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Name: 20200106_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 6, 2020
2611 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani by a US drone strike, expressing concerns over potential escalation of tensions in the region. He also talks about other topics such as an experimental Ebola vaccine approved by CDC and FDA, and criticizes Trump for not pardoning those involved in Benghazi. Jones promotes InfoWars products and discusses his book "The Warrior Ethos" which is about failure and overcoming it.

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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
We are already six days in to 2020.
And the world is on fire.
We are already six days in the 2020 and the world is on fire culturally,
economically, spiritually, and yes physically. I'm going to open the phones
up now.
Next segment, as soon as the calls come in, from listeners and viewers in the great continent and the great nation down under, Australia.
You could even have a headline for this live show, Infowars Live in Australia, because If you support Western values and freedom and the family and a pro-human future, you are part of the info war, the fight for that human future.
And so every man, woman, and child in the world that's a listener and a viewer, that contributes information, contributes stories, contributes word of mouth, to what we do here is just as vital as the person sitting in this seat, yours truly, the pumpkin head from Texas.
So I want to open the phones up specifically for folks in Australia.
And I should probably give out the regular toll number, because sometimes people can't call a 1-800 number, but we do get calls on that number.
So whichever hotline's right, guys, put that on screen for me.
I know we've got three or four of them.
And then put your country code in and the hotline number, or the call-in local number.
And we'll also give out the general number, 877-789-2539, 877-789-ALEX.
To talk about what's happening in Australia, obviously the millions of acres burned,
obviously many deaths, obviously a lot of property lost.
But the big story is, the concerted corporate media worldwide
is saying it's global warming or climate change.
And then if we paid carbon taxes, To the UN and to the IMF and World Bank and literally to Lord Rothschild, and to Al Gore and Obama and Bill Clinton, who own climate exchanges in London, England and Chicago, Illinois, that they will save us.
While just by Australia is China, with no environmental controls, who lobbies for our industries to be shut down.
Carbon dioxide coming out of coal plants has nothing, nothing, To do with the fact that Australia has always had giant fires.
It's just more populated now and it's very dry in areas and you're going to see after this massive re-greening and some of the best crops you've ever seen.
Australia is going to be a green oasis in the areas that burned in just a year or two.
But if you watched any news show, you would think Armageddon has happened.
Every time there's a volcano and a dust storm hits some country a thousand miles away, they go, look!
End of the world!
And they'll show dust storms on the news in a city looking all apocalyptic.
That's always happened.
Those dust storms are reported in the Bible.
Roman historians reported on whole cities that disappeared in sandstorms.
Had nothing to do with humans.
Now this has everything to do with humans, because it's the normal agricultural time two months ago, setting fires to clear land to put nitrogen and other things back into the soil.
Every fall in Texas, if the wind turns the wrong way, we have choking smoke.
They go, oh look, pollution, the environment.
It's farmers in Mexico burning their fields so that they can grow crops again on them.
That's how poor people pay for fertilizer.
By the way, that's why Mexican produce is still so much better if it's grown the traditional way and not with chemicals.
That's why you have a garden.
You put potash in it, you're gonna have a lot better food.
It's why by volcanoes you have the best soil.
Why does coffee grow so good in places like Hawaii?
Because it's grown inside of volcanoes.
It's all part of the life cycle of the planet.
They're trying to turn into something that is alien to blame humans.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
We are going to take you live thanks to the technology of Skype, and the technology of phone lines, and the technology of satellites, and the technology of this news, TV, and radio studios we've built in Austin, Texas, thanks to all your support.
We're going to be taking you To Australia, via our listeners there, to give you the unvarnished view on the ground of what they themselves say is really going on.
Not what Hollywood is telling us, that because humans exist, there was never fires like this before, and we've got to have a global government that taxes and tracks all carbon.
With huge AI computer systems and that we have to only have one child and that we basically need to just commit suicide and kill ourselves because we're bad people.
Even though, hiding in plain view, Australia's catastrophic fires threatened to upend the way people live.
Wall Street Journal, igniting two months earlier, And the usual start of the Australian fire season.
The flames have torn through an area about the size of West Virginia, killing at least 20 people, shrouding cities in choking haze and stretching firefighters to the breaking point.
And so they've entered the dry season.
They've entered the season when people do the controlled burns to put nitrogen and other minerals and things back into the soil to grow again.
And you see this periodically.
Giant fires in Russia.
Giant fires in Africa.
Giant fires in the United States.
It happens in countries that are inside continents.
It happens to whole continents.
And yes, Australia is becoming more populated.
Australia really only has more of a tropical or wet climate on its coastlines.
And it has a giant interior.
Just like much of the U.S.
West is a desert.
A high desert.
Much of Australia is a desert or scrub rush.
And what does scrub rush do?
When the lightning comes, they have fires.
And what happened before humans were there, before the aborigines came there?
Well, they can find the archaeological record of giant fires sometimes that would go across half the continent.
When things were dry, when the winds were high, lightning caused fire.
There's always been fire.
And potash goes up in the atmosphere and causes nuclei to form that causes rainstorms.
One of the main causes of rainstorms is fires putting ash into the air.
That then triggers nuclei and causes water condensation.
And so it's a whole cycle.
What's the biggest cause?
They now know it's not potash.
They always thought it was just potash.
It's particles coming in from space.
Billions of micrometeorites coming into the atmosphere out of space.
Little pieces of sand, basically.
And then that atomizes and comes down and forms nuclei as well.
That's why when you have big solar flares that Go towards the Earth.
NASA and the meteorologists will tell you, okay, we're having solar flares hitting in the next 48 hours.
Look for giant thunderstorms.
Because the ionizing radiation coming in from the sun as well causes that.
Meteor showers have now been connected to big thunderstorms.
When you've got thousands and thousands of big stone meteors or nickel meteors or iron meteors coming in, they're vaporizing, they're burning up.
But what happens when you've got something that's hot that comes into something that's cold, like a glass, outside with ice in it?
And you get condensation dripping down the side on a hot summer day.
That's not the water from inside the glass coming out.
That's water in the air.
Hot air hitting cold glass.
I know the listeners know this, but that's what's happening in Australia.
And, again, you can pull it up.
Every time there's a dust storm in the Middle East or China, they go, oh, look, end of the world.
Look at the dark red skies.
The end of the planet.
See, we're bad.
And yes, humans are doing a lot of things to the earth that actually do hurt it, and that hurt ourselves, but the solution of carbon taxes and a surveillance system worldwide to attract every bit of human activity and to selectively decide who can have businesses and who can't, and who can have a coal plant, or who can have a car, or who can have a factory, that chooses winners and losers beyond even a military invasion.
Hitler could never get bombers over the United States to bomb our factories and coal plants that gave us all that cheap electricity.
But if he could have lobbied environmentalists before to tell us we were all guilty and bad and convinced us to not have any plants, well, he could have dominated.
It's just like China has many more times coal power plants than we have.
They build new ones every week.
We shut down half our plants under Obama.
We have thousands of years of clean coal.
All that comes out of the stacks is carbon dioxide and water.
And every time I would talk about this on air, they'd have news articles going, oh, Jones is paid by the coal production.
I own no coal stock, paid nothing by coal producers.
I am for America having good, clean energy.
See, the average person thinks, oh, if somebody's saying something on air that's a talk show host, that must be a talking point.
And if you're watching CNN, or most of the Fox shows, or reading the Wall Street Journal, you bet, most of the time it is.
But that's not what it is with Alex Jones.
I mean, I get up here and I say what I really think.
And then I, unfiltered, uncensored, open the phones up for people to call in from all the world, with up to a million listeners listening at any one time to the main broadcast, so that they can give their view.
Nobody else does that on a major platform like this.
And I say that because When Trump killed the Iranian general last Thursday, when the Iranian Ayatollah was saying, you can do nothing, you're pathetic.
I said, they're probably going to put a price on Trump's head.
And I said, they're going to launch some more attacks.
And I said, that'll give Trump the pretext to pull out of Iraq, something he's already said he wants to do.
Some people are like, Jones, are you promoting war?
Are you saying you like this?
No, that's not what I'm saying.
I was laying out why I saw Trump's perspective on it.
And how he has been trying to downsize these wars and end these wars.
And then he's got CNN and everybody else rooting for this to turn into a big fiasco.
And when have you ever seen CNN against a strike?
They're always for it.
Now they're against it.
So we're in a different world right now.
I'm not selling what Trump did.
I'm saying it's a big gamble.
I'm breaking down the geopolitical groups involved and Why I think the President did it.
But I will say this, and I'm going to get to this later when Joel Skousen comes on.
The fact that Trump has come out and said that he's threatening sanctions on Iraq and saying we will not leave until they pay billions of dollars.
The United States invaded Iraq.
The United States overthrew their leader.
And I understand Trump saying we shouldn't have had to pay for all that and why did China get all the oil and the rest of it, but this is bad.
And so when I see Trump do something or float an idea that I think is terrible, I'm going to tell you.
I'm persecuted for supporting Trump.
I'm attacked.
They're trying to shut us down because he's a nationalist, he's pro-gun, he's calling the shots, not the globalist.
And so they want to destroy InfoWars because they see it as a focal point of Trump's base.
I have stood with Trump because I think overall he's a lot better than Hillary and I think he's a good guy.
Doesn't mean that I'm in a cult and then I follow what Trump says and I get orders from Trump.
I mean Trump's told me keep it up, you're doing a great job, you know, press the attack, keep it up, stuff like that.
But it's not like I'm being patted on the head.
I understood why Trump did what he did from my own research and perspective.
But now?
We're hearing rhetoric about not leaving Iraq, and we're seeing the neocons and the left push for more strikes while at the same time criticizing Trump.
It's a very dangerous situation, and I'm really getting some serious concerns.
And we had Syrian Girl on, and we had callers on that have serious concerns, and relayed them very eloquently.
So when I see the talking point on my own website, Infowars.com, and the comments that, oh, Jones is a warmonger now.
He joined the neocons.
He loves war.
That's not the case.
But I'm against offensive war.
And there's no doubt that that Iranian general Soleimani was the guy behind the IED attacks all over the world and he was already starting new ones as basically an invasion of Iraq because he saw Trump pulling out and saw Trump as weak because Trump didn't respond to all his provocations.
So now Trump's saying he's acting to stop a wider war.
Well, we'll talk about it.
So, Cate Blanchett, another one of these script readers, these teleprompter readers that everybody worships.
Because when one country faces a climate disaster, we all face a climate disaster.
So when China, who's responsible for over half the trash in the world, they admit dumped in the ocean, by those big super ships, garbage ships, haulers, when they go out to the 12 mile line and dump it off your coast, that does affect the whole world.
But you never hear a word from these environmental groups about telling China not to do that.
It's all, oh we need money and groups on the beach to pick it up.
It's like crapping on somebody's face and giving them a napkin to wipe it off with.
And it's the same thing with the genetically engineered crops spreading around the world causing all these massive health problems and companies dumping things like glyphosate on the market that they know causes breast cancer and testicular cancer and prostate cancer and they admit it's killed millions.
The list goes on and on.
But if there's fires in Russia or the U.S.
or anywhere, they go, oh my gosh, it's humans!
And Paul Watson has a big article linked up on DrudgeReport.com.
Nearly 200 people arrested across Australia for deliberately starting fires.
And we'll go over this article coming up next segment.
But why would people do that?
There's several different reasons.
But a lot of it is that they're agricultural fires.
But other people are pyromaniacs and they've been caught and they go out because they like to see Rome burn.
And it turns out most of the fires in California now are arsonist.
Sometimes the people's own owners of their own homes will set a fire a mile away knowing it's going to come towards their house and they're going to get the insurance money while California real estate prices are still at peak levels.
So we're going to take calls from Rachel in Australia and others.
We're taking calls exclusively right now from folks in Australia to give your perspective.
I'd say expert perspective.
You live there on that amazing continent on what you really think is behind this and what do you think of the media?
What do you think of the system?
What do you think of the establishment?
Saying that you didn't pay a carbon tax.
Because when they have every TV show and every movie and every newspaper saying climate change, what's their solution?
A global government with total regulation and control of every facet of our lives.
Taxes on meat, taxes on energy, taxes on plastic.
And you've got Cate Blanchett up there in a peacock outfit with all these other theater people That are reading a script that somebody else gave them, that the establishment wants you to hear, so they can talk about how much they care about the climate and they say it's carbon that causes it.
So if you believe that lie, that fires aren't natural and they're evil and it's all man-made and fires are a terrible thing, well then why are they the people on average that use private jets more than even government officials?
I mean, I saw an article a few months ago where these Hollywood stars, people like DiCaprio and others, including also the British royal family, are flying around sometimes more than President Trump.
While they lecture everyone about don't fly on airplanes and don't have a car, in fact, don't even have a motorcycle, it's bad for the earth.
Well yeah, having a dirty tailpipe, not having a catalytic converter is bad for everybody, and stinks, and you have to breathe toxic fumes.
Catalytic converters clean that up!
That's a good invention!
That's a good regulation!
Hey, these cities are toxic!
There's brown smoke in the sky!
Clean it up with engineering!
But China says we don't want to do that, because that'll make us not competitive.
So China's just now getting around to saying catalytic converters.
No controls on their smokestacks.
Their rivers catch on fire.
But Greta Thunberg says, how dare you!
How dare you! Call a free number to join us from Australia.
The Aussies 877-789-2539, 877-789-2539, or 0011-1512-646-1776, 0011-1512-646-1776, or 877-789-Alex-877789-2539.
877-789-2539, 877-789-2539, or 0011-1512-646-1776, 0011-1512-646-1776, or 877-789-Alex-877789-2531, or 0011-1512-646-1776.
You can also see that on screen if you're a TV viewer.
We're going to have open phones at this hour for Aussies to call in.
I know it's middle of the night over there.
By the way, speaking of Aussies, we should get Syrian girl, refugee from Syria in Australia, very well spoken, very smart lady, journalist.
Her dad was one of the ruling rulers over there before Assad overthrew him.
She's not even a fan of Assad, but she does know her stuff.
I want to get her back on tomorrow.
Because her fears about this expanding and her fears about Trump not pulling troops out are starting to become true and I'm really getting concerned.
So we'll take your calls from Australia.
When I come back, Rachel, I don't want to cut you short because of the break coming up.
I'm going to go right to Rachel, our first caller from Australia.
And I see the phone lines are loading up, so we've got to go through and make sure you're from Australia.
Please only call if you're in Australia.
That could mean you're an Aussie, you know, here in the U.S.
visiting or somewhere else in the world who has family there.
I just want to get your Aussie perspective to really see what you think about this.
But nearly 200 people arrested across Australia for deliberately starting Bush fires will take her call and then get into all of that.
And then next hour, Joel Skousen joins us.
Chris Tonto-Piranto, one of the main heroes of Benghazi, he's hopping mad at the media saying this is Benghazi 2.0 and he's really an expert on all this and has been in all these theaters and not just been in the Army Special Forces, but also obviously a lot of other secretive paramilitary and governmental groups.
And he's going to be on with us in the third hour to give his expert analysis.
He really doesn't do interviews anymore, he told us, but he says he had such a big response and in fours is so accurate.
These are his words that he's gonna give us a full hour.
So he's basically done with the media other than a few independent peoples were very honored to have him on.
I was even saying, Hey, we want you to be a correspondent with your own media operations.
You said I'm dedicating this year to my family.
I haven't seen him in years, and so I totally understand that.
So the rare visit with Chris Tonto, Peranto joining us, coming up, couldn't get a better expert on to break down.
We're going to come back.
We're going to get to all of it here today.
Linked up on drudge report dot com on the left hand side.
Right hand side is Paul Watson Summit dot News report.
That's excellent.
Dealing with all this, and I'm going to call Paul and say, Hey, we post a link to the live show.
Everybody can share that link as well.
Really glad Paul launched that site.
It's a first-rate site.
A lot of stuff going on around here.
A lot of stuff going on behind the scenes.
A lot of stuff getting built.
A lot of stuff getting launched.
I have defended President Trump and the assassination of Iran's real leader because from the perspective
put out by the President of Hawaii did it, I can see how it would stop a wider civil
war in the area that undoubtedly the United States would be drawn into.
And then Trump came out and said, I'm doing this to stop a war, not start a war.
Because the Iranians were starting to move into Iraq.
They were starting to launch attacks.
Trump had made noises about pulling out of Iraq.
