mass of unprepared, screaming, horrified, desperate citizens in a city like Los Angeles or Houston or Chicago or Miami, and your options are slim to none.
Get prepared now while you can, or pay the price later.
We're going to help you get prepared.
Stay with us.
Alan Key, straight ahead.
We've got a special treat for you coming up here in just a minute.
Alan Keyes will be joining me for this segment and then he takes over the show and he's interviewing G. Edward Griffin for the next hour or so.
Alan Keyes is an amazing individual.
I'll say a few words about him in a minute and then we'll bring him on.
I just want to mention I'm also interviewing Frances Boyle, Professor Boyle, tomorrow on this show.
So don't miss it.
I'm opening the show.
Every day for the rest of this week as Alex is at the CPAC event or events surrounding that.
So Alex is out of the studio traveling with Owen Schroyer and others.
So I'll be here for the rest of this week.
Check it out every morning 11 a.m.
Now Alan Keyes is joining us.
Alan Keyes is someone who is, I've said before, he has a beautiful mind.
Meeting Alan Keyes last year was the highlight of my year.
And it actually gives me a mental, like a tingly feeling in my brain every time I hear Alan Keyes speak.
Because he has layer upon layer of understanding and elucidation.
And maybe that's a word for a lot of you that we don't normally use.
Every time Alan speaks, he uses a word that I learned for the first time.
It's like, wow, this guy's vocabulary is immense.
And anyway, he understands world events.
He understands history.
And he is from IAMTV, which has broadcast on brighttown.com.
IAMTV, just like it sounds.
I-A-M-T-V is the channel name there.
It's also, well, he'll tell you where else you can find that on his website.
But Alan, thank you for joining me today here on the Alex Jones Show.
It's a pleasure to have you with us.
I see, is Bob with you there too?
Well, he's going to come on when G. Edward Griffin is with us.
He's standing by.
And you know that, as always, I'm very happy to be with you because I don't want to repeat all the wonderful compliments that you just gave, but I have to say that my experience in meeting you has really given me the sense that whatever one thinks of oneself, God always has in store a greater gift.
And yours is a greater gift, and I'm glad to see that you are using it!
In a way that could really help a lot of folks cope with a time of increasing difficulty without losing heart and in a way that allows them to understand both what's happening and what they can constructively do about it and all motivated by a sense that we share.
I think that we're here to do the Lord's work as best we can and to try to help the people who are part of our country to also get back to that path.
There's no question.
Thanks for having me.
Well, yeah, welcome to the show, Alan, and what you just said, I'm humbled by it, but look, I believe that God wants us to be here on this day doing exactly what we are doing.
That God knows the lives that are at stake, and that those of us who have accepted Jesus into our lives And who understand that defending life is critical for our time.
When we have a biological weapon, an almost demonic anti-life entity that has been created by man to destroy man, what could be more of an insult to God than creating a weapon to disassemble the organs of human beings?
What do you say to that?
Well, no, I think it's clearly a sign, a portent if you like, that we're living in an era that in some ways is not like no other.
We have that sense, don't we?
Because of our technology and so forth and so on.
But unfortunately, Mike, I think that a lot of people Have thought of that in a way that disregards the evil use that can be made of it.
Disregards the truth that however we technologically advance, if we don't advance in the same degree in terms of our moral sensibility, then we're liable to use all the powers that are unleashed by that for evil.
And I think this is a good example of how that is taking place.
So character trumps technology.
And people have forgotten this, they haven't been paying attention to it, and it's catching up with us now.
Well, you're exactly right.
We have all this amazing technical capability in the realm of sciences.
In fact, Francis Boyle has spoken about this particular thing.
He says there are 13,000 death science workers, this death science industry.
13,000 people funded by NIH and others to develop more deadly biological weapons.
Where has the ethics gone?
I mean, just because we can build something doesn't mean we should.
If we don't have a foundation of basic morality, which you talk about frequently, then why do we even deserve to have these weapons systems?
Some would argue nuclear weapons are in the same boat as that.
We have the capability to destroy ourselves, but we haven't yet recognized the ability to save ourselves.
What's wrong with humanity?
Well, because we're not giving a priority to that.
And we're not giving a priority to it because you can get so engrossed in your power and in what you can do with it that you forget in a way about the moral and spiritual dimension which lies beyond the understanding of your technology.
Which in fact has to do with the roots of the understanding that allow you to discover all of these things.
People avoid the question when we're building weapons and bio-this's and that's and other things that are useful even in our everyday life, using the fact that the universe has turned out to be rationally discoverable, right?
So that you can produce predictable outcomes that become more and more useful to human beings.
Well, where did that order come from?
Uh, we have all these people who have for decades been telling us it was all by chance and probability.
Then by chance and probability, it's gonna end up in the hands of people so wicked they don't care if the whole human race is extinguished so long as they demonstrate their power.
And that's what's going on.
And we've seen that demonstrated, that philosophy of total destruction demonstrated even by Democrats in America who, they want the market to crash, they want Trump to be destroyed, they want to bring America down, they murder their own babies, they have no respect for life except maybe their own personal selfish life and that's it.
And that philosophy extended through the sciences or through medicine or through research becomes pure evil.
And that's what we're seeing right now.
How did anybody plan to ever deploy such a weapon without releasing it to the world?
Because it's self-replicating.
I mean, how can we be at this point, Alan, where science is building weapons that can never be recalled?
Once it's out, it's out.
You can't close that Pandora's box.
It's replicating all around the world.
What were they thinking when they built these things?
Well, if they have not provided for protection for themselves, Which is something that I can't assert, right?
Because I don't see the evidence of it as yet.
But if they have not provided protection for themselves, then it seems pure insanity and probably was not intended.
It could be you walk along a path and before you're ready to really deal with the consequences, God intervenes and it's out there in your midst.
That would certainly be a possible description of what happened in Wuhan, no?
They were doing this kind of research, it gets into the wild, and before you know it, they're succumbing, hoisted by their own petard, as they used to say, 200, 300 years ago.
How can people find your show, Alan, the IMTV show?
I know it's on Brighton, where else is it?
Well, we have a Facebook page that it's up on, and we also have it on our YouTube channel, IMTV YouTube channel.
Okay, well you're going to get banned on YouTube, and you're going to get banned on Facebook sooner or later.
Well, right, exactly.
That's why we're on Brighteon, because I don't expect we'll be banned on Brighteon.
No, you're not going to be banned.
You have special executive protection there.
Now, you've got G. Edward Griffin coming up.
I really want to thank you for stepping in to host.
You're going to be hosting with me the rest of this week, I understand.
Is that correct?
That's right.
I'm really looking forward to it.
We're going to have a combination of guests and my own effort to, I don't know, the word that's been going through my mind is synoptic, to describe the kind of thinking I try to do, where instead of seeing things in discrete bites and being poked and prodded by each event, you try to see how events are working together and think about where's the objective, what aim or end is being achieved by this.
I think it's a very useful way Uh, to try to orient yourself in the midst of the kind of world we're now seeing.
Well, you, you connect the dots, and you bring together the pieces of the puzzle that are not evident to many other people, so that's why it's such a joy to talk to you.
I hope, can I have, like, five minutes of conversation with you each day here, if I could selfishly make such a request?
You can have as much time as you like, I would enjoy it immensely.
All right.
Well, the floor is yours after we come back.
I just want to mention, last call today for those of you who don't yet have your food supplies squared away, InfoWarsStore.com, My Patriot Supply, currently a four-week wait time to get the food shipped to you.
That's going to eventually become five weeks and six weeks and eight weeks, and then it's going to be eventually, you might not be able to get it.
So get it today while you still can.
I urge you to double down on your preps, as I am doing as well.
Alan Keyes takes over after this break with G. Edward Griffin coming up as well.
It's a pleasure to talk with you, Alan, and thank all of you in the audience today for having me here today.
It's been a pleasure to be here.
I'm honored.
I'm humbled.
Trying to help you get prepared.
I'll be here tomorrow and every day this week.
Stay with us.
Alan Keyes is up next.
Welcome back.
Well, as Mike told you, and I was glad that he was here to help introduce me to all of you, I'm Alan Keyes.
And we're going to be talking in the next hour or so.
We'll be continuing the discussion of the threat that is posed by the coronavirus, but in several different dimensions, because I'm hoping that we'll be able to bring things together a little bit.
And the word that always comes to my mind when I'm trying to do this is synoptic, in which you bring different elements of what's in front of you together to try to see how they may relate, not only to one another, but to a common goal that somebody might be trying to achieve.
First thing I would tell you is that that kind of thinking used to be second nature to many people in the United States, whether they knew it or not.
Because that was a common sense way for people who were steeped in the Bible to think about things.
The Bible is presented in such a way that everything that goes on is presented in the context of God's intention.
So everything you read in the end, your mind is relating it to the intention of God.
It is instruction in strategic thought.
