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Name: 20191227_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 27, 2019
2888 lines.

In his show, Alex Jones discusses topics such as politics, globalism, the need for action against tyranny, populism, and the importance of taking a stand against evil forces like pedophile mafias and devil worshippers. He expresses frustration with Trump not making enough progress in prosecuting criminals and traitors within his administration but praises actions such as controlling borders and expressing pride in America. Jones urges listeners to fight for positive change in politics and society, emphasizing the importance of populism in defeating the New World Order. He also covers topics like censorship, voter suppression, and investigating Biden for alleged involvement in corruption. Additionally, he provides recommendations for President Trump on various issues such as water infrastructure projects, new refineries, nuclear waste remediation, and immigration policies.

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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We are live broadcasting worldwide because of God and because of the fact that you have kept us on the air and you have carried the word as modern Paul reveres across not just the United States, but the world.
We're live on this Friday, December 27th, 2019 Global Transmission.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We have a special guest in studio.
We have so much incredible news where the open attack on the human species itself just goes into overdrive.
And in the fourth hour today, I'm going to air large segments of the one hour special
we shot that we premiered Tuesday at Band.Video, which has gotten close to 300,000 views, which
is good on an independent platform.
It's excellent.
Obviously, something like this that was a lot on YouTube would have about 3 million
views by now.
But you're spreading it, you're sharing it, and it's up to you to get that out, and you've
been doing it.
So I appreciate that.
I know the children and others that have been kidnapped by these monsters appreciate it as well, because it's not just underage girls.
But we have documented that it's still up and running, and that the media knows it's up and running, and that that's really the big story.
So here is part of that special report that's at band.video.
Report investigator bust Epstein Network running bizarre aviation program.
Investigator Bust Epstein Network that is again still up and running.
Epstein Network still up and operational recruiting young girls.
I've had that reposted to the front page of NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com and I hope you'll share it.
Here's a few minutes of the intro.
Breaking news this hour.
Officials say multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein has taken his own life.
Jeffrey Epstein is dead after being found unresponsive at a New York City jail Saturday morning.
After apparently taking his own life.
Officials say that his death was an apparent suicide.
Surveillance video recorded inside the Metropolitan Correctional Center is missing.
A camera situated just outside of Epstein's jail cell.
is unusable.
Footage from at least one camera in the hallway may be too damaged or unusable for investigators.
An FBI crime lab is examining two prison cameras that malfunctioned.
Surveillance video from outside his jail cell, it's gone missing.
Now this will of course raise even more questions about whether the surveillance cameras were purposely tampered with and if Epstein's death was more than just suicide by hanging as it was ruled in an autopsy.
In what may become one of the biggest child molesting cases ever on record.
Alex Jones called this years ago.
Years ago!
He was saying that they take a lot of famous people to this island and they have all these young girls that this guy hooks them up with.
He was talking about this years ago.
Now it is mainstream news.
Doctor who witnessed Epstein autopsy.
Death more consistent with homicidal strangulation and suicide.
Isn't that amazing?
For some odd reason, people that have information on the Clintons end up dead.
And they usually die from suicide.
The President of the United States is pushing a dangerous and completely unfounded murder conspiracy theory about his predecessor.
He is spreading a conspiracy theory.
Untrustworthy and ridiculous conspiracy theories.
Tying the death of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in prison to the President's former political rivals, the Clintons.
Christmas ornaments, drywall, and Jerry Epstein.
Name three things that don't hang themselves.
Major twist tonight in the story involving that leaked video of ABC News anchor Amy Robach talking about the network she works for killing the Jeffrey Epstein story.
It was unbelievable what we had.
We had everything.
There will come a day when we will realize Jeffrey Epstein was the most prolific pedophile this country has ever known.
I had it all three years ago.
Jeffrey Epstein is the biggest pedophile America and the world has ever known.
But he himself is just a front man for a larger network that is still ongoing to this day.
And whose goals are nothing less than domination of human society by blackmail.
It's a very well done report.
We stayed up here late on Christmas to get it to you, Christmas Eve.
Please get it out to everyone.
We are live.
December 27th, 2019.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're gonna be here live for the next four hours in true defiance of the globalist censors in defiance of their evil.
Again, thank you for joining us on this Live Friday Global Broadcast.
The only way we reach new people is you spreading those links from Band.Video and InfoWars.com forward slash show.
And you've continued to do that.
And so we're able to counter their lies and their propaganda.
I've got to say that I'm very, very proud of One American News Network in D.C.
as Fox News has turned almost completely against the president and as they threaten the host to come out against the president or they'll be fired.
You're seeing Neil Cavuto, you're seeing Chris Wallace and all these other horrible, trashy slime bags come out and say, I've got the clips coming up, that Trump is wrong to investigate the Bidens.
That Trump is wrong to investigate Pelosi, that Trump is wrong, he's the bad man, for looking at the energy companies and the ongoing scams in Ukraine.
It's a whole bunch of these companies.
This is where bipartisanly, but particularly the Democrats are about 80% of it, have been robbing and looting billions and billions of U.S.
money that goes in as aid.
Then the government's handed out to certain companies, and then that money goes right back to the foundations of people like Joe Biden, not just to his son, Hunter.
And I know this is old news for all of you.
You're all fully aware of this.
But the big news item is that we have an impeached president indicted in the House with them holding back on the articles, and then they're pretending in the media that that means he's discredited and he's convicted.
While they cook up new scandals that they're set to launch in the midst of this, and while they say they're going to keep the impeachment open and may bring forward more articles, you see, piling on, stringing it out.
My original instinct, going back three months ago, was they'd get the indictment, then they'd hold it, and that they would drag it out in the Senate while bringing forward a bunch of new fake stories.
And then you'll have the fake consensus in the news that the President has got to stand down because, oh, there's just so much.
It's for the betterment of the country.
25th Amendment, and now they're dragging in the Vice President, and it's getting worse and worse and worse and worse by the minute.
And indeed, that is exactly what's happening.
These people are very, very easy to predict.
Whatever the worst possible thing is that you can imagine that they're going to be doing, They are going to be doing exactly that.
Dems' favorite GOP Senator, Murkowski, breaks with McConnell on impeachment.
Oh, she says the fact that the Senate is coordinating with Trump, the trial, well of course they have to coordinate with him, who his witnesses are, what he wants to do.
The fact that there's any coordination is evil.
The Democrats coordinated everything they did, held it in secret, did all these dress rehearsals.
The intelligence community, the rogue, arrogant criminals are the ones that have hijacked the nation.
And now they still believe they own it, and they believe that they can wait you out and wait Trump out, just like Brexit.
But all that's done, not giving them Brexit for four years, is piss people off even more, and killed the Communist Party, known as the Labor Party.
It's done!
They lost almost 40% of their most hardcore voters, who said they're leaving and they never are coming back!
Which again, I predicted.
I said, they're going to keep Brexit away from the people for years and play games, and they're going to think you're going to go away and quit and go to sleep.
That's only going to enrage people more.
And look, I'm just laying the facts out here.
So this OAN report is very, very powerful, and I'm very, very glad that they're there.
Because they used to be straight reporting, and they show both sides.
You don't even get that with most of the Fox shows, and I know the inside baseball.
People said, yeah, go ahead and talk about it on air.
Just don't say names.
But you can imagine who the names are.
They call them in.
They threaten them.
Hell, a year ago, Hannity thought he was fired one weekend, but they backed off.
They said, yeah, you are fired.
And then they didn't do it.
Tucker Carlson has an attitude of screw you.
I'm going to say what I want.
Fire me.
But other people like Neil Cavuto and Chris Wallace sit up there day after day acting like this is all legitimate.
This upside down world Where Trump's in trouble for following the law and saying we're going to look into corruption before you get this money.
Yeah, it makes you make the Tucker Carlson face.
And so these bullies have gone all around the country threatening everybody.
Giuliani went on Glenn Beck.
I have trouble trusting a man with a pinky ring, but it's okay.
I have to admire the guy, and he said, you know, point me, Special Prosecutor, I'll indict them all now, which is true.
He said it's cut and dry.
Here's part of the OAN report that's up on Infowars.com.
Please share it.
But this is what it's about.
This is what it's about.
Sure, it came out months ago that Pelosi's corrupt son, you know, is involved on the sugar tit of the Ukrainian gas company as well.
But where is it now?
Well, it's all being defended by Fox News.
Here it is.
On the Biden family, the Pelosi's may be the next to come under scrutiny.
An old promotional video resurfaced on Thursday, more than six years after it was uploaded by an energy company which does business in Ukraine.
The video starts out with Nancy Pelosi speaking about her efforts in office to push for clean energy.
Her message is followed by a promotional statement from her son Paul, who is a board member of Visk Oil and an executive at its related company Energy Lab.
My name's Paul Pelosi.
Of course, I'm on the board of Visco Oil.
And Visco's here today to talk about accelerating the future.
And that's what Visco Oil does.
It uses technology to maximize the use of natural resources, like oil and other resources.
Just two years after this video was uploaded, Pelosi led a congressional delegation to Ukraine to discuss issues like energy security.
And her son traveled to the country as recently as 2017 on behalf of the Corporate Governance Initiative, where he now serves as executive director.
While the official reason given for his visit was to discuss a youth soccer partnership program with the Ukrainian government, clips of that trip are now reportedly being removed from online.
One of those clips was saved by the American Mirror on Twitter with the caption, What's really going on here?
So you have a corporate governance business and you're here in Ukraine speaking with representatives from the government, investment bankers, discussing certain things related to soccer.
This comes as Hunter Biden faces similar allegations.
They use his father's position to make lucrative business deals in Ukraine and China.
Kara McKinney, One America News.
So the way this works is very simple.
Billions and billions of dollars of taxpayer money go over there.
That's why you always hear about green initiatives.
And if they can say it's a green initiative, then hundreds of billions have gone out in the last few years all over the world to pay for green initiatives.
Windmills in Spain, windmills in England, windmills in the United States.
And natural gas and all of this, and all of this is money.
And their sons all sit on corporate governance boards.
And manage all this money that comes back to them.
And then Trump says, I don't like that, let's shut that down.
Oh my god, we gotta get rid of you.
This is crazy, but they're so arrogant with their mainstream media, they think they can get away with it.
Here's Giuliani, breaking it down.
That this will come out, that these people will be judged, and not in some hatred.
Well, I'm gonna die until I die, so they better kill me.
I mean, there's no way they shouldn't be prosecuted.
This should be in a federal court.
I know federal courts.
I know federal courts better than anybody.
I will be completely immodest and say I was the most successful U.S.
attorney in the last 50 years.
These are out-and-out crimes.
If anybody's afraid of prosecuting them, you make me the special prosecutor.
With two people and not $35 million, I'll prosecute every single one of them myself.
By the way, that was on Glenn Beck's show.
That is not hype.
I mean, it's open and shut.
The obstruction of justice, the lying to Congress, the paying their wives and husbands millions of dollars out of the fund for the dossier, that was just the dossier, it was just the payoff.
It was the excuse to pass this thing around, over 40 million dollars of it, and they think you're stupid, they think you're idiots.
So, I wanted to kick things off today just with that.
Just to bring into context why Trump's been impeached.
For doing his job.
And if you turn on even Fox News, you'd think he's a criminal.
With Chris Wallace up there, these people are shameful.
And we know the backstory.
They've been told, go after Trump.
We'll increase your pay.
They're like, how Hitler?
We will.
We're pieces of crap.
We're pieces of garbage.
Everybody else gets sued, attacked.
We need Trump to stand up for those that's being persecuted for standing up for him, like Roger Stone.
We'll cover that when we come back.
All right.
Over the Christmas break, the two days we took off, President Trump had a press conference and he talked about Roger Stone because the question got raised to him.
And he said, Oh, I haven't really thought about that.
Which means he's not ready to make a statement on it.
Obviously he has talked about it, but he went on to say what happened to Roger was obviously wrong.
To say the least, he was not convicted of being a Russian spy.
He was convicted for lying to Congress on a tiny formality, and that's not ground I'm going to cover again.
I know you all know that, but this speaks the whole issue.
If Trump won't start indicting these people and these rogue government agencies, these bad cops as he calls them, well then what does it say if they're just left alone?
It says it's open season on anybody that supports Trump.
And so, okay, Sean Hannity's ready to lose his job, so is Tucker Carlson.
Alex Jones has got them trying to put him in prison, speaking in the third person.
And suing the hell out of me, and lying about my family, and paying former employees to tell huge lies.
So I'm going to have to sue, so that other people know they can't just lie about me.
But that all takes money.
So I'm going to get into this and Trump in a moment, and I love Trump.
But his biggest failure is that he can't get the Justice Department to do their damn job.
Illegally spying on a candidate, doing it once they're president, lying to Congress about it, is illegal!
And I've got CIA hearings and Defense Department hearings...
It's not the military coming after me, it's all the Ivy Leaguers that have these intelligence clearances literally calling me an enemy agent and talking about how they're trying to shut me down.
That means shuts you down!
And I'm pissed!
I'm an American citizen being run over by a bunch of America-hating scum!
And openly say they hate this country!
And then they sit there in Congress and I'm not in those hearings getting to challenge them when they're calling me a goddamn Russian agent?
Delay on that.
Excuse me, Lord.
These people should be damned to hell, though.
I mean that.
I'm not taking the Lord's name in vain there.
I mean, these people are sick!
But vengeance is God's.
I'm just gonna say this.
We need action.
And it's not for me being under attack.
It's because these criminals are getting more bold, and they're intimidating a lot of other people, and getting them to give up.
We could win all these battles and lose the war because the president is an island unto himself, and no man is an island unto themself.
So I'm going to open the phones up today and talk about what Trump needs to do.
Because you just heard Giuliani.
All he needs is two people.
He can indict all these folks.
It's totally true.
You could convict these people with your eyes shut.
My God, they went all over TV and said, well, you know, they were investigating my son.
So I said, if that guy's not fired by the time I leave at six hours, you're not gonna get the billion dollars.
And son of a bitch, they fired him.
I had to sit here and put up with that crap from these criminals?
Remember I talked about the Council on Foreign Relations 25 years ago and how the British intelligence set it up and now it wants to get rid of America and get rid of the family and how it runs the narcotics and all this.
People are like, that doesn't even exist.
I remember Rush Limbaugh, 25 years ago, saying the CFR is made up.
Not just that it doesn't run things, but that it's made up.
In 2019, Rush Limbaugh attacks the CFR all the time.
Because we trailblazed.
We hit the barbed wire.
This audience did.
You did it!
You did it!
To get us where we are, and now I don't want accolades, I don't want awards, I just want to win what we've already won.
I want to keep it.
I want to take the country back.
I want to not teach five-year-olds how to sit on the lap of convicted pedophiles and ride horsey.
I want the wolves that are chasing the sheep to be dealt with.
And I want more people to start acting like sheepdogs.
I'll go to the Trump press conference because it'll take a whole segment to play it when we come back and then I'll make comments.
Why Trump sits there and lets them run all over him, his family, us, everybody else, is not a mystery.
It's because he's surrounded by a bunch of damn cowards who all blackmail each other.
And I'm not exaggerating when a third of them in D.C.
are pedophiles.
Or they're into devil worship or killing women.
I mean, they're all into sick stuff.
You don't get into the club unless you are at those levels.
And they're scared of Trump because he's not involved in any of that.
But justice be done, may the heavens fall.
They're not going to back down.
They're not going to go away.
And then you sit there and you watch Google and Twitter and Facebook everywhere with our hour-long report to Svendavideo.
Jeffrey Epstein's network is still up and running and still recruiting young women.
I mean, that's a hell of a headline.
It's true.
With girls saying, oh hi, come get to know me, have fun.
We started calling about this two weeks ago, they pulled the websites and videos down, not before we saved them.
Yeah, Epstein's brother.
The pilot that was given immunity, the woman, the one he reportedly picked up when she was a little girl from her
family in Eastern Europe.
These are women recruiting more women and openly advertising for men.
Do you like me?
You want to meet me?
I mean, it's like a brothel commercial.
Like you go into the brothel and they got the 20 women lined up right there.
You just pick the woman you want.
That's what this is.
Except they look like they're 15 years old.
And that's on YouTube.
That's what they'll show you.
Do you know what's down the rat hole?
And we're just supposed to sit here and put up with it.
And then the whole media is covering it up and running whitewashes and attacking us.
And so all these people have signed on to this.
It's CNN and Fox News.
You've signed on to child molestation.
You've signed on to Satanism.
You have signed on with the devil!
We're going to go to break, but I'm going to tell listeners this again.
You're the reason we're here.
You're word of mouth.
You're prayer.
You're financial support.
And we got products you absolutely need that'll blow you away.
And the Christmas specials are extended while supplies last until a couple days into the new year.
And then the prices are going to go up because we have a new model to be able to finance things.
We can't do these super sales anymore at this level.
So you need to take advantage of these right now.
Extended Christmas super sale.
Up to 75% off.
Shorewide free shipping.
Double Patriot points.