That's a good thing.
The Iraqi president had said, no, I just talked to Trump a few days ago.
He wants the troops out.
The Pentagon wants the troops out.
But now Trump's saying, we're not going to pull out unless you pay us billions for what we've spent inside your country.
Well, they didn't ask us to invade in 1991.
They didn't ask us to invade in 2003.
And I'm against those ongoing wars, and the WMD lies, and all the rest of it.
And under Trump, we're supposed to have a different foreign policy.
It's one thing to be bombs of empty facilities, it's got some chemical weapons in it, so we can get the neocons and the media office back.
And he didn't strike when they shot down the drone, and sank the ships, and all the rest of it.
So they were thinking Trump was weak, and we're pushing harder.
And they were starting to move in.
But now, now they're talking about, oh, not pulling out and escalating the forces.
And they're starting to bomb and take out more of the Shiite militia leaders in Iraq.
So this is just looking like another war.
And I understand taking him out because he was producing the IEDs and was about to expand operations.
He has killed thousands of Americans.
That's not debatable.
And CNN's attacking Trump and saying it's going to be a fiasco and a disaster.
So CNN is suddenly against this war.
I don't like being on the same side of CNN.
We'll debate all that next hour.
I'm going to go to your phone calls right now from Australia.
I appreciate people calling in with these record fires which have been man-made.
Arsonists are just setting them.
Same thing's happening in California and other areas.
Most of those fires have turned out.
The government has confirmed.
They've arrested people that are doing it.
Schizophrenics, crazy people, people wanting to burn down their house to get insurance money because the The level is peaking out there for real estate prices.
And in the last 30 years, they won't let them cut underbrush or fire breaks in California.
That's a state rule.
They won't let them do any of that stuff.
They won't let them take out mountain lions.
So the mountain lions are starting to eat people.
This is the rewilding project.
So how bad is it going to get?
And what is it like to have Hollywood running around terrorizing people saying, we're not accepting global government and carbon taxes.
So it's our fault that all of this is unfolding.
Then separately, amazing things happened at the Golden Globes with the main comedian coming out and exposing Hollywood as a bunch of pedophiles.
So that's coming up next hour as well, but I want to go to your phone calls right now.
Nearly 200 people arrested across Australia for deliberately starting Bush fires.
The Summit.News article.
Authorities in Australia have arrested close to 200 people for deliberately starting the brush fires that have devastated the country.
Yet the media and celebrities continue to blame climate change for the disaster.
The fires have caused at least 18 deaths, destroying thousands of homes, millions of hectares of land, and killed hundreds of millions of animals.
A total of 183 people have been arrested by the police in Queensland, NSW, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania for lighting bushfires over the last few months.
Figures obtained by the news agency AAP Show.
In South Wales, where people were arrested for arson, risking prison sentences of 25 years.
In Queensland, police concluded that 103 of the fires have been deliberately lit.
93 or 98 people, 67 of them juveniles, having been identified as the culprits.
So, you have people going out and setting fires on purpose to see the fire department and see the terror and just to feel powerful.
The doctor that developed the polio vaccine with Dr. Salk, we've played the clip many times, was on a PBS program out of Boston and said, eh, there are too many people anyway, so yeah, we knew there was cancer viruses in the polio shot.
And it killed millions of people, and he laughed about it.
And it's the same attitude of Bayer, knowing that all their factor VIII had HIV and hepatitis in it, and letting it kill millions of people.
Two million people estimated to have died, one way or another, from complications from it.
They knew it had it in it, and shipped it out.
And it came out in court documents.
They said, oh, there are too many people.
That was the corporate record, them talking about that.
That's in lawsuits!
So you got teenagers setting fires to feel powerful, and you got these globalists obsessed with it.
That's what's going on.
Because there's too many people, you see.
You know there's environmentalists, they've caught them staging environmental crises as well, and they're using this crisis to say that humans are bad.
So we're going to go to Rachel right now, then Caroline.
That's two callers from Australia, that's great.
But if you're, I know it's the middle of the night over there.
Back when I used to do a nighttime show, man, we could load the phones with Australian callers, because we had a lot of listeners over there.
But a nighttime show is, you know, like 10, 11 in the morning.
When I'd be on 9 or 10 at night, you could reverse those times.
So this is, what is it, 4 in the morning?
It's a couple time zones over there.
Let's go to Rachel in Australia, then Caroline.
Thanks for calling.
Thanks for holding.
Hope you're having a good New Year.
How bad is it and what is the real Aussie sense down under of what's really happening?
Oh, hi Alex.
First of all, God bless you and your family and InfoWars for the New Year.
Keep lifting up Jesus as your personal saviour and you'll continue to be blessed.
It has an impact.
All around the world, but I don't think you actually understand how much of an impact it is when you lift up his name.
Yeah, I've just turned 41 and I'm living in Hobart, Tasmania now, but I lived on the mainland basically all my life and there's always been fires, as you say, but I've never seen anything like this before and I think the fact that they're being deliberately lit is something that Australians have never seen either.
You know, randomly people will hear about people lighting fires, but nothing like this.
And I have been reading some articles that the Eastern Shelf, coming from Brisbane down to Melbourne, that they are actually planning on a high-speed rail, train rail line down there, and Agenda 2030 cities along there.
sorry, Agenda 2030 cities along there.
So I have read a couple of theories that both here and in California, those things have been planned for us.
And I think agenda is like the main word that it does look like there's been an agenda here
that this has been leading up, like you said, I haven't been clearing the underbrush.
Like there's a lot of blame going on against the Greens and whatnot here.
A lot of finger pointing saying there's been a big thing kicked up
about clearing all the land and things.
For me, I've had my finger on the pulse for a long time.
I've been listening to you for about five years and doing my own research.
This really feels like an agenda because we don't just go around lighting fires to destroy each other down here.
We just don't.
It's just not what we do to each other down here.
That's just not the spirit.
And anyone that knows Australians or visits Australians, we really fiercely Love our country and we really value it and we really love that people want to travel here and this is something I've never seen before in my life in 40 years.
One more point, Brisbane, I've lived in Brisbane most of my life and I've gotten out of there because basically like, all on the buses and different things like that, they've called it Australia's New World City.
That's what they have named it, Brisbane, Australia's New World City and I'm like, you can't make a statement like that And it doesn't mean, it doesn't not mean something.
You know what I mean?
So that's been sort of a decade that they've been, they've labelled Brisbane as Australia's New World City.
And I'm like thinking, well what, what does that mean?
And then all these sort of pieces of the puzzle are coming together that if this is true, they have, this is the cheaper option of destroying that, all of that bushland leading from Melbourne to Brisbane to Well, thank you for calling and we hear the emotion in your voice, Rachel.
Please call back again.
God bless you and thanks for staying up to listen to the show.
Caroline, you're up next.
Stay with us.
And what she said is what people are already saying.
Evidence is mounting.
That the megafires in Australia are being orchestrated by multinational forces to clear out key corridors for future development and for light rail going in that's being financed by the Communist Chinese.
The Communist Chinese control 98% of Earth's minerals.
They control almost all mining in Australia.
If any Western company tries to mine, regulators come in, the courts shut them down.
The CHICOMs in Africa and Australia, everywhere, are the only people allowed to operate through the CFR globalist British Empire networks that actually control that.
So even though it's a British Commonwealth still, Australia is being handed over very traitorously, just like the UK was to the EU.
But Aussies are waking up in a big, big way to this.
And I just want to be clear with all the viewers out there.
It's not like I'm just saying this is my opinion.
There's a big story up on DrugsReport.com from Summit.News.
Nearly 200 people arrested across Australia for deliberately starting the brush fires.
It's a big article.
It's got the police, it's got the links, it's got the newscast, all reporting on the fact that it's almost all deliberate arson.
Not just people burning what's left of their crops to put nitrogen and minerals back into the soil, no.
It's being done to watch it unfold.
You get a few people doing it, the media hypes it, and then copycats now will go out and copy it.
Mass shootings.
Get a few mass shootings going?
Copy, cancel, copy.
Get a few people to jump off buildings?
Copy, cancel, copy.
Because the public is now more suggestible in all the studies than ever before.
If they hear about something and they see something, there are enough degenerates, enough people that want to see the world burn, that have that low-key spirit to them, that it happens.
And again, it's come out, you can search the articles, that the majority of the fires in California are arsonist.
But it gets worse.
Governments all across the world, from Germany, to the state of California, to Australia, are rewilding.
Now some states don't do it, other states do.
And they're not letting people cut the underbrush or cut fire breaks.
Even in Europe, where Trump says they rake the forest.
People made a joke about that.
No, they do.
The forest keepers, the bushmasters, go out and make sure that that's done.
Well, that's not being done.
And so it's out of control.
And now environmentalists are saying that, oh, we've got to have a global government, a global carbon tax to counter these crises that are normal.
It's normal to have fires this time of year in Australia.
But the arsonist knew when to strike.
And hundreds and hundreds of fires were set.
I want to go to another caller, Caroline from Australia, to give us her take on this.
But first I wanted to play this clip of Kate Blanchett, who's Australian-born, at the Golden Globes, saying this is a climate crisis, acting like That humans consuming things did this.
No, it's bad humans setting fires because it empowers them and there's powerful interests that have allowed the brush to build up because then they can do massive eminent domain and take control of valuable areas of Australia, the United States, like California and other areas around the world.
So here's what Blanchette had to say.
I wanted to do a special call out to the volunteer firefighters who have been at the center of battling the climate disaster that is facing Australia.
And of course, when one country faces a climate disaster, we all face a climate disaster.
So we're in it together.
So thank you very much.
There's another major area of this that I'd like to add that I'm going to get to next hour.
And that's the former CIA director, three years ago, on C-SPAN at the Council on Foreign Relations.
Same place Joe Biden went and bragged about ordering the prosecutor in Ukraine fired, and son of a bitch, he was fired an hour later.
Or they wouldn't give him a billion bucks.
Talk about quid pro quo, talk about illegal.
But the same CFR place, where they talk about what they're really doing, on television, in front of us like we don't see it.
They admitted that they're using weather control to control the weather, even as a weapon, but that they don't want to tell the general public because people will then get upset if they're having droughts.
They'll say, well, is your weather control causing this or why don't you fix it for us?
He gave an hour-long speech.
He talked about it for 10 minutes.
I've played it probably 15 times here.
But you go to Snopes or CBS News, Jones is insane and believes Bill Gates is involved
in a secret weather program.
He's actually involved and runs it, and it's public!
You can pull up the Department of Energy documents, how they're doing it.
How they put the barium, salt, sodium dioxide in the jet fuel.
Then it's dispersed as nuclei into the atmosphere.
And how it makes the solar radiation go through it, but then ultraviolet isn't strong enough to get out.
So it traps it.
They're trying to make the earth warmer.
And again, why they're doing it is secret.
We can extrapolate out.
We can break it all down.
But the establishment is having these debates with each other in front of us.
And then we go, hey, I want to be part of that debate.
They go, doesn't exist.
You're insane.
I'm like.
What are you talking about?
I have Smithsonian Institute, Department of Energy, CIA speeches, it's all admitted.
They just go, no it isn't, and we're going to have you arrested and shut down.
And you're like... Hey, you're designing all the appliances to spy on everybody whether you like it or not and hook it into these huge international grids.
It's deadly dangerous.
It's a total AI takeover.
Shut up doesn't exist.
Years later, how we survived the surveillance apocalypse, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, they're all reporting it, and it says everything's watching you, everything's tracking you, your phone's listening to you even when it's turned off, everything we told you.
That's why we've got to be taken off the air.
Not because we lie, but because we are trailblazers.
And we expose the agenda before it's supposed to be exposed.
They only talk about their agenda once they think it's in concrete.
Once it's established.
They don't want to debate about it in beta.
Alright, we're going to Caroline, then I'll get to those clips I mentioned.
And Joaquin Phoenix!
Well I find insufferably obnoxious with his fake autistic act he does everywhere and you know it's just it's it's but he gets up there and talks about don't eat meat it's bad for the environment that crap but at least says let's stop flying on private jets all the time being hypocrites.
Yeah if you really believe that's bad then meanwhile the real private jets in the jet fuel have the barium salt aluminum dioxide at industrial level added as part of this international secret agreement.
And it's actually messing with the atmosphere, but oh, it's like California dumps the most deadly fluoride in the water with hundreds of other chemicals in it.
They have a waiver under Prop 65, but then if you sell a product with one billionth of what's in the water, they'll sue you out of existence.
It's like They put a band-aid on you for a little cut in your finger and then shoot you in the head.
It's all a sick joke.
Caroline in Australia, thanks for calling.
Give us your take on this situation.
The emails I'm getting, the comments we're hearing is people say this is part of agenda of the UN, this is part of agenda 21, agenda 2030, part of a land grab.
Yeah, that's exactly what it is.
Can he mail it?
Yes, ma'am.
Thanks for calling.
Oh yeah, look that's exactly what it is.
Look, all the bad guys win in this.
Some of our politicians have got water rights and they shouldn't have it because it's under Section 100 of our Constitution.
It forbids the sale of water.
But what they did was they privatised the water, then they sold it off and gave themselves shares.
Well they don't have to declare that.
Now I think somebody said that water's got up 600% or something like that because we're so dry.
And so they're actually profiting off it.
OK, along with that, they get to build their railway.
That's basically... And also, one of the other things is there's fires going on in the proposed area where there's supposed to be a nuclear power station built.
There's fires all along the area where Elon Musk has said that he's going to build his tunnel.
Um, and then, so, it's just, like, it's just all the bad guys are just absolutely profiting off this, if you know what I mean.
And by the way, we're not being conspiracy theorists.
They admit this is all arson deliberately.
Why would arsonists all deliberately, because, guys, pull up a map of the fires if you can, because I looked at that.
It's all in these precise areas, exactly where this globalist development zone is, and they're calling it a globalist city.
They're calling it a globalist takeover.
Yeah, they're building, they told us that they're building smart cities.
Yeah, I'm actually in the fallback city.
I'm actually in one of the fallback towns for the surrounding areas at the moment.
So we've got evacuees left, right and centre at the moment.
But, like, it's just... It's... It's just... It's so bad.
Another thing that they've done is the taxpayers paid for these dams to be built and they gave them to the Chinese.
Now, somebody was saying the other day that the Chinese have actually... The Chinese government have told their people that if anyone goes and tries to release the water, They're to see it as an act of terrorism and they're to defend it with force.
So we can't even release our own damn water.
So realistically what's happened is it's just a perfect storm because they've been trailing us for years.
They've stolen, the aquifers are drying up so there's not as much water running above ground like a lot of the... Caroline, you are awesome because everything you're saying is what's really happening but people hear me in the U.S.
saying and they're like, really the Chinese are taking over?
Literally taking over.
Let's explain it when we come back.
Don't hang up, Caroline, please.
Well, I'm very, very thankful to the two ladies that are up between 1 and 4 in the morning in Australia.
I guess they have three time zones.
Like I said, back when I did a nighttime show years ago, we would get, if I asked for calls from Australia, loaded phone lines, because it'd be like 8, 9, 10 in the morning there.
Owen Schroyer, I've talked to him, he's going to be hosting, obviously, the War Room 3 to 6 p.m.
The last hour of that is in time zones that are like 6, 7, 8 in the morning.
And so he's going to be taking calls from Australians on what's happening in the Third hour of his show today.
You can find all of that at man.video and of course, Infowars.com forward slash show.
And David Knight's going to be back soon, but I told David Knight to take off more time because, you know, he had a heart attack a year ago and he's been healthy, a lot healthier, but he had a lot of other dental work and things to take care of.
And he has family stuff to take care of, other family surgeries and things.
And I said, dude, take off two months if you need to.
I mean, he literally came in here a week after his heart attack, and I had to make him go, you know, take off the first time.
So he's a great guy.
But we've had a lot of wonderful folks, Harrison Smith and the rest of the crew.
Greg Reese sitting in for him on the David Knight Show weekday mornings.
Some people have been asking, where's David Knight?
As for Will Johnson, love Will Johnson, really like Will Johnson.
We just do not have the board operators and the people to be running that show at this time.
I'd still like to sponsor him as a reporter and support the great work he's doing and really respect him a lot.
But that's how serious things are here at InfoWars.
You noticed that last hour, I didn't plug one time.
And in regular talk radio, people plug every segment because there's a lot of competition out there, and there's not a lot of advertising, and you've seen most talk radio shows go away, now you've seen the censorship online.