And it goes on constantly, and I think that it had something to do with the way in which Christian folks, when they put their mind to it, could be reasonably good at dealing with events in the world in such a way that countries that had Christian populations could handle these things when they were of a mind to understand God's instruction.
And I think that's very important.
And it's also, by the way, and this is very important to think about in the context of InfoWars and all the heavy breathing that goes on when you're dealing with people like Alex Jones and others who are in the business of helping people both understand the events, but then put them together in the context of what could be their strategic objective.
And it's called, they always call it, conspiracy thinking.
Now we'll leave aside the meaning of the word conspiracy and the spiritual import of that.
We'll get to that at some point.
But right now, I would like you to concentrate on the fact that what they call conspiracy thinking is simply people who get together and think in two ways.
One, as if they have a common objective that they're trying to achieve and they need to coordinate.
And they breathe together, talk together in order to achieve that coordination.
The other, of course, is the assumption you have to make that you are working against opposition, working against an adversary.
And that's where they always say, well, that's paranoia to think that everybody's out to get you.
Well, it was also second nature, by the way, to the Christian way of thinking.
That you thought of life as an endeavor in which you always had an adversary.
That adversary had a name.
It was called the devil.
And he was always working!
To getcha!
Which is to say, to destroy your prospect of happiness and salvation.
Maybe some people would think that's not a useful way to think, but it turns out to be very useful as a common sense way to think when you're dealing with an environment that's full of dangers where you have to be able to cope with those dangers effectively by using the great faculty that God gave us to think ahead and not just to react to pokes and prods in the present.
Everything about the present media seeks to get us to be like animals, reacting to the procs and prods of our senses and our emotions and our passions, when our great gift is to be able to see things in a perspective that allows us to see the orderly way in which they may be progressing toward an outcome that is either good or terribly bad for us.
That's the kind of thinking that goes on here on InfoWars.
It's the kind of thinking that I do all the time because my time in government accustomed me to do it on behalf of the American people.
It's desperately needed in these times that we are in.
So I hope all of you who have gathered here realize that you must put out of your mind The notion, that so-called conspiracy thinking.
Every time you hear the word, substitute the word strategic thinking and remember that we are in fact in a battle.
And that right now, an aspect of that battle is critically coming to a head.
We'll be talking with someone who understands some of the components of it and how they relate to various aspects, especially the economic as well as the health and governmental aspect and political aspect of our lives, with G. Edward Griffin coming right up.
And I'll be joined by the person who has been the inspiration for IMTB, Bob Sisson.
We'll be right back after these words.
Welcome back.
Well, first of all, let me take the great pleasure to introduce my good friend, the inspiration for IMTV, where I do a lot of my broadcast work as well these days, Bob Sisson.
Welcome to the show, Bob.
Hello, everybody.
Good to be here.
Bob shares with me a sense of the priorities that we have to address here, beginning with the need to look at everything from the perspective of a God at work.
But he also shares a sense of appreciation for all the good folks who are out there battling to keep on bringing the truth.
Keep on inspiring people to think about that truth in a way that actually reflects our common sense and our determination.
Not to be cowed and intimidated and terrorized out of our commitment to do what is right by God and by the better destiny that he has in mind for us and our families and our country.
I'm glad to be on InfoWars and joining in what has been one of the most far-sighted battlers for this very idea of what needs to be done on behalf of the American people.
And we'll be talking to G. Edward Griffin, who has made a tremendous contribution to understanding some of the elements of this battle and the way in which they work together.
I also want to say that I'm happy to be helping out with an enterprise that is supported by all the work to help people be prepared.
And instead of just giving into sickness care, take care of their health, take care of their nutrition in a way that contributes to greater vitality.
And I say that from personal experience.
Because I know that the products that are being offered here, I've tried them and I use them every day, and that power pack that they have, the AM-PM power pack, well I wouldn't be so energetic this morning, except that I have been on a regular customer in that regard.
I just wanted to start out by saying that, because I think it's important to remember that beyond the theoretical ways in which we're trying to help equip people to think about these great events in the world, One of the priorities has to be to take care of yourself, remembering that our lives are a gift from God that He intends us to use for good purpose, for our families and for our communities.
And right now, folks who are willing to think like we do are critical to the future of America.
And I'm glad that you're here, Bob, because you're one of the folks who has been very inspirational to me in pursuing that path and being a fellow traveler on it.
And we're going to be welcoming G. Edward Griffin, who is a good friend of yours.
I spent some time with him this past weekend in Houston, and I'm very excited to see him again.
Well, yes, well, let's do that.
G. Edward, thank you for being with us today.
Oh, well, thank you for inviting me.
A lot of you will know G. Edward as the author of a famous and influential, historically renowned book called The Creature from Jekyll Island.
He's also author of a book called World Without Cancer.
That in itself illustrates the various perspectives I mean, someone who is looking at things from the point of view of economics, as we call it, and what is happening with and has happened with the world of our human labor and endeavors and money.
Someone who's also looking at it from the point of view of health.
But that is simply one shred of the eclectic approach that you have taken over the years, G. Edward.
And my first question for you.
Yes, as you're sitting here looking at all of this reporting on the coronavirus and what its consequences might be, what are your thoughts?
Oh, well, let's see.
I have a bucket full of thoughts on this.
I guess the main thing that comes to mind that perhaps is the biggest thing at all, even above the issues that we're hearing about, is the fact that we live in a world of theater.
Especially when everything that we're getting comes through a media through channels, which we know, which we know are very extremely controlled.
And we know that they're used to engineer our opinions.
We know that there's a great filter involved.
And so there's a I think.
I keep having to tell myself, wait a minute, wait a minute, Ed.
Don't forget, you're looking at a great theater production here.
This might not be exactly, exactly what it looks like.
And then, as you said, Alan, you know, this, we have to think strategically, not from the point of view of a conspiracy, but, you know, They are out to get us.
Let's face that.
And I don't mean that in a paranoid way.
I mean, as you said so well, that there's in any endeavor where there's competition, there's opposition, there's somebody on the other side pushing back.
Now, they may not be out to get you, but they're certainly out to manipulate you or capture you in some way or take advantage of you.
So, we know that this is going on everywhere, and especially if we're getting all of our information from the mass media.
You asked me what I was thinking, and I keep thinking, how could they be manipulating that information to trigger me to want to do something that they want me to do?
And so, that's what I was thinking about today.
Well, one of the things that I think has to come to mind is that part of shaping the narrative is in what they show.
But a good part of it is in questioning what they don't show.
For instance, right now I've been reading this morning about how Africa and South America appear not to be showing a lot of cases of coronavirus infection.
The other side of the equation, however, is that we're being warned as Americans that we have to prepare for the community spread of the new coronavirus.
And the fact that it may just kind of explode in our communities at some point with large numbers that we would have to cope with.
And I'm thinking to myself, Well, I've also read stories that talk about the distribution of test kits and methods that don't extend to Africa and to places in South America, poorer countries.
And you put all of that together, and I'm wondering to myself, does that mean That at some point we could face an explosion in South America, an explosion in Africa, an explosion on the borders of the United States that suddenly confronts us simultaneously with a crisis of our own health at home and a much larger influx, much larger pressures already organized against us to collapse our borders.
And suddenly what they're not talking about becomes terribly important in terms of trying to figure out what may actually happen.
Am I wrong?
Oh no, I don't think you're wrong.
Well, Alan, you're never wrong, we know that.
You're always on track.
And I'm glad you mentioned that they're not talking about Africa at the moment.
And it takes me back, when you said that it took me back to the To the HIV, the AIDS scare, if you remember.
The first thing we were hearing is that Africa is being wiped out by the AIDS virus.
And every day we got increasing numbers, more deaths.
And if this continues, ladies and gentlemen, by the end of the century, that was the last century, there's been nobody alive in Africa.
It's terrible.
And well, I had a chance, I discovered almost by accident some of the real statistics coming out and I discovered that yes, the AIDS numbers were going up at alarming proportions, but I noticed that on the other page, or three pages later, they were showing the total deaths for Africa and all these areas, and the total deaths were exactly the same as they had always been, the number of the ratios and proportions.
The total deaths were holding, but the AIDS deaths were skyrocketing And I suddenly got it.
Oh my gosh.
People are dying of the same things they always have been.
Nutrition, disease, poor hygiene, pneumonia even, and things like that.
Infections of all kinds.
But they were relabeling them as AIDS in order to achieve their propaganda goal.
And I saw something recently that in China, for example, there is a coronavirus called viral pneumonia.
We forget that pneumonia is a coronavirus.
And in China, I'm going to give a number.
I think if it's not accurate, it's very close.
Every year, over a million people in China die of pneumonia.
Wow, if that's not a pandemic, then what is it?
My question then is simply, are they relabeling pneumonia as coronavirus for some reason that you and I need to be aware of?
And then we have to think about that reason, and we'll be taking that up after the break, because I want to talk for a minute here About an interesting coincidence that has happened.
It's not exactly a coincidence, but we have to factor it in as one with the present circumstances.
