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Name: 20200204_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 4, 2020
2152 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses various topics including Dr. Francis Boyle's claim that the coronavirus is a bioweapon created by China, Mike Adams' criticism of the World Health Organization for being heavily influenced by China and the pharmaceutical industry, criminals released onto the streets despite dealing drugs like meth, and accusations against world governments, pop culture, Hollywood, and left-wing media for trying to destroy humanity. The speaker also talks about a potential bioweapon accident in China that could impact Trump's presidency and the economy in America, as well as promoting InfoWars products such as Pollen Block and Super Silver Whitening Toothpaste.

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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
There is a incredibly important article up on Infowars.com of absolute biblical proportions.
A creator of Bioweapons Act says coronavirus is a biological warfare weapon.
And that's, of course, Dr.
Francis Boyle, who authored the U.S.
Bioweapons Convention.
He's going to come on tomorrow and give us his exclusive second big interview.
He's teaching class right now.
We're going to be breaking all of this down.
Now, you already have the big Indian Scientific Technical Institute that does this, that maps viruses, scanning it, saying it's got the original HIV delivery system welded into it.
Not HIV!
No, ladies and gentlemen, the delivery system of HIV and a lot of other things welded into it.
And they have found the gene remnants that is always there when they insert a gene.
There is a fingerprint or basically the shell casing is really how it's described.
So they know with these electron microscopes and these systems they've got, they can get down to the size of genes, but it leaves Uh, trace like everything in this universe.
It leaves footprints that don't just disappear, but that are there in time.
Uh, and so then you saw the media go, Oh, InfoWars and Mike Adams specifically, you know, Media Matters and Vice.
They're hyping all this up saying it could be manmade saying, Oh, look at this.
And, and, but then it of course turns out That's what all the evidence shows.
We're just reporting on things days and weeks before the media ever even gets around to it.
Then the media would spin it saying that we were saying that it was HIV.
We never said that.
Or that we just made it up.
No, this was a major technical institute that came out.
They didn't retract it.
They just pulled it though under World Health Organization pressure.
So I've been really focusing on this.
I was supposed to be on a vacation.
I haven't had one really over a year.
I've canceled four of them with my wife.
But I've been working the whole time here, and I'm going to come back to Austin, so everybody just needs to know that.
We've got Owen Schroer coming up.
He's going to be riding shotgun here, so if there's any Skype problems.
Mike Adams is going to be hosting, and I'm going to give him much of the floor in this hour to kind of tie together, because he is an engineer and also runs a big chemical, biological testing facility and has a lot of people that he's talking to.
And there's a lot of top virologists and scientists, Not just Dr. Francis Boyle coming out and saying, this is a bioweapon that the Chinese probably stole from Canada.
We know they did steal it out of Canada.
They were weaponizing it and it got loose.
We were hoping, well, maybe it was just a vaccine they were testing that got loose.
No, it's a bioweapons situation.
That's 98% now.
I mean, it's very clear.
And that's why they're freaking out so bad.
And that's why the death toll has been suppressed, but now it's mounting and they can't cover it up.
And it looks like it is really bad.
And that's why we were right to say two weeks ago, hey, institutional groups are buying up the food and they're buying up the medicine and corporations are.
And we got that intel to you show that the establishment is indeed actually very, very scared of this virus.
It, it spreads very quickly.
It mutates very fast and it's got a bunch of nasty stuff that's been welded onto it.
So it's synthetic, all evidence points to that, and there's been an attempt to cover it up, and we've seen this big giant global suppression drill, this big global UN world government promotion drill.
Out of this, you've seen governments really in lockstep, but now that Trump started restricting flights from China to the US, which he should have done even earlier in my humble opinion, the Chinese government's criticizing Trump, even though they're not criticizing Russia or others totally banning Chinese coming in, Uh, out of there.
Now Trump's bad and America needs to receive this.
That's why I talked to Mike Adams last night and he says evidence is mounting.
It's a bioweapon that did get released.
It was supposed to be targeted at the United States.
So we know China's developing bioweapons and we know, of course, ladies and gentlemen, that that is the, uh, Wuhan province is the main place doing it.
You've got the very labs that has the very umbrella corporation symbol.
You can't make up the bizarreness Of all of this.
So we'll lay it out with Mike Adams straight ahead and we've got Dr. Frances Boyle joining us exclusively tomorrow in the second hour.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live Worldwide Tuesday broadcast.
Owen Schroer is in the InfoWars News Center in Austin, Texas and is going to be bringing us in and out of breaks today.
Mike Adams is about to take over for much of this hour.
Next hour we're going to play big clips of Dr. Francis Boyle, speaking to the International Television Group, about the fact that this is clearly a Chinese bioweapon that got loose.
Francis Boyle has an impeccable reputation for integrity, and he authored the U.S.
Bioweapons Act.
It was then put into the UN treaty.
He says coronavirus is biological warfare weapon.
Who knows full well what is occurring.
He'll be with us live tomorrow in the second hour.
I have had a lot of stuff going on here.
Behind the scenes and obviously happening in the world.
But I am going to be back in Austin very, very soon.
I'm going to cut this short work occasion down to nothing to my wife's displeasure.
But that's just the way it is.
Things are just too intense.
But the crew's doing a great job.
You'll also notice that a lot of other crazy things are happening.
Rush Limbaugh announced, we'll play this clip later, that he has advanced stage lung cancer,
and the left had a huge orgy-like conniption fit of pleasure that this was happening,
just truly disgusting people.
And it just reminds us that we see these icons like Kobe Bryant or Rush Limbaugh,
and you just think they're gonna be there forever, and sometimes they aren't.
People we really care about are people that are in our lives
because we watch them and listen to them, aren't always there.
And in fact, people always end up dying in the end.
And Rush Limbaugh has come a long way.
Who he was 31 years ago on air was a maverick promoting conservatism and nationalism
when it was totally unpopular and on its knees and under attack.
And sure, he made a lot of mistakes along the way, promoted wars he shouldn't have.
But in the end, in the last decade, he's really attacked the New World Order, the globalist structure, and come a long way.
Once Infowars and others paved the way for him to be able to have the courage to do that on the 600 radio stations he's on.
And we wouldn't have turned the tide against the globalists without Rush Limbaugh.
We wouldn't have gotten Trump in without Rush Limbaugh.
And a lot of people have called me saying, oh, you know, he's your main competition.
Are you feeling good about this?
That's sick.
That's sick.
I'm not in Rush Limbaugh's slot because I ever wanted to be Rush Limbaugh.
That was the slot that nobody would go up against.
23 years ago, when they started syndicating my show on GCN, they said, we're going to put you on against Rush Limbaugh.
I'd already been hosting for years a weeknight show that was syndicated that was super popular from 9 to midnight that a lot of you listened to.
And I was like, no, I'm not going to do that slot.
They said, well, we're not going to keep you employed here if you don't go up against Rush Limbaugh.
And so, no, I'm not pleased.
Rex Limbaugh is probably terminal.
You heard him.
He said, you know, I really feel guilty.
Like, I won't be able to stay in the fight.
But the good news is, it's not going to go very long.
It's really bad.
And I kind of get what he's saying.
It's like, you know, he's in a fight and the guy's tough, but he's just really feeling bad that he's not able to stay in the fight.
It's really disgusting news and a really bad sign of how crazy everything is.
And we have a lot of huge stories to cover, obviously, but it's a big, big deal that he's got lung cancer and that they're running around celebrating.
And I just am so sick of these people.
I'm absolutely so tired of the New World Order and their activities.
So we're going to be laying all of this out, but the top story, the shocking truth about the coronavirus is slowly but surely starting to emerge.
He has all the sources in the U.N.
and the U.S.
coronavirus is biological warfare weapon. The WHO knows full well what is occurring.
In an explosive interview, Dr. Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Act,
has been given a detailed statement admitting that the 2019 Wuhan coronavirus is an offensive
biological warfare weapon. The World Health Organization already knows about it. He has
all the sources in the UN and the US government. Francis Boyle is a professor of international
law at the University of Illinois College of Law.
He was drafted a U.S.
Domestic Implementing Legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention.
It was the Biological Weapons and Terrorism Act of 89 that was approved unanimously by the House of Representatives and Congress into law by President H. W. Bush.
In an extensive interview with Politics and Empire, Dr. Boyle discussed the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China, and the Biosafety Level 4 Laboratory, BSL-4, from which he believes the infectious disease escaped.
He believes the virus is potentially lethal and an offensive biological warfare weapon or a dual-use biowarfare weapons agent genetically modified with gain-of-function properties, which is why the Chinese government originally tried to cover it up and is now taking drastic measures to contain it.
Let me go further.
Major scientific institutions that we've already covered have scanned it, and it's got the particular P shuttle SN gene that is in all the literature only when they've gone in and injected an RNA into a virus to change it.
So it's got the remnants of genetic engineering.
This is absolutely what causes it.
It's absolutely been lab manipulated.
And that's why you're seeing the total freakout.
The question is, how really lethal is it?
Well, there's videos now emerging from China of just dead bodies, body bags piled up and people panicking, running around.
And you can see these are real videos, ladies and gentlemen.
So, something big is going on here.
Is China using this to control their populations?
I think there's about to be an uprising.
Mike Adams is about to take over here in just a few minutes and cover all of this.
And then Owen Schroer is going to be there.
And I'm going to be back popping in during the next hour and so much more.
We're going to have the Limbaugh clip.
We're going to have the clips of the Francis Boyle breaking down the origins of this and his contacts.
We're going to have all of that.
coming up and then of course your phone calls as well and I will be popping in
and out and I'm behind the scenes working on major crises that are
unfolding that I cannot at liberty to tell you about at this point. You've also
got what's happening in Iowa. Democrats always steal elections.
They don't have real elections in any blue cities.
They were criminal fraud.
Of course they rigged the Iowa situation so that Bernie Sanders wouldn't be on top.
Of course they used an app the Democrats agreed to use that then pushed out disinfo.
This is the model of how they stole it for Hillary before.
And notice now they want her as the VP so that then whoever gets in can step down and she's president because there's a cult around this woman.
And I kept telling you the different scenarios.
Of how they could do this, and here it is happening again.
They want this show off the air.
The globalists are working around the clock to shut it down.
That's why it's so vital for you to tell folks about those local AM and FM stations, local TV stations we're on, to ask stations that we aren't on to put us on in other markets, and to spread the word about band.video and newswars.com.
That's how the truth gets out.
And you notice major scientific institutions, biological ones, you know, top Experts.
All of them are coming out and saying it's man-made.
It's man-made.
Senator Cotton, he gets classified briefings.
He came out and said, okay, we need to look at this bio lab.
That's the one we fingered a week and a half before with all of our experts.
Francis Boyle's like, why did you call me?
I've been wanting to come on.
I mean, he's a regular guest.
Why wasn't I thinking?
And boom, what is he saying?
And he says he's talked to people inside.
They all know it.
Just like the head UN scientist said, vaccines are killing people and we're covering it up in a video.
They're covering their asses at the highest levels and now this has gotten out.
But you heard what he's explaining.
It could be the envelope, this virus, is the base weapon, the delivery system.
You understand?
Like the powder that gets it down the range.
That they add something else to it.
And that they're hoping is that they've just had an escape of base virus that is also carried along with another virus.
I'm not a virologist, I've just researched and had these people on and there's just all...
They've got viruses embedded in viruses, and they've got viruses that mutate out and create another system of viruses, and they've got all these mutagenic systems that are super advanced.
We're not back in the 1920s when they learned how to take viruses out of mouse tumors and inject them into people and give people cancer.
And then they figured out how to put it in stasis and put it in vaccines, and they did the polio vaccine on record.
That's declassified.
We're not back in the 1920s when they learned how to inject you with the juice out of tumors and give you cancer.
They are way more advanced.
We're going to break.
Mike Adams is taking over.
Please remember, without your financial support, we can't keep operations.
We're going to sell out of the immune gargle with the patented NanoSilver at InfoWareStore.com, but it's still 40% off.
And the storable food is going to sell out very, very soon as well.
Get yours at InfoWareStore.com.
That funds our operation.
How long do we have to break here?
We're gonna go to break in 10 seconds and Mike Adams is gonna take over, but the most important thing is to spread the word about the broadcast.
That's what circumvents the censors, so the truth of this can come out before it's too late.
And this is Owen Troyer in the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
I will be manning the helm here as I pitch The stage now to Mike Adams to get into the latest with the coronavirus and other news.
Mike Adams from naturalnews.com.
Take it away.
Well, today we have additional confirmation, Owen, that this is of human origin.
This coronavirus pandemic was engineered in a laboratory, and now Francis Boyle, of course, who will be joining the show tomorrow, confirming that in truly a bombshell interview with an organization named Geopolitics and Empire.
It's a bombshell interview.
It's been posted now on Brighteon.com as well.
Geopolitics and Empire had launched a channel there quite some time ago.
YouTube will likely ban this interview because we're going to publish a full transcript of it.
It's bombshell after bombshell.
Francis Boyle talking about the incredible number of bioweapons laboratories in China, in the United States, in Canada, and around the world.
How governments of the world are in the, quote, death science industry.
And their job is to create organisms that exterminate human life.
That is what they're doing.
They've been working on it for many years, spending hundreds of billions of dollars on this effort globally.
And it looks like this virus escaped from a BSL-4 facility in China.
And Francis Boyle gives us the full breakdown of that, calling it an offensive biological warfare weapon.
He says any hint that this is from bats or from nature is absurd.
It doesn't have any of the properties of a normal in the wild virus.
You know, a virus in the wild that has a hierarchy, kind of a family tree, a lineage that you can trace back through the mutations.
This coronavirus has none of that.
It was engineered in a laboratory.
And the fact that now the left-wing media, the tech giants, and the vaccine industry slash biotech industry are all now running a coordinated lie on this point to cover up the truth that an engineered, a science-manufactured bioweapon now threatens humanity.
The fact that they're covering that up shows you the level of complicity and how dangerous censorship really is, and how dangerous the left-wing media has become, and the censorship of the tech giants.
Because think about this, Owen.
The fact that they are saying that this is just from nature means, oh, there's probably nothing to worry about.
It wasn't engineered to kill people.
It wasn't engineered to spread.
They're saying, oh, it's just Mother Nature is bad.
Blame Mother Nature.
It's a bunch of bats and a bunch of snakes and a bunch of raccoons that got together in a Chinese seafood market and they all shared genes and this is what came out of it.
It's Mother Nature's fault.
It's humanity.
It's mad science.
Science gone bad.
And in fact, it was on this very show, eight years ago, in 2012, that I warned about this.
The big, a big meme, a big story called Stop Out of Control Science, SOS.
And I specifically named research into bioweapons as a self-replicating pollution and risk hazard to humanity.
That was eight years ago.
And in response, of course, I was banned everywhere.
Banned on every platform.
Because they can't let the truth come out.
In fact, the first casualty in any pandemic is the truth.
But this is real.
In fact, the story is even bigger than anything I've said so far.
Here's the big, big story.
And I was texting Alex this last night because it was just mind-blowing.
Website that's been covering this is called Great Game India.
They've done excellent reporting on this.
They have a page called Coronavirus, China's secret plan to weaponize viruses.