There's a real attempt to shut down any type of grassroots media, and that's why your support is so beyond critical.
Now, Caroline, some stations don't carry this first five minutes.
I decided 20 years ago when I started this syndicated show in this time slot to just go ahead and do the five minutes here because some stations carry it instead of carrying local news or national news.
But I want everybody to hear you.
So we're going to go to break in a few minutes.
Come back in a long segment.
I'm going to give you the floor.
To really start over and lay out what's happening, and how you're in one of the evacuation zones, fallback zones, right outside the fires, and how it's right in the main population corridors of Australia, and they're admitting hundreds of arsonists going out and just setting these fires.
Who's directing it?
Well, we know that there's all this nihilism, and that humans are bad, and give up on humanity, and watch the world burn, and be better if there were no people.
I want to look at the psychology of some of the people doing this, but it always starts, and no one knows who does the first arson.
And then the copycats come.
And that's what's happening.
And then after we've talked to you, I want to continue with open phones for firefighters, police investigators from Canada, the US, Australia, Europe, to call in with your comments about the mindset, the rewilding, why they won't let people cut these firebreaks.
Because it's not just all these arsonists doing this now.
Whenever the winds are the highest and the right time of year, it's that you have coupled with the environmental rules of the rewilding.
And I remember seeing articles in the news where different Australian states were very upset with the federal government there, and they even had an election to stop this, where they weren't letting them cut the property.
And they were kicking people off their land, saying, oh, you're a carbon sink.
So part of the carbon rules is you can't use your own land anymore for sheep.
Or for grain, and just making property off-limits completely.
This is really going on, and the Communist Chinese, you heard her.
I want her to take her time about this, because I read the foreign news.
I know our listeners know this, but for the general public, they hear me going, yeah, Communist China bought up almost all of Hollywood.
They're like, oh yeah, right.
Now, 18 years after I first started talking about that, it's mainline news.
It's like, oh yeah, of course they own it.
Oh yeah, they own our debt too, and they always spy on us.
Australia, the Chai Kom government, and China's right there, basically runs the place.
And the globalists let them do that.
Now, those policies are changing, but Australia was going to be invaded by Japan in World War II.
I mean, they're right over there in the middle of this.
And China says they look at Australia as a place to invade.
So, these fires are very strategic.
They are arson.
Well, I open the phones up, even though it's the middle of the night in Australia.
For folks to call in, and two very intelligent ladies called in, and I want to welcome them to call back in tomorrow as this unfolds.
These are the biggest fires in Australian history.
The globalists are saying we need carbon taxes to fix all this, but the police say all the fires are arson, and they busted a bunch of people in the acts of doing it.
Waiting till the driest time of the year, setting the fires, burning up all these corridors, right where the Chinese are putting in light rail.
China, it does almost all the mining in Australia.
They basically run the government.
Now, their new government is fighting back against the carbon taxes and saying no to the CHICOMs, at least on the surface.
But when you hear about Agenda 2030, that's part two of Agenda 21.
Agenda 21 was the U.N.
plan that George Herbert Walker Bush signed onto as he left office in 1992.
And just a few years ago, they go, oh, no such thing exists.
No, it's an official global policy.
They have Agenda 21 come and have meetings right here in Austin and surrounding towns where they talk about global government, one-child policies, not allowing single-parent homes, taxes on everybody, on your food, your water, beef.
And you see it, the Golden Globes.
You shouldn't eat meat.
You shouldn't fly on planes.
The very Hollywood crowd that literally fly on planes, private jets more than anybody.
It's crazy.
And so you have arson doing it.
You have in California, most of it being arson.
This is being done to take control of the property and key corridors.
And it is being done by arsons.
The question is, who is directing it?
Or is it just the devil directing it?
The mystery of evil.
The Bible talks about how, you know, God's people have our own internet, our own psychic connection to God, and our own will.
The Lord works mysterious ways.
Well, so does evil, I've learned.
And so it's a spirit, it's a directive.
But it's happening.
People are doing this in high winds, in dry time, burning down their country.
Is it just that there's more evil people now?
Yes, more selfish, evil, crazy people.
And it happens in civilizations when people become decadent.
Caroline, you were making great points, but some stations just joined us.
Recap and break down why you think it's happening and what the other Aussies are saying.
Because what you're saying is the emails and the calls we get, the last lady was saying the exact same thing.
I mean, you're witnessing this.
And then what do you think is going to come out of it?
And how much will the people put up with?
Yeah, that's a good point.
I'll get to that in a moment.
Basically, I'll just go over what they did.
Under Section 100 of our Constitution, they're not allowed to actually own the water.
But they privatised the water, then they sold it off.
The politicians, I believe, many politicians actually own water rights and they've profited dramatically over this.
So what has actually happened, as well as the Chinese have come in and they've also bought our water, but on top of that, the taxpayers have built dams and given them to the Chinese.
And if we go and try to release the water, which we desperately need to, okay, then what's going to happen is basically they've instructed all Chinese people to basically, they must defend it with force.
They see it as an act of terrorism if we try to take back our own water.
Okay, now another thing on top of that, like even though it's on the corridors and Elon Musk benefits from this as well, as well as the, you know, as well as the nuclear power station.
But another thing is that we have apparently a reciprocal agreement with the United States for fire support.
Now when the fires first started our PM went on holiday to Hawaii and the people kicked up such a stink he ended up coming back but he's been very slow to call in support, OK?
Now I reckon the reason why is because He would have, it would have become really obvious, the lack of water that we've got available.
Because if he's got a thousand men standing around, unable to actually have a hose, or actually to even water bomb, it's going to look really, really obvious.
So, you know, and like I also think the other side of that, I think it works out because he sees that we're going into a recession, and so now he can go, oh, well the bushfires have caused the recession.
Do you know what I mean?
I absolutely do.
I mean, obviously this is being very boldly done.
I've seen all the reports of them taking farmers' property in Australia, in New Zealand, saying it's for the UN, saying it's for the carbon taxes.
But then the Chinese companies are coming in and farming.
They're allowed to do whatever they want.
They're called economic special zones.
Same thing's done here, where they're literally above the law.
So this is globalism coming in like a new form of colonialism, where the citizens have no rights, but then multinationals have all the rights.
It's incredible.
Yeah, no, no, it is incredible.
We've got all those land corridors.
I actually grew up on a farm, and my father was actually the local fire captain for a while.
And so we know how to manage the land.
It's not that we don't get bushfires, we do.
But what happens is we make sure that we manage the land so it doesn't get out of hand, so they're manageable.
The problem that we've had is we've got these inner city latte sipping greenies who know absolutely nothing about land management and they have basically formed alliances with other members of the government to push through legislation so that we can't actually cut anything.
We're not even allowed to go and take wood out of there, dead wood, which burns like anything.
So now you've actually got a metre high in fuel.
Do you understand a fuel load if I speak like that?
Does everyone understand that?
So if you walk around you've got dry, like a lot of our things burn really well, but it's up to a metre high, so you've got a metre high fuel load!
Like that's just absolutely and utterly ridiculous!
But the good thing about it is Alex, the Aussie spirit is just rising.
We've got people trading amongst each other, we've got We've actually had to stop donations in some areas because we've just been overwhelmed, you know what I mean?
We've even got people driving across the country to deliver goods for other people.
So you're saying things are really breaking down and getting bad?
Things are definitely bad, but the thing is that the Australian spirit is rising.
I might have thought that there would be a little pushover, a little New World Order, but good luck with that, Mike, because Bush Rangers are our heroes.
So you're saying it's bad, but it's only making people wake up and get stronger, because, I mean, I've got to tell you, statistically, we can see it, our biggest core group of listeners, out of all the great listeners, is places like Australia, Australia particularly, and people really know, and I mean, talk about some of your new leaders.
I know there's been a lot of people elected that openly expose globalism, the New World Order, the CHICOM takeover, the carbon taxes.
Is that accurate from the U.S.
when I'm seeing that even in your government, you're getting more and more people that sound like this show?
Look, we've got Scott Morrison, but I don't think he's... I actually think he's a globalist.
He just can't put the carbon tax in because they've had two elections.
Um, and it was going to be closed this last election, so we've had two elections, and so people don't want the carbon tax full stop.
Okay, so he desperately wants it because he's a protégé of Malcolm Turnbull.
Sure, but at least they're having to act like they're populist.
And it's the same thing with Boris Johnson and things like that.
It is that we're ideologically, people are finally realizing who the real enemy is.
So even the globalists have to act like they're not globalist.
Um, I think so.
I think, yeah, he definitely has to.
He might be genuine, but I just don't believe he is.
But like, the other thing is, the really good thing about it is, I tell you what, the Greenies, I have just, like, I've never seen, the anger is absolutely palpable towards them.
Because people have been jumping up and down and saying, this is going to go, if we get a fire here, it's not, you know, because we know how to manage our land.
Like, that's not the issue.
Let's be clear, you've got the same thing there, but you're, you live there, but I've looked it up.
You have the same rewilding crap in a lot of these towns and cities where they don't let you cut the brush down, correct?
That's absolutely what's going on.
So you've got a metre high in fuel.
So Australia being a very dry country, you can't allow a metre high of fuel.
And for folks who don't understand this, who haven't lived out in this country and understand firebreaks, imagine gasoline.
If you have a can of it and you pour a line of it through your house to another big can, If there's breaks in it, the gas isn't going to jump five feet from one fire to the other.
You've got to have a continual line.
Well, if you cut fire breaks and you clean brush out and leave the trees, but not the brush, then fire can't speed up in a big wind and keep going.
It runs into a wall.
But if you don't, then you get what you have in Australia.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
And see, the other thing is too, just because it's a conspiracy sort of thing, there's really dodgy things going on.
Like, I mean, there's a photograph taken of a fire the other day and there's a freaking laser beam coming from the sky into it.
And I have tried, I've actually pulled it in and I've had a look at it and it looks like it was taken on a mobile phone and it doesn't look like it's been, the photograph's been tampered with.
Wow, send that photograph to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com, Caroline, and thank you so much.
Well, Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes knocked it out of the park, exposing the corruption, the fantasy land that's Hollywood, how they're all a bunch of nobodies, and how the place is controlled by pedophiles.
I'm going to play that in a moment.
Joel Skousen is a former Marine Corps officer and aviator, editor of World Affairs Brief.
Very smart person.
Geopolitically, one of the smartest people out there.
He's going to be joining us.
And I purposely not looked at World Affairs Brief in the last week because I wanted to get him on since the last few days.
I wanted to get his perspective raw on air.
And we're gonna get it.
I have a sneaking suspicion that he's not for war with Iran and that he doesn't like what happened.
I don't know.
But I respect him.
Trump is starting to do some things that are pretty scary.
We'll get into that next segment.
There's also a new article by Darren McBreen that I'm going to cover.
Start of next segment.
In fact, I had it here and it's not here now.
Oh, here it is.
This is super paramount.
Warning, set stage for Trump assassination.
Again, warning, stage set for Trump assassination.
And I agree with this report by Darren McBrain that just went live on Newshorse.com and InfoWars.com.
We have another headline up on InfoWars.com.
That ask, is Trump a global government emperor now?
Because I understand that we're going to have military strikes and there's still going to be military operations.
Especially as we try to pull out of areas, people are going to test us.
But when he starts talking about, give us billions for those airbases, we invaded!
Any infrastructure put in there, they get when you pull out.
There it is, Emperor Trump, question mark.
45 threatens to keep troops in Iraq unless billions in ransom paid.
I get why he killed Soleimani.
It's a gamble, though.
And I'm not shedding tears for Soleimani.
But when you start hearing stuff like this, it's dangerous rhetoric.
So, I support Trump because he's an anti-New World Order president.
But I've been so persecuted for supporting Trump.
And I supported giving him the benefit of the doubt, as long as this didn't expand, because I understood the geopolitical ramifications of why he did it.
But they can spin that into something else.
But I don't sit here and put my finger to the wind and go, well, my audience is totally anti-war, so let me go on air and tell them I understand why Trump did this, because I want to piss my audience off.
And it's not because somebody's paying me to say, oh, I'm for this strike.
Because I didn't say I was for the strike.
I looked at all the angles and had different guests on with different perspectives because this is very complex.
But the direction Trump's starting to go is not a good thing and Syrian girl is on the show tomorrow.
Very eloquent.
So we'll do that and take your calls then as well.
We're going to get Chris Tonto-Piranto of Benghazi heroism on with us in the next hour to give his take.
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I'm our own worst enemy.
If I plug briefly every segment of the great products we have and tell you how wonderful they are, people buy enough product to fund our operation and keep us on air despite all the attacks.
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So, this is the last day.
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I was here Saturday and Sunday working on a bunch of other stuff and special reports and legal things and and crude issues and so I mean I'm not complaining.
I'm telling you I've been up here seven days a week for a long time and I did not get any of the new ads or new specials shot.
So when I say today is the last day, I'm going to bust my butt and cut like five, six new ads for the new specials we're going to have.
They're going to be good specials.
They're just not as wide as this and not as deep because I can't ever do specials like this again unless we're closing our doors and it's a total clearance.
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It should be the last day of the day, maybe tomorrow, because I've got to shoot all these ads
and then they got to edit all the ads.
And I'm trying to get other people to do ads so it's not just me up there, believe me.
You think you get sick of my voice sometimes?
I really do.
So we're busy babers, we appreciate you all, but this is the last day.
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I mean, we got a lot of cool stuff.
A lot of the top brands out there, organic brands that we private label, and then sell even cheaper than you're going to find it.
I mean, the deodorant we sell on sale is like $9 at Whole Foods, the same deodorant, different label.
I've got it for $6.95!
We make $2 on that!
So those kind of sales are going to have to end.
We're going to just match Whole Foods and Amazon.
I just can't do it.
It's like, yeah, huge revenue, almost no profit.
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Coffee, non-GMO heirloom seeds, water filtration, air filtration, storable foods.
Well, President Trump last Friday said he struck and killed Soleimani, really the leader of Iran in many ways, and the head of their militias, to stop a war.
What the United States did yesterday should have been done long ago.
A lot of lives would have been saved.
Just recently, Soleimani led the brutal repression of protesters in Iran.
Where more than a thousand innocent civilians were tortured and killed by their own government.
We took action last night to stop a war.
We did not take action to start a war.
Well, I said I could see that perspective if Soleimani was really about to launch a bunch of new attacks.
He was behind a lot of the IEDs.
So I give the President the benefit of the doubt.
But now he's tweeting out and talking about Making them pay billions for an airbase that was built before Trump even got elected?
Or we're not going to leave?
Well, that sounds like imperial ransoms.
I mean, maybe it's just bluster.
The neocons are all excited.
They want to widen it.
The left is using CNN to attack Trump.
We know there were back channels working with Soleimani.
There's a new article on Infowars.com by Jamie White.
Is Iran using Obama's pallet of cash to fund the $80 million bounty on Trump?
Darren McBrain's written article warning sets the stages set for probably assassinated.
Is that really what's happening?
So he always has really deep perspective and a wide-ranging knowledge.
Joel Skousen of worldaffairsbrief.com.
He's the editor of worldaffairsbrief.com.
It's excellent.
Also a former Marine Corps officer and naval aviator.
And his family's been fighting globalists for 60, 70 years.
Obviously, Cleon Skousen, we wouldn't even I don't know about the globalists if it wasn't for Cleon Skousen, probably the first person to ever use that term.
But Joel joins us and you've got the floor now for this segment and the next to give us your perspective on what's really happened.
Is this a good thing or has Trump walked into a trap?
Is he now the war president?
Joel Skousen.
Well, thanks, Alex.
It's a very sad thing, in my opinion.
Trump has walked into a globalist trap.
He has been flooded with false intelligence about Soleimani.
The coup's force has been the most effective force at fighting ISIS, which the U.S.
did not do.
That and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Who was the legendary deputy leader of Hashat al-Shaabi, which is part of the People Mobilization Units, the Shiite anti-terrorist forces within Iraq, some 150,000 strong.
So Iraq is just livid about the killing of Abu Mahdi Muhandis, as well as Soleimani.
Here's the interesting thing that shows exactly what the deep state did without telling Donald Trump.
Or if he did tell him, you know, they filled him full of this garbage about Soleimani killing thousands of Iranians in the protests.
There's absolutely no evidence of that whatsoever.
