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Name: 20200211_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 11, 2020
2364 lines.

In a CPAC speech in 2011, Donald Trump praised America and its values. Critics argue that he only entered politics for personal gain and lacks experience to be an effective president. Despite this, he remains committed to making America great again and speaks out against media dishonesty. Alex Jones discusses various topics including the coronavirus pandemic, crime statistics, self-reliance, Hollywood celebrities, technology effects on society, a drag queen event, Bloomberg's views on crime, and various products available at InfoWarsStore.com. He criticizes mainstream media for covering the coronavirus outbreak and encourages listeners to be skeptical even of sources like InfoWars. Alex Jones promotes Pollen Block, SuperSilver tooth whitening toothpaste, Immune Gargle Nano Silver, Colloidal silver for better health and immune system, and products to remove contaminants from the air. The show highlights the importance of water filters, seeds, and other essential supplies during a crisis. Alex promotes various products, including Super Silver Whitening Toothpaste and storable food from MyPatriotSupply, urging listeners to buy them before they sell out.

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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Please welcome to the program the always interesting, dynamic Donald Trump.
You are like everybody's dream of America.
You know, you live it like the rags, well you didn't really have rags, but I mean all the riches and everything that America can offer, you got it.
Well, I've had a good time.
I've enjoyed myself.
I've enjoyed my life.
So you've sort of become like a folk hero.
There's someone in this audience, I was reading the audience list, some man who's a businessman, you can tell me who you are later, who went to New York and just wanted to stand by your building, hoping some of the luck would run off.
Is that true?
Is he in this audience?
He's in this audience.
We have to find him.
And so, how do you explain that?
Or is there an explanation?
You know, I believe that you make your own luck to a large extent.
The word luck is a very important word.
Very important.
There's no more important word than luck.
Sadly, the American dream is dead.
But if I get elected president, I will bring it back.
Bigger and better and stronger than ever before.
And we will make America great again.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Critics often say that Donald Trump is a shallow showman, an egomaniac, who wanted to be president just for the sake of it.
They say he only got into politics to serve himself and his businesses, and that he lacks the experience and knowledge required to perform the role of President of the United States.
He's inconsistent, they'll say, with the only consistency being that he's out for numero uno, Trump.
But is this true?
Why did Trump run for president?
And how can we know for sure?
Well, if you listen to his own words, the man speaks for himself and says exactly why he wants to make America great again.
I don't think they've portrayed what I'm really all about, necessarily.
from crowds, from the establishment, and from the press.
But he is very sensitive about the press.
I don't think they've portrayed what I'm really all about necessarily.
I've never seen press reporting as I have with regard to me.
And I hope the general public understands how inherently dishonest the press in this country is.
I think a lot of the press is very dishonest.
The news gets away with murder.
The news media.
I find the press is extremely dishonest, okay?
Very dishonest.
There's tremendous dishonesty in the media.
These are very, very dishonest people.
We are fighting the fake news.
It's fake.
The news about me is largely phony.
It's false.
Does that get under your skin?
No, because you see, I think I'm right.
And when I think I'm right, nothing bothers me.
When I see a total rip-off of this country by Japan, where they literally have no defense budget, where we have to borrow money from them in order to get them oil and defend the Persian Gulf, where most of the oil goes to Japan and other countries, not us.
We get 4% of our oil.
When I see Kuwait, A total rip-off.
We're bringing the Bridgton.
You remember the Bridgton?
Their oil minister sat back and he laughed at how much money he's gonna make.
Why aren't we getting some of that money?
Why aren't we getting it?
They're taking in billions and billions of dollars.
And we can't even land a helicopter on Kuwaiti soil.
You tell me that's right.
Saudi Arabia was making a billion dollars a day.
Saudi Arabia.
They wouldn't even be there except for us.
And in Saudi Arabia, we couldn't even use their minesweepers, Phil.
You know it.
We defend Saudi Arabia.
They wouldn't even be there.
Saudi Arabia.
This is a 5-minute version of a 20-minute version that's up on BAN.VIDEO titled, Trump, then and now.
We send our ships, we go crazy, right?
We spend a fortune.
We get paid peanuts for this.
This is a five minute version of a 20 minute version that's up on ban.video titled Trump, Then and Now.
And it is very, very powerful because it shows the consistency
of him saying things 35 years ago, 20 years ago, and then saying them today and actually getting it done.
And that's why they hate Trump so much is you may disagree with him on some things,
but he actually says what he means and then tries to carry it out,
and in most cases succeeds.
Just like Infowars, we deliver straight shooting and we're here only because you spread the word and support us.
You are the Infowar and I salute you.
Well my friends, it's George Washington's birthday, February 11th.
And the year is 2000.
I am your host Alex Jones.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
And I do intend to open the phones up and take a ton of your calls.
Paul Joseph Watson.
We'll be hosting the fourth hour, always informative.
Joel Skousen is going to join us to talk about politics, the world, and all these even mainline analysts saying the cities are going to collapse.
They're untenable, especially the blue cities.
He is the leading expert when it comes to strategic relocation.
And I've just been very honest with the audience that as soon as I can move the headquarters of Infowars to some rural area, That it's safer, I'm going to do it.
But certainly not for a few years.
Don't have the capital to do it.
Don't want to make the crew move.
But I am abandoning ship out of Austin, Texas.
It has just been completely overrun by the Democrats.
With the needles, with the feces, with the devil worshippers, with all the stupid trendies everywhere.
And I just, you know, do not want to live in San Francisco, right in the middle of the heart of Texas.
But that's a side issue.
There is so much to get to here, obviously, with the Democrat primary starting to kick off, with some of the first early voting happening there in New Hampshire, the Granite State, and already early signs of corruption, fraud, and fiasco behavior, just like we saw in Iowa last week, just total criminal activity.
This is your electronic voting machines run by Democrats.
This is what you get.
It's just a free-for-all, a bunch of piranhas trying to cheat each other.
And that's why Trump could easily lose the 2020 election in 265 days, because we don't have free and fair elections in this country.
I've had all the top analysts, all the top experts on, I've done my own research.
I know that you've witnessed it yourself down the streets, but at the grassroots level, a massive landslide can defeat Democrats.
Because they don't have every jurisdiction under their control.
And the Republicans I know, and the conservatives I know, and the Christians I know, just won't even speed.
Won't do anything corrupt at any level.
Are neurotic about it.
I know I am.
Except the speeding part.
But you get my drift.
And what do you do up against Democrats who are out-competing each other to see who can be the most criminal?
And by out-competing, I mean it's just reached cuckoo level situation.
It's always some shadowy weird multinational company with Soros connections and Deep State connections and weird apps that are hooked up to all the machines and then put out disinfo and they don't match the local numbers and of course it screws whoever the establishment doesn't want.
Bernie Sanders and promotes who they want.
Judger of the booty.
Booty judge.
It's just unbelievable.
So we're going to get into all of that.
We're gonna open the phones up.
We've got huge developments on the coronavirus front.
Senator Cotton has come out again, and this time been specific, and said Beijing needs to prove coronavirus isn't a man-made bioweapon.
Of course it is.
Question is, why did it get out?
What were they doing making a vaccine?
Who the hell knows?
They're covering up.
They're lying about the number of deaths, obviously.
And a big story up on InfoWars.com.
Department of Defense announces expansion.
of emergency quarantine centers across the United States.
Coronavirus toll officially surpasses 1,000.
China says it could be over 43,000 infected.
A lot of folks are asking why in the world is Trump praising Xi Jinping?
Some experts worry as a germ-phobic Trump confronts growing epidemic.
They've been criticizing when he didn't want Ebola patients in the U.S.
when he wasn't president.
Nobody takes Ebola patients into their country.
But again, they make that xenophobic and bad in the news.
There's just no end to it.
Also, there's a big article in AP about the hero citizen on the ground journalists who didn't want to be journalists but are that have proven the Chinese government's covering up just how bad it is and how they're heroes for questioning the official story.
At the same time, If you question the official story here, you get banned on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, you get called horrible names, even though InfoWars, and our guest, has been the absolute vanguard the last three weeks, on target, with the projections, right online, with what is announced two, three weeks later, that they've got secret quarantine centers ready, that it's man-made, that it's got the HIV delivery system, all of that has now been confirmed.
Notice you don't see anybody celebrating Infowars, oh no, but they'll celebrate Chinese citizens that exposed the fraud.
But the very same corporate media then cheerleads to shut down anybody that asks questions.
So they're just like the censors in Beijing.
Simply amazing.
We'll be getting into a lot of that today as well.
And you know, here's the good news.
People see through this hypocrisy.
And folks don't buy the official stories anymore.
Sometimes the official story is true, but as your default, you have to question everything nowadays, including InfoWars.
In fact, a lot of times I question what I already am believing and thinking with the best knowledge I have, but then I get more knowledge and I go, no, that was probably wrong.
And most of the time it turns out I was wrong.
I was partially right.
I was going in the right direction.
I was learning more.
But this idea of just having one set idea about something that you're told by somebody else and then you just defend that forever is stupid.
But more importantly, it's dangerous.
So we'll be looking at all of that today as well.
And then mainline science, private institutes, private groups are confirming that there is a what looks like not naturally occurring transmission being sent.
The earth is picking up.
Could this be first contact?
We'll look at that and so much more.
Bloomberg's gotten in a lot of trouble because old audio has surfaced of him Defending his stop-and-frisk situation and then saying, hey, we profile some minorities because some groups have higher rates of crime.
Well, that is the truth.
I mean, we all know men commit about 95% of murders, right?
Is that being mean to men?
No, men commit most murders.
There are some things in criminology women do more often, but men do that.
And yes, black men, out of all groups of men in the United States, top the charts for that because of what's been set up in the culture and society and what's going on and what's happened.
That's just a statistic and it's a very strong statistic.
So I'm not defending Bloomberg, but watching Trump tweet against him on Stop and Frisk, you notice Trump had to withdraw that because Trump had defended it back when he was mayor.
So we did catch Trump in a flip-flop right there.
I'm not a cult.
I'll expose Trump when he does things that are wrong.
I expose myself when I'm wrong.
But I'll say this.
Stop and frisk, randomly, when you don't have any evidence it violates due process or probable cause and I don't support it.
Now if you're wearing a Bloods shirt, flashing Bloods signs in a gang area, And you just had somebody shot down the road.
Yeah, pull over.
You've got probable cause to ask questions.
It's gang activity.
But to just say you're black, so I'm going to pull up and I'm going to frisk you, that's wrong.
And the Democrats have used that and exacerbated it, tried to cause a race war, tried to say all police are bad, when it's Democrat cities that nine times out of ten are violating African-Americans' rights and what's happening in their communities.
And then it just creates a downward spiral because the people don't call the police, there's not trust, and things fall apart.
Most of the police I know and what I've witnessed, and I've gone out years ago on ride-alongs, and I've done my own research, and most police are care, and they're working hard, and they're exhausted, and they don't want to go out and be mean to black people.
I mean, that's just outrageous, but the media tries to seize on that and exacerbate it.
And Bloomberg's a big Democrat now.
He's been pushing race-based narrative crap, when of course it's him that has that entire background.
So we've got that audio as well, which on the crime statistics is true.
I don't know why he's running from it, but now he's experiencing cancer culture.
But stop and frisk is wrong.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
So I mentioned a lot of the news we're going to be covering and breaking down here today.
But the first thing I want to get into in depth is something I meant to get to yesterday after the Oscars Sunday evening.
I remember growing up and the Oscars would come on and my mom would watch it and some of her lady friends would come over.
And I just thought it was so disgusting and so boring and so stupid to watch a bunch of people in tuxedos and a bunch of women in sequined dresses preening like peacocks and praising themselves for what amazing actors they are.
The pomposity was truly disgusting.
But now you've seen Ricky Gervais and so many others come out and say you're pedophiles, you're degenerates, you suck, and they get 10 times the viewers conservatively for just that clip than the entire Golden Globes.
Reruns of soap operas have more viewers than these shows do because no one's watching it, including old people.
It's disgusting.
Yeah, folks are watching more Hollywood garbage than ever, but Hollywood's making less money.
So is the NFL.
So are all these leftist establishment institutions.
And so their answer is to promote censorship of their competition, of free thought, while They use the free speech they have to spew pure venom at the American people and lecture the planet about how we shouldn't fly on jet airplanes, but nobody flies on them more than them.
Everything they do is a sick joke because these are teleprompter readers.
These are script readers.
And America was founded Many a historian wrote accurately, like Alexander de Tocqueville was the most often quoted, on hating the establishment and hating titles and hating royalty and hating people that were given everything they had.
America was about inventors, and it was about sharpshooters, and it was about engineers, and it was about Lewis and Clark, and explorers, and trailblazers, and people admired reality and the genuine.
They'd always admired that in other cultures, but here in America, finally, you had a chance, at least to a certain extent, wasn't perfect, but compared to any other nation, to let your metal stand forth.
And that's why people wanted to come here.
And there is nothing better than reading these headlines that are dead on.
The age of celebrity is dead.
It really is.
In fact, people just don't not care about celebrities.
It's obnoxious.
It's disgusting.
Dressing up all fancy and stuff's about going to a dance and finding your mate.
It's not about watching people on a screen and a bunch of weird directors and people worship themselves and tell us how great they are and tell us how good they are and just ooze and sicky sweet drool Over the things they've done, people don't want artificial.
They want real.
And the rejection of Hollywood, and the rejection of the leftist system is so healthy.
It's like the rejection of AI, the rejection of virtual reality, the rejection of rubber blow-up dolls, the rejection of it all.
This system is trying to seduce us Because it doesn't have a soul.
And it needs those of us that have a soul.
It hopes to give it a soul.
And the answer is, exit us out of the system and let it completely die.
Do not be part of it.
Come out of the leftist cities.
Don't be bullied.
Don't appease.
Don't adopt their political correctness.
Don't bow down to them.
You don't even get rewarded for doing it.
It's totally empty.
The people that follow leftist ideology are slaves.
When we come back, we're gonna have some comic fun, but it's actually scary.
The actual Batboy has been discovered.
That's coming up next segment, but let's get serious right now.
Brad Pitt Getting up there and lecturing us?
Give me a break.
Joaquin Phoenix was smart enough to get up there and to say, we're all a bunch of parasites, everybody hates us.
Forgive me that I'm scum.
He gets it.
He didn't go as far as Ricky Graves, but that's the spirit.
They know we hate them.
They know they're not cool.
They know they're not real.
And everyone is sick and tired of them.
And this is so good.
This is the breaking of the power of the jewel on the crown of this satanic world government system that they thought, oh, thousands of channels and all this would put more of their crap out.
And they thought, well, we'll censor our competition.
That'll make people love us again.
No, everyone hates you.
Almost no one I know is enamored with any of this crap anymore.
The spell, the trance, the mesmer, the dream that's really a nightmare has been broken.
And there's no coming back.
That's a very, very healthy thing.
Here's Joaquin Phoenix doing his delicate genius act, falling on the sword.
We fear the idea of personal change because we think that we have to sacrifice something to give something up.
But human beings at our best are so inventive and creative and ingenious.
And I think that when we Use love and compassion as our guiding principles.
We can create, develop and implement systems of change that are beneficial to all sentient beings and to the environment.
Now I've been... You have the Rothschild's control and everything, yes.
Just let us run this.
I've been a scoundrel in my life.
I've been selfish, I've been cruel at times, hard to work with, and ungrateful, but so many of you in this room have given me a second chance.
And I think that's when we're at our best.
when we support each other, not when we cancel each other out for past mistakes,
but when we help each other to grow, when we educate each other, when we guide each other
towards redemption. Then he strikes out at cancel culture.
So again, but isn't he disingenuous?
I mean, the whole act he puts on, like he's hesitant and he's so real and everything.
Give me a break, man.
You're as funny as a bowl of plastic fruit and everybody knows it.
I'll tell you what's real.
I'll tell you what's real.
I'm real, Joaquin.
They know they're real and they don't like you, Mr. Scary Joker.