Ultra 12.
The best B12 you're going to find.
60% off.
Brain Force Plus.
Amazing, clean, nootropic for your brain.
I call it mental stamina.
60% off.
On it right now.
It's all 50-75% off.
These are great products.
And so give yourself the gift in the new year of having fish oil, having the krill oil, having the Great New Trump, having our Sleep Aid knockout, having Chill Force, which isn't a sleep aid, though it helps you sleep better.
It helps you have focused, relaxed, calm.
We have the Christmas Mega Pack, best deal you'll ever find.
Up there.
That's got to end.
And this is how we stay on the air in defiance of them and all the stuff they're pulling.
And then all the things we're setting up and developing to even be more aggressive this year.
And to have more reporters in the field and more game changing events.
And everybody can see it.
That I've lost 39 pounds as of last week.
Eating the same amount of food, pie, cake, everything.
But I'm taking all the supplements.
And it's incredible.
So they really do work.
And they also work in funding this operation that's proven it can change the world together.
So take advantage before these sales are about to end.
But whatever you do, send out the links to the live feed at band.video and infowars.com forward slash show.
And of course, many other links on newswars.com.
Monday through Friday, we are here live broadcasting worldwide.
And we are covering the hardcore issues that almost everybody else shies away from because they're scared.
They're like, yeah, the globalists really are having human clones, and they really are molesting children, and they really do worship the devil, and they really are building a post-human world, and it's all real, and our cell phones do track and listen to us, so we better shut up and submit.
This morning, I was driving in the car, and I heard NPR.
In fact, I meant to tell the crew about it.
And they were having a whole piece.
Your cell phones listen to you, and they track you, and how Huawei is run by the Communist Chinese, and how dangerous it is, how it can read all of the wireless smart hubs in your house, and how smart appliances are causing people to lose their freedoms.
And we should have a debate about this, and how in Communist China, they have developed the cashless society, and how that's being adopted across the world with a social credit score.
And then they had a guest on about the balance of it.
And how we need to balance.
There is no balance with that.
Two weeks ago, Reuters reported that the UN has chosen Communist China and its model of face scanning via phones as the World ID.
To have a microchip, to have a face scan, you've got to have a world ID, to have a world government, you've got to have a system that announces the standardization.
There it is, Chinese tech group shaping UN facial recognition standards, Financial Times.
When you read deeper, they're running the whole show.
China is the model of dehumanization.
They now have AI courts for millions of court cases where a computer takes the false data, loaded into it by the government, and then passes judgment, and they go, oh, it's a computer, it's fair!
The most fraudulent statement ever.
It's like saying, a slot machine is fair!
It's a machine.
But that way they say, oh, humans have been taken out of it, when no,
independent humans and real courts and juries, which the Chai Com's never had,
that's been completely taken out of the book.
But that's how they, that's how they phrase it everywhere.
China's working on stopping online fraud with an internet ID system with the UN.
It's a face scan off of your phone or a smart kiosk.
And what was Homeland Security doing this year?
It'll soon be last year.
In 2019 they announced, starting in Vegas, and starting in places like that, because they know you're going to Vegas to have fun, and so you'll put up with whatever they want you to do, face scanning.
But there was a backlash to standing there and being face scanned.
And of course they're going to let the illegal aliens in anyways.
Illegal aliens are allowed to hit and run, rob, steal, kill.
They're just giving drivers license in New York.
New York's another place.
LaGuardia, they were starting.
Or was it JFK?
LaGuardia's in Chicago, isn't it?
That was JFK.
So, so all of this is going on.
All of this is happening.
And it's just in your face.
But the illegal aliens, oh here, just have a driver's license.
You don't even have to take a driving test.
Only citizens have to do that.
Oh, it would be racist if you're from another country, and you see the footage of thousands of men lined up to get their driver's license, but you don't even need the test.
Just like you can shoot a woman in the back and she dies for no reason, as long as she's white.
Shoot her in the back at the pier with her dad, it's okay.
As long as she's white, San Francisco, run by a red diaper doper baby now as their district attorney, it will let you go.
And you can't have a undocumented person, you know, even have to take the test, that would be mean too because, you know, those tests are racist.
And they're now saying the IQ test is racist and all these tests are bad, so just get rid of them!
Hell, get rid of pilot training tests!
See, they got a plan for that, computers.
So as humans become obsolete, as humans are made to be obsolete, as testing is thrown out the window, as the army makes men wear red high heels, and the Marines have feminist drill sergeants now telling them how bad men are, literally, it kills morale, kills free decor, kills the history, and destroys the institutions for the artificial intelligence rollout and the robot control, because those robots will follow orders.
Those robots won't question.
So that's the way they're carrying it out.
It's the willful sabotage of civilization.
And I said I'd get to it this segment, I didn't.
I'll get to the Roger Stone information in the next segment, and then we're going to sandwich this next segment in with segment three.
And we're going to post that to Band.Video, Alex Jones Blows up at Trump?
Because I know those type of messages get to the President.
Or what do we title it?
Why isn't the President standing up for himself and others?
President Trump's greatest failing.
A message from Alex Jones.
President Trump, please stop failing us.
How about President Trump, help us!
Help us!
We're good Americans.
We're under attack.
Do your job.
Defend us.
What do I say to Trump?
What do we title that video?
We'll figure it out.
But we're live right now, and I need you to get that video.
Once we post it to Bandot Video, I need you to send it to the campaign, and to the White House, and to the Secret Service.
I've got contacts.
I'm able to get stuff for the President.
I'm gonna use those contacts.
And I'm just gonna say, Mr. President, come on, man!
Love you to death, but...
You're calling the FBI the top criminal and saying they're dirty cops.
They are.
You've been doing that for a couple years and you're absolutely right.
We need relief.
We need relief.
My hat's off here.
We really respectfully ask you to save yourself, save the country because You can sit here and serve up a seven-stage meal to America that's all delicious and wonderful, and they give somebody iced tea with cyanide in it, and we all die from it.
Everything else can be so wonderful at the dinner table, Mr. President.
You work so hard.
We love you to death.
You've done so many great things.
I want to see action.
I want the Q-Thing, the greatest human movement of private citizens ever in the history of humanity.
That's what the Q-Thing calls itself.
Okay, well then deliver some indictments.
I thought getting Trump elected was one of the modern, greatest things Americans ever did.
And you know, I thought all the guests we had, I thought our listeners got Trump elected, but we're nobody.
We didn't do anything.
We didn't have Trump on the show.
We didn't create the talking points for the President.
We didn't influence Stephen Miller.
My mother didn't give birth to me.
Q did!
My father is Q!
Papa saved me!
Q is God, actually.
I'm serious.
And that's why they're all gonna be indicted next week and everything's fine.
As we one go, we all go.
In fact, you Q guys are welcome to call in too next time when I get the number out.
Tell me!
Tell me how I'm wrong!
Tell me about the magic, the power, the insight for the devils.
Q made this new video exposing Epstein.
That's on Bandai Video.
Did you know Q did that?
Q was up here on Christmas Eve.
Thank God for Q. We salute you, Q. Thank you for two weeks they're all indicted.
Two weeks they're all indicted.
Two weeks they're all indicted.
Two weeks they're all indicted.
All I've heard is talk so far, so I want to talk about all that too.
But I'm gonna get to the President's press conference.
When we come back, and then I'll get to all this other news, the attack on the family.
The new thing in conservative publications is telling people, encourage your wife to have sex with other men in front of you.
Encourage, and of course, they know psychologically that'll end about half the relationships that do it.
I mean, they're literally throwing a firebomb into your family, trying to destroy your life, but they tell you, oh no, no, no, tell your wife, your wife's being like, you don't want me anymore?
You want me to have sex with other men?
Okay, I'll do it.
Literally, I got stacks of that news too.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
I have a message here as we close out the year 2019 to President Trump.
Everything you're doing is going to be for naught if you continue to allow the deep state to try to overthrow you illegally and illegitimately.
It is treason against the American people.
It's treason against the Bill of Rights, against the Constitution.
But I'm going to tell you this, Mr. President.
The persecution going on against individuals in government and in academia and in the corporate world and in media that do support you is incredible.
I have articles right here.
Many couples arguing more about Trump than finances.
It's breaking families up across the country.
That is the level of the psychological warfare going on targeting people through the media.
Michael Moore is back in the news saying white people are inherently bad.
This is literal KKK level garbage from the left.
And if you won't take action against the illegal spying and against the attempt to overthrow your election and the open move by big tech to not send Voting information to conservatives, but to send them to Democrats, as Professor Robert Epstein documented, then you're asleep at the switch.
And you're allowing your victory in 2016 to just be a mobilization of the left to counter-strike us and win.
And yes, you personally are working hard and getting a lot of good things done and surviving.
And they're being made to look like fools!
But the persecution, and the censorship, and the racketeering, is criminal!
And if you don't protect us, and if you don't speak out for us, and if you don't stand up for us, then you basically are aiding and abetting the establishment.
Your supporters want to see you talk about how they're being persecuted.
Your supporters want to see you doing something about it.
Because when you don't do that, it makes them feel like they're all alone, and some of them give up.
And it encourages the globalists that are committing all these incredible crimes to continue to do it.
It was a great executive order you signed, what, six months ago, saying universities They discriminate against people's speech, can lose their money.
But I haven't seen action on that.
We need you, Mr. President, to protect and defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
We need you to do it now.
And I understand, Mr. President, that you're surrounded by traitors and cowards and two-faced liars and leakers and that they say they're going to do things and they don't.
Take your orders and then don't deliver them?
I understand that.
But we warned you back at the time that you brought Fiona Hill and McMaster in, who they were.
And we got persecuted for it because the establishment knew that we were raising the alarm.
And so now in the future, Mr. President, I hope you'll listen to our advice about people like John Bolton.
Because these people were picked by the power structure because they're followers and they're slaves and they're evil.
And they believe they can defeat you and so they're going to act in a two-faced way.
You need to bring people in who've proven that they're loyal to the Republic and that have proven that they know how to defeat globalists.
You need to bring people in who the globalists fear.
And I know they want Stephen Miller out of there because he's a listener of Infowars.
And I know they basically surreptitiously, disingenuously, corruptly got his emails.
And I know they're spying on all of us that are loyal Americans and calling us Russian agents and traitors and they haven't gotten in trouble for any of it.
And so it's emboldened them to do more and more drastic, insane things.
Whether it's wind up a crazy person to try to shoot you or members of your family or to poison you.
Attack members of Congress like we saw at the baseball game with Scalise and Senator Paul.
And we've just seen enough of this!
We want action!
I want to see fireside chats, not just your rallies.
I want to see you from the Oval Office, the power of the Oval Office, behind that desk delivering the message to the American people that you're not going to stand for the tyranny of the globalists and Directing the Justice Department to begin open prosecutions of the Deep State and the rogue government.
My God, they're all over Fox News attacking you, saying you were wrong to try to investigate Biden.
And Pelosi's son, over there on the same energy companies and other energy companies, stealing hundreds of millions of dollars for themselves apiece.
It's outrageous!
Then you get asked in a press conference about Roger Stone.
You say, oh, I haven't really thought about that.
What you mean is, I'm not ready to make a statement on that yet.
But what happened to Roger is wrong.
Trump is waiting to see what the sentencing is in February.
Early February.
February 7th.
So people are saying, oh, he hasn't helped Stone yet.
No, that'll be the time.
To see if they let him out on appeal or whatever the case may be.
But absolutely, Roger needs to be pardoned to point out the fraud of the political nature and that he did nothing wrong and to let his supporters know you're going to stand by him.
Don't wait for the election.
Do the right thing.
Plus, it's a political win to bring out the fraud of Russiagate.
But they keep Trump in the process of the impeachment, which I predicted they'd drag it out.
And then Trump said, oh, I want a longer trial.
And I said, that gives them time to pull more scams.
You need to defeat this quickly.
My original instinct was right.
Everybody's like, oh, no, this will be so discrediting to them.
I said, OK, then I support the president if he wants a longer trial.
Then you notice what happened.
They're now holding on, so they're going to create new articles, and they're cooking up more fraud.
People say, well that'll blow up their face bigger.
But it's criminal!
So you can't let criminals keep doing what they're doing.
Like, oh we're gonna let them try to rob a bank again.
The last five times they got stopped.
But you didn't lock them up?
You let them go organize again and try to rob the bank again?
And come in and point their guns at us?
And pull all these scams?
And write roughshod over conservatives and Christians?
And bully everybody?
I'm tired of it!
And I'm not going to sit here and take it.
We need action, President Trump.
Alright, I'm going to give the number out.
I want to get your take on what Trump needs to do in the new year.
What's going on with this impeachment?
I'm holding back the articles.
I told you the right thing to do would have McConnell say, we're not even going to listen to those.
A straight vote on not even having a trial, which they can do, because you procedurally did it fraudulently.
But then, oh no, we're going to give you your trial.
Remember that?
I said, they're going to pull scams, they're going to extend it out, they're going to bring up a bunch of other new stuff, and they're doing exactly that.
When they don't do things right, and they do things illegally, you don't honor it by then accepting it.
It's a fraud.
If you learned a grand jury got paid off, you wouldn't go ahead with a trial.
If you learned the judge in a trial was being paid off from the onset during jury selection, the person would be acquitted.
They'd be released.
Like that.
Because you can't have fruit of the poison tree.
It's basic common law.
I told you that before Turley ever told you.
And I know you know that.
And the American people get that too.
But we can't just sit there and let them do it.
Because that makes us accomplices.
I'm gonna go to break.
I'll get to the press conference.
It just makes me so mad when I even think about it.
Because if he'll leave Roger Stone out to dry, he'll leave anybody out to dry.
And I believe he's doing the right thing.
He has to.
But look at what's happened to Assange.
We got Trump elected, okay?
And he needs to protect the Republic and the American people.
It's his job.
Plus, we went through hell to get him in there.
You did.
But I know this.
We put Trump in there, he's just one wave in this fight.
We're getting globalists kicked out everywhere.
We're having victories on a planetary scale.
It's critical this operation stay on air and be stronger than ever, even if the cavalry from Trump is never going to come.
We have to just start thinking, hey, the cavalry ain't coming.
We're the cavalry.
And you're the cavalry.
So stand with us, ladies and gentlemen.
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We won't have sales this big next year.
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This is total clearance to stay on the air.
Please take advantage of it.
I've got an old friend, Richard Reeves, and he's a really great political analyst.
He's worked in full wars off and on for about 10 years, or longer now, while time flies.
He's a huge Trump supporter.
In fact, the earliest person I knew supporting Trump, I'm talking like 2014, he was saying Trump's going to run for president.
That's why he's doing the whole birth certificate thing and all the rest of it.
But he texted me.
On Monday, saying, I'm sorry I gotta say it, but the Swamp's starting to win on a lot of levels with Trump.
And I said, well, why do you say that?
And he started rattling off some examples.
And I said, why don't you come in?
So he'll be here in the third hour.
I'm gonna open the phones up in this hour.
And look, I'm gonna explain it again.
It's like taking care of a baby 364 days out of the year.
Taking great care of the baby and then one day just putting him on the roof of a 20-story building and letting him jump off.
Trump has to act against these criminals and I don't care what he has to do against the deep state.
They're out of control.
What they've done is out of control.
And yeah, by the grace of God in Providence, everything they've done is blown up in their face because it's fraud.
But you can't let some psycho sit there and try to say burn down your house just because they failed the last five times.
And now they're getting a new can of gas and a blowtorch out for road flares.
I mean, you understand?
So I'm not going to play dice here with my future or your future, and I think you agree with me.
So some folks get confused.
They go, hey, you say you love Trump, but you're mad at him.
Well, I mean, it'd be like if you have a family member you love and Let's say they're a race car driver and they've been a NASCAR driver for 20 years and they just had a big wreck and they've got a concussion.
You say, why don't you take a year off?
And they're not taking the year off.
You get pissed off at them.
And that's kind of the analogy.
I'm not saying Trump should take a year off.
I'm saying he needs to take action.
It's the allegory of you can care about somebody, but still be pissed off at them.
And I'm just telling listeners, the White House listens to you.
Every time I get mad at Trump, he tweets out some Infowars videos.
Okay, great.
Thank you, Mr. President.
Because I want to get those videos out to counter the globalists and defeat them.
And I know it shows solidarity, and we appreciate that.
That's great, Mr. President.
Gosh, he tweets out our stuff every week now.
The media doesn't even attack it anymore.
They don't know what to do.
They try to tell him what to do.
He's not doing it.
That's wonderful!
I want to see indictments.
McCabe and Comey and Hillary and let's start with Strzok.
Let's start with Page.
Let's start with Orr. Let's start. Let's start. Let's start.
Let's start. Let's start. Steele committed a bunch of crimes for that dossier.
I guarantee you Trump calls up the Queen of England, she still runs a show over
there, and says I want him indicted.
He'll be indicted like that.
I want to see some action and I want to see it right now.
Notice the Queen of England is all for Brexit and all the rest of it because she knows which way the wind blows.