But in any case, I mean, Soleimani runs the external forces of Iran, the expeditionary.
He doesn't run the internal security forces of Iran.
But in any case, You know, the U.S., as I said, has always been one of their major objectives in the Middle East is to create an image of the U.S.
as the bully of the world.
And if you ever wanted to cement that image, it's through what they just did in killing a major leader of Iran, the leader of the Quds Force, the external forces.
Now, the Quds are You know, funding a great deal of the forces that are fighting U.S.-backed terror.
They're funding Yemen, they're funding Hezbollah in Lebanon, and most of the Hezbollah fighters are actually in Syria trying to take down the U.S.-backed rebels.
And Iran itself has militia forces in Syria.
The Quds Force was one of the major forces taking down ISIS in Mosul.
And so this is a very important thing that the U.S.
has been using, the coups.
In fact, they used them initially in the battle for Afghanistan and almost had the battle war during the George W. Bush, War One, during the George W. Bush regime.
And then they cut off all contact with the coups.
And so then the U.S.
began to lose, basically.
Because the Quds Expeditionary Force is a very effective force.
Now, in saying this, I want to make clear that I'm not defending Iran as a country.
Iran is an Islamic country, Islamist state.
But it's very, very different from the deep state created ISIS and the U.S.-backed rebels.
ISIS has this obscene program or agenda of making a worldwide caliphate.
Which is actually a propaganda stunt, because if you're doing a worldwide caliphate, you don't go out to kill Muslims as well as Christians and everybody else in the world.
You know, ISIS had a mandate simply to create hatred in the world.
But the Quds Force was very, very effective in fighting against that.
But the Iraqis are just livid about the United States now.
Let me tell you exactly what happened, though, in the U.S.
and in Iraq prior to this killing of Soleimani.
The U.S.
asked Iraq Prime Minister Modi to bring Iran to Iraq to negotiate or help them negotiate a settlement to their differences.
And so Iraq invited Soleimani to fly in and he flew in on a commercial flight.
He was met at the airport by Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and several other leaders of the Iraqi U.S.
opposition forces.
And then they got in a caravan and traveled and were going to travel to the places where they're going to meet with other Iraqi leaders.
And that's when they were assassinated.
The entire group was assassinated by the U.S.
in a terror attack.
So this was a setup.
The U.S.
triggers Iraq to invite Soleimani to Iraq and then kills him.
And that's why the Iraqis are just livid about this.
And this will never end now.
The U.S.
has blown all of their goodwill in Iraq, except perhaps with the Sunnis, because the Sunnis are in a minority, and they're looking for anyone to help them take power back from the Shiites.
And the U.S., you know, is their promised supporter in this regard.
So you can argue from that perspective.
That this is basically just like Reagan getting shot or JFK getting his head blown off, that this is just a political assassination and that Trump was told do this because Soleimani is about to launch more attacks on our forces and so Trump thought he was going to stop a Shiite uprising or how do you think Trump got convinced because I
mean I said Thursday when I said they probably told Trump that Soleimani was
about to launch attacks he's done it before then Trump did say that the
next day what do you think they told Trump that convinced him because he didn't
take the bait on the drone shoot down he didn't take the bait on the ships
getting sunk I mean he and so they were saying oh he's weak he's appeasing and then
the guy told us at all you'll do nothing I mean do you think that poked Trump
well they flooded in with false intelligence about Solomon.
You know, it was like Sheikh Mohammed Ali, who was, you know, tortured and he admitted to every terrorist attack after 9-11 for the past seven or eight years, a single person admitting to all these attacks.
I mean, this is just crazy what they fill the presidents with in terms of intelligence.
And, you know, how does it counter?
I covered in the World Affairs Brief how he said, the briefer assistant, I guess it was Susan Gordon, was saying, well, Trump often says, well, I don't believe that, or where do you get that?
He questions us.
But as I explained, he doesn't have any information to counter the response.
He doesn't have the deep historical knowledge.
And we're not tooting our horn.
You have even more than I do.
I study all the time and have a lot.
And then I see even what Congress people say.
Most of them are just playing golf all day.
They don't know what they're doing.
That's right.
In fact, you know, the Quds Force has been very, very careful not to attack and trigger a war with the U.S.
I mean, they've had many, many opportunities to do that.
But Iran is not ready for war.
It's still building for war.
They brag about being ready.
All right, Joel, stay there.
Joel Skousen, Editor-in-Chief at WorldAffairsBrief.com.
Excellent information.
Let's come back.
When you say things are really damaged now, What do you expect to happen next?
The red flag flying?
The bounty on Trump?
What do you expect the neocons and deep state to try to manipulate Trump into?
And if Trump's listening, or his people are, what could we do to extricate ourselves from this?
If your expert perspective on this is correct, and I'm leaning more and more towards that, just because he's now talking about not even pulling out of Iraq.
We'll be right back.
Very serious times, ladies and gentlemen.
This audience is anti-war.
So am I. And it's not that I wanted to be contrarian last Thursday.
I know the globalists don't like Trump, and so I tend to try to support him as much as I can, and I want him to win in 2020.
And I understand that Soleimani took out, helped take out ISIS and al-Nusra, and there's a civil war between them and Saudi Arabia, basically.
And I know that Trump's being pressured by Israel and Saudi Arabia to attack Iran.
That said, though, if they were really planning to launch a wider war, as I'm sure they told Trump, then I could see taking him out instead of just having a wider war.
But will that trigger a wider war?
But now that we see Trump talking about keeping troops there if they don't pay us money and things like that, that couldn't sound more imperial.
That just is very, very reckless.
I got very upset at Trump when he bombed a few years ago the supposed chemical weapons.
So I thought he was about to expand the war a lot more.
He did that to get the war hawks off his back.
So I don't like Machiavelli moves.
But I said, okay, that was pretty Machiavelli.
And he is trying to get the troops out of these countries.
But now the talk of the things we're seeing from him, I hope is in a response to impeachment because impeachment's
made him more popular.
He doesn't need to bomb a penicillin factory in Sudan or bomb Iraq during this.
Bill Clinton was unpopular.
So, more and more, as we get some hindsight on this, it's looking bad.
Joel Scowls in the World Affairs Brief.
What do you think's really going on?
How can Trump get out of this?
And again, what do you make of the statements about, well, they got to pay us for the infrastructure we built or we're not going to leave.
That's outrageous.
It is indeed, Alex.
And Donald Trump was being fed these lines.
He doesn't come up with these kinds of arguments by his own.
He was fed the line about we were, you know, stopping a war rather than starting a war.
And this is some very sophisticated globalist talking to him.
And we have never, ever charged a country Who was an ally in any kind of war for the bases that we built there.
Can you imagine us charging Germany for the major bases that we have there in southern Germany and elsewhere?
I mean, we've got 10 bases there and we're not going to be charging Germany for this.
This is just something that's fed to him by his global advisers.
Frankly, I have lost any hope that Donald Trump is going to see the light about Iran because he has already gone on record Repeating the bogus intelligence that they keep feeding him about Soleimani and Iran and the coups.
He's repeated that Iran is the biggest terrorist sponsor.
Every Republican has repeated that, including Ted Cruz.
I mean, it's just incredible how this has become a permanent fixture in the propaganda of America.
I don't give much credit, in fact, to the claim that there's a bounty on Donald Trump.
There may be a bounty or someone's posted a bounty, but If anybody tries to kill Donovan, it's not going to be Iran.
They know that just as the U.S.
enlivened the hatred against the United States and the Middle East across all spectrums, that that same thing would happen in the United States if they tried to assassinate the President.
If they did try to, say, it would be the globalists blaming it on Iran.
Having an Arab Patsy or something do it that they said was tasked by Iran.
Like Sirhan Sirhan Part 2.
That's right.
But as I've said for a long time, the Globals themselves don't want to take out Trump because of the martyr effect.
They don't want to make him a martyr and even more popular than he is.
So if they do pull something, it will be with an Iran proxy that they have hired.
And so that is a possibility.
But anyway, you look at it, I think we're going to be at war with Iran within this month.
I don't think Trump is going to be able to see the light.
He's just flooded with stuff that he can, with information that he cannot counter.
And he doesn't have anybody by his side to counter those things.
In fact, it would be difficult because when an intelligence person says, we have intelligence in the Middle East that says, the coups did this, or Soleimani did this, I mean, how do you counter that?
How do you say, show us your source?
They claim it's in Arabic, and they've got all kinds of Arabic agents in there that they can claim are good intelligence, and there's almost no way to counter that.
So they've got a leg up on Donald Trump on this, and I just don't think it's going to be undone.
I'm very pessimistic.
We're going to see a war in Iran.
The only possible The only thing that's unique about our current situation, the New York Times is coming out against it and CNN is coming out against it.
If Barack Obama were doing this, they'd be all for it.
But it's only because of Donald Trump that they're coming out against it.
And believe me, if Donald Trump does this war, and it's going to turn out badly, I'll tell you, Saudi Arabia is going to get hit big time.
So is the United Arab Emirates.
So is Qatar and all of the other allies of Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Do you think they've only gotten the impeachment process going with this fake stuff?
To now have some other real stuff maybe they're bringing to Trump and that they may be basically starting to compromise the president.
I'm not saying that.
I'm not saying I have evidence of that.
But this is a real turn in the behavior of President Trump.
Again, when he attacked that Russian airbase supposedly for chemicals, I understood after the fact that it was done to shut up the hawks.
Now, though, this is deteriorating quickly.
Can you speak to that and then how you think a war with Iran would begin?
Well, I don't believe the story that Iran did it because to silence the hawks.
I think that was people trying to, you know, as part of the QAnon group in the White House that continued to put out the false information that Donald Trump is going to save us.
Donald Trump is sincere.
So you're saying you think QAnon is run by deep staters to suppress the Trump administration?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, nobody in their right mind on our side would ever make up a story like Donald Trump is joining forces with Robert Mueller to take down the Deep State.
Because Mueller is Deep State.
Nothing that QAnon has said has ever come true.
This is a pure disinformation expert.
And, sadly, a lot of Trump supporters, including some of my subscribers... Well, I was thinking I'm just going to endorse it and then co-opt it publicly and go, oh, Q says this, Q says that, because everybody loves a little magic stuff, because it's definitely a delusional issue and it's sucking up so many good people into it.
Yeah, that's the problem.
It promotes the false illusion You see that we don't have to prepare.
We don't have to get another leader ready to replace Trump when he gets taken out or unelected.
Trump's going to save us.
And in fact, that's what I talked about a couple of weeks ago on the World Affairs Brief as how food storage companies are nearly going bankrupt because After Trump's election, sales went down almost 90%.
They couldn't even... You're right.
Everybody thinks everything's fine.
All Trump did was elicit the main globalist response.
And so, yeah, a lot of good things are happening.
People know what globalists are now, but now the globalists are attacking us.
And why do you think Trump... I want to do five more minutes on assassination of Trump, because we have an article out on that that's so important.
But why do you think Trump is starting to change his rhetoric.
Why do you think he's changing some of his activities, some of his behavior towards the neocons?
Well, one of the reasons, of course, he's got his back to the wall with impeachment, so he wants to show, I'm a strong leader, I'm really effective.
This is his reaction to the MP.
I mean, he passes it off as if it's nothing and it's not going to go anywhere, but he's been damaged by it, he feels.
His ego's certainly been damaged, but remember that Donald Trump has a real problem.
Once he gets on something, That's false.
Because his ego is so big, he refuses to back down, just like with Kim Jong-un, who has thumbed his nose at him over disarmament.
And Trump refuses to go back to his promise to take care of North Korea.
With military action, diplomacy fails.
In the same sense, he has gone on a limb so far on Iran.
I mean even to naming 52 targets in terms of cultural sites.
Now Donald Trump wouldn't have come up with that himself.
That was fed to him.
And if he hits cultural sites, that will make them blow up.
So who wants Trump to hit the beehive?
And if we do hit the beehive, and there is a real global Shiite uprising, that then triggers a real Islamic civil war.
The straight-over-moose gets shut, and then we're off to the races.
And that's incredibly unpopular with the American people.
So I agree that them maneuvering him towards war is a threat.
Impeachment was hurting the globalists.
Trump's real numbers were way up, and I agree.
He sees it.
As, oh, it looks like I'm, you know, I've been indicted.
He wants to change the subject and I... That's right.
Well, let's... Yeah, they're putting him into a situation, Alex, where they're going to have him go to war.
It's not going to turn out an easy war like Iraq.
It's going to cause damage all over the place.
The Straits for Moses, as you said, is going to be shut down.
Oil prices are going to skyrocket.
And Donald Trump is going to get blamed.
And that's what I'm predicting.
Because they told him, let's stop a Shiite uprising to take over Iraq.
He believes it, thinks he kills them, that stops it.
Then they trick him into escalating, hitting cultural sites.
Then it's absolute jihad against Trump.
It blows up.
They activate sleeper cells all over the place.
And CNN's already scripting that it's all Trump's fault when those things happen.
Finally, CNN finds a war they didn't like.
Even though they're helping engineer the whole thing.
Back in two minutes, we'll do five more minutes with Joel Scowls, and then we'll get Chris Tonto-Piranto's take on this, one of the heroes and survivors of Benghazi, and so much more.
Tomorrow's news today.
There's a short but important article on newswars.com and infowars.com that I hope you'll share with the White House and everybody else.
Stage set for Trump assassination.
Could the deep state use threats from Iran to complete their coup against President Trump?
Could they use it as the cover story to try to assassinate the president just like they
had Sirhan Sirhan with Bobby Kennedy, obviously as a Patsy claiming he was a Palestinian or
whatever or doing it for them.
Joel Skousen, you were just alluding to this.
We actually have an article out on that and where this is going and how the deep state
might want to operate and what they might want to do.
But if they trick Trump into a big giant war that's much bigger than all these other wars
we've seen in the last 20 years combined, I don't think they'll need to assassinate
I think they would have totally compromised him and might be the only way they could remove
him is if he's involved in a giant unpopular war.
What do you think?
Well, I think they can get the war without the assassination.
There would still be a fairly big sympathy effect towards Trump if he was assassinated, even if it was by a false flag Iranian, just like, you know, there was for Bobby Kennedy, etc.
But it would definitely trigger a war with Iran if they assassinated the president.
Mike Pence would take over and beat the drums.
It's very interesting that Fox News, the conservative, is the most pro-war network out there in terms of Iran.
I mean, they really are beating up on the conservatives with this propaganda about Iran.
But I think in terms of the assassination, I think you're probably looking at a You know, less than 20 to 30 percent, in my opinion.
They've got Trump where they want him in terms of all Iran has to do.
And by the way, Iran is under a lot of pressure from the people to do something, show the United States that you can't just assassinate our leaders with impunity.
Iraq is up in arms about Muhandis being assassinated.
So there's going to be something going out.
But I think that Iran wants to do it against facilities.
rather than on a high profile person, which would definitely trigger the same kind of reaction in
Is Trump painting himself into a corner though, that if the Iranians do anything, he hits the 50 something
Yeah, absolutely.
He's painted himself in the corner.
He didn't pick the sites.
The sites were picked by the deep state.
And if you're going to do cultural sites, they're trying to blow up the Middle East in hatred against the United States.
I mean, this is just stupid for Trump to have bragged about picking cultural sites.
What planet does he live on?
Look what ISIS did in destroying cultural sites in Syria.
That was proof that the Deep State is behind ISIS.
If they were trying to create a caliphate, they wouldn't destroy Muslim cultural sites or even Christian cultural sites.
Well sure, if you want to trigger Armageddon with the Muslims that have a war and we try to kill every one of them, then you blow up Mecca or something.
I mean, you do that, you've started a war that isn't going to stop.
Yeah, but Iran is not dumb.
Iran has been very, very patient.
Hundreds and hundreds of airstrikes from Israel in Iraq and Syria against Iranian militia and weapons depots, and Iran does nothing.
They are not about to take the bait.
Now, they've got to do something because they cannot let this go unanswered.
So, what that's going to be, I'm not so sure.
But, you know, Donald Trump's saying, I'm going to do even more sanctions against you if you do anything against American interests.
I mean, there isn't much more that they can do because the only sanction breakers out there, of course, are Russia and China, which the U.S.
doesn't have the power to stop in terms of dealing with Iran.
All right, Joel Skousen, World Affairs Brief Editor.
Thank you so much.
People can obviously email you and get a free copy of World Affairs Brief.
