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Name: 20200113_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 13, 2020
2484 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones discusses various topics including record number of volcanoes erupting, censorship by big tech companies, vaccines and their cover-ups, textbooks teaching vampire rituals, and an upcoming interview with Richard Spencer. The speaker critiques the effectiveness of vaccines, mainstream media's promotion of vaccine safety, and the use of OMG Tax for IRS debt. Richard Spencer shares his views on topics such as authoritarianism, white people being under attack, and the need for open discussions with those who have differing opinions. He believes that whites are under attack and criticizes corporations for pushing a narrative of imminent race war and apocalypse. The show also discusses various news topics such as sudden volcanic eruptions, Iran police shooting at protestors, Australian and California bushfires attributed to arson jihad rather than climate change, and social media analysis regarding disinformation campaigns.

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Coming to you live from planet Earth.
Broadcasting Intergalactic.
Going interstellar and interdimensional.
I am Alex Jones, your host.
This is the year 2020.
2020 with 294 days left until the historic election. Thank you for joining
us on this Monday January 13th 2020 transmission.
I'm gonna be live here for the full four hours.
All right.
I've tried to do this a thousand times and always fail just to even read the top headlines to you.
But I'm going to try it again today.
You know, there's so many huge breaking stories.
Record number of volcanoes erupting around the planet.
Some climate activists are blaming it on human activity.
Record number of earthquakes exploding as well.
Meanwhile, official textbooks in California teach children how to drink blood in vampire sex rituals.
In the official textbook, vampirism is a recognized loving group.
And of course, we have mega-massiveness that I should just stop and focus everything on.
But I'm not going to until the fourth hour.
A two-day official UN summit with the director of the World Health Organization and the director of science, and their other sub-directors admitting that vaccines are killing people en masse, and a giant concerted cover-ups of that, and that the frontline medical staff, doctors and nurses, know they're hurting people, but the frontline is wobbly, and it's not for vaccination.
At the cover-up, Is collapsing.
I mean, how huge is that?
Three reports we filed since Friday.
It banned on video on that.
And yeah, a couple of them got 200,000 views, which is great for independent platform.
If we still had our old YouTube channel up, that would have like 10 million views right now.
We'd really be warning some people.
So my greatest frustration is we've got the money shot.
We've got the coup de gras.
We've got the kill shot.
I mean, we have their asses.
In their meetings, this is, a lot of the activists have seen this, they say, this has got to be a deep fake.
Until they follow the link below to 20 hours of it.
They did not know this was going to be released.
Someone released it on the 20th on the UN website, but hidden.
And it got downloaded last week by activists who we've linked to their reports.
And it's just incredible that YouTube is taking down the raw video.
It's like they take down Jeffrey Epstein information.
They are taking down the raw video of the UN heads admitting talk about evil.
That's what big tech serves is just absolute complete evil.
They are there to make sure no one can expose what's happening and when stuff like this comes out, People are so conditioned, they go, oh, it's just a deep fake.
Yeah, 20 hours of it's a deep fake.
There's all the admissions you ever need.
And then we have the head UN scientist, the head of the WHO, in TV productions from last year, saying, save and effective never hurt anybody.
So that's coming up.
We have the individual that I believe is controlled opposition, Richard Spencer on the show today as well.
You know, the okay to punch a Nazi guy.
I don't think it's okay to punch anybody who hasn't punched you first.
But my guy just reeks of being synthetic.
He'll be on with us.
And just so much more.
Congress just woke up to something really big, finally, that around 90% of our drugs are made by the Chycoms.
Oh, you didn't know that.
Stay with us.
If you understand the strength of righteousness, that just simply means conforming to God's plan, then you know why the enemy seeks to corrupt us at every front and trick us by increment to turn loose of common sense that God gave us.
Because it's like armor falling away from your soul, from your body, a hedge, a wall of protection, spiritually.
Interdimensionally, under law.
Universal law.
So that once the walls are gone, once the drawbridge is down, once the main gate's been blown off its hinges, this force in the universe of evil can have its way with you.
We have a lot of news and information to obviously cover today.
And I also want to be able to open the phones up in the second hour.
Richard Spencer, other than David Duke, is one of the most famous white nationalists, white supremacists in the world.
And I do not believe David Duke is a Fed.
I do not believe David Duke is an operative for the deep state.
I don't agree with David Duke on a lot of things.
But for the media to demonize David Duke and call him the worst person on earth, because he is racially based when all the minority groups are being taught to be just as racist, but that's supposedly acceptable, is a fraud.
And I'm not here defending David Duke.
David Duke's attacked me before.
But with Richard Spencer, the guy is as phony as a $3 bill.
And I'll just say that up front.
He wants to come on the show, And I'll say it, he acts and looks and behaves, and his M.O.
is just like somebody that's controlled opposition.
I don't have proof of that.
Anymore that, you know, when I'm driving down the street and I see a coyote running down the side of the road, that's a coyote.
You're like, well, are you an expert?
Have you sampled its hair and taken a look?
No, I mean, I know what a damn coyote looks like, okay?
So, I know how a duck walks, I know how it quacks, I know how it acts.
Am I an ornithologist?
Am I a scientist of birds to tell you that something's a green-headed mallard and that one's a male?
No, I just know it because I read a book on it.
But we're going to discuss his attacks on Trump and the view of all places defending Richard Spencer.
Last week, so I hope he shows up.
Steve Pchenik wrote a powerful article back a few years ago.
Controlled opposition behind Charlottesville rally and it gets into the leader of that.
I mean, maybe Spencer isn't an operative.
Maybe he just plays right into their hands on so many fronts, but a lot of these white supremacist groups are operatives.
So there, I've thrown it out there.
I'm not going to sneak attack the guy.
And I'll let him talk.
I'm going to try to shut up and let him have at least half the time.
And then I'm going to host the fourth hour today on news that when I saw it up here on Friday evening, I was just dumbfounded.
And we stayed up here late, Rob Do and I, to get that report done.
We did another report on Sunday.
Because it's just stunning.
And you could take each clip of the seven or eight that we put in our reports and talk for a whole show about it.
I mean, normally just one of these people saying what they said would be international news.
But of course this broke on Friday and there's been almost no coverage of it.
And it's the head scientist of the UN saying vaccines are killing people, we've been covering it up, and none of them are tested, and it's getting worse, and the people are turning against us.
And then it's the head scientist over the World Vaccine Program saying adjuvants are hurting people, we've got to stop lying about it, and we need to take the adjuvants out.
And there's no surveillance over what these companies are producing.
And this is a recipe for disaster.
And then they cut to the head scientist in Nigeria who runs the Nigerian program.
And he talks about all the devastation they're seeing and that this is absolutely two plus three plus four.
And he says, plus there's no studies of this, not to mention we're giving our children in the first year and a half more than 50 vaccines.
And we don't have any idea how those interact together.
There's no studies on that.
Because you know they tell you there's been all these studies and it's safe and effective.
It's all a load of crap.
But vaccines worldwide have been given diplomatic immunity.
And so now drug companies have piggybacked on that.
They've got all these new classes of things that are injected into you that aren't classic vaccines.
They're recombinant DNA reprogramming mutagens and live viruses that eat certain nerve ganglia in the brain.
I mean, it's some scary stuff.
It's Dr. Frankenstein meets Event Horizon.
And they're just And you watch all these scientists who didn't know this was going to be released because they say things on the video.
We've now gone over the 20 hours of it.
It's linked on Bandot Video under our report to the full video on the UN site before they take it down.
And they're talking about, you know, if the public finds out about this, if the public finds out about that, In this internal meeting that they released a video of.
And I thought about this last night.
I said, you know, I think one of these top scientists ordered this posted.
Because they're really telling on the whole thing in this video.
You see the head of the WHO, the head scientist, she's on TV a month before saying, safe and effective, take them, don't listen to people that tell you they're dangerous.
Everything's safe.
And then she's in internal videos going, man, we got a major crisis on our hands.
That's Megabomb Show.
This is the biggest health scandal ever.
You know, back in the 50s, they gave millions of American women and French women and British women and German women a type of tranquilizer.
And it caused hundreds of thousands of children to be born with tiny little arms and legs.
You know, but they admitted it and pulled the drug off the market.
There have been thousands of drugs that they've pulled.
But see, not vaccines.
They don't ever pull any of them.
They just keep giving them to you and telling you nobody ever got hurt.
And you've heard all the news channels arrest people that say this.
Take their children.
Take their property.
It's a lie.
It's a hoax.
Nobody ever got sick.
You need to be arrested.
You're going to get people sick.
Well, wait a minute.
If you've taken all these wonderful vaccines that are as good as mother's milk or pumpkin pie, Then you're covered, right?
Oh, and it's the same left saying, open the borders and bringing people from the third world who are absolutely infested with communicable diseases.
And then when there's outbreaks of those in vaccinated populations, they point their finger at us and say, it's our fault, even though later you read the fine print.
And they go, well, the big outbreaks in New Jersey and New York were from illegal aliens brought in from Central and South America.
Yeah, no kidding.
Because it's new strains of all those diseases and the vaccines aren't gonna do jack frickin' squat.
The flu shot, I'm gonna explain this again, has never been effective.
They admit they've never the year before guessed the flu mutation for the next year.
And it does nothing because the family of viruses are so diverse.
You have to get the exact Mutation of a virus, that exact virus, for a vaccine to work.
So they just play this dumb game.
They go, oh, you just don't believe vaccines are a science.
Yeah, I know they're a science.
Just like all these other technologies, and a lot of them get your ass killed.
Including two people that work in this office had their children die from vaccines.
And the cover-up is coming down, so thank God.
That's in the fourth hour, but I'm gonna hit all the other huge news when we come right back.
Please stay with us, and please tell folks to tune in.
That's how we get the message out, only through you.
We are back live.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
On this live, January 13th, 2020, Monday transmission.
All right, I started to do this at the start of the broadcast, but let me just go over some of the news now.
And then at the start of the next segment, I'm gonna get into some big tech surveillance news that hasn't broken yet, but that is actually in the terms of service of Android, Apple, and others.
So I'm gonna hit that coming up next segment.
And in the segment after that, I'm gonna get into the unprecedented volcanoes Why are volcanoes all over the globe suddenly shooting giant clouds of ash miles in the air?
Why are there all these earthquakes suddenly?
What is causing all of that?
And we've got a pretty good idea and it's not humans.
So we're going to be going through everything on that subject here today.
Let me just mention the news here on the stack though.
Defense Secretary Esper, U.S.
wants to discuss steps for Iran to become normal country without precondition.
That is a very good thing.
Iran police shoot at those protesting plane shoot down.
Isn't that amazing that Iran just admitted on Saturday, okay, we shot it down with two TOR missiles.
The day after it happened, we had the TOR missile photos.
The shrapnel from them, the large pieces of the projectile, it pierces into the aircraft, it's hard, and the back middle part explodes.
The middle section has the explosive and the back has the propellant of the missile.
And it was the exact missile we said.
We were the first to say it.
A TOR missile, shot down, thought that it was a U.S.
I mean, this is a war zone.
Iran shot a couple of airliners down back during the Iran-Iraq war.
So that's all confirmed now.
The really big news, obviously, is that Trump authorized Soleimani's killing seven months ago with conditions, NBC News is now reporting.
And Trump's ready to release the document.
He was on a kill list and they brought it to him and said, are you ready?
He said, yes, with conditions.
So the idea that he did this as a wag the dog situation is not true.
Also, Congress questions countries' reliance on Chinese drugs, possible cancer-causing ingredients.
Really big report on that.
China makes the majority of our drugs.
And then they dump deadly fentanyl.
That's the number one killer in the U.S.
right now.
That's right.
Number one cause of unnatural death is just fentanyl alone.
It's surpassed automobile accident deaths.
That's our TICOM friends, our little friends.
Look at him right here.
He's a sweet guy.
Such a nice feller.
And then I mentioned this yesterday, but I want to get more into it today.
California eighth graders taught anal bondage, sex involving blood, in sex ed class.
Well, actually, it's vampirism.
When you actually go to the textbook, it's called blood play, drinking blood.
So that's the externalization of the real cult.
They're engaged and that's a NationalFile.com story.
And since the report came out, since the report came out a few days ago, they're now saying they're going to pull the textbook.
That's, that's who runs things.
That's who's running our civilization, our society.
This isn't being done by accident.
Same folks that run Drag Queen Story Time that's really fat pervert in a dress with clown makeup on having access to your children time.
So that's all coming up.
Meanwhile, Muslims attack transgender.
That's okay because we're supposed to have the weird leftist crazed pervert society that's bringing in Islam and the two are supposed to live together in peace.
That's going to be quite explosive and already is.
Also, data shows that Trump's trying to target women more in his advertising because he's slipping with women.
That's because they won't allow any female engagement that's pro-Trump on Facebook or on Twitter.
It doesn't matter how many ads Trump runs.
Women that go to the shooting range and say, I like Trump or wear a Trump hat get banned on Facebook or warned and their photos get taken down.
Or Trump tries to run ads that say we're looking for strong women and Facebook banned that.
Saying people that weren't women saw the ad and it hurt them to hear about women.
Just like city buses in a major U.S.
city last week.
And London's doing it.
Ban the word mother.
And ban the word female.
And ban the word girl.
These are all being banned because those are the new n-words too.
And you're like, that sounds like a joke.
No, it's a scientific takeover.
Meanwhile, Pelosi is still holding back and not giving the articles of impeachment to the Senate even though they're demanding them.
That's coming to a head this week.
Facebook glitch reveals Greta Thunberg's father posing as teenage climate activist.
Not just posting articles, but posing as if it's her, but then there was a glitch showing his ID and then it was him.
Yeah, she's 16 years old, looks like a deranged nine-year-old.
She looks like, you know, like one of the little brats or something from Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.
She has serious Asperger's, they admit she's autistic, and she is a victim, an autistic child wound up with hate.
So again, uh, how dare you!
I will line you up!
You're going to take control of you!
Only the West must have its energy systems shut down!
China, all the power to them!
And of course, it's her Antifa parents who are Antifa.
And they've got their autistic daughter that they just shove out there at the world, poor thing.
But don't worry.
Don't worry, idiocracy, the great Mike Judge film has come true.
Elon Musk is advertising his new cars, saying they'll be like Siri, they'll be able to talk to you, but you'll be able to hit a button and it'll make a fart noise instead of a horn.
And he knows what you want.
The number one show for 50 seasons was Oh My Balls.
And he's coming out now with, I guess, a toilet in the seat so you don't have to use the bathroom either when you're watching television.
Now that's a joke, but that's what's coming next in the idiocracy system.
And speaking of the devil, when we return on the other side of this break, Apple admits to a lot of really serious criminal activity, but they're just normalizing it all because it's part of the takeover.
It's not just Apple.
So, what do you think the next shoe to drop is?
And what's hiding in plain view?
We'll talk about it all on the other side of this quick break.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
So, the social engineers think we're all a bunch of dumb little hayseeds that are caught all shooks clopping along here.
And then if we saw a real threat telling us it was going to do something bad to us or our neighbors or our families, we'd roll up our sleeves and we'd kick their ass.
But If it's done scientifically, if it's hidden in the genetic code of say an Ebola virus that's alive but been altered and injected into our body as an FDA approved vaccine a month ago.
Well, how do we know that's safe or effective when there's not even studies on the adjuvants?
And the vaccines and what they're doing, and the UN admits that.
And there's all this clear damage happening.
And now, they're trying to pass bills all over the US to make you take vaccines.
But see, what about the Trojan horses built in to the internet and built into those devices?
What about that?
You see, there's been a clear infrastructure and a plan of the internet to merge with humans since it
was developed and built.
And I've shown you the 1962 founding DARPA plan.
We've done reports on that and that's not debatable.
That's a fact.
And then when they passed the Telecommunications Act of 96, they said smartphones are coming out and by law they'll all be tracked with Geolocation down to a few square feet and the company's got caught building in software and systems to listen to you and create word files of everything you ever say or do when the phone is on.
But then to get you to accept that so they can openly use it.
Oh Siri, tell me this.
Oh Alexa, tell me that.
And Elon Musk comes out and says, oh, I'm gonna have a computer that talks to you in my new cars, and it'll make fart noises with you.
That's an actual headline today.
More human than human, but not human at all.
And so people say, well, that's not a problem.
That's not gonna be a big deal.
I have nothing to hide.
Well, it isn't that you don't Have anything to hide?
It's that this is being built to create a post-human system and to take away every human action you do.
And the creators of it admit it's meant to make you alone, depressed, unhealthy, and to commit suicide.
And all the studies and statistics show that.