This is more bombshell information because it was almost two decades ago that the Chinese
defense minister, General Qi Haotian, said that China cannot coexist with the United
States of America and that China is ultimately going to have to destroy America.
And the best way, in his view, to achieve that was to develop weaponized viruses, biological
weapon systems, and then release them in the United States of America, wipe out the American
people, take over the country through military invasion, and then claim America's resources
so that China can grow and expand not only on this world but multiple worlds.
The moon, Mars, all the way into the future of the human race.
That's China's plan.
Now listen carefully, folks.
This biological weapon was accidentally released from a Chinese virology laboratory, a military-grade weapons laboratory, BSL-4 lab.
In the Wuhan region, this virus was meant to be released in the United States.
What you are seeing in China right now, with the quarantines, with people falling dead on the streets, with the hospitals that have bars on the windows of every single room, it's a quarantine prison camp!
Not even a hospital, it's a prison camp!
And now I'm hearing from multiple sources rumors that the Chinese government is now executing people who are infected.
Just shooting them.
Shooting them dead, burning their bodies, covering it up, not even diagnosing them so that the numbers don't show in terms of fatalities.
All of that that's happening in China right now was intended to happen in Los Angeles, in San Francisco, in Seattle, in Houston, Miami, Chicago, New York, all over the United States of America because China was working on a weapon to deploy it in the United States.
This is what you need to understand.
They played God with viruses, and they just burned themselves so badly that the Chinese leadership now knows that its very existence is threatened.
That's why they made a triage decision on January 25th to save 11 major cities in China, the military and industrial hubs, by sacrificing, if necessary, everybody else in China.
They will sacrifice, if they need to, millions of lives in order to save those 11 cities.
China knows how dangerous this is because they know it's a biological weapon.
While the U.S.
media lies to the American people and says there's nothing to worry about, this is just like a common cold.
It's a weaponized system that is highly effective at killing people.
And Francis Boyle knows this.
He talks about the gain of function attributes that were engineered into this virus.
For example, allowing it to spread through the air.
Allowing it to spread through casual contact.
Through our reporters out of Taiwan, who are in contact with people in Hong Kong and mainland China, we are getting stunning reports of, for example, workers at a department store who all got infected all on the same day because a customer, a shopper, was walking around different departments that day shopping for cosmetics, shopping for shoes, shopping for clothes.
Infected all the workers!
And that shopper didn't even know they had the virus.
They weren't even diagnosed until about 10 days later.
This spreads in a stealth mode because it is a weapon system.
And any media organization, any scientist, any government official, and especially the lying WHO that tells you that this was a natural accident, a permutation in the wild, they are a malicious liar.
And they don't care how many people die from their disinformation.
We, here at InfoWars, we are telling you the truth.
We want you to be prepared.
We want you to know this is a weapon system.
And if we don't escalate our efforts to stop this, we are all threatened by this.
The time to get prepared is now.
The time to be informed is now.
And this is the place to get informed.
We'll be back after this break with more Straight Ahead.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owens Troyer here in the Infowars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
Mike Adams on the air right now from naturalnews.com, hosting this hour, breaking down the latest from the coronavirus.
A lot is coming out of China, despite the Chinese government trying to suppress that information from getting out.
A lot of videos are getting out as well.
We salute the brave individuals in China for helping get this information out, literally risking their lives.
But Mike Adams, get back into the devastating news that's coming out now with Francis Boyle reporting how this coronavirus strain was designed as a bioweapon.
Owen, thanks for being here today.
By the way, it's great to see you back.
For a while I thought we were going to have to send a hazmat team into your apartment to rescue you or something.
Yeah, the Chinese government thought about sending a crew over just to keep me under wraps, but no, it's good to be back.
You're back.
Well, that's what happens when they throw you in a jail cell for exercising your First Amendment right in Washington, D.C., and then they expose you to all the pathogens that are in that facility.
You know, these facilities are dirty.
That's actually part of the punishment that they put on people.
Of course, they're not throwing anybody else in jail for exercising their First Amendment if they're anti-Trumpers.
It's just you!
Anyway, we're glad to see you back.
A quick note, too, on Rush Limbaugh.
Yesterday, on his show, he announced that he had apparently late-stage lung cancer, if I'm understanding what he said correctly.
Rush Limbaugh is an American treasure.
He is a great patriot, and he has really become more awakened since the 2016 election.
Rush Limbaugh now understands the truth about the deep state.
And the level of corruption, collusion, and treason happening in America behind the scenes, that maybe he wasn't aware of that so much during the Bush years, but boy, he has really come around and he has been an amazing voice, an amazing patriot, and I just want to say to Rush Limbaugh today, the conventional cancer industry does not help people overcome cancer.
The conventional cancer industry kills people with their chemotherapy and radiation.
And if you want to live, then call me because I can put you in touch with dozens of doctors,
the best in the world who actually cure even stage four cancer using holistic, complementary
and alternative therapies that are documented to work unlike chemotherapy that's documented to kill cells.
There are also things you can do if you want to protect your healthy cells from chemotherapy, even while you're undergoing chemotherapy.
There are ways to do that and it's critical to protect your brain, Rush, because chemo brain is a real thing.
Chemotherapy damages your brain, damages your heart, damages your liver and kidneys.
And this is one reason why people who undergo chemotherapy, they have brain fog for the rest of their lives.
Rush, we can't have you having brain fog.
We need your brain.
As usual.
So, please, Rush Limbaugh, get information about how to save yourself from the toxic cancer industry and we send you our prayers and our best wishes.
On the Iowa caucus's situation, Iowa has proven that Democrats need to learn to code.
Or at least they could start by learning to count.
We published a story on Natural News the other day that there's interesting science about honeybees actually being able to count.
A story about insects being able to compute.
And it turns out that insects are smarter than Democrats in Iowa because they can't even count.
I mean, imagine that!
Elephants can count the number of pieces of fruit using their sense of smell.
That's additional research that has just come out.
But Democrats in Iowa can't count votes.
It's amazing.
And they're supposed to run the country?
They can't run a caucus.
They can't run an app.
And they want to run your life.
They want to tell you how big of a soda you can drink.
They want to tell you what you're allowed to say and think.
They want to control your speech.
Elizabeth Warren wants to create criminal offenses for people who say things that they find offensive.
And she wants to have, apparently, her entire cabinet run by transgenders, regardless of qualifications.
The only qualification of Elizabeth Warren's cabinet or administration is that you have a mental illness of believing you're the opposite of sex.
Then you can get into her cabinet, no problem.
But your qualifications of actually engaging the world in geopolitics, apparently that's irrelevant to Elizabeth Warren.
It's going to be the virtue signaling idiocracy administration.
No kidding!
These people are totally insane, but I just want to say, Democrats, learn to code.
If you want to build apps, it's a great starting point to, you know, one day learning how to maybe run your own party without rigging the election and stealing all the votes from Bernie Sanders.
And yes, Bernie Sanders have every right to be angry right now because, listen, if you're a Bernie Sanders supporter watching this, and I know there are some watching this, the election is being stolen from you again!
They're rigging it!
Of course they're rigging it!
That's all they know how to do!
Democrats can't win on debates, they can't win on principles, they can't win any honest election.
This is why they have to censor and de-platform the voices that they hate.
This is why they have to cheat and lie and steal and rig everything.
With their secret courts and secret trials and secret witnesses and secret whistleblowers, secret apps that don't even work.
This is the Democrats, and you are watching the implosion of the Democrat Party in the United States of America.
Now, getting to some practical things.
I'm going to get back to the coronavirus here.
But I want you to know, I'm a volunteer here, by the way.
I'm not paid.
I don't want to be paid.
But the reason I say that is because I implore you to take advantage of the supplies that are still available at InfowarsStore.com.
The food supplies that they're offering right now will run out in maybe six, seven, eight days.
I don't know the exact number, but they're going to be gone.
My own store has sold out of all our food last week.
It's gone.
We don't even have anything else to offer, even if I wanted to plug it, which I'm not.
Infobor's store has got the food supplies.
They've got them now.
They're shipping now.
It's in inventory now, and it's very limited.
Why does this matter?
Oh, and the immune gargle as well.
You know, colloidal silver, a gargle.
You need to start looking at ways to protect yourself, because even if you believe that the vaccine establishment is going to have a vaccine that stops this, even if you believe that, They can't have a vaccine for at least a year.
Oh, unless they want to release it untested.
A mass vaccine experiment on the United States citizens.
I wouldn't put that past them.
Yeah, they could have a vaccine in three or four months, if it's an experiment.
Are you going to line up for that one?
Yeah, here, take a vaccine that might, oh, accidentally have Ebola strains in it, or SARS strains, or who knows what.
There's no quality control in the vaccine industry.
No quality control at all.
In fact, the vaccine industry's quality is worse than the quality control of the programmers who wrote the app in the Iowa caucuses.
The vaccine industry has absolute legal immunity.
You can't sue them for bad quality.
You know, if a car manufacturer sells you a car that explodes when you turn it on, well, you know, your family could sue them for your death.
But not the vaccine industry.
And vaccines maim and kill children and adults all around the world every day, every minute of every day around the world.
The U.S.
government releases the statistics through the HHS website.
That's VAERS.HHS.gov.
You can download an Excel spreadsheet detailing the number of people harmed and killed by vaccines every year in the United States.
It's published by the government.
And so all these media organizations that say that's a lie, it's the same cover-up that they're now pushing for the coronavirus.
They have to protect the biological weapons industry, just like they have to protect the vaccine industry.
The truth can never be allowed to come out.
And by the way, they are related.
It's all the same people.
It's the genetic engineering of the viruses and then the vaccines that they use to make money when the viruses are released.
It's the same mad scientists.
They make the bioweapons that get released and then they make the vaccines and then they claim to be your saviors.
They're the ones who caused the problem in the first place.
If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have this pandemic.
And by the way, this is not the end of it.
This is just the beginning.
Because you see, I mentioned this yesterday.
The fact that this coronavirus is in the wild, this means that enemies of America are out there harvesting this virus right now.
They are taking samples and they are replicating samples in their own labs, and they can release it at any time in the United States, effortlessly.
It's so easy for them to do this.
It's called asymmetric warfare, and it's easy to harvest and replicate and release that virus.
So, Owen, back to you.
That's what I've got for this segment.
There's more coming up next segment.
All right, Mike, we look forward to seeing you again here in four minutes.
But remember, folks, during this short break, hop on over to InfoWarsStore.com, take advantage of the storable food specials.
You don't want to be caught in a pinch, whether it's a disaster like an earthquake or a flood or something.
You don't want to rely on grocery stores to have supplies.
Have them in your home.
Emergency food from InfoWarsStore.com.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we've got Mike Adams with us for another segment here on the Alex Jones Show.
And then I will be hosting, we may be rejoined by Alex Jones, and then Paul Joseph Watson in the fourth hour.
I got a lot of other news that I'm going to get to as well.
But Mike, what is your final segment today?
What is on the docket?
Well, we need to get into the official narrative and the controlling of facts and truth surrounding this.
We now know that the WHO is heavily influenced, partially run by China.
The WHO is funded by the pharmaceutical industry that stands to profit from this pandemic.
The WHO is a globalist organization, anti-America in many ways.
That seems to agree with the Bill Gates goal of depopulating the planet, removing as many humans as possible.
And today we see the WHO coming out and praising China for its transparency.
That's the first one!
Praising a communist regime that's covering up mass deaths for its transparency.
So, just stunning, and then claiming that the world is racist, essentially, for blaming China for this biological weapon release, which they say isn't a biological weapon.
So, apparently, if you believe that there is a pandemic at all, you are a racist.
This is a whole new level of virtue signaling and propaganda from the WHO.
So, I thought I would read a World Health Organization mock press release.
This is a satire bit.
The World Health Organization announces today there have never been pandemics ever in the history of the world, and anyone who says so is a racist.
In fact, the World Health Organization now says there are no viruses.
Viruses are a right-wing conspiracy theory and do not exist according to the WHO, but transgenderism is real.
In addition, there are no labs that are researching biological weapons.
The laboratories are here to help humanity Prosper into the next generation with the help of speech police run by the tech giants using censorship indexes provided by communist China that should be praised for helping our world.
Again, that's a mock press release from the WHO, but this is where we're heading.
If you believe there has ever been a pandemic, you're now going to be called a conspiracy theorist.
If you believe there has ever been a biological weapon ever in the history of the world, You're going to be called a conspiracy theorist.
I mean, never mind the fact that even in that book called The Hot Zone, I think it's by Preston if I'm not mistaken, Fort Detrick, Maryland, the U.S.
Army system of research, the Biological Weapons Research Facility, was researching Ebola.
Primate Ebola.
And it escaped, and it infected one of the researchers.
And they had to nuke the entire facility there.
Nuke meaning like a chemical bomb, a chemical nuke.
They had to kill all the monkeys, they had to wipe out everything, they shut it down.
That was in Fort Detrick, part of the US Army operation.
It's well known, it's well documented, but today we're told, oh my gosh, if you believe there's ever been a biological weapon, you're a conspiracy theorist.
And it's all being fact-checked now.
The fact-checkers are saying, no such thing as a biological weapon.
Never happened, never will, never existed.
So, you talk about shaping reality or attempting to.
I mean, no wonder they're attacking this network so much.
No wonder I'm being smeared and Alex Jones is being smeared.
And no doubt, Francis Boyle will be smeared next because he dared to stand up and tell the truth that this is an offensive biological warfare weapon that escaped a lab in China.
I mean, think about that.
Think about the level of lying.
Think about the level of subterfuge that's being carried out to cover this up.
Now, on the bigger picture, and here's where we get into the analysis that you can only find on InfoWars.
The World Health Organization supports the global depopulation agenda.
This is the Bill and Melinda Gates agenda.
And Francis Boyle even talked about that in his interview, by the way.
Just, again, bombshell after bombshell.
You've got to watch that interview with, what is it again?
Geopolitics and Empire.
Just bombshells.
There is an active agenda to remove most of the human race from planet Earth.
It's openly talked about by the globalists.
And the United States of America, and especially President Trump, with his border security and his nationalism and his desire to make America great again, he stands in the way of the anti-human agenda of the globalists.
That anti-human agenda includes biological weapons, infanticide, and abortion.
Open borders, overrunning Europe with radical Islamic terrorists who, after they get arrested, are just released back onto the streets so they can go stab more people, by the way.
That's the new law enforcement philosophy in the UK, is just find the worst criminals and then release them back onto the streets so they can commit more violence.
It's amazing.
Much the same thing is happening in New York now, where there's apparently a catch and release program.
You can be some crazy criminal.
There's not even any bail.
You just get released back onto the street.
Even if you're dealing meth drugs, you just get released.
It's incredible.
The lawlessness that's happening here is all part of this globalist agenda.
The agenda to destroy humanity.
The agenda to cause widespread infertility.
To cause mental illness.
To destroy the family.
To destroy the very concept of a mother and a father.
You see, sexual reproduction, which is the sharing of genetic code between a mother and a father, is the continuation and sustainability of the human species.
Not just humans, of course, many other species out there also use sexual reproduction.
But the world governments and pop culture and Hollywood, the left-wing media, even the science establishment now, is attacking the sustainability of the human species by attacking Binary sex.
Males and females, mothers and fathers.