By the way, you know the EU was set up to suck Europe dry.
I mean, you know the collapse of all these unions was already planned, right?
You see, it's not going to go the way they wanted it to go, though.
We hijacked it all.
That's why they're really pissed at me.
In fact, you want me to really tell you how stuff works?
I mean, I have before, but I don't think people are really listening when I lay out the deep knowledge, the big stuff here.
You want to hear Machiavelli stuff?
You guys want to hear some Machiavelli knowledge, huh?
I'll tell you.
I'll tell you how the cow eat the cabbage.
You know what I'll do?
I'll do it when Richard Reeves is in here at the bottom of the next hour, and everybody knows I'm bad about doing stuff I say I'll do on air because I get busy and forget.
So they're going to put on screen over here, at 1.33, I'm going to tell you the big secret of the New World Order.
The Big Enchilada.
When Richard Reeves is in here with us, I'm going to lay it out.
The real deal.
Why they're doing what they're doing.
Who the factions are.
And the decision you've gotta make.
You want the heavy, heavy, heavy stuff?
You're gonna get it today.
I told you, no more games, ladies and gentlemen.
Everything's gonna come out.
Nothing is gonna stop humanity with God's help.
So get on your knees before God, folks.
Ask God in, and we win.
We're now into hour number two.
I want to tell you the news that's coming up, and I want to open the phones up and specifically ask listeners, because I really value your views, Oh, am I wrong getting mad at Trump for there not being any indictments?
I mean, he's so surrounded by criminals and traitors that he's finally getting rid of the Never Trumpers and stuff.
He's getting stronger and they're getting pissed.
But can we wait until he gets reelected?
You know, Michael Moore says again he thinks Trump's gonna get reelected.
And I agree with that.
But then what's it gonna be like For all of us getting attacked and no free speech on the colleges and all of it.
Now that's the Drudge top headline.
Michael Moore predicts four more years.
Does that mean four more years of total censorship?
Does that mean four more years?
Look, I get he got us out of the TPP.
I get he's trying to control the borders and really is trying to do it and judges are blocking him.
And he really is saying America's good and that's a huge thing just to say be proud of your country because the globalists want to demoralize us.
I get all that.
But you know he's been waiting for the Roger Stone question.
Are you going to pardon Roger Stone?
And the answer should have been, Roger Stone is a political prisoner.
Roger Stone has been persecuted.
And I'm going to do an entire fireside chat the day of his sentencing.
And I'm going to tell you not just what I'm going to do with a pardon, but how we're going to take action against those who politically targeted him Because he helped get me elected.
It's these Democrats claiming you can't have interference in elections.
They're the ones doing it.
Banning Republican ads.
Letting Democrats advertise under another name.
Under Noosh.
They're the ones going after all of my top supporters.
They're the ones in organized crime.
You know, when the mafia goes and harasses, say, all the cleaners in a certain part of a city, and tells them if you don't pay us protection money, something bad's gonna happen to your drivers that are picking up laundry.
Those are famous cases.
And then when they don't, somebody firebombs the laundry.
Or the grocery store.
The FBI goes and they arrest the members of the mafia that came in and threatened the store owners.
That's why mafia like that never took off in places like Texas.
Because if you walked into a dry cleaners in Texas, with a Texan owning it, and you said, you're gonna give us money or something bad's gonna happen to your business, you would be killed right there.
You would be killed.
I mean, my grandfathers were just normal Texans, nice guys, super, went to church, helped the lowlays.
If you came into their business and said, we want money or we're going to kill you, they'd pull a gun out and shoot you dead.
Everybody knew that.
That's why you didn't do that.
They'd kill you just like that.
People that I grew up around, the last group of Texans, would kill you just like that.
There was no question of it.
If you messed with them, they'd kill you.
You see, that's called having an immune system.
That's called being strong.
That's called not being a slave.
The default is, you mess with somebody, they kill you.
That's why everybody's so polite in what was Texas.
Texas is gone now.
So, that's racketeering.
But you had a lot of immigrants in the biggest wave after the Civil War that came from countries where there were mafias and where people had to live under groups like that.
And so you could have in those neighborhoods be fed on by the strongmen.
And America had its own forms of evils before that.
But I have to sit here And have these people run around and nationwide, worldwide, have pedophiles come in, a lot of them convicted, and have kids sell their laps, sometimes unannounced to the parents.
We're going to put up with now pervert mafias, pedophile mafias?
Trump and the Republicans are going to go to war with the deep state and they're going to remove these devil worship and scum, or Trump needs to be removed!
And we need to get somebody in there that'll do something about all this because I'm done.
Call free number to join us is 877-789-2539. 877-789-2539.
But I'll tell you this, it hit me last weekend.
If somebody went and bullhorned the White House every day, effectively, not bullhorning straight up in the air, but at
the White House, they can hear it.
I've gone and done it a few times, it makes the national news each time, and demanded Trump take action on things like the pedophile networks and all this globalism garbage, he would take action.
And not just line up at the Trump rallies and go in and sit there and see the President, but have demonstrations outside.
Say, we're here protesting Trump to get him to do what we want.
Don't just have the Antifa protest them too, but say, we demand you take action.
Here's our redress of grievances.
Here's our petition.
He'll listen to you.
They're scared of him getting word from you.
So I pray for the President, and I pray for justice, and I support the President.
And I support him in this campaign for another 311 days.
But man, am I going to feel suckered if he gets into office again and these people aren't prosecuted, they don't get in trouble.
The massive Chinese communist style surveillance and censorship goes into place.
Trump should be telling the UN, we fund 40% of your money.
We're going to cut that off if you say the world standardization is China's face scan.
That's for the world ID.
We're not going to have a world ID.
Trump, that's going to replace the dollar that you think you're protecting.
We're being set up right now.
And yeah, Trump's a foot in the door, but that's not enough.
And we're running out of time.
Toll free number 877-789-2539.
Populism is popular.
Pun intended.
It's taking over.
It's a nationalist, anti-globalist populism.
It is kryptonite to the New World Order.
But we need them to deliver.
Same thing.
If Boris Johnson doesn't deliver, he's going to be in trouble.
By the way, he has been trying to deliver.
And fast.
No compromise.
Because he knows.
And if you don't secure the borders of Europe, and if you don't say no to the globalist plan, they will literally destroy it.
It's military.
We're being conquered.
This is serious.
Why do you think the NFL doesn't care if they lose 40% of their revenue?
Same thing with Hollywood, with all this unpopular crap they push, because it's a mission!
This is a takeover!
This is the big assault on our families, on God, on everything, on our genetics, with the GMO!
So first-time callers, long-time callers, you're all welcome to call in 877-789-ALEX.
What do we do?
What does Trump need to do?
Am I too angry?
Alex 877-789-2539. What do we do? What does Trump need to do? Am I too angry? Am I right?
Because we need to see the indictments now.
We've been hearing this for three years.
Are we gonna let them just launch the next hoax, the next big criminal fraud, the next big illegal investigation?
I mean, with Schiff illegally spying on the Republican-ranking member Nunes sitting right next to him, and then won't say how he got all the illegal crap?
They're committing the crimes!
And they're getting away with it!
I'm gonna go to break, but I know one thing you can do that pisses them off, and that's spread the word about this show.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
They censor that URL, so NewsWars.com forward slash show.
It's not a censored URL.
That takes you right to InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Share that and say, hey, the banned guy they demonize, they lie about, they don't want you to hear, he's on air right now, and when you're done tuning in, tell others how they can listen.
Pay it forward.
The truth is it.
NewsWars.com forward slash show.
Pay it forward.
Fights at newswars.com forward slash show.
Now tell the next guy.
And have that human ingenuity and human action override them.
And tell folks about our local TV stations and radio stations and become a sponsor or support the local sponsor.
It's all about word of mouth.
It's all about human intelligence fighting this AI grid mega takeover.
But they jumped too quick and we were already dug in and waiting for them.
And so now the fight is vicious and is intense.
But we can win and bypass a lot.
of this nightmare future.
God allows us to choose our future.
God has foredestined much of what's going to happen, but we will decide how intense it's going to be.
God is waiting for us to take action.
God is waiting for you.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Well, the calls are pouring in, and I can see their comments.
Mark says we need to take action.
In a particular way that I agree with and is extremely powerful.
I've thought of this myself, just haven't announced it yet because there's some problems with it, but it's very effective.
Spike in Texas, William, Pastor Sam, we're going to all of you.
The toll free number is 877-789-2539.
Now, Mark says we need protest inside Trump rallies.
Step one, I think, is going and protesting and saying we support the president.
But we have a list of demands.
You can write up your own.
Get on the local news.
I'm completely blackballed because I know Trump listens to me and they don't want him to hear what I said.
And so if you just go and say, hey, we're local Wisconsin's for whatever, you know, for keeping America great.
And here's what we love the president for.
But here's what we're really upset about.
Need to take action against the deep state.
Need to move to impeach some of these federal judges that have been overturned and proven to be political hacks.
Need to go after, you know, a big tech for all the ongoing racketeering.
Need to tell the UN not to let the Chi-Com standardize the internet.
That's bigger than Huawei and what's happening there.
I mean, there's a lot of demands we need to make of our president.
We're not in a cult here.
We put him there.
He adopted the nationalist, patriot movement as an operating system to counter the globalists because the Pentagon came to him and said, this is the operating system America's always had.
Jones has popularized it.
We've written it into a codified plan.
This has even been in the New York Times.
It's accurate.
Stephen Miller basically took our research, our work, which is great, and presented it to the president.
It got adopted by Bannon.
Bannon didn't come up with all this.
Bannon is a movie screenplay writer.
Okay, they wrote a screenplay off this show.
That's why the left's so pissed.
They've got all the phones tapped, they know.
And they know the White House still listens.
Every day.
But I'm not a screenwriter.
I'm Alex Jones from Texas.
I'm for real!
You understand?
I'm 100% for real!
I mean all this!
I'm not trying to bring balance to the New World Order.
And oh, there's too much leftism, so now we have to bring in the male energy and all that crap Lucifer garbage.
I mean business.
I mean to defeat the New World Order.
It's ordained by God.
Your New World Order's dead on arrival.
It's not gonna happen.
I'm gonna talk about it at the bottom of the hour, but... We need to start protesting outside Trump rallies, and not in a mean way.
We need to say, Mr. President, we need action.
We're getting torn up out here.
The left is beating people up coast to coast.
We need massive federal task forces indicting... Let me explain this.
Okay, this is a reactor shaft moment.
To use a Death Star analogy, okay?
Got X-Wings flying around just shooting missiles into the sides of, you know, random areas.
It's not going to do anything.
Blow a few stormtroopers up.
That doesn't do anything.
We want to blow the whole thing up, okay?
We don't want to keep it and then have it be ours and all this garbage.
We want to blow it up.
It's parasitic.
It's bad.
And if you want to blow it up, let me tell you what you do, politically.
What are they most scared of every time Lou Dobbs has a guest on or Sean Hannity does and you hear Fox News apologize and threaten to fire him if they do it again?
And then they ban whoever the guest is.
It's whenever you expose that there's a shadow government run by George Soros in between his private networks, internationally, with the Bilderberg Group as a liaison.
And these governing boards, through the CFR, still have a giant network in the government engaging in all this criminal activity.
And if the feds go bust any local Antifa leader, they're led by the Weathermen in Berkeley.
They're led by famous professors in the Weathermen.
It's the Weathermen.
You bust them, they've got action plans, directives, corporate documents, it's all signed.
They have officers and everything.
And they go out and hire meth-heads and idiots that don't know what they're doing.
That's organized crime racketeering, ladies and gentlemen.
That's why Antifa's always off-limits, and if you go after them, they persecute you, they ban you, like the Proud Boys or Infowars, because it's their decoys for when they stage a big event.
That's who the Deep State's working through.
This is their front.
And Soros' son runs it.
We got the secret documents.
The FBI confirmed they're real.
Planning to violate citizens' civil rights, to keep people from having their speech, and to trigger race riots that target local government police departments to overthrow city governments and install globalists over cities in blue cities that aren't under their total control.
And some red cities.
Why do you think They created Strong Cities Initiative before Obama left to put the UN over the police boards.
Why do you think Soros has put in hundreds of DAs and hundreds of sheriffs?
And now the Attorney General's talking about it.
That's the reactor shaft.
They get control of local governments and the police, then we're going to have to have a physical war.
Like Virginia, which I hope doesn't happen.
But they're gonna come for the guns to start the fight!
They want us to kill the police!
My God, this is diabolical!
And if Trump sits there and lets them do that, well, what are we gonna do?
So see, I started wargaming this in my head a few months ago, but Mark brings it up.
We'll go to him right now.
But you understand, folks, you can't leave Soros and these globalists like Frankenstein going around the villages at night.
That only encourages them.
And so they need to know that we know what to hit.
Why do you think they want us off the air?
We have the Death Star plans, to use that allegory.
We have them.
We have them.
We have them.
Defeat them.
Defeat them.
Remove them.
Remove them.
No more games.
No more garbage.
These people are frickin' evil, man.
Bunch of devil-worshippin' Aleister Crowley pedophiles.
I'm not gonna sit here and let these people run my life!
Or my children's.
What about you?
What about you, people?
There's a bunch of other reactor chefs, too.
It's like Swiss cheese.
We can take them out by so many angles, it'll make your head spin.
Okay, I promise I'm going to your calls when I come back.
I have to go to the press conference, either.
I know Richard Grieve's coming up.
Just tell Richard he can host the fourth hour.
I won't air the documentary until the last two segments, and he'll come on at 1.30.
I just promised I'd get into this big subject.
I'll cover the big secret of the globalist at 1.15.
Oh my God.
You know what frustrates me is these people are so easy to beat, but evil has them propped up
and then everyone sits there pissing on themselves in fear of these people.
And I don't understand it and I don't like it.
Like it.
But it's spiritual.
It's spiritual.
And I go around, most men I know are a bunch of damn cowards.
And I'm not just saying this, the people that work here are awesome.
They care about the country, and they put up with my crap, and they're working hard to fight the tyranny.
And I see so many other men out there, literally, go, oh, I appreciate what you're doing, Alex.
Thanks a lot.
I'm glad you're out there.
But then I go, what are you doing?
Well, I'm going to go play golf, and I'm going to, you know, such and such.
I'm going to go put Armor All on my sports car's tires.
You're going to lose all of that, Jack.
Because you don't spend your time fighting the globalists.
The terrorists.
They are.
The psychic terrorists.
And that's all I'm saying.
Is that our audience is awesome.
Our crew is awesome.
I'm not bitching at any of you people.
I love you.
But I'm just telling everybody, this is war.
This is serious.
There aren't any games.
Playtime's over!
So we'll talk to Mark when we come back.
He's got a good idea.
We'll take those Trump rallies over!
We are broadcasting worldwide.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And it's such a critical time for us to be on air.
Alright, I want to be very, very careful about this.
And I'm not stupid.
I know how these establishment types work.
I know how these politicos operate.
I've never wanted to go to D.C.
and be part of the power structure and get on the trough of political money and all of that.
I want to get power back to the states, back to the people.
And I detest the D.C.
establishment types.
Both places have a horrible vibe.
worse than D.C.
So I couldn't be further away from these people.
You couldn't Keep me far away enough from them.
But to get our country back, we have to go face them in their lairs.
We have to go into Mordor.
And so, when Trump went to the RNC in 2016, and about a third of the people were wearing Infowars.com t-shirts.
Hillary for President, things like that.
We had airplanes in the sky, we had cars driving around with big Jumbotrons screens.
We were there to say, hey, InfoWars wants Americana.
InfoWars wants to get out of the New World Order.
InfoWars is the American people.
And Trump already knew that.
But boy, did he want to talk to me more after that.
And Trump resonated with that because, you know, his dad was a John Bircher.
He was involved.
His lawyer was the guy that ran the House Un-American Activities Committee and in the Senate as well.
So, I mean, Trump knew all this stuff before I was born, before most of us were born.
But our operating system, our view of the world, is very accurate.
And out of all the pantheon of BS political systems that people buy into, this is the real system to counter the globalists.
Hell, we could never even get people to admit that globalism existed, remember that?
But now we're having a face-to-face debate about the future of the planet, which they don't want to have, because what they're building is so horrible, no one's going to want it!
So now they've got to bring in total censorship to not have that debate.
But they're failing.
So I know that I could leverage going to all these Trump rallies, shaking everybody's hands, interfacing with my listeners, getting all the media coverage.
And also, if I wanted to tell listeners, hey, go into the Trump rallies and bring up that we want indictments, bring up that we want action on censorship.
But I don't want to be like Nick Fuentes.
And I'm not attacking Nick Fuentes.
I think Nick Fuentes is right to go out to these neocon events where they're banning people's speech, like Democrats do, and ask questions.
I don't think it's in the best taste to, you know, when somebody's with their kids or whatever, run up on them.
But they didn't know.
They were waiting on him right there.
He came by with his kids.
You know, they just said, hey, talk to us.