The email's right there at worldaffairsbrief.com.
Thank you for the time.
Thank you, Alex.
We've had Joel Skousen on.
We've had Syrian Girl on.
We've had Dr. Steve Pachinik on.
We're going to have a lot of other people on with different perspectives.
But I think the perspective you just got from Joel Skousen was pretty frightening.
And I think from his angle, It's definitely a serious prospect.
I'm not in love with this Soleimani guy, and I know he did get a lot of U.S.
troops killed, and I do know that they have wanted to take over the region and they've been emboldened, but this is quite an escalation.
We'll get one of the survivors, one of the heroes of Benghazi's take on it in 60 seconds.
Stay with us.
Well, we're really honored to have Chris Tonto-Piranto on with us for the next Fifty minutes or so, most of the hour.
I'm not going to go over his whole bio.
I think most of you know who he is.
He's one of the survivors, one of the heroes of the Benghazi situation.
Even though it was a terrible betrayal of the forces in a stand-down, it did show some of the amazing activity of our service members who were acting as private contractors for the CIA at the time.
He also heads up An organization for the last three years is now very, very popular and successful, and he'll tell you about the Battlefield podcast he's doing, and the 14 Hour Foundation.
He's also an author, motivational speaker.
Former Army Ranger, 2nd Battalion, 75th Regiment.
And he joins us now to get into a whole host of issues.
In fact, he sent me a list of issues he wanted to get into, which is perfect because they're exactly what I wanted to get into.
Attacks in Baghdad.
Are they like Benghazi, despite MSM's statements?
Drone strike on Soleimani and its significance.
Church shooting in Texas and the importance of allowing citizens to legally be armed.
Epstein, the Ranger Way and the Patriot's Creed.
And what's new with his Battle Line training company and Battle Line podcast.
And so he joins us right now.
Good to have you here with us.
What do you want to tackle first?
What's happening with Trump and Soleimani and all that situation?
Yeah, let's do that first.
But it's your show.
It says Alex Infowars Alex Jones.
It doesn't say Tano.
I know, but there's so much going on.
But, Benny, you might want to tie something else up.
So let's start right off with your experience with Soleimani, with the Quds forces, and how the media tried to say what happened at the embassy was Benghazi.
And just now, since that happened a week ago, seems like a hundred years ago, where you see this as somebody who's been on the ground?
I did speak out a little bit, and I try to keep it as... I try to stay neutral as possible.
It's hard to though, especially when you tie Benghazi, or you try to continue to use Benghazi as a political point.
Not you in particular, but the mainstream media as a political fodder to help President Trump win re-election.
I like President Trump.
To all y'all out there, I think he's doing a good job.
I think what he's done on the economy speaks for itself.
But when you're always trying to invoke Benghazi, it's almost like you want another Benghazi to happen.
You want it to happen so you can show that Trump would do the right thing.
I know he's going to do the right thing.
If, but God forbid, you don't want another Benghazi to happen.
And to compare Baghdad to Benghazi is honestly, it's a slap in the face, not only to to the guys that were there, myself, Oz, Boone, and Tig.
And I don't want to speak for them.
I'm just saying they were there.
They have their own opinions.
But you're really giving a slap to the face to the guys that died.
My friends that died, Ronan Bubb and also Mamela Stevens and Sean Smith.
And I got caught up in that political fray in 2016.
And I'll be quite honest with you, I made a mistake.
I shouldn't have.
But, you know, we didn't want Hillary Clinton to be elected.
I didn't want her.
And I thought that was the best way to handle that.
And I also thought that that was the best way to get the story out.
But I think you did a good job exposing Hillary.
She deserved to be shown as a liar.
That took a lot of courage.
Don't walk that back.
That's awesome.
Well, again, that was good to do.
That was the one reason why we needed to do it at that point.
But I'm not going to let that happen again.
And the reason being is because, especially with Bagot, it's completely different.
The attacks, it's just not the same.
Well, sir, obviously Trump didn't order a stand-down.
Trump didn't leave our people there.
No, the response was good.
I always say, hey, your response was good.
He did his job.
That's what you're supposed to do as a president.
Am I going to high-five you for doing your job?
Am I going to high-five you, Alex, for doing your job every day?
That's what you're supposed to do.
Good job.
I'm glad you got a response.
It does show the ineptness or just the lack of Caring of humans in itself by the past administration by leaving us to die.
Yeah, it does expose that again.
But Baghdad in itself was completely different.
First of all, it was in the daytime.
Second of all, it was a riot.
It wasn't a coordinated attack.
Third of all, there were no weapons involved.
And they still managed to get all the way onto the compound.
Completely different.
Completely different instances.
But you are right and I agree with you that yes, good thing there was a response.
Obama didn't give us a response.
Hillary didn't give us a response.
So yeah, Trump, you did your job.
I appreciate that.
Now let's move on.
Let's not try to tie Benghazi into what Baghdad was because Baghdad wasn't.
I've got guys that actually work at that embassy there.
I've worked in Baghdad.
I've worked in that area of operations.
I've worked for the State Department in Baghdad before.
And there still is a failure in security on the State Department side because to allow a riot to get that far...
into the compound, into that fortress. It's a freaking fortress. Benghazi wasn't a fortress
at all. The Tempermish facility was not a fortress, had very little security at all.
To allow just rioters without weapons to get that far in, there still needs to be some
security measures and changes made within the State Department of force protection security.
And I was a little upset about that.
Of course, a lot of those folks were with the Iranian militias.
They purposely didn't have guns. I think hoping they'd get mowed down to then
embarrass the United States and Trump.
And conventional warfare, and that could be, brother. That's a possibility and that is
a strategy and I would never dismiss that as well because that is what we call a conventional
The those that were there and I know the security personnel that were there whether it was excuse me.
The global response staff guys, the OGA security personnel, I know they could have handled themselves.
I know they could have done the job and I know they were ready to go.
So I'm going to say high five to anybody, the security operators that were there.
Obviously the head of the base or whoever, I mean the ambassador must have told them to stand down.
The Ambassador, I'm sure they have SOPs there.
They all have SOPs, Standard Operating Procedures, of when to engage and when not to engage.
I'm sure they gave a line of demarcation and said, hey, if they get to this point within the facility, you can't engage.
But staying standout, do we want to say that?
Maybe they came in standout, I think.
But they're most likely, and I know when I worked there, there was areas where If they got this point, this is where you're going to engage at.
But they should never have got past that first security checkpoint.
And this goes into why we shouldn't use locals as our outer perimeter security.
But the ones that say, yes, we should, or say, well, if we use Americans and they're going to get killed with an IED or a car bomb, well, you can still use maybe not Americans, but you can use forces from other countries.
There's probably not a stand down then.
It was just that the outer ring was Iraqis and they stood down.
And that's what it looks like could happen.
Looks like had happened and that's what I would say happened in itself.
And that's that's a miscalculation again by us as Americans letting locals provide security.
And that's what we did in Benghazi as well.
And the locals let the bad guys in.
That is the same.
If you want to tie the Benghazi and Baghdad the same, you won't get any similarities at all.
That's the similarities.
And that's where I spoke out and said, hey, security needs to be changed.
Why didn't you listen to us when we advised you what to do?
Well, State Department didn't, and that's bureaucrats that are still in charge of security.
And that's why we'll probably have another attack on an embassy.
But again, I don't want it to be another Benghazi.
And Baghdad wasn't Benghazi.
Shifting gears then into the response.
I'm no fan of Soleimani.
We know he was behind a lot of the IEDs and the rest of it.
Trump was told he was doing this to stop a war, but now more targets, escalation, this could really get into a bigger regional war.
Let's cover that when we come back.
We've got a few minutes left though.
What did you think of the strike on Soleimani and the media that's usually pro-war and stuff, a lot of them criticizing Trump?
He's a terrorist.
He's been on the terrorist watch list for I don't know how many years.
The Obama administration tried to get him when Chuck Hagel was set deaf.
They were targeting him as well.
He's a terrorist.
You had to kill him.
What can you do?
There's a talkative opportunity.
He had the opportunity to do it.
You do it, but yes, you know that there's going to be ramifications, repercussions because of it.
We'll see what that's going to be, but you can't let a terrorist... This guy is a terrorist.
It wasn't assassination.
You don't assassinate a terrorist.
He is a terrorist.
You had to kill him.
The availability was there.
He's responsible for many deaths of many ethnicities around the world to include Christians and include Americans.
Nah, the opportunity's there.
Be embracing about it after.
I think that's a lack of professionalism.
I wouldn't have done it, but I'm not President either.
But just the acting and stuff, yeah.
You're trying to kill this guy forever.
You got him, you had the opportunity, you take him out.
Except under Obama, they asked Israel and the U.S.
military not to kill him on at least two occasions.
Obama was back-channeling, and so was John Kerry with this guy.
And I think that's part of why Trump killed him and why, I mean, I don't like that this happened, period.
I don't want to escalate a war, but I mean, if he did it, I was thinking that's to cut off the back-channeling that the deep state's got that we know is going on.
Well, and that's something that you have to always think about.
It sucks because I can't always agree with it, but I can't always disagree with it either.
I wish I could always say, you know what, Alex, you're wrong.
You're wrong here.
You're wrong.
At this point, that's a possibility.
And by, you know, by us with the past administration, it looked like we were, the past administration was actually helping the Iranians.
I know there's a big nuclear Nuclear deal that they said that they stopped working on their nuclear facilities or nuclear... And the tens of millions of dollars.
Stay there.
Chris Tonto-Piranto.
ChrisTontoPiranto.net is our guest.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
That's right, and we get our commands from the listeners and all the great ideas they have, and we're going to be opening the phones up all throughout the week.
Chris Tonto-Piranto is our guest.
During that break, I was talking about subjects the media tried to associate me with that are like nails on a chalkboard, torture, and he said, that's what I'm trying to say about Benghazi, and he had a really good rant.
I said, will you please repeat that on air?
And he said he would.
So let's finish up with Benghazi and then get to the middle of this blowing up right now.
You know, with the media, if they want to invoke Benghazi, if these conservative PACs want to invoke Benghazi, let's do three things first before you're able to do that.
Let's go ahead and let's get Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glenn Doherty, and Tyrone Woods awarded the Presidential Meritorious Service Award, or the highest award as a civilian you can get.
It's like the Medal of Honor for their actions in Benghazi and their subsequent deaths, which they gave everything Let's also do this.
Let's bring the people to justice that were involved in Benghazi.
Nobody has been brought to justice or any culpability has been given to U.S.
personnel who either violated national security or lied about it afterwards.
Nothing's been happening.
There's still been nothing done as far as bringing the ones culpable to leaving us behind and lying about Benghazi after.
Nothing's been done about this by this administration.
And that angers me, both those things.
And then third is, hey, Mike Pompeo was the CIA director for a short period of time.
We did what we had to do that evening.
We did what we have to do, had to do after.
Let's get our clearances reinstated.
They've just been suspended.
My lawyer Mark said, he stated, your clearances weren't cancelled, they were suspended.
You can reinstate security clearances.
Let's do that.
And let's be clear, Brennan still has his clearance.
Trump can't even get rid of it somehow.
But you don't, and Hillary isn't locked up.
Why wouldn't Trump basically pardon you guys of that false garbage, reinstate you and have a White House press conference if they want to get political?
Why is Trump, and I'm not mad at Trump, but the message needs to get to him, why is Trump not doing basic stuff for the heroes of Benghazi that went and lost their security clearances to go on Fox News and say Hillary's a damn liar?
So you didn't just offend the State Department.
That night, your buddies just didn't die, you didn't just get crapped all over and lied about, you went and lost your livelihood to tell the truth, and now years later, Trump and the Republicans aren't doing jack crap again!
Still not doing anything, that's...
That also justifies to me that there is a definite deep state.
Again, it validates it.
Again, like it needed any more validation.
And that's all I ask.
Then you can invoke Benghazi and use it for Benghazi if you want.
That's my opinion.
That's my view.
It's not the other guys' views.
You don't have to ask them.
But, hey, do those three things.
Those three things, and guess what?
I'll high-five you then, President Trump.
I'll give you that high-five.
And so that's why you're not going on the shows.
That's why you're not doing that, right?
That's exactly right.
I don't feel... Well, I'm getting pissed off just thinking about this!
I mean, the fact that you haven't gotten your security clearances back, the criminals that did it are still running around, not even an investigation, no medals given to the dead people, that's incredible!
Well, yeah, and that's the biggest thing, is really those guys.
Ambassador Stephen, Sean Smith, Roan and Bub.
They should have been awarded those presidential medals years and years ago.
That's right.
I mean, Trump's giving awards to dogs who I think deserve them, but we should give them to these heroes.
Yeah, and they are.
They're definite heroes.
And then, you know what?
Then I honestly, I think that's when me personally, and again, I can't speak for the families.
I can't speak for the other guys that were there.
That's when I think finally we'd have closure.
Closure would be done.
Whether I would redeploy again or not.
I'm getting old.
I don't know if I can redeploy anymore.
I'm in the clearance regardless.
But just having that clearance would say, you know what?
We got you back.
You guys did the right thing.
You don't deserve a black mark on your name when all you've done is be an honorable person.
And the dishonorable people, like Brennan, are still walking around not in trouble.
Isn't that how terrible, terrible things have gotten in D.C.
over the years?
It's already been terrible, it just continues to get worse.
But hopefully President Trump, again, hopefully he can fix it.
I hope so.
But this would be a step in that direction if he did.
Let's talk about what happened to Soleimani and where all that's going and what you expect to come out of that now.
Um, yeah, you didn't really have a choice.
You have a high value target.
He's a terrorist.
People have been trying to get him.
You know, the past administration was trying to kill him as well.
I think they were trying to do it more clandestine, more covertly, uh, because I believe they probably felt that if he was killed, it may escalate into World War Three, which it's a possibility.
That's that's part of the world today.
That's that's that's how that's how wars get started.
Um, but You had the opportunity to kill him.
I don't think you can poo-poo Trump for ordering that strike.
He's a bad guy.
He's a terrorist.
He's been on the terrorist watch list.
Well, on one hand, it also sends a message to Kim Jong-un in North Korea, and the guy was a bad dude.
I see the other arguments now with Trump talking about, we're not going to pull out of Iraq unless you pay for our bases.
I mean, I really want to see us out of these countries.
What's your position on that?
You know, I agree.
We're not, we shouldn't be there just, we're not doing the whole hearts and minds thing.
You go in there, I like what Reagan did in Libya, I'll be honest with you, where Qaddafi hit some Americans, hijacked it, and Reagan went in there and just blew the living crap out of them.
And basically said, here's your country back, don't you ever do that again.
That's how you handle it.
Well he actually bombed Qaddafi's house.
And that house was basically, the house was like a city block.
I actually got to go on the site there and saw where the actual bombing was when I was working in Libya.
No, I mean, he blew the heck out of basically a small town.
That was Qaddafi's house.
and said don't mess with us anymore.
That's how you have to handle it.
Being in there and having troops there and being in these countries,
it really doesn't do anything.
But it goes back again, what are we actually there for?
Are we there to try to stabilize the country or are we there because of their resources?
And you have arguments on that too.
Are we there for the oil?
Are we there for the money?
Are we actually there 'cause we're trying to stabilize the country?
You can't get democracy into an Islamic country unless you're there for hundreds and hundreds
and hundreds of years because it's been ingrained.
It's not gonna happen.
And we're seeing that.
So I'm in agreement with you on that.
No, we shouldn't be in these countries.
No, never, never.
And we need to pull, get out of them.
Trump is right.
Those are going to pay for our bases.
Cause I've seen where we have, and I've been on a lot of these bases, Camp Anaconda is one of them.
They're in Balad where we pulled out of that base millions, if not billions of dollars that we put into that base and said, here you are, you get everything.
Basically just pull up chocks and left everything there.
That's a lot of money just leaving there.
So I got no problem with him saying, hey, if we're going to pull out of the country, you pay for our base.
Because if we pull out and they don't, they're going to get all those raw materials there that we have.
We can't get everything out of there.
It's too much.
And that's a lot of money for their infrastructure.
Well, that goes back to how China and Japan got all the oil and the U.S.
never got the oil.
We go run security in Afghanistan, the Chinese get all the rare earth minerals.
That's crazy.
That's nuts.
Bad foreign policy, bad ideas, and just us wanting to leave so quick that we don't really do our due diligence and figure out what do we need to do when we leave?