It's completely insane, but it's all part of this agenda to depopulate our planet.
This biological weapon that was, I believe, accidentally released in China was intended to be deliberately released at some point, probably when China has more gold, when China's ready to roll out its own gold-backed world currency to destroy the US dollar.
Maybe when China has more troops working with the Mexican narcos ready on the border to invade a weakened United States.
You see, you see that they're waiting to get more enemies of America ready to attack and overthrow this country.
And then Trump got elected.
You know, Hillary was going to turn over America to the globalists.
Trump got elected.
So then they had to figure out how do they get rid of Trump?
Well, guess what?
This release, this accidental release, may, in fact, really damage Trump if it has a big economic impact in America, which we hope won't happen.
Trump needs to get on top of this, in my opinion.
He needs to make sure that we're cutting off foreign nationals from arriving in the United States.
I know that's already happened with Chinese citizens, but we're still receiving flights from China of American citizens.
They need to be more heavily screened and so on.
Look, Trump is at risk of this.
America is at risk and this is exactly what the globalists wanted.
They hate America.
They hate Trump.
They hate human life.
They hate babies.
They want to kill human babies.
You think they don't want to kill you with a biological weapon?
Of course they do.
That's why they built it.
That's why they designed it.
It's engineered.
It's engineered with pieces and parts from SARS and other pieces from HIV that are embedded into it.
The attack mechanism, the cellular assault mechanism of HIV has been found in this coronavirus.
It's engineered.
It's deliberately made to extinguish human life and it was about to be deployed as a strategic weapon.
A long-term plan from China to destroy the United States.
Well, let me say this on the record.
The Communist government, you want to play God with viruses?
You want to build weapons to extinguish human life and cause incredible pain and suffering?
You know, karma?
Karma just got you.
Because you dropped this in your own backyard.
Now you are dealing with the consequences, China, that you wanted to push onto the United States.
That's what's happening right now.
We got... You could say America got lucky that we weren't hit with this virus as a weapon.
And as of this day, America may be able to contain this.
It is possible.
It's not a certain thing yet, but it's possible.
We may be able to contain this, but China cannot contain it.
It's out of control in China.
Legitimate estimates are over 100,000 people infected easily.
Thousands of deaths not being reported.
Hospitals that are now really quarantine prison camps being built in rapid succession.
That's China today.
This is out of control in China.
This is likely to continue spreading in Asia.
I noticed new deaths in Thailand.
I'm sorry, new infections in Thailand and more deaths outside of China are being reported according to official numbers.
This is spreading.
So, Owen, that's sort of where we are right now.
I've got to go.
I've got to get to my lab, by the way, but thanks for having me on today.
All right, Mike Adams from naturalnews.com.
Follow him there to stay updated with all the latest news on the coronavirus and more.
Mike, thank you.
All right, when we come back, I think I will go ahead and just go to the Francis Boyle interview that was so bombshell here at the top of the next hour.
We'll go ahead and do that at the top of the next hour.
Of course, Dr. Boyle will be joining the Alex Jones Show tomorrow, and then I'll get into some of the other developing news, political news, and other such things that are going on right now.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere.
Of course.
What can Hunter Biden tell us about the President's conduct with Ukraine?
What can Hunter Biden tell us about the President's obstruction of Congress?
Nothing, obviously.
The Member of Parliament gives the signal and Agent Katerina, here pixelated, crosses the restaurant.
The politician believes she is a businesswoman based in the United Arab Emirates.
His bodyguard follows her into a private dining room, where she hands him the cash.
Kateryna, a detective from Ukraine's Anti-Corruption Bureau, filmed multiple scenes like this over the course of a nine-month investigation.
At a certain point, she comes across these two MPs, Polyakov and Rosenblatt.
For payment and using the money he receives, he promises to influence representatives of various public bodies.
When he realizes that this woman has got money, he constantly wants to talk about this money.
It becomes pretty unpleasant to watch.
And I'm reading this New York Times article.
Mr. Trump told Bolton to call the president, who had recently won election as president of Ukraine, to ensure Mr. Zelensky would meet with Mr. Giuliani, who was planning a trip to Ukraine.
So the president wanted his lawyer to meet with someone.
My, I've never heard of such... The crime is this.
Obama, Biden, Soros, Schiff, Bolton, Pelosi, Kerry, Romney, Clinton, they all used the billions a year going into Ukraine since the Cold War and after to launder the money back to themselves.
It's the watering hole.
Last week, Manager Schiff said that the investigations President Trump supposedly asked President Zelensky about on the July 25th call could not have been in the country's interest because he said they were, quote-unquote, discredited entirely.
The House managers say that the investigations had been debunked.
They were sham investigations.
So now we have the question, were they really?
Who supposedly did the debunking?
Who discredited it?
Where and when were any such investigations conducted?
When were the results published?
And much more is left unanswered.
Here are just a few of the public sources that flagged questions surrounding this very same issue.
The United Kingdom Serious Fraud Office.
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent.
Hunter Biden's former business associate, an ABC White House reporter, Good Morning America, ABC, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Ukrainian law enforcement, and the Obama State Department itself.
Burisma has been owned by an oligarch named Mykola Solzhenitsyn.
Here's what happened very shortly after Vice President Biden was made U.S.
point man for Ukraine.
His son, Hunter Biden, ends up on the board of Burisma, working for and paid by the oligarch, Tsiolkovsky.
In the wake of anti-corruption uprising by the people of Ukraine, Tsiolkovsky flees the country, flees Ukraine.
George Kent, the very first witness that the Democrats called during their public hearings, testified.
Solchevsky stood out for his self-dealings, even among other oligarchs.
How much money did Hunter Biden get for being on the board?
Well, if you start looking at this bank records, according to reports, between April 2014 and October 2015, Burisma paid more than $3.1 million to Devin Archer and Hunter Biden.
That's over the course of a year and a half.
And that's the watering hole of these people, and that's why they're so pissed.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back into the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
Owen Schroer with you for the next two hours.
When we get back from this short break, we're going to go to some of the highlights from the Dr. Boyle interview when he talks about the bioweapon that is the coronavirus coming out of China.
That's on the other side.
Don't go anywhere.
We're about to go to this clip from Dr. Francis Boyle, very powerful, who'll be joining us tomorrow.
But before I go to that, real quick, ladies and gentlemen, obviously you're seeing what's happening in China, but also remember what happened in Puerto Rico when the government hid emergency food supplies from their people?
Imagine being that sick.
In a leadership position, that's what the left does.
It's vile.
It's disgusting.
It is the left.
It is modern-day liberalism.
Don't get put in a situation like that.
Get emergency food supplies.
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You can't rely on the government, ladies and gentlemen, so rely on yourself and get Emergency food from InfoWarsStore.com.
Okay, we now go to the powerful Dr. Francis Boyle interview.
Here are some clips before Francis Boyle joins us on the Alex Jones Show tomorrow.
If you just do a very simple Google search on does China have a BSL-4 laboratory, Wuhan comes up right away.
It's at the top of the list.
That's all.
The moment this type of thing happened, I began to do that.
And so a BSL-4 is the most serious type.
And basically, BSL-4 labs, we have many of them here in the United States, are used to develop offensive biological warfare weapons with DNA genetic engineering.
So it does seem to me that the Wuhan BSL-4 is the source of the coronavirus.
Yes, and my guess is that they were researching SARS and they weaponized it further By giving it gain of function properties, which means it could be more lethal.
And indeed, the latest report now is it's 15% fatality rate, which is more than SARS, and 83% infection rate.
So a typical gain of function, it travels in the air.
So it could reach out maybe six feet or more from someone emitting a sneeze or a cough.
Likewise, this is a specially designated WHO research lab, so the WHO is in on it and they knew full well what was going on there.
Yes, it's also been reported the Chinese scientists stole coronavirus materials from the Canadian lab at Winnipeg Winnipeg is Canada's foremost center for research, developing, testing biological warfare weapons.
It's along the lines of Fort Detrick here in the United States of America.
And yeah, I have three degrees from Harvard.
Would not surprise me if something was being stolen out of Harvard to turn over to China.
I read that report.
I don't know what was in those vials one way or the other.
But the bottom line is, my opinion is and I drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation
for the Biological Weapons Convention that was approved unanimously by both houses of the United States Congress,
signed into law by President Bush Senior, that it appears the coronavirus that we're dealing
with here is an offensive biological warfare weapon that leaked out of that Wuhan BSL-4.
I'm not saying it was done deliberately, but there have been previous reports of problems with that lab and things leaking out of it, and I'm afraid that is what we are dealing with today.
All these BSL-4 labs are by You know, the United States, Europe, Russia, China, Israel are all there to research, develop, test biological warfare agents.
There's really no legitimate scientific reason to have BSL-4 labs.
So, it's clearly all weapons related.
We have well over 13,000 alleged life science scientists involved in research to develop testing of biological weapons here in the United States.
So basically this is an offensive biological weapons race by the United States government and it's been with its assistance in Canada and Britain And so other states in the world have responded accordingly, including Russia and China.
They were going to set up a whole series of BSL-4 facilities as well, and you know, Wuhan was the first.
It backfired on them.
I'm not saying they, you know, deliberately inflicted this on their own people, But it leaked out of there, and all these BSL-4 facilities leak.
I mean, everyone knows that, who studies this.
So this was a catastrophe waiting to happen, and unfortunately it happened.
And the Chinese government under Xi and his comrades there have been covering this up from the get-go.
The first reported case was December 1, so they've been sitting on this until they couldn't anymore.
And everything they're telling you is a lie.
It's propaganda.
The WHO is in on it.
They've approved many of these BSL-4 labs.
They know exactly what's going on.
And that is a WHO research-approved laboratory.
So they know what's going on, too.
So you can't really believe anything the WHO is telling you about this.
Either they're up to their eyeballs, in my opinion.
When you have an outbreak, you're never quite sure Who or what is behind it?
It certainly isn't bats.
I mean, that's ridiculous.
They made the same argument on Ebola in West Africa.
I demolished that online.
You can check it out.
So I kept competing theories about this.
But right now, you know, when you originally contacted me, I said I wasn't prepared to comment because I was Weighing the evidence.
I'm a law professor and a lawyer.
I try to do the best I can to weigh the evidence.
But right now, that Wuhan BSL-4, in my opinion, is the most likely source.
Apply Occam's Razor.
The simplest explanation.
I'm not ruling out, you know, some type of sabotage.
But right now, I believe that is the source here.
And we know that Wuhan BSL-4 was research, developing, testing SARS as a biological warfare agent.
So it could have been they gave it this DNA genetic engineering enhanced Uh, uh, properties, uh, gain of function, uh, which we do here in the West in the United States all the time.
We have, uh, all sorts of research that is clearly, uh, biowarfare, uh, research that has been, uh, approved by the National Institutes of Health.
It's a joke.
They know full well, uh, they are approving offensive biological warfare, uh, research.
And it gets funded by the United States government.
BSL-3 and BSL-4 labs.
are only designed for research, development, testing of offensive biological warfare agents.
They have, in my opinion, they serve no legitimate purpose at all.
They should all be shut down.
Every one of them.
Well, you just can't believe anything the Chinese government, the WHO, the CDC are telling you.
They're all lying because, you know, they know what's going on here.
And so you're going to have to, you know, figure it out as best as you can.
But in my opinion, as of this time, and I'm fully prepared to consider further evidence on this, it does seem to me that this was a DNA genetically engineered biological warfare agent leaking out of Wuhan that has gain-of-function properties, which can make it more lethal.
I think they're probably doing something with SARS to make it more lethal and more infectious.
And so for that reason, you have to take extreme precautions.
And they're now finally admitted, well, yeah, anyone within six feet can be infected.
Whereas with SARS, it was about two feet.
Well, that's getting a function right there.
And that should be a tip off.
So I guess you're gonna have to protect yourself.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, the great Rush Limbaugh, a legendary man,
a trailblazer for media, a major influence for me growing up,
listening to him on one of his major flagship stations Louis, Missouri, KMOX.
Of course, he is from that area.
Made a sad announcement yesterday that he has advanced lung cancer.
He'll be in my prayers every night.
Of course, he's off air today dealing with some treatment.
Here is that sad announcement from Rush Limbaugh yesterday.
This day has been one of the most difficult days in recent memory for me.
Because I've known this moment was coming in the program today.
I'm sure that you all know by now, I really don't like talking about myself.
And I don't like making things about me.
Other than in the usual, satirical, parodic, joking way.
I like this program to be about you and the things that matter to all of us.
The one thing that I know that has happened over the 31 plus years of this program is that there has been an incredible bond That has developed between all of you and me.
Now this program is 31 years old and in that 31, there are people, you hear them call all the time.
They've been listening the whole time.
They've been listening 30 years or 25 years.
Just had somebody say they've been here 3 years.
But whatever, it is a family type relationship to me.
And I've mentioned to you that this program is, and this job, Uh, is what has provided me the greatest satisfaction and happiness that I've ever experienced, more than I ever thought that I would experience.
So, I have to tell you something today that I wish I didn't have to tell you, and it's It's a struggle for me because I had to inform my staff earlier today.
I can't escape, even though people are telling me it's not the way to look at it.
I can't help but feel that I'm letting everybody down with this.
But the upshot is that I have been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer.
Diagnosis confirmed by two medical institutions back on January 20th.
First realized something was wrong on my birthday weekend, January 12th.
And I wish I didn't have to tell you this.
And I thought about not telling anybody.
I thought about trying to do this without anybody knowing, because I don't like making things about me.
There are going to be days that I'm not going to be able to be here because I'm undergoing treatment or I'm reacting to treatment.
And I know that that would inspire all kinds of curiosity with people wondering what's going on.
And the worst thing that can happen is when there is something going on and you try to hide it and cover it up, it's eventually going to leak.
And then people are going to, why didn't you just say it?
Why did you try to fool everybody?
And it's not that I want to fool anybody, it's just that I don't want to burden anybody with it, and I haven't wanted to.
But it is what it is.
And you know me, I'm the mayor of Reelville.
So this has happened, and my intention is to come here every day I can.
And to do this program as normally and as competently and as expertly as I do each and every day because that is the source of my greatest satisfaction professionally, personally.
I've had so much support from family and friends during this that it's been tremendous.
I told the staff today that I have a deeply personal relationship with God that I do not proselytize about.
But I do, and I have been working that relationship tremendously, which I do regularly anyway, but I've been focused on it intensely.
For the past couple of weeks.
I know there are many of you in this audience who have experienced this, who are going through it yourselves.
At the same time, I am at the moment experiencing zero symptoms other than... Look, I don't want to get too detailed in this.
What led to the shortness of breath that I thought might have been asthma or You know, I'm 69.
It could have been my heart.
My heart's in great shape.
Ticking away fine.
Squeezing and pumping great.
It was not that.
It was a pulmonary problem involving malignancy.
So I'm going to be gone the next couple days as we figure out the treatment course of action and have further testing done.
But As I said, I'm going to be here as often as I can, and as is the case with everybody who finds themselves in a circumstance, you just want to push ahead and try to keep everything as normal as you can, which is something that I'm going to try to do.
But I felt that I had to tell you, because that's the kind of relationship I feel like I have with those of you in this audience.
I say it every Christmas.
Which is when I feel more thankful than at Thanksgiving.