And, you know, he did run.
And he supported your truly being censored before.
Ben Shapiro.
He's a never-Trumper that now, again, is taken under the fold and, you know, he's the boss and he got Trump elected, so we've all got to bow down and worship him.
But Nick Fuentes, the media is using to drive a wedge into the Trump movement, but the wedge is really there because the neocon never-Trumpers have been given the red carpet and dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporters have been thrown to the wolves by the politicos that Trump has brought in around him.
Like Turning Point USA, who I think does a lot of good work, by the way.
But they shouldn't have thrown Candace Owens under the bus for the made-up thing that she's anti-Semitic, because she said Hitler was a globalist?
I mean, he actually wanted a global domination, yeah!
And that he wasn't a nationalist?
That's pro-Hitler?
What the hell?
You know, they're cowards!
They will turn and run at Turning Point USA to the point of they're like Democrats, basically, in their ideology now.
They've done a lot of great work, but now they've rolled over.
So, I don't want to organize going into Trump rallies, having people go into Trump rallies, Then they'll have low-level Trump people block me going in.
That will totally turn everybody against Trump.
I mean, if I want to hurt Trump, I can hurt him.
Because he would have to hurt himself.
I don't want that.
But we need Trump to come out against pedophile story time.
We need Trump to say more about the pedophile rings.
We need Trump to call for indictments more.
He's done a lot of great stuff.
We just need him to really crack the whip here.
I'm not backing down.
I didn't back down whenever, grabbing by the you know what thing and everybody was turning on Trump and I called everybody and I said don't turn on him.
Roger didn't even know what to do at that point.
I said it's all bull, it's out of context, it's locker room talk.
I put out the talking point, everybody adopted it.
I called the White House, talked to high level folks, I said locker room talk, locker room talk, out of context, edited, old.
And they're telling him, oh, there's an n-word tape!
And I call people that know Trump really well and they go, no, he's not racist.
In fact, he likes black people a lot, and he likes black women particularly, and we've never heard Trump do something like that.
And I went on there and I said, the n-word tape is fake, folks.
But they were trying to panic everything right there to get folks to turn on Trump right at that moment, and I didn't do it.
If Trump had said, I'm this goody two-shoe and you're going to hell if you ever have sex with more than one woman and you know all that stuff, then he did something like that.
I'd say that guy's a hypocrite.
Trump was never a hypocrite.
King David was having his buddies killed because he couldn't help himself lusting after women.
But later he got right with God.
The point is Trump's not a hypocrite, ladies and gentlemen.
But he's got to take action on the censorship and the racketeering.
Because he's allowing them to cement this deep state?
This permanent state that persecutes everybody?
And does all this horrible stuff?
Is that really what you want?
No, Trump must stand up for America and stand up against the political persecution.
He said it should never be allowed to happen again.
Well, guess what?
It's happening again with Ukraine!
And it's happening again with the censorship!
And it's happening again with all of this!
I'm gonna shut up now and go to your calls.
Until I've been gone a few days, I'm wound up, man.
Mark in Wisconsin says we need to protest inside the Trump rally.
I agree, but it needs to be done very judiciously, very, very controlled.
We don't want to make it like the Nick Fuentes, uh, conservative Inc.
thing that's going on.
I'm not saying that's a bad thing overall.
I just don't want to be divisive.
I want Trump to know we're here and do the right thing.
What do you think, Mark?
Oh right.
This is Mark from Milwaukee once again.
Infocom's call signed Freedom Fighter 414.
A year and a half ago, I war-gamed a protest inside of a Trump rally.
And I sat here and I talked to everybody on the website.
You could even ask Chase the Patriot.
I talked about it on his show.
Basically, we went over the pros and cons, and all of the resistances people might think that they would have with doing it.
You know, getting grabbed by Secret Service, or being attacked by the sects of the true believers, the Trumpers that watch Fox News and aren't really hip due to the New World Order, can't see the 10,000 foot perspective on all of this.
Basically, you know, we talking about sneaking in our own signs.
We were talking about totally taking over, dude, just like the Q people did a few months ago, but all InfoWars.
Everybody was always talking about, when is InfoWars, dude, going to have their big meetup?
When are we going to have our mother of all rallies, so to speak?
Basically, this is the time.
This is now.
In your city, if you watch InfoWars, I want to see your signs.
I want to start seeing you guys on RSVN.
I want to start seeing these signs.
I want to start seeing coordinated chants.
At certain points of the time, when Trump is speaking and there's a quiet moment, don't worry about people thinking that you're Antifa.
You're doing what you have to do to save this country.
Sooner or later, the mainstream conservatives are going to be won over due to this cause.
They're going to see that we're not fighting against Trump, that we're not against him, that we love him, but we need to start seeing things getting done.
We need to see the Eisenhower.
We need to see the soldier.
We don't need the businessman anymore.
The economy is good.
I mean, basically, You know, I want to see coordinated chance to people picking up.
This is why I'm mad, dude, that InfoComms is gone.
Because I sat here and I had a whole, you know, a whole spread brought.
Hold on, hold on.
I'm going to come back to you, Mark, on the other side and talk about what happened to that.
We can barely keep our websites up and running and our video streams.
We used a cheap program.
It got corrupted.
That InfoWars thing fell apart.
I told Owen, stop working on it.
And he walked away from it.
Some people made up that he's a fed.
Yeah, he's a fed.
It's like saying Jesus Christ is the devil.
Owen is an awesome guy.
It was his idea, and the website had problems.
Now, somebody watching on cloud TV or driving along in their car is not going to know what I'm talking about, so I'm not going to spend much time on this, but since the listener brought this up, Owen a few years ago goes, we need to get a place, since we're banned on Facebook, to organize people to go out to demonstrations.
The guy works seven days a week.
And he was talking to the IT people and they didn't get around to it.
So he said, okay, I'll just go get this off the shelf social media thing and launch it.
And I said, listen, make sure that has plugins that get updated and stuff.
Cause once you build something, if it ever has problems, we've had this before with forums and stuff, people get pissed.
And sure enough, it got so crazy and everybody mad at him and infighting and trolls in there that I said to Owen like six months ago, I said, stop using it, stop covering it, stop talking about it.
Because it was corrupted and messed up and then people create these theories that, you know, Owen's an FBI agent and boy, that FBI agent did a great job in front of Congress.
You know, Q says all the FBI's wonderful and great, but then Q says Owen's an FBI agent, so he's bad.
You know, it's all just cuckoo land.
But I understand people's frustration and all the rest of it in that InfoWars can't do more.
We're not a big organization.
Having our own video streams, our own audio, our own servers.
We got thrown out of our merchant accounts.
We lost almost all of our IT.
We can't even put ads on LinkedIn.
We can't even do ads on Monster.
We can't even do ads on all the advertising platforms to get employees.
I mean, and we're not victims here.
But if they ever drop a cruise missile on top of the building, don't get mad that we were off the air and say Jones took us off the air.
I'm dead in the street with bullet holes.
Don't come and piss on my body and say, Jones isn't on air anymore.
He's an FBI agent.
He sabotaged himself.
I mean, it's crazy.
I'm for real.
Owen's for real.
I know it doesn't look like people are for real because he's good looking and smart and hardworking and they go, it looks like somebody from a TV show.
He must be fake.
Jones must be Bill Hicks.
There's no way he did all this by himself.
I didn't do it by myself.
I did it with you.
And just like you're real, listeners, I'm real.
So let's get back to this point of action.
You know that you're real.
You know you're pissed off.
Let's not get pissed off at each other.
Mark's making great points here.
Let's talk about an Infowars army that's in the streets of America and that's peaceful and that goes out and that takes action and that goes and starts demonstrating For what we want as Americans, as real Trumpers.
And I think we need to point out, we're the real Trumpers.
We're not the never Trumpers.
And that we're here to make sure that these people don't take over the Trump movement.
I think guardians of the movement, we need to come up with a proper name.
We need to do it, and it doesn't need to be centralized or one thing.
It needs to be ideas, just like Infowars has been ideas.
And I think we don't want to disrupt Trump events, but absolutely, we're not in a cult When he pauses, when there's breaks, you just yell, InfoWars.com!
InfoWars.com, stop the censorship!
Stop the big tech censorship!
Stop big tech surveillance!
I mean, I think InfoWars.com is dreaded by the globalists, dreaded by the media, the most banned, the most attacked, the most lied about, and yes, I think Everyone should go and yell InfoWars.com and everything that that means.
And then they'll make them go, what's the InfoWars movement?
And then we can say, we're addressing the president.
We're upset about what's going on.
We want the president to take action on these issues.
And I think it's a great idea.
I remember hearing some talk about this back at the time, Mark.
I didn't mean to go off on a rant about the InfoWars army thing.
That is literally, um, Owen tried to do something by himself that fell apart, and then the program wasn't being updated, like so many other things that happened.
That's us, sir, not being a billion-dollar company.
Does that make sense?
Oh, yeah.
I mean, basically, dude, you guys did everything, dude, that you could.
It was corrupted.
There was liberals, dude, on there.
Um, I remember, uh, people just, like, self-glamorizing for themselves, posting pictures of themselves.
Uh, that oatmeal dude.
I remember all of that.
But in the grand... But it's worse than that.
I told no one when he did it without asking me.
Because the people are just fighting around here.
If I trust somebody and like them, they're just basically, you know... I said, why are you calling an army?
I said, they're gonna claim that we're a paramilitary group and then set us up with it.
This is a behind-the-scenes talk when it first happened two years ago.
And I said, Owen...
But it's not an army, like physically I said, I know.
And then notice the guy in, down in, you know, they keep busting guys.
They're supposedly with the army, with guns, and you know, where they're at.
And again, I'm not saying those guys are feds.
I don't believe they are.
It's just the optics of the whole deal are cut and dried for them.
And that's another reason I haven't gone to have our voice heard at these Trump rallies.
But yes, wear your shirts, go to them.
I got loaded phone lines here and I got to get to all these calls.
I've even pushed back our other guests.
Mark, I love you to death.
I appreciate your call.
Now is the time.
Now is the time, more than ever, that we have a discussion here on air in the next few weeks, and I'm going to go with what the audience thinks, because I respect the knowledge of the crowd, and you're the folks that brought us here, and I think we should have big discussions on air about what do we do about Not letting the neocons and the conservative inks totally run Trump.
And we've already seen Trump put all these bad people in who he later gets rid of and who later betray him because he didn't know because he's lied to.
What do we do about that?
I mean, I don't have the money.
I'm trying to hire more reporters right now.
I literally just mortgaged my house last week, so I have extra money in the next year.
And I'm not going, oh, I'm such a good person.
I always had a bigger, more expensive house, so I could do that at a time if I needed to, so I could keep money in the bank.
But I'm all in, folks.
I'm fighting as hard as I can.
We need reporters in D.C.
every day.
We need people at the White House bullhorning it every day.
We need to be at those events confronting those politicians every damn day.
And I gotta keep Owen here to run his big show and go out and do stuff.
I got Savannah Hernandez doing a great job.
I gotta try to get her, you know, security when she goes out.
So that's another expenditure.
And so I'm just spending everything I've got in this fight, which brings this up.
It's the year end.
It's the biggest sales we've ever had.
Double Patriot points, free shipping, up to 75% off.
That's beyond cost on some items.
We'll never have deals like this again because I'm selling out of a lot of things to be able to fund it next year.
Then we're going to order less of each item and then have it at more of a markup.
Because when something's 50% off for us, we're making like 20, 30%.
When something's 25% off, you know, we're making like 70%.
We need to make more money.
We're selling a lot of product.
We've done the math.
If we were just making 30% more on the products we're selling, we'd have plenty of money next year to even hire more reporters and do what needs to be done.
At the sales levels, we're selling out of old inventory, funding things now, but not funding past the election next year.
And I do not want to lay these people off.
I do not want to back down after the election.
I mean, obviously, it's too vital.
So please, do your shopping at Infowarestore.com.
or call toll free 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139 and get the products.
Get knockout sleep aid, get brain force plus 60% off, get ultra 12, oh my god, you can
take stimulants all day like coffee and stuff, they're not going to work if you don't have
B12 in your body, especially if you're a northern European.
Take it under the tongue, it's the best you're going to find anywhere.
Vitamin mineral fusion with the amino acids, the vitamin mineral is a fruit punch for adults
and children, it's incredible, great way to make sure your kids get it and absorb it.
turmeric formula, body ease.
BioTruth Selenium X2, X3 are beyond essential.
Just experience it for yourself.
Super Blue Combo with Super Silver Toothpaste.
50% off when you get those together.
And these are great products.
So if you've sat on the fence and never purchased from InfoWars4.com, you really should today.
Don't visit InfoWars.com.
Woke shirt, really funny shirt.
And then Libtards are so stupid, they'll think that you don't like Alex Jones.
So you'll be able to talk to them.
They won't even get the joke because they don't get humor.
They're so one-dimensional.
Okay, I pushed Richard Reeves back, I loaded the phones up on this critical issue, and I'm kind of venting because I've been on the fence about really trying to get Trump's attention.
I mean, hell, we got the guy elected, he's a great guy, and I don't want this to be just a grandstanding for InfoWars.
People have been like, why hasn't Jones used his weight?
Why hasn't Jones?
Because that's not what I do.
But, and we can't go to these events without an armored vehicle.
They're throwing bottles at us and stuff.
That's how crazy this has gotten.
That's why I go into the Antifa myself, even though security says don't do it, because we have to show them we're not backing down to their terrorism.
But I do have a family, so I'm thinking about not doing that anymore.
Because I have no fear.
I only have fear of not taking action against these people, and I will do whatever it takes Legally and lawfully to fight these people, and if they keep pushing over the line and they attack us, well then, that's that, isn't it?
So, people better work really hard now, because we're in a very dangerous situation, and yes, Trump's having victories.
We're having victories, but they're barely victories, they're by inches, and the climate is so dangerous, ladies and gentlemen.
So, please, buy the products.
It'll change your life, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, let me, where's my, look at this.
Ultimate krill oil.
People say, man, you look good.
You've lost so much weight.
You're more focused.
What are you doing?
I'm doing the products.
And I'm doing the X2.
I'm doing the X3.
I'm taking Ultimate Krill Oil.
I'm taking the Ultimate Fish Oil that's been sold out for months.
And that's another problem.
Like, we'll sell out of something, and then we order a bunch of it, and then people don't order it.
Then they order a bunch.
You know, it's all trying to juggle the stuff.
And I'm not bitching.
It's just trying to run an operation, a company, while I do the new stuff.
It's hard!
But krill oil's about to sell off.
I still got it at 60% off!
Because the whole management group's on vacation right now.
That's fine.
I just need to be able to say, that's about to sell out.
Maybe it should be at 60% off.
So that's not going to be at 60% off after today.
Because it's months till more comes in.
That's my point.
I'm selling out of stuff at prices even though it's going to sell out.
It's just stupid!
All right, I apologize for having callers hold the last 45 minutes and only getting one caller.
I'm going to go to all of you right now.
Spike, thanks for holding her on the air.
Good afternoon, Alex.
It's quite an honor to speak to you.
Long-time listener, first-time caller.
Back at you.
I got a fortune cookie a while back.
Alex, it said, the great aim of education is not knowledge, but action.
That stuck with me.
I put it on my refrigerator.
And it goes along with what Mark said about getting on the offensive and doing some things that's just critical.
And then I think right before World War II, there was Admiral King that said, first we send in the negotiators, the nice guys.
When it doesn't work, then we send in the SOBs.
So it's time to send in the SOBs.
I think Trump needs to call out the Marines.
I think he needs to arrest people.
They need to be tried for treason.
Because here's the deal.
We all hate the police state.
The police state is what the left's doing lawlessly using the apparatus against the American people.
It's not a police state when you've got internal traitors trying to overthrow the election.
It's what you do.
They've led us to this point.
It's the default position that if he can't get the Justice Department to take action, they need to be arrested.
They need to be cleaned up.
And the American people will support it, dammit!
Yes, they will.
They'll be behind him 100%.
Once he's ensconced safely in his second term, Alex, we need to immediately start agitating for what FDR said in World War II.
You don't change horses in the middle of the stream.
He needs a third term.
He needs a third term.
We need to agitate over their heads.
Well, that would certainly drive them into conniption, Fitz.
All I know is, what about going into these rallies?
Because obviously they're going to demonize you.
Trump supporters may not know what's going on and grab you.
I think you need to say something like, we love you President Trump, but you need to support InfoWars.com and you need to stand up for freedom of the press.
Or how about, pardon Roger Stone, InfoWars.com.
Because here's the deal, if he told Assange WikiLeaks, if you got it, I don't care if it's from a naked guy in his mother's basement or whether it's from the Russians.
It doesn't matter.
She committed the crime.
Release it.
Okay, it's true.
She committed a crime.
It doesn't matter who has the damn emails.
He told Assange to do that and hasn't gotten Assange out of that hellhole he's in.
No, it's not nice to let your friends twist in the wind.
It's not nice.
It doesn't send a good message.