That I saw a headline saying today that Moderna, one of the biotech firms working on all of this, has much more quickly than one would have expected released a vaccine.
That is going for human testing now, way sooner than it should have been.
And it made me scratch my head.
Now, we're going to tell you why, and I'm sure Bob, you'll have something to say about that, and G. Edward as well, right after we get back.
Welcome back.
Now, before I get into following up on our conversation, I would like to mention the fact that we're going to be with you, G. Edward, this June at the Red Pill Conference.
Could you tell folks a little bit about that?
Oh yes, I could tell you about the Red Pill Expo coming up.
It is an extension, Alan, as you know, of exactly the ideas that you were presenting a moment ago.
That we have to be aware that some things are hidden from us.
And as you get to be older and older, and you get as old as I am, you suddenly look back on your life and you think, my gosh, almost everything I used to believe in, I thought was true, I found out later, through hard experience in many cases, I found out it wasn't true at all.
It was kind of a lie, or at least it was deception, and I was fooled.
Well, this happens over and over again, and it seems like in this world, where there are forces of evil, as you say, there's a lot of deception that goes along with it.
That's how evil works.
That's how everything bad comes to us, because we didn't know something.
Maybe not everything, but a high percentage of things.
And so, we got the idea a few years ago that we needed to just turn our attention to those things which we know But they're not true.
We know them, but we find out later, well, we didn't know it at all.
We knew something that was not true.
Isn't it the case right now that that's a lot more stuff, particularly for oncoming generations?
Because I am amazed at all the lies that are now being spread about in our universities, in our elementary schools, and so forth and so on, as if they were truths.
And yet they turn out not to be.
I think that generation is going to be desperately in need of this corrective.
Well, yes, and even some of the older generation, too, which have bought into a lot of things that are not true.
Anyway, the point is, is that the Red Pill University is hopefully going to make a difference in that.
It's based, as most of your listeners know, there's a sci-fi movie that came out about 20 years ago called The Matrix.
And of course, it was a sci-fi movie.
It's kind of exciting.
And the first time I saw it, I really didn't get it.
I just thought it was an exciting maybe a kind of an extreme science fiction where you know
people were living in a digital world and nothing was really real even though they thought it was
real. Well anyway as the years have gone by not only myself but I think millions of people
have come to realize that that allegory it was really the truth.
That's really what it is.
We live in a world of illusion, and so I thought we could use that as sort of a meme or a theme to bring in all kinds of illusions, or what we think may be illusions, and bring all these wonderful researchers and speakers and teachers together, and we'll just talk about this, that, and the other thing.
And so anyway, you're going to be at our next one, and I know you're going to dispel a lot of illusions.
Right, and Dale Bigtree's going to be there, and that's redpilluniversity.org for those of you who would like to look that up on the internet and maybe help out, contribute, be a part of what we're doing down there.
We're expecting upwards of a thousand people because this is where this book was written about, The Creature from Jekyll Island.
So we're going to be there, and that's in June of this year.
Y'all come out.
And I hope that you will attend because I think you're going to find that a lot of folks who attend the conference will be helping folks to start being comfortable.
And I think that's really important in terms of the kind of strategic thinking that I was mentioning before.
And that strategic thought includes the fact that I was just noticing this the last couple of days.
One headline that I saw quite a while back in January, before this thing had fully preoccupied everybody's mind, but it was out there already, had a headline, How fast can biotech come up with a vaccine for the latest outbreak?
And it talked about some of the biotech companies.
Amongst them was a company called Moderna.
That was looking to develop a vaccine.
And they talked about how it would take years, possibly, usually, to develop a vaccine.
It would then have to be human-tested for weeks and weeks.
Sixteen weeks and so forth.
The other day, in a remarkably short period of time, all things considered, Moderna has come out and said they've sent on a possible vaccine for testing.
That could deal with this novel coronavirus that has just come out.
And I'm sitting there, I'm sorry y'all, but my strategic mind went, that's pretty quick.
How did that happen?
And suddenly the possibility comes to my mind, G. Edward, that this narrative, which has the salvation of everyone lying in some push to get everybody vaccinated with this new vaccine they've come up with, seems like a remarkable coincidence, don't you think?
Well, I think it's not only a remarkable coincidence, it's a very profitable coincidence.
And if you have the sort of suspicious mind that I do, you start looking at those things almost the first thing out of the gate.
And unfortunately, you usually find, you know, the old saying, if you follow the money, you can discover a lot of things.
And you're right on target.
And hidden in that whole scenario or that theater, as I call it, Is the assumption that the vaccines would be the solution anyway?
What if they did have a real vaccine?
Wait a minute, wait a minute, let's look at the premise.
Are you certain that the vaccine industry, vaccines in general, are you sure that's really the hot way to go or is there something better?
Could we be like cattle being driven by the temptation of food and water, being driven into first the lot and then finally in the chute?
For something, because we're hungry and thirsty.
And so if we're looking and hungry and thirsty for a solution to this pneumonia virus that's been relabeled as something different, maybe it is a different strain, I don't know.
Don't forget, this is just a theory now, or a suspicion on my part.
Are we really being led into the chute?
So that we'll line up and say, oh, hurry, hurry, where's my vaccine?
Where's my vaccine?
Is this the answer?
And we've been told this for years now, that they're going to create a pandemic, and then they're going to come along with the solution, and they're going to vaccinate us all.
And that's how they plan on really getting it out there.
So... Go ahead.
May I say, Bob, don't forget, and what if people like you and me, and we say, hey, wait a minute, we're not going to take any of these bloody vaccines.
We don't think they're... Then what happens?
We're quarantined, we're imprisoned.
They've locked down the system.
Now, think ahead, everybody.
Where is this going?
Is it just a, is it really an outbreak or is it part of a grander picture?
Well, speaking of thinking ahead, and Mike Adams had a show the other day where he was saying, be prepared, have colloidal silver, and the second thing he mentioned was chlorine dioxide.
And that's something I have a lot of experience with.
I've been using it in Africa for years and years and years.
We've seen it cure malaria in two hours.
We'll have a documentary coming out on that pretty soon.
That's going to be exciting.
But we've not seen anything that it doesn't take care of.
So while you still have time, and ladies and gentlemen, this is dirt cheap, we can cure 800 people of malaria for one U.S.
No one, follow the money, G. Edward just told you.
See, one of the great problems is that you've got possible cures, possible help.
But the folks have a double agenda.
You mentioned one, G. Edward, which is money.
The other, I think, is always the same.
It's power.
And what we need to be asking ourselves right at this minute is, if we have a humanly engineered virus, everybody keeps forgetting this didn't happen naturally, and we need to think that through, which connotes ill will toward human life.
We then have a bunch of people now competing to get power into their hands in this country, who stand on abortion and other things that connotes ill will toward human life.
They offer you a vaccine that has very questionable side effects, raising all kinds of difficulties with autism and other things.
Can folks like this be trusted?
Welcome back!
Now I can't start without saying, I have to say that you're obviously clear that in order to think about the world we're in right now, You have to be in reasonably good shape and your mind should be pretty clear because the fog of war is all around us and without a clear mind you're not going to get through it.
And I'm so glad to be associated with the line of products that Alex Jones is offering to help keep people in both those conditions.
Nutrition will keep you feeling like you really can stay engaged in the world, and it'll help to clarify your thoughts that you're getting all those wonderful little trace elements and other things packaged in a way that will help to bring it all together, improve the health of body and mind together, and you'll be able to sit like I am right now and host a show like this without difficulty.
I've got to tell you, I haven't always felt this way, but I think working with these folks and with the products that Alex produces has helped a lot.
So keep that in mind, because you really need to be prepared right now to think your best, even as you stay prepared to deal with what's coming at us in a future that's starting to look fairly complex in terms of the decisions we'll be called upon to make as a people.
Now among those decisions, we'll be dealing with this narrative with coronavirus.
We were just talking about the vaccines and things of this kind.
It seems to me, in many ways, G. Edward, we're dealing with a situation in which we're faced with one danger being herded into another that has its drawbacks.
Well, yeah, that is a huge topic because, unfortunately, we're humans.
and the lives of our posterity, judging by the effects of vaccines.
Could you talk about that a little bit and all the fuss that's being made,
even if you bring this subject up?
Well, yeah, that is a huge topic because unfortunately we're humans.
And I guess that means, when I was thinking that, that means that we were born with a herd instinct.
We like to follow along with the herd.
I guess it's something that helps us in a primitive state survive against predators or something.
Cattle always are in herds.
Most mammals travel in tribes or herds supposedly for their own protection.
But when it gets into the social environment and the political environment, and the economic environment evenly with this uh... carryover
of wanting to do what everybody else is doing is sort of a subliminal reassurance
that we're out we're safe
it can be very dangerous and so uh... what i was talking a moment ago about
the fact that the media this little box in front of us the pictures in the sound that
that uh...
that actually uh... become our reality is in terms of viewing the outside world
Most of us live inside our homes or our office space and we travel the same road back and forth.