And I feel thankful at Thanksgiving, but Christmas, it really gets to me.
But over the years, a lot of people have been very nice, telling me how much this program has meant to them.
But whatever that is, it pales in comparison to what you all have meant to me.
And I can't describe this, but I know you're there every day.
I can see you.
It's strange how I... But I know you're there.
I know you're there in great numbers, and I know that you understand everything I say.
The rest of the world may not when they hear it expressed a different way, but I know that you do.
You've been one of the greatest sources of confidence that I've had in my life.
So, I hope I will be talking about this as little as necessary in the coming days, but we've got a great bunch of Doctors, a great team assembled.
We're at full speed ahead on this.
And it's just now a matter of implementing what we are going to be told later this week.
So I'll be back here.
I hope you'll be back on Thursday.
If not, it'll be as soon as I can.
And know that every day I'm not here, I'll be thinking about you and missing you.
The great Rush Limbaugh signs off yesterday.
May he be on air for another 30 years, gracing the airwaves.
The Rush to Excellence Tour, Rush Revere, a legendary career, Rush Limbaugh.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, Owen Troyer here sitting in for Alex.
A reminder, tomorrow, Dr. Francis Boyle is going to be on the transmission.
With Alex Jones, the stories at InfoWars.com, creator of U.S.
Bioweapons Act, says coronavirus is biological warfare weapon.
And you're not going to find a more hard-hitting exclusive interview when it comes to the coronavirus and the details that are emerging than that tomorrow.
And so be sure to tune in and check that out here on the Alex Jones Show at InfoWars.com and Band.Video.
Now, there is a lot of stuff coming out.
There is obviously the Chinese government doing everything they can to suppress information from getting out as communist governments always go for full control over the narrative.
Now the one thing you can do is build up a healthy immune system so that should you get a virus, your body is ready to fight it.
In case you don't know, I was out sick for an entire week last week.
The sickest I've been in 12 years.
In fact, I don't even think I could tell you the last time I missed work due to an illness.
So, I had something pretty serious last week.
Pretty much all the symptoms you could imagine knocked me out.
I was bedridden for five days.
I had faith in my immune system that I had built up for a decade taking supplements, many of which are available at InfoWarsStore.com, and so I never went to a doctor, I never went to a hospital, I never dealt with any of that.
I knew that my body could beat it, I just had to stick with the battle.
And here I am today, I'd say about 95%, I'll be 100 tomorrow, and One of the number one things you can do to help build up your immune system is colloidal silver.
Now this is very well known and we've been so innovative in finding different ways to use our colloidal silver in toothpaste, in an immune gargle formula, In just a colloidal silver bottle.
It's all at InfowarsStore.com and I was handed this very cool series of documentation here from the Department of the Army, from other certified doctors, Homeland Security, University Science and Health Centers.
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Super Silver Wound Dressing Gel.
Again, the Super Silver Toothpaste has the silver in it.
You have the immune gargle that's on sale at Infowarsstore.com.
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Of course, the Immune Gargle is on sale right now.
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The Super Silver Wound Gel, I just mentioned, 40% off at InfoWarsStore.com.
The Super Silver Toothpaste, just amazing, my favorite toothpaste.
My favorite toothpaste was the Super Blue, also available at InfoWarsStore.com.
You take your pick, which one's your favorite.
But the Super Silver Toothpaste, 50% off at InfoWarsStore.com.
But folks, I'm telling you, Look, I had people telling me, why aren't you going to a doctor?
You're sick, you have multiple days fever, over 100, you can't even get out of bed, you're weak, you're pathetic, why don't you go to a hospital, Schroeder?
What are you, nuts?
And I said, no!
I trust my immune system, I don't wanna deal with a doctor, I don't wanna deal with a hospital or an emergency center with all the other germs and everything we know that are floating around.
Kinda did my own self-quarantine for a week, and I just knew I could beat it.
I knew that I built up the immune system and I knew I could beat it and I ended up being right.
And so while it was a struggle for the week, let me tell you, having that faith in my immune system, knowing that I could beat it, knowing that the products at InfoWarsTore.com that I take religiously would help build that immune system and help me recover, It gave me the faith and the strength I needed to be here this week, whereas a weaker individual probably would have lived in a doctor's office for the entire week.
So again, folks, check out the great products at Infowarsstore.com.
Build up your immune system with all the different colloidal silver products like Immune Gargle at Infowarsstore.com.
Now, when I come back, I'm gonna give you all the news coming out of Iowa, so you have an idea of that total catastrophe clown show that is going on there.
But let's kind of get ready for that segment with this clip from MSNBC.
Ladies and gentlemen, you think you've heard the craziest thing on television?
You haven't.
This is a clip, now I don't know this individual's name, from MSNBC, this host or whatever, Zerlina Maxwell, did you say?
Zerlina Maxwell said perhaps the stupidest thing in the history of television last night.
Check it out.
The Iowa caucus is essentially the perfect example of systemic racism.
91% of the voters in Iowa are white.
The reason why you see a drop in turnout, I'm just speculating here, it could be perhaps that white children are not in the cages.
So when you're talking about the tangible pain that black and brown people are feeling,
they feel a sense of urgency because their kids are being put in cages.
I really can't even, I can't even figure or measure or imagine the mental gymnastics that that
lunatic had to go through to make that analysis.
Because most people in Iowa are white.
And because there was a disastrous caucus, which is all because of the Democrat Party, somehow she finds a way to tie that into kids in cages.
What about the kids in cages that they did at the Super Bowl?
By the way, you know what, I'll get into some Super Bowl stuff.
But again, I mean, folks, do you understand the average liberal commentator has gone completely insane?
Yeah, so because of the kids in cages and the suffering of brown people and racism and climate change, the Iowa caucus was a disaster last night.
No, I'll tell you why the Iowa caucus was a disaster last night on the other side of this break.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, the Democrats can't even run a caucus, but they want to run the health care and the education system and pretty much the whole world.
So yeah, we should trust them with that.
I'm sure that won't be a complete disaster of a nightmare.
I want to Well, actually, let me just say this.
I seem to have developed some sort of strange vision problem where I literally cannot see Democrat candidates without seeing a red nose on their face, clown makeup, and a clown wig.
I'm calling it clown vision.
So I've somehow developed clown vision and I cannot even look at a Democrat candidate without seeing a clown face on them.
It's very odd that I'm enduring this.
But a couple highlights before I get into this news.
There were polls that were being run where Democrats were asked, would you rather vote for a candidate you agree with or a candidate that would beat Trump?
And 30% voted a candidate they agree with.
Over 60% voted a candidate who could beat Trump.
Now think about that.
That means a Democrat would literally vote for Satan if they thought it would beat Trump.
That's how far gone these people are.
Would you rather have a candidate that you agree with or a candidate that could beat Trump?
Well, the candidate that could beat Trump is Satan.
Well, they'll vote Satan.
I mean, if that poll isn't indicative of where the average Democrat voter is at right now, nothing else is.
And I've said it once, I'll say it a thousand times more.
The one trait that actually unites the Democrat Party is hate.
Hate for Donald Trump.
Hate for whatever identity they're mad at that day.
Hate for conservatives, hate for America.
It is the one single identifiable trait that unites the Democrat Party, and it's hate.
Now, Sanders is obviously getting robbed by the Democrat Party here, round two, and at the end of the day, he won't care.
He'll lay back down.
He doesn't actually want to be president.
This is a lazy bum.
But, one significant number that nobody seems to be talking about Even though it does appear that Sanders did win the caucus and is surging in the polls, Sanders' support from 2016 in the Iowa caucus is actually down.
Sanders had more support in the 2016 Iowa caucus than he did this year.
Now what does that tell you?
It tells you that Sanders is nowhere near as popular as he was in 2016, and the reasons are obvious.
He threw his supporters under the bus, he laid down to Hillary Clinton, and he didn't say jack about the election theft from himself.
Again, Bernie Sanders is a communist bum.
He doesn't want to be the president, he's not going to fight this, and even though he's by far the most popular on that side of the aisle, And should he want that nomination, he could get it and he could fight for it, but he's not going to.
He never has, and I don't think he ever will.
So, they're screwing Bernie Sanders over again, and we'll see if his supporters stick with him, even though he refuses to fight back against the election theft that is happening right now inside the Democrat Party.
But, just remember this.
Everything the Democrats do is measured and contrived.
So this whole delayed result of the caucus is by design and has an agenda behind it.
Now, let me see if I can kind of give you a better idea here with some of these headlines.
Buttigieg races to push narrative that he won Iowa despite no official results.
Well, I think the reason for that is the fix was in for Buttigieg.
He was working with Mark Zuckerberg and former Hillary Clinton associates.
Well, he wasn't directly working on it.
They were working with him.
They were working towards building his campaign, an app called Shadow.
But we'll get to that in a second.
Biden campaign blasts Democrat party over reporting meltdown.
Well, you see, Biden was supposed to be the clear front runner.
Biden's the Obama vice president.
And Biden is actually now the number five, maybe four.
Top choice for the Democrat nominee right now.
It's a total embarrassment, not only for the Obama administration, but for Biden and the Democrat party as well.
They just have no idea.
They're lost in a world that doesn't exist, ladies and gentlemen.
Iowa caucus delays revive concerns and conspiracy theories among Bernie Sanders supporters.
Well, the irony here is a little taste of socialism for the Bernie Sanders supporters.
Well, you see, because Bernie had too much.
Bernie had too much support and it wasn't fair.
So we had to give Buttigieg some of that support.
We had to give Klobuchar some of that support.
We had to give Warren and Biden some of that support.
You can't have all the support on Bernie Sanders' side.
So a little taste of socialism for the Bernie supporters who have to give, I mean, literally like fake polls.
They're just gonna siphon numbers off to other candidates who aren't Bernie Sanders.
Nate Silver, one of the worst political oddsmakers, but somehow a top political oddsmaker, headline, Iowa might have screwed up the whole nomination process.
Boy, you don't say!
Of course, it doesn't matter.
I think that they are going for a brokered convention, ladies and gentlemen.
And so it really all just comes down to July anyway.
In, what is it, Milwaukee, where they're having their convention?
And I think they're gonna give it to Hillary, and I can't wait for that to happen.
If the Democrat Party isn't dead already, that will be shoveling the dirt on the coffin of the Democrat Party.
Did you see the CNN clip?
I don't think I have it, but...
There was a CNN correspondent on the phone with the DNC waiting to get the results of the caucus.
They had him on hold for hours.
CNN goes to him live.
He's all befuddled and confused on air.
Then the DNC finally picks up and says, OK, we have the results.
and they hung up on him.
Again, folks, I can't imagine what it takes to be a Democrat voter right now.
It's like, you know, hold your nose in a swallow.
Iowa officially has its first caucus deciding coin flip!
And not only did they have a coin flip, it was a rigged coin flip!
The guy flips the coin, looks at it, puts it over, and then realizes, oh, that's not what I wanted, and puts it over again, and then declares Buttigieg the winner.
So they're literally rigging it for Buttigieg, and then it turns out, some of the People that were there in Iowa as a part of this, who were Buttigieg supporters, they didn't know he was gay.
And they found out he was married to a man, and they literally wanted to withdraw their vote right then and there!
Boy, that's gotta be tough, having homophobes in the Democrat voter base.
Oh, that's brutal.
So here is when we get to the shadow app, which is these techies who used to work for Hillary Clinton, who are now building this app, working with Zuckerberg to try to get Buttigieg over the top.
Tech firm started by Clinton campaign veterans is linked to Iowa caucus reporting debacle.
It's a rigged job, folks.
Everything the Democrats do is a rigged job.
Shady firm Shadow behind, reportedly behind Iowa caucus chaos.
A shady firm named Shadow, which was paid by both the Iowa Democrat Party and Pete Buttigieg's campaign.
Reportedly developed an app said to be responsible for the delayed results in the Iowa caucus.
But it's not just Iowa.
Other states were planning on using this as well.
And this is just what the Democrats do.
This is another just form of Democrat control, Democrat totalitarianism.
Nothing is organic.
It's all contrived.
It all comes from the top.
Your vote doesn't count in the Democrat Party.
I hate to say so.
Problematic app used in Iowa caucuses, also set to be used in Nevada.
And don't worry, folks, as soon as the, sweet, but here's how it goes.
They want to control everything.
So as soon as the Democrats found out they could start rigging results with this app, They all want it on board.
But then you just have some of the stuff you're enduring if you're a Democrat voter to watch.
Joe Biden, I mean, you know, it's like you don't want to say he made out with his granddaughter on a campaign stage, but well, pretty close.
No, he was a tongue away from a French kiss, ladies and gentlemen.
He's also snapping at news reporters.
Savannah Guthrie is the latest.
And then you've had, obviously, the Bernie Sanders campaign exposed 2020, the violent communists working for Sanders, a handful of them who want riots and violence in the streets.
Well, now the Elizabeth Warren campaign has been exposed by Project Veritas.
No one gives a F about a pronoun.
Warren Stafford blasts campaign for pandering to gender issues.
But Joe Biden said, gender issues and transgender issues are the number one concern of our lifetime.
Good luck with that, Joe.
I guess that's why you're falling in the polls.
All right, Project Veritas.
I mean, I can't say enough about Project Veritas and James O'Keefe, a true hero in my eyes.
It's always an honor when I get to shake his hand in person.
It's kind of funny, every time I see him, I'm like, oh my gosh, James, I love you so much.
He's like, okay, calm down, Owen.
We've met like 10 times.
It's not that big of a deal.
I'm like, no, it is, James.
You keep doing amazing stuff.
So Expose 2020 from Project Veritas keeps trucking along.
I wonder if they're gonna hit every campaign.
I wouldn't be surprised.
But they've already exposed the Sanders campaign, the violent communists inside of that who want to put you in a gulag.
Which is sad because there are good people that support Bernie Sanders and support his cause and it's just too bad that he really doesn't care about them because he just lets the Democrats steal the elections from him.
And it's sad that he doesn't put those good people into campaign managerial positions instead of these nut cases that end up in those positions.
It really makes you wonder.
I think Bernie is more hands-off with that.
But here is the latest from Project Veritas.
Exposed 2020 Part 5, Elizabeth Warren's campaign.
No one gives a F about your pronouns.
Elizabeth Warren also made another promise about how she will govern if elected.
We have to stop putting trans women who are incarcerated into prisons with men.
It's like when you come from where I come from, no one gives a F.
You don't want to know how you're going to create a genre?
It's a f***ing no-brainer, we're going to goddamn lose an election.
Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren is fighting hard to stay relevant.
Polls show Warren way behind leader Bernie Sanders.
It seems she is pulling out all the stops in an effort to please voters.
But our investigation has shown that people on her staff believe her pandering is all wrong.
It's like a thing that prioritizes like pronouns over making sure people have a decent standard of living, that's wrong.
Yeah, you're right.
And it's like when you come from where I come from, no one gives a f***.
Recently, Warren promised, if elected, half of her cabinet would be women and or non-binary people.
I just feel like I shouldn't have to say it like, "Oh, he can't miss."
Like shouldn't it just be implied?
I tell you otherwise.
Yeah, if I tell you otherwise, then yeah.
But I mean...