All right, I want to get serious here and open the phones up and cover all the news
and get into what's happening in Iowa and Democrats fight President Trump's anti-human trafficking efforts.
I'm not kidding.
That is all coming up.
I want to open the phones at 877-789-ALEX for first-time callers.
Again, on any subject, any topic you want to discuss, absolutely free fall, free fall of your phone calls.
Free for all.
Here on this live Tuesday transmission.
877-789-2539, 877-789-ALEX here on this Live Tuesday transmission.
But getting back to Hollywood, it really is ridiculous that we were caught by it like
moths to flame.
But if you go back to the 20s, all they have is silent movies.
And then the talkies got developed and set up.
And then you had radio that proliferated.
And then by the In the late 1940s, TV began to become popular, and it expanded, and it was this box in our home.
And now we don't eat around the table and talk about what happened in town, or what happened at work, or what happened at church, or what happened in the backyard, or talk about grandma.
We talk about what's on that box.
And at first, it's putting out trusted messages and loving messages and, you know, nice things to get our trust, like a worm on a hook looks delicious to a bass, or a perch, or a crappie, or a catfish, or some other little form of swimming creature.
But once they get us on the hook, we find out it's cold steel.
It is a cultural takeover.
And so yes, our grandparents, our parents to a certain extent, some of them got mesmerized by it.
But young people know that big deal, you're on TV.
Big deal, you're on a screen.
That doesn't make you special.
It isn't special!
Unless that person is saving people from a burning house, or shooting intruders, or climbing a mountain, or breaking the record at the Olympics.
Yes, that human endeavor of crossing a threshold, of landing on the moon, of going deeper than anyone ever has in a submarine, that is documented and that is important.
But not just because it's on a screen, but because it happened.
I believe Hollywood is the most effective and disastrous propaganda factory there has ever been in the history of human beings.
That's absolutely true.
So, it has taken our families away from us.
It has taken our culture.
It has taken our soul.
It has taken the outdoors away.
It has taken, even when I was a young person, Maybe somebody watched TV a couple times a week, or you watch the news.
But man, you were in the backyard cooking almost every night, or you were over at the neighbor's house cooking.
You were playing pool.
You were arm wrestling.
You were playing board games.
You were playing baseball or football, touch football, until 10 at night.
And then I'd show up bloody and, you know, dirty, and my dad'd say, it's 10 o'clock.
Get your butt in there and take a shower and go to bed, but he'd give me a high five and laugh at me.
And sometimes we'd get back up and we'd be playing, you know, baseball at 6 a.m.
out in the backyard, throwing baseballs to each other.
That was normal.
And man, when I laid down, I was exhausted.
You drive around these neighborhoods, there's almost nothing going on.
Maybe a bike here, a kid there.
Maybe a few kids running around with some Nerf guns or something, thank God.
But you don't see it going on.
When I was a kid, everybody was out at night, going to this person's house, going to that person's house, going to church.
Where did all that go?
Let's bring that back, and whoever can bring that back.
He's going to save the species.
And they're not just going to do that, they're going to make a ton of money.
Because everybody's into money.
Well, let me tell you, going back to retro, which isn't retro, it's just human activity, that is going to be the complete future.
Getting off the phones, getting out of the system, getting out in rural areas, getting out in the woods, that's where everything is.
Why do we admire the military?
Well, it's the warrior class, and they're out there on the cutting edge.
Sometimes the mission's bad, sometimes the war is illegal.
The point is, though, that they're real people on the edge of things.
And all of us need to be real people on the edge of things.
But the edge of things is making sure our children don't take fentanyl and die.
Being involved, being informed, being interfaced, not where, oh, I gotta take care of my kids, I wanna go watch Netflix.
Taking care of your children is gonna empower you.
Making them dinner, going for a nighttime bike ride or a hike, that's gonna empower you and your children not going in together and watching Netflix.
And I'm not judging people, if, you know, last night, my youngest daughter's almost three, she won't go to sleep, and I said, well, you know what, let's watch some TV.
So I said, she's in her own room now.
I said, you know what, go to your room.
You can stay with mommy and daddy tonight.
Sleep with us in the bed.
And we turned on at like nine at night, World War II in color.
Two hours later at 11, my wife's like, you gotta let her go to sleep.
She was sitting there watching it like this.
Now no one would think a three-year-old would want to watch that.
But no, that's my daughter.
She wants to watch it.
But she knew it was real.
She was really interested.
She goes, I like those mean tractors.
She thought tanks were.
She's kind of a tomboy.
She likes things like that.
But I'm not going to digress about this all day.
It's just that reality, she's a baby, but she knew that's reality.
Something happened.
She saw Hitler on the screen and was like, and Winston Churchill.
She kind of sat up like, who's that?
I mean, she knows archetypally that's an important person.
That's a bad person.
That's an interesting person and it's the reality we need to show people.
If it's reality on the screen, it's good.
But don't they call it reality TV when it's the fakest thing out there?
Watch the Battle of Britain like we did last night in the second hour we watched.
That was real and that was empowering and she got like, there's men in planes, they're fighting, there's a... She got it because she already had all the archetypes.
I'm gonna stop babbling here and just get to this clip, but it's true.
The age of celebrity is dead.
Ding dong, the witch is dead.
The witch, witch, witch.
The witch, oh witch.
Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead.
This is a good thing.
Now that said, I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this, but everybody saw this Trump event in San Francisco, I guess drag queens for Trump.
And I got to say, these drag queens actually look like women and were dressed nicely.
It's like the Democrat drag queens, like giant obese fat men in clown outfits going after children.
In San Francisco, though, you've got a, I guess, a group for Trump and the leftists see this and become totally unhinged.
And then there is a, Probably a woman, biologically, but actual bat child.
People wondered since the 80s where the bat child was.
The bat child has been discovered and is totally triggered, I guess, by gay dudes that support Trump.
So let's roll that audio.
Here it is.
Cuz it doesn't compute.
Because they're the liberal trendies, and the religion is if you're gay, you're God.
Well, here's gay dudes.
They've got their makeup on better than her, and she doesn't know what to do.
You're not cute!
You're fat and you're pathetic!
Is that Rachel Maddow without the wig?
You know Rachel Maddow wears it.
Is that Anderson Cooper without his toupee?
And the screaming just goes on from there.
But hey, Batboy has been discovered in San Francisco.
This is a big deal.
Real, Batboy lives!
You're the scum of the earth!
You're the scum of the earth!
You know, I've got a bunch of serious news to cover, but I want to get back to Batboy here and put some bookends on
Let's go back to the raw footage and play it one more time.
This was shot two nights ago.
Three nights ago, I guess, Saturday night in San Francisco at a drag queen pro-Trump event.
And the left came out and protested as the people came out.
And the leftists began to attack like piranhas.
But notice, this is a woman you're about to see with a shaved head under fourth-wave feminism who's given up her femininity, who believes they say killing their babies is a sacrament, and that giving up their very humanity is a good thing.
This isn't empowering women, this is enslaving them, and then she's completely triggered by men Who are dressed like women who have stolen her identity.
And so she begins to hiss like a king cobra that has been injected directly in the cerebral cortex with PCP.
So we can joke all day long about everyone always wanted to find out what happened to Batboy, who supposedly in weekly world news got found in Central Park.
And did Bat Boy actually cause the coronavirus outbreak?
But that's a joke.
This is serious.
This is what happens to women in San Francisco under the brainwashing, where women give up their femininity.
They're supposed to.
You don't see any starlets anymore in Hollywood, any of it.
And then men become the new glamour with wigs on.
Now, I've got to say that the Trump drag queens do actually look like women.
The leftist ones, I'm like, hairier?
You know, nothing against fat dudes or anything, but come on, man.
Fat dudes in clown makeup, coming after our kids.
They have a name for that.
It's all still hideous, though.
Let's go ahead.
That's just my opinion.
I'm allowed to think that.
Dudes in dresses are creepy.
I've never done it on air.
I've done a lot of comedy.
It would get huge views.
I just, kind of like the police academy, they're dressed up on the stakeout going after the hookers and the sergeant's got a beard and he's got a wig on.
There is some comedic value to it, but except I'm not trying to go to drag queen story time or anything.
Let's go ahead and play this video, unedited, so you can see it for yourself.
And again, radio listeners, you're lucky you don't have to see this.
This is Bat Boy freaking out.
This is what leftists do everywhere.
This is like standard now.
It's like a two-year-old tantruming.
They want to run the campuses.
They want to run your life.
They want access to your children.
Get your hands off me!
Get your hands off me!
Get your hands off me!
Get your hands off me!
Get your hands off me!
Get your hands off me!
Get your hands off me!
Get your hands off me!
Get your hands off me!
Get your hands off me!
I'm a fascist drag queen, it's cute, that's a cute idea.
You're not cute, you're fat and you're pathetic.
So this is what happens when kryptonite is discovered.
Skeptics come out to protest the pro-Trump drag queen event, and they just don't know
what to do.
Oh no! I'm so excited!
It's like the left endorsing Islam when it wants to kill gay people.
It's just, it's just, they don't know what to do.
This is me, get the hell away.
This is the mass mental illness.
And of course you know there's piles of poop everywhere out there.
This is San Francisco.
Cute needles here and there.
Look at that.
Baby buzzard begging for food.
Now blow this up.
Let's play the end here.
We need to slow this down here.
Stop it.
There you go.
You know, we can make jokes about this, but this is the spirit of these people.
It's like Nosferatu.
ought to.
This is what they've done to women.
Look what they've done to these people.
She probably started out normal in the Midwest, parents sent her to college, turned into
Do you think that mental patient dude she's with will take care of her when she's sick or needs help?
No, it's all fake empty people totally unreal Okay, that's enough
All right, I've given the number out.
The phones are loaded.
We'll start the next hour and get very, very serious.
But I'll be honest, sometimes I gotta screw around a little bit.
Though that's a very disturbing video, actually.
Michael Bloomberg saying black people commit more crimes than white people.
That audio's coming up.
So much more in the second hour, but I will go directly to your phone calls.
The good news is the age of celebrity's dead.
But the age of Batboy, who's really a woman, has just begun.
I shouldn't laugh.
God help us.
I mean, you go to these Democrat events, like, a good third of them are like that.
So you think it's funny when you're watching it on TV, but when you, you're like, there's armies of these people?
What the hell happened to them?
How do you end up getting your head shaved and going, How do you end up being a dude and having long fingernails and a blonde wig on?
I don't know what happened to these people.
All I know is thank God I'm not with them.
And I'm not trying to put anybody down.
It makes me feel weak that there's all these people like this.
Let me just stop there.
I had our office manager, Infowars manager, Tim Frugier, come over and talk to me earlier.
He said, hey, listen, in about a week or two, if you keep SuperSilver tooth whitening toothpaste at 50% off, it's going to sell out.
We don't get more for about a month and a half.
We should go back to basically full price.
Plus, it has the patented nano silver in it that's been proven to take out this whole virus family and the rest of it.
And I said, you know what, we're just gonna sell out of it at 50% off.
And I said, but don't worry, we also have the nano silver in super blue for adults and children.
And he goes, yeah, that's selling out too, probably in about two weeks.
And that's not coming in for two months.
Unless, we're talking about the children's, which we do have plenty of.
It's naturally bubblegum flavor.
It has the nano silver, it has the iodine, it has the tea tree oil, it has it all.
This has the whitening in it that's so good.
But this is really good as a front line of defense.
And despite the fact that it's selling out, I'm going to keep it at 50% off until these products sell out.
And, you know, I told you, like last week, I said, oh, the 16 ounce Immune Gargle Nano Silver, it's about to sell out.
It did.
It was already sold out by the time I was saying it.
I didn't know it.
The one ounce will sell out by Wednesday or Thursday.
The 3-ounce will sell out by next week, and it's the greatest deal you're going to find out there on this nano-silver.
This is the patented stuff.
I could show you.
Hell, let me just show you from Homeland Security right here.
This is from 13 years ago.
Texas A&M Health Science Center with the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge, the Department of the Army headquarters finding it in their own test.
That it was taking out the SARS that is the Corona family.
And that is from American biotech labs out of Colorado that allows us to private label their products.
Some of these are proprietary products.
So those are selling out as well.
Their nano silver is in the super blue and it is in the super silver whitening.
I'm going to keep the toothpaste at 50% off until it sells out, but it is selling out.
I need to reorder the 16-ounce, the 3-ounce, the 1-ounce.
So, starting Thursday morning, these are going to go back to full price, because I was going to just keep it 40% off until it sold out.
They're like, hey, you need the money to buy more of it, dummy.
I'm like, oh, actually, do we have the money for that?
They're like, no, because we're making 25% at that sell rate.
So you've got to go back to full price, or we can't buy more, dum-dum.
And I've told them to finally explain things to me, and they did, and I understand it.
So, in fact, you know what?
I'm going back to regular price tomorrow.
Because they're right.
We need to be able to sell the last few thousand bottles of each to buy more of it, which actually makes sense.
So, infowarestore.com, if you want 40% off on the immune gargles that are left, and if you want 50% off the toothpaste, the immune gargle sale will end tomorrow, so by Thursday.
It'll be at a regular price.
But I'm going to honor that commitment on the toothpaste.
I'm both sides 50% off, because we've got that coming, and I've already paid for more of it to come, so it's coming.
Infowarrestore.com or 888-253-3139.
Also, we've got the highest quality storable foods ready to ship.
Most folks don't.
And we've got the four-week, the three-month, all of it right now, powered by MyPatriot and ReadyHour at Infowarrestore.com.
But get your orders in now to guarantee delivery.
Satanists sell the worship of the devil, like those bumper stickers you see on the backs of cars, like the devil cheerleader.
Big old juicy curves, looks like Marilyn Monroe, but it's got that devil tail.
You associate that with the devil.
The devil's locust eating your crops down, starving children, bones sticking out, your ribs showing.
God gave us Women and men and families and life and pleasure and enjoyment.
God gave us ice cold beer and cheese enchiladas and looking up at the night sky, not Satan.
And God gave us fish fights and smelling the newly cut grass in the spring.
And you look at people under the devil's control in San Francisco In other areas, and man, they're rabid.
It's like they've had their souls sucked out.
There was an old Cronenberg film back in, I guess, 1980, 81, wherever it was, called Rabid.
Old zombie movie, but you look at how the left behaves.
We can joke about it, and I joke about it too.
Because it's better than crying about it, but they're rabid.
Here's that old trailer of Rabid put to the future.
say they are seeing increasing numbers of patients with what they call Donald Trump Anxiety Disorder.
Trump Anxiety Disorder.
Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is clinically real.
It doesn't merely affect individuals, but entire political parties, rendering them unrecognizable.
One minute, they're perfectly normal.
The next, rapid.
The veneer of civilization is evaporating quickly.
Families and culture are collapsing.
And godless leftists are behaving just like zombies of modern war.
You can't trust your mother.
Get the hell out of here!
Get the f*** out of here!
Your best friend.
Psychologist Dr. Stuart Bassman says for his clients it started the morning after the election.
Doctors are seeing patients suffering from Trump anxiety disorder.
A number of people are manifesting what I would call post-traumatic stress disorder.
An overpowering fear that President Trump represents the end of the world.
Pray, it doesn't happen to you.
Land of the dead!
White nails.
(upbeat music)
The force is strong with this one.
All right, so we're gonna go to break in T minus one minute, 18 seconds.
When I come back, Patrick in Britain, Brian in Kansas, Thomas in Arkansas, Teddy in Indiana, Gabrielle in California, Scott in Vermont, Annabelle in Washington, Keyon in St.
Louis, Missouri, Randall in Florida, Rex in Florida, and Angeline in Pennsylvania.
We're going in, through, and beyond.
We're not supposed to exist.
We're not supposed to be on air.
We're not supposed to be here discussing all of this together, but we are.
And it's that simple college of people, race, color, and creed, being able to speak to each other.
It's that town square that the system wants to end so they can just give us the delivered corporate knowledge.
But guess what?