But our view of the outside world is through that little screen in front of us and the sounds that come through it.
And that's all channeled, as I've said before, by people who don't really want us to know everything.
They like us being in sort of a state of blind, trusting ignorance because that way we don't resist while they take advantage of us.
And I don't think that's a paranoid statement.
I think most people recognize that that's true.
So now you ask me, well, you know, how do we deal with that?
I think I'm going to go back to the very first thing I said.
Accidentally, it turns out to be more or less our theme.
Well, you said it first, Alan.
You've got to think.
How did you put it?
What's the word you used?
Strategically, yes.
It's much better than conspiratorially.
It's sort of the same.
But, no, strategically.
I just think that it's time for us, or past time for most of us, to realize that even though we have this herd instinct and we're herd We've got to think in terms of, why can't I be the leader?
Why can't I be the lead cow?
Maybe I should do something about that, you see?
And break out of that mash.
You're saying that reminds me that this is supposed to be a government of, by and for the people.
And what folks often forget about that, because we're being encouraged to think about what leaders we choose, and how's that leader doing, and how's that other leader doing, and so forth.
The word in German for leader, by the way, as I recall, was Führer.
We don't have a Führer system.
Our system isn't based on the this or that, outstanding individual, moneyed individual, powerful individual being worshipped by the masses so we all follow along like herd animals after them.
We actually are supposed to have a system based on the choice and therefore the common sense initiative.
In understanding and in action of the people themselves.
One thing I love about Alex Jones, the products and the approach that is taken to things in this world, is that they encourage people to get the knowledge that allows them to think for themselves.
It's why you will hear alternatives here, that aren't being presented in the narrative, that want you to say, well this is terrible, I need to depend on that leader, and the other leader, and the other party, and the other socialist, and the other this and that, that's gonna solve everything for me.
Not gonna happen, y'all.
They'll solve the problem of having the burden of that kind of leadership, because they'll take it from you.
And one of the areas in which they've been continually doing this is economics.
One last word.
We've got about four, a little under four minutes left in the segment.
But, and we'll have to get back to this, I'll have to have you back.
The other thing that caught my mind, in terms of your thinking and your writing, is that we just saw a dive in the stock market And the implication that's being drawn from China of terrible days ahead that will burden our economic life in the world and in the United States.
Now I hate to be one of these sort of strategic prodders, but isn't that convenient?
I mean here we would be approaching an election the way we did in 2008 when the stock market crashed and lo and behold what was a neck-and-neck race between McCain and Obama suddenly became Obama's thing.
Are we facing another manipulation and you have a strong sense of these banking systems and all that.
Is it possible that this panic could be translated into those terms to affect the election?
Oh, I think it's more than possible.
I think we have to put that on the likely list.
I was smiling as you were talking.
We were talking about maybe they're trying to crash the economy for political reasons and the stock market is being hammered down.
And I'm thinking the stock market has been inflated for so long.
If it's going down, it's going toward where it should be.
That's not that I want it to be there, but the only reason it is high is not because of natural forces, not because of the free market, but because of manipulations of the market.
It kind of reminds me when I hear on the news that, well, the dollar went up today.
Oh, isn't that wonderful that the dollar is stronger today and by comparison with the the other currencies of the world.
And everybody says, "Oh yeah, that's good.
I guess the dollar is doing really well."
And what they don't realize is that all currencies around the world, being fiat currencies,
are in free fall, and they're all falling.
And one might start to fall a little faster than the other one, and that makes the other one seem,
oh, it rose in comparison to the other, you know?
And so the dollar is now above the mark, or whatever it is.
And everybody says, "Oh, hooray for the dollar,"
but they don't realize the dollar is still falling.
And so my thought on that is that the market, if we judge the economy by what the stock market is doing,
we have stepped right into that bear trap, because the stock market is totally manipulated,
and they can put it up or put it down for whatever reasons they want.
And it's not just-- - That's suggesting--
Go ahead.
Yeah, okay.
I was just going to say that that last point suggests to me, and we're now one minute from out, but I think, well, we'll have to have you back and talk about this specifically a little more in depth at some point.
But the point that I would like to leave with everyone is that you put everything we've been talking about here together.
And the first prerequisite is that you start not looking at these things as discrete entities, but think as a general has to think.
What is the enemy up to?
This is not paranoia.
This is simply taking account of the real facts of our situation, which have always put pressure on the most uniquely self-governed people in the history of the world.
Do we still have the capacity to handle that challenge?
That's what's going to be decided in the course of the next months, I believe, before our upcoming election.
So the economic implications, their impact on what could be the choice we have in November, we can't allow ourselves to be misled by any kind of panic.
We need to keep our eyes on the essential points.
And we have been talking about them here on this show.
We'll continue to do so in the context of this coronavirus.
Join us again.
I'm ashamed right now, as a man.
The left's always telling me, be ashamed that you're a man.
That all men are rapists.
And that the male part of the human species is bad.
I'm like, oh, that's ridiculous, shut up.
But then, I listen to an NPR report, and I've got the transcript right here, of them endorsing Bernie Writing an essay for a newspaper?
About how he dreams of women bound and tied up being raped?
And then Avenatti says on The View and on other shows, I dream of women in handcuffs?
All of my sexual fantasies involve handcuffs.
These people aren't liberals.
They're psychotic control freaks.
I'm a father of three daughters and a son.
And I've never seen conservatives or patriots or Christians attacking women like this.
But I see the left ally with radical Islam that literally attacks female rights at its core.
But I get it.
If you're going to attack the goddess and the archetype, you've got to claim you are the protector of it.
And think about how sick that is.
Here is the NPR article with the production, the show they did, that you've got to listen to, man.
Them trying to defend this is incredible.
The Bernie Sanders rape fantasy essay explained.
When I saw this earlier today, I saw Owen Schroeder on air covering it, and I thought, is that a joke?
He goes, no, here's the NPR article.
I went and listened to it.
I'm overwhelmed right now.
He fantasizes about tying women up and raping them.
And he's got every Islamic and every liberal woman just bowing down.
It's like the pimping.
It's true.
You treat women great, you empower them like America did, America sucks.
You're a dirty communist that talks about all these three things.
I'm going to rape you.
Most women don't love it, but leftist women do.
Folks, you've got to go read these quotes.
You've got to go listen to it yourself.
We'll post this and put links under it.
I'm not going to play the clips here.
A man goes home and masturbates.
His typical fantasy?
A woman on her knees.
A woman tied up.
A woman abused.
Funny, Bernie, I never had that fantasy.
I thought about a woman loving me and wanting to embrace me and jumping on me and loving me and us enjoying each other and, like, together.
I never thought about her tied up on her knees, man.
A woman enjoys intercourse with a man as she fantasizes being raped by three men simultaneously.
No, dude, that's your freaked-out, crazy, inbred, globalist brain, man.
That's not what women are fantasizing about.
The man and woman get dressed up on Sunday, go to church, or maybe to a revolutionary political meeting.
Have you ever looked at a stag man hero through magazines on the shelf of your bookstore?
Do you know why the newspaper with the articles like, girl 12 raped?
Girl 12 raped?
Girl 12 raped by 14 men sold so well.
I never read that.
I didn't know that sold so well, Bernie.
Don't know what bookstores you go to.
I don't know how you do it up there.
Soviet Russia or your honeymoon, but here in America, we put a woman on a pedestal and we don't rape them.
But I get it, you're all about raping freedom and raping America and raping colleges you take over and just con them.
You have this satanic belief you're gonna rule us, Sanders.
You're not.
You're gonna fail miserably, Sanders.
Who cares about the Congress?
Who cares about the separation of powers?
Who cares about the Constitution of the President?
I'm the President of the United States!
I have all of the power!
So, here's your God, Sanders supporters.
Dreaming about raping women.
It goes on and on.
And then Biden's like French kissing his nieces and acting like a psychotic goblin.
I mean, the tolerance of good people of evil has brought us to this point.
And so, like they say in V for Vendetta, if you want to know who's behind all this, just look in the mirror.
There are those that are more responsible and they will be dealt with, but if you want
to know who's behind all this, just look in the mirror.
I want a clean break with you people.
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
I go to these Democrat events, these Bernie Sanders events, and I see how dehumanized and how destroyed they are.
It just depresses me.
I don't feel powerful at how devoid and divorced from humanity they are.
That look at the head of the Young Terds, Sink.
and how he like worships and praises raping animals.
And it's just like the left's like, "Raping animals is good.
It's a freedom we have."
And then they endorse NAMBLA, they endorse bestiality.
I'm like, "If I were the benevolent dictator of the world, I would legalize bestiality where you are giving,
you are pleasuring the animal."
Have we lost our soul?
Do we not have our humanity anymore?
Can we not say no to this?
And then I see info wars that was right about the coronavirus being man-made and right about Trump was going to win and right about vaccines being dangerous and right about fluoride being bad.
And I see how we're censored.
And it's not that I'm mad that we're censored.