The more you use the devices, the more you interface with it, the more lonely, the more unhealthy, the more neurological disorders, the more suicide.
And it's only getting worse.
So I thought I'd just set the table with that before I break some big news here.
And I saw this a few months ago, and I saw it a few weeks ago, and the fact is I have one of these devices because of its uses, but I know what it does when I put it in a Faraday cage, when I'm not using it.
it, this little block of pockets we sell at InfoWareStore.com.
But have you noticed that if you have a Droid or you have an Apple, particularly Apple,
that for a couple years it's been doing this, but now it's getting really good at it.
It takes your photos of, say, your baby, or your wife, or your husband, or a certain trip you went on, and it puts together really good timelines that are as good as a human can do.
I mean, some of these look like Steven Spielberg directed them.
With the music and just how they do things right at the perfect time.
And then your baby daughter says one little thing right at the end.
And I went back and looked on my wife's phone at this, at the thousands of photos and videos.
And it, I mean, it really picked the very best stuff.
Very, very frightening.
And the point is that's not being done locally on the phone.
This is just the interface to the big AI system.
It's being done in Beijing, where the main computers for Apple are held.
And so when you go and you see an Apple headline like, oh, we only go through your photos to look for child abuse.
Oh, really?
And what's the reporting system on that?
See, there's this whole infrastructure, but really that's not what it is.
It's matching up with other people That have phones, and integrating those together, and creating whole timelines of where you go, what you do, with machine learning, with face scanning technology, that knows who the child's siblings are, and knows who your friends are, and then it can use that through Facebook databases to track whole groups of people, and where you went, and where you go.
And private corporations can go, and the New York Times can buy from Facebook a database of everybody you ever associated with, and then they call those people up, And say, hey, did Alex Jones ever do anything to you?
And they're like, I only met him at a party once for like five minutes.
How do you know that?
Well, you're in a Facebook photo with him.
I mean, that's just an example of what they can do with this and how you're thinking, oh, it's the machine.
It loves me.
There's this nice little video and text and photo album that puts together without asking you and says, here's your baby in the last six months.
And it's AI with your photos stored on a cloud in your business, in your life, and now making you obsolete because it's editing this together for you, and it's showing you the beauty in your life.
It's deciding, though, what beauty you do see.
So that's an example of the level of the surveillance, and it's admittedly going on, but Tim Cook says, oh, you can trust me.
Here's a headline.
Smile with your eyes.
How to beat South Korea's AI hiring bots and land a job.
Oh, the bots decide whether they're going to hire you or not.
See, the computers are in full control.
Apple apologizes for letting contractors eavesdrop on Siri sex recordings.
That was last year.
Terrifying or not to fear, Apple admits to scanning user photos, presumably only to hunt for child abuse.
Oh, and to put those little albums together for you, because people are involved in that as well.
Apple admits giving governments access to thousands of iPhones and other devices.
Oh, yes.
They're in China, folks.
They've given access to everything.
Then you've just got to ask, what's wrong with big tech's eyes?
Don't worry, though.
Walmart expands its robotic workforce.
To 650 additional stores.
The robots surveil you, they restock, they do everything and they're getting rid of the checkout lanes.
It's all robot and soon you'll just have a chip.
Again, they're building a prison planet and saying we're obsolete and the world doesn't need humans anymore and telling us it while we march into oblivion.
Why would any of us want to go along with this?
And as humans discover that, the people that work in big corporations, people that work high level at the UN, the people that work in Hollywood, it's going to go from people not knowing to knowing, but a lot of folks are going to join it just because they're scared, hoping that it just appeases the crocodile and that it eats them last.
But that's not how the universe works.
So here's the takeaway from this.
Everything you do, He's being surveilled to make you obsolete and to literally build a world that doesn't need or want humans.
In fact, build a world where humans' existence is threatening the machines.
And the globalists have said everywhere they're going to merge the machines and they're going to be gods.
What they are is delusional fools that have signed on to Satan's tricks.
We live in incredible times, so if you love your children, if you love yourself, and you love common sense, stop using the cloud, turn it off on every device, buy an old-fashioned camera, and start getting away from this beast system.
Because it should become more and more evident very, very quickly that being part of it doesn't give you advantages, but it undercuts you and sabotages you with these evil corporations.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen.
And if you're a radio listener, you've heard me talk some about The record volcanic eruptions that are taking place around the world.
But if you're a TV viewer, you can see some clips of the eruptions across the world.
From Northern Europe to Southern North America and Mexico to Central America to South America to the Pacific Rim across Asia, Africa, Greece, Italy.
Northern Europe.
Big Michael Snyder article up on Infowars.com.
It says, why are volcanoes all over the globe suddenly shooting giant clouds of ash into the air?
Well, we know why.
The poles of the planet have been dramatically shifting in the last decade and are moving the fastest since we started getting accurate readings of the poles about 200 years ago.
And that means that the electromagnetic interactions between the planet and the Sun on the magma and nickel core of the planet are manifesting in more tectonic Activity up through the core into the mammal and into the crust.
And so some environmental groups have come out and said, oh, we're having more earthquakes and more fires in general and volcanoes because of human activity.
Well, you can argue that with the fires, but you can't do that with the volcanoes.
And they always say climate change is man-made and we're denying climate change.
Well, climate change is the only constant.
But to say that mankind and all of our fossil fuel behavior has any effect compared to the sun just isn't true.
And it isn't true that the majority of scientists, almost 100% as Jane Fonda said last week, Remember, they should say 100%, but that got disproven.
It'll be the majority that they put at UN events and functions will tell you that climate change is man-made when the studies show not even one half of 1% of climate change is caused by humans and fossil fuels.
And one big volcano will put out more fossil fuel, more carbon dioxide, and other gases than humans in a whole year.
These are massive.
When Mount St.
Helens blew up, was it 1980?
The sky was darker for several years.
Incredible sunsets that affected the temperature of the planet.
Many studies showed up to several degrees lower.
Now I know listeners and viewers know all this and the scientists all know this as well.
But the idea that we live on a changeless planet and that any change is our fault is absurd.
And the idea that If we pay carbon taxes to the literal Rothschild family and the British Roe family, that's the main carbon exchange, and then the Chicago exchange owned by Obama, he's a big owner of it, then that'll save the earth, is a fraud.
Especially if you believe that carbon dioxide is so evil a trace gas.
Well, if China has unlimited release of it, nobody wants to cut theirs, why do we have to cut ours?
Because it's about economic warfare.
It's about control.
And it's about dumbing people down with the superstition, like the ancient Aztecs and the ancient Druids and others did, saying, the sun didn't come back today because you've been evil, so do what the priesthood says.
And people would believe that they were at fault and would do whatever the priest class said, even unto giving the priest class their children in every culture for human sacrifice.
In the Old Testament, Abraham Stops the practice of human sacrifice.
When God says, get your son up here and kill him, your firstborn, that son you wanted so bad, and then God stays his hand or the angel stays his hand.
That's because in every other culture and society, that's what went on.
Why are we back to this lust of killing babies and killing them after they're born and all the rest of this?
Because it's written into the code of the battle going on on this planet.
Pharaoh said, give me the firstborn of the Israelites.
This is history!
And the Bible says, give not your children the fires of Molech, lest you be cursed as a civilization.
And now textbooks In California, teach 8th graders how to be vampires and drink blood during sex.
Because they know that when they get you to do evil things, it allows the hedge of God's interdimensional force field to be removed, and then we become a domain of evil spirits.
What are evil spirits?
These things we can't see, but science now proves that they're something holding this dimension in that's many times stronger than the dimension that we're in, the dark matter.
What we can't see is many estimates 5, 10, 20 times stronger.
They can now read it with devices, and they've now proven all these dimensions below and above and around.
And there are entities.
Just like there are invisible electromagnetic waves from the Sun manipulating the core of the Earth, there are all of these unknown things and known things.
Endless varieties all around us.
And it's an electromagnetic, electrochemical, third-dimensional universe, and we're made out of carbon.
And carbon is good.
Anyone that tells you carbon is bad, we need to cut the carbon, is like a transmission from deep space.
Cuts your carbon.
If we didn't have the carbon, the planet would die.
Carbon dioxide, oxygen, water, and sunlight is the carbon cycle on this planet.
You remove any of those four things, the planet dies.
Carbon dioxide is a trace gas, lower than it's ever been in history.
And these people are trying to terraform And secret programs now partially declassified to reduce that number.
The Sahara Desert is expanding, the studies show, because of lower carbon dioxide from what it was 5,000, 6,000 years ago.
There aren't fossils of alligators and crocodiles and camels in the Sahara.
It's the bones of them!
Five, six, seven, eight thousand years old, in the middle of the Sahara Desert was a frickin' jungle!
Because plants grow faster, and are healthier, and have higher carbon dioxide.
The truth is, the planet's dying.
And right at the time we found the carbon, and started putting it back up in the atmosphere, God's planned for us to geoengineer and save the planet, right at this time!
They're trying to shut down that process that God had waiting for us.
Now whether you believe in God or not, you understand me?
That you can look at the studies of lower carbon dioxide and plants dying and deserts expanding?
And every policy that these chemtrails, these geoengineering programs are engaged in, of aluminum dioxide, barium salts, is doing everything to heat the planet up and actually lower carbon dioxide, and that this is systematically an attack on the planet.
If I was an alien species trying to take over the planet and trying to remove the current life on it, this is how I would do it.
Well, the Bible tells us that's exactly what it is.
And so we know what's causing this.
We're in an ever-changing planet.
It's always been happening.
Anybody that points it and says, oh, it's our fault, is a fraud and a liar.
The earthquakes are increasing.
You can talk about the fires and say, well, humans are doing that.
Humans usually make their environments better.
They've got big studies that show that before humans began to rake the forest, and every culture taking the wood and things for fires and cooking, That that caused firebreaks and would actually cause the greening of many areas.
And now the Aborigines are saying, you stopped us the last 50 years in Australia from cleaning the forest.
Scrubbing, it's what they call it.
Trump calls it raking.
The media makes fun of it.
And now that's what's causing massive fires to not be contained, is that humans haven't been allowed to do what they always do.
And now they're saying we're going to let them do that again.
And California is talking about fire breaks again.
John Bowne has a big report at Banned.video that gets into, is the fires a part of an Islamic attack?
We know a bunch of Muslims have been arrested here and in Australia setting the fires.
We're going to get to that report as well.
I'm going to end this hour.
Second hour is going to be a bunch of news, your calls.
We have an interesting guest, Richard Spencer, joining us for a discussion and debate in the third hour.
Fourth hour is going to be the biggest medical tyranny news the planet has ever seen and an over-the-top breakdown.
This is not a Spectator sport, this is a participation sport and information war.
They're now trying to move into even IP address bans.
The only way to defeat the globalists is while they're emerging with their takeover to expose them.
We're supposed to be censored off the air at this time.
We're not, thanks to you.
Spread the links to ban.video.
Newswars.com forward slash show is not as censored.
That's a link to the live show and the other shows you can send out in the podcast.
Newswars.com forward slash show.
Newswars.com forward slash show.
That is your mission if you choose to accept it.
Share that link.
Climate change?
Or arson jihad?
Make no mistake, the tragedy unfolding in Australia is climate change based.
Regardless of what the dunces televising from their Hollyweird bubble claim, the current fires in Australia and recently in California aren't simply a result of their UN Agenda 2030 directed Greta Thunberg promoted propaganda.
How dare you!
In fact, a recent Guardian article argues that even though 24 people were charged with deliberately lighting bushfires, it is in fact global warming that is completely responsible.
The Guardian writes, bot and troll accounts are involved in a disinformation campaign exaggerating the role of arson in Australia's bushfire disaster.
Social media analysis suggests This is further driven home in the article by the social media analysis of Dr. Timothy Graham from the Queensland University of Technology.
Graham claims the conspiracy theories going around, including arson as the main cause of the fires, reflect an increased distrust in scientific expertise, skepticism of the media, and rejection of liberal democratic authority.
The all-knowing champion of the Liberal Democratic Authority's narrative, Snopes, writes that the claim that nearly 200 Australians were arrested in late 2019 and early 2020 for deliberately setting bushfires was false, because even though the statement from the New South Wales police stated that since November 8, 2019, 183 people, including 40 juveniles, have been charged with 205 bushfire-related offenses.
The claim of nearly 200 is false, according to Snopes, because only 24 of those were deliberate.
If you apply this logic, then accidental and burn ban violations, which made up the rest of the number, are simply a part of the climate change narrative.
Human error is now swept into a pile with the climate change narrative propaganda.
Speaking of human error... The Cedar Fire was started by a lost hunter setting a signal fire.
At the time, at least 11 other wildfires were already burning in the region, and what followed in the hours and days ahead would change our county forever.
The firestorm ultimately claimed 15 lives, including a firefighter, and burned almost 2,400 homes.
Of course, the left would have us all believe that Sergio Martinez did it for climate change.
But no one wants to talk about the dirty secret that jihad has been and can be waged in the future through arson.
They have used car bombs and they've flown planes into buildings to cause massive pain and destruction.
Well now, Al Qaeda is telling its followers that the American Southwest, that means New Mexico, is like one big pile of kindling and the terrorists should burn it down.
Major changes could be on the way when it comes to security here on the campus of St.
Kate's in St.
This all comes after a former student is accused of lighting several fires across campus, all in the name of jihad.
And lo and behold, regarding the Australia bushfires, the Daily Telegraph reported Western Sydney teen Fadiz Raiqa One of the two teens accused of lighting a grass fire at a Guilford Park while bushfires ravaged New South Wales laughed outside the court today after appearing on multiple charges.
Breitbart reported that Karash Media, a media organization that supports the Islamic State, is encouraging ISIS followers to start wildfires in the US and Europe as a new way of waging jihad.
The media outlet had been distributing posters that said Ignite fires in the forests of America, France, Britain and Germany, for they are painful to them.
Glacier National Park removing those signs around the park stating all the glaciers would be melted by 2020.
Public opinion shouldn't be swayed by panic, disinformation and wasteful spending.
As Breitbart reported, the Taxpayers Association released the results of their annual wasteful spending poll earlier this week.
Declaring that climate policy had been the biggest waste of money, largely due to the fact that despite the spending, emissions in Sweden had actually slightly increased.
No doubt about it, I won't deny that drought and excessively dry areas lead to massive wildfires.
and the loss of a billion Australian animals and 29 Australians is a nightmare.
But succumbing to the will of the left's cherry-picking of the characterization of facts
only suppresses the bigger picture, and that leads us into an inferno.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
We are now in to the second hour of the January 13th, 2020 Monday transmission with 294 days left.
Well, we've covered the record level of earthquakes and volcanoes around the world and the fact that it's the magnetic poles moving and being affected by changes in the sun predominantly that is causing that.
I have a whole stack of articles here.
Where environmentalists say humans are causing the earthquakes and, of course, the volcanoes.
There's nothing these kooks won't say or do.
And meanwhile, we just aired a John Bowne report.
It's at ban.video in the John Bowne section.
Very important.
Needs to get out there.
Only way it will is if you share it.
Climate change or arson jihad.
And Snopes says that we lied.
There haven't been 200 arson arrests.
And the police didn't attribute most of the fires in Australia to arson, even though it was a press release from major state police departments.
And they admit we're right.
They just say it's misinformation.
That's like when they said in Snopes, with the big fires last year, they said Trump is wrong.
No one rakes the forest.
Ho ho ho ho ho!
Well, that's because they know that their Democrat supporters mainly live in compact cities and don't know how the world really works.
And that all over the world, every culture from Africa, from Australia, from Europe to South America, that people build firebreaks.
Around their towns and homes and that they get the kindling out of the woods so there's not a bunch of fuel there.
So there is a lightning strike.
It burns through and doesn't build up a lot of heat to get those big giant 500 foot tall surges going.
That's called forest management.
Wildlife management.
You ever been in a national park that's in scrub brush or whatever and you see these big berms that bulldozers built decades before around the buildings?
You ever wondered why there's... In fact, Rex, when he was like 11 years old, he goes, Daddy, are those fort walls around this national park down in Big Bend?
He's like, because somebody could climb right over that wall.
Is that like a fort wall?
Like the military?
And I said, no, son, that's against the enemy fire.
That's a fire break.
Like in ships, they build bulkheads to stop water flooding from one to the rest of the ship, but also to stop fires.
That's why a lot of houses under zoning have a firewall.
Or if you're in a duplex or apartment complex, there's by law, firewalls.
Big special walls that are fire resistant to stop it from burning one and then jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping.
This is all just basic Engineering literacy of a five-year-old.
But see, people aren't taught how to do that anymore.