I've been called out for saying something like that, but it's like, this is why we lose
elections, because we're zeroing in on s*** like that.
Recently, Warren promised if elected, half of her cabinet would be women and/or non-binary
Some on her staff like that kind of talk.
Non-binary people.
We have all the staff.
Secure staff, trained staff.
Yeah, us straight white dudes, just... You remember us going binary, I'll say.
But some on her staff think pronoun politics doesn't play well with the voters.
In fact, field organizer Angel Alessia thinks all this talk of pronouns is actually a detriment to her campaign.
Well, or she in front of her.
It's like, I'm so trying to get up to speed on that.
But at the end of the day, we've become the party that has prioritized that rather than putting food on the table for working families.
And it's like, that's why we lose when we're zeroing in on something.
And I'm not saying it doesn't matter because we should make people feel comfortable and acceptable.
Sure, absolutely.
I call you whatever you want.
Yeah, when you put that over making certain people have decent jobs and health care, like...
Warren's campaign believed they ticked off all the social justice boxes, but when they didn't get the endorsement of the LGBTQ caucus... I kinda like this guy.
Some staffers told our journalists how they really felt about the organization.
I'm the chair of the Stonewall caucus, which is a huge caucus in the state.
I like this guy.
There's very little credibility.
The membership is 20 or 30 people.
And also just the way that they operate and handle themselves cheapens everything.
So literally, first of all, they were with Jill Iran, but they're like, it's my second,
it's my third.
And then they were playing hard to get and trying to get us to-
And we didn't wanna be there.
Yeah, they always have to put their social media accounts on private or even get rid of
them after they exposed by Project Veritas.
That's just practice right out of the Democrat Party.
They're so used to it now they've been exposed by Veritas over a dozen times.
So, Chief Non-Binary Pocahontas Warren... I mean, the Democrat Party's a joke, man, I'm telling you!
Get out your clown horns and ride along!
Okay, I've got some other news I want to get to here.
Look, let me just say this about what's going on in the Democrat Party.
Because I can't help myself sometimes.
I mean, I get all revved up here, and it really is such a clown show what's going on over there.
But, you know, there are good people that are still Democrat voters, and there are good people, I think, With righteous causes that support Bernie Sanders.
And because of a lack of, let's say, an alternative, they stick by Bernie Sanders.
He's the frontrunner for the Democrat Party.
He should be the obvious choice for the Democrats.
They just don't want him.
And he's kind of okay with that.
I don't think he wants to be president anyway.
This guy's never held a job in his life outside of being a senator for, what, 35 years or whatever now.
So what I'd just like to say is, I think that there's a lot of common ground between the non-insane Bernie Sanders supporter and the Trump base, at least on the outset of the Trump You know, announcement and campaign and everything.
And that's, we are sick of the establishment.
We know the establishment's corrupt.
We know all these wars are fake.
We want to end these wars.
We want to bring the troops home.
We want to bring these funds back into our homeland as well.
And so there's a lot of common ground there.
And I think because of the total S show that has become the Democrat Party.
Trump supporters and conservatives don't really endear themselves to this level of the Bernie Sanders support.
And because of all the hype and disinformation and everything about Trump and its supporters, those same liberals or whatever that have a lot of common ground with Trump's base can never come together because they still fall for some of that hype and fake news.
So I don't know if there's an opportunity to bridge that gap.
I don't know if it's possible, but I do think it's important to point that out.
The original outset The base of support for Donald Trump is anti-establishment, government's corrupt, end the foreign wars.
That same fabric, that same thread is really woven in to, I would say, the Bernie Sanders base.
Now, is there going to be radical people, obviously, on all sides of the aisle?
And you can sit here and make the argument, well, 90% of Bernie Sanders support is radical.
My point is this.
There are good people that still identify as a liberal that aren't radicals and that aren't leftists, and Bernie Sanders is really those people's candidate.
And some of them may like Warren or Klobuchar or something, but my point is, I think it's sad that we can't unite as Americans against the establishment, against all these fake foreign wars costing us trillions of dollars, against the tech censorship, against the corrupt government, and that's because of the wedge that continues to divide.
Now, I don't expect Bernie to do anything about this, and quite frankly, I don't think Trump is going to either.
But at the end of the day, I think what's going to happen as this Democrat Party deteriorates, Bernie won't run as a third party candidate.
I think that Trump support is only going to go up.
And I can tell you this for sure.
I mean, I can't put a number on it, but I can tell you that I know people that didn't vote for Trump in 2016 that will be voting for Trump guaranteed in 2020.
And you don't really have that phenomenon happening anywhere else with any other candidate right now.
So Trump political stock is just skyrocketing, and everything on the Democrat side is just tanking.
I mean, tanking, tanking, tanking, tanking, and tanking badly.
And again, it's important, folks.
This is important.
No one else is reporting this, but this is important to point out.
Bernie Sanders support Bernie has dropped since the 2016 election.
Now, and that's for many reasons.
The biggest is because I think a lot of Bernie Sanders supporters saw that he's not going to fight for them like he claimed he would, and he laid down to Hillary Clinton, he laid down to the rigged election, and he just laid down.
Plus, you know, some of these hot mics are kind of exposing Bernie as just kind of the jerk that he really is.
Of course he's a jerk.
He should be leading the Democrat way.
If the Democrats were smart and they wanted to beat Trump, they'd be putting everything behind Bernie Sanders.
They're not doing it.
They don't want him.
He's okay with it.
I don't think he wants to win anyway.
So where does it go from here?
I think Bernie's support continues to actually go down.
Yes, is he rising on the Democrat aisle, but that's because there's no other alternative.
If you look at the numbers, Bernie Sanders' support from 2016 to today is actually way down.
And you can use the Iowa caucus as a microcosm.
Bernie Sanders had less support by the numbers in this Iowa caucus than he did in 2016.
And if you look at political trends, Bernie should have had a lot more support this time around.
And the fact that he didn't means that those people are not coming back to Bernie Sanders.
Let me do some other political news here, and then I'm going to do some cultural news on the other side.
Boy, Adam Schiff.
I mean, what more is there to say about this guy?
Barnum & Bailey's is hiring.
You know, he is the ringleader of the three-ring circus.
A bug-eyed freak.
A guy who can't stop lying through his teeth now comes out and says on the impeachment
floor that Trump is going to give Alaska to the Russians.
Oh, man.
What is Adam Schiff going to say or do next?
You know, I wonder, I should prank call Adam Schiff.
I think I may prank call Adam Schiff and tell him I'm a Russian oligarch that has pictures of Donald Trump raping Daffy Duck.
And I bet Schiff would fall for it.
He'd probably be all over that one.
Man, I mean, can you imagine what this guy was doing with Ed Buck?
Please don't, folks.
Please don't.
Bloomberg, Michael Bloomberg, mini big gay ice cream Mike.
Bloomberg uses Obama-era footage of kids in cages in anti-Trump Super Bowl ad.
Isn't that hilarious?
They're still going with that fake news, even though it's been totally disproven.
They don't care.
These people are so filled with hate and vitriol, they'll lie.
They'll lie their way to the top.
And by the way, it's not working, because people see through it, and they know it's a fraud.
And so they can continue these lies, but it's not going to work.
And here's what I said.
You know, I'll get to this later, but Twitter just announced a new thing where you can report a tweet for being misleading about a political election.
Well, obviously that's meant to censor more Trump supporters and hurt Trump.
It's time for conservatives to use that against Democrats.
Democrats put out lies on Twitter all day long.
They put out misinformation about Trump all day long on Twitter.
I suggest you go out there and report it.
Now, I did an example of this on my Twitter.
Maybe we'll play that video later, but seriously.
So when Bloomberg puts out an ad on Twitter showing kids in cages saying Trump's doing this from the Obama years, that ad should be reported for misleading information about a political election, and it should be taken down by Twitter.
I mean, that's what the report is for, right?
Of course not.
It's to get Trump.
But why not use that tool against them?
Vermin Supreme is winning the Libertarian 2020 presidential primaries.
Can you imagine if that literal boothead Got presidential nomination?
I mean, that's kind of the status of where we're at politically right now, though.
For real, the clown show that is.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're about to go to a break.
I'm going to get to some cultural news when we get back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer sitting in for Alex today.
He is on standby, maybe joining us later on this hour before Paul Joseph Watson takes over.
Okay, you've obviously seen We've heard of the Halftime Show, the Ask Time Show from JLo and Shakira.
You've seen the response from America.
Pretty much left a foul taste in most people's mouths, even though some people are pretending it was a smashing success that everybody loved.
That's not actually the case.
But you know, it's funny because what JLo and Shakira did During the halftime show, that used to be done by female sex slaves in chains.
And so here we are, the year 2020, and we've gotten rid of the chains.
So yay feminism!
Good for you guys.
What JLo and Shakira did used to be performed by female sex slaves to entertain the masses.
Forced to do it, in chains.
We've gotten rid of the chains.
It's 2020.
Yay feminism.
So good for them.
But, I guess if you're not into strip teases and softcore porn and stripper pulls and sexual references during a halftime show, I guess that's your problem.
By the way, the halftime show was produced by Jay-Z.
And Jay-Z and Beyonce decided not to stand for the national anthem.
That's just their way of telling you you're a piece of garbage.
They are more important than you.
They are more important than America.
They are more important than any soldier as well.
You know, I will just say this, because this is something that I think a lot of people have trouble putting into words or vocalizing or really understanding and Really, I heard Michael Savage put it better than anyone else yesterday, and I have to repeat it here on air.
How in the hell did the lowest forms of humanity, how in the hell did this gutter trash become so rich and powerful in America?
Do we ever ask ourselves that?
How did these low-class, no-class, foul-mouthed, degenerate, hate-filled, scum, right out of the gutter, become so rich and powerful in this country?
How did that happen?
How did we allow this to happen?
Now some people might say there is a shadow force involved here, the Illuminati, the globalists, the secret societies, the Satanists.
You may be right.
In fact, you are right.
But aside from that complexity, I think that that kind of really sums up what we've done to create this Sodom and Gomorrah, what we've done celebrating Hollywood, And uplifting people like Jay-Z and the rest of the Hollywood trash.
This is human scum.
This is the worst form of degeneracy.
This is the worst influence on our children.
And yet, this is what's uplifted, this is what's idolized, this is what's celebrated.
This is right out of the Bible, folks.
This is Satan's hand.
And of course, When all of these industries are controlled by a very few who behind closed doors worship Satan and engage in all sorts of things that you can't even imagine, ladies and gentlemen, beyond just Epstein Island.
Well, that's how you end up with this degenerative society.
That's how you end up with a degenerative youth.
That's how you end up with the human gutter trash of society becoming rich and powerful and idolized.
And we need to do everything we can to turn that trend back.
Otherwise, it's going to kill us all.
Now, some other developing news stories from the Super Bowl.
People are mad online because the racist Kansas City Chiefs won a Super Bowl.
Oh, no.
Can you imagine?
Yes, that's the Kansas City Tomahawk shop.
I think they banned that from Atlanta Braves games.
They banned Chief WooHoo off the Cleveland Indianhats, one of the greatest logos of all time.
The left literally destroys everything it touches.
And so, I just want to say, good for the Kansas City Chiefs and Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo No Native Americans were harmed in the mock-up of the arrowhead chop that I just performed here on air.
But you know, what's so pathetic is that, it's like the same thing with, in football, with the Redskins, and they don't know the history of the Redskins, why the name became Redskins, it was literally to actually show a, what's the word?
It's paying homage to their old coach who was a Native American, also named Paul Brown.
So people don't even know the history, but you know, it's too bad.
If you've never been to a Kansas City Chiefs football game with 80,000 people doing the tomahawk chop, well I guess you would hate it because you don't know how to have any fun.
Chiefs head coach Andy Reid reveals if he's visiting the White House basically said yeah of course I'm in what it's an honor why wouldn't I be interesting to see there was a Kansas City Chiefs player that wore a Trump Kanye West hoodie during media days that drew some ire I happen to know that The star player, Patrick Mahomes from the Chiefs, is a Christian.
I won't say if he's a conservative or not, but very Christian, conservative family.
Maybe not politically, but as far as their life practices are concerned.
He was raised right.
It was actually funny, I had a chance to meet them at the Dallas Cowboys football stadium for Pat Mahomes' final game against Baylor.
I forget what they call that rivalry when they play it down in Dallas.
I was actually stunned because it was like all this hype about Mahomes and then the father,
the mother, the girlfriend, and Patrick, who's not even that big, were like the most humble
people I'd ever met. It was like, wow, this doesn't look like the kind of people that
are about to be some of the most famous people in the NFL.
But I have a feeling that there's going to be some Kansas City Chiefs players that
shows some pretty strong support for Donald Trump at the White House.
I'm not sure when that happens.
This is from Campus Reform, Cabot Phillips, who I really don't like promoting because he's one of these stick-in-the-mud conservatives who hates Infowars and everything, but he does do good work.
Students hate Trump's State of the Union quotes until they find out it's actually quotes from 2020 Democrats.
Yeah, you can fool these sad liberal students pretty easily.
But Trump's State of the Union is tonight.
So that'll be an interesting one to see tonight.
Trump's State of the Union address.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we go to a break now.
Remember, in this short break, go over to Infowarsstore.com, get yourself some super silver toothpaste.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Alex is on standby, may be joining us at any moment here now.
Owen Shroyer with you.
Paul Joseph Watson will be hosting the fourth hour.
I've got a couple news stories to get to here, a couple clips.
How about this craziness?
We've heard about this before, but it continues.
Headline from The Guardian.
Why liberal white women pay a lot of money to learn over dinner how they're racist.
How about that?
So you can pay $2,500 as a white woman to be lectured by Black women and other women that aren't white, Kyle, you are a racist.
Boy, talk about pathetic.
It's crazy, isn't it?
It's real crazy.
Imagine just a neutral, like an alien lands here, like high IQ intelligence, lands in America, and some leftist is trying to explain to them how the world works.
And says all this crap about how white people are racist and then is like, the alien is like, you know, it actually sounds like you're racist against white people.
Be like, ah, yeah, now you get it.
Greta put them against the wall and fire Thunberg, nominated for Nobel Peace Prize.
You know, isn't it sad the lengths that the left will go to these days to perpetuate false narratives and to shove lies down your throat?
And you know what the sickest part about it is?
They know they're lying and they don't care because that's how much they hate you.
I can't even imagine because it's one thing to be a pathological liar.
It's an entire nother system of evil to be a conscious deceiver.
And that's who these people are.
And they're now psychologically torturing children.
Greta Thunberg is just a pawn in a game.
But they're psychologically torturing, yeah, Greta Thunberg, but just children in general saying, you're gonna die if we don't do something about climate change.
And then, of course, rational people are like, no, we're not gonna fall for your false narrative.
We're gonna go ahead and live our lives and be productive and build things and have industry and have agriculture.
You can go live in a pod and eat a bug if you want.
We're good.
And then the kids see this indoctrinated by their professors,
indoctrinated by the mainstream media.
I mean, just look at what they've done to that poor girl.
You can see, I mean, like, if you saw Greta Thunberg, like, walk around, you'd think she was a torture victim.
Well, she is.
She's been psychologically tortured by the left.
That is a torture victim, folks.
Breaks my heart.