And I get there like, Mr. President, if you do that, it'll look like, you know, you're being political.
They're trying to destroy Trump!
Everybody knows Roger's innocent.
His base is behind him 100%.
He needs to get radical.
Damn right.
I want Roger Stone pardoned the day of the sentencing, February 7th.
And Trump better do it.
I mean, it's that simple, dammit!
I mean, my God, Roger Stone, if he wanted to, could destroy Trump, okay?
And it's not bad stuff, it's just what the media would do with what Roger Stone knows about Trump would really hurt Trump, okay?
With evangelicals and others.
It's not like Trump's gay or something, but, I mean, you know, the sordid details would not be, you know, good.
And I didn't get that from Roger, it's just well known, okay?
That Roger was his wingman, you know, and the whole nine yards.
And so, just get your buddy out of jail, man.
He didn't do jack crap.
You could expose the whole Mueller fiasco right there.
You can kill two birds with one stone.
It'd be one thing if it hurt Trump politically.
Because I understand some people got a rotten jail and a war, you know, for the greater good.
But this helps Trump.
His base wants it.
It's the right thing to do.
They put him in there to make Trump look bad.
And the man never turned against Trump.
You know they gave Stone offers, right?
I mean, I know the backstory of that.
Stone told him, F you.
Did you know that?
No, I did not know that, but I admire Roger.
I really do.
Listening to him on your show, I came to love the man.
I better get him out of prison.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, God bless you.
Here's the thing, folks.
If he won't get Assange out of jail, do you feel safe?
I'm just telling you.
I'm just telling you.
It's not like he's going to pardon him for being a child molester or something like all those Democrats.
He's about to go to prison for 20 to 50 years for supporting the President and getting him elected.
Roger worked his ass off.
Believe me, I was behind the scenes with him.
I saw what he did.
Alright, I just got some really good news.
I'm printing the article out right now.
I'll cover it as soon as I have it.
But the U.S.
Attorney has requested in a criminal investigation the call logs and emails of Brennan.
And after they be legally spied on members of Congress, Schiff and the rest of them, and after they've been caught lying to Congress, there's no way they're not going to get all that.
And so this is a big deal happening.
And just what I said, I want to see action.
I want to see it now.
I'm done waiting.
I've been going through this with my audience for three plus years, and we're done.
I love the president, but everybody wants action.
Everybody wants action.
We need to see that strength.
And all this criminal activity against the President and America is going to fold like a house of cards.
But if you won't blow on the cards, they're not going to go down.
It's incredible.
By the way, everybody keeps asking what I drink out of these paper cups.
This is coffee.
This is coffee.
And I drink Tapachico and I drink filtered water.
Those damn lies online that I'm drinking vodka or tequila or something.
Total horse crap.
Now sometimes up here at 9 at night we're doing shows, I've had a few drinks.
But not anymore.
I said I'd go to your phone calls and I just got knocked for a...
Tailspin with that news that's coming out of the printer as we speak right now.
There's so much other news.
Without looking, the theme over Christmas was, tell your wife to have sex with other men and let her go out on her own and do it.
Let me tell you something.
If you want to really dominate a woman, you let other men have sex with her in front of you.
But a lot of the times, it's going to have her end up going crazy and breaking up with you anyways.
If you send your wife out to have sex with men and you're not there, let me tell you, you're going to lose that woman.
And why do you think then conservative publications in the US and England told men, send your wife out to have sex with other people?
Tell her, go out and have sex with other people.
By the way, I'm not condoning any of this, okay?
I'm just telling you, I know what I'm talking about.
Not even so much with wives, with girlfriends.
I mean, yeah, I've been promiscuous.
I've repented of it.
And I had so much sex, it got to where it wasn't even fun anymore.
And women can just smell it when you're like that.
It's like, it's a mammal thing.
When you're just going through a whole bunch of women, they just more, more, more, more, more, more.
It's like a mammal thing.
The alpha male gets more women.
But it becomes very empty.
It's not good.
You're with a woman.
You have children.
That's what it's about.
It's a magical union.
But I'm just telling you, for all these men out there that think, oh, my wife doesn't like me, I'll send her out to have sex with other men.
You're telling her, go.
I don't want you.
And she's going to leave you and leave your kids.
Why would they put this crap out?
Because they know, quicker than anything out there, you start swinging with your wife, you're gonna lose her most of the time.
She may act like she likes it at the time, she doesn't like it deep down.
Unless it's the very rare nymphomaniac sex addict.
Maybe 5% actually like that.
You're gonna lose your wife doing that.
Don't do it.
Anybody tells you to go out and do it, they're scum.
But that's like saying don't accelerate at a stop sign without stopping.
It means stop.
Green lights are green lights.
All this leftist cucking is trying to break families up and telling women they're supposed to go out and they're supposed to have sex with other men.
And then you sit there and you put up with it.
And every time these people think they've got it all handled, they get a divorce.
It's stupid.
Now, you want to dominate your wife and do stuff like that, you know, makes them feel worthless.
It's not a good thing.
And that's one of the things in my stack.
I said, go to your phone calls.
It's just that there's a whole stack here of, you know, oh, Christmas is bad.
Don't give out Christmas cards.
The UN said mothers having babies is a bad thing, motherhood is sick.
The Pope says there is no hell, and that migrants should be able to flood Europe, but they don't take one of them in the Vatican.
I mean, it's like they're trying to break records for hypocrisy.
There, I'm ranting.
Alright, Pastor Sam, William, King, Ovik, Terry, Mike, Casey, Howard, Dan, Carlos, we're going to all of you here.
What should be done about Trump?
When are we going to see the indictments?
When are we going to see action taken?
Oh, we can't do it during the impeachment, so they just keep the impeachment going forever.
You can predict where all this goes.
They're always going to have him on the defense until Trump goes on the offense.
Who's been holding longest?
Howard in Pennsylvania, then Pastor Sam and Casey.
Go ahead, Howard.
Yeah, good to talk to you, Alex.
The frustration and your voice is Mimicking the frustration, I think it's all over this country right now because of the inaction of the Justice Department.
I mean, everything you read is all these crimes have been committed and nothing's being done about it.
And we have a lawless governor in Virginia.
It's all going to get brought to a head.
I mean, there's no doubt in my mind that this guy is just a tool.
Yeah, absolutely.
the baby killer in Virginia.
Yeah, Norfolk is totally compromised.
He is a wall-eyed Sally.
I mean, the guy is a joke.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, that's why I'm afraid.
That's my biggest fear right now, is that if nothing is done
on behalf of the patriots in this country, it's going to get done in Virginia.
Well that's right, exactly.
Trump has to shut them down on the offense because they're going to stage false flags.
And coming up on the 20th, they're licking their lips.
Oh, that's another thing.
All over NPR, everywhere they're like, the biggest terror threat is white nationalists.
They attacked in Virginia, they're going to attack again.
So they're priming the pump to stage events.
You know they are.
Well, keep up the good work, Alex.
You're the canary in the coal mine.
We're all praying and rooting for you.
Howard, I love you and I appreciate you holding while I've been babbling.
I'm really pissed off.
Because we can win this thing so easily if Trump just takes action.
But we need direct action politically.
No more games.
Thank you, Howard.
Let's go to Casey in Oklahoma, then Pastor Sam.
Casey, thanks for holding.
Thank you, sir.
Hey, I just don't think people are pissed off enough.
People are mad.
People are fed up.
You know, I'm sick and tired of there being two sets of laws.
One's for the elite Democrats and one's for the regular guy that's out here trying to feed his family, trying to work, and trying to take care of his bill.
I'm done.
Trump said all these things and talked a good talk while he was out on the campaign trail, talking about you'd be locked up when Hillary said that it's a good thing people with his temperament aren't allowed into law enforcement.
We're done waiting.
We're done sitting here on our hands being told next week, next week it's going to happen.
The indictments are coming down.
We're done.
We're done with the talk.
Like you said earlier with what Barr said, let's fish or cut bait.
Let's do it.
We're done waiting.
We're done sitting out here trying to rub two pens together to pay our bills while people out here are making millions and billions off of positions and political offices that they've got and they've given it to their children.
We're done.
I don't know about you guys, But in Oklahoma, the good old boys up here, we're about
We're done with the talk.
We're done with the waiting.
We're gonna make something happen, whether that be good, bad, or in between.
What tyrant has ever given up their power peacefully?
What tyrant has ever walked away without there being bloodshed?
There will be blood, and there's some of us who are ready to shed it.
Well, Casey, I would say that they've gone way past the point of where people
don't have a right to take action physically.
The problem is they've set it up where they make us the villains at that point.
That's why it's critical to put that violence into action politically, viciously in free speech.
You've got a great spirit and great voice there.
And just imagine how much energy you can expend waking people up and letting Trump know that you want action ahead of having to use that type of energy in violence.
They want to start An offensive operation.
You just heard the last caller and he was dead right.
They want to false flag us.
Obviously we'd never target innocent people at a Walmart.
Obviously we wouldn't just target the police.
Obviously, no, no.
I don't want to target anybody, but people like Nancy Pelosi, people like her son, people like Hunter Biden, all these criminals that think they're above the law, thumbing their nose at us.
Why are they the ones that are never the targets of political violence?
Why is it always the church?
Why is it always innocent people?
Because most of it's staged.
It's antifa posing, they've been caught as patriots carrying out violence.
So I hear your anger, Casey, and God bless you, but put that anger into action.
Go to a Trump rally peacefully and just wait till he pauses and then say, pardon Roger Stone, InfoWars.com, and they'll know you're a friendly, they'll agree with you, and then start saying, InfoWars, InfoWars, and I bet the chant gets picked up and that sends a message to everybody.
And it puts a giant target on my back, but hey, it's already so big, just make it 10 times bigger.
Alright, we're going back to your phone calls right now, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go to Pastor Sam in Texas.
You're on the air, sir.
Alex, I'm 90% agreed with where you're at.
I'd like to just throw a few facts on the table.
You know, I believe that the Trump campaign is really trying to alienate some of the very elements that started the movement.
And it's wrong for the Republican Party to try to assimilate all of us when we really need to draw the Republican Party into the reality of the corruption and the two-party duopoly.
Some of the key Hispanic people, people that were heavily criticized in their communities for supporting Trump in his run-up to his election, you know, they don't have any part.
They're on the outside.
They work every day.
They're not getting paid.
One of them is Jen Lowe, who's been on your show many times.
And is a great voice for Hispanic people and Spanish-speaking people that want to support the president.
But there's a real move to pull all of us, and you, and the InfoWar, and all the alternative media that started this movement and got Trump in, to pull us back into the two-party duopoly.
And you're 100% right.
We need to resist that.
One good bit of news I wanted to throw out is that a cabinet-level official was arrested in Dallas very recently.
And this is Garcia Luna, and he is connected.
This was a Mexican official, but he's connected at the highest levels with the FBI, the DOJ, and the CIA.
And all of that is in the Reuters article that came out about Garcia Luna just at the head of this very week.
If you watch the Mexican president at a big parade or something, he's got the head of the army, the head of the navy, and the head of the civil police.
And that's what this guy was, Garcia Luna.
And so it's all come and undone, the connections between high foreign officials and high U.S.
All the names are named in that article of the U.S.
officials that were connected to Garcia Luna and to his private security firm.
And why this is important is, all of these little nations through Latin America, everyone has its own Benghazi.
We've been doing a lot of study on the Merida Initiative.
That's $3 billion so far that's gone into training and weapons, supposedly for the war on drugs, and much of it has gone to build cartels.
And now all of that is unraveling.
George P. Bush, the Texas Land Commissioner, is involved, so the Bush family is right in on it.
And with the arrest of Garcia Luna, I really think that we're going to see more and more names come out.
So I think that... No, I agree.
That's the really good news, is on every front, the deep state is being exposed.
It's in a lot of trouble.
I appreciate your call.
And by the way, I thought that was new news when I was told about it, but it didn't get any coverage.
Even CNN reported on it.
New York Times, John Durham investigating ex-CIA Director John Brennan as part of a review of FBI Russia probe, I heard another US attorney, so,
but so, I mean, we know that, that's good news there.
Even though it's seven day old news.
Let's go to, Carlos called in the other day, but didn't get on air.
So let's go to Carlos, always a good caller in Canada.
Carlos, what do you think we should do about Trump and the deep state?
Thank you, Alex.
As you know, I do analysis of semantics.
And one of the things that I concluded about two months ago was the realization that nothing else matters.
Until November next year.
President Trump will be facing fait accompli.
It will be as big as 9-11.
For about 20 years, people will be talking about how the election was rigged and how the president incumbent was defeated.
And he will be in no position to challenge the figures and the numbers because he has made no effort, obviously, to make sure that there are paper ballots that can be tampered with, that can be counted.
I agree with you.
I think they're suckering everybody in saying, oh look, he's ahead in the polls.
They don't publish those when they don't want to, or they skew them even more.
So the fact that they're running all this trash against him, the fact that Hillary's fluttering around in the background, and the fact that they're saying, oh Trump's invincible now, I believe is the sucker punch.
And they've got Hillary waiting.
They're also trying to remove him.
It's very dangerous.
All I can tell you is the climate is completely out of control.
And if he doesn't remove the deep state, they are going to screw him over and us over big time.
There is no time to remove the deep state in one year.
He must concentrate 100% on making sure that the election is 100% reliable.
Okay, well he's letting Google censor and block everything and game things.
As professor, Epstein is exposed and so he's screwing the pooch on that front.
Yes, sir.
Alex, the next thing is you have, in InfoWars, a great contribution.
You have made it, and that is exposing the Epstein.
There is so much more behind the Epstein that doesn't deal necessarily with the big wigs or with the fact that American women American citizens were being abused and violated.
Their lives destroyed in many ways.
Many of them now dead.
Many of them found to have been eventually drug addicts and real victims.
The point is that you have anticipated, identified, and now exposed, and I believe you really have to keep at this, the Epstein anatomy of a honey trap.
This is going to reveal a lot.
There is an article which is key, and there are three people who know most about it.
Two of them you have already interviewed in the past.
One was Seymour Hersh, and the other one was George Galloway.
The other person who defines and has identified as a principal player in Mossad was Ari Ben-Menash.
Now, Aripen Menashe was the assistant, if you want to call it, his superior, was Rafi Aitan, the number one Mossad official that had handled the operations.
And if you keep looking at this operation over and over, as it operated in America, how the Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton group allowed American military technology to be transferred to the Chinese.
The Falcon management aerial reconnaissance.
The refueling systems, the Sidewinder missile, the Arrow missile, the Thermal Imaging... Everything, everything being transferred.
The MIRV technology, everything.
I appreciate your call.
Great points.
And then we've got this.
Epstein Network still up and operational recruiting young girls.
The big video report is on Infowars.com.
It's got 300,000 views on our platform.
Hey, that's great.
But if we weren't being censored on YouTube, you know, we'd have 3 million by now on average.
Very important report.
Very powerful, and his brother and his former pilot, who was given immunity, are running this thing, still recruiting, still doing the same stuff, and the media knows about this and says, we're not going to report on it.
The girls, the videos, if you want to meet girls like me, that's going on right now.
As soon as we started reporting it, they pulled the website down.
The Guardian mentioned it and said, oh yeah, his former pilot, His brother have a company together, which they tried to deny.
We went and got the corporate documents to prove it all.
There's a great investigator on this.
He wanted to show his face on there, and I said, No, you're still in the middle of this.
Don't show your face and name yet.
And he's got stuff from not these players, but some of the others were.
It's just it's unbelievable, and we're gonna be releasing that, too.
So that's why I'm all fired up and angry.
This is really dangerous stuff.
All right, more of your calls coming up.
I'll get into the big new roller secret too.
All right, we're back live broadcasting worldwide.
We've got to Terry, Mike, Dan, William, King, Ovik, and others.
Toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539 on this live Friday edition.
789-2539 on this live Friday edition.
And I almost feel like I'm being a little whiny bitch complaining about Trump, but I'm
And I've held back too long on this because Trump's for real.
The globalists hate him.
He really is the president.
You see the due process being trampled.
You see him being lied about.
It makes you want to defend him.
I've got some family members who've been Democrats because they were against the drug war and against the police state, and they're classical liberals.
They haven't liked the Democrats for a long time.
But I have family members, pretty close, who are voting Trump.
And they said, the Democrats are too dangerous.
They're basically a terrorist organization.
And they don't think it can ever be a party again.
That's how bad it is.
Now the Labor Party lost almost 40% of its people.
That's the death of their party.
They all went over to the conservatives.
They've not ever had an election where the conservatives went by 50-something percent because there's at least eight different big parties, sometimes even more.
There's dozens of parties, but eight big ones.
So getting a big majority never happens.
The people totally have turned against the globalists.
So you've done your job, listeners, and we've done our job at exposing globalism to an extent.
We forced it out in the open.
They tried to stonewall for decades, say it didn't exist.
Now we're having a real debate.
Should we have an authoritarian, corrupt world government that's anti-family, anti-God?