When the rubber meets the road, when the rubber meets the road, when the bullet hits the bone, when all the jokes have been pulled aside, it's human activity that rules this planet, and it always will be.
There's nothing more uncool than Hollywood.
There's nothing more uncool than CNN.
And we all know that.
I'm not just making a statement here like I'm God.
I'm pointing out, hey, the screen behind me is blue.
With a little accent of pink, I'm wearing a brown shirt.
If I wasn't, you'd say, do you think I'm dumb?
You got it.
You're not dumb, you're smart.
You understand, it's like electricity.
People think of Infowars as the top of the pyramid in this fight.
We're not the top of the pyramid.
We are the pyramid.
Just like you.
We're the top.
We're the middle.
We're the bottom.
We're the outside.
We're deep inside.
We're everything.
I love that line in 1984.
They've taken Winston in.
Ministry of Truth.
The door opens and O'Brien walks in.
And says, they got you.
He says they got me a long time ago.
This crew's fast.
They did that in five seconds.
Pull that up.
No, I'm not saying I'm a secret police and I'm the establishment.
The opposite.
I'm saying that we built this country and this planet and People always say, look at how we're influencing things.
Can you believe people are listening to us?
Yeah, of course they are.
Because the fact that we're on air resisting, that itself is a revolutionary act.
The fact that it even exists and it's here is in defiance to everything the system wants.
So when I tell you that you're the InfoWar and that your action, your word of mouth, your prayer, your financial support is incredible, it is!
Because I don't ever push propaganda and disinformation.
All right, I want to go to your phone calls.
But I do have a clip I want to play.
I think Senator Tom Cotton, from what I've been in Senate committees watching him speak, what I've seen on C-SPAN, means well.
And I understand the science of vaccines is real.
I mean, you can take something artificially that's been Attenuate there is a smaller amount of it and learn how to defeat it.
Like that's how the universe works.
You get confronted with an obstacle and you learn how to overcome it.
But there's so many side effects and so many other issues.
Don't lie to people about it.
So he's come out and said we need a vaccine for the coronavirus.
Well yeah, but it's killing a bunch of people and you find a vaccine for it, give it to me.
The problem is, there's this whole background of secret testing with vaccines and vaccines having other tainted additives in it.
And then when we talk about it, we're not supposed to be able to.
Well, the Chinese are heroes questioning Xi Jinping, the news tells us.
And Senator Cotton tells us.
So that said, before I go to your calls, he's come out on national television.
We'll play the clip right now.
Senator Cotton demands Beijing prove coronavirus isn't a bioweapon.
Last week he said that, but now he said it again.
Well, we've got major institutes in Switzerland and in India and in Brazil and others that have now scanned the virus.
And they said, man, this thing is a joke.
What's that Johnny Cash song?
Where he works at the plant, the Ford plant, the Chevy plant.
I got it one piece at a time.
It didn't cost me a dime.
What's the Johnny Cash song about stealing the car parts?
Johnny Cash song about stealing car parts.
The point is, is that when the car rolls out, it's all these different pieces of different cars.
This damn thing is as funny as the $3 bill.
So what does that mean?
Because I'd love to see a government response that's a bunch of hype so I could ignore it.
That's usually our default, is this is a bunch of hype, like SARS.
They're running around really freaked out, like chickens with their heads cut off, and then you look at it, it's man-made, and you go, okay, why would you man-made something that doesn't work?
So, it looks bad.
Yeah, One Piece of the Time is the name of the song.
So maybe we can come back in the next segment with Johnny Cash, One Piece of the Time.
This virus is a whole bunch of pieces.
Well, what is that car?
Well, it's a 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59 automobile.
Ha ha ha ha!
I mean, this damn thing.
I got it one piece at a time.
It didn't cost me a dime.
So we're going to talk about all that right now.
But let's play Senator Cotton, another Arkansasian, like Johnny Cash, talking about this thing right now.
Here it is.
Although, as you suggest, I'm afraid that the coronavirus could actually be the single biggest threat to both global and U.S.
growth in this year.
Senator, I just want to go back to the comments from the Chinese ambassador to the United States.
Over the weekend, he said it's very harmful, it's very dangerous to stir up suspicion, rumors, and spread them among the people.
For one thing, this creates panic.
Another thing is that it will fan up racial discrimination, xenophobia, and all these things that will really harm our joint efforts to combat the virus.
Obviously, on the Intelligence Committee, you know more about what's happening.
How firm are you in your concerns about this?
So I have two responses to the Chinese ambassador.
One, the thing that really is harmful, that really spreads fear, is China lying about the origins of this disease and about the number of people who have it, and excluding American and other Western scientists from China to try to get to the bottom of it.
Second, in terms of their claims of racism, the Chinese people are the first and the worst victims of the Chinese Communist Party.
We should all hold them in our prayers and hope that we can get a vaccine because they are the people who are most harmed by the Chinese government's incompetence and duplicity.
By the way, I'm really glad that the producer came in and gave me this text, or this tweet.
Because I got a few phone calls the last few days, as you can probably imagine.
We're pretty close to Roger Stone, as you can probably imagine.
And they've said they want nine years in jail for Roger.
In fact, guys, can you pull from yesterday's stack that I ever got to it, the judge wanting me arrested and the prosecutors wanting me arrested, because I was going to talk about it yesterday and I got so busy with calls I didn't get to it.
Then I had some phone calls last night and this morning, and there it is, seven to nine year prison sentence for Roger Stone.
Trump's now calling that excessive.
In fact, guys, I forgot, I actually sent some text messages to you guys overnight, maybe at 5 a.m.
when I woke up.
I need Trump's tweets about this because Trump put a bunch of tweets out as well about this.
So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take calls, but I want those Trump tweets, and then I want to Get those articles together with what the prosecutor said about myself and Roger.
But they're saying he deserves more jail time than bank robbers for something he didn't even do.
And then they're saying because I talked about he should be pardoned, that that's breaking a gag order.
And so he deserves even more time in prison.
But I do have exclusive information about Roger Stone and what the White House is planning to do.
And here's the thing, I'm not going to go off half-cocked right now and cover this.
I'm glad they reminded me about this.
So I just need Trump's tweets I sent this morning about Roger and how it's wrong, and how it's excessive, and how it's out of control, and who he was linking to.
And then I need that whole stack of news.
Yeah, no, I know about the Chuck Ross tweet, guys.
Hell, I'll go to rebroadcast if I have to.
this is a big story. It's bigger than Roger Stone. The fact that they could demonize him
and then say your associates said you should be pardoned so now your jail sentence will be longer.
It's just absolutely insane. Yeah, no, I know about the Chuck Ross tweet guys. It's,
hell, I'll go to rebroadcast if I have to. It's not a big deal.
It's Trump tweets last night about it.
So we'll see if we're able to do that.
We'll see what happens.
And if I can get yesterday's stack of news on that, that'd be good.
Hell, maybe I just won't cover it.
Maybe I'm not supposed to cover it.
Maybe that's what's supposed to happen here, huh?
Like, just don't cover it.
Like, give up.
Give up!
Give up!
You're not gonna get the tweets.
You're not gonna get the articles.
You're not gonna cover it.
I'm gonna drive everybody wild.
All right, let's go to your phone calls.
Nothing to be pontificating.
Patrick in Her Britannic Majesties, England.
Media not reporting on Trump supporters being attacked.
Please tell us what you're talking about.
Hello Alex, it's a great pleasure to speak to you.
And that woman screaming sounded a little bit like Abaddon had opened the gates.
Just on a point here.
I'm really confused about what Roger Stone's trial was really about.
I mean, after all, it was like, you know, a kangaroo caught spun from the Russian collusion hoax.
I mean, he is guilty, obviously.
He's guilty of supporting your, your, your, POTUS, you know, Donald Trump.
Well, that's it.
I mean, he's guilty of getting the president elected, and they're just sending a message, you support the president, we're going to throw your ass in prison.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, he said it best, didn't he, Donald Trump?
The world is laughing at us.
But who's laughing now?
I mean, it's a travesty of justice.
But that wasn't my main point, Alex.
My main point really was, do you not think that the mainstream media, and a lot of this is to do worldwide, is now becoming complicit in random acts of violence, especially against Trump supporters, by not reporting or condoning them?
When they happen, like on Saturday, for example, in Florida.
Oh, I totally agree.
When the car plowed over six people, almost no coverage.
And then you've got all these people getting shot and stabbed and attacked.
And look what happened to Scalise years ago.
CNN, I played the clip, says the guy was not a monster, he was a hero.
And just on a final note, because I have been waiting for about 20 minutes... No, no, sir, you've got the floor.
You're awesome.
Please continue.
I just want to say, a lot of people don't realize this.
When they're on YouTube, for example, they think they're having a chat, right, Alex?
They think they're having a chat.
But I suggest that they actually check with a moderator that they're actually, their words are being seen.
I think a lot of people on YouTube don't realize that when they're chatting, they're not actually being seen.
I've done a tweet about Roger Stone.
I've got nearly 20,000 followers.
Do you know how many retweets I've got in two hours?
Two retweets.
Three years ago, I would have got 200 retweets on that.
That's called shadow banning and we have undercover video from Project Veritas like two years ago.
Could I ask a favor, Alex?
someone right on your page that looks for it can find it.
It doesn't go out.
People subscribe to you, they want to hear from Patrick in Britain, but they
don't. And again, that is the great deception. It's the false advertising.
It's the fraud of these corporations. Could I ask a favor, Alex? I would like
you to ask Robert Barnes if there's a legal case to take against them to find
out whether they're either their curators or publishers, because they
can't be both. At the end of the day, they are causing a lot of mental disorder to
a lot of people. Imagine if you've got 20,000 followers and for absolutely no
reason they decide they want to ban you there and then. Can you imagine how much
mental trauma someone would go through? I suspect there's a lot of people who
are feeling very depressed in this world who might go over the edge with
something like that. No, I totally agree.
Hold on Patrick, go back 5-10 years ago.
Everyone was using their own radio show or TV show or the side of their house or ads they placed to promote Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, all those things.
We built all that up.
And then we invest in it, and they just go, oh, now we have rules.
Now that we're the only thing.
They've totally abused their power out of the gates, and it's outrageous.
Thank you, Patrick.
Great points.
Please don't apologize for having more points.
You're amazing.
I talk to each caller all day long.
That's why we're taking more calls.
Let's talk to Gabriel in California on coronavirus and Air Force Base quarantines that are now confirmed.
Gabriel, what's on your mind?
Hey, Alex, first time caller, longtime listener.
But so I've been following this coronavirus in California pretty closely.
And at first they said that the first confirmed case out here was in Santa Clara and that there was no way that it would it would affect anybody else.
But a couple of days later, they announced that there was another case in Santa Clara as well.
And then tonight, well last night, they declared a health emergency for Santa Clara.
And they're saying that it's not, it hasn't spread, but it's just that they can have the resources that they need.
I mean undoubtedly this is bigger than they're saying and we have news articles right here where the U.S.
has been releasing people that haven't and they didn't know they had or they thought they no longer had it so they're releasing coronavirus carriers from bases in the U.S.
What do you think's happening?
Well I think that one it is a bioweapon that was either released on purpose or an accident because if you see the videos it's I mean, they're fumigating entire cities in China.
And believe me, the Chi-Coms aren't doing that for no reason.
They're scared.
I mean, I've seen videos where people are falling dead in the streets and you can see them hemorrhaging from their face, their eyes, their ears, their mouth.
You know, they're just bleeding out.
Yeah, that doesn't just sound like... A lot of folks are saying, is the coronavirus freak out a cover for something else that happened in China?
Yeah, I mean, like, I mean, with, you know, communist China, the possibilities are endless.
Well, they can also use this as a cover for grabbing their political dissidents, and then as everybody else sees somebody being dragged away, they didn't do what they were supposed to do, well, you just think, oh, that's because they have coronavirus, but it's really another reason.
And also, I wanted to talk about, so about 10 years ago, my first son was born, and I started giving him nursery water.
Oh my God, it's got the fluoride in it, yeah.
Yeah, and then now that he's in school, he's been diagnosed with ADHD, Dyslexia and all these other learning disabilities.
Yeah, for folks that don't know, nursery water, sold in stores everywhere, has high levels of fluoride in it, which even the federal government says you shouldn't give children.
So why are there companies targeting children with fluoride?
It's incredible, because they can trick you to pay for your own destruction, metaphysically, that they believe they're spiritually covered.
And see, the comparison is It's outstanding.
It's ridiculous.
I have four children, and my oldest was the only one to receive the nursery water.
And then I started buying your iodine.
First it was Survival Shield 1, and then Survival Shield 2.
And my other children, I gave it to my wife while she was pregnant.
I give it to my children still, and I mean, it is unbelievable the effects.
It's totally different night and day.
You know?
Gabriel, stay there.
I want to hear your story about what happened with nursery water.
You know, it's fluoride water for babies!
And what happened straight ahead.
And more calls.
Stay with us.
There are a lot of different ideologies out there.
But I have followed the ideology of just science and history.
And I've been governed by my Christian faith.
As the light in these tunnels through which we traverse.
But, fluoride, in its hydrofluorosilicic acid base, in thousands and thousands of studies, is one of the most studied Chemicals are elements out there and it's so bad for the brain.
It's so bad for the body It's like saying cyanide is known to be bad for your body Or cigarettes are bad for your lungs, I mean this is not something that's debatable And there's all the Harvard studies and all of it and then you see the countries that fluoridates IQ is going straight down so the caller Gabriel has multiple children.
He was saying Yeah, I mean, I've got four children.
One of my oldest child is 17 years old.
And I remember when I went to the store, it was like, oh, the fluoride water for babies!
Even back then, the federal government said don't give fluoridated water to babies.
But there it is.
So the caller, finish up your story.
It's a very sad experiment to have to describe.
You weren't conscious when you did it.
The first child gets the fluoride versus the other children who get the good halogen, the X2, pure iodine.
Describe what it was like, how that happened, when you woke up, and then the process of actually watching in real time with your own children.
Okay, so what happened is the doctors, when my first child was born, kept telling me that, because we did do both, we breastfed and gave formula, And they told us that, uh, to use the nursery water because it would help, you know, their bones and their brain, uh, growth and, and all these good things that I thought.
And when I finally gave it to him, uh, uh, you know, we gave it to him for about a year.
And I mean, the, the amount of damage that I believe it did was, um, It almost makes me feel guilty.
No, it's not your fault you didn't know.
Think of the evil, though, that they knew.
You know, because this stuff isn't new.
I watched a documentary from 1945 called Concentration Camp, Nazi Concentration Camp, on Netflix by George Stevens, and it basically, you know, mentioned in there that he was That in the concentration camps, they were using fluorinated water.
And, you know, my kids, you know, the three youngest, their development is above the board.
Think about that.
Pulitzer Prize winning books like Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and famous documentaries from the time say Hitler put fluoride and watered dumb people down.
It's a fact.
And then after World War II, our own elites go, here, it's for you.
And then all these years later, 70-something years later, we put up with this crap.
Yeah, I mean, I think that they should pull that stuff off the shelves immediately, you know.
You know what?
Foul suit against them.
You know, they're not going to pay attention until that happens because it's all part of a eugenic sick joke.
Look, they used to use fluoride as cockroach poison.
You just put it out on the floor.
Roaches don't know what it is.
They walk through it.
When they lick their feet later, bye-bye.
And so why are they putting roach poison in the water?
It doesn't make your teeth clean.
Well, somebody can type fast in there.
This is getting scary.
They're typing in what I'm saying.
They're pulling it up as fast as I'm saying it.
Sweeney's Sodium Fluoride Roach Killer kills roaches, crickets, and water bugs, and silverfish.
Don't ingest yourself or bye-bye.
And that's sodium fluoride.
That's the weak stuff.
God bless you, brother.
I appreciate your call.
Sorry what they did to your firstborn.
Yeah, they're jerks, man.
Hey, those that support fluoridation, I say, what happens if folks say that you support letonation and people start letting your blood?
Because you're hitting us with a chemical weapon.
Well, what happens if we hit you with a... We're like, oh, you didn't know?