And then they know That conservatives respond harshly to lies and misinformation, and so they put her out there like a scarecrow, hoping conservatives will target her.
So not only do they use Greta Thunberg as a pawn in a lie that they've concocted and conceived, they then put her out there as a punching bag to be beaten by people who simply don't want to be lied to.
This is the sickness that is the left.
Psychologically torturing children with their lies, all for a political agenda.
Breaks my heart.
Really breaks my heart.
I wonder where it goes from here, for the left.
Because you gotta understand something.
It's real easy for us to forget about the headlines they ran hundreds of years ago about all the icebergs melting and global warming, then global cooling, then there's going to be an ice age, then acid rain is going to kill us all, the Al Gore documentary.
It was real easy for them to get us to forget about that when all we had was print media and all we had was You know, five systems of media that own the entire landscape of quote-unquote news.
Well, now we have the Internet for a memory hole.
Now we have independent news.
Now we have the studies.
Now we have the research.
We have the Vostok ice core samples.
It's all been a big lie.
But they still don't stop.
And so, you know, people will come on here and say, oh, you know, they're not Satanists.
They're not Luciferians.
No, you don't understand.
Satan's modus operandi, Satan's mode of getting around is deception, is lies.
So when you have conscious deceivers consciously engaging in deception for a political agenda, that is Satanism.
Now they might not be actively practicing Luciferianism or doing human sacrifice, we know some of them do.
The point is they're actively engaging in Satanism by their practice, by their agenda, by their results.
And you know, by the way, I forget the name of the rapper.
I think his name was like Newar or something.
Anyway, he got really famous really fast, was filling arenas.
And then kind of fell off the table and he did a candid interview basically saying, you know, if you want to be famous in the rap game, and he wasn't talking about anything else.
This was just his experience in rap and hip hop.
And he went off on his own.
He said, if you want to get famous in the rap game, you basically have three doors.
Once you, once you reach that, you know, once you reach that, you know, point of your career where it's like, you know, looking up, You have three choices.
One is to go homosexual, and then they use that to blackmail you.
In fact, DMX used to rap about this.
The other is to engage in human sacrifice, and they have blackmail on you.
Or the third is to try to make it on your own.
Good luck.
You're done getting any help from the system, any help from the establishment, any help from the mega-money that makes people rich and famous, like Jay-Z.
I wish I could remember that rapper's name.
It was like Nuor or Nor or something like that, but he just laid it out.
He was like, yeah, I was, he was like, you know, I'm not S and a D. Uh, you know, I'm not doing human sacrifice.
I'll go ahead and make it on my own.
Did quite well for himself, but obviously you've never heard of him because unless you take one of those two doors, homosexual agenda or the human sacrifice agenda, you don't get to be rich and famous like Jay-Z.
I wish I could remember that rapper's name.
But that's how these people work, folks.
That's how the Satanists work behind closed doors.
That's the... I mean, I hate using the word Illuminati because it's just been so twisted and it's not even what it originally was out of the old German expression and the secret societies that it was.
It's now like something totally different in pop culture.
But what it really is behind closed doors is human sacrifice, satanism, blackmail, sex rings, sex parties, total deception, total poisoning of the human body, mind, and spirit.
That's what these people engage in.
And if you really want to get down to it, folks, if you really want to get down to it, I mean, Folks, it's no secret.
It's biblical.
It's ancient history.
It's been written about.
It's been carved on walls.
There are spirits among us.
There are entities among us.
There's multiple dimensions all around us.
It's all here in one plane.
But we exist in the third dimension, see in the third dimension, operate in the third dimension.
But there's doorways to these other dimensions.
There's pathways of communications to literal demons.
And that's who they communicate with.
And I mean, you know, you can imagine you're sitting in the room with a demon communicating with it, you'd feel pretty empowered.
But then the separation from God is what kills you in the long run.
All right.
Another segment with me coming up.
I got a couple more news stories, a couple more clips.
Alex Jones may be joining us.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Remember, folks, you've got four minutes to go to InfoWarsTore.com right now.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here in the final segment of this hour before Paul Joseph Watson takes over at the helm and then the war room kicks back off with yours truly, Owen Troyer, back from the dead.
I, of course, told people for a long time I haven't had a vacation in over a year.
My wife really wants to go on one.
We went on a workcation, but I'm getting plane tickets right now to fly back to Austin.
So I'll be there during the show or after the show tomorrow because just the news is too intense.
It's too dangerous.
I had decided that I would just go with, we don't know what this virus, and it looks like a big UN worldwide panic drill to be able to establish world government, and certainly they're using it for that.
But now, it's been on for over a week, and they haven't been able to deny it, that bio-research laboratories and top universities have scanned it, and are saying that it's clearly man-made, and it's had the HIV Delivery system added to it.
Well now the creator of US bioweapons acts as coronavirus is biological warfare weapon We played clips of him breaking that down an exclusive interview last hour that he did on another show But he will be joining us tomorrow for a second interview.
Dr. Francis Boyle the offer author of the US Biological weapons act which became the UN Act was basically adopted So he's the author By having it ratified by the U.S.
Congress and adopted by the U.N.
with a few changes of the World Biological Weapons Treaty, basically, in 1989.
And so this is a big, big deal.
And he's saying the U.N.
all knows.
He's talked to the people involved.
And that's why prestigious universities and others that have put out reports saying, hey, this is totally manufactured.
It's textbook.
It's got the remnants of where The new RNA is added in where it's welded together.
You can, under electron microscope, they have shots of it, see where it's welded in.
And I use this analogy on the Sunday show.
Nothing wrong with women with silicon parts.
I mean, I don't agree with Sir Mix-a-Lot.
But you know, you can tell when there's the incisions under there, that there's been stuff added.
I mean, it's that ridiculous.
It's cut in like a piece of a pie right into there.
And it's got the remnant genes In it, just absolutely insane that they did this, the Peace Shuttle-SN.
And Zach Voorhees points out a really, really important point that's also in that same paper, and other scientific groups are looking at it and concurring.
According to Chinese scientists, the coronavirus attaches onto lung receptors, to the mucous membrane, that are five times more likely in Asian males.
Literally genetically engineered for Asian males.
Also, white people are essentially immune because we have the inhibitor against the virus, and then it just goes through all that.
That's why they always said that HIV was a biological weapon against blacks, because yeah, whites can get it, but the T lymphocytes in Northern Europe, especially, do not have the attachments.
Because Northern Europeans aren't from Spain, where Africa invaded.
stuff like that happen, they're just, they aren't able to basically get it unless they have compromised immune
systems and I'm gonna say on air why, but let's just say a lot of drugs
and you know a lot of artificial outside blood product into the body and you know
how that gets in there, so this is, this is, this is just crazy.
And the fact that it's released in China, the fact there's evidence they stole it out of a lab up in Canada, and now this hysterical response is just absolutely insane.
But I want to be clear, the HIV delivery system is not HIV, it's the delivery system.
But that's how you know it's out of the original HIV virus and It's the delivery system for it.
And that does hit certain racial groups in different ways.
Basically, it's that's what all the experts have said.
I mean, HIV is designed to kill black people.
And then what happens is it mutates after a while and stops doing it.
That's why then there's always gonna be new UN vaccination programs and special vaccines, because it's been proven that can be isolated inside another vaccine product and get through screening process and hit people.
But that's in the old fashioned days.
Now they try to suppress.
And again, it's not the U.S.
government doing this.
It's a global U.N.
world government agreement after World War II to dehumanize people, to make men not manly, to destroy the family in the name of creating world peace, because powerful virile men, well, they'll start a war.
And, well, you've got too many people.
And there's arguments to all of that.
But the fact is, it's a planetary regime doing it.
They're the real threat.
They are the psychotics.
There's all these different ways that the HIV virus is able to plug in to people that are not white.
And it really is a race-specific bioweapon.
And we have Dick Cheney in Rebuilding America's Defenses, an April 2000 report for the Project for the American Sensory, saying it's time to legitimize the use of race-specific bioweapons.
And again, I don't want to kill all the Chinese people.
I don't want to kill all the white people, all the white people.
You got the media saying, whites are the devil, destroy them.
That's the same corporate media owned by the same shadow groups that have been caught running all these bio-attacks.
So why did this get released in China?
Why is China freaking out?
Why is China saying the U.S.
should stay open to China, but not saying a word about it when Russia and others completely, Mongolia, countless others, Philippines closed their borders.
This is a big deal now, and we know it's man-made, and this is just unbelievably off the charts.
And again, we're going to have Paul Watson covering so many other issues in the next hour.
And Rush Limbaugh having lung cancer is big news.
And the incredible fiasco in the Senate is big news.
And the Democrats saying they've got more impeachment coming forward is huge news.
And the Iowa caucus is being rigged against Bernie Sanders.
Just like four years ago.
It's huge news.
It just shows that the criminality is out in the open.
It's a bunch of gangs battling for supremacy.
And I believe Trump represents just a common sense, pragmatic coupling of different organizations that don't want World War III and want prosperity and a pro-human future.
And that's why I bet on Trump.
But him not standing up against censorship and against the organized crime of the big media cartels and their control over the elections, either he's Committing political suicide or there's some larger agenda.
I don't understand.
And so people ask, why is Matt Drudge mad at Trump?
Well, because he's abandoned Julian Assange and he's abandoned Roger Stone so far, and he's abandoned so many other people.
Now they're going after Greenwald and that's a dangerous sign to people.
That Trump either doesn't care or doesn't have the power to stand up against the persecution of his most ardent, key, seminal, zero-patient supporters.
And this is not a bash at Trump here.
This isn't even defensive of Drudge.
I understand why Drudge has done this.
I kept meaning to do a big report on it, write an article about it, because now it's a big story worldwide that Drudge is clearly against Trump now.
I think it's because Drudge is a purist and has never really compromised, promoting our stuff all the time as well, and that he doesn't like Trump becoming what we were fighting, even if it's in the name of a greater cause, because the lesser of two evils never turns out that way, and I think that's why Trump is pissed.
I mean, I think that's why Drudge is pissed at Trump.
But regardless, there's so many of these angles to talk about.
The incredible footage of Bernie Sanders as a communist, the President saying that, absolutely true.
People say, well then why are you upset that they're cheating Bernie Sanders?
Well, because we need to have him run right up against Trump.
Trump will defeat him.
We need to repudiate communism and not have it gestate inside of America without being exposed.
So I say just get it out in the open and justice be done to the heavens fall.
There is just so much going on.
We've also got CNN and Bloomberg running TV ads and commercials saying Trump puts kids in cages and showing six-year-old Obama footage.
We all know it's a lie that are informed.
The general public does it, but it's so criminal that they know it's debunked.
They keep doing it.
Meanwhile, J-Lo and Shakira's Super Bowl halftime show features kids in cages.
So it's just a total war on reality and there's no end to what they're going to do.
And the Super Bowl, you know, had ads for killing white people because they're closet Nazis.
This is all an attempt to cause a race war.
And there's a larger globalist plan.
Playing us off against each other at the highest levels.
Meanwhile, we have, again, the incredible news that the Pentagon is studying fully automated microaggressions detector to catch implicit bias in the workforce, where gadgets like Amazon and Google have put out are everywhere, listening to the troops.
If they say things that aren't right, it's reported back.
That's 1984.
And then you submit to that propaganda, and then it's next, oh, don't say mother and father.
They can always dial up What is suppressed?
I mean, we aren't approaching 1984.
We are way, way, way, way, way past it.
A thousand light years.
And we have to wake up before we're totally destroyed by this.
And understand the globalists are just possessed with a absolute desire for total control and power.
And whoever created this coronavirus, it's manufactured.
And it's the perfect.
I mean, I don't want to say Trump did this.
I don't think he'd do something like this.
Maybe it's a complex false flag to blame America down the road, but the U.N., everybody knows that this is a tailored virus that hits Chinese males more than anybody else.
I mean, that is just unbelievable.
So we're going to go to break here and do five more minutes and get Owen Schroeder's take on all this.
I'll make Honeywell the station.
I mean, I'll make pay while the sun shines, ladies and gentlemen.
I just want people to understand that we might not be on the air much longer, and that the system has been bombarding us with attacks that are unspeakable, that are just out of control.
So we'll be right back with the fourth hour.
We'll do five more minutes with Elmer Troyer, then Paul Joseph Watson takes over.
Infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show final segment.
From me, Owen Schroer, I'm going to play a clip.
Let me just pound through the rest of these headlines before I get to that.
As Vault 7 trial begins, Joshua Schulte's attorneys will argue he's a whistleblower.
The important thing about this is the Vault 7 leaks from WikiLeaks are so powerful, confirming what we already knew and assumed was going on.
Yes, the government can tap into anything and everything.
Yes, you're being spied on 24-7.
Yes, it's all being plugged into a database.
There is no privacy anymore.
Now just imagine if the wrong hands got on that power.
Oh wait, they already did.
Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Obama, yeah.
They were abusing that to the hilt and they still do to this day, ladies and gentlemen.
They still do to this day.
So it's beyond just your phone constantly listening for marketing purposes.
It's corrupt government officials and beyond.
Tapping into who's ever phone they want.
Whether they want to spy on their political opposition like the Obama administration did.
Or if they just want to, I don't know, blackmail their wife.
Or spy on their wife.
That goes on too.
And that was all exposed by WikiLeaks, the Vault 7 release.
And like Alex said, you know.
I mean, Julian Assange has been totally abandoned.
I mean, the guy's rotting in a prison cell.
This guy should be a world hero.
Julian Assange should be uplifted as one of the greatest journalists in the history of the world.
You should cancel the Pulitzer Prize and call it the Assange Award.
But he's been thrown under the bus by the Trump administration, and he rots in a prison cell.
That's what you get.
But this is Satan's world.
Satan's minions run it.
So of course Julian Assange rots in a prison cell.
A world hero.
Scientists use flickering light to fight Alzheimer's.
That story is at Infowars.com.
But imagine what they do with the flicker rates on the TV to brainwash people, folks.
And I've studied this pretty deeply.
I won't get into all of it now, but there's a reason why the TV was delayed upon release during World War I because, or excuse me, during World War II, Because they were testing flicker rates on monkeys and other primates and humans to see what were the most powerful flicker rates to literally brainwash you.
The TV was invented, all of a sudden it just kind of paused, nobody knew what happened.
They were testing it in government facilities to see how they could use it to brainwash you.
And then once they had it all figured out, they released it.
And again, remember, coronavirus expert, Dr. Francis Boyle will be on the Alex Jones Show tomorrow.
Don't miss that.
And again, folks, what's coming out about the coronavirus and what China's doing is really just crazy.
By the way, even the Daily Beast is wondering, what the hell is China doing on the dark side of the moon?
Maybe making the next coronavirus.
All right, do we have time?
Let's go to this Pete Buttigieg voter, a lady, didn't know Pete was gay,
now wants to change her vote once she found out, go ahead.
Are you kidding?
Yeah, he's married to her.
Then I don't want anybody like that in the White House.
So can I have my card back?
I don't know.
Sign it.
So can I have my card back?
I don't know.
We can go ask.
I never knew that.
The whole point of it is, though, he's a human being, right?
Just like you and me.
And should it really matter?
That's what... Well, he better read the Bible.
He does.
And he says that God doesn't choose a political party.