I'm mad that more people out there put up with this than those that fight back against it.
When clearly the pro-human initiative is strong and has a good vision.
And our inclination as humans is to be upwardly mobile and do incredible things.
But we give ourselves over to the power of the media and the corporate system that intimidates us and threatens us if we don't serve it.
The threat is submitting to it.
The great battle, the great empowerment is fighting it.
And the fight lives at InfoWars.com.
We fight for humanity.
We fight for justice.
We fight for life.
We fight for a pro-human future.
We fight.
I'm the President of the United States.
I have all of the power.
Joey, we have something here for our special visitors.
Would you like to have it?
Thank you.
Thanks a lot.
You ever been in a cockpit before?
No, sir.
I've never been up in a plane before.
You ever seen a grown man naked?
Paula, who said they like Coke?
Oh, you tell me about them.
I like Coca-Cola.
Oh, Coca-Cola.
All right, but who knows about cocaine?
Anyone ever seen cocaine?
Hold it.
One at a time.
What about cocaine?
Good thing?
Bad thing?
Joey, you ever hang around the gymnasium?
Sue here smokes.
I don't smoke.
I don't smoke because I'm a little kid.
I'm only five years old.
who smokes. You smoke? I've seen a lot of kids with 12 and 11 smoking. I don't smoke.
I don't smoke because I'm a little kid. I'm only 5 years old.
Join. You like movies about gladiators?
Keith Bansumer powers the great line of high quality swirble food we have available at
Reddinghour@infowarstore.com And yes, we're selling storable food here.
What concerns me is we're a month into this and food sales aren't going down, they're going up.
You've never seen anything like this.
like this and sustain. You know, it started, you know, 27 days ago and it kind of went hyper and
it doesn't fall off. And in even recent days, you know, it's further increasing. The semis are
rolling, the chips are in, we're producing as much as quickly as possible. Orders that are getting
in today, they're going to ship, they're going to just ship in 10 to 14 days. We're helping people
prepare. It's just something you cover. Absolutely.
You like to eat daily, and so we're just backing that up.
It's the best insurance out there.
You can get food today that you can eat 10 years from now at today's prices.
It's normal to sit on top of horrible food and guns.
All our forebearers did it.
We've got food.
We've got guns.
We've got Jesus.
We know how to use it.
We've got a phrase around here, Alex.
It's real simple.
Noah prepared.
Real stuff, man.
We're talking about the real deal here.
And I love Trump all day long, but man, I tell you, he sits there and lets these big tech people keep running roughshod over him.
Everybody, I mean, I've got a problem.
And we'll just take the Trump rallies over.
That said, about two months ago, I came up with a plan that I haven't launched yet.
We have a warehouse full of hundreds of thousands of stickers.
20 different stickers.
Impeach the Democrats.
Save the Second Amendment.
Defend the First Amendment.
And it looks like duct tape, but it's just a regular sticker.
You put it over your mouth, you go to a Trump rally, and you instantly take over without even disrupting things.
People say, why are you doing this?
What's happening?
Well, you go, well, we're being censored.
You know, Trump won't do anything about it.
And Dr. Pucinich, let me just ask you what you think, because I've not launched this yet.
You've taken the very element that they try to repress you with, that silence, and made it into a weapon.
You have the loudest sound of all, silence.
And you know what's most disturbing to people?
We are live and we have a ton of news to get through, a lot of coronavirus news as per usual with 300 plus cases now in Italy, 10 people dead of course.
No borders whatsoever throughout the entire continent of Europe are ever going to be closed to try and fend off the spread of this virus, despite the fact that people are traveling in and out of Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany.
New cases popping up in country by country all along those borders, but they're not going to do a damn thing to try and stop that.
Of course the World Health Organization has come out numerous times and said preventing stigmatization, racism and hurt feelings is more important than stopping a global pandemic.
They seem to be treating it that way.
So we're going to get into that.
We're also going to get into a tea company here in Britain which was besieged by a Twitter mob outrage.
Because a Conservative MP appeared in a photograph with their product.
People are that desperate to try and find something to be offended by.
They're now offended by tea bags.
We're going to get into that.
We're going to get into the new purity test tool that is going to scan Hollywood scripts to test for diversity bias.
If there isn't enough bias towards diversity, towards multiculturalism, towards feminism, then those scripts are going to be changed.
Now it's not just the actors that appear in the movies, it's not just the awards being given out to the actors, to the films, to the directors, it's the scripts themselves that are going to have to be run by approval measurements.
And then in the article I compare this to Soviet realism, which is a very close approximation, where all art, theatre, books, literature that was brought out in the Soviet Empire had to be first run past this certain aesthetic, this certain filter for social engineering, so everybody could maintain their loyalty to the Soviet state.
Similar thing we see now happening in our culture in movies and TV shows.
And on that point, a BBC editor, head of drama at the BBC, has come out and said that, basically, woke narratives have to be embedded in everything.
That's not just a product of cultural pressure.
That is a demand, and that is going straight into these scripts.
So we're going to get into that.
We're going to get into MP invites drag queen called Flojob to school called complaining parents homophobic.
We had yet another instance of drag queen story time here in the UK.
And it's getting out of control.
We had the one in Newham, London, of course, a couple of weeks ago.
We've had the visit to the British Library.
This one was not announced beforehand.
The parents were not canvassed.
And what happened is this individual turned out to be someone who had uploaded sexually explicit images to Twitter.
This drag queen was given access to children.
at this school.
Parents complained about it.
They were called homophobic.
So we're going to get into that.
We're going to get into transgender kids.
Father shows son identifying as an egg omelette.
Of course, we had the big controversy last week with former NBA star Dwayne Wade, who said not only that his 12-year-old son had come out as transgender, but that his son had told him he knew he was transgender aged three years old.
Bear in mind that the prefrontal cortex of the brain isn't even developed until the age of 25, but apparently a three-year-old can tell you what gender they are at that very tender age.
Meanwhile, transgender women in rugby do not pose danger to other players, says Trans Man, so more debate about biological men taking over spaces not only in culture, but also in women's sport.
Gonna get into an article out of CNN.
Where a group of firefighters and police were attacked by a swarm of 40,000 Africanized bees.
That's the scientific name for what you call these killer bees.
Respondents to the article, which CNN put out, complained of racism.
Speaking of racism, Deontay Wilder, who was just defeated by Tyson Fury in the big boxing match for the championship on Saturday night, He was dominated in the match, but now he's blaming his Black History Month outfit for losing the WBC title.
Gonna get into that.
Also gonna get into White Lives Don't Matter signs appearing in a Canadian city, and there was zero media coverage of it whatsoever.
All that and more coming up in the next segment.
Breaking news at Summit.News.
Don't go away, we'll be back.
Cover top headline up on Summit.News.
Top investor asks for advice on stockpiling food.
This is investor and Bedrock founder Jeff Lewis, who is asking for advice on Twitter on stockpiling food in another illustration of how the spread of coronavirus is driving fears of shortages.
Of course, we've got food shortages in some supermarkets, grocery stores in Italy.
We've got fights, brawls now taking place over that remaining food.
Again, that's not across the entire country, but it is in some places in Italy with the lockdown that they're experiencing right now with the coronavirus.
But now Lewis, who was an early investor in Lyft, surprised some when he asked Twitter users how to go about preparing for potential food supply interruptions.
He asked the question, if one were hypothetically stockpiling four months of shelf-stable food, what would folks recommend optimising for keto-friendly?
I don't think you're going to really get to choose your obscure diet habits if there's a run on the food supply, but that's what he said.
Some of the respondents chided Lewis for his somewhat pretentious keto-friendly demand.
Others advise the investors to stock up on sardines, tuna, peanut butter, almond butter, nuts, beef, jerky, broth, dried vegetables, chicken, rice and beans.
So that is a big deal that a top investor and the founder of Bedrock is asking on Twitter for advice on storable food.
You would think that he'd have sought that out beforehand, being part of the global elite.
Of course, the number of business jet flights between Hong Kong to Australia and North America leapt 214% reports the Financial Times.
And the demand for private jets amongst the elite is also soaring.
Meanwhile, fight breaks out in Italian supermarket amidst food shortages.
This is a video out of Italy which shows customers in a supermarket brawling.
One of them throws a punch at the other one.
They have a verbal argument.
A brawl ensues.
The person who posted the video on Twitter said, quote, the people here are freaking out.
Again, this is after yesterday's article in which we highlighted how some grocery stores in Italian towns and cities are emptying rapidly as people engage in panic buying.
We've got more videos about that.
We've got videos from subways and streets in Milan and other places in Italy, in that region that's affected, which are completely lifeless and empty.
Now, this morning there were 229 people Who tested positive for coronavirus across Italy.
I believe that number is now up to about 360.
It went from three people in Italy who had the coronavirus on Thursday to now somewhere around 350, 360.
Ten people have now died.
They've got lockdowns, quarantines in 11 towns and cities.
50,000 people have to have special permission to leave those towns and cities.