Letting of the blood is good as well.
Here, I'm giving you vitamins.
Shoot you with a 12-gauge shotgun.
I mean, I'm not saying do that.
In fact, don't.
I'm just saying, this is how they blast holes in our brains.
You wonder how the eugenicists carry this out?
They do it in the name of health, and the average doctor doesn't even know.
My dad's a dentist, retired now, but he apologized to me like 15 years, 20 years ago, whatever it was.
He's like, son, we need some calcium fluoride.
I thought that was what was in the toothpaste.
He goes, they're putting toxic waste.
He saw the head Canadian scientist that had been for fluoridation come out against it.
He's like, I didn't know they were putting hydrofluorosilicic in.
I mean, my God, that's insane.
And just because he would never think like that.
It took you like, really?
But this is what's going on.
Angeline in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, thanks for rolling.
Hi Alex.
What I wanted to talk about was Mr. Roger Stone.
My understanding is that they are Trump's Justice Department wants to sentence him to prison for seven to nine years for doing nothing.
Yeah, to say it's Trump's Justice Department is a true statement, but he's not in control of it.
Yeah, I've got the big data dump on that next segment.
Well, you know, I've been looking at Trump a whole new way lately and I don't like what I'm seeing.
You know, he seems to me to be the other half of an abusive couple with children, where the father is physically abusive to his children.
And the mother is this great mother, you know, she cooks nice dinners and packs lunches and helps the kids with their homework and keeps the house nice and neat.
But when the father comes home because he had a bad day at work and he abuses his kids, he doesn't do anything about it.
You know, he just kind of let him let him beat the kids and be physically abusive.
That's how I look at Trump.
People ask why Matt Drudge is mad at him.
I know why.
I can see what Drudge is saying through what he posts.
He let him screw Assange over.
He's letting the press get persecuted.
I'm so glad to have Trump rather than Hillary.
But I'll say this.
Trump gets re-elected in 265 days if he does.
If he doesn't take real action, I'm going to make it a full-time job to go after Trump politically.
And we can already do that with our listeners and stuff.
In fact, now is the time to have listeners go to those rallies and say, we support you, Mr. President, but you've got to defend free speech.
I mean, that's absolutely true.
You know, also, he has freedom of speech.
He can still tweet, but he's not doing anything for everyone else that's getting screwed with it.
You know?
I mean, he can tweet, he can go on TV, and everything else he does, he can say whatever he wants, but people are being shadow-banned on Twitter, and on YouTube, and Facebook, and... Why do you think, because it's beyond free speech, it's racketeering, they're doing this in concerted action to violate huge classes of people's rights, why has he done nothing?
Why did he tell Assange, release it, and then Assange did, and he lets him stay in prison?
Do you really want to know what I think?
Yeah, tell me.
You're on air.
We're not censoring you.
I, I, I, oh boy, I really don't think he is the real deal, Mr. Jones.
I don't, I understand that he's done a lot for the country.
I understand he's done a lot for the economy.
No, no, no.
You don't have to proviso it.
Tell us what, how you think Trump's bad.
I, I think he is a different version Of the ones that are, you know, you can see all the ugliness of Nancy Pelosi and Hillary and everything like that.
You can see their ugliness.
But he is just a, a very, he is a globalist.
You know, don't forget, his children played with, uh, with, uh, Hillary's, they went to each other's weddings.
You know, they've been friends for a long time and, you know, Hillary's still walking in the woods with her rapist husband.
And, you know, Mr. Assange is suffering greatly.
Mr. Stone is suffering.
He didn't do anything wrong.
Good points.
Rex in Florida, you want to comment on coronavirus.
Thanks for calling.
You're on air.
Thank you.
Yes, sir.
Hey, Mr. Jones, I would like to blow the whistle on what's actually going on in the health care system right now.
Basically, what's happening is that there is A directive that's coming from our healthcare administrators, down to the director of nursing, down to the charge nurses.
What is happening is that they are threatening us as everything from CNA, patient care techs, level 1 through 3, EMT, paramedic, up to LPN and RNs, not to disclose anyone who is currently in quarantine or who is being underneath evaluation.
We can't even tell the people who are in the adjoining room.
Under threat of violating HIPAA, the Health Insurance Personal Protection Act, for violating privacy.
Even if we don't say exactly who it is, their name, or age, which is normally covered underneath the act, they're saying it's a violation of HIPAA.
Sure, that sounds like an abuse of the act to engage in a cover-up.
Yes, it is.
Now, the other thing is, too, what is happening through HCA, for instance, through the HCA healthcare system, Through the hospitals, they own what's called Rehabilitation Centers.
So once they actually get someone admitted and they see that they're not going to get any better within 48 to 72 hours, they then transfer them over to a Rehabilitation Center.
Rehabilitation Center is for people who normally have surgery, but these Rehabilitation Centers have negative pressure rooms.
They put precautions on the doors, what we consider precautions, which is your gowns, gloves, mask, goggles.
They don't even tell us, as healthcare workers, exactly how, I guess you want to say, how infected or how serious the person is infected or how bad off they are.
Let me guess, you've never seen anything like this happen before?
Oh, we actually have.
A few years ago during the pneumonia outbreak, they actually had it.
Also we had a C. diff outbreak, which is a bowel-based illness which never goes away,
which can actually kill you eventually.
So this has happened before.
Well that's good news.
People don't know about it.
I mean, not in a good way, you know what I mean?
No sir.
Now the other thing is, is that after they go into the rehabilitation centers for 12
to 14 days, they then transfer them over to a nursing home.
What people don't realize is that nursing homes have contracts with the hospitals, but
they're nursing homes, which is considered long-term care, and then they have what's
called short-term care.
Short-term care is your rehabilitation side.
So that's where a lot of these people are going.
And then they are at those nursing homes, the CNAs, who go in there and do vital checks every 30 minutes, in some cases, all the way up to every three hours to do vital checks, temperature, respiration, also checking to see if the person is clean.
I'm not an expert like you.
What are you thinking is going on?
I'm thinking that this is already going on and Health care professionals, like myself, they can't talk.
Not just under any threat of losing their job, but also going to federal prison for violating HIPAA.
Sure, so when I see these federal headlines from the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense, the military has mass quarantine camps set up in the U.S.
They're expanding them.
You're saying that that is what's going on.
And they're telling you don't talk.
They're telling us don't talk underneath HIPAA.
So let's say if you're in a room and you got out of heart surgery and you're admitted and you notice that there's precautions hanging on a door on a door hanger with mask and you see these guys going in and out like myself, going in and out of a room for someone that supposedly has the flu, full precaution, of course, your adjoining room, you ask us when we actually come to check on you, hey, let's check your vitals since you had heart surgery and you ask, hey, sir, What's going on with the patient next door?
Should I be worried?
We can't tell you anything.
And it's not just, we can't even say remotely, hey, yeah, they have a flu or anything.
Can't say anything, not even to the patients in adjoining rooms who may have concerns.
And it's to the point where even other CNAs, other nurses, other LPNs who may not be working on a particular hall, they're not being told either.
So if they ask a charge nurse or they ask someone else, Basically, they're told, don't worry about it, you know, we can't say anything.
Well, I know this.
Normally, Xi Jinping arrests people for videotaping stuff in public.
Everybody's doing it in public, and they're being encouraged to do so.
Usually, they censor everybody.
And so, they're clearly trying to promote the fear of it, while telling us, though, everything's okay.
It's kind of a mix of propaganda.
What do you think's going on?
I honestly think it's almost along those lines because if we take any pictures, if we make any phone calls, if I was to disclose right now the exact location of what hospital or nursing home facility or rehabilitation facility, I would go to jail.
I would go to federal prison.
I will have my license revoked.
It will be revoked.
It will be taken away from me.
Then what will happen is that they will actually send what's called a state survey team in to do an investigation.
I will be quieted and what will happen is that these healthcare workers will be first fired from the facility to take away their legitimacy and also their, I guess you want to say, their The weight of their word will be taken away because the way that it actually will work is the person will be fired from the facility, the state survey team will do the investigation, they'll pull their license, and then they'll be charged with violation of HIPAA, which takes away all the credibility.
No, I understand.
So what do you think's really going on then?
I think that everything, I think it's already here.
I think that it's been here.
I think that that's the reason why we're seeing things like And hearing things like don't take up the mask, don't buy masks, don't buy gloves, don't buy a food because health care workers need it.
That's why.
Because it's already here.
We're just not going to hear about it because I think what the turning point is going to be is when more people like myself who comes out and you can do your own investigation, you can actually look into it, Mr. Jones.
You can look into it and how the HIPAA law actually is clamping down on disclosure of anything and everything.
And it's not just this particular coronavirus.
It could be the flu, C. diff.
It could be a number of different things.
I understand.
The whole system is geared towards covering up these outbreaks and it sets a very dangerous precedent.
All right, Rex.
God bless you.
Be safe and please call back in.
Powerful call.
Let's go to another caller.
Let's go ahead and who's been holding the longest here?
Let's talk to Scott in Vermont about Bloomberg and the bribing scandal.
Scott, go ahead.
Thanks for calling.
Hi, I got a conspiracy theory, and I admit it's a theory because I can't really prove it, about Mr. Bloomberg and Franconia Nosh, New Hampshire.
You know how that little tiny little town creviced in the White Mountains of New Hampshire of only a handful of people was always the first to vote in the nation until Iowa got the first, but then with the Iowa fiasco, The media was, again, looking at, like they used to year after year, they were in, I heard it at 1 a.m.
last night, that it may sound like only five or six people voted, one for Bernie, one for Biden.
But they all voted for Bloomberg.
Yeah, three write-in votes for Bloomberg, and one of those three write-in votes was a Republican.
Now, NPR did a program about Franconia Notch this weekend, interesting, and a whole hour program, and talked about how, you know, the powers that be at Deep State, Um, want to control the, you know, rig the vote, uh, would grease the right palms and to get people to vote, you know, and, uh, maybe paying some money.
And they took over a little inn in the town there and ran that for years.
And so it would be, uh, the headquarters, uh, for whoever, you know, to get their people in.
But, uh, maybe, maybe Bloomberg, uh, grease the right palms of those three, two or three of those people.
So, so he could have the propaganda on the media that, uh, Oh, New Hampshire is going for Bloomberg.
Well, there's no doubt they've been trying to steal it from Sanders, which, again, Sanders is a horrible person.
But that's what the Democrats have become.
That's who their base is.
So, in the process, they've created a monster like Sanders.
Their constituents believe that BS, and now they've got to steal it from him again to just hand it over to other Democrats that are just as bad.
It is a disaster.
Obama didn't back Biden, his own VP, but Bloomberg.
By the way, Alex, do a whole investigation on Jeffrey Epstein, who was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission for years.
I can prove that in my own... Well, I should admit it.
And who was the Chairman Emeritus of the CFR, and he started the Trilateral Commission, too.
David Rockefeller, and the Rockefeller money and eugenics for years and years.
Yeah, do an investigation into the CFR Trilateral Commission, which Epstein was a member of both.
And the eugenics connection with the Rockefellers.
Because we know that scientists were blackmailed, not just politicians, but scientists were blackmailed by Mossad agent Epstein.
There's no doubt about it.
No doubt about it, Scott.
Thank you.
All right, we're going to come back.
We're going to take more phone calls from Keon and Randall and many others like Brian and Tyler.
And we've got Joel Skousen, who's a top expert on emergency relocation.
I've got these articles that have come out with folks saying America's done.
It's over.
Evacuate to the hills.
Is that really the case?
Stay with us.
Taking your phone calls.
Joel Skousen about to pop in.
Let's go to your calls right now.
Randall in Florida.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
I'm actually calling from sunny Jacksonville, Florida.
Actually, a few miles away from where that dirtbag ran over those people at the little Trump GOP ball.
Actually, it's actually kind of crazy because I was just listening to your previous caller, Rex, and I could actually confirm that as well.
I actually have a family member who is a higher-up at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville.
And basically everything that you just said is stuff that I've been told for years about whenever there's one of these viruses or stuff, that HIPPO law that he was talking about.
That's just a side note.
I just wanted to say that people just need to wake up and be aware.
If they're doing all this stuff that they're doing, from the water poisoning in Philadelphia to the coronavirus to trying to kill Trump supporters out in the open, What are they willing to do next?
So people really need to take this seriously and get their water filters, get their seeds, learn how to be self-sufficient because things are going to get a lot more worse before they get a lot better.
I agree with you.
And Trump's not perfect, but why do they hate him so much?
Why are they up?
Because he's trying to be the president.
And we're in the middle of a 21st century war, a sophisticated war right now.
Owen Shurer brought this up yesterday on his show, but if anybody just goes to Google and Googles the list of former U.S.
presidents, I believe there's only three presidents who had no prior ties to government.
There's no doubt the system hates him.
And they hate anybody that supports him.
It's real.
trying to come in. I mean I disagree a little bit with what your what your
female caller Anjali said. Like you said Trump's not perfect but we're living in
a time where the web is is woven so deep. There's no doubt the system hates him and they hate
anybody that supports him. It's it's real that they they really legitimately hate him.
We just got a ban together in Trump 2020.
Hopefully he gets re-elected and hopefully we could use some of your products to wake some of these people up because there's a lot of people in a trance and it's not on their own.
God bless you brother.
Yeah, I didn't even plug the whole last hour.
We fund our operation with folks buying products, but take the Super Blue fluoride-free toothpaste
with coital silver and nanotech silver and the iodine, and then we've got the whitening toothpaste
that has the nano silver as well.
We're gonna sell out of this the next week or two.
I won't get more for over a month, but I'm still selling it 50% off
because I'm not gonna raise the price during a crisis like this.
And we also have the three-ounce bottles of the immune gargle, the nano-silver.
It's so good for you and your body.
I've been proven to target the SARS virus, which is the same family as the corona.
But of course nano-silver knocks out bacteria and viruses.
I mean, this is God's antibiotic.
But just like antibiotics are toxic, so is this, folks.
But a little bit of toxin is good for you, as you know, but consult your own physician.
Three-ounce bottles are still left.
The one-ounce is almost sold out.
The 16-ounce has sold out.
The 3.4-ounce, I should add, 3.4-ounce bottles are available in fullworkstore.com, and it's still 40% off.
But I'm going to have to end that special very soon because it's going to sell out.
And yes, governmental institutions have been trying to buy up storable food for three weeks.
Most places are sold out.
We still have high quality storable food from my favorite supply at InfoWareStore.com, but I would get your orders in because it's gone from seven to 10 days to deliver to now 10 to 14.
But if they have the food, you just have to get the order in to make sure it gets packed and then shipped out to you because they've got a bottleneck there, but they've got the food.
InfoWareStore.com, and it funds the InfoWare.
We are back live.
And we're into our number three.
I wanted to get Joel Skousen, former Marine Corps aviator, officer, the editor of worldfirstbrief.com on about this.
Charles Murray, we're living in post-America, moved to a small town to survive the collapse.
I agree that culturally long-term, just being prosperous and having this much freedom makes you decadent and you fall apart.
But I wanted to get his take on the short-term about that.
And what he thinks we can do politically to try to continue with this big push of nationalism and populism and Brexit and the rest of the things we've seen.
But, separately, I know he's really informed about the safest places to live in the United States.
And of course, we sell his book, Strategic Relocation.
We produced a documentary that we still have available, Strategic Relocation, the film.
Those are available at Infowarswar.com, but that's a side issue.
This is a really hot topic now, and it's back in the news everywhere.
And a lot of the big money's been moving out to rural areas or out of the U.S.
for a long time.
Why does he think that's happening?
But separately, the coronavirus, Trump's praise of Xi Jinping, which I don't like, all the things that are happening right now, is this being used as a pretext for control by the communists?
What do you really think's happening with the coronavirus?
Then we'll get into what you see happening with politics and so much more.
Thanks for joining us, Joel.
Thank you, Alex.
Good to be with you.