But you go down to the Mesoamerican farmers that have been growing corn down there for 10,000 years, and you'll see around every town, every little village, in the woods, and in the forest, in the rainforest, where they've cut the firebreaks.
It's because everybody knows it.
But again, Snopes and everybody says, we're crazy.
It doesn't exist.
But it was a funny thing.
I saw this article on CNN this weekend.
Oh, the Aborigines know how to stop the fires.
And I knew before I read it, it'd be, oh, the Aborigines build fire breaks.
There it is.
Indigenous people have a solution.
Oh, the country's bushfires.
And it's been around for tens of thousands of years.
Oh, but wait a minute.
Should I play Colbert and Fallon and everybody else making fun of Trump for raking the forest?
Because that's what you do.
But see, we use coal power now from electricity to electricity, so people don't have the wood stove going anymore.
But used to people just naturally cleared it all out.
And look, I know to our audience, it's like I'm telling you two plus people's four and they go, Alex, we know this.
We all know it.
I know I'm talking to new listeners who are like in a high rise in downtown Austin or high rise in New York.
And they literally think that in Texas, we ride horses to work and that we have outhouses.
No, we have secret nuclear reactors and cyclotrons and superconducting super colliders and antimatter weapons bases and giant nuclear weapons stockpiles down here.
And this is actually the state that runs the whole damn planet.
So, I mean, you know.
But again, for somebody in a high-rise tube, they just don't know that.
They're like, I'm out here going out to milk the cows every day.
And that's a great thing, by the way.
If you can live like that, that's the most healthy and best way to live.
But the level of ignorance of the trendies and how they don't know which side is up is very, very dangerous.
And the globalists are playing on that and using that and manipulating it.
And so Paul Watson links directly to the police department press releases and to newscasts about Muslims being arrested and indicted for setting fires, they believe, and they're laughing outside the courts.
And Muslims are posing in front of Notre Dame, laughing.
And The Guardian says, that's a fake photo!
Snopes says that that's a fake photo!
InfoWars puts out a fake photo!
That they got from Sputnik, the Russians, turns out.
Sputnik got it from a major photo public library, paid for it, and we carried it too.
But that's how they operate.
Hell, in just the last few months they've arrested 98 people.
But Snopes says it's a conspiracy theory.
And they're God.
They say it's false.
Nearly 200 Australians have been arrested in late 2019, early 2020, for deliberately setting bushfires.
And it links directly to it.
But see, they use that appeal to authority.
And the Infowars falsely did that.
Total lie.
But see, that's why they want us censored, so we can't even respond to them.
And when I was in the latest Sandy Hook depositions that are just being used as a way to try to bankrupt us and get into everything and misrepresent who we are, they had the Snopes woman there gleefully smiling uncontrollably going in the corner and then tweeting all this wild disinfo after.
Because imagine that they just hire these people and you look at their past, it's like, whoa.
And then say, you are the proletariat's god.
You are the commissar.
You are the judge and jury and executioner.
What you say is law, like you're Moses or something.
But that's how they operate.
Alright, I'm going to give the number out when we come back.
I'm going to open the phones up and I'm going to take your calls.
Richard Spencer, the white nationalist, whatever you want to call him, is going to be on the show and I've got a lot of questions and things for him.
There is a lot of other news we have not gotten to and a lot of breaking news as well that we'll get to when we come back.
A new InfoWars article by Jamie White.
Twitter removes cringy video of Prince Harry pitching Meghan Merkel to Disney CEO.
I mean, it's just sick.
All these little fawning pumps wanting to be famous.
Well, I thought you were royal.
Doesn't that make you powerful?
Oh, you're so... Oh!
You're from an inbred group of weirdo neurotics.
Let me worship you!
So, of course, he wants to be part of the rotting, pedophilic edifice that is, uh, that huge... facade... behind which these devils lurk that is Disney.
And of course, Facebook glitch reveals Greta Thunberg's father posing as his teenage mentally ill daughter.
Of course, he is.
It's all coming up.
Please do not forget that the new sales are here and they are providing you a chance to get products that really are amazing.
A palm block comes from a special type of bird.
Quail that has fed a special diet that creates a chemical compound that's natural that's been proven to really help reduce allergies.
And it's 40% off right now.
I would stock up on Pollen Block.
You should go research.
It helps enhance respiratory function.
Helps for healthy sinus function.
Promotes clear airways.
Promotes respiratory health and normal breathing.
Supports eye comfort and sinus health.
Give it a shot.
It funds the InfoWars so you can't lose.
Almost everybody that tries it says this is incredible.
It doesn't have all the chemicals, but it works even better.
Pollen Block.
Alright, I want to hit some important news right now, and then I want to go to a special report, then I want to open the phones up in the next few segments after that.
I have Richard Spencer joining us, and I'll be going directly to your calls on the volcanoes, on the impeachment situation coming up in the Senate.
Will she finally send the articles?
What do they do if she doesn't and violates the law?
What do you make of China producing the majority of our drugs?
What do you make of the situation with What's happening with Iran wanting to topple their leadership?
And what's unfolding there?
How far should the U.S.
go, if any, to support those people that are being mowed down with machine guns?
That is all going to be coming up and taking your phone calls on that subject.
And if you have any questions that you'd like to be relayed to Mr. Spencer when he shows up in the third hour here today.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-ALEX.
2539 and let's give first-time callers, that means if you ever called in but didn't get on the air, let's give first-time callers a chance to be on during this hour.
All right, those calls are coming up.
877-789-2539, 877-789-ALEX.
All right, those calls are coming up.
The establishment is obsessed with corrupting our minds and our cellular systems
with chemicals, biological, radiologicals to get us off kilter and destabilized
so they can basically do what it is they've been planning to do with the species
that is basically forcibly merge us with machines in a nightmare construction that is a giant
satanic ritual against humanity.
Now, I talked about this some yesterday, but I want to play a special report here in just a few minutes on it.
And the report is again at InfoWars.com.
It is a NationalFile.com story.
And the article is important, and it documents what's happening, and it shows they've now pulled it from the textbook because of pressure.
But it focuses on the anal sex, the bondage, and that.
But what it says is, body fluid or blood play.
Now, if you go into the definition of blood play, it is Part of the whole vampire kingdom.
And again, I'm not saying vampires are real.
I'm saying the spirit of people that set these systems up and the legends about vampires are based on groups of people going psychotic and behaving just like this.
That's why they've dug up in ancient Greece and Rome and Egypt.
People buried in walls, big mean adult men usually, that have steak shriveled to their hearts and metal stakes in all four arms and legs because they've been known to die and get back up, whatever's going on there.
And they always do the same thing.
Now Peter Thiel is quote, very, very interested in young people's blood.
That's an Inc.com article.
He knows there's huge money in it.
We're already the biggest exporter in the world of children's blood to the planet for rich people taking transfusions.
So this is already going on on an absolutely huge scale.
Here's the vampire lifestyle.
If you just type in blood play, here it is.
General beliefs, consumption of blood, sexuality and sexual practices.
Oh, it's like bestiality.
It's just another thing.
Sexual activity, which participants deliberately cut to release blood.
And so it's every form of evil being dumped out upon everyone right now.
And full-grown women posing as young boys to then go set up little girls.
But that's a new sexual fetish the media is defending.
And sterilizing your children.
This is all just pure evil because there's an energy release both physically and metaphysically when they do this.
So here's John Bowne's report.
I've known that vampirism, the drinking of blood, is at the heart of Hollywood.
I didn't know that from movies or anything.
I was in some movies, got involved, went there and had people tell me.
And then I saw it.
California textbooks are now teaching eight-year-olds, it broke today, it's on Infowars.com, to drink blood as a sexual preference.
And they teach them about blood play.
Mainline News will say it in Gillette commercials and on CNN, that if a man is at a mall, Or a man is at a movie theater, or a man is at a dance, and he goes over and says, I think you're very attractive, you're so amazing, would you like to dance?
That that's a form of assault.
Because normal human activity's bad.
But if it's unannounced in many cases, children taken in public schools and libraries and put on the laps in some cases of convicted pedophiles, convicted murderers come out.
Well, then it's beautiful and wonderful to have a big, fat, ugly man in a dress, grrrr, grabbing little kids.
That's the power of the media conditioning you to give in to things that are destructive because they've got even more horrible things coming.
They're searing your consciousness.
You know, they shouldn't teach it in school because they're forcing it on them, in a way.
And let the kids, you know, be kids and do their own thing.
However, others are in support of it.
I think the more diverse education we can offer, the more chance we have to inspire a diversity of students and future leaders.
They say the new sex ed program is two in a Appropriate, adding the curriculum sexualizes children as young as kindergarten age.
Last week, state education officials overhauled its sexual education guidance for public school teachers with gender identity and safe sex practices amongst other subjects being covered.
Now they say the main one that they are having a hard time with is the LGBTQ inclusive language and safe trafficking context which will be covered.
Some parents saying it's all too explicit for kids this young and too graphic.
Now this includes talking to kindergartners about gender identity, discussing masturbation in middle school, and teaching safe sex practices for LGBTQ high school students.
Here are some of the signs that some of these parents brought today to sort of talk about their opinion about this.
Mainly, parents are upset about the graphic and descriptive nature of some of the books included in the curriculum.
The book called Your Health Today has been put on hold in Fremont Unified School District.
It was assigned as a ninth grade health textbook.
But more than 2,000 parents and residents signed a petition calling for the book to be removed.
They're upset over how the book addresses things like sex games, sex toys, vibrators, handcuffs, and ropes.
If your kid goes to public school in California, if you don't want your five-year-old learning about transgenderism, Too bad.
Because the Director of Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources at the California Department of Education, her name is Stephanie Gregson.
She says, I think that people hear the word transgender or gender identity in guidance for kindergarten through grade three, and they think the worst.
It's really about civil rights issues.
Since when is bondage a civil rights issue, Stephanie?
California 8th graders taught anal bondage sex involving blood in sex ed classes.
Now, I saw that National File article that was posted up on newswars.com, and I thought, what the hell is blood play?
Now, when I've read about that, that's what vampires call it, when they're killing somebody or torturing somebody to death.
And sure as hell, I pulled it up, man, and it is what you do when you're killing somebody and playing in their blood, when they kill a baby or whatever, they're rolling around it and all that.
And so, you know, I did a little bit of research on that, and it was something I wanted to forget, and it was sure as hell going on.
Let me just add, these drag queens, work time people they keep busting, turns out they say they're vampires.
That's right, this is vampires coming after your kids.
That's it.
Throughout all of human history that's recorded, And now even unrecorded, we're digging up the archaeological areas and finding the same paradigm.
There are times when we begin to build civilization based on agrarian systems.
But then a priesthood within a few generations starts taking control, and within a few more generations, human sacrifice and annihilation begins.
Then that population is exploited to take over the next population to build an empire.
Then it becomes so anti-human and so destructive it begins to collapse back into the jungle or desert from which it
And when people start to adopt this, it's "Oh, be tolerant, live and let live."
But then as soon as this group replicates itself and gets into control and power of any race, color, creed, we're all the same, same paradigm.
It then comes after the children and tells you, you must conform to it.
It's not tolerant at all!
And for the diversity of the future, we're here to groom your children.
You heard that quote priest with his rainbow flag around him and he wants to spend some time with your children.
He wants to help enrich their life.
He wants to make sure they get on the right path.
He wants access to them in that school, and you don't have a damn thing to say about it.
California's saying they're going to inoculate children without parental consent.
Pass the law to do it.
They say they're coming for your children at every level.
This is their system.
We're going to go to your calls right now.
I just want to say that the big mega year-end sale is over.
And I have told you that in this new year, the biggest sales we're ever going to be able to have are 40% or so because I'm not going to just increase the prices of things and then cut the price of it to say there's a bigger sale.
I'm not doing that gimmick that so many others do.
But I was talking to one of the office managers crew last night.
And I was talking about how we're sold out of Supermill Vitality and how it takes three months to make more of it.
It's a proprietary process by a famous outfit in Utah.
We probably label it from them as a particular recipe of known herbs that increase libido, stamina, so many other things.
And because it's cold-pressed, it takes three to five times more of the herbs, but it's got that living essence in it and really blows people away.
Well, the super male vitality is sold out, but here's a little secret.
The super female vitality, women just want to buy something that says it's for women.
So it's a little bit different formula, but it works just as good for men.
And some men like it better.
I've taken both.
They're both excellent, but it's for men and women, and it's still 60% off.
But at that sales rate, we'd sell out of it in a couple weeks.
So we're going to run that for one week at 60% off, and you need to experience it if you've never experienced it for men and women.
40% off.
Lung cleanse.
It's very thick though.
Sometimes the sprayer gets clogged up.
You have to put it under hot water because it's not just a bunch of alcohol and thin crap.
It's very thick.
Essential oil is amazing.
In fact, I want some right now.
My bottle ran out.
This is a new one.
I need to open that and spray it in my throat with all the pollen that's in the air.
It's the best system out there.
It's 40% off.
We have pollen block.
It's from special quail that are given a special proprietary diet, and then it creates a natural compound that's been absolutely documented to reduce all sorts of allergies and problems.
Pollen Block is amazing.
Again, infowarestore.com.
And we have so many other great products like Winter Sun, super high quality vitamin D3, the most absorbable type out there.
Take it under the tongue.
You can't get that.
Sun during the winter, obviously.
That's why there's so many more illnesses and problems.
Sunlight on the skin is what creates the D3.
Well, this gives it to you.
And a lot of people can't absorb D3 in the stomach as much or the intestines, so it's done in the mouth of all those blood vessels.
And so again...
We also have the Ultra 12 that's excellent to take under the tongue at InfoWarsTore.com.
So those are all still 40 to 50% off and 60% off because I've not gone and gotten those changed yet.
They will be very, very soon.
So thank you all for your support.
Also, get up to 50% off InfoWars Select Food.
That doesn't mean select items are 50% off.
When we were going to private label it six, seven years ago with My Patriot Supply, So I could get around their agreements with their other distributors and go even lower, so I could dominate the market, which we did do, and became their biggest distributor.
I had to sign a deal to be a private labeler.
That got around the contracts.
There was even a big shake-up in the company later about it.
I mean, I had to do some fighting to get this.
They're great folks.
The best horrible food out there for the price.
You can pay five times more and get something as good or better, but people eat it and really like it.
There's even been third-party reviews that hate me.
Even Vice had a report and said it was, you know, good, horrible food.
Uh, they thought it would taste like crap like most the other stuff out there.
Uh, it comes in these plastic tow containers to last longer.
It's really amazing.
So it's the entire line, their freshest food, right from their factory in Utah, but it says in full war select on it to give you The regular price is as low as you're going to find.
Well, this is 50% off.
InfoWareStore.com or 888-253-3139.
That's going to run for one week as well.
And 30% off the Alexa Pure Breeze that the same folks put out.
Highest rated out there.
Okay, I'm done.
I'm going to take your calls now.
You guys will punch that up so I can see the calls.
Thank you.
Kimberly and Jay and Jake and Aaron and Marcus and Alex and Steve.
We're going to get to everybody.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kimberly in Arkansas.
What do you think?
I see you want to talk about what Trump should do with the Iran situation and the people there rising up asking us to topple their regime.
I don't think that's a good idea.
Who knows what will happen?
I think what the Secretary of Defense said is they want to talk to the regime about being a normal country without Preconditions.
I think that's what we need is engagement.
What do you think?
Yes, I was listening to your show.
I agree.
I was listening to your show last week and Matt Bracken's analysis on what, how you think Trump should proceed, which is to not alienate himself from the protesters or the uprising or the reform that's going on there.
Make them not see us as the same thing as their regime leaders that bring them together and let them know how much we appreciate their reform and help them acclimate themselves to that reform.
Well, there's no doubt that Soleimani was expanding their operations and that he was in a fight with the mullahs.
And so that's why the decision was made to kill him seven months ago.
And this was not done to wag the dog.
Impeachment's helping Trump.
Obama and others have tried to come out and say Trump's doing this to wag the dog.
I don't see any evidence of that.
No, yeah.
Right now, the Iranian people appreciate him for what he's doing.
I agree Kimberly, thank you so much for the call.
Let's go to Aaron in Kentucky.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead, sir.
Absolutely, Alex.
Thank you very much.
You know, one of the biggest things I think Trump needs to do is to get all of the folks that are involved in the deep state completely out of his administration and really start draining the swamp.
Last weekend when he was doing the interview and he said that he was given intel
that he believed were showing the potential danger of strikes against US embassies
and then Esper came out saying well I've not seen that intel. What I think's happening is that
Trump is being set up there as this kind of crazy-eyed man who's just spewing off and saying
lies. I totally agree with you. Why the hell did he?