The British government responded to this by telling people who return from those affected areas that they must self-quarantine, self-isolate for 14 days.
So we've got that going on.
We've got a Harvard professor who says that 40 to 70 percent of people worldwide will be infected with coronavirus.
This was reported not by Zero Hedge, which got banned by Twitter for reporting on stats about the coronavirus that the Chinese government claims are incorrect, Now Harvard epidemiology professor Mark Lipsitch says the coronavirus quote will ultimately not be containable.
He says within the coming year some 40 to 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus.
Now he clarifies not all those people will become seriously ill but that many will have mild disease or maybe asymptomatic which of course is a massive danger when it comes to the transmission of this disease Not knowing that you have it, being out in public, being out in crowds of people and spreading it to others.
The World Health Organization advisor says the coronavirus could be the widely feared disease X that experts have been warning about for years.
So we've got that going on.
AFP reports Arctic Doomsday Vault stocks up on 60% more food seeds.
Of course, whenever Doomsday preppers, or even viewers and listeners to this show who buy our storable food, do so.
They're labelled conspiracy kooks.
Not so for the Doomsday Vault, which is nestled deep in the Arctic, which has received 60,000 new seed samples on Tuesday, including Prince Charles's cow slips and Cherokee sacred corn, increasing stocks of the world's agricultural bounty in case of global catastrophe.
So they're getting prepared for potential shortages.
We have coronavirus.
This is the BBC.
Iran's deputy health minister tests positive as outbreak worsens.
He was literally giving a press conference while sweating profusely and suffering from the symptoms of the coronavirus.
Subsequently tested positive for it.
So we've got all this going on.
We've got now Italy with 350 plus people infected with coronavirus.
Is anyone going to do anything To institute any kind of border controls which could stop the spread of the coronavirus across the continent of Europe.
The answer is a firm NO!
We cannot question the sanctity of the international flow of people, the sanctity of wide open borders, because that of course is more important than stopping a global pandemic.
EU officials refuse to implement border controls to stop coronavirus.
Even as the coronavirus begins to spread around the continent, EU officials have steadfastly refused to implement border controls, insisting that the sanctity of open borders is more important.
322 cases in Italy.
That's probably more.
Those numbers are from hours ago.
We've got 10 deaths.
But authorities insist the Schengen area, which abolished passport checks and border controls between 26 European states, must not be compromised.
As I said in the previous segment, the World Health Organization has come out numerous times and said one of the most important things about this coronavirus is stigmatization and maintaining the international flow of people.
Because if you set that precedent to give back governments, sovereign national governments, the power to control their own borders, that suddenly threatens globalism.
And of course, maintaining globalism is more important than people dying, apparently.
50,000 citizens in Lombardy and Veneto are under internal lockdown.
They can't leave their towns, their cities.
But Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has refused to implement border controls, claiming it wouldn't help stop the containment of the virus.
Matteo Salvini has shot back.
He's demanded Conte's resignation, quote, if he isn't able to defend Italy and Italians.
The Health Minister of Italy also came out today and said, quote, we agreed to keep borders open.
And again, this is all coming from the EU.
Closing borders would be a disproportionate and ineffective measure at this time.
Despite the fact that now Switzerland, Austria, Germany and all these other countries have got coronavirus patients, victims who came from Italy because they didn't close the borders.
RT reports Switzerland and Austria, which border Italy to the north, also confirmed their first cases of coronavirus on Tuesday.
Where did they come from?
Gee, I wonder!
Could it be Italy?
Yes, it was.
The Swiss patient, a 70-year-old man, had returned from an event in Milan two weeks ago.
Imagine my shock!
Across the Alps in Austria, a young Italian couple tested positive for the illness after entering Austria from Bergamo, Italy on Friday.
So all these cases coming into Switzerland, Austria, Germany, other countries within the EU, they're all coming from Italy and they're going to continue coming because the EU has told all these governments that they cannot control their borders.
This is why we voted Brexit for exactly this kind of scenario.
French Transport Minister Not by the way that the Conservative government in the UK has done much more to control it.
Of course, we have our cases here.
But at least they have the power to determine the controls that should be on their own borders.
French Transport Minister Jean-Baptiste Jabari also refused to close the border between France and Italy.
Germany has likewise refused to do so.
And now Germany has coronavirus.
Well done.
European Commissioner for Health Stella Kargydis also said borders should remain open while suggesting that the threat of disinformation was more of a concern.
Yes, people posting inaccurate tweets is more of a concern than the spread of this deadly virus.
And I write in this article, at what point does stopping an immensely dangerous and disruptive global pandemic become more important than the sacred, never to be questioned or curtailed, international flow of people?
Numerous nearby countries have closed their borders with China.
You saw that with Russia, with Mongolia, with North Korea.
But no, not us, not Europe.
We have to keep the infected coronavirus victims flooding in because we cannot question the sanctity of globalism and the international flow of people that maintains the very concept of open borders.
Don't go away, we'll be back.
We are live, we're talking about the coronavirus spread now.
322 cases in Italy, 10 dead as it continues to circulate around Europe with officials from France, Germany, Italy at the behest of the EU saying that borders will not be controlled, they will not be closed.
We cannot question the sanctity of globalism.
In fact, we've got a Tucker Carlson clip where he's talking about this very subject, which we're going to go to here in a second.
But in addition to that, there's an article here out of Breitbart.
Surprise, surprise, Sweden's not going to control its borders either.
What a shock that is.
Headline, Sweden government says coronavirus low-risk will not screen air travelers.
This is a country that allows returning ISIS jihadists back into its country, so could we ever expect them to screen for coronavirus victims?
It says the Swedish government has announced it will be contributing cash To a WHO fund to tackle the coronavirus, but will not be monitoring or screening incoming airline passengers for the virus.
The government will contributing 40 million Swedish kronor to the World Health Organization's crisis fund.
It's classified the coronavirus as a dangerous and socially hazardous disease.
However, the Public Health Authority has so far determined that the threat to Sweden from the virus is very low, and stated it did not consider it necessary to screen airports and airline passengers for the virus at present time.
So not only are they not closing the borders or doing any kind of border control measures whatsoever, they're not even testing the people coming in from these countries that are now being impacted by the coronavirus.
That's part of the course with Sweden.
Let's go to this Tucker Carlson clip now.
He touched on a similar subject where he's talking about, again, the sanctity of diversity of mass immigration.
The coronavirus threatens that very concept, which is why they're not going to do anything to place at risk globalism as a concept, even though it may be absolutely vital and necessary to do so to try and stop the spread of this disease and to try and stop it from turning into a global pandemic.
Here's the clip.
Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson Tonight.
For weeks, the media told you it was wrong to worry about the coronavirus, a mysterious, highly communicable, lethal disease spreading rapidly around the world.
If that concerns you in any way, if you think maybe we ought to take some steps to protect ourselves from it, then you're a bigot.
Coronavirus panic is racist profiling against Asians, lectured some arrogant moron at Slate.com.
A writer for the Seattle Times warned that, quote, yellow peril racism was the real epidemic fear.
And so on.
Countless publications wagged their fingers in the face of readers and told them it was irrational, probably immoral
in fact, to worry more about the coronavirus than the annual flu.
Identity politics trumped public health, and not for the first time.
Wokeness is a cult.
They'd let you die before they admitted that diversity is not our strength.
So fast forward to today.
What began as a regional outbreak in the city of Wuhan, China, is now spreading across Europe.
Parts of Italy are shut down tonight, Catholic services and in some places funerals have been suspended indefinitely.
Take a look at a grocery store in Milan.
That's Italy's industrial capital.
The shelves are bare.
Panicked shoppers buying in bulk as in a natural disaster, which this is.
And it's moving fast.
South Korea has confirmed close to a thousand cases of the disease so far.
Japan is reporting infections at the same level.
The virus has even been reported in Iran.
At least 12 people have died there so far, but one lawmaker says the real death toll is at least 50.
Apparently, international sanctions don't stop the coronavirus.
On Friday, the Centers for Disease Control warned that it is, quote, possible, even likely, that America will have a general coronavirus outbreak as well.
That shouldn't surprise you.
China is the world's most sophisticated authoritarian government.
Its leaders have shut down entire cities, dragged people from their homes in an effort to curb coronavirus.
But it hasn't worked.
Officials in our country have reported about three dozen cases of the virus in the U.S.
so far.
But that's a misleading number.
The truth is, we have no real idea how many Americans are infected.
Here's why.
As of yesterday, only three public health labs in the entire country were properly equipped to detect the virus.
Fewer than 500 people in America have even been tested for coronavirus out of a population of 327 million.
For real!
Keep in mind that five and a half million people ride the New York City subway every day.
Worried yet?
This could be serious.
How likely is an epidemic in the United States?
Are we ready for it if it comes?
How many could die?
It's time for real answers to the most basic questions about coronavirus.
They have Tucker Carlson talking about the fact that diversity being a strength and upholding that narrative is way more important than stopping a potential global pandemic when it comes to the coronavirus.