Well, the reason that China started arresting people who talked about the coronavirus during this initial outbreak was that this was a weaponized virus coming right out of the Bio4 laboratory in Wuhan, and it escaped, basically.
In last week's World Affairs Brief, I covered the Jeff Nyquist article about the Chinese general who over a decade ago said that the Chinese were trying to develop biological weapons to depopulate the United States so that they could gain more living space and take control of the country without destroying the infrastructure.
And so clearly they're developing bioweapons to use against America for depopulation purposes, but it backfired on them.
It leaked out.
Lancet Magazine said it probably happened because of all the disposable gloves.
They throw away the garbage and the Chinese are real garbage strippers.
They probably collected a lot of those gloves, distributed or sold them to the fish market.
And that's why it apparently started in the fish market.
But the Chinese arrested, for example, the first doctor Who blew the whistle on it and they kept him enough in prison without treatment that he died.
The treatment was too late so that he was a victim and I think the Chinese are still covering up for the amount and number of cases that are being reported.
I also covered last week in the World Affairs Brief the Zero Hedge article showing that the The official statistics coming out of China were fudged, and occasionally would pop up the true statistics.
24,000 deaths, 154,000 cases.
And we find out that crematoriums are busy just cremating bodies to get rid of the bodies.
Mobile cremation vans.
I mean, clearly those are real ghost cities.
All hell's breaking loose.
Yes, it is.
And so I think, you know, as I wrote in the World Affairs Brief, I said, I don't think the Lord is going to allow this nation to be completely destroyed with the Chinese virus.
And I'm hopeful that this... No weapon formed against us shall prosper.
So even though we're evil and everything, our prayers are still being heard.
The enemy built a weapon that blew back against them.
Yeah, I think this is blowback.
And hopefully this will cause the Chinese to think twice.
And when you think about biological weapons, in fact, I mean, there's no way, even if you decided to target a country, that you could keep it within that country.
Some people are going to escape over the border.
They're going to get into Canada and Canada's going to get into Europe and somebody in Canada, lots of Chinese, they're going to get back to China.
But China really needs to rethink this very evil strategy because it would blow back upon them.
We're finding that it's not that much of a threat to the United States yet because everyone is in quarantine who comes in from China, and people who are getting the virus are put into immediate medical treatment, and it is recoverable.
This is not an absolute deadly plague.
Why does China continue?
The last four times SARS got out was them.
Why can't they contain the stuff there?
I mean, they shouldn't be building it anyways, but why does it keep getting out?
Well, It keeps getting out, as I say, probably because of improper disposal procedures of their suits and their gloves from this weapons laboratory.
That's right.
And it spreads so rapidly in China because Of the cover-up.
I mean, if they had alerted people immediately that there was, you know, a danger out there to be very careful and not to get contaminated, you might have stopped it.
But they incentivize you get in trouble if you report, so why report?
That's right.
And everybody then starts to spread it around.
And once it starts to spread ubiquitously, there's very little that you can do to contain it, especially when the death rate is significant, as I think it is here.
So you're a smart guy.
How do you predict this ends up unfolding?
Well, I think it's going to cause mayhem in China.
I don't think it's going to end up overthrowing the government, but I'll tell you, I think God is interested in making the Chinese pay a big price for having done this.
And so I see this continue to spread.
I don't see any containment possible right now.
There's a lot of You know, junk information on there about, you know, showing Xi Jinping getting his temperature taken and being very, and I'm very disappointed too, that Trump is complimenting Beijing.
The United States should be blowing the whistle very strongly about Chinese cover-up.
of this virus and how this has been a danger. They should be blowing the whistle. The United
States intelligence knows this is a weaponized virus. They've had experts testify that this
is not just in the wild mutation that the Chinese are talking about. This is weaponized.
The Chinese ought to be held accountable for it.
Fortunately, I think it's going to really hurt the Chinese economy because I think trade is going to
be essentially cut off for a long time.
People are not going to be able to go back and forth.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist like the media says, but I do look at coincidences and I know Trump can't even do an anti-corruption call to Ukraine.
He's not in control of the government.
I don't think Trump's behind this.
And I know the globalists that run our country are pro-China, pro-communists, so they wouldn't want to do this.
But you talk about God, again, as that factor they don't keep thinking about.
Perfect timing with China, the deep state, all the things they're pulling, that this then just pops up then.
But from a political view, this would be a great way for Trump to win the trade war with China.
But then I agree with you, I don't think Trump's behind it.
That's right.
You know, if we have time, I'd like to talk about the biggest story I'm going to cover this Friday, and that is the interview with Niels Metzer out of the UN, a special prosecutor on torture, saying that Juliet Assange was never, ever even accused of rape and it was totally manufactured.
Let's talk about that when we come back because I turned the news on this morning and CNN was saying well we know Assange has been involved in sex crimes.
It's all been dropped.
He didn't do anything but they just put that backdrop thing in there and then I randomly clipped on some link on the internet attacking me and it was like Well, Julian Assange is a pedophile.
Alex Jones said that.
So there's major disinfo.
I never said that, folks.
That's not true.
So all I'm saying is I'm seeing disinfo out of Democrats that are at levels never before seen.
Because used to, they would just lie, but in their own name.
Now they're lying in other people's names.
And every time I think I figured out what they're going to do next, they just go even lower.
And it's starting to make my head spin.
So I'm trying to make myself the victim here.
But let me tell you, folks.
When you tune into shows and they're saying Alex Jones says Julian Assange is a pedophile, and that's never said that.
There's no evidence of that.
And it's in your name.
It's like a punch in the stomach.
You're like, what are they going to do next?
And it's like, oh, just get ready.
You're about to find out.
So they just hit new levels of deception.
What are they going to do now that Trump wasn't removed?
What's the new scandal going to be to go after the president?
WorldAffairsBrief.com, the editor in chief of that.
Phil Skousen is with us.
I've got a lot of questions for him as well.
Also, the age of celebrity is dead.
I agree with that statement.
What does that mean as Hollywood begins its long, disgusting, overdue collapse?
So much more.
Banned.videos exploding.
I want to thank you all for spreading that link.
It's really having a big effect in the overall war effort against the globalists.
Spread that link.
All right, welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and I'm glad that Joel Skousen wanted to get into Julian Assange and WikiLeaks because President Trump, I'm not going to play the clip, we've played it probably 200 times, says, I don't care if it's a fat guy in his mother's basement or whether it's the Russians.
If you have it, Julian Assange, release the WikiLeaks because it's about Hillary's illegal emails and knowing the crimes she committed, not about who's got them.
Well, here's a headline out of Yahoo News.
adds hacktivist social media manipulators to top intel threats.
First Time Magazine a few years ago, WikiLeaks could become as important a journalistic tool as Freedom of Information Act.
So five, six years ago, boy, they were heroes.
But now judge demands to know if Roger Stone violated gag order as sentencing looms.
Here's the Washington Times and what's the evidence?
Right-wing provocateur Alex Jones broadcast a message reportedly from Roger Stone asking President Trump to issue a pardon.
Yeah, I saw a news headline saying I'm trusting in God and my listeners and supporters and I'm trusting in Trump.
And I called Roger up and he said, yeah, I'm just trusting in God now and hopefully, you know, I think I'm being railroaded, but hopefully Trump will pardon me.
That's not violating a gag order.
Well, they're using that as evidence to say he gets a longer prison sentence, seven to nine years.
It's moral degeneracy because here's the deal.
I'm already being destroyed for supporting Trump.
I don't get brownie points with the establishment for attacking Trump.
Let's be clear about that.
I'm morally supporting him because the system didn't like him and I thought he was better than Hillary.
But it's sickening to then sit there and watch Trump Not stand up for Assange, not stand up for Roger and others.
And he's put some tweets out and hopefully he's gonna pardon Roger after he's convicted on the, or he's been convicted every sentence on the 20th.
But Julian Assange has been locked up for years in solitary.
They've reported he's half dead.
And then you see these disinfo headlines out there that he's a rapist and stuff.
None of that's true.
I'm not a wimp, but I can see where this is going.
They take me off air, then I can't respond.
Then they indict me with some fake stuff, and then I'm in the same boat as Assange.
So, we are all Julian Assange right now, Joel Skousen.
What do you say?
Well, you know, I've always understood that the Deep State wanted to get rid of Julian Assange, and that they were manufacturing evidence, but how bad it was, we never knew until this week, when Niels Metzer, the UN Special Investigator on Torture, who is fluent.
He's a Swiss lawyer, by the way, but he's fluent in Swedish.
And he had the Swedish government and police send them all the files about Julian Assange.
And here's what he found.
He had consensual sex with a lady who came in, who was worried about HIV, who came in with another lady friend to the police station, didn't want to charge Julian Assange with rape or anything, just said, we had consensual sex.
But I'm worried about HIV, and I want you to find out if you can force him to take an HIV test, so that I'll know if I'm at risk.
And before she had left, they had already issued a warrant to arrest him on charges of rape.
And she protested, she said, I haven't charged him with rape, but they would not desist.
In fact, he found out that later on, after she continued to desist and not charge him with rape, That they falsified the document so that the friend who accompanied her to the police station, who was also a policewoman, they falsified her affidavit saying that he had also raped her.
I mean, it was just ludicrous.
In fact, he found out that after two years, the Swedish had in fact never charged Julian Assange with a crime.
They'd never charged him with rape.
Every time he went to the police station and say, I want to, you know, Tell my side of the story.
They stonewalled him, they wouldn't take his testimony, and they have never filed rape charges.
And so how can you violate bail when in fact there is no charge against you?
I mean, this just shows how quickly the deep state In Sweden was looking on orders from the UK deep state and the US deep state was looking for an opportunity.
And by the way, I want folks to be able to read that article, but we're unable to pull it up.
I know you have a World Affairs Brief.
Very slowly, give it to us so we can pull that up for TV viewers.
Well, this is in German only, and I've got the translation, my World Affairs Brief, but it is coming out of Republik, which is Republic spelled with a K on the end.
The author is Daniel Right, sir.
And it's an interview with Niels Metzer, M-E-T-Z-E-R, the U.N.
Special Rapporteur on... Yeah, Niels Metzer, Julian Assange will bring it up.
But why that's important is they already dropped the charges a while back.
So again, the whole thing was a giant fraud.
I remember at the time they said it was consensual, but the women were upset the condom broke.
And so now that becomes rape, and then now all these years later, this hero is locked up.
But remember, they can't drop the charges if they've never filed charges.
That shows how big the disinformation is.
No, you're right.
It's a giant fraud from the beginning.
Well, one of the women was connected to the CIA.
Remember that?
That's right.
That was the one who was the policewoman, etc.
Now, you've got to remember, That the condom, also according to Niels Metzer, I saw the DNA report, it had no DNA on it from Julian Shaw.
And so if it was a real condom it would, yeah.
Yeah, and so absolutely, they falsified the condom too.
It was just incredible.
So they've been really pissed at him.
He is a guy's a hero.
What did he think was going to happen?
Obviously, he had some deep state elements that were egging him along.
When he was bashing Bush and stuff, it was okay.
But once it was Obama, that was a bridge too far.
Well, I'm sure that Julian Assange realized they would come after him eventually.
He thought he'd get journalistic protection.
Initially, the journalists were in favor of WikiLeaks because he was saying, well, there it is.
There's the article that has it all, folks.
But you'll notice you won't find this in any of the U.S.
It's not here in the U.S.
It's been completely banned from the United States.
No, I agree, but let's go back to Trump because, again, I'm not here just to kiss Trump's rear end.
I get persecuted for supporting him, but how can he morally not get Assange, which he could do out of prison, when he, we can play the video, remember he said, whoever's got it, Assange, anybody, release it.
I mean, Assange did it and then Trump got elected because of Assange more than any other one thing.
You can say info wars, you can say drudge, whatever, the populace, but how does Trump not, help him. I mean I get metaphor he clearly didn't pay taxes
and did some stuff but still I mean you can't say that Assange did
anything that that the Pentagon Papers Daniel Ellsberg didn't. Well you've got to
remember that even Niels Metzer the UN rapporteur said you know I resisted the
calls from Assange's attorney twice when he tried to get me to look into the
case because I was influenced by the wall of propaganda saying he had been
guilty of rape.
He had been guilty of rape.
They just repeated it over and over again.
And it wasn't true!
So the real headline is Assange was never charged with rape.
It was all a hoax.
That's right.
And the police in Sweden actually made up the charge, never actually charged, but made up the charge so that they could put out an arrest warrant for him.
Let me ask you this, we're going to break.
Who do you think Assange really is?
Just a private journalist operator?
Oh yeah, I think that, you know, he is, he's definitely anti-Deep State.
He hasn't been on the right wing.
But much of the left wing loves to get at the U.S.
government and the dark side of government and their torture, which he exposed.
At least they used to.
Now they love it.
All right.
When we come back in 10 seconds, what do you want to hit next?
Well, I would like to go back and talk a little bit about how you handle the coronavirus gets bad.
And what about strategies?
All right.
Stay there.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
I've become punch drunk with the amount of intel and information I get.
It's just incredible.
I got a call last night and returned till about 6 a.m.
this morning and I talked to somebody that had been inside the White House and they said that Trump is going to pardon Roger Stone.
But that he's going to do it after he's sentenced.
And that the President was really upset at the 7-9 year number.
And now that's up on Infowars.com.
DOJ backs off 7-9 year prison sentence for Roger Stone.
Calls it excessive.
Comes in for President Trump.
Recrimination as miscarriage of justice.
Yeah, he tweeted that like 2am last night.
But I did talk to somebody this morning who was there inside the White House meetings
dealing with it.
And they said, hey, we're just giving you a call.
The president is pardoning Stone.
So you can go tell people that.
And I said, I can say that.
Yeah, just don't say we told you.
And then here I am.
Two hours, 50 something minutes of the show, and I'm just not telling you.
How about more of that?
How about more action and less BS?
But I'm still going to cross my fingers with the stuff I've seen from Trump.
And again, I'm not trying to garner brownie points with Hillary Clinton attacking Trump.
I've already signed on to Trump, so that means morally I have a lot of anxiety about the things he's doing.
Not that I'm perfect.
I have anxiety about the things I do.
I mean, I love God and everything else, but I'm all over the map as well.
I'm a sinful creature.
Joel Skousen, I want to cover the waterfront here with you and get into the subject you just talked about before the break.
What about Iowa and how they try to steal it and what they're doing to Bernie?
I hate Bernie more than they do.
But this is what they've created.
How about what's happening in New Hampshire, the Granite State, Bloomberg, all these players.
I mean, what are the Democrats going to do?
Here's my question.
What's their next big scandal going to be?
Because we've already seen hoax, hoax, hoax, hoax, hoax.
I've never seen them give up.
Do you think they're going to give up?
Or what do you think their next big red herring is going to be against Trump?
Well, before I answer that, let me just talk about that election here in Iowa and New Hampshire with the Democrats.
To me, it's very obvious that they're trying to continue to balance the field so that no candidate really is much higher than another.
For example, they really pushed Buttigieg, and Buttigieg came out, you know, with a tie.
Why are they not letting a frontrunner so Hillary can come in at the last moment?
That's right.
They want a brokered convention.
For example, after the Iowa Convention, and after the last debate, the only thing that
Judy Woodruff and her co-reporter could talk about was how Amy Klobuchar,
How she was coming up and how she, I mean, they were promoting it.
She isn't going anywhere.
That woman's gone nowhere.
It's like, it's like a flatline.
And then now they're promoting Judge of the Butts.
That's right.
But they were promoting her.
In fact, the one thing about Buttigieg that they're not promoting is the fact that he would be the first gay president and there would be a first man in the White House.
The public isn't ready for that and neither are the Democrats.
There were some Democrats who heard about that after they had voted for Buttigieg and says, I want to retract my vote.
And of course they wouldn't let him do that.
But the problem with the Democrats is they've got to make sure that nobody wins through the primary system.
It's completely clear that they're keeping it all week for Hillary, who's so delusional.
Is she doing that to keep control of the money until the last minute?
And the powers or does she really think she can do it because I've I've talked to folks that garter and others She's on the phones as I said a year ago.