Even if that was true, he should have said, I can't talk about that at this point or something.
That was kind of a throw Trump under the bus moment.
Trump acted on this intelligence and he took out Soleimani.
And then when he started getting a lot of folks from the left attacking him on that, and he started saying, well, it came from the intel, we got this information from our intelligence community, then they kind of left him out there and they pulled back his support and just left him out there to die, you know, and kind of be crucified by the media.
I think that that was a direct and A specific attack against him.
Aaron stay there, don't hang up.
I want to get more into this with you on the other side because I meant to get into that, that's in my stack.
And I, I agree with you because he was put on the execution list over a decade ago.
He has been connected to launching attacks on US troops.
He's bragged about it.
Obama had the kill order out there, just never executed it.
And so Trump had the authority, period, to do it.
But then by them confusing it into intel, they're going to try to catch him in something false.
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Richard Spencer, one of the most famous white nationalists in the country, is going to be joining us.
And I think the guy's just phoning us a $3 bill.
But that's kind of like, you know, being in somebody's house and that fruit looks like it's plastic.
And of course you walk over, it's plastic.
Maybe my eyes aren't so good.
Maybe he's for real.
But can we get queued up?
Richard Spencer getting slugged.
Which I don't agree with.
But everybody knows him as that.
It's okay to punch a Nazi garbage.
Well, we're going to be talking to him.
And also we'll get that view clip with Joy Behar praising him ready for when he comes on.
I want to ask him about those things.
But at least he's got the courage to come on the show.
So, there you go.
I'm going to be in Virginia next week when the gun confiscation legislation goes into effect, where they're trying to cause a civil war.
I'm going to be there calling for peace and justice and for the Bill of Rights to be upheld.
But a revolutionary war and a civil war started there in Virginia, so it's very important.
It's right there by D.C.
I'll be in D.C.
for the Women's March as well with Owen Schroyer, Savannah Hernandez, and the rest of the crew.
And yes, the armored vehicle is going to be there and the rest of it.
So we'll be live here.
I need to ask David Knight.
To host the show on Monday at least.
Because that's going to be live action then, Monday and Tuesday.
If he could not do his show, maybe Harrison Smith can do the morning show and David Knight can do this one.
Let's just see if he's available to do that.
So we've got some Monday morning quarterbacking going on here for next week, just planning stuff on air.
Also, after we take these calls, EU removes national flags from European Parliament.
They're also saying they're going to ban football teams, soccer teams having nationalist names, see?
I've got articles, I meant to cover that on Saturday and Friday, headlines in the UK and the US, the word mother, woman and girl removed off ads on the sides of buses because seeing a woman and saying girl is bad!
A girl is bad!
See we're so tolerant, we can't have boys and girls though!
You're going to be something new now and a nice fat man in a priest outfit is going to tell you what you are now.
He's your God.
But getting back to Erin in Kentucky, recap what you were saying and bring this up because I've been meaning to say that.
That's why I love to take calls, because I forget to get to so much.
And absolutely, they push him to do all these strikes.
Three times he says no, turns back the aircraft.
Iran's definitely working with the deep state, knowing when Trump makes his move, the deep state's saying they're going to embarrass Trump.
We know there's all this shadow diplomacy, not just with Kerry and Obama and Hillary, but with neocons as well.
And they're trying to wait for the impeachment.
Until they can get a new article.
And notice Pelosi went, maybe I'll bring forward the article that you lied and you didn't have intelligence and you shouldn't have done this.
But that didn't work either.
So she's holding off with John Bolton and others to get a few other things right before
they swing that driver, that big iron into Trump.
And boy, you can see him hesitating, trying to size him up in the crosshairs right now.
And I totally agree with you.
And this really draws into question Defense Secretary Esper and just some of the other
things he does when it comes to Trump.
And I guess they just have no respect for Trump.
And these are the guys that put Soleimani on the list.
They're the ones pushing for it.
And to watch, because I've not just I've seen Republicans do this.
I've seen big, big Republican senators that are normally, you know, leave Trump alone
attacking because they've been told this is the moment to act against the president.
I don't think it's going well.
But what do you expect next, Aaron?
Well, I expect for them to continue to feed Trump false information and false intel.
I mean, you have Mike Pompeo, somebody that's firmly ensconced in the deep state, who says that his whole purpose at the CIA was to lie, to cheat, and to steal, and that they did classes on that at the CIA as well.
And by the way, he quarterbacks the censoring directly.
He knows the people and expanded the unit targeting the free press and Trump's underbelly.
It's incredible.
Well, the National File covered that story last week that you all broke, showing that Mike Pompeo was working with the funds of the Trump administration to actively censor information coming out on Facebook.
So it's a sign up against the American people, and it's a sign up against the President himself, because he's surrounded by those folks that don't want to see him succeed.
But I think that was so evident and obvious this past weekend with Mark Esper's comments.
You have Trump who stood up there, and like you said, he has been He has turned back responses to Iran, he's let them do what they're going to do, and he's tried to prevent us from being pulled into any war, but then he gets actionable intel, what we see as an imminent threat, and he moves upon that to make a strike, and then he's told, oh, well, that information was not accurate, we didn't see that information.
I have no doubt that they're purposely doing this to ensure that it looks like he is just a neocon war hawk to try to turn away the support he had when he was saying he doesn't want to draw us into useless wars.
Especially considering the fact that after a strike like that and a follow-up in that region, you're going to send troops over to shore up our defenses, to protect our bases, to keep our military safe.
And he has to do that in a response like that.
So now they're going to use that to say, oh, well, Trump said he was anti-war, but he's actually sending over 4,000 troops.
And that's why the media says no war or total war, as if there isn't a hundred different points between that.
And by bolstering the forces, that's how you ensure there isn't a war.
And you know, and they are, what gets me also is the focus on that specific region.
There are so many other problems in the world that if the U.S.
was going to use our humanitarian force behind, Well, we could go to Africa, where thousands of Christians are being killed by Islam.
You know, Aaron, you sound like you worked for the State Department or Pentagon before.
You know what you're talking about.
I've listened to you for years, Alex.
You've taught me how to think, so it's easy to say that.
But, you know, it shocks me that Trump is surrounded by these folks in the deep state like this.
I mean, Steve Mnuchin, you've got Bill Barr.
I mean, Bill Barr is no champion of patriotism.
Bill Barr is fighting against Trump as well.
And I think Trump is being left out like when King David sent Uriah into the forces and then he pulled back all of his support to make sure Uriah got killed.
It looks like that's what they're doing to President Trump in the global arena right now.
Trump is extremely anti-war.
We've seen that.
We've seen his calls.
That's what Michael Moore, when he was president-elect in 2016, when Trump had just gotten elected, Michael Moore said, don't worry.
There's going to be international military crises and things coming up and Trump's going to be embarrassed and removed because of that and was laughing about it.
We ought to find where he's, I forget, I think it was like CNN he said that.
And so that's what they're planning to do.
And these criminals can't help but brag.
And Trump, then what does Trump do when he's surrounded by these people, these double dealers?
Well, he's got to expose them, first off.
Right now, even though Iran put that $80 million bounty on his head, which is going to be funded by the $100 billion that Obama sent to him, Even though they put that bounty on his head, if you were to take out Trump right now, you would supercharge the movement and they know that they can't do that.
So they're going to try to decimate him in the public eye.
They've done that with his social life, his personal life, and the things that he's done.
They have to assassinate your character and your name before they kill you.
And I'm not trying to look important here, but everybody sees a major national process to do that.
Either put me in prison or kill me after they've done the demonization tactic to then capture InfoWars as a symbol, turn it into something new as the new word conspiracy theory will be InfoWars and or Alex Jones.
Thank you so much.
We're not going to let them capture the flag.
And I'm not trying to say that to act tough.
It actually freaks me out.
They are seeing InfoWars as a flag.
And they want to capture it, and then they want to turn it into what they want.
And I've figured out how they operate now, being in the middle of this, and it's crazy.
And I can't believe we've been chosen as like a card in the deck.
A tarot card.
I mean, we have literally been chosen as an archetype, and they're fighting over that archetype right now.
That's why you've got to keep us in the game, folks, because we are the info, or we are together.
We have now literally gone into lore together, what we've built here.
And I'm not just saying that to include you and pat you on the head.
You're 99% of this.
That's what I said.
I get massive chills because God's like, that's the truth.
That's the truth.
Tell them that.
And it's just that's where we are, folks.
And I don't care about being in mortal danger.
I don't want them to capture who I am.
That's what they're obsessed with.
Rewriting history and oh, how the president will be seen as this or that, because they're obsessed with how they steal people's identities and how they take good men and turn them into bad men, even though the man's dead.
Yes, sir, Alex.
the man's gone. Even though the person was good, they then steal their identity,
misrepresented, and then use that famous person not for good but for bad. Okay,
let's go to Steve in Florida. Speaking of that, Snopes attacking InfoWars saying
there wasn't almost 200 people arrested for arson even though the police put out
the press releases in Australia. What do you think about that?
It's ridiculous what the liberal media are trying to do to you.
For one thing, before I start off, I want to say that I love you.
I've been a listener ever since I was 15 years old back in 2015.
I've had my whole family buy your products.
I remember the first thing I personally ever bought from your website was the Hillary for Prison sticker, which I think you should totally bring back.
I love it with all my heart.
About Snopes going back to the Australia flyers, it is ridiculous.
I just got out of college, my college class, and they're trying to pin I'm in a stupid climatology class and they're trying to pin that on global warming.
When it's actually ours, it's ridiculous.
It's a misinformation campaign.
Well that's what's crazy is the police say nearly 200.
That's from the police and then they say I made that up.
Yes sir, I know.
Touching on impeachment, one thing the Democrats, and I like to say Democrats replaced the C with three K's because that's all they are.
The main reason why I think they're doing impeachment is not only for the movement, but also the fact that Trump, ever since he walked down the escalators, his belief has been ending illegal immigration.
And the one way to think of illegal immigration is that Trump is trying to make a second abolishment movement.
He wants to end slavery.
Because when you really think of what illegal immigration is, it's a backdoor No, you're right.
Stay there, Steve.
Stay there.
Let's talk about this.
And then we've also got Richard Spencer coming on and so much more.
We'll be right back.
All right, we're taking a few of your calls right now.
And then in six minutes, when some stations join us, we're going to go to Richard Spencer, who we've got right there via Skype.
You can see him if you're a TV viewer.
He's been very upset with Trump and Joy Behar and The View.
So he's now their little cuddle toy, their little mascot.
I guess he should be a host.
I think that's funny.
He should be a host on the show with them, because he now hates Trump.
All he has to do is just shave a little bit off each side of the mustache there, folks, and we'll find Fuhrer.
So that's all coming up.
But getting serious here, Steve in Florida.
You're talking about Snopes saying that we're lying.
There weren't nearly 200 arrests for setting fires in Australia, but it says it right there in the police press release.
And then you were getting into climate change and where all this is going.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I was talking about the Democrat impeachment hoax.
It's a scheme created by Pelosi and her gang.
One thing that I think you guys should make t-shirts of is The word Democrat and replace the C with three K's.
I think that would be a big hit, because that's what they are.
The reason why, in my opinion, why the Democrats are really pushing for impeachment, not only is to destroy Trump and everything we believe in, but also because Trump is on the verge of making a second abolitionist movement.
He wants to destroy the Democrat undercover backdoor slave trade, where these illegal immigrants are working in the Democrat companies and the Democrat Oh, they all siphon off of them, they feed off of them, and it's true that Trump said he'd cut back on the visas for skilled workers, and so Laura Ingham's right to take them to the woodshed on that, but I don't have anything against skilled workers.
Oh, I'm not either.
They replaced Americans.
No, it'll build the factories here, and then Americans can get jobs there as well.
I'm not scared of Indian immigrants because they end up adopting American values.
I am scared, though, of the Islamists and stuff like that, and you're absolutely right.
Trump's trying to get people out of the shadows.
And Trump is trying to be... Trump is another Abraham Lincoln.
He's trying to make an abolitionist movement to set these people free because you have to think about the conditions that they're in.
I'm not saying they're bad people.
For the most part, they're very nice people.
No, they're not.
But they're used as a weapon.
Water's not bad when a dam breaks, but it'll kill you if you're down in the town and don't get a warning.
And those people don't have safety nets.
They're working in the fields and they're slaves.
And they vote how they're told, and they're brainwashed to be racist and hate white people, and so that's why until that brainwashing stops, we have to get control of that, and then Trump has to bring those folks out of the shadows.
And that's what he's setting us to do.
And just like Abraham Lincoln was attacked, I mean, if you go back in history, see what they called Abraham Lincoln and made fun of him.
Well, I mean, they killed him because he didn't want to have a big, horrible reconstruction.
He wanted to make amends with the South, and the same groups were like, no, we don't want that.
Democrats always have been, always will be, and forever will be the party of slavery.
So yeah, I think the impeachment hoax scheme is a disgrace to our country and it's laughable.
All right Steve, we appreciate you.
To Gustav and Jay and John and Marcos and Alex and Jason, we can either call you back next hour or you can hold or you can hang up.
I want to talk to you.
I'm hosting the fourth hour.
I'm going to air some special reports then that we're going to be breaking down as well.
At an official summit with the head scientist, all of them admit vaccines are killing people in a cover-up, and they didn't know the video was going to get out.
It's insane.
People see it and think it's a deep fake.
It's not.
It's on Bandoff Video.
We got a link to the UN where it was posted on one of their sub-sites, and YouTube's taking it down, though, when they find it.
It's crazy.
So we're going to play big clips of that coming up in the fourth hour.
Richard Spencer, when we come back after this one minute break, is here to come on the show.
You know, most liberals and socialists will not come on the show.
But, I mean, I would call him a National Socialist myself.
And he's really been angry at Trump.
And so we're going to be talking to Richard Spencer.
On the other side of this quick break with all the stuff coming up in Virginia next week, I'm going to be there trying to make sure that Soros and others don't fund another 2.0 what they pulled up a few years ago to blame Trump.
But we'll talk to his leadership, Richard Spencer, on the other side.
Mein Führer, I can walk!
We'll be right back.
Well, I haven't seen Joy Behard.
of the Harpy Convention that is the view this excited since about a year ago when she went
Trump's a Russian agent, General Flynn's going public.
In fact, let's go back in the time capsule to that right now.
Breaking news.
Oh my God.
Oh, breaking news.
ABC News Brian Ross is reporting Michael Flynn promised full cooperation to the Mueller team
and is prepared to testify that as a candidate Donald Trump directed him to make contact
All the cities will be underwater by 2013!
Well, here she is last week talking about Richard Spencer when he said he's no longer a Trump supporter.
Here it is.
It was one small thing.
He was saying, what's some good news?
This is a tiny thing that I noticed.
You remember Richard Spencer?
He's basically the organizer of Unite the Right, the white nationalist group that was marching in Charlottesville.
It was all in for Trump.
Not anymore.
Here's his quote.
He tweeted last night, I deeply regret voting for and promoting Donald Trump in 2016.
Oh my gosh.
That's interesting.
Do you know why?
Because Trump, like I said yesterday, Trump ran on not invading and not being a war crime.
That's what I'm talking about.
Okay, so Richard Spencer, I'm not going to go over your whole bio, that'd take a while, but he's the president of the National Policy Institute and director of Washington Summit Publishers.
And though banned in the UK and for most social networks, he can still be found on Twitter and YouTube at Richard Spencer on Twitter and on YouTube at MPI forward slash Radix.
So thanks for joining us.
I appreciate the fact that you'll actually come on here, even though we disagree about a lot of stuff.
Give me your current view of President Trump from a white nationalist perspective and why you're angry with Trump.
Is he not your fuhrer anymore?
Well, he was never a leader.
But I don't think I need to talk about Trump from a white nationalist perspective.
I think I could talk about Trump from a basic American nationalist, even conservative perspective.
He has failed to deliver on the keystone promises of his 2016 campaign.
There is no wall.
Immigration restriction is not going to be in the cards.
His policies on health care and many other things are absolutely incoherent.
What we have been getting has been, domestically, the Paul Ryan agenda of tax cuts for billionaires.
and so on, and we've been getting the George W. Bush agenda in the Middle East.
It's not quite as bad.
I'll give Trump that.
But it is very bad.
He is making war in the Middle East more likely, and that is the exact opposite of what, not
just me, but what his base of supporters voted for.
It is true that he said he was going to cut back the types of visas for skilled workers,
and that he hasn't done that, but he also wants to get new jobs back here in the U.S.
That's what the government is telling him.
I overheard the tail end of your last conversation, and you were both saying, "Well, we don't
fear H-1B visas, smart Indians," or so on.