And you see the poison, saying mothers abort your babies, you'll feel like God.
That's a talking point.
Men, tell your wife on Christmas, go have sex with other men, which they know statistically will break up a marriage faster than anything else.
Everything they're doing is so poison.
And we know they're poison.
But now, we just can't allow them to operate and persecute everybody because that's a crime.
So I really support the President.
Here's the canary in the coal mine.
Richard was like one of the first people to tell me Donald Trump's going to run for office.
That's why he's doing the birth certificate thing.
That's why he's positioned himself.
He was telling me about Oprah Winfrey, interviews with him from the 80s.
And, you know, because Richard's done camera work for me and stuff on the road and doubled as a bus driver.
He's a great commercial driver in the past.
And, I mean, it might have been 2013, 2014, I'd get sick of hearing about Donald Trump.
And how he's going to run for president, how he's going to turn things around, all this.
So, when he has been proven right, has been spot on about how they try to take the delegates, how they try to stop the convention, how they would try to not seat the delegates, he predicted it all.
He exposed what Ted Cruz did.
Against Trump.
This is a smart political guy.
And these are the guys they try to keep out of the inner sanctums of the parties that are just corporate whores and conservative ink.
So when Richard texted me, I guess last Monday, I guess it's like four or five days ago, saying, hey, Trump's really starting to screw us over.
I said, well, come in on Friday and let's talk about it and let's break down what's happening.
So Richard's here.
He's going to host the fourth hour.
And his wife's got something cute she's going to do here at the end of this segment.
I didn't know it was going to happen until just during the break.
Sounds pretty hilarious.
And so we'll just leave it at that.
It involves a very nice and very friendly deaf and blind dog.
But Richard, I want to go to these calls and get them out of the way because they've been holding patiently and I want to respect them.
But thanks for coming in.
Good to see you, buddy.
You're looking good.
Good to see you, Alex.
Richard, you survived that big heart attack a few years ago.
I almost got you.
Hey, man, I'll tell you what.
Thank you for having me on.
What a privilege it is to be on with you on one of these final episodes of The Decade.
It's really an honor, and it's really an honor to get to speak to this audience of Infant Warriors.
Thank y'all very much.
I appreciate y'all's prayers.
I appreciate your prayers, and I appreciate all the prayers from everybody here on the staff that helped get me through that.
Absolutely, brother.
I know it was a really close run in there for a while.
Just briefly, what are some of your beefs with Trump?
We're going to go to calls and get into those later.
Well, the top two biggest beefs are, number one, he hasn't moved to really defend and protect the First Amendment yet.
Although last week you delivered a big nugget of news that should have been almost pretty much a stop the press movement.
I'll come back to that in a second.
But the number two thing is he hadn't addressed election fraud really yet.
And that needs to happen.
We've got the primaries around the corner, Alex.
The primaries are only a month and a half away.
And the primaries are where the New World Order, the Democrats, the RINO Republicans are running circles around us in these primaries.
You've got Bloomberg in 2016, 2018.
Funded to the tunes of like a hundred million dollars, primaries, and you talked about the prosecutors that he's been promoting that have been getting elected that are anti-cop, anti-freedom, etc.
And you've got the same thing with Soros funding primaries.
So these primaries are coming up and that's what we really need to be focused on.
And so Trump has yet to address the election fraud issue.
He needs to probably issue an executive order To mandate hand-counted paper ballots in the precincts in which they're cast and get rid of early vote.
Well, he's an executive order and that's a federal purview.
The states like California and New York can't have illegal aliens wrapped around the block getting driver's license and able to vote.
It's right there in front of us!
Right, so that's what we're upset about.
I mean, I heard some of your callers on the show today that they're upset.
This First Amendment thing, though, let me go back to that because you had a real important guest on last week, Ezra Levant.
Is that right, Leslie?
Ezra Levant.
He cited, in this new USMCA, he cited Article 19.17.
And that was where the First Amendment was included as part of that trade agreement.
He was saying that in Canada, they're not going to be able to censor U.S.-based websites.
So there, boom, right there, that's the first concrete shot that we've heard of that the First Amendment is getting defended.
Before I just heard that today this morning 4 a.m.
I'm listening to podcast I'm driving back from Dallas Fort Worth on my way to the check stop and I hear that and it's boom It's like I was elated because I had not heard Ezra Lamant say that till then I was listening that podcast So it's very exciting, but up till then we had not heard of any defense of the First Amendment So am I steamed about that?
Yes, I'm as steamed up as you are about it I can't show it like you do and have the passion like you do to exhibit it but Absolutely.
It's time.
We need to get on Trump.
We need to get him to move on these things.
You talked about how he has not stopped 5G.
He's not even talked about, oh, well, wait a minute, 5G.
We need to look again and see if this is going to be a dangerous thing for the population.
Well, Israel's outlawed it.
Trump's outlawing the Chinese 5G.
Well, if Chinese 5G is bad, our 5G is bad.
It's the same damn thing.
So that's just another one of those issues.
I mean, he backed away on the vaccine issue.
We need to get back on that.
I mean, right now they're pushing vaccines everywhere.
I'm at the gas pump at the H&M.
Look, now he wants 6G.
Well, and it depends, I guess, on how that could impact our health.
I mean, he has talked about the 6G.
Well, health effects aside, the damn things are meant to get into all the smart devices and basically take everything over.
That's what, it's AI's eyeballs.
Right, the Internet of Things.
Yeah, that's what this is, and it's not a good architecture.
Every grain of sand would have a web or a URL or an IP address.
Right, exactly.
So that's what we got to worry about.
And so we need Trump to really get on guard on that.
And another thing we'd like to see him do is take the reins and be educator in chief.
He should be doing the same things you're doing about waking people up about all these different things.
Yeah, he should be doing, he should be doing.
At least once a week, two-hour fireside chats, and literally sit there with screens, do his own show.
It'll be bigger than all the Fox shows instantly.
But again, his people are keeping him from doing it because they're sabotaging him.
Instead, you gotta go to a three-hour rally to get an hour of information.
We need leadership.
We need it now.
He needs to attack.
311 days.
311 days.
Well, they're out for blood.
They're out to get him, and they're willing to do anything, I think, at this point to take him down.
And people say, oh, well, they keep failing.
You don't want to give him another shot?
How many damn shots?
It's like somebody's shooting at you.
Oh, you just missed me five times.
Nanny, nanny, shoot me again.
Well, it has been like a Roadrunner cartoon.
I call him the Roadrunner president.
It has been like Wile E. Coyote shoots the rock.
Lands on his head?
And the Democrats are the coyotes and they keep launching that, you know, that catapulted rock.
And they keep lighting up a stick of dynamite.
It keeps blowing up into their face.
But, man, I had... As much fun as that is, though, we've got the coyotes eating our guts out over here.
Yeah, exactly.
And I know the impact on you has just been devastating.
So, uh... Well, it's alright.
The point is, is that...
Other people run when they get put under the pressure.
We don't.
But other people, I've talked to behind the scenes, they just give up.
Because, I mean, they're going after tens of thousands of people, folks, harassing them.
If you're prominent in any way and support Trump, they harass the living snot out of you with mafia tactics.
It's time that they get their asses handed to them.
A lot of really good things are happening, and Trump has done some amazing things.
But if he doesn't move against the election fraud, which top scientists and others have exposed, Then they're going to steal it from him, no matter how big the landslide.
Richard Reeves is here.
I want to get through your calls.
He'll be hosting the fourth hour.
I'm going to ride shotgun with him for part of that.
Got a lot of important stuff behind the scenes that I'll be doing the fourth hour.
But I want Richard to have a chance as well.
He does a fabulous job.
Richard Reeves here with us.
Let's go ahead and go to Terry in Minnesota.
Terry, you're on the air.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Hi Richard.
Alex, I got something to tell you and I hope you'll listen up.
I've talked to you and most of your crew.
Over there.
It's an awesome crew.
You've been asking for a long time.
What's next?
We're going to tell you what's coming next, Alex.
And it's this.
Basically, the information that you have possessed and you have amassed, you know this stuff, what I'm about to tell you, but you haven't put it together yet.
The hammer you're looking for is God, and you need to get God off the bench and back in the game.
And I don't mean give him lip service, and I'm not talking down to you, Alex, OK?
We're the elect of God.
We're not better than anybody else.
We've got the key of David, which you are missing.
You're just missing a few basic understandings to pull all these threads together, because you are in the fig tree generation, Alex, and it started in 1948, and we are deep into it.
There's not a lot of time left.
The whole Second Earth Age flesh is coming to a screaming halt.
Trump has been compromised.
Everyone who gets this up, the power thing, is compromised.
The Kinnites, if you don't know who the Kinnites are, the Kinnite Terrors, those are Satan's kids' offspring.
They run the Second Earth Age.
That's why Trump is... Trump knew a lot of this, Alex, going into the game, before he even became president.
He watched it, he saw it, he understood it at some point.
But God puts you behind that microphone, Alex, and you absolutely know what's going on, but like I said, that light bulb has
not gone off yet.
You know, it's funny you talk about tribes and groups of people and bloodlines and all
that because that's part of the big New World Order secret is, and you can debate groups
and organizations, but if you go back to the beginning of the Renaissance 500 years ago,
Sir Francis Bacon and other people like that.
There was a plan to try to build a pro-human future.
And people go, oh that's satanic or whatever.
But really you had the church and other things that have been fully compromised.
We're trying to build an anti-human future.
And then God works in mysterious ways.
You have people that wanted to have North America.
Be the new Atlantis, as they were going to call it.
And then he gets into Rosicrucianism and all these different groups.
But the whole point is, is that there's even the establishment thinks there's two competing groups and organizations.
One that wants to destroy humanity and transcend it, as they call it.
Another that's pro-human.
The United States set up this whole new world order system and then it's to be betrayed and shut down in the end.
But then there's one argument that it was actually set up and then the U.S.
would betray the globalists and then turn it around at the end.
But they don't actually want that to happen.
And I'm saying to just people in the system, why would you shred America?
Why would you destroy it?
Why would you destroy families?
That's joining with pure evil.
Most globalists are taught that they're selling out America to empower the third world and like, you know, give them a blood transfusion.
That's not what's happening.
We're being taken down just like they are.
That's the big, you know, lie is that, oh, we're doing this for a greater good.
Globalism must be abandoned at every level.
Every permutation of it is bad.
The whole thing is satanic.
With the Chai Khams as the model, a world government, Mark of the Beast, it's all being announced.
And so...
It really does come down to, though, some people are never going to wake up just because it's not what they resonate with spiritually.
But to say Trump is compromised, they legitimately don't like Trump.
A major part of the power structure does not want him in there.
That's why they're freaking out.
The question is, what is it he's doing that upsets them so bad?
He's actually trying to be the president.
Now, could it be that then in his second term he does a bunch of evil stuff?
That could be.
I don't think any of us should be naive about this.
Especially because he hasn't taken out the deep state.
So, I appreciate your call.
Richard Reeves?
Well, Alex, I share this caller's frustration.
I mean, that's why you had me on.
It's because I'm upset with Trump.
I'm frustrated with Trump.
He's done a lot of great things.
He's done a lot of marvelous things.
But about four weeks ago, I had this little feeling.
I had this feeling.
I was, I started feeling a little bit like I was a Mark at a WWE wrestling match.
And that's what we need to watch out for.
That, you know, hey, you got the good guys and the bad guys that are going on it.
Behind the scenes Hulk Hogan and the Iron Shaker drinking beer.
I got that feeling.
That's what we need to watch out for.
I don't think that's the reality, but for whatever reason, man, it just hit me.
And it's like, alright.
Yeah, I don't think they're definitely rigging it between the sides, but Trump's Letting us get abused and all this.
Because look, News Corp wrote an article two years ago saying Alex Jones will soon be off the air.
It was a big, big headline.
I forget the exact headline, but it was in there.
I covered it a lot.
Others linked to it.
Take off your tinfoil hat, Alex Jones.
YouTube's about to ban you was another article written about that article.
You can find a link in that one.
But they said in there that once we get rid of Alex Jones and Julian Assange, and once people accept They're being censored.
All the dominoes will fall.
And corporate America, that can't compete with the internet, will be dominant again.
And that News Corp is going to be super profitable, so be sure and invest in us.
And they were splitting the company right then.
So this was a real article to the establishment about what was going to happen.
I'm reading it, and damn it, it came true!
Okay, so that's why News Corp is anti-Trump.
That's all because America is supposed to get sold out and the speech is supposed to be gotten rid of.
So if Trump isn't blocking that, this isn't about, oh, they're private companies.
This is directed companies based overseas, literally targeting whole groups of Americans, shutting down all of our speech in a coordinated racketeering operation.
And so if Trump doesn't act on this, he knows what's going on.
He understands they're undercutting him.
He understands they're screwing him over.
He understands that they're not sending out voter notices to conservatives.
So I ask again, why the hell is he doing it?
Because the Republican think tanks, as Tucker Carlson exposed last Friday, have totally sold everyone out.
And this is part of a larger corporate plan.
And the Democrats are just one system in this larger system.
Maybe Trump's not sophisticated enough to beat these people.
But my God, they're traipsing around admitting what they're doing!
And the News Corps is trying to take him down right now!
And he puts up with it!
My God!
Well, and that's why I'm frustrated because it's like... Sometimes the way they get the good guy over in wrestling is the good guy lays down on the mat and the bad guy jumps off the top rope repeatedly on him.
And unfortunately we're seeing Trump getting jumped on from the top rope repeatedly right now.
And I can say from here though, this isn't fake leg wrestling.
Because when they jump on him, they're jumping on me.
No, I know.
That's just it.
They are jumping on you.
And I totally understand.
That's why I'm upset.
Because how long have you been blocked on YouTube now?
Richard, I haven't hung out in a while.
I mean, I don't talk about it on air.
They're running intelligence operations.
I mean, it's intense.
And, you know, it's just, they're criminals.
I'm gonna explain it again.
They're doing it... Oh, oh, oh!
We have a special guest in here, and we've got your lovely wife in here, Catherine, a friend of many years, and somebody I've known for a long time.
How old is Bella?
She's about 12 years old.
Yeah, about 12 years old and Bella's just entered the building here.
Bella has entered the building.
I need to talk to you.
I need to talk to you.
Think of how many times we hiked up the Hill of Life with Bella.
That's right, she's been on a lot of road trips with us.
Yeah, road trip.
Did we take Bella to the DNC that time?
She's been on some road trips with us.
She's been on road trips, but I remember Captain.
She's blind and deaf, right?
Yeah, well she can still hear, but she's totally blind.
Here Bella, come off of the camera.
That is a hate-filled white supremacist animal.
You know, this is supposed to be one of the dogs, the type of dogs that came over on the Mayflower.
So she's a total Info Warrior.
She's an Info Warrior, Americana dog.
And she loves InfoWars store, I'll tell you that much.
And so do we at the house.
I had none of plug this out.
I did not know this was planned.
I heard there was a dog with a cape.
And I said to the producer, I said, is it called Bella?
I haven't seen Bella in a while.
Bella and I, we probably hiked a good...
50 miles with this dog.
Probably so.
Yeah, back then she could really see and she loved... Remember how she loved to run?
She still wants to run, but poor thing can't run like she used to.
Well, she's probably still alive just because of all that hiking, though.
Yeah, exactly.
And the running.
But anyway, when you brought those llamas in a while back...
That kind of inspired me.
I thought, well, you know, we got this little outfit for Bella, so we ought to bring her on in here.
Well, we asked President Trump, please don't betray Bella here.
That's right.
Save the country.
Don't let her jump off the thing.
Save the country and save the planet for Bella.
We don't want America to, like, blindly go off the edge of a cliff like Lemmings.
No, exactly.
Well, I got her.
I got a hold of her little harness here, but anyway.
Big time Trump supporter, Ben.
Am I frustrated?
Frustrated with the inactivity on the First Amendment.
But you know what?
That was a stop the presses moment last Wednesday when you had Ezra on.
It is in the new big internet bill and big trade deal that we're not going to acknowledge any of the censorship of the E.E.
or Canada.
But let's see that implemented.
He signed an executive order that says universities can't censor.
It's still going on.
It should go not just Canada and Mexico, etc.
It should go planetary wide.
First Amendment.
I don't think she hears too good last time I saw her.
I got a treat.
I got a treat.
Alright, we're going to come back and take calls with Richard Reeves.
It's good seeing Bella.
Racist, right-wing, supremacist dog.
I really appreciate Dan and Mike and William and King Overick holding.
Everybody has called in, Richard, and said we're pissed.
We want action.
And I'm not going to hold my breath for what's happening with John Durham, but they have open criminal investigations into these people and they've already had the Deputy Attorney General, you know, they asked him three months ago, hey, We've been hearing about indictments for a couple years now and waiting, waiting, waiting.