It's came out a few months ago still running the DNC phone bank still running their main big conference calls You know Hillary Clinton has got immunity from this money scam that she's running in a foundation that's going to keep flowing in whether she is a And so are her quarter million dollar speaking engagements, whether she's president or not.
This woman wants to be president.
The deep state wants her to be president because she's the only one they feel can really beat Donald Trump.
Biden certainly can't.
He's going to go down to defeat here pretty soon.
And by holding her back, she never gets any of the heat or exposure.
She just comes in last moment.
That's right.
And none of the primaries will be able to show that she's losing.
She's going to have no primaries, but she's got her reputation to stand on.
She's already got all of the name recognition within the Democratic Party.
But I'll tell you, Bernie Sanders It cannot win an election against Donald Trump, and everybody knows it.
No, he can't.
So what do we call this segment?
Because, I mean, Hillary Clinton is in control of the Democratic Party, ahead of 2020 run, or confirmed.
Hillary Clinton plans to become a nominee during Broker Convention.
That's right.
She's not really in charge of the DNC.
Uh, you know, this is a deep state operation.
It's much... Sure, why is there a cult of Hillary?
I've run into globalists.
They worship her.
I mean, what is going on with this woman?
Well, she is infinitely controllable.
And she panders to the gay community.
She panders to the feminists.
She panders to everybody.
I mean, Clinton is their wonder woman, and they're going to continue to push her.
And then if she got in and you oppose any policy, you hate women.
Yeah, that's right.
And I think it's very probable that she picks Buttigieg as her vice president.
So then they get the gay into the White House and pave the way for a future gay president.
Now, we've already had a gay president in Barack Obama, but it's still a secret that he's gay.
Let's expand on that.
Past the sexual intercourse, it's religious.
They worship this.
They're obsessed with this.
Well, indeed they are.
Well, as I say, they're going to continue to boost the person who can keep anyone from rising to the top.
So they'll boost Amy Klobuchar, and then they'll boost somebody else.
She's not going to pan out.
And then Hillary toddles out during the Broderick Invention.
The two or three top people combine forces to make her the nominee, and then one of them becomes vice president under her.
It's a big, giant, sickening event.
Yeah, it really is going to be.
But I think that's the way I see it.
There's no way that any of the current contenders can win against Donald Trump.
So they've got to wait for Hillary, who can unite the party.
What about the revolt, though?
Everywhere she goes, she gets booed.
I mean, I agree that's their plan.
And they go, oh, Madam President didn't work the last two times.
Three times is the charm.
Well, she's not being booed by Democrats, you know.
What I'm saying is the Trump supporters, the anti-socialists have said, we're still a minority in this country.
And believe me, during this past three years of Donald Trump being in office, they have grown more illegal aliens.
They've registered more to vote.
They have graduated millions from universities who are all Democrats now.
Oh no, there's no doubt.
And again, that's what the Democrats say.
They say, don't worry.
Demographically, we brought in the groups.
We're going to get illegal aliens, voter cards.
How the hell did we ever let this happen?
This is ridiculous.
Well, I think the reason we let it happen was through soft thinking, compromising Republicans who didn't want to fight early on because they thought they were the majority so that they could afford to compromise.
I mean, look at all of the judges that are confirmed.
There are no judges that are truly constitutional conservatives.
They don't even allow them to get to a judgeship at the state level if they're a constitutional conservative.
So everyone that the Trump forces are bragging about, these are all mainstream judges at best.
And a good deal of them are leftists.
I mean, how did all the leftist immigration judges get on the bench?
Because the Republicans let the Democrats have their way.
Democrats would boycott anyone who was a real founding fathers conservative judge.
And that's why we get these mainstreamers in there.
We should do a whole two, three hour show.
Next time you want to fly here, you can fly your own plane.
I'll pay with the gas.
You should do a whole show about strategic relocation and the fallback to this because as a selfish person, I mean, I'm not a selfish person, but I want to beat this, but as a father, the selfish part of me just wants to go hide somewhere.
And, you know, the big question is, can you even do that and for how long?
Because it's just insane, folks.
I mean, it's pure evil.
We're going to come back, take a few phone calls with Joel Scalzam, and then Paul Joseph Watson is going to take over in the fourth hour in the war room.
With Owen Schroyer, but it is just insane to watch this mismanagement by design, and to watch all this craziness, and to watch Open Evil just vomiting its propaganda everywhere.
But we're still on air, thanks to you.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
And please don't forget, we've got all the super silver nano products that are about to sell out.
You know, I don't cover all these negative things to get people down.
When I talk about the corruption and I expose it, I feel like I'm in mountain air up on a big hill and things clear out.
If we expose the evil, we change the world.
I don't talk about these things and depress people.
I talk about these things because I think you're like I am.
You want to know about the problems.
You want to do something about them.
I'm going to take a few final phone calls here with Joel Skousen, head of Paul Watson, taking over.
I appreciate everybody holding.
Joel, at the end of the day, it really is about a relationship with Jesus Christ, and it really is a spiritual battle.
Think about since your uncle, almost 60-something years ago, first exposed the Globeless Conspiracy.
He was patient zero.
We're all very blessed he was there.
And what you've done for 40-plus years on air and everything else you've done, or 50 years with the conservative council and the rest of it, trying to fix this, at the end of the day, really, We're not going to fix things temporarily, are we?
We've got to fix it at the spiritual level, and that's what matters.
Pulling back with all the years you've experienced this and you've looked at it.
World governments out in the open.
They don't deny that now.
And communism versus capitalism.
I mean, it's really clear now, just like the Bible said it would be.
It's all coming into focus very clear.
We, you, many others, we forced the debate to have them stop obfuscating and just admit what they're really for.
The pedophiles are out in the open.
I mean, it seems like our jobs should be pretty easy right now.
Well, the problem that we're facing is that conservatives generally are losing at least 50% of their children.
And I want to repeat that.
They're losing at least 50% of their children.
The people who aren't conservative, most of their children, maybe 75% are going to the left because of the great overwhelming evils of public education.
And one of the things that I'm most critical about public education is the zero lack of discipline in the schools.
There is no reinforcement of conscience.
You know, conscience is how you interact with your relationship with Jesus Christ.
It's not enough to simply raise your hand and say, you know, I accept Jesus as my Savior.
He's talking to people's minds all day long, prompting them to do what is right, to eat right, to lose weight, temporal things.
They're not spiritual messages.
They're about doing what's right, about being honest, about disciplining your children, about eating right.
About not being fat, and about teaching your children what's right.
And when parents don't listen to that conscience, and they play the rule game, they just set up a few Christian rules, I mean, it compares nothing to what they're getting inundated with in public schools.
No, you're right, because I'm able to get people to awaken to what's happening on my own show, and my children overall are good, but there's something about trying to get your children to do the right thing.
I'm not as effective there as I am on the radio.
Well, and most parents are not effective because you can't compete.
Now, I homeschool, my wife and I homeschool all of our six children.
And we've offered our free homeschooling manual to people for emailing me at editor at worldaffairsbrief.com if they're interested in that and how we did it.
But the important thing is, a lot of people would complain and say, well, Joe, what about the social experience that you're denying them by being at home all day?
And you know, our response was, it's precisely because of the negative social experience in public schools that we chose to homeschool.
In fact, our children could always relate to adults on a one-to-one.
When they would meet adults, they'd look them in the eye and shake their hand.
And, you know, you talk to a public school kid... They're a basket case!
If they're 13 years old, they can't talk to someone 15 because they're older than they are.
They don't know how to interact with humanity.
They don't know anything about critical thinking.
I don't think you can do it in a big city, though.
And when you let your children be social, they're mean.
The kids now, they just inflict your children with poison.
So it really is just easier just to cut your children off.
And you're right, you're not cutting them off from experience.
It's like saying, oh, there's a king cobra in India.
I need the cobra to bite my child.
I can't cut them off from the experience of this 20-foot snake biting my child.
Well, I learned early in life to discipline my children in reference to conscience, what they should have been feeling when they made a mistake, disregarding nervous feelings, they didn't listen to promptings.
And you know, when you keep reinforcing to children how they should be, because you've got a good conscience, hopefully, and you're getting the same message they are, so you can correctly say to them, you know, you should be feeling nervous about that.
And when you teach them to listen to conscience, You make them self-sufficient, spiritually.
And then they can be naturally resistant to the propaganda, even if they go to public schools, because they'll get a nervous feeling saying, that's not right.
Even Donald Trump gets nervous feelings when he's getting briefings, that's not right.
But he has no background to counter what they're giving him.
He may just say, I don't know if I believe that, and then they give him a wave of propaganda.
What would happen if planet Earth actually followed God's Sixth sense, the agenda we're being given.
We're being told what's right at every millisecond, like you said.
Well, the world would be a different place.
The problem is what I call innateness.
People are born with innate proclivities.
And, you know, I have my own... Even an innate fallen nature?
No, no.
I'm not talking about... because we're not equally fallen.
In other words, it's just not equal.
Some people are innately worldly.
Some people are innately spiritually in tune.
You see that from children.
We had 10 children in our family.
Every child was different.
Every child had different abilities.
So, whether or not, you know, as... The Lord's a pre-programmed by God.
Yeah, well, it's not a forceful pre-program.
I think, you know, as spirit children of God, we could see what was going on on earth before we came here.
And people get infected by bad things before they come here.
Everybody isn't pure and holy.
They get worldly.
Some people want to be a gay when they come here.
Some people get infected with liberalism and some people want to be militaristic like General Patton.
And he misinterpreted his Pre-earth proclivities as reincarnation.
Well, sir, talk about that because I immediately, when I was born, like a little kid, saw all
this stuff and wanted to like, knew there was a big war going on immediately, like understood
stuff that adults didn't even understand.
Well, I did too when I was a teenager and became aware I had this, I mean, it's just
like whether it's Beethoven or Mozart, these people just didn't get a musical gift from
God that would make God arbitrary.
They were working on music before they came to earth.
And this stuff just is inside their soul, just like the fight for liberty is inside our soul.
But I worry, Alex, because most of the children I see are innately worldly now.
No, you're right.
They don't shine with God's power and they shine with evil.
That's right.
Many of them do.
And many of them are just plain uninterested in God.
They're uninterested in listening to conscience.
There's a stupidness to evil.
It's like a dumbness.
It's like they, yeah.
And so that's what I'm worried about, is that those types of things can't be changed by environmental force.
I don't know how to describe it.
It's almost like There's like soulless people, or they're empty.
They have a soul, but they just don't have any gauge to even see stuff.
What is that?
What do you call that?
Well, everyone truly has a soul, but as I say, that soul comes with proclivities.
When it comes from the pre-earth existence as spirits, children of God, it comes with How they get that way, I don't know, but I can tell you that when he called, the God called Ezekiel, he said, before that was born out of the womb, I knew thee, and I called thee to be a prophet.
That's proof that there was life before this earth, spiritually.
I think that those spirits... Exactly, before you were born, I knew you, I called you.
That's exactly... That's right.
That's right.
And so why does the memory get wiped so it can just operate at this level?
It's like, exactly, it's wiped... I think it's for... it's for testing purposes.
In other words, God could have judged us at the end of the spiritual existence and said, I know your proclivities.
You're going to be this and that.
And this is your judgment.
But to prove it to ourselves, he says, now you'll go to earth with your memory wiped clean so that it's a clean slate.
But your innate proclivities are going to still be there.
So if you were like Cain, who was master may had a tradition before the world was, he came out and still tradition here on earth.
And so was Hitler and Stalin.
And these people were evil before the world.
And so I don't believe in uniform fallen natures.
I think we're all fallen to a degree that we need the Savior, but we all have different spirits inside.
And I don't get discouraged because I try my best only to try to reach the people I feel are the true sheep, as the Savior talked about.
The people who feel that there's something wrong, who sense that something's wrong.
You're going to get very frustrated if you try to convert Born-again liberals to what's right.
We're gonna come back in 70 seconds, finish up, and then Paul Watson takes over.
I'm sorry to the caller if we can't get to you.
Stay with us.
You know, we don't get criticized in mainstream media when we talk about the spirit, we talk about God, we talk about this, because they all know it's real.
And you go out and you look at people that serve this system, they just want to kill, steal, and destroy.
They don't care.
And I don't think of myself as an elitist.
I'm scared because just since I was a child, I'm seeing less people that are upright, that are focused, that know what's going on.
And to describe the general public now like NPCs or non-player characters, they're just not there anymore.
I don't know how you guys just pulled up NBC's in three seconds, but I'm okay.
Whoever's that quick, I'm impressed.
But it really is what it comes down to.
So you see Hollywood with James Cameron and Avatar.
And Hollywood's like, this movie is the...
Cat's meow is the answer at all.
They all know this.
And I'm not going to tell you stories about people's names, but I mean, I've been out to Hollywood.
I've been to the best parties and all that.
It's horrible.
It's like being invited to hell, but they are all aware of this and they all know it.
And either they're exiting Hollywood, or they're just caught in a snare, but they all get it.
And so Joel Scouser of WorldAffairsBrief.com, finishing up with that.
You talk about, you know, our pre-Earth existence.
Clearly, the Buddhists try to say it's something like reincarnation, but that's not what it is.
We've not been here before as this person.
And genetically, we're composite of people who came before us, but that's only one level of it.
But the system knows there's no such thing as atheism.
Nobody that's a high-level practitioner even believes that.
They all know there's a whole other level to this.
This is a test, and they're trying to suppress the public.
Not to think it's a test.
So as the Calvinist, I guess, would say, or others, if we're predestined, but we still have free will,
how does that mystery come together?
'Cause I get we are predestined who we were before, we now are here, but then what's the point of the test?
I mean, is there some percentage of people that could do different that are kind of on the line?
Or is it God showing people again what's happening?
Or is that a form of justice?
Is it an appeal?
Do people appeal and then they get sent to here?
Or what's happening?
Well, I don't think there's predestination, meaning it's beyond your control,
God is arbitrary and gives people light, and others not so much light.
I think we developed, it's a free market up there.
God is God because he is the champion of justice and he has the most support of anyone in the universe.
Because it's the system of justice.
But there's a lot of people innately that don't want justice.
They want socialism because socialism offers some higher rewards than the free market will give you.
They can all gang up and dominate.
And that's why this is a war that goes beyond the veil that separates this earth.
But we get a second chance here to prove ourselves.
And I believe the people who tie into the still small voice of the spirit that speaks to your conscience And you listen to those nervous feelings that stops you from doing what's wrong, and you listen to the promptings that pushes you to do things that you don't feel like doing, but you know you should.
And when you develop the self-control skills to listen and to do what you're prompted to do, you really improve in life, and you come out better after this Earth life than you were in the spirit world.
But most people, I think, because of the veil, because they don't remember, because God purposely stays in the background, Well, it depends on what you do with Earth.
through evolution and other things to replace God with socialism and with other political theories.
They're enticed by that.
And I think most people actually go downhill further in this earth life than they were before they came here.
I mean, I think that's obvious.
So is this like the, is this the slide into hell?
Is that what earth is?
Well, it depends on what you do with earth.
Everybody who learns to listen to conscience and not just selectively, you know,
Every successful businessman learned to listen to conscience about financial decisions.
It's too bad that they don't let it hold over into the moral and the social.
Anybody in business knows your gut's always right.
That's the spirit.
It's older.
It knows.
It has the sight.
It's not, it's not past the veil.
It is there.
We have to connect to it.
That's right.
That's right.
And the more you listen to the temporal promptings of of conscience, the more you get spiritual life information.
Powerful, Joel Skousen.
Thank you.
Come back and join us soon.
Paul Watson takes over.
Please stay with us.
And we are live.
We're going to get into a whole host of news, including the coronavirus, the latest on that.
They've just had the record number of deaths in one day, over 100 people, according to official numbers, which of course we can completely trust because the Chinese Communist Party is so reliable.
Even as they disappear.