Well, the fact is we actually should care about issues like that.
Immigration is not simply about illegals or very poor, unskilled people coming across the border.
There are billions of people who are highly skilled, have high IQs, who can come into the United States and displace the middle class.
It's in a way worse.
Then low-skilled illegal immigrants doing construction or busboy jobs.
It's a very serious issue and you actually should be against it.
The Democrats, they want a big unskilled underclass they can control.
And I think more smart people will build the country up, not displace the middle class.
It's having more dumb people that'll destroy us.
I would prefer dumb immigrants to smart immigrants, to be frank.
It is smart immigrants who are taking middle-class jobs, who are the ones... It's smart immigrants that made the IQ of North America go up once Europeans came here.
Say that again, I'm sorry?
Smart immigrants are what built America.
I agree to a very large extent, but the fact is, The United States was, since 1790, ultimately a white country.
It was a white European country with an Anglo-Protestant core to it.
And we brought in lots of other Europeans, but that was our identity.
The fact is, whatever you might think about me, I do not think that all other races are stupid or incompetent.
To the contrary.
I think there are hundreds of millions of Chinese people who are quite intelligent, highly skilled, and could displace white people living in North America.
So we need to talk seriously about this.
Sure, well, I mean, the media says it's okay to hit you and attack you, and I don't agree with that.
And the stuff we hear coming out of the Democrats is way more racially based and aggressive, saying white people are inherently bad.
I mean, that's what Michael Moore says.
Whites are bad people.
Don't trust them.
They're inherently evil because of the color they are.
I'm going to see that turning white people into aggressive race-based individuals because they're not going to have any other choice if the establishment organizes things into a race-based system than just like being in a prison.
I wouldn't want to have to go get in the Aryan wing of the prison, but if I did, I'd be killed because it's been made a race-based system.
I agree that there's a lot of toxic, nasty, anti-white rhetoric and even anti-white discrimination policies that are emerging from the Democratic Party.
I would also say that the GOP does next to nothing to actually fight these.
They'll talk about affirmative action.
Okay, so let me ask you this.
Undoubtedly, you're a moderate compared to the Democrat leadership saying whites are inherently evil.
I mean, you're not saying black people are inherently evil or Asians are inherently evil.
So here's the deal, I disagree with you on a lot of stuff, but I just want to say, if you're a villain for being race-based, then you're like a little demon compared to CNN that's Satan himself.
If we judge things as being race-based is evil, then you are a very small evil.
Thank you, Alex.
I'll take that.
Let's just be honest about that.
My big beef with you, but I want to hear what you think first, is that you're synthetic and you're working for the globalists, but please continue.
I'm not synthetic or working for the globalists, but what I was saying before was that there's a lot of nasty rhetoric coming from the Democratic Party and there's anti-white discrimination policies.
However, there is a basis for identity politics that isn't just a globalist plot or isn't just some bad policy from the Democratic Party.
The fact is, we live in a globalized world.
We don't live in a world where your consciousness is formed by your neighborhood or maybe your small nation-state at most.
We actually live in a world where we have a global consciousness.
And the major fissures of this upcoming war are going to be racial and cultural.
So you are a white man whether you like it or not.
You're perceived as a white person.
Uh, by, say, the globalists or the establishment, but also by immigrants, by migrant, uh, by refugees and migrants and etc.
Our identity is forced upon us in this time, and we need to recognize... Well, it certainly is true that the globalists want to make everything, not identify with the ideology of freedom and Americana that unifies.
They want to make it racially based, force whites into a race-based system, And then have that war and that fissure, and that's how I see you playing in as the other side of the left trying to make it race-based.
And now you're saying, OK, it is race-based, which things have always been tribal and race-based.
And so under Christianity, we would transcend that model.
So I'm in a debate about those two models.
I think it's OK to have that discussion.
And it's not good to say that whites are inherently bad, while the left pushes a race-based system.
You are correct about that.
You, how did you come upon your ideas, your system, who you are, and what you're pushing for?
First, real quick, if we as white people unilaterally disarm, we will be crushed in this upcoming world.
We need to be proud of ourselves.
We need to fight back.
We need to be tough guys.
And this is something that you should get.
Because one thing that I really like about you, despite my criticisms, is that you are a bold, tough man's man.
And that's a good thing.
The white race needs to be like this.
We need to stop apologizing for ourselves.
We need to stop just beating around the bush on issues, and we need to be proud of who we are and fight for who we are.
But in terms of how I came to these ideas, look, I come from a great background.
I had a wonderful childhood.
I have wonderful parents.
I could have just gone in and become a lawyer and made a lot of money.
Let's talk about that when we come back, because of like four of the five Unite the Right rallies were all former Democrats.
That's why I'm suspicious.
I want to talk about your roots, your ethos, when we come back.
Remember the violence launched against nationalist Christians, the right-wing Trump supporters, Koreans visiting wearing Trump hats getting beat up in DC.
It's because you're all Nazis if you support Trump.
But they trained everybody by showing Richard Spencer saying he's a Nazi and then saying it's okay to punch a Nazi and then once that was okay, well it's okay to attack everybody else.
That's how this brainwashing works.
Here's that famous clip.
It's a version of the neo-Nazi movement.
It's Pepe's become kind of a symbol.
[crowd shouting]
Okay, so Richard Spencer's here with us and it's interesting to actually talk to him himself and hear things
from his view.
So let's get into your ethos, and the fact that, you know, I've got some of the background here, classic, you know, cutout type deal, and I can't prove that.
But then you guys have the Unite the Right rally, where Soros sends in all these people, there's this big clash, and then out of that they blame Trump.
And then most of the leadership of it were like, I've had some of them on.
Some of your buddies are like, well, it is true a year ago I was supporting Obama, but not now.
Or yes, I supported Hillary two years ago, but now I agree with Richard Spencer.
And we're, and it just looks like the left creating a group to then identify with Trump to say, oh, look, he's a white nationalist.
So, so there's a rent-a-mob out there saying that and doing that.
I mean, I'm not saying there aren't real white nationalists or white supremacists out there, but it seems like the media and the left And their attempt to say whites are inherently bad and do all this crazy racist stuff is to create this dialectic where you take the problems and you collide them together to create the synthesis.
What do you think's really going on here?
I mean, who are you really?
First off, I did not organize the Charlottesville rally.
I was invited to speak at it and I was a top billed guest, etc.
But in terms of what went wrong in Charlottesville, we need to look directly at the city of Charlottesville
and the state of Virginia that brought in militarized police, police that were pushing me around
at Lee Park, and then they allowed chaos to ensue.
The fact is, yes, whenever there's a protest, some kind of, you know, fisticuffs is possible,
but there was absolutely no reason for downtown Charlottesville to descend into absolute chaos.
That was terrible.
You need to look there.
I don't know about George Soros sending in people.
In terms of my own personal background, I've never been a Democrat.
I voted for John Kerry in 2004 for reasons that I might very well vote for a Democrat again in 2020.
He was supporting Obama, working for Obama, the year before he organizes this rally, Charlottesville.
Well, he seems to have a lot of ideas.
Rattling around in his head, I don't know if he knows who he is.
But I can only speak to who I am.
It's not terribly unusual for people, particularly young people, to kind of go off in different directions.
But I'm not in touch with him.
I can't speak to who he is.
Did you know the Southern Harvey Law Center was running the Elohim City facility, white
supremacist compound where McVeigh was and all that?
That came out in court?
I did not know that.
I would not be surprised that there are dirty tricks and false opposition like that created.
The fact is, that is not who I am.
Okay, well let's give it up here to say who you are.
Go back to your beginnings, your ethos, and what made you become this person now that the media has chosen as kind of the new David Duke.
I think that you and I might have similar origins in the sense that at a young age as we were becoming adults we realized that there was something wrong with the world and we were looking for a way to articulate it.
You went into a world which I don't Of looking at globalists and conspiracies and false opposition and all of that kind of thing.
And I think there's actually a lot of truth to what you say.
There's a lot of untruth too, but that's alright.
I wanted to understand why my people and our civilization have been so demoralized.
Why we are not able to stick up for ourselves and our people and think about our future.
Why we are so eager to unilaterally disarm.
Why we have this black cloud hanging over our heads, whether it's slavery or the Holocaust or so on.
And it's preventing us from acting in our own interest, from being great, from going to the stars, to put it most vividly.
And I wanted to understand that, that guilt complex that is always weighing us down.
I don't know what it is about me, but I don't like to keep my head down.
I always like to be out in front.
I like to be bold.
And I was willing at a young age to talk about these issues openly, even if it brought controversy.
To go back a little bit earlier when you showed that image of me getting punched, and you
were saying, oh, they were creating a dialectic.
Well, the fact is, Donald Trump created a dialectic.
Donald Trump was calling upon race, even if he wouldn't use that word specifically, because he told us directly, particularly at the RNC, that I am your man.
I am going to stick up for Americans.
Americans have dreams too.
Immigration is out of control.
I'm going to be your guy.
This was implicitly, it was explicitly nationalist and let's be frank, it was implicitly racialist because America has been a white country for its entire political history.
That's what Donald Trump was about.
He was actually calling upon these energies.
in a way that no other Republican would.
He's calling for unity and saying those that want to divide us and say America's bad or
wrong and it's okay for America to exist and all of our traditions are good and we should
celebrate those but it was a very unification event as well.
I mean he was up there at the RNC with a rainbow flag but he also went and marched in pro-life
events something no Republican's done.
He's trying to, I mean he really seems pragmatically trying to be a unifier but also stand up for
human life and get the IRS off church's backs because they have no place being there under
the First Amendment.
Alex, we're massively divided.
The United States of 1950 could have been unified in a kind of nationalist message, and we were to a very large degree fighting the Cold War.
We are polarized, and we are polarized down racial lines to a very large degree.
And it's not just even a matter of polarization of A or B. The country is fragmenting into small communities.
Globalists want that. - They don't trust one another.
And so like a vaccine of racism, they have the left being totally racist,
and it's wrong and needs to be decried, but that's meant to have the autoimmune response
of whites aligning upon race, just like a warden controls a prison through race.
That's all.
But we're gonna have to accept this reality.
We're not going to come up with some nice Republican conservative leader who's going to unite the country.
That is more ridiculous than any, you know, outlandish thing I've ever said.
I don't know.
I mean, quote, minorities are huge listeners and supporters of this show.
And I run into them and they get what's going on and they want the American dream.
They don't care what color they are.
I'm sure you could.
I'm sure you can find individuals like that, but the general threat... Indians, Indians, Indians that are citizens are like the highest level of Trump supporter.
I just don't, I just don't, I'm not buying what you're saying.
I see the media trying it, and I see you as playing the part on the other side if you don't know.
But let's come back, longer segment straight ahead.
I'll try to give you the floor for at least five minutes at the start to say what you have to say, because I appreciate your courage coming on the show.
This is what's happening.
We're being told it's a reality.
Be racial.
And then it's not about ideas anymore that define us.
It's all about race that define us.
And then the globalists have won.
But we'll see what happens.
Anybody that's studied the British Great Game in India and other divide-and-conquer stratagems knows that globalists promote getting rid of any nation's indigenous culture and replacing it with the plastic corporate system of control.
And then they push racial unity but then exploit that and create more division and tribalism.
And so I know that the American system And the Christian system that actually stopped slavery worldwide and reformed things is the antidote to that.
So the globalists are trying to destroy that ethos and get Europeans to abandon that so that we don't have a unified system, a pro-human operating system, but a globalist operating system, a post-human operating system, and then the wars that and then the cultural clash that's gonna come out of this,
the globalists will end up on top at the end of it.
It doesn't mean that the racial-based politics aren't real things happening.
It doesn't mean you couldn't organize yourself into a racial unit against that.
And that's one way to defend against it.
I'm trying to stop the whole thing for the future of humanity, period.
And I see the Democrats again, invoking total racial war and saying whites are inherently bad
because the obvious move is gonna be racial division, forcing people into those groups.
And then the collapse of what was Western civilization.
And so obviously the West was manipulated to totally open up with its ethos
to then destroy that plan.
And so I'm all for shutting down the borders and until the brainwashing stops,
getting people to be pro-America, pro-Western, or they can't come in.
That's my measure to stop it going into full-scale race war, which the globalists want.
But then we've got Richard Spencer here, who the media has chosen to kind of be the new David Duke.
And so he's got a lot of followers and is in the media a lot.
And so I thought we'd get him on the show to have a real discussion.
I also invite the racist black and Hispanic groups on.
But the Brown Berets won't come on.
They're all funded by the Ford Foundation.
The black racist groups really won't come on the show.
Maybe we should get Quan LX on from Houston or something.
Maybe he'll come on.
But this is all the same stuff over and over again.
But Spencer, I've talked enough.
We've got eight minutes to break.
Go ahead and give us your spiel.
Well, let's talk a little bit about what the globalists want and the kind of human being they want to inhabit this planet.
You've talked a little bit before about divide and conquer.
They want to inspire racialism and so on.
I don't think we actually have to look too far to understand what globalists want because we see it every day.
They want an undifferentiated mass of humanity.
They're all on a planetary scale, all eating McDonald's and shopping and charging things on credit, and all thinking exactly the same way.
And chopping your son's testicles off.
That's a sacrament.
I agree, actually.
It gets even worse.
They want that version of globalism.
That is not what I want.
I want what you could call civilizationalism or identitarianism or racialism in the sense that we have real unified cultures that are part of a historical tradition and can look forward to a future that is connected to their past.
I don't want to turn the planet into a giant shopping mall.
I want Europeans to be European, to pursue our path.
I want Africans to be African.
I want Indians to be Indian.
I want them to rediscover themselves.
That is what I am about.
That being said, there is a element of globalism to this.
The fact is, through the internet, I mean, we could go back to the 19th century
and talk about trains and the telegraph.
We have developed a wider consciousness than just our little tribe or even our nation state.
We care about what's happening on the other side of the world.
I mean, let's say what it is, and then you can continue.
Let's say what it is, and then you can continue.
The Christian Western ethos was the white man's burden to build a civilization, to develop technology, to go into all these countries and really not exploit people, empower them, build them up, give them science.
Those populations explode, then the modern corporation technocrats turn against that.
Exploit the third world, racially turn them against the Christian ethos, erase the Christian ethos, and then bring the whole thing down.
And so, the white man's Christian, quote, burden of expansionism did empower, in many ways, the third world and explode their populations, but now that's being used as a weapon against what's left of the West.
What the globalists want is a kind of secular, grotesque version of Christianity in the sense of a universalist, individualist mass of consumers.
There are people on the left, there are people on the right who instinctively reject that and want something different.
I think to a large degree that was what the Trump movement was about, even though it's obviously been betrayed and is useless now.
That's what I'm about.
That's what actually some people on the left are about, even if they oppose me and are against me.
They actually are motivated by those kinds of instincts and emotions.
There is a revolt against globalism in this form of a secularized, undifferentiated mass.
And there is an attempt to create civilizations that are connected to their past and have a future.
But the only thing I would add is that this isn't going to be about Getting away from the world or just, you know, bunkering down in a little nation-state.
We do have a globalist consciousness at this point.
Even you do.
Everyone who rages against globalists does.
We care about what's happening on the other side of the world.
We find that we have a tremendous amount of common ground with people like us around the planet.
So we've got to get away kind of from the nationalist globalist divide And move towards a synthesis of a civilizational racial consciousness.
And that is how the world is breaking down.
There are major fissures in this economically globalized world.
And those are on the basis of civilization and race and culture in the deepest sense of the word.
Now, Richard, you know, at the highest levels of the global system, they're actually very, very racist.
But it's scientific how they go and they study each group and only want the smartest from each group, and then that's the excuse to recruit all the scientists for this project of further dumbing people down and things so they can just accelerate this program, get rid of the bad sons, to make sure there's not a challenge to the hegemonic system of the technocrats.
I agree.
globalization or us being global in our thought or international citizens
That's not the globalist the globalist are corporate technocrats that want to enslave humanity destroy the nation-state and
kill all cultures And have one unified monotheistic
Stinking you know corporate thing that you were just talking about okay with craters like Michael Moore inhabiting
it So so so that's not what I'm saying when I say I oppose
globalist. I'm saying I oppose that authoritarian planetary corporate rule I
I do too.
But we need to think in these big terms.
That is basically what I'm putting forth as a challenge.
We need to think geopolitically.
We need to think about the future of the planet environmentally.
And we need to understand ourselves as Europeans, as a broader people on this planet, with a particular destiny and a particular charge.
Well, there's no doubt that the closest thing to Hitler is MSNBC.
I mean, that's just... But from the position that... Why do you say that?
That white people... What?
Well, let me explain that.