Because why does it say in the Bible that a man should marry a woman then?
Well, I totally respect your viewpoint on this.
I so totally do.
But I think that we were not around when that happened.
How come this has never been brought up before?
How come you think we weren't around when the Bible was written thousands of years ago?
Wow, what a genius she is.
I never heard it.
You know, look, I actually came face-to-face with these people when I was in Iowa during the presidential debate.
Pete actually felt like the most human out of all of them.
None of them felt human except Pete.
And he really doesn't rub his homosexuality, like, that hard on everybody else, but people don't like it.
We're live and it seems that the list of people who don't want to see the Iowa caucus primary results revealed to the public is growing!
Biden campaign hints that it may seek court order to stop partial release of caucus vote tallies.
Could that be anything to do with the fact that the internal polling suggests that he came fifth and that could completely sink the momentum of his campaign?
Gee, I wonder.
Of course we've got videos coming out and I'll get to this in a minute.
Where they decide the delegates when it's a tie by literally having high school kids flip a coin in school gymnasiums.
That's the level of sophistication that the Democrats are running with this Iowa caucus.
Of course we've had this bizarre coding issue with people not being able to learn to code apparently with the Shadow app.
Headline here out of Breitbart.
Nine things to know about the app at the centre of the Iowa caucus fiasco.
Of course, now they're saying, oh no, it wasn't the app that was to blame, despite admitting that it was earlier.
It's called Shadow Inc.
Some people are saying that some of the boomers in the polling stations didn't know how to use smartphones, so that could have been one of the reasons.
Shadow Inc.
says, what is Shadow?
Shadow Inc.
is the democratic firm that reportedly built the app.
The firm says on its official site that its mission is to build political power for the progressive movement by developing affordable and easy-to-use tools.
By the way, this app is owned by a parent company called Acronym, and the owner of that company is apparently a big Pete Booty judge supporter!
Despite denying it, even though that was literally on their website, The company was launched in 2019 by ACRONYM, a democratic non-profit group who's affiliated political action committee to support progressive candidates across the country.
So ACRONYM is a democratic operation that received big funding from left-leaning Silicon Valley investors.
Following Monday's debacle, ACRONYM has been distancing itself from Shadow, saying in a statement, it was only an investor, despite on its official website, Saying that it launched Shadow in 2019.
So they're probably busy scrubbing the fact that they admitted to launching this company behind the app.
Now claiming they were only an investor.
And Shadow Inc.
CEO Gerard Nimera worked on Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, as did three other high-ranking company officers.
How interesting.
Nimera's LinkedIn profile shows he worked for Hillary for America for little more than a year in previous capacities, including product director.
Again, these are the people behind the app that's being blamed for the lack of results out of Iowa last night.
Shadow's Product Manager, Anna Rau, Chief Technology Officer, Krista Davis, and Chief Operating Officer, James Hickey, also works on Hillary Clinton's campaign.
Robbie Mook, Hillary Clinton's former campaign manager, has distanced himself and denied involvement in developing the software.
And of course, this all led to the hashtag Mayor Cheat trending on Twitter, which a lot of leftists immediately claim was the work of Russian bots.
We're going to get into that.
But Booty Judge's campaign reportedly paid Shadow more than $42,000 last year for software, though it remains unclear if Shadow showed favoritism towards his campaign in any way.
The Democratic Party paid Shadow $63,000 in two installments, and the Nevada State Democratic Party paid $58,000 to Shadow in August.
And the question remains, is Nevada going to use this same app in their upcoming primary, given the absolute bedlam that it seems to have caused in Iowa?
So that goes on to detail the origins of this app, and of course it led to Mayor Cheat trending on Twitter, headline here out of Summit News.
Mayor Cheat Pete Buttigieg accords accused of trying to steal Iowa caucus.
Of course they blamed a reporting issue, now they're not saying it's the app, but Pete Buttigieg, despite no results having been declared, came out almost immediately and said, by all indicate, this is what he said, quote, by all indications we're going on to New Hampshire victorious.
Tonight an improbable hope became an undeniable reality, when no results were even made public, and when his own campaign's internal polling numbers matched those of Bernie Sanders and showed that Sanders won.
Last time I saw, Pete Bootyjudge was on about 24% and Sanders was on 29%, so Sanders won.
Now they're saying, well, we never know, we don't even know when we're going to get these results.
Acronym founder, this is the owner of the shadow app, Tara McGowan, is a Bootyjudge supporter and is married to one of his advisors, who by the way works in a technical capacity, just a coincidence.
The Conservative Treehouse blog says the botched results could have been a deliberate ploy to hide Joe Biden's collapse and mask the less than enthusiastic voter turnout.
Remember the, I think it was the Moody's Analytics survey analysis which found that If there's a less-than-expected turnout, if there's a less-than-enthusiastic turnout in the general election, Trump will easily win.
There has to be a huge turnout for Trump to be challenged by any of these pathetic Democratic candidates.
Despite Trump, of course, having his own problems, now shot to an all-time high in approval ratings in the latest Gallup poll.
That tells you everything you need to know about the quality of this Democratic field.
But the conservative treehouse bloc states And this was before Biden's campaign indicated that they're going to seek court injunction to prevent these results from coming out.
Gee, I wonder why.
They said, quote, from the DNC club's perspective, there were three strategic needs surrounding the Iowa caucuses.
One, hide the collapse of Joe Biden.
Two, diminish the win by Bernie Sanders.
And three, cover up a less than enthusiastic voter turnout.
Given the nature of very public primary races, this three pronged challenge seemed almost impossible.
So that's what's going on with that.
Now we have this headline out of Red State.
Biden campaign hints that it may seek court order to stop partial release of caucus vote tallies.
Goes on to say, we think we have a pretty good idea on the actual results.
Both the Sanders and Booty Judge camps are circulating the same number.
And what do those numbers show?
They show Bernie Sanders on 29.6%.
Booty Judge on 24.5% and Joe Biden on just 12%.
That's Biden finishing 5th, a 5th place finish in Iowa and looking ahead to New Hampshire where Sanders will beat him.
And Nevada where he's not terribly strong means that Joe Biden is finished.
And what do you know?
This circulated within the past couple of hours.
CNN John King reports that the Biden campaign may seek a court injunction to halt this afternoon's release of the Iowa caucus results.
Before the Iowa results are released, if they ever will be released, Biden's campaign is questioning the integrity of the results because, of course, they show him in fifth.
And then we have Rep Matt Gaetz going on Fox News.
Headline out of Breitbart.
Gaetz, if Biden had won Iowa, we probably would have some results during the Fox News Channel's 2020 Iowa caucus coverage.
Matt Gaetz said that if 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and former VP Joe Biden had won the Iowa caucuses, quote, we probably would have some results right now.
Now they're trying to file a court order to prevent those results coming out.
Then we have this, again out of Summit News.
Dubious coin flips hand booty judge delegates in Iowa.
This is nothing new, but they literally have like high school students in school gymnasiums flipping a coin to decide who gets delegates that are tied.
And if you watch the video in this article, this kid has never flipped a coin before in his life, but he's being given the power to decide who gets the delegates.
Article reads, with the South Bend mayor already being accused of cheating, But that's Russia, as we'll get on to in a minute according to some idiots.
Dubious coin flips help hand Pete Buttigieg more delegates in Iowa.
And this is the video embedded in the article.
It shows Buttigieg winning the last delegate in an Iowa caucus precinct via a coin flip that doesn't really look like it was done properly.
You can see the video right here.
This kid who flips the coin appears to catch it awkwardly, takes a peek, then flips the coin over before immediately declaring heads to give Booty Judge the delegate.
Ian Miles Chong tweeted the video with a comment.
How to rig a coin toss.
There's another video of the same thing that's happened across Iowa last night.
Not a very scientific method, I think you will agree.
But then on the flip side, then we have a bunch of Booty Judge supporters claiming that The hashtags that were trending on Twitter were created, maintained, and popularized by Russian bots.
Yes, Russian derangement syndrome is still running strong.
Don't go away, we'll be right back.
So we have this bizarre shadowy app, which is called literally Shadow Inc., owned by a Booty Judge supporter.
Staffed by a bunch of Hillary Clinton people and now they're not even going to give us the public results.
We've got Joe Biden who according to internal polling was down in fifth.
This could have completely destroyed the momentum of his campaign if the results had been released.
They haven't been released yet.
We've got high school kids flipping coins in school gymnasiums to decide delegates going to Pete Booth to judge.
And we have this of course.
Who is to blame for all this?
Who is to blame for the snafu with the voting tallies, all the shadowy activity behind the scenes down there in Iowa?
Well of course it must be Russia!
Leftists blame Russian bots for fallout from Iowa caucus shambles.
Now this is funny because it was already happening before Trump tweeted about this.
Trump tweeted this afternoon, or this morning American time, When will the Democrats start blaming Russia, Russia, Russia instead of their own incompetence for the voting disaster that just happened in the great state of Iowa?
Well, they were already doing so hours before Trump posted that tweet.
Some leftists are blaming Russian propaganda accounts for the embarrassing fallout from the Iowa caucus, fulfilling a prediction by President Trump that they would do precisely that.
The results from last night's caucus were delayed due to a reporting issue related to an app called Shadow, the owner of which Toram Gowan is a Mayor Pete Buttigieg supporter and he's married to one of his advisors.
So this of course prompted the hashtag Mayor Cheat to trend on Twitter and that in turn prompted numerous hysterical Buttigieg supporters to claim the hashtag was a creation of Russian controlled bots.
Do these people not even use Twitter from day to day?
You can click on the hashtags and you can see a bunch of people who are real people, not bots.
They have names, they have faces.
You've seen them tweeting for months, for years beforehand, talking about this, but no, it must be Russian bots.
One of them said, quote, David Slack, who is a drama writer, which is very appropriate.
While I can't yet prove it, I feel safe in saying, so he's got no proof but he feels safe in saying it, that both Bernie One, hashtag Bernie One, and Mayor Cheat are trending because Russian propaganda accounts are amplifying them.
Putin's goal is to divide us.
Instead let's stand together, elect Democrats and sanction his ass out of office.
Now, Twitter has said it will crack down and ban people for putting out disinformation related to the election, which of course is completely vague and could mean anything.
That's disinformation!
He admits he's got no proof for it, but then goes ahead, this verified liberal, and claims it anyway.
And that was the source!
I'm looking at this tweet right now.
It's got 15,000 interactions.
That was the source for this new conspiracy theory that it was Russia that was behind all this.
Another person said, Miss Krasenstein, which is obviously those Krasenstein brothers that got banned by Twitter but are now using another account.
Also a violation of Twitter rules, but nothing happens to them.
If you are legitimately tweeting the Mayor Cheat hashtag, then you are either A. A Russian operative, B. A GOP operative, or a useful idiot playing right into Trump-Russia's strategy of dividing the Democratic Party.
Another person said, "Morons! MerchEat is trending because Russia is manipulating you idiots.
F all this! How are Americans this effing stupid?"
Another person said, "MerchEat, Russia trolls are starting this and morons are making this trend stop."
Of course, absolutely no evidence that bots were behind it.
You go on the hashtag, it's all either verified people, it's Bernie Sanders supporters, whoever it is, it's not Russian bots.
But apparently this is all orchestrated from the Kremlin.
So that was their coping mechanism when people pointed out that this app is literally owned by somebody who is married to someone within Pete Buttigieg's campaign and staffed by a bunch of Hillary Clinton sycophants.
So that's what's going on with the latest with the Iowa caucus again.
Bernie Sanders campaign has come out and said they'll file a court injunction to prevent the results from being released.
Wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that the results from the internal polling show that he came in fifth and that that could mean his campaign is completely finished.
Moving on though, of course, this Iowa caucus debacle has knocked coronavirus out of the headlines, at least the top of the headlines temporarily.
Article here from Summit News, report woman in China shot dead for attempting to break through coronavirus roadblock.
Now as we've heard from within China, they're basically saying that if you deliberately try to infect anyone else with coronavirus, you will face the death penalty.
It appears that this unfortunate woman faced an immediate death penalty.
A video out of China purports to show a woman who was shot dead by authorities for attempting to break through a coronavirus roadblock.
The clip, posted by Jennifer Zeng, is captioned at Wuzhou Town, Huangmei County in Hubei.
A woman was said to have shot dead after she attempted to break the blockade set up to contain coronavirus.
The clip shows the woman, who had apparently been shot in the head, Laying on the floor, another individual is crying over her dead body.
People can be heard screaming, shouting in the background.
Several police vehicles are parked nearby.
Absolute bedlam in China.
They don't have enough testing kits to even figure out who's got coronavirus or not.
They have doctors diagnosing people with pneumonia, so the official stats on the amount of people infected, the amount of people dead.
Are obviously going to be below what we're being told officially, but then again, if you even question that, then you can get banned off social media as well now.
They're literally following the same approach as the Communist Chinese government in censoring information about this outbreak.
But this, Jennifer Zeng posted other videos which are in this article, which again illustrate the absolute bedlam that's going on in some parts of China.
Another video shows a coronavirus patient being forcibly bundled into a van as he tries to resist.
You can see that right there.
Another clip features a doctor saying the crematorium is so overwhelmed dead bodies are being held at the hospital which has become like a quote mortuary.
She also posted a video of victims in body bags lined up waiting for incineration at crematory in Wuhan.
And again they're telling us 20,000 confirmed coronavirus cases, 427 fatalities.
There are literally 400 and I think it's 465 people Who came from China into the UK and have now just gone missing.
Nobody knows where they are, nobody can track them down, so I'm sure that's going to be great for public health.
But according to the WHO, headline, WHO demands countries not impose travel restrictions to avoid fear and stigma.
The cherished sanctity of mass travel and mass migration must not be challenged.
Again, people's feelings might get hurt if you start to profile them, so that apparently is more important than stopping a potential global pandemic.
The World Health Organization has again warned countries against imposing travel restrictions to tackle the coronavirus outbreak, asserting that doing so would create, quote, fear and stigma.
Director General of the WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Probably got that totally wrong in that pronunciation.
Said in a statement that travel restrictions can have the effect of increasing fear and stigma with little public health benefit.
This is exactly what they said in their official statement when they declared coronavirus to be a global emergency.
They stressed over and over again that countries should not impose any kind of travel restrictions because basically people's feelings might get hurt.
That's what it came down to.
People might be offended.
So we're going to get into more of that after the break.
We're going to also get into the latest social media censorship with, again, people being deplatformed for using the word fat.
Meanwhile, actual paedophiles are allowed to operate freely.
So the crackdown in China in response to the coronavirus only appears to be getting more severe.
And despite that, the World Health Organization continues to insist that countries in the rest of the world do not impose measures to restrict travel that might cause stigma or discrimination because God forbid somebody's feelings might get hurt and some people might be offended.
Not like we're trying to stop a global pandemic, is it?
So the videos coming out of China, as I mentioned before the break, are increasingly horrifying.
Again, report woman in China shot dead for attempting to break through coronavirus roadblock.
We have that taking place.
Zero Hedge reports China unveils stunning community lockdown in Nanjing.
Unreported sick will be punishable by law.
It says in a stunning announcement by officials in Nanjing province authorities have unveiled what amounts to full martial law and furthermore taking enforcement and reporting of the sick extremely seriously.