What can we take with us?
What is worth money to take with us?
And again, I've never sat in those meetings, so I don't know what the conversations are.
All I can see is what we leave behind.
Granted, I haven't seen it on the TV.
I've actually been in these bases when we leave and I see what we leave behind and I'm just, oh my, oh my gosh!
How much money did we just leave and give to this, give to this country just by us leaving, leaving an area?
And, and... Chris, Tonto Peralta is our guest.
We're going to come back and talk about the Texas Church shooting, the Ranger Way, Patriot Creed and more.
Stay with us.
We are back live.
Got two more segments with our guests and I'm going to do about 15 minutes.
Into the next hour and then, of course, Gerald Solente is going to be taking over with a lot of big breaking news.
Stage set for Trump assassination.
Darren McBrain article on Infowars.com.
And just the fact that Iran's offering, and they did this in the big official commemoration speech at the beginning of the procession for the funeral of Soleimani, 80 million dollars for whoever can kill the yellow-haired madman president.
That was the quote.
And they've issued these type of fatwas before.
That's one US dollar for every Iranian citizen, even though the Mullahs are very unpopular over there.
I think this sets the stage for an overthrow of Iran by the people.
Again, I don't like the neocons wanting to expand the war.
I don't like talking more troops being sent over there.
I thought Trump wanted the troops out of there.
But regardless, this is going to be a very, very dangerous period of time coming up.
I wanted to ask Chris Tonto Peranto, of course, one of the survivors and heroes of Benghazi, but he's a lot more than that.
And he's doing, of course, battle line training as well.
The Ranger Way and the Patriot's Creed, excellent book.
But I wanted to just a few more minutes on the state of the world and The president's safety.
Another question we have at Infowars.com, a Jamie White article.
Is Iran using Obama's pallet of cash, it's tens of billions now, to fund the $80 million bounty on Trump?
That's another really great question.
What's your take on those topics?
Yeah, when you are the most powerful leader in the world, and President Trump is, and you do something like this to an enemy, which Iran is, yeah, I think that goes with the course.
It's part of the job description.
It's a hazard of the job.
You kill their top military leader that they love and has killed many Americans and killed many other people out there, of course you're going to be on their hit list.
By them giving this $80 million, I don't know.
Is that more propaganda?
Is it for real?
Who knows?
But bottom line is if Trump wasn't already on their assassination watch list, which I believe he probably already was, it was bound to happen anyway.
Well, they better hope nobody kills Trump now because they're going to get the blame and then Tehran will get flattened.
I mean, what do you think would happen if somebody does kill Trump in the name of Iran?
Israel and the United States would just Blow the hell out of Iran.
That would happen.
That's what would happen under this administration.
I don't hope it doesn't either.
Nobody wants war.
And those that have seen war don't want war.
And we don't want a world war.
I don't want my kids growing up in that.
But that's part of what we live in today.
Terrorists are going to be there.
Terrorism is not going to die.
We opened that Pandora's box.
We can't close it.
It's not going to be closed.
And the thing is now, as a guy like myself, when I see things like this, it doesn't spin me up.
It's sad to say, but to me, it's like me going to get a cup of coffee in the morning.
Ah, terrorist died.
We killed one.
You know what?
They hit a U.S.
facility outside the United States.
That's sad that I actually just, well, you know what?
It's just become normal background now.
It's normal, but that's what they really wanted to happen when we first invaded Iraq, and look where we are.
That being said, though, Secret Service got their work cut out for them, but that's what they're there for.
And yeah, I wouldn't put money on them killing Trump because They're not going to get to him.
They're going to be impossible.
But, you know, I definitely think that, yeah, of course, he's on he's on the watch list of one of their high value targets to get.
So, yeah, that's that.
But that's that's again, that's a hazard of the job, especially when you're as outspoken and as brazen as he has been, especially with this.
But again, you had to kill the the the Iranian general.
It had that he was a value.
He was available there.
Not only did it do that, I think it also showed the Iranians that they are not, I think they did feel they are invulnerable by all the things they were doing.
Well, I'll say this exactly.
I don't want to have kinetic actions.
I don't want to be offensive.
But Trump starts saying we're pulling out and then the Shiites were using that as a vacuum and there were more and more of these probing events.
And then the Eye of Total the day before said to Trump, there's nothing you can do.
Well that, I think that was probably icing on the cake.
Now we're not hearing stuff like that from him.
You're just tempting to see what he can do.
You're just poking the bear, and they poked the bear too much, and then the bear came in and literally bit their hands off.
Yeah, you gotta do it, but there will be repercussions.
The bear ripped the right arm off, and the militia's left arm.
The bear ripped both arms off.
Basically just ate him, is what the bear did.
Let's just put it that way.
But there will be repercussions.
There always, for every action, there's an opposite reaction.
There will be.
Where will it be?
The CIA and NSA, you got your work cut out for you, too.
That's what you're here for.
I'm just worried that deep state neocon and leftist groups that are sabotaging things are going to use this to embarrass Trump.
CNN's already hoping, and so that's why I'm concerned.
I know why Trump says he did it to stop war, and I believe that the president means that legitimately, but I'm just worried about how they're going to try to Cause a bigger crisis out of this that'll embroil America and embarrass Trump.
Because look at impeachment.
How they pass those two fake articles and they're holding on to it.
And they say we've got more coming.
What do you think about the whole impeachment situation?
It's ridiculous.
Again, I don't even pay attention to it.
Presidents, if they don't do backhanded, they do that.
Did Trump do something?
Yeah, I think he did it.
Did it have any effect on the election?
No, it didn't.
Does it have any effect on Joe Biden?
No, Joe Biden's not going to win the election.
They wouldn't have won without this.
Trump should be asking about corruption.
Since when is that bad?
And that's not a bad thing.
And that's where I'm at with Ukraine and all that.
It's garbage.
I don't even pay attention.
Alex, I don't even pay attention to it because it's such garbage.
It's for you not to pay attention.
I agree with you that most people I know have turned against the liberals in the deep state.
I think America is awake as hell.
And that's a good thing.
And that's where I'm at with telling people, what do you think about Ukraine?
Honestly, I could care less.
The economy is still doing well.
We have a president that still supports our troops.
And you're right, people are waking up because you see a lot of people moving away from the mainstream media and starting to listen to shows like yours, or podcasts that are out there, and things like that.
I'm new, people are thinking.
No, I want you to listen.
I've heard your show.
You do great work.
Tell people how they find you.
Just BattleLine Podcast.
It's on everything.
Apple, Spotify.
Everywhere you can do a podcast.
You can find us.
And we're in the government section.
Even though we don't always talk about government stuff, we talk about a lot of fun stuff.
And yeah, we're there.
And you're going to hear me unfiltered.
Believe me.
And it's my platform, so I can say whatever I want for as long as I want.
I've heard some of the clubs.
That's good.
I appreciate it.
I always have told people this from when I finally started to wake up and see that, hey man, I'm being spun.
I'm being used.
Step away from it.
Turn the mainstream media off.
Get your free thinking back.
Get your common sense back like you have it because that will atrophy if you don't use it.
If you always watch one media outlet, it's going to atrophy.
Well that's the answer is to take your grassroots but also as a father and a business guy and everything and give your perspective instead of even tuning into the mainstream going with your own research that's what creates the real diversity of thought and that's why I love the fact you've launched that podcast and you're doing so many other things because we need to get all the good Americans out there for the race color creed you name it to just put their views out and not just follow the cookie cutter garbage that's what big tech's afraid of and I think Trump's biggest failing is he's really allowed big tech To censor so many people, but more people are standing up to fill in the gap, so I'm happy about it.
And I am too.
And you see that a lot with the Conspiracy Theory by Pat Militech.
That's a great podcast out there.
Your show.
You know, you also see stuff with the Sofra Bad Monkey podcast, where you've got a seal and two marines that do their view.
So you're getting different views.
And we may not always agree, but the beauty about the free thinking is that when somebody says an answer that you don't agree with or is giving you their take, they can back it up with something.
Well, the answer to the left wanting to censor everybody is everybody use their speech.
You don't like our speech?
We'll use it more.
And then, lo and behold, our speech is popular.
They can't shut everybody down.
We're going to kick their ass politically.
And that's, that's how it should be.
That's how we're going to, we're going to do that with the podcast.
We're going to do that with, with everybody getting out there.
And so I'm finally starting to do research like we used to finally starting to have common sense again, the fifth principle of patrolling.
Don't ever lose that common sense and utilize it.
And then you can actually start to see the biases.
And the beat is that now, like I used to hate, I used to hate looking at CNN, MSNBC.
I was a Fox zealot, this, that, and I still have people that I still think they do.
Sometimes they do a good job, but.
Now I can see everything.
I don't have a problem going on CNN.
So what did they say?
What did Fox say?
What did MSNBC say?
Let's explain that when we come back.
Let's quantify this.
This is interesting.
Stay with us.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central, I'm here live.
The War Room's coming up with Owen Schroer after that.
David Knight, Weekday Mornings.
Chris Tonto-Piranto is our guest.
Tonto's been kicking butt, again, best known for one of the heroes of Survivors of Benghazi.
As you pointed out, though, the man that died.
Still haven't even given an award, which is, people aren't wanting awards, but it's kind of a slap in the face.
And he's pointing out that Trump hadn't done anything about that.
And again, it's not that we dislike Trump, it's that we're not in a cult here, ladies and gentlemen.
And Trump noticed that almost, under Obama, nobody was getting awards because it was a way to kind of put the military down.
I don't mean to go back off into that, but I think overall I really want Trump to succeed.
I know he's for real.
He's got the deep state mad at him, but it doesn't mean everything he's doing is perfect and that we shouldn't put pressure on him.
Because when we don't, then he only gets pressure from the left.
But you were bringing up how you'd get mad at watching CNN or something so you'd just watch Fox.
But you're saying now you're able to watch it because you're just analyzing it and seeing how all the different propaganda fits together.
Is that what you're saying?
Yeah, that's when you open your mind and you're finally able to... I put this out on Facebook.
When I got back on Facebook, I actually stopped doing all social media for a while.
I had to do a full cleanse because it was just completely... I was going one way and I wasn't having an open mind to everything.
And I got back on and I said, you know what?
You got to see everything for what it is.
You got to be like you were when you were working, where you didn't care what news said what, and that's how I was.
When I was deployed, and most people that tell you this, most of the guys that actually go in, they deploy continuously.
They care very little about what's going on in the news, because they're living what everything is going on in the news, and they're seeing it for real, and that's how I was.
I didn't care.
What did I have to do to get through the next day?
What did I have to do to protect my buddies?
What was going on around me in real time?
And I just lost that.
And now, coming back to it, now I can.
I can watch and just analyze all the different biases on all the dang news networks, and then figure out, okay, well there's a bias here, there's a bias here, they're on opposite directions, so let's find us in the middle.
That's where the truth is.
It's not way over here on the left, it's not way over here on the right, it's right here in the middle.
Well, that's why I've been having folks on that are for the strike, that are against the strike, Because I've got, in my own mind, different perspectives, and I'm wanting to really have a real discussion, not, you pick your issue and you pick your stance on something, and then that's all you ever do is have information match that.
And you can't because it doesn't go anywhere.
I'm right.
You're right.
It's like it almost turns into just a football game and there's got to be a winner.
I'm winning.
You're right.
No, it's not.
No, it's not like that.
What is going on over here?
What's going on over here?
Unless you're on the ground and you know exactly what's happening, you don't know the truth.
And because I was there, I've been in this.
I know, I know what it's like to be in a spin from an actual incident that took place where the media, all the media was getting it wrong until we actually came on and said, this is what happened.
I was about to say that I have experienced, by being in big national events, when it's not my perspective, I know what really happened, and then I watched how different spin machines have their agenda, and how they tailor what they say according to that, and then people believe it.
And so yes, especially I guess being in the military, being in famous incidents, where everything gets, you know, analyzed later.
No, you were there, you know what really happened, and it must be just sickening to then see the lies.
And that's where I stepped out of it all.
That's why you don't see me going on FoxFury at all anymore.
You don't see me going on CNN at all anymore.
I've never been on MSNBC, but that's okay.
We're okay with that.
But that's also why I recommend, and that's why I started my own podcast.
I got tired of just doing this.
When I was on, it was just soundbites.
You can't say what's really on your mind.
It does nothing.
Long-form, real, deep discussions is what it's all about.
Yep, exactly.
Because that makes you and the public smarter.
Garbage in, garbage out.
But when stuff's long form and complex, like reading a book or talk radio studies show, make people smarter because they have to visualize it.
They have to contemporaneously compare it to their life experience, not just receiving sound bites that dumb down the entire process.
And it challenges, it does.
It challenges paradigms, but it challenges paradigms with some information to back it up instead of just a sound bite.
And that's where I was.
I was living the sound bite life.
We are the fast food society.
We're the same in news.
That's soundbites.
What's the ad?
Hey, look over here.
Look what's on this ticker right here.
Instead of actually getting into what actually happened from all sides.
I watched Wolf Blitzer last night.
Chuck Hagel was on.
Former SecDef Chuck Hagel.
I'm not a big fan of Wolf Blitzer.
I'm not a big fan of Chuck Hagel.
But I watched what he had to say because he was talking about the attacks.
The drone strikes.
So I wanted to see what was outside.
He said, again, mealy-mouthed, he said, yes, the guy was on Obama's list.
That's Wolfastom.
Wolfastom was Soleiman, I can't pronounce his name, I'm sorry, the Quds commander.
Was he on the watch list of Obama?
I already knew he was, but I wanted to hear what Chuck said.
Senator Hagel said, yes, he was.
Uh, we tried to get him, but again, he played it that it should have been handled differently.
Trump did it wrong.
It should have been so outward.
They should have done it covertly.
It should have been looking, and my argument to there was, well, if you've been trying to get him, and I think he said for 10 years, if you've been trying to get him for 10 years, obviously your way wasn't working, Senator Hagel.
So the way Trump's way did work, and yes, he has said for every action, there's going to be reaction.
Well, duh.
That's how wars are.
That's how all wars are.
You kill one of theirs, they're going to try to kill one of ours.
And that's war.
As much as you want to make it sound like it's not that, it is.
Let's face it, Obama and them ordered him not to kill him a couple times.
They were scared of Soleimani because he's got networks around the world and they're scared one of those networks might come shoot them.
And that's where you go with Trump now is what I told Trump.
What I would like President Trump to know is that you did it.
Make sure, though, before you... I hope he did.
I hope his advisers did this.
I hope the security staff did this before the attack was.
They assessed all the weak areas in the world that have U.S.
personnel and strengthened those areas up.
Not a reaction force.
Strengthen them up.
The best Benghazi is to never have a Benghazi again.
The best Baghdad is to never have a Baghdad again.
I don't want to know about an embassy being attacked because it never gets attacked again.
That's a win for President Trump, not the QRF reaction.
You've already lost.
Now you've won the reaction.
We're already lost.
We appreciate you coming on.
Spend a little bit of time about your book, The Ranger Way of the Patriot Creed, and also what's new with Battle Line Training Company and Battle Line Podcast.
Well, the Ranger Way I wrote a couple years ago.
Honestly, all the Ranger Way is about, it's about success, but it's about me.
If you want to read about how jacked up and screwed up I am, how I failed so many times and still overcame, that's the Ranger Way.
And that is a lot of Rangers I served in the 75th Ranger Regiment about failure and how to overcome those failures and still succeed, whether people like you or not.
That's the Ranger Way.
The Patriot's Creed, is honestly, the community had done so much for me
as far as guys supporting me.
And there's so many good stories out there about people, other service members going through their own trials
and tribulations and succeeding, that I just wanted to give that book
and make that book about them.
So it has parts of it in me of other places I was at, whether it was Afghanistan, Iraq, and little snippets,
but primarily it's about guys that, other guys that have gone through conflicts
and lost arms or legs or gone through alcoholism.
I have one guy, a pararescue, pararescue man that died on the drop zone and actually came back to life
and saw God, and then he became a pararescue man again after burning in on a 30,000 foot jump.
So it's about other guys.
It's me trying to say, hey, there's other people to follow.
Don't listen to what I have to say.
Listen to these guys.
And it's also about overcoming adversity.
It's about succeeding.
You're a hero and you're an interesting guy, but you're telling people there's some even cooler guys in Waze.
There's a lot of great people.
There's a lot cooler guys than me out here.