MSNBC has the purest Hitler message I've ever seen.
It's just from the perspective that whites are bad instead of other groups are bad from an Aryan or Nordic perspective.
I mean, you tune into that, man.
It's socialist.
It's anti-white.
It's Hitler, but from the other perspective.
And surely, I mean, you see that.
I kind of get what you're saying.
I think that's a bit over the top.
So do you like Hitler?
Do you like Hitler?
Hitler's just a man from history, a major figure like Napoleon or Genghis Khan.
We need to understand where we are right now.
And our consciousness and also our challenge is going to be very different than the challenge of the 20th century.
For those who don't know history, you're doomed to repeat it.
And history doesn't rhyme.
I agree.
It does repeat.
Well, let's talk about Hitler, the real Hitler, on the other side.
Stay with us.
All right, the next hour I'll go to the callers, Gustav and Alex and Jason and J.D.
on other topics.
I've got the big report with the U.N.
Vaccines are tainted, are killing people, and they are covering it up.
It's incredible.
From inside the highest levels of the U.N.
You know, I found history very interesting when I was young, and I stopped reading as much pulp fiction when I was probably about Seven, eight years old, and started reading World War II encyclopedias, World War I encyclopedias, because my parents, when I would just see it on TV, they'd order me any time-life encyclopedias I wanted.
So it got kind of insane.
Still got some of them around here.
So by the time I was about 12, I was reading Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Order of the Deathshead, Heinz Obel, you know, pretty high-level, you know, treatises on things.
And then I read a lot of other histories of other parts of the world and things like that, and You know, history is all, you know, different angles and there's a lot of disinformation there, but in the mainline history of World War II, if you go back into World War I, the Treaty of Versailles, the rest of it, it's actually in the text.
All the secret societies and the subgroups battling and the plan for the EU that Hitler had and putting fluoride in the water to dumb people down.
So it's all there in mainline Pulitzer Prize winning books.
So when they play dumb on the news like, oh, fluoride, it's good for you.
Jones is crazy.
All the intellectuals and all the researchers know what's really going on.
Bertrand Russell wanted to nuke major populations to get rid of too many people to save the earth.
He had his own competing racial Hitlerian thing.
He said, we'll just use vaccines to dumb everybody down.
Diet injections and injunctions.
So, Hitler wasn't completely controlled.
He thought he was his own guy, but British intelligence set him up, helped get him in power.
That's why he thought he had secret treaties and deals with Edward VIII, who was going to be the EU king.
That's why they had secret treaties with the British after the expeditionary force in Dunkirk.
And why they didn't take out the British Expeditionary Force and let him get off the beach and put a show on.
That all came out.
And then Hitler got double crossed by the British Empire.
And then he said, well, hell, I at least better take out the communists before they get me.
So Hitler really thought he was doing good.
Very crazy guy, obviously, from World War One and child abuse and all the rest of it.
But the globalists create these dialectics and they were so advanced.
The globalism comes out of Cecil Rhodes and the British Empire.
That's the model of it.
I don't want to say it's an Anglophile conspiracy, it's just that that's the Anglophile system that projected so much power that it created the skeletal structure of this larger system.
And so Hitler was a creation, then set up to destroy Europe and then bring down that model, but then bring in the scientific behind-the-scenes model that IBM and others were there propping up Hitler.
So that's the real world.
And so if you don't think, Richard Spencer, and I'm not saying you're a Hitler, That you are controlled, you just need to watch out and understand that you might be more controlled than you think by the system, by how they promote you and other things because you're helping create one part of that dialectic clash that they're wanting.
I mean, have you ever thought about that?
Fair enough, yeah.
I've certainly thought about bad actors and what role I might play in a bad scheme, of course.
But I can tell you very seriously, I am for real, I am passionate about these ideas, I care about our future, and I'm my own man.
So that's all I can say.
I mean, for better or for worse, I'm not We're funded by a bunch of globalists.
But the fact is, we probably need a pro-white Soros out there.
We actually are going to need billionaires in order to fund a serious movement for social change.
We can't just back away from the stage of history and say, ah, we just want individual freedom and constitutionalism and so on.
No, we are actually going to need major actors In this play, we're going to need people behind the scenes and funders in order to accomplish this.
And we need to get serious about that and realistic about it.
Well, Michael Morse, and I'm going to play the clip in a few minutes, says that you can't trust white people.
They're inherently bad.
And that's an extremely racist statement, very Hitlerian.
And so you would be mild compared to him.
And I guess would be the response to that.
But again, Pulling back from that, you say we're going to need a Soros.
Soros was a Nazi collaborator, did help round up fellow Jews, and he said it was the best time of his life on 60 Minutes.
So isn't it funny that the guy you say is the polar opposite, I guess, of what you're trying to do actually worked for the Nazis?
Look, Soros had obviously a strange life history.
And Soros also has a bit of a complicated relationship with, say, Israel or the American foreign policy establishment.
He opposed the Iraq War.
It's a complicated story.
But the notion that George Soros is pro-white or racialist in some way is completely ridiculous.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
I agree with you.
He's part of the dialectic.
He's the other side of what you are.
But he has a lot more power than I do.
He's affecting the world in a way that I'm not.
No, no, no.
I'm not saying you're at a sore-off level.
No, I agree.
and determine what he wants.
I mean, look, I can come on your show, I can do a broadcast here and there.
George Soros is someone who is acting on the world stage right now.
We can look at the effects of what's happening.
No, I agree. - It's what's happening that white people are becoming greater
and we're flourishing to new degrees and we're becoming more powerful.
Of course not.
All white countries, the populations within them are being displaced.
And as you pointed out, to your credit, we're being dumbed down, we're being demoralized.
We're being taught to hate ourselves and our history.
That is what's happening.
That is clearly what the global--
There's no doubt there's an all-out war on white people and a genocide of the culture.
I'd be against that for any group, but I'm saying it's part of a dialectic to inoculate white people to then enrage them into a Hitlerian paradigm.
Well, I do think there is going to be a big reaction when white people... Talk about that!
Give us your view of the future and what you think is going to unfold.
I think my immediate view of the future is basically more of the same.
The United States is suffering from a kind of white death, deaths of despair.
People who are hooked on drugs and have no sense of the future whatsoever and are literally and figuratively just killing themselves.
I think there is going to be more of this in the future, but there will be a reaction to this.
Here, I guess I kind of agree with you in the sense that there will be a point in which white people start collaborating together, working together as a team, and start forging their own destiny.
We stop unilaterally disarming ourselves and we understand that there is power in collective
There's a team that is going to destroy any individual opponent and we will eventually
start acting like that.
If they stand up for Second Amendment or their families or pro-life or against communism
that they're racist.
Yeah, but all that's kind of individualism at some level.
You know, it's about saying, oh, we don't want this state power.
We just want to be left alone and all that kind of stuff.
All that kind of stuff is weak at the end of the day.
The fact is, we're never going to be left alone.
We should just get that out of our minds.
And we probably won't leave other people alone.
We need to embrace collective power and state power.
We need to rise to this challenge as opposed to just saying, oh just leave me alone, it'll be okay.
Give me my rights or things like that.
We need to start being the badasses of history again.
People who are pushing history in the right direction.
We need to rise to that challenge.
Well, I think people in general need to push a pro-human future because an anti-human future is being built.
And I'm trying to organize people against the machine, anti-human globalist takeover that these technocrats admit in their own megalomania, which they're actually building because we've acquiesced our destinies, period, and are laying down as humans.
And if you look at what you were just talking about, And the people committing suicide and the death of everywhere and whites leading that, it is because there is a racial attack on whites being directed by the filth and the scum in Hollywood and the globalist combine who are the enemies of all humanity.
You know, we need a pro-human future, a human future where we don't just talk about, you know, the economy or rights or something, but we talk about the kind of world we want to live in.
I want a pro-nature future as well.
I think one of the major catastrophes and one of the biggest challenges Globalism is destined to fall.
It's already in a massive crisis.
Five more minutes with us after this break.
And if we just simply talk about, you know, the rights of businessmen to, you know, pollute the oceans and destroy
the forest, we're never going to get there.
We actually have to rise to this challenge and have an end goal directed movement.
But yes, globalism is destined to fall. It's already in a massive crisis.
Do five more minutes with us after this break. I want to ask you, do you think globalism as it's known, they're
admitting it's basically falling apart?
Can they hold it together?
And what comes out of this when we come back on the other side of this break?
Please remember, we have new specials that fund this operation on Winter Sun, high quality vitamin D3.
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I don't care if you're black, white, old, young.
These are great products that make you and your family's lives better.
And it funds this operation that's pro Human, period.
That doesn't mean I won't stand up to racists coming after me because of what color I am.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
First thing I'm going to do is take your phone calls on the other side of this next break.
Then I'm going to hit all the other news.
Then we've got some special reports that need to get out there on just incredible information.
The U.N.' 's highest scientist admitting that it's killing people and they're covering up what goes on.
It's not tested.
So that's coming up ahead of the war with Owen Schroeder.
Well Richard Spencer, I gotta say, you actually had a discussion with me.
David Duke just wanted to score points and talk about Jews all day.
And I would have him back on.
I want to have controversial people on the show.
It just turns into trying to score points to another person.
But I appreciate you coming on the show.
Are you going to be in Virginia?
Next week I'm going to be there in D.C.
at the Women's March.
Well, I might come down if you're there.
Well, I'd like to interview you if you are.
I think that'd be a good on-camera interview.
Very thought-provoking.
Because again, I mean, compared to the left right now, you're like an anti-racist.
Thank you.
You're right.
Well, I mean, I'm serious.
I mean, I'm really scientific about this.
I'm pro-human.
I really don't want to release the bioweapons, the race specifics.
And that's really what the globalists are planning on this dialectic.
And the West is going to be so overrun and so down that they're going to want a large group of people to acquiesce and agree to wiping out all the non-whites.
And I really just don't think I'm going to go to heaven if I do that.
That's absolutely not what I want.
I want there to be a future for Africa.
I want there to be a future for Asia and India, but also a future for Europe and a future for white people.
But can you see how the globalists want to elicit that massive clash?
They want to have that Guter Dammerung, that battle of the gods.
Well, I agree.
I think there is a kind of apocalyptic quality to this.
I think there's an apocalyptic current within white people in North America with the popularity of in-time conspiracies and Christian Zionism and so on.
I think these are all very bad things.
I think we need to think about having a flourishing human future.
One thing we could talk about is the question you asked before the break, which is what's going to happen with The way that I would think about this is that the United States is an empire.
It's a different kind of empire than, say, the British Empire, the French, or the Austro-Hungarian Empire, things like that.
It's based more on financial globalism, and it has Zionism as a component of it, as an indispensable component of it, as well.
But it's been a more or less consensual empire.
I mean, since 1944 and the Bretton Woods Accords, there's been dollar hegemony in the sense that this is how everything is effectively priced for oil in particular.
And the United States has, again, it's gained its legitimacy by seeming to be pro-democratic and pro-markets and things like this.
I think that the United States empire in the coming years is going to become more like empires of old.
And we saw this recently with the controversy in the Iraqi parliament in which Iraq wanted the US troops out.
America kind of said, or seemed to say, okay, right, we'll obey you, and then now they are effectively saying, absolutely not, we're going to kick you out of the dollar system if you even think about this kind of thing.
Well, what you're saying there is true, and then on top of that, any country trying to get off the dollar ends up getting attacked.
Yeah, well, that might have been one of the motivations behind knocking off Gaddafi in Libya.
Saddam Hussein also made noises about moving to a non-dollar system for pricing of oil.
So that is massive.
What about Trump doing nothing about the internet censorship?
What about Trump doing nothing about internet censorship?
That's a huge failing.
He's monitoring the situation, as you know, Alex.
Even though it would be a political winner just to go out there and say that, look, we don't have to agree with everyone, but as a US citizen, you have a right to this new public space, which is social media.
He could do that, he could say that but he does nothing.
And you talk about authoritarianism, that's where you see America losing its real power,
not in weapons or money but our ideas and freedom.
And if we abandon that, it's absolutely true.
And then we've got Michael Moore, you know, again saying whites are inherently bad, making
you more like Martin Luther King than Michael Moore.
And I'll play that clip after you're gone for folks that think I'm joking.
All right, Richard Spencer, very interesting discussion.
Please come back again.
Richard B. Spencer on Twitter for now.
Alex Jones is not there.
All right.
Thank you, Richard Spencer.
Very interesting.
Very thought provoking.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right.
Well, I think we should have open discussions with people, even though we disagree with them.
And you got to hear what Richard Spencer really thinks.
I think he's being used by the establishment to create balkanization, obviously, even if he doesn't know that.
But, compared to the soundbites I've seen, I'm not 100% sure now.
Maybe we should have him back again and take calls and see what you think.
There's a movement to end humanity as we know it.
A post-human move.
And that's attacking the little boys, attacking the little girls, they don't care what color you are, they're attacking the children.
And it's good versus evil.
And it's absolutely true that whites are under attack and that the left is pushing it with the Marxist-Leninist agenda.
But I believe we're smart enough to expose that and change that.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't be proud of who we are, no matter what color we are, and stand up for ourselves when people try to guilt us into submitting to their political agenda because we're white.
I don't care what color you are, you need to stop laying down to globalist bullying and globalist pushing garbage.
And I can just look at the metrics and I can tell you, statistically, we get as much support, or a little bit higher, from Hispanic Americans than we even get from white people.
So, because we can see the numbers.
We have the analytics.
I don't tailor my message according to analytics.
I just tell you what I really feel as a human, and people resonate with it.
But we have a very high percentage of black folks that listen to the show, Asian people and Indians.
I mean, when exposed to this, people want freedom.
That's what people want to come to America.
And that doesn't mean we just bring in 100 million people in 10 years and, you know, no, no, you can't because the left's brainwashing them to be racial and hate whites.
You absolutely can't.
Because the majority of people being brought in right now are being totally made dependent and brainwashed and used to drive down wages and to be racially based.
But people that have been here a generation or two now, I don't care what color they are, they get what's going on.
And Generation Z shows that.
That is the least white generation in American history.
And in all the polls and studies, they're the most conservative.
See how that works?
And it's not because they're brown.
It's because they're living in this clash, and they see that it's a load of crap.
Now that doesn't mean you become a leftist bleeding heart and run around apologizing because you're white to counter this.
And you don't then run around and put swastika armbands on either in my view.
You say, damn it, here's the scam they're running.
Don't we want to be smart enough to not do this and be a bunch of idiots?
And then if we fail, And 20 years from now, I'm in some white redoubt with my family, because I've got to be.
And a giant group of people that aren't white are coming to kill me.
I'm going to fight and fight hard.
Damn well, you better believe it.
They choose to be racial.
They choose to run their flags that way.
They want to fight.
They'll get one.
But that'll be a group of non-whites that have decided to come at me because I'm white.
It won't be all the other brown people that didn't choose to be with that pirate horde.
But that's exactly where this is.
And the left have something called a broken coalition strategy.
All these atomized, alone people that they then throw together.
And right now they're using the attack training doll of white people.
And whites need to reject it and get in the face of it and get in the face of the left pushing racialism and a total abandonment of Christianity and Martin Luther King Jr.
and everything.
And absolutely get in its face.
And if he'll talk, the racist left, then talk.
Spencer would talk, I'd talk to him.
In fact, Lister should recommend the racist minority leaders we should get on.
But behind almost all of them are white, PhD Ford Foundation folks.
You know, Ford was the second biggest supporter of Hitler in the world.
It wasn't Germany, it was IBM and it was Ford.
Still like Ford cars, not against them.
I got a Ford truck.
Henry Ford was a wild man, and he really supported Hitler.
He also supported the working person and a lot of other stuff.
And he put his 30-something million dollars, when he died, into the Ford Foundation.
People go, boy, it sure is different than Henry Ford.
Ford was a Nazi, but he supports all this leftist stuff.
But you think a guy like that didn't put the money where he wanted it?
He wants racial division to then trigger this big rising up that he believes will end up happening.
I mean, that's why when you turn on CNN or MSNBC, it's Hitler Channel.
You're like, what do you mean?
They're saying whites are bad.
Hitler said whites were the best.
It's a dialectic.
They create the two sides, clash them together.
I like the Russian model, where they know they've been attacked, they know they've brought in all these other groups to hate Russians.
Russians have been told to hate themselves, not have kids, all kill themselves.
Russian suicides down.
Russians for the first time in decades are living longer.
And they're having more kids.
And they're coming back, not out of a racist thing that Russians are best, but that, hey, we're Russians, and we like ourselves, and we like who we are, and we've survived a bunch of people trying to take us out for 500 years, and we're not gonna go down.