Moving on though, we have this headline from summit.news.
This is out of Canada.
White Lives Don't Matter signs appear in Canadian city, media ignores.
Now you know every single time The it's okay to be white posters get plastered up in any European city or indeed in any American city, any American campus.
There is mass freak out, mass hysteria, moral panic, police investigations, the culprits being identified, their lives being ruined, they're being kicked out of colleges in America for posting up these signs that simply say it's okay to be white.
Apparently it's not okay to be white these days.
That of course was a 4chan troll that was meant to bait the media into overreacting and that's precisely what happened.
The media continues to fall for it and won't admit that it's a 4chan troll because again the narrative is to continue to inflame this hysteria over white supremacy and racism in America.
Well now racist signs that say white lives don't matter and other racial slurs were posted in the Canadian city of Kitchener but received no media coverage whatsoever.
And you can see the flyers that were posted here in this article.
One of the posters features an image of Jesus Christ being crucified, along with the words White Lives Don't Matter in capital letters.
Another sign says it's okay to hate white people and racism against whites doesn't exist.
That sign also features a logo for Kitchener Waterloo against fascism.
Now, I went on Facebook and searched for that group, and yes, it does exist.
It's a real group.
Could this be people on the right putting up these flyers and blaming it on that Antifa left-wing group?
Yes, it could be, but the most likely situation, and now you see their Facebook page, is that this Antifa group is responsible for these virulently racist posters.
So, bearing in mind the absolute moral panic hysteria that happens every time we see an OK To Be White poster, I was expecting substantial media coverage for this, because the media, the press, really is concerned about this, aren't they?
Well, no.
It's either CBC or CTV had a single story about this as of last night.
That may have changed now, I haven't had a chance to check back yet.
But despite the fact that this is on a par with, and in fact these signs are even worse than the it's okay to be white signs, they're virulently, brazenly, openly racist, The other sign says it's okay to hate white people.
Racism against whites doesn't exist.
Absolutely no media coverage whatsoever.
Because again, it goes against the narrative.
These signs have been traced back to this Antifa group.
Yeah, we had a similar story in the UK last week in Ipswich.
Where a group of people, dissident right people, groipers call them what you will, posted it's okay to be white signs in Ipswich.
There was immediate massive blanket media coverage, instant condemnation.
The police spokesman came out and said they were investigating it.
And again it all ties into the moral panic.
But you can go in a major Canadian city, And plaster up even more virulently racist signs.
Not only is there no media coverage, there's no condemnation, nothing whatsoever happens.
Don't go away, Summit.News will be back.
We are back and we're talking about the arrival of Drag Queen Storytime in the United Kingdom.
Yes, this fantastic feat of cultural enrichment has reached these shores.
Of course, it was popularized, as far as I know, in America and in Australia over the past couple of years.
Now, many such cases in the United Kingdom, headline here out of Summit News, MP invites drag queen called Flo Job to school, calls complaining parents homophobic.
This is a Scottish MP, Myra Black, who invited a drag queen called Flo Job, who had previously uploaded sexually explicit content to Twitter, to her primary school and then called parents who complained homophobic.
This is Glencoe's primary school in Paisley, in Scotland, where the Drag Queen was invited to read a story to kids as young as four, without the parents' knowledge.
They were not even asked.
The Sun reports the Drag Queen has regularly uploaded graphic pictures to Twitter, including of simulating a sex act with a dildo and stimulating oral sex.
I don't even know if we can show these pictures on air.
Probably not.
But they're in the article, if you want to check them out.
And it's basically this guy, when he's not dressed up as a drag queen, using a dildo, let's just put it that way, and another one where he's sat in a bath with his legs sprayed out with a ball gag in his mouth.
This is the guy who the Scottish MP invited to be around primary school children aged as young as four without the parents' knowledge.
Article continues, parents subsequently complained they were not informed of the drag queen's visit and said the visit was outrageous and disgusting.
And in fact, there was a group, I think it was a women's rights group, that came out and agreed with them, shockingly enough, given how much this is being promoted now.
One of the parents told the Daily Star, while I don't agree with the abuse being given, again, the abuse, whenever they use that term, abuse, is just people complaining about it and saying that People who take pictures of themselves with dildos should not be allowed around four-year-old children.
That's abuse.
I don't agree with the abuse being given.
My kids go to this school.
There was no information fed to parents about this happening.
Surely that's a parent's choice.
Of course, we've had similar stories out of America, where the parents are not informed, the drag queen shows up, they do their little story time, then the complaints happen, then the parents are homophobic.
Exact same situation here.
And it turns out that the head teacher at this school is some woke lesbian who's again trying to socially engineer children by exposing them to what is basically sex worker activity.
That's what it is.
And I'm going to get onto that in a minute with somebody absurdly claiming that it's similar to taking your kid to Santa's Grotto at the mall.
No, it isn't.
If Santa at the mall in the grotto had posted pictures of himself on Twitter using dildos two weeks earlier, you don't want your kid around him either.
Article continues, their username is flowjobqueen, which of course you know the connotations with that, and their timeline is full of explicit images of them simulating sexual acts.
Of course they've just done a drag queen story reading to primary school children another parent wrote.
When the MP Myra Black was called out on this on Twitter, she did a giant thread calling the parents, yes, you guessed it, homophobic.
She said, quote, You know that the people pretending to be livid that a drag queen read a book in a school are also the people who run out to buy their kids the latest Grand Theft Auto on release day.
Your homophobia is transparent, really.
Are these parents really buying their kids Grand Theft Auto when the kids are four years old?
When they could barely even play a video game at four years old.
What a pathetic response.
Children's rights group 4Women.scot sided with the parents, again shockingly enough, saying that Flojob was an adult entertainer.
And that's the same case with all these drag queens that you see.
I've done numerous articles before.
They go to school, they go to a library, they go to a work event.
You check back their previous videos.
Some of them have YouTube channels.
They're dancing around half-naked provocatively.
They're adult entertainers.
The group said questions about this are legitimate.
A male who dresses as a sexualized parody of a woman goes by the name Flojob.
It's hardly a role model for primary age children.
Why did no one check this?
Of course, we've had cases in Texas.
We reported on one a couple of years ago now, I think.
Where one of the individuals involved in this drag queen storytime was a convicted sex offender.
We had another case a few months ago where another suspected sex offender was allowed to visit a school.
No checks were performed.
A Renfrewshire Council spokesman said this visit should not have occurred due to the sexually explicit nature of the content posted by Flojo.
So even the politically correct local council ...said that this should not have happened, but that it was arranged as part of LGBT History Month, and of course we know that that trumps everything.
Last month we highlighted the words of an actual drag queen, Kitty Demure, who posted a viral video in which he expressed his amazement at why woke parents are allowing their kids to be around drag queens, asking, would you want a stripper or a porn star to influence your child?
These parents, in this case, didn't.
They complained about it.
Now they're homophobic.
Maybe they'll get cancelled.
Maybe their employers will be contacted.
You also have to remember that some of these parents are fully on board with this and will never complain and in some cases will in fact encourage it.
Someone put out a tweet earlier today and it's on my Twitter timeline.
He said, adults in outfits entertaining children is wrong, so do you hold the same disgust for mall Santas or party clowns?
And then there's a picture of a mall Santa in a grotto and a clown at a children's birthday party.
Yeah, if Santa's putting a dildo in his mouth and wearing a ball gag while his legs are splayed out, I don't want my kid to be around that person.
I tweeted back, the adult in an outfit entertaining children that we just had here in the UK was called Flojob and had uploaded pictures of himself to Twitter using a dildo and a ball gag.
Somewhat different from Santa's grotto.
Meanwhile, this is out of national file, UK children as young as four taught to masturbate have drag queen story times.
And it goes through the history of this.
Children in the UK have been subject to radical revisions of their curricula to include sexualized themes being introduced from an early age.
And that's the point.
Doesn't matter if it's straight, doesn't matter if it's gay, four-year-old kids should not be exposed to sexualized content.
An article from 2017 exposes how the drag queen sought to raise LGBT awareness in children from an early age, hoping to spread a bit of happiness and love and promoting tolerance.
Following a backlash, the drag queen referred to the negative comments as the kind of negativity we are trying to change.
And it says that he was inspired by RuPaul's Drag Race Story Hour, which of course is a reality TV show in America.
And then he recruited 30 drag queens to begin delivering these particular story hours to children.
Then goes on to talk about another case in the UK which involved a local council which made a controversial addition to its curriculum.
And again, a lot of this is being promoted by the local councils.
We had one in Newham two weeks ago.
It was set up by the local council.
This has come in from the government, which made a controversial addition to its curriculum to include a pamphlet which taught masturbation to children as young as four.
This is the kind of material that's being circulated.
The same Warwickshire Council hosted a sectionary on its Sex Ed website which detailed extreme sexual acts to readers as young as 12.
I can't even tell you what those acts are because it's not fit for this listening audience.
But the article is at nationalfile.com if you want to check it out for yourself.