Here are their stories.
Not cooler than you, just cooler in different ways.
We're all cool, and I think they're cooler than me.
I tell you what, if I came in on a 30,000 foot and I burned in on a halo jump in, I probably wouldn't have survived that.
Scott's a lot tougher than me, I tell you what.
But it was.
It was the publisher, Hachette, who's been fantastic to me, said, will you write a third book?
I said, well, yeah, but can we do it on other guys?
I'm tired.
We don't need to talk about me anymore.
Well, you're definitely right.
Other people are always more interesting than yourself if you're not a megalomaniac.
Chris, you're awesome.
Please come back again soon.
Thanks, sir.
God bless you.
Take care, Alex.
God bless.
And anyone ever in town, please come in.
All right.
Yes, definitely.
Thank you, brother.
That's a good guy right there.
We appreciate him coming on.
You heard him.
He's not doing all the other media stuff anymore.
It's all soundbites.
It's all crap.
It doesn't matter.
It's all meant to destroy your attention span.
It's all meant to just atomize you and give you disinfo.
Everything they do is based on you not having long attention spans.
Well, guess what?
Our audience is an audience.
You're activists.
You're winners.
You're incredible.
Let me speak of this.
If we can finance, we can complete this year, go into the next year and keep fighting.
You know, they want to shut us down.
Don't let them win, folks.
We need to stay in attack formation.
This isn't a gimmick when I say, oh, yesterday was the last day of the super end-of-year mega sale, but I'm extending it because I'm so busy.
I'm very busy.
I haven't got all the new ads for the new specials that are excellent specials.
They're just not as wide.
And we'll never have specials that's probably this big again unless we're going out of business.
I mean, this year in sales, we don't have inventory taxes and things.
It's gone very well.
A lot of stuff sold out.
A lot of things still available.
Some of the stuff didn't come back in for months.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
And here are the things we still have.
Alpha Power, 60% off.
Super Blue fluoride free toothpaste, 50% off.
Super Silver whitening toothpaste, 50% off.
This all ends, it's got to end like today or tomorrow.
I mean, I just got to do the new specials.
Rain Force Plus, 60% off.
Knockout, 60% off.
Ultra 12, 60% off.
Vazo Beats, 60% off.
20 to 50% off.
The Apparel, Selenium, 60% off.
Vazo beats 60% off, 20 to 50% off the apparel, Selenium 60% off, Real Red Pill Plus, X2 is
X3's getting close.
We have Alexa Pure Breeze, 30% off with Free Shepherd and so much more.
We got a new operation I haven't announced yet.
I need to do this.
I'm going to come back, cover some other news.
And Gerald Cilente, please stay with us.
Caught like a wildfire.
You know, what this comedian said at Golden Globes is so important.
I'm going to do the whole next segment on it.
Please stay tuned for this.
And please take notes.
This is vital.
But I want to play this report.
AOC's impending eviction from Congress.
Here it is.
This is a quality of life issue.
Lucky for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the news has been a little heavy over the past few days, enough to distract her from her own impending doom.
AOC recently learned that her seat may be squeezed out due to the open border policies she supports.
As the city reported, building on data and analysis by the Texas Tribune suggests Ocasio-Cortez's district could be particularly vulnerable to undercount because A little over a quarter of those living there are non-citizens.
That's a higher percentage than any other congressional district in the state.
A census undercount in Ocasio-Cortez's district, and elsewhere in the state, could lead to the elimination of congressional districts, potentially setting off politically charged redistricting battles.
New York already is on track to lose up to two congressional seats during reapportionment due to population decline and slower rate of growth, according to a December report by Election Data Services.
The citizenship question President Trump wanted added to the census was shot down by the Supreme
As a result, President Trump tasked the Department of Homeland Security to share government records
from its databases to help the Census Bureau produce data about the U.S. citizenship status
of every person living in the country.
All U.S. states that don't accurately complete the 2020 census could of course face the loss
of congressional seats and billions of federal dollars.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports, "An analysis of the preliminary estimates released by the
U.S. Census Bureau..."
Show that California was one of 10 states likely to lose a congressional seat.
Texas, which now has 36 representatives in the U.S.
House, second behind California, is expected to gain at least three seats.
Florida is on track to gain two.
The political impact of reapportionment extends beyond Congress to presidential elections.
Each state's electoral college represents the sum of its House and Senate seats.
But that still hasn't stopped the Democrats from handing our elections over to non-citizens.
A groundbreaking release from the Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.
His office found nearly 95,000 people registered to vote, but not U.S.
In Maryland, already there are a number of smaller communities that already have elections where non-citizens can do the voting.
Kind of discriminatory to me.
You're not letting American homeless people vote, but you are letting illegal aliens vote?
On the steps of City Hall, a historic day.
For the first time, non-citizen parents can register to vote for school board elections in San Francisco.
We know for sure now that non-citizens are voting.
The question is how many and how big of an issue it is.
Do you think they actually cast ballots?
I mean, yeah, we think it's very likely that we've had non-citizens cast ballots.
We had that in Tarrant County.
We, you know, we prosecuted somebody that had done that and ended up in prison for eight years.
Rosa Ortega is the one who got eight years.
A green card holder who voted for Republicans but told a judge she didn't understand she could not cast a ballot.
This review found that 385 non-citizens were registered to vote in Ohio, and of those, 82 had cast at least one ballot in an election in Ohio.
Secretary of State's office says that it has identified now 95,000 people registered to vote with matching DPS records of non-citizens.
You know, I get the popular mythology among Democrats that there's no such thing as voter fraud.
I would tell you there's not as much voter fraud as some Republicans think, but there's a lot more than Democrats think.
If AOC loses her district to her own United Nations brainwashing, it would occur as we get closer to the 2022 midterm elections.
John Bowne reporting.
And that is instant karma.
Ricky Gervais has really sent shockwaves around the world.
This morning, I saw the story up on Infowars.com.
I don't watch the Golden Globes.
And I didn't click on the video.
Instead, I watched Joaquin Phoenix say, hey, we should stop flying around on private jets if you really think they're killing the Earth.
I thought, well, that's good.
Because Hollywood realizes they're uncool, that they're teleprompter readers, that they read off scripts, and that people don't like them.
But then I clicked later today after I actually read the transcript of what Ricky had to say and it was incredible.
This has got to be investigated because I don't think they authorized these jokes because they always want to see them up front with anything scripted.
I think this guy is a hero for what he said and I think particularly if we learned that they did not authorize it and I really think they didn't.
And that he understands that it's a falling system, and he'd rather be up front in that system, calling it for what it is, than keep riding along on the gravy train for a while.
And as people decide that they're not going to prop up the globalist Hollywood system anymore, and that they're not going to continue to play along with it, it's going to implode.
Not just the men pressuring women for sex.
They hope it only stops there.
Kind of like Prince Andrew and a 17 year old girl.
That's bad enough, but the media Only covers that instead of the fact that it goes down to satanism, the occult, torture, little children, you name it.
And that's all beginning to come out as well.
So, he tells them what they are.
They're a bunch of pedophiles.
They're a bunch of sickos.
And they're a bunch of nobodies who are fake to their pretentious Hollywood faces.
Here it is.
But you all look lovely, all dolled up.
You came here in your limos.
I came here in a limo tonight, and the license plate was made by Felicity Huffman.
So... No.
But tonight isn't just about the people in front of the camera.
In this room are some of the most important TV and film executives in the world.
People from every background, but they all have one thing in common.
They're all terrified of Ronan Farrow.
He's coming for you.
He's coming for you.
Look, talking of all you perverts, it was a big year.
It was a big year for paedophile movies.
Surviving R. Kelly, Leaving Neverland, Two Popes.
Shut up.
Shut up.
I don't care.
I don't care.
Many talented people of colour were snubbed in major categories.
Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about that.
The Hollywood Foreign Press are all very, very racist.
So... Fifth time.
So... We were gonna do an in-memoriam this year, but when I saw the list of people that had died, it wasn't diverse enough.
It just... No.
It was mostly white people.
And I thought, nah.
Not on my watch.
Maybe next year.
Let's... Let's see what happens.
Martin Scorsese, the greatest living director, made the news for his controversial comments about the Marvel franchise.
He said they're not real cinema and they remind him of theme parks.
I agree.
Although I don't know what he's doing hanging around theme parks.
He's not big enough to go on the rides, is he?
He's tiny.
The world got to see James Corden as a fat...
He was also in the movie Cats, but no one saw that.
And the reviews, oh, shocking.
I saw one that said, this is the worst thing to happen to cats since dogs, right?
But Dame Judi Dench defended the film, saying it was the role she was born to play, because she... I can't do this next joke.
Because she loves nothing better than plonking herself down on the carpet, lifting her leg, and licking her own d***.
Furball, furball.
Apple roared into the TV game with a morning show.
A superb drama, yeah.
A superb drama about the importance of dignity and doing the right thing, made by a company that runs sweatshops in China.
So, well you say you're woke, but the companies you work for, I mean, unbelievable.
Apple, Amazon, Disney.
If ISIS started a streaming service, you'd call your agent, wouldn't you?
So, if you do win an award tonight, Don't use it as a platform to make a political speech, right?
You're in no position to lecture the public about anything.
You know nothing about the real world.
Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg.
So, if you win, right, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent and your God, and f*** off.
Ricky Gervais.
I knew, I guess he started a show like The Office as a popular comedian in the UK.
I barely knew who he was, but now I really like the guy.
Telling them to their face, you're not important like you think you are.
And then...
Joaquin Phoenix says, oh, let's not eat meat.
It's bad for the earth.
It diverts your signal.
But oh, and let's not fly our jets around.
We're hypocrites.
I've never seen anyone call themselves on their own hypocrisy.
By the way, carbon dioxide is good for the atmosphere.
It's a trace gas.
Jets aren't hurting anything unless they've had aluminum dioxide, barium salts added to the jet fuel, which is part of a global clandestine weather modification program that is public.
The details are classified, but the CIA and the Department of Energy have an agreement with the damn UN.
And there's only three major jet fuel producers that produce over 90% of the jet fuel in North America, and they're adding it to the jet fuel, and I have the patents!
See, nobody cares about that, because that's real.
And that's really doing something to the atmosphere.
They claim they got a Nobel Prize for it in 1992, to scientists, that it's saving the ozone layer.
When you look at what it does, it actually, the ultraviolet radiation goes through, but doesn't bounce back up for some reason.
Almost all of it stays under the clouds.
It bounces back into space if there's not clouds.
But it goes down through clouds, but bounces up and stops, causing global warming.
So why Bill Gates and the CIA are running around with global warming operations, you try to figure out for yourself.
The point is, they think you're so stupid that they have hour-long speeches on C-SPAN admitting it, but then they have articles saying I need to be taken off the air because I'm making up conspiracy theories about it.
But see, you notice, you'd see like Don Rickles roasting people, Ronald Reagan loved it, and all that kind of stuff.
This roasting, they didn't like.
You look at Tom Hanks, takes himself so serious.
He said Donald Trump being elected is when Martians land and they're dinosaurs wearing red capes.
Well, if you watch that video again, they all look so pissed.
Because they just take themselves so damn serious.
And they are!
A bunch of sicko, un-American trash and freaks on the Chi-Com payroll.
And they let the Chi-Coms completely ruin what was left of Hollywood.
And they're going bankrupt, and they're falling apart.
And all this overproduction of movies and stuff is their death throes.
Like any exterminator will tell you, when you spray for cockroaches, and house infested with them, they all start having sex.
They're also trying to reproduce and lay some eggs.
A little bit too late.
So the big fat dying cockroaches, Tom Hanks and all the rest of them that give standing ovations for Roman Polanski.
Remember that?
Meryl Strep and all of them.
She wants to call Trump a rapist and all this made-up crap.
But meanwhile...
She supports somebody that drugs little girls and rapes them in the rear end until blood's everywhere.
And I don't want to be graphic.
I just want you to remember who these people are.
They're perverts.
And they want control of society and civilization.
All right, Gerald Cilente is taking over.
A lot of big articles on Infowars.com.
They're going to have special reports filed today at Bandot Video.
Stage set for Trump assassination.
Deep State could use Iran's threat as a way to do it.
Joel Skousen agreed with me earlier that that's a serious threat.
Is Iran using Obama's pallet of cash to fund $80 million bounty on Trump?
Another InfoWars.com article.
Please don't forget.
I'm going to give myself to tomorrow.
So tomorrow is the last day, but it will be done because I got to cut a bunch of ads.
I got a bunch of stuff there and I'm not complaining.
I just, we're selling out of everything already.
Almost a bunch of stuff's already, half the products already sold out.
And so storewide free shipping, double pay, three points up to 75% off.
It's all ending as soon as I have time to cut six or seven ads for the new sales that are very good sales.
And they're just not as broad.
So we want to take advantage of this and fund the InfoWart.
Now is the time to get your Ultra 12 or to get your Turbo Force or not sold out, your Brain Force.
The fish oil is coming back in, but the krill oil just sold out.
Just check it out and know the funding is vital.
I got a lot of stuff I want to do this year with 301 days left till this election.
Americanism versus globalism.
Gerald Cilente, straight ahead.
Hello, hello.
Great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And today is a very big day as what just happened this past weekend.
And that's what I'm going to talk about today in what happened with the assassination by the United States of the General in Iran.
This isn't new.
I've been writing about this in the Trends Journal Since December, excuse me, since June 2017.
We sent out a trend alert.
Here it is.
Iran war coming.
World War 3.
Market crash.
15 June 2017.
Get ready for the next war.
It may be the war to end all wars and much of civilization.
The Trends Research Institute has identified a series of critical geopolitical events, many barely hitting the mainstream media.
Among the most powerful underreported trend lines now forming is the global trigger point for war.
Under the guise that Iran is quote, "the number one terrorist state threatening
stability in the Middle East and around the world."
The war trend we forecast is driven by heated rhetoric and unsubstantiated claims
that have deep political roots.
And now military maneuvers and regional news events have further distorted Iran As the arch enemy.
Let's just go back a couple of months ago.
Remember there was those ships that were hit in the Gulf of Oman?
Who did America blame it on?
They have any proof?
They said they would show proof.
They didn't.
And then there was the Attack on the Saudi oil field.
Oh, the wonderful Saudis, our great friends.
The Saudi Arabians launched the war against Yemen, which is the worst humanitarian crisis on earth.
The Houthis said that they launched that strike.
The United States blamed it on Iran.
Again, with no proof.
That's just recently.
So when I say about the propaganda, there's nothing, nothing, zero, nada, that the government tells me that I believe.
I want to see the proof.
I'll tell you why I want to see the proof.
You know that guy Saddam Hussein, he has weapons of mass destruction and ties to al-Qaeda.
Hey, that next mushroom cloud you see, remember Condoleezza Rice?
Maybe that WMD from Saddam Hussein blowing up in the neighborhood near you, based on lies.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident, Vietnam, never happened.
Hey, look what's out of the news.
The Afghanistan papers.
Oh, You forgot those?
It was only three weeks ago.
Made it in the news maybe a day or two.
About how generals all the way down the line and through Congress lied to us.
Lied to us.
About what was going on in Afghanistan and from the three-star general saying they didn't have a clue.
And what to do?
We got a strategy and we're winning in it.
So why would I believe anything unless you show me the proof?
No, don't tell me that as an American, I'm not allowed to see the proof.
Oh, Shalini, you don't understand.
If we show you the proof, then that will enable the enemy.
Yeah, shove it.
I want the proof.
Anyway, again, This is going back to June, and we've been writing about this.
You go back to our top trends for 2018.
You know what one of them was?
Mass murder, market shock.
I talked about the alliance that was building up between Israel, the United States, and Saudi Arabia, the triangle, to take out Iran.
Mass murder, market shock.
You see what happened this morning with the markets?
They're up a little bit now, but they were down.
They're down across the board.
Here it is.
Gold today was up as almost as much as $27.
It backed off.
But gold is now at $1,565.
Very important.
backed off. But gold is now 1565. Very important. It broke over that 16 excuse me 15. It was
up it was hot almost up to 15.
Now it's around $1,565.
It broke over that critical mark of $1,550.
You go back just a couple of weeks ago, gold was floating $100 less than that.
It broke over that critical mark of 1,550.
You go back just a couple of weeks ago, gold was floating $100 less than that.
$100 an ounce less than that just a few weeks ago.
This could be the first shot of World War III.