And we're proud of ourselves.
If you wanna work with us, if you're anybody in the group, that's great.
But you wanna come in here and tell us what to do?
We're gonna throw your ass out!
And if you stop that, we're gonna kill you!
And that's what the Poles are doing.
And that's what the Hungarians and the Romanians and the Czechs are doing.
Because they've been invaded for 1400 years by Muslims.
And they know it when they hear again that white people are bad.
You better let the Muslims in to run your life.
They say, you know what?
I can't go to a Muslim country and say I'm going to run the whole show.
I'm pulling my knife out and I'm fighting to the death.
And they're winning.
So I want identity for everybody.
I want everybody to have their culture and have their strength and build up the best parts of their cultures and have our cultures come together as we want to come together as individuals naturally, not forced by big mega corporations that say the end of humanity is almost here and are about to have a giant global race war to bring us down.
It's the only way the damn robots can win!
And the blueprints for this satanic world government are right out of deep space, baby.
It's all right there in Ezekiel.
It's all right there in Genesis.
It's all right there in Revelations.
I mean, you actually go read that stuff for yourself.
Then you're like, you'll know what you're reading.
You're not tuning into Art Bell.
You're tuning into the Bible.
And there is a fallen off-world group And he's got a big army, and they operate like any army does, from stealth.
It's like our military wears the night goggles and comes at night.
Well, they're right there, folks.
They're right here with us.
Every culture knows everybody understands it, the globalists serve it, and they are working with a really nasty group to take us down.
And I think we're smart enough to beat this.
And the only way you're going to beat it is what we're doing here on this show.
But then you can't accept the leftist ideology, and if you've got white children, you know, tell them, well, don't ever be proud of the fact you're white, and lay down to people telling you you're bad.
No, we're all being racially targeted and discriminated against as white people, so we have to then stand up for ourselves and get past the peer pressure and say, this is what you're doing, shut the hell up.
I mean, I'm not a big partier, but when I was getting divorced like five, you know, six years ago, I would go to Halloween parties and stuff, and I would have women and other people walk over to me because I was famous.
And go, are you a Nazi?
Because I was wearing a captain hat, nothing like a Nazi hat, and I was a white guy.
And I'd say, and they would say more about, well, there's all these Nazis around.
And I'd say, no, you're the Nazi.
You're a racist that comes from the most open country in the world, and you tell me I'm a racist.
And it was like Arab men doing it and leftist women.
I would just laugh at them in the party and just get in their face.
And they would piss themselves because they were so used to, I'm sorry, no, I'm not a racist.
Let me suck your boots.
That's not gonna happen either.
Now I'm going to go to Gustav, and Johnny, and Marcos, and Alex, and Jason, and JD, and then I'm going to air this U.N.
But I'm going to go to your calls when we come back.
But you have to understand, folks, that I don't care what somebody thinks about me.
So I don't not go along with the whole racist ideology because I'm worried about political correctness coming at me.
Richard Spencer's on Twitter.
He's on YouTube.
I'm not.
Because I'm trying to stop the anti-human takeover.
And notice they don't attack me when I say, hey, it's an off-world entity manipulating humanity, trying to teach us how to destroy ourselves.
Notice they don't make a thing out of that, because they all follow that.
They all know that.
They're not atheists.
All these top globalists go, oh, there's interdimensions where aliens are telling us what to do.
That's a fricking UFO cult out in San Francisco and Silicon Valley.
They take huge doses of drugs to be able to interface with these entities that are giving them the blueprints and the ideas of all this crap to build and then how to make us racially fight with each other to take us down.
Let me explain it again.
Interdimensional aliens are attacking us to make us all kill each other.
The Bible says it.
Are we going to put up with it?
Are we this stupid?
Waging war on corruption.
We're going to go to Gustav, Johnny, Daniel, Marcus, Alex, Jason, and J.D.
before I go to the special report in the last segment today.
It's beyond insanely important.
But let's go to Alex in Texas first.
Thanks for holding, Alex.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Right before I ask my question, I just want to give a big salute.
Products are great.
I used to play linebacker.
I got registered my freshman year.
I realized sports are just Roman bread and circus.
When you take iodine, fish oil, all these, you know, nootropics, uh, I basically have, like, this desire to run every day, man, and I'm doing, like, 2.5 miles in, like, 20 minutes running every day, and... Oh, that's why I want listeners to try our high-quality fish oil, our high-quality nootropics, X2, X3, because people are gonna get hooked, it's gonna make their lives better, and then we can fund the operation a total win-win.
Yes sir, that Christmas Mega Sale pack y'all just had, man, I was absolutely just barging, but definitely gonna be saving up and, you know, I'm totally down for buying stuff full price and just supporting the info.
Well thank you, I mean, what we did is we sold out a lot of stuff just to make sure we had money to bring down inventory massively.
So yeah, we're gonna be leaner and meaner now, so there won't be those kind of specials at that level.
Even though I say that, Super Female Vitality's 60% off right now.
Super Male's sold out, but I'm sorry.
Go ahead, sir, and get into your point.
Yes, sir.
Virginia, I had a question.
I'm wondering, what's the exact date?
Are they still caught on trying to get the guns?
Oh, yeah.
They said, we'll call the military out.
We got bills.
We're going to confiscate the semi-auto.
We're going to shut down the gun ranges.
We're going to shut down all boxing, jiu-jitsu, all self-defense classes.
I mean, there's actual bills.
And they've got the votes.
And they say that they're just going to set up checkpoints.
And they want to start a fight.
Uh, because they know they can't win the general election.
They want to start a civil war.
So they're very serious about it.
I'm going to be going there and I'll be there next week.
Yeah, definitely.
I mean, that's just kind of concerning thinking it could be a civil war this month.
You know, I'm here out in Round Rock and it's just kind of concerning seeing, you know, I've been living in this area since 1998.
It's just, you see the leftists, and you just see how this whole Austin, greater metropolitan area has just really turned very blue.
Just imagine Southern California as a giant toilet that's full, and then there was a pipe going right to Central Texas, and then they just flushed it, and then that's what we've got here.
And I'm telling you, it's not the illegal aliens that I don't like.
It's the vampire leftists that make me sick.
And there are a lot of good people coming from California too, but they're like one out of five because they're coming to flee it.
No, the others just know they've destroyed it and they're coming here to do the same thing to us.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Well, thank you for taking my call, Alex, and God bless.
God bless you, sir.
I appreciate your call.
It's really bad.
Oh my gosh, I didn't realize Johnny was calling from Denmark.
So I'm going to go to Johnny next, then Gustav.
Johnny, you're on the air.
Welcome from Denmark.
Hello, Alex.
Thank you.
Glad I finally got through.
Happy New Year and New Decade.
I call it the doubly roaring 2020.
Like you had the roaring 1920s?
Doubly roaring 2020s.
Yes, sir.
This year is the doubly roaring 2020.
I've been an avid listener for about 10 years.
Um, I'm actually a very avid listener for like, I don't know, six years, and listening for between six and fourteen hours a day.
On cold winter days here in Denmark, I listen to all the shows, and sometimes I listen twice.
Because, you know, kind of in the background, if I was totally focused, I'd listen only once.
I understand.
I'm, uh, I'm possibly, I'm guessing that I am your best customer in Copenhagen and in Denmark and maybe in all of Scandinavia.
Probably are.
I did the stats today.
I spent about $19,000 last year on it.
And money well spent.
It's that tiny percentage of folks that underwrite this show, so money well spent, my friend.
God bless you.
Are you still there, Johnny?
Yes, I was going to make a suggestion along those lines that you allow people like me to know.
See, I'm speculating based on what you're saying that only about 2% of the listeners buy from the shop and of those only a small percentage buy a lot.
This might be an idea for your store, this is the first of many suggestions that I have, to let people know where they stand ordinarily in terms of their city, their country, etc.
Because, you know, if I knew that by spending another hundred dollars I'd go to number one in who knows what, Denmark or Scandinavia or Europe, I might do it.
Other people might do the same.
I know it's hard to get stuff into Europe too.
We've tried to think about setting up subsidiaries over there to get it shipped in.
But then if you manufacture it there, you got to go through its rules.
And it's cost prohibitive that we never gotten big enough to scale up and do that.
But that was our goal.
That's why they're trying to shut us down before we do that.
But that's a great idea, sir.
Well, if you'd like to, I'd be willing to help with that, because I know a lot about the ins and outs here.
For example, Sweden has much more lenient policies than Denmark.
For example, I can no longer order an 8-pack PowerStack from the U.S.
because, get this, if I order it from Europe, like for example Sweden, I can bring in products with melatonin.
If I order it from the U.S., I can't.
However, I believe Sweden does not have that prohibition.
So if you had a warehouse or distributor in Sweden and sent it there, it would be okay.
That would get around the Denmark rules via the EU rule, right?
Right, exactly.
So Denmark is restricting and making melatonin a controlled substance?
They've already done that.
Well, I guess you could take a whole bottle of it and hurt yourself.
That's like saying you can't have gasoline because you might burn yourself up with it.
Just crazy.
Well, we know what's behind it.
What's behind it is, you know, you are costing the medical pharmaceutical industry literally trillions of dollars.
And that's why I tell people the four best... Well, it's not just me.
It's supplements in general.
I mean, they've got all these double-blind studies that good turmeric is way better than Prozac.
Prozac's bad for you, but, you know, in studies to make you happy.
I mean, it's not just an antioxidant.
It's not just for joints, the anti-inflammatory.
You go through all this, and that's why they're trying to patent fish oil and then not let Absolutely.
I mean, listen to my voice.
How well do I sound?
I'm actually 55 years old going on 56.
It's what God gave us is the answer.
And when people get the pure good stuff, it just makes their life so much better.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, listen to my voice.
How old do I sound?
I'm actually 55 years old going on 56.
And the reason is because I've been taking very good care of my health throughout my life.
And I'm very good at discriminating high quality stuff.
And that's how I got attracted to Infowars generally.
The information is high quality and the products are high quality also.
Well, thank you, brother.
Real quick, I wanna get your take on Trump and Iran.
Give us your view on that.
Yes, and I'm glad you asked about that.
I was wondering, 'cause we hadn't talked about that for a while because this call screener
said I should lead with that, but then I didn't hear about it for a while.
I'm happy to talk about that.
I just wanna start with some background that I believe based on my, you know,
extensive research over decades now of world history and psychology and all that,
that Trump is the greatest psychosocial, political, economical, spiritual super genius ever.
And the thing about him is, if there were a political IQ test, his would be about a 300.
And I've been saying that for years. He has clearly studied Machiavelli, he's clearly studied Bismarck,
he's clearly studied Sun Tzu, and he's clearly studied Claudius. And I can get into any one of those.
But it's interesting in that sense that he tweeted just the other day, quote, "from Sun Tzu."
Hold on.
I want to hear you go through that briefly.
You're such a good caller.
We'll get to everybody else.
I promise.
everybody holding when we come back with Johnny from Denmark these are the
amazing listeners we have and again we don't screen your calls as to what you
can say I've just told John I'm like listen I'm glad they're plugging the
products but we do that enough ourselves kind of tell them not what to say but
just get to their topic we want to hear what they have to say about the topic
and not so much about the products even though people can hear how good they are
So yeah, I guess I am starting to screen the calls.
Like, hey, you don't have to tell me you love me.
You don't have to tell me how great the products are all the time.
Just, we want to hear what you think about politics.
You know, what I really think about the world is what I say on air.
In fact, I say things on air I never say in private.
This is like my secret place right in front of the whole world.
And that's what the establishment fears.
It's somebody that just says what's on their heart.
Just looks at the world through the eyes of a child.
And then I got a few other eyes to look at things.
But I always look at it with the eyes of a child first.
Speaking of Trump, there's a quote out there, I always butcher it, but he said, the deepest thing I ever learned how to do was to be shallow.
And you know, that's because your subconscious, your mind, your spirit, all of it is hundreds if not thousands of times more powerful than your cerebral cortex and your limited focus.
And so it's the gut, women's intuition, whatever you want to call it, that is almost always right.
Now you can misinterpret what your gut's telling you and think it's something else when it's something else that's going on.
You know, they say horses are psychic, and that's been proven.
But they'll think it's this thing going on instead of that thing.
And women are particularly psychic, and they'll think that it's something you're doing instead of what something else is happening.
But we're all pretty much the same at the end of the day.
What's psychic?
It just means you've got senses in things that aren't just the five senses.
It's all been proven.
It's there.
You know, it's how hummingbirds can fly from Canada to Guatemala, 5,000 miles, and land in the exact tree they were born in.
They're following a magnetic line.
Whenever I'm making a creative choice, I try to step back and remember my first shallow reaction.
The day I realized it can be smart to be shallow was, for me, a deep experience.
And the media made fun of that.
That's from his book, Think Like a Billionaire, 2004.
They go, it's an oxymoron!
He said the deepness is being shallow, but the real deepness is your intellect that instantly knows something.
So, like you said, you need to rake the forest.
That's technically the name they use in a couple of different countries in Europe, but the aborigines call it scrubbing the forest.
We're being removed from our normal environment and then taught that everything normal is alien.
So if Trump is doing this 3D chess, well I just can't wait then for them to do something about the censorship.
Because big tech's spying on everybody, they're lying about it, they're doing all this incredibly illegal stuff and they're not doing anything.
At the White House level to stop this when it's it's bigger than just antitrust.
It's bigger than just free speech.
It's it's it's companies working to totally take over civilization and society and.
Maybe Trump is 340 chess, maybe he's bad then.
Because he needs to do something now.
You know, I probably won't get to the U.N.
report, even though it's our top story.
I covered it Sunday, I covered it Friday, I covered it Saturday.
It's so huge.
Maybe I should just do the whole show tomorrow on it, because you can't just, you know, go piecemeal on something this big.
The head U.N.
scientist says vaccines are killing people.
I'll say that again.
Vaccines are killing people.
And we've been covering it up, and there's no accurate, real testing.
And then she's on TV saying it's all safe and effective.
And we have all the other top scientists saying, you don't want adjuvants.
And people are pissed, and the doctors don't believe us anymore.
And they know the vaccines are hurting everybody.
This is at the top summit in Switzerland!
And of course, it's in the independent media, and okay, a few hundred thousand views on my website, BandaVidya.
This needs to be everywhere, and the only way it gets out is you.
But see, first it's censor Alex Jones, and now it's don't talk about vaccines, don't even tell us what's on the insert.
Wow, that's stopping public health.
That's covering up for corrupt drug companies that Facebook and Google are invested in.
Filthy criminals.
And now they want to make these vaccines mandatory.
The Nazis just lined you up and shot you, but see, they know how to give you a shot, kills you 10 years later.
So, violence is going to come out of this.
I don't want violence, but if they keep trying to force vaccines and people get their kids hurt and they get hurt, these vaccine heads and these corporate heads and then big tech heads are going to be fair game.
Open season!
This is violence!
Just like shooting black people up with live syphilis, telling them it's a damn vaccine for 40 years.
The people that did that deserve to be hung by the neck until they died!
Well, they don't just shoot the poor black folks up these days.
They shoot everybody up with it.
And I don't give a rat's ass what color you are.
They better keep their damn hands off of us if we're smart enough to know what this damn poison is!
Now I'm gonna go to Jason and J.D.
and Marcus, everybody.
So I gotta real fast, Johnny, from Denmark.
Get into Trump's 3D chest and 4D chest and the art of war stuff and then give me your take on the censorship because I wanna hear what you have to say.
Okay, it's funny that you mentioned that, in the context of what you just mentioned, it's a good segue for me, because just that quotation there, Politico, It was something like, the day I realized I can be smart to be shallow was, for me, a deep revelation or something like that.
And what you mentioned, it was like maybe the day he learned to tune into his instincts, but like so many other things that he says, and with all due respect, like a lot of biblical passages, Including in Revelation, as you mentioned before, it has several meanings.
There's another one.
Remember I mentioned Claudius and how I thought that Trump had studied him carefully?
The main message for me from Roman Emperor Claudius was that it's more important to be smart than to look smart.
And moreover, sometimes part of being as smart as possible is not looking too smart.
Yeah, that's it.
And he does that too.
And there's another sense in it, too.
A third sense, which ties in with InfoWars also, interestingly enough, because as an avid InfoWars listener for a decade now, I realized there was enough out there.
If everyone were as avid as me and listening in 2016 when there were the WikiLeaks of Walt 7 revelations, there's enough material there to put a lot of them away, or worse, if you know what I'm saying, However, it was information overload.
And part of his 4D, 5D, or whatever you want to say, genius, is being able to give people digestible bites of information.
They're right.