That's just another sore topic right there.
that's confirmed but it just nothing happens. Right. That's on McCabe. So we've
been hearing about indictments for a couple years now and waiting waiting
waiting that's just another sore topic right there. I just heard Bob Barr on a
taped interview talking about or the Attorney General he was talking about
that well there was no Russian collusion by the Trump campaign or anybody
involved with Trump but there was no American involved in Russian Trump you
I'm like, wait a minute, you know, we've talked about- The Clintons.
The Clintons, you know, are up to their neck in Russian collusion, so I'm worried about Attorney General Barr wearing Never Trump underwear.
I mean- Well, it's such an upside down world where Pelosi's son's involved with the energy company, shows all of them, and then Trump's the bad guy?
And then we can't get them indicted, but the president's been indicted in the House?
That's what impeachment is.
It's like, no!
I'm not settling for this crap!
And I'm glad you just brought up the name Pelosi, because I was talking about how that we've been not active enough in the primaries.
The primary elections are the weakest link in trying to vote in good candidates and vote out He said, you know what, candidates, Pelosi is up for her primary.
She's got challengers in her district.
Is a Republican ever going to win in her district?
Probably not.
The place for her to be unelected, the place for her to be fired by the people is in the primary.
She's got primary challengers.
She's got three or four primary challengers.
And I'll tell you what, I think there's probably enough Democrats upset.
You've got a lot of Bernie Sanders people in that group.
You're going to be taking over soon.
We're going to take over soon and talk about that.
Mike in North Carolina, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Look at that face.
Good to get through to you, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Thanks for holding.
I really appreciate you and I hope you had a good Christmas.
Yes, I did.
I hope you did, too.
Yeah, so that makes me a long-time listener and first-time caller.
But I got to say, I agree with you 100% on Trump's actions that need to be taken to stop this infringement of our rights.
That is probably one of the worst things we're facing right now.
I mean, I know the Democrats are acting pretty crazy, but I think he should have the majority of them arrested and tried for treason for the actions they're doing, trying to overthrow a duly elected president and trying to take away the rights of the American people, staring up The decision amongst the people, you know, that's just not right.
That's that's to me treasonous acts.
And then CNN said that the guy wasn't a monster that shot Scalise.
They said that he was angry about corruption.
That was Wolf Blitzer.
How would Wolf Blitzer feel?
I don't want this to happen if somebody walked up and shot him.
And then said, by the way, I'm not a monster, whoever shoots him.
I mean, these people, they know they're politically losing, so they're starting fights with us.
So it's the executive branch's job to not let them try to start these fights and abuse us.
Because if the President and the Justice Department don't act, they're helping them.
Does that make sense?
No, exactly.
It's like I said, the good guys laying on the mat and having the bad guy jump off the top rope on them repeatedly.
It's really frustrating.
And Alex, I know you're about to depart here in a little bit.
No, we're going to keep going.
Take this call.
Okay, good deal.
Well, Mike, God bless you.
What do you think Trump needs to do just in 30 seconds?
Well, I think first of all he needs to get rid of all that Deep State stuff.
He needs to shut down the C-I-N-E-F-E-R.
And probably the Federal Reserve.
I mean, they're illegal anyhow.
I mean, I'll tell you this.
We don't need those folks at the Federal Reserve.
It's privately owned.
You're absolutely right.
And as for the CIA, it needs to be abolished.
It needs to be absolutely thrown in the wind, as many a president has said, because it is an anti-American institution run by a bunch of leftists at the top.
That doesn't count for the military people that actually do the HUMET, but those are good people.
We'll be right back.
We're taking your calls here.
Richard Reeves, my good friend and a smart guy, is going to take over.
Because he'll never get a word in edgewise if I stay here.
I've got a lot to do behind the scenes.
I'll be working throughout this weekend.
I'll be back this Sunday, Lord willing, live in studio.
4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Only way the word gets out is you.
You are fantastic.
Let's take a few calls and then you want to run something by me, you were saying.
Let's go to King Ovik and then William and Dan.
King Ovik.
That's a cool name.
How did you get the name King Ovik?
Well, I'm just a little bitty king.
My king is up in heaven, but yippee-yi-yay for InfoWars.
My brother, I got two things to tell you.
President Trump, not with a non-action, that is an action.
So then right there, you could actually go ahead and give him the misprison or the dereliction of duty that everybody else in Congress suffers from.
So then the second thing, I would suggest that the most trusted person, other than Jared Kushner, take a platoon of Marines, go to the DOJ, go to the assistant DOJ's desk, and go through every stack of paper that's there and flush out the indictments that are being hid.
They're being sat on.
Pick them up and take them and bring them up to the POTUS and let him review it and see what's really going on.
Because all they're doing is they're sitting on the paperwork.
You're absolutely right, and I'm glad you called, King Ovik, because that reminds me of this little clip.
Here is Giuliani on Glenn Beck saying, give him two prosecutors and he can indict them.
And he's absolutely right.
I mean, this is open and shut with Biden bragging how he said, I'll hold a billion dollars back if you don't fire the prosecutor.
Investigate my son, and son of a bitch, he got fired that day.
Here it is.
That this will come out, that these people will be judged.
And not in some half way.
Well, I'm going to try until I die, so they better kill me.
I mean, there's no way they shouldn't be prosecuted.
This should be in a federal court.
I know federal courts.
I know federal courts better than anybody.
I will be completely immodest and say I was the most successful U.S.
Attorney in the last 50 years.
These are out-and-out crimes.
If anybody's afraid of prosecuting them, you make me the special prosecutor.
With two people and not $35 million, I'll prosecute every single one of them myself.
And again, folks, Giuliani absolutely knows where the bodies are buried, and he says take the gloves off.
And that's why, notice a few months ago, Biden's campaign said stop letting him on air.
He's fake news.
And now you don't see Giuliani anywhere except maybe Fox Business and on Glenn Beck, because the left has so much power, they can say who can go on TV.
It's really encouraging to see Giuliani talking that way.
One of the suggestions I was going to make is that Robert Barnes has come on here and done such a knock-down job over the last few months that he needs to be connected with Trump.
You know, just like Infowars needs to be.
I mean, he is.
He goes up there.
Well, good.
He needs to be connected because he's one of the most brilliant constitutionalist attorneys on the planet.
And he needs to be up there helping Giuliani and Trump and whoever else on the legal team.
I agree.
We should all go up there with Barnes and D.C.
We gotta make a D.C.
trip soon.
All right, let's go to Dan in Louisiana.
Dan, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to the Full Wars family and all us patriots out there.
Back at you.
We're definitely welcome, sir.
We're definitely in this together.
First, I would like to give a A good word to Nathan Iredon.
I'm the grandfather of three beautiful grandkids.
My daughter just had recently, once four, once three, and the baby is a year and seven months.
And her doctor asked Paris, what are you doing?
Paris gave a whole regiment and told us that I had her taken to Nathan Iredon while she was pregnant.
And the doctor told her it was one of the top three pregnancies she had ever seen.
And then my daughter had my other two grandchildren follow on that.
The doctor was just blown away at how unbelievably healthy my daughter was.
And you should see my grandkids, how blessed we are.
They're so happy and healthy.
I just want to thank InfoWars because I know for sure that the iodine had a lot to do with
it, no doubt.
Well, even the UN has to admit that the biggest result of burnt defects, low IQs, and other
cognitive problems.
The leading cause of mental disability on earth is iodine.
Even Encyclopedia Britannica, Club Med, and then they're taking it out of everything and putting the bad one, fluoride in, bromide, bromine, that whole class.
It's magic.
People ask, Alex, I mean, look, I still eat ice cream, I still have cake, pie, I love it, okay?
And people say, how have you lost so much weight?
Why is your skin so good?
I wasn't tanning before when I'd get out in the sun, before I got on iodine eight years ago, okay?
And then now, I'm like, wait, I only take this like every few weeks.
I keep forgetting, I'm gonna take it every other day.
You gotta be careful that it's powerful, folks.
And it literally makes me like a caveman.
I've got so much energy.
My libido, I don't want to get specific, but let's just say this.
Let's just say this, that in the morning, it's like I'm 16 years old, okay?
I mean, I've got the same stuff I had when I was 16.
Nobody I know at 45 is like that unless they're on iodine.
It runs everything.
I mean, it's incredible.
Well, you and I have been on the discovery of the iodine thing since about 2011, 2012.
I remember we talked about it way back then when I had an office over there in that green room.
And absolutely, I'm taking Survival Shield and other InfoWars store products as well.
So I recommend everybody get on AutoShift as well.
I mean, look.
Rx2, Rx3, two different types of iodine, but both have deep-earth crystals in it.
The other one has two other types.
Some people, it helps them upload it better, and it's not as strong on purpose, okay?
So, X3, it's not a cost thing, it's not as strong.
It's a different formula, because when you put all three types together, it makes it stronger and uploads different to the cells.
That's like, degreed scientists developed this, so I don't get all the metabolic stuff, but believe me, there's a reason we have X3.
X2 is better for some people, X3 is better for others.
People say, "Why do you have two types?"
Because there's different metabolic systems.
And we're looking at maybe another type, because again, people are different.
People say, "Well, why do you have supermobility, but then you've got X3?"
know another product Alpha Power which is similar because one is cold
pressed and not as strong but metabolically is stronger but cost more.
The other is high quality dried herbs that cost us less and is much stronger
statistically but probably not actually as strong but some people get a better
result from that than they get with that. It's apples and oranges but I'm sorry sir.
Go ahead and make your point Dan.
I'm enjoying listening because I couldn't agree more, and I really wanted to take the time.
All you pregnant ladies out there, I wish my daughter could have made this call.
Man, if you hear how excited my daughter is when she talks about it, because it's her beautiful little children, man.
I mean, you can imagine how she feels.
And my little grandkids are so smart.
The baby's a year and seven months.
His other papa is from Guatemala.
He already knows words in Spanish, English, colors, everything.
Oh, people ask me what's going on with my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter who sings hundreds of songs, has full conversations with people, and people are like, is this a joke?
And it's like, no, that's what she takes, the children's fish oil, and then she takes iodine.
But again, you've got to be careful with it, folks.
This is the real deal.
So consult a physician, check with folks.
We're not selling placebos here.
And some people, if you've already got a messed up thyroid or something, It's kind of like a car that's had bad gas forever and suddenly you put like 99 octane in it, it could, you know, cause some issues.
So, consult your physician.
You wanted to comment, I'll do the next segment too, you wanted to comment, Dan, about something else as well, taking the gloves off?
Yeah, I mean, I totally wholeheartedly support President Trump, but I mean, what we're up against, it's a massive All the way on the local level.
I'm in FEMA Region 6 right here, just south of New Orleans, in a parish called St.
Bernard Parish.
My friend's son comes over to my apartment yesterday, and I'm watching them for wars, and he's like, Mr. Dan, I thought Trump was the bad guy.
I'm like, what?
I'm like, no, you Dan person refineries like I do, man.
Let me tell you, all of my friends at work, black friends, white friends, Asian friends, Spanish friends, everybody, they all love Trump.
Everybody's voting for Trump.
It is not even about race.
It's a hard-working American citizen who has relatives, fathers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, whoever, who fought and died for this country or fought and served this country with honor.
Dan, stay there.
You're on fire.
Richard, you're cool.
You'll have two segments.
You're cool.
Dan, stay there.
I'm going to finish up with you and then with William because I love these calls.
You've been holding.
I'm going to stay here for you.
And I mean that.
My biggest frustration is...
Not getting everything done.
I want to get done, but also taking calls and making you holds.
We got so many phone lines, but I'm getting better.
That's my promise of the new year is to just be more hardcore, do even more shows, more investigative reports, more reporters in the field.
If you'll just spread the word and buy the products, I guarantee you we're not going to let you down as long as God shines upon this enterprise.
And I think with your prayers, that's going to happen.
Richard Reeves rides shotgun.
Whatever you do, spread the link band dot video.
All right, Richard Reeves takes over for two segments here in a moment.
And then Owen Schroer.
To re-broadcast.
He deserves the time off, but he'll be back.
Man, aren't you proud, Alex Troyer?
It just happened by happenstance.
I was in St.
Louis when that happened with the guys.
You effing white male, you know, and all that stuff happened in that trip.
Oh, the famous Pearl the Cuck.
Yeah, Carl the Cuck and Age Skrillex were up there, and I was up there reporting.
And I remember telling my cameraman that went with me, he said he wanted me to make some videos.
Richard, let's cut some videos, let's do some stuff.
I said, no, why don't you just go out and float around the crowd and see what shots you can get.
And hallelujah.
I forgot you were involved in Age Skrillex.
I was involved in that.
Yeah, we were over there watching it and my cameraman was filming it all and got it.
Richard, I forgot you did that.
Richard's been there at so many badass points.
Well, I'll tell you what, it's weird because it's like our flight, we were going to go to Ohio, was the next stop.
And we were traveling, we were doing a connection in Chicago, our flight was doing a connection, and that was the very night that Trump was doing a Chicago event that got cancelled by Antifa, which is another reason that I'm upset with Trump, is here we are, an event cancelled in 2016, Trump knows about Antifa, why is Antifa still even doing their thing?
Why has not a special person been Issued the task of busting out... Oh, we need a task force just like we have for MS-13 for Antifa, and they're funded by Soros and we'll get hit the kingpin!
I mean, why was Al Capone allowed to do stuff?
And why are we sitting here openly knowing that Soros is one of the biggest, baddest guys on the planet, and we talk about it, it gets talked about on Fox, it gets talked about in so many places, yet it's like, okay, Dr. Evil just gets away and does whatever he wants.
Now, Alex, I know you're fixing to cut out.
I want to get this important thought.
Let's finish with Dan and William.
We've got to go to Dan and William.
We're going to do it.
Dan, Dan, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
You're talking about everybody of different race, color, and creeds coming together, because I think the left's jumped the shark saying Trump supporters are racist.
And so many people have seen through that.
It's really backfired on them.
That's what makes the left so dangerous right now, though, is that they know they're losing the narrative and are in panic mode.
That's why I'm so concerned, is because they're like a cornered rat.
What do you think, Dan?
I couldn't agree more.
They see us becoming a cohesive unit.
They see us coming together as patriots of our American family, as a team.
We are doing what our forefathers intended for us to do.
And that's why I don't want to be too critical of Trump and have people go do big stunts at the events to get his attention, because that could spin out of control.
The media could drive a wedge.
So how do we balance that?
Well, I mean, I really don't have the solution to that, Alex.
I like what everybody's been saying about just taking action, but at a low impact, like making yourself seen.
But like you said just now, not enough to give the media food for all this dissension amongst the Trump ranks or anything like that.
I truly, personally hope that Donald Trump is just waiting, giving them all the room they need to hang themselves, and building information and collecting data and investigating them, and then as it gets closer to the election, then drops the hammer on them so they don't even have time to scramble and come up with some alternative... Well, that's the old thing that Napoleon said, don't interrupt your enemy when they're destroying themselves.
Dan, I hope you're right.
God bless you.
William, Michigan.
Last call, then Richard Griefs takes over.
Go ahead and thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, how are you guys doing?
Good, Rob.
Thank you for taking my call.
I just wanted to say that I think we're headed in two different possible outcomes, where you have the outcome where he doesn't, because they have been talking a lot, and nothing's getting done, as everyone's been talking about.
And I think that if he doesn't act and he doesn't get them locked up, based on all the open crimes that they've done, that we're going to go to war against China, but we're going to go while we're simultaneously having a civil war.
Or he gets them locked up, accountability is restored, and then we unify as a country, and then we go to war against China as a unified country, where we're not going to lose that one.
Well, that's why I said the left literally is on the side of the shycoms.
And the shycoms are funding all this Netflix stuff.
You turn it on, it's like race war, families breaking up, America sucks.
A foreign authoritarian enemy is literally running that and bragging about it.
The Washington Post says, oh, Xi Jinping, please destroy Trump for us.
What the hell?
And then they say Trump works for foreign powers?
No, exactly.
That's crazy.
I mean, since when do Americans put up with crap like that?
Since never, especially us.
Plenty of Americans are.
I think that one of Trump's best things that he can do to prevent war with China is inculcate those God-given rights, the first 10 Bill of Rights, into the trade deals with China.
I totally agree.
We need to say it's ideological.
We only do free trade with countries that aren't authoritarian, just like with North Korea, we don't do trade with them.
I don't think we cut off trade with China, but the less God-given rights China has, the higher your tariffs.
The worse trade deals you have, the higher your tariffs.
We need to have a moral standard.
Lower tariffs?
More God-given rights, lower tariffs.
By the way, Trump's talking about doing that.
That's great.
Well, I'll tell you what, that's how we could get into China as far as bringing them rights.
Why do we support slave labor in China?
Let's quit that.
I mean, they're talking about slave reparations for things that happened decades and decades and decades ago here in this country.
Well, I'll tell you what, let's start caring about the slaves that are going on right now.
And that brings me to the point... By the way, Trump just said he and Xi are now going to sign a deal.
That just broke.
Thank you, William.
Thank you and God bless you, sir.
Great points.
And what I wanted to mention is before you leave, I know you've got to cut out, you've got a lot of work to do, but why does our flag only have 50 stars?