The Archduke Ferdinand.
Going back to this piece.
This now clearly defined, let's hate Iran trend was popularized during the 2016 U.S.
presidential election when then-candidate Donald Trump repeatedly and aggressively denounced the Iran Anti-nuclear deal that the Barack Obama administration orchestrated.
Now, all of you know, me, on InfoWars, for all these years, what I think of Barack, the Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner, Obama.
For his murderous deeds in Libya, Syria, Afghan troop surge, drone strikes killing innocent people.
So you know, he ain't my kind of guy.
The only thing I agreed with him on was this nuclear deal.
Because I want peace on Earth.
Because without it, we's in trouble.
So, Trump said during the campaign, The worst deal ever made in the history of mankind.
I mean, that's going really back far, you know?
Take it easy.
I think there were worse deals made than that.
and he called Iran the number one terror state.
So, the whole thing was being led up to it.
Mattis, the former Defense Secretary, he said, The United States faces three severe threats.
Iran, Iran, and Iran.
Well, here we are.
We're back on the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you for having me.
As I said, this is a very serious time.
This is my 40th year of trend forecasting.
I began the Trends Research Institute in 1980.
I've never seen anything like this.
You know, one of our trends is about what's going on in the world.
And all of the protests going on, whether it's Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Algeria, France, Hong Kong, India, and now this.
And there are many others.
There's Zimbabwe, there's Cameroon, there's Guinea.
All over the world, people are protesting Against the corruption of governments, the losses of wages, and the poverty that's striking them.
Going back to Iraq, for example, before this latest blowout happened, the Iraqi government killed over 500 demonstrators since October because they were protesting against the corruption, the violence, the poverty, and the terrible conditions.
So going back to Our trend forecasting.
I've been warning about this now since 2017 that the United States is going to take action against Iran.
The Trump administration has no intention of passing the buck to a future administration on Iran, said then Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
The evidence is clear.
Iran's provocative actions threaten the United States, the region, and the world.
What provocative actions?
Please let me know what they are.
Oh, American troops aren't safe over there in Iraq or Syria.
What are we doing there?
We illegally invaded Iraq based on lies.
I would love to see a war crime tribunal to bring up the murderers who started the war that killed all our servicemen and some million Iraqis on a war based on lies.
What are we doing then?
What are we in Syria for?
I'll tell you, I don't like that guy Assad.
Assad has to go.
Wait a minute.
They didn't do anything to us.
Now we're there because what did Donald Trump say?
The oil.
That's his words.
Oh, we've got to get rid of ISIS.
Hey, guess what?
That guy that they just killed?
The general?
You know who he was noted for?
Wiping out ISIS in both Syria and Iraq.
So let's go back again.
And you can see all this coming.
Again, writing about it.
In detail, CIA has an Iran Center.
This again is 2017 in the Trends Journal.
It was announced that the, in June it was announced the Central Intelligence Agency has established a new operation, the Iran Mission Center, to specifically mine intelligence about Iran.
It goes, I go on to say, and in keeping with the deep-rooted anti-Iran agenda, Of the Trump administration, Michael, now I'm not making this up, quote, Dark Prince, end quote, DeAndrea, also referred to by his colleagues as, quote, Ayatollah Mike, has taken the helm of this new arm of the CIA.
This whole thing has been in the making.
I'm going to read you something from Soleimani.
who was assassinated by the United States.
Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards, Major General Soleimani, said that Iran does not fear the U.S.
threats and is ready to defeat it again.
Quote, the Iranian nation has not started war in the past incidents, but it annihilates any aggressor And the U.S.
is aware of this," Soleimani said, addressing a gathering in the southwestern city of Havaz on Thursday.
He underlined the need for Americans to speak with Iran with the correct and appropriate language and said, quote, We are powerful and ready for defeating the United States several other times, and we are not worried about the U.S.
threats And it is them who should be worried.
When did I say this was?
He was assassinated hours later.
Hours later, Pompeo.
Amita Press said, We would have been culpably negligent had we not taken action.
The American people would have said that we weren't doing the right thing to protect and defend American lives.
President Trump has made this crystal clear.
He went on to claim that there were in fact plots that Soleimani was working on that were aimed directly at significant harm to American interests Throughout the region.
Show me the proof!
Show me the proof!
Hasn't shown us anything!
Just more talk!
You're assuming this so you're going to kill the guy?
The reports are coming out that he was in Iraq because a peace deal was being made between Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq.
That just came out.
This is murder in the first degree.
There were, in fact, plots.
Show us them.
He has not provided anything to back up what they've done.
And when they said about retaliation, He said, it may be there's a little noise here and there in the interim.
little noise, isn't that nice?
Now, he also said again that these attacks were aimed at significant harm
to American interests throughout the region.
Can you please tell me what American interests are throughout the region?
Oh, yes.
The broccoli crop.
Oh, yes, it's the biggest in the world, right there in the Middle East.
Iran has broccoli.
Iraq is filled with broccoli.
Libya, the broccoli country of the world.
Hey, how about Syria?
Oh, you know that pipeline that they want to go through Iran, through Iraq, and through Syria and into the Middle East?
Oh, yeah, that one.
You know what's going on in Venezuela.
Largest oil reserves in the world.
You heard our former National Security Advisor Bolton say?
We need American companies down there.
It'd be good for the American people.
What are our interests there?
My interests are to protect America.
I believe in the Founding Fathers, George Washington.
A real man.
Didn't have a great Christmas Eve.
Nah, he wasn't waiting for Santa Claus.
He was going across the Delaware.
Farewell address.
No foreign entanglements.
America hasn't won a war since World War II.
And the Russians helped us win that one, by the way.
They fought Germany.
We need peace on Earth.
Or we're gonna have hell on Earth if this continues.
It's a whole different game now.
The game's almost over if we go to war.
So, we'll be back in a few.
Talk about this, where it's going, also some economic news.
Because if this goes down hard, so too does the global economy.
We'll be right back.
Thank you.
Hello, hello.
Hello, hello.
Great to be here on the Alex Jones Show.
And remember, you gotta keep freedom of speech alive.
Because all you get from the mainstream media is propaganda or impropaganda.
And you're going to hear a lot more of it now in a lot of different ways.
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And let's keep the truth alive.
So, going back to what I was talking about before, we heard Pompeo on Sunday saying that the intelligence assessment made clear that no action allowing Soleimani to continue his plotting and his planning, his terror campaign, Created more risk than taking the action that we took last week.
Again, where's the proof?
They haven't provided one element of proof.
This was a bad guy.
We took him off the playing field.
What kind of language is that?
This is a bad guy.
We took him off the playing field.
He blew up to little pieces of dust.
Bad guy.
Excuse me.
And that's important because this was a fella Who was the glue?
Who was conducting active plotting against the United States of America, putting American lives at risk?
American lives at risk where?
Remember, Iran has not invaded a country in over 250 years.
Am I supporting Iran?
Absolutely not.
No foreign entanglements.
That guy Qaddafi, gotta go.
I don't like him.
I want him outta there.
Oh yeah, look what's going on in Libya now.
Oh, it's up in flames.
Did a great job, Obama.
I want that guy sought out of there.
Oh yeah, the same terrorist you used to get rid of Gaddafi, you brought him over to Syria, huh?
Yeah, the al-Qaedas.
And now what?
Over 600,000?
over 600,000 Syrians dead, refugee crisis, migrant crisis.
Wonder why they're leaving home, can't figure it out.
And now this.
So, I want to put this back into context because then people are going to say, well, Salenti,
you know, this is going to be another Benghazi incident.
Look what they were doing to the United States Embassy.
Oh yeah, that embassy that's on over a hundred acres.
A hundred acres!
Anyway, what brought those protests on?
Well, a couple of days before.
Here we go.
American airstrikes stir anger from the Iraqis.
Tuesday, December 31st.
Wall Street Journal.
strikes sharpened divide with Baghdad.
strikes were in response to an attack two days earlier in which more than 30 rockets were fired at an Iraqi military base near Kirkuk, killing a U.S.
Number one, We shouldn't have military bases in Iraq.
And number two, who is this contractor?
Was he a plumber?
Maybe a bricklayer?
The word contractor.
How about mercenary?
You want to take a risk as a mercenary and go in a foreign country and go kill other people?
Of course, if he wasn't a bricklayer or a plumber or a carpenter, not that kind of contractor, or a general contractor, then you put your life on the line.
That's not why they launched this, because one guy got killed and a couple of soldiers wounded.
In response to these massive strikes that America conducted, Financial Times begged that to review U.S.
ties after attack.
It killed over 27 people.
And this was a Shia group allied with Iran.
But they were Iraqis.
And again, these countries were all carved up.
Look at the map.
Oh yeah, every country has a perfect straight line around it.
This is a Sikhs PICO Act after World War I. At the end of the Ottoman Empire, when the British and the French carved up this joint.
With the help of the Americans.
So you have all these interwoven ethnic groups and religious groups.
That's why the Shia.
But Soleimani wasn't responsible for that.
So going back to the Benghazi time, no one was hurt, no one was injured in that embassy attack.
But what was the embassy attack about?
Again, Baghdad to review U.S.
ties after attack.
And again, when I talk about InfoWars and the need to support it.
So you get different views from different people.
And you know the motto of the Trends Journal.
Think for yourself.
Don't tell anybody what to think.
I'm putting out the facts.
But I'm warning about propaganda.
Or should we call it impropaganda?
Video tweeted by Pompeo was authentic, but his description is disputed.
Iraqis, Iraqis, dancing in the streets for freedom.
Thankful that General Soleimani is no more, Pompeo tweeted.
The video was authentic, but the problem was that Mr. Pompeo's description of it was exaggerated.
Witnesses said that the group of men was very small, that no one joined them, and that the minor demonstration was over in less than two minutes.
So that's what they're saying.
So, again, I am an American.
I launched Occupy Peace.
No foreign entanglements.
Here we go.
No foreign entanglements.
We got troops.
800 bases overseas.
Over 80 countries.
Bring on the troops.
Secure the homeland.
Secure the homeland.
No more people coming in that we can't take.
Have them rebuild our third world infrastructure.
Troops Progress Administration.
Give them skills.
The construction industry needs them very, very much.
And what else?
Force Congress to vote to go to war.
I don't want anybody, I don't want one El Presidente taking us to war.
Whether it's Clinton, whether it's Bush, whether it's Obama, whether it's Trump.
I am an American and I believe in the Constitution.
Article 1, clause 8.
Only Congress has the right to vote to go to war.
And then finally, on each state ballot, a referendum, where we the people will tell them how to vote, because we're the ones that will pay for this with our money and our lives.
They don't send the Senator's son.
These are very critical times.
Stay tuned.
Keep an open mind.
It's not what you like, what you want, what you wish for.
It's only what is.
Stick with the facts.
And again, stick with InfoWars.
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I want to talk about super silver whitening toothpaste because I hadn't tried it except
for maybe the last week and a half.
And I told Alex, I said, man, this is the best toothpaste I've ever tried.
He's like, well, what are you doing just sitting in here telling me?
You got to get up there and tell people.
So here I am telling people Super Silver Whitening Toothpaste is by far the best toothpaste I've ever tried.
And I'm 45 years old.
And I've tried a lot of different toothpaste.
And it's fluoride free.
I think the big difference, the game changer in this is the Coral Calcium.
Because after I brush my teeth with this, they feel so clean.
And the toothpaste, I don't even like rinse out my mouth after I brush my teeth with this.
It feels so good.
It feels like good things are happening in my mouth.
In fact, I find myself brushing my teeth three to four times a day rather than just twice a day now.
Because I like the way it feels.
The best product.
I'm not supposed to be biased, but I'm going to tell you all now, if you haven't tried TurboForce, you need to try it.
I've tried TurboForce with everything.
Sometimes, you know, I went a little bit crazy.
I put TurboForce in my coffee.
That was a crazy week.
I don't remember sleeping, but as far as the products go, TurboForce is my favorite, and all the InfoWars products are down to taking control of your life, taking control of your health, not relying on other people to do it for you.
Nobody wakes up in the morning And thinks, I'm gonna give that person over there a better life.
I'm gonna wake up today, you know what?
I'm gonna spend my entire day trying to make that guy over there healthier, happier and richer.
I'm gonna make sure he gets a Ferrari and a girlfriend.
I don't think that happens very often.
It's never happened to me.
I've never had anyone knock on my door and said, Tate, you're such a good guy.
How can I improve your life in every single way?
There's only one person who woke up and thought that, and that was me.
I woke up and thought, you know what, okay, I want to take control of my life, I want to take control of my health, and that's why you need to go to Infowars.com and take control of your health right now and support the resistance.
Don't buy into the groupthink, don't drink the Kool-Aid, drink the TurboForce.
Kool-Aid's bad and the TurboForce is good.
Now let me do this, or we're not going to be here.
I'm our own worst enemy.
If I plug briefly every segment of the great products we have and tell you how wonderful they are, people buy enough product to fund our operation, keep us on air to spot all the attacks, so thank you.
But when I don't do it, everybody knows on talk radio and TV people really don't watch the ads.
So you can have all the ads in the world, it just doesn't move the product.
So I want to thank you all for your support.
When you buy products, it changes the world.
I mean, you can't spend money anywhere where it's going to have this big an effect.
We're going to get great products that are really great for you and your family, and then the profit from it goes back into an operation that has proven it's got the zeitgeist.
Because of your prayer, your support, and everything you've done.
So, this is the last day.
Should have been over last night.
I was here Saturday and Sunday working on a bunch of other stuff and special reports and legal things and and crew issues and so I mean I'm not complaining.
I'm telling you I've been up here seven days a week for a long time and I did not get any of the new ads or new specials shot.
So when I say today is the last day, I'm going to bust my butt and cut like five, six new ads for the new specials we're going to have.
They're going to be good specials.
They're just not as wide as this and not as deep because I can't ever do specials like this again unless we're closing our doors and it's a total clearance.
I'm selling out everything for 2019 to not pay inventory and to clear the decks.
That's why a lot of stuff you see is now sold out or back to regular price because I'm not playing games about this.
So this is your last chance to get the best deals you'll ever get.
We're busy, Babers.
warstore.com and help the operation.
Best deals of 2019, mega clearance, blowout sale.
It should be the last day of the day, maybe tomorrow, because I've got to shoot all these ads
and then they got to edit all the ads.
And I'm trying to get other people to do ads so it's not just me up there, believe me.
You think you get sick of my voice sometimes?
I really do.
So we're busy babers, we appreciate you all, but this is the last day.
Maybe last day and a half, because by tomorrow afternoon we will have the new ads running.
And the old sales will be gone.
So, take advantage of the biggest sales ever.
Support the M4.
If you ever wanted to try a product and didn't, this is the time to get them.
Start your year with a true 360 win and fight for truth while securing your high quality products up to 75% off at free shipping Double Patriot points.
These deals are only available while supplies last and we've already had to end the sales on a lot of the top sellers.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion sold out.
DNA Force Plus sold out.
Ultimate Krill Oil sold out.
We're going to like hold some back around Enterprise.
It just totally sold out.
Super Metal Vitality sold out.
Survival Shield X2, off sale, about to sell out.
It'll be a while till we get that back in.
Bodies, Ultimate Turmeric Formula, off sale.
Turbo Force, off sale, will sell out.
Don't miss your chance and help bring the M4 to the next level of 2020.
And re-energize the fight against the Globeless Worldwide with Vazo Beets that create the nitrous oxide in your body.
So good for your heart.
So, people are like, what the hell?
Beets are great, but this is, yeah, this is the strongest concentrate you can find out there.
Almost sold out.
Silver Bullet, $9.95.
Almost sold out.
Alpha Power, 60% off.
Almost sold out.
Super Glue Fluoride Free Toothpaste, 50% off.
Close to selling out.
Super Silver Whitening Toothpaste, 50% off.
It's gonna go back up tomorrow.
Rain Force Plus, 60% off.
Knockout, 60% off.
Ultra 12, 60% off.
Selenium, 60% off.
All Apparel, 20-50% off.
off, Ultra 12 60% off, Selenium 60% off, all apparel 20 to 50% off. Now is the time
and every order gets a bunch of bumper stickers. Infowarsstore.com is the
main umbrella site.
So take advantage of it.
Peruse the whole site and just help yourself, help your family.
Keep this operation that is in the face of the globalists in the game.
Please keep your own future in the game.
Do your shopping.