Of course last week we had ex-NBA star Dwayne Wade come out and say that His 12-year-old son was now a girl and identified as transgender, was widely applauded, celebrated, worshipped by the media, by celebrities.
Then he came out and said, oh, by the way, my kid told me he was transgender aged three years old.
Well, another father responded to this by making a video.
...of his own son, where he asked him if he identified as an egg omelette.
And indeed, his three-year-old son did identify as an egg omelette.
He also identified as a Xbox 360 with a PlayStation Core.
He also identified as an astronaut.
He also identified as transgender.
Can three-year-olds really make that determination?
I don't think so.
Don't go away.
We'll be back.
We are live in the final segment.
Now, at the beginning of the show, I mentioned this article out of AFP.
Arctic Doomsday Vault stocks up on 60,000 more food seeds.
This is the Doomsday Vault, and because of concerns about the supply chain, about coronavirus and other global issues, they're stocking up on new batches of seeds to be stored in that Doomsday Vault.
Of course, we've had stories, videos, photos out of Italy.
Which is currently beset by the coronavirus spreading because they failed to close their borders under their new left-wing government.
322 people infected, 10 dead so far.
Store shelves in some grocery stores, supermarkets emptying rapidly, people fighting over food.
Maybe a good time to check out InfoWarsStore.com where we do have emergency survival foods.
A lot of other places are out of stock.
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Other places are running out.
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You can get yours for low, low prices at infowarsstore.com.
That is emergency survival foods.
Go there today.
Now, speaking somewhat of foods, we have an article here on summit.news.
Tea company besieged by mob outrage.
Because a Conservative MP posted a photo of their product.
They are that desperate to be offended over anything that they're now irate over the fact that a Conservative MP, who is actually our Chancellor of the Exchequer, newly crowned, posted a photo of himself making a cup of tea alongside the words, quick budget prep break making tea for the team.
Nothing like a good Yorkshire brew.
And he's holding up a giant packet of Yorkshire Tea, which I also happen to drink because I'm from Yorkshire.
You think that this was innocuous enough, harmless enough?
He literally got 3,000 plus responses from angry leftists in the thread and they blamed the company itself, Yorkshire Tea, for endorsing this fascist right-wing neo-Nazi who is our Chancellor of the Exchequer and is in the government.
They were mad!
And so Yorkshire Tea had to come out and say that it had nothing to do with them.
They said this isn't supposed to post a photo.
But they kind of held firm.
What they were mad about is the fact that Yorkshire Tea didn't immediately cave and disavow this evil far-right white supremacist who isn't even white and who has one of the top jobs in the government of the United Kingdom.
Yorkshire Tea tweeted It's been a rough weekend on Friday.
The Chancellor shared a photo of our tea.
Politicians do that sometimes.
Jeremy Corbyn did it in 2017.
Jeremy Corbyn, obviously being a far leftist, we weren't asked or involved, we said so the same day.
Lots of people got angry with us, all the same.
And they went on to say how they'd been absolutely bombarded over the weekend, answering furious accusations and boycott calls They said it's been pretty shocking to see the determination some have had to drag us into a political mud fire.
They must have received actual phone calls, hundreds of phone calls.
I read the thread, it was literally like 3,000 responses to the Chancellor's tweet of people absolutely irate.
In fact, there were a couple in this very thread.
When Yorkshire Tea came out to clarify the issue, One of them said, I've stopped using Yorkshire tea since then because I don't want to use a product that received publicity from a xenophobic, fascist, racist political party.
Bearing in mind, the guy taking the photo is, I think he's Indian.
He's not even white.
This is the Conservative government of the United Kingdom.
They're not even that conservative.
They're basically centre-left, but they're that mad about it.
And again, they're not really mad about the picture.
They're mad about the fact that Yorkshire Tea, the company that wasn't even responsible for the picture, didn't immediately cave to the pitchfork mob and disavow the Conservative Party.
Imagine you're so desperate to be offended over something, your life is so empty and pathetic, that you get that mad over the Chancellor of the Exchequer holding up some tea bags.
This is where we're at.
Absolutely incredible.
Meanwhile, the revenge of the woke mob also continues in Hollywood and in television and in the entertainment industry.
Headline, new purity test tool to scan Hollywood scripts for diversity bias.
Major Hollywood studios are set to use a new tool that scans movie and TV scripts and flags up any examples where diversity is not portrayed positively in a chilling new development that has echoes of Soviet realism.
This is a tool called Spell Check for Bias, developed by the Davis Institute on Gender in Media.
It's being backed by all these big networks and studios, Universal Pictures, DreamWorks Animation, Focus Features, NBC Entertainment.
It's being backed by actresses, big actors.
So the tool supposedly breaks down diversity in material such as scripts and advertising briefs by scanning for mentions of LGBTQ, race and disabilities, and then identifying how positively such things are portrayed.
So if you dare portray any of those things in anything less than a sterling, upstanding, positive light, they're going to come in with this tool and edit your script.
And you know, maybe we've had the BAFTAs here.
In the United Kingdom, say, if your narratives don't include some aspect of this woke utopia that they're trying to push on us through social engineering, your film will not be put up for an award.
They're introducing diversity quotas for the same reason.
So it's not just the actors, actresses appearing in the films, it's now the political message.
If there's not enough diversity and indoctrination within the scripts themselves, they will demand they be changed, and then maybe the directors, the studios will be punished if they refuse to do so.
They're literally policing and patrolling art.
And where have we seen that before?
Well, as I write in the article, throughout the course of the Soviet Empire, Dictators mandated that socialist realism be the prescribed style of idealized art.
This meant that every sculpture, statue, and painting had to conform to an established aesthetic in order to, quote, educate citizens on how to be the perfect Soviets.
And that's exactly what Hollywood is trying to do with this new tool.
So, in order to entrench loyalty to the Communist Party and advance the utopian image of Soviet society, the purpose of socialist realism was to limit popular culture to a specific, highly regulated faction of emotional expression that promoted Soviet ideals.
While Soviets were subjected to a monoculture designed to ensure fealty to a political dictatorship, Westerners are being subjected to woke, politically correct speech codes and social engineering to ensure fealty to the new cult of diversity.
And we see this not only in TV scripts, not only in Hollywood films, of course we see it in art as well, whereby you can't even get your art installation or your painting in a museum As part of an exhibition, if it doesn't carry a far-left woke political message.
I've talked about this many times in the course of making videos about art, about architecture.
So again, it's not the quality of the art, it's not the skill that went into it, it's not the aesthetic appeal.
It's whether it encompasses and pushes this far-left cultural Marxist political correctness.
They literally have to control art and movies and TV scripts
to socially engineer the population to think a certain way.
That is totalitarian, that is dictatorial, and it's what the Soviets used for decades and decades
with socialist realism, and we're seeing it now here in the West in 2020 with Hollywood scripts.
Another headline out of Breitbart, Dellingpole, "Going woke is a moral duty,"
insists BBC head of drama.
And there's him admitting that it's not only just to reflect diversity, they see it as their moral imperative to change films.
to make them historically inaccurate simply to push this social engineering diversity message.
Hopefully, that's one of the primary reasons why the BBC will lose its ability to tax the citizens of the United Kingdom and have to go to a subscription model.
That's going to wrap it up for the show.
War Room is coming up next.
Check out the latest breaking news at summit.news.
We'll be back.
Don't go away.
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Here you go.
And that's what you need in a super fish oil.
Why sit down to a plate of 50 pounds of cod, when you can just pop one of these tablets and get the same benefit?
It's ultimate fish oil.
Rachel Maddow is Nancy Pelosi's intimate partner, and when they get down with some ultimate fish oil, it's a beautiful thing.
And not even AOC can stay away from that union.
It's a threesome of socialism.
And it funds our operations.
You know, I just want to say that, you know... Stop it!
This fish oil product is great, but when I was a kid, you know, we just sniffed blue.
You know, that was the 15th century.
And look what it did to you!
I mean, and it worked, right?
I mean, I didn't have any ill effects.
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Real stuff, man.
We're talking about the real deal here.
And I love Trump all day long, but, man, I tell you, he sits there and lets these big tech people keep running roughshod over him.
I mean, I've got a problem.
And we'll just take the Trump rallies over.
That said, about two months ago, I came up with a plan that I haven't launched yet.
We have a warehouse full of hundreds of thousands of stickers.
20 different stickers.
Impeach the Democrats.
Save the Second Amendment.
Defend the First Amendment.
And it looks like duct tape.
It's just a regular sticker.
You put it over your mouth.
You go to a Trump rally.
And you instantly take over without even disrupting things.
People say, why are you doing this?
What's happening?
Well, you go, well, we're being censored.
You know, Trump won't do anything about it.
And Dr. Puccini, let me just ask you what you think, because I've not launched this yet.
It's brilliant.
You've taken the very element that they try to repress you with, that's silence, and made it into a weapon.
You have the loudest sound of all, silence.
And you know what's most disturbing to people?