Netizens into internment camps and gulags for daring to question the official explanation of what's going on.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Twitter and Facebook came out and said they would start removing and banning people for the very same reason that the Chinese Communist Party is removing people from their own homes and putting them in camps for questioning the source and the severity of the coronavirus outbreak.
The World Health Organization has come out and once again dealt with the most pertinent, important issue when it comes to a potential global pandemic, which of course is making sure that nobody's feelings get hurt.
They've renamed the coronavirus, even though the coronavirus name itself really has no geographical affiliation with China.
They've named it something else, but they said the main reason for doing so was so people wouldn't feel stigmatised, which basically translates as people's feelings wouldn't be hurt.
Once again, tackling the important issue when it comes to stopping the potential spread of a global pandemic, which is political correctness.
So we're going to get into that.
We're going to get into Michael Bloomberg's comments on minorities being overrepresented in crime statistics, which of course we know never happens and is a complete lie.
Or is it?
We're going to get into that.
First off though, and this story went up about 30 minutes ago on summit.news, suspect who ploughed vehicle through voter registration tent admitted anti-Trump motive.
Now can you imagine if a Trump supporter had deliberately targeted a voter registration tent staffed by Bernie Sanders supporters or staffed by Joe Biden supporters?
It of course would be Charlottesville 2.0.
Thankfully no one was injured, no one died, but it's since turned out that this indeed was a deliberate attack, politically motivated, fits the very description of an attempted terror attack, and of course it happened in Jacksonville on Saturday.
Turns out the guy recorded on his video a statement before driving through this voter registration tent Actually recorded himself driving through it.
For some reason he missed the very end of the video where he actually plowed into the tent.
Said he was very disappointed that he missed that.
So this looks like it was probably meant to all be uploaded to social media.
Of course, they're not going to go through his social media and find out what YouTube videos he was watching or who he was tweeting at.
Because, of course, the story has all but disappeared already.
If it had been the opposite way around, this would have been a national hysterical panic for at least a couple of weeks.
Story says the suspect who drove a vehicle through a voter registration tent occupied by Trump supporters in Jacksonville admitted to police they had an anti-Trump motive and told authorities, quote, someone had to take a stand.
They have the redacted, partially redacted, A police arrest report has come out in the past couple of hours.
27-year-old Gregory Tim drove his van into a pro-Trump Republican voter registration drive tent at Jacksonville Walmart on Saturday and was subsequently arrested and charged with aggravated assault, criminal mischief and driving with a suspended license.
According to the arrest report, Tim told police he drove his van through the tent because, quote, someone had to take a stand.
It was a political attack.
Interesting that they did later find his Facebook page.
No posts on his Facebook page since 2014, or at least none that can be seen from the outside if you're not friends on Facebook with this individual.
So very, very strange how he's so radicalized to commit literally a terror attack against Trump supporters, and yet his Facebook page has nothing whatsoever political on it.
Since before Trump even ran for president.
Very odd that, isn't it?
You'd think that if he was that much of a hysterical, out-of-his-guard Trump hater that he would be relentlessly posting on social media about how much he hated Trump and hated Trump supporters.
Didn't appear to be the case!
Doesn't appear to have a Twitter account.
In fact, his social media presence is minimal or non-existent.
Very interesting that, isn't it?
Nobody's showing a lot of enthusiasm to go and find it, so we'll never know, I guess.
Article continues.
He also showed police a video he made of himself driving towards the tent as the victim stood in front of it.
The video ended before Tim actually drove into the tent, the moment he described to police as the good part.
So he was really upset that he didn't capture this attempted mass murder of Trump supporters on video.
He was very upset about that.
Tim also told police he made a video of himself prior to driving through the tent, but this video has not been made public.
So he made some kind of statement to himself before embarking on this attempted terror attack, according to the arrest report, but again, details of that have not been released.
Quote, the suspect advised that he does not like President Trump, according to the police report.
Says, Tim did not show any emotion recorded the aftermath of the incident and gave an obscene gesture, which of course is when he Flipped off the Trump supporters after attempting this attack.
According to Mayor Lenny Currie, What is clear is this individual drove up to a tent and was clearly registering voters with Donald Trump's name and attire around them.
So he knew exactly what it was.
Drove a vehicle at volunteers, that's what we know.
Looks pretty political to me.
As I ask in this article, will the media now dig through Tim's social media history to discover who radicalised him into attempting this act of terror?
As they do, Whenever anyone on the right goes postal, whenever there's an example of right-wing extremism, the first thing they immediately do is try to exploit it to blame anybody whose YouTube video he liked or anybody he retweeted.
We've seen that time and time again.
Doesn't really happen on the flip side of the equation, does it?
The media tries to shut down the story or basically ignores it and it disappears very quickly.
I saw You know, a CNN report on this, when it happened, after that.
I didn't see anything after that.
I don't think NBC reports on it.
Didn't see a lot of reports from big news networks.
Because, of course, the narrative is not very much in their favour.
So the police report is out.
It is redacted.
There are some details in there which look very interesting, which have been blacked out, for what reason we don't know.
But again, he's got no social media presence.
But again, it's been confirmed that this was Let's call it for what it is.
It was an attempted terror attack on Trump supporters and by the end of the week it will have completely disappeared from the news.
Meanwhile Trump calls Bloomberg a total racist for saying minorities commit the most crimes.
Of course this was a tweet that was deleted very quickly and I'll tell you why it was deleted.
Because Trump basically said the exact same thing both in 2013 and in 2016 during the presidential campaign.
Of course, this audio tape of Mike Bloomberg giving a speech in 2015 where he was talking about stop and frisk, he was talking about minorities being overrepresented in crime stats in New York and across the country, which if you look at the FBI crime stats and the crime stats from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, he is, of course, completely accurate.
The reason Trump deleted the tweet was because in 2013, Trump tweeted, and he hasn't deleted this tweet as far as I know yet, quote, Sadly, the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and Hispanics.
A tough subject must be discussed.
Doesn't look like Trump or his supporters want to discuss it today because they, of course, joined on the dogpile onto Bloomberg despite the fact that Trump is literally in a debate with Hillary Clinton in 2016 saying that stop-and-frisk worked, New York had massive problems with violent crime, This policy, which was continued by Bloomberg, had a massive impact in reducing those statistics.
And of course, you saw the same thing in London, another big city which outpaced New York for stabbings last year during one month, whereby we had a massive restriction in stop-and-frisk in profiling.
And then in the years after that, we had a massive increase in violent crime in London.
So, Bloomberg was right, this is not racist, it's based on FBI Justice Department statistics.
He was a little hyperbolic, saying it was 95%, but what he said was generally true.
And Trump said the same thing in 2013 and 2016.
So it's somewhat strange that his supporters are now piling on Bloomberg for saying essentially what Trump ran on in 2016.
Don't go away, we'll be back.
Headline up on Summit News, Bloomberg gets cancelled for old speech saying minorities are over-represented in crime statistics.
This of course was from 2015.
It resurfaced again last night via a Bernie Sanders supporter.
CNN, their main concern about it was that it was a political attack put out by a Bernie Sanders supporter.
Not that Bloomberg was essentially right.
And in fact, Trump, they did not go after Trump for his hypocrisy on this, which tells you a great deal.
Article says presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is facing accusations of racism, saying minorities are overrepresented in crime statistics.
Despite official numbers proving him correct, with polling for New Hampshire showing Bloomberg up in second behind Joe Biden, who apparently has already left and gone home because he's that confident of winning.
A clip resurfaced from a talk Bloomberg gave to the Aspen Institute in 2015, where he discussed stop and frisk, which as I said before the break, pretty much worked in New York to reduce violent crime.
It was touted at the time as a success.
He said in this audio clip, which is again, it's nothing new, it's five years old, quote, 95% of murders, murderers and murder victims fit one M.O.
You can just take a description, Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops.
They're male, minority, 16 to 25.
That's true in New York, that's true in virtually every city, and that's where the real crime is.
You've got to get the guns out of the hands of people that are getting killed.
This immediately prompted the hashtag BloombergIsRacist to trend on Twitter, but it wasn't just Bernie Sanders supporters that were piling on Michael Bloomberg.
It was Trump supporters, including Trump himself, who tweeted, Wow, Bloomberg is a total racist.
And Donald Trump Jr.
who tweeted, Oh my God, leaked audio of Michael Bloomberg talking about the high crime rates among urban minorities.
President Trump deleted his tweet.
Donald Trump Jr.
But it's pretty odd, because as I said before the break, Trump literally ran on this same platform as the Law and Order candidate in 2016.
In fact, in this article, I think, I have indeed embedded the video from the 2016 debate with Hillary Clinton, where Trump is talking about how stop-and-frisk was a great success, how he supports it and how he believes Hillary Clinton supports it, but she can't say she supports it for political reasons.
There's also a Trump tweet from 2013 where he says quote "sadly the overwhelming amount of
violent crime now in major cities is committed by blacks and Hispanics. A tough subject must
be discussed." And people were discussing it but only in the context of "oh my god this proves
that Michael Bloomberg is a racist." These stats don't tend to suggest that that's the case.
They suggest that he's right.
Now, he was obviously being hyperbolic in claiming that 95% of murders are committed by minorities.
But, if you look at the Bureau of Justice statistics, and we had all these debates, by the way, six years ago, during the whole Black Lives Matter, 2014 to 2016, where Black Lives Matter was this huge movement, massive protests, and indeed in some cases, Black Lives Matter supporters gunning down cops on the streets.
That happened several times because they were radicalized by this rhetoric.
Now you see white liberals kissing the feet of black Israeli, black power movement members, literally going down the line, kissing the boots of what is called an extremist hate group.
Now I'm not going to say that because I get called an extremist, but Members affiliated with that group have been linked with actual crimes and shooting police officers dead.
Going back to the article though.
Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Again, we had all these debates six years ago during the rise of Black Lives Matter.
The stats were readily available.
Not so readily available now.
In fact, I looked for these on Google earlier.
Didn't come up.
Didn't come up on the first page.
Didn't come up on the second page.
It's not like I'm searching for some right-wing racist website, okay?
These stats were listed with the links to the Bureau of Justice official website, with the link to the official FBI website, on channel4.com.
Channel 4 is the most left-wing news organization in Great Britain that you can get, okay?
They were talking about it back in 2015-2016 because this debate was being had in the context of Black Lives Matter and are black people overrepresented when it comes to being killed by police?
So these stats have been online, have been talked about for the past six years.
Now it's very hard to find them on google.com because they game their algorithm to relegate certain search results because of their partisan bias.
But they are on Yahoo search, and that's where I found them.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52% of homicides recorded in data between 1980 and 2008.
Of course, this has become such common knowledge that it's basically a meme at this point.
And I've put the link to the actual screenshot which shows you that.
Black people make up roughly 13% of the US population, since black men and not black women commit the vast majority of homicides, That means 52% of the homicides, according to these statistics, are being committed by roughly 6.5% of the population.
FBI figures also show 38.5% of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery and aggravated assault were black, again mostly black males, meaning that 38.5% of such crimes are being committed by roughly 6.5% of the population.
93% of black homicide victims were also killed by other black people, which again was not a narrative that Black Lives Matter was very keen on discussing between the years of 2014 and 2016.
2014 and 2016. So was Bloomberg slightly hyperbolic in claiming that 95% of murders were committed
by minorities? Maybe you could claim that, but his general point is completely dead on
accurate and it's proven by FBI and Bureau of Justice statistics.
And then there's another clip which has also been flagged up over the past 24 hours in the midst of this controversy, where Bloomberg makes the point that these numbers are derived from victim reporting, which debunks the notion that police officers are unfairly framing black people as a result of institutional racism.
And then as some people pointed out on Twitter, including here Matt Walsh, many prominent pro-Trump personalities joined the attack on Bloomberg despite him being correct on the quote statistical realities of violent crime.
Matt Walsh tweets, "A conservative jumping on the Bloomberg is racist bandwagon
are now agreeing with the left that it's racist to discuss the statistical realities of violent
crime. And all for the sake of bringing down a guy who wasn't going to win anyway. Dubious
strategy guys." So again, you've got a bunch of, in some cases, quite prominent pro-Trump
personalities trying to counter signal, trying to attack Bloomberg, again, trying to pander to this
narrative that Trump is not a racist.
They're never going to stop calling you or Trump a racist.
There's no point in trying to counter-signal it, get over it.
In fact, there was a poll a couple of weeks ago which found that something like 93% of black people think that Trump's a racist.
You know, from what I recall, he did get a few more black votes than Mitt Romney from 2012 to 2016 in comparison.
But this narrative is not really going to prove to be a success electorally.
So why a bunch of pro-Trump prominent media personalities are jumping on it?
Is anyone's guess, again, given that Trump, as the law and order candidate, ran partly on this very same platform, the fact that minorities are over-represented in crime statistics?
And he can argue, is it IQ?
Is it upbringing?
Is it socioeconomics?
That's a separate debate.
There's no debate that they are over-represented, because the FBI crime stats prove that in triplicate.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan has revealed the winner ...of an award for diversity in advertising, and this ad, this commercial, this billboard for underwear is so diverse, so diverse, that it features absolutely zero white people.
That's how diverse it is.
London Mercedes-Benz Con revealed the winner of an award for diversity in advertising which featured, you guessed it, zero white people.
He tweeted, London's greatest strength is our diversity.
Amidst record stabbings and violent crime.
So he challenged advertisers to produce ads that better represented our BAME communities.
The poster features six scantily clad brown and black people advertising Nubian, a company that sells underwear to people with darker skin tones.
Khan said the ad was empowering, inclusive, just not very inclusive of white people because there wasn't even one token white person on there.
Zuby, the rapper, Who is black, tweeted, how is making everybody black diversity?
Can't we all just go back to being normal and get along?
People are tired.
No, they don't want you to get along.
They want to create division.
The judging panel praised Nubian Skin for their bold and empowering campaign, celebrating different body types and skin tones, which are underrepresented in advertising, said Khan.
Body types.
He literally banned an ad from appearing in London That celebrated a certain body type.
What body type was that?
A thin, attractive, healthy woman.
Because as respondents to the tweet pointed out, another body type and skin tone that is underrepresented in advertising, attractive white people.
Since Khan has banned such advertisements from being seen, and now you see the Beach Body Ready ad, which of course, wasn't that back in 2015?
I think it was a long time ago now.
Which was banned from appearing throughout London, and probably throughout the country from what I'm aware of, because it body shamed fat people.
So as long as you're fat, and overweight, and out of shape, and lazy, you can appear semi-naked on advertising.
If you're in shape, healthy, if you're promoting a positive example for young women to get in shape, that is not allowed and that will be banned.
Of course, aside from Khan himself, We have an Advertising Standards Authority in the UK which now bans advertisements that feature traditional gender roles.
They banned a Volkswagen commercial in the UK last year for violating gender stereotypes because it showed a woman caring for a baby.
She was also white, by the way.
Another ad seen on the London Underground that was allowed featured a white character and lectured male commuters not to manspread.
There was no advertisement telling women not to bag spread.
Meanwhile... Oh, and by the way, they also banned another ad which featured a sexy female mechanic fixing a car because that violated gender stereotypes, apparently, or because she was just attractive and not overweight and obese.
Meanwhile, the only ads featuring all white characters in London appear to be those encouraging white people to sterilize themselves, as you can see from this billboard, which is posted here at the bottom of the article.
So that's your new award-winning diversity ad features absolutely no white people.
Meanwhile, another headline here.
London Times says embracing traditional gender roles is a form of ISIS-style extremism.
This was an article written by Julia Ebner in the London Times, who, by the way, she works for the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, ISD, the think tank that partners with national governments, Google and others, to counter hate and extremism in the UK.
What's the new form of hate and extremism?
Wanting to be a trad wife.
The article states, Trad wives meet the women radicalised into complete subservience to men.
There's a growing online community of women who are rejecting feminism, God forbid, in favour of submission to men.
The techniques used to radicalise them are similar to those used to groom ISIS brides.
They're literally comparing women who want to stay at home and adopt traditional gender roles, and God forbid, take care of their husbands, comparing them to ISIS brides.