You know, recently it came out in the news two or three months ago that Trump was looking at buying Greenland or whatever, and of course, you know, now the home country or whatever is probably not going to want to sell it.
Well, hell, why don't we just go ahead and do an expansionist effort and potentially make Bring in other states of the union all over the planet.
You know, in... No, I agree.
Because people want us to actually sign on with us.
And if you're not expanding, you're contracting.
Instead of the Chi-Coms just taking people over, how about we say, hey, you want to sign on, bring them in that way.
We could have a hundred stars... Well, that's what globalists are doing.
They're rallying populations, not even for their own interests, but against America.
We should be rallying nations for everybody.
That was the big secret of the New World Order is, they sold it as that, but then it wasn't what it was.
Trump can take the whole New World Order over now, make it ideological, and people will want to join it without being made to.
There's no reason why we can't have 100 stars in that blue field.
I think that we just have to highly vet countries.
We should approach countries that are most like ours, that the people are ready.
I mean, what about... Because if we don't, it's going to be the shycomps.
People don't understand there's competing ideas here.
People need to get with the program.
I mean, Hong Kong could be a 51st state.
Those people are ready.
And there's hard-working and smart.
We want those people.
Every time, look, I think about the people in Hong Kong waving American flags, pledging... No, I agree.
Why is the United States geographic?
Why is even... No, we need to expand.
Or we're going to contract.
51st state is the moon.
Well, maybe so.
China just declared they own the moon last month.
Maybe 51st state's the moon, but 52nd state, Hong Kong.
Mars, 52nd state.
I think we need 100 stars on that flag.
I think, you know, we keep talking about 1776 worldwide.
This is it.
This is it.
We're either going to do 1776 worldwide.
Well there we go, exactly.
And again, it's like Lord Mocton says, we could have like a 1776 League of Nations, but not the globalist one, where it's real nations there, unilaterally, bilaterally working together, and it's all out in the open.
Right, and all these new states could have an out clause like Texas has.
Texas could secede from the Union if the Union goes astray and gets lost.
53rd state, asteroid belt.
There we go.
Asteroid belt and you name it, the whole galaxy.
Well, used to it was where it said go across the Atlantic.
Now we do it all the time.
Just gotta claim the whole thing.
There we go.
Somebody else is.
Well, we can do it right back.
Richard Reeves is taking over InfoWars.com.
All right, folks.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Richard Reeves, and I'm going to be hosting this last two segments of the show today, and I want to really thank Alex for putting me in this seat.
I never dreamed that I'd be here, right here, one of these closing shows before the end of the decade, so it's totally a treat to be here.
Now, one of the things that We want to cover here of many things is what we just got through talking about with Alex just a little while ago saying why do we only have 50 stars on the US flag?
It's time to go expansionist and Donald Trump is just the guy to make that happen.
He's the negotiator.
He's the real estate guy.
He can get these negotiations done and get us more countries to become states, of course, the key is they have
to be vetted. We want the ideology to be there. We want people that are ready to be
Americans. We want people like that are in Hong Kong and are pledging allegiance to our flag and loving our flag and
ready to take on the
outfit of being an American, ready to appreciate the First Amendment, ready to appreciate the Second Amendment and all
the God-given rights we have in this country.
So that's just part of what I wanted to talk about.
But another thing I want to talk about is getting Trump re-elected.
And one of the things that the Democrats really lack right now is that they don't really have any great ideas.
Their main idea, their main thrust and viewpoint at this point is hate Trump, impeach Trump, dog Trump all
they can and take him down all they can.
And so they're really in a dearth and a lack of ideas.
And I think Trump, you know, he talked about buying Greenland a while back.
Well, I think what we need to do is actually get Trump to do a water project as well.
And what I mean by that is, we have lack of water all over the United States.
Maybe we can even get a map of where there are projected water shortages in our country as well as the world.
Water is going to be potentially a huge problem and I know we've had The guest host from Alaska come on occasionally that talks about all the resources that Alaska has.
One of the projects, you know, Trump wants to be the greatest jobs president ever.
One of these projects he could take on would be to bring water from Alaska and make a deal with Canada.
There we go.
There's a map of all the water issues.
You've got in light blue there the southwest part of the United States.
You've got Mexico.
down there. Think of the issues with Mexico City. You've got more people in
Mexico City than you have in New York. We should pipe in water from Alaska and
northern Canada, make an agreement with Canada, pipe it into all the different
regions of the United States that need it. You need the West Coast, you've got
all the agriculture there in California that needs it.
You've got all the people in California need it.
You could pipe it into the headwaters of the Colorado River there in Colorado.
We could pipe it in all the way into the Panhandle of Texas, pipe it into the Great Lakes, you name it, and bring in sufficient pipelines of water to actually sell water to Mexico.
I think The ability to sell water to Mexico would probably pay for a huge portion of the cost of the project.
And one of the things that inspired me to kind of be thinking about that type of thing is that down in San Antonio, you have the Riverwalk, and maybe we can get some images of the Riverwalk.
They, decades and decades ago, invested a small amount of money, you know, probably on the order of maybe a few million dollars, in creating and building the Riverwalk down in San Antonio.
And that's the kind of projects that I believe in, or projects that It takes government money to do it, but they have a huge return.
There's a good view, a good shot of the Riverwalk.
Many of you, I'm sure, have visited there and know exactly where that is.
And it's turned out to be a huge, huge revenue producer for the city of San Antonio.
There's hotels.
There's probably 20, 25, maybe even 30 hotels that line the Riverwalk and all the tax dollars generated.
So basically for a few million dollars, they've created a multi-million, if not even billion dollar business there and revenue stream with the Riverwalk.
So we should do similar projects like that and a water project where we're getting water to the United States and even all the way down to Mexico.
would be a huge jobs project. It would be a small amount of investment for a huge amount of return.
One of the other things that Trump could do for jobs is refineries.
We had not had any new refineries in the United States up until recently.
Only in the last four or five years have new refineries started to be built.
But before that, there had not been any new refineries for oil and gas and gasoline, diesel, etc.
There had not been any new refineries built since the 70s.
Now think about this.
Think of all the population growth we've had.
Think of all the extra miles and roads that we've had built since the 70s because You've got the population growth and cities expanding.
Texas cities have expanded.
San Antonio's expanded.
Houston's expanded.
Texas is just blowing up, getting bigger and bigger and bigger.
And yet there were hardly no new refineries built.
Are you kidding me?
So Trump should get involved.
Here we go.
There's the article right there.
No new refineries since the 70s, but capacity has grown.
And fine.
That's fine.
The capacities have grown.
But think about it.
Every time there's a hurricane, You know, just the talk of a hurricane hitting somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Mississippi River Valley, that can spike up gasoline 20 cents a gallon nationwide and it takes potentially months and months, maybe even a year for prices to return to normal.
And heaven forbid, that's not even, they don't even have to get hit.
Even the refineries don't even have to get hit in that circumstance to spike up gas prices.
And if they do get hit and taken offline, then gas prices go up even more.
So we've seen those incidents happen in 2005 and 2008.
And that really is a national security issue, not having more refinery capacity up until sometime technology overwhelms us and we get some really good new Alternative energy, which that's not right on the horizon right now.
Maybe it is down the road somewhere along the line.
But for now, gasoline, diesel, oil are what runs our economy for now.
So we need to see more new refineries and that would be huge, huge jobs.
That would be more pipeline jobs for running gas and diesel through around the state and around the country.
And another big issue, and I know David Nights talked about this some, but there have been rumors for many, many years now that there's a way to remediate the nuclear waste that's out there.
If anybody can find out, it should be Donald Trump.
Donald Trump, we need you to find out are these rumors true about the ability to remediate nuclear waste because we've got nuclear catastrophes all over the United States that unfortunately could happen at any time right now because the waste is just sitting there on site at these nuclear plants and not being dealt with.
So it is really A crisis waiting to happen and you talk about jobs.
Is this technology?
President Trump, if this technology to remediate nuclear waste does exist, we need it to come online and we need it to go into action, and there's plenty of jobs that are created there.
And if it does not exist, if it does not exist, then start a Manhattan-style project.
The Manhattan Project that was used to create the nuclear bomb way back in the 30s and 40s, 1930s, 1940s, well, we need a Manhattan-style level project to go into effect to create the means by which we can remediate nuclear waste, not just here in the United States, but ultimately around the world.
So there's another big jobs project there.
So with another thing that Trump could do, Is to expedite immigrations for certain key individuals around the planet.
Bring in business people.
You know, they keep criticizing Trump that, oh, he's anti-immigration and he's a racist, etc.
And of course, InfoWarriors, we fall into that same category of being targeted about that.
But bring in some highly vetted, very ultra successful business people from around the world.
Bring them in the United States and give them some carte blanche to create jobs here.
All right, folks, we're about to go into a break here.
We'll have one more quick segment.
We'll try to cover a lot more material and we'll see you guys when we come back from the break.
In the meantime, go visit InfowarStore.com.
That's right, folks.
You're tuned into the Alex Jones Show.
We're live December 27th, 2019.
That creature from the 1900s is me.
But anyway, 2019 and one of the final shows of the decade today.
from the 1900s is me, but anyway, 2019 and one of the final shows of the decade today.
I'm highly honored to have Alex let me fill in today and I want to get back to the news
real quick because one of the pieces of news that broke just a little while ago today was
that President Trump announced today that him and Chinese President Xi Jinping will
have a signing ceremony coming up.
On the first phase of the U.S.-China trade deal.
So hopefully we'll get some real good news out of there.
Hopefully we'll learn that there's some God-given rights being given to the Chinese people.
Hopefully we'll learn that we're going to find that our websites, internet sites like Google, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Apple, etc.
will start not censoring the First Amendment and allow the First Amendment to be Activated not just back here in the United States once again, but also all around the world.
So hopefully we'll get some good news out of that.
Fortunately, that says it says it's the first phase of the trade deal.
So even if that doesn't happen during this first phase, hopefully it will be happening here in near and soon to come subsequent phases of the Chinese American trade deal.
And hopefully we like say we got we need some great news out of that and hopefully it'll happen.
One of the things I wanted to mention is I recently got to say hello to our friend Roger Stone, and I want to remind everybody that he's going to be sentenced in the upcoming few months, so I want to remind everybody to be praying for Roger Stone.
And I want to also thank everybody for praying for me over the recent few years, what's going on with me.
But with Roger, he's got his trials and tribulations coming up.
You guys listen to the show here on InfoWars, and you know how he was railroaded.
And mistreated and justice was not served there.
So we can expect that sentencing will not be a fair thing as well.
And I recommend going to the website FreeRogerStone.com FreeRogerStone.com Make sure and pay that a visit and keep Roger in your prayers.
So hopefully if he does get sentenced...
that Trump will take quick and swift action in pardoning Roger Stone?
And will there be howls and critics from the left and from all corners against Donald Trump
pardoning Roger Stone? Of course, but President Trump, the left, and all these other critics,
they're going to do it no matter what.
It doesn't matter what you do.
They're going to be on your case about something.
So you might as well give them something to talk about by pardoning Roger Stone.
And also, it would be great to see Paul Manafort pardoned.
In my book, Paul Manafort is a true American hero.
I don't know what he did to help Trump become the nominee, but let me tell you, he worked some magic behind the scenes.
Paul Manafort did work some magic behind the scenes back in 2016 when Ted Cruz was the last man challenging Donald Trump.
Paul Manafort worked some magic.
He went to the RNC Spring Meeting back in 2016, and I don't know how he did it, but he definitely made a huge difference in Donald Trump getting elected.
Potentially, potentially, without Paul Manafort, Trump would not have been the nominee, and I'm serious, folks.
That was a big deal, and I wish I'd have known exactly how it all came to be.
All right?
Now, another thing that the New World Order is doing is running circles around us on primary elections.
Folks, I know everybody's really focused, super focused on November 2016.
Well, guess what?
If we wait and just vote on 2016, it is too late.
Part of what's been happening is a lot of Infowarriors have been taking action right now.
We were here with Owen Schroer.
Owen Schroer, we were on here a few months back and we were talking about how from the summer of 2019 up until the end of the primaries upcoming in 2020, this is a golden window and a golden period of time to confront politicians running for office All over the country at all levels of offices from dog catcher to city council to you name it.
state rep, regular state reps, just all these different offices are going to be coming up for election in the primary elections and Being able to confront these politicians and ask them the hard questions, get them on your cameras, on your video cameras, on your cell phone cameras, and get those videos uploaded, and make sure when you get good material...
Let good candidates know and get them those videos.
Get those videos.
Think of it this way.
Remember last week when they had the impeachment hearings and they had like six hours in the U.S.
House for Congress people to go and give their 30-minute, 30-seconds or 1-minute or 2-minute speeches.
There's such tremendous fodder to be had from those little speeches because some of them were very eloquent.
We had Clay Higgins from Louisiana knocking it out of the park when he had that big USA map.
Maybe I'll show a graphic of that where Clay Higgins was showing the USA map with all the solid red and just those little blue cesspools.
That the left owns being the big city.
There it is.
Clay Higgins did a marvelous job.
If you have not heard what he said on the floor of the House, you've got to hear that.
But now on the flip side, think of all these dirty dog leftist anti-American Democrats that have draped the American flag around them lately and talked about how they're pro-Constitution and that they're serving the Constitution.
And that they're respecting the Republic by impeaching Donald Trump?
Well, I say bunk!
And that's just so much bull that they spewed on the House floor.
How, oh, it's an emergency, Donald Trump must be removed now.
And then come to find out Nancy Pelosi holds the articles from the Senate and is now abusing her power against the Senate.
And so they're talking about Trump abusing his power, which is a laughable thing.
I mean, those of you that have researched it and followed it and studied it know that These articles are a total joke, but how in the world can we see that justice is done out on Nancy Pelosi because she's totally abusing her power.
I mean, it's incredible.
Well, one way we can do it, folks, is guess what?
She is up in her primary for re-election on the Democrat side of the ballot, and she has two or three different challengers.
The ballot in California was officially set Just yesterday, I haven't had a chance to look it up yet, but she has got three, maybe four challengers in her Democrat primary.
She needs to be removed at that level because the chances of any Republican ever winning that seat in the Pelosi district are pretty much slim and none.
It's just overwhelmingly, there was like 170,000 votes for Pelosi and about 50-some-odd thousand votes for the poor Republican that was on the ballot in 2018.
I mean, just total cremation.
Primaries are the Achilles heels.
That's when we can fire these bad congressmen.
That's when we can fire these bad congresswomen.
And also Senate races as well.
Adam Schiff has got Democrat challengers in his race, and one of them, at least When I checked last week, the official ballot was not declared, but one of the candidates that is running against Adam Schiff is maybe a girl.
That's the name of the candidate.
Maybe a girl.
So maybe a girl needs to beat Adam Schiff in The Adam Schiff primary and send him home.
So wouldn't it be great to see even a candidate that's named maybe a girl.
I'm sure that's probably some full-on tranny, I guess, but let it happen.
Adam Schiff needs to go home to his district.
He needs to be there with the regular people.
He doesn't need to be up in our Congress continuing on.
I mean, it would be, yeah, that's the kind of face we need to see Adam Schiff have at the end of the day.
That primary night we need to see that face or preferably even with tears.
But I'm telling you, the Achilles heels are in the primaries, folks.
Gotta get active in those primaries.
They're running circles around us right there.
That's how the Bloombergs and that's how the Soros folks and the other New World Order minions that are involved, the Koch brothers, etc.
That's where they're running circles around us, are in the primaries.
If you have good candidates running for office in your district, try to go to work for them, do as much work for them as you can.
If you have bad candidates in your district, we'll go out them, get video.
That's just like with Joe Biden.
I heard a news report come out here in the last few days that Joe Biden did an event in Iowa and the whole crowd was only 98 people.
98 people at a serious presidential candidate event.
There's no way to get that kind of turnout at a Donald Trump event.
He's going to have 10, 20, 30.
You're not going to get a chance to ask a question.
Folks, these are your chances to ask these questions.
Let's get it done.
Go to FreeRogerStone.com and also go to InfowarsStore.com.
Get your auto ship going.
Order your coffee.
Order your X2.
Order your favorite products.
Those that can need to be spending a couple hundred bucks a month on auto ship.
Thank you for letting me sit in Alex.
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Charles Dickens is probably best known for penning A Christmas Carol, one of the most popular Christmas stories of all time.
But he also wrote A Tale of Two Cities that begins with the famous passage, It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
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Ladies and gentlemen, if I tried to chronicle the huge stories, the game-changing information that InfoWars has put out, myself and the crew, over the years, it would take hours and hours just to list the couple hundred most amazing things we've done.
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And just the last few weeks, We have confronted Hillary Clinton and made national headlines at point-blank range exposing her crimes.
And we have gone and covered massive Trump rallies in the armored vehicle and taken over the narratives there and exposed the deep state crimes.
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And that has spurred so many other people to go out now and confront Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton and all the other globalist candidates.
It's really amazing.
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