Part of the multifaceted intelligence is being able to not dumb it down, but put out complex thoughts and systems and simply understood Rosetta Stone systems that open up larger horizons.
We'd get his name and number.
We should get this gentleman on as a routine guest.
I'm going to start that new podcast soon with the callers.
Thank you, sir.
Let's go ahead now.
Thank you.
Let's go ahead and talk to Gustav in Texas.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
How you doing, Mr. Jones?
Good, brother.
Thank you for holding.
Real quick, I just want to say that we really appreciate you here in our hometown.
Of course, you left the best for last.
Real quick on the whole Iran situation and everything, I kind of think things are being played kind of double-sided by the President of Iran.
We have to think back all the way to the Iran-Contra and what they did with the whole bill and the whole drug stuff that they were doing.
I think now, coming to 2020, he has a clear idea of who our new leader is and the game that he is not playing with us or with them I
should say and that he is letting them know that the globalist the establishment... He's saying meet
the new boss and it ain't the same as the old boss. Right, right, right, right, right. That's exactly
what he said. That's exactly what he said. Yeah and and I think as well as the establishment I feel as if he
didn't take it serious. He didn't he didn't take it he didn't he didn't take the the the hint
the win that we had got over the establishment in the elections he didn't take that as
serious as when the first bomb strike down on his top general.
That's when he knew, he said, okay, I either turn my back towards them, or maybe some of that gravity can happen to me and my country, because like you said, the annihilation can happen within a second.
You know, we have drones flying over them 24-7, the past I think that's beautifully said.
I just hope the neocons and others don't try to set Trump up with foreign stuff because they could really, I think Kennedy with the Bay of Pigs and other events, they could really sabotage operations.
Right, right, right.
To say that there isn't any mold, or to say that there isn't anybody that's in there spying on him, you know, um... Well, exactly.
That's why he said, uh, I couldn't tell, you know, Congress, because they'd have leaked it.
Thank you so much.
I really appreciate you holding, sir.
All right, we've got Kevin with a Black American perspective on Infowars, and we're gonna go to Marcos, Johnny, Jason, and J.D.
I gotta move quick.
Bam, bam, bam to the callers.
The stronger we fight for humanity, the more we come together for a pro-human future, the stronger we are and the closer to God we are.
And it's not going to be Richard Spencer and all the white people for the white people and the black people for the black people.
That means we don't all stand up for ourselves.
But it's realizing the AI world government takeover that is against every child.
And those little unborn babies who bleed red blood, who are part of our species, are being killed by the millions.
And they're all different colors.
And they haven't even had a chance to live yet outside their mother's wombs.
And we're letting them die.
We're treating them like trash.
And we're telling ourselves we're trash.
I'm not trash.
And I'm not going to sit there and play into this dialectic.
We've cracked the code.
Jesus cracked the code.
And it's the only way.
All right, we've got to move fast no matter how great these callers are.
Kevin in Arizona, you're on the air.
Welcome, sir.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, what's up, Alex?
Kevin here.
Proud Black American.
I started listening to you in 2012.
I was at Amazon for about six years.
Don't know what's going on, but I started connecting dots.
I took a break, and now I'm back.
Info Warrior.
Already ready to go.
Been spreading the word nonstop.
Bezos, he recommended a book, Behold a Pale White Horse.
That's sort of still iffy for me.
I know he went to Bilderberg.
But, uh, you know, overall, man, I'm just I'm just pumped up.
Glad to be an American.
I'm tired of my own family disrespecting the Constitution when we still sit here and say, oh, Malcolm X, Malcolm X, or Malcolm X himself.
Well, he woke up later.
I mean, he was always sophisticated, had a lot of courage, and was put under a lot of pressures.
That's why he first had to stand up for himself before he could stand up for everybody.
And I get that, because when you're in a racially attacked thing, the first thing you do is stand up for yourself.
But then he transcended it, traveling around the world, and saw the larger division.
And as soon as he agreed with Martin Luther King, he was dead.
And, uh, yeah, I'm just standing up, man.
Just, uh, going to thank everybody over there.
And, um, you know what I'm saying?
My aunt recently passed away, and we found out it was the vaccine, actually, that killed her.
So, when you're speaking about these vaccines, I know firsthand what's going on.
I stopped taking it two years ago, just in fear.
And let's talk about that.
What, I mean, even they even admitted the reaction killed her?
Yeah, they admitted it.
Yeah, it was the vaccine.
I don't know exactly what chemical it was that was in it, but it was the vaccine.
She had recently got that.
Do me a favor.
I'm going to get your name and number, guys.
Don't let me forget to do this, because we're going to do a whole vaccine show soon.
Follow up on that.
Call family and get all the facts on it.
We'd love to humanize your aunt, because this is what's going on, and it's everywhere.
And now, have you seen the video where the UN admits it?
Please, please, for the next woman or man of every... Notice, they're targeting everybody with these shots, folks.
And the doctors, the UN admits, are waking up.
So they're not part of it.
They're being lied to, too.
And so, we need to warn everybody, my friend.
And so, God bless you.
Give his name and number, or give him our hotline, and as soon as he gets that info, we have to treat these people like humans.
I don't care what color you are, you get killed by a vaccine, we gotta talk about it.
They've gotten to the point where these people die, and it's hardly even an issue!
And again, they can make clean vaccines that still have side effects but aren't as bad.
They're doing it on purpose.
And it's big pharma.
The UN doesn't even test it.
They don't even know.
Pisses me off.
Anyways, thank you, Kevin.
in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead, J.D.
Oh, good afternoon, Jones.
Hey, I've been listening about the Iran stuff and the airplane.
It's kind of funny how these guys Uh, avoided the question the whole time.
They brought in the bulldozers to clear out the crash site.
Oh yeah, and by the way, on Friday, on Thursday, I'm like, look, bulldozers covering it up.
They're like, shut up, neocon warmonger.
I'm just like, it's a war zone.
The TOR missiles, they shot it down.
Of course, now they admit it.
So why did they wait so long to finally admit it?
My question is this, sir, is who was on that airplane?
It was a bunch of Olympic, it was a bunch of Olympic athletes.
And you know, because I mean, I'm not trying to be a conspiracy theorist, but you know, all these times airplanes get shot down, like the one that just disappeared like in 14 or 15 that came out of Malaysia, gone.
Who was on those airplanes that were important to investigations?
The same us?
Well, you're not being conspiratorial.
We know that Israel blows up a lot of Iranian aircraft with Iranian generals.
Like, they stopped flying a whole bunch of them at once on those because they put bombs on board.
And a bunch of other governments do it as well.
I believe the globalists, the NATO, shot down that Malaysian airplane to try to embarrass the Russians.
The Russians had no reason to shoot down that.
That wasn't in a bombing zone.
And I'm not just defending the Russians.
I just go with my own research.
And we were right.
They shot it down, tore missiles, and there you go.
It's just some odd stuff, man.
Also, real quick, sir.
You know how we're ending this decade right now?
You know, next year will be the new decade coming up?
Yes, sir.
Okay, you know how history repeats itself?
Think about the war we just got out of for almost 20 years we've been fighting over in Afghanistan and Iraq and Iran, Apoxie Wars and everything else, Middle East, all the hot spots.
Now we're coming into the 20s.
It's come almost resonance to the roaring 20s of 1920s.
Listen, I agree.
I was sitting here earlier thinking I need to get storable food, not because I'm selling it already.
I mean, I need to get a place in the country.
I need to get ready for collapse.
Because if Trump doesn't completely succeed, he may stay in office, but if he doesn't totally succeed in quite frankly pumping the bubble up even bigger, which is almost an impossible job, we're going to have an explosive depression.
I don't think any of us should lie about that to ourselves.
I'm thinking the same thing.
You're feeling it, aren't you?
God bless you, J.D.
Yeah, what goes up must come down, and it's so overextended.
It's the big megabanks that did it, and I don't want it to happen.
It's like having a shoulder out of its socket, and they're about to pop that sucker back in, and you're like, man, I want this fixed, but I don't want to feel it.
It's going to hurt like hell.
Jason in California, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey man, I just wanted to comment on the Iran thing real quick.
I haven't heard much people talk about it today, but this is the reason why we need strong borders.
You know, Hezbollah is known to be all over Latin America, and people just want to ignore this problem.
But this, I think this whole Iran thing is really, you know, people should be talking about the need for a stronger border because of things like this.
Because Iran... Did you see this really scary looking guy they caught with the $22,000 and all the weapons outside Mar-a-Lago?
Yeah, I did.
And, you know, that's the thing with Iran.
If it's just a straight one-on-one war with us, they have no chance.
But people fail to realize there's sleeper cells all over America because of the lapsed security on the border we have.
And it's guys like that is the reason we need guns.
Yeah, absolutely.
But, you know, the Democrats want to take guns away from law-abiding citizens without realizing there's more guns in this country than people.
So bad people are going to get guns regardless.
I just hope people start talking about border security more in the sense that it's not just immigration that we're trying to control.
It's bad people coming in here to destroy America from within.
You're absolutely right.
Thank you for the call.
I'll just say, we should control the border because of that, but mainly because of fentanyl.
One grain of pure fentanyl will kill you, and they're lacing everything with it, and just everybody I know has people dying or almost die from it.
I am so pissed.
I'm going to say this.
Anybody in my family gets hurt by fentanyl, I'm holding the Democrats responsible, and the Tricomps, okay?
That's violence attacking me and my family, and I am pissed.
It's horrible and thank God Trump's trying to stop it and thank God that law enforcement understands.
This isn't like cocaine or something where they let some of it slip through or whatever.
Anybody with fentanyl selling it needs to be executed.
Do like China does or Singapore.
Kill people that sell it.
I want them dead!
Because millions are getting killed by this crap and it's pissing me off.
Excuse me.
We didn't really screen your calls on topics, and most of them are about Iran.
You want to talk about Iran?
We'll talk about it more tomorrow.
War Room's coming up with Owen Schroer here in about two minutes, but Marcus, you're our tail gunner.
Thank you for holding from Texas, sir.
All right, sir.
So I have something I want really quickly.
The crew just promised me they'll look up.
It doesn't have to be today, but in the next few days, look up Salvatore Pius.
Salvatore Pius put out a patent.
It's a patent for a vehicle that the U.S.
Navy is using and says it's operable and enabled.
And y'all should really look into it.
Salvatore, tell me again, Salvatore?
Salvatore Pius.
But it's like, it's Pius, P-A-I-S, like the country.
Okay, and it's a ship?
It literally translates to savior of our country.
This is real.
This is really, really, really real.
It's an anti-gravity craft.
It can go Mach 46.
And it's real.
Look it up.
All right.
Well, I know there's a lot of technology they've been suppressing, like Hans and Weissman.
But this is Space Force.
This is the craft of Space Force.
Realize that.
Well, I know there's a lot of hidden technology they haven't rolled out yet, and Trump wants to do that to innovate us out of this bubble into an even bigger one, a big juicy one.
So I will look into it.
Yeah, there it is.
That's an article I haven't I haven't seen that yet.
Let's get some documents.
I'll look into that.
Looks like Daily Mail.
Thank you so much, sir.
God bless you, Marcus, for the call.
I'll look into that right now.
Broadcast is ending.
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I want to talk about super silver whitening toothpaste because I hadn't tried it except
for maybe the last week and a half.
And I told Alex, I said, man, this is the best toothpaste I've ever tried.
He's like, well, what are you doing?
Just sitting in here telling me you got to get up there and tell people.
So here I am telling people super silver whitening toothpaste is by far the best toothpaste I've ever tried.
And I'm 45 years old.
And I've tried a lot of different toothpaste.
And it's fluoride free.
I think the big difference, the game changer in this is the Coral Calcium.
Because after I brush my teeth with this, they feel so clean.
And the toothpaste, I don't even like rinse out my mouth after I brush my teeth with this.
It feels so good.
It feels like good things are happening in my mouth.
In fact, I find myself brushing my teeth three to four times a day rather than just twice a day now.
Because I like the way it feels.
The best product, I'm not supposed to be biased, but I'm gonna tell you all now, if you haven't tried TurboForce,
you need to try it.
I've tried TurboForce with everything.
Sometimes, you know, I went a little bit crazy.
I put TurboForce in my coffee.
That was a crazy week.
I don't remember sleeping, but... As far as the products go, TurboForce is my favorite, and all the Infowars products are down to taking control of your life, taking control of your health, not relying on other people to do it for you.
Nobody wakes up in the morning And thinks, I'm gonna give that person over there a better life.
I'm gonna wake up today, you know what?
I'm gonna spend my entire day trying to make that guy over there healthier, happier, and richer.
I'm gonna make sure he gets a Ferrari and a girlfriend.
I don't think that happens very often.
It's never happened to me.
I've never had anyone knock on my door and said, Tate, you're such a good guy.
How can I improve your life in every single way?
There's only one person who woke up and thought that, and that was me.
I woke up and thought, you know what?
I want to take control of my life.
I want to take control of my health.
And that's why you need to go to Infowars.com and take control of your health right now and support the resistance.
Don't buy into the groupthink.
Don't drink the Kool-Aid.
Drink the TurboForce.
Kool-Aid's bad and the TurboForce is good.
And you want to know who they are?
You watch Hollywood, that's who they are.
They love pedophilia.
They love devil worship.
They love diseased children.
They love leaking reactors.
They love failure!
They love their father, death!
Well guess what?
I don't love death!
And I'm not gonna sit here and cower to you filth!
I need to plug or we won't be here.
Like I told you, it's not a gimmick that a lot of times a sale gets extended a day or two because I'm up here working on news stories and I'm working on things like that and we've got some sales coming up that the ads are gonna take some production and so Yes, the sale we're doing is doing the best the sale's ever done.
Because people know that we've never had stuff at 50 to 75% off, store-wide free shipping, double pay-through points.
We've sold out of probably half of our best sellers.
We're on the verge of selling out of everything else.
And so this sale will have to end.
By tomorrow?
By Thursday?
By Friday?
I don't know.
Because I'm too busy to go look at all the inventory and make all the decisions.
They just said, all this is sold out.
This is about to sell out.
This stuff's coming in a few weeks.
This is coming in a few months.
You really need to stop the sale.
And I said, well, tell me what we got.
Well, we sold out of this.
We sold out of that.
We're selling out of this.
We sold out of that.
But we got this, this, this, this, and that.
That's real popular.
We got all this stuff.
And what do you want to do?
I just said, you know what?
I'm too busy.
Just keep the sale going.
And people are responding to it.
And even though a lot of this stuff's being sold at cost or as a lost leader, we're keeping the sale going because they said no, but we're also selling a lot of stuff where we do make a profit.
Some t-shirts, books, films, folks are really supporting.
And so I'm just going to keep the sale going until I can get these ads cut.
And I'll tell you what the new specials are going to be.
They're going to be good, they're just not as wide as this.
It's going to be on storable foods, water filtration, air filtration.
It's the new year, time to get clean, time to be prepared as well.
We've got the best units out there, but I want to get them in here and show them to you and shoot some produced ads.
It'll take some time, not just be up here talking about stuff.
So that's why I'm going to get that done today or tomorrow and just whenever they are, that's the new specials.
And we got a few other things, but a lot of stuff's gonna be sold out.
So we're gonna be promoting books, films, Patriot apparel, and water filtration, air filtration for a
month because everything's sold out.
And all that stuff's important and it also funds our operations.
So, if you want to fund the operation and get great products, you'll never be able to get a sale this big again.
If we're ever selling stuff at cost again, across the board, it means we're closing.
Because this is getting rid of inventory, funding into the future, and just something I did to know we could operate, you know, at least through the election.
I mean, because a lot of things, we're not ordering as much inventory, and then we're going to sell it at a little bit higher price, and so we can fund ourselves.
I'm actually doing business planning, something I've never really done, to be able to fund this.
The best deals of 2019 are almost over.
Double Patriot points.
Store-on free shipping.
DNA Force Plus sold out.
Ultimate Krillol sold out.
Surreal Vitality sold out.
Scrabble Shield X2 almost sold out.
Bodies selling out.
Turbo Force off sale, about to sell out.
Vitamin Refusion sold out.
Rain Force Plus 60% off, still available.
Knockout 60% off, still available.
Ultra 12 60% off, still available.
Selenium 60% off, still available.
All apparel, 25-30%, still available.
Real Red Pill Plus, free bottle of biodiesel.
That's at cost, still available.
30% off.
It just goes on.
30% off.
Alexa Pure, free shipping.
That's a great deal.
And so much more.
That's how we fund our operations.
We'll take advantage of it.
And again, I'm taking on the globalists, the EU, the leftist CIA, the Hollywood pedophiles.
I'm in the fight.
Just keep me in the fight.