Remember that all these measures are being applauded by The WHO, they're saying China's doing a fantastic job, despite other experts saying that they're grossly under-reporting the actual numbers of infected people.
But officials in Nanjing province issued a notice to further strengthen community management during epidemic prevention and control.
They talk about, if an outbreak occurs in a rented house without a timely report, the leasing unit or individual of the house will be held accountable according to law.
And as I mentioned before, basically that means the death penalty if you deliberately try to infect somebody else with coronavirus by deliberately infected, that includes not being dragged away in these vans as we saw in the clip before the break.
I saw another video where they literally poured concrete to cover up the front door of somebody suspected to be infected with coronavirus.
And you know, you could make the argument that if it's such a serious situation, then those kind of measures are necessary.
And the WHO is praising them.
But when anyone else tries to impose any measures, this guy, as I mentioned in the article, says that that shouldn't take place because some people might get offended.
This is the Director General of the World Health Organization headline.
WHO demands countries not impose travel restrictions to avoid fear and stigma.
He said, Travel restrictions can have the effect of increasing fear and stigma with little public health benefit.
Where such measures have been implemented, we urge that they are short in duration, proportionate to the public health risks, and are reconsidered regularly as the situation evolves.
So he's saying that imposing any kind of travel restrictions will create stigma But 22, at least 22 countries have already imposed travel restrictions.
Of course we saw Mongolia closing their border with Russia.
We saw Israel shutting down its flights.
We saw Russia closing its border with China.
We've seen many American airliners now cancelling all their flights in and out of China.
So people are, countries, or in some cases airliners, companies, Or ignoring the WHO.
I just saw that companies Hyundai have stopped all production of cars in South Korea with parts from China.
So you've got companies doing that too.
Zero Edge comments that this is happening at the same time as China is blocking travel to Macau and enforcing martial law almost nationwide.
Since when did the WHO not err on the side of caution?
This is stunningly irresponsible advice.
But again, as we highlighted last week, they said exactly the same thing.
The organization cautioned against any actions that would quote promote stigma or discrimination.
Of course, on the flip side of that, you've had media outlets in the West saying that anybody who talks about the Extravagant dietary habits of Chinese people is also spreading racist conspiracy theories and that they should be censored and that they should be banned, despite peer-reviewed academic studies now confirming that bats were the origin of the coronavirus.
They don't know for sure, but there have been two major academic studies that have suggested that.
We know for a fact that bats were the source of both SARS in Asia and the Ebola outbreak in Africa.
But if you dare talk about that, then you're spreading a racist conspiracy theory.
Of course, we had Zero Hedge banned over the weekend for suggesting that that virology research unit situated 10 miles from the source of the outbreak, maybe that had something to do with it.
You can't even say that anymore.
They got banned for Twitter for that.
But now the WHO is once again saying that hurt feelings are more important than stopping a global pandemic, apparently.
All right, in the article, what would it take for the cherished sanctity of the mass movement of people to be challenged?
A global pandemic?
Hundreds of thousands of dead people?
Is avoiding hurt feelings more important, it seems, to the WHO?
It indeed is.
Meanwhile, on the subject of social media censorship, I just mentioned it there, because Zero Hedge got banned for Some say doxing one of the virologists that worked in the Wuhan research facility, even though his information was publicly available, others say it was for harassment.
But the guy who wrote the BuzzFeed article that got them de-platformed, because that's what they do routinely, of course, they say, they go to these social media companies and say, doesn't this violate your policy?
Doesn't this violate your policy?
Their entire career now seems to be based around abusing their position as a, quote, journalist to get their competition banned and censored.
This is a headline out of Cernovich.com.
Racism and pedophile jokes of BuzzFeed reporters' history of vile tweets.
We mentioned this the other day.
This was Ryan Broderick, BuzzFeed writer, who basically got Zero Hedge Deplatform banned on Twitter.
So they did some digging into his previous tweets, in which he said, quote, Mr. President, can you please pass legislation legally defining the difference between us good-natured hebephiles and amoral pedophiles?
What is a hebephile?
It's somebody who is attracted to minors, teenagers, pubescent teenagers.
There are other tweets.
There's another tweet where he said, quote, "Every movie should open with a scene where a child watches Rob Lowe
have sex."
These tweets from BuzzFeed's Ryan Broderick are now being deleted.
He posted other texts on his blog where he's talking about, quote, you could post nothing but minus the bear and child pornography.
Some of those blogs have now been deleted, but a lot of this is still on Twitter.
He faces no action whatsoever.
Meanwhile, a headline here out of Fox News, Comfortably smug, Twitter account suspended for harassment.
Twitter suspended an account popular among Young Conservative Monday for violating the site's abuse and harassment policies.
And this was comfortably smug.
What did they do to violate Twitter's policies?
They suspended the account after it tweeted, Where's Hunter, fat?
In response to another tweet about 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden's grandchildren being in Iowa for the caucuses.
Of course, Biden himself said that during a campaign event when he appeared to address an audience member at one of his events by saying, look fat.
But the Twitter account that made reference to this as a joke and used the word fat was suspended by Twitter.
I think it's now back online, but again another example of the absolute double standard.
Meanwhile, the Post Millennial Report's exclusive, pedophiles are using Twitter to share child porn.
This is something we've talked about before.
There are whole networks of Twitter accounts called MAPS, Minor Attracted Persons, which are basically pedophiles who say, oh, I would never molest a child, but I'm just going to admit to being attracted to them, and that's my sexuality, so you should tolerate it.
Thousands of those people are allowed to operate on Twitter.
Nothing is done about it.
A new investigation by the Post Millennial reveals that the distribution of child pornography is happening in plain sight.
Of course we had this on YouTube, of course last year that went on for years with pedophiles organizing it into networks and highlighting segments of videos featuring children where they appeared in poses that turned on these monsters.
That took years to get rid of.
Meanwhile YouTube was banning people for their speech.
Article continues, while many believe the distribution of these illicit materials is relegated to the seedy underbelly of the internet, this belief is far from true.
On Twitter, pedophiles seeking to exchange child pornography and other child sex exploitation images are utilizing secret hashtags to signal their presence and interest to each other.
And it goes on to explain what some of those are.
These accounts are numerous and Twitter does little to crack down on their existence in spite of reports.
And I've seen many examples Where people try to target these accounts, call them out, highlight them to Twitter, and then the people who try to do that are themselves then suspended or banned by Twitter.
So Twitter has a huge pedophile problem.
They're doing nothing about it.
Meanwhile, they're suspending people for using the word fat.
Don't go away.
We'll be right back.
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Now I was talking about social media censorship again before the break.
Here's another article in the context of that.
This is from the Australia, Israel and Jewish Affairs Council who are not happy about certain people using TikTok.
The headline is anti-social media And it says there's a good chance you haven't spent a lot of time on the social media app TikTok.
Well, yeah, mainly because it's for teenagers.
However, its popularity is growing.
The Chinese-owned video app has been downloaded more than 1.5 billion times globally.
In 2019, it was downloaded more times than Facebook or Instagram.
And that means they're terrified about anyone who they don't control using it.
Even though TikTok is not really geared or designed for delivering news or commentary, they are absolutely terrified at certain people using it.
Who are those certain people?
Well, it goes on to mention far-right extremists Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson.
Who's the source of us being far-right extremists?
Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg, a truly independent arbiter, I'm sure you'll agree.
And followers of the hate group Proud Boys, and then it basically just lists a bunch of, like, actual neo-Nazis to lump us all in with the same thing.
So, even though I barely even use TikTok, I've probably got about 300 followers, now they're trying to get us deplatformed off that.
The people who aren't going to be deplatformed, though, are people on Twitter who celebrated Rush Limbaugh getting cancer!
So much for the tolerant left!
Verified leftists celebrate Rush Limbaugh's cancer on Twitter.
Does this violate any of their hate or harassment policies?
Doesn't look like it, because all these blue check marks who celebrated him getting cancer, their tweets all seem to still be there.
What a surprise!
None of them have been deleted.
Article reads, numerous verified leftists on Twitter reacted to Rush Limbaugh's announcement that he was suffering from advanced lung cancer by celebrating the news.
One of them, Johnny McNulty wrote, it's not cool to joke about Rush Limbaugh having cancer, you might jinx it.
Another individual, a writer and director called Javier Bergen, called Limbaugh an odious white supremacist scum of the earth and said his cancer should be celebrated as good news for Black History Month.
Bearing in mind that, as I just mentioned, an account was literally just suspended for using the word fact, But apparently if you celebrate somebody getting advanced lung cancer, that's completely within the terms of service.
Another person, Freddy Campion, said, seeing a lot of people celebrating the news about Rush Limbaugh, and I just want to say, good, carry on.
He's a GQ writer.
New York Times bestselling author Jamie Ford, again, these are all verified checkmarks on Twitter, reacted to Limbaugh's cancer by equating him with a fascist and commenting history is a harsh mistress.
John Taylor tweeted, it's only fitting that this cancer upon the world should be stricken by it.
Media Matters Oliver Willis reacted to the tragic news by calling Limbaugh a sexist.
And then there were numerous other individuals without blue check marks but who were just as enthusiastic about Rush Limbaugh dying.
One of them, Christopher Orloff, said, Again, these are the people who will assert the moral high ground at every available opportunity over you, but then literally clink champagne glasses when somebody gets a terminal illness.
Because they're the good guys, and they will remain on the platform.
Some good news out of Canada.
This is out of the Toronto Sun.
Trudeau walks away from regulating media.
Of course, we told you about this yesterday.
They were going to go ahead with the policy of forcing websites, including alternative media and small websites, to get licenses to operate in Canada, which would basically mean, of course, government permission to operate.
And that government permission could be removed at a moment's notice.
Well, now the article reads, it's one of the fastest reversals of government policy that I've ever seen.
On Sunday, the Trudeau Liberals were promising to bring in a licensing regime for news outlets and podcasters.
Again, government permission to use the internet to have a website.
By Monday, they were singing the praises of a free press.
It all started last week when a panel headed by Justin Trudeau himself to examine the future of media in Canada released their final report.
And then they had some interviews with some of the people behind this report.
There was a big backlash, and now, at least for the time being, it seems that they have stood down.
So that is at least some good news in terms of free speech coming out of Canada, which is not really known as a haven for free speech, is it?
Sky News reports Stretham terrorist father, I told him not to be naughty!
This is the terrorist who stabbed two people on the streets of London on Sunday.
This is the guy who was released halfway through his prison sentence, despite literally telling his girlfriend to behead her parents because they weren't Muslims, despite planning terror attacks, despite having material related to making bombs.
They released him halfway through a three-year, four-month sentence, just as the previous London terrorist, Usman Khan, was released halfway through his sentence.
Despite plotting to bomb the London Stock Exchange and murder then-London Mayor Boris Johnson, well now, the father of the Stratham terrorist, Sudarshan Mann, has told Sky News he spoke to his son a day before the attack and told him not to be naughty.
Now this sounds like absent parenting to the nth degree.
Faraz Khan, who left the UK three months ago, said he learned about his son's death from a cousin who messaged him.
He went on to say, I spoke to Sadesh one day before he passed away.
I didn't know he had become radicalized.
Well, that's interesting, isn't it?
Because we already know the fact that this guy was attempting to radicalize members of his own family by showing them ISIS and Al-Qaeda propaganda.
So either the father is lying or he's completely absent and he didn't know about that.
He went on to say his son would speak to him about religion and Islam.
He was reciting the Quran to me and he was translating that to me.
But he wasn't doing anything that would radicalise him, oh no.
This terrorist came out of Belmarsh prison.
I explained this yesterday, which is completely run by Islamic terrorists, basically.
Anyone who goes in there, who they get their teeth into, is radicalized and then they just release them again and then we get events like this.
And of course the prison population at Belmarsh, the Muslim prison population, is 30 percent.
That's doubled over the past five years.
And then you look at other prisons in London, Where the Muslim population is 42% or in some cases even higher.
Now the Muslim population of London officially is 12% so that means that Muslims in prison are over represented by a third or indeed a half.
It's a massive problem.
Nothing is really being done to stop it.
They're trying to pass new laws to get it done.
We'll see if that takes effect.
Meanwhile, RT reports radicalizing troops.
19-year-old rookie soldier named suspect in French police station knife attack after ISIS threat phone call.
This was a 19-year-old serviceman who was actually enrolled.
He tried to carry out a knife attack in the name of ISIS on a French police station.
They got a warning beforehand, but now they've literally got enlisted soldiers who have been radicalized by Islamic terrorist propaganda carrying out inside job attacks.
That's how bad the situation is in France.
That's going to wrap it up for the show.
War Room coming up next.
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And I'm not sure it's this virus.
in the world.
Something big's about to happen.
And I'm not sure it's this virus.
But we need to have our bases covered with the virus.
And, you know, I said I would talk about this because this is an important decision for all you out there to think about and decide what you're going to do.
This is in Congress.
This is 13 years ago.
And this is the company.
And when I got this information four or five days ago, I said, listen, are you sure you want me to do this?
Because you've got Department of Defense contracts.
You've got a lot of others.
They might mess with you.
No, no.
We're the owners.
We like what you're doing.
We've got a partnership with you.
We want people to know how important this is of the Department of Defense.
And congressional reports say that this product, NanoSilver, has been found to knock out SARS.
Well, no crap, Sherlock.
Of course it does.
Viruses, bacteria, you name it.
Nobody's selling 16 ounces of NanoSilver that's patented.
This is the top company in the U.S.
that we're... Not even a private label, this is something they developed with my dad.
The Immune Gargle.
But here's the deal.
Department of the Army Headquarters, United States Special Operations Command, Tampa Point Boulevard.
And it goes into Andrew C. von Edenbach, Commissioner of Food and Drug Administration.
And they go on to say that with antibiotic resistance and all the rest of it, we have found that this particular type of nanosilver is effective against SARS and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Then it goes on here.
The Texas A&M System Health Science Center.
And it says confidential because they don't want this type of stuff out for a lot of reasons.
And it goes over the fact and says, "Dear Secretary Ridge,"
and they go on to say the Office of Homeland Security, John B. Conley building, A&M's
running a whole secret project for the government.
And they say, "This particular nano silver we found in our trials, secret trials with
American biotech labs, was very effective.
This report is that the coronavirus, like the SARS, same family virus, Homeland Defense,
put out the data that our product could kill that one."
city above letter from the director.
director of Homeland Security, the secretary, Dr. Carlton, ex-surgeon general of Air Force,
a brilliant man who came up with the mobile hospital system.
We only received a copy of it because our testimony before Congress on malaria, and
it was included in the addendum of the testimony.
We never received a good copy, but we did get a copy, and it's worth reading, and it
goes on.
So, look, it's the grace of God that stuff like this happens.
This is the top company, folks.
And they're like, "No, just say who we are."
Robert Keith Muller, CEO, American Biotech Labs, LLC.
That's the big one.
They're the only ones that have approved, over-the-counter, super silver womb gel.
Do not take this internally.
This is super, well, let's just say what it is, poisonous to bacteria and viruses, which means it ain't too good for you, but it's better than dying, right?
So this goes on the hands and things.
It's a protective shield.
If you get cut or something, or your micro scratches, it seals it in.
But all the other products, they're all discounted right now during this crisis.
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