People like Shumayma Begum, who is banned from the UK, Article continues.
Apparently, women who choose to be subservient to men in the framework of a traditional marriage now represent an extremist movement, and this is not the first time they've come out with this narrative.
A couple of weeks ago, of course, we had self-proclaimed anti-fascist researcher Becca Lewis, who tries to get YouTube to ban everyone she doesn't like.
She reacted to a BBC piece about trad wives by labelling it literal white supremacist propaganda.
Because, of course, in no other country across the world, not in Mexico, not in China, not in any African country, do we see traditional gender roles being embraced by anyone.
That never happens, right?
Only in white countries.
Even though, ironically, in white countries, those are the countries in which traditional gender roles are increasingly being embraced, or not being embraced at all, specifically because of this kind of propaganda.
The New York Times also published an article asserting that mommy vlogging is a virulent strain of white nationalism.
So now I guess if you post YouTube videos with your baby in the kitchen as you're cooking dinner for your husband, that's now white nationalism.
That's extremism.
While young people are being encouraged to chase a lifetime of vacuous promiscuous sex, mothers are being publicly shamed on national television, and this brings me to the clip.
While they're telling people that it's an extremist form of white supremacy to want to adopt traditional gender roles, get married, have kids, they're publicly shaming mothers on morning television shows on major networks in major countries for taking care of their husbands.
We have a clip here from the Today Show in Australia where they're doing exactly that.
Let's roll the clip.
I want to take you back to the 1950s, or at least that's what I thought when I read this Brisbane Mum's Facebook post.
Brooke Smith shared her routine online.
Here's what she said.
I always make sure I don't go to bed until everyone's lunches are packed, their clothes are set out for the next day, including my husband's, and the house is clean, dishwasher is on, and a load of washing is on.
I always get up early, 4.30, with my husband to make his breakfast and coffee.
Go, Brooke.
I tell you what, though, Chris, a lot of people online are saying, well done, are praising her.
Who are these people?
Has he hypnotised her or something?
Who does this stuff?
Making his breakfast and then putting his clothes out of a night?
Is he disabled or something?
Like, seriously!
Get a grip!
Get off your bum and do stuff yourself!
My only theory is that she might actually like her husband and she might actually like to get up at 4.30 and spend time with him.
I mean, I like my husband but make your own bloody breakfast!
And coffee!
I mean, you know!
Apparently this couple run an MMA fighting gym.
Mixed martial arts.
Mixed martial arts and they also breed bulldogs.
So they can do whatever they want.
I'm not gonna argue.
Hey, you know what?
If it makes her happy, but I mean nothing in that list of things there, you know.
And she's got four children under the age of six.
But did you see her photos too?
She still had time to like make her hair look beautiful and put her makeup on.
Women attacking women.
She looks gorgeous.
Yeah, you're making the rest of us look bad.
Oh my God, she gets up in the morning to make her husband breakfast!
She takes care of her four children.
She should be publicly shamed.
Who on earth would do that?
Who has ever heard of anything like that?
That's ridiculous, right?
That's bad enough to publicly shame someone for that on national television.
And you heard them scoffing.
But now they're literally saying it's a form of extremism.
This is hot how far down the road we are.
So we've literally got Young people trapped in this hellscape of modernity, of degeneration, to the point where we've got record high depression rates, record high suicide rates amongst young people.
People are getting married later and later, they're engaging in this hedonistic lifestyle which by all judgments is making them miserable and depressed.
Now they're being told that if they want to get away from that, if they actually want to go back to traditional lifestyles which may make them happy, they're on a par with ISIS brides.
Meanwhile, UK celebrates man coming out as gay after 27 years of marriage with blanket media coverage.
This is a TV host called Philip Schofield who, I think he's got three or four kids.
He was married for 27 years before announcing on Instagram and on national television that he was gay.
So he's basically been deceiving his family for 27 years.
He was immediately hailed, celebrated, applauded.
You can't stop progress.
So getting up early in the morning to make breakfast for your husband and taking care of your children, that's bad.
That's extremist.
Coming out as gay after lying to your family for 27 years, that's stunning and brave!
I'm going to get into the latest coronavirus news here in a second.
Big developments there.
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And on that very subject, the latest with the coronavirus outbreak is that the World Health Organization is once again on the front lines of stopping the spread of this potential global pandemic by cracking down on people who might offend other people.
Yes, they've declared war, not so much on the virus, but on people being offensive about the coronavirus.
WHO gives coronavirus a new name to prevent stigmatization.
Now, they've literally said this about four times now.
It's like, yes, we get it.
In their original statement, when they declared coronavirus to be a global health emergency, within that statement, about four different times, they said that one of the primary concerns was to not be xenophobic and to not stigmatize people, despite, of course, the fact that this is coming from one particular area on the planet.
They put that in the original statement four times.
That's not enough.
They said it again last week, and now they've said it again.
And they've renamed the virus to COVID-19, despite the fact that coronavirus doesn't really have any connotations with Chinese people, as in the actual, you know, grammatical use of the term itself.
But they've renamed it to COVID-19 because apparently that's going to protect some people's fee-fees.
The World Health Organization has given coronavirus a new name.
In order to prevent people feeling stigmatised.
Because the first thing the Global Health Authority tasked with preventing a mass deadly virus outbreak should be concerned about is political correctness.
It's officially been renamed COVID-19 because according to The Who, as they tweeted earlier today, quote, we had to find a name that did not refer to a geographical location, an animal, an individual or group of people.
Despite the fact that they've done that numerous times before, What was it?
The Middle Eastern Respiratory Illness was one of them.
But now, in 2020, political correctness rules supreme.
They said having a name matters to prevent the use of other names that can be inaccurate or stigmatising.
So they're on the front lines of that.
Respondents on Twitter had some fun with this.
One of them said, quote, Damn, I was going to name it ChinamanNastyVirus20.
Another one asked, wait, so avoiding stigma is more important than saving lives?
Another user remarked, quote, at this age people are just going to refer to it as the coronavirus or bat virus from China because they kept eating the effing bats.
Yeah, seems like it's going to stick, doesn't it?
Meanwhile, Chinese propaganda video shows coronavirus victims in detainment facility dancing.
You remember the scene out of 1984?
The mandatory exercise, Winston Smith.
It looks kind of like that.
A lot of the people dancing around, being choreographed by medics in hazmat suits.
Don't seem to be overly enthusiastic about it, probably because some of them have been kidnapped from their families, as we've seen in other videos.
Apparently keen to offset video footage of screaming Chinese people being abducted from their homes and taken to detention camps.
The ruling Communist Party put out a video showing mild, out of their word, mild coronavirus victims housed in a temporary hospital being directed to dance by workers in hazmat suits.
It was published by the People's Daily, which is the official news organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.
So this is the Communist government.
So basically they're being ordered to dance around like in an internment camp, Winston Smith style.
The tweet says, virus can't put out the passion for life.
Tends to be contradicted by the other videos that we've seen over the past few days.
One of which showed authorities beating up a woman for not wearing her surgical face mask.
Another showed alleged coronavirus victims being chased down by authorities and dragged kicking and screaming to internment camps.
Another video showed a woman trying to scale down a building to escape a quarantine.
She loses her grip and falls to her death.
That video got deleted by Twitter.
Now again, if you want to claim that this is a massive medical emergency, you could make the argument that they need to enforce authoritarian measures.
But people have asked the question, are these measures really conducive?
Are they really corresponding with the notion that this is just the flu, and that, what, a thousand people have died?
They just had a record number of people dying today, and one day it was over a hundred.
People are asking the question, are these kind of measures Would these kind of measures be imposed if this was in line with the numbers that we've seen in terms of people being infected and people dying, the official numbers released by the Communist Chinese?
Of course, you can't question the official story because you get banned by Twitter and Facebook.
They're imposing the exact same terms of service, the exact same measures.
But the Chinese government is imposing on their people, they've said, 15 years in prison for sharing disinformation about the coronavirus.
They've said the death penalty for anyone who infects somebody else deliberately with the coronavirus, which of course means, it could mean, somebody escaping from a quarantine internment camp.
We have this headline out of nationalfile.com.
Chinese authorities disinfect Wuhan with fleets of trucks spraying chemicals in the air.
It looks absolutely apocalyptic.
Again, is that overkill or is that an illustration of the fact that the numbers we've been hearing are in fact far worse than the official pronouncements?
Meanwhile, border patrol officers at Dulles Airport find a bag full of dead birds in passenger baggage from China.
They claim it's pet food.
Customs and Border Protection agents at Washington Dulles International Airport seized a bag full of dead birds from the baggage of a passenger arriving from China.
First of all, who on earth would be stupid enough to bring a bag full of dead animals from China into the United States at the height of a potential global flu pandemic?
Second of all, they claim it's pet food.
We've seen the dietary habits of Chinese people in light of this coronavirus outbreak.
Quite eclectic, to say the least, aren't they?
Quite eclectic.
So they seize this bag of dead birds.
It's apparently pet food.
It's been marketed in China as pet food.
Again, why not just feed them pedigree chum?
It's absolutely disgusting.
But again, how stupid do you have to be to try and bring this through an airport?
So that's taking place.
Zero Hedge reports, does a sudden surge in SO2 levels, that's Sulphur Dioxide, suggest a huge surge in cremations across China?
They're registering record surges in Sulphur Dioxide burns in both Wuhan and Chongqing.
Asking the question, are they burning bodies in huge numbers?
But again, you can't ask those questions because you get banned by social media.
Just like you'll get hunted down by the authorities in China if you ask similar questions.
Zero Hedge reports again in this headline.
By the way, we're not going to get time for the clip, but Senator Cotton was on NBC, or I think it was CBS this morning, asking these same questions.
Are they lying about the severity?
Are they lying about the source of the coronavirus outbreak, given that there was that bioweapons or bioresearch facility in Wuhan?
I guess Twitter will now have to ban Senator Cotton.
Zero Hedge reports Beijing hunts down Chinese citizens challenging official coronavirus narrative.
This was another guy who was putting out information that contradicted the official numbers from the Communist Party.
He was disappeared and now is probably in an internment camp.
I guess Twitter and Facebook have fallen in line with the Chinese government and banned him on social media too.
War Room is coming up next.
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And I'm not sure it's this virus.
We need to have our bases covered with the virus.
And, you know, I said I would talk about this because this is an important decision for all you out there to think about and decide what you're going to do.
This is in Congress.
This is 13 years ago.
And this is the company.
And when I got this information four or five days ago, I said, listen, are you sure you want me to do this?
Because you've got Department of Defense contracts.
You've got a lot of others.
They might mess with you.
No, no.
You know, we're the owners.
We like what you're doing.
We've got a partnership with you.
We want people to know how important this is of the Department of Defense.
And congressional reports say that this product, NanoSilver, has been found to knock out SARS.
Well, no crap, Sherlock.
Of course it does.
Viruses, bacteria, you name it.
Nobody's selling 16 ounces of NanoSilver that's patented.
This is the top company in the U.S.
that we're... Not even a private label.
This is something they developed with my dad.
The Immune Gargle.
But here's the deal.
Department of the Army Headquarters, United States Special Operations Command, Tampa Point Boulevard.
And it goes into Andrew C. von Edenbach, Commissioner of Food and Drug Administration.
And they go on to say that with antibiotic resistance and all the rest of it, we have found that this particular type of nanosilver is effective against SARS and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Then it goes on here.
The Texas A&M System Health Science Center.
And it says confidential because they don't want this type of stuff out for a long time.
lot of reasons and it goes over the fact and says dear Secretary Ridge and they
go on to say the Office of Homeland Security John B Connolly building A&M's
running a whole secret project for the government and they say this particular
nano silver we found in our trials secret trials with American biotech labs
was very effective this report is that the coronavirus like the SARS same
family virus homeland defense put out the data that our product could kill
that one see the above letter from the director director of Homeland Security, the secretary, Dr. Carlton,
ex-surgeon general, Air Force, a brilliant man who came up with the mobile hospital system.
We only received a copy of it because our testimony before Congress on malaria, and
it was included in the addendum of the testimony.
We never received a good copy, but we did get a copy, and it's worth reading, and it
goes on.
So, look, it's the grace of God that stuff like this happens.
This is the top company, folks.
This is, and they're like, "No, just say who we are."
Robert Keith Muller, CEO, American Biotech Labs, LLC.
That's the big one.
They're the only ones that have approved, over-the-counter, super silver womb gel.
Do not take this internally.
This is super, well, let's just say what it is, poisonous to bacteria and viruses, which means it ain't too good for you, but it's better than dying, right?
So this goes on the hands and things.
It's a protective shield.
If you get cut or something, your micro scratches, it seals it in.
But all the other products, they're all discounted right now during this crisis.
and of course, all of our other stocks and futures in full or short.com.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
I didn't just start selling storable food the audience last month or six months ago or a year ago.
I've been selling storable food to people that believe they need to get it.
I've been doing that for 20 plus years.
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And we hope Trump and America wins.
We hope the globalists get defeated.
But in a war like this, there isn't any arming that wins a war, politically or militarily, that doesn't have food backing it up.
And so that's what we're talking about here.
...went into Russia, he ran out of food, he failed.
Hitler went into Russia, he ran out of food, he failed.
So, you know, Adam Schiff wants us to defeat the Russians.
We need lots of food to do that.
No, we need to defeat the Adam Schiffs of the world.
Because if you don't have food, they control you, ladies and gentlemen.
So, I believed in storable food 20-something years ago.
Got it myself.
It's insurance you can always eat.
But then I noticed that even though there were big, reputable companies, during a big spike, they'd make people wait.
Well, going back more than 11 years ago, they've been around 12 years.
My Patriot Supply came along and promised to be different.
And I slowly worked with them for a couple of years to test them out.
And now, 10, 11 years later, they're the best.
And again, it's like everything that's the best.
You could have a nexus point, like a graph, like what's the lowest price versus what's the best quality.
There's some stuff that I pointed out costs way more, three, four, five, six times more.
It's like gourmet.
It's ridiculous how good it is.
But it costs way more.
But on a nexus point, this is right in the middle.
Super low cost, the lowest you're gonna find for any decent food, and it's really good, high quality stuff.
Some stuff's like gourmet.
It's like, damn, I eat this every day.
Other stuff's like, yeah, it's pretty good.
The point is, it's really good, and it's not a scam, and they're people that are smart and want a long-term relationship.
You buy it at InfoWareStore.com.
They're in the back end of our computers.
It's my patron supply.
We just get some of the money to fund our operation when you buy it there, InfoWare Store, and they ship it out to you.
They've got food for another 12 days or so.
They're honest about that.
What they don't have is the people to pack it.
So they're going 24 hours a day at their three factories in the United States, one in Utah, the other two big ones, and that's what's happening.
No, they're there, and they're taking your orders.
The other big companies just instantly, when institutions called, big corporations, governments called, they sold out.
The Chi-Coms bought up all the mass.
They've tried to buy up all the food they can.
The Chinese need food.
I get it.
They're shipping over there.
That's great.
We are selling food to the American people, and that's the message and the mission of Tim Redhawk, the founder and their CEO, that's coming on with us next second.
But this is something that is the trifecta.
It's great food you and your family need.
It funds the information war, and at the same time, it gives you the confidence to know that you're taking care of yourself and your family.
So, it's that simple.
It's called Ready Power.
Now, we used to call it InfoWars Select because I could get around the rules they had at their company.
People even lower in the prices to dominate the market.
I am their biggest distributor.
That's how we fund this operation.
But they came to me and they said, that's boosting the price.
You have to private label it.
Not the private labeling.
Just call it what we call it.
Ready Hour.
So we do.
Just order it at Infoworkstore.com.
It funds our whole operation.
And it really is excellent.
It's super high quality.
They have special meals for special diets and so much more.
They have four weeks.
They have three months.
They have four months.
They have six months.
They have years.
This is something everyone should do to invest in their future and to begin the road towards preparedness.
As the Chinese say, The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
Well, getting squirrel food and firearms is more than the single step.
The most banned network in the world.